Most frequently viewed NumPy questions on Stack Overflow

SO questions tagged ‘numpy’ (73,450 total) downloaded April 29, 2020. First column is number of views. Raw version here.

916,458  Convert pandas dataframe to NumPy array
907,971  How do I create an empty array/matrix in NumPy?
834,187  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
764,460  Numpy array dimensions
737,375  How can the Euclidean distance be calculated with NumPy?
728,619  Creating a Pandas DataFrame from a Numpy array: How do I specify the index column and column headers?
719,611  Combine two columns of text in dataframe in pandas/python
711,331  Import Error: No module named numpy
703,385  How to access the ith column of a NumPy multidimensional array?
691,681  How do I read CSV data into a record array in NumPy?
635,957  Dump a NumPy array into a csv file
612,788  Is there a NumPy function to return the first index of something in an array?
608,259  Append a NumPy array to a NumPy array
604,915  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
603,024  List to array conversion to use ravel() function
544,180  How to print the full NumPy array, without truncation?
535,833  How to normalize an array in NumPy?
508,823  How to count the occurrence of certain item in an ndarray in Python?
506,146  Saving a Numpy array as an image
496,877  How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python? [duplicate]
458,233  pandas create new column based on values from other columns / apply a function of multiple columns, row-wise
455,914  python numpy ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
450,515  How to take column-slices of dataframe in pandas
440,631  How to remove specific elements in a numpy array
436,175  How to add an extra column to a NumPy array
434,302  initialize a numpy array
419,516  Convert Columns to String in Pandas
414,998  numpy matrix vector multiplication [duplicate]
413,546  Converting NumPy array into Python List structure?
405,359  Numpy - add row to array
399,997  How do I convert a numpy array to (and display) an image?
395,948  Pandas conditional creation of a series/dataframe column
394,591  Most efficient way to map function over numpy array
393,657  How to convert a PIL Image into a numpy array?
391,463  Converting between datetime, Timestamp and datetime64
378,997  Most efficient way to reverse a numpy array
364,921  How to pretty-print a numpy.array without scientific notation and with given precision?
364,763  Transposing a NumPy array
359,068  How do I get indices of N maximum values in a NumPy array?
357,294  Calculating Pearson correlation and significance in Python
351,383  How to convert 2D float numpy array to 2D int numpy array?
351,064  Removing nan values from an array
349,708  How do I check which version of NumPy I'm using?
345,587  Replace all elements of Python NumPy Array that are greater than some value
336,184  Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 7 with Python 2.7.3 [closed]
332,790  Comparing two NumPy arrays for equality, element-wise
328,700  Moving average or running mean
328,486  How to install numpy on windows using pip install?
321,643  Python: find position of element in array
319,096  What does .shape[] do in ''for i in range(Y.shape[0])''?
317,041  How can I convert a tensor into a numpy array in TensorFlow?
303,019  How do I compute derivative using Numpy?
301,643  Plotting a 2D heatmap with Matplotlib
294,114  Sorting arrays in NumPy by column
293,894  NumPy array initialization (fill with identical values)
293,416  how to convert an RGB image to numpy array?
293,372  Concatenating two one-dimensional NumPy arrays
291,212  How do you get the magnitude of a vector in Numpy?
280,097  How to convert an array of strings to an array of floats in numpy?
275,374  matplotlib: Set markers for individual points on a line
272,048  How to save a list as numpy array in python?
271,935  Pandas read_csv low_memory and dtype options
269,278  Find nearest value in numpy array
269,212  From ND to 1D arrays
268,955  What does numpy.random.seed(0) do?
267,538  'list' object has no attribute 'shape'
266,944  numpy: most efficient frequency counts for unique values in an array
266,056  Use a.any() or a.all()
263,929  What does -1 mean in numpy reshape?
263,708  How to import NumPy in the Python shell
262,799  How do I calculate percentiles with python/numpy?
259,922  Plotting a Fast Fourier Transform in Python
258,377  How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?
257,229  ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
252,748  numpy array TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
250,853  Extracting specific columns in numpy array
249,574  How to normalize a NumPy array to within a certain range?
247,927  Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy
247,210  Add single element to array in numpy
245,138  Windows Scipy Install: No Lapack/Blas Resources Found
243,780  Take multiple lists into dataframe
235,882  how does multiplication differ for NumPy Matrix vs Array classes?
232,588  Numpy matrix to array
232,066  A tool to convert MATLAB code to Python [closed]
229,972  How to smooth a curve in the right way?
228,762  How to get correlation of two vectors in python [duplicate]
228,742  Installing SciPy and NumPy using pip
228,068  dropping infinite values from dataframes in pandas?
227,110  How to do exponential and logarithmic curve fitting in Python? I found only polynomial fitting
226,245  ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
226,042  Normalize data in pandas
224,916  Numpy where function multiple conditions
223,187  deleting rows in numpy array
221,858  How to install python modules without root access?
221,443  Linear regression with matplotlib / numpy
221,002  surface plots in matplotlib
220,764  How to add a new row to an empty numpy array
220,421  Index of element in NumPy array
219,645  NumPy array is not JSON serializable
219,502  What does axis in pandas mean?
218,526  NumPy first and last element from array
217,909  How can I prevent the TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple when copying a python list to a numpy array?
216,771  List of lists into numpy array
215,570  Find indices of elements equal to zero in a NumPy array
215,510  Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python
214,811  How to implement the Softmax function in Python
213,292  How do you do natural logs (e.g. ''ln()'') with numpy in Python?
211,136  How to add items into a numpy array
210,734  Python OpenCV2 (cv2) wrapper to get image size?
209,929  How to count the number of true elements in a NumPy bool array
208,035  How does numpy.histogram() work?
203,457  Convert Select Columns in Pandas Dataframe to Numpy Array
202,631  How to add column to numpy array
202,550  Converting numpy dtypes to native python types
201,267  How to get the index of a maximum element in a numpy array along one axis
201,023  find a minimum value in an array of floats
200,245  Create numpy matrix filled with NaNs
198,348  Inverse of a matrix using numpy
197,416  How do I select elements of an array given condition?
196,920  How can I check whether a numpy array is empty or not?
196,920  Concatenate two NumPy arrays vertically
196,412  ImportError in importing from sklearn: cannot import name check_build
195,216  Slicing of a NumPy 2d array, or how do I extract an mxm submatrix from an nxn array (n>m)?
194,967  convert nan value to zero
193,691  numpy division with RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
190,137  Pandas: convert dtype 'object' to int
190,124  How to create a numpy array of all True or all False?
189,446  How to get element-wise matrix multiplication (Hadamard product) in numpy?
186,859  How do I calculate r-squared using Python and Numpy?
186,676  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
186,069  Finding local maxima/minima with Numpy in a 1D numpy array
183,143  How to convert a NumPy array to PIL image applying matplotlib colormap
181,820  How does python numpy.where() work?
178,134  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (224,224,3) into shape (224,224)
176,550  Matplotlib: ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
175,892  Iterating over a numpy array
174,741  Convert array of indices to 1-hot encoded numpy array
174,259  What are the advantages of NumPy over regular Python lists?
174,225  Multiple linear regression in Python
173,268  numpy.where() detailed, step-by-step explanation / examples [closed]
170,235  'invalid value encountered in double_scalars' warning, possibly numpy
169,882  How to calculate moving average using NumPy?
169,690  load csv into 2D matrix with numpy for plotting
168,219  Numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. This message may appear without the existing of a sequence?
167,830  Working with TIFFs (import, export) in Python using numpy
167,049  How to save and load numpy.array() data properly?
165,640  How to create a density plot in matplotlib?
164,214  How to delete columns in numpy.array
163,586  How can I remove Nan from list Python/NumPy
163,428  Find p-value (significance) in scikit-learn LinearRegression
163,272  Is it possible to use argsort in descending order?
162,920  Compute a confidence interval from sample data
162,277  Get index of a row of a pandas dataframe as an integer
161,988  python numpy/scipy curve fitting
160,921  How can I use numpy.correlate to do autocorrelation?
158,857  How to split/partition a dataset into training and test datasets for, e.g., cross validation?
158,718  Counting unique values in a column in pandas dataframe like in Qlik?
157,971  How can I upgrade NumPy?
157,515  Convert numpy array to tuple
156,042  Efficiently sorting a numpy array in descending order?
155,768  Can't import Numpy in Python
155,415  Histogram Matplotlib
154,408  binning data in python with scipy/numpy
153,872  why numpy.ndarray is object is not callable in my simple for python loop
152,329  How to calculate the sum of all columns of a 2D numpy array (efficiently)
151,945  Error: Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat) [duplicate]
151,584  Python - AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'
151,235  What is the purpose of meshgrid in Python / NumPy?
150,659  Efficiently checking if arbitrary object is NaN in Python / numpy / pandas?
150,641  Pandas Split Dataframe into two Dataframes
150,536  Should I use scipy.pi, numpy.pi, or math.pi?
149,377  Add numpy array as column to Pandas data frame
149,037  Install numpy on python3.3 - Install pip for python3
148,649  Python ''TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice''' for encoding categorical data
148,468  only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
147,991  How to overplot a line on a scatter plot in python?
147,801  Index all *except* one item in python
147,563  Close pre-existing figures in matplotlib when running from eclipse
146,224  numpy max vs amax vs maximum
145,932  Could not install packages due to a ''Environment error :[error 13]: permission denied : 'usr/local/bin/f2py'''
145,837  Python RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long scalars
145,425  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while plot showing
144,791  Find the most frequent number in a numpy vector
143,814  Python+OpenCV: cv2.imwrite
143,744  size of NumPy array
143,538  Mean Squared Error in Numpy?
142,382  figure of imshow() is too small
141,748  How does numpy.newaxis work and when to use it?
141,184  python how to pad numpy array with zeros
141,170  How to normalize a 2-dimensional numpy array in python less verbose?
140,809  How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?
140,390  Numpy: Get random set of rows from 2D array
140,350  Converting list to numpy array
139,900  How to use python numpy.savetxt to write strings and float number to an ASCII file?
138,575  Array of arrays (Python/NumPy)
136,626  What are the differences between numpy arrays and matrices? Which one should I use?
136,543  How can I plot a histogram such that the heights of the bars sum to 1 in matplotlib?
135,762  gradient descent using python and numpy
135,338  RuntimeError: module compiled against API version a but this version of numpy is 9
135,291  data type not understood
134,927  python 2.7: cannot pip on windows ''bash: pip: command not found''
134,538  np.mean() vs np.average() in Python NumPy?
134,020  Numpy Resize/Rescale Image
134,005  Reshape an array in NumPy
133,763  python dict to numpy structured array
133,352  Selecting specific rows and columns from NumPy array
132,856  3-dimensional array in numpy
132,758  inverting image in Python with OpenCV
130,541  What is the most efficient way to check if a value exists in a NumPy array?
130,465  Most efficient way to find mode in numpy array
130,315  Numpy first occurrence of value greater than existing value
129,724  What's the simplest way to extend a numpy array in 2 dimensions?
129,405  Replacing Numpy elements if condition is met
128,114  Change values on matplotlib imshow() graph axis
127,124  How can I map True/False to 1/0 in a Pandas DataFrame?
126,888  How do I install SciPy on 64 bit Windows?
126,868  Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)
126,530  Installing NumPy and SciPy on 64-bit Windows (with Pip)
126,518  Extract csv file specific columns to list in Python
126,346  How to multiply individual elements of a list with a number?
125,952  What are the differences between Pandas and NumPy+SciPy in Python? [closed]
125,876  Iterating over Numpy matrix rows to apply a function each?
125,875  Convert ndarray from float64 to integer
125,594  How to call an element in a numpy array?
124,253  how to convert 2d list to 2d numpy array?
123,432  In-place type conversion of a NumPy array
122,821  'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
121,882  Python: Differentiating between row and column vectors
120,886  How to plot data from multiple two column text files with legends in Matplotlib?
120,773  Colorplot of 2D array matplotlib
119,175  Split (explode) pandas dataframe string entry to separate rows
118,960  How to calculate cumulative normal distribution?
118,637  What is the difference between i = i + 1 and i += 1 in a 'for' loop? [duplicate]
117,732  Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays
116,794  Numpy: find index of the elements within range
116,700  Count all values in a matrix greater than a value
116,250  Fast check for NaN in NumPy
115,354  What exactly does numpy.exp() do? [closed]
115,292  Plotting power spectrum in python
114,706  Factorial in numpy and scipy
114,596  plot data from CSV file with matplotlib
114,383  Efficient evaluation of a function at every cell of a NumPy array
114,339  'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'sort'
114,027  How can I add new dimensions to a Numpy array?
113,422  Calculate mean across dimension in a 2D array
113,216  Python: slicing a multi-dimensional array
113,056  Initialise numpy array of unknown length
112,558  Shared-memory objects in multiprocessing
112,319  LogisticRegression: Unknown label type: 'continuous' using sklearn in python
110,474  TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index with 1D numpy indices array
110,095  Better way to shuffle two numpy arrays in unison
109,876  Fitting empirical distribution to theoretical ones with Scipy (Python)?
109,830  ''Cloning'' row or column vectors
109,595  fitting data with numpy
109,539  Numpy isnan() fails on an array of floats (from pandas dataframe apply)
109,428  How to fix Python Numpy/Pandas installation?
109,309  How to convert list of numpy arrays into single numpy array?
108,349  Suppress Scientific Notation in Numpy When Creating Array From Nested List
106,756  How to convert a pandas DataFrame subset of columns AND rows into a numpy array?
106,657  How do I catch a numpy warning like it's an exception (not just for testing)?
106,607  Load text file as strings using numpy.loadtxt()
106,235  Numpy how to iterate over columns of array?
106,115  Efficient thresholding filter of an array with numpy
105,445  Plot Normal distribution with Matplotlib
105,067  A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected
105,048  How to fix 'Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False' for imdb.load_data() function?
104,476  Fastest way to compute entropy in Python
103,166  Replacing Pandas or Numpy Nan with a None to use with MysqlDB
102,682  python numpy machine epsilon
102,445  ImportError: cannot import name NUMPY_MKL
102,064  Installing NumPy via Anaconda in Windows
101,898  Numpy AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'exp'
101,694  subsampling every nth entry in a numpy array
101,585  PIL image to array (numpy array to array) - Python
101,347  What is the difference between Numpy's array() and asarray() functions?
101,226  Numpy converting array from float to strings
101,190  Numpy - Replace a number with NaN
100,877  Is there a numpy builtin to reject outliers from a list
100,829  python numpy vector math
 99,746  Generate random array of floats between a range
 99,078  Test if numpy array contains only zeros
 98,460  Python Pandas - Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] 1
 98,140  How to square or raise to a power (elementwise) a 2D numpy array?
 97,862  Input and output numpy arrays to h5py
 97,465  What is the easiest way to install BLAS and LAPACK for scipy?
 97,438  How to import cv2 in python3?
 97,054  How to identify numpy types in python?
 97,002  import an array in python
 96,871  No module named numpy
 96,760  How to transform numpy.matrix or array to scipy sparse matrix
 96,686  Difference between two numpy arrays in python
 96,666  How to create a numpy array of arbitrary length strings?
 96,473  Singular matrix issue with Numpy
 94,974  Principal component analysis in Python
 94,960  Elegant way to create empty pandas DataFrame with NaN of type float
 94,835  Fitting a Normal distribution to 1D data
 94,798  Unsuccessful append to an empty NumPy array
 94,283  Converting Numpy Array to OpenCV Array
 94,233  TensorFlow ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 64, 3) for Tensor u'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 64, 64, 3)'
 93,790  How to use numpy.genfromtxt when first column is string and the remaining columns are numbers?
 93,395  Import numpy on pycharm
 93,205  How to implement the ReLU function in Numpy
 92,983  How to detect if numpy is installed
 92,493  TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
 92,417  What's the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?
 92,333  Specifying dtype float32 with pandas.read_csv on pandas 0.10.1
 91,765  Numpy `ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shape  ... `
 91,741  Very large matrices using Python and NumPy
 91,546  Find unique rows in numpy.array
 91,378  How to convert numpy arrays to standard TensorFlow format?
 91,325  Binning column with python pandas
 91,222  Converting two lists into a matrix
 91,059  Numpy: Creating a complex array from 2 real ones?
 91,003  How to import csv file as numpy.array in python? [duplicate]
 90,889  Unable to allocate array with shape and data type
 90,587  Detect if a NumPy array contains at least one non-numeric value?
 89,650  Computing cross-correlation function?
 89,612  Python memory usage of numpy arrays
 89,359  'and' (boolean) vs '&' (bitwise) - Why difference in behavior with lists vs numpy arrays?
 88,730  Normalize numpy array columns in python
 88,611  ValueError when checking if variable is None or numpy.array
 88,466  pylab.hist(data, normed=1). Normalization seems to work incorrect
 88,409  Why does corrcoef return a matrix?
 88,367  extracting days from a numpy.timedelta64 value
 88,311  best way to preserve numpy arrays on disk
 88,302  What is the difference between ndarray and array in numpy?
 88,258  numpy replace negative values in array
 88,249  Loading text file containing both float and string using numpy.loadtxt
 88,113  How to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range?
 88,035  Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function
 87,972  Counting the number of non-NaN elements in a numpy ndarray in Python
 87,817  TypeError: Invalid dimensions for image data when plotting array with imshow()
 87,613  Saving numpy array to txt file row wise
 87,425  How to copy data from a numpy array to another
 87,317  Paritition array into N chunks with Numpy
 87,055  Extracting first n columns of a numpy matrix
 86,930  Python: How to get values of an array at certain index positions?
 86,721  How to get the indices list of all NaN value in numpy array?
 86,706  shuffling/permutating a DataFrame in pandas
 85,950  No display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable using tkinter through ssh [duplicate]
 85,732  How to solve a pair of nonlinear equations using Python?
 85,666  Pytorch reshape tensor dimension
 85,356  Pandas : compute mean or std (standard deviation) over entire dataframe
 85,228  NumPy ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
 84,380  Convert np.array of type float64 to type uint8 scaling values
 84,114  what does numpy ndarray shape do?
 83,837  RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility
 83,540  Numpy: find first index of value fast
 83,061  Calculating Covariance with Python and Numpy
 82,996  Formatting floats in a numpy array [duplicate]
 82,667  Why does the shape of a 1D array not show the number of rows as 1?
 82,666  Python-OpenCV cv2 OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (scn == 3 || scn == 4) in unknown function, file ..\..\..\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp
 82,553  FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
 82,223  Get array elements from index to end
 82,178  Shift elements in a numpy array
 82,139  What is dtype('O')?
 82,132  ValueError: object too deep for desired array while using convolution
 81,959  How do I plot list of tuples in Python?
 81,880  difference between numpy dot() and inner()
 81,873  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 30470400 into shape (50,1104,104)
 81,812  Iterating through a multidimensional array in Python
 81,603  How to flatten only some dimensions of a numpy array
 81,376  Resampling a numpy array representing an image
 81,310  Numpy extract submatrix
 81,199  How to install matplotlib with Python3.2
 81,055  ValueError: numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling
 80,740  Get year, month or day from numpy datetime64
 80,459  Filtering a list based on a list of booleans
 80,374  How to plot vectors in python using matplotlib
 80,339  Plotting a decision boundary separating 2 classes using Matplotlib's pyplot
 80,269  Convert a numpy.ndarray to string(or bytes) and convert it back to numpy.ndarray
 80,267  Getting only particular columns in every row in a numpy array [duplicate]
 80,262  python - RGB matrix of an image
 80,186  how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python
 80,170  Convert list or numpy array of single element to float in python
 80,115  Generating a dense matrix from a sparse matrix in numpy python
 79,931  String concatenation of two pandas columns
 79,740  Importing PNG files into Numpy?
 79,707  Multiplying across in a numpy array
 79,617  Numpy: Divide each row by a vector element
 79,609  Convert 2d numpy array into list of lists [duplicate]
 79,394  ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
 78,609  Cython: ''fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory''
 78,585  Plot 2-dimensional NumPy array using specific columns
 78,214  How to select elements row-wise from a NumPy  array?
 78,123  How to split data into 3 sets (train, validation and test)?
 78,033  Overflow in exp in scipy/numpy in Python?
 77,954  How do I get PyLint to recognize numpy members?
 77,406  numpy get index where value is true
 77,152  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambigous when trying to index an array
 77,141  What is the equivalent of MATLAB's repmat in NumPy
 77,006  Difference between import numpy and import numpy as np
 76,941  Reading data into numpy array from text file
 76,763  How to install NumPy for Python 3.6
 76,543  Selecting rows from a NumPy ndarray
 76,499  len() of a numpy array in python [duplicate]
 76,064  How to get the cumulative distribution function with NumPy?
 75,760  numpy subtract every row of matrix by vector
 75,636  Python numpy 2D array indexing
 75,633  Python 'AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'min''
 75,574  Rank items in an array using Python/NumPy, without sorting array twice
 75,298  how to install numpy on mac [duplicate]
 75,160  Combine 3 separate numpy arrays to an RGB image in Python
 74,783  Installing numpy, matplotlib on windows 7 64 bit
 74,264  Difference between numpy dot() and Python 3.5+ matrix multiplication @
 73,947  Converting int arrays to string arrays in numpy without truncation
 73,859  Function application over numpy's matrix row/column
 73,720  How to have logarithmic bins in a Python histogram
 73,590  Python reshape list to ndim array
 73,259  Syntax in Python (.T)
 73,014  Setting the fmt option in numpy.savetxt
 72,970  Good ways to ''expand'' a numpy ndarray?
 72,854  What is the difference between flatten and ravel functions in numpy?
 72,671  How to plot empirical cdf in matplotlib in Python?
 72,254  Showing ValueError: shapes (1,3) and (1,3) not aligned: 3 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
 72,189  Set numpy array elements to zero if they are above a specific threshold
 71,885  How to check BLAS/LAPACK linkage in NumPy and SciPy?
 71,856  Python: Read and write TIFF 16 bit , three channel , colour images
 71,720  How to calculate 1st and 3rd quartiles?
 71,717  Solve an equation using a python numerical solver in numpy
 71,672  Confusion between numpy, scipy, matplotlib and pylab
 71,663  root mean square in numpy and complications of matrix and arrays of numpy
 71,489  How to return 0 with divide by zero
 71,118  How to plot an array in python?
 71,017  Shape of array python
 70,895  Python how to combine two matrices in numpy
 70,779  How to append a vector to a matrix in python
 70,412  numpy array concatenate: ''ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions''
 70,320  Create 2 dimensional array with 2 one dimensional array
 70,157  How to make a 2d numpy array a 3d array?
 70,102  Numpy argsort - what is it doing?
 69,783  What is the difference between NaN and None?
 69,687  Scikit Learn SVC decision_function and predict
 69,476  TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable
 69,474  Numpy: Checking if a value is NaT
 69,458  Arguments to cv2::imshow
 69,449  Get the position of the biggest item in a multi-dimensional numpy array
 69,404  How to calculate a Gaussian kernel matrix efficiently in numpy?
 69,272  How do I remove all zero elements from a NumPy array?
 69,270  Fastest way to grow a numpy numeric array
 69,200  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable
 68,869  check how many elements are equal in two numpy arrays python
 68,798  how to read certain columns from Excel using Pandas - Python
 68,531  Convert list in tuple to numpy array?
 68,523  How to shade region under the curve in matplotlib
 68,151  What are the available datatypes for 'dtype' with NumPy's loadtxt() an genfromtxt?
 68,137  Adding row/column headers to NumPy arrays
 68,058  Numpy shuffle multidimensional array by row only, keep column order unchanged
 68,001  how to install numpy and pandas on windows
 67,751  Pythonic way of detecting outliers in one dimensional observation data
 67,717  Pandas: Subtracting two date columns and the result being an integer
 67,532  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
 67,436  Swapping columns in a numpy array?
 67,424  Should I use np.absolute or np.abs?
 67,263  numpy.loadtxt, ValueError: could not convert string to float
 67,108  Numpy meshgrid in 3D
 67,008  Can I get the matrix determinant using Numpy?
 66,670  Getting the integer index of a Pandas DataFrame row fulfilling a condition?
 66,649  How to correctly uninstall numpy on MacOSX?
 66,619  Convert numpy.datetime64 to string object in python
 66,582  Read CSV file to numpy array, first row as strings, rest as float
 66,321  numpy covariance matrix
 66,109  How to perform element wise boolean operations on numpy arrays [duplicate]
 66,072  How to check that the anaconda package was properly installed
 66,032  How to determine whether a column/variable is numeric or not in Pandas/NumPy?
 65,726  Using Pandas to create DataFrame with Series, resulting in memory error
 65,456  Perform 2 sample t-test
 65,446  How do I fit a sine curve to my data with pylab and numpy?
 65,378 TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('S32') according to the rule 'safe'
 65,151  Saving arrays as columns with np.savetxt
 65,043  Scipy/Numpy FFT Frequency Analysis
 64,975  numpy.sin function in degrees?
 64,914  Reading a binary .dat file as an array
 64,420  How to make a multidimension numpy array with a varying row size?
 64,349  Python Pandas - Changing some column types to categories
 64,335  Importing data from a MySQL database into a Pandas data frame including column names [duplicate]
 64,235  built-in range or numpy.arange: which is more efficient?
 64,107  Python pandas: how to remove nan and -inf values
 64,072  What is the equivalent of ''zip()'' in Python's numpy?
 63,948  One Hot Encoding using numpy [duplicate]
 63,884  convert array into DataFrame in Python
 63,760  Simplest way to solve mathematical equations in Python
 63,649  Convert RGB to black OR white
 63,612  Extract upper or lower triangular part of a numpy matrix
 63,556  NumPy: Logarithm with base n
 63,535  PIP Install Numpy throws an error ''ascii codec can't decode byte 0xe2''
 63,512  Python/Numpy MemoryError
 63,286  mean, nanmean and warning: Mean of empty slice
 63,228  Use numpy array in shared memory for multiprocessing
 62,982  float64 with pandas to_csv
 62,926  Pandas Timedelta in Days
 62,799  python/numpy: how to get 2D array column length?
 62,527  ''isnotnan'' functionality in numpy, can this be more pythonic?
 62,497  Difference between data type 'datetime64[ns]' and '<M8[ns]'?
 62,416  Non-repetitive random number in numpy
 62,351  Numpy integer nan [duplicate]
 62,247  Modify a particular row/column of a NumPy array
 62,219  ufunc 'add' did not contain loop with signature matching type dtype ('S32') ('S32') ('S32')
 62,149  How to use sklearn fit_transform with pandas and return dataframe instead of numpy array?
 62,078  Problems with pip install numpy - RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
 62,066  python pandas flatten a dataframe to a list
 61,833  Python ''Too many indices for array''
 61,827  Assigning complex values to numpy arrays?
 61,676  scipy: savefig without frames, axes, only content
 61,670  How to change a single value in a numpy array?
 61,651  Capture video data from screen in Python
 61,584  binning a dataframe in pandas in Python
 61,459  Replace values of a numpy index array with values of a list
 61,436  Numpy build fails with cannot import multiarray
 61,368  Python : How to avoid numpy RuntimeWarning in function definition?
 61,329  Simple plot in python of a numpy array?
 61,013  Calculating Slopes in Numpy (or Scipy)
 60,950  Convert dtype from int64 to int32
 60,924  Creating Pandas Dataframe between two Numpy arrays, then draw scatter plot
 60,788  plus/minus operator for python &plusmn;
 60,582  Understanding NumPy's Convolve
 60,554  Test if all elements of a python list are False
 60,438  What is the difference between np.mean and tf.reduce_mean?
 60,343  Convert pandas series into numpy array [duplicate]
 60,080  Consistently create same random numpy array
 60,017  Multivariate normal density in Python?
 59,898  Standard deviation in numpy [duplicate]
 59,784  Pandas - add value at specific iloc into new dataframe column
 59,767  How to count values in a certain range in a Numpy array?
 59,716  Python Pandas does not read the first row of csv file
 59,646  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in Python Scipy
 59,555  numpy with python: convert 3d array to 2d
 59,459  How to sort 2D array (numpy.ndarray) based to the second column in python? [duplicate]
 59,376  Initialize empty matrix in Python
 59,361  How do I create an array whose elements are all equal to a specified value?
 59,262  What does 'index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0' mean?
 59,054  In Python NumPy what is a dimension and axis?
 58,976  Calculate the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) in Python
 58,878  How to make List from Numpy Matrix in Python
 58,821  Read in all csv files from a directory using Python
 58,575  Cannot install numpy from wheel format
 58,531  Histogram values of a Pandas Series
 58,425  Correct way to obtain confidence interval with scipy
 58,371  Convert image to a matrix in python
 58,338  1D numpy concatenate: TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index [duplicate]
 58,319  how to flatten a 2D list to 1D without using numpy? [duplicate]
 58,007  How to generate audio from a numpy array?
 57,895  Select certain rows (condition met), but only some columns in Python/Numpy
 57,877  Getting error: Cannot reshape array of size 122304 into shape (52,28,28)
 57,769  How to fast change image brightness with python + OpenCV?
 57,194  Remove one column for a numpy array
 56,904  How to create a numpy array of lists?
 56,803  Combining NumPy arrays
 56,793  Mapping a NumPy array in place
 56,708  How do I convert a numpy array into a pandas dataframe?
 56,463  Convert 1D array into numpy matrix
 56,455  Zero pad numpy array
 56,362  Mesh grid functions in Python (meshgrid mgrid ogrid ndgrid)
 55,997  How to properly mask a numpy 2D array?
 55,916  Python: Resize an existing array and fill with zeros
 55,794  How to fix IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable
 55,757  how to round numpy array?
 55,726  Calculate weighted average using a pandas/dataframe
 55,690  How to check if a value is in the list in selection from pandas data frame?
 55,584  ValueError: Unknown label type: 'unknown'
 55,557  How to convert ndarray to array?
 55,504  Python List of np arrays to array
 55,431  Cartesian product of x and y array points into single array of 2D points
 55,430  NumPy or Pandas: Keeping array type as integer while having a NaN value
 55,407  Convert numpy array type and values from Float64 to Float32
 55,357  Parse a Pandas column to Datetime when importing table from SQL database and filtering rows by date
 55,239  How to remove all rows in a numpy.ndarray that contain non-numeric values
 55,183  NumPy List Comprehension Syntax
 54,999  How to update matplotlib's imshow() window interactively?
 54,788  Get the column names of a python numpy ndarray
 54,626  how is axis indexed in numpy's array?
 54,586  Generating movie from python without saving individual frames to files
 54,577  correct and efficient way to flatten array in numpy in python? [duplicate]
 54,547  Suppressing scientific notation in pandas?
 54,534  ''Converting'' Numpy arrays to Matlab and vice versa
 54,497  Average values in two Numpy arrays
 54,390  Numpy float64 vs Python float
 54,177  What's the maximum size of a numpy array?
 54,123  Difference between Python float and numpy float32
 54,012  Replace -inf with zero value
 53,520  RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
 53,427  How to check the size of a float in python?
 53,297  Difference between np.random.seed() and np.random.RandomState()
 53,255  Numpy, multiply array with scalar [duplicate]
 53,241  Deal with overflow in exp using numpy
 53,157  Pytorch tensor to numpy array
 53,067  NumPy: Comparing Elements in Two Arrays
 52,958  How to read a CSV without the first column
 52,950  How to write a numpy matrix in a text file - python
 52,931  sort eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors after using numpy.linalg.eig in python
 52,844  Installing NumPy on Windows
 52,784  How to calculate the statistics ''t-test'' with numpy
 52,613  Create Numpy array of images
 52,603  Root mean square of a function in python
 52,544  How to find the index of a value in 2d array in Python?
 52,475  TypeError: only integer arrays with one element can be converted to an index 3
 52,284  Find the index of the k smallest values of a numpy array
 52,274  Find the min/max excluding zeros in a numpy array (or a tuple) in python
 52,151  TypeError: ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1')
 52,089  Numpy array assignment with copy
 52,046  How to get value counts for multiple columns at once in Pandas DataFrame?
 52,040  convert a grayscale image to a 3-channel image [duplicate]
 51,960  Using a pre-trained word embedding (word2vec or Glove) in TensorFlow
 51,901  How to zip two 1d numpy array to 2d numpy array [duplicate]
 51,808  FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated
 51,693  Matplotlib log scale tick label number formatting
 51,621  Numpy - the best way to remove the last element from 1 dimensional array?
 51,600  Convert an image to 2D array in python
 51,528  Numpy ''where'' with multiple conditions
 51,337  Python, numpy sort array
 51,311  Save / load scipy sparse csr_matrix in portable data format
 51,311  Finding count of distinct elements in DataFrame in each column
 51,309  How to use numpy.where with logical operators
 51,151  No module named when using PyInstaller
 51,038  Plotting a Pandas DataSeries.GroupBy
 50,962  numpy: function for simultaneous max() and min()
 50,853  pandas select from Dataframe using startswith
 50,813  Estimate Autocorrelation using Python
 50,812  Numpy memory error creating huge matrix
 50,789  What is the best way of getting random numbers in NumPy?
 50,783  Creating a Pandas DataFrame with a numpy array containing multiple types
 50,719  How to convert numpy datetime64 into datetime [duplicate]
 50,630  How can I make a python numpy arange of datetime
 50,626  cv2.imread: checking if image is being read
 50,594  Overcome ValueError for empty array
 50,559  Write a raw binary file with NumPy array data
 50,527  Numpy and line intersections
 50,502  How do I get all the values from a NumPy array excluding a certain index?
 50,465  Python:ValueError: shapes (3,) and (118,1) not aligned: 3 (dim 0) != 118 (dim 0)
 50,340  How to turn a boolean array into index array in numpy
 50,333  What might be the cause of 'invalid value encountered in less_equal' in numpy
 50,332  Importing Libraries Issue - ''ImportError: No Module named ____''
 50,278  convert a 2D numpy array to a 2D numpy matrix
 50,162  Reshape of pandas series?
 50,115  data frame to file.txt python
 50,062  Installing numpy with pip on windows 10 for python 3.7
 50,023  A fast way to find the largest N elements in an numpy array
 50,020  Understanding NumPy's einsum
 49,967  Elegant way to perform tuple arithmetic
 49,856  OpenCV 2.4.8: module compiled against API version 9
 49,850  Using NumPy in Visual Studio
 49,624  How to convert a column or row matrix to a diagonal matrix in Python?
 49,610  Fitting a Weibull distribution using Scipy
 49,581  copy 2D array into 3rd dimension, N times (Python)
 49,523  Fine-tuning parameters in Logistic Regression
 49,427  How to print a Numpy array without brackets?
 49,402  How to extend an array in-place in Numpy?
 49,342  python: getting around division by zero
 49,304  python3-numpy: Appending to a file using numpy savetxt
 49,250  I cannot install numpy because it can't find python 2.7, althought I have installed python
 49,212  Numpy Vector (N,1) dimension -> (N,) dimension conversion
 49,143  how to split column of tuples in pandas dataframe?
 49,046  How to plot complex numbers (Argand Diagram) using matplotlib
 49,026  Remove duplicate rows of a numpy array [duplicate]
 49,018  Convert timedelta64[ns] column to seconds in Python Pandas DataFrame
 49,016  What does ''three dots'' in Python mean when indexing what looks like a number?
 48,948  Finding index of nearest point in numpy arrays of x and y coordinates
 48,871  How to convert a .wav file to a spectrogram in python3
 48,850  How to create 3 dimensions matrix in numpy , like matlab a(:,:,:)
 48,809  What is the inverse function of zip in python? [duplicate]
 48,741  How to read an image in Python OpenCV
 48,665  How to transform negative elements to zero without a loop?
 48,599  Efficiently count zero elements in numpy array?
 48,504  Numpy remove a dimension from np array
 48,435  Store different datatypes in one NumPy array?
 48,415  whats the fastest way to find eigenvalues/vectors in python?
 48,414  What does the c underscore expression `c_` do exactly?
 48,397  How to apply numpy.linalg.norm to each row of a matrix?
 48,380  how to modify a 2D numpy array at specific locations without a loop?
 48,278  How to find the average colour of an image in Python with OpenCV?
 48,256  Help with Python UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment
 48,227  Assigning to columns in NumPy?
 48,176  pandas equivalent of np.where
 47,942  using fsolve to find the solution
 47,848  How to printing numpy array with 3 decimal places? [duplicate]
 47,843  Equivalent of j in NumPy
 47,671  Sum of Square Differences (SSD) in numpy/scipy
 47,654  module 'pandas' has no attribute 'read_csv
 47,498  Testing if all values in a numpy array are equal [duplicate]
 47,456  Axes from plt.subplots() is a ''numpy.ndarray'' object and has no attribute ''plot''
 47,224  How to correctly install python-numpy in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric
 47,197  Filter rows of a numpy array?
 47,053  NameError: global name 'numpy' is not defined
 47,052  Python: Setting an element of a Numpy matrix
 46,978  Retrieve name of column from its Index in Pandas
 46,946  How to check if all values in the columns of a numpy matrix are the same?
 46,921  Finding range of a numpy array elements
 46,898  Exponential curve fitting in SciPy
 46,874  pip install numpy (python 2.7) fails with errorcode 1
 46,867  What is the way data is stored in *.npy?
 46,851  fitting exponential decay with no initial guessing
 46,829  Pandas - Replace values based on index
 46,807  Saving a Numpy array as an image (instructions)
 46,802  ''Divide by zero encountered in log'' when not dividing by zero
 46,751  Convert string to numpy array
 46,728  How to replace one column by a value in a numpy array?
 46,558  How to find max value in a numpy array column?
 46,520  No module named 'numpy': Visual Studio Code
 46,456  Convert row vector to column vector in NumPy
 46,435  Strings in a DataFrame, but dtype is object
 46,389  How to correctly use scipy's skew and kurtosis functions?
 46,282  Determining duplicate values in an array
 46,238  Easy way to test if each element in an numpy array lies between two values?
 46,136  How can I simultaneously select all odd rows and all even columns of an array
 46,134  Python - TypeError: Object of type 'int64' is not JSON serializable
 46,086  Relationship between SciPy and NumPy
 46,037  how to plot and annotate hierarchical clustering dendrograms in scipy/matplotlib
 45,912  TypeError with ufunc bitwise_xor
 45,867  Concat DataFrame Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued Index objects
 45,820  How do you find the IQR in Numpy?
 45,779  Scikit-learn : Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype ('float64')
 45,685  Read file and plot CDF in Python
 45,660  How to gauss-filter (blur) a floating point numpy array
 45,564  randomly selecting items from an array python [duplicate]
 45,483  Python: ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('S21') dtype('S21') dtype('S21')
 45,434  Python numpy.square vs **
 45,416  Transforming a row vector into a column vector in Numpy
 45,407  Python pickle protocol choice?
 45,374  Pythonic way to create a numpy array from a list of numpy arrays
 45,317  Is there a multi-dimensional version of arange/linspace in numpy?
 45,315  How to install NumPy for python 3.3.5 on Mac OSX 10.9
 45,274  How to multiply a numpy array by a scalar
 45,236  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'columns'
 45,233  Load compressed data (.npz) from file using numpy.load
 45,204  Merging two DataFrames
 45,178  Insert element into numpy array
 45,058  How to convert an image from np.uint16 to np.uint8?
 45,006  python: check if list is multidimensional or one dimensional
 44,917  How to calculate correlation between all columns and remove highly correlated ones using python or pandas
 44,911  numpy.max or max ? Which one is faster?
 44,885  How to remove a column in a numpy array?
 44,842  Calculating gradient with NumPy
 44,783  Sorting a python array/recarray by column
 44,723  Using Numpy Vectorize on Functions that Return Vectors
 44,585  ''IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '' It is a file
 44,482  Error: Setting an array element with a sequence. Python / Numpy
 44,468  how to apply a mask from one array to another array?
 44,443  shuffle vs permute numpy
 44,412  replace zeroes in numpy array with the median value
 44,396  How to construct a ndarray from a numpy array? python
 44,341  Numpy array: sequence too large
 44,334  Iterating over arbitrary dimension of numpy.array
 44,312  Most efficient property to hash for numpy array
 44,231  Any way to solve a system of coupled differential equations in python?
 44,195  NumPy for windows python 2.7 [closed]
 44,163  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment
 44,119  Numpy: 1D array with various shape
 44,037  Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop
 44,035  Numpy hstack - ''ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions'' - but they do
 44,033  NumPy: calculate averages with NaNs removed
 44,001  Overlay imshow plots in matplotlib
 43,989  Weighted choice short and simple [duplicate]
 43,973  Pandas lookup based on value
 43,940  Numpy ‘smart’ symmetric matrix
 43,898  How to append elements to a numpy array
 43,871  2d convolution using python and numpy
 43,845  How to calculate a Fourier series in Numpy?
 43,816  What's the fastest way to increase color image contrast with OpenCV in python (cv2)?
 43,769  Function to determine if two numbers are nearly equal when rounded to n significant decimal digits
 43,762  Fitting a 2D Gaussian function using scipy.optimize.curve_fit - ValueError and minpack.error
 43,706  Select elements of numpy array via boolean mask array
 43,696  Can't broadcast input array from shape (3,1) into shape (3,)
 43,685  What is the difference between contiguous and non-contiguous arrays?
 43,672  Time difference in seconds from numpy.timedelta64
 43,591  Can't import cv2; ''DLL load failed''
 43,570  How can I get descriptive statistics of a NumPy array?
 43,564  Store numpy.array in cells of a Pandas.DataFrame
 43,540  Python interpolation
 43,506  SQL-like window functions in PANDAS: Row Numbering in Python Pandas Dataframe
 43,446  How does condensed distance matrix work? (pdist)
 43,368  Using Spyder / Python to Open .npy File
 43,317  array.shape() giving error tuple not callable
 43,191  How to plot files with numpy?
 43,169  Getting only those values that fulfill a condition in a numpy array
 43,157  When to apply(pd.to_numeric) and when to astype(np.float64) in python?
 43,094  Converting a NumPy array to a PIL image
 43,069  Concatenating empty array in Numpy
 43,039  How to calculate RMSE using IPython/NumPy?
 42,959  sliding window of M-by-N shape numpy.ndarray
 42,943  crop center portion of a numpy image
 42,907  How to access a column in a list of lists in python
 42,887  numpy array 1.9.2 getting ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (4,2) into shape (4)
 42,871  Plot line graph from histogram data in matplotlib
 42,765  Creating a 3D plot from a 3D numpy array
 42,757  This message always refers to index problems? IndexError: index out of bounds
 42,719  numpy vstack vs. column_stack
 42,704  python numpy euclidean distance calculation between matrices of row vectors
 42,699  numpy array of objects
 42,691  Using numpy.genfromtxt to read a csv file with strings containing commas
 42,666  Replace the zeros in a NumPy integer array with nan
 42,656  efficient python array to numpy array conversion
 42,652  Is there any numpy group by function?
 42,630  Making a 0 to n vector in python
 42,622  Convert list of numpy.float64 to float in Python quickly
 42,611  Python unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
 42,611  Building multi-regression model throws error: `Pandas data cast to numpy dtype of object. Check input data with np.asarray(data).`
 42,581  How to fix AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'square' [closed]
 42,275  How to loop through 2D numpy array using x and y coordinates without getting out of bounds error?
 42,274  High Pass Filter for image processing in python by using scipy/numpy
 42,143  I have need the N minimum (index) values in a numpy array
 42,000  Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python
 41,833  What does [:, :] mean on NumPy arrays
 41,757  Binary random array with a specific proportion of ones?
 41,673  How do I extract a sub-array from a numpy 2d array? [duplicate]
 41,669  How to Mask an image using Numpy/OpenCV?
 41,660  Reshaping a numpy array in python
 41,640  Numpy list of 1D Arrays to 2D Array
 41,622  numpy array: replace nan values with average of columns
 41,596  Faster way of polygon intersection with shapely
 41,462  Efficiently detect sign-changes in python
 41,422  How to generate a random normal distribution of integers
 41,381  Best way to assert for numpy.array equality?
 41,378  Predicting missing values with scikit-learn's Imputer module
 41,344  How to get the values from a NumPy array using multiple indices
 41,243  Prepend element to numpy array
 40,865  Numpy element wise division not working as expected
 40,814  Python's sum vs. NumPy's numpy.sum
 40,687  Concatenating column vectors using numpy arrays
 40,670  Divide ndarray by scalar - Numpy / Python
 40,581  How can I draw scatter trend line on matplot? Python-Pandas
 40,571  Structure of inputs to scipy minimize function
 40,519  Fast replacement of values in a numpy array
 40,501  numpy: Invalid value encountered in true_divide
 40,387  np arrays being immutable - ''assignment destination is read-only''
 40,365  Read flat list into multidimensional array/matrix in python
 40,353  ValueError: x and y must be the same size
 40,345  Element-wise string concatenation in numpy
 40,267  pip not installing modules
 40,226  remove zero lines 2-D numpy array
 40,046  Creating dictionary from numpy array
 39,927  Load Excel file into numpy 2D array
 39,850  Using Numpy (np.linalg.svd) for Singular Value Decomposition
 39,784  Numpy - module has no attribute 'arrange' [closed]
 39,766  Flattening a list of NumPy arrays?
 39,722  Overflow Error in Python's numpy.exp function
 39,688  How does one initialize a variable with tf.get_variable and a numpy value in TensorFlow?
 39,656  How should I use Numpy's vstack method?
 39,653  Is 'for x in array' always result in sorted x? [Python/NumPy]
 39,646  Interpolate NaN values in a numpy array
 39,621  Building up an array in numpy/scipy by iteration in Python?
 39,534  Screen Capture with OpenCV and Python-2.7
 39,526  IndexError: too many indices. Numpy Array with 1 row and 2 columns
 39,520  How to obtain a gaussian filter in python
 39,507  What's the error of numpy.polyfit?
 39,486  Weighted standard deviation in NumPy
 39,409  Rearrange columns of numpy 2D array
 39,406  changing the values of the diagonal of a matrix in numpy
 39,386  when should i use hstack/vstack vs append vs concatenate vs column_stack
 39,250  How does NumPy's transpose() method permute the axes of an array?
 39,229  Python - Conversion of list of arrays to 2D array
 39,218  numpy-equivalent of list.pop?
 39,201  numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
 39,191  Subsetting data in Python
 39,155  Opencv polylines function in python throws exception
 39,106  Remove background of the image using opencv Python
 39,078  Neural network always predicts the same class
 38,997  How to rearrange array based upon index array
 38,937  Save a numpy matrix
 38,921  Simple adding two arrays using numpy in python?
 38,888  why do we need np.squeeze()?
 38,732  What does ret and frame mean here?
 38,676  Python Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown)?
 38,668  How to perform two-sample one-tailed t-test with numpy/scipy
 38,640  Importing opencv and getting numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
 38,625  How to apply a function / map values of each element in a 2d numpy array/matrix?
 38,546  Convert Pandas dataframe to Sparse Numpy Matrix directly
 38,538  Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?
 38,537  How to multiply a scalar throughout a specific column within a NumPy array?
 38,509  How to return the highest value from a multi dimensional array?
 38,506  Loading a file into a numpy array with python
 38,491  How to read mp4 video to be processed by scikit-image?
 38,450  Merge two numpy arrays
 38,425  numpy.savetxt resulting a formatting mismatch error in python 3.5
 38,425  Dictionary keys and values to separate numpy arrays
 38,423  pandas Series getting 'Data must be 1-dimensional' error
 38,377  Find out if matrix is positive definite with numpy
 38,261  Releasing memory of huge numpy array in IPython
 38,240  Anaconda Python - how to reinstall NumPy
 38,220  How to import/open numpy module to IDLE
 38,212  Python: realtime audio streaming with PyAudio (or something else)?
 38,156  How to update Numpy on Mac OS X Snow Leopard?
 38,098  Benchmarking (python vs. c++ using BLAS) and (numpy)
 38,095  python, numpy; How to insert element at the start of an array
 38,094  How to get stable results with TensorFlow, setting random seed
 38,021  curve fitting with python
 37,919  How to assign a string value to an array in numpy?
 37,860  how set numpy floating point accuracy?
 37,841  IndexError: too many indices
 37,797  Display array as raster image in python
 37,797  Cross-correlation (time-lag-correlation) with pandas?
 37,792  ''Got 1 columns instead of  ... '' error in numpy
 37,779  Multiply several matrices in numpy
 37,753  Is shared readonly data copied to different processes for multiprocessing?
 37,682  How to use leastsq function from scipy.optimize in python to fit both a straight line and a quadratic line to data sets x and y
 37,635  Variance Inflation Factor in Python
 37,634  Find the index of minimum values in given array in Python
 37,623  How to get the range of valid Numpy data types?
 37,588  NumPy: how to quickly normalize many vectors?
 37,486  numpy array row major and column major
 37,456  Multivariate polynomial regression with numpy
 37,426  output of numpy.where(condition) is not an array, but a tuple of arrays: why?
 37,354  How to extract all columns but one from an array (or matrix) in python?
 37,289  pip fails to install numpy error code 1
 37,260  Finding the maximum of a function
 37,219  How to set first N elements of array to zero?
 37,173  Convert Image ( png ) To Matrix And Then To 1D Array
 37,135  Compiling numpy with OpenBLAS integration
 37,128  OS X - Deciding between anaconda and homebrew Python environments
 37,110  Python - NumPy - tuples as elements of an array
 37,086  Quadratic Program (QP) Solver that only depends on NumPy/SciPy?
 37,085  Python numpy array of numpy arrays
 37,049  How to install numpy+mkl for python 2.7 on windows 64 bit?
 37,048  testing whether a Numpy array contains a given row
 37,012  Resample a numpy array
 36,939  Concatenation of 2 1D `numpy` Arrays Along 2nd Axis
 36,934  ImportError: No module named numpy on spark workers
 36,882  Printing FULL contents of numpy array [duplicate]
 36,847  Efficiently Calculating a Euclidean Distance Matrix Using Numpy
 36,826  Sending live video frame over network in python opencv
 36,807  Matplotlib plot numpy matrix as 0 index
 36,777  TypeError: Mismatch between array dtype ('object') and format specifier ('%.18e')
 36,747  Adding Header to Numpy array
 36,732  How to add a line of best fit to scatter plot
 36,584  Numpy where() on a 2D matrix
 36,522  Numpy `logical_or` for more than two arguments
 36,501  How to install python packages without root privileges?
 36,482  How to automatically annotate maximum value in pyplot?
 36,466  Understanding numpy.linalg.norm() in IPython
 36,443  Generating Discrete random variables with specified weights using SciPy or NumPy
 36,402  NumPy array/matrix of mixed types
 36,382  Minimum Euclidean distance between points in two different Numpy arrays, not within
 36,312  Converting 2D Numpy array of grayscale values to a PIL image
 36,307  Linear Regression with Python numpy
 36,292  How do I standardize a matrix?
 36,283  How can I serialize a numpy array while preserving matrix dimensions?
 36,266  Matplotlib Plot Lines with Colors Through Colormap
 36,261  Is there a way to define a float array in Python?
 36,255  Processing a very very big data set in python - memory error
 36,233  How to find dimension of a nested tuple?
 36,198  R summary() equivalent in numpy
 36,195  How to force zero interception in linear regression?
 36,188  Matplotlib.Pyplot does not show output; No Error
 36,172  numpy uint8 pixel wrapping solution
 36,168  NaN in python and validity checking [duplicate]
 36,135  How to convert a python set to a numpy array?
 36,125  numpy sum of squares for matrix
 36,092  Convert an image RGB->Lab with python
 36,084  Using numpy 'module' object has no attribute 'array' [duplicate]
 36,080  Python: Creating a 2D histogram from a numpy matrix
 36,069  Finding the nearest value and return the index of array in Python
 35,980  CountVectorizer: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'lower'
 35,970  numpy : How to convert an array type quickly
 35,934  Downsample array in Python
 35,925  How to apply piecewise linear fit in Python?
 35,725  Why does numpy std() give a different result to matlab std()?
 35,707  How to scale axes in mplot3d
 35,667  ImportError: No module named 'pandas.indexes'
 35,611  How to get data in a histogram bin
 35,610  Meaning of 0x and \x in python hex strings?
 35,595  numpy.float64 object is not iterable ... but I'm NOT trying to
 35,576  Downsampling a 2d numpy array in python
 35,567  Merging and subtracting DataFrame columns in pandas?
 35,567  How to convert a Numpy 2D array with object dtype to a regular 2D array of floats
 35,541  Python difference between randn and normal
 35,515  Faster numpy cartesian to spherical coordinate conversion?
 35,509  What is python's equivalent of R's NA?
 35,461  changing numpy array to float
 35,410  Getting No loop matching the specified signature and casting error
 35,398  How to convert python int into numpy.int64?
 35,385  SimpleJSON and NumPy array
 35,371  How to create a dynamic array
 35,354  finding the value of the min and max pixel
 35,336  Append a list of arrays as column to pandas Data Frame with same column indices
 35,279  Applying sqrt function on a column
 35,233  FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`
 35,213  Numpy reshape 1d to 2d array with 1 column
 35,168  Pass percentiles to pandas agg function
 35,143  save numpy array in append mode
 35,122  Efficient distance calculation between N points and a reference in numpy/scipy
 35,089  How to interpret the values returned by numpy.correlate and numpy.corrcoef?
 35,088  How to create a white image in Python?
 35,067  numpy: what is the logic of the argmin() and argmax() functions?
 35,061  numpy array with dtype Decimal?
 34,969  Pb converting a list of pandas.Series into a numpy array of pandas.Series
 34,929  NumPy: Pretty print tabular data
 34,917  Output different precision by column with pandas.DataFrame.to_csv()?
 34,868  Adding a background image to a plot with known corner coordinates
 34,827  median of pandas dataframe
 34,768  How to return all the minimum indices in numpy
 34,728  SciPy/Python install on Ubuntu
 34,727  How to get mini-batches in pytorch in a clean and efficient way?
 34,685  Deleting certain elements from numpy array using conditional checks
 34,677  ImportError: cannot import name '_validate_lengths'
 34,639  Concatenate Numpy arrays without copying
 34,633  What are the causes of overflow encountered in double_scalars besides division by zero?
 34,621  Python: Concatenate (or clone) a numpy array N times
 34,479  Collecting results from a loop that returns NumPy Arrays
 34,465  what does .dtype do?
 34,463  3d Numpy array to 2d
 34,435  Installing numpy on Docker Alpine
 34,426  Python : save dictionaries through [duplicate]
 34,317  How to find the groups of consecutive elements in a NumPy array
 34,274  Tensorflow: How to modify the value in tensor
 34,142  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars with NUMPY
 34,140  Argmax of numpy array returning non-flat indices
 34,065  Filtering pandas dataframe with multiple Boolean columns
 34,048  Solving non-linear equations in python
 34,037  setting null values in a numpy array
 33,986  Saving prediction results to CSV
 33,977  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
 33,872  How to filter/smooth with SciPy/Numpy?
 33,854  NumPy selecting specific column index per row by using a list of indexes
 33,839  What's an efficient way to find if a point lies in the convex hull of a point cloud?
 33,838  How to load multiple images in a numpy array ?
 33,805  Constructing a Python set from a Numpy matrix
 33,794  Automatically import modules when entering the python or ipython interpreter
 33,788  cannot perform reduce with flexible type
 33,776  What does numpy.gradient do?
 33,769  numpy array concatenation error: 0-d arrays can't be concatenated
 33,704  Using python with Anaconda in Windows
 33,693  ValueError: Shape of passed values is (3, 27), indices imply (4, 27) # pandas DataFrame
 33,688  Overlay an image segmentation with numpy and matplotlib
 33,631  replace values in an array
 33,598  Why does it take ages to install Pandas on Alpine Linux
 33,586  numpy python 3.4.1 installation: Python 3.4 not found in registry
 33,457  Convert Numpy array to Pandas DataFrame column-wise (As Single Row)
 33,440  Why does multiprocessing use only a single core after I import numpy?
 33,423  How to convert Numpy array to Panda DataFrame
 33,398  Scipy sparse ...  arrays?
 33,356  Computing the correlation coefficient between two multi-dimensional arrays
 33,356  Chi squared test in Python
 33,323  interpolate 3D volume with numpy and or scipy
 33,304  Scatter plot with a huge amount of data
 33,282  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'index'
 33,245  Python: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'list'
 33,222  Differences between numpy.random.rand vs numpy.random.randn in Python
 33,211  Slice 2d array into smaller 2d arrays
 33,204  Python numpy: cannot convert datetime64[ns] to datetime64[D] (to use with Numba)
 33,203  Does matplotlib have a function for drawing diagonal lines in axis coordinates?
 33,120  Numpy index slice without losing dimension information
 33,112  Optimal way to compute pairwise mutual information using numpy
 33,107  in Numpy, how to zip two 2-D arrays?
 33,056  Best way to initialize and fill an numpy array?
 33,031  convert numpy array to 0 or 1
 32,918  How to solve differential equation using Python builtin function odeint?
 32,863  How detect length of a numpy array with only one element?
 32,835  Parallelizing a Numpy vector operation
 32,761  numpy divide row by row sum
 32,754  Convert list of tuples to structured numpy array
 32,745  Numpy equivalent of Matlab's findpeaks function? [duplicate]
 32,740  Array elementwise operations
 32,737  `TypeError: invalid type promotion` when appending to a heterogeneous numpy array
 32,726  kmeans scatter plot: plot different colors per cluster
 32,725  Frequency plot in Python/Pandas DataFrame
 32,710  Deleting Elements from an array
 32,690  How to declare and fill an array in Python?
 32,660  Are numpy arrays passed by reference?
 32,644  What is the difference between numpy.fft and scipy.fftpack?
 32,623  How to resample a dataframe with different functions applied to each column?
 32,615  global name 'sqrt' not defined
 32,607  Quickest way to find the nth largest value in a numpy Matrix
 32,602  Coalesce values from 2 columns into a single column in a pandas dataframe
 32,570  Plotting with a transparent marker but non-transparent edge
 32,565  ImportError: No module named numpy
 32,535  How to delete an object from a numpy array without knowing the index
 32,515  Drawing Bounding box around given size Area contour
 32,456  how to implement tensorflow's next_batch for own data
 32,452  PIL: using fromarray() with binary data and writing coloured text
 32,444  write numpy ndarray to Image
 32,333  setting spacing between grouped bar plots in matplotlib
 32,315  How to randomly shuffle data and target in python?
 32,314  Python can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
 32,305  Are NumPy's math functions faster than Python's?
 32,232  How to slice a 2D Python Array? Fails with: ''TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple''
 32,172  Python (NumPy, SciPy), finding the null space of a matrix
 32,146  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append':Image processing example
 32,123  Inverting a numpy boolean array using ~
 32,090  Subsetting a 2D numpy array
 32,069  Size of data type using NumPy
 32,057  Inserting a row at a specific location in a 2d array in numpy?
 32,019  Numpy equivalent of if/else without loop
 31,957  python - invalid value encountered in log
 31,936  Installing NumPy with pip fails on Ubuntu
 31,935  Matplotlib: save plot to numpy array
 31,902  Still can't install scipy due to missing fortran compiler after brew install gcc on Mac OS X
 31,864  HDF5 file created with h5py can't be opened by h5py
 31,849  Get first and second highest values in pandas columns
 31,777  Convert numpy.nd array to json [duplicate]
 31,772  How can I turn a flat list into a 2D array in python?
 31,768  Save Numpy Array using Pickle
 31,764  Flatten numpy array
 31,754  numpy loadtxt skip first row
 31,692  How to 'turn off' blurry effect of imshow() in matplotlib?
 31,685  Python - Efficient way to add rows to dataframe
 31,668  Python finite difference functions?
 31,611  Error ''TypeError: type numpy.ndarray doesn't define __round__ method''
 31,606  Numpy error: Singular matrix
 31,602  Equivalent of Numpy.argsort() in basic python? [duplicate]
 31,600  Upgrade to numpy 1.8.0 on Ubuntu 12.04
 31,567  How do I calculate PDF (probability density function) in Python?
 31,555  NumPy, PIL adding an image
 31,551  list memory usage in ipython and jupyter
 31,539  How to change column names in pandas Dataframe using a list of names?
 31,354  I am getting a warning <RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt>
 31,265  Fastest save and load options for a numpy array
 31,257  Convert numpy array to pandas dataframe
 31,254  Vectorized way of calculating row-wise dot product two matrices with Scipy
 31,253  numpy array creating with a sequence
 31,238  Find matching rows in 2 dimensional numpy array
 31,228  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'values'
 31,220  NumPy loadtxt data type
 31,213  Get coordinates of local maxima in 2D array above certain value
 31,181  plotting a histogram on a Log scale with Matplotlib
 31,149  Cannot convert array to floats python
 31,145  AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'shape'
 31,142  unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' error in tensorflow
 31,122  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute '__version__'
 31,049  How to raise a numpy array to a power? (corresponding to repeated matrix multiplications, not elementwise)
 31,045  Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)
 30,956  Matrix multiplication, solve Ax = b solve for x
 30,951  Convolve2d just by using Numpy
 30,923  Adding a vector to matrix rows in numpy
 30,902  How to surface plot/3d plot from dataframe?
 30,868  FFT-based 2D convolution and correlation in Python
 30,845  Display MNIST image using matplotlib [duplicate]
 30,800  Append 2D array to 3D array, extending third dimension
 30,759  Use Numpy to convert rgb pixel array into grayscale [duplicate]
 30,708  How do I use a minimization function in scipy with constraints
 30,694  How to solve the AttributeError:'list' object has no attribute 'astype'?
 30,681  Why can't I suppress numpy warnings
 30,660  Numpy is installed but still getting error
 30,630  Python: intersection indices numpy array
 30,614  How to sort in descending order with numpy?
 30,589  Extract Specific RANGE of columns in numpy array Python
 30,581  OpenCV 4 TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'labels'
 30,555  How to read data into TensorFlow batches from example queue?
 30,529  How to write simple geometric shapes into numpy arrays
 30,491  assigning points to bins
 30,458  Comparing previous row values in Pandas DataFrame
 30,421  Importing sound files into Python as NumPy arrays (alternatives to audiolab)
 30,355  What is the correct way to change image channel ordering between channels first and channels last?
 30,348  Saving dictionary of numpy arrays
 30,348  How to apply a disc shaped mask to a NumPy array?
 30,225  Can't update to numpy 1.13 with anaconda?
 30,220  Find all local Maxima and Minima when x and y values are given as numpy arrays
 30,132  Print an integer array as hexadecimal numbers
 30,070  polynomial regression using python
 30,047  which is faster for load: pickle or hdf5 in python [closed]
 30,027  Rounding entries in a Pandas DafaFrame
 30,005  How to make numpy.argmax return all occurrences of the maximum?
 29,986  Install NumPy for Python 3.5
 29,986  Install NumPy for Python 3.5
 29,944  TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
 29,923  multithreaded blas in python/numpy
 29,902  Distance between point and a line (from two points)
 29,888  Reverse sort and argsort in python
 29,888  Cross product of a vector in NumPy
 29,866  plotting a 2D matrix in python, code and most useful visualization
 29,863  numpy undefined symbol: PyFPE_jbuf
 29,859  How to read part of binary file with numpy?
 29,856  How to change numpy array into grayscale opencv image
 29,779  NumPy and SciPy - Difference between .todense() and .toarray()
 29,767  NumPy version of ''Exponential weighted moving average'', equivalent to pandas.ewm().mean()
 29,766  Get indices of elements that are greater than a threshold in 2D numpy array
 29,757  Get mean value avoiding nan using numpy in python [duplicate]
 29,744  Value error: Input arrays should have the same number of samples as target arrays. Found 1600 input samples and 6400 target samples
 29,741 dimensions not aligned
 29,699  Sort array's rows by another array in Python
 29,686  Why are NumPy arrays so fast?
 29,657  python opencv TypeError: Layout of the output array incompatible with cv::Mat
 29,638  Numpy/Python Array Value error
 29,592  How to set the precision on str(numpy.float64)?
 29,569  How do I create character arrays in numpy?
 29,522  Calling a lambda with a numpy array
 29,517  How to convert list of model objects to pandas dataframe?
 29,512  How to display progress of scipy.optimize function?
 29,503  Python Array Slice With Comma?
 29,496  Python MemoryError when doing fitting with Scikit-learn
 29,441  AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy'
 29,399  How to pad with zeros a tensor along some axis (Python)
 29,392  How to use datasets.fetch_mldata() in sklearn?
 29,333  Fitting to Poisson histogram
 29,311  What is a ''scalar'' in numpy?
 29,311  Dumping numpy array into an excel file
 29,241  How do I remove the first and last rows and columns from a 2D numpy array?
 29,229  pandas.read_csv from string or package data
 29,222  Pandas: Read specific Excel cell value into a variable
 29,221  Replacing row values in pandas
 29,210  NumPy save some arrays at once
 29,180  Python 3.4 and 2.7: Cannot install numpy package for python 3.4
 29,174  filename.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform
 29,119  Adding columns to matrix in python
 29,106  Numpy warning:Casting Complex to real discards imaginary part
 29,099  Generating Symmetric Matrices in Numpy
 29,094  numpy/scipy/ipython:Failed to interpret file as a pickle
 29,091  How to create identity matrix with numpy
 29,058  Saving Matplotlib graphs to image as full screen
 29,043  difference between np.inf and float('Inf')
 29,001  ImportError: DLL load failed when importing Numpy installed in conda virtual environment
 28,972  Interweaving two numpy arrays
 28,948  numpy corrcoef - compute correlation matrix while ignoring missing data
 28,939  Difference between and np.multiply with np.sum in binary cross-entropy loss calculation
 28,904  Calculate Matrix Rank using scipy
 28,877  Weird behaviour initializing a numpy array of string data
 28,832  Pandas replacing elements not working
 28,818  How to vertically concatenate two arrays in Python? [duplicate]
 28,804  Swapping the dimensions of a numpy array
 28,803  sampling random floats on a range in numpy
 28,797  Python Numpy - Complex Numbers - Is there a function for Polar to Rectangular conversion?
 28,794  how to save an array as a grayscale image with matplotlib/numpy?
 28,719  matplotlib - extracting data from contour lines
 28,677  `AttributeError: rint` when using numpy.round
 28,658  Defining a white noise process in Python
 28,653  NumPy/OpenCV 2: how do I crop non-rectangular region?
 28,620  How do I stack vectors of different lengths in NumPy?
 28,618  Remove one value from a NumPy array
 28,618  how to do circular shift in numpy
 28,588  NumPy append vs concatenate
 28,568  orthogonal projection with numpy
 28,525  numpy convert categorical string arrays to an integer array
 28,500  Saving an imshow-like image while preserving resolution
 28,492  Matplotlib figure to image as a numpy array
 28,474  Using strides for an efficient moving average filter
 28,471  How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures
 28,469  how to plot streamlines , when i know u and v components of velocity(numpy 2d arrays), using a plotting program in python?
 28,468  When importing tensorflow, I get the following error: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
 28,446  Read HDF5 file into numpy array
 28,444  How to read .npy files in Matlab
 28,444  check if numpy array is multidimensional or not
 28,434  How do I transform a ''SciPy sparse matrix'' to a ''NumPy matrix''?
 28,378  create a multichannel zeros mat in python with cv2
 28,330  how to plot ohlc candlestick with datetime in matplotlib?
 28,325  How much time does take train SVM classifier?
 28,322  AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'log10'
 28,301  remove a specific column in numpy
 28,288  How to convert the output of meshgrid to the corresponding array of points?
 28,271  How to fit polynomial to data with error bars
 28,250  Multiple conditions using 'or' in numpy array
 28,217  python newbie: importing numpy module in eclipse
 28,209  np.random.rand vs np.random.random
 28,182  Map each list value to its corresponding percentile
 28,173  Counting Cars OpenCV + Python Issue
 28,121  How to install scipy misc package
 28,112  Save multiple arrays to a csv file with column names
 28,109  how to perform max/mean pooling on a 2d array using numpy
 28,087  Installed Python Modules - Python can't find them
 28,073  How to convert from boolean array to int array in python
 28,045  concatenate numpy arrays which are elements of a list
 28,027  Is there support for sparse matrices in Python?
 27,999  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'read'
 27,993  No module named cv
 27,921  python & numpy: sum of an array slice
 27,892  Converting categorical values to binary using pandas
 27,885  Numpy: For every element in one array, find the index in another array
 27,878  Why is my plt.savefig is not working?
 27,823  IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2
 27,800  selecting across multiple columns with python pandas?
 27,781  What is the difference between size and count in pandas?
 27,772  How to use numpy with 'None' value in Python?
 27,770  Convert numpy, list or float to string in python
 27,762  Calculating Pearson correlation
 27,754  Slicing Nested List
 27,747  How to get the highest element in absolute value in a numpy matrix?
 27,727  Rolling window for 1D arrays in Numpy?
 27,698  Counting non-zero elements within each row and within each column of a 2D NumPy array
 27,684  Implement Relu derivative in python numpy
 27,680  Installing lapack for numpy
 27,630  Numpy flatten RGB image array
 27,611  IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0
 27,601  How to extract an arbitrary line of values from a numpy array?
 27,555  Numpy error: invalid value encountered in power
 27,535  Conjugate transpose operator ''.H'' in numpy
 27,529  convert binary string to numpy array
 27,495  Identifying numeric and array types in numpy
 27,478  More efficient matplotlib stacked bar chart - how to calculate bottom values
 27,411  TypeError: 'bool' object is not subscriptable Python 3
 27,392  Apply function on each row (row-wise) of a NumPy array
 27,341  Attribute error while using opencv for face recognition
 27,332  Python array to 1-D Vector
 27,310  Is ''norm'' equivalent to ''Euclidean distance''?
 27,266  Plot NetworkX Graph from Adjacency Matrix in CSV file
 27,266  Can't reshape numpy array
 27,211  Fitting data using UnivariateSpline in scipy python
 27,202  python numpy roll with padding
 27,200  Using moviepy, scipy and numpy in amazon lambda
 27,160  How to add a scalar to a numpy array within a specific range?
 27,140  Turning a Pandas Dataframe to an array and evaluate Multiple Linear Regression Model
 27,120  Using lambda if condition on different columns in Pandas dataframe
 27,066  TypeError: zip argument #2 must support iteration
 27,061  Stratified Sampling in Pandas
 27,056  Error:numpy.narray object not callable
 27,051  Immutable numpy array?
 27,042  How to turn Numpy array to set efficiently?
 27,040  assigning values in a numpy array
 27,003  What is the name parameter in Pandas Series?
 26,964  How to get faster code than for matrix multiplication?
 26,955  Mean Squared error in Python
 26,946  Draw polygons more efficiently with matplotlib
 26,939  How to convert data values into color information for matplotlib?
 26,930  Resample time series in pandas to a weekly interval
 26,928  python, numpy boolean array: negation in where statement
 26,887  Copy numpy array into part of another array
 26,877  Numpy, problem with long arrays
 26,871  How to convert one-hot encodings into integers?
 26,851  TypeError: Mismatch between array dtype ('float64') and format specifier
 26,824  pandas ValueError: numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling
 26,815  Found array with 0 sample(s) (shape=(0, 40)) while a minimum of 1 is required
 26,808  filtering lines in a numpy array according to values in a range
 26,804  Not plotting 'zero' in matplotlib or change zero to None [Python]
 26,795  Convert a space delimited file to comma separated values file in python
 26,776  Numpy 'where' on string
 26,772  Manually set color of points in legend
 26,751  Numpy error: shape mismatch
 26,748  Deep copy of a np.array of np.array
 26,736  making square axes plot with log2 scales in matplotlib
 26,713  clearing elements of numpy array
 26,687  How does NumPy Sum (with axis) work?
 26,649  Fitting a Gaussian to a histogram with MatPlotLib and Numpy - wrong Y-scaling?
 26,598  add a comma between the elements of a numpy array
 26,562  How to import itertools in Python 3.3.2
 26,556  Annotate Time Series plot in Matplotlib
 26,551  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
 26,537  How to specify upper and lower limits when using numpy.random.normal
 26,504  Checking if a matrix is symmetric in Numpy
 26,488  How to iterate 1d NumPy array with index and value [duplicate]
 26,486  Regression with Date variable using Scikit-learn
 26,446  convert numpy string array into int array [duplicate]
 26,406  Why does PyCharm give unresolved reference errors on some Numpy imports?
 26,401  Where does next_batch in the TensorFlow tutorial batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(100) come from?
 26,386  Python: Add a column to numpy 2d array
 26,368  What is vectorization? [closed]
 26,348  Calling statistics functions from Scipy
 26,335  Slicing arrays in Numpy / Scipy
 26,272  Gradient calculation with python
 26,224  What does dtype=object mean while creating a numpy array?
 26,120  numpy.void type - how to use it?
 26,118  How to Get an Average Pixel Value of a Gray Scale Image in Python Using PIL\Numpy?
 26,086  numpy savetxt formatted as integer is not saving zeroes
 26,052  Get the mean across multiple Pandas DataFrames
 26,046  How to read numbers in python from csv file?
 26,040  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable?
 26,002  string representation of a numpy array with commas separating its elements
 25,984  Installing NumPy
 25,949  What's the best way to sum all values in a Pandas dataframe?
 25,933  Convert array of string (category) to array of int from a pandas dataframe
 25,928  Multiplying Numpy/Scipy Sparse and Dense Matrices Efficiently
 25,916  Averaging over every n elements of a numpy array
 25,905  Numpy modify array in place?
 25,903  Installing numpy for Python 2.7 while also having Python 3.4 installed?
 25,883  find time shift between two similar waveforms
 25,868  numpy.array boolean to binary?
 25,866  Linear regression with pandas dataframe
 25,848  Passing Numpy arrays to a C function for input and output
 25,782  Sending a C++ array to Python and back (Extending C++ with Numpy)
 25,681  PIL Cannot Handle This Data Type
 25,677  How to convert an object array to a normal array in python
 25,651  TypeError: Object of type 'float32' is not JSON serializable [duplicate]
 25,617  What does np.r_ do (numpy)?
 25,589  pylab histogram get rid of nan
 25,499  Convert numpy type to python
 25,492  How to filter numpy array by list of indices?
 25,459  Function of Numpy Array with if-statement
 25,454  Calculate overlapped area between two rectangles
 25,402  How to append data to one specific dataset in a hdf5 file with h5py
 25,402  Gaussian Smoothing an image in python
 25,397  Using Numpy to find Mean,Median,Mode or Range of inputted set of numbers
 25,321  Minimum value on a 2d array python
 25,302  set very low values to zero in numpy
 25,285  LinAlgError: Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square
 25,266  File path name for NumPy's loadtxt()
 25,247  Ignore divide by 0 warning in NumPy
 25,227  Computation of Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance between text-documents using numpy
 25,226  Numpy transpose not giving expected result
 25,211  Downsample a 1D numpy array
 25,210  Summation Evaluation in python
 25,149  Find out the percentage of missing values in each column in the given dataset
 25,141  How to multiply two vector and get a matrix?
 25,132  ''synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / '(1,)type'.'' problem in TensorFlow
 25,128  How to fix ''TypeError: len() of unsized object''
 25,126  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'numpy.ndarray'
 25,125  Python - Interpolation 2D array for huge arrays
 25,119  Numpy: Should I use newaxis or None?
 25,116  How do you reduce the dimension of a numpy array?
 25,102  Fastest pairwise distance metric in python
 25,074  ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension when plotting
 25,068  Java equivalent for the Numpy multi-dimensional object
 25,037  Better rounding in Python's NumPy.around: Rounding NumPy Arrays
 25,025  RuntimeWarning: Divide by Zero error: How to avoid? PYTHON, NUMPY
 25,017  Numpy transpose multiplication problem
 25,012  Does setting numpy arrays to None free memory?
 24,998  Python Pandas Only Compare Identically Labeled DataFrame Objects
 24,998  Matplotlib scatter plot with unknown error
 24,980  How to ''scale'' a numpy array?
 24,971  Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?
 24,961  What is dimension order of numpy shape for image data?
 24,959  Swap two values in a numpy array.
 24,897  Getting ''error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat'' when running ''pip install numpy'' on windows7 64bit
 24,892  Numpy vs Cython speed
 24,886  Load CSV to Pandas MultiIndex DataFrame
 24,875  Read a binary file using Numpy fromfile and a given offset
 24,843  extrapolating data with numpy/python
 24,835  How to get type of multidimensional Numpy array elements in Python
 24,827  Why does my python process use up so much memory?
 24,818  Plot equation showing a circle
 24,808  How to overwrite array inside h5 file using h5py
 24,802  Sorting a 2D numpy array by multiple axes
 24,789  Simple wrapping of C code with cython
 24,784  how to get the index of numpy.random.choice? - python
 24,758  Numpy: Drop rows with all nan or 0 values
 24,757  Remove special characters in pandas dataframe
 24,731  matplotlib.pyplot - fix only one axis limit, set other to auto
 24,724  Translate every element in numpy array according to key
 24,680  Python: DeprecationWarning: elementwise == comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future
 24,660  How to make sure the numpy BLAS libraries are available as dynamically-loadable libraries?
 24,603  How can I ''zip sort'' parallel numpy arrays?
 24,600  Share Large, Read-Only Numpy Array Between Multiprocessing Processes
 24,599  selecting rows in numpy ndarray based on the value of two columns
 24,578  numpy: formal definition of ''array_like'' objects?
 24,575  Indexes of elements in NumPy array that satisfy conditions on the value and the index
 24,527  how to return numpy.array from boost::python?
 24,520  Is there a difference in computation for Numpy vs Pandas?
 24,506  ValueError: negative dimensions are not allowed
 24,479  how to install scipy for python?
 24,471  Is there a test suite for numpy / scipy?
 24,465  python np.round() with decimal option larger than 2
 24,451  Python enumerate through 2D array in numpy [duplicate]
 24,440  Convert map object to numpy array in python 3
 24,438  How to avoid overlapping of labels & autopct in a matplotlib pie chart?
 24,369  Python Numpy Installation Windows 10 64-bit
 24,365  Filter out nan rows in a specific column
 24,331  Dot product of a vector in SciPy/NumPy (getting ValueError: objects are not aligned)
 24,318  Fastest Way to generate 1,000,000+ random numbers in python
 24,315  bounding box of numpy array
 24,309  How to draw line inside a scatter plot
 24,297  windows, ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
 24,295  Efficient creation of numpy arrays from list comprehension and in general
 24,289  ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
 24,279  Python insert numpy array into sqlite3 database
 24,277  Bin values based on ranges with pandas
 24,269  Python out of memory on large CSV file (numpy)
 24,268  numpy second derivative of a ndimensional array
 24,253  How does Lru_cache (from functools) Work?
 24,240  SciPy optimize.fmin ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity
 24,209  Removing duplicate columns and rows from a NumPy  2D array
 24,201  Pixel neighbors in 2d array (image) using Python
 24,169  Fastest way to compute k largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors with numpy
 24,167  Polar contour plot in matplotlib - best (modern) way to do it?
 24,164  PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Program Files\\Python35\\Lib\\site-packages\\'
 24,153  Start, End and Duration of Maximum Drawdown in Python
 24,107  pandas data frame transform INT64 columns to boolean
 24,078  Python: ValueError: invalid literal for float():
 24,069  Difference on performance between numpy and matlab
 24,053  Using Python for iOS programming [duplicate]
 24,052  How I can i conditionally change the values in a numpy array taking into account nan numbers?
 24,044  Create Multidimensional Zeros Python
 24,040  sklearn issue: Found arrays with inconsistent numbers of samples when doing regression
 24,032  numpy/scipy equivalent of R ecdf(x)(x) function?
 24,006  threshold in 2D numpy array
 23,982  Numpy minimum in (row, column) format
 23,974  unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'numpy.float64'
 23,971  Create vertical NumPy arrays in Python
 23,956  Why are 0d arrays in Numpy not considered scalar?
 23,951  Appending a matrix to an existing file using numpy
 23,935  numpy ValueError shapes not aligned
 23,927  Complex number troubles with numpy
 23,897  Import Error: No module named numpy Anaconda
 23,869  Min-max normalisation of a NumPy array
 23,853  Fastest way to generate delimited string from 1d numpy array
 23,827  How do I print an aligned numpy array with (text) row and column labels?
 23,811  numpy reverse multidimensional array
 23,724  ValueError: Unknown label type: 'continuous'
 23,669  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'float' and 'numpy.float64' [duplicate]
 23,667  What is :: (double colon) in numpy like in myarray[0::3]? [duplicate]
 23,664  Is the order of a Python dictionary guaranteed over iterations?
 23,629  Indexing a numpy array with a list of tuples
 23,622  Getting data from ctypes array into numpy
 23,621  index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
 23,594  Scikit-Learn's Pipeline: A sparse matrix was passed, but dense data is required
 23,590  Maximum allowed value for a numpy data type
 23,564  Transpose of a vector using numpy
 23,546  How to install pip on python 3.6, not the default python 2.7?
 23,544  Get all permutations of a numpy array
 23,501  Install python-numpy in the Virtualenv environment
 23,471  Converting datetime string to datetime in numpy (python)
 23,465  resize with averaging or rebin a numpy 2d array
 23,464  How to convert RGB PIL image to numpy array with 3 channels?
 23,431  Compute the Jacobian matrix in Python
 23,428  Finding index of maximum value in array with NumPy
 23,413  Which kind of interpolation best for resizing image?
 23,380  adjusting heights of individual subplots in matplotlib in Python
 23,378  How to see top n entries of term-document matrix after tfidf in scikit-learn
 23,371  How to split a matrix into 4 blocks using numpy?
 23,370  Working with big data in python and numpy, not enough ram, how to save partial results on disc?
 23,360  What is the difference between numpy var() and statistics variance() in python?
 23,357  Merging a list of numpy arrays into one array (fast)
 23,309  NumPy for Python 2.7 on 64 bit Windows [duplicate]
 23,304  drawing circles on image with matplotlib and numpy
 23,296  How to convert numpy matrix to cv2 image [python]
 23,256  Install numpy in Python virtualenv
 23,237  Is there an analysis speed or memory usage advantage to using HDF5 for large array storage (instead of flat binary files)?
 23,234  Get intersecting rows across two 2D numpy arrays
 23,222  find row or column containing maximum value in numpy array
 23,214  Euler's method in python
 23,209  How to load a list of numpy arrays to pytorch dataset loader?
 23,203  How to slice an image into red, green and blue channels with misc.imread
 23,156  Find phase difference between two (inharmonic) waves
 23,143  Change the values of a NumPy array that are NOT in a list of indices
 23,117  How to find most frequent values in numpy ndarray?
 23,096  savetxt How change the type from float64 to int or double
 23,085  Python 32-bit memory limits on 64bit windows
 23,084  Rounding to significant figures in numpy
 23,082  Growing matrices columnwise in NumPy
 23,068  Row exchange in Numpy [duplicate]
 23,051  multiple conditions in numpy.where [duplicate]
 23,046  Can't call strftime on numpy.datetime64, no definition
 23,032  Python Numpy Poisson Distribution
 22,996  Permission denied when uninstalling numpy with pip
 22,977  How do I combine two numpy arrays element wise in python?
 22,976  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (224,224) (180,180)
 22,951  Pythonic way to import data from multiple files into an array
 22,937  `Sudo pip install matplotlib` fails to find freetype headers. [OS X Mavericks / 10.9] [closed]
 22,931  calculating Gini coefficient in Python/numpy
 22,911  Ambiguity in Pandas Dataframe / Numpy Array ''axis'' definition
 22,905  Numpy Array to base64 and back to Numpy Array - Python
 22,905  Numpy Array Get row index searching by a row
 22,899  How to write a numpy array to a csv file?
 22,855  Sort using argsort in python
 22,842  How to represent inf or -inf in Cython with numpy?
 22,816  Passing arguments to fsolve
 22,807  Complex matlab-like data structure in python (numpy/scipy)
 22,764  Fastest 2D convolution or image filter in Python
 22,760  numpy: Efficiently avoid 0s when taking log(matrix)
 22,748  How to detect lines accurately using HoughLines transform in openCV python?
 22,746  How to retain column headers of data frame after Pre-processing in scikit-learn
 22,745  open .raw image data using python
 22,740  How to Calculate Centroid in python
 22,739  How to convert a numpy array from 'float64' to 'float'
 22,729  How to load an image and show the image using keras?
 22,728  Creating a Distance Matrix?
 22,712  Using Python to replace MATLAB: how to import data?
 22,693  Numpy grouping using itertools.groupby performance
 22,683  numpy : calculate the derivative of the softmax function
 22,623  Python: write a wav file into numpy float array
 22,601  Python: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
 22,590  How to find linearly independent rows from a matrix
 22,588  How to fix ''ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead'' in sklearn/python?
 22,582  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'remove'
 22,566  Can't find package on Anaconda Navigator. What to do next?
 22,565  Set multi column index in pandas
 22,552  Grab unique tuples in python list, irrespective of order
 22,525  FFT real/imaginary/abs parts interpretation
 22,494  Faster way to loop through every pixel of an image in Python?
 22,464  Get original indices of a sorted Numpy array
 22,438  How to install numpy and scipy for Ironpython27? Old method doesn't work
 22,424  Python: What is the difference between math.exp and numpy.exp and why do numpy creators choose to introduce exp again
 22,424  How to create 0x0 Numpy array?
 22,414  Import numpy with python 2.6
 22,382  How do I subtract the previous row from the current row in a pandas dataframe and apply it to every row; without using a loop?
 22,350  ImportError: No module named backend_tkagg
 22,348  Reading binary data into pandas
 22,335  How to iterate over columns of a matrix?
 22,311  What is the difference between native int type and the types?
 22,307  How to convert array to list? [duplicate]
 22,302  Numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling
 22,298  Left Matrix Division and Numpy Solve
 22,276  Installing numpy for Windows 10: Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed
 22,249  python - how to append numpy array to a pandas dataframe
 22,245  Failed to interpret file %s as a pickle when loading an npy array
 22,238  Improving FFT performance in Python
 22,213  Plotting dates with sharex=True leads to ValueError: ordinal must be >= 1
 22,209  ValueError: matrices are not aligned
 22,199  How to generate 2d numpy array?
 22,197  Plotting histogram using seaborn for a dataframe
 22,196  Fitting a line in 3D
 22,164  Waterfall plot python?
 22,157  Append a 1d array to a 2d array in Numpy Python
 22,131  Convert python list with None values to numpy array with nan values
 22,124  How to convert numpy object array into str/unicode array?
 22,118  how to smooth a curve in python
 22,089  How update numpy 1.11 on Windows
 22,052  How to get a normal distribution within a range in numpy?
 22,040  Rotate numpy 2D array
 22,021  Install Numpy on Mac OS X Lion 10.7
 22,004  List comprehension, map, and numpy.vectorize performance
 21,991  Linear Interpolation using numpy.interp
 21,987  Plotting a polynomial in Python
 21,984  ImportError: No module named cv2
 21,970  How to check if a variable is either a python list, numpy array or pandas series
 21,944  Normalizing rows of a matrix python
 21,944  Concatenate sparse matrices in Python using SciPy/Numpy
 21,942  Reading Data in Columns Python 2.7.3
 21,899  In numpy.sum() there is parameter called ''keepdims''. What does it do?
 21,867  What does matrix**2 mean in python/numpy?
 21,857  Block tridiagonal matrix python
 21,851  How do I do conditional array arithmetic on a numpy array?
 21,835  matplotlib: ''TypeError: Image data can not convert to float'' for what look like a fine matrix
 21,801  Mixed types of elements in DataFrame's column
 21,795  OpenCV TypeError: contour is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
 21,792  Should I use `random.seed` or `numpy.random.seed` to control random number generation in `scikit-learn`?
 21,789  error of install numpy on linux red hat
 21,789  AttributeError list object has no attribute add
 21,752  Checking user input using isnan function of NumPy
 21,744  Cannot convert list to array: ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars
 21,681  comparing numpy arrays containing NaN
 21,676  numpy array assignment problem
 21,659  TensorFlow: using a tensor to index another tensor
 21,656  Reversed array in numpy?
 21,645  sigmoidal regression with scipy, numpy, python, etc
 21,644  Pandas dataframe: how to apply describe() to each group and add to new columns?
 21,644  numpy-like package for node
 21,622  Weighted moving average in python
 21,612  Why isn't pip updating my numpy and scipy?
 21,574  Python: Numpy standard deviation error
 21,557  convert image from CV_64F to CV_8U
 21,554  Coordinates of item on NumPy array
 21,541  How to plot scikit learn classification report?
 21,513  In numpy, what does selection by [:,None] do?
 21,492  NumPy - Faster way to implement threshold value ceiling
 21,491  Creating numpy array of custom objects gives error ''SystemError: error return without exception set''
 21,480  Cannot uninstall 'numpy'
 21,465  Compress numpy arrays efficiently
 21,445  How to extract points from a graph?
 21,436  Loading a dataset from file, to use with sklearn/numpy, including labels
 21,431  Find nth smallest element in numpy array [duplicate]
 21,412  Minimize function with parameters
 21,399  Difference between, np.int_, int, and np.int_t in cython?
 21,393  To extract non-nan values from multiple rows in a pandas dataframe
 21,391  Select multiple ranges of columns in Pandas DataFrame
 21,390  How to install in python 3.4 - .whl files
 21,369  Concatenate two numpy arrays in the 4th dimension
 21,367  How do I select an element in array column of a data frame?
 21,366  Sum one row of a NumPy array
 21,364  Unpack NumPy array by column
 21,341  Efficient & pythonic check for singular matrix
 21,341  Access array contents from a .mat file loaded using - python
 21,326  How to install NumPy on Windows 64?
 21,295  Python - Calculate histogram of image
 21,294  Using a sparse matrix versus numpy array
 21,290  IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10
 21,261  MAPE calculation in python
 21,258  How to filter a numpy array using another array's values?
 21,251  interpolation with python numpy
 21,203  Interpolation over an irregular grid
 21,148  sparse 3d matrix/array in Python?
 21,143  NumPy append vs Python append
 21,139  Python Reshape 3d array into 2d
 21,129  how to shade points in scatter based on colormap in matplotlib?
 21,127  What are some python libraries that use finite elements to solve structural two and three dimensional frames? [closed]
 21,114  How do pandas Rolling objects work?
 21,089  numpy - evaluate function on a grid of points
 21,042  Python 3: Multiply a vector by a matrix without NumPy
 21,041  How can I retrieve the current seed of NumPy's random number generator?
 21,033  Convert structured array to regular NumPy array
 21,032  How to apply Box-Cox transformation in Python?
 21,023  Pandas error: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'loc'
 21,008  extracting numpy array from Pyspark Dataframe
 21,000  matplotlib plot csv file of all columns
 20,996  Numpy Adding two vectors with different sizes
 20,966  Can't convert dates to datetime64
 20,939  Explain why numpy should not be imported from source directory
 20,926  plot a document tfidf 2D graph
 20,918  Python numpy compute first eigenvalue and eigenvector
 20,910  Create a dynamic 2D numpy array on the fly
 20,902  Multivariate spline interpolation in python/scipy?
 20,901  Flip x and y axes for Matplotlib imshow()
 20,893  Converting image from RGB to HSV color space
 20,887  Why isn't `curve_fit` able to estimate the covariance of the parameter if the parameter fits exactly?
 20,877  TensorFlow strings: what they are and how to work with them
 20,860  How to merge multiple arrays in python?
 20,856  Python - read text file with weird utf-16 format
 20,838  Read CSV file with semicolon as delimiter
 20,824  What is the preferred way to preallocate NumPy arrays?
 20,781  Concatenate (join) a NumPy array with a pandas DataFrame
 20,767  Remove mean from numpy matrix
 20,737  How to find the index of an array within an array
 20,734  Nearest Neighbor Search: Python
 20,727  How to reduce an image size in image processing (scipy/numpy/python)
 20,710  Cannot get histogram to show separated bins with vertical lines
 20,710  Apply a function to each row of a ndarray
 20,708  numpy bytes to plain string
 20,692  Matrix indexing in Numpy
 20,684  Opencv Python display raw image
 20,684  How do I find out if a numpy array contains integers?
 20,681  Improve Row Append Performance On Pandas DataFrames
 20,669  How to import Scipy and Numpy in Python?
 20,666  Save numpy array as image with high precision (16 bits) with scikit-image
 20,659  Is there a standard solution for Gauss elimination in Python?
 20,657  Scipy rotate and zoom an image without changing its dimensions
 20,632  Is there a head and tail method for Numpy array?
 20,610  How to make the angles in a matplotlib polar plot go clockwise with 0&deg; at the top?
 20,610  Histogram matching of two images in Python 2.x?
 20,606  What is the difference between dtype= and .astype() in numpy?
 20,560  how to zscore normalize pandas column with nans?
 20,524  Cython Compilation Error: dynamic module does not define module export function
 20,500  Delete columns from numpy array depending on a condition on a single cell
 20,498  Matplotlib imshow/matshow display values on plot
 20,487  TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array Python
 20,450  How to get reproducible results in keras
 20,445  Need help solving a second order non-linear ODE in python
 20,438  PyTorch memory model: ''torch.from_numpy()'' vs ''torch.Tensor()''
 20,432  numpy divide along axis
 20,419  Convert class 'pandas.indexes.numeric.Int64Index' to numpy
 20,408  vectorize conditional assignment in pandas dataframe
 20,389  Turn 2D NumPy array into 1D array for plotting a histogram
 20,386  TypeError: sparse matrix length is ambiguous; use getnnz() or shape[0] while using RF classifier?
 20,386  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in maximum
 20,383  ValueError: 'axis' entry is out of bounds // numpy
 20,363  How to read image from in memory buffer (StringIO) or from url with opencv python library
 20,355  Pandas - grouping intra day timeseries by date
 20,341  How to select all elements in a NumPy array except for a sequence of indices [duplicate]
 20,333  Error installing numpy
 20,324  How to add names to a numpy array without changing its dimension?
 20,312  Numpy:zero mean data and standardization
 20,312  Image smoothing in Python
 20,294  MemoryError when creating a very large numpy array [duplicate]
 20,278  Opencv draws numpy.zeros as a gray image
 20,273  Cannot get minor grid lines to appear in matplotlib figure
 20,261  View onto a numpy array?
 20,254  Convert pandas dataframe to numpy array - which approach to prefer? [duplicate]
 20,251  Crop a Bounding Box from an Image which is a Numpy Array
 20,249  Histogram equalization of grayscale images with NumPy
 20,223  What does the error ''int object has no attribute __getitem__'' mean for this code?
 20,221  What is the difference between the types <type 'numpy.string_'> and <type 'str'>?
 20,210  plotting with meshgrid and imshow
 20,200  For loop and 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable error
 20,156  How to use numpy.all() or numpy.any()?
 20,136  CS231n: How to calculate gradient for Softmax loss function?
 20,133  pandas multiple conditions based on multiple columns using np.where
 20,108  Python How to Import xlsx file using numpy
 20,084  Calculate Mahalanobis distance using NumPy only
 20,076  numpy ''Mean of empty slice.'' warning
 20,056  Conversion between Pillow Image object and numpy array changes dimension
 19,997  Python get image matrix PIL
 19,993  How to downgrade numpy?
 19,975  NumPy calculate square of norm 2 of vector
 19,972  how to export HDF5 file to NumPy using H5PY?
 19,967  numpy.unique with order preserved
 19,959  Slicing 3d numpy arrays
 19,947  Finding entries containing a substring in a numpy array?
 19,945  how to extract x,y coordinates from OpenCV ''cv2.keypoint'' object?
 19,941  Use scipy.integrate.quad to integrate complex numbers
 19,926  Numpy inverse mask
 19,898  Elegant grid search in python/numpy
 19,840  Plotting mplot3d / axes3D xyz surface plot with log scale?
 19,822  Why does pyplot.contour() require Z to be a 2D array?
 19,771  Tensorflow Tensor reshape and pad with zeros
 19,761  how to explain the decision tree from scikit-learn
 19,749  What is the difference between resize and reshape when using arrays in Numpy?
 19,742  Is there anything faster than dict()?
 19,741  Insert elements to beginning and end of numpy array
 19,680  10 Minutes to Pandas tutorial - to_numpy() does not exist?
 19,676  Computing and drawing vector fields
 19,636  installing numpy&scipy on centos 6.4
 19,630  Finding which rows have all elements as zeros in a matrix with numpy
 19,629  Numpy: get the column and row index of the minimum value of a 2D array
 19,616  Numpy and 16-bit PGM
 19,608  find intersection point of two lines drawn using houghlines opencv
 19,588  finding and replacing 'nan' with a number
 19,586  Key Error: None of [Int64Index ... ] dtype='int64] are in the columns
 19,570  Aggregating lambda functions in pandas and numpy
 19,552  Convert numpy scalar to simple python type [duplicate]
 19,533  how to transform a OpenCV cvMat back to ndarray in numpy ?
 19,528  How to show the whole image when using OpenCV warpPerspective
 19,526  Convert string column to integer
 19,524  Error when trying to apply log method to pandas data frame column in Python
 19,517  Constrained Linear Regression in Python
 19,512  Finding Sum of a Column in a List Getting ''TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type''
 19,510  Pyinstaller numpy ''Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll''
 19,472  Python: How to read line by line in a numpy array?
 19,457  Python: matplotlib 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'has_data'
 19,453  Obtaining values used in boxplot, using python and matplotlib
 19,448  Merge two numpy array's of different shape into a single array
 19,445  sklearn SVM fit() ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence''
 19,427  Fastest file format for read/write operations with Pandas and/or Numpy
 19,426  Saving numpy array to csv produces TypeError Mismatch
 19,425  How to detect a sign change for elements in a numpy array
 19,396  Sort numpy matrix row values in ascending order
 19,381  How to convert 3 lists into 1 3D Numpy array
 19,379  Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar
 19,356  How to read binary files in Python using NumPy?
 19,347  Replace NaN's in NumPy array with closest non-NaN value
 19,336  Python: How do I fill an array with a range of numbers?
 19,328  numpy boolean array with 1 bit entries
 19,312  numpy, named columns
 19,296  Creating a Confidence Ellipses in a sccatterplot using matplotlib
 19,286  Python Writing a numpy array to a CSV File [duplicate]
 19,265  matplotlib: how to annotate point on a scatter automatically placed arrow?
 19,262  Make distutils look for numpy header files in the correct place
 19,261  ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import while using mod_wsgi
 19,258  matplotlib show() doesn't work twice
 19,252  How do I remove rows from a numpy array based on multiple conditions?
 19,248  Concat two arrays of different dimensions numpy
 19,235  Compare (assert equality of) two complex data structures containing numpy arrays in unittest
 19,225  Drawing Histogram in OpenCV-Python
 19,203  Numpy loadtxt: ValueError: Wrong number of columns
 19,201  Histogram for discrete values with matplotlib
 19,180  Why NUMPY correlate and corrcoef return different values and how to ''normalize'' a correlate in ''full'' mode?
 19,175  How to find the local minima of a smooth multidimensional array in NumPy efficiently?
 19,141  Write multiple numpy arrays to file
 19,115  Difference between single and double bracket Numpy array?
 19,109  pythonic way to delete elements from a numpy array [duplicate]
 19,108  Python numpy array vs list
 19,082  how to remove positive infinity from numpy array ... if it is already converted to a number?
 19,062  Legend not showing up in Matplotlib stacked area plot
 19,056  Read a base 64 encoded image from memory using OpenCv python library
 19,050  Contruct 3d array in numpy from existing 2d array
 19,038  Multilabel-indicator is not supported for confusion matrix
 19,038  Multilabel-indicator is not supported for confusion matrix
 19,013  numpy gradient function and numerical derivatives
 19,010  How to compute volatility (standard deviation) in rolling window in Pandas
 18,979  Fast cross correlation method in Python
 18,975  What is the L in numpy.shape and 32 in numpy.type of an array?
 18,966  Remove dtype at the end of numpy array
 18,953  Numpy difference between neighboring elements
 18,951  Conditional indexing with Numpy ndarray
 18,920  python numpy savetxt
 18,916  3d plotting with python
 18,897  reshape an array of images
 18,896  Numpy array element-wise division (1/x)
 18,890  How to use NumPy array with ctypes?
 18,890  How to calculate mean color of image in numpy array?
 18,882  Is there easy way in python to extrapolate data points to the future?
 18,875  Index Error: index 3 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 3
 18,866  VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
 18,846  Python removing all negative values in array
 18,843  How to use the function numpy.append
 18,835  Python Numpy TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types
 18,833  Filling a 2D matrix in numpy using a for loop
 18,801  Scipy sparse matrix multiplication
 18,793  How to find all zeros of a function using numpy (and scipy)?
 18,785  numpy unique without sort [duplicate]
 18,781  What is the equivalent of 'fread' from Matlab in Python?
 18,764  how to plot Probability density Function (PDF) of inter-arrival time of events?
 18,758  ValueError: ndarray is not C-contiguous in cython
 18,753  Numpy Pure Functions for performance, caching
 18,752  Normalise 2D Numpy Array: Zero Mean Unit Variance
 18,741  Applying a function along a numpy array
 18,722  numpy.loadtxt ''could not convert string to float''
 18,706  numpy and scipy for preinstalled python 2.6.7 on mac OS Lion
 18,704  Python numpy.random.normal
 18,703  Replace sub part of matrix by another small matrix in numpy
 18,699  Pandas select only numeric or integer field from dataframe
 18,691  Import .dat file in Python 3
 18,683  Compute divergence of vector field using python
 18,673  Interactive plotting with Python via command line
 18,670  Loading arrays from numpy npz files in python
 18,661  Can I specify a numpy dtype when generating random values?
 18,656  Scipy hstack results in ''TypeError: no supported conversion for types: (dtype('float64'), dtype('O'))''
 18,654  How to remove every other element of an array in python? (The inverse of np.repeat()?)
 18,644  Second Derivative in Python - scipy/numpy/pandas
 18,642  Exit code 139 when performing image subtraction
 18,641  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'flip'
 18,635  Image.fromarray just produces black image
 18,617  TypeError: can't convert expression to float
 18,614  Using datetime as ticks in Matplotlib
 18,594  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'count'
 18,593  Plot numpy datetime64 with matplotlib
 18,585  Forcing `pip` to recompile a previously installed package (numpy) after switching to a different Python binary
 18,570  why isn't numpy.mean multithreaded?
 18,564  Import .dat file as an array
 18,557  Convert a column of timestamps into periods in pandas
 18,554  How to fit a polynomial curve to data using scikit-learn?
 18,549  How to multiply numpy 2D array with numpy 1D array?
 18,531  Vectorized look-up of values in Pandas dataframe
 18,531  python - using numpy loadtxt reading a csv file with different data types for each column
 18,531  numpy datetime64 add or substract date interval
 18,527  Numpy converting range of angles from (-Pi, Pi) to (0, 2*Pi)
 18,518  Type hinting / annotation (PEP 484) for numpy.ndarray
 18,514  Reordering matrix elements to reflect column and row clustering in naiive python
 18,509  Spherical coordinates plot in matplotlib
 18,462  How do I delete a row in a numpy array which contains a zero? [duplicate]
 18,457  Shuffle columns of an array with Numpy
 18,454  Numpy concatenate is slow: any alternative approach?
 18,450  zero values of an array to be converted to nan values
 18,426  Shortest way to replace parts of strings in NumPy array
 18,409  What is the internal precision of numpy.float128?
 18,398  Finding the Index of N biggest elements in Python Array / List Efficiently
 18,394  Performance of Pandas apply vs np.vectorize to create new column from existing columns
 18,392  What does axis = 0 do in Numpy's sum function?
 18,391  Using numpy to efficiently convert 16-bit image data to 8 bit for display, with intensity scaling
 18,380  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars app.launch_new_instance()
 18,378  Correct way to test for numpy.dtype
 18,377  Python cv2 HoughLines grid line detection
 18,375  Vertical Histogram in Python and Matplotlib
 18,353  numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge
 18,347  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.testing.nosetester'
 18,344  numpy.fft() what is the return value amplitude + phase shift OR angle?
 18,338  Viewing .npy images
 18,325  What's the most efficient way to convert a MySQL result set to a NumPy array?
 18,324  Importing data in Spyder-Python
 18,322  Derivative of an array in python?
 18,313  Split array at value in numpy
 18,313  Convert elements in a numpy array to string
 18,310  Distribution plot of an array
 18,306  error extracting element from an array. python
 18,305  Vectorizing a function (Python)
 18,285  Reversing 'one-hot' encoding in Pandas
 18,283  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10,10) into shape (10,18)
 18,275  Python: how to store a numpy multidimensional array in PyTables?
 18,272  Bernoulli random number generator
 18,266  Numpy import throws AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'core'
 18,243  Limit number of threads in numpy
 18,240  Merge 2 arrays vertical to tuple Numpy
 18,227  pandas distinction between str and object types
 18,206  How to determine if a number is any type of int (core or numpy, signed or not)?
 18,200  find length of sequences of identical values in a numpy array (run length encoding)
 18,189  Randomly select from numpy array
 18,186  Create new dataframe in pandas with dynamic names also add new column
 18,179  Fastest way to write large CSV with Python
 18,163  genfromtxt returning NaN rows
 18,158  numpy.loadtxt Skipping multiple rows
 18,138  Numpy matrix of coordinates
 18,134  Reading ASCII file in Python (numpy-array?)
 18,128  Reading an entire binary file into Python
 18,121  Convert two numpy array to dataframe
 18,120  How to do a column sum in Tensorflow?
 18,110  Sum elements in a row (Python/Numpy)
 18,106  Ignoring NaN in a dataframe
 18,079  Fast Haversine Approximation (Python/Pandas)
 18,068  numpy function to set elements of array to a value given a list of indices
 18,063  Cython Numpy warning about NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API when using MemoryView
 18,051  Repeating each element of a numpy array 5 times
 18,041  Unpivot Pandas Data
 18,037  TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType for a function that uses only floats
 18,031  Missing data, insert rows in Pandas and fill with NAN
 18,028  Clustering geo location coordinates (lat,long pairs) using KMeans algorithm with Python
 18,005  How to convert a numpy matrix to a pandas series?
 18,003  numpy is already installed with Anaconda but I get an ImportError (DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found)
 17,985  how do i convert a numpy array to pandas dataframe
 17,982  subtracting the mean of each row in numpy with broadcasting
 17,979  Read sparse matrix in python
 17,977  Python Pandas: remove entries based on the number of occurrences
 17,965  Hierarchical clustering of time series in Python scipy/numpy/pandas?
 17,964  Matplotlib yaxis range display using absolute values rather than offset values?
 17,951  Python/NumPy first occurrence of subarray
 17,950  How to convert an excel file data into numpy array using pandas?
 17,931  Fast numpy fancy indexing
 17,927  Multiprocessing.Pool makes Numpy matrix multiplication slower
 17,924  How to split an array according to a condition in numpy?
 17,911  Error NameError: name 'np' is not defined [closed]
 17,905  How to modify 2d Scatterplot to display color based off third array in csv file?
 17,895  ADF test in statsmodels in Python
 17,878  How do I install pandas for Python 3.4 in Windows?
 17,876  Perform a reverse cumulative sum on a numpy array
 17,873  Show confidence limits and prediction limits in scatter plot
 17,869  Populate a Pandas SparseDataFrame from a SciPy Sparse Matrix
 17,862  pandas DataFrame diagonal
 17,859  fminunc alternate in numpy
 17,854  How to calculate slope in numpy
 17,836  Fast interpolation of grid data
 17,826  Modifying a numpy array inside a function?
 17,820  using python numpy linspace in for loop
 17,812  Techniques for working with large Numpy arrays? [duplicate]
 17,808  Creating a numpy array of 3D coordinates from three 1D arrays
 17,761  Calculating Autocorrelation of Pandas DataFrame along each Column
 17,759  NumPy - What is the difference between frombuffer and fromstring?
 17,727  Matplotlib - Finance volume overlay
 17,717  Python - Matplotlib: normalize axis when plotting a Probability Density Function
 17,715  Generate a random sample of points distributed on the surface of a unit sphere
 17,711  Scatter a 2D numpy array in matplotlib
 17,679  Analysing Time Series in Python - pandas formatting error - statsmodels
 17,675  Using NumPy and Cpython with Jython
 17,675  Machine Epsilon in Python
 17,654  a value too large for dtype('float64') [closed]
 17,652  Efficient way to normalize a Scipy Sparse Matrix
 17,649  Python floating-point precision format specifier
 17,639  TypeError: img data type = 17 is not supported
 17,619  Importing Numpy results in error even though Anaconda says it's installed?
 17,618  Opposite of numpy.unwrap
 17,577  Reading non-uniform data from file into array with NumPy
 17,577  Ignoring -Inf values in arrays using numpy/scipy in Python
 17,569  Fast Numerical Integration in Python
 17,553  Understanding tensordot
 17,546  How to combine multiple numpy masks
 17,512  Numpy equivalent of MATLAB's cell array
 17,486  Find the shortest distance between a point and line segments (not line)
 17,484  OpenCV: setting all pixels of specific BGR value to another BGR value
 17,475  Use Python code in C/C++
 17,458  python numpy ndarray element-wise mean
 17,427  How open a jpg in numpy?
 17,426  Reading CSV files in numpy where delimiter is '',''
 17,417  numpy save 2d array to text file
 17,417  Is there a Python equivalent of range(n) for multidimensional ranges?
 17,391  python extract elements from array
 17,385  How I can calculate standard deviation for rows of a dataframe?
 17,373  Does Numpy automatically detect and use GPU?
 17,369  Merging time series data by timestamp using numpy/pandas
 17,356  Fastest way to parse JSON strings into numpy arrays
 17,304  Compute *rolling* maximum drawdown of pandas Series
 17,293  plotting 3d scatter in matplotlib
 17,283  Efficient method of calculating density of irregularly spaced points
 17,282  Element-wise array maximum function in NumPy (more than two arrays)
 17,277  How do I feed Tensorflow placeholders with numpy arrays?
 17,274  Explaining the differences between dim, shape, rank, dimension and axis in numpy
 17,266  Swap two rows in a numpy array in python [duplicate]
 17,264  converting a 2d dictionary to a numpy matrix
 17,260  how to split a dataset into training and validation set keeping ratio between classes?
 17,236  Negative exponent with NumPy array operand
 17,234  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'toarray'
 17,230  How to force python float operation on float32 rather than float64
 17,201  Convert NumPy vector to 2D array / matrix
 17,193  How to make a checkerboard in numpy?
 17,178  find if a number is float64
 17,177  Fast inverse and transpose matrix in Python
 17,177  Does Python have a function to reduce fractions?
 17,152  Difference in output between numpy linspace and numpy logspace
 17,139  How to group rows in a Numpy 2D matrix based on column values?
 17,138  I want to select specific range of indexes from an array
 17,115  Getting numpy to import in Python (Pycharm), Anaconda installed
 17,059  sigmoid function - TypeError
 17,057  Display a .png image from python on mint-15 linux
 17,048  How to change array shapes in in numpy?
 17,024  Multiple data set plotting with matplotlib.pyplot.plot_date
 17,009  How to map numeric data into categories / bins in Pandas dataframe
 16,999  How to install numpy to Python 3.5?
 16,955  Is there a convenient way to apply a lookup table to a large array in numpy?
 16,949  check type within numpy array
 16,940  A faster alternative to Pandas `isin` function
 16,935  How do I install Numpy for Python 2.7 on Windows?
 16,931  MATLAB twice as fast as Numpy
 16,925  Numpy matrix binarization using only one expression
 16,923  Link ATLAS/MKL to an installed Numpy
 16,920  Count total number of white pixels in an image is throwing an error
 16,899  Python numpy.random.normal only positive values
 16,879 gives ''WavFileWarning: chunk not understood'' error
 16,867  Library to perform coordinate system transformations? [closed]
 16,866  Center crop a numpy array
 16,830  recover dict from 0-d numpy array
 16,829  How do you run a file properly? [duplicate]
 16,822  Add ''nan'' to numpy array 20 times without loop
 16,818  How to get array of random integers of non-default type in numpy
 16,809  Correlation coefficients and p values for all pairs of rows of a matrix
 16,808  How to avoid ''RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide'' in NumPy?
 16,805  Multiplication of 1d arrays in numpy
 16,776  With Numpy, what’s the best way to compute the inner product of a vector of size 10 with each row in a matrix of size (5, 10)? [closed]
 16,772  Possible conflicting python installations
 16,759  numpy ''TypeError: ufunc 'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types'' when using a dynamically created boolean mask
 16,757  'b' character added when using numpy loadtxt
 16,755  numpy.genfromtxt produces array of what looks like tuples, not a 2D array—why?
 16,753  Find out if/which BLAS library is used by Numpy
 16,747  slicing numpy array into two parts
 16,720  How can I simply calculate the rolling/moving variance of a time series in python?
 16,715  What does a colon and comma stand in a python list?
 16,702  Plotting two different arrays of different lengths
 16,699  numpy sum along axis
 16,696  Numercially stable softmax
 16,672  How to select rows that do not start with some str in pandas?
 16,671  Reading unicode elements into numpy array
 16,660  What is the difference between `np.histogram` and `plt.hist`? Why don't these commands plot the same graphics?
 16,653  'End of statement expected' in pycharm [duplicate]
 16,652  Python TypeError : only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
 16,601  List of List to ndarray
 16,567  Numpy Array, Data must be 1-dimensional
 16,561  numpy.random.choice vs random.choice
 16,550  Simple, efficient bilinear interpolation of images in numpy and python
 16,534  How to return indices of values between two numbers in numpy array
 16,520  How to select inverse of indexes of a numpy array?
 16,516  How to store a numpy arrays in a column of a Pandas dataframe?
 16,506  circle detection in open cv using python
 16,498  What is ''random-state'' in sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split example?
 16,478  TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced
 16,473  Multidimensional Euclidean Distance in Python
 16,472  pandas: write tab-separated dataframe with literal tabs with no quotes
 16,465  numpy.ndarray vs pandas.DataFrame
 16,462  Numpy, the array doesn't have its own data?
 16,440  Official abbreviation for: import scipy as sp/sc
 16,436  Numpy concatenate 2D arrays with 1D array
 16,435  Cannot import cv on Opencv2
 16,423  Python double free error for huge datasets
 16,408  How to center labels in histogram plot
 16,406  Plot Piecewise Function in Python
 16,397  Using python load images from directory and reshape [closed]
 16,394  How to plot a superimposed bar chart using matplotlib in python?
 16,391  How do you Unit Test Python DataFrames
 16,387  Lowpass Filter in python
 16,386  Merge numpy arrays returned from loop
 16,369  date2num , ValueError: ordinal must be >= 1
 16,356  Add new column to Python Pandas DataFrame based on multiple conditions [duplicate]
 16,347  Pandas in AWS lambda gives numpy error
 16,343  How to convert singleton array to a scalar value in Python?
 16,343  Custom data types in numpy arrays
 16,329  Converters behavior in NumPy loadtxt not understood
 16,325  Most efficient way to forward-fill NaN values in numpy array
 16,323  Comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object
 16,321  Fill a numpy array with the same number? [duplicate]
 16,318  Calculate average of every x rows in a table and create new table
 16,293  numpy array: IndexError: too many indices for array
 16,287  understanding numpy's dstack function
 16,279  Python equivalent of MATLAB's ''ismember'' function
 16,267  Why does numpy.linalg.solve() offer more precise matrix inversions than numpy.linalg.inv()?
 16,267  numpy.shape gives inconsistent responses - why?
 16,257  Fit a curve to a histogram in Python
 16,252  python: calculate center of mass
 16,242  Memory error with large data sets for pandas.concat and numpy.append
 16,241  How can I take the square root of -1 using python?
 16,232  Weighted average using numpy.average
 16,226  Python Matrix sorting via one column
 16,222  Trouble with '' cv2.imshow ()'' function
 16,222  Numpy Broadcast to perform euclidean distance vectorized
 16,208  Numpy: How to find first non-zero value in every column of a numpy array?
 16,207  What are the advantages of using numpy.identity over numpy.eye?
 16,193  Mean Absolute Error - Python
 16,147  Python: find contour lines from matplotlib.pyplot.contour()
 16,144  matplotlib.scatter() not working with Numpy on Python 3.6
 16,126  Parallelise python loop with numpy arrays and shared-memory
 16,123  Python scipy.optimize: Using fsolve with multiple first guesses
 16,121  Discrete Fourier Transform: How to use fftshift correctly with fft
 16,114  Python (Numpy) array sorting
 16,103  numpy array casting ruled not 'safe'
 16,093  Curve curvature in numpy
 16,081  python Spyder not importing numpy
 16,060  Converting a 2D numpy array to a structured array
 16,048  numpy, how do I find total rows in a 2D array and total column in a 1D array
 16,047  Numpy mean of nonzero values
 16,014  Efficient standard basis vector with numpy
 16,010  UserWarning: converting a masked element to nan
 15,997  How find values in an array that meet two conditions using Python
 15,994  How to ''embed'' a small numpy array into a predefined block of a large numpy array?
 15,990  Multiple linear regression with python
 15,963  How to get unix timestamp from numpy.datetime64
 15,963  add a number to all odd or even indexed elements in numpy array without loops
 15,932  Equivalent of ''whos'' command in NumPy
 15,921  Read in Raw Binary Image in Python
 15,921  How to use numpy's hstack?
 15,915  TypeError: 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment
 15,908  Numpy: Subtract array element by element
 15,907  Curve fitting using matplotlib
 15,901  Python: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application
 15,886  MATLAB to Python Code conversion (NumPy, SciPy, MatplotLib?)
 15,881  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'iloc'
 15,880  NumPy Error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
 15,876  Saving numpy array in mongodb
 15,873  Python3, how to install numpy on CentOS 7?
 15,866  Installing scipy in Python 3.5 on 32-bit Windows 7 Machine
 15,855  How can I get the x and y dimensions of a ndarray - Numpy / Python
 15,850  Cannot figure out how to install numpy with Python 3.3.3 and Windows 7 64bit
 15,844  How to deal with PyCharm's ''Expected type X, got Y instead''
 15,823  Find roots of a function a x^n + bx - c = 0 where n isn't an integer with Numpy?
 15,808  How to set time zone of values in a Pandas DataFrame?
 15,799  Multivariate kernel density estimation in Python
 15,788  Why is numpy.array so slow?
 15,777  Generate array of number pairs from 2 numpy vectors [duplicate]
 15,736  Convert byte array back to numpy array
 15,733  Iterations through pixels in an image are terribly slow with python (OpenCV)
 15,730  min, max and mean over large NumPy arrays in Python
 15,719  Difference between Numpy and Numpy-MKL?
 15,716  Understanding NumPy's nonzero function
 15,700  Triangle wave shaped array in Python
 15,694  Using PIL and NumPy to convert an image to Lab array, modify the values and then convert back
 15,693  Plotting a 2D Array with Matplotlib
 15,693  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'median'
 15,662  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in long_scalars
 15,660  Most efficient way to construct similarity matrix
 15,647  Unwanted extra dimensions in NumPy array
 15,646  R's which() and which.min() Equivalent in Python
 15,636  Numpy: How to elementwise-multiply two vectors, shape (n,1) and (n,)?
 15,610  How does tensorflow batch_matmul work?
 15,599  Numpy: change max in each row to 1, all other numbers to 0
 15,591  Correct fitting with scipy curve_fit including errors in x?
 15,585  student t confidence interval in python
 15,585  How to determine which points are inside of a polygon and which are not (large number of points)?
 15,575  Square root of all values in numpy array, preserving sign
 15,562  Probability Distribution Function Python
 15,561  Efficient way to add a singleton dimension to a NumPy vector so that slice assignments work
 15,550  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence in Python
 15,547  Subsample pandas dataframe
 15,539  Set values on the diagonal of pandas.DataFrame
 15,535  Rotating images by 90 degrees for a multidimensional NumPy array
 15,532  'the label [0] is not in the [index]'
 15,530  Linear regression of arrays containing NANs in Python/Numpy
 15,525  Unexpected Exception in numpy.isfinite()
 15,524  Saving and loading a Numpy Matrix in python
 15,523  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'toList'
 15,519  Discarding alpha channel from images stored as Numpy arrays
 15,500  power spectrum by numpy.fft.fft
 15,498  np_utils.to_categorical Reverse
 15,496  how to annotate heatmap with text in matplotlib?
 15,491  python - how to find area under curve? [closed]
 15,470  Is there a c# library that provides array manipulation like numpy [closed]
 15,464  fit two gaussians to a histogram from one set of data, python
 15,454  What is the best way to convert a SymPy matrix to a numpy array/matrix
 15,454  Adding 2 matrix and Multiplying 2 matrix in python by using scipy/numpy
 15,449  The difference between comparison to np.nan and isnull()
 15,440  Truncating decimal digits numpy array of floats
 15,437  reading csv files in scipy/numpy in Python
 15,429  Adding records to a numpy record array
 15,418  How to plot gamma distribution with alpha and beta parameters in python
 15,413  Pandas dataframe groupby to calculate population standard deviation
 15,412  Difference between nonzero(a), where(a) and argwhere(a). When to use which?
 15,408  Pandas aggregation ignoring NaN's
 15,399  Read Matlab Data File into Python, Need to Export to CSV
 15,396  Standard deviation/error of linear regression
 15,396  divide by zero encountered in double_scalars for derivative calculations
 15,391  how to find the unique non nan values in a numpy array?
 15,386  python - How to get high and low envelope of a signal?
 15,383  Correct usage of fmin_l_bfgs_b for fitting model parameters
 15,378  dtypes. Difference between S1 and S2 in Python
 15,375  How can I get an array of alternating values in python?
 15,371  Tukey five number summary in Python
 15,370  numpy: multiply arrays rowwise
 15,365  Partial derivative in Python
 15,364  Normalization VS. numpy way to normalize?
 15,363  Frequency detection from a sound file
 15,362  Printing numpy.float64 with full precision
 15,362  Installing numpy as a dependency with setuptools
 15,347  How to plot a multivariate function in Python?
 15,336  Compare `float` and `float64` in python
 15,328  numpy arbitrary precision linear algebra
 15,322  What is the fastest way to slice a scipy.sparse matrix?
 15,322  Check if variable is None or numpy.array
 15,319  Matplotlib : display array values with imshow
 15,316  testing if a numpy array is symmetric?
 15,315  Discrete Laplacian (del2 equivalent) in Python
 15,306  Floating point precision in Python array
 15,304  NumPy won't install in Python 3.4.0 in Win7
 15,303  Python - calculating trendlines with errors
 15,293  How to convert Pytorch autograd.Variable to Numpy?
 15,284  unable to read a tab delimited file into a numpy 2-D array
 15,280  CountVectorizer does not print vocabulary
 15,277  Numpy and Scipy installation on windows
 15,268  python matplotlib plot sparse matrix pattern
 15,262  Why tensorflow uses channel-last ordering instead of row-major?
 15,255  Load a tiff stack in a numpy array with python
 15,253  import image to python as 2D array
 15,248  Python Median Filter for 1D numpy array
 15,230  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numpy == 1.9.3
 15,219  How do I load specific rows from a .txt file in Python?
 15,216  Modify pandas dataframe values with numpy array
 15,208  How set a particular cell value in pandas?
 15,198  SciPy and scikit-learn - ValueError: Dimension mismatch
 15,186  Python/Numpy subarray selection
 15,177  Get week start date (Monday) from a date column in Python (pandas)?
 15,174  OpenCV image subtraction vs Numpy subtraction
 15,172  How to call a numpy.random function when numpy is *-imported and random is non-*-imported
 15,171  Print `numpy.ndarray` on a single line
 15,165  how to install numpy and scipy on OS X?
 15,155  Is this the best way to add an extra dimension to a numpy array in one line of code?
 15,153  Histogram in Python Using matplotlib [duplicate]
 15,148  Is there any numpy autocorrellation function with standardized output?
 15,135  python - how to compute correlation-matrix with nans in data-matrix
 15,130  Max value of a 3d array in python
 15,117  what does numpy.apply_along_axis perform exactly?
 15,103  Python baseline correction library
 15,083  Create large random boolean matrix with numpy
 15,053  How to get the linear index for a numpy array (sub2ind)
 15,053  Converting numpy array into dataframe column?
 15,050  Flipping zeroes and ones in one-dimensional NumPy array
 15,042  How to use scipy.optimize.minimize
 15,040  working of ndim in numpy [duplicate]
 15,015  Python unsharp mask
 15,014  How to create random orthonormal matrix in python numpy
 15,012  numpy.cov() exception: 'float' object has no attribute 'shape'
 15,004  How to calculate the 99% confidence interval for the slope in a linear regression model in python?
 14,996  one-dimensional array shapes (length,) vs. (length,1) vs. (length)
 14,993  Indexing numpy array with another numpy array
 14,990  Check for None in pandas dataframe
 14,988  KeyError when plotting a sliced pandas dataframe with datetimes
 14,979  How can I assign/update subset of tensor shared variable in Theano?
 14,969  Manipulating the numpy.random.exponential distribution in Python
 14,956  Python module for multiple variable global optimization
 14,956  Getting all rows with NaN value
 14,952  How to perform non-linear optimization with scipy/numpy or sympy?
 14,951  Convert numpy array to PySide QPixmap
 14,948  Error with Sklearn Random Forest Regressor
 14,942  Upsample and Interpolate a NumPy Array
 14,942  How to get value from a theano tensor variable backed by a shared variable?
 14,926  How do I write/create a GeoTIFF RGB image file in python?
 14,890  Write object array to .txt file
 14,890  usecols in loadtxt
 14,876  How to save and load an array of complex numbers using numpy.savetxt?
 14,871  ValueError: No axis named 1 for object type <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
 14,867  how to make square subplots in matplotlib with heatmaps?
 14,862  opencv cvtColor dtype issue(error: (-215) )
 14,848  Unable to load DLL python module in PyCharm. Works fine in IPython
 14,847  Addition of multiple arrays in python
 14,844  Efficient way to convert delimiter separated string to numpy array
 14,841  Keep a figure ''on hold'' after running a script
 14,816  How much of NumPy and SciPy is in C?
 14,810  Can't install numpy with
 14,802  Conditional operations on numpy arrays
 14,801  applying functions to groups in pandas dataframe
 14,798  How to change the dtype of certain columns of a numpy recarray?
 14,796  Python with Numpy/Scipy vs. Pure C++ for Big Data Analysis [closed]
 14,790  Finding a subimage inside a Numpy image
 14,783  Adding an np.array as a column in a pandas.DataFrame
 14,782  Correct way to point to ATLAS/BLAS/LAPACK libraries for numpy build?
 14,769  Numpy: How to scale an integer array by an integer value?
 14,755  Sum array by number in numpy
 14,755  How to import a Matrix from a text file in Python
 14,743  Matrix Multiplication in Clojure vs Numpy
 14,739  ''ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous''
 14,735  calculating percentage error by comparing two arrays
 14,730  ImportError: cannot import name __check_build while importing TfidfVectorizer from sklearn
 14,723  Run function exactly once for each row in a Pandas dataframe
 14,721  ''IndexError: too many indices'' in numpy python
 14,717  numpy/scipy analog of matlab's fminsearch
 14,708  Scikit-learn χ&sup2; (chi-squared) statistic and corresponding contingency table
 14,704  Use numpy.argwhere to obtain the matching values in an np.array
 14,703  Matplotlib plot_surface transparency artefact
 14,702  What are the workaround options for python out of memory error?
 14,702  inpolygon for Python - Examples of matplotlib.path.Path contains_points() method?
 14,698  Middle point of each pair of an numpy.array
 14,696  MATLAB ind2sub equivalent in Python
 14,682  Numpy sort ndarray on multiple columns
 14,675  How can I tell if NumPy creates a view or a copy?
 14,651  Numpy Cannot cast ufunc multiply output from dtype
 14,647  numpy ndarrays: row-wise and column-wise operations
 14,617  Multiple pie charts using matplotlib
 14,604  Calculate cosine similarity of two matrices
 14,600  type str doesn't define __round__ method error
 14,598  ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 5 to array axis with dimension 2
 14,572  What does x[x < 2] = 0 mean in Python?
 14,555  Plot Mandelbrot with matplotlib / pyplot / numpy / python
 14,546  Python numpy index is out of bound for axis zero
 14,542  Plancks Formula for Blackbody spectrum
 14,539  Convert list of arrays to pandas dataframe
 14,528  How to vectorize this python code?
 14,527  Get minimum x and y from 2D numpy array of points
 14,507  bad operand type for abs(): 'list'
 14,506  convert image (np.array) to binary image
 14,501  How to plot a set of points in python?
 14,484  Numpy: Beginner nditer
 14,482  Delete some elements from numpy array
 14,468  Pandas: Using Unix epoch timestamp as Datetime index
 14,466  How to elementwise-multiply a scipy.sparse matrix by a broadcasted dense 1d array?
 14,465  Efficient way to compute intersecting values between two numpy arrays
 14,460  How to fix 'Float' object has no attribute 'exp'?
 14,451  Numpy image - rotate matrix 270 degrees
 14,442  Numpy mean AND variance from single function?
 14,441  Which number represents rows and columns in the tuple returned by shape?
 14,440  numpy astype from float32 to float16
 14,432  statsmodels installation: No module named 'numpy.distutils._msvccompiler' in numpy.distutils; trying from distutils
 14,423  Python Numpy Matrix - Return the value contained in the matrix?
 14,415  How do I add rows and columns to a NUMPY array?
 14,398  How to convert from pandas.DatetimeIndex to numpy.datetime64?
 14,383  How to append a NumPy array to a NumPy array
 14,375  Pandas Latitude-Longitude to distance between successive rows [duplicate]
 14,364  Pandas: Use multiple columns of a dataframe as index of another
 14,347  Numpy *.npz internal file structure
 14,308  Fast calculation of Pareto front in Python
 14,299  Convert little endian string to integer
 14,292  How to draw probabilistic distributions with numpy/matplotlib?
 14,291  Pandas finding local max and min
 14,289  KNearest Neighbors in sklearn - ValueError: query data dimension must match training data dimension
 14,287  Numpy high precision
 14,285  Python - Bilinear image interpolation
 14,273  Python remove outliers from data
 14,258  numpy IndexError: too many indices for array when indexing matrix with another
 14,253  numpy contour: TypeError: Input z must be a 2D array
 14,234  Equivalent of `polyfit` for a 2D polynomial in Python
 14,228  TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'method'
 14,226  Color a particular node in Networkx and Graphviz
 14,222  Check if each element in a numpy array is in another array
 14,214  Python JSON encoder convert NaNs to 'null' instead
 14,214  How to properly upgrade numpy on Windows 7?
 14,211  What is the purpose of numpy.log1p( )?
 14,208  Saving with h5py arrays of different sizes
 14,185  What is an intuitive explanation of np.unravel_index?
 14,185  IndexError: index is out of bounds for axis 0 with size
 14,180  How to Zoom with Axes3D in Matplotlib
 14,169  Properly convert png to npy numpy array (Image to Array)
 14,161  pcolormesh with missing values?
 14,154  Numpy: Concatenating multidimensional and unidimensional arrays
 14,151  How to convert numpy int to float with separate numpy array?
 14,133  Fast Numpy Loops
 14,128  numpy random choice in Tensorflow
 14,127  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'find' while trying to generate boxplot?
 14,126  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
 14,115  Resizing and stretching a NumPy array
 14,114  Numpy python find minimum value of each column and subtract this value from each column
 14,109  Linear algebra on python
 14,102  Integer step size in scipy optimize minimize
 14,092  Pycharm pip install wont work behind a proxy
 14,073  Python numpy array sum over certain indices
 14,073  How can I get year - month - day from a numpy datetime64? [duplicate]
 14,072  Anaconda installation to home directory
 14,067  RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xc but this version of numpy is 0xb
 14,049  Convert a numpy array to a CSV string and a CSV string back to a numpy array
 14,032  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in np.exp(x**2)
 14,030  Python numpy loop index out of bounds error
 14,027  convert elements of an array from scientific notation to decimal notation in python
 14,008  How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function
 14,002  projectile motion simple simulation using numpy matplotlib python
 13,992  numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?
 13,984  Convert a text file to a numpy array
 13,982  plotting 3d histogram/barplot in python matplotlib
 13,973  Fitting a curve to a power-law distribution with curve_fit does not work
 13,960  How to one-hot-encode from a pandas column containing a list?
 13,959  Select One Element in Each Row of a Numpy Array by Column Indices
 13,959  Install NumPy for Python 3.2.3 on OS X 10.7.4
 13,956  Installing numpy in qpython
 13,955  Python numpy float16 datatype operations, and float8?
 13,948  Crop part of np.array
 13,936  Adding a field to a structured numpy array (2)
 13,934  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'split'
 13,924  opencv/python: Draw image over a webcam stream [duplicate]
 13,923  numpy histogram cumulative density does not sum to 1
 13,922  PyCharm getitem warning for functions with arrays
 13,907  plot x-axis as date in matplotlib
 13,905  Convert NumPy array to 0 or 1 based on threshold
 13,904  How do I tell if a column in a pandas dataframe is of type datetime? How do I tell if a column is numerical?
 13,889  Python: How do you stop numpy from multithreading?
 13,883  Fastest way to compute entropy of each numpy array row?
 13,877  Tensorflow eval() without session or move variable to an other session
 13,875  Python matplotlib.dates.date2num: converting numpy array to matplotlib datetimes
 13,866  Bind columns (from vectors) for numpy
 13,861  NumPy, RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
 13,855  python 2d array to dict
 13,848  How to exclude rows/columns from numpy.ndarray data
 13,848  Get indices of array where two conditions (on different arrays) are true
 13,845  Wave Simulation with Python
 13,819  Python - ''cannot perform reduce with flexible type'' when trying to use numpy.mean
 13,813  What are all the possible calculations that could cause a NaN in Python? [closed]
 13,807  convert pandas float series to int
 13,805  Matrix multiplication on CPU (numpy) and GPU (gnumpy) give different results
 13,804  How to use griddata from scipy.interpolate
 13,801  Select cells randomly from NumPy array - without replacement
 13,792  Quickly read HDF 5 file in python?
 13,790  Selecting a column of a numpy array
 13,788  Calculating cosine values for an array in Python
 13,783  Adding labels to a matplotlib graph
 13,764  How to plot result of np.histogram with matplotlib analog to plt.hist [duplicate]
 13,764  How to compress png file with opencv in python?
 13,763  Numpy Pyinstaller ImportError: cannot import name multiarray
 13,762  What is the multiplication operator actually doing with numpy arrays? [duplicate]
 13,758  In Numpy, find Euclidean distance between each pair from two arrays
 13,743  Equivalent of R/ifelse in Python/Pandas? Compare string columns?
 13,735  Exporting a 3D numpy to a VTK file for viewing in Paraview/Mayavi
 13,731  deprecation error in sklearn about empty array without any empty array in my code
 13,729  I can't seem to install numpy
 13,711  Numpy gcd function
 13,708  efficient way of removing None's from numpy array
 13,708  2D Nearest Neighbor Interpolation in Python
 13,704  Numpy's 'linalg.solve' and 'linalg.lstsq' not giving same answer as Matlab's '\' or mldivide
 13,704  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'to_rgb'
 13,677  Numpy Root-Mean-Squared (RMS) smoothing of a signal
 13,674  Prevent anti-aliasing for imshow in matplotlib
 13,661  Efficient Way to Create Numpy Arrays from Binary Files
 13,653  Numpy random choice of tuples
 13,649  Pandas Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
 13,648  In Python, how can I calculate correlation and statistical significance between two arrays of data?
 13,626  What does -1 in numpy reshape mean? [duplicate]
 13,624  Generating random correlated x and y points using Numpy
 13,614  Pearson correlation coefficient 2-tailed p-value meaning [closed]
 13,611  Efficient way to create list of same numbers? [duplicate]
 13,604  concatenate multiple numpy arrays in one array?
 13,588  Reshaping dataframes in pandas based on column labels
 13,578  Integrating a multidimensional integral in scipy
 13,564  Numerical Laplace transform python
 13,562  SciPy NumPy and SciKit-learn , create a sparse matrix
 13,548  How to run non-linear regression in python
 13,539  Python - ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
 13,526  Install Numpy in pydev(eclipse)
 13,524  Save a numpy array to csv with a string header
 13,515  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'dict_values' and 'int'
 13,498  GridSearchCV extremely slow on small dataset in scikit-learn
 13,492  How to save a 3 channel numpy array as image
 13,491  What's the difference between numpy.take and numpy.choose?
 13,472  Multidimensional Scaling Fitting in Numpy, Pandas and Sklearn (ValueError)
 13,470  how to convert numpy array to keras tensor
 13,464  Fitting distributions, goodness of fit, p-value. Is it possible to do this with Scipy (Python)?
 13,463  Grayscale image to NumPy array for Fourier transform
 13,458  How can I check whether the numpy array exists already or not?
 13,437  Numpy Install RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
 13,432  How do I import data with different types from file into a Python Numpy array?
 13,430  how to perform coordinates affine transformation using python? part 2
 13,421  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'numpy.float64' and 'numpy.float64'
 13,416  Upgrading numpy fails with ''Permission denied'' error
 13,415  How to install Python Pandas?
 13,401  Smoothed 2D histogram using matplotlib and imshow
 13,384  Convolution computations in Numpy/Scipy
 13,370  How do I check if a numpy dtype is integral?
 13,361  Plot Red Channel from 3D Numpy Array
 13,358  no module named 'numpy' (windows 7, python 3.4.3, numpy-1.9.2)
 13,345  How to use dblquad for double integration?
 13,342  How to generate a distribution with a given mean, variance, skew and kurtosis in Python?
 13,338  How can I draw lines into numpy arrays?
 13,334  How can I produce a nice output of a numpy matrix?
 13,332  numpy: efficiently reading a large array
 13,331  Looping through each item in a numpy array?
 13,311  What does matplotlib `imshow(interpolation='nearest')` do?
 13,308  Resize rectangular image to square, keeping ratio and fill background with black
 13,284  Check if single element is contained in Numpy Array
 13,270  Matrix multiplication for sparse matrices in Python
 13,266  Find index where elements change value numpy
 13,261  Numpy - correlation coefficient and related statistical functions don't give same results
 13,261  How to get the unit vector from a numpy array [duplicate]
 13,258  Converting empty strings to 0 using Numpy
 13,239  Find the index of the n'th item in a list
 13,238  Efficient way to count unique elements in array in numpy/scipy in Python
 13,215  How to determine what is the probability distribution function from a numpy array?
 13,210  Numpy with python 3.0
 13,206  Add n zeros to the end of an array
 13,199  How to turn a video into numpy array?
 13,197  3D Contour plot from data using Mayavi / Python
 13,191  ImportError: cannot import name add_newdocs
 13,174  fit multiple gaussians to the data in python
 13,169  How to create new column in a df based on multiple conditions?
 13,162  Getting the mean of multiple axis of a numpy array
 13,158  Convert a list of 2D numpy arrays to one 3D numpy array?
 13,157  How to make X axis in matplotlib/pylab to NOT sort automatically the values?
 13,155  x.shape[0] vs x[0].shape in NumPy
 13,155  Add days to date in pandas
 13,136  Adding scikit-learn (sklearn) prediction to pandas data frame
 13,130  how to make a new numpy array same size as a given array and fill it with a scalar value
 13,117  Frequency Analysis in Python
 13,099  How to extract R,G,B values with numpy into seperate arrays
 13,075  Numpy mean with condition
 13,069  T-Test in Scipy with NaN values
 13,068  Reshape numpy (n,) vector to (n,1) vector
 13,068  Reshape 1D numpy array to 3D with x,y,z ordering
 13,060  Efficient way to take the minimum/maximum n values and indices from a matrix using NumPy
 13,057  Numpy equivalent of list.index
 13,054  How many times a number appears in a numpy array
 13,054  How do you pass a numpy array to openCV without saving the file as a png or jpeg first?
 13,052  Quick way to access first element in Numpy array with arbitrary number of dimensions?
 13,051  NumPy library ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found
 13,034  Programmatically add column names to numpy ndarray
 13,022  Python: replacing outliers values with median values
 13,013  Hist in matplotlib: Bins are not centered and proportions not correct on the axis
 13,012  Writing numpy arrays using cv2 VideoWriter
 13,006  Comparing elements of an array to a scalar and getting the max in Python
 12,989  TypeError: 'numpy.int64' object is not callable — What does that mean in laymans terms?
 12,989  How to remove the space between subplots in matplotlib.pyplot?
 12,984  How tf.transpose works in tensorflow?
 12,980  How to calculate covariance Matrix with Pandas
 12,979  Filling missing values using numpy.genfromtxt
 12,971  matplotlib imshow plots different if using colormap or RGB array
 12,968  numpy FloatingPointError: invalid value encountered in subtract - not reproducible?
 12,955  Python - Matrix outer product
 12,954  How do I find out eigenvectors corresponding to a particular eigenvalue of a matrix?
 12,950  TensorFlow: TypeError: Using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed
 12,946  Reading data from text file with missing values
 12,945  Merge two different dataframes on different column names [duplicate]
 12,939  How to paste a Numpy array to Excel
 12,933  Why the performance difference between numpy.zeros and numpy.zeros_like?
 12,923  import text file as matrix in numpy
 12,915  How to decode a numpy array of encoded literals/strings in Python3? AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'decode'
 12,898  TypeError: Scalar value for argument 'color' is not numeric in openCV
 12,891  Is there a numpy.delete() equivalent for sparse matrices?
 12,888  what does np.eye(n)[nparray] mean? [duplicate]
 12,886  RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xa but this version of numpy is 0x9
 12,886  MultinomialNB error: ''Unknown Label Type''
 12,866  Matplotlib: how to make imshow read x,y coordinates from other numpy arrays?
 12,853  Scipy error: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility (and associated strange behavior)
 12,837  Get a list of all indices of repeated elements in a numpy array
 12,821  Reading data blocks from a file in Python
 12,820  Sklearn : Mean Distance from Centroid of each cluster
 12,818  unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'builtin_function_or_method' [closed]
 12,816  what is causing ''AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'diff'''
 12,812  conda update scikit-learn (also scipy and numpy)
 12,808  How can I create a circular mask for a numpy array?
 12,806  NumPy: How to filter matrix lines
 12,801  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'insert'
 12,792  Interpolation over regular grid in Python [closed]
 12,789  How do I create a numpy array from string?
 12,757  Element-wise matrix multiplication in NumPy
 12,756  Matplotlib: Color-coded text in legend instead of a line
 12,753  Python numpy: create 2d array of values based on coordinates
 12,751  Use sklearn's GridSearchCV with a pipeline, preprocessing just once
 12,748  Converting a hexadecimal character to an int in Python
 12,738  Pandas: Difference between largest and smallest value within group
 12,735  Python scikits - Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)
 12,717  using arctan / arctan2 to plot a from 0 to 2π
 12,710  tile operation in numpy [closed]
 12,708  Python Arrays of Tuples
 12,707  Issue with scipy install on windows
 12,705  Python: numpy.insert NaN value
 12,695  OpenCV Error: Assertion failed when using COLOR_BGR2GRAY function
 12,694  Set weight and bias tensors of tensorflow conv2d operation
 12,694  pythonic way to aggregate arrays (numpy or not)
 12,684  How to do linear regression, taking errorbars into account?
 12,683  eigenvectors created by numpy.linalg.eig don't seem correct
 12,681  Loading SKLearn cancer dataset into Pandas DataFrame
 12,663  Numpy: How to check if array contains certain numbers?
 12,662  Find local maximums in numpy array
 12,656  Singular matrix - python
 12,647  How to convert numpy.timedelta64 to minutes
 12,636  Plotting implicit equations in 3d
 12,636  Matplotlib imshow offset to match axis?
 12,631  Splitting columns of a numpy array easily
 12,631  How do I pass large numpy arrays between python subprocesses without saving to disk?
 12,629  removing pairs of elements from numpy arrays that are NaN (or another value) in Python
 12,624  Numpy - create matrix with rows of vector
 12,618  Swapping Columns with NumPy arrays
 12,614  Using genfromtxt to import csv data with missing values in numpy
 12,612  Customize the axis label in seaborn jointplot
 12,608  A-star search in numpy or python
 12,603  How to print Numpy arrays without any extra notation (square brackets [ ] and spaces between elements)?
 12,603  How to delete multiple rows of NumPy array?
 12,601  Mean of empty slice and Degrees of freedom <=0
 12,584  Compiler problems with pip during numpy install under Windows 8.1, 7 Enterprise and 7 Home Editions
 12,581  How to read image from numpy array into PIL Image?
 12,580  Numpy convert scalars to arrays
 12,578  scipy.misc.derivative for multiple argument function
 12,576  Numpy object arrays
 12,571  DFT matrix in python
 12,568  numpy.array.tofile() binary file looks ''strange'' in notepad++
 12,566  Weighted percentile using numpy
 12,566  python code to calculate angle between three point using their 3D coordinates
 12,566  Applying string operations to numpy arrays?
 12,561  Problems with numpy in PyCharm
 12,560  Fitting a closed curve to a set of points
 12,560  AttributeError: FUN instance has no attribute '__trunc__'
 12,553  reordering of numpy arrays
 12,551  TensorFlow: generating a random constant
 12,545  How to split row of data into columns separated by comma in python
 12,541  To_CSV unique values of a pandas column [duplicate]
 12,509  Numpy Cholesky decomposition LinAlgError
 12,504  Efficient Numpy 2D array construction from 1D array
 12,499  numpy TypeError: ufunc 'invert' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
 12,481  Sklearn trying to convert string list to floats
 12,469  Python library for Gauss-Seidel Iterative Solver?
 12,467  Numpy: Joining structured arrays?
 12,464  Numpy : The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
 12,449  How to initialize 2D numpy array
 12,448  Store NumPy Row and Column Headers
 12,433  python find string pattern in numpy array of strings
 12,431  Find maximum of each row in a numpy array and the corresponding element in another array of the same size
 12,430  Speeding up
 12,427  matplotlib 1.3.1 has requirement numpy>=1.5, but you'll have numpy 1.8.0rc1 which is incompatible
 12,426  Finding first non-zero value along axis of a sorted two dimensional numpy array
 12,423  Why can't I raise to a negative power in numpy?
 12,423  Best way to create a NumPy array from a dictionary?
 12,414  How to get more detailed error information numpy for ''RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply'' error
 12,410  Splitting one NumPy array into two arrays
 12,407  Difference Between numpy.genfromtxt and numpy.loadtxt, and Unpack
 12,401  how to multiply 2 numpy array with different dimensions
 12,400  amplitude of numpy's fft results is to be multiplied by sampling period?
 12,387  Python 4D linear interpolation on a rectangular grid
 12,386  Windows + virtualenv + pip + NumPy (problems when installing NumPy)
 12,377  Python ''Value Error: cannot delete array elements''  -  Why am I getting this?
 12,376  How to get randomly select n elements from a list using in numpy?
 12,369  Why is Pandas Concatenation (pandas.concat) so Memory Inefficient?
 12,367  NumPy array indexing a 4D array
 12,361  How to save numpy array into computer for later use in python
 12,343  Fastest approach to read thousands of images into one big numpy array
 12,339  How to use numpy with OpenBLAS instead of Atlas in Ubuntu?
 12,332  Calculate angle (degrees) in Python between line (with slope x) and horizontal
 12,331  Installing numpy on Amazon EC2
 12,330  Why is sin(180) not zero when using python and numpy?
 12,329  Linear programming with scipy.optimize.linprog
 12,320  Print real roots only in numpy
 12,315  How do I retrieve the angle between two vectors 3D?
 12,315  drawing bivariate gaussian distributions in matplotlib
 12,309  np.savetxt and multiple arrays
 12,309  how to initialize fixed-size integer numpy arrays in Cython?
 12,288  Numpy histogram of large arrays
 12,283  Python array of datetime objects from numpy ndarray
 12,275  Null matrix with constant diagonal, with same shape as another matrix
 12,270  Get row numbers of rows matching a condition in numpy
 12,269  Array of images in python
 12,267  Numpy: Fix array with rows of different lengths by filling the empty elements with zeros
 12,256  Cannot understand numpy argpartition output
 12,249  How to do convolution matrix operation in numpy?
 12,245  When to use pandas series, numpy ndarrays or simply python dictionaries?
 12,240  numpy: padding array with zeros
 12,239  inverse of FFT not the same as original function
 12,238  python error Can't handle mix of multiclass and continuous-multioutput
 12,236  Efficient way for appending numpy array
 12,225  Why in numpy `nan == nan` is False while nan in [nan] is True?
 12,223  How do I simulate biased die in python?
 12,220  Make numpy.sum() return a sum of matrices instead of a single number
 12,217  How to install Numpy on Windows 8, in pyvenv?
 12,210  Python: Cosine Similarity m * n matrices
 12,207  Reading *.mhd/*.raw format in python
 12,203  How to make numpy array column sum up to 1
 12,198  Conditional assignment of tensor values in TensorFlow
 12,190  Python MemoryError: cannot allocate array memory
 12,189  Flatten OpenCV/Numpy Array
 12,184  Change column values to column headers in pandas
 12,182  Adding alpha channel to RGB array using numpy
 12,180  Using scikit-learn LinearRegression to plot a linear fit
 12,178  What exactly is the lexsort_depth of a multi-index Dataframe?
 12,171  ValueError: index must be monotonic increasing or decreasing
 12,170  Python ARIMA exogenous variable out of sample
 12,169  Plotting words frequency and NLTK
 12,166  python numpy split array into unequal subarrays
 12,160  How does the axis parameter from NumPy work?
 12,153  np.array - too many values to unpack
 12,142  numpy.ufunc has the wrong size, try recompiling. even with the latest pandas and numpy versions
 12,137  How to swich theano.tensor to numpy.array?
 12,134  Python: Split NumPy array based on values in the array
 12,129  How to assign a 1D numpy array to 2D numpy array?
 12,117  sympy lambdify RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
 12,111  log transformation and index changing in python
 12,109  Efficiently Read last 'n' rows of CSV into DataFrame
 12,107  Can I create a shared multiarray or lists of lists object in python for multiprocessing?
 12,104  How to normalize a 4D numpy array?
 12,099  imshow a gray image and a binary image python
 12,094  Fastest method to create 2D numpy array whose elements are in range
 12,092  What's the difference between nan, NaN and NAN
 12,090  shape mismatch: indexing arrays could not be broadcast together with shapes
 12,086  Removing elements from an array that are in another array
 12,083  How to add numpy matrix as new columns for pandas dataframe?
 12,081  Why is numpy.linalg.pinv() preferred over numpy.linalg.inv() for creating inverse of a matrix in linear regression
 12,070  plotting dynamic data using matplotlib
 12,066  load csv file to numpy and access columns by name
 12,065  Sliding window using as_strided function in numpy?
 12,061  Numpy array to csv
 12,059  Feeding .npy (numpy files) into tensorflow data pipeline
 12,059  does IPython Notebook affect speed of the program?
 12,058  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath' (While installing TensorFlow)
 12,049  Transform list into numpy matrix
 12,046  Scipy optimize fmin ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
 12,045  How to take user input in a numpy array
 12,043  How to check dimensions of a numpy array?
 12,028  How to save big array so that it will take less memory in python?
 12,025  Setting Order of Columns with matplotlib bar chart
 12,024  cPickle ImportError: No module named multiarray
 12,015  matrix multiplication of arrays in python
 12,015  How to compare a numpy array with a scalar?
 12,009  python3 ValueError: shapes (4,1) and (4,3) not aligned: 1 (dim 1) != 4 (dim 0)
 12,006  Monte Carlo Simulation with Python: building a histogram on the fly
 12,005  'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'plot'
 12,004  Adding arrays with different number of dimensions
 12,001  keras - TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
 11,997  Python: How to deal with expected a readable buffer object in Python
 11,973  Reading just 1 column from a file using NumPy's loadtxt() function
 11,968  Find negative and positive values in numpy array
 11,942  TensorFlow : How do i find my output node in my Tensorflow trained model?
 11,940  What is the difference between np.sum and np.add.reduce?
 11,933  Logistic regression using SciPy
 11,915  Matrix exponentiation in Python
 11,915  How to find the minimum value in a numpy matrix?
 11,911  sklearn - Cross validation with multiple scores
 11,911  Matplotlib FuncAnimation for scatter plot
 11,909  How to reshape numpy image? [duplicate]
 11,909  how do I remove rows/columns from this matrix using python
 11,899  how to perform an inner or outer join of DataFrames with Pandas on non-simplistic criterion
 11,898  Ruby equivalent of NumPy
 11,894  How to find last occurrence of maximum value in a numpy.ndarray
 11,884  Please explain in detail 2D Histogram in Python
 11,876  What is the difference between NumPy array and simple python array? [duplicate]
 11,874  Numpy slice of arbitrary dimensions
 11,867  First n elements of row in numpy array
 11,848  How to convert Python dictionary object to numpy array
 11,845  shape mismatch: value array of shape X could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape . . . X?
 11,843  What does the term ''broadcasting'' mean in Pandas documentation?
 11,840  integrating 2D samples on a rectangular grid using SciPy
 11,834  How to add two columns of a numpy array?
 11,833  Python Numpy Error: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
 11,832  pd.rolling_mean becoming deprecated - alternatives for ndarrays
 11,831  Python convex hull with scipy.spatial.Delaunay, how to eleminate points inside the hull?
 11,831  ImportError: No module named 'numpy' in Windows
 11,812  Tensorflow: Convert Tensor to numpy array WITHOUT .eval() or
 11,796  correcting the axes using imshow
 11,786  Finding the (x,y) indexes of specific (R,G,B) color values from images stored in NumPy ndarrays
 11,784  Python: How to eliminate all the zero rows from a matrix in numpy
 11,779  How can I use scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform to rotate an image about its centre?
 11,778  Numpy: use reshape or newaxis to add dimensions
 11,768  Can I save a numpy array as a 16-bit image using ''normal'' (Enthought) python?
 11,761  What's the difference of numpy.ndarray.T and numpy.ndarray.transpose() when self.ndim < 2
 11,751  ''TypeError: len() of unsized object'' when using insert for arrays
 11,746  Norm of a arrays of vectors in python
 11,744  Rounding to nearest int with numpy.rint() not consistent for .5
 11,741  How to copy numpy 2d array in pandas 2d dataframe
 11,738  How to save dictionaries and arrays in the same archive (with numpy.savez)
 11,735  How do I create a radial cluster like the following code-example in Python?
 11,701  Can't install numpy 1.8 with python 2.7 under windows 7
 11,694  Finding indices of matches of one array in another array
 11,690  How to get the weight vector in Logistic Regression?
 11,687  getting the opposite diagonal of a numpy array
 11,686  Normalized Cross-Correlation in Python
 11,686  How to store an array in a dictionary using python
 11,686  handling zeros in pandas DataFrames column divisions in Python
 11,683  From tick by tick data to candlestick
 11,679  Passing Numpy arrays to C code wrapped with Cython
 11,675  Is there a python (scipy) function to determine parameters needed to obtain a target power?
 11,674  Rearranging Matrix Elements with Numpy
 11,669  Extracting minimum values per row using numpy
 11,668  Numpy and OpenCV
 11,654  Structured 2D Numpy Array: setting column and row names
 11,645  numpy load raises ''AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'expr'''
 11,636  numpy subtract/add 1d array from 2d array
 11,635  how to understand empty dimension in python numpy array?
 11,635  How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV
 11,632  Melt the Upper Triangular Matrix of a Pandas Dataframe
 11,632  How to turn a Pandas column into array and transpose it?
 11,631  numpy: extending arrays along a new axis?
 11,628  Making a matrix square and padding it with desired value in numpy
 11,626  Rotating an image array in Numpy
 11,621  How to round a Pandas `DatetimeIndex`?
 11,617  Cython: (Why / When) Is it preferable to use Py_ssize_t for indexing?
 11,611  Numpy for R user?
 11,608  NumPy ImportError in python - Dll load failed
 11,607  Apply mask to image with OpenCv Python
 11,602  Python, OpenCV: Increasing image brightness without overflowing UINT8 array
 11,601  Smooth surface Plot with Pyplot
 11,598  matplotlib: Plot numpy arrays with None as values
 11,596  Numpy, BLAS and CUBLAS
 11,590  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'version'
 11,586  Find Inflection and Stationary points in a numpy 1d-array
 11,573  scipy.linalg.eig return complex eigenvalues for covariance matrix?
 11,573  Python, Pandas & Chi-Squared Test of Independence
 11,566  Install numpy Windows 8 64 with Python 3.5
 11,561  The real difference between float32 and float64
 11,561  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in arccos
 11,557  NumPy: consequences of using '' with 'allow_pickle=False'
 11,549  Get numpy 2D array from user input
 11,535  Absolute difference of two NumPy arrays
 11,534  Python: ''Use a.any() or a.all()'' while traversing a numpy.ndarray
 11,534  Python 'astype' not working
 11,532  igraph Graph from numpy or pandas adjacency matrix
 11,530  How do I apply some function to a python meshgrid?
 11,517  Error solving Matrix equation with numpy
 11,494  How to get a single value as a string from pandas data frame
 11,490  Tensorflow: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder' with dtype float [but the value is a float]
 11,489  How do I approximate the Jacobian and Hessian of a function numerically?
 11,487  Converting a numpy.ndarray to string
 11,477  ipython: how to set terminal width
 11,477  How can I average an array of arrays in python?
 11,475  Pandas convert columns type from list to np.array
 11,468  Interpret numpy.fft.fft2 output
 11,467  ValueError: array is too big - cannot understand how to fix this
 11,454  matplotlib graph shows only points instead of line
 11,445  Finding intersection/difference between python lists
 11,431  Get mean of 2D slice of a 3D array in numpy
 11,426  Find all nearest neighbors within a specific distance
 11,421  using numpy.unravel_index
 11,418  plotting numpy.ndarray
 11,415  Python: Is there an inverse for ndarray.flatten('F')?
 11,411  How can you turn an index array into a mask array in Numpy?
 11,406  Numpy arrays, fancy indexing, complex numbers
 11,399  Python Pandas: How to move one row to the first row of a Dataframe?
 11,391  Why is numba faster than numpy here?
 11,387  Calculating the inverse of a matrix with pandas
 11,386  Python - byte image to NumPy array using OpenCV
 11,386  Calculate moments (mean, variance) of distribution in python
 11,371  Matplotlib animation either freezes after a few frames or just doesn't work
 11,370  Save pandas DataFrame using h5py for interoperabilty with other hdf5 readers
 11,367  Delete rows at select indexes from a numpy array
 11,365  matplotlib imshow() using 3xN RGB array
 11,364  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'items'
 11,362  tensorflow record with float numpy array
 11,352  Index a 2D Numpy array with 2 lists of indices
 11,346  NumPy convert 8-bit to 16/32-bit image
 11,345  Why does json.dumps(list(np.arange(5))) fail while json.dumps(np.arange(5).tolist()) works
 11,345  How to try-except an illegal matrix operation due to singularity in NumPy
 11,342  get prime numbers from numpy array [closed]
 11,324  how to read numpy 2D array from string?
 11,321  How to install numpy with pip+mingw in windows?
 11,316  Getting the row index for a 2D numPy array when multiple column values are known
 11,307  Confidence interval for exponential curve fit
 11,305  How to speed up pandas with cython (or numpy)
 11,296  Is there a statistics module for Python 2.7?
 11,288  How does numpy.swapaxes work?
 11,283  Difference between these array shapes in numpy
 11,282  Can one use python 3.5 in a docker container based out of the TensorFlow docker image?
 11,281  How to sum all the arrays inside a list of arrays?
 11,275  How do I enable the REFS_OK flag in nditer in numpy in Python 3.3?
 11,274  Most efficient way to calculate radial profile
 11,268  Turn the dictionary keys into variable names with same values in Python from .mat Matlab files using
 11,264  Selecting specific column in each row from array
 11,260  Trouble using numpy.load
 11,257  Python, cPickle, pickling lambda functions
 11,255  numpy: column-wise dot product
 11,251  numpy.r_ is not a function. What is it?
 11,251  Iterating through a two dimensional array in Python?
 11,243  numpy having no ''isin'' attribute
 11,219  Dowgrading / uninstalling numpy on Ubuntu 12.10 [closed]
 11,218  How do I include .dll file in executable using pyinstaller?
 11,217  faster alternative to numpy.where?
 11,213  Python - strings and integers in Numpy array
 11,210  Zoom in an Image using python-numpy
 11,207  ValueError: Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str'
 11,204  Convert Pandas dtype of dataframe
 11,203  aws - ''Unable to import module 'process': /var/task/numpy/core/ invalid ELF header''
 11,199  Numpy install under Ubuntu (12.04) causes Python ImportError
 11,193  what is the quickest way to iterate through a numpy array
 11,192  Sliding Window over Pandas Dataframe
 11,183  How to vectorize a function which contains an if statement?
 11,176  genfromtxt error - Got n columns instead of m
 11,172  How can I merge 2 column in python
 11,171  OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats (Unsupported combination of input and output formats) in getRectSubPix
 11,151  customizing just one side of tick marks in matplotlib using spines
 11,134  python - create a pivot table
 11,125  Convolution along one axis only
 11,124  ValueError :Setting an array element with a sequence using numpy
 11,120  Significant mismatch between `r2_score` of `scikit-learn` and the R^2 calculation
 11,117  How to do weighted random sample of categories in python
 11,113  python zip() function for a matrix [duplicate]
 11,105  How to properly use anaconda accelerate for GPU
 11,096  numpy np.apply_along_axis function speed up?
 11,092  Converting nested lists of data into multidimensional Numpy arrays
 11,091  Distinguishing overfitting vs good prediction
 11,090  Binning a numpy array
 11,089  How to create image from numpy float32 array?
 11,087  How to convert sparse matrix to dense form using python
 11,086  error: (-215) _src.type() == CV_8UC1 in function equalizeHist when trying to equalize a float64 image
 11,074  Is there a way to get the index of the median in python in one command?
 11,071  how do I get the subtrees of dendrogram made by scipy.cluster.hierarchy
 11,061  turn scatter data into binned data with errors bars equal to standard deviation
 11,058  Python prints '' ... '' in very large output
 11,058  Fast peak-finding and centroiding in python
 11,056  Calculating kurtosis from a numpy array?
 11,050  Dictionary in a numpy array?
 11,048  Numpy loadtxt encoding
 11,044  Installing numpy from wheel format: '' ... is not a supported wheel on this platform''
 11,036  Skip a specified number of columns with numpy.genfromtxt()
 11,035  Reading .nc files by Python
 11,030  Why does scipy.optimize.curve_fit not fit correctly to the data?
 11,028  Generate random array of 0 and 1 with specific ratio
 11,026  Python Numpy array reading from text file to 2D array
 11,024  Numpy.Array in Python list?
 11,022  probability density function from histogram in python to fit another histrogram
 11,021  Numpy: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
 11,020  How to split numpy array in batches?
 11,019  Precision lost while using read_csv in pandas
 11,015  NumPy dtype issues in genfromtxt(), reads string in as bytestring
 11,011  Using numpy to Obtain Submatrix
 11,000  Numpy apply_along_axis function
 10,995  Python numpy loadtxt fails with date time
 10,990  Convert list of lists with different lengths to a numpy array [duplicate]
 10,975  matplotlib contour plot: proportional colorbar levels in logarithmic scale
 10,973  How to compute huge numbers with python?
 10,973  gotchas where Numpy differs from straight python?
 10,963  Extrapolation from data plotted using matplotlib
 10,958  Pandas to sum and group by date index
 10,950  Numpy argmax. How to compute both max and argmax?
 10,948  How do I convert a numpy matrix into a boolean matrix?
 10,934  How to call a java function from python/numpy?
 10,931  Can i pass a numpy array as an argument to a function, just like a variable?
 10,929  Fast hamming distance computation between binary numpy arrays
 10,928  numpy beginner: writing an array using numpy.savetxt
 10,926  Logarithm of an array in Python
 10,922  Using Numpy to find the average distance in a set of points
 10,920  Multiplying column and row vectors in Numpy
 10,919  How do I plot FFT in Numpy
 10,919  Convert dict to array in NumPy
 10,915  How to interpret `scipy.stats.kstest` and `ks_2samp` to evaluate `fit` of data to a distribution?
 10,913  k-means with selected initial centers
 10,913  How to find max values from multiple lists?
 10,912  Shuffle a numpy array
 10,906  numpy.savetxt without hash mark at beginning of header line
 10,901  Cannot compare types 'ndarray(dtype=int64)' and 'str'
 10,890  Pandas read csv without header (which might be there)
 10,882  Creating a float64 Variable in tensorflow
 10,879  How convert image to an array in python
 10,872  np.exp much slower than np.e?
 10,864  NumPy array slice using None
 10,862  Python/Scipy Interpolation (map_coordinates)
 10,862  plotting multiple histograms in grid
 10,860  Efficiently processing DataFrame rows with a Python function?
 10,858  Adding noise to numpy array
 10,856  Scipy FFT Frequency Analysis of very noisy signal
 10,854  Parameters to numpy's fromfunction
 10,854  numpy difference between flat and ravel()
 10,846  'numpy.float64' object is not callable
 10,846  How can I remove a column from a sparse matrix efficiently?
 10,842  TypeError: expected 1D vector for x
 10,828  Convert python array into list of lists [duplicate]
 10,827  how to draw a heart with pylab
 10,826  Python: how do you store a sparse matrix using python?
 10,822  Numpy quirk: Apply function to all pairs of two 1D arrays, to get one 2D array
 10,822  How numpy.cov() function is implemented?
 10,822  Drawing a rectangle inside a 2D numpy array
 10,815  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'A'
 10,813  Transform an image to a bitmap
 10,809  Accessing slice of 3D numpy array
 10,801  numpy recfromcsv and genfromtxt skips first row of data file
 10,800  Adding different sized/shaped displaced NumPy matrices
 10,799  What are the downsides of convolution by FFT compared to realspace convolution?
 10,798  ValueError: 'object too deep for desired array'
 10,798  Pass a 2d numpy array to c using ctypes
 10,790  Comparing elements of numpy arrays in python
 10,789  TypeError generated when using inplace operations on numpy arrays?
 10,785  Numpy array broadcasting rules
 10,781  Should i switch to Python? [closed]
 10,776  Interpolate/Resize 3D array
 10,775  Alternative to Scipy mode function in Numpy?
 10,769  Rotate a 2D image around specified origin in Python
 10,769  python numpy syntax understanding
 10,769  numpy array in array resize
 10,762  Read the last N lines of a CSV file in Python with numpy / pandas
 10,761  Solve a system of non-linear equations in Python (scipy.optimize.fsolve)
 10,757  Calculating entropy from GLCM of an image
 10,751  Create a numpy matrix with elements as a function of indices
 10,748  Combining plt.plot(x,y) with plt.boxplot()
 10,745  installing numpy from wheel format on windows ( not a supported wheel on this platform.)
 10,741  Python removing every nth element in array
 10,738  Removing rows with duplicates in a NumPy array
 10,729  Passing a C++ std::Vector to numpy array in Python
 10,728  Transforming a list to a column vector in Python
 10,728  Multiply each column of a numpy array with each value of another array
 10,724  Subsampling/averaging over a numpy array
 10,720  ValueError: object too deep for desired array
 10,720  parameters for low pass fir filter using scipy
 10,720  fast Cartesian to Polar to Cartesian in Python
 10,718  Pass tuple as input argument for scipy.optimize.curve_fit
 10,717  Unable to apply methods on timestamps using Series built-ins
 10,707  shape vs len for numpy array
 10,701  Install ''scientific python'' environment: OS X 10.7 + Numpy + Scipy + Matplotlib
 10,700  rectangular pulse train in python
 10,700  Python: Numpy dtype U32 - simple if-else statement
 10,699  How can I read in a binary file from hdfs into a Spark dataframe?
 10,697  boolean subtract DeprecationWarning
 10,696  Find large number of consecutive values fulfilling condition in a numpy array
 10,695  Python Image distortion
 10,688  Storing arrays in Python for loop
 10,677  How to estimate density function and calculate its peaks?
 10,675  MemoryError when running Numpy Meshgrid
 10,667  How to group elements of a numpy array with the same value in separate numpy arrays
 10,666  How to permutate tranposition in tensorflow?
 10,663  How to convert python list of points to numpy image array?
 10,641  Python Empirical distribution function (ecdf) implementation
 10,641  How to delete specific values from numpy ndarray
 10,639  Values of Variables Matrix NumPy
 10,635  Uniformly distributed data in d dimensions
 10,634  Efficiently Creating A Pandas DataFrame From A Numpy 3d array
 10,632  how to use lists as values in pandas dataframe?
 10,613  Send a multidimensional numpy array over a socket
 10,612  Passing and returning numpy arrays to C++ methods via Cython
 10,611  How much memory in numpy array? Is RAM a limiting factor?
 10,607  Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead, Reshape Data
 10,607  compute z-score with the function in scipy and numpy
 10,602  Quick way to upsample numpy array by nearest neighbor tiling [duplicate]
 10,600  How to do a polynomial fit with fixed points
 10,598  python can't find numpy
 10,587  Convert numpy array to rgb image
 10,581  Flip a plot in matplotlib
 10,579  Mapping functions of 2D numpy arrays
 10,572  How to use a dictionary to translate/replace elements of an array? [duplicate]
 10,570  Converting numpy string array to float: Bizarre?
 10,567  Python: Differences between lists and numpy array of objects
 10,566  Compare two numpy arrays row-wise ValueError
 10,563  Numpy for Windows with python 3.6
 10,560  Selecting multiple slices from a numpy array at once
 10,560  Pandas Mean for Certain Column
 10,560  logarithmically spaced integers
 10,556  I'm getting an error <string>:149: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt while generating a list
 10,552  SciPy interpolation ValueError: x and y arrays must be equal in length along interpolation axis
 10,548  Understanding scipy deconvolve
 10,546  ''Undefined variable from import'' when importing numpy in eclipse pydev
 10,546  Splines with Python (using control knots and endpoints)
 10,543  numpy array to list conversion issue
 10,537  find peaks location in a spectrum numpy
 10,531  Writing a faster Python physics simulator
 10,530  h5py: Correct way to slice array datasets
 10,529  Fourier transform of a Gaussian is not a Gaussian, but thats wrong! - Python
 10,507  Python scatter plot 2 dimensional array
 10,507  Cython: Convert memory view to NumPy array
 10,496  cannot change font to Helvetica in Matplotlib in Python on Mac OS X 10.6
 10,495  Reverse diagonal on numpy python
 10,484  How to use numpy arrays with fractions?
 10,483  Element-wise addition of 1D and 2D numpy arrays
 10,473  Numpy - ImportError: cannot import name _distributor_init
 10,464  How to 'zero' out rows & columns in an array
 10,464  Define dtypes in NumPy using a list?
 10,463  Shuffling NumPy array along a given axis
 10,462  Saving in a file an array or DataFrame together with other information
 10,461  Python - Intersection of 2D Numpy Arrays
 10,453  TypeError: Argument 2 must support iteration (even though it does?)
 10,441  Miniconda ''installs'' numpy but Python can't import it
 10,434  Can I run numpy and pandas with Jython
 10,431  TypeError: Argument given by name ('k') and position (2)
 10,430  Is there a numpy max min function?
 10,413  Intersection of 2D numpy ndarrays
 10,409  Numpy vs mldivide,''\'' matlab operator
 10,407  Pycharm cannot import numpy
 10,407  Convert black and white array into an image in python?
 10,406  Pickling large NumPy array
 10,395  python+numpy: why does numpy.log throw an attribute error if its operand is too big?
 10,394  loading an image from cifar-10 dataset
 10,387  Accessing NumPy array elements not in a given index list
 10,380  Plotting a numpy array as a histogram
 10,379  How to generate noise in frequency range with numpy?
 10,377  ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated
 10,374  How can I calculate the nearest positive semi-definite matrix?
 10,373  Taking np.average while ignoring NaN's?
 10,362  How to put a datetime value into a numpy array?
 10,359  python tilde unary operator as negation numpy bool array
 10,359  how to sum over certain row of a data frame in Python
 10,350  Draw multiple samples using numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov[, size])
 10,346  Fast Way to slice image into overlapping patches and merge patches to image
 10,345  Put a 2d Array into a Pandas Series
 10,339  Numpy array of random matrices
 10,335  Installing Anaconda Python, pyhdf, and netcdf4 for windows 64 bit
 10,335  How to traverse a list in reverse order in Python (index-style: ' ...  in range( ... )' only)
 10,334  Why is numpy's einsum faster than numpy's built in functions?
 10,334  How can I get the product of all elements in a one dimensional numpy array
 10,328  Delete an image in OpenCV using Python
 10,328  Comparing two numpy arrays to each other
 10,323  Python Pylab pcolor options for publication quality plots
 10,321  Numpy Indexing: Return the rest
 10,320  Numpy Ceil and Floor ''out'' Argument
 10,319  Python: data argument can't be an iterator
 10,318  ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core (Ubuntu xgboost installation)
 10,315  Overflow / math range error for log or exp
 10,312  Finding polynomial roots using Python  -  Possible Numpy Extension Bug
 10,310  Uninstallation issues in python numpy
 10,310  numpy 'module' object has no attribute 'stack'
 10,310  Efficiently rotate a set of points with a rotation matrix in numpy
 10,309  Drawing a bootstrap sample from a pandas.DataFrame
 10,303  Numpy equivalent of itertools.product [duplicate]
 10,303  Can't get attribute 'abc' on <module '__main__' from ''>
 10,301  Test if two numpy arrays are (close to) equal, including shape
 10,295  ValueError: unknown is not supported in sklearn.RFECV
 10,288  Converting list of Arrays to list of Lists?
 10,285  Delaunay Triangulation of points from 2D surface in 3D with python?
 10,282  Smooth spline representation of an arbitrary contour, f(length) --> x,y
 10,277  Coefficient of Variation and NumPy
 10,275  Install Python 2.7.9 over 2.7.6
 10,270  Running maximum of numpy array values
 10,270  pandas.DataFrame.describe() vs numpy.percentile() NaN handling
 10,269  C array to PyArray
 10,263  Python Numpy mask NaN not working
 10,263  Invert 0 and 1 in a binary array
 10,261  Python web hosting: Numpy, Matplotlib, Scientific Computing
 10,260  Python : RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered
 10,256  Lorentzian scipy.optimize.leastsq fit to data fails
 10,251  Count number of elements in numpy ndarray
 10,250  How do I generate Log Uniform Distribution in Python?
 10,248  numpy rollaxis - how exactly does it work?
 10,244  How to plot specific points in array with matplotlib?
 10,241  How to speed-up python nested loop?
 10,239  What is the role of keepdims in Numpy (Python)?
 10,239  How to convert a list of strings into a tensor in pytorch?
 10,228  Python ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (124,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (124,13)
 10,228  Python pairwise comparison of elements in a array or list
 10,227  Python creating a smaller sub-array from a larger 2D NumPy array?
 10,226  numpy array indexing says out of range
 10,225  wrapping around slices in Python / numpy
 10,223  square root of sum of square of columns in multidimensional array
 10,223  Memory Efficient L2 norm using Python broadcasting
 10,222  How to count the frequency of an element in an ndarray
 10,221  Python3 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
 10,214  Import Error: no module named numpy (numpy already installed)
 10,211  Python - ValueError: invalid literal for float():
 10,208  Missing Dependencies Installing NumPy 1.9 for Python 3.4.1 32-bit on Windows 7
 10,199  On fitting a curved line to a dataset in Python
 10,199  counting the number of non-zero numbers in a column of a df in pandas/python
 10,196  Sort a numpy array by another array, along a particular axis
 10,196  numpy array print index of certain value
 10,195  Load just part of an image in python
 10,192  Pandas, groupby and finding maximum in groups, returning value and count
 10,186  Get derivative of data in python
 10,184  How to add equation of a line onto a plot in python
 10,174  change data type of a array in python
 10,173  Runtime Warning overflow encountered in ubyte_scalars
 10,167  VisibleDeprecationWarning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 1; dimension is 2 but corresponding boolean dimension is 1
 10,167  Keras - .flow_from_directory(directory)
 10,166  Pythonic way to select elements of an array based on values?
 10,165  Iterating two arrays, without nditer, in numpy?
 10,165  interpolation with matplotlib pcolor
 10,164  How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?
 10,162  numpy 3D-image array to 2D
 10,161  Fast way to Hash Numpy objects for Caching
 10,160  Visualize 3x3 numpy array and save it as new array of shape: 400x600
 10,158  Finding the index of an element in nested lists in python
 10,154  Numpy zip function
 10,142  Matlab vs Python: Reshape
 10,142  How do you interpolate from an array containing datetime objects?
 10,141  Using Python and Numpy to blend 2 images into 1
 10,137  Saving Numpy Structure Array to *.mat file
 10,136  Broadcasting a python function on to numpy arrays
 10,131  Unpacking tuples/arrays/lists as indices for Numpy Arrays
 10,120  how can I calc pow of fractions or nth root square in numpy?
 10,117  Intersect two boolean arrays for True
 10,113  tensorflow beginner tutorial - read_data_sets fails
 10,113  Print two arrays side by side using numpy
 10,110  ''Cannot convert a ndarray into a Tensor or Operation.'' error when trying to fetch a value from in tensorflow
 10,109  Saving List of Numpy 2D arrays using (the arrays together are jagged)
 10,105  How to compute cluster assignments from linkage/distance matrices in scipy in Python?
 10,102  basemap ImportError: No module named 'mpl_toolkits.basemap'
 10,101  numpy generate data from linear function
 10,097  Best approach to query SQL server for numpy
 10,088  Numpy: how to assign values to individual elements of multidimensional arrays?
 10,075  How can I efficiently transform a numpy.int8 array in-place to a value-shifted numpy.uint8 array?
 10,073  What is the difference between numpy.linalg.lstsq and scipy.linalg.lstsq?
 10,071  python pandas data frame if else without iterating thought data frame
 10,068  Python NumPy - FFT and Inverse FFT?
 10,061  Creating numpy linspace out of datetime
 10,059  Declaring 2D numpy array with unknown size [closed]
 10,057  Dihedral/Torsion Angle From Four Points in Cartesian Coordinates in Python
 10,056  create cosine similarity matrix numpy
 10,049  Numpy pcolormesh: TypeError: Dimensions of C are incompatible with X and/or Y
 10,039  image information along a polar coordinate system
 10,038  numpy OpenBLAS set maximum number of threads
 10,036  Creating Spark dataframe from numpy matrix
 10,031  Can you use if-else statement inside braces for an array in Python?
 10,028  Visualising 10 dimensional data with matplotlib
 10,028  How to use least squares with weight matrix?
 10,028  How do you unroll a Numpy array of (mxn) dimentions into a single vector
 10,019  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'percentile'
 10,015  Add slider to matplotlib chart
 10,005  Automatic White Balancing with Grayworld assumption
 10,004  Using Numpy with pypy
 10,001  Linear index upper triangular matrix
  9,998  Jupyter Notebook - ModuleNotFoundError [duplicate]
  9,995  Why is numpy/pandas parsing of a csv file with long lines so slow?
  9,994  Python Joint Distribution of N Variables
  9,991  Can i put a color changer in a loop?
  9,988  Scipy interpolation how to resize/resample 3x3 matrix to 5x5?
  9,986  Multiple versions of python when installing a package with aptitude
  9,985  How do I 'force' python to use a specific version of a module?
  9,982  How to install external libraries with Portable Python?
  9,975  np.random.permutation with seed?
  9,973  how to get the memory address of a numpy array for C
  9,969  How to find all neighbors of a given point in a delaunay triangulation using scipy.spatial.Delaunay?
  9,965  how to multiply pandas dataframe with numpy array with broadcasting
  9,954  Modifying axes on matplotlib colorbar plot of 2D array
  9,950  stratified sampling in numpy
  9,945  Find Arc/Circle equation given three points in space (3D)
  9,942  np.zeros(dim,1) giving datatype not understood
  9,940  Numpy compare 2 array shape, if different, append 0 to match shape
  9,934  Numpy: sort by key function
  9,932  How to create space between subplots?
  9,928  savetxt two columns in python,numpy
  9,927  How to create numpy structured array with multiple fields of different shape?
  9,926  Installing numpy for Sublime Text 3
  9,924  Using reshape in Python to reshape an array
  9,920  Finding roots with scipy.optimize.root
  9,915  What is numpy method int0?
  9,913  Python histogram with points and error bars
  9,912  Units of frequency when using FFT in NumPy
  9,905  Fastest way to load numeric data into python/pandas/numpy array from MySQL
  9,902  Add values to one column of a pandas dataframe based on the values in another
  9,897  Find the set difference between two large arrays (matrices) in Python
  9,896  Multiple Pieces in a numpy.piecewise
  9,895  Index the middle of a numpy array?
  9,894  Creating cx_Freeze exe with Numpy for Python
  9,892  creating a numpy vector using 3 components
  9,884  line smoothing algorithm in python?
  9,878  Get the column names of a python numpy array
  9,877  How to install packages/modules in IronPython
  9,867  'Cannot access callable attribute 'sort_values' of 'DataFrameGroupBy' objects, try using the 'apply' method'
  9,866  How to import NumPy as a module into Eclipse (PyDev)
  9,861  Working with time, date, timedelta
  9,860  Compile Matplotlib for Python on Snow Leopard
  9,859  skewing or shearing an image in python
  9,858  numpy.isnan(value) not the same as value == numpy.nan?
  9,857  getting seconds from numpy timedelta64
  9,856  Finding indices of values in 2D numpy array
  9,854  Interpolation in SciPy: Finding X that produces Y
  9,847  matlab isempty() function in numpy?
  9,847  elegant way of convert a numpy array containing datetime.timedelta into seconds in python 2.7
  9,845  Extract string from cell in Pandas dataframe
  9,843  Normal equation and Numpy 'least-squares', 'solve' methods difference in regression?
  9,839  Python alternative for calculating pairwise distance between two sets of 2d points [duplicate]
  9,835  ''ValueError: could not convert string to float'' error in scikit-learn
  9,834  Iterate over a numpy Matrix rows
  9,831  logarithmic scale in Python
  9,823  k-fold Cross Validation for determining k in k-means?
  9,819  Vectorized matrix manhattan distance in numpy
  9,819  Calculate Signal to Noise ratio in python scipy version 1.1
  9,813  Index multiple, non-adjacent ranges in numpy
  9,808  histogram of gray scale values in numpy image
  9,805  Numpy isfinite typeerror
  9,801  Can I run Numpy (or other Python packages) on Android? [duplicate]
  9,800  Multiprocessing scikit-learn
  9,796  How to get only odd numbers in array and square them using numpy for python?
  9,791  How to transpose a 3D matrix?
  9,789  NumPy: difference between linalg.eig() and linalg.eigh()
  9,780  np.full(size, 0) vs. np.zeros(size) vs. np.empty()
  9,780  Comparing Arrays for Accuracy
  9,775  Find unique elements of floating point array in numpy (with comparison using a delta value)
  9,772  Creating numpy array from dict
  9,761  hierarchical clustering on correlations in Python scipy/numpy?
  9,756  Plotting numpy array using Seaborn
  9,751  Make the matrix multiplication operator @ work for scalars in numpy
  9,750  How to assign scipy.sparse matrix to NumPy array via indexing?
  9,745  ROC curve for binary classification in python
  9,742  How to set the axis limit in a matplotlib plt.polar plot
  9,732  Slicing a numpy image array into blocks
  9,731  How can numpy be so much faster than my Fortran routine?
  9,723  Is there a numpy function that allows you to specify start, step, and number?
  9,718  Pandas: How to create a datetime object from Week and Year?
  9,713  Can I rename fields in a numpy record array
  9,707  Selecting elements in numpy array using regular expressions
  9,707  How to install PIL (or any module really) to the raspberry pi?
  9,703  Pandas map column in place
  9,700  Can i set float128 as the standard float-array in numpy
  9,696  python numpy arange unexpected results
  9,695  Numpy, dot products on multidimensional arrays
  9,690  Remove numpy installed using pip on OS X
  9,690  How can I apply a matrix transform to each row of a NumPy array efficiently?
  9,689  AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'reshape'
  9,687  Compare list of datetimes with datetime in Python
  9,684  Difference(s) between scipy.stats.linregress, numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit and statsmodels.api.OLS
  9,681  Numpy only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index - Upgrading to 3.6
  9,673  PyQt5 QImage from Numpy Array
  9,673  How to check if an array is 2D
  9,671  concatenate numpy string array along an axis?
  9,669  Why does installing matplotlib for Python v3.4 fail on Windows 7 (x64)?
  9,668  How to turn numpy array image to bytes?
  9,666  HSV2BGR conversion fails in Python OpenCV script
  9,657  When saving a pandas dataframe to csv how do I retain the
  9,651  Unable to run logistic regression due to ''perfect separation error''
  9,649  More idiomatic way to display images in a grid with numpy
  9,645  Error trying to install Numpy
  9,641  Matplotlib: Import Error no module named _path
  9,630  Random Number from Histogram
  9,629  Object of type 'ndarray' is not JSON serializable
  9,629  matplotlib problems plotting logged data and setting its x/y bounds
  9,621  Matlab equivalent of Numpy broadcasting?
  9,618  python valueError using hstack() (ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly)
  9,615  Pytorch: Can't call numpy() on Variable that requires grad. Use var.detach().numpy() instead
  9,615  numpy: ''size'' vs. ''shape'' in function arguments?
  9,612  How to disregard the NaN data point in numpy array and generate the normalized data in Python?
  9,611  How to replace values in a numpy array based on another column?
  9,611  Converting Numpy Lstsq residual value to R^2
  9,605  Autocorrelation of a multidimensional array in numpy
  9,602  ''R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly'' after pygtk being installed
  9,601  How to manipulate the data after numpy.loadtxt?
  9,599  pandas Series' object has no attribute 'find'
  9,590  How to plot a probability mass function in python
  9,589  Get the number of nonzero elements in a numpy array?
  9,586  setting up numpy/scipy in idle
  9,578  interpolate missing values 2d python
  9,577  Swap slices of Numpy arrays
  9,577  Simple question: In numpy how do you make a multidimensional array of arrays?
  9,575  Print numpy array without ellipsis
  9,574  Spark fastest way for creating RDD of numpy arrays
  9,573  Numpy genfromtxt Column Names
  9,571  python numpy sort eigenvalues
  9,570  Convert a matrix of pixels to an image python
  9,561  weighted moving average with numpy.convolve
  9,555  Creating a 4d matrix full of zeros in python, numpy
  9,553  Regridding regular netcdf data
  9,549  Assign values to different index positions in Numpy array
  9,544  PCA with missing values in Python
  9,538  Supplying NumPy site.cfg arguments to pip
  9,538  How to increase Jupyter notebook Memory limit?
  9,532  How to use `numpy.savez` in a loop for save more than one array?
  9,532  Dot product sparse matrices
  9,528  How to find error on slope and intercept using numpy.polyfit
  9,527  How to install OpenCV for Python 3.x on Windows 8.1?
  9,522  PCA of RGB Image
  9,518  finding element of numpy array that satisfies condition
  9,514  python how to plot classification data
  9,503  TypeError: can’t convert CUDA tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first
  9,502  Write array to text file
  9,493  Convert integer to binary array with suitable padding
  9,491  How to decide a whether a matrix is singular in python-numpy? [duplicate]
  9,486  How to change the linewidth of hatch in matplotlib?
  9,485  Installing Matplotlib in Windows 10 64bits
  9,483  sharpen image to detect edges/lines in a stamped ''X'' object on paper
  9,477  Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?
  9,469  How do I use Numpy in Python IDLE?
  9,468  How to fix ''ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate'' error
  9,465  Python - Alternative for using numpy array as key in dictionary
  9,461  Numpy - normalize RGB pixel array
  9,457  Dropping multiple Pandas columns by Index
  9,455  Implement MATLAB's im2col 'sliding' in Python
  9,452  Peak Detection in Python: How does the scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt function work?
  9,446  How to compute Dot product between very large scipy sparse matrix
  9,446  Converting a 2D numpy array to dataframe rows
  9,445  How to convert the dataframe to array in python? [duplicate]
  9,443  Display numpy array in a for loop using matplotlib imshow
  9,440  How is a Pandas crosstab different from a Pandas pivot_table?
  9,440  Creating an array of images in python \ openCV \ numpy
  9,437  Different std in pandas vs numpy
  9,435  How to pass OpenCV image to Tesseract in python?
  9,432  concat pandas DataFrame along timeseries indexes
  9,422  Numpy Matrix Subtraction Confusion
  9,417  imshow for 3D? (Python / Matplotlib) [closed]
  9,416  Efficient way to partially read large numpy file?
  9,414  Fitting a straight line to a log-log curve in matplotlib
  9,410  Passing a numpy array to C++
  9,409  Make sure numpy is using MKL library on mac pro
  9,403  Numpy Array summing with weights
  9,403  How to use PIL paste with mask?
  9,402  In python plots, what does ''1e8'' mean in reference to the y-axis?
  9,398  How to keep column names when converting from pandas to numpy
  9,386  Explain the speed difference between numpy's vectorized function application VS python's for loop
  9,378  How to save numpy array of Strings (with commas) to CSV?
  9,376  Numpy: get 1D array as 2D array without reshape
  9,373  Concatenate several np arrays in python
  9,370  solving Ax =b for a non-square matrix A using python
  9,362  Installing Python modules on OSX using easy_install or install
  9,357  Surface Curvature Matlab equivalent in Python
  9,352  matplotlib boxplot color
  9,351  Py2Exe, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'numpy-atlas.dll'
  9,351  How can I initialize an empty Numpy array with a given number of dimensions?
  9,345  /usr/bin/python vs /opt/local/bin/python2.7 on OS X
  9,345  Create random numpy matrix of same size as another.
  9,338  SparseVector to DenseVector conversion in Pyspark
  9,336  Have numpy argsort return an array of 2d indices?
  9,336  Getting the indices of several elements in a NumPy array at once
  9,330  NameError: name 'x_train' is not defined
  9,325  Cython: Buffer type mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'long'
  9,321  Using Numpy stride_tricks to get non-overlapping array blocks
  9,321  Pythonic way to convert a dictionary to a numpy array
  9,319  Error in creating LMDB database file in Python for Caffe
  9,315  Generating 3D Gaussian distribution in Python
  9,302  Pythonic way to populate numpy array
  9,297  How to add random noise to a signal using NumPy?
  9,293  How to forecast in python using machine learning , from a given set of geographical data?
  9,283  XGBoost and sparse matrix
  9,282  Axes3d vs axes3d matplotlib
  9,280  What kind of number 9.00000000e-01 is?
  9,280  How much memory is used by a numpy ndarray?
  9,279  Is numpy.linalg.inv() giving the correct matrix inverse? EDIT: Why does inv() gives numerical errors?
  9,274  read big image file as an array in python
  9,263  How to create a numpy record array?
  9,257  Getting Memory Error when trying to plot large array with matplotlib
  9,254  Set values in numpy array to NaN by index
  9,254  imwrite 16 bit png depth image
  9,251  imresize in PIL/scipy.misc only works for uint8 images? any alternatives?
  9,249  TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar What is wrong in my code?
  9,248  ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
  9,245  Build in function for computing covariance
  9,244  Numpy argmax - random tie breaking
  9,241  matlab ismember function in python
  9,234  PSD of signal in numpy and how to scale it
  9,232  Finding the minimum value in a numpy array and the corresponding values for the rest of that array's row
  9,231  Numpy Two-Dimensional Moving Average
  9,230  ValueError resizing an ndarray
  9,221  Methods for quickly calculating standard deviation of large number set in Numpy
  9,218  How to print numpy objects without line breaks
  9,216  Is there a numpy/scipy dot product, calculating only the diagonal entries of the result?
  9,216  Calculating bounding box of numpy array
  9,201  more efficient way to pickle a string
  9,200  Slicing a numpy array along a dynamically specified axis
  9,200  Converting pandas.DataFrame to bytes
  9,195  ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types
  9,195  FFT normalization with numpy
  9,195  Divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  9,190  inequality comparison of numpy array with nan to a scalar
  9,182  python - simple way to join 2 arrays/lists based on common values
  9,179  Attribute error float object has no attribute 'append'
  9,177  Using Numpy arrays as lookup tables
  9,175  Calculating cosine distance between the rows of matrix
  9,166  How to convert a pytorch tensor into a numpy array?
  9,160  ''Invalid parameter type'' (numpy.int64) when inserting rows with executemany()
  9,157  Numpy 2D array to Table
  9,157  Array division- translating from MATLAB to Python
  9,151  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'imshow'
  9,148  Saving a numpy array with mixed data
  9,147  How to read realtime microphone audio volume in python and ffmpeg or similar
  9,146  how to get rid of error '''float' object has no attribute 'exp'''?
  9,141  An efficient way to calculate the mean of each column or row of non-zero elements
  9,136  Numpy: Replace random elements in an array
  9,127  Valid parameters for astype in NumPy
  9,122  How to use two condition in np.where
  9,119  Remove points which contains pixels fewer than (N)
  9,116  Running python script with Numpy and OpenCV on Android
  9,116  Find and draw regression plane to a set of points
  9,115  generate N random numbers from a skew normal distribution using numpy
  9,110  ValueError: can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar for Numpy Select
  9,108  Efficiently get indices of histogram bins in Python
  9,106  Best way to interpolate a numpy.ndarray along an axis
  9,104  Python NumPy Arrays
  9,103  The Assignment Problem, a NumPy function?
  9,101  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in reduce
  9,100  filtering numpy matrix on a column
  9,099  The difference of pseudo-inverse between SciPy and Numpy
  9,096  Plot a histogram without the zero values in python?
  9,094  C++ conversion from NumPy array to Mat (OpenCV)
  9,093  How to append a tuple to a numpy array without it being preformed element-wise?
  9,091  How to create pandas dataframes with more than 2 dimensions?
  9,086  Count consecutive occurences of values varying in length in a numpy array
  9,084  Opencv integration with wxpython
  9,080  How to calculate the standard deviation from a histogram? (Python, Matplotlib)
  9,077  numpy matrix multiplication shapes [duplicate]
  9,075  Is Python's epsilon value correct?
  9,070  What is the pandas.Panel deprecation warning actually recommending?
  9,068  Matplotlib requirements with pip install in virtualenv
  9,064  Simultaneously diagonalize matrices with numpy
  9,062  How to take the ln of a function in python?
  9,052  Add column to a sparse matrix
  9,047  importing numpy in hackerrank competitions
  9,047  difference between n and size parameters in np.random.binomial(n,p, size = 1000)
  9,044  Numpy array loss of dimension when masking
  9,043  Scipy installation issue, getting ImportError: cannot open shared object file or directory
  9,043  Multiple Linear Regression Model by using Tensorflow
  9,038  Creating a dynamic array using numpy in python
  9,030  NumPy 1.8.0 for Python 3.3.3 Windows
  9,024  Convert a black and white image to array of numbers?
  9,021  Numpy array modifying multiple elements at once
  9,019  Tensor multiplication in Tensorflow
  9,018  numpy.meshgrid explanation
  9,014  numpy.polyfit doesn't handle NaN values
  9,014  Calculating covariance matrix  -  difference between numpy.cov and
  9,010  python linspace in c++
  9,001  Numba code slower than pure python
  9,000  create a meshgrid for polar coordinates
  8,998  Python random sample of two arrays, but matching indices
  8,991  How to add a row or column to a matrix in Python numpy [duplicate]
  8,990  Pandas rolling regression: alternatives to looping
  8,988  Fill in missing values with nearest neighbour in Python numpy masked arrays?
  8,985  Difference between and
  8,985  Cython inline function with numpy array as parameter
  8,983  Resize image with skimage library without stretching
  8,980  problem plotting on logscale in matplotlib in python
  8,978  Plotting log-binned network degree distributions
  8,977  Fastest way to fill numpy array with random numbers
  8,977  3D Convolutional Neural Network input shape
  8,974  Python NUMPY HUGE Matrices multiplication
  8,972  how to create a group ID based on 5 minutes interval in pandas timeseries?
  8,972  Efficiently check if numpy ndarray values are strictly increasing
  8,970  PHP script can't get output from Python script
  8,963  Loading UTF-8 file in Python 3 using numpy.genfromtxt
  8,960  Installing pandas in docker Alpine
  8,956  How to efficiently create a sparse vector in python?
  8,954  How to insert arrays into a database?
  8,952  Writing to numpy array from dictionary
  8,951  Find last value in numpy array
  8,948  Python How to find average of columns using dataframes apply method
  8,948  Matplotlib Scatter - ValueError: RGBA sequence should have length 3 or 4
  8,947  Python ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  8,946  Python eigenvectors: differences among numpy.linalg, scipy.linalg and scipy.sparse.linalg
  8,944  Forming numpy array from array buffer from shared memory (multiprocessing) fails
  8,944  counting the unique items in a numpy array: why is scipy.stats.itemfreq so slow?
  8,935  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes - inverse_transform- Python
  8,935  ValueError: could not convert string to float, Python
  8,935  numpy ndarray with more that 32 dimensions
  8,932  Find a value from x axis that correspond to y axis in matplotlib python
  8,931  Turn dictionary of lists into a 1D numpy array
  8,931  Binning frequency distribution in Python
  8,926  How to write a function to process arrays as input element by element and returns array
  8,922  Form a big 2d array from multiple smaller 2d arrays
  8,921  Subtracting numpy arrays of different shape efficiently
  8,920  How to hash a large object (dataset) in Python?
  8,914  Plot sklearn LinearRegression output with matplotlib
  8,914  how to pass numpy array to Cython function correctly?
  8,913  Numpy: Filtering rows by multiple conditions?
  8,911  Python: Making numpy default to float32
  8,904  AttributeError in python/numpy when constructing function for certain values
  8,895  python pandas custom agg function
  8,895  Appending array rows to .txt file in Python 3
  8,890  PyArray_SimpleNewFromData example
  8,887  numpy.savetxt into a different directory?
  8,886  Pickle figures from matplotlib
  8,886  How do you 'remove' a numpy array from a list of numpy arrays?
  8,885  Python: sorting an array with NaNs
  8,883  Use Python package installed with apk in Alpine Linux
  8,883  Check if numpy array is in list of numpy arrays
  8,880  numpy 1.9.0: ValueError: probabilities do not sum to 1
  8,875  Python: universal import
  8,875  Is there a way to efficiently invert an array of matrices with numpy?
  8,871  Keras Convolution2D Input: Error when checking model input: expected convolution2d_input_1 to have shape
  8,870  Rainflow counting algorithm [closed]
  8,868  Python interp1d vs. UnivariateSpline
  8,867  cvtcolor in Cv2 - no attribute
  8,865  Convert 3d Numpy array to 2d
  8,864  python: OpenCV depth of image unsupported (CV_64F)
  8,857  Numpy genfromtxt - column names
  8,850  Groupby in python pandas: Fast Way
  8,850  Fast interpolation over 3D array
  8,845  concatenating arrays in python like matlab without knowing the size of the output array
  8,844  indexing numpy array with logical operator
  8,844  How to test if all rows are equal in a numpy
  8,843  How to find peaks in 1d array
  8,842  Log log plot linear regression
  8,842  how to convert numpy array into tuple
  8,833  quickly summing numpy arrays element-wise
  8,832  Python has stopped working
  8,825  Python numpy subtraction no negative numbers (4-6 gives 254)
  8,824  Stochastic gradient descent implementation with Python's numpy
  8,824  A loopless 3D matrix multiplication in python
  8,818  Getting around, numpy objects mismatch error in python
  8,817  Numpy - Transformations between coordinate systems
  8,816  Difference between numpy.logical_and and &
  8,815  NumPy PolyFit and PolyVal in Multiple Dimensions?
  8,808  How to generate random pairs of numbers in Python, including pairs with one entry being the same and excluding pairs with both entries being the same?
  8,808  Best way to join / merge by range in pandas
  8,797  How does the numpy.resize and numpy.reshape function works internally in python ?
  8,794  How to convert a list of strings into a numeric numpy array?
  8,792  scipy.optimize.fmin with 2 variables. How to make it work
  8,784  Reshaping an array to 2-D by specifying only the column size
  8,778  Resize a batch of images in numpy
  8,777  How to remove Outliers in Python?
  8,776  numpy positive semi-definite warning
  8,775  Python Pandas: Find the maximum for each row in a dataframe column containing a numpy array
  8,775  numpy - resize array filling with 0
  8,774  how to handle an asymptote/discontinuity with Matplotlib
  8,758  Chi square numpy.polyfit (numpy)
  8,757  How to read/extract climate model data in .asc file format by using Python?
  8,756  How to create a neural network for regression?
  8,754  How to fixed ''polyfit maybe poorly conditioned'' in numpy?
  8,749  Reading ALL variables in a .mat file with python h5py
  8,745  How to handle an np.RankWarning in numpy?
  8,744  TensorFlow You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_2' with dtype float
  8,743  Statsmodels: Calculate fitted values and R squared
  8,738  Find the closest elements above and below a given number
  8,736  Converting a list of strings in a numpy array in a faster way
  8,736  Calculating variance image python
  8,729  Sum rows where value equal in column
  8,729  Gauss(-Legendre) quadrature in python
  8,725  How to use Python multiprocessing to fill numpy array in a for loop
  8,722  Pandas Efficient VWAP Calculation
  8,717  Rotation of colorbar tick labels in matplotlib
  8,717  Handling very large netCDF files in python
  8,716  Converting 32-bit integer into array of four 8-bit integers in Python
  8,707  How can I ignore zeros when I take the median on columns of an array?
  8,707  Building a huge numpy array using pytables
  8,703  Mathematical rectangle function Python
  8,701  Interpolating a numpy array to fit another array
  8,697  Pandas: why pandas.Series.std() is different from numpy.std()
  8,696  Convert int64 to uint64
  8,695  How to find and uninstall the numpy duplicate versions
  8,694  Error because of Theano and NumPy variable types
  8,693  Python: Matplotlib - probability plot for several data set
  8,692  Python: Fastest Way to compare arrays elementwise
  8,691  Fitting an ellipse to a set of data points in python
  8,690  Load txt file into numpy array
  8,689  How to get n x n covariance matrix for n arrays in Python?
  8,687  Initialize Multiple Numpy Arrays (Multiple Assignment) - Like MATLAB deal()
  8,683  Scipy, differential evolution
  8,678  Spyder / iPython inline plot figure size
  8,678  Python numpy filter two-dimensional array by condition
  8,674  Pandas: How to make apply on dataframe faster?
  8,672  numpy.argmax: how to get the index corresponding to the *last* occurrence, in case of multiple occurrences of the maximum values
  8,663  PCA inverse transform manually
  8,661  How to add element to matrix?
  8,660  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute '_hold'
  8,658  How to split strings inside a numpy array?
  8,653  What is the difference between import numpy and import math [duplicate]
  8,651  Making a numpy ndarray matrix symmetric
  8,649  Finding missing values in a numpy array
  8,640  Installing Matplotlib, Numpy, Pylab, Etc on Mac
  8,640  Failed to find data adapter that can handle input: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, (<class 'list'> containing values of types {''<class 'int'>''})
  8,639  What is the best way to compute the trace of a matrix product in numpy?
  8,636  How to select all non-black pixels in a NumPy array?
  8,636  Elementwise multiplication of several arrays in Python Numpy
  8,629  MemoryError: Unable to allocate array with shape and data type object
  8,619  Procrustes Analysis with NumPy?
  8,619  'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment
  8,619  How do you deal with missing data using numpy/scipy?
  8,617  python append two matrix side by side [duplicate]
  8,606  Convert probability vector into target vector in python?
  8,605  Save numpy array to CSV without scientific notation
  8,599  convert images from [-1; 1] to [0; 255]
  8,598  Setting values of an array to -inf in Python with scipy/numpy
  8,597  Comparing pandas Series for equality when they contain nan?
  8,596  2d hsv color space in matplotlib
  8,592  how to use Numpy.polyfit to plot trend
  8,592  Estimate formants using LPC in Python
  8,587  trying to get reasonable values from scipy powerlaw fit
  8,586  Dot product along third axis
  8,585  Sort data before using numpy.median
  8,584  Subtract a Series from a DataFrame while keeping the DataFrame struct intact
  8,578  Convert Numpy array of ASCII codes to string
  8,576  Numpy mask to count number of elements satisfying a condition
  8,574  how to create similarity matrix in numpy python?
  8,574  How to convert Numpy Array to Python Dictionary with Sequential Keys?
  8,568  Performant cartesian product (CROSS JOIN) with pandas
  8,568  opencv python merge different channel images into one
  8,568  numpy python 3.4.1 : Python 3.4 not found in registry
  8,555  Logarithmic interpolation in python
  8,552  6th degree curve fitting with numpy/scipy
  8,551  Forced conversion of non-numeric numpy arrays with NAN replacement
  8,550  Why is numpy.random.choice so slow?
  8,548  Python - numpy mgrid and reshape
  8,548  find function matlab in numpy/scipy
  8,545  Replacing nan with 0 error:nan not supported for input type
  8,543  Unable to import python modules (numpy, scipy, matplotlib)
  8,543  Python- list with arrays shape issues
  8,541  Why do numpy array arr2d[:, :1] and arr2d[:, 0] produce different results?
  8,541  Creating a nifti file from a numpy array
  8,537  No speed gains from Cython
  8,537  How to get time/freq from FFT in Python
  8,537  Get lag with cross-correlation?
  8,533  Peak detection in a noisy 2d array
  8,533  Installing NumPy using Pip on Windows
  8,528  how to copy only upper triangular values into array from numpy.triu()?
  8,528  Adding a field to a structured numpy array
  8,527  NumPy or SciPy to calculate weighted median
  8,527  How to use numpy.random.choice in a list of tuples?
  8,523  How to invert a permutation array in numpy
  8,513  PyAudio, how to tell frequency and amplitude while recording?
  8,513  How can I make use of intel-mkl with tensorflow
  8,507  returning numpy arrays via pybind11
  8,488  Apply function to sets of columns in pandas, 'looping' over entire data frame column-wise
  8,484  How can I use numpy to create a diagonal matrix from a 1d array?
  8,479  undo or reverse argsort(), python
  8,469  how to (simply) build a integer and float mixed numpy array
  8,465  scipy.stats seed?
  8,465  Memory Error when calculating pairwise distances in scipy
  8,462  Numpy bincount() with floats
  8,461  Round in numpy to Nearest Step
  8,460  What is the difference between skew and kurtosis functions in pandas vs. scipy?
  8,459  convert string representation of array to numpy array in python
  8,456  How can I use melt() to reshape a pandas DataFrame to a list, creating an index from a crosstab column and creating a new variable in its place?
  8,452  Using old version of numpy even with a newer version installed
  8,451  formatted string of series of numpy array elements
  8,447  How to extrapolate curves in Python?
  8,447  efficient loop over numpy array
  8,446  How to fit a double Gaussian distribution in Python?
  8,443  Numpy array integer / float division [duplicate]
  8,442  Python and Pandas - Moving Average Crossover
  8,441  How do I decide which way to backtrack in the Smith–Waterman algorithm?
  8,439  numpy, how to generate a normally distributed set of integers
  8,438  ValueError: view limit minimum -36761.69947916667 is less than 1 and is an invalid Matplotlib date value.
  8,437  How to check the channel order of an image?
  8,437  How do numpy's in-place operations (e.g. `+=`) work?
  8,436  Using scipy to minimize a function that also takes non variational parameters
  8,436  Numpy - slicing 2d row or column vector from array
  8,435  Numpy log10 function: AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'log10'
  8,434  Library in python for neural networks to plot ROC, AUC, DET [closed]
  8,432  Python how to assign values to a certain row of a matrix?
  8,431  find the index of a boolean array whose values are true
  8,426  Visible Deprecation warning ... ?
  8,426  Generating gradient map of 2D array
  8,425  Remove range of columns in numpy array
  8,424  NumPy - Efficient conversion from tuple to array?
  8,423  ValueError when using scipy least_squares
  8,422  Python/Pandas - creating new variable based on several variables and if/elif/else function
  8,422  Computing Euclidean distance for numpy in python
  8,419  How to flatten axes of a multidimensional array without making copies in NumPy?
  8,419  GradientBoostingClassifier with a BaseEstimator in scikit-learn?
  8,416  Convert list of datestrings to datetime very slow with Python strptime
  8,414  Tensorflow predicts always the same result
  8,414  taking log of very small values using numpy/scipy in Python
  8,414  AttributeError: 'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'to_timestamp'
  8,410  How do I slice a numpy array to get both the first and last two rows
  8,408  Matrix Mirroring in python
  8,408  Fit a curve using matplotlib on loglog scale
  8,404  cmap.set_bad() not showing any effect with pcolor()
  8,401  np.random.choice: probabilities do not sum to 1
  8,398  TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not numpy.float64
  8,397  Create sine wave and sample it in python
  8,391  scipy and numpy install on linux without root
  8,391  python - cannot make corr work
  8,391  percentile rank in pandas in groups
  8,391  After division by 0, replace NaN with 0 in numpy arrays
  8,389  Writing a large hdf5 dataset using h5py
  8,387  python/pandas:need help adding double quotes to columns
  8,386  ValueError while using Scikit learn. Number of features of model don't match that of input
  8,385  Fill the missing date values in a Pandas Dataframe column
  8,383  Average of a numpy array returns NaN
  8,380  Show an array in format of scientific notation
  8,373  Get count of all unique rows in pandas dataframe
  8,372  Can I generate an array with both negative and positive numbers and specify the limits and the dimension of this array?
  8,367  Numpy Installation on Mac 10.8.2
  8,366  mask a 2D numpy array based on values in one column
  8,365  Is there a tensorflow equivalent to np.empty?
  8,364  VTK to Matplotlib using Numpy
  8,356  Pandas read data without header or index
  8,347  How to generate equispaced interpolating values
  8,344  contour plot of 2D array in matplotlib
  8,344  Can numpy bincount work with 2D arrays?
  8,340  Numpy loading csv TOO slow compared to Matlab
  8,334  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lowercase'
  8,332  Converting pandas dataframe to numpy array with headers and dtypes
  8,329  Generate correlated data in Python (3.3)
  8,327  Cython error: Undeclared name not built in:array
  8,322  How to reshape 4d array to 2d array in numpy
  8,322  How to copy/repeat an array N times into a new array? [duplicate]
  8,314  pandas: how to find the most frequent value of each row?
  8,312  Fastest way to read comma separated files (including datetimes) in python
  8,311  Convert <m8[ns] to int
  8,310  Creating ngrams from scikit learn and count vectorizer throws Memory Error
  8,304  linear regression for timeseries python (numpy or pandas)
  8,302  matplotlib histogram with frequency and counts
  8,299  Importing numpy gives ImportError: cannot import name TestCase
  8,293  Numpy linear regression with regularization
  8,288  How to set the default datatype as 'float32' for numpy & pandas? [duplicate]
  8,287  How to get the FFT of a numpy array to work?
  8,282  Second order gradient in numpy
  8,282  How to find the points of intersection of a line and multiple curves in Python?
  8,280  Why does np.linspace(1,5,5, dtype = int, endpoint=False) result in an array that contains 1 twice?
  8,280  Creating Non Linear Regression with Python
  8,277  Python-numpy test for ndarray using ndim
  8,277  numpy.getbuffer and numpy.frombuffer
  8,274  Scipy: Do sparse matrices support advanced indexing?
  8,268  Converting numpy array having image data to CvMat
  8,265  strings and arrays(matrix) row wise: numpy.savetxt
  8,253  N-D version of itertools.combinations in numpy
  8,250  Kurtosis,Skewness of a bar graph? - Python
  8,249  (numpy) Wrong amplitude(?) of FFT'd array?
  8,246  Understanding scipy's least square function with IRLS
  8,246  Speed up solving a triangular linear system with numpy?
  8,245  How to generate n dimensional random variables in a specific range in python
  8,243  Fitting data to system of ODEs using Python via Scipy & Numpy
  8,240  Python: Adding boolean Numpy arrays
  8,232  Using scipy.interpolate.interpn to interpolate a N-Dimensional array
  8,224  Why does python think my array is 0-d? (TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array) [duplicate]
  8,224  how to get the neighboring elements in a numpy array with taking boundaries into account?
  8,223  Slice Array Given Range from another array in Python
  8,218  Filling in date gaps in MultiIndex Pandas Dataframe
  8,216  Pearson correlation and nan values
  8,214  Adding colors to a 3d quiver plot in matplotlib
  8,210  What does 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'barh' mean and how to rectify it?
  8,210  Drop pandas dataframe row based on max value of a column
  8,210  Compute correlation between features and target variable
  8,200  How to calculate auto-covariance in Python
  8,199  What should be the arguments of cv2.setMouseCallback()
  8,198  Check if a numpy array is sorted
  8,197  Why can't I detect that the tuple is empty?
  8,196  Determine if an image exists within a larger image, and if so, find it, using Python
  8,193  Saving floats to a file
  8,193  Animate quadratic grid changes (matshow)
  8,192  How to convert CvMat to Numpy array?
  8,189  conda update numpy to 1.8.x for 64-bit windows
  8,185  Objects array with numpy
  8,184  Normalize an Array to Standard Normal Distribution
  8,182  What is the fastest way to compute an RBF kernel in python?
  8,179  ASCII string as dtype for numpy array of strings in Python 3
  8,175  Fastest way to left-cycle a numpy array (like pop, push for a queue)
  8,173  Installing numpy Lion with Python 2.7?
  8,173  Correct way to generate random numbers in Cython?
  8,172  Using numpy.where() to return the indexes of a full array where the tested condition is on a sliced one
  8,171  How do I use tf.reshape()?
  8,170  Failure to import numpy in Jupyter notebook
  8,167  IPython Notebook throws ImportError – IPython doesn't
  8,163  Python generator to read large CSV file
  8,158  Numpy: How to randomly split/select an matrix into n-different matrices
  8,154  numpy.savetxt Problems with 1D array writing
  8,154  Checking if a NumPy array contains another array [duplicate]
  8,151  After rename column get keyerror
  8,148  numpy.savetxt- Save one column as int and the rest as floats?
  8,148  NumPy: Error While Concatenation - zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated
  8,146  Sum along axis in numpy array
  8,143  TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array, using numpy
  8,142  Error in astype float32 vs float64 for integer
  8,141  OpenCV/python: How to change image pixels' values using a formula?
  8,139  How can I mask a portion of an array using Numpy?
  8,135  scikit-learn joblib bug: multiprocessing pool self.value out of range for 'i' format code, only with large numpy arrays
  8,135  Python 2 import error: cannot import name unpack_labeled_data
  8,131  Pandas Multiindex: what am I doing wrong?
  8,131  Decimal alignment formatting in Python
  8,125  How to fill numpy array of zeros with ones given indices/coordinates
  8,117  NumPy Histogram - ValueError range parameter must be finite - input array is okay
  8,114  How to use numpy to calculate mean and standard deviation of an irregular shaped array
  8,111  Edge detection for image stored in matrix
  8,101  Converting a List of Tuples to numpy array results in single dimension
  8,100  How to load one line at a time from a pickle file?
  8,097  diagonal matrix of a matrix with numpy and scipy
  8,091  How to use SGDRegressor in scikit-learn
  8,090  Convert Python sequence to NumPy array, filling missing values
  8,089  Python linprog minimization--simplex method
  8,087  Remove NaN row from X array and also the corresponding row in Y
  8,085  skip ending rows containing string while reading a txt file with numpy to generate a numerical array
  8,085  Convert numpy array to list of datetimes
  8,084  Building 64-bit Python extensions with f2py on Windows
  8,083  fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory
  8,081  Sort a pandas DataMatrix in ascending order
  8,069  How to calculate euclidean distance between pair of rows of a numpy array
  8,065  Broadcast one channel in Numpy array into three channels
  8,063  Normalise between 0 and 1 ignoring NaN
  8,061  Speedup scipy griddata for multiple interpolations between two irregular grids
  8,061  Install error: ftheader.h: No such file or directory
  8,060  check if two numeric values have same sign in numpy (+/-)
  8,059  How to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python
  8,057  Get nth element from numpy array
  8,053  ''only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars''-error with float conversion-function
  8,052  Numpy & Pandas: Return histogram values from pandas histogram plot?
  8,044  Length of each string in a NumPy array
  8,044  How to convert numpy.recarray to numpy.array?
  8,041  check two arrays for matching elements given the same index and return number of matches
  8,038  How to set k-Means clustering labels from highest to lowest with Python?
  8,038  How to set k-Means clustering labels from highest to lowest with Python?
  8,033  Probability distribution function in Python
  8,031  How to optimize MAPE code in Python?
  8,031  How do I generate a sine wave using Python?
  8,027  picking out elements based on complement of indices in Python pandas
  8,026  Solving linear equations w. three variables using numpy [duplicate]
  8,025  Generating a filled polygon inside a numpy array
  8,024  get ''1'' for a one-dimensional numpy.array using a shape-like function
  8,024  dot product of two 1D vectors in numpy
  8,023  Create pandas dataframe from numpy array
  8,019  Weighted mean in numpy/python
  8,019  Python - calculate normal distribution
  8,013  How to sort a numpy array based on the values in a specific row?
  8,010  fast conversion of IplImage to Numpy array
  8,005  converty numpy array of arrays to 2d array
  8,005  Conversion of image type int16 to uint8
  8,003  Why built-in functions like abs works on numpy array?
  8,000  How to set max output width in numpy?
  7,994  Why do I get the 'loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type int' error for numpy.exp?
  7,989  find max value of a list with numpy nan [duplicate]
  7,988  Fast 2-D interpolation in Python with SciPy regular grid to scattered / irregular evaluation
  7,982  multiply numpy ndarray with 1d array along a given axis
  7,981  Create matrix of random integers in Python with a desired step size [closed]
  7,980  How to filter pandas dataframe based on date value with exact match
  7,979  VisibleDeprecationWarning in python
  7,978  How to combine dimensions in numpy array?
  7,975  numpy element-wise multiplication of an array and a vector
  7,974  Plotting PCA results including original data with scatter plot using Python
  7,974  In Python, how can an image stored as a NumPy array be scaled in size?
  7,972  output a dataframe to a json array
  7,972  Generate random numbers from exponential distribution and model using python
  7,970  How to cleanly index numpy arrays with arrays (or anything else that supports addition so that it can be offset) [duplicate]
  7,968  Identifying points with the smallest Euclidean distance
  7,966  Python equivalent of Matlab textscan
  7,953  Accessing the index/row/column from a selected cell in Pandas/Python
  7,951  TypeError when using Matplotlib's strpdate2num with Python 3.2
  7,950  How to find the inflection point in a noisy curve?
  7,950  ''cv2.imdecode(numpyArray, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)'' returns None
  7,946  Working Example for Mahalanobis Distance Measure
  7,946  Exe created with py2exe doesn't work and returns logfile with errors
  7,944  Are there advantages to use the Python/C interface instead of Cython?
  7,937  Better way to create block matrices out of individual blocks in numpy?
  7,935  Numpy reverse keras to_categorical
  7,935  Normalize/Standardize a numpy recarray
  7,935  Convert numpy.ndarray to list (Python)
  7,935  convert 2d numpy array to string
  7,931  Strided convolution of 2D in numpy
  7,929  Fast access to numpy npz data
  7,927  NameError: global name 'imshow' is not defined but Matplotlib is imported
  7,925  Creating a defaultdict with empty numpy array
  7,916  TA-Lib numpy ''AssertionError: real is not double''
  7,912  Python create a dictionary with 'numpy.ndarray'
  7,908  numpy/scipy build adjacency matrix from weighted edgelist
  7,899  Finding percentage change with Numpy
  7,898  Implementing 3D vectors in Python: numpy vs x,y,z fields
  7,892  How to return a view of several columns in numpy structured array
  7,889  Split nested array values from Pandas Dataframe cell over multiple rows
  7,888  Can't import numpy
  7,887  How can I make a numpy ndarray from bytes?
  7,879  sklearn cannot import name _ellipsoid
  7,873  IronPython invocation from C# (with SciPy) fails with ImportException: ''No module named mtrand''
  7,873  How do I create a custom 4x4 array using NumPy?
  7,871  Python: Plotting the logarithm of a function
  7,869  How to solve 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'encode' in python 3
  7,868  Is there a way to check if NumPy arrays share the same data?
  7,867  Is there an opposite / inverse to numpy.pad() function?
  7,862  ValueError: Pandas data cast to numpy dtype of object. Check input data with np.asarray(data) [duplicate]
  7,861  xgboost watchlist parameter: DMatrix object is not iterable
  7,861  Increase image brightness without overflow
  7,858  ''no suitable image found'' error when using numpy
  7,857  Python import Column Data from MySQL as Array
  7,855  Determine sum of numpy array while excluding certain values
  7,854  How to concatenate an empty array with Numpy.concatenate?
  7,853  Numpy dtype - data type not understood
  7,852  Python program can not import dot parser
  7,849  Training TensorFlow for Predicting a Column in a csv file
  7,848  Logarithm of a pandas series/dataframe
  7,846  A fast way to find nonzero entries by row in a sparse matrix in Python
  7,845  Automatically remove hot/dead pixels from an image in python
  7,844  Get (column, row) index from NumPy array that meets a boolean condition
  7,843  scipy/numpy FFT on data from file
  7,842  numpy.take range of array elements Python
  7,839  filling gaps on an image using numpy and scipy
  7,838  How to return back a list instead of tuple in psycopg2
  7,837  Python interpolate point value on 2D grid
  7,835  Most memory-efficient way to compute abs()**2 of complex numpy ndarray
  7,831  Replace subarrays in numpy
  7,827  Crop out partial image using NumPy (or SciPy)
  7,826  Understanding weird boolean 2d-array indexing behavior in numpy
  7,824  python - numpy FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
  7,817  pip install : issue with the ssl certificate
  7,817  Get the (x,y) coordinate values from an image array's RGB value using numpy
  7,816  Numpy: convert an array to a triangular matrix
  7,815  simulator of realistic ECG signal from rr data for matlab or python
  7,809  IndexError: index 3 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 3
  7,805  Shifting an image in numpy
  7,803  convert pandas pd to numpy array and back
  7,803  Adding a row to a numpy array: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append' or 'vstack'
  7,797  Video Processing using Python and OpenCV
  7,796  Changing the line color in plot_surface
  7,789  Image to numpy-array: JPG vs. PNG
  7,789  How to plot a matrix in scatterplot python [duplicate]
  7,787  What is the [Sci/Num]Python equivalent to Matlabs ''norminv'' (Normal inverse cumulative distribution function) [duplicate]
  7,786  Numpy: add a vector to matrix column wise
  7,785  TensorFlow getting elements of every row for specific columns
  7,784  Numpy ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,4) (3,3) [duplicate]
  7,784  Fit points to a plane algorithms, how to iterpret results?
  7,783  What is the difference between numpy.fft.fft and numpy.fft.rfft?
  7,781  Combining 3 arrays in one 3D array in numpy
  7,778  How do I get the percentile for a row in a pandas dataframe?
  7,767  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp in computing the logistic function
  7,765  zero padding numpy array
  7,764  Selecting the first row of a sorted group from pandas data frame
  7,761  Implementing back propagation using numpy and python for cleveland dataset
  7,756  Adobe Photoshop-style posterization and OpenCV
  7,752  Choosing randomly all the elements in the the list just once
  7,750  SciPy/NumPy import guideline
  7,748  Python - NumPy - deleting multiple rows and columns from an array
  7,743  How to fill numpy array with another numpy array
  7,732  Calculate logistic regression in python
  7,731  How floor a date to the first date of that month?
  7,730  python: extracting one slice of a multidimensional array given the dimension index
  7,723  Python numpy shannon entropy array
  7,720  Finding the consecutive zeros in a numpy array
  7,719  Fast punctuation removal with pandas
  7,717  What is the difference between flatten and ravel in numpy? [duplicate]
  7,717  how to calculate running median efficiently
  7,716  cv2.line and return None
  7,713  Fastest way to multiply arrays of matrices in Python (numpy)
  7,711  Scipy-like functionality in Java / Scala? [closed]
  7,709  Numpy np.multiply vs *-Operator [duplicate]
  7,701  dynamic memory allocation in python
  7,697  SciPy Can't Convert Complex to Float
  7,694  Find the row indexes of several values in a numpy array
  7,690  How can I make a FloatTensor with requires_grad=True from a numpy array using PyTorch 0.4.0?
  7,688  perform varimax rotation in python using numpy
  7,686  Python Numpy generate coordinates for X and Y values in a certain range
  7,684  Trying to understand scipy and numpy interpolation
  7,683  Inverse of a Matrix in Python
  7,682  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'core'
  7,680  Python 2.7 Value Error : need more than 2 values to unpack
  7,676  median-absolute-deviation (MAD) based outlier detection
  7,671 indexing with array
  7,669  How to correctly use cv2.imwrite to save an image in openCV with cv2.selectROI
  7,668  Pandas returns ValueError: invalid literal for long() with base 10
  7,666  How to efficiently add sparse matrices in Python
  7,664  Statsmodels OLS function for multiple regression parameters
  7,662  How to conditionally select elements in numpy array
  7,659  Python: Convert column from float to int
  7,658  Is it possible to create a 1million x 1 million matrix using numpy? [duplicate]
  7,652  How to compute ''EMD'' for 2 numpy arrays i.e ''histogram'' using opencv?
  7,651  Hierarchical data: efficiently build a list of every descendant for each node
  7,649  Problems with Rounding Floats in Python
  7,647  Python function to accept numpy ndarray or sequence as arguments
  7,646  sum numpy ndarray with 3d array along a given axis 1
  7,646  Python error - ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
  7,642  Axis in numpy multidimensional array
  7,639  Pandas DataFrame Float Formatting
  7,633  Correct usage of scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator
  7,632  sklearn - how to incorporate missing data when one-hot encoding
  7,628  Tuple as index of multidimensional array
  7,628  Specify lag in numpy.correlate
  7,624  Scipy/Numpy/scikits - calculating precision/recall scores based on two arrays
  7,624  Is it possible to install scipy under pypy?
  7,622  Python fractal box count - fractal dimension
  7,609  Principal Component Analysis not working
  7,608  Abbreviate the import of multiple files with loadtxt (Python)
  7,606  Install pyopencv inside virtualenv with --no-site-packages
  7,605  unsupported format string passed to numpy.ndarray
  7,603  Element-wise minimum of multiple vectors in numpy
  7,603  All row sum with pandas except one
  7,602  Quantile functions in Python
  7,602  Error: Index out of bounds - Python
  7,598  Most efficient (and pythonic) way to count False values in 2D numpy arrays?
  7,596  How to get the cumulative sum of numpy array in-place
  7,593  Getting header row from numpy.genfromtxt
  7,590  Return common element indices between two numpy arrays
  7,590  Max in a sliding window in NumPy array
  7,590  Binary numpy array to list of integers?
  7,589  Indexing of python 2D list
  7,588  How to pass a Numpy array into a cffi function and how to get one back out?
  7,578  cv2.imshow() giving black screen
  7,577  np.delete and np.s_. What's so special about np_s?
  7,576  What is the fastest way to quadratic form numpy array multiplication?
  7,576  numpy recarray strings of variable length
  7,575  Installing numpy on Red Hat 6?
  7,575  Differences in ctypes between Python 2 and 3
  7,574  Check if float is close to any float stored in array
  7,573  Python read .txt-files header
  7,573  Linear regression using Python (Pandas and Numpy)
  7,571  TypeError: histogram() got an unexpected keyword argument 'new'
  7,567  How to create the histogram of an array with masked values, in Numpy?
  7,566  Appending a new row to a numpy array
  7,563  Compute Jordan normal form of matrix in Python / NumPy
  7,560  Find where a NumPy array is equal to any value in a list of values
  7,557  DataConversionWarning: A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected
  7,556  Numpy rank 1 arrays
  7,555  Appending to numpy arrays
  7,547  What exactly does the Pandas random_state do?
  7,545  IndexError: invalid index
  7,545  Converting some columns of a matrix from float to int
  7,543  Cannot use 128bit float in Python on 64bit architecture
  7,542  Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed (Just with Anaconda)
  7,542  Comparing two numpy arrays of different length
  7,527  Random selection from list with replacement
  7,527  Failing to import numpy in Jupyter
  7,525  Using scientific notation in pandas
  7,525  How to Bootstrap numpy installation in
  7,521  Permute rows and columns of a matrix
  7,520  What is the alternative of numpy.newaxis in tensorflow?
  7,520  Efficient Matplotlib Redrawing
  7,517  How to use to save files in different directory in python?
  7,515  ValueError in numpy.fromstring
  7,514  Write data to GeoTiff using GDAL without creating data array?
  7,510  Non local maxima suppression in python
  7,510  Filter an array in Python3 / Numpy and return indices
  7,509  How to delete last n rows from Numpy array?
  7,504  numpy argmin elegant solution required.
  7,503  write numpy array to CSV with row indices and header
  7,501  MemoryError while converting sparse matrix to dense matrix? (numpy, scikit)
  7,501  How to convert numpy datetime64 [ns] to python datetime?
  7,500  How do you quantize a simple input using python
  7,500  Efficiently generate a lattice of points in python
  7,499  Image rotation and scaling the frequency domain?
  7,491  How to start from second index for for-loop
  7,487  Sum slices of consecutive values in a NumPy array
  7,485  How can I export my NUMPY array into a CSV or EXCEL file
  7,484  Matplotlib - Stepped histogram with already binned data
  7,482  Python dictionary lookup speed with NumPy datatypes
  7,477  Error import cv2 : ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  7,475  Speed up python code for computing matrix cofactors
  7,475  Numpy modify ndarray diagonal
  7,474  TypeError: can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_
  7,473  total size of new array must be unchanged
  7,473  Data type not understood while creating a NumPy array
  7,471  Transpose of a matrix in numpy
  7,470  numpy array that is (n,1) and (n,)
  7,466  Error: random_sample() takes at most 1 positional argument (2 given)
  7,463  Matplotlib: how to plot data from lists, adding two y-axes?
  7,461  Python numpy: Convert string in to numpy array
  7,460  Reading a binary file into 2D array python
  7,458  Convert multi-channel PyAudio into NumPy array
  7,453  Calculate the 3rd standard deviation for an array
  7,452  how to print equation of line using scipy stats
  7,451  How to create an array in Python
  7,449  root finding in python
  7,449  Concatenate two big numpy 2D arrays
  7,443  Poly1d with Matplotlib
  7,439  Shift all indices in NumPy array
  7,439  Multiple slice in list indexing for numpy array
  7,438  Writing more than 4 channel images in OpenCV Python
  7,438  What is the meaning of arr[:] in assignment in numpy?
  7,435  Getting 'av_interleaved_write_frame(): Broken pipe' error
  7,434  openCV: detecting a circle using findContours
  7,434  How to make a matrix out of existing xyz data
  7,433  Cross validation and model selection
  7,431  How to plot Spectrogram using STFT in python?
  7,430  Diagonalize symbolic matrix
  7,426  Add an offset to part of a list in Python?
  7,425  How to calculate percentage of sparsity for a numpy array/matrix?
  7,421  Matplotlib and Numpy - Create a calendar heatmap
  7,419  numpy: How to join arrays? ( to get the union of several ranges)
  7,418  Image Gradient Vector Field in Python
  7,416  python numpy weighted average with nans
  7,416  How to read a big tif file in python?
  7,411  python: check if an numpy array contains any element of another array
  7,410  Cython: cimport and import numpy as (both) np
  7,407  How can I upgrade Numpy in just one version of Python?
  7,405  How to extract a specific section of an image using OpenCV in Python?
  7,400  Grouping 2D numpy array in average
  7,400  float16 vs float32 for convolutional neural networks
  7,397  joining two numpy matrices
  7,396  NumPy ''record array'' or ''structured array'' or ''recarray''
  7,391  How can I use numpy without installing it?
  7,390  Python Pandas plot using dataframe column values
  7,390  Python Numpy : operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  7,389  Create an array with varying increment in Python [duplicate]
  7,387  Understanding == applied to a NumPy array
  7,387  pandas.read_csv reading string instead of float
  7,376  Python Numpy Data Types Performance
  7,375  Mask a circular sector in a numpy array
  7,368  Using Pandas to Find Minimum Values of Grouped Rows
  7,368  Python/Numpy - Save Array with Column AND Row Titles
  7,364  Why the following operands could not be broadcasted together?
  7,361  2 dimensions array of unknown size in Python
  7,359  remove background of any image using opencv
  7,359  Numpy: Array of class instances
  7,358  Replacement for deprecated tsplot
  7,357  How do you remove a column from a structured numpy array?
  7,355  Optimize A*x = B solution for a tridiagonal coefficient matrix
  7,348  Scipy interpolation on a numpy array
  7,347  Python: Write array to file row by row
  7,347  Feature Selection using MRMR
  7,346  Putting latitudes and longitudes into a distance matrix, google map API in python
  7,345  Numpy Array: Efficiently find matching indices
  7,342  Left inverse in numpy or scipy?
  7,336  Python vectorizing nested for loops
  7,335  numpy: applying argsort to an array
  7,333  Python genfromtxt file path
  7,332  Python Slice Notation with Comma/List
  7,326  Subtract first row from all rows in Pandas DataFrame
  7,326  Finding the indices of the top three values via argmin() or min() in python/numpy without mutation of list?
  7,320  Create 2D array from Pandas dataframe
  7,318  Find minimum distance from point to complicated curve
  7,315  Dot Product in Python without NumPy
  7,314  Efficient way to convert numpy record array to a list of dictionary
  7,313  How to create a numpy array from a pydub AudioSegment?
  7,309  How to truncate a numpy array?
  7,308  How to create a netCDF file with python netCDF4?
  7,306  Python Running cumulative sum with a given window
  7,306  Pandas: create a dataframe from 2D numpy arrays preserving their sequential order
  7,305  Determine Index of Highest Value in Python's NumPy
  7,303  Axes3D: Numpy arrays error while trying to build 3D plot
  7,302  4 dimensional array of zeros in python
  7,301  Scipy, optimize a function with argument dependent constraints
  7,301  scipy - generate random variables with correlations
  7,300  numpy array of chars to string
  7,300  Installation of numpy in PyCharm on Windows
  7,300  .fit() error: Found arrays with inconsistent numbers of samples
  7,299  Using predict() on statsmodels.formula data with different column names using Python and Pandas
  7,299  numpy vs. multiprocessing and mmap
  7,298  Pandas.read_csv() MemoryError
  7,295  pyspark vs python vs numpy understanding? [closed]
  7,295  Add a list to a numpy array
  7,293  numpy ndarray hashability
  7,293  fitting a linear surface with numpy least squares
  7,288  Resizing image and its bounding box
  7,282  Python: numpy.loadtxt invalid literal for float() error parsing data
  7,281  Filling gaps in a numpy array
  7,281  command for inverse ERF function in python [closed]
  7,281  Apply non-linear regression for multi dimension data samples in Python
  7,280  Matplotlib not displaying figures
  7,280  Building numpy/scipy for Python3 on Mac OS Lion
  7,279  How to draw a precision-recall curve with interpolation in python?
  7,277  Create an array with a pre determined mean and standard deviation
  7,275  How to effectively flip a multidimensional numpy array? [duplicate]
  7,271  generating two orthogonal vectors that are orthogonal to a particular direction
  7,271  Fit a curve for data made up of two distinct regimes
  7,269  Maxvalue in cv2.minMaxLoc()?
  7,267  numpy datetime64 from unix utc seconds
  7,263  Cannot cast array data from dtype('<M8[ns]') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe'
  7,262  How do I use the numpy longdouble dtype?
  7,261  Writing a formated binary file from a Pandas Dataframe
  7,258  Opencv Python Crop Image Using Numpy Array
  7,258  Load Python 2 .npy file in Python 3
  7,258  Consecutive, Overlapping Subsets of Array (NumPy, Python)
  7,257  How do I create a numpy array using a function?
  7,254  Plot 3d cartesian grid with python [closed]
  7,253  ValueError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment cannot assign 0 input values to the N output values where the mask is true
  7,253  numpy and Global Interpreter Lock
  7,249  Make special diagonal matrix in Numpy
  7,248  solving for 5 variables using 6 linear equation using numpy
  7,248  Python DataFrame or list for storing objects
  7,246  add a 'now' timestamp column to a pandas df
  7,245  Distance matrix for rows in pandas dataframe
  7,244  Unpacking an array in python
  7,243  bitwise operations between elements in a list
  7,242  How to force python print numpy datetime64 with specified timezone?
  7,238  Debug TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
  7,237  How to install numpy in a virtualenv on Debian?
  7,230  matplotlib contour plot with lognorm - colorbar levels
  7,226  Python numpy update from 1.6 to 1.8
  7,222  How to declare 2D c-arrays dynamically in Cython
  7,222  Convert List of List of Tuples Into 2d Numpy Array
  7,219  Installing numpy for Python 2.7
  7,217  Object Too Deep for Desired Array - scipy.integrate.odeint
  7,217  numpy genfromtxt issues in Python3
  7,214  How do I remove the 'dtype' being returned when using numpy?
  7,213  How to solve homogeneous linear equations with NumPy?
  7,212  Packages getting installed only in Python 2.7 but not in 3.5
  7,212  numpy array of python objects
  7,211  TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int objec
  7,209  Index confusion in numpy arrays
  7,207  improving code efficiency: standard deviation on sliding windows
  7,205  How can check the distribution of a variable in python? [closed]
  7,204  What is meaning of transpose(3, 0, 1, 2) in python
  7,204  Inserting rows and columns into a numpy array
  7,200  Using numpy.argmax() on multidimensional arrays
  7,199  ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 17/08/2015
  7,195  Setting the x axis as time (years, months) for a set of values
  7,195  Select elements from a numpy array based on values in another array that is not an index array
  7,193  resampled time using scipy.signal.resample
  7,192  Write & read ndarray
  7,180  python numpy and memory efficiency (pass by reference vs. value)
  7,173  SciPy medfilt wrong result
  7,164  How to assign to square submatrices in big matrix without loops in numpy
  7,163  Numpy->Cython conversion: Compile error:Cannot convert 'npy_intp *' to Python object
  7,161  Python OpenCV drawing errors after manipulating array with numpy
  7,159  Unable to import numpy: Error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gotoblas
  7,159  Map numpy array with ufunc
  7,159  Converting pandas index to numpy array. Python [duplicate]
  7,156  Creating a masked array in Python with multiple given values
  7,151  Which Python to use on Windows for Numpy and friends?
  7,150  Identify consecutive same values in Pandas Dataframe, with a Groupby
  7,150  Easy way to implement a Root Raised Cosine (RRC) filter using Python & Numpy
  7,149  how to replace every n-th value of an array in python most efficiently?
  7,146  numpy 2D array assignment with 2D value and indices arrays
  7,145  ImportError numpy/core/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsASCIIString
  7,144  Python cPickle: load fails with UnpicklingError
  7,141  Find indices of a list of values in a numpy array
  7,137  How to use `cv2.findContours` in different OpenCV versions?
  7,136  Term document matrix and cosine similarity in Python
  7,134  Running Cumulative sum of 1d NumPy Array
  7,134  How can I save 3D array results to a 4D array in Python/numpy?
  7,131  Python Numpy FFT -or- RFFT to find period of a wave instead of its frequiency?
  7,128  Pandas, conditional column assignment based on column values
  7,124  Mask a 3d array with a 2d mask in numpy
  7,124  Installing gfortran for numpy with homebrew
  7,123  Numpy: return boolean array after condition checking
  7,122  Python - Gini coefficient calculation using Numpy
  7,121  How to do scatter and gather operations in numpy?
  7,119  Convert a std::vector to a NumPy array without copying data
  7,116  Numpy max pooling convolution
  7,111  TypeError: data type not understood while creating a numpy array
  7,109  Cuda GPU is slower than CPU in simple numpy operation
  7,102  How to display a plot in fullscreen
  7,101  Using scipy.interpolate.splrep function
  7,100  ''AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'ravel'''
  7,096  How to make numba @jit use all cpu cores (parallelize numba @jit)
  7,096  Find a root of a function in a given range
  7,093  Sympy to numpy causes the AttributeError: 'Symbol' object has no attribute 'cos'
  7,093  How can I efficently pad an RGB numpy array with the median of the image?
  7,090  Detecting peaks in python plots
  7,086  query a pandas dataframe based in index and datacolumns
  7,085  'data type not understood' error when defining numpy record data type
  7,081  What is the best way to install python 2 on OS X?
  7,080  scikit-learn MinMaxScaler produces slightly different results than a NumPy implemantation
  7,079  How does NumPy multidimensional array iteration work? (With and without nditer)
  7,079  Can't uninstall Numpy on Mac
  7,078  Python: Leave Numpy NaN values from matplotlib heatmap and its legend [duplicate]
  7,075  Python 3.5 (32-bit): ImportError: cannot import name NUMPY_MKL
  7,073  Index datetime in numpy array
  7,072  How to force pandas read_csv to use float32 for all float columns?
  7,071  Numpy element-wise dot product
  7,071  Filter numpy ndarray (matrix) according to column values
  7,068  what is meant by rv_frozen object in scipy?
  7,067  Is there (or why there is not) a matrix square root operation for sparse matrices in SciPy?
  7,066  Numpy: conditional sum
  7,066  numpy arrays dimension mismatch
  7,065  Write multiple NumPy arrays into CSV file in separate columns?
  7,065  Passing 3-dimensional numpy array to C
  7,065  OSX - ''NumPy/SciPy requires Python 2.6 to Install''
  7,064  typecasting PyArrayObject data to a C array
  7,061  How to print a numpy.array in one line?
  7,061  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'lower' fitting logistic model data
  7,057  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
  7,055  Expected type 'Union[ndarray, Iterable]' warning in Python instruction
  7,054  Group and average NumPy matrix
  7,052  Why is 'invalid value encountered in greater' warning thrown in python xarray for nan? Shouldn't the nan commute without any issues?
  7,052  Is there special significance to 16331239353195370.0?
  7,051  pyspark: ImportError: No module named numpy
  7,046  Solving for x values of polynomial with known y in scipy / numpy
  7,045  Can't install numpy on Mountain Lion
  7,044  I want to get python to output a png file
  7,043  calculate coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) for non linear curve fitting in python
  7,041  Write numpy unicode array to a text file
  7,039  How to read a super huge file into numpy array N lines at a time
  7,036  How can I make NumPy use OpenBlas in Ubuntu?
  7,034  Pandas DataFrame column assignment ValueError: Wrong number of items passed
  7,031  Scale Numpy array to certain range
  7,031  Convert uint8 to int64 in python
  7,030  Flags in Python
  7,029  python ImportError: cannot import name 'multiarray'
  7,028  Python Dictionary value assignment with list comprehension
  7,024  python lazy variables?  or, delayed expensive computation
  7,021  Scale a numpy array with from -0.1 - 0.2 to 0-255
  7,016  How do I get the index of a specific percentile in numpy / scipy?
  7,015  cannot unpack non-iterable numpy.float64 object python3 opencv
  7,013  Efficient ways to write a large NumPy array to a file
  7,010  Python Pandas - Drop row based on value
  7,009  Create heatmap using pandas TimeSeries
  7,005  drop duplicates in Python Pandas DataFrame not removing duplicates
  7,004  How to YAML save numpy array
  7,002  Taking subarrays from numpy array with given stride/stepsize
  6,998  Cannot populate NumPy datetime64 arrays
  6,997  AttributeError: type object 'numpy.ndarray' has no attribute '__array_function__'
  6,996  Randomly shuffle data and labels from different files in the same order
  6,996  plotting seismic wiggle traces using matplotlib
  6,995  Plot x-axis with string array as in the same order in original array and not sort it alphabetically in matplotlib
  6,993  howto stream numpy array into pyaudio stream?
  6,992  ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
  6,991  single positional indexer is out-of-bounds index error
  6,990  scipy sparse matrix: remove the rows whose all elements are zero
  6,990  Point inside polygon
  6,986  From JPG to b64encode to cv2.imread()
  6,986  Difference between nan and 'nan' in Python
  6,982  Importing Numpy to Python: ''ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.''
  6,981  Efficient way to do pandas operation and skip row
  6,978  How to find index of minimum non zero element with numpy?
  6,972  Sigma Notation in Python
  6,969  how are numpy eigenvalues and eigenvectors computed
  6,968  Lucas Kanade python numpy implementation uses enormous amount of memory
  6,964  Numpy matmul - Object arrays not currently supported
  6,964  How to filter a numpy array using a condition in python
  6,963  How to parse a numpy array?
  6,962  Python convert string to categorical - numpy
  6,962  I want to generate a mesh from a point cloud in Python
  6,959  Python: Generate random time series data with trends (e.g. cyclical, exponentially decaying etc)
  6,956  Tensorflow unhashable type 'list' in
  6,955  Saving 'float' numpy images
  6,955  itertools product speed up
  6,952  Difference between a -= b and a = a - b in Python
  6,951  using ols from statsmodels.formula.api - how to remove constant term?
  6,951  expected conv2d_1_input to have shape (28, 28, 1) but got array with shape (1, 28, 28)
  6,950  Randomly insert NA's values in a pandas dataframe
  6,950  Is numpy.transpose reordering data in memory?
  6,949  Unable to plot Double Bar, Bar plot using pyplot for ndarray
  6,949  Python programming - numpy polyfit saying NAN
  6,949  Outputting pandas series to txt file
  6,942  Numpy or SciPy Derivative function for non-uniform spacing?
  6,940  how to create an array of specified dimension of specific type initialized with same value in python?
  6,937  how to find most frequent string element in numpy ndarray?
  6,935  Python + OpenCV = How to crop circle?
  6,935  Error: Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2
  6,934  python pandas : split a data frame based on a column value
  6,934  numpy.savetxt saving every element on new line?
  6,926  Converting Pandas Dataframe to numpy array [duplicate]
  6,924  Compile, run, and import Python module in C# .Net
  6,921  What are the weight values to use in numpy polyfit and what is the error of the fit
  6,921  Numpy vectorize as a decorator with arguments
  6,920  Cython: are typed memoryviews the modern way to type numpy arrays?
  6,918  Python openCV TypeError: labels data type = 18 is not supported
  6,918  Fast interpolation of regularly sampled 3D data with different intervals in x,y, and z
  6,917  Numpy : ValueError: object of too small depth for desired array
  6,916  Python: is the iteration of the multidimensional array super slow?
  6,916  Matplotlib: Change math font size
  6,914  Python, hstack column numpy arrays (column vectors) of different types
  6,914  How to pass arrays into Scipy Interpolate RectBivariateSpline?
  6,913  What does this: s[s[1:] == s[:-1]] do in numpy?
  6,912  psycopg2: can't adapt type 'numpy.int64'
  6,910  numpy frombuffer - AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__buffer__'
  6,909  how to calculate the dot product of two arrays of vectors in python? [duplicate]
  6,907  Calculating percentile for specific groups
  6,902  ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 1 is different from 3)
  6,901  Numpy Install Mac Osx Python
  6,901  Custom transformer for sklearn Pipeline that alters both X and y
  6,900  Stacked Bar Plot By Group Count On Pandas Python
  6,899  Writing Python numpy arrays to .mat file
  6,898  How to truncate a numpy array for values greater than a specified value?
  6,897  mean() of column in pandas DataFrame returning inf: how can I solve this?
  6,896  How to load and convert .mat file into numpy 2D array?
  6,896  dimshuffle equivalent function in Numpy
  6,895  python: numpy: concatenation of named arrays
  6,893  Select two random rows from numpy array
  6,891  How to setup string to float converters for numpy genfromtxt
  6,890  Error in reading HDF5 using h5py
  6,890  Cheapest way to get a numpy array into C-contiguous order?
  6,890  Building a covariance matrix in Python
  6,888  Minimum number of points in retrieval of affine transform?
  6,884  Pandas groupby with categories with redundant nan
  6,883  Replacing values greater than a limit in a numpy array
  6,883  Does Anaconda 4.0.2 already runs numpy on MKL
  6,881  Smoothing my heatmap in Python
  6,881  Smallest positive float64 number
  6,881  How do I save a 3D Python/NumPy array as a text file?
  6,879  Indexing one-dimensional numpy.array as matrix
  6,878  Python: How to get local maxima values from 1D-array or list
  6,878  pip raises stdio.h not found error on Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9)
  6,877  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error in python
  6,875  Parametric equation with numpy
  6,875  numpy draw a few bernoulli distributions at once
  6,873  Combining numpy with sympy
  6,865  Efficient manipulations of binary matrix in numpy
  6,863  sklearn mask for onehotencoder does not work
  6,863  Selecting specific columns for calculating row wise total in pandas
  6,863  Efficient way to drop a column from a Numpy array?
  6,860  Python - Element-wise means of multiple matrices with Numpy
  6,857  Python eval function with numpy arrays via string input with dictionaries
  6,850  Python TA-Lib not working with pandas series
  6,846  How do I install numpy on windows python 3.4?
  6,844  Load a numpy array into C from a file that was saved with ... )
  6,843  Is there a better way of making numpy.argmin() ignore NaN values
  6,843  Decrease array size by averaging adjacent values with numpy
  6,843  Check if variable is defined with Numpy array?
  6,840  opencv error:Sizes of input arguments do not match
  6,834  numpy: unique list of colors in the image
  6,832  Python - is there a way to implement __getitem__ for multidimension array?
  6,829  Vectorizing for loops NumPy
  6,827  fast method with numpy for 2D Heat equation
  6,824  python matplotlib plot hist2d with normalised masked numpy array
  6,823  Python error 'int' object has no attribute 'shape'
  6,822  Open source Enthought Python alternative [closed]
  6,819  How to save a Python dtype('object') in an HDF5 file?
  6,815  numpy genfromtext or numpy loadtxt '' ValueError: could not convert string to float'' or ''too many values to unpack'', tried almost everything
  6,811  Numpy equivalent of if/else list comprehension
  6,806  Check if list or array element is empty
  6,806  Check array for values equal or very close to zero
  6,806  Change dtype of a single column in a 2d numpy array
  6,805  Round a float UP to next odd integer
  6,805  Pandas Fillna of Multiple Columns with Mode of Each Column
  6,805  adding columns to a text file
  6,801  How to create probability density function graph using csv dictreader, matplotlib and numpy?
  6,801  Creating a Matrix in Python
  6,801  Add a new column in text file
  6,800  ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero (python 3.6)
  6,799  how to store numpy arrays as tfrecord?
  6,796  How to compare two lists in python
  6,795  numpy.asarray: how to check up that its result dtype is numeric?
  6,794  How to add a Numpy Array to a dictionary
  6,792  Python genfromtext multiple datatypes
  6,792  Kronecker delta in Numpy
  6,791  New to Python ...  Python 3 and Matplotlib [closed]
  6,787  How to read a MP3 audio file into a numpy array / save a numpy array to MP3?
  6,782  calculating distance between two numpy arrays
  6,780  Select element from array with probability proportional to its value
  6,780  Numpy + OpenCV-Python : Get coordinates of white pixels [duplicate]
  6,777  Median of a list with NaN values removed, in python
  6,777  Confusion matrix ''Can't handle mix of multiclass and unkown''
  6,769  Python/Numpy - Set Values within some Tolerance to the Value
  6,769  Ignoring negative values when using np.log(array)
  6,768  Numpy array as lookup table
  6,767  Taking logarithm of column
  6,766  sorting points to form a continuous line
  6,766  Can't get to work
  6,764  2D Gaussian Fit for intensities at certain coordinates in Python
  6,763  ValueError: Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape=(546, 0)) while a minimum of 1 is required
  6,762  Translate matlab to python/numpy [closed]
  6,762  Python: TypeError: Unhashable Type: List
  6,760  ValueError: Feature not in features dictionary
  6,756  Replicating SQL's 'Join' in Python
  6,755  How to use dorpi5 or dop853 in Python
  6,752  take minimum between column value and constant global value
  6,752  confused about numpy.c_ document and sample code
  6,751  Numpy Covariance Matrix numpy.cov
  6,748  Plotting with matplotlib: TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
  6,746  IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
  6,745  Pandas: No column names in data file
  6,744  Storing a dict with np.savez gives unexpected result?
  6,743  In matrix of 100 x 100 in python, filling the off diagonal elements
  6,741  SciPy 0.12.0 and Numpy 1.6.1 - numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  6,741  How to quantitatively measure goodness of fit in SciPy?
  6,740  Python: Storing values in a 3D array to csv
  6,738  python numpy.savetxt header has extra character #
  6,731  Memory Error at Python while converting to array
  6,730  Is there a ''bounding box'' function (slice with non-zero values) for a ndarray in NumPy?
  6,730  Fill a column of a numpy array with another array
  6,728  Using Scipy.optimize method='SLSQP' returns initial guess
  6,728  How to invert numpy.where (np.where) function
  6,725  How can I square every element in an n by n numpy array? [duplicate]
  6,721  How to find cluster sizes in 2D numpy array?
  6,717  Python Pandas Data frame creation
  6,716  Any good implementation of greedy set cover for large datasets?
  6,713  Mapping string categories to numbers using pandas and numpy
  6,712  No module named numpy when spark-submitting
  6,712  How to smoothen data in Python?
  6,710  String comparison in Numpy
  6,708  Install numpy for python 2.7 and not 3.4
  6,708  How to shuffle a pandas dataframe randomly by row [duplicate]
  6,708  How to fix Value Error with train_test_split in Python Numpy
  6,705  Write ascii output from numpy arrays
  6,705  Converting a list of ints, tuples into an numpy array
  6,704  Can't find the right energy using scipy.signal.welch
  6,702  Plot colour image from a numpy array that has 3 channels
  6,702  hierarchical clustering with gene expression matrix in python
  6,701  Why is numpy.power 60x slower than in-lining?
  6,701  Numpy Array Column Slicing Produces IndexError: invalid index Exception
  6,699  Correlation coefficients for sparse matrix in python?
  6,697  Python numpy.corrcoef() RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide c /= stddev[:, None]
  6,695  Solve Generalized Eigenvalue Problem in Numpy
  6,693  python finding index of an array within a list
  6,692  Python, numpy; How to best deal with possible 0d arrays
  6,691  Pandas series to numpy array conversion error
  6,687  Python - convert object data type to integer, string or float based on data in dataframe column [duplicate]
  6,686  Fit data to all possible distributions and return the best fit [closed]
  6,686  AttributeError: 'numpy.int32' object has no attribute 'append'
  6,684  Python: Interpretation on XCORR
  6,683  Creating a 3D surface plot from three 1D arrays
  6,682  python - delete item from list of tuple by index [duplicate]
  6,681  How to decode jpg image from memory?
  6,681  Change 3d array to 4d array numpy
  6,680  numpy too many indices for array error
  6,674  Alternative to scipy.misc.imresize()
  6,672  How to convert a pandas dataframe into one dimensional array?
  6,670  'ValueError: could not convert string to float' in python sklearn
  6,670  new pythonic style for shared axes square subplots in matplotlib?
  6,668  How to break numpy array into smaller chunks/batches, then iterate through them
  6,668  FFT in Matlab and numpy / scipy give different results
  6,667  Prevent or dismiss 'empty file' warning in loadtxt
  6,666  NumPy on Python 3.3 on Windows 8
  6,663  In python, is math.acos() faster than numpy.arccos() for scalars?
  6,660  Python find numbers between range in list or array
  6,660  numpy arrays: filling and extracting data quickly
  6,658  Python - for loop of a list of ordered pairs and finding the greatest pair
  6,656  Is it possible to vectorize recursive calculation of a NumPy array where each element depends on the previous one?
  6,656  how to find glcm of an image in OpenCV or numpy?
  6,651  How to show all the element names in a npz file without having to load the completely?
  6,648  tensorflow: How to feed numpy.ndarray?
  6,645  NumPy arrays with SQLite
  6,644  shape-preserving piecewise cubic interpolation for 3D curve in python
  6,644  How to add custom metadata to OpenCV/numpy image?
  6,644  Building OpenCV cmake error: could NOT find PythonInterp
  6,643  Python matrix convolution without using numpy.convolve or scipy equivalent functions
  6,640  Numpy undefined symbol: cblas_sgemm
  6,638  ValueError: negative dimensions are not allowed using pandas pivot_table
  6,634  How to load data from np matrix to seaborn?
  6,632  specify dtype of each object in a python numpy array
  6,631  How to seed the random number generator for scikit-learn?
  6,630  tensorboard with numpy array
  6,626  numpy bitwise operation error
  6,626  Missing numpy/arrayobject.h while compiling .pyx file
  6,622  Calculate local time derivative of Series
  6,619  Python scikit-learn: Cannot clone object ...  as the constructor does not seem to set parameter
  6,618  Converting np-array from float to complex
  6,617  Convert nd array to key, value dictionary
  6,614  why is converting a long 2D list to numpy array so slow?
  6,611  StopIteration: generator_output = next(output_generator)
  6,611  Pandas groupby custom function to each series
  6,611  Numpy fails with python-dbg (undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4_64)
  6,611  how to get a float from a matrix in python numpy
  6,611  How to extract elements from a matrix using a vector of indices using numpy?
  6,603  Python: numpy/pandas change values on condition
  6,603  Numpy np.where multiple condition
  6,602  Running Scipy on Heroku
  6,602  python numpy: Change the column type of a numpy matrix
  6,599  Faster alternatives to numpy.argmax/argmin which is slow
  6,599  Conditional column arithmetic in pandas dataframe
  6,598  How to correlate two time series with gaps and different time bases?
  6,594  Easy ways to detect and crop blocks (paragraphs) of text out of image?
  6,593  Numpy with ATLAS or OpenBLAS?
  6,592  Converting an image to grayscale using numpy
  6,586  Using np.where but maintaining exisitng values if condition is False
  6,580  Why does ''numpy.mean'' return 'inf'?
  6,580  Time differentiation in Pandas
  6,579  How to get centroids from SciPy's hierarchical agglomerative clustering?
  6,578  Python: Concatenate 3 arrays
  6,578  Opencv 2.4.3 estimateRigidTransform in python
  6,578  cosine similarity on large sparse matrix with numpy
  6,574  min function in numpy array
  6,573  How do you use scipy.stats.rv_continuous?
  6,573  Finding Patterns in a Numpy Array
  6,572  Most efficient way to filter a long time series Python
  6,567  return index of last non-zero element in list
  6,559  Boolean indexing assignment of a numpy array to a numpy array
  6,556  slice numpy array by column except for 1 row
  6,552  Reshape arbitrary length vector into square matrix with padding in numpy
  6,552  Creating a matrix from CSV file
  6,548  Is there a way to stack two tensorflow datasets?
  6,547  Read a csv with numpy array using pandas
  6,547  class Image has no attribute 'fromarray'
  6,545  Installing Numpy 1.9.2 for Python 2.7.10 on a 64-bit Windows operating system?
  6,542  show multiple image in matplotlib from numpy array
  6,542  Python: Pulling data out of dictionary like a 2D array
  6,542  Iterate over all pairwise combinations of numpy array columns
  6,540  Find uncertainty from polyfit
  6,538  Applying SVD throws a Memory Error instantaneously?
  6,536  How to use numpy.savez to save array with subarrays into separate .npy files
  6,535  Velocity from array of acceleration samples in Python
  6,535  Numpy- weight and sum rows of a matrix
  6,533  Is there a standard way to store XY data in python?
  6,530  Enable Python to utilize all cores for fitting scikit-learn models
  6,527  Numpy array to TFrecord
  6,527  LU decomposition using python 3
  6,527  IndexError: index 1000 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1000
  6,521  Implementing zero mean and unit variance in numpy
  6,519  Do I have Numpy 32 bit or 64 bit?
  6,517  Increment Numpy array with repeated indices
  6,509  What is the difference between cholesky in numpy and scipy?
  6,508  numpy cov (covariance) function, what exactly does it compute?
  6,504  Resizing RGB image with cv2 numpy and Python 2.7
  6,501  Python OpenCV: Refresh images when a key is pressed
  6,501  Iterating over arrays in cython, is list faster than np.array?
  6,497  Call a C++ function from Python and convert a OpenCV Mat to a Numpy array
  6,493  Speeding up element-wise array multiplication in python
  6,491  convert numpy array to cython pointer
  6,490  Can't import numpy after Anaconda installed
  6,488  missing dimension in numpy array shape [duplicate]
  6,484  ''TypeError: Singleton array cannot be considered a valid collection'' using sklearn train_test_split
  6,484  how to minimize a function with discrete variable values in scipy
  6,483  Open and view .npz file in Python
  6,481  Replace value in array when greater than x [duplicate]
  6,479  Python: fill a polygon area in an array
  6,478  Jacobian and Hessian inputs in `scipy.optimize.minimize`
  6,477  Python: numpy array larger and smaller than a value
  6,476  Numpy matrix must be 2-dimensional error
  6,476  Creating a sparse matrix from numpy array
  6,475  Why do casting rules differ between computers in python?
  6,475  Strange typecasting when adding int to uint8?
  6,472  Convert a 2d matrix to a 3d one hot matrix numpy
  6,461  Comparing numpy float arrays in unit tests [duplicate]
  6,457  Improving Numpy Performance
  6,457  How to convert the time zone of the values of a Pandas Series
  6,456  Check if two scipy.sparse.csr_matrix are equal
  6,455  Why does ''None in numpy.asarray( ... )'' cause a future warning
  6,454  Apply numpy.where on condition with either list or numpy.array
  6,453  Enthought Python, Sage, or others (in Unix clusters)
  6,452  Average trend curve for data points in Python
  6,444  Numpy slicing from variable
  6,443  How to plot the integral of a signal as time goes by?
  6,442  Multiprocessing : NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
  6,441  How to install numpy for PyPy on Windows?
  6,439  Convert signed float to uint8 image opencv
  6,437  Load TIFF image as numpy array
  6,434  Making a Python script to load all npy/npz files in a directory
  6,431  Efficient way to calculate distance matrix given latitude and longitude data in Python
  6,430  Installing numpy on mac with pip: ''requirements already satisfied'' but ''No module numpy''
  6,429  python matplotlib save graph without showing
  6,429  OpenCV - numpy array is 'bad argument type' for cv2.imread?
  6,429  convert string to 2d numpy array
  6,428  Write a data string to a NumPy character array?
  6,427  Error in groupby pandas
  6,424  how to convert a 1-dimensional image array to PIL image in Python
  6,423  Python debugger tells me value of Numpy array is ''*** Newest frame''
  6,418  Understanding the syntax of numpy.r_() concatenation
  6,418  Numpy sum over planes of 3d array, return a scalar
  6,414  Can I produce the result of np.outer using
  6,412  Fast way to take average of every N rows in a .npy array
  6,407  change numpy array type from string to float
  6,399  Save numpy based array in different rows of an excel file
  6,399  How to create Pandas Series with Decimal?
  6,397  Fourier Transformation vs Numpy FFT
  6,396  Python 2.7 & PyDev - matplotlib and NumPy not working
  6,391  Python Numpy.loadtxt with varied string entries but know line format
  6,391  Convert categorical variables from String to int representation
  6,390  Memory efficient sort of massive numpy array in Python
  6,390  AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'type' upon importing tensorflow
  6,389  How do I convert a pandas series which is multidimensional to pandas dataframe
  6,389  How do I convert a pandas series which is multidimensional to pandas dataframe
  6,388  Creating tuples with
  6,387  How to append a ''label'' to a numpy array
  6,386  border/edge operations on numpy arrays
  6,382  How to replace a value in array in numpy python
  6,381  Numpy String Encoding
  6,381  How to eliminate the extra minus sign when rounding negative numbers towards zero in numpy?
  6,376  Py4Java: ImportError: No module named numpy when running Python shell for Apache Spark
  6,373  Keras - TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
  6,371  How to format in numpy savetxt such that zeros are saved only as ''0''
  6,370  Using multiple levels of boolean index mask in NumPy
  6,370  Storing and loading numpy arrays as files
  6,367  Numpy error ValueError: scale <= 0
  6,366  Calculate the sum of every 5 elements in a python array
  6,363  Generating random numbers with a given probably density function
  6,363  generate random numbers truncated to 2 decimal places
  6,363  Difference between cv2.findNonZero and Numpy.NonZero
  6,362  Computing average of non-zero values
  6,359  Timestamp subtraction of time arrays with different timezones
  6,358  Converting an array datatime.datetime to float
  6,357  Pandas groupby with pct_change
  6,356  Why does python/numpy's += mutate the original array?
  6,355  Convert numpy array to hex bytearray
  6,355  Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('int32') according to the rule 'safe'
  6,349  Append Row(s) to a NumPy Record Array
  6,348  Numerical integration Loop Python
  6,347  Normal Equation Implementation in Python / Numpy
  6,346  objects not aligned error
  6,345  Python: Fast way of MinMax scaling an array
  6,338  Incrementally building a numpy array and measuring memory usage
  6,336  Generating a heat map using 3D data in matplotlib
  6,335  Gaussian filtering a image with Nan in Python
  6,332  Very Basic Numpy array dimension visualization
  6,332  Python: rewrite a looping numpy math function to run on GPU
  6,330  calling dot products and linear algebra operations in Cython?
  6,329  alignment of stacked subplots
  6,328  TypeError: mean() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dtype' # Pandas.DataFrame
  6,328  Center of mass of a numpy array, how to make less verbose?
  6,327  How does np.multiply work?
  6,326  Is there a equivalent of scipy.signal.deconvolve for 2D arrays?
  6,322  scikit-image Gabor filter error: `filter weights array has incorrect shape`
  6,321  Why do ''Not a Number'' values equal True when cast as boolean in Python/Numpy?
  6,321  Python/Numpy: Setting values to index ranges
  6,321  How to fix 'RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars'
  6,320  Overflow with numpy.exp()
  6,317  Numpy individual element access slower than for lists
  6,314  create matrix structure using pandas
  6,313  Set a column in numpy array to zero
  6,313  Rotated image coordinates after scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate?
  6,312  How to deal with 'ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (10000,) (10000,10) ' in Numpy
  6,311  Solving heat equation with python (NumPy)
  6,308  Matplotlib 3D surface plot from 2D pandas dataframe
  6,303  python: pandas np.where vs. df.loc with multiple conditions
  6,302  Append string to a numpy ndarray
  6,296  Plotting a masked surface plot using python, numpy and matplotlib
  6,295  Remove rows from numpy matrix
  6,295  How could I remove the rows of an array if one of the elements of the row does not satisfy a condition?
  6,294  Python save txt file in a different folder
  6,294  How to draw an unit circle using numpy and matplotlib
  6,293  Understanding PyTorch einsum
  6,293  Python / Scipy ''invalid index to scalar variable''
  6,292  Calculate weighted pairwise distance matrix in Python
  6,290  Plot an equation with matplotlib and numpy
  6,287  Reading a RAW image (.CR2) using numpy.fromfile
  6,286  Sparse Efficiency Warning while changing the column
  6,285  'Unexpected Section Title' with Sphinx  -  is numpy the issue?
  6,285  calculating slope for a series trendline in Pandas
  6,283  Masking BGR image using a 2D mask
  6,281  Replacing -inf values to np.nan in a feature pandas.series [duplicate]
  6,281  Pyplot Scatter to Contour plot
  6,278  Calculate mean on values in python collections.Counter
  6,277  numpy: arange include endpoint
  6,277  How to ''remove'' mask from numpy array after performing operations?
  6,275  Numpy vectorize, using lists as arguments
  6,275  Converting a pandas multi-index series to a dataframe by using second index as columns
  6,273  How to create 3D numpy array? [duplicate]
  6,271  ValueError: numpy.dtype has the wrong size, with import decomposition [duplicate]
  6,271  How to Index multiple items of array with intervals in Python
  6,270  Optimal way to append to numpy array
  6,268  Pandas DataFrame to Numpy Array ValueError
  6,264  Repeat NumPy array without replicating data?
  6,264  Julia's Python performance example in pypy
  6,261  How can I transform blocks into a blockdiagonal matrix (NumPy)
  6,260  numpy array to scipy.sparse matrix
  6,256  Plotting histrogram from numpy array
  6,256  Difference between random draws from scipy.stats ... rvs and numpy.random
  6,249  Preventing overwriting when using numpy.savetxt
  6,247  numpy.array to PNG file and back
  6,244  Cumsum reset at NaN
  6,243  How to convert numpy array to postgresql list
  6,243  Fastest way to count array values above a threshold in numpy
  6,243  Euclidean distance in Python
  6,242  fast way to remove lowercase substrings from string?
  6,241  TypeError: 'module' object is not callable . MFCC
  6,241  numpy: how to construct a matrix of vectors from vector of matrix
  6,238  adding a numpy ndarray to a sparse matrix
  6,237  Pass shape tuple to Numpy `random.rand`
  6,233  Pandas read dataframe from csv with index as string, not int
  6,232  pd.read_csv gives me str but need float
  6,231  Python lists/arrays: disable negative indexing wrap-around in slices
  6,231  Keep numpy array operator in np.float32
  6,230  In sklearn.decomposition.PCA, why are components_ negative?
  6,229  Python curves intersection with fsolve() and function arguments using numpy
  6,225  numpy.genfromtxt with datetime.strptime converter
  6,225  in Python trying to use cv2.matchShapes() from OpenCV
  6,221  How to save numpy masked array to file
  6,220  Matplotlib: Formatting dates on the x-axis in a 3D Bar graph
  6,220  Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll on python executable
  6,219  How to parallelize a sum calculation in python numpy?
  6,217  Why path is not found in python?
  6,216  Python how to index multidimensional array with string key, like a dict
  6,213  ValueError: Expected n_neighbors <= 1. Got 5 -Scikit K Nearest Classifier
  6,212  NumPy resize method
  6,212  Correct way to fill a list from a SQL query using pyodbc
  6,211  Storing numpy sparse matrix in HDF5 (PyTables)
  6,209  Linear regression slope error in numpy
  6,207  ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 821 to array axis with dimension 7
  6,207  How to access elements of numpy ndarray?
  6,203  How To transpose specific columns into rows in pandas associate other column value
  6,201  Augment a matrix in NumPy
  6,198  Attribute error: exp in python, works for some functions and not others
  6,195  Python Sigma Sums
  6,195  Installing `numpy` within a virtualenv in Ubuntu 11.10
  6,194  NaN is not recognized in pandas after np.where clause. Why? Or is it a bug?
  6,193  ''No loop matching the specified signature'' ERROR when trying to solve linear equation
  6,193  my rotation matrix for numpy (python) isn't working
  6,191  Python OverflowError: math range error being raised differently in different runs
  6,190  Why cannot numpy arrays convert from datetime to np.datetime64 implicitly?
  6,189  Python Numpy - Treat really small numbers as zero
  6,187  Converting Tensor to np.array using K.eval() in Keras returns InvalidArgumentError
  6,185  ImportError: cannot import name 'tree' for sklearn
  6,185  Creating multiple arrays within a for loop (Python)
  6,184  Convert a 3-channel RGB mage into a 1-channel binary image
  6,184  Adding np arrays to existing pandas dataframe
  6,182  Implementation of the Gauss-Newton method from Wikipedia example
  6,182  How to calculate frequency of a give wave and time
  6,181  numpy's complex128 conversion
  6,181  NumPy matrix plus column vector
  6,180  argsort for a multidimensional ndarray
  6,176  NumPy reading file with filtering lines on the fly
  6,175  Pandas: aggregate when column contains numpy arrays
  6,174  Check if values in a set are in a numpy array in python
  6,173  turn double square brackets to single
  6,173  PyCharm can't find a reference yet it definitely exists
  6,173  Pass args for solve_ivp (new SciPy ODE API)
  6,172  Timeline bar graph using python and matplotlib
  6,172  Shape recognition with numpy/scipy (perhaps watershed)
  6,172  Scipy Import Error; cannot import name NUMPY_MKL
  6,172  Create NumPy array from another array by specifying rows and columns
  6,171  What is the use of numpy.random.seed() Does it make any difference?
  6,169  What is the purpose of numpy.where returning a tuple?
  6,167  Why are lil_matrix and dok_matrix so slow compared to common dict of dicts?
  6,167  numpy's interp function - how to find a value of x for a given value of y?
  6,167  Converting bsxfun with @times to numpy
  6,165  Gauss-Jordan Elimination in python
  6,164  Numpy reshape inplace
  6,164  Numpy rebinning a 2D array
  6,164  I get `No module named _multiarray_umath` when using matplotlib
  6,160  Printing the equation of the best fit line
  6,159  applying ''tighter'' bounds in scipy.optimize.curve_fit
  6,158  scipy stats geometric mean returns NaN
  6,157  Pandas: Select values from specific columns of a DataFrame by row
  6,154  'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ravel' when transforming target variable?
  6,150  fast python numpy where functionality?
  6,149  IPython - have print default to print head & tail on long variables
  6,147  Most dominant color in RGB image - OpenCV / NumPy / Python
  6,146  Crop out the top of an image numpy (or scipy)
  6,145  numpy: log with -inf not nans
  6,144  Tensorflow: How can I assign numpy pre-trained weights to subsections of graph?
  6,143  Installing Numpy locally
  6,140  Seeding random number generators in parallel programs
  6,139  How to append many numpy files into one numpy file in python
  6,138  Why does this implementation of multiprocessing.pool not work?
  6,138  In python, how does one efficiently find the largest consecutive set of numbers in a list that are not necessarily adjacent?
  6,137  linear combinations in python/numpy
  6,137  how to use numpy.vectorize or numpy.frompyfunc
  6,134  Why the negative reshape (-1) in MNIST tutorial?
  6,134  find tangent vector at a point for discrete data points
  6,132  I am trying to implement GridSearchCV to tune the parameters of K nearest neighbor classifier
  6,130  Why is the adjoint of a matrix in numpy obtained by np.matrix.getH()
  6,130  how to split 'number' to separate columns in pandas DataFrame
  6,129  Select rows in a Numpy 2D array with a boolean vector
  6,129  Can't use /= on numpy array
  6,129  Can I use a numpy array to generate folds for cross validation?
  6,128  Writing and reading complex numbers using numpy.savetxt and numpy.loadtxt
  6,126  Python plot log scale set xticks?
  6,126  Applying multiple masks to arrays
  6,117  What is numpy.fft.rfft and numpy.fft.irfft and its equivalent code in MATLAB
  6,110  Assign value to multiple slices in numpy
  6,107  numpy genfromtxt/pandas read_csv; ignore commas within quote marks
  6,107  Compare two arrays with different size - python numpy
  6,099  Eigen Matrix vs Numpy Array multiplication performance
  6,098  Problems with newline parameter in numpy savetxt function
  6,096  timedelta error with numpy.longdouble dtype
  6,093  Error when running tests of scipy and numpy on OS X Snow Leopard
  6,092  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'mode'
  6,091  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' in plt.scatter
  6,091  How to check a condition on each element of each row with numpy
  6,088  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'matlib' [duplicate]
  6,086  ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32')
  6,085  Is freeing handled differently for small/large numpy arrays?
  6,084  How to calculate differences across n columns in pandas rather than rows
  6,082  Scipy ValueError: Total size of new array must be unchanged
  6,082  Retain unchanged data when saving Numpy array to image with Scipy imsave
  6,082  Easiest way to create a NumPy record array from a list of dictionaries?
  6,081  groupby, count and average in numpy, pandas in python
  6,079  How to use ax with Pandas and Matplotlib
  6,076  numpy - 2d array indexing
  6,074  Sort Pandas DataFrame by value
  6,070  Python-pandas Replace NA with the median or mean of a group in dataframe
  6,069  TypeError: unorderable types: float() < function()
  6,068  ValueError: array length does not match index length
  6,068  Convert Pytorch Tensor to Numpy Array using Cuda
  6,067  converting a float to decimal type in Python
  6,066  Discretized continuous Fourier transform with numpy
  6,064  How to do antilog in numpy?
  6,062  scipy.stats.multivariate_normal raising `LinAlgError: singular matrix` even though my covariance matrix is invertible
  6,062  Is there a numpy biginteger?
  6,061  Numpy loadtxt skip first column
  6,060  python mean of list of lists
  6,055  Difference between numpy.float and numpy.float64
  6,054  numpy diff on a pandas Series
  6,050  Numpy 2d and 1d array to latex bmatrix
  6,049  HOW TO LABEL the FEATURE IMPORTANCE with forests of trees?
  6,044  relabel x-axis in matplotlib heatmap
  6,043  python sum all previous values in array at each index
  6,041  How to append to .mat file using
  6,039  cython / numpy type of an array
  6,038  How to duplicate a row or column in a numpy array?
  6,037  Transparent colormap
  6,037  Converting Comma-Separated String to Numpy Array In Python 3
  6,035  np.where multiple return values
  6,034  How to solve TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable on Python
  6,029  Producing spectrogram from microphone
  6,026  Cannot pip install sklearn for Python 3.6
  6,023  Plotting 3D image form a data in NumPy-array
  6,023  InfogainLoss layer
  6,022  Python Multidimensional Array - Adding additional values to beginning and end of each row
  6,018  NaNs as key in dictionaries
  6,018  C array vs NumPy array
  6,018  Augmenting a matrix in Python using numpy
  6,016  nested Python numpy arrays dimension confusion
  6,015  preprocessing error trying to use OneHot Encoder Python
  6,012  numpy.product vs vs
  6,007  How can I produce a numpy-like documentation?
  6,005  Keras Masking for RNN with Varying Time Steps
  6,003  Python - Find all intersection points of 2 graphs
  6,001  geodesic distance transform in python
  6,000  Python - Rolling window OLS Regression estimation
  6,000  Python 3.4 pip install wheel fails on Yosemite - ''not a supported wheel on this platform''
  5,996  scipy.test() fails with many assertion errors
  5,995  numpy loadtxt IndexError: list index out of range
  5,991  Python Scipy Optimization.minimize using SLSQP showing maximized results
  5,991  How does numpy.linalg.inv calculate the inverse of an orthogonal matrix?
  5,987  read matlab v7.3 file into python list of numpy arrays via h5py
  5,987  numpy polyfit passing through 0
  5,986  Compute eigenvectors of image in python
  5,983  Matplotlib histogram from numpy histogram output [duplicate]
  5,983  Creating numpy array from pandas dataframe [duplicate]
  5,982  Matplotlib: Two datasets on one image
  5,981  Avoid overflow when adding numpy arrays
  5,979  "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
  5,978  Adding an alpha channel to a Monochrome Image using Open CV Python
  5,976  Importing Numpy into functions
  5,975  Sampling from bivariate normal in python
  5,975  Efficiently remove rows/columns of numpy image array
  5,968  Calculate Distances Between One Point in Matrix From All Other Points
  5,966  How to plot y=1/x as a single graph [duplicate]
  5,965  How to install SciPy stack with pip and homebrew?
  5,965  Finding coordinates of brightest pixel in an image and entering them into an array
  5,962  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (25,1) into shape (25)
  5,962  Python Prime Number Generator Numpy [closed]
  5,962  Python Pandas find non zero indices
  5,962  Python: extract a 2D array from a 3D array
  5,961  Pandas Dataframe or Panel to 3d numpy array
  5,960  How to vectorize a data frame with several text columns in scikit learn without losing track of the origin columns
  5,957  Create numpy array with random elements from list
  5,954  why does numpy give the dimension mismatch error?
  5,954  When getting an ROI from a numpy array (opencv image) why does img[y0:y1, x0:x1] seem to use an inconsistent range of indicies?
  5,949  How to create a random array in a certain range
  5,948  WXPython with MatPlotLib
  5,947  Plotting a 3D Meshgrid: [duplicate]
  5,947  Input via a plot in matplotlib
  5,946  Calculate rotation matrix to align two vectors in 3D space?
  5,945  Modify actual element value in array numpy
  5,944  Access multiple elements of an array
  5,943  Concatenating with empty numpy array
  5,943  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'cos'
  5,941  Multiply all columns in a Pandas dataframe together
  5,941  How to read NetCDF variable float data into a Numpy array with the same precision and scale as the original NetCDF float values?
  5,938  python/numpy ValueError: Expected 1D or 2D array, got 0D array instead
  5,937  Using Use a.any() or a.all()
  5,928  Creating numpy array of matrices
  5,927  How np.argsort works in pandas DataFrame?
  5,925  Finding unique points in numpy array
  5,924  Fastest way to shift a Numpy array
  5,923  Numpy/scipy deprecation warning for ''rank''
  5,923  HDF5 : storing NumPy data
  5,923  Cumulative summation of a numpy array by index
  5,920  Differences between Numpy divide and Python divide?
  5,919  TypeError when indexing a list with a NumPy array: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
  5,919  Interpolating one time series onto another in pandas
  5,918  How to filter a numpy.ndarray by date?
  5,918  Find the Most common term in Scikit-learn classifier [duplicate]
  5,918  Convert np.ndarray to np.array in python
  5,915  Trying to compute softmax values, getting AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'T'
  5,912  cx_freeze fails to create exe with pandas library
  5,909  timeit module in python does not recognize numpy module
  5,908  Random flipping and RGB jittering/slight value change of image?
  5,907  Installing scipy with pip on a linux server
  5,907  How to find nearest value that is greater in numpy array?
  5,906  Numpy inner product of 2 column vectors
  5,900  Pandas Dataframe - Get index values based on condition
  5,899  Print all the non-zero element in a 2D matrix in Python
  5,899  How to force numpy array order to fortran style?
  5,898  Python savetxt header
  5,898  Match filtering in Python
  5,898  How to read only specific rows from a text file? [duplicate]
  5,898  change the values of an array from nan to zero
  5,897  Joining two 2D numpy arrays into a single 2D array of 2-tuples
  5,897  How can I read and write binary files?
  5,896  ValueError: Unknown format code 'g' for object of type 'str'
  5,896  Normalize scipy.ndimage.filters.correlate
  5,896  Fast tensor rotation with NumPy
  5,895  Minimizing python function that has numpy array as argument
  5,893  How to find the difference between two matrices in Python with the result should not have any values with minus sign
  5,889  python numpy argmax to max in multidimensional array
  5,889  How to standardize/normalize a date with pandas/numpy?
  5,888  Why do Numpy.all() and any() give wrong results if you use generator expressions?
  5,885  numpy.getbuffer causes AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'getbuffer'
  5,883  Is it possible to reproduce randn() of MATLAB with NumPy?
  5,879  Plotting scatter figures in for loop, generating just one figure: Python
  5,878  Python plot gantt chart
  5,878  numpy: Why is there a difference between (x,1) and (x, ) dimensionality
  5,878  numpy vectorize multidimensional function
  5,877  How to access an item from S3 using boto3 and read() its contents
  5,876  Scipy - find bases of column space of matrix
  5,876  How to ignore values when using numpy.sum and numpy.mean in matrices
  5,875  How to print full (not truncated) tensor in tensorflow?
  5,875  From JSON file to Numpy Array
  5,873  Convert binary (0|1) numpy to integer or binary-string?
  5,871  Python: confusion between types and dtypes
  5,871  Apply function to dataframe column element based on value in other column for same row?
  5,867  Sorting numpy array on multiple columns in Python
  5,866  Discretization into N categories with equal amounts of observations in each
  5,863  Understanding Keras weight matrix of each layers
  5,862  Numpy max along axis
  5,862  How does pytorch broadcasting work?
  5,862  Calculating Mean of arrays with different lengths
  5,860  Remove a list from a list of lists Python
  5,856  How do I find x given y or vice versa in numpy?
  5,855  Why does plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray') not show a grayscale image?
  5,854  Asynchronously read and process an image in python
  5,853  In Python, how would you check if a number is one of the integer types?
  5,850  Elementwise logical comparison of numpy arrays
  5,849  NumPy array indexing a 2D matrix
  5,848  ValueError: Number of features of the model must match the input. model n_feature> input nfeature
  5,846  Python numpy unwrap function
  5,846  Convert python byte string to numpy int?
  5,844  Display pixels values as an image
  5,843  how to find avg of column of csv file
  5,842  How can I rotate a 3d array (nxnxn) by x degrees around x, y, and z axes?
  5,840  Slice numpy array wth list of wanted rows
  5,840  Pandas calculating age from a date
  5,839  Trying to plot a defined function
  5,838  How to read and write 24-bit wav file using scipy or common alternative?
  5,834  Set max number of threads at runtime on numpy/openblas
  5,833  Generating low discrepancy quasi-random sequences in python/numpy/scipy?
  5,833  Finding first samples greater than a threshold value efficiently in Python (and MATLAB comparison)
  5,831  Python: Calculate the Gradient of a 3D grid
  5,830  groupby, sum and count to one table
  5,830  Create block diagonal numpy array from a given numpy array
  5,829  ValueError: Can't convert non-rectangular Python sequence to Tensor
  5,828  matplotlib.pcolor very slow. alternatives?
  5,827  plotting graphs in numpy, scipy [closed]
  5,826  Can't import `multivariate_normal` when using `scipy.stats`
  5,825  opencv-python: is not a numpy array
  5,824  PySpark: TypeError: StructType can not accept object 0.10000000000000001 in type <type 'numpy.float64'>
  5,824  Numpy, Add Column to existing structured array
  5,821  Scatter Plot 3D with labels and spheres
  5,821  Loadtxt can't find file
  5,821  How does Pythonic garbage collection with numpy array appends and deletes?
  5,821  compressed files bigger in h5py
  5,819  how to convert pandas data frame into numpy data frame
  5,818  mpi4py scatter and gather with large numpy arrays
  5,817  Python/Numpy: Convert list of bools to unsigned int
  5,815  Tensorflow median value
  5,814  Can I use my own Python class with numpy or some other matrix library?
  5,811  Shipping and using virtualenv in a pyspark job
  5,810  Find index positions where 3D-array meets MULTIPLE conditions
  5,810  Apply opencv threshold to a numpy array
  5,808  Solving system using linalg with constraints
  5,808  from visual import * not working (vpython)
  5,805  numpy - how do I count the occurrence of items in nested lists by index?
  5,804  How to Correctly mask 3D Array with numpy
  5,804  Best way to add a new column to a Numpy array
  5,802  plot single row of 2d numpy array against 1d list
  5,802  Numpy 3d array indexing
  5,802  How to normalize a vector in python?
  5,801  find the ''elbow point'' on an optimization curve with Python
  5,800  Multiplying large sparse matrices in python
  5,798  Multiprocessing IOError: bad message length
  5,796  Pandas set value in groupby
  5,792  How do I load a caffe model and convert to a numpy array?
  5,790  Smoothing a 2D array along only one axis
  5,790  Python Pandas: can't find numpy.core.multiarray when importing pandas
  5,789  Getting the dtype of a result array in numpy
  5,788  Python Numpy: reshape is deprecated
  5,786  OpenCV Python and Histogram of Oriented Gradient
  5,786  Bandpass butterworth filter frequencies in scipy
  5,782  Calculating e (base of the natural log) to high precision in Python?
  5,780  Python/numpy issue with array/vector with empty second dimension
  5,780  python numpy - convert Timestamps to datetime
  5,780  Defining precision of floating point number in Python
  5,775  Numpy sorting by increasing datetime
  5,775  Numpy roll in several dimensions
  5,774  Reading two columns of numbers from a text file in python
  5,774  numpy: fill offset diagonal with different values
  5,774  numpy array C api
  5,772  Write lines longer than 80 chars in output file [Python]
  5,771  Python: 1d array circular convolution
  5,771  Delete elements from numpy array by value [duplicate]
  5,770  Numpy: multiplying with NaN values without using nan_to_num
  5,770  Matplotlib with JSON files
  5,770  how to convert an image from BGR to LAB with opencv 2.4 python 2.7 and numpy
  5,770  Filter a 2D numpy array
  5,766  Storing information on points in a 3d space
  5,762  How can I iterate through numpy 3d array
  5,762  Append multiple numpy files to one big numpy file in python
  5,761  Python Running Sum in List [duplicate]
  5,757  How to calculate the likelihood of curve-fitting in scipy?
  5,756  NumPy equivalent of Matlab's magic()
  5,755  Python: Divide values in cell by max in each column
  5,753  Convert a .sav file to .csv file in Python
  5,749  Green to red colormap in matplotlib, centered on the median of the data
  5,747  Creating image tiles (m*n) of original image using Python and Numpy
  5,746  scipy.optimize.curve_fit: not a proper array of floats error
  5,746  Iterate over the output of `np.where`
  5,745  Numpy Error ''Could not convert string to float: 'Illinois'''
  5,742  How to truncate the values of a 2D numpy array
  5,740  How to derive equation from Numpy's polyfit?
  5,738  Enum vs String as a parameter in a function
  5,738  Calculate max draw down with a vectorized solution in python
  5,737  Supposed automatically threaded scipy and numpy functions aren't making use of multiple cores
  5,736  2D slice series of 3D array in numpy
  5,735  Numpy multidimensional array slicing
  5,735  Filter pandas dataframe by list
  5,734  Filter pandas Dataframe based on max values in a column
  5,731  Populate numpy matrix from the difference of two vectors
  5,730  Get a contour (x,y) coordinates of a shape in an image with python
  5,730  Calculate multivariate linear regression with numpy
  5,728  Identity element for `numpy.hstack`
  5,727  Pandas: DataFrame Error - 2 columns passed, passed data had 3 columns
  5,727  Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 8.1 with Python 2.7
  5,726  Get the y value of a given x
  5,725  Is it possible to compute an inverse of sparse matrix in Python as fast as in Matlab?
  5,721  Numpy: calculate based on previous element?
  5,720  How can I plot a correlation matrix as a set of ellipses, similar to the R open-air package?
  5,719  Apply functions to 3D numpy array
  5,718  TypeError: Data type not understood, numpy.zeros [duplicate]
  5,718  Error 'numpy.int32' object does not support item assignment
  5,713  Save .dta files in python
  5,712  How do you use numpy in google app engine (Python)
  5,711  Difference between various numpy random functions
  5,711  Compute linear regression standardized coefficient (beta) with Python
  5,710  How to convert spark sql dataframe to numpy array?
  5,708  Python : generating random numbers from a power law distribution [duplicate]
  5,706  Filtering a Pandas DataFrame Without Removing Rows
  5,706  cosd and sind with sympy
  5,704  ''Numpy'' TypeError: data type ''string'' not understood
  5,703  combine two arrays and sort
  5,702  Split pandas dataframe into chunks of N [closed]
  5,702  Is there a numpy function for generating sequences similar to R's seq function?
  5,696  OpenCV error: (-215) npoints > 0 in function cv::drawContours
  5,696  How to create a numpy array of N numbers of the same value?
  5,694  Array interpolation in python?
  5,685  Not write out all dates on an axis, Matplotlib
  5,685  How to mpf an array?
  5,683  Python: Trying to plot error bars on a graph gives ''ValueError: err must be [ scalar | N, Nx1 or 2xN array-like ]''
  5,682  Why has the numpy random.choice() function been discontinued?
  5,680  Taking the log of each element in a numpy.ndarray?
  5,680  Least-Squares Regression of Matrices with Numpy
  5,680  How to match cv2.imread to the keras image.img_load output
  5,680  How to match cv2.imread to the keras image.img_load output
  5,678  ImportError: DLL load failed: Le module sp'cifi' est introuvable
  5,678  Convert Numpy array to image by using CV2 or PIL
  5,676  How does numpy.transpose work for this example?
  5,675  Python - How do I animate my scatterplot?
  5,675  can't import NumPy Mac OS X Lion
  5,673  Identifying the nearest grid point
  5,672  how to perform a linear approximation and get linear equation from an array of data in python
  5,667  TypeError: object of type 'numpy.int64' has no len()
  5,667  Pytorch equivalent of Numpy's logical_and and kin?
  5,665  pandas, convert DataFrame to MultiIndex'ed DataFrame
  5,662  Python function that handles scalar or arrays
  5,659  Computing Jaccard Similarity in Python
  5,659  Apply function to all elements in NumPy matrix [duplicate]
  5,656  convert python xgboost dMatrix to numpy ndarray or pandas DataFrame
  5,655  Read data from text file, into numpy array in python
  5,655  Converting files to digital image failing with ''tile cannot extend outside image''
  5,653  convert 3D list to numpy array
  5,652  Interpolate large irregular grid onto another irregular grid in Python
  5,652  Getting indices of both zero and nonzero elements in array
  5,652  Append numpy ndarrays with different dimensions in loop
  5,648  BytesIO stream to Numpy arrays? (Picamera)
  5,646  Python Numpy or Pandas Linear Interpolation For Datetime related Values
  5,645  Unmasking of masked Numpy array changes masked values to 0's
  5,645  Numpy: increment elements of an array given the indices required to increment
  5,643  Python: Pandas DataFrame for tuples
  5,643  Create scipy curve fitting definitions for fourier series dynamically
  5,642  ''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'' in ipython notebook
  5,642  float object is not callable
  5,641  frame difference using python
  5,640  Cannot import numpy
  5,638  Is there an efficient method to convert numpy.ndarray to list?
  5,636  Keras - How to use argmax for predictions
  5,636  Google Protocol Buffers, HDF5, NumPy comparison (transferring data)
  5,636  Docker unable to install numpy, scipy, or gensim
  5,635  ''AttributeError: sqrt'' when calculating a simple standard deviation
  5,633  QImage to Numpy Array using PySide
  5,633  k-nearest neighbour classifier using numpy
  5,631  How to draw rounded line ends using matplotlib
  5,631  checking for nan's in 2d numpy arrays
  5,630  Python: performing FFT on music file
  5,629  Numpy array: concatenate arrays and integers
  5,628  Python Numpy Apply Rotation Matrix to each line in array
  5,626  numpy convert 2D Integer Record to 2D floating point Record
  5,625  python: error message
  5,624  Bicubic interpolation Python
  5,623  Fitting a polynomial using np.polyfit in 3 dimensions
  5,621  How to get smooth filled contour in matplotlib?
  5,618  numpy correlation coefficient
  5,617  Removing nan elements from matrix
  5,617  Importing numpy from Thonny: ModuleNotFoundError
  5,616  Draw multivariate Gaussian distribution samples using Python numpy.random.randn
  5,616  Add columns to pivot table with pandas
  5,614  Using Python to change dimensions of numpy array
  5,613  What value do I use in a slicing range to include the last value in a numpy array?
  5,613  numpy np.array versus np.matrix (performance)
  5,612  Convert pandas dataframe to list of tuples
  5,610  Create permutation matrix - numpy
  5,609  Python: How to check if an array is contained in another array using `numpy.all`and `numpy.any`?
  5,608  How to multiply two quaternions by python or numpy [duplicate]
  5,608  function to get number of columns in a NumPy array that returns 1 if it is a 1D array
  5,606  Importing the numpy c-extensions failed
  5,606  Creating a list from user input using a for loop
  5,605  Python/Numpy - Quickly Find the Index in an Array Closest to Some Value
  5,604  Linear interpolation on a numpy array
  5,600  How to concatenate two columns containing list (series) in Pandas
  5,597  Python TypeError: UMat() missing required argument 'ranges' (pos 2)
  5,597  float64 to float32 Cython Error
  5,596  Remove all-zero rows in a 2D matrix [duplicate]
  5,595  Why do scipy and numpy fft plots look different?
  5,593  PyBrain: Loading data with numpy.loadtxt?
  5,593  How to decode a numpy array of dtype=numpy.string_?
  5,592  opencv: TypeError: mask is not a numerical tuple
  5,592  IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 1
  5,591  Save & Retrieve Numpy Array From String
  5,590  Python — confused by numpy's piecewise function
  5,588  pandas and numpy thread safety
  5,588  delimiter [0001] in a text file, reading using np.loadtxt in python
  5,588  Assign ImageDataGenerator result to Numpy array
  5,587  How to find symmetric mean absolute error in python?
  5,585  Install Numpy 1.9.2 on Ubuntu from Terminal
  5,584  circular numpy array indices
  5,583  Code for logistic equation
  5,581  numpy testing assert array NOT equal
  5,580  Better way to pack numpy array?
  5,579  how to use for loop with numpy array?
  5,576  What's the fastest way to threshold a numpy array?
  5,576  How to pass a numpy ndarray as a color in OpenCV?
  5,575  How to convert a .npz format to .csv in python?
  5,574  Python - Calculate Hierarchical clustering of word2vec vectors and plot the results as a dendrogram
  5,573  More efficient way to remove last N values fom np.array
  5,572  python shape too large to be a matrix
  5,566  Two methods to normalise array to sum total to 1.0
  5,564 -> MemoryError, my_dot -> very slow, but works. Why?
  5,561  find indices of the elements smaller than x numpy
  5,559  How can I cleanly normalize data and then ''unnormalize'' it later?
  5,558  How to get indices of non-diagonal elements of a numpy array?
  5,556  Numpy array to PIL image format
  5,556  how to install matplotlib in python 3 with os windows
  5,555  Correlation coefficient of multidimensional arrays
  5,552  KeyError: nan in dict
  5,552  How do I convert a 2D numpy array into a 1D numpy array of 1D numpy arrays?
  5,551  numpy apply_along_axis on a 1d array
  5,549  How to get rid of ''RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater''
  5,546  Creating a ''white'' image in numpy (2-D image)
  5,546  Create a Numpy scalar from dtype
  5,546  Audio Frequencies in Python
  5,545  Why list comprehension is much faster than numpy for multiplying arrays?
  5,545  How do I read numpy source?
  5,545  Chi Square Test of Independence in Python
  5,542  Ternary operator for NumPy ndarray?
  5,542  Python Linear Equations - Gaussian Elimination
  5,540  Writing into a NumPy memmap still loads into RAM memory
  5,537  variance vs coefficient of variation
  5,536  Python Open CV perspectiveTransform()
  5,536  Python/Numpy - Extract a 2-d Sub-array from a 2-d array using variables
  5,532  ValueError: Error parsing datetime string NumPy
  5,532  Clean up excel data with python using pandas package
  5,529  Minimum of Numpy Array Ignoring Diagonal
  5,529  Minimize overhead in Python multiprocessing.Pool with numpy/scipy
  5,526  size of executable using pyinstaller and numpy
  5,526  Index a SciPy sparse matrix with an array of booleans
  5,526  How to insert zeros between elements in a numpy array?
  5,525  Scipy minimize, fmin, leastsq type problems (setting array element with sequence), bad fit
  5,524  using Fourier transforms to do convolution?
  5,522  IndexError: invalid slice
  5,521  pow or ** for very large number in Python
  5,521  plotting markers on top of axes
  5,521  How to create a random networkx graph with random weights [closed]
  5,521  Combining multiple 1D arrays returned from a function into a 2D array python
  5,518  Get the inverse function of a polyfit in numpy
  5,518  Deblur an image using scikit-image
  5,517  python(or numpy) equivalent of match in R
  5,517  How can I change the default version on Python on linux in order to install and use certain modules?
  5,516  resize an array with a specific value
  5,515  TypeError: corr() missing 1 required positional argument: 'other'
  5,514  Python: from list of tuples of arrays to list of lists
  5,513  No module named numpy.core.multiarray
  5,513  How to smooth a line using gaussian kde kernel in python setting a bandwidth
  5,512  What does numpy's percentile function do exactly?
  5,510  inverse matrix Python3 mpi4py EOFError: EOF when reading a line
  5,509  Rectangular bounding box around blobs in a monochrome image using python
  5,508  Python apply_along_axis of multiple arrays
  5,503  cimport numpy not working in cython; error message unclear (to me)
  5,502  Adjusting contrast of image purely with numpy
  5,500  Scipy interpolation with masked data?
  5,499  Slice a Pandas dataframe by an array of indices and column names
  5,499  How to pipe binary data into numpy arrays without tmp storage?
  5,499  Fitting data points to a cumulative distribution
  5,497  What is the inverse of numpy's log1p?
  5,491  extract columns from matrix
  5,490  scipy sparse matrix division
  5,490  How can I plot maximum likelihood estimate in Python
  5,489  Making numpy arrays JSON serializable
  5,488  Converting data to missing in pandas
  5,487  numpy.sin(pi) returns negative value
  5,486  Initializing a matrix with random number from given range - python
  5,486  How to use numpy functions on a keras tensor in the loss function?
  5,479  How can I slice a numpy array by the value of the ith field?
  5,470  Comparing values in two numpy arrays with 'if'
  5,469  Why ndarray allow floating point index
  5,469  How to fit a 2D ellipse to given points
  5,468  No module named numpy with pypy
  5,468  ConversionError: Failed to convert value(s) to axis units
  5,468  c malloc array pointer return in cython
  5,465  How to make video from an updating numpy array in Python
  5,463  Plot max of graph using python
  5,463  Need help to parallelize a loop in python
  5,462  how to randomly sample in 2D matrix in numpy
  5,462  Convert a string list to float32 efficiently
  5,461  How to create a pandas DataFrame with several numpy 1d arrays?
  5,457  Efficiently create 2d histograms from large datasets
  5,456  Python: separate matrix by column values
  5,456  Interpolating data from a look up table
  5,455  Finding local maxima of xy data point graph with numpy?
  5,454  How can I create a slice object for Numpy array?
  5,451  Removing nan values from a Python List
  5,448  How can each element of a numpy array be operated upon according to its relative value?
  5,448  Curve fitting in python
  5,446  Deleting diagonal elements of a numpy array
  5,445  Having trouble plotting 2-D histogram with numpy.histogram2d and matplotlib
  5,443  py2exe and numpy not getting along
  5,439  Subtracting a number for each element in a column
  5,437  Write a 2D array to a text file [duplicate]
  5,433  Block mean of numpy 2D array
  5,431  Python - greyscale image to 3 channels
  5,429  Convert CSV to numpy
  5,428  Trying to print out the decision tree for a forest from scikit-learn ensemble
  5,428  python pandas if column string contains word flag
  5,427  Numpy Routine for Computing Matrix Minors?
  5,425  Max Distance between 2 points in a data set and identifying the points
  5,425  extracting phase information using numpy fft
  5,422  Create matrix in a loop with numpy
  5,421  How can I attach a pyplot function to a figure instance?
  5,421  Change dtype of recarray column for object type
  5,420  install numpy.exe silently with batch file in windows
  5,420  How does numpy reshape works?
  5,416  Durbin–Watson statistic for one dimensional time series data
  5,414  Pandas & NumPy on Pythonista iPad App [closed]
  5,412  Using Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> as function argument of type Eigen::MatrixXd
  5,412  KL-Divergence of two GMMs
  5,412  How to speed up numpy code
  5,411  Python : ImportError: No module named numpy
  5,410  How to understand numpy strides for layman?
  5,410  Efficient way to combine pandas data frames row-wise
  5,405  Json Encoder AND Decoder for complex numpy arrays
  5,405  I want to use NumPy/SciPy. Should I use Python 2 or 3?
  5,403  Multiple linear regression python
  5,401  Return the int value for a specific column in a pandas data frame
  5,399  Why won't Perceptron Learning Algorithm converge?
  5,398  Initialize empty list with same shape as array
  5,393  Combinatoric / cartesian product of Numpy arrays without iterators and/or loop(s) [duplicate]
  5,392  Efficient outer product in python
  5,390  numpy.polyfit: How to get 1-sigma uncertainty around the estimated curve?
  5,390  How to accelerate matrix multiplications in Python?
  5,390  Creating tz aware pandas timestamp objects from an integer
  5,386  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all(): Silhouette performance algorithm
  5,386  Numpy: loadtxt() with variable number of columns
  5,382  HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.11)
  5,382  Group by max or min in a numpy array
  5,381  Top n rows in a matrix?
  5,380  Take average of columns in a numpy array
  5,380  sklearn dimensionality issues ''Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2''
  5,378  how to get the gaussian filter?
  5,376  Should I use `readinto` method of python file or not?
  5,374  Saving dictionaries to file (numpy and Python 2/3 friendly)
  5,373  library path for
  5,370  Round/Approximate a float number to 3 decimal place in Python pandas DataFrame
  5,369  convert strings in list to float
  5,367  Poisson confidence interval with numpy
  5,366  Python - TypeError: object of type 'numpy.int32' has no len()
  5,366  performing outer addition with numpy
  5,365  How to read and write to CSV Files in Python
  5,365  Converting numpy arrays of arrays into one whole numpy array
  5,365  calculating distance matrix of a given row-wise vector matrix
  5,363  Efficient way to find null values in a dataframe
  5,362  Matplotlib normalize colorbar (Python)
  5,362  Check for array - is value contained in another array?
  5,360  numpy.loadtxt gives ''not iterable'' error
  5,359  numpy around/rint slow compared to astype(int)
  5,358  Python/Numpy - Get Index into Main Array from Subset
  5,358  python np.c_ error''CClass object is not callabel''
  5,357  Python: How can I force 1-element NumPy arrays to be two-dimensional?
  5,357  Numpy mask based on if a value is in some other list
  5,356  why OpenCV cv2.resize gives different answer than MATLAB imresize?
  5,354  Pythonpath is still ignored and unable to install locally with pip
  5,352  python: numpy list to array and vstack
  5,347  How to extract the bits of larger numeric Numpy data types
  5,346  Set Union in pandas
  5,341  Quantile/Median/2D binning in Python
  5,341  Calculate min of rows ignoring NaN values
  5,340  Matplotlib: align origin of right axis with specific left axis value
  5,337  Generating a probability from a pdf?
  5,333  Python pandas insert long integer
  5,333  Deleting Zeros from Numpy Array in Python
  5,331  python why use numpy.r_ instead of concatenate
  5,329  Python sklearn: Numpy Conversion Error during scaling
  5,327  Setting the axes tick values of a seaborn jointplot
  5,325  how to find minimum/maximum values axis by axis in numpy array
  5,324  How to read complex numbers from file with NumPy?
  5,323  Scipy Sparse - distance matrix (Scikit or Scipy)
  5,323  IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 1; dimension is 3 but corresponding boolean dimension is 10
  5,323  Find multiple values within a Numpy array
  5,322  simple numpy.sum raises ValueError: 'axis' entry is out of bounds
  5,321  Replace an element in a numpy array at specific index
  5,321  DLL load failed - not a valid Win32 application - with NumPy
  5,316  Calculating distance between *multiple* sets of geo coordinates in python
  5,314  Which pip is with which python?
  5,314  Combining logic statements AND in numpy array
  5,312  Numpy Matrix to tkinter Canvas
  5,311  python imshow grayscale static color values
  5,309  Is there a MATLAB accumarray equivalent in numpy?
  5,304  How to configure color when convert CV2 numpy array to QImage?
  5,302  Resolving PyDev Unresolved imports regarding numpy & sklearn
  5,301  a simple, matlab-like way of finding the null space of a small matrix in numpy (and number formatting) [duplicate]
  5,300  What's wrong with my PCA?
  5,300  Reading h264 stream in Python
  5,298  numpy.where: TypeError: invalid type promotion
  5,298  Get minimum point(s) of numpy.poly1d curve
  5,297  Nearest Neighbor Search in Python without k-d tree
  5,294  Swap Array Data in NumPy
  5,294  Selecting dictionary items by key efficiently in Python
  5,294  Python Error: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'append'
  5,290  Pandas: ValueError - operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  5,290  How to store an array in hdf5 file which is too big to load in memory?
  5,290  counting objects using scikit-image label
  5,284  How to bin a 2D array in numpy?
  5,281  Smoothing online data on Python with savgol_filter from scipy.signal library
  5,281  Pickle file size when pickling numpy arrays or lists
  5,280  Pandas series case-insensitive matching and partial matching between values
  5,277  Trouble reading nested JSON in pandas dateframe
  5,277  numpy.array of an ''I;16'' Image file
  5,276  Error with OMP_NUM_THREADS when using dask distributed
  5,273  Numpy read big-endian data: data type format
  5,271  Re-scaling outputs from a Keras model back to original scale
  5,270  Using numpy.cov on a vector yields NANs
  5,270  How to shade region under a function in octave?
  5,266  Pass user built json encoder into Flask's jsonify
  5,265  How to extract a sub-array in numpy efficiently?
  5,265  faster way to append value
  5,265  convert list and list of lists to scipy sparse arrays
  5,259  Why is cv2.projectPoints not behaving as I expect?
  5,259  Ipython / pylab / matplotlib plotting error
  5,259  Efficient pairwise DTW calculation using numpy or cython
  5,257  Python: Cosine similarity between two large numpy arrays
  5,257  How does numpy.reshape() with order = 'F' work?
  5,255  Missing interpolate in scipy 0.17
  5,251  Python: AttributeError: '''numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'tanh'''
  5,250  Link MKL to an installed Numpy in Anaconda?
  5,249  python: import numpy as np from outer code gets lost within my own user defined module
  5,248  numpy merge sorted array to an new array?
  5,248  Multiplying every element of one array by every element of another array
  5,246  Python OpenCV : inverting colors in a numpy image array
  5,245  getting the image from VideoCapture object using read()
  5,245  Extract items from array: between given values/conditions
  5,244  How to fill upper triangle of numpy array with zeros in place?
  5,244  How do I convert a django QuerySet to numpy record array?
  5,243  Are numpy's basic operations vectorized, i.e. do they use SIMD operations?
  5,241  Identify contiguous regions in 2D numpy array
  5,241  How to convert NumPy array image to TensorFlow image?
  5,240  Doing arithmetic with up to two decimal places in Python?
  5,238  Keras: ValueError: decode_predictions expects a batch of predictions
  5,238  how can I flatten an 2d numpy array, which has different length in the second axis?
  5,237  Python Numpy: Extracting a row from an array
  5,237  Creating a new array having logarithmic values of elements in another array in Python
  5,235  how to calculate the estimated joint probability distribution for the red and green pixels only in a png image?
  5,234  Converting a matrix created with MATLAB to Numpy array with a similar syntax
  5,233  Python: memory error while changing data type from integer to float
  5,233  how to change pixel value in a numpy array
  5,230  CV_8UC1 (Error-215) in function adaptiveThreshold
  5,230  creating a numpy array of arrays while looping (Python)
  5,229  Numpy.eig and the percentage of variance in PCA
  5,228  Test for statistically significant difference between two arrays
  5,228  Python linspace limits from two arrays
  5,227  Using numpy/scipy to identify slope changes in digital signals?
  5,227  combining 2D arrays to 3D arrays
  5,226  Python/Numpy - Masked Arrays are Very Slow
  5,221  building an nxn matrix in python numpy, for any n
  5,219  A python function that accepts as an argument either a scalar or a numpy array
  5,218  Creating same random number sequence in Python, NumPy and R
  5,215  Serialize a tuple of numpy arrays
  5,214  Fastest way to cast all dataframe columns to float - pandas astype slow
  5,213  Numpy array, fill empty values for a single column
  5,213  Calculate numpy.std of each pandas.DataFrame's column?
  5,212  Is numpy+mkl faster than numpy?
  5,211  save dataframe.hist() to a file
  5,211  read an ascii file into a numpy array
  5,211  MatPlotLib, datetimes, and TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types…
  5,211  Extract blocks or patches from NumPy Array
  5,209  Python openCV 2.4.3 cv2.SolvePnP error
  5,207  Randomly split a numpy array
  5,207  Finding min and max and other functions, pandas series
  5,205  Speeding up reading of very large netcdf file in python
  5,205  Problems install SciPy
  5,205  computing z-scores for 2D matrices in scipy/numpy in Python
  5,204  sum parts of numpy.array
  5,204  Can Django work well with pandas and numpy?
  5,203  Python Pyinstaller 3.1 Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll
  5,202  uploading data using Numpy.genfromtxt with multiple formats
  5,202  Python one hot vector encoding
  5,201  using SciPy to integrate a function that returns a matrix or array
  5,201  plt.hist() vs np.histogram() - unexpected results
  5,199  Python: Index an array using the colon operator in an arbitrary dimension
  5,195  Why ndimage.label(image) labels extra shapes among the considered ones?
  5,195  numpy arange: how to make ''precise'' array of floats?
  5,195  increasing float-point numbers accuracy [closed]
  5,193  Reshape 1d array to 3d array numpy
  5,193  Is there a numpy.where() equivalent for row-wise operations?
  5,191  np.ndarray with Periodic Boundary conditions
  5,190  Using numpy.apply
  5,188  python - saving numpy array to a file (smallest size possible)
  5,187  Extract array from arrays of arrays
  5,186  name 'datasets' is not defined
  5,185  Fast Fourier Transform using NumPy: why it looks like this?
  5,185  DataConversionWarning fitting RandomForestRegressor in Scikit
  5,183  Python numpy : ''Array is too big''
  5,183  Create closed polygon from boundary points
  5,181  remove zeros from nparray efficiently
  5,181  Installing pygame on ubuntu
  5,181  How to use numpy in optional typing
  5,178  What does the numpy.linalg.norm function?
  5,178  numpy vstack throwing dimension error
  5,178  Numpy 4x3 matrix LinAlgError: 1-dimensional array given. Array must be at least two-dimensional
  5,177  Permanently remove something from python sys.path
  5,175  UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe6 in position 1206: ordinal not in range(128)
  5,175  Numpy fastest 3D to 2D projection
  5,175  Flattening and unflattening a nested list of numpy arrays
  5,174  matplotlib 1.4.2 with Seaborn: line markers not functioning
  5,174  How to sum up a column in numpy
  5,173  TensorFlow ValueError Dimensions are not compatible
  5,173  Producing 2D perlin noise with numpy
  5,173  Overflow Error in Neural Networks implementation
  5,171  Computing a power spectrum
  5,169  In PyInstaller, Why Won't NumPy.Random.Common Load as a Module?
  5,169  How to convert Nifti file to Numpy array?
  5,168  Map a NumPy array of strings to integers
  5,168  How to remove frequency from signal
  5,167  End ticks in colorbar - matplotlib
  5,166  Numbers logarithmically spaced between two floats in numpy
  5,164  Find the non-intersecting values of two arrays
  5,163  Detrending a time-series of a multi-dimensional array without the for loops
  5,163  convert text columns into numbers in sklearn
  5,162  Comparing two large lists in python
  5,160  Solving Matrix Differential Equation in Python using Scipy/Numpy- NDSolve equivalent?
  5,160  Slow Stochastic Implementation in Python Pandas
  5,160  python error : ''TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars''
  5,160  Add values to a Scipy sparse matrix with indexes and values
  5,157  Python SciPy IndexError: the length of bounds is not compatible with that of x0
  5,157  Fitting and Plotting Lognormal
  5,157  Find multiple maximum values in a 2d array fast
  5,154  What does ''an intermediate result is being cached'' mean?
  5,154  Simple Linear Regression in Python
  5,154  Geometric median of multidimensional points
  5,153  Index Python List with Numpy Boolean Array
  5,153  Handling HUGE numbers in numpy or pandas
  5,153  Efficient way to create a diagonal sparse matrix
  5,153  Danger of mixing numpy matrix and array
  5,153  Can't run pip: UnicodeDecodeError
  5,153  2D Numpy array to HTML table?
  5,152  Drawing lines between pairs in Python
  5,152  Contour plot of image gives: TypeError Input must be 2D array error
  5,151  Find location of image inside bigger image
  5,151  Check if two numpy arrays are identical
  5,150  Element-wise power of scipy.sparse matrix
  5,148  Making Plot of Numpy Array Values
  5,148  Loading a date in Numpy genfromtxt
  5,145  Python pandas - new column's value if the item is in the list
  5,143  How do you create a numpy vertical arange?
  5,143  How can I check if my installed numpy is compiled with SSE/SSE2 instruction set?
  5,142  numpy array divide column by vector
  5,141  Python delete row in numpy array
  5,139  Index a numpy array with another array
  5,139  Elementwise if elif function in python using arrays
  5,133  Zero Padding a 3d Numpy array
  5,129  Numpy dtype for list with mixed data types
  5,124  merge 2D array into a list python
  5,123  Theano conv2d and max_pool_2d
  5,123  numpy: savetxt Mismatch between array dtype ('int32') and format specifier ('%d')
  5,122  How to do feature extraction using Gabor filter?
  5,121  Invalid number of arguments in equation
  5,119  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  5,118  How to convert image which mode is ''1'' between PIL and numpy?
  5,117  Problems on how to transpose single column data in python
  5,116  transform the upper/lower triangular part of a symmetric matrix (2D array) into a 1D array and return it to the 2D format
  5,116  python - matplotlib - polar plots with angular labels in radians
  5,115  Save Confusion Matrix in Python SKLEARN
  5,115  Create empty 3D numpy array and append it with each new given value
  5,113  Best way to create a 2D Contour Map with Python
  5,112  Find likeliest periodicity for time series with numpy's Fourier Transform?
  5,111  What are the rules for comparing numpy arrays using ==?
  5,111  Using Numpy's random.choice to randomly remove item from list
  5,108  MATLAB-like array indexing with Numpy [duplicate]
  5,107  numpy filter points within bounding box
  5,106  value error when using numpy.savetxt
  5,105  numpy save an array of different types to a text file
  5,104  pandas diff() giving 0 value for first difference
  5,101  How to get orthogonal distances of vectors from plane in Numpy/Scipy?
  5,100  Convert array of lists to array of tuples/triple
  5,099  Matplotlib - Plot multiple lines on the same chart [duplicate]
  5,096  Var(x) and cov(x, x) don't give the same result in numpy
  5,096  Concatenate numpy array within a for loop
  5,095  Stacking copies of an array/ a torch tensor efficiently?
  5,095  Replace values in specific columns of a numpy array
  5,094  How to recover a numpy array from npy.gz file
  5,094  Controlling alpha value on 3D scatter plot using Python and matplotlib
  5,094  Calculate overlap area of two functions
  5,092  Matrix multiplication with Numpy
  5,091  python: TypeError: Not implemented for this type
  5,086  Returning groups of correlated columns in pandas data frame
  5,086  Python Pandas drop columns based on max value of column
  5,080  fastest way to use numpy.interp on a 2-D array
  5,077  How to add leading zero formatting to string in Pandas?
  5,076  Resize NumPy array to smaller size without copy
  5,076  AttributeError: 'OLSResults' object has no attribute 'norm_resid'
  5,074  Installing Pandas for Python 2.7 64 bit - Error unable to find vcvarsall.bat
  5,073  Easiest way to generate random int64 array in numpy?
  5,072  Python, scale float range [0,1) to [min, max)
  5,071  Creating a special matrix in numpy
  5,070  Display a numpy array in Kivy
  5,070  Concatenate all rows of a numpy matrix in python
  5,064  Python Logarithm Function
  5,064  Add multiple columns to a Pandas dataframe quickly
  5,061  ''Too many values to unpack'' in numpy histogram2d
  5,061  python: bandpass filter of an image
  5,060  Comparing Python, Numpy, Numba and C++ for matrix multiplication
  5,059  How do I maintain row/column orientation of vectors in numpy?
  5,059  Error when indexing with 2 dimensions in NumPy
  5,058  Numpy - assign column data types (dtype) to existing array
  5,055  Rounding in numpy?
  5,055  Drawing floating numbers with [0, 1] from uniform distribution by using numpy
  5,054  Remove double and single square brackets from text file generated from python [closed]
  5,053  Importing of 3D STL Image in Python (ImportError: No module named ascii)
  5,053  How to compute orthogonal vector in python?
  5,052  Numpy - asarray of a list, dimension not automatically set in the vector
  5,051  mrdivide function in MATLAB: what is it doing, and how can I do it in Python?
  5,050  Time Series using numpy or pandas
  5,050  Fill matrix diagonal with different values for each python numpy
  5,048  Tensor to numpy array
  5,048  Sliding window iterator using rolling in pandas
  5,048  pickle faster than cPickle with numeric data?
  5,047  How can I create a numpy .npy file in place on disk?
  5,043  Error while Installing Numpy
  5,042  Simple Mandelbrot set in Python
  5,042  Generating the coefficients of a Chebyshev polynomial in Python
  5,041  Logarithmic 2D - Histogram using matplotlib
  5,041  Fast rolling-sum for list of data vectors (2d matrix)
  5,040  Numpy: ImportError: cannot import name TestCase
  5,040  How to build a chi-square distribution table
  5,040  delete every nth row or column in a matrix using Python
  5,038  NumPy boolean array warning?
  5,037  numpy array module is not defined
  5,036  How do I display dates when plotting in matplotlib.pyplot?
  5,035  Can some one explain me what does np.log do?
  5,031  Rounding values in a numpy array resulting from matrix calculation
  5,031  Filtering even numbers in python [closed]
  5,028  Elementwise aggregation (average) of values in a list of numpy arrays with same shape [duplicate]
  5,024  What is the easiest way to convert ndarray into cv::Mat?
  5,020  Using mkl_set_num_threads with numpy
  5,020  Find local minima and maxima simultanously with scipy.signal.argrelextrema
  5,017  How slice Numpy array by column value
  5,017  Basemap draw line between latitude longitude
  5,016  What does numpy.max function do?
  5,016  Find common elements in 2D numpy arrays
  5,016  Compress/Zip numpy arrays in Memory
  5,014  how to mask the specific array data based on the shapefile
  5,014  How to do Matrix product of two Data Frames in Panda?
  5,014  Error by import numpy: undefined symbol
  5,013  How to construct an np.array with fromiter
  5,012  Pickle: file or directory not found
  5,012  How to find negative elements in a multidimensional array? Use .any() .all() correctly
  5,010  Why is this numpy array too big to load?
  5,010  Resize 3D stack of images in Python
  5,008  Iterate over columns of a NumPy array and elements of another one?
  5,008  How to fit a polynomial with some of the coefficients constrained?
  5,007  Current best method for wrapping Modern Fortran code with Python
  5,007  audioop.rms() - why does it differ from normal RMS?
  5,005  How to export numpy ndarray to a string variable?
  5,004  Visualizing a multivariate normal distribution with numpy and matplotlib in 3 Dimensions
  5,003  How can I get the exponent of each number in a np.array?
  5,001  pandas: Get combination of columns where correlation is high
  4,999  Python 2D list performance, without numpy
  4,994  Display an numpy array with PIL
  4,993  Searching a sequence in a NumPy array
  4,993  NumPy in IDLE (Python 3.3.2) on Mac OSx 10.8
  4,993  Installing seaborn on Docker Alpine
  4,992  Replacing Nones in a python array with zeroes
  4,992  How to set an numpy array image on a QWidget using PyQt5
  4,992  fastest way to find euclidean distance in python
  4,990  plotting the eigenvector of covariance matrix using matplotlib and np.linalg
  4,990  How to find zero crossings with hysteresis?
  4,987  using newaxis in Python
  4,987  Calculating XIRR in Python
  4,986  What is Numpy equivalence of dataframe.loc() in Pandas
  4,986  numpy in Python 3.6: Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed
  4,984  How to determine regions of pixels with a shared value using PIL
  4,984  Bug or meant to be: numpy raises ''ValueError: too many boolean indices'' for repeated boolean indices
  4,983  Speed up python's struct.unpack
  4,982  Stocking large numbers into numpy array
  4,979  Stacking arrays in numpy using vstack
  4,978  finding nearest items across two lists/arrays in Python
  4,977  Converting numpy array to a list [closed]
  4,976  You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_1' with dtype float
  4,975  Scipy rankdata reverse highest to lowest
  4,975  Python scatter plot with numpy-masked arrays
  4,974  install numpy for python 3.4 in ubuntu [duplicate]
  4,973  ValueError: shapes (20,1) and (2,1) not aligned: 1 (dim 1) != 2 (dim 0)
  4,972  Running median of y-values over a range of x
  4,972  MemoryError on large merges with pandas in Python
  4,972  How to multiply element by element between matrices in Python?
  4,972  How to force polyfit with second degree to a y-intercept of 0
  4,966  how to get multiple column from python numpy array
  4,963  Numpy: Get rectangle area just the size of mask
  4,963  lightweight alternative for pandas
  4,962  How can I access output embedding(output vector) in gensim word2vec?
  4,960  split array rows into columns from commas
  4,960  Numpy load in Jupyter notebook ''IOPub data rate exceeded.''
  4,959  Pandas: Cannot convert type <class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'> to Timestamp
  4,958  Least square method in python [closed]
  4,958  Efficient cython file reading, string parsing, and array building
  4,956  Python/Numpy: Divide array
  4,956  How to feed input with changing size in Tensorflow
  4,955  pytesseract shows '' 'str' object has no attribute 'save' '' error
  4,955  How to compute laplacian of a field?
  4,953  PySpark - Create DataFrame from Numpy Matrix
  4,952  What do the > < signs in numpy dtype mean?
  4,952  Python Pseudo-Voigt fit experimental data
  4,950  How to generate random numbers in specyfic range using pareto distribution in Python
  4,948  Why the installed numpy in my system does not have matmul?
  4,948  Function to replace NaN values in a dataframe with mean of the related column
  4,947  Selecting indices for a 2d array in numpy
  4,947  Python memory mapping
  4,945  Transpose a 1-dimensional array in Numpy without casting to matrix
  4,944  Python - List comphrehension with test to avoid division by zero
  4,943  Numeric integration in numpy
  4,936  delete specific rows from csv using pandas
  4,935  Faster way to transform group with mean value in Pandas
  4,933  Is there a faster way to search a numpy array
  4,931  Np array dot product of vector and array
  4,930  Trim / strip zeros of a numpy array
  4,930  Scipy Fast 1-D interpolation without any loop
  4,929  quickest way to to convert list of tuples to a series
  4,929  Python find the indexes of a list given a condition
  4,927  ValueError: matrices are not aligned
  4,925  concatenate and remove duplicate element from numpy arrays
  4,925  Binarize integer in a pandas dataframe
  4,922  How to Solve Numba Lowering error?
  4,920  Reading numbers from a text file in python
  4,919  Softmax function of a numpy array by row
  4,919  Shape of list with numpy arrays
  4,919  RandomForestClassifier Error: Number of features must match input
  4,917  Sharing numpy arrays in python multiprocessing pool
  4,917  Python - replace masked data in arrays
  4,917  Can I make random mask with Numpy?
  4,915  h5py: how to read selected rows of an hdf5 file?
  4,912  find the length of the longest consecutive series of numbers [duplicate]
  4,912  Coverting Back One Hot Encoded Results back to single Column in Python
  4,910  Pythonic way to test if a row is in an array
  4,910  Failed building wheel for numpy pandas
  4,909  Python - SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject call
  4,908  Fill missing timeseries data using pandas or numpy
  4,907  How to set multiple columns in a 2D numpy array without for-loop?
  4,907  How do you rotate the numbers in an numpy array of shape (n,) or (n,1)?
  4,907  Element-wise constraints in scipy.optimize.minimize
  4,906  TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType
  4,905  NumPy percentile function different from MATLAB's percentile function
  4,905  np.reshape returns error 'ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged'
  4,904  Exponential decay curve fitting in numpy and scipy
  4,904  After calculating a tensor, how can I show it as a image?
  4,903  Double Summation in Python
  4,901  When creating a Python bytearray from NumPy array, where does the extra data come from?
  4,900  How do I quickly check if all elements of numpy array are floats?
  4,897  Reinstalling numpy on OS X using pip - ''can’t be modified or deleted because it’s required by OS&nbsp;X''
  4,897  Deleting masked elements in numpy array
  4,896  Python code to produce diagonal matrix with 1 above the main diagonal
  4,896  Interpreting (and comparing) output from numpy.correlate
  4,896  concatenating two multidimensional arrays in numpy
  4,896  Adding rows to an empty 2D NumPy array
  4,895  ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) can't adapt type 'numpy.ndarray'
  4,894  XGBoostError: b'[19:12:58] src/metric/ Check failed: (preds.size()) == (info.labels.size()) label size predict size not match'
  4,893  Delete an element from numpy array
  4,890  Weighted random sample without replacement in python
  4,889  fastest way to arrange data in python numpy based on list
  4,888  numpy append changes int to float and adds zeros
  4,888  Compute Jaccard distances on sparse matrix
  4,888  Append a column to a dataframe in Pandas
  4,887  How do I split an ndarray based on array of indexes?
  4,887  Euclidean distance with weights
  4,886  plot selected rows of numpy array
  4,884  Converting Pandas Dataframe types
  4,883  Pandas DataFrame with MultiIndex to Numpy Matrix
  4,880  Python / Numpy AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'sin'
  4,878  pycuda._driver import error (Windows)
  4,878  numpy array to permutation matrix
  4,877  Sorting a pandas series in absolute value [duplicate]
  4,874  Normalizing audio signal
  4,873  Skip every nth index of numpy array
  4,873  Add rate of change to Pandas DataFrame
  4,872  Why is my python/numpy example faster than pure C implementation?
  4,869  How to generate random numbers to satisfy a specific mean and median in python?
  4,869  FFT in Numpy (Python) when N is not a power of 2
  4,869  Extract specific values from array in Python
  4,866  kmeans with L1 distance in python
  4,864  Numpy append to an empty array
  4,864  How to get numpy arrays indexing equivalent in pandas data frame?
  4,863  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
  4,863  Terminology: Python and Numpy - `iterable` versus `array_like`
  4,861  Passing array range as argument to a function?
  4,861  Integrating functions that return an array in Python
  4,860  Reducing numpy memory footprint in long-running application
  4,860  Interpreting feature importance values from a RandomForestClassifier
  4,859  matplotlib contour input array order
  4,856  Numpy: constructing a 3D array from a 1D array
  4,856  np.savetxt does not appear to work for n-d arrays
  4,856  How to multiply the complex elements by float numbers in numpy?
  4,854  Interleave rows of two numpy arrays in Python
  4,854  check if two vectors are equal python
  4,853  Open / load image as numpy ndarray directly
  4,853  Fitting a Gaussian to a set of x,y data
  4,853  Cython and numpy speed
  4,851  Faster way to count number of string occurrences in a numpy array python
  4,846  Numpy.genfromtxt method works in windows but not Linux
  4,844  Overflow warnings when performing multiply on numpy masked arrays
  4,844  Fourier Transform of Sine Waves with Unexpected Results
  4,843  rpy2: Converting a data.frame to a numpy array
  4,843  python key value list to panda series
  4,843  Networkx: Differences between pagerank, pagerank_numpy, and pagerank_scipy?
  4,842  Matrix multiplication. Python
  4,842  Calculating cumulative returns in Numpy, problem with array indices
  4,841  How can I fit a cosine function?
  4,840  Split of numpy array into unequal chunks
  4,833  Numpy/Python: Array iteration without for-loop
  4,833  Geometric mean applied on row
  4,832  How to handle log(0) when using cross entropy
  4,832  AttributeError: 'Add' object has no attribute 'log' Python
  4,831  Opening Images as Arrays
  4,827  Using multi-threading to process an image faster on python?
  4,827  Is it possible to np.concatenate memory-mapped files?
  4,826  Can't save a dict to mat file
  4,825  How can we join two columns of a numpy array into a single column, separating the values by a space?
  4,824  return numpy array in cython defined c function
  4,824  Matplotlib Scatter plot with numpy row index as marker
  4,824  Matplotlib 3D Bar chart: axis issue
  4,823  Replacing RGB values in numpy array by integer is extremely slow
  4,823  Remove leading and trailing zeros from multidimensional list in Python [closed]
  4,823  How to plot grad(f(x,y))?
  4,821  Fill numpy array by rows
  4,821  Converting pandas dataframe into list of tuples with index
  4,818  numpy on multicore hardware
  4,818  Int too large to convert to C long while doing .astype(int)
  4,817  ImportError: No module named numpy on Ubuntu after Numpy Installation
  4,817  Building a Transition Matrix using words in Python/Numpy
  4,813  Saving a 3D numpy array to .txt file
  4,813  Indexing NumPy 2D array with another 2D array
  4,809  numpy loadtxt ValueError: invalid literal for float()
  4,809  Is convolution slower in Numpy than in Matlab?
  4,809  How do you create numpy.datetime64 object from a unix timestamp and set the timezone to UTC?
  4,808  Image to matrix using python
  4,808  Find nearest neighbors of a numpy array in list of numpy arrays using euclidian distance
  4,807  cimport gives fatal error: 'numpy/arrayobject.h' file not found
  4,806  Mask 2D numpy array
  4,804  Numpy DeprecationWarning on boolean indexing
  4,804  FutureWarning: Method .ptp
  4,802  Storing datetime in numpy array
  4,801  Converting a PIL image to skimage?
  4,800  Which columns are binary in a Pandas DataFrame?
  4,800  Overflow in numpy
  4,796  Numpy does treat float('nan') and float differently - convert to None
  4,796  How to flatten a numpy ndarray along axis?
  4,795  scipy.optimize solution using python for the following equation
  4,792  Convert dtype of a specific column in a numpy array [duplicate]
  4,791  Numpy : can't build a 2-D array of tuples
  4,791  Convert string to numpy array of strings
  4,790  Pandas unit testing: How to assert equality of NaT and NaN values?
  4,790  Mapping function across numpy matrix
  4,787  Keras: concatenating model flattened output with vector
  4,786  Python: how to convert a string array to a factor list
  4,785  Slicing n-dimensional numpy array using list of indices
  4,785  How to decide threshold value in SelectFromModel() for selecting features?
  4,785  How to apply a binary classifier in Scikit learn when attributes are string (not int or float)
  4,785  Creating new pandas DataFrame from existing DataFrame and index
  4,782  how to pass an array from c++ to python function and retrieve python returned array to c++
  4,781  Python 2d grid : Assigning values to coordinates in the grid
  4,781  Pandas DataFrame check if column value exists in a group of columns
  4,779  Pickling error: Can't pickle <type 'function'>
  4,777  Passing a set of NumPy arrays into C function for input and output
  4,776  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
  4,776  back substitution in python
  4,773  Python Pandas: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'apply'
  4,773  How to add dimension to a tensor using Tensorflow
  4,772  Time-series averaging in numpy/python
  4,770  Interpolating a closed curve using scipy
  4,769  Scale(or normalize) an array like this in numpy?
  4,769  Considerations for using ReLU as activation function
  4,766  Numpy: Index 3D array with index of last axis stored in 2D array
  4,765  Numpy's delete not working
  4,764  only one element in numpy array shape [duplicate]
  4,763  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices using skfeature
  4,762  numpy.ndarray' object is not callable - Using Pandas
  4,761  Python: inverse empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF)?
  4,760  Numpy getting in the way of int -> float type casting
  4,760  How to concatenate images of different shapes using python and opencv?
  4,759  FInd all intersections of xy data point graph with numpy?
  4,758  How to add a calculated/computed column in numpy?
  4,756  python - check if nan float in dictionary
  4,755  Is there a way to make numpy.argmin() as fast as min()?
  4,755  Installing Numpy on Fedora 19 with pip
  4,754  How can i store a list within a numpy 2d array?
  4,753  The random number generator in numpy
  4,753  Poisson Distribution fit
  4,750  How do you compute the expected value of an infinite distribution? (particularly in python)
  4,750  Cannot import name StringIO when importing dateutil
  4,749  Are element-wise operations faster with NumPy functions than operators?
  4,748  Python 2.7 NameError: name 'ax1' is not defined
  4,747  IndexError: too many indices for array while plotting ROC curve with scikit-learn?
  4,746  Importing data with numpy.loadtxt: No delimiters but fixed column width
  4,746  How to use pandas dataframes and numpy arrays in Rpy2?
  4,744  Python PIL bitmap/png from array with mode=1
  4,744  Correlation matrix in NumPy with NaN's
  4,743  Randomly shuffle a sparse matrix in python
  4,743  Python Numpy: replace values in one array with corresponding values in another array
  4,742  Shuffle one column in pandas dataframe
  4,742  Creating Numpy Matrix from pyspark dataframe
  4,740  Cant import numpy on mac OSX mountain lion
  4,739  best way to create numpy array from FOR loop
  4,734  Pip doesn't know where numpy is installed
  4,731  How you create a datetime index in pandas
  4,730  Numpy Array Set Difference [duplicate]
  4,727  Calculating mean vector for multivariate normal distribution python
  4,726  What's the time complexity of indexing a numpy array directly
  4,725  Fastest way to convert a Numpy array into a sparse dictionary?
  4,725  Change subplot size in python matplotlib
  4,723  Python: How to read a data file with uneven number of columns
  4,722  Dividing matplotlib histogram by maximum bin value
  4,721  Python invert binary image; .invert() fails
  4,721  numpy.loadtxt ValueError: too many values to unpack
  4,721  Check if a large matrix is diagonal matrix in python
  4,720  Printing full array properly
  4,720  Multiplying 3D matrix with 2D matrix
  4,720  Colon, None, slice(None) in numpy array indexers
  4,720  Bivariate Gaussian density function in Numpy and Matplotlib [closed]
  4,719  element wise test of numpy array is numeric
  4,717  How to save numpy ndarray as .csv file?
  4,717  comparing columns pandas python
  4,716  Why am I getting ''AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'savefig'''?
  4,715  Index for the end of a numpy array
  4,714  why does pandas rolling use single dimension ndarray
  4,714  Something wrong with my fft() in python
  4,714  Calling Numpy and scikit-learn from C#
  4,712  Setting Data Types with Matplotlib and csv2rec
  4,712  Rescale a numpy array
  4,711  Scipy leastsq: fitting a square grid to experimental points in 2D
  4,710  Convert Multidimensional array string to float in python
  4,706  Is there a better way to convert 'object' type array to numpy array by replacing 'na' with mean? [duplicate]
  4,704  Reshaping arrays in an array of arrays
  4,704  Numpy - ValueError: cannot set an array element with a sequence
  4,703  Splitting strings in an array in python
  4,702  Elegant expression for row-wise dot product of two matrices
  4,700  ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import on windows [duplicate]
  4,699  Reading .grd file in Python
  4,699  Convert float64 to int64 using ''safe''
  4,698  Iterate and modify array with NumPy
  4,697  How to remove exponential (scientific notation) when printing NumPy array alements?
  4,696  draw csv file data as a heatmap using numpy and matplotlib
  4,695  Select N evenly spaced out elements in array, including first and last
  4,695  OpenCV in Python - Manipulating pixels
  4,694  Vectorize over the rows of an array
  4,694  import numpy not working in IDLE
  4,690  orthogonalize matrix numpy
  4,686  Python: Intersection over Union
  4,686  Efficient swapping of elements in numpy array
  4,684  Difference between numpy.round and numpy.around
  4,683  Improving performance of Cronbach Alpha code python numpy
  4,683  Bifurcation diagram
  4,679  Multithreading on numpy/pandas matrix multiplication?
  4,678  Python Numpy Reshape Error [closed]
  4,678  Normalize numpy arrays from various ''image'' objects
  4,677  Numpy scale 3D array
  4,677  Euclidean distances (python3, sklearn): efficiently compute closest pairs and their corresponding distances
  4,675  Numpy: how I can determine if all elements of numpy array are equal to a number
  4,675  How can I change the value of a masked array in numpy?
  4,675  2D Orthogonal projection of vector onto line with numpy yields wrong result
  4,674  Keras (Numpy Input) TypeError: Error converting shape to a TensorShape: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'tuple'
  4,674  How to include constraint to Scipy NNLS function solution so that it sums to 1
  4,673  In pandas, How to select the rows that contains NaN? [duplicate]
  4,671  Installing Pandas - Visual C++ is required, Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
  4,670  Python: Analysis on CSV files 100,000 lines x 40 columns
  4,668  OpenCV python canny Required argument 'threshold2' (pos 4) not found
  4,667  Tensorflow, how to multiply a 2D tensor (matrix) by corresponding elements in a 1D vector
  4,667  How to install numpy 1.8 dev on Windows?
  4,665  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
  4,665  Read a float binary file into a 2D array in python
  4,665  Python Remove brackets from arrays [duplicate]
  4,665  plot two seaborn heatmap graphs side by side
  4,664  Ordered Logit in Python?
  4,664  How to replace 'any strings' with nan in pandas DataFrame using a boolean mask?
  4,663  Python: Range or numpy Arange with end limit include
  4,662  Numpy dot product
  4,662  ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found for numpy
  4,661  Python: How can I reshape 3D Images (np array) to 1D and then reshape them back correctly to 3D?
  4,661  Is there a Julia analogue to numpy.argmax?
  4,660  How to set precision of numpy float array when converting from string array?
  4,660  How to get current plot's clim in matplotlib
  4,659  Convolution without any padding-opencv Python
  4,658  Pandas vs. Numpy Dataframes
  4,658  Converting a 3D List to a 3D NumPy array
  4,656  numpy reshaping multdimensional array through arbitrary axis
  4,655  Appending a Matrix in Python within loop
  4,654  What is the equivalent of imagesc in OpenCV
  4,654  Set white background for a png instead of transparency with OpenCV
  4,654  genfromtxt in python code for missing columns
  4,653  Improving Numpy speed for Gauss-Seidel (Jacobi) Solver
  4,653  find mean bin values using histogram2d python [duplicate]
  4,652  Numpy Standard Deviation AttributeError: 'Float' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
  4,651  Python ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  4,651  Multiple plots in a single matplotlib figure
  4,650  NumPy k-th diagonal indices
  4,650  Calculating pdf of Dirichlet distribution in python
  4,649  How to handle large amouts of data in tensorflow?
  4,649  Finding day of the week for a datetime64
  4,648  How to change the sampling rate of the data
  4,648  first order differences along a given axis in NumPy array
  4,648  Eigenvectors computed with numpy's eigh and svd do not match
  4,647  Finding average of variable in objects python
  4,646  Scipy installation issues from source?
  4,646  How to do contrast stretching in opencv or numpy?
  4,645  Why can't I rig SciPy's constrained optimization for integer programming?
  4,645  Scikit image color filtering and changing parts of image to array
  4,645  Fastest way to get average value of frequencies within range [closed]
  4,644  3D interpolation of NumPy arrays without SciPy
  4,643  Find the intersection of two curves given by (x, y) data with high precision in Python
  4,642  Python: Defining a minimum bounding rectangle
  4,641  Numpy assigning to slice, when is the array copied
  4,641  expected value in python
  4,639  ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero when computing standard deviation
  4,639  numpy version error when importing tensorflow
  4,638  Skip loop if a function is taking too long?
  4,638  passing arguments to a function for fitting
  4,637  numpy read TSV file as ndarray
  4,635  putting numpy ndarray data into pandas
  4,635  'numpy.float64' object is not callable
  4,635  How to test if every element in a numpy array is masked
  4,635  Create a copy and not a reference of a NumPy array
  4,635  Calculating variance of an image python efficiently
  4,633  Stripping whitespaces in a numpy array
  4,633  numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov[, size])
  4,628  module 'numpy' has no attribute 'dtype'
  4,628  Fast b-spline algorithm with numpy/scipy
  4,627  Faster alternative to perform pandas groupby operation
  4,626  What is the advantage of saving `.npz` files instead of `.npy` in python, regarding speed, memory and look-up?
  4,626  Saving dictionary of header information using numpy.savez()
  4,625  Convert float to int and leave nulls
  4,624  Pandas - fill specific number of rows in a column with one value
  4,623  sklearn: use Pipeline in a RandomizedSearchCV?
  4,623  check if numpy array is subset of another array
  4,622  boost_python3 missing from ubuntu 16.04
  4,618  numpy.disutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found
  4,617  Vectorize/accelerate numpy function with two arguments of different dimensions
  4,617  Python/Numpy - Matrix Multiply a 2D Array and Each Row of another 2D Array
  4,617  openpyxl: a better way to read a range of numbers to an array
  4,617  Numpy: Is there an array size limit?
  4,616  Python: single colon vs double colon
  4,616  Install numpy for Python3 command not found error
  4,614  Writing WAV file using Python, Numpy array and WAVE module
  4,614  pandas shift converts my column from integer to float.
  4,612  taking mean of data read in 'error cannot perform reduce with flexible type' python
  4,611  Wrap slice around edges of a 2D array in numpy
  4,609  Logistic regression: plotting decision boundary from theta
  4,609  How to solve recurrence relations in Python
  4,607  cropping images in python
  4,606  Access data from HDF5 - slice/extract data
  4,605  numpy random not working with seed
  4,603  cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) doesn't work
  4,603  Adding textual column and row headers to numpy array
  4,600  How to replace all negative numbers in an array with zero [duplicate]
  4,600  Alternatives to nested numpy.where for multiconditional pandas operations?
  4,599  Converting numpy datetime64 to long integer and back
  4,597  How to generate a sphere in 3D Numpy array
  4,596  python - name of np array variable as string
  4,596  NumPy/SciPy FFT for voltage/time data
  4,595  Adding a column in front of a numpy array
  4,594  Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] in AWS Lambda after installing numpy into directory, how to fix?
  4,593  Why doesn't numpy determinant return a Fraction when given a Fraction matrix?
  4,593  Vectorize integration of pandas.DataFrame
  4,593  Use sparse Input in Keras with Tensorflow
  4,593  Keras fitting ignoring nan values
  4,593  Iterating over multidimensional arrays(images) with numpy array - python
  4,592  Numpy: understanding the numpy array concept for row names
  4,591  Save tuple of numpy arrays to disk?
  4,590  How to efficiently convert Matlab engine arrays to numpy ndarray?
  4,589  Module has no Attribute ''Arrange'' [closed]
  4,589  Could not locate executable f95, f77, xlf, ifc, g77
  4,589  converting numpy array into dictionary
  4,589  Apply log2 transformation to a pandas DataFrame
  4,587  Numpy.argsort - can't see what's wrong
  4,586  Why is a `for` over a Python list faster than over a Numpy array?
  4,586  Scipy.optimize.minimize SLSQP with linear constraints fails
  4,586  Making np.loadtxt work with multiple possible delimiters
  4,585  Histogram datetime objects in Numpy
  4,584  Adding an array to the end of another Python
  4,583  Specifying targets for intersphinx links to numpy, scipy, and matplotlib
  4,583  Area intersection in Python
  4,579  installing numpy and pip for python 2.7.6
  4,579  How to view an RGB image with pylab
  4,579  Can python do a gaussian fitting and extrapolation?
  4,578  Equidistant points between two points?
  4,577  KMeans in Python: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  4,577  append some value to integer array in python
  4,576  Numpy stack with unequal shapes
  4,574  How to put complex into a numpy's array?
  4,573  ValueError: x and y must have the same first dimension
  4,572  NumPy ndarray.all() vs np.all(ndarray) vs all(ndarray)
  4,571  Numpy array slicing using colons
  4,571  Getting {ValueError} 'a' must be 1-dimensoinal for list of lists from np.random.choice
  4,570  Error when trying to sum an array by block's
  4,568  sort a string array using numpy
  4,565  Is zip() the most efficient way to combine arrays with respect to memory in numpy?
  4,564  OSX installing numpy via brew for python3
  4,563  numpy.array vs img_to_array
  4,563  Generalizing matrix transpose in numpy
  4,562  How to raise a numpy.matrix to non-integer power?
  4,562  How to convert array values 0 and 255 to corresponding 0 and 1 array
  4,561  Return order of NumPy array
  4,561  Plot a Wave files Audio Visually In Python
  4,561  How to call numpy/scipy C functions from Cython directly, without Python call overhead?
  4,559  Convert large PIL image to numpy array [closed]
  4,559  Convert Bitstring (String of 1 and 0s) to numpy array
  4,558  Separate last column from the actual dataset using numpy
  4,557  How to change the dtype of a numpy array to 'object'?
  4,554  Symmetric matrices in numpy?
  4,554  numerically stable way to multiply log probability matrices in numpy
  4,554  Can I lose precision going from float32 -> float64 back to float32?
  4,549  Saving train and test data in a file
  4,549  numpy loadtxt single line/row as list
  4,547  Numpy - float32 gives different value from dtype=''float32'' in array
  4,546  RBF interpolation: LinAlgError: singular matrix
  4,544  Is there a list of big O complexities for the numpy library?
  4,544  implementing R scale function in pandas in Python?
  4,543  What is the Laplacian mask/kernel used in the scipy.ndimage.filter.laplace()?
  4,543  Insert Numpy array into Mysql Database
  4,543  How do I compare two arrays element-wise in Python using specific rules?
  4,542  Why is NaN considered as a float?
  4,542  Tuple error (numpy)
  4,542  Pytorch: Trying to apply the transform to a numpy array ...  fails with an error
  4,541  Efficient pandas rolling aggregation over date range by group - Python 2.7 Windows - Pandas 0.19.2
  4,540  Pandas DataFrame column concatenation
  4,540  Iterate over numpy array columnwise
  4,540  Choosing between numpy.interp vs scipy.interpolate.interp1d (with kind='linear')
  4,539  Plotting a 3d surface from a list of tuples in matplotlib
  4,539  matplotlib: AxesSubplot object has no attribute tick_params
  4,539  Generating a numpy array with all combinations of numbers that sum to less than a given number
  4,538  What is the most efficient way to get log returns in numpy
  4,538  How to find the diameter of objects using image processing in Python?
  4,538  Finding start and stops of consecutive values block in Python/Numpy/Pandas
  4,538  Factorial of a matrix elementwise with Numpy
  4,538  Embed python / numpy in C++
  4,537  append versus resize for numpy array
  4,534  Standard error ignoring NaN in pandas groupby groups
  4,534  How can I change NumPy array elements from string to int or float?
  4,534  Clustering ~100,000 Short Strings in Python
  4,533  Detecting mulicollinear , or columns that have linear combinations while modelling in Python : LinAlgError
  4,532  reading scientific notation csv file with numpy
  4,530  What does the order parameter in numpy.array() do AKA what is contiguous order?
  4,530  Find peak of 2d histogram
  4,529  np.reshape(x, (-1,1)) vs x[:, np.newaxis]
  4,528  Ranking of numpy array with possible duplicates
  4,526  cannot import name 'multiarray' in numpy with python3
  4,523  Fast Queue of read only numpy arrays
  4,521  Trouble importing scipy.stats for scipy 0.13 build 2
  4,521  PANDAS: Incorrect shape of indices passed, not sure how to fix it
  4,521  How can I import NumPy? [duplicate]
  4,521  Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?
  4,520  Python error: ''ImportError: cannot import name isnat''
  4,517  Interpolate Z values in a 3D surface, starting from an irregular set of points [closed]
  4,516  Plot cross section through heat map
  4,514  How to upgrade numpy without changing linux distributions in ubuntu
  4,513  Trailing delimiter confuses pandas read_csv
  4,513  How to present numpy array into pygame surface?
  4,512  numpy: compute x.T*x for a large matrix
  4,512  multiply numpy array of scalars by array of vectors
  4,512  How to Argsort in Tensorflow?
  4,511  Fast Python plotting library to draw plots directly on 2D numpy array image buffer?
  4,510  How to get a mean array with numpy
  4,508  Finding points within a bounding box with numpy
  4,507  Unable to import scipy after installing Anaconda2.4.0
  4,507  Optimising memory usage in numpy
  4,507  Condition number of a matrix using numpy
  4,505  Extract date from Pandas DataFrame
  4,503  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Timestamp' and 'float'
  4,503  convert tensor to numpy array
  4,500  python matplotlib setting years in x axis
  4,500  Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation of Data in Numpy
  4,498  What is the easiest way to install numpy with LAPACK/BLAS?
  4,498  Using click.progressbar with multiprocessing in Python
  4,498  PEP 3118 warning when using ctypes array as numpy array
  4,498  Local mean filter in numpy
  4,496  Python/Numpy: Division gives me an unexpected deprecation-Warning
  4,496  Python analog to MatLab data structure
  4,495  Tensor multiplication with numpy tensordot
  4,491  How do you construct an array suitable for numpy sorting?
  4,491  How do I use `setrlimit` to limit memory usage? RLIMIT_AS kills too soon; RLIMIT_DATA, RLIMIT_RSS, RLIMIT_STACK kill not at all
  4,490  PyTorch - multiplying tensor with scalar results in zero vector
  4,490  Numpy find number of occurrences in a 2D array
  4,490  is there any difference between matmul and usual multiplication of tensors
  4,490  How to write conditional probability in Python?
  4,489  N largest values in each row of ndarray
  4,489  How to partial load an array saved with numpy save in python
  4,489  Difference between frompyfunc and vectorize in numpy
  4,488  3D convolution in python
  4,486  Numpy: Difference between a[i][j] and a[i,j]
  4,485  TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable // numpy
  4,485  Get indices for all elements in an array in numpy
  4,484  Wrong numpy mean value?
  4,484  understanding matplotlib.subplots python
  4,483  How do I compute the variance of a column of a sparse matrix in Scipy?
  4,479  Polyval(p,x) to evaluate polynomials
  4,477  Python's Xgoost: ValueError('feature_names may not contain [, ] or <')
  4,477  converting python list of strings to their type
  4,477  Convert contour to 2d point list in opencv
  4,475  Intuition and idea behind reshaping 4D array to 2D array in NumPy
  4,472  Nonlinear e^(-x) regression using scipy, python, numpy
  4,471  Python - Numpy install and import Issue
  4,467  Theano function: Unused input
  4,467  Is it possible to create a numpy.ndarray that holds complex integers?
  4,466  Splitting Numpy array based on value
  4,466  Intersecting matplotlib graph with unsorted data
  4,466  Fastest way to read huge MySQL table in python
  4,464  Count the number of pixels by color from an image loaded into a numpy array
  4,464  Calculate percentage of count for a list of arrays
  4,463  Pandas sklearn one-hot encoding dataframe or numpy?
  4,463  Kronecker product in Python and Matlab
  4,462  Deprecation status of the NumPy matrix class
  4,459  float to uint16 conversion blowing numbers up in numpy?
  4,458  Exporting Pandas series as JSON - error with numpy types
  4,457  Python, Numpy, method of adding arrays together in multiple dimensions (broadcasting)
  4,456  Convert Pandas Dataframe to numpy for sklearn
  4,455  Pass entire contents of a dataframe to a function in Pandas
  4,454  Logistic Regression get Value error could not convert string to float: '?'
  4,453  python 3.5: numpy - how to avoid deprecated technique
  4,453  local histogram equalization
  4,452  writing a custom cost function in tensorflow
  4,449  numpy.linalg.norm gives weird result
  4,447  Sum the squared difference between 2 Numpy arrays [duplicate]
  4,445  Python get get average of neighbours in matrix with na value
  4,444  Python Pandas cumulative column between datetime ranges
  4,443  remove empty numpy array
  4,443  passing numpy arrays through multiprocessing.Queue
  4,442  Python: Replacing values in an array
  4,442  How to do a random stratified sampling with Python (Not a train/test split)?
  4,442  Fixing phase unwrapping errors in Numpy
  4,441  How to link permanently MKL libraries to Numpy in Linux? [closed]
  4,439  Why do I have to import this from numpy if I am just referencing it from the numpy module
  4,438  Interpolate whole arrays of complex numbers
  4,437  Maximum values along axis of Numpy ndarray?
  4,437  Least Squares Minimization Complex Numbers
  4,436  Logistic Regression function on sklearn
  4,436  How to check if an array is in another array in Python
  4,435  Add raster image to HDF5 file using h5py
  4,433  Using Numpy to find average value across data sets, with some missing data
  4,433  How to output dtype to a list or Dict
  4,432  Plotting trajectories in python using matplotlib
  4,431  Numpy: Check if float array contains whole numbers
  4,431  How to obtain an image's single colour channel without using the split function in OpenCV Python?
  4,431  Get all elements of the upper or lower triangle of a square matrix in python
  4,428  np.ascontiguousarray versus np.asarray with Cython
  4,428  How to find the set of indices where two vectors have equal elements in Python
  4,425  TypeError: 'DatetimeIndex' object is not callable
  4,425  Given an adjacency matrix, How to draw a graph with matplotlib?
  4,424  Numpy and Matplotlib - AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'replace'
  4,424  Calculating wind divergence of u and v using Python, np.gradient
  4,423  NumPy: 3-byte, 6-byte types (aka uint24, uint48)
  4,423  Find Element In Two-Dimensional Python Array
  4,422  matlab to python code conversion
  4,422  How to fix ''Missing required dependencies ['numpy']'' error?
  4,422  Curve fit exponential growth function in Python
  4,422  Compare two pandas dataframe with different size
  4,420  Vectorized moving window on 2D array in numpy
  4,420  Selecting rows if column values meet certain condition
  4,419  Why doesn't the shape of my numpy array change?
  4,416  TypeError: function() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) (python)
  4,416  Plotting a list of arrays on the same plot in python?
  4,416  Numpy/CAPI error with import_array() when compiling multiple modules
  4,415  How to perform discrete optimization of functions over matrices?
  4,413  sparse hstack and weird dtype conversion error
  4,412  Python: Replace a number in array with a string
  4,411  Why my python numpy code is faster than c++?
  4,411  Speeding up iterating over Numpy Arrays
  4,411 : can't write wavfile
  4,409  How to uninstall a single packages in anaconda?
  4,407  Error multiplying two numpy arrays
  4,407  Can PySpark work with numpy arrays?
  4,407  Better use a tuple or numpy array for storing coordinates
  4,405  store numpy array in mysql
  4,405  how to reduce a 3 dim numpy array to 2 dim
  4,403  Multiply 2D NumPy arrays element-wise and sum
  4,401  Why are log2 and log1p so much faster than log and log10, in numpy?
  4,400  pyodbc: ('Params must be in a list, tuple, or Row', 'HY000') with NumPy data
  4,398  Tensorflow: value error with variable_scope
  4,398  python pickle size limit
  4,397  Fourier Series in Numpy. Question about Previous Answer
  4,396  regarding AttributeError: module 'scipy.misc' has no attribute 'imread'
  4,392  Memory error for np.concatenate
  4,392  How to multiply a numpy tuple array by scalar array
  4,391  SciPy 1D Gaussian fit
  4,391  Plotting large numbers of points and edges in matplotlib
  4,391  Numpy running at half the speed of MATLAB
  4,389  'data type not understood' a mistake in defining the list of column names
  4,388  imshow and histogram2d: can't get them to work
  4,388  How to install and run pandas python library in Eclipse Juno?
  4,388  How to import and use scipy.spatial.distance functions correctly?
  4,387  Python augmented assignment issue
  4,386  subsampling a numpy array?
  4,386  Exception Error when Installing NumPy with pip
  4,384  Compute distance matrix with numpy
  4,381  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars (for loop)
  4,381  Comparing multiple numpy arrays
  4,380  RuntimeError: empty_like method already has a docstring
  4,376  Text display with matplotlib
  4,376  SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed (_ssl.c.661)
  4,376  splitting a sparse matrix into two
  4,376  Python import error invalid ELF header
  4,373  Reshape Keras Input for LSTM
  4,372  Mask specific columns of a numpy array
  4,372  Keras: What is the output of predict_generator?
  4,371  Sum of 8 neighbors in 2d array
  4,371  Numpy/Python performing terribly vs. Matlab
  4,369  Combining several dataframe results with for Loop in Python Pandas
  4,367  to slice columns in a tuple present in a numpy array
  4,367  Round a Python list of numbers and maintain their sum
  4,367  Remove rows in 3D numpy array
  4,366  Numpy: find index of elements in one array that occur in another array
  4,365  Find root of a transcendental equation with python
  4,364  convert numpy array from object dtype to float
  4,363  stacking numpy arrays?
  4,363  complex eigen values in PCA calculation
  4,361  Read a large csv into a sparse pandas dataframe in a memory efficient way
  4,361  Fitting sklearn's SVM classifier with data from a pandas DataFrame
  4,360  How to make a numpy array from raw input in python?
  4,359  How to install numpy and scipy on Windows XP [closed]
  4,357  How to plot line (polygonal chain) with numpy/scipy/matplotlib with minimal smoothing
  4,357  How to declare an ndarray in cython with a general floating point type
  4,353  Numpy append: Automatically cast an array of the wrong dimension
  4,353  Efficent way of constructing a matrix with all elements zero except one in numpy
  4,353  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ravel'
  4,351  How do I install numpy on a linux cluster? [closed]
  4,350  Numpy: operations on columns (or rows) of NxM array
  4,349  Is there a better way to represent uint8 data
  4,347  Where function in python returns nothing
  4,347  Returning numpy array from a C extension
  4,347  Reading a file with string and float with loadtxt
  4,346  Plotting Parallel Coordinates in pandas with different colours
  4,346  ipython -pylab debugging: Can I stop the execution at a specific line and drop into the shell?
  4,345  trying to mask 2D numpy arrays based on values in one column
  4,344  How to create a large matrix of matrices in python?
  4,344  Convert RGB image to index image
  4,343  How to concatenate images horizontally with numpy?
  4,343  How do you calculate interquartile range (IQR) correctly using Python?
  4,343  Adding two 2D NumPy arrays ignoring NaNs in them
  4,342  Stiff ODE-solver
  4,341  Matrix flip horizontal or vertical
  4,341  Conversion from numpy.datetime64 to pandas.tslib.Timestamp bug?
  4,340  Python File Slurp w/ endian conversion
  4,338  python bit shifting with numpy
  4,338  Numpy Correlation Error for Python
  4,336  Split Python sequence (time series/array) into subsequences with overlap
  4,332  Python: compare an array element-wise with a float
  4,332  Can't Import Pandas
  4,328  Adding index to numpy arrays
  4,327  Fastest way to get hamming distance for integer array
  4,326  How to create a list in pyspark dataframe's column
  4,325  How to plot a graph for correlation co-efficient between each attributes of a dataset and target attribute using Python
  4,324  Matrix completion in Python
  4,323  What is the inverse operation of np.log() and np.diff()?
  4,323  Reason why numpy rollaxis is so confusing?
  4,322  ring buffer with numpy/ctypes
  4,321  numpy array indexing with boolean
  4,319  How to transform vector into unit vector in Tensorflow
  4,319  Getting max value from a list with None elements
  4,318  Python 3 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
  4,318  Convert Python numeric list to numpy array of float
  4,316  Simple linear regression using pandas dataframe
  4,315  Python: remove duplicates from a multi-dimensional array
  4,315  Numpy matrix rotation for any degrees
  4,314  What is the significance of .flat in numpy?
  4,313  Read (SVHN) Dataset in python
  4,313  How to apply a low-pass filter of 5Hz to a pandas dataframe?
  4,313  How can I use the index array in tensorflow?
  4,308  Digitizing an analog signal
  4,307  What could cause numpy.nanstd() to return nan?
  4,307  The most efficient way to store large symmetric sparse matrices in python
  4,306  How can I sum an interval of elements on an array in python / numpy?
  4,306  efficient appending to pandas dataframes
  4,305  Visualization of 3D-numpy-array frame by frame
  4,303  output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled Python
  4,303  generate random dates within a range in numpy
  4,302  How to invert numpy matrices using Singular Value Decomposition?
  4,301  TypeError: conversion from Series to Decimal is not supported
  4,301  How do you get the mean and std of a column in a csr_matrix?
  4,300  NumPy types with underscore: `int_`, `float_`, etc
  4,299  SciPy instead of GNU Octave
  4,299  Convert a dataframe to numpy array? [duplicate]
  4,298  Distance between 2 pixels
  4,297  Numpy percentages along axis in 2d array
  4,297  Generate two-dimensional normal distribution given a mean and standard deviation
  4,296  Using Radial Basis Functions to Interpolate a Function on a Sphere
  4,296  Numpy / Polyfit - Suppress printing of Intel MKL Error message
  4,296  Determine Weibull parameters from data
  4,295  Why is numpy's einsum slower than numpy's built-in functions?
  4,295  how to interpret scipy.stats.probplot results?
  4,294  stacking sparse and dense matrices
  4,294  Numpy data types: data type not understood
  4,293  Removing rows in NumPy efficiently
  4,292  Slow bitwise operations
  4,292  Pandas, how to filter a df to get unique entries?
  4,292  Matlab VS Python - eig(A,B) VS sc.linalg.eig(A,B)
  4,290  what is an equivalent of matlab permute(A, [3 2 1]) in python?
  4,289  Performance of row vs column operations in NumPy
  4,289  pcolormesh with masked invalid values
  4,289  len() of unsized object in Python when using scipy's pearson correlation
  4,289  How to overlay facial keypoints from Dlib in an OpenCV window
  4,289  converting numpy vector to cvxopt
  4,288  ''TypeError: buffer is too small for requested array'' when attempting to read a .mat file using
  4,288  How can I create my own datatype in python so that I could overwrite arithmetic operators?
  4,288  Convert sympy expressions to function of numpy arrays
  4,286  Pandas: How to drop self correlation from correlation matrix
  4,285  numpy: inverting an upper triangular matrix
  4,285  Conversions of np.timedelta64 to days, weeks, months, etc
  4,284  Problem with CV2 : numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  4,284  Find indexes of repeated elements in an array (Python, NumPy)
  4,284  Efficiently ploting a table in csv format using Python
  4,283  Numpy longdouble arithmetic does not seem to be in long double with conversion
  4,283  Linear fit including all errors with NumPy/SciPy
  4,281  Using numpy/scipy to calculate iso-surface from 3D array
  4,281  Memory Error while pickling a data frame to disk
  4,281  Combining numpy multi-dimensional arrays
  4,278  Cross-correlation of non-periodic function with NumPy
  4,278  Cosine distance computation between two arrays - Python [duplicate]
  4,277  python while loop to break up sorted list/array
  4,274  Python code explanation for stationary distribution of a Markov chain
  4,273  Random int64 and float64 numbers
  4,273  Broadcast an operation along specific axis in python
  4,269  Reduce resolution of array through summation
  4,269  How to get a Python long double literal?
  4,269  Add more sample points to data
  4,268  Tensorflow: tf.train.Feature error 'expected one of: bytes'
  4,268  Numpy array memory management
  4,268  How to add a dimension to a numpy array in Python
  4,268  2D and 3D Scatter Histograms from arrays in Python
  4,265  How to correctly display red, green, and blue (rgb) channels of an image with pyplot
  4,265  appending list of lists to pd.Dataframe()
  4,264  iterate over slices of an ndarray
  4,264  How to remove blanks/NA's from dataframe and shift the values up
  4,264  Error with Padlen in signal.filtfilt in Python
  4,262  How do I create a Numpy dtype that includes 24 bit integers?
  4,261  Error: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly
  4,260  Mean value of each channel of several images
  4,259  Numpy: argmax over multiple axes without loop
  4,256  Why is numpy.dtype('float64') special?
  4,256  spo.optimize :only integers, slices (:), ellipsis ( ... ), numpy.newaxis (None) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
  4,256  Numpy sub-array assignment with advanced, mixed indexing
  4,256  How to do OLS Regression with the latest version of Pandas
  4,255  retrieve misclassified documents using scikitlearn
  4,253  Implement softmax function with numpy array
  4,253  How to efficiently remove columns from a sparse matrix that only contain zeros?
  4,253  FFT low-pass filter
  4,251  PIP Installation doesn't work (six, numpy and python-dateutil requirements)
  4,251  ImportError: No module named  ...  after spyder install
  4,250  Python create an empty sparse matrix
  4,250  NumPy equivalent to Keras function utils.to_categorical
  4,249  The definitive method to use NumPy and SciPy from IronPython
  4,248  How to obtain the skeleton of a binary image with scikit-image
  4,247  Python Get minimum value without -inf
  4,247  Is there an easy way to get confusion matrix for multiclass classification? (OneVsRest)
  4,246  TypeError: unique() got an unexpected keyword argument 'return_counts'
  4,246  numpy standard deviation estimator bias with ddof = 1
  4,246  numpy.savetxt for 2d array in Python 3.5.1
  4,246  cbind (R function) equivalent in numpy
  4,244  create pivot table in pandas using count of occurrence of value [duplicate]
  4,243  What does `[b for a in x for b in a if not b==k]` mean?
  4,243  Python (strangely) rounding values [duplicate]
  4,243  Expectation Maximization(GMM-EM) never finds the correct parameters. (Mixture of Gaussians)
  4,242  numpy.array with elements of different shapes
  4,241  What is the difference between @jit and @vectorize in numba?
  4,241  Bad input shape LabelEncoder
  4,240  Hausdorff distance between 3D grids
  4,240  Complex numbers in Cython
  4,238  Unable to load a previously dumped pickle file of large size in Python
  4,238  Store and retrieve large sparse matrix
  4,238  Numpy array: group by one column, sum another
  4,238  merging/concatenating arrays with different elements
  4,237  Sum elements of same index from different lists
  4,237  Python (NumPy): Collections can only map rank 1 arrays
  4,237  How to implement a filter like scipy.signal.lfilter
  4,236  remove rows and ValueError Arrays were different lengths
  4,235  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'clock'
  4,233  Numpy import error Python3 on Raspberry Pi?
  4,232  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fails with error about python-tk
  4,232  How to find max value in 2D array with index [duplicate]
  4,232  Convert a pandas dataframe column of type object to a numpy array
  4,230  How can I subtract 3 hours of a datetime in python?
  4,230  Generate random numbers from lognormal distribution in python
  4,228  Reshape 4D numpy array into 3D
  4,227  Multidimension histogram in python
  4,225  element-wise operations on a sparse matrix
  4,224  Theano Dimshuffle equivalent in Google's TensorFlow?
  4,224  ''built-in method sum'' weird message when printing a sum
  4,223  Python Quandl in Spyder
  4,223  Keras pad_sequences throwing invalid literal for int () with base 10
  4,223  Creating a good quality grayscale image from an multidimensional numpy array
  4,221  Summing elements in a sliding window - NumPy
  4,220  Python multiprocessing is taking much longer than single processing
  4,220  pandas convert string columns to datetime, allowing missing but not invalid
  4,219  Change numerical Data to Categorical Data - Pandas [duplicate]
  4,218  Multivariate Normal pdf in Scipy
  4,218  how to calculate accurady based on two lists python?
  4,216  Python 3.2 64 Bit Numpy install - LaPack error
  4,216  Error when checking model target: expected dense_39 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (940, 1)
  4,215  Distance between numpy arrays, columnwise
  4,214  Add trendline with equation in 2D array [duplicate]
  4,211  pandas, numpy round down to nearest 100
  4,210  NumPy: get min/max from record array of numeric values
  4,209  Raspberry pi:calibrate camera and undistortion of image
  4,209  Python - Applying a color map to a grayscale numpy array and converting it to an image
  4,209  How to extract the first element of a 2d array in python?
  4,209  Converting list of tuples into numpy array and reshaping it?
  4,208  How can I round values in Pandas DataFrame containing mixed datatypes for further data comparison?
  4,206  What's the fastest way to iterate over a CvMat in Python using OpenCV?
  4,205  inserting values into numpy array
  4,203  How to convert Euclidean distances between vectors to similarity scores
  4,203  Delete dimension of array?
  4,202  convert pandas dataframe column to np.datetime64
  4,201  sklearn: Plot confusion matrix combined across training+test sets
  4,201  numpy vs list comprehension, which is faster? [closed]
  4,201  numpy.memmap from numpy operations
  4,199  error in numpy:TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
  4,198  Find X and Y Coordinates of a value in a python array
  4,198  Faster way to extract patches from images?
  4,198  Choose random seed and save it
  4,198  angle between two vectors by using simple numpy or math in Python?
  4,197  How to hstack several sparse matrices (feature matrices)?
  4,196  How to implement Kernel density estimation in multivariate/3D
  4,195  Why is pyplot.imshow() changing color channels in arrays
  4,194  Subclassing numpy ndarray problem
  4,194  Checking for and indexing non-unique/duplicate values in a numpy array
  4,193  Python 3.4 compatibility with numpy, scipy, and matplotlib
  4,193  numpy array assignment using slicing
  4,193  How can I display the bar value on top of each bar on matplotlib?
  4,192  What scipy statistical test do I use to compare sample means?
  4,192  numpy - scalar multiplication of column vector times row vector
  4,191  Neural network backpropagation algorithm not working in Python
  4,189  How to read columns of varying length from a text file in NumPy using genfromtxt()?
  4,189  How to find all the intersection points between two contour-set in an efficient way
  4,188  Python NumPy Convert Columns to Rows
  4,188  Create a graph from a CSV file and render to browser with Django and the Pandas Python library
  4,187  reverse flatten numpy array?
  4,187  How to iterate over a row in a SciPy sparse matrix?
  4,187  How to embed python tkinter window into a browser?
  4,187  Add a vector to array
  4,186  Finding the Index of sorted elements in Python Array
  4,185  how to speed up Python nested loops for million elements
  4,184  Write comma separated values from python numpy array
  4,184  Why does indexing numpy arrays with brackets and commas differ in behavior?
  4,183  Python list comprehension for Numpy
  4,183  numpy.unique sort based on counts
  4,183  minimum and argmin in numpy
  4,183  How to perform precise calculations in Python, regardless of input types?
  4,182  How to one-hot-encode sentences at the character level?
  4,182  Differences between python's numpy.ndarray and list datatypes
  4,178  Scipy.optimization linear function approximation
  4,178  Python numpy sort 1D array
  4,178  Plotting values in matrix corresponding to the index in an array with Matplotlib in Python
  4,177  Specifying encoding using NumPy loadtxt/savetxt
  4,177  Shape not aligned error in OLS Regression python
  4,177  Save pandas dataframe with numpy arrays column
  4,177  processing opencv image pixels quickly using python interface
  4,174  Get the average year (mean of days over multiple years) in Pandas
  4,174  Fixing inflexion point estimate using python
  4,174  Changing matshow xticklabel position from top to bottom of the figure
  4,174  Adding row to numpy recarray
  4,172  Which is faster, numpy transpose or flip indices?
  4,172  Correlation matrix heatmap with multiple datasets that have matching columns
  4,172  Cannot import mean from statistics
  4,171  Using fillna, downcast and pandas
  4,169  How to limit cross correlation window width in Numpy?
  4,168  When to use np.quantile and np.percentile?
  4,168  creating a 3D scatter plot from a CSV file
  4,166  Fitting probability distribution to data
  4,166  Fast linear interpolation in Numpy / Scipy ''along a path''
  4,165  input/output error in scipy.optimize.fsolve
  4,165  Image from array and image using point
  4,164  Why is numpy much slower than matlab on a digitize example?
  4,164  Installing Modules for SPARK on worker nodes
  4,163  Convert graphlab sframe into a dictionary of {key: values}
  4,163  boolean and type checking in python vs numpy
  4,162  Computing a binomial probability for huge numbers
  4,161  Set color for NaN values in matplotlib
  4,161  How to apply a 2D curve fit in Python?
  4,161  Can numpy.savetxt be used on N-dimensional ndarrays with N>2?
  4,160  distance matrix of curves in python
  4,159  How to avoid an overflow in numpy.exp()
  4,158  Why is the pip installation of Cython taking so long?
  4,158  Scipy, Numpy, Matplotlib Troubles on OSX
  4,158  Partial derivative of a function with numpy.array input
  4,158  circular cross correlation python
  4,157  ValueError: Error when checking : expected dense_1_input to have shape (3,) but got array with shape (1,)
  4,156  NumPy: convert decimals to fractions
  4,156  Ignore/skip a value in a numpy array?
  4,155  Numpy is installed but still get the error ''No module named numpy''
  4,154  Creating new distributions in scipy
  4,152  Python matplotlib errorbar issue
  4,152  Plot 4D graph in python2.7
  4,150  (matpolotlib) ValueError: too many values to unpack
  4,150  Exporting data from sqlite to numpy array
  4,149  Calculating medoid of a cluster (Python)
  4,148  Python - Trouble plotting datetime index with pandas and matplotlib
  4,148  How to operate elementwise on a matrix of type scipy.sparse.csr_matrix?
  4,147  Create a numpy array (10x1) with zeros and fives
  4,146  Create The Legendre Formula Using Numpy
  4,145  Fast Circular buffer in python than the one using deque?
  4,144  compare two pandas data frame
  4,144  compare two pandas data frame
  4,143  Predicting next numbers in sequence Keras - Python
  4,143  Portfolio Variance of a Portfolio of N Assets in Python
  4,143  Aggregating two Pandas series by summing [duplicate]
  4,142  What is the difference between np.float64 and np.double?
  4,142  Numpy TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars (reshape)
  4,141  ValueError: Number of label does not match number of samples
  4,141  finding the length of a numpy array
  4,141  Efficient dot products of large memory-mapped arrays
  4,139  Scipy.optimize.minimize objective function ValueError
  4,139  How can I get an hour, minute etc. out of numpy.datetime64 object?
  4,139  Check Density of a Scipy Sparse Matrix
  4,137  Is there a faster version of numpy.random.shuffle?
  4,136  np.isnan on arrays of dtype ''object''
  4,134  left hand side eigenvector in python?
  4,132  Writing to a CSV File from Array
  4,132  Pandas: cannot safely convert passed user dtype of int32 for float64
  4,132  how to create a matrix of tuples that is initialize with zeroes
  4,130  Getting ''ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes'' when trying to subtract from channel wise mean in Caffe
  4,130  Copying row element in a numpy array
  4,128  Calculate the Fourier series with the trigonometry approach
  4,127  Pip hangs on ''collecting numpy''
  4,127  How to organize values in a numpy array into bins that contain a certain range of values?
  4,124  Longest string in numpy object_ array
  4,123  Writing binary in c++ and read in python
  4,123  Dot product with dictionaries
  4,119  What happened to numpy.chararray
  4,119  Try to install Numpy: SystemError: Cannot compile 'Python.h'
  4,119  Initializing list of numpy arrays [duplicate]
  4,117  When will numpy copy the array when using reshape()
  4,117  Numpy: outer product of n vectors
  4,117  Generate random numbers replicating arbitrary distribution
  4,116  Reverse Label Encoding giving error
  4,116  Numpy transformation to normal distribution
  4,116  How to ignore part of a image during feature extraction in OpenCV?
  4,116  How to do a 3D revolution plot in matplotlib?
  4,114  How to convert a Numpy matrix into a Sympy
  4,112  Numpy: Multiplying a matrix with a 3d tensor  -  Suggestion
  4,112  Feeding dtype np.float32 to TensorFlow placeholder
  4,110  Writing a double sum in Python
  4,110  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 230 into shape (3,600,800)
  4,109  what is the fastest way to get the mode of a numpy array
  4,109  Using numpy.array with large number of dimensions
  4,109  find the k nearest neighbours of a point in 3d space with python numpy
  4,108  Could not convert string to float while using numpy.loadtxt
  4,108  Arrays on Python with numpy
  4,106  Writing lists of data to a text file column by column
  4,106  Find python header path from within python?
  4,104  Python: Save data with floats and strings with np.savetxt
  4,104  How to force a ndarray show in normal way instead of scientific notation?
  4,102  Polynomials with negative exponents in Python
  4,102  How to plot FFT of signal with correct frequencies on x-axis?
  4,101  How to Set Decimal Values in List of Arrays (in Python)?
  4,101  How to round datetime64 values
  4,100  ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found (sklearn)
  4,099  Python: Integration of Interpolation
  4,099  Pandas dataframe to numpy array [duplicate]
  4,097  Making pyplot.hist() first and last bins include outliers
  4,097  Installing numpy and pandas for python 3.5
  4,096  Error when importing scipy
  4,096  Creating a mixture of probability distributions for sampling
  4,095  Creating .wav file from bytes
  4,093  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (1,19) into shape (1,20)
  4,093  python: random sampling from self-defined probability function [duplicate]
  4,093  How to read a float from a raw binary file written with numpy's tofile()
  4,090  np.where() do nothing if condition fails
  4,089  finding the real eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix in numpy or scipy
  4,088  How to translate / shift a numpy array?
  4,088  How to copy and paste of image as Picture-In-Picture in OpenCV [closed]
  4,088  Combining Numpy Arrays in Blockwise Form
  4,088  Both input images must have CV_8UC1 in function error
  4,087  numpy.random.shuffle returns None
  4,086  Numpy Zeros and String Data Type
  4,083  Tensorflow is not installed properly
  4,080  ValueError: Input to `.fit()` should have rank 4. Got array with shape: (10, 20, 50, 50, 1)
  4,080  using python to calculate Vector Projection
  4,078  Float Arguments and dict_values with NumPy
  4,076  numpy.vectorize returns incorrect values
  4,076  Numpy: Loglikelihood of Multivariate Normal Distribution
  4,076  Finding row index of max column values in a numpy matrix
  4,075  Multiply a 1d array x 2d array python
  4,075  How to use a sparse matrix in numpy.linalg.solve
  4,073  Python numpy matrix multiplication with one diagonal matrix
  4,072  Unable to use `scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` with `matplotlib.pyplot,plot_surface`
  4,071  Python selecting matrix elements
  4,070  Warning using Scipy with Pandas
  4,070  Generate random sparse matrix filled with only values 0 or 1
  4,069  numpy/scipy equivalent of MATLAB's sparse function
  4,068  Linear system solution with fractions in numpy
  4,066  Reading large formatted text file with NumPy
  4,066  '' Cannot locate working compiler '' in OSX while installing numpy with pip to python 3.3
  4,064  How to convert tensor to numpy array
  4,063  matrix - vector multiplication in python (numpy)
  4,063  How to plot log normalized image using imshow () (matplotlib)? [closed]
  4,062  What is causing dimension-dependent AttributeError in PIL fromarray function?
  4,062  How do I use a python array in a symbolic expression?
  4,061  How to check that a matrix contains a zero column?
  4,061  concatenate two one-dimensional to two columns array
  4,060  What is the best way to take np.percentile along an axis ignoring nans?
  4,060  Python Numerical Integration for Volume of Region
  4,059  What is the fastest way to serialize a DataFrame besides to_pickle?
  4,058  Solving linear equations in Python (not working using linalg.solve)
  4,057  Using numpy.take for faster fancy indexing
  4,057  Plotting Moving Average on top of Candlestick Chart
  4,057  Expression for elements greater than x and less than y in python, all in one return statement. No loop. Python
  4,056  load data from csv into Scikit learn SVM
  4,056  Is there any difference between numpy.std and excel STDEV function?
  4,055  Generate random int in 3D array
  4,055  Clustering a list of dates
  4,053  Version errors for numpy when importing matplotlib
  4,053  Python* to boost::python::object
  4,053  Python multiprocessing with shared numpy array
  4,053  Converting numpy ndarray into pandas dataframe with column names and types
  4,052  NumPy 'ValueError: size of tuple must match number of fields.'
  4,052  Numpy: Sorting a multidimensional array by a multidimensional array
  4,052  how to add packages like numpy,scipy and others to the sublime 2 python?
  4,051  TypeError: Cannot handle the data type in PIL Image
  4,051  Dict not hashable python
  4,050  Multiple linear regression in python without fitting the origin?
  4,050  How to move a column in a pandas dataframe
  4,047  How can I slice each element of a numpy array of strings?
  4,047  Array conversion using scikit-image: from integer to float
  4,045  Numpy columnwise subtraction; subtract (k,n) array from values in a (k,) array
  4,043  How to remove RunTimeWarning Errors from code?
  4,043  Difference between functions generating random numbers in numpy
  4,043  Convert variable from datetime.timedelta to numpy.timedelta64
  4,041  in operator, float(''NaN'') and np.nan
  4,041  How to create multidimensional array with numpy.mgrid
  4,040  Fourier transform and filtering frequencies with negative fft values
  4,040  fmin_cg: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss
  4,037  Why is x**3 slower than x*x*x? [duplicate]
  4,034  Read a float binary file into 2D arrays in python and matlab
  4,034  How to filter columns in numpy ndarray
  4,033  From tick by tick data to Renko chart
  4,033  Deleting the last column in a python array
  4,031  Python scikit-learn - TypeError
  4,031  loading a dataset in python (numpy) when there are variable spaces delimiting columns
  4,029  Saving a multipage tiff using PIL
  4,029  normalizing a matrix in numpy
  4,029  How do I convert list of correlations to covariance matrix?
  4,028  Preparing data to plot contours in Matplotlib's Basemap
  4,028  Numpy: assignment destination is read-only - broadcast
  4,028  Find and replace multiple values in python
  4,026  pip install numpy and scipy on windows 10
  4,025  What is the inverse of the numpy cumsum function?
  4,025  Best way to permute contents of each column in numpy
  4,022  python: list of matrices to numpy array?
  4,022  Definite Integral using numpy.trapz?
  4,021  Float precision breakdown in python/numpy when adding numbers
  4,021  Cannot uninstall numpy,
  4,020  sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix - TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
  4,018  get function by its values in certain points
  4,018  Can't figure out why numpy.log10 outputs nan?
  4,017  How can I change values for a section of a numpy array?
  4,016  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence()
  4,016  Pybind Numpy access 2D / ND arrays
  4,015  Python rising/falling edge oscilloscope-like trigger
  4,015  python convert 2d array to 1d array [duplicate]
  4,015  Correct way to use scipy.signal.spectral.lombscargle
  4,014  Matplotlib imshow - Displaying different colours
  4,013  Power spectrum of real data with fftpack on log axis
  4,011  Using scipy gaussian kernel density estimation to calculate CDF inverse
  4,011  Circle in pixel grid
  4,010  Numpy: split array randomly
  4,010  Convert numpy unit8 raw array directly to float32
  4,009  What's the best way to downsample a numpy array?
  4,009  slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method in udacity self driving
  4,009  Plot a 2D gaussian on numpy
  4,008  load np.memmap without knowing shape
  4,006  Installing Numpy and Scipy - Can't find system python 2.6
  4,005  Converting a List of Lists into a numpy array [duplicate]
  4,004  Numpy Matplotlib Install on Fedora Linux
  4,003  Writing and reading floats and strings in a CSV file - python
  4,003  Why do I need np.array() or np.copy()?
  4,002  test if list contains a number in some range
  4,001  vectorizing a for loop in numpy/scipy?
  4,000  Weighted smoothing of a 1D array - Python
  3,999  Tips on processing a lot of images in python
  3,999  How does the pyplot.imshow() function work?
  3,999  Geometric progression using Python / Pandas / Numpy (without loop and using recurrence)
  3,999  Can I use xor on numpy matrices?
  3,998  Python: compute average of n-th elements in list of lists with different lengths
  3,997  Tutorial for installing numpy with OpenBLAS on Windows
  3,997  Cython: fatal error: 'numpy/arrayobject.h' file not found, using numpy
  3,996  Python Image.fromarray() doesn't accept my ndarray input which is built from a list
  3,996  How to convert black and white image to array with 3 dimensions in python?
  3,995  merging multiple numpy arrays
  3,994  PSNR values differ in matlab implementation and python
  3,993  Multivariate normal CDF in Python
  3,993  Generate multiple independent random streams in python
  3,992  Slicing to change pixel color on an numpy.array image
  3,988  Mode/Median/Mean of a 3d numpy array
  3,988  How to check correlation between matching columns of two data sets?
  3,987  Resample and resize numpy array
  3,987  Python import text file where each line has different number of columns
  3,987  Building an array of tuples as elements
  3,986  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'numpy.ndarray' whilst trying to do PCA
  3,986  projecting points onto a plane given by a normal and a point
  3,986  Numpy can't convert list to np array
  3,985  Removing columns which has only ''nan'' values from a NumPy array
  3,984  python graphing the 1D wave equation (Beginner)
  3,984  pandas pivot_table percentile / quantile
  3,983  Toeplitz matrix using numpy/scipy
  3,983  Multi-threaded integer matrix multiplication in NumPy/SciPy
  3,983  How do I save table from prettytable?
  3,981  How do you store an entire array into another array
  3,980  Python: Broken toolchain error while installing numpy
  3,980  Efficient way of computing Kullback–Leibler divergence in Python
  3,979  Numpy: efficient way to generate combinations from given ranges
  3,978  View a sequence of images using Python and NumPy
  3,978  Python: np.loadtxt, read multiple files
  3,978  Error using numpy.logspace() : how to generate numbers spaced evenly on a log-scale
  3,977  Plot a dynamic graph using wxpython/python/matplot lib
  3,976  Why is numpy.int32 not recognized as an int type
  3,976  Create matplotlib legend out of the figure
  3,974  Create a numpy array of coordinates from a list of points
  3,973  Subtracing float from a datetime in Pandas (numpy)
  3,973  Convert string to NumPy datetime64 dtype
  3,971  cannot import numpy in idle (2.7) after anaconda installation
  3,970  Which numpy library is compatible with python 2.7.9? [closed]
  3,969  Error: third arg must be a format string. 2 plots 1 graph
  3,968  Interpolate between two images
  3,968  Efficiently Subtract Vector from Matrix (Scipy)
  3,968  Creating train, test and cross validation datasets in sklearn (python 2.7) with a grouping constraints?
  3,966  How to delete a set of meshgrid points inside a circle?
  3,964  Translation of python/numpy ''A.argmin(axis=-1)'' into an equivalent matlab-expression
  3,964  Maximum Active Drawdown in python
  3,962  Using Matplotlib imshow to show GIF image
  3,962  numpy Matrix Multiplication n x m * m x p = n x p
  3,960  Detrend Flux Time Series with Non-Linear Trend
  3,959  Why doesn't numpy.power act element-wise on arrays when the exponent is negative?
  3,959  Numpy/Scipy modulus function
  3,958  Calculating the derivative of cumulative density function in Python
  3,957  Python/Numpy/Scipy: Draw Poisson random values with different lambda
  3,957  Numpy-MKL for OS X
  3,956  numpy padding matrix of different row size
  3,955  Normalisation with a zero in the standard deviation
  3,953  How can I create a numpy array holding values of a multi-variable function?
  3,951  Numpy matrix multiplication returns nan
  3,948  2D Sorting with NumPy - sort 1 row and have the other follow the sorting
  3,947  Python converting ndarrays into graph
  3,947  Lua Equivalent for NumPy and SciPy?
  3,945  how to speed up enumerate for numpy array / how to enumerate over numpy array efficiently?
  3,944  How to install numpy with PyCharm on mac OSX?
  3,943  numpy 2d array max/argmax
  3,943  Matplotlib trendline code.. will run but won't plot the p(x) line ...  I don't know whats wrong.
  3,943  How to integrate a numpy array in scipy?
  3,942  Is it possible to use pearson correlation metric in sklearn?
  3,942  How to print numpy matrix nicely with text headers - python
  3,940  What is sigma clipping? How do you know when to apply it?
  3,940  Py_initialize / Py_Finalize not working twice with numpy
  3,939  Tensorflow - Testing a mnist neural net with my own images
  3,939  How can I make seaborn distribution subplots in a loop?
  3,937  NumPy Array Indexing
  3,937  Can't install numpy or pygame with pip Python 3.6
  3,935  convert itertools array into numpy array
  3,934  Matplotlib: Animate 2D Array
  3,933  numpy savetxt is not adding comma delimiter
  3,932  python, numpy: force new arrays to be as type float
  3,932  Looking for a package in Alpine linux for installing numpy
  3,932  Large matrix multiplication in Python - what is the best option?
  3,931  Subsetting a Pandas series
  3,930  What is the difference between MATLAB/Octave corr and Python numpy.correlate?
  3,930  Delimiter of numpy.savetxt
  3,930  1D numpy array to float
  3,928  Python plot base64 string as image
  3,926  What is different between x.shape[0] and x.shape in numpy?
  3,926  numpy - multiply each element in array by a scaling factor
  3,926  numpy - how to outer join arrays
  3,926  How to select specific rows and columns in 2d array
  3,925  Numpy and Pandas Not Working in Jupyter Notebook on Mac
  3,923  How can I select a specific column from each row in a Pandas DataFrame?
  3,922  Extracting selected feature names from scikit pipeline
  3,921  Sum of colorvalues of an image
  3,921  Search for a pattern in numpy array
  3,921  Opencv : TypeError: contour is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
  3,921  numpy.loadtxt and tab separated values: data type not understood
  3,921  multiple array to dataframe pandas
  3,921  loading complex numbers with numpy.loadtxt
  3,921  Installing matplotlib-venn
  3,921  How does one install/fix a failed numpy installation that works on python 3.4 but not in 3.5?
  3,919  mean pixel subtraction for numpy array
  3,918  Python - Subtracting elements in lists of tuples
  3,918  OpenCV cv2 image to PyGame image?
  3,918  linalg.norm not taking axis argument
  3,914  'float' object is unsubscriptable
  3,913  Python sum up a set of array
  3,913  Mask from max values in numpy array, specific axis
  3,913  Efficiently computing element wise product of transition matrices (m*m) * (n*n) to give (mn*mn) matrix
  3,912  Reshaping OpenCV Image (numpy) Dimensions
  3,911  Trying to strip b' ' from my Numpy array
  3,911  How to check Pandas Dataframe for True or False - Python
  3,910  taking intersection of N-many lists in python
  3,908  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute '_get_object_id'
  3,905  Encode numpy array using uncompressed RLE for COCO dataset
  3,905  Convert structured array to numpy array for use with Scikit-Learn
  3,903  Numpy/Scipy with masks and RGB images
  3,903  Drawing in a matplotlib widget in QtDesigner
  3,902  Numpy Random 2D Array
  3,901  Removing duplicates from a list of numPy arrays
  3,901  numpy datetime64 in recarray
  3,900  invalid type comparison error
  3,899  Split array into equal sized windows
  3,896  Python: Creation of array with fill values according to column/row
  3,896  Error with index. index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
  3,893  Select Rows from Numpy Rec Array
  3,893  Numpy Convert String to Float when Possible
  3,892  Plot aligned x,y 1d histograms from projected 2d histogram
  3,892  How can I plot ca. 20 million points as a scatterplot?
  3,890  Strange numpy random shuffle and seed [closed]
  3,890  Python numpy negative log likelihood calculation when some predicted probabilities are 1
  3,890  numpy.argmin for elements greater than a threshold
  3,889  Lotka-Volterra equations(predator prey) using Runge-Kutta in Python
  3,888  Is there an ''enhanced'' numpy/scipy dot method?
  3,888  How to determine the uncertainty of fit parameters with Python?
  3,887  Using numpy.argpartition
  3,887  Python 2.7 pickle won't recognize numpy multiarray
  3,887  Pairwise operations (distance) on two lists in numpy
  3,886  Convert 16-bit grayscale to QImage
  3,886  32 bit RGBA numpy array from PIL image
  3,885  Pandas 'isin' with output keeping order of input list
  3,885  Error converting large sparse matrix to COO
  3,884  Conditional formatting for 2- or 3-scale coloring of cells of a table
  3,881  Numpy Convert String Representation of Boolean Array To Boolean Array
  3,880  Python Pandas and NumPy.where behavior with mismatching numbers of rows
  3,880  Delete columns of matrix of CSR format in Python
  3,880  Convert numpy matrix into 1D numpy array
  3,878  Understanding output of np.corrcoef for two matrices of different sizes
  3,878  Compare a matrix against a column vector
  3,877  Convert SAS code to Pandas equivalent for groupby.first() and retain function
  3,876  python numpy.convolve to solve convolution integral with limits from 0 to t instead -t to t
  3,876  Format timedelta64 string output
  3,875  n*n Matrix using tile function in python [duplicate]
  3,874  Why is numpy.any so slow over large arrays?
  3,874  Python: Linear Regression, reshaping numpy arrays for use in model
  3,874  finding inflection points in spline fitted 1d data
  3,872  Passing a list to numpy.ix_, or how to slice a multidimensional array, when number of dimensions and selection criteria are not known beforehand?
  3,872  How do I install numpy and matploblib on RedHat?
  3,871  Improving performance of operations on a NumPy array
  3,871  combining two slicing operations
  3,870  Using Excel like solver in Python or SQL
  3,869  Python: convert string array to int array in dataframe
  3,869  how to hide axes in matplotlib.pyplot
  3,868  How to create a Matrix through an iteration in Python
  3,868  Error with Sci-Kit Learn SGD Algo - ''Array contains NaN or infinity''
  3,866  Python's random module made inaccessible by Numpy's random module
  3,866  How to speed up Python code for running on a powerful machine? [closed]
  3,864  NumPy performance: uint8 vs. float and multiplication vs. division?
  3,863  No module found in my python
  3,862  Display NumPy array as continuously updating image with Glumpy
  3,862  3d sobel algorithm in python?
  3,861  numpy dot product with missing values
  3,861  Extracting frequencies from a wav file python
  3,860  Reverse an arbitrary dimension in an ndarray
  3,860  Image Registration and affine transformation in Python
  3,859  interpolation of sparse grid using python (preferably scipy)
  3,858  Zipf Distribution: How do I measure Zipf Distribution
  3,858  Pandas => get index of first and last element by group
  3,858  Conversion error in numpy.loadtxt()
  3,857  Solving a BVP with scipy's solve_bvp
  3,857  How to avoid float values in regression models
  3,856  numpy array memory allocation
  3,855  PIL - TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
  3,854  Train test split without using scikit learn
  3,854  Removing duplicates (within a given tolerance) from a Numpy array of vectors
  3,854  Python - Matplotlib / matplotlib.cbook.TimeoutError: LOCKERROR
  3,853  Grayscale image using opencv from numpy array failed
  3,852  ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly
  3,851  Trying to convert an mp3 file to a Numpy Array, and ffmpeg just hangs
  3,851  How to sum over two indices in python?
  3,851  Find indexes of matching rows in two 2-D arrays
  3,850  How to append element to each vector in a matrix - Python [duplicate]
  3,849  CNN in Tensorflow - loss remains constant
  3,847  Numpy error: underflow encountered in exp
  3,846  pandas DataFrame type cast
  3,846  numpy.polyfit versus scipy.odr
  3,846  How do I select a window from a numpy array with periodic boundary conditions?
  3,846  How do I install openCV via anaconda at mac ?
  3,846  How can I avoid value errors when using numpy.random.multinomial?
  3,844  Python code not running
  3,842  TypeError: src data type = 15 is not supported
  3,842  Matplotlib: IndexError: too many indices for array
  3,841  Solving nonlinear differential first order equations using Python
  3,840  Python Pie chart from CSV data
  3,839  How to obtain reproducible but distinct instances of GroupKFold
  3,837  Faster way to calculate sum of squared difference between an image (M, N) and a template (3, 3) for template matching?
  3,837  Can't figure out what's wrong with data type in numpy loadtxt command
  3,836  Trying to parse text files in python for data analysis
  3,835  Indexing columns (or rows) in a numpy matrix with a Boolean list
  3,835  Converting a data structure of dtype=object to numpy array of dtype=float64
  3,834  How to create a pydub AudioSegment using an numpy array?
  3,833  Sort NumPy float array column by column
  3,832  Multidimensional Array and Magnitude of Gradient
  3,832  Adding a column of zeroes to a csr_matrix
  3,831  Remove head and tail from numpy array PYTHON
  3,829  How can I replace values in an xarray variable?
  3,829  Average arrays with Null values [duplicate]
  3,828  Performance comparison Fortran, Numpy,Cython and Numexpr
  3,827  numpy loading file error
  3,827  Mean over multiple axis in NumPy
  3,827  How to remove outliers correctly and define predictors for linear model?
  3,826  Generate alphanumeric random numbers in numpy
  3,824  NumPy: Calculate mean of certain elements in array
  3,823  numpy.loadtxt could not convert string to float
  3,823  Cannot understand plotting of decision boundary in SVM and LR
  3,822  Need help combining two 3 channel images into 6 channel image Python
  3,822  How to Train scikit-neuralnetwork on images
  3,821  ''TypeError: Image data can not convert to float'' unsing matplotlib in python27
  3,821  Locality Sensitive Hashing of sparse numpy arrays
  3,819  Increment specific coordinates to a numpy array [duplicate]
  3,819  ImportError: No module named array_import -----scipy
  3,819  How to solve an equation with variables in a matrix in Python?
  3,818  Getting attributes from arrays of objects in NumPy
  3,818  Efficient way to do a rolling linear regression
  3,817  How to read JUST filenames of a directory in python and then do the same job for all?
  3,814  Python 2.7 Unrecognized Character G in format string during runtime
  3,814  Efficiently reshape numpy array
  3,813  Selecting which dimension to index in a numpy array
  3,813  np.where 2D array
  3,813  Finding the convolution of two histograms
  3,812  Getting completely wrong fit from python scipy.optimize.curve_fit
  3,811  Python multiprocessing (joblib) best way for argument passing
  3,810  Error Converting Sparse Matrix to Array with scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.toarray()
  3,809  What is the identity of ''ndim, shape, size, ..etc'' of ndarray in numpy
  3,809  numpy append array to array
  3,809  matplotlib creating 2D arrays from 1D arrays - is there a nicer way?
  3,809  How to select not only the maximum of a `numpy.ndarray` but the top 3 maximal values in python?
  3,808  Read csv file into n dimensional array in python
  3,808  Numpy indexing with a one dimensional boolean array
  3,808  How to create a multidimensional array from lists with NumPy?
  3,807  Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples when fitting LogisticRegression
  3,806  numpy slice an array without copying it
  3,806  DeprecationWarning: object of type <class 'float'> cannot be safely interpreted as an integer
  3,804  What's the difference between (N,) and (N,1) in numpy? [duplicate]
  3,803  Weibull distribution and the data in the same figure (with numpy and scipy) [closed]
  3,802  Python NumPy vs Octave/MATLAB precision
  3,802  ndimage's center_of_mass to calculate the position of a Gaussian peak
  3,802  List of tuples converted to numpy array
  3,802  Error in `/usr/bin/python': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f7c3c017260
  3,801  numpy array of zeros or empty
  3,801  Error : No module named numpy.core.multiarray. Maxent tree bank pos-tagger model is already installed
  3,798  numpy.zeros shape statement [duplicate]
  3,798  Numpy Modular arithmetic
  3,797  Integer overflow in numpy arrays
  3,797  How to use math.log10 function on whole pandas dataframe
  3,795  In PIL, why isn't convert('L') turning image grayscale?
  3,795  Infinite path length of graph for networkx
  3,795  Constrained optimization in SciPy
  3,794  python , opencv, image array to binary
  3,793  create a matrix from a list in python
  3,792  Python Histogram using matplotlib on top words
  3,792  Logarithmic plot of a cumulative distribution function in matplotlib
  3,791  How to do conditional statements in pandas/python with null values
  3,791  How do I add Columns to an ndarray?
  3,790  Line-Line intersection in Python with numpy
  3,790  If statements with numpy [closed]
  3,790  Convert numpy array with floats to binary (0 or 1 integers)
  3,789  Elementwise multiplication of arrays of different shapes in python
  3,788  Preserving the dimensions of a slice from a Numpy 3d array
  3,788  'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'timestamp'
  3,788  how to do scatter/gather operations in numpy
  3,788  Calculate moving average in numpy array with NaNs
  3,786  After upgrading to Numpy 1.8.2, ImportError: cannot import name multiarray
  3,785  Dynamic matrix in Python
  3,784  matplotlib.pyplot.plot, ValueError: could not convert string to float: f
  3,784  Extracting diagonal blocks from a numpy array
  3,784  Concatenate numpy arrays
  3,782  Python - Loop parallelisation with joblib
  3,781  average numpy array but retain shape
  3,779  Pixel coordinates vs Drawing Coordinates
  3,779  How to create in one line a null vector of size 10 but the fifth value being 1 using numpy
  3,779  How to Change File Extension (.npy to .csv) in Python?
  3,778  Vertical Bar chart using rotation='vertical' not working
  3,777  Python - vectorizing a sliding window
  3,776  reading an ascii file with headers given in the first rows into a pandas dataframe
  3,775  Python: Reading Fortran Binary file using numpy or scipy
  3,775  How to remove top and bottom nth% of data
  3,775  Creating an RGB picture in Python with OpenCV from a randomized array
  3,775  Can I use numpy gradient function with images
  3,774  Solving homogeneous system Ax=0 using numpy
  3,774  Precision of numpy array lost after tolist
  3,774  Converting from numpy arrays to a RGB image
  3,774  AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'ndim'
  3,773  What is wrong with my cost function in numpy?
  3,772  Read Values from .csv file and convert them to float arrays
  3,772  numpy genfromtxt columns
  3,771  python ValueError: column index exceeds matrix dimensions
  3,771  How to use random.RandomState
  3,770  How to install Numpy & Scipy for Python 3.3 on Moutain Lion
  3,769  Fast 2D rigid body transformations in numpy/scipy
  3,767  Profile Memory Allocation in Python (with support for Numpy arrays)
  3,766  Remove bracket of a array python
  3,766  Numpy svd vs Scipy.sparse svds
  3,766  Numpy sum() got an 'keepdims' error
  3,766  Numpy array addition with NoneType
  3,765  AssertionError: incompatible sizes: argument 'height' must be length 5 or scalar
  3,764  Storing Python objects in a Python list vs. a fixed-length Numpy array
  3,764  Matplotlib bar plot with pandas Timestamp
  3,762  Can you compute the amplitude/power of original signal from Fourier transform?
  3,761  How to convert a numpy array view to opencv matrix?
  3,761  Converting a list into a numpy array
  3,760  How can I generate a Toeplitz matrix in the correct form for performing discrete convolution?
  3,759  How to check if a number is a np.float64 or np.float32 or np.float16?
  3,759  Double integral with function and sampled data Python
  3,759  Assigning real and imaginary parts of a complex array from two arrays containing the two parts - Python
  3,758  Pandas: how to fill null values matching the right types of that column?
  3,758  Flatten a nested list of variable sized sublists into a SciPy array
  3,757  plotting a scatter plot for list/array in matplotlib
  3,757  how to exclude some numbers from a list
  3,756  Numpy Array to Graph
  3,756  Add metadata comment to Numpy ndarray
  3,755  convert numpy int16 audio array to float32
  3,754  insert matrix into the center of another matrix in python
  3,753  How to compute scipy sparse matrix determinant without turning it to dense?
  3,752  Inconsistency in results of aggregating pandas groupby object using numpy.median vs other functions
  3,751  Combining two record arrays
  3,749  python convert string to integer array
  3,749  how to calculate entropy from np histogram
  3,748, b) gives wrong result on multiplication of matrices with similar dimenstions
  3,745  Why doesn't opencv give this rectangle a colour using python's cv2
  3,745  multiply and sum arrays in numpy
  3,745  IronPython vs Python speed with numpy
  3,745  2D linear interpolation: data and interpolated points
  3,744  numpy.digitize returns values out of range?
  3,744  Caffe installation in ubuntu 14.04
  3,743  Why is skimage.transform.rotate significantly slower than PIL's Image.rotate?
  3,743  scipy.polyfit(x, y, 100) would be 100th order polynome, but matplotlib.pyplot.legend displays 53?
  3,742  How to read JPG2000 with Python?
  3,742  How can I convert an ndarray to a matrix in scipy?
  3,741  How to make sure that solution is global minimum while using python scipy.optimize.minimize
  3,740  Python: concatenate arrays stored in a dictionary
  3,740  How can I pass large arrays between numpy and R?
  3,738  numpy.loadtxt: how to ignore comma delimiters that appear inside quotes?
  3,738  Fourier Transform Using Numpy
  3,737  Python and numpy - converting multiple values in an array to binary
  3,737  Convert JSON file to numpy array
  3,736  Passing memoryview to C function
  3,736  How to import matrix from excel into numpy and then graph it? [closed]
  3,736  displaying a colored 2d array in matplotlib in Python
  3,735  Solving overdetermined system in numpy when the value of one variable is already known
  3,735  Calculating velocities and acceleration in python for large numpy arrays
  3,734  Avoid underflow using exp and minimum positive float128 in numpy
  3,733  How to check if two Tensor shapes are the same including None?
  3,733  A numpy array unexpectedly changes when changing another one despite being separate
  3,731  Using scipy pdist on pandas data frames (and) lists
  3,730  Python: Closest Point to a line
  3,730  For a np.array([1, 2, 3]) why is the shape (3,) instead of (3,1)? [duplicate]
  3,729  How to append a column to a 2d numpy array in Python 2.7?
  3,728  How to efficiently compute the heat map of two Gaussian distribution in Python?
  3,727  how to split matrix into 4 quadrants in python using numpy
  3,724  Python Numpy.ndarray.shape limit
  3,724  numpy.sum() gives `TypeError: sum() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dtype'`
  3,724  Does automatically transpose vectors?
  3,723  How to create an numpy array of labels from a numpy array of float?
  3,723  Equivalent of R's of cor.test in Python
  3,722  get the index of point which create ConvexHull
  3,721  How to accumulate values in numpy array by column?
  3,720  Fill zero values of 1d numpy array with last non-zero values
  3,718  Max element/size of a numpy matrix?
  3,717  Comparing RGB histograms: plt.hist, np.histogram, and cv2.compareHist
  3,716  I can't solve issue ''axis -1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 0''
  3,716  Floodfill segmented image in numpy/python
  3,715  Fastest way to Calculate the Euclidian distance between 2 sets of vectors using numpy or scipy
  3,714  Numpy printing with iterator .format throws an error
  3,714  Calling lambda functions with iteration over a numpy array of shape `(n,)`
  3,712  Python: numpy.histogram plot
  3,711  easy_install and pip giving errors when trying to install numpy
  3,711  Delaunay triangulation of point cloud
  3,710  Numpy could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape (0) inside the method
  3,710  Is there an equivalent Matlab dot function in numpy?
  3,709  How to write 2D std vector of floats to HDF5 file and then read it in python
  3,709  Efficiently Standardizing Images in a Numpy Array
  3,708  cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab is not working but cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY is working
  3,708  creating elevation/height field gdal numpy python
  3,707  Display image only in R(Red) channel using python
  3,705  Mask numpy array based on index
  3,704  Python draw path between point
  3,704  How to detect if all the rows of a non-square matrix are orthogonal in python
  3,704  How to access an element in a Numpy array
  3,703  error installing numpy on Mac OS X 10.6
  3,703  Apply numpy nonzero row-wise?
  3,702  polynomial surface fit numpy
  3,701  adding gaussian noise to image
  3,700  Numpy's npv calculation
  3,699  Can't get Theano to work on ubuntu 14.04
  3,698  Indexing with Masked Arrays in numpy
  3,698  How to restore a 2-dimensional numpy.array from a bytestring?
  3,698  Cannot import seaborn
  3,695  Python - Fitting exponential decay curve from recorded values
  3,695  Get indices of numpy.argmax elements over an axis
  3,695  Chose the farthest k points from given n points
  3,692  nparray.T.reshape(x, -1).reshape(-1) : what does this do to the nparray?
  3,690  Fastest Way to Multiply Dictionary Values and Output to 'list type'
  3,688  Python Dynamic Array allocation, Matlab style
  3,687  Visualize conv2d filter for TensorBoard image_summary
  3,686  Skimage Python33 Canny
  3,686  At what point should I worry about underflow in numpy values?
  3,684  Cython says buffer types only allowed as function local variables even for ndarray.copy()
  3,683  Numpy: populate a 2D numpy array with sequential integers
  3,683  Number of features of the model must match the input?
  3,683  Aggregate groups in Python Pandas and spit out percentage from a certain count
  3,682  Is there a way to reduce scipy/numpy precision to reduce memory consumption?
  3,681  How to use geopy to obtain the zip code from coordinates?
  3,680  How to read only wav files in a directory using Python?
  3,679  Numpy's float32 and float comparisons
  3,679  Convert Pandas DateTimeIndex to YYYYMMDD integer?
  3,676  How to copy array in Python
  3,676  How do I convert csv string to list in pandas?
  3,676  Convert Dictionary to Numpy array
  3,675  Shape of passed values is (30, 569), indices imply (569, 569)
  3,674  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. scipy minimize [closed]
  3,674  tensorflow warning for data types
  3,674  How can I install the latest versions of NumPy/Scipy/Matplotlib/IPython/Pandas on Ubuntu
  3,673  Max of list of lists in Python [duplicate]
  3,673  Convert header into row
  3,673  conditional operation on numpy multidimensional array
  3,672  numpy.tile did not work as Matlab repmat
  3,672  Numpy C-Api example gives a SegFault
  3,672  Flatten numpy array with sub-arrays of different dimensions
  3,671  install scipy package via pycharm in windows 10 64 bit - python 3.5
  3,670  find the dot product of sub-arrays in numpy
  3,670  Error Converting PIL B&W images to Numpy Arrays
  3,669  RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  3,668  Numpy: Set array element to another array
  3,668  numpy.random.exponential(scale=1.0) returns numbers greater than 1
  3,667  Unpack numpy array shape for general arrays
  3,666  tensor dot operation in python
  3,666  Remove empty 'rows' and 'columns' from 3D numpy pixel array
  3,665  Load column in csv file into spaCy
  3,665  Get norm of numpy sparse matrix rows
  3,664  Numpy Array to SQL Table
  3,664  get indicies of non-zero elements of 2D array
  3,663  opencv warpPerspective parameter count
  3,662  Are Numpy functions slow?
  3,659  Python zero-size array to ufunc.reduce without identity
  3,659  numpy concatenate two matrices . TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
  3,659  imread in pylab vs opencv: returning completely different array values
  3,659  Get smallest N values from numpy array ignoring inf and nan
  3,658  Get the last date of each month in a list of dates in Python
  3,658  Can't get numpy to import with python3.2 [closed]
  3,657  (Python) Is numpy.polynomial.polynomial broken in numpy 1.13.1 version?
  3,657  How to implement a smooth clamp function in python?
  3,656  Why does numpy silently convert my int array to strings when calling searchsorted?
  3,656  Reading a text file and calculating probability and Shannon's entropy
  3,656  Optimizing NumPy with Cython
  3,655  Python tools for out-of-core computation/data mining
  3,655  Find indices of common values in two arrays
  3,653  Python numpy equivalent of R rep and rep_len functions
  3,653  Pytesseract, trying to detect text from on screen
  3,652  Cartesian products of lists without duplicates
  3,651  Python Bar string on x axis
  3,651  Plotting a Network Graph with all edges clearly visible
  3,651  AttributeError: module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute 'einsum'
  3,650  Return the indexes of a sub-array in an array
  3,650  Lucas Kanade Optical Flow, Direction Vector
  3,650  Efficient iteration over 3D array?
  3,649  More efficient way to invert a matrix knowing it is symmetric and positive semi-definite
  3,648  Python SciPy Possible cases of n choose k
  3,648  Python - How to split cell in a column to a new row based of a delmimeter
  3,647  making binned boxplot in matplotlib with numpy and scipy in Python
  3,647  Euclidean distance of points coordinates in pandas dataframe
  3,645  List comprehension-like approach for numpy arrays with more than one dimension
  3,644  how kurtosis is calculated in scipy?
  3,644  Faster convolution of probability density functions in Python
  3,642  Updating numpy array in loop
  3,642  quadpack.error: Supplied function does not return a valid float in python
  3,642  Library not loaded: libmkl_intel_lp64.dylib, using Anaconda on OS X
  3,642  Adaptive Histogram Equalization in Python
  3,641  Numpy: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  3,641  How to pass a numpy array of string types to a function in Cython
  3,640  how to add error bars to histogram diagram in python
  3,640  Dynamic numpy array in python
  3,639  How can I make a pandas dataframe out of multiple numpy arrays
  3,638  Softmax derivative in NumPy approaches 0 (implementation)
  3,638  Pearson Correlation after Normalization
  3,637  Python/SciPy: How to get cubic spline equations from CubicSpline
  3,637  python numpy cast problem
  3,636  Increasing speed of a pure Numpy/Scipy convolutional neural network implementation
  3,636  Convert a dict to numpy multi-dimensional array
  3,636  Circular convolution in python
  3,635  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (200,49000) (10,49000) (200,49000)
  3,633  TensorFlow: How to assign labels to image dataset when creating batches?
  3,633  Different behavior of float32/float64 numpy variables
  3,631  When using scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs I got TypeError: f() missing 1 required positional argument:
  3,631  Scipy ConvexHull and QHull: rank/dimension is not maximal
  3,630  Translating a line of Matlab (bsxfun, rdivide) to Python
  3,630  Optimizing Python KD Tree Searches
  3,627  How do I convert a CSV file to an RGB image using python
  3,627  Fourier Transform in Python 2D
  3,626  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (128,128,3) into shape (128,128)
  3,626  Passing a numpy pointer (dtype=np.bool) to C++
  3,626  Numpy Integer to String Based on Lookup Table
  3,626  Numpy array indexing and/or addition seems slow
  3,626  Find number of zeros before non-zero in a numpy array
  3,626  Data type problem using scipy.spatial
  3,626  Alternative to numpy roll without copying array
  3,625  The PyData Ecosystem
  3,624  If I use python pandas, is there any need for structured arrays?
  3,624  Equivalent of Matlab 'ismember' in numpy (Python)?
  3,622  How to create a diagonal sparse matrix in SciPy
  3,622  Basemap and density plots
  3,621  How to remove nth element in all numpy arrays in a numpy array?
  3,620  Read specific lines from text file as numpy array
  3,620  One-hot encoding of categories
  3,620  Is there a built-in/easy LDU decomposition method in Numpy?
  3,618  Subtract next row use current row, python dataframe
  3,617  Is it possible to speed up this loop in Python?
  3,615  statsmodel AR model answers wrong
  3,614  TypeError / Array indexing; 'int' object does not support item assignment
  3,614  Multiplying all combinations of array elements in numpy
  3,614  Autocorrelation to estimate periodicity with numpy
  3,613  numpy tostring equivalent to numpy fromstring
  3,613  'Float' object has no attribute 'log'
  3,613  Finding differences between all values in an List
  3,613  Convert DatetimeIndex to datetime
  3,612  Open .mat (matlab data) using python
  3,611  Python - Reading HDF5 dataset into a list vs numpy array
  3,611  Different ways to install numpy, scipy, and matplotlib on macOS via homebrew
  3,610  scikits-learn pca dimension reduction issue
  3,610  numpy.concatenate on record arrays fails when array has different length strings
  3,609  line, = plot(x,sin(x)) what does comma stand for?
  3,608  sigmoid RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  3,608 with Python broadcasting
  3,608  how to apply a deconvolution method on an image?
  3,607  Python fork(): passing data from child to parent
  3,607  How to edit h5 files with h5py?
  3,607  How do I resolve one hot encoding if my test data has missing values in a col?
  3,606  numpy array indexing with negative index
  3,606  how to extract value from a numpy.ndarray
  3,606  Converting a list into numpy array of specific dimension
  3,605  Extracting unsigned char from array of numpy.uint8
  3,604  Numpy octuple precision floats and 128 bit ints. Why and how?
  3,604  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.testing._private
  3,603  ndim in numpy array loaded with
  3,603  MemoryError when creating and writing
  3,603  Editing Original DataFrame After Making a Copy but Before Editing the Copy Changes the Copy
  3,601  Unpickling from converted string in python/numpy
  3,601  Reading a .VTK polydata file and converting it into Numpy array
  3,601  Pandas converting date with string in
  3,601  Numpy Int Array to HEX and then to String Conversion PYTHON
  3,601  Most efficient way to sum huge 2D NumPy array, grouped by ID column?
  3,601  fastest way to populate a 1D numpy array
  3,600  What is the best way to incrementally build a numpy array?
  3,600  Using PIL to fill empty image space with nearby colors (aka inpainting)
  3,600  Cython: Create memoryview without NumPy array?
  3,598  scipy cdist or pdist on arrays of complex numbers
  3,598  Pythonic way to replace list values with upper and lower bound (clamping, clipping, thresholding)?
  3,598  Installing numpy, still problems
  3,597  What is the default dtype for str like input in numpy?
  3,597  Clustering of sparse matrix in python and scipy
  3,596  Numpy diff inverted operation?
  3,594  Looking for Python package for numerical integration over a tessellated domain
  3,593  Wrapping C function in Cython and NumPy
  3,593  numpy how find local minimum in neighborhood on 1darray
  3,592  convert np.nan into value in numpy array
  3,591  Store Numpy array index in variable
  3,591  Pytorch - Pick best probability after softmax layer
  3,591  Python: calculate the magnetic field of a wire using biot-savart-law
  3,591  Differences between matrix multiplication and array dot
  3,590  Writing a 3D Numpy array to a CSV file
  3,590  Python: ''unsupported operand types for +: 'long' and 'numpy.float64' ''
  3,589  Theano broadcasting different to numpy's
  3,586  initialization of multiarray raised unreported exception python
  3,585  pandas: subtracting two columns and saving result as an absolute
  3,584  Using numpy.array in cython
  3,584  Is there a difference between `board[x, y]` and `board[x][y]` in Python?
  3,583  Numpy casting float32 to float64
  3,582  how numpy partition work
  3,581  Do numpy 1D arrays follow row/column rules?
  3,581  Cython: Should I use np.float_t rather than double for typed memory views
  3,580  XGBoost difference in train and test features after converting to DMatrix
  3,579  How can I always have numpy.ndarray.shape return a two valued tuple?
  3,579  Histogram manipulation to remove unwanted data
  3,579  error of making a test and train data split in sklearn
  3,578  nameerror:name 'array' is not defined [closed]
  3,577  np.genfromtxt multiple delimiters?
  3,575  How to visualize an distance matrix in Python? [duplicate]
  3,574  Rotate meshgrid with numpy
  3,574  Negative infinity and negative zero in numpy
  3,574  data type is numpy.ndarray but expected numpy.int64
  3,573  Transpose array and actually reorder memory
  3,573  A value in x_new is above/below interpolation range
  3,572  PyTorch: passing numpy array for weight initialization
  3,572  Issues installing numpy on OS X 10.6.8
  3,571  How to use numpy with cygwin
  3,570  Stacking images in Python
  3,570  Python: Convert xlrd sheet to numpy matrix (ndarray)
  3,570  Python concatenate arrays in a list
  3,570  Empirical cdf in python similiar to matlab's one
  3,569  Python : How to fill an array line by line?
  3,569  Plotting terrain data with matplotlib plot_surface
  3,569  installation of another version of Numpy
  3,569  Fastest way to check if duplicates exist in a python list / numpy ndarray
  3,568  Sklearn SVM coefficient attribute - how to get class name?
  3,568  How do I fit a quadratic surface to some points in Python?
  3,568  Date formatting for bar charts in matplotlib [duplicate]
  3,566  Optimizing with Cython
  3,565  scipy sparse matrices and cython
  3,565  Cannot install scipy, numpy or pandas with pip
  3,564  numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'replace' while writing xml file using minidom
  3,563  save images in hdf5 files
  3,563  Numpy - How to replace elements based on condition (or matching a pattern)
  3,563  Implementing tridiagonal matrix algorithm (TDMA) with NumPy
  3,562  Python - save binned data to text file
  3,562  How to save weights of a neural network
  3,562  double precision and single precision floating point numbers?
  3,561  How multiarray.correlate2(a, v, mode) is actually implemented?
  3,560  Scipy odeint giving lsoda warning
  3,560  How to avoid incorrect rounding with numpy.round?
  3,558  How to do conditional row summation in numpy?
  3,558  Can Python perform vectorized operations?
  3,557  Different intervals for Gauss-Legendre quadrature in numpy
  3,557  Converting astropy.table.columns to a numpy array
  3,556  numpy.polyfit gives useful fit, but infinite covariance matrix
  3,554  Speed comparison. numpy vs python standard
  3,553  Generate ''random'' matrix of certain rank over a fixed set of elements
  3,552  Using numpy.median on a masked array
  3,552  QR factorisation using modified Gram Schmidt
  3,551  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'long'
  3,551  Numpy Array reshape
  3,550  What does (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__array_interface__') mean?
  3,550  How do I maximize efficiency with numpy arrays?
  3,549  combine matrix and sparse matrix
  3,547  Python pandas: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
  3,546  Import numpy throws error: SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \uXXXX escape
  3,545  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'method' and 'float'
  3,545  Python importing package in function
  3,545  Python: How to generate frequency count for all variables
  3,545  How to integrate SQLAlchemy and a subclassed Numpy.ndarray smoothly and in a pythonic way?
  3,544  Numpy array, insert alternate rows of zeros
  3,544  Converting string to Numpy datetime
  3,543  Efficient serialization of numpy boolean arrays
  3,541  pandas.apply expects output shape (Shape of passed values is (x,), indices imply (x,y))
  3,540  How to locate a particular ''region'' of values in a 2D numpy array?
  3,539  Reproducing Excel's LINEST function with NumPy
  3,537  Plotting the difference between two datetime64[ns]
  3,535  vectorized approach to binning with numpy/scipy in Python
  3,535  Perform a Standard Deviation on the values in a dictionary
  3,535  Pandas rolling window to return an array
  3,534  Removing NAN's from numpy 2-D arrays
  3,534  how to normalize a numpy array in python
  3,532  Tkinter - getting an array of entry values
  3,532  Plotting all data files in a directory
  3,531  Matplotlib fix axis - too many dates
  3,531  Fast conversion of C/C++ vector to Numpy array
  3,530  Numpy: Using a matrix as indices for another matrix to create a tensor?
  3,530  How to create a Numpy array from a large list of list- python
  3,529  How can i reduce memory usage of Scikit-Learn Vectorizers?
  3,529  Append arrays of different dimensions to get a single array
  3,528  Numpy: Replacing values in a 2D array efficiently using a dictionary as a map
  3,528  Fast calculation of distances to each cluster center for an entire dataset
  3,527  scipy.optimize.fminbound: Set bounds on parameters
  3,527  Is numpy slower than c++ linear algebra libraries like eigen?
  3,527  How to choose randomly between two values? [duplicate]
  3,527  Concatenate two numpy arrays [duplicate]
  3,526  Python: method to remove all duplicate points from a X,Y,Z file that have identical x and y coordinates
  3,526  Matplotlib, avoiding unwanted triangles in plot_trisurf()
  3,526  delete 'nan' or reduce length of numpy array if array contains nan after converting to numpy from pandas [duplicate]
  3,525  Merge axis in numpy array
  3,525  How can I check if one two-dimensional NumPy array contains a specific pattern of values inside it?
  3,524  numpy array dtype is coming as int32 by default in a windows 10 64 bit machine
  3,523  Sum ndarray values
  3,523  Basics of numpy where function, what does it do to the array?
  3,522  stack images as numpy array faster (than preallocation)?
  3,522  Pandas reverse of diff()
  3,520  Looking up large sets of keys: dictionary vs. NumPy array
  3,519  Using NumPy to convert user/item ratings into 2-D array
  3,519  sklearn feature.Extraction 'DictVectorizer' object has no attribute 'feature_names_'
  3,519  NumPy linspace rounding error
  3,519  numpy interp decreasing xp
  3,519  Is there any way to delete the specific elements of an numpy array ''In-place'' in python:
  3,518  Numpy - ImportError: cannot import name shares_memory
  3,516  numpy ufuncs speed vs for loop speed
  3,516  Numba Matrix Vector multiplication
  3,515  numpy.array not working properly?
  3,515  How could I get square root of a symbol in python?
  3,515  Decimal to binary Half-Precision IEEE 754 in Python
  3,515  Create Pandas dataframe from numpy array and use first column of the array as index
  3,514  How do I clip a floating-point number to just below a limit?
  3,514  convert cv2.umat to numpy array
  3,514  Beginner extending C with Python (specifically Numpy)
  3,514  average of a number of arrays with numpy without considering zero values
  3,513  Matlab / Octave bwdist() in Python or C
  3,511  how to call python scipy quad with array inputs
  3,511  How do I create a scipy sparse matrix from a pandas dataframe?
  3,511  Cython prange slower for 4 threads then with range
  3,511  Convert numpy array of RGB values to hex using format operator %
  3,510  Performance: Matlab vs Python
  3,510  Efficient way of making a list of pairs from an array in Numpy
  3,510  Cant install Numpy+MKL
  3,508  Why numpy/scipy is faster without OpenBLAS?
  3,506  Binning of data along one axis in numpy
  3,506  Adding horizontal and vertical lines and colorbar to seaborn jointplot
  3,505  pandas calculate mean of column that has lists instead of single value
  3,505  Numpy: Multiply a matrix with an array of vectors
  3,505  Clean mathematical notation of a for-loop
  3,504  Very slow interpolation using `scipy.interpolate.griddata`
  3,504  How to index 0-d array in Python?
  3,501  Vectorize this function in Numpy Python
  3,501  Sparse Matrix in Numba
  3,501  Remove brackets from numpy array
  3,500  Python - return intersection of two arrays
  3,500  Python - reading/parsing binary file
  3,500  How can I implement a dictionary with a NumPy array?
  3,499  How to store int values in numpy.empty array?
  3,499  How to replace a dataframe column with a numpy array column in Python?
  3,498  Numpy two matrices, pairwise dot product of rows [duplicate]
  3,498  How to find min/max values in array of variable-length arrays with numpy?
  3,497  Using Template Matching on different sizes efficiently
  3,496  Python - Reading a data text file with different delimiters
  3,496  numpy.where() clause error
  3,495  python error : too many indices for array
  3,495  Plotting an awkward pandas multi index dataframe
  3,495  Opencv Python open dng format
  3,492  Python beginner, understanding some code
  3,491  how to interpolate points in a specific interval on a plot formed by loading a txt file in to scipy program?
  3,491  Building a 3D array from a number of 2D arrays with numpy
  3,489  What is the best way to dynamically increase a numpy array in Python?
  3,489  numpy.sort() error ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  3,488  How to fill NaN values in numeric array to apply SVD?
  3,488  Fast incremental update of the mean and covariance in Python
  3,487  Error - Calculating Euclidean distance for PCA in python
  3,486  Python numpy sum (-1)
  3,486  Does calling random.normal on an array of values add noise?
  3,485  What is wrong with this extremely simple numpy script? [closed]
  3,484  Summing Rows in Pandas Dataframe returning NAN
  3,484  Python gradient descent - cost keeps increasing
  3,482  Meshgrid of z values that match x and y meshgrid values
  3,482  Make 2D Numpy array from coordinates
  3,482  Insert image in matplotlib legend
  3,482  How to draw contours using opencv in Python?
  3,482  How to calculate the mean and standard deviation of similarity matrix?
  3,480  Python: How do I create 2x2 array with NumPy?
  3,480  Problems porting Matlab interp2 to SciPy interp2d
  3,478  Embedding Python in MATLAB
  3,477  Passing C++ vector to Numpy through Cython without copying and taking care of memory management automatically
  3,477  Inverting large sparse matrices with scipy
  3,476  error with reading float from two column text file into an array in Python
  3,476  Clarification in the Theano tutorial
  3,476  Can't reshape array with numpy
  3,476  Calculate the percentage for python dictionary
  3,475  using numpy to reduce the size of the matrix
  3,475  numpy mean of multidimensional array
  3,475  Efficiently convert numpy array of arrays to pandas series of arrays
  3,475  Coefficients of Linear Model are way too large/low
  3,474  Use size in Python
  3,474  how to create an environment in anaconda with numpy nomkl?
  3,473  Get matrix product of 3 matrices
  3,473  Forcing datatype for hdf5 file using h5py
  3,473  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'units'
  3,471  How can I install matplotlib for my AWS Elastic Beanstalk application?
  3,470  Serialize/deserialize float arrays to binary file using BSON in Python
  3,469  Transforming and Resampling a 3D volume with numpy/scipy
  3,469  Faster matrix power than numpy?
  3,468  How is the gradient and hessian of logarithmic loss computed in the custom objective function example script in xgboost's github repository?
  3,468  Average data by each hour in python [closed]
  3,467  Unable to import even after installing the packages
  3,467  Python: numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: Singular matrix
  3,467  NumPy 2D array: selecting indices in a circle
  3,465  Type hint for NumPy ndarray dtype?
  3,465  How to get the two smallest values from a numpy array
  3,465  How to find degenerate rows/columns in a covariance matrix
  3,464  Python: Store CSV data in list or array
  3,464  How to resize a binary image through scikit-image?
  3,464  How can I zoom in python plot or make it bigger?
  3,462  Python advanced slicing
  3,462  Counting of adjacent cells in a numpy array
  3,460  Reshape numpy array having only one dimension
  3,460  'Mean of empty slice' warning
  3,460  Drop column that starts with
  3,460  are numpy array elements rounded automatically?
  3,457  How to plot the grid line only using pcolor/pcolormesh
  3,457  Filter out non-zero values in a tensor
  3,456  Producing an array from an ellipse
  3,453  How can I combine graphs in Python? (I'm getting multiple graphs.)
  3,452  How do I make a grid of empty lists in numpy that 'accepts' appending?
  3,451  Mypy/typeshed stubs for Pandas
  3,451  Difference between Sympy and Numpy solvers
  3,450  Dot product between 1D numpy array and scipy sparse matrix
  3,449  Print full value of tensor into console or write to file in tensorflow
  3,449  Matrix power for sparse matrix in python
  3,448  module 'scipy.optimize' has no attribute 'anneal'
  3,448  Converting Python List to Numpy Array InPlace
  3,446  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  3,444  Python - numpy.loadtxt how to ignore end commas?
  3,444  Numpy not found after installation
  3,444  Modifying/Overwriting NumPy Array
  3,441  Rewriting a for loop in pure NumPy to decrease execution time
  3,441  numpy array using python's long type
  3,441  How to convert NumPy array to cv array without using fromarray()?
  3,441  Can I use idxmax() instead of argmax() in all cases?
  3,440  Scipy - All the Solutions of Non-linear Equations System
  3,440  ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core while installing XGBoost in Windows/Python
  3,440  Compare column names of Pandas Dataframe
  3,440  Adding data to existing h5py file along new axis using h5py
  3,438  Optimizing a nested-loop operation
  3,435  Python: Looking for a specific value in array column
  3,435  How to obtain a weighted gaussian filter
  3,435  How do I change a value in a .npz file?
  3,435  Create Folder with Numpy Savetxt
  3,435  comparing row in numpy array
  3,434  Assign multiple values to multiple slices of a numpy array at once
  3,433  Using arrays in for loops python
  3,433  Python Pandas: Get dataframe.value_counts() result as list
  3,433  exporting from/importing to numpy, scipy in SQLite and HDF5 formats
  3,433  Can anybody explain me the numpy.indices()?
  3,432  Filtering CSV data using Python/numpy
  3,431  How to change multiple Pandas DF columns to categorical without a loop
  3,431  Histogram of sum instead of count using numpy and matplotlib
  3,431  Computing mean square displacement using python and FFT
  3,430  Why is this syntax not working in Python?
  3,429  np.percentile not equal to quartiles
  3,429  How to create a Boolean array from an array of indices in numpy?
  3,428  Numpy, python: automatically expand dimensions of arrays when broadcasting
  3,427  numpy matrix inversion rounding errors
  3,427  Install numpy + pandas as dependency in
  3,427  Get sums of pairs of elements in a numpy array
  3,426  Numpy matrix multiplication error
  3,426  How can I find out if A * B is a Hadamard or Dot Product in Numpy?
  3,425  Numpy.loadtxt imports data as array of arrays rather than a multidimension array
  3,425  numpy arctan2 bug or usage issues?
  3,425  Logical indexing in Numpy with two indices as in MATLAB
  3,425  Accessing Lower Triangle of a Numpy Matrix?
  3,424  Stacking numpy recarrays without losing their recarrayness
  3,424  How to sort a list based on the output of numpy's argsort function
  3,424  error when plotting log'd array in matplotlib/scipy/numpy
  3,423  Saving Pandas dataframe indices to file
  3,423  Calculating an average for every X number of lines
  3,421  Exponential regression function Python
  3,420  NumPy linalg.eig
  3,420  Numpy Array Division - unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'float'
  3,419  Plot/Convert an expression coming from sympy: Taylor series with matplotlib
  3,419  how to use converters in numpy to change time string into number
  3,419  Finding very large jumps in data
  3,418  Using Numpy's readtxt to read Hex numbers
  3,418  Keras LSTM training data format
  3,418  Joint entropy in python
  3,418  Have trouble uninstall scipy on osx
  3,417  reshaping image feed to tensorflow
  3,416  Making my NumPy array shared across processes
  3,416  efficiency of inverting a matrix in numpy with Cholesky decomposition
  3,416  Converting a scipy coo_matrix to pytorch sparse tensor
  3,416  Convert array into percentiles
  3,415  reshape numpy 3D array to 2D
  3,415  Getting InvalidArgumentError in Tensorflow
  3,414  Numpy installation dependency
  3,414  Matrix Constraints with Scipy.Optimize.Minimize
  3,414  How to input a 2D array in Keras-Python?
  3,413  keep getting ''only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars''
  3,412  What's the best way to create a ''3D identity matrix'' in Numpy?
  3,411  Does NumPy have an inverse of unravel_index()?
  3,411  Compute a Jacobian matrix from scratch in Python
  3,411  Animation with contours matplotlib
  3,410  scipy for ABAQUS on 64 bit Windows system
  3,410  python numpy pairwise edit-distance
  3,410  Extracting rows/columns of numbers from a txt file in Python
  3,410  cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK Adding New Points
  3,410  Combining two Gaussians into another Guassian [closed]
  3,409  Using scipy fft to calculate autocorrelation of a signal gives different answer from the direct calculation
  3,409  Using numpy functions when dtype is object
  3,409  FFT based image registration (optionally using OpenCV) in cpp?
  3,408  Numpy RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  3,408  Most efficient way to create an array of cos and sin in Numpy
  3,408  How to sort two-dimensional array in python
  3,407  Theano element wise maximum
  3,407  Tensorflow numpy image reshape [grayscale images]
  3,407  Dynamic Array 2D in Python
  3,404  Python: Successive-over-relaxation (Gauss-Seidel with relaxation) code is not converging
  3,404  Numpy random seed valid for entire jupyter notebook
  3,403  strange numpy fft performance
  3,403  How to convert pandas DataFrame into bytes and vice versa?
  3,403  Estimating confidence intervals around Kalman filter
  3,402  How to override OSX's version of numpy when I import in Python 2.7?
  3,402  Get non-masked values in Numpys Masked arrays
  3,401  Matching Pandas DataFrame Column Values with another DataFrame Column
  3,399  Numpy savez / load thousands of arrays, but not in one step
  3,399  numpy fromiter with generator of list
  3,399  Numpy array of dicts
  3,399  Fit spline through scatter
  3,398  How to export DataFrame to_json in append mode - Python Pandas?
  3,398  Efficient way to find price momentum in python: averaging last n entries of a column
  3,397  Performance of various numpy fancy indexing methods, also with numba
  3,396  Fast conversion of time string (Hour:Min:Sec.Millsecs) to float
  3,396  Determine if there is at least one zero in a multidimensional numpy array
  3,395  Numpy dot product very slow using ints
  3,395  gaussian sum filter for irregular spaced points
  3,394  Using fit transform on a numpy array
  3,394  Unwrap angle to have continuous phase
  3,394  loading EMNIST-letters dataset
  3,393  Partition a list into sublists by percentage
  3,392  Plotting histogram of floating point numbers and integers in python
  3,391  Fill an array with nan in numpy
  3,390  What is the built-in function A of numpy array.A?
  3,390  Iterate over numpy with index (numpy equivalent of python enumerate)
  3,390  How to read a text file with mixed data_types automatically in Python?
  3,389  numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found :Error while installing scipy
  3,389  Efficient way to sample a large array many times with NumPy?
  3,388  Python Multiple Simple Linear Regression
  3,385  Faster rolling_apply on a Pandas DataFrame?
  3,384  scipy function always returns a numpy array
  3,384  How to compute moving (or rolling, if you will) percentile/quantile for a 1d array in numpy?
  3,383  Variables with dynamic shape TensorFlow
  3,383  Butterworth filter applied on a column of a pandas dataframe
  3,382  write numpy array with its size to binary file
  3,382  autocorrelation function of time series data with numpy
  3,381  Find the second closest index to value
  3,379  Python/numpy locating Runtime Warning
  3,378  Reading numpy matrix in batches in Tensorflow
  3,377  Is there a method in numpy to multiply every element in an array?
  3,376  Fastest way of comparing two numpy arrays
  3,376  Can not find linspace in python3
  3,376  Assign value to array in dictionary: 'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment
  3,375  Why do I get error trying to cast np.array(some_list) ValueError: could not broadcast input array
  3,375  SQL join or R's merge() function in NumPy?
  3,375  Numpy: creating an empty array results in memory error?
  3,375  How to get a percentile for an empirical data distribution and get it's x-coordinate?
  3,375  Extending Numpy with C function
  3,374  What does Grid_scores_ mean in Scikit-learn's GridSearchCV
  3,374  Python Numpy : np.int32 ''slower'' than np.float64
  3,374  Numpy TypeError: an integer is required
  3,374  Numerical issue with np.exp()
  3,374  How to use SVM regression in Iris dataset with pandas
  3,374  How can i view the entire matrix in python? [duplicate]
  3,373  How to set a PyQtGraph GraphicView window to maximized state
  3,372  Take first dimension in ndarray python
  3,372  Python: Multiplying a 3x3 matrix to 3nx1 array without using loops [closed]
  3,371  Scipy Newton with derivative: TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable
  3,371  Inverse function of numpy.polyval()
  3,371  Fastest way to filter a numpy array by a set of values
  3,371  Efficient 1D linear regression for each element of 3D numpy array
  3,370  reading middlebury 'flow' files with python (bytes array & numpy)
  3,370  Reading and manipulating multiple netcdf files in python
  3,370  Python struct like Matlab
  3,370  numpy pad array with nan, getting strange float instead
  3,370  cpython vs cython vs numpy array performance
  3,369  reading nested .h5 group into numpy array
  3,368  MATLAB ksdensity equivalent in Python
  3,367  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in square
  3,367  Python numpy masked array initialization
  3,364  Numpy optimization with Numba
  3,363  How do I implement the Probability density function of a Gaussian Distribution
  3,363  Fill shape using ndimage.binary_fill_holes
  3,363  Accessing the first items in a numpy array of tuples
  3,362  Why this numba code is 6x slower than numpy code?
  3,362  calculate distance of 2 list of points in numpy
  3,361  Why numpy is 'slow' by itself?
  3,361  Split numpy array into chunks by maxmimum size
  3,360  Port Python virtualenv to another system
  3,360  Is it possible to convert a numpy int64 array to type int
  3,359  Sphinx Autodoc and NumpyDoc
  3,359  Performance of numpy.searchsorted is poor on structured arrays
  3,359  Numpy fft.pack vs FFTW vs Implement DFT on your own
  3,359  How to replicate a row of an array with numpy?
  3,358  Select rows from a pandas dataframe with a numpy 2D array on multiple columns
  3,358  NumPy Data Type Not Understood
  3,358  magnetic field visualization with quiver-function in Python
  3,358  EOFError: ran out of input. Getting this error when trying to pickle.loads from a socket
  3,357  How to make a tuple including a numpy array hashable?
  3,357  How to check Pandas cell value is nan
  3,356  Scipy.optimize.minimize function to determine multiple variables
  3,356  Computing the mean square displacement of a 2d random walk in Python
  3,355  Filling array with zeros in numpy
  3,354  install numpy and matplotlib to locally installed python2.7 in linux
  3,353  Should I preallocate a numpy array?
  3,353  matplotlib: How to conditionally plot a histogram from a 2d array
  3,351  no module named `numpy` in python 3.6 interpreter
  3,349  Slicing numpy array with another array
  3,349  Python 3.x's dictionary view objects and matplotlib
  3,349  filling numpy array with random element from another array
  3,348  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'; but numpy installed
  3,348  How to print numpy array in binary representation mode
  3,347  System of equations, non-square
  3,347  How can I create a matrix, or convert a 2D array into matrix in Python?
  3,346  Replacing values in numpy array
  3,346  2D motion estimation using Python, OpenCV & Kalman filtering
  3,343  Getting the singular values of np.linalg.svd as a matrix
  3,343  Get all except first and last n elements of a numpy array
  3,343  Extract histogram modes by detecting the local maxima of a vector with NumPy/SciPy
  3,342  Outer product with Numpy and Ndarray
  3,342  How to make a numpy recarray with datatypes (datetime,float)?
  3,341  pip install numpy pandas fails?
  3,341  Fastest way to read every n-th row with numpy's genfromtxt
  3,341  Add and access object-type field of a numpy structured array
  3,340  Type error, and then ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
  3,340  Series object not callable
  3,340  Scikit grid search for KNN regression ValueError: Array contains NaN or infinity
  3,340  'int' object has no attribute 'item' in numpy array [closed]
  3,339  saving a numpy array as a io.BytesIO with jpg format
  3,339  Parallelizing python: multiprocessing vs cython
  3,339  keyError when trying to drop a column in pandas.
  3,339  ImportError with scipy/sklearn: `/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: ATL_chemv`
  3,339  How is numpy's fancy indexing implemented?
  3,339  Alternative of numpy.linalg.pinv in tensorflow
  3,337  Solve system of linear integer equations in Python
  3,337  Python/numpy tricky slicing problem
  3,337  How can I subtract a scalar from every element in one axis of an ndarray
  3,337  cumsum per group in column ordered by second column append to original dataframe
  3,336  speeding up numpy kronecker products
  3,335  Matplotlib: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'float'
  3,334  Precision in numpy: issues while comparing numbers
  3,334  numpy - return first index of element in array [duplicate]
  3,334  Combining multiple timeseries data to one 2d numpy array
  3,332  Numpy structured array with datetime
  3,332  Indices of fixed size sub-matrices of numpy array
  3,331  error importing stats from scipy- new computer with new ArcGIS 10.1 install
  3,331  Appending to file using savetxt
  3,330  applying a function to each element in vector in numpy
  3,329  Using Pandas value.counts() to get one value
  3,329  scipy: how to get all non-zero value index for each row?
  3,329  numpy array - more and less than [duplicate]
  3,329  How to implement Numpy where index in TensorFlow?
  3,327  Reconcile np.fromiter and multidimensional arrays in Python
  3,326  resize a 2D numpy array excluding NaN
  3,324  Numpy sum of values in subarrays between pairs of indices
  3,324  N dimensional array in python
  3,324  Fast algorithm to compute Adamic-Adar
  3,324  Comparing NumPy arrays so that NaNs compare equal
  3,323  pytorch: Convert a tuple of FloatTensors into a numpy array
  3,323  how to use vstack in a for loop in order to append csr_matrix matrices together
  3,323  Calculating thd in python
  3,322  Specifying default dtype for np.array(1.)
  3,322  Scipy sparse dia_matrix solver
  3,322  Displaying a cvMatrix containing complex numbers (CV_64FC2)
  3,322  Convert RGB array to HSL
  3,320  Along what axis does mpi4py Scatterv function split a numpy array?
  3,319  Pandas Random Weighted Choice
  3,318  Pandas: How do I repeat dataframe for each value in a series?
  3,317  numpy sliding 2d window calculations
  3,317  Convert vtkPoints to numpy array?
  3,316  How to calculate a Confidence Interval using numpy.percentile() in Python
  3,315  random.expovariate(rate) and numpy.random.poisson(quantity) yield the same average value, but the distributions are vastly different. Why is this?
  3,314  Python gzip: OverflowError size does not fit in an int
  3,314  Inexplicable Numpy nan's in np.sqrt() or np.arctan() [closed]
  3,313  why is numpy shape empty?
  3,312  Read a 3d Array from File
  3,312  Determine arguments where two numpy arrays intersect in Python
  3,311  Python float vs numpy.float32 [duplicate]
  3,311  Implementing Adagrad in Python
  3,311  Describing gaps in a time series pandas
  3,311  Axes labels within numpy arrays
  3,310  Blur from OpenCV in Region of Interest
  3,309  Sphinx Unexpected section title - numpydoc
  3,309  Meaning of the function numpy.fft.fftfreq
  3,308  Python converting lists into 2D numpy array
  3,308  Overlay two numpy arrays treating fourth plane as alpha level [duplicate]
  3,308  Numpy - show decimal values in array results
  3,308  Create 2D projection of 3D matrix in python
  3,307  KeyError: 'Date'
  3,307  How do I turn a Pytorch Dataloader into a numpy array to display image data with matplotlib?
  3,306  Why numpy gave ''segmentation fault'' upon import and pydoc?
  3,306  Sparse matrix: how to get nonzero indices for each row
  3,306  numpy and pandas timedelta error
  3,305  import Numpy as np ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Numpy'
  3,305  Error in python numpy
  3,304  Python TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple
  3,304  Python split a list of datetimes by year + month
  3,303  Errors to fit parameters of scipy.optimize
  3,301  Why doesn't numpy.random and multiprocessing play nice? [duplicate]
  3,300  How to write numpy arrays to .txt file, starting at a certain line?
  3,298  python how to inverse a sparse matrix [closed]
  3,298  Extracting data in Python script from Paraview 4.2
  3,297  Resizing numpy.memmap arrays
  3,297  pandas installation on ubuntu error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-FM0q5o/pandas/
  3,297  Best practice for upgrading Python modules?
  3,296  Numpy - loadtxt and using converter for date
  3,296  How to plot a 3d scatterplot with the color determined from another variable?
  3,295  Using python/numpy to create a matrix?
  3,295  Python  -  Matplotlib redrawing lines without previous lines remaining
  3,295  How to remove a comma at the end every row in a CSV with Python?
  3,295  How to get RMSE from scipy.optimize.leastsq module
  3,295  extract the first occurrence in numpy array following the nan
  3,295  Convert PIL image to OpenCV2 image
  3,295  Check Upper or Lower Triangular Matrix
  3,294  NumPy exception when using MLlib even though Numpy is installed
  3,294  Count number of unique values for multiple columns in Python [duplicate]
  3,294  Convert a variable sized numpy array to Tensorflow Tensors
  3,292  Using bool array mask, replace False values with NaN
  3,291  Use fill_value outside boundaries with scipy.interpolate.griddata and method=nearest
  3,291  Python/numpy: Get array locations of a list of values
  3,291  How to get mean of rows selected with another column's values in pandas
  3,291  Explanation of the scatter method in python (for machine learning)
  3,290  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence at fit(X, y) in k-nearest neighbor
  3,289  SciPy SVD vs. Numpy SVD
  3,289  Python: ''TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple''
  3,289  python- convolution with step response
  3,289  How to setup numpy in jython
  3,288  Can numpy's argsort give equal element the same rank?
  3,287  Fast duplicates removal in numpy and python
  3,286  When use ''cv2.drawMatches'', error occurs: ''outImg is not a numpy array, neither a scalar'' [closed]
  3,286  slicing a 2d numpy array
  3,286  loading arrays saved using in append mode
  3,286  Evaluate all pair combinations of rows of two tensors in tensorflow
  3,285  memory overflow when using numpy load in a loop
  3,285  how to install panda using easy_install?
  3,285  Converting pandas data frame into numpy ndarray [duplicate]
  3,284  Why does numpy.copy of a nympy.matrix not act like the original matrix ? Multiplication with the transpose of that copy does not work
  3,284  Is there a built-in function in Tensorflow for shuffling or permutating tensors?
  3,284  How to display a percentage of an Array in python
  3,282  python math, numpy modules different results?
  3,281  Total size of array must be unchanged
  3,281  NumPy: using loadtxt or genfromtxt to read a ragged structure
  3,281  Flip and rotate numpy array
  3,280  Numpy: Indexing over the last axis when you don't know the rank in advance
  3,280  How to use KBinsDiscretizer to make continuous data into bins in Sklearn?
  3,279  How to save solve this: saving images with PIL.Image
  3,278  fastest way to iterate in python
  3,277  How can I get specific rows of a tensor in TensorFlow?
  3,277  Generating random numbers to obtain a fixed sum(python) [duplicate]
  3,277  boost.python argument type mismatch (numpy.int64 -> int)
  3,276  Pass vector (float4) kernell argument to OpenCL (Python)
  3,276  How to choose where numpy.savez saves the files?
  3,275  Why does numpy.power return 0 for small exponents while math.pow returns the correct answer?
  3,274  Parsing specific columns from a dataset in python
  3,274  Calculating autocorrelation function with Python
  3,273  Solve Lotka-Volterra model using SciPy
  3,272  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 189000 into shape (28,28,1)
  3,272  numpy - how to add a value to every element in the first column of an array?
  3,271  limit how much data is read with numpy.genfromtxt for matplotlib
  3,271  Better way to calculate difference between numpy unsigned ints in Python
  3,270  Python: How does one typically get around ''Maximum allowed dimension exceeded'' error?
  3,270  Python error ''cannot perform reduce with flexible type'' when finding maximum
  3,270  MoviePy VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'reader'
  3,270  How to make multidimensional array by numpy.repeat [duplicate]
  3,270  How do I inner join two array in numpy?
  3,270  Effectively change dimension of scipy.spare.csr_matrix [duplicate]
  3,270  cv2.hough circles error on video
  3,269  Finding blank regions in image
  3,269  Applying a filter on an image with Python
  3,267  Reshape the image matrix in python
  3,266  Acces all off diagonal elements of boolean numpy matrix
  3,265  Python, use multiprocessing to further speed up a cython function
  3,264  pandas string data types
  3,264  OLS in Python with Dummy Variables - Best Solution?
  3,264  How to compare 2 sparse matrix stored using scikit-learn library load_svmlight_file?
  3,264  How can I sample a multivariate log-normal distribution in Python?
  3,263  Memory error in np.hstack()
  3,262  Get row-index of the last non-NaN value in each column of a pandas data frame
  3,262  Create Pandas dataframe with list as values in rows
  3,261  Double the length of a python numpy array with interpolated new values
  3,258  SciPy Curve Fit Fails Power Law
  3,258  Numpy masked arrays - indicating missing values
  3,257  numpy: efficient execution of a complex reshape of an array
  3,257  Convert numpy int array to boolean array
  3,257  Convert a list of dictionaries to numpy matrix? [duplicate]
  3,256  sklearn classification_report ValueError: Unknown label type:
  3,256  How to show numpy 2d array as grayscale image in Jupyter Notebook? [duplicate]
  3,255  using numpy to convert an int to an array of bits
  3,255  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous (numerical)
  3,255  Stepinfo in Python [closed]
  3,255  How to get the frequency of a specific value in a numpy array
  3,254  Equivalent of named tuple in NumPy?
  3,254  Converting an array of numpy arrays to DataFrame
  3,253  A system of linear equations such that matlab backslash and numpy.linalg.solve produce different solutions
  3,252  Issue with true division with Numpy arrays
  3,251  Unexpected nan behaviour when summing a numpy array full of nan
  3,251  Discretised color map with transparency in Matplotlib
  3,250  Replacing elements in a numpy array when there are multiple conditions
  3,250  multiple numpy version on Mac OS X
  3,250  How do I implement leaky relu using Numpy functions
  3,249  What is the best drop-in replacement for numpy.interp if I want the null interpolation (piecewise constant)?
  3,248  Trying to append arrays
  3,248  Passing numpy arrays in Cython to a C function that requires dynamically allocated arrays
  3,248  Diagonal stacking in numpy?
  3,247  Numpy 2D- Array from Buffer?
  3,246  Python numpy split a csv file by the values of a string column
  3,245  Tensorflow error ''unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'''
  3,244  Python on Jupyter: import cv2
  3,244  how to remove specific character in numpy?
  3,243  Fast, elegant way to calculate empirical/sample covariogram
  3,243  2D Array from a columned text file in python
  3,242  Matlab to Python code conversion: Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK)
  3,242  Inverse of np.percentile() [duplicate]
  3,242  How to convert a scipy row matrix into a numpy array
  3,241  Python Numpy: ValueError: shapes (200,2) and (1,2) not aligned: 2 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
  3,241  Is openpyxl the fastest package to use to read big xlsx files?
  3,241  CompilerWarning with OpenCL
  3,240  Python+OpenCV+py2app: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  3,238  How can I use a Pandas data structure to calculate autocorrelation?
  3,237  FFT results Matlab VS Numpy (Python) : not the same results
  3,235  Scale the real part of complex numpy array
  3,233  Vector-valued function interpolation using NumPy/SciPy
  3,233  Remove string quotes from array in Python
  3,233  Numpy loadtxt rounding off numbers
  3,233  How can I import a 3d model/mesh with python
  3,232  Unknown error in mpl_finance candlestick. What to do?
  3,232  Multiply two arrays with different dimensions using numpy
  3,231  IO Error: csv file does not exist though it exists at given location specified
  3,230  puzzled on how to slice a numpy array
  3,230  Pandas and Python image to numpy array [closed]
  3,230  Closing a file after using np.load (using Spyder)
  3,229  Using numpy fromfile on binary file returns 1 dimension ndarray
  3,229  numpy dot product and matrix product
  3,228  Load images into numpy array
  3,228  How to synthesize sounds?
  3,228  how to get the index of the largest n values in a multi-dimensional numpy array [duplicate]
  3,228  How to display tiff file in color?
  3,227  Skip rows when reading data from file using numpy.genfromtxt
  3,227  Python - Get steps needed to convert matrix to RREF
  3,227  Fast way to convert an array of integers to color strings or color values in python
  3,226  Python pseudo inverse and determinant of a vector
  3,226  Parse matrix from XML using Python
  3,226  Numpy splitting multidimensional arrays
  3,225  Comparing numpy datatypes to strings
  3,223  Cosine similarity yields 'nan' values pt.II
  3,222  emacs-jedi does not find numpy completions
  3,222  Converting 3x32x32 size numpy image array to 32x32x3 and saving to actual image in Python
  3,222  2d convolution in python with missing data
  3,221  find the frequency amplitude and phase of a wav file by fft
  3,221  Better alternative to nested for loops through arrays in numpy?
  3,220  NumPy has no attribute array [duplicate]
  3,220  How to Convert (timestamp, value) array to timeseries [closed]
  3,219  Writing an infinite sum (of a function that has an integral) in Python
  3,219  TypeError: len() of unsized object when slicing a dataframe - different float formats?
  3,219  matplotlib.mlab.griddata very slow and returns array of nan when valid data is input
  3,219  Group numbers into ranges in Python [duplicate]
  3,217  Python ImportError "cannot import name 'multiarray'
  3,217  Numpy: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 1
  3,217  Most efficient way to groupby => aggregate for large dataframe in pandas
  3,216  How to implement maxpool: taking a maximum on sliding window on image or tensor
  3,216  AttributeError: module 'statsmodels.sandbox' has no attribute 'stats'
  3,214  Python3 Pillow Get all pixels on a line
  3,214  Distance/absolute error between two numbers [closed]
  3,212  Writing functions that accept both 1-D and 2-D numpy arrays?
  3,211  Transposing the list
  3,211  pandas histogram with logarithmic axes
  3,210  Loop for Subtracting within Array Elements
  3,210  Assigning arrays as values for a key in a dictionary
  3,208  What's the efficient inverse-operation of numpy.array_split?
  3,208  numpy sort arrays based on last column values [duplicate]
  3,208  Get a subarray from a numpy array based on index
  3,207  numpy.polyfit with adapted parameters
  3,207  ndarray field names for both row and column?
  3,207  How to reshape a Numpy array from (x,y,z) to (y,z,x)
  3,207  How can I read 10-bit Raw image? which contain RGB-IR data
  3,205  How to find maximum negative and minimum positive number in a numpy array?
  3,204  Numpy savetxt: How to save file into a relative path?
  3,204  Install matplotlib to pypy
  3,204  ''Incompatible Dimensions'' using lstsq with Python's numpy
  3,204  Approximation of covariance for differently sized arrays
  3,204  Append to Numpy Using a For Loop
  3,203  How to create a 2D ''rect'' array (square block of 1's, else 0's) in numpy?
  3,203  Eigen Matrix Multiplication Speed
  3,203  Calculate cosine similarity of all possible text pairs retrieved from 4 mysql tables
  3,203  Attempt to open h5py file, returns errorno = 17, error message = 'file exists'
  3,203  anaconda ImportError: No module named numpy after pip uninstall
  3,202  Using polyfit on pandas dataframe and then adding the results to new columns
  3,202  python, plot triangular function into 2d arrays
  3,200  numpy.logical_and versus multiplication
  3,200  how to copy numpy array value into higher dimensions
  3,199  'TypeError: an integer is required' when initializing random weight matrix in numpy with numpy.random.randn()
  3,199  python filter 2d array by a chunk of data
  3,197  sum over values in python dict except one
  3,197  Standard Deviation of a percentage change in Python
  3,196  Find the lengths of list within numpy ndarray
  3,195  Read a sequence of images with VideoCapture
  3,195  Get Nearest Point from each other in pandas dataframe
  3,194  Tensorflow loss not decreasing and acuraccy stuck at 0.00%?
  3,194  Combine Sklearn TFIDF with Additional Data
  3,192  Sort matrix based on its diagonal entries
  3,192  Read the picture as a grayscale numpy array, and save it back
  3,192  padding arrays using numpy
  3,192  Memory error In instantiating the numpy array
  3,192  Change default arguments of function in python
  3,191  Python: write numpy array contents to file
  3,190  Python Matrix multiplication; numpy array
  3,189  python numpy.where function for lists
  3,189  Matlab freqz function in Python
  3,189  Cython buffer declarations for object members
  3,188  Unable to convert a sparse matrix to a dense one
  3,188  Sliding Gabor Filter in python
  3,188  Plotting a set of data with two columns?
  3,187  numpy AttributeError: with theano module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute _get_ndarray_c_version
  3,187  How to apply numpy random.choice to a matrix of probability values (Vectorized solution)
  3,187  Conversion from numpy array float32 to numpy array float64
  3,186  Understanding Matrix to List of List and then Numpy Array
  3,186  NumPy won't upgrade from 1.5.1 to 1.6.2 on OS X 10.7
  3,185  Save scipy object to file
  3,185  Proper way to do row correlations in a pandas dataframe
  3,184  numpy array conversion to pairs
  3,182  Scatter() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)
  3,182  Efficient way of taking Logarithm function in a sparse matrix
  3,181  Python/Numpy error: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
  3,181  Find the index corresponding to the max value of a numpy array
  3,181  AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'reshape'
  3,180  Power of a decimal number producing OverflowError
  3,179  Speed up reading wav in python
  3,179  Numpy: views vs copy by slicing
  3,179  How to interpolate using nearest neighbours for high dimension numpy python arrays
  3,178  Spliting dataframe in 10 equal parts and merge 9 parts after picking one at a time in loop
  3,178  How to build a numpy array row by row in a for loop?
  3,177  numpy index slice with None
  3,176  Python: Type error when drawing contour plot
  3,174  Two-dimensional np.digitize
  3,173  Why Numpy has dimension (n,) instead of (n,1) only [duplicate]
  3,173  How can I prevent Numpy/ SciPy gaussian blur from converting image to grey scale?
  3,173  Convert a Pandas DataFrame to a multidimensional ndarray
  3,172  Python: Reading complicated text files with numpy
  3,172  How to choose number of bins in numpy.histogram?
  3,172  Delimiting contiguous regions with values above a certain threshold in Pandas DataFrame
  3,170  Python pandas groupby agg function on datetime columns
  3,170  Numba jit nopython mode: tell numba the signature of an external arbitrary function
  3,170  find Markov steady state with left eigenvalues (using numpy or scipy)
  3,168  Understanding the use of any() and all() in numpy arrays
  3,168  Python keras neural network (Theano) package returns an error about data dimensions
  3,168  matplotlib hist while ignoring a particular no data value
  3,168  How to make 3d bar plot in Python
  3,166  MemoryError from numpy.linalg.svd for large matrices
  3,166  how to copy an array into a bigger array(partial copy)
  3,164  numpy read .csv with complex number
  3,163  setuptools, numpy.distutils.core, install_requires, and f2py extension
  3,163  Pandas dataframe to 1-d array
  3,163  filling in numpy array
  3,162  Singular Value Decomposition: Different results with Jama, PColt and NumPy
  3,162  ImportError: No module named ''
  3,162  How can I make a greyscale copy of a Surface in pygame?
  3,160  Using Python how do I generate a random number within a range for each row in Pandas dataframe?
  3,160  Theano fails due to NumPy Fortran mixup under Ubuntu
  3,160  Implementing complex number comparison in Python?
  3,159  TypeError: data type not understood in Python fromfile
  3,159  Python scipy getting the results of Delaunay triangulation
  3,158  Use numpy in python3 - Ubuntu
  3,158  GaussianMixture initialization using component parameters - sklearn
  3,157  Elegant way to get all categorical columns in pandas?
  3,157  Converting a DateTime Index value to an Index Number
  3,156  What is the advantage of PyTables? [closed]
  3,156  Understanding the difference between vectorizing in Numpy and multi-threading of vectorized expression via Numexpr
  3,156  Linear algebra on iPhone (python/numpy?) [closed]
  3,155  Python add gaussian noise in a radius around a point [closed]
  3,155  IndexError: too many indices on Python
  3,155  Calculating Correlation Coefficient with Numpy
  3,154  Can't reshape the numpy array containing PNG images
  3,153  sort numpy array with custom predicate
  3,153  Python: how to convert a complex array to a 2D array?
  3,152  numpy genfromtxt converters unknown number of columns
  3,152  Filter integers in numpy float array
  3,151  numpy arange and where
  3,151  Fill 2D numpy array from three 1D numpy arrays
  3,150  Inverse probability density function
  3,149  Numerical integration in Python with adaptive quadrature of vectorized function
  3,149  how to select a subset of columns of a row of a numpy record array?
  3,148  NumPy - Image (matrix) thresholding using an intensity value matrix.
  3,148  Many particles in box - physics simulation
  3,147  Shortest Syntax To Use numpy 1d-array As sklearn X
  3,147  How to update an SVM model with new data
  3,146  How to convert (5,) numpy array to (5,1)?
  3,145  ''ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension'', error in plotting graph in pylab
  3,145  Speed up for loop in convolution for numpy 3D array?
  3,145  Sending and receiving structured array data in MPI4Py using NumPy
  3,145  Python Dataframe: Calculating Confidence or Prediction Intervals Using Groupby on One Column
  3,145  indexing numpy array neighbours efficiently
  3,145  How do I find the distances between two points from different numpy arrays?
  3,144  Python plot median value
  3,144  Python: import scipy leads to traceback referencing a deleted file
  3,143  Python group by array a, and summarize array b - Performance
  3,143  Numpy Matrix Multiplication Broadcast
  3,143  numpy: how interpolate between two arrays for various timesteps?
  3,143  Jupyter notebook picks older version of numpy
  3,143  How to find the argmax of a two dimensional array in numpy?
  3,142  Method signature for Jacobian of a least squares function in scipy
  3,142  Linspace not defined on python (jupyter)
  3,142  How to perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test on a custom probability density function in python?
  3,142  How should I go about subsampling from a scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix and a list
  3,142  Histogram with percentage bins in Python/numpy?
  3,142  Fast way to check if a numpy array is binary (contains only 0 and 1)
  3,142  Differences between Matlab and Numpy and Python's `round` function
  3,141  Interoperability between Numpy and MpMath in Python
  3,141  How to show equation of linear trendline made with scipy module - python
  3,140  Scipy's curve_fit not giving reasonable result
  3,140  How to compare a video with a reference video using OpenCV and Python?
  3,139  How to get an intraday price - volume plot in Pandas?
  3,139  Find locations on a curve where the slope changes
  3,138  Install numpy on python3.5 (Win7)
  3,137  & vs * and | vs +
  3,137  Plotting Historical Cointegration Values between two pairs
  3,136  Conventions for 'import  ...  as'
  3,135  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Dimension' and 'int'
  3,134  Why are some numpy datatypes JSON serializable and others not?
  3,134  Python: Get volume decibel Level real time or from a wav file
  3,134  How to Change the font type and size in Mayavi with code?
  3,133  Flattening a numpy array
  3,132  How to get triangle upper matrix without the diagonal using numpy
  3,132  how can I change a two dimensional array to one dimensional
  3,131  ValueError: The number of classes has to be greater than one; got 1
  3,131  Signal analysis in Python - removing outliers from curve
  3,131  How to index the second to last row of a numpy array-python
  3,131  FFT in numpy vs FFT in MATLAB do not have the same results
  3,131  concordance index in python
  3,130  How to use feature hasher to convert non-numerical discrete data so that it can be passed to SVM?
  3,129  Numpy Genfromtxt slower than pandas read_csv
  3,127  which one is faster np.vstack, np.append, np.concatenate or a manual function made in cython?
  3,126  save and plot multiple datasets using python
  3,126  How to Cut an Image Vertically into Two Equal Sized Images
  3,125  Roll rows of a matrix independently
  3,125  How to extract the index of a value in a numpy array?
  3,125  How do I install a 32-bit version of numpy
  3,125  Extending numpy.digitize to multi-dimensional data
  3,122  What is the proper way to plot spectrum of a complex signal sampled in a narrow range?
  3,122  VTK/numpy for 3D image rendering and visualization
  3,122  Split numpy array at multiple values?
  3,122  making the y-axis of a histogram probability, python
  3,122  distance from point to polygon (when inside)
  3,121  Is there a way to fit a 3D Gaussian distribution or a Gaussian mixture distribution to a vector?
  3,121  Concatenating numpy vector and matrix horizontally
  3,120  Why is my array length 1 when building it with numpy.where?
  3,120  python3 conversion between cvxopt.matrix and numpy.array
  3,120  Numpy - delete data rows with negative values
  3,120  Multidimensional matrix multiplication on numpy array
  3,120  Is it possible to numpy.vectorize an instance method?
  3,119  import pandas and import numpy result in AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'core'
  3,119  Appending Rows to a Pandas DataFrame
  3,118  NumPy array of integers to timedelta
  3,118  How do you have if statements with a numpy array?
  3,117  Non distinct prime factors of larger numbers
  3,117  Make a numpy array monotonic without a Python loop
  3,117  How to split data frame into x and y
  3,117  How do I solve the error:cannot reshape array of size 1 into shape (3,3,1)?
  3,117  'float' object is unsliceable
  3,116  Hiding major tick labels while showing minor tick labels in matplotlib
  3,116  Get indices of top N values in 2D numpy ndarray or numpy matrix
  3,116  Creating a hexagonal grid (u-matrix) in Python using a Regularpolycollection
  3,115  Convert list of list into numpy array without commas between each list element
  3,114  Replace a string numpy array with a number
  3,114  Fastest way to read a whole HDF5 containing Numpy arrays into memory
  3,114  Delete columns of a matrix that are mostly zero
  3,113  X and Y are not of the same dimesnion. Python Issue
  3,113  Python OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (scn == 3 || scn == 4)
  3,113  How to extract numpy arrays from specific column in pandas frame and stack them as a single numpy array [duplicate]
  3,112  Numpy and matplotlib without compiling/building in virtualenv
  3,112  List of all colors in an image using opencv and python
  3,112  How to replace NaN values?
  3,111  Dtype work in FROM but not IMPORT
  3,110  Trouble Installing Numpy and Scipy
  3,110  Numpy.savetxt to save string and float in the meantime and maintain the precision of the float
  3,110  Extracting data from .nc file by latitude and longitude in python
  3,110  error installing numpy via homebrew in Mac OSX 10.9
  3,109  TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index while in KFold
  3,109  too many values to unpack in genfromtxt
  3,108  Parameters of a sigmoid regression in Python + scipy
  3,108  How to assign values elementwise to theano matrix ? Difference between Numpy and Theano?
  3,107  Using a condition to plot with matplotlib
  3,107  Is there a fast Way to return Sin and Cos of the same value in Python?
  3,106  Writing to a binary file python
  3,106  Passing a numpy array to a tensorflow Queue
  3,105  ReLU derivative with NumPy
  3,105  pandas dataframe: how to group by value?
  3,105  how to fix this error 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append' in the code below
  3,104  Fast in-place replacement of some values in a numpy array
  3,103  Sum over rows in scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
  3,103  NumPy array sum reduce
  3,103  Eliminate white edges in Matplotlib/Basemap pcolor plot
  3,102  Efficient processing of pixel + neighborhood in numpy image
  3,101  How to use in append mode
  3,101  Content based recommender system with sklearn or numpy
  3,100  Using Mann Kendall in python with a lot of data
  3,100  Elegant numpy array shifting and NaN filling?
  3,097  RandomForest IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
  3,097  how to remove high frequency contents from the image for inverse fourier transform
  3,097  How to operate logic operation of all columns of a 2D numpy array
  3,097  Clean way to return a one-element Numpy array
  3,096  TensorFlow - Ignore infinite values when calculating the mean of a tensor
  3,096  How to get accurate idft result from opencv?
  3,096  Extract separate non-zero blocks from array
  3,096  Efficient 2D edge detection in Python
  3,095  Unable to run the method fit for svm (by scikit-learn)
  3,095  Fourier Series from Discrete Fourier Transform
  3,095  attribute error on numpy import with python 2.7 and wxpython
  3,094  Mapping function to numpy array, varying a parameter
  3,094  Logarithmic colormap in matplotlib
  3,093  my jupyter notebook fails to import anaconda modules consistently
  3,092  Puzzled on the ndim from Numpy
  3,092  Machine Learning clustering with n-dimensional data in Python
  3,090  Python-created HDF5 dataset transposed in Matlab
  3,090  numpy covariance between each column of a matrix and a vector
  3,090  Numba autojit function slower than vectorized Numpy method
  3,090  Convert Torch Lua into Numpy Python
  3,089  Using pyfftw properly for speed up over numpy
  3,089  In Python, how do I join two arrays by key column?
  3,088  Poisson Point Process in Python 3 with numpy, without scipy
  3,088  Installing the newest scipy (0.9) in Ubuntu?
  3,088  How to uniformly resample a non-uniform signal using SciPy?
  3,087  Translate numpy's array reshape to OpenCV equivalent
  3,087  Most efficient way to determine if a numpy masked array contains any non-masked values?
  3,085  Shifting Elements in a Numpy Array
  3,085  Scipy: Speeding up calculation of a 2D complex integral
  3,085  Reshaping a numpy.array in Fortran-contiguous order
  3,085  numpy.i is missing. What is the recommended way to install it?
  3,085  Mean of data scaled with sklearn StandardScaler is not zero
  3,085  efficient way to compress a numpy array (python)
  3,084  Catching Numpy All-Nan Slice
  3,083  Generate large random text files with python and NumPy
  3,082  Save results in YAML file with python
  3,082  Dictionary-like efficient storing of scipy/numpy arrays
  3,082  Binary file (Labview .DAT file) conversion using Python
  3,081  Broken numpy/scipy installation (python, ubuntu 10.04)
  3,081  array = TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
  3,080  why an extra comma in the shape of a single index numpy array
  3,080  Interpolation on a log scale
  3,079  Numpy: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  3,079  IO error when using datasets.fetch_mldata() in sklearn
  3,078  Initialized empty numpy array is not really empty (contains zeros)
  3,077  Python IndexError: only integers
  3,077  Numpy PIL Python : crop image on whitespace or crop text with histogram Thresholds
  3,076  What does np.cumsum(0) do?
  3,075  Numpy.argmax() on certain axis in 2D matrix
  3,075  Nested dataframe in pandas
  3,075  Efficiently write a movie directly from np.array using pipes
  3,073  How to get scipy.stats.chisquare to function properly
  3,072  Sorted method: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  3,072  numpy.linalg.inv returns inverse for a singular matrix
  3,071  Python Importing data with multiple delimiters
  3,071  numpy requires System Python 2.7 to install
  3,071  Converting wx bitmap to numpy using BitmapBufferFormat_RGBA (python)
  3,071  calling c from python with ctypes: passing vectors
  3,070  Sending numpy arrays via Socket
  3,070  How to get numpy array of RGB colors from pygame.surface
  3,069  Keras - ValueError: could not convert string to float
  3,069  fast categorization (binning)
  3,067  How to plot in CCDF with a list?
  3,065  Numpy submatrix operations
  3,063  Displaying Numpy Matrix as Video
  3,062  Trouble to impliment scipy interpolation
  3,062  How to index and assign to a tensor in tensorflow?
  3,061  Usefull way of reverting Homogeneous coordinates back to 2d?
  3,061  numpy.sum may be slower than Python for-loop
  3,060  How to apply a function to all the column of a numpy matrix?
  3,059  How to create a symmetric matrix from a numpy 1D array the most efficient way
  3,059  How to apply the output of numpy.argpartition for 2-D Arrays?
  3,058  Tensorflow hashtable lookup with arrays
  3,058  Idiomatic way to parse POSIX timestamps in pandas?
  3,058  Does scipy logsumexp() deal with the underflow challenge?
  3,058  Delete all values in list outside of specified range python
  3,057  Why does np.percentile return NaN for high percentiles?
  3,057  Sublime 3: Strange output using build system for Python3
  3,057  Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and SciPy
  3,057  How to increase color resolution in python matplotlib colormap
  3,057  How to draw a random sample from a Poisson distribution?
  3,057  Efficient pairwise correlation for two matrices of features
  3,055  Using Numpy to create Yahoo finance price table
  3,055  Getting count of rows using groupby in Pandas
  3,055  Exponential Decay on Python Pandas DataFrame
  3,055  create muli-splits of datasets using one command of train_test_split
  3,054  How to use Pandas to create Dictionary from column entries in DataFrame or np.array
  3,054  CSV.writerow has comma between every character?
  3,054  Convert 2D array to 3D numpy array
  3,053  Numpy - check if elements of a array belong to another array
  3,051  Minimum element from the matrix column
  3,051  How to calculate a personalized PageRank over millions of nodes?
  3,050  Adding multiple constraints to scipy minimize, autogenerate constraint dictionary list?
  3,048  Python eigenvalue computations run much slower than those of MATLAB on my computer. Why?
  3,048  OpenBLAS error when importing numpy: `pthread_creat error in blas_thread_init function`
  3,048  Good algorithm for computing volume or surface area in python
  3,044  Replace None with NaN and ignore NoneType in Pandas
  3,044  OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application - when trying to import numpy
  3,044  Numpy - Reshape and partition 2D array to 3D
  3,044  Keras: how to get predicted labels for more than two classes
  3,043  Need to compare very large files around 1.5GB in python
  3,043  How to change point to comma in matplotlib graphics?
  3,043  Converting numpy array to list returns type numpy.ndarray
  3,043  Constrained Spline Fit using Scipy in Python
  3,042  slicing numpy array to get nth column
  3,042  Numpy interconversion between multidimensional and linear indexing
  3,042  Get indices of array at certain value python
  3,041  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'train'
  3,041  Interpolating a 3D surface known by its corner nodes and coloring it with a colormap
  3,040  Using numpy and pil to convert 565(16bit-color) to 888(24bit-color)
  3,040  Optimizing gravitation calculation for particles in a zero gravity 2d space
  3,040  Linear regression - reduce degrees of freedom
  3,039  Creating inverse and diagonal of numpy matrices
  3,038  Error when importing numpy (SyntaxError)
  3,038  Cython error message: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)
  3,037  Why pytorch DataLoader behaves differently on numpy array and list?
  3,037  Python/matplotlib Show confidence levels in a histogram
  3,037  Pyplot: Refreshing an imshow() Window
  3,037  Multiprocessing with numpy makes Python quit unexpectedly on OSX
  3,037  I want to reshape 2D array into 3D array
  3,036  Missing values masked array correlation (
  3,034  - vs -= operators with numpy
  3,034  Vectorize multiplying RGB array by color transform matrix, for image processing
  3,034  How to replace all values in a numpy array with zero except one specific value?
  3,034  How is it possible in python to convert an ascii table to a fits table?
  3,034  Cannot `pip install numpy` on OS X Yosemite
  3,034  Am I creating lossless PNG images?
  3,033  What does np.polyfit do and return?
  3,032  Simple ''blurring'' of an array representing an image in python from first principles
  3,032  Numpy multi-dimensional array indexing swaps axis order
  3,031  Read in Dates from file to be used in plots
  3,031  numpy ravel versus flat in slice assignment
  3,031  Importing numpy using IronPython in C#
  3,031  Hue Saturation Intensity Histogram
  3,030  Using Matplotlib to plot over a subset of data
  3,030  Python - Split array into multiple arrays dependent on array values
  3,030  Median filter of masked arrays
  3,029  Running Python on GPU using numba
  3,029  np.arange followed by reshape
  3,028  Linking numpy with homebrew
  3,027  Keep pandas structure with numpy/scikit functions
  3,026  ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero in a code for Surface plot
  3,026  Replace slice of a numpy array with values from another array
  3,026  How to remove duplicates in a list of strings in a pandas column Python
  3,025  Standard error in non-linear regression
  3,025  scipy LU factorization permutation matrix
  3,025  Numpy - Python : ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly
  3,024  scikit-learn's GridSearchCV stops working when n_jobs>1
  3,024  Numpy conditional multiply data in array (if true multiply A, false multiply B)
  3,024  How to split a numpy array based on a column?
  3,024  Convert numpy matrix to python array
  3,023  Difference between list(numpy_array) and numpy_array.tolist()
  3,023  Converting 2d array into 3d array in python
  3,022  Plot average of an array in python
  3,022  plot a normal distribution curve and histogram [duplicate]
  3,021  python numpy polyfit function
  3,021  matlab convolution ''same'' to numpy.convolve
  3,021  how to replace a NaN value in a column in data frame in pandas?
  3,021  How to concatenate two tensors having different shape with TensorFlow?
  3,021  Add separate colors for two (or more) specific values in color plot and color bar
  3,020  Why is faster than a@b although Numpy recommends a@b
  3,019  Python Minimising function with Nelder-Mead algorithm
  3,018  Python PCA - projection into lower dimensional space
  3,018  Python Pandas: Create new column out of other columns where value is not null
  3,018  how to speed up a vector cross product calculation
  3,017  Python Random Array of 0s and 1s [duplicate]
  3,017  ECG filter in python
  3,016  Norm of sparse python vectors
  3,014  ValueError: Domain error in arguments scipy rv_continuous
  3,014  Python appending a list in a for loop with numpy array data
  3,014  Performing a sensitivity analysis with python
  3,013  Scanline Fill Algorithm in Python/Numpy
  3,013  f2py, Python function that returns an array (vector-valued function)
  3,012  Overloading the [] operator in python class to refer to a numpy.array data member
  3,012  how to convert datetime by removing nanoseconds
  3,012  How can I fill a numpy structured array from a function?
  3,012  DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application for NumPy
  3,012  Can't install SciPy on production server
  3,011  How to use .rolling() on each row of a Pandas dataframe?
  3,010  Utility of parameter 'out' in numpy functions
  3,009  Pearson correlation on big numpy matrices
  3,009  Installing NumPy + SciPy in Python 2.7 now fails with ''RuntimeError: Python version >= 3.5 required''
  3,008  Load numpy array in google-cloud-ml job
  3,006  Read a tab separated file with first column as key and the rest as values
  3,005  Change image channel ordering from channel first to last
  3,004  Conda downgrade numpy version
  3,003  Selecting characters in string numpy array (Python)
  3,003  Determine whether a matrix is identity matrix (numpy)
  3,002  Calculating portfolio variance and volatility in python
  3,001  How to solve a stiff ode with Python?
  3,001  Fourier space filtering
  3,001  Creating new numpy arrays based on condition
  2,999  Python Pandas - Fill down text value in column where following cells are blank
  2,999  Numpy object array of numerical arrays
  2,999  Finding matching values across columns in a pandas dataframe
  2,999  FFT vs least squares fitting of fourier components?
  2,998  When to use .shape and when to use .reshape?
  2,998  numpy dot product returns NaN, Matlab equivalent does not return NaN
  2,997  Split Xy matrix into X and y
  2,996  scipy curve_fit not working correctly
  2,996  Increasing reading speed for h5py
  2,996  How to find the rectangles in an image
  2,996  Check if numpy array is contiguous?
  2,995  Matlab filter not compatible with Python lfilter
  2,994  pcolormesh ticks center for each data point/tile
  2,994  Getting output of pybrain prediction as array
  2,993  opencv single h264 raw frame as a binary string
  2,993  How to view the source code of numpy.random.exponential?
  2,992  Fast conversion of Java array to NumPy array (Py4J)
  2,992  Averaging multiple images in python
  2,991  OpenCV's Cascade classifier face detect freezing
  2,990  Numpy.mean, amin, amax, std huge returns
  2,989  Python: Converting degrees to radians - Not working
  2,989  PIL images converted to RGB, getting saved as plain black images (python)
  2,989  Fast non-negative matrix factorization on large sparse matrix
  2,988  Why is cffi so much quicker than numpy?
  2,988  How to export list of arrays into csv in Python?
  2,987  Cannot uninstall matplotlib, numpy and scipy from Python in Mac. Cannot import matplotlib from the virtualenv [duplicate]
  2,986  Populate a Pandas SparseDataFrame from a SciPy Sparse Coo Matrix
  2,986  Pip installation of scipy.optimize (or scipy correctly(?))
  2,986  numpy: can values not be assigned to a sub-array?
  2,986  Is there a GUI to see contents of .npy file?
  2,985  What is the difference between tf.gradients and tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr_rate).compute_gradients?
  2,985  How do I store a numpy array as an object in a pandas dataframe?
  2,985  Find diagonals sums in numpy (faster)
  2,984  Integration in numpy array with positive area only
  2,984  how to create empty numpy array to store different kinds of data
  2,984  How to calculate full QR decomposition using Gram Schmidt?
  2,983  Using pandas, how do I subsample a large DataFrame by group in an efficient manner?
  2,983  Numpy gradient of 2D array
  2,983  Extract values array using indices
  2,983  Converting list of lists to numpy array with multiple data types
  2,982  Pandas reshape dataframe every N rows to columns
  2,982  How to manage a 2D Fourier Transform(FFT) on a 3D numpy masked array?
  2,981  Issue with gradient calculation in a Neural Network (stuck at 7% error in MNIST)
  2,981  Inserting a column at specific location in 2D array in numpy?
  2,981  Error when freezing pandas/NumPy 1.7.0 code with cx_Freeze
  2,980  Why does scipy.stats.nanmean give different result from numpy.nansum?
  2,980  numpy Stacking 1D arrays into structured array
  2,979  Matlab importdata() function equivalent in Python
  2,979  Is it possible to append to an xarray.Dataset?
  2,979  How to merge two large numpy arrays if slicing doesn't resolve memory error?
  2,979  Consistent way to check if an np.array is datetime-like
  2,977  Extract subarray between certain value in Python
  2,976  Why is incorrectly returning negative results, or 0, for my long lists of natural numbers?
  2,976  Print all columns and rows of a numpy array
  2,976  Drawing polygons in numpy arrays
  2,975  How to add a string to a numpy string ndarray
  2,974  Python - slice array until certain condition is met
  2,974  Performing operations on all values of a numpy array, referencing i and j
  2,973  Update numpy version in spyder
  2,973  Unable to import numpy
  2,973  Numpy filter using condition on each element
  2,972  Python regression with matrices
  2,972  Mismatch between array dtype ('float32') and format specifier('%.18e,%.18e,%.18e,
  2,972  How to remove the adjacent duplicate value in a numpy array?
  2,971  Multi-theaded Numpy inserts
  2,971  How to flatten a numpy array of dtype object
  2,969  numpy read CSV file where some fields have commas?
  2,969  Allocate intermediate multidimensional arrays in Cython without acquiring the GIL
  2,968  How to create matrix or 2d list from lists in python?
  2,968  Efficient way to compute the Vandermonde matrix
  2,967  Vectorized NumPy linspace for multiple start and stop values
  2,967  Substitute for numpy broadcasting using scipy.sparse.csc_matrix
  2,967  Solving linear system over integers with numpy
  2,967  Numpy correlation confusion [duplicate]
  2,967  Find median of list of images
  2,966  How should I interpret the output of numpy.fft.rfft2?
  2,965  Read in npy file from C++ [closed]
  2,964  Trouble writing sparse matrix to csv
  2,964  Scipy - Stats - Meaning of parameters for probability distributions
  2,964  Fast weighted euclidean distance between points in arrays
  2,963  Reshaping 3D Numpy Array to a 2D array
  2,963  loading strings with spaces as numpy array
  2,962  Python Error - TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'
  2,961  Window overlap in Pandas
  2,961  How can I use the unique(a, 'rows') from MATLAB in Python?
  2,961  Create image patches, sklearn.feature_extraction.image.extract_patches_2d memory error
  2,961  Can memmap pandas series. What about a dataframe?
  2,960  splitting an array into two smaller arrays in python
  2,960  Shear a numpy array
  2,960  Python eig for generalized eigenvalue does not return correct eigenvectors
  2,960  Error while calculating dot product in Theano
  2,959  Read binary .pgm files with python and numpy
  2,959  Convert sparse matrice in list of list in python
  2,958  Remove Decimals from Array
  2,958  Is there a way in numpy to test whether a matrix is Unitary
  2,957  How to force larger steps on scipy.optimize functions?
  2,957  Compile numpy WITHOUT Intel MKL/BLAS/ATLAS/LAPACK
  2,956  passing c++ double pointer to python
  2,955  Mean value for dimension in numpy array
  2,955  How to create structured arrays with list and array in Python?
  2,954  What is the proper way of using Python record arrays
  2,954  Slice pandas DataFrame where column's value exists in another array
  2,954  Selecting a column vector from a matrix in Python
  2,954  Resizing numpy ndarray with linear interpolation
  2,954  Python - Pandas: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'start'
  2,953  SymPy/SciPy: solving a system of ordinary differential equations with different variables
  2,953  numpy.sum() giving strange results on large arrays
  2,953  How to get lists of indices to unique values efficiently?
  2,953  How to convert list into array in a function - python?
  2,953  How can I convert Spark dataframe column to Numpy array efficiently?
  2,952  python - Convolution of 3d array with 2d kernel for each channel separately
  2,952  Numpy 4d array slicing
  2,952  Initialize numpy array of specific shape with specific values
  2,951  Zero padding between values in Python
  2,951  Use `np.diff` but assume the input starts with an extra zero
  2,951  error when installing pandas package: no module named numpy
  2,950  How to get Mean and Standard deviation from a Frequency Distribution table in Python
  2,950  Convert array of single integer pixels to RGB triplets in Python
  2,949  Plot periodic trajectories
  2,949  Most efficient way to construct a square matrix in numpy using values from a generator
  2,949  average grayscale from rgb image in python
  2,949  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'toarray' in py-faster-rcnn
  2,948  scikit-learn GaussianHMM ValueError: input must be a square array
  2,948  Numpy Polyfit or any fitting to X and Y multidimensional arrays
  2,948  multiplication of 3-dimensional matrix in numpy
  2,948  Iterating over numpy array rows in python
  2,948  How to get the sum of a slice of an n-dimensional array in numpy?
  2,947  Quadruple Precision Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Matrix Logarithms
  2,946  Matplotlib heatmap with one color
  2,945  scipy gives undefined symbol: clapack_sgesv
  2,945  Python doesn't read in the correct number of columns
  2,945  Debug Python from Visual Studio Code - Importing Numpy
  2,945  Cython + OpenCV and NumPy
  2,944  How to applied a user defined function to each of the numpy array elements
  2,944  Finding ONLY Unique Coordinates in List
  2,943  Use numpy.load on file within zipfile
  2,943  Is dot product and normal multiplication results of 2 numpy arrays same?
  2,943  How to perform an operation on every element in a numpy matrix?
  2,943  Gradient descent optimization for multivariate scalar functions
  2,942  GCC-PHAT cross correlation in Python
  2,941  Visualizing a 3D NumPy array with PyOpenGL
  2,941  seasonal_decompose: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes on a series
  2,941  Faster alternatives to Pandas pivot_table
  2,941  Extend python with C, return numpy array gives garbage
  2,940  Why does np.arccos(1.0) give nan if fed by np.arange?
  2,940  Numpy for windows 10 64 bit python 2.7
  2,940  broadcast an array to different shape (adding ''fake'' dimensions)
  2,939  How to change numpy array dtype and reshape?
  2,939  How should I document class and object attributes using Numpy's style? [closed]
  2,938  Setting an array element with a sequence python
  2,938  Python: Converting nanoseconds into DateTime64 format
  2,937  python: turn polygon into mask array
  2,937  How to create an array of lists in python?
  2,937  convert numpy array to string with delimiter and save to txt file
  2,936  stack of 2D images to 3D python
  2,936  Slightly different FFT results from Matlab fft and Scipy fft
  2,936  Python: Split dataset in 2 dataset
  2,936  Python Scipy exponential curve fitting
  2,935  Tensorflow vs. Numpy Performance
  2,935  Preprocess a Tensorflow tensor in Numpy
  2,934  undefined symbol: clapack_sgesv
  2,934  RandomizedSearchCv results in Attribute Error
  2,934  Python: numpy.corrcoef Memory Error
  2,934  Python MemoryError in Scipy Radial Basis Function (scipy.interpolate.rbf)
  2,934  numpy stride_tricks.as_strided vs list comprehension for rolling window
  2,933  TypeError: src is not a numpy array
  2,933  Python scipy chisquare returns different values than R chisquare
  2,933  numpy transform vector to binary matrix
  2,933  How to check if a 3D point is inside a cylinder
  2,933  Formatting a NumPy array
  2,933  Faster way to split a numpy array according to a threshold
  2,933  different results for standard deviation using numpy and R [duplicate]
  2,931  matplotlib, how to plot 3d 2 variable function under given conditions
  2,930  Python scipy.numpy.convolve and scipy.signal.fftconvolve different results
  2,930  Double integral using scipy.integrate.dblquad
  2,930  Convolution of two three dimensional arrays with padding on one side too slow
  2,929  Reading csv in python pandas and handling bad values
  2,928  Numpy array pass-by-value
  2,927  Saving KDTree object in Python?
  2,927  Image convolution at specific points
  2,927  Get the indices of N highest values in an ndarray
  2,927  Cannot allocate 1.6 GB in Python
  2,926  How can I build a polynomial lambda function from an list of coefficients?
  2,925  SciPy.optimize.minimize SLSQP ignores bounds and constraints
  2,925  Pandas Series to Numpy ndarray
  2,925  Is there an efficient way to merge two sorted dataframes in pandas, maintaing sortedness?
  2,924  How to generalize linear interpolation between two numbers into higher dimension tensors?
  2,924  How to construct pandas dataframe from series of arrays
  2,924  Get indices of unique values in NumPy
  2,923  How to properly pass a scipy.sparse CSR matrix to a cython function?
  2,921  How to sort a list of tuples that contain numpy array?
  2,921  How do I automate an environment variable dependent benchmark of BLAS in python/numpy?
  2,921  Count how many times each row is present in numpy.array
  2,920  Matplotlib: plot x/y coordinates with Two x-Axis with inverse scaling
  2,919  Infinite Summation in Python
  2,919  How To Normalize Array Between 1 and 10?
  2,919  Annotate Outliers on Seaborn Jointplot
  2,919  accessing arrays stored in pandas dataframe
  2,918  Histogram has only one bar
  2,917  Python - read 2d array from binary data
  2,917  Numpy version of rolling MAD (mean absolute deviation)
  2,917  How to draw a point in an image using given coordinate
  2,916  Python: handling a large set of data. Scipy or Rpy? And how?
  2,916  fastest way to get NetCDF variable min/max using Python?
  2,915  Creating a Pandas rolling-window series of arrays
  2,914  How to find the Entropy of each column of data-set by Python?
  2,914  How bad is it to override a method from a third-party module?
  2,913  How to delete numpy nan from a list of strings in Python?
  2,912  test for membership in a 2d numpy array
  2,912  scipy.signal.spectrogram nfft parameter
  2,912  Access elements from nested array in python
  2,911  Fast Kernel matrix computation python
  2,909  How to create values from Zipf Distribution with range n in Python?
  2,908  Pandas.mean() TypeError: Could not convert to numeric
  2,908  matrix multiplication using numpy
  2,907  ValueError: array is not broadcastable to correct shape - Python
  2,907  Pandas df.to_records() returns a 1d numpy array
  2,907  Histogram bars overlapping matplotlib
  2,907  After installing anaconda, python gives error ''no module named numpy''
  2,907  After installing anaconda, python gives error ''no module named numpy''
  2,906  Thread error: can't start new thread
  2,906  Python ImageIO Gif Set Delay Between Frames
  2,905  Value error x and y must be same size, but they are?
  2,905  python numpy MKL ERROR
  2,905  Conditional cumsum based on column
  2,904  Best data structure for 3D data?
  2,903  Operations on rows in scipy sparse matrix of csr format
  2,903 - pairwise correlations for with missing values?
  2,902  python numpy array append not working in .py file, but works in terminal
  2,901  Write multidimensional numpy array to csv
  2,898  PIL/Pillow convert Image to list and back again
  2,898  Creating an array of tensors in tensorflow?
  2,896  ValueError: could not convert string to float in panda
  2,896  Trimming numpy arrays: what is the best method?
  2,896  Numpy type hints in Python (PEP 484)
  2,896  How to prevent division by zero or replace infinite values in Theano?
  2,896  How to install Numpy and Pandas for AWS Lambdas?
  2,895  Pearson correlation between two dataframes in python and output all combinations between columns
  2,895  How to make the eigenvalues and eigenvectors stay real instead of complex?
  2,894  OpenCV, Python: How to use mask parameter in ORB feature detector
  2,894  Effeciently counting number of columns of text file
  2,894  3D Extrapolation in python (basically, scipy.griddata extended to extrapolate)
  2,892  trimmed/winsorized standard deviation
  2,892  numpy squeeze along an axis wont work
  2,891  Passing 2 dimensional C array to python numpy
  2,891  levels parameter in greycomatrix scikit-image python
  2,891  How to use `numpy.savez` in a loop to save multiples numpy arrays?
  2,890  Slicing an image array into sub array
  2,890  Numpy polyfit - covariance matrix
  2,890  How to install Pandas and dependencies without pip or any package manager
  2,890  How to determine function or curve fit unknown function with Python?
  2,890  Efficiently detecting shapes in a large image
  2,889  Numpy 2D array Subtraction by row
  2,889  How to split continuous data into groups?
  2,889  ctypes - numpy array with no shape?
  2,888  Reshaping arrays for keras
  2,887  Sliding window on a 2D numpy array [duplicate]
  2,887  read a file using command line argument
  2,887  Indexing one array by another in numpy
  2,887  How to generate a random gaussian matrix with different variance along each axis
  2,886  How can I create an n-dimensional grid in numpy to evaluate a function for arbitrary n?
  2,885  Trying to make a barchart, bar() missing 1 required positional argument: 'height'
  2,885  Distance between one point and rest of the points in an array
  2,884  Getting a legend in a seaborn FacetGrid heatmap plot
  2,884  Add numpy array as variable to Xarray Dataset
  2,884  Adding a new column to a list of matrixs(arrays)
  2,883  Using python for loop to average data
  2,883  Python - fast way to sum outer products?
  2,883  Nested np.where
  2,883  How can I calculate covariance of matrix?
  2,883  CountVectorizer() in scikit-learn Python gives Memory error when feeding big Dataset. Same code with Smaller dataset works fine, what am I missing?
  2,882  Getting the indices of the top k numbers by value in a numpy array?
  2,882  Creating very large NUMPY arrays in small chunks (PyTables vs. numpy.memmap)
  2,882  count number of items in np.where() array python
  2,881  TypeError: The value of a feed cannot be a tf.Tensor object when passing one hot encodings
  2,880  Pandas read_csv on 6.5 GB file consumes more than 170GB RAM
  2,880  Optimizing access on numpy arrays for numba
  2,880  Installing numpy on Windows 7 and python 3.x
  2,879  create boolean mask of numpy rgb array if matches color
  2,878  What could be causing ''The leading minor of order 'n' is not positive definite''?
  2,878  Python 'ndarray' cannot be converted to a MySQL type
  2,878  linear interpolation with interp2d or scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline
  2,877  Why is hyped Intel MKL Numpy build slower than ATLAS build on my PC?
  2,877  Numpy Install on Mac 10.8.4
  2,877  Can not access Pipelined Rdd in pyspark [duplicate]
  2,877  Calculate Euclidean Distance within points in numpy array
  2,876  python numpy scipy griddata is nan or all the same value
  2,876  get the values in a given radius from numpy array [duplicate]
  2,875  problems in ''pandas datetime convert to num''
  2,875  How to multiply a given row `i` or column `j` with a scalar?
  2,874  Python pandas series: convert float to string, preserving nulls
  2,874  Python multiply list of lists element-wise
  2,874  Python enumeration/row counter in a pandas column
  2,874  pip install ''Invalid requirement: 'numpy-1.13.1+mkl-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64'''
  2,874  Numpy: quickest way to check if all elements in an array have the same sign?
  2,873  How to delete a row based on a condition from a numpy array?
  2,872  Fast absolute difference of two uint8 arrays
  2,871  Namedtuple in Numpy
  2,871  How to fill 2d-array with increasing numbers?
  2,870  simpler way to filter out nan or invalid's in Python array or a numpy array?
  2,870  Quickly find indices that have values larger than a threshold in Numpy/PyTorch
  2,870  Overlay part of the matrix on top of another
  2,870  How to read raw image in Python and plot as an image
  2,869  Piecewise functions on Numpy Arrays
  2,869  'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'translate' with Django
  2,869  Integrating using scipy's trapz function
  2,868  Solve a system of linear equations and linear inequalities
  2,866  Set mask for matplotlib tricontourf
  2,866  Precision loss numpy - mpmath
  2,866  Counting the number of consecutive values that meets a condition (Pandas Dataframe)
  2,865  pandas efficient way to get first filtered row for each DatetimeIndex entry
  2,865  AWS Lambda Python3.7 Function - numpy: cannot import name 'WinDLL'
  2,864  Exception : ''Invalid norm order for vectors'' - Python
  2,863  Pandas how to split dataframe by column by interval
  2,863  How to ignore Python warnings for complex numbers
  2,863  Calculating cumulative minimum with numpy arrays
  2,861  Numpy: getting incorrect shape information
  2,861  How to save Numpy 4D array to CSV?
  2,860  Why does interp1d in scipy give a NaN when the first 2 values of the x-array are identical? (fill_value = 0)
  2,860  Is scipy.linalg.eig giving the correct left eigenvectors?
  2,859  python mmap.error: Too many open files. What's wrong?
  2,858  Select a subset from 2D numpy array
  2,858  numpy does not work through terminal
  2,858  Memory error: numpy.genfromtxt()
  2,856  Tensorflow multi-class ML model issues
  2,856  Python - get white pixels of image
  2,855  Fastest way to create an array in Python [duplicate]
  2,854  'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types Numpy array
  2,853  sorting a python multi-dimensional array?
  2,853  Convert map object into numpy ndarray in python3
  2,852  Ignore NaN in numpy bincount in python
  2,852  Discretization of probability array in Python
  2,851  Matrix as dictionary key
  2,851  Have Pandas column containing lists, how to pivot unique list elements to columns?
  2,850  Colorbar for imshow, centered on 0 and with symlog scale
  2,850  Calculating area from lat/lon polygons in Python
  2,849  Python: How to prevent Scipy's optimize.minimize function from changing the shape of initial guess x0?
  2,849  How to create a Boolean array in numpy
  2,849  Calculate uncertainty in FFT amplitude
  2,848  Expanding/Zooming in a numpy array
  2,847  How to convert gif-file to numpy array in Python3 without Pillow
  2,846  Most efficient way of iterating over a numpy array by axis?
  2,846  LinearRegression Predict- ValueError: matrices are not aligned
  2,846  How do you open .NPY files?
  2,845  Single wiener process (Brownian Motion)
  2,845  Iterate through a list of numpy arrays
  2,845  How to implement Garbage Collection in Numpy
  2,845  Find indices based on datetime
  2,844  Vectorized Partial Derivative of Multivariate Function in Python
  2,843  numpy.empty giving nonempty array
  2,843  nested use of numpy.where
  2,843  How to correctly use Numpy's FFT function in PyTorch?
  2,843  Efficient Numpy computation of pairwise squared differences
  2,843  Add to existing content when using savetxt (avoid overwriting) PYTHON
  2,842  Spyder/Python install on MacOS - very frustrating
  2,841  Why use numpy over list based on speed?
  2,841  Convert PyQt5 QPixmap to numpy ndarray
  2,841  Averaging Filter using python
  2,840  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable in scipy.optimize leastsq
  2,840  Python - how to convert a 24-bit PNG image to 32-bit using Open-cv or PIL
  2,839  Rearrange rows of pandas dataframe based on list and keeping the order
  2,839  How do I get matplotlib to order bar-chart in the same order as my list? [duplicate]
  2,839  How do I convert a numpy Array to a data type that tensorflow can classify?
  2,838  Why is it giving me TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'src'?
  2,838  python, exponential and decimal float
  2,837  Load text file python could not convert string to float
  2,837  I Need a fast way to loop through pixels of an Image/Stack in Python
  2,837  How can I run a numpy function percentile() on a masked array?
  2,836  how to plot a line over a 3d surface in matplotlib
  2,836  Applying math.ceil to an array in python
  2,835  Visualising numpy arrays in PyCharm
  2,835  Python and numpy : subtracting line by line a 2-dim array from a 1-dim array
  2,835  pickle, numpy - reshape parameters?
  2,835  how to convert pd.Series to datetime?
  2,835  Find all point pairs closer than a given maximum distance
  2,835  Could not convert string to float error from the Titanic competition
  2,834  NumPy genfromtxt: using filling_missing correctly
  2,834  Numpy efficient matrix self-multiplication (gram matrix)
  2,834  mlpy, numpy, scipy on Google App Engine
  2,834  Interpolation of 3D data in Python
  2,834  How to calculate cartesian coordinates from dihedral angle in python
  2,833  Python-Integrate then save text file
  2,833  Python array of strings in a ROOT TTree
  2,833  How can I generate a complete histogram with numpy?
  2,832  Convert boolean numpy array to pillow image
  2,830  TypeError: '''numpy.float64' object is not iterable'' using python 3.x possibly os module issue?
  2,830  String slicing in numpy array
  2,830  Recursive definitions in Pandas
  2,830  How to split a numpy array in fixed size chunks with and without overlap?
  2,830  Clean Way to Fill Third Dimension of Numpy Array
  2,829  MATLAB's smooth implementation (n-point moving average) in NumPy/Python
  2,828  Using Pandas to calculate distance between coordinates from imported csv
  2,828  How to display a text with matplotlib?
  2,828  Assign a list of values to a numpy array
  2,827  scipy.sparse dot extremely slow in Python
  2,827  overflow in exp(x) in python
  2,827  How to avoid using for-loops with numpy?
  2,826  Python - Remove a row from numpy array?
  2,826  Python convert large numpy array to pandas dataframe
  2,826  Python base64 encoding and then decoding generic object
  2,826  IPython Notebook Kernel getting dead while running Kmeans
  2,826  Error installing Numpy via setup tools in virtualenv on Ubuntu
  2,826  Convert transposed NumPy array to CvMat type in Python using cv.fromarray
  2,825  Making scientific notation readable from a numpy array
  2,825  How to save a dictionary of arrays to file in Numpy
  2,825  How to multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'?
  2,825  how to do linear regression in python, with missing elements
  2,824  Random one-hot matrix in numpy
  2,824  PIL image to array and back
  2,823  How to use non-mkl NumPy under Anaconda?
  2,822  Python finite difference method for differential equations
  2,821  Skipping rows in numpy ndarrays slicing
  2,821  Run Fortran command line program within Python
  2,821  How to broadcast an array by columns?
  2,821  Can I get a view of a numpy array at specified indexes? (a view from ''fancy indexing'')
  2,820  Substituting values in a numpy masked array
  2,820  Multiplying Numpy 3D arrays by 1D arrays
  2,820  Get data set as numpy array from TFRecordDataset
  2,820  Extracting coordinates from meshgrid data
  2,819  Trouble installing python libraries in OS X (numpy, scipy, matplotlib)
  2,819  python matrix multiplication: how to handle very large matrices?
  2,819  How to transpose a 2 Element Vector
  2,819  how to install gensim on windows 8.1
  2,819  Getting the adjugate of matrix in python
  2,818  Why won't numpy matrix let me print its rows?
  2,818  Several numpy arrays with SWIG
  2,817  How to sort a two-dimensional array in descending order for a column?
  2,817  How to convert vector wrapped as string to numpy array in pandas dataframe?
  2,816  Import CSV file and append to an array
  2,816  Efficient computation of the least-squares algorithm in NumPy
  2,815  unexpected result in numpy array slicing (view vs copy)
  2,814  Simple way for using multiple Numpy Arrays as an input for one Seaborn boxplot
  2,814  How do I check for numeric overflow without getting a warning in Python?
  2,814  Find root of implicit function in Python
  2,813  scipy's interpn for interpolate high N data
  2,812  SciPy ''lfilter'' returns only NaNs
  2,812  Make a numpy upper triangular matrix padded with Nan instead of zero
  2,811  Python: Normalize multidimensional array
  2,811  Python equivalent of MATLAB's Legendre function
  2,811  opencv video create blank frames and write them using python
  2,811  matplotlib 3d wireframe plot
  2,811  calculate mean across 3 dimensional array of different length
  2,810  Scipy equivalent of numpy where for sparse matrices
  2,810  Python KeyError: 'column name'
  2,810  NumPy Won't Append Arrays
  2,810  How to insert NaN array into a numpy 2D array
  2,809  form numpy array from possible numpy array
  2,808  numpy add dtype array
  2,808  How to round a number to a chosen integer
  2,808  How to remove nan and inf values from a numpy matrix?
  2,807  sliding window on time series data
  2,807  python: how to add column to record array in numpy
  2,807  Numpy Apply Along Axis and Get Row Index
  2,807  Find the best lag from the numpy.correlate output
  2,806  Python numpy.nan and logical functions: wrong results
  2,806  Python, looking to extract values from a masked array, then rebuild an array
  2,804  Same Python code, same data, different results on different machines
  2,804  Python image filtering with PIL and Numpy too slow
  2,804  Numpy where and division by zero
  2,804  MATLAB vs Python numpy array/matrix multiplication
  2,804  Efficiently set row in SciPy sparse.lil_matrix?
  2,803  Value error: numpy.loadtxt could not convert string to float
  2,803  saving array of string and integers to a text file in python [duplicate]
  2,803  How to convert a dataframe into a 2D array in-order to run some calculations?
  2,803  assigning different data types for different columns in a numpy array
  2,802  Reading a variable white space delimited table in python
  2,802  numpy template matching using matrix multiplications
  2,802  Force NumPy ndarray to take ownership of its memory in Cython
  2,801  Python: Fastest way to iterate this through a large file
  2,801  Python Error: ImportError: No module named FFT
  2,801  numpy performance differences between Linux and Windows
  2,801  Fast logarithm calculation
  2,801  Creating a list or array with a fixed size?
  2,800  Numpy histogram, how to take the maximum value in each bin
  2,800  Numpy: Apply an array of functions to a same length 2d-array of value as if multiplying elementwise? (using a python function as an operator?)
  2,800  How to create h5py dataset of a dataset
  2,799  solving colebrook (nonlinear) equation in python
  2,799  CNN train accuracy gets better during training, but test accuracy stays around 40%
  2,798  How to access RGB pixel arrays from DICOM files using pydicom?
  2,797  Getting ImportError: cannot import name multiarray using Anaconda2 in Wndows
  2,796  Trouble with linking boost::python::numpy
  2,796  Solving a linear-quadratic system of equations, both graphically and numerically, in numpy/matplotlib?
  2,796  Plot points with different colors in a matplotlib animation
  2,796  How to import cv2 in python project ''Visual Studio 2015''?
  2,795  multinomial pmf in python scipy/numpy
  2,794  Create an image with pypng
  2,793  Trying to create a labeled numpy array
  2,793  recfromcsv, genfromtxt, recfromtxt mysteriously missing from numpy
  2,793  How to get the bar heights of histogram P(x) corresponding to a given x?
  2,793  How does filtering out the colors of a hsv image in opencv python work?
  2,792  matplotlib: How can you specify colour levels in a 2D historgram
  2,792  Convert a numpy array of lists to a numpy array
  2,791  ifft(fft(audio)) is just noise
  2,791  How do I use a different index for each row in a numpy array?
  2,790  two dimensional fit with python
  2,790  Pandas DataFrame to lists of lists including headers
  2,790  np.where(condition is None) not equal to np.where(condition == None)
  2,790  Generating random numbers with weighted probabilities in python
  2,790  Fastest way to find indices of condition in numpy array
  2,790  exponential decay fitting
  2,789  OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted:
  2,789  How to create data frame of random floating point numbers with Pandas
  2,789  compare two time series (simulation results)
  2,788  Subtract two rows based on condition in Python Pandas
  2,788  excluding element from numpy array
  2,788  Create a matrix out of an array
  2,788  Benchmarking matrix multiplication performance: C++ (eigen) is much slower than Python
  2,787  What is the effect of using on two vectors?
  2,787  Reading complex data into numpy array
  2,787  Faster alternative to using the `map` function
  2,787  Calculating Area Under Individual Peaks in Python After FFT
  2,786  Python (numpy): drop columns by index
  2,785  python code to solve 3*3 matrix according to cramer's rule [closed]
  2,785  How to fix 'Expected to see 2 array(s), but instead got the following list of 1 arrays'
  2,785  Getting x_test, y_test from generator in Keras?
  2,785  Error: TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
  2,785  Dense Cholesky update in Python
  2,784  Python 2.7 Invalid syntax when running script from .csv file using pandas
  2,784  Modify NumPy array in loops
  2,782  Python equivalent for MATLAB's normplot?
  2,782  Compare multiple columns in numpy array
  2,781  ValueError: First argument must be a sequence ----> Scatter Plot Python
  2,780  Write numpy array to wave file in buffers using wave (not module
  2,780  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long_scalars in matrix multiply
  2,778  Variable/unknown length string/unicode dtype in numpy
  2,778  Multiprocessing incompatible with NumPy [duplicate]
  2,778  How to plot from .dat file with multiple columns and rows separated with tab spaces
  2,777  Tensorflow : TypeError: 'TensorShape' object is not callable
  2,777  Memory error while converting list to numpy array
  2,776  Slicing columns in Python
  2,776  Convert Matlab numerical heat conduction model to Python
  2,776  Assign a pandas series to a groupby operation
  2,775  Python - Trouble with Dedupe: TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
  2,775  numpy loadtxt, unicode, and python 2 or 3
  2,775  Is there any documentation of numpy numerical stability?
  2,774  Partial sums and products in numpy
  2,773  What does the array flags attribute tell?
  2,773  How to count the number of pixels with a certain pixel value in python opencv?
  2,773  Elementwise multiplication of NumPy arrays of matrices
  2,772  Python Numpy repeating an arange array
  2,772  numpy.float32' object does not support item assignment
  2,771  What is W[ ... ,c] doing? [duplicate]
  2,771  How to add along an axis in numpy
  2,771  Filtering out columns with zero values in numpy
  2,770  scipy.signal.resample behaves strangely
  2,769  Show rgb numpy array in matplotlib
  2,769  How to find the appropriate linear fit in Python?
  2,768  TypeError in Numpy happening randomly
  2,768  remove duplicate elements from two numpy arrays
  2,768  Concatenate two array of arrays in Python
  2,768  Cast an array shape into a string
  2,767  Why doesn't np.genfromtxt() remove header while importing in Python?
  2,767  OpenCV: Trying to Get Random Portion of Image
  2,766  Want to count the number of values in a column that meet a condition
  2,766  scipy.stats.normaltest() to test the normality of numpy.random.normal()
  2,766  matplotlib and numpy - histogram bar color and normalization
  2,765  Python\Numpy: Comparing arrays with NAN [duplicate]
  2,765  Plotting the means on a plot in matplotlib
  2,765  Is this the fastest way to group in Pandas?
  2,763  ValueError: Unknown label type: array while using Decision Tree Classifier and using a custom dataset
  2,763  Expand dimensions xarray
  2,762  Replace elements in numpy array avoiding loops
  2,762  Python: most efficient way to mirror an image along its vertical axis
  2,762  NumPy Tensor / Kronecker product of matrices coming out shuffled
  2,762  Numpy savetxt to a string
  2,762  Is there a way to prevent numpy.linalg.svd running out of memory?
  2,762  I am getting this error on using matplotlib
  2,762  Extract feature vector from 2d image in numpy
  2,762  Convert C# byte array to numpy array in Python .Net
  2,761  Python, How to fill up a column in an empty numpy array
  2,760  Reading of mtx file using not working
  2,760  Python: how to randomly sample from nonstandard Cauchy distribution, hence with different parameters?
  2,760  Performance for finding the maximum value in a dictionary versus numpy array
  2,759  Installing numpy on Mac OS X Mavericks with alternate LAPACK/BLAS
  2,759  Flip or reverse columns in numpy array
  2,759  fit an ellipse through points
  2,759  Explain numpy.where [duplicate]
  2,758  Methods for finding the Eigenvalues of a matrix using python?
  2,757  Python: Take the Log of all elements in a 2D array
  2,757  Numpy random memory error
  2,757  Assigning multiple array indices at once in Python/Numpy
  2,756  Numpy math with arrays and scalars?
  2,756  Mean values depending on binning with respect to second variable
  2,756  How to sort numpy array by absolute value of a column?
  2,756  how do I calculate a rolling idxmax
  2,756  How can I extract image segment with specific color in OpenCV?
  2,756  histogram matching in Python
  2,754  Python - find closest position and value
  2,754  Numpy select non-zero rows
  2,754  Integrating Discrete point in Python
  2,754  Generating an evenly sampled array from unevenly sampled data in NumPy
  2,754  3D matrix perspective transform
  2,753  Python - Select rows of array on certain condition?
  2,753  image processing using python and scipy
  2,753  How to fix ''IndexError: tuple index out of range'' in python?
  2,752  ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs
  2,752  Python Pandas Error: ValueError: Expected ''X'' fields in line ''X'', saw ''X''
  2,752  Newton method in python for multivariables (system of equations)
  2,751  Pandas dataframe columns of lists to numpy arrays for each column
  2,751  NumPy: Execute function over each ndarray element
  2,750  How to create a dynamic title in a Matplotlib animation
  2,749  Pandas: Quickly add variable number of months to a timestamp column
  2,749  Numpy: checking if an element in a multidimensional array is in a tuple
  2,749  Converting Python buffer to NumPy array - ValueError: buffer size must be a multiple of element size
  2,749  2D Interpolation of Large Irregular Grid to Regular Grid
  2,748  numpy.datetime64: how to get weekday of numpy datetime64 and check if it's between time1 and time2
  2,747  NumPy vectorization with integration
  2,747  major memory problems reading in a csv file using numpy
  2,747  How can I use scipy.interpolate.interp1d to interpolate multi Y arrays using the same X array?
  2,747  circle detection using python, numpy ?
  2,746  Trouble installing NumPy and Matplotlib on Mac (snow leopard)
  2,746  matplotlib ignore missing data
  2,746  Incremently appending numpy.arrays to a save file
  2,744  Remove multiple items from a numy.narray without numpy.delete
  2,744  Numpy genfromtxt error : got extra columns instead of n many
  2,744  How to convert the elements of an array into a number ? Python [duplicate]
  2,743  How to decide between scipy.integrate.simps or numpy.trapz?
  2,743  How to convert a 2D array to a structured array using view (numpy)?
  2,742  Steps for ''for loop'' in python
  2,742  Reading h5 file
  2,742  numpy 1.9.3, ImportError: No module named _globals
  2,742  Interpolation of a huge 2D array in python
  2,742  Average Date Array Calculation
  2,741  Vector operations with numpy
  2,741  Remove column of array via indexing in Python
  2,741  Python scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b error occurs
  2,740  Sympy: generate figure with multiple subplots
  2,740  NumPy: use 2D index array from argmin in a 3D slice
  2,740  Fastest way to get all the points between two (X,Y) coordinates in python
  2,738  In python, How do we find the Correlation Coefficient between two matrices?
  2,738  How to select specific columns in numpy array?
  2,738  Extending regressions beyond data in Matplotlib
  2,737  numpy can't transpose row vector into column?
  2,737  List of values to Columns in Pandas DataFrame
  2,736  Generate random locations within a triangular domain
  2,736  Extracting one-hot vector from text
  2,735  Why can I not import TensorFlow package in Python Idle?
  2,735  Python code to quickly reduce the resolution of an image using numpy
  2,734  Python convert a vector into probabilities
  2,734  How to arrange the data for a heatmap pcolormesh?
  2,734  Can numpy argsort handle ties? [duplicate]
  2,733  python exponential function - incorrect exponential values
  2,733  Installing numpy on Amazon EC2 virtualenv
  2,733  how to get a 2d numpy array from a pandas dataframe? - wrong shape
  2,731  How to perform bincount on an array of strings?
  2,731  How do I create a sliding window with a 50% overlap with a numpy array? [duplicate]
  2,730  Pandas insert alternate blank rows
  2,730  How to optimize a nested for loop in Python
  2,730  How can I store and print the top 20% feature names and scores?
  2,729  Use NumPy for 3D vectors
  2,729  Python find most common value in array
  2,729  Pandas Python, Merge dictionaries
  2,728  shuffle and split a data file into training and test set
  2,728  Saving utf-8 encoded text with numpy.savetxt
  2,728  Generating random vectors of Euclidean norm <= 1 in Python?
  2,728  Count no. of specific values in a dataframe pandas [duplicate]
  2,727  Storing multidimensional variable length array with h5py
  2,727  How to deal with HOG feature arrays to use for classification in scikit-learn?
  2,727  gensim word2vec - array dimensions in updating with online word embedding
  2,727  Array Operation Equivalent Python and Matlab
  2,726  Pytorch TypeError: eq() received an invalid combination of arguments
  2,725  slicing multi-dimensional numpy arrays with arrays [duplicate]
  2,724  Why is my Kurtosis function not producing the same output as scipy.stats.kurtosis?
  2,723  Using opencv / Numpy to find white pixels in a color image using python
  2,723  convert a 2D numpy matrix to 2D numpy array
  2,723  Computing complex math equations in python
  2,722  numpy.savetxt IndexError: tuple index out of range
  2,722  Numpy matrix row comparison
  2,722  Convert a binary image to 2D array or Matrix in Python?
  2,721  removing baseline signal using fourier transforms
  2,721  Python numpy array negative indexing
  2,721  Comparing two dictionaries with numpy matrices as values
  2,719  multiple numpy dot products without a loop
  2,719  How can I transform this (100, 100) numpy array into a grayscale sprite in pygame?
  2,718  Cast NumPy array to/from custom C++ Matrix-class using pybind11
  2,717  Replace numbers below threshold # in numpy array with zeroes
  2,717  Python package for signal processing
  2,717  Plot eigenvalues of matrix as function of matrix element
  2,717  Numpy: Reshape array along a specified axis
  2,717  Numpy repeat for 2d array
  2,717  How to reduce time taken For loop in python?
  2,716  Python equivalent of R apply with anonymous function
  2,715  Write data directly to a tar archive
  2,715  TypeError: Image data of dtype object cannot be converted to float
  2,715  Repeat each value of an array two times (numpy)
  2,715  OverflowError: cannot convert float infinity to integer
  2,715  not being able to do numpy operations on values on a dictionary
  2,714  Scipy Sparse Matrix - Dense Vector Multiplication Performance - Blocks vs Large Matrix
  2,714  numpy binary raster image to polygon transformation
  2,714  Modify scipy sparse matrix in place
  2,714  How to extract paches from 3D image in python?
  2,714  How to convert complex numbers back into ''normal'' numbers after performing FFT
  2,713  python 2.7 mac osx interactive plotting with matplotlib not working
  2,712  Rendering a float array to 24-bit RGB image (using PIL for example)
  2,712  Calculating euclidean distance between consecutive points of an array with numpy
  2,711  Find ordered vector in numpy array
  2,710  Append Error Python
  2,709  Getting the indexes to the duplicate columns of a numpy array [duplicate]
  2,708  How to calculate the proportion of values in an array using numpy?
  2,708  Fit data to curve using polyfit with multiple variables in python using numpy polyfit
  2,708  Division with numpy matrices that might result in nan
  2,708  Appending multiple elements to numpy array
  2,707  Iterating through a numpy array and then indexing a value in another array
  2,707  How to split a pandas time-series by NAN values
  2,705  Splitting numpy array into blocks
  2,705  np.where and masked array
  2,705  error: expected activation_4 to have 2 dimensions, but got array with shape (14, 3, 150, 150)
  2,704  python: integrating a piecewise function
  2,704  Multiplying elements in a sparse array with rows in matrix
  2,703  Pandas Calculate CAGR with Slicing
  2,703  OpenCV - Applying BGS + Blob detection to both counting pedestrians and vehicles in a video simultaneously ( Code provided )
  2,703  Difference between pandas rolling_std and np.std on a window of an array
  2,702  How to code a function that accepts float, list or numpy.array?
  2,702  error: (-2) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function imwrite_
  2,702  Element wise matrix multiplication in Theano
  2,701  What is the Python list or NumPy equivalent of Excel's SUMIF function?
  2,701  Is numpy.multiply always equivalent to the * operator? [duplicate]
  2,700  Python, Numpy arrey error
  2,700  Python: How can we match values of predicted and truth values of a regression model
  2,700  plotting orbital trajectories in python
  2,700  Permission Error: Using
  2,700  I got a TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
  2,700  Anaconda and Python Shell
  2,699  What's a simple way to hard code a 6x6 numpy matrix?
  2,698  Using Python Script in Power BI, ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
  2,698  how can i color specific pixels in matplotlib imshow?
  2,696  How To Compare The Date From Two Numpy.datetime64
  2,696  Calculate difference of 2 dates in minutes in pandas
  2,695  PyOpenGL-accelerate + numpy
  2,695  NumPy - calculate histogram intersection
  2,695  Curve fit an exponential decay function in Python using given data points
  2,694  Python version of Matlab Signal Toolbox's tfestimate()? [closed]
  2,693  How to handle mixed data types in numpy arrays
  2,693  How can I keep trailing zeros in a list or np.array?
  2,692  Get the expected array with SciPy's Fisher exact test?
  2,691  Using converter function in genfromtxt fails
  2,691  Python Sklearn linear regression not callable
  2,690  Python size() and len() for list of list
  2,690  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'readlines'
  2,690  Numpy efficient big matrix multiplication
  2,690  Converting rdd of numpy arrays to pyspark dataframe
  2,689  plotting 3d vectors (arrays) in python
  2,689  Object dtype dtype('O') has no native HDF5 equivalent
  2,689  How to change year value in numpy datetime64?
  2,689  Explain this 4D numpy array indexing intuitively
  2,689  Delete all elements in an array corresponding to Boolean mask
  2,688  How to remove all occurrences of an element from NumPy array? [duplicate]
  2,687  How to save a greyscale matplotlib plot to numpy array
  2,687  How to multiply rows in matrices in Python?
  2,686  Python: append to numpy array
  2,686  numpy.random has no attribute 'choice'
  2,686  How to correct shape of Keras input into a 3D array
  2,686  balance numpy array with over-sampling
  2,685  numpy.savetxt() outputs very large files
  2,684  Quadratic Programming in Python using Numpy?
  2,683  Python - Unable to detect face and eye?
  2,683  Python/numpy append arrays, transpose, and save as csv
  2,683  Pyopencl: difference between to_device and Buffer
  2,683  Graph cut with python: How to set up the graph correctly?
  2,682  Scipy fmin_slsqp error ''failed in converting 8th argument `g' of _slsqp.slsqp to C/Fortran array''
  2,680  numpy transforming RGB image to YIQ color space
  2,680  Most Elegant Implementation of MATLAB's ''vec'' Function in NumPy
  2,679  Assigning field names to numpy array in Python 2.7.3
  2,678  Converting dates from HDF5 dataset to numpy array
  2,677  Writing numpy array to file- byte-order issue?
  2,677  What is the difference between numpy ''type identifiers'' and ''types'' within Cython?
  2,677  Python numpy or pandas equivalent of the R function sweep()
  2,677  Numpy gives memory error while running a Python file
  2,677  Convert numpy.array object to PIL image object
  2,677  Append numpy arrays with different dimensions
  2,676  Fourier coefficients for NFFT - non uniform fast Fourier transform?
  2,676  Combined hdf5 files into single dataset
  2,675  Why does numpy Dot product of 2d array with 1d array produce 1d array?
  2,675  Audio Data IO using Numpy/Scipy and PulseAudio
  2,674  Suppress descriptive output when printing pandas dataframe
  2,674  Regression line and fitted curve for scatter plots in matplotlib
  2,674  Python Pandas: How to broadcast an operation using apply without writing a secondary function
  2,674  pcolormesh with user-defined value level
  2,674  grid point interpolation of wrf data to lat lon in python with numpy and scipy
  2,673  fastest way to find the smallest positive real root of quartic polynomial 4 degree in python
  2,672  TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'slice'
  2,671  Fast column shuffle of each row numpy
  2,671  Compute outer product of arrays with arbitrary dimensions
  2,670  Normalize numpy ndarray data
  2,670  Iterate over numpy matrix of unknown dimension
  2,670  How to load the pre-trained doc2vec model and use it's vectors
  2,670  Converting RGB to Grayscale manually tensorflow
  2,668  'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
  2,667  multidimensional numpy array  -  reverse along a given axis
  2,666  Slicing a scipy.sparse.lil_matrix in rows and columns
  2,666  numpy vectorization instead of for loops
  2,666  KeyError when writing NumPy values to GEXF with NetworkX
  2,666  How to categorize floating values in python using pandas library
  2,666  How do I resize an image in Python using scipy.misc.imresize so that it matches the size of another specified image
  2,666  Handling of duplicate indices in NumPy assignments
  2,666  convert image pixels from square to hexagonal
  2,665  Using numpy to write an array to stdout
  2,665  Remove elements that appear more often than once from numpy array
  2,665  Python 2D circular surface in 3D
  2,664  Iterating without for loop in numpy array
  2,664  How to create a sub-matrix in numpy
  2,664  Error during contouring of griddata - Length of x must be number of columns in z, and length of y must be number of rows
  2,663  Python - Create an array from columns in file
  2,663  Pandas read_csv ignore dollar sign when parsing numbers
  2,662  ValueError: Objective function must return a scalar
  2,662  Numpy astype rounding to wrong value
  2,662  Multilayer-perceptron, visualizing decision boundaries (2D) in Python
  2,662  How to compare list of arrays in python?
  2,662  How can I delete some variables in NumPy/SciPy?
  2,662  How can an almost arbitrary plane in a 3D dataset be plotted by matplotlib?
  2,661  Python: Why would numpy.corrcoef() return NaN values?
  2,660  write in file with python
  2,660  pure python code for multivariate linear regression
  2,660  Looking for the fastest way to find the exact overlap between two arrays of equal length in numpy
  2,659  Training CNN with images in sklearn neural net
  2,658  Python scipy.fftpack.rfft frequency bin mapping
  2,658  KDE (kernel density estimation) of Matrix with 13 dimensions using numpy and matplotlib
  2,657  Splice arrays in NumPy?
  2,657  Numpy masked array modification
  2,657  numpy array subclass unexpedly shares attributes across instances
  2,657  cx_freeze - ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  2,656  Python Distribution Fitting with Sum of Square Error (SSE)
  2,656  Pillow and Numpy, getting pixel values
  2,656  matplotlib colors rgb_to_hsv not working right . Maybe need to report it?
  2,656  Cutting Dendrogram/Clustering Tree from SciPy at distance height
  2,655  What is the meaning of numpy reduceat() in python?
  2,655  Finding the intersection of a curve from polyfit
  2,654  convert np.where array to list
  2,653  merging indexed array in Python
  2,653  How do I slice array labels in python pandas?
  2,653  Apply function on a rolling slice of a pandas DataFrame
  2,652  Python - Fitting 2D rectangular data
  2,652  how do I fit 3D data
  2,652  Dividing binary image into 'blocks' of pixel data
  2,652  Convert list of tuples into numpy array
  2,651  Why is random.sample faster than numpy's random.choice?
  2,651  What's the fastest way to convert an interleaved NumPy integer array to complex64?
  2,651  Reducing function call overhead in python
  2,651  Python - ''Keyword cannot be an expression''
  2,650  Best way to get joint probability from 2D numpy
  2,649  numpy.where with like operator
  2,649  Libraries for manipulating multivariate polynomials
  2,648  Speedup MSD calculation in Python
  2,648  How to draw a colored pixel on a grayscale image?
  2,647  Python: Printing Pandas dataframe returns numpy.ndarray Attribute error
  2,647  Iterating over scipy sparse matrix by column
  2,647  Can Numba be used with Tensorflow?
  2,646  Reading and graphing data read from huge files
  2,646  Load npy file from S3 in python
  2,646  Finding notes in a WAV file
  2,645  Issue installing Keras with Tensorflow backend on Anaconda
  2,644  Python Multiprocessing Numpy Random [duplicate]
  2,644  Python: h5py gives OSError: Can't read data (inflate() failed) even though it's opened it before
  2,644  Pandas accessing last non-null value
  2,644  Estimating accuracy with (x == y).mean() - How does it work?
  2,643  Python lazy evaluation numpy ndarray
  2,643  OneHotEncoder TypeError: no supported conversion for types: (dtype('float64'), dtype('O'))
  2,643  Matrix inverse in numpy/python not giving correct matrix?
  2,643  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'inverse_transform'
  2,642  return index less than a threshold value in numpy array?
  2,642  Python function that identifies if the numbers in a list or array are closer to 0 or 1
  2,641  Multiply each row of one array with each element of another array in numpy
  2,641  efficiently convert uneven list of lists to minimal containing array padded with nan
  2,640  ValueError: sequence too large; cannot be greater than 32
  2,640  Python - Pandas, Resample dataset to have balanced classes
  2,640  Failed building wheel, when I am trying to install with pip
  2,640  Copy every nth column of a numpy array
  2,639  Find the index of a value in an array
  2,638  savetxt & close file + python + numpy
  2,638  Python - differentiating an image in the X direction
  2,638  Copy values from numpy array to another array depending on a third value
  2,638  Backpropagation with python/numpy - calculating derivative of weight and bias matrices in neural network
  2,637  Python numpy.cov results in Memory Error
  2,637  Defining a matrix with unknown size in python
  2,636  Python - Zero-Order Hold Interpolation (Nearest Neighbor)
  2,636  numpy argmax when values are equal
  2,636  minimizing a multivariate, differentiable function using scipy.optimize
  2,636  Accessing neighboring cells for numpy array
  2,635  Limit/minimize step size in scipy optimization?
  2,635  I'm getting a TypeError for a += b, but not b += a (numpy)
  2,634  Numpy cumsum considering NaNs
  2,634  Easy parallelization of numpy.apply_along_axis()?
  2,634  Declaring numpy array and c pointer in cython
  2,633  Optimal extraction of columns from numpy matrix
  2,633  Issue with numpy.concatenation
  2,633  How to set the number of digits after the decimal place displayed in a numpy float?
  2,633  Data compression in python/numpy
  2,631  Python KeyError: 1.0
  2,631  Pairwise displacement vectors among set of points
  2,631  Numpy / Scipy - Sparse matrix to vector
  2,630  How to install numpy for python 2.7.9
  2,630  Efficiently change order of numpy array
  2,628  Python: What's the proper way to convert between python bool and numpy bool_?
  2,628  Python error: len() of unsized object while using statsmodels with one row of data
  2,628  Convert a tensor to numpy array in keras
  2,627  Thresholding of probabilities in a binary classification
  2,627  Split NumPy array according to values in the array (a condition)
  2,627  Nested Structured Numpy Array
  2,627  How to efficiently compare rows in a pandas DataFrame?
  2,625  Fit erf function to data
  2,625  Concatinating multiple Data frames of different length
  2,625  Change shape of multi-dimensional NumPy array without changing dimensions
  2,624  How to sum NaN in numpy?
  2,623  numpy: is it possible to preserve the dtype of columns when using column_stack
  2,623  How to calculate error for polynomial fitting (in slope and intercept)
  2,622  Read and save data file with variable number of columns in python
  2,622  Python package that supports weighted covariance computation
  2,622  Numpy - Normalize RGB image dataset
  2,621  Copying bytes in Python from Numpy array into string or bytearray
  2,621  Calculate sums with large binomial coefficients
  2,620  Sort numpy string array with negative numbers?
  2,620  get a numpy array from a sequence of images in a folder
  2,620  Ensuring positive definite covariance matrix
  2,619  How to calculate T-test from two Pandas data frame row-by-row
  2,619  get channel name with nptdms
  2,619  Fitting a 3D array of data to a 1D function with numpy or scipy
  2,619  -9999 as missing value with numpy.genfromtxt()
  2,618  proper way to replace NaN value from another dataframe on column match in pandas
  2,617  The model from Keras give me same output
  2,617  Install Numpy in VirtualEnv on Windows
  2,617  How to speed up numpy array-filling in python?
  2,616  Using Matplotlib and numpy to plot a system of equations
  2,616  ReLU Prime with NumPy array
  2,616  How do I convert an array of arrays into a multi-dimensional array in Python?
  2,616  How do I automatically link to a parameter type in ReST docstrings in Sphinx?
  2,615  Why does Python copy NumPy arrays where the length of the dimensions are the same?
  2,615  Why does numpy.random.dirichlet() not accept multidimensional arrays?
  2,615  Using numpy to square value gives negative number
  2,615  Replace character in numpy ndarray (Python)
  2,615  NumPy: sum every n columns of matrix
  2,615  Numpy array taking too much memory
  2,615  how to read an outputted fortran binary NxNxN matrix into Python
  2,615  Grouping indices of unique elements in numpy
  2,615  Faster way to convert list of objects to numpy array
  2,615  Adding lambda functions with the same operator in python
  2,614  scipy.optimize with non linear constraints
  2,614  Python - How to create an empty numpy array and append to it, like lists [duplicate]
  2,614  numpy: reorder array by specified values
  2,614  Numpy concatenate for arrays with same rows but different columns
  2,613  importing a python sparse matrix into MATLAB
  2,613  Finding intersection between straight line and contour
  2,613  3D plot with categorical axis [Python/Matplotlib]
  2,612  numpy find the max value in a row and return back to it's column index
  2,611  TypeError when attempting cross validation in sklearn
  2,611  numpy: Replacing values in a recarray
  2,611  numpy: Possible for zero determinant matrix to be inverted?
  2,610  What kind of noise is this?
  2,610  numpy arange for floating point start & stop
  2,610  Creating N-dimensional dynamical array based on user's input?
  2,610  combining vectors as column matrix in numpy
  2,610  AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'as_matrix' Why is it error?
  2,609  Storing the values of an iteration to a numpy array - Python, Numpy
  2,609  numpy - Sample repeatedly from matrix using np.random.choice
  2,609  Numpy repeating a row or column
  2,609  In Python, calculate the softmax of an array column-wise using numpy
  2,609  Cannot Find the Correct Working Directory in Python Spyder
  2,609  3 dimensional numpy array to multiindex pandas dataframe
  2,608  What are the loc and scale parameters in scipy.stats.maxwell?
  2,608  trouble getting cv.transform to work
  2,608  Numba jit warnings interpretation in python
  2,608  How to fix an ''ImportError: No module named numpy'' on AWS EC2 Server with AMI Linux but it installed?
  2,608  Fastest way to calculate exponential [exp()] function of large complex array in Python
  2,607  How to randomly set elements in numpy array to 0
  2,606  Writing .npy (numpy binary format) from java
  2,606  Numpy test() finished with errors
  2,606  Numpy Array Broadcasting with different dimensions
  2,606  Manual installation SciPy, NumPy, MatPlotlib (Windows)
  2,606  How to vectorize the evaluation of bilinear & quadratic forms?
  2,606  daily data, resample every 3 days, calculate over trailing 5 days efficiently
  2,605  TF: Fetch argument x has invalid type <type 'numpy.float32'>, must be a string or Tensor. (Can not convert a float32 into a Tensor or Operation.)
  2,605  Python calculate lots of distances quickly
  2,605  how to generate rectangular impulse with numpy/scipy
  2,603  What does mpf in the mpmath mean?
  2,603  ValueError: Maximum allowed size exceeded, variable will range from 0 to 3e33
  2,603  numpy only perform function on nonzero parts while preserving structure of array
  2,602  Numpy and diff()
  2,602  How to change background cell color according with a given key in pandas?
  2,601  Removing max and min elements of array from mean calculation
  2,601  Python: Designing a time-series filter after Fourier analysis
  2,601  Combine or join numpy arrays
  2,600  python setuptools and easy_install numpy question
  2,600  Passing numpy arrays from python to javascript
  2,600  pandas dataframe groupby a number of rows
  2,600  A colon before a number in numpy array
  2,599  numexpr.evaluate(''a+b'',out=a)
  2,598  Python numpy array assign values to each column according to row
  2,597  matplotlib slider for parameters
  2,597  Linear and circular convolution in Python
  2,596  numpy arange implementation on pandas dataframe
  2,596  New To Visual Studio Code, having problems with pandas/numpy
  2,596  Histogram from pandas DataFrame
  2,595  Why does append overwrite the list with the element being added?
  2,594  Two ways to join lists in dataframe: as rows and columns
  2,594  Python 2.7 ImportError: No module named numpy
  2,594  Matrix multiplication with SFrame and SArray with Graphlab and/or Numpy
  2,594  How to extend h5py so that I can access data within a hdf5 file?
  2,594  Fast numpy roll
  2,592  Skip Rows with missing values in genfromtxt
  2,592  Concatenate 3-d arrays python
  2,591  Turn NumPy Array of characters into a string
  2,590  Merging to numpy arrays with different column dimensions
  2,590  How to recompile Numpy with enabled OpenMP directives
  2,590  Frequency resolution issue using FFT in numpy
  2,589  Use numpy.average with weights for resampling a pandas array
  2,589  Slow python image processing with PIL and numpy
  2,589  Numpy installation API version mismatch
  2,588  RawArray from numpy array?
  2,588  Memory error in python using numpy array
  2,588  Docstring format for input numpy arrays with mandatory datatype and dimensions
  2,587  numpy.loadtxt: load a range of columns
  2,587  numpy get sub matrix from 2d matrix
  2,587  How can I map python callable over numpy array in both elegant and efficient way?
  2,587  Find location of pair of elements in two arrays in numpy
  2,587  Converting an array to positive indicator
  2,586  Numpy: Create a mask array to select rectangle
  2,586  for huge arrays is numpy slower than list? [duplicate]
  2,585  Is this a memory leak? (python + numpy)
  2,585  How to speed up itertools combinations?
  2,584  Iterating over numpy arrays to compare columns of different arrays
  2,583  Understanding format of data in scikit-learn
  2,583  Converting a list of points to a numpy 2D array
  2,582  Reconstructing SVD in Python
  2,582  calculating the curl of u and v wind components in satellite data - Python
  2,581  timedelta64 and datetime conversion
  2,581 from tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory?
  2,581  Numpy Install/Build Mac Osx
  2,581  How can I select the pixels that fall within a contour in an image represented by a numpy array?
  2,580  Trouble installing numpy for Python 3.3 on OSX 10.8
  2,580  scipy.optimize.curve_fit error- result from function not a proper array of floats
  2,580  Reading and writing an array in a file using C functions in cython
  2,580  Python & Pandas - pd.Series difference between int32 and int64
  2,580  Keras - Error when checking target
  2,580  Efficient way of merging two numpy masked arrays
  2,580  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numpy
  2,579  Using numpy in AWS Lambda
  2,579  Numpy import from CSV and convert columns to float [duplicate]
  2,579  ImportError: cannot import name '__check_build'
  2,579  how to extract required dimension from a numpy array
  2,579  Expanding NumPy array over extra dimension
  2,578  OpenCV iterating through contours
  2,578  Numpy/Scipy Connected Components
  2,577  Use of global dictionary to create variables
  2,576  weighted covariance matrix in numpy
  2,576  How to optimally apply a function on all items of a dataframe using inputs from another dataframe?
  2,575  Replace specific values in a matrix using Python
  2,575  Python numpy where function with datetime
  2,575  numpy array multiplication slower than for loop with vector multiplication?
  2,575  how to convert image to dataset to process machine learning
  2,574  smooth, generalised 2D linear interpolation in python
  2,573  How to convert a numpy complex array to a two element float array?
  2,573  FuncAnimation with a matrix
  2,573  Convert 2 images to numpy arrays and compare pixel by pixel
  2,572  How to get error estimates for fit parameters in
  2,571  Multiplication of two arrays in numpy
  2,571  How to convert a vtkimage into a numpy array
  2,571  Generate a NumPy array with powers of 2
  2,570  Seaborn matplotlib: Cannot get window extent w/o renderer (RuntimeError)
  2,570  Python: How to use functions inside numpy?
  2,570  Python Error: 'numpy.bool_' object is not iterable
  2,569  Python fsolve() complains about shape. Why?
  2,567  Getting a slice of a numpy ndarray (for arbitary dimensions)
  2,567  Finding a local Maxima/minimum using python
  2,566  writing a train_test_split function with numpy
  2,566  What's the difference between ''numpy.add(a,b)'' and ''a+b''?
  2,566  SciPy PearsonR ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  2,566  Passing multiple columns of a 2D array into a lambda function and returning a single column array
  2,566  pandas not in, in and between
  2,565  Python 2D Gaussian Fit with NaN Values in Data
  2,565  Memory error (MemoryError) when creating a boolean NumPy array (Python)
  2,564  Why does behave in this way?
  2,564  set new index for pandas DataFrame (interpolating?)
  2,564  AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'shape'
  2,563  Numpy: possible better formatting?
  2,562  NumPy - Iterate over 2D list and print (row,column) index
  2,562  Does [:] slice only make shallow copy of a list?
  2,562  Candlestick data in list to matplotlib
  2,561  TypeError: '(slice(0, 201617, 1), slice(None, None, None))' is an invalid key
  2,561  py2exe with enthought and pandas
  2,560  Quickest way to convert 1D byte array to 2D numpy array
  2,560  Python pandas dataframe- remove columns from header
  2,559  Object Tracking: MATLAB vs. Python Numpy
  2,559  numpy dimensions
  2,559  How to calculate normal inverse cumulative distribution function efficiently in Python
  2,558  Python, how to convert spline defined by x;y list of point into NURB curve
  2,558  MySQLdb query to Numpy array
  2,557  Why use arrays of shape (x,) rather than (x,1)? [duplicate]
  2,557  Speeding up distance matrix computation with Numpy and Cython
  2,557  numpy csv import problem
  2,556  How to convert from a dtype('o') to a dtype(float) in numpy?
  2,555  Vectorized groupby with NumPy
  2,555  Reading text file with numpy.loadtxt
  2,555  Can not reset the axes
  2,554  Numpy where returns empty array
  2,554  How to find the Null Space of a matrix in Python using numpy?
  2,553  Remove elements from one array if present in another array, keep duplicates - NumPy / Python
  2,553  h5py - HDF5 database randomly returning NaNs and near very small data with multiple readers?
  2,553  Comparison with boolean numpy arrays VS PEP8 E712
  2,552  I can't open my Excel file on python, using pandas
  2,551  imwrite merged image : writing image after adding alpha channel to it opencv python
  2,551  How to get around this memoryview error in numpy?
  2,550  Memory Error when,B), where A is 250000x108 float matrix, B is transpose of A
  2,550  How to install h5py (+numpy+libhdf5+ ... ) as non-root on a Debian Linux system
  2,550  Detect consecutive dates in pandas series of DatetimeIndex
  2,549  How to get the rolling(window = 3).max() on a numpy.ndarray?
  2,549  Count zero rows in 2D numpy array
  2,549  Broadcasting vs tf.matmul for tensor-matrix multiplication (Shape must be rank 2 but is rank 3 error)
  2,548  Loading UTF-8 file in Python 3 using numpy.genfromtxt()
  2,548  How to turn a numpy array mask (boolean) into floats or ints
  2,547  SciPy + Numpy: Finding the slope of a sigmoid curve
  2,547  Python, Numpy, and OLS
  2,547  getting errors when trying to install matplotlib and numpy using pip
  2,547  Efficient element-wise matrix division when elements in denominator may be zero
  2,546  Vectorizing Haversine distance calculation in Python
  2,546  Multiprocessing - using the Managers Namespace to save memory
  2,546  Minor of matrix
  2,546  Construct a matrix using a for loop
  2,545  Why are numpy functions so slow on pandas series / dataframes?
  2,545  Rolling median for a large dataset - python
  2,545  How to fold/accumulate a numpy matrix product (dot)?
  2,545  How do I downsample a 1d numpy array?
  2,545  convert unicode array to numpy
  2,544  Use of fsolve and numpy
  2,544  Scipy sparse matrix assignment using only stored elements
  2,544  Saving data to h5
  2,544  Numpy - multiple 3d array with a 2d array
  2,544  Histogram for data with periodic boundary conditions
  2,544  FindContours of a single channel image in OpenCv (Python)
  2,543  numpy multiple slicing booleans
  2,543  Matlab random vs np.randn
  2,543  Getting eigenvalues from 3x3 matrix in Python using Power method
  2,542  How does matplotlib's histogramdd work?
  2,542  How can I transform the histograms of grayscale images to enforce a particular ratio of highlights/midtones/shadows?
  2,542  Converting log values back to number
  2,542  @(at) operator at Python, how to use it? [duplicate]
  2,541  What's the most efficient way to select a non-rectangular ROI of an Image in OpenCV?
  2,541  TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' : prblem with NumPy arrays
  2,540  Reading numpy arrays outside of Python
  2,540  matplotlib.pyplot.imsave backend
  2,540  Cannot reshape array of size into shape
  2,539  Abstract matrix multiplication with variables
  2,538  Printing matrix with numpy, python
  2,538  numpy matrix to pandas Series
  2,538  Iterating a function over the RGB values of individual pixels
  2,538  How can I add small 2D array to larger array?
  2,538  Find missing values in NumPy array of dtype obj
  2,538  Finding heteroscedasticity in time series
  2,538  Catching numpy runtimewarning as exception and suppressing them
  2,537  Insert a Python list of lists in MySQL
  2,536  Python - The best way to read a sparse file into a sparse matrix
  2,536  Python matplotlib get data with cursor from plot
  2,536  How to find the minimum value from a part of a column in numpy array?
  2,536  Calculate power of FFT Frequency component
  2,535  Installing f2py in ubuntu
  2,535  How to convert triangle matrix to square in NumPy?
  2,535  Calculate euclidean norm of 100 points of n-dimensions?
  2,534  Numpy: Linear system with specific conditions. No negative solutions
  2,532  What is an efficient way to scale a int16 numpy array to a int8 numpy array
  2,532  Scatter plot marker size calculation
  2,532  Numpy: Comparison within Multidimensional array values
  2,532  How to properly cast mpmath matrix to numpy ndarray ( and mpmath.mpf to float)
  2,532  Distance calculation on matrix using numpy
  2,532  Assign column and row labels to merged numpy arrays?
  2,532  A kernel matrix 3x3 on an array of an image / Gaussian filter
  2,531  Saving to hdf5 is very slow (Python freezing)
  2,531  Python float types vs Decimal
  2,531  creating histogram from 2d array python
  2,531  Could not broadcast input array from shape (8,8,3) into shape (8,8,2048,3)
  2,530  Subtract pandas columns from a specified column
  2,530  Numpy.where used with list of values
  2,530  numpy: Computing mean and std over multiple non-consecutive axes (2nd attempt)
  2,530  Modify numpy array section in-place using boolean indexing
  2,530  Find Unique Dates in Numpy Datetime Array
  2,529  finding identical rows and columns in a numpy array
  2,529  array of neighbor averages
  2,528  Remove the numba.lowering.LoweringError: Internal error
  2,528  Numpy Advanced Indexing with 1D array
  2,528  Inverse filtering using Python
  2,528  Concatenating numpy arrays vertically and horizontally
  2,527  How to use group by and return rows with null values
  2,527  How to obtain the Jacobian from the returned data of the leastsq()?
  2,527  efficient, fast numpy histograms
  2,527  Classify elements of a numpy array using a second array as reference
  2,526  Matlab to Python Conversion
  2,526  Extract specific bytes from a binary file in Python
  2,526  Difference between data sets
  2,525  Python: 64bit Numpy?
  2,525  Numpy random choice to produce a 2D-array with all unique values
  2,525  Find all positions in a NumPy array that contain a substring (most efficient?)
  2,524  Setting numpy slice in lambda function
  2,524  numpy.arange divide by zero error
  2,521  ValueError Scikit learn. Number of features of model don't match input
  2,521  Using sklearn.metrics Jaccard Index with images?
  2,521  Recursively defining an N-dimensional numpy array
  2,521  Pythonic way to compute sensitivity and specificity
  2,521  IPython: how to automagically load npz file and assign values to variables?
  2,521  How to get azimuth and elevation from a matplotlib figure
  2,521  Bypass ''Array is too big'' python error
  2,520  Want to append 2 2d arrays in numpy
  2,520  Python numpy.var returning wrong values
  2,520  Making a numpy array with mixed types and writing it as csv
  2,519  How to specify a random seed while using Python's numpy random choice?
  2,519  How to sort a numpy array into a specific order, specified by a separate list, based on the relative sizes of the values in the array
  2,519  Extracting a feature by feature name in scikit dict vectorizer
  2,519  Efficiently Reshaping/Reordering Numpy Array to Properly Ordered Tiles (Image)
  2,519  Convert a list of strings into a dataframe [duplicate]
  2,518  Python print error: %d format: a number is required, not tuple
  2,517  What does the unary operator ~ do in numpy?
  2,516  What causes this NameError: name 'ax' is not defined in my Python code?
  2,516  increasing NumPy memory limit
  2,515  Ubuntu 14.04 Installing Numpy and Scipy without Root Access
  2,515  shuffle data in train test split function sklearn returns error
  2,515  how to multiply 2 matrices (Python)
  2,514  Numpy array assignment inside class
  2,514  How to read two columns using python
  2,514  How to change the arrow head style in matplotlib annotate?
  2,514  Compress an array in python?
  2,513  Read Large Gzip Files in Python
  2,513  Alternative for r's Exponential smoothing state space model in python/scikit/numpy
  2,512  Numpy array dot product
  2,512  Changing WAV format from 32-bit floating point to 16 bit PCM
  2,511  How do I define a conditional function using sympy?
  2,511  Creating 1D zero array in Octave
  2,510  using pip to install packages locally in spite of satisfied global requirements
  2,509  Parseval's theorem in Python
  2,509  how to solve 3 nonlinear equations in python
  2,509  Error when using rot90 on 3D numpy array with 3 arguments
  2,508  Detection of rectangles using Hough Transformation. Encountered this error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
  2,507  MLP Neural Network: calculating the gradient (matrices)
  2,507  Create a Numpy FFT Bandpass Filter
  2,506  Speed up iteration over Numpy arrays / OpenCV cv2 image
  2,506  Disable warnings originating from scipy
  2,505  strptime() argument 0 must be str, not <class 'bytes'>
  2,505  How to convert RGB image to one-hot encoded 3d array based on color using numpy?
  2,505  How to check the current version of numpy in the source code?
  2,504  python generate histogram/pareto chart on keywords
  2,504  How to select a portion of a NumPy array efficiently?
  2,504  Fast method to retrieve contour mask from a binary mask in Python
  2,503  Occasional ctypes error importing numpy from mod_wsgi django app
  2,503  LU decomposition with pivoting in numpy
  2,502  Python RuntimeWarning overflow encountered in double_scalars
  2,502  Python Pandas: How can I search for a string in a column? [duplicate]
  2,502  Numpy array to dictionary
  2,501  PyTorch CUDA vs Numpy for arithmetic operations? Fastest?
  2,501  Python: Creating multiple plots in one figure with for loop
  2,500  scipy.integrate.quad precision on big numbers
  2,500  Numpy: vectorization for multiple values
  2,500  Can I trick numpy.histogram into behaving like numpy.bincount?
  2,499  Interpolate irregular 3d data from a XYZ file to a regular grid
  2,498  Ignoring duplicate entries in sparse matrix
  2,498  AttributeError: 'DType' object has no attribute 'type' Tensorflow Serving
  2,497  Scipy optimize.curve_fit sometimes won't converge
  2,497  Geometric warp of image in python
  2,497  Constrained np.polyfit
  2,496  Variables in NumPy
  2,496  Python ValueError: cannot copy sequence to array
  2,496  Get point IDs after clustering, using python [duplicate]
  2,496  Finding intersection of two matrices in Python within a tolerance?
  2,496  Downsampling large 3D image in numpy
  2,496  Data structure for custom indexing
  2,495  Speed up numpy matrix inverse
  2,495  Plotting a sum in python
  2,495  Memory error when using Numpy load text
  2,495  Finding coordinate points of intersection with two numpy arrays
  2,494  Optimizing my Cython/Numpy code? Only a 30% performance gain so far
  2,494  How can i pythonically us opencv to find a a basketball in an image?
  2,494  Fast way to quantize numpy vectors
  2,494  empty, zero and non-zero pixels representation in Matplotlib
  2,493  Scipy ndimage median_filter origin
  2,493  Python: gridding point X,Y, and Z in order to extract statistical attribute
  2,493  Create a matrix from a list of key-value pairs
  2,492  Unsupported type for timedelta
  2,492  Plotting mathematica data with python
  2,491  What is the reason for an unhandled win32 exception in an installer program?
  2,491  Use SWIG to wrap C++ <vector> as python NumPy array
  2,491  Multiply array of different size
  2,491  Installing Numpy for Python 3.3 on Mac Mavericks OS 10.9
  2,490  Python on Windows error: python25.dll not found
  2,490  How can I add a small matrix into a big one with numpy?
  2,490  Convert OpenCV IplImage* data to numpy array
  2,489  ValueError: shapes (1,1000) and (1,1000) not aligned: 1000 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0) When with two matrices
  2,489  Python Numpy Structured Array (recarray) assigning values into slices
  2,488  Solution to Error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  2,488  Convert NumPy arrays to Pandas Dataframe with columns
  2,488  Can I use lambdify to evaluate the derivative of a python function?
  2,487  Speeding up dynamic programming in python/numpy
  2,487  Python Bar charts are overlapping
  2,487  How to read this ASCII data into Python lists or numpy arrays?
  2,487  Convert a MATLAB matrix object to a python NumPy array
  2,486  pandas: add new column that increment every several rows
  2,486  load a certain number of rows from csv with numpy
  2,486  Backpropagation with Rectified Linear Units
  2,485  numpy Loadtxt function seems to be consuming too much memory
  2,485  Is it possible to anchor a matplotlib annotation to a data coordinate in the x-axis, but to a relative location in the y-axis?
  2,485  How to make NumPy create a matrix with Strings and floats
  2,485  Finding the index of a numpy array in a list
  2,485  Binary Matrix Multiplication with OR Instead of Sum
  2,485  axis 0 is out of bounds for array of dimension 0
  2,484  Plotting a hydrograph-precipitation plot
  2,484  Finding matching submatrices inside a matrix
  2,483  How to calculate all 24 rotations of 3d array?
  2,483  Exponential Fitting with Scipy.Optimise Curve_fit not working
  2,482  Using NumPy to Find Median of Second Element of List of Tuples
  2,482  ''pip3 install numpy'' fails on brewed Python 3.5
  2,482  numpy vectorization of double python for loop
  2,482  Converting 2D Numpy array to a list of 1D columns
  2,481  Why doesn't setup_requires work properly for numpy?
  2,481  numpy.poly1d , root-finding optimization, shifting polynom on x-axis
  2,480  scipy eigh gives negative eigenvalues for positive semidefinite matrix
  2,480  Numpy inpaint nans interpolate AND extrapolate
  2,480  Get corner values in Python numpy ndarray
  2,480  Assembling Numpy Array in Parallel
  2,479  Python mask image pixels from a set of values
  2,479  Prevent pandas from reading None as Nan
  2,479  Changing numpy structured array dtype names and formats
  2,478  loop through numpy arrays, plot all arrays to single figure (matplotlib)
  2,477  Euclidean distance between matrix and vector
  2,477  Calculating the mean across multiple files
  2,475  Tensorflow variable images size within single batch
  2,475  Python opencv and dicom files
  2,475  Numpy: find the euclidean distance between two 3-D arrays
  2,475  How to substitute symbol for matrix using symPy and numPy
  2,475  How to convert a Numpy array of int to string in Python?
  2,475  Cython numpy array indexing
  2,474  Numpy - summing up a list of vectors
  2,474  Is there a way to create column vectors in numpy without having to create a list of lists? [duplicate]
  2,473  Numpy - find rows where all elements are finite
  2,473  linear regression line with matplotlib gives ValueError
  2,473  AttributeError: 'LinearSVC' object has no attribute 'classes_'
  2,473  Am I using Numpy to calculate the Inverse Filter correctly?
  2,472  Import errors after upgrading to sklearn 0.15
  2,472  How to append the list's values to a 3D array - python and opencv
  2,472  Calculating norm of columns as vectors in a matrix
  2,471  Q2: AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'size'
  2,471  Numpy C API: Link several object files
  2,471  Keras: convert pretrained weights between theano and tensorflow
  2,471  creating a boolean array which compares numpy elements to None
  2,470  Removing NaNs in numpy arrays
  2,470  Python error when calling NumPy from class method with map
  2,469  Remove nan rows in a scipy sparse matrix
  2,469  Linear regression with a forced zero intercept
  2,469  Change the shape of an array using another array
  2,468  Reshape array to rgb matrix
  2,468  How can I speed up transition matrix creation in Numpy?
  2,467  Parallel matrix-vector multiplication in numpy
  2,467  How to use fmt in numpy savetxt to align information in each column
  2,467  Calling numpy function from C-code
  2,466  Should I use numpy (or pylab) as a python environment by using `from numpy import *`?
  2,466  python syntax error in matplotlib
  2,465  Numpy fill_diagonal return None
  2,465  Join two python arrays via index
  2,464  Packages not working, using Anaconda
  2,464  Comparing Python accelerators (Cython,Numba,f2py) to Numpy einsum
  2,463  Unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'generator' and 'int'
  2,462  numpy array, difference between a /= x vs. a = a / x
  2,462  How to convert pandas dataframe columns to native python data types?
  2,462  How can one efficiently remove a range of rows from a large numpy array?
  2,461  numpy: summing along all but last axis
  2,461  How can I find the critical points of a 2D array in python?
  2,460  Finding solutions to row reduced matrix python
  2,459  Numpy savetxt loop
  2,459  Numpy extract row, column and value from a matrix
  2,459  How to vectorize 3D Numpy arrays
  2,459  How to get the rank of a column in numpy 2d array?
  2,459  converting text to datetime64 in numpy
  2,458  Why are numpy calculations not affected by the global interpreter lock?
  2,458  Random integers from an exponential distribution between min and max
  2,458  Python - C embedded Segmentation fault
  2,458  How to compute the median and 68% confidence interval around the median of non-Gaussian distribution in Python?
  2,457  Python Pandas Dictionary with numpy arrays
  2,457  Centering a Numpy array of images
  2,456  Pairwise haversine distance calculation
  2,456  Numba and Cython aren't improving the performance compared to CPython significantly, maybe I am using it incorrectly?
  2,455  tensorflow.python.framework.errors.InvalidArgumentError: Field 0 in record 0 is not a valid int32: 1 0
  2,455  Count unique values in each numpy array column
  2,454  Fitting a Lognormal Distribution in Python using CURVE_FIT
  2,454  Draw 3D plot with minimal interpolation
  2,454  Determining if a color is within a contour OpenCV
  2,453  Python - What are the major improvement of Pandas over Numpy/Scipy
  2,453  Difference between ALL 1D points in array with python diff()?
  2,452  Piecewise linear fit with n breakpoints
  2,452  Non-linear Least Squares Fitting (2-dimensional) in Python
  2,451  Dealing with zeros in numpy array normalization
  2,451  Creating 3rd order tensors with python and numpy
  2,450  Randomly shuffle items in each row of numpy array
  2,450  Python: creating and copying numpy arrays in Numba?
  2,450  NaNs in pandas.DataFrame not printing to Excel
  2,450  Deleting multiple slices from a numpy array
  2,449  Safer way to expose a C-allocated memory buffer using numpy/ctypes?
  2,448  Why does this numpy array comparison fail?
  2,448  How to plot the Eigenvalues when solving matrix coupled differential equations in PYTHON?
  2,448  How to generate a matrix with circle of ones in numpy/scipy
  2,447  scikit-learn install failure / numpy not found / missing numpy headers
  2,445  Weird loadtxt behaviour, script that worked previously not working after reinstall
  2,445  Sorting numpy matrix for a given column
  2,445  Numpy print a 1d array as a column
  2,445  Jython: ImportError: No module named multiarray
  2,445  Conditional Replace within a Column of a Numpy Array
  2,445  Cannot cast array data from dtype('complex128') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe'
  2,444  Numpy Python: Sorting columns of an array in alphabetical order
  2,444  How does numpy handle mmap's over npz files?
  2,443  No conversion path for dtype ('<U1') issue
  2,443  Crop multiple faces from a picture using opencv and store them in a folder
  2,442  savetxt to file giving error
  2,442  Representing Graph with Numpy Array
  2,442  Python - Log Transformation on variables using numpy
  2,442  IronPython unable to run script that imports numpy
  2,442  Different standard deviation for same input from Wolfram and numpy
  2,442  Delimiter error from np.loadtxt Python
  2,441  python read file in certain format
  2,441  How do I concatenate two one-dimensional arrays in NumPy?
  2,441  Extracting data from numpy array
  2,441  Create mpf from array
  2,441  Compute percentile rank relative to a given population
  2,440  ANOVA over time in Python, what am I doing?
  2,439  Fastest way to find non-finite values
  2,439  Calculate Distance between numpy arrays
  2,438  Seaborn distplot: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
  2,438  Linking Libraries using f2py
  2,437  Saving numpy array to txt file as a single column?
  2,437  Numpy: index array by array
  2,437  Installing packages in Python 2.7.9 [duplicate]
  2,437  Element-wise subtraction of two numpy arrays
  2,436  Is it possible to update / add to a numpy histogram (specifically, numpy.histogram2d) that is already populated?
  2,436  Any way to create a NumPy matrix with C API?
  2,435  Numpy Array Slicing
  2,435  Install Numpy in Python 3.4.4 and Linux [duplicate]
  2,434  Why does require so much memory in numpy?
  2,434  looking for a 3D version of numpy.linalg.norm
  2,434  How to get column name for second largest row value in pandas DataFrame
  2,433  Python import works in interpreter, doesn't work in script Numpy/Matplotlib
  2,433  plot 3d in python using three lists
  2,433  finding the area of a closed 2d uniform cubic B-spline
  2,433  Appending rows onto a numpy matrix
  2,432  Specify number of samples in a segment for Short-time Fourier Transform using SciPy stft function
  2,432  Precision of cdf in scipy.stats
  2,432  Numpy: Replace every n element in the first half of an array
  2,432  How to remove columns from a file using pandas DataFrame.drop with a list of column headers read in from a second file
  2,432  How to create or fill an numpy array with another array?
  2,431  ''ValueError: Not a location id (Invalid object id)'' while creating HDF5 datasets
  2,431  Error installing and using numpy
  2,430  Matplotlib: ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension Error
  2,430  Index 2D numpy array by a 2D array of indices without loops
  2,430  Implementing Topic Model with Python (numpy)
  2,430  How to random sample a 2-parameter weibull distribution in python
  2,430  Fastest way to check which interval index a value is
  2,430  dtype usage when converting list to numpy array
  2,429  python - KL divergence on numpy arrays with different lengths
  2,429  Numpy matrix operations
  2,429  How to append a list as a row in pandas.DataFrame()?
  2,429  Get the mean value of list containing NaNs in Python
  2,429  draw random element in numpy
  2,428  Python: Non diagonal elements of a matrix to 0
  2,428  Getting indices of a specific value in numpy array
  2,428  Flushing numpy memmap to npy file
  2,428  conda-forge: Why does Conda inconsistently want to downgrade NumPy?
  2,428  Comparing two lines in csv file - Python
  2,428  Checking for both NaT or pandas timestamp
  2,427  Pick random coordinates in Numpy array based on condition
  2,427  pandas Dataframe groupby, sort groups by absolute value
  2,427  Finding shape of saved numpy array (.npy or .npz) without loading into memory
  2,426  Using np.where to find matching row in 2D array
  2,426  Making ROC curve using python for multiclassification
  2,426  Iterate over a matrix, sum over some rows and add the result to another array
  2,426  install mlpy 3.5.0 on mac 10.9 error.Please help me
  2,426  Finding an array elements location in a pandas frame column (a.k.a pd.series)
  2,425  Triangular contour with meshgrid
  2,424  Using numpy.bincount with array weights
  2,424  import scipy.sparse failed
  2,424  How to create a synthetic dataset
  2,423  Buildin a sparse 2D laplacian matrix using SciPy modules
  2,422  Numpy analog for Jython [duplicate]
  2,422  Issues in opening and reading .mat files in python
  2,422  deleting rows of a numpy array based on uniqueness of a value
  2,420  Python fit a distribution to a bell curve
  2,420  numpy multidimensional indexing and the function 'take'
  2,419  resampling of 2D numpy array
  2,419  np.subtract.outer() returning more dimensions than I expect
  2,418  Using a graph-tool efficiently
  2,418  TensorFlow: Dimension not compatible error in convolutional network
  2,418  Filter pandas (python) dataframe based on partial strings in a list
  2,418  Fastest way to merge pandas dataframe on ranges
  2,418  Dot product of every element with every other element of an array
  2,417  striping space from all columns values in pandas
  2,417  numpy.core.multiarray failed to import while invoking python module through C++ application developed in xcode
  2,417  Most efficient way to stretch an image in Python NumPy
  2,417  Bug or feature: cloning a numpy array w/ slicing
  2,416  Pandas: groupby and get index of first row matching condition
  2,416  How to compare value in list without using loop in python?
  2,416  How to add ones to matrix?
  2,416  AttributeError: 'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'timestamp' in python 3.5 in Anaconda
  2,415  numpy  -  Transform non-contiguous data to contiguous data in place
  2,414  Volume under ''plane'' defined by data points - python
  2,414  value error trying to install numpy on windows 8
  2,414  memory error in numpy svd
  2,414  How to make mpmath function return python float?
  2,413  How to convert a wand image object to numpy array (without OpenCV)?
  2,412  Tensorflow: Numpy equivalent of tf batches and reshape
  2,412  ImportError: cannot import name NumpyTest
  2,412  How to work around the ValueError: array is too big error?
  2,412  How to effectively scan 2d numpy array?
  2,411  Visualize matplotlib histogram bin counts directly on the graph
  2,411  Sklearn - Cannot use encoded data in Random forest classifier
  2,411  How to read a hex file into numpy array
  2,410  np.squeeze for assignments
  2,410  Isolate greatest/smallest labeled patches from numpy array
  2,409  Trying to generate random x,y coordinates within a ring in python
  2,409  Plotting stacked histograms in python using matplotlib
  2,409  Fitting an exponential modified gaussian curve to data with Python
  2,409  Editing Python plot surface ticks and their frequency
  2,409  compress numpy array(matrix) by removing columns using another numpy array as mask
  2,409  Append Numpy array to correct shape
  2,408  Treat nan as zero in numpy array summation except for nan in all arrays
  2,407  Python: Get array indexes of quartiles
  2,407  Numpy roll vertical in 2d array
  2,407  Creating a random matrix in python
  2,406  Python PANDAS: How to Reverse One-Hot Encoding Back to Categorical [duplicate]
  2,406  numpy array assign values from another array
  2,406  Create numpy array from python list
  2,405  Using numpy.random.normal with arrays
  2,405  Share a numpy array in gunicorn processes
  2,405  Removing completely isolated cells from Python array?
  2,405  Pandas DataFrame not working as intended
  2,404  Plotting confidence intervals for Maximum Likelihood Estimate
  2,403  Trouble getting Virtualenv to Import Numpy
  2,403  python contour for binary 2D matrix
  2,403  fractional part of numpy array
  2,402  Replacing numpy array values python
  2,402  python plot intersection of line and data
  2,402  Normalizing complex values in NumPy / Python
  2,401  x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (30,) and (1,)
  2,401  Pandas DataFrame: How to quickly get first non-NaN value in each row? [duplicate]
  2,401  Function returns a vector, how to minimize in via NumPy
  2,400  What is most efficient way of setting row to zeros for a sparse scipy matrix?
  2,400  MemoryError from sklearn.metrics.silhouette_samples
  2,400  How to map NaN in numpy to values using dictionary?
  2,399  Keras input shape error
  2,398  Using : operator to index numpy.ndarray of numpy.void (as output by numy.genfromtxt)
  2,398  Understanding axis in Python
  2,398  Pass numpy array as function argument [closed]
  2,397  Scipy - Inverse Sampling Method from custom probability density function
  2,396  Setting python path for WinPython to use f2py
  2,396  Numpy method to split a real number into n-equal parts?
  2,396  Cython: how to resolve TypeError: Cannot convert memoryviewslice to numpy.ndarray?
  2,396  Convert a dataframe with multiple rows into one row using pandas?
  2,395  Tuple Numpy Data Type
  2,394  using masked array to create pandas DataFrame
  2,394  How to get a subset of rows from a NumPy Matrix based on a condition?
  2,394  generalized cumulative functions in NumPy/SciPy?
  2,393  Visualizing a 3d numpy array of 1's and 0's
  2,393  Numpy repeat array along new axis
  2,393  Creating array of arrays in numpy with different dimensions
  2,393  Calculate euclidean distance from dicts (sklearn)
  2,392  Using numpy and pandas how to calculate percentage and using criteria and give it negative sign
  2,392  Sorting a numpy array based on data from another array
  2,392  Slow performance of pandas timestamp vs datetime
  2,392  Need nose >= 0.10.0 error while attempting to install Theano on Ubuntu
  2,392  Memory alignment for fast FFT in Python using shared arrays
  2,392  Converting A folder of images into a .h5 file?
  2,392  Apply round off setting to whole notebook
  2,391  SWIG: No typemaps are defined
  2,391  No module named msvccompiler in numpy.distutils; trying from distutils and raise SystemExit, ''error: '' + str(msg)
  2,391  Fastest way to create strictly increasing lists in Python
  2,391  customizing facetgrid xticks and labels in seaborn
  2,390  Python loadtxt function is not working
  2,390  Python: how to interpret the outcome of np.argmax()?
  2,390  Iterate over files in a folder to create numpy array
  2,389  Where to find source code for numpy's percentile [closed]
  2,388  VTK render window image to numpy array
  2,388  (Python) Gaussian Bernoulli RBM on computing P(v|h)
  2,388  making histogram from a csv file
  2,388  Add together two numpy masked arrays
  2,387  Python Speedup np.unique
  2,387  Numpy histogram on multi-dimensional array
  2,387  Numpy column and row vectors
  2,386  Python Pandas find statistical difference between 2 distributions
  2,386  Python: Matplotlib imshow shift xlabel numbers
  2,386  Pandas DataFrame replace does not work with inplace=True
  2,386  Implementation of numpy in1d for 2D arrays?
  2,386  Find the n smallest items in a numpy array of arrays
  2,384  Row-wise scaling with Numpy
  2,384  Excluding certain rows while importing data with Numpy
  2,384  Converting a 1.2GB list of edges into a sparse matrix
  2,383  unable to `pip install numpy` on a specific machine
  2,383  Return the indices of unmasked elements that are both zero and not zero
  2,383  How to correctly test RGB values using images(OpenCV & Python)?
  2,382  Using Python numpy einsum to obtain dot product between 2 Matrices
  2,382  turning igraph adjacency matrix into numpy array
  2,382  Python - finding pattern in a plot
  2,382  Numpy array being rounded? subtraction of small floats
  2,381  Python Pandas - from data frame create an array or matrix for multiplication
  2,381  How to show numpy NxM array with dtype=float as plain gray scale image?
  2,381  How to plot contours from multidimensional data in MatPlotLib (NumPy)?
  2,380  Sum All elements of each array in an array of arrays
  2,380  Reshaping pandas DataFrame from Meshgrid
  2,380  Pandas pd.Series.isin performance with set versus array
  2,380  how to effectively loop over matrix elements?
  2,380  How do I visualize or plot a multidimensional tensor?
  2,380  How can I pick specific records in TensorFlow from a .tfrecords file?
  2,379  ValueError: too many values to unpack matplotlib errorbar
  2,379  Removing outliers in each column (and corresponding row)
  2,379  Python code to perform anisotropic diffusion, having trouble running it in Anaconda
  2,378  I'm trying to use pip install to add numpy, but it says the file doesn't exist
  2,378  Convert 2D numpy array to Tensorflow Dataset
  2,378  Colorbar does not show values when using LogNorm()
  2,377  Fastest way to numerically process 2d-array: dataframe vs series vs array vs numba
  2,377  Difference in matrix multiplication tensorflow vs numpy
  2,376  Numpy API version mismatch
  2,376  How to do faster opencv cv2 imread in python after reboot
  2,376  can't add a string element to numpy zeros array
  2,376  Appending/Merging 2D Arrays
  2,375  Search Numpy array with multiple values
  2,375  NameError: name 'classname' is not defined error in python
  2,375  Creating grid and interpolating (x,y,z) for contour plot sagemath
  2,374  Use optimize.minimize from scipy with 2 variables and interpolated function
  2,374  sklearn ''numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling'' in both pycharm and terminal
  2,374  Scipy.optimize.minimize method='SLSQP' ignores constraint
  2,374  Remove rows from array if values in a column are greater than a certain value [closed]
  2,374  Python: Writing int to a binary file
  2,374  Python 3D Plots over non-rectangular domain
  2,374  Error while trying to install sklearn from Pycharm | arrayobject.h cannot be absolute
  2,373  Print highest peak value of the frequency domain plot
  2,373  Numpy operation for euclidean distance between multidimensional arrays
  2,373  find the distance between a point and a curve python
  2,373  Creating numpy array from list gives wrong shape
  2,372  Why do statsmodels's correlation and autocorrelation functions give different results in Python?
  2,372  regarding the error message of float object cannot be interpreted as an integer
  2,372  Get indices of numpy 1d array where value is greater than previous element
  2,372  Fit a logarithmic curve to data points and extrapolate out in numpy
  2,371  Transform Pandas Column into Numpy Array for Keras Neural Network
  2,371  Numpy fancy indexing in multiple dimensions
  2,370  Replace ''zero-columns'' with values from a numpy array
  2,370  Pad 0's Of Numpy Array To Nearest Power Of Two
  2,370  Import and reshape MNIST data, numpy
  2,370  How to set the alpha value for each element of a numpy array
  2,370  how to convert regular numpy array to record array?
  2,370  How to calculate numpy arrays on galois field?
  2,370  Can numba.jit (nopython) handle array indexing and slicing?
  2,369  Python, add key:value to dictionary in parallelised loop
  2,368  scipy.optimize.minimize : ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
  2,368  Alpha shapes in 3D
  2,367  Using NumPy with JyNI
  2,367  Problems installing pandas and numpy on Mac OSX
  2,367  Multiplying columns by another column in a dataframe
  2,366  Numpy and Scipy with Amazon Elastic MapReduce
  2,366  How to convert grouped/binned dataframe to numpy array?
  2,365  Why is TF Keras inference way slower than Numpy operations?
  2,365  Summation in python using recursive function
  2,365  Save fixed width text file from pandas dataframe
  2,365  Python - How to generate the Pairwise Hamming Distance Matrix
  2,365  Anaconda Environment Installing Packages Numpy-Base
  2,364  Effective way to reduce dimension of an n-dimensional numpy array
  2,364  A real time Spectrum analyser with pyaudio in python on Raspi
  2,364  Apply rolling mean function on data frames with duplicated indices in pandas
  2,363  testing if an array is not empty in numpy [duplicate]
  2,363  How can I interpolate array from spherical to cartesian coordinates with Python?
  2,363  Disable/configure multithreading in default conda numpy
  2,363  could numpy.random.poisson be used to add poisson noise to images?
  2,362  Unable to `pip install -r requirements.txt`
  2,362  Normalizing vector produces nan in Numpy
  2,362  How to update a specific DataFrame slice of a column with new values?
  2,362  How to create correlation matrix only for specific columns combination using python?
  2,361  Numpy standard deviation not working for me
  2,361  Converting TIFF to numpy array
  2,360  Why does an assignment for double-sliced numpy arrays not work?
  2,360  src data type 17 not supported error with OpenCV Python
  2,360  Numpy import error in PyCharm (Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed) [duplicate]
  2,360  Implementing vectors to speed up pitch calculation (numpy.arctan2 and np.sqrt)
  2,360  Convert float64 numpy array to floats not in scientific notation
  2,359  python sqlite3 executemany using multiple lists
  2,359  Numpy, how to get a sub matrix with boolean slicing
  2,359  Normalization of several time-series of different lengths and scale
  2,358  Pandas DataFrame: How to natively get minimum across range of rows and columns
  2,358  matplotlib generating strange y-axis on certain data sets?
  2,358  How do I create a deterministic Random number generator with numpy seed?
  2,357  Fastest way to store a numpy array in redis
  2,357  drop a column in numpy ndarray
  2,356  numpy.genfromtxt imports tuples instead of arrays
  2,356  extracting a subarray from an array in python using numpy
  2,355  using numpy to read a file into python
  2,355  Speeding up datetime comparison with Cython
  2,355  Passing custom arguments to a Blender Operator as if it were a function
  2,354  Updating a NumPy array with another
  2,353  Numpy seems to produce incorrect eigenvectors
  2,353  filtering elements of matrix by row in python scipy/numpy
  2,353  Converting a series of xarray.DataArrays to a numpy array
  2,352  Trouble Multiplying Columns of a Numpy Matrix
  2,350  What's wrong with my GMRES implementation?
  2,350  Numpy eigenvector incorrect computation
  2,350  numpy\arrayobject.h not find by MinGW g++ while compiling SWIG python wrapper in Windows
  2,350  In matplotlib, why is it faster to plot with thinner lines?
  2,350  How to dilate a numpy array
  2,349  PyTorch Datasets: Converting entire Dataset to NumPy
  2,349  Interpolating a 3d array in Python. How to avoid for loops?
  2,348  Iterate over array, ignoring masked values
  2,348  how to keep numpy array when saving pandas dataframe to csv
  2,347  derivative with numpy.diff problems
  2,346  how to get the maximum value from a specific portion of a array in python
  2,344  Numpy cumulative sum for csv rows gives type error
  2,344  How to import text file into Array in Python (Pyramid)
  2,343  Retrieve 10 random lines from a file
  2,343  How to slice a numpy array by a list of column indices
  2,343  Data type conversion of column in numpy record array
  2,342  Inconvenience to use single precision floats in numpy
  2,342  How to find the set difference between two Pandas DataFrames
  2,342  How to convert datetime64 array to int?
  2,341  python numpy convert string to complex number
  2,341  problem with hierarchical clustering in Python
  2,341  numpy.power() and math.pow() don't give the same result
  2,341  find next row in DataFrame based on column values
  2,340  Python: Compare Elements of two arrays
  2,340  Numpy installation AWS EC2 Error
  2,339  Reading coef value from OLS regression results
  2,339  How to convert rows values in dataframe to columns labels in Python after groupby?
  2,339  Cubic spline memory error
  2,339  Converting image to numpy array in python
  2,338  Python one-liner for a confusion/contingency matrix needed
  2,338  numpy MKL vs Standard - What are the requirements?
  2,338  How to label the x axis in fraction numbers?
  2,337  Python/Numba: Unknown attribute error with scipy.special.gammainc()
  2,337  np.around and np.round not actually rounding
  2,337  Most appropriate conversion of .mat file for database purposes
  2,337  Interpolate 2D matrix along columns using Python
  2,336  Python/Numpy - writing multiple 1D arrays to a file in neat columns
  2,336  Pandas DataFrame with X,Y coordinates to NumPy matrix
  2,336  How to do n-D distance and nearest neighbor calculations on numpy arrays
  2,335  Numpy.cumsum in reverse
  2,335  finding index of none and nan in numpy array
  2,335  Compare multiple values in numpy array
  2,334  Tuples Vs List Vs Numpy Arrays for Plotting a Boxplot in Python
  2,334  Logistic Regression implementation with MNIST - not converging?
  2,334  How to efficiently split scipy sparse and numpy arrays into smaller N unequal chunks?
  2,334  Convert NumPy object array to datetime64
  2,333  Why pandas read_csv issues this warning? (elementwise comparison failed)
  2,333  scipy.signal.fftconvolve doesn't give the required results
  2,333  Python - 'numpy.float64' object is not callable using minimize function for alpha optimization for Simple Exponential Smoothing
  2,333  Numpy error in mtrand.pyx file
  2,333  how to assign a list of values to a python netcdf4 variable object?
  2,333  Fitting a vector function with curve_fit in Scipy
  2,333  Fast way to create a bag-of-words vector in python
  2,333  cumulative simpson integration with scipy
  2,333  Convert Pandas Dataframe Date Index and Column to Numpy Array
  2,332  Understanding performance of numpy memmap
  2,332  TensorFlow tf.reshape Fortran order (like numpy)
  2,332  How to apply a function to a 2D numpy array with multiprocessing
  2,331  Fast distance calculation in scipy and numpy
  2,331  Fast 3D interpolation of atmospheric data in Numpy/Scipy
  2,331  Enthought - matplotlib (problems with plot() function)
  2,331  Compare smoothed signal to the input signal
  2,330  Python: Load CSV, first column as row names, first row as column names
  2,330  Loading Image from webpage link directly into NumPy Array (Python)
  2,330  euclidean distance between values in a array - result ordered asc in new array [closed]
  2,329  How do I append a list to an empty numpy array
  2,329  Comparison of two string arrays in NumPy [closed]
  2,328  Python, Numpy - Trying split an array according to a condition
  2,328  2D plot using 1D arrays without griddata()
  2,327  tensorflow sequence_loss_by_example weight
  2,327  How to load multiple columns with numpy loadtext?
  2,327  build design matrix python
  2,326  Python: how to find all connected pixels if I know an origin pixel's position?
  2,326  matplotlib 3D ribbon plot
  2,326  Element-wise maximum of two sparse matrices
  2,325  Turn grid into a checkerboard pattern in python?
  2,325  Neural network weights explode in linear unit
  2,324  rank array in python while ignoring missing values
  2,324  How many features can scikit-learn handle?
  2,324  Display a georeferenced DEM surface in 3D matplotlib
  2,324  Converting list into Numpy ndarray [duplicate]
  2,323  Python AttributeError: module 'sklearn.externals.joblib.numpy_pickle' has no attribute 'NumpyArrayWrapper'
  2,323  In numpy, what does indexing an array with the empty tuple vs. ellipsis do?
  2,322  Read Nist Wav File in TIMIT database into python numpy array
  2,322  Cross validation in logistic regression
  2,322  Concatenating two string columns of numpy array into single column in python
  2,321  Visualize a co-occurrence matrix in pandas/numpy
  2,321  How to dump a boolean matrix in numpy?
  2,321  Global Interpreter Lock and access to data (eg. for NumPy arrays)
  2,320  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), are valid indices
  2,320  Import Error - No module named numpyio
  2,320  How to pass date array to pcolor plot?
  2,320  How to fix Numpy REFS_OK flag error?
  2,320  How to compare between two numpy arrays of different size and return the index column with common elements?
  2,319  Writing to compound dataset with variable length string via h5py (HDF5)
  2,319  Passing numpy integer array to c code
  2,319  How to use scipy.interpolate.interp2d for a vector of data?
  2,319  How to color voronoi according to a color scale ? And the area of each cell
  2,318  Transferring matlab 3D-matrices to python 3D-arrays via is going wrong
  2,318  bounded circular interpolation in python
  2,317  Specify the shift for numpy.correlate
  2,317  Only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars with log
  2,317  How is covariance implemented internally in numpy?
  2,317  Conflicting eigen vector outputs between Matlab and Numpy
  2,316  Sorting numpy array according to the sum
  2,316  Matching two grids for data analysis, is there a good algorithm for my problem?
  2,316  converting column to string from object to avoid pandas dataframe.to_hdf complaining about mixed type
  2,315  select first column in a 3d ndarray
  2,315  Inflating a 1D array into a 2D array in numpy
  2,315  How can I vectorize a function in numpy with multiple arguments?
  2,314  Zero padding slice past end of array in numpy
  2,314  Python - calculating pdf from a numpy array distribution
  2,313  plot the histogram of one coloumn data from a txt file
  2,313  Efficient way of finding the intersections between polynomial curves?
  2,312  Multiplication of two vectors in Python [closed]
  2,312  Convert complex NumPy array into (n, 2)-array of real and imaginary parts
  2,311  Transforming multiindex to row-wise multi-dimensional NumPy array.
  2,311  NameError: name 'f2py' is not defined
  2,310  NumPy and memmap: [Errno 24] Too many open files
  2,310  Can I create a local numpy random seed?
  2,309  What's the best way to serialize a large scipy sparse matrix?
  2,309  Selecting a subset of an array based on values in another array with upper and lower bounds
  2,309  How to save and show 2d numpy array as an RGB pseudo colored image?
  2,308  Why pylint returns `unsubscriptable-object` for numpy.ndarray.shape?
  2,308  summing outer product of multiple vectors in einsum
  2,307  How to use numpy with portaudio to extract bass, mid treble
  2,307  AttributeError: python: undefined symbol: when accessing C++ function from Python using ctypes
  2,306  Swap subarrays of a numpy array
  2,306  How is numpy pad implemented (for constant value)
  2,305  Python Shared Memory Array, no attribute get_obj()
  2,305  Can I use np.resize to pad an array with np.nan
  2,304  Using not equal and nan together in python
  2,304  Speedup virtualenv creation with numpy and pandas
  2,304  facing ImportError: No module named discriminant_analysis
  2,304  Efficient item binning algorithm (itertools/numpy)
  2,304  Candlestick Charts with Matplotlib v2.2.2? [duplicate]
  2,303  SciPy: element-wise non-negative least squares using an array of b vectors
  2,303  numpy vstack inside for loop [duplicate]
  2,303  How can i change all the values of a multidimensional array which are greater than zero to 1 in python? [duplicate]
  2,303  Filling an array with arrays in numpy?
  2,302  Problem with using system call to execute python script from MATLAB
  2,302  Numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  2,302  Merging numpy ndarray from CSVs
  2,302  count occurrences of arrays in multidimensional arrays in python
  2,301  Python: how to loop through folders and files and index them in array
  2,301  Python: convert a 1-by-28-by-28 array to a 28-by-28 matrix
  2,301  Numpy - how to sort an array of value/key pairs in descending order
  2,301  Add an extra column to ndarray in python
  2,300  Take Unique of numpy array according to 2 column values.
  2,300  Python - convert list of lists into matrix
  2,300  how to add headers to a numpy.ndarray
  2,300  Easy angle and point / Numpy
  2,299  Python cv2 TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
  2,298  options for applying conditions to numpy arrays
  2,298  Keep Running into ''TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable''
  2,298  Fastest way to calculate the sum of specific regions of an array
  2,297  Why does `conda update --all` not update all?
  2,297  Optimizing numpy array multiplication: * faster than
  2,297  cv2.imdecode always returning None
  2,296  Pandas: Matrix Multiplication
  2,296  How shall I resolve this ''Memory Error'' in numpy?
  2,295  What is the correct way to mix feature sparse matrices with sklearn?
  2,295  Sums of subarrays
  2,295  saving numpy array to a file without brackets and white spaces
  2,295  plotting conditional distribution in python
  2,294  Multiple dtypes in a Numpy array
  2,294  efficiently finding the interval with non-zeros in scipy/numpy in Python?
  2,293  Split Numpy array into equal-length sub-arrays
  2,292  percentage difference between two images in python using correlation coefficient
  2,292  partial correlation coefficient in pandas dataframe python
  2,292  Numpy and Matlab difference in sum?
  2,292  Nonzero function help, Python Numpy
  2,292  Full-matrix approach to backpropagation in Artificial Neural Network
  2,291  Numpy interp not interpolating/extrapolating the values, only finding if the data point is above or below the max empirical value
  2,291  numpy delete list element from list of lists
  2,291  Multiplying column and row vectors from numpy 2d array with a scalars form a different 1d array
  2,291  Difference between square bracket and parenthesis when array is being created in Python's NumPy
  2,290  Numpy Matrix keeps giving me an Error,
  2,290  Find closest k points for every point in row of numpy array
  2,289  Python - Numpy Module Not found
  2,289  improve nested loop performance
  2,289  How to change color bar to align with main plot in Matplotlib?
  2,289  Find closest float in array for all floats in another array
  2,289  Cosine similarity between two ndarrays
  2,288  Matplotlib's matshow not aligned with grid
  2,288  Insert into MongoDB retuns cannot encode object
  2,288  I installed multiple Ipython kernels, but after this I cannot import numpy, pandas
  2,288  Extract the first letter from each string in a numpy array
  2,288  Bootstrap method and confidence interval
  2,288  Array of ints in numba
  2,287  Math library and arrays in Python
  2,287  how to vectorize an operation on a 1 dimensionsal array to produce 2 dimensional matrix in numpy
  2,287  How do I use a specific column's value in a Pandas DataFrame where clause?
  2,287  Filling an array in python
  2,286  TypeError: apply() missing 1 required positional argument: 'func'
  2,285  Numpy: Difference between dot(a,b) and (a*b).sum()
  2,285  How to reshape a list to a array?
  2,284  Plotting RGB matrix in numpy & matplotlib
  2,284  How to store my own class object into hdf5?
  2,283  Python multiple random seeds
  2,283  How to convert numpy array into libsvm format
  2,282  How to annotate a range of the x axis in matplotlib?
  2,281  unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'numpy.float64' and 'str'
  2,281  Trouble converting packed BGRA image buffer to RGB with OpenCV in Python
  2,281  Scipy: fill a histogram reading from a DB, event by event, in a loop
  2,281  python numpy ImportError: No module named core
  2,280  Efficient way to apply function to each 2D slice of 3D numpy array
  2,280  Convert numpy.ndarray to lowercase
  2,279  TypeError: only length 1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars with numpy array
  2,279  Keras one-hot-encoder
  2,279  how PCA fit transform on test set
  2,278  Why is B =,x) so much slower looping through doing B[i,:,:] =[i,:,:],x) )?
  2,278  Projecting a NumPy array of coordinates using pyproj
  2,278  How can I use Numerical Python with Python 2.6
  2,278  Best way to pass repeated parameter to a Numpy vectorized function
  2,277  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1,2) (20,100)
  2,277  Replace numpy array value on condition with random number
  2,277  pandas.merge fails when merging on timestamps columns with tzinfo
  2,277  how to use scipy.integrate to get the volume of a truncated sphere?
  2,277  getting values in multiple indices from a tensor at once, in tensorflow
  2,277  Difference between np.random.seed(1) and np.random.seed(0)?
  2,276  pip dependency resolution fails when install both numpy and matplotlib
  2,276  numpy's tostring/fromstring  -  what do I need to specify to restore the array
  2,276  How can I take the dot product of multiple vectors in a numpy array all at once?
  2,275  Why is numpy.ravel returning a copy?
  2,275  replace zeros in numpy array with linear interpolation between its preceding and succeeding values
  2,275  Read .arrays txt files with python?
  2,275  Python - generate array of specific autocorrelation
  2,275  How to properly sample truncated distributions?
  2,275  How plot ployfit n log n with python?
  2,275  Convert a text CSV binary file and get a random line from it in Python without reading it to memory
  2,274  Mask numpy array with a range of values
  2,274  Importing big tecplot block files in python as fast as possible
  2,274  How to make matplotlib/pandas bar chart look like hist chart?
  2,274  appending numpy arrays to python list overwrites existing elements in list
  2,273  Speed up Numpy Meshgrid Command
  2,273  Plotting a subplot- Python
  2,273  In numpy, what is the fastest way to multiply the second dimension of a 3 dimensional array by a 1 dimensional array?
  2,273  ImportError: cannot import name 'ellipkm1'
  2,273  2D equivalent of numpy.unique [duplicate]
  2,272  Why does numpy.apply_along_axis seem to be slower than Python loop?
  2,272  Missing intercepts of OLS Regression models in Python statsmodels
  2,270  Remove non numeric values from a Series
  2,269  Write new line at the end of a file
  2,269  Fitting Gaussian KDE in numpy/scipy in Python
  2,269  Dynamically create a list of shared arrays using python multiprocessing
  2,269  Adding rows to a Pandas dataframe from another dataframe
  2,268  Numpy Mean Structured Array
  2,268  How to use matplotlib's imshow and contour plot on the same numpy array?
  2,268  Access Violation (0xC0000005) Numpy array
  2,267  Python/Statsmodels - Vector autoregression endog
  2,267  Python - numpy reshape
  2,267  Difference between scipy.leastsq and scipy.least_squares
  2,267  Comparing value with neighbor elements in numpy
  2,266  Why does numpy.float16 break the OpenBlas/Atlas functionalities?
  2,266  indexing into numpy's mgrid
  2,266  How can I save a big `numpy` as '*.npz' array with limited filesystem capacity?
  2,265  Python : How to combine 4 small matrix become a large matrix
  2,265  NumPy Difference Between np.average() and np.mean() [duplicate]
  2,264  Increasing precision of (python)
  2,264  How can I smooth out these signal traces using python?
  2,264  How can a class that inherits from a NumPy array change its own values?
  2,264  Convert list to vector in python
  2,263  Using numpy to filter out multiple comment symbols
  2,263  Reshape array using numpy - ValueError: cannot reshape array
  2,263  Python Numpy append array without flattening
  2,263  Calculating Relative Vorticity Using Python numpy
  2,262  Tensorarray initialization
  2,262  shallow iteration with nditer
  2,262  Python Array issue - string indices must be integers not tuple
  2,262  efficient numpy zero-order hold
  2,261  How to plot 3D data as 2D grid colormap in Python?
  2,261  Group similar values in numpy array
  2,260  Reshaping array into a square array Python
  2,260  How do i replicate this matlab function in numpy?
  2,260  Broadcasting in R
  2,259  Python Array Reshaping Issue to Array with Shape (None, 192)
  2,259  pandas.isin() function returns True for cells that have the value 'None' Python 2.7
  2,259  OpenCV Python findHomography srcPoint input not compatible
  2,259  Numpy - square root of -1 leaves a small real part
  2,259  Low-pass Chebyshev type-I filter with Scipy
  2,259  How to iterate a 3D numpy array
  2,259  How to fill numpy array by row and column
  2,258  Scipy - Nan when calculating Mahalanobis distance
  2,258  Lazy Evaluation for iterating through NumPy arrays
  2,258  IPython Notebook can't import numpy package (even though Anaconda is being used)
  2,258  Count occurences of a row with pandas in python
  2,257  PyDev - Eclipse can import numpy but none of it's functions?
  2,256  Separating arrays with numpy to plot with matplotlib in python
  2,256  Python Numpy array creation from multiple lists
  2,256  Get Numpy genfromtxt converter to use def function
  2,256  Annotate the quartiles with Matplotlib in a normal distribution plot
  2,255  How to pass a raw pointer to Boost.Python?
  2,254  Removing ''nan'' values from a numpy array
  2,254  How to convert spark rdd to a numpy array?
  2,254  fastest way to load images in python for processing
  2,254  easy multidimensional numpy ndarray to pandas dataframe method?
  2,253  numpy.linalg.solve with right-hand side of more than three dimensions
  2,252  Peak to Trough in time series data
  2,252  numpy multivarient regression with linalg.lstsq
  2,252  LinAlgError: SVD did not converge in matplotlib PCA
  2,252  How to serialize numpy arrays?
  2,251  regarding the usage of np.all along with axis
  2,251  PyQt table Widget Entries to list or numpy array object
  2,250  Series sum in python
  2,250  Count of values in numpy.ndarray
  2,249  (Python) How to get diagonal(A*B) without having to perform A*B?
  2,249  Equivalent of ''case'' for np.where
  2,248  python - convert xml to numpy array
  2,248  How to sort scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix according to result of another function?
  2,248  How to add sum to zero constraint to GLM in Python?
  2,248  does numpy runs faster than OpenCL? [closed]
  2,248  Curve fitting a large data set
  2,247  ImportError: undefined symbol: _PyUnicodeUCS4_IsWhitespace
  2,247  Check if all column values in current row is lesser than previous row in pandas dataframe
  2,246  Why is TensorFlow predicting all 0's or all 1's after training?
  2,246  Sharing contiguous numpy arrays between processes in python
  2,246  scipy on os x lion
  2,246  resetting points of an already plotted scatter in matplotlib
  2,246  Python: Repetition of 2-d random walk simulation
  2,246  Python: Populate lower triangle matrix from a list
  2,246  Python Co-occurrence matrix of words and phrases
  2,246  numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute labels_
  2,246  How do I ''randomly'' select numbers with a specified bias toward a particular number
  2,246  How do I calculate the average value of a pixel's surrounding pixels?
  2,246  access elements from matrix in numpy [duplicate]
  2,245  Temporal median image of multiple images
  2,245  Removing all zeros from an array
  2,245  MATLAB-like variable editor in Python [closed]
  2,245  how to save h5py arrays with different sizes?
  2,245  cx_freeze can not import numpy
  2,245  combining arrays
  2,244  Should I use numpy.float64 instead of Python float when also using numpy.array
  2,244  Reverse sort a 2d numpy array in python
  2,244  Python Numpy Memory Error
  2,244  how can I make a numpy function that accepts a numpy array, an iterable, or a scalar?
  2,244  Extract positive and negative values from an array in Python
  2,244  Converting a dictionary of tuples into a numpy matrix
  2,244  Calculating monthly mean from daily netcdf file in python
  2,243  ValueError: could not convert string to float, NumPy
  2,243  Python Index error (out of bounds) accessing element in 2D array
  2,243  How to reverse a NumPy array in-place?
  2,243  how to refer to scipy sparse matrix columns?
  2,242  fastest way to create a nxn matrix with numpy containing zeros [duplicate]
  2,241  Subtract all pairs of values from two arrays
  2,241  Numpy: np.sum with negative axis
  2,241  How to find the number of hours between two dates excluding weekends and certain holidays in Python? BusinessHours package
  2,241  Binary constraint in scipy linprog
  2,240  What are the under-the-hood differences between round() and numpy.round()?
  2,240  Convert 1d array to lower triangular matrix
  2,239  Python - Write a three dimensional image from 3D array
  2,239  Python float formatting: fixed total number of digits
  2,239  Python code become slower after each iteration
  2,239  Efficiently counting number of unique elements - NumPy / Python
  2,238  How to force specific points in curve fitting
  2,238  How do I calculate a spearman rank correlation in pandas?
  2,237  Dividing array elements in one array with another - Python
  2,237  Boolean numpy arrays with Cython
  2,237  4D interpolation for irregular (x,y,z) grids by python
  2,236  Speed of copying numpy array
  2,236  select a specific range from a numpy 2d array to plot values
  2,236  Precision of numpy's eigenvaluesh
  2,236  Conditional data selection with text string data in pandas dataframe
  2,235  Numpy concatenating ints to string
  2,235  How to speed-up python curve_fit over a 2D array?
  2,235  Finding the min or max sum of a row in an array
  2,235  Apply bincount to each row of a 2D numpy array
  2,234  Replace list values above and below thresholds with default value in python?
  2,234  Python - 3D affine transformation
  2,234  Plotting a 2D plane through a 3D surface
  2,234  How to delete an object in python function?
  2,234  How to convert NumPy ndarray to C++ vector with Boost.Python and back?
  2,233  Problems installing matplotlib in linux
  2,233  numpy's loadtxt gives error converting to int when string contains decimal
  2,233  How to have matplotlib's imshow generate an image without being plotted
  2,231  Remove whitespace from matplotlib heatplot
  2,231  Python could not convert string to float
  2,231  Plotting sin wave with amplitude,frequency and phase angle
  2,231  multiprocessing.Pool hangs if child causes a segmentation fault
  2,231  Errors when loading scikit-image: ''ImportError: cannot import name _fblas''
  2,230  Working with very large arrays - Numpy
  2,230  Setting the *default* data order (C vs. Fortran) in Numpy
  2,230  Numpy dot too clever about symmetric multiplications
  2,230  Missing data in Python
  2,229  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'float' help FOR ''nonlin''
  2,229  Speed up NumPy's where function
  2,229  Python: Write Numpy array to a file with float precision
  2,229  Moving large SQL query to NumPy
  2,229  How to open, load and plot a numpy file in python?
  2,229  How access to a single NumPy array in a DICOMDIR file with pydicom?
  2,229  Adding two arrays of different width using numpy
  2,228  How can i delete missing values in my csv_file
  2,227  Raspberrypi:remove fisheye effect from image [closed]
  2,227  Numpy's loadtxt(): OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
  2,226  running python on vim
  2,225  Python Interactive axis range - set axis limits with silders in pylab/numpy
  2,225  How to apply IF, else, else if condition in Pandas DataFrame
  2,225  How do I insert variable step into Numpy mgrid?
  2,225  Can I force a numpy ndarray to take ownership of its memory?
  2,224  Why is np.where faster than pd.apply
  2,224  Using NumPy argsort and take in 2D arrays
  2,224  numpy: Setting values to zero based on multiple conditions
  2,224  Numpy: Row Wise Unique elements
  2,224  How to convert a numpy array (which is actually a BGR image) to Base64 string?
  2,224  How do I replace values in numpy array? [duplicate]
  2,222  Python / Pandas / Numpy - Direct calculation of number of business days between two dates excluding holidays
  2,222  large set of data, interpolation
  2,222  How to recover original indices for a flattened Numpy array?
  2,222  How to manual convert `BGR` image to `grayscale` (Python OpenCV)?
  2,221  Wrapping C++ OpenCV code for Python
  2,221  SWIG: Passing a 2d numpy array to a C function f(double a[])
  2,221  Replace values in an nd numpy array at given axis index
  2,221  Python Shared Libraries: RTLD_GLOBAL segfault
  2,221  Numpy Cimport error using cython
  2,221  Calculate Residual Norm for Multiple Regression in Python
  2,220  Plot hist2d with weights
  2,220  Passing a numpy array FROM C++ using boost python
  2,220  How to set first column to a constant value of an empty np.zeros numPy matrix? [duplicate]
  2,220  How to implement Averaged Perceptron in Python (without Scikit-learn)
  2,220  Exclude between time in pandas
  2,220  Creating numpy.float64 using eval()
  2,219  Errors importing Theano in Pycharm
  2,219  Cannot import numpy in python3
  2,218  saving large data set PCA on disk for later use with limited disc space
  2,218  Remove numbers from a numpy array
  2,218  Get only ''valid'' points in 2D interpolation of cloud point using Scipy/Numpy
  2,218  Finding bounding boxes of RGB colors in image
  2,218  Calculate ''v^T A v'' for a matrix of vectors v
  2,218  Add lines to plot in pyplot
  2,217  pyqt : Convert numpy array to QImage
  2,217  Increasing performance of nearest neighbors of rows in Pandas
  2,217  How to normalize a histogram of an exponential distributionin scipy?
  2,217  How can I dynamically create bins in Python?
  2,216  Create numPy array from raster image
  2,215  Lines not plotting on graph using Python/Basemap
  2,214  Use numpy setdiff1d keeping the order
  2,214  How to run a large matrix for cosine similarity in Python?
  2,213  Numpy-flipped image + cv2.filter2D = assertion failed?
  2,213  How to manually create a sparse matrix in Python
  2,212  Rank values in a 2D array
  2,212  Python help using 'numpy.masked_where' conditionally from another list
  2,212  pandas DF from numpy structured array: can't get unicode or string type for column (only object)
  2,212  Meaning of the return of np.shape()
  2,212  How do I calculate expected values of a Poisson distributed random variable in Python using Scipy?
  2,211  Why python numpy.delete does not raise indexError when out-of-bounds index is in np array
  2,211  Store Numpy as pickled Pandas, Pickled Numpy or HDF5
  2,211  Pandas: creating an indexed time series [starting from 100] from returns data
  2,211  Numpy install Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
  2,211  list comprehension with numpy arrays - bad practice?
  2,211  2D interpolation results in OverflowError: Too many data points to interpolate
  2,210  Solve equation with a set of points
  2,210  How to get the tilt angle of a plane defined by three coordinates in python?
  2,210  How to find the sum of elements above and below the diagonal of a matrix in python?
  2,210  getting Killed message in Python  -  Is memory the issue?
  2,209  np.where() not returning expected indices in numpy python
  2,209  Matplotlib set_data xdata and ydata must be same length error
  2,209  Better image normalization with numpy
  2,208  Python, why is my probabilistic neural network (PNN) always predicting zeros?
  2,208  Poor numpy.cross() performance
  2,208  How to use estimateRigidTransform in OpenCV 3.0 or higher, Is there any other alternative?
  2,208  Group by and find sum for groups but return NaN as NaN, not 0
  2,208  Create NaN column in pandas DataFrame
  2,208  Calculating spectrogram of .wav files in python
  2,207  Yocto, install Numpy
  2,207  Speed up mathematical calculations in Python
  2,207  Numpy reshape ''reversal''
  2,207  Numpy array of object attributes [duplicate]
  2,207  Extract specific elements from numpy array by column [duplicate]
  2,207  Delete element from multi-dimensional numpy array by value
  2,207  condition number of sparse matrix
  2,207  Comparing elements in a numpy array, finding pairs, how to deal with edges/corners
  2,207  Combining numpy arrays inside a loop
  2,206  Sphinx Extensions (numpydoc)
  2,206  Pandas Dataframe Parquet Data Types?
  2,206  Manual Histogram plot in python
  2,206  Inverting ill-conditioned matrix in NumPy
  2,205  Fast, small, and repetitive matrix multiplication in Python
  2,204  using saved sklearn model to make prediction
  2,204  Python: Using Tensordot for tensor x matrix multiplication
  2,203  Using .loc with multiple selection criteria
  2,202  Using numpy ufuncs vs built-in operators
  2,202  `TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number` when converting a tuple containing datetime objects to a numpy structured array
  2,202  pandas dataframe - remove values from a group with less than X rows
  2,202  Obtaining an invertible square matrix from a non-square matrix of full rank in numpy or matlab
  2,202  Numpy: creating batch of numpy arrays within another numpy array (reshaping)
  2,202  How to detect a laser line in an image using Python
  2,201  python IndexError: index 3 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3
  2,201  How to load a .npy file as a numpy array into the Virtual machine on Google Colab
  2,200  Remove leading NaN in pandas
  2,200  Building NumPy 1.7.1 on Ubuntu
  2,199  sklearn.manifold.TSNE fit_transform actually return something on empty numpy array
  2,199  Python - Sum absolute value from file
  2,199  Python Pandas: why does np.round() rounds 14.50 down to 14?
  2,199  numpy.vectorize: Why so slow?
  2,198  How to handle Series and Array with pandas and numpy together?
  2,198  error building NumPy: cannot find -lpython2.7
  2,197  TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types
  2,197  numpy array access
  2,197  Loading content of Numpy npz file in global namespace
  2,197  Interpolate large data Python
  2,197  iFFT of symmetric spectrum
  2,197  How do I compute the logarithm of 1 minus the exponent of a given small number in python
  2,197  Error for my plot and calculation of FWHM
  2,196  Select xarray/pandas index based on specific months
  2,196  Key error - while pivoting a dataframe
  2,195  ValueError: Symbol table not found
  2,195  Recognizing notes within recorded sound - Part 2 - Python
  2,195  Numpy: get only the array rows that have a value in an interval
  2,195  Lossy compression of numpy array (image, uint8) in memory
  2,195  Getting MemoryError while calling np.vstack()
  2,195  Create a stacked 2D histogram using different weights
  2,194  Using Scipy curve_fit with piecewise function
  2,194  pandas handling of numpy timedelta64[ms]
  2,194  ''painting'' one array onto another using python / numpy
  2,194  Numpy, RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  2,194  How to apply 1D mask on 2D array in Python numpy? [duplicate]
  2,193  Replacing value in a numpy array using as an index another value from the same array
  2,192  Understanding the error for scipy.optimize.minimize() function
  2,192  Read .mat file in Python. But the shape of the data changed
  2,192  Plotting moving average with numpy and csv
  2,192  merging 2D slices into 3D volume in python
  2,192  can import numpy module but cannot use functionalities
  2,191  Matrix multiplication using hdf5
  2,191  Calculating standard deviation [closed]
  2,190  Why ''None'' has the same effect as ''np.newaxis''? [duplicate]
  2,190  PIL's Imagefromarray resulting in error when trying to convert from numpy array
  2,190  Pandas: Splitting a Row Into Multiple Rows Efficiently
  2,190  Find index of the first NaN value in the row
  2,189  Why doesn't numpy allow array multiplication by scalars?
  2,189  Using polyval and polyfit to plot linear regression on semi-log charts
  2,189  python: how to determine if multidimensional array is empy, and value error
  2,189  Problem with tensorflow, TF_SessionRun_wrapper: expected all values in input dict to be ndarray
  2,189  Always yield a masked array with netCDF4
  2,188  numpy: How can I select specific indexes in an np array for k-fold cross validation?
  2,188  Numpy elementwise product of 3d array
  2,188  Bars in histogram are tiny (regarding width) and overlapping. How to increase bar width of matplotlib plot.hist()
  2,188  AWS lambda building external dependency libraries in python
  2,187  numpy.array select all even elements from d-dimensional array
  2,187  How to replace only part of a numpy array's values with those of another array?
  2,187  How to handle missing data in a csv file without using numpy/pandas?
  2,187  Converting a numpy array of dtype objects to dtype complex
  2,185  TypeError: scatter() got multiple values for argument 'c'
  2,185  no module named numpy even after installing it
  2,185  Matplotlib imshow inverting colors of 2D IFFT array
  2,185  How to tell pythons numpy where to find
  2,185  Export Python script [closed]
  2,184  Training a neural network to compute 'XOR' in scikit-learn
  2,184  Tracing Python warnings/errors to a line number in numpy and scipy
  2,184  Raise diagonal matrix to the negative power 1/2
  2,184  Python, Numpy: all UNIQUE combinations of a numpy.array() vector
  2,184  How to install scipy without mkl
  2,184  Curve fit data issues
  2,183  Using Random Numbers in Theano
  2,183  Sklearn train_test_split; retaining unique values from column(s) in training set
  2,183  Python Numpy Loadtxt - Convert unix timestamp
  2,183  numpy : assembling multiple slices into new array
  2,183  AttributeError with numpy in IDLE but not in Python Shell
  2,182  TensorFlow - Split and Squeeze
  2,182  Object oriented vs vector based programming [closed]
  2,182  numpy array is shown incorrect with pyglet
  2,182  How to calculate a very large correlation matrix
  2,182  error: name 'Image' not defined
  2,182  Celery Error: numpy array is not JSON serializable
  2,181  Python : get random ten values from a pandas dataframe [duplicate]
  2,181  numpy covariance and covariance matrix by formula is producing different results
  2,181  How best to implement a matrix mask operation in tensorflow?
  2,181  Calculating and Plotting the Average of every (X) items in a list of (Y) total
  2,181  2d numpy.power for polynomial expansion
  2,180  Unrolling a trivially parallelizable for loop in python with CUDA
  2,180  Is there a downloadable Scipy file for Python 3.6
  2,180  how to display a numpy array with pyglet?
  2,180  How do I get a periodic curve fit from discrete data in python?
  2,179  TypeError: Cannot convert value dtype('<M8[ns]') to a TensorFlow DType
  2,179  Efficient MATLAB cart2sph and sph2cart functions in python
  2,179  Converting string of ''bytes'' to numpy array of uint8
  2,179  Boxplotting Masked Arrays
  2,178  Python Pandas create dummy variables with values other than 1 or 0?
  2,178  numpy, mapping one array to parts of another
  2,178  Numpy inaccurate matrix inverse
  2,178  how to compute convex hull image/volume in 3d numpy arrays
  2,178  How to calculate exp(x) for really big integers in Python?
  2,178  Create mask by coordinates of multiple convex polygons
  2,178  callback function in Keras to save predicted output at every epoch
  2,177  transpose row to column in python
  2,177  Java type conversion to Python through JPype and numpy
  2,177  initialize a float32 matrix with random numbers in numpy/scipy
  2,177  How do I construct a tuple in Cython?
  2,176  Subtracting two interleaved, differently based time-series arrays with numpy?
  2,176  how to save a boolean numpy array to textfile in python?
  2,175  Numpy: Set 1 element of each row based on a column index array [duplicate]
  2,175  Keras Text Classification Custom Dataset from csv
  2,175  Interactive slider to vary slice used in Bokeh image plot
  2,175  How to install matplotlib on Elastic Beanstalk
  2,175  Convert numpy.void to numpy.ndarray
  2,175  Converting back to ndarray from a previous ndarray.tobytes()?
  2,175  Code-Completion for e.g. Numpy, SciPy or Matplotlib does not work in Eclipse PyDev
  2,174  Python OpenCV (cv2) Unspecified error in NumpyAllocator::allocate
  2,173  store images of different dimension in numpy array
  2,173  numpy array is printed into file with unwanted wrapping
  2,173  How to improve the efficiency of a sobel edge detector
  2,173  How to assign values of a 2d array to 3d array in NumPy
  2,173  How can I create a 4D numpy array from images?
  2,173  Efficient incremental sparse matrix in python / scipy / numpy
  2,172  Seaborn regplot using datetime64 as the x axis
  2,172  Python heapq heappush The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  2,172  Paraboloid (3D parabola) surface fitting python
  2,172  Is there a numpy function to perform coordinate transformations?
  2,172  How to remove NaN from a Pandas Series where the dtype is a list?
  2,172  How to read a 32-bit integer image using matplotlib?
  2,172  Converting ndarray generated by hcluster into a Newick string for use with ete2 package
  2,170  python - numpy create array from multiple files
  2,169  Pandas and Cassandra: numpy array format incompatibility
  2,169  NumPy: programmatically modify dtype of a structured array
  2,169  Numpy/pandas element-wise in operator
  2,169  How to convert HDF5 2D arrays to 1D in NumPy?
  2,169  control wspace for matplotlib subplots
  2,169  Apply same permutation for every row in a 2D numpy array
  2,168  Simulating a neuron spike train in python
  2,168  python numpy, sort a matrix by row and column
  2,168  numpy.searchsorted with 2D array
  2,167  Phylo BioPython building trees
  2,167  Numpy: how to roll 1 ''row'' in an array of arrays
  2,167  Convert a list of numpy arrays to json for return from flask api
  2,167  Appending large amount of data to a tables (HDF5) database where database.numcols != newdata.numcols?
  2,166  Why is `pip3 install numpy` much faster than setting it in `install_requires`?
  2,166  Why does SVD result of Armadillo differ from NumPy?
  2,165  Numpy: ''<<'' and ''>>'' operators
  2,165  IndexError: tuple index out of range in numpy array
  2,165  How to calculate the weighted ''center'' of a 2d numpy array?
  2,165  For loop through a numpy array of strings
  2,165  Divide one numpy array by another only where both arrays are non-zero
  2,164  unmelting a pandas dataframe in Python?
  2,164  Python zip numpy arrays of different dimension
  2,164  Python: comparing columns in numpy
  2,164  Pandas datetime index from seconds series
  2,164  How to lambdify a SymPy expression containing the erf function for use with NumPy
  2,164  convert float to hours and minutes in pandas/numpy
  2,163  How to create symbolic matrix and do substitute in batch with sympy?
  2,163  convert object dytpes to numeric in numpy
  2,163  Can I pass a matrix as command line input in python with numpy?
  2,163  Calculate Hitting Time between 2 nodes using NetworkX
  2,162  Updating a coo matrix on the fly with scipy
  2,162  How to convert a 3D vtkDataSet into a numpy array?
  2,162  get indexes with condition
  2,162  Fast way to count occurrences of all values in a pandas DataFrame
  2,162  2-D arrays with numpy arange
  2,161  ImportError when installing NumPy for Python 2.7
  2,160  Using matplotlib, is it possible to set properties for all subplots on a figure at once?
  2,160  Python 2.7 IOError: [Errno] No such file or directory: 'GBPUSD1d.txt'
  2,159  Numpy  -  Split 2D array into sub-arrays based on indices
  2,159  How do I make keras predict something other than a one-hot matrix?
  2,159  How can I remove the commas between a list's elements?
  2,158  Python - FFT leads to wrong physical meanings
  2,158  How to control genfromtxt to read rows specified?
  2,158  How do I view model.feature_importances_ output with the names of the features?
  2,157  Multidimensional Convolution in python
  2,157  Keras import error: cannot import np_utils
  2,157  How can I use the NumPy C-API in both C++ header and source file?
  2,156  Vectorizing NumPy covariance for 3D array
  2,156  numpy.loadtxt fails to read int in Python 3
  2,156  Generating normal distribution in order python, numpy
  2,156  Convert XYZ point cloud to grayscale image
  2,155  NumPy hstack throws ''ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions?''
  2,155  mean() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dtype'!
  2,155  Loss of precision with very small numbers in Python arrays
  2,155  Difference between HDF5 file and PyTables file
  2,154  ValueError: view limit minimum 0.0 is less than 1 and is an invalid Matplotlib date value
  2,154  Symmetrization of scipy sparse matrices
  2,154  Adding string header and index to a numpy array
  2,154  Add a new column to a Pandas DataFrame by using values in another column to lookup values in a dictionary
  2,153  Python3.4 scipy.optimize.minimize callbacks multiple times the objective function in one iteration
  2,153  numerical integration in Fourier space with numpy.fft
  2,153  how to put data into an image from sequence
  2,152  Vectorizing the Kinect real-world coordinate processing algorithm for speed
  2,151  shade region of interest in matplotlib chart [duplicate]
  2,151  No module named scipy.lib.six even if scipy is installed
  2,151  MSYS2 pip install numpy failed
  2,150  Tensorflow: Py_func returns unknown shape
  2,150  Replace diagonals of a 2D array with python [duplicate]
  2,150  How to read a large image in chunks in python?
  2,150  Annotating a Figure using String with Strange Symbols
  2,149  Python, Cosine Similarity to Adjusted Cosine Similarity
  2,148  NotImplementedError: numpy() is only available when eager execution is enabled
  2,148  Matrix with given numbers in random places in python/numpy
  2,148  Free up memory by deleting numpy arrays
  2,148  Convert row-column-value data to an array - numpy
  2,148  Contours around scipy labeled regions in a 2D grid
  2,148  Changing the values in a numpy array depending on the area of a circle
  2,147  How to calculate diagonal degree matrix from a huge (scipy.sparse) matrix?
  2,147  Filling column with condition
  2,146  how to set a fixed color bar for pcolor in python matplotlib?
  2,146  combining python lists in savetxt
  2,146  Add constraints to scipy.optimize.curve_fit?
  2,145  TypeError: Input 'y' of 'Equal' Op has type float32 that does not match type int32 of argument 'x'
  2,145  Minor ticks in pandas plot
  2,145  Installing numpy on mac osx (snow leopard)
  2,145  How to avoid Python Killed: 9 creating these arrays?
  2,145  From python Counter dictionary to nd numpy array
  2,145  Create an array of repeating elements that increase by 0.1 intervals
  2,144  Numpy inverts a non-invertible matrix
  2,144  non-broadcastable output operand numpy 2D cast into 3D
  2,143  Mapping a 3-dimensional coordinate to a 1-dimensional index
  2,143  List of objects to numpy array
  2,143  creating an infinitely long sine tone in Python
  2,142  Python dictionary.values() to numpy array
  2,142  Opencv/python - how can i get the coordinates of detected areas after image processing
  2,142  Alternative to Mayavi for scientific 3d plotting
  2,141  numpy interpolation to increase a vector size
  2,141  numpy eigenvalues correct but eigenvectors wrong
  2,141  How to compute Gradient of an image with kernel in python
  2,140  How to perform image segmentation on 4-band geotiff using Python's scikit-image?
  2,140  Convert an image to a 2D array of coordinates in Python for two point correlation
  2,140  Basic Numpy array value assignment
  2,140  Append Numpy ndarray to pandas dataframe
  2,139  Why does boolean indexing of a 2D NumPy array produces 1d array?
  2,139  Read binary file which has different datatypes
  2,139  Possible to calculate a double sum in python using list comprehensions to replace both for-loops?
  2,139  NumPy ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() leastsq
  2,139  How to get the index of a list items in another list?
  2,139  how to deploy a C# application that calls numpy through IronPython
  2,139  Converting numpy array svg image
  2,138  What is record array in pandas?
  2,138  Matrix multiplication in numpy
  2,138  Importing complex data from .mat file as a numpy array
  2,138  How to install numpy on freshly installed Python 3.5 in Windows 10?
  2,137  TypeError: unhashable type: 'matrix' [closed]
  2,137  map a function to all columns for Scipy/numpy matrix
  2,137  How to randomly select some non-zero elements from a numpy.ndarray?
  2,137  Can I link numpy with AMD's gpu accelerated blas library
  2,136  Processing video frame by frame using opencv
  2,136  Leave one out cross validation using Sklearn
  2,136  How to do a contour plot from x,y,z coordinates in matplotlib? (plt.contourf or plt.contour)
  2,136  Fourier transform / iterative deconvolution fitting in python using numpy/scipy
  2,136  Apply Mask Array 2d to 3d
  2,135  Opencv: zero pixels outside of region of interest with rotated rectangle?
  2,135  Detecting comic strip dialogue bubble regions in images
  2,134  Windows ImportError numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  2,134  numpy append_field gives shape error for new field with 2d shape
  2,134  How to successfully import numpy using Python 3.x?
  2,134  How to subtract from columns and not rows in NumPy matrices?
  2,134  How to convert Decimal128 to decimal in pandas dataframe
  2,134  Complex eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix in MATLAB
  2,133  use numpy to join two columns
  2,133  Reading in a text file as a numpy array with float values
  2,133  NumPyPy vs Theano?
  2,133  illegal instruction (core dumped) message when displaying generated image using numpy and matplotlib
  2,133  How do I create a NumPy array from results of a pyodbc query?
  2,133  Calculating percentile of bins from numpy digitize?
  2,132  Correct way to return numpy friendly arrays using typed memoryviews in Cython?
  2,132  Calculating gradient in 3D
  2,131  Numpy n-tuple array with dtype float
  2,131  Formatting a 2D Numpy Array Float -> Percentage
  2,130  Why is the python ''dtype=float'' 8-byte rather than 4-byte?
  2,130  Split a 3D numpy array into 3D blocks
  2,130  How to add matrix and vector column-wise?
  2,129  Python 2.7 TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array
  2,129  Interpolating uneven data with SciPy
  2,129  ImportError: cannot import name _fblas on Mac
  2,129  arange: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int'
  2,129  3x3 matrix conversion without loop (RGB color conversion)
  2,128  Drawing/sampling a sphere in a 3D numpy grid
  2,128  cannot import pandas after conda update, Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
  2,127  Why do NumPy and SciPy have a lot of the same functions? Which should I prefer? [duplicate]
  2,127  Vectorization of this Numpy double loop
  2,127  Calculating IRR of a perpetuity with numpy / python
  2,125  How to rotate a 3D matrix along X,Y, or Z axial plane?
  2,124  OpenCV/C++ program slower than its numpy counterpart, what should I do?
  2,124  Least squares regression on 2d array
  2,123  Reference of a single numpy array element
  2,123  Python: Running from cygwin works, while running from PyCharm doesn't
  2,123  numpy: find the count of each unique element in an array
  2,123  How do I avoid looping through an image pixel by pixel with opencv & numpy
  2,121  Why does this array has no attribute 'log10'?
  2,121  Read HDF5 based file as a numpy array in Python
  2,121  Pass element index in Numpy vectorization
  2,121  how to reshape an array of tuples
  2,121  How to compute the cosine similarity of a list of scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
  2,121  Conditional average with numpy
  2,120  Numpy Structured Arrays by Name AND Index
  2,120  How to load several files in the same arrays in python with loadtxt?
  2,120  How do I transpose a pandas dataframe while preserving the index and rename keys
  2,119  Realizing different column formats with numpy.savetxt
  2,119  plotting polynomial regression in same plot as the real data
  2,119  Modified Gram Schmidt in Python for complex vectors
  2,119  Matrix multiplication speeds in R as fast as in Python?
  2,119  How to elegantly create matrix with row and column indices as first row / column?
  2,119  How to Convert all pixel values of an image to a certain range -python
  2,119  Getting the last non-nan index of a sorted numpy matrix or pandas dataframe
  2,118  Numpy Iterating calculations in a meshgrid [closed]
  2,118  Mock: assert_called_once_with a numpy array as argument
  2,118  Cython either marginally faster or slower than pure Python
  2,118  Create NumPy array from CSV file
  2,117  Numpy array defined in main not recognized in function [closed]
  2,117  numba - guvectorize barely faster than jit
  2,117  Delete numpy column by name
  2,116  Test if matrix is invertible over finite field
  2,116  Python - Compare two 2D arrays by row
  2,116  Keras predict getting incorrect shape?
  2,116  Keep getting ValueError with numpy while trying to create array
  2,116  Get random numbers within one standard deviation
  2,116  Find center coordinates of regions in a 3d numpy array
  2,116  dlib face detection error : Unsupported image type, must be 8bit gray or RGB image
  2,116  Calculating Histogram from one-dimensional float arrays in OpenCV
  2,115  Using numpy with PyDev
  2,115  Unknown * in numpy.random function [duplicate]
  2,115  superimpose matplotlib quiver on image
  2,115  Python if any() does not work
  2,115  How to crop zero edges of a numpy array?
  2,115  Equivalent of Matlab's fread() 'float64' in Python
  2,115  Cleanest way to combine reduce and map in Python
  2,115  Block insert from array to SQLITE in python
  2,114  Vectorize a Newton method in Python/Numpy
  2,114  How to rotate a numpy array?
  2,114  2d interpolation in python with random spot
  2,113  Split numpy array by unique values in column
  2,113  Read the data of a single channel from a stereo wave file wave with 24-bit data in Python
  2,113  How to sum values of a row of a pandas dataframe efficiently
  2,112  Using scipy to calculate integral over time series data without function
  2,112  Transfer ownership of numpy data
  2,112  Python Chunking CSV File Multiproccessing
  2,112  numpy.memmap map to save file
  2,112  IndexError: shape mismatch: indexing arrays could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,) (9,)
  2,112  Import sparse matrix from csv file
  2,112  cython: pass a 2D numpy array to cdef function
  2,111  Use numpy array to replace pandas DataFrame values
  2,111  pandas: calculate mean of numpy array for each row in a column
  2,111  Numpy in Python 3 on OSX?
  2,111  Memory error pickle dump while saving/loading data from/into disk
  2,111  import nltk does not work
  2,111  how to duplicate each row of a matrix N times Numpy
  2,111  Flatten numpy array but also keep index of value positions?
  2,111  Converting pandas Dataframe with Numpy values to pysparkSQL.DataFrame
  2,110  Sortrows with multiple sorting keys in numpy
  2,110  Combining multiple data types in pandas DataFrame
  2,110  changing dtypes of structured/record arrays
  2,109  Numerical computation of softmax cross entropy gradient
  2,109  Matplotlib histogram from x,y values with datetime months as bins
  2,108  Pass regex to delimiter field in python's csv module or numpy's genfromtxt / loadtxt?
  2,107  python loop over continuously expanding list
  2,106  encoding and rendering a (network) graph in python
  2,105  Plot datetime64 with matplotlib
  2,105  How to implement Perceptron in Python?
  2,104  update from python 3.5 to 3.6: unable to install any packages
  2,104  python how to create an array based on condition
  2,104  Nan values when plotting Matplotlib
  2,104  How to set significant figures in pyplot annotation
  2,104  How to force the type of a scalar in python
  2,104  How can I check to see the number of iterations Newton's method takes to run?
  2,104  Find adjacent elements in a 2D numpy grid
  2,103  Slice an Image into ''Tiles'' Using Numpy
  2,103  Loading Matlab sparse matrix using Python Pytables
  2,103  How to fit a closed contour?
  2,102  Scipy fmin_tnc not optimizing cost function
  2,102  Parallel many dimensional optimization
  2,102  Improve performance of converting numpy array to MATLAB double
  2,102  How to define custom float-type numpy dtypes (C-API)
  2,102  Convert python ndarray to matlab matrix
  2,101  Set matplotlib plot axis to be the dataframe column name
  2,101  Python numpy arange [duplicate]
  2,101  Discrepancy Between Matlab and Numpy+Python FFT2?
  2,101  Apply a function to numpy array in Python [duplicate]
  2,100  plotting a parabola within part of a repeating signal using numpy
  2,100  plotting a parabola within part of a repeating signal using numpy
  2,100  Parallel exact matrix diagonalization with Python
  2,100  IndexError in numpy array
  2,100  How to draw 2D random uniform samples from two ranges
  2,100  Fastest way to compute matrix dot product
  2,100  error while installing scipy module in python
  2,099  Convert python modules into DLL file
  2,099  Convert 3-byte stereo WAV-file to numpy array
  2,098  What to do when pip & conda overlap?
  2,098  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  2,098  Generating Pivot Tables in Python - Pandas? Numpy? Xlrd? from csv
  2,098  Difference between sum and np.sum for complex numbers numpy
  2,097  Writing a wav file using sounddevice and numpy in python3
  2,097  Why is Cython slower than vectorized NumPy?
  2,097  Set maximum number of cores for Jupyter notebook
  2,097  Error in scikit learn TfidfVectorizer when using the parameter stop_words
  2,096  Picking up column values based on two conditions
  2,096  Numpy and Python: impossible to sum two arrays [closed]
  2,096  Is it worth using a multithreaded blas implementation along with multiprocessing in Python?
  2,095  Solve large number of small equation systems in numpy
  2,095  python - Transform data to numpy array for sklearn
  2,095  Python: numpy shape confusion
  2,095  Convert U1 array to int in Python
  2,094  Why do numpy cov diagonal elements and var functions have different values?
  2,094  Row swapping in np array python
  2,094  Raising an exception while using numba
  2,093  win32com MemoryError: CreatingSafeArray attempting to insert data into excel
  2,093  selecting numpy array axis by int
  2,093  Possible to add numpy arrays to python sets?
  2,093  How to install numpy and matplotlib in the right python version?
  2,093  Convert numpy object array to sparse matrix
  2,092  ''Matrix is not positive definite'' error in scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2
  2,092  How to sum dictionary value in python?
  2,091  numpy histogram with 3x3D arrays as indices
  2,091  Data binning: irregular polygons to regular mesh
  2,090  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'spectrogram'
  2,089  Python - ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  2,089  numpy and statsmodels give different values when calculating correlations, How to interpret this?
  2,089  Matlab backslash (mldivide) versus numpy lstsq with rectangular matrix [duplicate]
  2,089  Make a number more probable to result from random
  2,089  Convert a numpy boolean array to int one with distinct values
  2,089  Adding column to list in python
  2,088  ValueError: objects are not aligned
  2,088  Python adding records to an array
  2,088  Numpy union arrays in order
  2,088  How to reshape numpy image array for color channel
  2,088  find the max from each row in python
  2,088  Cython numpy array shape, tuple assignments
  2,087  Markov Chain Monte Carlo (python, numpy)
  2,087  How can I manually compile Cython code that uses C++?
  2,087  Adding a colorbar and a line to multiple imshow() plots
  2,086  Python: Generating from geometric distribution
  2,086  ImageIO - get image Width and Height from loaded image
  2,086  Applying a Fast Coordinate Transformation in Python
  2,085  Difference between np.max(x ,axis = 1) and x.max(axis = 1) for numpy array
  2,084  Why is Cython so much slower than Numba when iterating over NumPy arrays?
  2,084  Numpy arrays in C
  2,084  Installation of Compatible version of Numpy and Scipy on Abaqus 6.13-2 with python 2.6.2
  2,084  Convert string based NaN's to numpy NaN's
  2,084  Convert float32 array to datetime64 in Numpy 1.6.1
  2,084  Avoiding underflow for joint probabilities using NumPy
  2,084  Add element in first an last position - Python numpy array
  2,083  Shuffling multiple HDF5 datasets in-place
  2,083  python: numpy - calculate percentile with linear interpolation
  2,083  Python: Iterate over files in directory and use the filenames as variables
  2,083  More efficient weighted Gini coefficient in Python
  2,083  Image Boundary Finding and Filling
  2,082  Python WAV ''TypeError: data type not understood'' error
  2,082  Finding local maxima and minima of user defined functions
  2,081  Plotting a dendrogram using Plotly Python
  2,081  numpy.loadtxt for one and more input lines
  2,081  Is there a way to install the scipy special module without the rest of scipy?
  2,081  Group by with numpy.mean
  2,080  ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack how can i fix it
  2,079  Smoothing in Python [duplicate]
  2,079  numpy: syntax/idiom to cast (n,) array to a (n, 1) array?
  2,079  NumPy sort function returns None
  2,079  Numpy loadtxt error with double slashes in file path and odd characters
  2,079  Get Index of 2D array in Python
  2,079  Building Numpy with Intel Compilers and MKL - CentOS 7
  2,078  slicing numpy array along an arbitrary dimension
  2,078  Is there t test table in python (numpy,scipy ect.)
  2,078  Finding edges in a image generated by an NumPy array
  2,078  Euclidean Distance Between All Points in an 2 Vectors
  2,078  Combining rows in DataFrame
  2,077  The conversion from csv to binary format reduces the file size abnormally
  2,077  Split a 3 dimensional numpy array into 3x3 grids
  2,077  Generating 3D Gaussian Data
  2,077  Append a list of values with mixed types in Python to data frame
  2,076  replace blanks in numpy array
  2,076  Read an image pixel by pixel (ndimage/ndarray)
  2,076  Python: multiprocessing pool memory leak
  2,076  Computing the Fiedler Vector in Python
  2,076  Calculating dot product of two numpy row arrays (vectors) in Python gives a shape vector
  2,075  wrapping a numpy array in python
  2,075  Python 2.5 and 2.6 and Numpy compatibility problem
  2,074  Subset numpy array based on another array
  2,074  Saving many arrays of different lengths
  2,074  pandas python: np.array_split(df, x) throws an error: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'size'
  2,074  Going from numpy array to itk Image
  2,074  Generating banded matrices using numpy
  2,074  Diagonal Matrix Exponential in Python
  2,073  remove the zeros from an array with a function Python
  2,073  Finding maximum value in a column and return row number
  2,073  Determine adjacent regions in numpy array
  2,073  Check all possible labels (y) of an array or Dataframe
  2,072  What python library to use for non-blocking audio I/O on OSX?
  2,072  Scipy Binary Closing - Edge Pixels lose value
  2,072  in numpy array, I want to copy one column to another matrix and remove the column from original matrix
  2,072  how to gather elements of specific indices in numpy?
  2,072  Adding sheets to existing excelfile with pandas
  2,071  Issues installing pandas: ''command 'llvm-gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 1''
  2,071  From argwhere to where?
  2,070  ''only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars'' using scipy.optimize in Sage
  2,070  Accessing a matrix element by matrix[(a, b), c] instead of matrix[a, b, c]
  2,069  Using a lookup table with openCV and NumPy
  2,069  Template Matching (Image Search) function in Python Imaging Library
  2,069  Random Sampling of Pandas data frame (both rows and columns)
  2,069  Numpy Histogram Representing Floats with Approximate Values as The Same
  2,069  MemoryError in numpy matrix multiplication or einsum operations
  2,069  How to make numpy overloading of __add__ independent on operand order?
  2,069  How to find cumulative sum of items in a list of dictionaries in python
  2,069  How to convert 2d numpy array into binary indicator matrix for max value
  2,069  Filtering harmonic from signal (python)
  2,069  Do I need to have Excel installed to use Openpyxl ''interactively''? Can it interact with .ODS format?
  2,068  Why scipy.savetxt('filename', (x,y)) saves arrays by row instead of columns?
  2,068  Load data from csv into numpy array
  2,068  How to get name from the cluster from KMeans clustering?
  2,068  How is theano dot product broadcasted
  2,068  Calculating amplitude from np.fft
  2,068  Any reason why Octave, R, Numpy and LAPACK yield different SVD results on the same matrix?
  2,068  Anaconda warning conda.common.logic:get_sat_solver_cls(278)
  2,067  Why does numpy use the half-open interval for its uniform random?
  2,067  What do we mean by this Numpy shape?
  2,067  Scikit Learn: Randomized Logistic Regression gives ValueError: output array is read-only
  2,067  Distributing Cython based extensions using LAPACK
  2,067  Convert mask (boolean) array to list of x,y coordinates
  2,067  Clarification about flatten function in Theano
  2,066  Fast conversion from string to numpy.int16 array
  2,066  Combination of numpy and multiprocessing Queues disturbs ordering of the queue
  2,066  Build in function for plotting bayes decision boundary given the probability function
  2,065  Writing a multidimensional structured numpy array to hdf5 one field at a time with h5py raises a numpy broadcasting error
  2,065  Make matplotlib colormap from numpy array
  2,064  Visualizing spherical harmonics in Python
  2,064  Memory leak in pandas when dropping dataframe column?
  2,064  Find multiple values in a Numpy array
  2,064  Find index of multiple elements in numpy array [duplicate]
  2,063  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'builtin_function_or_method' matrix
  2,063  OpenCV maximum and minimum RGB value using mask
  2,063  Is there something like a depth buffer in matplotlib?
  2,063  Convert 3D numpy to array to 4D array without changing
  2,063  calculate mean using numpy ndarray
  2,062  sampling multinomial from small log probability vectors in numpy/scipy
  2,062  *.npy reader for windows
  2,062  n-dimensional sliding window with Pandas or Numpy
  2,062  Initialize 64 by 64 numpy of (0,0) tuples in python?
  2,062  Get Row and Column Names (argmax) for max entry in pandas dataframe
  2,062  AttributeError: 'ProgbarLogger' object has no attribute 'log_values'
  2,061  Is it possible to sort the numpy array in descending order using numpy.sort(), If possible then how? [duplicate]
  2,061  Indexing a large 3D HDF5 dataset for subsetting based on 2D condition
  2,061  How to specify the endiannes directly in the numpy datatype for a 16bit unsigned integer?
  2,061  Fast 1D convolution with finite filter and sum of dirac deltas in python
  2,061  Create a sparse diagonal matrix from row of a sparse matrix
  2,061  Convert a binary string into signed integer - Python
  2,060  Split an array into bins of equal numbers
  2,060  Select specified month date from numpy array (datetime object)
  2,060  Reading an image in python - experimenting with images
  2,059  Speeding up loops over a Numpy array
  2,059  numpy where command on arrays with dtype=object
  2,059  Numpy - compute all possible differences in an array at fixed distance
  2,059  How to coarser the 2-d array data resolution
  2,059  How do you install the blaze module (Continuum analytics) in Python?
  2,059  Compute Cholesky decomposition of Sparse Matrix in Python
  2,058  KeyError 'PATH' on numpy Import
  2,058  how to convert a binary numpy array to decimal? [duplicate]
  2,058  genfromtxt dtype=None returns wrong shape
  2,057  Plotting vector fields with two different methods (quiver / streamplot) resulting in plots that don't match - Matplotlib
  2,057  How to make grid of the irrigular data?
  2,057  Convert numpy array of shape (n,1) to shape (n,) [duplicate]
  2,056  plot multiple data series from numpy array
  2,055  Why the second dimension in a Numpy array is empty?
  2,055  Vectorize Forward Euler method for system of differential equations
  2,054  Writing csv header removes data from numpy array written below
  2,054  ValueError: cannot resize this array: it does not own its data
  2,053  Interpolate on a logarithmic scale in python
  2,053  IndexError: too many indices for np.array
  2,053  Correlation between two matrices of different sizes in Python [duplicate]
  2,053  Apply transformation matrix to pixels in OpenCV image
  2,052  numpy: fastest way to change image shape from 224 x 224 x 3 to 3 x 224 x 224
  2,052  How do I calculate cosine similarity from TfidfVectorizer?
  2,052  Fit regression line to exponential function in python
  2,052  Creating fixed length numpy array from variable length lists
  2,051  Minimum value from two arrays [duplicate]
  2,051  Getting error 'File ''<frozen importlib._bootstrap>'', line 968, in _find_and_load' while importing tensorflow
  2,051  Coordinating basemap quiver and matplotlib arrow
  2,051  Adding an array to a numpy array
  2,050  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable in my code
  2,050  Install python module on synology - pip error
  2,050  Install MatPlotLib 1.2.x on OS X Lion 10.7.4 and Python 3.2.2
  2,050  Concatenate big numpy arrays
  2,049  theano - use tensordot compute dot product of two tensor
  2,049  python sampling from different distributions with different probability
  2,049  Python PANDAS: Converting from pandas/numpy to dask dataframe/array
  2,049  Fastest non negative matrix factorization (NMF) solver in python?
  2,048  Simple Linear Regression using CSV data file Sklearn
  2,048  ''In'' operator for numpy arrays?
  2,048  categorical_crossentropy loss , no attribute 'get_shape'
  2,047  Vectorized implementation for Euclidean distance [duplicate]
  2,047  Populate arrays in python (numpy)?
  2,047  Numpy suddenly uses all CPUs
  2,047  numpy.polyfit shows TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'float'
  2,047  How can I calculate frequency axis after FFT
  2,047  Calculate mean and median efficiently
  2,046  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply in numpy
  2,046  Converting coordinates vector to numpy 2D matrix
  2,045  `vectorize` for each row in Numpy
  2,045  remove outliers from a 2D list
  2,045  Numpy: Why is numpy.array([2]).any() > 1 False?
  2,045  How to use `cv2.perspectiveTransform` to apply homography on a set of points in Python OpenCV?
  2,045  Difference between array and matrix numpy for solving linear equations
  2,044  OpenCV python cv2.Canny function's output Mat object doesn't have channel information
  2,044  module object has no attribute imread and imshow
  2,044  ''ImportError: cannot import name SkipTest'' while importing numpy in python
  2,044  How to fill a Python numpy chararray with spaces?
  2,044  Get x,y,value 1D arrays from 2D numpy array (linear indexing)
  2,044  3D-Stacked 2D histograms in matplotlib pyplot
  2,043  Creating contour plots without using numpy.meshgrid method?
  2,042  Recode missing data Numpy
  2,042  how to get the string value from numpy array?
  2,042  Converting OpenCV BoundingRect into NumPy array with Python
  2,042  Convert and pad a list to numpy array
  2,041  ''OSError: cannot write object arrays to a file in binary mode''
  2,041  numpy array - replace certain values
  2,041  Making a boolean array
  2,041  ImportError: No Module name Multiarray
  2,041  Create matrix from list of values within Dictionary
  2,041  Create a Matrix out of (row, column, value) triplets in NumPy
  2,041  Checking nan values in a numpy array
  2,040  Implement max/mean pooling(with stride) with numpy
  2,040  How to know CSV line count before loading in python?
  2,040  Conflicting Numpy and OpenCV2 Datatypes when calling OpenCV functions
  2,039  numpy reading a csv file to an numpy array
  2,038  Using Numpy with ARM processors
  2,038  Scipy implementation of Savitzky-Golay filter
  2,038  Numpy array multiple condition boolean
  2,038  Is there some
  2,038  Expand width of shell in Python's IDLE
  2,037  undefined _PyUnicodeUCS4_IsWhitespace in compiled cython+numpy
  2,037  Logarithm on Dataframe
  2,037  Convert a matrix to a list [duplicate]
  2,036  Sum values according to an index array
  2,036  sine wave glissando from one pitch to another in Numpy
  2,036  SciPy curve_fit with np.log returns immediately with popt = p0, pcov = inf
  2,036  Python Scipy for 2D extrapolated spline function?
  2,035  pandas equivalent to numpy.roll
  2,034  Voice chat with python
  2,034  ValueError: When changing to a larger dtype, its size must be a divisor of the total size in bytes of the last axis of the array
  2,034  Unique values from pandas.Series [duplicate]
  2,034  Splitting an N dimensional numpy array into multiple 1D arrays
  2,034  Spark - how to convert a dataframe or rdd to spark matrix or numpy array without using pandas
  2,034  Scikit Learn Gaussian HMM: ValueError: startprob must sum to 1.0
  2,034  Comparing NumPy arange and custom range function for producing ranges with decimal increments
  2,033  Vectorized dictionary in Python
  2,033  Morphology erosion - difference betwen Scipy ndimage and Scikit image
  2,033  How to swap the 0 and 1 values for each other in a pandas data frame?
  2,033  How to skip one element in numpy array
  2,033  Convert Stl into numpy array
  2,032  slicing numpy array in periodic conditions
  2,032  Running Python code for theano: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -latlas
  2,032  Numpy apply function to array
  2,032  Convert datatime to milliseconds since midnight UTC or localized in CSV file using Pandas
  2,031  Error in numpy nanmean
  2,030  Why timedeltas can't be multiplied/divided in NumPy?
  2,030  how to load Matlab's struct (saved with v7.3) in Python
  2,030  How to find PSNR and SSIM of two video files in python using openCV and other libraries?
  2,029  Save bounding box as image
  2,029  regression coefficient using numpy
  2,029  pandas multiply using dictionary values across several columns
  2,029  How can I get the right numpy working for python 3 in Ubuntu 14.04
  2,029  Groupby and reduce pandas dataframes with numpy arrays as entries
  2,029  Best practices with reading and operating on fortran ordered arrays with numpy
  2,028  Test if subarray of given array
  2,028  python string replace conditional
  2,028  FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in double_scalars
  2,027  What is the best method for using Datashader to plot data from a NumPy array?
  2,027  TypeError: ufunc add cannot use operands with types dtype('<M8[ns]') and dtype('<M8[ns]')
  2,027  numpy: Counting in a 2D array where an element satisfies a condition
  2,027  Cosine similarity for very large dataset
  2,026  Using the methods of scipy's rv_continuous when creating a cutom continuous distribution
  2,026  python - Initialize an empty array with named columns (and data types)
  2,026  Passing a structured numpy array with strings to a cython function
  2,025  Why is it faster to perform float by float matrix multiplication compared to int by int?
  2,025  What is the best way to save numpy arrays of different length to the same csv file?
  2,025  Using pcolor to plot 3 arrays in python
  2,024  Resample array from high resolution to low
  2,024  Mean by interval of an array, standard deviation in python (Pandas)
  2,024  Find missing minute data in time series data using pandas
  2,024  Counting number of consecutive zeros in a Dataframe [closed]
  2,023  Panda-Column as index for numpy array
  2,023  Optimal way for finding index of 'greatest value less than' in Numpy array
  2,023  How to solve an equation with two variables in python
  2,022  Python:Passing list as argument in scipy.optimize.newton
  2,022  Pandas Diff() on first records in timeseries, missing data returns NaN
  2,022  Finding min max in 3d numpy array
  2,022  Dynamically adding elements to a NumPy array of unknown final length
  2,022  Difference between a numpy array and a multidimensional list in Python?
  2,021  Matlab/Python: Power spectral density of non-uniform time series
  2,021  Convert back to 2D numpy array from .jpg image
  2,020  How to create a directed networkx graph from a pandas adjacency matrix dataframe?
  2,018  Use Python and Pandas to split data in a text file
  2,018  Shifting 3D numpy array
  2,018  How to change the ticks in a confusion matrix?
  2,018  convertion of datetime to numpy datetime without timezone info
  2,017  Write 1D numpy arrays to csv file row by row
  2,017  Multiply list by all elements of the list except at it's own index
  2,017  incompatible numpy and html5lib for tensorflow
  2,017  Convert floating point array to integer array?
  2,016  numpy .npz load returns BadZipfile: File is not a zip file after a certain size
  2,016  How to remove duplicate elements from list of numpy arrays?
  2,016  Dot product between a matrix and a 1d-array in numpy
  2,016  Convert image loaded as binary string into numpy array
  2,015  Successive over relaxation
  2,015  Statistics on huge numpy (HDF5) arrays
  2,015  Is there an inverted version of numpy.all()?
  2,015  How to read data from .txt file with whitespace delimiter?
  2,015  How to incrementally create an sparse matrix on python?
  2,015  Difference between array[i][:] and array[i,:]
  2,014  Selecting columns in numpy based on a Boolean vector
  2,014  sckit-learn fit() leads to error after normalising the data
  2,014  Find unique values for each column
  2,013  Vectorize this convolution type loop more efficiently in numpy
  2,013  Varimax rotation in Python (Numpy/Scipy)?
  2,013  How to create a custom numpy dtype using cython
  2,013  Comparing two pandas series for floating point near-equality?
  2,012  Trilateration with LMFIT Python
  2,012  Sum of squared differences - NumPy/Python
  2,012  Pandas: fancy indexing a dataframe
  2,012  numpy vstack empty initialization
  2,012  Name of this algorithm, and is there a numpy/scipy implementation of it?
  2,012  How to select index over two dimension in PyTorch?
  2,011  Vectorized string operations in Numpy: why are they rather slow?
  2,011  Solving a differential equation in parallel, python
  2,011  Line smoothing with Numpy/SciPy
  2,011  How to replace no data value -3.4028231e+38 to numpy.nan [duplicate]
  2,011  How to output python graphs from terminal?
  2,011  How to find values with minimal absolute values in several columns ignoring NaNs?
  2,011  Fitting to a piecewise function using Python
  2,011  Counting arithmetic operations
  2,011  Compare two matrices and create a matrix of their common values [duplicate]
  2,010  Vectorized spherical bessel functions in python?
  2,010  sorting arrays in numpy by row
  2,009  Proper way to cast numpy.matrix to C double pointer
  2,008  Using py2exe to compile a script with a numpy dependency crashes with this error:
  2,008  numpy.linalg.det gives warning ''invalid value encountered in det r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature)''
  2,008  Numpy.core.multiarray doesn't work anymore after opencv installation
  2,007  What are the relative advantages of extending NumPy in Cython vs Boost.Python?
  2,007  PyQt: connecting slots with custom objects via Qt Designer
  2,007  Numpy product or tensor product question
  2,007  how to replace only zeros of a numpy array using a mask
  2,007  Creating custom data_generator in Keras for fit_generate()
  2,006  using pandas read_csv with missing data
  2,006  Pythonic way of calculating A x A' (without numpy)
  2,006  Problems building SciPy 0.13.0 using Numpy 1.8.0 built with ATLAS 3.10.1 / LAPACK 3.4.2
  2,006  How to perform a simple signal backtest in python pandas [closed]
  2,005  matplotlib bar chart with data frame row names as legend
  2,005  How to reshape numpy array of array into single row
  2,005  fastest way to select 7*7 neighbor pixels for every pixel in an image in Python
  2,005  Counting the no. of black to white pixels in the image using OpenCV
  2,005  Could someone explain this neural network machine learning code?
  2,005  Averaging over multipage TIFF pages in Python
  2,005  array to tiff raster image with gdal
  2,004  Numpy and matlab polyfit results differences
  2,004  Importing scipy breaks multiprocessing support in Python
  2,004  Cubic Root of Pandas DataFrame
  2,004  CPython from Java?
  2,003  scipy.optimize curve_fit function error: 'sigma' incorrect shape
  2,003  Build diagonal matrix without using for loop
  2,002  Unmap of NumPy memmap
  2,002  Tensorflow Dataset.from_tensor_slices taking too long
  2,002  Replacing nan with blanks in Python
  2,002  numpy date ''TypeError: must be str, not bytes'' using python 3.4
  2,002  importing numpy on an ARM processor
  2,002  how to match two numpy array of unequal length?
  2,002  How to convert numpy array elements from string to int
  2,002  boost::python extract c++ value from numpy.ndarray return value
  2,001  Time lag between signals using numpy.correlate()
  2,001  Reading tab delimited csv into numpy array with different data types
  2,001  Inaccurate interpolation with scipy.interpolate.Rbf()
  2,001  Import Error with Numba: Wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
  2,001  efficient numpy.fromfile on zipped files?
  2,000  Multidimensional matrix multiplication in python
  1,999  wav file amplitude calculations
  1,999  Solving an implicit quadratic system of 3 variables
  1,999  Simple one dimension array of float with numpy [closed]
  1,999  How do I convert a 3d image array into 2d image array in numpy [duplicate]
  1,999  After installing matplotlib basemap via Macports, example python code for basemap is not running
  1,998  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (400,) (2,)
  1,998  Inverse of
  1,998  IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1 (Python, NumPy)
  1,997  Transforming outliers in Pandas DataFrame using .apply, .applymap, .groupby
  1,996  Python Numpy ndarray
  1,996  Lasagne/Theano doesn't consume multi cores while does
  1,996  How to get equation of function from its graph(image) in python?
  1,996  Counting occurrences of columns in numpy array
  1,995  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any()
  1,995  Replace multiple elements in numpy array with 1
  1,994  Working and manipulating numpy arrays with numba
  1,994  Trying to create noise image with noise, numpy, and Image
  1,994  Tensorflow: How to index a tensor using 2D-index like in numpy
  1,994  plotting serial data using arduino and pyserial
  1,994  Need Python polynomial fit function that returns covariance
  1,994  Gradient Boosting with Sklearn
  1,994  Calculate perimeter of numpy array
  1,993  Python numpy.random.choice in C# with non/uniform probability distribution
  1,993  How to convert a Series of arrays into a 2D numpy array
  1,993  Curve fitting - monotonically increasing derivative
  1,993  Complex integration in Python
  1,992  subplot error in Matplotlib using seaborn
  1,992  Slice numpy array using list of coordinates
  1,992  Numpy: use bins with infinite range
  1,992  Matplotlib updating axis
  1,992  Matching an array to a row in Numpy
  1,992  Integer array indexing python
  1,992  ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. ''matplotlib.pyplot''
  1,992  How to write a dictionary with numpy array in a file
  1,992  How to draw N elements of random indices from numpy array without repetition?
  1,992  How to do in place Cholesky factorization in Python
  1,991  Tensorflow tf.reshape() seems to behave differently to numpy.reshape()
  1,991  statsmodels ValueError
  1,991  numpy 3D array shape
  1,991  how to get the upper-left and bottom right coordinates of the box around a certain value in a matrix using python?
  1,991  How can I generate an arc in numpy?
  1,991  'float' object has no attribute 'arctan'
  1,991  Fitting a 2D-function to a 2D dataset with errors in python
  1,991  Error trying to load data into Spyder
  1,990  Using array mask to change pixels values
  1,990  Tensorflow loss not changing and also computed gradients and applied batch norm but still loss is not changing?
  1,990  Removing brackets from a numpy array
  1,990  h5py - Write object dynamically to file?
  1,990  Floating Point Exception with Numpy and PyTables
  1,990  f2py, problems passing a Python function to Fortran
  1,990  Error installing scipy on osx with brew
  1,989  solve rectangular matrix in python to get solution with arbitrary parameters
  1,989  Python pandas: flatten with arrays in column
  1,989  multivariate numpy does not plot a normal distribution please help correct the mistake
  1,989  Inverse Filter of spatially convolved versus frequency convolved image
  1,989  How to pad an image using np.pad in python?
  1,989  Ellipsis broadcasting in numpy.einsum
  1,989  Amazon EC2 vs PiCloud [closed]
  1,988  Strange basic computation issue with numpy.int64 and/or numpy.float64?
  1,988  Numpy conditional arithmetic operations on two arrays
  1,988  How to do Scipy curve fitting with error bars and obtain standard errors on fitting parameters?
  1,988  Emulating boolean masks in Theano
  1,988  Convert decimal range to Numpy array, with each bit being an array element
  1,987  Update initial condition in ODE solver each time step
  1,987  Sending pandas dataframe to java application
  1,987  Numpy average from a large masked array
  1,987  ImportError importing .pyd - DLL load failed. Cython
  1,987  how to split numpy array and perform certain actions on split arrays [Python]
  1,987  Displaying a plot of first elements of array
  1,986  Use Earth Mover's Distance as loss function in Tensorflow
  1,986  TypeError: data should be an RDD of LabeledPoint, but got <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
  1,986  Q1: IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 1
  1,986  Numpy ndarray shape with 3 parameters
  1,986  Comparing NaN columns in pandas/numpy
  1,985  Weighted K-means with GPS Data
  1,985  More ticks on x-axis in a semilogx Python plot
  1,985  imshow assertion failed drawChessboardCorner() of opencv returns nothing in Python
  1,985  Constructing a transition matrix with numpy
  1,984  Python: Raise square matrix to negative half power
  1,984  plotting the center of a k-means cluster to be the same color as its cluster points
  1,984  Get mean value of certain part of array
  1,984  Failing to convert numpy array to JSON
  1,984  Dictionary to Histogram
  1,983  python how to put argument to function with numpy aply_along_axis
  1,983  How to parse through a list of lists and analyze the elements together to see how many times they occur over time?
  1,982  Retrieving field formats of numpy record array as list
  1,982  How to find frequency of a square wave using FFT
  1,982  How to conditionally combine two numpy arrays of the same shape
  1,981  The concept behind scipy.signal.medfilt2d in python
  1,981  Remove NaN from 2D numpy array
  1,981  numpy reshape confusion with negative shape values
  1,981  Implementing a 2D, FFT-based Kernel Density Estimator in python, and comparing it to the SciPy implimentation
  1,981  How to find intersection of a line with a mesh?
  1,980  Pandas reorder rows based on smallest to largest values in a column
  1,980  Numpy data points region/circle
  1,980  How do I use scipy.ndimage.filters.gereric_filter?
  1,979  what is this 'sequence of arrays' created by numpy's np.stack function in Python?
  1,979  np.where() or another boolean way for new pandas dataframe column
  1,979  Creating a NumPy array directly from __array_interface__
  1,978  Scipy.linalg.eig() giving different eigenvectors from GNU Octave's eig()
  1,977  python convolution with different dimension
  1,977  Numpy fails to serve as a dependency for pandas
  1,977  How to standard scale a large numpy matrix with sklearn? (batch processing)
  1,977  How to split list of arrays into individual arrays?
  1,976  Python SciPy Stats percentilofscore
  1,976  Howto convert numpy 1D-array to congiuous 2D-column-array without copying the data
  1,976  Bradley-Roth Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm - How do I get better performance?
  1,975  Using pytables, which is more efficient: scipy.sparse or numpy dense matrix?
  1,975  Sorting lines of a text file using column with integers -
  1,975  Python - Recreate Minitab normal probability plot
  1,975  Python error : boolean index array should have 1 dimension
  1,975  create numpy array by appending a number to another numpy array
  1,975  Change contrast in Numpy
  1,974  Get all subsequences of a numpy array
  1,973  Vectorize eigenvalue calculation in Numpy
  1,973  Python: Export the tabulate output data into csv file
  1,973  How to add the diagonals of a matrix in Python 3.3.5
  1,973  Finding the index of items cotaining 'inf' or 'nan'
  1,972  What are the benefits / drawbacks of a list of lists compared to a numpy array of OBJECTS with regards to MEMORY?
  1,972  Weighted Least Squares in Statsmodels vs. Numpy?
  1,972  Unable to load non-arrays from an npz file
  1,972  TSNE - 3D graph
  1,972  Pandas: Sum of first N non-missing values per row
  1,972  Pandas: drop rows with nan-valued index
  1,972  Extract pixel coordinates and paste on new image python
  1,972  change bin size of histogram data
  1,971  Implement Cost Function of Neural Network (Week #5 Coursera) using Python
  1,971  How to plot specific data from a CSV file with matplotlib
  1,970  Use scikit-image to read in an image buffer
  1,970  Scipy expit: Unexpected behavour. NaNs
  1,970  saving Keras augmented data as a numpy array
  1,970  Python read text files in numpy array when empty or single line
  1,970  Overlapping polygons in Python PIL
  1,970  multi colored Heat Map error Python
  1,970  Getting different answers with MATLAB and Python norm functions
  1,970  Creating a boolean array by testing if each element in numpy array is between 2 numbers
  1,969  Rolling Correlation Calculation with Pandas or NumPy
  1,969  'numpy.int64' object is not iterable
  1,969  Iterating over first d axes of numpy array
  1,969  How to iterate over latitude longitude values of a grib2 file?
  1,969  Fastest way to sort a large number of arrays in python
  1,969  Change of basis in numpy
  1,968  In numpy savetxt function, what does the 'newline' parameter do?
  1,968  Find index of numpy array in list
  1,968  Delete array from array
  1,968  Contour line artifacts in matplotlib after interpolating data on a polar plot
  1,967  Numpy, TypeError: Could not be cast from dtype('<M8[us]') to dtype('<M8[D]')
  1,967  Multiplying all values in Pandas Dataframe rows
  1,966  Opencv recorded video is too slow and camera update is very slow
  1,966  Numpy NdArray Memoization
  1,966  Mask out specific values from an array
  1,966  comparing a string 1-d numpy array elementwise
  1,965  Creating a 2-dimensional Numpy array with the euclidean distance from the center
  1,964  python: numpy reshaping an array
  1,964  Negative numbers returned in a factorial Function (Python)
  1,963  Shortest distance between a point and a line in 3 d space
  1,963  MemoryError exception thrown for numpy.asarray()
  1,963  Fitting curve: why small numbers are better?
  1,962  Sum of products of pairs in a list
  1,962  Python - Parse a String into Float Array?
  1,962  Numpy broadcasting sliced arrays and vectors
  1,962  Choose weights that minimize portfolio variance
  1,961  Numpy: Add rows from one matrix to another by index
  1,961  Create contour from scratch in python OpenCV (cv2)
  1,960  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars related to np.sqrt
  1,960  NumPy: Vectorize finding closest value in an array for each element in another array
  1,960  how to show time series data in bokeh as a step chart
  1,960  Filter pandas dataframe based on values in multiple columns
  1,960  efficient conversion of 2D to 3D numpy array
  1,960  Changing the text of clabel in Matplotlib
  1,960  beep sound in python audiolab
  1,959  Plotting into plot_surface - unable to properly convert data to required format
  1,959  How to efficiently expanding arrays in python?
  1,959  Cython code 3-4 times slower than Python / Numpy code?
  1,959  Classification test in Scikit-learn, ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  1,958  To count the rows and its values in word docx by using python
  1,958  pandas randomly replace k percent
  1,958  Cython Numpy code not faster than pure python
  1,958  Audio buffer finite error after butter filtering (Scipy)
  1,957  Numpy - Averaging multiple columns of a 2D array
  1,957  Make a better grid of points with python
  1,956  Excluding values in array - python
  1,955  sum of 'float64' column type in pandas return float instead of numpy.float64
  1,955  remove empty dimension of numpy array
  1,955  Numpy backwards compatibility: Visual C++ 9 not found
  1,955  Missing dependencies (numpy) when importing pandas
  1,955  How to use numpy.argsort() as indices in more than 2 dimensions?
  1,955  How to get the same output of rgb2ycbcr() matlab function in python-opencv?
  1,955  How does NumPy process docstrings into sphinx documentation for Parameters?
  1,955  How does `numpy.einsum` work?
  1,955  Data Science using Vim [closed]
  1,955  AttributeError: 'MSVCCompiler' object has no attribute 'compiler' when trying to install a numpy extension
  1,955  Apply function to an array of tuples
  1,954  Number of unique elements per row in a NumPy array
  1,954  How to replace only the first n elements in a numpy array that are larger than a certain value?
  1,954  How to estimate local tangent plane for 3d points?
  1,954  Generate a random 3 element Numpy array of integers summing to 3
  1,954  Finding the row with the highest average in a numpy array
  1,954  Convert a 3D array to 2D
  1,953  Numpy array interface with ctypes function
  1,953  How do I use Scipy minimize with constraints and dynamic function
  1,952  How does function work?
  1,952  Discrete fourier transformation from a list of x-y points
  1,952  Accurate summation with numpy
  1,951  ValueError while saving ndarray
  1,951  How to efficiently calculate huge matrix multiplication (tfidf features) in Python?
  1,950  Set masked pixels in a 3D RGB numpy array
  1,950  How to change index dtype of pandas DataFrame to int32?
  1,950  highlight single contour line
  1,950  Combining an array using Python and NumPy
  1,949  Write numpy arrays to lmdb
  1,949  Python array dimensions
  1,949  Does Keras 1.0 support scipy sparse matrices?
  1,949  Convert image to proper dimension PyTorch
  1,948  Moving average produces array of different length?
  1,948  How to convert boost python list to PyObject
  1,947  numpy change elements matching conditions
  1,947  How to Create an Evenly spaced Numpy Array from Set Values
  1,947  How can extract data from .h5 file and save it in .txt or .csv properly?
  1,947  Finding Cirlcles in Eye or pupil using HoughCircles
  1,947  Calculating conditional probabilities from joint pmfs in numpy, too slow. Ideas? (python-numpy)
  1,946  how to plot a list of byte data with matplotlib
  1,945  Python: Solving equation system (coefficients are arrays)
  1,945  Python: fit data with gaussian rising and exponential decay
  1,945  Most pythonic way to stitch an array of images together
  1,945  How to use np.empty inside numba compiled function; Error message ''All templates rejected''
  1,945  Failing to install numpy on Python 3.4 [duplicate]
  1,944  How to get all array edges?
  1,943  Numpy savetxt TypeErrror
  1,942  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_1_input to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (8020, 1)
  1,942  Python Remove Column from Numpy Array based on some Condition
  1,942  Memory profiler for numpy
  1,942  Fastest way to compute distance beetween each points in python
  1,942  Creating a 2d numpy array to hold characters
  1,941  two versions of numpy
  1,941  numpy - meshgrid for multiple dimensions
  1,941  more efficient way to calculate distance in numpy?
  1,941  Large on disk array for numpy
  1,941  automatic detection/conversion of data types?
  1,941  Array of ranges with numpy
  1,940  How to add or remove a specific element from a numpy 2d array?
  1,940  How can I pass null to an external library, using ctypes, with an argument declared with ctypeslib.ndpointer?
  1,939  Transform DICOM Image to a list of XYZ coordinates and their values - Python
  1,939  Index error, delete row from array if column has a value
  1,939  How to use Numba to perform multiple integration in SciPy with an arbitrary number of variables and parameters?
  1,939  Get dict from Mongo and convert to ndarray using Numpy
  1,939  Django, GAE, numpy: cannot import name multiarray
  1,938  white border while displaying a full image with python and opencv
  1,938  Using a numpy array to assign values to another array
  1,938  python split array into sub arrays of equivalent rank
  1,938  Keras Array Input Error
  1,937  What's the difference between a view and a shallow copy of a numpy array?
  1,937  Unwanted rounding when subtracting numpy arrays in Python
  1,937  OpenCV Error: Assertion failed in undistort.cpp at line 293
  1,937  How can I read edf.event file with python?
  1,936  What would be the ''GPU version'' of the numpy.fft package in python?
  1,936  Read numbers from formatted file in Python
  1,936  Exposing OpenCV-based C++ function with Mat/Numpy conversion to Python
  1,936  Evaluating a multivariable function on an array with python/numpy
  1,935  nested loop with array indexing in numpy
  1,935  nested loop with array indexing in numpy
  1,935  Concatenation of numpy arrays of unknown dimension along arbitrary axis
  1,934  Tensorflow not able to invert matrix
  1,933  Python Relating k-means cluster to instance
  1,933  Pycharm error, numpy has no attribute 'loadtext' [closed]
  1,933  Normalize values between -1 and 1 inclusive
  1,933  Comparatively slow python numpy 3D Fourier Transformation
  1,932  python, rank a list of number/string (convert list elements to ordinal value)
  1,932  Get all the rows with same values in python?
  1,932  'axes' parameter in scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate
  1,932  average of certain values of an array
  1,932  A Python list of Numpy Arrays to CSV?
  1,931  Reduce a dimension of numpy array by selecting
  1,931  Pandas: Count the first consecutive True values
  1,931  how to uninstall all python packages
  1,931  How to silence the UserWarning from scipy.ndimage.zoom
  1,931  how to set dtype for nested numpy ndarray?
  1,931  Appending a Numpy array to a list
  1,930  The order of axis when printing a NumPy array
  1,930  Python: taking the dot product of vector with numpy
  1,930  Python: extract list of data in dict in numpy array
  1,930  How to grab video frame in a numpy array using vlc python bindings?
  1,930  How to convert dtype(uint16) data into a 16bit png image?
  1,930  Errors on a Gaussian histogram curve fit using scipy.curve_fit()
  1,930  Converting sklearn CountVectorizer matrix to list of dictionaries
  1,929  TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'map'
  1,929  Reading ascii vtk file in python and converting it to numpy array
  1,929  iterating over numpy array using lambda
  1,929  How to calculate and plot multiple linear trends for a time series?
  1,929  Get the index of median value in array containing Nans
  1,929  fastest way to create numpy 2d array of indices
  1,929  Faster way to search for dates in numpy array of objects?
  1,929  Binary matrix to integer
  1,928  Numpy change all elements on condition on multidimensional array
  1,928  How to generate random numbers with predefined probability distribution?
  1,928  Assign numpy array of points to a 2D square grid
  1,927  Find and delete all-zero columns from Numpy array using fancy indexing
  1,927  Difference between Tensorflow convolution and numpy convolution
  1,926  Solve ode in python with complex matrix as initial value
  1,926  how to specify a range in numpy.piecewise (2 conditions per range)
  1,926  code is working but with a 'DeprecationWarning' -scipy.stats
  1,925  OMP warning when numpy 1.8.0 is packaged with py2exe
  1,925  Is python numpy array operation += thread safe?
  1,925  How to get the index of the sorted list for the original list in Python?
  1,925  How can l convert tuple to integer to do some calculations?
  1,925  cython with array of pointers
  1,924  Pandas to_csv always substitute long numpy.ndarray with ellipsis
  1,924  Pandas conditional statement with NaT
  1,924  numpy select submatrix according to index
  1,924  How to convert Matplotlib figure to PIL Image object (without saving image)
  1,923  Pandas mask / where methods versus NumPy np.where
  1,923  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append' [duplicate]
  1,923  Get top N elements from array in descending order
  1,923  Generate coordinates inside Polygon
  1,922  How to plot numbers from an array as annotation using matplotlib?
  1,922  Different QR decomposition results with numpy and CULA
  1,922  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'array
  1,921  Pandas to_datetime show time incorrect
  1,921  Fitting an exponential curve to numerical data in python
  1,921  Extract arbitrary rectangular patches from image in python
  1,921  Create matrix with 2 arrays in numpy
  1,920  Vectorizing operation on numpy array
  1,920  UserWarning: The priors do not sum to 1. Renormalizing [python]
  1,920  opencv show black image after numpy vectorize
  1,920  Installed PyPy + NumPy, but I experienced no improvement in performance. Is this normal?
  1,920  How to calculate Spearman's rank correlation matrix using scipy
  1,920  Capture Webcam image using CV2 and Pyglet in Python
  1,919  numpy to generate discrete probability distribution
  1,919  Numba Lowering error when iterating over 3D array
  1,918  Using Boost Python to wrap C++ arrays into numpy arrays
  1,918  Receiving KeyError: ''None of [Int64Index([  ...  dtype='int64', length=1323)] are in the [columns]''
  1,918  Python eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  1,917  Using python to save a JPG image that was edited in the script
  1,917  Pandas Multi-Index DataFrame to Numpy Ndarray
  1,917  How to align matrices when dealing with arrays of different shapes (using python)
  1,917  Error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  1,916  Replace values in NumPy array based on dictionary and avoid overlap between new values and keys
  1,916  Ramp signal python
  1,916  linalg.lstsq with fixed slope?
  1,916  Difference in adding two images in numpy and opencv
  1,915  Read set of images into 4D Numpy array with dimension (num_img,channel, dim1, dim2)
  1,915  Python: How to get the line in my Flask application which led to an error?
  1,915  pandas df.apply TypeError data type not understood
  1,915  Merge two numpy arrays and delete duplicates?
  1,915  Is the build-in probability density functions of `scipy.stat.distributions` slower than a user provided one?
  1,915  import numpy giving ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application
  1,914  How to expose a numpy array from c array in cython?
  1,913  Update 2D numpy array values
  1,913  scipy.stats.ttest_ind without array (python)
  1,913  Python (2.7.8) ImportError: No module named numpy (1.6.1)
  1,913  Is there a resize function in Python to resize an image as the tf.image.resize_images function of TensorFlow?
  1,913  How to use streamplot function when 1D data of x-coordinate, y-coordinate, x-velocity and y-velocity are available?
  1,913  How to generate random letters in python?
  1,913  fast numpy addnan
  1,913  Average duplicate values from two paired lists in Python using NumPy
  1,912  Python - Interpolating between lines of data
  1,912  Numpy percentiles with linear interpolation - wrong value?
  1,912  matplotlib not continuing lines after NaN's [duplicate]
  1,912  Given a byte buffer, dtype, shape and strides, how to create Numpy ndarray
  1,911  Using counts and tfidf as features with scikit learn
  1,911  Still can't import after install numpy in TensorFlow tutorial
  1,911  Most efficient way to calculate CRC16 in Python
  1,911  Boost.Python - Vector to Numpy Array
  1,910  python numpy: array of arrays
  1,910  Optimizing a reed-solomon encoder (polynomial division)
  1,910  numpy.frombuffer ValueError: buffer is smaller than requested size
  1,910  np.where equivalent for multi-dimensional numpy arrays
  1,910  Find Similarity between two DataFrames of different lengths
  1,909  scipy  -  how to integrate a linearly interpolated function?
  1,909  Insert Rows and columns in Numpy
  1,909  How to implement multiple testing for scipy.stats tests
  1,909  Convolving a periodic image with python
  1,909  Choose my own points instead of corner points in implementing optical flow in opencv python
  1,908  what's the difference between (4,) and (4,1) for the shape in Numpy?
  1,908  Python Numpy Logistic Regression
  1,908  Convert text to numpy array
  1,907  numpy linear algebra basic help
  1,907  numpy get column indices where all elements are greater than threshold
  1,907  How can I calculate the ratio of a value in array to the sum of array in python? [duplicate]
  1,907  FutureWarning on using np.full to create array
  1,907  Convert a python numpy array to c++ stl vector
  1,906  Time series analysis, with Fourier ( ... or maybe other method) in Python
  1,906  Huge sparse matrix in python
  1,906  How to calculate Zero Crossing Rate with PyAudio stream data
  1,906  Frequency axis in a Numpy fft
  1,906  Dataframe-Normalize each row by row's maximum
  1,905  python: why does random.shuffle change the array
  1,905  Numeric computation of certain symbols in numpy array of sympy expressions
  1,905  how to solve RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt t in python
  1,905  How to slice up a numpy array with inequalities?
  1,905  how much of sklearn can I use with pypy?
  1,905  Get a spatial frequency breakdown for greyscale image (2d array)
  1,905  Generating colour image gradient using numpy
  1,905  Gaussian elimination - pivoting using slicing in python
  1,905  Fast way to find locally maximal gradient values in a numpy array?
  1,905  Extracting specific values from .npy file
  1,904  Reading and writing numpy arrays to and from HDF5 files
  1,904  Pandas - Find longest stretch without Nan values
  1,904  Numpy isnat() returns value error on datetime objects
  1,904  NumPy: How to collapse N-dimensional array along a single dimension using argmin/max output?
  1,903  ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got1)
  1,903  Python (numpy) read a text file with mixed format
  1,903  Padding large numpy arrays
  1,903  Median of each columns in python
  1,903  How to disregard -inf and move to next iteration in for loop
  1,903  Create image with PIL `Image.fromarray` results in AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '__array_interface__'
  1,903  Change data type in Numpy and Nibabel
  1,902  Python - Find First and Last white pixels coordinates
  1,902  Numpy as a library in a django project
  1,902  Normal Equation for linear regression
  1,902  How to make random Beta in python like normal between two value ?
  1,902  How do I sum only certain elements from an array?
  1,902  error performing np.std for array
  1,902  Error in joblib.load file loading
  1,902  Combining Three 1D arrays into a 2D array?
  1,902  AWS Lambda/Python3 can't import numpy
  1,901  Why is numpy slower than python? How to make code perform better
  1,901  What is the meaning of ''sum product'' as mentioned in Numpy documentation?
  1,901  Understanding numpy ''void'' dtype and generic arrays
  1,901  Segmenting Python array into unique regions connected by a single cell or less?
  1,901  scipy curve_fit fails on easy linear fit?
  1,901  How to add a plus sign before an int in Python?
  1,901  Detrending data with nan value in scipy.signal
  1,901  Convert numpy array of floats to integers, replacing NaN values
  1,900  Numpy FFT Zero Padding
  1,900  NumPy change elements of an array with a given probability
  1,900  Fastest way to compare two huge csv files in python(numpy)
  1,899  np.corrcoef behavior with pandas dataframes
  1,899  np.array ndmin argument: specify placement of added dimensions
  1,899  Inverted fancy indexing
  1,899  How to create a sphere inside an ndarray?
  1,898  Store empty numpy array in h5py
  1,898  python-graph derivative of a graph/data
  1,898  How to rename file and copy it with the new name in a new folder (Python)?
  1,898  How do I get wider numpy array print output?
  1,898  Higher order local interpolation of implicit curves in Python
  1,897  Why cant Scipy Install on Windows 7 using easy_install and cygwin?
  1,897  Python: py2app ''ImportError: dlopen(): Library not loaded''
  1,897  numpy.polyfit gives empty residuals array
  1,897  numpy 2-D array: efficient way to create circular masks at all given positions
  1,897  how to plot time series where x-axis is datetime.time object in matplotlib?
  1,897  Debugging a Python/NumPy memory leak
  1,897  Accessing elements in array Python
  1,897  2d density contour plot with matplotlib
  1,896  TypeError: dst is not a numpy array, neither a scalar - resize jpg python
  1,896  Find volume defined by irregular data points - python
  1,896  Convert int32 to int8 with numpy view
  1,895  Scipy linalg LU decomposition gives different results to my textbook
  1,895  Normalize a vector where the dot product equals 1 in Python?
  1,895  how to convert timedelta64 to number of days integer?
  1,895  How do I get date and time from two columns of a numpy array into a datetime format that can be used by matplotlib?
  1,895  Efficient grouping of rows from Nx2 integer numpy array to match sequential elements in rows
  1,895  Convert pandas dtypes to BigQuery type representation
  1,894  Python - scipy fmin, giving the arguments to fmin
  1,894  Python not finding installed packages through pip on Linux
  1,894  Plotting bar chart in python
  1,894  Manually inverting FFT using Numpy
  1,894  Fat band using matplotlib in python
  1,894  alternative to numpy.argwhere to speed up for loop in python
  1,894  Accessing data in chunks using Python Pandas
  1,893  View numpy array as image while debugging in PyCharm?
  1,893  scipy.stats.binned_statistic_2d works for count but not mean
  1,893  I use python3.5 and OpenCV 3.1.0,OpenCV function cv2.countNonZero(img) I got a error [duplicate]
  1,893  Convolution of two rectangular pulses Python
  1,893  Combining multiple images to a numpy array on python with opencv2
  1,892  scipy.optimize.minimize convergence issues
  1,892  Python multiplication Matrix with Matrix transpose with array
  1,892  How to detect facial angles?
  1,892  Finding zeros of a complex function in SciPy/NumPy
  1,892  Creating python virtualenv in jenkins with shiningpanda and requirements.txt
  1,892  Apply boolean mask to last two dimensions of tensor in TensorFlow
  1,891  Repeat last column in numpy array
  1,891  Python Numpy nan_to_num help
  1,891  how to calculate coskew and cokurtosis
  1,890  List comprehension with cython
  1,890  is there a pythonic way to change scalar and 0d-array to 1d array?
  1,890  double brackets arrays into an array
  1,890  Calculate marginal distribution from joint distribution in Python
  1,889  Scipy: Integration of Hermite function with quadrature weights
  1,889  Numerical gradient for nonlinear function in numpy/scipy
  1,889  Creating rank 3 numpy arrays
  1,888  ValueError: matrix must be 2-dimensional
  1,888  timeit in pycharm not resolving
  1,888  text file mdates.strpdate2num error
  1,888  Python-Fitting 2D Gaussian to data set
  1,888  'NoneType' object does not support item assignment inside __init__
  1,888  Neither builtin power function nor np.power works
  1,888  Linear regression in NumPy with very large matrices - how to save memory?
  1,888  ATLAS Linear algebra and openmpi on multicore with python
  1,887  Subtract across Numpy array
  1,887  OpenCV and Numpy interacting badly
  1,887  numpy.savetxt() stop newline on final line
  1,887  Nearest neighbor 1 dimensional data with a specified range
  1,887  Memory allocation for numpy.array with copy=False?
  1,887  how to install library in pyCharm?
  1,887  Get Value From a NumPy Array
  1,887  Fastest way to calculate the mean of several numpy arrays in a list
  1,887  Dimension of data before and after performing PCA
  1,887  Delete Dimension of mutlidimensional array
  1,886  Creating Dictionary from Pandas DataFrame Column Based on Unique Values in Column
  1,886  Adding a New Column/Array to a Numpy Array
  1,885  Tensorflow Not Working from Anaconda on Mac
  1,885  Reading Single Line CSV using numpy.genfromtxt
  1,885  ''Kronecker addition'' for indexing in Numpy
  1,885  How to sum two arrays in Python?
  1,885  How to store wide tables in pytables / hdf5
  1,885  Horn-Schunck optical flow implementation issue
  1,885  flatten arrays in a list in python
  1,885  binarize a sparse matrix in python in a different way
  1,884  What is the equivalent of torch.nn.functional.grid_sample in Tensorflow / Numpy?
  1,884  How can I uninstall pip packages on my mac?
  1,883  Use python slice objects when reading HDF5 file with h5py?
  1,883  Reading data from data acquisition unit (measurement computing)
  1,883  Numpy: How to check for tuples existence in ndarray
  1,883  Dictionary versus NumPy array performance Python
  1,882  Python: way to read data from multiple files into 2D numpy array or list
  1,882  Printing Numpy arrays without brackets
  1,882  On significant figures of numbers in python [closed]
  1,882  install numpy on python 3.5 Mac OS High sierra
  1,882  How do you divide an image/array into blocks?
  1,882  Hamming Window, python 2.7
  1,882  Detect not straight lines with hough transform or other image processing algorithm
  1,882  Deconvolution layers in keras
  1,882  calculating means of many matrices in numpy
  1,881  reduce time for a long for-loop in python
  1,881  How do I plot trajectory from points whose coordinates are known to me at several time instants?
  1,880  Voronoi - Compute exact boundaries of every region
  1,880  Python & Scipy: How to fit a von mises distribution?
  1,880  How to np.roll() faster?
  1,880  how to load 4-bit data into numpy array
  1,880  Error installing numpy ''Unknown MS Compiler version 1900''
  1,879  sounddevice.PortAudioError: Error opening OutputStream: Invalid number of channels
  1,879  Optimal parameters not found for my curve fitting
  1,879  Matplotlib: `pcolormesh.get_array()` returns flattened array - how to get 2D data back?
  1,879  convert 2D numpy array of arrays to 3D array
  1,878  Passing numpy.arange() an argument
  1,878  How to ''draw'' a geometric shape on a 2-D meshgrid?
  1,877  Set Cover or Hitting Set; Numpy, Least element combinations to make up full set
  1,877  K-Means: assign clusters to new data points
  1,877  How to get a graph axis into standard form
  1,876  Zero occurrences/frequency using value_counts() in PANDAS
  1,876  Python: Bivariate Spline not on grid data
  1,876  How to show video and histogram side-by-side using Python/Opencv/Matplotlib?
  1,876  Convert Pandas SparseDataframe to Scipy sparse csc_matrix
  1,876  Cannot import numpy with python3.5, but can import with python2.7
  1,875  Using lambda for a constraint function
  1,875  Python Numpy nanmax() returning nan when there are non nan values in the array
  1,875  Parallel in-place sort for numpy arrays
  1,875  How to generate a complex gaussian white noise signal in python(or numpy/scipy)?
  1,875  Fill certain indices of a 3d numpy array
  1,874  numpy-->PIL int type issue
  1,874  How to find clusters of values in numpy array
  1,874  Creating a contour plot in paraview from a numpy array
  1,874  Create symmetric matrix from pandas data frame
  1,874  Combining element-wise and matrix multiplication with multi-dimensional arrays in NumPy
  1,873  Randomly selecting rows from numpy array
  1,873  py2exe File ''numpy\core\multiarray.pyc'', line 10, in __load ImportError: DLL load failed:
  1,873  Numpy Toeplitz Matrix
  1,873  Numpy - row-wise outer product of two matrices
  1,873  Numpy cumulative distribution function (CDF)
  1,873  Convert string array to numpy array
  1,872  NumPy: Import Error, Image Not Found OSX
  1,871  Zero padding multiple values in Python
  1,871  How to get frequency axis from an fft function?
  1,871  Function which is similar to numpy's diff
  1,870  Reading a particular column in csv file using numpy in python
  1,870  Python: Create structured numpy structured array from two columns in a DataFrame
  1,869  Why is using a Cython list faster than using a Python list?
  1,869  Removing length 1 dimensions in arrays
  1,869  Calculate mean numpy array in pandas DataFrame
  1,869  3 dots and a comma in NumPy array display
  1,868  Smooth a curve in python with no error at the boundaries?
  1,868  Round() not working
  1,868  Python - ValueError: invalid literal for float()
  1,868  Python: Assign Labels to values in an array
  1,868  Evaluating trigonometric expressions in sympy
  1,867  Python not installing sklearn
  1,867  Numpy searchsorted descending order
  1,867  How to determine frequencies present in music file using python [duplicate]
  1,866  Numpy: get values from array where indices are in another array
  1,866  masked arrays in numpy error
  1,866  How can I tell whether a numpy boolean array contains only a single block of `True`s?
  1,865  tf.where() doesn't produce result same as np.where()
  1,865  Setting axis values in numpy/matplotlib.plot
  1,865  Read video from bytes
  1,865  python numpy array slicing
  1,865  numpy datetime and pandas datetime
  1,865  How to find the maximum value of a numpy array, with location restrictions?
  1,865  Create sample numpy array with randomly placed NaNs
  1,865  Commute numpy sparse matrix dot product
  1,864  using the hardware rng from python
  1,864  Scipy draw bounding box in image
  1,864  Reading pre-processed cr2 RAW image data in python
  1,864  Pointwise array average ignoring NaN [duplicate]
  1,864  Numpy: could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape (1)
  1,864  Make subset of array, based on values of two other arrays in Python
  1,864  Is there any way to use pythonappend with SWIG's new builtin feature?
  1,864  How to sort rows of a matrix by decreasing values of the first column in Python and numpy?
  1,864  Function which returns the least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation
  1,863  Vectorised average K-Nearest Neighbour distance in Python
  1,863  How can I one-hot encode data with numpy?
  1,863  Fast(er) numpy fancy indexing and reduction?
  1,863  Convert a 2D numpy array into a 3d numpy array representing a grayscaled image
  1,862  set limits to numpy polyfit
  1,862  Sampling rows in 2D numpy arrays with replacement
  1,862  Numpy flatten array of array from cv2
  1,862  numpy array indexing with lists and arrays
  1,862  Matplotlib FuncAnimation not animating line plot
  1,862  How to efficiently generate a straight line with random slope and intercept in Python?
  1,862  How to do a reduction with numpy.nditer in the first axis
  1,862  How to convert from a set to an array in python
  1,862  Faster way to calculate hexagon grid coordinates
  1,861  Pass simple numpy array to C via SWIG
  1,861  How to subtract the previous rows column from current column and create a new dimension in the array with this value using numpy?
  1,861  Best language for Molecular Dynamics Simulator, to be run in production. (Python+Numpy?) [closed]
  1,860  Python: Using mpi4py to bcast an array to other scripts with spawn
  1,860  Memory consumption of NumPy function for standard deviation
  1,860  Loading numpy structured array saved in python3 in python2
  1,860  how to take sum of two 1-D array(column vector)
  1,860  How to check the datatype of an ndarray in C
  1,859  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() python
  1,859  Sklearn on aws lambda
  1,859  picking out elements based on complement of records in Python pandas
  1,859  Numpy Finding complex conjugate [duplicate]
  1,859  How to store a list of uneven numpy arrays?
  1,859  How can I check if a network is scale free?
  1,859  Efficient computation of similarity matrix in Python (NumPy)
  1,859  adding value count as label for each bar in bar chart in python [duplicate]
  1,858  XY coordinates in a image stored as numpy?
  1,858  Speed up NumPy loop
  1,858  Numpy stick arrays horizontally
  1,858  Numpy: assigning values to 2d array with list of indices
  1,858  How to plot odd even square wave using python
  1,858  Convert a numpy array to an image
  1,858  An Error: 'Numpy.str_' object has no attribute 'decode'
  1,857  Port Python Code to Android
  1,857  Cupy is slower than numpy
  1,857  Converting (part of) a numpy recarray into a 2d array?
  1,856  Very fast sampling from a set with fixed number of elements in python
  1,856  Python: how to replace values in masked array according to a condition
  1,856  Numpy - Find maximum point and value of data points
  1,856  Matrix-like printing of 2D arrays in Python
  1,856  Input format for AffinityPropagation clustering
  1,856  How can I use multiple dimensional polynomials with numpy.polynomial?
  1,856  Archimedean spiral
  1,855  Python: computing pariwise distances causes memory error
  1,855  How to replace values in a range in a pandas dataframe with another value in the same dataframe based on a condition
  1,854  pip install numpy fails with error 'cc1: error: unrecognised debug output level ''record-gcc-switches'''
  1,853  python select all but one column from multidimensional array
  1,853  numpy matrix multiplication to triangular/sparse storage?
  1,853  How to read/traverse/slice Scipy sparse matrices (LIL, CSR, COO, DOK) faster?
  1,853  Cross product for vectors with more than 10 dimensions in Python
  1,852  Scikit-learn: error in fitting model - Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for float64
  1,852  Reshape 2D into 4D array
  1,852  How to apply a defined function on pandas data frame
  1,852  Combined mean and standard deviation from a collection of NumPy arrays of different shapes
  1,851  How do I bandpass-filter a signal using a Gaussian function in Python (Numpy/Scipy)
  1,850  docker cannot build scipy
  1,850  Could not broadcast input array from shape (1285) into shape (1285, 5334)
  1,849  Shuffle DataFrame rows except the first row
  1,849  Selecting certain rows from a set of data files in Python
  1,849  Hough Lines in video
  1,848  Why does padding an FFT in NumPy make it run much slower?
  1,848  Vertical lines do not appear in matplotlib plot
  1,848  Speeding up analysis on arrays in numpy
  1,848  savetxt save only last loop data
  1,848  Python TensorFlow - what is tf.flags.FLAGS?
  1,848  make doesn't run .py file
  1,848  How to get the correct peaks and troughs from an 1d-array
  1,847  Using np.average in groupby or any aggregate function with parameters
  1,847  Fastest way to insert a 2D array into a (larger) 2D array
  1,847  Exporting ISO date in Numpy
  1,846  Trinomial tree in Python
  1,846  Packaging legacy Fortran in Python. Is it OK to use setuptools and numpy.distutils?
  1,846  Numpy - AttributeError: 'Zero' object has no attribute 'exp'
  1,846  How to draw random planes
  1,846  Encoding custom python objects as BSON with pymongo
  1,845  Python: Numpy and Pandas Transforming timestamp/data into one-hot-encoding
  1,845  EWMA Volatility in Python - Avoiding loops
  1,845  Calculating Mean & STD for Batch [Python/Numpy]
  1,844  Why is for loop on native python list faster than for loop on numpy array
  1,844  Remove sequential NumPy array index in a loop over it's content
  1,844  NumPy: financial irr method returns 'nan'. Why?
  1,844  Lock free read only List in Python?
  1,844  How to interpret numpy.gradient?
  1,844  Create mesh from cells and points in Paraview
  1,843  What alternatives are there to numpy on Google App Engine?
  1,843  Neural network XOR gate not learning
  1,843  Extract and save a slice from a volume with numpy
  1,842  numpy.view gives valueerror
  1,842  Numbers ending with j
  1,841  numpy fromstring empty string separator
  1,840  Writing an ASCII file from a 2D numpy array
  1,840  Repeat elements of list between each other until we reach a certain length
  1,840  Plotting scientific format on the axis label and different size minor formatter text size
  1,840  How to append numpy arrays?
  1,840  Fastest way to create and fill huge numpy 2D-array?
  1,840  3d numpy record array
  1,839  Read image file in Python and compute Canny edge filters
  1,839  Python - mask multidimensional
  1,839  Plot Distance matrix for a 1D array
  1,839  my power spectra are believable? a comparison between lomb-scargle and fft (scipy.signal and numpy.fft)
  1,839  How to read Complex Binary file (.fc32) in python?
  1,839  Crop an image, based on values
  1,839  Compute square distances from numpy array
  1,839  Calculating and Plotting 2nd moment of image
  1,839  A faster refresh rate with plt.imshow
  1,838  Python Numpy Sort rows [duplicate]
  1,838  How can I mask elements of a record array in Numpy?
  1,838  Combining two 1D arrays of different data types into 1 2D array in PYTHON
  1,838  can python numpy poission generate a float?
  1,837  trying to publish an array of words in rospy using numpy
  1,837  Is it possible to store multidimensional arrays of arbitrary shape in a PyTables cell?
  1,837  How do I keep str(numpy.array) from automatically inserting a newline
  1,837  Averaging histograms with Numpy
  1,836  Save numpy ndarray into a txt file
  1,836  Rolling integral over pandas dataframe with time index
  1,836  Reading many values from numpy C API
  1,836  How to take the trace of a csr matrix
  1,836  3D tiling of a numpy array
  1,835  Using prepared data for Sci-kit classification
  1,835  Python Updating Global variables
  1,835  Numpy: conditional np.where replace
  1,835  How to hstack arrays of numpy records?
  1,835  Create the Oriented Bounding-box (OBB) with Python and NumPy
  1,834  What is the best way to create a moving window in 2D array ond order pixels
  1,834  numpy blit (copy part of an array to another one with a different size)
  1,834  Group duplicate column IDs in pandas dataframe
  1,833  Why does my tanh activation function perform so badly?
  1,833  Reading Data from CSV and fill Empty Values Python
  1,833  python numpy get masked data without flattening
  1,833  How do you access ward/centroid/median clustering in scipy?
  1,833  get_dummies(), Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional
  1,833  Find the root of a cubic function
  1,833  Draw a terrain with python?
  1,833  Complementary Filter Code Not functioning
  1,833  Anaconda's NumbaPro CUDA Assertion Error
  1,832  Static pointer to dynamically allocated buffer inside function
  1,832  Python's and Numpy's nan and set
  1,832  Preprocessing of a single image for prediction. ( CNN build and trained with Keras)
  1,832  Confusion regarding np.tile and numpy broadcasting
  1,831  reshape list of numpy arrays and then reshape back
  1,831  Python : fit a curve to a list of integers
  1,831  Numpy structured arrays: string type not understood when specifying dtype with a dict
  1,831  Modify the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker (RDP) algorithm in numpy to return a mask instead of the values
  1,831  Issues installing OpenCV 3.2.0 (Windows)
  1,830  Run python script (with numpy dependency) from java
  1,830  Numpy: Subtract 2 numpy arrays row wise
  1,830  numpy: broadcast matrix multiply accross array
  1,830  Not able to import numpy: AttributeError: type object 'numpy.ndarray' has no attribute '__array_function__'
  1,830  How to merge 2 numpy arrays?
  1,830  How to create an edge list dataframe from a adjacency matrix in Python?
  1,830  Best way to store unit information in numpy structured array?
  1,830  A random normally distributed matrix in numpy
  1,829  Numpy creating an array of powers of 2
  1,828  Implement a classic martingale using Python and Pandas
  1,828  how to convert string to numeric in python
  1,828  Groupby an numpy.array based on groupby of a pandas.DataFrame with the same length
  1,827  NumPy's savetxt does not export delimiter when defining fmt for each column
  1,827  NumPy data type comparison
  1,827  Numerical double integration of a function in python with a list of fixed variables
  1,827  Loadtext for specific number of lines
  1,827  innitiate an numpy.array and append/concatenate with no sucess
  1,827  Implementing Discrete Gaussian Kernel in Python?
  1,826  Numpy: Find column index for element on each row
  1,826  How do I access the elements of a slice object in python
  1,826  grouped pandas DataFrames: how do I apply scipy.stats.sem to them?
  1,826  Concatenate elements of an array with numpy?
  1,826  Cannot open image. Not a valid bitmap file or its format is not currently supported
  1,825  numpy: fromfile for gzipped file
  1,825  NumPy FFT tuple index out of range?
  1,825  How to read two arrays or matrices from a text file in Python?
  1,825  How to cluster a time series using KMeans in python
  1,824  Using numpy.loadtxt, how does one convert strings in the .txt file into integer values/floats?
  1,824  Python 3.4 ImportError: No module named '_gdal_array'No module named '_gdal_array'
  1,824  Pandas interpolate data with units
  1,824  How to create a ''Goal Seek'' using SciPy's functions
  1,824  Generate stl mesh from csv
  1,823  Statistics with numpy
  1,823  save multiple pd.DataFrames with hierarchy to hdf5
  1,823  Python savetxt write as int
  1,823  numpy - Append to array without making a copy
  1,823  Alternative for numpy.choose that allows an arbitrary or at least more than 32 arguments?
  1,822  Why does python keep crashing when plotting with matplotlib?
  1,822  transforming coordinates in matplotlib
  1,822  Python: Memory error with large Matrix Multiplication
  1,822  no module named numpy python2.7
  1,822  How to reshape python list without numpy
  1,822  Cython Memoryview as return value
  1,821  Python Apply Low Pass Filter On Some Data
  1,821  Oversample Numpy Array (2D) [duplicate]
  1,821  OSError: Failed to interpret my file as a pickle (numpy)
  1,821  numpy - Python - Selectively import parts of the .txt file
  1,821  Numpy column wise multiplication
  1,821  non-zero solution for linear equation with numpy
  1,820  How to normalize one dimension of a 2-dimensional array in python numpy? [duplicate]
  1,818  Weird findings initializing the array with numpy.NAN
  1,818  Pythonic way of slicing out part of a numpy array
  1,818  How do I find and remove white specks from an image using SciPy/NumPy?
  1,818  Find the closest value to another value in a NumPy array [closed]
  1,818  cv2.imread always returns None type - using cv virtual environment
  1,817  Using scipy.signal.spectral.lombscargle for period discovery
  1,817  Store an image in an array using Python
  1,817  Replacing a division by zero error with a zero in numpy
  1,817  Proper way to read/write fortran order array with numpy
  1,817  numpy elementwise outer product
  1,817  How to create an anti-diagonal identity matrix (where the diagonal is flipped left to right) in numpy
  1,817  How to chart live updates to logfile using matplotlib?
  1,817  Finding the median of a histogram [duplicate]
  1,817  Extracting floating-point significand and exponent in NumPy
  1,817  Count number of events per hour given in datetime/numpy
  1,817  Attribute error: ''module 'numpy.random' has no attribute 'uniform' ''
  1,816  TypeError: 'Timestamp' object is not subscriptable
  1,816  Slicing-based assignment in Keras / Tensorflow?
  1,816  Scikit-learn installation: ''ImportError: No module named sklearn''
  1,816  numpy: ndenumerate for masked arrays?
  1,816  numpy broadcast from first dimension
  1,815  Sort rows and columns of a matrix by another list with numpy
  1,815  set_printoptions for numpy array doesn't work for numpy ndarray?
  1,815  Python: help(numpy) causes segfault on exit
  1,815  Initialize a 200 by 785 numpy matrix with values from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0, std. deviation 0.01
  1,815  How to determine image size for skimage.view_as_windows function?
  1,815  How convert a list of tupes to a numpy array of tuples?
  1,815  Hand gesture recognition (PCA) - Python [duplicate]
  1,815  Error with Import Python Packages(Such as Numpy)
  1,814  Reshape arrays from MNIST
  1,814  numpy equivalents of eig() and eigs() functions of Matlab
  1,814  numba: sorting an array in place
  1,814  Numba, Jitclass w/ nopython mode and dictionaries
  1,814  mean from pandas and numpy differ
  1,814  How can I efficiently read and write files that are too large to fit in memory?
  1,814  doing better than numpy's in1d mask function: ordered arrays?
  1,813  Replace part of numpy 1D array with shorter array
  1,813  Python, numpy, matrix
  1,813  Numpy.split with overlapping matrixes? [duplicate]
  1,813  numpy: how to get a max from an argmax result
  1,813  How to separate female and male without groupby() in python?
  1,813  Contour plot python, how to change labels
  1,813  Calculate difference in months from timestamps
  1,812  Python - Stacking two histograms with a scatter plot
  1,812  Python isinstance() of float failing assertion test
  1,812  Numpy to weak to calculate a precise mean value
  1,811  Why does Pandas coerce my numpy float32 to float64?
  1,811  Sliding window - how to get window location on image?
  1,810  Showing web camera through web interface (Python, CherryPy, OpenCV)
  1,810  Scipy - Non-linear Equations System with linear constraints (beginner)
  1,810  Scikit Learn - Identifying target from loading a CSV
  1,810  Dynamically define a function
  1,810  checking if a pair of value is inside a 2D array python
  1,810  Can I apply a vectorized function to a pandas dataframe?
  1,809  Using as training input to Keras model NOT working
  1,809  NUMPY create, fill with random binary data
  1,809  How to find if any column in an array has duplicate values
  1,807  Python numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  1,807  Python Numpy matrix multiplication in high dimension
  1,807  pyqtgraph compile to executable file fails
  1,807  print surface fit equation in python
  1,807  How to repeat elements of an array along two axes?
  1,807  How to extract rows from an numpy array based on the content?
  1,807  Fastest way to get subset of numpy array in Cython
  1,806  Minimal Example for dlib SVM using Python/Numpy
  1,806  Interpolate data with multiple columns
  1,806  Converting python, numpy, and scipy code into C++ compatible code?
  1,805  StandardScaler in sklearn not fitting properly, or is it?
  1,805  pd.Timestamp versus np.datetime64: are they interchangeable for selected uses?
  1,805  NumPy random seed produces different random numbers
  1,805  numpy.float64 is not iterable
  1,805  Getting underflow error when using numpy
  1,804  Triangle vs. Square distance matrix for Hierarchical Clustering Python? [duplicate]
  1,804  Raspberry Pi OpenCV : src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
  1,804  numpy matrix subset view
  1,804  Multiple Linear Regression using Python
  1,804  Is there a way to make this Python kNN function more efficient?
  1,804  How to calculate RMSPE in python using numpy
  1,804  Handle with European date format in python pandas
  1,804  Filtering multiple NumPy arrays based on the intersection of one column
  1,804  Concatenate matrices/vectors in Python like in MATLAB?
  1,804  Choosing a random sample from each row of Numpy array, excluding negative numbers
  1,804  Adding `cimport numpy` to pyx file compiles ok but throws ValueError when run
  1,803  VisibleDepricationWarning: converting an array with ndim > 0 to an index will result in an error in the future
  1,803  Read a custom formatted datetime with numpy
  1,803  Plot normal distribution in Python from a .csv file
  1,803  Migrating from Stata to Python
  1,803  Getting words out of a numpy array of sentence strings
  1,803  Elementwise multiply 1D-numpy arrays (shapes (k,1) or (k,)) and have result have the shape of the first
  1,803  Easiest way to return sum of a matrix's neighbors in numpy
  1,802  Difference between numpy.linalg.solve and numpy.linalg.lu_solve
  1,801  Python read data from file and convert to double precision
  1,801  numpy array of strings indexing behavior
  1,801  Creating a (multi) Line Plot from Pandas Dataframe?
  1,800  Python OpenCV - Trouble detecting tiny ''holes'' (circles)
  1,800  Plotting a NACA 4-series airfoil
  1,799  Pytorch How to convert images into tensor
  1,799  Python/Numpy - Wrap Slice Around End of Array
  1,799  Pandas replace NaN values with a list for specific columns
  1,799  numpy meshgrid of dynamic shape
  1,799  Numpy- How to fix autocompletion in PyCharm 3.1.3
  1,799  Least Squares method in practice
  1,799  Iterate over pandas columns with row-wise comparisons
  1,799  Insert Python NumPy array into PostgreSQL database
  1,799  fastest approach to read a big ascii file into a numpy array
  1,799  Converting data type of a column in a csv file
  1,799  Binning in Numpy
  1,798  Right way to share opencv video frame as Numpy array between multiprocessing processes
  1,798  Numpy Concatenate to empty array
  1,797  NumPy slicing of an image
  1,797  How to combine 2 numpy.ndarray in numpy
  1,797  Filtering a numpy meshgrid
  1,797  alternating values in numpy
  1,796  Using numpy isin element-wise between 2D and 1D arrays
  1,796  Python: return the row index of the minimum in a matrix
  1,796  Numpy multi-dimensional slicing with multiple boolean arrays
  1,796  Numpy 2-D array boolean masking
  1,796  How to draw and fill a polygon on a grid array using pure Numpy functions?
  1,796  How to calculate a Cholesky decomposition of a non square matrix in order to calculate the Mahalanobis Distance with `numpy`?
  1,796  How to account for column-contiguous array when extending numpy with C
  1,796  Creating dynamic array name in python numpy
  1,795  How to load percentage of data with sklearn.datasets.load_files
  1,795  How can I divide a nXn colored image into non-overlapping, equal sized blocks, using python 2.7.13? [duplicate]
  1,795  Conversion from U3 dtype to ascii
  1,794  Wrapping custom type C++ pointer in Cython
  1,794  Generate normal random numbers in float32/16 in-place
  1,793  Why am I using older (and uninstalled) version of a python numpy package?
  1,793  How to get a subarray in numpy
  1,793  Fastest way to populate a matrix with a function on pairs of elements in two numpy vectors?
  1,793  Explain np.polyfit and np.polyval for a scatter plot
  1,793  Error 'module' object has no attribute 'freetype'
  1,793  Efficiently generating random graphs with a user-specified global clustering coefficient
  1,792  Repeat each values of an array different times
  1,792  Parallel array manipulations in numpy
  1,792  Numpy: Average of values corresponding to unique coordinate positions
  1,792  How to use numpy fillna() with numpy.where() for a column in a pandas DataFrame?
  1,792  Find index of first element in array close to float within tolerance, with numpy
  1,792  convert timestamp string into datetime format
  1,792  Connect points with same value in python matplotlib
  1,791  SciPy - Compute eigenvector for particular eigenvalue in symmetric matrix
  1,791  Python 3 code to read CSV file, manipulate then create new file ... works, but looking for improvements
  1,791  Issues with Importing Modules into Python
  1,791  Fast way to read interleaved data?
  1,791  Converting Array of Lists to Keras Input
  1,790  pretty printing numpy ndarrays using unicode characters
  1,790  passing relu function to all element of a numpy array [duplicate]
  1,790  pandas dataframe use np.where and drop together
  1,790  matplotlib plot of complex valued function
  1,789  How to write a numpy array to a byte memorystream?
  1,788  Unexpected eigenvectors in numPy
  1,787  Unable to solve system of equations using numpy [closed]
  1,787  Python cv2 Image Pyramids
  1,787  np.round, or np.around doesn't work
  1,787  Efficient slicing of matrices using matrix multiplication, with Python, NumPy, SciPy
  1,786  Regression along a dimension in a numpy array
  1,786  python numpy - is there a faster way to convolve?
  1,785  Why is numpy.array() is sometimes very slow?
  1,785  NumPy: Find the maximum value from each row set it to 1 and rest as 0
  1,785  How to find Mahalanobis distance between two 1D arrays in Python?
  1,785  Get the closest point to a plane defined by four vertices in python
  1,785  efficiently generate ''shifted'' gaussian kernel in python
  1,784  Triangular mesh queries in Python
  1,784  Tensorflow: Invalid argument: Shape mismatch in tuple component
  1,784  np.load() unusually slow for larger files [closed]
  1,784  Convert a PIL image to a numpy array
  1,782  reshaping of an nparray returned ''IndexError: tuple index out of range''
  1,782  Numpy broadcast array
  1,782  How to apply function to only certain array elements?
  1,782  how to apply custom function to each row of pandas dataframe
  1,782  efficiently computing parafac / CP product in numpy
  1,781  What is the correct way of passing parameters to stats.friedmanchisquare based on a DataFrame?
  1,781  speeding up parsing of files
  1,781  Python error: Mean of empty slice
  1,781  Numpy 2D array indexing without out of bound and with clipping value
  1,781  Matplotlib: How to increase colormap/linewidth quality in streamplot?
  1,781  How to filter NA values and add it to a new DataFrame
  1,781  Efficiently and simply convert from long-format to wide-format in pandas and/or numpy
  1,781  AttributeError: list has no attribute dot
  1,780  Python: Fast Hankel Transform for 1d array
  1,780  How to use an array as its own indices in Numpy
  1,780  How to load *.mat file and convert it to numpy array? [duplicate]
  1,780  Faster numpy-solution instead of itertools.combinations?
  1,779  Scipy Interpolate RectBivariateSpline constructor returns an error
  1,779  In coo_matrix (scipy sparse matrix), how can I select and return ''random column index'' in each row excluding non-zero indexes in that row?
  1,779  Cross correlation of multiple sequences avoiding for loop
  1,778  Turn a 1D array into nD array? [duplicate]
  1,778  fastest method to dump numpy array into string
  1,778  Count number of objects detected using tensorflow object detection api
  1,777  Python square wave function - What is going on here?
  1,777  python separate round particles by offsetting contours / shrinking polygones
  1,777  Numpy - Modal matrix and diagonal Eigenvalues
  1,777  Matplotlib scatter plot with two colors [duplicate]
  1,777  einsum on a sparse matrix
  1,776  What is the most efficient way to convert numpy arrays to Shapely Points?
  1,776  Sort a list with np.arrays python
  1,776  Python NumPy doesn't resize correctly
  1,776  mapping two numpy arrays
  1,776  Aggregate Numpy Array By Summing
  1,776  Add element at the start of array and delete at the end numpy
  1,776  2D numpy Array to skimage
  1,775  Numpy array.resize() - zeros 'first'
  1,775  How to set lower triangular matrix of 0-1?
  1,775  Extract values that satisfy a condition from numpy array
  1,774  Python 3.6: trying to pip install numpy
  1,774 polyfit function for masked arrays crashes on integer input
  1,774  Numpy-compatible image drawing library
  1,774  Error when using numpy module in Sublime Text
  1,774  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'square' [duplicate]
  1,774  After installing NumPy in Python - I still get error: ''no module named numpy''
  1,773  Using trained weights to plot 3d hyperplane
  1,773  Too many indices for array
  1,773  Tensorflow 1.5 build failing - missing path?
  1,773  PIL open tif image only one channel
  1,773  Is there a Matlab's buffer equivalent in numpy?
  1,773  Diagonal Numpy Slicing
  1,773  Creating pandas dataframe from API call
  1,772  Use numpy to read a two-column csv file
  1,772  how to append a numpy matrix into an empty numpy array
  1,772  How do I correlate my original data with clustered data
  1,772  extract the N closest pairs from a numpy distance array
  1,772  Avoid 'MySQLConverter' object has no attribute '_timestamp_to_mysql' error with datetime64[ns] and MySQL
  1,772  Add new rows to calculate the sum and average from exiting pandas dataframe
  1,771  meshgrid with 2d array as input
  1,771  matplotlib display images from left to right to bottom (matlab montage)
  1,771  how to reshape a 4D tensorflow to a 2D
  1,771  F# library or .Net Numerics equivalent to Python Numpy function
  1,770  Python generator with numpy array
  1,770  Numpy 1 Degree of Freedom
  1,770  LinAlgError: Singular matrix from Statsmodels logistic regression
  1,770  How can i remove a plot with Python?
  1,770  Find the correlation of a non-linear function for numpy.corr()
  1,770  Data row pulled from SQL Server with pyodbc is an ''unhashable type''
  1,770  Converting a numpy string array to integers in base-16
  1,769  Using Python for FFTs on audio files - sampling rate
  1,769  tensor.numpy() not working in Throws the error: AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy'
  1,769  Python: How to generate a vector with nonzero entries at random positions?
  1,769  From list of dictionaries to np array of arrays and vice-versa
  1,768  Reading data from a raw VTK (.vtu) file
  1,768  numpy.array_split() odd behavior
  1,768  Matplotlib 1.3.1: plot(matrix(''1,2,3'')) -> RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
  1,768  Large numpy arrays in shared memory for multiprocessing: Is something wrong with this approach?
  1,768  How to perform univaraiate Analysis in Python using Plots
  1,768  How to aggregate NumPy record array (sum, min, max, etc.)?
  1,767  Vectorize over only one axis in a 2D array with numpy vectorize
  1,767  tensorflow TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
  1,767  How to merge DataFrame in for loop?
  1,767  Correctly write a function of numpy meshgrid
  1,766  tflearn to_categorical: Processing data from pandas.df.values: array of arrays
  1,766  Shuffle ordering of some rows in numpy array
  1,766  Sample a truncated integer power law in Python?
  1,766  Python/Scipy kde fit, scaling
  1,766  How to create a scipy.lti object for a discrete LTI system?
  1,766  get the index of the last negative value in a 2d array per column
  1,766  Find derivative of a function with Abs in python
  1,766  Binarize image data
  1,766  Applying last valid index mask to dataframe to get last valid values
  1,765  Vectorizing `numpy.random.choice` for given 2D array of probabilities along an axis
  1,765  transpose on 4-d array in numpy
  1,765  sorting numpy structured and record arrays is very slow
  1,765  Separating list of years into decades
  1,765  scipy or numpy implementation of coordinate descent algorithm
  1,765  OpenCV 2.4 estimateAffine3D in Python
  1,765  How to replace a list of values in a numpy array?
  1,765  How to Find the Neighbors of a Cell in an ndarray?
  1,765  Fastest method to do an FFT
  1,765  convert python list to numpy array boolean
  1,765  Collect Spark dataframe into Numpy matrix
  1,764  scipy.optimize.curve_fit setting a ''fixed'' parameter
  1,764  Python: index 5324 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 5040
  1,764  Python, fourier series of discrete data
  1,764  OpenCV Python: Error with using Mask parameter in GoodFeatureToDetect
  1,764  Numpy: concatenate different dtypes whilst preserving each dtype
  1,764  Multiplying numpy 2d Array with 1d Array [duplicate]
  1,764  Matching elements in numpy array
  1,764  Gaussian process algorithm erroring out, memory issues with numpy?
  1,764  Finding indices of non-unique elements in Numpy array
  1,764  Finding an unknown point using weighted multilateration
  1,764  Convert a string with brackets to numpy array
  1,763  numpy 3d array - selecting maximum elements along given axis
  1,763  Kalman filter with varying timesteps
  1,763  How exactly does the behavior of Python bool and numpy bool_ differ?
  1,762  Using Numpy creates a tcl folder when using py2exe
  1,762  UserWarning: Warning: converting a masked element to nan when running GAN
  1,762  Python store cv image in mongodb gridfs
  1,762  Numpy - Indexing with Boolean array
  1,762  How can i access the ordering of contours in `opencv`
  1,762  creating numpy array in c extension segfaults
  1,762  convert string into multidimensional array
  1,761  Value Error while running SVM in Sklearn
  1,761  Sorting an array of arrays in Python
  1,761  Python: memory efficient list with list.sort(cmp=myfnc)
  1,761  Pandas plotting linear regression on scatter graph
  1,761  Pandas fillna() not working as expected
  1,761  Multiple indices for numpy array: IndexError: failed to coerce slice entry of type numpy.ndarray to integer
  1,761  Finding the vertical and the horizontal gradients of a image using python
  1,761  CMake Error ''NumPy import failure'' when compiling Boost.Numpy
  1,761  Appending along 4th dimension of numpy array
  1,760  np.load for several files
  1,760  LinAlgError: Singular matrix
  1,760  Changing the value of some indexes of an array in python
  1,760  Anaconda crashes when I attempt to use certain Numpy, Scipy, or Matplotlib functions
  1,759  Indexerror: list index out of range/numpy
  1,759  Import numpy files from a downloaded zip to use in python script
  1,758  Thicken a one pixel line
  1,758  Python: Replacing NaN or MEAN instead of a -999 value in an array [duplicate]
  1,758  Importing Numpy to Geany (Python 3.5.1)
  1,758  How can I apply ceiling on a dataframe column?
  1,758  Holt winters initial Seasonal Indices calculation in python
  1,757  replace unique values in a pandas dataframe with random numbers
  1,757  one hot encode a binary value in numpy
  1,757  NumPy/SciPy in c# with Visual Studio 2008
  1,757  Numpy read complex numbers from text file
  1,757  How do I rotate a shape in python by +/- x degrees using numpy arrays?
  1,757  Error while using stastmodels' WLS: SVD did not converge
  1,757  dealing with zero log values in numpy/pandas
  1,757  Create dataframe from itertools product
  1,757  (4,1,2) Numpy Array Sort Clockwise
  1,756  Residuals of Random Forest Regression (Python)
  1,756  numpy NaN not always recognized
  1,756  Numpy memory error with 256GB of RAM, 64-bit python, and 64-bit numpy. ulimit issue?
  1,755  Python Class Memory Usage
  1,755  How to create an array of linearly spaced points using numpy?
  1,754  Using scipy.integrate.complex_ode instead of scipy.integrate.ode
  1,754  OpenCV: setting inside of irregularly shaped contour to a color
  1,754  NumPy memmap performance issues
  1,754 is slow yet blas and lapack are installed, how to fix?
  1,754  inserting numpy integer types into sqlite with python3
  1,754  extract the dress from image with python
  1,754  Creating dictionary from a numpy array ''ValueError: too many values to unpack''
  1,754  CatBoostError: cat_features must be integer or string, real number values and NaN values should be converted to string
  1,753  writing large netCDF4 file with python?
  1,753  Implementing 2D inverse fourier transform using 1D transforms
  1,753  How to pad a matrix to make it even sized in python
  1,753  How to get all rows with invalid np.datetime64 dates in a pandas DataFrame
  1,753  Divide one column in array by another numpy
  1,752  Replacing loop with List Comprehension instead of loop getting a function to return a new array within the list comprehension
  1,752  Pandas: Filling NA values to be filled based on distribution of existing values
  1,752  installing numpy Raspberry Pi
  1,752  How to extract fc7 features from AlexNet in pytorch as numpy array?
  1,752  How do I add an RGB ImageItem to a pyqtgraph ViewBox? ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (256,256,4) into shape (256,256)
  1,752  Assign a numpy array to a specific cell of a pandas dataframe
  1,751  What is the best way to perform an anti-transpose in python?
  1,751  Reading CSV file with numpy.genfromtxt() - delimiter as a part of a row name
  1,751  numpy array mapping and take average
  1,751  How to pre-load numpy data into a buffer like io.BytesIO to make it seekable?
  1,751  How to calculate an angle between 2D vector and OX with numpy?
  1,750  Where is the error? ''SystemError: new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple''
  1,750  Python Numpy nonzero
  1,750  Plotting stochastic processes in Python
  1,750  Numpy + Python 15x slower than MATLAB? [closed]
  1,750  numpy import fails when Python is embedded in C++
  1,750  MemoryError when performing cross-validation using scikit-learn
  1,750  Map Function for Numpy Matrix
  1,750  Density plot for x,y array of points
  1,749  Why does pandas.Series.corr return Nan whereas numpy or scipy compute a number?
  1,749  ValueError: could not convert string to float---how to convert a list of lists of strings into a numpy array type float?
  1,749  Reverse part of an array using NumPy
  1,749  Remove row of numpy array based on values from two columns
  1,749  Read streaming data from s3 using pyspark
  1,749  Numpy, Reading from File with no delimiter but fixed pattern
  1,749  Numpy Line-Plane intersection
  1,749  numpy: code to update least squares with more observations
  1,749  NumPy: better way to multiply a matrix by an array in-place?
  1,749  Cython/Numpy - cimport numpy as np fails
  1,748  Error installing pandas with pip: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numpy==1.9.3
  1,748  Compiling a FORTRAN Module using f2py
  1,748  Alternative to scipy.optimize.curve_fit
  1,748  Add and Subtract multiple element of numpy array
  1,747  Removing the baseline from data
  1,747  printing sub-array in numpy as Matlab does
  1,746  Sort numpy array by datetime objects
  1,746  Pandas Return Cell position containing string
  1,746  How to store array of really huge numbers in python?
  1,746  Displaying data from binary file in python
  1,746  Accessing NumPy record array columns in Cython
  1,745  Random experiment of Binomial distribution using stats in python
  1,745  numpy.ndarray: converting to a ''normal'' class
  1,745  How do I apply function to third-dimension array effectively with numpy?
  1,745  Display image converted to numpy array in Tkinter with PIL
  1,744  Wrong results with Python multiply() and prod()
  1,744  Numpy: raise ValueError(''shape too large to be a matrix.'')
  1,744  numpy array each element multiplication with matrix
  1,744  How could I get a daily average in python?
  1,744  Find geometry (shapes) from node cloud
  1,743  Numpy: Multiple Outer Products
  1,743  How to use SMAPE evaluation metric on train dataset?
  1,743  Find rank and percentage rank in list
  1,743  4d interpolation in python
  1,742  Wrong fit using scipy curve_fit
  1,742  Scipy curve_fit does not seem to change the initial parameters
  1,742  Pandas install requiring NumPy 1.6.1
  1,742  Numpy Convert N dimensional array into two dimensional array
  1,742  Import NumPy gives me ImportError: DDL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found?
  1,742  How to resolve function approximation task in Python?
  1,742  How can I use the struct library in python to pack a double into two uint32's
  1,742  Convert a numpy array to a DataFrame in pyspark to export as csv
  1,741  numpy.polyfit has no keyword 'cov'
  1,741  numpy dtype error - (structured array creation)
  1,741  multidimensional array multiplication in numpy
  1,741  How to read array data into numpy array from text file?
  1,740  Using numpy shape output in logic
  1,740  building a pairwise matrix in scipy/numpy in Python from dictionaries
  1,739  Get coordinates of non-nan values of xarray Dataset
  1,739  Conjugate Gradient implementation Python
  1,738 for packages that depend on both cython and f2py
  1,738  Pandas: Apply rolling function to compute new column value
  1,738  OpenCV find coloured in circle and position value Python
  1,738  numpy function to aggregate a signal for time?
  1,737  Tensorflow - Graph is finalized and cannot be modified
  1,737  Numpy: shuffle arrays in unison multiple times with different seeds
  1,737  Numpy: Inverse Transforming Different Size Array
  1,737  filling numpy array by index
  1,737  f2py: input not fortran contiguous
  1,736  Transportation cost flow optimization using Python Scipy Minimize
  1,736 gives TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
  1,736  build a DataFrame with columns from tuple of arrays
  1,735  reshaping ndarrays versus regular arrays in numpy?
  1,735  NLOPT Invalid argument Python
  1,735  Is the upper triangular matrix in function always in row echelon form?
  1,735  How to find polygon vertices from edge detection images?
  1,735  Failed to import Numeric: No module named Numeric in F2PY
  1,735  Changing data type (dtype) of tabular.tabarray or numpy.recarray
  1,734  Replacing missing values with random in a numpy array
  1,734  Pandas split comma separated string into 2 separate columns and explode rows down
  1,734  Numpy: An efficient way to merge multiple slices [duplicate]
  1,734  How do I import a plotly graph within a python script?
  1,734  Convert Tecplot ascii to Python numpy
  1,734  Concurrent i/o and processing for large data files in python
  1,733  memory efficient random number iterator without replacement
  1,733  Increasing efficiency of barycentric coordinate calculation in python
  1,733  How to remove a particular version of Numpy
  1,733  converting time to Hz in python
  1,733  Change FaceColor and EdgeColor of Matplotlib Streamplot Arrows
  1,732  Subtracting columns from a numpy array
  1,732  Shorthand notation for numpy.array() [closed]
  1,732  numpy savetxt: save a matrix as row
  1,732  How to call function for scipy.optimize.fmin_cg(func) in Python
  1,732  How can I find if a point lies inside or outside of ConvexHull?
  1,732  Copy or view numpy subarray using boolean indexing
  1,732  Calculating standard deviation on list ignoring zeros using numpy
  1,731  Graph a custom function in python
  1,730  Updating Python and packages on OSX
  1,730  Split a numpy column into two columns and keep them in the original array
  1,730  Possible optimizations for calculating squared euclidean distance
  1,730  Matlab diff(F,var,n) vs Python numpy diff(a, n=1, axis=-1)
  1,730  Mask blank values using
  1,730  comparing two large csv file and writing another one with python
  1,730  Calculations within pandas aggregate
  1,730  Calculating slope and intercept error of linear regression
  1,729  TypeError: Mismatch between array dtype ('|S6') and format specifier ('%.18e')
  1,729  reading a matrix and fetch row and column names in python
  1,729  NumPy and SciPy. Static vs Dynamic loading
  1,729  Finding index of array in 2 multidimensional array in Python
  1,729  Changing data resolution in Python
  1,728  Efficient way to count every pixels of an image of a particular value in Python?
  1,728  Efficiently find row intersections of two 2-D numpy arrays
  1,728  Can't import 'datasets' with scikit-learn
  1,727  Searching a sub-array inside a 2D array (image recognition) [closed]
  1,727  python counting number of presence and absence of substrings in list of sequences
  1,727  How to make numpy.cumsum start after the first value [Python]
  1,727  How to build (or precompute) a histogram from a file too large for memory?
  1,727  Given y_pred with categories 0,1,2 how do I select only categories 1 and 2 to perform metrics on in Keras?
  1,726  Using python to generate clusters of data?
  1,726  Standardizing numpy array in Keras
  1,726  Ordinary Least Squares Regression for multiple columns in Pandas Dataframe
  1,726  Maintaining a ratio when splitting up data in python function
  1,726  Counting Neighbors in Matrix - Conway Game of Life
  1,726  AttributeError: Numpy object 'NpzFile' has no attribute 'zip'?
  1,725  Rotation of object using Euler Matrix in python
  1,725  Numpy doesn't change value of an array element after masking
  1,725  Nan to Num Python
  1,725  How to sort a 2D numpy array lexicographically by one column?
  1,725  How to improve performance when interpolating on 3d data with SciPy
  1,725  How to convert built-in method values of dict object to dictionary
  1,725  Adding color to Polar Scatter plot data points
  1,724  Why does `imshow` display a 2D (non-RGB) array in color, and how can I export such a color image to a .png file?
  1,724  pandas.concat produces all NaN
  1,724  How to convert string to a dataframe name pandas/python
  1,724  Global Average Pooling from Array
  1,723  performance of NumPy with different BLAS implementations
  1,723  Pandas: Random integer between values in two columns
  1,723  How can we get 3D volume of Dicom CT images - Python
  1,722  Splitting a numpy array into two subsets of different sizes
  1,722  How avoid error ''TypeError: invalid data type for einsum'' in Python
  1,722  Extract the real part of an array in python
  1,721  What's the difference between the shapes of variable in Theano
  1,721  Python/Numpy: Conditional simulation from a multivatiate distribution
  1,721  Populating a numpy matrix using fromfunction and an array
  1,721  Installing numpy via command line in Windows
  1,721  Genfromtxt file name
  1,721  Fastest way to check if two arrays have equivalent rows
  1,721  Cumulative integration of elements of numpy arrays
  1,721  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'step'
  1,721  Anomalies when trying to fit student's t distribution using scipy
  1,720  Set RGB white to transparent?
  1,720  How to find the first True value in a data frame column based on index value
  1,720  einsum and distance calculations
  1,720  Declare constraints for basinhopping optimization
  1,720  Conditional numpy.cumsum?
  1,720  Applying Sklearn Gaussian Mixture algorithm to fit GM curves
  1,719  Rounding errors with floats in Python using Numpy
  1,719  populate numpy array through concurrent.futures multiprocessing
  1,719  MATLAB matrix multiplication performance is 5x faster than NumPy
  1,719  How do I increase the dimensions of a numpy int32 array?
  1,719  Can't install pandas as pip can't proceed with requirement due to pre-existing build directory
  1,718  Python: shape of a matrix and imshow()
  1,718  Python - How to replace None values in a numpy array with the median of adjacent elements
  1,718  Numpy xor-reduce an array
  1,718  numpy, Select elements in rows by 1d indexes array
  1,718  How to split a DataFrame or Matrix into train and test sets on value not row?
  1,718  How can I rotate an ndarray (image) properly?
  1,717  What additional work is done by np.power?
  1,717  Planck's Energy Density Python
  1,717  Different numpy version in Anaconda and numpy.__version__ in IPython Shell
  1,717  Converting numpy array into pandas dataframe
  1,716  Tensorflow vs Numpy math functions
  1,716  How to test if a matrix is a rotation matrix?
  1,716  Extra spaces in the representation of numpy arrays of floats
  1,716  Applying a function for all pairwise rows in two matrices under Numpy
  1,715  Why does installing numpy using pip fail, while building directly does not?
  1,715  Recommended setup involving Scitools, NumPy, and SciPy
  1,715  Python performance using Boost Python doesn't improve
  1,715  OpenCV Real-time screen capture put rectangle around items in ROI Python
  1,715  Keras fit model: TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
  1,715  Is t-SNE's computational bottleneck its memory complexity?
  1,715  How to use a pair of nested for loops to iterate over a 2-d array?
  1,715  How to replace NaN values in Pandas conditionally?
  1,715  Compute multivariate normal density for multiple datapoints
  1,715  Chamfer distance between two point clouds in tensorflow
  1,714  what's the mean of ''reshape(-1,1,2)''
  1,714  Using numpy.where() to iterate through a matrix
  1,714  Timeseries Resampling
  1,714  scipy integrate over array with variable bounds
  1,714  Python - name output file to include part of input file name
  1,714  Install Numpy 1.8 in Travis CI
  1,714  How to divide one columns value by a previous rows column(not the same column) and add the result as a new dimension to a numpy array?
  1,714  Changing tick labels without affecting the plot
  1,713  <unknown> is not a numpy array error
  1,713  unevenly centered subplots in matplotlib in Python?
  1,713  Tensorflow Create Protobuf for a Tensor
  1,713  python reshape structure array to normal numpy array
  1,713  Numpy: set one specific element of each column based on indexing by array
  1,713  Numpy: how to use argmax results to get the actual max? [duplicate]
  1,713  Numpy get index of row with second-largest value
  1,713  How to remove 'None' from an Appended Multidimensional Array using numpy
  1,713  Group by column in pandas dataframe and average arrays
  1,713  Converting NumPy array to a set takes too long
  1,713  Compute the trace of a matrix across all diagonals
  1,712  Using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed. Use `if t is not None:` instead of `if t:` to test if a tensor is defined,
  1,712  Representing a ragged array in numpy by padding
  1,712  [Python]Conversion issue: Float --> Bytes and viceversa
  1,712  How to convert all layers of a pretrained Keras model to a different dtype (from float32 to float16)?
  1,712  Error in numpy.linalg.solve when trying to calculate exact solution
  1,711  Using mask to replace string in numpy
  1,711  Product of array elements by group in numpy (Python)
  1,711  Numpy np.newaxis [closed]
  1,711  How could I convert tensor type to numpy narray type in my function?
  1,710  Inverse of a symmetric matrix
  1,710  Flip 3D numpy Array
  1,710  Differences between X.ravel() and X.reshape(s0*s1*s2) when number of axes known
  1,710  Are Python modules compiled?
  1,709  Python-Memory error while convert sparse matrix to dense matrix
  1,709  Python: How to create a legend using an example
  1,709  Python + alglib + NumPy: how to avoid converting arrays to lists?
  1,709  Multiplying NumPy arrays by scalars
  1,709  Multiple processes sharing a single Joblib cache
  1,709  How to get indexes of k maximum values from a numpy multidimensional array
  1,708  Weighted sum of matrices in Tensorflow
  1,708  Trouble plotting pandas DataFrame
  1,708  R translation to Python
  1,708  Python Pandas: Using apply() to subtract a value from an array
  1,708  NumPy: Find sorted indices from a masked 2D array above and below a threshold
  1,708  Efficient summed Area Table Calculation with Numpy
  1,708  DGESDD Lapack routine loading from numpy failed
  1,707  using tensorflow fill method to create a tensor of certain datatype
  1,707  Pandas plot subplots of a 'group by' result
  1,707  Pandas/datetime/total seconds : numpy.timedelta64' object has no attribute 'total_seconds'
  1,706  Project image onto inside of sphere with Python Numpy
  1,706  LSTM preprocessing: Build 3d arrays from pandas data frame based on ID
  1,706  ImportError and PyExc_SystemError while embedding Python Script within C for PAM modules (.so files)
  1,706  How to compare great circle distance with euclidean distance of two sphere points using python?
  1,706  Color-coding a histogram
  1,705  Rearrange sparse arrays by swapping rows and columns
  1,705  numpy.genfromtxt- ValueError- Line # (got n columns instead of m)
  1,705  Logical OR without using numpy.logical_or
  1,705  How does zero-padding work for 2D arrays in scipy.fftpack?
  1,704  Unable to install python package ''toml''
  1,704  In Python and numpy, How do I replace missing values in an array with the previous element? (Masked array?)
  1,703  Speed up computation for Distance Transform on Image in Python
  1,703  Linspace in numpy library
  1,703  How to loop sklearn linear regression by values within a column - python
  1,703  Efficiently count the number of occurrences of unique subarrays in NumPy?
  1,702  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (450,1000,3) into shape (400,500,3)
  1,702  SciPy/NumPy: Normalize a csr_matrix
  1,702  Python: pick appropriate datatype size (int) automatically
  1,702  Python: pick appropriate datatype size (int) automatically
  1,702  python/numpy fastest method for 2d kernel rank filtering on masked arrays (and/or selective ranking)
  1,702  Plot a lagrange polynomial from a set of points PYTHON
  1,702  Pandas resampling using numpy percentile?
  1,702  Numpy.putmask with images
  1,702  Is there a way I can vectorize fsolve?
  1,702  How to install NumPy for IronPython in 2017?
  1,702  How to create a nested matrix in python
  1,702  apply numpy.histogram to multidimensional array
  1,701  numpy: difference between NaN and masked array
  1,701  Convert QPixmap to Numpy
  1,701  Computing the trace of a hat matrix from and independent variable matrix with a large number of rows; how can I avoid memory errors?
  1,701  Applying a function on every row of numpy array
  1,700  Randomly introduce NaN values in pandas dataframe
  1,700  Faster way than concatenate of combining multiple cv2 images (numpy arrays) in python?
  1,700  Built in Numpy Exceptions?
  1,700  Align numpy array according to another array
  1,699  Python running matplotlib.nxutils points_inside_poly on mac
  1,699  Pandas alternative to apply - to create new column based on multiple columns
  1,699  How to calculate an exponential moving average with python faster?
  1,699  Count unique elements along an axis of a NumPy array
  1,699  Cannot figure out what input to use to get cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK method to work
  1,699  Adding a column to a 2D list
  1,698  Want to append colored images to a list and convert that list to grayscale using OpenCV
  1,698  Speed up function evaluation for integration in scipy
  1,698  Read CSV file as a dictionary containing first row as headers (keys)
  1,698  Python: Parse string to array
  1,698  Python: Element assignment in a scipy.sparse.diags matrix
  1,697  Using Python for adding column in a CSV file
  1,697  OpenCV Hough Circle Transform needs 8-bit image
  1,697  numpy matrix trace behaviour
  1,697  Is it possible to use variable name in imread? Basic issue in Python
  1,697  Fast random weighted selection across all rows of a stochastic matrix
  1,697  Dealing with masked coordinate arrays in pcolormesh
  1,696  yaml.dump throws an error on numpy.array type attribute of an object in Python
  1,696  Splicing NumPy arrays
  1,696  FIlter 2d array using 1d boolean array [duplicate]
  1,695  Why is numpy slower than for loop
  1,695  Swapping array dimensions with NumPy
  1,695  Removing Array Elements in Python while keeping track of their position
  1,695  python recursive vectorization with timeseries
  1,695  How can I apply the Homomorphic filtering in Python (i.e. using OpenCV)?
  1,695  Detecting periodic repetitions in the data stream
  1,694  ValueError: matrices are not aligned, with correct shape of matrices
  1,694  Using Matplotlib and Numpy, is there a way to find all line intersections for Linear Equations?
  1,694  concatenate arrays with mixed types
  1,693  How to find business days between dates with Pandas CDay?
  1,693  How to calculate a Normal Distribution percent point function in python
  1,693  Deleting elements from numpy array with iteration
  1,693  Convert timeseries to image matrix
  1,692  Python; Append vector to an array
  1,692  In numpy, how can I randomly choose a number from a range that excludes a random number that was previously chosen?
  1,692  how to remove e scientific notation from mean method of numpy lib in python
  1,692  How to apply a function for each element in a matrix in Python?
  1,691  what is the difference between int16 and in32 dtype
  1,691  Python: efficient way to find orthogonal vectors connecting many points (x,y) to the closest spot on a known function y(x)
  1,691  Memory Error: Unable to allocate array shape ({very large}), solution for windows Python
  1,691  Matrix multiplication with multiple numpy arrays
  1,691  Linear equation system in python
  1,691  how to make a numpy recarray from column arrays
  1,691  How to convert 3D RGB label image (in semantic segmentation) to 2D gray image, and class indices start from 0?
  1,691  Get element closest to cluster centroid
  1,691  Fast Fourier Transform (fft) with Time Associated Data Python
  1,690  TensorFlow: Train model on a custom image dataset
  1,690  PIL.Image.fromarray produces distorted image after np.reshape
  1,690  Generating random number for class attribute
  1,690  Generate random integer without an upper bound
  1,690  Finding indices given condition in numpy matrix
  1,690  Fill 2-D numpy array with index location
  1,690  Any reason why numpy's linspace does not support a dtype specification?
  1,689  Using threading to slice an array into chunks and perform calculation on each chunk and reassemble the returned arrays into one array
  1,689  How to convert a contour list into a numpy array?
  1,689  Extract elements from numpy array, that are not in list of indexes
  1,689  Converting Numpy Structured Array to Pandas Dataframes
  1,689  Casting numpy dtypes to pandas DataFrame
  1,689  ask for help for a sum (sigma) function
  1,688  Numpy savetxt to csv with integer integer string
  1,688  Numpy loadtxt single line into multidim-array
  1,688  Numpy hstack explodes memory [duplicate]
  1,688  numpy and pil reshape arrays
  1,688  How to control dimensions of empty arrays in Numpy
  1,688  Apply a pairwise shapely function on two numpy arrays of shapely objects
  1,687  Use of scipy.signal.lombscargle
  1,687  Tensorflow uses too much memory when initializing with constants
  1,687  Scipy Curve_fit function uses initial guess values instead of actually fitting
  1,687  Interpolate without having negative values in python
  1,687  How to output last column element of NumPy 2D array ignoring nan in Python?
  1,687  Dividing Histograms in Pandas
  1,687  Create a Boolean column based on a condition
  1,687  Cannot load an array with numpy load()
  1,686  Use similarity matrix instead of dissimilarity matrix for MDS in scikit-learn
  1,686  Python for loop over matrix
  1,686  Python: Error --> setting an array element with a sequence
  1,686  Need help converting Matlab's bsxfun to numpy
  1,686  Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python
  1,685  sklearn: get feature names after L1-based feature selection
  1,685  product of arrays of different sizes in numpy
  1,685  Installing numpy-1.7.1 with MKL-10.3 using gcc-4.7.2 on linux
  1,685  Import Numpypy when using pypy2.2
  1,685  How to randomly generate really small numbers?
  1,685  Cumulative sum of variable till a given percentile
  1,685  About numpy's concatenate, hstack, vstack functions?
  1,684  Python speeding up the search for a value in a dictionary of ranges
  1,684  macOS Python with numpy faster than Julia in training neural network
  1,684  dicom image resizing before converting to numpy array
  1,683  System of equations solver pandas
  1,683  Speed up sampling of kernel estimate
  1,683  Python - slice array at different position on every row
  1,683  Pythonic way to generate random uniformly distributed points within hollow square lamina
  1,683  Need faster python code for calculating sample entropy
  1,683  Multiply two numpy matrices in PySpark
  1,683  How to get time of day for each element in a datetime64 array?
  1,683  Cython - Define 2d arrays
  1,683  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'version' Canopy
  1,682  Return masked array as simple array with masked values as None
  1,682  Python numpy: Matrix multiplication giving wrong result
  1,682  Pandas Dtypewarning: How do I find the dtype of different cells in a column?
  1,682  numpy 'isin' performance improvement
  1,682  Numpy fusing multiply and add to avoid wasting memory
  1,682  how to make argsort result to be random between equal values?
  1,682  How do I reflect a matrix in matplotlib?
  1,682  Getting error while using Dataframe and numpy array in Python
  1,682  Converting List of Numpy Arrays to Numpy Matrix
  1,682  Check if numpy array is masked or not
  1,682  Broke my python build while adding numpy
  1,682  Append columns to empty numpy array in python
  1,681  Parallelize Image Processing Using Numpy
  1,681  NumPy Broadcasting: Calculating sum of squared differences between two arrays
  1,681  How do I make my numpy image take an alpha channel value in python
  1,681  how do I make arrays to be of the same length
  1,680  Valid data for imshow
  1,680  scipy interp2d crashes for not being able to allocate memory, any alternative?
  1,680  Python - How to add column headers from the generated List
  1,680  numpy.ndarray sparse matrix to dense
  1,680  exponential moving sum in numpy / scipy?
  1,679  Scipy covariance of parameters could not be estimated. Working for similar data why not this data.
  1,679  python numpy access list of arrays without for loop
  1,679  Multiplying specific dimension matrices
  1,679  Does pandas/scipy/numpy provide a cumulative standard deviation function?
  1,679  Create boolean mask on TensorFlow
  1,678  Use numpy & scipy in Azure web role
  1,678  Trying to write numpy array (generated through a loop) into csv format
  1,678  Receive multiple send commands using mpi4py
  1,678  Passing a png image to a numpy array, what is the 4th column last dimension?
  1,678  How to split the data set without train_test_split()?
  1,677  np.loadtxt ignores the header, how can I save the header data?
  1,677  How can I stream a NumPy array into a stream?
  1,676  numpy negative indexing a[:-0]
  1,676  How to implement Cross Validation and Random Forest Classifier given feature sets as dictionaries?
  1,676  How do I fix the 'TypeError: hasattr(): attribute name must be string' error?
  1,675  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence with Decision Tree where all the rows have equal elements?
  1,675  How to change the date format of the whole column?
  1,674  Weird ''too many indices for array'' error in python
  1,674  Segmentation Fault: 11 on OSX python
  1,674  Numpy View Reshape Without Copy (2d Moving/Sliding Window, Strides, Masked Memory Structures)
  1,674  Installing Numpy 1.9.2 on Windows 7
  1,674  Importing csv into Numpy datetime64
  1,674  How to split a numpy array knowing the size of each subarray
  1,673  Using matplotlib *without* TCL
  1,673  speeding up scipy.integrate.quad()?
  1,673  Solve linear equations with multiple variables
  1,673  Select pandas frame rows based on two columns' values
  1,673  Rounding numpy float array read from img with python, values returned not rounded
  1,673  plotting autoscaled subplots with fixed limits in matplotlib
  1,673  np array as optional arguments
  1,673  Include histograms in matplotlib scatterplot
  1,673  How to trim wav files inside of Python [closed]
  1,673  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'powers_'
  1,672  Theano shared variable update causes `ValueError: length not known`
  1,672  Sklearn: negative dimensions are not allowed
  1,672  Populate predefined numpy array with arrays as columns
  1,672  Multiply two numerical columns on conditional using Pandas
  1,671  Uniformly shuffle 5 gigabytes of numpy data
  1,671  sort list of floating-point numbers in groups
  1,671  Set rows of scipy.sparse matrix that meet certain condition to zeros
  1,671  Selectively negate elements in an array
  1,671  OpenCV with Python3.5 AttributeError: 'cv2.VideoCapture' object has no attribute 'imread'
  1,671  Inconsistent functionality of numpy columnstack/hstack
  1,671  How to make a matrix of arrays in numpy?
  1,671  How to increase the speed for SVM classifier using Sk-learn
  1,671  Binning python tuples. Error due to empty bins
  1,670  working with yml files in python and opencv
  1,670  What is the sorting logic behind np.lexsort?
  1,670  how to hash numpy arrays to check for duplicates
  1,670  find and delete from more-dimensional numpy array
  1,669  Why does numpy.zeros takes up little space
  1,669  numpy slicing select parts of array
  1,669  numpy and ROOT (numpy arrays management)
  1,669  Matlab cell2mat function in Python Numpy?
  1,669  Efficient netCDF analysis when looping through data
  1,669  Change values of a 1D numpy array based on certain condition
  1,668  Use Numpy Multidimensional Array Slicing Without Using the [slice,slice] Syntax?
  1,668  TypeError when using scipy.integrate.odeint
  1,668  Reading Multiple tiff files in python from a folder
  1,668  label 3d numpy array with scipy.ndimage.label
  1,668  How to include Python modules from a different Python version?
  1,668  How to delete the lowest number in an array, and if there's several minimum numbers, delete the first
  1,668  Extrapolate with LinearNDInterpolator
  1,668  Buildozer Numpy RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
  1,667  Why does comparison of a numpy array with a list consume so much memory?
  1,667  How to cluster numpy array of coefficients for a heatmap
  1,667  Deal with errors in parametrised sigmoid function in python
  1,667  Can I avoid Python loop overhead on dynamic programming with numpy?
  1,666  Python Anaconda - no module named numpy
  1,666  Numpy: evaluation of standard deviation of values above/below the average
  1,666  matplotlib a histogram with strings on x-axis
  1,666  How to return an array of at least 4D: efficient method to simulate numpy.atleast_4d
  1,666  Creating a ''bitmask'' from several boolean numpy arrays
  1,666  all permutations of (b, c, a,  ... , a) in a numpy array [closed]
  1,665  Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Regression on partial derivatives
  1,665  Python to Open .npy File
  1,665  How to convert a pandas MultiIndex DataFrame into a 3D array
  1,665  dynamic arrays and speed in python - fastest way to grow an array
  1,665  binary search for multiple values
  1,665  Argument 1234 in numpy.random.RandomState
  1,664  Sort NumPy array by values in two columns [duplicate]
  1,664  How to plot graph involving complex numbers?
  1,664  getting values from a numpy array between two points
  1,664  Difference between RandomState and seed in numpy
  1,663  Numpy matrix multiplication fails (''shapes not aligned'') when second element is a vector/array
  1,663  Jupyter (IPython) notebook numpy/pandas/matplotlib error (FreeBSD)
  1,663  How to find the closest corresponding vectors between two coordinate matrices?
  1,663  How to compare all columns with one column in pandas?
  1,662  RNN time series predictions with multiple time series dimension with Keras, Tensorflow
  1,662  python where function doesn't work
  1,662  Pythonic way to calculate distance using numpy matrices?
  1,662  Numpy: Is it possible to display numbers in comma-separated form, like 1,000,000? [duplicate]
  1,662  Numpy: get index of smallest value based on conditions
  1,662  numpy get all combinations of rows and column indices 2D array
  1,662  How to find the number of unique elements in a list of ndarrays?
  1,662  How should I use the h5py library for storing time series data?
  1,662  Get the column which have maximum sum value from matrix
  1,662  Error in coefficients for a polynomial using Numpy
  1,662  Cleanly tile numpy array of images stored in a flattened 1D format
  1,662  An Efficient Sieve of Eratosthenes in Python
  1,661  SublimeText3 cannot find Python modules (numpy) installed with MacPorts
  1,661  Right matrix division in Scipy/NumPy? [duplicate]
  1,661  Numpy matrix multiplication with custom dot product
  1,661  Numpy dot product problems
  1,661  Different results when using sklearn RandomizedPCA with sparse and dense matrices
  1,661  Add values in numpy array successively, without looping [duplicate]
  1,660  Python - Select row in NumPy array where multiple conditions are met
  1,660  invalid value in ''less'' when comparing np.nan in an array
  1,660  i am trying to take shot from ipcamera and open as opencv and convert to numpy formate
  1,660  How to change colour of certain elements of a matrix in matplotlib matshow?
  1,660  Histogram rebinning with interpolation?
  1,660  Find percentile in pandas dataframe based on groups
  1,660  alternative parametrization of the negative binomial in scipy
  1,660  Accessing an array with ctypes in Python
  1,659  ImportError: No module named 'numpy' - on mac
  1,659  HDF5 array extraction and conversion in NumPy
  1,659  Finding intersection of points on a python graph generated by a list of points
  1,659  Count and sort pandas dataframe
  1,659  Check if 2 arrays have at least one element in common?
  1,658  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. for pandas column
  1,658  numpy error cannot perform reduce with flexible type when reading data from list and not array
  1,658  List of 3x1 numpy arrays in Python
  1,658  How to perform iterative 2D operation on 4D numpy array
  1,658  How does Spark handle Timestamp types during Pandas dataframe conversion?
  1,658  Cubic interpolation with derivatives in numpy
  1,658  Concatenate many arrays in python
  1,657  Remove transparent pixels from an image numpy array
  1,657  convert <class 'list'> to numpy.ndarray
  1,657  concatenate two arrays in python with alternating the columns in numpy
  1,657  Animated contour plot from 3D numpy array Python
  1,656  Scipy.optimize - curve fitting with fixed parameters
  1,656  Opencv: How to detect pixel color change
  1,656  How do I find what index a True value is located at in an array contaning True and False values?
  1,656  Combine matrix in numpy
  1,656  appending integers to empty NumPy array in Python
  1,655  Py2exe complains about missing dll when I have them?
  1,655  Iterate over a dict, compare current and previous value
  1,655  dictionary with tuple into a dataframe
  1,655  Counting number of items based on condition
  1,655  Convert dataframe to a numpy matrix
  1,655  Compare a numpy array to each element of another one
  1,654  passing 2d array from numpy to c++ via swig can't use float**
  1,654  NumPy: TypeError: reshape() got an unexpected keyword argument 'order'
  1,654  How to quickly iterate over and modify pixel arrays with numpy?
  1,654  How to initialize multidimensional numpy array
  1,654  how to calculate probability mass function for multinomial in scipy?
  1,654  dataframe representation of a rolling window
  1,654  Construct huge numpy array with pytables
  1,654  Adding a column to a Multiindex Dataframe
  1,653  Scipy sparse matrix multiplication much slower than numpy array
  1,653  ''numpy.interp'' ValueError: object too deep for desired array
  1,653  numpy interpolation to increase array size
  1,653  Memory error using scipy.fftpack, how to avoid it?
  1,653  ''If'' function used for array in Python
  1,653  Does marching cubes in vtk require specific input?
  1,652  Python numpy arrays elements not changing value
  1,652  Python draw graph
  1,652  Numpy Matrix inverse with float128 type
  1,652  How to write two variables in one line? [duplicate]
  1,651  Theano.function equivalent in Tensorflow
  1,651  Python openCv calcHist failing with error code (-215)
  1,651  Inplace rotation of a matrix
  1,651  How to force convert all my values from uint8 to int and not int64
  1,651  How to combine a numpy array and a text column and export to csv
  1,651  Generate n choose 2 combinations in python on very large data sets
  1,651  Discontinuous timeseries plot with dates on x-axis
  1,651  Avoiding exponential values in loadtxt [duplicate]
  1,650  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Image' and 'int'
  1,650  Overload operator __mul__ python [duplicate]
  1,650  Make list of arrays in python
  1,650  Long integer shape of Numpy arrays
  1,650  How to calculate the generalized inverse of a Sparse Matrix in scipy
  1,650  Extrapolate GridData utilizing RBF
  1,649  remove randomly chosen elements from array
  1,649  Numpy attributes not recognized in Numba
  1,649  Fastest way to calculate many regressions in python?
  1,648  numpy.load from io.BytesIO stream
  1,648  Numpy array Regex sub [closed]
  1,648  numpy argmax with max less than some number
  1,648  How to convert numpy bytes to float in python3?
  1,647  ValueError: The truth value of array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  1,647  python column split
  1,647  Numpy: Striding a multiple channel image
  1,647  Is there a standard way to specify the type of a callback function in a docstring?
  1,647  How to compute standard error from ODR results?
  1,647  can't import numpy in Python 3.6.5
  1,647  Calculate the duration of overlapping time ranges using pandas
  1,646  Python: Efficient concatenation of numpy arrays in dictionaries
  1,646  pdf_multivariate_gauss() function in Python
  1,646  Numpy passing input array as `out` argument to ufunc
  1,646  numpy.genfromtxt: Ambiguous delimiters?
  1,646  Numpy array exclude some elements
  1,646  How to simplify array into only unique values in Python
  1,646  How to generate sample data that forms a normal distribution between two bounds in Python? [duplicate]
  1,645  Why can a 352GB NumPy ndarray be used on an 8GB memory macOS computer?
  1,645  Python - read audio stream
  1,645  Python/numpy floating-point text precision
  1,645  Ordered colored plot after clustering using python
  1,645  Numpy delete repeated rows
  1,645  Fixing Numpy failing to import multiarray
  1,645  Calculating interest rates in numpy
  1,644  How to load in txt file as data in Python?
  1,644  Fast scalar triple product in numpy
  1,644  Convert OpenCV triangulatePoints output for use in perspectiveTransform using Python
  1,643  Vectorized implementation for `numpy.random.multivariate_normal`
  1,643  Python Real time Audio Visualizer but without the graphs
  1,643  Python: numpy.genfromtxt - Need column names that contain invalid characters
  1,643  Numpy: argwhere axis=-1 contains a value >= 0
  1,643  Matplotlib - Wrong normals on 3D bars plot
  1,643  Installing python module bottleneck error
  1,643  How would I install numpy library on Coding Ground?
  1,643  How to modify numpy arrays in Spark dataframe?
  1,643  genfromtxt creates 1D array of tuples instead of 2D array
  1,642  Why are my grayscale images showing up in black and white?
  1,642  Scipy.linalg.solve max array size
  1,642  Is numpy.random.RandomState() automatically called whenever rand() is called?
  1,642  Importing numpy package into ABAQUS 6.10 Python environment
  1,642  How to select rows of a numpy data array according to class labels in a separate numpy array?
  1,642  How can I set a minimum distance constraint for generating points with numpy.random.rand?
  1,641  scipy cdist with sparse matrices
  1,641  Scaling Amplitude After Windowing FFT to Recover Correct Amplitude
  1,641  python/numpy: negate or complement a slice
  1,641  Pandas Dataframe: How to perform operation on 2 columns from different direction
  1,641  How to create equal spaced values in between unequal spaced values in Python?
  1,641  How to combine a RGB image with a Grayed image in opencv?
  1,641  How can I generate a proper MNIST image?
  1,641  Generating a scatter plot in Matplotlib with negative and positive axes
  1,640  Print predict ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead
  1,640  Invalid argument: Cannot parse tensor from proto: dtype: DT_FLOAT
  1,640  How to create 2d array with numpy random.choice for every rows?
  1,640  How to add a column of strings to a numpy string matrix?
  1,640  Getting numpy Memory Error on (relatively) small matrix
  1,640  Add 1 To Every Element in an ndarray if Not Zero
  1,639  What is a fast way in Python to read HDF5 compound dtype arrays?
  1,639  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence when array is not a sequence
  1,639  Passing C structs to python as numpy arrays using boost python
  1,639  Numpy chain comparison with two predicates
  1,639  Migrating from PuLP to Scipy
  1,639  ''list assignment index out of range'' with numpy.histogram
  1,639  Counting non zeros in only 1 column of a numpy array
  1,638  python dicom  -  getting pixel value from dicom file
  1,638  Numpy reshape yields a different size error
  1,638  numpy.memmap for an array of strings?
  1,638  how to fix a ' MaskedArrayFutureWarning ' in python numpy.maximum?
  1,638  How to export array in csv or txt in Python
  1,638  How can I discriminate the falling edge of a signal with Python?
  1,638  Fastest way to scale a list of floats
  1,638  Convert multidimensional list to multidimensional numpy.array
  1,637  Unicode string in Matplotlib annotate
  1,637  Subtract Numpy Array by Column
  1,637  How to Integrate Arc Lengths using python, numpy, and scipy?
  1,637  Calculate mean of arrays in NumPy
  1,637  2D numpy array does not give an error when indexing with strings containing digits
  1,636  Pycharm debugger, view as array option
  1,636  Matplotlib: Colorize grayscale image using another image
  1,636  How to plot two specific columns from a csv file in python
  1,636  How can I send a byte-object over a pipe in python?
  1,636  Cython optimization
  1,636  Accessing every second row in matrix and save it to a new matrix, Python
  1,635  NumPy: iterate over outer dimension of numpy array using nditer
  1,635  np.isnan() == False, but np.isnan() is not False
  1,635  How to read the data of a raw image in python - approach
  1,635  How to copy numpy array values at certain indices
  1,635  How to accumulate unique sum of columns across pandas index
  1,635  2d surface plot in matplotlib with an irregullar data grid
  1,634  Using itertools to create numpy array
  1,634  Python Numpy recarray sort bidirectional
  1,634  How to compute cophenetic correlation from the linkage matrix output by fastcluster's memory saving hierarchical clustering method?
  1,634  fill off diagonal of numpy array fails
  1,633  Row Sum of a dot product for huge matrix in python
  1,633  numpy#genfromtxt raise an IOError while the txt file is empty
  1,633  IndexError: list index out of range // numpy?
  1,633  Detection of leaf on unpredictable background
  1,633  Count number of clusters of non-zero values in Python?
  1,633  Add Offset to Indices of Numpy Array
  1,632  Plotting simple graph python, from txt file
  1,632  pip3 install matplotlib fails with Command ''python egg_info'' failed with error code 1 Mac OS X
  1,632  Panda load csv string to float
  1,632  Obtaining Polynomial Regression Stats in Numpy
  1,632  numpy.equal with string values
  1,632  Numpy, a 2 rows 1 column file, loadtxt() returns 1row 2 columns
  1,631  Unable to crop away transparency, Neither PIL getbbox() nor Numpy are working
  1,631  RuntimeError: Attempted to use a closed Session in tflearn
  1,631  python pandas column conditional on two other column values
  1,631  Python3 Scipy: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss
  1,631  how to speed up nested loops in Python
  1,631  Get a hashable numpy memory view
  1,630  Speed up Pandas filtering
  1,630  importing NumPy in Parallel Python
  1,629  Segment Line Intersection algorithm in Numpy
  1,629  Python Solving System Of Equations For Variable On Both Sides Of Equality
  1,629  numpy save/load corrupting an array
  1,629  Inverse Transform ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  1,629  Installing numpy from
  1,629  How to suppress ''Future warning'' tensorflow?
  1,629  How to paint pandas scatter matrix?
  1,629  How to measure the quality of a best fit line in Python? [duplicate]
  1,629  Extending numpy mask
  1,629  Cython: Proper way to declare an unsigned int
  1,628  Setting value of numpy array based on multiple criteria
  1,628  Renaming single index in Pandas
  1,628  how does numpy.linalg.norm ord=2 work?
  1,628  Get a column of probability values for a certain class in python/sklearn
  1,628  Curve fitting in Python using scipy
  1,628  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'RLock'` [duplicate]
  1,627  Using Numpy Array to Create Unique Array
  1,627  Repeating rows in a pandas dataframe
  1,627  numpy arange with multiple intervals
  1,627  K-Means clustering multidimensional data with a heatmap
  1,627  How to count rows in a data frame in Pandas conditionally against values in another column of the same data frame?
  1,626  Why does pandas convert unsigned int greater than 2**63-1 to objects?
  1,626  Why does numpy have a corresponding function for many ndarray methods?
  1,626  Python - split numpy array into unequally sized parts
  1,626  PEP-484 Type Annotations with own types
  1,626  numpy boolean indexing multiple conditions
  1,626  How to calculate moving average of NumPy array with varying window sizes defined by an array of indices?
  1,626  Count number of unique colours in image [duplicate]
  1,626  Could not convert string to float using dtype in nparray
  1,626  convert array of tuples to 2 dimensional array
  1,625  Python/numpy: Most efficient way to sum n elements of an array, so that each output element is the sum of the previous n input elements?
  1,625  Numpy: subtract matrix from all elements of another matrix without loop
  1,625  numpy matrix multiplication
  1,625  how to write the scipy.optimize.minimize()'s parameter
  1,624  use variables as key names when using numpy savez
  1,624  Storing these vectors but which data structure to use in Python
  1,624  Python, finding all local maxima of array, adjusting for flaws in measurement
  1,624  How calculate the Error for trapezoidal rule if I only have data? (Python)
  1,624  Eigenvector normalization in numpy
  1,624  Creating a list of many ndarrays (different size) in python
  1,624  Can a numpy array be compared to an integer?
  1,623  Python: Comparing all elements of two arrays and modifying 2nd array
  1,623  Put numpy arrays split with np.split() back together
  1,623  Numpy/Scipy pinv and pinv2 behave differently
  1,623  Numpy fancy indexing and assignment
  1,623  How do you create a 3D array (data cube) in python?
  1,623  Efficient identification of adjacent elements in numpy matrix
  1,622  scipy.integrate.quad on functions returning numpy arrays
  1,622  MemoryError during Fast Fourier Transform on an image using NumPy arrays under Windows
  1,622  Install python libraries using shell script
  1,622  Find a nodes 8 neighbors on a 2D grid
  1,622  Error when using Pandas pivot_table with margins=True
  1,622  Creating greyscale video using Python, OpenCV, and numpy arrays
  1,622  Converting data from a csv file into numpy array issue
  1,621  RGB to XYZ in Scikit-Image
  1,621  Preventing Numpy from Generating NaNs [closed]
  1,621  Fastest way to create a numpy array from text file
  1,621  creating an numpy matrix with a lag
  1,621  Change dtype for particular values in numpy array?
  1,620  Use of numpy fromfunction
  1,620  'tuple' object has no attribute 'reshape'
  1,620  Numpy flipped coordinate system
  1,619  MemoryError in IPython (using Windows)
  1,619  Match Matlab hist() with Numpy histogram()
  1,619  Efficient way of inputting large raster data into PyTables
  1,618  Scipy.minimize - ''TypeError: numpy.float64' object is not callable running''
  1,618  Large memory usage of scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.toarray()
  1,617  Set matplotlib grid ticks based on specific dates
  1,617  Numpy Array Rank All Elements
  1,617  How to solve the polynomial eigenvalue in python?
  1,617  How to add a 2D matrix to another 3D matrix in python?
  1,617  Efficient math ops on small arrays in python with cython
  1,617  discrete array integration numpy
  1,617  compare tuple with tuples in numpy array
  1,616  TensorFlow: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence doesn't work even though I'm using numpy arrays
  1,616  Sci-kit Learn PLS SVD and cross validation
  1,616  Python -  Mean and Standard Deviation over groups of columns
  1,616  nearest intersection point to many lines in python
  1,616  Multi-dimensional indexing in Numpy
  1,616  Integrate a function with each element of numpy arrays as limit of integration
  1,616  How to replicate array to specific length array
  1,616  How to make a list of numpy arrays all have the same shape?
  1,616  How to add only to diagonals of array in Python?
  1,616  How do I find the values in my numpy array that are NaN/infinity/too large for dtype('float64')?
  1,616  how can I get python's np.savetxt to save each iteration of a loop in a different column?
  1,615  Why do I get AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'replace' in python?
  1,615  ValueError: could not convert string to float: '62,6'
  1,615  numpy random shuffle by row independently
  1,615  Numpy dot() and array casting performace optimization
  1,615  included numbers in numpy arange [duplicate]
  1,615  efficiently find bit positions in binary strings in a numpy array
  1,615  Cumulative product using Numpy or Scipy
  1,614  Stack a square DataFrame to only keep the upper/lower triangle
  1,614  read multiple data file into multiple arrays python
  1,614  numpy weighted average for calculating weighted mean squared error
  1,614  I want to find the Covariance between 1 column with all the other columns in a dataframe in pandas
  1,614  I am getting error with
  1,614  have local numpy override global
  1,614  Create minutely date_time range using Pandas
  1,614  Conda forcing numpy and scipy to downgrade from openblas to non-working mkl version
  1,613  Slow and smooth drawing lines python matplotlib
  1,613  numpy.interp & masked arrays
  1,613  How to create a diagonal multi-dimensional (ie greater than 2) in numpy
  1,613  How do I solve for x with a known function in equation using numpy/scipy?
  1,613  Fastest way to solve least square for overdetermined system
  1,613  Detrend or Filter a sawtooth signal (Python)
  1,612  Slice border of 2D numpy array by integer value
  1,612  Scipy installation on Python3
  1,612  Python: Multi variable nonlinear fitting like matlabs nlinfit
  1,612  Permutation of values on numpy array/matrix
  1,612  numpy fromfile and structured arrays
  1,612  Function For Column-wise correlations?
  1,612  Error when importing PyLab on 64 - bit windows and Python
  1,612  divide by arrays containing zeros, python
  1,612  Determine if determinant is exactly zero
  1,612  Can't get canvas to draw fig in matplotlib
  1,611  Splitting arrays in RDD partitions in Pyspark
  1,611  scipy.optimize.leastsq calls objective function with NaN
  1,611  Numpy binary matrix - get rows and columns of True elements
  1,611  in NumPy, how to insert an array into another array
  1,611  Error using numpy.loadtxt
  1,611  Calculating cosine similarity across column in pandas
  1,610  scipy convolve2d outputs wrong values
  1,610  Performing math.sqrt on numpy structured array column
  1,610  Numpy multiplying different shapes
  1,610  numpy Matrix Multiplication Simplification - is it possible?
  1,610  NumPy C-API: convert type object to type number
  1,609  Why can't I change numpy's array?
  1,609  python slicing multi-demnsional array
  1,609  Python replace zeros in matrix with 'circle' of ones
  1,609  mean and stddev of non-zero columns of dataframe
  1,609  How to create a linearspace of timestamps in python?
  1,609  How do I fill two (or more) numpy arrays from a single iterable of tuples?
  1,609  Copy Numpy array to a memoryview
  1,609  center of mass for ROI in python
  1,609  Can I compile numpy & scipy as eggs for free on Windows32?
  1,608  Streaming multiple numpy arrays to a file
  1,608  Read first N lines using readlines [duplicate]
  1,608  Numpy: convert index in one dimension into many dimensions
  1,608  how to write .npy file to s3 directly?
  1,608  How to store multiple numpy 1d arrays with different lengths and print it
  1,608  How to Remove Rows from Pandas Data Frame that Contains any String in a Particular Column
  1,608  Howto make numpy ndarray.tobytes() return bytes in python 2.7
  1,608  how do I check that two slices of numpy arrays are the same (or overlapping)?
  1,608  Finding standard deviations along x and y in 2D numpy array
  1,608  Fast performance array processing in Numpy/Python
  1,608  Can't import numpy into embedded ironpython engine
  1,608  calculation of residuals with numpy lstsq
  1,607  Numpy: Multiprocessing a matrix multiplication with pool
  1,607  How to subclass a subclass of numpy.ndarray
  1,607  How to check a condition for each row in Pandas
  1,607  Get all possible combinations of rows in a matrix
  1,607  Find first element of numpy ndarray of unknown shape [duplicate]
  1,606  What is the standard way for writing default values in a python docstring?
  1,605  split a numpy array both horizontally and vertically
  1,605  python pandas groupby for first date
  1,605  Performance between C-contiguous and Fortran-contiguous array operations
  1,605  Passing list to array
  1,605  numpy.mean precision for large arrays
  1,605  NumPy Array Copy-On-Write
  1,605  Get consecutive ratios of elements python
  1,605  Fast sampling without replacement in numpy [duplicate]
  1,604  segfault using numpy's lapack_lite with multiprocessing on osx, not linux
  1,604  python - 'the truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous' - what truth value?
  1,604  Python: Numpy tile in the 3rd dimension
  1,604  Iterating over a numpy array with enumerate like function
  1,604  How to iterate through a numpy array and select neighboring cells
  1,604  Can i upload a table to an array in Python Numpy?
  1,603  Why does importing 'comb' from scipy fail when using numpy 1.13.3?
  1,603  Which one is which between column slicing and row slicing?
  1,603  Speed up structured NumPy array
  1,603  parallel dask for loop slower than regular loop?
  1,602  Python, generate pair of distinct random numbers
  1,602  pandas dataframe to excel with win32 : numpy datatype error
  1,602  Integral function of a interpolating polynomial in python
  1,602  How to reshape only last dimensions in numpy?
  1,602  How to find the location of the rightmost black pixel
  1,601  Why do I get 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'convert'?
  1,601  Why can't I create a numpy array like this: array([1, 2], 3)
  1,601  using numpy percentile on binned data
  1,601  Summing positive and negative elements from two NumPy arrays
  1,600  Using PIL to open an image with a palette and save that image with the same palette
  1,600  using numpy arrays and ctypes for OpenGL calls in Pyglet
  1,600  monte carlo simulation of protein structure and grid
  1,599  Selecting multiple elements from an 2d array using a 1d array in numpy
  1,599  Python numpy savetxt not saving: ''tuple index out of range''
  1,599  Operations between two dataframes or equivalently between two multidimensional arrays
  1,599  numpy.where() function throws a FutureWarning, returns scalar instead of list
  1,599  Append Python 3D Numpy Array
  1,598  ParameterError: data must be of type numpy.ndarray (While Using Librosa)
  1,598  Numpy: using np.mean in 3 dimensions
  1,598  negating np.isnan in np.where
  1,598  I do not understand result obtains for Q1 and Q3 with np.boxplot
  1,598  How to replace values in pandas data frame according to a function
  1,598  How to apply salt and pepper noise to only specific part of the image using python?
  1,598  AWS Lambda and python numpy module
  1,597  Why does saving an image with OpenCV result in a black image?
  1,597  Numpy: Sum clumps of rows
  1,597  Has the DataFrame object from pandas superceded the other alternatives for heterogeneous data types?
  1,596  Split pandas string column into an array and match that array to another array
  1,596  Rolling mean, returning nan in dataframe pandas python
  1,596  Replace empty string with with np.nan but got 'NaN'
  1,596  OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument,Error saving animation to file
  1,596  object arrays are not currently supported
  1,596  Numpy/Python performing vs. Matlab
  1,596  numpy histogram with 3 variables
  1,596  KDE fails with two points?
  1,595  python numpy set elements of list by condition
  1,595  python jagged array operation efficiency
  1,595  Python: Fastest Way to Traverse 2-D Array
  1,595  is there no option for step size in pandas.DataFrame.rolling? is there another function that will do this for me?
  1,595  How to access the adjacent cells of each elements of matrix in python?
  1,595  How can I implement deconvolution layer for a CNN in numpy?
  1,595  Compute the percentage values with respect to 2 numpy array
  1,594  Python matrix problems
  1,594  Python - add 1D-array as column of 2D
  1,594  Preserve custom attributes when pickling subclass of numpy array
  1,594  Numpy : Calculating the average of values between two indices
  1,594  Numpy array from cStringIO object and avoiding copies
  1,594  Dividing a square into N smaller squares and finding center coordinates of the N smaller squares
  1,593  Trying to install pymc on Anaconda(python) in Windows 7 and getting weird error?
  1,593  Reshape for array multiplication/division in python
  1,593  Pandas value counts save output to file
  1,593  Numpy C++: How to iterate over PyArrayObject without a segfault
  1,593  How to delete few top rows and last row from a CSV file using python
  1,593  How can I select n items and skip m from ndarray in python?
  1,593  Convert Numpy array to image
  1,593  Appending numpy arrays into a text file
  1,592  Working with binary PNG images in PIL/pillow
  1,592  Sum of negative elements in each column of a NumPy array
  1,592  Softmax of a large number errors out
  1,592  Reshaping a numpy  array
  1,592  Python particles simulator: out-of-core processing
  1,592  How to properly define vector function for scipy's curve_fit
  1,592  how to pass from numpy matrix to numpy array?
  1,592  Embedding python + numpy code into C++ dll callback
  1,592  Doing model selection in python / scipy
  1,591  Simple fat-tailed log-binning
  1,591  Scipy: poisson fit not working on particular data set
  1,591  Python/Numpy/Scipy - Converting string to mathematical function
  1,591  How to shuffle groups of rows of a Pandas dataframe?
  1,591  How to best perform a surface integral over 2D point data?
  1,591  AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_ptr' in Numba @autojit function
  1,590  ValueError taking dot product of two sparse matrices in SciPy
  1,590  Use 2D matrix as indexes for a 3D matrix in numpy?
  1,590  Successfully installed numpy and pandas, but cannot call pandas in Python Shell
  1,590  scipy.sparse __add__ method being called when adding to a regular numpy ndarray?
  1,590  How to convert sRGB to NV12 format using NumPy?
  1,590  Fast way to generate samples with np.random.choice()? [duplicate]
  1,590  composing numpy array with strides
  1,590  Apply colored overlay over a colored rgb image with some transparency in Skimage
  1,589  Why np.load() couldn't read my ndarray data in pickled file?
  1,589  Python: is the garbage collector run before a MemoryError is raised?
  1,588  Vectorizer object toArray(), Array is Too Large Error
  1,588  Pass coordinates of 2D Numpy pixel array to distance function
  1,588  Getting quantiles from a beta distribution using python
  1,588  Definitive way to parse alphanumeric CSVs in Python with scipy/numpy
  1,587  Memory-efficient way to generate a large numpy array containing random boolean values
  1,587  how to replace a value with a string in an array with python
  1,587  How to append or concatenate 'n' numpy arrays?
  1,587  Extracting values from last dimension of 3D numpy array
  1,587  Applying a 2D numpy mask to grayscale image
  1,587  Alternative to scipy.cluster.hierarchy.cut_tree()
  1,586  The axis argument to unique is not supported for dtype object
  1,586  How to get number of Frames(or Samples) per sec or ms in a audio (.wav or .mp3) file?
  1,586  How do you extract time-domain amplitudes from real signal with python FFT tools?
  1,586  How can I select data from a table with specific attribute with pandas?
  1,586  High-dimensional data structure in Python
  1,586  'float' object has no attribute 'split'
  1,585  Python efficient vectorization for Monte Carlo based Pi calculation
  1,585  Pyinstaller .exe cannot find _tiffile module - Loading of some compressed images will be very slow
  1,585  Plotting numpy rfft
  1,585  Matlab spline function in python
  1,584  zip two values from the dictionary in Python
  1,584  Windows: Numpy mkl_intel_thread.dll
  1,584  Solve linear system in Python without NumPy
  1,584  Python, numpy, einsum multiply a stack of matrices
  1,584  Generate and fill 2 dimensional array with Numpy
  1,583  Using np.argpartition to index values in a multidimensional array
  1,583  sqrt for element-wise sparse matrix
  1,583  Plot decision tree over dataset in scikit-learn
  1,583  PCA Analysis and Plotting with Python [duplicate]
  1,583  Numpy sum between pairs of indices in 2d array
  1,583  Infinite recursion when implementing power method in R
  1,583  How to calculate how many standard deviations a number is from the mean?
  1,583  Create sparse RDD from scipy sparse matrix
  1,583  Converting numpy array to cv:Mat in Opencv 3
  1,582  Numpy 2d set diff
  1,582  How to concatenate two numpy arrays in hdf5 format?
  1,581  Speed up Pandas cummin/cummax
  1,581  Python: Find number of occurrences of given array within two-dimensional array
  1,581  pip install numpy ### Warning: Using unoptimized lapack ###
  1,581  ImportError:  ... /lib64/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/special/ undefined symbol: npy_exp
  1,581  Fastest way to compare every element with every other in np array of strings
  1,580  Use Python SciPy to compute the Rodrigues formula P_n(x) (Legendre polynomials)
  1,580  Rescale Python Array with user-defined min and max
  1,580  Pivot tables using pandas
  1,580  Merging 1D arrays into a 2D array
  1,580  Detect whether a pixel is red or not
  1,579  using numpy.memmap to map a device file
  1,579  Portable/fast way to obtain a pointer to Numpy/Numpypy data
  1,579  NumPy vs MATLAB
  1,579  NumPy sum one array based on values in another array for each matching element in 3rd array
  1,579  Iterate across arbitrary dimension in numpy
  1,579  How to quickly convert a returned Python-in-Lua numpy array into a Lua Torch Tensor?
  1,579  How to assign values to a numpy array as a function of index?
  1,579  How do I install scipy & its optimization module (using Python 2.7.10)
  1,579  Find the intersection of two tensors. Return the sorted, unique values that are in both of the input tensors
  1,579  Can't import NumPy on Mountain Lion
  1,578  'Tiling' a 2d array using numpy
  1,578  Masking and then pasting two images in python
  1,578  Install Numeric (old numpy) and old version of Python (e.g. Py 2.4)
  1,578  How to weigh a function with 2 variables with a Gaussian distribution in python?
  1,578  Finding 2 largest eigenvalues of large-sparse matrix in Python [closed]
  1,577  Python using custom color in plot
  1,577  Problems with OpenGL 4 VBOs and Numpy arrays, Pyglet/Python
  1,577  How to create a pandas dataframe with a column as array
  1,577  cx_freeze fails to build numpy executable
  1,576  Python - Find K max values in each row of one matrix and compare to binary matrix
  1,576  Multiple legends and multiple colors/shapes matplotlib
  1,576  Invalid Syntax when plotting a plot in python [closed]
  1,576  How to ignore zeros when calculating correlations between columns for sparse matrix in scipy
  1,576  How to get lookback moving average of a timeseries with window based on date in numpy?
  1,576  different results for PCA, truncated_svd and svds on numpy and sklearn
  1,576  A 3-D grid of regularly spaced points
  1,575  Plotting contour lines that show percentage of particles
  1,575  Outer product of each column of a 2D array to form a 3D array - NumPy
  1,575  Numpy index out of range error
  1,575  Compare rows of 2 pandas data frames by column and keep bigger and sum
  1,575  Adding elements to numpy 1D array
  1,574  Inconsistent shape between the condition and the input while using seaborn
  1,574  How to resolve No module named 'hmmlearn' error in Jupyter Notebook
  1,574  how to apply functions to grouped dataframes in Python pandas?
  1,574  Generating numpy arrays for scikit linear regression model
  1,574  can't compare datetime.datetime to numpy.ndarray
  1,573  Return rows and columns from a 2d array using values from a 1d array in Numpy
  1,573  Replace boolean values with integers in numPy array
  1,573  Read textfile into numpy array
  1,573  I need to linearly interpolate a numpy array of dimension nx3x3
  1,573  How to initialize NumPy array with different default value for each column?
  1,573  Comparison of two NumPy arrays without order
  1,572  Python 3D interpolation speedup
  1,572  NumPy: mismatch in size of old and new data-descriptor
  1,572  how add label in column for numpy array
  1,572  Getting error: ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32')
  1,572  Compiling SWIG wrapper for python in Windows
  1,571  Why should I give `savetxt` a file opened in binary rather than text mode?
  1,571  What is the equivalent of matlab's smooth3 function in python?
  1,571  Slow loading of large NumPy datasets
  1,571  orientation of normal surface/vertex vectors
  1,571  Numpy: Multiply several columns with one column [duplicate]
  1,571  How to run a .py module?
  1,571  Given a 2D numpy array of real numbers, how to generate an image depicting the intensity of each number?
  1,571  Fit bipolar sigmoid python
  1,570  ''Merging'' numpy arrays together with a common dimension [duplicate]
  1,570  How to get temperatures from a heat map of a video using python opencv
  1,570  How to add regularization in Scipy Linear Programming (Non-negative Least-Squares)
  1,570  h5py returning unexpected results in indexing
  1,569  Storing string in numpy matrix
  1,569  Scipy/Pylab error.. Expected in: dynamic lookup?
  1,569  numpy random.choice elements that are not selected
  1,569  Merging rows in numpy to form new array
  1,569  Efficient two dimensional numpy array statistics
  1,568  Plotting pcolormesh with a bunch of 2-d arrays with different color
  1,568  Plotting a histogram given bin endpoints and values
  1,568  Numpy error: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes 1
  1,568  ICA online learning for large dataset in scikit
  1,568  Fitting data to a polynomial curve with Python/Numpy
  1,567  python: invalid value encountered in true_divide - but where?
  1,567  How do I split a dataset into training, test, and cross validation sets?
  1,567  ERROR: IndexError: 0-d arrays can't be indexed [scipy.integrate.quadrature]
  1,566  Volume of irregular polyhedron
  1,566  TypeError with accessing to coo_matrix by index
  1,566  Python Numpy: Random number in a loop
  1,566  Installing NumPy on Fedora 24 with pip
  1,566  import numpy as np versus from numpy import
  1,566  Fitting a distribution to data: how to penalize ''bad'' parameter estimates?
  1,566  Display a image with imshow to be behind another plot in matplotlib
  1,565  ValueError: `class_weight` must contain all classes in the data. The classes {1, 2, 3} exist in the data but not in `class_weight`
  1,565  Text Feature Extraction using scikit-learn
  1,565  Plotting class with different marker python
  1,565  numpy.searchsorted in a multidimensional array
  1,565  Numpy np.einsum array multiplication using multiple cores
  1,565  numpy 1.13 MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask
  1,565  np.where multiple logical statements pandas
  1,565  Error linspace() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dtype' only in windows
  1,565  Cython to accelerate loops with array broadcast
  1,565  Correlation coefficient between a 2D and a 3D array - NumPy/Python
  1,564  time values in numpy array to array of datetimes
  1,564  Reading CSV file using numpy in python 2.7
  1,564  Python: Mesh a voxels assembly to compute the surface area
  1,564  How to solve an 1-parameter equation using Python (scipy/numpy?)
  1,564  Fit a Gaussian to measured peak
  1,564  Elementwise logical checks using numpy arrays
  1,564  Can I create a Python Numpy ufunc from an unbound member method?
  1,563  ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead
  1,563  pyspark | transforming list of numpy arrays into columns in dataframe
  1,563  Plot diagram in Pandas from CSV without headers
  1,563  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (780,1080) (780,1080,3)
  1,563  Convert SVG to numpy array
  1,563  Converting a 1D numpy array to a list of lists
  1,563  Compute numpy array pairwise Euclidean distance except with self
  1,563  Bar chart matplotlib based on array of 8 rows with 5 values each
  1,562  What is wrong with ''numpy concatenate''?
  1,562  What is this import_umath function?
  1,562  Sorting a 2D numpy array on to the proximity of each element to a certain point
  1,562  Mask numpy array using intervals
  1,562  Inverted order of numpy array gradient and matplotlib quiver
  1,562  How to find closest point to grid values
  1,562  How can I zero the intercept in a multivariate regression using python?
  1,562  Dataframe into numpy array with values comma seperated
  1,561  Sort a numpy matrix based on its diagonal
  1,561  Save structured numpy array using np.savetxt with header
  1,561  read CSV file into pandas DataFrame, and build datetime index from multiple columns
  1,561  Python — How can I find the square matrix of a lower triangular numpy matrix? (with a symmetrical upper triangle)
  1,561  Numpy: Assignment and Indexing as Matlab
  1,561  How to check convergence for series with two indices using sympy or numpy
  1,561  How to apply piecewise linear fit for a line with both positive and negative slopes in Python?
  1,561  Converting bytes read from a file using numpy fromfile to unicode in Python 3
  1,561  Capturing Image from web cam in Python
  1,560  How to implement ReLU in place of the Sigmoid Function
  1,560  good numerical solution for LDA transformation
  1,560  create_dataset error- Object dtype dtype('O') has no native HDF5 equivalent
  1,560  Common elements between two lists of lists (intersection of nested lists) [duplicate]
  1,559  np.loadtxt() How to load every other line from txt file? Python
  1,558  shape mismatch: value array of shape (2,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (1,)
  1,558  build recent numpy on recent ubuntu
  1,557  python doesn't use updated pip scipy package
  1,557  How to convert the numpy.ndarray to a cv::Mat using Python/C API?
  1,557  Fast search for the coordinates of the maximum value in a gaussian kernel
  1,557  Calculate PCA using numpy
  1,556  virtualenv : pip doesn't install inside the environment
  1,556  Pythonic way to calculate offsets of an array
  1,556  2D Gabor Wavelet transform of an Image in Python/Opencv
  1,555  Why is Scipy's ndimage.map_coordinates returning no values or wrong results for some arrays?
  1,555  Numpy import fails when embedding python in c
  1,555  How to insert (change values) matrix in matrix? Python (numpy)
  1,555  Count number of trues in a numpy array in each row?
  1,555  Array Assignment in numpy / : colon equivalent
  1,555  Affinity Matrix Calculation using Numpy
  1,554  Taking a tensor product in python numpy without performing a sum
  1,554  Plotting Dates from Numpy Array Problems
  1,554  numpy/pandas: How to convert a series of strings of zeros and ones into a matrix
  1,554  Numpy package for ''python 2.7.8 and pyscripter 2.5.3'' (64 bit windows 7)
  1,554  Matlab's Inline function in Python
  1,554  How to use statsmodels to fit data
  1,554  Have pointer to data. Need Numpy array in Fortran order. Want to use Cython
  1,553  Why does np.full raise a FutureWarning?
  1,553  numpy array - unravel_index of argmax v. argmax of sum
  1,553  Get SQL headers from Numpy Array in python
  1,553  For an array a and b in Python, what is the code a[b[0:2]] is actually trying to do?
  1,552  TensorFlow - Setting the shape of an image while reading and writing a TFRecords file?
  1,552  python ctypes - passing numpy array - odd output
  1,552  plot bifurcation diagram in python using Sympy
  1,552  Pandas fillna values with numpy array
  1,552  Keras model input shape wrong
  1,552  Error while trying to import scipy.stats: No module named dual
  1,552  Differences in importing modules/subpackages of numpy and Scipy packages
  1,551  t-distribution in Python
  1,551  Selecting columns from a pandas dataframe based on row conditions
  1,551  Python: numpy.interp giving curved line
  1,551  ppf function missing from t
  1,550  (Some function) is not defined with SymPy Lambdify
  1,550  manhattan distances
  1,550  How to compare two arrays of arrays 'array-elementwise' in Numpy?
  1,549  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list' when using numpy
  1,549  Sorting numpy array in the same manner as sorted(, key=)
  1,549  Divide an array by the sum of all values - Python
  1,549  Different functions for calculating phase/argument of complex numbers
  1,549  Appending rows to a NumPy array
  1,548  Sort alphanumeric strings in numpy matrix
  1,548  Scipy Sparse: Singular Matrix Warning after SciPy/NumPy Update
  1,548  numpy.loadtxt does not read file with complex numbers
  1,548  How to divide data into 10 folds and save in an array in Python
  1,547  Transforming data for kmeans and PCA
  1,547  How to find unique vectors of a 2d array over a particular axis in a vectorized manner?
  1,547  Convert to Web Mercator With Numpy
  1,547  Converting Python / Numpy Code to Cython - issue with arrays - buffer types only allowed as function local variables?
  1,546  eigenvectors from numpy.eig not orthogonal
  1,546  Binding C array to Numpy array without copying
  1,545  How to permutate rows in sparse (Numpy) matrix efficiently using permutation array?
  1,545  How do I speed up fractal generation with numpy arrays?
  1,545  How does one implement a subsampled RBF (Radial Basis Function) in Numpy?
  1,545  Gamma CDF and inverse CDF not producing compliment values
  1,545  Do we need to close a file using open in python? [duplicate]
  1,544  Why is scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh giving the wrong answer?
  1,544  Why does numpy say this matrix is singular *sometimes*?
  1,544  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (256,340,3) into shape (256,340,30)
  1,544  In Pandas, how can I count consecutive positive and negatives in a row?
  1,544  Frequency Response:Matlab Vs Python
  1,544  contour plot with python loop and matplotlib
  1,544  Build confusion matrix from two vector
  1,543  sympy error - AttributeError: sqrt
  1,543  Setting convergence criteria for scipy.optimize.fmin (and others)
  1,543  Sending process to different nodes with mpi4py
  1,543  Select 'some' random points from numpy array
  1,543  scikit learn imputing values other than NaN
  1,543  Read ints from .txt file into numpy array
  1,543  Python combine rows from different files into one data file
  1,543  Need to add column names to numpy array
  1,543  Interpolate between rows or columns of a Numpy array
  1,543  Importing a Text File with dates, times and data points and plotting into Matplotlib [duplicate]
  1,543  How to spot gaps between pandas dataframe indexes?
  1,543  Dataframe column of arrays to numpy array
  1,543  Convert elements in a tensorflow array using a dictionary
  1,542  How to check if a list of numpy arrays contains a given test array?
  1,542  Creating a Three Dimensional Matrix structure and writing in mat file in Python
  1,541  What is the use of bincount() method from numpy?
  1,541  Random walk series between start-end values and within minimum/maximum limits
  1,541  Python NumPy log2 vs MATLAB
  1,541  Python - Efficient way to find the largest area of a specific value in a 2D numpy array
  1,541  Numpy (or scipy) frequency count along columns in 2D array [duplicate]
  1,541  numpy multidimensional (3d) matrix multiplication
  1,541  matrix product with
  1,541  Is there a way to return same length arrays in numpy.hist?
  1,540  Numba gives: ' TypingError: %r not allowed in a homogenous sequence'
  1,540  Indexing numpy array by a numpy array of coordinates
  1,540  genfromtxt and numpy
  1,540  Fitting Data to a Square-root or Logarithmic Function [duplicate]
  1,540  Differentiating a product with an unknown function - sympy
  1,540  Create 2D array with python 2.7 and numpy [duplicate]
  1,540  Call Pandas Dataframe Functions from a string
  1,539  python syntax for functions with multiple return values: using fsolve
  1,539  Ploting a spectrogram of a pure sinus with matplotlib
  1,539  Multiplying Block Matrices in Numpy
  1,539  How to solve symbolic equation system in Python?
  1,539  How to preserve column names while importing data using numpy?
  1,539  How to mask numpy structured array on multiple columns?
  1,539  How can I vertically concatenate 1x2 arrays in numpy?
  1,539  Adding one month to datetime64 with timedelta
  1,538  Time Delay Embedding of Time Series in Python
  1,538  Threading error using Atlas in numpy under Linux
  1,538  Show grid lines over image in pyqtgraph
  1,538  Python read if image pixel is black or white
  1,538  Numpy: mean calculation results in nan values
  1,538  Linear interpolation with interp1d performance issues with large datasets python (scipy)
  1,538  Find peak location in 2-d array
  1,538  Error installing numpy using pip to Python 2.7.9 in cmd prompt
  1,538  Efficiently sum a small numpy array, broadcast across a ginormous numpy array?
  1,538  Create adjacency matrix in python from csv dataset
  1,537  why is row indexing of scipy csr matrices slower compared to numpy arrays
  1,537  TypeError: 'numpy.int64' object is not iterable and appear two columns instead of 1
  1,537  Pandas rolling window multiple columns
  1,537  Numpy only way to read text file and keep comments
  1,537  Numpy - Dot Product of a Vector of Matrices with a Vector of Scalars
  1,537  Fill Bounding Boxes in 2D array
  1,536  Wrapping C++ and CUDA in Python
  1,536  Why is TensorFlow matmul() much slower than NumPy multiply()?
  1,536  Python version of ismember with 'rows' and index
  1,536  Numpy array slice using tuple
  1,536  How to slice a numpy.ndarray made up of numpy.void numbers?
  1,536  calculating means from csv with python's numpy
  1,535  Python Numpy 2-dimensional array iteration
  1,535  numpy logical_and: unexpected behaviour
  1,535  Keep python operations in binary
  1,535  Exponentiation a matrix by itself N times?
  1,535  Efficient numpy argsort with condition while maintaining original indices
  1,535  Attach two 3d numpy arrays in Python
  1,534  Tensorflow - ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (128,) for Tensor 'Placeholder_142:0', which has shape '(?, 3433)
  1,534  Selecting positive certain values from a 2D array in Python
  1,534  Numpy __array_prepare__ error
  1,534  Eliminate for-loop in Python and Numpy construct
  1,534  Elegant way to check empty result of numpy.nonzero
  1,534  AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'all' when searching for a smaller image within a screenshot
  1,533  ''shape mismatch'' error using numpy in python
  1,533  Python Error: Using matplotlib: Truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  1,533  Permuting numpy's 2d array indexes
  1,533  numpy slice assignment
  1,533  Multiprocessing shared variable not updating
  1,533  More numpy way of iterating through the 'orthogonal' diagonals of a 2D array
  1,533  How to use numpy in the Programmable Filter in ParaView
  1,533  Finding a matching row in a numpy matrix
  1,532  Transpose 3D Numpy Array
  1,532  NumPy: matrix by vector multiplication
  1,532  how to read csv file and apply it to tensor flow
  1,532  How do I load an image stored as a string into a numpy array?
  1,532  How can I convert numpy ndarray to a list of tuples efficiently?
  1,532  Find global minimum for discrete function
  1,532  Calculate the angle between the rows of two matrices in numpy
  1,531  Re-assign column values in a pandas df
  1,531  Python/Numpy What's it called / how do you represent that operation where you multiply each element of two vectors?
  1,531  Python 2d-histogram success rate per bin
  1,531  Memory leak in Python extension when array is created with PyArray_SimpleNewFromData() and returned
  1,531  How to save img loaded by
  1,531  How to loop through a Pandas dataframe
  1,531  Get indices of results from scipy.pdist(myArray,metric=''jaccard'') to map back to original array?
  1,531  For every point in an array, find the closest point to it in a second array and output that index
  1,531  Cosine similarity yields 'nan' values
  1,530  Total size of numpy array
  1,530  scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs optimization gives different result from simple function call
  1,530  Python copy.copy() vs NumPy np.copy()
  1,530  Gradient Boosting Classifier sparse matrix issue using pandas and scikit
  1,529  Using NMF for generating recommendations
  1,529  Repeated calculation between consecutive rows of pandas dataframe
  1,529  Python sum lat/lon points within geographic radius and sum to grid
  1,529  Python - Pandas - groupby and ''agg'' - set aggregate to nan when group contains a nan
  1,529  matplotlib.scatter color argument not accepting numpy array
  1,529  How to initialize NumPy structured array with different default value for each column?
  1,529  Finding the index of array in each grid cell?
  1,529  Efficiency with very large numpy arrays
  1,529  arrays of arrays in cython
  1,528  What does it mean - TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars?
  1,528  Python  -  Matplotlib user input from mouse for plotting
  1,528  Python - creating a histogram
  1,528  Numpy, multiply 3x3 array by 3x10 array? [closed]
  1,528  Get index of the element nearest to the given value [duplicate]
  1,528  Changing values on the edges of an array in NumPy
  1,527  Using scipy.optimize.curve_fit within a class
  1,527  NumPy: Check if field exists
  1,527  Numpy and static linking
  1,527  Mapping values in a numpy array
  1,527  Iterating over 2d arrays contained in 3d array in Python
  1,527  Image segmentation in Python + Processing
  1,527  Cosine Similarity
  1,527  color matplotlib map using bicubic interpolation
  1,526  preparing pandas dataframes for plotting with errorbars
  1,526  Numpy power does not allow negative values
  1,526  Indexing ndarray of variable number of dimensions
  1,526  Data is not binary and pos_label is not specified
  1,526  Can't compile Cython code - unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin'
  1,525  How to add a sparse row to a sparse matrix in Python?
  1,525  Can I have multiple matplotlib plot windows in python interactive mode?
  1,524  Why does linear_sum_assignment in scipy.optimize never return if one of the assignments must have a cost of Infinity?
  1,524  pandas outer product of two dataframes with same index
  1,524  numpy: split 1D array of chunks separated by nans into a list of the chunks
  1,524  Numpy Reshape Memory error
  1,524  Numpy dot product returning either a np.array or a float
  1,524  Numpy: Compare float with threshold
  1,524  Multinomial sample generation in python
  1,524  indexing/slicing a 2d numpy array using the range/arange function as the argument
  1,524  How to return numpy array from multiprocessing pool map?
  1,524  How can I create a discrete colorbar using a colormap from
  1,524  Get indices of intersecting rows of Numpy 2d Array
  1,524  Find root of numerical integration
  1,524  Fast / built-in bit-manipulation in Python/numpy?
  1,523  The result of fft in tensorflow is different from numpy
  1,523  Split by columns of 2d list into new list
  1,523  Is it possible to map a discontiuous data on disk to an array with python?
  1,523  convolution with gaussian vs gaussian filter
  1,522  Using pandas to fill gaps only, and not NaNs on the ends
  1,522  Pandas can't find dateutil.parser after Mavericks
  1,522  Efficient Double Sum of Products
  1,521  ValueError: could not convert string to float: '���'
  1,521  NumPy + BLAS + LAPACK on GPU (AMD and Nvidia)
  1,521  mapping between arrays in numpy
  1,521  Create numPy array using list comprehension
  1,520  Removing a Row with Missing Values in Numpy Array
  1,520  Python pandas, converting multiple columns of strings into time?
  1,520  Percentage of array between values
  1,520  Is it possible to implement RS flip flop truth table in Python?
  1,520  How to convert numpy array from numpy.int64 to datetime?
  1,520  Find Minimum without Zero and NaN in Pandas Dataframe
  1,520  create an x-dim array using numpy.fromfunction from a function with more than x parameters
  1,519  pyspark: Convert sparse local matrix to an RDD
  1,519  pandas: Multiply MultiIndex DataFrame with Series
  1,519  Numpy help on calculation of Angular speed of rotational body
  1,519  How to change color to specific portion of an image in opencv python?
  1,519  Fast way to calculate kernel matrix, python
  1,519  Apply numpy functions to pandas DataFrame
  1,518  sum function in python
  1,518  numpy meshgrid operations problems
  1,518  non-negative matrix factorization failing to converge
  1,518  Find nearest neighbour in a more pythonic way
  1,518  fastest way to iterate over all pixels of an image in python
  1,518  Efficient way to load file into 2d numpy array
  1,517  Tensorflow ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.'' in
  1,517  Python: point on a line closest to third point
  1,517  Pandas boolean DataFrame selection ambiguity
  1,517  Filling holes in image with OpenCV or Skimage
  1,517  expanding a dataframe based on start and end columns (speed)
  1,517  Convert 'int' to pytorch 'Variable' makes problems
  1,517  Computing trimmed mean along an axis
  1,516  Solve nonlinear equation in python
  1,516  Print content and several attributes of a numpy array to a text file
  1,516  Numpy Vectorization of sliding-window operation
  1,516  numpy.correlate: Relation between full and valid
  1,516  Numpy Array to Pandas Data Frame of X Y Coordinates
  1,516 cannot open share project file in python?
  1,516  How to find memory leak with pandas
  1,516  How can I count the number of consecutive TRUEs in a DataFrame?
  1,516  Building numpy for Lion Python 2.6 with gfortran support
  1,515  Python attributes and numpy arrays
  1,515  Line removal in image captcha using Python
  1,515  Filter one array according to data in another array
  1,515  Coursera ML - Implementing regularized logistic regression cost function in python
  1,514  What does the array mean in numpy/sklearn datasets? python
  1,514  python script converting .dat to json
  1,514  loading csv column into numpy memmap (fast)
  1,514  how to convert .pts or .npy file into .ply or .h5 file?
  1,513  Quandl Error , API Invalid
  1,513  How to access Object attributes within numpy array structure
  1,513  How can I efficiently convert a 4D numpy array into a pandas DataFrame with indices as columns?
  1,513  Global Seed for Multiple Numpy Imports
  1,513  Fit gaussian integral function to data
  1,513  Cosine similarity in Theano
  1,513  Array of pointers from C++ to NumPy through Cython
  1,512  Variable size of numpy array
  1,512  Tensorflow Python has stopped working running out of memory
  1,512  Pandas: Summing arrays as as an aggregation with multiple groupby columns
  1,512  Numpy standard deviation under a mask
  1,512  Numpy. Compare all vector row in one array with every other one in the same array
  1,512  Efficient online linear regression algorithm in python
  1,512  Density estimate with large array
  1,512  Altering numpy function output array in place
  1,511  What does this parameter in numpy.zeros method mean?
  1,511  Read txt data separated by empty lines as several numpy arrays
  1,511  Numpy [ ... ,None]
  1,511  How to transform 1D Array to 2D Array with duplication [duplicate]
  1,511  Frequency counts of unique values in a numpy matrix
  1,510  Why don't np.where & np.min seem to work right with this array?
  1,510  pandas - using a for loop to append multiple columns to a dataframe
  1,510  Object is changed in Python
  1,510  How to convert a text file to a numpy file
  1,510  Error installing numpy for pypy3
  1,509  ''valid'' and ''full'' convolution using fft2 in Python
  1,509  numpy array integer indexing in more than one dimension
  1,509  how to stop pyplot from reversing the values in my x-axis
  1,509  Got error in my python code ''ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [16, 8760]''
  1,509  Generate a three dimensional array in python by iterating through a list
  1,509  Faster method of scaling down image array in Python using numpy and pyfits
  1,509  delete last item in all rows and columns numpy.ndarray
  1,509  convert image to rgb array and convert it to CMYK array using python
  1,509  A quick example to train a model batch by batch in Tensorflow?
  1,508  Replacing part of a 2D numpy array using indexing
  1,508  Numpy function to find indices for overlapping vectors
  1,508  How do I load a list of images into an array for each channel in Numpy?
  1,507  Using KDTree.query
  1,507  Replace Cell Values in Pandas with matching ID from another dataframe
  1,507  Python fsolve does not take array of floats. How to implement it?
  1,507  Local maxima in a point cloud
  1,507  label_keys type error on DNNCLassifier Tensorflow
  1,507  Initializing numpy masked array from Python int list with None values
  1,507  Conduct DBSCAN on radian distance matrix with sklearn?
  1,506  Why is linear read-shuffled write not faster than shuffled read-linear write?
  1,506  Row-wise selection based on multiple conditions in dask?
  1,506  refine, average, round data python
  1,506  Pointer-type mismatch with PyArray_SimpleNew
  1,506  Parallelize loop over numpy rows
  1,506  how to save TfidfVectorizer and use it again?
  1,506  Determinant of Multidimensional array
  1,505  Wrong result from timedelta operation
  1,505  Splitting numpy array according bool
  1,505  Possible optimization in cython: numpy array
  1,505  numpy: Append row to a individual 3D array
  1,505  How to append a empty list within for loop in Python
  1,504  Vectorize nested for loop Python
  1,504  NumPy vectorized functions
  1,504  Multidimensional arrays in Pandas columns
  1,504  how to check a shape file polygon contains numpy meshgrid of lat and lon points
  1,504  Create a numpy array from columns of a pandas dataframe
  1,504  connecting all numpy array plot points to each other using plt.plot() from matplotlib
  1,503  Turning nested lists into a numpy array [duplicate]
  1,503  stretch, scale, or double up an array with numpy?
  1,503  Saving numpy array to a binary file
  1,503  read values from a text file using numpy loadtxt function
  1,503  Python Code - SVD with numpy
  1,503  MemoryError using numpy argsort
  1,503  MATLAB sort() vs Numpy argsort() - how to match results?
  1,503  How does numpy's argpartition work on the documentation's example?
  1,503  How can I use matrix from numpy as the input of some plotting functions in matplotlib?
  1,503  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'genfromtxt'
  1,502  Statistics of histogram created from weighted data - numpy
  1,502  Is NumPy Messing Up CX_Freeze?
  1,502  How to get column names from my numpy array?
  1,502  Fastest way to add noise to a numpy array
  1,501  TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array
  1,501  Shifting certain rows to the left in pandas dataframe
  1,501  Get indices of N maximum values in a numpy array without sorting them?
  1,501  Element wise comparison between 1D and 2D array
  1,501  Concatenating two NumPy arrays gives ''ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions''
  1,500  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size n into shape (n,height,width)
  1,500  Python - Plotting Fourier transform from text file
  1,500  Python Merge Two Numpy Arrays Based on Condition
  1,500  Python and OpenCV: sort list of contours according to two criteria
  1,500  Issues with importing pylab on Mac OS X 10.8.3
  1,500  How to combine two datetime arrays in one datetime array?
  1,500  How does one wrap numpy array types?
  1,500  How can I manage large images in Python using OpenCV?
  1,500  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'array'
  1,499  TypeError: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'BufferedReader'
  1,499  scipy.integrate.quad on arrays of limits
  1,499  Passing a dataframe as an an argument in apply with pandas
  1,499  Is there a python equivalent to MATLAB's conv2(h1,h2,A,'same')?
  1,499  Interpolation with Numpy - non linear method
  1,499  expected dense_1 to have shape (1,) but got array with shape (2,)
  1,499  Cosine Similarity between Query and Documents
  1,498  ValueError: How to iterate through a tuple of Boolean True/False statements?
  1,498 causing lag when called
  1,498  Plotting decision boundary Line for a binary classifier
  1,498  `numpy.mean` used with a tuple as `axis` argument: not working with a masked array
  1,498  Number of words per sentence [closed]
  1,498  No module named numpy but import works in command line
  1,498  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Bipin\\Downloads\\test.jpeg'
  1,498  Fast way to extract submatrix from numpy matrix
  1,498  Create training and test dataset in Pandas
  1,498  Converting coordinate tuple information to numpy arrays
  1,498  Add new items to some structured array in a dictionary-like way
  1,497  Zipf Distribution: How do I measure Zipf Distribution using Python / Numpy
  1,497  What's the fastest way to compare datetime in pandas?
  1,497  scipy.stats.norm for array of values
  1,497  Python NumPy: How to fill a matrix using an equation
  1,497  Performance of numpy.random.choice
  1,497  Numpy padding 4D units with all zeros
  1,497  Looping and Naming Variables in Python Bar Chart
  1,497  Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed
  1,497  How to load a npz file in a non-lazy way?
  1,497  how to generate new points as offset with gaussian distribution for some points in spherical coordinates in python
  1,497  How resize images when those converted to numpy array
  1,497  cannot reshape array of size (x,) into shape (x,y,z,1)
  1,496  Python reading a text file into a 2D array and accessing the data
  1,496  Fitting a Sine Wave in Python with Data in a List [closed]
  1,496  Array Expansion in Python [duplicate]
  1,495  Split pandas Dataframe into n equal parts + 1
  1,495  LNK2001 error when using boost::numpy
  1,495  Iterative solving of sparse systems of linear equations with (M, N) right-hand size matrix
  1,495  How to use python, PyLab, NumPy, etc for my Physics lab class over excel
  1,495  How to save a mix of strings and numbers into text files in specified format using numpy.savetxt?
  1,495  How to calculate inverse using cramer's rule in python?
  1,495  Faster implementation to quantize an image with an existing palette?
  1,494  Tricking numpy/python into representing very large and very small numbers
  1,494  Tensorflow flatten vs numpy flatten function effect on machine learning training
  1,494  plotting a numpy array : setting axis scale
  1,494  Integrate with Simpson's Rule in Python recursively
  1,494  Fast indexing: Cython with numpy array of bool and str
  1,493  matching two different arrays and making a new array in python
  1,493  List of tuples to Numpy recarray
  1,493  How to save a complex matrix in a file?
  1,493  How to exchange multidimensional arrays from matlab to python/numpy and back?
  1,493  How to calculate associated Legendre polynomials given m and l in Python
  1,493  Compare two numpy arrays by first Column and create a third numpy array by concatenating two arrays
  1,493  Compare Boolean Row values across multiple Columns in Pandas using & / np.where() / np.any()
  1,493  Can't import numpy anaconda
  1,493  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'testing'
  1,492  Two versions of Pandas causing problems
  1,492  The same variable should be used in all univariate expressions being plotted
  1,492  Skip first row and every nth row when loading txt file (Python)
  1,492  Pyplot 1D heatmap problems
  1,492  Print string list vertically
  1,492  Passing list of numpy arrays to C using cython
  1,492  numpy sum gives an error
  1,492  numpy: how to fill multiple fields in a structured array at once
  1,492  Iron python cannot find {''No module named numpy''}
  1,492  Convert numpy binary string array back to string [duplicate]
  1,492  Big numpy array to spark dataframe
  1,491  Why does fftfreq produce negative values?
  1,491  Treatment of NaN's
  1,491  Shift rows of a numpy array independently
  1,491  polyfit, TypeError: must be str, not float
  1,491  Order of indexes in a Numpy multidimensional array
  1,491  Kivy launcher not working with numpy
  1,491  How to find both diagonals of a 2D matrix? [duplicate]
  1,490  Simulating the motion of a satellite approaching Mars [closed]
  1,490  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'find' - plotting data in matplotlib with pandas
  1,490  NumPy 1D array slicing
  1,490  How to vectorize a for loop containing if-statement in numpy?
  1,490  Generating perfect random gaussian numbers
  1,490  Can I annotate a numpy array when saving it with savez
  1,490  allclose - How to check if two arrays are close in Julia
  1,489  Sklearn Preprocessing  -  *** TypeError: No matching signature found
  1,489  numpy.int64 times int -> numpy.float64
  1,489  How to fill between two rings with matplotlib
  1,489  cython: convert float array to python array with numpy.ctypeslib.ndpointer
  1,488  splitting a list dynamically with range and value to split
  1,488  Sort array of objects in numpy?
  1,488  Iterate over two numpy 2d matrices using nditer
  1,488  AttributeError: 'GradientBoostingRegressor' object has no attribute 'np'
  1,487  statistics for histogram of periodic data
  1,487  sort 2d numpy array lexicographically
  1,487  Saving an array inside a column of a matrix in numpy shape error
  1,487  Python: Fast mapping and lookup between two lists
  1,487  Problems in performing K means clustering
  1,487  Matplotlib: Import and plot multiple time series with legends direct from .csv
  1,487  Interpolation of large 2d masked array
  1,487  How to delete column in 3d numpy array
  1,486  pandas: merging dataframes and replacing values
  1,486  Numpy array conditional matching
  1,486  Keras input shape
  1,486  Integration of the tail of a Gaussian function with Scipy, giving zero instead of 8.19e-26
  1,486  insertion sort in numpy?
  1,486  How to slice memmap efficiently?
  1,485  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence please
  1,485  Python: Very slow execution loops
  1,485  Python: Getting a Vector Field from Gradient of Scalar Field
  1,485  Numpy: average over one dimension in ''jagged'' 3D array
  1,485  numpy.array_equal returns False, even though arrays have the same shape and values
  1,485  Multidimensional array for random.choice in NumPy
  1,485  Insert numpy array to an empty numpy array
  1,485  how to find the position of the maximum value for a probability distribution function plot?
  1,485  How should a class that inherits from NumPy ndarray and has a default value be created?
  1,485  How can I obtain the same 'special' solutions to underdetermined linear systems that Matlab's `A \ b` (mldivide) operator returns using numpy/scipy?
  1,484  Why does assert np.nan == np.nan cause an error?
  1,484  Sudo pip install upgrade operation not permitted
  1,484  Simple py2exe breaks with numpy import
  1,484  Numpy split cube into cubes
  1,484  Numpy roots function and pyplot plot
  1,484  Numpy reading data from '.npy' file directly into arrays
  1,484  A numpy/scipy function to calculate the ''polynomial coefficient''
  1,483  Using numpy on hadoop streaming: ImportError: cannot import name multiarray
  1,483  Scipy labels and measuring max pixel in each label
  1,483  module 'numpy' has no attribute 'testing'
  1,482  What determines the size of int in numpy?
  1,482  python vs octave random generator
  1,482  Logistic Regression: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples
  1,482  How to properly use sklearn cosine_similarity with a dictionary
  1,481  'ValueError: non-string names in Numpy dtype unpickling' in flask(python2.7)
  1,481  ValueError: ndarray is not contiguous
  1,481  Pandas: clean up DataFrame filled with NaN's
  1,481  Numpy uint8_t arrays to vtkImageData
  1,481  How to remove multiple values from an array at once
  1,481  GDAL ReadAsArray() keeps returning None
  1,481  Error when loading a Python 2 .npy file in Python 3
  1,480  Python numpy equivalent of bandpower() from MATLAB
  1,480  Optimize Hamming Distance Python
  1,480  Minimize System of Equations with constraints (scipy.optimize.minimize)
  1,480  Efficient way to match coordinates in 2d array
  1,479  Why python3.5 links python2.7's numpy?
  1,479  SciPy: What are the arguments in `scipy.special.fresnel(x[, out1, out2])`?
  1,479  Logistic Regression and Scipy Optimization with fmin_bfgs
  1,479  How to draw normal distribution given mean and standard deviation using numpy
  1,479  How to choose axis value in numpy array
  1,479  Behaviour of custom NaN floats in Python and Numpy
  1,478  Replicating the indices result of Matlab's ISMEMBER function in NumPy?
  1,478  numpy matrix rank incorrect result
  1,478  Creating a numpy array from a .csv file but I can only get the 1st line in the array - what am I missing?
  1,477  Translating Numpy code into C#
  1,477  Python: Scipy's curve_fit for NxM arrays?
  1,477  Interpolation of sin(x) using Python
  1,477  How can i know if there are white pixels in a binary image in some coordinates (stored in a list) in python?
  1,476  Stop pyplot.contour from drawing a contour along a discontinuity
  1,476  Reproject and mosaic MODIS level2 using gdal/python
  1,476  Python, neighbors on a regular grid
  1,476  Numpy bitwise operator priority?
  1,476  Memory-efficient Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction using numpy/h5py
  1,476  least eigenvalue in python
  1,476  Efficient way to set values of numpy array from iterable
  1,475  Solving a differential equation in python with odeint [closed]
  1,475  Rolling mean of Time series Pandas
  1,475  Representing a sparse matrix in Python and storing to disk
  1,475  Python loading a text file line by line to a numpy array
  1,475  Plot shows up and disappears fast in R
  1,475  How to find the equation for an ellipse from 3 points using python
  1,475  Concatenate large numpy arrays in RAM
  1,474  python array inclusive slice index
  1,474  Is it possible to use complex numbers as target labels in scikit learn?
  1,474  How to one hot encode variant length features?
  1,474  How to calculate error in Polynomial Linear Regression?
  1,474  getting a subset of arrays from a pandas data frame
  1,474  Error when i load data from a text file in python
  1,474  Cumulative addition/multiplication in NumPy
  1,474  Converting a real number to imaginary
  1,473  Why can't I assign array to pandas DataFrame column?
  1,473  use / load new python module without installation
  1,473  How to sort an array of integers faster than quicksort?
  1,472  Setting values in a numpy arrays indexed by a slice and two boolean arrays
  1,472  Runge Kutta 4 and pendulum simulation in python
  1,472  python numpy error ''TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer''
  1,472  Numpy converting date object to datetime64[s] in newer version
  1,472  fsolve - mismatch between input and output
  1,471  Why is much faster than numpy.einsum?
  1,471  Why can't I one-hot encode my labels with TensorFlow? (Bad slice index None of type <type 'NoneType'>)
  1,471  What is the best way to group similar words in python?
  1,471  sum over bin range in python
  1,471  Read formatted data from part of a file fast (Gmsh mesh format)
  1,471  python index in 2d matrix [duplicate]
  1,471  numpy.concatenate multidimensional arrays
  1,471  numpy arrays type conversion in C
  1,471  Iterate over matrices in numpy
  1,471  How to use 'input' to input mathematical functions as variables in python 3.x
  1,471  How to create a uint16 numpy array from a uint8 raw image data array
  1,471  How can I shuffle a very large list stored in a file in Python?
  1,471  Creating a 5D array in Python
  1,470  Setting numpy array values to NaN based on condition
  1,470  Python: How to Convert list multiple set of array
  1,470  Numpy clip function takes twice as long as expected
  1,470  Calculate log of determinant in TensorFlow when determinant overflows/underflows
  1,470  Binning values of a function in Python (numpy)
  1,469  What is the most simple and proper way to fitting data to sinc function using by numpy?
  1,469  Replace values of a numpy array by values from another numpy array
  1,469  NaN interpolation in 2D array. Sparsely populated
  1,469  memory error while performing matrix multiplication
  1,469  How can I vectorize this triple-loop over 2d arrays in numpy?
  1,469  Eigendecomposition makes me wonder in numpy
  1,469  Average of numpy array ignoring specified value
  1,468  Storing images and metadata with PyTables
  1,468  Scipy's correlate function is slow
  1,468  np.isnan for array in Python
  1,468  import arcpy results in ImportError: cannot import name shares_memory
  1,467  pip not able to install zipline on OS X
  1,467  Latent Semantic Analysis in Python discrepancy
  1,467  How to correctly save a dictionary in .npz format
  1,466  plot data stored in a file using (mayavi) mlab.contour3d?
  1,466  Play and record sound using pyaudio simultaneously
  1,466  Dot product of huge arrays in numpy
  1,465  What does numpy.percentile mean and how to use this for splitting array?
  1,465  Trapezoidal wave in Python
  1,465  percentiles from counts of values
  1,465  numpy masked array fill value still being accessed
  1,465  Numpy eigenvectors aren't eigenvectors?
  1,465  Is it possible to copy numpy variable values to clipboard in PyCharm?
  1,465  How do you take a stratified random sample from a Pandas dataframe that stratifies by a continuous variable
  1,464  Store and extract numpy datetimes in PyTables
  1,464  Python solution to transforming polar stereographic data to mercator projection
  1,464  numpy.float64 error when iterating over float values
  1,464  How to get the N maximum values per row in a numpy ndarray?
  1,463  Write a numpy.ndarray to an xlsx spreadsheet
  1,463  scipy.interp2d warning and large errors off the grid
  1,463  How to efficiently convert large numpy array of point cloud data to downsampled 2d array?
  1,463  f2py with OMP: can't import module, undefined symbol GOMP_*
  1,463  Error packaging Kivy with numpy library for Android using buildozer
  1,463  Efficient Kalman filter implementation on gridded data
  1,463  Debian No Module named numpy
  1,463  Conditional removing of duplicates pandas python
  1,463  Combinations without repeat and ordering matters or Permutations of array elements
  1,463  AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'
  1,462  Removing nested loops in numpy
  1,462  Python: Assign list to multidimensional array element
  1,462  Numpy array memory issue
  1,462  nbytes and getsizeof return different values
  1,462  Loading csv and saving HDF5 in Python
  1,462  How to raise arrays with negative values to fractional power in Python?
  1,462  How to pass complex numbers from python numpy to c (trying to use SWIG at the moment)
  1,462  How to convert values in specific column into integer type under numpy matrix
  1,462  how do i import from a unicode (utf-8) csv file into a numpy array
  1,462  Find inverse polynomial in python in GF2
  1,461  py2exe with Numpy/Scipy and Matplotlib DLL load fail
  1,461  Import YUV as a byte array
  1,461  How to deal with MemoryError in remote ipython notebook?
  1,461  Dot product of ith row with ith column
  1,461  2D Ising Model in Python
  1,460  Vectorize iteration over two large numpy arrays in parallel
  1,460  Python: Define the softmax function
  1,460  Matrix multiplication on 4D numpy arrays
  1,460  ImportError SciKit-learn
  1,460  How to get min and max values of ranges with numpy?
  1,460  Discretize path with numpy array and equal distance between points
  1,460  Boolean in a numpy sum
  1,459  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  1,459  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable while extracting index and elements are stored in different array in python
  1,459  How to understand the np.argwhere function?
  1,459  How do numpy and GMPY2 compare with GMP in terms of speed?
  1,459  Converting dictionary with known indices to a multidimensional array
  1,458  TypeError: A sparse matrix was passed, but dense data is required. Use X.toarray() to convert to a dense numpy array. with NaiveBayes Classifier
  1,458  Transform image data in 3D
  1,458  Simple implementation of NumPy cov (covariance) function
  1,458  Mean of column subsets for all columns of a 2D Numpy array
  1,458  Matplotlib setup for saving figures for publication and reports from interactive plots
  1,458  initialize numpy array with named tuples
  1,458  Divide numpy array into multiple arrays using indices array (Python)
  1,457  Why is the max element value in a numpy array 255?
  1,457  Why does this order of the Gaussian filter in scipy give the x and y derivative?
  1,457  Split numpy array into sub-arrays based on conditions
  1,457  Numpy ValueError (got 1 columns instead of 2)
  1,457  Numpy Array Operation Too Slow np.asarray()
  1,457  Generate a n-dimensional array of coordinates in numpy
  1,456  What are the implications of calling NumPy's C API functions from multiple threads?
  1,456  Retrieving data points from scipy interpolate/griddata
  1,456  Replace row with another row in 3D numpy array
  1,456  Python numpy: sum every 3 rows (converting monthly to quarterly)
  1,456  Python3 - TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
  1,456  Estimate value from curve fit
  1,456  Different result of same numpy mean calculation on two computers
  1,455  Pandas uses substantially more memory for storage than asked for
  1,455  OpenCV + Numpy Script
  1,455  Numpy rotation matrix multiplication
  1,455  How to extract data from .csv file and create a plot?
  1,455  Build numpy array with multiple custom index ranges without explicit loop
  1,454  Quickest way to calculate subset of correlation matrix
  1,454  Python Decimal module doesn't work on uint64
  1,454  How do I install scipy, numpy and scikit-learn on snow leopard?
  1,453  solve an integral equation by python
  1,453  Python numpy/scipy eigenvectors seemingly not correct for markov chain model
  1,453  Numpy finding 3d coordinate distance from a specified point
  1,453  Memory mapped file for numpy arrays
  1,453  List of list of tuples to pandas dataframe
  1,453  efficient way to convert a nested list to numpy array
  1,453  About the numpy.linspace [duplicate]
  1,452  Why ndim = 2 in this numpy array?
  1,452  Tensor Flow softmax Regression Always Predicts 1
  1,452  Python, Scipy: Building triplets using large adjacency matrix
  1,452  Numpy boolean index mask for conditional subtraction of existing values
  1,452  Get pointer from numpy array to send image to C++
  1,451  simple but weird vstack/concatenate problems (python)
  1,451  Numerical Python - how do I make this a ufunc?
  1,451  Mapping element-wise a NumPy array into an array of more dimensions
  1,451  Linear regression of 2 lists in python
  1,451  Interpolate unstructured X,Y,Z data on best grid based on nearest neighbour distance for each points
  1,451  Cython with `cimport numpy` fails
  1,451  appending 3d arrays in numpy
  1,450  Numpy: invalid literal for int() with base 10
  1,450  indexing numpy multidimensional arrays
  1,450  How do you generate an animated square wave from binary number for the respective decimal number using for loop
  1,450  Can I perform operations between rows on a dataframe?
  1,449  What direction should I go to go faster than np.fft [duplicate]
  1,449  Using f2py with windows x64 and Intel Fortran
  1,449  Python replacing max values in array
  1,449  Pandas: Best way to count matches between two columns?
  1,449  Limit decimals numbers when writing to csv in python
  1,449  Iterate over vectors in a multidimensional numpy array
  1,449  Installing numpy RPM with older Python version
  1,449  Conditional numpy cumulative sum
  1,448  The most effective way to random flip every image in a numpy array
  1,448  Outer join in Python for thousands of large tables
  1,448  Numpy loadtxt Behavior change with Python 3
  1,448  How to reshape a vector to TensorFlow's filters?
  1,448  How does numpy argmax work?
  1,448  Calling python from java using jython and passing parameters
  1,447  Reading a binary file in Python: takes a very long time to read certain bytes
  1,447  Python  -  Generating values from a normal (truncated at 0) distribution [closed]
  1,447  Handling C++ arrays in Cython (with numpy and pytorch)
  1,447  an error of opencv on python about boundingRect
  1,446  Why does transposing a numpy array rotate it 90 degrees?
  1,446  Summing over pair of indices (or more) in Python
  1,446  Sparse eigenvalues : scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs is slower than scipy.linalg.eigvals
  1,446  Numpy broadcasting rules when using masked_where (or do they not apply?)
  1,446  Match length of two Python lists
  1,446  Is it possible to index numpy array with sympy symbols?
  1,446  F tensorflow/python/lib/core/] Check failed: PyBfloat16_Type.tp_base != nullptr Aborted
  1,446  Difference between max and np.max
  1,446  Check if multiple rows exist in another dataframe
  1,445  Using bootstrapping random.choice
  1,445  Standard deviation from numpy 2d histogram
  1,445  reprojectImageTo3D() typeError, OpenCV Python
  1,445  Python Dict to numpy multidimensional array
  1,445  How to write a fast log-sum-exp in Cython and Weave?
  1,445  fft2 different result in numpy and matlab
  1,445  Efficiently store a large sparse matrix (float) [duplicate]
  1,444  Utilizing scipy.optimize.minimize with multiple variables of different shapes
  1,444  Reverse sort of Numpy array with NaN values
  1,444  Numpy Element-wise Standard Deviation
  1,444  Modify numpy array column by column inside a loop
  1,444  Merging 1D and 2D lists in python
  1,444  Converting numpy.ndarray into opencv cv::Mat
  1,444  Adding appending numpy arrays
  1,444  2D Numpy Array Fancy Indexing + Masking
  1,443  Tie breaking of round with numpy
  1,443  Python Pandas: Convert 2,000,000 DataFrame rows to Binary Matrix (pd.get_dummies()) without memory error?
  1,443  Python/Numpy - calculate sum of equal array elements
  1,443  Numpy: Turn a scatterplot into a 2D array
  1,443  Normalize a multiple data histogram
  1,443  ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core (during keras installation)
  1,443  I am trying to import numpy for use in a Python script but I get the error ''No module named numpy''
  1,443  How to get coordinates from a numpy slice object
  1,443  how can save some 3d images in a 4d array in python? [closed]
  1,443  Get indices of feature position on image mask in python,opencv2,numpy
  1,442  ValueError: shapes (4,4) and (3,) not aligned: 4 (dim 1) != 3 (dim 0)
  1,442  TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'float' when added extra operations
  1,442  Sorting 3d arrays in python as per grid
  1,442  Save numpy array of Python lists
  1,442  Plot specific points in DBSCAN in sklearn in python
  1,442  Jupyter uses wrong version of numpy
  1,442  importing pandas, numpy 'module' object has no attribute 'Integral'
  1,442  How to quickly determine if a matrix is a permutation matrix
  1,442  How to add multiple trendlines pandas
  1,442  Adding error bars to a graph with file data using matplotlib
  1,441  Running Half life codes for a mean reverting series
  1,441  Poincare Section of a system of second order odes
  1,441  numpy matrix multiplication row-wise
  1,441  Numpy Array Change indices
  1,441  Memory allocated to Python is not released back in Linux even after gc.collect()
  1,441  Index n dimensional array with (n-1) d array
  1,441  How to impute each categorical column in numpy array
  1,441  Curve Fitting a data set with unknown formula (SciPy)
  1,440  scipy.optimize.minimize : compute hessian and gradient together
  1,440  scikits learn SVM - 1-dimensional Separating Hyperplane
  1,440  reshape image error
  1,440  numpy.extract and numpy.any functions, is it possible to make it simpler way?
  1,440  matplotlib scatter plot with custom cmap - colors not right
  1,440  ''Linked lists'' in numpy array? How to avoid duplicate entries
  1,440  Compute mean value from pandas histogram dataframe
  1,439  Python fast way to get data from multiple files in single numpy array
  1,439  Linear regression with Y values containing NAN using scipy
  1,439  How to set a range of values in numpy to nan?
  1,439  How to plot all files in one folder in python?
  1,439  handling too many categorical features using scikit-learn
  1,438  Python: How to reduce run time?
  1,438  How can I reduce a tensor's last dimension in PyTorch?
  1,438  Finding only the ''prominent'' local maxima of a 1d array
  1,438  convert numpy warnings to errors
  1,438  Adding two matrix with different dimension
  1,437  vtk python icp how to get transform matrix
  1,437  Trouble creating a conda env with working numpy: `ImportError: cannot import name scalarmath`
  1,437  scipy.optimize with multiple bounds, constraints and continuous fields
  1,437  Python error installing package
  1,437  numpy: multiplying a 2D array by a 1D array
  1,437  How to make user defined functions for binned_statistic
  1,437  How to convert fixed point (Q format) number to floating point in MATLAB
  1,437  How can I use NumPy array indexing to select 2 columns out of a 2D array to select unique values from?
  1,437  Calculating t-statistics using `scipy.stats`
  1,436  SciPy - fit a Gaussian envelope
  1,436  Python numpy not saving array ()
  1,436  PIL Image constructs weird images from numpy array - why?
  1,436  OpenCV: How to use the convertScaleAbs() function
  1,436  How to read only some lines from a large file in python?
  1,436  How to convert a tuple of depth 2 to a 2D Numpy array?
  1,436  How can I open a 3D .npy file in R or MATLAB?
  1,436  Converting a string representation of an array to an actual array in python [duplicate]
  1,436  Calculating distances on grid
  1,435  Quit Python program when it hits memory limit
  1,435  Python, plotting all columns vs the first column (date) in a csv file
  1,435  Problems with timezone in numpy.datetime64
  1,435  numpy scipy python import sparse matrix from csv
  1,435  Generate each column of the numpy array with random number from different range
  1,435  checking if a matrix is diagonally dominant in python
  1,435  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'as_rgba_str'
  1,434  How to convert the second column of a csv file to a list of floats?
  1,433  Removing dtype from the end of numpy column stack
  1,433  Python: Apply function, exp, to every ele of numpy array
  1,433  OpenCV detect if image file is colour prior to loading
  1,433  how to make matrix into diagonal matrix in numpy?
  1,433  How to convert from numpy array to file byte object?
  1,433  entry point mkl_blas_dgem2vu could not be located
  1,433  Calling C from Python: passing list of numpy pointers
  1,433  2D Histogram from a 3x3 array in PYTHON
  1,432  scipy.optimize.minimize ignores constraint
  1,432  Remove decimals in Pandas column names
  1,432  Random diagonal matrix
  1,432  Mapping rows of a Pandas dataframe to numpy array
  1,432  How to use python to find matching data points in two arrays and return a third?
  1,432  How to import text data file with irregular columns in rows?
  1,432  Flattening of numpy array
  1,432  Can numpy einsum() perform outer addition?
  1,432  Can I calculate element-wise product using an np.matrix?
  1,431  numpy piecewise function claiming lists are not same size
  1,431  How to use python to plot a 3d surface of a numpy array?
  1,431  error importing numpy
  1,431  Best data structure to use in python to store a 3 dimensional cube of named data
  1,430  Selecting and operating on columns in a .csv
  1,430  Python read microphone without PyAudio
  1,430  OpenCV ERROR - <unknown> is not a numpy array
  1,430  Error while computing probabilities of an array list
  1,429  scipy.optimize: faster root finding over 2D grid
  1,429  Numpy where for 2 dimensional array
  1,429  Multinomial Naive Bayes with scikit-learn for continuous and categorical data
  1,429  how to zoom the plot in pyqtgraph
  1,429  How to generate an n-dimensional grid in python
  1,429  Difference between and np.multiply
  1,428  Why to convert a python list to a numpy array?
  1,428  What is a good approach to filter, sort and group data stored in large text files
  1,428  Open CV - Python RGB to GRAY convertor
  1,427  TypeError(''Data type not understood'') when trying to create a matrix
  1,427  Statsmodels logistic regression convergence problems
  1,427  Python matrix provide with
  1,427  pyAudioAnalysis Library error: cannot reshape array of size 4400 into shape (220,10)
  1,427  Passing numpy arrays to Java using Jpype
  1,427  minimum of a sparse matrix?
  1,427  Is it possible to use numpy.argmax with a custom field of objects in a list?
  1,427  How to apply CMA-ES optimization to an arbitrary user defined objective function in Python?
  1,427  How do I convert a DataTable to a jagged array in C#?
  1,427  2D gaussian distribution does not sum to one?
  1,426  Why is dill much faster and more disk-efficient than pickle for numpy arrays
  1,426  Scipy odeint ODE error on array sizes
  1,426  Numpy array get the subset/slice of an array which is not NaN
  1,426  How to transform tensors to numpy.ndarray in Keras?
  1,426  How to .apply() lambda function to restricted column set in DataFrame
  1,426  generator' object has no attribute 'data', problems loading some file with scipy?
  1,426  Fast Interpolation / Resample of Numpy Array - Python
  1,426  Error when importing NumPy in PyCharm
  1,426  dynamic array creation in cython
  1,426  Degree Of array
  1,425  Reformat matplotlib x-axis from HH:MM:SS to HH:SS
  1,425  Pandas DataFrame - Transpose few elements of a row into columns and fill missing data
  1,425  Methods for entering equations while programming in C/C++ , Python or Fortran
  1,425  L2 normalization of rows in scipy sparse matrix
  1,425  How to insert multiple elements in numpy array using np.concatenate()?
  1,425  how find a maximal set or a superset from a list of sets (Maximal set is the set which is not subset of another set in the list) [duplicate]
  1,424  Numpy slicing with batch size
  1,424  Numpy is installed but still getting some errors
  1,424  How to Print a specific column in a 3D Matrix using numpy Python
  1,424  ArcGIS/Python: How to sum rows based on a common ID
  1,423  Plot 3D convex closed regions in matplot lib
  1,423  ndim of structured arrays in numpy?
  1,423  How to make file name a variable using np.savetxt in python?
  1,423  Fails to fix the seed value in LDA model in gensim
  1,423  Calculate slope on DEM
  1,423  Alternative to nested np.where in Pandas DataFrame
  1,422  what is the fastest way to calculate sigmoid?
  1,422  Raise to 1/3 gives complex number
  1,422  QR decomposition for rectangular matrices in which n > m in scipy/numpy
  1,422  How to calculate sum of abs of all off-diagonal elements of a numpy array?
  1,422  Drawing a line from a numpy array
  1,421  Write numpy array to csv file with a specific number of columns
  1,421  What does assert equal to empty parentheses (assert x == ()) mean?
  1,421  Template Matching: efficient way to create mask for minMaxLoc?
  1,421  Store vector in cell of a numpy matrix
  1,420  Using numpy.linalg.svd on a 12 x 12 matrix using python
  1,420  Solving System of Differential Equations using SciPy
  1,420  python/numpy generated binary file to be read by C
  1,420  Numpy array in Keras Layer
  1,420  How to define values for RegularGridInterpolator
  1,420  How do I use numpy's pv function for calculating a present value without a pmt?
  1,420  function for computing bicoherence
  1,420  Fast python implementation of cropping with padding=wrap
  1,420  Creating an X by Y dimension array of (a,b) points in Python 2.7
  1,419  QQ Plot for Poisson Distribution in Python
  1,419 bug? Inconsistent NaN behavior
  1,419  How to load file created with numpy.savez_compressed?
  1,419  Cache decorator for numpy arrays
  1,418  why can't numpy compute long objects?
  1,418  Trouble with numpy.histogram2d
  1,418  Python numpy convert 2d array in 1d array sorted
  1,418  Python: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'interp2d'
  1,418  Python error when importing package: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility [duplicate]
  1,418  How to multiply a super large number with a super small number in python?
  1,417  Why occur TypeError: object of type 'numpy.float64' has no len()
  1,417  Saving layer weights at each epoch during training into a numpy type/array? Converting TensorFlow Variable to numpy array?
  1,417  Quickest way to calculate the average growth rate across columns of a numpy array
  1,417  python, weighted linspace
  1,417  Python - Plotting a 3 dimensional array
  1,417  Making grid triangular mesh quickly with Numpy
  1,417  How to know when to use numpy.linalg instead of scipy.linalg?
  1,417  How to create numpy ndarray from numpy ndarrays?
  1,417  finding indexes of common subarrays
  1,417  Combinatorial explosion while merging dataframes in pandas
  1,416  Slicing a 20&times;20 area around known indices (x, y) in a numpy array
  1,416  Set a radial offset on a polar projection in matplotlib
  1,416  Numpy's loadtxt and Pandas read_csv result in different float64 representation
  1,416  Iteratively appending ndarray arrays using numpy in Python
  1,416  How can I convert an image's pixel color information into numbers and store it in a CSV?
  1,416  Dynamic Python Array Slicing
  1,416  deprecation warning in numpy
  1,416  Complex filtering in dask DataFrame
  1,415  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (200,) for Tensor 'Placeholder_32:0', which has shape '(?, 1)'
  1,415  Trailing underscore in `np.ix_`
  1,415  Pandas Count values across rows that are greater than another value in a different column
  1,415  Opening a mat file using h5py and convert data into a numpy matrix
  1,415  Matplotlib and numpy histogram2d axis issue
  1,415  Is it possible to store a numpy array in a Spark Dataframe Column?
  1,415  Is it possible to specify the alternative hypothesis in Mann-Whitney U tests in Scipy?
  1,415  Efficiently find indices of nearest points on non-rectangular 2D grid
  1,414  numpy mean of complex numbers with infinities
  1,414  ModuleNotFOundError: No module named ''; 'numpy' is not a package
  1,414  How to use view as blocks in Scikit-Image?
  1,414  How to create a smaller array from a larger array python
  1,414  How to compare two numpy arrays and add missing values to the other with a tweak
  1,414  How to append numpy.array to other numpy.array?
  1,414  error in a python class with an not iterable object
  1,414  Assigning values to a column based on condition using np.where
  1,414  ArgumentParser for numpy array
  1,414  A key in numpy.amax
  1,413  Steady State Probabilities (Markov Chain) Python Implementation
  1,413  Selecting specific rows from an array when a condition is met in python
  1,413  Implementing a PCA (Eigenvector based) in Python
  1,413  Having trouble installing fastcluster library, numpy include error
  1,413  Find the index of the min value in a pdist condensed distance matrix
  1,413  Fastest way to convert ubyte [0, 255] array to float array [-0.5, +0.5] with NumPy
  1,413  checking if the elements of an array are present in another array in python
  1,412  Python: raw image data to grayscale
  1,412  Load many text files in a loop in arrays with different names with numpys loadtxt
  1,412  Line of best fit for a log graph in python 3.3
  1,412  Interleaving two numpy index arrays, one item from each array
  1,412  How to efficiently output n items per line from numpy array
  1,412  how can the string convert to int in python?
  1,412  Generate one hot encodings from dict values
  1,412  filtering a 3D numpy array according to 2D numpy array
  1,411  Matplotlib displaying histogram with a specific value on x and y axis
  1,411  Markov Transition Probability Matrix Implementation in Python
  1,411  How to use a single covariance matrix in GHMM?
  1,411  How to find the pairwise differences between rows of two very large matrices using numpy?
  1,411  Convert a binary string into IEEE-754 single precision - Python
  1,410  NumPy slicing: All except one array entry
  1,410  Is this the wrong error message - AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'log2'? [duplicate]
  1,410  int array with Missing values numpy
  1,410  Importing CSV file into Google Colab using numpy loadtxt
  1,410  Creating a list from a Scipy matrix
  1,410  Comparing numpy array of dtype object
  1,409  Numpy random choice multiple loops
  1,409  how to de-normalize values normalized by linalg.norm method of numpy?
  1,409  How do I load both Strings and floats into a numpy array?
  1,409  How can I flip the order of a 1d numpy array? [duplicate]
  1,409  Get N maximum values and indices along an axis in a NumPy array
  1,409  Convert arrays (of numpy data types) to tuples (of native data types) in Python
  1,408  Resampling (upsampling, interpolating) a series of numbers
  1,408  Python array subtraction loops back to high number instead of giving negative value
  1,408  numpy / pandas datetimes
  1,408  numpy.genfromtxt is not unpacking
  1,408  Matplotlib fullscreen not working
  1,408  Lispy dialects with good multi-dimensional array programming support
  1,408  Importing numpy statement in script
  1,408  How to remove an 2d array subset?
  1,408  Efficiently compute 50Hz content of signal
  1,407  Shuffle 2D array
  1,407  pandas getattr(df, ''mean'') doesn't work like df.mean() [duplicate]
  1,407  Numpy distutils howto
  1,407  Multi dimensional array in python with predefined size
  1,407  Merging two arrays under numpy
  1,407  keeping track of indices change in numpy.reshape
  1,407  How can I retrieve the k highest values in a data frame in pandas?
  1,407  Find float in ndarray
  1,407  Converting a dictionary into a square matrix
  1,407  Avoid 'Memory Error" when dealing with large arrays
  1,406  Replace a column in a numpy matrix
  1,406  Python: Justifying NumPy array
  1,406  Numpy transpose functions speed and use cases
  1,406  Numba 3x slower than numpy
  1,406  Keras Image Preprocessing: Tuple Index Out of Range
  1,406  IndexError : arrays used as indices must be Integers (or boolean) type
  1,406  How to reshape a 3D numpy array?
  1,406  How to make a PSD plot using `np.fft.fft`?
  1,406  cryptic scipy ''could not convert integer scalar'' error
  1,405  Transform numpy array to RGB image array
  1,405  Stop loss iterate python pandas numpy
  1,405  Python - Faster way to load several images?
  1,405  Ironpython call numpy problem
  1,405  How to import multiple bands from an image into numpy?
  1,405  how to add the following feature to a tfidf matrix?
  1,405  How the ttest is calculated in numpy
  1,405  Connect all 2D Points from NumPy 2D Arrays as a triangular meshgrid
  1,405  Cannot import name random/multiarray in conda environment
  1,405  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'flip', python 2.7
  1,404  Writing cython for both 32-bit and 64-bit?
  1,404  What is '<U20' dtype in python? [duplicate]
  1,404  Remove NaNs from numpy array that has string values and numerical values
  1,404  Iterate through rows of numpy array to find mode
  1,404  How to send a dataframe to scikit for cross validation?
  1,404  How do I use python to graph elements of a large CSV file?
  1,404  Converting list of strings to list of floats in pandas
  1,404  Adding patches to numpy array opened in matplotlib
  1,403  Using with numpy arrays from csv
  1,403  Unexpected memory error when regriding data with scipy interpolate griddata method
  1,403  Tensorflow Import Error (compat.py_: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'integer'
  1,403  numpy.column_stack with numeric and string arrays
  1,403  Matplotlib streamplot with streamlines that don't break or end
  1,403  Keep values of numpy array that satisfy two or more conditions
  1,402  Why is `NaN` considered ''smaller'' than `-np.inf` in numpy?
  1,402  Unable to load a previously dumped pickle file in Python
  1,402  Reshape (M, N, 3) numpy array to (M*N, 3)
  1,402  Matlab/Octave/Numpy numeric difference
  1,402  How do I load a tab-delimited file of mixed datatype into numpy or pandas?
  1,402  Creating a structured array from a list
  1,401  Why won't numpy calculate std deviation on one 5-element list and not another?
  1,401  Unable to install pandas on AWS Lambda
  1,401  Tensorflow: *Save* the output Conv layer as a png image
  1,401  Save numpy array as binary to read from FORTRAN
  1,401  Python adaptfilt-echo canceller example with two .wav files
  1,401  how to mask the outline of an object in python
  1,401  How can we measure RMSE in Python?
  1,401  Don't understand this TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable error
  1,401  Create sparse matrix with pandas and fill it with values from one column of .dat file at indexes [x,y] from other two columns of .dat file
  1,400  plot qualitative data on matplotlib
  1,400  Numpy cross-product on rectangular grid
  1,400  Numpy Correlate is not providing an offset
  1,400  Numpy array in array with unequal length
  1,400  Lognormal Random Numbers Centered around a high value
  1,400  How to remove rows from a dataframe if 75 % of its column values is equal to 0
  1,400  Find the indices of non-zero elements and group by values
  1,399  Is there a scope for (numpy) random seeds?
  1,399  float64 to float32 conversion gives unexpected result
  1,399  creating small arrays in cython takes a humongous amount of time
  1,398  unstable result from scipy.cluster.kmeans
  1,398  Python: Vectorizing evaluations of arrays of lambda functions
  1,398  Plotting ROC curve - too many indices error
  1,398  Initialize Parameters Gaussian Mixture in Python with sklearn
  1,398  immutable numpy array
  1,398  How to replace a section of an array with another array [numpy]
  1,398  Getting Errs 'running install for numpy" Anyone have a simple numpy-site.cfg or site.cfg on Windows and Python 2.7
  1,397  Rolling maximum with numpy
  1,397  Python Scikit-image processing of Gel electrophoresis data
  1,397  Pandas Dataframe Multicolor Line plot
  1,397  n-sphere coordinate system to Cartesian coordinate system
  1,397  ImportError: : Symbol not found: __PyErr_ReplaceException
  1,397  Efficient numpy / lapack routine for product of inverse and sparse matrix?
  1,396  What exactly is the `subs` argument of the `evalf` method of SymPy Expression for? Like `s.evalf(subs={ ... })`?
  1,396  What exactly is the `subs` argument of the `evalf` method of SymPy Expression for? Like `s.evalf(subs={ ... })`?
  1,396  remove pixel annotations in dicom image
  1,396  pandas extrapolation of polynomial
  1,396  Is there a more Pythonic/elegant way to expand the dimensions of a Numpy Array?
  1,395  Why are some numpy calls not implemented as methods?
  1,395  Valueerror numpy.poly1d()
  1,395  python pandas functions with and without parentheses
  1,395  numpy.partition() with 2-D Array
  1,395  Initializing pandas dataframes with and without index,columns yields different results
  1,395  Filter and sum different columns in a numpy array
  1,394  Unable to unwrap image in OpenCV
  1,394  search performance in python pandas vs. numpy array
  1,394  Python: How to fit curve by user defined function? [closed]
  1,394  Projecting Coordinates in Numpy array
  1,394  Numpy set dtype=None, cannot splice columns and set dtype=object cannot set dtype.names
  1,394  Mean difference of two numpy arrays
  1,394  Making a new variable numerical column using if/else statements
  1,394  interpolating a rotation through an angle with numpy
  1,394  How can a string representation of a NumPy array be converted to a NumPy array?
  1,394  Find the business days between two columns in a pandas dataframe, which contain NaTs
  1,394  Fast way to convert strings into lists of ints in a Pandas column?
  1,394  Creating regular Delaunay grid in with scipy
  1,394  Calculate the row average of selected columns
  1,393  TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
  1,393  performing sum of outer products on sparse matrices
  1,393  numpy search array for multiple values, and returns their indices
  1,393  Numpy argwhere inequality conditions
  1,393  Google Challenge Issue: Can't import libraries
  1,393  Finding TypeError subtracting two numpy.ndarrays of the same size and type
  1,393  Crossover two NumPy arrays efficiently
  1,392  Summing values of numpy array based on indices in other array
  1,392  Passing arguments to mpmath quad integration
  1,392  NumPy - Set values in structured array based on other values in structured array
  1,392  Multiple conditions for new column using Regex on Pandas dataframe
  1,392  Memory Error while loading a large JSON file python 3.4
  1,392  Installing numpy with pypy on mac osx
  1,392  How to make a numpy array field in django?
  1,392  how to fit 2D contour plot to 2D gaussian
  1,392  How to create a large zoomed image in python
  1,392  Fit data in Python (sine wave?)
  1,392  Alpine Linux : package installed but module not found
  1,391  Scipy, Numpy: Audio classifier,Voice/Speech Activity Detection
  1,391  scatter function in matplotlib
  1,391  Pandas float64 to float 32 ,then the data changes
  1,391  Mac OSx: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
  1,391  interpolation between arrays in python
  1,391  In Python 3, how to swap two sub-arrays in a 2-dimensional numpy array?
  1,391  How to save big (not huge) dictonaries in Python?
  1,391  How to convert a Python list of lists to a 2D numpy array for sklearn.preprocessing
  1,391  Can datetime handle AM string
  1,391  Appropriate data structure for time series
  1,390  What is a top-level function in Python?
  1,390  specifying missing values to pdist in scipy
  1,390  Efficient python way for recursive equations
  1,390  Anacondas install messed with IPython pandas import?
  1,389  Why does numpy.argmax for a list of all False bools yield zero?
  1,389  Which operations in numpy/scipy are multithreaded?
  1,389  Replacing outliers with NaN in pandas dataframe after applying a .groupby() arguement
  1,389  Pandas: ''data type datetime not understood'' error in date offset operation
  1,389  Matplotlib matrix/image explicitly state axis values
  1,389  How to get pseudo-determinant of a square matrix with python
  1,389  Finding False-True transitions in a numpy array
  1,389  Find index in array to which the sum of all elements is smaller than a limit, quickly
  1,389  Down-sampling with numpy
  1,389  add value to each element in array python
  1,388  Piecewise Affine Transform+warp output looks strange
  1,388  minimize alpha in exponential smoothing
  1,388  How to unify a split image in python?
  1,388  Error while installing numpy in venv
  1,387  scipy.sparse.csr_matrix row filtering - how to properly achieve it?
  1,387  Pandas Import Error
  1,387  How to change numpy.array sample rate?
  1,387  Find the maximum x,y value fromn a series of images
  1,387  finding max number of consecutive elements using vectorization
  1,387  Efficiently checking Euclidean distance for a large number of objects in Python
  1,387  Caffe feature extraction is too slow? caffe.Classifier or caffe.Net
  1,386  Weighted Gini coefficient in Python
  1,386  python pandas aggregating non numeric types
  1,386  Python - Generate a grid of equally spaced points
  1,386  Python / Cython / Numpy optimization of np.nonzero
  1,386  How to remove dimensions in numpy array? [duplicate]
  1,386  How to install numpy with mingw in windows, 64bit, python-2.7?
  1,386  How to do FFT on input from microphone/line in with Python
  1,386  Convert `int *` to a Python or Numpy object in a Cythonized function
  1,385  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 1 into shape (1,43)
  1,385  Removing ''rows'' containing negative values in 3D numpy array
  1,385  Python: converted matrix from an image is 3D instead of 2D
  1,385  Operations in Masked Numpy Arrays
  1,385  efficient array concatenation
  1,385  Break x-axis into several subsets in matplotlib
  1,385  Astropy isn't working with Python
  1,384  Wrong freqs & amplitudes with numpy.fft, furthermore odd drawing of spectra
  1,384  Use numpy with Cython
  1,384  Successive over-relaxation not converging (when not done in-place)
  1,384  subtraction operation on multidimensional arrays
  1,384  Pulp Optimization with Pandas and NumPy (CLSP - Lot Sizing)
  1,384  Merge histograms with different ranges
  1,384  How to Use Pandas with Multiple Column NumPy Array
  1,384  Heatmap that shows both high and low density regions clearly (python)
  1,384  Fitting a distribution given the histogram using scipy
  1,384  Efficient ways to iterate over several numpy arrays and process current and previous elements?
  1,383  Why does assertAlmostEqual(-inf,-inf) fail?
  1,383  Opencv Different Outputs with imshow and imwrite
  1,383  Matplotlib - plotting transparent and overlapping time series
  1,383  Least squares in a set of equations with optimize.leastsq() (Python)
  1,383  Extract gurobi muti-dimensional variable value and form a numpy array
  1,383  Confusion in array operation in numpy
  1,383  Boolean array masks in Javascript
  1,383  array of minimum euclidian distances between all points in array
  1,382  .wav file doesn't play any sounds
  1,382  Python Orange Numpy Examples
  1,382  Numpy matrix dimensions-tfidf vector
  1,382  Mean ignoring NaNs along columns in a NumPy array without using numpy.nanmean
  1,382  How to convert a very large image(tif) file into an array using Python
  1,382  Error importing numpy after upgrading with pip
  1,382  create binary random matrix with probability in python
  1,382  Combining two 2D arrays into one image plot
  1,381  When to use train_test_split of scikit learn
  1,381  Save data from plot to numpy array
  1,381  Plotting 2D integral function in python
  1,381  numpy.polyfit giving error for covariance matrix
  1,381  Integration not successful in Python QuTiP
  1,381  How to get the spline basis used by scipy.interpolate.splev
  1,381  how to display legend iterating over list of values
  1,381  Get indices of matrix from upper triangle
  1,381  Difference between scipy.interpolate.griddata and scipy.interpolate.Rbf
  1,381  Create indicator matrix from two arrays in Python Numpy
  1,381  Best way to store scraped data in Python for analysis
  1,380  Python fastest way to find similar vector in a large matrix
  1,380  Optimize Double loop in python
  1,380  Numpy simple join 2 arrays
  1,380  Numpy/Pandas correlate 2 arrays of different length
  1,380  Difference between scipy.stats.mstats.chisquare and scipy.stats.mstats in Python
  1,380  Create CSR matrix from x_index, y_index, value
  1,379  Sharing and editing numpy array in python multiprocessing
  1,379  Pythonic way to create a numpy array of coordinates
  1,379  How to suppress output in imported module
  1,379  Extrapolating data from a curve using Python
  1,379  Boolean masking on multiple axes with numpy
  1,378  Python linprog minimization error - simplex method
  1,378  python 3.5 - cannot use cvxopt
  1,378  Numpy dstack for 3d arrays
  1,378  How to revert a vertical numpy array (1D) to its usual horizontal default form?
  1,378  create new column from if else statement
  1,378  Avoiding ''complex division by zero'' error in Numpy (related to cmath)
  1,377  Using polyfit to plot scatter points with errors
  1,377  Python ReLu activation function desn't work
  1,377  Problems with pandas and numpy where condition/multiple values?
  1,377  Preserving column names in Sklearn Pipelines
  1,377  efficient way to resize numpy or dataset?
  1,377  Concatenating arrays with numpy doesn't work
  1,377  comparing Numpy arrays raises a.any() or a.all() error
  1,377  Blas seems very slow
  1,376  Python  -  Share a Numpy Array Between Processes?
  1,376  pandas DataFrame style, highlight nan's
  1,376  numpy array slicing, get one from each third dimension
  1,376  Multiply together list of matrices in Numpy
  1,376  matplotlib pyplot side-by-side graphics
  1,376  How can I cluster a list of a list of tuple (tag, probability)? - python
  1,376  Apply rotation matrix to vector + plot it
  1,375  to convert a list to a 2D matrix in python
  1,375  Tensorflow: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error' what(): Resource temporarily unavailable
  1,375  TensorFlow - Cannot get the shape of matrix with the get_shape command
  1,375  Python MemoryError when not really out of memory?
  1,375 -> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
  1,375  Indices of k-minimum values along an axis of a numpy array
  1,375  How to plot a point-to-point alignment between two sequences of datapoints?
  1,375  Finding minimum and maximum value for each row, excluding NaN values
  1,375  Convert tuple to numpy ndarray
  1,374  Why does numpy's fromiter function require specifying the dtype when other array creation routines don't?
  1,374  Randomly generate list of tuples of random numeric string of random length
  1,374  In Python how to find max length of inner list in a 2D list? [duplicate]
  1,374  Improve performance of the np.irr function through vectorization
  1,374  How can I pack numpy bool arrays into a string of bits?
  1,374  Finding indexes of matching rows in two numpy arrays [duplicate]
  1,374  Fastest way to create a pandas column conditionally
  1,374  Create new column in Python array based on values calculated in the code
  1,374  Convert numpy array dtype. ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  1,374  2 d interpolation with the arrays with different dimensions in python
  1,373  TypeError: 'str' object is not callable in Ipython console, but not externally
  1,373  Python equivalent of MATLAB command prod [duplicate]
  1,373  Palette method using numpy
  1,373  numpy classification comparison with 3d array
  1,373  Normalization across colour channels in numpy
  1,373  Median-based linear regression in Python
  1,373  Imprecision with rotation matrix to align a vector to an axis
  1,373  Fitting Differential Equations: curve_fit converges to local minima
  1,373  Cross Entropy for batch with Theano
  1,373  Brute force all possible matrix combinations in python
  1,372  Training a Keras model on multiple feature files that are read in sequentially to save memory
  1,372  Subtract from one column of a numpy array
  1,372  Storing Numpy or Pandas Data in Mongodb
  1,372  Python 3 SyntaxError: invalid syntax(machine learning)
  1,372  Pandas to_numeric numerical precision
  1,372  Numpy savetxt error
  1,372  Numpy gives ''TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'''
  1,372  Numpy extract values on the diagonal from a matrix
  1,372  How to read xlsx or ods columns as numpy arrays in python
  1,372  how to fix ''Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [219, 247]''
  1,372  Fastest way to load huge .dat into array
  1,371  Sort each column of an numpy.ndarray using the output of numpy.argsort
  1,371  Save figures from double loop enumeration in Matplotlib
  1,371  Performance nested loop in numba
  1,371  How to display more than one image on the screen in PsychoPy?
  1,371  How to deal with exponent overflow of 64float precision in python?
  1,371  Efficiently store list of matrices
  1,370  Why is vector dot product slower with scipy's sparse csr_matrix than numpy's dense array?
  1,370  Remove features from binarized image
  1,370  Python Pandas - ''1D'' file to 2D array
  1,370  Output of numpy.diff is wrong
  1,370  Numpy multiply multiple columns by scalar
  1,370  Numpy - Calculating product of a diagonal
  1,370  Multiplying two 2D numpy arrays to a 3D array
  1,370  Faster alternative to numpy.einsum for taking the ''element-wise'' dot product of two lists of vectors?
  1,370  Creating feature (row) vectors, for SVM, from Pandas GroupBy function (and or other methods suggested)
  1,369  is there a 2D dictionary in python?
  1,369  How to improve the performance when 2d interpolating/smoothing lines using scipy?
  1,369  Getting a list of the range of 2 pandas columns
  1,369  Fitting partial Gaussian
  1,368  Why does saving/loading data in python take a lot more space/time than matlab?
  1,368  python import error with zip
  1,368  looping through an array to find euclidean distance in python
  1,368  ''Less/greater than'' comparison of N-dimensional and (N-k)-dimensional numpy arrays
  1,368  How to put console output into .csv using Python?
  1,368  Generating a spectrogram for a sequence of 2D movie frames
  1,368  Filter data, based on Latitude and Longitudes - Numpy
  1,368  Create a larger matrix from smaller matrices in numpy
  1,367  Sorting points from distance to a given point x,y here in my case (x=0,y=o)
  1,367  numpy.load unable to interpret pickle file as pickle in anaconda environment
  1,367  How to include the first few items of a numpy array with python
  1,367  How do I use numpy to find the unions between 2D and 3D arrays?
  1,367  Finding Coordinates of Line in HoughLineP() in OpenCV using Python
  1,367  Fast data reading from text file in numpy
  1,367  Arranging numpy arrays in a block matrix
  1,366  Selecting random position in numpy matrix
  1,366  save a numpy array properly
  1,366  Remove `dtype` fields from structured array [duplicate]
  1,366  Opencv python: apply arbitrary function to each pixel without iterating
  1,366  Numpy reshape on view
  1,366  numpy linalg.lstsq with big values
  1,366  How to delete specific rows from a numpy array using a condition?
  1,366  How to convert 16 bit PCM data into float in python?
  1,366  Generate transition matrix
  1,366  Creating a transparent mask with numpy
  1,366  Creating an empty multidimensional array
  1,365  scipy voronoi 3d - not all ridge points are shown
  1,365  opencv: finding contoures on numpy array
  1,365  Omit joining lines in matplotlib plot e.g. y = tan(x)
  1,365  Matplotlib and Numpy Math
  1,365  f2py: Pre-allocating arrays as input for Fortran subroutine
  1,365  draw 3D yield surfaces with matplotlib
  1,364  What is the fastest way to plot a 2d numpy array of pixel data with pygtk?
  1,364  Sklearn train model with single sample raises a DeprecationWarning
  1,364  ''Please upgrade your python'' when installing numpy ... when I have Python 3.8.1
  1,364  numpy create 2D mask from list of indices [+ then draw from masked array]
  1,364  Numpy Array Conditional Operation Mask?
  1,364  Error memory-mapping a file: Array can't be memory-mapped: Python objects in dtype
  1,364  Average face - algorithm
  1,363  Using nested for loops to evaluate function at every coordinate - python
  1,363  Python ValueError abs of an array
  1,363  numpy number array to strings with trailing zeros removed
  1,363  how to save feature matrix as csv file
  1,363  How to remove duplicates from a 3D array in Python?
  1,363  How do I use k-means on time series data that has nans?
  1,363  Defining and plotting a Schechter function: plot problems
  1,363  Create Sparse Matrix in Python
  1,362  ValueError: could not convert string to float: Numpy array [closed]
  1,362  shape of pandas dataframe to 3d array
  1,362  Python: Sliding windowed mean, ignoring missing data
  1,362  Numpy for app engine  -  ''No module named numpy''
  1,362  How to select all non-NaN columns and non-NaN last column using pandas?
  1,362  Efficiently accumulating a collection of sparse scipy matrices
  1,362  difference between np.concatenate and np.hstack [duplicate]
  1,362  Comparing rows of two pandas dataframes?
  1,361  Taking Exponential of a Sparse matrix
  1,361  scipy PchipInterpolator Error: 'array cannot be safely cast to required type'
  1,361  Remove elements from numpy array smaller than 1
  1,361  Python: Read text file with time in hour, minutes and seconds; and angle in degree, arc minutes and arc seconds
  1,361  Python builtin ''all'' with generators
  1,361  Pandas groupby object.aggregate with a custom list manipulation function
  1,361  Numpy .A1 array not always present
  1,361  Install scikit-learn, numpy import error
  1,361  How to select all locations of unique elements in numpy 2d array with bounding box around them?
  1,361  find nearest neighbors between numpy arrays
  1,361  Convert numpy arrays in a nested dictionary into list whilst preserving dictionary structure
  1,361  Can numpy diagonalise a skew-symmetric matrix with real arithmetic?
  1,361  Batched tensor multiplication with numpy
  1,360  Write numpy datetime64 in ISO 8601 with timezone
  1,360  Performing a moving linear fit to 1D data in Python
  1,360  Install-time dependencies in requirements.txt
  1,360  IndexError: shape mismatch: indexing arrays could not be broadcast together with shapes
  1,360  IDL's INT_TABULATE - SciPy equivalent?
  1,360  How to use np.where to find index where a value is in between array entries?
  1,360  How to get the pointer of a returned PyObject in Python C API?
  1,360  How can I create a numpy dtype from the string 'long'?
  1,359  Vectorized 2-D moving window in numpy including edges
  1,359  Numpy add (append) value to each row of 2-d array
  1,359  Keras sequence prediction with multiple simultaneous sequences
  1,359  How to set the min and max of the original array in sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler
  1,359  Creating package installer in OS X - install Python, NumPy and other dependencies
  1,358  replace min value to another in numpy array
  1,358  Numpy summarize one array by values of another
  1,358  Indexing tensor with index matrix in theano?
  1,358  How does parakeet differ from Numba? Because I didn't see any improvements on some NumPy expressions
  1,358  Avoiding Nan computation
  1,358  ''AttributeError: exp'' while using numpy.exp() on an apparently ordinary array
  1,357  Writing B-spline as Piecewise Cubic
  1,357  PCA sklearn ValueError: could not convert string to float: '[1, 3]'
  1,357  numpy argmax not working when value exceeds maximum in array
  1,357  multiply multidimensional arrays in python
  1,357  IndexError: too many indices when working with pandas data
  1,357  How to convert arrays of x,y,z coordinates to 3D path in numpy
  1,357  Efficiently applying function over moving window numpy array
  1,357  Crop an image in multiple rectangles and combine them into one in Python OpenCV
  1,357  Convert an array of arrays into a matrix
  1,357  Concise/elegant integration using pandas Series elements as bounds
  1,356  Replacing column of inf values with 0
  1,356  Python - typing - union of subscriptable type
  1,356  python pandas data-frame - duplicate rows according to a column value
  1,356  Python, applying a formula on each element in an numpy.array
  1,356  Numpy arrays with mixed mutable and immutable values
  1,356  Multidimensional symbolic matrix in Python
  1,356  Installing numpy on AWS Lambda server - C dependency error, no gcc [duplicate]
  1,356  Implement MATLAB's col2im 'sliding' in Python
  1,356  how to store my iterations into arrays in python?
  1,356  Finding the overlap of numpy images [duplicate]
  1,355  why is numpy.linalg.norm slow when called many times for small size data?
  1,355  Why correlation of two matrix return nan?
  1,355  Speed up this interpolation in python
  1,355  Read txt file for specific fields and store them in a numpy array
  1,355  How to get a fast lambda function from an sympy expression in 3 dimensions?
  1,355  How to convert a sparse dict to scipy.sparse matrix in python?
  1,355  How can you implement Householder based QR decomposition in Python?
  1,355  curve fitting in scipy is of poor quality. How can I improve it?
  1,355  Cannot Calculate Sum of Currency-Based Column Data in Pandas
  1,355  Append element to binary file
  1,355  Any workaround to getting a list to numpy array for keras input data?
  1,355  All operations that will result in nan values(python) [duplicate]
  1,354  Write multiple Numpy arrays of different dtype as columns of CSV file
  1,354  Round to a given number in Python
  1,354  Pandas error: “pandas.libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/_libs/hashtable.c:20477)
  1,354  Numpy Append Matrix to Tensor
  1,354  Monotonically decreasing curve fit using Python
  1,354  Error importing CountVectorizer from sklearn
  1,353  sklearn::TypeError: Wrong type for parameter `n_values`. Expected 'auto', int or array of ints, got <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
  1,353  Python: faster alternative to numpy's random.choice()?
  1,353  Installing OpenCV in Raspberry Pi error while doing make
  1,353  Finding the source code for a Python module
  1,353  Finding the difference between two numpy structured arrays
  1,353  Applying pandas Timestamp() call to each item of a numpy array
  1,352  Wrong number of columns at line ##
  1,352  Writing a string value into CSV file in Python
  1,352  Unable to complete install of OpenCV. 'numpy/ndarrayobject.h' file not found
  1,352  Segmentation fault when using boost::numpy::ndarray
  1,352  find maximum value in array with excluded indices
  1,352  Conda env not loading correct version of numpy
  1,351  Save.npy masked array to a .npy array with NaNs where mask == True
  1,351  R^2 score is not well-defined with less than two samples. Python Sklearn
  1,351  Installing SciPy and Numpy with Macports
  1,351  Fully vectorise numpy polyfit
  1,351  Cannot copy sequence with size 0 to array axis with dimension 5
  1,351  Best way to implement numpy.sin(x) / x where x might contain 0
  1,350  Using logical_and to combine numpy masks
  1,350  Python: create mask from two arrays
  1,350  non-linear inversion for up to 1E9 values in python
  1,350  How to clip a numpy array?
  1,350  How can I pad and/or truncate a vector to a specified length using numpy?
  1,349  scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve - different modes along different axes?
  1,349  numpy.ndarray enumeration over a proper subset of the dimensions?
  1,349  In SciPy, using ix_() with sparse matrices doesn't seem to work so what else can I use?
  1,349  import numpy into flask app
  1,349  How to efficiently convert 2d numpy array into 1d numpy array of tuples?
  1,349  Get minimum value of masked array
  1,349  fastest way to obtain cross product
  1,349  Array order in ``
  1,348  Vectorizing a Numpy slice operation
  1,348  Plotting simulating bouncing
  1,348  Numpy table - advanced multiple criteria selection
  1,348  In numpy append multiple rows using for loop
  1,348  How to efficiently send a large numpy array to the cluster with Dask.array
  1,348  How to bin a matrix
  1,348  Figure dimensions, matplotlib, python3.4
  1,348  Fastest way for working with itertools.combinations
  1,348  Composite a numpy array/matrix based on column values and variables?
  1,348  3D Real time continuous plot using Python
  1,347  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence when using feed_dict in TensorFlow
  1,347  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'numpy.ndarray'
  1,347  Tensorflow batch training of single dimension numpy array without converting it into multiple dimension numpy arrays
  1,347  Replacing part of a plot with a dotted line
  1,347  numpy 3D meshgrid only as a view
  1,347  Numpy 1D array: Row or Column Matrix by Default?
  1,347  memory efficient way to make large zeros matrix python
  1,347  Initializing a symmetric Theano dmatrix from its upper triangle
  1,347  Grab image from screen to numpy array and display it as black and white image
  1,347  Calculating Percentile scores for each element with respect to its column
  1,346  realtime statistical analysis
  1,346  How do I split a 2D array into smaller 2D arrays, of variable size?
  1,346  Getting indices of ascending order of list
  1,346  efrc gives error length-1 array can be converted to python
  1,346  Displaying multiple images from a numpy array in a single plot
  1,345  ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged (numpy for reshape)
  1,345  The upper limit of core usage in numpy vector operation
  1,345  Python Scipy Optimization: Runtime Warning Invalid Value Encountered in Log
  1,345  Python Numpy: All combinations from array or scalar
  1,345  pylab plot showing asymptotes
  1,345  Numpy/Scipy irfft strange behaviour
  1,345  How to decide the step size when using Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
  1,345  get the sum of diagonals and anti diagonals 2D N*N matrix using numpy
  1,345  Find consecutive ones in numpy array
  1,345  correct way of computing inner product with numba
  1,345  Conditional index in 2d array in python
  1,344  When dtype is specified with genfromtxt a 2D array becomes 1D - how to prevent this?
  1,344  What is the correct (stable, efficient) way to use matrix inversion in numpy? [duplicate]
  1,344  Scipy.optimize.minimize returning incorrect results
  1,344  OpenCV: Save frame matrix to text file (Python)
  1,344  How to serialize sympy lambdified function?
  1,344  Double sum in Python
  1,344  Can this cython code be optimized?
  1,344  Assign constant numpy array value to pandas dataframe column
  1,343  Subtract two dataframe with the same name different index
  1,343  Reverse even rows in a numpy array or pandas DataFrame
  1,343  Python MNE - reading EEG data from array
  1,343  numpy memmap memory usage - want to iterate once
  1,343  Installing Tensorflow on Mac for PyPy
  1,343  How to Prepare Data for DecisionTreeClassifier Scikit
  1,343  How to convert a Numpy array (Rows x Cols) to an array of XYZ coordinates?
  1,343  How to convert an R complex matrix into a numpy array using rpy2
  1,343  Group by in pandas dataframe and unioning a numpy array column
  1,342  Using Python to create a new Numpy array from an existing one
  1,342  Understanding axes in NumPy
  1,342  How to produce a ''Callable function''
  1,342  Best data structure: arrays of dictionaries, arrays of objects?
  1,341  Tensorflow: get variable or tensor by name in a nested scope
  1,341  Python (numpy) crashes system with large number of array elements
  1,341  numpy numerical differentiation
  1,341  fastest way to find the magnitude (length) squared of a vector field
  1,341  Building the derivative of Softmax in Tensorflow from a NumPy version
  1,341  Basemap and numpy 2d array
  1,340  Why is python choking on
  1,340  Why does numpy.ndarray allow for a ''None'' array?
  1,340  python log n choose k
  1,340  pandas merge(how=''inner'') result is bigger than both dataframes
  1,340  how to swap columns of the matrix, numpy
  1,340  how to quickly count equal element in a numpy.array?
  1,340  Fastest way to lowercase a numpy array of unicode strings in Cython
  1,340  Cannot access built-in webcam Python
  1,339  Searching numpy array for for pattern
  1,339  OpenCV-Python - How to format numpy arrays when using calibration functions
  1,339  numpy.memmap: bogus memory allocation
  1,339  Is the numpy.linalg.lstsq rcond parameter not working according to the description?
  1,339  Drawing random data from a given two dimensional distribution function [closed]
  1,338  python write to EXCEL cell range (NumPy?)
  1,338  Python – ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  1,338  Python - AttributeError: __getitem__
  1,338  Numpy engineering notation
  1,338  Minimum x and y coordinate of 2d array. Python
  1,338  Issue obtaining minimum value of list/array
  1,338  How to get grabCut to work opencv python with GC_INIT_WITH_MASK
  1,338  How to flatten zipped object containing nested arrays to a list?
  1,338  how do you find and save duplicated rows in a numpy array?
  1,338  Get the three minimum values of an array in Python, ignoring a value
  1,338  Generate unique values based on rows in a numpy array
  1,338  Generate data with normally distributed noise and mean function
  1,338  Efficient element-wise function computation in Python
  1,338  Efficient columnwise correlation coefficient calculation
  1,338  create intersection from two or more 2d numpy arrays based on common value in one column
  1,337  value error: setting an array element with a sequence
  1,337  Speed up array interval comparison using NumPy
  1,337  Python: Split numpy array
  1,337  Python: Average of multiple 2D curves
  1,337  How to center align text produced by numpy.savetxt?
  1,337  Converting plain text list into array in python program [closed]
  1,336  What database is useful for replacing a dict of numpy arrays?
  1,336  Performance issues with pandas and filtering on datetime column
  1,336  How to extract lines in an array, which contain a certain value? (numpy, scipy)
  1,336  how does numpy.linalg.eigh vs numpy.linalg.svd?
  1,336  Fitting a quadratic function in python without numpy polyfit
  1,336  Converting Numpy ndarray to a list
  1,335  split randomly a list of array in Python
  1,335  Python scientific: interrupt differential equation solving with a condition
  1,335  How to read file with mixed data type into a numpy array in Python?
  1,335  Fast value swapping in numpy array
  1,335  Faster method for adjusting PIL pixel values
  1,335  Difference between numpy ediff1d and diff
  1,335  collapsing all dimensions of numpy array except the first two
  1,335  Append a ''layer'' to 3D-Array with Numpy
  1,334  tensorflow py_func is handy but makes my training step very slow.
  1,334  Subclassing Numpy Array - Propagate Attributes
  1,334  numpy array with mpz/mpfr values
  1,334  Increment Numpy multi-d array with repeated indices
  1,334  how to count adjacent elements in a 3d numpy array efficiently
  1,334  how to convert one column in dataframe into a 2D array in python
  1,333  Using Numpy in different platforms
  1,333  plot the centroid values over the existing plot using matplotlib
  1,333  Numpy resize and fill with specific value
  1,333  Most efficient way to implement numpy.in1d for muliple arrays
  1,333  Mapping a texture to a mayavi mesh
  1,333  How to create boolean index array for multidimensional NumPy array?
  1,333  How can I tell if a dataframe is of mixed type?
  1,333  Efficient way to get union of set of vectors in Numpy
  1,332  Python Pip installion: not recognised as a batch file ...  in command prompt windows
  1,332  python(numpy): how to read specific columns from CSV file?
  1,332  Numpy arrays same shape but getting ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
  1,332  matching 1d arrays in 2d arrays in python
  1,332  In place difference between elements of a Numpy array
  1,332  Indexing a numpy array using a numpy array of slices
  1,332  get all unique value from a sparse matrix[python/scipy]
  1,332  For loop seems faster than NumPy/SciPy 3D interpolation
  1,332  Creating a large sparse matrix in scipy.sparse
  1,332  Convert/Reshape 3D Matrix to a 2D Matrix
  1,332  Contour plot in python [duplicate]
  1,331  Scikit learn Naive Bayes ValueError: dimension mismatch
  1,331  Remove last column of 2D matrix, or last element of 1D vector
  1,331  Python: why how/where/where np.where
  1,331  Numpy zero rank array indexing/broadcasting
  1,331  Manipulating indices to 2d numpy array
  1,331  In Pandas, how can I convert a ''long'' table to a ''wide and sparse'' table?
  1,331  How to crop a raster image by coordinates in python?
  1,331  f2py: Exposing parameters from ''used'' modules
  1,331  Efficient version of matlab's deconv in python
  1,331  Create new column with incremental values efficiently
  1,331  Convert ctypes pointer to a numpy array of floats
  1,331  Check if list of numpy arrays are equal
  1,331  Array in Python Object Oriented
  1,330  The difference between np.mean and pandas.mean
  1,330  Parallel processing of a 3d matrix in Python
  1,330  insert element in the start of the numpy array
  1,330  How do I download and install Pandas and Numpy for PyPy in Windows
  1,330  How can I concatenate a list of 2d numpy arrays into a 3d numpy array?
  1,330  generate 2D numpy array containing tuples
  1,330  Efficiently compute n-body gravitation in python
  1,330  Add multiple values to one numpy array index
  1,330  Adding a very repetitive matrix to a sparse one in numpy/scipy?
  1,329  Why is not saving the file on linux
  1,329  Select all possible subarrays of length n
  1,329  Scikit-learn: How to normalize row values horizontally?
  1,329  Pandas Series of lists from list of lists
  1,329  Opencv Otsu Thresholding error after use numpy?
  1,329  Numpy decimal points precision of complex numbers
  1,329  Matrix subtraction in python/numpy
  1,329  How to plot histogram of sum of two other histogram bars?
  1,329  How to make numpy array the same shape as another
  1,329  How to create array in C++ similar to Python's numpy array?
  1,329  Exponential fit of the data (python)
  1,329  Cython: unsigned int indices for numpy arrays gives different result
  1,329  Boolean Indexing but turns out to be some other operation
  1,328  Why is numba not improving the speed?
  1,328  What is the maximum timestamp numpy.datetime64 can handle?
  1,328  Tensorboard logging non-tensor (numpy) information (AUC)
  1,328  Running complex calculations (using python/pandas) in a Django server
  1,328  Open and convert to tensor an image from CSV file in TensorFlow
  1,328  Numpy: fast calculations considering items' neighbors and their position inside the array
  1,328  mplot3d tutorial examples are not running as they should
  1,328  Looping over list of vectors to create histograms for each vector
  1,328  List of coordinate pairs from an array in 20 x 20 chunks
  1,327  Windowed maximum in numpy
  1,327  When to use numpy, csv and pandas, reading a file (2D array) in Python? [closed]
  1,327  Rearranging rows and columns of a numpy array (in a single operation) [duplicate]
  1,327  Python: How can we smooth a noisy signal using moving average?
  1,327  Numpy/Pandas clean way to check if a specific value is NaN
  1,327  numpy boolean comparison between big arrays returns False instead of boolean array
  1,327  Normalize Pandas DataFrame at specific columns
  1,327  mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Failed processing format-parameters;Python 'list' cannot be converted to a MySQL type
  1,327  How to parallelize the numpy operations in cython
  1,327  Create Image Histogram Manually and Efficiently in Python
  1,326  Working with the output from recfromcsv
  1,326  When to use '.flat', '.flatiter' or '.flatten()'
  1,326  uniquify an array/list with a tolerance in python (uniquetol equivalent)
  1,326  Passing numpy string-format arrays to fortran using f2py
  1,326  Pandas how to read 0-padded number with read_fwf?
  1,326  ''Not Enough Image Data'' Error when Converting CV2 Numpy Array into RGB Image
  1,326  Levinson algorithm in python
  1,326  Get positions of elements of array whose difference is minimum in NumPy
  1,326  Create list of numbers mirrored around zero (python)
  1,325  python package installation gives ''error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1''
  1,325  Python: How to do several float formattings with 1 lambda function
  1,325  Obtaining Legendre polynomial form once Legendre coefficients are determined
  1,325  NumPy array holding .wav audio data for sounddevice
  1,325  How to resize N-d numpy image?
  1,325  How to cancel the effect of numpy seed()?
  1,325  error in strpdate2num converter in matplotlib
  1,325  Converting numpy array to spark dataframe to input into MySQL (pyspark)
  1,324  send an image (as numpy array) ''
  1,324  Python: merging channels in opencv and manually
  1,324  masking a series with a boolean array
  1,324  In python, How to make right operand takes the priority (of __rmul__ method) when multiplying two different class?
  1,324  How can I do template matching in opencv with colour?
  1,324  Get Elements from one array based on list of index from another array
  1,324  Elementwise AND or OR operations in python for 2D array
  1,323  What do pixel values in an image array mean?
  1,323  Python: Why are eigenvectors not the same as first PCA weights?
  1,323  PIL weird error after resizing image in skimage
  1,323  Generating user-defined colormap in Python matplotlib
  1,323  for loop to produce multiple polyfit scatter plots
  1,323  Data gap finding (not filling) in pandas?
  1,323  Concatenate strings from a 2D numpy array
  1,322  Quickly convert numpy arrays with index to dict of numpy arrays keyed on that index
  1,322  How to compute the similarity between lists of features?
  1,322  How can I port code that uses numpy.fft.rfft from python to C++?
  1,322  How can I do this python list comprehension in NumPy?
  1,321  Value and Index of MAX in each column of matrix
  1,321  pandas DataFrame error ''tuple index out of range''
  1,321  Element-wise minimum of two numpy arrays indexed by another array
  1,320  what is a reason to use ndarray instead of python array
  1,320  Summation of every row, column and diagonal in a 3x3 matrix numpy
  1,320  Reading a numpy array from a text file returns 'nan'
  1,320  Read a text file into a pandas dataframe or numpy array
  1,320  numpy pandas not working in IDLE / work in Anaconda
  1,320  Numpy: binning data with ties according to percentiles
  1,320  Kivy + Numpy @ Android error
  1,320  How would I pitch a wav-file using Python
  1,320  How to generate a multidimensional cube in Python
  1,320  How to add a 2D subarray in an existing 2D array using numpy?
  1,320  How can I load an image with its alpha channel with skimage?
  1,320  Extract unique rows from a matrix in numpy with the frequency of each row that was created
  1,320  Error calculating curvature with numpy
  1,320  Dynamically appending to a Pandas Dataframe
  1,320  Correlate one set of vectors to another in numpy?
  1,319  parameters constraint in numpy lstsq
  1,319  Numpy EIG approximately 4x slower than MATLAB EIG on Mac OS X 10.6. What am I doing wrong?
  1,319  numpy.allclose and multiprecision with mpmath
  1,319  Merging three numpy arrays as jpeg image in python
  1,319  Memory usage in Numpy
  1,319  How to approach first and last element of one dimensional numpy array in python? [closed]
  1,319  How can I translate a MATLAB cell in Python 3?
  1,319  gradient descent using python numpy matrix class
  1,319  gnuplot style index plotting using numpy and matplotlib
  1,318  Using Matplotlib & Abaqus 6.12
  1,318  Trying to install numpy 1.7
  1,318  numpy, scipy, interp1d - TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not str
  1,318  Method for finding strictly greater-than-zero solution for Python's Scipy Linear Programing
  1,318  matplotlib update installation
  1,317  Scipy randint vs numpy randint
  1,317  Scipy NDimage correlate: unbearably slow
  1,317  Keras with Tensorflow backend on GPU. MKL ERROR: Parameter 4 was incorrect on entry to DLASCL
  1,317  Elementwise comparison of numpy arrays of different lengths [duplicate]
  1,317  Count of specific case per row in matrix
  1,317  Broadcasting a list in Pandas
  1,317  Apply function to each list in numpy array of lists
  1,316  What is the fastest way to convert from a unixtime to a numpy.datetime64?
  1,316  Transforming a rectangle in Python
  1,316  Python: Alternative way to avoid memoryerror when using numpy array?
  1,316  plotting multiple curves out of one numpy array
  1,316  numpy lstsq  -  memory and run-time performance
  1,316  Is there a faster way to add two 2-d numpy array
  1,316  delete pixel from the raster image with specific range value
  1,316  Anaconda, Spyder, Mayavi
  1,315  Writing Pandas Dataframes as well as numpy arrays to a common Excel File
  1,315  Using np.view() with changes to structured arrays in numpy 1.14
  1,315  solution for the flipping coin issue
  1,315  Perform a series of outer products using tracedot in scipy
  1,315  numpy meshgrid to Shapely polygons
  1,315  Numpy: apparent memory error
  1,315  How to smooth date based data in matplotlib?
  1,315  3D Polar Plot - griddata doesn't allow cubic interpolation, only linear which results in an ''unsmooth'' plot
  1,314  Speeding up multinomial random sample in Python/NumPy
  1,314  Python Numpy add 3 arrays in one array
  1,314  NumPy array_equal function not working as expected
  1,314  Numerical integration over non-uniform Grids
  1,314  Matplotlib histogram - plotting values greater than a given value
  1,314  How to create colour map from 3 arrays in python
  1,314  How do I sort a dataframe by by an array not in the dataframe
  1,314  Getting a vector of dictionary values in an array, python
  1,314  efficiently calculate list of 3d rotation matrices in numpy or scipy
  1,314  CSV >> Tensorflow >> regression (via neural network) model
  1,314  Convert UIImage from BGR to RGB
  1,313  Pretty printing polynomials in IPython notebook
  1,313  NumPy array views on non-consecutive items
  1,313  Is there any way to read one image row/column into an array in Python?
  1,313  index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1 in matrix
  1,313  how can I call this function in cython?
  1,313  Getting the majority element per row in numpy matrix
  1,313  Checking if an array is element of a list of arrays
  1,312  Sort a numpy array by another array, along a particular axis, using less memory
  1,312  Numpy needs the ucs2
  1,312  How to play sound from samples contained in NumPy array?
  1,312  How to compare two numpy arrays of strings with the ''in'' operator to get a boolean array using array broadcasting?
  1,312  Getting unique values from a column in Pandas
  1,312  Count how many matrices have full rank for all submatrices
  1,311  Tracking Error on a number of benchmarks
  1,311  Sample from weighted histogram
  1,311  Memory efficient Python batch processing
  1,311  melting uniquely indexed pandas dataframes for use with ggplot/rpy2
  1,311  How can I use scipy's affine_transform to do an arbitrary affine transformation on a color image?
  1,311  A python script that returns expected returns, covariance and volatility of 2 assets
  1,310  Pysparse installation ubuntu
  1,310  numpy - select the rows where a column is equal in two arrays
  1,310  Numpy dot operation is not using all cpu cores
  1,310  Matrix multiplication with numpy.einsum
  1,310  Mathematica HDF5 and compound arrays
  1,310  Issue converting list to NumPy array
  1,310  how to get the first occurring of an element from every row in a 2D numpy array?
  1,310  How to construct a symmetric matrix in Python
  1,310  find the start position of the longest sequence of 1's
  1,310  Execute Python From C# Without IronPython [duplicate]
  1,310  Convert float NumPy array to big endian
  1,309  Raw numpy array from real-time network audio stream in Python
  1,309  Quickest way to write large data to file in Python [closed]
  1,309  Python/Pandas for solving grouped mean, median, mode and standard deviation
  1,309  Python: dynamically update a plot after user input
  1,309  pyopengl buffer dynamic read from numpy array
  1,309  Pandas to_csv now not writing values correctly
  1,309  Object to deep for desired array, numpy random choice
  1,308  unable to import numpy and pandas into django
  1,308  Summing each 3x3 window of a M*N matrix, into a M/3*N/3 matrix with numpy
  1,308  Scatter plot with string X and Y coordinates
  1,308  Python regularized gradient descent for logistic regression
  1,308  Python/Numpy joining subarrays of an array together
  1,308  Python – ImportError: cannot import name X
  1,308  Numpy arrays as image, image channels
  1,308  Installing numpy using port (Python default version issue)
  1,308  How to work out ''ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part''?
  1,308  How to train/upscale a very large dataset using scikit-learn?
  1,308  How to calculate mean for batch of images in Python in a non vectorized way?
  1,308  Display image patches in python
  1,308  Defining columns in numpy array - TypeError: invalid type promotion
  1,308  Create a new array from numpy array based on the conditions from a list
  1,307  ValueError: shapes (9,) and (4,) not aligned
  1,307  Sparse arrays from tuples
  1,307  Reading every Nth line from a .txt file (Python)
  1,307  numpy & pandas 'ModuleNotFoundError' in Jupyter notebook (Python 3)
  1,307  list indices must be integers or slices, not numpy.float64
  1,307  In Python (Pandas/Numpy), How to subset a df using a condition and a specific chunk size?
  1,307  How can I work around overflow error in matplotlib?
  1,307  DSP - get the amplitude of all the frequencies
  1,307  Creating density estimate in numpy
  1,306  Pass in OpenCV image to KNearest's find_nearest
  1,306  Optimize function parameters
  1,306  Linear Regression with Gradient Descent in Python with numpy
  1,306  importing networkx object to gephi - KeyError: <type 'numpy.int64'>
  1,306  How to get deque elements via indices?
  1,306  Extrapolate 2d numpy array in one dimension
  1,306  dtype argument in numpy.genfromtxt
  1,305  scipy imsave saves wrong values
  1,305  Python Connected With SQL Server (HY105 Error) Invalid Parameter Type HY105
  1,305  Plot really big file in python (5GB) with x axis offset
  1,305  Multiple conditions np.extract
  1,305  How to write a tuple of floats to the file space separated with only one call to write in python?
  1,305  how to create batches from TFrecord for training network in tensorflow?
  1,305  How to count frequency of a element in numpy array?
  1,304  Year as Float to Datetime64
  1,304  What is the TensorFlow equivalent of this numpy array permutation?
  1,304  Python deprecation warning about sum function
  1,304  Pause or stop numpy calculation after RuntimeWarning occured
  1,304  Numpy arrays vs Python arrays [duplicate]
  1,304  Group data from multiple columns in a csv in Python by timestamps over a defined time range
  1,304  efficient numpy.roll before numpy.sum() or mean()
  1,304  Converting a list of 3d matrix into 4d matrix
  1,303  What is the most efficient way of doing square root of sum of square of two numbers?
  1,303  Simulating a logarithmic spiral galaxy in python
  1,303  Python randomly drops to 0% CPU usage, causing the code to ''hang up'', when handling large numpy arrays?
  1,303  Python multiprocessing global numpy arrays
  1,303  Probabilistic selection from a numpy array
  1,303  pandas dataframe to features and labels
  1,303  matplotlib 3D plot, plot_surface black
  1,303  LED strip matrix for FFT with Python and Raspberry Pi
  1,303  How to save a Python dtype('O') in an HDF5
  1,303  generate a 2D array of numpy.random.choice without replacement
  1,303  Cross correlation of medium sized arrays
  1,302  What is the javascript equivalent of numpy argsort?
  1,302  Rotating an Image in Python
  1,302  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using python
  1,302  Numpy types for Cython users
  1,302  NumPy - How to bitwise and over each element in matrix rows
  1,302  Interpolating and estimating uncertainty
  1,302  Fermi Surface Plots
  1,302  Encode rows of boolean numpy array to bytes
  1,301  Special tensor contraction in Python
  1,301  Search for all templates using scikit-image
  1,301  Python Pandas Groupby and Aggregation
  1,301  Python Issue with ' b ' while importing cdv using load text from numpy
  1,301  Numpy: How to create a grid-like array?
  1,301  How to fix ''Singleton array array(0) cannot be considered a valid collection.''
  1,301  Draw derivatives using matplotlib, but the plot is out of order
  1,301  creating a masked array from text fields
  1,301  Convert Pandas Dataframe Row and Column to Numpy Array
  1,301  Aggregate and fill data for missing dates (days and hours)
  1,300  Python - how to store multiple lists in one list?
  1,300  Python 3.3 with numpy error under ubuntu 12.04
  1,300  OpenCV VideoWriter: Issues with playing video
  1,300  Fit straight line on semi-log scale with Matplotlib
  1,300  Finding the indices of the rows where there are non-zero entries in a sparse csc_matrix
  1,300  alpha & beta (for linear regression) calculations output nan?
  1,299  Time comparison for TensorFlow operation and Numpy multiplication
  1,299  Tensorflow equivalent of np.corrcoef on a specific axis
  1,299  (Python) ValueError: could not convert string to float:
  1,299  Python: Add a column to numpy 1d array
  1,299  Looping through pandas' dataframe rows and compare values on columns
  1,299  How to shift an image in Scipy?
  1,299  How to reshape pixel list into RGB matrix?
  1,299  How to display dataframes?
  1,299  Adding new words to text vectorizer in scikit-learn
  1,298  timestamp from a txt file into an array
  1,298  slicing error in numpy array
  1,298  Real Time FFT Plotting In Python ( MatPlotLib)
  1,298  Python-opencv read image from byte string with unknown data type (uint8/16)
  1,298  Python Keep points in spline interpolation
  1,298  Numpy - weird behavior with plus equal with slicing
  1,298  How do you convert a numpy.float64 to Python native string type for writing to a file with write()?
  1,297  Using FFT to find the center of mass under periodic boundary conditions
  1,297  Unexpected FFT Results with Python
  1,297  Numpy max slow when applied to list of arrays
  1,297  Multiply each element in numpy array by each element in another numpy array
  1,297  Fourier Transform of Triangle Wave in Python
  1,296  Trouble with speeding up functions with numba JIT
  1,296  Summing rows in grouped pandas dataframe and return NaN
  1,296  (Python) Find the indices of the values in two arrays that are equal to the values in two other arrays
  1,296  Numpy shape method returns wrong dimensions
  1,296  NumPy min/max in-place assignment
  1,296  Numpy loadtxt works with urllib2 response but not requests response
  1,296  How to simulate coupled PDE in python
  1,296  How to create a sub data-frame from a given pandas data-frame?
  1,296  Easiest way to plot values as symbols in scatter plot?
  1,296  Definitive way to match Stata weighted xtile command using Python?
  1,296  calculating mean of several numpy masked arrays (masked_all)
  1,296  boolean indexing in xarray
  1,295  MATLAB ind2sub and Numpy unravel_index inconsistency
  1,294  Why does a conversion from np.datetime64 to float and back lead to a time difference?
  1,294  Unzip a NumPy array
  1,294  Right multiplication of a dense array with a sparse matrix
  1,294  Python pickling error: TypeError: object pickle not returning list. Issue with numpy?
  1,294  Python: Calculating the inverse of a pseudo inverse matrix
  1,294  How to prefer `defaults` numpy over `conda-forge` numpy when installing `conda-forge` package
  1,294  How to fix ''not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)''?
  1,294  How scipy.stats handles nans?
  1,294  Average elements in sublists
  1,293  What is the fastest way to insert elements diagonally in 2D numpy array?
  1,293  SLSQP Error: length of bounds is not compatible with that of x0
  1,293  sklearn's `RandomizedSearchCV` not working with `np.random.RandomState`
  1,293  Sklearn Linear Regression with Date Data
  1,293  scikits.audiolab doen't import into python (numpy.dtype)
  1,293  Parallel read_table in pandas
  1,293  multiply every element in numpy.array a with every element in numpy.array b
  1,293  itertools does not recognize numpy ints as valid inputs on Python 3.6
  1,293  How to evaluate and add string to numpy array element
  1,293  does numpy asarray() refer to original list
  1,292  Updating part of column in Pandas data frame with a Numpy array
  1,292  Test if an array is broadcastable to a shape?
  1,292  Split a pandas dataframe column into multiple columns [duplicate]
  1,292  Solving Non-Linear Differential Equation Sympy
  1,292  Python parallel computing using joblib
  1,292  Python: How do i find an equation's value for a given input
  1,292  K-Means Clustering From Scratch in Python
  1,292  Iteration through all 1 dimensional subarrays of a multi-dimensional array
  1,292  Fastest way to get bounding boxes around segments in a label map
  1,292  Average every x numbers in NumPy array
  1,291  sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier using strings that should be considered categorical
  1,291  Read csv data by numpy
  1,291  pyopengl - dynamically updating values in a vertex buffer object
  1,291  Number of features of the model must match the input
  1,291  My ipython and libraries disabled after installing OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
  1,291  Most efficient way to take log of numpy array but ignore 0's
  1,291  indexing spherical subset of 3d grid data in numpy
  1,291  How to declare a 2 dimensional array with different row lengths using np.array?
  1,291  How does numpy.tensordot function works step-by-step?
  1,291  Generating random number for a distribution of a real data?
  1,291  Efficiently using Numpy to assign function values to array
  1,291  Efficiently convert System.Single[,] to numpy array
  1,291  Easy way to collapse trailing dimensions of numpy array?
  1,290  Using function factories in pyx/pxd files to generate cython function wrappers for C-library
  1,290  Solving a first order BVP with two boundary conditions with scipy's solve_bvp
  1,290  Replacing values in a pandas dataframe based on multiple conditions
  1,290  How to vertically merge two images?
  1,290  Groupby and transpose in pandas, python
  1,290  Efficiently Using Multiple Numpy Slices for Random Image Cropping
  1,289  Using numpy `as_strided` function to create patches, tiles, rolling or sliding windows of arbitrary dimension
  1,289  string argument without an encoding
  1,289  Scipy odeint Non-negative solution
  1,289  scipy.interpolate.griddata issue with x/y pairs built from numpy.linspace()
  1,289  Resolve ValueError when using random choice from a list with restrictions
  1,289  Python: Sampling from a discrete distribution defined in an n-dimensional array
  1,289  plotting complex function from one set to another
  1,289  Numpy arrays vs lists for custom classes
  1,289  Matplotlib Xtick Overlap
  1,289  Issue with scipy quad integration in python
  1,289  How to use numpy's einsum to take the dot product of an subarray?
  1,289  How does numpy.ravel_multi_index work? [duplicate]
  1,289  Find indices of large array if it contains values in smaller array
  1,289  Fast 1D linear np.NaN interpolation over large 3D array
  1,289  adding numpy vector to a numpy multi-dimensional array
  1,288  What is causing my Python program to run out of memory using opencv?
  1,288  Tracking Multi-Index and Modifying Values in NumPy
  1,288  Python/Numpy Slicing an array every nth row
  1,288  Pandas (Python) reading and working on Java BigInteger/ large numbers
  1,288  Numpy array of numpy arrays has 1D shape
  1,288  Detrend with mask Python
  1,287  unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'
  1,287  SciPy installation on windows for python 3.5 [duplicate]
  1,287  Pandas: Drop leading rows with NaN threshold in dataframe
  1,287  Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64') according to the rule 'safe' ! astype function between int and float
  1,287  Bundling Python3 packages for PySpark results in missing imports
  1,286  Sklearn CountVectorizer get most frequently occurring features by class
  1,286  Python 32/64-bit machine float summing of transposed matrix not correct?
  1,286  Perform numpy exp function in-place
  1,286  Pandas data frame: replace nan with the mean of that row
  1,286  numpy where operation on 2D array
  1,286  Function that computes Runge Kutta not ploting
  1,286  Fancy indexing in C++ using boost::range
  1,286  Extending numpy with cython
  1,286  Error on using xarray open_mfdataset function
  1,286  declaring numpy array with int type and pass array pointer to c code
  1,286  Can I get pytesseract command to work properly in pycharm which is throwing errors
  1,286  Arrays syntax in python [duplicate]
  1,285  ValueError: object of too small depth for desired array
  1,285  python - spaCy module won't import
  1,285  Python/Numpy - Speeding up Monte Carlo method for radioactive decay
  1,285  Optimizing numpy matrix operations (currently using a for loop)
  1,285  matplotlib heatmap reversing data?
  1,285  How to pick a random element in an np array only if it isn't a certain value
  1,285  hdf5 and ndarray append / time-efficient approach for large data-sets
  1,285  Displaying numpy matrix in matplotlib [duplicate]
  1,285  Deploying scientific python algorithm on Amazon ec2
  1,285  Convert a Pandas Series in Accounting Format to a Numeric Series? [duplicate]
  1,284  Rank within columns of 2d array
  1,284  python numpy range() and sum(-1)
  1,284  Numpy variable assignment is by reference?
  1,284  How to determine input shape in keras?
  1,284  How can I iterate over an 1D array and build a 2D array in Numpy?
  1,284  formatting timeseries x-axis in pandas/matplotlib
  1,284  Convert .png file to pandas DataFrame
  1,284  Calculate a plane from point cloud in Python without Numpy
  1,283  tf.estimator.inputs.pandas_input_fn throws _NumericColumn' object has no attribute 'insert_transformed_feature
  1,283  Read values from txt with rows of different sizes into a single numpy array
  1,283  libraries for regression clustering in python?
  1,283  How to read different parts or blocks of a file with numpy
  1,282  Returning a Numpy Array as a CSV from Flask
  1,282  numpy.array.__iadd__ and repeated indices [duplicate]
  1,282  networkx remove node attribute
  1,282  Is there a way to calculate the slope for each successive point in two data frames, store all the values for slope and then plot it?
  1,282  Is numpy optimized for raspberry-pi automatically
  1,282  How to 'unpack' a list or tuple in Python
  1,282  How to multiply every column of one Pandas Dataframe with every column of another Dataframe efficiently?
  1,282  How to efficiently calculate distance to nearest 1 in mask in numpy?
  1,282  How can I compute the null space/kernel (x: M&middot;x = 0) of a sparse matrix in Python?
  1,281  Why would using 8 threads be faster than 4 threads on a 4 core Hyper Threaded CPU?
  1,281  Using numpy arrays to count the number of points within the cells of a regular grid
  1,281  Populate numpy matrix dynamically from array values?
  1,281  pandas slicing nested values along with other columns
  1,281  Issue installing Numpy on Mac OSX using virtualenv
  1,281  In Python: the center of mass of specific regions of values in a 2D numpy array
  1,281  How to vectorize finding max value in numpy array with if statement?
  1,281  How to declare a binary array in numpy?
  1,281  how to cross compile python packages (e.g. Numpy) for ARM
  1,281  Evaluate the probability density of Gaussian distribution on a square grid
  1,281  Downsampling point clouds to specific number of points while retaining shape
  1,281  Correct usage of numpy.nditer?
  1,280  SKLearn Cross Validation Error  -  Type Error
  1,280  Python: Choose the n points better distributed from a bunch of points
  1,280  problems with numpy.savetxt
  1,280  pdist2 in numpy? (compute pairwise distance between rows in two matrices) [duplicate]
  1,280  Indexing into channel data (numpy arrays) using OpenCV python bindings
  1,280  Fitting a curve to a set of data points for time series prediction
  1,280  Creating `NumPy` arrays inside a function decorated with `numba`'s `@jit(nopython=True)`?
  1,280  Creating and Storing Multi-Dimensional Array in a netCDF File
  1,280  Conditional calculation in python
  1,279  What does (n,) mean in the context of numpy and vectors?
  1,279  Use lambda expression with numpy array
  1,279  Timeseries as 2 numpy arrays ('Date' and 'Data') and then extracting 'Data' from a specified 'Date' range?
  1,279  Speeding up linear interpolation of many pixel locations in NumPy
  1,279  receiving ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.''
  1,279  placing numbers into bins with numpy
  1,279  Overlaying two plots using pcolor
  1,279  Faster apply of a function to every row in pandas [duplicate]
  1,279  Extracting numpy array slice from numpy.argmax results
  1,279  Comparing two matrices row-wise by occurrence in NumPy
  1,278  Understanding how to specify the newshape parameter for numpy's reshape()
  1,278  Python and conflicting module names
  1,278  Moviepy - avoid writing to disk with ImageSequenceClip?
  1,278  How to generate PWM using python
  1,278  fastest way to get closest 10 euclidean neighbors of large feature vector in python
  1,277  Where should I make heavy computations ? Client or server side?
  1,277  Understanding this Pandas script
  1,277  Rotating ellipse in python using x,y,theta
  1,277  Redraw plot in same window with scipy / voronoi_plot_2d
  1,277  NumPy: calculate cumulative median
  1,277  interpolating values from a dataframe based on a column value
  1,277  How to implement tf.space_to_depth with numpy?
  1,276  Set none if numpy array index does not exist
  1,276  Performance of xtensor types vs. NumPy for simple reduction
  1,276  Numpy sorting array (sparse)
  1,276  Linear interpolation of two 2D arrays
  1,276  How do numpy arrays change when passed to functions as parameters
  1,276  How do I vectorize a function with Numba, when the function takes arrays as arguments?
  1,275  Why numpy.empty_like() return an array fill with zero is unsafe?
  1,275  Using rolling_apply with a function that requires 2 arguments in Pandas
  1,275  using cython in combination with gsl
  1,275  Typecasting a numpy matrix into a string in python
  1,275  Training different scikit-learn classifiers on multiple CPUs for each iteration
  1,275  R's equivalent of numpy where
  1,275  Python: How to increase the dimensions of a matrix without expanding it?
  1,275  Numpy way to set all values in a specific dimension of an array
  1,275  Multiply matrix by each row of another matrix in Numpy
  1,275  how to use numpy polyfit to force scatter points linear fit pass through zero?
  1,275  How to speed up Numpy sum and Python for-loop?
  1,275  How do I write a multivariate objective function for use with scipy.optimize.minimize() so that it can also be plotted with matplotlib?
  1,275  Generate all possible outcomes of k balls in n bins (sum of multinomial / categorical outcomes)
  1,275  Estimating the probability density of sum of uniform random variables in python
  1,275  Convert a list of values to a time series in python
  1,275  Column wise sum V row wise sum: Why don't I see a difference using NumPy?
  1,275  Add each list element to beginning of each row in numpy matrix
  1,274  Text file whitespace can`t be removed in Python
  1,274  Scipy inv(A) vs A.I
  1,274  How do I make set_printoptions(suppress=True) permanent?
  1,274  Flatten 3-d numpy array
  1,274  Error building NumPy with MKL on OSX with Python 3.3
  1,274  Efficient way of generating latin squares (or randomly permute numbers in matrix uniquely on both axes - using NumPy)
  1,273  Python mean and standard deviation in list of dictionaries [closed]
  1,273  Numpy matrix modified through a copy
  1,273  Finding non-intersection of two pytorch tensors
  1,273  Difference between every pair of columns of two numpy arrays (how to do it more efficiently)?
  1,273  Create sparse circulant matrix in python
  1,273  Create a mask both for nan and inf values in an array
  1,273  argument order in numpy.apply_along_axis
  1,272  Why multiply the error by the derivative of the sigmoid in neural networks?
  1,272  Tensorflow: analogue for numpy.take?
  1,272  Python Numpy - cannot get array to save/load properly
  1,272  Python curve fitting on pandas dataframe then add coef to new columns
  1,272  Passing variable from an array to scipy.integrate.quad() in python
  1,272  Multidimensional list(array) reassignment problem
  1,272  Is there a fast way to compare one element in a numpy array to the rest of the elements in that array?
  1,272  How to convert from bytes (1D) array to RGB array (2D) in Python 3.6? (NumPy or SciPy?)
  1,272  Elementwise multiplication of numpy matrix and column array
  1,272  Creating reference to HDF dataset in H5py using astype
  1,272  Creating numpy array with different steps
  1,271  why is dot product in dask slower than in numpy
  1,271  Vectorized (partial) inverse of an N*M*M tensor with numpy
  1,271  Python implementation of the Crout matrix decomposition
  1,271  Optimizing a python function with numpy arrays
  1,271  Interweave two dataframes
  1,271  Get a percentage range of a list in python
  1,271  Gauss-Legendre over intervals -x -> infinity: adaptive algorithm to transform weights and nodes efficiently
  1,271  Comparing neighbors of each element of an array with for-loop
  1,271  Calculate big covariance matrix using python
  1,270  Summing elements of numpy array in Python
  1,270  Save array data in one output file using for loop Python
  1,270  How to visualize numpy.zeros array as an RGB image?
  1,270  Adding numpy array to a heap queue
  1,269  Python: precision failure in computing acute angle
  1,269  pandas str.contains match against multiple strings and get the matched values
  1,269  Numpy Indexing: Get every second coloumn for each even row
  1,269  numpy: bitwise and on array
  1,269  Insert 2D array into 3D array in python
  1,269  Import BioPython in Spyder Py does not work
  1,269  How to pass float argument in predict function of scikit linear regression?
  1,269  How to find the intersection points of a straight line and a curve-like set of two dimensional points?
  1,269  how can I get the position of the nonzero values in a numpy array?
  1,269  Convert 2d array to collored image in python
  1,268  Scipy maximizing linear programming doesn't work [closed]
  1,268  Rotate covariance matrix
  1,268  Name columns when importing csv to dataframe in dask
  1,268  How to reset indices of numpy.ndarray into desired index range? [closed]
  1,268  How do you plot the total summation of harmonics in python
  1,268  How do I convert a tuple to an Integer in python
  1,268  Cannot reshape array of size 470 into shape (20)
  1,268  Attribute error when using numpy array's astype function
  1,267  Why is vectorized numpy code slower than for loops?
  1,267  Weird TypeError from json.dumps
  1,267  scipy.optimize.lsq_linear bounds error
  1,267  numpy ImportError cannot import name 'multiarray'
  1,267  Import Numpy in Python WebJob on Azure
  1,267  How to select subset of 3D numpy array ending in a value?
  1,267  can't install numpy package in pycharm with latest pycharm and python 2.7
  1,266  Standalone Executable Created by PyInstaller Can't Import Numpy
  1,266  Reading certain columns from multiple data files into one file in python
  1,266  OpenCV createCalibrateDebevec.process is giving me ''dst is not a numpy array, neither a scalar''
  1,266  Numpy squeeze - 'list' object has no attribute 'squeeze'
  1,266  Numpy out of memory
  1,266  Normalized histogram of float: unexpected behaviour in numpy/matplotlib
  1,266  Issues in Plotting Intraday OHLC Chart with Matplotlib
  1,266  Interpolate a 3D array in Python
  1,266  how to find replacement of deprecated function in scipy?
  1,266  GSVD for python Generalized Singular Value Decomposition
  1,266  Finding (x,y) coordinates where z passes a test in numpy
  1,266  Finding min with groupby in pandas data frame
  1,266  Convert value to float using asType() numpy
  1,266  Categories columns in second row to the first row in DataFrame Pandas?
  1,265  Python: cannot import even if scipy is installed
  1,265  Passing arrays from Python to Fortran with F2PY results error=2 (shape related)
  1,265  numpy - how to round last two columns of an array
  1,265  Messed up numpy installation - `GFORTRAN_1.4' not found bug
  1,265  How to multiply a vector with a matrix element-wise in numpy?
  1,265  How to divide matrix elements by corresponding matrix row sum in numpy? [duplicate]
  1,265  How to build a lookup table for tri-linear interpolation in NumPy?
  1,265  How can I update arrays in h5py?
  1,265  Fast fuse of close points in a numpy-2d (vectorized)
  1,265  Detect ordered pair in numpy array
  1,265  Compute EWMA over sparse/irregular TimeSeries in Pandas
  1,264  Using Python in R with reticulate package - Numpy not found
  1,264  Should a NumPy addon or NumPy wrapper for NodeJS be written?
  1,264  NumPy - creating 1-hot tensor from a 2D numpy array
  1,264  numpy.asarray( (  ... ) ) does not work
  1,264  Numba - does nopython mode support list of tuples?
  1,264  Normalize csv files using python
  1,264  Nested ifelse alternative in pandas
  1,264  Get array row and column number according to values in python
  1,264  Computing the distance to a convex hull
  1,263  Remainder function (%) runtime on numpy arrays is far longer than manual remainder calculation
  1,263  Python - interpolating/pcolor unevenly spaced numpy matrix
  1,263  Printing complete coo_matrix
  1,263  Is there a parallelized version of scipy.optimize.minimize?
  1,263  Install numpy latest package using apt-get
  1,263  How to find Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function of discrete functions in Python
  1,263  Find matching points in 2 separate numpy arrays
  1,263  Calculate polar decompostion of a numpy matrix?
  1,263  append a list at the end of each row of 2D array
  1,262  Unable to import ctypes on google-app-engine development server
  1,262  Trying to understand NumPy's linalg.norm method
  1,262  Scipy - how to further optimize sparse matrix code for stochastic gradient descent
  1,262  pythoncomplete in vim - hardcode factory function returns?
  1,262  numpy installation error _build_utils.apple_accelerate
  1,262  Memory efficient extraction of overlapping patches from matrix
  1,262  How to extract the BSpline basis from scipy.interpolate.BSpline
  1,262  How allclose() works?
  1,262  Determine which compiler built my LAPACK
  1,262  Cumulative Distribution Function from arbitrary Probability Distribution Function
  1,261  Why Numpy sometimes omits the dimension of an array
  1,261  unorderable types error when importing sklearn
  1,261  How can I change signal amplitude in pyaudio using numpy?
  1,261  Fit curve to segmented image
  1,261  Finding intersection between ellipse and a line
  1,261  fast way to get the indices of a lower triangular matrix as 1 dimensional list in python
  1,261  Assigning City Name by Latitude/Longitude values in Pandas Dataframe
  1,260  Why there is weird scientific notation in NumPy?
  1,260  What is the difference between numpy.polyfit and scipy.polyfit? [duplicate]
  1,260  Selecting circle areas on image for further processing
  1,260  Reducing py2exe distribution size, while including some numpy functions
  1,260  mmap length is greater than file size: memory mapping in numpy
  1,260  How to find numpy.argmax() on part of list and save index?
  1,260  Fast way to apply function to each row of a numpy array
  1,260  Diagonal element for covariance matrix not 1 pandas/numpy
  1,259  Tensorflow parsing and reshaping float list in
  1,259  Python: Non Maximum Suppression
  1,259  numpy count elements across axis 0 matching values from another array
  1,259  How to compute optimal threshold for accuracy
  1,259  Groupby sum and count on multiple columns under multiple conditions in Python
  1,259  Getting a grid of a matrix via logical indexing in Numpy
  1,258  root finding for scalar multivariable function
  1,258  Pytorch: join tensor and dictionary
  1,258  how to fill missing values based on column in pandas?
  1,258  Create numpy array of stacked raster image in Python
  1,258  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'target
  1,257  Tensorflow equivalent for Numpy indexed assignment
  1,257  Numpy - efficiently building 2d array from 1d arrays
  1,257  Multiprocess Python/Numpy code for processing data faster
  1,257  ImportError: No module named testing
  1,257  Implementing the electric and magnetic field into a 2d simulation of free particles
  1,257  How to find the maximum value of a numpy array between given indicies?
  1,257  converting python pandas column to numpy array in place
  1,257  conda install - six, wheel, numpy, protobuf, werkzeug [closed]
  1,256  Visualize feature selection in descending order with SelectKBest
  1,256  Read in csv file with one column of strings in the middle
  1,256  Python error - setting an array element with a sequence
  1,256  Python determine the mean and extract maximum value inside a polygon over a grid in an Array
  1,256  Python, Convert Series of datetime64's to Date and Minute
  1,256  Numpy broadcast shape error: convert list( lists(arrays) ) to array
  1,256  multidimensional boolean array indexing in numpy
  1,256  Minimizing three variables in python using scipy
  1,256  Getting Lasso to work correctly on subplots in matplotlib
  1,256  Freeze of pip requirements, NumPy and SciPy on OS X
  1,256  Fastest way to get a random number between 1 and 1million in python
  1,255  Which SWIG typemap from C++ pointer to numpy array?
  1,255  numpy.sum performance depending on axis
  1,255  MLPClassifier on time series data
  1,255  Method to split a SciPy minimum spanning tree based on greatest edge weight?
  1,255  How to save a Python list of strings for future use
  1,255  How to apply a function ( BigramCollocationFinder) to Pandas DataFrame
  1,255  Extremely frustrating behavior with WindowsError (Error 32) to remove temporary files
  1,255  Avoid copying when indexing a numpy arrays using lists
  1,254  Why numpy.random.choice and numpy.full() does not exit
  1,254  TypeError: append() missing 1 required positional argument: 'values' for axis = 1
  1,254  Tensorflow: TypeError: 'numpy.float32' object is not iterable
  1,254  Python: Contour in binary 2D array
  1,254  numpy: print array with indentation
  1,254  Numpy memory error
  1,254  How do I find the region borders in an image using python?
  1,254  h5py: slicing dataset without loading into memory
  1,254  cython.parallel: how to initialise thread-local ndarray buffer?
  1,254  AWS Lambda and Numpy Libraries - Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed
  1,253  What is the difference between Pandas Series.apply() and
  1,253  TensorFlow Returning nan When Implementing Logistic Regression
  1,253  Taking mean of numpy ndarray with masked elements
  1,253  Pandas aggregate for counting with nans
  1,253  Numpy : Add a 1d array (row) to an empty 2d array in Numpy Python
  1,253  How to plot several cumulative distribution functions from data in a CSV file in Python?
  1,253  How to make np.loadtxt return multidimensional arrays even the file has only one dimensional?
  1,253  How to compute Minitab-equivalent quartiles using NumPy
  1,253  How to add element from user in numpy matrix from user for nxn matrix? [closed]
  1,253  Find position of maximum per unique bin (binargmax)
  1,253  Create a zipfile directly from numpy array without an intermediary file
  1,253  checking if a date falls in a dataframe pandas
  1,253  append data in a numpy array
  1,252  when to use python function expm1 rather than exp-1
  1,252  ValueError: Image is not numeric, but ndarray
  1,252  Python: error using using eval() while converting string into name of numpy array
  1,252  non-NDFFrame object error using pandas.SparseSeries.from_coo() function
  1,252  Easy way to calculate the shift between two arrays? Python
  1,251  Python numpy array with multiple conditions to iterate over image
  1,251  numpy.loadtxt - negated usecols?
  1,251  ndarray.any() error: ValueError: 'axis' entry is out of bounds
  1,251  Matlab to Python sparse matrix conversion , overcoming the zero index problem
  1,251  How to pass large chunk of data to celery
  1,251  assign string value to a cell in pandas
  1,250  TypeError: Label image must be of integral type
  1,250  Python read image to numpy array with multiprocessing
  1,250  numpy's equivalent of MATLAB's (vectorized) sub2ind( ... , I, J)
  1,250  numpy.delete not removing column from array
  1,250  InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_109' with dtype float
  1,250  In python/pandas how to search for nearest value?
  1,250  Index pytorch tensor with different dimension index array
  1,250  How to interface a NumPy complex array with C function using ctypes?
  1,250  efficient way to shuffle one column at the time in numpy matrix
  1,250  Converting matlab code to python
  1,249  Python - Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault
  1,249  Python Multiprocessing issue
  1,249  Plot something in one figure, and use it again later for another figure
  1,249  Numpy: check whether a bit is set to 1 or 0 in an array?
  1,249  Numpy: Affect diagonal elements of matrix prior to 1.10
  1,249  Import sklearn fails - conflict with numpy version?
  1,249  How to use map lambda of python to make a element to a certain number?
  1,249  How to stack arrays and scalars in numpy?
  1,249  Formatting a numpy array as aligned text columns
  1,249  Efficient use of numpy.random.choice with repeated numbers and alternatives
  1,249  comparing two numpy 2D arrays for similarity
  1,249  best way to plot web based graph in Python [closed]
  1,249  Adding matrices with different dimensions
  1,248  Way of easily finding the average of every nth element over a window of size k in a pandas.Series? (not the rolling mean)
  1,248  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable - working with banded/sparse matrices
  1,248  Setters and getters that act like lists/tuples
  1,248  np.newaxis with Numba nopython
  1,248  How can I check for a contour containing another contour using OpenCV in Python?
  1,248  array form : excel sheet data to python in numpy array form [duplicate]
  1,247  Why is scipy.interpolate.griddata so slow?
  1,247  What is the fastest way to swap two columns and the same rows of a 2D matrix?
  1,247  Strange behavior when casting numpy.float64 to float
  1,247  Read time series csv file to plot with matplotlib
  1,247  Optimizing multiple output variables of a function in Python
  1,247  How to find the position of the elements in an array by Python?
  1,247  How to create png image file-object from numpy array in python without saving to disk (for http request)
  1,247  error when using pip to install Scipy python package on windows
  1,247  Adding a numpy array to a scipy.sparse.dok_matrix
  1,246  Slicing 1d numpy array with subset of another array
  1,246  Python or Numpy Approach to MATLAB's ''cellfun''
  1,246  python- concatenate and append a pandas dataframe in a for loop
  1,246  Plot multiple curves with matplotlib.pyplot.fill
  1,246  Most Pythonic way to Cross-reference two lists
  1,246  `ImportError: no module named numpy` inside an IPython2 notebook
  1,246  How to convert a 2d bitmap into points with x-y coordinates in python - and fast
  1,246  Flask to Numpy Image Conversion
  1,246  Filtering a NumPy Array: what is the best approach?
  1,246  Does the np.nan in numpy array occupy memory?
  1,245  Python numpy index set from Boolean array
  1,245  Plotting with Numpy Arrays
  1,245  Plot contours for the densest region of a scatter plot
  1,245  Output of pulp to numpy arrays
  1,245  How to create a 4 or 8 connected adjacency matrix
  1,245  Efficient cosine distance calculation
  1,245  Do Fourier Transformation using Python
  1,245  Converting list to array with NumPy asarray method
  1,245  Clustering in python(scipy) with space and time variables
  1,244  What does numpy's vectorize do?
  1,244  TensorFlow - Change 1 to 0 in a tensor [duplicate]
  1,244  Python- Importing a dat file into an array using numpy
  1,244  Matrix vector multiplication along array axes
  1,244  How to print a numpy array with data type?
  1,244  Efficient way to sum all possible pairs
  1,244  datetime plot with errorbars in pandas
  1,243  Safest way to save binary file with numpy to be read
  1,243  Random solutions of undetermined linear systems
  1,243  python xlwings in virtualenv possible?
  1,243  Matrix power by Singular Value Decomposition
  1,243  Importing bz2 compressed binary file as numpy array
  1,243  How to undo or reverse np.meshgrid?
  1,243  How to select different columns from each row in nd-array in Python/numpy?
  1,243  how can i fix entropy yielding nan?
  1,243  Convert a string with bytes to a float array [closed]
  1,243  can numpy's digitize function output the mean or median?
  1,243  beaglebone black debian pip not working
  1,242  Variable scope is changed in consecutive cells using %%time in Jupyter notebook
  1,242  Running or sliding median, mean and standard deviation
  1,242  Python u-law issues: unknown format: 7
  1,242  Python Sinusoidal white noise
  1,242  Matrix elements for scatter plot
  1,242  fetch values from csv with different number of columns in csv, numpy
  1,242  Fast replacement of tzinfo of a pandas.Series of datetime
  1,242  Alpha masking a non square region python cv2
  1,241  Topic-based text and user similarity
  1,241  in-place numpy array sorting according to given index
  1,241  gCentroid (rgeos) R vs. Actual Centroid (in python)
  1,241  Fortran double precision converted to Python float
  1,241  avoiding div/0 errors with
  1,240  Regression with big data
  1,240  python/numpy: problems with numpy linal.eig
  1,240  Python contour plot from numpy array
  1,240  Pandas/Python: 2D histogram fails with value error
  1,240  Most efficient method for reading/writing image files as numpy array
  1,240  How to write fftshift and ifftshift in R? [closed]
  1,240  Get vector angle by python
  1,240  Find nearest indices for one array against all values in another array - Python / NumPy
  1,240  Fastest way to find all unique elements in an array with Cython
  1,240  Error using ExtraTreesClassifier in scikit-learn
  1,239  Speed up a program that calculate the average of the neighbors in a huge array
  1,239  Python count and probability
  1,239  numpy non-integer grid
  1,239  Cython compilation error - local variable referenced before assignment
  1,239  confused about the `copy` attribution of `numpy.astype`
  1,238  Replacement of matlab find function in python
  1,238 instance is producing different results for same values but different data type
  1,238  Numpy Histogram - Python
  1,238  numpy.diff() use with pandas DataFrame error
  1,238  Numpy.array indexing question
  1,238  Install NumPy for Windows 10 and Python 3.4.2 64 bit [duplicate]
  1,238  How to get the integer eigenvectors of a Numpy matrix?
  1,238  How to calculate separate areas under a curve in Numpy
  1,238  How do numpy functions operate on pandas objects internally?
  1,238  Different results between python map and numpy vectorize
  1,238  Defining numpy.array in the __init__ function of a class
  1,238  Combine lambda functions in Python [closed]
  1,238  Broadcast advanced indexing numpy
  1,237  What is the best way to share data between widgets with PyQt?
  1,237  ValueError while Merging Lists in Python
  1,237  Tensorflow runtime determine the shape of Tensor
  1,237  Read complex numbers from a csv file using python
  1,237  Python matplotlib - update graph without closing window
  1,237  Plotting multiple 3D lines: data transformation
  1,237  np.cast in numpy results in incorrect result
  1,237  How to transpose numpy ndarray in place?
  1,237  How to Create a Numpy Array from an existing Numpy Array
  1,237  Handling Missing data in column with Boolean Values(1,0) in Python
  1,237  Convert date from yyyymmddHHMMSS format
  1,236  Why don't NumPy floats give ZeroDivisionError?
  1,236  Please clarify the following Python NumPy array initialization and splicing examples
  1,235  numpy.array() exceptions thrown (sorry for the initially horrible title)
  1,235  Find intersection of numpy float arrays
  1,235  Finding largest eigenvalue in sparse matrix
  1,235  Error saving a numpy.ndarray as an image (.png) using matplotlib.pyplot.imsave
  1,234  Why does this Python logical indexing take up so much memory
  1,234  Set operations on a series
  1,234  plot 3d numpy array as a 3d image using matplotlib or PIL
  1,234  How to use numpy.where to change all pixels of an image?
  1,234  Get the minimum of a function using numpy fmin within limits
  1,234  Finding small image inside large (PIL + OpenCV)
  1,234  Finding indices of repeated values in numpy array
  1,234  Elbow method in python
  1,234  calculate average of y values with different x values
  1,233  using math function on an arange
  1,233  scikit kmeans not accurate cost \ inertia
  1,233  Python/Numpy - Cross Product of Matching Rows in Two Arrays
  1,233  No axis named 1 for object type <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
  1,233  Most efficient way to turn dictionary into symmetric/distance matrix in Pandas
  1,233  How to prepare multiple RGB images as numpy array for CNN
  1,233  How to get unique elements in numpy array with different number of elements in each array?
  1,232  Slow scipy double quadrature integration
  1,232  Sampling from a multivariate pdf in python
  1,232  Numpy resize or Numpy reshape
  1,232  Numpy normalize multi dim (>=3) array
  1,232  Numpy import in PyCharm yields ''Cannot locate working compiler''
  1,232  Minimize quadratic function subject to linear equality constraints with SciPy
  1,232  ''[:,]'' list slicing python, what does it mean?
  1,232  Downscaling part of image in Python
  1,231  Why the difference between octave's prctile and numpy's percentile?
  1,231  Stepsize control of dopri5 integrator
  1,231  Round at two decimals
  1,231  Python - Convert numpy array to JSON
  1,231  Numpy unpack binary string into a single variable
  1,231  Numpy fft result is unexpected
  1,231  How do I insert table from numpy into Mysql
  1,231  Genfromtxt throw exceptions ''got 3 columns instead of 27'' bu it is not so
  1,231  Filter numpy array by two conditions. More than one element is ambiguous
  1,231  Correct use of numpy interpolate
  1,230  Using numpy.tile to repeat 2D arrays
  1,230  Reading values from Pandas dataframe rows into equations and entering result back into dataframe
  1,230  Numpy filter 2D array by two masks
  1,230  Non negative matrix factorisation in python on individual images
  1,230  How to save a Numpy array into multiple existing subdirectories?
  1,230  How best to insert NaN values in a Python list by referring to an already sorted list
  1,230  Find all combination that sum to N with multiple lists
  1,230  denormalized numpy arrays from postgres
  1,230  Cython ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 2, got 3)
  1,230  Counting match between two arrays at same index position and having non zero values
  1,229  What is the difference between ) and joblib.dump( ) in Python?
  1,229  Using loadtext for CSV file with date/times
  1,229  numpy correlation coefficient:, A.T) on large arrays causing seg fault
  1,229  How to set array into float32 data type (need to be compatible with append)?
  1,229  How to resize an image faster in python
  1,229  How to import numpy to portable Python 3.6?
  1,229  How to always round up a XX.5 in numpy
  1,229  How can you create a KDE from histogram values only?
  1,229  How can I get around Keras pad_sequences() rounding float values to zero?
  1,229  Convert image from (28,28,4) to 2D flat array and write to csv
  1,229  Choose a random sample from a list with bias in Python
  1,229  Calculate average weighted euclidean distance between values in numpy
  1,229  Argument 'high' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got Series)
  1,228  scipy.signal.cwt is getting a value error in correlate()
  1,228  Numpy rolling window over 2D array, as a 1D array with nested array as data values
  1,228  Matplotlib: How to plot grid boxes colored by number
  1,228  How to make a Python image 'fit' the figure?
  1,228  How can I set exactly 10 tick marks in pyplot? [duplicate]
  1,228  Constructing a 3D cube of points from a list
  1,227  How to access data in this 'rec.array' from IDL?
  1,227  Getting Around ''ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together''
  1,227  Averaging Data in Bins
  1,227  Accessing view of a NumPy array using the C API
  1,226  Use pandas to write and read 3D data
  1,226  Row-wise indexing in Numpy
  1,226  Row vs. Column Vector Return during Numpy Array Slicing
  1,226  Reading a binary file with numpy structured array
  1,226  Random Gaussian issues
  1,226  PIL, NumPy : check if an image is a subset of other image
  1,226  how to move all non-zero elements in a python list or numpy array to one side?
  1,226  How to dynamically create 3d numpy arrays from 2d numpy arrays using for loop
  1,226  error building h5py: deprecated numpy
  1,225  Why do I keep getting this error 'RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in int_scalars'
  1,225  VS Code Doesn't recognize Anaconda pkgs/libs even when in correct env
  1,225  T-Test on between groups of numpy arrays
  1,225  NumPy genfromxt TypeError: data type not understood error
  1,225  How to use Tensorflow's batch_sequences_with_states utility
  1,225  Fast way to construct a matrix in Python
  1,225  cython memoryview slower than expected
  1,224  Python column addition of numpy arrays with shift
  1,224  numpy genfromtxt issues with .txt input
  1,224  np.vectorize giving me IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable
  1,224  Create Numpy matrix using linspace and ones
  1,223  ValueError: truth value of array is ambiguous [duplicate]
  1,223  sympy AttributeError: 'Pow' object has no attribute 'sin'
  1,223  Sklearn, Gaussian Process: XA and XB must have the same number of columns
  1,223  Render non-uniform grid and mark maximum value's location in contour plot
  1,223  Python - 2/3D scatter plot with surface plot from that data
  1,223  NumPy eigh() gives incorrect eigenvectors
  1,223  Memory efficient ways of computing large correlation matrices? [duplicate]
  1,223  Image foveation in Python
  1,223  Find indices of specific rows in a 3d numpy array
  1,222  Rotating matrix that represents bounding box by X degrees
  1,222  OpenCV - How to split a image to two regions by a oblique line?
  1,222  Numpy installing with python3.5 pip
  1,222  Creating a permutation, with restrictions
  1,222  Calculating volume of a revolved surface in Python
  1,221  running pyspark with dependency package like numpy, pandas and scikit-learn
  1,221  Python and Numba for vectorized functions
  1,221  Is there a more vectorized way to perform numpy.outer along an axis?
  1,221  Insert missing dates while keeping the date order in python list
  1,221  Evaluating Python lambda function with numpys np.fromfunction
  1,221  Deploying Pandas to Heroku?
  1,221  Consistent numeric type check
  1,221  clojure working with scipy and numpy
  1,221  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Template'
  1,220  Type casting error with numpy.take
  1,220  Resize list of images with scipy imresize
  1,220  Python - How to plot data from multiple text files in a single graph
  1,220  Pearson's correlation coefficient between all pairs of rows from two 2D arrays using scipy.stats.pearsonr vs. numpy.corrcoeff in python 3.5
  1,220  Passing Term-Document Matrix to Gensim LDA Model
  1,220  Method .as_matrix will be removed in a future version. Use .values instead
  1,220  Finding the Limit of (1+1/n)^n as n->infinity using Python/Numpy
  1,220  Estimator with numpy array input_fn
  1,220  Element-wise comparison of numpy arrays of different lengths
  1,220  Efficiently replace elements in array based on dictionary - NumPy / Python
  1,220  Convert array 1:n in matlab to python
  1,220  Concatenate matrixes to tensor
  1,220  Apply function to 2D numpy array elements
  1,220  Aggregating neighbouring pixels Python / GDAL and Numpy without interpolation
  1,219  Why does the Python ITK PyBuffer not accept my numpy array?
  1,219  Replicate IDL 'smooth' in Python 2.7
  1,219  Python fromfile returning incorrect values when reading binary file generated with tofile
  1,219  Python defaultdict for large data sets
  1,219  How to access specific row of multidimensional NumPy array with different dimension?
  1,219  finding eigenvector using linalg
  1,219  Direct way to generate sum of all parallel diagonals in Numpy / Pandas?
  1,218  ''scoring must return a number'' cross_val_score error in scikit-learn
  1,218  python 3 pandas and seaborn struggle using swarmplot - multiIndex
  1,218  Numpy: how to convert observations to probabilities?
  1,218  Numerical calculation of curvature
  1,218  Correlating two 3D arrays in Python
  1,217  Working with complex numbers in real time with GNU Radio
  1,217  What exactly is the ''resolution'' parameter of numpy float
  1,217  Performance/standard using 1d vs 2d vectors in numpy
  1,217  Pandas DataFrame to multidimensional NumPy Array
  1,217  Overriding other __rmul__ with your class's __mul__
  1,217  Loaded pickle data is much larger in memory than on disk and seems to leak. (Python 2.7)
  1,217  Intelligent Peak Detection Method
  1,217  How to represent a square wave in python and how to convolve it?
  1,217  How do you create a multidimensional numpy array from an iterable of tuples?
  1,217  how do matlab do the sort?
  1,217  Filter numpy array of strings
  1,216  too many values to unpack, python, findcontours [closed]
  1,216  Repeat a NumPy array in multiple dimensions at once?
  1,216  Read specific columns of .txt file with numy genfromtxt
  1,216  Python Resampling Implementation like Matlab's Signal Toolbox's Resampling Function
  1,216  How to modify this python opencv program to get xy coordinates from thresholded image
  1,216  how to apply Functions on numpy arrays using pandas groupby function
  1,216  How do I compile a Fortran library for use with Python? (f2py may not be an option)
  1,216  Generate sequential numbers between 0 and 1 with equal distance
  1,216  Can't upgrade python-dateutil in OSX
  1,216  Bivariate CDF/CCDF Distribution Python
  1,215  What is the most accurate method in python for computing the minimum norm solution or the solution obtained from the pseudo-inverse?
  1,215  Shuffling non-zero elements of each row in an array - Python / NumPy
  1,215  SciPy interp2d(linear) results are different than MatLab interp2(linear)
  1,215  Python 3.6 and Intel numpy issue
  1,215  numpy create new 2D array from existing array,column values as indices
  1,215  Interval average of 1D data
  1,215  Interpolating array columns with PiecewisePolynomial in scipy
  1,215  How to Switch from Keras Tensortype to numpy array for a custom layer?
  1,215  How to get running counts for numpy array values?
  1,215  Fast algorithm to find indices where multiple arrays have the same value
  1,215  Can I use more than 26 letters in `numpy.einsum`?
  1,214  sparse matrix implementation for user,item pairs
  1,214  Indexing with boolean arrays into multidimensional arrays using numpy
  1,214  Exponential of large negative numbers
  1,214  Compute Higher Moments of Data Matrix
  1,213  What about tuple error in Python?
  1,213  Trying to save vtk files with tvtk made from NumPy arrays
  1,213  Travelling salesman with a directional constraint
  1,213  Trace an image in python
  1,213  Sympy- matplotlib: x and y must have same first dimension [duplicate]
  1,213  scipy minimize returns initial value
  1,213  Python is using the wrong version of Numpy module
  1,213  Python : from numpy.array to shapely.geometry
  1,213  matlab single() function in numpy?
  1,213  load .npy file in python3.4 error
  1,213  How to generate and apply a square mask in numpy
  1,213  Finding the roots of a large number of functions with one variable
  1,213  Difficulties with putting numpy array in multiprocessing queue
  1,212  Scikit Decision Tree Error
  1,212  Python: using X and Y values to draw a picture
  1,212  Python Scikit-learn - An attempt at a low level OCR
  1,212  Python numpy: create 2d array of values based on coordinates and plot with pcolormesh, heatplolt
  1,212  Multiple linear regression for a surface using NumPy - example
  1,212  lambda custom aggregate function
  1,212  How to declare a global numpy.ndarray in cython?
  1,212  Filter numpy array by comparing elements to elements in prior row without looping
  1,212  Elegant way to compare to torch.FloatTensor on GPU
  1,212  Efficient way to loop over Pandas Dataframe to make dummy variables (1 or 0 input)
  1,212  Delete the elements of a array with a mask
  1,211  Save Feature Map from a convolutional layer as Images - Tensorflow
  1,211  Python: numpy data type casting
  1,211  Matplotlib imshow() doesn't display numpy.ones array [duplicate]
  1,211  load twitter feeds into a python SQLite DB
  1,211  How do I find the image (pixel?) value of the bottom right corner of an image with Python?
  1,211  fast way to invert or dot kxnxn matrix
  1,211  fast dot product on all pair of rows
  1,211  Count unique elements row wise in an ndarray
  1,211  Comparing two OpenCV images/2D Numpy arrays
  1,211  Calculating distances between unique Python array regions?
  1,210  Python Scipy Error
  1,210  memory leak calling cython function with large numpy array parameters?
  1,210  how to create an interlaced rows images with python and openCv
  1,210  Are Numpy arrays hashable?
  1,209  Why can't I use numpy.logaddexp.reduce?
  1,209  Transform an array of shape (n,) to a numpy array of shape (n,1)
  1,209  Scipy LinearOperator With Multiple Inputs
  1,209  Numpy position and vector arrays - implement collision detection
  1,209  How can I take a dot product along a particular dimension in numpy?
  1,209  How can I take a dot product along a particular dimension in numpy?
  1,209  Efficiently getting numpy.argmin and numpy.amin at the same time
  1,209  Difference between memcpy_htod and to_gpu in Pycuda?
  1,209  A smarter & faster way to convert numpy ndarray to string in python
  1,208  Unable to find numpy/arrayobject.h
  1,208  Solving coefficients of data set using curve_fit from scipy.optimize
  1,208  Save list of numpy arrays onto disk
  1,208  Python numpy keep a list of indices of a sorted 2D array
  1,208  Python generate rolling window to calculate correlation
  1,208  Performing math on a Python Pandas Group By DataFrame
  1,208  Padding a matrix with numpy
  1,208  Numpy - constructing matrix of Jaro (or Levenshtein) distances using numpy.fromfunction
  1,208  Labels show up interactively on click in python matplotlib
  1,208  Indices of scipy sparse csr_matrix
  1,208  Find most frequent row or mode of a matrix of vectors - Python / NumPy
  1,208  Chromatic Aberration Estimation in python
  1,207  Reasoning about consecutive data points without using iteration
  1,207  python determinant of a large matrix
  1,207  mayavi points3d plot animation won't update the next frame
  1,207  Install Python modules on Shared hosting virtualenv
  1,207  Inserting generated Matplotlib plots into Flask with python3
  1,207  how to plot scipy optimize result
  1,207  Filter numpy structured array based on multiple values
  1,207  Apply a filter on an audio sample with python
  1,206  numpy.minimum applied to pandas DataFrame and Series
  1,206  Numpy array subtraction creates a matrix with different dimension. How to correct that?
  1,206  np.ndarray bitwise_or operator on ndarrays fails
  1,206  Multinomial distribution in PyMC
  1,206  How to solve issue of PendingDeprecationWarning: the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to represent matrices
  1,206  how to input data for shapiro wilk test using python scipy
  1,206  How to append last row from 2D array in Python
  1,206  How do I fit my function with data to get fit parameters?
  1,206  Find Indices Of Columns Having Some Nonzero Element In A 2d array
  1,206  Fast way reduce noise of autocorrelation function in python?
  1,206  Combining two numpy arrays to form an array with the largest value from each array
  1,206  Calculating ''generating functions'' with numpy
  1,205  Python Pandas: Compare values of two dataframes with different columns names by ID or row
  1,205  Pushing Radix Sort (and python) to its limits
  1,205  Pandas: How to count Occurrences of Categorical features Grouped by ID
  1,205  Out of memory when DataFrame.resample() is called in pandas on small dataset
  1,205  Multiplication of two positive numbers gives a negative output in Python 3
  1,205  List comprehension for two variable loop in Python and numpy
  1,205  How to replace empty string in python
  1,205  Efficiently getting batches of elements from array - Python
  1,205  convert two 1D arrays to set of tuples
  1,205  Calculate mean across area in a 2D array
  1,204  using the stats package in scipy error in Python?
  1,204  using numpy_where on a 1D array
  1,204  How to save very large ndarray to disk?
  1,204  How to make array into array list in python
  1,204  Efficient way to solve matrix equation in Python
  1,204  Drawing a Horizontal line only in the positive X axis
  1,204  ctypedef in Cython with numpy: what is right convention?
  1,204  Add white noise on image batch data when training
  1,203  What is the solution python gives me ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.''
  1,203  Numpy.linalg.det() returns incorrect result
  1,203  How to apply linear regression to every pixel in a large multi-dimensional array containing NaNs?
  1,203  finding neighbours in a numpy ndarray
  1,203  Apply function to result of numpy.where
  1,202  Strange Segmentation Fault in PyArray_SimpleNewFromData
  1,202  Python sum() has a different result after importing numpy
  1,202  Lambdas in Exponential Distribution [closed]
  1,202  Is there any possibility to convert recarray to ndarray and change ndim?
  1,202  How to flatten 3D object surface into 2D array?
  1,202  How to create a huge sparse matrix in scipy
  1,202  Face recognition - Python
  1,202  Counting overlapping values of two 2D binary numpy arrays for a specific value
  1,202  Bytes into Numpy Int16 array
  1,201  numpy matrix trickery - sum of inverse times matrices
  1,201  Linearly separating a Gaussian Filter and calculating with Numpy
  1,201  how to write symbol for sum over a variable's subscript in sympy
  1,201  How to store numerical lookup table in Python (with labels)
  1,201  How to normalize scipy's convolve2d when working with images?
  1,201  How do you normalize an FFT in python?
  1,201  ''extended'' IFFT
  1,200  Why is this numpy array operation so slow?
  1,200  Why is np.compress faster than boolean indexing?
  1,200  Why does matplotlib imshow() display a transposed image?
  1,200  ValueError: too many boolean indices
  1,200  slice 2D numpy array based on condition
  1,200  Reshape 4d numpy array to 2d array while preserving array locations
  1,200  numpy 3D dot product
  1,200  Need to merge 2 large csv files row by row in python
  1,200  How to convert a opencv3 cv::Mat to a numpy array using ctypes (C++ to Python)?
  1,200  How can I query a numpy array to find the minimum multiplication of the first two columns?
  1,200  Cumulative Sum List
  1,199  numpy, get maximum of subsets
  1,199  numpy column arrays and strange results
  1,199  Install the right python version for Spark
  1,199  improving Numpy dot performance by removing arrays copy
  1,199  How to pass numpy array inside of struct to ctypes function?
  1,199  How to find the difference between each subsequent pair of DataFrame.index values in pandas?
  1,199  Comparing rows elements in python
  1,199  Assigning values to a NumPy array
  1,198  What does this (matplotlib) error message mean?
  1,198  TypeError when appending fields to a structured array of size ONE
  1,198  Sort on  multiple NumPy arrays
  1,198  Python Thread Pool Executor not releasing memory
  1,198  Python How to make array in array?
  1,198  Place x,y coordinates into bins
  1,198  numpy standard deviation stacked arrays
  1,198  Numpy Concatenate Images into Array
  1,198  How to modify pixel values in numpy array of HSV image data?
  1,198  How to fill an array without a for loop
  1,198  creating a scipy.lil_matrix using a python generator efficiently
  1,197  Two-body orbit modelling problems
  1,197  SQL Query in pandas python
  1,197  Scipy optimisation: Get the function to print out its iterations
  1,197  Python/NumPy: implementing a running sum (but not quite)
  1,197  Python Minibatch Dictionary Learning
  1,197  Interpolate each row of 2d array with same 1d array
  1,197  How to put many numpy files in one big numpy file, file by file?
  1,197  How do I check that a python value is an instance of a numpy dtype?
  1,197  calculating 2D rms in python
  1,197  averages for select columns for each row in numpy array
  1,196  Using numpy.vectorize() to rotate all elements of a NumPy array
  1,196  Subtracting a number from an array if condition is met python
  1,196  Save and Restor tensorflow model with numpy weights
  1,196  Rolling window polynomial fit in pandas
  1,196  Reading multiple images in keras
  1,196  Numpy Softmax - The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
  1,196  MultinomialNB: ValueError
  1,196  In numpy, how to efficiently list all fixed-size submatrices?
  1,196  How to read in an edge list to make a scipy sparse matrix
  1,196  convert python's time.ctime() to unix time stamp
  1,195  Repeating numpy values and specifying dtype
  1,195  Python numpy/f2py linking libraries
  1,195  How to use scipy.optimize to minimize multiple scalar-valued functions simultaneously
  1,195  How to simplify an array in python
  1,195  How to randomly crop a batch of images
  1,195  How to find intersect indexes and values in Python?
  1,195  Find the closest value above and under in an array?
  1,194  Why is random number generator tf.random_uniform in tensorflow much faster than the numpy equivalent
  1,194  Symmetrical matrix with numpy
  1,194  Removing values in dataframe once threshold (min/max) value has been reached with Pandas
  1,194  How to rotate a point using
  1,194  How to implement the fast fourier transform to correlate two 2d arrays?
  1,194  How to efficiently extract values from nested numpy arrays generated by loadmat function?
  1,194  How to accelerate complex matrix dot product in Python
  1,194  Definition of mathematical operations (sin…) on NumPy arrays containing objects
  1,194  Convert a C or numpy array to a Tkinter PhotoImage with a minimum number of copies
  1,194  Computing the spectral norms of ~1m Hermitian matrices: `numpy.linalg.norm` is too slow
  1,193  Split data to multiple matrices based on first column values
  1,193  `np.concatenate` a numpy array with a sparse matrix
  1,193  Install pandas in ABAQUS 6.14 python environment
  1,193  How to define a 2D array of (x,y) coordinates
  1,193  How do i extract 3 bands out of a 4 band image using NumpyArrayToRaster()?
  1,193  Efficient implementation of the transition matrix for page rank
  1,193  Array row multiplying loop in Python\Numpy
  1,193  Analyzing seasonality of Google trend time series using FFT
  1,193  Alternative to `numpy.tile` for periodic mask
  1,192  Vectorize scipy.integrate.quad
  1,192  Print a 1-D slice of a numpy array vertically
  1,192  Is there a NumPy like library for set computations? [closed]
  1,192  Integration of normal distribution using Simpson's rule
  1,192  How to predict missing values in python using linear regression 3 year worth of data
  1,192  How to change dtypes of numpy array for tensorflow
  1,192  Finding gradient of an unknown function at a given point in Python
  1,192  Convolution of symmetric arrays with NumPy: why is the result shifted?
  1,191  What's the numpy equivalent of python's zip(*)?
  1,191  PyTorch conversion between tensor and numpy array: the addition operation
  1,191  Python something resets my random seed
  1,191  Python on Raspbian - ''TypeError: 'numpy.int32' object is not iterable'''
  1,191  Python, Numpy, replacing second max value with 1, others with 0
  1,191  Python 3D isosurface from a set of 2D images
  1,191  Pandas' version of numpy.resize for efficient matrix resizing
  1,191  Normalization: Euclidean distance between a numpy array and one point
  1,191  Min-max scaling along rows in numpy array
  1,191  Loading .npy File Loads an Empty Array
  1,191  Appending 3d array into 4d array, the 4th dimension being number of 3D arrays
  1,191  3D Array in Python with mutliple data types
  1,190  Weave inline typecasting (python)
  1,190  Using savetxt in numpy with custom data types
  1,190  UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)
  1,190  Parsing the string-representation of a numpy array
  1,190  Pandas: Inserting an empty row after every 2nd row in a data frame
  1,190  NumPy odeint output extra variables
  1,190  Numpy matrix combination
  1,190  Music note detection using python audio processing
  1,190  MNIST Python numpy eigen vectors visualization error
  1,190  Implementing K-Medoids in numpy: the medoids selection step
  1,190  How can I find identical x,y coordinates in two arrays of corrdinates? [duplicate]
  1,190  ctypes pointer into the middle of a numpy array
  1,190  Converting panda object to numpy array
  1,190  Avoiding for loops, interpolate over a dimension of a 3D numpy array
  1,189  String Kernel SVM with Scikit-learn
  1,189  sklearn model and fit for a list
  1,189  Querying points on a 3D spline at specific parametric values in Python
  1,189  python leave-one-out estimation
  1,189  Cython: slow numpy arrays
  1,188  Why pandas series return the element of my numpy datetime64 array as timestamp?
  1,188  Weird error thrown by cv2.fitLine() method
  1,188  Python OpenCV Error
  1,188  Passing numpy array to Cython
  1,188  Pandas slow on data frame replace
  1,188  pandas: expanding mean based on conditions & excluding current row
  1,188  image convolution with Scipy: shifted identity kernel - how is the computation done?
  1,188  How to update `xarray.DataArray` using `.sel()` indexer?
  1,188  How to subset a very large HDF5 dataset from file and write to another file?
  1,187  why setting dtype on numpy array changes dimensions?
  1,187  Using string as array indices in NumPy
  1,187  scipy stats error in calculating standard normal in python
  1,187  numpy array reshape adding dimension
  1,187  How does numpy.histogram works with the normal=True option
  1,187  Faster way of calculating a distance matrix with numpy?
  1,187  Curve fit with a piecewise function?
  1,186  ValueError: shapes (993,228) and (1,228) not aligned: 228 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
  1,186  Trying to install Python audiolab module, module not found
  1,186  Text input with Tensorflow
  1,186  Solve a system of differential equations using Euler's method
  1,186  scikit-image transform ValueError: Buffer not C contiguous
  1,186  Rotation around point in python (matrices)
  1,186  Convert a 2D numpy array to C++ short**?
  1,186  Annotate seaborn clustermap with Pandas Dataframe
  1,186  3D numpy array into block diagonal matrix
  1,185  Reset cumsum if over limit (python)
  1,185  Python - Interpolation of plots
  1,185  numpy multinomial function returns value error
  1,185  list of numpy vectors to sparse array
  1,185  List of dictionaries from numpy array without for loop
  1,185  How to merge two or three 3D arrays in python?
  1,185  Finding intersections of lines with grid
  1,185  Convert numpy array to a string using numpy.array_str()
  1,184  Seeking a more efficient python numpy ravel+reshape
  1,184  Return zero value if division by zero encountered
  1,184  Randomly select index positions in numpy
  1,184  Python IndexError: Out of bounds
  1,184  Plot multiple lines with same X axis in efficient way
  1,184  Pandas Series not plotting to timeseries chart
  1,184  numpy tile without memory allocation
  1,184  numpy savetxt out of order when redirecting sys.stdout
  1,184  How to use all available memory
  1,184  How to calculate the intercept using numpy.linalg.lstsq
  1,184  How does a memory mapped file work for files larger than memory?
  1,184  Fixing the singularity of a function
  1,184  Accessing numpy array data in C (for numpy 1.7+)
  1,183  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (83) into shape (84)
  1,183  Using numpy.unique on multiple columns of a pandas.DataFrame
  1,183  Slicing a 2D numpy array into a 1D array
  1,183  Numpy floating point rounding errors
  1,183  Matplotlib: twinx() wrong values on second axis
  1,183  Is there a way to find out if A is a submatrix of B?
  1,183  Installing numpy broke NLTK (OS X 10.6.2, Python 2.6)
  1,183  How to efficiently compute moving average in python
  1,183  Gensim: Slow version of gensim.models.doc2vec is being used
  1,183  Equivalent to numpy.roll() in R?
  1,182  Using numpy loadtxt for loading multiple files is slow [duplicate]
  1,182  Time series decimation benchmark: Dask vs Vaex
  1,182  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() in python [duplicate]
  1,182  scikit-image - felzenszwalb segmentation: remove large segments
  1,182  python robustly convert any string with units to float
  1,182  Python/pandas/numpy: 'StringMethods' object has no attribute 'capitalize'
  1,182  Numpy covariance matrix nonrmalisation
  1,182  Making grouped histograms bigger in Python
  1,182  inner product for Python
  1,182  How to do resample of intraday timeseries data with dateOffset in Pandas/Numpy?
  1,182  How do I read in a csv file to sckkit-learn tree
  1,182  Hashing Pandas dataframe breaks
  1,182  Force Return of ''View'' rather than copy in Pandas?
  1,182  Fancy indexing with assignment for numpy array
  1,181  why python statistics.mean() return an int type, not float
  1,181  type switch from int to float64 after merge creating error
  1,181  Translate Matlab code to Python
  1,181  Solving stiff system of ODEs with deSolve package in R (vode to ode15s conversion)
  1,181  Log Determinant in Theano Loss Function
  1,181  Is there anything similar to Python's numpy.apply_along_axis in Javascript?
  1,181  How to make unrecognized faces in opencv2 be labeled ''unknown''?
  1,181  how to check which version of numpy scipy depends on?
  1,181  Check for empty data file (only header) in Python
  1,181  'bool' object has no attribute 'shape'
  1,180  What is the fastest way to multiply with extremely sparse matrix?
  1,180  Using pandas to perform regression, error: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
  1,180  Scipy: sparse matrix conditional removal of columns
  1,180  python: Greatest common divisor (gcd) for floats, preferably in numpy
  1,180  python: Faster local maximum in 2-d matrix
  1,180  Matlab wrapToPi and python np.unwrap
  1,180  How to get the maximum in each bin of a 2D histogram in python
  1,180  Divide each element by the next one in NumPy array
  1,179  What is the difference between single and double bracket Numpy array?
  1,179  repeat elements of an array according to other array with the same length? like repelem for numpy
  1,179  Numpy : String to Float - astype not working? [closed]
  1,179  numpy polyfit with data that has varying levels of statistical significance
  1,179  Numpy: efficiently sum sub matrix m of M [duplicate]
  1,179  numpy.core._internal.AxisError: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 1
  1,179  Match two numpy arrays to find the same elements
  1,179  limit bounds of tuning parameters for linear regression in scikit-learn or statsmodels
  1,179  Inverse of n-dimensional numpy.gradient
  1,179  Integration of Python code into a C# application when python code contains numpy
  1,179  Instantiate two 2D numpy arrays from a list of strings
  1,179  How to hide one image into another one using LSB substitutuion?
  1,179  Finding linearly interdependent columns of a matrix in numpy
  1,179  Editing a Color value With a Slider
  1,178  Sum all columns but one in a numpy array
  1,178  How to convert 1d array to 3d array (convert grayscale image so rgb format )?
  1,178  GNU Radio filter design tool (gr_filter_design)
  1,178  Function of an array
  1,178  Closest point projection of a 3D point to 3D triangles with numpy/scipy
  1,177  Why is numpy vectorized function apparently called an extra time?
  1,177  speed up motion detection code opencv python numpy [duplicate]
  1,177  Remove element from 2d numpy array without loosing structure
  1,177  Python maplotlib sine curve with random.randn [closed]
  1,177  Pythonic way to calculate streaks in pandas dataframe
  1,177  multiprocessing with large numpy array as argument
  1,177  Masking a pandas DataFrame with a numpy array vs DataFrame
  1,177  In numpy, how can I create a complex matrix?
  1,177  index of a random choice from numpy array
  1,177  How to find maximum and minimum values in a particular column using python numpy?
  1,177  Fastest way to sum over rows of sparse matrix
  1,177  Fastest/most optimized way to read/write ASCII file in python
  1,177  Efficient tensor contraction in python
  1,176  Return numpy array of unspecified size in SWIG
  1,176  Reducing an axis with numpy
  1,176  Python: Multiplying a list of vectors by a list of matrices as a single matrix operation
  1,176  Python - Get the coordinates of densest point
  1,176  Numpy: creating a symmetric matrix class
  1,176  How to use numpy.savetxt with a structured array that contains an array
  1,176  Getting wrong zero values with numpy fromfile when reading binary files
  1,176  FFTPACK Scipy global name is not defined correctly. How to fix?
  1,176  Cython specify numpy array of fixed length strings
  1,175  why is len so much more efficient on DataFrame than on underlying numpy array?
  1,175  what is the difference between scipy.stats module and numpy.random module, between similar methods that both modules have?
  1,175  Vectorized function returning a list of vectors in Python
  1,175  PyCharm debugging: Variable Inspection, how to see more values? [duplicate]
  1,174  xxx.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform
  1,174  ValueError and odepack.error using integrate.odeint()
  1,174  set the elements not included by np.where as np.nan
  1,174  sampling integers uniformly efficiently in python using numpy/scipy
  1,174  Interpolation of 2D scattered non-uniform data numpy/scipy
  1,174  How to fill values based on data present in column and an array? Pandas
  1,174  How is numpy multi_dot slower than
  1,173  Randomly place n elements in a 2D array
  1,173  PyArg_ParseTuple SegFaults in CApi
  1,173  Numpy indexing set 1 to max value and zero's to all others
  1,173  In Python 3, convert np.array object type to float type, with variable number of object element
  1,172  scipy cannot import integrate.solve_bvp
  1,172  Same operation with einsum and tensordot with Numpy
  1,172  Python fast cosine distance with cython
  1,172  Python: AttributeError: 'mpc' (or 'mpf') object has no attribute 'arcsin'
  1,172  Pickle error on code for converting numpy array into shared memory array
  1,172  NumPy Array vs. a regular Python list
  1,172  np.gradient - correct use?
  1,172  No module named pandas but pandas is already installed in linux
  1,172  How to convert scalar array to 2d array?
  1,172  How to column stack a list and Numpy array and savetxt?
  1,172  calculate percentile of 2D array
  1,171  Why is numpy sum 10 times slower than the + operator?
  1,171  'ValueError: Initial condition y0 must be one-dimensional.' How do I rectify this error?
  1,171  Scipy.optimize.root does not converge in Python while Matlab fsolve works, why?
  1,171  Randomly concat data frames by row
  1,171  Python runs 20 times slower after updating Ubuntu to 13.10 from 13.04
  1,171  Python : Failed to interpret as pickle when loading .dat file?
  1,171  pandas Series.value_counts returns inconsistent order for equal count strings
  1,171  Numpy manipulating array of True values dependent on x/y index
  1,171  How to make zero by zero devision result in zero in Python pandas?
  1,171  How to duplicate matrix in theano
  1,171  How fill NA/Null for categorical Varibles in python using fillna() function
  1,171  Formatting of DateTimeIndex in plot pandas
  1,171  Finding the boundary points of a contour in opencv numpy
  1,171  Convert real-valued numpy array to binary array by sign
  1,171  convert from 'to_julian_date()' to 'np.datetime64'
  1,171  Conversion from C++ vector to Numpy ndarray is very slow
  1,171  Can't import matplotlib
  1,171  Assign values to a numpy array for each row with specified columns
  1,170  What's the most appropriate way to insert and query a numpy array in a sqlalchemy database? [duplicate]
  1,170  Python throws TypeError on issubclass() when issubclass() is never called
  1,170  numpy.all axis parameter misbehavior?
  1,170  Numpy Advanced Slicing
  1,170  How to remove empty element from numpy array
  1,170  How to plot multiple pandas dataframe as separate categories in a violinplot?
  1,170  How can I calculate the mean value of positive values in each row in numpy? [duplicate]
  1,170  h5f.create_dataset causes MemoryError
  1,170  Export numpy array to a textfile
  1,170  Efficiently applying a threshold function to SciPy sparse csr_matrix
  1,170  Classification accuracy after recall and precision
  1,169  Travis-ci matplotlib dependency and python3
  1,169  Python pypy: Efficient sum of absolute array/vector difference
  1,169  plot the histogram of a 1D array in Numpy
  1,169  List of coordinates to matrix of distances
  1,169  How do I get more decimal in clf.predict_proba(X_test)?
  1,169  Convolution of NumPy arrays of arbitrary dimension for Cauchy product of multivariate power series
  1,169  building up lists as efficiently as possible in Python
  1,168  Why IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
  1,168  which axis for coordinates in a list of points [NumPy]
  1,168  ''TypeError: data type not understood'' while reading csv file
  1,168  Slice subarray from numpy array by list of indices
  1,168  Randomly select list from list of lists in python depending on weights
  1,168  Opening CSV files encoded using utf-8-sig in python 3.3 using numpy's genfromtxt()
  1,168  How to evaluate the sum of values within array blocks
  1,168  How to efficiently apply an arbitrary remapping to a matrix in Python
  1,168  How to create 2d NumPy array with for loop [Python]
  1,168  Creating a numpy array with repetitive pattern
  1,168  Create a 1D array of 1D arrays in Python
  1,168  Automatically truncate numpy arrays
  1,167  Using python and numpy to compute gradient of the regularized loss function
  1,167  Selecting an adjacent element from a numpy array
  1,167  Scipy interpolate returns a 'dimensionless' array
  1,167  Numpy ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (152,1) (151,1)
  1,167  How are matrices stored in Matlab/Octave?
  1,167  create a tidy pandas dataframe from a numpy 3d array
  1,167  Convert dictionary with integer keys to numpy array
  1,166  Vincenty distance transform into array
  1,166  swift playground error: module 'Python' has no member named 'import'
  1,166  Split very large Pandas dataframe, alternative to Numpy array_split
  1,166  Overlay Blending Mode in Python Efficiently as Possible (Numpy, OpenCV)
  1,166  NameError: name 'numpy' is not defined
  1,166  Linear Regression: How to find the distance between the points and the prediction line?
  1,166  Implementing faster python inner product with BLAS
  1,166  Filling numpy arrays with different calculated values
  1,166  Euclidian Distances between points
  1,165  Reshaping in julia
  1,165  inconsistent shape error MultiLabelBinarizer on y_test, sklearn multi-label classification
  1,165  How does numpy's fromfile count argument work?
  1,165  How can I merge two pandas DataFrames based on a function instead of just where values are equal?
  1,165  Find span where condition is True using NumPy
  1,165  Find root of a function in a given interval
  1,165  convolve unevenly spaced vectors in scipy
  1,165  compute the infinity norm of the difference between the two solutions
  1,165  Average based on a Criteria/ Condition Numpy Python
  1,165  Array of size 2GB throws memory error at subtraction and division operations
  1,164  Scipy curve_fit bounds and conditions
  1,164  Pandas find index of subarray in array
  1,164  Numpy Advanced Indexing: same index used multiple times in += [duplicate]
  1,164  Memory growth with broadcast operations in NumPy
  1,164  Is there a way to save image data as a list/array in Python 2.7 or numpy?
  1,164  Is numpy.einsum efficient compared to fortran or C?
  1,164  How we can down sample a 1D array values by averaging method using float and int window sizes?
  1,164  How to use Vectorization with NumPy arrays to calculate geodesic distance using Geopy library for a large dataset?
  1,164  How to calculate highest total sales for the last month of data in python
  1,164  Average over pixels in python-numpy matrix
  1,164  Assign a value to entire row in numpy array
  1,164  Applying a land-sea mask to netCDF data in Python
  1,164  Adding a New Column to an Empty NumPy Array
  1,163  Tensorflow(python):''ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly''
  1,163  numpy.linalg.svd not returning Sigma in descending order
  1,163  installing numpy using pip3 in windows 10
  1,163  how do I make a numpy array from a list of pint quantities
  1,163  Assembling matrices in python (scipy/numpy)
  1,162  Numpy - why value error for NaN when trying to delete rows
  1,162  ImportError: cannot import name 'array' from 'numpy.core' (unknown location)
  1,162  How to convert a .csv file into a numpy array of different type [duplicate]
  1,161  sklearn cross_validation ValueError: could not convert string to float
  1,161  Seaborn distplot error: TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an index
  1,161  Python: Saving / loading large array using numpy
  1,161  Python+Numpy modules in free pascal
  1,161  Python: least square fit with side conditions on fit-parameters
  1,161  python: change dataframe type data to have pandas.describe for numeric
  1,161  Python CashFlow Calculator
  1,161  How to fix 'TypeError: Object arrays are not currently supported' error in numpy python 3 (matrix multiplication)
  1,161  Fast numpy rolling_product
  1,161  Error in installing scikit-learn in ubuntu
  1,161  Elementwise comparison of numpy arrays with different lengths
  1,161  curve fitting with integer inputs Python 3.3
  1,161  Color-coded 2D histogram
  1,161  Apply resampling to each group in a groupby object
  1,161  Add a Two Line Comment to Table Before Saving with Numpy savetxt
  1,160  Translate numpy array to string array python
  1,160  Sorted cumulative plots
  1,160  Python C-API and Numpy: core dump on import_array
  1,160  numpy - get random integers as floats
  1,160  How to use Python and Pandas to find bests opportunities in triangular arbitrage
  1,160  Get User to Input range in Python
  1,160  Efficiently generate numpy array from list comprehension output?
  1,159  Zero padding pandas column
  1,159  Which elements of list go into which histogram bins?
  1,159  Slicing 3d numpy array returns strange shape
  1,159  Replace a column of an numpy array by the column of another numpy array [closed]
  1,159  Remove rows with missing values in pandas
  1,159  Python Numpy: Radians to degrees in [0,360]
  1,159  plotting a timeseries graph in python using matplotlib from a csv file
  1,159  pandas: slicing along first level of multiindex
  1,159  pandas much slower than numpy?
  1,159  Numpy Array Slicing using a polygon in Matplotlib
  1,159  Meshgrid and confusion regarding X and Y coordinates
  1,158  Pseudo inverse matrix calculation
  1,158  Parameter uncertainties for scipy.optimize.minimize [duplicate]
  1,158  numpy sort a structured array by two fields, ascending and descending orders
  1,158  matplotlib table gets cropped
  1,158  I can't use numpy astype to convert string to float
  1,158  Compute mean squared, absolute deviation and custom similarity measure - Python/NumPy
  1,158  Change a colour of a pixel in python
  1,157  Sign on results of fft
  1,157  pandas to_numeric couldn't convert string values to integers
  1,157  numpy calling sse2 via ctypes
  1,157  How to get Numpy array of Canvas data?
  1,157  How to delete a certain range from a numpy array?
  1,157  How to calculate Normalized Gini Coefficient in tensorflow
  1,157  Getting current element in scipy.ndimage.filters.generic_filter
  1,157  Error with easy_install for Numpy 1.9.1
  1,157  Convert numpy array to MemoryView object
  1,157  Categorical data transformation in Scikit-Learn
  1,157  Apply function to column in numpy array [duplicate]
  1,156  What are the benefits / drawbacks of a list of lists compared to a numpy array of OBJECTS with regards to SPEED?
  1,156  Removing subarray from array
  1,156  Python, simultaneous pseudo-inversion of many 3x3, singular, symmetric, matrices
  1,156  Python match the string of one column to the substring of another column
  1,156  python: change numpy.array access method to start at 1 instead of 0
  1,156  Getting AttributeError: sqrt in vq.whiten
  1,156  Generating batches of n-dimensional Perlin noise using Python and NumPy
  1,156  Exemplar-Based Inpainting - how to compute the normal to the contour and the isophate
  1,156  Creating a 3d numpy array matrix using append method
  1,156  407 Proxy Authentication Required in Windows 8.1
  1,155  sine calculation orders of magnitude slower than cosine
  1,155  Shared arrays in multiprocessing Python
  1,155  Python - Rotation of a meshgrid
  1,155  Python / Opencv How to draw a mesh surface having stl file
  1,155  PIL: Image.fromarray(img.astype('uint8'), mode='RGB') returns grayscale image
  1,155  lambda function error: TypeError: 'function' object is not iterable
  1,155  Inverse of numpy.recarray.tobytes
  1,155  Increase numpy array elements using array as index
  1,155  How do I create a colormap plot that can make a sphere in matplotlib 3d look like half i bright (look like the earth is illuminated on one side)
  1,155  Delete NaNs and Infs in Numpy array
  1,154  Search numpy array ((x, y, z) ... ) for z matching nearest x, y
  1,154  Python fmin too slow
  1,154  Numpy to TFRecords and back
  1,154  How to link instance attributes to a numpy array?
  1,154  first occurence of a value greater than given in numpy array
  1,154  Filtering whilst using numpy.genfromtxt
  1,153  reading char data from binary file with numpy
  1,153  Python: select function
  1,153  Opening an Image from a specific file?
  1,153  NumPy check if 2D array is subset of 2D array [duplicate]
  1,153  How to fill a 2D Python numpy array with values from a generator?
  1,153  How to efficiently get eigenvector decomposition with scipy or lapack?
  1,153  How to create a SIFT's descriptors database [with Python]?
  1,153  How to create a numpy 2d array from database with null values
  1,153  How to count the row's values in tables in docx file by using python
  1,153  Finding the calculation that generates a NaN
  1,153  Find density of points from their scatter plot in python
  1,153  fast way to replace the small enough value with zero
  1,153  Error when importing numba in Python 3
  1,152  Reduce array with mask and np.where and calculate with it
  1,152  Python - cross correlaion of two arrays with nan entries inside
  1,152  python convert list to numpy array while preserving the number formats
  1,152  NumPy - What is broadcasting?
  1,152  Numpy reshape issues
  1,152  Numpy nanmean and dataframe (possible bug?)
  1,152  ''No space left on device'' when installing Numpy on an Azure Web Role
  1,152  Multiple Element Indexing in multi-dimensional array
  1,152  How to find local maxima of 3D array in python?
  1,152  Fastest way to access middle four elements in Numpy array?
  1,152  Convert pandas sparse dataframe to sparse numpy matrix for sklearn use?
  1,151  Reading unformatted fortran file with numpy fromfile in mac osx intel and linux AMD produces different data
  1,151  Python Y-axis scale normalization
  1,151  NumPy: Replace all elements along third dimension with averages in 3D array
  1,151  Is there a way to vstack() a very large array
  1,151  implementation of Hierarchial Agglomerative clustering
  1,151  I have NumPy installed, but I can't import it
  1,151  How to upgrade numpy on windows with out pip?
  1,151  Howto create python arrays with a ''struct'' as data-type and custom methods
  1,151  Generating all possible combinations of a zeros and b ones
  1,151  finding colors in Image and redraw on second image(using numpy)
  1,151  Convert pandas Series/DataFrame to numpy matrix, unpacking coordinates from index
  1,151  Combining image RGB channels
  1,151  Cluster centers in k-means?
  1,151  Can matplotlib contours match pixel edges?
  1,151  Best practice for using common subexpression elimination with lambdify in SymPy
  1,150  What type should it be , after using .toArray() for a Spark vector?
  1,150  Python returning error when attempting to multiply two numpy matrices of appropriate dimension
  1,150  numpy: What is the difference between a vector of shape (5,1) and (5,)? [duplicate]
  1,150  Numpy sum elements in array based on its value
  1,150  Numpy 1.11 doesn't install in virtualenv @ Ubuntu Studio
  1,150  No Residuals With Numpy's Least Squares
  1,150  Keras - loss and val_loss increasing
  1,150  How to use numpy arrays of strings in python 3?
  1,150  Doing many iterations of curve_fit in one go for piecewise function
  1,150  Detecting Curvature of a Plot
  1,150  Convert numpy array into theano tensor variable
  1,149  Truly recursive `tolist()` for NumPy structured arrays
  1,149  Pandas sorting by group aggregate
  1,149  Memory Error Python Numpy Array
  1,149  In Numpy array how to find all of the coordinates of a value
  1,149  How to read data from local txt file in python live plot
  1,149  How to avoid memory error when computing huge covariance and identity matrices with numpy
  1,149  How does `matplotlib` adjust plot to figure size?
  1,149  Cannot import correct version of numpy on OS X Mavericks
  1,149  Assign value to array (Python, Numpy)
  1,149  Arnaud Legoux Moving Average and numpy
  1,148  Simple one-vector input arrays seen as incompatible by scikit
  1,148  Reshaping numpy array containing image data
  1,148  random in numpy is not generating random number
  1,148  plotting data with thousands of points and its label(group) with matplotlib
  1,148  Numpy reshape with negative values [duplicate]
  1,148  Numpy: np.where function given argmax
  1,148  Numpy efficient construction of sparse coo_matrix or faster list extension
  1,148  NP.max function error in Python 3
  1,148  Installing a Cygwin compiled Python module in my Windows installation
  1,148  How would I use Dask to perform parallel operations on slices of NumPy arrays?
  1,148  fit numpy polynomials to noisy data
  1,148  First column name with non null value by row pandas
  1,148  Faster way to build a tree graph using Networkx Python?
  1,148  Does Python's random module have a substitute for numpy.random.exponential?
  1,148  DataFrame logic operations with NaN
  1,148  custom convolution function in tensorflow
  1,148  Broadcasting error when forming numpy array with elements as two other numpy arrays
  1,147  solve ode using multistep solver [duplicate]
  1,147  Redimension numpy array dynamically
  1,147  Python 3.4 reading from CSV formats
  1,147  numpy.array does not convert my list of lists into 2d numpy array in Python3 [closed]
  1,147  IndexError: list index out of range Python inputMat
  1,147  Incorrect autocorrelation of sine wave
  1,147  How to produce MATLAB plot (interpolation) in Matplotlib (Numpy)?
  1,147  How to control and test ''invalid value encountered in ... '' error?
  1,147  Classifying Python array by nearest ''seed'' region?
  1,147  Calling python from php fails when import numpy
  1,147  Adding a trendline to time series plot
  1,147  Acquiring the Minimum array out of Multiple Arrays by order in Python
  1,146  Python- np.mean() giving wrong means?
  1,146  Pandas - how do I make a matrix from a list?
  1,146  Memory Efficiency of NumPy
  1,146  How to get indices of valid values of numpy masked array
  1,146  grayscale gradient with skimage or numpy
  1,146  Creating an RGB composite SAR image
  1,146  Convert pyspark dataframe column of dense vector into numpy array
  1,146  Append a new column based on existing columns
  1,146  2D numpy array- check to see if all adjacent terms are equal
  1,145  What is type <U12?
  1,145  Store numpy array in multiples cells of pandas dataframe (Python)
  1,145  Segmentation fault during 'import scipy' and 'import numpy'
  1,145  Retrieve value from interpolated function
  1,145  python: Improving the way I am reading a large (5GB) txt file
  1,145  Numpy Neural Network error:'NeuralNetwork' object has no attribute 'think'
  1,145  Multidimensional array in numpy
  1,145  ipython-qtconsole: change size of displayed plot
  1,145  Building an interleaved buffer for pyopengl and numpy
  1,144  Optimizing portfolio for sharpe ratio using python scipy's optimize.minimize
  1,144  lambda functions in numpy's fromfunction array constructor [duplicate]
  1,144  Finding the sum of 3 consecutive numbers in an array
  1,144  Disparity maps with Normalized Cross Correlation using Python
  1,144  Bitwise operations with numpy
  1,144  appending multidimensional elements into numpy arrays without reshaping
  1,143  Understanding scipy nnls output
  1,143  Splitting a DataFrame into an Array Using Numpy
  1,143  How do I scale an FFT-based cross-correlation such that its peak is equal to Pearson's rho
  1,143  Functional masking of numpy string array in Python
  1,143  Fastest way to determine average of gridded values within a given radius of a point
  1,143  Determinant of a (large) 1554 x 1554 matrix in Python
  1,143  Contour plot, TypeError: Length of y must be number of rows in z
  1,142  Understanding gradient of gradient descent algorithm in Numpy
  1,142  Read file with mixed types (floats and strings)
  1,142  Python: Want to get both (plus and minus) square roots
  1,142  Index Error: too many indices for array While defining variable
  1,142  How to pick up line segments which is inside or intersect a circle?
  1,142  How do I read / understand the transparent color in a PNG image with imread?
  1,142  Formatting with numpy.savetxt from hdf5?
  1,142  Efficient way to assign values from another column pandas df
  1,142  Downsize series containing boolean data with resample
  1,141  Vectorized SVM gradient
  1,141  using python drag & drop selected image segment
  1,141  removing entries from a numpy array
  1,141  Remove unused code automatically from large modules like numpy, pandas
  1,141  Python merge two arrays on specific columns
  1,141  python matrix of functions
  1,141  Partial sum over an array given a list of indices
  1,141  Numpy and matplotlib garbage collection
  1,141  Initialising a vector field in numpy
  1,141  Identify duplicate rows in an array and sum up corresponding values in another array
  1,141  Can't get Pandas to install with OpenShift
  1,140  TensorFlow: getting invalid argument error, even though shape and dtype of feed dict is correct
  1,140  SciPy Projectile ODE Integration
  1,140  Reshaping after numpy loadtxt: cannot reshape array of size x into shape (x,y)
  1,140  Numpy: 2d list min max is slow [duplicate]
  1,140  How could I keep the same length between ticks in symlog plots?
  1,140  Find minimum cosine distance between two matrices
  1,139  Theano integration with already existing python code
  1,139  python multiprocessing and joblib argument passing
  1,139  Numpy array apply a function only to some elements
  1,139  making numpy.nanargmin return nan if column is all nan
  1,139  Interpolate NaN values in pyplot without using scipy.interpolate.griddata
  1,139  How to convert pandas time series into numpy array of total elapsed time?
  1,139  getting difference and eliminating gap time series data using pandas and numpy
  1,139  Float Tiff image to numpy array
  1,139  flatten list of lists and scalars
  1,139  Dealing with dimension collapse in python arrays
  1,139  Convert numpy array from values to indices
  1,139  Concatenate strings in a matrix python
  1,139  Change the plot color based on some criteria
  1,138  Value Error: could not broadcast input array from shape (857,3) into shape (857)
  1,138  SciPy: n-dimensional interpolation of sparse data
  1,138  Python Matplotlib - Multiple series in same data file
  1,138  How to remove a column from a structured numpy array *without copying it*?
  1,138  How to implement a function with non overlapping and rolling features simultaneously in Pandas/Numpy?
  1,138  How to find the center point of numpy arrays?
  1,138  How to convert two lists into array coordinates in Python?
  1,138  How can I expand this Gabor patch to the size of the bounding box?
  1,138  Efficiently Row Standardize a Matrix
  1,137  Why won't OpenCV show an image stored in a numpy array? (Python)
  1,137  Tricky filling holes in an image
  1,137  Torch/Lua equivalent function to MATLAB or Numpy 'Unique'
  1,137  swig numpy multiple matrix and array inputs
  1,137  Piecewise regresion Python
  1,137  numpy more efficient submatrix
  1,137  I was facing memory error(return np.zeros((self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, order=order) MemoryError) when executing python program
  1,137  how to delete columns with same values in numpy
  1,137  How to create a 3D array of a tuple of arrays in numpy, where each element of the 3D array is like the output of np.where?
  1,137  how to convert integer to logical array in python
  1,137  Finding squared distances beteen n points to m points in numpy
  1,137  Fill shapes/contours using NumPy
  1,137  Fastest way to compute upper-triangular matrix of geometric series (Python)
  1,137  AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'ravel'
  1,137  argument of type 'numpy.float64' is not iterable: python
  1,136  Python/Pandas: How to quickly pivot datetimeindex on date and time?
  1,136  Python multiprocessing apply_async ''assert left > 0'' AssertionError
  1,136  Python matrix inverse
  1,136  Memory management in numpy arrays,python
  1,136  How to detect which circles are filled + OpenCV + Python
  1,136  Find unique pairs of array with Python
  1,136  Find indices of unique values of a 3-dim numpy array
  1,136  Count of islands of negative and positive numbers in a NumPy array
  1,135  PYTHON Numpy where time condition
  1,135  Python matrix inner product
  1,135  Printing last column in python [duplicate]
  1,135  Optimization of ray triangle intersection algorithm in numpy
  1,135  Numpy: Fastest way to insert value into array such that array's in order
  1,135  Matrices with different row lengths in numpy
  1,135  IOError [Errno 13] when using numpy.loadtext?
  1,135  ImportError: No module named 'numpy' for Python3.4.1 in OSX
  1,135  How to save a numpy array as a Tensorflow Variable
  1,135  How to fix 'Missing required dependencies ['numpy']' when running packaged app made with PyInstaller?
  1,135  How to find the correlation between two lists when one list consists of date values?
  1,135  Finding median in Spark Streaming
  1,135  Difference between subsampling and downscaling (image)?
  1,135  3D pcolor/pclormesh plot in matplotlib
  1,134  Vectorize the midpoint rule for integration
  1,134  Return variable length array in Numpy C-extension?
  1,134  Reading multiple RGB images to numpy array
  1,134  Python csv writer truncates number format
  1,134  install python package to a specific version of python?
  1,134  Comparing a column's value with an array (or a series) of decreasing size
  1,133  ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2) when using seaborn
  1,133  Unwrap inner array from a NumPy array
  1,133  Saving a large color image as `GTiff` with `gdal`
  1,133  Quick way to check for duplicate arrays within list
  1,133  Python Pandas: Merging data frames on multiple conditions
  1,133  Python Pandas MatPlotLib Find The Intersection Of Two Lines (One Curved, One Straight) [duplicate]
  1,133  python concatenate numpy arrays with the method concatenate()
  1,133  Numpy Array of Lists
  1,133  How to get the information of RuntimeWarning in numpy?
  1,133  for every point in a list, compute the mean distance to all other points
  1,133  DC Term in Python FFT - Amplitude of Constant Term
  1,133  Cython: create C function that returns an array
  1,133  Assigning values to two dimensional array from two one dimensional ones
  1,132  TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable[Python3]
  1,132  Signal fitting models in Python
  1,132  Replace For Loop with Numpy Vectorized Operation
  1,132  Quickly calculating centroid of binary numpy array
  1,132  python record.fromarrays error ''array-shape mismatch in array''
  1,132  numpy take can't index using slice
  1,132  Interpolation of irregularly spaced data into 3d grid
  1,132  in numpy covariance, ValueError: array is too big
  1,132  How to find a centre in the structure. python code [duplicate]
  1,132  How to extract raw coordinates from openCV contours in Python
  1,132  How to convert neatly 1 size numpy array to a scalar? Numpy ''asscalar'' gives error when input is not a 1 size array.
  1,132  How do I do something like numpy's arange in Go?
  1,132  How can I efficiently transfer data from a NumPy array to a QPolygonF when using PySide?
  1,132  Get index for argmin of 2d numpy array
  1,132  Efficient way of sampling from indices of a Numpy array?
  1,132  Calculating Fourier series in SciPy
  1,132  Binary matrix multiplication
  1,131  Scikit Learn - ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together
  1,131  Numpy & Matplotlib suddenly cannot be imported in Atom although it works fine in the Terminal
  1,131  How to replace all zeros in numpy matrix with corresponding values from another matrix
  1,131  Getting started with numpy or scipy? [closed]
  1,131  are numpy record/structure arrays restricted to containing numpy voids?
  1,130  unpickle sklearn.tree.DescisionTreeRegressor in python 2 from python3
  1,130  Time performance of np.random.permutation, np.random.choice
  1,130  Scipy's signal.find_peaks_cwt getting hung up
  1,130  Scipy Newton Krylov Expects Square Matrix
  1,130  Representing and rounding currency in python pandas
  1,130  python scatter ndarray dimension size error and rgb color issue
  1,130  Python - How to place a whole numpy array in Queue.Queue all at once but retrieve each row separately
  1,130  Python 3 OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: (Workaround)
  1,130  Numpy vectorized less than/greater than comparisons
  1,130  Numpy Array Mergesort
  1,130  How to convert a linear index to subscripts with support for negative strides
  1,130  How to calculate Delta F / F using python?
  1,130  Eigenvalues NaN and inf
  1,130  Display more than 16 digits in numpy [duplicate]
  1,130  CSV file is being created larger than the size of my original data in python/pycharm?
  1,129  using pandas.cut() and setting it as the index of a dataframe
  1,129 has no attribute 'loadmat'
  1,129  Rolling subtraction in pandas
  1,129  Random blocks of data in Pandas
  1,129  python valueerror: too many values to unpack using numpy
  1,129  Python - convert numpy.nd array into dataframe
  1,129  Numba error: ''LoweringError: Failed at nopython (nopython mode backend)''
  1,129  Increasing value of top k elements in sparse matrix
  1,129  How to groupby ndarray?
  1,129  Generating a sparse matrix given a list of lists with strings
  1,129  Extract certain columns of 3d numpy array
  1,129  Copying internal formats float64 uint64
  1,129  Converting pandas dataframe to numeric; seaborn can't plot
  1,128  What kind of solving algorithm does linalg.solve use?
  1,128  numpy iterating over multidimensional array
  1,128  Itertools product ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
  1,128  How to remove nan value from a list
  1,127  What does numpy.corrcoef do?
  1,127  ''vstack''ing a 3d Numpy ndarray
  1,127  Understanding about the numpy.where
  1,127  SVD++ vectorization with numpy or tensorflow
  1,127  Restoring a numpy array representing an image after base64 encoding
  1,127  Numpy: apply function to two numpy arrays and return two numpy arrays
  1,127  Numpy append ones to matrix
  1,127  Invalid value encountered in greater - numpy array logic
  1,127  How to normalise heat maps
  1,127  Can't load modules from anaconda environment into pycharm
  1,126  Strange np.arange behaviour when using a negative decimal increment
  1,126  Python function to read variable length blocks of data from file while open
  1,126  Python cannot use loadtxt for csv file
  1,126  Outline a region in a graph
  1,126  In Numpy, how do I find element wise inverse (reciprocal) of a given vector?
  1,126  Can I use regular expressions re.sub() with a numpy array or list of strings?
  1,125  why does numrow>numcol for PCA in matplotlib
  1,125  SciPy lfilter with initial conditions applied along any axis of N-D array
  1,125  Preventing pandas from coercing datetime.timedelta to numpy.timedelta64 during Series operations?
  1,125  Passing/Returning Cython Memoryviews vs NumPy Arrays
  1,125  Optimizing the rounding of all elements in a 2-dimensional array
  1,125  OpenCV - Create multichannel Mat from numpy array
  1,125  numpy multiply array elements with another array
  1,125  numpy broadcasting between matrix and vector? [duplicate]
  1,125  How to perform local polynomial fitting in Python
  1,125  How to exclude certain columns of a pandas dataframe?
  1,125  Creating a filled numpy array of ones from a polygon points Python
  1,125  Can't install packages in Umbraco
  1,125  Add a number of days to a date/datetime (Pandas/Numpy)
  1,124  using numpy reshape for column major in multi-dimensional array in python
  1,124  Sort column having float values in python
  1,124  python numpy mask mean performance
  1,124  Pygame - permantly adjusting master volume
  1,124  overflow in exp, python
  1,124  Moving numpy arrays from VBA to Python and back
  1,124  how to vectorize a function whose argument is a vector in numpy
  1,124  How to get the best coefficient vector using cross-validation
  1,124  How to bin a 2D data along the x-axis with Python
  1,124  graphing a relationship matrix in python
  1,124  Converting a specific Matlab Script to Python
  1,124  Cannot import name array
  1,123  Setting up Keras model with pandas dataframe
  1,123  python - overflow encountered in exp with numpy
  1,123  numpy.searchsorted with more than one source
  1,123  numpy loadtxt function throws a syntax error using converters and mdates
  1,123  Numpy: given the nonzero indices of a matrix how to extract the elements into a submatrix
  1,123  NumPy: filter rows by np.array
  1,123  Iterate on an array with two implicit loops
  1,123  From a list of floats, how to keep only mantissa in Python?
  1,123  Convert numpy arry to csv file in python
  1,123  Combine two columns of text with NaN in pandas
  1,123  Combine all elements of two arrays python
  1,123  Best way to plot a 2d contour plot with a numpy meshgrid
  1,122  Usage of onehotencoder
  1,122  System error while running subprocesses using Multiprocessing
  1,122  Green Stripe Artifacts When Encoding Video With FFMPEG & Python
  1,122  function to save and load python memory?
  1,122  Expected 2-D array, got 1-D array instead
  1,122  Datetime comparisons in python
  1,122  Converting a nested loop calculation to Numpy for speedup
  1,122  Column wise subtraction in numpy
  1,122  Change values in pandas Series between dates
  1,122  AttributeError: __enter__ when using numpy nditer inside the with statement
  1,121  Why is Pandas converting datetimes to float in aggregate function
  1,121  what is the fastest way in python to convert a string with formatted numbers in an numpy array
  1,121  Take log values on multiple columns DataFrame
  1,121  Stacking images as numpy array
  1,121  Resizing images of different sizes into 28x28 images and convert those into one csv-file
  1,121  Rebin irregularly gridded data to regular (2D) grid in Python, using mean/median
  1,121  Plotting Graph in IronPython via IronLab
  1,121  numpy.rint not working as expected
  1,121  NumPy indexing using List?
  1,121  inputing numpy array images into pytorch neural net
  1,121  Index multiple dimensions of a multi-dimensional array with another - NumPy/ Python
  1,121  How to convert int32 numpy array into int16 numpy array?
  1,121  How to compare values in non-identically labelled pandas dataframe objects?
  1,121  How do I apply a numpy mask?
  1,121  Get x-values corresponding to y-value on non-monotonic curves
  1,121  Detecting a change to a numpy array
  1,121  delete column in numpy if a condition is true
  1,121  Create array from dict
  1,121  Create a matrix from a vector where each row is a shifted version of the vector
  1,120  TypeError: 'numpy.float32' object is not iterable
  1,120  Removing every other element in NumPy
  1,120  Numpy np.array with dtype TypeError
  1,120  'numpy.float64' object is not iterable - meanshift clustering
  1,120  Numpy array of rank > 1 and one of dimensions == 0
  1,120  Crash when calling PyArg_ParseTuple on a Numpy array
  1,120  Converting numpy array of strings to datetime
  1,120  Computing k means and plotting over the scatter plot
  1,119  Rolling Statistics on Image Python
  1,119  Numpy: Select all rows and columns from an array
  1,119  np.nanmean not working within a Dataframe?
  1,119  map in python2 vs python3
  1,119  How to predict using a multivariate regression function that is the sum of other regression functions
  1,119  How to convert tensorflow variable to numpy array
  1,119  higher precision in python
  1,119  Extend line to smoothly connect with another line
  1,119  complementary slicing in a numpy array
  1,118  Why is numba throwing an error regarding numpy methods when (nopython=True)?
  1,118  Traverse HDF5 file/tree and continue after return?
  1,118  Removing a row in a numpy recarray
  1,118  Read floats from file as numpy array without knowing the data size
  1,118  Python Optimized Most Cosine Similar Vector
  1,118  Plotting a function with matplotlib
  1,118  Memory error while creating large one hot encoding for lstm
  1,118  IO error in savetxt while using numpy
  1,118  How to change values of a numpy array
  1,118  Cropping image in numpy array
  1,118  Copy image changing black pixels into white pixels
  1,118  Converting list numpy array to normal array for CNN-Keras
  1,118  Adding an animation to a random walk plot [Python]
  1,118  Achieving batch matrix multiply using tensordot
  1,117  SciPy minimize function with 'eq' constraints but not SLSQP algo (preferably GRG)
  1,117  Python: Numpy Data IO, how to save data by different dtype for each column?
  1,117  Python: numpy and matplotlib anomaly
  1,117  Python: extracting arrays from DataFrame column
  1,117  Plotting Curved Lines in Python
  1,117  Plotly & Python - 504 Gateway Timeout
  1,117  Numpy genfromtxt issue with datetime with multiple columns
  1,117  Numpy csv script gives 'ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence'
  1,117  Keras: Multiply with a (constant) numpy-matrix
  1,117  Baye's rule - how to calculate likelihood
  1,116  Slicing Pandas rows with string match slow
  1,116 cannot find numpy headers
  1,116  Scikit-learn: Assigning dual_coef_ to multi-class SVM (one vs. one scheme) from another SVM implementation
  1,116  Pandas Scatter Plot: Indices Out-of-Bounds
  1,116  Numpy array indexing behavior
  1,116  numpy array dimension mismatch error
  1,116  merge_asof equivalent using pandas merge only
  1,116  how to select and change data in python pandas dataframe [duplicate]
  1,116  Expand numpy matrix
  1,116  Efficient way of finding rectangle coordinates in 0-1 arrays
  1,116  Can't find nan entries using numpy in array of strings
  1,116  AttributeError: 'numpy.datetime64' object has no attribute 'toordinal'
  1,115  Writing functions to work on vectors and matrices
  1,115  Write dictionary with numpy arrays to .csv
  1,115  Using the score method from Sklearn and get ValueError: multiclass-multioutput is not supported
  1,115  Solving constrained maximization with SciPy
  1,115  Python error: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  1,115  Optimizing a multithreaded numpy array function
  1,115  numpy.nextafter decrementing instead of incrementing
  1,115  Load .npy file with np.load progress bar
  1,115  How to save list of numpy.arrays of different shape with h5py?
  1,115  How to concatenate data from multiple netCDF files with Python
  1,115  Getting Numpy overflow despite declaring dtype=int64
  1,115  Exclude columns from genfromtxt with numpy
  1,115  2d array as index in Pytorch
  1,114  scipy.integrate.ode, issue with function returning tuple
  1,114  Replacing datetime conditionally - python
  1,114  Python how to interpolate large point clouds of 2D data
  1,114  plot N planes parallel to XZ axis in 3D in python
  1,114  How to vectorize loss in SVM
  1,114  Deep Learning IndexError: too many indices for array
  1,113  ValueError: Linkage 'Z' uses the same cluster more than once in Python scipy fcluster
  1,113  Scientific modules for Ruby
  1,113  resizing images in python not actually resizing
  1,113  numpy cross-correlation - vectorizing
  1,113  Multiple linear regression with numpy
  1,113  How to install python-dev using rpm for python 2.6.8?
  1,113  How to get euclidean distance on a 3x3x3 array in numpy
  1,113  Fill the elements close to the region of the image
  1,113  Detect Main Object in Image?
  1,112  Visualize output of each layer in theano Convolutional MLP
  1,112  Using numpy - header argument invalid
  1,112  Save a Sparse.LIL matrix to csv in Python
  1,112  numpy.concatenate of two recarrays leads to transposed shape?
  1,112  numpy array indexing: list index and np.array index give different result
  1,112  N dimensional arrays - Python/Numpy
  1,112  Merge multiple jupyter notebooks into single python program
  1,112  Keras - custom infinite data generator with shuffle
  1,112  Getting 'ValueError: x and y must be 1D arrays of the same length' when they are in fact 1D arrays of same length
  1,111  Why do I get rows of zeros in my 2D fft?
  1,111  Sort numpy.array rows by indices
  1,111  Set specific values to zero in numpy array
  1,111  replicating borders in 2d numpy arrays
  1,111  Numpy masked_array sum
  1,111  Numpy error when importing along with tensorflow
  1,111  Numpy and Scipy for IronPython using IronClad ... installation
  1,111  Neural Networks Python
  1,111  How to raise an array of numbers to a power with NumPy?
  1,111  generating correlated numbers in numpy / pandas
  1,111  Error when using the python module numba
  1,111  Constructing high resolution images in Python
  1,110  ValueError: math domain error from math.acos and NaN from numpy.arccos
  1,110  using datetime and bool in cython
  1,110  transforming a numpy array
  1,110  Plotting a Discriminant Function for Normal Densities via Matplotlib
  1,110  How to convert Pandas DataFrame to byte array and retrieve it back using numpy rec arrays
  1,109  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in power
  1,109  Python - Generating random dna sequences with Numpy, ValueError
  1,109  python fancy indexing with a boolean masked array
  1,109  NumPy/SciPy: Move mask over Image and check for equality
  1,109  Issues Reading Dates from .txt File Python
  1,109  installing numpy for python 3.1.2 on Ubuntu 10.04
  1,109  Do locally set Cython compiler directives affect one or all functions?
  1,108  Why does the local_binary_pattern function in scikit-image provide same value for different patterns?
  1,108  When comparing arrays why is ''in1d'' so much slower than ''a==b''
  1,108  what is meaning of using probs[range(6),y]
  1,108  Two-dimensional interpolation/smoothing of unevenly sampled angular values
  1,108  Python: Sorting circles returned from cv2 HoughCircles by radius
  1,108  python: how to convert list of tuples to numpy array
  1,108  pandas fillna() not working properly
  1,108  Numpy: What is the correct way to upsample an array?
  1,108  Numpy indexing multidimensional arrays with array and slice
  1,108  np.genfromtxt error in python 3
  1,108  How to use a numpy function as the loss function in PyTorch and avoid getting errors during run time?
  1,108  Creating a nxn Symmetric binary data matrix in python
  1,108  After fitting a linear function to a set of data, how can I find the error on the gradient of the function?
  1,107  Pandas groupby cumulative/rolling sum,average, and std
  1,107  Indicating format of multiple numbers in numpy.savetxt
  1,107  Indexing a numpy array with another array containing out of bounds values
  1,107  How to vstack efficiently a sequence of large numpy array chunks?
  1,107  Extract non-main diagonal from scipy sparse matrix?
  1,107  A Pure Pythonic Pairwise Euclidean distance of rows of a numpy ndarray
  1,106  Wrapping a function which returns a pointer to a python object with ctypes
  1,106  Why does pygame.sndarray.make_sound seemingly quadruple the sound duration?
  1,106  Python Numpy - Matrix memory error and limits
  1,106  problem installing and importing modules in python
  1,106  Histogram Equalization based on HSI model
  1,106  Create binary tensor from vector in tensorflow
  1,106  Create and fit a Multiplicative linear regression using Python/Sklearn
  1,106  Clustering conceptually similar documents together?
  1,105  Win10 / Pyinstaller ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
  1,105  Using apply method on pandas series getting TypeError 'Series' objects are mutable, thus they cannot be hashed
  1,105  Solving nonlinear simultaneous equations using `minimize` in Python
  1,105  Send data from Java to Python and then return the response [closed]
  1,105  Python - Principal component analysis (PCA) error
  1,105  Prebuilt numpy with BLAS/ATLAS?
  1,105  Plot 3D surface plot with 4 array data in python
  1,105  place random numbers for nan values numpy array
  1,105  Numpy savez interprets my keys as filenames -> IOError
  1,105  How to plot largest and smallest eigen vectors, for 2-dimensional data using numpy and matplotlib in python?
  1,105  How calculate OLS regression with Survey Weights in Python.
  1,105  Cx_freeze TypeError can only concatenate list (not ''NoneType'') to list using numpy dependency when pandas is an import
  1,105  Count NaNs when unicode values present
  1,105  Average using numpy.mean till a number N
  1,105  Auto Regressive (AR) model using Maximum Likelihood Estimator in pandas dataframe: correlate() got an unexpected keyword argument 'old behavior'
  1,104  Scikit-learn installed but not found,
  1,104  Python: Sum over second row of 3 dimensional list
  1,104  Numpy way to sort out a messy array for plotting
  1,104  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'where'
  1,104  numpy array <=> python DB-API adapter?
  1,104  How to use numpy apply_over_axes with lambda function?
  1,104  How does numpy determine the array data type when it contains multiple dtypes?
  1,104  error importing numpy in python 3.5
  1,104  Calculating a 3D gradient with unevenly spaced points
  1,103  Tensorflow  -  how can I process in numpy op outputs in py_func gradient?
  1,103  Sorting pivot table (multi index)
  1,103  numpy.bincount and numpy.argmax function pseudocodes [closed]
  1,103  How to serialize a numpy array of floats to a string?
  1,103  How to make a large numpy array efficiently
  1,103  How to extract vector from 3d numpy array?
  1,102  Why is Numpy random.uniform not so uniform? [duplicate]
  1,102  Invert matrix without Numpy in Python
  1,102  How to install numpy scipy matplotlib and open cv in python 3.6 macbook pro?
  1,102  How do I install Matplotlib as a Macintosh Yosemite User
  1,102  Cumulative counts in NumPy without iteration
  1,102  Compare current pixel value with the previous one on numpy array
  1,102  Best way to take mean/sum of block matrix in numpy? [duplicate]
  1,102  Append n copies of an array at the end of a numpy array
  1,102  Adding columns to a structured Numpy array
  1,101  reshape list to (-1,1) and return float as datatype
  1,101  Permission denied - numpy.loadtxt?
  1,101  Memory Error in Python when trying to sum through Numpy Ndarray Object
  1,101  How to Transpose each element in a 3D np array
  1,101  How to plot/manage 2 column categorical data using pandas/matplot lib?
  1,101  How to convert a single BGR array to HSV array in Python with OpenCV?
  1,101  How to combine features with different dimensions output using scikit-learn
  1,101  Extract ROI From Image with a Skew Angle OpenCv Python
  1,100  Why do Python/Numpy require a row vector for matrix/vector dot product?
  1,100  TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType using lambdify of sympy in python
  1,100  Python/numpy: all values in array up to x?
  1,100  pairwise subtraction of arrays in python
  1,100  numpy, recarray: Methods to convert a list of dict's to a np.recarray?
  1,100  Numpy/Python filter multiple columns at once
  1,100  How to turn array of vectors into dataframe?
  1,100  Housing dataset from Hands On Machine Learning with Sci-Kit Learn & Tensorflow does not display when I try to recreate it
  1,100  Gridbased multivariate cubic interpolation
  1,100  Display colormap/heatmap values in Python on hover
  1,100  accuracy of float32
  1,099  use python to raise an exception if a user-defined class is passed an array of the incorrect shape
  1,099  Unique random number sampling with Numpy
  1,099  Python function to find indexes of 1s in binary array and
  1,099  Numpy next element minus previous
  1,099  numpy genfromtxt collapse recarray when data file has only one row
  1,099  Numpy : convert 2D array to 3D array
  1,099  non-uniform spacing with numpy.gradient
  1,099  If and append condition pandas dataframe?
  1,099  Computing autocorrelation of vectors with numpy
  1,098  Rolling window REVISITED - Adding window rolling quantity as a parameter- Walk Forward Analysis
  1,098  Python PANDAS: Groupby Transform Sum Unique
  1,098  Python Pandas 0.14.0. Error with timestamp format when using dataframe.to_sql
  1,098  numpy pass partly defined filename to genfromtxt
  1,098  numpy machine precision for dot product?
  1,098  How do I convert greyscale images represented as strings of space separated pixel values to column of features to train a classifier in scikit-learn?
  1,098  Getting the parameter names of scipy.stats distributions
  1,098  Getting non-diagonal elements in dataframe
  1,098  Doing column math with numpy in python
  1,098  Convert text document to numpy array of ASCII numbers in python
  1,097  some Numpy functions return ndarray instead of my subclass
  1,097  Save 2-D gaussian_kde output/meshgrid to csv python
  1,097  Python TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an index
  1,097  Python: Running estimateRigidTransform in opencv/python; 8uC1 or 8uC3 error
  1,097  Python - calculating a gradient
  1,097  NumPy: Assigning to Matrix using Slice Indices vs Lists
  1,097  Is there a way to increment numpy array that isn't slow?
  1,097  How to remove extreme values from matplotlib plot when std() does not work
  1,097  How to get array's col and row for specific values in python numpy?
  1,097  How to extract 2D array from 4D array based on first and last indices
  1,097  how to delete whitespace from nd array python
  1,097  convert list of tuple () to numpy matrix [duplicate]
  1,096  Shapes not matching in numpy.convolve
  1,096  Running scipy.integrate.ode in multiprocessing Pool results in huge performance hit
  1,096  recv_into a numpy array
  1,096  Read large dataset Pandas [closed]
  1,096  plot a curve from an array with variable x axis
  1,096  NumPy - Sum of the elements on the secondary diagnoal of a 2D matrix
  1,096  How to write a only integers numpy 2D array on a txt file
  1,096  How to form a sequence of consecutive numbers in Pytorch?
  1,096  How do I slice a Numpy array up to a boundary?
  1,096  Error in reading .dat file in python
  1,096  Difference between `tf.reshape(a, [m, n])` and `tf.transpose(tf.reshape(a, [n, m]))`?
  1,096  Cython: Passing multiple numpy arrays in one argument with fused types
  1,095  Why numpy.double applies to a nested list and numpy.complex doesn't?
  1,095  Read numpy array with double brackets
  1,095  Python / Scipy filter discretization
  1,095  Lexicographic sort float array python
  1,095  In Python / numpy, how do I unravel / split an array according to its first column, which is an index?
  1,095  Floating point math in python / numpy not reproducible across machines
  1,095  Adjacency matrix from Pandas edgelist dataframe for undirected graphs
  1,094  What does (numpy) __array_wrap__ do?
  1,094  Set Values in Numpy Array Based Upon Another Array
  1,094  scipy fmin operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
  1,094  Replace nan with list comprehension
  1,094  Random Sudoku Generator
  1,094  Python NumPy Convert FFT To File
  1,094  NumPy: counting sizes of row-wise intersections between two arrays
  1,094  Modifying an advanced-indexed subset of a NumPy recarray in place
  1,094  Make a histogram from csv data
  1,094  How does numpy addition work?
  1,094  Efficiently take moving average of sparse data and filter above threshold in python
  1,093  Subtract each row of matrix A from every row of matrix B without loops
  1,093  Specify the spherical covariance in numpy's multivariate_normal random sampling
  1,093  Python vs MATLAB performance on algorithm
  1,093  Python - overflow encountered in exp
  1,093  Python numpy array calculation
  1,093  Python: Loop a variable for a simple OLS
  1,093  Pixel color inside a contour using numpy
  1,093  numpy, transposition is a view, and doesn't make a matrix symmetric?
  1,093  How to get all submatrices of given size in numpy?
  1,093  How can I add channel in an image array?
  1,093  Creating Arrays in numpy using zeros
  1,093  Creating an array using data from a text file (NumPy)
  1,093  Converting Binary Numpy Array into Unsigned Integer
  1,093  Complex symmetric matrices in python
  1,092  Vectorized year/month/day operations with NumPy datetime64
  1,092  ndarray to structured_array and float to int
  1,092  Interpolating a straight line on a log-log graph (NumPy)
  1,092  In Python, how can I raise a square matrix represented as a numpy.ndarray to non-integer powers?
  1,092  how can I efficiently pad a RGB pixel to make it the center pixel of a resulting image using numpy
  1,092  get and display one image in a stack of 3 channel images, in a numpy array
  1,092  Extending a series of nonuniform netcdf data in a numpy array
  1,092  array slicing in numpy
  1,091  Triple Integration with Python / Numpy / Scipy
  1,091  Slice a 3D numpy array by a list of indices
  1,091  Python: Replacing every number in an array with a different number
  1,091  How would I plot a function f(x,y) (technically a field) as a colour gradient in Pylab?
  1,091  How to find dissimilarity matrix (Plant communities) in python?
  1,091  cython function output slightly different from python function output
  1,091  converting from numpy array of one type to another by re-interpreting raw bytes
  1,091  compare NumPy vs. NumPy+MKL performance
  1,091  array transform in python
  1,090  Why does numpy.ndarray.resize() return None
  1,090  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' with Pandas after importing data from MYSQL
  1,090  Set diagonal triangle in pandas DataFrame to NaN
  1,090  Replacing out-of-bounds (complex) values in a pandas DataFrame
  1,090  Numpy, Atlas and Lapack
  1,090  Is there a way to speed up the following pandas for loop?
  1,090  Is there a good way to find the rank of a matrix in a field of characteristic p>0?
  1,090  csv to matrix in scipy
  1,090  Copying a Single Row From One Pandas Dataframe to Another Results in Missing Values
  1,090  Convert a Pandas dataframe with multiple rows into one row
  1,089  Python multiprocessing of a sum
  1,089  Numpy find indices of groups with same value
  1,089  np.array intersection // AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PiecewisePolynomial'
  1,089  Matrix Multiplication TypeError
  1,089  `LinAlgError: SVD did not converge` when attempting to rescale a 4D array using `skimage.transform.rescale`
  1,089  How to find the distance between 2 points in 2 different dataframes in pandas?
  1,088  ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1.#QO
  1,088  Python array reshape
  1,088  Most frequent element in NumPy ND array
  1,088  INSERT Numpy ND array to a MySQL Table
  1,088  How to quickly get a feasible solution to a linear program in Python?
  1,088  Getting the maximum in each rolling window of a 2D numpy array
  1,088  get numpy array from pygame
  1,088  Generating data from meshgrid data (Numpy)
  1,088  File Size Reduction in Pandas and HDF5
  1,087  Segmentation fault in PyArray_SimpleNewFromData
  1,087  Removing rows from a multi dimensional numpy array
  1,087  Numpy Nested Structured Arrays by reference
  1,087  MemoryError while creating cartesian product in Numpy
  1,087  Mask 3D numpy array where array is equal to a list of values
  1,087  indexing a numpy array to the last column [duplicate]
  1,087  How to convert Numpy NaT values to Pandas datetime values
  1,087  Creating this block matrix in numpy
  1,086  Storing large amount of boolean data in python
  1,086  Range of floats with a given precision
  1,086  Python numpy unexpected results in arange and linspace
  1,086  Python 4.7: How to count the frequency of specific value in array [duplicate]
  1,086  Numpy vectorization algorithms to find first future element greater than current element
  1,086  numpy tensordot related issue
  1,086  Numpy accumulating one array in another using index array
  1,086  mathplotlib six.moves.urllib.request import error
  1,086  Index out of bounds error : Python
  1,086  How do I associate which singular value corresponds to what entry?
  1,086  count of unique values in pandas dataframe column
  1,086  Applying function / calculation to multiple columns in pandas
  1,085  working with dataset in sklearn
  1,085  Vectorized spatial distance in python using numpy
  1,085  Spike centered on zero in fast Fourier transform
  1,085  scipy.optimize.curve_fit for a function with complex dependence on variable parameters
  1,085  Pytorch: Why is the memory occupied by the `tensor` variable so small?
  1,085  Numpy savetxt heterogenous data
  1,085  Numpy (OpenCV) image array to OpenGL texture (pi3d)
  1,085  Numpy: Fastest way of computing diagonal for each row of a 2d array
  1,085  Numpy array values changed without being aksed?
  1,085  How to identify a pandas column is a list
  1,085  Extract Quarterly Data from Multi Quarter Periods
  1,085  Create array of outer products in numpy
  1,085  append field to record array?
  1,084  Rendering a unicode/ascii character to a numpy array
  1,084  Log-sum-exp trick on a sparse matrix in scipy
  1,084  Is numpy.sum implemented in such a way that numerical errors are avoided?
  1,083  Python TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'float'
  1,083  python changes format numbers ndarray many digits [duplicate]
  1,083  matrix multiplication with ndarray
  1,083  Linking Anaconda MKL to C++/Cython program
  1,083  It appears I've run out of 32-bit address space. What are my options?
  1,083  improve python performance in networkx
  1,083  How do I access a numpy array in embedded python from c++?
  1,083  Get header:row_data from CSV file python
  1,083  Finding appropriate cut-off values
  1,083  Creating numpy array with empty columns using genfromtxt
  1,082  type matching error in tensor
  1,082  RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xa but this version of numpy is 0x9 from import cv2
  1,082  Remove following duplicates in a NumPy array
  1,082  python, fix broken npy file. ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged
  1,082  How can I use sklearn CountVectorizer with mutliple strings?
  1,082  Get the mean from Python dataframe based on index
  1,082  Finding inverse of a matrix with high condition number
  1,082  efficient way to calculate distance between combinations of pandas frame columns
  1,081  Vectorized string processing in a NumPy array
  1,081  Using Cython correctly in sample code with numpy
  1,081  trouble with pip and easy_install to install python packages
  1,081  Running average / frequency of time series data?
  1,081  PyQtGraph and numpy realtime plot
  1,081  Multi values or multi index pivot table in pandas
  1,081  How to make the elements of a NumPy array property settable?
  1,081  convert list of strings to numpy list of lists
  1,081  Compute probability over a multivariate normal
  1,081  cast numpy array into memmap
  1,081  2D peak finding with non-maximum suppression using numpy
  1,080  Read/Write Python List from/to Binary file
  1,080  Python : What is the difference between matplotlib.image and scipy.misc?
  1,080  Python table titles into dictionary
  1,080  Numpy Image Arrays: How to efficiently switch from RGB to Hex
  1,080  Named dtype array: Difference between a[0]['name'] and a['name'][0]?
  1,080  multidimensional array of images in python
  1,080  min-max scaling of dataframe in iPython
  1,080  how to construct diagonal array using a 2d array in numpy?
  1,080  How to access numpy default global random number generator
  1,080  'generator' object does not support item assignment
  1,080  Full-range random number in Python
  1,079  Simulating ode in scipy with full matrix ( object too deep for desired array)
  1,079  No Module Name index
  1,079  How to merge different images into one with numpy - Python
  1,079  Fastest way to iterate through loops in various scenarios
  1,079  cross platform numpy.random.seed()
  1,079  Chain datasets from multiple HDF5 files/datasets
  1,079  Applying a specific High pass filter on a RGB image in numpy
  1,078  Python: Cosine Similarity between different size of NumPy arrays
  1,078  Numpy: Reshaping this array in the least number of operations
  1,078  numpy float32 truncating decimal [duplicate]
  1,078  Numpy, apply a list of functions along array dimension
  1,078  loop to extract each array in array of arrays python
  1,078  how to read multiple wav files in python, and convert to numpy arrays to plot
  1,078  How to delete a row that contains a specific string in Python using numpy?
  1,078  Higher order finite differences in numpy
  1,078  Generate N positive integers within a range adding up to a total in python
  1,078  datetime difference in python adjusted for night time
  1,078  Creating a 2D array using values of coordinate points on a grid
  1,077  Will python give you an answer for an infinite solutions linear system?
  1,077  ValueError: could not convert string to float: yes while fitting a model using gridsearch from scikit learn
  1,077  Scipy Handling of Large COO matrix
  1,077  Numpy select rows based on condition
  1,077  Combine and split boolean arrays
  1,077  column-wise normalization (scaling) of arrays
  1,076  Why does assigning an ndarray to an ndarray in PyCaffe raise an Attribute Error?
  1,076  What simple filter could I use to de-noise my data?
  1,076  ValueError when fitting a model
  1,076  Sieve of Eratosthenes - Primes between X and N
  1,076  Python plotting time versus packets based on csv file
  1,076  Python list comprehension list - a good way to pick up a max
  1,076  Plotting non uint8 images with matplotlib
  1,076  Phase portrait of a nonlinear system numpy
  1,076  Optimize numpy point cloud creation script
  1,076  numpy vs list for non-numerical data
  1,076  numpy: Broadcasting a vector horizontally
  1,076  Loop to get rolling future values of a pandas time-indexed dataframe, can I make this faster?
  1,076  linear interpolation in numpy
  1,076  Is it possible to use BLAS to speed up sparse matrix multiplication?
  1,076  How to solve / fit a geometric brownian motion process in Python?
  1,076  How to reshape 3 channel dataset for input to neural network
  1,076  How to keep color bar width consistent in seaborn heatmap subplots
  1,076  How to get rows from numpy 2d where column value is maximum from group by other column?
  1,076  How to apply multiple functions to numpy array?
  1,076  Fourier deconvolution with numpy
  1,076  Efficiently slice windows from a 1D numpy array, around indices given by second 2D array
  1,076  Differences between array class and matrix class in numpy for matrix operation
  1,076  Crop nan rows and columns of a matrix, but keep it square
  1,075  Start:stop slicing inconsistencies between numpy and Pandas?
  1,075  Reinstalling numpy under ubuntu
  1,075  Python Custom Zipf Number Generator Performing Poorly
  1,075  Plot every nth element in an array
  1,075  numpy packbits pack to uint16 array
  1,075  Nested for loop to numpy convolve
  1,075  How to use numpy to get the cumulative count by unique values in linear time?
  1,075  How can I slice 2D array in python without Numpy module?
  1,075  Fast Fourier Transform for Harmonic Analysis
  1,074  so exactly how many digits can float8, float16, float32, float64, and float128 contain?
  1,074  Python TypeError in Numpy polyfit ufunc did not contain loop with matching signature types
  1,074  Numba python3 get error [GPU ufunc requires array arguments to have the exact types.]
  1,074  matrix operations with gigantic matrices in python [duplicate]
  1,074  cv::UMat::convertTo in python
  1,074  Add two 3D numpy arrays with a 2D mask
  1,073  Why my SGD is far off than my linear regression model?
  1,073  semantics of generating symmetric matrices in numpy
  1,073  removing columns from an array in Python
  1,073  Python : Halton and Hammersley quasi random sequences
  1,073  ploting 2D numpy array with seaborn jointplot
  1,073  How to prevent float imprecision from affecting numpy.arange?
  1,073  how to improve numpy performance in this short code?
  1,073  How to create histogram of binary image?
  1,073  calculate pixel by pixel mean of the rasters using numpy
  1,073  Add a dense vector to a sparse matrix in scipy (via broadcasting)
  1,072  Python Opencv img.item() performance too slow
  1,072  Python Memory error using meshgrid
  1,072  LASSO regression result different in Matlab and Python
  1,072  is fftshift broken in scipy?
  1,072  How can I use cython to speed up the numpy?
  1,072  Efficient transformation of gensim TransformedCorpus data to array
  1,071  Write numpy array to binary file efficiently
  1,071  Why is Python's numpy.polyval() so slow?
  1,071  python pandas multiply dataframe by weights that vary with category in vectorized fashion
  1,071  How to graph TF-IDF feature vs Logistic Regression?
  1,071  How to centralize and resize digits using opencv?
  1,071  Divide Numpy array by constant to make hours days
  1,071  Derivatives of a spline: `scipy splev`
  1,071  Creating a range of floats with numpy arange
  1,071  Conditional average in Python
  1,071  calculate euclidean distance for PCA in python
  1,070  SQLAlchemy query results directly to numpy matrix
  1,070  How to share memory from an HDF5 dataset with a NumPy ndarray
  1,070  getting recarray into postgres using psycopg2
  1,070  AWS Lambda Bootstrap errors
  1,070  2dHistogram: ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
  1,069  Using numpy.vstack in numba
  1,069  Selecting random arrays from multidimensional numpy array with replacement
  1,069  Python ScikitLearn GridSearchCV issues with TFIDF - JobLibValueError?
  1,069  Python crash when downloading image as numpy array
  1,069  Prediction always the same while using Sci-kit Learn SVM
  1,069  numpy loglog linear regression
  1,069  Minimize objective function using limfit.minimize in Python
  1,069  Indices that intersect and sort two numpy arrays
  1,069  How to define zorder when using 2 y-axis?
  1,069  How to concatenate numpy.ndarray and scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix with same number of rows?
  1,069  Element-wise effecient multiplication of arrays of matrices
  1,069  Count red pixel values and plot histogram in Python
  1,069  Binning in python pandas dataframe (not manually setting bins)
  1,068  Why numpy.sum returns a float64 instead of an uint64 when adding elements of a generator?
  1,068  Reverse output of polyfit numpy
  1,068  python numpy.savetext a matrix with mixed format
  1,068  Python - Looping over raster cells, extremely slow
  1,068  Optimal (broadcasted) matrix division in numpy. Avoiding temporary arrays or not?
  1,068  numpy fromfile(count = -1) returns array of zeros on Mac OS for huge filesize
  1,068  Inexplicable ''divide by zero'' RuntimeWarning with numpy masked arrays
  1,068  IndexError: List Index out of range Keras Tokenizer
  1,068  How to specify the number of knot points when using scipy.splprep
  1,068  How to balance classes in a numpy array?
  1,068  Fast points in circle test with numpy
  1,068  Convert a numpy array into a Android/Java readable format?
  1,067  Why does accumulate work for numpy.maximum but not numpy.argmax
  1,067  Using numpy vector elements in Fraction module in Python
  1,067  Python unittest ignore numpy
  1,067  Python Pandas creating a long list of dataframes to get concatenated
  1,067  Python erro- ''too many values to unpack using numpy.loadtxt'' large data file
  1,067  Problems while importing h5py package
  1,067  Printing Beta(Coef) alone from statsmodels OLS regression
  1,067  Prepare data from csv file to use with neural network python
  1,067  numpy sum is not giving right answer for float32 type
  1,067  Numpy Minimize COBYLA Constraints
  1,067  Numpy loadtxt function not working
  1,067  how to find the integral of a matrix exponential in python
  1,067  high precision calculation in numpy
  1,066  Wrapped (circular) 2D interpolation in Python
  1,066  why does my convolution routine differ from numpy & scipy's?
  1,066  Solving sparse and complex linear systems with scipy
  1,066  sklearn LabelEncoder : TypeError : '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'
  1,066  Saving `dask.array` as hdf5 dataset
  1,066  Record and Recognize music from URL [closed]
  1,066  Plot from a file
  1,066  OpenCV - python 3.x and windows - what version of Numpy?
  1,066  Numpy stateing that invalid value while calculating normalized mahalanobis distance
  1,066  matplotlib figure to numpy array without white borders
  1,066  if statement whilst slicing
  1,066  Binning data based on one column in 2D array and estimate mean in each bin using cython
  1,065  Why does numpy array's astype method not modify the input when casting type?
  1,065  Reshaping multidimensional array to 2-D array in Python
  1,065  python numpy array / dict multiple inheritance
  1,065  Python: Check if points are in a sphere
  1,065  Pandas: how to broadcast values by specific column rather than index when doing arithmetic operation?
  1,065  padding data in python
  1,065  Numpy 8-bits images conversion to 16/32-bits images before cvtColor() in opencv
  1,065  Most efficient way to convert a multidimensional numpy array to ctypes array
  1,065  How to randomly assign values row-wise in a numpy array
  1,065  How to make numpy array with 2D shape
  1,065  How to convert numpy and pandas datetime objects to numeric?
  1,065  Fastest way to fill numpy array with distances from a point
  1,064  Why does numpy.median scale so well?
  1,064  Use of np.where()[0]
  1,064  Python - Sum 4D Array
  1,064  ImportError: DLL load failed: sklearn, with Anaconda
  1,064  How to save trimmed wave file in python?
  1,064  How to list all modules python 2.7 and 3.4 have installed for MacOSX
  1,064  how to convert string array of mixed data types
  1,064  How to assign values to multiple non existing columns in a pandas dataframe?
  1,063  What is the fastest way to calculate sum of absolute differences between two images in Python?
  1,063  Splitting a dataframe based on column values
  1,063  Sounddevice ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2048) into shape (2048,1)
  1,063  Python opencv: draw a circle on a image, when a key is pressed
  1,063  Is there any way to replace a for loop with something more efficient in python
  1,063  How to use numpy arrays as input to Tensorflow CNN without mismatched dimensions
  1,063  How to resize or reshape a volume image in every dimension?
  1,063  How to calculate mean and max increase, decrease of time series in python
  1,063  How to apply logarithmic axis labels without log scaling image (matplotlib imshow)
  1,063  Delete last column from file with Python
  1,063  Check common elements of two 2D numpy arrays, either row or column wise
  1,062  Using CV2 in Python to find two instances of image within image
  1,062  Understanding how numpy arrays are laid out in memory
  1,062  numpy sum antidiagonals of array
  1,062  Merging non-overlapping array blocks
  1,062  implementing exotic complex numbers to use with numpy
  1,061  White lines in confusion matrix?
  1,061  Python : Speeding up my Runge-Kutta integration code challenge
  1,061  Python numpy shape outputs L
  1,061  pandas DataFrame set value on boolean mask based on different columns
  1,061  numpy: is matrix multiplication faster than sum of a vector?
  1,061  Numpy indexing 3-dimensional array into 2-dimensional array
  1,061  Loop over NumPy array row/column and modify the values
  1,061  Iterating an Array in Python using the brentq Function
  1,061  Is there a way to set random state for all pandas function?
  1,061  Input function from user matplotlib in python
  1,061  How to merge and split numpy array along the axis?
  1,061  Creating new numpy array from existing array efficiently
  1,061  Correctly using the numpy's convolve with an image
  1,060  Python/Numpy: How do you assign the end+1 element of an array similar to how it's done in Matlab?
  1,060  Numpy import fails on multiarray extension library when called from embedded Python within a C++ application
  1,060  installing python packages Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  1,060  how to save video opencv-python on mac
  1,060  How extract numpy array features from spectrogram?
  1,060  Gaussian Fit on noisy and 'interesting' data set
  1,060  Execute .py script from sikuli passing arguments
  1,060  Data Labeling: Python
  1,060  could not broadcast input array from shape (20) into shape (19)
  1,059  Turn pandas series to series of lists or numpy array to array of lists
  1,059  python: building an iterator over a grid from the grid nodes
  1,059  ndimage.label() giving ''data type not supported'' error
  1,059  Mix two arrays. Simple. Python
  1,059  Finding maximal cliques and removing nodes?
  1,059  Create new column for data after each iteration of a for loop in python
  1,059  Conjugate transpose of self using numpy syntax
  1,059  Checking condition in negative rolling window within GroupBy in Pandas
  1,059  calculate binomial distribution probability matrix with python
  1,058  Using scipy colors and imsave on a OS X 10.7 (Lion)
  1,058  TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment np.append()
  1,058  Trying to vectorize iterative calculation with numpy
  1,058  Reading a random seed of a jupyter notebook
  1,058  Python - Computing Earth Mover Distance of histograms
  1,058  print a tensor variable
  1,058  Numpy with Blas and OpenBlas take the same time
  1,058  numpy.ndindex and array slices
  1,058  kNN - How to locate the nearest neighbors in the training matrix based on the calculated distances
  1,058  How to use boost::numpy::from_data in boost-numpy library
  1,058  Calculating the mean of numbers in a list using for loops
  1,057  Why does TensorFlow have a lot of mathematical equations re-implemented?
  1,057  Using a Shared Array in multiprocessing to save values
  1,057  Unexpected result  -  numpy fromfunction with constant functions
  1,057  Rotate square to be normal to a vector
  1,057  Python / numpy: Remove empty (zeroes) border of 3D array
  1,057  Python Numpy Array Ctypes Pointer
  1,057  Plotting a map : Rotating arrows for ocean surface currents
  1,057  Numpy weighted average of 4D array with 2D array of weights without list comprehension
  1,057  numpy - pretty printing
  1,057  How do I properly append one array to another in tensorflow?
  1,057  Convert numpy array of integers to 12 bit binary
  1,057  Compare adjacent values in numpy array
  1,056  Scipy: What's the difference between fit using loc=0, floc=0?
  1,056  Python: Intersection of spheres
  1,056  Pandas Dataframe with Symmetrical Column and Index (row) Lables
  1,056  Making an image black and white in python without pillow
  1,056  Convert numpy ndarray to non-numpy datatype
  1,055  Upgrading numpy version
  1,055  SciPy: generating custom random variable from PMF
  1,055  Saving a dictionary of numpy arrays in human-readable format
  1,055  Reshape of set of arrays in 3D array
  1,055  Python: NxM array of samples drawn from NxM normal distributions
  1,055  How to subtract only the first number of a row in a numpy array
  1,055  AttributeError: 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor' object has no attribute 'decode'
  1,054  python numpy import of uneven (data missing) array
  1,054  Plotting legend for 2D numpy array
  1,054  numpy version creating issue. python 2.7 already installed
  1,054  How to perform a sequence of a very large image averaging in python / OpenCV?
  1,054  Getting the features names form selectKbest
  1,054  Extracting grid from a sudoku puzzle in python
  1,053  numpy.loadtxt is way slower than open ... readlines()
  1,053  Loading numpy array from http response without saving a file
  1,053  How to randomly generate a nonnegative orthogonal matrix in numpy?
  1,053  how to plot a regression line
  1,053  How to plot a probability map in python?
  1,053  generate sequence by indices / one-hot encoding
  1,053  finding number of values returned by numpy.where
  1,053  Compiler is showing me this error : struct.error: ushort format requires 0 <= number <= USHRT_MAX
  1,052  Trading strategy P&L for holding period - solve rolling_apply bottleneck
  1,052  Theano: Why does indexing fail in this case?
  1,052  NumPy Matrix operation without copying
  1,052  how to fix this error : numpy.ndarray '' object has no attribute ''append"
  1,052  How to convert numpy array to Matlab matrix?
  1,052  Error on weighted histogram in python
  1,052  AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'value'
  1,051  Working with floating point NumPy arrays for comparison and related operations
  1,051  Using NeuroSky's Mindwave Mobile(to measure brainwave) and Raspberry 3 to do FFT(to get certain frequency) with Python 2.7
  1,051  Subset a 3d numpy array
  1,051  Saving 1D numpy arrays of different sizes to txt file columnwise
  1,051  Python error: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  1,051  Pandas - Assign unique ID to each group in grouped data
  1,051  OpenCV-Python: What is correct shape of points for finding epipolar lines?
  1,051  Multiplying matrices (dot product) along an axis with Numpy (without loops)
  1,051  How to deal with nan when converting 2-D Numpy array into a GeoTIFF file
  1,051  How to convert a pandas value_counts into a python list
  1,051  How to convert 2d numpy array to 4d numpy array
  1,051  How to apply a function only on selected rows and columns of pandas data frame?
  1,051  Find the nearest nonzero element and corresponding index in a 2d NumPy array
  1,051  Fast math operations on an array in python
  1,050  Vertex Buffer Objects in PyOpenGL - vertex, index and colour
  1,050  Simulating the Ising Model in Python
  1,050  Python function to expand image (NumPy array)
  1,050  Python: Elementwise comparison of same shaped arrays
  1,050  Plotting segmented color images using numpy masked array and imshow
  1,050  numpy MaskedConstant gives inconsistent conversion to bool
  1,050  NumPy indexing: broadcasting with Boolean arrays
  1,050  Multiplication of two matrices of different size numpy
  1,050  How to get the prediction of test from 2D parameters of WLS regression in statsmodels
  1,050  How to extend numpy arrray
  1,050  Generating random data in python fitting given function
  1,050  Finding two most far away points in plot with many points in Python
  1,050  Fastest way to slice a ndarray
  1,050  Converting image into pixel array
  1,049  Tensorflow 2.0 Object Detection API Demo Error int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'Tensor'
  1,049  OpenCV & Python: quickly superimpose mask over image without overflow
  1,049  NumPy Matrix Multiplication Efficiency for Matrix With Known Structure
  1,049  Most efficient way to convert numpy array to string
  1,049  including a negative number in the log sum of exponents, in python
  1,049  How to move a row in pandas dataframe which have unordered index to the first row?
  1,049  How to include measurement errors in numpy.polyfit
  1,049  Do xarray or dask really support memory-mapping?
  1,049  Database or Table Solution for Temporary Numpy Arrays
  1,049  Conditional based on slope between two rows in Pandas DataFrame
  1,049  Assignment of Pandas DataFrame with float32 and float64 slow
  1,048  Why I am not able to fit a sigmoid function to this data using scipy.optimize.curve_fit?
  1,048  Why does np.median() return multiple rows?
  1,048  What numpy dtypes h5py accepts?
  1,048  vectorized radix sort with numpy - can it beat np.sort?
  1,048  Sliding window for splitting a ndarray into smaller overlapping ndarrays
  1,048  Python/Keras/Theano - Index out of bounds
  1,048  Numpy Slicing slow?
  1,048  MemoryError with large sparse matrices
  1,048  ''Invalid input data'' from SciPy's cublic spline interpolation process; bad results from interpolate.bisplrep?
  1,048  Error in houghtransform lines
  1,048  Does assignment with advanced indexing copy array data?
  1,048  Defining and Multiplying matrices in numpy (python)
  1,047  Why is my prof's version of LU decomposition faster than mine? Python numpy
  1,047  Run in parallel a heavy loop on numpy chunks
  1,047  Retrieving quantiles from Pandas groupby aggregate
  1,047  renaming __xarray_dataarray_variable__ in xarray dataarray
  1,047  Python numpy-like interface for tree structures
  1,047  Numpy taking only first character of string
  1,047  Modelling and Plotting Fat Tails - Python
  1,047  logical or on list of pandas masks
  1,047  Is there an alternative to, arr) that will work with pypy?
  1,047  Initialize lil_matrix given data and coordinates
  1,047  IndexError: in the future, 0-d boolean arrays will be interpreted as a valid boolean index
  1,047  How to get numpy not to print in scientific notation [duplicate]
  1,047  How to get dtype column names
  1,047  How do I estimate the right parameters for a cumulative gaussian fit?
  1,047  Create arrays of random letters: Python 3
  1,046  Wolfram Alpha and scipy.integrate.quad give me different answers for the same integral
  1,046  Why does this simple numpy multiply operation raise an ''invalid number of arguments'' error? [duplicate]
  1,046  Vectorized assignment of a 2-dimensional array
  1,046  Numpy : clip/cut 2d masked array
  1,046  Multiple solutions when doing ILP
  1,046  matplotlib creating and updating graphs from csv file (csv file updates every second)
  1,046  Interpolate values in a 2D Python numerical dictionary
  1,046  How to multiply a numpy array by a list to get a multidimentional array?
  1,046  how to keep precision from numpy's array
  1,046  How can I initialize a NumPy array from a multidimensional buffer?
  1,046  Get intersecting (common) indexes across two 2D (or 3D) numpy arrays [duplicate]
  1,046  conversion of lists into a numpy array in pandas dataframe
  1,046  Compute mean of last X elements of a list in Python2.7
  1,045  Using Numpy to get an average of an array within a matrix
  1,045  Using NetworkX to position Nodes on PyQt QgraphicsScene
  1,045  Understanding Markov Chains in terms of Matrix Multiplication
  1,045  SciPy probplot TypeError: 'Text' object is not callable
  1,045  how to read a data file including ''pandas.core.frame, numpy.core.multiarray''
  1,045  How do I find the smallest difference between a given number and every element in a list in Python?
  1,045  hdf to ndarray in numpy - fast way
  1,045  Frequency-wavenumber domain and fft2 command in numpy
  1,045  Failure to install HTSeq Python package on Ubuntu 14.04
  1,045  Excel to pandas to numpy array conversion
  1,045  Datetime intervals with numpy.arange
  1,045  Calculating row-wise delta values in a DataFrame
  1,045  Background Subtraction using a control image in Python
  1,045  2D Color coded scatter plot with user defined color range and static colormap
  1,044  Why cant I get rid of RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  1,044  Use numpy to multiply a matrix across an array of points?
  1,044  Tkinter 16-bit raw (monochrome) image display w/ scaling?
  1,044  Time-bandwidth product (width of Gaussian) using numpy.fft
  1,044  Storing all the outputs of for loop in a matrix python
  1,044  Pytorch - is this the right way to load a big dataset using and train it for Linear Regression
  1,044  Python, how to write nested list with unequal lengths to a csv file?
  1,044  Picamera - Optimized way to do motion detection
  1,044  NumPy matrix to SciPy sparse matrix: What is the safest way to add a scalar?
  1,044  numpy linalg svd memory complexity and limits?
  1,044  Looping over files and plotting (Python)
  1,044  How to sample a # of rows from a specific class in python?
  1,044  How can I replace missing values using python loops in pandas? [closed]
  1,044  Efficient way to convert image stored as numpy array into hsv
  1,044  curve fitting with a known function numpy
  1,044  Creating a waveform representation with standard library python
  1,044  Create weighted igraph Graph from numpy summetric 2D array as adjacency matrix
  1,044  'Corrupted double-linked list' memory errors - OpenCV-Python 3.0.0 and Numpy on ARM
  1,044  Batch convolution 2d in numpy without scipy?
  1,043  Subset of a matrix multiplication, fast, and sparse
  1,043  Python numpy Attribute Error '_collapse'
  1,043  Inverting numpy array image which might be uint8, uint16,
  1,043  compute distance matrix from list of vectors
  1,043  Colorbar offsetText (scientific base multiplier) move from top to bottom of colorbar
  1,042  Row-wise processing of tensors in a batch
  1,042  reading file & joining two columns in numpy array
  1,042  Python Numpy - attach three arrays to form a matrix or 3D array
  1,042  Numpy array with coordinates
  1,042  importing numpy package in Spyder, Python
  1,042  How to get log-normal distribution (i.e. a normal distribution in dB) with a zero mean and a standard deviation of σ = 2 dB for 600 values in python?
  1,042  How do you inner merge two dataframes with a tolerance value?
  1,042  Dynamically updating a graphed line in python [duplicate]
  1,041  sympy and numpy or IPython compatibility?
  1,041  Select ''corner'' elements of a 2D NumPy array [duplicate]
  1,041  looping through the rows of a matrix in sage
  1,041  Is there an equivalent (or close) to numpy.loadtxt for julia?
  1,041  Is it possible to add new columns to DataFrame in Pandas (python)?
  1,041  How to count distance to the previous zero in pandas series?
  1,041  How to calculate python 2D scatter points occupied area
  1,041  Fastest way to sorting a corpus dictionary into an OrderedDict - python
  1,041  converting a dictionary with with multi values for each key to dataframe
  1,041  Assigning 2D-array function return values to a new numpy array
  1,040  ValueError : Length Not Known while mapping a list in Theano
  1,040  The corresponding ctypes type of a numpy.dtype?
  1,040  Problems while plotting on Matplotlib
  1,040  Problems using Python to solve coupled delay differential equations (DDEs)
  1,040  numpy: using operator - with arrays containing None
  1,040  numpy dtype ValueError: invalid shape in fixed-type tuple - how can I get around it?
  1,040  Image registration, construction of Composite Image
  1,040  How to replace values of an array with another array using numpy in Python
  1,040  How to remove quiver arrows at all when values are zeros
  1,039  Setting labels manually in matplotlib contour-plot wrong
  1,039  set_printoptions Not Suppressing As Expected
  1,039  Python - unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'
  1,039  Python numpy - Reproducibility of random numbers
  1,039  Python - Cross correlation of two signals with NaN inside
  1,039  how to load my own data or online dataset in python for training CNN or autoencoder?
  1,039  How to convert 3D numpy array to nifti image in nibabel?
  1,039  How to calculate a densitiy distribution for a set of values in python?
  1,039  Compare Across Arrays by Index in Python
  1,039  Changing the values on the x and y axis of a graph in Python
  1,039  Big size when compiling the code using packages like numpy and wxpython
  1,038  Python Pandas combining timestamp columns and fillna in read_csv
  1,038  Python 3: Feather cannot serialize numpy arrays
  1,038  Optimized Way to Splice Pandas Dataframe
  1,038  Matrix Multiplication with Object Arrays in Python
  1,038  Loading large arrays from file, numpy slower than list appending. Where is the bottle neck?
  1,038  in numpy what is the multi dimensional equivalent of take
  1,038  How to find the X coordinate of a point on a line given another point of the line and the 2 points on a perpendicular line?
  1,038  How can I add class labels in python?
  1,038  Does Theano/Numpy's matrix inverse function use GPU at all?
  1,037  Writing a string to a text file and then an array using numpy savetxt
  1,037  visualizing large datasets in python
  1,037  Using StratifiedShuffleSplit with sparse matrix
  1,037  numpy reshape 2d matrix to 3d matrix by stacking columns
  1,037  numpy/core/ undefined symbol: _Py_ZeroStruct
  1,037  Memory error when initializes a large numpy array in a function
  1,037  Map function along arbitrary dimension with pytorch? numpy?
  1,037  Line fitting below points
  1,037  Kuwahara filter with performance issues
  1,037  Is there a way to reshape an array that does not maintain the original size (or a convenient work-around)?
  1,037  How to convert a 1D python list containing image data into a numpy array and display it
  1,037  How to avoid enormous additional memory consumption when using numpy vectorize?
  1,037  How do you make ggplot plots of numpy arrays?
  1,037  Generating a binomial distribution around zero
  1,037  Element-wise matrix operation returns zero (due to integer division)
  1,037  concatenate several strings as a single string
  1,037  can not import numpy in boost-python
  1,036  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence while training KD TRee on TFIDF
  1,036  Received all indexes of elements greater than x in ndarray of size n*n python
  1,036  Numpy: apply along axis returns error: Setting an array element with a sequence
  1,036  Mean subtraction of patches in python nympy scipy
  1,036  Key error when trying to drop rows in pandas dataframe
  1,036  Interpolation of datetimes for smooth matplotlib plot in python
  1,036  Improve cython array indexing speed
  1,036  how to import cv2 and numpy in Choregraphe for NAO robot?
  1,035  Using memmap files for batch processing
  1,035  String preallocation in numpy.arrays
  1,035  scikit-image pixel by pixel manipulation
  1,035  Repeat a 2D NumPy array N times [duplicate]
  1,035  Python: How to save 2d numpy array efficiently to disk?
  1,035  python: how to remove brackets of a nested list within a list
  1,035  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy._lib'
  1,035  Matrix multiplying arrays with Numpy
  1,035  How to get sum of products of all combinations in an array in Python? [closed]
  1,035  Difference between numpy.zeros(n) and numpy.zeros(n,1) [duplicate]
  1,034  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (20,590) into shape (20)
  1,034  Python generate range array with random step size
  1,034  PyArray_Check gives Segmentation Fault with Cython/C++
  1,034  numpy: iterate over nested array
  1,034  numpy calculate polynom efficiently
  1,034  Numpy 2d array, select indices satisfying conditions from 2 arrays
  1,034  numba raises performance warning when using @, eventhough array are contiguous
  1,034  more efficient wind tunnel simulation in Pygame, using numpy
  1,034  How to update a Numpy array sequentially without loop
  1,034  Creating an image from single bits in Python 3
  1,034  Are HSV values stored as VSH in numpy array?
  1,033  solve an n-dimensional optimisation problem using iminuit
  1,033  Save two arrays with Numpy.savetxt into a .csv file, with a column for each array
  1,033  Rounding a list of values to the nearest value from another list in python
  1,033  Plotting first few elements of array
  1,033  Numpy reshape an array with specific order
  1,033  IndexError: tuple index out of range with write to txt file
  1,033  How to use np.genfromtxt and fill in missing columns?
  1,033  How to know cython program is using numpy+MKL or not using MKL?
  1,033  How to convert picamera video frame to openCV object
  1,033  Group by in SFrame without installing graphlab
  1,033  Embedded python in C : Is there a way to import numpy properly from zipped python archive?
  1,033  Efficient way to find the index of the max upper triangular entry in a numpy array?
  1,033  Displaying numpy arrays with matplotlib inside wx
  1,033  Comparing floating point numbers with numpy and scipy
  1,033  Calling BLAS / LAPACK directly using the SciPy interface and Cython
  1,032  Vectorizing numpy.random.multinomial
  1,032  ValueError: The model expects 2 input arrays, but only received one array (Keras/Tensorflow)
  1,032  Python + Pandas + Spark - How to import a dataframe into Pandas dataframe and convert it into a dictionary?
  1,032  Numpy: Dot product with max instead of sum
  1,032  Matrix of matrices in python
  1,032  Math percentile on histogram bins. Edge error
  1,032  How do I multiply a tensor by a matrix
  1,032  element-wise count along axis of values in numpy array
  1,032  Debugging backpropagation algorithm
  1,032  Creating a numpy array from list of lists, with various data types
  1,032  Concatenate numpy arrays to two arrays using pandas, numpy or other
  1,031  Why is it that is so much faster than finding the dot product using for-loops
  1,031  Speeding up distance between all possible pairs in an array
  1,031  Set operations with scipy arrays
  1,031  Python Multiply two arrays of unequal size
  1,031  python error:'' 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'words' '' when training doc2vec
  1,031  PCA difference between python numpy and sklearn
  1,031  Local linear approximation in numpy
  1,031  Interactively Display graphs in matplotlib in python
  1,031  Inserting values into a np.empty array , how to replace?
  1,031  indexing several csv files with pandas from records?
  1,031  Import error, there is no module named numpy, but it says that it is installed?
  1,031  How to optimize math operations on matrix in python
  1,031  How to accumulate an array by index in numpy? [duplicate]
  1,031  How can i use matplotlib on Anaconda? (Win 7 x64)
  1,031  Flatten image background using OpenCV/Numpy
  1,031  Find smallest eigenvalue exactly
  1,031  Fast basic linear algebra in Cython for recurrent calls
  1,031  Checking if a specific float value is in list/array in Python/numpy
  1,030  Why sys.getsizeof(numpy.int8(1)) returns 12?
  1,030  Sliding windows from 2D array that slides along axis=0 or rows to give a 3D array
  1,030  Prevent overflow when multiply numpy image array
  1,030  How to get a list of decimals in python 3
  1,030  Getting index of maximum value in nested list
  1,030  Formatted output from numpy arrays
  1,030  error: failed in converting 1st keyword `w' of dfitpack.fpcurf0 to C/Fortran array
  1,030  Efficient way to compute cosine similarity between 1D array and all rows in a 2D array
  1,030  check membership of a set in python [duplicate]
  1,030  Bin all values of a dataframe into percentiles in pandas
  1,029  Why does numpy.r_ use brackets instead of parentheses?
  1,029  Split 2D NumPy array of strings on '','' character
  1,029  scipy package import error
  1,029  python ravel vs. transpose when used in reshape
  1,029  Pandas: mapping data series (float to string) WITHOUT removal of trailing zeros
  1,029  Pandas convert_to_r_dataframe function KeyError
  1,029  numpy upgrade is not happening
  1,029  invalid types ‘float[int]’ for array subscript error and passing variables to scipy.weave.inline
  1,029  improve speed when reading a binary file
  1,029  How to compute matrix operation with TensorFlow?
  1,029  How can I cast a float numpy array value to an int inside of a numba jitted function in nopython mode
  1,029  Generate array of floats within possible MAX and MIN
  1,029  Formatting a table output to a file :: numpy python
  1,029  Fast way to convert array to tuple/list in python?
  1,029  Convolve an RGB image with a custon neighbout kernel using Python and Numpy
  1,029  Can scipy.optimize.brute() optimize vector functions?
  1,029  Array into multiple arrays
  1,028  Why does sum() operation on numpy masked_array change fill value to 1e20?
  1,028  Vectorized implementation to get index of minimum element in each row
  1,028  Python List of Lists Convert to DataFrame
  1,028  Python create numpy array with different dtypes
  1,028  One-hot encoding using scikit-learn
  1,028  Numpy installation via unzipping into site-packages
  1,028  Numbapro: No speed-up for Matrix Multiplication
  1,028  Is float16 datatype for numpy disfunctional?
  1,028  Installing pandas : RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
  1,028  How to efficiently compute orientation of 3D normals in large pointclouds
  1,028  gradient function of fmin_cg in scipy
  1,028  Fill in values between given indices of 2d numpy array
  1,028  Element-wise broadcasting for comparing two NumPy arrays?
  1,028  define step into numpy.mgrid
  1,028  Cython iterate over list of numpy arrays without the gil
  1,027  Writing multiple seperate numpy arrays to a single comma delimited text file
  1,027  Python NumPy array: Setting an array element with a sequence
  1,027  Pandas DataFrame Cannot Read Data
  1,027  ''numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge'' on a very simple example
  1,027  numpy group by index
  1,027  Does numpy csr matrix ''mean'' function do the mean on all of the matrix? How can I remove a certain value?
  1,027  Creating a numpy array of custom-class objects with C API
  1,026  'TypeError: Not implemented for this type' when trying to make 3D scatterplot in matplotlib
  1,026  python numpy round function strange error [closed]
  1,026  programming with scipy.optimize.linprog - variable coefficients
  1,026  numpy zero-dimension array to 1d
  1,026  Meijer G-function in Python and scipy
  1,026  Google app engine and numpy don't work toghether on local development server
  1,026  Does python have a dict like container but fast like numpy.array?
  1,026  Does Cython offer any reasonably easy and efficient way to iterate Numpy arrays as if they were flat?
  1,026  autoassociative neural network Python
  1,026  Array broadcasting with numpy
  1,025  Taking the mean of every n elements in an array and converting MATLAB code to Python
  1,025  pytorch gradient / derivative / difference along axis like numpy.diff
  1,025  Pandas - Searching Column of Data Frame from List Efficiently
  1,025  numpy digitize with datetime64
  1,025  Numba CUDA `vectorize` and `reduce` decorators slower than expected
  1,025  How to prevent adding two arrays by broadcasting in numpy?
  1,025  How to access arrays passed to ctypes callbacks as numpy arrays?
  1,025  How do I use scipy optimize curve fit with panda df
  1,025  How do I extract the particular row from .csv file and write out in to another file [closed]
  1,025  Find whether a numpy array is a subset of a larger array in Python
  1,025  Computing factorials efficiently with Python and Numpy
  1,025  Behavior of np.c_ with list and tuple arguments
  1,025  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'where'
  1,025  Adaptive 50Hz filter
  1,024  numpy custom dtype challenge
  1,024  Normalize histogram2d by bin area
  1,024  MemoryError Issue in scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
  1,024  IPython notebook won't show plot
  1,024  Find max since condition in pandas timeseries dataframe
  1,024  Finding maxima, above a certain threshold, with Numpy in a 1D numpy array
  1,024  comparing numpy structured arrays
  1,024  Clustering a correlation matrix into multiple matrices of maximum correlations in Python
  1,023  Why does numpy integer subtraction produce a float64?
  1,023  Select row based on date and change value in other column python pandas
  1,023  open .dat file in python
  1,023  Numexpr: How to use ''local_dict'' and ''global_dict''?
  1,023  Moving non-overlapping window in Numpy
  1,023  Internal Server Error due to empty_like method already has a docstring
  1,023  Faster alternative to numpy for manual element-wise operations on large arrays?
  1,023  Evaluate the output from scipy 2D interpolation along a curve
  1,023  cython and numpy: 'cfunc.to_py:65:25: 'ndarray' is not a type identifier'
  1,022  Why is numpy.power slower for integer exponents?
  1,022  spline interpolation between two arrays in python
  1,022  Retrieve index of random item in numpy array with a specific value
  1,022  Python Numpy 2d array with non-integer index
  1,022  Python function equivalent to R's `pretty()`?
  1,022  Python - Data structure of csr_matrix
  1,022  Poor performance of C++ function in Cython
  1,022  np.roll vs scipy.interpolation.shift--discrepancy for integer shift values
  1,022  List of objects or parallel arrays of properties?
  1,022  how do you make the escape key a ''killswitch'' in python 3.3.2?
  1,022  Dimension issue with scipy's curve_fit function
  1,022  Change values of panda.dataframe (fast way) in python
  1,022  average between arrays in Python with nan value
  1,021  Python: List of numpy arrays, can't do index()?
  1,021  Pure python way to compress a numpy array to a text or image file?
  1,021  Numpy fast check for complete array equality, like Matlabs isequal
  1,021  Mismatch with scikit-learn fit() method when trying to plot data set from csv instead of generating it
  1,021  How to sort unique values in of a particular coulmn in pandas?
  1,021  How to send numpy array to sagemaker endpoint using lambda function
  1,021  How to interpret Python output dtype='<U32'?
  1,021  How to calculate the proportion of each cell in the matrix to the sum of the column?
  1,021  Different results using numpy.in1d() with an array and with its single elements
  1,020  Why does python 2.6 not update my numpy array?
  1,020  What versions of NumPy are compatible with Python 3.3?
  1,020  Upper diagonal of a 2D numpy array
  1,020  Python3 - Computationally efficient correlation between matrix and array
  1,020  np.mean 'str' object has no attribute 'mean' error
  1,020  Loop over numpy array to save them as tif files
  1,020  How to create a .png file using python?
  1,020  Force numpy to create array of objects
  1,020  Efficiently generating multiple instances of numpy.random.choice without replacement
  1,020  Efficiently Concatenate Pandas DataFrames in series
  1,020  Create a numpy array of mixed column types from data using genfromtxt
  1,019  sloped uniform distribution python
  1,019  sklearn memory error in python
  1,019  Scipy griddata with 'linear' and 'cubic' yields nan
  1,019  Read npy file directly from S3 StreamingBody
  1,019  python: Quadratic correlation
  1,019  Print a numpy array with parentheses instead of brackets
  1,019  numpy linspace and mesh grid for multiple dimensions
  1,019  Numpy faster at sorting than Pandas
  1,019  Numpy : convert labels into indexes
  1,019  How to suppress the error message when dividing 0 by 0 using np.divide (alongside other floats)?
  1,019  How to add authorship to NumPy docstring, in Python
  1,019  how could I find the area of the intersection of line and contour
  1,019  extract substring between multiple words in a pandas dataframe
  1,018  Why the eigenvalue output is different for tensorflow and numpy?
  1,018  Storing 2D array inside a larger 3D array
  1,018  Reconstructing new data using sklearn NMF components Vs inverse_transform does not match
  1,018  Python - Mapping Strings onto A Boolean Array
  1,018  Numpy, Virtualenv and the ''Cannot find vcvarsall.bat'' issue on Windows
  1,018  Numpy fit values between a range
  1,018  Numpy cluster from connected graph
  1,018  numpy: boolean indexing and memory usage
  1,018  Integral of data with time (Python)
  1,018  Installing numpy on windows 8.1 with python 3.5
  1,018  Identify vectors with same value in one column with numpy in python
  1,018  How to improve numpy curve fitting
  1,018  How to get 3 float numbers randomly with the step of 0.5 between 5.0 and 9.0 using Numpy?
  1,018  Histogram of a region of an image
  1,018  Convert 2D numpy.ndarray to nested dictionary
  1,018  A confusion of indexing/slicing a numpy array
  1,017  Storing Dataframe with Array Entries
  1,017  randomly choose pair (i, j) with probability P[i, j] given stochastic matrix P
  1,017  Pandas read_hdf: how to get column names when using chunksize or iterator?
  1,017  numpy mgrid shapely for linestring coordinates
  1,017  How to convert a numpy string array to numpy float array?
  1,017  Array operations on heterogeneous numpy arrays
  1,016  Why astype(uint) on np.array doesn't change type of an element of the np.array?
  1,016  Vectorize Pandas Dataframe into Numpy Array
  1,016  Reshaping Pytorch tensor
  1,016  NumPy: Importing a Sparse Matrix from R into Python
  1,016  Newton-Raphson linearization? Second-Order Nonlinear ODE numpy-scipy Python
  1,016  Memory for python.exe on Windows 7 python 32 - Numpy uses half of the available memory only?
  1,016  How to obtain the random seed from TensorFlow?
  1,016  Finding best curve fit with AIC
  1,016  Difference between DataFrame.div and DataFrame.divide in pandas
  1,016  Convert numpy array of float32 data type to hex format
  1,016  Calculating covariance between 2 planes with NumPy
  1,016  2D PCA line fitting with numpy
  1,015  Use python to divide data into different intervals (intervals are based on another column value)
  1,015  Understanding dataframe.shape df.shape
  1,015  Sort Pandas Series on data descending then on index alphabetically, elegantly
  1,015  Slow image opening python, recommendation for increased speed?
  1,015  skimage resize changes total sum of array
  1,015  Python/Numpy - Fill gaps between non-consecutive points?
  1,015  Python 2.7 created with altinstall needs to access scipy dependencies
  1,015  NumPy vs Cython - nested loop so slow?
  1,015  Numpy boolean indexing with multiple dimensions. Why won't it select rows and columns?
  1,015  Is there A 1D interpolation (along one axis) of an image using two images (2D arrays) as inputs? [duplicate]
  1,015  How to perform a two sample t test in python using any statistics library similar to R?
  1,015  How to fix buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'float32_t' but got 'double'
  1,015  How to assign values to pixels in an image
  1,015  Gohlke's numpy + mkl installation - Change MKL install directory on Windows
  1,015  get numpy array of matplotlib tricontourf
  1,014  Python pandas boxplot from dataframe
  1,014  Python + Numpy : TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
  1,014  Pandas crosstab double counting when using two aggregate functions?
  1,014  numpy polyfit yields nonsense
  1,014  Index numpy nd array along last dimension
  1,014  How to declare a double ** from C with numpy.ndpointer for ctypes python call?
  1,014  How can I save lists without square brackets via saveAsTextFile in Spark/Pyspark
  1,014  Extend pylab.poly1d in my plot
  1,014  Error in Python when using VPython
  1,014  Efficiently copying slices of large numpy arrays to a smaller array of continuous memory
  1,014  3d coordinates x,y,z to 3d numpy array
  1,013  Using nquad for a double integral
  1,013  Using linalg.block_diag for variable number of blocks
  1,013  regarding loading the npy file and investigating the contents inside it
  1,013  python numpy: how to construct a big diagonal array(matrix) from two small array
  1,013  Python MeanShift Memory Error
  1,013  Python: downsample 2D numpy array by a non-integer factor
  1,013  Plotting Pandas DataFrames as single days on the x-axis in Python/Matplotlib
  1,013  ML - Getting feature names after feature selection - SelectPercentile, python
  1,013  Is there a built-in/easy Jordan Canonical Form method in Numpy? [duplicate]
  1,013  Improving my Ellipse Fitting Algorithm
  1,013  How to release memory handled by numpy
  1,013  How to get the fatest way of getting the maximum values element-wised of ''n'' matrices in Python/Numpy
  1,013  how to append numpy array of different dimension to already existing text file in python
  1,013  Correctly converting a NumPy array to a PyTorch tensor running on the gpu
  1,013  Check whether a DataFrame or ndrray contains digits
  1,012  Numpy - Getting index positions by testing adjacent indexes
  1,012  Least square difference among items of a numpy array
  1,012  Behavior of for views in numpy
  1,011  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
  1,011  Tensorflow: loss is decreasing normally but accuracy is fluctuating through couple of value
  1,011  Pandas dropping all the columns that contain any nan except one
  1,011  Optimal way to Subtract rows based on column values in Python
  1,011  numpy structured array from arbitrary-level nested dictionary
  1,011 100 times slower than native C++11
  1,011  numpy 1.9.2 and scipy 0.16.0 test errors
  1,011  Merging two numpy matrices to create element-wise tuple
  1,011  interpret float 32 in binary file and read with python
  1,011  How to plot a bar plot in realtime using matplotlib
  1,011  How to get elements from a 2D numpy array with a list 2d indices using broadcasting? [duplicate]
  1,011  How to check if all elements of a numpy.array are of the same data type?
  1,011  How to add date and time information to time series data using python numpy or pandas
  1,011  Array swapping in python
  1,010  Transforming the string representation of a dictionary into a real dictionary
  1,010  python multiprocessing with async shared numpy array: pool vs queue
  1,010  pickle ValueError: itemsize cannot be zero
  1,010  Pandas / Numpy: How to Turn Column Data Into Sparse Matrix
  1,010  Pandas isin for multiple columns does not seem to be matching?
  1,010  Numpy delete column out of 3d Array
  1,010  Numpy array subset - unexpected behaviour
  1,010  Matrix of pairwise row operations on pandas.DataFrame
  1,010  matplotlib MemoryError on pcolorfast
  1,010  is it worth rewriting my code in cython?
  1,010  How to plot real-time graph, with both axis dependent on time?
  1,010  How can I use apply with pandas rolling_corr()
  1,010  Handling attributes of a class within a numpy array
  1,010  Difference between numpy.linalg.lstsq and sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression
  1,010  Cutting out row and column of an array
  1,010  Column wise scalar multiplication of matrix x vector
  1,009  what is the most efficient way to find the position of the first np.nan value?
  1,009  Sharing a large data-structure in-memory among Python processes?
  1,009  Rank mismatch error in Tensorflow
  1,009  Quickly filter elements in Python array by minimum and maximum values
  1,009  Python: Equidistant points along a line joining set of points
  1,009  Putting 2 dimensional numpy arrays into a 3 dimensional array
  1,009  Plotting graph from CSV
  1,009  Performing grouped average and standard deviation with NumPy arrays
  1,009  largest singular value NumPy `ndarray`
  1,009  how to use numpy.random to generate a matrix of int number
  1,009  How to format numbers without comma in csv using python?
  1,009  How to add multiple extra columns to a NumPy array
  1,009  Group pixels in an Image array, in Python [closed]
  1,009  Gaussian Elimination in Python with Pivoting
  1,009  Find index of Python array in another array
  1,009  fastest way to get lookup table indices with numpy
  1,008  Why is sin(pi/4) different from cos(pi/4) in python? [duplicate]
  1,008  way to eliminate Cython numpy compilation warnings?
  1,008  Solving simultaneous equations in python
  1,008  scikit-learn memory error
  1,008  Python - Fastest way to generate list of random colours with fixed alpha
  1,008  Python - efficient representation of pixels and associated values
  1,008  piecewise linear function with numpy.piecewise
  1,008  Nonuniform sampling for 2D image in Python
  1,008  Missing modules with cx_freeze
  1,008  Iterate over multiple arrays to perform tasks?
  1,008  How to calculate polar derivatives with python?
  1,008  Custom scoring on GridSearchCV with fold dependent parameter
  1,007  Trouble displaying a graph of a Lissajous curve
  1,007  Time Domain / Spectrum / DSP
  1,007  Sort values of matrix in python
  1,007  Python row major to column major order vector
  1,007  Python multidimensional array indexing explanation
  1,007  How to quickly fill a numpy array with values from separate calls to a function
  1,007  Forcing truediv with pandas DataFrame
  1,007  curve_fit() using python
  1,007  adjust the position of colorbar and equalize the size of subplots
  1,006  what is the difference between series/dataframe and ndarray?
  1,006  ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'f'
  1,006  ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0:35:00'
  1,006  OS X 10.7 + Python 3.3 + numpy + matplotlib
  1,006  Numpy Pandas Remove Outliers
  1,006  How to make my pylab.poly1d(fit) pass through zero?
  1,006  Equivalent of csaps and ppval in python
  1,006  Efficient insertion of row into sorted DataFrame
  1,006  Compare two (nested) lists/tuples of NumPy arrays
  1,006  Calculate euclidean distance with numpy
  1,005  what is the best method to extract highly correlated vaiables within the given threshold
  1,005  Using scipy.ndimage.interpolation.shift(), IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`)
  1,005  python mask for different size numpy array
  1,005  Python Column Generation with AVERAGEIF equivalent to Excel [duplicate]
  1,005  Pandas: What is a view?
  1,005  pandas rolling_quantile bug?
  1,005  NumPy linalg.eigh is returning incorrect eigenvectors
  1,005  Numpy image slicing returning black patches/ wrong values
  1,005  numpy: get the squares coordinates in the mesh grid
  1,005  Numpy fft not giving expected results
  1,005  np.savetxt style nicely tabulated output for pandas DataFrame.to_csv
  1,005  List to numpy array conversion possible bug
  1,005  Keras Initializers of a particular shape
  1,005  Iterate through a dynamic number of for loops (Python)
  1,005  IndexError: too many indices for array, datetime strings and numpy genfromtxt
  1,005  how to handle different data type in sklearn
  1,005  How to fix y-intercept value in linear regression?
  1,005  groupby.sum() sparse matrix in pandas or scipy: looking for performance
  1,005  Frequencies in a text file and creating a pie chart
  1,005  Find all coordinates of black / grey pixels in image using python
  1,005  Filling 2D numpy array based on True/False value contained in another array in Python
  1,005  Fastest way to calculate difference in all columns
  1,005  Error in backpropagation python neural net
  1,005  Convolution of two fft function
  1,005  Concatenating numpy arrays of different shapes
  1,004  Python numpy array get first column values divide by 255 and store back
  1,004  Opencv: ValueError
  1,004  numpy insert & append
  1,004  Numpy array and change value regions
  1,004  matplotlib flip x and y
  1,004  Extracting one row from a numpy matrix
  1,004  Creating fast RGB look up tables in Python
  1,004  Can numpy.genfromtxt() returns list of column data, not row data?
  1,004  Best way to apply a function to a slice of a 3d numpy array
  1,004  Average data over time?
  1,004  2D numpy array where spacing between items is defined by a function
  1,003  when to use numpy vs statistics modules
  1,003  Theshold filter with tolerance for numpy 1d array
  1,003  Split feature maps (3D arrays) into 2D arrays
  1,003  selecting rgb image pixels satisfying multiple conditions in numpy
  1,003  Iterate over numpy array in a specific order based on values
  1,003  Is it possible to superimpose 3-d bar charts in matplotlib?
  1,003  How to create a 64-bit python 2.7 environment in anaconda?
  1,003  FFT in Python: formatting 1-D diffraction Fourier transform
  1,003  cx_Freeze + Anaconda + import numpy produces large files
  1,003  Creating multiple numpy arrays
  1,003  converting stft to chroma and plotting the result
  1,002  theano - speed test compared to numpy - BLAS libraries
  1,002  Numpy.savetxt() function
  1,002  numpy `arange` exceeds end value?
  1,002  Matrix multiplication with Numpy different size
  1,002  How to concatenate sine waves without phase jumps
  1,002  How to change/set multiple bar colors in matplotlib bar chart (python)
  1,002  Explanation of Scipy fmin Warning
  1,002  apply a function to each pair of rows of an array
  1,001  Rank an array: Exclude NaN and assign lowest rank to highest number
  1,001  python compare 2 frames in single video from openCV
  1,001  Python append to array vs replace array of zeros
  1,001  Numpy reshape image data into batches
  1,001  Numpy matrix determinant precision problems
  1,001  numpy array to pandas pivot table
  1,001  Numpy Arrays Correlation
  1,001  How to get data from np.array to std::vector in c++ using <numpy/arrayobject.h>?
  1,001  Cython: storing unicode in numpy array
  1,001  Check that all rows in numpy array are unique
  1,001  Array is too big error in Python
  1,000  scikit-learn Imputer class - possible bug with median strategy?
  1,000  Reshaping numpy array without using two for loops
  1,000  Python: how to slice a csv file with respect to a column other than the first?
  1,000  Python: How to multiply elements from one array with column/row from another
  1,000  plotting a row of 3 plots using matplotlib and numpy but getting ''IndexError: too many indices for array''
  1,000  Median for 2d array with sigma clipping in Python
  1,000  how to use Pyplot module of matplotlib to plot two arrays of data
  1,000  How to align principal axes of 3D density map in numpy with Cartesian axes?
  1,000  A faster way of copying values from a numpy array to another knowing that both arrays have different shapes
    999  VERY SIMPLE list interpolation in Python
    999  Speed up double for loop in numpy
    999  sorting a numpy matrix on gpu
    999  Setting a subsection or slice of a global numpy array through a python object
    999  Returning a list or tuple of arrays from pybind11 wrapping eigen
    999  Python's sympy solver returning bad roots on 4th degree equation
    999  Python numpy recarray: Can one obtain a view into different fields using pointer arithmetic?
    999  Python custom JSON encoder isn't handling numpy NaN or Infinite values
    999  python: creating random values by excluding specific values from list
    999  Profit and loss using pandas
    999  parsing coordinates from file with python and numpy
    999  Numpy drawing from urn
    999  NameError: global name 'initialZ' is not defined
    999  Insert images in a folder into dataframe
    999  How to pass additional arguments to scipy.optimize.newton_krylov?
    999  how to declare numpy.bool in cython?
    999  How to convert numpy list to geoTIFF in python?
    999  Fastest way to find maximum value of a list in specific intervals
    999  Creating a numpy array in Python containing cosines
    999  Combine multiple time-series rows into one row with Pandas
    999  Add numpy arrays as rows into pandas with string as index
    998  Why is .sum() faster than .any() or .max()?
    998  Why am I allowed pickle instancemethods that are Theano functions, but not normal instancemethods?
    998  Swap columns of an ndarray
    998  lookback/shift in pandas dataframes calling functions
    998  How to unsort a np array given the argsort
    998  How to compare equality of dataclasses holding numpy.ndarray (bool(a==b) raises ValueError)?
    998  How do I use cx_freeze or py2exe, with xlwings, numpy
    998  How do I replace values along z-axis in Numpy 3D array based on 2D index and 1D value vector
    998  Draw line through, instead of between two points in Python
    998  Adding dimension to numpy matrix
    997  ValueError: all input arrays must have the same shape
    997  Save a numpy sparse matrix into file
    997  Result from function not a proper array of floats using optimize.curve_fit
    997  Replace values in masked numpy array not working
    997  Python Numpy Flat Function
    997  python3 ValueError: could not convert string to float , value = float(value) is not valid
    997  Matrix dimensions not matching in back propagation
    997  Marking data labels on outliers in 3D scatter plot
    997  Iterate pandas rows and compute cosine distance between rows
    997  How do I plot the output of numpy.fft in bins?
    997  Get date quantiles in pandas
    997  Error in opencv python whie loading Video
    997  caffe cmake error:ImportError: No module named numpy
    996  Using k-nearest neighbour without splitting into training and test sets
    996  Tensorflow 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'train'
    996  Speed of np.empty vs np.zeros
    996  Rotate transformation matrix to match reflection vector
    996  python 3.x tkinter, integrating frames from opencv cv2 into tkinter window
    996  pandas to_csv argument float_format to a percentage
    996  Numpy array assignment
    996  Is it possible to disable Wrap-around for Numpy Number Types
    996  Implementing common random numbers in a simulation
    996  how to slice a subset of numpy arrays
    996  How to return a subarray of a multidimensional array in Python?
    996  How do HEALPix FITS files of CMB maps translate into ndarrays? What are the coordinates?
    996  h5py: column names without using compound dtype?
    996  Create numpy array with random integers each row with another range
    996  Convert pyaudio.paint16 to float
    995  Python:TypeError: array([ 1.]) is not JSON serializable
    995  Numba autojit error on comparing numpy arrays
    995  np.argsort which excludes zero values
    995  Multiplying polynomials with numpy.convolve return wrong result
    995  Losing dimensions of a numpy array
    995  Importing any module in cython file gives undefined symbol error
    995  How to convert from c3d file to csv
    995  error: ambiguous overload for 'operator/'
    995  Concatenating multiple images into one
    994  Read printed numpy array
    994  python - way to do fast matrix multiplication and reduction while working in memmaps and CPU
    994  numpy ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
    994  numpy: search of the first and last index in an array
    994  Import error for numpy
    994  Finding a specific index in a binary image in linear time?
    994  cosine distance between two matrices
    993  What's the correct way of using reduceByKey in Spark using Python
    993  Testing the equality of two numpy 2d arrays
    993  TensorFlow estimator.predict: Saving when as_iterable=True
    993  Python group and splice: splicing the result returned from itertools.groupby
    993  Python concurrent.futures - writing to a global variable in parent process
    993  Numpy with Combinatoric generators: How does one speed up Combinations?
    993  Numpy/Python: Meshgrid division operation: MemoryError
    993  Numpy loadtext says my file doesn't exist (it does exist though)
    993  Is it possible to create a dummy sparse matrix with no rows or columns in NumPy?
    993  Efficiently update values in a pandas dataframe with mixed dtype columns
    993  Edit pixel values in an image as numpy array
    993  Creating a mosaic of thumbnails with OpenCV 3 and numpy
    993  Create RGB image with three grayscale png files - pypng
    993  Best way to separate data into 3 classes
    992  scipy.curve_fit vs. numpy.polyfit different covariance matrices
    992  Running multiple instances of a python program efficiently & economically?
    992  Python: Check if a numpy array contains an object with specific attribute
    992  PyArray_New or PyArray_SimpleNewFromData specify dimensions for a 3D array
    992  Multiplying very large 2D-array in Python
    992  Finding singulars/sets of local maxima/minima in a 1D-NumPy array (once again)
    992  Decision Tree sklearn : PlayTennis Data Set
    992  convert rgb image from numpy array to HSV (opencv)
    992  Concatenate arrays of different sizes row-wise using numpy
    992  Calculate histograms along axis
    992  Accessing a column of a NumPy array of structured arrays
    992  3d image compression with numpy
    991  Tensorflow: Slice Input image and grayscale
    991  Python - Pandas random sampling per group
    991  python child process crashes on numpy dot if PySide is imported
    991  plotting a histogram of a numpy array by timestamp
    991  Numpy/Scipy Sparse vs dense multiplication
    991  How to remove rows while iterating in numpy
    991  Dead pixel band on ST7735 TFT display with Raspberry Pi
    991  create a numpy structured array from a list of strings
    990  tensorflow - Can I have entries in my input array that are tuples? Doing this throws 'Unable to get element from the feed as bytes.'
    990  SyntaxError when defining array in python
    990  scipy minimize 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
    990  Python import fails only in certain directory
    990  Multiplication of floating point numbers gives different results in Numpy and R
    990  Multidimensional array by user input in python
    990  How to set items of a sparse matrix given the row and column indices?
    990  How do I plot contours on top of a hexbin plot?
    990  Histograms in Pandas
    990  flipping and rotating numpy arrays for contour plots
    990  fitting an image with 2D equation in python
    990  Efficient way to check high dimensional arrays are overlapped in two ndarray in Python
    989  Weird behaviour of np.sqrt for very large integers
    989  Variable dimension array
    989  Solver time of linear equations in SciPy
    989  scipy.interp2d [Segmentation fault (core dumped)]
    989  Python - Take weighted average inside Pandas groupby while ignoring NaN
    989  Python access all entrys from one dimension in a multidimensional numpy array
    989  Numpy array comparing 2 arrays element wise with increasing offset of indicies
    989  My numpy build doesn't use multiple CPU cores [duplicate]
    989  Matrix multiplication gives unsual result in Python (SciPy/PyLab)
    989  KeyError with np.uint32 and numpy.uint32
    989  Add a vector/column of random numbers in Pandas
    988  unorderable types: str() < int() [closed]
    988  Sort a numpy array of numpy arrays by lengths of the internal arrays
    988  OpenCV - Read 16 bit TIFF image in Python (sentinel-1 data)
    988  Numpy averaging with multi-dimensional weights along an axis
    988  Numpy arange error with Lagrange Multiplier in Python
    988  Numpy and Scipy and their Lapack and Atlas dependencies
    988  Model I-V in Python
    988  How to use sampled_softmax_loss in Tensorflow
    988  Getting Cell Width of Matplotlib Table to Cover Text and Surrounding Figure
    988  Filter a numpy array based on largest value
    988  feeding large numpy arrays to tensorflow
    988  draw multiple transparent masks on an image
    988  Creating a 4D view on 2D array to divide it into cells of fixed size
    988  Concise way to get NumPy to return array of proper shape after logical indexing, without doing a reshape?
    987  Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Using SciPy and Numba
    987  python panda to calculate rolling means
    987  Python- obtain maximum value in an interval
    987  Passing cython memoryviews to OpenCV functions
    987  Model measurement and error in NumPy
    987  Matrix inverse with Decimal type NumPy
    987  Looping IF statements for each row in a dataframe in pandas
    987  High performance variable blurring in very big images using Python
    986  Why do we need endianness here?
    986  ValueError: Invalid parameter solver for estimator LogisticRegression
    986  Rounding an array to values given in another array
    986  (NO anaconda) Import Error undefined symbol PyFPE_jbuf [duplicate]
    986  How to convert a C++ vector to a numpy array or how to move a vector pointer back and forth between C++, Cython and Python?
    986  How to achieve stratified K fold splitting for arbitrary number of categorical variables?
    986  Fit points to a Lorentzian curve and find center and half maximum bandwidth in Python
    986  Counting the number of times a threshold is met or exceeded in a multidimensional array in Python
    986  Call in Keras for inputs of different shapes?
    986  Arithmetic Progression in Python without storing all the values
    985  Python running slower than MATLAB
    985  Python - axes and plt.figure()
    985  Parralelized code runs much slower in Python than in Matlab
    985  numpy 1.6.1 quadrature attributes for polynomial object not found
    985  How to round numpy values in savetxt?
    985  Get indexes of multiple pandas columns by names
    985  efficient way of constructing a matrix of pair-wise distances between many vectors?
    985  Changing Biopython include path for compilation during pip installation
    985  Can i get features of the clusters using hierarchical clustering - numpy
    985  Array and __rmul__ operator in Python Numpy
    984  Solving complex ODE in python with scipy
    984  Python conversion of PIL image to numpy array very slow
    984  python array conditional change on elements check numpy
    984  msgpack._packer does not exist in anaconda installation
    984  loop binary image pixel
    984  `invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'null' ` while converting object to integer [duplicate]
    984  Indexing a 1D Numpy array using 2D array
    984  How to use out parameter in numpy.argmin to retrieve minimum indices?
    984  fit a power law function to the data with both x and y errors
    984  Find different pair in a list by python
    984  Convert numpy array of arrays to a 2D numpy array
    984  Check if a value exists using multiple conditions within group in pandas
    984  Calculate diff of a numpy array using custom function instead of subtraction
    983  working with NaN in a dataframe with if condition
    983  python ''IndexError: index 8 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 8''
    983  Python declaring a numpy matrix of lists of lists
    983  Python Changing Array Values in While Loop
    983  Numpy Sort Class Which Uses Dictionary Attributes
    983  Mapping a numpy array pairwise
    983  How to build numpy for Py4A?
    983  get dataframe slice with list of column names where not all columns are in dataframe
    983  f2py not working for canopy
    983  Detecting rectangles (sub-arrays of same element value) in 2-d list
    983  Create multiple texts files from data in an original text file
    982  SimpleITK: tif to numpy array and back to tif makes file size bigger
    982  Runge-Kutta. Solving initial value problem that isn't easily seperated
    982  Python - replace values in dataframe based on another dataframe match
    982  Numpy create index/slicing programmatically from array
    982  Merge two datasets in Python
    982  Mask an array by the index given from other array
    982  Least Squares: Python
    982  Is it possible to sum over multiple axis in numexpr?
    982  Integer Linear Least Squares
    982  How to generate random categorical data in python according to a probability distribution? [closed]
    982  How can I slice a list to get every 2 consecutive elements of the list in new lists?
    982  Find average coordinate from a coordinate tuple with python
    982  Efficiently finding range of indices for positive values in 2D numpy array
    982  Difference between sphinxcontrib.napoleon and numpy.numpydoc [closed]
    981  Tensorflow Dimensions are not compatible in CNN
    981  R, python: ''initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite'' error
    981  Reclassify raster values using python, numpy
    981  Python Numpy : operands could not be broadcast together with shapes when producting matrix
    981  pd.read_clipboard() giving me an error on Python 2
    981  Numpy NDPointer: Don't know how to convert parameter 1
    981  Maintain strings when converting python list into numpy structured array
    981  Logical operations with array of strings in Python
    981  Label Encoder multiple levels
    981  Indexing Python array and skipping
    981  Having problems feeding data to tensorflow graph
    981  Calculating local means in a 1D numpy array
    981  AttributeError using scipy.sparse.toarray()
    980  Where can I find a list of numpy functions which release the GIL?
    980  Saving a python dictionary in hdf5 where values corresponding to each key is another dictionary
    980  Python.ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    980  Pandas: find duplicate items by date
    980  Numpy: averaging many datapoints at each time step
    980  implementing RNN with numpy
    980  How to fix the following issue writing a dictionary into a csv?
    980  How to collapse columns into row elements in pandas?
    980  Finding duplicate matrices in Python?
    980  Convert 8 bit image to 24 bit [duplicate]
    980  Construct sparse matrix on disk on the fly in Python
    980  Bitwise OR along one axis of a NumPy array
    980  best way to store numpy arrays in ascii files
    979  twisted xmlrpc and numpy float 64 exception
    979  Tensordot for numpy array and scipy sparse matrix
    979  replace an empty numpy string with 0
    979  Python. Pandas. BigData. Messy TSV file. How to wrangle the data?
    979  How to perform StandardScaler on pandas dataframe with a column/columns containing numpy.ndarrays?
    979  Faster (than scipy) calculation of a Chi Square CDF in python
    979  Extract elements of a 2d array with indices from another 2d array
    979  Efficient 3x3 and 2x2 Determinants in NumPy
    979  cx_freeze does not find dependency packages
    979  copy numpy array efficiently
    979  Converting a dictionary to numpy matrix in python
    979  Add header to np.matrix
    978  sqlite3 writes only floating-point numpy arrays not integer ones
    978  Replace values in a 3d numpy array
    978  Remove margins from a matplotlib figure
    978  regression coefficient calculation in python
    978  pass image data from python to cv::mat in c++
    978  Numpy string array pad with string
    978  Numpy 8/16/32 bits image data type after cvtColor() conversion to HSV colorspace
    978  Ignore zero values and continue with calculation in Python Pandas
    978  How to contour plot in polar coordinates in python
    978  Error using 'exp' in sympy -TypeError and Attribute Error is displayed
    978  Efficient rolling trimmed mean with Python
    978  cvtColor fails assertion scn == 3 || scn ==4, but the image does have 3 channels and exists
    978  Applying a function to windows in an array (like a filter)
    977  Python - Writing numpy array data to a pipe opened with Popen
    977  Python pandas: how to vectorize this function
    977  Python Numpy.matrix multiplication error
    977  Pythonic way to update a single element of a numpy matrix?
    977  Python: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'intp_t' but got 'long'
    977  OpenCV estimateAffine3D failes with cryptic error message
    977  numpy package not defined when importing function from another .py file
    977  (Numpy) Index list to boolean array
    977  multiprocessing numpy not defined error
    977  Loading multiple images from multiple folders in python
    977  Installed numpy and scipy on ubuntu, but python won't see them
    977  How to find the exact intersection of a curve (as np.array) with y==0?
    977  How can I generate a large identity matrix in python without running into ''memory full''?
    977  Get NumPy Array Indices in Array B for Unique Values in Array A, for Values Present in Both Arrays, Aligned with Array A
    977  convert a numpy 3d array to a 1d of 2d arrays [closed]
    977  Convert all array elements to a range in Python
    976  What is the Java equivalent of Python's Numpy np.random.choice? [duplicate]
    976  Using numpy genfromtxt to read in data in single column to multiple columns using text headers
    976  Python scipy Curve fit for quadratic function stopping early
    976  LdaModel - random_state parameter not recognized - gensim
    976  How to plot in python where x-axis values appears more than once, like 0 1 2 3 2 1 0
    976  How to avoid Kronecker product in NumPy computations
    976  Colored LaTeX labels in plots
    976  Calculation of R2
    976  Approach to speed up pandas multilevel index selection?
    975  Why is numpy.ravel() required in this code that produces small multiples?
    975  Upload numpy array as grayscale image to S3 bucket
    975  Subtracting the mean from the values of an array with Python [duplicate]
    975  Select complex colour range for skin-colour detection in OpenCV with Python
    975  rolling window in python of positive values in a list
    975  Numpy sum running length of non-zero values
    975  How can all dimensions left after the specified one be preserved, without explicitly listing them?
    975  Expanding a numpy array of matrices with zeros
    975  Efficiently find centroid of labelled image regions
    974  Using Numpy to generate random combinations of two arrays without repetition
    974  Python selecting multiple ranges with numpy\pandas
    974  numpy sort acting weirdly when sorting on a pandas DataFrame
    974  Numpy: multiply two permutations
    974  ImportError: cannot open shared object file: Input/output error
    974  How to apply a matrix to an image
    974  How do i convert an image read with cv2.imread('img.png',cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) to the format of cv2.imread('img.png',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    974  extra decimals in numpy array? [duplicate]
    974  creating sparse matrix of unknown size
    974  Can't import library in Python - Ubuntu 12.04
    974  AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'dtype'
    974  Ambiguous Evaluation of Lambda Expression on Array
    973  Writing text on 16-bit grayscale images in Python
    973  Why does scipy.interpolate.griddata hang when used with multiprocessing and OpenBLAS?
    973  to_categorical returns 2 column matrix
    973  Simple way to find median
    973  Reading and storing arbitrary byte length integers from a file
    973  Making an numpy array subclass where all shape changing operations return a normal array
    973  How to retrieve the dimensions of a numpy.array
    973  How to extrapolate a function based on x,y values?
    973  How can I add a kurtosis term in this Gaussian bell-curve formula?
    973  Generalized Universal Function in numpy
    973  Fisher Information Calculation Extended
    973  Expand 3 ranked image to a 4 ranked one (for keras ImageDataGenerator().fit )
    973  Create 3D array from a 2D array by replicating/repeating along the first axis
    973  Compute inverse of 2D arrays along the third axis in a 3D array without loops
    973  calculate anti clockwise angle between 2 points
    973  Access elements inside numpy.where index
    972  Numpy combine all nonzero elements of one array in to another
    972  Is there a way to let numpy matrix to store object?
    972  How to output all the hierarchical clusters from a numpy linkage array?
    972  How to compute the gradient of an image based on a certain class?
    972  Get 1d array from 2d array columnwise using numpy [duplicate]
    972  Error installing keras with pip in Python2.7 (Windows 7): numpy not found
    972  Error installing keras with pip in Python2.7 (Windows 7): numpy not found
    971  Tensorflow AttributeError: type object 'numpy.ndarray' has no attribute '__array_function__'
    971  python value becomes zero, how to prevent
    971  Pandas Pivot_table error when executing -Type error
    971  Pandas column of lists to separate columns
    971  Multiple plots on one graph from DataFrame
    971  Indexing a 2d array with a 3d array in numpy
    971  How to vectorize Softmax probability of a multi dimensional matrix
    971  How to make a a polygon using only the outer points with OpenCV?
    971  how to combine ''.ipynb'' files to ''.py'' modules [duplicate]
    971  How can I find the max value between certain index values in an array (Python) [duplicate]
    971  Create numpy array from matrix declared inside .m matlab file
    971  Converting a numpy array to integer with astype(int) does not work on Python 3.6
    971  Can't install scipy (/numpy) with OpenBLAS on Ubuntu 14.04
    971  Apply function to single column of structured numpy array in Python
    970  Resampling a KDE (Kernel density estimation) in statsmodels
    970  Reducing loops in python
    970  Python: standard deviation of gaussian weighted pixel region
    970  Numpy: How to avoid rounding errors
    970  Memory Error in machine learning image processing
    970  Loss of image color when I use PIL convert on numpy array (image)
    970  compare a timestamp index with a fixed date in python
    969  Trouble with adding Numpy package to Pycharm [duplicate]
    969  The most efficient way to processing images (mahalanobis distances)
    969  spacy cannot load the model
    969  Simple way of stacking arrays with index offset
    969  Send PIL image object from socket client to socket server
    969  Pure Python faster than Numpy? can I make this numpy code faster?
    969  Print NumPy Array based on header
    969  Numpy Array - Drop Duplicates
    969  Matplotlib: display element indices in imshow
    969  How to use numpy array inputs in tensorflow RNN
    969  How to create generic 2d array in python
    969  Extratcing all square submatrices from matrix using Numpy
    968  Python numpy raises BadZipfile Error while trying to read uncompressed npz file
    968  Python: Centering Features in Numpy Array
    968  Implementing XorShift the same in Java and Python
    968  How to use RandomState with Sklearn RandomizedSearchCV on multiple cores
    968  How can I use numpy.linalg.matrix_power in python to raise a matrix to a large power?
    968  Can you ''force'' `scipy.stats.norm.rvs` to output positive values?
    968  AttributeError: type object 'numpy.ndarray' has no attribute '__array_function__' on import numpy 1.15.4
    967  Value in an array between two numbers in python
    967  Skewing an array in Python
    967  python surface plot from 3 1D arrays
    967  Python: Pixel values in image display?
    967  Python path: why can't pip see latest version of numpy
    967  Python: get the element-wise mean of multiple arrays in a dataframe
    967  least square solution to camera matrix [numpy]
    967  How to attach multiple mesh nodes to one object in blender?
    967  gcloud ml-engine returns error on large files
    967  fastest way to convert bitstring numpy array to integer base 2
    966  Why is the pandas.DataFrame.cov() method orders of magnitude faster than ... ) for the same data?
    966  Stack cv2 Frame of RGB channel and Single Channel together
    966  SimpleITK - How to increment/decrement the value of every Pixel in an Image efficiently?
    966  reindexing dataframes replaces all my data with NaNs, why?
    966  python genfromtxt problems
    966  Python 2D convolution without forcing periodic boundaries
    966  Performance in different vectorization method in numpy
    966  Numpy: multiply arrays without losing precision / overflowing
    966  numpy moving window percent cover
    966  NumPy: 1D interpolation of a 3D array
    966  How to get average for specific list elements
    966  Applying a function to a 3D array in numpy
    965  Stacking star PSFs from an Image; aligning sub-pixel centers
    965  optimizing low pass filter smoothing code for activity recognition [duplicate]
    965  NumPy stack or append array to array
    965  Matplotlib timeseries plot from numpy matrix
    965  Is numpy.random.choice with replacement equivalent to multinomial sampling for a single trial?
    965  How to plot a vector field using Numpy?
    965  How Do I create a Binomial Array of specific size
    965  How does numpy.fft.fft work?
    965  Get row of 2d array where min value is in first col [duplicate]
    965  Find all ''neighbors'' for element in multidimensional array, wrapping around the boundaries
    965  fast way to filter large pandas DataFrame by different grouped columns?
    965  Convolution of 3D numpy arrays
    965  ''AttributeError: 'matrix' object has no attribute 'strftime''' error in numpy python
    965  Accessing non-zero elements in specific row of matrix in python
    964  Why is numpy.abs so much slower on complex64 than complex128 under windows 32-bit?
    964  Whats the difference between np.vectorize() and regular notation
    964  Using gcloud ml serving for large images
    964  Updated: Apply (vectorized) function on each cell to interpolate grid
    964  Reading/writing pyarrow tensors from/to parquet files
    964  Python function to solve binomial function
    964  Memory error in python with numpy.pad function
    964  cv2.polylines gives wrong shape
    963  XGBoost: Convert dmatrix into a numpy.array
    963  working of ndim in numpy
    963  Why integers do not have size limit in python 3?
    963  Using a loop to populate a matrix in TensorFlow
    963  How to Use Boolean Array to Replace Specific Indices in Python
    963  How to pickle numpy's Inf objects?
    963  how to complie numpy to install on 64 bits platform?
    963  Changing Color Space from RGB to HSV after segmentation (OpenCv Python)
    963  Best practice for fancy indexing a numpy array along multiple axes
    962  vectorizing numpy bincount
    962  Using numpy any() in bool array of arrays
    962  Python: Find mean of points within radius of a an element in 2D array
    962  pip3 cannot find Python.h when installing numpy on OS X
    962  Numpy Routine(s) to create a regular grid inside a 2d array
    962  Numpy nonzero/flatnonzero index order; order of returned elements in boolean indexing
    962  numpy, h5py: How do I make an array sorted by one of its columns from a bigger one saved with h5py?
    962  matplotlib - Plot 2D map data using Python and numpy
    962  How to merge very large numpy arrays?
    962  finding cell coordinates between two points in meshgrid using python [closed]
    962  Efficient way to find the shortest distance between two arrays?
    962  Drawing results of calcOpticalFlowFarneback in OpenCV without loop
    962  Does numpy recfunctions append_fields fail when when array names are unicode?
    962  Compare Numpy and Matlab code that uses random permutation
    961  Why is the size of npy bigger than csv?
    961  Why is the accuracy of my CNN not reproducible?
    961  Why is numpy/pandas returning only the first character when I use .astype(str)
    961  Using pandas dataframe with Scipy
    961  Only one value in file, numpy.loadtxt() just returns the value instead of array?
    961  Numpy Double summation
    961  np.average not working when data is missing when using pandas groupby
    961  How to feed multiple NumPy arrays to a deep learning network in Keras?
    961  How to evaluate N largest elements in a multidimensional array?
    961  How to convert a numpy.ndarray object into a date object
    961  How can I pass a text string from an mpi4py worker process back to root = 0 for writing to text output
    961  Create Adjacency Matrix in Python for large Dataset
    960  Using numba.autojit on a lambdify'd sympy expression
    960  TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable encountered while performing some data preprocessing
    960  Sum up all values from all numpy subarray of different shape inside an array
    960  Numpy Index values for each element in 3D array
    960  multivariate_normal() : Why does the manual implementation and using scipy function for multivariate vary in results
    960  How to find the y-intercept using sympy?
    960  Finding the index values where a certain value occurs in an array in Python
    960  Division by zero in numpy (sub)arrays
    959  Why is md5 hashing so much faster on strings than on numpy arrays in python?
    959  sort the most frequent combinations of two columns in descending order
    959  Selecting rows from sparse dataframe by index position
    959  Replacing column values in an array using putmask and preserving order
    959  Numpy histogram no boundaries between bins [duplicate]
    959  Numeric integral of sin(x)/x
    959  How does threading.join() detect a timeout?
    959  Get array of indices of first zero in every row of numpy array
    959  Differences of scipy.spatial.KDTree in python 2.7 and 3.5
    958  Why do numpy array turns int into float
    958  Why does a numpy array with dtype=object result in a much smaller file size than dtype=int?
    958  ValueError when trying to apply lambda expression to elements of an array
    958  ROS custom message and numpy arrays
    958  Reshape numpy nested array into array
    958  Reshape numpy array and stacking into 3D at regular intervals
    958  Random selection in pandas dataframe
    958  Python - Run numpy without the python interpreter
    958  Python numpy: Data file with multiple datasets
    958  Python 3.+, Scipy Stats Mode function gives Type Error unorderable types: str() > float()
    958  Matlab k-means cosine assigns everything to one cluster
    958  If statements with masked arrays in python
    958  How to get indices from a list/ndarray?
    958  Histogram in Python
    958  Find unsorted indices after using numpy.searchsorted
    958  Evaluating function using numpy array returns inf and nan
    958  Compatibility between numpy and SQL data types
    958  Calculate two dimensional pairwise distance on a large numpy three dimensional array
    957  Sum array of arrays in Cython
    957  Rolling percent rank in Pandas
    957  Querying a NumPy array of NumPy arrays saved as an npz is slow
    957  python : TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'
    957  Python - TypeError: Tuple indices must be integers or slices, not numpy.float64
    957  numpy duplicate elements
    957  How to produce permutations with replacement in Python
    957  How to convert float16 to uint8 in Python for EXR files
    957  How do I use the NumPy array returned from sounddevice Stream class to perform additional processing?
    957  Fastest Method to Map from One Array to Another?
    957  Build an array by averaging n consecutive numbers in an array
    956  Why does shifting a numpy uint8 create negative values?
    956  Why combine np.floor function and the // operator in Python?
    956  Python - Use values from 1D array as column indices for 2D array [duplicate]
    956  Multi-dimensional ndarray set operations
    956  Live 2D laser scanner data in rospy
    956  Find common columns between Pandas and NumPy and extract column names
    956  Deleting elements at specific positions in a M X N numpy array
    956  Build numpy with ucs4 issue
    956  average plot of multiple plots in python
    956  Access individual elements of an array of several arrays, Python
    955  torch.argmax() fails to find a maximum value in a tensor containing data
    955  Sigmoidal curve fit, how to get the value of x when y=0.5
    955  Send numpy array as bytes from python to JS through Flask
    955  Scientific tick label notation tuning
    955  Reading data from csv file with different number of columns and mixed datatype - python
    955  Python, numpy, scipy: How to exclude a location error from GPS coordinates? (averaging lon, lat)
    955  Python NumPy - How to print array not displaying full set [duplicate]
    955  Python Numpy: Coalesce and return first nonzero observation
    955  Python - multiprocessing pool with functions with 2 inputs arrays
    955  Python: get parent list
    955  PyObject_CallMethod returns Null
    955  numpy 3d to 2d transformation based on 2d mask array
    955  Matplotlib: savefig produces incorrect SVG image for bar chart with log-scaled Y-axis
    955  Converting find() in matlab to python
    955  Categorical variables usage in pandas for ANOVA and regression?
    954  Why would numpy.count_nonzero(arr) not work with assigned axis value?
    954  When install opencv-python in mac, OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted
    954  Sparse matrix with fast access
    954  Python Pivot Table without Pandas?
    954  Numpy: difference b/w A[:i][:j] and A[:i,:j]
    954  numpy 2D array: get indices of all entries that are connected and share the same value
    954  MPI - sending and receiving columns of matrix
    954  Installing Numpy with python 2.7.13 for windows 7 32-bit
    954  How to get point coordinates from distance matrix?
    954  Error Message: cannot do slice indexing on <class 'pandas.core.indexes.range.RangeIndex'> with these indexers [[ 2]] of <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
    954  cannot import name PyMCObjects when import pymc
    954  Can I add extra header information to a numpy .npy file by using seek?
    954  Applying condition/filters on a column of Numpy Array
    953  Python implementation of statistical Sweep operator
    953  Numpy masking 3D array using np.where() index
    953  Numpy, cannot perform reduce with flexible type
    953  numpy array size vs. speed of concatenation
    953  Fastest way to read in and slice binary data files in Python
    953  Fastest way to initialize numpy array with values given by function
    953  Efficient way to calculate averages, standard deviations from a txt file
    953  Each row is for which label in confusion matrix python
    953  Accessing a column in scikit dataset
    952  Visualization of Bivariate Probability Distribution
    952  Vectorized searchsorted numpy
    952  Sum elements along a line of numpy array
    952  numpy.loadtxt, converters error
    952  How to parse .dat file without repeated structures
    952  Histogram of 3D-orientations in python/scipy
    952  Fit the gamma distribution only to a subset of the samples
    952  Faster Way To Simultaneously Iterate Over Rolling Window Of Two Or More Numpy Arrays?
    952  Creating new matrix from existing matrix by specifying rows/columns
    952  Assigning an image to a numpy array makes colors of the image change
    951  Value error with numpy histogram
    951  Summation of only consecutive values in a python array
    951  reshape an array of arrays errors : *** IndexError: tuple index out of range
    951  Python, Pandas: join dataframes on timestamp and offset
    951  numpy: operating on multidimensional arrays
    951  Looking for a more elegant way to get a 2D numpy array of azimuthal angles in cylinder coordinates
    951  Inefficient multiprocessing of numpy-based calculations
    951  How to have a numpy array with mixed types?
    951  How to debug shape mismatch of theano tensor?
    951  Get Pandas Dataframe Column names from Numpy Array
    951  Convert tensorflow tf.Variable to numpy array
    950  Type Error: Positional Arguments with pandas.apply
    950  Input format for DBSCAN function in scikit-learn package
    950  How to detect EOF with numpy.fromfile
    950  Generation of multidimensional Grid in Python
    950  Estimate joint distribution in Python and sample given response variable
    950  Create LTI system in Python from state matrices using scipy.signal.lti
    949  Understanding non-homogeneous numpy arrays
    949  sum uneven segments of an array in numpy
    949  Split Numpy Array into Arrays of each column
    949  Selecting from multidimensional numpy array
    949  numpy/scipy, loop over subarrays
    949  Numpy rounding performance
    949  Lua: Dimensions of a table
    949  Long error in contour plot python
    949  Is equals to BLAS gemm/gemv?
    949  interpolate python array to minimize maximum difference between elements
    949  How to `np.loads()` an ``d array?
    949  How to fix ValueError in fitting GMM using sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture?
    949  How to find the difference, mean, sum between all pairs of rows in pandas dataframe?
    949  clusterer = KMeansClusterer(10, euclidean_distance) NameError: name 'euclidean_distance' is not defined
    949  Cannot import open cv2 in python. Error: Cannot compile 'Python.h'. Perhaps you need to install python-dev|python-devel [[Cannot upgrade numpy ]]
    949  Assigning to a numpy array using zip in a for loop
    948  ValueError: Dimension 0 in both shapes must be equal, but are 5 and 30 for 'Assign' (op: 'Assign') with input shapes: [5,5,3,30], [30,1,5,5]
    948  Slice numpy matrix using vectors as indices
    948  Selecting RGB image pixels from an image using a mask
    948  Python - How to only select certain range of numbers in an array
    948  Image Interpolation in python
    948  Getting a negative of picture when copying numpy array values
    948  cv2.imshow and numpy.dstack core dumped
    948  Creating a raster image from a NumPy array
    948  Condition checking when using numpy.piecewise to generate a piecewise periodic plot
    948  Cannot import scitools using Anaconda-Python
    948  Apply function to masked numpy array
    947  RGB LUT to grayscale - IR Imaging
    947  Reshaping numpy array from list
    947  Python : doing factorial to a np.ndarray with Decimal
    947  Preprocessing Image dataset with numpy for CNN:Memory Error
    947  Numpy.genfromtxt deleting square brackets in dtype.names
    947  Numpy array - append named column
    947  How to get the MSE of each pixel in two images of the same dimension
    947  How to demosaic a picamera raw image with rawpy?
    947  Calculating Average for specific column in a 2D array
    946  Sudoku Puzzle with boxes containing square numbers
    946  Python - Pandas won't import because numpy version is incompatible. But numpy won't update
    946  Python list insert function and datatype issue
    946  Numpy index array of unknown dimensions?
    946  numba and numpy: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute '__code__'
    946  Memory-efficient storage of large distance matrices
    946  Is it possible to cast dtype of scipy CSR matrix to NPY_FLOAT?
    946  How to fit a line through a 3D pointcloud?
    946  how to clear an numpy array by it's elements length
    946  Histogram in N dimensions with numpy
    946  Convert CUDA tensor to NumPy
    946  Condensed 1D numpy array to 2D Hamming distance matrix
    945  Sum SymPy expression over NumPy array
    945  Slicing Numpy Array by Array of Indices
    945  Shifted array subtraction in numpy
    945  ROSSerializationException when publishing custom ROS message with numpy array
    945  Out of memory error in opencv3.0 which is running inside docker container
    945  numpy: Reliable (non-conservative) indicator if numpy array is view
    945  Multiplying a numpy array with another numpy array at a specific index
    945  How to count continuous numbers in numpy
    945  how can I merge this two image with python numpy and opencv?
    945  Efficient lookup table for collection of numpy arrays
    945  Deterministic python script behaves in non-deterministic way
    945  curve fitting and parameter estimation in Python
    945  2D Interpolation over list of points Python
    944  Vectorizing fsolve/ solving multiple nonlinear equations for multiple values
    944  Python: How to fit curves
    944  Pandas: change between mean/std and plus/minus notations
    944  numpy.ndenumerate to return indices in Fortran order?
    944  Numpy invalid index to scalar variable
    944  Numpy IndexError: tuple index out of range
    944  matplotlib: efficient way to create large number of Patch objects
    944  Keep smallest value for each unique ID with arcpy/numpy
    944  Installing scipy on windows 7 x64 python 2.7 32bit
    944  Importing NumPy to Python2.7 in Geany Windows 7 64 bit [closed]
    944  how to reshape 2d numpy array to 4d (without ValueError)
    944  How to improve very inefficient numpy code for calculating correlation
    944  how to display HSV image - tkinter, python 2.7
    944  Function to compute 3D gradient with unevenly spaced sample locations
    944  Find consecutive repeated nan in a numpy array
    944  Efficiently delete arrays that are close from each other given a threshold in python
    944  Delete Data from a pandas array that is out of range
    944  create a feature vector using pandas or python
    944  Check numpy installation used libraries
    944  Aws Lambda: Deploy a python function with numpy dependency
    943  VisPy animation point by point from NumPy array
    943  Stacking arrays in numpy
    943  SciPy.sparse iterative solvers: No sparse right hand side support?
    943  Making bigger matrices out of smaller matrices in Python
    943  i want to compute the distance between two numpy histogram
    943  ImportError: Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed
    943  How to sort a NumPy array by frequency?
    943  How to set the minimum and maximum value for each item in a Numpy array?
    943  Efficient Parallel Sparse Matrix dot product in Scipy Python
    943  best way to extend python / numpy performancewise
    942  Using numpy arrays with lpsolve?
    942  tensorflow: can reshape() create a copy?
    942  Safest way to find the row of maximum value in a numpy array
    942  Replace outliers with neighbour-Value
    942  Read txt file with string and number columns
    942  Numpy is calculating wrong [duplicate]
    942  How to implement step-like function in python
    942  How to create colormap of confidence estimates for k-Nearest Neighbor Classification
    942  How to convert YUV_420_888 to BGR using opencv python?
    942  How can i check in numpy if a binary image is almost all black?
    942  Getting Value Error in Python function when calling signal.firwin
    942  Create a random array with a particular average
    942  Correctly unwrapping arctangent function in Numpy
    942  Arrays of strings into numpy.amax
    942  Applying functions to multidimensional numpy arrays without loops
    941  Randomly drawing samples from matrix normal distribution in python
    941  Python ValueError: Objective function must return a scalar [closed]
    941  pandas compare multiple column values from different frames of different lengths
    941  numpy matrix as argument to method
    941  How to input both wind speed and direction data and pcolormesh plot it in python, with both on the same plot?
    941  GridSearchCV did not find the best parameter with random forest
    941  Fastest way to sum two lists of items with each other in python
    941  Decision Tree Classifier I keep getting NaN error
    941  Compressing measurements data files
    940  TensorFlow: Contracting a dimension of two tensors via dot product
    940  Row wise contain in numpy [duplicate]
    940  Python numpy saving arrays in different formats [duplicate]
    940  Python: dangers of temporarily changing the random seed using a context manager?
    940  Plot a graph in NetworkX
    940  numpy print matrix one row one line
    940  Minimal Spanning Tree of Distance Matrix (preferable numpy)
    940  is there any way to determine if an numpy array is record/structure array?
    940  How to count occurrences of specific element for arrays in a list?
    940  Can't draw box when call cv2.rectangle
    940  Cannot import scipy though already installed [duplicate]
    939  taking the log of every element in a sparse matrix
    939  Python program to plot I-V curves of a bipolar transistor
    939  PyArrayObject definition is missing
    939  Plotting training and Cross-validation error for Lasso using Scikit-learn
    939  Numpy 'could not convert string to float'
    939  Mandelbrot plot error matplotlib python 3.4
    939  Load pickled object on different machines
    939  How to load MobileNet weights with an input tensor in Keras
    939  Formatting ''Kilo'', ''Mega'', ''Gig'' data in numpy record array
    939  Extracting boundary of a numpy array
    939  Delete image frame from 3d array
    939  creating a new identical numpy array that does not affect the old array
    939  Build Numpy with Eigen instead of ATLAS or OpenBlas?
    938  Visualize values in numpy array as colors in a bitmap
    938  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (1920,1072) into shape (1920,1080)
    938  solving equations simultaneously
    938  scipy spline interpolation with interp1d IndexError
    938  Plotting with Matplotlib results in -90 rotated plots - Python
    938  Placing a condition while calculating using numpy array
    938  obstacles in tensorflow's tensordot using batch multiplication
    938  Numpy element-wise dot product without loop and memory error
    938  manipulating value of pandas dataframe cell based on value in previous row without iteration
    938  Draw ellipse in matplotlib given the focii
    938  Are the eigenvectors returned in numpy.linalg.eig orthogonal? [duplicate]
    938  Applying circular mask with periodic boundary conditions in python
    937  scipy.optimize.leastsq fails to fit simple model
    937  Saving an image as numpy array
    937  Replace DataFrame column index with MultiIndex [duplicate]
    937  Reliable way to get the ''build'' directory from within
    937  python: global name not defined [closed]
    937  numpy.ndarray.tofile with breakline after x number of entries?
    937  Integrate function in polar coordinates sciPy
    937  How to support numpy, scipy in ironpython 2.7.5
    937  How to sort two-dimensional array by first column as numeric when list of strings? (Python)
    937  How to multiply.outer() in NumPy while assuming 0 * infinity = 0?
    937  How to find the next Max Value in an array
    937  How to compute residuals from OpenCV fitLine?
    937  Contouring non-uniform 2d data in python/matplotlib above terrain
    937  Constructing numpy array using tile
    937  Applying method to objects in a numpy array with vectorize results in empty array
    936  Skipping rows in a csv file using Python Pandas
    936  simplify a python numpy complex expression to real and imaginary parts
    936  Python Pandas - How to limit row amount and automatically start new column
    936  Numpy package installed twice in single Anaconda environment
    936  Numpy Lookup (Map, or Point)
    936  Numpy cuts zeros at end of a number
    936  how to get subset of matrix in class numpy.matrix.defmatrix.matrix
    936  How to fix ''Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional'' error when running Kmeans
    936  How to column_stack a numpy array with a scipy sparse matrix?
    936  How do I implement vector <vector <Obj>> for Cython (C++ to Python)?
    936  Choosing axis in numpy array using select method
    935  VS Code, Python: ''Unable to import ''''
    935  Numpy minimum for a given column
    935  my python modules (matplotlib, numpy) don't work
    935  How to assign tensor values to a numpy array [duplicate]
    935  Filling a column based on multiple conditions from another columns
    935  Custom pipeline for different data type in scikit learn
    935  CSV via NumPy genfromtxt(): dtype for variable string sizes
    935  creating a numpy array filled with a character
    935  Confused by random.randn()
    935  Check whether 2D array contains a specific 1D array in Numpy [duplicate]
    934  Third order moment calculation - numpy
    934  Speed up Python/Cython loops.
    934  sklearn CountVectorizer output a matrix with empty rows
    934  reclassify a numpy array in python between a range
    934  Python: Binning one coordinate and averaging another based on these bins
    934  Numpy Average distance from array center
    934  matrix multiplication error in numpy
    934  Matplotlib cmap not working as expected
    934  Is there an equivalent of an excel formula in pandas
    934  Interpolation from irregular grid to regular grid
    934  How to keep numpy from broadcasting when creating an object array of different shaped arrays
    934  GPS Data processing with Pandas
    934  Get list-elements that are not in index-list
    934  Finding nearest xy-point in numpy array and second nearest with condition
    934  find all values close to a target like numpy.searchsorted() but return all same values?
    934  Ellipses when converting list of numpy arrays to string in python 3
    934  Add scipy sparse row matrix to another sparse matrix
    933  Writing to shared memory in Python is very slow
    933  Why does the numpy angle function return values also for the masked array values
    933  Why does my numpy install keeps being KILLED?
    933  Set default value as numpy array
    933  Reading an image with OpenCV, altering the pixels and returning the new image
    933  Plot 2D array of (x,y,z) points in 3D space (Matplotlib)
    933  Pandas GROUPBY inside np.where
    933  numpy assignment with masking
    933  numpy array equivalent for += operator
    933  matplotlib imshow - use matrix as y axis values
    933  Loading and saving numpy matrix
    933  How to compare two numpy arrays with some NaN values?
    933  How do I get a Pandas TimeSeries for user sessions (using Pandas or Numpy)
    933  Different results when using train_test_split vs manually splitting the data
    933  create heatmap of 3 list using matplotlib and numpy
    933  Create cost matrix efficiently in Python
    933  Changing the axis scale in numpy plot
    933  Calling function on valid values of masked arrays
    933  Calculating the average of a column in csv per hour
    933  add a dummy dimension for a multi-dimensional array
    932  xor matrix multiplication for AES mix column stage
    932  python random.randint generate 0-100 on increments of 5
    932  Python numpy 'Expected an input array of unsigned byte data type'
    932  Plotting direction field in python
    932  How to add dynamically created input images to a RandomShuffleQueue using a QueueRunner in tensor flow
    932  How can I regularize a linear regression with scipy's curve_fit?
    932  Does this function compute convolution correctly?
    932  Deleting every 3rd element of a tensor in tensorflow
    932  Cython numpy array with Openmp (No GIL)
    931  Using np.savetxt and np.loadtxt with multi-dimensional arrays
    931  Speed up python code - can I vectorize double for loop?
    931  Problems installing Numpy 1.7 and Python-Pandas
    931  Plot numpy rec array with date
    931  optimal numba implementations for matrix multiplication depends significantly on matrix size
    931  Numpy: Quickly count True instances item-wise in 2D bool array
    931  New style python buffer protocol and numpy arrays
    931  Index Error: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 2000 but corresponding boolean dimension is 1001
    931  How to round all values in one-dimensional numpy.ndarray
    931  Find Columns that are Linear Combinations of Other Columns
    931  Find 1D array from 2D NumPy arrays?
    931  f2py array valued functions
    931  Correct way to do operations on Memmapped arrays
    931  Convert Numpy array into Orange table of discrete values
    931  Concatenate NumPy 2D array with column (1D array)
    931  Assign label names for line plot from NumPy 2D array
    930  Why do values in my 3D numpy array change when I write it to file?
    930  What is causing ''ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer'' in my function
    930  RuntimeError: module compiled against API version a but this version of numpy is 9 in ubuntu
    930  Read filenames from a textfile in python (double backslash issue)
    930  Plot Discrete Distribution using np.linspace()
    930  pandas HDFStore.append data_columns after append operation
    930  NumPy mmap: ''ValueError: Size of available data is not a multiple of data-type size.''
    930  Multiple values of tuples
    930  <lambda>() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
    930  How to show Cartesian system in polar plot in python?
    930  how to Find unique values in a column?Attribute Error: ''DataFrame'' object has no attribute
    930  How to find all elements in a numpy 2-dimensional array that match a certain list?
    930  How to convert a CVXPY result into numpy
    930  How do I plot a trace of an object's path in Python?
    930  finding nearest neighbor for python numpy.ndarray in 3d-space
    930  Find a python transformation function or numpy matrix to transform skewed normal distribution to normal distribution
    930  Efficient strided slicing along a column in a pandas dataframe
    929  Zero-dimensional numpy.ndarray : only element is a 2D array : how to access it?
    929  Why are for loops quicker than numpy for 2D array multiplication
    929  Python: The implementation of im2col which takes the advantages of 6 dimensional array?
    929  Python: plot on top of scipy plot? (voronoi)
    929  numpy import fails in virtualenv when ulimit -v is set (OpenBLAS: Resource temporarily unavailable)
    929  numpy array multiplication with arrays of arbitrary dimensions
    929  How to make my C# code faster to compute dot product
    929  How to create a customized scoring function in scikit-learn for scoring a set of instances based on their individual properties?
    929  Displaying distribution of categorical variables in Pandas [duplicate]
    928  Which Pandas version is compatible with Numpy 1.4.1
    928  Vectorizing sRGB to linear conversion properly in Numpy
    928  try and except in while-loop python
    928  Scientific dataset manipulation in Clojure  -  reading ByteBuffers into matrices
    928  Python: How to perform linear regression of two numpy 3D datasets along axis?
    928  Points left out when nearby in scipy.spatial.Delaunay
    928  Numpy to list over 2nd axis
    928  Minimum difference between non-equal elements in integer array
    928  Losing values after reading from file and saving np array to the same file
    928  How is the one-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier Transform calculated in numpy?
    928  How do I convert a Dask Dataframe into a Dask Array?
    928  Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization in pure Tensorflow: performance for iterative solution is much slower than numpy
    928  Does iloc[ :, 1:2 ]. values and .iloc[ :, 1].values work differently?
    928  Convert Matlab Code to Python
    928  Concatenating all list values to an array in python
    928  All possible points of (latitude,longitude) from latitude/longitude coordinates in separate arrays
    927  Why is numpy.mean infinite while values are finite?
    927  Solving a 9x9 matric with gausian emlinination with pivoting in python
    927  Slicing a NumPy array within a loop [duplicate]
    927  Pass complex numpy array to C++ in Cython
    927  Numpy Random Choice not working for 2-dimentional list
    927  In Python 3.6, why does a negative number to the power of a fraction return nan when in a numpy array?
    927  How to read a file from the bottom with numpy.genfromtxt in python
    927  how can i change string to binary columns in pandas
    927  create a matrix out of a dictionary in python with labeled columns and rows
    927  Assigning value to NPZ file
    926  Theano gradient of sparse matrix multiplication
    926  Temporal interpolation in NumPy/matplotlib
    926  Python compare dict with csr_matrices as values
    926  Python analog of mvrnorm's empirical setting when generating a multivariate distribution?
    926  Passing distribution parameters as an array
    926  Numpy isn't working in script
    926  Improving memory usage in an array-wide filter to avoid block-processing
    926  How to measure performance of Gaussian mixture?
    926  How to handle ZeroDivisionError inside numpy array
    926  How to convert a grayscale image to heatmap image with Python OpenCV
    926  Fast replace in numpy array
    926  .EXE installer crashes when installing Python modules: IPython, Pandas and Matplotlib
    926  Data input for K means clustering with Scipy, Python?
    926  Alternative to using 'in' with numpy.where()
    925  Remove element from 3d numpy array
    925  Python Add Elements to Lists within List if Missing
    925  Numpy assignment like 'numpy.take'
    925  Numpy array from pandas frames can't be count vectorized due to '''float' object has no attribute 'lower''' error
    925  Loading numpy arrays stored in npz archive in PySpark
    925  How to set single element of multi dimensional Numpy Array using another Numpy array?
    925  How to change an image to grayscale represented as a NumPy array
    925  Get grid points from matplotlib
    925  Filling gaps based on gap length
    925  Efficient way to iterate through numpy arrays in parallel and create a new resultant array
    925  check if a numpy array is a numpy masked array
    925  Can numpy argsort return lower index for ties?
    924  Using finite difference in python
    924  Testing point with in/out of a vector shapefile
    924  Python Pandas: Why is numpy so much faster than Pandas for column assignment? Can I optimize further?
    924  Pybind11 and std::vector  -  How to free data using capsules?
    924  Plotting directly to movie with numpy and mencoder
    924  numpy how can i get the value of an element at certain coordinates?
    924  How to use datetime field froma dataframe in linregress scipy?
    924  How to find all the color shapes in an image open CV python
    924  How do I replace missing/masked data with a row mean with numpy
    924  C++ Boost Python numpy array initialization
    923  Speed for filling a matrix in python vs matlab
    923  Python - get column iterator from a file (without reading the whole file)
    923  python fitting curve with integral function
    923  preallocation of numpy array of numpy arrays
    923  numpy savetxt not working
    923  index masked element Array
    923  Indexing a multidimensional Numpy array with an array of indices
    923  How can I copy a multidimensional h5py dataset to a flat 1D Python list without making any intermediate copies?
    923  Generating indices using np.triu_indices
    923  Fast vectorized multinomial in python
    923  Fastest way of calculating mean values for each indices
    923  Cross Correlation in numpy, with FFT - strange result?
    922  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable, why?
    922  scipy curve_fit with arrays TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    922  Python, Numpy, User Guide 1.9.1. 'StringIO' what is correct alternative with later python release?
    922  Pass single rows from a dataframe to predict with a loop
    922  Memory leak resize an image numpy array on linux with OpenCV in Python
    922  Matrix operation in python, maximum value
    922  Matrix from Excel to Python
    922  Find all-zero columns in pandas sparse matrix
    922  exchange numpy array with boost.python: pyublas or boost.numpy?
    921  Writing large amounts of numbers to a HDF5 file in Python
    921  Using deprecated Numpy API
    921  Select range of rows from record ndarray
    921  Python - Opening multiple files using open/np.load
    921  Python list notation, Numpy array notation: predictions[predictions < 1e-10] = 1e-10
    921  pydata blaze: does it allow parallel processing or not?
    921  Numpy array is much slower than list
    921  import numpy - ''NameError: global name 'ERR_DEFAULT2' is not defined''
    921  How to convert list of `numpy.datetime64` to `matplotlib.dates`?
    921  Heroku error : Compiled slug size: 624.7M is too large (max is 300M) - using miniconda for scipy and numpy
    921  Extract an array from a numpy array
    921  Difference between magnitude_spectrum result available in matplotlib.mlab and numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(data))
    921  ctypes pointer to numpy array with custom dtype
    921  Counterpart of hstack and vstack in Tensorflow
    920  What is wrong in this Python code for Regularized Linear Regression?
    920  Using vtk library in python to extract vtk data as array
    920  Share SciPy Sparse Array Between Process Objects
    920  scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve and multiplying Fourier Transforms give different results
    920  python - repeating numpy array without replicating data
    920  problems installing numpy for python 3.5
    920  Plotting TimeDeltas in Pandas
    920  Make a C++ class look like a numpy array using swig
    920  Loading jpg of different sizes into numpy.array - ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples
    920  How to use a proper normalization to have the right p_values and ks_values from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test)?
    920  How to record screen in python for mac?
    920  How to interpret: Label Ranking Average Precision Score
    920  for i in range(len(val)): TypeError: object of type 'numpy.int64' has no len()
    920  Fast way to see common observation counts for Python Pandas correlation matrix entries
    920  Differential step size for array
    920  Creating the Cartesian Product of a set of Vectors in Python?
    920  Average Picture of float Pictures Python
    919  Why does scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage need a metric?
    919  use of matlab meshgrid
    919  Speed of numpy.ctypeslib.as_array
    919  Python & Numpy: Iterating over specific axes with multi_index?
    919  Python: Loop through values in lists
    919  Python generate a mask for the lower triangle of a matrix
    919  numpy/pylab min, max
    919  matplotlib: deliberately block code execution pending a GUI event
    919  Intersection of two or more DataFrame columns
    919  Indexing with lists and arrays in numpy appears inconsistent
    919  have no idea what the exception is here
    919  get the R^2 value from scipy.linalg.lstsq
    918  Unable to import scipy but can import numpy in IronPython
    918  Reduce dimension of numpy array by defined function
    918  read csv/txt file with genfromtxt while separating values for numbers and datetime
    918  Python numpy.savetxt - no such file or directory, although path is correct
    918  python numpy change array value
    918  Numpy: Retriving an array from an array of pointers
    918  Import nastran nodes deck in Python using numpy
    918  How to load csv file containing strings and numbers using genfromtxt?
    918  How can I check if each row in a matrix is equal to an array and return a Boolean array containing the result?
    918  Forcing Elements in a Numpy Array to be Within a Specified Range [duplicate]
    918  Filtering pandas or numpy arrays for continuous series with minimum window length
    918  Evaluating math equation in Python
    918  Error when trying to pip install statsmodels
    918  Efficiently reshaping arrays in a pandas dataframe column
    918  Count nan in data string with python
    918  Copying values of a numpy array into specific location of sparse matrix
    918  Compute and draw a weighted networkx graph with edge lengths corresponding to weights
    918  checking if pandas dataframe is indexed?
    918  Attempting to read data from multiple files to multiple arrays
    917  What is the most practical python data structure for a time series of grid data?
    917  Vectorize a numpy discount calculation
    917  Tricky numpy argmax on last dimension of 3-dimensional ndarray
    917  numpy delete not deleting element
    917  Log-log plot point not showing
    917  Installing numpy+MKL on Linux to use cvxopt package
    917  How to locate the center node of a giant component in NetworkX?
    917  how do I use least square algorithm to match two data sets through a linear equation in Python
    917  generating custom colorbar: match data with color scheme
    917  Finding the maximum difference for a subset of columns with pandas
    917  3D plot of a list of lists of values
    916  Wrong optimization with scipy (maximize)
    916  Store a numpy.ndarray as an image, and then save the pixel values
    916  python iterate over and select values from list of zipped arrays
    916  python/django: deployment to heroku fails
    916  Python: Animating colormap of changing 2D numpy array
    916  Pivoting numpy array about an element in my array
    916  Pandas way to find discontinuous data
    916  pandas how to find continuous values in a series whose differences are within a certain distance
    916  How to convert pandas timezone aware timestamps to UNIX epoche?
    916  Element-wise multiplication for sparse matrices in python
    916  Cut a bounding box using numpy meshgrid python
    916  Create new column with max value with groupby
    916  Automatically generate data for unit testing in Python
    915  TypeError: 'ndim' is an invalid keyword argument for this function [closed]
    915  Succint way of handling missing observations in numpy.cov?
    915  Scipy curve_fit multiple series of data
    915  Python: Square and exponential interpolation
    915  Python numpy.fft very slow (10x slower) when run in subprocess
    915  NumPy array of arrays to PyOpenCL array of vecs
    915  KNeighborsClassifier query data dimension must match training data dimension
    915  How to combine two sine waves without cracks [closed]
    915  How to apply log to an numpy sparse matrix elementwise
    915  Get data array from object in Python
    915  First element of series to cross threshold in numpy, with handling of series that never cross
    915  Finding elements in a numpy array with multiple criteria
    915  Find common tangent line between two cubic curves
    915  Converting a numpy narray (row form) to image
    915  Checking if two arrays are broadcastable in python
    915  Adding names and assigning data types to ASCII data
    914  Windows/Python Error WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified
    914  Where can I find numpy.where() source code? [duplicate]
    914  Solving set of exponential equations in python
    914  Python numpy linspace for small numbers
    914  Python mean shift clustering of complex-number numpy array
    914  Numpy has mysteriously stopped working
    914  IPython loading variables to workspace: can you think of a better solution than this?
    914  import numpy does load shared blas libraries to other modules
    914  How to feed multiple images into Keras feature extraction?
    914  How can I read successive arrays from a binary file using `np.fromfile`?
    914  Get max or min n-elements out of numpy array? (preferably not flattened)
    914  Find max indices along z axis of numpy 3d array
    914  Efficient way to process CSV file into a numpy array
    914  Can anyone please explain how this python code works line by line?
    914  Add string column to float matrix NumPy
    913  Writing a dictionary with name and numpy array data to text file issue
    913  Where do two 2-D arrays begin to overlap each other?
    913  remove duplicates based on one field in a numpy array
    913  pandas: Rolling correlation with fixed patch for pattern-matching
    913  Numpy multiplication of vectors of different size avoiding for loops
    913  Most frequent value using pandas.DataFrame.resample
    913  Install Numpy compiled for VS2010 for an embedded interpreter
    913  How to create an array-like class compatible with NumPy ufuncs?
    913  How do I link python 3.4.3 to opencv?
    913  conditional filtering in a numpy matrix
    912  Replace value in an array by its index in a list
    912  Replace pixel values in a Numpy image
    912  Python array management C++ equivalent
    912  numpy.unravel_index not returning expected row indices
    912  Numpy: Loop alternative, Optimization
    912  Join two numpy arrays of unequal size and fill third array based on common column
    912  Join two numpy arrays of unequal size and fill third array based on common column
    912  Index matching with multiple columns in python
    912  conda python isn't using the numpy version I try install if I also specify that it should use python 2
    912  Cannot reshape array of size 1 into shape (1,224,224,3)
    912  Arbitrary image slice with python/numpy
    911  Save 3D array into a stack of 2D images in Python
    911  python multiprocessing array
    911  Python: How to vstack all the arrays of a column in a dataframe quickly?
    911  PyCUDA + numpy, and working with strings in general
    911  numpy.sum on range and range_iterator objects
    911  matplotlib: assigning different hatch to bars
    911  How do I get numpy.einsum to play well with sympy?
    911  Flatten tuple containing numpy array to numpy array
    911  dynamically growing array in numba jitted functions
    911  Detecting shape using numpy for image of people
    911  combination of np.where and if in pandas
    910  Sum of absolute values of polynomials with python numpy
    910  subclass ndarray in python numpy: change size and value of array
    910  Size-Incremental Numpy Array in Python
    910  Reverse stacking operation on NumPy array
    910  replace masked with nan in numpy masked_array
    910  Referencing a numpy arrray without creating an expensive copy
    910  Lyapunov Exponent Code Output Nolds
    910  Loglikelihood of normal distribution
    910  Integrate with scipy
    910  How to weigh the points in a scatter plot for a fit?
    910  How to compare numpy strings in Python 3
    910  Fitting with constraints on derivative Python
    910  Filter one dataframe using multi-index of another dataframe
    910  Blockwise operations in Numpy
    910  Assign values to numpy.array
    909  Parse folder with images into (m, n) shaped numpy array
    909  Pandas make new column from substring slice based on the number in a substring of another column
    909  Multiprocessing nested python loops
    909  Jagged array in cython
    909  how to speed up loop in numpy?
    909  How to remove duplicate elements for two numpy arrays in python
    909  How to convert 1d numpy array to 2d numpy array
    909  Fastest way to generate 2D Gaussian
    909  cython: memory view of ndarray of strings (or direct ndarray indexing)
    909  Create Duplicate Rows and Change Values in Specific Columns
    909  Conway's Game of Life using Python matplotlib
    908  Scipy.integrate float error
    908  Numpy : resize array
    908  MemoryError vs ''ValueError: array is too big'' when allocating a large ndarray on different machines [duplicate]
    908  Maximum size sparse matrix NumPy
    908  Maximize sum subject to conditions in Python mystic
    908  Load Numpy Array Binary Image with OpenCV detectMultiScale
    908  Keep the fitted parameters when using a cross_val_score in scikits learn
    908  Jaccard Distance calculation using pdist in scipy
    908  How to read polyfit function in python?
    908  Handling large amount of data and processes in multiprocessing
    908  Error when placing markers at specific points using matplotlib and markevery
    908  Creating a dictionary of arrays, using values in one of the columns as the key
    908  correct usage of scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs required versus R code
    908  Clone a NumPy array multiple times
    907  Using numpy.datetime in numba nopython functions?
    907  Use spines and tick_params in Matplotlib style sheet
    907  Raise TypeError (TypeError: object of type <class 'numpy.float64'> cannot be safely interpreted as an integer)
    907  python - selecting rows from an array based on some elements from a list
    907  Python 2d array get all rows where first column is equal to 0
    907  P value for Normality test very small despite normal histogram
    907  Numpy pad zeroes of given size
    907  numpy.mean on varying row size
    907  numpy array vs list of lists?
    907  Loop over list of pandas dataframes
    907  How to filter all data that is not divisible by n in pandas dataframe
    907  How to calculate distance between highest value of function?
    907  How do I implement Naive Bayes on the following data?
    907  Delete rows from a multidimensional array in Python
    907  c++ python API : second call of PyImport_Import results in SIGSEGV
    906  Why did matrix multiplication using python's numpy become so slow after upgrading ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04?
    906  Unable to do numpy piecewise with 3 segments
    906  Smoothing curve for matplotlib.pyplot using pandas or numpy/scipy
    906  Multiple column pandas vectorized string function?
    906  Get all columns in a numpy structured array.
    906  Does behave different from matlab .*?
    905  while statement giving 'float' object has no attribute '__getitem__' error using numpy
    905  scipy.optimize() Value Error:Shape mismatch for sum
    905  python Aggregate (groupby) 2d-matrix
    905  numpy parse int into bit groupings
    905  numpy.fromfile is reading only 1st row
    905  multiply-accumulate using numpy
    905  Load sparse scipy matrix into existing numpy dense matrix
    905  Interpolating a peak for two values of x - Python
    905  From (n,) to (n,1) numpy arrays and viceversa?
    905  Difference of cov and cor between R and Python
    905  dependency conflict conda create/install numpy
    905  Converting numpy solution into dask (numpy indexing doesn't work in dask)
    905  Array comparison of different length arrays in numpy
    904  webscraping data and use pandas read_html to convert it to dataframe and merge the dataset together
    904  Python if statement with two conditions - truth value of array ambiguous
    904  Python: Find the nearest neighbor pairs in a list of point coordinates
    904  PyMC regression of many regressions?
    904  Numpy vectorize function to operate on rows
    904  Numpy's Piecewise Function
    904  Iterating through a multidimensional array
    904  how to replace the header row when reading from Excel- Python
    904  How do I change array dimensions from one dimension to a two dimension with one column
    904  Creating graph vertices from numpy array
    904  Covariance matrix with multiple observations returns NaNs
    904  3d numpy array to grayscale picture
    903  Zscore Normalize column in Dataframe using groupby
    903  slice a numpy structured 1-d array to get part of a record
    903  Simultaneous simulations in python
    903  Reading mixed type binary data with Numpy (characters, floats and integers)
    903  Python Pandas - Compare 2 dataframes, multiple parameters
    903  Pandas rolling mean returns 'nan'
    903  ImportError: Numpy OpenBLAS flavour is needed for this scipy build
    903  How to replace masked values from a numpy array with the average of the values immediately next to the masked value
    903  How to fill a matrix in Python using iteration over rows and columns
    903  erratic results for numpy/scipy eigendecompositions
    903  Building diagonal block matrix with some blocks as variable CVXPY
    903  anyone else getting symbol lookup error mkl_serv_getenv with pandas series division?
    902  When importing Numpy from Flask in Virtualenv Numpy gives multiarray import error
    902  What does [i,:] mean in Python?
    902  Removing numpy meshgrid points outside of a Shapely polygon
    902  Removing inf/nan values from Pandas
    902  Print from specific positions in NumPy array [closed]
    902  how to select row one by one and find minimum value in each row in numpy
    902  How to map np.linalg.solve to an array of matrice and keep speed?
    902  How to efficiently concatenate many arange calls in numpy?
    902  Get days property from numpy.ndarray of timedelta objects
    901  vectorize numpy mean across the slices of an array
    901  Using alternative LAPACK driver in numpy's svd method?
    901  scale two matrices with scipy or sklearn
    901  Repeatedly displaying random-noise images using NumPy and PyQt4
    901  Reconstruct Image from patches/tiles in python
    901  Python package to estimate Perron-Frobenius Eigenvalue of real, square, non-negative matrix
    901  Numpy- How to create ROI iteratively in OpenCV python?
    901  Matplotlib: Grouped boxplots using data from numpy array and lists of group/subgroup labels
    901  How to filter Pandas rows based on last/next row?
    901  How to count the number of holes in a numpy 2D grid?
    901  group argmax/argmin over partitioning indices in numpy
    901  Extend numpy mask by n cells to the right for each bad value, efficiently
    901  dot product with diagonal matrix, without creating it full matrix
    901  Difference between two datetime64[ns] column showing error
    901  Create index dictionary from integer list
    901  Convering a list into an array of dtype = int64
    900  Using Stratified Kfold within Pipeline
    900  threshold must be numeric and non-NAN, When printing numpy array, Why numpy.nan is undefined in python3
    900  Shape Mismatch Numpy
    900  Python: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous [duplicate]
    900  Python import_array makes it impossible to kill embedded python with ctrl-c
    900  Pandas.resample to a non-integer multiple frequency
    900  numpy array append is not working
    900  Minimal distance between elements in a vector
    900  Loading several npz files in a multithreadedly
    900  Import .dat file into 2d array
    900  How do I get the address for an element in a Python array?
    900  How can I override comparisons between NumPy's ndarray and my type?
    900  Filling an array with arrays or vectors in python using numpy without a loop
    900  Convert stl 2 numpy, volume data
    900  Alternatives of fused type in cython
    900  Add N Business Days to a Numpy datetime64 That's Not of Unit 'D'
    899  Subsetting 2D array based on condition in numpy python
    899  Splitting a Column on Positive and Negative values
    899  signal.correlate 'same'/'full' meaning?
    899  Series Summation in Python
    899  Scipy.optimize differential_evolution Index error: tuple index out of range
    899  Reshaping 4D numpy to 5D array using specific pattern
    899  Removing zeros from a column with pandas and matplotlib
    899  Numpy on multidimensional arrays
    899  Matrix/Tensor Triple Product?
    899  Makefile for C program that uses numpy extensions
    899  How to slice a multidimensional array in python/numpy in a way to select specific row, column and depth?
    899  How to improve curve fitting in matplotlib?
    899  function in C++ similar to numpy flatten
    899  Finding the self-consistent solution to an equation
    899  Finding approximate rectangle in from a set of points
    899  Drawing from a continuous triangular distribution in python Scipy
    899  A fast numpy way to find index in array where cumulative sum becomes greater?
    899  adding rows in python to table
    898  TypeError: argument 1 must be read-only bytes-like object, not memoryview
    898  testing for NaN values: df[df['col1'] == np.nan] does NOT equal np.isnan(df['col1']) [duplicate]
    898  tensorflow: read a binary file with different types
    898  Taking average of list of list ignoring zero values
    898  sort Pandas dataframe with NaT values on top
    898  sort 2d calibration pattern points with numpy
    898  Python - Read an image from URL to resize and convert image to grayscale
    898  Python: negative numbers, when multiplying a matrix by a vector with numpy
    898  Python: multidimensional array masking
    898  numpy array2string applied on huge array, skips central values, (  ...  in the middle )
    898  Modular arithmetic in python to iterate a pandas dataframe
    898  Memory Error Numpy/Python Euclidean Distance
    898  how to turn an array into a callable function
    898  h5py - Get Index of Specific Values
    898  Find polynomial function through 30 points with polyfit
    898  Correlation matrix with huge dataset - Python
    898  Compare two N-dimensional arrays [closed]
    897  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 2322118 into shape (60000,784)
    897  trouble installing opencv 2.4.10, python 2.7.5 on win7
    897  Python package not found in jupyter even after running pip install
    897  Optimized way to find similar strings in a collection
    897  Just Curious about Python+Numpy to Realtime Gesture Recognition
    897  How to use date and time values as features to predict a value using a neural network?
    897  Generate conditioned random binary array matrix in python
    897  Clustering results print with details in python
    896  unfound package after python package installation on OSX
    896  Toeplitz matrix of toeplitz matrix
    896  Tensorflow Dataset using many compressed numpy files
    896  Python no module named numpy
    896  Optimizing set of equations with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in Python
    896  how to set on zero 3d numpy array?
    896  How can I set the colorbar limits for a yt.SlicePlot using set_cmap?
    896  Changing the edge color of zoom-rect in matplotlib
    896  Can I do something like imsave() with text overlay?
    896  better way to build numpy array for ta-lib
    895  Writing a numpy.array() from a list of namedtuples
    895  Unable to broadcast numpy array, but .shape says they have the same shape
    895  Summing values of 2D array on indices
    895  Simple extending csr matrix by adding a column
    895  Python - How to get variable from netcdf file on a specific location and at different level
    895  Python Anaconda: ImportError undefined symbol: ATL_cpttrsm
    895  Pylab/Matplotlib multilple pie charts into one PDF
    895  How to plot the outlines of specific squares within a 2D grid using pcolormesh?
    895  Creating a |N| x |M| matrix from a hash-table
    895  create a multidimensional random matrix in spark
    895  C++ Python convert data from vector to ndarray
    895  Convert dataframe to a rec array (and objects to strings)
    895  Can't import numpy in python 2.7
    895  anaconda installing numpy/pandas/matplotlib error
    895  Alternative to using Queue for return value in multiprocessing
    894  What's the most efficient way to detect duplicates in numpy arrays of images with Python?
    894  What is the difference between cv2.imread and open().read?
    894  Process Pandas DataFrames which don't fit in memory
    894  numpy fft-how to choose time and frequency domain
    894  NumPy array size issue
    894  numpy array reshape returns a new array, rather than reshaping in place. Any design reason for that?
    894  numpy.array(list) being slow
    894  How to merge two images using second as a transparent binary mask in Python?
    894  Handling NaNs in linear regression  -  scipy?
    894  Create a structure array from a list in Numpy with string and integers
    894  Converting arrays between NumPy and JPype?
    894  Change stride of numpy array (altering data)
    894  Change basis of 3D numpy array (fractional to cartesian coordinates)
    894  Can't install latest numpy and scipy under virtual environment
    894  Business days between two columns of dates with Pandas Groupby
    893  Why there is a difference between 32 bit and 64 bit numpy/pandas
    893  Using numpy's genfromtxt to load a triangular matrix with python
    893  TypeError: descriptor 'replace' requires a 'str' object but received a 'NoneType '
    893  torch.pow does not work
    893  Theano switch in numpy
    893  Python: TypeError - Singleton Array
    893  python matplotlib error while plotting some data
    893  Numpy reshape preserving some dimensions
    893  Numpy.array(None) returns None but is not None
    893  Looping through slices of Theano tensor
    893  Is there a way to form sparse n-dimensional array in Python3?
    893  How to speed up excel file writing using
    893  how to fix numpy module not found and installing tensorflow
    893  How to Append Masked Arrays
    892  The array returned by a function changed size between calls
    892  Sort (symmetric) numpy 2D array by function. (norm)
    892  Reading Binary Data Using Python
    892  Python - multiple list by a scalar
    892  numpy.tile a non-integer number of times
    892  numpy loadtxt takes so much time
    892  Numpy array filled with random numbers so that you only change the value by one along the x/y axis
    892  Is numpy.linalg.cond returning the ratio of the biggest and smallest eigenvalue?
    892  Improving Python + numpy array allocation/initialization performance
    892  How to map pixels (R, G, B) in a collection of images to a distinct pixel-color-value indices?
    892  how to do linear interpolation on a 2D numpy array having sparse data?
    892  Find max 2 (or n) values in a column from a csv file(python) [duplicate]
    892  Find cumsum of subarrays split by indices for numpy array efficiently
    892  Dot product with shapes (x) and (x, y)
    892  Create Image using Matplotlib imshow meshgrid and custom colors
    892  Best way to serialize GeoTIFF in a file to be opened by Python as Numpy array
    892  Applying a function element-wise to multiple numpy arrays
    892  Algorithm for smoothing a curve strictly above the original
    891  UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x95 in position 1072: invalid start byte
    891  Solve the linear equations system AX = B in Python, np.linalg.solve not working
    891  Singular value decomposition (svd) and mean does not exclude masked values during computation
    891  select all dimensions of an ndarray but one
    891  openCV not accept numpy array?
    891  Numpy.where: very slow with conditions from two different arrays
    891  numpy.sum behaves differently on numpy.array vs pandas.DataFrame
    891  Iterating through dictionary and numpy array simultaneously
    891  How can I use more CPU to run my python script
    891  How can I append to a numpy array without reassigning the result to a new variable?
    891  Creating coordinate tuples with numpy using two 1D arrays
    891  Converting a numpy.ndarray value from bytes to float
    890  _tkinter.TclError: this isn't a Tk application in matplotlib bar graph
    890  Strategies for handling nominal values with numerical attributes
    890  Speed of writing a numpy array to a text file
    890  Python, creating a large-dimensional matrix of 3-dimensional dot products
    890  Printing the positions MATRIX of the values in a matrix
    890  Pandas to_csv export giving wrong values in a dataframe
    890  Optimization of K-fold cross validation for implicit recommendation systems
    890  How to get area of image with boundary conditions?
    890  how can i transformed descriptors mean centered and scaled to unit variance prior to Machine learning modeling using python and pandas
    890  How can I insert a Series into a DataFrame row?
    890  Find largest circle that fits within a set of points given a starting point (numpy)
    890 vs.
    889  Python row/column confusion
    889  Python: Removing OUT-OF-ORDER numbers from the list
    889  py2exe import numpy and scipy
    889  Numpy array comparison using nditer
    889  looping float range
    889  installing numpy using python3.2 Mac OSX Lion
    889  Compute matrix of pairwise angles between two arrays of points
    889  A quick way to compute the average of multiple timeseries?
    888  Why aren't shapes aligned?
    888  Speeding up a closest point on a hyperbolic paraboloid algorithm
    888  Replacing integers with tuples in a numpy array?
    888  Remove duplicate values from numpy structured array
    888  Python/ Numpy How to use arctan or arctan2 on the interval 0, pi/2?
    888  Pandas plot bar: Show every nth xlabel [duplicate]
    888  OpenCV error -215:Assertion Failed, can't figure out how to diagnose this error
    888  numpy.savetxt()  -  tuple index out of range when writing string to text file
    888  No after installing OpenBLAS and Numpy
    888  Lowpass filter with a time-varying cutoff frequency, with Python
    888  Issues with wav file sample data ranges in scipy
    888  How to vectorize a simple for loop in Python/Numpy
    888  Functions and numpy array preallocation
    888  Eigen + MKL or OpenBLAS slower than Numpy/Scipy + OpenBLAS
    888  construct sparse matrix using categorical data
    888  Code for testing of data in a neural network after the training is complete
    888  Change Asterix cat 240 stream data (xml) to radar image (visualize) using python or C++
    887  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10,1) into shape (10)
    887  Python - working with uneven columns in rows
    887  Numpy array and matrix multiplication
    887  ImportError: cannot import name random_integers
    887  Grouping repetitions in an array? [duplicate]
    887  Face Recognition - How to return the correct image?
    887  Erasing noise from fft chart
    886  Using matplotlib and Rasterio I am trying to save a raster as a GeoTIFF as well as repoject it?
    886  tensorflow ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    886  Serialize numpy arrays into an npz string?
    886  Select elements from an array using another array as index
    886  scipy sparse matrix indices
    886  Reading multiple txt files and saving them into one numpy array: how to concatenate numpy arrays
    886  Python: Finding all possible unique two-index combinations in a 2D array
    886  numpy `take` along 2 axes
    886  Loading Analyze 7.5 format images in python
    886  Interpolate each row in matrix of x values
    886  Indexing numpy array with bounds checking
    886  How to create a vector of Matrices in python
    886  How to create a condition based on data type of variable in Pandas
    886  Extracting values from indices without using loops
    886  Creating uniform random quaternion and multiplication of two quaternions
    886  Creating a python dictionary in python from tab delimited text file with headers as keywords
    886  AWS Lambda : Original error was: cannot import name multiarray
    886  Avoiding overflow error for exp in numpy
    885  Python Moving Averages for Time Series Data with Inconsistent Data Points
    885  Python & Matplotlib: How to plot the range of bootstrap histogram plot?
    885  one line ''for'' loop in an if test
    885  Numpy odd behaviour conversion to datetime64 dtype
    885  How to return the probability of each classified instance?
    885  How do we index a tensor in python?
    885  How can I find a basis for the column space of a rectangular matrix?
    885  Find specific x value with y in numpy array
    885  Applying a disc shaped mask to several locations in a NumPy array
    884  Writing a numpy array to binary file with variable integer precision
    884  What is the best way to save a complex dictionary to file?
    884  Vectorized linear regression
    884  Understand np.mean in python
    884  Subsample 1-D array using 2-D indices in numpy
    884  Scikit/Numpy/Pandas ValueError: setting an array element with sequence
    884  Python - Creating two lists from one randomly
    884  Python - Calculating the second column from the first one in a file
    884  numpy.repeat() to create block-diagonal indices?
    884  How to plot a 2d histogram?
    884  How to find slice object in numpy array
    884  How to decompose affine matrix?
    884  How to concat many numpy arrays?
    884  Efficiently generating a Cauchy matrix from two Numpy arrays
    884  Binomial expansion with fractional powers in Python
    883  Why does numpy.shape() sometimes not recognize higher dimensions? [closed]
    883  What is a faster way to iterate through a numpy array in python
    883  Shifting all rows in dask dataframe
    883  Scipy.Odr multiple variable regression
    883  Replace division by zero numpy
    883  Python csv writer, numpy array to csv
    883  Numpy einsum broadcasting
    883  MemoryError when masking a numpy array
    883  Linear regression function runs into ''nan is not defined'' error
    883  Intervals on x axis
    883  Insert 0s into 2d array
    883  I am getting a wrong output for numpy.sum
    883  How to Bin/Count based on dates in Python
    883  Extract indices of intersecting array from numpy 2D array in subarray
    883  Convert a color image into single-row numpy array (r1, g1, b1; r2, g2, b2;  ... )
    883  Conditional summation in python
    883  Comparing two DataFrames by one column with a return of three different outputs with Panadas
    882  Why sparse matrix computing on python is too slow
    882  Two dimensional color ramp (256x256 matrix) interpolated from 4 corner colors
    882  PIL attribute error: Shape when creating an array
    882  Numpy FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) of 1-dimensional array
    882  Keeping last 24 hours of log in pandas.DataFrame
    882  Initialize parameters as zeros in Python
    882  How to output box coordinates produced from Tensorflow Object Detection API
    882  How to install numpy on Ubuntu in the correct way?
    882  How to convert Numpy to Parquet without using Pandas?
    882  How to calculate errors on slopes of linear fits when y-errors are asymmetric
    881  python pandas rolling function with two arguments
    881  Pandas, split dataframe by monotonic increase of column value
    881  Pandas dataframe numpy where multiple conditions
    881  numpy average of rows with identical values
    881  How do I plot a sliced numpy data array on a pyqtgraph remoteview
    881  How can I use Pandas or Numpy to infer a datatype from a list of values?
    881  Finding all the overlapping groups of dictionary keys
    881  Better method to calculate half of symmetrical numpy matrix?
    881  Array of a subclass of numpy
    880  Runtime Warning Using power with Numpy
    880  Randomly fill a 3D grid according to a probability density function p(x,y,z)
    880  Python - Issues with global numpy array
    880  Pandas crosstab averages
    880  Numpy: split array into parts according to sequence of values
    880  Numpy's FFT with Intel MKL
    880  Monty Hall Python Simulation
    880  How to use conditional expressions inside of a numpy sum
    880  How to interpolate and smooth data with step-like values in Python?
    880  histogram giving wrong bins for zero array
    880  Finding gap range from an array in python 3.5
    880  2D numpy array: remove masked elements
    879  Why Python loops over slices of numpy arrays are faster than fully vectorized operations
    879  Undo pretty print from numpy
    879  The fastest way to exclude surrounding zeros from an array representing an image?
    879  Numpy - How to reshape odd array sizes?
    879  Numpy Crop 2D Array to Non-NaN Values
    879  Merge two arrays into an list of arrays
    879  Means of asymmetric arrays in numpy
    879  InvalidArgumentError: logits and labels must be same size: logits_size=[128,1] labels_size=[1,128]
    879  How to read a pdb file and perform FFT based docking using python? [closed]
    879  How to find the key of a minimum value in a nested dictionary?
    879  Getting a key error while converting npz to csv format
    879  Finding certain column names and locations in pandas dataframe
    879  Extra lines in plot when using matplotlib.plot
    878  What is overflow encountered in double_scalars?
    878  Using numpy via command line
    878  Using iterator to sum arrays in python
    878  Using half-precision NumPy floats in Cython
    878  Split an array in all possible combinations (not regular splitting)
    878  Speed up loading 24-bit binary data into 16-bit numpy array
    878  Scipy.misc import not working
    878  Scatter plot (2D), which shows a dotted circle and other 2D-shapes made by geometrical functions with ipython, numpy and matplotlib
    878  Pythonic way to print a multidimensional complex numpy array to a string
    878  Plot 3D histogram with uneven length array
    878  Pandas / Numpy: Issues with np.where
    878  Numpy calculating corrcoef for large multispectral images
    878  ''No Module name matrix_factorization_utilities'' found
    878  Memoize a NumPy vectorized function
    878  Integrating scientific python into an existing Rails webapp
    878  How to use np.arwhere with multiple conditions?
    878  How to generate random numbers correlated to a given dataset in Python
    878  How to convert sympy function to plot with matplotlib?
    878  Failed to convert object of type <class 'zip'> to Tensor
    878  Create a signal with noise with a specific SNR using Python Numpy
    878  Altair: Use of color scheme with log scales
    877  Reading a text file into a matrix in Python
    877  python populate elements in array
    877  PyQT, error to load data from a numpy array
    877  Perform element-wise operation on numpy string array
    877  numpy delete an array value (logical zero)
    877  numpy: concatenate two arrays along the 3rd dimension
    877  Numpy 2d array - select multiple elements without a for loop [closed]
    877  Non element-wise comparison of multi-dimensional arrays in NumPy [duplicate]
    877  Matplotlib: how to create stacked bar plot from pandas data frame?
    877  Is there a bad interaction, in numpy 1.7.1, between datetime64 and vectorize?
    877  how can I complete the text classification task using less memory
    877  Horizon Line Detection via Canny and Hough
    877  Django with numpy, Error:cannot import name multiarray
    877  Check whether each row of a matrix is in another matrix [Python]
    877  Basic numpy Adam implementation
    876  why i still can't use the NumPy module even the terminal says ''requirement already satisfied''?
    876  Where clause with numpy
    876  Read uint32_t from binary file from numpy
    876  Python numpy.where and structured (record) array
    876  petsc4py: Creating AIJ Matrix from csc_matrix results in TypeError
    876  Numpy __getitem__ delayed evaluation and a[-1:] not the same as a[slice(-1, None, none)]
    876  Normalising rows in numpy matrix
    876  Matplotlib - contour and quiver plot in projected polar coordinates
    876  Matplotlib and numpy: error in plotting infinite numbers on x-axis (pyzo)
    876  in-place shuffle torch.Tensor in the order of a numpy.ndarray
    876  How to get X-coordinate of Path depending on the Y-coordinate when X-coordinate values are unknown using python
    876  How to efficiently set values of numpy array using indices and boolean indexing?
    876  Customising matplotlib cmaps
    876  Access np.array in ctypes struct
    875  Why doesn't numpy.zeros allocate all of its memory on creation? And how can I force it to?
    875  Segfault occurs when my shared library is optimized by icc -O3 or -O2 and used via Python ctypes
    875  Searching for a range efficiently on a sorted Pandas dataframe
    875  Plot NumPy ndarray into a 3D surface
    875  pandas version of numpy's ones_like
    875  Opencv python camera calibration : objp matrix
    875  Matrix inversion (3,3) python - hard coded vs numpy.linalg.inv
    875  Matlibplot step function index 0
    875  Kalman filter implementation in python for speed estimation
    875  How to remove normalization from scipy imsave function
    875  How to install scipy and numpy packages for python 3.4 on ubuntu 12.04?
    875  Extract indexes of Columns where dtype is 'object' in Pandas
    875  Dividing 3D array by 2D row sums?
    875  Average of each day over multiple years
    875  assigning an object to multiple variables - python
    874  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater using np.where
    874  Remove every second row of array multiple times
    874  Python subtract first element from each respective row of matrix
    874  Python - Picking a Random Column or Row from 3x3 NP Array
    874  Poincare plot in Python - fitting the ellipse?
    874  PCA on large Sparse matrix using Correlation matrix
    874  Numpy's linalg.norm() returning 0 on non-zero-vector?
    874  Numpy: Replace every value in the array with the mean of its adjacent elements
    874  Numpy dot over of shapes (2,) (3,1) gives error but multiplication doesn't
    874  Issues with isolating color channels in Pylab
    874  How to insert elements of a list in diagonal elements of identity matrix?
    874  Fast euclidean distances between two sets of points with missing values in Python
    874  Create dictionary of value frequencies from numpy array
    874  combine numpy arrays element by element? [duplicate]
    874  Bin elements per row - Vectorized 2D Bincount for NumPy
    873  Shuffling two numpy arrays for a NN
    873  SciPy interp2d Memory Error, looking for alternative
    873  Resize a polygon drawn with Numpy and OpenCV in Python
    873  Python Pandas DataFrame If Index Contains Any String Values, Apply Label, Else Apply Different Label
    873  Problems with datetime plot in matplotlib
    873  Plotting line segments from the set of startpoints and endpoints
    873  OpenCV3 installation with Python3.4 on Windows 8.1 (64 bits)
    873  Numpy Memory Error on Linux Server but not Mac
    873  Numpy cannot broadcast array
    873  multi colored plots in matplotlib plt based on certain properties of data
    873  Move Values of a dataframe to a list based on a condition
    873  How to multiply arrays in pandas?
    873  How can I use Scipy to do a memory efficient distance transform operation?
    873  Finding areas in 2d array with python
    873  Faster way of finding least-square solution for large matrix
    873  2d fft numpy/python confusion
    872  Storing a variable amount of matrices in python using numpy
    872  Plotting Elliptical Orbits
    872  Parsing a PDB file with multiple structures into an array
    872  Pairwise Euclidean distance with pandas ignoring NaNs
    872  packaging with numpy and test suite
    872  Numpy- Deep Learning, Training Examples
    872  Multivariate Linear Regression in Python - analog of mvregress in MATLAB? [duplicate]
    872  Importing Scipy Signal (Windows)
    872  How to set x lim to 99.5 percentile of my data series for matplotlib histogram?
    872  Enlarge numpy image and fill extra space with zeros
    872  Detect alternating signs
    872  Converting a string to a wav file in python
    872  cannot import matplotlib in jupyter
    872  Cannot get dimensions of bounds to match in scipy.optimize.fmin_tnc
    871  sys.argv : index out of range
    871  Searching 2D array with numpy.where with multiple conditions
    871  Python Real Time OCR With OpenCV and pytesseract
    871  Mapping multiple input samples to single output sample in Keras
    871  join function of a numpy array composed of string
    871  Find given row in a scipy sparse matrix?
    871  Best way to create large array in python?
    871  assertion error with np.load following numpy.savez
    870  What is the most efficient and portable way to generate Gaussian random numbers in cython?
    870  Using np.where with multiple conditions on dataframe
    870  String to n*n matrix in python
    870  Smooth circular data
    870  scikit_learn-0.14.1 RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt freezes on test
    870  Python: Writing numpy arrays with different dimensions to txt file
    870  Python: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'violinplot'
    870  Python error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
    870  Operator + to add a tuple to another tuple stored inside a multidimensional array of tuples
    870  Numpy's standard deviation method giving divide by zero error
    870  Numpy rewriting operation using einsum
    870  How can I compare two lists of numpy vectors?
    870  drawing Histogram with 2D array
    870  Defining a custom pandas aggregation function using Cython
    870  contourf() breaks for 2-d array of datetime objects as axis
    869  why python failed to use or upgrade package installed by pip?
    869  what is the difference between importing python sub-modules from NumPy, matplotlib packages [duplicate]
    869  Unable to import pandas in ipython notebook even after installing correctly on MAC OSX El Capitan [duplicate]
    869  Replace elements in numpy array using list of old and new values
    869  Reduce memory usage when slicing numpy arrays
    869  python xarray indexing/slicing very slow
    869  numpy split doesn't work on float array
    869  Numpy einsum() for rotation of meshgrid
    869  numpy.cov() returns unexpected output
    869  No matching distribution found for intel-numpy
    869  List returned from Series.axes doesn't look like a normal list
    869  How to load SIFT features in SVM on python?
    869  How to efficiently partial argsort Pandas dataframe across columns
    869  Error with pip install biom-format 'numpy/arrayobject.h' file not found
    869  error with importing numpy in binder beta
    869  Converting a PNG image to 2D array
    869  Compress large python objects
    869  Changing of pixel values after writing the same image using imwrite opencv python function
    868  Vectorized example of the math.atan2() function in python
    868  String concatenation in Python list (of strings) vs. numpy array (of strings)
    868  Solve non square matrix with python: How to use numpy.linalg.lstsq()?
    868  Replacing numpy array elements within a given range then and there
    868  Reading binary file of doubles written in Java with ObjectOutputStream in Python with numpy.fromfile
    868  PIL and blocking calls with asyncio
    868  Numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence reading in list
    868  numpy - Computing ''element-wise'' difference between two arrays along first axis
    868  How to use MinMaxScaler on all columns?
    868  force int32 as dtype instead of int64 in pandas load_csv with dtype and converters
    868  Find 2d array inside a 3d array
    868  Efficient density function computation
    868  Compare all values in one column with all values in another column and return indexes
    868  Can't append numpy arrays after for loop?
    867  What is wrong with this Python code about the Catalan numbers?
    867  Using interpolate function over 2-D array
    867  Unexpected result with += on NumPy arrays
    867  Test if a numpy array is a member of a list of numpy arrays, and remove it from the list
    867  Scipy interp2d interpolate masked fill values
    867  Python - Combine 2 masks arrays with same dimensions
    867  Maximum recursion depth exceeded when using a numpy.bytes_ object in string formatting
    867  I cannot install sklearn, numpy, and scipy on Windows 10 command Prompt to use on Python 3.6
    867  How to properly use numpy in keras
    867  How to find index value from meshgrid in numpy
    867  h5py create_dataset loop slow
    867  Function that guarantees a minimum number of dimensions (ndim) for a numpy.ndarray
    867  Defining NumPy arrays in Cython without incurring python overhead
    867  cython np.import_array() fails due to mismatched API versions
    867  Can't import numpy from C
    867  Calculate Similarity of Sparse Matrix
    867  Best way to make a linear regression model from a split .csv dataset?
    866  Repeating rows in numpy according to a vector of indices
    866  Python visualising 3D numpy arrays
    866  Python error ''TypeError: sort() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)''
    866  NumPy sum along disjoint indices
    866  Numpy save taking too long in large dataset
    866  Matplotlib griddata fails
    866  loading np array very slow
    866  Is it possible to map a NumPy function to
    866  Installing tensorflow in cloned conda environment breaks conda environment it was cloned from
    866  How to convert a python long (16byte uuid) to a numpy unsigned int64 array?
    866  How do I count the number of nonzero values in a given array column?
    866  Cygwin: import numpy error
    866  Creating sublist from a give list of items
    865  With using lmfit module in python, how to call the parameters in the model?
    865  TensorFlow, how to look inside 'blob', the response in through CNN
    865  Replace values in array using mask and other array
    865  Remove common elements in numpy array
    865  Read a dense matrix from a file directly into a sparse numpy array?
    865  Python: faster way of counting occurences in numpy arrays (large dataset)
    865  python code for downloading images from for haar cascade training
    865  pandas numpy matplotlib OverflowError: date value out of range
    865  How to replace pip with conda?
    865  How to convert itertools.chain into numpy array?
    865  How to compute volume of 10-Dimentional sphere with Monte-Carlo-Method in Python?
    865  How to change the name of columns of a Pandas dataframe when it was saved with ''pickle''?
    865  How can I put a string to an array
    865  How best to hold 1000 different data series using TimeSeries module in Python?
    865  Fill larger matrix from smaller matrix
    865  DeprecationWarning: Module scipy.linalg.blas.fblas is deprecated, use scipy.linalg.blas instead
    865  Create Numpy 2D Array with data from triplets of (x,y,value)
    865  Can`t run Python code computing Fourier Transform on .tiff image? How to manage memory?
    864  When importing my class I lose access to functions from other modules
    864  Raising a matrix to the nth power
    864  Python: Compute largest Fourier coefficient of a signal
    864  Passing and array argument to C from Python using SWIG
    864  NumPy: why does np.linalg.eig and np.linalg.svd give different V values of SVD?
    864  Joining edited images in python using numpy image slicer
    864  Grouping elements of a numpy array using an array of group counts
    864  convert PIL Image to numpy array sometimes don't work
    864  Cant fit scikit-neuralnetwork classifier because of tuple index out of range
    863  Vectorizing operations in nested loops: Python
    863  Split last dimension of arrays in lower dimensional arrays
    863  Solve ordinary differential equations using SciPy
    863  Simple operations on every element in numpy arrays
    863  Replacing masked values (--) with a Null or None value using fiil_value from ma numpy in Python
    863  Python multiprocessing+savefig leads to error or system lockup
    863  Python: Generate 2D points / clusters
    863  Numpy savez exceptions
    863  How to specify depth of iterator in numpy?
    863  Displaying multiple images from a numpy array
    863  convert poly1d to string ipython
    863  C++ library with array operations similar to Python/NumPy [closed]
    863  Cleaner way to compute numpy weights array
    862  Use numpy to solve transport equation with wave-like initial condition
    862  SystemError: new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple while using csv2.resize
    862  Render numpy array on screen in pygame
    862  Reducing a FFT spectrum range
    862  Python Passing List or Numpy Array
    862  Pandas timestamp doesn't play nicely with numpy datetime?
    862  Numpy: Multiplying large arrays with dtype=int8 is SLOW
    862  Numpy Deep Copy Array
    862  Numpy Array shape changes when changing dtype
    862  Non-unit value on shape on a broadcastable dimension
    862  Installing matplotlib and numpy without pip
    862  How to calculate average of last items in 'for' loop?
    862  Dot product of two sparse matrices affecting zero values only
    862  Compare columns of numpy matrix with array
    861  Why Matlab matrix inversion is faster than numpy?
    861  Skimage simple imread of image return strange output
    861  Python - Statistical distribution
    861  Python(Numpy)- df apply error - IndexError: tuple index out of range
    861  Python MatPlotlib barchart- Resize width
    861  Problems after using numpy.savetxt
    861  Pandas dataframe: count number of string value is in row for specific ID
    861  numpy savetxt fails when using file handler
    861  Numpy.histogram joining bins
    861  numpy.genfromtxt csv file with null characters
    861  numpy concatenate multiple arrays arrays
    861  Mapping one-hot encoded target values to proper label names
    861  installing scikit-learn Docker image problem
    861  Insert elements in numpy array given X and Y index
    861  How to solve several independent time series at the same time using scikit linear regression model
    861  How to exclude few ranges from numpy array at once?
    861  Get multiple image files as 2D tensor in tensorflow
    861  Efficiently return the index of the first value satisfying condition in array
    861  Dynamic (ODE-based) model in PyMC
    861  Convert indices to vectors in Numpy
    860  Unable to import numpy even though PYTHONPATH is correctly set
    860  Tensorflow TypeError: Can't convert 'numpy.int64' object to str implicitly
    860  remove certain elements from numpy array without destroying the structure
    860  Pandas numpy compare two array of different size
    860  Numpy: Convert values in a 1-D array based upon dictionary
    860  no module named scipy.linalg.dsolve.umfpack
    860  Joining two arrays/lists of different lengths and setting the correct axis for joining
    860  Iterating multidimensional array with numpy, python and open cv2.4
    860  IndexError: too many indices for array
    860  Importing Numpy into Sublime Text 3
    860  How to order this computation for numerical stability?
    860  How to optimize time-stepping algorithm in python?
    860  How can I set infinity as an element of a matrix in python(numpy)?
    860  Get reverse cumulative density function with NumPy?
    860  Dealing with N by 1 matrices in Numpy
    859  Unable to fix ''ValueError: DataFrame constructor not properly called!''
    859  Trained TensorFlow model always outputs zero
    859  Selecting rows based on boolean mask - why is there a difference in performance?
    859  python 3 empty graph
    859  optimize pandas query on multiple columns / multiindex
    859  Numpy unique 2D sub-array [duplicate]
    859  Numpy only on finite entries
    859  NumPy map calculation depending on the indices
    859  Numpy add with multiple arrays
    859  Intersect two numpy index arrays
    859  how to write a matrix to a file in python with this format?
    859  How to slice numpy rows using start and end index
    859  how to manipulate numpy arrays for use with ESRI's arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToTable
    859  How pass numpy array from Python to Golang function
    859  Embedded python - error while Numpy importing
    859  easy way to split array by intervals in numpy
    859  convert numpy array type: float32 to char
    859  Computing the correct effective interest rate with monthly fees
    859  Cant upgrade matplotlib
    859  Average using grouping value in another vector (numpy / Python)
    859  Access array elements by array/list of column indexes
    858  What is a more efficient way to process numpy arrays based on multiple criteria?
    858  ValueError: Found arrays with inconsistent numbers of samples [1,299]
    858  Using Python to calculate the unique conic section using five points
    858  Understanding this line: list_of_tuples = [(x,y) for x, y, label in data_one]
    858  Python: Error code 1 when installing Numpy from Pip
    858  python create subset of array from boolean column mask
    858  Python - compare 2 columns in 2 different csv/txt files and find match
    858  Predicting missing values in recommender System
    858  Plotting with multiple Y-axes
    858  numpy float64s as keys to a dict
    858  How to make an tuple that contains elements 1,2,3, ... 100?
    858  how to interpolate a numpy array with linear interpolation
    858  How to find outliers in a series, vectorized?
    858  filling in a column in pandas dataframe based on multiple conditions in another column
    858  Converting velocity components to speeds in three dimensional array with Python
    857  Why do I get an overflow error multiplying Numpy product outputs?
    857  TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer as numpy randon.randn python [duplicate]
    857  Skip row in genfromtxt
    857  Python: how to get element-wise standard deviation of multiple arrays in a dataframe
    857  Multiple column names in Pandas DataFrame
    857  MPI4Py: Method returns from all processes
    857  More pythonic way to iterate in Numpy
    857  How to index List/ numpy array in order to plot the data with matplotlib
    857  How to calculate Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) using a pandas dataframe with ask and bid price?
    857  Cython memoryviews: wrapping c function with array parameter to pass numpy array
    857  Convert Python Numpy array to array of single arrays
    857  Converting angles outside the natural range (for theta: 0 to 180 degrees) to an equivalent angle, inside that range
    857  Convert genfromtxt array to regular numpy array
    857  Change 1's to 0 and 0's to 1 in numpy array without looping
    857  ''AttributeError: 'matrix' object has no attribute 'isocalendar''' in numpy python
    857  accumulate numpy array for just one column
    856  scipy.sparse.coo_matrix how to fast find all zeros column, fill with 1 and normalize
    856  pandas to numpy array for sklearn pipeline
    856  Keras Model Output is float32 instead of uint8 ...  despite data labels being uint8
    856  How to set up equations in python
    856  How to reset warnings completely
    856  How do I define a numba class with ndarray arguments and/or output?
    856  How can I implement OpenCV's perspectiveTransform in Python
    856  Have 2 Ipywidgets acting on one matplotlib plot in Jupyter - Python
    856  Fit a line to a matrix in python
    856  DASK: Typerrror: Column assignment doesn't support type numpy.ndarray whereas Pandas works fine
    856  convert pandas df to multi-dimensional numpy array
    856  Add submatrices at certain locations
    856  24-bit audio sample into int32 array (little-endian WAV file)
    855  Why does Python crash when I try to sum this numpy array?
    855  What does np.empty((0,shape)) in python mean?
    855  Split file to chunk
    855  Python Difference Between Dates np array - current date
    855  Numpy finding the element greater than previous n elements
    855  Memory pointers: modifying dataframes in python pandas
    855  Inconsistent Nan Key Error using Pandas Apply
    855  How can I solve a system of linear equations in python faster than with numpy.linalg.lstsq?
    855  Find the indices of similar elements in numpy array
    855  Fast, independent random draws / sample from a list in python - fixed probability, not total number
    855  eigenvalue and eigenvectors in python vs matlab
    855  convert string numpy array to a ascii numpy matrix
    855  add column to csv when exporting numpy ndarray
    854  Why does collections.Counter treat numpy.nan as equal?
    854  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
    854  Speed up simple distance calculation
    854  Scikit Naive Bayes Classification for text
    854  Replace values in numpy 2D array based on pandas dataframe
    854  Replace values in a 2D array with different random numbers
    854  Python multiprocessing: Shared memory (numpy) Array not being modifed as expected
    854  Python - load lots of images without using all available ram
    854  Problems installing nimfa (Python Matrix Factorization library)
    854  Oversampling / gridding a 2D histogram
    854  Numpy: slicing a 3D array from a 4D array?
    854  NumPy slice notation in a dictionary
    854  Module 'scipy.special' has no 'expit' member in Python / SciPy
    854  Julia matrix multiplication is slower than numpy's
    854  Is there a way to use numpy slices to do cyclic permutation?
    854  How to generate a cyclic sequence of numbers without using looping?
    854  How do I slice 1 cycle of sine wave using python?
    854  How can one use PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords to parse a tuple with optional arguments as well as keywords?
    854  Faster Method Of Calculating Portfolio Volatility
    854  Computing an map of minimum distance to a number of points
    854  Auto zero-padding an array
    853  Recovering data saved in .npz files
    853  PYTHON - Error while using numpy genfromtxt to import csv data with multiple data types
    853  Numpy 8 and 32 bits image data type after cvtColor() conversion to LAB colorspace
    853  numerically integrating singular function in python
    853  Multiplying a 2d array with each slice of 3d array - Numpy
    853  how to convert series numpy array into tensors using pytorch
    853  Generate bins with even number of samples in each
    853  Formatting a txt file of equations into the same format and then manipulating them for linear algebra calculations in Python
    853  Binning Pandas column values by standard deviation centered on average?
    852  Why doesn't Numba improve this iteration  ... ?
    852  TypeError: deriv() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given
    852  tensorflow simple logistic regression
    852  Taking fast screenshot Winapi and Opencv
    852  problems with numpy/python installation on OS 10.11.3
    852  PostgreSQL/Pandas insert sparse array containing null/np.nan/empty values
    852  Performance Problems, Clustering Using Affinity Matrix, Eigenvalues
    852  pandas fill value between the index of two rows(rows only find by a value)
    852  Numpy ImportError using Sublime Text with Anaconda
    852  Loop that will create new Pandas.DataFrame column
    852  Import CSV file into numpy as data table resulting in incorrect shape
    852  How to apply a function (numpy ufunc) with two array arguments to one pandas Series?
    852  FFTshift causes oscillations - why? (numpy)
    852  Checking if Adjacent Values are in a Numpy Matrix
    851  Weighting values based on variables
    851  Speed up genfromtxt in python
    851  Removing Data Below A Line In A Scatterplot (Python)
    851  Probability density function for a set of values using numpy
    851  Numpy reshape array of arrays to 1D
    851  Indexing index 0 in reverse order in numpy
    851  How to modify flow_from_directory or preprocessing_function in ImageDataGenerator?
    851  How to keep one-column slice of a matrix as column vector? [duplicate]
    851  How to broadcast a function over a numpy array, when dtype=object?
    851  How does Numpy infers dtype for array
    851  Find average in a 2D array [duplicate]
    851  Fast slicing of numpy array multiple times
    851  Create new columns in pandas from python nested lists
    851  convert the lines of a file into numpy array
    851  Combine elements from two arrays by pairs
    851  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shift'
    851  Array reshape not mapping correctly to numpy meshgrid
    850  Tensorflow does not train CIFAR - 100 data
    850  Regression using Python
    850  Phase based event detection from time-series data
    850  OneHotEncoding mapping issue between training data and test data
    850  Insert a NumPy rec.array to MongoDB using PyMongo
    850  How to do a distributed matrix multiplication in numpy / ipython.parallel?
    850  How to determine if a black-box is polynomial or exponential
    850  How do I sort my x-axis by ascending month order?
    850  How do I fix this convergence error? Python 3 statsmodels
    850  Fixing no return function for numpy.nextafter
    850  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement lapack/blas
    850  computing mean and median of a column in pyspark rdd containing missing values
    850  Comparing a numpy array object to multiple conditions
    850  Calculate number of jumps in Dijkstra's algorithm?
    850  Adding labels from a file to data points on a plot
    849  Vectorizing root finding in numpy
    849  Vectorizing image thresholding with Python/NumPy
    849  TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'list' in numpy intersect1d
    849  Performing many means in numpy
    849  numpy faster than numba and cython , how to improve numba code
    849  move image according to displacement field by NumPy
    849  Matrix of variable size [i x j] (Python, Numpy)
    849  Installing NumPy on Windows 8.1 with Python 2.7.x
    849  How to define atom for Pytables EArray creation
    849  Gnuplot command to matplotlib
    849  Generating regular time series from irregular time series in pandas
    849  empty strings after genfromtxt numpy
    848  What is the correct usage of PyArray_SIZE?
    848  reshaping image array [n, width, height] to [n, height, width, channel]
    848  python matplotlib.pyplot and numpy problems
    848  python EOF error when reading csv data with pylab (matplotlib)
    848  Plotting histogram in python
    848  numpy.subtract but only until difference reaches threshold - replace numbers smaller than that with threshold
    848  Numpy cannot import a module _get_ndarray_c_version
    848  Install numpy to /usr/lib
    848  Installing numpy with pip (python3) in virtual environment on ubuntu 15.10
    848  Fast way to turn a labeled image into a dictionary of { label : [coordinates] }
    848  Fast way to read and process many JPG images
    848  Count business day between using pandas columns
    848  Convert a vector to a mask matrix using numpy
    848  Calculate color visibility from hue values respecting saturation and value in image numpy array
    848  Anaconda MKL can't set number of threads
    847  Speed up Metropolis--Hastings in Python
    847  Solve multiple independent optimizations in scipy
    847  Remove quotations from numpy array
    847  Project Euler #101 - how to work around numpy polynomial overflow?
    847  numpy cumulative product: normalizing result after each prod operation along axis
    847  Need Tensorflow/Keras equivalent for scipy signal.fftconvolve
    847  How to optimize changing the value of 3d numpy.array if meet a condition
    847  How to logically combine integer indices in numpy?
    847  Deducting the median from each column
    847  Convert a numpy array to iterator
    847  Can not install numpy using pip in Python3, Ubuntu14.04
    847  About Numpy shape
    846  The necessity of LU decomposition (using numpy as an example)
    846  Shape of numpy array when converting from PIL image
    846  Python: write numpy array (int) to binary file without padding
    846  Python: How to pass numpy array to matlab array efficiently
    846  Python - Get average RGB Components of Image Regions
    846  pandas hasnan() on Series gives "TypeError: 'numpy.bool_' object is not callable
    846  PANDAS: fast check whether integers fall into a set of intervals
    846  Pandas Dataframe, MOVE Specific Cell Value from one cell to Another with specific Columns (only)
    846  NumPy speed up setting elements of 2D Array
    846  Multi dimensional array slice in one object
    846  Lua Torch equivalent of np.where()?
    846  Import Multiple Text files (Large Number) using numpy and Post Processing
    846  How to avoid map object error in this autocorrelation script
    846  How do I tell how good my exponential curve fit is in SciPy?
    846  Group average of a numpy array?
    846  Fitting Fresnel Equations Using Scipy
    846  Error:Integer value required in Opencv Python SVM
    846  compare two following values in numpy array
    846  Append multidimensional numpy array to existing pandas dataframe
    845  Which argument is required for np.savetxt to output float data?
    845  Virtualenv PyDev Undefined variable from import error
    845  Retrieve approximate Hessian inverse from L-BFGS-B
    845  Remove last elements in a numpy array
    845  Reading wav files in a folder with Python
    845  Python / Numpy: Triangle mask from point mask
    845  Python and integer representation (leading zeros issue)
    845  polynomial regression model in python
    845  numpy tofile() with very large arrays saves all zeros
    845  how to perform machine learning multiple regression on csv file data using python?
    845  How to apply outer product for tensors without unnecessary increase of dimensions?
    845  Density profile integral over line of sight
    844  Unexpected result from simple convolution with numpy [closed]
    844  subtract column of scipy.sparse matrix from a vector
    844  rounding errors in numpy.linalg.eig() and scipy.linalg.eig()
    844  Reuse an exisiting numpy array or create a new one?
    844  Python Pandas - pandas Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
    844  pybind11 return numpy array of objects
    844  Pandas (python): max in columns define new value in new column
    844  numpy suddenly started failing to import
    844  Not able to import numpy in cygwin
    844  i want to create salt and pepper noise function (PIL and Numpy)
    844  How to convert NumPy arrays obtained from cv2.findContours to Shapely polygons?
    844  How can I implement the conversion between itk image and SimpleITK image in Python?
    844  Find plateau in Numpy array
    844  Euclidean distances between several images and one base image
    844  efficient moving, robust scale estimate for python array
    844  divide by zero encountered in true_divide + invalid value encountered in true_divide + invalid value encountered in reduce
    844  Convert a slice of a structured array to regular NumPy array in NumPy 1.14
    844  Calculate mean of large numpy array which is memmapped from hdf5 file
    844  Buildozer fail with numpy requirement
    843  type mismatch in pytorch forward method
    843  Slicing numpy recarray at ''empty'' rows
    843  OneHot Encoding a full String dataframe
    843  Numpy.float64 changes when writing to Excel (.xlsx)
    843  `numpy.diff` and `scipy.fftpack.diff` giving different results when differentiating
    843  importing numpy works with interpreter but not fully with pyscripter in python
    843  How to reshape a big array (Memory Error)
    843  How to read large images as numpy.memmap objects
    843  How to import numpy to python IDLE 2.7 on windows?
    843  Filling NumPy array with object instances?
    842  Reshape 2d input into a 3d LSTM sequence
    842  Python: Mean of several dictionaries with the same keys
    842  python, list compare, ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    842  Numpy and R give non-zero intercept in linear regression when x = y
    842  How to split numpy array vertically from any column index
    842  How to make an array loaded from netCDF (.nc) writeable?
    842  How to compare OpenCV image with color
    842  How do I write to multiple fields of a structured array?
    842  For loop with np.where and multiple conditions
    842  Error building 'matplotlib.ft2font' extension when build matplotlib in Mac OS X 10.7.5
    842  Confusion about numpy's apply along axis and list comprehensions
    841  ValueError: special directives must be the first entry
    841  Using FiPy and Mayavi to solve the diffusion equation in 3D
    841  Seeding Python's random number generator
    841  Scipy minimize erroring for large array of variables
    841  Pandas/numpy weighted average ZeroDivisionError
    841  Opening images with OpenCV 2.4.11 to use as a dataset for sklearn
    841  Numpy Unpacking the Byte and Reversing the Order
    841  Noisy Scipy Wavfile Output Issue
    841  Matlab's spline equivalent in Python, three inputs.
    841  IndexError: index 666 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 501
    841  How to properly open, read from and save to a single file in python 3 using H5py
    841  How to optimize loading of batch on tensorflow?
    841  How to merge mesh grid points from two rectangles in python?
    841  Getting a ''You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'input''' error in tensorflow
    841  Doing many iterations of scipy's `curve_fit` in one go
    841  Broadcast python objects using mpi4py
    840  Using numpy.take on multidimensional arrays?
    840  Python: quantile for list of sublists
    840  PyTables Read From Large CSV in chunks :
    840  Pandas optimization
    840  Implementing a ''Kurtosis filter'' using scipys generic_filter
    840  How using ''dot'' (or ''matmul'') function for iterative multiplication in Python
    840  How to convert multiple fasta lines in a matrix in python?
    840  how to concatenate the following two matrix?
    840  hough circle detection remove unnecessary circles
    840  Gensim not installing - Windows 8.1 - Python
    840  Error importing numpy in python 2.7
    840  Elementwise addition of sparse scipy matrix vector with broadcasting
    840  Convert PCM wave data to numpy arrays and vice versa
    839  Scipy.optimize.curve_fit won't fit cosine power law
    839  Remove string from list if from substring list
    839  pip install matplotlib fails on Raspbian Jessie 4.4
    839  Passing an array to in Python implementation of Perceptron Learning Model
    839  numpy svd: is there a way to find only the first singular vectors instead of doing full svd?
    839  Numpy subtraction from two arrays
    839  Numpy ImportError when deploying Flask App using mod_wsgi/Apache2
    839  Numpy array vs. C++ vector in memory efficiency
    839  Iteratively fitting polynomial curve
    839  How to turn arrays into a dataframe?
    839  How to match pairs of values contained in two numpy arrays
    839  Getting frame from soundfile
    839  Circular Neighborhood - Minimum Numpy
    838  Why does numpy return different random numbers from the same random state?
    838  Stacking numpy arrays with padding
    838  Sampling on a spline to a given max chordal deviation
    838  python: numpy and np.where. Index
    838  Python 2.7 OpenCV matchTemplate, Get only the best match
    838  polynomial fit using pandas dataframe and numpy
    838  Numpy: Stacking masked Arrays and calculating min/max
    838  Marking boundary given mask
    838  How to speed up three dimensional sum for Madelung Constant?
    838  How to select subarrays in numpy 1D array with minimal, average and maximal area values?
    838  how to execute a command for all .dat files in a directory
    838  Error using NumPy.fromiter() with MySQL query results
    838  Creating a sparse matrix from lists of sub matrices (Python)
    838  concatenating images in numpy array python
    837  Use value of variable rather than keyword in python numpy.savez
    837  Tokenize - String to Array of Tokens
    837  sum up two pandas dataframes with different indexes element by element
    837  Reverb effect with scipy
    837  Python csv writer Combine two columns in single row
    837  Performance degradation of matrix multiplication of single vs double precision arrays on multi-core machine
    837  Numpy: use dtype from genfromtxt() when exporting with savetxt()
    837  numpy.around not working appopriately [duplicate]
    837  multiple rows for row in pandas dataframe python
    837  List index out of range in python
    837  Last element of an multidimensional matrix
    837  Issue with FuncAnimation: Animation in Matplotlib based on an Event
    837  IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable for double and if 'for' statement
    837  How should I allocate a numpy array inside theano function?
    837  for loop in scipy.stats.linregress
    837  Create a weekly timetable using matplotlib
    836  Why ''numpy.any'' has no short-circuit mechanism?
    836  Use python to handle and create input files for external software
    836  Search in numpy object arrays
    836  Python: unable to convert string into number
    836  Python – Pandas: Get max value of last 5 days
    836  Python : creating an array, weighed by sine function
    836  Python - construction of meshgrid (irregular grid) with numpy
    836  printing numpy timedelta64 with format()
    836  Pandas: How to calculate turnover rate?
    836  Numpy datetime format
    836  Numpy array and Matlab Matrix are mismatching [3D]
    836  Max limit for file size with np.fromfile?
    836  Iterate over ndarray of dtype: float?
    836  Generate a normal distribution of dates within a range
    836  Fast python algorithm (in numpy or pandas?) to find indices of array elements that match elements in another array
    836  efficient way of doing matrix addition in numpy
    836  Does anyone have a good example of how to save a numpy array to file using the struct python module?
    836  Convert numpy array with indices to a pandas dataframe
    835  Transpose a matrix created by h5py
    835  python: Deleting NaN-Values in an array with objects
    835  Python: check (and count how many) where points sit within voronoi cells
    835  openCV Thresholding negative values
    835  Numerically solve for limit of integration using Python
    835  Multiplying the values in two columns: TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
    835  MultiIndexing rows vs. columns in pandas DataFrame
    835  Iterative subtraction of elements in array in Python
    835  Image segmentation based on texture (Unsupervised) in Python-OpenCV
    835  How to just print numpy 2d array in Python 3?
    835  How can I convert 'np.inf' to an integer type?
    835  Finding location in code for numpy RuntimeWarning
    835  Extract dictionary item from numpy ndarray
    835  Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead, any solution?
    835  Calculating the Entropy of a NxN matrix in python
    834  What's the fastest way to filter a table of integers in Python?
    834  what is a better way to check if two complex numbers are identical in python? [duplicate]
    834  Speed up array query in Numpy/Python
    834  Python Numpy - What is numpy.numarray?
    834  PyOpenCL Multidimensional Array
    834  Putting multiple columns of data into one array, python
    834  O(n) complexity of Python list comprehension with zip() function
    834  numpy multiplication table ouptut
    834  Implementing operators in python [duplicate]
    834  How to join two arrays in a tuple into one array in numpy
    834  extracting a column as a vector from a matrix in python
    834  Delete one element from each row of a NumPy array
    834  Coding Best rank k approximation
    834  Adjacent cells of multiple cell patches in a numpy array
    833  Why scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter runs so slowly
    833  TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' with pd.read_csv
    833  Split integer into digits using numpy
    833  Slices along arbitrary axis
    833  Python and matplotlib and Arduino
    833  Opencv Python :need more than 2 values to unpack [duplicate]
    833  How to read a wave file block by block in python (compatible with numpy array)?
    833  How can I iterate over an array of numpy arrays row by row efficiently?
    833  Efficient way of OpenEXR to 8bit format with gamma encoding by OpenEXR and numpy?
    833  Efficient random 0,1 generation of independant probabilities in Python
    833  creating vector using netcdf into array
    833  Creating a dictionary from text file Python Numpy
    833  Compute Stock Option price using Binomial Tree in Python
    833  AttributeError: exp not found
    832  Translate/Rotate 2D points to change perspective
    832  return reference to a submatrix from function in numpy
    832  Python numpy - IndexError: too many indices for array
    832  numpy vertical array write to text file
    832  Numpy: Meshgrid vs ix_
    832  numpy loadtxt StopIteration error
    832  Numpy, all pairwise correlations of a 3d array
    832  Non-sobel discrete gradients in python-Opencv or numpy
    832  Memory Error: Numpy.random.normal
    832  Matplotlib animate data in a dataframe using FuncAnimation command in matplotlib
    832  KeyError: 'column_name'
    832  How to create a custom metric in TfLearn or TensorFlow?
    832  Generate daterange and insert in a new column of a dataframe
    832  Finding zero values with odeint
    832  Evaluating the result of sympy lambdify on a numpy mesgrid
    832  Counting consecutive 1's in numpy array
    832  C++ build fatal error: 'numpy/arrayobject.h' file not found
    832  Assigning numpy data in cython to a view
    831  What should I worry about if I compress float64 array to float32 in numpy?
    831  Sorting all rows in numpy matrix by target-column
    831  saving numpy matrix in text file with indices
    831  Python: read timesteps from csv to arrays: Post-processing model-data with numpy;
    831  Python PIL/numpy conversion
    831  Python Lists vs Arrays Speed [duplicate]
    831  Pandas expanding/rolling window correlation calculation with p-value
    831  Numpy image processing: sub-matrix extraction
    831  numpy append, typeError: invalid type promotion
    831  Numerical calculation of triple integral using Python
    831  Loop through each pixel in a multiband raster in Python
    831  Iterating over multidimensional Numpy array
    831  Indexing numpy array not working
    831  How could this matrix / vector dot multiplication be possible in numpy.linalg module?
    831  Delete column from a numpy structured array (list of tuples in the array)?
    831  Converting array to percentage in Numpy
    831  Conditional sum over matrices in python/numpy
    831  Averaging time series of different lengths
    830  Why does NumPy's random function seemingly display a pattern in its generated values?
    830  Unique class instances in Python3
    830  Unable to convert os.path.split(imagePath)[-1].split('.')[1] to integer
    830  Subtracting two arrays of different dimensions
    830  store image into hdf5 store?
    830  reshaping a view of a n-dimensional array without using reshape
    830  Python numpy argsort
    830  python numba: how to slice a column from a numpy array?
    830  Passing a List and numpy.matrix to a python function from a C++ application
    830  Numpy multiply arrays into matrix (outer product)
    830  Numpy Detection of region borders
    830  Load 64-bit raw image file in python
    830  Interpolation and extrapolation for large arrays
    830  How to register a destructor for a C-allocated numpy array?
    830  How to modify a NumPy.recarray using its two views
    830  how to fill missing values with a tuple
    830  How do I pass a numpy array to C++/SWIG using pointers without relying on numpy.i?
    829  Writing list to array and write it to file (Python)
    829  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() while using csr_matrix
    829  Using numpy arrays of sympy numbers
    829  Runtime error with module Pandas
    829  Python: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (101) (2)
    829  Python: numpy shape to coordinate
    829  Python Numpy error : setting an array element with a sequence
    829  python cross section curve fitting
    829  python cluster or group binary data in 2 dimensional array
    829  NumPy: Where in the source code are `arange` and `array` functions defined?
    829  Live Heatmap generation in OpenCV python
    829  How do you produce a random 0 or 1 with random.rand
    829  Grid of values from a table in python
    829  Graphing any rational functions in python considering the asymptotes [closed]
    829  fir2 from matlab to python
    829  Efficient numpy indexing: Take first N rows of every block of M rows
    829  Cartesian product from two Series, different lengths and indexes
    829  Can not the computed centroid values to be plotted over the existing plot based on data
    829  Assign value to a slice of a numpy array
    829  Apply formula over Dataframe using row and columns values
    828  Visualizing distance matrix as graph without edges in Python [duplicate]
    828  Reshaping a dataframe in python into 3D
    828  Python numpy nan compare to true in arrays with strings
    828  Python Numpy arrays, Vlookup like function
    828  Pyinstaller .exe compilation error
    828  PyCharm - Debugging freezes when using pandas or numpy
    828  Pct_change in python with missing data
    828  Ordering an array for maximal pairwise matches
    828  numpy not returning the correct median value
    828  How to apply brightness from one image onto another in Python
    828  Efficient 2d cumsum
    828  Divide image into blocks
    828  Cython cannot convert float ndarray to int ndarray
    828  Can't modify numpy array
    827  Why is numpy faster than my c/c++ code for summing an array of float?
    827  Weighted sum of adjacent values in numpy array
    827  Transform 1x4 matrix into a 4x1 matrix
    827  Tensorflow: TypeError with numpy_input_fn
    827  Running a Regex loop in a Pandas Dataframe
    827  Python: properly iterating through a dictionary of numpy arrays
    827  Problems using gradient boosting classifier in Scikit-learn
    827  pip install numpy fails (python 2.7 on Artik 710 board (Fedora))
    827  numpy method to join two meshgrids and their result arrays
    827  Numpy distance calculations of different shaped arrays
    827  large array searching with numpy
    827  How to overlay a numpy matrix of points onto an image in opencv?
    827  Handling computationally intensive tasks in a Django webapp
    827  Getting quartiles in pandas when data has low variance
    827  difficulty in installing SciPy and Numpy in Ubuntu(9.04)? [closed]
    827  Creating a list of nearest neighbors using numpy array
    827  Convert from sympy.core.add.Add to numpy complex number
    827  Check shape of numpy array
    827  access numpy array from a functional language
    826  What is the random number generator in python and numpy?
    826  Use outer function with FUN=''-'' in Python
    826  Taking up too much memory - python
    826  Run out of memory when saving list with numpy
    826  Ravel() 3D array in a peculiar order - Python
    826  Python script to count pixel values fails on a less-than/greater-than comparison
    826  Python: creating categorical variable in the existing column
    826  Numpy: Get minimum value indices in array, ignoring specific value
    826  Mask an image (np.ndarray) section which lies between two curves
    826  LabelPropagation - How to avoid division by zero?
    826  Importing numpy array into R using rPython package
    826  How to right align and pad number with max width using format specification mini language
    826  How to perform kmean clustering from Gensim TFIDF values
    826  How to filter a numpy array by a regex?
    826  How to draw a contour plot using Python?
    826  How to access multiple fields from a numpy.array?
    826  Differences of transpose functions in python
    826  Differences between numpy and matlab Dot Product / Matrix multiplication [duplicate]
    826  Concatenating dictionaries of numpy arrays (avoiding manual loops if possible)
    826  Comparing two lists of strings and getting indices of duplicates
    826  Cast C array into numpy array/Cython typed memoryview in Cython code
    825  zip() three 2-D arrays into tuples of 3
    825  Why is Visual C++ Installer necessary to install numpy package for Python?
    825  Shifting HSV pixel values in python using Numpy
    825  Python 3: handling numpy arrays and export via openpyxl
    825  Plotting regression line
    825  Plotting Circular contour lines in matplotlib
    825  Plotting a numpy array in healpy
    825  Parallel computing in python significantly slower than regular for loop
    825  Monte Carlo method for portfolio optimization
    825  Matrix calculations on equidistant elements without for loops
    825  Is this a Numpy Bug? Numpy ValueError: Object is not aligned [duplicate]
    825  Idiomatic clip on quantile for DataFrame
    825  How to shuffle only row index in numpy arrays?
    825  How to print array data that I just compressed using numpy zip()
    825  How to get the indices of the float numbers in the array after sorting with numpy partition
    825  How to find polynomial for the given roots with sympy/python
    825  How can I get the coefficient of variation in a group by with Python + Numpy?
    825  Getting index of first occurrence in each row
    825  find the location of maximum gradient in python
    825  Finding whether a list contains a particular numpy array
    825  create pandas dataframe from different size numpy arrays
    825  Change a 1D NumPy array from (implicit) row major to column major order
    825  Avoiding numerical instability when computing 1/(1+exp(x)) python
    824  x and y must have same first dimension
    824  Save Columns with Header and Line names in np.savetxt python
    824  Reading 24-Bit WAV with wavio Python 3.5
    824  Python MemoryError or ValueError in np.loadtxt and iter_loadtxt
    824  NumPy analog of R's `filter`
    824  matplotlib fill_between does not cycle through colours
    824  How to use numpy.dstack in a loop?
    824  How to convert Python OpenCV Image Matrix into a List of 4x4 blocks
    824  How do I translate a numpy array to polyphonic music?
    824  getting names of features from a pickled model
    824  Fitting The Theoretical Equation To My Data
    824  Find index mapping between two numpy arrays
    824  Fast row deletion in numpy
    824  Concatenating a column to a matrix (numpy)
    824  Can't run Numpy/scipy installed with conda - ImportError: undefined symbol Pyslice_Unpack
    823  Why numpy fft return incorrect phase information?
    823  ValueError when sorting a list or manipulating a heap
    823  TypeError on convolution_filter call from statsmodels
    823  Split data into train, test, validation with stratifying using Numpy
    823  Reasons for using 64bit floats instead of 32 bit floats
    823  Python - send/receive a numpy array in an Ethernet Packet
    823  Python 2d Interpolation Problems
    823  Power spectrum of 2D binary data on Python
    823  Parsing a data matrix containing HH:MM:SS.mmm times using numpy.loadtxt
    823  Numpy confusion with boolean indexing and broadcasting
    823  Loading NORB Dataset for use with Keras Tensorflow in Python
    823  How to reshape input for keras LSTM?
    823  How to delete in-place items in arrays in a list of arrays
    823  how to decode pfm files in Tensorflow in a queue?
    823  Get non-duplicate rows from numpy array
    823  Comparing logical values to NaN in pandas/numpy
    823  Can I implement Numpy using django?
    823  Annotate each curve with a value calculated in a Loop
    822  ValueError: array is not broadcastable to correct shape
    822  Unpacking data with h5py
    822  Speed up the writing of hundreds of 3D numpy arrays to an hdf5 file
    822  set array value to pandas dataframe cell in python 3
    822  Python Summing up Rows in Dataframe with the same Key [duplicate]
    822  Python numpy memmap matrix multiplication
    822  Python can't import requests, numpy
    822  Pandas: How to conditionally assign multiple columns?
    822  Optmizing a function scipy.optimize
    822  Numpy: What is special about division by 0.5?
    822  Numpy genfromtxt and PyQt file handling (bug ?)
    822  Numpy array operation precision with very small values
    822  numpy all differing from builtin all
    822  How to efficiently store and manipulate sparse binary matrices in python?
    822  How do you get a list of annual compound returns in numpy (or other library)?
    822  Gradient update with a custom ''loss'' function
    822  Dimensionality reduction with SVD specifying energy to keep
    822  Comparing scalars to Numpy arrays [duplicate]
    822  Changing eigenvalue normalization in numpy
    822  Add new column in pandas data frame based on condition and replace Nan values from different columns
    821  What's the meaning of the result of two tensors with different shapes subtracting from each other?
    821  What do extra results of numpy.polyfit mean?
    821  Want to create a thumbnail(25,25) of an Image of size (181,256) using python
    821  `ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together` when attempting to plot a univariate distribution from a DataFrame column using Seaborn
    821  Truncate date to last monday or any day of the week in python
    821  Segfault when import_array not in same translation unit
    821  Python reading Large png files degrades, reduces quality
    821  Python - Pandas: How to add a series to each row in dataframe
    821  Porting an old fortran program to work with python+numpy
    821  Operation on numpy arrays contain rows with different size
    821  numpy loadtxt for 2D array
    821  numpy convert number to byte
    821  No speed gain with Cython over CPython+NumPy
    821  Matplotlib/numpy/pandas IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
    821  Looping through a 2D numpy array (e.g. to create a line)
    821  Is there any maximum size defined for numpy array?
    821  how to use split() on python numpy.bytes_ type? (read dictionary from file)
    821  How to concatenate two numpy ndarrays without using concatenate
    821  How to check is numpy 2d array ''surrounded'' by zeros
    821  Getting rid of units in astropy
    821  Can't save output of scikit-learn's DecisionTreeClassifier to a CSV
    821  Array/Image Interpolation in python
    820  Why can't i train my model
    820  vectorized indexing/slicing in numpy/scipy?
    820  Sharing a ctypes numpy array without lock when using multiprocessing
    820  s3fs and Python os.walk
    820  R - Reticulate won't work with numpy
    820  Python  -  sympy solve() returning another equation instead of value
    820  Python optimization with numpy min, max (or numba)
    820  Python: Minimum Average Distance
    820  Python: changing the value of array elements based on multiple subsets
    820  NumPy vectorised method for computing covariance with population means (for survey data)
    820  Numpy: equivalent of numpy.roll but only for data visualisation
    820  Linear combination of unevaluated functions
    820  Limiting/controlling the number of hog features generated by scikit-image
    820  How to prevent unnecessary imports with py2exe?
    820  how to perform histogram on numpy array whose dtype is object using histogramdd?
    820  How can I prevent NAN issues?
    820  Fast differences of all row pairs with NumPy
    820  f2py: Could not locate executable C:Python27pythonw.exe Executable C:Python27pythonw.exe does not exist
    820  Efficiently adding a new column to a Pandas DataFrame with values processed from an existing column?
    820  Curve fitting of complex data
    820  Create a heatmap using python
    820  Construct Numpy index given list of starting and ending positions
    820  Confused about how to properly add a white border to my numpy imagearray with numpy.pad
    820  Calling Google cloud Vision API's on numpy matrices
    820  Calculating cosine similarity of columns of a python matrix
    820  Append values to numpy array of empty numpy arrays
    820  Animate+Smoothly interpolate between matrices
    819  what is the return value of numpy mean()?
    819  Sampling histograms such that the sum over the sample is uniform
    819  Remove Silence from an Audio Input and then find the frequencies of the remaining audio signal using numpy in Python?
    819  Python numpy 3D array to 2D array (removing dimensions)
    819  Python: How do I move around a numpy array chessboard, as a knight?
    819  Probability distributions and float variables, probability must add to 1
    819  Preparing Time-Series Data for Keras LSTM - Network Trains with Extremely High Loss
    819  Manipulating data from one array, to affect another array using numpy
    819  kmeans scikit-learn tutorial
    819  Inserting a single value at a specific location in a 2D array in numpy
    819  How can I implement multivariate linear regression?
    819  Dealing with 0 and -0 in Pandas and NumPy [duplicate]
    819  Convert RGB pixel values in a range to consecutive numbers
    819  Compiling IronPython with pyc - No module named numpy
    819  Choosing/Removing Python on Mac and PYTHONPATH
    819  Adding coordinates to an array in Python 3
    818  Sparse matrixes for matrix-vector product in PageRank computation
    818  Setting ranges to zero using numpy
    818  rearrange the array elements using numpy in python
    818  Python Uncertainties Module, ufloat can't unpack variable
    818  polyfit() got an unexpected keyword argument 'w'
    818  OpenCV - Finding pixel coordinate from center of contours using python
    818  Numpy ndenumerate is incredibly slow. Is there a quicker way of using conditions on arrays in numpy?
    818  Numpy- get neighbors matrix from 2D array
    818  numpy apply along axis not working with weekday
    818  Numpy and Biopython must be integrated?
    818  np.sum and np.add.reduce - in production, what do you use?
    818  How to properly scale frequency axis in Fast Fourier Transform?
    818  How to install Numpy without compiling the sources
    818  How to get p-value from numpy.linalg.lstsq?
    818  calendar Heatmap from python dictionary or pandas dataframe/series for 2 months
    817  Why np.array([1e5])**2 is different from np.array([100000])**2 in Python?
    817  What is max size of the file in 64-bit system using numpy memory mapping
    817  Tensorflow Reading CSV - What's the best approach
    817  TensorFlow DNNClassifier Feature column
    817  Python: reject outliers from a list (sequence)
    817  Need to iterate through each column and find max and min
    817  Multiply high order matrices with numpy
    817  generating batch of clones from image numpy
    817  Face detection errors in cv2
    817  basic image processing with numpy and matplotlib
    816  Where in the Numpy source code are the constants defined?
    816  Thresholded pixel indices of a NumPy array
    816  Split array into equally weighted chunks based on order
    816  Sliding standard deviation on a 1D NumPy array
    816  Optimization and speedup of a mathematical function in python
    816  OpenCV grabCut only outputs mask's values as background
    816  Numba KeyError with Python3.4, `KeyError: ''Does not support option: 'arg_types'''`
    816  matrix of mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1 with python
    816  How to find pixel location of a white blob of pixels
    816  Find column name in pandas that matches an array
    816  Detect extreme (most distant) points in numpy-3D array
    815  Using complex numbers in stem command in Matplotlib
    815  Sub Total in pandas pivot Table
    815  Random Choice with Pytorch?
    815  Python: numpy array sublist match with large list where sequence matter
    815  Python intersection point for two functions
    815  Plot numpy.fft.fft2 output
    815  NumPy ndarray broadcasting - shape (X,) vs (X, 1) to operate with (X,Y)
    815  NumPy Indexing - all pairwise elements of lists of indices
    815  Most efficient row multiplication with matrix in Pandas
    815  Missing required dependencies when testing with py.test
    815  Map numbers to their percentiles
    815  How to interpolate numpy.polyval and numpy.polyfit python
    815  How can I combine two fields into one when importing from a file into numpy array?
    815  Find intersection of A(x) and B(y) in complex plane plus corr. x and y
    815  finding least-squares integer solutions to a linear system with numpy/sympy
    815  Filling in missing data in Python
    815  Efficient multiplying matrices with different shapes in numpy
    815  Different round behaviour for Python round on float and numpy.float64
    815  Curve fitting with scipy - I am getting type errors
    815  Converting 2D numpy array to 3D array without looping
    814  WRF netcdf file - subset smaller array out of dataset based on coordinate boundaries in python
    814  Sum between pairs of indices in 2d array
    814  Solving system of ODE's using python and graphing (Chua's circuit)
    814  Setting uniform Numpy dtype of all scalars and arrays (how to avoid downcasting in precision)
    814  Python : Numpy Matrix split
    814  python numpy: iterate for different conditions without using a loop
    814  NumPy - select random list of unique integers within a range
    814  Numpy: Floating point comparison [duplicate]
    814  Iterating through a Numpy array of plots and using element methods
    814  How to pass all pages of pdf to create a word cloud?
    814  How to formulate a numpy submatrix view array d as a 1D matrix rather than a 2D
    814  Fastest way to iterate and index through Pandas Dataframe
    813  Using scipy.stats library or another method to generate data follows a distribution in a specific boundary
    813  PyTables: indexing multiple dimensions of large arrays
    813  Processing upper triangular elements only with NumPy einsum
    813  Pandas count distinct multiple columns in a dataframe and group by multiple columns [duplicate]
    813  NumPy casts lower precision to higher precision in floating point arithmetic
    813  Not able to install the python-module numpy
    813  How to plot variance of a changing array using matplotlib?
    813  How to get endianness of numpy dtype
    813  Getting the top-K relevant document from a similarity numpy.ndarray
    813  Cross correlation: ValueError: object too deep for desired array
    813  Check existence of a list in a 2d array
    813  Calling python functions from *.py files from java and passing and returning
    813  Assigning a column value based on multiple column conditions in python
    812  yield, get rid of generator object, return one array instead of three
    812  Why is numpy.nextafter(0., 1.) != numpy.finfo(float).tiny?
    812  Value Error: x and y must have the same first dimension
    812  Scipy ndimage morphology operators saturate my computer memory RAM (8GB)
    812  saving 2D animation with matplotlib
    812  Reshape/resize(pivot?) N-dimensional numpy array column-wise
    812  Python, section of a tetrahedralized (scipy.Delaunay) 3D cloud of points
    812  Python Matrix Factorization
    812  Pandas MultiIndex lookup with Numpy arrays
    812  ndarray comparison
    812  Most appropriate variable types to deal with coordinates in python
    812  Manually create a colormap
    812  How to port a specific C module to Python 3?
    812  How to plot Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and zero crossings for 3D data in python?
    812  Find k nearest neighbors
    812  Comparing NumPy object references
    812  Add a new column in Pandas as Max of existing column
    811  TypeError: idle_formatwarning_subproc() takes exactly 4 arguments (5 given)
    811  SymPy : creating a numpy function from diagonal matrix that takes a numpy array
    811  Sorting eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    811  Python numpy, skip columns & read csv file
    811  Python - How to save spectrogram output in a text file?
    811  Python: How does converters work in genfromtxt() function?
    811  Pandas dataframe column multiplication
    811  Numpy not working with AWS Lambda
    811  Numpy matrix multiplication of 2d matrix to give 3d matrix
    811  numpy.genfromtxt return NaN values
    811  Numpy Conditional Max of Range
    811  Numba @jit fails to optimise simple function
    811  Monte-Carlo integration in spherical coordinates
    811  Length-1 Arrays and Python Scalars Via plt.text
    811  How to speed up matrix code
    811  How to find corresponding max value in numpy array
    811  How to create of Numpy array of datetime64 objects using C API?
    811  Get data from Python plot with matplotlib then save to array
    811  fsum for numpy.arrays, stable summation
    811  Fit a spline to using several y-value data sets using SciPy
    811  FFT lots of detail around certain frequency
    811  Efficiently creating masks - Numpy /Python
    811  Copying a PyTorch Variable to a Numpy array
    811  Converting month numbers to month name using a dictionary in Python
    811  Add another column(index) into the array
    810  Sort invariant for numpy.argsort with multiple dimensions
    810  Python: the fastest way to translate numpy string array to a number array
    810  Mixing numpy and OO in numerical work
    810  Interpolating elements of a color matrix on the basis of some given reference elements
    810  How to interleave numpy.ndarrays?
    810  How do you add numpy subarrays to each other?
    810  empty arrays in cython: segfault when calling PyArray_EMPTY
    810  Beginner question: Python scatter plot with normal distribution not plotting
    809  Weird numpy.sum behavior when adding zeros
    809  Using numpy reshape to perform 3rd rank tensor unfold operation
    809  To average 2-D numpy.array with numpy.mean or numpy.average
    809  TensorFlow Boolean Tensor Operations Equivalents
    809  Split elements in numpy array
    809  Return all row indices of non-NA values numpy array
    809  Pandas timestamp to and from json
    809  Numpy array to vtk table
    809  Multiple ranges of numpy array returned
    809  Is there a simpler method to make a pandas.Series monotonic?
    809  Inserting a row into a pandas dataframe based on row value?
    809  How to load large CSV into keras model?
    809  Generate random float numbers in a range with sigma in python
    809  FFT result; amplitude-phase relation
    809  Default numpy vs accelerate in Anaconda
    809  Convert numpy array of colour images to a numpy array of gray scale images
    808  Why do i get KeyError: 'Patch' when using Spyder?
    808  pandas window functions: accessing to intermediate results
    808  Numpy vectorization of 2D array differences
    808  mlab.griddata bug?
    808  Memory error in numpy
    808  Is there a way to use numba with ''nopython=True'' and numpy / scipy / sklearn
    808  how to use pandas dataframe after splitting my test set?
    808  How to take n-th order discrete sum of numpy array (sum equivalent of numpy.diff)
    808  How to randomly shift rows of a numpy array
    808  How to obtain chi squared value from scipy least_squares function
    808  How to arrive at the unit matrix from, A_inv)
    808  Error in NumPy: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
    808  convert point cloud .npy file to .h5 in python
    808  Assigning comma separated strings to an array of tuples - python, numpy
    807  using pandas to create new columns based on intra-group rank-order
    807  Start and end of a peak
    807  Scikit image: proper way of counting cells in the objects of an image
    807  pd.read_csv multiple tables and parse data frames using index=0
    807  Numpy arrays changing id
    807  Numpy array: assignment of value fails
    807  Neural network with 2D array input and 1D array output
    807  Interpolating np.nan values in scipy
    807  How turn this monthly xarray dataset into an annual mean without resampling?
    807  How to make a Structured Array from multiple simple array
    807  How to convert cartesian coordinates to complex numbers in numpy
    807  Downsampling non-uniform 1D signals
    807  arg max of a matrix, indices for maximum element
    806  Using multiple genfromtxt on a single file
    806  using an numpy array as indices of the 2nd dim of another array? [duplicate]
    806  sympy array of expressions to numpy array
    806  Sorting matrix columns based on list values with Python
    806  Sklearn: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    806  Reshape numpy array to contain logical blocks of values from original array
    806  python numpy double array, can't show image
    806  pandas read_csv() and python iterator as input
    806  pandas install issues in gitlab and docker
    806  numpy multivariate_normal bug when dimension too high
    806  Numpy matrix to Pandas DataFrame
    806  numpy: how to select rows based on a bunch of criteria
    806  numpy: efficient, large dot products
    806  IndexError: list index out of range when in python, even when the range exists
    806  I can't remove file, created by memmap
    806  How to implement matlab's ismember(A, b) with A being a numpy ndarray and b being a list
    806  How do I calculate all pairs of vector differences in numpy?
    806  How can I use a mod in an array using numpy
    806  error installing stats models - ''numpy.dtype has the wrong size''
    806  Create a colormap that is assigned to specific integer values with numpy/scipy
    806  Complex numbers in principal components, with symmetric correlation matrix
    806  Changing shape of numpy array read from a text file
    806  Can I embed CPython inside PyPy?
    806  Best CPUs for Numpy
    805  tf.where() on broadcast arrays
    805  Storing numpy array in sqlite3 database with python issue
    805  python numpy biased probability random vector with prefered orientation
    805  profiling numpy with cProfile not giving useful results
    805  Numpy N-Dimensional Array Unfolding
    805  matplotlib: how to align the subplots and adjust subplot's size [duplicate]
    805  Jupyter Notebook - How to use a data file for code
    805  Interpreting numpy array obtained from tif file
    805  Increment given indices in a matrix
    805  Generate a row number for each entry in a pandas grouped dataframe when all rows in each group are the same
    805  Extract Vips image and save it to numpy array same as with PIL?
    805  Elementwise operations in mpmath slow compared to numpy and its solution
    805  Creating n by n Array of Instances with NumPy
    805  Convert Array to 1-Channel Image with mode P
    805  2D grid data visualisation in Python of 3D data [duplicate]
    804  Writing white-space delimited text to be human readable in Python #2
    804  When embedding CPython in Java, why does this hang?
    804  Using Pandas to represent 2D data series - what structure to use?
    804  unexpected memory footprint differences when spawning python multiprocessing pool
    804  testing: compare numpy arrays while allowing a certain mismatch
    804  Tensorflow infinity mask breaks gradient
    804  SVD in TensorFlow is slower than in numpy
    804  Standard Deviation Python Plotting
    804 Matlab logical array to Numpy bool array
    804  Match strings from one numpy array to another
    804  Implementing ast.literal_eval on a numpy array
    804  How to get Boundaries of an 'numpy.array'?
    804  How to extract a 1d profile (with integrated width) from a 2D array in an arbitrary direction
    804  How do I get random floats in a numpy array between 0 and 0.20? [duplicate]
    804  get the count of columns contains a string in pandas
    804  Finding the indices of all points corresponding to a particular centroid using kmeans clustering
    804  Fastest way to get union of lists - Python
    804  Deleting rows in Pandas DataFrame based on values, from a specific range columns
    804  Calculate subset of matrix multiplication
    803  Why is numpy.absolute() so slow?
    803  Using kinect with python on a raspberry pi 3, is there a better/faster way for more fps?
    803  theano: row-wise outer product between two matrices
    803  Stochastic integration with python
    803  Python Numpy efficient Polar euclidean distance
    803  Python: matrix-vector multiplication with broadcasting
    803  Python find root for non-zero level
    803  Pygame, create grayscale from 2d numpy array
    803  Pandas rounding decimals not working
    803  OpenCV: Combine/Merge overlapping boundary boxes, replace by surrounding boundary box
    803  numpy where returns an array. I need just index
    803  Numpy remove duplicate column values
    803  numpy linalg.solve, not a square matrix
    803  Most Pythonic way to plot a vector function
    803  MATLAB's griddata3 for NumPy?
    803  Keras custom recall metric based on predicted values
    803  Installing cocos2d-x on windows 7
    803  How do you select a custom bin size for a 2D histogram?
    803  Fast indexed dot-product for numpy/scipy
    803  Efficiently index 2d numpy array using two 1d arrays
    803  Efficiently counting duplicate values in a numpy column and appending the counts
    803  Display numpy ndarray in wxpython
    803  Creating new numpy matrix from list of rows of existing matrix
    803  Create a Large Numpy Array
    803  Correlation coefficient and p value for each row within a datafarme
    803  Access multiple (row, column) combinations in a numpy array
    803  3D orthographic projection with rotating camera
    802  slice a 3d numpy array using a 2d numpy array
    802  python: Multiply two 1d matrices in numpy
    802  Python: How to find the n-th quantile of a 2-d distribution of points
    802  Numpy max function fails when using Decimal values that include NaN
    802  Is it possible to use numpy in a pypy sandbox and write out to files?
    802  Intersection of two numpy arrays of different dimensions by column
    802  In Python, how do I generate all permutations of a string of 0s and 1s in order?
    802  How do I compute numpy mean minimum maximum of multiple arrays
    802  Create numpy array from C-ptr aquired via ctypes
    802  Assertion error from OpenCV checkVector in Python
    802  Adding leading zeros to strings in NumPy array
    801  Vectorize haversine distance computation along path given by list of coordinates
    801  Scipy or pandas for sparse matrix computations?
    801  scipy interpolation is not smoothing my data
    801  Saving with numpy savetxt. Array elements as columns
    801  (Re-)creating ''numpy.sum'' with numba (supporting ''axis'' along which to reduce)
    801  Python-performance-print large numpy array as strings to tab file
    801  Performance difference between scipy and numpy norm
    801  Pattern matching a drawing with basic shapes [closed]
    801  ImportError: cannot import name 'Random' when trying to run PyQT4 script in PyCharm IDE
    801  From Raw binary image data to PNG in Python
    801  Difference Between ADD and SUM in Python
    801  Declare empty numpy.ndarray and fill it
    801  counting the number of samples in a numpy array [duplicate]
    801  Convert OpenCL Image to pyOpenCL Array or numpy ndarray
    801  Both fast and very slow scipy.signal.resample with the same input size
    800  Vectorization in Numpy - Broadcasting
    800  strange results when benchmarking numpy with atlas and openblas
    800  Slicing a numpy array to select rows with values in a list. Truth value error
    800  Python/Numpy fast way to selecting every nth chunk in list
    800  Printing array of strings without delimiters (brackets, quotes and commas)
    800  Organizing column and header data with pandas, python
    800  numpy/pandas: how to add a new column with values based on a list of indices?
    800  Numpy Append to Array
    800  Map numpy's `in1d` over 2D array
    800  Interpolating data onto a line of points
    800  How to solve c = cov(x, y, rowvar) RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice error in python 3.8?
    800  How to return the indices of maximum value from an array with python?
    800  How do I interpolate a 2D gridded point cloud to a continuous area?
    800  Fastest Way to Sum Individual Columns
    800  Converting a list of (x,y,z) tuples spaced on a square lattice to an array
    800  Congruency Table in Pandas (Pearson Correlation between each row for every row pair)
    799  What is the use/purpose of pandas? [closed]
    799  What is difference between parenthesis and bracket in Numpy?
    799  Use of numpy.nditer()
    799  python pairwise subtract two elements in multi-dimensional array consisted of vectors
    799  Numpy vectorization of multivariate normal
    799  Matrix Multiplication: Multiply each row of matrix by another 2D matrix in Python
    799  How to convert 4d RGB image data to 2d array for LogisticRegression
    799  Getting KeyError: 0 when trying to convert a list to numpy array
    799  Bilinear interpolation implementations in Tensorflow and OpenCV
    798  Using numpy.ndarray vs. Pandas Dataframe in sklearn's .fit() method
    798  Use Boost-Python to calculate derivative of function defined in python
    798  Uniformly generating random pairs of different integers
    798  Synchronizing Data in Python (or Excel)
    798  Sort tenors in finance notation
    798  Sorting data for plotting in mplot3d
    798  Python unpacking line of values into two arrays
    798  Python sparse intersection of matrices non-zero values
    798  Python: faster function for kernel evaluation
    798  python convolution without padding
    798  PolynomialFeatures fit_transform is giving Value error
    798  numpy most efficient way to get row index of true values by columns
    798  numpy how to slice index an array using arrays?
    798  Numpy: Find the values of rows given an array of indexes
    798  Numpy array indexing with partial indices
    798  Numpy apply function to group in structured array
    798  Installing NETCDF4 in windows using python 3.4
    798  How to get access to a column in a 2D list in Python?
    798  how do I concatenate a single column numpy array with a four column numpy array?
    798  Get a value from a numpy matrix
    798  Debugging red CPU usage in htop - unexplained 3-4x slowdown randomly
    798  Creating a numpy array decorated by njit from numba
    798  Converting numpy array into dask dataframe column?
    798  ConfigNumParser ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
    798  A fast way to find an all zero answer
    797  Why NumPy arrays over standard library arrays?
    797  Transporting vectorized Matlab code to python, numpy
    797  Speedup sympy-lamdified and vectorized function
    797  Solving a second-order boundary value equation on a non-uniform mesh
    797  plt.scatter(X[:50,0], X[:50, 1], color = 'red', marker = 'o', label = 'setosa')
    797  Numpy TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple, how to change the code?
    797  Numpy slicing x,y,z array for variable z
    797  NumPy: load heterogenous columns of data from list of strings
    797  Numpy Import Error
    797  Mask One 2D Numpy Array By Argmax Along Axis Of Another Array
    797  Installing NumPy package in Sublimetext 3?
    797  How to speed up optimization routine in python?
    797  How to plot trajectories on a leaflet map using python?
    797  convert set to numpy 0-1 array?
    796  What is the easiest and fastest way of converting probabilities into prediction labels? [closed]
    796  What can I do to improve sklearn's Jaccard similarity score performance on 9000+ data
    796  ValueError(''Denominator polynomial must be rank-1 array.'')
    796  uninstall numpy1.6.1 and install numpy1.5.1 instead on linux and [it's about to use GIPSY-OASIS II version6] [closed]
    796  'TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index' in TensorFlow Object Detection API
    796  Show progress of numpy.average
    796  Reshape multiple numpy array
    796  random flip m values from an array
    796  Python: Perform an operation on each pixel of a 2-d array simultaneously
    796  python numpy on solaris, blas slow or not linked?
    796  Python: Gradient of matrix function
    796  Parallel assembly of a sparse matrix in python
    796  Numpy masked operations
    796  matshow: colormap the values in numpy array to binary
    796  IPython fails to import Geopandas
    796  Interpolate doesn't work for numpy percentile
    796  How to store and load huge images dataset? [duplicate]
    796  How to sort unsort: array(1).sort transform of array(2) -> array(3).unsort (reversed array(1).sort
    796  Generate a 2D boolean array from tuples
    796  floor and ceil with number of decimals
    796  Fill Timestamp NaT with a linear interpolation
    796  Extract Pattern in Pandas Dataframe
    796  Error:Expected sequence or array-like, got <class 'int'>"
    796  Codes in Ipython vs Pycharm
    796  Cell array to Numpy array in python
    796  alias of numpy array
    795  Why does iterative elementwise array multiplication slow down in numpy?
    795  What is the max and min interval of numpy.random.normal() function?
    795  Simple (but large) read/write of time series data in python
    795  py2exe python24 numpy error AttributeError ''dtype''
    795  ODE in python with specific time point
    795  numpy on cluster via ssh
    795  numpy apply along axis with error ''ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2) into shape (1)''
    795  Matlab filter Vs Scipy Filters
    795  Importing modules for visual studio
    795  How to persist Python class with member variables that are also Python classes having large `numpy` array variables (so `pickle` no longer efficient)?
    795  How did numpy implement multi-dimensional broadcasting?
    795  Get unique rows from a Scipy sparse matrix
    795  Error in string.format using scientific notation with dtype=float32
    795  Cython Class, create NumPy with Zeros
    795  Controlling tick spacing in log-scale
    795  Accessing object methods in numpy.where?
    794  Vectorize numpy array for loop
    794  Self Organizing Map memory error with numpy.Zeros(x*y,x*y)? what should my X/Y represent?
    794  scipy.integrate Pseudo-Voigt function, integral becomes 0
    794  python list / numpy array indexing using tuple unpacking possible?
    794  Projecting a point onto the intersection of n-dimensional spaces in Python
    794  Plotting asymmetric error bars Matplotlib
    794  numpy.ndarray object has no attribute 'read'(and 'seek')
    794  Numpy error in printing a RDD in Spark with Ipython
    794  numpy.cov returning a matrix which is not positive semi-definite
    794  MPI for python broadcast
    794  List of Numpy Arrays to single Numpy Array without Copying Data
    794  Inheritage from ndarray calls __getitem__
    794  I am getting peak frequency from wav file. But for recorded 2 channels wav it is not working
    794  How to Check if a Matrix is in a List of Matrices Python
    794  How can we reshape Python Pandas DataFrame to C-Contiguous memory?
    794  Find the index of the n smallest values in a 3 dimensional numpy array
    794  Estimate of Inverse Hessian Using SciPy Minimization
    794  Efficient way to loop through numpy array
    794  correlate gridded data sets in python
    794  Convert type from BigFloat to Float in python
    794  Change dtype of ndarray from object to float?
    794  Cartesian product of two 2d arrays
    793  why does this blit from a numpy array to a pygame surface leak memory?
    793  What is the difference between tensordot and einsum in numpy?
    793  spyder, numpy, anaconda : cannot import name multiarray
    793  Python: get boundingbox coordinates for each cluster in segmentation map (2D numpy array)
    793  Python: Align bars between bin edges for a double histogram
    793  Numpy: resizing a grayscale image with the last dimension as np array
    793  Numpy eig/eigh gives negative values for a symmetric positive-semi definite matrix
    793  Mipmap of image in numpy?
    793  Is there an efficient way to fill date gaps in python?
    793  Increase the significant digits in Numpy
    793  How to separate rows of dataframe based on dynamic conditions using Python
    793  Generate non-singular sparse matrix in Python
    793  Creating large number of datasets with h5py - Unable to register datatype atom (Can't insert duplicate key)
    793  Creating a Numpy structure scalar instead of array
    792  What does the line of code `np.transpose(image_tensor, (2, 1, 0))` do?
    792  The difference between C++ (LAPACK, sgels) and Python (Numpy, lstsq) results
    792  Summing Variances/ Meaning of np.cov using Python/Numpy
    792  Python: Assigning # values in a list to bins, by rounding up
    792  Numpy SVD appears to parallelize on Mac OSX, but not on my Ubuntu virtual machine
    792  Missing scipy functions in fftpack
    792  'line of sight' from numpy array in Python
    792  Is scipy cdist() efficient?
    792  How to set first and last slope of cubic spline interpolation in scipy.interpolate?
    792  How to save and restore the state of a random number generator with CUDA CURAND?
    792  how to print polynomial equation using numpy?
    792  How to install numpy with pip
    792  How to divide two dataframes of different shape with Pandas?
    792  How to convert a list of pandas dataframes into a 3d numpy array?
    792  How do you allow for text qualifiers using numpy genfromtxt [duplicate]
    792  Get number of rows from .csv file
    792  Dot product between 2D and 3D numpy arrays
    792  DECREF'ing after a call to PyArray_DATA
    792  C++ - vector version implement of argsort low effiency compared to the one in numpy
    792  Creating a third column from a function on the first two in Pandas [duplicate]
    792  Counting events grouped by minutes on Pandas Time series
    792  Compute the shortest path with exactly `n` nodes between two points on a meshgrid
    791  What is numpy.mgrid, technically?
    791  Theano tensor slicing ...  how to use boolean to slice?
    791  Select maximum element in numpy column and also get it's row
    791  Selecting multiple patches from a 3D numpy array
    791  PyShp - getting Python to recognise points from a polyline
    791  Optimize numpy array maniplation for ray tracing
    791  Numpy stride tricks complaining ''array too big'', why?
    791  Numpy genfromtxt iterate over columns
    791  How to do one-dimensional linear interpolation in TensorFlow efficiently?
    791  How to append a single element to a new numpy array
    791  How compute the minimum value of a polynomial in a specific range using Python?
    791  Finding largest indices of non-zero elements along each axis
    791  Efficiently compute columnwise sum of sparse array where every non-zero element is 1
    791  Displaying Eigenfaces with negative values
    791  Conditional filtering in numpy arrays or pandas DataFrame
    791  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'mat'
    790  vstack numpy arrays
    790  Turn pandas Dataframe into int32 numpy matrix
    790  StringIO example does not work
    790  Python: error while performing bootstrap with scipy.optimize.curve_fit
    790  Python: Creating list of subarrays
    790  Pandas create new column based on first unique values of existing column
    790  Overlapping iteration over theano tensor
    790  MoviePy Error: The system cannot find the file specified
    790  Missing numpy attribute when using Cython
    790  Is there an efficient method of checking whether a column has mixed dtypes?
    790  How to change the x-axis unit in matplotlib? [duplicate]
    790  Generating a list of random numbers based on probabilities in numpy [closed]
    790  Cassandra large python queries
    790  After I convert a 2D grayscale PIL image to a 1D numpy array, what is the smoothest way to get to a 2D numpy array (an image/matrix)?
    789  Why does take so much space on disk
    789  Speed-up cython code
    789  scipy.optimize.linprog - difficulty understanding the parameters
    789  Running a for loop through 2 arrays of different lengths and index manipulation
    789  Rolling Window, Dominant Frequency Numpy Accelerometer Data
    789  Read text file only for certain rows to split up file in Python
    789  Program a butterworth filter using numpy (not scipy!) on a BeagleBone Black
    789  My virtualenv pip is not reading the correct distutils.cfg when installing numpy
    789  Is there any function in Networkx that directly generates adjacency list from a table of nodes
    789  How to efficiently shuffle numpy array in chunks
    789  How does numpy.linalg.eig decide on order in which eigenvalues are returned?
    789  cx_Freeze - opencv compatibility
    789  Correct way to pass fortran OpenMP flags using numpy distutils?
    789  Convert 19-digit string to a number accurately in Python
    788  When there're NaNs and you want to use groupby
    788  Using Cython to wrap a c++ template to accept any numpy array
    788  Python numpy mask a range of values
    788  numpy .reshape function changes array element type
    788  numpy.histogram: retrieve sum of weights squared in each bin
    788  Is there a way to calculate similarity between one sparse vector and matrix?
    788  How to split/reshape a numpy array
    788  How order of numpy array influence on multiplication speed?
    788  Get rows in numpy array where column contains string
    788  Error while reading image using cv2.imread() in Django
    788  Algorithm behind scipy.ndimage.measurements.label
    787  What is the fastest way to extract given rows and columns from a Numpy ndarray?
    787  Speed up cython loop by copying from a list to a numpy array
    787  Reshaping Arrays in Numpy with variables
    787  Python: Why does NumPy work executed from Command Line (Windows) but not from execution in IDLE?
    787  Python - Speed up for converting a categorical variable to it's numerical index
    787  Python numpy C++ bindings
    787  Python: CMake error when installing face_recognition
    787  Numpy Not Allowing Use of Python 'Sum' Function?
    787  Matrix multiplication problems - Numpy vs Matlab?
    787  Local mean filter of a numpy array with missing data
    787  Keras, numpy, tensorflow don't work from spyder, juptyer, works fine from console with python
    787  Is there a better way to broadcast arrays?
    787  Is there a better way to assign a new value to a numpy array scalar?
    787  IndexError: too many indices for array , while taking care of missing data
    787  How to sort a numpy 2D array rows descending or ascending using a specific column indices
    787  Getting scipy's rv_discrete to work with floating point values?
    787  Fastest way to convert a binary list(or array) into an integer in Python
    787  Convert a RGBA numpy array into binary 2d numpy array
    787  Compute weighted sum of 3D and 2D NumPy arrays
    787  Best way to plot array as image with ROI selection and scale
    787  Applying Numpy functions on Pandas data frame
    787  A better way to check semi-definite for symmetric matrix stored in scipy sparse matrix?
    787  3d sliding window operation in Theano?
    786  t-values and Pr(>|t|) for coefficients of numpy.polyfit
    786  Python: Solving a second order differential equation with complex initial conditions
    786  Numpy Find Index of Maximum Value inside small range of array
    786  Numpy array to image is blurry
    786  Numpy array is showing strange color values when using pyplot.imshow()
    786  numpy apply along n-spaces
    786  Is it possible for a pandas dataframe column to have type?
    786  How to solve non-linear sets of equations
    786  How to convert a vector to numpy array with templates and boost?
    786  How to convert a numpy array to leveldb or lmdb format
    786  How do I ensure that Enthought Canopy's numpy and scipy are using the included intel mkl?
    786  How can I calculate correlation between different values of a python dictionary?
    786  cosine distance over a list of values using python
    786  Converting DataArray into numpy array
    786  Conversion from a Numpy 3D array to a 2D array
    786  Add data to MNIST dataset
    785  Unable to Find vcvarsall.bat Windows 10 Python 3.5.1
    785  Tensorflow DNNclassifier: error wile training (numpy.ndarray has no attribute index)
    785  Split (explode) range in dataframe into multiple rows
    785  Sorting a NumPy array and permuting another one along with it
    785  Numpy argsort strange indices [duplicate]
    785  Numerical Stability of Forward Substitution in Python
    785  Merge multiple columns in a dataframe
    785  How to scale MNIST from 28*28 to 29*29 in Python
    785  How to save the output matrices in a for loop in the same file in python and then use ridge regression
    785  how to create non-rectangular bounding box around specific values in 2d numpy array?
    785  Easy way to modify numpy slice object?
    785  Datashader - Can it work with timestamp on x-axis without converting it to milliseconds as shown in an example
    785  Counting Algorithm Performance Optimization in Pypy vs Python (Numpy vs List)
    785  Conversion to numpy array crashing RAM
    784  What's the differences between a numpy matrix and a numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix?
    784  Unexpected 32-bit integer overflow in pandas/numpy int64 (python 3.6)
    784  summing dataframe values based on unique grouping of column in pandas
    784  Random boolean array with fixed number of True and False values
    784  python sklearn accuracy score for two different list
    784  Python show a two-dimensional PDF function
    784  Python Pandas Group by c3 find max of column 2 and get column 1
    784  Python: How to replace array with discretized (binned) values, not the bin numbers?
    784  Plot straight line of best fit on log-log plot
    784  Multiprocessing in NumPy
    784  issue in combining python list and numpy array?
    784  How to remove duplicate rows from an array based on first column. [duplicate]
    784  How to get log rate of change between rows in Pandas DataFrame effectively?
    784  How do I take the logarithm of a long in Numpy
    784  got error:Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')
    784  Get Trend/Streak in Each Row of Pandas DataFrame
    784  Find most distant points in contour curve
    784  Exponential plotting in Python
    784  dramatic slow down using multiprocess and numpy in python
    784  C++ to numpy and back to C++, tuple PyObject
    784  20hz-20000hz Butterworth filtering exploding
    784  -1 returns second to last item in python list
    783  What does X_set[y_set == j, 0] mean?
    783  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shape when calling pands value_counts() on groupby object
    783  ValueError: could not convert string to float: '6/29/2006'
    783  Using tuple in a numpy shape argument
    783  Transposing a matrix using python numpy
    783  Split contiguous regions within numpy array into smaller contiguous regions
    783  RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
    783  Python Jupyter notebook how to display matrix in vertical
    783  numpy function IOError
    783  numpy change array values when mask is one
    783  Matrix multiplication in Python, multiprocessing
    783  Making background transparent in JPEG Image by converting to PNG
    783  Interpolating a 3d array in Python expanded
    783  Insert a string array with numpy
    783  How to generate random numbers with if-statement in Python?
    783  How does Reflection/Mirroring padding work? In numpy or in general?
    783  GridseachCV - ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [33 1]
    783  Extract subarrays of numpy array whose values are above a threshold
    783  Count of Each Element in 2d NumPy Array [duplicate]
    783  Adding arrays with cython slower than numpy?
    782  Volumetric slice plot of a parallelepiped volume data
    782  Understanding numpy.gradient
    782  Slicing arrays based on boolean array in python
    782  Redistributing excess values in numpy 2D array
    782  Printing class associated with detected object
    782  optimization of 3 coefficients by using scipy.optimize
    782  numpy method to do ndarray to vector mapping as in Matlab's delsq demo?
    782  More efficient solution? Dictionary as sparse vector
    782  How to install numpy and scipy for python2.7
    782  How to create multidimensional numpy array?
    782  How to append list to numpy ndarray
    782  Combining multiple numpy arrays into one
    781  Standard Deviation of every pixel in an image in Python
    781  Selecting specific range of columns from .CSV file [duplicate]
    781  Read excel data into pandas dataframe to 20 decimal places
    781  Python C++ Build yields Value Error: ''Symbol table not found''
    781  pandas column values to row values
    781  opencv FisherFaceRecognizer's train() function shows TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
    781  How to reshape this image array in python?
    781  How can I load a csv file and store its contents into an (numpy) array in python?
    781  Find closest/similar value(vector) inside a matrix
    781  Extending an existing matrix in scipy
    781  Create (efficiently) fake truth/predicted values from a confusion matrix
    781  Best way to revert to a random seed after temporarily fixing it?
    780  ValueError: all input arrays must have the same shape (Machine Learning)
    780  Stitching together of arrays in python/numpy
    780  Spawn processes and communicate between processes in a trio based Python application
    780  Set values of an array according to a logical array in python
    780  Recursive Least Squares in Python
    780  Python Numpy vectorize nested for-loops for combinatorics
    780  NumPy tensordot MemoryError
    780  np.where how to improve performance with regular expression?
    780  Install packages using setuptools and pip.main
    780  how to exclude elements from numpy matrix
    780  How to aggregate a boolean column in Pandas Dataframe in a Pivot Table as percentage
    780  Error when existing function is used as UDF to modify a Spark Dataframe Column
    780  Broadcasting function calls in np.array
    779  Rollaxis error from numpy cross product in Python
    779  Reducing numpy array for drawing chart
    779  Python - read numpy array from file
    779  python numpy array memory error in loop
    779  Python equivalent for for R matrix operation
    779  Optimizing Bayer16 -> RGB in Python
    779  Numpy unit tests errors
    779  MPI Collective Reduce and Allreduce with MPI.MINLOC in mpi4py not working
    779  move values of 2D array knowing new coordinates with mask
    779  Issue when creating numpy array of dtype=numpy.int128
    779  IndexError: string index out of range python, numpy
    779  how to 3-way outer product in numpy?
    779  creating numpy arrays in a for loop
    779  Covariance matrix from np.polyfit() has negative diagonal?
    779  Casting python list to numpy array gives the wrong shape
    779  Assigning values to a block in a numpy array
    778  Writing numpy.bool array to compact file?
    778  why this a python script works on OSX and not on Windows?
    778  Why is the training error increasing with each epoch, linear regression implemented using tensorflow?
    778  Why is numpy's exp slower than Matlab? How to make it faster?
    778  What is a vectorized way to create multiple powers of a NumPy array?
    778  TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable with list of floats
    778  Scipy optimize function: matrixes not aligned
    778  rotation matrix along z axis python
    778  Reshaping Numpy Array from (3, 2, 3) to (3, 3, 2)
    778  Python Otsu Threshold of a 2-dimensional array
    778  Python - NumPy Array Logical XOR operation byte wise
    778  Python - convert binary mask to polygon
    778  Numpy rolling window calculation
    778  Numpy.arrange with datetime - ValueError: negative dimensions are not allowed:
    778  Lomb-Scargle vs FFT power spectrum: crashes with evenly spaced data
    778  Denormalize unit vector
    778  Converting numpy Void array to record array?
    778  Construct single numpy array from smaller arrays of different sizes
    777  Select specific columns in a text file by their column names and extract their contents
    777  Quantifying sharp edges in an images with Python
    777  plotting multiple column from excel with matplotlib
    777  Numpy sum keepdims error
    777  Numpy replace specific rows and columns of one array with specific rows and columns of another array
    777  numpy: ravel_multi_index increment different results from iterating over indices loop
    777  Numpy integer division sometimes yields wrong results when casted
    777  Number of elements of array less than each element of cutoff array in python
    777  np.argmax on multidimensional arrays, keeping some indexes fixed
    777  Iterating over pandas groupby object
    777  Interpolating unorganized 3D data to a spherical mesh using python
    777  In Python's DEAP, how can I have an individual with multiple genes, eg a ''Genotype''?
    777  How use argmax along axis to get maximum values in each column of numpy 2D array? [duplicate]
    777  How to save jpeg data that is identical to the original jpeg file using OpenCV
    777  How to custom-format the display of numpy array column brackets, in LaTeX for Jupyter notebook?
    777  How does __contains__ work for ndarrays?
    777  Element wise dot product of matrices and vectors [duplicate]
    777  Concatenate only extant non-empty numpy arrays?
    777  Arithmetic Operations with Nested Lists in Python
    776  What's the meaning of the partial derivatives of B-spline as given by scipy.interpolate.bisplev?
    776  What is the purpose and utility of the subok option in numpy.zeros_like()?
    776  select elements of different columns at different rows of numpy array
    776  Python/Numpy doesn't read data properly on conversion to float
    776  properly not getting frequencies in numpy.fft
    776  pandas multiindex dataframe, ND interpolation for missing values
    776  pandas apply np.histogram to reshape dataframe
    776  OpenCV - convert uint8 image to float32 normalized image
    776  Numpy - group data into sum values
    776  Merging more than two cells using xlwt python
    776  loading images returns Assertion Failed in function cv::inRange
    776  How to split 1D array into 2D array in NumPy by splitting the array at the last element?
    776  how can I overcome y array length error in scipy.interpolate.interp1d()?
    776  Find the equilibrium point in a numpy array
    776  Finding if a number falls within a certain range python
    776  add legend to numpy array in matplot lib
    775  Why is Pypy slower for adding numpy arrays?
    775  Why are Numpy masked arrays useful?
    775  Slicing a NumPy array - choose values corresponding to certain indexes [closed]
    775  Shape of a structured array in numpy
    775  python numpy exponentially spaced samples between a start and end value
    775  Python: generating a ''curve fit score''
    775  Perform a double integral over array
    775  Pandas - Conditional Calculation Based on Shift Values from Two Other Columns
    775  numpy vs native Python - most efficient way
    775  numpy arrays: fast element wise compare and set?
    775  Numpy array from file with read() (Python)
    775  numpy.arctanh(x) for x >= 1 returns NaN but I want complex
    775  Left principal eigenvector in scipy or numpy
    775  Finding the index of a sublist in a Numpy Array
    774  When broadcasting is a bad idea ? (numpy)
    774  Problems with running f2py from terminal (Mac OSX)
    774  numpy broadcasting with 3d arrays
    774  Incorrect Python Numpy Eigenvector Values for Super Simple Example
    774  How to add item to each tuple element of numpy array?
    774  How do we fit a sigmoid function in Python?
    774  Getting NLTK running w/NumPY and matplotlib on OS 10.8
    774  checking if any element in a list starts with any of a number of prefixes in Python?
    773  Python NumbaPro GPU vectorization with Error : TypingError: Failed at nopython (nopython frontend)
    773  Padding elements of a numpy array
    773  numpy: comparing two date values returns TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'datetime.datetime'
    773  matplotlib visual glitch when pre-indexing empty numpy array
    773  How to perform linear correlation on a data set and return the column name which has the most correlation?
    773  How can I properly call the erf function from scipy.special?
    773  How can i install OpenBLAS and numpy on windows10 and anaconda?
    773  Get first element greater than a given number from a sorted list
    773  Filter numpy array of tuples
    773  Error upon using numpy
    773  Efficient way to delete elements in one numpy array from another
    773  Concatenation of every row combination of two numpy arrays
    773  Automatic string length in recarray
    773  3D array multiplication
    772  uwnd variable in netCDF file
    772  Skipping the numpy.linalg.eigh non-convergence error
    772  Shuffling numpy array without commas
    772  Python adaptfilt 2.0 FloatingPointError: invalid value encountered in multiply
    772  Possible reasons why pypy might be slower than default compiler [closed]
    772  numpy - Comparing two elements of a matrix and filling in the relative value in a different position
    772  Line colour of 3D curve from an array with matplotlib
    772  How to substitute a variable value into a symbolic matrix in sympy python?
    772  How to save a python array with numbers of strings to a file that is human readable
    772  How to delete zero elements in a 3D matrix?
    772  Find all n-dimensional lines and diagonals with NumPy
    772  fastest way to create pandas dataframe rows for combination of values from lists
    772  Applying eval function to numpy array
    771  variable sliding window on python list
    771  Trying to create a 2D array from python dictionary
    771  Tensorflow: Expected bool, got 1 of type 'int' instead
    771  Smoothing spline De Boor's approach
    771  Python - how to implement a custom class compatible with NumPy functions?
    771  PIP install for scipy fails spectacularly on Ubuntu 14.04
    771  Multiply each element of a numpy array by a tuple
    771  Matplotlib for Python 3.6 64bit windows
    771  How to scattering a numpy array in python using comm.Scatterv
    771  How to crop same size image patches with different locations from a stack of images?
    771  error : ''DataFrame constructor not properly called!''
    771  Determine the coordinates of local maximas in a two-dimensional array using derivative
    771  Column stack and row stack with H5py to existing datasets
    771  Average of elements in a subarray
    771  Assign torch.cuda.FloatTensor
    771  Are there predefined functions in scipy/numpy to shift/rotate an image that use sinc-interpolation instead of spline interpolation?
    770  Python matrix diagonal of inf without fill_diagonal
    770  Python: How to convert multiple list that have multiple digits into array?
    770  Panda how to groupby rows into different time buckets?
    770  Link or merge CHM files
    770  Input Layer in keras model class gives type-error with numpy array or tensors as input. What is the correct type then?
    770  How to do a ''element by element in-place inverse'' with pytorch?
    770  Create a Record array from a list of dictionaries
    770  Adding n columns to a numpy array [duplicate]
    769  ValueError in simple Python calculation
    769  TypeError: Image data can not convert to float. How to mitigate this error?
    769  Split numpy recarray based on value in one column
    769  Shapefile to 2D grid as sparse matrix
    769  Scipy: Sparse Matrix giving incorrect values
    769  rolling mean with increasing window
    769  Python: scipy.spsolve crashes without error
    769  python, read '.dat' file with differents columns for each lines
    769  Numpy array while importing from CSV
    769  matplotlib surface plot for (x-y)^2
    769  Is area integral and area weighted mean possible with xarray?
    769  How to import packages/modules into spyder?
    769  how to exclude the non numerical integers from a data frame in Python
    769  How to add N to every value of a Counter? - python
    769  How do you retrieve the min and max of time series data
    769  Filtering coordinate points on the basis of nearest distance
    769  Error in pandas while subtracting two values and storing them again
    769  Efficient way of computing the cross products between two sets of vectors numpy
    769  Difference between modulus (%) and floor division(//) in NumPy?
    769  Difference between datetime64[ns] objects returning in nanoseconds
    769  Constructing an array from memory address
    768  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence (LogisticRegression with Array based feature)
    768  Using Python List Comprehension to match values that exist in a 2d array and simple list
    768  Texture coordinates near 1 behave oddly
    768  Take fft and ifft for a few specific frequencies
    768  Set last non-zero element of each row to zero - NumPy
    768  Pytorch in-place concatenation and conversion to tensor from numpy
    768  Optimizing mean in python
    768  Numpy array creation
    768  Mayavi - color vectors based on direction instead of magnitude
    768  Is there a function in numpy to replace lower and upper diagonal values of a numpy array?
    768  how to add library compilation to numpy.distutils.core?
    768  How can I compute the inverse cross product of a vector in numpy?
    768  Get RGB colors from color palette image and apply to binary image
    768  Finding the top n values in a row of a scipy sparse matrix
    768  error message Missing required dependencies, import error: Missing required dependencies ['numpy' ] when I try and freeze an executable
    768  Creating a sub-index in pandas dataframe
    768  Cosine similarity between matching rows in numpy ndarrays
    768  Convert Eigen to numpy matrix
    767  What is faster: Python3's 'len' or numpys shape?
    767  Using Matplotlib to create a partial multiplication table checkerboard?
    767  TypeError: 'int' object is not callable in np.random.seed
    767  Python ''numpy.dtype'' structure for reading binary to ''list'' with ''numpy.fromfile''
    767  Python: getting dot product for two multidimensional arrays
    767  Python: creating a covariance matrix from lists
    767  Python - Best way to find the 1d center of mass in a binary numpy array
    767  Plotting not rounded values in matplotlib with imshow
    767  Passing integer Numpy ndarray to ctypes function
    767  numpy equivalent of pandas
    767  Numpy array to CV image in CV2 3.0
    767  numpy array specify a default
    767  Multiple regression with OLS in python
    767  Memory Error while calling genfromtxt method
    767  Import Error: NumPy not found
    767  how to plot a 3d graph in python using matplotlib?
    767  how to detect emission lines in an optical spectra?
    767  How do I find the duration of an event for a Pandas time series
    767  Flipping along two axis in a multidimensional numpy array
    767  Filling Pandas columns with lists of unequal lengths
    767  Cannot import scikit-learn
    767  Can I specify different decimal places using the function np.savetxt()
    767  Averaging Parts of An Array In Python
    766  Results differ whether using a list or a numpy array in scikit-learn
    766  Python: when calling list.sort(), get ValueError about ambiguities?
    766  Python: efficient way to match 2 different length arrays and find index in larger array
    766  Overhead in Python multiprocessing module
    766  Overflow in Numpy Cosh Function
    766  Optimizing implementation of a rotating mask in numpy/scipy
    766  Numpy recarray sort of columns and stack
    766  Numpy append 3D vectors without flattening [duplicate]
    766  How does the mode 'same' in np.correlate() work?
    766  Fast capture and 2D image stacking as 3D numpy array with Python and Raspberry Pi
    766  error in using the genfromtxt() function in python/numpy
    766  Difference between normed plt.xcorr at 0-lag and np.corrcoef
    766  Creating a sparse matrix from csv file data
    766  Count occurrences of unique arrays in array
    766  calculating cumulative geometric mean
    766  Add numpy.get_include() argument to setuptools without preinstalled numpy
    765  Why don't these two math functions return the same result?
    765  What is the fastest way to sample slices of numpy arrays?
    765  Vectorization - Adding numpy arrays without loops?
    765  Sum of positive numbers results in a negative number
    765  spectrum analyzer of wave files with numpy.rfft
    765  Sort a numpy 2d array by 1st row, maintaining columns
    765  Separable filter on numpy array
    765  Python median filter applied to 3D array to produce 2D result
    765  Putting a gap/break in a pyplot line plot without losing data
    765  Pickling scipy's SuperLU class for incomplete LU factorization
    765  Pandas: Convert array column to numpy Matrix
    765  Numpy: Memory allocations on each operation?
    765  Numpy mean for big array dataset using For loop Python
    765  mean of array of array
    765  indexing the last dimension of numpy array
    765  How to calculate average value from gridded datasets in python
    765  How can I filter a numpy array based on another numpy array?
    765  How can i count number of black spaces in scikit image or mahotas?
    765  find mean position and area of labelled objects
    765  Extend and forward fill numpy array
    765  Check how fast numpy.linalg.lstsq is finding convergence
    764  Removing all but one tick on x-axis
    764  Python numpy array slices are not Fortran Contiguous
    764  Python Error IndexError: only integers
    764  Pycuda messing up numpy matrix transpose
    764  numpy ''extend/append'' ndarray
    764  Numpy Array random mutation
    764  How to create the datetime object equivalent of numpy.nan without using Pandas?
    764  Extract data from a txt file that contains data blocks and strings using python
    764  Combine two columns under one header in Numpy array
    764  Calculate the triangular matrix of distances between NumPy array of coordinates
    763  What is the meaning of '*' in numpy?
    763  Vectorized NumPy linspace across multi-dimensional arrays
    763  Reshaping a 1D bytes object into a 3D numpy array
    763  Python, numpy : 3 dimensions broadcast
    763  python2.7 - average of multiple opencv histograms
    763  Numpy.empty() creating array with non-empty values
    763  memory-mapping in python using numpy error
    763  matlibplot polyfit to subset of x values
    763  Is there any way to save two 2D numpy arrays as one plain ppm image?
    763  InvalidArgumentError : You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'input_1/X' with dtype float
    763  I have a categorical numpy array , want to convert it into integer?
    763  How to import a site-package from rJython?
    763  How to generate list of random integers, but only using specified integers? (Python) [duplicate]
    763  How to do a set a threshold operation to the element in a tensor in Tensorflow?
    763  How to check is data in a numpy array follows a poisson distribution
    763  Geo Pandas Data Frame / Matrix - filter/drop NaN / False values
    763  From scatter plot to 2D array
    763  Finding width of peaks
    763  Divide a stream into bins with equal counts
    763  Crop matplotlib imshow to extent of values
    763  Coloring only the inside of a shape
    762  Why is scipy's eigh returning unexpected negative eigenvalues?
    762  sklearn.confusion_matrix - TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
    762  Show original image pixels instead of mask in python
    762  Retrive the (index,column) tuple of non nan values
    762  Python convert numpy.array imported from a 16 bit RGB Tiff in a PIL object
    762  Python: Append array columns in a for loop
    762  Numpy obtain dtype per column
    762  Multiply array of vectors with array of matrices; return array of vectors?
    762  Logical indexing - numpy.where in C++
    762  How to remove the quantization noise from a given quantized signal?
    762  How to propagate uncertainty to a user defined function using python
    762  How to normalize the spectrum of a numpy (real) fourier transform so that parcevals theorem applies?
    762  How to improve poor visuals of Julia sets made using matplotlib?
    762  how to get the diagonal components of numpy 3-D array?
    762  How do I subtract and divide a 2D array and a 1D array in Python Numpy?
    762  Fastest way to import nodes/edges into a NetworkX DiGraph from CSV?
    762  Coordinates of an object Python
    761  Why are the following objects numpy strings instead of datetime.datetime objects?
    761  Uniform Random Numbers
    761  Silhouette analysis on KMeans clustering
    761  round float values to interval limits / grid
    761  Python - NumPy.Where with a Dictionary
    761  numpy flatten - how to print output
    761  Improving FFT resolution - scaling Y axis
    761  How to selectively import only lines of words with genfromtxt into Python?
    761  How to crop a numpy 2d array to non-zero values?
    761  Group by consecutive index numbers
    761  Graphing code using PySimpleGUI, MatPlotLib and tkinter crashing on selecting function
    761  Get index of elements in Pandas Dataframe by condition
    761  Creating a numpy array with dimension, mean, and variance as parameters?
    761  Converting the response of Python get request(jpg content) in Numpy Array
    761  Compressing large 4D numpy arrays to HDF5 using h5py Killed: 9
    760  When to use numpy.random.randn( ... ) and when numpy.random.rand( ... )?
    760  Pycharm. Trouble installing numpy-mlk for Windows
    760  Plot 2D array with Pandas, Matplotlib, and Numpy
    760  Numpy: Finding the bounding box within a 2d array
    760  Long (>20million element) array summation in python numpy
    760  Integer matrix to stochastic matrix normalization
    760  How to get distribution name from scipy.stats.distribution object in SciPy?
    760  Group numpy into multiple sub-arrays using an array of values
    760  Calculate the Euclidean distance for 2 different size arrays [duplicate]
    760  ''as of'' in numpy
    759  Why python cv2.resize function on RGB image gives different results than MATLAB imresize function? [duplicate]
    759  Variable number of workers in Cython parallel computation
    759  Using on matrix
    759  Using lambda function to find element from another list or array
    759  Storing tuple containing multidimensional numpy array and 1-D list to HDF5
    759  scipy.minimize with SLSQP not respecting constraints
    759  Save ft.tensor array with np.savetxt - Python/TensorFlow
    759  read float values from ASCII file with variable number of columns
    759  Python import and reload misunderstanding
    759  Penalized interpolation in python or matlab
    759  Orange data Table
    759  Optimization of a piecewise function in Scipy/python
    759  numpy recarray indexing based on intersection with external array
    759  numpy/pandas effective multiplication of arrays/dataframes
    759  Modify different columns in each row of a 2D NumPy array
    759  matlab find() for nonzero element in python
    759  How to use scipy.interpolate.Rbf in N dimensions?
    759  How to reduce the number of samples in audio data array using python
    759  How to create identity matrix with numpy with a specific value K at the diagonal
    759  How is memory handled for np.ndarray in cython?
    759  How can I add coordinate system / reference frame information to my data to avoid errors?
    759  Detecting lines in an image using OpenCV with Python
    759  Converting numpy array to categories
    759  Converting coordinates to pixels with out losing points
    758  Why np.ones creates a black image?
    758  Theano scan for fast computations on an array
    758  TensorFlow Tensor handled differently in numpy argmax vs keras argmax
    758  Summing blocks of N rows in NumPy array
    758  Subtract two columns of lists in pandas
    758  Share large numpy array (image) between two multiprocessing processes without delay
    758  Referencing columns by assigned name in numpy array
    758  Python numpy: see if an array is symmetric within a tolerance
    758  Python: Edge List to an Adjacency Matrix using SciPy/Pandas shows IndexError: column index (3) out of bounds
    758  Numpy: stack duplicates of matrix in new dimension [duplicate]
    758  Numpy integer does not convert to rgb
    758  Numpy: calculate edges of a matrix
    758  .Net Array or IList<T> from NumPy array in IronPython?
    758  merging error in pandas
    758  Local scope for numpy set_printoptions
    758  ImportError: cannot import name 'Template'
    758  Fast iteration over vectors in a multidimensional numpy array
    758  fastest way to perform cosine similarity for 10 million pairs of 1x20 vectors
    758  Creating input training data with an array of arrays in numpy
    758  Create numpy array with fromiter
    758  Caching a computed value as a constant in TensorFlow
    758  Appending a new row of data to an existing .mat file in python
    758  Adding RMS noise to an image
    757  Why I getting inf value in my calculations with numpy and python
    757  Unlink a new array from older one: python
    757  typecast bytes to array of uint64 in Python+numpy
    757  Scipy sparse csr matrix returns nan on 0.0/1.0
    757  Python point lookup (coordinate binning?)
    757  Operations on numpy masked array gives invalid values masked
    757  Numpy extract arbitrary subarray along one axis
    757  multiple condition in fancy indexing
    757  Finding local maxima in large 3D Numpy arrays
    757  Fastest inverse operation of index to label in a numpy array: a dictionary (hash) of label to index
    757  Efficient Kronecker product with identity matrix and regular matrix - NumPy/ Python
    757  Convert .py to .exe including matplotlib code
    757  Convert Numpy matrix values to be float32
    757  A faster discrete Laplacian than scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace for small arrays
    756  Weird behavior when squaring elements in numpy array
    756  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() using while loop
    756  Using SciPy to Fit a Levy-Stable Distribution
    756  Simple classification in scikit-learn
    756  Raster values extraction from Shapefile
    756  OpenCV Image Manipulation to Crop an Angled Section of an Image in Python
    756  Memory error with python 64bit
    756  Making Int64 the default integer dtype instead of standard int64 in pandas
    756  Keep in csr_matrix per row the 6 biggest elements
    756  installing numpy for pypy: No module named setuptools
    756  Insert values in alternate rows and columns in numpy arrays
    756  How to use cv2.split and cv2.merge on multiple images?
    756  How To Convert a 3D Array To a Dataframe
    756  How can I sort within partitions defined by one column but leave the partitions where they are?
    756  Generate image data from three numpy arrays
    756  Element-wise boolean multiplication
    756  Efficient matching of two arrays (how to use KDTree)
    756  Cython: dynamic ''cdef extern from xxx''
    756  Cube root of negative numbers in a numpy array returns nan
    756  Converting a loadtxt column to a weekday: TypeError: strptime() argument 1 must be str, not bytes
    756  Convert 17GB JSON file to a numpy array
    756  Check if numpy array falls within bounds
    756  Accelerate the SciPy Griddata Function
    755  The easiest way to print two numpy arrays as a table [closed]
    755  scipy.interpolate.splrep with s=0 duplicate endpoints and excluding adjacent
    755  Removing nested loops within python
    755  Python, Cv2, numpy to detect a picture in another picture
    755  PySpark - numpy | pandas | matplotlib
    755  PyCharm cannot find routines in Numpy sub-modules
    755  Outer join in python Pandas
    755  numpy.insert() is cutting off strings?
    755  How to calculate np.cov on a matrix with np.nan values without converting to pd.DataFrame?
    755  How do I make a decaying oscilating function in python?
    755  How do I install numpy/core/ file on my machine; I want isclose()
    755  genfromtxt - Force column name generation for unknown number of columns
    755  Function that acts on all elements of numpy array?
    755  Fitting a sum of functions with fixed parameter in python
    755  Dealing with a large amount of unique words for text processing/tf-idf etc
    755  Creating a label dataset from a segmented image using Python
    755  Creating a 2d NumPy array (Python)
    755  Convert Numpy matrix to pandas dataframe
    755  Comparing numpy array with itself by element efficiently
    754  Weird indexing using numpy
    754  type numpy.ndarray doesn't define __round__ method Error [duplicate]
    754  Reshaping Numpy Arrays to a multidimensional array
    754  Python Random Number Generator numpy_rng.random_integers(1e10)) OverflowError
    754  python nltk plots are not showing up
    754  Poor(er) performance of Cython with NumPy array memoryview compared to C arrays
    754  playing videos from file in anaconda
    754  Numpy unicode to int
    754  numpy fit coefficients to linear combination of polynomials
    754  Matlab and Python Reading Binary File Differently
    754  How to return an array from Go[lang] to Python using ctypes?
    754  How to decrease time of execution using multi-threading python
    754  How to create a numpy matrix/2d array from multiple 2d arrays?
    754  Find frequency of pair of numbers in 2D array in python
    754  Divide N elements among M buckets of different sizes proportionally to bucket sizes
    754  Creating an image mask with a linear gradient
    753  sci-kit learn crashing on certain amounts of data
    753  Replace values in numpy array containing NaN
    753  Python Segmentation fault in numpy multiarray
    753  Not able to install Python with OpenCV on windows x64 system
    753  Moving/running window of a Multi-dimensional image array
    753  Mean calculation within bins
    753  interpolation based on one array values
    753  img is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
    753  How to generate regular points on cylindrical surface
    753  How to combine two columsn/rows of a matrix in numpy by summing values?
    753  How do I do this array lookup/replace with numpy?
    753  Find indices of a list of values in a not sorted numpy array
    753  Error while installing numpy in python 3.4.1
    753  Error indexing a NumPy image array in Python
    753  Check equality of two axes in multidiimensional numpy array
    753  Calculate histogram of distances between points in big data set
    753  At what situation points need to be reshaped like reshape(-1,1,2) in python-opencv?
    753  append element to the end of each arrow in numpy array
    752  Why converting np.nan to int results in huge number?
    752  Sum over squared array
    752  SciPy UnivariateSpline Specifying Axis?
    752  re-import aliased/shadowed python built-in methods
    752  Pythonic way to get both diagonals passing through a matrix entry (i,j)
    752  Pandas group by returns NAN for apply vs transform function
    752  numpy array split/partition efficiency
    752  ImportError with Conda
    752  How to merge efficiently two dataframes with a tolerance in python
    752  How to input 2d numpy array into Tensorflow? (also on how to get matrix input and output working with TF)
    752  How to handle words that are not in word2vec's vocab optimally
    752  How to declare the output type of a GNU Radio block to be PMT?
    752  Equivalent of matlabs interp2 spline in scipy/numpy
    752  Does fancyimpute's SoftImpute require normalized data?
    752  Append sum of rows and columns to matrix
    752  2D list to numpy array, and fill remaining values of shorter sublists with -1
    751  Why a single Numpy array element is not a Python scalar?
    751  Split array into evenly-distributed chunks
    751  Python: Find all pairwise distances between points and return points along with distance
    751  Plot polar plot on top of image?
    751  OpenCV (any version) using SIFT in Python 2.7
    751  Numpy select rows with multiple columns as criteria
    751  numpy: find first index of value in each row of 2D array
    751  np.where return an empty array with numpy array in it
    751  multiprocessing.pool gets stuck while doing parallel calculation
    751  Multidimensional cumulative sum in numpy
    751  Installing numpy under virtualenv python
    751  ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import on Android
    751  How to implement a custom pooling layer in tensorflow using existing tensorflow python API
    751  Fastest way to create a numpy array with consecutive integer but ignore specific number
    751  Fancier Fancy Indexing in NumPy?
    751  efficient calculation of distance to spline curve for all pixels on an image
    751  Different results in numpy vs matlab
    751  Convert non-numeric tuples to numpy matrix
    751  cannot load mat file into python with or hdf5storage
    751  AttributeError in Py2exe
    750  Working with huge numpy arrays without loading the whole data on the disk
    750  why google cloud compute engine 100x slower than a dedicated server with lower spec on operation
    750  Split a multiple line text file into a multiple line csv file
    750  Scipy optimizations methods select nan for input parameter
    750  Numpy - load csv with first row as names immediately to a structured array?
    750  Merge (numpy) arrays based on date
    750  making an array of n columns where each successive row increases by one
    750  Lucas Kanade Optical Flow Implementation not working properly
    750  Left shifting 1 by large numbers using numpy array
    750  How to mask clouds from Python numpy array for a linear regression model?
    750  Fitting data to numerical solution of an ode in python
    750  Fast way using healpy to get convolution of a healpy map and a 2D Gaussian
    750  Element wise multiplication of a 2D and 1D array in python
    750  Data frame column with conditional data - Python
    750  Check if all of the elements in one numpy array exist in a second numpy array [duplicate]
    750  Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor 'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 3)'
    749  Why is numpy's root failing?
    749  `TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'float'
    749  Redefine *= operator in numpy
    749  Python histograms: Manually normalising counts and re-plotting as histogram
    749  Python: convert 1D list to 3D numpy array
    749  PyTables writing error
    749  OPENCV - Use svm file in python that was trainned in opencv c++ is possible?
    749  Numpy zero-division in try-except block, which raises ''RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars'' and strange results
    749  numpy recfunctions join_by bug
    749  numpy.insert troubles
    749  Is there a way to make array entries complex variables in NumPy?
    749  How do I keep the column names when I convert a pandas df to np array?
    749  function names from config file in python
    749  Embedded Python in C++  -  rolling in numpy  -  where's the import lib?
    749  Cubic spline interpolation of Python ndarray
    749  Analyzing multiple csv files
    748  Very large numpy array doesn't throw memory error. Where does it live? [duplicate]
    748  Updating a NumPy array by adding columns
    748  TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable in matrix
    748  split a six digits number column into separated columns with one digit
    748  Sort a numpy array according to 2nd column only if values in 1st column are same
    748  Size of a linspace output
    748  Simple Hidden Markov Model in PyMC3 throws Theano error
    748  R and Python Give Different Results (Median, IQR, Mean, and STD)
    748  Overlay plots and scroll independently matplotlib
    748  Numpy indexing with argsort
    748  Map on 2 columns pandas
    748  Iterating over numpy array without for loop
    748  how to solve theta mazes using opencv python?
    748  How to fix number of labels does not match number of samples?
    748  hatch more than one data serie in a histogram
    748  easy way of getting number of bits from a numpy type? [duplicate]
    748  comparing and finding error between two arrays of different sizes using numpy
    748  Approximate polygons from image (map)
    748  Adding names to numpy arrays
    747  Vectorized version of Brent's algorithm (root-finding)
    747  Solving polynomials with complex coefficients using sympy
    747  Scipy Butter bandpass is not producing the desired results
    747  Python : How to dynamically combine any number of small matrices into one big matrix
    747  Python equivalent code to MATLABs vec2mat
    747  Python: creating a set of vector coordinates or a matrix from a multidimensional table
    747  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
    747  Is there a built-in function to do the reverse of numpy.fromstring?
    747  issue with np.where() for creating new column in Pandas (possibly NaN issue?)
    747  Is it possible to use the K++ initialization procedure that k-means uses in scikit/sklearn learn?
    747  Invalid numpy shape in keras model
    747  ImportError: cannot import name 'multiarray' [New Edit this are good]
    747  How to subtract from previous row?
    747  How to solve __array_function__ internals source error?
    747  How to select specific row column pairs in numpy array which have specific value?
    747  Finding the brightest spot in an image
    747  Fastest way to store data from Pandas DataFrame
    747  faster way to make a 3D blob with python?
    747  Cython: Index should be typed for more efficient access
    746  Why is numpy ma.average 24 times slower than arr.mean?
    746  Why is ndarray displayed as a black image?
    746  Reduce dimension of a dataframe in python
    746  PythonXY, spyder and python any() function
    746  Python openCV: I get an unchanged image when I use cvtColor
    746  Pandas: Best way to filter bottom 10% and top 25% of data within a groupby using quantile
    746  Numpy error when specifying axis in nanmax while nansum works an the same case
    746  getting day of years for each month in python
    746  getting both '''numpy.ndarray' object is not callable'' and '''Tensor' object is not callable''
    746  Counting pixels within an Ellipse from a numpy array
    746  Can't encrypt numpy array
    746  Advanced indexing in Tensorflow
    745  Working with variable sized lists with Cython
    745  Why if I apply the shape method to an array with only an element, it returns an empty tuple? [closed]
    745  When i try to install numpy-1.11.0+mkl-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl,there has a big trouble
    745  Unsure how to use FFT data for spectrum analyzer
    745  Split list based on when a pattern of consecutive numbering stops
    745  Scipy Curve fitting multiple plots simultaneously
    745  Reassign multiple records to record array?
    745  Python scipy optimization does not find minimum
    745  Pandas DataFrame: Assign integer to a new column if fulfilling multiple conditions
    745  numpy ufunc/arithmetic performance - integer not using SSE?
    745  numpy adaptive threshold formula
    745  ''No module named numpy'' error when installing from requirements.txt
    745  Keras load numpy arrays as filters for weights
    745  How to convert .npy(numpy) file to .png file where .npy array shape (30,256,256)?
    745  How can i implement spherical hankel function of the first kind by scipy/numpy or sympy? [closed]
    745  Getting error in numpy.fromstring
    745  Drawing random numbers returns only integers
    745  Bus Error : Core dumped when using numpy memmap
    745  Apply numpy's correlation to specific axis (autocorrelation)
    744  Why does my keras model get good accuracy but bad predictions?
    744  Vector sum of multidimensional arrays in numpy
    744  ValueError when trying to save ndarray (Numpy)
    744  The reason cause different location of python packages
    744  Row Division in Scipy Sparse Matrix
    744  replace numpy array elements with a value between 0 and 1 [duplicate]
    744  python np.append: IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
    744  Numpy: Transform sparse matrix to ndarray
    744  NumPy or Dictionary?
    744  Numpy array creation with patterns
    744  Multivariate gradient descent for Python
    744  matplotlib 3d scatter from 2d numpy array vertices error
    744  Is there shorthand for getting the center pixels of an image?
    744  Indexing Multi-dimensional arrays
    744  How can I compile astropy (which uses numpy) for a kivy android installation?
    744  Cannot access numpy in cmd
    744  Calculating Dice co-efficient between two random images of same size
    744  Broadcasting using numpy's sum function
    744  A NumPy equivalent of pandas read_clipboard?
    744  Adding column to numpy array based on where condition
    743  using lists for storing data inside loop and conversion to np.array
    743  Splitting line and adding numbers to a numpy array
    743  speed-up python function to process files with data segments separated by a blank space
    743  Reading from csv to numpy array
    743  Python - pandas dataframe or array of dataclass instances for reading in data?
    743  Python - interpolation 2D irregular points with Griddata/Delaunay tri
    743  Python: ''inner join'' array of dictionaries
    743  PyCharm 2018.2.4 and Anaconda 5.3.0
    743  Pandas: Split a dataframe rows and re-arrange column values
    743  numpy where takes at most 3 arguments - a way around this?
    743  Numpy: shuffle subset of elements
    743  Numpy's eigh and eig yield inconsistent eigenvalues
    743  Numpy mean now requires reshape?
    743  numpy cumsum( ) not working?
    743  Numpy: creating indices for a sparse matrix
    743  numpy contour plot with cost function
    743  Matlab fit() vs. Python numpy
    743  Install XGBoost on EC2 Instance
    743  How to perform logical operation and logical indexing using VIPS in Python?
    743  How to assign variables to numpy matrix
    743  How to append dynamically generated values into NumPy array?
    743  Fastest way to calculate an inner product of binary vectors in numpy
    743  error occurs when I write my own C extension for numpy
    743  Cython interfaced with C++: segmentation fault for large arrays
    743  creating a list of tuples (x, y) from a string [duplicate]
    743  Convert Text file to Array
    743  computing with nan's with numpy's ma module
    743  Better way to recalculate pandas dataframe fields depending on other fields
    742  Why do I have such a distortion with pygame sndarray objects?
    742  Usable output from numpy.where() function
    742  Search for columns in a pandas DataFrame
    742  RuntimeWarning: Cannot provide views on a non-contiguous input array without copying
    742  OpenCV/numpy: Quickly comparing a large number of contour objects using numpy
    742  Multiplication of Multidimensional matrices (arrays) in Python
    742  How to get all three SVD matrices with sklearn?
    742  Genfromtxt does not return column names
    742  cython numpy accumulate function
    742  Appending a numpy array to a list - strange happenings
    741  svmlight / libsvm format
    741  repeat arange with numpy
    741  python struct.pack and write vs matlab fwrite
    741  Python Numpy eigen vectors sort error
    741  numpy intalled with pip but not found (in virtualenv)
    741  numba nopython mode ''Undefined variable '$313.3'''
    741  Matplotlib canvas as numpy array artefacts
    741  Is this a bug of scipy RectBivariateSpline?
    741  Is it possible to filter list of substrings by another list of strings in Python?
    741  Inverse Gnomonic Projections of Plane
    741  How to plot/scatter columns of matrices
    741  how to extract a subset from a numpy array
    741  How to change list of tuples to numpy array?
    741  Generate a Gaussian kernel given mean and standard deviation
    741  Filter an array in Python with 2 conditions
    741  Eigenvector values using Numpy
    740  Trying to Solve Monty Hall in Python
    740  Subtraction on numpy array not working
    740  python numpy memory leak inside loop
    740  Python - filter column from a .dat file and return a given value from other columns
    740  Python: converting Trip duration of h min sec and leave only minute count
    740  Plot an ellipse with python 2.7 knowing the equation
    740  Please explain this opencv program for me
    740  Pandas Dataframe from NumPy array - incorrect datatypes and can't change
    740  Numpy Manipulation for Image Processing
    740  Mismatched dimensions on 'shuffled' NumPy array
    740  How to use Pandas to take multi year average in Python
    740  How does this one-hot vector conversion work?
    740  Finding average settling value after step response
    740  Feeding all combinations of x and y array into function f(x,y)
    740  'Concatenating' rows of a numpy matrix
    740  can someone verify my understanding of this code in numpy.random.rand?
    740  Calculate mean of sub arrays within a larger 3D array in Python
    739  Why does vstack change the type of the elments? And how do I solve this?
    739  Sparse matrix slicing memory error
    739  SciPy minimize with gradient
    739  Remove all occurrences from list of dict python
    739  Python Multiprocessing unresponsive with too many worker processes
    739  probability of T total eyes when throwing N dice with S sides
    739  OpenCV CalcCovarMatrix vs. Numpy Cov
    739  numpy fft is fast for lengths that are products of small primes, but how small?
    739  Numpy dot product MemoryError for small matrices
    739  Is the GIL released while using multithreading with python-opencv?
    739  Interpolating 3d data at a single point in space (Python 2.7)
    739  How to most efficiently correct Gamma value of Qimages/QPixmaps or QGraphicsView or QGraphicsItem or QGraphicsProxyWidget in PySide (Qt4, Python)?
    739  How to bold and to break text in two line of plt.annotate [python]
    739  High-speed alternatives to replace byte array processing bottlenecks
    739  Find the root of a multivariable equation using scipy.optimize
    739  Error in solving a nonlinear optimization system with dynamic constraint using openopt and scipy
    739  Dynamic axis indexing of Numpy ndarray
    739  Divide a GeoTIFF image into regular grids and compute mean values
    739  Determine whether two complex numbers are equal
    739  Converting Dataframe to Numpy Array [duplicate]
    738  Scipy function muliple arguments
    738  Saving python list of numpy arrays of different sizes to .txt-file
    738  PyTables problem - different results when iterating over subset of table
    738  Pandas data frame: adding columns based on previous time periods
    738  Numpy Hermitian Matrix class
    738  Matlab equivalent of Python scipy.optimize.fmin_cg
    738  Least square optimization with bounds using scipy.optimize
    738  iterating over numpy arrays
    738  How to provide a Jacobian to SciPy curve_fit
    738  How to pass an array in python pandas to plot two axes?
    738  How to label columns in an array ?How to split an array?(Python, numpy)
    738  How do I median bin a 2D image in python?
    738  How can I define a custom kernel function for sklearn.svm.SVC?
    738  Find largest index of nonzero in python
    738  Extracting the indices of outliers in Linear Regression
    738  dot product between scipy sparse matrix and numpy arrays
    738  distance in 3D binary array to nearest point of other type
    738  Conversion of numpy array to bytearray
    737  Xarray rolling mean with weights
    737  Tensorflow - Incompatible Shape
    737  sklearn MDS crashes my kernel?
    737  R equivalent of Python's for 3D array
    737  Python with MFCC Features to train SVM using Numpy
    737  Python Image Processing Taking Too Long
    737  python - 2D numpy array from a pandas dataframe row with delimited range
    737  Numpy.linalg.inv or Numpy.linalg.solve Type Error
    737  Numpy finding element index in another array
    737  most efficient way to randomly null out values in dataframe
    737  Matrix of polynomial elements
    737  loading mnist data in keras [closed]
    737  Is Numpy's argsort deterministic?
    737  Intersection between two multi-dimensional arrays with tolerance - NumPy / Python
    737  Get iterable Tensor without running eval
    737  Associated Legendre Function
    736  What is causing this KeyError from a simple function call?
    736  Using python dtype as headers for compressed csv
    736  Tensorflow MultivariateNormalDiag tensor of shape (None, output_dim, output_dim, output_dim) given mu and sigma of shape (None, 3)
    736  Simple pandas / numpy 'indexing' in vectorized calcs
    736  Python: Numpy Multiply each row of a array with each rows of another array
    736  Python function returns NaN but arithmetic operation does not
    736  OWNDATA flag unreliable in both directions for numpy arrays?
    736  Numbas parallel vectorized functions
    736  In Python, is it possible to overload Numpy's memmap to delete itself when the memmap object is no longer referenced?
    736  How to repeat values in pandas data frame column at specific indices?
    736  How do I use a generator to initialize a numpy array?
    736  Find symmetric pairs quickly in numpy
    736  Find minimum distances between groups of points in 2D (fast and not too memory consuming)
    736  Efficiently filling NumPy array using lists of indices
    736  Different results using FFT in Matlab compared to Python
    736  Creating large LMDBs for Caffe with numpy arrays
    735  Use PIL to convert a grayscale image to a (1, H, W) numpy array
    735  Unlike Numpy, Pandas doesn't seem to like memory strides
    735  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when trying to create scatter plot from dataset
    735  Speed up write numpy data in binary to file. ply generator
    735  Replace values of a group with group aggregate in numpy/pandas
    735  Python - removing outliers while keeping a column intact
    735  Python: how do I check if two arrays may be added?
    735  Python bug that only appears on embossed image using Numpy
    735  pandas / numpy arithmetic mean in csv file
    735  numpy's argsort on rows work not as expected
    735  Numpy: reading multiple columns from multiple files
    735  Numpy Python: Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional
    735  numpy array sum function
    735 product between two 3D matrices along specified axis
    735  loading a sparse matrix saved with
    735  How to run a function on each row in pandas dataframe and have it stop when a condition is met
    735  Creating fixed set of nodes using networkx in python
    734  When does pandas do pass-by-reference Vs pass-by-value when passing dataframe to a function?
    734  ValueError: shapes (50,50) and (3,1) not aligned: 50 (dim 1) != 3 (dim 0)
    734  python: convert ascii character to boolean array
    734  Plotting 3d line graph using matplotlib. TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('S32') according to the rule 'safe'
    734  pip install numpy - fails to install although there are no errors
    734  Pandas Dataframe: Change Index to Year and Columns to Month
    734  numpy.minimum for complex numbers
    734  netCDF convert to NaN for conditional
    734  Multiply two matrix by columns with python
    734  Memory Error when performing operation on Pandas Dataframe slice
    734  Library not loaded: @rpath/libopenblasp-r0.2.19.dylib Reason: image not found
    734  How would you reshape a collection of images from numpy arrays into one big image?
    734  How to convert an string file to matrix with Python
    734  How can I set (dtype=object) numpy array values to Python lists, without numpy interpreting the lists as lists of values?
    734  Efficient math operations on parts of ''sparse'' numpy arrays
    734  Bitwise Operations on Rows of lil_matrix
    734  Advanced slicing when passed list instead of tuple in numpy
    733  What happens in numpy's log function? Are there ways to improve the performance?
    733  Vectorize numpy indexing and apply a function to build a matrix
    733  Using vectorize to apply function to each row in Numpy 2d array
    733  Unsized object error with numpy.random.permutation?
    733  Python 3.x Reading files with headers (data between identified headers)
    733  pandas multiply between dataframe and series(column)
    733  Numpy array to replace a for loop
    733  numpy append slices to two dimensional array to make it three dimensional
    733  Multiprocessing in Python for methods with multiple parameters
    733  How to slice Numpy datetime64 array
    733  How to slice a 2d matrix using lists in python? [duplicate]
    733  How to copy a list over in python without keeping them linked? [duplicate]
    733  How to control FEA software like MSC NASTRAN using Python code?
    733  Error with scalar and ndarray in python with numpy
    733  Cython: Invalid use of fused types, type cannot be specialized
    733  Create a triangular mesh using Delaunay methods
    733  Compare columns in two different data frames if match found copy email from df2 to df1
    733  Assign a plot to a variable
    732  Subtracting 3D numpy arrays in Python Vs Matlab
    732  Replace value in array with condition
    732  removing entire row containing a Nan value in a multidimensional numpy array
    732  Python flatten array inside numpy array
    732  Processing a select range of values in a numpy array
    732  numpy array sliced twice
    732  InvalidArgumentError: Index out of range using input dim 2; input has only 2 dims [Op:StridedSlice] name: strided_slice/
    732  How to normalize percentages in python
    732  Finding all combinations of paired numpy arrays via meshgrid
    732  Find highest values in similarity matrix not on diagonal
    732  Difference in calculating eigenvectors wih Java and Python
    732  Creating a cmap where the colours are linked to another variable [duplicate]
    732  2D random walk, python
    731  What causes the unpickling error in numpy?
    731  TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'numpy.float64' when trying to solve a 2nd degree polynomial
    731  Returning specific numpy label indices for an image
    731  Reading binary big endian files in python
    731  Python PyQT/Seaborn - Interactive charts, keyboard arrow controls and speed
    731  Python C Extension with Numpy
    731  piecewise function with 3d plot
    731  Odd-size numpy arrays send/receive
    731  numpy boolean indexing selecting and setting
    731  No module named numpy error in python 2.7.8
    731  No fortran order in numpy.array
    731  I am not able to import and use numpy in my python shell
    731  How to find the largest contiguous, overlapping region in a set of sorted arrays
    731  How to do a 3D plot of gaussian using numpy?
    731  How to combine the data from many data frames into a single data frame with an array as the data values
    731  How is the numpy way to binarize arrays with a threshold value?
    731  How can I divide up a pandas dataframe?
    731  Arrays of single-element arrays in Python: why?
    730  Scipy - Multiplying large sparse matrix causes segmentation fault?
    730  Saving several numpy arrays to one csv
    730  Saving Psychopy ouput in Excel sheets
    730  Quickly rarefy a matrix in Numpy/Python
    730  Numpy histogram output to a file
    730  Numpy Choose Elements from 2 arrays
    730  Is it possible to force exponent or significand of a float to match another float (Python)?
    730  Inner joining two columns in Pandas
    730  Implementing Python integer key and value numpy dictionary
    730  How to iterate over the rows of a single column of a numpy array?
    730  How to add/install binary library to Python?
    730  Generating Pulse Amplitude Modulation using sine wave and PWM signal using python
    730  Cython sum v/s mean memory jump
    730  Combination of all rows in two numpy arrays
    730  Adding a field to a structured numpy array (3)
    729  Speed costs of calling Python function from C extension
    729  Scipy's pdist correlation metric not same as numpy corrcoef
    729  Replacing Levinson implementation in scikits.talkbox
    729  python exe file crashes while launching on windows xp
    729  numpy multiply arrays with different shapes [duplicate]
    729  numpy: combining multiple arrays from within one array as one array
    729  numpy array to a file, np.savetxt
    729  naive filtering using fft in python
    729  Invert tuples in a list of tuples
    729  How to recover 3D image from its patches in Python?
    729  Force Python (NumPy) to increase CPU usage
    729  Algorithm to create a square matrix given any number of smaller square matrices
    729  2D integral on a non-regular grid
    728  Video/image processing using Python: ERROR: OS Error: cannot identify image file 'solidWhiteRight.mp4'
    728  Subtotals in numpy
    728  Storing multi-dimensional attributes (columns) in pandas DataFrame
    728  solving the issue regarding running py2exe with numpy in my script
    728  Reshape array in numpy
    728  Pipe numpy data in Linux?
    728  Performing math operations when plotting Pandas Dataframe columns
    728  Parsing colon separated sparse data with pandas and numpy
    728  In SciPy, fancy indexing for csr_matrices
    728  I am trying to install packages (Numpy) in Pycharm get pip error
    728  How to store multiple numpy 2d matrices - with different sizes - into one numpy matrix?
    728  Getting different results each time I run RandomForestRegressor
    728  function to find minimum number greater than zero from rows of a array and store into a list
    728  Creating a new numpy array with modified element data type
    728  Concatenate over dimension in numpy
    728  Compute weighted sums on rolling window with pandas dataframes of different length
    728  compiling numpy for python3 for AIX works but import fails
    727  Why Numpy treats a+=b and a=a+b differently
    727  What is difference between numpy array.tolist() and scipy.sparse tolist()
    727  Use numpy to make mask array for pixels of certain value
    727  Too many open file while using numpy load
    727  Solve Polynomial equation of 6th order with Python efficiently
    727  Simple Numpy Min and Max from certain column
    727  Python :Wave.readframe to numpy areay for fft
    727  Python: Get item from list based on input
    727  Numpy or Scipy way to do polynomial fitting in 2 dimensions
    727  KeyError: ((1, 1, 1280), '|u1') while using PIL's Image.fromarray - PIL
    727  Improve performance of operation on numpy trigonometric functions
    727  How to vectorize (make use of pandas/numpy) instead of using a nested for loop
    727  How to load torch pretrained models in Python?
    727  how can I reshape a numpy array of (100,) to (250,100)
    727  How can I generate a random sample of bin counts given a sequence of bin probabilities?
    727  Find elements based on neighbor values
    727  Filtering numpy array of numpy arrays
    727  Fast way to convert 3d numpy array (RGB image) to a boolean array
    727  delete duplicate values in a row of pandas dataframe
    727  Cython cannot use operator()
    727  convert numpy-C array to C double* [] and back
    727  Changing elements in a numpy Array
    727  Applying neumann boundary conditions to the diffusion equation
    726  Why does this PIL call crash python?
    726  saving a grid of heterogenous images in Python
    726  plotting a Date from an csv. file in pylab
    726  One minus a small number equals one? Dealing with small numbers
    726  Image manipulation in Python (compute graph edge distance between nodes (region centroids)
    726  How to replace each element of an array with another array in Python?
    726  How to perform element wise operation on two sets of columns in pandas
    726  How to find out average pixel value of an image, scanning it from top and bottom?
    726  how to create a pickle file correctly?
    726  Extract values from a numpy array based on another array of 0/1 indices
    726  Extending numpy arrays
    726  Converting a pickle dictionary to DataFrame for calculating median
    726  Boolean on object data type in pandas dataframe
    725  Why is numpy list access slower than vanilla python?
    725  save multiple histograms in folder from a python code
    725  Python_Pandas: If datetime values fall under certain date duration, create a column with specific value
    725  python - 2d interpolation, one dimension at a time
    725  product of digits as a single-digit number
    725  Numpy solving 3d linear equation without loop
    725  numpy 1D array: mask elements that repeat more than n times
    725  Make single column of numpy array another datatype
    725  LMS batch gradient descent with NumPy
    725  IPython not recognizing updated module [duplicate]
    725  How to vectorize a dot product of one matrix for every row of another?
    725  How to get coordinates of complex RTL-SDR signal peaks?
    725  How to concatenate pandas.DataFrames columns
    725  How can I write confusion_matrix and classification_report to txt
    725  How can I get Numpy to give an array of lists instead of tuples?
    725  How can I get a fast estimate for the distance between a point and a bicubic spline surface in Python?
    725  Fast 2d histogram in OpenCL with PyOpenCL
    725  DictVectorizer Recognize Feature as String
    725  Delete row from scipy matrix
    725  Coupled map lattice in Python
    725  Column Names on Feature Selection Output in Python (Scikit Learn)
    725  Best way to deal with xyz data
    724  ValueError: too many boolean indices for a n=600 array (float)
    724  Using numpy.linalg with large system of equations
    724  Read multiple images from a directory and turn them into .csv files
    724  Python/Numba - Custom class object as input type
    724  Python Image Shuffle Failure - where have I gone wrong?
    724  Python image convolution with numpy slices produces strange results on some images
    724  Python create column of repeated values that matches length of dataframe
    724  Inconsistent type conversion in python/numpy when using scalars or lists/arrays
    724  How to speed up matrix functions such as expm function in scipy/numpy?
    724  How to I factorize a list of tuples?
    724  How to convert a sequence of words into a numpy integer array?
    724  How do I install scipy and numpy with setuptools
    724  How do I get conversion with ''OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long'' error working on Windows Server 2012?
    724  Got an extra line on python plot
    724  get_dummies not working properly in python
    723  Why are non-integer exponents causing nan's to show up in Python?
    723  ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') using fit from KNeighborsRegressor
    723  Using Numpy to solve Linear Equations involving modulo operation
    723  Tensorflow (GPU) vs. Numpy
    723  SWIG Python fixed size array passed by reference
    723  Stuck with TypeError: Cannot compare types 'ndarray(dtype=object)' and 'str'
    723  pip install Scipy fails ...  lapack and numpy distutils missing
    723  pagerank python implementation
    723  Outer product as string?
    723  OpenCV 3, python 3 'Image step is wrong' error
    723  np.linspace vs range in Bokeh
    723  Negative eigenvectors from transition matrix of a Markov chain
    723  Interpolate Image for given indices python
    723  How to return the equivalent of ''None'' in Tensorflow
    723  fsolve problems with the starting point
    723  Find the row-wise index of a list of values from numpy matrix
    723  Efficiently sample all arrays in ndarray using scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates
    723  Create list of tuples from 2d array
    723  Converting images to one-hot array and back returns black images
    723  2D mutable iterator/generator
    722  transform string column of a pandas data frame into 0 1 vectors
    722  Shortcut for array-matrix helper plugin in Spyder
    722  Shift theorem in Discrete Fourier Transform
    722  Setting viewing position in Matplotlib 3d scatter plot
    722  Python numpy concatenate 4D
    722  One end clamped and other end free cubic spline using scipy.interpolate.splprep and splev
    722  numpy.genfromtxt skips/ignores last line in long tsv file
    722  Image processing using Python and OpenCV on a Raspberry PI [closed]
    722  How to vectorize Fisher's exact test?
    722  How to generate a usable tensor product of two matrices in Python
    722  How can I remove the gap between friday and monday candles in matplotlib?
    722  Downsample numpy array while preserving distribution
    722  copying only upper triangular values of sympy Matrix into array from numpy.triu()?
    722  Basemap interpolation alternative - regridding data
    722  Average of selected rows in csv file
    722  Accelerating code using numba.jit
    721  Why numba raise a type error in numpy linspace
    721  Version upgrade to scikit-learn
    721  Understand memory allocation for python numpy array
    721  Sorting from .csv file in Python
    721  Some python / numpy optimization possible?
    721  Save list of numbers to (binary) file with defined bits per number
    721  Python Pandas identify changes in values across rows
    721  numpy swap multiple elements in an array
    721  numpy 64bit support in PTVS and numpy System.Int64 casting
    721  Is it possible to use einsum to transpose everything?
    721  How to mock numpy.fromfile?
    721  Easy way to remove columns in numpy array that add up to zero
    721  Divide numpy array Python
    721  covariance isn't positive definite
    721  Correlate a Radial Distance to a 2D mgrid on python
    720  Visualising CNN filter weights as numpy array in tensorflow
    720  Using numpy and scipy from Anaconda in xcode on a mac
    720  Use of Taylor series to speed up computation
    720  Tensorflow: Passing CSV with 3D feature array
    720  Split data in half based on dates
    720  Random generate element in numpy with probability [duplicate]
    720  Python - Using Pandas to eliminated curly brackets and output floats
    720  python only works with sudo
    720  PyArray_SimpleNewFromData
    720  numpy dot products of 3 matrixes
    720  numpy.array with and without specifying dtype behaves strange
    720  Numpy array from file- preallocating?
    720  Low rank approximation using scipy
    720  How to determine a numpy-array reshape strategy
    720  Fast alternative to run a numpy based function over all the rows in Pandas DataFrame
    720  Efficient Array replacement in Python
    720  Calling numpy in an exe created from a python program
    720  Arrays, subarrays and merging subarrays within an array
    719  Write multiple array values to csv file in python
    719  Sorting with np.sort but the result is not right
    719  R to Python pandas numpy.where conversion
    719  Python rose chart
    719  Python Numpy memory layout
    719  Python: np.vectorize to return ''float''
    719  Numpy dot throws error
    719  How to solve an ill-conditioned system of linear equations in python?
    719  How precise is numpy's sin(x) ? How do I find out? [need it to numerically solve x=a*sin(x)]
    719  How can I sort 128 bit unsigned integers in Python?
    719  Fitting exponential and 5 gaussians to data in python
    719  Fast way to find nonzero elements positions in 2d array in Python
    719  Extract elements from arrays in deeply nested lists, preserving list structure
    719  Does Numpy dot and outer function consistent with Linear Algebra?
    719  Data being read as one dimensional but is not - ''ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack''
    719  Ctypes segmentation fault
    719  Cannot create non-empty csr.matrix() in scipy
    718  Using numba with time.clock() and timeit
    718  Using __init__ to create a class for four vectors
    718  swig c++ to python (with numpy): error: use of undeclared identifier 'import_array'
    718  Solving Least squares in numpy/scipy?
    718  sign recognition like hand written digits example in scikit-learn (python)
    718  scipy.optimize.basinhopping with non-numerical argument to the objective function
    718  Python ''AttributeError: 'NotImplementedType' object has no attribute'' when dividing
    718  PyPy and efficient arrays
    718  Pure NumPy 2D mean convolution derivative of input image
    718  Numpy matrix product - sparse matrices
    718  Numpy index a 1D array to 2D
    718  Numpy equivalent of Tensorflow's embedding_lookup function
    718  numpy.choose 32 choice limitation
    718  numpy 1.6.1 argsort() strange behaviour?
    718  IndexError: list index out of range , opencv
    718  How to run a function on each row in DataFrame and append the result to a new DataFrame
    718  How to create matrix containing fraction numbers in numpy
    718  How to combine two 1D lists into 2D array?
    718  Finding the smoothness of a spline using scipy
    718  Finding a sequence of alternating numbers in a list
    718  Error ''cannot perform reduce with flexible type'' when using numpy sum function [closed]
    718  Efficient computation of minimum of Haversine distances
    718  Disparity map tutorial SADWindowSize and image can not float
    718  Calculate number of equal neighbouring cells within a numpy array
    718  Animation based on only updating colours in a plot
    718  Add 2D arrays side by side in python
    717  Writing fortran ordered binary files from python
    717  Why is Pandas and Numpy producing different results for pairwise correlations with NaN?
    717  What am I doing wrong with numpy searchsorted?
    717  ValueError: labels shape must be [batch_size, labels_dimension], got (128, 2)
    717  Tensorflow Object Detection API bounding box coordinates
    717  Recursive FFT discards the imaginary part
    717  Pandas: How to groupby combinations of column elements to indicate co-occurrence based on the values of a different column?
    717  Matplotlib scatter now takes three arguments?
    717  least square estimation in python using numpy and scipy
    717  Inverse of numpy's bincount function
    717  Interpretation of ''too many resources for launch''
    717  Global array  -  no need for ''global'' statement
    717  fast way of drawing multivariate normal in python
    717  faster numpy array copy; multi-threaded memcpy?
    717  dtype parameter in numpy.array()
    717  Draw a random value from a given distribution [closed]
    717  Corner detection in an array of points
    717  Can the cumsum function in NumPy decay while adding?
    717  3D plot of volatility surface
    716  stuck with dstack and dsplit in numpy
    716  Simple subtraction causes a broadcasting issue for different array shapes
    716  Safety of taking `int(numpy.sqrt(N))`
    716  Python indentation issue (Error: expected an indented block) [closed]
    716  Python: fast subsetting and looping dataframe
    716  Numpy: Substituting for Iterating over Arrays - apply_over_axis
    716  Numpy: Get all row and column combinations of a given matrix
    716  np.linalg.qr(A) or scipy.linalg.orth(A) for finding the orthogonal basis (python)
    716  load txt file containing string in python as matrix
    716  Is there a way to confirm all the input array dimensions in numpy?
    716  how to use scipy.stats.discrete.expect to calculate discrete expected value?
    716  how to efficiently convert numpy.array full of 14 bit binary numbers into corresponding two's complement in python?
    716  How can I manipulate the CDF of a sample such that it matches that of a different sample?
    716  Histogram and Gaussian fitting
    716  Getting NaN error while running SVM in python
    716  Generating an array of random variables (positive and negative) that sum up to 1
    716  Find the indices of values fulfilling condition in 2d numpy array
    716  Extend different shapes/dimension matrices in python
    716  Check if 2d array exists in 3d array in Python?
    716  Can't install numpy
    715  Xarray.DataSet from a list of Pandas.DataFrames
    715  Why is inverting a positive definite matrix via Cholesky decomposition slower than regular inversion with numpy?
    715  Static linking Python library to C (C++) with Numpy
    715  rolling_mean instability in pandas
    715  Resizing and storing dataset in .h5 format using h5py in python
    715  Recieving inf/nan for ols report: python & numpy
    715  Python bottleneck argpartsort performance
    715  Pandas: Difference with first element of the group
    715  Opencv Clustering On More Than 4 Channels
    715  numpy measure time - syntax error
    715  Numpy dot() function equivalent
    715  Multivariate (3D) Interpolation Using Vandermonde Matrix in Python
    715  Merge two numpy arrays into a list of lists of tuples
    715  Loop over all elements of an ndarray one by one
    715  How to plot multiple set of data from same text file in matplotlib
    715  How to perform linear/non-linear regression between two 2-D numpy arrays and visualize it with matplotlib?
    715  How to have list's elements as a condition in np.where()?
    715  How to convert generated id, list-of-index values tuple to a one hot encoded sparse matrix
    715  How to apply math operations to a row of a csv in python?
    715  How do you index outliers in python?
    715  cython vs python different results within scipy.optimize.fsolve
    715  convert data from 2d to 3d numpy array
    715  Compare NumPy arrays with threshold and return the differences
    715  Cannot cast array data from dtype('int64') to dtype('int32') according to the rule 'safe'
    715  argmax on 2 axis for 3-d numpy array
    714  Why is Scipy's KDTree so slow?
    714  Why is Python Faster than LAPACK and C for SVD
    714  Why does creation of a Theano shared variable on GPU effect numpy's random streams?
    714  Using numpy.argsort() gives wrong indices array
    714  Sklearn - predict_proba equivalents
    714  Rationale for numpy.split returning a list and not an array?
    714  Python left multiplication of of a matrix with inverse of a sparse matrix
    714  Python equivalent of label2idx MATLAB function
    714  Numpy vectorization algorithms to sum up numbers with the same time stamps
    714  numpy.sum not returning expected value
    714  Numpy setup error : extra formal argument
    714  Numpy operation on Pandas DataFrame
    714  Numpy find covariance of two 2-dimensional ndarray
    714  Numpy arctan2 of multidimensional array
    714  numpy.arange floating point errors [duplicate]
    714  Numpy and matplotlib Import errors
    714  Most accurate way to interpolate data and find the peak?
    714  List of xy coordinates to matrix
    714  Invalid Dimensions Error MatplotLib
    714  Install Python Package without Sudo/Root Priveledges but Dependencies use System lib folder
    714  How to solve error: ''numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling''
    714  how to group 1D array consecutive elements in python preferably
    714  How to extract column data from a dictionary with matrix values?
    714  How can i format my list to give it as input to svm.train() in opencv3.0
    714  Get the product of two one dimensional numpy matrices
    714  Drawing circles around a certain area with opencv
    714  Convert custom class to standard Python type
    713  Sorting a scipy.stats.itemfreq result containing strings
    713  Python array, conditionally change elements on classification
    713  pass user input as lambda function
    713  numpy ctypes ''dynamic module does not define init function'' error if not recompiled each time
    713  NumPy 64bit fail to install with pip on Windows with Python 64bit
    713  Is numpy array and python list optimized to be dynamically growing?
    713  Fastest way to compute matrix multiplication
    713  convert csv string of numbers into values
    713  Can't find Numpy in Windows 8
    713  Calculating the mean trajectory from many trajectories in numpy
    713  Application of Python Alternating Conditional Expectation (ACE) algorithm
    713  Add single element to array as first entry in numpy
    713  Achieve same random numbers in numpy as matlab
    712  Using numba for cosine similarity between a vector and rows in a matix
    712  uniform sampling from a ellipsoidal confidence region
    712  Tracking eigenvectors of a 1-parameter family of matrices
    712  Tensorflow compute_gradients and apply_gradients running out of memory
    712  Storing multiple arrays within multiple arrays within an array Python/Numpy
    712  Stacking multidimensional numpy arrays with one different dimension
    712  Python: How to pass a generator to a function?
    712  python efficient tridiagonal matrix inversion
    712  Matrix with results of function f(x,y) in Python/numpy/pandas
    712  Initialise a NumPy array based on its index
    712  How to change 1D numpy array from keras layer output to image (3D numpy array)
    712  How can I loop through a directory, extract only .txt files, and put each .txt file into a separate but accessible DataFrame?
    712  Fast way for calculating difference between each element of numpy array given certain condition
    712  Diagonalization of a tridiagonal, symmetric sparse matrix with Python
    712  Dealing with zero's in a moving average
    712  compare df1 column 1 to all columns in df2 returning the index of df2
    712  Cannot convert numpy dtypes to its native python types (int64 to int)
    712  Calculating the outer product for a sequence of numpy ndarrays [duplicate]
    712  averaging matrix efficiently
    712  Are sympy matrices really that slow?
    712  Adding elements to numpy array
    711  Why would NumPy reshape() create a new array and why might order not be preserved?
    711  Set numpy array values through list comprehension
    711  Reading Fortran binary file in Python
    711  Python numpy statsmodels OLS Regression specific value
    711  padding numpy rolling window operations using strides
    711  Numpy: 3D to 2D maxtrix reshape with flattened order along one axis
    711  Matplotlib - when plotting time it puts decimal zeros after the seconds
    711  Matplotlib installation problems
    711  Huge speed difference in numpy between similar code
    711  Convert a GroupBy object (groupby().size) into a dictionary
    711  Check for winner in tic-tac-toe - NumPy / Python
    711  Assigning values to array slices is slow
    710  Word2vec training using gensim starts swapping after 100K sentences
    710  Rearranging a 4d numpy array
    710  Python numpy array : check If all elements in array are 0 or 2, true
    710  Pyro4 client not receiving message
    710  Plotting a symbolic function with multiple variables in Python
    710  Odd behavior of to_dict
    710  Hue gradient as colorbar on y axis with matplotlib
    710  How to query a pandas DataFrame using an array of tuples ?
    710  Finding the intersection point between line and piecewise linear curves
    710  Find eigenvalues of Complex valued matrix in python
    710  Execution stuck when evaluating TensorFlow tensors
    710  Error using Numpy in Netbeans 8
    709  Spyder / Jedi - code completion refusing to work
    709  sklearn PCA not working
    709  Resize array and fill with interpolation [closed]
    709  Python pandas: case statement in agg function
    709  Python and associated Legendre polynomials
    709  numpy.allclose() on SciPy sparse matrix
    709  Normalize pandas dataframe with all columns together
    709  Noise removal in spatial data
    709  is Numpy's masked array memory efficient?
    709  How to use np.stack in this situation?
    709  Filtering of array elements by another array in numpy
    709  dynamically append N-dimensional array
    709  Comparing two 2D lists in python and interpolating differing values [duplicate]
    709  Changing an array from (rows, columns) to (rows) in numpy [closed]
    708  Why this small snippet hangs using multiprocessing with maxtasksperchild, numpy.random.randint and numpy.random.seed?
    708  What is the meaning of X[:,:,:,i] in numpy?
    708  using genfromtxt to split data
    708  TypeError:ndarray not callable in scipy.stats.kstest()
    708  Tensorflow matrix multiplication is slower than numpy
    708  Summing all even and odd columns separately in a numpy array
    708  Strange numpy.float96 behaviour
    708  Scipy Basinhopping: setting an array element with a sequence (approx_fprime)
    708  Rolling window or occurrences for 2D matrix in Numpy per row?
    708  Recursive Application of Dot Product
    708  Python/Pandas - Replacing an element in one dataframe with a value from another dataframe
    708  OpenCV Template matching against video
    708  numpy: unpack array along an axis
    708  Numpy import failed
    708  Matplotlib basemap + contourf with irregular 2d numpy array
    708  importing whole python module doesn't allow using submodules
    708  how to count rows in a data frame in python?
    708  How to concatenate 2D arrays on the fly in Python?
    708  Generating machine-independent random numbers in python
    708  Elementwise mean of dot product in Python (numpy)
    708  Concatenate Numpy ndarray to Pandas dataframe
    708  Can ndarray store datetime and float?
    707  Tensorflow vs Numpy concat operation
    707  Sum last X column values into new column
    707  StatsModel quantile regression ValueError
    707  Serverless - Numpy - Unable to find good bind path format
    707  Randomly select item from list of lists gives ValueError
    707  Python math module grad
    707  Python heatmap with Hierarchical clustering TypeError: dendrogram() got an unexpected keyword argument 'color_list'
    707  Opencv/numpy issue: ''module compiled against API version X but this version of numpy is Y''
    707  numpy array of arbitrary precision (10 bit int)
    707  Non-fatal IronPython NumPy Exceptions
    707  Matrix solution with Numpy: no solution?
    707  keras fit_generator for multiple batches and multiple inputs
    707  How to load Image as binary image with threshold in Scipy?
    707  How to convert a numpy array of tensors to a tensor?
    707  get random element on condition
    707  Check if series is timedelta
    706  ValueError: could not convert string to float: XX
    706  Speeding up computations with numpy matrices
    706  SciPy Sparse Array: Get index for a data point
    706  Scipy filter with multi-dimensional (or non-scalar) output
    706  Scipy Circular Variance
    706  Saving/loading a table (with different column lengths) using numpy
    706  Python Bilinear regression
    706  Python: Array subtract Matrix - TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'list'
    706  numpy - fastest way to build 2d array with permuted copies of numpy 1d array
    706  Matrix dot product in python
    706  Hypothesis why getting NaN in python
    706  hstack csr matrix with pandas array
    706  How to make a movie out of a set of images stacked in a numpy array?
    706  Dictionary not recognizing floating point keys
    706  Best way to get last entries from Pandas data frame
    705  Working with Keras on Python: how do I switch between floating point and fixed point?
    705  Vectorize Conway's Game of Life in pure numpy?
    705  to split an array into subarray in python
    705  Removing leading zeros of a numpy array without using a for loop
    705  Reducing pandas series with multiple nan values to a set gives multiple nan values
    705  python sparse csr matrix: how to serialize it
    705  Python Pandas Groupby a List of Lists
    705  Python and creating 2d numpy arrays from list
    705  Numpy C++ program always gives segfault (most likely misuse of syntax or types)
    705  MSSQL Cursor to Numpy Array/Dataframe - TypeError: expected a readable buffer object
    705  how to use values of a pandas DataFrame as numpy array index
    705  How to reshape a text file in Python so that the rows/columns swap position?
    705  How to plot data points outside the plot region using the matpotlib? [duplicate]
    705  get unique count ~and~ unique values on per row basis using numpy
    705  Fast split and reassemble image into overlapping patches with numpy
    704  Why is my SVD calculation different than numpy's SVD calculation of this matrix?
    704  ValueError: Expected 1D or 2D array, got 0D array instead
    704  Numpy: Reduce memory footprint of dot product with random data
    704  Numpy Indexing of 2 Arrays
    704  np.loadtxt vs np.genfromtxt
    704  Iterating over a numpy array and operating on each element
    704  Installing numpy without sudo
    704  Index of last occurrence of max before min
    704  Importing data from multiple .csv files into single DataFrame
    704  How to work with large dataset in pytorch
    704  how to read from an array without a particular column in python
    704  How to apply a function on a subset of numpy.ndarray object
    704  How do I generate sharp images Cifar-10
    704  How can I plot y between 0,1?
    704  How can I delete items from my list of tuples? [duplicate]
    704  Generate multiple 2D arrays from column data of a pandas dataframe and store them in a data structure
    704  Flattening an array only one layer?
    704  Do numpy or scipy implement sub-cubic multiplication
    704  Determining input argument type for jitclass method
    704  Adding columns to a matrix in loop
    703  Why doesn't astype timedelta64 work on ndarray?
    703  tensorflow placeholder of single dimension
    703  Replacing NumPy array entries with their frequencies / values from dictionary
    703  Python numpy : linalg.pinv() too imprecise
    703  Plotting lists with different number of elements in matplotlib
    703  Plot only one or few rows of a correlation matrix
    703  numpy.savetxt save array to a specific location in file?
    703  numpy.cov or numpy.linalg.eigvals gives wrong results
    703  Keras adding extra dimension to target (Error when checking target)
    703  Intersection of two arrays, retaining order in larger array
    703  In place matrix multiplication numpy
    703  how to rearrange a dictionary in python
    703  Extract netCDF4 data from inside a shapefile?
    703  Efficient use of numpy_indexed output
    703  Different results for 2d interpolation with scipy.interpolate.griddata
    702  why do I have to explicitly import certain package functions? [duplicate]
    702  Weighted Cumulative Sum in Python
    702  The comments argument of genfromtxt in numpy
    702  Subclass of numpy ndarray doesn't work as expected
    702  Scipy quickly initialise sparse matrix from list of coordinates
    702  Scipy LinearOperator dtype unspecified
    702  raw image display in qt with python
    702  Python SciPy RectSphereBivariateSpline interpolation generating wrong data?
    702  Python numpy performance - selection on very large array
    702  PIL Image.fromarray complains for 6 channel tiff data
    702  Performance issue with reading integers from a binary file at specific locations
    702  numpy memory error when loading images
    702  numpy float vs decimal.Decimal()
    702  numpy char.array get set of characters from a string
    702  Numba JIT on numpy.where and as.type
    702  Memory Error with
    702  How does numpy polyfit work?
    702  Graph wont show in Python
    702  Gimp Python plugin gimp.Image as numpy array
    702  Fill a numpy 3D matrix from a pandas dataframe
    702  counting NaNs in 'for' loop in python
    702  ast.literal_eval() malformed node or string while converting a string with list of array()s
    702  Append value to each array in a numpy array
    701  weird behavior with 3d histogram in matplotlib in Python
    701  Using Python Networkx and Numpy.Choice & Getting ValueError
    701  Scipy griddata interpolation results in lots on NaNs
    701  Pandas resample numpy array
    701  Numpy with Python's Decimal arguments
    701  Numpy arrays and python properties
    701  NumPy: Apply an index selecting function to multiple axes
    701  Numba nopython error with np.sum
    701  Introduction to Data Science in Python problem
    701  How to solve Scikit learn preprocessing pipeline error with Numpy array?
    701  How to get record numpy array with dates from pandas data frame?
    701  How to fix 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable’ error in python?
    701  How to add monochrome noise to a PyGame surface using NumPy?
    701  Fill a dataframe column with empty arrays
    701  Conversion of a numpy matrix into a single column pandas
    701  Calculation of xlogx with numpy
    701  AWS Spark EMR Numpy Import Error
    701  affine_transform xy coords from gda94
    700  Why python broadcasting in the example below is slower than a simple loop?
    700  Python - Numpy RGB pixel array to image
    700  Numpy Matrix class: Default constructor attributes for inherited class
    700  numpy extract 3d cubes from 3d array
    700  Jupyter Notebook not uploading CSV file, despite trying various solutions
    700  Import entire mongodb collection into a Numpy array without looping
    700  How to perform arithmetic operations involving row and column in dataframe?
    700  How do I convert my 2D numpy array to a pandas dataframe with given categories?
    700  Find the equation y = y(x) from the intersection of two surfaces z = z(x,y)
    700  cmake opencv3 with python2 on ubuntu get ImportError undefined symbol: _Py_ZeroStruct
    700  changing fill_value for numpy array
    700  Can you increment a slice in python?
    699  ValueError: Unable to determine number of fit parameters. ''Problem in curve fitting''
    699  ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (2,) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (1,)
    699  ''undefined symbol'' error when importing SWIG+python module
    699  SciPy interpolation error
    699  SciPy image resizing shift - expected behavior or bug?
    699  Rotate 3D object with Euler angles in Python
    699  Polar stereographic to regular lat/lon grid python
    699  pipeline fit takes in 2 parameters only
    699  Numpy iterating over 3d vector array
    699  Indexing numpy record arrays is very slow
    699  How to efficiently calculate the autocorrelation function of multidimensional data? [duplicate]
    699  How to compute percentiles from frequency table?
    699  How does Python Numpy save memory compared to a list?
    699  Handling matrix multiplication in log space in Python
    699  Finding closest values in two numpy arrays
    699  Filter out zeros in np.percentile
    699  filter by array numpy
    699  Converting a Python List into a Numpy Structured array?
    699  Check if an array is a multiple of another array
    698  Why can't I get the shape of this numpy array?
    698  SFrame from numpy array
    698  Python with numpy: How to delete an element from each row of a 2-D array according to a specific index
    698  Python profiling: time spent on each line of function
    698  Python Numpy unsupported operand types 'list' - 'list'
    698  Python numpy exponential notation
    698  Python. Detect changes in vector direction
    698  Numpy array single value issue
    698  Multiple cumulative sum within a numpy array
    698  Most efficient way to remove x,y coordinates in a specified area
    698  How to build an RNN using numpy
    698  Get values in numpy array either side of a specified value
    698  Get min,max,argmin,argmax of (X,Y) coordinates in a vectorized way
    698  Fast advanced indexing in numpy
    698  Double dot product with broadcasting in numpy
    698  Discontinuity in results when using scipy.integrate.quad
    698  Curvature of a one-pixel wide curve
    698  Convert numpy array to numpy record array
    698  Converting PNG image file into row of pixels for saving in dataframe
    698  confused by numpy meshgrid output
    698  Calculating the L2 inner product in numpy?
    697  What is the fastest way to calculate the weighted sum of matrix elements?
    697  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars (self._linewidth = float(w))
    697  Scipy Sparse Matrices - Inconsistent Sums
    697  Radial sampling with SciPy
    697  Pulling data from a numpy array
    697  PIL, Image.fromarray make noises
    697  pass image from day to night with python PIL
    697  pandas: How to append the bin values back to the original dataframe
    697  OpenCV - Appending contours inside ROI as numpy array in python
    697  Is there anyway to use the index in python numpy vectorize functions?
    697  ''is'' operation returns false even though two objects have same id [duplicate]
    697  how do I add a 'RowNumber' field to a structured numpy array?
    697  Fitting a mixture of lognormal distributions in Python
    697  Finding the difference between two values in a numpy array-with code
    697  error in using curve_fit function to sympy function
    697  Automatically resizing NumPy recarray
    696  Why does Dask array throw memory error when Numpy doesn't on dot product calculation?
    696  Unhashable type error
    696  sklearn SVM custom kernel raise ValueError: X.shape[0] should be equal to X.shape[1]
    696  Python numpy scientific notation limit decimals
    696  Python: Intersection of Two 2D Arrays
    696  Multiprocessing/Threading with python causes segmentation fault after half the files are processed
    696  Index error with scipy.interpolate.interp1d
    696  How to install packages ( like copy-paste packages into sites-packages folder) Python 2.7
    696  How to apply crank-nicolson method in python to a wave equation like schrodinger's
    696  How does one use numpy's Meshgrid function with a random interval rather than a equally spaced one?
    696  Given n functions yi(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 and q queries
    696  Generating a matrix from pairwise comparison on a single vector in TensorFlow
    696  Elegant list comprehension to extract values in one dimension of an array based on values in another dimension
    696  Creating simple list from calendar dates Python
    696  create N random points all more distant than given length L (python and N = 200)
    695  Way to parse Python pandas DataFrame to Matrix Market (MM) Format?
    695  ValueError: shape mismatch
    695  Remove Single Quotes From Numpy Array
    695  Python 2.6 64 bit - scipy.ndimage import error
    695  Printing multiple tables together in Python
    695  Prediction with LSTM using Keras
    695  Optimize Cython code for numpy variance calculation
    695  numpy genfromtxt strings int mixed data types
    695  Numpy: find mean coordinate of points along line
    695  Most efficient way to apply Look Up Tables to NUMPY array in Python 3
    695  Mapping numpy array of vectors to dictionary
    695  Line has wrong number of columns, but I can't find which line
    695  IndexError: index is out of bounds for axis 0 python numpy
    695  Incorrect results when applying solution to real data
    695  How to handle System Error in Python?
    695  Efficient way to Reshape Data for Time Series Prediction Machine Learning (Numpy)
    695  Create 3D array from multiple 2D arrays
    695  C++ Pointer to Numpy Array
    694  Printing Curve Fit Function
    694  matplotlib scatter plot np.choose Value error
    694  insert to Db2 using Flask and sqlalchemy
    694  How to diagonalise sparse csr 1D-matrix (vector) in Python?
    694  Function of meshgrid numpy
    694  'float' object is not callable
    694  Fastest way to sample sequences from a non-uniform distribution in numpy
    694  Connecting probabilities with labels in scikit-learn
    694  Best way in Python to determine all possible intersections in a matrix?
    693  tile operation to create a csr_matrix from one row of another csr_matrix
    693  third dimension must be 3 or 4 in matplotlib while i want to save 2
    693  Slicing a sparse scipy matrix to subsample for every 10th row and column
    693  Row assignment to numpy array
    693  Repeatable Error During Numpy.Test() on 64 Bit Windows 8.1 System
    693  Python Array slicing. [:,:]
    693  numpy replace groups of elements with integers incrementally
    693  Numpy Aggregate Rows and Sum
    693  MatPlotLib Scatter Plot Points All Have Same Color
    693  Group 2D numpy array elements which have equal 1st column values
    693  Getting days since last occurence in Pandas DataFrame?
    693  Fixed-length HOG descriptor for variable sized images
    693  Curve-fitting sinusoidal data in Python?
    693  Can't get SVC Score function to work
    693  Another sigmoidal regression equation question
    692  Scikit-Learn Encoding Categorical Features - ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    692  Save and send large numpy arrays with Flask
    692  ParaView, VTK, Numpy and plot over line
    692  numpy won't print full (unsummarized array)
    692  How to read a specific column of csv file using python
    692  How to ''inflate'' an array in numpy? [duplicate]
    692  How to filter a numpy array based on indices? [duplicate]
    692  How to combine multiple numpy arrays into a dictionary list
    692  Faster looping with itertools
    692  Checking specific bits of a bitmask
    691  Why do pickle + gzip outperform h5py on repetitive datasets?
    691  When setting the floating point type in PyTorch, what is the difference between tensor type and dtype, and when should I set one over the other?
    691  Turn numpy list into column vector [duplicate]
    691  Trading with Numpy
    691  python - save dict to .npy format
    691  Python - Easily importing csv arrays from multiple column sets
    691  Numba or Cython acceleration in reaction-diffusion algorithm
    691  Installing numpy/matplotlib/etc. on Mac
    691  How to use HoloMap in Holoviews to view 2D Array slices (Python 3.5.1)
    691  How to implement pair-wise distance in TensorFlow?
    691  how to convert from MySQL datetime to numpy datetime64?
    691  How to compare same row in different column with python?
    691  how to apply a generic function over numpy rows?
    691  Compression ratio for numpy array
    691  Comparison between a list and numpy array
    691  Average two rows in Python while ignoring NaN
    691  argmax result as a subtensor
    691  Adding dimensions using numpy.reshape()
    690  Pandas bar plot to numpy array
    690  numpy mask for 2d array with all values in 1d array
    690  Manhattan Distance between (P, Q) and (R,)
    690  Load data to a numpy array by piping the output of an external program
    690  How to create a 2D mesh with refinement? Python
    690  how to convert all dot decimal marker in csv files to comma using python?
    690  How to add new column to existing csv file
    690  Generate Binary Data Array From a Range of Numbers
    690  FDTD with numpy
    690  Error when trying to use NumbaPro's @vectorize decorator
    690  Difference between deg2rad and radians in numpy?
    690  Creating Grid with Numpy Performance
    690  3g coverage map - visualise lat, long, ping data
    689  ValueError: Found array with dim 34644. Expected 80841
    689  Tensorflow incompatible shapes between batch size and actual output
    689  Store csv file in array removing first column [Python]
    689  Scipy Python wheel
    689  Replace the diagonal elements of a matrix with sum of other elements in the row in Python
    689  Reading numpy ndarrays into R?
    689  python sine and cosine precision
    689  Opening a binary (32 bit signed integer .dat) file into numpy arrays
    689  Numpy, how to add column names to Numpy array
    689  Memory usage of scipy.fftpack
    689  how to perform a generalised eigendecomposition here?
    689  How to get first and last values in numpy arange?
    689  How to format training input and output data on Keras
    689  How to find longest consecutive ocurrence of non-zero elements in 2D numpy array
    689  How to filter this data in pandas data frame or numpy array?
    689  how to create a mask from time points for a numpy array?
    689  How to apply taylor series expansion to an image in opencv?
    689  Evenly distributed random strings in Python
    689  bootstrap numpy 2D array
    688  solvePnP object_points / image_points shape?
    688  Select gridded data from input array python [closed]
    688  Replacing entries in a numpy array with their quantile index with python
    688  Rendering a surface (or a smoothed volume) from a numpy array with VTK
    688  Python: share a large dictionary of objects between multiple processes
    688  model.score in scikit returning NaN
    688  Integrating over a circle in a 2D array
    688  How to fix ''IndexError: list index out of range'' in Tensorflow
    688  How to fix 'AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'' error in python with Tensorflow / Keras when loading Model
    688  How to do IIR filter when most of the coefficients are zero
    688  How to apply a function in parallel to multiple images in a numpy array?
    688  Error in tensorflow placeholder.
    688  Converting 2D Array into 3D Array Numpy Python 3.6
    688  Append array in for loop
    687  Value Error trying to fit a neural network classifier using GridSearchCV
    687  Trouble storing numpy array in sqlite3 with python
    687  Surface Area of a Hypar (hyperbolic paraboloid)
    687  python (scipy): How to find multiple roots of an equation by passing in the jacobian as well
    687  Pythonic way of creating 2D numpy array
    687  Python - Are calls to functions of numpy.random thread safe?
    687  Problem creating CFloat64 ENVI files with GDAL 1.6.1
    687  Parallelize resolution of differential equation in Python
    687  numpy.loadtxt unix timestamp converter
    687  numpy dot product for tensors (3d times 2d)
    687  Moving window with complete boundary in Python
    687  How to speed up math operations in Python?
    687  How to draw bar in python
    687  Get date column from numpy loadtxt()
    687  Finding the closest ground pixel on an irregular grid for given coordinates
    687  Field names from dtype listing?
    687  Excel Date error importing with Python Pandas - 'must be string, not Timestamp'
    686  Why is numpy's sine function so inaccurate at some points?
    686  Unable to calculate mahalanobis distance
    686  Scipy/Numpy: summation over multiple indices
    686  python numpy structured array issue
    686  Plot circular gradients using numpy
    686  Multiplying column elements of sparse Matrix
    686  In python pandas adding age bands to dataframe
    686  eulerian-magnification tuple index out of range python
    686  Equivalent R ''findcorrelation(corr,cutoff = 0.75)'' in python pandas
    686  cifar10 randomize train and test set
    686  Aubio 0.4.0 Python Windows Installed but failing when creating aubio source
    685  Why PIL draw polygon does not accept numpy array?
    685  What is the Big O Complexity of Reversing the Order of Columns in Pandas DataFrame?
    685  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence python,numpy [duplicate]
    685  Python: Symmetric Difference Sorted List
    685  Pandas  -  filling pandas column with random normal variable with mean from another column
    685  NumPy's dot product gives two different results depending on array dtype
    685  numpy *= not working
    685  Numpy get values from np.argmin indices [duplicate]
    685  Numba and random numbers from poisson distribution
    685  How to compare (x,y) points in array to extract rectangular shape in python
    685  get column names from numpy genfromtxt in python
    685  Generation of Probability Density Function and Confidence Intervals
    685  finding height and width of an image using numpy and pixel locations
    685  efficient sign function in python for case of periodic boundary conditions
    685  Cython MemoryError
    685  Converting ill-formed csv file to numpy array
    684  Vectorization of cumulative sum in python
    684  Swift returning the indexes that will sort an array (similar to numpy argsort) [duplicate]
    684  SciPy Optimization algorithm
    684  Saving GeoTiff with color scheme
    684  Python matrix swapping columns
    684  Plot matrix as heatmap with given cell size in python
    684  numpy.savetxt fmt='%f', appending concatenated arrays to a list
    684  Numpy array of images wrong dimension Python and Keras
    684  Multiplying masked arrays changes fill value in numpy
    684  Import Errors with Python script run in R [closed]
    684  How to perform row wise OR operation on a 2D numpy array?
    684  How to load Pickle objects with JSON in Python 2.7?
    684  How to link to FORTRAN library via numpy distutils
    684  Fitting the training error of a neural network
    684  extracting equal number of samples for each class in a unbalanced samples scenario
    684  Efficient way to “look ahead” values in a pandas df
    684  designing a roll rate transition martix table in python
    684  Cropping greyscale images within larger images using OpenCV and python
    684  C++ - Python Embedding with numpy
    684  byte array numpy Python 2 vs Python 3
    684  Building ATLAS for NumPY/SciPy installation on Debian fails
    683  What is the PyTorch equivalent to Numpy's linalg.solve?
    683  Using numpy.rate, on numpy array returns nan's unexpectedly
    683  scipy.optimize.brute converges outside of range?
    683  Python OpenCV/Numpy memory allocation error--on only the better of two machines?
    683  Python list comprehension over arrays
    683  Python a way to mask two array with different dtype (unit 8 and unit16)
    683  pyOpenCL getting different results compared to numpy
    683  Opposite of numpy.delete
    683  Jacobi Method & Basic Matrix Math using NUMPY
    683  How to make a rectangular matrix square on pandas dataframe
    683  How to get a reverse mapping in numpy in O(1)?
    683  Find location of slice in numpy array
    683  Errno2 No Such File or Directory using
    683  Check if all elements in numpy array match a number
    683  Change values inside array based on logic - Python
    683  Calling filter functions from within a block-by-block processing function
    682  Why are scipy's sparse solvers giving incorrect answers?
    682  What type has kdb's xbar time
    682  Python - Why scatter of matplotlib plots points which have negative coordinates, with positive coordinates?
    682  PyOpenCL indexing 3D arrays inside kernel code
    682  PyInstaller makes my 4kb python program 163MB. Is this normal?
    682  NumPy precision when doing dot product
    682  NumPy MemoryError when using array constructors
    682  numpy.linalg.inv() doesn't work
    682  Merging ND array into single array and list
    682  MemoryError when calling to_categorical in keras
    682  Is it possible to compare two similar songs given their wav files?
    682  Get anti-diagonal of a Numpy array
    682  Finding points in space closer than a certain value
    682  Fast numpy array structure for appending and creation of pandas dataframe
    682  Extract numbers and text from csv file with Python3.X
    682  Dropout: why is my neural network not working?
    682  Draw approximate curve using quadratic equation
    682  Difficulty determining the type of a numpy int64
    682  Demystifying a segmentation fault involving numpy and pyqt4
    682  compiling numpy with sunperf atlas libraries
    681  vectorize, reshape, and normalise my image to image like mnist.train.images
    681  Using zlib to compress a NumPy array in Cython
    681  Subclassing and extending numpy.ndarray
    681  Reading binary data and Distribute the data in grid file Python
    681  Pandas Aggregate Method on RollingGroupby
    681  numpy.fromstring separated by any whitespace
    681  np where statement gets: ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()
    681  Memory error with numpy. array
    681  how to install numpy? [duplicate]
    681  How do I add elements from one numpy array to another at certain indices?
    681  from sqlite3 BLOB (x,y data) to numpy array?
    681  Error while importing numpy module in python
    681  equivalent of using #include <Numeric/arrayobject.h> in Numpy
    681  Constrain values of an array
    681  Are ubuntu's BLAS-implementations parallel?
    681  A faster numpy.polynomial?
    680  Understanding NumPy dtype ''c'' with strings
    680  TypeError: data type not understood opencv python
    680  Subsetting Numpy array using conditional index
    680  replace a white pixel with a black pixel in a Numpy array
    680  Python print aligned numpy array
    680  Passing a c++ vector to python and back
    680  Opencv is installed via pip but can't import it in cmd
    680  numpy.interpd -returning only the last value after interpolation
    680  How to use Python 3 to import Excel files with CSV extensions saved as Unicode Text?
    680  How to use np.random.seed() to create new matrix with fixed random value
    680  How to fix Numpy 'otypes' within Pandas dataframe?
    680  How can I get the pixels matrix of an image without using numpy?
    680  Does realloc actually shrink buffers in common implementations?
    680  array/list/tuple of nparrays with variable length?
    679  What does numpy.cov actually do
    679  scipy curve_fit using linear weights instead of sigmas
    679  Reading a large numpy save file iteratively (i.e. with a generator) when the dtype=object
    679  Python: List is overwritten. But Why?
    679  Python Install Error: AttributeError: BetterRotatingFileHandler instance has no attribute 'filters'
    679  Python: Installed Anaconda, but can't import numpy or matplotlib in Jupyter notebook
    679  Pip install Numpy Errors
    679  Piecewise function: Find equation and solve it using data points
    679  Pandas append filtered row to another DataFrame
    679  Optimize Python: Large arrays, memory problems
    679  Numpy Performance - Outer Product of a vector with its transpose
    679  np.isreal behavior different in pandas.DataFrame and numpy.array
    679  Matplotlib & Numpy incompatibility with some Pandas functions? - integer is required
    679  how to use datestr2num instead of strpdate2num
    679  How to use a train.csv , test.csv and ground_truth.csv in a machine learning model? (cross validation/ python)
    679  How to drop/remove outliers from Numpy Array
    679  h5py (HDF5) - random error with large ndarray - IOError: Can't prepare for writing data
    679  getting the bitmask of a text string in python
    679  Get a histogram array for the region using imhist(); [PYTHON]
    679  Fast way to transpose np.arrays and write them to file
    679  Fast Iteration of numpy arrays
    679  Cython and numpy
    679  Convert location of point on raster layer to location of point in NumPy array
    678  Why is linalg.norm faster than sum of squares for 1-d numpy arrays, but not 2-d arrays?
    678  Why does float64 produce a RuntimeWarning where float produces a nan?
    678  Unicode elementwise string comparison in numpy
    678  TypeError: 'Quantity' object is not callable
    678  tensorflow module has no stack method
    678  'Symbol' object has no attribute 'sin'
    678  Summing and removing repeated elements of Numpy Arrays
    678  Read npy data file in Python and export as text file
    678  Python Numpy: Replace duplicate values with mean value
    678  python numpy `array of function (lambda function)
    678  python - comparing series/dataframe with multi-index dataframe
    678  Principal component analysis (PCA) compute mean using python
    678  Pandas/Numpy help vectorizing or using df.apply [duplicate]
    678  Numpy doesn't work with 32 bit Python on 64 bit windows
    678  Load and concatenate numpy arrays
    678  Initializing numpy array from np.empty
    678  How to overcome MemoryError of numpy.unique
    678  How to create python exe by py2exe with OpenCV functionality
    678  How to compare numpy arrays ignoring nans?
    678  How to add a single colobar that will show the data from 2 different subplot
    678  Correct way to implement piecewise function in pandas / numpy
    678  Confused about (x,y) order with RectBivariateSpline
    678  Combine numpy arrays to form a matrix
    678  Block tridiagonal matrices, how to program this kind of matrix?
    678  Assigning coefficient vector back to features in scikit learn Lasso
    678  Ascending order sorting in Dataframe-Pandas after GroupBy
    678  Are Scipy operations done row-by-row rather than column-by-column as in Matlab?
    677  Vstack over an empty array [duplicate]
    677  ValueError: Setting void-array with object members using buffer. Plotting a timeseries of an numpy array
    677  Transpose Data in Python [duplicate]
    677  str object and string dtypes mismatch in Cython
    677  NaNs comparing equal in Numpy
    677  Mayavi has stopped working, crashes Python Jupyter notebook
    677  Interleave a numpy array with itself
    677  Improve min/max downsampling
    677  Getting numpy linspace generated coordinates
    677  Energy function not returning value
    677  Constructing Sparse CSR Matrix Directly vs Using COO tocsr() - Scipy
    677  Calculate non-integer frequency with NumPy FFT
    677  Analysing peaks in python
    677  2D array slicing by float value in Python
    676  What are the possible numpy value format strings?
    676  using python how to calculate quartile/percentile & gives criteria for create a new column for analysis?
    676  Speed up nested for-loops in python / going through numpy array
    676  Python - Replace data of an array by 2 values of a second array
    676  Python - Plot series from array if above a threshold
    676  Numpy array slicing vs. for-loop results
    676  Make every possible combination in 2D array
    676  K value vs Accuracy in KNN
    676  how to transfer an numpy array into another array
    676  How to remove extra quotes from csv?
    676  How to get the second half of a list of lists as a list of lists?
    676  How to color a plot using a colormap based on the probability distribution of a parameter?
    676  How do you display a 2D numpy array in glade-3 ?
    676  Handling masked numpy array
    676  Gaussian filter of 2d image with location dependant sigma in Python
    676  Efficient Datatype Python (list or numpy array?)
    676  Distribution mean and standard deviation using scipy.stats
    676  condition inside numpy index bracket?
    676  Building a mask from a set of segment ranges
    676  AttributeError: function' object has no attribute 'linreg'
    676  Alternative to arange with numpy arrays as boundaries
    675  Why there are two square brackets required inside numpy array?
    675  What happens when a numpy memmap array is copied?
    675  Using .mean() in numpy
    675  Solution method used for Scipy solve_banded matrix
    675  skip a value in one dimension of numpy array
    675  Resize/stretch 2d histogram in matplotlib with x-y dependent number of bins?
    675  Python rounding of random floats to nearest points on a 2D uniform mesh grid
    675  Python: How to replace values in array by NaNs?
    675  Pandas: read file with special characters in a column
    675  Orientation of a best fit plane in 3D space
    675  Numpy slice with array as index
    675  NumPy: Is it safe to store an int64 value in an np.array with dtype float64 and later convert it back to integer?
    675  Numpy: how to simulate propagation in a lattice
    675  Matplotlib figure changes for publication after making the figure
    675  load the data with numpy.loadtxt and replace a new line in a file with command
    675  Linear Regression with 3 input vectors and 4 output vectors?
    675  Lda2Vec on Python 2.7
    675  Interpreting numpy.where results
    675  How to determine from the Power Spectral Density if my data is 1/f noise?
    675  How to check if an array is multidimensional
    675  How do I merge a list and a csr matrix
    675  Filling zeros in numpy array that are between non-zero elements with the same value
    675  Error while importing scipy.spatial.distance in python
    675  differentiating a polynomial interpolated set of data points
    675  AttributeError when using numpy.logical_and with Pandas Series object
    675  Adding Pivoting to the following Gauss Elimination code
    675  Adding new rows to an array dynamcally
    674  Why does pip show tell me that I have numpy version 1.13.1, while Pandas thinks I have numpy version 1.8.0rc1
    674  Solving multiple PDEs in Fipy
    674  Simple way to animate matplotlib plot without using collections
    674  Python KeyError: pandas: match row value to column name/key where some keys are missing
    674  Python indexing numpy array using a smaller boolean array
    674  Numpy.Cov of a Large Nx3 Array Produces MemoryError
    674  Normalizing a numpy array
    674  Minimizing a function in python
    674  memory issues when transforming np.array using to_categorical
    674  ld.exe: cannot find -lvcruntime140 when compiling previously working Cython module on new 3.5 install
    674  KeyError when trying to randomize a column of a dataframe
    674  Is there a way to flatten a numpy array in diagonal order efficiently?
    674  Importing large integers from a mixed datatype file with numpy genfromtxt
    674  How to use (Python AHP) numpy.linalg to derive max eigenvalue (doesn't seem to be converging?)
    674  How to get <class 'numpy.str'> instead of <class 'numpy.object_'>
    674  How do I access a numpy array as quickly as a pandas dataframe
    674  How can be used multiple filter in the numpy array?
    674  H5py - using generator to create dataset - ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    674  Grouping values using pandas cut
    674  comparing two columns by if loop in Python
    674  Cannot assign values to a 'double slice' using numpy
    673  using numpy 'where' with an array subset
    673  Tkinter: format RGB values into string
    673  Theano: mixing CPU and GPU?
    673  Swap rows csr_matrix scipy
    673  setting a value in a specific position in an empty matrix using numpy python
    673  Return index of every non-zero element in array
    673  Resample pandas dataframe and interpolate missing values for timeseries data
    673  python.trainData = trainData.astype(np.float)/255.0 ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    673  Preventing nested list output from a for-loop / list comprehension when appending new values to an Array
    673  Parallelize simple for loop using Pytorch on single GPU
    673  pandas dataframe object to datetime minutes
    673  numpy/scipy complex signal convolution with different boundary options
    673  Keep original data type when convert list of list into numpy array
    673  ''ImportError: No module named oldnumeric'' when running PMV from mgltools
    673  How can I separate np.datetime64 information into different columns?
    673  Filtering on one dimension retaining shape of array
    673  dlib/python/macosx error: Expected numpy.ndarray of uint8
    673  Compare two arrays and display the sum of the matches
    673  Check if array row is None and assign it value
    673  Calculate matrix column mean
    672  Windows 10 installed numpy from Wheel ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application
    672  Using python, how to count area of objects with specified dimensions within an image
    672  Scipy mmread for matrix array real general
    672  return indices from filtered, sorted array with numpy
    672  Python - Generate random real number between range with a step size
    672  Pick rows above a row that meets a condition in Pandas [duplicate]
    672  Numpy memmap with file deletion
    672  not able to install numpy package
    672  Loop and bifurcation diagram
    672  How come ''median'' is 2x faster than ''mean'' using statistics package?
    672  Function to transform 3d points to a new coordinate system with numpy
    672  fill new column of pandas DataFrame based on if-else of other columns
    672  Fast weighted scatter matrix calculation
    672  Fastest way to reorder a numpy array across multiple axes using index arrays
    672  face recognition raspberry pi
    672  Drawing in a video
    672  deletechars parameter in genfromtxt not working as expected
    672  Creating intervaled ramp array based on a threshold - Python / NumPy
    672  Boxplots in a matrix with matplotlib
    671  Write numpy structured array using savetxt
    671  Vectorised code for sampling from truncated normal distributions with different intervals
    671  Sum of Gaussians into fast Numpy?
    671  Smooth a bumpy circle
    671  Python: How to fill an array with x repeated n times? [duplicate]
    671  Python 3 - ValueError: Found array with 0 sample(s) (shape=(0, 11)) while a minimum of 1 is required by MinMaxScaler
    671  Plotting image Red channel by intensity
    671  pandas resample doesn't work with numpy 1.7
    671  Pandas Filter by string
    671  ImportError: numpy is not installed on your system
    671  Implementation of a threshold detection function in Python
    671  I got the following error when I attempted to install NumPy using pip, anyone know where is the bug?
    671  How to plot stacked & normalized histograms?
    671  How to apply a custom function with a window parameter in a pandas dataframe?
    671  How could I do the filter in recarray
    671  Generating a tall-and-thin random orthonormal matrix in SciPy
    671  Generate a new numpy array of order 2 filling in each element with a random number in a certain range
    671  Expected 2D array, got 1D array
    671  Error importing numpy package
    671  Efficently multiply a matrix with itself after offsetting it by one in numpy
    670  Trying to find all ordered pairs (x,y) such that f(x,y) = 0 and g(x,y) = 0; i.e., I'm trying to find the roots of a multi-variable function
    670  tensorflow value error with
    670  Spyder not recognising imported terms
    670  Selecting columns from numpy recarray
    670  Python Pure RMSE vs Sklearn
    670  Python Pure RMSE vs Sklearn
    670  Prevent numpy from creating a multidimensional array
    670  Perform operations on elements of a NumPy array
    670  OS X not using most recent NumPY version
    670  numpy: 1d histogram based on 2d-pixel euclidean distance from center
    670  np.roots() causing 'float() argument must be a string or a number' with mp.mpc type problems
    670  masking diagonal to a specific value with Torch tensors
    670  Input samples must be floating-point matrix in function CvKNearest::find_nearest
    670  How to know line and col when the read_csv method of pandas thows exception
    670  Get list of column names all values are NaNs in Python
    670  fixing matplotlib/numpy dependency hell in Anaconda
    670  Finding adjacent elements in 1D numpy array
    670  error when playing sine wave via pygame.sndarray
    670  Efficient blurring of image using a mask in python
    670  Display a 32 bit unsigned int image with Tkinter and Python 3
    670  Average of iterative sum of arrays with nan elements [duplicate]
    670  Acces Cell Data from Paraview Programmable Filter
    669  TensorFlow how to make results reproducible for `tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss`
    669  Slicing a matrix with Python
    669  Sklearn GMM gives shifted gaussian peaks
    669  singular matrix in python implementation of newton-raphson method
    669  Represent a first order differential equation in numpy
    669  Nearest neighbors
    669  list comprehension with np.where to compare two arrays and combine them it first entry is equal
    669  Least square methods: normal equation vs svd
    669  How to write a conditional array operation on a Pandas DataFrame
    669  How to plot 2D data points with color according to third column value
    669  How can I plot a numpy array of x, y, z in 3D surface plot?
    669 in Matlab vs. Python Statsmodels: why the different results?
    669  draw rgb spectrum in python/numpy
    669  creating heatmap with matplotlib
    669  Are there any method that perform same as using ''column stack'' in numpy PYTHON
    669  Apply function along axis over two numpy arrays - shapes not aligned
    668  Two implementations of Numpy fromfile?
    668  save numpy arrays to txt
    668  resampling data - using SMOTE from imblearn with 3D numpy arrays
    668  Python returning map object
    668  python3 multiprocess shared numpy array(read-only)
    668  Pretty print and substitute numpy arrays
    668  Numpy transpose usage
    668  Numpy Leastsq fitting returning unchanged inital guess in all cases
    668  numpy get values in array of arrays of arrays for array of indices
    668  NumPy dot prodoct of a 2d array and a 3D array element wise
    668  Numpy array rounding not working
    668  Numpy.arange(start, end, step) equivalent in Java for float values
    668  Nested range() in range() in Python
    668  Multiple ranges / np.arange [duplicate]
    668  Implications of manually setting scipy sparse matrix shape
    668  How to split an 2D array, creating arrays from ''row to row'' values
    668  How to skip 2 or 3 lines to plot graph at matplotlib python
    668  How to show the full scikit's sparse matrix
    668  How to resample a Numpy array of arbitrary dimensions?
    668  How to plot 10 traces in same figure with different color in python?
    668  How avoid changing numpy array's shape when appending?
    668  Hexbin scatter plot between two 2D numpy arrays
    667  When updating a numpy.memmap'd file in parallel, is there a way to only ''flush'' a slice and not the whole file?
    667  What would be Python/pandas equivalent of this R code for rearranging columns of a dataframe?
    667  Triangular indices for multidimensional arrays in numpy
    667  Strange values from SciPy's uniform_filter
    667  Slicing outside numpy array
    667  Simplifying double einsum
    667  Simple Torch7 equivalent to numpy.roll
    667  Reversing axis in Numpy array using C-API
    667  resample and normalize a numpy array for gesture recognition
    667  Python Text Matrix using NumPy and pandas
    667  Python Numpy - Matrix replaces defined matrix in global matrix.. similar to Matlab
    667  Python networkx: grouping nodes based on a node attribute
    667  Python - Difficulty Calculating Partition Function using Large NumPy arrays
    667  Numpy date time conversion
    667  Lat, Lon, Values CSV to Raster Map Using Python
    667  Iterate over Numpy array for Tensorflow
    667  Iterate over array of arrays with scipy.weave.inline
    667  Is there a good way of iterating through several lists(where sometimes they are single valued) in python
    667  Is there a configuration file for Numpy?
    667  How to write a 3d array to a text file
    667  How to create struct for passing between nodes using mpi4py
    667  Getting a proper Delaunay triangulation of an annulus (using python)
    667  Applying lambda function on two columns in a Dataframe to get Geolocation
    667  Access a Numpy Recarray via the C-API
    666  Why does creating this memoryview raise a ValueError only when assigning to a variable?
    666  Python Pandas - find consecutive group with max aggregate values
    666  python - numpy loadtxt, define type for specific columns
    666  Python: improve speed interpolation technique using matplotlib natgrid toolkit with a huge amount of points
    666  Python - finding complement of 2 lists [duplicate]
    666  Python 3.5 pip installation of numpy error
    666  numpy multiplication: can not broadcast
    666  Matrix multiplication resulting in different values in MATLAB and NUMPY(?) [duplicate]
    666  Making simple graph histogram in Python3
    666  Make a 2D out of 1D numpy array [duplicate]
    666  Is cross platform?
    666  Intersecting rows of Numpy 2d Array
    666  I cannot fully uninstall numpy
    666  how to zoom to a specific range for the initial plot/zoom?
    666  How to use vectorized NumPy operations on lambda functions that return constant values?
    666  How to used np.where to return a list of tuples with all positions in a 2D numpy array equal to zero?
    666  How to avoid gaps with matplotlib.fill_between and where
    666  How do i replace nan in 2d array with other 2d array value
    666  Finding the median of a set of pictures using PIL and NumPy gives a black and white image
    666  Fast way to multiple 3D tensors of shape (1, 1, 256) and (10, 1, 256) in PyTorch and Numpy
    666  error: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (3,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (3,3)
    666  Colored 3D plot
    666  Artifact in image translation by Fourier phase shift in NumPy
    665  ValueError: could not convert string to float with a specific file name
    665  scipy interpolate 2D data imported from file
    665  Python Plotting via Matplotlib - Can't get xlabel and ylabel to show up on plot
    665  Python numpy data pointer addresses change without modification
    665  numpy wrong shape of imported data and separating the y value
    665  numpy vs Matlab speed - arctan and power
    665  numpy.logical_and explanation in code example
    665  Numpy installation error. (Mingw32CCompiler instance has no attribute 'compile_options')
    665  Numpy array - stack multiple columns into one using reshape
    665  Is there a way to load a .obj file into Pandas or Numpy?
    665  Is there a faster way of extracting row/column submatrices from scipy.sparse.dok_matrix?
    665  How to use CUDA pinned ''zero-copy'' memory for a memory mapped file?
    665  How to plot vector field on image?
    665  How to pad numpy arrays on all sides with 0 [duplicate]
    665  How to index one array with another using SciPy CSR Sparse Arrays?
    665  How to implement ''where'' (numpy.where( ... ) )?
    665  How to convert numpy array elements to spark RDD column values
    665  How can I use numpy to calculate a series effectively?
    665  Find rows in numpy array of matplotlib date objects
    665  Find most common string in a 2D list
    665  Efficient way to convert numpy matrix into a nested dictionary
    665  Compiling n submatrices into an NxN matrix in numpy
    665  applying onehotencoder on numpy array
    665  Adding single column ones to a matrix in NumPy
    665  Accessing/segmenting columns in a numpy recarray
    664  Why extreme large value to 0 frequency fft (numpy.fft.fft method)
    664  Using scipy.interpolate.interp1d to calculate the x value where y =0.95
    664  Tensorflow accuracy is 1.0 but the network isn't learning
    664  Reading binary file with specific sequence in Python
    664  numpy -Create a 4 x 4 matrix and add values 4,5,6 above the parent diagonal
    664  Numpy and Scipy matrix inversion functions differences
    664  max value from specified column in numpy array
    664  how to add a column to existing array
    664  How do I equalize an image and plot it to an histogram with openCV and numpy
    664  Exact string match str.count(), pandas python
    664  curve fitting not optimistic using scipy curve_fit [closed]
    664  correct way to calculate KL-divergence in python, with numpy only
    664  Compare multiple histograms in file OpenCV
    664  Can't load HDF5 files in Python
    664  Block Diagonal of list of matrices
    663  Why the matrix inversion function in numpy and scipy returns different results with big quadratic matrices?
    663  Where does numpy.ndarray's iterable behavior come from?
    663  Splitting arrays python
    663  Split timestamp column into two new columns in CSV using python and pandas
    663  Python: size of the resulting function of the convolution of two Gaussians with np.convolve
    663  Python/Numpy if statement syntax
    663  Python - 1-dimensional array given. Array must be at least two-dimensional
    663  Project a multi-class array into a binary matrix
    663  Pick up elements of a numpy array for defined intervals
    663  Passing 3D numpy array from cython to C++
    663  Numpy/Scipy Solve simulataneous equations with integrals in them
    663  Numpy griddata interpolation up to certain radius
    663  numpy.gradient() seems to produce erroneous boundary values (using first differences)
    663  Numpy FFT error - Comb filter with envelope
    663  matplotlib correct colors/colorbar for plot with multiple surfaces each of a different color
    663  How to properly broadcast array indexing for NumPy arrays
    663  How to print the full NumPy array without wrapping (in Jupyter Notebook)
    663  How do I search for indices that satisfy condition in numpy?
    663  Forcing specific intercepts using scipy.curve_fit
    663  FFT Filter on Complex Numbers in Python
    663  Fast way to select from numpy array without intermediate index array
    663  Comparing subarrays in numpy
    662  Writing Numpy Array with NaNs into CSV in python
    662  When subclassing a numpy ndarray, how can I modify __getitem__ properly?
    662  Unusually large value for statistic in wilcoxon test in scipy
    662  Unable to install Numpy on AWS EC2 Python 3.6
    662  Python multiprocessing numpy.linalg.pinv cause segfault
    662  python: Error with numpy.where
    662  numpy.irr returns error: ValueError(''Input must be a rank-1 array.'')
    662  Numpy check where elements of two arrays are approximately equal
    662  Numba: vectorize standard SciPy ufunc's and numpy.sum() syntax error
    662  np.where index is greater than a certain value
    662  NetCDF4 Assign value into variable issue
    662  How to work with probabilistic classification with scikit learn SVC's?
    662  how to set scale and size in np.random.exponential
    662  How to apply cramer V on 2x2 matrix
    662  gcc error with Python C API code - ''ISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object''
    662  Fill matrix of occurences from column/row arrays of indexes
    662  fill array in list with zeros
    662  Cython, numpy speed-up
    662  Creating a numpy array in C from an allocated array is causing memory leaks
    662  cmap for use with line plot
    661  Why is univariate Horner in Fortran faster than NumPy counterpart while bivariate Horner is not
    661  What's the most efficient way to compute the mode in a sliding window over a 2D array in Python?
    661  Usage of parallel option in numba.jit decoratior makes function give wrong result
    661  Trying to print shortest path from P matrix
    661  Stuck implementing simple neural network
    661  random subsampling of the majority class
    661  Python Store Slice Index as Object
    661  Python numpy: perform function on each pair of columns in a numpy 2-D array?
    661  Python numpy: log10 inside where raises a warning  -  invalid value encountered
    661  Python - " AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'Tc' (Tc is one of the arguments) [closed]
    661  Potential Scipy bug in scipy.stats.mstats.theilslopes?
    661  Plotting the results of a Fourier transform with matplotlib
    661  Mean over a sub-interval Python
    661  Load MNIST Dataset in Sklearn-Friendly Format
    661  Largest (n) numbers with Index and Column name in Pandas DataFrame
    661  Interpolate unsorted array maintaining the order of the elements
    661  How to solve numpy import error when calling Anaconda env from Matlab
    661  How to convert image file object to numpy array in with openCv python?
    661  Fitting unorganized data to a sphere using scipy.interpolate.SmoothSphereBivariateSpline
    661  Fit function with preallocated buffer memory in scipy.optimize.leastsq
    661  dot product between numpy and sparse matrix
    661  Cython+NumPy - compiler not using numpy.pyd
    660  solve linear equations given variables and uncertainties: scipy-optimize?
    660  reduce size of pretrained deep learning model for feature generation
    660  numpy._r with a list
    660  Numpy array, indexing and convolving confusion
    660  'NoneType' object is not subscriptable  -  using `np.fromregex` [closed]
    660  Mean and standard deviation of lognormal distribution do not match analytic values
    660  Iterating over an numpy.ndarray along an axis
    660  Indexing empty numpy array with empty list
    660  How do I get the indexes of unique row for a specified column in a two dimensional array
    660  Finding upper/lower triangular form of arbitrary matrix n*n - python
    660  Compare each value of a Series against every other value from another Series in pandas
    660  Build matrix without loops?
    660  Better design to evaluate Goal States for Tic-Tac-Toe using Numpy
    659  What is the idiomatic way of casting to float using `astype( ... )` in Pandas DataFrame/Series (and how about NumPy)?
    659  Using numpy's flatten_dtype with structured dtypes that have titles
    659  Split a multidimensional numpy array using a condition
    659  Setting structured array field in Numba
    659  Python Multiprocessing - ApplyResult.get() NameError: global name 'self' is not defined
    659  PySpark: Cannot create dataframe from list
    659  numpy.random.normal different distribution: selecting values from distribution
    659  Numpy installation gets stuck on ec2 micro instance
    659  numpy and pytables issue (error: tuple index out of range)
    659  (Loading .mat file as image in OpenCV) - Reshaping numpy array with 128 channels to 3 channels
    659  How to avoid copy of a non-global numpy array between process?
    659  Finding x and y values corresponding to given z value in 3D numpy object
    659  Expanding numpy array dimension with [:,newaxis] vs reshape(-1,1)
    659  Diff Between numpy.random.exponential and random.expovariate
    658  ''ValueError: could not convert string to float:'' when assigning string to np.empty
    658  Storing Each Iteration of Array after Loop Completion
    658  Remove tuples in a 2D numpy array that satisfy 2 conditions
    658  Python: unpacking string of integers to complex numbers
    658  Python ndarray form big file, memory error
    658  numpy SVD giving wrong values?
    658  numpy.nan_to_num - 'nan' keyword not recorgnized
    658  Numpy masked array argmax not returning 'masked' on fully masked array?
    658  How to read float numbers in a file into a list
    657  Summation by class label without loop in numpy
    657  sum from array until a given value is reached.
    657  Subclassing numpy ndarray breaks at __getitem__
    657  Solving system of nonlinear equations with Python, Euler's formula
    657  Sklearn Spectral Clustering error in fit_predict : k must be between 1 and the order of the square input matrix
    657  python/numpy: vectorize nested for loops
    657  Python memory leak when converting and saving numpy array as image
    657  python making bitmap data from 2d array
    657  python looping over specified array elements
    657  PixelCNN training error 'keepdims'
    657  Numpy normalization code is strangely slow
    657  map() function increase the dimension in python
    657  Logistic regression: objects are not aligned
    657  Logical indices in numpy throwing exception [duplicate]
    657  Improving performance iterating in 2d numpy array
    657  How to savetxt with numpy different data formats?
    657  How to get __radd__ to work with numpy arrays
    657  How to fit a function to a 3D numpy array?
    657  How to apply a short FIR low-pass filter in Python
    657  Format Data for Statsmodels Linear Regression
    657  Fast method of converting all strings in a list to integers
    657  Efficiently select random non-zero column from each row of sparse matrix in scipy
    657  Convert pandas to numpy.ndarray for sparse.hstack
    657  Converting positive and negative values to a bitstring using numpy.clip
    657  1-D LDA output dimension in Numpy
    656  Weighted cumulative sum python
    656  using stdint with swig and numpy.i
    656  use np.savetxt to save structured numpy array containing string and float
    656  Theano: How to take a ''matrix outer product'' where the elements are matrices
    656  Save a csr_matrix and a numpy array in one file
    656  Paraview for Data Display Over Time
    656  Pandas: Get ohlc data for every row
    656  Numpy Array creation causing ''ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'n'''
    656  Multiple 1d interpolations in python
    656  How to mosaic arrays using numpy?
    656  How to initialize sparse matrices with zeros?
    656  How to convert a list of variables into numpy arrays
    656  How to check efficiently if numpy array a contains b
    656  Error Message Using numpy.polyfit
    655  Visible Deprecation Warning Python
    655  SVM - How can I vectorize a kernalized gram matrix?
    655  Semantic Segmentation to Bounding Boxes
    655  Python: numpy array to vtk stl-file creator. How to set spacing?
    655  Python Alternative to itertools product with numpy
    655  Problems importing numpy into IPython notebook
    655  numpy trimming trailing zeros in byte strings
    655  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'drop'
    655  numpy.memmap returns not enough memory while there are plenty available
    655  numpy histogram boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is
    655  np.size in pandas groupby Transform is slow (optimization needed)
    655  Interpolating data for two different time stamps in python
    655  Index error index 14238 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2
    655  importing an array from a .dat file in python
    655  How to Retrieve Original Variables After Scikit Model Run w/OneHotEncoding
    655  How to read csv file into Python 2d array?
    655  How to compute Multicompare Tukey HSD in python?
    655  Find the nth time a specific value is exceeded in numpy array
    655  Faster way of calculating hamming distance in numpy array with long bitstrings
    655  Error when computing eigenvalues of a scipy LinearOperator: ''gmres did not converge''
    655  Divide each element of numpy matrix by the unit vector of that row
    655  cross products with einsums
    655  Can you use numpy to calculate the magnitude of difference?
    655  A numpy.where error? [duplicate]
    654  Warning message when including numpy/arryobject.h
    654  virtual environment in python3.4 won't import different modules
    654  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
    654  Syntax Error in function definition
    654  Storing large Numpy arrays in MongoDB
    654  Sklearn Spectral Clustering error for inf or NaNs in matrix
    654  Simple Numpy 2-D matrix and meshgrid - ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
    654  shapes (401,1) and (401,1) not aligned: 1 (dim 1) != 401 (dim 0)
    654  Reading data generated from FORTRAN90 file into NUMPY array
    654  Python numpy 2D array minimum values
    654  Python : could not convert string to float error
    654  Parse parameter to custom kernel function of SVM in Sci-kit Learn
    654  Out of memory converting image files to numpy array
    654  Implement histogram equalization without built-in functions [closed]
    654  How to read data from npy file as TensorFlow dataset
    654  How to get the index of non-zero value in a numpy array quickly?
    654  How to get constant function to keep shape in NumPy
    654  How to generate noise with a chosen spatial distribution with numpy?
    654  How to find row of 2d array in 3d numpy array
    654  How to define a (n, 0) sparse matrix in scipy or how to assemble a sparse matrix column wise?
    654  Combining two unequal arrays
    654  automatic array calculus in python (numpy)
    653  why does not parallelize in python/numpy even though multithreaded blas being installed?
    653  value error in python script
    653  Understanding the runtime of numpy.where and equivalent alternatives
    653  Sliding window on list of lists in Python
    653  Python. Remove from array (presented as list of lists) rows and columns by condition
    653  Python embedding C++: Importing external modules
    653  pyfits not working for windows 64 bit
    653  Problem while calculating roc curve using sklearn for an array of binaries and an array of float scores
    653  Pandas vectorised function cumsum versus numpy
    653  Overflow error when trying to save a numpy array as an image using scipy.misc.imsave
    653  Masked Numpy arrays much slower than normal numpy arrays
    653  IPython - get rid of numpy newlines on matrix printout
    653  How to efficiently map data between time series in python
    653  How to convert a unformatted fortran file(modflow output ) to numpy array
    653  How do I keep the mask when slicing a masked array in Numpy?
    653  going from signed PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE to floating point number in python
    653  Get a value in a numpy array from a index in a variable
    653  Find overlapping columns ratio in pandas
    653  Diagonalisation of an array of 2D arrays
    653  converting a list to numpy array resulting much larger memory than expected
    653  computing recall and precision with tensorflow
    653  Boolean indexing with Numpy Array, tuples and Ellipsis
    652  Writing and Reading numpy objects an plain text
    652  solving a sparse non linear system of equations using scipy.optimize.root
    652  Same SciPy.linalg.eigh() eigenvalues are not equal
    652  Reducing memory usage when indexing in Numpy
    652  Randomly generate more proportion of zeroes python
    652  Python regex for following find and replace in string
    652  OMP warning when numpy 1.9.2+MKL is packaged with py2exe
    652  MemoryError when using
    652  Mayavi mesh - numpy meshgrid no display
    652  Input to the fit method in scikit-learn
    652  How to modify `numpy` code and rebuild and use it?
    652  How to get the count from a dataframe from a Dash Callback
    652  How to generate random samples of Gaussian distribution directly in the frequency domain through Python: NumPy/SciPy?
    652  How to display a NumPy array of strings without quotes and with comma as a delimiter?
    652  Displaying venn diagram output
    652  cosine similarity between a vector and pandas column(a linear vector)
    652  Converting Django models queryset into a numpy matrix
    652  Alternative to 'for loops' in python which will run fast
    651  Vectorizing feature hashing in python
    651  Unable to transform image array 3d to 2d
    651  Traversing a 1D Numpy Array for Clustering
    651  Segmentation Fault on ndarray matrices dot product
    651  Rigid transformation - Python - speedup
    651  Python - numpy.delete doesn't work
    651  numpy.searchsorted for an array containing numpy.nan
    651  numpy 2d array recursion
    651  Numba nopython mode boolean indexing
    651  Map an array of indexes to an array of coordinates
    651  install python3-numpy via Synaptic but cannot import module numpy in python3
    651  How can I replace values less than or equal to 0 with 1 in a 2d numpyarray?
    651  Get lognormal random number given log10 mean and log10 standard deviation
    651  georeference/stack geotiffs of different sizes using python/gdal
    651  Fitting a dataset with a straight line using polyfit on a log-log plot
    651  Calculate the values of dependent variable using multivariate linear regression with numpy
    651  Avoiding np.where when assigning to numpy array
    651  2d array for 2d function from 2 1d arrays (Python)
    650  VIsual Studio Code not seeing Numpy
    650  Trying to calcuate mean and std using float32 numpy arrays. Getting float64 returned
    650  scipy.signal.fftconvolve along only one axis: how can it be done?
    650  scipy: Adding a sparse vector to a specific row of a sparse matrix
    650  scikit-learn vectorizing with big dataset
    650  return an array instead of a tuple from a NumPy function
    650  Pyximport build errors
    650  Python: correct location of peaks in a 2D numpy array?
    650  Python: Circular regression to determine center and radius
    650  numpy.std on memmapped ndarray fails with MemoryError
    650  Numpy module missing in Python3 installation
    650  numpy.loadtxt returns string repr of bytestring instead of string
    650  NumPy: finding N largest elements in a matrix [duplicate]
    650  Invalid rgb arg 'x' while converting string to float
    650  Imshow - splitted with different pixel sizes
    650  How to visualize feasible region for linear programming (with arbitrary inequalities) in Numpy/MatplotLib?
    650  How to shuffle an array of numbers without two consecutive elements repeating?
    650  How do I stop numpy meshgrid from setting the default datatype to int64
    650  How do I reshape a numpy array for use with scipy interpolate?
    650  How can I append a numpy array of N-Length to another array of N-dimensions?
    650  Getting a N-element vector of values evenly spaced from -X to X
    650  Equivalent for in tensorflow
    650  Assign new value in DataFrame column based on group max
    649  x distance between two lines of points
    649  Vectorized Lookups of Pandas Series to a Dictionary
    649  Strange Future Warning Error after Vpython Installation
    649  OpenCV putText in Python - Error after array manipulation
    649  Numpy reshape a dataset
    649  Numpy inplace dtype conversion
    649  Numpy Indexing - Questions on Odd Behavior/Inconsistencies
    649  Numpy broadcast_to for masked array
    649  NumPy broadcasting doesn't work
    649  MemoryError, Killed
    649  MemoryError Counting Eigenvalues for large matrix
    649  Linear shift between 2 sets of coordinates
    649  Implementing median cut using numpy
    649  How to use numpy.frompyfunc to return an array of elements instead of array of arrays?
    649  How to install divisi2 with python 2.7?
    649  How to get matplotlib to redraw axis
    649  How to convert numpy record array of bools to integers in order to calculate covariance?
    649  How can I get the stable version of numpy for PyPy?
    649  Fastest way to convert a list of indices to 2D numpy array of ones
    649  exporting large figure with matplotlib
    649  Drawing FFT discrete signal using continuous sine-waves ?!
    649  converting a list of strings into integers in python, skipping masked terms
    649  Checking if a point is in ConvexHull?
    649  Bounded optimization using the Hessian matrix (scipy)
    649  2D FFT of a gaussian in Python
    648  Universal iteration over all elements of: nested list, numpy array, pandas dataframe
    648  Subclassing numpy scalar types
    648  Storing a list of numpy arrays into local files?
    648  Signal processing in Python. Find shift in series data
    648  Python dice outcome count
    648  Pandas quantile function very slow
    648  Optimizing nested Python for loops?
    648  Numpy time based vector operations where state of preceding elements matters - are for loops appropriate?
    648  Numpy tensor: Tensordot over frontal slices of tensor
    648  Numpy has no attribute loadtxt?
    648  Neural network numerical gradient check not working with matrices using Python-numpy
    648  Multiple Matrix Multiplications with Numpy
    648  How to solve memory error in python when I have 32GRAM and py is 64bit
    648  How to solve AX = B equation with Python (NumPy, SciPy etc.), where A, X, B are matrices and all elements of X must be non-negative
    648  how to convert pandas dataframe and numpy array into dictionary?
    648  get the key based on value in a dictionary (where keys might be duplicated) of python
    648  Error using scipy.optimize nonlinear solvers
    648  Combining multiple perspectiveTransforms into one transform with opencv
    647  Way to pipe or stream Array in Numpy/Scipy
    647  User-defined function for numpy outer
    647  unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int' [duplicate]
    647  Softmax and Hinge functions in Python
    647  Simple Python plot -currency and dates
    647  Search for partial match in numpy structured array python
    647  python - ValueError: time data does not match format
    647  Python: Turn a 2D numpy array into a dictionary
    647  Python - delete empty lists from a list
    647  (Python 3.6) Installing Numpy+MKL but the directory can't be located
    647  plotting multiple plots but whith offset ranges python
    647  numpy: slicing and vectorized looping with 1d and 2d arrays
    647  Numpy ndarray subclass - forcing reshape in __array_finalize__
    647  numpy ndarray slicing and iteration
    647  Numpy multiply 3d matrix by 2d matrix
    647  Numpy Matmul while ignoring first axis
    647  numpy.load retrieves savez'ed arrays in the wrong order
    647  Iterating over 3D numpy using one dimension as iterator remaining dimensions in the loop
    647  How to create a function to specify bin values in Python
    647  How does the Scipy CubicSpline extrapolation work when constraining the second derivative?
    647  Find Position of Value in numpy Array
    647  Finding median of masked ndarrays representing images
    647  euclidean distance with multiple column of data
    647  Different results np.std() when used within pandas and standalone
    647  Cython: when using typed memoryviews, are Cython users supposed to implement their own library of ''vector'' functions?
    647  Curve fit of scipy not working with sines?
    647  Check for duplicates in list of strings
    647  ArcPy & NumPy: MemoryError processing Landsat 8 image
    646  Why are my Pylot graphs blank?
    646  What techniques can be used to measure performance of pandas/numpy solutions
    646  Use of Inf on Matlab
    646  Rewriting numpy.random.binomial using a For loop
    646  Return diagonal elements of scipy sparse matrix
    646  Replace elements of particular axis index in n-dimensional numpy array
    646  Python using numpy ~isnan()
    646  Python numpy loadtxt: reading an empty file into an array with a particular number of columns
    646  Python numpy: Dimension [0] in vectors (n-dim) vs. arrays (nxn-dim)
    646  python error - moving average on numpy array
    646  pip install wheel on windows when multiple python versions
    646  Performance of joblib Parallel loop with numpy ndarray
    646  pandas sparse dataframe head error
    646  numpy.where() with a 2d array and a 1d array in the condition
    646  Load text from csv file with int and float columns into ndarray
    646  Loading large data into TensorFlow 2.0 without loading it on the RAM
    646  How to define variable-size numpy array efficiently?
    646  How do I repeat or tile a numpy array but change the value in one element each time it is tiled?
    646  How do I convert an Armadillo matrix to cube?
    646  How can I apply a Gaussian blur to a figure in `matplotlib`?
    646  Finding scaling factor of related datasets
    645  When does PyTorch automatically cast Tensor dtype?
    645  Use more than one thread when calling intel's mkl directly from python
    645  Updating Kivy Widget With Numpy Image Array Data
    645  Scipy least_squares function not giving a good fit
    645  save a multidimensional array with different sub-array length python
    645  Removing white space and colon
    645  Python 2D NumPy array comprehension
    645  Numpy scale down array representing image
    645  My bisection code in python doesnt return the root
    645  InvalidArgumentError: In[0].dim(0) and In[1].dim(0) must be the same: [1,125,150] vs [32,150,125]
    645  Integration of a vector valued function using odeint in two-dimensions
    645  Image capture the center of the screen using python
    645  How to pythonically get the max of a numpy argwhere function
    645  How to convert 2 DataFrame columns to ascii?
    645  Fastest way of solving linear least squares
    645  different element data types within numpy array?
    645  Create binary mask from two segmentation lines in Python
    645  Conditional Plotting with Numpy and Pyplot
    645  Comparing scipy.stats.t.sf vs GSL using Cython
    645  Assigning histogram bin to each data point
    644  python plot using pylab
    644  Python: How to return a list of connected nodes
    644  Processing very large images as numpy arrays
    644  numpy is not multi-thread [closed]
    644  np.load to a paths file
    644  Loading .txt data into 10x256 3d numpy array
    644  Keras: ValueError: Error when checking input
    644  How to output scikit learn classification report in percent?
    644  How to do 100000 times 2d fft in a faster way using python?
    644  Handling cyclic data with matplotlib contour/contourf
    644  Get all diagonals (including minor ones) of a multi-dimensional array with numpy
    644  Converting an algorithm using numpy.irfft to JavaScript
    644  Alternative to numpy.random.binomial that allows 64 bits or more?
    643  What is the most efficient way to match templates in a Numpy array?
    643  Statistics test on dictionary values
    643  Sorting NumPy array with two columns
    643  Python excluding indexes from array [duplicate]
    643  Predicting Values in Movie Recommendations
    643  Numpy argsort vs Scipy.stats rankdata
    643  KeyError when plotting with
    643  How to sum 2d and 1d arrays in numpy?
    643  How to add another category in a DataFrame in python/pandas including only missing values?
    643  Get the gradient at a specific point
    643  Generate a list of years with the format of yyyy-mm-dd from yyyy python datetime
    643  Find unique columns and column membership
    643  Fibonacci Reverse Calculation? [duplicate]
    643  Corrupted image is being saved with PIL
    643  Correlation of 2 time dependent multidimensional signals (signal vectors)
    643  Compare numpy arrays of different sizes
    643  Collapsing a three-dimensional array into a two-dimensional array
    642  Why Numpy and Pandas arrays consuming more memory than source data? [closed]
    642  why doesn't NumPy import in idle 3.30 on Ubuntu 12.10 64 Bit
    642  Unpickling objects after renaming a module
    642  Unbound local error: (''local variable referenced before assignment'')
    642  Unable to PLOT multiple data from EXCEL using MATPLOTLIB
    642  Unable to import numpy using anaconda
    642  Return type of numpy.minimum()?
    642  Python, Numpy Stack overflow
    642  Permission Denied error on f2py
    642  Performance behaviour of vectorized functions in numpy
    642  pandas.Series returning a Series when it should return an element
    642  Numpy setuptools: How to compile fortran file as part of a module
    642  NumPy : array methods and functions not working
    642  Matrix to Vector with python/numpy
    642  Install Numpy Requirement in a Dockerfile. Results in error
    642  Inner workings of NumPy's logical_and.reduce
    642  ImageTk.PhotoImage can't display image properly
    642  How to check if a number is already in the first column of a 2d numpy array
    642  Healpy: changing coordinates to a map and saving the new one
    642  Error while importing Tensorflow
    642  Efficient computation of covariance with streaming returns data in numpy
    642  Edge values of 2D Numpy Array
    642  Chaotic billiards simulation
    642  Calculate distance between two points from two lists
    641  Why is NumPy sometimes slower than NumPy + plain Python loop?
    641  Visualizing graph in Python using NetworkX
    641  unlist list of dictionaries in dataframe pandas
    641  Trying to install numpy 1.9.2 into Python 3.3
    641  Split numpy array object into two different size vectors using C
    641  Split np.array into subarrays with the same length
    641  Seaborn Heatmap Plotting Execution Time Optimization
    641  Removing a 'b' from the Python String
    641  Python function not supposed to change a global variable
    641  Python: convert numpy array of signs to int and back
    641  Pandas changes default numpy array format
    641  numpy array advanced indexing in numba
    641  NumPy: 2D array from a list of arrays and scalars
    641  MXNET - Invalid type '<type 'numpy.ndarray'>' for data, should be NDArray, numpy.ndarray,
    641  Matplotlib not installing inside virtualenv mac
    641  Map pandas dataframe column to a matrix
    641  insert numpy.float64 element in a numpy array
    641  IndexError: too many indices for array. Numpy array with 42 features not homogeneous
    641  How to write a sampling algorithm from a custom distribution?
    641  How to stretch this vector by increasing its size using interpolation?
    641  Heatmap on x-y plane with z as weighting
    641  Error in checking symmetric sparse matrix
    641  Count of unequal elements across numpy arrays
    641  Converting .mp3 files into .mid files using lstm autoencoder
    641  change a list of dictionaries to feature vector and target in scikit
    641  Adding 3D array to 4D array
    640  Why can itertools.groupby group the NaNs in lists but not in numpy arrays
    640  Vectorization to calculate many distances
    640  Validation against NumPy dtypes  -  what's the least circuitous way to check values?
    640  Rolling mean of correlation matrix
    640  Reading numpy arrays from disk in tensorflow
    640  Parameters of cosine squared scipy optimize curvefit are incorrect in python
    640  Opposite of boost::python::extract<obj>
    640  numpy vstack with images
    640  Linear least-squares solution for 3d inputs
    640  Keras: Predict model within custom loss function
    640  Install numpy on server
    640  Inserting a row into a NumPy array
    640  IndexError: 'too many indices for array' for numpy
    640  How to use external data in the objective function in Python PuLP?
    640  How To Insert Values From A List Into An Existing Column
    640  How to get real eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix?
    640  Function to slice indices in Numpy
    640  FFT resolution bandwidth
    640  Create a category column out from two category columns pandas
    639  Using Python (scipy or numpy) how do I calculate the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the Student t distribution with 5 degrees of freedom [duplicate]
    639  Using NumPy reduceat to calculate group based averages
    639  Unable to allocate array with shape and data type int32 in python console
    639  scipy misc.imread() returns FileNotFound Error in Python3
    639  SciPy generalized eigenvalues: eig and eigh yield different results [duplicate]
    639  pandas.series.rolling.apply method seems to implicitly convert Series into numpy array
    639  Pandas: convert each row to a <column name,row value> dict and add as a new column
    639  out of memory while trying to read csv file into python
    639  Numpy zeros in array
    639  Numpy WHERE IN equivalent
    639  Numpy array error MemoryError
    639  np.vectorize() changes input dtype np.float32 to float
    639  IFFT of Hermitian matrix in numpy
    639  How to obtain only the first True value from each row of a numpy array?
    639  Getting data from .csv file
    639  Dataframe Wrangling with Dates and Periods in Pandas
    639  Calculate minimum distance of point in image mask to a set of points
    639  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'testing' when importing sklearn library
    639  Assign a the value of a sparse matrix to numpy array
    638  Workaround Way To Install Numpy?
    638  Why is SciPy acting very differently in IPython and Python?
    638  What are the efficient ways to loop over vectors along a specified axis in numpy ndarray?
    638  Saving numpy array into dictionary using loop
    638  Python: Is there a hidden time complexity of numpy ndarray column fancy indexing slicing?
    638  Python: Assign single value to each value in array
    638  numpy.unique can't recognise axis argument
    638  Numpy I/O: convert % percentage to float between 0 and 1
    638  Interleave numpy arrays [duplicate]
    638  How to remove the innermost level of nesting in a list of lists of varying lengths
    638  How to initialize a tf.Variable with a tf.constant or a numpy array?
    638  How can I fuzzy add a year to a date in numpy?
    638  Get all coordinates points within known boundaries in a numpy matrix for each dot
    638  Find sequence in two Numpy arrays
    638  error when building statsmodels from source in windows
    638  Element wise comparison in an array of arrays in Numpy
    638  efficiently create dask.array from a dask.Series of lists
    638  Creating 2d histogram from 2d numpy array
    638  Compress .npy data to save space in disk
    637  Using itertools to index an array
    637  Transform dna alignment into numpy array using biopython
    637  Transform 1-D numpy array into 3D RGB array
    637  Smoothing a series of weighted values in numpy/pandas
    637  pySpark RankingMetrics error 'ImportError: No module named numpy'
    637  Plotting horizontal hyperbola/circle using fsolve, numpy, and matplotlib
    637  Missing value imputation in Python
    637  In Pandas/Numpy, How to implement a rolling function inside each chunk using 2 different columns?
    637  How to solve PyTorch UnicodeEncodeError error when using torch.from_numpy?
    637  How to make vector graphics image using python
    637  How to get count of all element in numpy?
    637  how do I make a numpy.piecewise function of arbitrary length? (having lambda issues)
    637  Filter rows in pandas dataframe based on values in columns
    637  Cannot convert TIFF to an array
    636  vectorized assignment statement for selected elements of 2d array in numpy
    636  Using vectorisation with numpy for the Bellman-Ford algorithm
    636  Using Numpy to generate ASCII kernel
    636  Using apply to write to a global Pandas dataframe
    636  Ubuntu 14.04 Python Numpy version change
    636  Theano get unique values in a tensor
    636  Slicing arrays with meshgrid/array indices in Numpy
    636  Shape of function output
    636  scipy bisplrep segmentation fault (core dumped)
    636  Replace elements in a numpy ndarray accessed via index array
    636  Read data into structured array with multiple dtypes
    636  Ranking python dictionary by percentile
    636  Ranking 2D Numpy array
    636  Python VTK: Coordinates directly to PolyData
    636  python install needs a C library. How to add it?
    636  Normalize Numpy matrix rows by their average
    636  Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] in AWS Lambda function
    636  MemoryError on Windows but not MacOS when using np.zeros [duplicate]
    636  How to share numpy random state of a parent process with child processes?
    636  Getting same prediction with tensorflow on every example
    636  Getting same accuracy across different classifiers - sklearn
    636  Find a null value and drop from a dataframe in Pandas
    636  Empty .mp4 file created after making video from matplotlib using matplotlib.animation
    636  Cython's prange not improving performance
    636  check last n elements are equal in numpy array python
    636  Calculate ''energy'' of columns with pandas
    636  All pairs of numbers between 2 arrays
    635  what's the difference between np.array[:,0] and np.array[:,[0]]?
    635  ValueError: object too deep for desired array, when I try to use scipy's convolve2d method
    635  Select from row 2 to end row in Python Numpy
    635  Segmentation Fault when Using PyArray_SimpleNewFromData
    635  reduce perimeter of polygon by eliminating points
    635  Re-assign unique values - pandas DataFrame
    635  Python, Display openCv image in Tkinter in Label
    635  python: cv2.threshold changes numpy to tuple
    635  PyCharm Community 3.1.1 and Numpy, '''matrix' is not callable'', but the code works
    635  pandas corr table column name behavior
    635  numpy.where() function for exact matches only?
    635  Numpy Linespace Not Working
    635  NumPy add output from or np.multiply to existing array
    635  Most performant calculation of Newtonian forces in numpy/scipy
    635  Minimal edge-to-edge euclidean distance between labeled components in numpy array
    635  Is there any Java equivalent of NumPy?
    635  Is it possible to put the Pandas dataframe column header as a footer instead?
    635  How to rotate a binary vector to minimum in Python
    635  How to calculate a correlation from a list of tuples - each tuple has pair values
    635  Extracting subset of training data based on label
    635  Error: No module named multiarray while running code about SVM on top of hadoop
    635  Count the number of likert scale results from multiple column questions in pandas
    635  could not broadcast input array
    635  Can't use pip to install pandas with problems in upgrading numpy, six, and python-dateutil
    635  Can I use Numpy operations like reshape in Cython code without Python interaction?
    635  Calculate the difference in two wind directions in python
    634  While Loop in Python - Array Manipulation
    634  While Loop in Python - Array Manipulation
    634  using numpy arrays for integer and array inputs
    634  Spark with python - numpy is slow
    634  Replacing values in a list of Numpy arrays
    634  Python: Date difference when one date is NAT
    634  Plotting pre-gridded data in contour or contourf - Python Matplotlib
    634  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'expm1'
    634  Numpy argsort behavior for equal numbers
    634  multiprocess or multithread? - parallelizing a simple computation for millions of iterations and storing the result in a single data structure
    634  Multiple subplots to personalize
    634  Math domain error when using linalg.lstsq (numpy)
    634  Mask with numpy isin
    634  how to use numpy.gradient working for left and right differences?
    634  How to test if two sparse arrays are (almost) equal?
    634  how to rotate mutiple rectangle coordinates around image center
    634  How to interpolate data with timestamp indices in Python?
    634  how to find the template matching accuracy
    634  How to compare two arrays and find the optimal match in Python?
    634  How to categorize and count imported data
    634  Get the list of RGB pixel values of each superpixel
    634  Coverting string to floats using .csv file and generating Histogram
    634  Converting xy co ords of Geotiff to numpy array positions in python
    634  Converting long numpy array for string efficiently
    634  Calculating mean or median in one function in numpy
    634  Arrays and Matrix in Python vs Matlab
    633  unladen-swallow with numpy/scipy
    633  Replace for loop by using a boolean matrix to perform advanced indexing
    633  Random Numbers in a range around a median
    633  Pyinstaller executable very large
    633  Plotting function that returns complex values using pyplot
    633  Numpy transposing a vector
    633  matplotlib to combine lower bins
    633  Is there a ''freq'' function in numpy/python? [duplicate]
    633  Inverse cumsum for numpy
    633  image stack population is slow in numpy
    633  How to use linalg.lstsq() with sparse matrix? How to save BIG sparse matrix to portable data format
    633  How to use alias correctly in `numpy`?
    633  getting error to save the Matrix in txt file using numpy numpy
    633  flood fill algorithm crashing in python
    633  Creating an N-dimensional grid with Python
    633  Circular lat/lon crop of a NetCDF file with Python
    633  C++ class member function returns PyObject* segmentation fault
    633  Append/concatenate Numpy array to Numpy array
    633  analyzing FFT data for mean frequency?
    633  Alternative code for numpy.linalg.norm?
    632  Write my own Interpolate function Python
    632  Why does theano conv2d add empty dimension?
    632  What is the python/numpy equivalent of num2cell()?
    632  ValueError: too many values to unpack (sin/cos graph with Python 2.7)
    632  Updating plot without having to close the window with the plot
    632  Saving numpy arrays as a dictionary
    632  Row-by-row aggregation of a PySpark DataFrame
    632  Rounding To Nearest Bin
    632  Python pandas dataframe mean and plot values
    632  PyInstaller / py2exe distribution is too large
    632  Precision Difference: NumPy Object Array vs. Float Array
    632  Numpy/Keras: ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (7,5) into shape (7)
    632  Matplotpib figure in a loop not responding
    632  How to modify a numpy array inplace without hidden additional memory allocation?
    632  How to make a 2D numpy array with each element being a tuple of its indices?
    632  How to effectively (inplace) multiply two views of memmaped numpy arrays of different sizes
    632  How can I plot a scatter graph and plot a prediction line for two features in Python?
    632  Getting linearized indices in numpy
    632  finding initial guesses for exponential curve fit [closed]
    632  Faster alternative to itertools.product
    631  Why does separating my module into multiple files make it slower?
    631  using multiple types of numpy arrays in Cython function?
    631  Python performance iterating through lists, numpy arrays
    631  Pandas read dataframe with numpy array column
    631  Optimising two arrays simultaneously with scipy optimize
    631  opencv-python image processing code-debugging
    631  Numpy cast from signed to unsigned int with 'same_kind'
    631  np.array to a function in python - 'list' object is not callable
    631  np.arange does not work as expected with floating point arguments
    631  multiply() in numpy python
    631  Logging Python/NumPy console messages
    631  Issue : Installing Opencv and python 2.7.5 on Mac
    631  Is Bokeh compatible with Google App Engine?
    631  How to find indices of a reordered numpy array?
    631  How to create numpy array of steps (equivalent to Matlab's stairs) as plotted in matplotlib.pyplot.step(x,y)
    631  How to column stack arrays ignoring nan in Python?
    631  how to assign labels of one numpy array to another numpy array and group accordingly?
    631  Find a easier way to cluster 2-d scatter data into grid array data
    631  fillna in clustered data in large pandas dataframes
    631  Counting combinations over pairs of columns in a numpy array
    631  Best practice to reduce memory usage when splitting array
    630  Use numpy-array of dtype uint8 with boost python.h
    630  transform a numpy array of dimensions nx1 into a numpy array of dimensions nx10 [duplicate]
    630  The size of an array created from np.random.normal
    630  Split Numpy array using Index
    630  Round float to the nearest 2/100
    630  Python quick search in numpy array
    630  Post image to Django REST API
    630  pandas groupby performance
    630  pandas dataframe category codes from two columns
    630  Numpy vectorize function with non-scalar output
    630  Numpy - creating overlapping 3D subarrays as vectors that's memory efficient
    630  Multidimensional Numpy dot product slow compared to for loop
    630  Intersection of sorted numpy arrays
    630  How to use arrays/vectors in a Python user-defined function?
    630  How to combine the last 2 dimensions of Numpy Array
    630  How do you rotate elements in a 2D numpy array by 'n' units?
    630  Getting an array from collections ordereddict for the maximum key, values
    630  Get mappings from feature to one hot encoding dimension
    630  Excluding 'None' when checking for 'NaN' values in pandas
    630  Apply 1D function on one axis of nd-array
    629  Using Scherrer equation for calculating the grain size
    629  TensorFlow unstack with numpy
    629  Random Forest evaluation for array with floats and integers - numpy
    629  Python numpy averaging
    629  Pandas 'Passing list-likes to .loc or [] with any missing labels is no longer supported' on train_test_split returned data
    629  Numpy: Indices of multiple values
    629  Numpy get neighbors always as 3x3 matrix
    629  numpy array saving to csv
    629  NumPy array element not getting updated
    629  Median filter for image Python3
    629  Maximum column and row sum of matrix in python
    629  Lack of randomness in numpy.random
    629  Index is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 100
    629  How to sum every element in a numpy array divisible by 5 using vectorization?
    629  how to feed DNNClassifier with numpy arrays
    629  How should I divide a large (~50Gb) dataset into training, test, and validation sets?
    629  How can I make a padded numpy array using the first/last row/column as the pad?
    629  get index from subset of pandas multindex [duplicate]
    629  Fortran equivalent of numpy.where() function?
    629  Extend and Embed Python (and NumPy) with C++ (and GSL): pass gsl_matrix to python and back
    629  Expose a numpy array as a C++ vector
    629  Efficient way to run a function over the columns of a pandas Dataframe?
    629  Creating time series data in python
    629  A fast way to multiply a NumPy array of scalars by an array of arrays
    628  With pairwise summation, how many terms do I need to get an appreciably wrong result?
    628  Update selected columns in 2D numpy array with 1D array
    628  the output of using np.empty_like in Python
    628  Scipy error: numpy.flatiter size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility
    628  Replace regions in a raster image with values from another image in python
    628  Reading in single str column with loadtxt
    628  Random sampling without replacement when more needs to be sampled than there are samples
    628  python - Fastest way to find index of an element in list by comparing to elements of another list
    628  python: creating numpy nonzero index, value pair
    628  Numpy search for elements of an array in a subset
    628  Numpy ndarray multiplication
    628  IFFT of a Gaussian power spectrum - Python
    628  How to speed up numpy dot product with masks?
    628  how to generate a set of random points within a half-circle uniformly in python or R?
    628  Getting matrix input in Python 2.7 [closed]
    628  Cython can't access numpy header files
    628  Comparing two numpy arrays and removing elements
    627  Using Scipy Optimize Minimize
    627  TensorFlow: how to do python function with custom gradients without eval?
    627  Scipy stats.skew  -  IndexError: tuple index out of range
    627  Python: Alternative to quasi random sequences
    627  Pandas Data Frame filtering based off a column condition
    627  Numpy Vectorized Function Over Successive 2d Slices
    627  Numpy - automatic implicit conversion of np.arrays into lists
    627  Numpy array losing dimensions when applying mask of same shape
    627  mmap hdf5 dataset in C/C++
    627  Derivative of log plot in python
    627  Count cells of adjacent numpy regions
    626  What does reshape(60000, 28, 28, 1) mean?
    626  unbound method <method> must be called with <class> instance as first argument
    626  strange overwriting occurring when using lambda functions as dict values [duplicate]
    626  SavGol Filter gives same length error on 3-D array
    626  Quickly loop over pixels numpy
    626  Python - How to NOT, OR and use other logical operators on two binary numpy arrays
    626  python 3.5 numpy+mkl installation error
    626  Pandas date_range - subtracting numpy timedelta gives odd result, time becomes not 0:00:00
    626  pandas dataframe values with numpy array
    626  'OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted' When trying to update pandas/numpy
    626  Numpy : read data from CSV having numerals as string
    626  Numba not speeding up function
    626  Looping in c vs. python
    626  Inexplicable behavior when using vlen with h5py
    626  How to sort half of the 2d array in descending order (numpy)
    626  How to force NumPy to always use a precision (float32, float64  ... )?
    626  How to access multi columns in the rolling operator?
    626  how loading a high quality video in python-opencv and play as normally?
    626  How do I pass my (7, 3, 3, 3) array to a fortran subroutine?
    626  how do i do vector multiplication in batch with python [closed]
    626  Find all indexes of a numpy array closest to a value
    626  Create a 2D array (3D plot) from two 1D arrays (2D plots) in Python (for calculating the Hilbert spectrum)
    626  convert numpy array to AudioFileClip in MoviePy
    626  Compute cosine similarity between 3D numpy array and 2D numpy array
    625  ValueError: axis(=1) out of bounds while computing the confusion matrix for a pretrained model
    625  TypeError: 'numpy.uint64' does not have the buffer interface
    625  Trigger an event in Python traits package when an Array element is changed
    625  split elements in array using python
    625  Return 2-D array from scipy Regular Grid Interpolator
    625  py2exe adding binary dependencies for random numpy and scipy libraries
    625  Plot numpy array built from a .tiff image using pyqtplot
    625  optimal data structure to store million of pixels in python?
    625  Numpy/ Scipy exact derivative?
    625  Numpy outperforms Tensorflow and Pytorch with same hyperparameters
    625  numpy large matrix multiplication optimize
    625  Numpy: Efficient way to convert indices of a square matrix to its upper triangular indices [closed]
    625  numpy array to triangle (matrix)
    625  NumPy argmax and structured array error: expected a readable buffer object
    625  Not able to import pandas and numpy
    625  Merge transposed matrix back to image using opencv python
    625  How to perform a rolling sum along a matrix axis?
    625  How to convert three 3D numpy arrays to RGB matrix in python
    625  Fast way to md5 a numpy array
    625  Error when obtaining Gaussian fit for graph
    625  Broadcasting a function over two vectors to get a 2d numpy array
    625  Averaging multiple masked numpy arrays in python
    624  Slow Row-wise Comparison with For-loops in NumPy - How to improve?
    624  Seaborn distplot with rugplot from different array
    624  Raw wav bytes to uint array or some other format
    624  Positive semi-definite error when sampling from multivariate norm in python?
    624  numpy.where for 2+ specific values
    624  numpy element transformation with lambda?
    624  Morphing Operation in OpenCV Python
    624  Memory Error when calculating Euclidean distance between points
    624  matplotlib scatter plot colour as function of third and fourth variable
    624  Inverse FFT in Theano
    624  I need to FFT wav files?
    624  How to compare numpy array element one by one taken consideration the position of the element?
    624  How to append an array to a text file in python
    624  How do i generate numpy linspace type numpy zeros array for initialization?
    624  How can I create a numpy array with shape (0, 2)?
    624  Given a numpy array image, how can I remove colored pixels (R,G,B) != (0,0,0) that are surrounded by black pixels (R,G,B) = (0,0,0)?
    624  Drop columns with more than 70% zeros
    624  Different result for std between pandas and numpy
    624  correlation matrix of one dataframe with another
    624  Changing the rows of a 2D numpy array to strings
    624  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'cost'
    624  Aligning array values
    623  Why/How to use cmap argument in matplotlib imshow() in isolating color panes?
    623  Why am I getting an OverflowError and WindowsError with numpy memmap and how to solve it?
    623  What is the numpy pypi package naming convention
    623  Saving data with np.savetxt() in Python Error: Mismatch between array dtype and format specifier
    623  Python trigonometric calculations in degrees
    623  Python Prime ''C-number''
    623  Python: Plotting Slices of Time Series
    623  Put array into DataFrame as single element
    623  pandas Dataframe, MOVE Specific Value from One Cell to Another
    623  numpy.random.multinomial bad outputs?
    623  NumPy/PyTorch extract subsets of images
    623  Numpy not found when not in ipython
    623  NumPy implementation of the Nearest Neighbor classification algorithm classifies everything the exact same way
    623  Numpy broadcast through dictionary
    623  np.where code - ValueError: ''cannot set items on DatetimeIndexResampler''
    623  Interpolation in Python [closed]
    623  Interleave two numpy 1D arrays for stereo audio output
    623  How to package python script with dependencies into zip/tar?
    623  How to find cosine similarity for of a very Large Array
    623  How to count the characters of each matrix row with Python? Counter()?
    623  How to convert python dict to 3D numpy array?
    623  How to change numpy array from (128,128,3) to (3,128,128)?
    623  how to add deterministic vector operations in PYMC3?
    623  How can I animate a 3d object in numpy
    623  Get index along specific axis for multidimensional slice in numpy
    623  Flip rows in numpy array
    623  Filtering histogram edges and counts
    623  Draw multiple markers on an image using pixel coordinates (OpenCV)
    623  Divide by zero encountered in orthogonal regression with python (scipy.odr)
    623  Displaying binary numpy arrays as image in matplotlib [duplicate]
    623  Code Works in Canopy, but not in IDLE. Why?
    623  Audio data string format to numpy array
    622  why ''RuntimeError CUDA out of memory'' in testing?
    622  Why is np.random.choice giving the same result every time?
    622  Using scipy kmeans for cluster analysis
    622  Using 32-bit Lab images in Tensorflow
    622  subtract every element of 1D numpy array with every other element of the same array
    622  Sklearn PCA returning an array with only one value, when given an array of hundreds
    622  Random positive semi-definite matrix with given eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    622  Python MQTT Publish JSONified Numpy Array
    622  Python import error when I just 'import numpy'
    622  MemoryError with numpy arange
    622  Keras - mismatched array shape with model.predict()
    622  How to get elements for non-contiguous indices in a numpy array?
    622  Efficient numpy image looping in Cython
    622  cuda code error within numbapro
    622  Colorcode the indents level / visual indication in Spyder
    622  Applying cell-wise function in a dataframe
    622  Apply function returning a 1D array to all elements of numpy array
    621  Using numpy array_split() to get desired split-size that is not a sub-multiple
    621  Understanding the OpenCV Sample code
    621  Sorting nonzero elements of a numpy array and getting their indices
    621  Search numpy array inside numpy array
    621  Round before convert to string in pandas
    621  Referencing a dataframe object's index and column?
    621  python - read file into dictionary - delimited with curly brackets, no comma delimiter
    621  Python getting conditional probabilities of all feature combinations in pandas dataframe
    621  Python comparing two 3 dimensional numpy arrays
    621  Numpy vectorize wrongly converts the output to be integer
    621  Numpy: how to generate a random noisy curve resembling a ''training curve''
    621  numpy array plot matrix matplotlib
    621  Matplotlib plt.xlim([x_min,x_max]), list object not callable
    621  How to replace values in a mat using another mat image
    621  estimate scale parameter by using scipy.stats.gamma and scipy.optimize.minimize
    620  Using `numpy.vectorize` to create multidimensional array results in ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    620  Using Numpy to load in Large data files?
    620  unpacking binary file using struct.unpack VS np.frombuffer VS np.ndarray VS np.fromfile
    620  sort two columns in a text file with numpy.lexsort
    620  Python Signal simulation for frequency band
    620  PyArrayObject has no members
    620  Passing new shape to `np.reshape`
    620  OpenBLAS needed for CNN using Theano on windows & CPU
    620  Numpy where syntax from docs
    620  numpy.ndarray object is not callable
    620  Numpy: Convert RGB flat array to matrix
    620  Np.where function
    620  Make value_counts() return 0 if the value does not occur
    620  Is Bigtable or Datastore more suited to storing and using financial data for online applications?
    620  Inconsistance spacing in numpy array elements
    620  How to propagate values from one row in a pandas Dataframe to all other rows
    620  How to find the minimum value of netCDF array excluding zero
    620  How to delete elements from multidimensional array where sum of values equals 0?
    620  how do i store pcolormesh plot as a numpy array - while preserving data shape?
    620  FutureWarning when comparing a NumPy object to ''None''
    620  Frequency count per sub array or slice in a 3D NumPy array
    620  Failed in converting 8th argument `g' of _slsqp.slsqp to C/Fortran array for Scipy.Optimize
    620  Efficient Way to create a 2d array of random shuffling of a range of numbers [duplicate]
    620  Change numpy.seterr defaults?
    620  3-dimensional Array and assignment of an additional variable with python and numpy
    619  Why is vectorization beneficial for Matlab programs? Is it the same for NumPy and Boost(uBLAS)?
    619  Why is the KNN implementation in sklearn slower when I use a smaller float?
    619  using matplotlib streamplot
    619  using curve_fit (python) with a gaussian function which gives you mean and variance
    619  Unable to successfully import Visual Python in Python 3.4.3
    619  Transposing and multiply matrices in Python
    619  Taking fourier transform after phase shift
    619  Solving sets of non-linear equations as an array
    619  scipy results linear interpolation results inconsistent
    619  Scipy.optimize.curve_fit does not fit
    619  Python : transform complex list-like string into list (without SyntaxError for mixing bytes and nonbytes literal)
    619  Python: Elementwise difference for multidimensional array
    619  Python Attribute Error: numpy.ndarray has no attribute items
    619  Populating new numpy array with another's values in for loop
    619  Numpy random normal over columns
    619  Numpy 2d array union when guaranteed nonzero equality
    619  np.squeeze() used in implementing cost function and gradient
    619  Multilayer perceptron neural network has 10% accuracy
    619  Interpolating a 2D data grid in python
    619  Installing OpenCV3 for Python 3.4 on Windows10
    619  How to change mode of image from RGB to Grayscale and reshape using numpy?
    619  How to append different sizes of numpy arrays and put na's in empty location
    619  How can I efficiently load this kind of ASCII files with python?
    619  Faster way of finding PMI with count vectorizer
    619  Equivalent of numpy.digitize in tensorflow
    619  Creating a Results Grid from a Pandas DataFrame
    619  Copying 2D numpy arrays as channels of 3D numpy array efficiently?
    619  CDF Cumulative Distribution Function Error
    619  Assigning actual numeric value in Tensor objects to a numpy array in Tensorflow
    618  What is the difference between MLP implementation from scratch and in PyTorch?
    618  Theano version of a numpy einsum for two 3dim matrices
    618  Python scipy DCT on smaller block on image not working
    618  Python Numpy array> assigning string values and boolean comparison
    618  Prepend Zero to Long Numpy Array
    618  Pandas numpy.where() use - Not getting the desired result
    618  Numpy: Error in broadcasting without using np.reshape?
    618  NumPy creation by fromfunction error
    618  Logical not on a scipy sparse matrix
    618  Incorrect reshape of vtk->numpy array?
    618  How to convert a C++ graph structure into a Python/Numpy graph structure?
    618  How can I replace x in a polynomial by some other polynomial in Python?
    618  Filtering a numpy array using another array of labels
    618  Extracting specific columns in numpy array by condition
    618  Cython: Why do NumPy arrays need to be type-cast to object?
    618  Curve fitting and Extrapolation for 3d plot in python
    618  Broadcasting a 1d numpy array with a 2d numpy array
    618  Base conversion for an array of integers
    618  Add annotation in an interactive plot
    617  targeting center of mass - scipy / numpy
    617  speeding up vectorized correlation functions in numpy/scipy in python?
    617  runtime error: file size unexpectedly exceeded zip64 limit
    617  Reshaping and stacking a 2D array to form a 3D array
    617  Random values in numpy where
    617  python; counting elements of vectors
    617  Perform Numpy operation on matrix of user-defined type items
    617  pandas datetimeindex between_time function(how to get a not_between_time)
    617  Numpy subclass attribute slicing
    617  Numpy Ctypes: Segmentation Fault. Passing arrays via pointer
    617  Loading 3D Model but getting 2D Array in Python
    617  Large point-matrix array multiplication in numpy
    617  How to read parse image in OpenCV when the input is from CGI
    617  How to load numpy array to gensim Keyedvector format?
    617  How to convert dates to datetime with numpy and .astype()?
    617  Find max non-infinity element in pytables CArray
    617  Finding maximum value of the four neighbours in 2D arrays
    617  Eigenvectors in Numpy: Very bad numerics? Did I do something wrong?
    617  convert list of tuples into numpy array with named columns (genfromtxt for list of tuples)
    616  Sun Grid Engine, force one job per node
    616  Solving linear system using Python with numba and CUDA
    616  sampling from a clipped normal distribution
    616  Python vectorization
    616  Python: Issue reading in str from MATLAB .mat file using h5py and NumPy
    616  python how to populate a 2D array with counter values
    616  Python find index of all array elements in another array
    616  Pandas - Take current row, compare value to X previous rows and return how many matches (within x% range)
    616  Numpy Where Changing Timestamps/Datetime to Integers
    616  Numpy linalg norm not accepting scalar when order is specified
    616  numpy.argsort gives results with random order
    616  Merging text files horizontally
    616  Map to a memory file a huge numpy array and share it between users
    616  Manipulating csv files from long format using numpy or pandas
    616  In sympy, how do I get the coefficients of a rational expression?
    616  How to calculate the angle of ellipse Gaussian distribution
    616  FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison
    616  Efficiently recalculating the gradient of a numpy array with unknown dimensionality
    616  Dereference void pointer to numpy array or list
    616  About how numpy.random.choice works
    615  Why does MinMaxScaler add lines to image?
    615  simple way to select numpy subarray using boolean conditional vector in python 3
    615  Scientific Problems for Python Coding Dojos [closed]
    615  Rotate a numpy.array one bit to the right
    615  Replace None and Nan raster values with -9999.0 and divide all values by 1000
    615  Python Numpy iteration improvements for Exponential smoothing (working code) for Github pull request
    615  Python: Finding a numpy array in a list of numpy arrays
    615  Pygame display 2D numpy array
    615  Numpy: Insert value into different column for each row
    615  Load scipy sparse csr_matrix in c++
    615  Iterate over tensor as an array Tensorflow
    615  integrate 3 body system in python
    615  Input a mean and standard deviation to apply probability distribution across DataFrame Pandas Python
    615  indexing in numpy (related to max/argmax)
    615  Improving speed of my mpmath code
    615  How to select the elements based on a list in numpy array?
    615  How to find TN,TP,FN,FP from matrix in python?
    615  How can I optimize label encoding for large data sets (sci-kit learn)
    615  How can I automatically adjust unit expression (mm, cm, m, km) in matplotlib?
    615  convert binary array to int16
    615  Bootstrap t method Python implementation
    614  What does a numpy shape starting with zero mean
    614  Using newline as a separator with numpy.savetxt not working
    614  save_npz method missing from scipy.sparse
    614  PolynomialFeatures LinearRegression ValueError: shapes not aligned
    614  numpy.where makes code slow
    614  numpy.genfromtxt Error with convert function
    614  Numpy: delete column from very big memory mapped Numpy Array
    614  Numpy custom moving window count cells in range
    614  Np.savetext align header with columns
    614  Multiply all values of multiple tuples within a list (python)
    614  MemoryError: Unable to allocate array with shape (211, 6541) and data type <U67
    614  locate numpy indices based on closest value in 2d array with unmatch dimensions
    614  Load a CSV dataset with header lines and ''?'' for missing values
    614  Interpolation with the most recent value
    614  Implementing DCT2/DCT3 in Python
    614  Image file to vector of pixels with CImg?
    614  Identify contiguous segments of a non-contiguous numpy array
    614  How to manipulate individual elements in a numpy array iteratively
    614  How To Delete A csv file upon Exit of Python Operation
    614  How to create a numpy array to describe the vertices of a triangle?
    614  error: incorrect depth (!=CV_8U) in function detectAndCompute
    614  Copying values from one numpy matrix to another dependent on boolean mask
    614  Can't load a saved FLANN index
    614  Calling function on each of numpy array elements and override its value in Python
    614  Calculation of Contact/Coordination number with Periodic Boundary Conditions
    614  Calculate coefficients in a multivariate linear regression
    614  Appending arrays with NumPy
    613  What's wrong in this code? Unknown attribute 'array' of type Module(<module 'numpy' from filename'>
    613  Scipy GMRES Iteration Taking Longer than Expected Time
    613  Rotating a 2d sub-array using numpy without aliasing effects
    613  Replacing elements of a multidimensional array
    613  Python - Get the min coordinate element of a 2d numpy array
    613  py2app/Tkinter application error: ''classic environment is no longer supported''
    613  Pandas HDFStore: Saving and Retrieving a Series with Hierarchical Period Index
    613  Pandas - Delete rows with two or more NaN values in dataframe
    613  Pandas - bucketing events close to each other
    613  Numpy: preserving dtype after column_stack()
    613  Multidimensional boolean indexing into multidimensional array
    613  logistic regression using CIFAR-10 dataset
    613  How to turn off scientific notation for one column in numpy?
    613  How to get unique rows and their occurrences for 2D array?
    613  How do I plot a vector field within an arbitrary plane using Python?
    613  How can I make numpy use SSE4_2 instead of AVX?
    613  Gaussian blur image histogram of Y channel
    613  Function to compute inverse of numpy.gradient
    613  Find the indices of the lowest closest neighbors between two lists in python
    613  Extracting 2d patches from 3d arrays
    613  Create a list of int & DateTime in Python
    613  Copy array into part of another array in NumPy
    613  Assigning to numpy structured arrays
    612  Why numpy.exp returns a pandas.Series object when the argument is a Pandas.Series object?
    612  Why does Panel.groupby() not accept level parameter in pandas 0.14?
    612  Why does ''isinstance(numpy.float64,numbers.Real)'' return False?
    612  Using numpy mgrid with a variable number of indices
    612  Using numpy genfromtxt to load data with special characters as missing values
    612  Using numpy.einsum for transpose times matrix: x^T * x
    612  Stacking Numpy arrays of different length using padding
    612  Slicing and stacking tuple elements into matrix in Python
    612  Retrieving bin data from 2d histograms in numpy
    612  Python's fsolve not working
    612  Python panda read_csv: can we load STRING to NUMPY in one line?
    612  pandas.DataFrame.sum() argument ''min_count'' equivalent for pandas version before 0.22
    612  Opencv+Python Histogram matching error: Error in merging channel of colour images
    612  numpy's fast Fourier transform yields unexpected results
    612  Numpy list comprehension iterating over 2D array
    612  Normalize / Translate ndarray - Numpy / Python
    612  mean_validation_score vs. numpy.mean(cv_validation_scores)
    612  How to print sub matrix in python?
    612  how to open multiple netcdf files stored in multiple folders Python
    612  How to move zero axis to the last position in python?
    612  How many rows are equals between two matrices in numpy [duplicate]
    612  How do I group elements of a numpy array by two?
    612  Finding closest three x,y points in three arrays
    612  Failed to `pip install numpy` in pypy2 virtual environment on Ubuntu
    612  Dynamically indexing/choosing the dimension of numpy array
    612  Delete an item in a list, if outside the IQR [duplicate]
    612  Choosing random one from each row of a binary numpy matrix?
    611  Weird bug in Pandas and Numpy regarding multithreading
    611  ValueError: Could not convert string to float: ''nbformat'':4
    611  Using matplotlib to create a spectrogram of a wavfile
    611  Unable to free memory consumed by numpy arrays
    611  scipy.optimize.minimize ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    611  Recursion: IIR filter with `scipy.lfilter`
    611  Reading a structured binary file with numpy: fromfile vs. read & frombuffer
    611  Python  -  Use of Numpy.mgrid and Numpy.reshape
    611  Python's 'set' operator doesn't work with numpy.nan
    611  Python, load and list a .csv in a numpy array
    611  Python Environment Setup in Windows 10
    611  pandas DataFrame.groupby with a tolerance
    611  Numpy matrix multiplication with array of matrices
    611  numpy get mask from the array
    611  np.sum for row axis not working in Numpy
    611  Making pandas play nice with scikit-learn
    611  how to speed up kernelize perceptron using parallelization? [closed]
    611  How to perform a calculation comparing every element with every other element in numpy/scipy [duplicate]
    611  How to convert this octave code to python and what is this operator in octave '* and what is it's python equivalent
    611  how to convert pandas Series of Numpy object into a Numpy matrix?
    611  Filter numpy array according to predicate of position
    611  creating pandas dataframe with dtype float64 changes last digit of its entry (a fairly large number)
    611  concatenating numpy arrays from a directory
    611  Best way to iterate over an array that uses its own output
    611  assigning different weights to every numpy column
    610  Vectorized way to count occurrences of string in either of two columns
    610  Updating values in numpy array doesn't work with for loops on list
    610  Reshape list of lists of tuples to NumPy array
    610  Replace elements in 2D array based on occurrence in another array
    610  Radial profile of 2D matrix with float indexes
    610  Numpy performance gap between len(arr) and arr.shape[0]
    610  No module named 'numpy' after pip/conda install numpy
    610  Multiplying multidimensional array in python
    610  Memory-Mapping Slows Down Over Time, Alternatives?
    610  Maximization linear system with three variables
    610  Lark parsing based on tree location
    610  Issues with Derivative Calculator Autograd
    610  Image deduction with Pillow and Numpy
    610  how to convert non-numbers in dataframe to NaN (numpy) ?
    610  FFT derivatives using Numpy and the Nyquist frequency
    610  Editing Radar Charts for Labeling and Axis Limits
    610  Convert X,Y floating point coordinates to binary matrix and then perform a Hough line transform
    610  Compare two binary images and visualize the differences
    610  Compare 2 multidimensional arrays using loops
    610  Changing column name pandas with utf-16 encoding
    609  Writing mixed numpy array types to file
    609  Wordcloud from Numpy Array in Python
    609  What's the purpose of numpy.empty() over numpy.ndarray()?
    609  Solving Ax=b with numpy linalg python raise LinAlgError('Incompatible dimensions')
    609  Scipy won't import in python program
    609  random but consistent permutation of two numpy arrays
    609  Python: ''numpy.amax'' vs Python's ''max'' : 'int' object is not iterable
    609  Pandas dataframe fillna by some value
    609  Padding a numpy array with offsets for each data column
    609  Omit NA values from prcomp() in rpy2?
    609  numpy correlation coefficient error - RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
    609  NetworkX: regular graph created from 2D numpy array yields mismatches
    609  How to set shape/format of a target(y) array for multiple output regression in Keras?
    609  How to iterate over matrix in NumPy? [closed]
    609  How to generate random values including NaN?
    609  Efficiently calculating sum of squared differences
    609  Converting a WinAPI screenshot to a OpenCV compatible form
    609  Apply a conditional function to billions of data points
    608  Why does pickle take so much longer than
    608  TypeError: 'module' object is not callable using
    608  Trouble with pymc library
    608  Standard deviation from center of mass along Numpy array axis
    608  Scipy: Argrelmax Find Maxmima along Dimension in 3d Array
    608  Python Numpy - Square Values Issue
    608  Python: Concatenate many dicts of numpy arrays with same keys and size
    608  Problems with computing the joint probability mass function with np.histogram2d
    608  Matlab's gaussmf in Python/SciPy?
    608  Linear regression using normal equation
    608  Item Prediction from recommender system
    608  Input into a polynomial regression formula with Python
    608  How to understand the pivot matrix of scipy.linalg.lu_factor?
    608  How to multiply 3D array by 2D array, numpy [duplicate]
    608  How to fill pandas dataframe columns in for loop
    608  How to create basic table in Python?
    608  How to create a wrapper for a Matrix class to Numpy with SWIG?
    608  How to copy a matrix to a larger matrix in Python?
    608  How can I make a list of n + 1 values with constant increment between two numbers?
    608  Grouped, binned, cumulative sum in Pandas
    608  error in matplotlib library in python while using csv2rec
    608  Cython program is slower than plain Python (10M options 3.5s vs 3.25s Black Scholes) - what am I missing?
    608  Casting NaN into int in a pandas Series
    608  Array-Based Numpy 3d Array Assignment
    607  Why is my Runge-Kutta Python script defining elements of an array in this abnormal way?
    607  What is a faster way to get the location of unique rows in numpy
    607  Subclassing numpy.ndarray - why is __array_finalize__ not being called twice here?
    607  Slicing sublists with different lengths
    607  Simplfy row AND column extraction, numpy [duplicate]
    607  Read file with missing data with loadtxt (numpy)
    607  Python: read float32 image into numpy array
    607  Python and matplotlib - Plotting and drawing images inside class methods result in figures that are ''not responding''
    607  performance in linear algebra with python
    607  Numpy/IPython equivalent to Matlab's assignin
    607  numpy: detect consecutive 1 in an array
    607  NumPy array to bounded by 0 and 1?
    607  numpy array slicing to avoid for loop
    607  np.fromregex with string as dtype
    607  Machine Learning: Convert array to list of dictionaries
    607  Is there any non- scipy code out there that will create smooth interpolations of a 2d dataset?
    607  Integration of a piecewise function
    607  How to produce the following images (gabor patches)
    607  How to merge and sum duplicates in python?
    607  How do I get the strides from a dtype in numpy?
    607  How do I get feature names when I select only the 20% most important features, using a chi2 test?
    607  How can I append features column wise and start a row for each sample
    607  From a 2D array, create 2nd 2D array of Unique(non-repeated) random selected values from 1st array (values not shared among rows) without using a loop
    607  fourier inverse of a rectangular pulse using numpy
    607  Does importing a Python file also import the imported files into shell?
    606  Why is using tanh definition of logistic sigmoid faster than scipy's expit?
    606  Why does changing one `np.nan` value change all of the nan values in pandas dataframe?
    606  Using pandas Exponentially-weighted moving std as a sliding window with *fixed* window size
    606  TensorFlow: How to perform image categorisation on multiple images
    606  Speed up Python nested loops with conditional statements
    606  Speed up for loop with numpy
    606  Replace Value in Numpy array, with Value in a second Numpy array, Given Criteria
    606  Python: read various data-type from file
    606  Python Numpy Question and Python Version Question
    606  Python Numpy - numpy axis performance
    606  Python - Get coordinates of important value of 2D array
    606  python 3.7 numpy load ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 5218288 into shape (1974,3,128,128,3)
    606  Pycharm 2018.1.1, Ubuntu 16.04, Python 3.5 error - ImportError: No module named 'numpy'
    606  Numpy where not giving expected shape
    606  Numpy installation issues with Miniconda2
    606  More Pythonic/Pandaic approach to looping over a pandas Series
    606  Logic behind int16, uint8 etc. images
    606  How to separate image data into x, y coordinate? (python)
    606  How to round a numpy stacked array when written to file?
    606  How to replace using for loop in range(len) by using enumerate
    606  How to pass a list of numpy ndarrays as a vector to cython
    606  How to do a regression starting from a list of list of elements
    606  define shared array in GPU memory with Python?
    606  Broadcasting issues with numpy.linalg.lstsq
    606  Broadcasting a numpy.arange into a multi-dimensional array
    605  Why brew install a python package instead of pip install (or vice-versa)?
    605  What is causing the 2x slowdown in my Cython implementation of matrix vector multiplication?
    605  Vector-vector multiplication to create a matrix
    605  Replacing elements in Numpy 2D array with corresponding elements of another Numpy 2D array depending on a condition
    605  python : np.where() and broadcasting
    605  Numpy accessing column of genfromtxt array raises IndexError
    605  Need help in converting each column of a CSV file to numpy array [closed]
    605  Matrix Manipulation: Subtract 2D Matrix and 3D Matrix in numpy
    605  In numpy, calculating a matrix where each cell contains the product of all the other entries in that row
    605  Importing the numpy c-extensions failed in MacOS
    605  Image SSD calculation error value
    605  How to test if all rows are distinct in numpy [duplicate]
    605  How to draw a line or a curve in an image, interpolating some pixels?
    605  Get external coordinates of a polygon from a numpy boolean grid
    605  Find first nonzero column in scipy.sparse matrix
    605  Fancy array indexing into different column indices of each row
    605  Error while installing Scipy on Amazon Linux
    605  Do I need to import NumPy before importing pandas or can I use pandas by itself?
    605  divide every item in an array of arrays in one shot
    605  Creating a matrix of joint number of hits from two columns using numpy/pandas
    605  Converting string dictionary to numpy array
    604  What is the proper way to create a numpy array of transformation matrices
    604  Sort rows of numpy matrix efficiently
    604  R lsfit() and Numpy lstsq()
    604  Ploting matrix in matplotlib, while taking indexed data for positive and negative values, returns wrong plot axis or data
    604  pandas.apply() returns NaN from difference between two columns
    604  Numpy Sum from a multidimensional array?
    604  Numpy Rolling Columwise Correlation
    604  numpy array of histograms
    604  Numpy - Array dot product depending on order of input
    604  Numpy: add row and column
    604  matplotlib 2d numpy array
    604  Mahalanobis Distance doesn't match between rpy2 and scipy
    604  Keras: How to get class label from model.predict when using sigmoid for binary classsification
    604  How to use eig with the nobalance option as in MATLAB?
    604  How to reshape multiple array in a list in Python
    604  How to load data with numpy with no fixed column size
    604  downsampling data using timestamp information
    604  Declaring vectorized ufunc with numba, signature error: 'Float' instance not allowed
    604  Create a rotation matrix from 2 normals
    603  Why is matrix subtraction much slower than dot product in numpy?
    603  Unable to install Scipy in windows?
    603  Tensorflow: strided_slice slicing error with while loop
    603  Remove rows by duplicate column(s) values
    603  python dictionary with list values to numpy array
    603  Python - Calendar View from Dates in Pandas dataframe
    603  numpy.subtract performs subtraction wrong on 1-dimensional arrays
    603  NumPy genfromtxt - skipping rows that start with specific number
    603  mmap sparse vector in python
    603  Lists of tuples paired with dictionary keys, is this a good method of data classification?
    603  How to use 3-dimensional numpy arrays with swig
    603  How to plot pairwise distances of two-dimensional vectors?
    603  How to mix two numpy arrays using a boolean mask to create one of the same size efficiently?
    603  How to merge 2 numpy ndarray on a ndarray using values of a column?
    603  How to index with array and slice numpy array at the same time
    603  How to convert a series of index/category, into a classification array
    603  How to calculate mean of columns from array lists in python using numpy?
    603  Fourier Transform 2D artifact - what am I doing wrong?
    603  format image data to predict a number in the image for MNIST data model
    603  finding the interpolated intersection between two arrays in Python/Numpy/Scipy
    603  Efficient product of 1D array and 3D array along one dimension - NumPy
    603  Data transformation in numpy
    603  Biopython for similarity matrix - looking for better performance
    602  Zhao-Koch's steganography algorithm realization (extraction issue)
    602  Why is a NumPy int not an instance of a Python int, but a NumPy float is an instance of a Python float?
    602  Why doesn't chained (interval) comparison work on numpy arrays?
    602  np.mean() resulting in out of memory error
    602  Missing data in Boxplot using matplotlib
    602  Index Value of Last Matching Row Python Panda DataFrame
    602  how to read text file into array into pandas dataframe
    602  how to include numpy with cythonize-script?
    602  Efficient memory usage with numpy masked arrays
    602  Cython parallel OpenMP for Black Scholes with NumPy integrated, serial code 10M options 3.5s, parallel?
    601  writing uint16 Raw files
    601  Why is .ix inclusive on the end of indexing ranges?
    601  Why is creating a masked numpy array so slow with mask=None or mask=0
    601  Why can't I assign data to part of sparse matrix in the first ''try:''?
    601  Why are different versions of numpy and scipy installed on two boxes
    601  Solve overdetermined system with QR decomposition in Python
    601  Save 1 channel image without scaling
    601  Reshape array in squares like an image
    601  Reorder and Reshape elements in numpy ndarray
    601  Py4J can't serialize PySpark UDF
    601  Polar Contour Plot - binning shape mismatch
    601  Numpy Upgrade fails
    601  Numpy random choice, replacement only along one axis
    601  numpy array_equal gives 'NoneType' object not callable
    601  numpy array changes to string when writing to file
    601  Is there a way to accurately generate an evenly-spaced array? numpy.arange() gives me inexact results
    601  How to replace a zero and nan values in dataframe based in where condition in fillna or replace
    601  How to remove or mask values in a numpy array based on another array
    601  How to get rid of nested for loops in Python code?
    601  How to calculate the click-through rate
    601  Fast processing of numpy polyfit on 3d arrays?
    601  Efficient linear algebra for block-diagonal matrices in compressed format
    601  Downcast to float16 in pandas.to_numeric
    601  Dimensionality reduction being way too slow using PCA and a small dataset
    601  Create a new numpy array based on conditions set out in numpy array
    601  Convert heterogeneous numpy array to homogeneous
    601  Compiling numpy with external libraries for super computer
    601  applying numpy.searchsorted over multiple axes
    600  Tensorflow Linear Regression model returns huge cost values then inf values and stops with many Nan values
    600  Sliding window over an image to extract local Fourier modes
    600  Returning a real-valued, phase-scrambled timeseries
    600  pyplot.savefig with empty export
    600  Plot a distribution graph in Python
    600  numpy zeros error - TypeError: data type not understood for np.zeros
    600  numpy function .fft.fft2() giving an error: ''cannot do a non-empty take from an empty axis'' (opencv, matplotlib, numpy, python27)
    600  Multi-Core Numpy on ARM Cpu
    600  make 1 dimensional array of strings with elements seperated by commas from 2 d array in numpy
    600  Including external shared intel's mkl library in c extension for python
    600  How to remove rows with nan from array in Python using np.isnan?
    600  How to order opencv connectedComponentewithStat by area?
    600  How to import Pandas into Jupyter notebook on iPad through Juno?
    600  How to feed intermediate result in the tensorflow graph into tf.py_func as [inp]?
    600  How to do log with 0 values in pandas dataframe
    600  How to display out of range values on image histogram?
    600  How to detect parallelograms from the detected edge points in python
    600  How do I reverse the column values and leave the column headers as they are
    600  HDF5 adding numpy arrays slow
    600  Counting how many times a row occurs in a matrix (numpy)
    600  computing first principal component of sklearn's PCA
    600  Accessing matrix elements in OpenCV & C++ in the style of numpy/Python
    599  what the fps in a pyopengl game would really be [closed]
    599  Using numpy.max/ numpy.min for timestamp values
    599  Using numpy loadtext
    599  sort each column of correlation independently and get index values
    599  scipy.interpolate.griddata: cut z-value and get area inside it
    599  Python ValueError while dividing array by its own column
    599  pyodbc SQL Query to Numpy array typeerror: bytes-like object required
    599  Proper Way to Fit a Lognormal Distribution with Weight in Python
    599  PCA across a set of spatial grids in a numpy 3-dimensional array ... eigenvector ordering?
    599  numpy dot product returns nan between two arrays of no nan element or inf
    599  Needed explaination for plotting Ellipsoid with matplotlib
    599  How to use a flag with numpy?
    599  How to convert 16bit binary file to 32bit file?
    599  Float Array is not converted to int: Python
    599  C# digital filter implementation comparable to numpy.filtfilt
    599  Audio spectrum analyzer (4410 values into 15 bars)
    599  Add a legend (like a matplotlib legend) to an image
    598  Why is the correlation coefficient of these two list equal to 1?
    598  Vectorize calculation of a Pandas Dataframe
    598  ValueError: size of tuple must match number of fields while using genfromtxt
    598  trying to install latset version of numpy but am getting syntax errors?
    598  Subtract from first value in numpy array [duplicate]
    598  sparse or dense storage of a matrix
    598  Reshape Numpy Array: 'list' object is not callable
    598  Quickly find the min and max coordinates of connected component in a large image
    598  Python Numpy Random Numbers - inconsistent?
    598  Numpy: how to retrieve k max values from each row?
    598  Multiple Integration (with Scipy or otherwise)
    598  memory issue creating huge numpy (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL)
    598  Insert Missing Month Values as 0 in Python List
    598  How to update an array of exponential moving average in pandas?
    598  How to replace elements of one array with rows of another array in Numpy
    598  How to read two lines from a file and create dynamics keys in a for-loop, a follow-up
    598  How to optimize conversion from PyCBitmap to OpenCV image
    598  How to generate a list of all (x, y, pixel value) tuples from a 2D image matrix with numpy?
    598  How to free up memory allocated to nested numpy arrays?
    598  How to calculate a single cross correlation coefficient of matrices A with other matrices B python?
    598  Got black image when decode base64
    598  Get range/slice from numpy array the size of another array
    598  Confusing behavior of np.random.multivariate_normal
    598  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'insert'
    597  Write numpy array of numpy strings while encoding and removing all empty spaces (Python)
    597  Theano GPU calculation slower than numpy
    597  Scipy arpack eigs versus eigsh number of eigenvalues
    597  Prepare .npy data using Numpy for input for CNN
    597  OpenCV+Python getting this error when trying to run the code on bigger images
    597  Online PPO: TensorFlow Session returns NaN
    597  Numpy - transform 2D array of x,y coordinates into flat array of distance between coordinates
    597  numpy.savetxt doesn't recognize delimiter and newline parameters
    597  Numpy Import ''Aborted''
    597  Median for sparse matrix in numpy
    597  Interpolation with scipy's SmoothSphereBivariateSpline
    597  Incorrect eigenvalue with simply QR iteration by python
    597  How to store np arrays into psql database and django
    597  How to load images fast with python?
    597  How to get the pseudo inverse of a huge diagonal matrix in python?
    597  How to fix ''TypeError: ('must be real number, not numpy.str_', 'occurred at index 0')'' error in python
    597  From determinant to polynomial equation
    597  finding indices that would sort numpy column returns zeros
    597  Determine indices of entries in an array that start with a certain string
    597  Covariance matrix using text file in python
    597  Convert scipy condensed distance matrix to lower matrix read by rows
    597  built-in method ravel of numpy.ndarray object ...  insead of the array
    597  Automatically mask array when item set equal to fill_value
    596  Why seems Python to crash when I create a nested list of objects?
    596  ValueError - Could not broadcast input array from shape into shape w/ OpenCV
    596  Straighten B-Spline
    596  Stacking arrays in new dimension (numpy)
    596 savemat / loadmat with list of lists
    596  Pseudoinverse different results in R, C and Python
    596  OpenCV Python Numpy : ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
    596  Numpy mask from cylinder coordinates
    596  Numpy iterator on array do not work as expected
    596  NumPy dot product: take product of vector products (rather than sum)
    596  numpy delete shape of passed value error
    596  Implementing momentum weight update for neural network
    596  How to save 2D numpy array column wise instead of row wise in python? [duplicate]
    596  How to do numpy apply_along_axis when function returns higher-dimensional array?
    596  Formulation of the U-matrix (unified distance matrix) as a matrix operation?
    596  Fitting several data points to a logistic function
    596  Finding fmin using a Python lambda function
    596  Finding euclidean distance between all pair of points
    596  error when installing numpy for pypy2.2.1
    596  Equivalent matlab function mod in numpy or python
    596  Comparing numpy arrays containing strings
    596  Avoid NaN values and add two matrices element wise in python
    595  Too many indices for array numpy/python
    595  Spring physics applied to quaternions using python
    595  Selecting points in dataset that belong to a multivariate Gaussian distribution
    595  Recurrence with numpy
    595  Python - Rearrange elements in a 3D array
    595  python: making an array that is arange
    595  python cv2 array to numpy
    595  python column major and row major matrix
    595  PySide/python video player issue
    595  Plotting spectrum of a signal
    595  numpy logical.xor on a 2D array
    595  Numpy Array vs. Python list running time
    595  normalise batch of images in numpy per channel
    595  Multidimensional Broadcasting in Python / NumPy - or inverse of `numpy.squeeze()`
    595  Merge several lists with different length into a matrix
    595  How to get cross correlation value and lag value in Python?
    595  How to extract a 2D plane from a 3D numpy meshgrid
    595  How to detect if a 2D array is inside another 2D array?
    595  How to decide the np.reshape(image, (shape)) shape tuple based on the image structure
    595  How to apply different functions to different columns on pandas dataframe
    595  How Do I create a list from numpy array?
    595  genfromtxt different datatypes
    595  Deleting row in numpy array based on condition
    595  create a matrix from array of elements under diagonal in numpy
    595  Cannot import numpy in pypy3 (installs fine with pip)
    595  Add A 1-D Numpy Array to DataFrame as a Row
    595  3-D Matrix Multiplication in Numpy
    595  1D irregular grid to 1d regular grid
    594  Verify if 2 LineString (shapely) are parallel
    594  Vectorizing (squared) mahalanobis distance in numpy
    594  Split image and compare each parts
    594  Speed up a delta filter in python/numpy
    594  scikit-learn installation error
    594  Plot Stacked Histogram from numpy.histogram output with Matplotlib
    594  Optimizing a function given its computed partial derivatives
    594  `Optimal` variable initialization and learning rate in Tensorflow for matrix factorization
    594  Numpy: Subtract Numpy argmin from 3D array
    594  Numpy greenkey : operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
    594  Loading one dimensional data into a Dense layer in a sequential Keras model
    594  Keras fit_generator() & Input array should have the same as target samples
    594  iterating over numpy matrix columns
    594  Integration with Scipy giving incorrect results with negative lower bound
    594  Identify first non-zero element within a group in pandas
    594  How to shuffle a matrix and an array accordingly
    594  Hard time finding Python-Numpy deg2rad function
    594  Finding a better way to count matrices
    594  Filling a 3D array with multiprocessing
    594  Create a bar diagram with matplotlib with x-axis date and width is a time-delta
    594  Can't save data from yfinance into a CSV file
    594  Broadcast function in Numpy similar to matrix multiplication
    593  Using FFT for 3D array representation of 2D field
    593  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in Python Scipy on brain data
    593  Subtracting two timestamp arrays
    593  sklearn's PCA.fit_transform results don't match product PCA.components_ and input data
    593  Python: use numpy array of indices to ''lookup'' values from another matrix
    593  Python numpy type decimal places
    593  Python matplotlib and plotting date time information
    593  Python: Compare array elements with float, getting a boolean list
    593  pip install numpy exits build with error but installs anyway
    593  Pandas cumsum with conditional product of lagged value?
    593  Overriding keras predict function
    593  OpenCV and numpy version mismatch
    593  Numpy slicing with bound checks
    593  Mpi4Py - sending numpy subarray (non-contiguous memory) without copy
    593  Memory Error when using float32 in dask array
    593  Local Maxima with circular window
    593  Legend for colour and for marker
    593  Indices of multiple elements in a numpy array
    593  How to group data into varables based on column values in Python?
    593  How to get ''first-order optimality'' with python script
    593  how to convert list of different shape of arrays to numpy array in Python
    593  How to convert a dictionary with datetime objects as keys and numpy arrays as values to 2D numpy array?
    593  efficient numpy array creation
    593  Define Numpy array and assign values in single line
    593  Convert column of lists to 2D numpy array
    593  Change aggfunc of pandas pivot_table
    593  Can numpy.rint to return an Int32?
    593  Calculating pairwise spatial distances in periodic 2D lattice
    593  Calculate 3D variant for summed area table using numpy cumsum
    593  Binary storage of floating point values (between 0 and 1) using less than 4 bytes?
    592  Wrap C++ function with Boost Python  -  numpy array types
    592  What is the opposite of numpy.repeat?
    592  Unknown Error in numpy module addition to windows python 2.7
    592  The Thresholded Histogram in Python  -  Force each bin to have at least N objects
    592  Sparse matrix solver with preconditioner
    592  Read numpy file (.npy) without importing numpy or any other non-native import
    592  Read csv online with error Error tokenizing data
    592  python sparse gmres messes with input arguments
    592  Python numpy change 0 to -1 without changing False to -1
    592  Python Multiprocessing: different results with different number of processes
    592  Only 1 KB of file is downloading, instead of the whole thing in Python
    592  Numpy: transpose result of advanced indexing
    592  Numpy signed maximum magnitude of cumsum along an axis
    592  Numpy Pandas install fails with Sandbox violation on /dev/null
    592  how to prevent seaborn from smoothing the histogram when plotting a density plot using seaborn.distplot?
    592  How to determine transformation matrix having coordinate pairs?
    592  How to correctly compare elements of 3 different numpy arrays?
    592  How to add numpy datetime list into Pandas Dataframe as column?
    592  Find point along line a specified distance from a polygon
    592  Expand white pixels Image processing in python
    592  Comparing two vectors
    592  basemap.maskoceans: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
    591  What is wrong in Theano.Tensor.Sum function?
    591  Vector dot product along one dimension for multidimensional arrays
    591  Save Numpy confusion matrix in human readable text with labels
    591  Python Value Error: Could not be broadcast together with shapes
    591  Python Matlabplot with datetime & numpy array: How to Skip Days in Plot?
    591  python linear regression implementation
    591  Python: How to add a list to a named multidimensional arrays
    591  Preallocating ndarrays
    591  pandas: Parametric statistic test for two proportions (with H0: p1=p2). How to use scipy.stats?
    591  Pandas: Concatenate from two rows in rolling window
    591  Pad a numpy array with random values within a given range?
    591  numpy: why array multiplication is commutative?
    591  NumPy arrays with flexible dtype can be compared with == but not np.equal
    591  How to scale each column of a matrix
    591  how to read generator data as numpy array
    591  How to preserve order of insertion in SciPy Sparse Matrix COO_Matrix
    591  How to import an array of arrays from CSV in Python
    591  How to convert image into numerical array(numpy)?
    591  How to combine Images of different channel?
    591  Find numpy array values bounding an input value
    591  Efficient numpy subarrays extraction from a mask
    591  Does Pandas use Numpy as a random number generator?
    591  Delete 2d subarray from 3d array in numpy
    591  Creating a COO matrix from a 2D numpy array
    591  Create list with all unique possible combination based on condition in dataframe in Python
    591  Agglomerative clustering using DTW distance matrix
    590  Two Dimensional Pattern Matching with Wildcards in Numpy Arrays
    590  Scipy: efficiently generate a series of integration (integral function)
    590  Reshape a NumPy array based on values in its columns
    590  Reduce array over ranges
    590  Python: GUI - plotting, reading from pixels in real-time GUI
    590  Pandas: numpy.where logic with multiple conditions
    590  Numpy Iterate over 2d object array
    590  locate the numeric position of a non numeric index value
    590  Large Numpy Scipy CSR Matrix, row wise operation
    590  import Numpy and cv2 error in pycharm
    590  How to suppress error messages in rpy2
    590  How to remove, randomly, rows from a dataframe but from each label?
    590  How to re-index 3d numpy array
    590  How to handle the ''out of range'' exception in C++ when implementing a nd-array
    590  How to correctly overlay two images with opencv
    590  How to append 3D numpy array to file?
    590  Flask frontend with Tensorflow but not Tensorflow serving
    590  Finding the last values before a specific value in numpy/pandas
    590  Extract first 2 digits of a number using python
    590  Dynamically draw circle using mouse in openCV
    590  cython cast char pointer to array of numpy shorts
    590  accessing autograd arraybox values
    589  Why there are multiple peaks from the Fourier transform of a single sine signal? [duplicate]
    589  Tukey-Test Grouping and plotting in SciPy
    589  Shuffle independently within column of numpy array [duplicate]
    589  Python & Numpy - create dynamic, arbitrary subsets of ndarray
    589  Pandas not properly installed in venv
    589  Pandas not properly installed in venv
    589  OpenCV putText does not work after flipping the image
    589  numpy: find symmetric values in 2d arrays
    589  Numpy - create a multidimensional array of a copy of an array
    589  numpy array input from file
    589  Making an ellipsoid in numpy
    589  How to sort a NumPy array of strings by the last column
    589  How to plot multiple three-dimensional surface plots with matplotlib in the same plane
    589  How to invert a masked numpy array?
    589  How do I replace values in 2D numpy array using a dictionary of {value:(row#,column#)} pairs
    589  Getting value error while performing
    589  Getting the coordinates for the ''hottest areas'' on a numpy heatmap
    589  genfromtxt returning -1 and nan rows
    589  Finding the neighbors of all map coordinates
    589  Filter numpy structured array based based on unique elements in one dimension
    589  Easy way to convert pandas dataframe to meshgrid for arbitrary dimensions
    589  different size of element in numpy array and list
    589  Declaring a numpy array with cython strangely generates a lot of overhead
    589  Cumulative addition in a list based on an indices list
    589  Compile Scipy function with Cython
    589  Column-by-row multiplication in numpy
    589  Best way to insert values of 3D array inside of another larger array
    589  Applying circular filter to image in Python / Applying function to each element of numpy array
    588  Splitting train and test set with labels in sklearn?
    588  Smooth discrete 2D array
    588  Save vectors to file in Python with NumPy
    588  rospy rosaria AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'x'
    588  Reshape list/sequence of integers and arrays to array
    588  PYTHON: How to merge equal element numpy array
    588  Python - have a pcolor plot; now want a surface
    588  in numpy, delete a row where an entry in a column cannot be converted to a float
    588  Indexing a NumPy array like a dictionary
    588  How to load numpy sparse array containing TFIDF from scikit into Kmeans
    588  how to create weighted 2D array from networkx object in python
    588  How to change marker in matplotlib based on sign of number
    588  How to append multiple items to NumPy Array
    588  How do I fill an n-dimensional array in HDF5 from a 1D source?
    588  Filter, group, and calculate statistics for Numpy matrix data
    588  Filling empty list with zero vector using numpy
    588  Correlation between array and sparse matrix
    588  Converting a masked numpy array into a csv file
    588  Any way to speed up numpy.cumsum()
    587  Writing Multiple Rows to CSV using Numpy Arrays without Brackets?
    587  Why does Tensorflow 2 give a warning (but still work anyway) when the input is a pandas dataframe?
    587  Why does Python numpy float32 / int division gives a float64 result?
    587  Why doesn't multiprocessing pool map speed up compared to serial map?
    587  What is wrong with this implementation of odeint in python?
    587  ''ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous.'' when using scipy.integrate.dblquad
    587  Python ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (numpy multiplication)
    587  Print nicely formatted numpy array with complex and / or real elements (real_if_close)
    587  packing boolean array needs go throught int (numpy 1.8.2)
    587  numpy.savetxt format specifier for array
    587  Keras functional model with multiple inputs
    587  Is there a more efficient way to append lines from a large file to a numpy array? - MemoryError
    587  index 5688 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3706
    587  How to save multi-dimentional array values into CSV/Test file Python
    587  How to plot multiple xarray DataArray objects into one figure using the xarray plotting capability?
    587  How do I make matplotlib zoom and pan tool work with line markers
    587  How can I generate a gaussian process with correlation?
    587  Gapfilling missing data at specific latitude/longitude by nearest known neighbours
    587  fast way from 8bit grayscale numpy array to QPixmap
    587  Declaring a numpy boolean mask in Cython
    587  Create random sequence of integers within a range and with a minimum distance between them [closed]
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    587  Copy data from numpy to ctypes quickly
    587  Can we resize an image from 64x64 to 256x256 without increasing the size
    587  Can't get matplotlib/numpy to work
    587  Average positive numbers in a row
    586  Use wheels in gitlab-ci to avoid long compilations
    586  strange behaviour when cropping a numpy/opencv image
    586  Show interception values, matplotlib
    586  Sharing numpy arrays between multiple processes without inheritance
    586  Scipy: UnicodeDecodeError while loading image file
    586  Scipy fmin_powell function
    586  Scatter plot throws TypeError
    586  Python | pydub: how to load wav sample into pydub from np.array instead of a wav file?
    586  Python 2D numpy array from genfromtxt
    586  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using python tutorial
    586  Numpy reshape sub-list
    586  Numpy bug? How do I align a numpy record array (''recarray'')?
    586  Numpy array of tuples to PIL image
    586  How to interpret the output of scipy.fftpack.fft?
    586  How to create Single feature vector by concatenating RGB vectors in python
    586  How do I dissolve a pattern in a numpy array?
    586  getting median of particular rows of array based on index
    586  genfromtxt : read ints from space separated .txt file [duplicate]
    586  Faster implementation for ReLu derivative in python?
    586  Extreme memory usage by TensorFlow and Numpy
    586  Data type error
    586  Converting a numpy array into a tensor
    585  Wiriting a multidimensional numpy array into a CSV file
    585  Vectorize python function
    585  using cython to port modules to python 3.1
    585  Segmentation fault when creating multiprocessing array
    585  Round the number to its nearest base 10 number
    585  Python plot values at nodes in meshgrid
    585  python pickle dump and load private variables
    585  Python Pandas Pairwise Frequency Table with many columns
    585  Python: Find list that most closely matches input list value by value
    585  Python 2D Numpy Array to 1D (sort of..) [duplicate]
    585  Numpy transpose converts entries to strings?
    585  Numpy row wise masking
    585  numpy - return index If value inside one of 3d array
    585  numpy.random and Monte Carlo
    585  Normalize sub array lengths in a numpy array to do math on them
    585  Normalize scipy sparse matrix with number of nonzero elements
    585  Integrated for loop to calculate values over a grid/mesh
    585  I am getting error with for single channel images, how to solve?
    585  How to print scientific notation number into same scale
    585  how to convert datetime to milliseconds in python pandas
    585  How can I add two functions together in Python 3?
    585  Getting UnicodeDecodeError while saving numpy array to csv file
    585  Getting diagonal matrix stripe automatically in numpy or pytorch
    585  Fastest Way to access and put values in matrix
    585  Error when using numpy to encode categorical features of dataset
    585  Create a grid from figures python
    585  Convert numpy ndarray to tuple of tuples in optimize method
    585  Convert 2-d array of strings to float in python_removing scientific notation
    585  Apply rolling window and return stacked feature vectors as DataFrame
    585  Algorithm that numpy is using for `numpy.linalg.lstsq`
    584  Python np.gradient Error too many values to unpack
    584  Python: ''IndexError: invalid index into a 0-size array''
    584  python - define huge matrices return memoryerror on windows
    584  Python append to ndarray
    584  Open CV ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged
    584  numpy / pandas diff: spread the diff equally over the enclosed nan element
    584  Memory Error when trying to create numpy matrix
    584  Increasing speed of python list operations and comparisons in a custom table class
    584  Inconsistencies in applying np.gradient function
    584  If row in Dataframe contains certain string delete
    584  How we can read 16 un signed integer(16 uint) jpeg files in python
    584  How to scatter plot a dict of lists containing arrays in Matplotlib? (Screenshot in details)
    584  how to convert 2d input into 3d shape in keras?
    584  How do I use xarray groupby_bins to group by a time array?
    584  Dot product of csr_matrix causes segmentation fault
    584  Cannot install numpy in virtual env python 3.6
    584  Can I increase the compution speed of correlation analysis between vast time-series data?
    584  bincount in Numpypy
    583  Why do FFT result show 2 non-zero amplitudes for a samples of single frequency?
    583  Why does Pythons ''any()'' function work on numpy array?
    583  Why did i get twice legend from matplotlib?
    583  vectorized/broadcasted Dot product of numpy arrays with different dimensions
    583  Using np.expm1 to compute sigmoid function
    583  Split sparse matrices and put them back together
    583  sine function in Python as Taylor Series Approximation
    583  Sample data from combination of two probability distributions
    583  Run Tensorflow classify_image on numpy array
    583  read binary data using numpy
    583  Python: SpatiaLite table to numpy recarray with datetime format?
    583  numpy nanmean () 'float' object has no attribute 'dtype' error
    583  numpy array - load from disk row by row - memory efficiency but fast
    583  Normalized Multiple Histograms by Group with Matplotlib/Pandas
    583  Neighbourhood of Scipy Labels
    583  insert values _at_ specific locations in numpy array (np.insert done right?)
    583  Improving moving-window computation in memory consumption and speed
    583  How to set a colormap in interactive plot animations in python
    583  How to get pyFFTW running?
    583  How can I remove rows from a numpy array that have NaN as the first element?
    583  Function integration returns “only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars”
    583  Find valley in a noisy image?
    583  Derivative of complicated function with python
    583  Can't determine what is causing a segmentation fault
    583  Cannot use numpy with Spark
    583  Best way to create image segmentation dataset to read in with numpy [closed]
    583  Addressing ranges in a Scipy sparse matrix
    583  Adding up values in a 2D array in Python
    583  Add columns in a pandas dataframe to a list
    583  Accelerating one-to-many correlation calculations in Python
    582  Writing and reading .mat using changes dictionary contents [duplicate]
    582  ValueError when using sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression in Python
    582  Using numpy to apply a sepia effect to a 3D array
    582  Speed Up Nested For Loops with NumPy
    582  sklearn how to deal with missing_values='?'
    582  Shared Non-Contiguous-Access Numpy Array
    582  Python, scipy : minimize multivariable function in integral expression
    582  Python - pickling fails for numpy.void objects
    582  Python import error ''getfullargspec''
    582  python, how to generate a normally distributed set of RGB colors
    582  Python 3.5 Trying to plot PCA with sklearn and matplotlib
    582  Pandas percentage change to a n value before
    582  IndexError: index 43770 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 37550
    582  How to return the position (Index) of an element after reshaping from 1D to 2D numpy array?
    582  How to produce a 2D cut through a 3D image?
    582  How to create dataframe from numpy array
    582  How to connect Python arrays
    582  How each video frame captured is represented in Opencv?
    582  How do you efficiently access multiple slices from numpy array
    582  Add value into tuple (zip() inside for loop ) in Python
    581  Vectorization with numpy
    581  Summing array elements in python loop [duplicate]
    581  Regrid 2D data onto larger 2D grid at given coordinates in Python
    581  Python: how to create a submatrix discretizing a circle?
    581  Python Curve fit, gaussian
    581  Pip3 search finds intel-numpy, but can't install
    581  Numpy sum of operator results without allocating an unnecessary array
    581  Numpy remove rows with same column values
    581  Import Basemap fails under Fedora 21
    581  How to find the column index of the value of a given row in numpy?
    581  Having trouble trying to install Numpy
    581  Find indices of duplicated rows in python ndarray
    581  Fast way to apply custom function to every pixel in image
    581  Combine list of numpy arrays and reshape
    581  Calculate and plot segmentation mask pixels
    580  Vectorize Sliding Window Dot Product
    580  Trouble with pyplot displaying resized images in python
    580  Python: avoiding conflict of NumPy's with local
    580  Pandas Split-Apply-Combine
    580  Numpy modify multiple values 2D array using slicing
    580  Numpy matrix exponentiation gives negative value
    580  Numpy Linalg norm behaving oddly (wrongly)
    580  Numpy genfromtxt: python 2 vs 3 differences in reading line breaks
    580  numpy and matplotlib entry point error in anaconda windows 64 bit
    580  np.ndarray.flatten does not flatten
    580  How to assign values to ndarray variable using loops in python
    580  Convert multiple columns to one row (Pandas/Numpy)
    580  Can't differentiate wrt numpy arrays of dtype int64?
    580  Can NumPy's flatten() return a 2D array?
    580  Bernoulli Naive Bayes error: ValueError: Unknown label type: (array([0, 0, 0,  ... , 0, 0, 0], dtype=object),)
    580  Assign a tensorflow variable to an element in an array
    579  Why is float64 cast to int when multiplying with a list?
    579  using pandas and numpy to parametrize stack overflow's number of users and reputation
    579  Trying to perform an operation on all sub arrays inside a numpy array without using a for (or similar) loops
    579  Trying to confirm average pooling is equal to dropping high frequency Fourier coefficients using numpy
    579  skin color segmentation using YCbCr colorspace
    579  Saving Python Numpy Structure As MySQL Blob
    579  Parallelize python loop numpy.searchsorted using cython
    579  Pandas Data Frame correlation with Series
    579  numpy - select multiple elements from each row of an array
    579  Normalizing values in a curve_fit of Plancks Law from data set *Edit*
    579  Interpolation of values when zooming down
    579  How to control the precision of the scikit-learn decision tree algorithm
    579  How to apply a Pandas lookup table to a numpy array?
    579  Filter numpy structured array based on partial match to a list
    579  Faster shuffle for a large numpy memmap array
    579  Fail to implement Cardano method. Cube root of a complex number
    579  Difference between scipy and numpy sobel gradient calculation
    579  Changing floating point behavior in Python to Numpy style
    579  Broadcasting matrix-vector dot product
    578  What is the difference between numpy.shares_memory and numpy.may_share_memory?
    578  TypeError while converting pandas column to int
    578  Transforming polynomial variable in Numpy
    578  Save a column of date format with Numpy
    578  Python/Numpy: Efficiently store non-sparse large symmetric arrays?
    578  Python - Find min, max, and inflection points of normal curve
    578  Python 3.X: Why numexpr.evaluate() slower than eval()?
    578  Plot (x, y, z) triples on 2d plane with a colormap
    578  numpy distutils erroring when trying to install with pip
    578  No speedup reading files with gevent
    578  Is there a GPU accelerated numpy.max(X, axis=0) implementation in Theano?
    578  How to update an array in Python based on another array?
    578  How to implement digitally reconstructed radiograph (DRR) in python
    578  How to avoid NaN in numpy implementation of logistic regression?
    578  How can i train GaussianNB in pipeline by removing error[AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'lower']
    578  Gridded data/basemap mismatch - what have I done wrong?
    578  Generating a 3D sine curve using python
    578  Fitting a probability distribution to the data and finding cumulative distribution function for it
    578  Deleting rows in a numpy array iteratively
    578  Dealing with string values while using numpy arrays of integer values
    578  Dealing with categorical variables - Looking for recommendations
    578  Cythonize two small numpy functions, help needed
    578  Custom display of upper triangular matrix? [duplicate]
    578  Counts in bins using loop
    578  Convert a numpy array to generate a image
    578  Comparing lists in two columns row-wise efficiently
    578  Comparing histograms, Normal distribution
    578  check for identical rows in different numpy arrays
    578  Calculate Columns in Pandas based on multiple rows
    578  Alternatives to numpy einsum
    578  3D volume acrobatics in python.. selecting x/y/z rows/columns in 3D numpy arrays
    578  2D numpy array search (equivalent toMatlab's intersect 'rows' option)
    577  Threading in Python and global variables - difference between arrays and standard variables?
    577  Tensorflow: how to create feature_columns for numpy matrix input
    577  Remove sub-arrays from a numpy array
    577  python install numpy and matplotlib exceptions (using pip)
    577  Python 3 shows UnicodeDecodeError when trying to print dataset with numpy
    577  Pandas Rolling Apply with Scipy FindPeaks function: TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted
    577  Output list and numpy array into same file
    577  Out of RAM memory when converting list to one-hot-encoded list on Google Colab
    577  Numpy value error - the truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() [duplicate]
    577  Numpy Error using 'np.arange': Index Error [duplicate]
    577  Numpy and dot product on 3D matrices
    577  How to generate samples using Inverse Transform Sampling with a given customized PDF in Python?
    577  How to apply function which returns vector to each numpy array element (and get array with higher dimension)
    577  how can I install numpy on pypy on my 64 bit computer running Windows 64 bit?
    577  Get indices for values of one array in another array
    577  Extracting selected columns from a datafile using python
    577  Convert data faster (from byte to 3D numpy array)
    577  Compare matrices in Python and store results [duplicate]
    577  Building a general numpy array index dynamically
    577  Better way than T.eye in theano
    576  ValueError: Found infinity in column x
    576  Substituting values using SymPy for initial conditions of odeint if they are present
    576  runtimewarning while using lagrange interpolation in numpy
    576  Repeating Scipy's griddata
    576  Reduce a sparse matrix in numpy
    576  Random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1]
    576  Python Openpyxl pick cell to start printing numpy array
    576  python, openCv, chain code -> i would like to find angles between the points
    576  Python ''list order''
    576  precision in variables extracted from array using numpy
    576  Parallelization in Python using Numpy and Joblib
    576  Numpy solver : max value
    576  numpy selecting every other n entries
    576  numpy.cos works significantly longer on certain numbers
    576  Numpy bit manipulation
    576  Nested list comprehension in Python
    576  Multiprocessing - shared memory with multidimensional numpy array
    576  Multiple assignment with Numpy arrays and lists, a curious example
    576  memory error in python for array of size 150 000
    576  Looking for help using global data in a Flask application across sessions by different users
    576  Jupyter Notebook - Matplotlib keep running
    576  JPEG compression in Python turns negative
    576  How to normalize each vector of np.gradient elegantly?
    576  How to find parts of elements in NumPy array
    576  How to convert a binary classes column to numpy array
    576  How to allow both floats and and array in a numpy array
    576  How can I pull the values from a NumPy 2-D array that are inside a polygon laid on top of the array?
    576  Fill a numpy array with objects
    576  Error when trying to use np.loadtxt()
    576  efficiently compute ordering permutations in numpy array
    576  doctests with numpy arrays in Python 2 and 3
    576  Cubic spline representation from second derivative
    576  Cannot import numpy in python2.7 (macOSX) even though it is installed
    576  Best practice numpy roots
    575  Strange behavior of numpy.round
    575  Python: fine tuning several fits functions
    575  Python - Check Zero Floating Point Value in Numpy Array
    575  Penalize error on one category svm sklearn?
    575  Parallel processing with Numpy.loadtxt()
    575  numpy can't assign values to part of a column
    575  map array of numbers to rank efficiently in Python
    575  Is it possible to specify the order of levels in Pandas factorize method?
    575  Inverse matrix results different in MATLAB and Python
    575  Inter segment distance using numba jit, Python
    575  IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
    575  How to use numpy.polyfit to fit an graph?
    575  How to convert a 3D numpy array into a 3D sparse matrix in Python?
    575  How to Concat a DataFrame with String to a DataFrame with Unicode and normalize datatype
    575  how can I add metadata to a numpy memmap array?
    575  Feather install error with pip3
    575  Dot product between 2D and 3D arrays
    575  converting vector form of text to numpy : array is too big
    575  Can I create a PyObject* (numpy.float32)
    575  After converting str to float, numpy array returns strings
    574  Why is Numpy's LinAlg Norm function named the way it is?
    574  Why does Python's `any` function not return True or False? [closed]
    574  shortest path in Directed graph in networkx
    574  Replacing numpy.fft routines with pyfftw, not working as expected
    574  remove elements from list based on index in pandas Dataframe
    574  Python: ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence'' when using sklearn
    574  Python raises Memory Error despite of 16gb Swap
    574  Python numpy generate an array of random binary values according to probabilities
    574  Python 3.5.1 Unable to import numpy after update [duplicate]
    574  Python 2.6 numpy interaction array objects error
    574  PyOpenCL reduction Kernel on each pixel of image as array instead of each byte (RGB mode, 24 bits )
    574  NumPy's repeat command on a matrix: how to do this in OpenCV with cv::Mat?
    574  NumPy: how to left join arrays with duplicates
    574  numpy.diff returning an empty array?
    574  Is it possible to add a new field in a numpy.genfromtxt output?
    574  Insert array from csv using pymongo
    574  How to set all elements of one column of dataframe to arrays?
    574  How to reshape square numpy matrix into ''diamond'' of diagonals structure most efficiently
    574  how to plot histogram of lottery numbers?
    574  How to load .mtx file in NetworkX?
    574  How to find the mean of the value at an index in numpy [duplicate]
    574  How to display just the mesh of meshgrid
    574  How to check values in columns in a numpy array
    574  How can I get the mean value of an array?
    574  Get coordinates of squares in numpy matrix
    574  Error when transforming numpy array to PIL Image
    574  Eigenvalues of masked array (NumPy)
    574  Count numpy array mixed data types and display in descending order
    574  Convert loaded mat file back to numpy array
    574  Combine sparse and masked array in numpy
    574  Boolean array with no all True values in one row
    574  apt-get install python files or just pip install?
    573  When should I use the numpy.genfromtxt instead of pandas.read_csv to read a csv file?
    573  ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension exception is thrown, but x and y are of the same type and length
    573  ValueError: shapes (11,1) and (11,1) not aligned: 1 (dim 1) != 11 (dim 0)
    573  simultaneously update theta0 and theta1 to calculate gradient descent in python
    573  Python/Scipy - Integrate with Quad Along Axis
    573  python, numpy: Setting the values for an entire 2D plane of a 3D array
    573  Python equivalent of MATLAB function findchangepts
    573  Printing numpy array with indicies
    573  Pandas equivalent in NumPy
    573  MemoryError with numpy where
    573  matplotlib can not import pylab
    573  Large Performance difference when summing ints vs floats in Cython vs NumPy
    573  How to reshape a 4d numpy array for training a model
    573  How to numpy.nan*0=0
    573  How to make numpy load faster
    573  How to convert numpy array with numeric and non_numeric entries to all floats
    573  gdal_calc amin fails when passing more than 23 input files
    573  Find position of value, that occurs only once in dataframe
    573  Finding conditional mutual information from 3 discrete variable
    573  Cython PYD is a DLL, is there an easy way to embed Python into an executable calling it?
    573  Convert Numpy Array to Video(mp4)
    573  Casting datetime64 to different time unit
    573  2D Convolution Runtime using Python FFTW vs. Numpy FFT
    572  Why does scipy.take not work with a sparse matrix?
    572  ValueError: Input arrays should have the same number of samples as target arrays. Found 32 input samples and 128 target samples
    572  ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('S25') dtype('S25') dtype('S25')
    572  Solve differential equation in Python when I don't know the derivative analytically
    572  Selecting rows depending on conditions for multiple columns
    572  scipy curve fit failing to fit Lorentzian
    572  pil image to numpy array conversion stops my script
    572  numpy: Print matrix with random elements, columns and rows
    572  Numpy nd.array, ctypes, multiprocessing
    572  numpy: multidimensional linspace
    572  numpy dependency in script used by bitbake
    572  numerical precision of cross product in numpy
    572  Matplotlib: Using a colorbar in conjunction with the extent keyword produces off-center images in figure window
    572  Is there any `itemgetter` equivalent for `numpy.ndarray`?
    572  Issues with floodcount (similar to a floodfill algorithm) [python]
    572  How to interpolate 2D array from a coarser resolution to finer resolution
    572  How to index data based on multi-dimension physical coordinates of xarray
    572  How to fix the TypeError: G must be a 'd' matrix?
    572  How to fix ''module 'pandas' has no attribute 'Int64Dtype' '' error in python?
    572  How does astype() affect numpy mean and sum?
    572  How can i transform my binary numpy list of arrays to an image?
    572  How can I place a best fit line to the plotted points?
    572  how can I combine multiple sparse and dense matrices together
    572  Gradient descent fails with NaN values in all parameters
    572  from scipy.integrate import odeint returns error [duplicate]
    572  comparing two date arrays and to find index in python
    572  Can we use NumPy in writing a website? [closed]
    571  XOR not learned using keras v2.0
    571  Voice activated password implementation in python
    571  Using tuples as inputs in functions
    571  Using numpy for first time hit ''ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated''
    571  Thomas Solver Algorithm Python 3
    571  Tensorflow numpy repeat
    571  Rounding issues when converting between arrays and tuples
    571  Ranking columns by a single integer
    571  Python Sounddevice callback not appending
    571  Pyinstaller - ImportError: No module named mtrand in Linux
    571  Performant creation of sparse (stiffness) matrix
    571  Pandas groupby hour of the day to dictionary
    571  Numpy Vectorization While Indexing Two Arrays
    571  NumPy piecewise versus NumPy where
    571  numpy map 2D array values
    571  numpy: fast way of creating a matrix with entries c_i * C_{ij}
    571  Numpy array modification in-place
    571  numpy 2d boolean array indexing with reduce along one axis
    571  How to convert 4 dimensional array into 2 dimensions and save as csv in python
    571  How do I check for correlation using Decimal numbers/data with python 3
    571  How can I plot from a maximum range to a minimum range in Python
    571  group list elements based on another list
    571  Get different quantile for each row using numpy percentile
    571  Find the peak values from data [duplicate]
    571  Fast outer tensor product in numpy
    571  Efficiently counting runs of non-zero values
    571  AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'read_csv' in python 3.6
    570  Subset dataframe with another dataframe of a different length
    570  pythonnet crashes on numpy import
    570  Populating a numpy array with values from a list while keeping relations
    570  numpy sort wierd behavior
    570  numpy/scipy: fill upper triangle of array with elements of 1d vector?
    570  NumPy/OpenCV 2: how to enumerate all pixels from region?
    570  numpy: is there any driver to load data from mongodb?
    570  Numpy: boolean comparison on two vectors
    570  Normalizing A Numpy Arange
    570  Neural Network - TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
    570  Multiple labels with tensorflow regression
    570  How to read in csv files with quotes as text qualifiers and not touch NAN values?
    570  How to make simple GUI graph with Linear Equation
    570  How to create a dataframe from numpy arrays?
    570  Error in python: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000001e4b030
    570  Efficient accessing in sparse matrices
    570  dynamically append processed filename to output txt file
    570  Convert vertical matrix to correlation matrix. Python
    570  Convert rows of hexadecimal values to binary, vertically by column
    570  cholesky decomposition in python
    570  Casting an array of C structs to a numpy array
    570  Calculate the euclidian distance between an array of points to a line segment in Python without for loop
    570  Adding string values from previous row to next row in Pandas
    569  what all python packages/libraries are in Google App Engine?
    569  SyntaxError: invalid syntax with return function
    569  Slice away first element in each (list) element in a list in Python
    569  segfault on f2py callback
    569  Replace NaN with nearest value in a series of non-numeric object?
    569  Python dimension mismatch for multiplication
    569  Permute list of lists with mixed elements (np.random.permutation() fails with ValueError)
    569  numpy conditionally replace scalar/boolean with array
    569  How to get a padded slice of a multidimensional array?
    569  How do I load heterogeneous data (np.genfromtxt) as a 2D array?
    569  Getting the non-trivial solution to a set of linear equations
    569  Create a numpy array according to another array along with indices array
    569  Clean way to raise error on numpy array negative index?
    569  Better way to compare neighboring cells in matrix [duplicate]
    569  AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy
    569  Applying function to each row of pandas data frame - with speed
    569  Append 1D numpy array to file with new element in new line
    568  Why subtract a value from itself (x - x) in Python?
    568  Why converting a float list into numpy array changes the value of some variables?
    568  scipy.spatial ValueError when trying to run kdtree
    568  Retrieving facets and point from VTK file in python
    568  Python Pandas - Compare between two dataframes differences
    568  Plot and fill 3D volumes in Python
    568  numpy stack rows of ndarray
    568  Numpy Load OverflowError: length too large
    568  Interpolating backwards with multiple consecutive nan's in Pandas/Python?
    568  Installation problems with Gensim library Python 3.4 :
    568  ignoring string while reading into an array
    568  How to use cv::Mat in python?
    568  How to reshape a multidimensional array to a 2D image?
    568  How to do element-wise multiplication of a matrix of scalars with a matrix of vectors?
    568  Error installing pandas on Windows 10
    568  Dynamic Access of Multi dimensional Python Array
    568  Cython speed vs numpy
    568  Cleaner pandas apply with function that cannot use pandas.Series and non-unique index
    568  Cannot set an array element with a sequence
    568  Bigger marker size for plot using pcolormesh
    568  Apply function to elements of dataframe
    568  Adding rows to a numpy array without losing previous data stored
    567  Verify Image data from tfrecord files using tensorflow
    567  Understanding Michael Nielsen's backpropagation code
    567  Subtracting and multiplying between Pandas DataFrame, numpy array and float
    567  Shuffle multidimensional array by columns and update list of indexes accordingly
    567  python'S TypeError of tuple which is not defined
    567  Python: Pandas Parallel Coordinates Ranges of Axes and Labeling
    567  Python equivalent of Matlab's hist3
    567  Python ctypes how to pass string and array arguments
    567  Pandas dataframe to 2D numpy array
    567  Numpy thermometer encoding
    567  Numpy - difference when using np.isnan directly and saving booleans in a temp. variable
    567  Numpy concatenating multiple axes
    567  memory leak in matplotlib histogram
    567  Matplotlib using layered histograms
    567  Key in dict.keys(), but dict.get(key) returns None
    567  Installation/use of dask.array on python3
    567  If you multiply the smallest positive floating point value by a non-zero number, are you guaranteed a non-zero result?
    567  How to resample a Pandas dataframe of mixed type?
    567  How to efficiently pass function through?
    567  How to compare diagonally opposed element of a multidimensional array with numpy
    567  Filtering with itemgetter and numpy arrays
    567  Fastest way to compare neighboring elements in multi-dimensional numpy array
    567  Dot product with last two axises of two 3D arrays in numpy
    567  Difficulty shading in feasible area on plot using matplotlib [duplicate]
    567  Difference in calculating mean AUC using Scikit-Learn
    567  Creating Python Wheels for libraries like numpy
    567  Concatenation of Keras parallel layers changes wanted target shape
    567  3d Random sampling [duplicate]
    566  xarray - resample time series data from daily to hourly
    566  Why is python's hstack used here for machine learning
    566  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (1120,1472,4) into shape (3000,3000)
    566  Understanding Numpy internals for profiling purposes
    566  Random array from list of arrays by numpy.random.choice()
    566  Quickly fill large Numpy matrix from Pandas DataFrame
    566  Python - Transposing a list (rows with different length) using numpy fails [duplicate]
    566  Python, Surface between two curves, matplotlib
    566  Python 2.7 program (w/ shelved dictionaries) returning fatal ''dbrunrecoveryerror'' for particular key and value combinations, but not others
    566  OpenCV HSV value changes depending on location on the screen/camera
    566  Numpy grouping by range of difference between elements
    566  numpy build with mingw fails on Window with AttributeError: Mingw32CCompiler instance has no attribute 'compile_options', How to resolve this?
    566  Multidimensional Matrix in Numpy
    566  masked softmax in theano
    566  Instrumentation for numerical linear algebra in Python
    566  Installation of python libraries on OS X
    566  How to write and read a single Numpy 2D array to and from a CSV file as a single command in Python?
    566  how do I find out how many arguments a lambda function needs
    566  Find largest difference between adjacent floats in ordered array
    566  Feed_dict doesnt accept my data
    566  Earth Mover Distance between numpy 1-D histograms
    566  Convert array dictionary to a dictionary python
    566  Calling blas ddot from Cython
    566  Calculate mean over discrete functions with different amount of sampling points
    565  Using pandas to analyzing a over 20G data frame, out of memory, when specifying chunksize still wouldn't work
    565  Using non-consecutive sequences to select indices from numpy array [duplicate]
    565  user inputs in python giving float, array multiplication issue
    565  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars issue
    565  Spark: How to ''reduceByKey'' when the keys are numpy arrays which are not hashable?
    565  Slice a 3D array in to multiple 2D arrays
    565  SciPy RectSphereBivariateSpline interpolation over sphere returning ValueError
    565  Python - use functions from another module in a function
    565  Python: speed up matrix coordinate mapping through iteration
    565  Python (Numpy) array equal function is slow ... is there a faster way?
    565  Python Fast Implementation of Convolution/Cross-correlation of 3D arrays
    565  Is there a way to make a Complex number in Numpy with the accuracy of a Decimal type?
    565  InvalidArgumentError: Expected image (JPEG, PNG, or GIF), got unknown format starting with 'B2.jpg'
    565  Import numpy not working on Python 2.7 notebook?
    565  How to see all values of long arrays in NumPy? [duplicate]
    565  How to plot the motion of a projectile under the effect of gravity, buoyancy and air resistance?
    565  How to name a dataframe column filled by numpy array?
    565  how can i predict my variables
    565  FFT with python from a data file
    565  Error with calling Numpy, Scipy, Gensim in python3
    565  Copy a single axis of a numpy array by index
    565  Code for nested cross-validation of lasso regression
    565  Closed Form Ridge Regression
    565  Calculating distance between a set of points using np matrix calculations
    565  Accessing array contents inside .mat file in python
    564  Word Labels for Document Matrix in Gensim
    564  Why is imprecise? (n-dim arrays)
    564  Type of slice impacts mutability of numpy array
    564  Python Reading (floating-point) values one at a time
    564  python numpy core MemoryError
    564  Point Python Launcher to Anaconda Installation
    564  Pillow+numpy+unittest gives a ResourceWarning: does this indicate a leak?
    564  Pandas select data in q quantile
    564  Optimising python code that uses numpy sin,cos,sum and abs
    564  numpy three-tuple array to RGB image
    564  numpy python openCv remap
    564  Numpy Broadcasting arrays
    564  numpy-1.12.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32 (1).whl is not a supported wheel on this platform
    564  Inplace transpose of 3D array in PyCuda
    564  IndexError: index X is out of bounds for axis 0 with size Y
    564  Import data from a text file with random missing data in python
    564  How to read a system of differential equations from a text file to solve the system with scipy.odeint?
    564  How to invert the values of a two-dimensional matrix by using slicing in NumPy?
    564  How to implement EXCEL's lookup function in Python
    564  How to calculate the mean index in array with NumPy
    564  how can we write large DataFrame into excel file quickly in pandas?
    564  Fit scikit-learn algorithms with data stored in SFrame
    564  Fastest way to fill numpy array with zeros and ones
    564  Error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
    564  dataframe to np.array - IndexError: tuple index out of range
    564  basic feature selection or dimensionality reduction previous to machine learning
    564  averaging over subsets of array in numpy
    563  Weighted random numbers in Python from a list of values
    563  Using np.loadtxt between two specific lines (Python 2.7)
    563  Turn a numpy array of one hot row vectors into a column vector of indices
    563  reshaping numpy array / nested arrays
    563  python two variables - find which one is closest to zero
    563  Python numpy.where: TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index; on list of dictionaries
    563  python - mapping values from a probability mass function to a list of random variables
    563  python - converting strings from csv to date and float formats
    563  Python: binned_statistic_2d mean calculation ignoring NaNs in data
    563  Numpy vectorize sum over indices
    563  Numpy .shuffle gives the same results each time
    563  Numpy - Matrix multiplication faster with many zero-entries?
    563  Numpy condition for getting nested arrays if their max is above a threshold
    563  Migrating to numpy api 1.7
    563  Merge overlapping bounding boxes, replace by surrounding bounding box
    563  MemoryError while creating a empty float32 numpy arrray
    563  imshow of numpy array is not working as expected with Cartopy
    563  How to avoid this four-line memory leak with NumPy+MKL?
    563  How I can find exact value in all of third column of array using Python?
    563  How do I speed up (or break up) this MySQL query?
    563  Fast array manipulation based on element inclusion in binary matrix
    563  Convert a 2D array to 3D array by multiplying vector in numpy
    563  an efficient equivalent to numpy isnan or where that looks over a window of N values
    563  adding numpy arrays of differing shapes
    562  ZeroDivisionError when using scipy.interpolate.griddata
    562  What does  ...  mean in numpy code?
    562  TypeError: must be str, not int couldn't be solved
    562  Reduce memory footprint of python program
    562  Python: select points that fall within two arbitrary curves
    562  Python on Aptana Studio with Numpy?
    562  Python limit decimal places to specific position (not round)
    562  Pymc 2d gaussian fitting
    562  Overlay two Data Frames in one graph [duplicate]
    562  Numpy where conditional statement along axis 0
    562  Numpy Trapezoidal Distribution for Age Distribution
    562  numpy.logical_and.reduce on pandas.DataFrame
    562  Multiplying Matricies get invalid data type for einsum
    562  Matlab's convn in Python
    562  Integrate using SciPy with variable integrand members and put into meshgrid
    562  Installing Numpy (v1.9.0), Pandas and SKlearn on GAE Standard Env (Python 27)
    562  Indices in a numpy array where slice in another array
    562  How to turn a numpy array to nested list?
    562  How to get a list of all Numpy dtypes? [duplicate]
    562  Fastest way of finding the index of the closest element in a non-sorted Python list of floats
    562  Faster numpy.random.shuffle with a length limit?
    562  Efficiently creating a checkerboard pattern of 0s and 255s
    562  Create a scatter chart by matplotlib with mysql database
    562  Convert Pointer to Array of Unsigned Chars to Numpy Array
    562  caffe TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
    561  Which is a quick way to parallelize element-wise multiplication of 2D NumPy arrays?
    561  Signed distances between sets of points
    561  scipy binned statistcs future warning
    561  Python ValueError in this code
    561  Python: using np.apply_along_axis with a function returning array
    561  Python adding values from multiple columns to a set()
    561  pandas astype python bool instead of numpy.bool_
    561  Numpy: what happens with 3D-boolean index array
    561  Numpy issubdtype gives ''TypeError: data type not understood''
    561  numba slower for numpy.bitwise_and on boolean arrays
    561  Iterate in submatrices through a bigger matrix
    561  How Can I manually Install Numpy (Linux)?
    561  Generating this error : TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    561  Filling each row of one column of a DataFrame with different values (a random distribution)
    561  feeding distance matrix to R clustering from Rpy2
    561  fast read less structure ascii data file in numpy
    561  Efficient multiple precision numerical arrays
    561  Covariance with a columns
    561  bivariate standard normal variable in Python
    560  Wrong result of
    560  Why does deepcopy change values of numpy array?
    560  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() : in for loop with shorted
    560  Theano: Grad error
    560  Syntax Error while trying to use Cythons memoryviews
    560  Solve non linear equation numpy.
    560  Report a two-sample K-S statistic from two precomputed histograms
    560  Rearranging and solving an equation in Python
    560  Python: Transpose data to create a record for each month between two dates
    560  Pareto distribution and whether a chart conforms to it
    560  Optimizing or replacing array iteration with python loop by numpy functionality
    560  Numpy np.fromstring() not working as hoped
    560  Numpy:Finding difference between two files containing float values
    560 giving incorrect answer for large integers
    560  Numpy choose shape mismatch
    560  Linkage matrix value error: setting an array element with a sequence
    560  Keras model.predict error for categorical labels
    560  Joblib parallel write to ''shared'' numpy sparse matrix
    560  How to install numpy on win7 64bit for python 2.7.8?
    560  How to generate random numbers array that contains 3-sigma outliers?
    560  How does numpy order array slice indices?
    560  efficient algorithm for 1d to 3d index correspondence in numpy
    560  Coverting csv into numpy array
    560  Assign values in matrix via indexing
    560  2D array to 3D area function - Python
    559  TensorFlow: Linear Regression with multiple inputs returns NaNs
    559  Solving linear regression equation for a sparse matrix
    559  python plot distribution across mean
    559  Python: Plot an array of strings with repeated entries vs float without for loop
    559  Numpy's matrix_power function giving wrong results for large exponents [duplicate]
    559  Matlab equivalent in Python: logical XOR on arrays of different lengths?
    559  I want to map a function to each element of a vector in Theano, can I do it without using scan?
    559  IOError when loading data file to plot
    559  Impossible to get a float array (invalid literal for float())
    559  Image transformation with Keras and Numpy
    559  How to normalise plotted points and get a circle?
    559  How to fill an array ''column'' with calculated numbers
    559  How do you plot a line with two slopes using python
    559  How do I combine sympy derivatives with numpy array expressions?
    559  How does one call external datasets into scikit-learn?
    559  How can I change a color channel in an image using numpy?
    559  .groupby .agg does not work as expected in python
    559  Get statistical difference of correlation coefficient in python
    559  Finding the column names of a pandas DataFrame where row values are minimum
    559  FIFO Capital Gains Calculations in Python
    559  Errors while installing NumPy for Python 3.6 on MacOS 10.10
    559  Correlate a large image with a kernel in python using numpy/scipy
    558  Why is Numpy.gradient returning a list instead of ndarray ?
    558  Why is numpy faster at finding non-zero elements in a matrix?
    558  Why does numerical differentiation with Python changes original signal amplitude for sine wave?
    558  Why does a memmap need a filename when I try to reshape a numpy array?
    558  vectorising linalg.eig() in numpy
    558  Use of datetime timedelta with numpy array as an input
    558  Python np.busday_count with datetime64[ns] as input
    558  Python: global name 'maximum' is not defined
    558  Padding a numpy array at the start of an array
    558  NumPy: sorting 3D array but keeping 2nd dimension assigned to first
    558  Numpy loadtxt remove leading zeros (convert) and define spaces delimiter
    558  numpy element-wise comparison in image
    558  Matplotlib and Numpy. I have a text file of words, and want to analyze to make a graph [duplicate]
    558  How to get complex64 output from numpy.fft?
    558  How can I get one column of a Numpy array?
    558  Get solution to overdetermined linear homogeneous system numpy
    558  Faster way to update a column in a pandas data frame based on the value of another column
    558  Extract patches from 3D Matrix
    558  Convolution bluring image - python
    558  Can't install numpy after a pip upgrade
    558  Cannot install NumPy using pip and import it
    558  Can I get the shape of a numpy save file without reading the entire contents (e.g. memmap)
    557  Why does importing the numpy zeros function fail for parallelization using numba?
    557  What is the Math.NET equivalent of numpy.where?
    557  Use ascii.write() with different column lengths
    557  Tensorflow dense layer operation
    557  Selecting Random Windows from Multidimensional Numpy Array Rows
    557  RuntimeWarning from numpy after installing packages through anaconda
    557  Row-wise comparison in numpy
    557  Recursion and Percolation
    557  Python/Opencv Float converting to incorrect Int when casted
    557  Python - most efficient way to generate combinations of large sets subject to criteria?
    557  Python help ''***keyword can't be an expression'' error [closed]
    557  Python 3: Selecting random pair elements from a numpy array without repetition
    557  Perform matrix multiplication between two arrays and get result only on masked places
    557  Pass C array to python via ctypes
    557  NumPy N-Array Intersection on GPU
    557  numpy matrix algebra best practice
    557  numpy einsum with ' ... '
    557  Memory leak opencv cv2.createbackgroundsubtractionmog2
    557  I am trying to convert a numpy array to PIL.Image. But it is giving black images. The numpy array is returned by pyramid_gaussian method from skimage
    557  How to optimise the Pearson's correlation coefficient by adjusting the weights?
    557  How to get an integer array from numpy.bincount when the weights parameter are integers
    557  How to check if a value is of a NumPy type?
    557  How can I calculate Mahalanobis distance with Keras?
    557  Fast image normalisation in python [closed]
    557  digitize array to several lists of bins
    557  convert xy coordinates to matrix python [duplicate]
    557  Convert numpy array of seconds to minutes and seconds
    557  Combine a packed header and numpy array in Python
    557  Best way to find eigenvalues?
    557  Assign value to tensor fields which satisfy condition in Tensorflow
    556  Why is numpy and scipy exp() faster than log()?
    556  Storing polynomials as is from the from poly1D() function into a list
    556  rolling window with 50% overlapping on window size in pandas
    556  Pythonic way to compare sign of numpy array with Dataframe
    556  Performing a reflective center pad on an image
    556  Optimizing simple CPU-bound loops using Cython and replacing a list
    556  Numpy vectorization for nearest neighbor calculation in semi-sparse arrays
    556  NumPy: sort matrix rows by number of non-zero entries
    556  Numpy's __array_interface__ not returning dict
    556  Numpy: for 1-D arrays given scalar condlist
    556  Numpy: how to find the unique local minimum of sub matrixes in matrix A?
    556  Index a 3D numpy array
    556  implementing efficient fixed size FIFO in python
    556  How to link NumPy to Eigen3, or OpenBLAS, GotoBLAS2, ATLAS?
    556  How to calculate cosine similarity with already-calculated TFIDF scores
    556  Find the edges of a numpy array that 95% data within them
    556  Export synthetic dataset created with sklearn to csv
    556  Error when instantiating bessel functions with Sympy lambdify function
    556  Choosing a box of data points from a plot
    556  bpython configuration - importing numpy and matplotlib by default
    556  1d list indexing python: enhance MaskableList
    555  Tensorflow feature_column expecting a different shape than input data
    555  SVC with class_weight='auto' fails on scikit-learn?
    555  Single index into numpy structured array subclass
    555  Reading blocks from text file into 2D array
    555  Python matrix manipulation
    555  Nx3 column data to 2d matrix for image processing
    555  numpy.where() with 3 or more conditions
    555  Numpy dot product of very large arrays
    555  Numpy 1.11.2 64 bit Windows
    555  Numba slower than pure Python in frequency counting
    555  Normalization of custom PDF
    555  mean projections along image array axes in python
    555  JPG image into matrix Using python [duplicate]
    555  How to flatten a numpy slice?
    555  How to change a structured array item size in Numpy?
    555  How can you get the order back after using argsort?
    555  How can I vectorize the averaging of 2x2 sub-arrays of numpy array?
    555  How can I produce an image array as the average of multiple image arrays?
    555  Getting the last element of a level in a multiindex
    555  FFT doesn't return correct amplitude
    555  Fast matrix update with numpy
    555  Extract patch and reconstruct image
    555  Escape % sign in numpy format string
    555  efficient regression of multiple outputs in python
    555  Efficient method to transpose submatrix in a numpy array
    555  Converting to and from numpy's np.random.RandomState and Python's random.Random?
    555  Build a large numpy array from itertools.product
    555  Applying function over each row in a numpy array?
    555  Adding and multiplying columns of a numpy array with another array
    554  Why is python `in` much faster than `np.isin`
    554  Why is my NumPy array taking much *less* memory than it should?
    554  simple calculation in scipy: minima
    554  Python np.nditer() - ValueError: Too many operands
    554  pandas / numpy np.where(df['x'].str.contains('y')) vs np.where('y' in df['x'])
    554  Improving performance (speed) of kNN classifier
    554  how to use (np.busday_count) with pandas.core.series.Series
    554  How to compare two matrices (numpy ndarrays) element by element and get the min-value of each comparison
    554  How do I create a non-ascii dendrogram with Python?
    554  Find indices of mutually exclusive elements between two arrays in python
    554  failed error 1 code with intalling scipy and sckit
    554  Extract python 'native' values from numpy structured array
    554  element wise sum of structured arrays in numpy
    554  efficient way for replacing sub-arrays within numpy array - numpy.put or similar?
    554  Custom Django model field for Numpy values like 'nan' and 'inf'
    554  Convert a 'for' loop into a matrix expression?
    554  Accessing Rows Before and After rows of interest in Pandas Dataframe
    553  What is the right SciPy sparse matrix format for incremental summation
    553  What is the fastest way to compare patches of an array?
    553  Value error: truth value ambiguous
    553  Substituting only unmasked values in a masked numpy array
    553  structured numpy ndarray, how to get values
    553  Python: Sympy definite integral with bounds including variable
    553  Python library for manipulating very large matrices
    553  Python equivalent for matlab's perms
    553  printing float precision precision in numpy jupyter notebook
    553  Plot a piecewise function in 3D
    553  Numpy: efficiently expand a matrix from submatrix
    553  Iterating through python numpy array when used with scipy.optimize.curve_fit
    553  How to reference a slice/view of a numpy array
    553  How to plot a simple function in python?
    553  How to generate data for matplotlib filled contour plots given the real coordinates?
    553  How do I generate a chirp that stops at a certain frequency?
    553  how can I find and delete overlapped slices of an image from a list?
    553  Good way to implement a normalize filter in numpy
    553  Get indices and values of an ndarray in NumPy
    553  generating large number of random variates
    553  find max, min from a .txt-file which has multiple columns
    553  Efficient way to sort an array with a condition
    553  Do scipy and numpy svd or eig always return the same singular/eigen vector?
    553  Difference of precision/display between numpy.tolist() and list()
    553  Creating a histogram that sorts array values into bins, and shows the the frequency of items in the bins
    553  Cost function is not decreasing in gradient descent implementation
    553  Converting a matrix into an image in Python
    553  Apply formula to specific numpy array values
    552  What is the right way to manage memory in Theano for training sets that cannot fit in RAM?
    552  Python Sine function error
    552  Plotting a polygon with matplotlib, error with vertices
    552  numpy sum of fixed columns in a given row
    552  numpy: Resize 3d array with interpolation in 2d
    552  Numpy, divide by zero: two different results for the same operation
    552  npTDMS Python Module not getting all channel properties
    552  Match value in pandas cell where value is array using np.where (ValueError: Arrays were different lengths)
    552  matching occurrence of opposite number in a list python
    552  Interpolate a discrete grid of dots
    552  How to write a uint32 integer into a 4 bytes sequence using numpy?
    552  How to plot stacked bar chart to summarise each categorical column for proportion of values
    552  How order bins from a crosstab
    552  Getting the two numbers on either side of the median
    552  Generate random subsample of fixed size of numpy array
    552  Faster median in very large numpy arrays
    552  Count the number of non zero values in a numpy array in Numba
    552  Compiling Numpy with Python 3.2 VS2010
    552  Combinations of features using Python NumPy
    552  Can I use np.arange with lists as my inputs?
    552  Blender numpy.float32
    552  Average array by intervals
    552  Accumulating numbers in an array without a loop. (python)
    552  2D traveling wave with contourf() animation?
    551  Why is numpy.all much slower than python standard all?
    551  Try 3d plotting probability density function for multivariate normal distribution
    551  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() while running sort_values in a loop [closed]
    551  Replace NaNs with some multiple of previous value in Pandas Dataframe
    551  Replacement for csaps() and the `p` argument in Python
    551  Python Numpy mean of square calculation (is this the right way)
    551  Numpy randint appending
    551  Numpy: broadcasting + boolean indexing
    551  Multiply number of distances in distance matrix prior to histogram binning
    551  Measure weekly average of a multiple netCDF files with NCO or Python
    551  Matrix multiplication of two vectors
    551  LSTM many to one prediction using keras input shape
    551  Interpolate NaN values in a big matrix (not just a list) in python
    551  Increase the resolution in a step function using numpy
    551  image[:, :, 0:2]/255 and the shape change
    551  How to subtract each element of an array from another array?
    551  How do I quickly decimate a numpy array?
    551  How can I debug (potentially C-library related) memory issues using 64-bit Python on Windows?
    551  Finding right triangle coordinates in binary array
    551  Fastest way to replace values in a numpy array with a list
    551  Equality of copy.copy and copy.deepcopy in python copy module
    551  Dataset to numpy array
    551  compute the mean and the covariance of a large matrix(300000 x 70000)
    551  combine histograms in gnuplot (weighted average of bin counts)
    551  Best way to write rows of a numpy array to file inside, NOT after, a loop?
    551  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'strip'
    551  Apply a custom function on columns in a pandas dataframe
    550  Slow GPU comparison in Cupy
    550  Slow Euclidean Distance
    550  scikit-learn: Memory Error when extracting features
    550  Plotting contour Maps on Basemap for Python 2.7
    550  Logical indexing in python for nd arrays
    550  In numpy how to add a number to some consecutive elements of an array?
    550  How to fix the openCV error with cv2.CascadeClassifier?
    550  How to deallocate a typed numpy array? Is setting callback_free_data a viable option?
    550  genfromtxt import data from csv file issue
    550  Fitting arbitrary gaussian functions, massive memory consumption in python
    550  Find eigenvectors with specific eigenvalue of sparse matrix in python
    550  Delete a row in numpy.array in numba
    550  Creating a Linear Gradient Mask using opencv or
    550  CDF in Python not displaying correctly
    550  Accessing Elements in a Numpy Structured Array
    549  What's wrong with my perspective transform coefficient function (Python)?
    549  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence (Python)
    549  ''Unsparsing'' numpy Arrays with Given Masks
    549  Trouble with Numpy C API
    549  Summing up all elements in a list of 2D arrays
    549  Scikit-learn how to check if model (e.g. TfidfVectorizer) has been already fit
    549  Saving a histogram after removing a bin in numpy
    549  Pytorch mask tensor with boolean numpy array
    549  Python: How to pass subarrays of array into array function
    549  python error: tuples indices must be integers or slices not tuples
    549  Pandas Series.filter.values returning different type than numpy array
    549  numpy histogram indexing
    549  Monthly shaded error/std plot in matplotlib from daily timeseries data
    549  How to transpose a row within a pandas dataframe and create a columns?
    549  Find mean of nth item in list of lists in Python
    549  Equivalent of MATLAB ''reshape'' function in Python [duplicate]
    549  Cython additional typing and cimport for numpy array slow down the performance?
    549  Algorithm - return aliasing frequency
    549  Add arrays to the numpy array
    548  wx script can't see numpy, but it's installed
    548  Write results to Excel
    548  Unable to Update Numpy from 1.6.1 to 1.8.0
    548  TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar. No stream
    548  Splitting Dataframe based on corresponding numpy array values
    548  Set of matrices
    548  Saving 16-bit image in opencv with cmap (cv::ColorMap only supports source images of type CV_8UC1 or CV_8UC3 in function 'operator()')
    548  Read Fortran complex number into Python
    548  pyplot How to plot scatter and quiver in 3D on the same axes?
    548  Parsing non-ASCII characters in Python 3
    548  Pandas v0.13.0: Setting DataFrame values of type datetime64[ns]
    548  Pandas: Efficiently splitting entries
    548  Numpy very slow when performing looping
    548  Numpy unit test failures in mountain lion
    548  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error with optimize.minimize
    548  numpy.loadtxt loading floats from single line file when ndmin=1
    548  Numpy fft freezes for longer samples
    548  Numpy arrays: row/column wise argmax with random ties
    548  long int* to np_intp* platform dependent conversion
    548  Importing non-square tables in numpy
    548  how to perform Histogram equalisation in python
    548  How can I keep the pyqt GUI responsive when performing a cpu intensive task?
    548  getting index of nan values in numpy array
    548  Fastest way to replace substrings with dictionary (On large dataset)
    548  Evaluating C function on a numpy grid using Cython
    548  Error propagation in a linear fit using python
    548  Elegant way to create a list of equally spaced arrays
    548  Cython: ''NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'
    548  Convert image to numpy array, save it into Excel and reverse the all
    548  Convert array of Binary objects to strings in Python 3 [duplicate]
    547  Using Tensorflow's numpy_input_fn is throwing ''list object has no attribute shape''
    547  Selecting slices of a Pandas Series based on both index and value conditions
    547  scipy sobel edge detection, extract outer pixels
    547  Replace row value with NaN if particular word is present - Python
    547  Python - changing Pandas DataFrame with float64's to list with integers
    547  PyQtGraph Not responding
    547  passing an array as an index to another array?
    547  Optimizer/minimizer for integer argument
    547  Numpy: What is the probability that sum of elements in array is greater than or equal to 10?
    547  numpy / scipy: Making one series converge towards another after a period of time
    547  numpy how to load list of tuples having integers
    547  Numpy array broadcasting with vector parameters
    547  no module called numpy
    547  Modify neural net to classify single example
    547  Looping over two different Pandas Dataframes
    547  Load a highly nested MAT file into Python
    547  Is there a faster alternative to np.diff?
    547  Invert y axis on actual data instead of just on the plot
    547  Inplace permutation of a numpy arrray
    547  How to minimize one argument of a function using Scipy?
    547  How to load images from LMDB in python without Caffe?
    547  How to check the shape of multiple arrays contained in a list?
    547  Function numpy.reshape
    547  Finding duplicate rows in Pandas, where order of column values don't matter
    547  Fill scipy / numpy matrix based on indices and values
    547  Efficient way to split a bytes array then convert it to string in Python
    547  discrete wavelet transform and inverse discrete wavelet transform TypeError in python
    547  Dictionary comprehension to calculate statistics across dict of dicts for each key in inner dicts
    547  Batch processing: read image files, then write multidimensional numpy array to HDFS
    546  With a python matrix M (using numpy), how can I compare each column of that matrix with all other columns?
    546  Using np.argwhere to find the maximum in a matrix
    546  R's replicate and functions equivalent in Python
    546  Python + opencv :ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    546  Python linear regression, first order polynomial
    546  power-law curve fitting scipy, numpy not working
    546  Plotting masked numpy array leads to incorrect colorbar
    546  Plotting an array of vectors in Python (pyplot)
    546  Passing C++ array to python
    546  Numpy average function rounding off error
    546  Matplotlib equivalent of pygame flip
    546  How to set the weight of tf.slim with a numpy array
    546  How to input a Numpy array
    546  How do you get the indices of a Numpy slice with a step?
    546  How do I set the max value if dataframe row to 1 and the rest of the values to 0
    546  How can I resolve the ''import multiarray'' error in parallel python?
    546  Get random gamma distribution in tensorflow like numpy.random.gamma
    546  Find mean of value row wise in a list
    546  FFTW producing different results from numpy.fft
    546  Efficient way to store big data in Python (genome wide analysis)
    546  Cython + Numpy variable ndim?
    546  Creating a 2D python array to store data
    546  Constructing a 2D grid from potentially incomplete list of candidates
    546  Changing array index in Python
    546  assign index dependant value to each index in numpy array
    545  Why is True printed with leading whitespace in numpy array
    545  Use sklearn GridSearchCV on custom class whose fit method takes 3 arguments
    545  Understanding numpy's lstsq
    545  Structuring a list of objects in python for vectorization: Can a list of structures(objects) be vectorized, or are explicit arrays required
    545  Speed up image manipulation calculation with numpy
    545  Searching dictionary Vs searching sorted numpy structured array
    545  Python loadtxt and genfromtxt truncate strings
    545  Python how to loop through an array in numpy at C speed and store some positions
    545  Pandas use multiple conditions for assigning values in a column:
    545  only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices Neural Networks
    545  numpy.savetxt list of integers with right alignment?
    545  numpy:doesnt give correct for negative powers
    545  No binary operators for structured arrays in Numpy?
    545  Matrix addition/multiplication in numpy
    545  Keras with tensorflow backend---MemoryError
    545  Iterate over all possible numpy binary arrays with restrictions using python
    545  Issue with Python garbage collector?
    545  Is it possible to wrap a function from a shared library using F2PY?
    545  How to took middle time range from wav . Python
    545  How to make a sort from a fits table python
    545  How to get volume under a surface given by irregular data points using python?
    545  How does gradient descent weight/bias update work here?
    545  How can I open multiple csv files in a folder, take the average of a column and save in a separate file using python?
    545  Find fluctuations in a NumPy array
    545  Eigen tensor broadcasting syntax
    545  Dividing an image into different sized windows which are centred. Python
    545  Create Numpy Array Representing a Geometric Shape
    545  Boost Python Numpy - Undefined reference to initialize
    545  Apply function to vectors in 3D numpy array
    544  Zoom in on np.fft2 result
    544  Update dictionary and append if key exists
    544  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable when import a function
    544  Tensorflow - softmax with data of different sizes
    544  Sympy function derivatives using custom method
    544  Stats of consecutive increasing values of a dataframe column
    544  Python Numpy array indexing and masking
    544  Optimizing histogram distance metric for two matrices in Python
    544  opencv: writing pixels to image
    544  Obtain lengths of vectors without loading multiple .npy files
    544  Numpy sum function returns 1.67772e+07
    544  Memory-efficient normalization of scipy sparse arrays
    544  maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object -runtime error
    544  List index out of range for my plot?
    544  Interpret division by zero as nan
    544  How to migrate NumPy preprocessing into a TensorFlow graph?
    544  How to get non-NaN elements' index and the value from a DataFrame
    544  How are filter strides implemented (coding wise) in CNNs?
    544  Fancy indexing much faster than numpy.take?
    544  Explosion of memory usage when fitting a RandomForestClassifier
    544  Error using NP.savez and NP.load
    544  Empirical density function with Numpy
    544  Does Scipy Sparse use the (sparse) BLAS library?
    544  Convert image to a digital matrix using python
    544  Adding custom features to LSTM in Keras
    543  Update greyscale image with matplotlib
    543  Understanding tf.scatter_nd_update: How to update column values?
    543  Scale Data to log-normal. Is my approach right?
    543  Replace image pixel color on condition in Python
    543  Python modules not installing
    543  Python: ''Draw'' with the mouse into a Numpy array
    543  Play square wave SciPy and PyAudio
    543  Parsing image of a point cloud with opencv
    543  numpy: is there an `allclose(np.array, scalar)`?
    543  Issues on Height Map to Normal Map with Python OpenCV
    543  Indexing numpy multidimensional arrays depends on a slicing method
    543  How to properly install a NumPy ufunc?
    543  How do raise exception if all elements of numpy array are not floats?
    543  Get (row,col) indices of max value in dataframe
    543  Fast sampling from a user-defined distribution
    543  Error while cropping image using Numpy
    543  Cython overhead of numpy arrays
    543  Convert DF into Numpy Array for calculations
    543  Computing wrapped 2D correlation with fftconvolve
    543  Color map in python
    543  appending indices to numpy array
    542  Why is numpy.ndarray.T so much faster than numpy.transpose(numpy.ndarray)?
    542  triple tensor product in numpy
    542  Speed up pandas dataframe iteration
    542  Segmentation Fault in Python uWSGI application
    542  Python reshaping array in a certain order using np.reshape
    542  Python: Efficient way to get grid dimensions from lat/lon coordinates
    542  Performance of zeros function in Numpy
    542  OpenCV python vstack changes width
    542  Omnicomplete and Vim, complete functions from non-imported classes
    542  numpy trapz behaviour with double defined y values at x values (conflicting points)
    542  Numpy ndarray image pixel mean for pixel values greater than zero: Normalizing image
    542  numpy merge upper and lower triangular
    542  Numpy: Comparing two data sets for fitness
    542  merge numpy array together
    542  Matplotlib to plot path taken in 2d grid that wraps round the edges
    542  matplotlib pcolormesh artifact
    542  install packages (scipy etc) in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ on OS X El Capitan
    542  How to create new values in a pandas dataframe column based on values from another column
    542  How do I get the coordinate of a specific number in an array in python?
    542  Handling missing (nan) values on sklearn.preprocessing
    542  Fail to convert List of ndarrays to numpy array
    542  Entought Canopy Python and Pyinstaller
    542  Creating a callable with numexpr
    542  Create a 3D numpy array with a loop from multiple 2D images
    542  Confusion about when NumPy array slices are references and when they are copies
    541  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence- python-3.x
    541  ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions -for Tensorflow Manual MSINT
    541  Using python and numpy, how to convert 1d list to a list of np.array?
    541  using Pygsl with GCC 4.0 in Python
    541  Total Size of New Array Must Be Unchanged (netCDF)
    541  Tensorflow MNIST Estimator: batch size affects the graph expected input?
    541  Sort 2D numpy array (by row) based on another 2D array of same shape
    541  Remove spaces around matplotlib image with overlaid scatter for saving in original size
    541  Reduce the size of a numpy array while preserving the information in it
    541  Read and write data from text file to numpy column in python
    541  Python: Type Error: tuple indices must be integers, not tuple
    541  Python Numpy intersect1d on 1D array with 2D array
    541  OpenCV numpy matrix frame is filled with zeroes
    541  Numpy 3D array arranging and reshaping
    541  IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1 Python
    541  Imsave changes the color of an image if converted using numpy and scipy.misc.pilutil
    541  ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] from Pandas Created Conda Environment
    541  How to sample from multiple categorical distributions using Python
    541  How to calculate error of calculated integral in python?
    541  Getting ArgMax of a 2d Array
    541  General product of multiple tensors in python
    541  Fitting plane to points - How do I know if it's correct?
    541  Error on crossing two numpy (vector defined function) arrays in SAGE
    541  Dividing point clouds into quadrants in python
    541  Detecting start and end point of line in image (numpy array)
    541  converting a 3d matrix into feature vectors
    541  Comparison of a `float` to `np.nan` in Spark Dataframe
    541  Calculate mean of hue angles
    541  Access the weight matrix in Tensorflow in order to make apply changes to it in Numpy
    541  2D array to represent a huge python dict, COOrdinate like solution to save memory
    540  Why does the result of scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.sum() change its type to numpy matrix?
    540  Weighted mse custom loss function in keras - custom weights
    540  Vectorizing Outer Loop of euclidean distance using numpy on multi-dimensional data
    540  Record Array to json.dumps
    540  Python - get surrounding area of line (coordinates)
    540  Python - Add a key (string) in a numpy array filled with float [duplicate]
    540  python 2D-array, slice/remove the elements from boolean mask, and keep the result as a 2D-array
    540  Plotting an adjacency matrix with color coded nodes
    540  Pandas merge on multiple file and saving it on the same file
    540  Optimize iteration throught numpy array
    540  One sample t test in python from scratch - getting incorrect p value
    540  Numpy: Conditional sum rows using an mask array
    540  multiple rectangles Intersect
    540  K means permute clusters
    540  JSON - Serialize pandas dataframe with numpy arrays entries
    540  ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] Exit Code 1
    540  How to rank a 2-d tensor along an axis in tensorflow?
    540  How do you calculate the number of change points in real data using Ruptures?
    540  Gensim LDA model topic diff resulting in nan
    540  For Loop Optimization in Python
    540  Error while calling eval() on Tensor variable in keras
    539  Why does np.load does not return a usable csr_matrix saved by
    539  What is the normalization factor in np.fft.irfft()?
    539  Tensorflow-Numpy OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
    539  Segmentation fault using boost python and numpy
    539  Saving a matrix with columns' header in python [duplicate]
    539  Python: random.choice and MemoryError
    539  Python PYPY Cffi with Numpy array
    539  Python can't find numpy in Idle
    539  Python: Appending dimensions to a bidimensional array
    539  Plot several functions using different colors, including a derivative
    539  pandas mean calculation over a column in a csv
    539  pandas dataframe compare first and last row from each group
    539  numpy vectorization functions
    539  numpy slice to return last two dimensions
    539  Numpy choose without replacement along specific dimension
    539  np.polyfit plot with uncertainty on the y in python
    539  Memory Leak using numpy linalg in parallel
    539  matplotlib adjusting colorbar
    539  Mapping values from a joint histogram back into the image spaces
    539  Link external raw file to hdf5 file with h5py
    539  Is there a way to change IPython's (numpy) line-wrapping? [duplicate]
    539  How to pass list of custom functions to pandas.Dataframe.aggregate
    539  How can I construct a Pandas DataFrame from individual 1D Numpy arrays without copying
    539  Getting error during attempts to install numpy - python 3
    539  Finding coordinates of curve with OpenCV (Python)
    539  Find all points within distance 1 of specific point in 2D numpy matrix
    539  confidence interval for the data itself using lmfit in python
    539  Composite Index updates for Numpy Matrices
    539  average negative number python
    538  writing an array to h5 in python
    538  Why does scikit-learn demand different data shapes for different regressors?
    538  why doesn't blas work in Anaconda3-2.4.1-Windows-x86_64?
    538  Using SimpleImputer instead of Imputer
    538  Truth value of numpy array with one falsey element seems to depend on dtype
    538  sparse matrix calculations in scipy
    538  Removing a subarray after using numpy.split
    538  Python: Fastest way of finding minimum and maximum per column in array of arrays
    538  Problems installing NumPy in Python3.4, but python3.5 is default (MInt
    538  Position of while loop for numpy array
    538  Plot a non-square matrix according to the value at that point
    538  Optimized computation of pairwise correlations in Python
    538  Optimising boost::python::object instances
    538  OpenCV mask operation, elementwise assignment in c++
    538  numpy array with cython
    538  Live data plotting lags after a while
    538  How to manually obtain the same output as model.predict() in keras
    538  How to inspect a numpy/pandas object, i.e. str() in R
    538  How to fix overlapping matplotlib y-axis tick labels or autoscale the plot? [duplicate]
    538  How can I vary a parameter over time for a dynamical system in Python?
    538  Histogram in matplotlib work incorrect
    538  cv::MatIterator equivalent in numpy
    537  Using for loop to calculate value of function from list
    537  Understanding numpy.random.lognormal
    537  Syntax error cannot figure out why
    537  Saving order of splitting with a vector of index
    537  Replace a certain value with np.nan or NA or nan in Numpy in python
    537  python to cython - eliminate python calls
    537  Pandas: Series of arrays to series of transposed arrays
    537  pandas - how to resample respecting the first date?
    537  Numpy loading CSV - ValueError: could not convert string to float
    537  NumPy: Limited cumulative sum
    537  numpy irregularly strided array
    537  numpy elementwise comparison with overloaded operator
    537  logistic regression and numpy: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
    537  Incorrect sum of when averaging multiple numpy arrays
    537  How to send a numpy array to armadillo (C++) and return a numpy array from armadillo
    537  How to Make Sense of Fourier Transform Results in Audio Frequency Analysis
    537  How to install netCDF4 and extract netCDF data file in Python?
    537  How to generate unevenly spaced numbers based on input?
    537  How to fix numpy dependencies path on a python 3.7.3 script on Linux frozen with cx_Freeze 6.0b1?
    537  How to feed further model parameters along the inputs to Tensorflow Estimator?
    537  How do I index n sets of 4 columns to plot multiple plots using matplotlib?
    537  Find the intersection between sublists
    537  Clustering data with given cluster centers in Python
    537  Average time series with missing time value
    536  What is the most efficient way to create a DataFrame from two unrelated series?
    536  shortcuts in append function in python
    536  Resizing image-pixel arrays with Pillow
    536  Python: Plotly: Parallel Coordinates Opacity
    536  Numpy cross product of vertical vectors
    536  NumPy: array assignment issue when using custom dtype
    536  Multipolyfit (Python): What order are the coefficients in?
    536  matplotlib plot asymmetric errorbars in for loop with indexes
    536  Matplotlib: How to make a stacked plot of count of values in a Numpy array
    536  Making a 10x10 grid from a list of arrays
    536  Join unique values into new data frame (python, pandas)
    536  How can I send an image from kafka producer in python?
    536  Getting MemoryError for a numpy array
    536  Generate matrices for pairs of values in Numpy
    536  Creating a list of numpy.ndarray of unequal length in Cython
    536  Converting Dataset from string to float error
    536  Build block diagonal matrix from many small matrices in numpy / theano
    535  What methods return a single measure of similarity between two functions?
    535  What happens to `for i in range()` when iterator is overwritten in nested while loop?
    535  Weighted Random Sampling from 2d numpy array
    535  Tensorflow numpy to tensorflow
    535  scikit-learn: How to classify data train and data test with a different features?
    535  ROS CompressedDepth to numpy (or cv2)
    535  Reduce Two Pandas Series to a Single One
    535  Python: ufloat to float
    535  Python PANDAS: pivot_table count for multiple columns on same level?
    535  numpy / python - What is the largest matrix multiplication you have done and how did you do it? [closed]
    535  numpy pad a sequence instead of constant values
    535  numpy.fft.fft not computing dft at frequencies given by numpy.fft.fftfreq?
    535  Minkowski Distances between (A, B) and (C,)
    535  Merging NumPy arrays and finding columns in Python
    535  Matplotlib plot_surface mplot3d with masked array and custom palette gives wrong color
    535  How to plot every column of data against every other column of data
    535  How to export the n dimensional array(Python Numpy) into text file?
    535  How to create 3D dataframe from 2D Raster in pandas DataFrame?
    535  How to compute a cosine similarity in a matrix?
    535  How to change numeric numpy array to char array?
    535  How can I subtract all elements of an array from all elements in another in Python?
    535  Fast and efficient pandas groupby sum operation
    535  2D python list of numpy arrays to 2D numpy array
    534  Why different size when converting PIL Image to Numpy array?
    534  SciPy and NumPy on Mac OS 10.6.8
    534  python - set up time-step delay between two arrays
    534  Plotting with Python
    534  Plotting a basic vectorized function
    534  Numpy vs built-in copy list
    534  numpy.vectorize of function that returns an array
    534  numpy replace array elements with average of 2*2 blocks
    534  numpy masked smoothing algorithm
    534  numpy.genfromtxt() dtype to parse datetime string with AM/PM
    534  Numpy digitize included bin edge by absolute value
    534  non-random sampling versions of np.random.normal
    534  How to subtract two unsigned numpy arrays to give a signed result?
    534  How to split an array in unequal pieces?
    534  How to load categorical attributes in scikit-learn?
    534  How to fix ''key value error'' in pandas dataframe?
    534  How to fix AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'original_name_scope' for my CNN?
    534  How to count number of zeros at the left of each one in an Numpy array
    534  how to convert numpy array of arrays into array of matrices?
    534  handling None values in conversion to numpy recarray
    534  Generating boolean matrix from image
    534  FFTW3 on complex numpy array directly in scipy.weave.inline
    534  Evaluate absolute value of array element in function
    534  Comparing Two 2-D tuples with numpy in Python
    534  Can I attach metadata to NumPy arrays?
    533  Write double (triple) sum as inner product?
    533  TypeError while template matching in opencv python
    533  struct.pack is much slower in python 2.6 when working with numpy arrays
    533  splitting and concatenating dataframes in Python pandas for plotting with rpy2
    533  Saving values in a list of lists (Numpy)
    533  python sliding window average for letters
    533  Python 2.7 Matrix Multiplication Equivalent to the Dot Product?
    533  Numpy unique elements according to every column
    533  Numpy 2D mask - slice another
    533  Multiplying A Matrix By A String
    533  Load npz file and iterate over all the arrays
    533  Griddata creating bad shapes scipy
    533  Google App Engine doesn't find numpy
    533  fast way to compute vectorized percentiles in numpy/scipy?
    533  Differences between using numpy append or array append - Python
    533  Cannot create a pandas Dataframe from 2D list
    533  Calculate the tangent of an angle for multiple angles in a pandas dataframe
    533  Batch dot product with numpy?
    533  Apply numpy.convolve to 1-dim vectors (two-dimensional arrays with singleton dimension)
    533  Appended object to a set is `NoneType` python 2.7
    532  What is the fastest way to map group names of numpy array to indices?
    532  sudo pip3 install numpy does not respect ~/.numpy-site.cfg
    532  scipy.optimze.fmin_bfgs returns different results for same objective function
    532  Python numpy.random.choice: ValueError: Fewer non-zero entries in p than size
    532  Partially unpacking of tuple in Numpy array indexing
    532  Pandas: rounding halfway values in dataframe using np.round and applymap
    532  numpy: maintain decimal class through inverse calculation
    532  Numpy broadcasting to the 4th dimension:  ...  vs. : vs None
    532  np.einsum vs giving different results
    532  Matplotlib animation: how to draw the lines simultaneously?
    532  Manipulation with arrays in numpy
    532  Link C++ program output with Python script
    532  Is my model overfitting? Values seem too good to be true
    532  Install scipy and numpy on Win 64 machine (python 2.7)
    532  Instability in Mittag-Leffler function using NumPy
    532  How to transform a FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) into a Polar Transformation with Python?
    532  How to batch select and calculate arrays in Numpy?
    532  How to add a dimension in numpy array? (125, 125) to (125, 125, 1)
    532  Generating a Cylindrical Surface with np.outer
    532  Efficient sorting of a large ''list of lists'' in Python
    532  cython running slower than numpy for distance calculation
    532  cx_freeze exe have issue with numpy
    532  Creating tensor of dynamic shape from python lists to feed tensorflow RNN
    532  Create new numpy array-scalar of flexible dtype
    532  Centering of array of images in python
    531  Vectorize Gradient Descent Numpy
    531  Using numpy.min to get minimum value in a float64 type numpy array but got error 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an index
    531  Uncertainity about the Interpolate Function in Pandas
    531  Tensorflow feed_dict not learning
    531  Sampling Without Replacement Probabilities
    531  Sampling parts of a vector from gaussian mixture model
    531  remove elements from 2D numpy array based on proximity
    531  Python - What is the fastest way to make a numpy.ndarray hashable?
    531  Python: Evaluate image (video) contrast
    531  numpy remove row where any value matches condition
    531  numpy - ndarray - how to remove rows based on another array
    531  NumPy Item assignment type error: can't assign to numpy array
    531  matplotlib, dateutil, and numpy are not working for me
    531  how to set python numpy array size limit
    531  How to lock down pandas dataframe structure [closed]
    531  how to convert multiple columns in a data frame into a numpy array?
    531  Get business days between consecutive rows pandas
    531  genfromtxt: numpy.darray, IndexError: too many indices
    531  Filtering / smoothing a step function to retrieve biggest increments
    531  Feeding timeseries data into Tensorflow for LSTM classifier training
    531  Exclude endpoints in uniform mesh
    531  Deformed Template/Image Matching
    531  Create a numpy array of the form [1,x,x^2, ... ,x^n]
    531  Compute mean of a 3D numpy array [duplicate]
    531  Can the apply function on a pandas dataframe produce a scalar?
    531  BGR8 raw image conversion to numpy python
    530  Why Numpy.array is slower than build-in list for fetching sub list
    530  ValueError: could not convert string to float, (numpy.string_)
    530  Using numpy.where to prevent out of bound
    530  Tensorflow weights stay at nan
    530  Support Vector Machine Python 3.5.2
    530  Segmenting numpy arrays with as_strided
    530  Python/Keras/Theano - ValueError: Dimension mismatch; shapes are (98, 10), (98, 1)
    530  python: iterating through every item within parallel nested lists
    530  Python: how to compare two array in easiest way
    530  Python Dataframe: If First Column is Blank, Replace w/Value From Second Column
    530  pure numpy expression for selecting same-length subarrays with different starting indices from 3-D array
    530  Native compile python libraries for serverless with serverless-python-requirements
    530  Matrix reshaping and multiplication in numpy
    530  Mapping dict keys to column of pandas dataframe if they're close
    530  How to efficiently index into a 1D numpy array via slice ranges
    530  How to convert np.int64 into python int64 for PandasSeries?
    530  Assigning Max Value After np.genfromtxt
    530  An Typeerror with VotingClassifier
    529  Why will numpy.round will not round my array?
    529  Update data frame values as per multiple where condition using numpy
    529  scipy.optimize.curve_fit a definite integral function with scipy.integrate.quad
    529  Python : How to vectorize my split function with Numpy
    529  numpy unique strange behaviour
    529  numpy apply_along_axis with different result size
    529  Multiplying by a one element matrix
    529  Matrix multiplication of inner dimensions of 3D tensors?
    529  len() compared with __len__ on numpy array
    529  Intersection of 2d and 1d Numpy array
    529  how to get equation for nonlinear mutivariate regression in which one variable is dependent on other two independent variables in python
    529  How do i input a matrix from sys.stdin in python without loosing its 2d structure and at the same time be able to use numpy operations on it?
    529  Getting page aligned memory in numpy
    529  Error with hex encode in Python 3.3
    529  cython: memoryview build error with mingw
    529  Best fit line for a degree 2 polynomial regression
    529  Access all elements at given x, y position in 3-dimensional numpy array
    528  the list of Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected. Expected to see 2 array(s)
    528  The effect of transposing a numpy array on its strides and data buffer
    528  Slice array by tuples
    528  Save Audio Features extracted using Librosa in a multichannel Numpy array
    528  Reading Exponents of Scientific Notation in Python
    528  Randomly select the tuples from the list: type error
    528  PyOpenGL numpy texture appears as solid color
    528  Pandas timestamp difference in groupby transform
    528  pandas: flatten df with delimiter
    528  numpy.einsum for Julia? (2)
    528  Numpy: Efficient Way To Extract Subarray
    528  Merging arrays based on a condition
    528  Import array files with numpy
    528  How to compute mean of an 4D array individually?
    528  How to calculate each single element of a numpy array based on conditions
    528  Geting the k-smallest values of each column in sorted order using Numpy.argpartition
    528  Gathering an array of different sizes on various processes into one array with MPI and mpi4py in Python
    528  Find pair of index values that minimizes the Euclidian distance between two meshgrids and a column vector
    528  DSP : audio processing : squart or log to leverage fft?
    528  Choose elements from two numpy arrays at random
    528  32 bit Miniconda python 3.5 Matplotlib crash. Windows 7
    527  ValueError when using np.vectorize - Where am I going wrong?
    527  Unexpected numpy.unique behavior
    527  Turn pandas dataframe column into float
    527  SWIG return PyObject as python object?
    527  Saving numpy array to file in a single line?
    527  Saving and loading NumPy array returns different array
    527  Rolling window count for a date interval in pandas
    527  Reading a large CSV file in python using pandas
    527  Python - Return value from Column B every time Column A equals 0
    527  Python read numerical blocks (separated by single line of text) from text file into Numpy array or Pandas DataFrame
    527  PyCuda mem_alloc initialization error
    527  Problems mapping a series to a min(list, key=lambda x: abs(series)) function
    527  numpy/pandas: test float64 arrays are equal up to significant digits
    527  Numpy load() memory overflow results in Segmentation fault
    527  Numpy: How to map f: (shape (3) ndarray) --> (float) over an ndarray of shape ( ... ,3) to get ndarray of shape ( ... )?
    527  numpy.array() is not converting tiff image to 2D array
    527  matplotlib: not plotting a curve correctly
    527  Map one numpy array on to another on condition
    527  In-place type conversion of a Numpy array again?
    527  Get subset of pandas DataFrame using dynamic expression including the shift method
    527  Fitting a bias in a weight decay regression using least-squares
    527  Filter a numpy array if any list within it contains at least one value of a previous row
    527  Count number of repeated elements in a row in a numpy array
    527  Computing row-wise correlation coefficients between two 2d arrays in Python [duplicate]
    527  Changing the shape of a matrix using numpy
    527  Calculate jaccard distance using scipy in python
    527  Adjustable Fortran Arrays with F2PY
    526  What is the value of 10j in SciPy?
    526  Trying to loop through multiple arrays and getting error: ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 2 into shape (44,1)
    526  Trying to install numpy in
    526  Trouble importing Numpy into Grass GIS 7.0 on Windows 10
    526  sort an array to fit another array with numpy
    526  Python multiprocessing pool; wait for iteration to complete
    526  python 3D numpy array time index
    526  Polynomial fitting problems in numpy
    526  Pandas Test Failure
    526  OpenCV: Using the method of least squares to the red laser
    526  Object array to numpy array
    526  Numpy slice 2D array with every two alternating elements
    526  numpy.savetxt: Write 1D array into multiple rows and colums
    526  Is there a function similar as `np.outer` for vector/matrix ''outer'' product?
    526  import numpy causes Python crash with NumPy version 1.16.0 and upwards
    526  grouping table elements according to grouping column values
    526  Fitting data with a custom distribution using scipy.stats
    526  Finding euclidean distance given an index array and a pytorch tensor
    526  Faster performance for normalizing a numpy array?
    526  Efficient pairwise comparisons - rows of Numpy 2D array
    526  Efficiently average over subarrays of a masked array [duplicate]
    526  different execution times for np.uint8 and np.int8
    526  DataFrame operation on all columns
    526  Column-slicing method that works on both numpy arrays and pandas dataframes
    526  collapse a list of ndarray to a matrix
    526  Calculate log using Python but returns ''nan''
    525  TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' How can I put image in list in the same order?
    525  Strange performance results for numpy matrix multiplication
    525  Split/Group pandas DataFrame by row, according to column's value continuity
    525  Sort a 2D numpy array by the median value of the rows
    525  Selecting highest rows on matrix pandas python.
    525  Scipy ODR python
    525  Python: Mapping dictionary over multiple np.arrays
    525  Python Contingency Table
    525  Pandas Dataframe, Apply Function, Return Index
    525  Numpy memmap and multiple processes [duplicate]
    525  numpy - einsum notation: dot product of a stack of matrices with stack of vectors
    525  NumPy docstring for function type and None type
    525  Numpy delete multiple rows matching criteria
    525  numpy.delete flattens my array
    525  Numpy data types (dtype.char)
    525  Numpy array loop
    525  Normalized smoothing with a kernel
    525  Is there a way to tell what makes a particular numpy array singular?
    525  How to broadcast a row to a column in Python NumPy?
    525  Get distinct datatypes within the same Series in Pandas
    525  Extract solution values from a matrix Linear Equation and plot solution line
    525  Error message: 'list' object is not callable in python3
    525  Efficient way to get indices of column-labels from pd.DataFrame [duplicate]
    525  efficient way of performing integral on an image
    525  Difference between scipy pairwise distance and X.X+Y.Y - X.Y^t
    525  CSV data to Numpy structured array?
    525  Creating 4D numpy array by repeating values from 2D numpy array
    525  Convert Blob data from javascript to read using opencv in python
    525  Bivariate Legendre Polynomial Fitting to find orthogonal coefficents
    524  Scipy Sparse Cumsum
    524  python panda modify csv file not save
    524  Python MemoryError when 'stacking' arrays
    524  Passing feature vector to Logistic Regression function of sklearn
    524  Numpy matrix division returning all zeros
    524  Moving average of a list of lists in python [closed]
    524  Identifying Extrema in Financial Data using Pandas
    524  How to perform a stacked/element-wise matrix vector multiplication in numpy? [duplicate]
    524  Homebrew vim and Numpy don't support options anymore?
    524  Hamming distance in numpy
    524  Forcing multiplication to use __rmul__() instead of Numpy array __mul__() or bypassing the broadcasting
    524  Find constant subarrays in large numpy array
    524  Evaluate k adjacent (plus or minus) elements within array
    524  Elementwise Sampling with map_fn Slow
    524  Diagonal snake filling array
    524  Create multiple columns from a single column
    524  Check if 2d points are on a curved line
    524  Broadcasting columns from a 2D numpy array to a larger 2D array based on an array of floats
    523  What is the difference bettween numpy.mod() and numpy.remainder()?
    523  Type error: plotting linear regression
    523  Separate multiindex dataframe into multiple single-index dataframes in pandas
    523  python serialize and deserialize numpy array inside an object
    523  python list comprehension for multiple return function to numpy array
    523  Pythonian structure? [closed]
    523  Optimizing runtime with lambdify and function evaluation
    523  Numpy.where function not finding values within array ...  Anyone know why?
    523  NumPy is faster than PyTorch for larger cross or outer products
    523  missing data in hmmlearn from scikit-learn
    523  Installing numpy, cython, cpython for Python 2.7.12
    523  inconsistent numpy FFT results
    523  How to vectorize this peak finding for loop in Python?
    523  How to perform an operation on every two columns of a numpy array?
    523  Efficient resampling with Python
    523  Draw plot only inside a circle with matplotlib [duplicate]
    522  Store data locally long term
    522  Scipy Optimize: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence on Newton-CG method
    522  Python Sklearn MinMaxScaler ValueError: Input contains infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') [duplicate]
    522  Python after detecting the ranking of array how to delete the column that is rubbish
    522  Pandas messing up dataframe
    522  numpy dependency in python setup file
    522  NumPy Array Reshaped but how to change axis for pooling?
    522  Multiply Dense Rectangular Matrix by Sparse Matrix
    522  Matrix multiplied by inverse does not yield Identity
    522  Implementing gradient operator in Python
    522  IF ELSE using Numpy and Pandas
    522  Cross correlation / similarity of signals - calculate time lag
    522  Convert / decode numpy array of byte8 characters to string
    522  Can't correctly convert Numpy array to c array for Python Extension (c++)
    522  Can numpy einsum() perform a cross-product between segments of a trajectory
    521  Updating numpy on MacOS X
    521  understanding Keras LSTM ( ) - RAM memory issues
    521  Sort three dimensional numpy array with two axes sorting constraints
    521  scipy.sparse.hstack [ValueError: blocks must be 2-D]
    521  scikit indices out of bounds
    521  Python: saving numpy array to ROOT file
    521  Python - Missing modules in NumPy?
    521  Python find index of all dates between two dates
    521  Pyomo solves over NVIDIA Cuda
    521  Plot list of lists (which different length) in a plot in python
    521  Pandas selecting columns - best habit and performance
    521  NumPy loadtxt load every other column
    521  Numpy: find indeces of mask edges
    521  Numerical differentiation via numpy FFT
    521  line 880, in load_eof raise EOFError EOFError when trying to load using dill
    521  How to roll the axis forwards in numpy?
    521  How to implement tf.nn.top_k with Numpy?
    521  Given a 2D Numpy array representing a 2D distribution, how to sample data from this distribution with the aid of Numpy or Scipy functions?
    521  Extract values from numpy array with condition on strings
    521  Elementwise division of sparse matrices, ignoring 0/0
    521  Dot product vectorization - NumPy
    521  calculate coordinates of blocks in diagonal block matrix
    520  Visualization of raw RGB image data with 24bits using opencv
    520  Too many indices for array while slicing
    520  Solving Sparse Linear Problem With Some Known Boundary Values [closed]
    520  Simple Machine learning model training returning Nan
    520  Retrieve python dictionary value by using numpy array as a key in time efficient way
    520  reshape image error: 'tuple' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
    520  python theano Optimization failure due to: local_dot_to_dot22
    520  python scikit - ValueError
    520  Python & NumPy: Searching for the smallest value with a conditional (using a specific dtype)
    520  Plotting a map : arrows disappear
    520  output of json_encode(array) in php
    520  Numpy optimization
    520  numpy log with numpy arrays
    520  numpy large array to string gets
    520  Numpy convert list of 3D variable size volumes to 4D array
    520  Numpy blockwise reduce operations
    520  Iterate over list of NumPy matrices
    520  Is there a scipy/numpy method to get the indices for nearest interpolation?
    520  Is there a better function for finding edges on a list of common nodes?
    520  How to solve nonlinear equation with Python with three unknowns and hundreds of solutions?
    520  How to rotate an array of indices in numpy?
    520  How to calculate sums of squares in Python?
    520  how to access list within a list of strings in Python
    520  How the program has control with the break statement [closed]
    520  Grouping floating point numbers
    520  global name error in SimPy
    520  Defining a function with a loop in Theano
    520  convert image gray scale python error
    520  Convert a 3D array to 2D array based on dictionary
    520  Concatenating NumPy arrays
    520  Computation on a Tensor as numpy array in graph?
    520  AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
    519  Why Use pyopencl.array.Array
    519  Using python range objects to index into numpy arrays
    519  Using Pandas filtering non-numeric data from two columns of a Dataframe
    519  unbound method get_sample_size() : when saving a wav file
    519  Subtract 2 Numpy arrays with condition
    519  Subclassing
    519  Streamplot python module ''ImportError: No module named streamplot''
    519  Solve L1 regression using scipy.linprog get ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (20,1) into shape (20)
    519  Python - ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2) 2D array
    519  Point symmetries about lines in 2D [closed]
    519  Multiple mkl packages installed in anaconda
    519  Modular matrix inversion with large number
    519  Logistic Regression in Python
    519  interpolate between elements in array
    519  how to read in boolean data file in Python with asarray function of numpy
    519  How do I build this block matrix in python?
    519  How does type coercion for numpy arrays work?
    519  Find the most frequent element in a masked array
    519  Error while feeding images to TensorFlow graph
    519  Convert correlation dataframe to dictionary {key = (sample_x,sample_y), value = correlation}
    519  Change background using scikit-image?
    518  What is the equivalent of numpy.allclose for structured numpy arrays?
    518  Using np.interp to find x value for a given y gives wrong answer
    518  Taking dot products of high dimensional numpy arrays
    518  Storing intermediate values in a numpy array
    518  Scatter plot of 2 numpy 2-D arrays
    518  Return dynamic arrays by ref in Swig
    518  Remove a value from 1D array
    518  Python, load .csv in numpy arrays, return a list
    518  Python format casts numpy.float32 into Python float
    518  Pandas dataframe divide rows based on dates
    518  Optimize Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) in numpy
    518  Numpy reshape/dimension change
    518  numpy.insert with the target array position being -1 isnt the last position
    518  Multiply array with diagonal matrix stored as vector
    518  Memory error while slicing an array
    518  Majority filter Numpy array
    518  In a 3d array in numpy. How can I extract indices of max element in third dimension?
    518  How concatenate 2 Numpy array efficiently?
    518  Error to install numpy in python 3.4
    518  Digitize numpy array
    518  Apply Numpy function over entire Dataframe
    517  Why does np.arange(10,1, 1) produce an empty array?
    517  vectorize numpy unique for subarrays
    517  vectorization : too many indices for array
    517  Testing whether a NumPy array contains a particular row
    517  Python optimization problem?
    517  python numpy recarray join
    517  Python multiprocessing slow with numpy/scipy
    517  numpy where compare arrays as a whole
    517  Numpy: multiplying by a vector of ones
    517  Numpy: create a matrix from a cartesian product of two vectors (or one with itself) while applying a function to all pairs
    517  Neural Network seems to be getting stuck on a single output with each execution
    517  Need a buffer class for NumPy ndarray data
    517  Inverse Matrix (Numpy) int too large to convert to float
    517  Interpolating an array within an astropy table column
    517  Insert value into a dataframe column based on condition
    517  How to use idxmin() to return USABLE index for pandas Series object
    517  How to remove duplicates from a list of tuples but keeping the original order
    517  How to convert a subset of numpy recarray to continuous array?
    517  How can you implement a C callable from Numba for efficient integration with nquad?
    517  Convert matplotlib figure to numpy array of same shape
    517  Conditioning and operation on multidimensional (3D) array in Python-NumPy
    517  can't import pyd file from scipy
    516  Writing an error function to feed scipy.optimize.least_squares in python
    516  Why is a BSON serialized numpy array much bigger than the original?
    516  when did numpy stop accepting floats as index
    516  Transform some kind of exponential distribution into normal distribution
    516  Sampling from degree distribution of graph
    516  Sample from a 2d probability numpy array?
    516  Replacing abnormally large values with nan in a numpy array
    516  Replace values in column with column values from other dataframe in Python
    516  Python: Filter List of Coordinates
    516  Proper plot to use in matplotlib for this type of bar graph?
    516  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python not working
    516  Plotting subplots with secondary continuous y-axis across all subplots
    516  numpy vectorized way to change multiple rows of array(rows can be repeated)
    516  numpy intersect1d unexpected keyword argument 'return_indices'
    516  numpy array convert uin8 lsb to uint16 msb
    516  Numba @jit fails to speed up the performance of this function. Anyway to fix that?
    516  mean excluding outliers using Python (trimmean equivalent) [duplicate]
    516  Interpolation Python
    516  How to efficiently turn a boolean numpy array into threshold boolean array?
    516  How to concatenate a coo_matrix with a column numpy array
    516  How to apply functions to numpy 8 * 8 blocks?
    516  How do I convert Postgres bytea data or a Python memoryview object into a NumPy array?
    516  How detect and plot intensity of asc file
    516  Getting a score of zero using cross val score
    516  Decoding multiple video streams in Python process address space
    516  Converting python code with OpenCV to C using Cython(import cv2) [Main idea is to create static lib to be used in C++ program]
    516  Computing Cosine Similarity of a Matrix in Python
    515  Will changes in DataFrame.values always modify the values in the data frame?
    515  Using .remove() creates error ''Use a.any() or a.all()''
    515  Type error: unhashable type 'list' or 'numpy.ndarrary'
    515  Solving a system of PDEs using implicit methods
    515  Shedskin can't locate module numpy
    515  Reading binary data on bit level
    515  Python tensor product
    515  Pythonic way to check if two list of list of arrays are equal [closed]
    515  Numpy: What is the most efficient way to rearrange a matrix to have every row stacked with its left/right context?
    515  Numpy matrix functions with Numba
    515  numpy index array throws out of bounds exception
    515  Numpy find 1d array elements in 2d array rows
    515  Multivariate gaussian probabilities higher than 1 with numpy/scipy [duplicate]
    515  Multiple lists of indices for one array in numpy
    515  Matching two data sets of different sizes
    515  How to override a numpy method
    515  How to extract values from a python list or numpy array using conditional checks by the application of numpy vectorization?
    515  Filtering of structured array via bit-wise operation (bitmask) on column data
    515  Different behavior of pandas.Series operator /= in Python 2 vs Python 3
    515  Convert Pandas Series of 2D numpy arrays to Pandas DataFrame of columns of 1D numpy arrays
    515  Binary classifier Keras callback for sensitivity and specificity?
    515  astropy.convolution.convolve returns nan values
    515  Assign arr with numpy fancy indexing
    514  Transform 2D numpy array to row-column-value pandas DataFrame
    514  tensorflow installation(both 1.5.0 and 1.6.0) doesn't work on mac osx yosemite
    514  Swapping elements in a copy of a numpy array
    514  Sum of distances from a point to all other points
    514  Sklearn | LinearRegression | Fit
    514  Rolling average all values of pandas DataFrame
    514  replacing value with median in python
    514  Python/Numpy: problems with type conversion in vectorize and item
    514  Python: Numpy __deepcopy__ TypeError
    514  Python insert numpy array into sqlite3 database using pandas
    514  Python How to improve numpy array performance?
    514  Python: Are numpy arrays linked when one array is transposed?
    514  Pandas forward cummax
    514  Numpy Savetxt Overwriting, Cannot Figure Out Where to Place Loop
    514  '' 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'predict_proba' ''
    514  numpy logical operation on 2D array
    514  Numpy Array index problems
    514  NameError popt with curve_fit
    514  Line passing through a box (Python)
    514  Is there a nice way to check if numpy array elements are within a range? [duplicate]
    514  how to set the grid when using pcolormesh
    514  How to perform chisquare tests on rows of pandas dataframes?
    514  How to form a matrix from submatrices?
    514  How to find parameters of an optimization function by using scipy?
    514  H5PY/Numpy - Setting the inner shape of a numpy arrays (for h5py)
    514  Find 'distance from the edge' of a numpy array
    514  Display the Pixels of Bayer Format Image
    514  Dask store/read a sparse matrix that doesn't fit in memory
    513  Why doesn't Spyder obey my IPython config file?
    513  Why can't I use numpy library in
    513  what does parameters = int(theta.ravel().shape[1]) mean?
    513  Using numpy and lstsq to solve a 3 dimensions system
    513  Sklearn regression input ''Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2''
    513  Simple question about numpy matrix in python
    513  Setting lil_matrix elements
    513  Scipy output of Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
    513  scipy: finding optimal parameters with fmin and odeint, bad fit
    513  Save 32-bit floating point TIFF image
    513  Numpy vectorized function assignment with a boolean statement
    513  numpy dot product of sub array?
    513  Minimization python function which is constant on small intervals
    513  List of tuples to numpy array - mixed types, unicode conversion not working
    513  Joining Array In Python
    513  Is there an alternative to numpy.average() that can average along an axis whilst using numpypy?
    513  How to fix AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy' [duplicate]
    513  find position of element in matrix
    513  Draw lines-points graph
    513  ''Densifying'' very large sparse matrices by rearranging rows/columns
    513  Cannot convert a symbolic Tensor (truediv_17:0) to a numpy array
    513  Calculating Eigenvalues in Numpy not Working: Each element is a float
    513  Apply numpy function based on string
    513  Adding to numpy.nextafter() float returns unexpected result
    512  Why is enthought mkl routine slower than matlab
    512  Save and Read a Python Dictionary to/from CSV
    512  Programmatically subtract rasters of different dimensions
    512  pandas: How to get first positive number after grouping by a column?
    512  pandas dataframe using different mean for standard deviation
    512  OpenCV: How do I calculate minimum for a window around a central pixel?
    512  Numpy correlation co-efficient for similar numbers
    512  numpy.arange makes no sense at all. How does it work? [duplicate]
    512  Nuitka with Numpy fails ''ImportError: LoadLibraryEx multiarray failed''
    512  How to grid a large xyz file with missing records without running out of memory
    512  Generate repeated sequence of integers while adding an offset after each repeat
    512  GEMM using Numpy einsum
    512  Fill a matrix in parallel
    512  Faster way of using interp1d in 2d array
    512  Convert TensorFlow Tensor into numpy before assigning values to neural net
    512  Converting RGB data into an array from a text file to create an Image
    512  Can't get lFilter to work (rpi2b)
    512  Calculating discrete PDF from discrete CDF in python
    511  Using Numpy and SciPy on Apache Pig
    511  Trying to append content to numpy array
    511  Tensorflow 2d Histogram
    511  Sys.getsizeof vaue of numpy ndarray seems too small [duplicate]
    511  Replace row of a pandas dataframe with numpy array
    511  remove symbols from string
    511  Python equivalent of MATLAB's lsqr() with first argument a function
    511  numpy where RGB channel greater than [0,0,0]
    511  Numpy - transform a numpy function into generator
    511  numpy multiply matrices preserve third axis
    511  Numpy - Matrix multiplication
    511  Numpy: divide the current row by the previous row
    511  Map values to higher dimension with Numpy
    511  Installed numpy for pypy but get '' TypeError: readonly attribute '__module__' ''
    511  Importing numpy fails
    511  Image not found error while trying to import gdal in python
    511  How to represent Word2Vec model to graph? (or convert a 1x300 numpy array to just 1x2 array)
    511  How to read file with Numba
    511  How to generate a randomly oriented, high dimension circle in python?
    511  How to call the xarray's groupby function to group data by a combination of year and month
    511  How to calculate large-scale inverse matrix in python
    511  get the i-th slice of the k-th dimension in a numpy array
    511  Find index of multiple queries in a multidimensional numpy array
    511  Filtering the comma separated values in multiple columns in a dataframe in pandas
    511  Error with sympy.lambdify for piecewise functions and numpy module
    511  difference in calculating cosine similarity user/item collaborative filtering
    511  Create new 2d numpy array based on threshold values from other arrays
    511  corpus2dense requires two arguments, but tutorial example only uses one
    511  comparing column values based on other column values in pandas
    511  Can I print a numpy array's values in green if positive and red if negative?
    511  Backpropagation of Multilayer neural network
    511  Arrays, plotting, fitting gaussian distribution for multiples on graph which represents a power spectrum
    511  applying custom rolling function to dataframe
    511  Amplify values that are similar using Numpy or Scipy in Python
    510  Why tuple convention in function parameters?
    510  Sum of all slices along given axis of a numpy array
    510  Slow numpy element by element array division
    510  Python Scipy Optimization curve_fit
    510  Python Matplotlib: Centering figure around a moving artist
    510  Python interpolate two lists with date-value
    510  Python error '' 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an index'' in Canopy environment
    510  Python conflict Numpy vs Scipy
    510  Python 2.7: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long_scalars (in datetime.timedelta)
    510  Print format using NumPy in Python
    510  prefetch numpy arrays from disk?
    510  Passing list as slice for a N-dimensional numpy array
    510  Pandas Merge Bins
    510  Pandas : dataframe cumsum , reset if other column is false [duplicate]
    510  Only add value if value is greater zero in Python of multidimensional array
    510  numpy shuffle with constraint
    510  Numpy load txt strange behavior
    510  Is there a way to broadcast boolean masks?
    510  Index Out of Bounds Python in Neural Network script
    510  How to merge two sparse coo_matrix matrices in python?
    510  Holoviews gridded dataset example - how to create dataset from 2D image (numpy array)
    510  Context Based Word Co-Occurrence Matrix
    510  arithmetic comparisons on numpy arrays
    509  Vectorizing triple for loop in Python/Numpy with different array shapes
    509  unable to do np.savetxt on save newly appended string column to numpy array
    509  Suppress deprecated numpy API warning from `cython.inline`
    509  Slicing numpy array with closed path
    509  Plotting thousands of files with python
    509 from 3D array
    509  numpy on python 2.7 while having 3.6
    509  Numpy matrix column wise minimum value index [duplicate]
    509  Lexicographic comparison of two numpy ndarrays
    509  How to open a CR2 file in python OpenCV
    509  How to insert a string into a numpy list every nth index?
    509  how to import .txt contents into a line of code in python 2.7
    509  How to create a unknown length numpy array and increase the size according to the given number
    509  How do you convert 3d array in pygame to an vaid input in opencv python?
    509  Filtering two lists by comparing all items to eachother with numpy or tabular
    509  element wise comparison for tensorflow tensor
    509  Adding a row of ones to a tensor in Theano
    509  Access numpy matrix element using list of unknown length
    508  Using numpy data types in argparse
    508  Replace x axis values
    508  Recursive integration with array - Stefan Boltzmann law
    508  Python sum elements between two numbers
    508  Percentage deviation statistics in Pandas
    508  numpy np.where scan array once to get both sets of indices corresponding to T/F condition
    508  numpy.ndarray with shape (height, width, n) from n values per Image pixel
    508  numpy convert array of strings to integers or boolean (for masking)
    508  MultinomialNB in python/pandas returns ''objects are not aligned'' error when predicting
    508  Importing packages on Anaconda on Windows won't work if PYTHONPATH is set
    508  how to fill NA with mean only for 2 or less consequective values of NA
    508  How to convert a uint8 numpy array to an in-memory binary .jpg
    508  How to apply a function all numpy array elements
    508  How Do I Correctly Shape my Data for my NN Model?
    508  How does numpy zeros implement the parameter shape?
    508  fmin_l_bfgs_b returns NaN as function value, but I don't get that
    508  Dataframe index / filtering between two dates
    508  Convert a deafultdict to numpy matrix or a CSV of 2D Matrix
    508  concatenating scipy matrices
    508  Clip to maximum / minimum finite int/float/double?
    508  AttributeError: 'CategoricalBlock' object has no attribute 'sp_index'
    507  Using Pandas & Pivot table how to use column(level) groupby sum values for the next steps analysis?
    507  Sub Gradient of One Dimensional Least Absolute Difference / Deviation (LAD)
    507  ''Setting an array element with a sequence'' numpy error
    507  Python numpy method matrix.toFile()
    507  Python - How to wrap the np.ndarray class?
    507  Populating a Numpy Array using FOR loop with DELETE and INSERT
    507  Plot a curved line on an image?
    507  numpy reshape and tile
    507  numpy - arange: Why does following example not end at 10
    507  Loading floating numbers from txt file with python3 numpy
    507  implementing euclidean distance based formula using numpy
    507  How to write scipy sparse matrix on a file
    507  How to plot a matematical equation on Python
    507  How to efficiently get matrix of the desired form in Python?
    507  how to deal with -inf and Nan in numpy, when using log function
    507  how to calculate a 2D array with numpy mask
    507  Find last nonzero element 3D array - numpy array
    507  C/C++ speed ODE integration from Python
    507  Assigning a string to a numpy.zeros array [duplicate]
    506  What does ''None'' mode mean in Image.fromarray?
    506  ValueError in 2D array python assignment
    506  Understanding the NumPy's arctan2 documentation
    506  Speed difference in np.einsum
    506  PyTorch: apply mapping over singleton dimension of tensor
    506  Python, split array by gradient of dataset
    506  Python - euclidean distance of all pairs of subsequences of given length from given array
    506  python chorus effect and meaning of audio data [closed]
    506  Problem in reshaping numpy array of large size
    506  Plotting cluster's centroid in Python
    506  Pareto frontier indices using numpy
    506  Pandas' pivot_table: Adding % and running % as aggfunc
    506  pandas cumulative weighted average
    506  Numpy: combine two arrays into a matrix, and then map with a lambda
    506  numpy: apply operation to multidimensional array
    506  numpy: applying scalar function to corresponding elements of different matrices
    506  Maximising correlation by finding the delay
    506  ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_multiarray)
    506  How to speed up the transform from binary file to HDF5 file?
    506  How to set numpy parallelism degree?
    506  How to reshape this numpy array to exclude the ''extra dimension''?
    506  How to apply gradient map on a grey scale image
    506  Fitting a linear regression model to a CSV matrix
    506  Fastest coincidence matrix
    506  Error while plotting f(x) in python when x is an array of numbers
    506  Date difference in days and compare the result in Python
    506  Create Vips Image from Numpy RGB array for big images
    506  Can't install gensim with pip
    505  thread-safe random number generation with cython
    505  Splitting numpy arrays based on categorical variable
    505  Python plotting a polynomial with fixed end point
    505  paralellize loop over iter
    505  Pandas crosstab with own function
    505  Numpy slice from beginning and from end
    505  Numpy functions return array class instance when called on subclass of ndarray
    505  Numpy converts scientific notation to nan while reading CSV
    505  matrix multiplication of a nested dictionary storage and a 1d numpy array
    505  How to find the right numpy `savetxt()` format?
    505  How to delete a batch of rows of a numpy array simultaneously? [duplicate]
    505  How do I build numpy for unicode ucs4
    505  How can I find a specific point in tsne plot?
    505  Getting ''TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable'' for my code
    505  Fitting a sine data in Python
    505  Fastest way to extract all bands from raster at once (python/gdal)
    505  Encode array of integers into unique int
    505  Efficient way to write a python dictionary with Numpy Nd-Array values into a Json File
    505  Converting an array to a float, how to reverse the process?
    505  Calculate gradient of norm of a vector with respect to a vector in python
    505  Batch reading and writing, from textfile to HDF5 in python
    504  Wrapping a LAPACKE function using Cython
    504  ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32')
    504  Subclassing numpy.ndarray
    504  Spark submit deploying on cluster mode import numpy as np ImportError: No module named numpy
    504  Solving XOR with 3 data points using Multi-Layered Perceptron
    504  numpy.gradient specifying axes (central difference method)
    504  Numpy convolution (convolve) seems to produce a huge error on complex signals
    504  Numpy automatic elementwise function
    504  Minimum spanning tree : distance and graph
    504  Matplotlib colormap bug with length-4 arrays
    504  Label Encoding of multiple columns without using pandas
    504  How to remove columns in 2D numpy array if one element is smaller or larger than a certain value
    504  How to generate correlated random numbers for truncated normal distribution in Python?
    504  How to enable changes in site.cfg
    504  How to compare Numpy.random's probability distribution functions [closed]
    504  find position of last element before specific value in python numpy
    504  Concurrently reading numpy arrays in parallel
    504  Calculate euclidean distance from scratch between 3 numpy arrays
    503  Where did the term ''broadcasting'' come from?
    503  very slow to get specific rows in scipy csr_matrix and use sparse.vstack to combine them
    503  Sum up over np.array or np.float
    503  Solving multiple linear sparse matrix equations: ''numpy.linalg.solve'' vs. ''scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve''
    503  Select from a 3-dimensional array with a 2-dimensional array
    503  scipy basinhopping accept_test: what is f_new and f_old
    503  Saving theano/lasagne output parameters for future classification
    503  Reading audio data from an ALSA buffer to a numpy array
    503  Python split a column into multiple columns based on ranges
    503  Python rfft does not yield correct phase information
    503  Python float() limitation on scientific notation
    503  Pandas / Numpy way of finding difference between column headers and index headers
    503  Pandas DataFrame Transpose and Matrix Multiplication
    503  Numpy shuffle array
    503  numpy.matmul in Theano
    503  Multiprocessing with large array in state
    503  Manipulating data from python Numpy array: Using values from one column to sum over adjacent value
    503  How to subtract the pixel mean
    503  How to replace a double for-loop with mask and indexing?
    503  How to force a python function to return a particular type of object?
    503  How to efficiently create a sparse Adjacency matrix from adjacency list?
    503  How to convert a ndarray to a structured array?
    503  How to choose and plot only specific arrays in python?
    503  How do you fit a polynomial to a data set?
    503  How do I access field #k of a numpy recarray?
    503  fast downsampling of huge matrix using python (numpy memmap, pytables or other?)
    503  Create 4d array from 3d using Numpy
    503  covert error for loadtxt function
    503  Copy flat list of upper triangle entries to full matrix?
    503  Copy and replace values in numpy array.. nans will be nan but other values will be zero
    503  c-api function returning null
    503  Can you use masks with meshgrid?
    503  calculating rolling mean pandas with time-weighted values
    503  Avoid creating new arrays as results for numpy/scipy operations?
    503  analysis Fitbit walking and sleeping data
    502  word search generator python 3
    502  Why does `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` with only two points raise OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated?
    502  Vectorized random walk in Python with boundaries
    502  sigmoidal curve with semilogx SciPy/Python
    502  run np.empty for the second time
    502  Python `expm` of an `(N,M,M)` matrix
    502  Optimizing flood-fill alike algorithm (percolation theory)
    502  Optimize Scipy Sparse Matrix
    502  Numpy split data with delimiter at once
    502  Numpy ndarray hstack by reference
    502  numpy meshgrid MemoryError on ungridded netCDF
    502  n-dimensional table lookup: array, dataframe, or dictionary?
    502  Multiplying matrices with different dimensions
    502  Integrating an array using scipy.integrate.quad and nquad ''Does not return valid float''
    502  How to reshape each row of a Dataframe?
    502  How to keep dtype when converting a dataframe into a numpy array?
    502  How to convert array of Integers to binary encoding in TensorFlow or Numpy?
    502  How to construct a matrix of all possible differences of a vector in numpy
    502  How to apply lower and upper threshold to NumPy array?
    502  How can I fix ''no module named cv2''?
    502  Generating a remapped numpy array as a view.
    502  Filling blank column space with 0
    502  Fill 1D numpy array from arrays with indices
    502  Download numpy, scipy and matplotlib for pycharm using python 2.7 on windows
    502  Different results with scipy.optimize.curve_fit using list and array
    502  Create or populate a table in python based on other tables
    502  Converting a list of lists to an array in Python
    502  Ball tracker using OpenCV, Python and Raspberry Pi 3 w/ camera module
    501  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. in
    501  Using Array to Store Pixels of Window
    501  Sum of Squares - np.inner vs squaring first, then summing
    501  Split timestamp column CSV [duplicate]
    501  Sorting an 3-dimensional array by a single row/column in Python
    501  Python: Producing a graph of a module which contains a feedback mechanism
    501  Python: How to find the value of a number in a numpy array?
    501  Python heatmap and colorbar colors are different
    501  Python: Cumulative insertion of values in a sparse matrix (lil_matrix) due to repeated indices
    501  Numpy gradient() with OpenCV is never negative
    501  How to convolve images using scipy
    501  Filter a 2D numpy array from an array of values
    501  Does NumPy have a Uniformity function?
    501  Delay load python DLL when embedding python+numpy
    501  Cross-validation and Training error of Lasso
    501  Creating an array of irregular numbers in Numpy
    501  About Numpy,a=np.array([1,2,3,4]),print a.shape[0]. why it will output 4?
    500  Vectorizing softmax cross-entropy gradient
    500  Suppyling a hessian to fmin_ncg in python
    500  Speeding up Evaluation of Sympy Symbolic Expressions
    500  Python numpy not multiplying matrix correctly.
    500  Python npy file how to access variables
    500  Preferred ordering and converting a 1D bytearray to a Numpy nd-array?
    500  kwarg-splatting a numpy array
    500  Installing numpy with virtualenv python3.3
    500  Insert values in 2d numpy array
    500  How to transpose a 3D list in python?
    500  How to force numpy to accept objects as float?
    500  How to find the number of layers from the saved h5 file of pre-trained model?
    500  How to convert values in a numpy matrix based on a condition?
    500  how to break elements in a python list
    500  Efficient way to concatenate Numpy arrays and extract indexes
    500  Converting OpenCV SURF features to float32 arrays in Python
    500  Comparing the performance of xarray vs. NumPy
    500  Check, if a variable does not equal to any of the vector's elements
    500  Animate data by scrolling in Matplotlib
    500  3d plot of list of (hist, bin_edges) where histogram bar chart or lines are in the z-y plane
    499  valueerror: can't reshape array of size 315 into shape (32,32)
    499  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 10 into shape (10,3,32,32)
    499  Using numpy module in pythonQt
    499  Scipy stats.probplot not returning r^2 value bug?
    499  Scikit-learn, GMM: Issue with return from .means_ attribute
    499  python read zipfile into numpy-array efficiently
    499  Pillow: Strange output creating RGB image from nxnx3 numpy matrix
    499  Numpy ValueError: no fill-function for data-type
    499  Numpy Slice Array Column Based on Row Condition
    499  installing numpy with python 3.4 [closed]
    499  How to do C language calculation in Python
    499  How to divide 1 column into 5 segments with pandas and python?
    499  How could I plot 3D grid using mplot3d and numpy array?
    499  How can I parallelize functions ''leastsq'' or/and ''curve_fit''
    499  Getting a multidimensional array out of pandas
    499  Generate any random number from a CDF in python
    499  Does datetime64 type not have minute attribute?
    499  Convert function arguments that are floats to numpy array
    499  Concatenate a tuple with a value that is on a numpy array
    499  Apply function to 3 elements at a time in numpy
    498  What is the output of np.asarray(scalar)?
    498  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (2, 1000, 1) for Tensor 'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 2)'
    498  Use of bbox to correctly animate 3D axis with blitting animation in matplotlib
    498  selecting a range of columns in Python
    498  Removing corresponding rows/columns in matrix using python
    498  Python - Simple Scipy 'curve_fit' non linear regression with a basic log function
    498  Python pandas dataframe convert string to float
    498  PYTHON: How do deal with data types after np.fromfile (binary format) correctly?
    498  Python: copy and paste files based on paths in two csvs
    498  package to fit mixtures of student-t distributions
    498  numpy.genfromtxt(), what is the difference between skiprows and skip_header?
    498  Multipolyfit IndexError: tuple index out of range
    498  Keras open images and create a batch with them
    498  How to store OLS Regression Results F-statsistic and R-squared to a list
    498  How to improve efficiency in this numpy iterating?
    498  How to convert array to image colour channel in python?
    498  How do I get the dot product but without the summation
    498  how can I specify the memory address of a Numpy array using ctypes?
    498  How can I read unsigned shorts using Python?
    498  Fast way to fill matrix from np.array of row index, column index, and max(values)
    498  Error while setting up SkLearn: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
    498  Efficiently convert gmpy2.mpz to numpy boolean array
    498  Efficiency of random slicing on a numpy memory map
    498  Creating a grid in Fourier-space
    498  Consolidate data in numpy arrays
    498  concatenating numpy memmap'd files into single memmap
    498  computing cumulative distribution of a conditional probability distribution
    498  Compare Dataframe column with numpy ndarray and update value in dataframe
    498  Cleanest way to set xtickslabel in specific position
    498  candlestick charts using Matplotlib skip weekends
    498  Attempting to Check Points Inside a Circle Using Numpy
    498  Applying select_dtypes for selected columns of a dataframe
    497  Why max and min functions are returning unexpected results using Pandas?
    497  Why does scipy.optimize rely so heavily on start values?
    497  Whats the best way to iterate over multidimensional array and tracking/doing operations on iteration index
    497  Weighted Means for columns in Pandas DataFrame including Nan
    497  Using masked numpy arrays with rpy2
    497  Using boolean mask in Python array [closed]
    497  Trilinear Interpolation - Vectorising without Scipy
    497  sklearn RFECV with missing value
    497  Skip specific data lines from a .txt file in order to plot a 2D line with breaks
    497  Saving/reading color image pixel data in python
    497  Random indices from masked array
    497  Python PageRank implementation page rank vector converges to the same value for every node
    497  Python on OS X can't see most recent numpy
    497  Python: How do I create a diagonal matrix with block matrices as diagonals [closed]
    497  Python - Break numpy array into positive and negative components
    497  NumPy zeros in Numba function is not working when multi-dimensional shape is a list
    497  numpy is not a supported wheel on the platform
    497  numpy.genfromtxt path value
    497  matplotlib limit figure save size for PdfPages
    497  Log-likelihood function in NumPy
    497  list of lists into numpy array - wrong output
    497  how to find indices of k smallest numbers in a multidimentional array?
    497  How to find all maximas if x and y values of the function are given as np.array
    497  How to compare two datasets and extract the differences between them in python?
    497  How to check for a range of values in a pandas dataframe?
    497  Get SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import when trying to import numpy in a Cython Extension
    497  Generate 3 different random number in Python
    497  converting numpy of string to numpy characters python
    497  Apply Function foreach Pixel in Numpy Array
    496  Why do I get different results when linear regression when using scipy.stats.linregress vs numpy.polyfit(deg=1) [closed]
    496  sparse matrix: Matlab to Python code conversion
    496  Sort two dimensional list python
    496  Sort a list of objects by object field that is a numpy array?
    496  slicing numpy arrays by combining indices and expression masks
    496  Rotating Large Arrays, Fastest Possible
    496  Python numpy uint64 gets converted to float on division
    496  Python/Numpy index of array in array
    496  Python: check if columns of array are within boundaries, if not pick a random number within the boundary
    496  Parseval's Theorem does not hold for FFT of a sinusoid + noise?
    496  Numpy: regrid by averaging?
    496  Multi-dimensional np.argmax?
    496  Interpolation with numpy/scipy on 2-D grid
    496  In python is there a better way of adding fields to a structured numpy array
    496  In Python: 'import sitecustomize' failed;
    496  How to vectorize multiple levels of recursion?
    496  How to vectorize a code with python numpy.bincount, using apply along axis
    496  how to convert 4d numpy array to PIL image?
    496  How can I calculate an outer function in python?
    496  Find center of mass for image along axis
    496  Error while GARCH Modeling using Python
    496  Difference between numpy.linalg.solve() and R solve()
    495  What pre-processing methods do I need for Timestamp, Duration data for use with DBSCAN?
    495  ValueError when using image == None
    495  Using np.searchsorted to find the most recent timestamp
    495  Using a boolean vector to extract a subarray of an ndarray
    495  Syntax error when importing CSV file (Python)
    495  Subtract over last axis of ndarray
    495  Sort multidimensional NumPy array by norm over a dimension
    495  Row Order in Python and abstraction to a Cartesian plane [closed]
    495  Remove columns that have NA values for rows - Python
    495  Python pandas calculate business days and business hours on 2 date fields of pandas dataframe
    495  Numpy statistics, creating an array with certain statistics properties
    495  Numpy: replacing zeros in numpy array with a numpy array
    495  numpy one-liner for combining unequal length np.array to a matrix(or 2d array)
    495  markowitz portfolio optimization using quadratic programming and convex solver
    495  importing nltk in ironpython does not work after importing numpy
    495  How to use norm.ppf with a loc, scale and x as numpy array?
    495  how to store the result of each iteration of for loop into an array in python
    495  How to convert list of images into list of numbers in python? TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'Image'
    495  How can I create a diagonal matrix with numpy?
    495  fast way to transpose and concat csv files in python?
    495  Equivalent diag R function in numpy python
    495  Efficiently compute pairwise equal for NumPy arrays
    495  does tensorflow convert_to_tensor do memory copy?
    495  Dealing with NaNs in Pandas
    495  Compiling Cython .pyx files on a non-english Ubuntu (unicode error)
    494  Why use numpy.array() on numpy.arange()? Isn't it redundant?
    494  Using scipy.fmin. TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
    494  Update submatrix with R-like or MATLAB-like syntax in NumPy and Python
    494  Trying to parallelise a nested for-loop and save intermediate results
    494  Switch python distributions
    494  Spherical interpolation of large numpy array
    494  Python: percentile estimation of NumPy arrays in Pandas DataFrame using statsmodels
    494  Python: dot product shapes not aligned?
    494  Python 3.6.1 - Numpy.power returns negative values for cube powers of positive int numbers
    494  Plot a line over a 2D histogram python
    494  numpy: writing large 2D arrays of uint16 in big endian
    494  Numpy mask in a list
    494  Matlab polyval function with three outputs equivalent in Python/ Numpy
    494  Index not found in a dataframe
    494  Incompatible shapes for Accuracy when fitting tensorflow2 model
    494  How to save partial screenshot from selenium and opencv in python
    494  How to find area under exponential curve (and the curve) from random distribution in python?
    494  How to completely flatten a list in Python? [duplicate]
    494  How can I subsample an array according to its density? (Remove frequent values, keep rare ones)
    494  Get groups of consecutive elements of a NumPy array based on condition
    494  Exclude from numpy.genfromtxt()
    494  Case insensitive logic in Python numpy arrays (and Pandas Index)
    494  Cannot import numpy after building
    494  Calculating kurtosis from an image
    494  Accelerating the following code using Numba
    493  When does getting submatrix of an numpy array returns view but not copy?
    493  statsmodels v0.6.1 won't import: _fblas issue
    493  Split a 2D numpy array where uneven splits are possible
    493  scipy.signal's convolve differs from calculated result
    493  scikit-learn GridSearchCV doesn't work as samples increase
    493  Python Pandas pivot table how to handle '\xc2\xa0'?
    493  python optimization - linprog
    493  Python memory error with numpy and csv reader
    493  Python: list destructing assignment gets wrong
    493  Python - 2D array sort by date & time [closed]
    493  Passing a numpy function in python to C++ using SWIG directors
    493  numpy set_printoptions precision ignored in list of tuples
    493  np.concatenate a list of numpy.ndarray in new dimension?
    493  Linear Regression Using Numpy
    493  How to write consistent code using Numpy/Scipy?
    493  How to sort matrix diagonally [closed]
    493  How to shift a wave of a wav file by 180 degrees
    493  How to generate a number of random vectors starting from a given one
    493  HDF5 file to diagram in python
    493  Fast token-to-index conversion with NumPy
    493  Efficient permutation of each row (or column) of a numpy array given a permutation matrix
    493  efficient numpy.cumsum and numpy.digitize
    493  Deleting the first element of the N-D numpy array
    493  Create an empty memory mapped numpy array using joblib
    493  Compiling and distributing Cython extensions
    493  2D array Of All Cyclic Shifts Of A 1D array
    492  Why MATLAB/Numpy/Scipy performance is slow and doesn't reach CPU capabilities (flops)?
    492  Vectorizing an operation between all pairs of elements in two numpy arrays
    492  storing data in numpy array without overwriting previous data
    492  Sort an excel file by date in Python [closed]
    492  Separately selecting and multiplying numpy 2-d elements per mask (without loops)
    492  Scipy Numerical Integration
    492  Python script ImportError: No module named celltool.simple_interface
    492  python numpy - Function to perform vector & matrix addition
    492  Python 3 Virtual Environment - nonexistent packages
    492  Plotting a function of two variables that includes a vector inside
    492  Is it better to store temp data in arrays or save it to file for access later?
    492  Install numpy from a wheel package on Redhat 6.5
    492  importing numpy in python3
    492  How to take an exponential of a quantum object in Python's QuTiP
    492  How to read and write numpy arrays which is larger than the primary memory?
    492  How to pass a shared object to a multiprocessing.pool (without pickling or using globals)?
    492  How to normalize Perlin Noise Values to range [0, 1]?
    492  Hatching frequency on plots
    492  Eigen vectors in python giving seemingly random element-wise signs
    492  Divide ndarray by its own column indices
    492  Deque rotate returns None type
    492  Create a matrix made of matrices with different sizes
    492  comparing ndarray with values in 1D array to get a mask
    492  Classify the wind direction in several classes
    492  AttributeError: module 'scipy.stats' has no attribute 'signaltonoise'
    491  'ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.' message when training model
    491  Search for value from one array in another array and modify array if not found - numpy
    491  scipy.optimize.minimize does not update weight parameters
    491  Retry until no RuntimeWarning
    491  Plotting in numpy a graph using the two lowest eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    491  Numpy matrix row/column memory layout
    491  Multivariate regression with numpy in Python
    491  Is there a way to remove the loop using numpy?
    491  Infer nearest, smaller value in numpy array
    491  How can I apply a vectorized function to the previous element of a numpy array?
    491  Filling a 2D array with lists
    491  Evaluating prediction extremely slow
    491  Cython with Numpy / AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Handler'
    491  CountVectorizer ignores Upper Case
    491  count how often each field point is inside a contour
    491  Convolutional layer in Python using Numpy
    491  compute a xi-xj matrix in numpy without loops (by api calls)
    491  Choosing particular rows from pandas dataframe
    490  Tuple indices must be integers not tuple, matplot
    490  Scipy leastsq() function overhead
    490  Scipy boundary conditions on a sparse matrix pattern
    490  Saving memory space in Numpy arrays
    490  repeating a numpy array a specified number of times for itertools
    490  randomly controlling the percentage of non zero values in a matrix using python
    490  Python Numpy: Saved array is loaded differently
    490  Python: looping through values of two vectors [duplicate]
    490  Put a 1D array into a 2D array
    490  Primorials in numpy - RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in longlong_scalars
    490  Numpy Subtraction Precision
    490  numpy.stride_tricks returns junk values
    490  numpy - compare each element of two arrays and return matrix
    490  numpy.argmax() on multi-dim data does not return an ndarray
    490  MemoryError trying to convert Numpy 2D arrays into a 3D array
    490  load .npy file from google cloud storage with tensorflow
    490  Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') error but no values in dataset
    490  Implement a vectorized stop loss when price goes below a threshold using pandas DataFrame
    490  How to pad multiple lists with trailing zeros?
    490  How to find weighted covariance matrix of Excel rows?
    490  How to extract only the numerical part of the columns in this table? (Python)
    490  How to change the dtype of a ndarray to custom one in numpy?
    490  How do I use sum()/average() for namedtuple in python?
    490  How do I turn a numpy array into a tensor in ''Tensorflow''?
    489  Why does scipys stats.bernoulli.rvs yields an array with dtype int32?
    489  using numpy to import multiple text files
    489  tensorflow indexing through multidimensional array
    489  TensorFlow, how to index so that (batch_size x num_labels)+(batch_size) -> (batch_size)
    489  Strange issue when storing FFT periods in Pandas dataframe
    489  Specific tensor product in numpy
    489  scipy curve_fit with integer parameters
    489  Python nan with complex arrays
    489  Python convert Python string to Numpy unicode string
    489  Python 3d array times 1d vector
    489  Pandas: What is dtype = <U64, and How Do I Convert it to String?
    489  Pandas Count occurences data during time period improve
    489  numpy.memmap to Image.frombuffer - without copying
    489  numpy mean with comparison operator in the parameter
    489  Numpy gradient in masked array
    489  How to write a 3 channel image into a tiff file?
    489  How to fill two numpy arrays with values from another array
    489  Finding first zero element ignoring leading zeros in numpy array
    489  Efficient use of python generators in a tight double for loop over numpy arrays
    489  Count Positive Consecutive Elements in Dataframe
    489  Correlation table
    489  convert float to string numba python numpy array
    489  Compare one column with multiple column containing categorical values without loops
    489  apply both vectorized and non-vectorized function on numpy array
    489  Advanced numpy array multiplication
    489  Adding all elements of a multi-dimensional array in Python [duplicate]
    488  understand np.matmul on 1D vectors
    488  Store 2D Array in .png format with colours [duplicate]
    488  scikit fitting data error
    488  Python, pandas: how to extract values from a symmetric, multi-index dataframe
    488  Python k- Nearest Neighbours
    488  Plotting ode solution in phase plane
    488  Integrate a function that returns a matrix numpy
    488  How to select and sum on only the first column in an array?
    488  How to input 3D images in medpy.filter.IntensityRangeStandardization()?
    488  Generating all increasing sequences of specific length from an integer interval
    488  From IEEE32 float to 32bit integer numpy array (example : audio .wav files)
    488  efficient way to read csv with numeric data in python
    488  cx_freeze - executable still looking in local directories
    488  Convert structured array with various numeric data types to regular array
    488  convert multidimensional numpy array to image
    488  Convert 3d numpy array into a 2d numpy array (where contents are tuples)
    488  Casting images to different class PIL
    488  apply to the entire dataframe a user-defined function involving another dataframe in pandas
    487  What is the Math.Net equivalent of for 1d and Nd Matrix
    487  ValueError: two fields with the same name
    487  ValueError truth value ambiguous when removing value from list which are values of a dictionary
    487  Trouble running Gensim LDA
    487  Revisit forcing python math functions to operate on float32
    487  python error setting an array element with a sequence
    487  Python3 Numpy multiply : Could not broadcast together with shapes (10, 10000) (10000, 10)
    487  Poor Cython performance with typed MemoryView
    487  pandas ''2D rank'' dataframe into (row,col) indices tuples
    487  numpy: Efficient way to use a 1D array as an index into 2D array
    487  Normalize vector field by NumPy
    487  Linear regression and autograd
    487  Interpolating a data point on a curve with a negative slope
    487  install numpy and matplotlib of python2.7 numpy on window7 64 system [duplicate]
    487  in genfromtxt next(fhd), StopIteration error upon adding a new ''with open file'' line
    487  Importing a matrix from Python to Pyomo
    487  Implementation of second way to filter out non-black pixels
    487  How to make network graph of twitter (Python3)
    487  How to efficiently remove redundant linear constraints for optimization?
    487  Generating bounding boxes from heatmap data
    487  Function that computes projection and recostruction error using numpy - python
    487  fsolve TypeError error at scipy
    487  Extract row and column indexes of 0s in binary image in Numpy
    487  Difficulty producing a simple scatter plot from csv file in python: x and y axis labeling
    487  ctypedef with ndarray raises ''Buffer types only allowed as function local variables''
    487  Conditional Sum of 2D Numpy Arrays
    487  Are numpy/pandas vectorized calculations faster with MKL or with the bottleneck library?
    487  Adding a new channel to an image
    486  Why does my neural network's cost keeps increasing ?
    486  Why can't scipy.optimize.curve_fit fit my data using a numpy.sinc function?
    486  Spyder, Python IDE startup code crashing GUI
    486  separate frequencies from music
    486  Rotating curves around an origin in python
    486  Reference a python script through Unity
    486  Python scipy.spatial.Delaunay apparently not installed with Scipy 0.13.3?
    486  Python numpy reshape 3d list into 2d array
    486  Python: Filtering numpy values based on certain columns
    486  Project Euler #641 Python 3.6 - Numpy
    486  numpy structured arrays: help understanding output
    486  Numpy: sort rows of an array by rows in another array
    486  numpy scipy.optimize.minimize type exception ( after numpy version 1.13.3 -> 1.14.2 )
    486  numpy.concatenate float64(101,1) and float64(101,)
    486  Need help to solve this (ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (15,) for Tensor u'Softmax_2:0', which has shape '(?, 54)')
    486  I want to blink an image using a python code
    486  Indexing the last dimension of a 3D array with a 2D integer array
    486  How to return augmented data in Keras/Tensorflow
    486  How to replace misspelled words in a pandas dataframe
    486  How to compute correlation of a pandas dataframe with NaN in it
    486  How to calculate the euclidean distance in Python without fixed-dimension?
    486  How do I make my Numpy/Scipy use ATLAS instead of OpenBLAS (on a virtual environment)?
    486  Get information about a function in python, looking at source code
    486  Find positions of elements in sorted array
    486  Extending 1D function across 3 dimensions for data windowing
    486  Efficient way to subtract each element of list from itself in Python
    486  Efficiently Reading Large Files with ATpy and numpy?
    486  Efficient calculation of cosine in python
    486  Creating a matrix of differences from a pandas DataFrame
    485  Wireframe joins the wrong way in numpy matplotlib mplot3d
    485  why scipy.spatial.ckdtree runs slower than scipy.spatial.kdtree
    485  why Image numpy array transpose and its inverse change color channel?
    485  tranpose of multidimension with permute the axes
    485  Theano: Operate on nonzero elements of sparse matrix
    485  SQP method with numpy
    485  scipy.weave.inline not working as expected with math library
    485  Reading numpy array from file and parsing very slow
    485  Python only use mem-cached memory for process?
    485  python numpy/scipy find count or frequency of a relative variable in multi-dimensional array
    485  Python Data Types: What does '|S ... ' Mean?
    485  pandas dataframe adding new columns based on labels
    485  Numpy - Regrid with Averaging redux
    485  Multi Column Deep Neural Network with TFLearn and Tensorflow
    485  KNN distance and class vote
    485  Is there any quadratic programming function that can have both lower and upper bounds - Python
    485  Installing Numpy and matplotlib on OS X 10.8.5
    485  Inconsistent behavior of jitted function
    485  How to understand this: `db = np.sum(dscores, axis=0, keepdims=True)`
    485  How to subtract two uint16 numpy arrays to give a int16 numpy array efficiently
    485  How to multiply diagonal elements by each other using numpy?
    485  How to mix numpy slices to list of indices?
    485  How to convert numpy ndarray values to probability values
    485  Find closest point in a 2D array of polygon points
    485  Data view don't show the index of DataFrame neither rows numbers from numpy array
    485  Cython function with variable sized matrix input
    485  boxplot error: 1 ndim Categorical are not supported at this time
    485  Applying an average across groups in pandas
    484  Using offsets into the buffer in PyOpenGL calls
    484  Using numpy.savetxt while maintaining the shape of the array
    484  Using : for multiple slicing in list or numpy array
    484  speed of elementary mathematical operations in Numpy/Python: why is integer division slowest?
    484  Scipy's griddata method always fails
    484  Replace element in numpy array using some condition [duplicate]
    484  rearranging rows in a big numpy array zeros some rows. How to fix it?
    484  Python pandas iterate through dataframe
    484  Python - Numpy matrix multiplication
    484  Python Find n words before and after a certain words
    484  Pandas new column with constant increments
    484  Numpy filter to smooth out zero-regions
    484  non adjacent slicing of numpy multidimensional array in python
    484  mode() call does not work as expected in scipy/numpy
    484  Matrix of labels to adjacency matrix
    484  Intensity-weighted minimal path between 2 points in grayscale image
    484  How to solving linear equations with python
    484  Greater of two numpy arrays, element-wise
    484  Detecting & highlighting macroblocks in an image with compression artifacts
    484  dataframe logical_and works fine with equals and don't work with not equals
    484  c-style union with numpy dtypes?
    484  Converting numpy array values into integers
    484  Computing Gini index in tensorflow
    484  build error when trying to install and setup numpy 1.7.1 for python2.7 on ubuntu on a VM
    484  Board game: Find maximum green points with restricted red points
    484  Access range of elements from an array Python
    483  writing numpy codes in cython with unknown dimensions
    483  Why does tensorflow didn't accept np.float?
    483  What is the equivalent covariance matrix to the variance in the 1D case?
    483  Walk through each column in a numpy matrix efficiently in Python
    483  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence while using it with tensorflow
    483  ValueError: could not convert string to float: b'user1'
    483  str() method on numpy array and back
    483  ''Sticky notes'' in matplotlib
    483  Speeding-up ''for-loop'' in image analysis when iterations are up to 40,000
    483  Sparse matrix manipulation
    483  Slicing a pandas df using a numpy array
    483  select first occurance of minimum index from numpy array
    483  Select columns in numpy
    483  Reshape and conccatente arrays in 4D to 3D
    483  Replace loop with broadcasting in numpy -> memory error
    483  Python operator overloading : commutative or right only?
    483  Python - Concatenating two images and adding up their color channels
    483  Pandas+Numpy: filtering DF columns by numerical dtype gives unexpected behavior
    483  Numpy array shape after extraction from Pandas Dataframe
    483  Multi-Dimensional Batch-Image Convolution using Numpy
    483  Matlab -> scipy ode (complex) function translation
    483  How to smooth a curve with large noise which is only in certain part?
    483  How can i find indices of element that bigger than special number from numpy 2d array?
    483  Generalise slicing operation in a NumPy array
    483  Divide RGB image by grayscale elementwise in numpy
    483  Converting Mathematica to Python - arccos and sqrt
    483  Auto convert strings and float columns using genfromtxt from numpy/python
    482  valueError could not convert string to floatPython 2.7
    482  Solve linear equation in python XA = B [duplicate]
    482  Selective Numpy array manipulation (dependent on value)
    482  result difference between scipy.fftpack.fft2 and cufft
    482  Remove elements from 2D numpy array based on specific value
    482  pytorch (numpy) calculation about the closest pixels to points
    482  Python scipy - specify custom discrete distribution
    482  Python np.argmin: how can I get both the index and value of the minimum item?
    482  Python - Adding Decimal places to elements in cvs file
    482  Programming with Cython - General types for ndarray with shared code
    482  Numpy arange over numpy arrays
    482  Manipulating copied numpy array without changing the original
    482  interpolate to specific time
    482  Index Error: Index out of bounds when using numpy in python
    482  How to use numpy mgrid or meshgrid for that simple task
    482  How to update all the values of a numpy array using values from another array
    482  How to filter very sparse features from a data set
    482  How to do group by and take Count of one column divide by count of unique of second column of data frame in python pandas?
    482  How to concatenate strings in numpy (to create percentages)?
    482  How can I unserialize a numpy array that was cast to a bytestring?
    482  Finding a Dot Product without using or loops in Python
    482  filter numpy array of datetimes by frequency of occurance
    482  Extract frames from video to numpy array in python
    482  Efficient way to decompress and multiply sparse arrays in python
    482  Dividing two columns in a file and printing the output in new column to the same file for multiple files
    482  Calculate Euclidian Distance in two numpy arrays
    482  array as parameter when calling `rvs` or `pdf` on scipy.stats.rv_continuous
    481  Why is pandas DataFrame more expensive than numpy ndarray?
    481  What's the difference between np.float64 and tf.float64?
    481  What is numpy empty doing under the hood when I allocate a massive ndarray?
    481  What are the pros and cons of using a structured array in Numpy instead of several arrays?
    481  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (400,400,3) (400,400)
    481  Using numpy.array throws an AttributeError
    481  The usage of np.random.seed when we change its value [duplicate]
    481  Squeezing a numpy array
    481  single positional indexer is out-of-bounds
    481  Row by column dot product in numpy array
    481  Random number seed in numpy
    481  Python: using variable as function name
    481  Python quit unexpectedly running parallel processes with scipy.linalg.inv()
    481  Python NumPy - angled slice of 3D array
    481  Python - count distinct rows from a dataframe
    481  Numpy N-D Matrix to a 3D Mesh Graph
    481  numpy.histogram2d throws an exception when passed a subsetted pandas.DataFrame
    481  numpy 3d tensor by 2d array
    481  Label regions with unique combinations of values in two numpy arrays?
    481  Inverting floats in a list of lists [duplicate]
    481  How to use matplotlib/numpy to plot heatmap given three irregular lists of values in Python
    481  How to sort numpy array containing string types and np.nan
    481  How to groupby and assign an array to a column in python-pandas?
    481  How does one control whitespace around a figure in matplotlib?(plt.tight_layout does not work)
    481  function to return copy of np.array with some elements replaced
    481  For a pandas dataframe column, TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
    481  Dynamic 3d array slicing and sorting
    481  cumulative argmax of a numpy array
    481  Copied dictionary via numpy.copy. Now is ndarray; how to recover the original dictionary?
    481  Combining slicing and advanced indexing in python Numpy
    481  Best practice to vstack multiple large np.arrays?
    481  AttributeError - But Dataframe has the attribute
    480  Vectorizing sum of nearest neighbours in matrix using Numpy
    480  Use numpy is_busday function on a date column on Pandas DataFrame
    480  Try/Except Not Catching Error [duplicate]
    480  To draw contours around specific object(numbers) and return the respective no. and its position as a list as output
    480  Splitting Python MeshGrid Into Cells
    480  Set color per point 3d plot numpy/scipy
    480  scipy.ndimage.generic_filter returns Type Error
    480  rotate small portion of an array by 90 degree in python
    480  numpy missing attributes depending on array size
    480  numpy loadtext and savetxt multiple files?
    480  numpy large array indexing crashes the interpreter
    480  numpy array bigger than python list
    480  matplotlib install failing, can't find the right numpy
    480  location of array of values in numpy array
    480  Keras/TensorFlow - numpy vs tensor performance
    480  Iterating over square submatrices in multidimensional numpy array
    480  Is there a way to use np.where() with column list?
    480  How to use the dimension of a python matrix in a loop
    480  How to normalize images using mean and std?
    480  How to import numpy in Pycharm
    480  How to create 'billiard ball' reflection boundary condition in python?
    480  how to change the datatype of numpy.random.rand array in python?
    480  Generate N unique random integers within a specified range
    480  Find min/max of numpy array excluding zeros along an axis
    480  Fast counts of elements of numpy array by value thresholds in another array
    480  Efficiently: sum non-diagonal elements, by axis
    480  delete the first element in subview of a matrix
    480  Covariance Matrix is all zeros and Correlation Matrix is all nan for my test matrix
    480  Concatenating numpy.void with numpy.ndarray
    480  Combinatorial optimisation of a distance metric
    480  Can I force python array elements to have a specific size?
    480  Boolean Indexing with Pandas isn't working for me
    480  Avoiding nested for loops in Python
    479  Writing numpy.random.get_state() to file
    479  What is the fastest way to prepare data for RNN with numpy?
    479  Tensorflow LSTM: Training accuracy very low and unchanging
    479  Solve a Matrix for unknows in Python / Numpy / Scipy [closed]
    479  scipy/numpy find the lower envelope of four functions
    479  Python/Pandas how to fill a mesh grid when plotting a decision boundary
    479  python IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 32 but corresponding boolean dimension is 112
    479  Pandas Dataframe - return datetime column in a np.where statement
    479  Obtain box2d from superpixels segments
    479  Numpy Documentation
    479  Nested numpy arrays in dask and pandas dataframes
    479  Multiple copies of array returned by numpy.arange?
    479  Is there a way to provide probability to numpy.random.uniform?
    479  Importing numpy on network drive in ipython fails
    479  How to tell Numpy to print time in UTC and not local timezone?
    479  HDF5 internal data organization and NumPy usage
    479  Fastest and most efficient way to put a numpy array to Mysql db
    479  Converting tuple into array and calling the new array
    479  Converting an open curve to a list of ordered pixels: a Python test code with numpy
    479  Computing 3D-homography with 5 3D-points
    479  an efficient way to speed up some numpy operations
    478  When I shuffle a copy of a DataFrame, why the original DataFrame is also shuffled? [duplicate]
    478  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (700,227,3) into shape (0,227,3)
    478  Subtraction of list and elements of matrix Python
    478  Returning the N largest values' indices in a multidimensional array (can find solutions for one dimension but not multi-dimension)
    478  Replace elements in numpy matrix by taking average of neighboring elements
    478  Reading(from a text file) and printing alphanumeric values in python
    478  Python: numpy.memmap zeros, reusage, documentation?
    478  Python least squares with scipy.integrate.quad
    478  Python Canopy NumPy: Running the code by pressing ''Play'' doesn't give the same result as copying and pasting the code in the command line
    478  Numpy or pandas: test whether upper or lower bound is reached in array / series, and which is reached first
    478  numpy and scanf equivalents, turning binary output stream into an array
    478  ''Not enough storage'' error reading from numpy memmap
    478  Long NumPy array can't be printed completely?
    478  interpolate linear array to non linear array using python numpy or scipy
    478  initialize objects in numpy matrix
    478  How to replace values inside a list inside a pandas row
    478  How to import numpy through xlwings package? ''ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.''
    478  How to efficiently evaluate a whole Python list of functions element-wise?
    478  getting an 'int' object is not iterable error for a numpy
    478  Custom Floor/Ceiling with Significance on a Time Series data Python
    478  Creating an Alpha Overlay Image from the Difference of Two Images
    478  creating a dataframe from a variable length text string
    478  create mask of non-nan matrix intersections
    477  why are empty numpy arrays not printed
    477  Trailing 9s in Python [duplicate]
    477  Sparse Rotation Matrix Python SciPy
    477  slow csr matrix construction
    477  Slice numpy array by chunks
    477  Python plotting issue / masked array / hatching
    477  Python isnan - TypeError: Not implemented for this type
    477  Plot 4d dimensional
    477  Pandas Dataframe Performance apply function with shift
    477  One-hot representation of a matrix in numpy
    477  numpy - vectorize functions: apply_over_axes / apply_along_axis
    477  numpy: copying value defaults on integer indexing vs boolean indexing
    477  Most efficient algorithm in Python to generate all 6x6 (0,1) matrices with sum in columns and rows lower than 2?
    477  Joblib userwarning while trying to cache results
    477  is there a version of numpy that is compatible with qpython3 and if so how do I download it
    477  Invert a matrix in place with NumPy
    477  Inputting null values through's ''default'' parameter
    477  Indexing numpy 2D array that wraps around
    477  How to refine a mesh in python quickly
    477  How to calculate Average of n numpy arrays [duplicate]
    477  Find Maximum of 3D np.array along Axis = 0
    477  Fast Fourier Transform in Python
    477  Fastest Pairwise Difference of Rows
    477  Extract chunks of pandas dataframe when ''value in column X'' changes
    477  Deleting rows in np array inside a for loop
    477  Cannot load file containing pickled data - Python .npy I/O
    477  Adding missing columns
    476  Vectorizing euclidean distance computation - NumPy
    476  Vectorized assignment in Numpy
    476  TensorFlow Test Accuracy is 1, All SoftMax values 0.5
    476  Splitting a value with multiple bins numpy histogram
    476  python piecewise constant approximation [duplicate]
    476  python all possible products between columns
    476  possible Python integer overflow error
    476  Plotting with numpy masked arrays
    476  pd.read_hdf throws 'cannot set WRITABLE flag to True of this array' and 'No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
    476  Parallel Process of numpy.random creates same numbers
    476  np.array2string not removing brackets around an array
    476  Keras: Output array is messed up
    476  I can't load a numpy .npy file that I just saved
    476  How to use `slice` objects to read a pytables.CArray?
    476  How to mask with 3d array and 2d array numpy
    476  How to fix this error: Arrays are not almost equal to seven decimals?
    476  HOW to fix '' Argument Z must be 2-dimensional''
    476  How to cut a hierarchy cluster tree by a given maximum within cluster distance?
    476  How to create a ''subtraction matrix''? -python
    476  how to concatinate 2 uint32 to uint64 in numpy
    476  how to change start end time in CustomBusinessHour based weekmask is equal to monday
    476  How can I add `quantities.Quantity`-behavior without subclassing it by using `__array__`?
    476  Get numpy to warn on integer overflow
    476  Generating tall array with numpy
    476  Enron email data set spam classification
    476  Convert a matlab loop to python loop
    475  Why is my max value on a 16 bit image 65280?
    475  what is optimality in scipy.least_squares
    475  Storing roots of a complex function in an array in SciPy
    475  Python - curve fit producing incorrect fit
    475  PySpark: Numpy memory not being released in executor map-partition function (memory leak)
    475  Numpy: vectorizing two-branch test (ternary-operator like)
    475  Numpy/Scipy: Singular Matrix Calculating probability of multivariate observation
    475  Numpy and memory allocation on Mac OS X vs. Linux
    475  Numpy - Anaconda Tensorflow GPU Error
    475  No speed gain from Numba optimized functions
    475  No module named ''
    475  Memory error by scipy library
    475  Matplotlib suddenly crashes after reinstalling Xcode?
    475  incrementing elements of a list in python [duplicate]
    475  How to speed up random choice generation with python?
    475  How to load a numpy condensed matrix into a pandas DataFrame
    475  How to change the variable by it's value in a numpy array
    475  How can I plot best fit line in multiple Linear Regression if I have two independent variables and one dependent variable
    475  Generate a mesh on a cylindrical surface and bin data to it
    475  Finding the difference between two values in a numpy array
    475  Cython build error: Buffer dtype mismatch
    475  Collapse with column and index in pandas
    475  Boolean Logic Inside Pandas Query Statement
    474  Why does pandas multi-index dataframe slicing seem inconsistent?
    474  Using datetime.strptime to get dates from .csv column
    474  Use while loop to increment values in an array, untill all values are => 100
    474  use np.where to subset 3d array
    474  Unimodular Matrix Exact Inverse Python
    474  TensorFlow Parallel CPU with Numpy
    474  RGB to HSI Conversion - Hue always calculated as 0
    474  Reproduce Matlab's SVD in python
    474  Reducing size of a character array in Numpy
    474  Reading binary file in c written in python
    474  Python - Mask specific values of a grid
    474  Passing 1D numpy array to Cython function
    474  OpenCV Python HoughLinesP gives error <unknown> is not numpy array
    474  Numpy: Unable to read float data from file
    474  numpy.poly1d plotting many lines [duplicate]
    474  numpy meshgrid filter out points
    474  Numpy lexicographic ordering
    474  Numpy einsum behaving badly. What to look out for?
    474  Loading .Map file in Python Numpy or Pandas
    474  Linearmodels FamaMacBeth 'list' argument must have no negative elements
    474  how to use GridSpec() with FuncAnimation in matplotlib?
    474  How to keep DataFrame / column and index names after calculation with np.where?
    474  How to create a 2d numpy ndarray using two list comprehensions
    474  How to build a matrix one column at a time
    474  Greatest common divisor of two polynomials - Simplify polynomial
    474  Custom colormap and change user range to plot 2D function not defined on the whole range
    474  create uniformly spaced grid in python
    474  cannot reshape array of size 1934 into shape (3,1)
    474  add multiple rows/columns in a sparse matrix scipy
    473  Why isn't this even function's FFT real?
    473  What is the cause of this Python memory explosion?
    473  ValueError: math domain error in numpy when calling lstsq(a, b, rcond=-1)
    473  Use cases of `numpy.positive`
    473  Tensorflow ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape when the shape of the numpy array is the same as input
    473  Static image shown when saving PIL images to 4D Numpy array
    473  SciPy in CMD works, but not IDLE
    473  Runtime comparison of Dask and NumPy
    473  render Voronoi diagram to numpy array
    473  Python ''array-type'' data for beginners
    473  Pycharm can't find the python(conda env) packages
    473  proper way to use curve_fit to fit a function that takes 1D array input and returns 2D array
    473  Plot an array along with multiple pandas columns
    473  Opening 1GB wave file leads to memory error [duplicate]
    473  How to use the DataArray where() function to assign value from another DataArray based on conditions
    473  How to retain precision when converting from float32 to float?
    473  How to represent 1D vector as sum of Gaussian curves with scipy/numpy? [duplicate]
    473  How to filter a non periodic function
    473  How to efficiently convert numpy values to array of range indexes
    473  How can I make a ''tuple of an ndarray of ndarrays''?
    473  How can I fill pandas column with a function (sin,line)?
    473  finding regression to second order poynomial python
    473  Construct two dimensional numpy array from indices and values of a one dimensional array
    473  Cardano's formula not working with numpy?
    473  Any way to optimize numpy stats functions (e.g., via numexpr)?
    472  Write concurrently in a numpy array
    472  using feature counts in sci-kit tf-idf
    472  Tuples of closed continuous intervals
    472  Tensorflow/Numpy array data type
    472  Square matrix length of path in Python
    472  read a tabular dataset from a text file in python
    472  Python Numpy Poisson regression producing bad numbers
    472  Python NumPy: Importing data with only one column from a csv into 2D array
    472  Python integration with poles
    472  Python how to add multiple arrays with different length into one
    472  Plotting 2 columns from multiple csv files from NASDAQ in a directory
    472  Permissions issue when using GNU screen
    472  Numpy ''Where'' function can not avoid evaluate Sqrt(negative)
    472  Numpy covariance command returning matrix with more dimensions than input
    472  Numpy, assign new values to a existing ndarray
    472  Numpy and memory with big arrays
    472  Lowercase columns names of dataframes inside list
    472  How would I find the mode (stats) of pixel values of an image?
    472  How to vectorize/tensorize operations in numpy with irregular array shapes
    472  How to read numpy .npz file directly into C#
    472  How to read frame in OpenCV2 python
    472  How to iterate over columns of 1D an 2D arrays in numpy?
    472  how to extract unique values from pandas data frame on a weekly basis
    472  How to convert type from ''str'' to ''numpy.string_'' of each ndarray items?
    472  How to compute an expensive high precision sum in python?
    472  How is it possible, python, argsort? [closed]
    472  Element-wise comparison with NaNs as equal
    472  different between pyscripter and python shell?
    472  Create two set of mutually exclusive random samples in python
    472  Convert numpy.float64 to integer
    472  Combination of parallel processing and dask arrays to process multiple image stacks
    472  Can NumPy take care that an array is (nonstrictly) increasing along one axis?
    472  Apache arrow, alignment of numpy array with zero copy
    471  Using np.tile to tile 10 images of each image in a batch of images
    471  Subtract current rows second element from the next rows first element in numpy
    471  Speed up Newtons Method using numpy arrays
    471  Speed up minimum search in Numpy/Python
    471  scipy.optimize.linprog not working for me: what am I doing wrong?
    471  ROI augmentation in keras: scipy.ndimage transformations
    471  Replace elements in numpy array with closest value in another array
    471  Python Pandas Dataframe: change a NaN cell value with a different column from previous row
    471  python average array when value are over a threshold (average if)
    471  pycharm shell issue that doesn't occur in terminal
    471  Pause Python program on the fly (and resume)
    471  Numpy memory leak?
    471  No module named _import_tools
    471  mpi4py does not speed up embarrisingly parallelizable code
    471  Iterate two or more lists / numpy arrays ...  and compare each item with each other and avoid loops in python
    471  Is there another way to split a list into bins of equal size and put the remainder if any into the first bin?
    471  Interpolation of 2D arrays in python using interp2d
    471  interpolate.griddata uses only one core
    471  Index Mismatch error converting numpy array to dataframes in pandas
    471  How to use custom data structure with multiprocessing in python
    471  how to switch a tensor in theano to numpy.array
    471  How to know where warning come from in Python
    471  How to efficiently update np array depending on index and value?
    471  How to deal with indeterminate form in Python
    471  how to convert IPs to vector values
    471  How to convert 1D arrays into 2D arrays for the plot_surf() function to work correctly in python3?
    471  How convert numpy array to JSON for Google Cloud ML?
    471  Efficiently calculate histogram of a 3D numpy array along an axis with different bin edges
    471  Create numpy array with another array and an indexing array
    471  Create a window that takes first x samples of an array in Python?
    471  Converting an array of floats to datetime
    471  Chamfer Distance between two images in python
    471  Assign column names to a csv dataset
    471  Alternating values in a numpy matrix
    470  Why does the numpy.zeros() matrix get false in scipy.sparse.issparse()?
    470  Skip numpy __new__ in ndarray subclass (or possibly overriding/defining classes in C or cython)
    470  Scipy Installation Error, All Dependencies Installed and Failed when Trying the Various Install Methods
    470  Scipy convolve2d with subsampling like Theano's conv2d?
    470  PyAudio: when is it safe to modify the callback buffer?
    470  Problems saving a big matrix as a .csv file ''''
    470  Order of elements in a numpy array
    470  Numpy: How to stack arrays in columns?
    470  NumPy: Dot product for many small matrices at once
    470  np.eye() Memory Error
    470  ndarray array2string output format
    470  Matlab corr2 equivalent in python - performance issue
    470  Is there any good reason for the python range function not to accept sequence arguments?
    470  Initializing a big matrix with numpy taking way too long
    470  How to store series of time series data, including metadata
    470  How to specify function signature for a method using custom types in numba
    470  How to make an exact copy of a numpy array (including strides)
    470  how to get most variable rows from pandas dataframe in Python?
    470  How to add data via directories for training images
    470  How did I get this figure?
    470  How can I vectorize and speed up this large array calculation?
    470  Extracting an array from a dataframe column that contains an array
    470  'ComplexWarning' when summing up complex values in loop
    470  Appending Many Numpy Arrays to List Extremely Slow
    470  Anaconda module installs: Error: Could not find Binstar user netcdf
    469  Write a function with NumPy to calculate integral with a specific tolerance
    469  Vectorizing loops in NumPy
    469  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (28) into shape (28,0) on adding array to another
    469  TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice' when converting graph to numpy matrix [NetworkX]
    469  storing matrices in golang in compressed binary format
    469 save/load Matlab file performance
    469  Python sklearn isolation Forest tree split threshold precision
    469  Pandas data frame creation inconsistencies
    469  Memory Error with numpy on several large arrays
    469  I want to calculate slope and intercept of a linear fit using pykalman module
    469  Install Opencv for Python on Windows
    469  How to use the scikit-image greycomatrix() -function in python?
    469  How to combine two arrays line by line
    469  How to calculate a product of two large matrix without calculating part of the result matrix? [duplicate]
    469  Execute vectorized function on multiple cores
    469  Difference between numpy.rint and numpy.round
    469  create ndarray from numpy memmap slice
    469  Coordinates of cropped ROI [closed]
    469  Cant install Python numpy in Cloud9
    469  Append to a new csv from other csv columns in python
    469  1D vector from lower part of diagonal in matrix [Python]
    468  too many values to unpack with quiver
    468  Tensorflow. One column array (200,) into one column placeholder [None, 1] gives shape error
    468  strange behaviour of numpy array_split
    468  remove items with low frequency
    468  Python Pandas Matrix Multiplication Multiple Operations in one
    468  Python Pandas : compare the rows of two csv(dataframe) for similar values along one column and return content of rows (columns) with similarites
    468  Python import internals difference
    468  Python Error with sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split : ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [416858, 398427]
    468  Opencv or Numpy -  replace a list of pixels in an image, efficiently
    468  numpy.show_config says ''ATLAS unavailable'' but seems use multi core
    468 with type bool but int result?
    468  Non-contiguous owning numpy arrays: do they exist & when to expect them
    468  Keras ValueError: Error when checking model target: expected dense_18
    468  Indexing numpy indices like array with list of 2D points
    468  How to store numpy.array in sqlite3 to take benefit of the sum function?
    468  How to print scientific notation with all significant digits moved after decimal point in python
    468  How to handle concatenate with empty matrix
    468  How to control the buffer size for numpy array elements?
    468  How to animate on matplotlib graph
    468  How can I get a binary image from a probability map in a numpy array?
    468  Formatting string to certain character limit in Python
    468  extract cell volume from vtk
    468  Create an array from n copies of subarray in python
    468  Anyone have experience using the Nessi Python Network Simulator?
    468  Aggregating data in pandas
    468  2D Heat Transfer - Overflow Error
    467  When to use a custom index rather than ordinary columns in Pandas
    467  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with different shapes in numpy?
    467  Time-Efficient Wide to Long Conversion Pandas
    467  Tensorflow and Numpy missing
    467  Scipy Spectrogram vs. multiple Numpy FFT's
    467  scipy.linalg.eig left/right eigenvectors not orthogonal to each other
    467  Reshaping array in python
    467  Remove pairs of values from NumPy array
    467  Python / Tensorflow / Numpy setting an array element with a sequence error
    467  Python: Adding hour vector to date vector elementwise
    467  Pylearn2 Tutorial Import Error
    467  Overlay nd array at different locations in python
    467  Numpy vectorisation of python object array
    467  Numpy: Storing standard basis vector in a memory efficient way
    467  log2 axis doesn't work for histograms in matplotlib/seaborn
    467  list index out of bounds for not the obvious reason numpy
    467  Large (80gb) dataset, Pandas, and xgboost
    467  joblib parallelization of 2 independent calculations on 2 cores is slower than serial
    467  Invert binary numpy array
    467  Indicies or numpy array to tuple of integers?
    467  How do I properly pass string data to a numpy record array (and get it out)
    467  Elementwise multiplication of NumPy arrays of different shapes
    467  Curve fitting with nth order polynomial having sine ripples
    467  Create column based on multiple column conditions from another dataframe
    467  check if a numpy array has 0 on all its borders [closed]
    467  Calculating the Euclidean distance between SOME entries of numpy array
    467  Calculating distance between each consecutive element of an array
    467  Binning and then combining bins with minimum number of observations?
    467  Bar Chart from Dataframe Error module 'numpy' has no attribute 'arrange'
    467  Append columns to numpy array [duplicate]
    466  Why is pd.unique() faster than np.unique()?
    466  Use Artificial Intelligence to predict next number (n+1) in a sequence
    466  TypeError in Python when using Pyalgotrade
    466  subtracting arrays in numpy and plotting with pylab
    466  Splitting Numpy arrays based on its elements, where each element of the array is unique
    466  Scipy's RectBivariateSpline returns wrong value?
    466  Scipy label dilation
    466  replace values in a pandas dataframe (excluding missing values)
    466  Python, Pandas, Numpy: Date_range: passing a np.timedelta as freq. argument
    466  Piecewise function in numpy with multiple arguments
    466  numpy won't work in IDLE
    466  numpy array with the second dimension empty
    466  numpy array into matlab
    466  Numerical integration using SciPy on samples
    466  Matplotlib x-axis overcrowded label rendering
    466  Mac OS Mavericks numpy Version Issue
    466  Is there a faster way for finding the circumference of a shape?
    466  how to use Numpy to fit a function and get area under curve [closed]
    466  how to resize and subtract numpy arrays in c++
    466  How to replace cells in a Pandas dataframe with multiple columns?
    466  How to create multidimensional array with mixed types in python3?
    466  How to convert the element in a pandas.dataframe to np.float while use pandas.read_csv to read csv file?
    466  How to calculate derivatives at the boundary in SciPy?
    466  How does import_array in numpy C API work?
    466  Finding all the bounding rectangles of all non-transparent regions in PIL
    466  Filling in a concave polygon represented as a binary matrix
    466  Element-wise multiplication of numpy arrays of complex numbers by broadcast
    466  display subsets of vtkPoints using different glyphs
    466  block matrix assignment in Python
    465  Why can't I use `nopython=True` with `numba.guvectorize` on this function?
    465  ''TypeError: Error converting shape to a TensorShape: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars'' when compiling LSTM neural network
    465  Transform 2D array to a 3D array with overlapping strides
    465  strange behavior of numpy.asmatrix or matplotlib.pyplot.scatter
    465  running a python script that requires matplotlib gives: ImportError: undefined symbol: __libm_sse2_sincos
    465  Read multiple .wav file from computer and merge them to numpy arrays
    465  Python/OpenCV how to deal with large number of SIFT feaure in .yml file?
    465  Python for loops overwriting previous iteration
    465  numpy where with array of tuples
    465  NumPy: vectorize sum of distances to a set of points
    465  multivariable linearization in python: 'Pow' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
    465  More efficient way of setting item in a numpy array (in place)?
    465  Is there any elegant way to define a dataframe with column of dtype array?
    465  Is there any alternative for pandas.DataFrame function for Python?
    465  Is numpy.polyfit with 1 degree of fitting, TLS or OLS?
    465  how to select nth element of array in a tuple? [duplicate]
    465  How to do in-place polar coordinates transform with numpy a la numexpr
    465  How do I combine numpy ''advanced indexing'' with `np.newaxis`?
    465  Heroku not recognizing NumPy in requirements.txt
    465  curve_fit with ODE of unknown coefficients
    465  Convert data into matrix in python
    465  Construct (N+1)-dimensional diagonal matrix from values in N-dimensional array
    465  Calculate and plot the theoretical normal distribution N(2, 1) in the interval of [-1, 5]
    465  Arrays to Matrix numpy
    464  Why is np.pad not working the way I expect it to?
    464  When using SVD how do I unsort the scale factors along Sigma's diagonal?
    464  using scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs for logistic regression classifier leads divide by zero error
    464  'Stretching' histograms (levels) in Numpy, Python
    464  Split a numpy array using masking in python
    464  Slicing memory views with a list of indices
    464  python - Pandas - FillNa with another non null row having similar column
    464  Problems with pycuda code:Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    464  Numpy: Why doesn't 'a += a.T' work?
    464  Numpy TypeError
    464  numPy gives nan while reading a negative number from a file
    464  Numpy array overwritten in nested function
    464  np.sum is rounding values to the nearest integer (not wanted)
    464  Multiplying a np.int8 array with 127 yields different numpy array types depending on platform
    464  modify the x-axis labels in histogram plot using matplotlib
    464  Improving Pandas iteration performance
    464  How to use cython to speed up scipy minimization when using a generated function?
    464  How to create a numpy array of zeros of a list's length?
    464  How to create a counter in face detection?
    464  How to calculate the outer product of two matrices A and B per rows faster in python (numpy)?
    464  How do I output a numpy array as an image through webpy?
    464  how does numpy.where() method handle the equality condition when the array element and target are not the same data type
    464  groupby on sparse matrix with scipy
    464  Generating dataset to fit to LogisticRegression, but not DecisionTreeClassifier
    464  filtering array with conditional control variables in python to create numpy matrix
    464  Conversion of 2D cvMat to 1D
    464  Calling clapack from Cython
    464  Alternative to numpy's linalg.eig?
    463  ValueError: max must be larger than min in range parameter [duplicate]
    463  typeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' python
    463  tornado - object memory disposing
    463  Text To Column Function
    463  Speed up scipy ndimage measurements applied on a numpy 3-d
    463  sending a Numpy array to Arduino via serial?
    463  Read date from tab delimited text file
    463  Python 3D array. Calculate R squared
    463  PyQt4 video player crashes when moving window
    463  Problems compiling with changes to f2py
    463  Parsing CSV file with Pandas in Python 3
    463  Parallel fill of numpy 3d array with multiple image files
    463  Numpy unwrap ignoring NaN
    463  Numpy: extract data and coordinates from 2-D arrays
    463  numpy divide by zero results
    463  NUMPY: Covariance Matrix of nested lists
    463  Multiprocessing code works using numpy but deadlocked using pytorch
    463  Matrix multiply two 1-D numpy arrays
    463  Join and scale matrix from TfIdfVectorizer with another matrix in scikit learn
    463  ImportError: No module named numpy :different
    463  Huge time difference on creating numpy.zeros for tiny difference in size of array
    463  How to parse a python list for largest N values?
    463  How to merge specific axes without ambuigity with numpy.ndarray
    463  how to get an array of predictions from tensor flow classification model
    463  How to extract a plane from a 3D variable in FiPy (3D to 2D)
    463  How to embed JyNI in a jar
    463  How to configure pandas to use one numpy.nan, and not multiple, unique float('nan')s?
    463  Generate adjacency matrix from a list, where adjacency means equal elements
    463  Finding outliers in an array: how can I get my function to output the outliers using IQR method?
    463  Cython import error 0xC0000005 with Python 3.4
    463  Creating a python convolution kernel
    463  Compute matrix of outer operations on pandas series
    463  Changing elements in an Array - Python
    463  Behavior of numpy.swapaxes
    463  Add value to every ''other'' field ((i+j)%2==0) of numpy array
    462  Use built-in setattr simultaneously with index slicing
    462  Sorting zipped list of scalars and numpy arrays: not handling duplicates
    462  Reading nastran geometry file with python
    462  python 3.5 Scipy package installation on windows 10
    462  Performing bitwise tests on integer numpy arrays
    462  numpy equivalent of matlab dummyvar
    462  nanmean of matrix columns in NumPy
    462  How to triangulate a point in 3D space, given coordinate points in 2 image and extrinsic values of the camera
    462  How to perform single operation on Multiple columns of Dataframe
    462  How to find the diameter of input image objects using image processing in Python?
    462  How to convert it back to datetime format?
    462  evaluating numpy polynomials at other polynomials
    462  Delete a series of elements every nth time in numpy array
    462  Dask; using apply to update variable
    462  ctypes.cast works in python2 and throws ArgumentError in python3
    462  Converting large matrices to Sparse matrix in python
    462  Compiling Python code into an exe file calling just the required DLLs
    462  Changing something from iterating over a numpy array to vectorization
    462  Can't import sklearn and scipy. Windows 7
    462  Avoid cPickle error, alternatives to cPickle on Python 2.7
    462  AssertionError: HybridBlock requires the first argument to forward be either Symbol or NDArray, but got <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
    461  Random index of a non zero value in a numpy array
    461  Python vectorized operation involving data from a previous row
    461  numpy - Multidimensional boolean mask
    461  numpy: FutureWarning: comparison to `None` with `in` statement
    461  Numpy array with position
    461  Memory-efficient sparse symmetric matrix calculations
    461  How to return multiple values using scipy ndimage.generic_filter in Python?
    461  Function with lists/scalars as arguments
    461  Equivalent of 'in' for comparing two Numpy arrays
    461  Element in array is masked or no
    461  Determine if PyObject* is PyLongDoubleScalarObject (numpy)
    461  Cupy OutOfMemoryError when trying to cupy.load larger dimension .npy files in memory map mode, but np.load works fine
    461  Comparing Numpy and Matlab array summation speed
    460  What are the constraints on the divisor argument of scipy.signal.deconvolve to ensure numerical stability?
    460  Vectorized conversion of decimal integer array to binary array in numpy
    460  Using a view of columns from pandas?
    460  Two sample dependent T test in python and rank sum test
    460  Subsetting 2-D latitudes, longitudes and data from a big dataset in Python (IMS snowcover)
    460  Separate the numbers in a numpy array which are in single quote separated by spaces
    460  Saving 3D+Time (XYCZT) stacks with Bio-Formats on Python
    460  Remove a particular pixel value from image
    460  Reading data in python pandas by defining width of each column as number of characters
    460  Python: Passing function with arguments to a function
    460  Python Memory Leak with Struct and Numpy
    460  Outer product using numpy/scipy
    460  Odeint Error - Excess work done on this call
    460  Numpy - 'nested' array operations and invalid slice error
    460  Numpy correlate
    460  mismatch between the number of fields and the number of arrays
    460  Masking two-values numpy array into 0-1 binary array
    460  is there any way to calculate inequality of equation in python?
    460  I have a plot and an Y value, need to find the X value [duplicate]
    460  How to use NumPy arrays in seaborn barplots?
    460  How to replace all elements of Python NumPy Array that are greater than a several values?
    460  How to find co-ordinates of lowest pixel in thresholded image?
    460  How does Reshape() function works in python?
    460  How does numpy.concatenate work on lists
    460  Find elements in array such that inf < element < sup in Python
    460  Do zero entries in numpy.array occupy memory?
    460  DeprecationWarning: While preprocessing data in pandas data frame
    460  Creating an ''array_like'' QImage subclass for numpy.array()
    460  Comparaison of L value in GrayScale image with Y value in YUV image
    460  CNTK: Create MinibatchSource from numpy array for multi GPU training
    460  Calculating the accumulated summation of clustered data in data frame in pandas
    460  Adding elements of a 1D array to an Image?
    459  Write multiple Arrays, of various sizes, into a text file
    459  Why does numpy.random.normal gives some negative value in the ndarray?
    459  Video to numpy on disk
    459  Split pandas dataframe conditionally to plot with different colors
    459  Scipy Optimize : SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
    459  python, numpy - in an array of string, compare element with previous for equality
    459  Python loop taking more time at each iteration
    459  Python List of Lists vs numpy
    459  Python lambda with complex number [duplicate]
    459  Pandas: why pandas.Series.std() is quite different from numpy.std()
    459  Pandas Converting NULL Int64 to Float64
    459  OpenCV error :error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cv::cvtColor [duplicate]
    459  numpy sum result and transpose on it give same answer
    459  Numpy: signed values of element-wise absolute maximum of a 2D array
    459  Modified cumulative sum of numbers in a list
    459  Is there a more readable (and efficient) way to iterate over an ndarray? [duplicate]
    459  How to normalize 4D array ( not an image)?
    459  How to iterate an array in Python pointer-likely and efficiently?
    459  how to extract a zero-dimensional slice from a 1-dimensional array in numpy
    459  How to evaluate an array of numbers over a list of functions without loop control structures?
    459  How to auto generate numpy dtype?
    459  How can I compute mean and standard deviation from 3d-RGB arrays with python?
    459  Getting index of a certain element in a 2D numpy array
    459  extracting specific rows of Nx3 array whereby each column satisfies condition
    459  Extract elements from .npy file, convert them to PyTorch tensors
    459  Error while plotting contour in Matplotlib
    459  Emulating nested for loops with scan is slow
    459  Discrepancy in floats between NumPy and Clojure/Java
    459  Density image of 2D floating points
    459  Deleting consecutive numbers from a numpy array
    459  Creating Numpy array or variable length arrays
    459  Comparing values within the same dataframe column
    459  Calculating numpy.mean with array?
    459  Add (and calculate) rows to dataframe until condition is met:
    458  X axis labels do not appear when using subplots
    458  typeError : __array_prepare__
    458  Type Conversions
    458  Tensorflow Object Detection return label to an if statement
    458  swig with openmp and python, does swig -threads need extra GIL handling?
    458  Sorting a Numpy array in Python according to first column with second column following
    458  Select xarray/pandas index based on a list of months
    458  Read coordinates of points three by three from a text file with Numpy?
    458  Python - Numpy search across multiple columns in a CSV
    458  python increment version number by 0.0.1 [duplicate]
    458  Performance difference between numpy.random and random.random in Python
    458  'numpy' has no attribute 'core'
    458  Issue with Numpy Concatenate?
    458  IndexError: index 352 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 352
    458  Incorrect output matrix using Strassen's algorithm with numpy matrices
    458  how to take a grey scale numpy image and tint it red
    458  How to sum all the elements of a numpy object array?
    458  How to do a simple cross column classification in Python (Pandas/Numpy)?
    458  How does numpy broadcasting perform faster?
    458  finding the optimized location for a list of coordinates x and y
    458  Efficient way to cluster colors using K-Nearest
    458  efficient, pythonic way to zig-zag through meshgrid data
    458  Divide each row by a vector element with floating value precision
    458  distance based classification
    458  A 'simple' boundary value/ initial value p‌r‌o‌b‌l‌e‌m in numpy
    458  Array indexing in NumPy not making sense
    458  ArcGIS 10.4.1 ImportError: cannot import name multiarray with numpy
    457  Why doesn't np.where() work here?
    457  What makes a (too large) neural network diverge?
    457  Tflearn timeseries input for an RNN
    457  Split data in columns and store it as two dimensional array
    457  Shuffle and partition a NumPy array into unequal parts
    457  saving numpy array to file with a certain precision
    457  Return type of argmin method
    457  python zeros array based on another : same shape but longer along one dimension
    457  Python/Pandas - Merging dataframe with numpy array in a peculiar way
    457  Python not releasing memory in for loop
    457  Python Memory error on scipy stats. Scipy linalg lstsq <> manual beta
    457  Python, Convolve function from ndimage filters
    457  PIL's Image.frombuffer creates wrong image
    457  Parallelization of loop in cython
    457  Pandas Data Frame: Add Column Conditionally On Past Dates and Values
    457  optimizing indexing and retrieval of elements in numpy arrays in Python?
    457  numpy.fft numpy.fft2 and FFTW for 2D arrays
    457  np.array to dictionary of dataframes: ValueError: DataFrame constructor not properly called
    457  Linear algebra in Numpy
    457  Kalman Filtering_1-dimensional_Python
    457  Interleave two numpy arrays based on element distances (python)
    457  Initialize a numpy sparse matrix efficiently
    457  How to make cython function accept float or double array input?
    457  How do I specify error of Y-variable when fitting with lmfit?
    457  How do I save the header and units of an astropy Table into an ascii file
    457  How does Python 3 know how to pickle extension types, especially Numpy arrays?
    457  Errors importing stats module from SciPy
    457  Element wise comparison within same np array Python
    457  Dynamic Matrix using Numpy
    457  Creating fake data in Python
    457  Creating a dynamic Array in numpy Capi
    457  Create a 2D array from another array and its indices with NumPy
    457  Compound assignment operators in Python's Numpy library
    457  Applying numpy.polyfit to xarray Dataset
    456  Why is dgemm and sgemm much slower (200x) than numpy's dot?
    456  Why does PyAudio only play half my audio?
    456  Which is the correct way to efficiently filter a numpy matrix by column values?
    456  Where is the actual code for numpy's searchsorted?
    456  when doing multi-integral, 'takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given'
    456  What is the input format for sk-learn classifiers?
    456  What does the rcond parameter of numpy.linalg.pinv do?
    456  Vectorize iterative addition in NumPy arrays
    456  Speeding up vectorized eye-tracking algorithm in numpy
    456  Sort numpy array by row and order matching values based on original array
    456  setting nan to entire axis if any nan exists in axis in numpy
    456  Python - ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    456  Python categorize datatypes
    456  Plotting a 4D numpy data using matplotlib
    456  pip install numpy not installing file
    456  Numpy with multiple where conditions [TypeError: invalid type promotion]
    456  np.arange's weird behavior [duplicate]
    456  Not to make 'nan' to '0' when reading the data through numpy.genfromtxt python
    456  Is there a bug in scipy-0.18.1's `scipy.optimize.minimize`?
    456  In python interpolate a line of values between two points on a 2d grid of zeroes
    456  Improve Polynomial Curve Fitting using numpy/Scipy in Python Help Needed
    456  How to select a specific category of bins in python?
    456  How to read a tensor as a numpy array or list in Tensorflow?
    456  How to group by quarter and calculate average from an array using numpy?
    456  How to convert 1-channel numpy matrix to 4-channel monochromatic image
    456  How does Healpy pix2ang read pixel indices?
    456  How can I add summary rows to a pandas DataFrame calculated on multiple columns by agg functions like mean, median, etc
    456  Determine the endianness of a numpy array
    456  Convert dense tensor to ragged tensor
    456  Classification using ndarrays with mixed data types
    456  Check null values in data fetched from SQL database
    456  automatic memory mapping with joblib still hits int overflow
    455  Why numpy converts 20000001 int to float32 as 20000000.?
    455  Vectorize a 6 for loop cumulative sum in python
    455  Using Numpy instead of loops
    455  Using a shared varibale to select from a matrix
    455  usage of linkage function from scipy.cluster.hierarchy
    455  Unexpected behavior of numpy.fft.fft with high precision numbers
    455  scipy griddata interpolation returns a vector filled with nan
    455  Recovering instances' IDs after training and prediction
    455  Random sampling of non-adjacent cells in a pixel grid
    455  Python - Image from numpy array losing true pixels
    455  optimizations in distance based clustering with pandas and scipy
    455  Numpy not found in Python3
    455  numpy.ndarray.shape changing dimension
    455  Matrix multiplication for multidimensional matrix (/array) - how to avoid loop?
    455  Matrix inverse in FreeMat and in NumPy gives different outputs
    455  Installing NumPy on Snow Leopard (10.6) with XCode 4 installed
    455  Indices of resampled array in scipy
    455  how to subtract each element in a ndarray with each and every element of another ndarray in numpy
    455  How to create an increasing, multi-dimensional array in numpy
    455  How should I multiply 1d-array in 3d-array by 2d-matrix with numpy
    455  How do I find the relative maximum in a function? [closed]
    455  Gaussian summation for 2D scatter plots using python
    455  Error: Wrong number of items passed 4, placement implies 1
    455  DLL load failed: The specific module could not be found (VSCode, Numpy)
    455  Correlating vector data with numpy
    455  Bug in converting matlab code to python
    454  Why is shape an attribute and a function but not a method of arrays?
    454  Why does numpy.polyfit return non-zero values for straight line data?
    454  Why does np.argwhere's result shape not match it's input?
    454  Tkinter image with alpha channel works as desired in windows but not linux
    454  Save large variables on a file in Python (without Pickle)
    454  Renumbering a 1D mesh in Python
    454  Read structured binary data one record at a time into numpy buffer
    454  Quickly parse Python datetime in a non-local timezone, adjusting for daylight savings
    454  Python - Plotting text file returns 'ValueError: invalid literal for float():'
    454  Python: Msgpack-Numpy cannot handle my data?
    454  Python: how to evaluate a function on a grid
    454  passing in initial/boundary conditions for a function in scipy.optimize.root as the args argument
    454  Pandas : Use groupby on each element of list
    454  Importing numpy/scipy through Powershell with Python(x,y)
    454  How to type a variable that is passed to numpy.asarray to produce a 2D float array?
    454  How to choose randomly from a 2d numpy array [duplicate]
    454  How to calculate the sum of ''submatrix'' entries with numpy/pandas?
    454  How the dtype of numpy array is calculated internally?
    454  How do I standardize only the numeric columns in a pandas dataframe efficiently
    454  Export a numpy matrix of complex numbers to CSV
    454  Cython convert numpy ndarray (N,4,2) to vector[vector[pair[double,double]]
    454  Counting occurrence of zero in numpy 3d array in axis = 0
    454  Compute sparse transitive closure of scipy sparse matrix
    453  Write Code that does the same like Numpy's reshape
    453  What is the idiomatic way to compute values based on neighboring values, in NumPy?
    453  What is the canonical representation of a point in numpy?
    453  Tensorflow linear regression result does not match Numpy/SciKit-Learn
    453  Sort array columns based upon sum
    453  Slicing Cross-section of 2D NumPy array
    453  Reshape 1-D Numpy Array to 2-D
    453  Python - How to perform indirect sorting with a user-defined function?
    453  Python how to do this scipy sparse matrix addition?
    453  NumPy nearest value along axis of multidimensional array
    453  Numpy Array with different types of features for sci-kitLearn dataset API in Python
    453  multivariate linear regression inputs fitting
    453  Memory efficient way of converting raw image data into features for a neural net
    453  Insert Numpy array of float64 items into PostgreSQL as Binary
    453  How to select a submatrix from an adjacency list in Python?
    453  GPU is not improving (cudamat)
    453  Get Usable Co-efficient Weights from Keras/Tensor Flow Model
    453  Error in saving a text file in NumPy
    453  Compute monthly mean of numpy array?
    453  Broadcasted NumPy arithmetic - why is one method so much more performant?
    453  Basemap causes python to abort
    453  Average image of MNIST
    453  Array of numbers in a matrix (2x1) without changing its shape
    452  Why Fortran is slow in the julia benchmark ''rand_mat_mul''?
    452  Variable dimensionality of a meshgrid with numpy
    452  Taking the dot product of two arrays in python without for loops
    452  ssl certifcate not verified while installing numpy
    452  Split data to 'classes' with pandas or numpy
    452  solve an equation containing integrals
    452  simplify numpy array representation of image
    452  Scipy's leastsq with complex numbers
    452  Same random seed for Numpy and PyTorch
    452  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log ''''"Entry point for launching an IPython kernel
    452  Rotating a 5D array in the last 2 dimensions
    452  python numpy optimization n-dimensional projection
    452  Polynomial Curve fittings with GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
    452  Pandas cumsum results in NaN's even without missing values in Series
    452  memove a masked array - python
    452  Many small matrices speed-up for loops
    452  Loading a blob(Google app Engine) into PIL or NumPy
    452  Keras Weights Saving
    452  IndexError: an index can only have a single ellipsis
    452  How to smooth the curve with scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline
    452  how to replace an array containing indices with values from another array?
    452  How to pickle and unpickle multiple train and test samples?
    452  How to merge two numpy arrays of different dimensions in Python?
    452  How to convert my python code to run on GPU instead of CPU?
    452  how to configure data labels in a numpy array for training a Keras model?
    452  Get information about a numpy dtype
    452  Functions in Python 2.7 vs 3.x
    452  flip order of ndarray in cython for opencv - OpenCV Error
    452  Extra bar in the first bin of a pyplot histogram
    452  eig(a,b) in Python giving error ''takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given''
    452  Efficient way to call a method of class stored in a dataframe pandas
    452  Dissimilarity matrix of a in Python
    452  dgemm segfaulting with large F-order matrices in scipy
    452  Cython vs numpy performance scaling
    452  creates matlab average filter in python
    452  convert ''meshvectors'' to meshgrid in Python
    452  Building the 3D Map Python
    452  Alternative to imagesc and angle of matlab in python
    452  Aliasing parts of numpy arrays [duplicate]
    452  After processing numpy arrays with c++ Eigen library the output is wrong
    451  ValueError: bad input shape (25000, 0)
    451  Text classification + Naive Bayes + Python : Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')
    451  Sorted eigenvalues and eigenvectors on a grid
    451  Scipy: speed up integration when doing it for the whole surface?
    451  Removal of an item from a python list, how are items compared (e.g. numpy arrays)?
    451  Python .. create a matrix [closed]
    451  Principal component analysis dimension reduction in python
    451  Pass data in np.dnarray to Highcharts
    451  numpy savetxt only saving to 3 significant figures
    451  Numpy PMT Function
    451  numpy multidimensional array indexing
    451  Numpy: How to query multiple multidimensional arrays?
    451  Monte Carlo Simulation with triangular and normal probability density distibution using numpy
    451  How to initialize the weights of a network with the weights of another network?
    451  How to fix 'ValueError: shapes (1,3) and (1,1) not aligned: 3 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)' error in numpy
    451  How to delete rows from a numpy 2D matrix in python?
    451  How to compute this tensor contraction in numpy?
    451  Extracting Walls from Image in OpenCv
    451  ''Easing'' Transitions in Matplotlib
    451  cx_freeze building a project to an .exe file, getting numpy import errors
    451  Creating a smaller array from a larger array in python, based on values in one column
    451  Convert 3D numpy Array in Python to 3D Matrix in Matlab [duplicate]
    451  Compile cython module works in 32bits but not in 64 bits [Windows]
    451  Behavior of numpy atleast_3d()
    451  Assign to masked numpy array without removing mask?
    451  Any better approach to solve MemoryError?
    451  Add a column in a numpy_array Python
    450  Zero out matrix higher diagonal using numpy
    450  Why is Numpy outperforming this cython routine by a factor 3
    450  What are the alternatives to convert .m files to Python, besides doing it manually? I need them to run on Raspberry Pi
    450  Using numpy.fromfile to read scattered binary data
    450  Using numpy arrays to avoid for loops - combinatorics
    450  Test the hypothesis test of Constant Return to scale for a cobb-douglas function:
    450  Sort multi-dimension numpy array along a dimension [duplicate]
    450  Running window of max-min in a numpy array.
    450  Replacing values in a numpy 2d array
    450  Replace values in bigger numpy array with smaller array
    450  repeated numpy subarrays
    450  Python's NumPy: Proper use of a tuple of axis numbers to permute the axes of higher dimensional arrays
    450  python numpy roll with padding in arbitrary direction
    450  Python: moving all elements greater than 0 to left and right in numpy array
    450  Problems passing numpy array to c++ via ctypes
    450  prerequisite for installing numpy
    450  Pandas - Sum of Column A where Column B is in Column C
    450  One more GDAL import error in Windows
    450  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable?
    450  Numpy issue about autoupdate array when subtracting float number to int array
    450  Numpy: Array Division with many 1's in Divisor
    450  Not a supported Wheel error while installing numpy
    450  Kinect + Python - Fill depth for shadows
    450  Is it possible to retain the datatype of individual numpy arrays with concatenation
    450  I have a dictionary stored as numpy array a typical key is in the format of
    450  How to eliminate for-loop and use list comprehension when using numpy array?
    450  How do you plot histogram of very high and low frequency counts in matplotlib?
    450  Generating all possible combinations in a range using numpy in python
    450  Filling missing time values in a multi-indexed dataframe
    450  Fast way to compute if statements on arrays in python?
    450  example usage of xt::where for xtensor C++
    450  Cython w/ STL vector & no NumPy to call from other apps, what's missing?
    450  Create numpy dtype from IEEE-754 types
    450  Computing mean for non-unique elements of numpy array pairs
    450  Can the scipy.stats.binom library return a value of ''N'' for a particular ''k'' and ''p''
    450  Best way to compare 2 dfs, get the name of different col & before + after vals?
    450  Algorithm equalivence from Matlab to Python
    449  When storing array in h5py dataset the dimensions is changed?
    449  What is the Tensorflow equivalent of numpy.random.multivariate_normal?
    449  What is the apply_along_axis tensorflow equivalent?
    449  Tensorflow - Model training with ''Cast string to float is not supported'' error
    449  Same resultset imshow can plot while pcolormesh cannot
    449  Python numpy XOR return NotImplemented [closed]
    449  Python numpy fill masked elements in matrix according to order in another matrix
    449  Performance and reliability of np.intersect1d vs masks
    449  Numpy structured array fails basic numpy operations
    449  Numpy: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered
    449  Matplotlib is displaying a jet-colored image, when there shouldn't be any colors to display
    449  math range error in scipy minimize
    449  Iterating operations over unique values of an array
    449  How to use Python streaming UDFs in pig on Amazon EMR
    449  How to print the entire matrix in python?
    449  How to find all argmax in ndarray
    449  Groupby with TimeGrouper 'backwards'
    449  Given void when taking one element from record array
    449  Get subset of rows in the numpy matrix based on the values from the column of another matrix
    449  Get list of X minimum distances by their indices
    449  Finding subset of dataframe rows that maximize one column sum while limiting sum of another
    449  Find Distance to Nearest Zero in NumPy Array
    449  Error loading .csv into tensorflow
    449  Efficient calculation of the diagonal of hat matrix: inv(X'WX)'X'
    449  creating numpy array with coordinates of vertices of N-dimensional cube
    449  Calling a C library in python? [duplicate]
    448  Write strings and float number to an ASCII file with python
    448  Vectorize operation in Pandas
    448  too many indices for array when using np.where
    448  Symmetrical log scale array in python
    448  Solving Power Law Distribution in Python
    448  Slicing different rows of a numpy array differently
    448  sklearn's pairwise distance result is unexpectedly asymmetrical
    448  scipy.optimize.curvefit fails when using bounds
    448  scikit-image: mean filter changes dtype
    448  Replicating elements in numpy array
    448  Python Multiprocessing pool starmap slower than sequential (nontrivial independent function)
    448  Python : How to load column from multiblock csv tables?
    448  python find matches between two list of n by 1 numpy arrays
    448  Python: Calculation of mean latitude including dateline crosses
    448  Process TCP/IP data from buffer in Python
    448  Numpy set absolute value in place
    448  Linspace spliting in Numpy or Pandas
    448  Keras MemoryError: alloc failed on Windows
    448  Ising Model: How to shorten simulation time?
    448  Insert A numpy multi dimensional array inside another 1d array
    448  Identifying pairs of Python array cells separated by maximum distance in a large array?
    448  How to transform a list of 1-D ndarray to 2-D ndarray (mxnet ndarray)
    448  How to convert numpy based function for TensorFlow tensor?
    448  Find 5 local maxima and minima points plus the extremas in python
    448  Difficulty Setting Up Numpy for Python 2.7 on Mac OSX
    447  Wrapping C++ class in Python with SWIG
    447  Use apply_along_axis to plot
    447  TensorFlow pass gradient unchaned
    447  Taking norm of HUGE matrix in less than a second: NUMPY, PYTHON
    447  Stacking frames to a 3D array
    447  Slow realtime matplotlib color matrix plotting
    447  Scipy.optimize.minimize: Why is a global minimizing loss function much much slower than local one using Scipy minimize?
    447  Remove rows from DataFrame that contain null values within numpy array
    447  python - modify part of a masked array inside a function
    447  Python: Error while installing Numpy & Pandas
    447  Python Comparing Two Data Frames with Group By
    447  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - accessing shape
    447  NumPy: Need help taking average of a histogram
    447  Join Recarrays by attributes in Python
    447  How to write a function which takes a slice?
    447  How to speed up functions on numpy arrays
    447  How to reshape an matrix of grayscale images in Numpy?
    447  How to fill in missing value along axis=1 with Pandas?
    447  getting all rows where complex condition holds in scipy/numpy
    447  get signature of NumPy array object
    447  Get number of maximum values per column in pandas
    447  Flask + apache + mod_wsgi + scipy/numpy
    447  Extract multiple windows/patches from an (image) array, as defined in another array
    447  Discretization of continuous attributes using np.histogram - how to apply on a new data point?
    447  Difference between math and numpy functions in pyspark
    447  Data Augmentation using GPU in Theano
    447  convertion between string and array in python numpy
    447  Collapse mask array along axis - Numpy in Python
    447  Can't convert numpy object array to float array
    447  Avoiding memory error when using numpy's argsort
    447  Algorithm for generation of number matrix with specified boundaries
    447  Add Pandas Series as rows to existing dataframe efficiently
    446  Using apply in pandas data frame gives ValueError
    446  Unexpected behavior in assigning 2d numpy array to pandas DataFrame
    446  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'
    446  Transforming a Pandas dataframe to numpy array Python
    446  Strange behaviour from scipy.stats.multivariate_normal
    446  Split data into sub cubes in numpy
    446  Select a subset of array based on inequality in Python
    446  Round DateTime using Pandas
    446  Reverse a 3d array in python
    446  Reduce 3D tensor to 1D tensor in Tensorflow
    446  python xyz data transformation for surface plot
    446  Python Spyder Variable Explorer - Print as table
    446  python plot error of incompatible dimensions with numpy array [closed]
    446  Python Pandas: Transform multiindex dataframe
    446  Python numpy indexing for image array
    446  Python: effective way to find the cumulative sum of repeated index (numpy method) [duplicate]
    446  Python: Complete asymmetric grid
    446  Python: Boundary points of a non-convex grid
    446  Plot line chart for each row in python
    446  Plot ConvexHull in basemap
    446  Pip install Zipline - Issue with the fortran compiler
    446  Numpy flip boolean array by index?
    446  Numpy: efficient way to extract range of consecutive numbers
    446  In Python (Pandas/Numpy). How to create a column with the max/min value from two independent series?
    446  Improve speed of numpy.random functions
    446  How to prevent pip from replacing numpy+mkl with just numpy when installing packages that require numpy?
    446  How to apply a function on all 2x2 blocks in 2D numpy array
    446  How do I go from redundancy-free Fourier Transform (e.g. PyTorch) to redundant (full) Fourier Transform?
    446  find X-axis data points where horizontal line passes through on respective Y-axis value
    446  Error when plotting whole array using matplotlib and numpy
    446  Condensing output with python and multiprocessing
    446  Computing information content in Python
    446  Change values in a masked np array
    446  Add two arrays without using for. Python
    446  Absolute difference between variables in columns of different lengths
    445  TypeError while creating a pandas dataframe
    445  Timeit showing that regular python is faster than numpy?
    445  SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression with np.zeroes
    445  Slice 3D ndarray with 2D ndarray in numpy?
    445  Reading and writing dictionary of NumPy arrays with CSV files
    445  python - numpy - summation of numpy arrays of different dimension
    445  Python: Distribute numbers in a given array equally
    445  populating a structured array throws ''ndarray is not C-contiguous'' error
    445  Polyfit degree from horizontal
    445  OpenCV filter2d gives incorrect result
    445  Numpy/pandas optimization: bins counting
    445  NumPy - Does not sort array properly without padding zeros
    445  Numpy corrcoef error
    445  Kdb database to NumPy array in PyQ
    445  in Python 3.6 and numpy, what does the comma mean or do in ''predictors[training_indices,:]'' [duplicate]
    445  Indices of unique values in array
    445  Improving a numpy implementation of a simple spring network
    445  How to solve this equation with SciPy
    445  How to pickle numpy MaskedArray subclass
    445  How to get labels by numpy loadtext?
    445  How to append element to array in python [duplicate]
    445  How to add corresponding elements of 2 multidimensional matrices in python?
    445  How does the numpy random normal function work?
    445  How does Numpy sample random numbers from a non-uniform distribution?
    445  How does direct data access with a NpyIter (new API) work? How do I deal with the char * type?
    445  Fortran equivalent of Numpy functions
    445  Filled contour using class labels
    445  Fastest way to filter values in np array based on changing threshold
    445  Efficient way to map a function over numpy matrix?
    445  Cython speedup isn't as large as expected
    445  CV2 Error while finding smaller img within img in python
    445  Convert matrix to a Diagonal Matrix [duplicate]
    445  Converting numpy ndarray with dtype <U30 into float
    445  Converting LineCollection to array OR animating Networkx graph
    445  Convert hh:mm:ss to seconds
    445  Calculating the curvature of a dataframe
    445  calcualte numpy IRR with inconsistent frequencies across pandas data frame
    445  Are the values returned by numpy.empty() random or not?
    445  Appending series data with repeated index to pandas dataframe column
    444  Sympy: How to compute Lie derivative of matrix with respect to a vector field
    444  Split sorted array into list with sublists
    444  Rotation of an array of vectors by an array of rotation matrices
    444  Return the biggest value less than one from a numpy vector
    444  Remove columns where every value is masked
    444  Post-processing wrf output in python
    444  Plot or reshape 2D array matplotlib
    444  Pandas / Numpy Won't Play Nice
    444  One-Hot Encoding without for-loop from vector of positions in Python with NumPy?
    444  numpy multiple matrix multiplication
    444  numpy 2d array (coordinates) need to assign into 3D array, to some particular bin
    444  How to merge 2 numpy arrays and concatenate their values?
    444  How to find which variables are retained in scikit learn
    444  Google app engine- Django- numpy pandas blaze
    444  glDrawPixels and numpy problems
    444  Finding list of highest elements in 2D array: Python 3
    444  Efficiently Reshape 3D Numpy Array into 1D List Plus Coordinate Vector
    444  Determining planes of points closest to a 3D line in Python
    444  Create a set of numpy arrays
    444  Calculating time range with timedelta & Boolean
    443  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 200 into shape (200,320,240,1)
    443  Using weight for Random forest of sklearn
    443  Using the numpy.random.exponential to draw 10,000,000 samples of X to estimate the expected value of a payout
    443  unzip a dictionary of coordinates and values
    443  sympy lambdify with numexpr and sqrt
    443  Shouldn't preallocation of arrays in numpy be faster?
    443  Reading data file with unequal number of columns using numpy
    443  Reading a Binary File that was generated with C++ data types Using Numpy
    443  Python numpy reshape issues
    443  Python merging npz files
    443  Python factor level combinations
    443  Plot graph for a cylinder
    443  Numpy item faster than operator[]
    443  np.random.shuffle not working(Python)
    443  Multiple binary columns to one column
    443  Matlab Operator .* to python
    443  Iterating over pixels in an image as a numpy array
    443  How to put many numpy files in one big numpy file without having memory error?
    443  How to load .mat files into Spyder quickly
    443  how to load a very large mat file in chunks?
    443  Feed_dict and numpy reshape
    443  Error when compiling a Numba module with function using other functions inline
    443  Error in SciPy installation in Windows 64-bit using pip
    443  Efficient way of writing numpy arrays to file in Python
    443  efficient expanding linregress
    443  Dataframe vs Numpy array in Python
    443  Convert list of lists into dataframe
    443  Calculate the volume of 3d plot
    442  Why does comparing two tuples each containing a NumPy object complain about truth?
    442  Using numpy roll in Keras
    442  real time series, differences in numpy ifft v. irfft
    442  Read a txt-file as dict containing a numpy-array
    442  python sum elements in numpy array along angle and not axis
    442  Python Numpy - Reading elements of a Vector Numpy Array as numerical values rather than as Numpy Arrays
    442  PyMongo updating array records with calculated fields via cursor
    442  Problems create numpy array with two images concatenate
    442  pip install numpy not working in virtualenv
    442  Pandas, transforming rows that have the same datetime index value
    442  numpy.load() wrong magic string error
    442  MemoryError with python using keras and theano
    442  Logistic Regression with regularization in python failing to minimize
    442  how to install numpy for newer python version
    442  how to create ndarray with ndim==0 and size==0?
    442  How do I save the entire workspace in pandas (like RData)
    442  Gnomonic projection into 2-dim ndarray with healpy
    442  Formatting Numpy to CSV output for arrays with string and float
    442  Find SVD of a symmetric matrix in Python
    442  Fast and efficient way of serializing and retrieving a large number of numpy arrays from HDF5 file
    442  Exporting NetworkX graph as graphml throws exception due to numpy.float64 value
    442  Do I have to install numpy, spicy again for python3?
    442  Discretize or bin LAB colorspace in 2 dimensions
    442  Convert time series into dataframe so that each row has consequtive time slices
    442  Combining multiple queries with numpy masks
    442  Averaging numpy masked array over multiple dimensions
    442  Appending to NumPy (Python) Array
    441  Why is numpy's covariance slightly different to manually computing?
    441  Vectorized (manual) forward substitution
    441  Use numpy.frompyfunc to add broadcasting to a python function with argument
    441  TypeError: 'float' object has no attribute '__getitem__' in function
    441  Theano float64 matrix product value error
    441  Reading .nrrd file into Lua
    441  Python Numpy 2D array aligned without brackets
    441  Pygame : Overlapping self positioning sprites
    441  print mismatch items in two array
    441  numpy covariance compared to excel covariance difference
    441  Numpy: array > 5 yields ''The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous''
    441  Move values around the matrix perimeter - Python / NumPy
    441  Matching arrays of different shape in python numpy
    441  Looping through column in dataframe with python TypeError: len() of unsized object
    441  Iteratively find minimum values in sub-lists
    441  IndexError: too many indices for array in for loop
    441  Improve the speed of loop performance
    441  How to identify row and column based on top-K values in Pandas data frame
    441  How to change numpy's intc value from 32 to 64 bit
    441  Get orientation of an image with respect to base image using Surf and Perspective Transform
    441  Format Specifier for arrays
    441  Finding the row with shortest distance between two dataframe columns in Python
    441  Fill polygon with custom hatch with matplotlib
    441  Error while importing modules in Python3
    441  Downgraded library does not work in the conda environment
    441  Cython Optimization of Numpy for Loop
    441  Conversion of a timedelta to int very slow in python
    441  change a colored image represented as a numpy ndarray to greyscale [duplicate]
    441  Capping a sub-expression in numexpr
    441  Calculate two coupled equation with Numpy
    441  Apply distribution from all columns in a pandas df
    440  Wrapping C code including Python API using SWIG and distutils fails on Mac 10.8 64bits
    440  Translating mathematical functions from MATLAB to Python
    440  Skew a diagonal gradient to be vertical
    440  Raster to Numpy Array - how to change a default color-scheme of a matplotlib plot
    440  random sample of two 100X100 multidimensional arrays, with same row no. in python numpy
    440  Python 3.7.3 import pandas throws error: ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
    440  PyFFTW uses only one core - why and how to change that?
    440  Plotting with time axis (Python)
    440  operations on lists using zip or array
    440  Numpy: split array based on groups that satisfy condition
    440  numpy installation into pypy3 virtual env : `undefined symbol: cblas_sgemm`
    440  Is there a faster-than-linear way to find endpoints of a boolean condition in numpy?
    440  Inplace changing position of an element in array by shifting others forward - NumPy
    440  Implementation of derivatives of Jacobi theta function
    440  How to resolve ''module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'get_default_graph'''
    440  How to cv2.imshow images stored in Numpy array?
    440  Find repeat values in numpy nd array
    440  Filling empty DataFrame with numpy structured array
    440  Extract highest values of numpy structured array
    440  Error when importing OpenCV 2.4.11 in Python 2.7
    440  error: (-5) image is empty or has incorrect depth (!=CV_8U) in function cv::SIFT::operator ()
    440  Despite many examples online, I cannot get my MATLAB repmat equivalent working in python
    440  Bizarre python syntax error with loadtxt
    439  Vectorizing code to calculate (squared) Mahalanobis Distiance
    439  Tensorflow can't invert matrix while using Gradient Descent Optimizer
    439  Seed numpy.random.RandomState with hashlib hash
    439  query dataframe column on array values
    439  Python - ValueError: Buffer not C contiguous error -
    439  Issues with Python Pandas and Numpy for machine learning classification
    439  isnan in numpy array with mixed datatype does not work
    439  Is it possible to use blitz++ indexing and blitz functions in scipy.weave.inline
    439  Integrating differential with time-dependent arguments
    439  How to train a RNN with variable length MFCC Data?
    439  How to tell if a given 2D array has null columns in python
    439  How to make Min-plus matrix multiplication in python faster?
    439  How to find linearly independent vectors belonging to the null space of a non-square matrix? (Python)
    439  How to apply a formula to each cell of a numpy array
    439  How do I color individual sections of a 3d sphere in Python
    439  Different results between TensorFlow and Numpy
    439  Covariance matrix of the variables of a dataset with very small values/
    439  Calculate value of double summation of function over the pairs of vertices of a graph
    438  Vectorized sum operation on a numpy array with masked indices
    438  Unexpected difference of spsolve and solve
    438  Time series plotted with imshow
    438  Python: How to get cosine similarity matrix efficiently
    438  pycharm python packages installed but throws dependency error on import of packages (pandas)
    438  Problem using string conditional with
    438  Pandas .loc[] side effect changes bools to floats
    438  pandas, correctly handle numpy arrays inside a row element
    438  NumPy recfromcsv not parsing correctly
    438  numpy data slicing with mixed type
    438  Numpy array custom dtype, array is not writable (IronPython)
    438  Lorentzian fit two ways of writing a code
    438  Is it possible to mmap a recarray in python 2.7?
    438  IndexError indexing a 2D array with a 1D array (NumPy)
    438  If value for a column is Nat, update it by subtracting two dates
    438  how to slice numpy array with unknown number of column?
    438  How to replace a column in a txt file?
    438  How to import arrays from a .txt file to numpy arrays?
    438  How to efficiently operate a large numpy array
    438  How to create a matrix that is the sum of multiple matrices using pandas dataframe?
    438  how to calculate np.nanmean of 2d array
    438  How can I improve the accuracy of my fft processing?
    438  Histograms of data of type datetime64[ns] with proper axis labelling
    438  Get column number of elements that are greater than a threshold in 2D numpy array
    438  Fast way to decode RGB image in python
    438  Different results between matrix operations in MATLAB and Python
    438  Delete nan AND corresponding elements in two same-length array
    438  Define data type of a numpy array when wrapping an existing C library with cython
    438  Changing pixel values in of a 50x50 square 2d numpy array
    438  Calculate conditional means in Pandas
    438  '' AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'integer' '' getting this error while running tensorboard from command prompt
    437  Writing a list of NumPy arrays to csv
    437  why is scipy.minimize ignoring my constraints?
    437  What is f2py used for while building numpy source?
    437  ValueError: URLs are not writeable (np.savetext)
    437  Training huge amounts of data with tensorflow
    437  Sparse Matrix Addition yields 'ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.'
    437  python pandas error - ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype
    437  Python: 2D Numpy Array (Matrix) - Finding Sum of Negative Numbers (Rows)
    437  Problems with networkx.to_numpy_matrix (or permutating a numpy matrix)
    437  numpy : how to multiply two arrays of matrix
    437  np.piecewise does not work with three conditions
    437  Multiprocessing with Python 3.X ( image processing and numpy )
    437  Inverting the '''' operation
    437  Installing scipy fails
    437  IndexError: too many indices for array Numpy Plotting CCDF with CSV
    437  How to get an array with modulus from array with complex numbers?
    437  How do I save numpy arrays such that they can be loaded later appropriately?
    437  Getting missing required dependencies Numpy while using Pyinstaller
    437  Finding the first and last rows that contain a black pixel, in a numpy array
    437  Finding integer index of python data frame after performing a logical operation
    437  Curl error while installing numpy and matplotlib for Python 3 on Mac OS X 10.6
    437  Appendng to a numpy array in constant time [duplicate]
    436  something like partial/selective np.ndenumerate?
    436  Python returns 1.22464679915e-16 instead of 0 [duplicate]
    436  python numpy text file splitting
    436  python import error in opencv
    436  Programming function containing cut in negative imaginary axis
    436  Problem building docker with numpy and pandas over arm64
    436  Populate pandas dataframe from .txt reading single dataframe row information from multiple .txt lines
    436  plotting sympy function using numpy and matplotlib
    436  Pearson Correlation between two Matrices [duplicate]
    436  numpy is not installing on a macosx
    436  numpy apply_along_axis vectorisation
    436  Local Gradient Pattern Implementation
    436  loading tab separated text files with multipled data into arrays in python
    436  How to vectorize multiple matrix multiplications in numpy?
    436  How to filter data from a data frame when the number of columns are dynamic?
    436  How to create lagged data points for a Recurrent Neural Network?
    436  How slicing and ellipsis works in numpy?
    436  How does one index a numpy array using another numpy array that holds the indices?
    436  Finding minimum value element-wise in three 2d submatrices
    436  Explode dataframe column to multiple rows (TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('int64') to dtype('int32'))
    436  Error importing numpy on IDLE on Mac
    436  Dict with list of values convert to np.array object with dtype=int32
    436  creating a numpy array in a loop
    436  Column order reversed in step histogram plot
    436  Collapse nD numpy array into a 1D array
    436  Building NumPy for Heroku Using Vulcan
    436  Array of complex numbers in PyopenCL
    436  Adding NumPy array to existing HDF5 file in PyTables?
    435  Xgboost OneHotEncoding: merge numerical and encoded array
    435  Why is my shapely polygon generated from a mask invalid?
    435  Why does my matrix vector multiplication in NumPy yield a two dimensional array instead of a one dimensional vector?
    435  Using rPython import numply with python 3.5
    435  Split csv column in subcolumns using numpy dtype and converters
    435  RuntimeError: Expected a Tensor of type torch.FloatTensor but found a type torch.IntTensor for sequence element
    435  python numpy - improve efficiency on column-wise cosine similarity
    435  Python: How to extend a huge class with minimum lines of code?
    435  Plotting projectile motion of 1 y-position values vs. 2 x-position values using matplotlib and numpy
    435  Pandas Dataframe groupby: produce multiple output columns
    435  numpy genfromtxt reading first value of csv as missing?
    435  Numpy element-wise in operation
    435  multiprocessing with Xarray and Numpy array
    435  'module' object has no attribute 'iirnotch'
    435  Matplotlib pyplot semilogy broken for specific data
    435  How to write this in most efficient way
    435  How to get the X, Y values from the given Z value after using interpolate.interp2d to plot a surface
    435  How to do matrix vector inner products for each pair separate in python?
    435  How to convert PyObject to c++ array?
    435  How do I fill ''partial diagonal axis'' of a numpy array
    435  How do I connect discontinous curves in matplotlab, scipy, or etc
    435  Frequency Determination of Audio Signal in Python
    435  Fill in a numpy array without creating list
    435  Error on Importing module numpy.math
    435  Does the performance of numpy differ depending on the operating system?
    435  Cython: understanding what the html annotation file has to say?
    435  Copy values (except 0) from array 2 to array 1
    435  Blurring a 3D numpy array with periodic boundary conditions
    435  Avoid implicit conversion to matrix in numpy operations
    434  What is the equivalent of length in R to python
    434  What is causing this AttributeError when fitting a classifier with tensor flow?
    434  Vectorize a python loop over a numpy array
    434  ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'ERROR' for .predict in GradientBoostingRegressor
    434  Using pool for multiprocessing in Python (Windows)
    434  Unable to extract object from single-item numpy array
    434  Speed up Python eval when reading and evaluating list of equations from file
    434  Speeding slicing of big numpy array
    434  Sliding windows along last axis of a 2D array to give a 3D array using NumPy strides
    434  Slice syntax to object [duplicate]
    434  SciPy Medfilt returning only 0 values
    434  Python convert numpy array to have tuples
    434  pylab.imshow() not working
    434  Organizing and building a numpy array for a dynamic equation input
    434  NumPy: How to avoid this loop?
    434  numpy.core._exceptions.UFuncTypeError: ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types
    434  Loading every nth element with numpy.fromfile [duplicate]
    434  Issue with reading text file into numpy array using pandas reader
    434  Is numpy array multiplication always upcast to 64-bit?
    434  How to efficiently insert billions of data into mongodb
    434  How to change the dtype of a numpy recarray when one of the columns is an array?
    434  How do I vectorize a boolean operation on a numpy array of datetimes where the boolean operation compares datetime object attributes?
    434  Getting number of differences between 2 dataframes in python
    434  equivalent to numpy.linalg.lstsq that allows weighting
    434  Derived class from numpy array does not play well with matrix and masked array
    434  Convolve a function(kernel) instead of multiplication?
    434  C++ equivalent of numpy.expand_dims() and numpy.concatenate()
    434  Boolean indexing on multidimensionnal array
    433  Wrong exponential fit with `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`
    433  Why operation on boolean are slower than on other types in numpy?
    433  ValueError: Input arrays should have the same number of samples as target arrays. Found 1600 input samples and 1800 target samples
    433  Smoothly concatenating sine waves from input
    433  Slicing 3d numpy array and setting rgb values of pixels
    433  Slicing 2D arrays using indices from arrays in python
    433  Several dataframes should have the same index values. How to compare?
    433  RNN python numpy MemoryError
    433  python: loop through txt files and delete first few rows of strings
    433  Python: Error when loading file into numpy array
    433  preprocessing.scale() giving zero values
    433  Pct_change return error while calculating weekly return
    433  padding a list of torch tensors (or numpy arrays)
    433  numpy - transform a list of objects into an array without subclassing ndarray
    433  Numpy.copy(image array) giving zero-size array error
    433  merge dummies value columns to one column (pd.get_dummies reversed)
    433  Large scale matrix multiplication using Numpy
    433  JSON reponse from iterate multiple URL to store DataFrame
    433  Is it really that difficult to return a scalar dot product in Keras (tf backend)?
    433  Invoking Endpoint in AWS SageMaker for Scikit Learn Model
    433  IndexError with PIL Image and Numpy Array (Alpha Channel Blending)
    433  how to crop image based on white lines
    433  How to characterize fitness of Least Squares Estimation
    433  How to change values in specific rows depending on given condition in pandas?
    433  Flattening an array of tuples of arrays
    433  Estimate position of point given world space coordinates and image coordinates
    433  Error: distutils.errors.DistutilsExecError: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 running cython [duplicate]
    433  Create dictionary for classification dataset storage similar to digits dataset (sklearn)
    433  Converting a wav file to amplitude and frequency values for textual, time-series analysis
    433  Convert any dictionary to structured array
    433  C++ extension module for Python returning a Numpy array
    433  Avoid nested for with numpy arrays
    433  Access numpy array from separate C process using shared memory
    433  2D cross-correlation of a 6x6 array with three 3x3 kernels
    432  writing multiple text files into arrays python
    432  unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
    432  sort rows of array to match order of another array using an identifier column
    432  Scipy: linkage labels to output Z
    432  RPM install of OpenBLAS along with ATLAS for SciPy and NumPy?
    432  python - pass 3d array to C code
    432  Python-numpy: Specifying item size of a compound data type doesn't work
    432  Python: create matrix from function and arrays
    432  Python 2.7: looping over 1D fibers in a multidimensional Numpy array
    432  OpenCV ROI background padding
    432  numpy vectorized: check if strings in array end with strings in another array
    432  numpy index on a variable axis
    432  NumPy empty() array not giving random float after defining normal NumPy array
    432  numpy dot or einsum with arbitrary operator
    432 matrix multiplication: (n-by-m)*(m-by-k) and (m-by-k)*(k-by-n) have very different speeds
    432  numpy: Compressing block matrix
    432  Multiplying array in python
    432  Most efficient way to do this slice based multiplication in Tensorflow
    432  merge three images with Tensorflow with indices
    432  Inexplicable bug in matplolib and numpy : ''IndexError: string index out of range''
    432  import images from folder python to numpy array list
    432  How to recover back pandas DataFrame rownames and column names after numpy array transformation
    432  How to find line intersections with single line equation array in a pythonic way
    432  How to create 2D matrix with single line input
    432  How can I vectorize linspace in numpy [duplicate]
    432  How can I get info on run time errors for Python modules built with f2py
    432  How can i convert mnist data to RGB format?
    432  global variable (matrix) in python
    432  Finding the difference between two numpy arrays
    432  Extracting the coordinates from a single contour detected by the findcontours in opencv using python
    432  Estimate Naive - Bayes probability function
    432  DataConversionWarning when trying to see the performance on a validation test
    432  Create matrix from list of list of tuples using list comprehension
    432  Alternatives to linear / bilinear interpolation for extrapolation on 2D array
    432  Add two matrices having different dimensions, labels and retain labels in sum matrix
    431  Using scipy.optimize.minimize without lambda functions
    431  Use latitude & longitude to determine which ''cell'' I am located in (NETCDF4)
    431  should I run keras pad_sequence on numpy array
    431  Python multiprocessing struct.error: 'i' format requires -2147483648 <= number <= 2147483647
    431  Pip wheel is building a new wheel when one is already present
    431  Perceptron implementation, decision boundary will not plot
    431  Pandas dataframe aggregated sum while retaining column names?
    431  numpy.unique throwing error
    431  Numpy matrix from text file
    431  Numpy d.type has the wrong size. Try recompiling it
    431  Numpy: can not read dataset headers
    431  Neural network implementation using python + numpy
    431  In Scikit, How Do You Fix Value Error When Predicting?
    431  how to remove plot elements in python
    431  How to extract multiple columns from a space delimited .DAT file in python
    431  How does architecture affect numpy array operation performance?
    431  having problems installing pytables
    431  generator for iterating over the rows of a list of numpy arrays
    431  Fast way to compare a vector against other vectors using cosine similarity in python? pre-computed matrix? LSH hashing? [duplicate]
    431  Efficient way of iterating over large npz files
    431  Define vectors and find angles using Python in 3D space?
    431  Convolving Image to Lower Resolution
    431  Check how many numpy array within a numpy array are equal to other numpy arrays within another numpy array of different size
    431  Assigning rank 2 numpy array to pandas DataFrame column behaves inconsistently
    431  Align numpy arrays based on array keys
    430  Using NumPy functions in Cython for least-squares fitting of array elements
    430  Type error while calculating numpy array mean
    430  Syntax Error: Unexpected EOF while parsing - Numpy array
    430  sympy: Lambdify doesn't convert sqrt expression
    430  State of the pylab import?
    430  Set maximum value to one and the rest to zero along an axis in a 3D NumPy array
    430  Python: numpy and scipy minimize: setting an array element with a sequence minimize [duplicate]
    430  Python imshow scale for normal distribution 2D numpy array data
    430  Prevent strings being truncated when replacing values in a numpy array
    430  Peak detection in python with scipy
    430  pandas ''isin'' is much slower than numpy ''in1d''
    430  Pandas: inverse of value_counts function
    430 - ensuring matrix compatibility?
    430  Numpy Create Array Based on Index Values (Python)
    430  numerical root finding for positive definite function in Python
    430  How to set the ticks of log scale for x&y axis?
    430  How to get boolean or of two numpy masks with Python
    430  How to determine which regression curve fits better? PYTHON
    430  How to define your own fill method parameter in pandas (python)?
    430  How to bin all subsets of a python list into n bins
    430  How to apply a function to a column in Pandas depending on the value in another column?
    430  Do Python functions copy the input parameters to the function?
    430  Convert Base64 encoded image to a numpy array
    430  Array type with range assignment needed
    429  what reliable method to save huge numpy arrays
    429  What is the Python (numpy or scipy or Pandas) equivalent for R's adjboxStats function?
    429  wav file generated from numpy is not audible (complete silence)
    429  Use an array as the index of another array in Python
    429  Unable to insert NA's in numpy array
    429  TypeError when using SLSQP solver in PyOpt library
    429  Trying to install Pandas for Python
    429  Special Matrix in Numpy
    429  Root finding occasionally fails. Can fSolve be given limits for 2D optimization?
    429  Python - test all values in array against scalar value
    429  python numpy.nanmean() returns Nan
    429  python,numpy matrix must be 2-dimensional
    429  Python matrix, any solution?
    429  Python List Function
    429  Python hangs when I call imshow
    429  Purging numpy.memmap
    429  Poor maths performance in C vs Python/numpy
    429  pandas build matrix of row by row comparisons
    429  Otsu thresholding inside mask
    429  Open np.memmap() binary file within a python with-context manager
    429  Multiplying a dataframe by a column ...  but values are strings?
    429  Matplotlib - Legend of a specific contour at different instants
    429  interpretation of covariance result matrix
    429  How to use the NumPy string formatter to print a NumPy array where the output string is dependent on the array value?
    429  How to put a label on a country with Python cartopy?
    429  How to fix compiler error: cannot convert to a pointer type with Cython + numpy?
    429  How to find the sum of number layer in ndarray
    429  How to analyse abitrary 3D plane in 2D
    429  for loop is faster than numpy average, also a bit different result
    429  Find n greatest numbers in a sparse matrix
    429  Difference in PCA implementation between numpy only vs sklearn
    429  Convert a ctypes int** to numpy 2 dimensional array
    429  Conversion of numpy 2d array to ENVI binary file through gdal
    429  Concatenate Numpy arrays with least memory
    429  Can I get rid of this 'b' character in my print statement? [duplicate]
    428  Wrapping a Python function using NumPy arrays in C++
    428  When using kdeplot on a seaborn PairGrid, the kernel density contours don't match up with the points
    428  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all(), but I'm not test wohle arrays for truth
    428  Using unravel_index to find the index of a largest number
    428  Uniform way of using array indexing for 0D & 1D numpy arrays
    428  Speed of matrix multiplication with Octave
    428  Save skip rows in pandas read csv
    428  Python XOR Decryption Only Decrypting Half of RGB Image
    428  Python: write coordinates numpy shape
    428  Python Data Analysis from SQL Query
    428  Pandas as_matrix() with entire groupby() result
    428  Numpy Namespace Issue
    428  Numpy concatenate arrays with interleaving
    428  Numpy Array: Storing coordinates based on conditions
    428  matplotlib backends and its implementation in wxpython
    428  List comprehension performance with numpy? [duplicate]
    428  How to detect and eliminate outliers from a changing dataset
    428  How to add a new column to a 4d numpy array
    428  How do I read a file in python and numpy and create an output file without having to manually change the name of the input file in the code?
    428  How can I use a 2D array of boolean rows to filter another 2D array?
    428  How can a NumPy array of booleans be used to remove/filter rows of another NumPy array?
    428  h5py: convert numpy data to native python types
    428  Extrapolate python array with unequal spacing between elements
    428  Cropping an image in python (numpy), array reshape [duplicate]
    428  count the number of integers in an array
    428  correct way to create a 3d median numpy array
    428  Calculating rational basis for the nullspace using numpy
    428  Avoid interpolation problems with numpy float
    428  Assign value to points in a 3D array that are inside an ellipsoid
    428  assigning to a wrapped slice of a numpy array
    428  After changing the image to numpy array, I want to import only 1 channel
    427  why is the Numpy matrix multiplication operation called ''dot''?
    427  Why does numpy.sin return a different result if the argument size is greater than 8192?
    427  Vectorization on nested loop
    427  Use scipy to define a monte carlo sampling ellipse in the xy plane
    427  Use of __numpy_ufunc__()
    427  Unexpected result when interpolating using Scippy's ndimage.map_coordinates
    427  Simple Neural Network from scratch using NumPy
    427  Python Negamax Algorithm
    427  Python Multiprocessing pool is freezing at one computer as it is working at another?
    427  Performance optimization of RK4 in Python
    427  Passing arrays between Python and Fortran using ctypes
    427  Pass a condition from a string to numpy where
    427  Parsing Complex Mathematical Functions in Python
    427  numpy sum several columns
    427  Numpy: Permanent changes to using numpy.ndarray.view?
    427  numpy nonzero() returns indexes sorted by row index?
    427  Numpy Loadtxt won't import my 2 data columns
    427  Numpy load and save ijv (row-column-value) format
    427  numpy array eval representation formula
    427  Merge multiple rows into 1 row
    427  matplotlib installation on OS X doesn't support 64 bit architecture [closed]
    427  Kmeans clustering with heatmaps
    427  Importing sklearn error
    427  Implementing a 2D recursive spatial filter using Scipy
    427  How to use Android NDK to compile Numpy as .so?
    427  How to hide axis labels in python pandas dataframe?
    427  how to get the actual index of my dataframe row while getting topk nearest neighbors?
    427  How to fix a segmentation fault when passing an array of int?
    427  How to efficiently sum and mean 2D NumPy arrays by id?
    427  How to dedupe an excel file based on multiple conditions in python?
    427  How to combine index arrays and slices in numpy
    427  How to append a list of primitives to a numpy array of objects
    427  How do you plot peaks in a graph in python
    427  From Matlab to Python, diagonalisation of matrices
    427  extracting an expanding window (numpy strided) of a DataFrame
    427  dask bag foldby with numpy arrays
    427  Cannot get correct pixel color image python
    427  Binning Data Using Numpy To Simplify Linear Regression
    427  Apply sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler to mixed numeric/categorial data frame
    427  3D plot with numpy python
    426  Zero outside the range of a list / array
    426  Why doesn't setting `random.seed(42)` give me identical results in pytorch?
    426  Speeding up evaluation of many scipy splines over the same set of knots
    426  Reorganizing a 2D numpy array into 3D
    426  Reading a complex csv file into a numpy array
    426  Python: using dictionary value as an index into numpy array
    426  Python - Quick Upscaling of Array with Numpy, No Image Libary Allowed [duplicate]
    426  Python Pandas add date offset column with custom business day (CDay; CustomBusinessDay)
    426  Output values differ between R and Python?
    426  numpy.genfromtxt cannot read boolean data correctly
    426  numpy, fill sparse matrix with rows from other matrix
    426  neural network from scratch in python using sigmoid activation
    426  Mask 2D array preserving shape
    426  how to optimize the minimization of a vector function in python?
    426  How to curve fit multiple y vals for single x value?
    426  How to combine different columns in a dataframe using comprehension-python
    426  How to append 2 numpy Image Arrays with different dimensions and shapes using numpy
    426  get index of the first block of at least n consecutive False values in boolean array
    426  GDAL 2.3.1 is installed but the llinux terminal is using GDAL 2.2.2
    426  fit along one dimension of numpy array
    426  difference between exponential and log functions for numpy and math
    426  Count number of items in pandas
    426  Concatenate 1D array to a 3D array
    426  Check if matrix contains valid elements
    426  Calculating the area of gridded data (equidistant in degrees)
    426  Black voodoo of NumPy Einsum
    425  Using Elmo with tf.Keras throws ValueError: could not convert string to float
    425  Two-Dimensional structured array
    425  Trying to convert a MATLAB array to a Python array
    425  Setting pixel value to its percentile in a neighbourhood
    425  Reading multiple columns as array field using Pandas read_csv
    425  Raspberry Pi 3 Python Facial Recognition opencv
    425  Python: strange numbers being pulled from binary file /confusion with hex and decimals
    425  Python PIL glitches when I resize with 'Image.ANTIALIAS'
    425  Python: How to write int32 to csv files?
    425  PIL: fromarray gives a wrong object in P mode
    425  Pass a NAN in input vector for prediction
    425  Numpy function to get shape of added arrays
    425  NumPy C extension with SWIG unknown length array
    425  np.histogram2D with fixed colour gradient
    425  Inner most dimension of an Array
    425  How to tokenise all strings in a numpy array of strings
    425  how to stop numpy hstack from changing pixel values in opencv
    425  How to avoid for loop in numpy
    425  How do you view a numpy broadcast object?
    425  How can i find the pixel color range in an image that excludes outliers?
    425  Ground Truth Image to One Hot Encoded Array (Semantic Segmentation)
    425  genfromtxt generates tuples, so does recfromcsv
    425  Detect a simple circle in an image and find its radius using numpy
    425  Correctly annotate a numba function using jit
    425  Conversion from string to float of numerical values (scientific notation)
    425  Conditionals on one numpy array while iterating over a second numpy array
    425  Any faster way to get the same results?
    424  Why scipy.distance.cdist has a big performance difference between using float32 (slower) and float64 (faster)?
    424  Smart way to convert polars to Cartesian coordinates with numpy
    424  Sampling rows from numpy array efficiently
    424  Pyplot is showing different colors for the same value?
    424  parsing this csv file in python(pylab) and converting it into a dictionary
    424  `numpy.sum` vs. `ndarray.sum`
    424  Numpy/scipy load huge sparse matrix to use in scikit-learn
    424  Numpy mean and std over every terms of arrays
    424  numpy and pysparse floating point representation problem
    424  Nested structured array field access with numpy
    424  Munging PyTorch's tensor shape from (C, B, H) to (B, C*H)
    424  Least-square fitting for points in 2d doesn't pass through symmetrical axis
    424  How to create a TFRecord from a NumPy array
    424  How to concat two DataFrames by comparing overlapping columns in pandas?
    424  How do I reshape a 3D list to 1D list? [duplicate]
    424  f2py speed with array ordering
    424  Extract values from a 2D matrix based on the values of one column
    424  dict type numpy.AxisError: axis -1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 0
    424  Decode byte string in txt file - Python 3
    424  Dataframe column based on 4 conditions, nested np.where
    424  Categorical variables into multiple columns
    424  Add metrics by Sklearn for prediction test in Tensorflow
    423  Which algorithms can be used to generate a euclidean embedding for a manifold given a pairwise distance matrix of geodesics?
    423  Using the TimeSeriesNnet() method from the nnet_ts module throws NameError
    423  Update table statement not working in pandasql
    423  Tensorflow multi-dimensional indexing by another tensor
    423  Regridding NetCDF4 in Python
    423  Read a .txt file as an array and obtain value of a specified index in Python
    423  python - how to convert a list of size n to a 2d numpy array of size n/2 x n/2 [duplicate]
    423  python: convert .mp4 file to 4d numpy
    423  Optimizing Kadane's Algorithm for numpy
    423  Numpy put array in Nth dimension
    423  '' numpy.ndarray is object is not callable '' error in initiating a function
    423  Numpy lambda error using serverless
    423  numpy gradient() behaves differently between versions
    423  Multiprocessing pool not working in user defined function
    423  Loopless chi-square grid search in Python numpy
    423  linear regression on log-log histogram in numpy
    423  Java, ProcessBuilder for python script with python module (numpy)
    423  Itemfreq() in SciPy raises error 'NotImplementedType' object has no attribute 'flat'
    423  How to sort rows of a binary-valued array as if they were long binary numbers?
    423  How to implement Binary Symmetric Channel in Python correctly?
    423  How to deal with circle degrees in Numpy?
    423  Get indices from array where element in row satisfies condition
    423  generate unique serie of numbers in range (1, 2, 3 ... 99; 1, 2, 3 ... 99; ) with no duplicates
    423  Fill a 3D numpy array with ones based on a 2D array with indices
    423  Extract selected columns & row from numpy 3D matrix before saving
    423  exact histogram of an array
    423  Error on AWS Lambda with moviepy and numpy
    423  Deploy Python programs on Windows and fetch big library dependencies
    423  Conda Packages Need Conflicting Numpy Versions
    423  Can somebody help me to correctly derive the loss function?
    423  Applying multiple functions on each row using Numba
    423  All possible ways to place colored balls into bins
    422  Trying to display image as black and white pixels only with matplotlib in Python
    422  Strange values calculating Fibonacci in numpy
    422  Performing operations on a NumPy arrray but masking  values along the diagonal from these operations
    422  Pandas series Timestamp converted to numpy.datetime64 after applying unique()
    422  Pandas - Returning coordinates and value when conditional values are met
    422  Pandas aggregate specific column
    422  OpenCV - cv2.imRead() is returning None
    422  numpy magic to clean up function
    422  numpy interpolation using pandas
    422  NumPy genfromtxt for different column sizes
    422  Minimize fitting function of two variables
    422  memory exhaust on big matrix operation using dask
    422  Installing (and using) numpy without access to a compiler or binaries
    422  Instability Hilbert Matrix unit vector
    422  Image adjustments with Conv2d
    422  How to simplify for loops in Python and Matlab
    422  How to draw a zoomable Cantor set from a Python list?
    422  how does ''pydub._data'' and ''numpy.fromsting'' work in audio fingerprint?
    422  How can I get index of elements which are not integer
    422  Highlight a sub-sequence on matplotlib plot with specific x-value range
    422  Graphs in python using matplotlib
    422  ''func() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'b', 'c', and 'd'''
    422  Custom transformer mixin with FeatureUnion in scikit-learn
    422  Convert a numpy array to an array of numpy arrays
    422  Broadcasting a multiplication across a pandas Panel
    421  Why mathieu function in scipy not periodic?
    421  Vectorizing the reshaping and cropping of images using PIL
    421  valuerror use np.all() or np.any() after using an assert
    421  TypeError: A sparse matrix was passed, but dense data is required (multilabel K nearest neighbours)
    421  Storing an image dataset into 4D array then showing each image leads to distorted colors
    421  Row and column indexes of True values
    421  Python: Why is `lambda` faster than a function or multiplication?
    421  Python result changes during cv2.Rodrigues computation
    421  Python pandas data frame: how to perform operations on two columns with the same name
    421  python numpy : loading files to list,and convert to array, but error ''array is too big.''
    421  pip install scipy out of memory error? [duplicate]
    421  Perform mulitple comparisons (interval) in a Numpy array in a single pass
    421  Pandas - Taking the log of one column with another as base [duplicate]
    421  Pandas Series.as_matrix() doesn't properly convert a series of nd arrays into a single nd array
    421  On python with numpy/scipy len() cProfile result [duplicate]
    421  Numpy Installation: How do I fix the broken toolchain without Bash and limited permissions?
    421  numpy.genfromtxt seems to ignore dtype
    421  Numpy C API - Using PyArray_Descr for array creation causes segfaults
    421  kernel dies when performing optimization with scikit
    421  Is there a way to pass different array types from python to c++ using SWIG?
    421  Instance IOU fast calculation on large image
    421  Installing numpy as a dependency in
    421  How to speed quicksort with numba?
    421  How to set the right parameters in reading a csv file (python, pandas)
    421  How to recover amplitude, and phase shift from Fourier Transform in Numpy?
    421  How to compress numpy array for mongodb
    421  How can I create a environment in anaconda when I'm getting UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict: …?
    421  Grouping adjacent equal elements of a 2D numpy array
    421  Get index of largest element for each submatrix in a Numpy 2D array
    421  Errors on Python chat bot using tflearn, tensorflow, numpy
    421  DBSCAN plot - The color values passed in plt.plot() is throwing ValueError
    421  conditional plot with lines in matplotlib
    421  Bar chart in python [duplicate]
    421  Appending/concatenating arrays inside 2D array
    421  Any ideas why R and Python's NumPy scaling of vectors is not matching?
    420  Why should NumPy be installed via a binary package?
    420  Why is the .as_matrix() call causing an error while computing the cross product?
    420  Why Does Looping Beat Indexing Here?
    420  two dimensional array slicing in cython
    420  Strange behavior of tuple indexing a numpy array
    420  Sorting numpy array with np.lexsort containing float values
    420  Solving for x in numpy.linalg.solve as done in Maple
    420  Removing consecutive occurrences from end of list python
    420  Read data with NAs into python and calculate mean row-wise
    420  python numpy load torch model .t7 file
    420  Python: how to avoid loop?
    420  Putting lower bound and upper bounds on numpy.random.exponential
    420  plot an odd number of numpy arrays in subplots
    420  numpy plt.contour from matrix
    420  Numpy 3D array max value
    420  logm function of hermitian matrix returns non-hermitian matrix
    420  ''LapackError: Parameter a has non-native byte order in lapack_lite.dgesdd'' when importing from Matlab files
    420  Lamdify a function keeping some symbols
    420  How to Reshape dataframe in Pandas?
    420  How to properly sample from a numpy.random.multivariate_normal (positive-semidefinite covariance matrix issue)
    420  How to convert huge image from PIL to cv2
    420  How can I identify the minimum value in a numpy array, excluding the diagonal zeros?
    420  How can I get pcolor to plot NaN values in white while using cartopy?
    420  How can I fix ''IndexError: only integers'' in a numpy array?
    420  Hanning window values doesnt match in Python and Matlab
    420  Fortran: flexible array filtering
    420  Efficient way to replace value of each cell in a pandas dataframe
    420  Dimensions issue using CalibratedClassifierCV with Pipeline
    420  Concatenate many lists from text files
    420  Capture Raspicam image via PiCamera module - How to avoid old images?
    420  calculating the dot product using sklearn's linear_kernel()
    420  8bit tiff file opened as 16bit using python tifffile
    419  Unexpected behavior for numpy self division
    419  Understanding Data Leakage and getting perfect score by exploiting test data
    419  Sort array in Python (numpy) by two other lists
    419  Skipping rows, and saving a row into several arrays during file readings using Python
    419  Simultaneous assignment to a numpy array
    419  Selecting every alternate group of n columns - NumPy
    419  Scrolling an array in python
    419  Scipy Non-central Chi-Squared Random Variable
    419  Python write multiple numpy array to csv file
    419  Python plotting trigonometrical func
    419  Python - parallelize a python loop for 2D masked array?
    419  Python numpy how to reshape this list of arrays/images into a collage?
    419  PyInstaller with NumPy under Linux
    419  Pass a numpy array to a C function in cython
    419  pandas error creating TimeDeltas from Datetime operation
    419  numpy reshaping error - CNN's
    419  numpy.multiply can have at most 3 arguments (operands), is there any way to do more than 3?
    419  Numpy (MKL) Matrix Multiplication doesn't get faster with more CPU Cores
    419  NumPy - How to broadcast arrays of different shapes
    419  Numpy find indices of matching columns
    419  Matplotlib: To grid irregularly spaced data from list
    419  k means using numpy - calculate error of each iteration
    419  KD Tree gives different results to brute force method
    419  Installing python packages without dependencies
    419  inheriting numpy.vectorize-ed functions
    419  How to use python scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult and scipy.optimize.least_squares returns?
    419  How to select DataFrame index's values based on value of another numpy array?
    419  How to resolve undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_Replace?
    419  How to merge multiple 2d arrays in numpy?
    419  How to do efficient matrix multiplication between a dense numpy matrix and a sparse scipy vector?
    419  How do I produce a table of converted coordinates from Equatorial to AltAz?
    419  How does this subtraction work in python?
    419  How does one determine the time unit in numpy.datetime64?
    419  How can I make my plot smoother in Python?
    419  Efficient way to fill Numpy Array
    419  Difference between np.nan and np.NaN
    419  Cython beginner - speed up numpy broadcasting
    419  conditional product in numpy
    419  Can not update a subset of shared tensor variable after a cast
    419  Building tensorflow-1.8 from source, no module named numpy
    419  Appending 1D arrays together in a multidimensional array?
    418  ValueError: could not convert string to float: Voltage 1
    418  Use `tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad` to resize numpy array
    418  Tunring an array of probabilities, into a binary array
    418  Replace NaNs in masked numpy array
    418  Random numpy array in order
    418  Python program freezes and closes when entering an input?
    418  Python Numpy arange bins should be shown in ascending order
    418  python Compute histogram values with a groupby panda dataframe
    418  Optimizing an Arbitrary Number of Variables with Scipy.optimize.minimize Using the SLSQP Method
    418  Numpy: vectorizing a function that integrate 2D array
    418  NumPy load file interspersed with headers
    418  NumPy construct a new matrix without rowi,columnj keeping row,column indices
    418  logical operation on numpy array that was originally a pandas data frame
    418  (IndexError) Back Substitution for n x n Matrix
    418  How to make a meshgrid with holes in numpy?
    418  How to force scipy to integrate using Adams?
    418  How to check if numpy array contains empty list
    418  How can I create a new column with a conditional cumulative sum using pandas?
    418  Generalized numpy point-matrix multiplication function that produces consistent outputs with inputs of varying shapes
    418  Finding the location of a target in an image
    418  Filling numpy array using [:,:] crashes python?
    418  Efficient region weighted sum using numpy
    418  Efficiently compute pairwise Jaccard similarity from sparse array
    418  Convert Numpy Array to Monotone Graph (networkx)
    418  Conditional Nearest Neighbor in Python
    418  Combine initial date with time column in a pandas dataframe as datetime
    418  Collapse nested array of arrays
    418  Change line when using numpy.savetxt
    418  C code within python and copying arrays in C code
    418  Array size difference Python
    418  ANARCI Python 2.7.13 - raise child_exception // OSError: [Errno 2]
    417  what is numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function and why it costs lots of time?
    417  using numpy.any to match color in opencv gives strange results
    417  Using .loc with a column of values
    417  Using Bivariate spline with scipy.ndimage.geometric_transform to register images
    417  Trying to change default colours when plotting in spyder 2.7
    417  tqdm and numpy vectorize
    417  sparse matrix multiplication involving inverted matrix
    417  Shuffle groups of rows of a 2D array - NumPy
    417  Python Weather API Issue
    417  Python - Get ''subarrays'' of 3d array
    417  Python Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '<moduleName>'
    417  Numpy: swap values of 2D array based on a separate vector
    417  Numpy.load() error when using different platforms
    417  numpy diff weird behaviour
    417  numpy create nxn array of nx2 dot product of nxnx2 array
    417  numpy condition loop np.where
    417  np.Nan value in parquet table
    417  Multiple columns assignment using .loc - Pandas
    417  Monte Carlo Optimization
    417  Meaning of .T when using numpy.random.multivariate_normal [duplicate]
    417  Matplotlib pcolormesh, separate datacolor and color brightness information
    417  Iterating pandas dataframe, checking values and creating some of them
    417  Is there a more efficient way to convert a multiple line of string to a numpy array?
    417  Inserting rows of zeros at specific places along the rows of a NumPy array
    417  how to solve the TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'?
    417  How do I vectorize this double for loop in Numpy?
    417  How can I find the square matrix of a lower triangular numpy matrix? (with a rotated upper triangle) [duplicate]
    417  Formatting date data in NumPy array
    417  Create a tensor variable of given length in Theano functions
    417  Concatenate and sort data in python
    417  Compute the product of neighborhood for each cell in a matrix with numpy/scipy
    416  Why are 3D numpy arrays printed the way they are (How are they ordered)?
    416  Vectorizing a function using numpy vectorize
    416  Template matching results when the template is not on the original image
    416  talib error for calling talib functions
    416  sklearn PCA producing numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError
    416  Saving dtype = datetime[ns] data array to text using numpy gives unexpected results
    416  Replacing specific values in numpy 2D Array
    416  Reading a CSV file to multiple NumPy arrays in Python
    416  Python passing void pointer as parameter to C function (SWIG, Numpy)
    416  python and regression analysis
    416  Python 3.3 import matplotlib in Windows don't get along
    416  pandas get numpy ndarray using series.values
    416  Numpy view contiguous part of non-contiguous array as dtype of bigger size
    416  Numpy: function that creates block matrices
    416  Numpy complex array multiplication gives unsupported operand type(s)
    416  Numpy and numdifftools multidimensional function
    416  Numpy : 3D to 2D
    416  modifying sparse matrix using advanced indexing in python
    416  Interpolation of numpy array with a maximum interpolation distance
    416  Index of columns where rows match criterion Python Pandas
    416  HowTo: Tune numpy dependencies on google colab?
    416  How to sound a signal in Python?
    416  How to plot multiple subplots using python
    416  How to find the average of an array of tuples with numpy
    416  How to convert array from dtype=object to
    416  How does this TensorFlow sample actually update the weights to find the solution
    416  How are non integer images represented?
    416  get index of first element verifying a condition in a numpy array [duplicate]
    416  fmin python error numpy
    416  Find two pairs of pairs that sum to the same value
    416  Fading out a signal in numpy
    416  Different results from the same function (numpy, OCR)
    416  Cython 1D normalized slidding cross correlation Optimization
    416  Create a new column based on values of time-series data in pandas
    416  Cant import numpy or install numpy
    416  Can lambdify return an array with dytpe np.float128?
    416  Calculate the area under each peak in a graph in python
    416  A truth value error using numpy array
    415  What is the meaning of vertical bar in array dtype ('|S58')
    415  Vectorized comparison of values against a set of values
    415  ValueError at could not convert string to float: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
    415  update numpy array where not masked
    415  Tips on Improving Peak Analysis of a Signal. (peak widths)
    415  Solving quadratic equation for coefficients with dataframe
    415  Sending a CV::Mat from C++ to python script function
    415  Python: how to retrieve and plot the unmasked part of a numpy array?
    415  python find the intersection point of two numpy array
    415  Python , create Matlab's like Dynamic cell array
    415  Pandas adjust last row of dataframe group
    415  Numpy dot product results in `IndexError: only integers, slices ... `
    415  numpy.array Boolean mix with int
    415  np.exp(x) when x is small
    415  Issue with numpy's histogram2d and colormaps
    415  Is it possible to load large data directly into numpy int8 array using h5py?
    415  Interpolating 2 numpy arrays
    415  How to use RobustScaler on all columns?
    415  How to use np.zeros as iterator in python?
    415  How to repeat rows based on value of a column in Python
    415  expected a single-segment buffer object using sio.savemat
    415  Evaluating (not Sampling from) Beta Distribution in Numpy
    415  Efficient vector selection in numpy
    415  Creating ring shaped mask in numpy
    415  count number of items in a list within list python
    415  Combining scipy.optimize.brute grid and results
    414  Why does numpy.concatenate work along axis=1 for small one dimensional arrays, but not larger ones?
    414  Whats the difference between `arr[tuple(seq)]` and `arr[seq]`? Relating to Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated
    414  Three dots ( ... ) when I print a list of lists in Python [duplicate]
    414  Tensorflow Pandas_input_fn slow, starving CPU/GPU
    414  taking derivative of a polynomial using poly1d polyder without reversing the coefficients
    414  reading and slicing a 2d list in python
    414  Python numpy polynomial fit: How to draw region of uncertainty curve?
    414  python: How do I expand a numpy array with adjacent duplicate columns?
    414  Pandas pivot table ignoring zeros while taking mean
    414  Pandas Datframe1 search for match in range of Dataframe2
    414  Numpy select returning boolean error message
    414  numpy array, slicing 4d array (tensor)
    414  Multiply Numpy arrays by distributing terms
    414  Matplotlib Bar Plot Grouping Subplots
    414  how to load a dataframe from a python requests stream that is downloading a csv file?
    414  How to find the index of the maximum non-infinity value in a numpy array?
    414  Groupby Mutate Performance in Pandas
    414  Getting the derivatives of Legendre polynomials in Python
    414  Getting element from a certain numpy array returned from OpenCV?
    414  Getting CDF of variable-sized numpy arrays in Python using same bins?
    414  fail to use numpy loadtxt to convert date with python3.6
    414  Efficiently get minimum values for each pair of elements from two arrays in a third array
    414  Convert array of ints to array of characters and vice versa in Julia
    414  Compute sum of pairwise sums of two array's columns
    414  Cannot import numpy or matplotlib in Pycharm
    414  Apply column operations to get a new column in pandas
    413  why the difference between numpy matrix and numpy array when selecting element
    413  Vectorized entry-wise logsumexp in scipy
    413  TensorFlow, when can Python-like negative indexing be used if ever?
    413  Speeding up fancy indexing with numpy
    413  Solve underdetermined linear equation Ax + By = C where y is constrained by x
    413  Short circuit numpy logical_and on pandas series
    413  pythonic way to apply function to object multiple times
    413  Python does not free memory when variable goes out of scope
    413  PyTables: Select Rows from Table and apply Numexpr
    413  pyCUDA reduction doesn't work
    413  Numpy stack list of ndarray
    413  numpy: get the indices within a polygon without creating a mask
    413  Numpy array coordinates in a set
    413  Multiplying each element of a numpy array and summing it up
    413  Interpolate coordinate based data to produce a meshgrid [duplicate]
    413  how to do row wise comparison of string using NumPy of a single matrix
    413  How to apply a binomial low pass filter to data in a NumPy array?
    413  Fourier series data fit with numpy: fft vs coding
    413  Error: ''IndexError: too many indices for array''
    413  Efficient way to slice a numpy array based on unknown identical values in first column
    413  effectively comparing two arrays of different size
    413  Don't see why I'm getting 'numpy.ndarray object not callable' error?
    413  Cycling through array elements efficiently in python
    413  Converting dataframe to numpy array causes all numbers to be printed in scientific notation [closed]
    413  averaging datasets of varying length
    413  Applying function that cares about index to every element of numpy array
    413  Append numpy matrix to binary file without numpy header
    413  Anaconda numpy (scypi stack) perfromance on Ryzen3000 and windows
    413  Algorithm and toolset for counting frequency of millions of pairs
    412  Select from multiple slices in Numpy
    412  Python: Gauss-Newton Method only correct for 1st iteration
    412  Python2.7 (numpy) Keeping shape of array when appending a 3-d numpy array to an empty array
    412  Plot a 2D vertical plane from interpolation of x,y,z numpy defining a vertical plane. Python/Mayavi
    412  Opening raw images on Python resulting in a different image compared to ImageJ
    412  Numpy / Matplotlib - Transform tick data into OHLCV
    412  Numpy: Create a 1D array of numpy arrays when all arrays have the same length
    412  np.exp overflow workaround
    412  Maintaining shape of output as of input after Boolean indexing in python
    412  Localized random points using numpy and pandas
    412  Load all rows in csv file - Python
    412  How to subset Numpy array with exclusion
    412  How to smooth / filter a function in a n-dimensional space using python?
    412  How to draw random numbers from a normal distribution with given mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis
    412  How to calculate the diameter of irregular shape from jpg input image in Python?
    412  How can I parse date values for sklearns linear regression?
    412  Getting around memory error problem in python lists or a more clever way in Numpy
    412  Efficient 1D array comparison, scaling and summation
    412  Cryptic error in step 'build_py' of Python's ' install'
    412  Covariance between a 1-d and a 3-d array in Python
    412  Convert einsum computation to dot product to be used in Theano
    412  Computing the log loss with Numpy of a 1d-array
    412  Building numpy with ATLAS/LAPACK support
    412  Big data image processing in Python [closed]
    412  Bakeoff Part 2: Math with Cython Typed Memoryviews
    412 RuntimeWarning: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int', sort order is undefined for incomparable objects
    412  2D argmax on a numpy array
    411  Using PIL (Python) to find the given value of RGB in jpeg image?
    411  Unexpected Fourier Transform result in Python Numpy
    411  Tensorflow load numpy array - shape error
    411  Sparse matrix output to csv
    411  Sorting a list of Image Matrices (Numpy nd arrays) by image size
    411  Select random item and index using numpy.random.choice()
    411  Remove nans in multidimensional array
    411  Python Orbit Simulator using scipy.integrate.ode and dopri5 (Problems with getting solution)
    411  Python: numpy fftn over a list of numpy array
    411  Python: datetime64 issues with range
    411  Python: Converting a numpy matrix to a grayscale image
    411  Python array counter
    411  Python 3.1 Grid Simulation Question
    411  Pytables Value Error (rank of the appended object and '' ... ''EArray differ)
    411  perform matrix multiplication to compute rotation in python
    411  Performance difference between filling existing numpy array and creating a new one
    411  Pandas: plot top to bottom performers
    411  Pandas dot product with Multiindex
    411  Panda group dataframe based on datetime type into different period ignoring date part
    411  Numpy.savetxt - how can I ensure that saving is complete?
    411  numpy mean of rows when speed is a concern
    411  Numpy dot in a for loop
    411  Numpy Chain Indexing
    411  numpy array where vectorized version [duplicate]
    411  keras numpy error with load_img function
    411  Index out of bounds error: animation/simulation
    411  import and plot data from multiple files without too many lines
    411  How to store X-Y data in order to use the functions in Numpy?
    411  How to efficiently store variable number of scipy sparse.csr_matrix in memory?
    411  How to Display Pie Chart Year wise in Pandas
    411  How to create dataset for fitting a function in scipy stats?
    411  How can I plot multiple spectrograms on the same scale?
    411  How can I maximize the Poissonian likelihood of a histogram given a fit curve with scipy/numpy?
    411  Derivative of 1D Numpy Array
    411  Cython 0.2: prange slowing down code unexpectedly
    411  Covolution of two Discrete Fourier transforms
    411  Convert data frame to array with column header [duplicate]
    411  combining numpy arrays and masking
    411  Avoiding double for-loops in NumPy array operations
    411  Alternative to random_integers in NumPy
    410  Why doesn't Python have a ''__req__'' (reflected equality) method?
    410  Using automatic differentiation libraries to compute partial derivatives of an arbitrary tensor
    410  Use original file name to save image
    410  Unexpected behavior: np.abs()/ abs not working working on lists/ numpy array
    410  Slicing a numpy array
    410  set dimension of svd algorithm in python
    410  scipy.optimize.leastsq error not an array of floats
    410  Return the subset of NumPy array according to the first element of each row
    410  python - py-expression-eval - Passing a numpy ndarray
    410  Python. Problems with integrals. TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    410  python numpy argsort issue
    410  Python 2.7 - unable to upgrade/ install some packages after upgrading to El Capitan
    410  Print a numpy array
    410  Pass array to an excel single cell from Python using xlwings
    410  Partition training data by class in NumPy
    410  Overwrite char (or std::string) array positions with SWIG?
    410  Numpy operations on ndarrays containing strings and numbers
    410  numpy: how to apply function to every row of array
    410  Numpy - Difference between two floats vs float type's precision
    410  Numpy array multiplication of LDL^T factorization of symmetric matrix
    410  np.shuffle much slower than np.random.choice
    410  Neural Network MNIST
    410  Merging two scipy.sparse matrices
    410  How to substitute NaNs in a numpy array with elements in another list
    410  Evaluate prediction with a binary vector in python
    410  Elegant way to iterate into a multilevel pandas DataFrame
    410  Deleting a csv file which is created using numpy.savetxt in pyspark
    410  dealing with inf in list
    410  Creating 3D captcha with different fonts
    410  Convert numpy function to theano
    410  Compiled numpy with ICC+MKL, not passing the full test
    410  Break a text file into multiple numpy arrays
    409  Using numpy array in shared memory slow when synchronizing access
    409  Unable to install numpy for python 3.6.5
    409  TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index , while trying kfold cv
    409  translate Python in to Unity C# - Maths OR how to find Shortest distance between two skew lines in 3D space
    409  Training letter images to a neural network with full-batch training
    409  Tensor Flow Import Error : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google'
    409  Tensorflow (CPU only) installation Error | Ubuntu 14.10 | numpy 1.8.2
    409  Speeding up slow nested loops through rows in dataframe?
    409  Sorting array based two goals
    409  reshape 4D numpy array to 2D
    409  Replace values based on multiple conditions of two array?
    409  Reducing Dimensions using PCA: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'items'
    409  Random numbers- only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    409  Python Regression Modeling with Pandas Data Reader
    409  Python help('modules') command throws WindowsError in IDLE (idle.pyw) but not command line prompt (python.exe)
    409  Python: Get random value from a array dimension
    409  Passing structured array to Cython, failed (I think it is a Cython bug)
    409  NumPy thinks a 2-D array is 1-D
    409  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'as_matrix'
    409  Numpy Histogram, which point is the density given on?
    409  numpy.fft.rfft producing NaNs
    409  In Python, how can I transform a dictionary into a df column, where the keys match the df.index values?
    409  How to select some rows from sparse matrix then use them form a new sparse matrix
    409  How to decode Bell 202 signal? (APRS data from International Space Station)
    409  how to change the format of the return value of 'mnist.load_data()' to 'mnist_train.csv' in Keras?
    409  How do you call the element of position X in an numpy array?
    409  How can I convert a list of tuples into a mask?
    409  Generating a 20x20 matrix in Python using a similar method to if else loops
    409  Find indices of values greater than a threshold by row in a numpy 2darray
    409  Fill in missing dates pandas based off max and min
    409  errors installing scipy and numpy mkl in windows ,python 2.7
    409  Efficient loop through pandas dataframe
    409  Creating a very large sparse matrix csv from a list of condensed data
    409  creating a 3d numpy array from a non-contigous set of contigous 2d slices
    409  Create Panda Df from numpy array
    409  Count values in overlapping sliding windows in python
    409  Counterclockwise sorting of x, y data
    409  Boolean index Numpy array with sparse matrix
    409  Adding column of random floats to data frame, but with equal values for equal data frame entries
    409  Access attribute of elements within numpy array
    408  Using numpy.arange to create a list of floats with given precision
    408  Unexpected result in pandas pivot_table
    408  Trying to use exec() to define a variable by setting a string equal to a numpy ndarray, but I get a syntax error. Python 2.7.10
    408  Tensorflow , setting an array element with sequence
    408  Sum matrix elements group by indices in Python
    408  Store ndarray in a PyTable (and how to define the Col()-type)
    408  Sklearn and cross_val_scores: can we use it for leave-one-out cross validation?
    408  Selecting columns from multi-dimensional numpy array
    408  scipy savemat fails under [Errno 22] Invalid argument
    408  Read very long array from mat with scipy
    408  Read file with header and encoding issue into numpy array
    408  Python - pchip warnings
    408  Obtaining the corresponding x,y,z values from pyqtgraph.image plot
    408  Numpy vectorize() is flattening the whole array
    408  numpy - Sum of dot products along axis
    408  numpy select range in advanced indexing
    408  numpy: broadcast multiplication over one common axis of two 2d arrays
    408  Numpy array from characters in BDF file
    408  Intel MKL speeds up, but why doesn't it speed up scipy.linalg.eig?
    408  Installing Numpy with OpenBLAS support in home directory
    408  How to use RNN tensorflow to learning one-Dimensional Data? AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'batch'
    408  How to reshape a multi-column dataframe by index?
    408  How to read a CSV file every other row
    408  How can I set a domain on one of my functions on a graph?
    408  Given a value, find percentile % with Numpy
    408  File size increases after converting from .mat files to .txt files
    408  Efficiently compute pairwise haversine distances between two datasets - NumPy / Python
    408  Convert VNC RFB Frame data into Image in Python
    408  concatenate numpy arrays that are class instance attributes in python
    408  Aggregate numpy functions
    407  Why does OpenCV's Meanshift tracking algorithm only track object the first time?
    407  Using izip over second dimension of numpy array
    407  Transfer unmasked elements from maskedarray into regular array
    407  Summing resampled data in Pandas
    407  Speeding up matrix-vector multiplication and exponentiation in Python, possibly by calling C/C++
    407  Reducing execution time in python for nested loops
    407  Python numpy difference between reshape(v.shape) & reshape(*v.shape)
    407  Python Numpy array assignment casting int
    407  python image processing with numpy and scipy
    407  Pandas - invalid entry in choicelist
    407  pandas apply using min/max executes slowly over variable rolling window
    407  Pandas: Alternative to iterrow loops
    407  numpy linspace  -  keep only odd elements
    407  np.fft.fft off by a factor of 1000 (fitting an powerspectrum)
    407  List of objects: how to extract attributes from a particular region or slice?
    407  Indexing Matrix in TensorFlow
    407  how to print even alphabet using numpy arrays with additional condition
    407  How to account for weekends and holidays when using python
    407  Filter gives negative values (SciPy filter)
    407  Encode large numpy array and save it to dynamodb
    407  efficient count distinct across columns of DataFrame, grouped by rows
    407  dumping several objects into the same file
    407  Create dense matrix from sparse matrix efficently (numpy/scipy but NO sklearn)
    407  Convert Breeze Matrix to Numpy Array
    407  Compute sum of image pixels along a circular path
    406  Why is the image stored and show different?
    406  why does the scipy.optimize flatten the ndarray to 1-d array?
    406  Vectorizing a ''pure'' function with numpy, assuming many duplicates
    406  Vectorizing a Nested Loop
    406  Solve for a definite integral for each element within an array that is defined by a function in Python
    406  scipy: Evaluate the most likely value and confidence of a bayesian network
    406  Return Array by func (1) does not match size in Python
    406  Python scipy.weave and STANN C++ Library
    406  Python (numpy) sort character order?
    406  Python for loop in numpy
    406  Pandas and Matplotlib - how can I change plot area to fit in more x-axis text?
    406  load numpy.npy file on bash variable
    406  Is there lexographical version of searchsorted in numpy?
    406  installed numpy but can't import
    406  Indexing matrix in numpy using Node id
    406  Image to matrix in python
    406  How to use set function with numpy array string?
    406  How to use Numpy Tile function To get this result
    406  How to theano tensor sum an array with nan values
    406  How to save an array of objects to a file in Python
    406  how to remove the bracket around a list that contains list
    406  how to deform an image deforming the coordinates
    406  How to compare numpy multidimensional arrays difference?
    406  Efficient Euclidean distance for coordinates in different size lists in python
    406  create user-movie rating array
    406  couldn't resolve memory error in python numpy zeros
    406  Convert 1D array with coordinates into 2D array in numpy
    406  Beginner Matplotlib, how to make random data for graph
    406  Apply DFT matrix along each axis of 3D array in NumPy?
    405  Why luma parameter differs in opencv and matlab?
    405  While calculate SSE getting Error : 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
    405  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence numpy
    405  Use numpy to get the positions of all objects in 3D space relative to one another
    405  Summarizing rows in a Pandas DataFrame
    405  Shuffling rows of large pandas DataFrame and correlation with a series
    405  Remove outliers in an image after applying treshold
    405  Reading a sqlite3.Binary object with numpy.genfromtxt
    405  Random forest in sklearn - predicting in batches vs. predicting one by one
    405  Python linear least squares function not working
    405  Python: how can I use dates in Numba?
    405  Precision when converting int32 to other types
    405  Passing numpy string array to C using Swig
    405  Pandas dataframe reading numpy array column as str
    405  numpy.where() returns inconsisten dimensions
    405  numpy scipy  -  keep eigenvalues in stringent order
    405  NumPy in-place operations with overlapping slices
    405  Numpy filter pixel indices
    405  numpy dot product with inner dimension zero gives unexpected result
    405  Mysterious errors importing numpy and scipy with ''''
    405  Matrix multiplication with iterator dependency - NumPy
    405  MatMul in TensorFlow is slower than dot product in numpy
    405  Make the sum of integers in a matrix maximal by multiplying rows and columns by -1
    405  linspace that would always include the final point?
    405  Integrating a function using non-uniform measure (python/scipy)
    405  How can I multiply column of the int numpy array to the float digit and stays in int?
    405  How can I install numpy exactly without root access on server?
    405  get every value with maximum count in a numpy array
    405  Fit Gaussian to Histogram in Log Scale using Matplotlib
    405  Fit data to different array size
    405  Evaluate sum of step functions
    405  element wise combine list of numpy arrays
    405  Efficiently Return Numeric Column Names from Pandas DataFrame
    405  Does tf.transpose also change the memory (like np.ascontiguousarray)?
    405  Divide matrix into square 2x2 submatrices - maxpooling fprop
    405  cubic spline not working in scipy?
    405  Convert string numpy.ndarray to float numpy.ndarray
    405  Convert in memory bitmap image to 4 dimensional array like numpy
    405  Computing an array of values for each meshgrid point
    405  Compare Dictionaries for close enough match
    404  What does the String mean in numpy.r_?
    404  video stops on opencv
    404  Vectorize mask of squared euclidean distance in Python
    404  using iterator in cython
    404  tslearn package not seeing numpy installation python
    404  Take sum of numpy array based on a boolean array
    404  SVM custom RBF kernel IndexError
    404  Surface plot raw data
    404  Shape issue with keras `fit_generator()`
    404  python-too many indices for array(remote sensing image)
    404  Python programming probability marble out of a bag coding
    404  Python np.dstack : too many values to unpack
    404  NxN matrix permutations [closed]
    404  numpy. Sum multidimensional array at specific indexes
    404  numpy.linalg.lstsqr Errors
    404  NumPy equivalent of merge
    404  NumPy complex array and callbacks
    404  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core.multiarray\r'
    404  Iterate over 'zipped' ranges of a numpy array
    404  Issues installing scipy using Python
    404  Is numpy.random.shuffle and random.shuffle interchangeable for lists?
    404  import_array() error while embedding python and numpy to C++
    404  How well empirical data fits to sine wave?
    404  How to split sparse matrix into train and test sets?
    404  How to fix ''RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp'' when curve fitting real data in Scipy?
    404  How to display a grid(created by numpy array) by using qpixmap pyqt
    404  For Loop for a Fourier Series Equation
    404  Elementwise bitwise-XOR numpy matrix with numpy vector
    404  Creating a 3D plot of several lines in one figure
    404  Create instances of namedtuples as database records with loop
    404  Convert Numpy to DataFrame
    404  Converting a heatmap image in the JPEG format to categories in python
    404  compute mfcc for audio file over fixed chunks and save them separately
    404  Calculating pairwise correlations of large dataframe among a certain number of columns
    404  Best-Fit axis of points on a cylindrical surface
    404  A summation using nested loop and zip
    403  ValueError with Python and Numpy
    403  Time and memory-efficient random sampling with python/numpy
    403  String list from Arduino to Python array
    403  Solving matrix equations with some Boundary Conditions
    403  Select all occurrences of top K values along each column in a NumPy array
    403  ScikitLearn regression: Design matrix X too big for regression. What do I do?
    403  Reading a file with Fortran formatted small floats, using numpy
    403  Python List. Finding the maximum row with all elements not zero
    403  Python iterate through connected components in grayscale image
    403  Problems with Numpy and CGI
    403  Printing Matrix of dataset into Table using Pandas with single column transposed
    403  Pandas dataframe: allclose [duplicate]
    403  Numpy resize without modifying original object
    403  numpy.random.randint does not return a list separte by comma
    403  numpy.hstack() not working in a jitted function
    403  numpy.genfromtxt does not read data correctly when there is '#' hashtag
    403  numpy.concatenate with weird (3,) shaped array?
    403  Numpy compare array to multiple scalars at once
    403  multi core processing in for loop using numpy and fft
    403  Matrix QR factorization algorithms
    403  Manipulating a large binary image array with numpy and cv2
    403  Inverse FFT returns negative values when it should not
    403  ImportError: No module named 'numpy' but it's there! python 3.5
    403  How to change the linking command in a setuptools building process (msvc)?
    403  how to calculate entropy on float numbers over a tensor in python keras
    403  How do I create an array slice using the NumPy C API?
    403  Extracting most common nouns and verbs from category using numpy and NLTK
    403  Error with importing Numpy in IDLE
    403  Deleting rows from numpy array not working
    403  C# wrapper for a Python piece of code
    403  Curve fitting in Python using a data sets [duplicate]
    403  Create mask for numpy array based on values' set membership
    403  Convert pandas.DataFrame to numpy tensor using factor levels for shape [duplicate]
    403  Coerce a numpy array scalar to a particular C type using numpy C API
    403  Assigning to slices of 2D NumPy array
    403  Append large lists in python2.7
    403  Add list to end of a list of array in Python
    402  Why does the Pycharm debugger and the python running program give two different results after append?
    402  understand with N-d array and 1-d array [closed]
    402  ufunc 'remainder' not supported for the input types - why modulo for numpy arrays does not work?
    402  Transpose and merge a tab-separated file by column using Python Pandas
    402  Sorting cells of big numpy matrices
    402  Replace elements in an array (python) [duplicate]
    402  Replace elements in 2nd column of array with new value from 2nd column of smaller array when 1st column matches
    402  Python unique values per column in csv file row
    402  python matplotlib pcolormesh with skewed axis
    402  Pandas equivalent of ntile() in R
    402  Overloading operators in numpy
    402  Numpy matrix multiplication behaviour
    402  Numpy arrays instead of python lists - using nditer to create a 2d array from two 1d arrays
    402  Memory error scipy interpolate in rectangular array
    402  Inserting multiple elements in a numpy array
    402  How to speed up this cross-correlation function in Python 3.5 by numba or using other tricks?
    402  How to solve the error 'Cannot do inplace boolean setting on mixed-types with a non np.nan value'
    402  how to set domain of 2d fourier transformin in numpy
    402  How to safely save and load sympy objects
    402  How to plot a deadband for a simple sine wave using python
    402  How to find the median?
    402  How to Execute If Statements to Create a List Tensorflow?
    402  Gaussian distribution with element-wise sigma in Numpy/Scipy
    402  efficient discrete bayes filter for localization
    402  Converting an array of floats to an array of strings in scientific notation
    402  aws emr bootstrap python modules -
    402  Astropy complaining about Numpy version
    402  Add a hour of week column in python
    401  why numpy narray read from file consumes so much memory?
    401  What Is the Function of Less Than (<) Operator in numpy Array?
    401  Strange behaviour of numpy.where with None values [duplicate]
    401  Splitting an array into two parts
    401  Saving data using numpy.savetxt
    401  Recursive Iteration over nested list without Numpy
    401  Python dereference whole array by array
    401  pre-processing for clustering of network data
    401  Plot function with large binomial coefficients
    401  Phase correction digital filter
    401  Operating on a masked array, and then operating on a different part of the same array
    401  OpenCV - Making a video from existing images
    401  Numpy n-th odd root including negative values
    401  Numpy advanced indexing using a 2D array of row indices without broadcasting the output
    401  More than one module for lambdify in sympy
    401  max value in Python [closed]
    401  Manipulate specific columns (sample features) conditional on another column's entries (feature value) using pandas/numpy dataframe
    401  How to resolve type errors while creating arrays with custom dtypes in numpy?
    401  How to get the 2D slice in a 3D array in which a given number occurs
    401  How can I make 2D histograms based on large data with matplolib?
    401  Getting Singular Values of NumPy Data Columns in Order
    401  Efficient finite field multiplication with log-antilog-table lookup in numpy
    401  Cython code 3x slower than corresponding NumPy version
    401  Create ''buffer'' matrix from dataframe with rolling window?
    401  Can't extract clusters from fcluster after using scipy's hierarchichal clustering
    401  3 layer neural network using only numpy in python
    400  xml: get parent attribute from iterparse element
    400  view_as_windows on 4d array
    400  Vector Matrix product differences between sparse and dense matrix
    400  vector math  -  numpy vs iterators
    400  Use one array to filter out another array
    400  Unable to create a tensorflow tfrecord for an image label
    400  Sum of Boolean Operators on Numpy Bool Arrays (Bug?)
    400  sum numpy array at given indices
    400  Split randomly two lists in python in the same way
    400  Simplest way to share an array when embedding Python
    400  Search and match data from two files in Python
    400  Runtime warnings when using scikit-learn
    400  Rounding a pandas.DatetimeIndex from [ns] to [s]
    400  Python solving 2nd order ODE with quad function
    400  Python 2.7/Opencv3.0: Number of centroids is incorrect using cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats.
    400  Pandas not dropping columns
    400  out-of-core SVD in python
    400  Matplotlib scatter plot with array of y values for each x
    400  Logarithmic multi-sequenz plot with equal bar widths
    400  Implementing backpropagation gradient descent using scipy.optimize.minimize
    400  How to properly create numpy string arrays using the NumPY C API
    400  How to find in a parent string list, the indexes corresponding to a child string list
    400  How to evaluate a numpy array inside an mpmath fuction?
    400  Getting diagonal of a matrix in numpy and excluding an element
    400  Fast splitting of array on column indices from each row of sparse array
    400  ''Expanding Mode'' Analogue to Pandas ''expanding_mean''
    400  Efficient element by element multiplication of 3D matrix elements with copies of a 2D matrix?
    400  Drawing from certain probabilities in Gaussian Normal Multivariate Distribution in numpy
    400  Discrete cosine transform to differentiate real symmetric function
    400  Compute a “mirror”, where the first half of the image is copied, flipped (l-r) and then copied into the second half using tensorflow
    400  closest points based on coordinates, python
    400  Calculating next y using previous y element using numpy
    400  At what point does celery store result?
    400  a indexing question of ndarray
    400  A function for returning a list of tuples that correspond to indices of ALL elements of an ndarray sorted?
    399  ValueError: The elements are 0-sized
    399  Valid numpy arrays produces IndexError:
    399  Time complexity of numpy.transpose
    399  Tensorflow failure with Python Anaconda 3.7.1
    399  Sum elements in array with NumPy
    399  Similar Users in MovieLens Data
    399  scipy.stats.probplot to generate qqplot using a custom distribution
    399  Roll numpy array without padding?
    399  Resizing Numpy Matrix
    399  reshaping an arbitrary collection numpy arrays
    399  Python pip fails but packages are installed
    399  Python numpy indexing copy
    399  python + numpy error: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
    399  Python filtering signals in a 4D structure
    399  Pandas dataframe: calculating variation over years
    399  One-level undecimated wavelets transform in a 3D numpy array error
    399  Numpy : reshape 2D array in array of matrix blocks [duplicate]
    399  Numpy: Extract particular rows in matrix
    399  np.random.dirichlet with small parameter: embed future solution in current numpy
    399  Map index of numpy matrix
    399  how use struct.pack for list of strings
    399  How to use freqz to get response of complex FIR filter
    399  How to handle functions with division by zero
    399  How can I insert CSV file data as float in numpy matrix?
    399  Hausdorff distance for large dataset in a fastest way
    399  Get the index of the max value using argmax in numpy array
    399  Fastest way to approximately compare values in large numpy arrays?
    399  Efficiently sum complex matrix products with Numpy
    399  drawing gaussian random variables using scipy erfinv
    399  Determining ''bottleneck'' image regions using scipy
    399  Converting the dtype of columns in pandas without column names
    399  Change values based on conditions with pandas
    398  Theano ValueError: dimension mismatch in args to gemm; 2d array dimension is interpreted as 1d
    398  Scipy imsave darken my image
    398  Sci-kit-learn Normalization removes column headers
    398  Reading table data (card images), with format specifier given, into Python
    398  Python piecewise function interpolation
    398  Python - Numpy: How to reduce rounding errors in this pairwise distance code?
    398  Printing an array in python gives error ''Backend MacOSX is interactive backend. Turning interactive mode on.''
    398  Preventing a multiplication expression evaluating in Sympy
    398  Preserving numpy view when pickling
    398  Precision Matlab and Python (numpy)
    398  Pass Numpy array to C 2D array in pointer to pointer format using Cython
    398  OpenCV imwrite() / imread() does either function modify the image in any way?
    398  Numpy eigenvalues/eigenvectors seem wrong for complex valued matrix?
    398  Numpy array in panda dataframe from json
    398  Name numpys keywords with savez while using arbitrary number of arguments
    398  Large, sparse list of lists giving MemoryError when calling np.array(data)
    398  I want to assign values to a variable in range in python
    398  Iterating over a numpy array, selectively picking one or two values, given a criterion
    398  Index a numpy array using a tuple (or list) when len < ndim?
    398  Image handling in Python with Numpy
    398  How to sort an array and find the two highest peaks after using find_peaks from Scipy
    398  How to insert rows multiple times to a numpy array?
    398  How to halftone a black and white picture?
    398  How to give python access to system wide modules in ubuntu?
    398  How to fix ''TypeError: data type not understood'' in numpy when creating transformer no peak mask
    398  How to create a scipy matrix that is MxN where, M and N are decided by the user and the elements are fed one after the other?
    398  How to compute the maximum between an array and a number element by element?
    398  How to change xticklables from pandas plot with timedelta x-axis?
    398  How can I make work for an ndarray subclass?
    398  Getting indices of array elements matching a value
    398  Error running script: ''ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']''
    398  Efficiently build an integer from bits of a boolean Numpy array
    398  Does Numpy's vstack create a new array - a copy of the ones it combines?
    398  delete an subarray from an numpy array or replace that subarray elements with 0
    398  Datetime as a dimension in python KDTree
    398  creating rectangular mesh (list of line segments) from a 2D array of points, in numpy
    398  Counting non-overlapping runs of non-zero values by row in a DataFrame
    398  Constrained optimization with hessian in scipy
    398  Calculate inverse CDF from a sample of data
    397  Why isn't there a proper datetime.time type in Pandas or numpy?
    397  What is the role of the asterisk before the parameter? [duplicate]
    397  What is the fastest way to multiply two 2D numpy arrays?
    397  using sympy to compile a function with array arguments
    397  Using np.where to find element from sub-arrays
    397  TypeError when passing 2d numpy array to C++
    397  Trouble using np.genfromtxt in python method
    397  Sorting values in numpy structured array based on field name value
    397  Some confusions on how numpy array stored in Python
    397  Reshape 3D array to 2D array Python
    397  Rearrange subarrays in a numpy array?
    397  Python None and numpy commands in Julia
    397  Octave inaccurately solving systems of linear equations?
    397  Numpy FFT and MATLAB FFT don't agree
    397  Mask an image where masked pixels exist in list of pixel values
    397  Is there something similar as gym.spaces.Box in numpy?
    397  Issues with updating to pandas 0.17. with several warnings
    397  Index/Slicing Pandas DataFrame with Numpy datetime64 objects
    397  How to vectorize the sum of a string array in numpy? [duplicate]
    397  How to reshape the res5c layer of ResNet (3D to 2D)?
    397  how to populate a numpy 2D array with function returning a numpy 1D array
    397  How to get values from PyArrayObject?
    397  How do I safely preallocate an integer matrix as an index matrix in numpy
    397  Error: tuple index out of range python 3
    397  Discrete fourier transformation: Low pass filter does not cut the proper frequencies
    397  cuda gemm transpose with numpy
    397  Copy a particular column in a 3d array to a 2d array [Python/Pygame]
    397  Concatenating DataFrame columns for statsmodels.OLS
    397  Avoiding infinities in this numpy logsumexp calculation
    397  Adding arrays at run-time in 4d numpy array python
    396  When I try to save my numpy array to an .npy file I get a memory error. How can I create a large .npy file from image files with limited memory?
    396  Vectorized implementation of an image convolve function
    396  Using Pytables with Pandas or just Numpy?
    396  Use a function from numpy in a python function
    396  Sublime ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
    396  scipy's `ode` solver with 'vode' method gives an empty array result
    396  Python time-lat-lon array manipulation and grouping
    396  python multiprocessing slower than normal - calculation too trivial?
    396  python - huge for loop is to slow, are there a faster way to handle it
    396  python - how to reassign element in array with for loop
    396  python - Finding the vertices of the cuboid surrounding a coordinate in a cuboidal 3-d grid with non-regular spacings
    396  Python: Add a column to a crosstab based on value and condition
    396  poly1d gives erroneous coefficients when they are very large integers
    396  Performance issues using nested for loops for image processing [closed]
    396  performance issue : big numpy array and system call
    396  Pandas DataFrame reindex to nearest
    396  numpy.where equivalent for csr_matrix python
    396  Numpy: stack array by the last dimension
    396  numpy.genfromtxt give nan for complex numbers with minus signs?
    396  numpy.genfromtxt: delimiter=',' fails to split string
    396  Importing with numpy array with multiple delimiters
    396  ImportError: cannot import name Side in `df.to_excel`
    396  how to optimize a loop with large number
    396  How to more efficiently calculate a rolling ratio
    396  How to install Numpy and Scipy to python 2.7.5 when system thinks that it already installed (but on python 2.6)
    396  How to force genfromtxt read csv as record array?
    396  How to convert row to column in Python [duplicate]
    396  How do I know what type my variable is?
    396  Does numpy methods work correctly on numbers too big to fit numpy dtypes?
    396  Discrepancies between Matlab and Numpy matrix inverse
    396  Difference in eigenvalues in MatLab and numpy for hermitian matrices
    396  Curve fitting on grouped data in python
    396  Binning into 10 bins for each column
    396  Averaging several time-series together with confidence interval (with test code)
    396  all input arrays must have the same dimensions - python using append
    395  Why do I receive a permission error in Python while trying to write to a file as admin?
    395  Using NumPy to generate a sequence of random integers with variable max/min
    395  Update specific vector elements in PyTorch
    395  TypeError: mat data type = 17 is not supported, show IR data with realsense d435
    395  Take laplacian of unevenly sampled data in python
    395  Split DataFrame column into two + MultiIndex
    395  Scipy seems impossible to get working on Beanstalk
    395  Reading in numpy array from buffer with different data types without copying array
    395  read ascii file with empty entries in python
    395  python save numpy array with only non-zero elements
    395  python numpy list convert to flask jsonify failed
    395  Python loading text with inconsistent format into an array
    395  Plotting random points with Python in Linux
    395  Numpy and Python
    395  NameError: global name 'imfilter' is not defined
    395  Iterate with binary structure over numpy array to get cell sums
    395  Is it possible to multiply all of each column in matrix A by each column of matrix B without for loop?
    395  IRR library is only good if the pay period and compound period is in years (Engineering Economy)
    395  insert data to numpy array with shift and clip
    395  How to write feature vectors for all images of a folder in a txt file for future TSNE processing
    395  How to segment the image using OpenCV python when using otsu binarization
    395  How to save large Python numpy datasets?
    395  How to make matrix from vector Python
    395  How to get indices of values of numpy array which are zero
    395  How can I improve the efficiency of this numpy loop
    395  h5py errors after installation
    395  Delete pandas rows if column values are close to each other within a certain range
    395  Curve_fit to apply_along_axis. How to speed it up?
    395  Avoiding array assignment in autograd
    395  Assigning custom colors to clusters using numpy
    395  A fast way to fill an dataset with same values of compound data in h5py
    394  sklean fit_predict not accepting a 2 dimensional numpy array
    394  Remove elements in a numpy array if they differ of a threshold from each other
    394  Problems with numpy divide
    394  Performing calculations on a numpy array and adding them to a pandas dataframe
    394  Performance of 2 vector-matrix dot product
    394  Performance bottleneck in Tensordot
    394  Numpy version is not satisfied for tensorflow
    394  numpy loadtxt not resulting in array
    394  numpy.argsort is giving me strange unordered ints instead of sorted floats
    394  My data input is 5 GB of numpy arrays, yet running through a function takes 20 GB. Why?
    394  Multilayer feedforward net fails to train in TensorFlow
    394  Jaccard comparison for rows of 2d list
    394  Index of multidimensional array
    394  im2txt: Load input images from memory (instead of read from disk)
    394  F2PY cannot see module-scope variables
    394  Cython Typing List of Strings
    394  Container list in Python: standard list vs numpy array
    394  Checking if np.nan is inside an array returns non expected values
    394  Alternative to np.insert in tensorflow
    393  What parameters can a fourier transformation have? / How to process the shifted result?
    393  Speed up random matrix computation
    393  Sorting dictionary using a tuple and operator.itemgetter
    393  Scatter plot Matplotlib 2D > 3D
    393  Return maximum value from the array instead of not a number value
    393  Remove apostrophe on python numpy matrix
    393  ODR error: fcn does not output [n]-shaped array
    393  numpy overlap ratio of rectangles
    393  No numpy.lib in fresh Python 3.5
    393  No module named 'numpy' Even When Installed
    393  Matplotlib: transform axis label [0,22,1] to not label from 0 but label only at odd numbers [1,3,5]
    393  how to resolve ImportError: No module named 'numpy.matrixlib' in pycharm?
    393  How to load from disk, process, then store data in a common hdf5 concurrently with python, pyqt, h5py?
    393  How to handle categorical features in neural network?
    393  How to count the frequency of two columns in numpy array?
    393  How to calculate percentile of score along z axis of 3d array?
    393  Fastest Way of Calculating The Length of Projection of Vector on Linear Space in Python
    393  Dimension Discrepancy: Converting Raw Data to Numpy N-Dimensional Array for Classification in Scikit-Learn
    393  Cython letting go of gil when I need size of numpy array
    393  Creating Grouped bars in Matplotlib
    393  Creating a matrix-Tensor of operations
    393  Compute numerical integration setting the axis over I want to integrate Python
    393  Appending empty list to numpy.array
    393  Animation with matplotlib and numpy
    392  Why the '\n' symbol is in numpy empty array?
    392  why is numpy apply_along_axis not working
    392  Why does hstack() copy data but hsplit() create a view on it?
    392  What is the difference between using matrix multiplication with np.matrix arrays, and dot()/tensor() with np.arrays?
    392  Using Python numpy where condition to change entires below a certain value
    392  Understanding einsum in Python [closed]
    392  Trying to install mathplot.lib for python 2.7.11. But Cannot find a suitable process. Have tried various ways from Youtube Tutorials, but invain
    392  Sum of dot product numpy efficiently
    392  slicing 2d numpy array
    392  Simple code for Half-Sine function
    392  Python-check 3*3 matrix in a 9*9 matrix for duplicate, as in sudoku
    392  Performing a double integral over a matrix of limits
    392  Pandas Fill column with date
    392  Numpy's partition slower than sort for small arrays
    392  numpy arrays don't work with python multiprocessing
    392  No module named zipline (Python 64 bit and Windows 64 bit)
    392  Multivariate distribution
    392  Interpolation and Extrapolation using Scipy
    392  Inequality constrained least squares with python using 'COBYLA' algorithm
    392  Import Numpy in Canopy Express gives error
    392  How to multiply two lists to matrices to a tensor?
    392  How to efficiently convert dates in numpy record array?
    392  How to determine set of connected line from an array in python
    392  How to calculate a matrix raised to any power but with pretending the sign of the numbers?
    392  How Healpix deal with NaN to interpolate data on the sky map?
    392  handling real time data in python , rolling window
    392  Framework for regression testing of numerical code
    392  Filling missing values pandas dataframe
    392  Fastest way in numpy to sum over upper triangular elements with the least memory
    392  Encode OpenCV/NumPy image into Tensorflow string(Python)
    392  Difference of C type and compile-time type in Cython
    392  Difference between numpy's np.transpose(matrix) and np.matrix.transpose() on a 2D matrix?
    392  Declaring a list/vector/array of numpy arrays in Cython
    392  custom matrix multiplication with numpy
    392  Best practices: use `,B)` or ``, and why?
    391  Writing a big file with in Python in a while True Loop
    391  Why doesn't Numpy allow chaining of conditional indexing?
    391  ValueError: invalid literal for float() after excepting ValueError
    391  The buffer partition of numpy array
    391  Subtracting minimum of row from the row
    391  Speeding up a numpy loop in python?
    391  Solving non-linear coupled differential equations in python
    391  Scipy Sparse Matrix built with non-int64 (indptr, indices) for dot
    391  Running python script with dependencies on libraries from a virtualenv
    391  Ring Buffer for n-dimensional Vectors
    391  python writing list to new line, zip,
    391  Python Turbodbc executemanycolumns error: Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (compile in debug mode for details)
    391  python/numpy: Using own data structure with np.allclose() ? Where to look for the requirements / what are they?
    391  Plotting a graph of iterations in Python?
    391  pandas 0.13 system error: cannot set thread affinity mask
    391  Measure complex shapes using Voronoi centers
    391  LSTM with more features / classes
    391  Loading hdf5 with resizable length is very very slow compared with non resizable
    391  Jupyter notebook wont show image with matplotlib
    391  Iterate over rows in a Dataframe and compare it to the rest of the rows
    391  Is there any numpy tricks to avoid for loops in this piece of code?
    391  Index order in loop with numpy array
    391  How to run Kivy on Debian Jessie?
    391  How to perform contain operation between a numpy array and a vector row-wise?
    391  How to change defaults in matplot lib and find specific list of rc parameters
    391  How much overhead does python numpy tolist() add?
    391  For loop speed with Numpy
    391  Finding start time and end time in a column
    391  fastest way to count the number of occurences of a character in a numpy.chararray
    391  f2py function release GIL
    391  Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead
    391  Efficient converting of numpy int array with shape (M, N, P) array to 2D object array with (N, P) shape
    391  Draw NxMx3 ndarray as image using matplotlib imshow
    391  Creating a Python module from Fortran source code using SWIG
    391  Compare all elements in two numpy arrays without using a loop
    391  avoid numpy type coercion gotcha? [duplicate]
    391  Anaconda3 with existing Python Installation
    390  Why converting numpy.ndarray to custom data type using numpy.ndarray.astype multiplies my data?
    390  Vectorizing non-trivial for loop in numpy
    390  slicing the third element of each array from of a list of arrays (python)
    390  SciPy optimize.minimize() usage with many variables and without analytical computeable gradient
    390  Scipy label erosion
    390  saving a variable column name in text via python
    390  Reduce memory usage of a line of code that uses numpy
    390  Reading binary data as BGRA image with NumPy
    390  open cv3.1, python 3.5
    390  Numpy: vectorized access of several columns at once?
    390  Numpy broadcasting with comparison operator; cyclic iteration
    390  Needleman-Wunsch implementation gives different alignments in cogent and in skbio
    390  Matplotlib pyplot scatter axis is unordered
    390  Making a vectorized numpy function behave like a ufunc
    390  Inter Document Similarity: Cosine distance
    390  IndexError when fitting SSVM model in PyStruct
    390  Increase speed numpy.loadtxt?
    390  Incorrect header from numpy savetxt
    390  How to understand the results of numpy.nextafter
    390  How to select a single object in video frame clicking mouse on it?
    390  How to change the x axis limit in a Contour plot?
    390  Hamming distance between two large ndarrays (optimization of large array multiplication)
    390  Hadoop streaming fastest way to creat a numpy array
    390  Efficiently extract a patch from image and lable
    390  Difference between elements of subsequent pairs in numpy arrays (not numpy.diff)
    390  Delete specific values from data frame with python pandas
    390  Cropping an image as a 3d array
    390  Computing percentiles when given a distribution
    390  Computing average for numpy array
    389  Web interface to a system of stochastic differential equations
    389  vector representation matlab vs numpy
    389  Strange results with groupby, transform, and NaNs
    389  Stacking 2D numpy arrays to use nanmean
    389  Slicing numpy ayarray with padding independent of array dimension
    389  Slicing a column from a 2D array [duplicate]
    389  Shuffle in one dimension of a matrix(effeciently)?
    389  python: for loop compact representation
    389  Pad dynamic sizes of images
    389  Overlap Integrals in Python - Storing Results in Array
    389  Numpy apply functions to selected indices of matrix
    389  NameError: name 'nmax' is not defined
    389  Is there any way to make a soft reference or Pointer-like objects using Numpy arrays?
    389  Inconsistent numpy complex multiplication results
    389  Improving speed with Cython when dealing with Numpy ndarray
    389  ImageDataGenerator: how to add the 4th dimension to a numpy array?
    389  How to reverse sub arrays in numpy?
    389  How to reshape this array with numpy?
    389  How to get correct interpolated values in SciPy?
    389  How to extract bass/mid/trebel frequencies
    389  How to concatenate numpy arrays into a specific shape?
    389  How can I fix and optimize this very simple piece of ''Game of Life'' code by taking advantage of NumPy's functionality?
    389  Generate python function with different arguments
    389  Finding a Mean of an Attribute for a Specific Class in Python
    389  Eliminate or Ignore all small or overlapping contours or rectangles inside a big contours/rectangle opencv
    389  Converting Audio files between Pydub and Librosa
    389  cannot compile python.h windows
    389  Array slicing: access first two elements in reverse order running for loop
    388  xlwings representation of #N/A
    388  Why numpy argmax() not getting the index?
    388  Why does numpy crash instantly upon an array insertion?
    388  Using cumprod() to calculate equity curve in Python
    388  Using broadcasting with sparse scipy matrices
    388  Trouble rendering box from index buffer with PyOpenGL
    388  the dtype parameter in numpy genfromtxt
    388  TensorFlow crashes when fitting TensorForestEstimator
    388  running PCA analysis matplotlib results print <matplotlib.mlab.PCA instance at 0xffa4ee6c>
    388  Read subset of pickled NumPy array from MongoDB
    388  Python - How to generate a Gaussian Random Vector using Scipy.Stats.Multivariate_Normal
    388  Problems with numpy arrays in plt.imshow()
    388  Pass boolean array without copying with `f2py`?
    388  one-hot encoding and existing data
    388  numpy array subtraction, how come?
    388  Multiplication of list of lists
    388  Multidimensional boolean indexing of Pandas DataFrame - remove NaN rows and columns
    388  missing wedge in matplotlib contourf plot
    388  Masking only a certain range of indices in numpy
    388  Less than or equal to operator for numpy floating points?
    388  Is it possible to build coo and csr matrices with numpy WITHOUT using scipy?
    388  In Python, I am trying to obtain fusion of two images, but I am getting unexpected result
    388  Index numpy array with pd.Series of boolean
    388  image feature detection with large structuring element
    388  How to group by date and find consecutive day count
    388  How to get previous value while datetime is set as index
    388  How to apply multiple masks to an array and count occurrences per row
    388  How can I take union of multiple columns, having same label, in a pandas data frame
    388  Getting python ctypes datatype from numpy datatype
    388  Get ascending order of numbers in array in python [duplicate]
    388  floats in NumPy structured array and native string formatting with .format()
    388  faster FFT issue in Python using pyqtgraph
    388  Difference between Numpy and Matlab in multiplication of arrays
    388  Derivatives blow up in python
    388  Cython: Transpose a memoryview
    388  Converting numpy structured array subset to numpy array without copy
    388  Convert a left-to-right plot to bottom-to-top (transpose not working)
    388  Check if 2 floating point numbers are almost equal - Numpy Python
    388  Boolean expression with numpy arrays [duplicate]
    388  Best practices when importing in IPython
    388  Applying integral on normal distribution in Scipy?
    388  A condition in an array, Python [closed]
    387  What does 'TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable' mean?
    387  Unpacking a numpy ndarray of tuples and add it in a new dimension
    387  trouble displaying image HSI converted to RGB python
    387  Solve 3D least squares in numpy/scipy
    387  Rolling window on a circular array
    387  Replace numpy matrix elements with submatrices
    387  Python, Numpy, replace certain values in an image
    387  Python Numpy find row index of array consisting of 5 values, by searching for 2 values
    387  Python check dtype of array - float or complex
    387  Pydev on Eclipse running wrong (deleted) file which shadowed numpy library
    387  Numpy Index Iterator
    387  Numpy error when converting array of ctypes types to void pointer
    387  Numpy Cosine Similarity difference over big collections
    387  Numpy Colors np.random.seed [duplicate]
    387  Non-negative matrix factorization
    387  Multiply two arrays element wise, where one of the arrays has arrays as elements
    387  Multiply arrays in array with two numbers
    387  Keep row indices of DataFrame at Variance Threshold transformation
    387  Is it necessary to use ''numpy.float64''?
    387  Implementing the generalized birthday paradox in Python
    387  Identify offset of a value in numpy
    387  How to save weights in .npy file in a similar format which is being used in CNN?
    387  How to initialize Numpy array of list objects
    387  How to convert pandas series with numpy array values to dataframe
    387  Efficient conversion from C array of struct to NumPy array with ctypes
    387  Efficiency of Numpy wheels and simple benchmark for Numpy installations
    387  Define an algorithm which gets a number and a list and returns a scalar based on number's distance to average of the list
    387  Cython/Numpy: Float being truncated
    387  Create Python buffer object from C++ pointer using SWIG?
    387  create 3D binary image
    387  Construct Pandas Panel from 2D structured NumPy array
    387  Compute eigens with numba cuda
    387  Can't get the pandas dataframe output without index
    387  bounded sum or difference of arrays in numpy
    387  Bad result plotting windowing FFT
    387  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'find_peaks_cwt' Process
    386  Why cv2.rectangle sometimes return np.ndarray, while sometimes cv2.UMat
    386  Trying to compute correlation matrix efficiently in python
    386  Train `sklearn` ML model with scipy sparse matrix and numpy array
    386  Training error in triplet loss in facenet maked by david sandberg
    386  Taking argmax over all axes except first
    386  Taking an absolute maximum of 2 numpy arrays
    386  Subtract two Pandas Dataframes
    386  Show numpy array consists of rgb (255,255,255) as image, why it output pure black instead of pure white?
    386  Reshape numpy array from 3D to 2D
    386  Python Unittest for big arrays
    386  Python: Get all coordinates between two 3D points or draw a 3D Line
    386  Python: Cannot import name/IndexError: List index out of range
    386  Pandas: Insert column according to index values
    386  OpenCV - Image not being displayed after numpy copy
    386  NumPy random.shuffle function
    386  NumPy: np.lexsort with fuzzy/tolerant comparisons
    386  Numpy correlate-underlying code
    386  NumPy arrays as ctypes: int vs. long
    386  Not understood behavior of Numpy genfromtxt
    386  matplotlib boxplot xticks shifting towards y axis
    386  How to use random.seed with random.randn?
    386  how to compare entries in numpy array with each other efficiently?
    386  How to change the data types of a column in Pandas when read_csv()
    386  How to apply scipy.signal.filtfilt() on incomplete data
    386  How do I select components from a particular list of indices of a Python vector?
    386  How can pass for loop results into sklearns t test method
    386  How can I fit two overlapping gaussians using linear least squares fitting?
    386  High frequency noise at solving differential equation
    386  Get numpy array from an array of tuples
    386  Get groups of consecutive elements of a NumPy array based on multiple conditions
    386  fancy indexing a numpy matrix: one element per row [duplicate]
    386  Error in matplotlib csv2rec function
    386  DecodeError: Error parsing message for .binaryproto conversion to array
    386  Creat symbol matrix using numpy, sympy in function?
    386  Cosine Similarity on large matrix
    386  Convert a list of NumPy np.uint8 arrays to a np.unicode_ array
    386  Compare two column values and get distinct values from first column
    386  cannot sum a column in numpy with nansum
    386  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'split' error while converting image to text
    386  Adding data to Pandas Dataframe from a CSV file causing Value Errors
    385  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'csr_matrix'
    385  Selecting from pandas dataframe (or numpy ndarray?) by criterion
    385  Scipy Curve Fit: Supplied function does not return a valid float
    385  Removing Duplicate Tuple Pairs by Condition
    385  Prevent Overflow in Matrix Multiplication? (Numpy)
    385  Obtain indices corresponding to instances for each type of error in a confusion matrix in numpy
    385  numpy's random vs python's default random subsampling
    385  Numpy import/install error
    385  Numpy: filling the non-maximum elements of ndarray with zeros
    385  Numpy custom Cumsum function with upper/lower limits?
    385  Numpy change shape from (3, 512, 660, 4) to (3,2048,660,1)
    385  Numpy Array python dimension uniform
    385  Non-trivial sums of outer products without temporaries in numpy
    385  Matrix Multiplication in Python Changes the Result Dimension
    385  Making numpy random draws consistent for reproducability
    385  Incorrect shape of 2D numpy array
    385  How to slice a list with irregular intervals?
    385  How to improve the performance of this tiny distance Python function
    385  Function to get the index of the combinations produced by itertools.product's combination/matrix representation in python?
    385  Find indexes of subarray in numpy array
    385  Expanding timeseries events with Pandas
    385  Cut peaks and troughs
    385  Creating boolean masks from RGB pixel values python
    385  Count instances in numpy array within a certain value of each row
    385  converting .mdb file into numpy or hdf5
    385  Constructing 3D array from base 2D array - Numpy
    385  Can't install Quandl on macOS Sierra
    384  Wave on a string analysis
    384  Turning selected pixels to black based on an HSV hue range
    384  Subtract each vector in a list from vectors in another list via numpy
    384  Substituting float with decimal causes errors
    384  Spectra entropy is greater than 1
    384  scipy / numpy linalg.eigval result interpretation
    384  Raising a scalar to power of elements of a matrix
    384  Quickly compute the convolution product of two Probability Density Functions
    384  quadpack.error: Supplied function does not return a valid float - when trying to double integrate over a matrix
    384  Python: Delete shared variables and clean the shared memory used by the variables in each loop
    384  parameter limit in sympy ufuncify
    384  Numpy elementwise multiplication
    384  numpy einsum to get axes permutation
    384  Numpy array subtraction: inconsistent values for large arrays
    384  numpy arrays and pymssql
    384  Not able to generate a random array of categorical labels
    384  Modify one element in each row of a numpy array by column indices
    384  Matrices addition in numpy
    384  Making cell entry the name of a column in pandas data frame
    384  Indexes of min/max elements in 4D array
    384  Importing csv embedding special character with numpy genfromtxt
    384  Import/export high rank numpy array to text file
    384  How to get numpy sub-array view when array ndim is not known until runtime?
    384  How to convert image which type is bytes to numpy.ndarray?
    384  How does torch.empty calculate the values?
    384  Error with NumPy transpose
    384  Discretisize Pandas' column given the data distribution
    384  Different results reading tf.record of an image and the image directly
    384  Decoding msgpack_numpy with utf-8 strings
    384  Cluster data based on distance threshold
    384  Cannot find numpy._import_tools when testing pysparse
    384  Bad array shape in python
    384  Apply function on coordinate pair along particular axis using multiple variables in Xarray
    384  Annotation Difficulty in PCA with numpy and matplotlib
    383  Write hex code to text file from integer value in python
    383  Using Numpy to Count Numbers in a range
    383  Summing over ellipsis broadcast dimension in numpy.einsum
    383  Running out of memory when building features (converting images into derived features [numpy arrays])?
    383  Read numpy array(matrix) fast from text file
    383  python numpy: insert array on a specifc columns at a specific index nr
    383  python loop faster than numpy array operations
    383  Python Import Text Array with Numpy
    383  Perplexing behavior numpy.linalg.eig (A possibly serious issue)
    383  Optimize Double For Loop Using NumPy
    383  Numpy: get the index of the elements of a 1d array as a 2d array
    383  Numpy Einsum Path Differences and the Optimize Argument
    383  Numpy dot one matrix with an array of vectors and get a new array of vectors
    383  numpy.AxisError: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 1
    383  Numpy array crashes when loaded from file due to memory error, but original numpy variable was created in the same enviroment
    383  numpy add variable number of dimensions to an array
    383  Multiprocessing shared numpy array
    383  Mean of object variables in a python array
    383  Load .npz from a HTTP link
    383  irregular slicing/copying in numpy array
    383  How to update dynamically a model in Django?
    383  Getting rows corresponding to label, for many labels
    383  Float array data from a binary file using np.fromfile()
    383  Extract delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma waves from signals
    383  Error:'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range(256)
    383  Efficient element-wise multiplication in Python with numpy array
    383  Cythonized function unexpectedly slow
    383  convert a set of tuples into a numpy array of lists in python
    383  compare two dataframes and create a boolean table or flag
    382  What is the difference between operators '''', '' * '' and ''@'' when working on numpy arrays?
    382  Seems to have both NumPy 1.8.2 and 1.10.4 installed, also compatibility issues between rllab and OpenAI gym?
    382  Python/numpy array partitioning
    382  Python Fast Symmetrically Centered Image Downsampling Algorithm
    382  Python equivalent of R's rnbinom parametrized with mu
    382  Numpy shape gives wrong dimension
    382  NumPy N-dim Array with periodic boundary conditions
    382  Numpy genfromtxt doesn't seem to work when names=True for Python 3
    382  numpy distutils  -  Try to compile something and set flags if you fail
    382  Numpy - Average distance between columns
    382  Modify multiple columns in an array numpy
    382  Linking NumPy with BLAS on windows
    382  Import of numpy fails with “initialization of multiarray raised unreported exception” on using the Python implementation of datetime
    382  Implementing np.subtract.outer for index of array([[array  ...  structure in python
    382  How to install numpy and matplotlib for python 3.4 on win7 64 bit machine
    382  How to go from contour CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE to contour CHAIN_APPROX_NONE
    382  How to fix TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'?
    382  How do I obtain a mask, reversing numpy.flatnonzero?
    382  grouping data in arrays (python)
    382  Find indices of 2D numpy arrays that meet a condition
    382  Find edges of images
    382  Each item in DataFrame column is list of different dimension - how to proceed?
    382  Difference between scipy.optimize.fmin_powell() and scipy.optimize.minimize( ... , method='Powell')
    382  Converting `numpy.str_` with a number and parenthesis, to a integer
    382  convert a function defined in numpy to sympy
    382  Computing diameter-lines of a 3D spherical mask
    382  Can I make a numpy memory mapped mask?
    382  Access line by line to a numpy structured array
    381  With Numba's `guvectorize` targeted to CUDA, how do I specify a variable as both input and output?
    381  ''Unknown label type'' with numpy and scikit
    381  setting tickslabel in matplotlib disables mouse cursor position
    381  Scikit-Learn feature selection using SVC based on percentile of .coef_ values
    381  Replace numbers in an array with letters
    381  Python: TypeError: Only 2-D and 3-D images supported with scikit-image regionprops
    381  Python external constraint function in MINLP
    381  Populating a NumPy array using dictionary containing indices
    381  Numpy: Single loop vectorized code slow compared to two loop iteration
    381  Numpy random choice function gives weird results
    381  Numpy array - change the next element based on a change on previous
    381  No module named bumpy [duplicate]
    381  looping dictionaries of {tuple:NumPy.array}
    381  In Python and numpy, how do I remove rows of an array that have a certain condition
    381  Inconsistent Results for Numpy/Scipy eigh function
    381  How to use Blackman Window in numpy to take a part of values from an array?
    381  How to reference numpy array objects?
    381  How to define 'phi' so I don't get an error for trying to multiply a non-int by a complex number in the exponential
    381  How should I generate outliers randomly?
    381  Given two numpy arrays of same size, how to apply a function two each pair of elements at identical position?
    381  Get line coordinates for vertical lines numpy
    381  Fill N/A between values, by group, in pandas or numpy
    381  Faster mathematical calculations using numpy and scipy
    381  Explanation required in seaborn tutorial
    381  ''Error: setting an array element with a sequence''
    381  Efficient weighted vector distance calculation with numpy
    381  Difference between MKL numpy from Conda and Gohlke's distributions
    381  Crash in np.linalg.lstsq for ''large'' arrays
    381  Column to Column match using pandas or numpy in Python
    381  carving 2D numpy array by index
    381  Assign same value to different ndarray indices - Python
    381  About reshaping numpy array
    380  Why do these dtypes compare equal but hash different?
    380  Using NumPy array operations with Numba's @guvectorize
    380  Solving a BVP on a fixed non-uniform grid in python without interpolating
    380  shared between processes multi-dimensional arrays for Python 3
    380  Select only two column of Postgresql and store it in numpy array
    380  Python: Using a 3 dimensional numpy array in ITK
    380  Python and numpy - removing rows from a corresponding matrix
    380  pip install of statsmodels is not working. DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
    380  Parsing Binary files that contains BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) values using Python Numpy
    380  numpy.linespace and uneven spacing between bins
    380  numpy error when trying to install and run simplecv on OSX
    380  np.ceil in python doesn't work
    380  Multi-label classification with Theano and Lasagne?
    380  Multi-index all-pairs comparison of groups in Pandas
    380  Make a scrollbar on Tkinter
    380  install scipy with Active Python on mac os
    380  importing h5py for python Python 2.7.3
    380  I cannot apply Packages from Anaconda3 in my project interpreter in pycharm - why?
    380  How to separate index in pivot table in python?
    380  How to output numpy array data into a ''.dat'' formatted file, that can be used in Texstudio?
    380  How to interpret the output of checkgrad function in scipy?
    380  find nonzero indices as an array
    380  Extract required bytes from a file in Python
    380  Error handling np.arccos() and classifying triangles in Python
    380  Efficient way to construct datetime64 and pandas time series?
    380  Difference between logarithm in numpy and theano.tensor
    380  Cumulative-Sum-to-the-End for each element in the array
    380  Chropleth map isn't showing what I want
    380  Adding realistic noise to a gaussian distribution while keeping the number of samples above/below a threshold approximately constant
    379  What is difference btw Pandas/Numpy datetime64 and datetime64[ns]
    379  Trying to plot stock data - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
    379  Tensorflow: AttributeError: module 'numpy.core' has no attribute 'numerictypes'
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    379  Saving every rows of pandas dataframe to txt file
    379  PyTables Not Writing Fast Enough
    379  Putting a Linear regression solution together
    379  Performance of double np.einsum and how to speed up
    379  Numpy index of the maximum with reduction - numpy.argmax.reduceat
    379  numpy.array indices via argparse - How to do it properly?
    379  making density plot of histogram from dynamic data in python
    379  make a 2D matrix of strings to match mesh coordinates
    379  How to get 2D histogram map of an image?
    379  how to copy a part of image to another with OpenCV?
    379  How to combine an index ''prefix'' to the data in a Pandas series? Does one create a numpy array?
    379  How can I plot a surface using a function with a single vector or array input using matplotlib?
    379  Find the corner of a projected rectangle of a single color in numpy
    379  Filter out troughs based on distance between peaks
    379  Fast combination of non-unique rows in numpy array, mapped to columns (i.e. fast pivot table problem, without Pandas)
    379  Fast alternative for numpy.median.reduceat
    379  Extract is slower than fancy index in numpy?
    379  EOFError using numpy.load()
    379  Dataframe.sample - Weights - How to use it?
    379  create a NxN matrix from one column pandas
    379  Converting Matlab code into Python - FFT
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    379  Access a column in a numpy array of different types?
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    378  Why is (2^31) >> 32 not 0?
    378  What is the Pythonic way to apply a function to multi-index multi-columns dataFrame?
    378  Weird behavior of ndarray.tofile
    378  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 108900 into shape (200,200,3)
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    378  the the step size problem in linespace function
    378  tf.losses.log_loss for multiply classes
    378  Quadratic trend line equation on plot?
    378  Python - Iter through identified component features
    378  Python3.6 / OpenCV / Numpy / Amazon Lambda ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
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    378  ''OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted'' error when downloading Pandas on macOS
    378  Numpy Read as Array fails when using float 32
    378  Numpy random choice distribution error
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    378  Multiple elements in a 0-d Numpy array
    378  Matrix multiplication of a sparse SciPy matrix with two NumPy vectors
    378  Matrix multiplication issue for LU decomposition?
    378  matplotlib turn an array into a parametric plot
    378  Is it possible to select data in a plot with python and remove data selected?
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    378  Importing .cix NumPy API catalog in Komodo Edit
    378  How to use regex as delimiter function while reading a file into numpy array or similar
    378  How to replace repeated consecutive elements in a 2d numpy array with single element
    378  how to make pandas dataframe Fortran type ordered
    378  How to fit a 2d curve to a matrix
    378  How to apply calculations to elements of a multidimensional matrix in Tensorflow?
    378  How can I find the value with the minimum MSE with a numpy array?
    378  How can I extract this obvious event from this image?
    378  Fortran 90 to Python array
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    378  Faster calculation of squared norm in Cython
    378  Extracting column from numpy array - unhashable array
    378  Different results for IRR from numpy.irr and the Excel IRR function
    378  Defining a function of two variables, where one of the variables is integrated (scipy integrate.quad)
    378  Create a new data frame based on conditions from columns of a given dataframe
    378  Converting string to numpy array and vice versa in python
    378  Conda installs a package that already exists
    378  C float pointer to python numpy array
    378  Calculating 3D divergence field on a layer
    377  what is the quickest way to determine if an array is sorted?
    377  Use of scipy.interpolate.griddata for interpolation of data of multiple dimensions from xarray
    377  Unsupported operand type for %: 'Int64Index' and 'int'
    377  Trouble installing numpy for mac os 10.5.8
    377  tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Incompatible shapes: [10] vs. [10000]
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    377  Tensorflow indices in tf.map_fn
    377  taking ratios of logs in numpy/scipy in Python
    377  SWIG input files and Vectors with numpy. Using %apply?
    377  Sparse matrices memory usage and concatenate/hstack Pandas vs Numpy vs Spicy
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    377  Principal Component Analysis with numpy and matplotlib
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    377  np.argmax does not return the correct index
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    377  List Comprehension of Pandas Columns Results in: unhashable type: 'dict'
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    377  How to get real eigenvectors and eigenvalues using Python numpy library?
    377  How to find an index of an element in an array using numpy? [duplicate]
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    377  hight resolution Reanalysis data
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    377  Enumerating python matrix by cell value
    377  displaying the ridge orientation as a flow chart
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    376  Sort array by other array sort indexing in Python
    376  python pandas: computing argmax of column in matrix subset
    376  Python ImportError for installed packages
    376  Python and Mac OS X 10.11
    376  Plotting a timeseris graph from pandas dataframe using matplotlib
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    376  NumPy scalars, broadcasting and the __iadd__ method
    376  Numpy equivalent of zip with rolled 2D array
    376  Numpy arrays - Convert a 3D array to a 2D array
    376  No module named 'numpy' error in tensorflow images retraining
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    376  Index numpy array with two arrays given start and end for each column
    376  how to efficiently cythonize the ''vectorize'' function (numpy library) - python
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    376  forming subarrays based upon a condition in numpy
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    376  covariance in numpy polyfit for two data points
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    376  Behavior of range in python and arange in numpy
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    376  any reasons for inconsistent numpy arguments of numpy.zeros and numpy.random.randn
    375  Will multiprocessing be a good solution for this operation?
    375  What is the fastest way to calculate partial SVD of a huge matrix using Python libraries?
    375  Use output of numpy.argsort to sort in-place
    375  setting an array element with a sequence error whilst trying to plot
    375  Set opencv images/numpy array values using an array of pixels
    375  Python - Reshape numpy array to different grid
    375  Python Numpy How to change values efficiently
    375  Python: make scipy use numpy.float128 instead numpy.float64?
    375  python - applying a mask to an array in a for loop
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    375  KeyError: 'DystopiaResidual', error with pandas
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    375  How to understand ndarray.reshape function?
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    375  how can i make numpy use BLAS and LAPACK after being installed?
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    375  Cython memoryview transpose: Typeerror
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    375  Change RGB content of picture with .split to bands
    375  Adding a unique value filter to an strides moving windows in Python
    374  why is numpy's origin at the upper left, unlike mathematical convention?
    374  Why is argsort called argsort?
    374  What are ''synthetic dimensions'' in Blaze?
    374  Unpredictable poisson noise
    374  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment - Similar code, error raises
    374  To convert hdf5 to .txt file
    374  subset structured array based on column names
    374  shortcut evaluation of numpy's array comparison
    374  Running a github implementation of Growing Self-Organizing Map is failed in pycharm 2018
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    374  Python indexing 2D array
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    374  Python 3 Integration error
    374  pip install not working for pandas + numpy
    374  Pandas dataframe to structured array with Boolean series
    374  Optimizing code for reading in multiple files from CDF format and into a pandas dataframe
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    374  Numpy array show only unique rows
    374  numpy array set ones between two values, fast
    374  Numpy array, power operator, wrong value/sign
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    374  nditer: possible to manually handle dimensions with different lengths?
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    374  How to use
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    374  How to declare and fill an empty array [closed]
    374  How to add multiple small ROI (Region of interest) to form an image in numpy?
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    374  Creation of large pandas DataFrames from Series
    374  Arithmetic on array of timestamps without year, month, day
    374  Am I using scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov correctly
    373  Stacking Numpy Arrays repeatedly
    373  Speed up numpy nested loop
    373  SKLearn cross-validation: How to pass info on fold examples to my scorer function?
    373  Scipy Stats.describe and Pandas
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    373  Python: plot panda dataframe of type series
    373  Pythonic array indexing with boolean masking array
    373  Pandas DataFrame: Collect Column Values to one Row
    373  open cv : A series of OpenCV convenience functions.s imutils and cvuitls not installing
    373  Numpy: make batched version of quaternion multiplication
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    373  Numpy advanced indexing
    373  is there any ceil() function based on abs value like trunc vs floor or round-away-from-zero function?
    373  I can't resize numpy.ndarrays
    373  How to vectorize fourier series partial sum in numpy
    373  How to initialise an empty Numpy array?
    373  How to calculate dot product with broadcasting?
    373  How come PIL + ndarrays are only working for black and white mode?
    373  Find out if two symmetric matrices are the same up to a permutation of the rows/columns
    373  Filling multiple diagonal elements of a numpy 2D array
    373  Faster LDA implementation
    373  Extra Bin with Pandas Resample
    373  Efficient axis-wise cartesian product of multiple 2D matrices with Numpy or TensorFlow
    373  Docker Windows image with numpy
    373  dblquad in scipy vs. matlab giving different results
    373  Creating empty dynamic array in python for appending other arrays
    373  Convert last dimension of ndarray to tuple/recarray
    373  Comparing R squared for least squares line fit and plane fit (Python)
    373  Combing Columns after Transposing Columns Pandas Dataframes
    373  Boost numpy linker error in Windows VS
    373  Append numpy array into an element
    373  Adding value to every element in dataframe
    372  Using scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator get an error ''There are 100 point arrays, but values has 2 dimensions''
    372  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars Neural network
    372  TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'csr_matrix' when using np.asarray
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    372  speed up the iteration over 2D numpy array
    372  ''Setting an array element with a sequence'' error when using fsolve for a system of nonlinear equations
    372  Reshape 2D array to 3D array along rows
    372  Python Numpy Matplotlib Set Y-Label inline
    372  python fitting using scipy.optimize
    372  Pandas dataframe - Using np.clip() to set boundaires and subtracting values from a specific value in a column
    372  Override matmul for special matrices
    372  Optimizing an Euler-Maruyama implementation in python
    372  numpy recarray append_fields: can't append numpy array of datetimes
    372  Numpy/Python: Efficient matrix as multiplication of cartesian product of input matrix
    372  numpy array partial sums with weights
    372  Numerical integration over a mesh in Python with existing mesh
    372  Matrix manipulation in numpy
    372  Keeping a numpy ndarray subclass as the return value during a transformation. Safe to set __array_priority__?
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    372  How to fix 'not found ' error in numpy, loadtxt?
    372  How do you make a list of numpy.float64?
    372  How change order of SVD using numpy python
    372  How can I vectorize the dot product in Python?
    372  Get unique rows of dask array without using dask dataframe
    372  Feeding numpy array to Tensorflow gives TypeError
    372  effeciently manage memory and python processing
    372  Create Poisson-like distribution with N random numbers whose sum is a constant (C)
    372  Clone rows in pandas dataframe
    372  Anaconda, updating Numpy package, UnsatisfiableError
    372  A more compact __repr__ for my numpy array?
    372  Add a new branch to a TTree in a ROOT file with root_numpy (Python)
    371  Why do we need numpy.fromfile if we already have numpy.load?
    371  When embedding python in another application how do I import or call a function in a submodule (i.e. scipy.optimize.nnls)?
    371  What does a code np.mean(array_1 == array_2) do? [closed]
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    371  Shape Error in Tensorflow
    371  select the rows that satisfy the same condition on all columns
    371  Retrieve indices for rows of a PyTables table matching a condition using `Table.where()`
    371  resize numpy array referencing another array
    371  Python 2D array  -  How to plug in x and retrieve y value?
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    371  numpy's QR appears faster than scipy's - why?
    371  Numpy ''sort like'' function
    371  np.loadtxt giving ValueError: could not convert string to float: b'2017-07-26'
    371  Matlab to Python translation of design matrix function
    371  Index into NumPy array ignoring NaNs in the indexing array
    371  ImportError: Numpy when importing pandas in virtual environment
    371  How to specify resulting data type for arithmetic operations in NumPy?
    371  How to express the following piecewise function in python?
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    371  how get the right numpy
    371  How can I save multiple images with labels in a numpy array?
    371  Getting an arrays of equal length from numpy histogram or plotting the uneven array
    371  generate ''category-intervals'' from categories
    371  Generate a list of random weighted tuples from a list
    371  Find total number of spokes in the wheel from image - OpenCV (Python)
    371  Find indices of each bin using numpy
    371  Explicit slicing across a particular dimension
    371  Difference between arr[ ... , 0] and arr[:, 0] [duplicate]
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    371  Applying function in new dataframe column based on value from another column
    371  appending numpy array with booleans
    371  Allthough not very experienced, I have a great interest in scientific programming. Is Python a good choice compared to MATLAB? [closed]
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    370  TypeError numpy dtype int
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    370  scipy ND Interpolating over NaNs
    370  scipy.linalg.block_diag vs scipy.sparse.block_diag in terms of efficiency
    370  Reshaping pyspark dataframe to 4-dimensional numpy array for Keras/Theano
    370  reshape an array using python/numpy
    370  Replace duplicate elements in a numpy array based on a range
    370  Reading binary file using numpy fromfile in combination with lzma open
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    370  Python and Node js communication
    370  Possible error in Pandas squeeze() function
    370  Perform a coordinate transformation of a 4th-order tensor with np.einsum and np.tensordot
    370  Numpy Masking with Array
    370  numpy.digitize / numpy.searchsorted: recycle indices without IndexError
    370  numpy array slicing: explicit/implicit copies and memory management
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    370  How to calculate the average of the most recent three non-nan value using Python
    370  Deleting consecutive RGB values from a numpy array
    370  Create pandas DataFrame using unique labels sourced from filenames
    370  Can I cleanse a numpy array without a loop?
    370  Best Way to find pct change between two values
    369  Why is np.where() faster on copies of array slices rather than views on the original array?
    369  When running command ''python'' to train word-rnn, getting ''no module named numpy'' error.
    369  unexpected behaviour of numpy.median on masked arrays
    369  Transpose result of sum [duplicate]
    369  Timeout Error: JSON Requests in Pandas
    369  The accessing time of a numpy array is impacted much more by the last index compared to the second last
    369  Subtracting Arrays in Numpy
    369  Solve highly non-linear equation for x in Python
    369  Pixel axis conversion in PIL
    369  Numpy functions/methods without brackets explanation
    369  Installation of nltk and scikit-learn
    369  indexing on datetime object within a numpy array
    369  Implementing Fortran's WHERE statement in Python
    369  How to write a multi dimensional numpy array to a csv file in python
    369  How to use numpy to add any two elements in an array and produce a matrix?
    369  How to input data to FFT
    369  How to fit log(a-x) type functions with scipy. curve_fit?
    369  How to fit a large numpy matrix with XGboost?
    369  How to efficiently apply a function to each channel of every pixel in an image (for color conversion)?
    369  How do I do matrix computations in python without rounding?
    369  Get max value in third dimension from an array of shape (10, 21, 2) to get a final array of (10,21)
    369  Fast sort multidimensional array
    369  Extraction of common element in given arrays to make a new array
    369  Exponential Interpolation of x values to a specific range
    369  Error in writing two arrays into a CSV file, one header in string and other numpy.float array
    369  Error importing numpy from Flask into Heroku application
    369  Encode integer pandas dataframe column to padded 16 bit binary
    369  Elegant way to print formatted list together with index values in python?
    369  Efficient matrix update and matrix multiplication using Scipy sparse matrix
    369  Dill failed to load back numpy arrays after loading back numpy record arrays
    369  combine multiple numpy ndarrays as list
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    369  Best way to get the difference of Pandas DatetimeIndex series in days?
    369  Applying function with multiple arguments to create a new pandas dataframe
    368  Why number below maximum for float128 in numpy is treated as inf?
    368  What are the scenarios for which the various TensorFlow data loading idioms apply?
    368  Visible deprecation warning using boolean operation on numpy array
    368  Using Numpy on IronPython 64 Bit
    368  turn around sparse matrix
    368  Should I use numpy.polyfit or numpy.polynomial.polyfit or numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial?
    368  removing bad data pairs in numpy array
    368  Remove scientific notation from pandas column containing both string and float
    368  Remove duplicates from a list of tuples containing floats
    368  Remove an element from list of dictionaries with Pandas element
    368  Quick Python method to get neighbouring elements in 2D grid [duplicate]
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    368  python conversion of two dimensional list of float to two dimensional array of float
    368  PyArray_Check / PyArray_CheckExact gives segmentation fault
    368  Perform cross-difference in numpy
    368  numpy.nanmean() on a subclass of numpy.ndarray returns unexpected type
    368  numpy: create deque from ndarray which is an array of arrays
    368  Numpy: Combine list of arrays by another array (np.choose alternative)
    368  Numpy array construction using tuples
    368  Numexpr doesn't recognize float type (sparse matrix)
    368  Multiple regression construction without looping through numpy array?
    368  Matplotlib gives error
    368  Loss of strings when creates a Numpy Array from a Pandas Dataframe
    368  Is it really numpy.outer() faster than transposition?
    368  Is it possible to perform the same shuffle on multiple numpy arrays in place?
    368  How to wrap a CFFI function in Numba taking Pointers
    368  How to visualize Caffe parameters?
    368  How to rewrite the code which appends to lists with numpy arrays
    368  How to create feature vectors out of document of words and do operations on them?
    368  How to convert numpy array to batches while feeding tensorflow session for training
    368  how to add list of arrays (tensors)
    368  How do i find derivative of softmax in python
    368  Find nearest item given an angle in 2D numpy array
    368  faster version of rank between groups and then sort by both group and rank
    368  Fast EMA calculation on large dataset with irregular time intervals
    368  Extracting coordinates of region within matrix
    368  Errors using Sympy's `lambdify` with `IPython.parallel`
    368  Create pandas DataFrame using numpy repeat function
    368  Create 2D array from point x,y using numpy
    368  Conditional search returning tuples of arrays for 1D arrays?
    368  can I do fast set difference with floats using numpy if elements are equal up to some tolerance
    368  Call np.sqrt in cython
    368  Bug on astype pandas?
    367  wxpython:Dynamic plot - can't show second line in plot
    367  Why is pandas creating NaN for resampling of sql data?
    367  What is the difference between numpy.fft.fft and numpy.fft.fftfreq
    367  Very slow Numpy buffer pointer access
    367  Using sklearn on audio files of different lengths
    367  Sum 2D Numpy Array by Multiple Labels
    367  sci-kit learn: random forest classifier giving ValueError
    367  save/load object with large numpy matrices
    367  returning a two dimensional array by multiprocessing
    367  Python: Knight's Shortest Path on 0-63 Chessboard
    367  Python Import directive
    367  Python decode unexpected behavior on hex string
    367  PyOpenNI Depth Generator refresh
    367  pip install numpy error - Unmatched "
    367  Pandas - groupby, aggregate and scale on the sum of multiple columns
    367  Pandas Dataframe - Bin on multiple columns & get statistics on another column
    367  OpenShift Python3.3 Cartridge trouble upgrading numpy/installing scipy
    367  OpenCV- ignoring pixels when generating a hue histogram
    367  numpy ndarray subclass: ufunc don't return scalar type
    367  Numpy IndexError reading csv with genfromtxt and first column string
    367  Numpy: How does np.abs actually work under the hood?
    367  numpy array assignment in debug mode
    367  nested np.where and boolean array indexing issue
    367  Merge multiple int columns/rows into one numpy array (pandas dataframe)
    367  Matlab Vs Python: Slicing
    367  matlab colormap in python
    367  How to create matrix of tuple coordinates using numpy and then apply a function to each element?
    367  How solve import error in Python when trying to import Numpy
    367  how do i parse my input/output data to a model made using keras?
    367  How can I take every combination of vectors for the numpy array in the equation shown
    367  How can I find the final cumulative sum across numpy axis? [duplicate]
    367  How can I calculate matrix exponential in the fastest way in Python?
    367  Generating random numbers in numpy with strict lower bounds
    367  Error in nanpercentile when all values are NaN and strings
    367  Convolution of step function and exponential decay
    367  Column_match([[1],[1,1]]) < -  how to make dimensions match with NA values?
    367  Can I create a numpy array with one variable dimension from a list of numpy arrays?
    367  backpropagation trouble; getting higher and higher total cost up until its infinity
    367  Applying statistics methods on numpy arrays: unexpected results
    367  2D numpy argsort index returns 3D when used in the original matrix
    366  Writing both float and integer on a text file from one numpy array
    366  Why did Python give me this strange Visible Deprecation Warning? Something to learn here?
    366  Using a string to define Numpy array slice
    366  Use Python SciPy to solve ODE
    366  Type hinting arbitrary variables for Numba
    366  saving a set of arrays from python output to csv file
    366  Retain numpy mask when inserting arrays
    366  Read partial numpy array saved on S3
    366  Reading netCDF data
    366  python opencv import error for 2.7
    366  Python - NumPy array_split adds a dminesion
    366  PyCharm does not run – Project Interpreter problems
    366  Preparing Video data for classification Keras
    366  Pandas Cannot Create a DataFrame from a Numpy Array Of Timestamps
    366  NumPy, why equality check does not work for an array of objects?
    366  numpy sum performance on small arrays
    366  numpy equivalent of MATLAB spones
    366  iteration through pandas dataframes and numpy
    366  Is there a fast Numpy algorithm for mapping a Polar grid into a Cartesian grid?
    366  In python, can I see if a file lives on an HD or an SSD?
    366  Inconsistent Multiprocessing.Pool performance across WSL and WinPython
    366  Image in the form of Numpy array in a cell in Pyspark data frame
    366  Identify and replace rows in a ndarray
    366  How to use OneHotEncoder output in ordinary least squares regression plot
    366  How to read contents of datasets of a h5py file into a numpy array given a list of keys?
    366  How to print arrays of multiple data formats with control on precision of floats in Python?
    366  How to effectively release memory in python?
    366  How to Correlate Two Audio Events (Detect if they are Similar) in Python
    366  How do I multiply corresponding elements in numpy arrays efficiently?
    366  Get distance to border in 2d grid with numpy/scypi
    366  Floats subtraction / addition - calculate loss of precision
    366  Finding (and recording) the maximum values of slices of a numpy array
    366  fancyimpute Python 3 MemoryError
    366  Display numpy array on webpages
    366  Creating a Nested List in Python
    366  Count number of distinct columns in a matrix [duplicate]
    366  Counting values along an axis in a 3D array that are greater than threshold values from a 2D array
    366  Could not calculate accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of segmented image
    366  Converting pd.DataFrame into np.array [duplicate]
    366  Convert array of objects to an array of float
    366  All string list to a numpy float array
    365  Wrt. Anaconda Python 3.4 and Cython
    365  Will results of numpy.as_strided depend on input dtype?
    365  Why python raise a runtime error while i run numpy.percentile for equalization by scikit-image?
    365  'ValueError: Nothing can be done for the type <class 'numpy.core.records.recarray'> at the moment' error
    365  Setting a maximum RAM usage of an interactive session in Pydev
    365  second derivative of fadeeva function from scipy.special
    365  Saving file with the name of the array variable Python
    365  Return bin coordinates python
    365  Regrid 3D Cartesian to Polar NetCDF Data with Python
    365  Python numpy.fft changes strides
    365  Python: How to make this color thresholding function more efficient
    365  Python find convolution kernel if input image and output image is known
    365  Python: Comparing the speed of NumPy and SymPy ufuncified functions
    365  pybind11 vs numpy for a matrix product
    365  Pandas dataframe: add column that counts like-events in past
    365  Numpy installing via PyPI vs distro package manager
    365  Numpy ifft error
    365  How to solve three quadratic differential equations in Python?
    365  How to encode multi-label representation using index?
    365  How to avoid this memory leak caused by DataFrame.sum() in Pandas?
    365  Grouping continguous values in a numpy array with their length
    365  Fast Euclidean distance calculation between nodes of a graph
    365  Converty List of Lists to Numpy Array without carrying over the list
    365  Cannot Install Python NumPy Module on Mac Despite Scouring The Known Internet
    365  Cannot import numba in ipython cluster engines?
    365  A faster way to separate the green channel of an image
    364  Write a function to return diagonal elements of an array(NxN) as an array in python
    364  ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions . Stacking vectors
    364  update elements using numpy array function
    364  tflite outputs don't match with tensorflow outputs for conv2d_transpose
    364  Sklearn the truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() error
    364  Scalable solution for dot product of two vectors
    364  Replacing multiple numeric columns with the log value of those columns Python
    364  pytorch RuntimeError: Expected object of scalar type Double but got scalar type Float
    364  Python/Pandas: Loop to append Excel files ONLY if each Excel file contains certain values
    364  Python numpy - list assignment index out of range
    364  Python - Concatenate or stack more than two arrays with different shape
    364  Python Aggregation on time-series
    364  PyopenCL 3D RGBA image from numpy array
    364  NumPy not properly installing
    364  Numpy append multiple different np.arrays in one axis of existing np.array
    364  Matrix direct product retaining indices in python
    364  Load multiple memory mapped files with numpy
    364  Load a huge sparse array and save it back as a dense array
    364  I want to decompress 7z file and change img(in 7z) to numpy array
    364  Implementation of Hierarchical Sampling for Active Learning
    364  How to specify y values in histogram?
    364  How to shuffle data in python keeping some n number of rows intact
    364  How to perform a numpy function with a numpy array of numpy array objects?
    364  how to extract from a numpy array all the zero and non zero values in a new array? [duplicate]
    364  How to do a sum of sums of the square of sum of sums?
    364  how to compute pairwise distance among series of different length (na inside) efficiently?
    364  how do I sum pairwise dot products of columns
    364  How do I copy values from 2 dimensional array into new column in pandas dataframe
    364  Getting List object is not callable error on python 2.7, matplotlib
    364  Extract image pixel values from a coarser raster
    364  cv2.threshold transforming cells that it shouldn't
    364  Clarification on computation of eigenvectors using NumPy
    363  What is the meaning/scale for the amplitude in a Numpy FFT?
    363  simple numpy example from manual does not work as expected
    363  Reading non uniform lines ascii data - Python
    363  Python numpy nditer skipping alternate elements
    363  python numpy - efficient dense matrix creation
    363  python numpy convert two diffrent dimension arrays to one tuple
    363  Python: adding values to a numpy bool array column-wise
    363  Producing every combination of columns from one pandas dataframe in python
    363  Orthogonal Distance between two contours in Numpy/Matplotlib
    363  Numpy.unique behavior (flattening insconsistencies?)
    363  numpy insert 2D array into 4D structure
    363  Numpy.genfromtxt() returning NaN when importing zeroes
    363  Numpy- Find Corresponding Eigenvectors of a Particular Set of Eigenvalues
    363  np.nanmax() over all except one axis - is this the best way?
    363  Matrix in python containing cos and sin
    363  Mapping a Series with a NumPy array  -  dimensionality issue?
    363  IPYTHON code using numpy arrays and %pylab inline
    363  In numpy, Python, how to conditionally rewrite part of an array, when the values I want to set are in an array of a different size?
    363  How to return index location where np.allclose() is True
    363  how to make pandas read_csv handle numpy str (or unicode) scalar datatypes
    363  How to get numpy arrays output of .wav file format
    363  how to find numeric values for distinct words in text file using python
    363  How to create sparse boolean mask in Pandas?
    363  How do I convert a numpy ND-array to a CFFI C++ array and back again?
    363  flask+uwsgi+nginx+centos error import module numpy
    363  Finding first non-zero value in an image
    363  fastest way to iterate a numpy array and update each element
    363  Creating a histogram for the data in Python
    363  create and initialize grid(matrix) 100x100 wih numpy
    363  Could not run Simple CV python code after installation
    363  Convert ndarray stored to a binary file created with cPickle to cv::Mat in C++
    363  Comparaison of two list with NaN python
    363  comma seperataed data in csv cell into numpy array [duplicate]
    363  Can I implement a gradient descent for arbitrary convex loss function?
    362  What happens to Numpy/Scipy pointers when they are copied to local variable?
    362  TypeError when using np.savetxt to save a collection of three lists to .csv
    362  tf strided_slice equivalent in numpy?
    362  Template matching counting error
    362  Simple NumPy array reference
    362  Section ignored by Sphinx using numpy-style formatting
    362  scipy.odeint returning incorrect values for second order non-linear differential equation
    362  Rounding floats with representation error to the closest and correct result
    362  Reshaping numpy 3D array
    362  Read CSV file without scientific notation
    362  python setuptools compile fortran code and make an entry points
    362  python - numpy: read csv into numpy with proper value type
    362  python nodal/piecewise-linear power-law generator
    362  python nested lists and arrays
    362  Python: Finding the outer peaks of a 2d image histogram
    362  Pairwise product between array of vectors and array of matrices
    362  Numpy vectorize signature definition - ValueError
    362  Numpy: reshape uneven 1D array to 2D array for byte plotting
    362  Numpy: is it possible to use numpy and ndarray to replace for a loop in this code snippet?
    362  numpy.gradient returning nan values when using varargs array with constant values
    362  np.polyfit how to get lists into a 2D array for y input
    362  New version of MinMaxScaler does not accept a range of max and min values anymore
    362  Keras building a network for 9 dimensional feature vector
    362  Interpreting percentile values for a 2D array
    362  Interpolation on n-dimensional grid impossible through scipy.interpolate.griddata
    362  Index 3D array by 2D array
    362  Implementing logistic regression  -  why does this not converge?
    362  How to modify a Numpy array with conditional and function
    362  How to make tensorflow cifar10 tutorial read from numpy array?
    362  How to add to numpy array entries of different size in a for loop (similar to Matlab's cell arrays)?
    362  How can I add points to a numpy array more efficiently?
    362  Have wrong output of numpy.linalg.solve
    362  Get Max/Min from array based on another array using Numpy.where
    362  Find only rows that contains ''NaN'' in a specific column?
    362  f2py fails at compiling fortran subroutines
    362  Eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix [closed]
    362  Create array based on conditional logic of values in other arrays in Python
    362  Convert 1-D array of discrete values to n-D array of continuous values in Numpy
    362  can't understand this line of code np.mean(pred_i != y_test)
    362  Can I decorate an explicit function call such as np.sqrt()
    361  Upscaling a numpy array and evenly distributing values
    361  TypeError in numpy array when trying to replace negative numbers with 0
    361  Storing datetime in numpy
    361  Polygon as a numpy matrix mask
    361  Numpy array: get upper diagonal and lower diagonal for a given element
    361  List comprehension & error: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    361  Issuse: Scipy Fitting Normal Data
    361  InvalidArgumentError on softmax in tensorflow
    361  How to reduce the storage size of scipy.sparse.dok_matrix
    361  how to display the values in Entry in tkinter?
    361  How to apply evalf() to an expression from
    361  How much data can NumPy handle
    361  H2OTwoDimTable seems to be missing functionality
    361  group similar entries python [duplicate]
    361  Generating a filled polygon in a numpy array,
    361  Finding a minimum value in each column of 8*720 array?
    361  difference between arrays in numpy
    361  Creating a probability distribution using Numpy in Python3.6
    361  Converting pitches into a monophonic midi
    361  Change numpy array under condition from another array
    361  Can't compile with f2py and pythonxy since update to Windows 10
    361  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'generate_tokens'
    360  Why do we multiply calls to numpy.random.random by numbers and subtract numbers?
    360  Using trees to speed up nearest neighbour search on 3D array with periodic boundary conditions
    360  Using Pyaudio to Play Wave Data in an Array
    360  T-SNE in Sklearn giving NaN or Inf data error
    360  Sparse matrix multiplication when results' sparsity is known (in python|scipy|cython)
    360  Runge–Kutta of 4th order
    360  Python: Setting channel values nan where mask > threshold
    360  Python + Numpy: When is it useful to manually collect garbage?
    360  Python 3.2 - Numpy 1.9 genfromtxt
    360  Pyspark error for java heap space error
    360  Performance of Bentley-Ottman versus naive cross-product intersections for very dense 2D segment distribution
    360  Pandas, groupby and counting data in others columns
    360  Pandas: filling missing values of a dataframe column from a numpy array
    360  pandas dataframe.where misbehaving
    360  optimize a function using Tensorflow
    360  Numpy: Matrix Array Shift / Insert by Index
    360  Numpy: how to add / join slice objects?
    360  Is there the elliptictheta function in numpy?
    360  Indirect-ish sort with Numpy
    360  Indexing tensor in tensorflow using a tensor of integers
    360  IndexError: too many indices for array for numpy in Python
    360  how to properly use numpy.zeros in python
    360  How to plot a cumulative distribution function weighted by the values (eg how many people live in cities >1m)
    360  How to plot 4D array with 2 sliders using PyPlot?
    360  How to invert a numpy histogram back to intensities
    360  How do I make a numpy array proxy object? Is there a mixin class?
    360  Having quite different results in matrix multiplication with numpy and cudamat
    360  genfromtxt dtype=None not getting a 2d-array
    360  Generating your own colormap in SciPy
    360  Fastest way to load multiple numpy arrays into spark rdd?
    360  Euler rotation of ellipsoid expressed by coordinate matrices in python
    360  Error in Numpy and Gensim ''no attribute '__reduce_cython__'''
    360  Deterministic python generator for K disparate M-sized subsets of a set
    360  Creating Kfold cross validation set without sklearn
    360  Create a python class that is treated as a list, but with more features?
    360  Convert bytes to ndarray in python
    360  Cant seem to flatten numpy array
    360  Appending rows to make matrix in python from text file
    360  Adding numpy array elements to new array only if conditions met
    359  What are the options for serializing objects over 4 Gigabytes in Python 2.7?
    359  Variable Partial Array Summation in Python
    359  TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array, using numpy and pydicom
    359  Stitch images regardless of orientation OpenCV Numpy
    359  Smoothing an array along an axis
    359  Removing square submatrices that are 0 in 2d numpy array
    359  Python transposing a row list to a column list
    359  Python - Sphinx: vague Import error
    359  Python Pandas: Aggregate data by hour and display it instead of the index
    359  Python command np.sum(x, axis=0) and softmax function
    359  python arrays, huge memory consumption
    359  Passing array of vector in pyOpencl
    359  pandas cumulative subtraction in a column
    359  Out of memory when using numpy's multivariate_normal random sampliing
    359  NumPy: Unsort/undo a reverse/descending sort
    359  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'concatenate' error
    359  numpy(.ma) array: Number of values since last value change?
    359  Neural network dimension mis-match
    359  Mode on a specific axis in numpy array
    359  Map 1d numpy array to 2d array based on element-wise function
    359  IPython (or Numpy) Malloc Error
    359  Interpolation of 2d data(velocity(x,y)) over 1D array (time)
    359  How to save a jpegtran JPEG in a numpy same as with PIL?
    359  How to print all the eigen values using np.linalg.eigh(A)?
    359  How to pass a fortran ordered 2d numpy array into c++ using SWIG
    359  How to convert SparseTensorValue to numpy array?
    359  Get entire row distances from numpy condensed distance matrix
    359  Combining data with numpy across two files
    359  Chi square and t test error in python [closed]
    358  why numpy variance of a matrix or vector gives a scalar
    358  Why does numpy.dtype(numpy.float64) evaluate to False
    358  What does `x[False]` do in numpy?
    358  Scrape table data using pandas/beautiful soup (instead of selenium which is slow?), BS implementation not working
    358  Replace values in subarray based upon dynamic condition in Numpy
    358  Python: Taking a the outer product of each row of matrix by itself, taking the sum then returning a vector of sums
    358  Python Pandas style function to highlight specific columns under specific condition
    358  Python increment part of an array
    358  OpenGL Texturing - some jpg's are being distorted in a strange way
    358  numpy - opposite of array.sum (subtraction?)
    358  NUMPY Implementation of AES significantly slower than pure python
    358  Numpy Broadcasting
    358  List comprehension of powers of 2 in Python fails with numpy array
    358  Is there any way to concatenate numpy arrays out of memory (on disk)?
    358  Integrating 2D data over an irregular grid in python
    358  Improving frequency time normalization/hilbert transfer runtimes
    358  Improve efficiency of Harris Corner Detector
    358  Image processing - filtering background light [Python pref]
    358  How to smooth a contour using opencv in python?
    358  How can I ''sparsify'' on two values?
    358  How can be numpy array C_CONTIGUOUS as well as F_CONTIGUOUS
    358  Fill array with numpy (Python) that includes one colum with datetime values
    358  fetching the days using numpy datetime?
    358  Error using `numba` on an empty list in a `for` loop
    358  Create a new sparse matrix from the operations of different rows of a given large sparse matrix in python
    358  Change color of 3D scatterplot each iteration
    358  Can there be files for python subpackages?
    358  Cannot import scipy.optimize due to absent dylib
    358  Building OpenBLAS with OpenMP: Cannot set number of OpenMP threads
    357  Workaround for bug with displaying quvier key and patch in matplotlib 1.20
    357  Why can't I assign uint16 array to array vector in Python?
    357  Variable inflation factor not working with dataframes python
    357  Use keras pad_sequences in pandas dataframe
    357  The usage of randomstate in Numpy related to seed
    357  The process of dynamic time warping
    357  Subtract elements from 2 arrays found in 2 different .csv files
    357  Selecting vector of 2D array elements from column index vector
    357  Removing leading and trailing all-nan axis for multidimensional arrays
    357  Reading c++ 2d array in python swig
    357  Rank 2D array rowwise
    357  Python; When trying to convert an image to a numpy array of type float I get ''ValueError; setting an array element with a sequence.''
    357  Python ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,4) (5,5)
    357  Python OpenCV - How to save a 5 channel image
    357  Python - Merge Multiple 2D Arrays with Same Dimensions into One 2d Array
    357  Pandas Slicing Values Where All Values in Columns are Equal
    357  numpy: point sum
    357  Numpy from string (Difference of uint8 and uint16) [Combining two uint8 values to one uint16 value]
    357  Numpy array [? 5 5] to five arrays with [? 5]
    357  Numba with complex arrays
    357  np.nanmean of 500 large numpy matrices
    357  Merge dictionaries into dictionary of lists
    357  Load price ticker into Pandas dataframe with DatetimeIndex
    357  Laying out several plots in matplotlib + numpy
    357  Issue reading text file with pound sign
    357  Inverse discrete Fourier transform of across specified dimension in Python/Numpy
    357  Including Brownian Motion into Particle Trajectory Integration using scipy.integrate
    357  How to read numerical data from the comment of a .txt file into numpy
    357  How to input a very large data in numpy?
    357  How to efficiently iterate a pandas DataFrame and increment a NumPy array on these values?
    357  How to create a 2D scatterplot with groups from 3 columns numpy array (gpname, x,y)?
    357  How to convert string formed by numpy.array2string back to array?
    357  How to check if PyObject* points to the type numpy.uint8
    357  How to add magnitude or value to a vector in Python?
    357  Gfortran can't compile NumPy
    357  Efficient way of checking if value within boundaries defined in 2d array
    357  Convert numpy matrix to R matrix and keep it that way
    357  Communication between windows with python matplotlib using gtk.WindowGroup
    357  CDF/PDF plot not showing
    357  broadcast / extend boolean array along axis in python
    357  Array indexing in Numpy python
    356  Why the cross spectra is differ in mlab and scipy.signal?
    356  Why is there a large overhead in pickling numpy arrays?
    356  Vectorizing with summation vs dot product
    356  Using 3 channel image in numpy as texture image in vtk
    356  Storing numpy arrays in Cassandra
    356  Solution to transcendental equation from Mathematica and Python do not match
    356  Smooth a plot with uneven intervals on x-axis
    356  Saving bounding box coordinates and images based on the class type into a different folder
    356  RuntimeError: Python version >= 3.5 required while installing the python libraries
    356  Reshaping an outputted 1 dimensional numpy array into a 2/3 dimensional array
    356  Numpy operations appear slow
    356  Normalize numpy array columns in python reading that array from other csv file
    356  New to Python, don't know what is wrong with my code
    356  multiple plots in loop - basemap python
    356  Multiple coefficient sets for least squares fitting in numpy/scipy
    356  Interactions between timezone info in python, numpy, matplotlib
    356  Image not found while trying to load gdal in python
    356  I am trying to get binary data from text and converting to numpy arrays
    356  How to store a NumPy array as a key in Python
    356  How to split diagonal matrix into equal number of items each along one of axis?
    356  How to speed ud this Numba matrix multiplication
    356  How to solve nonlinear equation without sympy(max and min)?
    356  How to numpy searchsorted bisect a range of 2 values on 1 column and get min value in 2nd column
    356  How to insert column of different type to numpy array?
    356  How to fix ''can only concatenate str (not ''float'') to str'' when working with slope, intercept?
    356  how to find 50% point after curve fitting using numpy
    356  how to convert Tensor objects into numpy array?
    356  How Numpy two-dimensional array (or pandas DataFrame)take intersection when there is a column has same value?
    356  How can I use a range inside numpy.fromfunction?
    356  How can I compute the area under a histogram after a certain value?
    356  Deploy a NumPy script as a small binary, how?
    356  count frequency in nested numpy array
    356  Convert numpy array to RGB img with custom pallete
    356  concatenate/ combine MX1 numpy array with MXN numpy array
    356  Can't get same values as numpy elementwise matrix multiplication using numba
    356  call a function when there's an overflow using numpy.seterr in python
    355  Why was the name ''arange'' chosen for the numpy function?
    355  Why can't I initialize an array with np.zeros and then change elements to arrays?
    355  Where are the gains using numba coming from for pure numpy code?
    355  ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32')
    355  Using and multiplying arrays in python
    355  stats.scipy.chi2 returns value of 0.0
    355  Speed up Python/Numpy Code for Ising-/Potts-Model Monte-Carlo
    355  spectral centroid of numpy array
    355  Skimage ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged
    355  Python/SciPy: Issues converting DataFrame from polar to Cartesian grid
    355  Python_How to write data in new columns for every file read by numpy?
    355  Plotting a complex function [closed]
    355  numpy recarray copy retains dtype reference?
    355  numpy loadtext returns 0-d array for single line files, annoying?
    355  numpy.histogram fails after updating anaconda
    355  Numpy extract subset of grid data
    355  numpy and sklearn PCA return different covariance vector
    355  Neural Net - Feed Forward, Matrix Multiplication in C#
    355  MemoryError when dividing NumPy arrays
    355  Likelihood involving very small numbers
    355  IndexError: list index out of range in python k nearest neighbour
    355  How to resolve error 'only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars' for forecasting future values
    355  How to read a big (3-4GB) file that doesn't have newlines into a numpy array?
    355  How to create a pandas dataframe of word tokens from existing dataframe column of strings?
    355  How to convert numpy array adjacency list into numpy array adjacency matrix?
    355  how to clip the shape file using python in arcGIS
    355  How do you fill 2Dhistogram with mean bin value in python
    355  Given cluster of documents, compute similarity between corpus and the cluster
    355  Further optimization of simple cython code
    355  Find roots using scipy.optimize.fsolve. What went wrong?
    355  Fastest way to create a sparse matrix of the form A.T * diag(b) * A + C?
    355  Evaluate array at specific subarray
    355  Error when trying to interpolate using SmoothSphereBivariateSpline(): ''ValueError: Error code returned by bispev: 10''
    355  density plot and scipy gaussian kernel
    355  Decoding problem when using hyperas to find parameters of Keras model, maybe due to the `Trial` function in `hyperopt`
    355  Cython TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not NoneType
    355  create layers array and perform median python
    355  Covert to sparse matrix - TypeError: no supported conversion for types: (dtype('0'),)
    355  Convert Single Element of Numpy Array into Another Type
    355  Convert 3 channel RGB image to 1-channel label image [duplicate]
    355  concatenate images from a matrix of images
    355  Can't update numpy in Enthought Canopy 1.2
    355  Can conversion from a pandas DataFrame to a raw numpy array improve ML performance?
    355  Avoid memory errors when integrating large array with Numpy
    354  Writing gradient fill in python with numpy similar to Photoshop's
    354  Why does np.array_equal return False for these two sparse arrays that are visually equal?
    354  Typed numpy ndarray with Cython Extension Types
    354  Splitting Dataframe into multiple parts based on multiple rows
    354  Speed up double loop in Python
    354  Setting and reading dimscale in hdf5 files correctly in python
    354  Running python loops / numpy operations on GPU
    354  Reshape using a shape which is not a divisible factor of length of the list
    354  Reshape 1D Numpy Array for Keras
    354  Python - mean of a numpy array, decimal places, float and Decimal
    354  python lambda, numpy help to find sum of time
    354  Python: get unsorted list of singular values from numpy/scipy svd
    354  Python equivalent of ArrayPlot from Mathematica?
    354  Python efficient summation in large 2D array
    354  Project a circle onto a square?
    354  Pandas adding different rows based on multiple column/row criteria
    354  Operating on histogram bins Python
    354  Odd behavior with python basemap and pcolormesh
    354  Numpy: Maximal Value is NaN
    354  numpy linspace returning negative numbers for a positive interval
    354  Numpy.copy not working as intended for random sampling
    354  numpy concatenate not appending new array to empty multidimensional array
    354  numpy concatenate dimension mismatch
    354  Normalising numpy array of images from -1, 1 to 0,255
    354  Keras predict() returns a better accuracy than evaluate()
    354  Insert a small image(png) on the top right corner of a python plot
    354  How to save a masked array to png with transparent pixels?
    354  How to resize a shared memory in Python
    354  How to extract specific points in Matplotlib graph? (python)
    354  How long does it take to run scipy.test('full')?
    354  How get sum of values in another dataframe based column value in first dataframe?
    354  How do you reshape numpy array when the resulting 2 dimensions are unknown?
    354  How do I convert matrices from Matlab to Python?
    354  How can I create a dataframe with random numbers columns, each with a different range?
    354  Graphlab and numpy issue
    354 - How to correctly use numpy.any()?
    354  Functional Programming: Numpy Vectorizable Function to Create an Expected Values Array
    354  for looping through arrays in python- from matlab
    354  Finding the correspondence of data from one data set in the other
    354  Concatenate numpy arrays in for loop
    354  Best way to define Python installation path
    354  Array reclassification with numpy
    354  arcpy TypeError: narray.fields require
    353  Why doesn't a negative array work to reverse numpy.argsort()?
    353  why does matplotlib contour plot fail when plotting 2d arrays
    353  Why can't I iteratively append new constraints in scipy.optimize SLSQP?
    353  ValueError: axes don't match array
    353  Unable to Use Numpy Properly
    353  unable to combine 2d arrays into another 2d array (python)
    353  Test differently binned data sets
    353  Speed up getting edge matrix by index with numpy array
    353  Scipy Fmin Guassian model to real data
    353  Save big matrix to a file with numpy
    353  Retrieve Tensor (Numpy)Value After tf.Estimator Training
    353  Quickly compute eigenvectors for each element of an array in python
    353  Python Pandas - sum a boolean variable by hour
    353  python operation on sub-dimension of a numpy array
    353  Python: np.where with multiple condition
    353  Plotting each Pandas Dataframe row as a separate plot
    353  Pandas + scikit-learn - how to apply 2D-array transformations to a DataFrame
    353  OpenCV absdiff equivalent from c++ to Python
    353  numpy.polyfit vs numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit
    353  Numpy Matrix Multiplication U*B*U.T Results in Non-symmetric Matrix
    353  numpy.bitwise_and.reduce behaving unexpectedly?
    353  Numpy: Avoiding nested loops to operate on matrix-valued images
    353  Numpy array with different standard deviation per row
    353  np.vectorize and nan - how can I make them play nice?
    353  Multiply slice of scipy sparse matrix without changing sparsity
    353  Incorrect shape of array after xarray multiplication operation
    353  How to set xlim for a plot in python?
    353  How to get Mean & Std of multiple numpy saved arrays using element-wise operation
    353  How to fit a beta distribution in Python?
    353  Fitting a single gaussian to 'noisy' data yields a poor fit in some cases
    353  fill multiple missing values with series based on index values
    353  Efficient implementation of pairwise distances computation between observations for mixed numeric and categorical data
    353  Detect speed of few cars from video- Python
    353  Daily means with numpy
    353  counting number of hops
    353  Average of a time related datasets in Pandas with missing values
    353  Add new column to Pandas Dataframe from functions' output
    353  Adding images in OpenCV [closed]
    352  What is the fastest way to stack numpy arrays in a loop?
    352  vectorize index lookup in pandas
    352  Updating a row in a dataframe with values from a numpy array or list
    352  sympy, obtaining the upper triangle of a symmetric matrix as a flattened array
    352  Sum numpy array values based on labels in a separate array
    352  Standard deviation and mean of log-normal distribution
    352  Scipy sparse matrix: boolean combinations of columns
    352  Python Pandas: Increase Maximum Number of Rows
    352  python code for multiple ode
    352  psycopg2 returning string rather than decimal array
    352  Prefactors computing PSD of a signal with numpy.fft VS. scipy.signal.welch
    352  Plotting predicted values causes error: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'ndim'
    352  Particle Tracking by coordinates from txt file
    352  Panel data: np.where with a groupby?
    352  numba\jit doesn't allow the use of np argsort in nopython mode
    352  Minimizing function by changing parameters using scipy
    352  Matplotlib PCA sample not working after altering dimensions
    352  Install numpy silently from command line (batch file)
    352  How to vectorize `__call__` method
    352  How to use Array elements in a if-else statement?
    352  How to load mutiple PPM files present in a folder as single Numpy ndarray?
    352  How to load file.npy into a numpy array?
    352  How to generate identity tensor with python?
    352  How to generate a Boolean array with random values?
    352  How to construct a numpy array from multiple vectors with data aligned by id
    352  How to compute z-scores for a number of right-skewed distributions?
    352  How to calculate the numpy.histogramdd bins coordinates
    352  How to apply a function to each 3rd axis element in a numpy array?
    352  How exactly does Keras take dimension argumentsfor LSTM / time series problems?
    352  How do I plug distance data into scipy's agglomerative clustering methods?
    352  Getting the first occurrence of a value in an N-dimensional numpy array
    352  get coordinates of 4 corners of display screen on image
    352  Error when comparing 'int' type to 'numpy.int32' type
    352  Does Numpy allocate temporary arrays in expressions like x += 2 * y?
    352  Create TFRecord for each image
    352  compatibility between sage and numpy
    352  Aggregate time series in numpy
    352  Access Columns of Numpy Array? Errors Trying to Do by Transpose or by Column Access
    352  Access blocks from numpy array
    351  Why does numpy not short-circuit on non-contiguous arrays?
    351  Why does NetworkX.convert.to_numpy_matrix() consumes away more memory than the source graph?
    351  uv mapping works bad on low resolution (warning: lot of images)
    351  Using pytesseract on cropped image
    351  Undirected Graph Reordering the Vertices
    351  Unable to install scikit-image
    351  Search for the nearest array in a huge array of arrays
    351  Scipy optimize - different results when using built-in float and float128()
    351  robust numpy.float64 equality testing
    351  Python/Pandas: Conditional summing of columns
    351  Python list-like string representation of numpy array
    351  Plot a 3D point using matplotlib and arrays with numpy in Python
    351  numpy shadowing builtin function : what is the fully qualified name for built in function?
    351  Numpy - row-wise normalization
    351  Numpy Manipulating all but one column
    351  Lines splines in graphic of values but y
    351  Libraries in ''virtualenv'' much bigger than system libraries
    351  Is there any function in python which can perform the inverse of numpy.repeat function?
    351  Is ipython or numpy secretly parallelizing matrix multiplication?
    351  IronPython throw InsufficientMemoryException when using numpy in threads
    351  Integrate a 2D vectorfield-array (reversing np.gradient)
    351  Insert a numpy array into another without having to worry about length
    351  Indexing and slicing dataframe by date and time in python
    351  How to reproduce MATLAB's normal distribution random numbers?
    351  How to load a sparse matrix efficiently?
    351  How to convert from DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) format to grayscale
    351  How to apply dictionary with array as value in numpy array
    351  How do I get a TIFF bytestream from an OpenCV image, rather than a numpy array?
    351  How can i replace outliers with the mean of previous and next neighbour?
    351  Generate heatmap image of lines
    351  From numpy matrix to C array. Segmentation fault (memory corruption) on 64bit architecture
    351  Fill half of fft(x) array with conjugate before ifft
    351  Extract subarrays from 1D array given start indices - Python / NumPy
    351  Efficient way to accumulate in Pandas
    351  cubic splines interpolation method
    351  Creating a value matrix in python
    351  create equally spaced array [duplicate]
    351  convert pandas dataframe of strings to numpy array of int
    351  Convert Numpy image array to 1px high version
    351  convert base64 to cv2.numpy array and back to base64
    351  Contour plot of multivariate distribution
    351  Calculate difference of 2 dates in a pandas groupby object of the same 2 dates
    351  ase.visualize.view misses pygtk
    351  Apply a function to all combinations of rows from one df and columns from another df
    350  Woodbury identity for fast matrix inversion—slower than expected
    350  Why is LIBSVM in Python asking me for floating values?
    350  Ways to convert cartesian indexing to matrix indexing as in numpy.meshgrid
    350  Using fftw fft correctly
    350  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer and casting to int fails
    350  Storing a list of face encodings in python for face identification
    350  Speed up function using cython
    350  Sorting a multidimensional dimensional array of x,y coordinates in python
    350  Show skimage output in qt application
    350  R and Pandas: R equivalent of np.sum and np.reshape
    350  Python - Numpy : 3D matrix * 2D vector fast calculation
    350  python data analysis, difficulty understanding cookbook code
    350  Numpy to solve arrays
    350  Numpy boolean indexing issue
    350  NumPy: A General Vectorized Method to Apply a Function Returning a Matrix to Each Row of a Matrix
    350  NodeJS + Python Scripts (using numpy, scipy, etc) on Heroku
    350  Memory error while resizing CIFAR-10 dataset
    350  Indices of n largest values in lower triangular region of a NumPy array
    350  Implementing PCA with Numpy
    350  How to store the resulted image from OpenCV using Python in directory?
    350  how to search rows(index) from 2d array?
    350  How to randomly generate a fixed number of points for different space dimension in Numpy? [closed]
    350  How to keep precision of gmpy2 mpfr in Numpy matrix operation
    350  How to interpolate a vector field with Python?
    350  How to add conditional 'if' using 'map(+lambda)' function under Python
    350  How I can iterate through a bunch of documents and execute spacy's nlp for each of them, without getting a memory error?
    350  How do round off the elements of scipy.sparse.csr matrix to 2 decimal places ?
    350  Finding the Closest Points between Two Cubic Splines with Python and Numpy
    350  fft of numpy and octave different on transpose
    350  Extract mask from numpy masked array using a logical expression
    350  Creating a numpy array from a .csv file
    350  Counting occurrences of elements of one array in another array
    350  correctly save data of the form (x,y) in a csv file
    350  Convert string elements in numpy 2D-array to array and yield a 3D-array
    350  C-numpy: Setting the data type for fixed-width strings?
    350  Averaging unevenly sampled data
    350  Adding a data column to a numpy rec array with only one row
    349  why doesn't python 3.6.1 recognize numpy or pil or skimage after they have been successfully installed
    349  Ways to speed up SciPy's odeint?
    349  Split array vertically, add rows of data, sort, and then apply regression for rainfall data
    349  read tiff file directly to numpy array without saving to disk
    349  Python: weighted percentile for each row of array
    349  Python - Filter a dataset based on column values of another dataset
    349  pandas - transform data view
    349  pandas split timeseries in groups
    349  Numpy: get the lowest N elements of an array X, considering only elements whose index is not an element in another array Y
    349  numpy finite difference for Laplace PDE with polygonal boundaries
    349  Numpy: Create sine wave with exponential decay
    349  numpy array masking: copy or reference? [duplicate]
    349  Numpy array manipulation
    349  Modifying (keras/tensorflow) Tensors using numpy methods
    349  keyerror after removing nans in pandas
    349  Implementing Scilab FIR filter in Python
    349  How to use cov function to a dataset iris python
    349  How to skip bytes after reading data using numpy fromfile
    349  How to get the coordinate of object's outline on image?
    349  How to get numpy function (ufunc) arguments
    349  how do I specify zero fill for numpy savetxt output
    349  Fast way of converting parts of a bit numpy array to base 10 [duplicate]
    349  Difference between aliasing,deep copy ,shallow copy pertaining to numpy
    349  Data separation for ML
    349  cross platform build of numpy (host=x86 target=ppc) wrong compiler options generated?
    349  Counting indices from numpy where
    349  Converting matlab program to equivalent python code
    349  Accessing rows of a numpy ndarray
    348  Vectorized sampling of multiple binomial random variables
    348  Trying to ''manually'' convert to hsv a bgr image in opencv-python
    348  Tips for speeding up my python code
    348  Squared Mahalanobis distance function in Python returning array - why?
    348  solving autonomous ODE
    348  Seam insertion coordinates - Seam Carving
    348  Python Value Error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
    348  Python: Transform and superimpose sets of points
    348  Python Struct to Unpack like C fread using C structures?
    348  Python - add a numpy array as column to a pandas dataframe with different length
    348  PyTable Column Order
    348  PyQtGraph not working after move from 32 bit to 64 bit
    348  PyDev, NumPy and
    348  print numpy array of utf-8?
    348  pandas match two columns and create another column
    348  Numpy on osx 10.8.2 and python 3.2.3
    348  Numpy Mask transparency matplotlib
    348  Numpy Histogram | Use one dimension to match bin, and another for the actual frequency
    348  Numpy equivalent of dot(A,B,3)
    348  numpy bincount - choose the max weight instead of sum all weights
    348  Map each value of a list to its weighted percentile
    348  Iterate over numpy array
    348  Is there a simple pad in numpy?
    348  Is there a quicker way to find matrix square root for matrices from a 3-dimensional array?
    348  How to rotate a 3D spot with numpy?
    348  How to get a picture out of raw hex data in python?
    348  How to filter out subarrays which contain NaN's?
    348  How to create a numpy dtype from other dtypes?
    348  how is pandas / numpy NaN represented in binary format
    348  How does gauss laguerre integration works for large limits?
    348  Forex_python in custom function for Pandas dataframe
    348  FFT not computing fourier transform
    348  Faster alternatives to using numpy.random.choice in Python?
    348  Extract and set thick diagonal of numpy array
    348  Detect gradual increase then decrease in slightly noisy data
    348  dataframe/numpy array conversion in Databricks ' Deep Learning Pipelines: scalability issue?
    348  Creating an array of cubes
    348  Conditional random number generator python numpy
    348  Apply number ceiling/threshold to pandas dataframe
    348  Append Dictionary Elements into an Empty Pandas Dataframe Column
    348  3RSSH smoothing in Python
    347  Why does the shape remains same when I sum a square numpy array along either directions?
    347  Using the pymc3 likelihood/posterior outside of pymc3: how?
    347  tflearn DNN gives zero loss
    347  Should I put effort on learning Matlab if I already know and use Numpy/Scipy [closed]
    347  Python - While loop store min value
    347  pythonic way for axis-wise winner-take-all in numpy
    347  Python Error: Setting an array element with a sequence
    347  PyInstaller not working Python 2.7
    347  Plot Numpy results in the browser with a JavaScript chart library using Server-Sent Events
    347  Pandas DataFrame from MultiIndex and NumPy structured array (recarray)
    347  NumPY: Undestand how to sum every n values in an array matrix
    347  Memory error when creating a large matrix on Gcloud machine but not on slow mac
    347  Matrix multiplication behavior in NumPy
    347  Integrating an array over all elements
    347  In-place sorting of structured numpy array by field name
    347  I'm scraping a FAQ pages and I need to find which tag has answers in FAQ pages
    347  How to use numpy.amax() on list of ndarrays of different shape?
    347  How to trim a a list and generate a numpy 2-D array?
    347  How to tackle with error ''Object of type int32 is not JSON serializable''
    347  How to override/prevent sqlalchemy from ever using floating point type?
    347  How to optimize a for loop that uses consecutive values with Numpy?
    347  How to add a condition to an image pixel call? numpy opencv
    347  How do I make a list(array) of functions from np.poly1d in numpy?
    347  How do I allocate input arrays with f2py?
    347  Getting error no centroid defined for empty cluster as I try to create clusters
    347  Finding the distance between two polygons in numpy
    347  Errors when trying to install a Conda Environment
    347  Error:setting an array element with a sequence
    347  Error for numpy and scipy after Installation of pythonxy
    347  Elegant way to index 3D array and keep non-zero axis using Numpy
    347  dot product of subarrays without for loop
    347  denoise in scikit-learn for color image is not working
    347  delete an element from an array with conditions python numpy
    347  Data.Frames in Python Numpy
    347  Creating a board (Numpy 2D array) of 0's and 1's
    347  Convert numpy array of a image into blocks
    347  Confusion with weights dumping from neural net in keras
    347  Calculating Interest Rates Python Dataframe
    347  apply along axis numpy with different sizes of array
    347  A 1D numpy/scipy interpolation that's not quite 1D
    346  Why does my array lose its mask after doing multidimensional indexing in Numpy?
    346  ValueError : too many values to unpack
    346  Tkinter label textvariable not changing
    346  Theano row/column wise subtraction
    346  Sort numpy array in-place using order from a second array
    346  Send sparse matrix numpy through API request efficiently
    346  Scatter a dictionary in python using MPI
    346  rolling apply for a binary (or n-ary) function in pandas
    346  Random, Non-Repeating 2D List Python
    346  Python - Return rows after a certain date where a condition is met
    346  Python: Numba iterate through multidimensional array
    346  Python np.delete issue
    346  Plotting points after imshow changing image size
    346  numpy.ndarray object not callable in brute
    346  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'values' using reshape
    346  Numpy: How to get rid of the minima along axis=1, given the indices - in an efficient way?
    346  Numpy FFT stability
    346  numpy.allclose() compare arrays with floating points
    346  Most efficient way to add two CSR sparse matrices with the same sparsity pattern in python
    346  matplotlib animation plotting all the points instead of just the latest iteration
    346  Matlab to Python: Solving the system using SVD
    346  Loading txt file data into a numpy array / getting an error
    346  Import my cythonized package in python
    346  How to link a library .a with f2py?
    346  How to count the number of matching items in pandas dataframe column from another column?
    346  How to calculate mean of specific rows based on value and column in numpy matrix?
    346  how do I card shuffle a pandas series quickly
    346  How can I find maximum along multiple axes of a multidimensional numpy array?
    346  Get 95 percentile of the variables for SON, DJF, MAM over multiple years' data
    346  Fitting ellipse to image data set
    346  Error in model prediction using hmmlearn
    346  cast from list to numpy array problems in python
    346  Calculating formula based on multiple columns in Pandas Dataframe - but without creating many intermediate columns
    346  add zeros to missing values of a matrix using Numpy
    345  Using searchsorted for 2D array
    345  Using numpy einsum to compute inner product of column-vectors of a matrix
    345  The better way to perform subtraction of 3-dimensional array in numpy
    345  Sympy - ufuncify a vector function
    345  Scikit-Learn Linear Regression on Square Matrix Seems Incorrect
    345  Recycling in Pandas Dataframe
    345  Python: tile() returns weird error
    345  Python: Mapping arguments to functions in array
    345  permission issue whith pip3 install numpy fails in virtualenv (ubuntu)
    345  Padding 1D NumPy array with zeros to form 2D array
    345  Numpy where returning non expected values
    345  Numpy: vectorize sum of lagged differences
    345  numpy - create polynomial by its roots
    345  Numpy: arr[ ... ,0,:] works. But how do I store the data contained in the slice command ( ... , 0, :)?
    345  Matlab to Python Code Conversion - Output isnot matching
    345  Loading .npy files as dataset for pytorch
    345  Keep the n highest values of each row of an numpy array and zero everything else [duplicate]
    345  Joining Shorter Length Numpy Array to Pandas Dataframe
    345  ipython parallel and non-copying sends of numpy arrays
    345  iPython numpy - How to change value of an array slice with a map
    345  I can't format data properly into Tensorflow. What am I missing here?
    345  how to update multiple columns of pandas dataframe inplace and in single instance
    345  How to read multiple numpy arrays from a folder
    345  How to keep NaN in pivot table?
    345  How to convert Zero to Nan in the array?
    345  How to convert a C++ vector to a numpy vector in Cython whilst minimising Python interpreter interaction?
    345  How to change matplotlib axes so that that it does not display in scientific notation? [duplicate]
    345  How to calc percentage of interval in array [closed]
    345  How can I insert a value into a numpy record array?
    345  Generate 1d numpy with chunks of random length
    345  Find where array values increase monotonically over some value
    345  Find min/max values in tuple based on most occurrences
    345  Drop duplicates from Structured Numpy Array Python3.x
    345  Distance to non consecutive elements in a numpy array
    345  defining shortest pairs in a list of complex numbers with ValueError: A 2-dimensional array must be passed
    345  Default value when indexing outside of a numpy array, even with non-trivial indexing
    345  Cython boolean indexing optimization
    345  cross compile numpy for windows
    345  convert (nx2) array of floats into (nx1) array of 2-tuples
    345  Compute the data lost between original data set and transformed one using PCA
    344  Working code but getting a ''confusing'' plot with labels
    344  What is the use of numpy.c_ in this code? [closed]
    344  Vectorising an equation using numpy
    344  using numpy.where on multidimensional arrays
    344  Scipy in python (v2.6) script not recognized in Abaqus (v6.12)
    344  Sampling few rows of a scipy sparse matrix into another
    344  Running Python code from Matlab
    344  Return bounding box for each grid square in numpy meshgrid
    344  Reshaping the array returned by matplotlib.pyplot.imread(*args, **kwargs)
    344  Python: Setting values to 0 when crops are out of bounds
    344  Python- How to I turn an array into a set from an image?
    344  Probability of event from CDF in Python
    344  Polynomial fit need help printing the formula for the curve fit
    344  Peak Detection Using the Lomb-Scargle Method
    344  Passing PyArrayObject to C function
    344  NumPy unique() returns indices that are out-of-bounds
    344  Numpy error when installing fbprophet Python on Windows 10
    344  numpy Boolean array representation of an integer
    344  Numpy array indexing: difference between [:, 0], [:, 0:1] and [:, [0]] [duplicate]
    344  Numerical issue in scipy.ode.integrate solver
    344  NaN in TensorFlow
    344  MemoryError in numpy normalization
    344  Legendre polynomials derivative
    344  How to set zdir in Axes3D of matplotlib to get better waterfall
    344  How to pick out exactly the right string in my list of utterances?
    344  How to change the numpy array elements passed to python C-extension?
    344  Gradient Descent on a logarithmic decline curve in Python
    344  Failed to import numpy python module in PyCharm
    344  Embedded python in C++: importerror importing numpy.core.multiarray
    344  element wise matrix multiplication python
    344  Cython buffer protocol: how to retrieve data?
    344  Converting values of Existing Numpy ndarray to tuples
    344  Array subtraction and/or reshaping
    344  Anaconda: any way to indicate if dependency issues prevent ''conda update''ing the *absolute* latest version of a module?
    343  What's a quick way to calculate the dot product of arbitrary rows from two sparse matrices
    343  weighted zscore within groups
    343  Using numpy.random.normal
    343  Translating tensorflows conv2d to numpy/scipy operations?
    343  Reshaping error in multivariate normal function with Numpy - Python
    343  Remap array of integers to range in NumPy array [duplicate]
    343  Reading a binary file using np.fromfile()
    343  Python: Do pandas.DataFrame.comprod() and numpy.comprod() handle numerical underflow?
    343  Pandas Performance comparison apply vs map
    343  Multi-indexed dataframe: Setting values
    343  Modifying block matrices in Python
    343  Integers with NA in pandas from json_normalize
    343  installing Numpy by pyzo errors
    343  How to show a np polynomial in a string?
    343  How to read data (images) faster from AWS S3 buckets?
    343  How to index dynamically N-dimensions by using Numpy?
    343  How to create a pandas dataframe with a random number column, enumeration column, and other string/integer fields?
    343  How to correctly calculate gradients in neural network with numpy
    343  How can I tell if numpy is using threads?
    343  get maximum of absolute along axis
    343  fromstring() when converting Windows string to numpy under Linux
    343  Finding relative maximums of a 2-D numpy array
    343  Error for saving a matrix
    343  Efficiently select subsection of numpy array
    343  Causes of floating point non-determinism? Including NumPy?
    343  Avoid reading all data into memory from hdf5 file when performing operations
    343  Adding matrix rows to columns in numpy
    342  writing to csv file whilst keep shape of array
    342  Why does `numpy.ndarray.view` ignore a previous call to `numpy.ndarray.newbyteorder`?
    342  What is the fastest way to select the smallest n elements from an array?
    342  Vectorized Splitting of String on Character Count using Numpy or Pandas
    342  Typerror in machine learning tutorial, numpy
    342  Theano OSError on function declaration
    342  Summing columns to form a new dataframe
    342  Scipy optimize minimize always returns initial guess (SLSQP)
    342  Read image data back with (possibly with scipy.misc.imread)
    342  Python - Euclidean Distance between a line and a point in Numpy
    342  Python array/matrix dimension
    342  Power spectrum incorrectly yielding negative values
    342  Pandas/NumPy  -  Plotting Dates as X axis
    342  Pandas DataFrame add sum per id
    342  numpy Invalid datetime unit generic in metadata error
    342  NumPy: indices where third dimension is non-zero (image masking)
    342  Numpy fails to load via JNI
    342  Numba error when attempting to instantiate NumPy RandomState
    342  np.linalg.norm: ''invalid value encountered in sqrt''
    342  large csv file makes segmentation fault for numpy.genfromtxt
    342  How to solve equation with two matrices in python?
    342  How to replace Nan value with zeros in a numpy array? [duplicate]
    342  How to remove 'b' character from ndarray that is added by np.genfromtxt
    342  How to pass a numpy variable to python script
    342  How to change numpy mkl BLAS libraries?
    342  Float16 is much slower than Float32 and Float64 in numpy [duplicate]
    342  Fit a curve through points using python
    342  Different results for covariance matrix when using numpy.cov [duplicate]
    341  whosmat Attribute error in python
    341  Vectorizing calculation in matrix with interdependent values
    341  Reshaping a multidimensional Numpy array
    341  Python precision and performance on large integer matrix products
    341  Plot the element-wise product of two numpy arrays
    341  performance of appending data into a bcolz table
    341  NumPy: Why the need to explicitly copy a value?
    341  Numpy reductions over successive non-contiguous slices
    341  Most efficient way to index into a numpy array from a scipy CSR matrix?
    341  Mean and Standard deviation across multiple arrays using numpy
    341  Matlab to Python Code
    341  is there a parameter to set the precision for numpy.linspace?
    341  Is there any binning function that returns the 'binned matrix' instead of the bin indices for each point?
    341  Incorrect PageRank calculation result
    341  How to sum two vectors to obtain a matrix of sums of all pairs? [duplicate]
    341  how to speed up imshow matplotlib?
    341  How to format numpy arrays?
    341  How to export the sequence of outputs to excel sheet in python 3?
    341  Getting the following error..TypeError: data type not understood while using 2D numpy array in python
    341  Find all the missing directed edges in an adjacency matrix
    341  Filled 3D numpy mask
    341  Error handling (dividing by zero) [duplicate]
    341  Element-wise multiplication of 'slices' of 2D matrix to form 3D matrix
    341  Eigen Contraction vs Numpy Dot
    341  Efficient way of computing dot product inside double sum in python3
    341  Don't understand: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
    341  Detecting out-of-bounds slicing with tf.slice like in numpy
    341  Declaring theano variables for pymc3
    341  Crop bitmap image in memory with Pywin32
    341  Create random vector given cosine similarity
    341  Contour plotting orbitals in pyquante2 using matplotlib
    341  Compiling numpy for windows (Python 2.7.7)
    341  Cholesky decomposition positive semidefinite matrix
    341  cannot understand numpy.random.RandomState
    340  Why do the numpy and random modules give different random numbers for the same seed?
    340  Why do I need to ''fftshift'' the product of DFTs to recover the convolution product
    340  Why doesn't my custom made linear regression model match sklearn?
    340  Vectorize repetitive math function in Python
    340  Strange behavior of scipy.cKDTree.sparse_distance_matrix
    340  Slow substitution of symbolic matrix with sympy
    340  Shallow Copy of ndarray to function
    340  Scipy interp1d inversion when using an array input: how to find the root of the output function array?
    340  Resizing small images in Python (numpy) to a multiple of the original size, accurately [duplicate]
    340  python: using np.vectorize and np.meshgrid get a stange list of array - misunderstanding
    340  python numpy.fft.rfft: why is when NFFT included or not, outputs are very different
    340  Python3 pipe I/O on np.ndarray with raw binary data failed
    340  Python 2/3 difference in ctypes.cast while trying to copy an array created in C into numpy
    340  Numpy vectorized 2d array operation error
    340  NumPy - Unpacking data with different dtypes from a file using genfromtxt
    340  numpy - selecting elements from an array with spacing
    340  numpy beginner array plain python vs. numpy vectors: faulty results
    340  No matching distribution found for numpy (from torch==1.10)
    340  Is there an effective way to rebin a large array in Python?
    340  Importing Text files in python with numpy using np.genfromtxt
    340  Image Processing - Assigning one hot encoded labels to array of images for training
    340  How to pass a Series object to time.mktime?
    340  How to modify the values of a plot in Python
    340  How to make sure in python that an input argument is not complex-valued but real-valued
    340  How to import numpy in pypy sandbox
    340  How to get statistics on a large text file of data
    340  Generate large number of random card decks - NumPy
    340  Flatten a numpy array
    340  Extracting a variable from a netCDF file using python without value repeating
    340  Curve fitting of Hyperbola and finding its parameters associated [closed]
    340  Creating string based array introduces random 'b' before string
    340  Create arrays in array in a loop using numpy
    340  converters option in numpy genfromtxt not accepting -ve indexing of columns
    340  convert date column in a text file to float
    340  combining silhouette scores of data samples
    339  Why do the principal component values from Scipy and MATLAB not agree?
    339  Vectorized Counting in 2D array python
    339  using numpy to randomly distribute DNA sequence reads over genomic features
    339  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'list' and 'int' and Invalid arguments error
    339  ''TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index'' on Hill-RSA cryptography
    339  TypeError for predict_proba(np.array(test))
    339  Slicing for n individual elements in a dask array
    339  Setting value to a copy of a slice of a DataFrame
    339  Rotating 1D numpy array of radial intensities into 2D array of spacial intensities
    339  R axis ticks not displaying on polar log plot
    339  Random indexing in python
    339  Python3 / Numpy: ndarray conditional indexing
    339  Pylint doesn't recognize numpy.log()
    339  pseudo increasing the 'resolution' of a value table
    339  plotting rolling_mean (pandas) not working
    339  Pandas to_csv and read_csv with column containing lists?
    339  Pandas MultiIndex Dataframe to Excel | second Index as column name
    339  pandas get unique values from column of lists
    339  pandas.factorize with custom array datatype
    339  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable after 2nd run in jupyter notebook
    339  numpy binning: how to get array indexes satisfying a predicate
    339  np.where to create missing value wih a string
    339  Most efficient (1-loop) way to use Priority Queue in Parallel Jobs task
    339  matplotlib plot data with nans
    339  Matplotlib 3D with Multiple Axes
    339  How to use Python/NumPy for a fairly large project?
    339  How to sort a matrix by one row - Python
    339  How to remove a specific element from a python list?
    339  How to interpolate into a rotated grid?
    339  How to extract numbers from a text file with appropriate labels in python
    339  How do I pack multiple images to one image or numpy array in python?
    339  High performance weighted random choice for python 2?
    339  get confused with numpy operation a[:] and a[ ... ]
    339  Formatting numpy float values
    339  Expanding pandas Data Frame rows based on number and group ID (Python 3).
    339  Duplicate removal within a certain distance in Python
    339  Can we install numpy on windows 7 without internet?
    339  Axis out of bounds error in Python using PIL and OpenCV 2
    339  applying RLE on numpy 2d array
    338  Why can't I import numpy?
    338  ValueError: Chunks and shape must be of the same length/dimension
    338  Tiff to array - error
    338  tensorflow import causing numpy calculation errors
    338  Split a list into n randomly sized chunks
    338  Slicing Multi Index Header DataFrames in Python With Custom Sorting
    338  searching k nearest neighbors in numpy
    338  Python operating on multiple data arrays in a rolling window
    338  Python on my Mac is a mess, help me uninstall what I don't need
    338  python modifying sys.path doesn't work
    338  Python: Creating multi dimensional array of multidimensional zero array
    338  PCA in Python: scikit-learn vs numpy approach
    338  pandas slice rows based on joint condition
    338  Numpy ''vectorized'' row-wise dot product running slower than a for loop
    338  Numpy maximum(arrays)--how to determine the array each max value came from
    338  Numpy - Matrix multiplication to return ndarray, not sum
    338  Memory issue with Numpy memory-mapped array assignment
    338  matplotlib not generating PS output
    338  Is there an OpenCV equivalent of scipy.ndimage.find_objects?
    338  Is there a Julia equivalent to NumPy's ellipsis slicing syntax ( ... )?
    338  Installed NumPy successfully, but not accessible with virtualenv
    338  I'm having trouble converting a Raster to an Array
    338  how to solve this exercise with python numpy vectorization?
    338  How to compute custom loss for tensorflow using numpy/sklearn based on the predictions
    338  How to build uint8 numpy array input tensor for object detection prediction in ml engine
    338  How to add a nested column to a 3D Pandas DataFrame?
    338  How should I read a 9.4GB numpy array without a memory error
    338  How do I write this matlab example to python
    338  Getting both numpy.partition and numpy.argpartition outputs efficiently
    338  Find consecutive unmasked values
    338  Equivalent of scipy.signal.lfilter in numpy
    338  Doing a scipy.optimize.root runs out of memory, what are good alternatives?
    338  Difference between 1D and ND plotting
    338  Cython - Why is the index assignment statement inside my loop still yellow?
    338  Convert meshgrid points into adjacency matrix in python
    338  Computing custom function on numpy array results in UnpicklingError: NEWOBJ class argument has NULL tp_new
    338  clear authoritative explanation of numpy axis numbers?
    338  Calculate linear indices Tensorflow
    338  Array indexing in numpy
    338  3D Matrix multiplication in numpy and theano
    337  What is the Python 3 way to ensure the correct dimension of array arguments?
    337  value error with array dimensions
    337  User-Item rating matrix : IndexError
    337  Speed up numpy.where for extracting integer segments?
    337  Speeding Up Kronecker Products Numpy
    337  plotting line and scatter plot in python
    337  padding a matrices to equalize heights with numpy
    337  Numpy Vs nested dictionaries, which one is more efficient in terms of runtime and memory?
    337  Numpy: slice matrix to remove one row and column
    337  Numpy array format for fit_transform(image) TSNE method
    337  Is it possible to create a numpy.memmap of array of arrays?
    337  Is it expected for numba's efficient square euclidean distance code to be slower than numpy's efficient counterpart?
    337  Incanter-numpy interop
    337  How to use numpy to generate random numbers on segmentation intervals
    337  How to run a python program that uses numpy on multiple cores, preferably using threading
    337  How to implement a method to generate Poincar' sections for a non-linear system of ODEs?
    337  How to get a value from every column in a Numpy matrix
    337  How to find initial guess for leastsq function in Python?
    337  How do I create a list of numpy subarrays from an original array and then apply a function over said list?
    337  Hessian matrix always singular in Theano
    337  Groupby, map and sum in Pandas resulting in NaN
    337  Getting correct XY axes when plotting numpy aray
    337  error installing scikit learn on mac
    337  dimensions of array of arrays in numpy
    337  Different results for linalg.norm in numpy
    337  Cython: same speed defining the static type of numpy
    337  Creating nd JArray with jcc from numpy array
    337  Array stacking/ concatenation error in python
    337  Append data from file to dataframe with Python (pandas)
    337  2D numpy array doesn't implicitly convert from int64 to float64
    336  What are 'r_[]' and ''basename = 'arc''' lines in Python code [closed]
    336  Weird behavior of numpy array type setting
    336  Using numpy.random
    336  TensorFlow weights increasing when using the full dataset for the gradient descent
    336  Tensorflow tutorial on MNIST
    336  Sorting x,y,z coordinates into arrays within a defined volume Python/numpy
    336  Slice specific characters in CSV using python
    336  sitk.GetArrayFromImage returns empty numpy array?
    336  Scipy Spline producing an array full of zeros
    336  Recording and playing audio simultaneously with PyAudio and NumPy
    336  Python plot 3d surface drawing
    336  python numpy left join recarray with duplicated key value
    336  Python 2.7, np.asarray, TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type
    336  Pybrain slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method with numpy 1.11.0
    336  Problems in IDLE: can't install numpy [closed]
    336  Plotting a 3d surface in Python from known values
    336  Pandas way of getting intersection between two rows in a python Pandas dataframe
    336  Pandas read_table() missing lines
    336  Numpy: two dimensional arrays, delete the odd indexes and keep the same array format
    336  Numpy, Scipy: trying to use dot product in cdist for normalized vectors, yields slower than cosine
    336  Numpy logical and
    336  Numpy: find row-wise common element efficiently
    336  numpy: efficiently summing with index arrays
    336  numpy array - use np.concatenate or np.insert to prepend and append rows of zeros to ndarray
    336  Numpy 2D array in Python 3.4
    336  Numba vectorization slower than numpy with 3d array?
    336  mkl_blas_dgemm_alloc not found in mkl_intel_thread
    336  Mapping ndarray of labels to values in a pandas Series
    336  MachineLearning tflearn/tensorflow images to greyscale
    336  Is there a Python equivalent to dereferencing in Perl?
    336  Is there an alternative for StringIndexer in python using pandas, numpy?
    336  how to reduce the time of python import modules?
    336  How to efficiently randomly select a subset of data from an h5py dataset
    336  How to display scatter graph of binary data in matplotlib?
    336  How do I find the index of a 2d meshgrid that corresponds to a given coordinate?
    336  How do I create a Boolean matrix with a corresponding index condition in Python?
    336  Get all column indices of equal to max and use them to index another array: numpy vs sparse csr_matrix
    336  Fill values in a numpy array given a condition
    336  Feed Multiple Images in a batch item to an Conv2d Layer, reshaping issue
    336  Error in Counting Non-Zero Pixels
    336  cython memoryview not faster than ndarray
    336  Create a dictionary based on conditions for a pandas dataframe
    336  count how many elements in a numpy array are within delta of every other element
    336  Cleanest way to support xarray, dask, and numpy arrays in one function
    336  Check value of a 2d array for different column indices in each row of 2d array
    336  cannot import name 'balanced_accuracy_score'
    336  Can I sort on multiple fields in numpy structured array with some reversed, a la SQL ORDER BY
    336  Bin variable with pre-defined bins and closed/open intervals
    335  Why I can't draw a chart? TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
    335  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (128, 28, 28) for Tensor 'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 784)'
    335  Statsmodels ARMA fit: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
    335  Simple 3D barplot of a 2D histogram after PCA
    335  Python time optimisation of for loop using newaxis
    335  Python equivalent for Matlab vector slice
    335  pandas: FloatingPointError with np.seterr(all='raise') and missing data
    335  Numpy segfault in Cython
    335  numpy inserting axis makes data non-contiguous
    335  Numpy, how to break a list into multiple chunks
    335  Numpy Attribute error pymc
    335  numpy array fromfunction using each previous value as input, with non-zero initial value
    335  Multiplication and dot product with adjacency matrices (numpy)
    335  Is it possible to vectorize, applying compare_ssim to every combination of images in two sets in Python?
    335  intersection of shapes in OpenCV
    335  I am having trouble with numpy's lstsq when I have complex data and multiple right hand sides
    335  How to write numpy arrays to .txt file, starting at a certain line? numpy version 1.6
    335  How to use @cython decorator to declare np.ndarray type
    335  How to store numpy.ndarray on DynamoDB?
    335  How to save a list of numpy arrays of different sizes to disk?
    335  How to create np array random data on age vs time?
    335  How to convert 4D array to another 4D with switched dimentions in Python
    335  How to compute euclidean distance between all column vector pairs for a given matrix without using loops? (using only numpy) [duplicate]
    335  How to access numpy array within PyCXX
    335  getting error for importing numpy at Python 3.5.1
    335  Finding the element in one array corresponding to the maximum value in another
    335  Finding closest point in array - inverse of KDTree
    335  Extract non- empty values from columns of a dataframe in python
    335  element-wise merge np.array in multiple pandas column
    335  Does Numpy fancy indexing copy values directly to another array?
    335  Count of overlapping labels between two images - Python / NumPy
    335  Convert and check array datatype
    335  Classification: What happens if one class has 4 times as much data as the other class?
    335  Adding Euclidean distance to a matrix
    334  Working with .grd files in python
    334  Which one is preferable? np.where or .loc?
    334  What is the Python numpy equivalent of the IDL # operator?
    334  what does it mean by putting two variable in a for-in loop in python
    334  Vectorize np.arange or equivalent
    334  Vectorize an operation in Numpy
    334  Using a string-formatted numpy array
    334  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'int' after 28 iterations
    334  trouble populating a numpy array
    334  Tensorflow record: how to read and plot image values?
    334  SVD with numpy - intepretation of results
    334  Subtract two histograms
    334  scipy.optimize.minimize: Alternatively optimize a loss function with respect to two parameters
    334  Replace each pixel in a numpy array with a formula
    334  read dataSet of picture with shape of [n, height, width, channels]
    334  Python's Pandas: Getting values from column name inputted as string (as list/array)
    334  Python/Numpy Code Optimisation
    334  Python: Ensure each pairwise distance is >= some minimum distance
    334  python - combining argsort with masking to get nearest values in moving window
    334  Optional parameter to theano function
    334  Numpy Truth Ambiguous Array in Sudoku
    334  numpy REJECTION before getting median or average of 2D arrays
    334  numpy for 64 bit windows
    334  Numpy array not updated when assigning unexpected value to dtype('int64') using math.erf()
    334  Masking a 3D numpy array with a tilted disc
    334  left join in pandas with approximately equal numeric comparison
    334  Issues with using numpy
    334  How to turn a 1D radial profile into a 2D array in python
    334  How to resample large dataframe with different functions, using a key?
    334  Howto convert a list into a numpy array with predefined structure
    334  How to calculate hamming distance between 1d and 2d array without loop
    334  How different methods of getting spectra in Python actually work?
    334  Generate a matrix from a row vector and a column vector numpy
    334  fitting by polynomial.legendre and got the coefficients
    334  Finding the root and the estimation error of a fitted function
    334  Extracting Line From Scipy Interpolated Data
    334  Error when importing pylab in python 2.6.6
    334  Calculating wind gradient du_dx, dv_dy using np.gradient
    333  Update values in evenly spaced mesh with slider
    333  Understanding interpn function of scipy.interpolate
    333  splitting an array in Python
    333  Sorting array using indices results in too many indices for array
    333  Sort a Numpy Python matrix progressively according to rows
    333  show only positive correlations out of all correlations
    333  Sharing imports between Python processes
    333  Return True if images appear the same using Python
    333  PYTHON: I can't get scipy/sklearn to work. No scipy module
    333  Python 3 PIL: Converting a Numpy array of 3-tuples to an image in HSV
    333  Polynomial fitting going through 1 point with force derivative =0
    333  Numpy, masking and sklearn clustering
    333  numpy float subtraction precision problems
    333  Multi-dimensional slicing a list of strings with numpy
    333  load and operate on matrices bigger than RAM - python - numpy - pandas
    333  Load a .csv file into a numpy array as a column vector
    333  Is there a more efficient way to generate a distance matrix in numpy
    333  is ndarray faster than recarray access?
    333  Improving runtime on a MonteCarlo simulation using numpy
    333  How to save quantized DCT coefficients as a JPEG image with Python?
    333  How to remove low-correlated features to a target?
    333  How to handle member padding in C struct when reading cffi.buffer with numpy.frombuffer?
    333  How to get the same bin widths for variable bin ranges in a histogram using Python?
    333  how to display elements of arrays in a .mat file in python
    333  How to create numpy.ndarray from tuple iteration
    333  How to create a co-variance matrix from a correlation matrix and a volatility vector?
    333  How to center the content/object of a binary image in python?
    333  How do I convert python dictionary with multiple values to a numpy array?
    333  Getting negative numbers from my implementation of alpha centrality
    333  Finding three intersections of two curves using Python
    333  Faster graph structure generation
    333  Dealing with Memory Problems in Network with Many Weights
    333  Cubic Spline interpolation implementation
    333  Combine two array into 1 array [duplicate]
    333  Can I parallelize `numpy.bincount` using `xarray.apply_ufunc`?
    333  Batch matrix multiplication in Julia
    333  Applying a function by bins on a vector in Numpy
    333  Ambiguous Error using clip, where to replace negative numbers with zero
    333  Adding numpy zero array and masked array
    332  Why random.sample can't handle numpy arrays but random.choices can?
    332  Why numpy function empty() only generates zeros?
    332  Why least squares doesn't work for high not full-rank matrix?
    332  Why does using *= on numpy arrays modify the original array?
    332  Vectorizing an indexing operation in numpy
    332  scipy.optimize.basinhopping. Object function with argument(s)
    332  Python: optimising loops
    332  Python GUI library to show 16bit greyscale image
    332  Optimizing Array Element Shifting in Python / Numpy
    332  Numerical operations on 2D array in python using numpy
    332  memory profiling: list comprehension vs. numpy array
    332  maximum of a function on a specified domain in iPython
    332  Looping through Tensor Theano
    332  lambda code to capitalize column not working
    332  join two array in Python
    332  Incorrect square wave sampling using scipy
    332  How to detect Sudoku grid board in OpenCV
    332  How to Create .fits file from numpy array
    332  How to add calculated % to a pandas pivottable
    332  How do I unpack a numpy array of tuples into an ndarray?
    332  How do I rotate an image 45 degrees clockwise manually in python without using scipy library functions?
    332  Get indices of strings in an array
    332  'float' object has no attribute 'exp' in spyder python
    332  f2py doesn't like explicit shaped array in subroutine
    332  Extracting data from multiple files with python
    332  Extract a larger slice than the numpy array's size
    332  Cython: memory views on `numpy` arrays lose `numpy` array features?
    332  Creating quintile averages of numpy array elements
    332  Create a grid of triplets
    332  Converting discrete values into real values in python
    332  Converting categorical variables to numbers based on frequency in a single line
    332  Constructing Pandas Dataframe: Treating as columns or rows?
    332  An Integration leads to TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
    332  Anaconda Accelerate dot product is 2x slower than plain NumPy
    331  Write access for iterators ? Or: sending values to generators of numpy Arrays
    331  What is the python / numpy ''~'' operator [duplicate]
    331  Unable to limit float to two decimal places in Pandas
    331  Syntax for interp2d or RectBivariateSpline
    331  Strange things about numpy indexing using empty ndarray
    331  strange behavior with numpy roll and masked array
    331  Speeding up take with numba?
    331  Sorting a record array in numpy
    331  Read text file as numpy array using np.loadtxt
    331  Python: TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'
    331  Python: Quickly loop through np.array
    331  Python np.lognormal gives infinite results for big average and St Dev
    331  Python Matplotlib plot numpy arrays with colorbar [duplicate]
    331  Python - masking in a for loop?
    331  Probability functions convolution in python
    331  Pandas Installation Using Pip and Easy_install
    331  OpenCV multicolor thresholding
    331  OLS Rolling regression in Python Error - IndexError: index out of bounds
    331  numpy.where gives slow performance (2.5 hrs) in pandas dataframe
    331  Numpy select lazy version
    331  Numpy loop using an index
    331  Numpy - Compare elements in two 2D arrays and replace values
    331  Numpy array from PIL image empty without exception
    331  n tuples(or array) and specifying the value for each entry in the n tuple via Python
    331  Normalize the elements of columns in an array to 1 or -1 depending on their sign
    331  Meet some problems when using fmin_l_bfgs_b
    331  Invert the random choice of keys in a numpy array
    331  Interpolating 3D WRF Data against a 2D array in python
    331  How to reshape an array in NumPy?
    331  How to loop faster over a large image dataset using opencv and python?
    331  How to assign value to a scalar variable in numpy array?
    331  How do I install packages for python ML on ubuntu?
    331  How do I add a column to a python (matix) multi-dimensional array? [duplicate]
    331  How can I forward fill -9999 values in python?
    331  Find zeros of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix with Python
    331  Faster way to perform point-wise interplation of numpy array?
    331  Error in using np.NaN is vectorize functions
    331  Encode/decode image data after changing to/from string/bytes
    331  Element wise cross product of vectors contained in 2 arrays with Python
    331  Efficient numpy submatrix view
    331  Efficiently creating lots of Histograms from grouped data held in pandas dataframe
    331  Common way to select columns in numpy array and pandas dataframe
    331  cannot install numpy on python3 , ubuntu 17
    331  Can I do eigenfaces with 32bit and numpy?
    331  Best way to generate all possible bidirectional graphs Python
    331  Arithmetic Operations on Numpy Array
    330  Why does `numpy.einsum` work faster with `float32` than `float16` or `uint16`? [duplicate]
    330  What is the most efficient way to pass numpy array to c++ function and return numpy array as output?
    330  Vectorized version of for-loop + numpy.where
    330  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (2,) for Tensor 'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(1, 2)'
    330  Tensorflow initialize variable with numpy doesn't work
    330  Store integer and float in numpy array in matrix form
    330  Reading a Numpy matrix with the python C API
    330  Python newbie: old C++ code for interfacing with Python uses deprecated boost/python/numeric.hpp instead of NumPy. How to update?
    330  python multiprocess pinning
    330  Python Memory Error - Numpy Matrix (1568x1568)
    330  Phase spectrum with python and FFT
    330  Pass in matrix of images of variables sizes into Theano
    330  Pandas DataFrame backed by numpy memmap ndarray appears to copy data during calculations
    330  numpy in1d returning incorrect results?
    330  numpy find values of maxima pointed to by argmax [duplicate]
    330  Numeric Integration Python versus Matlab
    330  Multiply vector by vector, scalar-wise - numpy
    330  Making a speedy custom filter for numpy 3D arrays
    330  Join NaN values in matplotlib
    330  I get this error: IndexError: too many indices
    330  How to reshape input data for tflearn?
    330  How to remove first element from every sub-array in 2-Dimentional class numpy.ndarray in Python
    330  how to estimate kernel density estimation of a 2D GMM and its gradients?
    330  how to access np array element according to its last element
    330  how can I save super large array into many small files?
    330  How can I optimise the ordinal encoding of a 2D array of strings in Python?
    330  Fast way to select n items (drawn from a Poisson distribution) for each element in array x
    330  Error while importing numpy on Eclipse with PyDev
    330  Emulating fixed precision in python
    330  count number of duplicates for each row of a 2D numpy array
    330  Convert object to DateRange
    330  Converting an AutoCAD model to a matrix of points/volumes with the mass density specified at each location
    330  Conversion of Numpy datetime64 in C API
    329  What is numpy.rollaxis doing?
    329  Try to compile numpy against openblas in Yosemite but otool shows that my build is linked with apple's Accelerate Framework
    329  Trying to add results to an array in Python
    329  Subsetting numpy array by hour and day of week
    329  Running Python/Numpy/Pandas on older secure computer
    329  Return values from array based on indices of common values in two other arrays
    329  Rebin data and update imshow plot
    329  Python simple nested for loops
    329  Python: Memory-efficient matrix creation for sets of 1's, -1's, and 0s to be optimized by scipy least squares
    329  Parallel h5py/hdf5 writing to large dataset skips data chunks
    329  Pandas Dataframe return index with inaccurate decimals
    329  padding numpy strides on left and right side
    329  Numpy.where workaround
    329  numpy memmap modify files
    329  NumPy function to find symmetric and asymmetric part of tensor / matrix / array
    329  NumPy array indexing
    329  nan in numpy dot product
    329  Moving contour labels after limiting plot size
    329  Masking a 2D array and operating on second array based off masked indices
    329  How to modify different parts of a numpy array of complex numbers in parallel using python?
    329  How to make a jagged array neat in Python?
    329  How is the at sign (@) used in the c source code for numpy?
    329  How do I read a moderngl fbo(frame buffer object) back into a numpy array?
    329  How can I find the difference between two images of different scales and sizes?
    329  getting the variance using numpy
    329  Faster ways to sort and append large dataframe
    329  Eigenvector of matrix computed by Python does not appear to be an eigenvector
    329  Cython: how to go from numpy memory view to vector[pair[double,double]] without needing the GIL?
    329  Creating a simple SWIG typemap for numpy
    329  Correct usage of numpy recarrays as c structarrays in cython
    329  Convert Pandas Dataframe to Numpy [duplicate]
    329  Can I truncate or ''zoom-in'' on a section of a pyplot figure before calling show, to avoid exceeding the complexity limit?
    329  Average calculation in Python
    329  Assigning subvectors to multidimensional arrays in Numpy
    329  append datetime object to list, group by shape
    328  Why linspace was named like that in numpy?
    328  What's the equivalent of Excel's MINVERSE in Python / numpy
    328  What's the difference between ''image[:, :, 1]'' and ''cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)''?
    328  using file/db as the buffer for very big numpy array to yield data prevent overflow?
    328  Time series data preprocessing - numpy strides trick to save memory
    328  Sorting numpy mix-typed matrices
    328  Skip NaN values to get distance
    328  Shape of an array in numpy.asarray
    328  SAS Proc Corr with Weighting in Python
    328  Reshaping arrays using Numpy.Reshape
    328  Reading vector information as a multidimensional array from VTU files using 'vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader' in python
    328  Read csv with tab delimiter produces errors
    328  Ranking a column against other columns in a dataframe
    328  Python: passing memmap array through function?
    328  Python how to convert a value with shape (1000L, 1L) to the value of the shape (1000L,)
    328  Python given numpy array of weights, find indices which split array so that sum of each split is less than value
    328  numpy UnicodeDecodeError am I using the right approach with genfromtxt
    328  Numpy: replace each element in a row by the maximum of other elements in the same row
    328  Numpy: how to apply vectorized functions to array with dtype
    328  Median filter produces unexpected result on FITS file
    328  Longest run/island of a number in Python
    328  Linear Regression fill_between with matplotlib
    328  IndexError: tuple index out of range - calculating mean RGB
    328  How to test the convolution theorem using Python?
    328  How to implement this activation function in numpy?
    328  How to fill in a Numpy 4D array using nested For loops in Python?
    328  How to check if a numpy array contain a list of numbers? [duplicate]
    328  How exactly 'abs()' and 'argsort()' works together
    328  Convert timezone of np.datetime64 without loss of precision
    328  Convert grayscale image to numpy array
    328  Can't use tensorflow because of Numpy Error
    328  Box coordinates numpy sum
    327  ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'O'
    327  Using an image as a mask for another image
    327  Unable to create correctly shaped tuple from ((1, 1), (1, 1))
    327  Turn array into array of arrays following structure of another array
    327  Symmetry detection in images in Python
    327  Solving a system of non-linear equations
    327  Solve ax+by+cz = k using numpy
    327  sklearn kmeans predict ValueError on sample size
    327  Select Multiple slices from Numpy array at once
    327  Sample uniformly from multisets
    327  Repeat element from a 2D matrix to a 3D matrix with numpy
    327  python perlin noise procedural map add road/river
    327  Python/Numpy find length variable spans
    327  Python numpy array replacing
    327  Python Matrix multiplication solve Ax <=b
    327  plot of multiple arrays
    327  Origin of AttributeError: object has no attribute 'cos'
    327  Numpy re-index to first N natural numbers
    327  numpy python: Find the highest value from a column for each unique value in another column
    327  NumPy mgrid into tuples
    327  Numpy Meshgrid Error: Unsupported Operand Types
    327  numpy curve_fit with coefficients in vector
    327  Most efficient way of calling Mapbox Distance API for large list of coordinates
    327  Memory Error while working with images in Massachussets Road Dataset
    327  Linking numpy/scipy to serial ATLAS
    327  I don't see my implicit casting
    327  How to visualise the number of dimensions in an array for python numpy
    327  How to use numpy and strides to improve performance of loop
    327  How to convert String to Numpy Datetime64 from a dataframe
    327  How to combine arrays in numpy?
    327  How to check if a Numpy array is a subarray of another bigger array
    327  How can I speed up iteration through this transformed numpy array?
    327  glob(os.path.join()) to work with the .npy data
    327  Getting unique couples with nan
    327  Get indices of N maximum values in a numpy array, with random tie-breaking
    327  Find the area between two curves separately in numpy
    327  finding elements of array in another array
    327  finding closest values in two arrays without repetitions [duplicate]
    327  find all intersections of two curves(non-fuctions)
    327  Equivalent of theano.tensor.switch in Tensorflow
    327  Defining a default argument after with None: what if it's an array?
    327  Data type for numpy.random
    327  Creating structured array from flat list
    327  Computing Mathematical functions over multiple runs (Numpy)
    327  Clustering histograms of different lengths in Python
    327  cant import numpy though its installed in ubuntu 14.04
    327  Cannot figure out Numpy equivalent for cv.mat.step[0]
    327  Boolean Logic Comparing Data From Two Pandas Dataframes
    326  Why numba and numpy performs differently on inplace operations?
    326  What does the following error mean, when I tried to import torch library on iPython?
    326  take a slice from the end of an nd array in numpy
    326  Reduction of NumPy bitwise_and function
    326  Python: Too many indices
    326  Python numpy easier syntax?
    326  Python multidimensional x_train scikit-learn
    326  Optimizing my large data code with little RAM
    326  Matrix multiplication over specific dimensions in tensorflow (or numpy)
    326  matplotlib compilation recipe for python-for-android
    326  import cv2 terminal error - python
    326  How would I change the values (type is string) of a series to an int? [duplicate]
    326  How to update portion of the netCDF file?
    326  How to pass numpy.memmap array to np.cov function?
    326  How to fit an affine transformation which consists of scaling and translation only?
    326  How to efficiently perform a grid search for a large matrix in Python?
    326  How do you sequentially flip each dimension in a NumPy array?
    326  How can I apply a function to a scrolling window in numpy?
    326  For loop vs Numpy vectorization computation time
    326  Filter a data-frame and add a new column according to the given condition
    326  Equivalence of lognormal and exp(normal) probability densities
    326  Different results of cost function in theano and numpy
    326  Difference between Chebyshev polynomial implementation in scipy and numpy
    326  Cython with numpy how to get rid of fancy indexing (no call to Python)
    326  cv2.addWeighted except some color
    326  Creating a numpy array of 3D coordinates from three 1D arrays, first index changing fastest
    326  create another column with 1 and 0 using np.where, on a series of multiple values
    326  Copy columns of subarray in Numpy
    326  broadcasting linalg.pinv on a 3D matrix
    326  Applying a multi-dimensional function over multi-dimensional array (Python, Numpy)
    325  Zipped package (with numpy) for AWS Lambda not working
    325  Why is irfftn(rfftn(x)) not equal to x?
    325  What is the difference between array([array([]),array([])]) and array([[],[]])?
    325  ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged (Reshape from keras)
    325  Time Complexity in Python - Big O notation
    325  Sum of dot products
    325  Solve a multitude of linear least square system efficiently
    325  score_cbow_pair in word2vec (gensim)
    325  Reshaping a batch for LSTM in Keras
    325  Rearrange array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] to [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6]
    325  Python - Read and plot data from a .csv
    325  Python gradient-descent multi-regression - cost increases to infinity
    325  Pip is not installing any libraries
    325  Numpy Dot product with nested array
    325  numpy: concise conditional syntax for array division
    325  Need of abs () method while plotting a power spectral density for a given dataset
    325  MSE/MAE for Decision Tree Python scikit-learn
    325  Lossy Polynomial Regression using numpy
    325  Installing Scipy on centos 7 Digital Ocean
    325  IndexError Can int be used as indices?
    325  Inconsistency between gaussian_kde and density integral sum
    325  ID of an array element changes in IPython [duplicate]
    325  How to split numpy array into single values? [duplicate]
    325  How to slice a 2D numpy array to get its direct neighbors?
    325  How to randomly shuffle ''tiles'' in a numpy array
    325  How to properly concat string elements in 2-d ndarray in numpy?
    325  How to check whether all elements of array are in between two values [duplicate]
    325  Flood fill NumPy Array `numpy.ndarray`, i. e. assign new value to element and change neighboring elements of the same value, too
    325  Fitting a linear regression with scipy.stats; error in array shapes
    325  Decreasing the size of an image
    325  Create new array for average of previous 7 slices of numpy array
    325  Can Python use the harddrive as extra memory?
    325  average of all rows corresponing to all unique rows
    324  Why does return the wrong decomposition matrices of square matrix B in this code?
    324  Vectorizing An Equation
    324  Super Linear Speedup - Python - Cluster - Multiple Processes
    324  Scipy.sparse CSC-matrix performance
    324  scipy.optimize.minimize cannot use 2D or scalar bounds
    324  Python Slicing NumPy Array according to feature_importances_
    324  python printing a generator list after vectorization?
    324  Python: Mapping between two arrays with an index array
    324  Preventing scipy eigenvectors differing from computer to computer
    324  pip install giving platform not supported error [duplicate]
    324  Pairwise distances of all rows in n dimensional matrix
    324  OpenCV copying a list of pixels from one image to another
    324  Numpy trim_zeros in 2D or 3D
    324  Numpy: Search for an array A with same pattern in a larger array B
    324  Numpy convert from binary string to array of floats
    324  Is there a numerically optimal order of matrix multiplication?
    324  How to use dtype to structure 1D array in numpy
    324  How to remove first occurrence in string repeatedly python?
    324  How to plot normal distribution curve along with Central Limit theorem
    324  How to matrix-multiply a 2D numpy array with a 3D array to give a 3D array?
    324  How to keep a slice of a numpy array and clear the rest from memory?
    324  how to convert a .dat file into an array in python
    324  How do I use a 2-d boolean array to select from a 1-d array on a per-row basis in numpy?
    324  How can I draw Pixmap to Qgraphicsview?
    324  Hopfield - incorrect recognition
    324  Find elements of array one nearest to elements of array two
    324  Error in GLM model
    324  Eigen matrix multiplication slower than cblas?
    324  dot products of rows and columns
    324  Cython Partial Derivative
    324  CSV Filtering for numpy
    324  Creating with python a vocabulary file that takes the words from a set (a huge set) of .tsv files and for each word assigns an identification number
    324  assigning values to a numpy matrix
    324  Applying function to pandas DataFrame column gives numpy error
    324  Alternative to deprecated pd.Series().convert_objects(convert_numeric = true), able to parse string
    324  A long term puzzle, how to optimize multi-level loops in python?
    323  Why pcov in optimize.curve_fit is a two by two matrix and which value corresponds to intercept
    323  Transform 1D List
    323  shift numpy array column and row?
    323  scipy.optimize.fmin error: setting an array element with a sequence
    323  reshape fails with total size of new array must be unchanged even for correct dimenions
    323  Python: Why copying a Dask slice to Numpy array result in row count mismatch
    323  python 3. Ffinding the center of a 2D array
    323  Python 1d correlation normalized and unnormalized values
    323  Pyspark: sum error with SparseVector
    323  Preventing underflows when computing log of the probability that a normal sample falls in a certain interval in python
    323  Pandas assign categories to numbers in dataframe
    323  Numpy Truncation?
    323  Numpy: Faster computation of triple nested loops involving sum reductions
    323 for multiple product between 2D matrices
    323  newton fractal: mathoverflow error
    323  Map a function over the array elements of a multidimensional array
    323  In Python (Pandas-Numpy), how to modify column names (strings), using a condition and iteration?
    323  How to show masked foreground image into background image of different size
    323  How to load .mat files in python?
    323  How to generate a bool 2D arrays from two 1D arrays using numpy
    323  How to convert log2 scale to normal scale in pandas
    323  Finding Similar Document
    323  Create array by sampling PDF
    323  convert strings to float in 2D-numpy array
    323  Confusion in size of a numpy array
    323  boolean selection and masked assignment in Pandas
    323  Apply a function to each row of a numpy matrix w.r.t. its index
    323  Adding new values to a filtered pandas DataFrame
    322  What Is Matlab's 'box' Interpolation Kernel
    322  Transform Tensor to a vector
    322  The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all() for np.argmax
    322  split dict intro sub dicts when values are numpy arrays
    322  Solving system of linear equations with square roots
    322  sklearn RandomForestClassifier runs out memory while building
    322  Shape of earth seems wrong in Skyfield - is my python correct?
    322  Selecting rows in numpy array
    322  Readability of Scientific Python Code (Line Continuations, Variable Names, Imports)
    322  Python: Vtk - Create a grid/polyData with all combinations of coordinates
    322  Python NumPy vectorization
    322  python-cant install scipy from wheel
    322  PyPlot ColorMesh creates plot with wrong color mapping
    322  Parallelizing 3D numpy array calculation using dask.array.core.map_blocks
    322  Numpy: Read csv, deal with undefined values
    322  numpy knn with vectorizing nested matrices
    322  numpy argmin() of sliced array return original index?
    322  Monthly Portfolio Rebalancing from Optimized Weights
    322  minimum distance from an array [closed]
    322  Matplotlib fill between slices
    322  Loading delimited file with unequal number of rows at each column
    322  List of tab delimited arrays to numpy array?
    322  Issue appending ndarray's with different shapes
    322  How to save value in an array using python
    322  How to find the index of all minimum elements in a numpy array in python?
    322  how to deal with nan_policy bug in Spearman test in python
    322  How to convert the python function ''any()'' to CUDA python compatible code(running on GPU)?
    322  How to avoid automatic pseudo coloring in matplotlib.pyplot imshow()
    322  How can I use trigonometric functions on GPU with Numba?
    322  How can i get stable results in tensorflow CNN
    322  h5py selective read in
    322  Find range of length N in a numpy array where some condition is satisfied
    322  Efficient numpy array initialization to avoid side effects?
    322  Efficient Haskell equivalent to NumPy's argsort
    322  Different dimensions when using numpy dot
    322  Create Numpy array without enumerating array
    322  Calculating the product of polynomials using Python lists
    322  Calculating long expressions using Numpy (coordinate transform)?
    322  AWS Lambda function requires numpy - but yields ''Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed.'' error
    322  astropy.fits: Manipulating image data from a fits Table? (e.g., 3072R x 2C)
    322  Assigning 2D-array function return values for numpy array
    322  Apply the quartile cuts from the train data to the test data
    322  An elegant way of inserting a numpy matrix into another
    321  Using pointers to numpy array data attribute
    321  SWIG Python C++ output array giving 'unknown type' error
    321  Simple ML Algo not working: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)
    321  shifting data in python in different steps
    321  Segmentation using maximum likelihood algorithm on images using python
    321  scipy.odeint understanding internal timesteps
    321  Saving Python array with np save - size issue
    321  Restricting numpy.random.lognormal to a given range, Python
    321  Python: Printing elements in the defaultdict based on the order in the OrderedDict
    321  Python/Numpy: Build 2D array without adding duplicate rows (for triangular mesh)
    321  Python: Extract only some attributes from a csv file to a numpy array
    321  plotting dendrograms with scipy in Python
    321  Pandas dataframe filter vectorized
    321  OpenCV install: deprecation error
    321  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error 3
    321  Numpy array to generic-tiff (tiled) with pyramid structure
    321  Numpy array __contains__ check
    321  N-D interpolation for equally-spaced data
    321  Multiply row in numpy array of fields with a list
    321  MATLAB to Python Conversion, matrices and lists
    321  KeyError: when making new column in pandas
    321  Interpolate values in one column of a dataframe (python)
    321  Increasing performance of highly repeated numpy array index operations
    321  How to use numpy to compare several arrays and identify the one with minimal differences?
    321  How to turn a list of probabilities into binary values
    321  How to reshape () the sum of odd and even rows in numpy
    321  How do I do a matrix multiplication on the last 2 dimensions of a tensor [duplicate]
    321  How does l_bfgs optimization method approximate the gradient
    321  How can I convert 3D data from three 1D arrays to one 2D array? [duplicate]
    321  Difference between numpy.matrix.A1 and ravel
    321  Data comparison using numpy
    321  Count the number of occurrences between markers in a python list
    321  apply along axis using arrays as indicies
    320  Why is filling a pandas data frame so resource intensive
    320  Why does the train set not transform from words to Word2Vec Numpy vectors?
    320  Why does the HoughLinesP output a 3D array, instead of a 2D array?
    320  Why does numpy's broadcasting sometimes allow comparing arrays of different lengths?
    320  When does a Python Numpy array declaration get no arguments?
    320  Use of slice(x,y) function in python
    320  TypeError: invalid type promotion when running my model
    320  Trouble importing numpy
    320  Sympy lambdify error in combination with arrays
    320  Sum of absolute off-diagonal differences in numpy matrix
    320  Sparse matrix factorization of A = Bᵀ&middot;B
    320  Sorting a ''1D'' ndarray in Python
    320  scipy csr_matrix from several vectors represented as list of sets
    320  Save large amount of numpy arrays in single file and use it to fit keras model
    320  Reshaping a numpy array containing images of different sizes
    320  Rebinning numpy array by non-integer factor
    320  RAM usage after importing numpy in python 3.7.2
    320  Precision is lost / changed once data goes to Cython module
    320  Pandas update column based on current values
    320  Pandas SparseDataFrame from list of dicts
    320  Optional parameters in np.eye()
    320  Opencv fitellipse draws the wrong contour
    320  numpy vectorization instead of loop
    320  Numpy linspace and plotting, ValueError: an array element with a sequence
    320  numpy kron along a given axis
    320  Most efficient way to intersect list of lists in Python?
    320  Merge width x height x 3 numpy uint8 array into width x height x 1 uint32 array
    320  Matlab to Python conversion: Read a text file into numpy records and search array for a string
    320  Julia mapslices function equivalent in Python
    320  Iteration with linspace through For loop within class
    320  How to properly import file with always used code (matplotlib, pyplot, lab work)?
    320  How to mask specific slices for each row in a tensor
    320  How to delete sentence with one word in Python
    320  How to apply numpy vectorize on a array of dataframes?
    320  h5py - reshape dataset like numpy.reshape()
    320  Get days as float from an array of Timedelta and NaN
    320  Function call with np.ndarray say ''TypeError: missing 1 required positional argument: ''
    320  Find the most significant corner of a skeleton and segment the skeleton at that corner
    320  Error in Scipy curve fit for more than two parameters
    320  Downsize 3D Matrix by Averaging in Numpy or alike
    320  Displaying an image with matplotlib having resolution greater than screen resolution
    320  Cyrillic symbols decode in numpy array
    320  Cropping a NumPy array of an arbitrary dimension given two corners
    320  Create New Column Based On String
    320  Create array of index values from list with another list python
    320  Counting occurrences in pandas dataframe with respect to a list
    320  apply a function to np.ndarray?
    319  Why computing Preferential Attachment is costly?
    319  What is IronPython good for if it cannot load any third party packages? [closed]
    319  trying to sum two arrays
    319  Train/Test split on specific ID /subject only
    319  svd in python and R
    319  Smooth tracking in Python and Opencv
    319  scipy.stats.pearsonr with lists of Decimals?
    319  scipy.interpolate.splrep: What do the derivatives beyond der=1 represent?
    319  Retrieve location info of a 2D Gaussian array [duplicate]
    319  Restart cumsum and get index if cumsum more than value
    319  Resize numpy.memmap inplace
    319  Python solver function like excel sheet solver function to predict a and b value based on dataset
    319  Python: Determine assigned serial port my hardware connected to [closed]
    319  python Converting and solving of stiff ODE system
    319  Progressively sort an array, like excel
    319  pandas or numpy - how to count true/false array returned
    319  Pandas: count variance in pivot_table
    319  Numpy vstack: Key Error 0 for dataframes with 1 row
    319  Numpy log slow for numbers close to 1?
    319  NumPy loadtext()
    319  numpy for python 2.3
    319  numpy array division floating point error inconsistent behaviour?
    319  Need little support in trimap generation for alpha masking
    319  needed: FFT implememtatin in Python using preallocated buffer to store results
    319  Method to ravel an object numpy array
    319  Interpolate values row-wise for 2D Numpy array
    319  How to iterate through all pixels in a image and compare their RGB values with another RGB value without using for loop?
    319  How to input complex values to the OpenCV function cv.dft()?
    319  How can I vectorize a function that uses lagged values of its own output?
    319  Getting a KeyError on given code that is supposed to work
    319  Difference between scipy's griddata and RectBivariateSpline
    319  Conditional numpy array modification by the indices
    319  Clustering in binary numpy ndarray with cluster size/density variable and exact no. of zeros
    319  Can't turn back to PIL Image after expanding dimensions with numpy
    319  canopy matplotlib windows 64 bit
    319  Bar plot with known x, y
    319  A numpy.arange style function with array inputs
    319  2D NumpyArray with data type
    318  Why are there two np.int64s in numpy.core.numeric._typelessdata (Why is numpy.int64 not numpy.int64?)
    318  vectorizer.fit_transform gives NotImplementedError : adding a nonzero scalar to a sparse matrix is not supported
    318  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1, 568) for Tensor 'InputData/X:0', which has shape '(?, 1180)'
    318  Swapping elements of numpy 2d-array by a simultaneuous assignment overwrites the elements [duplicate]
    318  Solving multiple equations using scipy.optimize.minimize in numpy
    318  Python 3.7 boolean indexing *warning* using 'list'
    318  python 3.4 modules can be install because numpy
    318  pymf factorization solution sorted?
    318  Pybrain regression is not converging to reasonable values
    318  Problem in loading web page when using polyval, polyfit using numpy
    318  Pandas Datatype Conversion issue
    318  Numpy/Python zero division error
    318  Numpy Problems with Arrays of poly1d Objects
    318  Numpy linalg on multidimensional arrays
    318  Numpy int64() function arguments?
    318  np.tile to repeat an 1D array
    318  Nonetype not callable from joblib when requiring (but not using) cv2
    318  Make 2d mask for 3d array in Numpy
    318  Loop over a Numpy array with Cython
    318  list of lists to list of tuples without loops or list comprehensions [closed]
    318  index column undefined after resampling a dataframe
    318  How to write data to a compound data using h5py?
    318  How to stop matplotlib legend text overlapping?
    318  How to sort a numpy array by axis and preserve rows [duplicate]
    318  How to sequentially fill a 3d matrix in python?
    318  How to make dataframe in pandas as numeric?
    318  How to get rid of values from Numpy array without loop?
    318  How to create a colorplot in python with matplotlib from existing data arrays
    318  How can a python function handle both numpy matrix and scalar?
    318  float values error after numpy vstack
    318  Error in using numpy mean on ndarray
    318  error installing numpy+mkl on window 7 64bit
    318  Does Numpy have an inbuilt elementwise matrix modular exponentiation implementation
    318  Dividing arrays in python
    318  Concatenating two RNN states in tensorflow
    318  Check if cifar10 is converted well
    318  Check if any element of a numpy array is not in a list?
    318  Can you explaing now this works. Python Numpy.arrays working with regular lists
    317  .write() and .writelines() returning a blank .txt file  -  PYTHON
    317  Unexpected behaviour in numpy, when dividing arrays
    317  SciPy Parabolic Cylinder D and Complex Arguments
    317  scipy.fft hangs with certain sound files
    317  Rounding in Python NumPy when adding nodes in Networkx
    317  Reshaping arrays in Time-Series RNN Beginners Block
    317  Resample a MultiIndexed Pandas DataFrame and apply different functions to columns
    317  Python; Determining and adding noise to image segments
    317  Pygame Sudoku: Make empty cells editable
    317  Plot Scipy Sparse Matrix Generated from Sklearn in Python
    317  Pearson correlation of two 3D arrays with NaN in python
    317  Numpy split array by grouping array
    317  Normalization / Scaling as preprocessing step in python
    317  Negative result from a product of positive numbers in python
    317  Negate all list values in a 2D array
    317  Multithreading with Numpy Causes Segmentation Fault
    317  Matrix multiply a numpy array of matrices
    317  How to vectorize computation of mean over specific set of indices given as matrix rows?
    317  How to move data in numpy array from column/row to another based on value in third column
    317  How to get statistics from a histogram?
    317  How to fix '' operands broadcasting error''
    317  efficiently dstack arrays from dictionary python
    317  cv2.split() doesn't work beyond 512 channels
    317  Compute KL divergence between rows of a matrix and a vector
    316  What is the most efficient way to compute the square euclidean distance between N samples and clusters centroids?
    316  Unable to subtract specific fields within structured numpy arrays
    316  Turn CSV values into numpy array with fileds as array indices [closed]
    316  ''Trailing'' One-Hot Encode
    316  Specifying NumPy Arrays with 2-Bit Dtype
    316  Selecting NumPy array range, including the last element
    316  Reordering a sparse matrix to maximize the overlap on a reference sparse matrix
    316  python read 2d in to a 1d array
    316  Python / Pandas - Datetime statistics. How to aggregate means of datetime columns
    316  python list operations to modify the list shape
    316  Python Bins / Numpy Digitize - Creating bins from midpoint
    316  Pseudoinverse calculation in Python
    316  Optimizing a simple CPU bound function with python multiprocessing
    316  Numpy in Python script fails to import when called from the command prompt
    316  Numpy division by 0 workaround
    316  Numpy Arrays: Slice y-values array based on threshold, then slice the x-values array correspondingly
    316  Multi-label classification: decoding one hot vector
    316  Modifying values of a sub-array in python
    316  List of Tuples to Pivoted Dataframe
    316  List/Array of strings to numpy float array
    316  Is there a ''maskna'' and ''skipna'' in numpy python
    316  Interpolate in 3D space using numpy
    316  Image Detection and Verification of State Based on Area
    316  I broke an embedded Python installation with a pip install
    316  How to write numpy arrays directly to s3 in a deep learning application backed by spark
    316  How to extract lat / long coordinates from 2 numpy arrays in python?
    316  How to create volume from point cloud in spherical coordinates?
    316  How to convert seconds to hours in x-axis with matlplotlib?
    316  How do you restrict the scaling of the sine wave upto certain value
    316  Finding the closest point of an array using numpy.linarg.norm() function
    316  Fastest way to find difference between image pixel and palette colour in Python
    316  Error when entering values for a scatter fit
    316  Efficient way to create an array that is a sequence of variable length ranges in numpy
    316  discrete proximity to gaussian distribution using numpy
    316  Dirichlet boundary condition for Green function convolution in Fourier domain
    316  Dependencies error in Matplotlib and numpy
    316  Convert a one dimensional dataframe into a 3 dimensional for RGB Image
    316  Concatenating large pandas dataframes produces MemoryError
    316  3D points from Numpy meshgrid coordinates
    315  Why to_categorical() in Keras uses float64 instead of float32?
    315  Why am I not getting better performance with numpy.searchsorted over bisect.bisect_left on a list of datetime?
    315  What is the difference between NumPy object methods and NumPy function calls?
    315  Using NumPy in Pyramid
    315  Unpickle in python2 a sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier saved by python3
    315  ufunc Vs basic arithmetic operators in Numpy
    315  Sudden crashing and error on previously working python statsmodels code
    315  Storing keypoints and descriptors (Python/OpenCV)
    315  Scipy's convolve2d increasing the values in array significantly
    315  Scipy Dll load error
    315  scipy and matlab fft results differ
    315  Repeat a csr_matrix row over axis 0 to create a matrix
    315  random matrix with sum of values by column not greater than one
    315  Python zip on two numpy arrays
    315  Python numpy: Efficiently get rows containing min value of column for each unique tuple of 3 other columns
    315  Python (Numpy and SciPy) calculation with big integers
    315  Python - create mask of unique values in array
    315  Problems with nditer iteration and Python3 print format
    315  Plot multivariate-normal-distribution-like shape
    315  Pandas - User who has logged into the product on three separate days in at least one seven-day period
    315  only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    315  Obtaining a numpy array from an array acting on a dictionary
    315  numpy dot returns invalid values for large arrays when using scipy.linalg.blas.sgemm
    315  Not getting correct contour plot of coefficients from my Logistic Regression implementation?
    315  Minimum euclidean distances and corresponding indices between array and array columns
    315  matlplot lib fails on clean numpy installation
    315  Matlab: Is it possible to a source code of a function, mvncdf? [duplicate]
    315  Interpretation of numpy polyfit on a big dataset
    315  import numpy error: undefined symbol: zgelsd_
    315  How to split up contours detected in OpenCV?
    315  How to read a file with fortran formatted numbers into python?
    315  how to import list of list of dictionaries as numpy array
    315  How to fit a specific exponential function with numpy
    315  How to aggregate data by historical time series values in python dataframe?
    315  Generating a normalized matrix of random numbers which rows are generated from different Gaussian (normal) distributions
    315  function for three-dimensional display of array of binary image matrices (Python, OpenCV, C++)
    315  Finding unique columns in an HDF5 dataset
    315  Fill columns of a matrix with sin/cos without for loop
    315  Evaluate SmoothBivariateSpline for two 1d array lists
    315  Does scikit have an equivalent creation for TensorFlow's tf.feature_column.crossed_column?
    315  Data type incompatibility issue in Theano
    315  DataFrame of objects `astype(float)` behaviour different depending if lists or arrays
    315  Converting from Numpy.zeros(100,100) to using a Scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(100,100) Error
    315  adding matrices to n dimensional array with numpy
    314  Use numpy ndarray object in Apache Hive WHERE condition
    314  Sorting numpy array created by laspy
    314  Scipy integrate.quad not returning the expected values
    314  Scipy erfcinv unexpectedly blows up near 1e-16
    314  Replace elements in array with class instances
    314  Python SciPy call from terminal failing
    314  Python - pre compiled libraries?
    314  Pylab Plot Not Showing Up?
    314  Plotting a matrix cartesian coordinate using polar coordinates
    314  Optimizing Python function with Parakeet
    314  Numpy throws error while using genfromtxt function in python 3
    314  numpy array representation and formatting
    314  Numpy 2D array: change all values to the right of NaNs
    314  Normalize 2d arrays
    314  linear algebra in python
    314  Is scipy.stats doing wrong calculation for iqr?
    314  Import error: Anaconda numpy (numpy and Anaconda already installed, virtualenv)
    314  How to make a numpy array slice at an angle needed? [duplicate]
    314  How to generate a random float in range [-1,1] using numpy.random.rand()?
    314  How to draw multiple levels groupby histograms in Python?
    314  how to check column value of one data frame how many times in another dataframe column pandas?
    314  Faster N-dimensional interpolations and simulations in Python
    314  Enforcing in-memory transposition of a numpy array [duplicate]
    314  Efficient Dynamic word embeddings in TensorFlow
    314  Data structure for NumPy indexed array [closed]
    314  Creating a training subset in Sklearn
    314  Conditional groupby in multidimensional numpy array
    314  Concatenate two numpy arrays along first axis
    314  Can not execute python script or go to python shell
    314  Boosting the runtime of NumPy Code with NumExpr: An analysis
    314  Array of hermite values in numpy
    314  Applying several functions to each row of an array
    314  add legend for some of the lines
    313  Wrote a code in python to edit an image's background and the output i am getting is totally off
    313  Writing to a file with xyz format with z=0
    313  Whitening Transformation of a Data Matrix in numpy does not replicate MATLAB results
    313  What could cause a Value Error in this short image matching function in Python (using numpy)?
    313  The equivalent code of np.random.rand Python
    313  subset pandas dataframe with corresponding numpy array
    313  Setting the value and style (color) of a cell in pandas Dataframe at the same time in a loop
    313  scikit-learn: Classification timing correct?
    313  Remove rows from numpy array when its repeated less than n times
    313  Python : Numpy memory error on creating a 3d array. Whats the better way to fill a 3d array
    313  Python equivalent for Matlab corrcoef (correlation coefficient ) [duplicate]
    313  python ctypes returns zero as first element in array?
    313  Processing multiclass data input for scikit-learn SVM classification
    313  passing numpy array as parameter in theano function
    313  Pandas - Sum values in list according to index from another list
    313  Pandas and Numpy Fancy Indexing
    313  Numpy set array memory
    313 (masked) array mean method has inconsitent return type
    313  Modify element and neighbor in numpy 2d array
    313  Is there a way to speed up Numpy array calculations when they only contain values in upper/lower triangle?
    313  How to not share axes in FacetGrid
    313  How to efficiently store a sparse boolean array in NumPy?
    313  How to convert list of lists to bytes?
    313  How to avoid quadratic computation resulting from double 'for loop' when computing distances between vectors
    313  How to approximate correlation matrix in large sparse scipy matrices?
    313  High performance all-to-all comparison of vectors in Python
    313  Evaluate polynomials by reading it from a file
    313  Element-wise weave of two arrays used with numpy repeat
    313  Convert a pandas series of lists with variable length into a 1d array
    313  Changing the np array does not change the Torch Tensor automatically?
    313  Can I use Python's Decimal type with NumPy?
    313  calculate useful order statistics using describe with NaN in dataframe
    313  Calculate Refractive index of sapphire with sellmeier equation
    313  Alternatives to lpsolve in Python for fast setup and solve
    312  Why is drawing contours not working in image after erosion and dilation?
    312  What is the fastest way to read a specific chunk of data from a large Binary file in Python
    312  Video Manipulation
    312  using numpy.Reshape python
    312  Unshape and reshape a numpy array?
    312  Stacking list of lists vertically using np.vstack is throwing an error
    312  Simplex using Python: How to set up the code
    312  Sequential random choice in Python
    312  SciPy Optimization: Matrix Operations
    312  Sanity Checking Output of Python numpy eig() function
    312  Remove zero values from two arrays to plot them on a scatter plot (python)
    312  Python Numpy: How does numpy.exp(x) coerce the return value of this sigmoid function into an ndarray?
    312  python difference between the two form of matrix x[i,j] and x[i][j]
    312  Numpy nditer for memory saving?
    312  Numpy NaN returning as 'nan'
    312  numpy memmap read error memory mapped size must be positive
    312  numpy conditional format of elements
    312  Modules ''Pandas'' and ''Numpy'' not found in Pycharm Python Code
    312  Irregular Numpy matrix
    312  Increasing performance of Python function using Cython
    312  How to rewrite this code from python loops to numpy vectors (for perfomance)?
    312  How to get dict of first two indexes for multi index data frame
    312  How to extract the entire four dimension array in python
    312  How do I use the Python modules in webports/naclports with the Python interpreter Chrome app?
    312  handling negative infinite numbers in pandas or numpy
    312  Group rows in list and transpose pandas
    312  Faster For Loop to Manipulate Data in Pandas
    312  Extracting features/ labels from .wav file to .csv
    312  Euclidean distance between elements in two different matrices?
    312  Drawing random numbers with draws in some pre-defined interval, `numpy.random.choice()`
    312  Combine NumPy Arrays by Reference
    311  vpython vector vs numpy ndarray
    311  Time series prediction with linear regression error
    311  Sub-arrays in numpy structured array not c contiguous
    311  Split a sparse matrix into chunks without converting to dense
    311  Select columns and lines with condition from file using numpy
    311  Scipy kd-tree implementation throwing ''negative dimensions''
    311  rotation around point: not the desidered ouput in python
    311  Reduce Memory Usage when Running Numpy Array Operations
    311  python loadtxt to read delimited file
    311  Python: Flatten ndarray
    311  Print function and numpy.savetxt in python 3
    311  Plotting points extracted from a .txt file in python
    311  Pandas | Empty plot using pandas.df.plot()?
    311  pandas: conditionally select a row cell for each column based on a mask
    311  numpy structured array no shape information?
    311  numpy matrix. move all 0's to the end of each row
    311  Numpy: garbage collection after slicing
    311  np.loadtxt for a file with many matrixes
    311  Need explanation about results produced from Python's sci-kit template matching library
    311  Naming dimensions in python?
    311  Latent Space and SVD
    311  Iterate and assign value - Python - Numpy
    311  Is there a python module that convert a value and an error to a scientific notation?
    311  import error for installed python package numpy and scipy, but scikit-learn works fine
    311  Identify the distance of face captured from the webcam
    311  How to turn mp4 with only audio into numpy array
    311  how to share large object in multiprocess?
    311  How to get the hardest part to take longest in python
    311  How to Check if Jacobian is Correct
    311  How does cycle prevent a generator from throwing a StopIteration exception?
    311  how can I print outdata3, outdata4 value from Python?
    311  How can I find the indices of the quantiles of an array?
    311  HDF file not saving properly with h5py
    311  h5py flipping dimensions of images
    311  For loop for hyposometric equation in python
    311  Find and replace subarray in python array
    311  Filling a numpy array using an arbitrary function
    311  Does Swift support array vectorization and operations similar to numpy?
    311  detect high values from numpy array
    311  Decoding NumPy int64 binary representation
    311  creating numpy array with first and last elements different and all other elements the same
    311  Copying every row of one matrix to every row of another empty matrix in python
    311  Convert Multi Index back to columns after pivot a table in python
    311  Convert a Python List to an Array
    311  Changing subclassed `ndarray` view in-place
    311  Change multi dimensional numpy array values according to condition
    311  Can I get data spread (noise) from singular value decomposition?
    311  boost::python linking error (undefined reference to numpy::empty and numpy::detail::get_float_dtype<64>()) when using templates
    311  Appending pandas DataFrame with MultiIndex with data containing new labels, but preserving the integer positions of the old MultiIndex
    311  Add packages to pylint exceptions
    310  Wrong center of mass using scipy ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass
    310  Why does int(maxint) give a long, but int(int(maxint)) give an int? Is this a NumPy bug?
    310  Why can't I load a sqlalchemy result into a pandas dataframe?
    310  Weighted average element-wise between two arrays
    310  Using np.min with list input in a numba function
    310  Symbolic matrix and numpy usage error ''TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types..''
    310  split bigquery dataframe into chunks using dask
    310  Solve over-determined system of linear equations
    310  Return numpy matrix from SWIG method using numpy.i
    310  randomizing location of black pixels in an image
    310  Python read data into array or list
    310  Python numpy array transformation
    310  Plotting negative values using matplotlib scatter
    310  Pandas/NumPy NaN and nan values — how to get a consistent view
    310  Numpy segfault on large SVD as user but not as root
    310  Numpy - retaining the pointer when referencing a single element
    310  Numpy memmap better IO and memory usage
    310  numpy C-API: scalar multiplication in C
    310  multi core processing in for loop using numpy
    310  MPI apparently deadlocking when more than 5 workers are used
    310  logarithmic spaced values below 1
    310  In python, how to convert list of dates into number of days since first visit?
    310  How to replace values in python numpy array in multiple dimensions using a mask?
    310  How to fit the following function using curve_fit
    310  How to efficiently slice a Python list into chunks of 20 + a slice for the remainder? [duplicate]
    310  How to convert a numpy array dtype=object to a sparse matrix?
    310  Having an N element output from rejection sampling for N elements
    310  Generic string comparison with numpy
    310  Finding most frequent combinations of numbers
    310  Efficient way to read a set of 3 channel images from Python into a two dimensional array to be used in C
    310  Different results to counting zero-crossings of a large sequence
    310  Custom class with __add__ to add with NumPy array
    310  convert numpy.datetime64 into epoch time
    310  Calculating 3D Frontogenesis from WRF output in Python
    310  Brightness plot (or image) with rows corresponding to arrays of varying length
    309  Why np.concatenate changes dimension
    309  Warning in NumPy when setting array element to NaN using Spyder
    309  Vectorized calculation of Mean Square Displacement in Python
    309  Tensorflow file_io.read_file_to_string says unexpected keyword argument binary_mode
    309  speed up finite difference model
    309  Rotating keypoints numpy array [closed]
    309  Retrieve indexes of min and max values in np.ndarray
    309  Python: pivot table error
    309  numpy einsum: nested dot products
    309  Multiply each column from 2D array with each column from another 2D array
    309  move values of 3D array knowing new coordinates with mask
    309  Merge 2d arrays(different dimensions) at specified row/column in python
    309  Matplotlib contourplot fails when no contour exists
    309  joblib.Parallel processes the same set of data multiple times instead of different sets
    309  is there a way to compute the cluster_std of the dataset generated by make_blobs?
    309  How to use function written in C in Cython
    309  How to scale a numpy array from 0 to 1 with overshoot? [duplicate]
    309  How to customize numpy reshape process?
    309  High performance array mean
    309  Help with how to pickle a ufunc?
    309  Filter 2D-array rows by a 1D-array
    309  faster way of getting difference between each element of 2 numpy arrays
    309  Efficiently construct FEM/FVM matrix
    309  duplicate each element in a list arbitrary of times
    309  Cython function taking more time than pure python
    309  Conditional copy elements in numpy array
    309  Concatenating arrays according to a column [closed]
    309  Cannot Import Numpy even though I am in a different directory
    309  Building a small numpy array from individual values: Fast and readable method?
    309  Add some randomness with numpy.random.choice
    309  1D Numpy array does not get reshaped into a 2D array
    308  Why do TensorFlow and PyTorch gradients of the eigenvalue decomposition differ from each other and the analytic solution?
    308  What is the need of converting an image into numpy array?
    308  Use numpy arrays as arguments in odeint
    308  Transform x,y numpy matrixes into a list of (x,y) points
    308  Tensorflow sawtooth memory usage during training loop iteration
    308  Summing along a function in a 2D array
    308  sort integers positive then negative
    308 module saves wrong structure mat
    308  Python- numpy where() will not return a value in the range
    308  Python array sum vs MATLAB
    308  Pyopencl Enqueue Copy is too slow for large buffers
    308  Preserving Left/Right Join Logic in Pandas Conditional Join
    308  Plotly plot_trisurf isn't working with arange arrays
    308  Numpy.trim_zeros for structured array without creating new array
    308  numpy subclass will not accept arguments to __new__ from pythonically inheriting class
    308  numpy standardize 2D subsets of a 4D array
    308  Numpy: Generate grid according to density function
    308  is there something like coo_matrix but for sparse vectors?
    308  How to sort array of NumPy subarrays based on white pixel count in every subarray?
    308  How to generate a random normal distribution of a fixed number of positive integers that sum up to a fixed value
    308  How to Find Indices where multiple vectors all are zeo
    308  How can I repeat this array of 2d pairs using Numpy?
    308  Getting rid of empty and zeros arrays in a list of arrays in Python
    308  FutureWarning: pd.expanding_mean is deprecated. What are the alternatives?
    308  Find the appropriate polynomial fit for data in Python
    308  Finding centroid of two(or more) contours
    308  Extract diagonals of each 2D square sub-array from a larger 2D array
    308  Error when checking input: expected dense_1_input to have shape (784,) but got array with shape (1,)
    308  error ': Expected input to be images (as Numpy array) following the data format convention ''channels_first''' in Keras image example
    308  Differential_evolution in Scipy not giving a jacobean
    308  Complex Number from square root of negative array [duplicate]
    308  Can't set appropriate dtypes reading from a Numpy array
    308  blinn-phong shading with numpy
    307  Why won't Scipy's from open a wave file?
    307  why should I use (y,x) instead of (x,y) to access a pixel in opencv?
    307  Why do I keep getting Import error in skimage python
    307  Vectorizing multiple vector-matrix multiplications in NumPy
    307  Unpacking a list in python using .T?
    307  Streamplot in Python Error
    307  Read multiple images using glob (Python) and save them in csv
    307  Python differentiation using numpy not producing expected output
    307  Pandas: Exception while plotting two data frames on the same graph
    307  numpy.who on all of memory
    307  Numpy Import Error in AWS EC2 Hosting
    307  Numpy extract values along a dimension for a given point
    307 how to calculate 1-D array with 2-D array
    307  Matplotlib ''Zoom to rectangle'' doesn't zoom well on a thin rectangle
    307  Matplotlib: does slicing plt.imshow() correspond to slicing the source numpy array?
    307  Indexing pandas dataframe by passing a list
    307  Import Numpy Package for IronPython
    307  How to write the ndarray to text file in python?
    307  How to fix ''index is out of bounds'' error in python, working with numpy?
    307  How is the Numpy ''fill'' method implemented?
    307  How can I multiply a numpy array with pandas series?
    307  Generate a Weight Transfer Matrix (or a Transition Matrix) for a Direct Graph (as a pandas dataframe)
    307  Fastest way to crop a 3D array inside a 3D array with Python
    307  Exponential Fit Between 2 Lists
    307  Errors with numpy unwrap when the using long arrays
    307  Efficient row operation on numpy arrays
    307  Determining a sparse matrix quotient
    307  Deploying a Django app with Heroku error: non-existing path in 'numpy/distutils': 'site.cfg'
    307  Calculate gradient inside numpy mask
    307  blas/lapack/atlas in numpy on fedora
    307  Axes Swapping in higher degree numpy arrays
    307  Applying a function to an array using Numpy when the function contains a condition
    307  Acessing earlier values using scipy's odeint
    307  2d matrix composed from 1d matrices in python
    306  xgboost predict wrong result when creating dmatrix from numpy array
    306  Why numpy random normal generated a wrong random matrix with wrong mean value?
    306  Value Error :Storing data from binary file into numpy 3d arrays
    306  Using Pandas to visualize data from a custom Python array object
    306  Using Numba to improve finite-differences laplacian
    306  Sliced numpy array does not own its data
    306  SciKit-Image Transformation
    306  running median excluding zeros
    306  Recolor image to other base color and keeping the gradients
    306  Read values from text file into 2D numpy array using index values from the text file
    306  Python: opencv (cv2) image slicing not working?
    306  Python NumPy arrays to boost::multi_array numpy_boost setup to interface between C++ and NumPy
    306  Performance difference when manipulating ctypes, python
    306  Pass big numpy array(multi dimensional) to the multiprocessing queue
    306  Partial slices in pytorch / numpy with arbitrary and variable number of dimensions
    306  Pandas DataFrame reset cache
    306  numpy random array values between -1 and 1
    306  Numpy exponential not working as it should
    306  Netcdf4 for Python successful save, failed to visualize
    306  mean and median from two lists
    306  Intersect multiple 2D np arrays for determining zones
    306  Identify clusters linked by delta to the left and different delta to the right
    306  How, when and what to vectorize in python?
    306  How to vectorize this loop difference in numpy?
    306  How to load row major data from text file in numpy
    306  How to detect contiguous spans in which data changes linearly within a DataFrame?
    306  h5py: Compound datatypes and scale-offset in the compression pipeline
    306  Graphical Selection of Data in Python 3
    306  Finding element closest to mean in python list [duplicate]
    306  Fast numpy covariance for arrays of different shape
    306  Fast column access over large scipy sparse matrix
    306  extract CSV columns data to individual Numpy array
    306  Error from wrapping GSL in Cython: Cannot convert Python object to 'double (*)(double, void *) nogil'
    306  Embedding Standard Python 2.7 (MSVCRT9) in a Visual Studio 2013 Application
    306  Electric Field Lines
    306  Efficient masking of an np.array to cull locations of bad pixels (Python 2.7)
    306  efficiently fill a tensor in numpy
    306  curve_fit doesn't work properly with 4 parameters
    306  Converting Python tuple of tuples of objects (list of mixed type) to Numpy array
    306  Contributing to Numpy on Pypy
    306  constructing numpy array from list
    306  Conditional elementwise sum in numpy
    306  BeautifulSoup, Scraping, get image size without being in the tags?
    306  Assembly numpy vector
    306  Append multiple training data npy files to one npy file
    306  2d numpy array to text file
    305  Why does numpy.broadcast ''transpose'' results of vstack and similar functions?
    305  Using only a slice of meshgrid or replacing it for evaluating a function
    305  Suppress negligible complex numpy eigenvalues?
    305  Slow numpy array indexing for keras time series generator
    305 Versus cv2.imread
    305  Scoring returning a numpy.core.memmap instead of a numpy.Number in grid search
    305  Representing a list of strings as a numpy array of their ascii codes
    305  Replacing Numpy elements with the closest if condition is met
    305  Remove pixels in image which is stored as array
    305  Python - Writing to a file stops in the middle
    305  Python, Pandas: Using isin() like functionality but do not ignore duplicates in input list
    305  python: how do I reload shared object loaded with numpy.ctypeslib
    305  python from 2D array to 3D coordinates array
    305  python: Conditional plus operator for numpy array
    305  Problems while import XGBoost and NUMPY_MKL
    305  Passing in an np array into pca.fit_transform
    305  numpy time series data - vectorized fill gaps and calculate deltas
    305  Numpy, Scipy and matplotlib cannot be installed in python 3
    305  NumPy array IndexError: index 99 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
    305  m Smallest values from upper triangular matrix with their indices as a list of tuples
    305  missing_values not working with genfromtxt
    305  Keras: How to use a generator with variable input sizes
    305  Is there a method to perform a derivative by inbuilt function in python 3.5?
    305  Is it possible that numpy.correlate does not follow the given formula?
    305  indices of alignment for a list of strings to string
    305  Image array for classification in sklearn pipeline - ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    305  How to sort .iterrows() values?
    305  How to map numpy arrays to one another?
    305  Game of LIfe: Modifying array values in numpy while iterating with conditions
    305  find stretches of Trues in numpy array
    305  Error when trying to get covariance matrix from numpy polyfit
    305  Efficient computation of path profile with Numpy and GDAL
    305  Converting all non-black pixels into one colour doesn't produce expected output
    305  Convert 2D numpy array into pandas pivot table
    305  broadcasting a comparison of a column of 2d array with multiple columns
    305  Apply multiple functions to each row of a numpy array
    305  Algorithm for tensordot implemented in numba is much slower than numpy's
    305  1D numpy array which is shifted to the right for each consecutive row in a new 2D array
    304  Why setting U and V channels to 0 leads to displaying a Blue picture?
    304  There are plenty of free memory, but exit ''MemoryError'' in Python
    304  summing values by rank in pandas
    304  Summing Arrays by Characteristics in Python
    304  Solution for Matlab equivalent inputdlg in Python
    304  Selecting portion of multi-dimensional numpy array
    304  Relative difference between elements in an array
    304  Rectangular mask in an array
    304  Python: could not broadcast input array from shape (11,10) into shape (11)
    304  Python array manipulation using numpy
    304  Problems with Numpy and Spyder
    304  Plotting data points on where they fall in a distribution
    304  pass transformed numpy arrays as reference
    304  numpy installation on windows 7
    304  numpy array value error
    304  Numpy arange floating point inconsistency
    304  Numerical issue in odeint function depending on the initial values
    304  merge sift descriptor matrix, numpyarray
    304  Lomb Scargle phase
    304  Logical AND of multiple columns in pandas
    304  lambda function condition in pandas cannot recognize np.nan
    304  Jinja2 can't understand formats on Raspberry Pi
    304  Is there any way to calculate joint histogram between 2 images in tensorflow
    304  Input shapes of Conv1D and MaxPooling1D
    304  How to visualize a matrix of categories as an RGB image?
    304  How to properly specify an input shape for a LSTM model in Keras
    304  How to plot least squares regression cost function as contour plot in python
    304  How to flatten along 3rd dimension in numpy?
    304  How to convert a TensorFlow tensor to a NumPy array within while multithreading/multiprocessing?
    304  How to bias an absolute sine wave in Python
    304  How to apply optical flow to an image?
    304  How do I speed up a piece of python code which has a numpy function embedded in it?
    304  Feeding numpy uint8 into tensorflow float32 placeholder
    304  Estimating parameter values using
    304  Efficient convolution of two images along one axis
    304  Dealing with NaNs in scipy.stats.chisquare
    304  Creating a big netcdf file (>10Gb) with netCDF4 in python
    304  Convert jpeg image into byte array using python in raspberry pi
    304  Compilation error numpy refactor (in ironpython) using visual studio
    304  Array stored in numpy void returns no shape/length
    303  why numpy concatenate(np.concatenate) change the status of the images when concatenating two arrays of RGB images in to single array?
    303  Why is this neural network's loss always 0.0 and accuracy always 1.0?
    303  Why does cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback fail on simple synthetic examples?
    303  Using two np.linspace, how to fill 2D array with complex values?
    303  TypeError: 'int' object is not callable, slider-crank mechanism
    303  Translate Matlab code to Numpy
    303  sliding window for linear regression using numpy as_strided
    303  Selective group by, np.where Pandas/Python query
    303  Returning array of data mapping values to parameters in python
    303  Return C++ integer array in Python ctypes / numpy ctypeslib incorrect output
    303  Python: randomly select from list of keys with maximum value in dictionary
    303  Problems with sys.path on Python shell
    303  Pandas DataFrame [cell=(label,value)], split into 2 separate dataframes
    303  numpy way of doing outer product of list
    303  Numpy: Vectorize np.argwhere
    303  numpy slicing inner array of a 2D array in one go
    303  numpy.reshape() works in the Python terminal but not in a .py file
    303  Numpy interfering with namespace
    303  Numpy get coordinates where condition is satisfied together with coordinates?
    303  ndarray.resize: passing the correct value for the refcheck argument
    303  I want to graph taylor series in python use matplot
    303  How to make an array like [[123][234][345]] using numpy? [duplicate]
    303  how to get correct order of the image when converted to numpy array?
    303  How to generate a pseudo random number based on previous number in Python
    303  How to efficiently unroll a matrix by value with numpy?
    303  How to check if all elements of a numpy array are in another numpy array
    303  How do I write a class that behaves like a numpy.ndarray without subclassing numpy.ndarray?
    303  How do I easily convert a numpy.ndarray to a list of numpy.array?
    303  getting x,y,z, mean through a 3D data array
    303  Getting numbers within a range from a gaussian_kde_resample array
    303  Getting elements within a numpy array by using a list of tuples as indices in python
    303  Get all combinations of a word with repeat - python itertools.product too slow
    303  Elements of numpy array as own pandas row with same index [duplicate]
    303  Efficient way to extract a sub-array in numpy based on the value of one column
    303  CV2 not displaying colors when converting to uint8
    303  Convert Raw Date into Year / Month / Day of Week in Pandas
    303  Convert PNG or JPEG images to the format accepted by GAN algorithm
    303  Change column value if value is in another dataframe
    303  Bring variables with increasing number in the name into a numpy array in Python
    303  Autocorrelation with Numpy give Straightline?
    303  Allowing pickle got multiple agruments
    303  2d boolean selection in 3d matrix
    302  Why do methods of classes that inherit from numpy arrays return different things?
    302  Why does the efficiency of numpy not scale
    302  What is the best way to remove interpolation from a time series data in Pandas?
    302  Using MKL-optimized with 3d arrays
    302  Too many subplots for pyplot?
    302  Read numpy arrays from file without importing numpy
    302  python sample from a scipy sparse matrix
    302  Python: numpy loadtxt with integer and datetime
    302  python numpy assigning by boolean indexing error ''TypeError: array cannot be safely cast to required type''
    302  Python : Creating stacked histogram with number of different values in numpy array
    302  Python compute a specific inner product on vectors
    302  Python 3 with NumPy and object references
    302  Porting IDL code, lindgen function to Python
    302  Performance of creating new DataFrame
    302  Pandas interpolate bools with the nearest method
    302  numpy frombuffer() and tostring() - reading from csv
    302  My Python code takes too long to compute! Can I use numpy to calculate this faster? If so, how?
    302  matrix multiplication is strange in numpy(m*m equals!!!) [duplicate]
    302  Loading Compiled Matlab Shared Library in Python Using Ctypes
    302  it is hard to using tf.train.batch for np.array data
    302  Is there a scipy/numpy alternative to R's nrd0?
    302  How to store Numpy array in Cassandra as blob?
    302  How to get real part of number?
    302  How to find the index of an element in symbolic matrix based on a symbol?
    302  How to calculate gradient descent cost for the weights using a dot product? [closed]
    302  How to broadcast a 1d array to an N-D array in Python
    302  How to assign numpy.ndarray to temporary variable under nogil loop in cython?
    302  How does work for 1-d array and multi-dimensional array?
    302  How can I generate a seed for np.random.uniform?
    302  For Loop - TypeError: must be str, not int [duplicate]
    302  Figuring out the proper numpy.reshape for -1 option
    302  Explanation of python code snippet >>numpy.nonzero(row == max(row))[0][0]<< from a script using numpy
    302  Does numpy.bincount support numpy.float128 type weights?
    302  Does a Typed Memoryview Increase A numpy.array's Reference Count?
    302  Detecting the outlier from rows by certain column in panda dataframe
    302  Delete and duplicate rows in numpy array
    302  calling a multivariable function iteratively with 2d arrays
    302  Best way to read a csv (* without a header *) sort and store back to disk [closed]
    302  Appending pairs of coordinates to numpy array
    301  Vectorized method to sync two arrays
    301  Theano: Discrepancy vs Numpy when taking matrix dot with CPU vs GPU
    301  Solving 4D coupled system by using EULER'S Method
    301  Sobel filter implementation in scipy
    301  Size of numpy strided array/broadcast array in memory?
    301  Read swig python 'double *' object into numpy (maybe through ctypes?)
    301  Python & Numba: Accessing structured numpy array elements as fast as possible
    301  Python - Correlation Test with Numpy
    301  Python: Concatenate all combinations of numpy array rows
    301  Python : Array group by Sum value
    301  Pandas GroupBy column value and create list of fixed size from values in each group
    301  pandas: check whether an element is in dataframe or given column leads to strange results
    301  numpy split error - too many indices for array
    301  numpy module cannot be imported, when .py file is used by C#
    301  Numpy divide by zero. Why?
    301  Matrix multiplication with using einsum [closed]
    301  Matrix multiplication strange error
    301  matplotlib exact solution to a differential equation
    301  Making 3D Contour Plots
    301  Is it possible to stack a list of ragged arrays (where each array in the list is of size 1 row and n columns)?
    301  How to use the optimize.fmin function in python 2.7 with chemical reaction kinetics
    301  How to retrieve the index of a non-unique element in a list randomly chosen with np.random.choice?
    301  how to plot image in 3d graph matplotlib
    301  How to handle a python object that could be sized or unsized
    301  How do I write a list and two np. arrays to a .csv file using sci-kit-learn and numpy
    301  How can I use the labels from cv2.kmeans as index for a list?
    301  histogram2d heatmap manipulation
    301  gradient for fmin_tnc not working
    301  getting dot products from numpy arrays and tuples simultaneously
    301  Fastest way to retrieve data from SQLite database
    301  Efficient way to compute element wise euclidiant distance between Two 3D matrices
    301  count the times that values exceed over a threshold in time series
    301  Compare the result of Gaussian elimination with the output of numpy.linalg.solve
    301  Built-in function in numpy to interpret an integer to an array of boolean values in a bitwise manner?
    301  avoid copying during array conversion between numpy and mxnet
    301  alternating, conditional rolling count in pandas df column
    300  Why is pip trying to re-install numpy?
    300  Using numpy vectorize
    300  updated graphs through iteration, matplotlib
    300  Train a network on python wrraper caffe?
    300  TensorRT for upscaling images serves not expected results
    300  Tensorflow session not executing function
    300  TensorFlow 2.0: Function with @tf.function decorator doesn't take numpy functions
    300  sklearn : Custom distance function in nearest neighbor giving wrong answer
    300  Send an ndarray image as bytes in json response [duplicate]
    300  retrieving data from a numpy array and storing in a dataframe
    300  Reordering image skeleton coordinates to make interp1d work better
    300  python plot 2d numpy array
    300  Python - OLS Regression Estimation using either statsmodels or scikit-learn
    300  python numpy ndarray index permutations in all dimensions (variable dimension number)
    300  Python - Map coordinates to cells defined by numpy.meshgrid
    300  Python equivalent for the matlab A(:,1)' and A(:)
    300  Plot a ball rolling down a curve
    300  Order of numpy list from imported text files
    300  Numpy Subtract two arrays of equal ndim but different shape
    300  Numpy Mask using np.count_nonzero() for individual rows
    300  Numpy Library not loading(In face none of the library)
    300  Numpy: How to unitfy a vector? [duplicate]
    300  Numpy digitize error: object of too small depth for desired array
    300  numpy array memory id [duplicate]
    300  Numpy array filled in diamond shape
    300  Neural Network - SGD Python
    300  Multiprocessing: Load data and run computation
    300  Merge Pandas Dataframe using ''to_frame'' without duplicates
    300  Matplotlib: Drawing contour lines independent of x and y
    300  Loop through large .tif stack (image raster) and extract positions
    300  Latitude, Longitude, Z Field in CSV format to Raster Map
    300  Incompatible Shapes with Tensorflow Placeholder
    300  How to speed up one hot encoder code
    300  How to read data only between two lines in python using numpy or pandas?
    300  How to optimize such codes as follows in python?
    300  How to get numpy array values? [duplicate]
    300  How to get indices from numpy concatenate [closed]
    300  How to fill a numpy array with a gradient with a vectorized code?
    300  How to export 3D files from python(pygame)
    300  How to efficiently calculate the outer product of two series of matrices in numpy?
    300  How to do element-wise conditional indexing comparison in Theano?
    300  How to calculate the number of business days between two date columns across multiple holiday calendars quickly in pandas?
    300  How do I feed numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.Chebyshev coefficients?
    300  gradient descent in neural network training plateauing
    300  Get embedding vectors from Embedding Column in Tensorflow
    300  FAST comparing two numpy arrays for equality [Python] [duplicate]
    300  Convert NxM numpy array to (N*M)x1
    300  convert image to rgb array using PIL and manually convert it to CMYK array
    300  Can't change value in numpy array
    300  Cannot pass multi-dimensional array to C function in *.pyx
    300  Annotate plot in matplotlib
    299  Why does Matlab interp1 produce different results than numpy interp?
    299  Using numpy.fromregex on a text file with colon separated digits
    299  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars Dot Product
    299  Smart print of complex arrays
    299  Shortest way to read every second row from file in python
    299  send image opencv c++ to python
    299  Pytorch Vectorize Pairwise Gaussian/Normal Density Evaluations
    299  Python pixel manipulation returning grey image instead of inverted
    299  Python PANDAS: GroupBy First Transform Create Indicator
    299  Python C Extension using numpy and gdal giving undefined symbol at runtime
    299  Processing of a collection of files (images) and plotting a histogram
    299  Plotting the basin of attraction of a Duffing oscillator with matplotlib
    299  numpy.matrix manipulations
    299  Numpy: How to index 2d array with 1d array?
    299  numpy genfromtxt converters not working with unicode (Python 3)
    299  numpy array filtering twice and replace
    299  Multiplying numpy array stack with hermitian transpose of itself without loop
    299  MinMax Scale Sparse Matrix Excluding Zero Elements
    299  MatLab vs Python - Vectorizing and reshaping arrays
    299  Load csv in Python and strip newline-characters
    299  KeyError: class 'numpy.object_' while downloading image dataset using imread
    299  Keep getting error `TypeError: 'float' object is not callable' when trying to run file using numpy library
    299  Integer optimization/maximization in numpy
    299  Image manipulation, using openCV and numpy. Trying to return an image without the color red
    299  how you use .query with pandas and numpy?
    299  How to stack multiple Astropy Tables
    299  how to obtain values as that of matplotlib's date2num
    299  How to modify Numpy array in for loop
    299  How to map a 2D numpy array onto a 1D array with another 2D array as a map?
    299  How to find best closed contour from set of points in numpy array
    299  How to draw rotated stripe patterns
    299  How to change the values of the diagonal of a matrix in numpy? [duplicate]
    299  Get cumulative count per 2d array
    299  float32 representation to float64 NumPy Python
    299  Find the numpy array elements satisfying the condition
    299  Find Pairs in Pandas Data Frames and Perform operations on them
    299  Find if there is any holidays between two dates in a large dataset?
    299  Error when checking input: expected dense_1_input to have shape (3773,) but got array with shape (111,)
    299  Data locality optimization in Python
    299  Crop the grid in a numpy array using a polygom cutline
    299  Converting arrays to scalars with numpy and scipy
    299  Compare two numpy arrays and insert nans
    299  Classifying a numpy array image
    299  Can I speed up this basic linear algebra code?
    299  any() and all() analogues for bitwise operators in Python/Pandas
    298  Wrong number of items passed - Adding to dataframe column a numpy array content
    298  Trouble freezing python script with numpy
    298  Select specific columns in NumPy array using colon notation
    298  Remove particular value from pandas dataframe which do not fit the sequence
    298  Python: print tuple gives empty string
    298  python module for trace/chromatogram analysis
    298  python go board game, struggling to figure out how to capture multiple stones
    298  PyDev does not highlight and autocomplete Numpy correctly
    298  print statement that generates pandas runtime warning
    298  Plotting a piece-wise fit to non-linear data
    298  numpy, scipy, pass large number of variables between functions, modules, easily [closed]
    298  Numpy random number generation runs slower after being vectorised
    298  NumPy: generalize one-hot encoding to k-hot encoding
    298  numpy: broadcasting ndarray of booleans
    298  InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_2' with dtype float
    298  How to do this operation in numPy?
    298  How do I speed up digamma calculation in big sparse matrices?
    298  How can I draw a rectangle from the points I want, using ROI?
    298  Generate NumPy array containing the indices of another NumPy array
    298  Fail to transfer the list in data frame to numpy array with python-pandas
    298  Efficiently re-shaping a numpy ndarray from 2-D to 3-D based on elements from 2-D
    298  Convolution of two signals with constrained output measuring unit
    298  Convert value to row index in NumPy array
    298  Convert time coordinates from UTC to local timezone with xarray
    298  Can numpy.linalg.norm replace sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(X, norm='l1',) for L1-norm of matrix?
    298  Bizarre behaviour of pandas Series.value_counts()
    298  Basic matrix operation in PyTorch/CuPy using GPU
    298  Aggregate Pandas Column based on values in Column Range [closed]
    297  Writting in sub-ndarray of a ndarray in the most pythonian way. Python 2
    297  Vectorize large NumPy multiplication
    297  Subsetting a 4D array into train and test splits
    297  Returning a vector of class elements in numpy
    297  Render visible voxel in 3D array without iterate it all
    297  Ready columns Numpy/Matplotlib
    297  python: I want to realize change point detection using changefinder
    297  Python3, can't import numpy
    297  Pulling elements from 2D array based on index array
    297  Numpy performance differences depending on numerical values
    297  numpy.linalg.pinv() hangs for some infinite values (but not for others)
    297  min function raising ValueError exception
    297  manipulating a .dat file and plotting cumulative data
    297  Large numpy array time/memory issues
    297  installing three packages at once fails: ''pip install numpy pil aptus'' but individually they work, why?
    297  Image: Numpy random poisson function lam < 0 Value error
    297  How to split a numpy array based on a tuple content? [duplicate]
    297  How to get b, a (numerator/denominator) for chained IIR filters?
    297  how to find the storage device (CPU or GPU) of data?
    297  How to draw a covariance error ellipse with mean 0?
    297  Finding minimal jump zero crossings in numpy
    297  Finding eigenvalues of covariance matrix
    297  Fast way to apply a mapping array to all elements in a numpy array?
    297  data type ''country'' not understood
    297  Create view to recarray subclass
    297  Convert numpy array from 2D to 3D
    297  Converting numpy to R array using rpy2 low level interface
    297  Converting a Python function to PL/Python function
    297  Converting all arrays in a PyTables/HDF5 file from float64 to float32
    297  Clipping transformed images in matplotlib
    297  Can't reshape to right shape size
    297  Array Numpy Side Effect
    297  2D Histogram out of array data set
    296  Why don't zero-dimensional numpy arrays in records support item assignment?
    296  values of an array set to 0
    296  Using numpy on an embedded python interpreter using VS2008 under Windows 7
    296  Update library versions in virtualenv Python
    296  Reshape 3D numpy array with heterogeneous dimensions to 2D numpy array
    296  Python: using int() on a string that is not an integer literal
    296  Python/Scipy: Find ''bounded'' min/max of a matrix
    296  Python - read lat/long coordinates from text-file containing separation sign
    296  Python - Plotting confidence error bars with Maxwell Distribution
    296  Plot multiple graphs using data from 2 datsets
    296  numpy.where() returns empty list, when item satisfy condition
    296  np.percentile does not seem to be giving the correct output
    296  map a list of integers into corresponding range in python
    296  List of Elements to Boolean Array
    296  Iterating over string to create array of Lat Long coordinates
    296  Is there an easy way to append a column to 2-d numpy array in Python? [duplicate]
    296  Issues with data types in pandas functions
    296  Is it possible to install python libraries such as Numpy, Scipy, Pandas and Matplotlib and statsmodels into Eclipse
    296  Interpolation in PyLab
    296  How to use any() to test if two arrays overlap
    296  How to start using `scipy`
    296  How to remove noise from a white region, without losing the shape of the white region
    296  How to reduce image portion with numpy.compress method ? (numpy+scikit-image)
    296  How to optimize a function using multiple arrays?
    296  How to merge array into single?
    296  How important are the rows vs columns in PCA?
    296  How do you store explicit 0 values in a scipy sparse lil_matrix?
    296  How do you loop and test multiple ''numpy.isclose'' values on a column of a dataframe?
    296  How do I avoid SMOTE feature name mismatch?
    296  Finding Numpy array content with gdb
    296  fastest way for working with large matrices (i.e 10000x10000 and bigger)? [closed]
    296  f2py with intelvem (Windows): Fortran functions get linked to kernel32.dll leading to ImportError
    296  Creating norm of an numpy array
    296  Count number of identical values in a column within a numpy array
    296  Converting an input string to a numpy slice
    296  convert date from numpyarray into datetime type -> getting mystic error
    296  CMA-ES parameter optimization Python
    296  Black space in GLCM image
    296  2D polynomial fit of array with NaNs in python
    295  Working with datetime and arrays
    295  What is this issue of variable affectation in python? [duplicate]
    295  vectorize complex slicing with pandas dataframe
    295  ValueError: object too deep for desired array In np.digitize function
    295  Using numpy.isin in 2d case [duplicate]
    295  Using numpy einsum to perform high dimensional subtraction broadcasting
    295  Using isin() to determine what should be printed
    295  Time access of elements in huge numpy array
    295  Sorting values along axis=1 with NaNs at the start of row
    295  Set new coefficients in sparse matrix in scipy
    295  Scipy interpolation of numpy large array fails when exceeding a certain number of elements
    295  Rolling comparison between a value and a past window, with percentile/quantile
    295  Return to natural numbers from a logarithmic difference in python
    295  Python Numpy polyfit results differ from SciPy interpolate
    295  python: iterate using a class method
    295  Python - How can I calculate the integrale in a contour?
    295  Python: flipping images horizontally and reordering targets
    295  Plotting FFT in Python digitized data
    295  Plotting a 3d data read from a file using mayavi
    295  numpy.square returns incorrect result for sparse matrices
    295  Numpy mean 'inplace'
    295  Numpy indexing logic regarding axis
    295  Numpy gradient of big 3D array consumes all memory
    295  numpy element-wise multiplication of matrices 3d * 3d = 4d
    295  ''np.cumsum() like'' - iterative, on actual values
    295  Most efficient dictionary counter
    295  liac-arff to read arff file TypeError
    295  IRR calcluation : ValueError: invalid literal for float():
    295  How to deal with the new version of a bug ''numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError'' when running a python script?
    295  how to assign a value to numpy array in specific rows and cols
    295  Grouping Numpy Array and Returning Minimum Values
    295  Generate random and unique indexes with a range for n number of combinations
    295  Filter out data between two percentiles in python pandas
    295  filter numpy array with row-specific criteria
    295  Feed Dict Error in Tensorflow
    295  euclidean distance calculation using Python and Dask
    295  Cut by time in pandas
    295  Convert ASCII File to netCDF using Python (selective columns from ASCII file)
    295  computing PCA in pandas using an expanded window
    294  Will multi-threading necessarily decrease runtime?
    294  Using gensim Scipy2Corpus without materializing sparse matrix in memory
    294  Transpose in Pandas
    294  Sorting a zipped list in a for loop
    294  Slicing a numpy array vs selecting a single element
    294  Return an std::vector to python as a numpy array
    294  Python Matplotlib meshes contourplot wrong
    294  Python balancing items in a list/numpy array
    294  Python: assign numpy array to a variable
    294  Python and Matlab code significantly slower then C++
    294  Pandas: Relationship between a data frame and the numpy.array used to define it
    294  Overflow error in numpy code
    294  Numpy not installing, also ''Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:''
    294  Numpy NaN format in array not considered null
    294  numpy array reshape astype too slow
    294  numpy array indicator operation [duplicate]
    294  Matrix and Tensor Multiplication with Numpy
    294  mapping a 2d delay vector from a 1d vector in numpy
    294  Make 2d-histogram of sky coordinates [closed]
    294  Is there a way to loop through the return value of np.where?
    294  Is there a numpy way to reduce arrays?
    294  Is there a function analogous to numpy's argpartition in scipy sparse?
    294  How to fix ''No NumPy equivalent for TypeBitfieldID exists'' error in python
    294  How to do Mapping between Numpy Array and Pandas Dataframe?
    294  H5py: fast way to save list of list of numpy.ndarray?
    294  Flip non-zero values along each row of a lower triangular numpy array
    294  First row of numpy.ones is still populated after referencing another matrix
    294  Feeding Numpy Arrays to CNTK LSTM Model
    294  Embarrassingly parallel for loop with complex outputs in each iteration
    294  Do any of the standard Python packages implement the closed form cubic and quartic formulas?
    294  Combine two numpy arrays and covert them into a dataframe
    294  Calculate the distance between two .vtk files in (Python)
    294  Addition of list and NumPy number
    293  Why does numpy.astype throw a memory error when the nparray size is below the memory limit?
    293  Vectorization to achieve performance
    293  Using NumPy, create 3D array from function of 1D and 2D without loop
    293  TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an index, possible way to resolve this?
    293  TensorFlow returns the same value when using numpy random function
    293  SymPy rank different from NumPy matrix rank
    293  .std() & .skew() giving wrong answer with .rolling
    293  split column into two columns using numpy
    293  slice matrix in Numpy (or Theano)
    293  Scipy & Ipython Notebook: how to save and load results?
    293  Requests module crashes python when numpy is loaded and using process
    293  Python: replacing an element in an array without changing array shape
    293  Python Relaxation for a volume potentail is not giving me expected values ... ?
    293  Python: Iterating on the lines and columns of an array
    293  Plot a graph of a DataFrame of Timestamps
    293  Performance of numpy array masking in Cython
    293  Pandas dataframe Cartesian join
    293  Padding pandas columns with NaNs if offset is too large
    293  Numpy FFT issue when shifting data along vertical axis
    293  numpy circular mask cut-outs truncated at edges of 2D array
    293  Is there any support for log probabilities?
    293  Is it possible to speed up xarray-based code with numba?
    293  Installing Numpy and Biopython
    293  Import error: no such process (Numpy)
    293  How to properly read strings from SQL Database with NumPy
    293  How to prevent Tensorflow unpack() method casting to float64
    293  how to fill a Pandas dataframe column with a list containing string values
    293  How to feed output of predict value back into the input using LSTM in python
    293  how to combine numpy ndarray?
    293  How to access/reference specific dimensions of a Numpy array [duplicate]
    293  How is numpy array organized in memory?
    293  Extracting X coordinate from numpy array
    293  Converting list of dictionaries to 1D numpy arrays
    292  What numerical optimizers can operate with only gradients, and no explicit value of the objective?
    292  Using 2 pandas columns as arguments for np.timedelta
    292  tf.py_func , custom tensorflow function getting applied to only the first element in the tensor
    292  Split pandas Series into contiguous chunks by index value
    292  Setting limit for matplotlib colormap outside plt
    292  scipy optimization error for logistic regression with regularization
    292  Rotation and flipping of multidimensional numpy matrices
    292  Python : Plotly - Parallel Coordinates - Color of unmarked lines
    292  Python Pandas: Aggregate rows conditional value picking
    292  Python and Scipy Optimization implementation
    292  Pandas - After I created dummy columns how do I given a new vector get the dummy representation?
    292  numpy `rint` weird behavior
    292  Numpy ndarray multiplication switching to matrix multiplication
    292  numpy.any() returns True but ''is True'' comparison fails [duplicate]
    292  Minimizing negative log-likelihood of logistic regression, scipy returning warning: ''Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.''
    292  Is there a more legible way to solve sets of linear equations with numpy?
    292  Importing numpy from a prebuilt binary zip
    292  How to interpret lag vs current variable scatter plots
    292  How to get the size of numpy's numeric types in bytes?
    292  How to get data from python datatype returned in MATLAB?
    292  How can dynamically add rows and columns in data frame in python using pandas?
    292  Generating random numbers with Only integers, not floats
    292  Fill several parts of NumPy array, given a list of indexes
    292  Fast image coordinate lookup in Numpy
    292  Dynamic Programming Grid in Python
    292  Dynamic Arrays in Python using numpy
    292  Distance between points in numpy array with cyclic boundaries
    292  Creating random float and float64 arrays in NumPy [duplicate]
    292  Create new pandas df from matching numpy array with pandas data frame
    292  Count across dataframe columns based on str.contains (or similar)
    292  Convert julian format dataseries to date?
    292  Converting a list of strings to an array in Python
    292  can we change the vector into matrix in numpy with the elements in the vector repeats in a matrix with m*n dimensions
    292  Calculate mean across one specific dimension of a 4D tensor in Pytorch
    292  Appropriate numpy/scipy function to interpolate function defined on simplex (non regular grid)
    291  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars when trying to plot in Notebook
    291  SVD MemoryError in Python
    291  Replacing ''.'' with '','' when using numpy to write decimal numbers to file
    291  Remove object from a list in python without changing the index
    291  Rasa Nlu testing: TypeError: object pickle not returning list
    291  Randomly selecting from Pandas groups with equal probability  -  unexpected behavior
    291  Python multiprocess sharing of a huge numpy bool array
    291  Python - Minesweeper using Numpy: How do I count bombs around each tile?
    291  Python: Change format of np.array or allow tolerance in in1d function
    291  pandas ImportError C extension when in same directory
    291  Pandas create powerset and average data
    291  Numpy, counting unique neighbours in 2d array
    291  Numpy array not reshaping
    291  Most Efficient Way to Create a Numpy Array Based on Values in Multiple Cells of Another Array
    291  min value till row pandas
    291  How to overcome version incompatibility with Abaqus and Numpy (Python's library)?
    291  How to make Hadamard product along axis with numpy?
    291  How can I distinguish between two numpy FloatingPointError exceptions?
    291  How can I convert numpy.ndarray having type object to torch.tensor?
    291  Finding roots with a SymPy Matrix
    291  Faster way to ''distribute'' values of an ndarray into other ndarrays based on assignments?
    291  Difference in profiling results for numpy.loadtxt
    291  Copying views in xtensor
    291  Convert string to date in python if date string has different format
    291  Converting list of objects into numpy vector?
    291  Complex join between two pandas dataframes
    291  Change the shape by adding image channel
    291  Calculate cumulative sum from last non-zero entry in python
    291  Binary classifier too confident to plot ROC curve with sklearn?
    291  Abaqus python script, how to 'addData' for elements with multiple integration points (e.g. C3D20R)
    290  Why am I getting this Python Index error?
    290  Weird behavior with numpy arrays of arrays in typing
    290  Value error raised when I try constructing DataFrame
    290  Tensordot for vectors in numpy
    290  Speed of scipy fsolve in vectorised code
    290  Sorting very large 1D arrays
    290  selective building of new dataframe with existing dataframes in addition to calculation
    290  Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom: why is numpy displaying a wrong solution while scipy isn't?
    290  Reshaping Python array in a particular way
    290  Reshaping dataset in Python
    290  Remove bad but plausible values from numpy array
    290  Queue shapes must have the same length as dtypes
    290  Python reshaping a list into numpy array: dimensional issue
    290  Python - implementing numpy.corrcoef
    290  Python Creating Multiple Instances of a Class
    290  Plotting the integral of a probability distribution in matplotlib
    290  overloading a float to a numpy array
    290  numpy - stack two arrays with different types
    290  numpy irfft by amplitude and phase spectrum
    290  numpy fft returns orginal frequency when plotting
    290  Numpy collapse columns according to list
    290  numpy array set image dimension opencv
    290  Matplotlib limit row's plotted from CSV
    290  Locating region between a confidence interval in data using Python
    290  Index of list within a numpy array
    290  How to transfer pixel color and location between images
    290  How to slice and extend a 2D numpy array?
    290  How to save a Matplotlib graph
    290  How to round polynomial coefficients when using the polyfit() function?
    290  How to reindex a python array to move polyline starting point?
    290  How to change the values in an array on python
    290  Hamming distance Matlab to Python
    290  Find the nearest location using numpy
    290  Dot product broadcasting on a 3D grid with numpy
    290  Cython: Performance in Python of view_as_windows vs manual algorithm?
    290  Count number of consecutive elements in a list [duplicate]
    290  converting matlab ''find'' to ''numpy'' where
    290  Converting Arrays and Tensors in Chaquopy
    290  Calculating Mean Squared Error through Matrix Arithmetic on Numpy Matrices of Binary Images
    290  Automatic float32 promotion in numexpr
    290  Array slicing raises IndexError: too many indices for array
    289  Use np.loadtxt to split a column while reading
    289  Trying to crop tiff images with python script
    289  Slicing array returns strange shape
    289  Select a submatrix based on diagonal value
    289  Saving a PIL image gives different pixel values
    289  Reduce inner points in numpy coordinate dataset (speed up concave hull)
    289  qpython.sync() is returning a QProjection instead of the queried data
    289  Pytorch errors when given numpy integer types only in python 3 (not in python 2)
    289  Python string to usable expression/function
    289  Python NetCDF bounds lat lng in 4 dimensional array
    289  Python - matrix multiplication with sparse result
    289  numpy.where vs
    289  numpy.set_printoption not working with pandas dataframe
    289  Numpy's asarray() doesn't work with csr_matrix
    289  numpy fromfile using remote paramiko SFTPFile connection
    289  Multiply (a x a) square matrix by (a x c x d) matrix
    289  Minimax algorithm not working for 4x4 TicTacToe
    289  Memory management in Python C extension
    289  Is it possible to check a numpy dtype without caring for the size?
    289  How to generate 3 lists of random non-overlapping indices of numpy array? [duplicate]
    289  How do I calculate the mean of elements in a list across columns?
    289  How are symbols contained in the libpythonX.X linked to numpy extension dynamic libraries?
    289  Histogram2D in python fails with ValueError
    289  Get the indices of the first and last rows and columns containing non-masked values in a numpy 2D array
    289  Generate large number of unique random float32 numbers
    289  Freeing memory when using ctypes
    289  Error (only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars) when trying Calculating maximus
    289  Enforcing compatibility between numpy 1.8 and 1.9 nansum?
    289  Encoding a Numpy Array Image to an Image type (.png etc.) to use it with the GCloud Vision API - without OpenCV
    289  Create numpy array within numpy array
    289  convert chunks of numpy array to tuple
    289  Can't install scipy on windows
    289  Appending a 1x3 numpy array
    288  Why can't objgraph capture the growth of np.array()?
    288  What is the difference between slicing in numpy arrays and slicing a list in Python?
    288  using .loc to query not null values and string only values
    288  undefined symbol: PyExc_RecursionError
    288  TypeError: unhashable type on new computer but not old
    288  TypeError: Cannot handle this data type - Wrong mode for `PIL.Image.fromarray`?
    288  Thread-local arrays in cython's prange without huge memory allocation
    288  The decomposition and collection of back images to pieces 100x100 python
    288  Speedup for the reduce operation in Theano
    288  Reversing elements in a list of lists in python
    288  Recursive subtraction in numpy
    288  Python: filling in missing data in an iterative dataset
    288  Python3 numpy import error PyCapsule_Import could not import module ''datetime''
    288  Positive triangle pulse in python
    288  Plotting contour in python
    288  Order of tensorflow predictions
    288  Optimize large numpy array multiplication with sparse matrices
    288  OneVsOneClassifier fails with pandas DataFrame
    288  Object Detection crash after 5428 steps, TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
    288  Numpy: Select row multiple times using different indices array
    288  Not able to install scipy, matplotlob and scikit-learn using pip 1.5.6
    288  Normalize 2D array given mean and std value
    288  mask columns in numpy array
    288  Issue in return of Image variable from django view (numpy array) to template
    288  How to get the maximum value of three stacked numpy arrays (representing images) to get the intersection area?
    288  How to efficiently sum the upper left coner of a matrix using numpy?
    288  How to combine two python matrices numpy
    288  generate a patterned numpy matrix
    288  FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
    288  Fast Python/Numpy Frequency-Severity Distribution Simulation
    288  Extremely low values from NumPy
    288  error importing seaborn into python3.6 on window10 64bit
    288  Dimension change on np.array
    288  Create buffer zone within a Numpy array
    288  Convolve two same size matrices using numpy
    288  Buffered image is null
    288  Averaging a list in Python, ''Type Error: Cannot perform reduce with flexible type''
    288  AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'getH'  ... Then how to find adjoint of a matrix in my given code?
    288  Assign Koalas Column from Numpy Result
    288  a c-type function which returns a pointer array in cython
    287  What does argument mean?
    287  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. on data read from csv
    287  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'list' for plotting program
    287  transpose horizontal data and save them
    287  Sum over k≠i of x_i + x_k
    287  Spyder/Python: Trying to animate but no data appears
    287  Set different compiler flags for different source files with f2py and numpy.distutils
    287  Scipy's 1d numerical integration on a multi-dimensional grid
    287  Scipy odeint breaks on discontinuous dynamics function e.g. xdot = -sgn(x)
    287  Reshaping array of matrices in Python
    287  Replace elements in Numpy array by value and location
    287  Python - Turn two lists into a pairwise table
    287  Python - numpy 2D array too long and prints weird?
    287  python: multiple arithmetic operations for numpy array
    287  Python: Find highest value in neighborhood in a 3D array (stack of images)
    287  Periodically slice an list/array
    287  OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ((scn == 3 || scn == 4) && (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_32F)) in cvtColor
    287  Numpy's genfromtxt returns different structured data depending on dtype parameters
    287  Numpy remove elements of 2D array based on percentile
    287  Numpy indexing to index array
    287  Numpy function not differentiating between dot product and matrix multiplication
    287  Module level numpy array using SWIG
    287  Making a fractal graph using a 2D array?
    287  I am using a numpy array of randomly generated ordered pairs, I need to determin if the ordered pairs are different types of triangles
    287  How to use Opencv Region of Interest(ROI) in Caffe with python?
    287  How to push the for-loop down to numpy
    287  How to insert values from numpy into sql database with given columns?
    287  How to fix TypeError: __init__() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'xy', 'width', and 'height' from a matplotlib.patches ellipse
    287  How to create a new column to a pandas dataframe that was created after using apply()?
    287  How do I create a surface plot with matplotlib of a closed loop revolve about an axis given coordinate data of the 2D profile?
    287  How can I install `scipy` on my pybrain installation?
    287  Getting scalar values of z2(x,y) numpy array along a contour defined by a coordinate list
    287  Effective way to find and delete certain elements from a numpy array
    287  Difference between large numpy arrays containing time values
    287  Density plot of integral. TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    287  Cython: Initialize Structured Numpy Array ValueError
    287  Constraint of Ordinary Least Squares using Scipy / Numpy
    287  Connecting a Numpy-based application with a Django API
    287  conditional statement execution in numpy array with for loop
    287  can PyAudio handle non-interleaved buffers?
    287  Add hierarchy to numpy structured array
    286  Why is theta0 skipped while performing regulariztion on regression?
    286  Why is comparing to nan yields False (Python)?
    286  undefined reference to `__imp_PyFloat_Type' using f2py on Windows 10
    286  Turn a distances squareform to long format in python
    286  Trying to rotate a quad in 3d using Vispy
    286  Sign flipping Fourier transform Python Numpy Array
    286  Select highest value from python list of dicts
    286  reshape numpy adding extra dimension for lagged values
    286  Resampling an array using predefined indices in Python
    286  python rename multiple columns and roundup dataframe
    286  python range/xrange on 2d numpy array
    286  Python - Numpy array index as tuple
    286  Python Big Data Matrix manipulation
    286  performance loss after vectorization in numpy
    286  numpy: split matrix by indexes
    286  Numpy Multiply Size
    286  Numpy fancy indexing with tuples
    286  Numpy creation fromfunction
    286  Numpy Array with Multiple dtypes not formatting correctly
    286  Numpy argsort, sorting on first number
    286  ndimage.imread(image_file).astype(float) not working in PIL
    286  Is there a cleaner way to iterate over columns of a matrix with numpy?
    286  Insert 2D array elements into 3D array Python
    286  Index out of bounds: Fitting SSVM using Pystruct
    286  how to use dot production on batch data?
    286  how to translate matlab function max(y(x>3)>2) to numpy in single line
    286  How to retrieve, in Python, row and column numbers of the elements in a matrix that match a certain value?
    286  How to interpolate latitude and longitude?
    286  How to integrate beta distribution in Python
    286  How to filter column values from a file and write in a new file in python
    286  How does one update a FITS data array with PyFITS?
    286  Get all rows from a dataframe, which have matching values from another data frame [duplicate]
    286  Formatting numbers consistently in Python
    286  FAIL: test_nanmedian_all_axis (test_stats.TestNanFunc)
    286  Dealing with missing data in Pandas and Numpy
    286  change value in numpy array based on presence in another array
    286  a short simulation in numpy/python
    285  Why doesn't scientific notation work in Numpy
    285  Using pandas in value function iterations
    285  Unable to load a saved gensim model, cannot reshape array of size 974897576 into shape (6828798,300)
    285  TypeError from hstack on sparse matrices
    285  Slew rate measuring
    285  SciPy minimize constraints - matrix sums
    285  Removing outliers from lists/XY scatter
    285  python PIL.Image give me incorrect tiff
    285  python/numpy combine subarrays 4 rows at a time
    285  Python Library installation
    285  Python: Inserting an element into an array of different size
    285  python array initialisation (preallocation) with nans
    285  Python: appending array index to list (.append)
    285  Proper way to overlay multiband images?
    285  numpy sub-gridding an cartesian product
    285  Numpy: how delete rows common to 2 matrices
    285  Numpy: give back an array with the n entries closest to a given number
    285  Numpy equilvalent of double-loop
    285  np.maximum.accumulate with nan values
    285  my pip doesn't download packages properly
    285  multiprocessing.Process - Variable as function
    285  math domain error (linalg) in statsmodels.tsa.api.VAR
    285  Losing data when I use Pandas Resample
    285  Loading multiple files and saving them as variables
    285  Least squares fitting for a non linear function in Python
    285  Improve R2 by removing outliers-python
    285  How to use np.where() inside an array with instances of a class?
    285  How to split a 3D matrix/volume into a fixed size sub-volumes and then re-merge in python? [closed]
    285  How to remove the redundant data from text file
    285  How to print row and column labels to output csv file
    285  How to make NumPy print trailing 0s? [duplicate]
    285  How to create and feed a Tensor including tuples
    285  How to concatenate N different 1D arrays in python
    285  how to add coordinate array as rows in panda dataframe
    285  How can I import numpy correctly?
    285  Having a ''ValueError: could not convert string to float:'' while using a Python dictionary
    285  GCP Flexible Python Environment: Import Error
    285  Find which variables are free in underdetermined linear system
    285  Exception thrown: read access violation. **bp** was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    285  Defining the arguments for the functions inside the cython class and fast integral calculation in cython
    285  Cython optimization of the code
    285  Chirping a sinusoid
    285  Broadcasting in numpy
    285  Assertion Error in multiprocessing module with shared arrays
    284  Trying to understand masking
    284  Transposing and multiplying lists in Python
    284  Theoretical normal distribution function in scipy
    284  Spliting an array into train and test sets with python
    284  scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom: Fails with big arrays
    284  SciPy - Generalization of dot product over sparse and dense matrix
    284  Replacing MATLAB's repmat() with NumPy's np.tile()
    284  Reordering columns in CSV
    284  RAM full in numpy sagemath
    284  Python yahoo finance error market_cap=int(data.get_quote_yahoo(str)['marketCap']) TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
    284  Python string formatting, include the 0 at the end
    284  python numpy subtract elements that are matrices
    284  Python mmap to access shared kernel memory
    284  Python 3.5.2 loading data from internet
    284  Pycharm - Cannot find reference 'keys' in 'int|float|complex'
    284  Plotting images and labels as a bar chart using matplotlib and numpy
    284  plotting data from columns from the same dataframe in pandas
    284  pandas and rpy2: Why does ezANOVA work via robjects.r but not robjects.packages.importr?
    284  Numpy: Truth comparison of multidimensional arrays
    284  Numpy array of lil_matrix objects - is empty?
    284  np.insert error in numpy version '1.13.3'
    284  Neural Network cannot learn
    284  multiplying two huge matrices using
    284  Make numpy uniform more uniform
    284  Link Cython-wrapped C functions against BLAS from NumPy
    284  ''Killed: 9'' error when trying to construct a Scipy csr_matrix from a large NumPy array
    284  is there any difference between numpy.matrix and np.asmatrix?
    284  how to write convert yuv array to rgb array?
    284  How to speed up Numpy array filtering/selection?
    284  How to select a subset for all columns contain a specific string in python? [duplicate]
    284  how to search for unique elements by the first column of a multidimensional array
    284  How to reverse the process of np.flatten() and mapping?
    284  How to Reset Python libraries modified by a software on Mac OS X El Capitan to original versions
    284  How to ensure that the contents of the list will always sum up to 1? [closed]
    284  How to efficiently sum numpy arrays after multiply them?
    284  How can I add two different type of data, string and int, into numpy ndarray
    284  h5py chunking structured structured numpy arrays
    284  Getting indices of elements that are in another list in numpy
    284  for floating point x, is x==numpy.linspace(x,y,n)[0] always True?
    284  Different results from numpy interp and Matlab interp1d - linear interpolation
    284  cannot predict new sentence result with tflearn
    284  Average rows with duplicate first element in 2D numpy array
    284  assign a random number within a range for a certain category to a pandas dataframe
    283  Zip uneven numpy arrays
    283  Why is the curve of my permutation test analysis not smooth?
    283  ValueError: too many values to unpack, while trying to unpack a simple.txt file
    283  tuples to arrays python
    283  Trouble with numpy arrays and matrices while doing backpropagation and gradient descent
    283  R's equivalence of numpy.linalg.lstsq
    283  Reshaping Error in python
    283  reshape numpy 2d array into pandas 1d
    283  Replacing values in numpy ndarray
    283  Python: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    283  Python scikit-learn provide custom training data
    283  Pythonify Some Simple Loops
    283  Numpy slicing and indexing
    283  Numpy replace values and return new array
    283  numpy.histogram: problems with empty cells in excel
    283  Numpy: filtering parallel arrays
    283  Numpy adding values to diagonals
    283  np.loadtxt vs np.fromfile
    283  Merging dataframes with specific condition
    283  LSTM ValueError: cannot reshape array of size for test data
    283  Linear interpolation of the 4D array in Python/NumPy
    283  Is there a way to retrieve indices of particular values using Pycuda?
    283  Is there a faster way to save 2d numpy arrays to png
    283  Is it efficent to use lists for data reading before assigning them to a numpy array?
    283  Installed Module is not found in VsCode Import: No module named ''numpy'' / ''cv2'' [python]
    283  Indexing values in another array using a list of tuples
    283  IndexError: too many indices for array when changing to BGR
    283  How to ''zip'' several N-D arrays in Numpy?
    283  How to randomly mix N arrays in numpy?
    283  How to implement the plotting of a function involving an integral of two parameters in scipy/python?
    283  How to get the origin coordinate and pixel physical dimension from a PNG image
    283  How to convert column value to array from csv python
    283  How do you install numpy when you're not a superuser?
    283  How can I understand the order of the result of `numpy.narray.view` if I use it to view 2 `np.uint8` as 1 `np.uint16`?
    283  Hough Transform in Python - Results incorrectly offset - index error?
    283  Generating C code from matlab code implemented using Python Scipy
    283  Frequency count using itertools.groupby() with recarray
    283  Find distance to nearest neighbor in 2d array
    283  Efficient way to do math in elements of a numpy array according to condition
    283  df.set_index() on datetime objects list column for future dates not working.
    283  Creating a list from a range of numbers in Python [duplicate]
    283  Check if a numpy array is lexicographically sorted
    283  Batch operation to all matrices stored in a n-dimensional numpy array [duplicate]
    283  Accessing properties of objects in a numpy array
    282  Why using numpy.random.seed is not a good practice?
    282  Use numpy array as lambda argument?
    282  too many indices error in python array
    282  storing record arrays in object arrays
    282  Sorting containers in Python/numpy
    282  Select columns from numpy based on values in another array
    282  Sample with replacement from existing array
    282  Python: nested lists, extend & delete elements
    282  Pattern Matching Error in Python Using Pandas.series.str.contains for String Replacement
    282  Pass numpy array to C++ using Boost.Python
    282  numpy.memap, Pandas dataframe and seaborn boxplot Troubles
    282  numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided resulting typecasts and random values
    282  Matplotlib plot pmf from list of 2D numpy arrays
    282  Large kernel wait using numpy.fft with multiprocessing
    282  LambertW function in python 3.5 gives NAN for branch -1 for arg < -1E-162
    282  ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] on centos 7
    282  How will the following crop function on python crop a image using numpy? [duplicate]
    282  How to vectorize a python code that needs interpolation for specific data points
    282  How to mask image with binary mask
    282  How to make the calculation of the median faster in Python
    282  How to graphically edit the graph of a mathematical function (with python)?
    282  Get matrix image of numpy array values - Grid with pixel values inside (not colors)
    282  Fitting circle inside image. Exit condition for loop
    282  Find n-dimensional point in numpy array
    282  Empty an existing NumPy array
    282  efficient sparse matrix calculation in scipy
    282  Cython, remove numpy dependency in
    282  cutting structured numpy arrays
    282  Custom pcolor in matplotlib
    282  Could not convert string to float -Using Pandas and Numpy for a SVM Classifier
    282  Convert numpy.array to order of elements when duplicate values are present
    282  Column intersection multiple python lists
    282  Check reference list in pandas column using numpy vectorization
    282  Can NumPy directly load data into a Fortran ordered array?
    281  What is signature for a zero dimensional array in numba
    281  Vectorized Update numpy array using another numpy array elements as index
    281  trying to reshape a numpy array to from 4X4 to 2X2
    281  Translating radial data to a cartesian grid for surface plot
    281  Translating Matlab (Octave) group coloring code into python (numpy, pyplot)
    281  Take a 1D list of results and convert it to a N-D xarray.DataArray
    281  Speed up while loop matching pattern in array
    281  Sort Structured Numpy Array On Multiple Columns In Different Order
    281  Slow pandas DataFrame MultiIndex reindex
    281  Slicing NetCDF variable using bounding box subset
    281  sending and receiving numpy arrays / js typed arrays over binary protocol
    281  Repeating array with transformation
    281  Read numpy data from GZip file over the network
    281  Python neural network coding
    281  Python: List of lists with condition between arrays and no for loop
    281  Python: Interpolate lines and get the Euclidean Distance
    281  Plot using pandas
    281  Pandas: How to convert a one-hot-encoded dataframe to an adjacency matrix?
    281  Optimization failure in theano
    281  Obtaining indexes of changed data between two numpy arrays
    281  Numexpr/PyTables: how to pass perform multiple condition queries from a list/array?
    281  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.testing.decorators' [duplicate]
    281  Mask minimum values in matrix rows
    281  Linear Fit python errors
    281  Is there something like np.linspace for 3D lines?
    281  how to write a function for numpy matrix in Python
    281  how to vectorize a matrix sum in a for loop using numpy?
    281  How to speed up iteration over part of a numpy array
    281  how to reconstruct a reduced numpy ndarray?
    281  How to make standard deviation and percentile bands in a python scatter plot
    281  How to make for loop faster with numpy
    281  How to convert a pyspark dataframe column to numpy array
    281  How to calculate a deformation gradient in Python. (On a cube in 3D) [closed]
    281  How does one test if a matrix in Python has only 1's and 0's?
    281  How could I make logarithmic bins between 0 and 1?
    281  GPU Array multiplications using Pycuda on Numpy arrays
    281  Error with pip install biom-format on macbook pro
    281  Error importing matplotlib
    281  Different results with Python and Matlab interpolation functions
    281  Dask array from_npy_stack misses info file
    281  Creating an Array from a text file with more than one data type in Python
    281  check if a numpy 1d sub-array is consecutively included in a numpy Nd array
    281  Changing numpy array using dpi value
    281  Can't seem to read a tar.gz file correctly into Python
    281  Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly for DCM to raw file
    281  Apply function with multiple arguments to pandas groupby object
    280  Where in Python can I find real_fft() these days? It's not in numpy.fft
    280  What is the default indexing type of scipy.sparse.csr_matrix?
    280  Using scipy.integrate.ode with cython
    280  Using Bigarray in Ocaml
    280  Update rows of Pandas column using previous rows of same column
    280  Understanding views/copies of Python numpy arrays: why doesn't a double boolean index work?
    280  Stacking 2-D arrays numpy
    280  Similarity Measure/Matrix for data (recommender system)- Python
    280  Setting a limit on the number of array elements to be cumulatively summed? [duplicate]
    280  Saving scipy griddata as singleband raster
    280  Retain specific component in PCA
    280  Python - numeric class with ''don't care'' values
    280  Python- np.random.choice
    280  Python: Adding an initial and final position to a trajectory
    280  Piecewise Exponential fit in Python
    280  numpy package .npz component files
    280  numpy meshgrid resizing of test data
    280  numpy: calculate average in a certain area
    280  I want to install python pandas ending pip but it giving me problems
    280  Issue in numpy array loop for central difference
    280  Is python+pandas able to handle large amounts of data?
    280  Indexing Numpy arrays with arrays
    280  importing theano on anaconda 3.10.0
    280  How to label different objects in a non solid black background?
    280  How to iterate over the first dimension of each operand using nditer?
    280  How to apply a multidimensional look up table to a color image?
    280  How do I compare two columns in Pandas Dataframe to find the match percentages and return a value based on that logic?
    280  Forward Fill Pandas Dataframe Horizontally (along rows) without forward filling last value in each row
    280  Form of custom distance function in scipy clustering
    280  Filtering list in python based on condition [duplicate]
    280  filter 3D signal using medilt on each component separately gives different results than filtering the signal at once
    280  Fast filling of array with numpy.random.uniform
    280  Export function that names the export file after the input variable
    280  Efficiently aggregate a resampled collection of datetimes in pandas
    280  Dimensionality agnostic (generic) cartesian product
    280  Creating DataFrame with list of dictionaries with np.array values
    280  Correlation 2D vector fields
    280  compute Hessians w.r.t higher rank variable not work neither by tf.hessians() nor tf.gradients()
    280  calculating, saving and accessing a list of list in a npy file python
    280  Calculate percentile per set interval in python array
    280  Calculate Interpolation coefficients for random points in scipy/python?
    280  batch processing files and using the filename of the files
    280  Assigning a numpy array
    280  Analysis the correlation between age group and survived rate
    279  Why the source code of conjugate in Numpy cannot be found by using the inspect module?
    279  Why does it consume so much memory when I multiply two CSR matrices using scipy?
    279  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. Trying to classify images using CNN
    279  Trying to extract portion of csv to numpy array
    279  Theano logistic SGD with per-dimension learning rates
    279  tensorflow gather across multiple dimentions
    279  Shuffling structured array (Record arrays)
    279  Shape manipulation of numpy array
    279  Search neighboring points using k-d trees
    279  Scikit-image read satellite image from tif and drop all rows/columns with a nodata value
    279  Replacing empty or missing values with zeros in a large array
    279  Replace elements of a multidimensional numpy array according to a rule
    279  replace element in 1d numpy array with numpy array [duplicate]
    279  Python numpy.load mmap_mode overwrites original data - bug?
    279  Python multidimensional Lookup interpolation
    279  Python multidimensional array
    279  Pandas dataframe net present value vectorization (function vectorization)
    279  Numpy/Scipy broadcast calculating scalar product for a certain elements
    279  numpy append to an indexed array (after np.where)
    279  np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit doesn't seem to fit data in Python
    279  Motivation behind numpy's datetime64 type?
    279  KERAS ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    279  Join two pandas series by values [duplicate]
    279  Insert data from one sorted array into another sorted array
    279  Importing matlab structure to python
    279  How to use a Keras LSTM with batch size of 1 ? (avoid zero padding)
    279  How to shuffle two numpy datasets using TensorFlow 2.0?
    279  How to separate frequency of audiofile
    279  How to generate and play a white noise using Psychopy?
    279  How to convert a numpy.array to binary?
    279  Get variance across slides of 3D array with numpy
    279  Find two zeros of a function with Python
    279  Fast (vectorized) way to find points in one DF belonging to equally sized rectangles (given by two points) from the second DF
    279  Efficiently splitting a column of numpy array
    279  Efficiently select elements from numpy array with multiple criteria
    279  dealing multi-dimension arrays with json_encode
    279  CSV Pandas PYTHON
    279  Create the equivalent of np.meshgrid using for loops
    279  create an empty numpy array based and append existing array
    279  Create 3D Object out of 3 views
    279  Converting an array of integers to a ''vector''
    279  Conditional maths operation on 2D numpy array checking on one dimension and doing different operations on diff dimensions
    279  calculate support of a rule in large dataset
    279  building a matrix composed of alternative object in python
    279  Build array from other array and table of values (Python)
    279  Broadcasting issues in numpy
    279  Better way to rearrange elements in a list [closed]
    279  best way ( short hand) adding column and row to numpy array
    279  Autodoc Cython/NumPy with Sphinx
    279  A bug of Python's power operator **?
    278  why sometimes reshape(-1,1) and somtimes not in machine learning models?
    278  Why does `scipy.interpolate.griddata` fail for readonly arrays?
    278  What does the greater-than symbol mean in this piece of python code?
    278  What does np.reshape(-1) do
    278  Selecting rows of numpy array that contains all the given values
    278  Saving a numpy array to a csv yields a mismatch error
    278  Run-time error: cannot import name py31compat
    278  Remove values from numpy array closer to each other
    278  Plot parametric mean in Python
    278  Plot an array of strings numpy and matplotlib
    278  only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices problem
    278  Numpy intersect1d with array with matrix as elements
    278  Numpy : how to fill an array smartly?
    278  Numpy efficient one against all
    278  np.matmul changes the dimensions of my matrix
    278  I want to use matplotlib to plot date chart,but it showi nvalid literal for float(): 2014-12-10 [duplicate]
    278  I use Python 3.6 on windows and I can't install numpy even using bash on ubuntu
    278  Iterating over rows in pandas, shifting values to the right by one
    278  inconsistent results for weighted average in numpy masked arrays
    278  Hyper-spherical Coordinates Implementation
    278  How to set overflowed subtraction in python to result in a zero?
    278  How to apply linspace between each element in numpy vector?
    278  How setuptools builds extensions, where to add a compiler option?
    278  greycomatrix in python including NaN's
    278  genfromtxt: how to disable caching
    278  gaussian filter on irregularly spaced (x,y) series?
    278  Fitting data to system of ODEs - type error using lambda function with Scipy/Numpy/Python
    278  Finding null space of binary matrix in python
    278  Error processing a csv file in Keras
    278  Child processes generating same ''random'' numbers as parent process
    278  Changing multiple Numpy array elements using slicing in Python
    278  Can I prevent numpy.array from casting the elements as numpy arrays?
    278  Animation of circles on python
    278  Adding a column to dask dataframe, computing it through a rolling window
    278  Accounting for errors when creating a histogram
    278  Accelerate or decelerate a movie clip
    277  Why is the pip installer not functioning for certain modules?
    277  Why doesn't my array space correctly when I use np.savetxt
    277  Why aren't there numpy.testing.assert_array_greater, assert_array_less_equal, assert_array_true, etc?
    277  Using complex-valued data in a RandomForestClassifier
    277  Troubles using numpy on files from various origins
    277  Strange results performing box blur on Numpy array
    277  Reticulate not working with numpy 1.13.3
    277  Reading numpy array as all lowercase
    277  Python shorthand for array limits
    277  Python shared pointer between numpy array
    277  Python reshaping a np 4D array into a 2D array. Kaggle Image data
    277  Python: Apply function to every entry in numpy 3d array
    277  Python 2D array processing
    277  Parallel processing with Python class object
    277  pandas dataframe to matrix dtype errors
    277  Numpy Search & Slice 3D Array
    277  Numpy reshape seems to output value error
    277  numpy.ones results in red, green, blue, and black bars on image
    277  Numpy gradient with non uniform spacing
    277  Numpy equal dtype
    277  numpy create 3D array from indexed list
    277  Multiple Regression in Python (with Factor Selection)
    277  MATLAB inter2p and OpenCV remap gives different result
    277  LSTM with Numpy, can't find a definitive algorithm
    277  Keras custom loss function outputs negative values, dont understand why?
    277  **ImportError**: unable to load extension module '/home/wyx/pypy3env/site-packages/numpy/core/****':
    277  How to optimize data that has two variables with leastsq in Python?
    277  How to identify distinct objects in image in OpenCV Python
    277  How to elegantly ''reframe'' a numpy array
    277  how can I use cython memoryview on numpy bool array?
    277  Generating Sequence/Batches with specific lengths for RNN for grouped data
    277  Folium heat map not appearing
    277  Failing to render mandelbrot in pyopencl
    277  Dummify categorical variables for logistic regression with pandas and scikit (OneHotEncoder)
    277  cross product versus determinant
    277  Create a function to extract specific columns and rename pandas
    277  convert float string to numpy array with different rows [duplicate]
    277  Choosing length of an array
    277  can't open files using numpy in mac os
    277  Calculating Mean Square Displacement for a single particle in 1d [closed]
    277  Building numpy from source in docker
    277  AttributeError: module 'numpy.polynomial' has no attribute 'polynomial'
    277  Applying function, via df.groupby(), to pandas DataFrame - causing difficulties
    277  Adding datetime field to recarray
    276  What exactly does np.fft.fft return?
    276  What does the parameter ( ... , -1) mean when reshaping an array?
    276  Trouble creating 3D rotation matrix in Pytorch - ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars
    276  Threshold several variables into a binary categorical code in python
    276  Summing one item in my dataframe tuple, across the row?
    276  Split ndarray into smaller ndarray stored in a list
    276  Sorting string based numbers with lexsort (python)
    276  Serialize array data from C code, deserialize in Python
    276  Script fails when on importing of my 'random' file
    276  Reading csv to array, performing linear regression on array and writing to csv in Python depending on gradient
    276  Python: vectorizing a function call which uses an array of objects
    276  Python Pandas Truth Value of a Series in Ambiguous
    276  Python numpy's loadtxt and windows pathing?
    276  Python Numpy One Hot to Regions
    276  python get month of maximum value xarray
    276  Precision error in numpy.var
    276  Numpy Logarithm works for boolean Pandas Series but not for boolean column in Dataframe
    276  numpy inverse matrix not working for full rank matrix - hessian in logistic regression using newtons-method
    276  Numpy huge matrix dot product while multiprocessing
    276  numpy.dtype=object very slow compared to numpy.dtype=int
    276  Numpy aggregate into bins, then calculate sum?
    276  Np.cross produces wrong results, search for a working alternative
    276  Most efficient way to pull specified rows from a 2-d array?
    276  Mocking Numpy Structured Arrays
    276  Mixing NumPy longdouble and SymPy numerical evaluation – what about precision?
    276  Iteration multi-dimensional array in Python
    276  Install Numpy on Mac for Python 3 while Numpy for Python2.7 is already installed
    276  Installing pymc - Lapack issues
    276  How to write in python numpy: b = sum(v) - a as an implicitly elementwise (vector) computation?
    276  How to transfer CuPy arrays to tensorflow
    276  How to get a sub-array in python? [duplicate]
    276  How to generate a symbolic multivariate polynomial of a given dimension in SymPy?
    276  how to creat a subset of sample from original size of mnist data, while keeping all 10 classes
    276  How can I change a variable to match a pandas dtype?
    276  Generating nxn array in numpy
    276  fast unitary matrix multiplication with block acceleration
    276  Error when importing tensorflow on raspberry pi 2
    276  Dividing different shaped numpy multi-dimensional array
    276  Difference between convolve2d and filter2D. Why is there a difference in output shapes?
    276  data transmission from python to c++ using ctypes
    276  Conversion from Matlab Timestamp Date to Python Timestamp Date
    276  Comparing opencv lineartoPolar() transformation in python
    276  Cannot parse datetime using strptime
    276  Atom: Pylint - false negative when trying to import numpy
    276  array multiplication having different sizes
    276  Apply a custom function to multidimensional numpy array, keeping the same shape
    276  Appending a numpy array to a multiindex dataframe
    275  walls for 2d array (python) [closed]
    275  View of numpy structured array with offsets
    275  Using a condition from file data to plot with matplotlib python
    275  Unable to solve the XOR problem with just two hidden neurons in Python
    275  Train/Test Split Python
    275  Tensor expansion in numpy
    275  shortcut to split ''complex array'' into ''real'' and ''imaginary'' arrays
    275  Remove substring from multiple string columns in a pandas DataFrame
    275  Python read csv file and add one column through function computation
    275  Polynomial Expansion from scratch with numpy/python
    275  plotting ufloats that are implicitly defined as an array?
    275  Plotting a tomographic map of a 3-D data?
    275  Persisting a Large scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
    275  Passing pandas dataframe to scipy optimization when the function does not return a single value
    275  Numpy losing precision when converting long int to float
    275  Numba with numpy matrix not running  -  Unknown attribute
    275  np.bincount for 1 line, vectorized multidimensional averaging
    275  Matrix multiplication with Python
    275  Iteration over binarized image with numpy is slow
    275  iPython query keys/shape/size in dictionary (whos for a dictionary)
    275  Int64 usage: difference between pandas array and Series (Pandas version 0.24)
    275  I'm getting a Memory Error while processing my dataset in python ? What could be the reason?
    275  How to use Keras' evaluate_generator() when ''Axis must be specified ... ''
    275  How to remove array keyword in a python array?
    275  How to initialize 2D surface correctly in PyCUDA? (pycuda._driver.LogicError)
    275  How do I add a column to a 2d array with specific dtype?
    275  filtering 2D images in numpy array and calculate in python
    275  Efficient way of calculating sum of unequal sized chunks of tensor in Pytorch
    275  'detectMultiScale' requires a 'cv2.CascadeClassifier' object but received a 'numpy.ndarray'
    275  Creating two concatenated arrays from a generator
    275  Creating a matrix CSV file with numpy
    275  Calculate probability 2 random people are in the same group?
    275  Calculate center of mass of surface from set of x, y coordinates
    275  Appending a 2d-array to a 1d-array in numpy
    275  Advanced Python Pandas Dataframe Selection
    274  Unable to convert sklearn's bunch object into Pandas series object
    274  Tensorflow neural network is always 50% sure after training
    274  Taking a proportion of a dataframe based on column values
    274  Subsampling numpy array in arbitrary number of dimensions
    274  Sorting 2D numpy array using indices returned from np.argsort() [duplicate]
    274  Python- Pulling from a normal distribution with asymmetric error bars
    274  Python interval based sparse container
    274  Python beginner  -  change shape of a matrix
    274  Profiling Numba in Spyder results in NameError
    274  Pandas Dataframe to Numpy Array with '\t' delimiter
    274  optimize.root with a matrix equation
    274  Numpy tobytes() with defined byteorder
    274  Numpy slice with preserving dimensions
    274  numpy array and matrix multiplication - returns matrix
    274  Normalize scipy csr matrix columns
    274  Nested loop over the elements of the same array
    274  multiple conditions with calculation in Pandas dataframe
    274  Matrix (scipy sparse) - Matrix (dense; numpy array) multiplication efficiency
    274  L2 matrix rowwise normalization gradient
    274  Is there any way to specify numpy array to 'Image Widget'?
    274  I'm trying to enhance the contrast of image using following code
    274  how to split one dimentional array returned by numpy.loadtxt
    274  How to specify colorbar range and keep it regardless of plotting values
    274  How to find specific points/coordinates in shortest_path?
    274  How to determine if numpy.vectorize() is needed?
    274  How to delete or mask entries of a numpy array relative to another entry
    274  How to add masking noise to numpy 2-D matrix in a vectorized manner?
    274  How does numpy compute an exponential?
    274  Changing the default data type in numpy.asarray
    274  Alternatives to using numpy reshape((-1,1))
    274  Add two matrices containing NaN in python
    273  Why does np.savetxt return an empty file if I hand it in a large dataset?
    273  When should I use numpy? [closed]
    273  vectorizing forward-looking function pandas dataframe
    273  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2501,201) (2501,)
    273  Using numpy masking in cython
    273 raises LinAlgError: ''Singular matrix''
    273  Sparse Scipy/Numpy: an efficient way to implement sum of pairwise mins operation
    273  Selecting faces of a mesh based on vertices coordinates in numpy
    273  Scikit-learn KDTree query_radius return both count and ind?
    273  Remove NaN-padded border from numpy array
    273  Race condition with python multiprocessing, sympy, and numpy?
    273  Python: Open a Large Text File, But Load Only Rows Containing a Predefined Column Value
    273  Python numpy reshape
    273  Python Numpy Array indexing
    273  Python: how to linearly interpolate monthly data?
    273  Problems while learning cython
    273  Potential use of Python decorator or other refactorization: iterative optimization
    273  Pass a Numpy Array Image to ImageField()
    273  Outliers treatment in nonlinear Least squares (scipy) for a 5PL curve
    273  Object Tracking for mouse control
    273  Numpy ndarray containing objects of variable size (arrays of objects)
    273  Issues appending numpy arrays during for loop
    273  Install SciPy in AWS Tensorflow instance
    273  Inconsistent PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage() performance
    273  How to use np.where with multiple conditions including ''or''?
    273  How to speed up a loop in python
    273  How to print the elements (which are array) of list in Python?
    273  How feed iterator of numpy array to tensorflow Estimator/Evaluable
    273  How can I get unique words from a DataFrame column of strings?
    273  How can I get the last column from this list?
    273  How can I extract the 'x' axis of from a numpy array?
    273  Finding overlapping segments in Pandas
    273  Finding indices in Python lists efficiently (in comparison to MATLAB)
    273  Filter the columns of a 2d numpy array by only one line
    273  Diagonalize 2d matrix along one axis in numpy
    273  Custom count_nonzero function for numpy versions below 1.6
    273  Create sparse matrix from movie ratings
    273  Converting Adjacency Matrix to Abstract Simplicial Complex
    273  Cleanest way to merge two same-shape arrays in Numpy
    273  Auto fill np.nan for arrays of different size
    272  Why won't Keras take my input?
    272  Variable name is not defined
    272  Unable to drop rows in pandas DataFrame which contain zeros
    272  Some confusion over Numpy + Scipy + matplotlib Spectrum Analyzer code
    272  shrink-option doesn't work for numpy masked arrays
    272  Scipy fitting polynomial model to some data
    272  scalar() argument 1 must be numpy.dtype error
    272  Recursive function (Chapman-Kolmogorov eq.) for Transition Probabilities
    272  'Randomly' construct symmetric/positive definite pair of matrices with specific generalized eigenvector?
    272  pytorch compute pairwise difference: Incorrect result in NumPy vs PyTorch and different PyTorch versions
    272  Python numpy library log method returning wrong value
    272  Numpy Memmap WinError8
    272  Numpy loadtxt skiprow
    272  Numpy Array Subtraction [duplicate]
    272  Numpy array precision, how to overcome with search another array
    272  NumPy 2D matrix: return true row indices where column is true
    272  Numba @jit(nopython=True) function offers no speed improvement on heavy Numpy function
    272  My code shows invalid literal for float()
    272  Loading MySQLdb data with mixed data type into Numpy's ndarray
    272  Loading large csv file in python in list or numpy array
    272  Inefficient Regularized Logistic Regression with Numpy
    272  image segmentation the raccoon face into 5 grayscale segments
    272  How to use python structure array similar to matlab
    272  How to round complex number up to 2 decimal points in python?
    272  How to properly change dtype of numpy array
    272  How to make a non-square rolling window for numpy array?
    272  How to get accumulative maximum indices with numpy in Python?
    272  How to find largest absolute value from specific columns for repetitive row elements using Pandas in Python and also display row and column index
    272  How to feed a TensorArray to a TensorFlow session
    272  How to add multiple binary masks?
    272  How do I use the avx flag when compiling Fortran code using f2py?
    272  How do I deal with Error: numpy.float64 not iterable and KeyError: nan in Dict?
    272  Getting negative S value from SVD decomposition in Numpy?
    272  finding values of different decimal places with Pandas dataframe
    272  Fastest way to sort in Python (no cython)
    272  Efficiently Running Newton Algorithm
    272  Double grouping data by bins AND time with pandas
    272  Discontinuity in numerical derivative of an interpolating cubic spline
    272  convert PIL numpy 3d array to 2d luma values
    272  Concatenate numpy arrays inside a function and return it?
    272  building a specific sequence with python numpy
    272  Build 2d pyramidal array - Python / NumPy
    272  A simple numpy reshape function in python when making 2D array from 1D array
    272  Aggregate Values by Month, Year or Day
    272  Accessing second index in 3-d numpy array
    272  accessing each element in a numpy array
    272  About the exercise in 'OpenCV-Python Tutorials - Trackbar as the Color Palette'
    272  3D columns plot using dataFrame and matplotlib
    271  Why calculations of eigenvectors of a 2 by 2 matrix with numpy crashes my Python session?
    271  What is the meaning of the Reshape{2}.0 in Python?
    271  What is the difference between a numpy array of size (100, 1) and (100,)?
    271  Using mpi4py (or any python module) without installing [duplicate]
    271  Understanding the argument values for mdptoolbox forest example
    271  strange behavior: apparently a numpy nan in a pandas dataframe showing up as dtype('float64')
    271  Split a large numpy array into separate arrays with a list of grouped indices
    271  Python numpy found in cmd line but not in script
    271  Python Numba Value in Array
    271  python array time complexity?
    271  Python array shape difference
    271  Plotting RMS from np.vector
    271  pandas dataframe to numpy array without the annoying dtype=''blah blah''
    271  Pairwise differences in column in Pandas
    271  Optimize NumPy sum of matrices iterated through every element
    271  Operations on 'N' dimensional numpy arrays
    271  Numpy distutils not recognizing Fortran file types
    271  Numpy array index out of range with Genetic Algorithm
    271  Numpy advanced selection not working
    271  Masking arrays in Java as with numpy in python
    271  Map numpy array to mesh
    271  Make interpolation method conditional in pandas in python
    271  looped sklearn euclidean distances optimisation
    271  Issue about displaying circle on an existing image
    271  Is numpy.argmax slower than MATLAB [~,idx] = max()?
    271  ipython qtconsole: drawing multiple functions inside one plot
    271  Inspecting or turning off Numpy/SciPy Parallelization
    271  How to transform a list (or numpy array or matrix) into an image?
    271  How to play Python OpenCV 2.4.3 (numpy array) inside a wxPython window
    271  How to install numpy link against with intel MKL in IBM power8(ppc64le) machine?
    271  How to calculate probabilities using numpy.histogram and then use it for calculating KL divergence?
    271  How do I lazily concatenate ''numpy ndarray''-like objects for sequential reading?
    271  Groupby covariance between two columns
    271  Getting the n element of each list in a defaultdict
    271  Fourier Transform of X,Y data(Python)
    271  Explain Matlab indexing/slicing in terms of Numpy
    271  Django - how to make a complex math annotation (k Nearest Neighbors)
    271  ''DeprecationWarning using `oa_ndim == 0` when `op_axes` is NULL'' when performing normalization/computing z-scores on a pandas DataFrame
    271  Convert str to numpy.ndarray
    271  Contour will not plot over Python basemap
    271  Connect the points to zero for missing points
    271  Coincidence matrix from array with clusters assignments
    271  Can't install numpy on pypy 3 - OSX
    271  Can anyone explain how we get output for numpy.poly function
    271  Binary operations on Numpy scalars automatically up-casts to float64
    271  Any solution for accelerating the reading of data from disk and converting them into numpy array for further processing?
    270  Why this python class is not working with numba jitclass?
    270  Why expm(2*A) != expm(A) @ expm(A)
    270  What is the meaning of all abbreviations in wheel filename notation on Christoph Gohlke's website?
    270  Use date field from MongoDB list as DatetimeIndex in Pandas DataFrame
    270  Speeding up Numpy array slicing
    270  Selecting rows from a pandas DataFrame with an arbitrary number of conditions
    270  Scipy.opimize.fmin_powell direc argument syntax
    270  Reducing RAM overloading when handling big matrices in python
    270  Python NumPy concatenate 2 triangular arrays above/below diagonal
    270  python memory error when trying make the dot product between 2 arrays
    270  python: integrated first-order moment of 2D distribution
    270  Pickle can't be load for Pascal VOC pickle dataset
    270  object was probably modified after being freed with Python on Mac
    270  Numpy triu generates nan when called on matrices with infinite values
    270  Numpy: How to calculate standard deviation of a signal v(t) with non-uniform samples
    270  Numpy For Large Data Sets [closed]
    270  numpy.array operation / method: subtract value of one element from the value of next element
    270  Numerical differentiation using Cauchy (CIF)
    270  np select if statement to return a value for a conditional statement
    270  Memory never released when using Python classes and numpy
    270  Matrix of Image pixel value is in float?
    270  Learning OR gate through gradient descent
    270  Incorrect behaviour or numpy.argmax function (closed, my fail here)
    270  Image resampling, Memory Error
    270  Image Data Generator for images in Numpy array
    270  How to populate an existing numpy array with specific dtype
    270  How to multiply each row of an array with all rows of an array element-wise in Python
    270  How to assign elements into the diagonal of a 3d matrix efficiently?
    270  How realign segments of image in python?
    270  How do I replace all string values with NaN (Dynamically)?
    270  Geometric rounding with numpy/quantize?
    270  Einsum optimize fails for basic operation
    270  Can't start scipy's solve_bvp
    270  Calculating the averages iteratively and efficiently
    270  Among 1 million items preceding A[i], how many of them are smaller than A[i]?
    270  2D Numpy Array Beginner troubles
    269  Why does this sum not converge in Python
    269  What the NumPy array stores when I convert a grayscale image into a NumPy array?
    269  Vectorize a numpy.argmin search with a variable range per matrix row
    269  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence while trying to store image HoG features
    269  understanding 2D DFT
    269  (TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not tuple) In Planetary Orbits Simulator
    269  TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects while saving numpy file
    269  python - sorting np 2d array by 2 columns (acending, decending)
    269  Python numpy.ndarray subclasses and zero rank arrays
    269  python: Modifying eigenvectors based on multiplicity of eigenvalues
    269  Python - Merge many big numpy arrays with unknown shape, that would not fit in memory
    269  Python mask for 2D array
    269  Python - Decay curve_fit breaks down in plot
    269  python 2-D array get the function as np.unique or union1d
    269  Problems importing numpy in AWS Lambda function
    269  Open binary data in python
    269  ''only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars'' or ''`x0` must have at most 1 dimension''
    269  Numpy rounds in a different way than python
    269  Numpy array filtering by two criteria
    269  Multiplication of two numpy arrays in Python results in nan values at some places
    269  MNIST dataset:created neural network with numpy, now can't correct error about broadcasting
    269  Loading images and reshaping resulting numpy array
    269  Is it possible to vectorize a function that access different elements in an numpy array?
    269  I need help setting up matrices to solve using Gaussian elimination in Python
    269  How to hide overlapping pixels using Pillow?
    269  How to find periodic interval and periodic mean through Von mises distribution?
    269  how to detect if a point lies in a non-rectangular region in a 2D numpy array?
    269  How is random state updated after calling np.random.shuffle()? and how is it impacted by the length of the list to be shuffled?
    269  How can I speed up the generation of an MP4 using matplotlib's Animation Writer?
    269  Getting a Basemap projection as a numpy array
    269  Get back to DataFrame after df.as_matrix()
    269  Free Numpy Memory in Place
    269  `fft` not returning what it should
    269  Fast vectorized indexing in numpy
    269  extrapolation of regression line
    269  Displaying mxn images using Matplotlib
    269  Create matrix with same in and out degree for all nodes
    269  Converting one-dimensional structured array to 2D numpy array
    269  convert a text of binary values to numpy file
    269  Calculation - numpy python bug
    269  Calculate intervals in a column
    269  applying a function groupwise in python
    268  what is the difference between the two datasets for numpy.fft
    268  Sum a matrix along an axis given a weight vector using numpy [duplicate]
    268  Strange errors running built-in methods on pandas index objects
    268  Single value decomposition(SVD) issue on 3D data (Python)
    268  Scipy.optimize not fiting to my data
    268  Removing runs from a 2D numpy array
    268  Python: numpy.linalg.norm produces different result than np.sum(np.abs(x)**2,axis=-1)**(1./2)
    268  Python numpy.convolve integral limits
    268  python netCDF4 intermittent error either ok, invalid arguement or no such file
    268  Point inside polygonal region with polygonal hole
    268  Plotting a degrading consine function in MatPlotLib
    268  numerical value for an expression in sympy
    268  Memory error in python (despite being a small computation)
    268  Matplotlib - create a rolling 2D histogram
    268  Looping and indexing over large arrays in Python
    268  Least squares fit to sinusoidal power series
    268  I want to convert .csv file to a Numpy array
    268  Is there a standard way to work with numerical probability density functions in Python?
    268  Is there a `numpy.minimum` equivalent in GSL?
    268  Inserting average rows in tensorflow tensor
    268  How to apply a function to each element of an array when the result is dependent of preceding cell
    268  Finding the highest R^2 value
    268  Fast optimization of ''pathological'' convex function
    268  Fastest way to generate multiple random numbers in a function in Python 2.7/Numpy
    268  expected zero_padding2d_1_input to have shape (None, 3, 875, 375) but got array with shape (1, 375, 875, 3)
    268  Define a new numpy type
    268  Compare only object references in numpy
    268  Access 1D array with array of lists or arrays
    267  Why is it that the numpy array column data type does not get updated?
    267  Why does numpy.savez() output non reproducible files?
    267  Why does complex floating-point division underflow weirdly with NumPy?
    267  What's difference between np.zeros(img) and np.copy(img)*0?
    267  Vectorize row-by-row element-wise product of two different shaped matrices in Tensorflow
    267  Value Error on computing matrix elements sum
    267  TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable during scipy minimize
    267  theano - Operate Two Matrix By Rule like
    267  Tensorflow > 2GB array as an input for tf.slice_input_producer
    267  Runtime Warnings on multiplication of NumPy FFT
    267  Romberg's method in Python - creating function out of a list
    267  Replacing value in python numpy masked array
    267  Reference to ndarray rows in ndarray
    267  Python: Timing with numpy and lists
    267  python: read complicated csv files
    267  Python2.7 Only Using 25% of CPU MacBook Pro
    267  Parallelization of calls to scipy RectBivariateSpline
    267  Pandas - KeyError: ('var', 'occurred at index 1414') - looping with a for
    267  Numpy in what situation will return ''Divide by zero error''?
    267  np.where() solution explanation [closed]
    267  np.where on pd.DataFrame for dictionary of non-zero indicies
    267  MemoryError while using in Python
    267  How to plot a power curve by following code?
    267  How to install python-numpy on OSX using apt-get?
    267  How to achieve the following distribution in python random module or numpy?
    267  How to abort a python script when a warning is raised
    267  How can I find the diagonals of all matrices in a file using NumPy?
    267  Getting mask values in numpy data
    267  Generation of values above diagonal numpy array
    267  Error with RandomGridSearchCV in Sklearn MLPRegressor
    267  DQNAgent can't put batch size more than 1
    267  Difference in efficiency between pickle and in saving numpy arrays?
    267  Day delta for dates >292 years apart
    267  create special matrix python / numpy
    267  Count how many values fall in each bin
    267  Converting integers between Python (numpy) and Matlab
    267  Compiling Numpy from Source with Intel MKL/Intel C
    267  Combining two warpAffine, shift and rotate image
    267  Built in Method for chunking a NumPy array
    267  Best way to scale the matrix variables in SCIPY linear programming scheme
    267  AttributeError: 'Mul' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
    267  Array assignment in Python
    267  Advanced indexing for sympy?
    266  Why isn't np.nan_to_num() converting this (n x m) array?
    266  Why does the MSE sklearn library give me a different squared error compared to the l2 norm squared error?
    266  ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence''
    266  Transpose a large array without loading into memory
    266  Strange behaviour on Pandas HDF5 - read_hdf not returning results
    266  Shuffle part of array in numpy
    266  Python numpy.divmod and integer representation
    266  Python C extensions reading numpy array with negative strides
    266  OpenCV: Extract the red light sources
    266  one code segment error that might be related to python 2.7 vs python 3.x
    266  Numpy sampling function
    266  numpy reshape: incompatible array size, when array grows too big?
    266  numpy ndarray advanced indexing
    266  Numpy match indexing dimensions
    266  NumPy: fill fields surrounding a 1 in an array
    266  Numpy efficient way to get number of unique intersecting intervals
    266  Numpy array to Ctypes array: access violation error
    266  Numba JIT changing results if values are printed
    266  np.genfromtxt returns one dimensional array with mulitiple nan's
    266  Nested loops over 2D and 1D numpy arrays saving into files
    266  minimum of array of floats in python
    266  Matlab range in Python
    266  Java Equivalent for Numpy.arange [duplicate]
    266  Is vectorizing this triple for loop in Python / Numpy possible?
    266  issue in 3D plotting in python using data from a text file
    266  Is it possible to load BLOB into MySQL using LOAD DATA INFILE?
    266  Information content in Python for real number dataset
    266  Image manipulation: Import stills from video into python/matplotlib?
    266  How to select columns of a numpy matrix based on a 1-D boolean mask?
    266  How to install numpy in OSX properly? [duplicate]
    266  How to generate a clean x and y axis for a numpy matrix?
    266  how to downsize a pandas DataFrame without making a copy?
    266  How can I generate output predictions in Tensorflow just like model.predict in Keras?
    266  How can I find a tuple from a group of tuples with the values closest to a given tuple?
    266  GAE Launcher (Python) could not start
    266  forcing genfromtxt output to no-vector
    266  error when writing numpy into csv file
    266  Creating numpy functions and converting to tensor
    266  Checking triangle inequality in a massive numpy matrix
    266  Checking an array in Python [closed]
    266  Cartesian product of arbitrary-dimensional coordinates in arbitrary-dimensional arrays
    266  Can't save numpy in .npy format in TensorFlow with python as cPickle.PicklingError
    266  Calculate Integral over array in Python with output array
    266  Add element to row csr matrix (concatenate a column to matrix) in scipy [duplicate]
    266  Accessing array in Python/Numba gives weird result
    266  2D of numpy arange [duplicate]
    265  Working with map in python
    265  Why is numpy.exp on a complex meshgrid array giving the wrong real part?
    265  Why is norm.pdf of unscaled distribution divided by scale in scipy?
    265  Which variable is minimized by scipy.optimize.minimize/How does it work?
    265  Vectorizing numpy polyfit for moving window
    265  vectorize a function operated on subarray of a ndarray
    265  Using a list to select the same position in multiple arrays in Python
    265  Trouble reshaping my data for daily time series
    265  Speeding up selecting sets of 3 nodes that form triangles with given min and max side length
    265  Select multiple columns within a certain range of another column
    265  Resize n-dimensional array of images
    265  Removing specific values from columns in a pandas dataframe
    265  remove the prefix u' from the list
    265  Regression Neural Network with NumPy in Python
    265  Reading multiple (CERN) ROOT files into NumPy array - using n nodes and say, 2n GPUs
    265  Python+numpy: a lucky floating point case?
    265  Placing a numpy record array inside another record array python
    265  Permutation of symmetric array in Python
    265  Pandas linear interpolate between different dataframes given values in each row
    265  Optimizing Vector Normalization on Numpy
    265  Optimize away PyFloat_FromDouble, Pyx_GetItemInt and PyObject_RichCompare in Cython generated C code
    265  Numpy says there are NaN/Inf values, none can be found
    265  Numpy/PyTorch method for partial tiling
    265  numpy.median of empty array now yields error in version 1.10.0
    265  Numpy apply_along_axis not returning ndarray subclass
    265  Nested loop for python numpy arrays
    265  My numpy arrays are behaving weirdly in cython
    265  Multiply each block of a block matrix with different coefficient in NumPy
    265  Matplotlib ax.fill_between not showing
    265  Loss of precision when transferring data from hdf5 dataset to numpy array
    265  Looping through pixels with Cython still slow
    265  Lambdify'ed expression raises TypeError when used with arrays, if the expression contained a sympy object
    265  Iterating over the rows of two dataframes
    265  Image transformation in Tensorflow vs Caffe vs PIL + skimage
    265  How to shuffle an array with n entries without generating range(n)
    265  How to set values in a 2d numpy array?
    265  How to set the value of numpy.arange from the given data in SciPy?
    265  How to set the dtype of a numpy 2d array of [int, float]?
    265  How to load many .npy files very fast
    265  How to do <= and >= on sparse matrices?
    265  Getting the correct dimensions after using np.nonzero on array
    265  Gaussian filter bug in scipy_filters python
    265  Find intersection of 2d slices of arrays
    265  Error message from python when import from module numpy while connecting via ssh
    265  Error in scikit code
    265  datetime64 error when adding to Pandas DataFrame
    265  Avoid extra dimension added by numpy.vsplit
    265  Applying tuple operations element-wise to a numpy array of tuples
    265  Animation of a 3D surface from calculated matrices
    264  What is a scipy.sparse matrix in the CSR format?
    264  Views and copies confusion with NumPy arrays when combining index operations
    264  Using __call__ method of a class as a input to Numpy curve_fit
    264  Trying to convert numpy array with ctypes to C gives Segmentation fault
    264  Slicing 3d numpy array - misunderstanding
    264  sklearn error ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32')
    264  Scipy ValueError: object too deep for desired array with optimize.leastsq
    264  read_csv convert date in 3 columns to 1 column date format like YYYY-MM-DD using pandas in Python
    264  Python - slow matrix performance
    264  Python: save pickle adding details of the generating script
    264  Python numpy stack rows into a single column
    264  python - find a matrix in a dictionary
    264  python/cv2: create 2d matrix of pixels of a certain color
    264  pandas/numpy: I have an array with a dictionary inside. How do I create a DataFrame from this? [duplicate]
    264  numpy Structured array adding record
    264  Network Plot Error Using Python / iPython
    264  Native numpy parallelization - multiplication and sum/average
    264  My Python program crashes when I press the exit button. It works fine otherwise. I am using Pygame module. The code is attached below
    264  Multithreaded summation of arrays in Python
    264  Matplotlib contour plot using specific data points from a set
    264  Impossible ValueError. Value not in list while using numpy.unique
    264  how to speed up pandas df.apply (probably with np.where or np_logical_and.reduce?)
    264  How to iterate over initial dimensions of a Numpy array?
    264  How to explicitly specify the output's string length in numpy.vectorize
    264  How to copy data from memory to numpy array in Python
    264  How to calculate Optical Flow magnitude in OpenCV
    264  how to apply function along one dimension and save result as new variable in dataset? [duplicate]
    264  heterogeneous data logging and analysis
    264  Get rankings from numpy array
    264  Generate a two dimensional array of complex numbers
    264  For loops with Dask arrays and/or h5py
    264  For loop heading depending on if statement (Python)
    264  fast iteration over two numpy arrays
    264  Elegant way to process and skip first line(s) (containing metadata) when reading an array from file in Python (possibly pandas)?
    264  Efficient Histogram of Differences for sparse Data
    264  Duck typing numpy float types
    264  Does numpy provide a generalized inner product?
    264  curve fitting complicated equation with numpy linalg lstsq
    264  Convert numpy scalar to python simple native (with one twist)
    264  Connected components from an adjacency matrix using Numpy or Scipy
    264  calculate the values grouping by date
    264  Arrays allocated at same address Cython + Numpy
    264  Any support for reading/writing hexfloats from/to delimited files?
    263  Why is the colon needed to represent the row but not for the column of a matrix?
    263  Why is my 2D interpolant generating a matrix with swapped axes in SciPy?
    263  Why does pd.to_numeric not work with large numbers?
    263  When i use numpy it says - unused import statement .How to fix it?
    263  TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not subscriptable for python
    263  Sliding windows of NaN padded elements with numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
    263  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars numpy
    263  Regrid numpy array based on cell area
    263  Process a list in a Dataframe column
    263  on modifying the shape of numpy array resulting from input image
    263  Numpy - sorting numbers, representing a network of nodes, in an array
    263  numpy indexing using argsort result [duplicate]
    263  numpy fill matrix diagonal value with another matrix [duplicate]
    263  Numpy, creating 1D array in C++ segfaults
    263  numpy block scientific notation
    263  multiplying all combinations of columns
    263  More efficient assignment of numpy array elements based on category
    263  Linear Regression with python - gradient descent error
    263  Installing matplotlib through setuptools install_requires
    263  I have a PIL image in a Numpy matrix that has negative values. How could I save it?
    263  How to resize 4D-image using numpy?
    263  How to fix error when concatenating two numpy arrays?
    263  How to effectively check if numpy array can be cast to another integer type?
    263  How to detect a specific warning in python via OLS Regression output summary
    263  How to convert row list to column list
    263  How to chunk up an a step function array based on when x-values flatten out
    263  How to add a phase shift to a sin wave in the frequency domain with fft?
    263  How can I accurately display numpy.timedelta64?
    263  Having trouble recreating an numpy.array where each element has a type of numpy.void
    263  Generating multiple vandermonde arrays
    263  Frequency table of lists within multidimensional numpy array
    263  Finding zero pixels in an image without counting ones near nonzero ones
    263  Extrapolated contour plot using numpy
    263  Extracting element from a bitarray using indexes in a list
    263  Elements arrangement in a numpy array
    263  efficiently finding a front-month contract on futures data in pandas
    263  Difference between array.copy() vs numpy.copy(array)
    263  Cython returning a double complex to a float complex causes the expression not to be in pure C
    263  Converting OpenCV Python code to OpenCV C++
    263  Convert (B,G,R,IR) to (R,G,B) image arrays - Python
    263  Convert a (n_samples, n_features) ndarray to a (n_samples, 1) array of vectors to use as training labels for an sklearn SVM
    263  Compare numpy array to scalar with 'out= ... '
    263  Calculation on list of numpy array
    263  Calculating Dual-Energy Gradient using Numpy
    263  Binning NumPy array by hour within a datetime field
    263  Array assignment without for loop [duplicate]
    263  Apply np.where against square bracket filtering for numpy filtering
    263  Append numbers to vectors with NumPy
    262  Why is my Numpy test code 2X slower than in Matlab
    262  What's the difference between ndarray.item(arg) and ndarry[arg]?
    262  Using two indexing arrays on a numpy array
    262  Two problems on writing a script to compute markov joint distribution (in python)
    262  Tensorflow Object Detection, mask classes numpy array?
    262  speeding up inside list comprehension
    262  Speeding up calculation of nearby groups?
    262  Sparse matrix dot product keeping only N-max values per result row
    262  Seeking explanation to Dask vs Numpy vs Pandas benchmark results
    262  RuntimeError: as_numpy_iterator() is not supported while tracing functions
    262  Receive Numpy Array Realtime from GStreamer
    262  python/opencv: how to identify a cycle with points on the images given?
    262  Python Numpy array gives MemoryError
    262  (Python) MVHR Covariance and OLS Beta difference
    262  Python: How to find out if an unknown element exists in a list?
    262  Python: 3D column-major tensor to row-major
    262  numpy under a groupby not working
    262  Numpy Permutations of a 3D Matrix
    262  NumPy module not found after install
    262  Numpy 2D spatial mask to be filled with specific values from a 2D array to form a 3D structure
    262  is it possible to use numpy.take to pick a list of indices?
    262  installing numpy for pypy 2.3.5 (python 3.2.5 compatible) on windows 7 with mingw32
    262  Indexerror: out of bounds for size error in keras convnet1D
    262  Import numpy without installing
    262  Image looks good on matplotlib.pyplot.imshow , but is horribly distorted when shown on QT GUi using Qimage
    262  How to predict values using Multiple inputs in Tensor flow
    262  How to load specific columns with varying location from a text file in python?
    262  How to iterate through a column in dataframe and update two new columns simultaneously?
    262  how to efficiently select multiple slices from an array?
    262  How to control dimension broadcast in tensorflow?
    262  Handling corner case of one Numpy array to iterate over
    262  Getting access to descriptor class
    262  Generate a numpy array from a python function
    262  Finding the distance of points to an axis
    262  efficient way to make pandas.DatetimeIndex in Python
    262  Divide data by decade then plot it seaborn box and whisker
    262  Determine mean value of ‘data’ where the highest number of CONTINUOUS cond=True
    262  Could not convert string to float -headers
    262  Compute mean and variance on specific columns of 2D array only if a condition on element on each row is satisfied
    261  What rule does numpy.histogramdd use to calculate the number of bins?
    261  tensorflow reduce_mean vs numpy mean
    261  ''stacking'' arrays in a new dimension?
    261  speed up python code
    261  Serial vectorial subtraction in Python or ''subtractive convolution''?
    261  scipy curve_fit doesn't like math module
    261  Recurrence relation in Pandas
    261  Python vector field of ODE of three variables
    261  Python: Taking mean over many rows and fixed column
    261  Python: Generalized Pyplot stacked bars
    261  Python any plot serving solution for a simple histogram of datetime series? Bokeh or Other
    261  Plotting CSV data with python
    261  Numpy matrix of strings converted to shared array of strings creates type mismatch
    261  Modifying diagonals in multidimensional numpy arrays
    261  Memory order behavior issue when converting numpy array to QImage
    261  Matlab matrix Vs Python arange
    261  Insert seam into a numpy matrix
    261  Indexing tensor with binary matrix in numpy
    261  How to get the Numpy array of file stream of any image
    261  How to create a single npy file for 61 videos and their respective frame features
    261  How can I interpret a float32 as four uint8s in numpy?
    261  Handling numbers with standard error in Python
    261  cython - Manipulating strings from numpy array
    261  Correspondence between a ''ij'' meshgrid and a long meshgrid
    261  Converting 2D Plot to 3D
    261  convert a scatter plot into a contour plot in matplotllib [duplicate]
    261  Check if all elements are True in sliding windows across a 2D array - Python
    261  Bad input argument to theano function: 'setting an array element with a sequence.'
    261  AttributeError: 'numpy.string_' object has no attribute 'items'
    261  apply fromiter over matrix
    260  Why does the order of dimensions change with boolean indexing?
    260  When plotting Mandelbrot using NumPy & Pillow, program outputs apparent noise
    260  Vectorize hellinger for sparse matrix - NumPy / Python
    260  Vectorized numpy mean with condition
    260  User defined filter for pandas dataframe
    260  use of ellipsis in modifying numpy arrays
    260  Upgrading numpy+MKL library
    260  Tensorflow on mac
    260  Send 50KB array from C++ to Python (NumPy) on Windows
    260  Select elements from list using a Zipf-like selection in python
    260  Scatter homogenous list of values to PyTorch tensor
    260  reshape numpy arrays in iterator
    260  Remove rows of 3D array which are present in a 4D array
    260  Python pattern's RestrictingWrapper with metaclass
    260  python - error py2exe (DLL missing)
    260  Proper way to create big Numpy arrays in loop?
    260  Pandastic way of growing a dataframe
    260  Pandas sum column with scalar results in zeros
    260  Pandas DataFrame - Creating dynamic number of columns
    260  Numpy least-squares solution not accurate results
    260  numpy: in a sorted list, find the first and the last index for each unique value
    260  How to use numpy.random to generate random numbers from a certain distribution?
    260  how to normalize subarrays in a numpy array
    260  How to correctly convert numpy vectorize to numba vectorize
    260  How to access the elements in numpy array of sets? [duplicate]
    260  get genfromtxt/loadtxt to ignore datatype in ignored columns/rows
    260  Freeimage plugin mirrors RGB arrays if saving in 16-bit
    260  Find the number of non zero values in 2 columns of np.array
    260  Encoding Pillow Image to b64 causing invalid base64 encoded string
    260  Create binary tiff files (compressed with lzw) from numpy array
    260  Convolution of 2D Arrays along a Single Axis
    260  converting a string to np.array with datetime64, NOT using Pandas
    260  C extension with integer & numpy array as argument
    260  Can I use a lambda expression here (selecting records from a numpy.core.records.recarray)?
    260  Broadcast error when adding ndarray and sparse matrix converted to dense in python
    260  Asymmetric error bars in Scipy's odrpack
    260  Arrays subtraction in Python
    259  Why does the cost in my implementation of a deep neural network increase after a few iterations?
    259  Why does Tensorflow not override __eq__ for Tensors?
    259  Why does printing a dataframe break python when constructed from numpy empty_like
    259  Unpack sequences from Numpy Array
    259  Unique permutations of fixed length integer partitions where each element has a maximum
    259  Transposing a numpy matrix causes cv's draw functions to throw errors
    259  Sudoku solver - slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
    259  Speed up my interactive matplotlib figure
    259  Solving first-order ODE, which contains another ODE (odeint / solve_ivp in Python)
    259  Should Image.fromarray(pixels) and np.array(img) leave the data unchanged?
    259  Selecting close matches from one array based on another reference array
    259  reproject netcdf to sinusoidal projection
    259  Removing NaN rows from a three dimensional array
    259  Really confused with this numpy shape mismatch error
    259  RBF Kernel on Masked array
    259  python : How can I replace complex number to -1?
    259  Promoter base frequency matrix python
    259  Predicting value for mnist data set on your own test images
    259  pandas rolling sum if criteria is met but criteria is specified in a column
    259  Overriding elements in a Numpy array
    259  numpy with OpenBLAS slower than blas/lapack
    259  numpy.random Seed in multiprocessing
    259  Numba TypingError: Type of variable cannot be determined
    259  no module error when using numpy-1.15.0
    259  minimize function coefficents python
    259  Joint CDF in numpy
    259  Implementing derivatives of logs of data in python
    259  Image conversion, numpy error ''only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index''
    259  How to sort a numpy array with key as isnan?
    259  How to resample numpy array with max length of index in python
    259  How to get the train_scores to plot a learning curve without using the learning_curve fuction fo scikitlearn?
    259  How to efficiently convert RGB values to HSV in large pointclouds
    259  How to create an n-dimensional array using given data using numpy ndarray
    259  How to convert numpy arrays to vector<int>& (reference) with SWIG
    259  How do I convert data from .csv file into a NumPy array and use statistics to find the mean of the data? [duplicate]
    259  How could I split an array into subarrays with different dimension with numpy?
    259  Efficiently indexing numpy array with a numpy array
    259  Cython numpy array indexer speed improvement
    259  Cython not fast enough
    259  Creating matrix out of an array of categories in numpy
    259  Create binary matrix from matching values each row python
    259  Converting numpy array to single integer
    259  Can python itertools.imap(func,p,q) work with a conditional test on the index (e.g. to get elements with odd indexes only)?
    259  Cannot pick columns dtype after numpy hstack
    259  AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'pipe'
    259  apply median filter on pixels of a certain value?
    258  Why is the envelope curve erroneous at the beginning?
    258  Why is py.test ignoring random seeding on os x?
    258  Vectorize numpy code [duplicate]
    258  vectorize loop for ckdtree search over two arrays
    258  Using np.arange to create list of coordinate pairs
    258  Speed up extraction of coordinates from DICOM structure set
    258  Set values on the diagonal of pandas.DataFrame with fill_diagonal()
    258  scons cannot import numpy module
    258  Python, Numpy, OpenCV  -  Creating a modified (and equally fast) ''addWeighted'' function
    258  Python numpy/math isclose - need to check for either less than a float or greater than a float value with threshold
    258  Python/Numpy C++ extension: memory issue
    258  Python Numpy can't convert Strings to Integers from CSV file
    258  Python: Doing Calculations on array elements in a list
    258  Plot with python
    258  Plot variable size/color-heatmap for mulitple occurences of points in scatter plot
    258  Parallelize Functions in Numpy
    258  Omit values from a range in NumPy
    258  Numpy's real-FFT and fftshift
    258  NumPy: sort ndarray 1st axis by selected 2nd axis element
    258  numpy shorthand for taking jagged slice
    258  Numpy: Setting an array element with a sequence
    258  Numpy recarray writes byte literals tags to my csv file?
    258  numpy default dtype for python integer
    258  Numpy array to Tensorflow queue
    258  Numpy apply_along_axis wrong dtype infered
    258  Numpy 3D array transposed when indexed in single step vs two steps
    258  Is manual pickling of numpy array cross platform?
    258  Is it possible in numpy to use advanced list slicing and still get a view?
    258  How with pybind11 to bind a function that takes as argument a numpy.array() with, for instance, a shape (10, 10, 3)?
    258  How to split a split numeric column in python according to any pattern I specify
    258  How to select the maximum value over all rows from a list of scipy.sparse.arrays?
    258  How to permute the axes on cv::Mat in C++
    258  How to Extract Columns from Numpy
    258  How to express a C++ or GLM struct as a numpy array?
    258  How to compute outer product of two lists of arrays efficiently in some parallel fashion?
    258  How to add multiple columns generated from other columns - numpy
    258  How do I call a python function in C++ using SWIG?
    258  How can i get correlation between categorical and continuous variables?
    258  Find mode of non-zero elements in array Numpy
    258  Finding nonzero elements in an array
    258  Display augmented image using Pytorch
    258  CV2 changes the image
    258  Curve fitting with boundary conditions
    258  Covert Date Range to Numpy Array as part of Groupby in Pandas
    258  Convert table using python pandas
    258  Convert numpy array to standard library array without memory allocation
    258  cannot find numpy module and ''python egg_info'' failed with error code 1
    258  Calculate gradient only in a masked area
    258  Best dtype for creating large arrays with numpy
    258  Are all objects returned by value rather than by reference?
    257  What is the definition of multiplication of jagged/ragged Numpy.array?
    257  Using Numpy.rate to calculate annualised interest rate
    257  Using np.random.randint as fill_value
    257  Using np.cumsum on a grouped csv file
    257  Using Naive Bayes for spam detection
    257  swapping rows in pylab matrix
    257  Splitting an array into array of arrays python
    257  SKlearn RandomForestClassifier ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    257  Removing rows with nan values in recarrays of object datatype
    257  Remove elements of one 2D numpy array which are present in another 2D numpy array [duplicate]
    257  Python: Why is `np.sum([x for x in c]) != np.sum(x for x in c)`
    257  Python : Reading CSV using np.genfromtxt resulting in different number of columns
    257  python & numpy: forcing the matrix to contain values known to range from x to y?
    257  python memap or pybuffer for large image processing
    257  Python create density layer/map WGS84
    257  Numpy padding a 4D array is slow
    257  NumPy masked array not considering fill_value when comparing to scalar
    257  numpy.loadtxt thinks the last file is empty
    257  Multi feature recommender system representation
    257  merging records in python or numpy
    257  Memory Error occurs while working with large dataset
    257  Matrix multiplication Ax = 1 or Ax = 0
    257  Is it possible to convert a numpy array of strings to a pandas dataframe inplace?
    257  ImportError: cannot import name _distributor_init aftar install anaconda
    257  How to stack multiple 2D numpy arrays in a 3D numpy array
    257  How to split in chunks (submatrices), or handle a huge matrix giving memory error on numpy?
    257  How to return a NumPy array with m rows of n random integer values between 0 and 99 in Python?
    257  How to replace character with a dictionary value in numpy array?
    257  how to remove duplicates including strings in numpy array?
    257  How to do group by and take count of unique and count of some value as aggregate on same column in python pandas?
    257  How can I define and initialize a numpy matrix of tuples?
    257  Fast interpolation of one array axis
    257  Drawn 2D shape into numpy array
    257  Cannot equalize images
    257  Add a 2d array(field) to a numpy recarray
    256  Why is the dtype shown (even if it's the native one) when using floor division with NumPy?
    256  Why does copying a >= 16 GB Numpy array set all its elements to 0?
    256  Weird result of floor division in numpy
    256  Using Torch for Time Series prediction using LSTMs
    256  using pgeocode lib of python to find the latitude and longitude
    256  Two pandas MultiIndex frames multiply every row with every row
    256  Too high latency while trying to manipulate sound arrays using sounddevice in python
    256  Tensorflow access elements in tensor using tenors on indices
    256  Storing a large numpy matrix of floats in django session
    256  Split a dataframe into correspondingly named arrays or series (then recombine)
    256  Sort lists in a nested list based on the argsort of the 0th list
    256  reshape is deprecated issue when I pick series from pandas Dataframe
    256  Replacing missing values & updating old values in a dataframe using Numpy and Pandas
    256  Python from matrix to 1-D array
    256  Pandas zero-copy MultiIndex / FrozenNDArray creation
    256  Obtaining integer from String when converting from python 2 to python 3
    256  numpy time series merge and fill missing values with earlier values
    256  Numpy piecewise of arbitrary length
    256  Numpy - Minimum memory usage when slicing images?
    256  Numpy: how to calculate log without warning?
    256  Numpy: determine the shape after broadcast [duplicate]
    256  numpy apply_over_axes forcing keepdims=True?
    256  n dimensional grid in Python / numpy
    256  Multiple matrix multiplication
    256  LinAlgError: Array must not contain infs or NaNs, but no infs of NaNs
    256  (K-means clustering) What does (0,0, ... 0) in a numpy array mean? what could be causing invalid divide?
    256  ''Invalid norm order for matrices'' when using np.linalg.norm with the 'nuc' norm
    256  Interpolate single value from time series
    256  Index a NumPy array row-wise [duplicate]
    256  Importing numpy
    256  Image gradients become inaccurate when downscaling using a variety of different methods
    256  Image first spatial derivative, SciPy Ndimage filters convolution faster than array slicing?
    256  How to resize the window obtained from cv2.imshow()?
    256  How to find invalid values in a continuous signal?
    256  How to create 3-D Tensors in Python using Numpy
    256  How to check efficiently numpy array contains item within given range?
    256  How make a correct gradient map using Numpy.gradient
    256  How do numpy block matrices work?
    256  How does Numpy move data when transpose a matrix?
    256  How can I create a color image (RGB), after changing it into a 3 dimensional array of each pixel?
    256  Fast way to set diagonals of an (M x N x N) matrix? Einsum / n-dimensional fill_diagonal?
    256  Errors Writing CSVs with Python
    256  Efficient creation of multidimensional array from a list of strings requiring .split(',')
    256  Cython Gibbs sampler slightly slower than numpy one
    256  Circular shift of a string element
    256  Cannot plot 2d array using imshow in matplotlib
    256  Cannot fill NaN values in multiple columns by lambda in pandas
    256  Can anyone explain ravel() in a model [duplicate]
    256  Calculate the volumes of cube cut by a parametrized surface
    256  Apply function over numpy arrays without looping [duplicate]
    256  Anomalous decimal places in python after list-to-numpy-to-list
    256  add text in bins of histogram in wxpython
    256  Adding `numpy.linalg.det` as method to `numpy.matrix`
    255  Write first row from .txt-file as a column in new .txt-file
    255  Why does numpy.datetime64 give an error with an array of years?
    255  View of recarray as ndarray
    255  vectorization of date range function for transformation of pandas dataframe
    255  Unable to convert String to numpy 1d array
    255  SciPy package on Fedora 20: ImportError: cannot import name anderson_ksamp
    255  regarding using dtype.newbyteorder
    255  Python - Vectorized difference of dates in 1 million row table
    255  Python: Use a Loop to Manipulate Arrays [duplicate]
    255  Python - reading from CSV - ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
    255  Python - Reading and Writing Structured Binary Files
    255  python program error: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    255  problems plotting two different SVMs approaches with matplotlib?
    255  Pandas fillna() inplace Not Working with .loc
    255  NumPy - Testing equality including np.nan, np.nat, np.NZERO and np.PZERO in a vectorized way
    255  Numpy genfromtxt reads additional unwanted strings
    255  np.busday_count between two date columns gives -1 as a result for every row
    255  Interpolating Scattered Data from a Volume that has Empty Space
    255  how to treat numpy array division zero error
    255  How to read multiple excel files using Pandas in Python
    255  how to import stl , mesh to Django or
    255  How to fix: ''All the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly'' python
    255  How to detect ripples in a image with OpenCV
    255  How to count a value in a specific row of an array with Python [duplicate]
    255  How to calculate number of downtimes and Total downtime and average downtime in the below xml file using python
    255  Graphlab Sframe, retrieve multiple rows
    255  fill Numpy array with axisymmetric values
    255  Fill neighboring elements in numpy array
    255  Does anyone know where to find Enthought NumPy binaries for IronPython?
    255  Dict comprehension with numpy array?
    255  Delete column from pandas DataFrame using drop() method
    255  Create Python DataFrame with the same column values from other DataFrames
    255  Create Dictionary of two numpy.ndarray?
    255  Can numpy strides stride only within subarrays?
    255  Amazon EC2 virtualenv: pip says it installed numpy but python can't find it
    254  Why can I access seemingly arbitrary memory addresses in Python?
    254  why blas is slower than numpy
    254  ValueError when running keras in python
    254  Using the heapq function 'nlargest' to find the peaks of an FFT and their corresponding frequencies in python
    254  Ubuntu - Python installations
    254  SWIG interface not working for a C++ using a numpy array of long values
    254  Sum of two ''np.longdouble''s yields big numerical error
    254  split signal right before local minima in Numpy
    254  several versions of numpy installed but all needed in python
    254  segfault using scipy griddata: ceval_gil.h no found
    254  Rolling window multi value comparison along a dimension
    254  Replacing a certain part of a string in a Pandas Data Frame with Regex
    254  Reading MONO 16-bit images using PyCapture2
    254  Quality loss after combining two images with PIL and numpy
    254  Python - Solve Ax=b using Gradient Descent
    254  python numpy sum function with axis behavior
    254  Python Numpy recursive formula using Array
    254  Python: Matrix multiplication error
    254  Python: element-wise comparison of array to non-array
    254  PySpark process all numpy files in folder
    254  performing fft using sounddevice numpy array
    254  Pcolorfast image/array rotation
    254  opencv inRange pixel position
    254  Numpy - Change value of masked constants
    254  numpy array is immutable after matplotlib.pyplot.imread()
    254 3x3 with N 1x3 arrays
    254  Multiprocessing Pool hangs when mapping across a dataframe?
    254  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy' error in Flask app even if numpy present.
    254  matlab array multiplication to python
    254  iterate over some (but not all) dimensions of a ndarray
    254  Import error installing SciPy
    254  I am getting Not Fitted error in random forest classifier?
    254  How to import same column name data with np.genfromtxt?
    254  How to get the duration inside the rolling window from he DatetimeIndex in Pandas
    254  How to get all windows for a 2D array by only using numpy?
    254  How can I extract all regions from an image?
    254  Good interpolation method for color mixing?
    254  From 3D to 2D-array Basemap plot (Python)
    254  Find matching rows in 2D numpy array ok, matching columns in 2D numpy array not ok
    254  Find location of the largest sum in 2d numpy array
    254  Filling 64 bit numpy array in Cython slower than 32 bit array
    254  Fast way to apply the function for a number to pandas.series
    254  f2py: limit.h file missing in numpy in Windows
    254  Cut-off half a torus in a surface plot
    254  create pandas dataframe from python dictionary
    254  Create pandas data frame column based on strings from two other columns
    254  Concatenating 2d numpy arrays to a 3d numpy array
    254  Calculate High Low in pandas
    254  AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'size'
    254  Accessing Pandas dataframe values when index values contained in separate numpy array
    253  Why do I get a void numpy array when I try to load the EMNIST dataset?
    253  what is the best way to store a 8 queen problem's board in python
    253  trapz integration on dataframe index after grouping
    253  String-formatting two zipped NumPy arrays in Python 3
    253  rolling pearson correlation between 2 different length of pandas columns
    253  Recursive search in python
    253  Python - working with .csv-files
    253  python scipy stats cdf beta-pert calculation returns nan
    253  Python pandas: how to select the rows when sign changes and have miminum of the values?
    253  Python Memory Error using Numpy only with Ubuntu?
    253  Python: How to unwrap circular data to remove discontinuities?
    253  Python: how to optimize this code
    253  Python 2D numpy.ndarray slicing without comma
    253  Pyspark logistic Regression fit RDD object has no attribute _jdf error
    253  Plotting an irrational function with numpy piecewise and matplotlib
    253  NumPy multiplying int with float seems to not work
    253  Numpy matrix of arrays without copying possible?
    253  numpy 2D matrix- How to improve performance in this case?
    253  NotImplementedError(dtype) while using numba class method
    253  Matplotlib has stopped working and gives a very long error ...  Any advice?
    253  Inspect internal variables as scipy.optimize.minimize runs?
    253  Indexing python array with a python array with redundant elements
    253  how write complex numbers to one csv file in each row?
    253  How to Interpolate Over Data in Pytables Efficiently
    253  Handling OverflowError: math range error in Python with NumPy
    253  Find pair of matches between an numpy array Python
    253  Error while installing numpy in alpine image
    253  Efficient way to perform a triangular sum with .sum over a matrix F(a[i], a[j]), given the vector a
    253  difference between A[0] and A[0:1] numpy arrays in python
    253  Creating an array for each column of a data frame by column name
    253  Create numpy array with proper step and step range
    253  Convert pytorch tensor to numpy, and reshape
    253  Conversion from rpy2 dataframe to pandas dataframe not working for columns of string type
    253  Checking that all items in a list (numpy arrays) are equal
    253  Change cell values in numpy 2D array to match a number
    253  Bin and Calculate Entropy using Numpy
    253  Best way to convert std::vector<StructInts> from/to numpy.ndarray in cython?
    253  Assign first word of each line to key in dictionary
    252  Why is numpy.trapz() returning zero?
    252  Why are the inverse results not equal? [duplicate]
    252  What am I missing in python-multiprocessing/multithreading?
    252  Webots displaying processed numpy image (OpenCV Python)
    252  Warning: No port llvm found in the index
    252  Un-broadcasting Numpy arrays
    252  Troubles with for loop, .append, np.asarray
    252  time series for binary shapes
    252  Strange behaviour of simple pycuda kernel
    252  smart way to read multiple variables from textfile in python
    252  shift offset signals in python
    252  shapes are incompatible error in CNN model using tensorflow
    252  Recovering parameters for wald distribution: from numpy to scipy
    252  quick way to convert a list of lists (ie from scipy.spatial.KDTree.query_ball_tree) to an array of pairs?
    252  Quickly assign an array to n bins with equal length
    252  Python program to operate with matrices and vector cross product
    252  Python Pandas - Reformat Datetime Index
    252  Python Pandas - Evenly distribute numeric values to nearest rows
    252  python numpy slice notation (COMMA VS STANDARD INDEX)
    252  Python Imaging Processing (PIL) - changing the overall RGB of an image
    252  Python fmin(find minimum) for a vector function
    252  Python: Create a 3d mask from 2d masks
    252  Pandas vectorize statistical odds-ratio test
    252  Pandas Data clean up
    252  Padding a numpy array with zeros, and using another array as an index for ones
    252  numpy functions that can/cannot be used on a compressed sparse row (CSR) matrix
    252  Numpy convolution: the range of m
    252  Numpy: ''Adding'' index and colon
    252  Most efficient way in terms of speed and memory to iterate through a very large loop and store a scipy sparse matrix to a file
    252  Merging Two Pandas Dataframes Around the Intersection of the Data From Two Columns
    252  Issues with scipy minimize
    252  Issues when parallelize Monte Carlo method with python Multiprocessing
    252  is it possible to combine a logical and a limit condition in a numpy array slice operator
    252  Is it possible to change the type of just one column in a numpy array created from genfromtxt?
    252  Indexes of removed leading/trailing zeros from array
    252  How to scale down the values in my 2d numpy array without losing information
    252  How to perform XOR operations on every X consecutive rows numpy Python
    252  How to import numpy array into swift Array?
    252  How to implement a dyadic product in a pandaic way
    252  How to ignore Runtime Errors even when NaNs are populated from np.nanstd? - Python
    252  How to find the first of week from a series of dtype('<M8[ns]')
    252  How to expand / dilate a numpy array?
    252  How to efficiently sample a volume in numpy?
    252  How do I specify to pip that it should only build wheels if they don't exist in the wheelhouse?
    252  how can we convert string to float?
    252  How can I update npz file in python?
    252  How can I install third party libraries into the spcified Python version if I have multiple Python versions?
    252  getting indices in numpy
    252  Generator and reading files optimization
    252  Generating rows of a rule 30 cellular automaton
    252  Finding peaks at data borders
    252  Fast way to calculate conditional function
    252  Error: TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type
    252  Erratic behaviour when mixing pandas, datetime and numpy timedelta (bug?)
    252  Does python have a predicate to test that row of a matrix are sorted?
    252  Crop different portions of image from 4D array for data augmentation
    252  Create Eraser Tool in python using OpenCV
    252  Convert KMeans Labels into Source data in Sklearn
    252  Compute ''distance matrix''
    252  Can't download numpy and tensorflow to python 3.5
    251  why numpy multiply won't multiply (5,5) and (5,23) array
    251  What is the default value of j in (i:j:k) numpy slicing?
    251  Weighted array of neighbors for each element in a numpy array
    251  using numpy broadcasting / vectorization to build new array from other arrays
    251  Using memory mapped buffers for scipy sparse
    251  Updating a numpy array using multiprocessing module
    251  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars this error
    251  TypeError: Expected Ptr<cv::UMat> for argument '%s'
    251  Trim the whitespace of the grayscale image [closed]
    251  SystemError when sharing a gensim (numpy) model in multiprocessing
    251  Storing numpy arrays as PyTables cell element
    251  Speed up gaussian elimination step with numpy
    251  speed comparision between python native bitwise & numpy
    251  Slicing (x,y) coordinates and data out of multiple arrays
    251  Sklearn NN regression Attendance prediction
    251  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide for text classification
    251  python reading file with multiple delimiters
    251  Preprocessing training list with sklearn
    251  pick arbitrary unmasked element from numpy masked array
    251  passing 1 or 2 d numpy array to c throw cython
    251  Pandas and Numpy program slower than loop version of same functionality, how to speed up?
    251  Numpy slogdet computation error
    251  numpy: how to use masked_outside on certain columns of a numpy ndarray?
    251  numpydoc conventions: method modifies class but returns nothing
    251  Numpy: convert 2D array of indices to 1D array for intersection calculation
    251  numpy busday_count for Days difference gives TypeError: dtype('<M8[us]') to dtype('<M8[D]') according to the rule 'safe'"
    251  Numpy array computation slower than equivalent Java code
    251  Math Eval String in DataFrame Python
    251  Is it possible to translate this Python code to Cython?
    251  Is it possible to optimise this number crunching algorithm further?
    251  In python, numpy.linalg.eigh function gives segmentation fault.
    251  How to split array with 1 column into multiple columns (numpy array)
    251  How to convert an unformatted string with hex values to a numpy int array?
    251  How to calculate moving / running / rolling arbitrary function (e.g. kurtosis & skewness) using NumPy / SciPy
    251  How to add subfigures in a loop
    251  How do I select a row from a complex numpy array?
    251  How do I make existing functions in math and numpy module support user-defined objects?
    251  'Haze' or 'fog' appearing using python imshow - why does the black area look grey?
    251  Growing a numpy array
    251  From for loops to numpy dot implementation
    251  Find the largest palindrome which is product of two 5-digit prime numbers, where is the mistake
    251  Finding roots of a polynomial using numpy
    251  Fast way to convert upper triangular matrix into symmetric matrix
    251  Extra records appear in pytable table when created/appended from numpy zero recarray
    251  Exterior product in NumPy : Vectorizing six nested loops
    251  Define a custom float8 in python-numpy and convert from/to float16?
    251  data fitting with lookup table in python
    251  Concatenating/Appending Multiple Vertical Arrays of Different Sizes
    251  Building N-th order Markovian transition matrix from a given sequence
    251  broadcast views irregularly numpy
    251  Avoiding overflow in log(cosh(x))
    251  Arrays with attributes in Julia
    251  Are Topic Distributions of Documents in LDA Space Probabilistic?
    250  With Python Numpy, how can I most efficiently subtract a NxM matrix from a Nx1 matrix element-wise?
    250  Using numpy. binary_repr on array of numbers or alternatives - Python
    250  surface plots for rectangular arrays in matplotlib
    250  Step size in numdifftools jacobian
    250  Shape mismatch in LSTM in keras
    250  Python, optimizing a list comprehension for string concatenation
    250  Python: Index error when trying a[:,x] command on array
    250  python3 interpreter gives different results than script for scipy.misc.imread
    250  python 3 for loop ''TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable''
    250  Plotting Butterfly Curve using Python
    250  Pandas series - only keep value if index month is in [1,2,3]
    250  Numpy vs Matlab float to uint8 conversion
    250  Numpy Kronecker delta Matrix
    250  Numpy Installtion on Azure App Service WebApp - [Errno 13] Permission denied:
    250  numpy.fromfile differences between python 2.7.3 and 2.7.6
    250  Numpy deep copy still altering original array
    250  Numpy array conversion error
    250  Numba - how can I extract a value from a multidimensional numpy array
    250  Matplotlib - removing things from axis
    250  Loading a numpy array that has been saved using savetxt with a format option
    250  Individual Numpy types do not seem to preserve Endianness
    250  imshow do not display image extracted from ndarray. No error
    250  i have error in code when i use basin hopping scipy
    250  How to speed up my numpy loop using numpy.where()
    250  How to sort a list of list of numpy array?
    250  How to run a recent version of pypy (e.g., 2.3.1) on Heroku, Rackspace, AWS?
    250  How to replace 0 values in a numpy array to other values based on column range?
    250  How to name columns and rows of a Matrix with names embeded in python?
    250  How to interpret the OpenCV warp matrix? [duplicate]
    250  How to find every walk in a numpy array
    250  How to efficiently fill a np.zeros with ones in a ''thermometric'' way?
    250  How to convert a SURF list of features to Numpy array for KMeans clustering
    250  How to add the name of the processed image to the .csv output file?
    250  How is it possible to take a slice this way?
    250  How do you bin a dataset and start the bins from 0?
    250  how dose numpy.convolve do its job?
    250  How do I put values od dataframe column in 2d matrix?
    250  How do I fit n data points with an (n-1)-degree polynomial
    250  Feature column contains list - how to parse to k-means algorithm
    250  Efficient way to multiply/add/devide each element of a list with each element of another list in Python
    250  determine number of rows of an (M,N) array and (M,) array with same function
    250  CSV data - max values for segments of columns using numpy
    250  Accessing numpy array based on attribute of object
    250  50Kx50K sparse matrix
    249  Writing to multiple adjacent columns in pandas efficiently
    249  Wrapping non-memory-contiguous c/c++ data as numpy array
    249  Why is `arr.take(idx)` faster than `arr[idx]`
    249  Why does this giant (non-sparse) numpy matrix fit in RAM
    249  Vectorized loop for dynamic time wrapping
    249  Unexpected scipy.stats.uniform behaviour
    249  Trying to implement a jacobian matrix in python 2.7
    249  Training a single linear neuron for regression using batch gradient descent
    249  setup odes in python
    249  Set maximum value in DataFrame column
    249  Quickest way to create a Shapely Polygon from a DataFrame
    249  Python saving 13 bit depth .mat data as TIFF converts to 16 bit
    249  Plot class probabilities using matplolitb
    249  PCR (Dollar-weighted Put Call Ratio) calculation issues
    249  Passing large arrays to NumPy and SciPy functions
    249  numpy vectorize a parallel update
    249  Numpy: Environment variables affecting import
    249  numpy curve_fitting fail to run a specific set
    249  np.argsort with support for ties
    249  Matplotlib: save 3D volume plot to numpy array
    249  Matching IDs Between Pandas DataFrames and Applying Function
    249  Map a function to part of sublist python
    249  logic element-wise operations in pandas time-series dataframe
    249  ListedColormap for identifying grid squares in matplotlib.pyplot.grid in python
    249  Just curious about result from NumPy function!
    249  Is there a good way to do ''moving'' calculations on numpy arrays?
    249  Index out of bounds / IndexError
    249  Importing Module(PyCogent) with Python
    249  How to sum contiguous nonzero elements within a numpy array
    249  How to solve one linear algebra equation with 2 unknowns using Python
    249  How to select a certain amount of data as numpy array?
    249  How to resize image and maintain aspect ratio
    249  How to quickly grab specific indices from a numpy array?
    249  how to append a singleton numpy array item into a list?
    249  How do you pass an array-like object array to a function like this? (scikit-learn.neighbors.KDTree)
    249  How can I use the numpy.ndarray output generated in one function as the input into another function?
    249  h5py: error when slicing a h5py dataset
    249  Google App Engine: ''Error: no module named numpy.distutils.core'' while deploying an app
    249  Good way to feed input data of different sizes into neural network? (Tensorflow)
    249  extract glcm matrix using numpy
    249  Error in calculating integral for 2D interpolation. Comparing numpy arrays
    249  Create a list of random numbers and filter the list to only have numbers larger than 50
    249  Create 2D array from where clause on 1D array numpy
    249  Cast an array of pointers to other objects?
    249  Ax=b with b dependent on x
    249  Auc Curve plotting in python
    249  Any Java math library allowing vectorization and broadcasting the way numpy does? [closed]
    248  Using itertools in Python to generate sums while also keeping track of each element of the sum?
    248  Using a ''for loop'' to copy numpy arrays
    248  taking difference of array with specific spacing in numpy
    248  Stochastic Indexing in Pymc3
    248  Split sparse matrix by rows
    248  Sorting multiple numpy arrays
    248  Shapes of numpy arrays
    248  rgb_to_hsv and backwards using python and numpy
    248  Python pandas dependency with numpy
    248  Python: numpy where command with if statement
    248  python numpy.libalg.eigh() returns wrong eigen vectors. why?
    248  Python generate from list instead of Genfromtext
    248  Plot a 3D surface plot based on points from ginput using Matplotlib
    248  Pandas join two dataframes with different timeframes for each row
    248  pandas comparing series with numpy float gives TypeError
    248  Operating on index objects in Pandas
    248  OpenGL says ''from_param received a non-contiguous array''
    248  Numpy: vector of indices and value
    248  NumPy - Vectorizing loops involving range iterators
    248  Numpy linspace unexpected output
    248  numpy assignment doesn't work
    248  NN gets stuck and np.exp overflow
    248  ndarray .floor() and .ceil() methods missing?
    248  Nan values when using np.linspace() as input
    248  Mitigating Floating Point Approximation Issues with Numpy
    248  merge/average neighbors closer than a given radius
    248  Let's make a reference implementation of N-dimensional pixel binning/bucketing for python's numpy
    248  Integrating opencv with python
    248  install numpy to ironpython (using in c# code)
    248  image palette's dimension reduction using matplotlib and/or numpy to create blocky image
    248  how to detect image translation with only numpy and PIL
    248  How to create a basic legend to a multicolored line?
    248  How do I speed up profiled NumPy code - vectorizing, Numba?
    248  How can I create numpy array of views?
    248  Handling zero multiplied with NaN
    248  Getting the top 10 and bottom 10 features
    248  Getting data from a column based on indexes in another column in Pandas
    248  Finding N random zero elements from a scipy sparse matrix
    248  FFT in Python 2.7 merging two codes
    248  efficient 3D interpolation/approximation in scipy (python)
    248  Dot product of multiple numpy arrays [duplicate]
    248  Cython - type of custom python object
    248  Cython ndarray with arbitrary dimensions
    248  Creating a spherical mask from numpy array and getting array indices inside the sphere
    248  Covariance Matrix with Mask - Python
    248  concatenate arrays on axis=3 while first dimension is different
    248  computing weight based on distance from centre of ellipse
    248  Combining slicing and broadcasted indexing for multi-dimensional numpy arrays
    248  Build dependencies error when attemping to pip install pylivetrader. Think it might have to with my NumPy version?
    248  Avoid numpy distributing an operation for overloaded operator
    248  Array of structs to NumPy structured array: np.ctypeslib.as_array from ndpointer
    248  adjusting marker size to real dimensions in scatter plot
    248  Adding alpha to .dds file
    247  Why does numpy give correct least squares solution but not scipy?
    247  Vectorize a Python function that blurs images
    247  Use python to extract a specific line from multiple files in the same directory
    247  Unexpected output for numpy.arange with step size of 0.005
    247  Trouble with derivation- how to fix ''TypeError: 'Add' object is not callable''
    247  Trouble installing scipy on Mac OSX Lion
    247  Text classification output save output from numpy array in CSV file
    247  Tensorflow encoder-decoder dynamic lstm with variable length inputs and outputs
    247  Speed up numpy interpolation using for and if-else by vectorization?
    247  Speed up numpy indexing resulting from unravel_index?
    247  Rank features based on their frequency
    247  Python numpy array multiplication [duplicate]
    247  Pandas Datetimeindex with numpy.maximum gives error
    247  Numpy: subtract column from a matrix without repmats
    247  numpy slicing and indexing different results
    247  numpy opencv flip set of rows
    247  Numpy: create new array by combining subsets of previous array
    247  numpy copy data while reshaping without intermediate
    247  Numpy can't be imported in Spyder
    247  numpy arctan2 arguments leads to ValueError depending on syntax
    247  Matching Numpy and NetCDF4 indexing when creating a netCDF file
    247  list comprehension update dataframe by looking up column values in another dataframe
    247  List comprehension or map() or for loop for accessing previous row to manipulate array
    247  Is there a way to lazily vectorize a given class?
    247  Image distortion after converting Numpy to PIL image
    247  How to make a multi-dims dataset in HDF5?
    247  How to get indices of a specific number in an array?
    247  how to extract element from numpy array
    247  How to do curve_fit in python
    247  How to count how many times a value is in an array
    247  How to append to a ndarray
    247  How do I bin and categorize numbers in Python?
    247  How can I perform numpy matrix multiplication with pint Quantity in python 3?
    247  Having trouble converting code from Python to c#
    247  Getting ValueError: could not convert string into float: '''H4''' when inputting a string and numeric dataset
    247  Further optimization with numpy using einsum for stacked matrix-vector multiplication
    247  Dimension mismatch: array 'cov' is of shape (1, 1), but 'mean' is a vector of length 2
    247  Delete elements from one array when other array is false Python [duplicate]
    247  create a 3d list (list of list of lists) from a pandas dataframe
    247  Count the numbers of neighbors in an array with 3D coordinates
    247  Code creates an exception, know as ''overflow encountered in exp''
    247  cannot reshape array of size 23715 into shape (224,224,3)
    247  Binned statistics with irregular and alternating bins
    246  What is the fastest way to load file using python and numpy?
    246  Vectorized pythonic way to get count of elements greater than current element
    246  TypeError: 'module' object is not callable - unable to display my training dataset scatter plot
    246  Spliting a numpy ndarray using slices
    246  separate 2D gaussian kernel into two 1D kernels
    246  Search for closest value in list of lists in python [closed]
    246  Rewrite Mathematica output in Python
    246  reshape np array for deep learning
    246  pvlib IV curve - TypeError: must be str, not int
    246  Pandas: load csv file as a list
    246  Optimizing Numpy Euclidean Distance and Direction Function
    246  NumPy polydiv, several variables
    246  Numpy Logspace - Why No Negatives?
    246  numpy.load gives ValueError: descr is not a valid dtype descriptor:
    246  Numpy array error from training in keras
    246  numpy: aggregate 4D array by groups
    246  numpy 2D-array divide precise lost
    246  Most optimized way to filter patch positions in an image
    246  Mean center of polygon feature class using numpy, arcpy
    246  Is indexing with a bool array or index array faster in numpy/pytorch?
    246  How to use contourf (basemap-python) with a series of random lat/lon/value pairs that aren't spatially continuous
    246  How to speed up this python code (conditional in loop)?
    246  How to plot in Wireframe with CSV file - Numpy / Matplotlib
    246  How to calculate precision-recall curves for semantic (image) segmentation?
    246  How do I get a row of a 2d numpy array as 2d array
    246  How can I wrap (or subclass) a Cython typed memoryview in order to expose new methods to a C++ class?
    246  How can I pass in numpy array to Flask API?
    246  Fuzzy string comparison from a numpy array in python
    246  Fastest way to sum values every combination of multiple lists in Python
    246  Extract specific member of k-mean cluster of an image
    246  Embedding a tensor of vectors into a tensor of matrices
    246  Convert string to float error in pandas machine learning
    246  Comparing mean squared errors for different curves
    246  Can I use numpy to speed this loop?
    246  better way to use index array to get elements?
    246  Best way to import delimited and paginated data with Python
    246  Adapting matrix array multiplication to use Numpy Tensordot
    245  Zero-mean and unit variance image batch
    245  Write an load multiple biadjacency_matrix using Networkx
    245  Why is Numpy inconsistent in ordering polynomial coefficients by degree?
    245  Using numpy.trapz() to calculate a pdf
    245  Using numpy.append to mutate array
    245  Unable to use fill_between in matplotlib basic ploting
    245  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars when trying to save numpy arrays to text file
    245  The set of all combinations of vectors in Python
    245  Split nested numpy array
    245  Sparse Matrix error in MLPRegressor
    245  Share numpy and scipy objects between processes
    245  Shape mismatch when using fsolve in python
    245  Scipy.stats.entropy is giving a different result to entropy formula
    245  R ggplot histogram Bins vs python numpy histogram Bins
    245  Result being cached using %timeit [duplicate]
    245  Recover data from lists in Python
    245  Python: using setdiff to assign to a numpy array
    245  Python - Summarizing Tweets DataFrame
    245  Python: Produce increments from a list to form an array
    245  Python Numpy Array Operator x += y Different From x = x + y?
    245  Python: Maximum length of consecutive numbers in 3D array along a chosen axis
    245  Pygame, sub-pixel coordinates.
    245  Plot on-the-fly in a heat map Python [edited]
    245  Pixel intensity of RGB images and how to multiply it with integers to view shades of gray
    245  Pandas Dataframe, assign values to day of the week. Feature extraction
    245  output of is always zero
    245  numpy.linalg.solve with multiple dependent right-hand side
    245  Numpy genfromtxt with multi-line data
    245  Numpy failing on import (ImportError: DLL load failed: The network path was not found.)
    245  Numpy eigh-function with proper signs
    245  numpy array: accessing element in a loop gives an error
    245  Make a total vector for three vectors in python
    245  Keep as numpy array type when returning a scalar
    245  Iterating and selecting a specific array from a multidimensional array in Python
    245  Is there a faster way of combining functions containing mpf (mpmath floats) with numpy arrays?
    245  Implementation from MATLAB to Python using numpy and cv2
    245  How to take log of a unit with dimensions?
    245  How to shuffle rows of 3 dimensional numpy array?
    245  How to mask columns with some nan values, using regular expressions in pandas?
    245  How to get element to element power in two arrays in python?
    245  How to delete the same random items from multiple arrays of equal length?
    245  How calculate list python into matrix similarity
    245  Get the minimum and maximum value of a Numpy MaskedArray raises AttributeError
    245  Framing the least squares function using fmin_slsqp
    245  Find the path in matrix using numpy
    245  Finding Null values among mixed object types Python
    245  Extraction of common element from multiple arrays to make a new array
    245  Evaluating a function over a lattice of unknown dimension using meshgrid and vectorize
    245  Determining the shape of result array after slicing in Numpy
    245  Deal with several package versions in python virtualenv
    245  Count Number of cycles in graph/ plot using Python / Pandas / Numpy
    245  Converting a greyscale image to a smaller 'pixel by pixel' greyscale image
    245  Classifying data from .arff files with scikit-learn?
    245  Can we crop the input activations to match the dimensions of output as mentioned in the ResNet Paper
    245  Can't make a multi-variable linear regression converge
    245  Average of nth element of each list in a dictionary
    244  Why are numpy fractional exponents not working?
    244  What is the most efficient way to get this kind of matrix from a 1D numpy array?
    244  Using randomly generated integers as tensor index in tensorflow map_fn
    244  Tensorflow convert string column into multiple columns for classification
    244  Store multiple numpy arrays into .npy file while preserving array order
    244  Smooth approximation to the floor function for use with backpropagation
    244  represent an index inside a list as x,y in python
    244  Removing floor from 3D surface plot
    244  quaternion generation with non minimal rotation arc
    244  Pytables table dtype alignment
    244  proc mean with weight python equivalent
    244  Pandas: Update column based on row values
    244  Out of Memory with RAY Python Framework
    244  Outer products using theano/numpy.tensordot
    244  numpy, summing matrices gives wrong result
    244  NumPy - reshaping an array to 1-D
    244  Numpy Linalg Solve Broadcasting
    244  NumPy fancy indexing of a multidimensional array: case not covered (explicitly) by documentation
    244  Numpy data alignment when slicing
    244  is there a way to see the source code of some function on numpy?
    244  Is there a built-in method or function to map a function on a numpy.ndarray?
    244  import numpy with python 2.7
    244  hstack throws ValueError: wrong dimensions
    244  How to write numpy where condition based on indices and not values?
    244  How to see that a numpy array of zeros is not empty?
    244  how to save images with the save button on the tkinter in python
    244  How to save float64 image data without loss of information, while being able to visualize it
    244  How to remove dot in numbers by pandas [duplicate]
    244  How to plot certain days using Pandas Calendar Heat Map
    244  how to fill in values based on highest occurrence of combinations in pandas?
    244  How do I import a text file with no separators in python, using numpy?
    244  How check the presence of np.NaN and/or None in a list
    244  Given 2 list of integers how to find the non-overlapping ranges?
    244  Getting the dimensions of a numpy array right to plot converted greyscale image
    244  Followup: extracting phase information from FFT - proper use of frequency shifts and windows
    244  Different results with matlab cumtrapz and scipy.integrate cumtrapz
    244  Different behavior of arithmetics on dtype float 'object' and 'float'
    244  Degenerate eigenvectors don't respect the symmetry of the matrix using SciPy or NumPy libraries
    244  Definition and difference between a shared array view and a copy of array data?
    244  define a function that returns a nxn square matrix
    244  Concatenate numpy array with list
    244  Compact way of simulating 'axes' parameter in scipy.signal.fftconvolve?
    244  Coding Deutsch Algorithm
    244  Can't transform a python program into exe
    244  calculating a frequency band around the mode in pandas/numpy
    244  Azure Functions - NumPy MemoryError in building a large vector over 800MB
    243  Zero out portion of multidim numpy array
    243  Write chararray to file in Numpy, Python
    243  Why does the Numpy Diag function behaves weird?
    243  Sparse matrix in npz format in Python
    243  Silhouette Score function in sklearn giving unexpected error
    243  Showing all the images with matplotlib
    243  scipy.weave compile error doesn't make sense
    243  scipy\sparse\csr.pyc in asindices(x) get IndexError: invalid index
    243  reshape 4D numpy Array of the image is changing the images figures
    243  Python- remove sparsity from training data for training
    243  Python - remove elements from array
    243  python numpy where returning unexpected warning
    243  Pygame pixel array gives weird colors and freezes immidiately
    243  Put N points into M equal bins
    243  numpy - update values using slicing given an array value
    243  numpy moving window on 2d array or further more 3d  ... nd array [duplicate]
    243  Numpy matrix of pairwise sums
    243  numpy: distinguish/convert between different types of nan?
    243  Numpy C extension: Access PyObjects in a PyArrayObject
    243  Numpy Basics - How to Interpret [:,] in array access
    243  Matrix Multiplication using divide and conquer in Python
    243  How to stack multiple numpy 2d arrays into one 3d array?
    243  How to convert an OpenNI VideoFrame to an OpenCV Mat data structure?
    243  Generate random number using numpy in python
    243  Finding the difference image between multiple images
    243  Find groups of values that are !=0 in a list
    243  Does Python have a bug in implementation of np.std for large arrays?
    243  Differences between Numpy and TensorFlow
    243  Dask: Assignment error when updating a value in a dask array using typical numpy indexing
    243  ''cross product'' but raise to exponent instead of multiply
    243  Cannot replicate results comparing Python, Numpy and Numba matrix multiplication
    243  Calculating euclidean distances with Python runs too slow
    243  Any way to speed up this Python code?
    243  AdaBoost - How to use the distribution D
    242  Which scipy function should I use to interpolate from a rectangular grid to regularly spaced rectangular grid in 2D?
    242  What happens when I set values that are too big for a given dtype?
    242  Vector as a result of the autocorrelation function
    242  Translating Log Normal and Log Normal Truncated Simulations in @Risk to Python
    242  Storing/Loading huge numpy array with less memory
    242  Solving Linear Systems of equations with SVD Decomposition
    242  Shape mismatch while trying to read from TFRecords
    242  Read several numpy array from csv in one line
    242  Python SimpleXMLRPCServer return value
    242  Python Pandas: Take Rows in my Column and categorize it as 1 Row?
    242  Python numpy nan to num error
    242  Python - How to create a matrix with negative index position?
    242  Python Compare distribution: SciPy ks_2samp p-value always 0.0
    242  python 3.6 virtualenv - openblas crashes
    242  Pybind11: Problem of conversion of numpy array in C++ using Pybind11
    242  numpy representing array of matrices
    242  Numpy plotting FFT of complex (IQ) values?
    242  Numpy array 'WRITEABLE' reset on copy ...  how do I stop it?
    242  Numpy Array Memory error with 12GB RAM
    242  Numba and Numpy Random Number interaction
    242  np.any() multiple logic statements [duplicate]
    242  Multiplying ndarray with scalar: TypeError: invalid type promotion
    242  multiplying a numpy lhs Unit eigenvector times a numpy matrix
    242  minimize with constraints to solve for coefficients
    242  It should be faster, cProfile says it's faster, but the program actually runs slower
    242  Is there a built-in method for checking individual list indices in Python
    242  Interpolate data
    242  Index Numpy tensor without having to reshape
    242  How to get percentage count based on multiple columns in pandas dataframe?
    242  How to find the last local maximum of a pandas time series?
    242  How to efficiently multiply for every sub-array alone first dimension of a 3d np.array, Python 3
    242  How to efficiently generate this matrix in python
    242  how to add number at the end of row in array numpy python
    242  How do I use pycogent to create ancestral sequences in python 2.7?
    242  How can I test if two objects are equal in python?
    242  Handle Fortran Character Arrays from Python with F2PY
    242  Find x and y full width half maximums of 2D peak using interpolation
    242  Fill masked array values with reflect padding in python efficiently
    242  extract ''block'' addresses and value from 2D numpy array
    242  Dealing with floating points: With numpy python in particular [duplicate]
    242  code in multiprocessing.pool goes freezed, but works fine through loop or joblib.Parallel
    242  Can this numpy.where() approach be adapted for two conditions instead of one? [duplicate]
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    241  Warning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame  -  Using List of Columns
    241  Vectorized relabeling of NumPy array to consecutive numbers and retrieving back
    241  Using Numpy Memmap to Read In Certain Rows or Columns
    241  TypeError: mat data type = 19 is not supported
    241  Trying to install OpenCV with Matplotlab
    241  Tensorflow segfault when using with numpy-quaternion library
    241  tensorflow mask boxes with selected indices
    241  superimpose images of different dimensions in Python
    241  Slowing down numpy code with cython
    241  Simplify python plot with legend into loop
    241  Select elements within certain range per column in a 2D NumPy array
    241  Sample a data volume along an arbitrary surface probe
    241  Round floats in a nested dictionary recursively
    241  Reorder columns in numpy array based on content (count of a specific value)
    241  Randomly remove 30% of values in numpy array
    241  Python strange syntaxis
    241  Python - replace and insert in array
    241  Python Numpy, methods of save data and variables [closed]
    241  Python: Add elements to second axis of numpy array in a loop
    241  pandas reshape dataframe based on repetitive values in a column
    241  numpy python class calling wrong __setitem__
    241  numpy iterate over two 2d arrays
    241  numpy cumsum columns for varying lengths specified by list
    241  Multi-dimensional filtering using scipy.ndimage_generic_filter
    241  Load data from file and normalize
    241  Is the numpy random generator biased?
    241  Insertion of non aligned elements in 3-dimensional matrices in numpy
    241  importing numpy in Webots simulator run out environment variable
    241  How to Vectorize the finite-difference method using NumPy array arithmetic Python?
    241  How to train Models with numpy arrays bigger than 6GB?
    241  How to sort numpy arrays in arrays?
    241  How to plot 2 sigma variation in a semilogy plot with python
    241  How to find bin edges of given bin number returned by scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd()?
    241  Generate Pandas DF OHLC data with Numpy
    241  Efficient matrix vector structure for improving cython code
    241  Drawing a 3D zero-mean, unit-variance Gaussian in python produces unexpected results
    241  converting/ translate from Python to Octave or Matlab
    241  Cannot import Numpy with Anaconda3 Distrobution
    241  Avoiding precision loss in sequential calculations with numpy ndarray
    241  Alternative way of mapping integer numpy arrays to unique identifiers in a vectorized way
    241  Align python arrays with missing data
    240  Why is np.linalg.norm(x,2) slower than solving it directly?
    240  Why is every second coefficient of numpy's fft the inverse of what it should be? [duplicate]
    240  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. while converting np array to float32
    240  ValueError: matrices are not aligned for copy error and x[:]
    240  Using numpy to apply logical xor on a list
    240  type numpy.ndarray doesn't define __round__ method
    240  Trouble counting peaks in 1D array
    240  Third parameter of np.r_? (numpy)
    240  scipy.integrate.quad gives TypeError: integer argument expected, got float
    240  Redraw contours to original image after erosion
    240  Python Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
    240  python pandas: vectorized time series window function
    240  python pandas: vectorized function value error ''lengths do not match''
    240  Python - Pandas create column with np.where for multiple different values
    240  python_list to array error
    240  Python - evaluate a function with for
    240  Python: Applying a mask without changing the value to the original array
    240  Plot smoother bifurcation diagrams in Python
    240  Picewise Transformation
    240  pandas install in python in win10 x64 bit
    240  Pandas: Applying custom aggregation function (not w/ groupby)
    240  numpy: vectorized cumulative sum along two axes
    240  Numpy delete 2d index from 3d array
    240  numpy: circular definition in source code
    240  np.quantile with wrong calculation?
    240  Normal distributed sub-sampling from a numpy array in python
    240  New interpolated column from existing column and lookup table
    240  Need help understanding Kernel Transport speed on GPU (numba, cupy, cuda)
    240  lambda: what's the output that a lambda function multiply numpy array?
    240  Lambda function - TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
    240  Is there an efficient way to select multiple rows in a large pandas data frame?
    240  Interpolation between two values using python
    240  indices of NumPy arrays intersection
    240  Indexing a multi-dimensional numpy array with an index array [duplicate]
    240  Image to np array, doing operations and back to image
    240  I can't install numpy and scipy with python
    240  how to reshape a frame data in np 3d array?
    240  how to remove the decimal point
    240  How to Plot Multiple Line chart Using Pandas of Sentiment analysis data stored in csv
    240  How to have multiple conditions in list comprehension for 2d array
    240  How to fix broadcasting issues with numpy.vectorize()
    240  How to find elemental modulus of NumPy array
    240  how to convert from image file > numpy array > list of x/y coords of a single RGB color
    240  how to call matlab function in python script?
    240  How to broadcast a numpy 2D-array to a 6D-array
    240  How do you utilize np.linalg.pinv to return this matrix
    240  How do I create a multidimensional lambda function in Python?
    240  How can you find the determinant of the following matrix in python? A = np.array([[1-'a'-'y','a'],['b', 'y']])
    240  How can I invert every element of a list of a list of numpy floats in python? [duplicate]
    240  grouping dataframes in pandas efficiently?
    240  Filling a numpy array with x random values
    240  fast selection of rows where at least N many columns hold true in numpy/scipy
    240  Efficient way to calculate all IoUs of two lists
    240  Different results from scipy.stats.spearmanr depending on how data is produced
    240  Cython: how to get the 'actual Python type' (type code/dtype) from C-level type
    240  Creating a numpy array from an integer
    240  Convert coordinates in a region into a numpy array in Python
    240  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'patches'
    239  View of a view of a numpy array is a copy?
    239  Using numpy to make an average over multiple files
    239  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars for encrypted data
    239  Split an integer into bins
    239  Scipy won't recognize my BLAS path when installing
    239  Reshape np.array(n, m) to np.array(m, n) [duplicate]
    239  Reading data without headers in Python
    239  Quickly Find Non-Zero Intervals
    239  Python merging two arrays using numpy [duplicate]
    239  python error : TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'. How to fix this?
    239  python data structure with multidimensional numpy arrays
    239  Python and memory efficient way of importing 2d data
    239  Py2exe executable crashes with IndexError: tuple index out of range after, on other computers
    239  Project Euler # 11 Numpy way
    239  process txt file to csv using pandas
    239  pandas' memory usage for list of SparseSeries
    239  only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
    239  numpy vectorize / more efficient for loop
    239  Numpy ndarray slicing with arrays
    239  Numpy 2d array with float values find the maximum value in a single row and store in another array
    239  np.fromfunction: Reference other arrays
    239  New column based on multiple conditions ignoring missing values
    239  Move a vertex along a plane, given the plane normal
    239  Mipmapping in Python?
    239  Memory Error while Using PIL, NUMpy,pywt for satellite images
    239  memory error while computing the eigen vectors of covariance matrix
    239  matplotlib/pyplot - make axes (ordinate and abscissa) bold
    239  matplotlib 2d histrogram heatmap -  how do I use my dataset to make one?
    239  MATLAB use of bracket, semicolon and single quotes with matrix
    239  Make a list of ranges in numpy
    239  Keep leading and trailing islands of True in a boolean array - NumPy
    239  Is there an equivalent function for x2fx in numpy?
    239  In-place shuffling of multidimensional arrays
    239  How to use numpy digitize for concatenated values that fall outside of range?
    239  How to use matplotlib to plot a function graph if I have 2 prepared np.arrays of points?
    239  How to efficiently construct a numpy array from a large set of data?
    239  Get 2D array after mask condition
    239  Finding first instance of one list in a second list
    239  Feature Selection TypeError: unhashable type:'numpy.ndarray'
    239  failed to import sklearn in raspi3b ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
    239  Extracting certain indices from a numpy matrix [duplicate]
    239  Efficient pairwise computation of identical elements in a large 2D numpy array
    239  Each looping return a result
    239  Does Miniconda also benefit from MKL optimization for numpy?
    239  csr_matrix row indexing is much slower than dense array?
    239  Can you tell if an array is a view of another?
    239  calculate largest and smallest eigenvalues
    239  Beam radiation tilt factor calculation
    239  Arrange and Sub-sample 3d Points in Coordinate Grid With Numpy
    239  Appending elements generated by a for loop into an array
    238  Why is the output of element-wise addition/subtraction different depending on whether my numpy array is of type int64 or uint8?
    238  Why are timestamps imported via Python's numpy.loadtxt off by 6 to 7 hours?
    238  What is fastest in reading data: dict, array np-array
    238  Understanding DeprecationWarning errors when performing conditional indexing on a NumPy array (version 1.11.13, Python 2.7)
    238  Unable to reproduce randomness with tensorflow and numpy combined?
    238  SymPy: lambdified dot() with (3,n)-array
    238  Speed up angle calculation for each x,y point in a matrix
    238  Run the example of help(np.frombuffer) and got the error like this: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__buffer__'`,why? [duplicate]
    238  Python Numpy add hspace between 3D plot and 2D plot with shared axes
    238  Python, how to optimize this code
    238  Python: How to find regression equation of multiple 3D (lat-lon-time-value) dataArrays?
    238  plotly, not showing coordinates with np.array dataset
    238  Performance of np.empty, np.zeros and np.ones
    238  numpy.max vs builtin max
    238  Numpy Broadcasting Example without Repeat
    238  Modelling a probability distribution as a fuzzy set in Python3
    238  Mapping joint histogram values
    238  In NumPy, is np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) different from np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]])?
    238  How to vectorise a list of matrix vector multiplications using pytorch/numpy
    238  How to quantify if model predictions are close with expected values in Python?
    238  How to install numpy1.9 to python3.4 on Windows?
    238  How to group blocks of identical booleans in Python
    238  How to fix 'ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation fmin which has no identity'
    238  How to fix numpy TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'
    238  how to convert a 3D list in numpy array without losing its properties
    238  How to calculate date difference between two columns in Python Pandas [duplicate]
    238  Finding the most common subarray within a numpy array
    238  Fast cumulative sum and power operator
    238  element-wise comparison, matlab vs python numpy
    238  Delete element from python list
    238  dealing with arrays: how to avoid a ''for'' statement
    238  Cython Numpy Array Manipulation Slower than Python
    238  Create a structured array in python
    238  Convert array of integers into dictionary of indices
    238  conda prevent python upgrade on windows
    238  Change array values using lookup table [duplicate]
    238  Can a Cython/Numba compiled function improve on numpy.max(numpy.abs(a-b))?
    238  Calculate the likelihood of a function given a Gaussian Process model
    238  Calculate new Position of coordinates with numpy
    238  Basemap windbarbs loading netCDF files
    238  Average and Mean in numpy
    238  A split image can't be merged after performing a .dot on any of the split bands using pillow/numpy
    238  Anaconda package for cufft keeping arrays in gpu memory between fft / ifft calls
    238  Adding zeros spaces to an array of a picture
    237  Why does operating on what seems to be a copy of data modify the original data?
    237  What is the time and space complexity of SLSQP minimize algorithm in Scipy?
    237  What is the reason for TypeError: 'Zero' object has no attribute '__getitem__'?
    237  Vectorization - how to append array without loop for
    237  Use object attribute in numexpr expression
    237  Syntax explanation of [target == t,1]
    237  Standardized numpy/scipy `asarray` decorator
    237  Speed up custom aggregation functions
    237  Sort one array by columns of another array - Python
    237  Segment a polygon with pixel data and fit best line
    237  replace values by the mean
    237  Reindex Pandas and insert a numpy array of zeros
    237  randomly split data in n groups?
    237  Python simulation not working
    237  Python scatter - change marker style based on entity
    237  Python contained subsampling
    237  Pandas converting df into matrix by conditions
    237  Optimization in scipy from sympy
    237  Numpy, inserting one matrix in another matrix efficiently?
    237  Numpy C-Api change ordering from column to row major
    237  Numpy array 15min values - hourly mean values
    237  Neural Network with Softmax Output
    237  install build python from source libraries virtual app
    237  Importing just one value with numpy.genfromtxt
    237  How to pickle numpy ndarray derived class?
    237  how to pass a 3d and 4d numpy.array to swig
    237  How to increase performance of for loop in python
    237  How to get data from dataframe with pandas
    237  How do I get the dot product of two matrices using numpy?
    237  How can I optimize the calculation over this function in numpy?
    237  Functional assignment in numpy
    237  ensuring at least a certain dimensionality in a numpy array
    237  dot product across multiple axes
    237  Does each assignment of values to an output NetCDF variable result in a rewrite of the entire dataset?
    237  Dataframe columns from Dataframe rows in Pandas
    237  Can you reference/call Python Tools from a project?
    237  Calculate Percentile Ranks by Group using Numpy
    237  Building an array in a loop
    237  after updating numpy, np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided gives error
    237  Add column with random number based on other column
    237  add columns to a a numpy matrix based on degree of polynomial
    236  Why does numpy truncate numbers on string conversion?
    236  Why does hough transform for lines returning sinusoids divided halfway?
    236  ''where'' clause in numpy-1.13 ufuncs
    236  What is the numpy way to conditionally merge arrays?
    236  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (13,41) into shape (13)
    236  Use numpy.tensordot to replace a nested loop
    236  TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' numpy
    236  Scipy Root Finding non square matrix
    236  Rolling array around
    236  Python-Read very large raster and plot empirical cumulative distribution function, memory error
    236  python plot a numpy array with matplotlib
    236  Python & Matplotlib : Using Numpy.Array for Stacked Bar Graph
    236  Python: how to embed all docstring help at package level help menu?
    236  Python - Datatype Retention in saving to Pickle file
    236  Plot using seaborn with FacetGrid where values are ndarray in dataframe
    236  Plotting function of (x,y) with 3D plot
    236  Physical Spatial frequencies from fft2 on astronomical images
    236  Pairwise vdot using Numpy
    236  Optimizing a cost function subject to second order cone constraints using cvxpy
    236  numpy sliding dot matrix operation
    236  numpy.power between 2 integers is negative
    236  NumPy multi-dimensional array shape intuition
    236  Numpy Install on Mac OSX [closed]
    236  Numpy fromfile reading after EOF
    236  Numpy Dot Product of two 2-d arrays in numpy to get 3-d array
    236  numpy array filter and replace
    236  numpy.append how to use
    236  Neural network backprop not fully training
    236  Multiprocessing and numpy, online processing while avoiding copying
    236  Matplotlib and Numpy: Log plot with high order numbers [duplicate]
    236  Interpolation of curve
    236  I'd like to create an array from a list, but preserve the NaNs and infs
    236  How to write a string to numpy array?
    236  How to do bounds to solve double integral for data arrays? Python
    236  how do you make give an exact integer answer
    236  How do I import numpy into an Apache Beam pipeline, running on GCP Dataflow?
    236  how could I solve ''ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x9a in position 8: ordinal not in range(128)''? ( A problem with cPickle in python 3)
    236  Group overlapping arrays
    236  fast convolution of short 1d vectors (2 lists) in Python
    236  ERROR IN PYTHON: TypeError: ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U4') dtype('<U4') dtype('<U4')
    236  Do I need to have CPU throttling turned off just to build ATLAS or all the time?
    236  Cython way slower than corresponding C++ function
    236  Cython : memory-efficient padding of array
    236  Change elements in 2d ndarray into arrays
    236  Broadcasting across an indexed array Numpy
    236  Binary .dat file Plotting Column Array values
    236  apply mask on np.array in pandas
    236  Apply custom function to 2 or more rows (or columns) in numpy
    236  Aggregate data in a numpy array [duplicate]
    236  64 bit system, 8gb of ram, a bit more than 800MB of CSV and reading with python gives memory error
    235  Working with 14-bit data in Python
    235  When to use numpy arrays vs scipy matrices
    235  Sum pattern across array
    235  Simple workable example of multiprocessing
    235  Scipy NNLS using mask
    235  Reshape a 4D Matrix into a 3D Matrix in Python
    235  Python, Random vector vs Random number in an for loop
    235  Python numpy: reshape list into repeating 2D array
    235  python multiprocessing how to kill listener worker at the end of processing
    235  Pretty write and print string elements of a numpy ndarray (Python)
    235  Plotting Repeating Data Set from File using matplotlib and lists
    235  Plotting a function of numpy vector
    235  Pandas: How to find the first valid column among a series of columns
    235  Numpy: rotate sub matrix m of M
    235  Numpy - creating matrix [closed]
    235  numpy concatenate row vector
    235  numpy array from csv file for lasagne
    235  Making an index array that contains the position of some value in another array
    235  make np.vectorize return scalar value on scalar input
    235  'int' object is not iterable while creating dictionary
    235  Increasing the precision of numpy.linalg operations
    235  Image filtering in Python (image normalization)
    235  If X and Y matches element in NumPy Array
    235  How to vectorize the following python code
    235  How to split numpy array keeping a few elements from previous split?
    235  how to slice 3d Nifti(.nii) image to 2d image with particular plane?
    235  How to link against static library with numpy + gfortran
    235  How to get months from np.datetime64 object, NOT using pandas
    235  How to create a numpy array from itertools.combinations without looping
    235  how to compare values of pandas dataframe column with variable to get the sume when both the values are same?
    235  How can I improve python code performance using numpy
    235  How can I get all the index of all the NaNs of a list?
    235  Global fitting using scipy.curve_fit
    235  Getting memory error while creating an numpy array of 1578627
    235  Fast random to unique relabeling of numpy 2d regions (without loops)
    235  Extending Python: process numpy arrays
    235  Dot product of a time series of co-ordinates with a time series of rotation matrices
    235  Deleting Array Element in Python, Issues with np.delete
    235  convert pypng to numpy array
    235  Constraining the least squares fitting in python
    235  Changing individual elements of numpy array based on its value
    235  Calculate Pearson's Standardized Residuals in Python
    235  Anaconda in VS2017 not seeing packages
    235  adjust pandas dollar column for inflation
    235  Add numpy array values as columns to DataFrame by unique integer
    234  What is the numpy equivalent of pandas ewm().std()?
    234  What is best way to find first half of True's in boolean numpy array?
    234  What does arithmetic do inside np.argmax?
    234  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (6,)
    234  ValueError: matrix must be 2-dimensional when passing two arrays to the function
    234  Using np.array on Reportlab, Python
    234  Unifying different 2d array layouts in python
    234  Swig + Numpy.i with a const int16_t pointer
    234  Scikit learn: measure of goodness of fit, better splitting the dataset or use all of it?
    234  Python uses too much memory when loading a file
    234  python numpy ValueError:shapes (171,) and (784,500) not aligned: 171
    234  python arrays: averaging slope and intercept of datasets
    234  Pandas None logical indexing confusion
    234  Open3d Python Issue: No attribute 'estimate_normals'
    234  ''Obtaining file position failed'' while using ndarray.tofile() and numpy.fromfile() with FIFOs
    234  Numpy, vectorizing selection of rows that meet buy/sell logic in quantitative analysis
    234  Numpy tutorial - Boolean indexing
    234  Numpy in-place operation performance
    234  Numpy array: Changing the values of the last column when lines of a 2d-array are equal to lines of another 2d-array
    234  Matrix search operation using numpy and pandas
    234  In Python: Given an original array of numbers, how would I create a new array that contains the values from the original array within a certain range?
    234  How to reverse and forward sort NumPy 2D array in Python?
    234  How I can change shape of Tfidf vector (csr_matrix)
    234  How do you multiply a column vector with a row vector using @ in Python?
    234  How do you add a value to a float index of a dataframe for every other row?
    234  How do I filter a Panda dataframe based on a simple criteria in Python?
    234  How can I perform C-Style Typecasting in Python?
    234  How can I add to the end of a numpy array and remove from the beginning?
    234  How can I add gaussian noise with a specified SNR to an audio file with Soundfile in Python?
    234  Getting scipy wheel fail during the installing of theano
    234  Generate Z-Stack of images and create a 2D top-down view of the stacked image using python
    234  Flip/Transpose image efficiently along y=x
    234  Fitting 3D surface to lines
    234  Filtering numpy using array operations
    234  Converting list to numpy array issues
    234  Converting an (n,m) shaped numpy array into an (n,m,1,1) shaped array
    234  Convert heterogeneous pandas.DataFrame to homogeneous one
    234  Broadcasting for subtensor created from matrix (Theano)
    234  Append several (unequal) 1xn arrays into one large nxm array Python
    233  Working with a big csv in python
    233  Why should I use
    233  Why is np.unique(array.tolist()) quicker than np.unique(array) when array is type string and the opposite is true for floats?
    233  Visual studio can't see Anaconda's modules
    233  Values pf pandas data frame columns as list
    233  Speed performance improvement needed. Using nested for loops
    233  Slice numpy array with other array
    233  Slice an array to exclude a single element
    233  searchsorted - global name ''x'' is not defined
    233  Scalar comparison with np.nan in python
    233  Querying multiple points on a bivariate spline in the B-spline basis
    233  Python slice/subset array with different data type
    233  python pandas DataFrame: Duration of DrawDown
    233  Python numpy - Giving identity matrix with non-diognal elements non-zero
    233  Python | Numpy array images transformations
    233  Plot 4th dimension with Python
    233  Numpy vs Python floating point calculations produce different results
    233  numpy subtract two arrays: output
    233  numpy.savez and npy-matlab together
    233  Numpy reshape behaves unexpectedly
    233  Numpy, how to convert a 2D array to 3D (by grouping cols to 2 list)
    233  NumPy compare array with negative number
    233  Numpy array multiple mask
    233  Most efficient way to plot finite element mesh using matplotlib?
    233  Most efficient way to fill missing elements of dataframe with a function of column and row indices
    233  matlab CVX problems to python cvxpy
    233  InvalidArgumentError: Input to reshape is a tensor with 27000 values, but the requested shape has 810000 [Op:Reshape]
    233  How to write conditional code that's compatible with both plain Python values and NumPy arrays?
    233  how to use numpy to receive a readable Kirchhoff matrix array
    233  How to fill NA with minimum value of rows for selected column per user with pandas
    233  how can I solve python numpy date and time ValueError
    233  FT and Cosine Transform of a symmetric function are different between scipy and numpy
    233  Finding the row indices of zero elements in csc_matrix
    233  Finding the lowest neighboring index in a Python array
    233  Find index given multiple values of array with Numpy
    233  Fast interpolation over 3D array for 3D origin x
    233  Evaluating complex expressions with ast.literal_eval()
    233  Error in numpy argmax with sparse matrix
    233  Efficient way to do conditional checks on Numpy Arrays
    233  Efficient way of vectorizing distance calculation
    233  Convert numpy array to sparse matrix to find inverse and then convert back to numpy array
    233  Changing dtype of structured array zeros out string data
    233  Can my numba code be faster than numpy
    233  Bar Chart Python
    233  Averaging blocks of cells in a pandas dataframe
    233  Attribute error in PIL object
    233  Assign to Logical Indexed Numpy Array
    233  Any function in numpy/pandas/python to search and replace
    233  Ants AI Challenge: How can I write to a file from within my Ant class?
    233  Align Numpy Array to New Grid, Filter, and Zoom
    233  Add 2d array to make 3d in python
    233  2d numpy mask not working as expected
    232  Why does the data type `intc` in numpy default to 32 bits?
    232  What is the numpy equivalent of predicting values after fitting a polynomial model via least squares regression?
    232  using boolean array for indexing in numpy for 2D arrays
    232  ''TypeError: data type not understood'' from NumPy on Python 2
    232  Turning clusters assigned through numpy array into separate datasets
    232  Store calculated filter banks into spectrogram image with Python
    232  Smooth values from skimage.measure.marching_cubes
    232  Smooth Mayavi Visualization of 3D Points
    232  sklearn StandardScaler returns all zeros for all input
    232  scikit k-means: Find data-points that belong to resulting cluster of specific centroids
    232  Replace the top 10 values in numpy
    232  Python setdiff1d is wotking but union1d is not working for the same data
    232  Python - Scipy error
    232  PYTHON/NUMPY: Handling structured arrays compared to common numpy-arrays Python2.7
    232  python numpy arrays. How to slice multiple arrays in an efficient way?
    232  Problem with the Frobenius norm between a matrix and its approximation using SVD implemented in Python
    232  Open a structure of substructures of matlab with python
    232  Numpy Typehint with nptyping and Array in PyCharm
    232  numpy min() between two vectors? [duplicate]
    232  Numpy-like masks in tensorflow?
    232  Numpy: Flatten some columns of an 2 D array
    232  Numpy equivalent of if/elif/else that keeps the last value if the condition is not met
    232  Numpy array as a vector with a non-unique property
    232  Numba does not speed up my code
    232  Needing to assess smaller 3D arrays in larger 3D array with Numpy
    232  MemoryError in numpy.delete
    232  Membership testing of floats in Pandas int64 dataframe produces unexpected result
    232  Matlab to Python code code migration
    232  list to array with different columns in one row python
    232  interpretation of bins in matplotlib hist
    232  Import Error SciPy Python
    232  How to use multiprocessing for accelerate the following function?
    232  How to take elements along a given axis, given by their indices?
    232  how to sort a scipy array with order attribute when it does not have the field names?
    232  How to exploit symmetry in outer product in Numpy (or other Python solutions)?
    232  How to convert three lists x,y,z into a matrix z[x,y]?
    232  How do I split by ''/'' delimiters using index in python?
    232  How can I get the row and column number of a numpy 2d array meeting a specified condition?
    232  How can I get the radius or diameter of each cluster in Python?
    232  How can I compute the maximum in a vectorized lambda with NumPy?
    232  How are are NumPy's in-place operators implemented to explain the significant performance gain
    232  genfromtxt names changes the shape of the array
    232  Find unknown variable in set of equations in numpy
    232  Extract multiple arrays from .DAT file with undefined size
    232  Error building CNN train module
    232  Dot product dimension issue with theano
    232  Cropping an image using a mask
    232  Constructing pandas dataframe from a list of objects
    232  Compute distances between 2 matrix of vector
    232  compare consecutive values of an array numpy
    232  Building block matrix from array in the correct order
    232  ''Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program in buildozer?'' when trying to make android app with kivy buildozer
    232  Better way to parse CSV into list or array
    232  Assigning identical array indices at once in Python/Numpy
    232  3d array access in numpy
    232  2 Column Array Rank with tiebreaker and Save Python numpy
    231  Wheel depends on build-time numpy version
    231  What does it mean ''The reshape function returns its argument with a modified shape, whereas the ndarray.resize method modifies the array itself''?
    231  Vectorized Python code for iterating and changing each column of a Pandas DataFrame within a window
    231  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous ...  comparision to None [duplicate]
    231  Using NumPy to read value from a file and place into 2_D array but getting odd results on columns and rows
    231  (Slightly-) Linear Programming
    231  Shoud I use numpy for a image manipulation program? why [duplicate]
    231  Setting pandas.Panel.minor_xs('attribute')
    231  Scikit learn - initialize DictVectorizer with numpy.float32
    231  Ruby NArray.to_na() and Python numpy.array()
    231  Restored TensorFlow model unexpectedly changes weights each time it is restored
    231  Referencing Data From a 2D Histogram
    231  Python Optimization: How to speed up matrix inverse operation?
    231  Python-Numpy: Convolution, Code optimization
    231  Python: Multiple Statistics per Group [duplicate]
    231  python-2.7 | SimpleCV - TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an index
    231  Possible using python struct.unpack to keep specific values grouped?
    231  pandas set index with multilevel columns
    231  Optimal value is outside range when doing bruteforce optimization using Scipy
    231  Numpy's dtype conversion algorithm
    231  NumPy: Reduce the sum of an array by n
    231  Numpy Matrix: Malformed String
    231  NameError when running a function where the name of an array is a parameter of the function
    231  Meshgrid a N-columned matrix in Numpy (or smth else)
    231  Installing numpy in virtualenv on raspbian
    231  Improving runtime of python numpy code
    231  Image manipulation in Matplotlib
    231  I am trying to install pandas for Python3.3 on Ubuntu 13.10
    231  How to update rows for one column based on string value of another? Python Pandas
    231  How to stop extra page being created in PDF output from matplotlib PdfPages function
    231  How to prepare, populate and explore an n-dimensional numpy array?
    231  How to let PyPy recognize linear algebra (Intel MKL, OpenBLAS) libraries? Environmental variables issue?
    231  How to force Theano to do softmax column-wise?
    231  How to extract pixel_array of a DICOM image?
    231  Getting l1 normalized eigenvectors from python instead of l2?
    231  Find the columnwise indices of the minimum values of a generator in Python + Numpy
    231  Find all sets of 4 coplanar points in an array of 3D points using Numpy
    231  Extrapolating with a single data point
    231  Efficient majority voting for 1-in-N classification with sliding window classifier over 2D Array
    231  Display extracted feature vector from trained layer of the model as an image
    231  Convert list of floats to NumPy array
    231  Complex pivoting in pandas
    231  Companion matrix for finding roots
    231  Analyze graph using Python Library or create graph using matplotlib
    231  Align a face to a plane with numpy
    230  Writing a numpy matrix to a file
    230  Why assign values to C-contiguous array is slow in my case using Cython
    230  What is the reason for slowness of list(numpy.array)?
    230  What is the most efficient way of writing [1:20,25:30] in python
    230  Using Python (SciPy, NumPy) to analyse and compare two dependent data sets?
    230  Using numpy.nanargmin() in 2 dimensional matrix
    230  TypeError: Required argument not found __getitem__ numpy
    230  Translate reshape from Matlab to Python
    230  tensorflow does not achieve target distribution even with a seed value
    230  Tensorflow - 2D convolution with mutliple channels
    230  Solving a system of mass, spring, damper and Coulomb friction
    230  Shifting disaggregate distribution to match more aggregate level distribution
    230  Set numpy.ndarray values to a scalar
    230  Reversible dictionary to array mapping
    230  Retrieving multiple mongo documents from for better performance
    230  RandomeForestRegressor - unhashable type: 'Int64Index' error
    230  Python To Javascript - Numpy Issue
    230  Python, Sympy: How to output sympy expression as Python function?
    230  python element wise add in list of list with other list
    230  Python code for calculate the square of the difference between
    230  Proper way to get unsigned angles between 0 and 180 for histogram of gradients
    230  Pandas Series value_counts working differently for different counts
    230  Operating on a multidimensional Array in C#
    230  numpy corrcoef causes computer to hang
    230  Numerical integration over mean of normal in scipy
    230  New-> IndexError: index 3 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3
    230  Keras model layer input size mismatch error
    230  I have a set of points along the oval. How do I create a filled binary mask
    230  How to select subarrays with minimal and maximal number of white pixels from the array of one-dimensional subarrays?
    230  How to loop through multiple csv files and output their contents into one array?
    230  How to loop through a file of strings and load the string into a numpy ndarray
    230  How to get the p-value between two groups after groupby in pandas?
    230  How to get numpy array from scipy LinearOperator?
    230  How to create a Numpy 2d array with equal difference between rows?
    230  How to correctly numpy.nanmean and the axis keyword on 3D arrays?
    230  How do you combine two split data back into original (numpy)
    230  How can you calculate a loan amortization with numpy that has prepayments?
    230  Fixing ''index out of range'' error within code
    230  Find array position greater than a threshold where the next position is less than the threshold (numpy)
    230  Efficient way to loop through large numpy arrays
    230  Define gradient and hessian function in Python
    230  Creating C++ stl forward iterator given numpy array using Boost::Python
    230  Counting in Python and creating matrices from results
    230  Combine overlapping rectangles, compare overlap to both rectangles and replace both by bounding rectangle
    229  Why is vectorized version slower?
    229  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence for incorporating word2vec model in my pandas dataframe
    229  Understanding run time with numpy arrays?
    229  Unable to pass a pandas Series to matplotlib fill_between
    229  stats.multivariate_normal.pdf - total size of new array must be unchanged
    229  Scipy.signal method 'filtfilt()' doesn't recognized correctly
    229  scipy odeint: sum of conservative ode equations does not remain zero  -  is this normal?
    229  Scikit-learn, Numpy: Changing the value of an read-only variable
    229  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power in scipy.optimize
    229  resize using fractional step in numpy
    229  python, test whether all values in matrix less than numpy.finfo(float).eps
    229  Python: Plot month-wise normalised histogram
    229  Python Numpy Indexing in 2 Dimensional Array
    229  python numpy arange dtpye? why converting to integer was zero
    229  Python3 - Cxfreeze and Pandas - Error including [numpy]
    229  Proper way to ''append'' multi-dimensional numpy arrays?
    229  Problems with reading in csv values into 2d numpy array
    229  Plot the two matrices as colormaps on the same graph
    229  Numpy: need a hand in understanding what happens with the ''in'' operator
    229  Numpy.minimum with Pandas.Series of Timestamps TypeError: Cannot compare 'Timestamp' with 'int'
    229  numpy Import Error on Ubuntu
    229  numpy: fast regularly-spaced average for large numbers of line segments / points
    229  Nicer way to compute means of a set with numpy
    229  Moving Window Average Convolution with different Radii - Python
    229  Most efficient way to combine and separate numpy array
    229  matplotlib unexpected results polar plot
    229  Install numpy on Snow Leopard
    229  In opencv how do I get a list of segemented regions
    229  ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    229  How to specify a random number generator in numpy
    229  How to remove Semicolon from array in python?
    229  how to make a python package with numpy, pandas, scipy, sklearn inside?
    229  How to iterate Numpy array and perform calculation only if element matches a criteria?
    229  How to get the specific range values from numpy.random.normal()?
    229  How to get max (top) N values across entire numpy matrix
    229  how to create a pandas DataFrame by combining a list of column_names and a numpy array, and then adding more column(s)?
    229  How to construct nested numpy record arrays?
    229  How do I overwrite a row vector in a numpy array?
    229  How do I convert a list to a generator?
    229  How can I figure out channel number of a Nifti file in python?
    229  groupby list of lists of indexes
    229  FFT python result [closed]
    229  Extract data from a compressed numpy masked array
    229  Error using lmfit v0_9_3
    229  Display image of 2D Sinewaves in 3D
    229  Diagonals of a multidimensional numpy array
    229  Cython: How to declare numpy.argwhere()
    229  Count consecutive missing values (nan) in more columns with a condition
    229  concatenated matrix multiplication
    229  Compute multiple cycles in directed graph using scipy.csgraph
    229  CBLAS segmenation fault with large array
    229  Calculate mean for lists
    229  Calculate fraction of ones along an columns/rows divided by the minimum fraction of ones
    229  Binning in python
    228  Why is my y-axis inverted when using meshgrid?
    228  Why does np.genfromtxt() initially use up a large amount of memory for large datasets?
    228  ValueError: could not convert integer scalar in scipy indexing
    228  train and predict in RBF Support Vector Machine
    228  tensorflow program got stuck in variables
    228  Summing over numpy array with modulo
    228  Sort rows and get column IDs in a pandas dataframe
    228  Small discrepancy in eigenvectors between NumPy and MATLAB [duplicate]
    228  replacing quotes inside a pandas df to count unique terms
    228  quickly calculate randomized 3D numpy array from 2D numpy array
    228  Quick evaluation of many functions at same point in Python
    228  Python - Multi processing to mount an array
    228  Python3 Numpy np.where Error
    228  Plotting a rectangular area on the surface of a sphere
    228  Parsing and Processing Text Files With Pandas. Code Needs to Run in Parallel
    228  Pandas merge failing with ''FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed''
    228  Numpy piecewise function is slow in scipy quad
    228  Numpy: Array of `arange`s
    228  np.concatenate a ND tensor/array with a 1D array
    228  Need help understanding np.empty() [duplicate]
    228  Make numpy polyfit work for numbers with large number of digits
    228  Local scripts conflict with builtin modules when loading numpy
    228  Import errors after plugin updates for Python(x,y)
    228  How to reshape an array
    228  How to make Python object behave like a numpy array?
    228  How to increase pixel math speed using NumPy
    228  How to convert a group of images into a single data_test.npz file?
    228  Fitting Coefficients to Data and Function using Python
    228  Finding both forward and reverse discrete cosine transform using python. please do not use the built in dct and idct from numpy [closed]
    228  Filtering a 4D numpy array
    228  f2py with hello world
    228  Efficiently unwrap in multiple dimensions with numpy
    228  Displaying multiple curves (SOR method)
    228  data exchange format ocaml to python numpy or pandas
    228  Cryptic error when using HIPS autograd with numpy.piecewise (ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.)
    228  Converting NumPy floats to ints without loss of precision
    228  Concatenating Numpy arrays for OpenCV imshow
    228  Concatenate xarray DataArrays simultaneously along 2 dimensions
    228  Combining two numpy ndarray arrays with named fields
    228  builtins.ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    228  Boost + Python + Numpy = SIGSEGV
    228  Assigning issue with numpy structured arrays
    228  Amazon device farm - wheel file from macosx platform not supported
    228  Add data to 3d array from genfromtxt
    228  3 Dimensional Combination of One-hot Vectors
    227  Why do I get different weights when using TensorFlow for multiple linear regression?
    227  Why does importing numpy add 1 GB of virtual memory on Linux?
    227  What is the first minimum OR saddle point (calculus derivative) of a numpy array?
    227  What is datatype ''S7'' means
    227  translation in fourier space
    227  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. numpy error
    227  Spilt value from a column in a DataFrame using Python
    227  Several colorbars instead one
    227  Seg Fault while using numpy with Python3
    227  Scipy optimize raises ValueError despite x0 being within bounds
    227  Scikit: Problem returning Dataframe from imputer instead of Numpy Array
    227  Rolling correlation between two numpy arrays
    227  Reshape numpy array
    227  Replace outlers with NA in numpy array [closed]
    227  Python sharedmem access from Lua
    227  Python MemoryError with metric-learn
    227  Python: How to update a multiprocessing.Array object with hstack/vstack
    227  Python code loop speed comparisons
    227  ''Printing'' a numpy array to a PyQT5 QTextEdit
    227  Parsing complex numpy dtypes (i.e. dtypes consisting of an array of tuples) into lists?
    227  Optimize loop for changepoint test
    227  Numpy-y way to build a polynomial array from set of points
    227  Numpy subclassing: Create a copy of an array with different shape, same metadata
    227  numpy 2d array using a for loop to populate it with ascending sequence of numbers
    227  Juptyer notebook can only import packages using Python3 kernel, but not Python2 kernel
    227  Iterate through ndarray in Python
    227  Is there a python version of MATLAB's place function
    227  in SML, how to write 'map' with NumPy-like broadcasting for multi-dimensional arrays?
    227  Importing the multiarray Numpy extension module failed Visual Studio 2019 Anaconda 1.9.6 Python 3.7.1
    227  Importing Keras raises numpy exceptions
    227  implement N-hot encoding in tf.slim
    227  i have python 33 but unable to import numpy and matplotlib package
    227  how to use np.max for empty numpy array without ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity
    227  How to speed up my prediction task
    227  How to reshape numpy array in this way?
    227  How to perform loading text with brackets using numpy
    227  How to initialize a buffer object's data store with data from PyGLM?
    227  How to filter a NumPy array using value of another NumPy Array
    227  How to do np.where in node js for template matching with with node-opencv
    227  How to display output as vector layer in qgis?
    227  how to calculate the gradient in python numpy
    227  How to append reshaped / flattened images to a python list without consuming too much memory?
    227  How can i append multiple values to numPy array?
    227  Getting different results everytime in pycuda FFT
    227  Get index number when condition is true in 3 columns
    227  genfromtxt acting strangely when datatypes are specified individually
    227  generate numbers between min and max with equal counts
    227  Error when checking input: expected conv2d_110_input to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (0, 1)
    227  Efficient way to substitute repeating np.vstack in python?
    227  Efficient colorization of numpy matrix by value?
    227  Different handling of NaN and -9999.0 in numpy array when plotting
    227  Cython/numpy vs pure numpy for least square fitting
    227  Condtionally selecting values from a Numpy array returned from PyFITS
    227  changing the dtype of numpy array affects the data
    227  Build a graph with edges' lengths displayed using distance matrix
    227  Boolean matrix form Python's dict of lists
    227  Adding Numpy arrays like Counters
    226  Use csv module with numpy array
    226  Theano shared variable constructor error
    226  Stack multiple mask on a one image
    226  Slicing and finding the volume
    226  Selecting the index that satisfies a condition in python
    226  Row counting with conditional range
    226  Rentry to numpy function returns Error: float object has no attribute exp
    226  Removing nan in array at position from another numpy array
    226  Python : Vectorized comparison of two ordered numpy arrays of int of the same size
    226  python Numpy transpose and calculate
    226  PYTHON/NUMPY: How to assign various data types to the data type object numpy.dtype() in a loop
    226  python Hex string to array
    226  python: dividing a number by a numpy array
    226  Python: Count similar elements of two matrices
    226  Problems with LSTM backprop gradient checking
    226  Pandas Dataframe - Droping Certain Hours of the Day from 20 Years of Historical Data
    226  Pandas Conditional Column Count (complicated mapping)
    226  Numpy/Tensorflow: Multiplying each depth-wise vector of 3D tensor by a 2D matrix
    226  numpy matrix, setting 0 to values by sorting each row
    226  Numpy how to take one element from each row
    226  Numpy get maximum value based on XYZ
    226  numpy concatenate of empty with non empty arrays yields in float
    226  numpy array slicing with arbitrary dimension
    226  Numpy arrays containing iterable objects
    226  Numpy array from int to float
    226  Numpy 2d array extrude
    226  np.float not matching both np.float32 and np.float64
    226  Multiply DataFrame by Different shape DataFrame (or series)
    226  Missing first entry when writing data to csv using numpy.savetxt()
    226  iterate over columns to plot a graph of output data
    226  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indice
    226  Image display error after changing dtype of image matrix
    226  Identify the interior of a boolean array / blob - NumPy / Python
    226  How to shuffle data in pandas? [duplicate]
    226  How to Handle Pandas Operation Creating -Inf Values?
    226  How do I remove two smallest numbers from a numpy array and calculate median python 3
    226  How can I find all possibly paths in undirected graph using python?
    226  Grouping by monthly and plot a bar stacked in pandas
    226  Function to create a non equally spaced array in numpy
    226  Fastest way to perform calculations on every NXN sub-array in 2D numpy array
    226  Faster way to do this using Python, Numpy?
    226  Drag value using 2 different array with python (simil flip flop)
    226  Diagonalization of ill-conditioned matrix and imposibility to compute eigenvectors. Different results with numpy/scipy
    226  Boolean, Flatnonzero, Selecting a certain range in numpy in python
    226  Advice on raytracing algorithm needed
    225  Why np.clip(pd.Series(range(10)), 2,3) returns a Series?
    225  Why is numdifftools so inaccurate? How does it work?
    225  Why is ''nparray.tolist()'' taking this much space?
    225  Vectorizing radial basis function's euclidean distance calculation for multidimensional features
    225  Transform a mesh of quads and triangles into a mesh composed of only triangles
    225  Time- and space- efficient array multiplication in NumPy [duplicate]
    225  Splitting a large ndarray
    225  socket not recv numpy array
    225  Save a list of array of different length to csv
    225  Removing list in list by criteria with numpy
    225  Pythonic and efficient way to do an elementwise ''in'' using numpy
    225  Python: DEAP: programatically handle number of func parameters
    225  push for-loop to numpy
    225  prevent sphinx from executing inherited doctests
    225  Periodic ridges in point cloud generated from Real Sense image
    225  Parallel programming in python (nested loop)
    225  Pandas - append DataFrame with varying columns in a for loop
    225  Outer product in CVXPY
    225  numpy.unique acts weird with numpy.array of objects
    225  numpy.hstack with strings and numbers removes decimals
    225  numpy fill an array with arrays
    225  Numpy dot product of a 4D array with its transpose fails
    225  Multiplication of Pandas DataFrame with Pandas Series
    225  Memory Usuage Between Data Types in Python
    225  MatMul rank error when trying to convert math operations
    225  Is there a way to select a row in an 2D numpy array with conditions for each column in the row?
    225  Install Theano and Keras on google app engine
    225  insert fields of numpy structured array into mongodb
    225  Improving the performance of repetitive groupby operations
    225  Improving Performance - Symbolic function applied to each row of numpy array
    225  How to solve redundant linear systems in numpy?
    225  How to filter values of numpy ndarray based on a boolean mask?
    225  how to create a conditional column in python
    225  fastest way to search in 3D array in numpy
    225  Fastest one-to-one mapping of binary 1d Numpy array to integer
    225  Evaluate 1/tanh(x) - 1/x for very small x
    225  Error : Numpy OpenBLAS flavour is needed for this scipy build. (Although I have directly saved its files in lib->site packages folder)
    225  Efficiently save to disk (heterogeneous) graph of lists, tuples, and NumPy arrays
    225  Create array in Python with two different spacing values
    225  Create a new column based on conditions from other columns in Python
    225  Count number of occurrences in repeated range
    225  Compute signed area of many triangles
    225  complex-valued math evaluations permitted in Python but not in numpy
    225  can numpy interpret column of indices like matlab does
    225  Bit hack with NumPy
    225  Adding a row (header) to a numpy matrix issue using np.vstack in python
    224  Word Embedding Relations
    224  Why do I get ModuleNotFoundError for import cupy?
    224  Why does NumPy ndarray.shape give (), however numpy ndarray.tofile writes data to file
    224  What specific requirements does the function passed to scipy.optimize.curve_fit need to fulfill in order to run?
    224  What could be the best way to bypass `MemoryError` in this case?
    224  Vector pair ordering in numpy
    224  Vectorize numpy code with operation depending on previous value
    224  ValueError: probabilities are not non-negative
    224  Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
    224  speedup geolocation algorithm in python
    224  Share object on sharedmem in Python
    224  Setting value to a shifted value using np.where in pandas
    224  scipy truncnorm with array vectors as argumnents for a and b
    224  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered for Numpy
    224  Quandl response extremely slow on my home network as opposed to my mobile WIFI hotspot network
    224  Python: MemoryError in generating a array
    224  Python - How to determine the feature / column names returned by Chi Squared test [duplicate]
    224  Python detrend 3d dataset with NaNs
    224  Plotting points based on what value they end up being in matplotlib and numpy
    224  Plotting candlesticks with tight resolution - understanding ''width'' parameters
    224  plotting a large matrix in python
    224  Outlier detection for time series
    224  Order of numpy orperations is not equal to logic (and also octave)?
    224  NumPy multidimensional polyfit
    224  numpy how to change an array into a zero one except the max value
    224  numpy elementwise outer product with sparse matrices
    224  Numpy - Declare a specific nx1 array
    224  Numpy column titles NOT Record Array
    224  Not able to install numpy or nltk python-modules
    224  Most efficient way to calculate frequency of pairs of numbers in a 2D Numpy array
    224  Maxout activation function- implementation in NumPy for forward and backpropogation
    224  Mask numpy array evaluating nan as True
    224  Loop for generating characters in a string, Python random.choice with weights
    224  linear interpolation in scipy
    224  Is there a way to vectorize this procedure in pandas?
    224  Is there a fast way, to create a vector with 1 and x * 0?
    224  Insert sections of zeros into numpy array using zip and np.insert
    224  Insert a list into numpy-based matrix
    224  In python numpy least squares, why a singular normal matrix does NOT raise LinAlgError?
    224  How to raise Error message if any rows contains negative Values
    224  How to find the indexes of 10 highest numbers in a 14x14 numpy matrix? [duplicate]
    224  How to calculate estimation for monotonically growing sequence in python?
    224  How to add two numpy arrays together? [duplicate]
    224  How do I multiply a 3D matrix and 2D matrix using numpy in Python?
    224  Google App Engine - missing numpy.core.multiarray
    224  Generate n sets of random numbers without a loop [duplicate]
    224  Generate an Image of a sloped sinewave
    224  Fill diagonal and anti-diagonal offsetted by row, column indices in array - NumPy / Python
    224  Equal numpy arrays produce different images via Pillow
    224  element-wise lookup on one ndarray to another ndarray of different shapes
    224  Efficiently determining if large sorted numpy array has only unique values
    224  easily accessing data in matlab matrices loaded with scipy
    224  Convert several columns to epoch pandas
    224  Converting array to string in Python
    224  concatenating tuples of array within a tuple
    224  Calculate a trace of large matrix in python
    224  Building a tuple containing colons to be used to index a numpy array
    223  Why am I getting ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity?
    223  Transform a set of numbers in numpy so that each number gets converted into a number of other numbers which are less than it
    223  subclassing numpy ndarray to simulate padding with zeros on out of bounds indices
    223  Scipy root finding of a 3D function
    223  SciPy: converting 1/0 sparse matrix to 0/1 sparse matrix
    223  Relabeling overlapping segments located in adjacent numpy 2-d blocks (without for-loops)
    223  Reading a txt file in Python [closed]
    223  Quicker way to implement numpy.isin followed by sum
    223  quaternion creation by spherical coords in numpy
    223  Python numpy addition error
    223  Python Evaluating Polynomial Regression
    223  Python error setting an array element with a sequence for different loops [duplicate]
    223  Pandas first date condition is met while another condition is active
    223  NumPy structured / regular array from ctypes pointer to array of structs
    223  Numpy nonzero function not working/minimum of a numpy array without zeros
    223  Numpy matrix multiplication with str and negativ int
    223  numpy.insert() invalid slice  -  Trying to Insert NaN in Numpy Array
    223  Numpy: Index 3d array by z-index array
    223  Numpy Distutils issue with lapack
    223  Numpy Broadcast indices from shape
    223  Numpy 1d Array CumSquare of the values
    223  Multi-type storage array in Python
    223  Merging close objects after gaussian filter
    223  matplotlib how to parse right datetime factor of the candlestick image
    223  making output from numpy array with double brackets
    223  Keras shape error in convolutional neural network
    223  How to plot incomplete data with matplotlib
    223  How to get N maximum values in a multi dimensional numpy array along a given axis(say 2)?
    223  How to get each element of numpy array?
    223  How to extract 24-dimensional color histogram feature vector from an Image with Non overlaped patch size 32 X 32 in python
    223  How to define a one variable function from another multivariable function
    223  How to add different arrays from the center point of an array in Python/NumPy
    223  Getting scipy working with Pyjamas
    223  Getting median of a multidemensional array of differing lengths
    223  Find indexes of nonuniform sample with np.random.choice
    223  Fast slicing with numpy
    223  Fastest way to compute angle between 2D vectors
    223  F2PY not working on OpenSuse 42.3
    223  Doesn't NumPy/SciPy have complex numbers of ''int'' type?
    223  ''Direct'' numpy functions on an array vs numpy array functions
    223  Different result with vectorized code to standard loop in numpy
    223  Converting 1-layer image to 3-layer image
    223  Can't install mdfreader version 3 due to numpy NameError in pip
    223  Avoiding Numba CUDA Jit Race Condition
    223  Adding categorical columns into the prediction model
    222  Why numpy can save and load objects different than numpy arrays
    222  What does python slicing syntax [o:,:] mean
    222  Use fixed points with the NumPy Polynomial module
    222  Unexpected character shows up after writing to csv file
    222  Simple Logistic Regression using Tensorflow: Loss and weights do not change at all
    222  Referencing a conditional random element of an array and replacing it
    222  Reduce data in an array in numpy according to other arrays in an efficient way
    222  Python/NumPy first occurrence of masked subarray
    222  Python: How to get cube to spin and move in OpenGL Superbible example
    222  Python alternative for MATLAB code 'min(Ar_1(Ar_1~=0))'
    222  Pygame and Numpy Animations
    222  Problems using genfromtxt to input into scikit-learn fit function
    222  pandas - how to work with arrays in cells
    222  Numpy.unique fails when used after .append
    222  Numpy mask input data with missing values
    222  numpy array division and append
    222  numpy.arange strage behaviour
    222  Move from Matlab to Python numpy
    222  More efficient way to find index of objects in Python array
    222  Minimization leastsq bounds
    222  Matrix Inversion in CBLAS/LAPACK vs Python
    222  Matplotlib setting xlabels
    222  Manipulating 3D arrays in python
    222  Khatri product of matrices using np.tensordot
    222  Join together two sparse columns within a Pandas Dataframe
    222  Invalid combination of arguments - eq()
    222  Integral control system does not behave properly
    222  Install numpy in Python 2.7 without setting environment
    222  Importing TIFF images into NumPy array using base modules
    222  Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed, installed numpy using pip
    222  How to plot data from multiple data files on one plot with a loop (CTD data) on python
    222  How to interpolate (or map) 2D data onto a regular homogeneous grid (Eg; 250x250) in python
    222  How to efficiently calculate distance in toroidal space?
    222  How to delete every nth row of an if one contains a zero?
    222  How to accelerate the application of the following for loop and function?
    222  h5py File Method Override
    222  Grayscale .png to numpy array
    222  Getting error in using exsiting code for ant colony optimization in python got error dytpe datum not found
    222  For loop using np.where
    222  Find the position of a lowest difference between numpy arrays
    222  Error saving and loading a list of matrices
    222  Efficient Python implementation of numpy array comparisons
    222  Defining function using loop for numpy.linspace
    222  Convert float to int and raise an exception in case of rounding
    222  Concatenate arrays
    222  Cannot append numpy values into the list inside a loop
    221  Vectorized gather operation in numpy
    221  Use numpy arrays to count similar tuples
    221  TypeError with Theano/pymc (comparison operation)
    221  Trouble with least squares in Python
    221  Treat the missing values (conditional Imputation ) Pandas
    221  Stacking arrays in ndim (fourth axe) and applying rotations with numpy
    221  Scikit Learn - Working with datasets
    221  Save results of a Loop in a Matrix
    221  Save binned data from numpy.histogram2d to text file
    221  Remove elements from numpy array?
    221  Python set literals didn't work on numpy unique array
    221  Python - linspace() shows strange behavior
    221  Python: Importing Numpy after Installation Issues
    221  Python: fastest way of adding columns containing pairwise products of column elements
    221  Python dask_ml linear regression Multiple constant columns detected error
    221  Pylab is not installing on my macbook
    221  Probability grid matplotlib
    221  One hot representation giving error of index
    221  Numpy set all indexes to a value [duplicate]
    221  NumPy array iterator: use nditer or not? [duplicate]
    221  Need to skip line containing ''Value Error''
    221  My pandas-generated subplots are layouted incorrectly
    221  Iterate over a numpy array of dates
    221  Is there a way to use bincount with bin width = 0.1 in python?
    221  Is there a python method to re-order a list based on the provided new indices?
    221  How to import data from excel into python array?
    221  How to deploy Django with SciPy on Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    221  How could I plot an array with conditions over a contour map?
    221  How can I tell matplotlib.pyplot to make a scatter graph using values from Column A when Column D is True?
    221  Householder Reflection of a vector
    221  Group data into time dependent sets using numpy
    221  Generating an NxM array of uniformly distributed random numbers over a stated interval (not [0,1)) in numpy
    221  Filtering Python Numpy ndarray
    221  Fast method for PyMongo Cursor to array/DataFrame
    221  Easy way of printing two numpy arrays with each element in a different line?
    221  DASK: Is there an equivalent of for dask?
    221  Creating binary matrix of each unique value from list of lists
    221  Creating a Tensor using a pre-populated pd dataframe?
    221  Creating an Python np vstack of different sized hstacks
    221  Create an text file with numpy array of facial lanmark detection.?
    221  Convert python object to c array
    221  Computing covariance matrix using numpy and generators
    221  cast PyArrayObject* to int* fails
    221  Calculate mean of array with specific value from another array
    221  Appending numpy array without flattening
    221  Addition speed of numpy arrays with different contiguous-type
    220  X- axis titles in plotly for python
    220  xarray - find elements depending on multiple conditions
    220  Why can't I subtract one date period from the next and convert to an integer?
    220  What is the difference between math.isnan ,numpy.isnan and pandas.isnull in python 3?
    220  Way to speed up python code with numba? Includes multiple functions and two nested loops
    220  Using OMXIV, OMXPLAYER and writing to framebuffer in the same program
    220  use in in condition
    220  Trouble with pandas df.values and np.apply_along_axis
    220  Transform Json strings in dataframe to multiple columns
    220  Tensorflow Keras Embedding Layer Error: Layer weight shape not compatible
    220  SWIG with function that takes a numpy array as argument and return type
    220  Split a population into two in Python
    220  Selective loading of data from text file into arrays
    220  Python: Summarizing & Aggregating Groups and Sub-groups in DataFrame
    220  Python numpy product of integers over some range
    220  Python: How to pad with zeros?
    220  Python - curve_fit gives incorrect coefficients
    220  Problems with backtest.plottrades() function from TradingWithPython
    220  Plotting SQL results on graph using Matplotlib
    220  Pickle TypeError inside
    220  Pandas Dataframe: assign to different columns based on positive/negative values
    220  Numpy - split a matrix considering offsets
    220  Numpy searchsorted not working as expected
    220  numpy - Change/Specify dtypes of masked array columns
    220  Numpy array memory usage issue
    220  Multiple individual 2d rotation at once
    220  Multiple arrays tensordot
    220  Modulating object's trajectory with Euler method in python
    220  Measure border overlap between numpy 2d regions
    220  Matrix isn't being appended to correctly
    220  Itertools to generate scrambled combinations
    220  How to pass Numpy PyArray* via FFI
    220  How to load columns from text file with numpy
    220  How to determine PostgreSQL column data type based on numpy data types?
    220  How to compress numpy arrays before inserting into LMDB dataset?
    220  How do I produce a peristimulus time-histogram for a discrete event relative to another event in Python?
    220  How can I speed up Cython code to compute conditional log likelihood of dirichlet?
    220  Formatting numpy array and save to a *.txt
    220  Finding max in numpy skipping some rows and column
    220  Finding index where one sequence is greater than another
    220  Exclude value from an array in python
    220  Downsample signal with nan values
    220  Dot product between scipy sparse matrix and numpy array give ValueError
    220  Difference in Computation DFT between PyTorch and Numpy
    220  Curve_fit error - IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
    220  Create numpy array from existing ctypes.c_void_p
    220  Compact and natural way to write matrix product of vectors in Numpy
    220  (Casting) errors using extract_(relevant_)features from tsfresh
    220  Best way to save nested list/array to CSV for easy loading later
    219  Write numpy arrays to files using csv
    219  Why is einsum faster than numpy.correlate on floats, but slower on complex numbers?
    219  Use loadtxt to read files recursively
    219  Unsure whether my version of Python/numpy is using optimized BLAS/LAPACK libraries?
    219  <TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type numpy.ndarray which has no callable rint method
    219  Tricky sparse matrix manipulation + a surface plot
    219  Test failed in Numpy pre-installed with Mac OS X
    219  Switching between Anaconda and regular python on windows
    219  Sum of consecutive integers in numpy is incorrect
    219  Solving a matrix equation with constraints on the answer in python
    219  Shape error as I try to plot the decision boundary
    219  Rounding Time off to MicroSeconds
    219  Reconstructing curve from gradient
    219  Python, numpy, string decomposition (string from Abaqus AFXComTableKeyword.getValues())
    219  Python avoiding double for loop [duplicate]
    219  Passing multiple numpy arrays to C using CFFI
    219  Pandas Python - Transform a list-of-list column to multiple columns
    219  Numpy transpose data in example
    219  NumPy recfunctions join_by TypeError
    219  Numpy genfromtxt - Is it possible to set default type for missing fields when reading file?
    219  Numpy: Generating a 2D Sum of Gaussians pdf as an array
    219  numpy/arrayobject.h and C extension
    219  numpy array as datatype in a structured array?
    219  np.vectorize and np.apply_along_axis passing same argument twice to mapping function
    219  Nonlinear root finding in numpy from two complex equations
    219  Nested list to a dictionary of index counts
    219  Most efficient way to sort an array into bins specified by an index array?
    219  Inconsistent LabelBinarizer Behaviour breaks Pipeline
    219  implement an integration math equation using odeint in Python
    219  How to sample from a step function in python/scipy/numpy etc?
    219  How to reshape, fill and transpose a matrix correctly and memory friendly
    219  How to parse string representation back to numpy array?
    219  How to get the right results for Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) curve
    219  How to deploy a desktop application that includes a neural network? [closed]
    219  How to delete rows from a ndarray object when values inside are equal to?
    219  How do you do numpy.repeat in Eigen?
    219  generalisation between vector and matrix, matrix and tensor with numpy ndarray
    219  Extracting multi-variable equation coeficcients with numpy.polyfit
    219  Error setting dtypes of an array
    219  Error in reading a file using line number in python
    219  error: could not convert string to float (CordZ)
    219  Elementwise mean of numpy arrays from pandas dataframe cells
    219  Efficient bin-assignment in numpy
    219  Efficient 3d signed angle calculation in Python using arctan2
    219  Delete row/column from numpy array if all its elements equal a certain value
    219  Correlate a single time series with a large number of time series
    219  Contour plot with X,Y,Z data without using interpolation function [duplicate]
    219  comparing values in numpy array of n-dimension
    219  Code runs much faster in C than in NumPy
    219  Cannot use tf.stack to merge a 2D array
    219  Basic pitch shift using Stream methods in sounddevice module for Python?
    219  Apparent memory leak with numpy tolist() in long running process
    219  An elegant way to make a 2d array with all possible columns
    219  All indices of each unique element in a list python
    218  Why is the execution time for numpy faster than cupy?
    218  Why do we use numpy.argmax() to return an index from a numpy array of predictions?
    218  What is the meaning of the following operation in numpy?
    218  Vectorize associated Legendre polynoms with numpy
    218  Theano TypeError
    218  tensorflow python 3.7.2 import error with anaconda [duplicate]
    218  Strange behaviour when comparing Timestamp and datetime64 in Python2.7
    218  Split a 2d array creating array from row to row values with unitary displacement
    218  SimpleITK Selectively Alter Pixels / Slicing
    218 causing training to be slow
    218  Reorganizing an MxN 2D array of datapoints into an N-dimensional array
    218  Read in lines from text line as separate arrays
    218  python summing over 2d array to get a 1d array
    218  Python - Limiting number of rows (numpy)
    218  Python 3: Optimizing summation over scipy arrays
    218  Problem with Tensorflow iterator returning tuples
    218  Polynomial fit doesn't plot high degrees
    218  Numpy method of returning values based on two different arrays
    218  numpy: cumulative multiplicity count
    218  Numpy cannot store matrix larger than 1GB in memory
    218  NumPy Array grouping?
    218  Merge 1d and 2d numpy arrays into a tuple
    218  Looping 2 1d-arrays to create 2d array in numpy
    218  Is there universal if function in numpy?
    218  is numpy isclose function returning bad answer?
    218  Is it possible to find np.count_nonzero of each row of matrix without for loop?
    218  importing illustris hdf5 file into numpy array using h5py
    218  How to vectorize this loop in python?
    218  How to duplicate a specific value in a list/array?
    218  How to delete row based on row above? Python Pandas
    218  how to append an array into list
    218  how to 3dplot 3 colum data via
    218  How do I create a custom cost function using numpy in tensorflow
    218  Greedy algorithm, numpy, matrix, explantation
    218  Getting matrix from pandas DataFrame: stuck to dtype object
    218  FFTW / CUFFT over given axis of multidimensional array [duplicate]
    218  Fast way to apply function elementwise to a numpy array
    218  Fastest way to compare binary data?
    218  Error with matplotlib when used with Unicode strings
    218  Embedding Python in C++ : Cannot convert a string or char* to a numpy array
    218  Efficient way of extracting from an array of objects
    218  dtype for integer, three floats
    218  derivative in two dimensions using FFT2 in python
    218  Cython: How to sum a memoryviewslice object efficiently?
    218  creating array from csv Numpy python
    218  correct timestamp dtype to cast BigQuery TIMESTAMP
    218  Calculate dimensions of NumPy SVD matrices [duplicate]
    218  Bandpass filter not respecting cutoff
    218  Animated color grid based on mouse click event
    218  A better way to express a multitude of dot products?
    217  ValueError: Cannot load an array from Python 3.4 with numpy load() on Python 3.5
    217  Use str.contains then fuzzy match remaining elements
    217  Use apply to segment time series pandas DataFrame?
    217  subclassed empty numpy recarray losing its type and added attributes in numpy 1.8
    217  square elements of a non square pandas dataframe
    217  Skimage.filter not importing into conda virtual environment on mac
    217  Shape of numpy array comparison with empty list
    217  setting low values to zeros in an array
    217  Retain order when taking unique rows in a NumPy array
    217  Reinstall python and make import numpy work
    217  Python, interpolation,
    217  python curve_fit doesn't work with stiff model
    217  Pandas syntax for lookup based on existing columns + row values?
    217  Pandas groupby std is much slower when using ddof=1 Why?
    217  Pandas: Aggregation with Weights
    217  Numpy version of rolling maximum in pandas
    217  numpy read txt error (loadtxt, genfromtxt)
    217  Numpy hybrid type Matrix astype
    217  Numpy, grouping every N continuous element?
    217  numpy.float128 doesn't exist in windows, but is called from OpenGL
    217  Numpy Create array from irregular sized data [duplicate]
    217  ndimage.generic_function on 3d array
    217  Multivariate polynomial fit on soccer data
    217  Multi Dimensional Numpy Array Sorting
    217  Module Import Inconsistency IDLE vs command line
    217  Memory issue with numpy.copy array
    217  keras callback error with numpy broadcast
    217  Importing from MATLAB: transform numpy array of arrays into a matrix?
    217  ImportError: libopenblasp (cx_Freeze on linux)
    217  How to store results of for loop as an array?
    217  How to reshape multiple time-series signals for use with sns.tsplot?
    217  how to iterate through 3x3 window of an array?
    217  How to free memory early for a PyObject?
    217  How to create spacing of points per decade for logarithmic plot
    217  How to avoid bad decimals in np.cumsum? [duplicate]
    217  How do I make a hollow symmetric matrix with zeros in the main diagonal, ones elsewhere in numpy
    217  How does numpy's memmap copy-on-write mode work?
    217  Gridwise application of the bisection method
    217  getting nonetype after using numpy.fill
    217  Generate 3D Surface Map from Skimage Elevation Map (2D numpy.ndarray)
    217  Fitting two non-linear models to data
    217  Find two disjoint pairs of pairs that sum to the same vector
    217  Finding intersections of words in dataframe strings - whole words only
    217  Extracting n-highest frequencies by class from CountVectorizer
    217  Cummulative matrix multiplication on successive square arrays in an (M,M,N) or similar array?
    217  Convert Object type to Float type
    217  Calculating the angle between two vectors using an inner product
    217  Calculate distance to smoothed line
    217  assign into multiple variable in same line in python [duplicate]
    217  Accessing MxM numpy array that is first index of a tuple
    217  Accelerating scientific python program
    216  vectorized matrix power and matrix dot using numpy
    216  ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 1)?
    216  use of // in python
    216  updates of the document vectors in doc2vec (PV-DM) in gensim
    216  Titanic Machine Learning Problem using Logistic Regression
    216  Tensorflow SKCompat converting float32 values in Pandas dataframe to tf.float64 values, and then giving an error
    216  structure of python numpy arrays [closed]
    216  speed up numpy with multiple GPU's
    216  Speed up loop to fill an array with closest values from another array
    216  Sort array in Python without modifying specific element positions
    216  Solving for zeroes in interpolated data in numpy/matplotlib
    216  Sklearn not compatible with numpy [duplicate]
    216  Scalar-valued isnull()/isnan()/isinf()
    216  Resize 3D array to 2D
    216  Python validate excel values data types using Pandas Numpy
    216  Python Pandas: Split DateTimeIndex in two at missing timestamp
    216  Python numpy.ndarray compare
    216  Python: Numpy combine arrays into 2x1 lists
    216  Python: Get median in 3-dimensional numpy array
    216  Plotting a surface contour for a given value in a 3D numpy matrix
    216  pandas - the label [2018-01-15] is not in the [index]
    216  Numpy vectorized summation with variable number of factors
    216  numpy sum gives error
    216  numpy polyfit will not fit parabola properly
    216  numpy integer array and bit masking
    216  numpy boolean indexing confusion
    216  numpy array index as input (from user)
    216  Numba nopython mode cannot accept 2-D boolean indexing
    216  np.loadtxt() How to read a TLE satellite txt file into Python
    216  MultiPoint crossover using Numpy
    216  Modelling Finite Difference for Temperature Distribution on a house-shaped domain
    216  Mask values that are not in sort order in numpy
    216  Mask a 2D array with different masks for each dimension
    216  Make a new array selectively copying, with varying multiplicity, rows of old array in numpy
    216  Keras 'Error when checking input' when trying to predict multiple values
    216  Iterate over integers in Bayesian Optimization package Python
    216  Is there a way to filter JSON data with Python
    216  Is there a function in numpy to compare arrays of multiple dimensions similar to numpy.where function?
    216  Importing numpy in python take an error
    216  Image resizing changes color and texture
    216  How to use a vectorised approach in python?
    216  How to sum of squares of sum with memory limitations?
    216  How to iterate and modify over a numpy array?
    216  How to get value of area under multiple peaks
    216  How to get the centroid in Louvain method in python?
    216  how to convert dataframe to panel data format in python?
    216  How to apply a function which gets the dataframe sliced with sliding window as a parameter in pandas?
    216  How to add the current item with the previous item in a list using python
    216  Getting numpy error (ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence)
    216  Get center coordinate of grid blob
    216  Fortran ordered (column-major) numpy structured array possible?
    216  Find largest row in a matrix with numpy (row with highest length)
    216  Filter numpy array to retain only one row for a given value
    216  Feeding large numpy arrays into TensorFlow estimators via
    216  Fastest way to group by ID for a really big numpy array
    216  Extract rows from python array in python
    216  Equivalent of (python) in Fortran
    216  Elegant way to create a nxn boundary mask for convolution in python
    216  cython times 10 slower
    216  Create an array where each element stores its indices
    216  Converting ''nan'' values to a different value different than 0 in a numpy matrix
    216  Convert array from np.triu_indices to symmetric matrix
    216  Compile failed and ascii codec error when installing python scientific stack
    216  Code wrapped with Cython unexpectedly segfaulting
    216  Approximating Sin wave with euler method in python
    216  apply custom function in numpy array
    216  4D matrix multiplication
    215  Which operations can be done in parallel without grabbing the GIL? [duplicate]
    215  Where can I find the efficiency O(n) of some Numpy methods?
    215  What's the problem of this one-hot encoding?
    215  vectorized interpolation on array with nans
    215  Variable area threshold for identifying objects - python
    215  ValueError: Input arrays should have the same number of samples as target arrays. Found 1 input samples and 416 target samples
    215  Unable to plot 3D medical images in Python using Numpy and Matplotlib
    215  TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable within for loop Python
    215  Slicing at runtime
    215  Scipy / Numpy Reimann Sum Height
    215  Saving Numpy Array as Lab Image via PIL
    215  Save the curve obtained in python
    215  Requirement not satisfied while installing pandas
    215  Removing line breaks from numpy array [duplicate]
    215  read matrix from file using Numpy
    215  Radius search in list of coordinates
    215  Python Type Extension w/ Numpy Array Reference Count Behavior
    215  python numpy (v1.15.0) fails to fit parabola
    215  Python Multiprocessing 2d Array Input
    215  Python - Differences between numpy asarray assignment [duplicate]
    215  Pandas: combine dataframes of different shapes based on comparisons between dataframes
    215  Numpy subarray for arbitrary number of dimension
    215  numpy: multiply arbitrary shape array along first axis
    215  Numpy create an index of values in an array and replace values by others
    215  Numpy Arrays comparison and indexing
    215  minimize a loss function using a specific form of the gradient of loss w.r.t its parameters
    215  Merging records in a Numpy structured array
    215  Median filter nullifies the numpy array value
    215  matrix operation using numpy pandas
    215  Linear regression model
    215  iPython uses wrong version of numPy
    215  IndexError: too many indices for array with cross validated prediction
    215  Incrementing the financial quarters in python
    215  How to make date tick marks more precise in matplotlib?
    215  How to eliminate negative values and calculate the sum of just positive integers?
    215  How to create a bidimensional Gaussian filter on a dense list of points
    215  How do I merge a 2d numpy array with a structured array
    215  How do I alphabetically sort an array of strings without any sort functions? Python
    215  Get ''corners'' of numpy array [duplicate]
    215  Flattening of a list of lists of jagged numpy arrays
    215  finding the extrapolation from the structure of one data and apply it to the other
    215  Fast iteration over numpy array for squared residuals
    215  Fastest way for boolean matrix computations
    215  Efficiently combining Numpy arrays, growing into new dimension
    215  Disregarding the average if data contains a zero in python
    215  Cython not working with memoryviews in Anaconda3 64bit on Win 7
    215  customized map function with multiple variable input in pyspark return wrong results
    215  combine two numpy arrays and reshape [duplicate]
    215  Check if a specific value occur multiple times in a numpy array
    215  Bizarre issue with pandas' .groupby function, when function applied to rows
    215  assigning to multi-dimensional array [duplicate]
    215  Accessing a file path saved in a .txt file. (Python)
    214  What is the easiest way to get uncertainties on linear regression parameters?
    214  What could be wrong with this matrix multiplication benchmark (Matlab vs Numpy)?
    214  What am I getting wrong in my pandas lambda map?
    214  Vectorizing Multi-Dimensional Operations in Python
    214  Using NumPy in the correct way to apply a function to specific points in an array
    214  Use 2D numpy arrays to plot a 3D polyhedron with matplotlib
    214  Type error on my fit function using gaussian process in scikit
    214  Trying to append values to a numpy array of vector features
    214  Theano matrix multiplication of 2d matrix to give 3d matrix
    214  Substracting number from list not raising TypeError
    214  Speed up nested for loop with elements exponentiation
    214  Share OpenCV C++ Object with Python
    214  selecting from parallel arrays
    214  Scipy detrend puzzle
    214  rpy2 automatic NumPy conversion NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
    214  Reshape pandas.Df to use in GridSearch
    214  Replacing values in Numpy array based on permutations
    214  replacing the values in a numpy array with the values of another array against value of one array as index in another
    214  Python : Reshaping a numpy array of 3d images and labels
    214  Python Opencv output.avi screengrab color is blue intensive
    214  Python crashes when jitting (numba) loops that contains slices
    214  Problems while trying to understand matrix shapes in Keras?
    214  pandas get index of highest dot product
    214  Pandas calculated column from datetime index groups loop
    214  Ordering of python set from NumPy array
    214  Numpy: Remove neighboring repeated subarrays in a 2x2 array?
    214  numpy.piecewise returns incorrect answer when using lambda
    214  numpy: find index in sorted array (in an efficient way) [duplicate]
    214  Numpy FFT fails on meshgrids?
    214  new error in old code in numpy exp
    214  Memory overflow in numpy boolean array
    214  Lists in python with mapping with each other element
    214  IntelliJ Python Facet vs Python Module
    214  In numpy, how can I assign an array of size N to a larger array with a boolean mask
    214  How to improve np.random.choice() looping efficiency
    214  How to, given a 2D numpy arrayMatrix that contains ''triplets'' of RGB values generate an image?
    214  Howto expand 2D NumPy array by copy bottom row and right column?
    214  How to convert a numpy array to regular python list?
    214  How to change values of a numpy array between two positions
    214  How to avoid ''TypeError: Input z must be at least a 2x2 array'' when trying to generate a contour plot
    214  How to add the date in a for loop without if/else statements
    214  How can I turn a torch tensor into a list of numpy arrays in Pytorch?
    214  Get data sequentially from numpy array in Matlab ordering
    214  Function's argument as False and True
    214  Fix precision issues when *displaying* floats in python
    214  File location error in python
    214  Fastest way to find 5%ile from 2D numpy array?
    214  Fastest way to expose C strings to NumPy?
    214  Efficiently multiply elements of each row together
    214  difference between numpy randint and floor of rand
    214  Denormalize Tensorflow
    214  Define Ctypes array that overlaps in memory for numpy array and multiprocessing
    214  converting an Image into numpy array, then save into txt file, then again converting .txt in image
    214  Compare arrays, find same elements and return index
    214  Check if ID in one DF exists in another DF (Python 3, Pandas)
    214  Can't use set_ydata for a ''stem''-plot in matlibplot
    214  Can't seem to use use pandas to_csv and read_csv to properly read numpy array
    214  Best way to iterate through a numpy array returning the columns as 2d arrays
    214  Applying complex functions on pandas data frame
    214  appending values to numpy array
    214  3D points on a surface PYTHON
    213  Wrapping a given coordinates (x,y,z) in a twisted structure
    213  Using minimise function ('SLSQP' method) in sympy with free and fixed parameters
    213  Stability of SCIPY.NNLS solution on two overlapping A matrices
    213  Split dates into time ranges in pandas
    213  Return data from struct using Numpy Array
    213  Return a column which meet two conditions with pandas dataframe
    213  replacing values in a whole array
    213  performing np where update on subset of pandas dataframe [duplicate]
    213  partition a matrix RDD in pyspark
    213  Pandas Creating Panel from Multiple DataFrames Buffer Has Wrong Dimesnions
    213  Pandas calculated columns not updated for new dynamically added rows
    213  Numpy Vectorize Behavior
    213  Numpy in Cython, no improvement
    213  numpy efficient array multiplication
    213  Numpy arrays from tuples of arrays for matrix based neural networks
    213  np.random.randn refuses to take negative arguments
    213  N-dimensional histogram containing the maximum value of the weights that fall in each bin
    213  Modifying 3D array in Python
    213  Mock: assert mock_calls with a numpy array as argument raises ValueError and np.testing.assert_array_equal does not work
    213  middle eigenvalue in numpy
    213  max n * n Reshape 2d numpy array function that discards lowest values and returns sum of col means?
    213  loading my data in numpy genfromtxt get errors
    213  Is there a way to use NumPy operations in Tensorflow without running graph?
    213  How to plot one curve in two different colors? (NOT using pandas) [duplicate]
    213  How to mock numpy.linalg in python?
    213  How to efficiently vectorise hypergeomentric CDF calculation?
    213  How do I solve expressions in python such as f1(x) = f2(x)?
    213  How can I organize data using Pandas?
    213  How can I make serial data a histogram in python?
    213  Have pandas produce error when multiplying with nan
    213  h5py - convert dtype from dataset from int/float to bool?
    213  Force numpy to keep a list a list
    213  Find numpy array coordinates of neighboring maximum
    213  Fast Numpy calculation of a slight variation of the repeat and choose functions
    213  Fail to download python package
    213  Extracting required indices from an array of tuples
    213  Error when training more than one step in Tensorflow: TypeError: Fetch argument None has invalid type <type 'NoneType'>
    213  Errors Following Michael Halls-Moore Algorithmic Trading
    213  Efficient Way to Permutate a Symmetric Square Matrix in Numpy
    213  Cython memory views can be slow?
    213  Creating mathematical equations using numpy in python
    213  Can I ''detect'' a slicing expression in a python class method?
    213  Boolean slice by reference multiple times in numpy
    213  Apply returning DataFrame when it should return a Series
    213  Accessing c/c++ level of swig wrapped object from cython
    212  writing ''missing array values'' to a file
    212  Weight for BaggingClassifier in python
    212  Value error in multiplying xarray variable with 2D numpy array
    212  Using SWIG typemaps to generate overloaded Python wrapper
    212  using list instead-of numpy array
    212  Type cast error '__Pyx_memviewslice' to 'double *' Cython, what's the equivalent? MKL function prange code
    212  tuples are inmutable, create lists before replacing its entries
    212  Strange behaviour with `np.floor()` and float division
    212  Speeding up my calculation by using Vectorization
    212  Slicing numpy.ndarray by column index
    212  Restrict MKL optimized scipy to single thread
    212  replace integers in array Python
    212  Removing rows from even number columns if certain value is present
    212  Regularised Logistic regression in Python[numpy] giving wrong results
    212  PyTorch Broadcasting Failing. ''Rules'' Followed
    212  Python TensorFlow: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    212  Python: Element wise division operator error
    212  Python co-occurrence matrix, how to multiply row/column by integer?
    212  Permute string of Kronecker products
    212  Pairwise cdist in scipy instead of zip
    212  Optimally remove rows or columns in numpy to remove missing data
    212  Optimal generation of numpy associative array with subarrays and variable length
    212  numpy.whl installation Error.(windows permission error)
    212  Numpy.where() with an array in its conditional
    212  numpy vectorize dimension increasing function
    212  NumPy: removing rows in an array if one column's value does not match
    212  Numpy minimum like np.outer()
    212  Numpy Error in Sublime 3 with Anaconda
    212  `numpy.corrcoef` returns array having unexpected shape
    212  map a numpy array to a double (unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray')
    212  LSTM Numpy, Loss, Cell State, Gradients, Weights going NAN after ~250 training iterations
    212  Loop through multiple CSV files
    212  Looking for a sequential pattern with condition
    212  Is there any python (numpy) synonym to i-variables (e.g., irow, iradius, itheta, etc.) in DM scripting?
    212  Indexing a numpy array with a numpy array of indexes [duplicate]
    212  IndexError: too many indices for array while doing permutation
    212  Import a text file and export a 3D image
    212  how would you take the white pixels generated by a mask and put them into a list
    212  How to split an array into bins of equal length in python?
    212  How to specify dtype correctly in python when dealing with complex numbers and numpy?
    212  How to rotate a square numpy array with different times efficiently by `np.rot90`?
    212  How to make this rounding function faster?
    212  How to link a python data structure into matplotlib? Such as a dict -> bar chart
    212  How to get my own C++ array class to work with numpy using SWIG and g
    212  How to feed OpenCV image to a trained CNN model(add a new dimension) in Python?
    212  How to decrease memory use when creating a numpy array of 3,000+ jpegs python3
    212  How can I reshape this multi-dimensional list to a 2D array?
    212  How can I interpolate 3d time series data by Python?
    212  How can I intentionally create a non-aligned numpy array?
    212  Has the behavior of numpy.in1d changed when passing a set?
    212  grouping consecutive values in python np.array
    212  Get NumPy slice from start/end coordinates
    212  Flatten numpy array without double for loop
    212  FFT of a fluctuating pressure using Numpy
    212  Fast way to find index of array in array of arrays
    212  Fast updating sum of squared residuals
    212  Extracting indices from numpy array python
    212  Detecting a contour without the need for an object in the frame using OpenCV
    212  Cython Function Pointer Dereference Time (Compared to Calling Function Directly)
    212  csv file to numpy array via Python
    212  Creating a 2D Gaussian random field from a given 2D variance
    212  Conditional logic with Python ndimage generic_filter
    212  Change in precision for numpy array?
    212  can I use Numpy genfromtxt to get names then skip a specifc row before continuing?
    212  Bizarre behavior of scipy.linalg.eigvalsh in Python
    211  xarray equivalent of pandas `qcut()` function
    211  Why python scipy cross correlation is not working when padding one of the inputs
    211  Why does numpy.fft.irfft2 output have non-power of 2 shape?
    211  Why does numpy array comparison return boolean array?
    211  Why a ''Lost Paradise'' in code, that ran many months in py2.7, now np.ndarray() not found in namespaces, while [import numpy as np] was executed?
    211  vectorizing an optimization in python
    211  vectorization of loop in pandas
    211  Using cython_gsl for integration (plus addressing numpy.array to cython)
    211  speed up numpy array assignment
    211  Sort one list to to make two lists have correct order correspondence
    211  Simple DFT Coefficients => Amplitude/Frequencies => Plot
    211  Scipy CSR matrix Element-wise Division
    211  Saving numpy arrays as txt file [Beginner]
    211  Python sharedmem in-place copy
    211  Python: Relative Percentage Change
    211  python: error setting whisker bounds in boxplot
    211  Python: Building Matrix by element wise operations on numpy arrays
    211  Plot bar graph using matplotlib with different dataframe shape
    211  Pandas - identify unique triplets from a df
    211  padding lists inside 2d array
    211  NumPy: Sparse outer product of n vectors (hyperbolic cross)
    211  numpy recarray minimum differences
    211  Numpy/Python numerical instability issue multiplying large arrays
    211  Numpy array cannot index within a single []
    211  Number of significant digits using numpy can be increased?
    211  Number of intermediate nodes in shortest path
    211  Matrix Computations Python
    211  List of List of List slicing in Python
    211  Is there a faster way to pass python numpy to java array in JPype
    211  InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'ground_truth' with dtype double
    211  Initialize tensor Variable to numpyArray - Reduced Sum Issues
    211  indexing in numpy nd-array
    211  Improving matrix operations time using multiprocessing
    211  Implementing ast.literal_eval on a numpy array involves lists
    211  How to use Numpy .tobytes() to serialize objects
    211  how to store and read 4d numpy array
    211  How to make Numpy treat each row/tensor as a value
    211  How to find which numpy array contains the maximum value on an element by element basis?
    211  How to fill 3D array in numpy with functional values at the same speed as Java?
    211  How to extract the frequencies associated with fft2 values in numpy?
    211  How to create a triangle kernel in python?
    211  How to avoid loops for sparse Matrix?
    211  How do I write many nested for-loops in a few lines of Python code?
    211  GPU FFT Convolution using Cupy
    211  Flatten list of lists in Python with non-iterable types? [duplicate]
    211  find pairs of rows in numpy array that differ only by sign
    211  find close elements in numpy recarray
    211  Fastest way to replace all elements in a numpy array
    211  Does Numpy on Google App Engine use LAPACK or ATLAS
    211  Define Splitting Condition in Pandas Groupby
    211  ''Correct'' way to interact with numpy objects
    211  convert numpy open mesh to coordinates
    211  Code optimization - number of function calls in Python
    210  What is the most pythonic way to conditionally compute?
    210  ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (10,) and (1, 10)
    210  using allocatable arrays from modules in f2py
    210  UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) python 3
    210  Turning values into columns
    210  Swap a subset of multi-values in numpy
    210  RVS Argument of Scipy Kstest for non-standard (Landau) distribution
    210  Racket: What does double colon (::) mean?
    210  Quick method to combine (x,y) pixel value of multiple images?
    210  Python Pandas: Vectorized operation bug?
    210  Python: Minimizing function via loop
    210  (Python) How to get full frame in openCV and convert it to string?
    210  PIck randomly samples from a 2D matrix and keep the indexes in python
    210  numpy vectorize a function to accepts vectors of different lengths and return the tensor result
    210  Numpy savetxt with mixed data
    210  Numpy, pandas, Matlab, R rolling sum inconsistency, with varying length of history
    210  numpy multidimensional indexing and diagonal symmetries
    210  numpy.genfromtxt removes colons from names/keys
    210  numpy.exponential slightly different behaviour
    210  numpy - efficiently copy values from matrix to matrix using some precalculated map
    210  Numpy array map
    210  My numpy is latest but TensorBoard says it's old one
    210  Loss layer on Keras using two input layers and numpy operations
    210  is numpy testing assert_array_less working correctly with np.inf?
    210  Installing Python package from source into virtualenv directory
    210  Incrementing a counter based on some value with np.where
    210  Incorrect output when using multiprocessing
    210  How to vectorize a loop through a matrix numpy
    210  how to update value in csr_matrix
    210  How to tabulate several vertical arrays in python?
    210  How to save a float numpy array to a binary file with less storage (e.g.: not in scientific notation)?
    210  How to fix ''UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 884: invalid start byte'' in python sockets
    210  how to do multiple scatter plots with matploatlib
    210  How to convert feet and inches in fraction format to decimal?
    210  How to check if a pair of coordinates is within a range in Numpy?
    210  How do I fix ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (2,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (2,2) error?
    210  Float required in list output
    210  Dot-multiplying large dense matrices of different dtype (float x boolean)
    210  Data sets generation for binary logistic regression
    210  Creating numpy array from ctypes POINTER using ctypes.memmove() gives wrong results
    210  Copying Tensorflow - __enter__ and __exit__ errors using context manager [closed]
    210  Convert dataframe to numpy matrix where indexes stored in dataframe
    210  Composing slices into a multidimensional slice for numpy array slicing
    210  Boundary conditions for image transformations with meshgrid
    210  Avoid using for loop in np.array operations. Python
    210  Adding an array in numpy at a specified location
    209  Write STL_File from Matplotlib Mesh
    209  Very large matrix vector product
    209  Stacking and adding up numpy arrays
    209  Setting Cross Validation parameter in Grid Search
    209  R: equivalent to Numpy's ''dot dot dot'' operator for slicing
    209  Replicating Numpy's Advanced Indexing/Slicing in Haskell
    209  Repeating rows and columns in Python
    209  random permutation in python2 and torch7
    209  Python 2D array sum enumeration
    209  print rows that have x value in the last column
    209  ''_pickle.UnpicklingError: the STRING opcode argument must be quoted'' in py2 to py3 ndarray transmission
    209  Pandas broadcast with numpy scalars
    209  pairwise comparisons within a dataset
    209  numpy.fromFile read from txt file
    209  Neural network for univariate regression with numpy gives only linear results
    209  NameError: name 'freshdatapoly' is not defined - Variable previously defined?
    209  Merge 2 numpy Arrays with timestamps
    209  Make matrix convolution in python faster
    209  Intersection of 2-d numpy arrays
    209  How to take a list and fill with values and put into a dataframe and filter in Python?
    209  How to detect self-collision in Spline Curve?
    209  How to arrange the Numpy array output in separate rows to one .csv file and to put the name of the processed image in the first cell of a row?
    209  How to append a selection of a numpy array to an empty numpy array
    209  How to access numpy array passed through Cython
    209  How do I add values to an existing column in Pandas?
    209  Getting error while importing numpy on puthon shell on windows 10
    209  Getting 'Day of Year' array from a numpy array inputs in Python
    209  exp() overflow error python 3
    209  exception when get a subset of a pandas data frame
    209  dtypes change for Large datasets in Pandas
    209  Descriptor 'utctimetuple' requires a 'datetime.datetime' object but received a 'numpy.ndarray'
    209  Cutting numpy array based on index
    209  Creating an euclidean distance matrix of tensors
    209  Create a Numpy array representing connections in a network
    209  Could not find a correct inverse value of a matrix by using numpy
    209  Comparing two matrices in Python, and filling the missed rows
    209  Cannot convert from an iterable of Python `datetime` objects to an array of Numpy `datetime64` objects using `fromiter()`. Bug?
    209  Calculating average raster values using numpy (fast)
    209  Calculating a similarity/difference matrix from equal length strings in Python
    209  Assigning colour to data depending on sign of gradient (Python)
    209  Argmax with no duplicates constraint numpy - fuzzy string matching
    209  Area of polygon calculation inconsistent
    209  Appending arrays in numpy
    209  Adding to mono signals to perform stereo
    208  Written csv file with Python contains wrong format of numbers
    208  Why operation on list is slower than operation on numpy array
    208  Why does official prefer concantane than hstack/vstack in Numpy?
    208  Why does numpy least squares result diverge from using the direct formula?
    208  What is the theano counterpart of numpy apply_along_axis?
    208  What is the simplest way to dump this column copy of excel data into a python numpy array?
    208  Using User Input as a Where Clause in Pandas Dataframe
    208  Using to load .mat files that have the machineformat of `ieee-le.l64`
    208  Using Ridder to find root
    208  using numpy to store objects of different sizes
    208  Trying to plot a system of linear equation using matplotlib in a 2D plane
    208  tensorflow mnist example with my own get_next_minibatch
    208  Solve system of nonlinear equations in scipy, why it says " mismatch between the input and output shape
    208  setting type of numpy structure array
    208  Save Numpy array as a 3 channel image while preserving resolution
    208  Representing data-structure in python
    208  remove a character from a data numpy array
    208  Python: Numpy Gamma Function Produces Wrong Mean Value For Scale Parameter
    208  python memory intensive script
    208  Printing precision of Numpy structured array
    208  Performance: Slicing and reversing Numpy arrays efficiently
    208  Partitioning a NumPy array based on labels
    208  pandas DataFrame values C/F contiguous reasons
    208  numpy array lookup table
    208  Numba compatible equivalent of numpy.gradient
    208  Normalize a multidimensional array
    208  Need to aggregate count(rowid, colid) on dataframe in pandas
    208  multiply array of matrices by a vector
    208  Memory usage of NumPy's string array is far larger than that of object array
    208  matrix math using pandas
    208  Masking only non-NaN values (Python)
    208  LinearDiscriminantAnalysis - Single column output from .transform(X)
    208  LinalgError, when doing singular value decomposition on sklean vectorizer matrix
    208  I think I find a bug of python numpy.polyfit()
    208  Install Numpy-stl on WIN10
    208  Insert and categorize a Numpy array into a Django modelled database EAV schema
    208  In numpy, q1 = p[:] instead of q1 = p, yet p is modified when I modify q1? [duplicate]
    208  Initialize numpy array using in-place sorted list
    208  How to work with matplotlib?
    208  How to use curve_fit function inside a for loop to create multiple regressions in one go in python?
    208  How to put a comma separated value to a numpy cell
    208  How to properly incorporate duck-typing to return original type?
    208  how to multiply two 3D array without using loop using numpy or any other library in python
    208  how to load data and store the data from a file using numpy
    208  How to find unique non-degenerate equations in a system of linear equations
    208  How do I set cell values in `np.array()` based on condition?
    208  How do I fix missing values in a for-loop in a Python list?
    208  Geometric Matrix Multiplication
    208  Finding which array contributes the maximum value for classification
    208  Finding cell location in python
    208  Faster repetitive uses of bz2.BZ2File for pickling
    208  Fast dictionary lookup for word list in Python
    208  Create TensorFlow Dataset with custom file format
    208  Compute zonal statistics for a numpy array in rotated-coordinate space
    208  C#: advanced indexing of arrays (as in Matlab, NumPy) without heavy tools like LINQ
    208  Affine transformation not composing with translation as expected
    208  Accessing Numpy in MSYS2 shell (where MINGW64 works fine, Windows 10)?
    207  Why numpy.where doesn't work with 'double' sliced arrays?
    207  Why am I not seeing Numpy's DeprecationWarning?
    207  vector manipulation in python
    207  ValueError string to float when retrieving float32 from Netcdf file using Netcdf4 in python
    207  Upsample seasonal data to daily data over 10 years in Python xarray
    207  understanding array slices in python
    207  Time dependent data in Mayavi
    207  TensorFlow and word embeddings - TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
    207  Taking the left side of an image in Python
    207  Specific interpolation method in Pandas/Scipy
    207  Some functions in Pykov (Markov Chain) return 'umfpack' error
    207  scipy.optimize.minimize changes values at low decimal place
    207  running python code on distributed cluster
    207  Python to output record associated with median value of a tuple list, determined by numpy
    207  Python PANDAS: Reverse One-Hot Encoding with Duplicate Categories
    207  Python Equivalent of MATLAB's deval
    207  python 3.5 ubuntu Deep neural Networks syntax error [closed]
    207  Pandas str.extract for np.where: Whitespace outside regex capturing group throws AttributeError
    207  Pandas not working in R Shiny App (''python build_ext --inplace" error)
    207  pandas groupby first column shifted down
    207  numpy.transpose for producing mirror images
    207  Numpy: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    207  Numpy sum gets faster with more entries
    207  Numpy split data by using specific column name?
    207  Numpy Assignment Operator Assignment
    207  nerual network polynomial regression can't fit the curve
    207  need to use different type of interpolation? numpy interp1d
    207  Matrix assignment in Python
    207  Making my cython code more efficient
    207  Iterate Over CSV, Call API With Parameters
    207  Is there a way to generate a list of indices using numpy
    207  In OpenCV bound with Python, why the NumPy function can be used without it being called?
    207  Improve performance of a for loop in Python (possibly with numpy or numba)
    207  How to remove noise after reading a raw image file using np.fromfile() method
    207  How to make slice modification in python 3 (or operator overloading missing)
    207  How to create numpy array of arrays from CSV?
    207  How can I vectorize this simple algorithm with numpy?
    207  getting could not convert string to Timestamp error when trying pass pandas series data to date_range fucntion
    207  Get numpy array with only certain indices
    207  Expanding image field in a pandas dataframe
    207  Curve fitting with gradient descent
    207  Covariance Matrix Python - Omit -9999 Value
    207  Copy the center pixel value to the majority value in the block
    207  Convert one dimensional point list in two dimensional np array
    207  Confusion about numpy strides
    207  Broadcast 1D array against 2D array for lexsort : Permutation for sorting each column independently when considering yet another vector
    207  Best way to wrap C program for a Python interface with a conversion between a data buffer in C and NumPy array?
    207  Backwards axes in numpy.delete
    207  Array to list python
    207  3D Numpy arrays into ITK SNAP
    207  2d array compare to 1d array returns 2d array
    206  where should I insert `os.environ[''MKL_NUM_THREADS''] = ''1''`?
    206  what is the efficient way to work with matrix in numpy
    206  ValueError When Performing scipy.stats test on Pandas Column Selection by Row
    206  Updating batch image array in-place when using joblib
    206  trouble installing numpy in python 2.7 [closed]
    206  Traceback (most recent call last) when using numpy
    206  Sum of precipitation per Timeframe in pandas DataFrame
    206  Select region of interest with border rules
    206  Reshaping numpy ndarray
    206  rasberry pi capture resize results in rounded up dimensions - how do i slice the result using numpy?
    206  Python script returns an array instead of a single value
    206  Pythonic way to extract 2D array from list
    206  Python: faster operation for indexing
    206  PYTHON: Error in recognising numpy module
    206  Python equivalent for MATLAB function frontcon
    206  Procedural Island Generation confusion
    206  Pandas preserve fixed-length char field in structured ndarray
    206  Pandas bins with additional bin of ==0
    206  One hot from strings - getting the index in list of uniques
    206  numpy tolist() uncomfortable output
    206  Numpy summation with sliding window is really slow
    206  numpy/scipy tricky extraction of block matrices
    206  Numpy Producing Wrong Values
    206  Numpy indexing using array
    206  numpy: get rid of loop
    206  Numpy cross product does not return orthogonal vector
    206  NumPy Convolve In One Direction Only
    206  numpy boolean indexing of a matrix
    206  np.meshgrid for high dimensional matrix
    206  np.append when one of the values could be empty or None
    206  Need help to solve performance problems of matplotlib on a Raspberry Pi
    206  more than 40 features causing error in kernelpca scikit learn
    206  Matrix data in Python Sub & Upper Diagonals
    206  Malformed matrix while using hstack?
    206  List with sparse data consumes less memory then the same data as numpy array
    206  Keras Error when fitting the data into the model
    206  Is 2-dimensional numpy.take fast?
    206  How to store a python ndarray on disk?
    206  How to set some tensor elements in tensorflow?
    206  How to pass complex arguments in netcdf python
    206  How to create an array with different data types in Python [closed]
    206  How to compress a matrix into an array/set in NumPy the fastest?
    206  How to calculate Mean Bias Error(MBE) in Python?
    206  How do you use solution of odeint as a variable in Python?
    206  Generate sparse vector
    206  for loop to list comprehension
    206  Find all strongly connected elements
    206  Extract specific paths from matplotlib contour plot
    206  extracting vectors from an array using logical indexing
    206  Error in loading a csv with pandas which is space separated
    206  Eliminate for loops in numpy implementation
    206  Disable silent conversions in numpy
    206  Creating index array in numpy - eliminating double for loop
    206  Convert numpy array of Datetime objects to UTC strings
    206  Computing numpy array mean across axis
    206  Computing nearest neighbor point in 2D dimensions but only from previous times
    206  calculate position of points within a volume after scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform
    206  Broadcasting less-than filtering in NumPy
    206  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'sin'?
    206  Access NumPy 2D array items
    206  2D Numpy Array of Strings WITH column access
    205  Using python pandas how to do some analysis for identify valid mobile numbers
    205  Undo np.fft.fft2 to get the original image
    205  TypeError on np.where using an appended list
    205  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable with spearmanr_coefficient
    205  TypeError: fit() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y' please
    205  Tensorflow logistic regression different output
    205  Strange ...  What does [::5,0] mean
    205  simplegui based pygame to exe file, numpy-atlas.dll error
    205  Resource considerations: 100 numpy arrays in memory updated per second
    205  Reshaping/Combining several sub-matrices to one matrix in multi-dimensional space
    205  Read a binary file using unpack in Python compared with a IDL method
    205  Quickly create 2 large random matrices and multiply them
    205  Python Runtime Error on running T-Test
    205  Python numpy nonzero cumsum
    205  Python: how to subscript 2D array using two 1D arrays [duplicate]
    205  Python class sum with numpy array
    205  Python3: eval() with custom dict not evaluating numbers
    205  pygame, why it can't show gray scale picture
    205  PTVS 2015 Numpy Install
    205  Pre load huge numpy arrays in parallel when train or predict with tensorflow
    205  optimizing python file related to heapq.nlargest and extend using loop
    205  Optimizing logical operations on nested numpy arrays
    205  NumPy where as range indices
    205  Numpy is installed but can't import multiarray
    205  Numpy Broadcast_to((50000,), (50000,32,32,3)) fails. Why?
    205  Np.Linspace gives me empty array
    205  Multi-Variable Gradient Descent using Numpy - Error in no. of coefficients
    205  Mat in C++ to Numpy [closed]
    205  Match python pyfits table by column
    205  macos cx_freeze with numpy error
    205  Log scale plot with limited range on Plank radiation equation
    205  Keeping the dimensionality of image data stack in rgb2gray transformation
    205  Is there a faster way to resize/resample 3d volumes other than scipy.ndimage.zoom?
    205  In Scipy why does custom.rvs() having uniform probability return the values in the begining region only?
    205  How to use arrays to access matrix elements?
    205  How to speedup array access when using Python+NumPy+Numba
    205  How to simulate random returns with numpy
    205  How to sample a numpy array and perform computation on each sample efficiently?
    205  How to 'partially' install a Python package
    205  how to optimize numpy code for Markovian path
    205  How to optimize NumPy array algebra for speed?
    205  How to minimize chi squared for 3 linear fits
    205  How to interpret this numpy corrcoef output
    205  How to fix numpy floating-point operations producing inexact results?
    205  How do I create a list of true and false values when comparing two numpy arrays?
    205  How can I use numpy.mean() on ndarray with a condition?
    205  How can i speed up operations with NumPy array in Python 2.7
    205  Fast sparse matrix multiplication w/o allocating a dense array
    205  Fastest Python log-sum-exp in a 'reduceat'
    205  Efficient product of columns in Pandas
    205  Efficient GROUP BY query on numpy recarray
    205  Detect loops/intersections in matplotlib scatter plot
    205  Create a block numpy array from a numpy array of 2D numpy arrays efficiently
    205  Converting a binary image file into a 224*224 image in numpy array
    205  Convert array of arrays of different size into a structured array [duplicate]
    205  Computationally fastest way to make a new numpy array of every n elements from a numpy array [duplicate]
    205  calculate linear regression curve (as described on tradingview docs) TALIB
    205  ''bucketsort'' with pythons multiprocessing
    205  Access columns and rows of numpy.ndarray
    204  Why is there bit shifting when converting to an image from an array?
    204  Vectorize an index-based matrix operation in numpy
    204  TypeError when using SymPy matrices for numpy.linalg.eig
    204  Translate integers in a numpy array to a contiguous range 0 ... n
    204  sympy expression that lambdify's to numpy maximum
    204  Subset a 2D array by a 2D array in python [duplicate]
    204  Splitting numpy array at an index
    204  Speed up numpy filtering
    204  Skew calculation positive when I believe it should be negative. Why is this?
    204  Shift several graphs under each other
    204  Setting values for a numpy ndarray using mask
    204  scikit-learn - Process input as DataFrame in custom estimator
    204  Python - Plot lower and upper bound for a small region
    204  python: numpy runs script twice
    204  Python: index 3D array with 3D bool and return 3D array of same size ...  elegantly
    204  Python - How to reduce the number of entries per row or symmetric matrix by keeping K largest values
    204  Python finding time to return to equilibrium in SHM
    204  Python Filter multiple row
    204  Preprocessing text data on many columns from a data frame using python
    204  Pip3 install doesn't install the numpy module
    204  numpy curvefit reciprocal function
    204  numpy array using np.arange converted to pd data frame
    204  Not understanding how Pandas styler works for exporting to excel (.format, .set_properties)
    204  Nested For Loops Numpy Array: Is vectorizing possible?
    204  Masking a pandas dataframe object
    204  Is there a function which apply a displacement map / matrix on an image?
    204  Is it possible to close a memmap'd temporary file without flushing its contents?
    204  installing numpy on xp python v 3.3
    204  increment float32 by smallest possible amount (using numpy currently)
    204  Include Python Site-package in project folder
    204  How to validate Pandas Dataframe column consist of month-end dates?
    204  How to reduce processing time for multiple nested loops
    204  How to get a mapping from high to low resolution ndarray in numpy
    204  How to fix KeyError when assigning regions to states in a dictionary
    204  How to find the index of the element in a list that first appears in another given list?
    204  How to delete rows of numpy array by multiple row indices?
    204  How to apply kriging for 3D arrays in Python?
    204  How do I pass on points that the user entered in Matplotlib to a np.array?
    204  Fastest way to mix arrays in numpy?
    204  Fastest way to mask rows of a 2D numpy array given a boolean vector of same length?
    204  Extrapolation numpy curve by asymptotic curve
    204  empty document error: scikit learn
    204  Convert PythonMagick Image object to numpy array (for OpenCV) and then to PIL image object
    204  Compute median for numpy histogram2d data
    204  Compare Pandas DatetimeIndex to a smaller DatetimeIndex with condition
    204  Can't export a NumPy array to R dataset
    204  Can't edit dataframe data through iloc in pandas
    204  broadcast numpy difference to a third dimension
    204  Big arrays with numpy ctypes
    204  Array update in scala (an equivalent to NumPy broadcast assignment)
    204  anaconda 4.3 pandas sum
    204  ACCESS_READ error during numpy.load using mmap
    203  Why do the generated images have a different shape than the real images in this GAN?
    203  why do I get warning on scipy sparse column slicing?
    203  unmapped memory access in array passed from python to c++
    203  To convert a byte string to a matplotlib readable time
    203  The `out` arguments in `numpy.einsum` can not work as expected
    203  Tensorflow Agent that choose random action
    203  Taking the mean of square bins in matplotlib
    203  reshape with * Operator
    203  Python: list comprehension behavior for one/many elements 2D arrays
    203  python import does not work in scripts [duplicate]
    203  Python Groupby Function Vectorized
    203  python glm numpy array
    203  Python 2.7 memory leak with scipy.minimze
    203  Populate values from one numpy array into another
    203  Plot one real time graph after another
    203  Passing varying number of function arguments into a function using a for loop Python
    203  Pandas Series apply function for each value of out variable
    203  Numpy Overflow in calculations disrupting code
    203  numpy: extract multiple subarrays of a position array in an efficient way
    203  numpy.delete changing arrays of floats to strings
    203  Numpy: create a matrix from smaller matrices
    203  Numpy: binning boolean data
    203  Numpy array declaration error
    203  NumPy append to 1-column vector
    203  Neural network: Batch-version affine layer back-propagation weight matrix updation
    203  Multiply each row of a scipy sparse matrix by an element of an array, without using multiply [duplicate]
    203  Multiply each column in a data frame with the columns to its right in Python
    203  MemeryError installing numpy on Ubuntu 16.04 on Digital Ocean
    203  matlab syntax of '' ' ''
    203  Is there an np.arange fuction for matrix?
    203  IPython engines returning different results
    203  Im trying to create an image while using a list full of RGB values
    203  How to partially flatten a cube (or higger dimensional ndarray) in numpy?
    203  How to multiply the y-axis values of a histogram by a fixed number in Python
    203  How to invert a matrix that contains all-zero rows?
    203  how to get to various attributes in the same order in python
    203  How to export 3D vector field from numpy array to *.vtk-file using pyvtk?
    203  How to create this tabular data structure with numpy?
    203  How to count occurence of true positives using pandas or numpy?
    203  How do I make pyre-check library work with numpy?
    203  How does one control all source of randomness in python reliably with the aid of the user?
    203  How Can I Release memory after deleting a variable in python? [duplicate]
    203  How can I download and install Numpy and Pandapower?
    203  Getting error to extract data from coinmarketcap
    203  From 3D to 2D in Python
    203  Find and replace specific value in numpy ndarray?
    203  fast interpolation of a (50000,3000) numpy array along axis=-1
    203  extract the dimensions from the head lines of text file
    203  Extracting 1d arrays from 3d numpy array using 2d boolean
    203  Extending currently written Klatt C program to interface with script using numpy
    203  Error when pip installing files from requirements.txt
    203  Equivalent API of `tf.norm` of Tensorflow 1.+ for Tensorflow0.11
    203  Cython boundscheck & nonecheck
    203  Create numpy array from multi index pandas series
    203  Convert a string into an image when it comes from whatsapi
    203  Comparing Numpy Arrays
    203  Color every point in a scatterplot differently in numpy/python [duplicate]
    203  Check if mkl correctly installed in python3
    203  Can this double list comprehension go straight into an array (Is there a more Pythonic way?)
    203  Boundary modes in scipy.ndimage.laplace
    202  xarray: mean of data stored via OPeNDAP
    202  Why is half-precision complex float arithmetic not supported in Python and CUDA?
    202  Why do elements in Python for  ...  in  ... : statements use byValue behavior?
    202  Vectorising nested for loops with loop dependency in NumPy
    202  Vectorised way to query date and price data
    202  Using Numpy.linalg in c++
    202  Using Numpy and while loops to generate all possible addition combinations
    202  Use different delimiters in Python or numpy
    202  Trouble importing extension compiled with numpy.distutils
    202  time series - calculating the daily average without 29.02 in python
    202  Starred expression inside square brackets
    202  Slicing one column from a NumPy array with datatype?
    202  represent numpy ellipsis
    202  Replacing a nested loop
    202  Raster plot not showing symbols using plt.scatter function
    202  Quick comparison of numpy array elements, greater or less than each other
    202  Python | numpy | list indices must be integers, not tuple
    202  Python error in plotting with different step size
    202  Pandas: fix typos in keys within a dataframe
    202  Pandas - DataFrame aggregate behaving oddly
    202  Numpy throws an IndexError although indices seem to be integers for me
    202  Numpy array operation using another indices array
    202  numpy array of numpy arrays of numpy arrays
    202  numpy advanced indexing on multidimensional-array
    202  Modify a Numpy string array from Fortran with f2py
    202  making numpy.savez deterministic
    202  Is there any function to denoise multiple images at a time with python
    202  Issue creating a Numpy NDArray from PyArray_SimpleNewFromData
    202  Insert zeroes between elements in a numpy array
    202  IndexError: list assignment index out of range in python 2.7.11
    202  How to mask or crop an image region after applying connected components
    202  How to get indexes of values in a Pandas DataFrame?
    202  How to convert a list of numpy files to a list of binary files?
    202  How can I use numpy functions within NumbaPro functions?
    202  How can I solve an equation like 'x^3/3x == 4' using Scipy? [closed]
    202  How can I implement x[i][j] = y[i+j] efficiently in numpy?
    202  How can I have structured dtypes using sparse matrices (in scipy.sparse)?
    202  How can I compile a C function into a numpy ufunc and load it dynamically?
    202  generate .gif file from 4d numpy array into memory stream
    202  find index of first element in array that matches some condition
    202  Extract hue channel from HSV image in Pillow
    202  Edge based binarization
    202  Determine the shuffled indices of two lists/arrays
    202  Combine two numpy arrays into matrix with a two-argument function
    202  Chained list comprehension in python
    202  Approximation of vector-valued multivariate function with arbitrary in- and output dimensions in Numpy/Scipy
    202  Append npy file to another npy file with same number of columns in both files
    202  Appending a pair of numpy arrays in a specific format to a 3rd array
    201  Why is python saying dictionary is not defined?
    201  What is differnces between array[0] and array[0:1] in Python?
    201  ValueError using np.loadtxt
    201  using boolean array indexing in numpy causes ValueError
    201  Subdivide integration domain in scipy
    201  statsmodels error when importing numpy.core.numerictypes : AttributeError: module 'numpy.core' has no attribute 'numerictypes'
    201  SciPy pdist diagonal is zero with custom metric function
    201  removing duplicate rows in pandas with multiple conditions [duplicate]
    201  Python-saving matrix after all iterations
    201  Python processing CSV file really slow
    201  Python: Extracting float values from array of lists
    201  PYMC Water Demand Forecasting
    201  Plot Dates in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set
    201  Performance issue in python with nested loop
    201  Parallelize operations for each cell in a numpy array
    201  pandas.to_datetime() automatically converting to <M8[ns] and unable to use numpy.isnat()
    201  pandas: Group by splitting string value in all rows (a column) and aggregation function
    201  numpy squeeze side effects
    201  numpy savetxt sort order
    201  Numpy polynomial generation
    201  Numpy on python 3
    201  numpy load times (.npy file)
    201  Numpy - Clustering - Distance - Vectorisation
    201  Not able to import numpy in JyNi alpha 4
    201  MFCC Sampling frequency
    201  Merge dictionaries with key combinations
    201  I've imported all the requirements for matplotlib, but I am still running into errors
    201  Is the fact that scipy.fft links to numpy.fft.fftpack.fft documented anywhere?
    201  indexing a numpy array with indices from another array
    201  How to use np.transpose() [closed]
    201  How to set 2d array on jit decorator without numpy?
    201  How to remove None rows from numpy array of arrays?
    201  How to interpolate the missing pixel values of a 32x32 image using scipy griddata?
    201  How to get counts per each partition in the values ranging 0-10, 10-20, ...  90-100
    201  How to discretize stored data in numpy array using Orange?
    201  How to deform/scale a 3 dimensional numpy array in one dimension?
    201  How to convert image(ndarray object) to image object so that it can be JSON serialized?
    201  how to collapse columns in pandas on null values?
    201  How to calculate overall correlation from a correlation matrix with weighted variables?
    201  How do I truncate an EARRAY in an HDF5 file using pytables?
    201  How can I zero pad part of a loaded image with Numpy / Keras?
    201  Finding discrete logic levels in a waveform
    201  Find indices in an array that contain one of values from another array
    201  Faster double iteration over a single array in Python
    201  Fancy Indexing with Boolean Masking | Numpy in Python
    201  Efficient array creation in numpy
    201  Does ComputeBandStats take nodata into account?
    201  Difference between numpy 3D array and openCV imread object
    201  Decoding bytearray in Python3-x
    201  Cython: assigning INFINITY or numpy.inf to a typed variable results to 0
    201  Cryptic warning pops up when doing pandas assignment with loc and iloc
    201  Converting Pandas DF to Numpy Array gives me a # of features error when trying to predict?
    201  Computing mean and variance of numpy memmap Infinity output
    201  Best Way To Save/Load Data To/From A .CSV File
    201  are elements of an array in a set?
    200  Wrong values in Global stiffness matrix FEM
    200  working with multindexes in pandas, finding the 3 maximum for each subindex and outputting the data
    200  Why is tempered mcmc fit not convering well?
    200  Why do negative numpy.float64 yield nan when expontiated with a fractional number?
    200  Transfer matrix elements to another matrix's diagonal
    200  Tensor Scalar Multiplication Tensor Flow
    200  Tensorflow convolution vs. Tensorflow multiplication and sum vs. Numpy multiplication and sum
    200  Solve equations by scipy.optimize
    200  Sklearn, inconsistent numbers of samples using sparse matrices
    200  Select rows such that specific column contains values from a list
    200  SciPy KDE gradient
    200  Reshaping Array from 1D to 3D for Keras
    200  Reading CSV File using Numpy
    200  Python Terminal Text Output Formatting
    200  Python readin .txt and put in an array with numpy
    200  Python matrix comparison
    200  predicting values given a sinusouidal fit
    200  numpy histogram2d return zeros where there is data
    200  numpy double installation (pip vs apt-get)
    200  Mapping a dataframe based on the columns from other dataframe
    200  Is this Haskell code equivalent to this Python code?
    200  Is there a Numpy or Pandas setting to issue a warning whenever a NaN value is created
    200  Is there an equivalent of `sum()` builtin which uses augmented assignment?
    200  Issue with large files in Python 2.7
    200  In python, How to divide multivariate Gaussian distributions to separate Gaussians?
    200  ImportError: No module named **** appears when running from cmd prompt for any module
    200  IFFT taking orders of magnitude more than FFT
    200  How to slice a multidimensional array into two arrays?
    200  How to plot density of states DOS using histogram?
    200  How to feed multiple initial guesses in curve_fit?
    200  How to create linear function in Python without using numpy.linspace()
    200  How to call a function on the slices of a vectorized sliding window?
    200  How do I pass my input to keras?
    200  How does the parameter 'a' of the numpy mean function work?
    200  How can I gradually free memory from a numpy array?
    200  Get intermediate points of SciPy CubicSpline
    200  find parent array of numpy slice array
    200  Find index of conditional selection Python numpy
    200  Find absolute minimum between two numpy arrays but keep the sign
    200  Errors using modified arctan2 in plotting with numpy
    200  Efficient transformations of 3D numpy arrays
    200  Dropping the columns that contain NaN
    200  Determine if __array_wrap__ on ndarray subclass is called from unary ufunc or binary ufunc
    200  Cythonize a partial differential equation integrator
    200  create structured numpy array in python with strings and int
    200  Create a set of slices from a numpy array, for parallelization
    200  Calculating means of a NumPy array by grouping rows
    200  Black output with image manipulation in Tensorflow (using a jpeg decoder for Neural net training)
    200  Best Way to Resize Numpy Dtype for Structured data
    200  automatically making matplotlib image flush with other subplot label
    200  Array Indexing in multi dimensional numpy array
    200  Advanced slicing: Python lists vs Numpy arrays [duplicate]
    200  3D Plotting with 3D numpy array with given set of datas
    199  Vectorized computation of log(n!)
    199  Using itertools.groupby Without Changing the Type of the Key?
    199  Update numpy array row by condition
    199  Select Numpy Array of Objects by Objects Attributes
    199  Reconstruct a 2D array from a string
    199  Python vectorization, how to get all index for every row with numpy
    199  python uses system cpu time when consuming memory
    199  python tensors with named field access
    199  Python Profiling - discrepancy between inlining and calling function
    199  Python plotting data generated from for loop inside for loop
    199  Python Pandas how to find top string which co-occurs?
    199  python2.7 - store boolean values as individual bits when writing to disk
    199  Plotting DataFrame with rows containing numpy arrays
    199  pandas - load matrix style csv directly to pivottable object
    199  Override a dict with numpy support
    199  Numpy vectorized zero-order interpolation
    199  numpy.unique gives wrong output for list of sets
    199  Numpy no module/attribute when importing other packages depending on it
    199  numpy genfromtxt date conversion error
    199  numpy array memory larger than expected
    199  numpy arange function returns inconsistant array
    199  np reshape within pandas apply
    199  Neural Network XOR with numpy not converging
    199  Memory issues with creating an adjacency matrix using Coo-matrix
    199  MemoryError in numpy.append despite enough RAM
    199  I need to make pytesseract.image_to_string faster
    199  How to use numpy.meshgrid to plot a function
    199  How to sessionize data in pandas rows?
    199  how to obtain residuals from numpy svd
    199  How to generate all possible pairs of coordinates without repetition in numpy efficiently
    199  How to efficiently round only one column of numpy array to nearest 0.5?
    199  How to efficiently change numpy array elements depending on condition
    199  How to drop rows from numpy array based on values from another numpy array?
    199  How to create a masked array using imported by PyCall in Julia
    199  how to convert flattened array of RGB image(1-D) back to original image
    199  How do you change the axis on a heatmap using python?
    199  how can I apply the function on two lists in numpy pandas
    199  Getting Pandas NaT to propagate like NaN
    199  Get path of boundaries of contiguous regions in 2D array
    199  Filter DataFrame after sklearn.feature_selection
    199  Fastest Cython implementation depends on computer?
    199  Expanding a Pandas.dataframe after encoding
    199  Efficiently combining two numpy arrays without adding
    199  Detect the first unique rows in multiple numpy 2-d arrays
    199  Create a permutation with same autocorrelation
    199  Convert a pandas dataframe function into a more efficient function
    199  clustering based on tags in python
    199  change numpy array to start from zero
    199  Can I use ffmpeg to output jpgs to a numpy array in python without writing the files to disk etc?
    199  Calculating row-wise time difference in python
    199  animate quivers on basemap
    198  why return np.random.normal(10 - 1. / (x + 0.1), 0.5) works
    198  Why KL divergence is giving nan? Is it some mathematical error or my input data is incorrect?
    198  What does the array from return of matplotlib.image.imread() mean?
    198  What does ''dimensionality'' mean for a numpy array?
    198  Vectorizing function issue in Python
    198  Transpose Numpy Array (Vector)
    198  Subtracting Two dates from columns in 2 dataframes pandas
    198  Segmentation fault with numpy '''' with ''import cplex''
    198  scipy.sparse.linalg: what's the difference between splu and factorized?
    198  Reshape dataframe to dataframe with unlimited rows and filling zeroes where no values
    198  RcppCNPy not usable after Rcpp update
    198  Python - Sample from 'x' lists with different distribution
    198  Python Linspace passing in function return only one number
    198  Python : Float addition causing problems in conditional statement [duplicate]
    198  Python - Call numpy method on strings of dataframe column?
    198  Plotting animate 3d graph from file.txt
    198  Passing Variable Via Name (not value) from IPython Terminal to Python Script
    198  Pandas: Iteratively Extract Numpy Arrays From DataFrame
    198  Optimizing iteration using itertools.izip
    198  Optimize a non linear function in python
    198  Operations on huge dense matrices in numpy
    198  Numpy Zero Padding to match a certain shape
    198  numpy tensordot and longfloat - speed issues
    198  Numpy: Negative Execution Time for exponentiation operation
    198  Numpy astype ''upcasting'' array rather than applying dtypes across columns
    198  np.sum Not returning total counts
    198  Multiprocessing python function for numerical calculations
    198  multiple versions of python, how to install python package on a specific version?
    198  Multiple return statements issue in python
    198  Maximum Recursion Occurs, what went wrong in Keller Box?
    198  Matplotlib: Scatterplot and heatmap in the same plot
    198  Is there a function for calculating all the pairwise dot products of the columns of a matrix, or between all pairs in a list of vectors?
    198  Issues converting dtype i4 to dtype s4
    198  how to print values in an array in order after sorted indexes in python?
    198  How to pair (x,y) pairs using numpy
    198  How to get python return values in C?
    198  How to convert 4d numpy array of images to 3d?
    198  How does scipy.linalg.eigvals actually calculate eigenvalues?
    198  How can I sort a numpy array to find a minimum coordinate?
    198  How can I extract data from a Python tuple?
    198  How can I add datetime column to np.array
    198  genfromtxt from numpy package doesn't work as expecting in Jupyter notebook
    198  Generating 3-D surface plot with data from different sized grid points in python
    198  Generate two random numbers whose square sum ==1
    198  Find number of non-zero elements adjacent to zeros in numpy 2D array
    198  Finding first 0 in first row of numpy array
    198  Extract different rows from two numpy 2D arrays
    198  Disable numpy fancy indexing and assignment?
    198  Cycling Slicing in Python
    198  Credit card validation - returning values that aren't hard coded
    198  Correctly Call __set__ in MongoEngine Document constructor
    198  Converting 3D matrix to cascaded 2D Matrices
    198  Condition on numpy arrays
    198  Can't Transform Matplotlib Basemap Projection
    198  Calculate Euclidean distance between two python arrays
    198  Boolean index for multidimensional array
    198  Applying transformations to dataframes with multi-level indices in Python's pandas
    198  Adding Submatrix in Numpy without Loop
    197  Why does Pandas.DataFrame.iloc convert to numpy.float64 and round?
    197  Where on Earth is the numpy download for python 3.x?
    197  What this code does in python?
    197  What is the usual method for unattended installation of Python packages with platform-specific extensions in Windows?
    197  Unexpected behaviour for evaluation metrics (precision etc) in sklearn
    197  sum array with condition in another array with numpy
    197  subtract operator on numpy.bool_
    197  Store vertices of Polygons from Binary Image in an array
    197  Stitching grids of varying grid spacing
    197  Stacked histogram with bin heights defined in numpy array
    197  Skipping INF values in 2d array Python
    197  Send np.datatime64 to Chart.js chart in Flask using jinja2 [duplicate]
    197  rpy2.ipython errors with pandas / numpy
    197  Retrieving values of Numpy arrays stored as values of a dictionary with a list comprehension
    197  Reshape ndarray in batches for RNN
    197  Removing the last value in the 2D array in Python
    197  Readability and efficiency, Which is better? Numpy, tuple, etc?
    197  Python partitioning an N-dimensional volume into uniform sub-volumes
    197  python numpy was installed but throws '' ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'''
    197  Python: fsum for complex numbers
    197  Python - Create a reducing array
    197  Python-Calculating the roots of a simple non-linear equation system
    197  Numpy time-dependent 2D matrix multiplication
    197  Numpy Select indices with complex conditions
    197  numpy, return of array of indices in shape of
    197  numpy recarray from CSV dtype has many columns but shape says just one row, why is that?
    197  numpy.random.choice() not functionning right
    197  numpy.linalg.eigvals shows different values for the transpose of a matrix - is this due to overflow?
    197  numpy join entries intersecting at a cell
    197  numpy: How do you ''break'' a numpy operation?
    197  NumPy Array - changing all the entrances
    197  Neural net optimization failing (using Scipy fmin_cg)
    197  Modifying pandas dataframe in place using numpy ufuncs
    197  List and tuple behave differently
    197  Is there a numpy function to convert from log(e) to log(10)?
    197  Is Scipy's distance.cdist function only single thread or is it possible to make it multithread?
    197  Inverse of matrix different when using Excel and Python
    197  image multiply to color correction matrix using python
    197  I am getting the following import error, although I have numpy installed
    197  How to use np.where and np.in1d
    197  How to merge ith values of two different array in one array python
    197  How to have two leading blanks using savetxt in Numpy
    197  How to extract the X or a tuple value from openCV - findContours where Y=39
    197  How to create numpy array with values in specific range?
    197  How to count occurrences of each key in list of dictionaries efficiently?
    197  How to convert dataframe to a 3D ndarray
    197  How to change chunks of data in a numpy array
    197  How do you pickle figure objects in matplotlib?
    197  How do you convert jpeg (uint8) to tiff (float32) format in Python for raster band indices?
    197  Have I reached some limit of a scipy calculation?
    197  Gradients and Quiver plots
    197  get desired element in numpy array of unequal row lengths, without using for loop
    197  For loop with np.arctan2
    197  Find subgroups of a numpy array
    197  Find entries that do not match between columns and iterate through columns
    197  Fast 'Record Update' To Binary Files?
    197  faster histogram2d calculations in numpy
    197  Fancy indexing with tuples
    197  extract value of a numeric array function in numpy
    197  EOFError with numpy.load()
    197  Do we need to use flatten and reshape in Theano if we use a matrix of indexes?
    197  Discrete minimization with constraints in python
    197  Determine widening conversion of NumPy types
    197  delete ndarray numpy row if it has wrong data type
    197  Creating a large database from many files with pandas
    197  Coverting big list of 2D elements to 3D NumPy array - memory problem
    197  Converting a list of pairs into smallest possible DataFrame representation?
    197  Contiguous memory zone with with Numpy C API?
    197  Can numpy/pandas handle boolean operators acting on null values?
    197  Can numpy functions replace this for loop to gain speed?
    197  Broadcasting custom function
    197  Best way to speed up calculation of sum of squared residuals in python
    197  Best way of using masks to select sub-vectors in Python
    197  Appending an array in a while loop
    197  Accessing row in a 2-D tensor
    197  a=b seems to be the identiy, not a copy. Why? [duplicate]
    196  xtensor pass numpy array to function with xt::xtensor argument type
    196  x-axis labelling with matplotlib
    196  XArray - Multidimensional Binning & Array Reduction on Sample Dataset of 4 x4 to 2 x 2
    196  Wrong polynomial value after multiplication by using numpy
    196  Wrapping np.arrays __pow__ method
    196  What is the best way to reshape and/or slice this array to create the desired pairs of items using NumPy?
    196  Trying to find the second largest value after grouping by even number python
    196  Sum of values in array - Python
    196  Streamplot not working outside of the mgrid example
    196  sample n zeros from a sparse.coo_matrix
    196  Python List Comprehension with zip() TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer (numpy version 1.14.2)
    196  Python in place object update in a for loop
    196  python genfromtext specify some dtype but leave others for automatic determination
    196  Python fsolve via data interpolation with array values
    196  Python error - ''too many indices for array''
    196  Python Decorators with function arguments
    196  Python: Calculate the average speed and the standard deviation of every timestep
    196  Python: add new row values to a matrix
    196  Python2.7: Not able to create null vales with np.where and np.nan methods
    196  Plotting a Function Over Multiple Constants
    196  pivot a table in python using pandas
    196  pandas : reduction of timedelta64 using sum() results in int64?
    196  Pandas groupby: efficiently extract indexes
    196  Pandas divide fill with multiple values
    196  pandas: Convert a distance matrix into a dictionary with the elements sorted by proximity
    196  NumPy Slicing with Multiple Tuples
    196  NumPy/Scipy locks PyQt event loops
    196  numpy.reciprocal returns different values when called repeatedly [duplicate]
    196  Numpy: finding nonzero values along arbitrary dimension
    196  Numpy: does matrix-vector multiplication not skip computation when some vector elements are equal to zero?
    196  Numpy compare two 3d array and find identical arrays
    196  Numpy array : NOT select specific rows or columns
    196  modify numpy array to return `nan` out of bounds?
    196  Missing numpy dependency
    196  Memory Error when making time-steps for LSTMS (python)
    196  Memoize a single argument in Python method
    196  Is there any documentation on the interdependencies between packages in the scipy, numpy, pandas, scikit ecosystem? Python
    196  Is it possible to keep reference link between list and numpy array
    196  in Python how to find the sum of point-to-centroid distance in each cluster
    196  How to use `scipy.optimize.leastsq` to optimize in the joint least squares direction?
    196  How to use numpy.savetxt at the top of a file
    196  How to substract 2 columns of unaligned data with Python/Pandas?
    196  How to join two pandas Series into a single one with interleaved values?
    196  How to deal with multiple Data Type in cython?
    196  How to count the elements in a Numpy stride-tricks blocks?
    196  How to change a column values with non-continuous numbers in python?
    196  How do you return a changed Python numpy array size reference parameter
    196  How can I get the OTSU thresholds of 100 images in an array without using for loop?
    196  How can I efficiently ''stretch'' present values in an array over absent ones
    196  Giving grayscale image color
    196  Get unique intersection values of two sets
    196  Find the higher value of a .wav [duplicate]
    196  Fastest way to combine and normalise data from mutiple multi-dimensional arrays
    196  Fast and efficient slice of array avoiding delete operation
    196  Extract RGBA array from Figure matplotlib
    196  Extracting data from a large csv file:causes dtype warnings
    196  Error with Yahtzee Code: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    196  Create 3D- polynomial via numpy etc. from given coordinates
    196  Count of items that occur in succession
    196  Convert n-dimensional numpy array to 2-dimensional index array
    196  Convert nan to Zero when numpy dtype is ''object''
    196  Assistance with taking matrix to power of constant
    196  about python matrix logical indexing
    195  Why is it possible to use Python vanilla max() to numpy.ndarray
    195  Why do I get a color noise map when I use an array of floats with imshow() but if I use uint8 I get the image I want?
    195  Why doesn't scikit-cuda subtract broadcast like numpy?
    195  Why are axes flipped with a perspective camera?
    195  What is the working range of `numpy.random.seed()`?
    195  vectorized way to change numpy array values based on another array
    195  Using multiprocessing to create two arrays in python simultaneously
    195  unexpected result when comparing numpy arrays with different shapes
    195  Unable to interpolate data using Rbf in Scipy
    195  Syntax for importing scipy and sklearn modules
    195  Summing one array in terms of another - python
    195  Scaling of time to broadcast an operation on 3D arrays in numpy
    195  Scale a 2D array logarithmically in Python
    195  resampling (downscaling) 2D vector following another 1d/2d vector
    195  Reading several arrays in a binary file with numpy
    195  Python - Fastest / Best way to apply a function to each element of a numpy.array
    195  Python append/concatenate numpy array
    195  Produce a confidence interval contour plot for a linear fit (with two parameters) in Python
    195  Points that follow a 1/R density distribution in an XY grid?
    195  Padding multiple arrays to obtain same shape as largest array
    195  Numpy mmap and kubernetes RAM limits
    195  Numpy matrix inversion with objects
    195  Numpy genfromtxt skipping leading whitespace in each line
    195  NumPy `fromstring` function works fine in Python 2.7 but returns error in Python 3.7
    195  Numpy combine two different linspaces into a coordinate matrix
    195  Numpy average position without looping?
    195  numpy arange values are changing signs unexpectedly
    195  Nesting NumPy arrays and using methods like splitting them
    195  Limiting Numeric Digits in Python
    195  Likeliness of ''A'' being better than ''B'' using Poisson distribution
    195  Keras Prediction: TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
    195  JyNI Eclipse setup
    195  Is there an easy way to apply a function to a subset of a numpy array?
    195  Issue when drawing a numpy array into a QWidget
    195  I need to re-install a numpy extension every time I restart my computer
    195  How to use an additive assignment with list based indexing in Numpy [duplicate]
    195  How to read data from hdf5(h5py) saved as recarray with different types?
    195  How to raise an array in power while broadcasting it?
    195  How to install numpy py3.4 when numpy py2.7 is already installed?
    195  How to find the nearest value in array
    195  How to find intersection points between a line and polyfit in opencv?
    195  How to create a discrete RGB colourmap with N colours using numpy
    195  How do I get the indices of a reverse sorted list? [duplicate]
    195  How do I create a numpy recarray of arbitrary functions?
    195  How does NumPy use ufunc buffers to speed up sum calculation?
    195  How can I do multidimensional matrix multiplication in numpy, scipy
    195  getting matrix element using dictionary-like index in Python
    195  Getting a numpy array view with integer or boolean indexing
    195  Get info from JSON data and store into CSV file
    195  Fast sliding window mean and std deviation on 2D array with NaN values
    195  Fast numpy way to repeat (vertically) each half of 2D array
    195  Does scipy.stats produce different random numbers for different computer hardware?
    195  Dividing integer with numpy.array returns array with zeros
    195  create and use NumPy array with dtype of builtin int
    195  Convert discontinuous numpy array to continuous array Python [duplicate]
    195  Broadcasting error when vectorizing misc.imresize()
    195  Batch call to array of functions in Python
    195  Appending a tuple to a np array returns a list of scalars instead of tuples
    195  An elegant, readable way to read Butcher tableau from a file
    194  Write ndarray with strings in first row followed by a matrix of numbers
    194  Why does Nibabel change the size of my file?
    194  What is the reverse operation of `.value_counts()` in pandas dataframe?
    194  Vectorizing a numpy array call of varying indices
    194  vectorized sum of interpolated values over many arrays
    194  Unmasking an element by assignment in a 2D numpy MaskedArray
    194  Sort array of points in numpy
    194  Read in year, DOY and microsecond data as datetime
    194  Reading a one-dimensional data series spread over columns with NumPy
    194  range builder `r_` - slice with complex (but not imaginary) step; magnitude is used
    194  Python random not working like
    194  python convert image to array not working
    194  Plotting functions from a list using matplotlib
    194  Order one numpy array by another
    194  opencv has an Attribute error. How to troubleshoot?
    194  Numpy, why does `x += y` produce a different result than `x = x + y`? [duplicate]
    194  NumPy memmap slow loading small chunk from large file on first read only
    194  Numpy Indexing with Arrays
    194  numpy.array access
    194  numba.vectorize ufunc does not support timedelta64
    194  Numba in Python for faster code execution uses only one core
    194  Numba failure with np.mean
    194  modify strings in pandas dataframe column
    194  Modify numpy array based on previous value
    194  Memory-friendly way to add a field to a structured ndarray — without duplicating data?
    194  Mean of each column in dataframe
    194  Making a dict vector collecting string from an array using python/scikit/pandas
    194  line interpolation on grid with python3
    194  Is there a way to create a simple user-interactive music synth in python
    194  Indexing with Numpy is inverted
    194  indexing with list comprehensions? Is it possible?
    194  IndexError: list index out of range - cannot reason the logic
    194  How to read csv
    194  How to polyfit() an OpenCV calcHist() histogram?
    194  How to perform stencil computations element-wise on a matrix in Theano?
    194  How can I convert a table of data with different column lengths into boxplots in python
    194  How can I animate a set of moving point in matplotlib?
    194  Getting TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'src' while casting bgr to rgb
    194  Generate an array of random values from a created function to be plotted
    194  FutureWarning error when calculating accuracy of a Word2Vec model
    194  Find maximum integer type at runtime in numpy
    194  Finding euclidean difference between coordinates in numpy
    194  exceptions for numpy arrays
    194  Error in set_printoptions() in numpy
    194  Entropy estimation from discrete variable
    194  Element-wise assignment in tensorflow
    194  Efficient Numpy slicing on 3d array
    194  Difference of function of ''reshape'' in numpy and Keras
    194  curve fitting with a numerical model in python
    194  Create a new array with Timesteps and multiple features, e.g for LSTM
    194  Counting the number of times a variable has changed values
    194  Concatenate with broadcast
    194  Combine multiply numpy columns into one for multi-label classification
    194  Cannot unflat numpy arrays properly
    193  Why is there extra space at the bottom of this plot?
    193  Why does not nympy.nanmin() find the correct value
    193  weave.inline not compatible with scipy.optimize.leastsq?
    193  Trying to understand what is happening in this Python Function
    193  System Freeze With numpy / pandas
    193  specify dtypes when saving pandas dataframe to a binary file
    193  sparse symmetric matrix generation with diagonal elements non zero in python
    193  Save BGR image with cv2.imwrite
    193  RuntimeError: NumPy internal error: could not find function numpy.core._methods._amin
    193  Reshaping an ndarray for Support Vector Machines
    193  Redistribute entries into multiple rows in a huge pandas data frame
    193  Real-time processing of spectrograms to audio stream
    193  Python numpy.genfromtxt
    193  python matrix vs numpy matrix. What am I doing wrong?
    193  python: function parameter updating issues
    193  Python error while solving complex coupled differential equations [duplicate]
    193  Python - Error when inserting data (TypeError: Object of type 'int64' is not JSON serializable)
    193  Problems with modulo operation in Python for computing gcd
    193  Perform matrix multiplication with cosine similarity function
    193  Nunmpy sum() function + comprehensions: int32 or in64?
    193  numpy summation with matrix indices
    193  numpy not installing properly
    193  Numpy not found in python and found in ipython
    193  numpy newaxis does not always append new axis where I want to
    193  Numba giving error for NumPy
    193  Matplotlib(python) - drawing stationary signal
    193  Levi-Civita tensor in numpy
    193  is there a way to use pretrained doc2vec model to evaluate some document dataset
    193  Insert matplotlib's Path into Numpy ndarray
    193  I'm trying to run an Ipython notebook, except it's giving me an ''astype timedelta64'' error
    193  How to use numpy einsum_path result?
    193  How to translate an R wrapper around a C++ function to Python/Numpy
    193  How to generate an array of 1,0 with poisson distribution in python
    193  How to effectively compute the pdf of a given dataset
    193  How to determine whether a memory page is mmaped in C
    193  How do I load datetime using pylab.loadtxt for readable x axis?
    193  Healpy default format for lmax
    193  Generate list of random number with condition - numpy
    193  Finding largest closed 3D contour plot
    193  Faster way to perform sort by index on pandas group
    193  Element-wise operations of arrays of different size
    193  Creating Numpy Arrays of Images
    193  Create a new column in Pandas Dataframe based on the 'NaN' values in other columns
    193  concatenate or vstack numpy arrays doubling memory
    193  Clustering points based on their function values and proximity
    193  can not deploy django scikit learn project on heroku, slug size too large error
    193  Cannot create custom classifier in tensorflow
    193  behavior of python round functions when the inputs is of the type np.float64
    193  automatically resolve numpy recarray
    193  append values to a single list or array from a loop in python
    193  Access single cell of pandas dataframe?
    192  Why is shape empty?
    192  Why does pandas.DataFrame.mean() work but pandas.DataFrame.std() does not over same data
    192  which are the high frequency terms in numpy.fftn?
    192  what happens under the hood of broadcasting a numpy array
    192  What does it mean to sort an array/matrix by the argmax as the key?
    192  Vectorised `signal.lfilter`
    192  ValueError: Too large work array required  -  computation cannot be performed with standard 32-bit LAPACK on linux server
    192  Updating a value in numpy.ndarray
    192  ''''''TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars'''''' when trying to make run a counter on Pi3 with 7segment display
    192  Turning an np array into a jagged np array based on boolean conditions
    192  Tunning Neural Network made in Python with NumPy
    192  Tkinter: Return array from a function
    192  The first and the last number between None's in a python array
    192  Systematically moving through every number in a numpy array
    192  Swap zeros in numpy matrix
    192  Store 3D numpy array of outer products into block-diagonal sparse matrix
    192  Sklearn AdaBoostClassifier errors out on same data as GradientBoostingClassifier
    192  Should samples from np.random.normal sum to zero?
    192  Scipy Stats rv_continuous without normalization constant
    192  Scipy: Sparse indicator matrix from array(s)
    192  Sample single digit from Conditional WGAN-GP in Keras
    192  Reusing data in python
    192  Python, numpy, printing in non scientific way
    192  Python function: return an array without additional memory allocations
    192  Python 3.5 multiprocessing pools && 'numpy.int64 has no attribute .loc'
    192  problems installing numpy on Mac 10.6.8
    192  Preserving sequential order of numpy 2D arrays
    192  pandas or numpy to mean the sum of three months. Return as list
    192  pandas iteratively update column values
    192  PANDAS: How to pd.read_csv and split 7 digits integers into 4 by 3 integers?
    192  numpy submatrix 3D using a single indexing item
    192  numpy shape: rearranging axes to get desired format
    192  numpy set_printoptions format for whole dollars
    192  Numpy not fond on pycharm but works on spyder
    192  Numpy failing to properly square array
    192  numpy argmax not getting all values from generator expression
    192  Large Numpy array handler, numpy data procession, memmap funciton mapping
    192  Iterative functions that are adjustable for pandas dataframe?
    192  Integrating over large masked arrays
    192  incrementing elements of an array in python
    192  Importing CSV into Python
    192  How to use SuperLU object to get the inverse of matrix?
    192  How to round a numpy vectorize function returned list?
    192  How to reshape/rearrange this list of numpy arrays
    192  How to define a float matrix in python 2.7
    192  How to call the library in Python to achieve the same function as dctmtx(N) in matlab
    192  How can I do cross multiplication with strings in Python?
    192  Gensim: calling docvecs.most_similar yields error
    192  fft numpy style on iOS accelerate with non power of two data length
    192  Efficiently generating a large array of biased coin flips
    192  Display minimum value excluding zero along with adjacent column value from each year + Python 3+, dataframe
    192  Copy 2D array to a 3D one - Python / NumPy
    192  Converting python float to bytes
    192  Conditional Mutual information
    192  Conditionally select dataframes from a list of dfs
    192  Cleaning or referencing pandas dataframes with mixed data
    192  Check if return value is instance of Py_None [duplicate]
    192  Can python Deap deal with individual have two kinds of variable, float and int?
    192  calculate mean sales per minute accross 24-hour cycles as per local-time (HH:MM)
    192  Array allocation for CPU and GPU functions in NUMBA
    192  Apply numpy function (np.vstack) on generator returning 2 values
    191  Vectorized way to arrange vector into matrix (numpy)
    191  ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_2 to have shape (1,) but got array with shape (500,) [Sentiment Analysis]
    191  Using df.apply() with a Pandas MuliIndex / carrying out operations on hierarchical index rows?
    191  trouble with saving ndarray to text file
    191  Transform a 3 columns (x, y, result) Python Pandas DataFrame to a DataFrame of result values with x (unique) as row and y (unique) as column
    191  Sum of Subset for float values not working
    191  Steepest descent spitting out unreasonably large values
    191  Speeding up summation for loop in python
    191  Solving ODE with large set of initial conditions in parallel through Python
    191  Replace sequential product and sum with a faster matrix operation in 3D
    191  Recomended way to create a matrix containing strings in python
    191  python NumPy Value Error Issue [closed]
    191  python numpy strange boolean arithmetic behaviour
    191  python(numpy)  -  create array and how to implement an expression
    191  Python Numpy Array Mult Combinations
    191  Python how to handle very small numbers
    191  python3: numpy works, but numpy.integrate doesn't
    191  obtaining indices of n max absolute values in dataframe row
    191  Numpy seterr for all functions in module
    191  Numpy safe programming
    191  numpy How to reduce computation time by converting 64-bit data to 32-bit or lower dtypes
    191  Numpy CSV fromfile()
    191  Numpy create two arrays using fromiter simultaneously
    191  numpy broadcast addition along arbitrary axes
    191  numpy array to list formatting
    191  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
    191  lambda function on a numpy array. What's wrong with this piece of code?
    191  Iterator for variable number of nested loops
    191  Is there a way to get the index of a percentage of a cummulative sum from a sorted list?
    191  Ipython is not working
    191  Installing numpy python
    191  I installed Anaconda3 on my Mac for Python. However when I try to use numpy it says ImportError: No module named 'numpy'
    191  How to vectorize in Pandas when values depend on prior values
    191  How to replace certain symbols in dtype.names in Python?
    191  How to output a Numpy array to a file object for Picloud
    191  How to multiply many matrix pairs with different shape quickly in numpy?
    191  How to make the converters keyword of genfromtxt (numpy) work in Python 3?
    191  How to display nth-row and last row
    191  How to count adjacent recurring elements in an array?
    191  How to apply filter to local maxima (plot)
    191  how do you distinguish numpy arrays from Python's built-in objects
    191  Give a percentage(5%) to randomly permute values of a numpy array
    191  Generate random matrix in numpy without rows of all 1's
    191  Find index of closest value to given value in numpy array. Restricted to outer indexes
    191  Estimating determinant using LAPACK wrapper for LU decomposition in Cython
    191  Dynamic Zero Padding of numpy arrays
    191  dividing random samples to subgroups using python
    191  Discrepancy between C mmap and numpy memmap
    191  Correctly indexing a multidimensional Numpy array with another array of indices
    191  Coding variables with Pandas TimeSeries
    191  Code rewrite - MemoryError
    191  Changing behavior of `__getitem__` and `__setitem__` in Numpy array subclass
    191  Catch numpy ComplexWarning as Exception
    191  Can I do numpy operations on pytables?
    191  Building NumPy on RedHat
    191  Broadcast rotation matrices multiplication
    191  Add extra feature to a matrix np.Concatenate error : only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    190  Why does numpy takes so much memory for an array of strings?
    190  Why can't I convert floats in an array into integers?
    190  What is the difference between metrics.auc and scipy.integrate.quad?
    190  Vectorizing for loop in Numpy
    190  Vectorizing a function of a class with two arrays as inputs in cython
    190  Vectorize numpy array expansion
    190  Traversing 2D line in Numpy?
    190  Sum of outer product of corresponding lists in two arrays - NumPy
    190  Stats: Probability of Sequence given Binomial distribution?
    190  scipy/optimize/ c = concatenate((c_eq, c_ieq)) ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
    190  Removing variables from numpy array
    190  Random nan errors when importing matplotlib.pyplot
    190  Randomly sized chunking of a numpy array in python
    190  Python | Removing mirror pairs in array
    190  python: padding with zero in the end of every array in Numpy array of arrays [duplicate]
    190  Python numpy.linspace behaves strangely with floats
    190  Python - mutate row elements using array of indices
    190  Python hogging memory when looping over list of numpy arrays
    190  Python: Aggregate poly1d objects and insert into new DataFrame column
    190  python- add col names to np.array
    190  Pulling Most Frequent Combination from csv columns
    190  Partitioning the rows of a numpy array into buckets
    190  Pandas Dataframe filter rows by only one column
    190  Numpy creation of new array using 2 existing arrays
    190  numpy column_stack in loop
    190  Invert position of sublists
    190  Image processing in Python – without loading the entire image into memory
    190  How to sum up a list of float in python? [closed]
    190  How to slice off 1 pixel layer from an image data array with numpy or similar
    190  How to reshape numpy array keeping each nth element
    190  How to preform the Matlab function ''pspectrum'' in Python (possibly with numpy)
    190  How to get coordinates of text by using opencv
    190  How to flatten individual pandas dataframes and stack them to achieve a new one?
    190  How to find the central point of a region segmented by watershed?
    190  How to convolve an audio with an impulse response?
    190  How to calculate the ROC when using 10x10 cross validation?
    190  How does numpy's indexing work in this scenario
    190  How can I create a Linear Regression Model from a split dataset?
    190  Fast Random Permutation of Binary Array
    190  Extract indices of minimum in numpy array [duplicate]
    190  Error in numerical derivative of 4th order near the endpoints of an interval
    190  Equations in Python
    190  Efficient conversion of a 3D numpy array to a 1D numpy array
    190  Distribution of time series data in TensorFlow
    190  Creating a vector containing the next 10 row-column values for each pandas row
    190  Cannot find numpy module
    190  Best way to vectorize operation having input and output history dependence?
    189  What's the difference between dask=parallelized and dask=allowed in xarray's apply_ufunc?
    189  What is the speed or accuracy difference between number crunching in python vs. nodejs? [closed]
    189  Value 'images.shape' is unsubscriptable
    189  ValueError: Couldn't broadcast input array from shape (51) to (51,1)
    189  ''Unqualified exec'' from Numpy when trying to run Django app
    189  tensorflow pass numpy array to graph using placeholder vs tf.convert_to_tensor()
    189  Sum of the intensity values of all pixels in image segment
    189  Split dataset into proportional subsets using numpy
    189  Sorting a NumPy array
    189  Sequentially applying a dot product to slices of 3D numpy array
    189  Search a list using a string
    189  Scipy and six downgraded automatically after installing Keras
    189  save numpy array to csv column start as same point
    189  Reshape numpy array in z axis
    189  Requirements are satisified, but unable to import libraries in jupyter notebook
    189  Python .npy file: how to multiply or divide the data?
    189  Python: How to synchronize access to a writable array of large numpy arrays (multiprocessing)
    189  Python: efficient operations on numpy arrays
    189  Python-control - step system
    189  Python array assignments
    189  Performance: expand binary image (morphological dilation)
    189  pandas equivalent to R series of multiple repeated numbers
    189  panda read_csv() converting imaginary to real
    189  Operating efficiently on submatrices of 2D numpy arrays
    189  numpy.where returning int instead of float
    189  numpy seems return wrong eigenvector for circular matrix
    189  numpy: int is a basestring?
    189  numpy dot behaving strange
    189  Numpy array using expression
    189  numpy array element doesn't change its value when assigned a value to it
    189  multi indexing in python
    189  Mask a 2D Numpy Array by array of indexes like np.in1d for 2d arrays
    189  Making a numpy array from bytes packed with struct
    189  Learning to write to an array in Cython
    189  Installing BioPython and Numpy
    189  Inserting spaces '' '' into a table file using Python to separate columns
    189  Increment array in python, like a base number system
    189  Implementing 2D Laplacian in Cython for periodic boundary counditions
    189  how to use batch_tensordot in theano like numpy.einsum
    189  Howto pass a list of numpy array with pybind
    189  How to numpy.reshape huge data in a HDF5 file without loading all of the data into memory at once?
    189  How to implement a flipflop logic for buy/ sell signals using NaNs and fillnas in python pandas?
    189  How to get large decimal numbers in np.arange in python?
    189  How to generate a heteroskedastic model in Python?
    189  How to efficiently compute the column-wise outer vector in NumPy
    189  How to delete a element to mxnet NDArray?
    189  How to call a function with parameters as matrix?
    189  How to calculate cost and theta with fmin_ncg
    189  How do I introduce transparent regions into Numpy image arrays?
    189  How can I disable size-changing broadcasting when setting into a numpy array slice?
    189  h5py extend dataset without knowing row index
    189  h5py - Adding padding to dataset
    189  Generating binned average radial profile of an array in physical unit in python
    189  Generate surface equation from x, y, z data
    189  Find closest number in a circular array [closed]
    189  filling data frame in python with loops
    189  Equivalent expression in Python
    189  Dot product between two 3D tensors
    189  Does anyone have example numpy.fftn code that correctly implements multivariate_normal pdf?
    189  Create new sheet with sums of specific column for each file in directory of multiple xlsx files
    189  Crashing RAM while appending arrays
    189  Consecutive events below threshold
    189  Compute the derivative of a 3D regular grid data after interpolation
    189  Check if numpy array has a normal shape
    189  Can't get rid of non-unicode characters in numpy array
    189  Calling arma2ma when computing a 95% confidence interval for AR(q)
    189  Broadcasting numpy matrices using arrays of indices
    189  Beginner, Error in python regarding site-packages/celltool/numerics/fitpack/
    189  Applying matrix functions like scipy.linalg.eigh to higher dimensional arrays
    189  Accessing element at index in tensor
    189  2D MemoryView to C Pointer Error (1D works, but 2D doesnt)
    188  write a python code the most efficient way
    188  Why accessing a sparse matrix is costly?
    188  Which version of python do I need for using numpy.linalg.slogdet?
    188  ValueError when apply function to data frame in python-pandas
    188  Two-sided moving average in python
    188  Trying to run aMD simulation using ase, keep getting this error-ValueError: shapes (0,) and (3,3) not aligned: 0 (dim 0) != 3 (dim 0)
    188  Sympy gives numerical numpy output in dtype object format
    188  SVM model misclassifying training samples with big number of features
    188  Substitute numpy array elements using dictionary
    188  struggling minimizing non linear function
    188  Sorting matrix without flattening, numpy
    188  solve-func in Python-sympy is very slow for linear equation system
    188  Slicing overlapping sets of features from 2D numpy array into 3D numpy array
    188  Simple way to get index of sorted matrix
    188  Replacing null values with np.nan
    188  randomly split DataFrame by group?
    188  Python: Numpy slicing indepth explnation [closed]
    188  Python Class Correlation
    188  pyenv cannot copy anaconda packages to an anaconda virtualenv
    188  Plot excess points on x axis in python
    188  Passing numpy array element (int) to c++ int using SWIG
    188  panda tseries convertion not working
    188  Pandas panel axes swapping when using panel.mean
    188  Numpy: Tuple-Indexing of rows in ndarray (for later selection of subsets)
    188  `` to 2-dimensional array
    188  multi label classification confusion matrix have wrong number of labels
    188  More efficient way to compute returns and volatility in Python
    188  Least squares not working for a set of y's
    188  JSON encoding from python objects?
    188  How to use numpy.i in swig?
    188  How to store by columns in a structured numpy array
    188  How to randomly change positions of non-zero entries of an array where certain rows are excluded
    188  how to index a numpy array using conditions?
    188  How to get values from a map and set them into a numpy matrix row?
    188  how to get uniq list in python
    188  How to find similarities in matrix?
    188  How to draw time series of words occurrence in Matplotlib with python?
    188  How do I load a file with 'loadtxt ?'
    188  get count and sum grouping dataframe by Pandas
    188  GeoPandas .to_file gives wrong column?
    188  Fetching top n records in pandas pivot , based on multiple criteria and plotting them with matplotlib
    188  Efficient way to ''reverse'' indices from np.tril_indices
    188  dynamically calling R library from python using rpy2
    188  downcasting series or dataframe element by element
    188  Does gaussian_filter1d not work well in higher orders?
    188  Divide each element of an array by each element of an other array
    188  Custom type marshalling in IronPython
    188  Convert a numpy array into an array of signs with 0 as positive
    188  Convert a kivy texture to opencv image
    188  Conditions for elements of numpy arrays with different sizes
    188  Comparing object ids of two numpy arrays
    188  Change axis in mapltolib figure
    188  Can be used with 2D indices?
    188  Best practices for prediction of labeled data (numpy)
    188  4d Array Processing (using einsum?)
    187  why i cant change elements of 3d array in numpy?
    187  Why does Matlab seem so much slower than Python in this simple case
    187  What is the most efficient way to extract local minima from a DataFrame and then output them to a new dataframe?
    187  what does ''|'' in a numpy type string mean?
    187  ValueError: negative dimensions are not allowed while generating samples from multivariate normal distribution
    187  Use pythons complex type in numpy-array
    187  TypeError: histogram weights property or keyword argument not found
    187  Tetrahedron side lengths from vertices (numpy)
    187  Sparse matrix multipliaction numpy linked with mkl
    187  Solution to transcendental equation with both Mathematica and Python
    187  Slicing a Python list with a NumPy array of indices  -  any fast way?
    187  Seamlessly and efficiently flipping numpy array or sparse matrix along all axes
    187  Reading .TIF image using GDAL Python becomes too dark
    187  Python Submodule Import Discrepancy
    187  Python: random matrix from array
    187  Python(NumPy) making array from list of tuples makes it 1D if supplied dtype and 2D if not
    187  python outer product works but inner product returns nan, so weird
    187  Python Lottery Number Generation
    187  Python error: NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') on Centos 7 but not Centos 5
    187  Python/Cython/Numpy efficiently maintaining a list with max length
    187  Plancks Law, Frequency figures
    187  Pandas lookup/pivot using column headings
    187  Open mesh of array indices
    187  object detection using numpy array of pixels
    187  numpy much slower on cluster than Desktop
    187  Numpy IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
    187  numpy - calculate value from matrix indexes
    187  Numpy 3d (voxels) erosion
    187  np.genfromtxt won't make a 2D array
    187  Normalize Numpy Upper-triangular subarray
    187  Matplotlib: use 2 datasets different length datasets to plot x and y
    187  manipulate numpy arrays in a nested list
    187  Isolating coastal grids using convolving window (python)
    187  Installing OpenCV Python Bindings on Mac with VirtualEnv: Can't find interpreter
    187  Installed numpy 1.8, but python still importing old 1.6.2 version
    187  In Python/NumPy, how to pad an array by replicating the elements?
    187  how to use scipy.ndimage.convolve for a given stencil?
    187  How to remove rings from convolve healpix map?
    187  How to reduce multiple arrays to one?
    187  How to fix numpy string error
    187  how to achieve pixelmath in numpy/scipy
    187  How numpy.tensordot command works?and what is the meaning of summing over axis in this command?
    187  Given a matrix, how to find the best cell for each row, without repetition
    187  getting indices of non-unique items in an array
    187  Get Left, Right, Up, Down Nonzero Neighbor from SciPy Sparse Matrix
    187  Generating all combinations of 1 and -1 in n Dimensions with numpy?
    187  Float Approximation when using numpy.int32
    187  Equivalent of count list function in numpy array
    187  efficiently Iterating with numpy
    187  Dynamically increase number of fields in numpy array
    187  Duplicate and unroll skewed cylindrical surface
    187  Deterministic Fourier Deconvolution
    187  Creating a dummy variable in Pandas without making copies
    187  Counting non-zero non-NaNs in four arrays
    187  Converting a 3D matrix into vertically cascaded 1D arrays
    187  Compute x**k with x, k being arrays of arbitrary dimensionality
    187  Compute each element of matrix
    187  Clipping path images using Python
    187  Calculating Beta Binomial likelihood with n>1000
    187  Aligning my test samples with numpy
    187  Access n-th dimension in python
    186  Why is `numpy` slower than python for left bit shifts?
    186  why is numba so much faster on this simple summation?
    186  Why does scikit neural network reshape my input array automatically?
    186  why does is fault for,b) but has output for,a)?
    186  Unusual histogram after image decimation
    186  Unravel 1D list back to 3D array
    186  Trace back original position of argmin/argmax on boolean masked NumPy array - Python
    186  Solving minimization subject to constraints for matrix?
    186  Simple tensorflow linear model
    186  Scaling factor of n-dim fft in numpy
    186  save multi directory images in a single file after preprocessing
    186  Reshaping after Interpolation
    186  Removing square wave like artifacts from numpy array
    186  Remove anti-aliasing from an image
    186  regarding setting up ogrid and fillup the corresponding multidimensional array in numpy
    186  Reading/Writing a large symmetric matrix in Numpy
    186  Python multiprocessing Array and OpenCV3 Frames
    186  Python Multiplication different shape to numpy dot product
    186  Pythonic way to vectorize double summation
    186  Python - how to correctly index numpy array with other numpy arrays, similarly to MATLAB
    186  python - Get an inverted float matrix with sympy and numpy
    186  Python: Fast way to create image from a list of tuples
    186  Python: Efficiently sample an n-dimensional distribution from density array
    186  Python: Create pandas dataframe with columns based off of unique values in nestled list
    186  Python 3.6 Runtime overflow encountered
    186  Pandas - OR condition in joining 2 datasets
    186  numpy mean is larger than max for memmap
    186  numpy masked array behaves differently when one dtype is an object
    186  numpy inheriting ndarray object mutation
    186  Numpy, how to reshape a vector to multi column array
    186  Numpy genfromtxt read cell with multiple values
    186  Numpy Dynamic Slicing Per Row
    186  Numpy dtype=int
    186  Numpy array of distances to list of (row,col,distance)
    186  numpy arange with specific gaps [duplicate]
    186  numpy.all gives different results than numpy.array_equal?
    186  np.logical_and operator not working as it should (numpy)
    186  Need to store strings, numbers and multidimensional numpy arrays together on disk
    186  Merge three NumPy arrays of same shapes
    186  Matplotlib line not being picked up by the 'pick_event' handler
    186  matplotlib: break axis and scale unevenly
    186  Loading a string into numpy record array
    186  Iterating numpy array to find max value within subarray leaving the row index
    186  Is there a faster method to calculate implied volatility using mibian module for millions of rows in a csv/xl file?
    186  is the amortized cost of growing a numpy array O(1)?
    186  Increment elements of a subset of elements in a 3d numpy array python
    186  How to use numpy roots for trig function
    186  How to update multiple Numpy arrays in a loop
    186  How to transpose and transform to ''one-hot-encode'' style from a pandas column containing a set?
    186  How to mask out ocean areas from my Dataset using xarray, numpy and Basemap?
    186  How to do pandas 2D cut
    186  how to convert a txt file to a array python. ''could not convert string to float''
    186  How to convert a numpy.ndarray type into a list?
    186  How to apply a function to a Cartesian product efficiently in Python/Numpy?
    186  How do I convert a List with String(number) entries into a List with numbers that works with (dotproduct)
    186  Get element of an array that corresponds to the element of another array in numpy
    186  Get all 2D diagonals of a 3D tensor in numpy
    186  Find boolean mask by pattern
    186  Fastest way to keep one element over two from long numpy arrays?
    186  Do numerical programming languages distinguish between a ''largest finite number'' and ''infinity''?
    186  copying a 24x24 image into a 28x28 array of zeros
    186  Converts numpy genfromtxt data to TensorFlow Records file format
    186  Convert a scientific notation to decimal number, and still keeping the data format as float64
    186  Continuity issue when applying an IIR filter on successive time-frames
    186  Comparing boolean numpy arrays
    186  compare two columns in the same text file
    186  Check if array contains specific string in numpy
    186  Apply a function to the 0-dimension of an ndarray
    186  Adding numpy matrices together
    185  Why is plt.imsave() giving me an type error: TypeError: Image data cannot be converted to float while using tensorflow to reshape my kernel? [closed]
    185  Why doesn't numpy random reshuffle work on a numpy array?
    185  What are other methods to find curvature of a polynomial apart from np.polyfit()
    185  Very large array handling with astropy and numpy
    185  Vectorizing nearest neighbor computation
    185  vectorize is indeterminate
    185  Vectorized ''and'' for pandas columns
    185  ValueError: could not convert string to float: matrix file
    185  ValueError: could not broadcast input array when assigning values to numpy array
    185  Using numpy index for dates in matplotlib
    185  TypeError: 'str' object is not callable with np.load()
    185  Torch7: Addition layer with Tensors of inconsistent size like numpy
    185  Suggestions for faster for/if statements in my code?
    185  Speed up an integration function in Python
    185  Socket Stream - Python (Cutting part of the message)
    185  Select random non zero elements from each row of a 2d numpy array
    185  scipy.fftpack's FFT freezing
    185  Rewrite function to avoid overflow in numpy.exp
    185  reshape (1000,1,17) tensor into (1000,17) tensor in numpy
    185  Removing indexes from a 3D numpy array
    185  redistribute data in Gaussian distribution with pd.DataFrame
    185  React & Python with numpy?
    185  Python unittest assert complex dictionary
    185  Python Standard - counting unique values and stacking without numpy
    185  Python numpy fill 3d array
    185  python image not found after paraview brew install
    185  Python : Geomspace and Logspace do not return true boundaries
    185  Python: Find the distance between two elements in 3D Numpy array respecting a condition
    185  Python `assert` function ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    185  Plot histogram with x-axis not rendered when bins are logspaced
    185  Pandas DataFrame column to cell in pivot table
    185  output tuple of numpy.histogram returs a tuple with two lists of different lengths
    185  Outer subtraction with Numpy
    185  Optimize operations with arrays in numpy
    185  numpy.resize() rearanging instead of resizing?
    185  NumPy: Finding minimum in submatrices/blocks and corresponding row, column indices
    185  Numpy: Add each row of a matrix to the matrix (one at a time), then find the min for each row in each new matrix. Wish to speed the code up
    185  Number of elements of numpy arrays inside specific bins
    185  Numba vectorize for function with no input
    185  Make all the elemant zero except max n element in each row in numpy 2d-array
    185  LSQUnivariateSpline.get_coeffs() - what coefficients do I get?
    185  Looping over 1st dimension of 3D numpy array to create a smaller 3D array, via slicing
    185  Kalman filter basic application/learning - Code seems very slow
    185  Is there a faster way to get the Local Binary Pattern of the MNIST dataset?
    185  initialize matrix with vectors Python
    185  How to vectorize with numpy.searchsorted in a 2d-array
    185  How to transfer 2-D array into a 1-D array?
    185  How to stack a 'numpy masked array' and a 'numpy array'
    185  How to plot a 2d structured mesh in matplotlib
    185  how to pad 3d numpy array if it's smaller than specified size
    185  How to overide numpy ufunc with __array_ufunc__
    185  How to broadcast or vectorize a linear interpolation of a 2D array that uses scipy.ndimage map_coordinates?
    185  How can I add a number to each element of a tuple?
    185  Google Apps Engine: Using later version of NumPy
    185  Getting number of gps weeks for given dates
    185  Filter by index and flattened in numpy, like tf.sequence_mask
    185  Fastest way to count identical sub-arrays in a nd-array?
    185  Element-wise maximum with key
    185  Effecient way of defining data types for very large structured arrays in python
    185  Discrepancy between numpy arrays in python
    185  Computational cost of scipy.newton_krylov
    185  Combinations from range of values for given sizes
    185  colorbar using values that aren't in a mapping
    185  Check, if one Line Segment intersects with a set of line segments
    185  Append 2 dimensional arrays to one single array
    185  2D kernel density e. in python - x axis crowded and shrinked
    184  Which scipy.optimize.minimize is least sensitive to starting location?
    184  What is a best way to intersect multiple arrays with numpy array?
    184  Using python to subtract an nx1 array (matrix) from a nxm array (matrix)
    184  Unicode portability with PyQT4/numpy on linux
    184  Understanding the behavior of np.bitwise_and
    184  TypeError when creating netcdf file
    184  Trouble creating a conda enviroment with numpy 10.1.2
    184  Speed up NumPy sums of multiplication of matrices
    184  Speeding up __array_finalize__ in a custom numpy class
    184  Solving a non-linear integral equation in Python
    184  simple mutiprocessing on numpy array
    184  Running max / limsup in Numpy: what optimization?
    184  Replacing integers in array with different strings using numpy
    184  Replace some values in a numpy array
    184  Replace outlier values
    184  Replace elements in a matrix (Need help to make this faster)
    184  Reduce increments in array values to 1
    184  Really strange numpy array floating point behavior
    184  Reading in columns from .txt files
    184  Python, Numpy - Normalize a matrix/array [closed]
    184  Python - Multi-processing filling of sub-arrays to build a global array by merging all sub-arrays of each process
    184  Python, Machine Learning: Are there any API that can split dataset and shuffle? [closed]
    184  Python - Grayscale very low with a mask
    184  Python crashes when reading U16 and U8 PCIDSK layers to numpy arrays with GDAL
    184  Parse large dataset for regression using tensorflow
    184  numpy.vdot for 2 vectors returns a matrix instead of a scalar?
    184  numpy throws munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer when freeing its cache?
    184  Numpy Reshape to obtain monthly means from data
    184  Numpy / Pandas optimized vector operations
    184  Numpy Memory Error when when trying to perform an algebraic operations on arrays
    184  numpy masked arrays or boolean indexing?
    184  Numpy FFT over few seconds
    184  Numpy error with python 2.7.12
    184  numpy different data type of multidimensional array
    184  Numpy append array isn't working
    184  numpy.all with integer arguments returns an integer
    184  Matplotlib Plot showing image as separate r g b images rather than a single RGB image
    184  math overflow for a not very overflowing calculation in python
    184  Loosing anti-aliasing when converting color in opencv - numpy - python
    184  Large web data sets in Python - how to deal with very big arrays?
    184  Is there a better way of getting elements with x,y coordinates from a numpy array?
    184  how to upgrade scipy or numpy in EPD?
    184  how to loop over pandas dataframe?
    184  How to get matrix of indices of N maximum values in each row of an numpy matrix?
    184  How to find local maxima with a variable moving (rolling) window in a 2d numpy array using Python?
    184  How to copy a 2D numpy array into another numpy array
    184  How to convert this size of array (1L,27L,2L) into (27L,2L) in python?
    184  How to convert np array back to binary with specific dtype?
    184  How to convert cumulative data to daily one?
    184  How to convert a string with '','' and ''/n'' into pandas DataFrame?
    184  How to add a new column to a hierarchical dataframe grouped by groupby
    184  how can I extract multiple random sub-sequences from a numpy array
    184  How can I apply a function to pairs of elements in a list with Python? [closed]
    184  Figure out mismatch amongst two column values
    184  error only for one column by using Genfromtxt. All other columns could be read. how can i fix it?
    184  elementwise outer product of tensors using einsum
    184  Efficiently compare pandas series of floats to pandas series of numpy arrays
    184  Efficiently apply function for moving window in Python
    184  Difference between [] and [[]] in numpy
    184  Create large document term matrix from a Data Frame
    184  Converting flat 1D matrix to a square matrix
    184  Avoid nested for loops using List Comprehension and/or map
    184  Astropy, Numpy: Applying function over coordinates is very slow
    184  2d boolean array using n^2 bits of space [duplicate]
    183  Write data form specific csv cell to another file with python
    183  What is the difference between scipy.interpolate.rbf and matplotlib.pyplot.contourf?
    183  Vectorization in a loop slower than a nested loop in numba jitted function
    183  Values being altered in numpy array
    183  Unable to install Talon library in python using pip install
    183  ufunc 'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced
    183  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' (k means clustering)
    183  Time Series With Unevenly Sized Elements
    183  Tensorflow : tf.gather doesn't work on big arrays
    183  SWIG Use numpy.int64 as int for c++ function
    183  Swapping the dimensions of a numpy array using Ellipsis?
    183  sum elements of a list in numpy
    183  Sum 4D array efficiently according to indices contained in another array
    183  Speed up Numpy vector and C++/DLL single float function
    183  Sort Numpy Array in Python
    183  simulating data from regression line in python
    183  Python numpy array manipulation
    183  python convert part of a row of data frame to numpy array
    183  Python_Calculate Opening and Closing Loan Balance
    183  Prepend values to Panda's dataframe based on index level of another dataframe
    183  Polyval for multiple variable
    183  pint: Magnitude of a numpy array
    183  Passing 2D numpy array to C++ for PDE integration
    183  numpy.unique generates a list unique in what regard?
    183  numpy sort top bottom
    183  Number of features of the model must match the input. Model n_features is 5 and input n_features is 1
    183  Multivariate interpolation?
    183  Jupyter/Plotly - how to replace or update plot from add_trace?
    183  Iterating and accumulating over a numpy array with a custom function
    183  Instantiate a matrix with x zeros and the rest ones
    183  install numpy on python 3.2 32 bit using windows 7 pro without having pip
    183  Initialize numpy array in two dimensions [duplicate]
    183  Index of an element in a numpy array
    183  Improve String Comparison Time For Numpy Array
    183  How to solve the equation for LHS value in python
    183  How to select non-zero columns in a matrix in python
    183  How to select elements in numpy array with given starting point indices
    183  How to read specific fields from binary file using numpy?
    183  How to move one dimension of a numpy matrix?
    183  How to merge different time-series plot into a 2D in Python
    183  How to make a ''mutable'' number in an array (numpy)?
    183  How to get plot image pixel values without saving a plot? [duplicate]
    183  How to generate random numbers with each random number having a difference of at least x with all other elements?
    183  how to convert 2d list to 2d native python array not numpy array?
    183  How to calculate (1 - SparseMatrix) of a huge sparse matrix?
    183  How to average all coordinates within a given distance in a vectorized way
    183  How do I show a plot of Random.gammavariate distribution?
    183  How do I multiply each element in an array with a large number without getting OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long?
    183  How can I verify when a copy is made in Python?
    183  Fastest way to find unique rows of 2D NumPy array with Cython
    183  fastest way to find smallest sum of length n subsequences in python
    183  Efficient data sampling with sparse timestamps on a pre-defined date range
    183  Draw triangle in 3D numpy array in python
    183  Dividing scipy.lil_matrix by vector
    183  cython: create ndarray object without allocating memory for data
    183  Could not link labels with centroids in Kmeans,Sklearn
    183  Convert Pandas rows into a matrix of arrays
    183  Concatenate multiple numpy array present in a list?
    183  Comparing Numpy/Pandas arrays with mixed elements (string & floats)
    183  Comparing and flipping adjacent values in numpy
    183  Casting a Numpy Structured Array to a C-array of structs
    183  Canvas event works only once
    183  Anova test in Python with a very large number of Groups
    182  Working with array and Dictionaries after loading them from Disk using np.load and
    182  Why do I get NaN when using .mean()
    182  Why are the convolution outputs calculated with theano and numpy not the same?
    182  What is Clang++ required to build Blaze?
    182  “ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous”
    182  Using Python / Numpy `as_strided` to efficiently create overlapping patches from non-overlapping sequences
    182  type wrong when using sklearn and pandas.Dataframe
    182  Txt file python unique values
    182  Trouble using exponents in python 3.6 [duplicate]
    182  Skewing Lognormal Distribution with Numpy
    182  Shift and zero-pad sublists, causes operad/broadcast runtime error that I do not understand
    182  scipy.optimize problems using an integrated function
    182  remove specific elements from numpy array [PREVIOUSLY] selecting elements by data type from a numpy array [closed]
    182  Remove outliers from Pandas Dataframe (Circular Data)
    182  Python use array axis to select slice
    182  Python Pandas - loc create fortran ordered numpy array
    182  Python delete row from a DataFrame based on another DataFrame with less variables
    182  Python arrays are automatically copying each other
    182  Pyplot Imshow Autozoom to cut out Irregular NaN padding
    182  Print numpy array
    182  Plotting sectionwise defined function with python/matplotlib
    182  Performance of loading and storing sparse data with numpy
    182  numpy sign and fraction
    182  numpy's hstack on tensorflow for a single matrix/tensor
    182  numpy reshape based on index [duplicate]
    182  Numpy inconsistent results with Pandas and missing values
    182  NumPy IFFT introducing black bars in OaA Convolution Algorithm
    182  numpy array - efficiently subtract each row of B from A
    182  Numpy apply function elementwise based on position
    182  NameError: name 'uniform' is not defined
    182  Minimum distance between 2 unequal sets of points
    182  Matplotlib setup ImportError
    182  iterating over one column of a numpy multidimensional array?
    182  Is there a way to implement recurrence in numpy without for-loops?
    182  Is there a faster algorithm to shut down all the lamps?
    182  How to use flag with scipy.optimize fsolve
    182  How to sum the values in a specific column of a .txt file starting at row 2
    182  how to run both a .py and a .exe file from the same python script
    182  How to print text when camera captures blue color?
    182  How to list pairs of consecutive rows from pandas dataframe?
    182  how to keep a default value of key parameter constant? (python)
    182  How to iterate over a 3 dimensional tensor
    182  How to improve this Merge Sort?
    182  How to get list of points inside shape which is difference between 2 polygons in python? [closed]
    182  How to find where in numpy array a zero element is preceded by at least N-1 consecutive zeros?
    182  How to do math calculation on each number in a specific column
    182  How to compute and plot the pdf from the empirical cdf?
    182  How do I quickly create a numpy or pandas 2D array with both axis in a range and the values a product?
    182  How can I initialise an RGBA cv::Mat from a byte array?
    182  get the zdata with event from a orthoviewer of medical image
    182  Generating a boolean mask indexing one array into another array
    182  fastest way to get eigenvalues of many 1d array
    182  Expand Sklearn digit size fom 8*8 to 32*32
    182  Does the function np.random.permutation work with or without replacement?
    182  Define a 2D Gaussian probability with five peaks
    182  Create a matrix of neighbours
    182  Count cumulative and sequential values of the same sign in Pandas series
    182  Conditionally add 1 to int element of a NumPy record array
    182  Check if one of the rows in numpy array exists in the dictionary
    182  Can you change the way numpy prints arrays?
    182  Calculation between values in numpy array
    182  build Scipy matrix with diagonal overlays
    182  Applying bounds to Scipy Optimise Curvefit
    182  3D plot of Meshgrid vs. Labeling Matrix
    181  Wrap C pointer in struct with NumPy array in Python using SWIG
    181  Why does Pyinterval arithmetic fail with numpy.float64
    181  Whey saving an numpy array of float arrays to .npy file using, is there any reason why the order of the arrays would change?
    181  Vectorizing a Multi-Dimensional Function in Python
    181  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence error while cross validation
    181  Using Pylab to create a plot of a line and then getting the rasterized data from the line
    181  Trying to append a column in numpy array, getting ValueError
    181  Theano matrix composed of theano scalars
    181  sum zeros and ones by another vector in python
    181  summing all possible combinations of an arbitrary number of arrays and applying limits
    181  Sum alternate columns of a dataframe
    181  Subtract transpose from a matrix but keep the original diagonal
    181  Strange output of FFT in python (scipy)
    181  Strange Bug in creating Co-occurrence Matrix in Python
    181  scipy stats kstest against x=y?
    181  Scipy spsolve is order of magnitude slower than matlab mldivide
    181  Scipy.spatial.distance calculate with lower precision?
    181  Return basemap maximum value
    181  Retrieving equal numpy array after storing as string in db
    181  Replace (every) element in a list by the median of the nearest neighbors
    181  Reading a subset of the columns of the pandas.Dataframe from a HDF5 file
    181  python using multiple conditions with numpy where
    181  Python transcription of Matlab's accumarray [duplicate]
    181  Python: Running nested loop, 2D moving window, in Parallel
    181  Python numpy how to join numbers from array
    181  Python - how do you select from variables when different conditions are met
    181  Python function return type does not match fortran subroutine declartion type
    181  Python3 reduce array from (x,y,3) to (x,y,1) (rgb to greyscale) [duplicate]
    181  Plot 3d in 2d with numpy?
    181  Operands could not be broadcast together error when trying to construct an ndarray as a function of two other ndarrays with numpy
    181  numpy random usage validity
    181  numpy: find all occurences of elements from one table in another
    181  numpy.distutils missing from numpy installation, theano tries to use it
    181  Multiple np.arrange (numpy)
    181  matplotlib.pyplot.imshow awkwardly not plotting all of the data when array is transposed
    181  Matplotlib 3D plot dismiss values not in circle
    181  Loading data using for loop in python
    181  Leaving dimension unaffected with numpy tensordot
    181  Is there a way to vectorize linalg.expm
    181  IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 70 but corresponding boolean dimension is 8000
    181  I'm getting an error when I try to run this code - unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
    181  How to split a mixed dtype 1D numpy array?
    181  How to reduce python fft output
    181  How to get the position in a certain percentile range of 2-d array with np.NAN in it
    181  How to efficiently make class-to-cluster matching in order to calculate resulting accuracy
    181  How to check if a coordinate pair (lat,lon) exists in a coordinate grid?
    181  How to append 2D grayscale images to 4D array
    181  How do you fix inconsistent numbers of samples when using GaussianNB()?
    181  How do I replace wildcards?
    181  Execute fortran subroutine through parallel python impossible to execute
    181  Different versions of Python 2.7 and Numpy produce different results for the same script
    181  Difference np.where and this work-around?
    181  did not find slope and intercept in multiple linear regression, nan value coming
    181  Creation of numpy array from two arrays, such that alternate indices contain elements from different arrays [duplicate]
    181  Creating Dataframe with numpy array with index and columns [duplicate]
    181  Creating a numpy matrix with dtypes
    181  Creating anti-aliased circular mask efficiently
    181  Convert a tuple to a numpy array corrupts the data
    181  Convert a large 2d-dict to scipy sparse matrix
    181  Combining similar rows in Stata / python
    181  Calculate mean of elements in array with same ''identifier'' [closed]
    181  Build numpy for python3 when python not installed in /usr
    181  Broadcasting (N,) and with (N,1) arrays in numpy
    181  Binning then sorting arrays in each bin but keeping their indices together
    181  Applying a custom function on Group By if row count greater than 1
    181  Animation of tangent line of a 3D curve
    180  What is the equivalent of Matlabs differentiate function in numpy?
    180  vectorized sum of array according to indices of second array [duplicate]
    180  Use Numpy to Dynamically Create Arrays
    180  Two arguments given but claims three arguments given
    180  Tensorflow Numpy do not run with Python2.7 and 3.5 both on ipython notebook
    180  Summing an array along different dim each time with different slice range
    180  strange behaviour of arange in python
    180  Scipy kstest returns different p-values for similar sets of values
    180  Resample and reshape pandas dataframe using a trigger
    180  Reduce rounding error in SVD of a matrix
    180  Recoding categorical variables into binary variables in the same way on multiple data sets
    180  Python Pandas date time index create dataframe
    180  python - Loop iteration simplify with numpy
    180  Python: change numpy array with NaNs to array with numbers and '--'
    180  Python and Numeric/numpy Array Slicing Behavior
    180  Parsing PEP 3118 buffer protocol format strings
    180  parallelize numpy arange on dask array
    180  pandas: records with lists to separate rows
    180  pandas df: extracting data with numeric column name in excel
    180  Numpy NdArray - How to set threshold and then sort values
    180  Numpy Array from Jupyter cell output into code
    180  Multiple independent random number streams from single seed
    180  Matplotlib: Using np.mgrid to create a cube surface plot
    180  Matching speed of R apply in Python
    180  Mapping plotly 3d colorscale to radial coordinate instead of z
    180  Make a random number more probable in python
    180  Keras: Elementwise operation: dot or inner products, numpy.matmul equivalent
    180  Is there a way to increase the speed of working with arrays in Fortran under Windows, like Python numpy?
    180  interpolation of arrays with multiple dimensions in python using scipy .
    180  Inconsistent advanced indexing in NumPy
    180  Illegal instruction when computing big matrix with numpy.cov
    180  How to solve problem of unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
    180  How to create confusion matrix in Python
    180  How to calculate yearly stock beta
    180  How do I initialize LSTM weights from Numpy arrays correctly in Tensorflow?
    180  How do Dask threads interact with OpenBLAS/MKL/…?
    180  How can I make Numba access arrays as fast as Numpy can?
    180  How can a numpy.ufunc.reduceat indices be generated from Python Slice Object
    180  How are NaN values represented in the simple Numpy file format?
    180  Get a numpy ndarray (view, not copy) from a double pointer (from CythonGSL)
    180  Generating a list of unique numpy arrays
    180  Formatting numpy arrays
    180  Find largest value from multiple colums in each group of row index in Python, arrange those values diagonally in matrix, and find determinant
    180  File operation is slower is there a faster look up method in Python?
    180  Extract data from index in new column in Dataframe
    180  exchange columns in numpy matrix
    180  Difference between python numpy's where and boolean array
    180 app.yaml produces: ImportError: Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed
    180  Detect photos vs rendered images [closed]
    180  Create a color palette image from a list of RGB color
    180  Convert 2-d arrays to 1-d corresponding arrays in Python
    180  Can't use * operand for the result of
    180  Can not upgrade numpy-1.2.1 on Mac os
    180  Bug in Scikit-Learn PCA or in Numpy Eigen Decomposition?
    180  Array slice maximum that depends on the index of the previous axis
    180  Adaptable descriptor in Python
    179  Xtensor: Help needed while assigning to a view
    179  Why does outputing to memmap does not work?
    179  What's the meaning of numbers in numpy arrays?
    179  What is the most efficient algorithm to find pixel clusters and draw bbox
    179  What is the fastest method to check if two conditions are True?
    179  Stopping condition if a random walk is within a range of randomly initialised values
    179  Small clarification needed on numpy.any for matrices
    179  shift columns of a dataframe without looping?
    179  separating mutidimensional array numpy python
    179  Selecting (n-1)D array from (n)D array in numpy
    179  Secondary in-memory index representations in Python
    179  Scipy: change dtype of interpolation
    179  Reshape list to shape with maximum row length
    179  Python - Splitting an array into two using an optimized for loop
    179  Python: Running maximum by another column?
    179  Python/Pandas - Cumulative Sum with Interest
    179  python numpy recarray stacking
    179  Python, Numpy: Cannot assign the values of a numpy array to a column of a matrix
    179  Python numpy array: wrong result when mixing int32 and int8
    179  (python matrix) visualising mllib evaluation
    179  Pythonic strategy to overwrite global variables in a for loop
    179  Python array, write a large array
    179  Problems while trying to implement a cross validated out of core learning model?
    179  Plotting lines between values in a 2d numpy array
    179  Pandas DataFrame max, min and mean fails on columns with Nan
    179  outputting large matrix in python from a dictionary
    179  Numpy: tile a matrix into a higher dimension, but with scale
    179  Numpy: swap positions of 2D array based on a separate vector
    179  numpy matrix of hour (24) and day (365)
    179  Numpy loadtxt returns empty array
    179  Mysterious behaviour of copied NumPy arrays [duplicate]
    179  multiprocessing.Pool() hanging in qsub with Numpy
    179  Multiplying 2d array by 1d array
    179  Multiple confidence intervals
    179  Mixing Two Numpy Arrays Randomly
    179  Matplotlib Not Plotting negative values: Extremely misleading
    179  Machine Learning to check IBAN checksum
    179  Load matrix-type ascii file in numpy, very slow
    179  Is there a way, with numpy, to compute something for all combinations of n lines in an array (the simple case being all pairs i.e. n=2)
    179  intersection of np.array and set
    179  installing matplotlib on MAC OSX 10.6.8
    179  Index ranges/slices given by two numpy index arrays
    179  How to update the state variables of a vehicle using longitudinal dynamics model?
    179  How to read images from a list
    179  How to read a numpy ndarray from a block of memory?
    179  How to import python module numpy globally on Mac
    179  How to generate staircase number sequence using numpy
    179  How to find bounding-layer for a threshold number in numpy stacked arrays?
    179  How to find a rotation matrix from 3 deformed points in python efficiently
    179  how to convert items of array into array themselves Python
    179  How is numpy.choice different from numpy.randint?
    179  How do I accept ''divide by zero'' as zero? (Python)
    179  How does integer-array indexing work in numpy?
    179  How can I convert this python loop into vector coding?
    179  getting a total value of array over a loop, python
    179  Evaluating a function using numpy
    179  Efficiently get midpoint of image in Python with astropy
    179  Does timeit clear the local memory after each iteration
    179  Custom numpy type causes crash in numpy.mean
    179  Custom erosion results do not match with OpenCV erosion
    179  Create generic data filter on pandas dataframe in Python
    179  Convert MATLAB Code to Python using numpy
    179  Capturing numbers in a string and storing in data frame in Python
    179  calculating uniformity for a 64 by 64 image
    179  Building one array out of several. Monte-Carlo method
    179  Apply numpy interpolation function with index array
    179  Apply 3-argument function to 3D numpy array
    179  Any examples for Numpy asanyarray vs asarray?
    178  Write a List to google Sheets
    178  Wrapping/unwrapping a vector along array diagonals
    178  What's the best way to deal with Fractions in Cython?
    178  What is the difference between 'import numpy as np' and 'from numpy import array'? [closed]
    178  What is going on behind this numpy selection behavior?
    178  Unwanted wrapped results for operations on numpy array subclass
    178  Unnesting Numpy Arrays
    178  ''unique'' crossover for genetic algorithm - TSP
    178  Storing a large list (100000X42X400) of numbers (1's and 0's) on the disk using python
    178  Standardizing timeseries in Pandas using interpolation
    178  Splitting a 1-d numpy array from tdms file, and plot shorter time series/intervals from the original array
    178  Solving coupled ODEs with complex values
    178  Resampling on non-time related buckets
    178  Replace values in numpy arrays not working
    178  Renaming certain multiple values in a column of dataframe into another single value
    178  Reducing nested loop in python
    178  Reasons of slowness in function and how to mitigate them if custom classes are used?
    178  python, pandas, numpy, range() for datetime for histogram with discrete values
    178  Python Numpy appending multiple lists from objects
    178  Python, calculating lag of the center of the data
    178  Pyinstaller does not properly include numpy in Mac bundle
    178  Produce an Array from a Lambda Function, dimension shape and dtype
    178  Pickle Sympy lambda for multithreading
    178  Pandas: how to convert a list into a matrix grouped by a column?
    178  Pandas complex condition with last and previous values
    178  Order legend in same order that the (last value of) the plots are displayed
    178  Numpy warning when trying to assign NaN
    178  Numpy: smart matrix multiplication to sparse result matrix
    178  numpy multiply rows with subsequent rows of an array using product values of the previous row as input
    178  'numpy.int64' error thwarts my automation of querying Google Distance Matrix API. Solutions?
    178  NumPy - Insert an array of zeros after specified indices
    178  numpy import SystemError and segfault only through LSF (OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: pthread_create: Resource temporarily unavailable)
    178  numpy: filling a subset of array
    178  numpy: creating recarray fast with different column types
    178  More efficient way of implement this equation in pytorch (or Numpy)
    178  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib' but can import it in terminal
    178  Manipulating nested numpy array
    178  limiting float point array of arrays with less decimal points
    178  LAPACK environment missing
    178  Is there any way to speed up my Daugman's operator function on numpy?
    178  In Python how do I plot using GMPY2?
    178  How to transforme matrix to matrix containing identity matrix
    178  How to merge multiple pictures diagonally into a single one using Python
    178  How to find method implementation in numpy repo
    178  How to extract arrays from an arranged numpy array?
    178  How exactly do Python functions return/yield objects?
    178  How do i parse my input/output data to keras
    178  How do I export x,y,z coordinates from meshgrid arrays?
    178  Gradient Descent Numpy Linear Regression
    178  Given a list of n points, how can I generate a matrix that contains the distance from every point to every other point using numpy?
    178  Getting the location of value from numpy.where() as single value and append it to another array
    178  formatted float output with dtype precision
    178  Error Using two objects A1 and A2 of class A as parameters of function on object B1 of class B: B1 not updating attributes?
    178  Erratic NaN behaviour in numpy/pandas
    178  element-wise matrix multiplication (Hadamard product) using numpy
    178  dataframe replace prevent replacing incorrect int32 fields when int64 values supplied
    178  Creating an overlap array with conditions - Python
    178  Create binary array of matching rows in an array using numpy?
    178  Counting same elements in an array and create dictionary
    178  Convert Nested JSON into Dataframe
    178  Code for this expression in python
    178  Change value column based on condition
    178  Calculating pairwise Euclidean distance between all the rows of a dataframe
    178  append for arrays python
    178  append data to list within list
    178  3D Numpy Array Nested Loop Python
    177  Why is translated Sudoku solver slower than original?
    177  Which is a good way to open a 'complicated' txt file in python
    177  What's the old version of matmul() in Numpy for matrix multiplication?
    177  What is an alternative function for numpy.argwhere for numpy.ndarray?
    177  What does the parameter -1 in numpy shape[::-1] mean? [duplicate]
    177  Weighted version of scipy percentileofscore
    177  Using scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs to find when the eigenvalue real part crosses zero
    177  Uniform order-based crossover
    177  Tensorflow and tflearn : value error setting an array element with a sequence
    177  Strange complex phase displayed
    177  Snake traversal of 2D NumPy array
    177  Slicing or masking?
    177  Seemingly inconsistent slicing behavior in numpy arrays
    177  rpi3, directly connected monitor, cant connect to $DISPLAY in code
    177  Retrieve column slices from a NumPy array using variables as the indexer
    177  Remove chosen lines in an np.array
    177  Remove a version of a python package
    177  Remapping numpy arrarys to dictionary
    177  Python's nquad is incredibly slow for this integral of a smooth function?
    177  Python: Reading two csv files combining into a new cvs file , error: too many values to unpack
    177  Python - Numpy issues with Pipeline
    177  Python: how to check a variable is a meaningful numerical type
    177  Python ctypes to np.dtype conversion of bitfields
    177  plane fitting with normalized coefficients
    177  pandas: How to get first positive number?
    177  Overwrite portions of some rows of a numpy array with portions of other rows
    177  output[0] = y0 ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    177  Numpy: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log1p
    177  Numpy Compare unequal rows and make both array of same dimension
    177  (Numpy C API) Iterating over a single array: NpyIter vs for loop (with PyArray_DATA)
    177  numpy array directional mean without dimension reduction
    177  NumPy array acts differently based on origin (np.max() and np.argmax())
    177  NumPy and Python 3 - Error message on import
    177  Numpy.allclose - Determine Tolerance Based on Similarity Percent of Binary Values
    177  Not able to install python modules
    177  Multiplication of Matrices composed of polynomials
    177  Max size of RawArray for shared array in python
    177  Matplotlib: How to animate 2d arrays (with annotation)
    177  Making Pixel Histogram.ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
    177  Is there a way to plot Matplotlib's Imshow against a specific array rather than the indices?
    177  IPython notebook hanging
    177  In Python, how to compute array of values in a vectorized manner and not inside a loop?
    177  How to raise a column in pandas DataFrame to consecutive powers
    177  How to fit an int list to a desired function
    177  How to efficiently find 0/1 loss for a linear classification model?
    177  How to count RGB or HSV channel combination in an image?
    177  How can I get a Compressed Sparse Row matrix such as from scipy.csr_matrix() in JAVA
    177  Getting the boundary of numpy array shape with a hole
    177  FOOn(i, j, k) notation for nd numpy array in weave.inline()'s support_code argument? Are there any alternatives?
    177  Find the max sum for each line and find max list and line number of maximum list count in python
    177  filling forward conditional result
    177  Fast way to extract ROIs in 3D numpy array
    177  Extending dtypes? Best data structure for lists and relations?
    177  Elements Arrangement For Calculating Mean In Python/NumPy
    177  eigenvalues ordering in numpy linalg
    177  Deleting rows in numpy array (matrix): Delete previous k rows if value in column j equals k
    177  creating new numpy array dataset for each loop
    177  Convert tupel array into 2d array
    177  convert list of strings to numpy array of pre-set dtype
    177  Converting a 1D array into a 2D class-based matrix in python
    177  Concatenate 3 unidimensional arrays together in numpy
    177  compress image (matrix) python
    177  changing array element not work in python
    177  Can I efficiently create a pandas data frame from semi-structured binary data?
    177  Averages of slices on a 1d nparray: how to make it more NumPy-thonic?
    177  Arrays returning as empty when using an 'if statement' after glob.glob on FITS Files
    177  Appending matrix A with matrix B
    177  3D plane fitting using Scipy least squares producing completely wrong fit
    177  2d numpy array to 3 column DataFrame [duplicate]
    176  xtensor and xsimd: improve performance on reduction
    176  Word2Vec doesnt_match function throws Numpy warning
    176  Why same symbol shows element wise multiplication for array and matrix like multiplication for matrics?
    176  Why is the inverse power of a int numpy array 0 despite ''from __future__ import division''?
    176  Why does combining if elif else, str.contains, and .any() in a pandas dataframe give me uniform result?
    176  what is equal to np.linalg.solve(A, B) of Python in eigen C++
    176  What happens with the original numpy array when calling OpenCV functions?
    176  What are the most robust and interactive-friendly ways to structure general 2D/3D/ND datasets in Python? [closed]
    176  Using numpy to extract data from CSV file
    176  TypeError: 1st argument must be a real sequence 2 signal.spectrogram
    176  The line of best fit doesn't match the scatter plot
    176  Subclassing datetime64
    176  Stack numpy array onto diagonal
    176  Specify minimum step in constrained minimization in SciPy
    176  SciPy Leastsq implementation issue
    176  Scikit learn categorical features ranking
    176  Scalar multiplication not working with image vector
    176  Reshuffle numpy array based on indices in a second array
    176  Range of index in NumPy correlation function
    176  Python - saving 3-dimensional array into image file
    176  Python pandas.readexcel(filepath, header=[0,1]) fails when row 3 has data longer than header length. Any suggestion of fix is welcome
    176  Python: How can I compare integer data in numpy array to integer data in another numpy array and read the results into a .txt file?
    176  Plotted arc: anomaly in the plot
    176  Plots with Temperature max/min only
    176  Parallelism in (I)Python with large blocks of data
    176  Pandas, replace rows by mean over given columns
    176  Padding 3d numpy image array with zeros
    176  Outer product of a vector with itself M-times
    176  Optimizing Fourier transformed signal length
    176  OpenCV - altering the filter2D function
    176  numpy: vectorizing random number generation in a ''jagged'' array
    176  Numpy: Try/except inside the function fails to print the message
    176 has a strange behavior
    176  NumPy reading/writing to file performance (specifically ndarray.tofile)
    176  numpy inverse not working for a specific value
    176  numpy insert an element keeping number of array dimensions
    176  numpy: efficiently add rows of a matrix
    176  Numpy array with arrays of different size inside
    176  np.random.choice - can't specify number of coin flips
    176  Nested for loops and data analysis across multiple data files
    176  Merge multiple columns into one while repeating two columns
    176  Maximum and minimum values numpy Array
    176  Iterating over entire columns and storing the result into a list
    176  improve linear search for KNN efficiency w/ NumPY
    176  How to store this type of numpy array into HDF5, in each row there is an int and a numpy array of several ints, which varies in size for each row
    176  How to select certain rows from a dataframe in pandas
    176  How to merge two separated dataframes again in the same order using python
    176  How to get the size of a matrix?
    176  How to generate data that fits the normal distribution within each class?
    176  How to do equivalent of block_reduce on a masked array?
    176  how to create a c function of `numpy.array`?
    176  How to change my OneHotEncoder to prepare for changes
    176  How to apply function of multiple matrices to each element of a list of matrices with python numpy?
    176  Forcefully add dimension to NumPy array
    176  Float object cannot be interpreted as an integer when calling a tkinter entry box value
    176  Find Value that Partitions two Numpy Arrays Equally
    176  fast concatenation of strings
    176  Expanding dataframe with specific frequency - Python
    176  Excessive memory usage for very large Python lists loaded from 90GB of JSON for word2vec
    176  Evaluate the derivative of numpy chebychev polynomial
    176  Does it exist some kind of numpy array locking mechanism?
    176  Detecting basic shapes using Open CV
    176  Create multidimensional numpy array of lists and assign first element a number in sequence
    176  CPU Time for matrix matrix multiplication
    176  covariance of each key in a dictionary
    176  Count occurences of all items of a list in a tuple
    176  Converting a NumPy Array to cufftComplex
    176  Construct NumPy matrix row by row
    176  Concatenating sequences into a numpy array in python
    176  Comparing computational and analytic results of linear regression
    176  Coloring entries in an Matrix/2D-numpy array?
    176  Avoid evaluating the function with same input multiple times
    176  array manipulation in numpy
    176  Applying Sobel operator in numpy to simple binary image
    176  2D ndarray: row-wise operations
    175  Writing a new FITS file from old data with astropy
    175  What's the ufunc to do floor division in numpy with python3.x?
    175  vectorizing functions to operate on NetworkX graphs
    175  ValueError when performing integration in Numpy
    175  Understanding numpy zeros [closed]
    175  'TypeError: Scalar value for argument 'color' is not numeric' when using opencv-python drawing a circle
    175  SymPy lambdify raises OverflowError: math range error
    175  Speeding up loop in python
    175  Remove NoneType from two lists
    175  Ravel() on only two dimensions of a 3D numpy array
    175  Python reading TIF images using matplotlib, cv, and numpy reduces resolution
    175  Python numpy performing very slow
    175  python numpy ndarray subclassing for offset changing
    175  python - numpy - many matrices multiplying many vectors
    175  python numpy array iterate on a single axis
    175  python mpl: how to plot a point on a graph of 3D vectors, and the head of an arrow
    175  Python Data Analysis - Bivariate analysis table
    175  Process matrix in python
    175  Performing matrix operation on two large matrices
    175  pd.NA vs np.nan for pandas
    175  Pandas find max stable interval
    175  Numpy zip array for LineCollection
    175  Numpy: segmentation fault upon concatenate
    175  Numpy save file is larger than the original
    175  Numpy Finding Matching number with Array
    175  Numpy 3D array slice viewer in Plotly
    175  np.einsum performance of 4 matrix multiplications
    175  Multiplying values in a list individually in python [closed]
    175  Move sparse matrix from Matlab to Python numpy
    175  Matrix combination logic in a numpythonic way
    175  mask only where consecutive nans exceeds x
    175  Map colors in image to closest member of a list of colors, in Python
    175  Logging an unknown number of floats in a python C extension
    175  loading a file python
    175  is the UPDATEIFCOPY flag ever True?
    175  Is there a faster way to separate the minimum and maximum of two arrays?
    175  Interpolating spherical grid to regular grid?
    175  Insert field into structured array at a specific column index
    175  Insert element into numpy array and get all rolled permutations
    175  How to stream MP3 chunks given a NumPy array in Python?
    175  How to select specific column items as list from pandas dataframe?
    175  How to identify approximately (threshold defined) continuous non null data using pandas?
    175  How to extract consecutive elements from an array containing NaN
    175  Gray Scott Model
    175  Given an array, how do we create multiple new arrays in Python using a function of our choosing? (Numpy or otherwise)
    175  Flip numpy array of arbitrary dimension
    175  Flatten numpy array with python
    175  find_peaks does not identify a peak at the start of the array
    175  Fastest way to vectorize Gaussian CDF (or erf/erfc/etc.) on PyPy (i.e. no SciPy)
    175  Faster implementation of pixel mapping
    175  Efficient way to conditionally populate elements in a pandas groupby object (possibly by applying a function)
    175  df[['a', 'b']].corr() works but df['a'].corr(df['b']) not. why?
    175  CSV Data preprocessing and reformatting python
    175  Create a new array containing zeros and ones depending one the values in another array
    175  Create a heatmap using gnuplot froma a matrix written on a . txt file
    175  Convert sympy symbolic variable to numpy array
    175  Convert GeoSeries to regular float type?
    175  Convert from socket data to numpy array
    175  Conditional modification of array in python
    175  Combining two views of same numpy array into single view without copying the array?
    175  CDF x value at 50% and mean don't show the same number
    175  Can only use the '.sparse' accessor with Sparse data
    175  Arrange a numpy array to represent physical arrangement with 2d color plot
    175  Appending to a new column the differences of current row and previous row, for multiple columns
    175  0 in FFT spectrum are white?, why? - OpenCV
    174  Why would SciPy's interp1d take over a minute to build an interpolator?
    174  Why does the Numpy community provide 32bit binaries installer but not 64bit?
    174  Why are serialized numpy random_state objects different when are loaded?
    174  What's the fastest, most efficient, and pythonic way to perform a mathematical sigma sum?
    174  What is axis in Python with Numpy module?
    174  Vectorise Python code
    174  Using broadcast in ND4J
    174  Use Unsupervised Nearest Neighbors with NaN
    174  SVR predicts same value for all features
    174  Splitting a dataframe into chunks based on multiple conditions for a column
    174  Specifying different dtypes while reading large ASCII as numpy array with np.fromiter
    174  Solar System in OpenGL, Camera position
    174  sklearn clustering with custom metric: pairwise_distances throwing error
    174  scipy.optimize_curvefit gives bad results
    174  RuntimeError raised when install NumPy by using pip on Windows 7
    174  Rounding to nearest min in a pandas dataframe
    174  Reshaping array using array.reshape(-1, 1)
    174  Randomly grow values in a NumPy Array
    174  Python Way to Recode String Data into Categories?
    174  Python: two list iteration inside for loop for index
    174  Python - running a program increasingly faster
    174  Python: process array faster
    174  Python - How to apply ''bounding-box normalization and centering'' algorithm for an image matrix?
    174  python: computing statistics on subset of an image
    174  Python COM object , won't save numpy array
    174  PyQt4 and Qwt Error when opening
    174  py2exe help - missing modules
    174  Problems in passing numpy.ndarray to ctypes but to get an erraneous result
    174  Parallel Scipy COO Matrix Computations
    174  Optimize code to increment slice of a numpy array once per each row of a pandas dataframe
    174  numpy : Want to extract a column, gives a row
    174  Numpy: strange different behavior of inplace and explicit operation
    174  Numpy - Speed up iteration comparison?
    174  numpy array has incomplete shape
    174  np.where IndexError exception
    174  networkx nodes' degre - unhashable types
    174  Moving window in Pandas to check for the specific range values
    174  Memory error for numpy operations: How do I bypass this?
    174  ImportError: matplotlib requires dateutil, Python OSX 10
    174  How to smooth from data and plot it with Python
    174  How to relate kernel input data structure in CUDA kernel function with parameter input in pycuda
    174  How to make input pipeline using tf.RandomShuffleQueue and tf.train.shuffle_batch in tensorflow?
    174  How to inplace pop/append with 2D Numpy array?
    174  How to get the types of numpy function arguments (from docstrings) using jedi in python
    174  How to get a vectorized np.argmax random tiebreaker? [duplicate]
    174  How to efficiently apply functions to values in an array based on condition?
    174  How to deal with the missing satellite data in interpolation procedure
    174  How to create a PCA for KNN classification?
    174  How to convert string datatypes to float in numpy arrays in Python 3
    174  How to compare 3 numpy arrays elementwise and get the results as the array with maximum values?
    174  How can i use numpy allclose to compare arrays of variable length?
    174  Getting error while implementing KNN algorithm
    174  Generate random array of integers with known total
    174  Find max r-value**2 in python
    174  Find indices of N concurrences in arrays using numpy
    174  Filter out all rows preceding a string match
    174  faster evaluation calls of a function
    174  Fail to write model history to a json file in the end of 2nd epoch of a keras fit_generator training
    174  elegant way to iterate and count a sequence in pandas [duplicate]
    174  Does numpy.correlate differ from scipy.signal.correlate if both are used on a 1D array?
    174  Diagonal Block Multiplication via Tensor Multiplication in Numpy
    174  defining a loop in a 3d numpy array
    174  curve_fit a 2D function containing numpy arrays --> shapes (3,3,9) and (3,1) not aligned: 9 (dim 2) != 3 (dim 0)
    174  Converting a ''string'' to ''float''?
    174  Construct image from 4D list
    174  Constraining the Domain of Voronoi Vertices Generated by Qhull
    174  Constraining random number generation in Python
    174  Cannot find the updated python module
    174  calculations for different columns in a numpy array
    174  Calculate required equipment on shifts in timespans
    174  Calculate a mean of pandas dataframe whose cells are list
    174  Backpropagation in python: cannot understand a line of code
    174  average correlation of z dim of an x,y rolling window in numpy
    174  About the docs of recarray's multiple fields indexing
    174  3D numpy array in Theano
    173  Vectorizing OpenCV loops python
    173  Vectorize a function for a GroupBy Pandas Dataframe
    173  User defined function: operands could not be broadcast together
    173  Trying to loop through numpy array python
    173  Trying to find python numpy indexes with more than 2 logical conditions
    173  Taking percentile cuts along an axis of ascii data via python
    173  Taking a Square Submatrix of a Square Matrix?
    173  Standardization of an numpy array
    173  Speed up the code in NumPy
    173  Sorting of eigenvalues in Python in for-loop
    173  Sort dataframe based on first digit of a column
    173  Shape inconsistence in my code based on numpy/scipy package
    173  Scipy Ttest_ind and Ranksum
    173  Reshape a numpy array
    173  Replacing values in array or dataframe
    173  read data to numpy array
    173  Python: Struggling to mask part of a dataset
    173  Python percentile of recent value vs window of previous values
    173  Python can't import NUMPY
    173  Pint Python module in MetPy - pint.UnitRegistry TypeError - unexpected keyword argument
    173  Permute rows in ''slices'' of 3d array to match each other
    173  Pandas merge data frames
    173  Optimization for faster numpy 'where' with boolean condition
    173  numpy row pair sum of squared row wise differences without for loops (only api calls)
    173  Numpy: multiplying matrix elements with array of matrices
    173  numpy array averaging with mask
    173  numpy array assigning values
    173  Numpy 2D array from TXT
    173  np.where is not working inside function but outside it is working
    173  Not able to understand python function of cosine similarity
    173  Minimum value in 3D NumPy array along specified axis
    173  Memory error on raspberry pi in for loop taking dark frame images with Picamera
    173  Managing and plotting data over dateline
    173  keep dataframe numeric after concatenation
    173  Is there a way with numpy to memmap a big-endian complex number?
    173  Issue with PyArray_SimpleNewFromData - unknown location?
    173  Interpolate/Fill Gaps on a Numerical Grid using Python
    173  Improve the Speed of Mapping A List of Lab Colors to a Second List of Lab Colors
    173  How would I write NumPy argmode()?
    173  How to use TA-lib to create moving average columns on multiple securities?
    173  How to save the state of the jupyter notebook kernel?
    173  How to retrieve changed values of previous rows while within apply at pandas?
    173  how to obtain the index of non zero element for each column in numpy?
    173  How to index a tensor using arrays?
    173  How to extract n 1-D tensors from a given 2-D tensor?
    173  How to compute Pairwise L1 Distance matrix on very large images in neighborhood only?
    173  How does numpy allocate memory for nested array?
    173  groupby and normalize over two arrays
    173  GAE: Why does GAE perform worse than normalized return and advantages
    173  Function as variable of integration
    173  fromiter() gives ''int() argument must be a string''
    173  Filling a pandas dataframe with an increasing column offset for each row
    173  Fastest way of iterating and accessing elements of numpy array?
    173  Fail to import shap library due to ''''numpy.core.multiarray fail to import"
    173  cumulative sum in numpy array with condition for stop
    173  Creating matrices in Numpy?
    173  Convert 3D array in C++ to numpy array
    173  Combine horizontally aligned polygons in a image
    173  Classify list of points as a shape
    173  can we deduce an argsort array from numpy's unique function?
    173  Calculating exponential of a matrix in python
    173  Calculate Rolling Return/Moving Average using Numpy
    173  Backpropagation Using Tensorflow and Numpy MSE not Dropping
    173  ATLAS via Cython vs. numpy: how is numpy faster?
    173  apt-get install python3-numpy doesn't install numpy on python3, but installed on python2.7
    173  Accumulate constant value in Numpy Array
    173  2D array of empty appendable items?
    172  Zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated, but my arrays aren't zero-dimensional
    172  write or stop statements break f2py compilation
    172  Why is numpy.spacing(0) giving me an impossible number?
    172  What is the difference between `` and `numpy`?
    172  what does the np.array command do?
    172  VisibleDeprecationWarning when creating random array of size 2e5
    172  Tensorflow reshaping error for 1d convolutional neural net
    172  TensorFlow error
    172  Struggling With Python For-Loop Speed
    172  Scipy kd-tree with auxiliary identifier assigned to each point
    172  Reading a few lines as Numpy array from a huge file
    172  Python Scipy Optimization method: global optimization failed
    172  Python Numpy nested loop - fast way to calculate?
    172  Python numpy code more efficient than eigen3 or plain C++
    172  Python Matrix Output to Excel
    172  Pythonic way to return an array of the correct dimension
    172  Predictive modelling - Regression with grouped id's and moving average (python)
    172  Populating a Numpy array from CSV file in Ros
    172  populate a numpy array with a normal array
    172  Pandas - Outer Join on Column with Repeating Values
    172  Pandas nunique equivalent with NumPy [duplicate]
    172  pandas: how to combine matrix with different index and columns?
    172  Pandas Get rows if value is in column dataframe
    172  Pandas: Check if a value exist in a column, create a new column, exist add 1 if not add 0
    172  opencv image encodeing returns array, instead of buffer
    172  Numpy working in iPython but not in IDE or Terminal Shell
    172  NUMPY Operations: Memory Efficiency: PYTHON
    172  numpy.column_stack vectorized
    172  NumPy - catching the index of first three consecutive negative numbers
    172  Need to grab a 3x3 neighbourhood of an input cell from a 2d numpy array
    172  load file from queue in tensorflow
    172  List appending weird error: python
    172  Is there any possibility to convert all columns in rows of pandas/numpy to arrays of bytes?
    172  Is there a function similar to Sympy's solve that will take in an array?
    172  Invert the scale of an array
    172  Insert list of attributes into list of objects in python
    172  I'm getting an excess vertical line in my pandas box plot
    172  how to use last 2 frames' informations when I use clip.fl_image(process_image)
    172  How to put multiple CSV dataset to fit the model in Keras?
    172  How to preserve column names starting with a minus when using numpy.genfromtxt?
    172  How to plot a boxplot using matplotlib with discontinuous y intervals on the y-axis?
    172  How to make precise decimal of numpy.pow in Python
    172  How to efficiently modify a numpy 3D array with millions of cells
    172  How to create this matrix in Python?
    172  How to create selective patches from an image based on the objects identified
    172  How to change a pythons code using scipy.weave? (how a code to do quicker?)
    172  How do I access a numpy array using the memory index?
    172  Generating a time-varying Gaussian Process
    172  Finding the co-ordinates of image pixels within a specified range in python
    172  Fast way to find matching elements in multiple numpy arrays
    172  error message when populating cell in 2d numpy array
    172  Efficient Numpy sampling of subarray in a wrapped 2D array
    172  Efficiently Perform Nested Dictionary Lookups and List Appending Using Numpy Nonzero Indices
    172  Efficiently apply different permutations for each row of a 2D NumPy array [duplicate]
    172  Create Animated Scatter plot for Vibration Sensor Readings on 3D axis using Python Matplotlib
    172  Create 4 column matrix with all combinations of the 11 values from 0 to 1 increasing by 0.1.
    172  Converting column values into datetime to insert into AccessDB
    172  Converting a 2d array (grayscale image) into 3d (rgb image) array
    172  Convert 1D object numpy array of lists to 2D numeric array and back
    172  checking whether tuple in the list in python
    172  Can an xlwings UDF return a list of numpy arrays?
    172  Array Multiplication in Numpy [duplicate]
    172  a problem in concatenating arrays in a loop
    172  Apply a function across numpy matrix row and concatenate the result?
    171  Writing a 3D numpy array to files including its indices
    171  Why i'm unable to copy PyArrayObject?
    171  Why does python round(np.float16(np.pi),5) return infinity? Bug, limitation, or expected?
    171  Why does a numpy array have 96 bytes of overhead?
    171  Where Column item is equal to specific value insert new item
    171  Using opengl4, can I map `uniform` variables to my userspace memory?
    171  `TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer` when trying to generate a random number
    171  Transform square matrix into 1D array with NumPy
    171  Speedup iteration of 2D numpy array
    171  Speeding Up or Optimizing Python matplotlib with GUI
    171  sparse matrix multiplication only calculate upper triangle
    171  SKLearn ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    171  Shapes of the np.arrays, unexpected additional dimension
    171  scipy.misc.factorial : The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    171  Replace values in arrays based on condition in python
    171  Replace multiple values in Numpy Array
    171  Python: rolling an array multiple times and saving each iteration as an image
    171  Python: Replace every 5th value of numpy array
    171  Python - Print a 5x5x3 numpy array as three 5x5 numpy arrays?
    171  Python piecewise poly1d?
    171  python error could not install packages due to an environmenterror winerror 5 access is denied
    171  Python element wise operations in parallel [duplicate]
    171  Probability that a formula fails in IEEE 754
    171  Plotting with numpy and pylab
    171  Pip install significantly slower on Python 3.5 versus 2.7 (RHEL)
    171  Peak and Trough analysis for 3d data set in python
    171  Parameters for fitted distribution
    171  Pandas series has np.round error that dataframe does not
    171  Optimizing a rebin of a numpy array to arbitrary binsize
    171  Numpy Cumsum Condition over Loop Between Two Arrays
    171  NumPy: Create a dict() by grouping values in a column by another column values
    171  numpy.asarray fails for cython memoryview
    171  Numpy Array: Count values that are in a line (from an Image)
    171  numpy array argsort not sorted correctly
    171  Matlab's convmtx2 equivalent in scipy
    171  Matching a Source image to a destination image in python
    171  Looking up index of value in numpy 3D arrays
    171  Looking for average BGR values for each column in each color
    171  loadtxt a matrix in python3 error
    171  Loading numeric data from lines matching regex - numpy fromregex
    171  live-feed shape detection TypeError
    171  "Is there any function in python like minifs and maxifs which compare two different dataframe
    171  Implementing a stateful GRU in pure Numpy based on a trained Keras Model
    171  How to slice multidimensional array with Numpy, multiple columns?
    171  How to rearrange print output in Python from column to a row?
    171  How to map values of two array and return index of mapped value
    171  How to integrate Sympy and Numpy in python? Numpy array of sympy symbols
    171  how to insert a numpy array having only one element to mysql db?
    171  How to index an array in python by index table?
    171  How to get a vector. from 2D numpy array using argmax?
    171  How to do mean substraction and normalization over a batch of images in Tensorflow?
    171  How can I logically test the output of a np.where result?
    171  How can I create a numpy array with 1's in center and corners
    171  handling data set with horrible date time data
    171  Given two matrices and a function that takes two vectors, how to vectorize mean of function for every pair of vectors from the matrices?
    171  find pixels of given value in rank 3 tensor (e.g rgb image)
    171  Finding the closest point(s) by ranking them
    171  fast way of summing row entries in diagonal position of matrix in python
    171  Fast combinations without replacement for arrays - NumPy / Python
    171  Extract interpolated values from a 2D array based on a large set of xy points
    171  Extracting columns values based on values in a specific column in pandas data frame
    171  Convert DataFrame with index-OHLC data to index-O index-L index-H index-O (flatten OHLC data)
    171  Assign values based on multiple conditions
    171  append column to a two dimensional variable
    170  While loops with certain array conditions
    170  Using numpy.vecotrize correctly
    170  Using numpy.ones as indices of an array
    170  Using a threshold image to change brightness values in an actual image
    170  Use 'groupby' on statistically processed R2 values- python
    170  TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable (using lambda)
    170  Trying to apply fftconvolve over xarray
    170  Tensorflow / Keras stack images on channels
    170  Solving ODE with scipy.integrate.ode and scipy.integrate.odeint give different results [duplicate]
    170  Replacing 1 column of CSV from float to char with Python/NumPy
    170  Remove background (from edges) from image and plot histogram
    170  Read and write multiple columns using numpy
    170  Python - Translating best fit line in log plot
    170  python - replace last n columns with sum of all files
    170  Python Pandas Timestamp Subtraction vs. Numpy
    170  python, large ndarray append row in for loop
    170  python ''is'' returns True but ''=='' returns False
    170  python - combination between elements of two matrices
    170  Python Broadcasting: Use 1D vector as index in one dimension of 2d array
    170  Projecting a cube onto a plane using matrix transformations and numpy
    170  Parsing live stream to a dataframe
    170  Pandas multi-indexing succeeds when given a tuple, fails with a list
    170  Operation by indexing only last axis
    170  Numpy-vectorized function to repeat blocks of consecutive elements
    170  Numpy throws incorrect roots
    170  Numpy switch numbering from columns to rows
    170  NumPy setdiff1d with tolerance - Comparing a numpy array to another and saving only the unique values - outside of a tolerance
    170  Numpy: running out of memory on one machine while accomplishing the same task on another
    170  numpy/pandas NaN difference confusion
    170  Numpy ''ma.where'' has different behaviour from ''where'' ...  How can I make it behave the same?
    170  Numpy load.txt does not convert value to integer
    170  NumPy Fancy Indexing - Crop different ROIs from different channels
    170  numpy dot or einsum for multiplying N 2x2 arrays with a 2xn array
    170  numpy array values to be converted from string to float?
    170  numpy array iteration to track maximum number so far
    170 on masked array of unsigned integer dtype returns wrong result in numpy 1.11.0
    170  Newton's method for finding roots
    170  Is there a way to stack multiple 2D (numpy) image arrays about a specified point?
    170  Input-Digits-Image is not recognised correctly using Tensorflow's MNIST dataset
    170  Indexing and slicing structured ndarrays
    170  Index entire array backwards in for loop
    170  how to use first band of 3d numpy array as imaginary values for all other bands
    170  how to take mean of the column of tuple
    170  How to import uncommented text from a file in Python?
    170  how to fix ''index 3 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 3'' in one-hot encoding? [duplicate]
    170  How to create python/numpy array from text file?
    170  How to create column names from txt files in pandas Dataframe? [duplicate]
    170  How to create a new dataframe from a dictionary and a list in pandas
    170  How to create a 2-D numpy array from 1-D array?
    170  How to calculate entropy from frequency table?
    170  How do you estimate the frequency of a noisy sine wave? [duplicate]
    170  How can I optimize my code? (python-opencv-numpy)
    170  Get only non-zero sub arrays from a N dimensional Numpy array
    170  Get indexes of True values in Boolean DataArray
    170  Find subset with similar mean as full set
    170  Finding unique sets without subsets in python array
    170  finding index of greatest element comparison in numpy array
    170  equivalent functions in numpy
    170  Efficiently define an implicit Numpy array
    170  Double linebreak fails with matplotlib and xkcd style
    170  Dividing a NumPy array by another NumPy array
    170  Distance between two arrays or vectors of different length?
    170  Covariance matrix for 9 arrays using np.cov
    170  Convert multi-dimensional Numpy array to 2-dimensional array based on color values
    170  Converting OpenCV cv.Rectangle(img, pt1, pt2) into NumPy array with Python
    170  Conditional import of rows in text files
    170  checking non-ambiguity of strides in numpy array
    170  Cannot allocate memory for array, rdkit converting to numpy array error
    170  Calculate correlation in xarray with missing data
    170  associativity of matrix multiplication in numpy
    170  Array of indexes for each element alongs the first dimension in a 2D array (numpy., tensorflow)
    170  Arctan2 angle correction
    170  An error when running an example
    169  why is numpy's fft and fft2 not equal for 1D arrays?
    169  Why does this piece of code gets slower with time?
    169  Why does numpy let you add different size arrays?
    169  What exactly does eig(A) and diag(A) return where A is a matrix
    169  Trying to find the std of an array result in fault
    169  The loop in Python does not update the array, why? [closed]
    169  Storing output of URL directly into numpy raster
    169  Speeding up a linear transform using parallel Cython
    169  sort 3D array by the sum of the second value
    169  Solve equation in python over a given time interval with initial condition given
    169  Slicing in Pandas Dataframes and comparing elements
    169  Slicing a pattern in a large 1-d NumPy array
    169  separate n bits color planes in numpy or skimage
    169  Resizing image using CV2 freezes Lasagne/theano on prediction calculation
    169  Replace duplicate set of values with NaN
    169  Repeat rows of a 2D array
    169  Removing matplotlib's dependencies for numpy (and using Apple's application loader)
    169  Quick way to get strided reverse of NumPy array
    169  Python ORM to NumPy arrays
    169  python numpy vectorize an array of object instances
    169  Python, Numpy: How to select numpy array with given mask
    169  Python is producing weird decimals when multiplying [duplicate]
    169  Python - Find width of bifurcation in x-y data
    169  Python, distance between two points type issue
    169  Python 2.7 memory leak when using scipy to fit (minimze) a function
    169  Probably super simple python plotting warning using matplotlib
    169  Power operator ** on numpy array returns a strange result. Is it a bug?
    169  Pivot pandas dataframe with dates and showing counts per date
    169  Optimizing Pandas DataFrame Filtering
    169  Numpy using smaller 2D array to map with bigger array with more elements
    169  numpy.test fails with FAIL: test_error_message (test_utils.TestEqual)
    169  numpy ravel on inconsistent dimensional object
    169  Numpy ''multi meshgrid''
    169  numpy matrix MemoryError only on Windows 7 Machine
    169  Numpy how find the index of the third dimension from a three-dimensional array (eg x, y)
    169  Numpy bug? (python3)
    169  Need advise for efficiency about Manipulating data on Python and Pandas
    169  matplotlib heatmap - plot odd indices
    169  Making numpy fsolve work on piecewise constant functions
    169  Large numpy matrix memory issues
    169  Is there a more efficient (i.e. faster) way to compute correlated random walks?
    169  How to write unitary transformation of matrix in Python
    169  How to set a numpy array in loop and plot
    169  How to save the date format and compare it when time changes in python?
    169  How to repeate the process and store result in the new data frame pandas
    169  How to generate difference Image? [closed]
    169  How to detect upward and downward trend with pandas?
    169  How to concatenate a mixed list of 1d and 0d numpy arrays?
    169  How add noise to numpy array for random numbers within for loop of seperate function
    169  Getting an expression over a horizon for a given recursive equation in sympy/numpy
    169  Generate example (Iris) dataset with python
    169  Finding the solution of a summation of exponentials
    169  Find edge points of numpy array for kmeans centroids initialization
    169  fft: why my main peak is lower than the side peak?
    169  error in converting tensor to numpy array
    169  Difficulty getting Python 3.3 and numpy to work
    169  Converting a unique columns into SFrame headers with corresponding values
    169  Convert index from time string to millisecond - Pandas time series
    169  contour plot in bokeh
    169  Change index datatype in numpy matrix from int to string
    169  Calculate the probability of finding a value in a submatrix of a 2D array
    169  Building 3D arrays in Python to replace loops for optimization
    169  Binning data and calculating MAE for each bin in Python
    169  Applying two parameter function to list to produce symmetric matrix with NumPy
    169  Apply function along ranges in numpy array
    169  Adding interactivity in Python?
    169  Add constant value to an array which is stored in an hdf5 file
    168  Using multiple indicies for arrays in python
    168  Use numpy to get permutations of multiple lists' items
    168  unintuitive selection in a pandas dataframe using a numpy array
    168  TypeError('The value of a feed cannot be a tf.Tensor object ... ) though I am providing it a numpy array
    168  Theano: arguments for calling Theano functions
    168  Slice and get value from a list of array
    168  Should a Cython memory view of indexes be of type Py_ssize_t or int?
    168  Selecting rows/columns in numpy array based on another numpy array (performance)
    168  Sagemath cannot find value in list we need to use for simps integration
    168  Reshape array on xAxis and fill with mean value in Python?
    168  random numpy array for DNA bases
    168  PYTHON: Percentage of sorting level of a numpy 2D array
    168  python pandas elegant dataframe access rows 2:end
    168  Python nested for-loop to numpy
    168  python most common pair of indices in 3 x n array
    168  Python interaction between two numpy arrays of the same shape involving cell neighbours
    168  Python 2.7: faster way to iterate over flow accumulation array
    168  Pybrains Maze tutorial gets Error
    168  Plot value in unequal list/array shape using Imshow and cmap [duplicate]
    168  Pandas incremental values when boolean changes
    168  Numpy sum of values between arrays of indices with a wraparound condition
    168  Numpy sum (Numpy 1.15.4, linked with MKL)
    168  Numpy power ufunc operating on specific axis
    168  Numpy Float128 Polyfit
    168  Numpy array item order - equal distribution of sequences
    168  numpy.all() and empty arrays
    168  not able install pip hence pandas also in ubuntu
    168  Matrix multiplication result in NaN by using Mac osx Accelerate framework
    168  Making a Qobj out of a picos variable
    168  Is the mask of a structured array supposed to be structured itself?
    168  Inconsistent result when using Fortran function on numpy array with F2PY
    168  Improve join, sort and filter performance using Pandas
    168  How to select elements between ranges given by indices in a 2D array? Numpy
    168  How to interpret output of config show from numpy?
    168  How to group pandas DataFrame by varying dates?
    168  How to convert string like '001100' to numpy.array([0,0,1,1,0,0]) quickly?
    168  How to add values (multiple numpy arrays) to an existing Matlab variable (in a .mat file) to create a table using
    168  How do I efficiently convert pandas dataframe to image array?
    168  How do I duplicate the values for the last dimension in a numpy array?
    168  How do I calculate polar plot density in matplotlib
    168  How Can I Approach Machine Learning in Python, Simply?
    168  GridSearch paramgrid
    168  Generating Multivariate Distributions(data points) in Python
    168  Force numpy array to physically match striding in memory
    168  Find most repeated ! np.array ! in a list
    168  finding kill zones in antibiotic assays with low contrast between zones [closed]
    168  Fill null values based on the values of the other column of a pandas dataframe
    168  extract indices from multi dimensional array using condition, max
    168  error using memmap to parse header in python numpy
    168  dot product of vectors in multidimentional matrices (python, numpy)
    168  Disparity between result of numpy gradient applied directly and applied using xarray.apply_ufunc
    168  define an harmonic oscillator function to use in odeint
    168  Creat a Sparse matrix known index and value
    168  Convert pixel(x, y) for loop to numpy.nditer Iterator
    168  Convert numpy array to string
    168  Convert numpy array full of time deltas to hours
    168  compress list of numbers into unique non overlapping time ranges using python
    168  CatBoostError: loss [RMSE] is incompatible with metric [Accuracy] (no classification support)
    168  Bottlepy return an numpy image after resize an image
    167  Why does python import a lower version of Numpy?
    167  Why can I call the Numpy RandomState method?
    167  What is the most efficient way to compare every value of 2 numpy matrices?
    167  Using Pandas how do I count groups of data?
    167  Using numpy for polynomial fit on pandas dataframe
    167  tensorflow: tensor to ndarray conversion doesn't work - python3.x
    167  smart computation of distances over a (sparse ?) numpy.meshgrid
    167  Slice Numpy character array using a view
    167  Sklearn cosine_similarity between a tfidf vector and an array of tfidf vectors
    167  Seamlessly solve square linear system that could be 1-dimensional in numpy
    167  Rolling concatenation array of numpy arrays
    167  RNN: predictions with different input and output
    167  Resort python list for boxplots
    167  Removing stand-alone numbers from string in Python
    167  Recommended cudf Dataframe Construction
    167  Python Numpy manipulate matrix
    167  Python merge two arrays based on specific value
    167  Python: mask a numpy.ndarray with another numpy.ndarray with elegant solution
    167  Python code sharing and repositories? [closed]
    167  python array filtering out of bounds
    167  Python 3.x IndexError while using nested For loops
    167  pypy 3 with Numpy - what is the latest on this?
    167  PyCharm error:is not a supported wheel on this platform
    167  PyCharm 2018.3.2 cannot import numpy
    167  Putting incomplete nested lists in a rectangular ndarray
    167  put numpy array items into ''bins'' [duplicate]
    167  Plotting error bars from 2 axis
    167  Pandas copy rows using loops
    167  on a numpy 2D array - how to set last N array elements in each row to zero when N changes over rows
    167  numpy's transpose method can't convert 1D row ndarray to a column one [duplicate]
    167  Numpy reshape with remainder throws error
    167  numpy randint generation as a string
    167  numpy.power for array with negative numbers
    167  Numpy Indexing Operations with Tensorflow
    167  Numpy dot product returns array of [inf]
    167  Numpy block matrix assignment with integer array indexing [duplicate]
    167  Numpy array and column extracted from a matrix, different shape
    167  `` without cartesian product on remaining axes
    167  None values in numpy arrays [duplicate]
    167  nominal to bi-nominal in python
    167  merge two numpy.array without a loop
    167  Loading Multiple Data files from same folder in Python
    167  k-Nearest Neighbors rundown
    167  Is there a significant overhead in calling `np.asarray' on a NumPy array?
    167  Inserting values to an empty multidim. numpy array [duplicate]
    167  How to use exp() in integration function?
    167  How to solve Absolute Value abs() objective with Python Gekko?
    167  How to parse the data after Bert embedding?
    167  How to extract the entire row and columns when condition met in numpy array
    167  How to extract rows and columns from a 3D array in Tensorflow
    167  How to arrange feature matrix?
    167  How do I reshape a numpy array to remove all elements with nans?
    167  How convert multidimensional array to two dimensional array
    167  How can I identify numpy's integer type?
    167  Filling a 2D matrix so that no two neighbouring values are the same
    167  Extract from numpy array with coordinates of points
    167  Efficient way to create a numpy boolean array from an array [duplicate]
    167  Efficient calculation on complete columns (pytables, hdf5, numpy)
    167  defined function not found
    167  Count consecutive equal values in array [duplicate]
    167  Could someone help me translate this short code snippet into python?
    167  Convert python string into numpy array [duplicate]
    167  Converting to 8-bit image causes white spots where black was. Why is this?
    167  Converting normal matrix to numpy
    167  Converting .edf to .npy
    167  Convert a numpy int64 into a list
    167  Construct Sparse Matrix in Matlab from Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format
    167  Conditional Piecewise Function
    167  Can one form a view into diagonal of ndarray in numpy
    167  Calculating averages of 15 records ahead of the current record as a new column
    167  Argument types differ in normal and reflected operator overload (__sub__ / __rsub__)
    167  Amortized O(1) rolling minimum implemented in Python Numba/NumPy
    166  Widening Pandas Data Frame, Similar to Pivot or Stack/Unstack
    166  What expression > mean in sentence (python)?
    166  what does [::-1] mean in python - slicing?
    166  Using list comprehension in data cubes
    166  Union list of lists without duplicates
    166  string to numeric array
    166  strange result. txt file to np.array
    166  Square array from linear array python
    166  Serializing `numpy.dtype` objects: human readable
    166  Sample array along path
    166  Reshape sparse matrix
    166  Python: why is this array an object instead of a float?
    166  Python Pool with function that has two arrays as input
    166  Python, faster to use class property, or variable in a function?
    166  .pyc file gets created when it is not even imported
    166  PyArray_SimpleNewFromData makes the first entry incorrect
    166  Put multiple 2d numpy arrays into 3d numpy array
    166  Processing data by reference or by value in python
    166  Plot multiple csv files as subplots in Python
    166  os.path.join returning Errno22 in Enthought/Python
    166  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (33,4) (33,)
    166  One Hot Encoding - how to fix columns matching in Logistic Regression
    166  NumPy vectorize() or dot() appears buggy
    166  Numpy, Scipy: very big difference for working with nans on two machines
    166  Numpy returns ''TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer''
    166  Numpy giving error when not imported.
    166  Numpy faster than pure C? [closed]
    166  Numpy fails to import except in Admin command prompt
    166  Numpy dotproduct weird behaviour
    166  numpy copyto ValueError
    166  Numpy: Convert array of keys into array of values
    166  Numpy Array Division
    166  Matplotlib throws memory error when trying to meshgrid on big arrays
    166  Labelled datatypes Python
    166  Is it possible to shuffle the order of arrays in a .npz file?
    166  Indexing Error with HDU FITS file format with numpy
    166  Improper cost function outputs for Vectorized Logistic Regression
    166  Importing modules in Python (numpy, scipy, etc)
    166  How to map function over numpy array (rather than apply the function to the array)
    166  How to build numpy with conary recipe for x-86 CentOs
    166  How to align two arrays with different length in Python (using NaNs where there is no matching element)
    166  How do you turn a string back into an array?
    166  How can we speed up for loops in Pulp
    166  Having trouble rewriting code to list comprehension for image rotation in python
    166  Grouping column indices of an array based on max value of another list in python
    166  Generalize stacking of array elements' neighbors into 3-D array
    166  Funny behavior of operator overloading in Python numpy
    166  Funky behavior with numpy arrays
    166  Fast way to find all vectors similar to a given one
    166  Extract XY lines of specific orientation python
    166  Efficient way to extend a numpy array with values that do not already exist in that array
    166  Efficient nested looping with pandas dataframe
    166  Does keras support custom numpy strides?
    166  CV2 imwrite generates unopenable images [closed]
    166  Create a dataframe of permutations in pandas from lists
    166  Correct dtype definition
    166  Converting a MATLAB function to python
    166  Conditional nd argmin: How can I find the coordinates of the min of a subset of a multidimensional array?
    166  Concating a nested numpy array into 2D array
    166  Calculating stats across 1000 arrays
    166  Calculating mean value of a 2D array as a function of distance from the center in Python
    166  build/; import Image; moduleNotFoundError:No module named Image
    166  Assign a row in a numpy ndarray
    165  Why is MATLAB much faster than Python for svd? [duplicate]
    165  Vectorizing a for loop with Numpy
    165  Using part of a numpy array
    165  Using numpy.unique with a masked array get some strange issue
    165  Unpacking elements of a numpy matrix
    165  Unexpected Image Display Behavior in Ipython Notebook After Manipulating with Numpy
    165  Understanding NumPy's interpretation of string data types
    165  TypingError in Numba 0.37
    165  Trying to train a convolutional neural network using an image dataset saved as a numpy array in pickle
    165  Tips or patterns for reshaping 4D/5D arrays, (videos to frames)
    165  The long integer when using NumPy
    165  Strategy for isolating 3d data points
    165  Sorting two lists  -  one is a list of lists
    165  Scipy's quad fails on ''pretty smooth'' function
    165  Scipy: Is Newton's Method Faster with Numerical Derivatives than Secant Method
    165  Scaling Samples
    165  Remove columns that have 'N' number of NA values in it - python
    165  Read columns from file where first row is string
    165  Python Seaborn JointGrid IndexError
    165  python / numpy - group matrix elements and build dictionary
    165  (Python) numpy genfromtxt convert problem
    165  Python loop speed comparison
    165  Python error code AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'save'
    165  Python 3.5.2 - list.sort() not functioning
    165  Performance issue in computing multiple linear regression with huge data sets
    165  Pandas float value issues using loc
    165  Numpy with PyPy problems
    165  Numpy subset array between first and last occurence of logical expression match
    165  Numpy savetxt saves 1D array as column
    165  numpy ndarray uninitialized values interesting
    165  Numpy Memory Error after appending 15K+ images
    165  NumPy - Getting column and row number to reshape array
    165  Numpy: Finding minimum and maximum values from associations through binning
    165  numpy create a boolean array of False [duplicate]
    165  numpy coercion problem for left-sided binary operator
    165  Numerically solving for fixed points in 2D
    165  Motion Vector from Coordinates and Motion Model Fitting
    165  (memory-)efficient operations between arbitrary columns of numpy array
    165  Matplotlib contour distortion with large x-values
    165  Iterating over a list of arrays while making changes to each array
    165  Issue in handling NaN for distance calculation?
    165  Intervaled argmax for a NumPy array with intervals defined by another array
    165  Instability of pandas dataframe calculations
    165  input/output validation/casting of a numpy calculation
    165  Initializing a very large pandas dataframe
    165  IndexError: too many indices for array - Total Energy Matrix Variational Method
    165  how would I calculate the L2 or euclidean distance between rows of different 2D vectors
    165  How to vectorize a function with default parameter values?
    165  How to save a list to a text file in python?
    165  How to repeat a numPy array value
    165  How to make python object callable by numpy.array()
    165  How to loop numpy ndarray by using cupy? Is will really improve execution time?
    165  How to lambdify elliptic functions in sympy
    165  How to generate a new dataframe in python by considering conditions from other dataframes?
    165  How to fit 2-D function if some of the data points are NaNs?
    165  How to efficiently fill an incomplete pandas dataframe consisting of pairwise combinations of values in a list?
    165  how to do 3d matrix to 3d multiplication in python without loops?
    165  How is the memory allocated for numpy arrays in python?
    165  How do I compose a frequency list from unique arrays of different length in numpy
    165  how does numpy's polyvander3d work?
    165  How can I split numpy array
    165  How can I remove the 'NaN' not removing the data?
    165  How can I force my leastsq function from scipy.optimize to be superior than each data points
    165  Hierarchical agglomerative clustering: how to update distance matrix?
    165  Gekko optimization package and numpy inverse function
    165  Flatten or group array in blocks of columns - NumPy / Python
    165  Fastest way to filter lists of lists based on a third list?
    165  error of installing numpy1.8.1 in win7 for python3.2
    165  Eigen: Numpy like element indexing
    165  effectively preprocessing record array from genfromtxt
    165  Difference between clip.to_videofile and clip.write_videofile
    165  Create a matrix of alternating zeroes and random numbers?
    165  convert sparse format to array numpy
    165  Converting output into a numpy array
    165  Calculating Haversine Distance for large data set of Latitude/Longitudes with another data frame then returning corresponding data with Python
    165  Best way to represent a training set to split with
    165  Basic Backpropagation Implementation Not Working
    165  Assign values from np array based on first column of array (NumPy, Python)
    165  A more understandable approach to this transformation of iris data
    164  wrong exception handling in feed_dict in tensorflow
    164  Why are large numpy arrays 64-byte aligned but not smaller ones
    164  Where is @cupy.fuse cupy python decorator documented?
    164  What is the standard way to check the dimensions of a numpy input?
    164  Weighting Data Using Numpy
    164  Vectorize sparse sum without scipy.sparse
    164  Using scipy.optimize for a non algebraic function
    164  use numpy random for fast random selection
    164  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars, attempting to plot a contrast versus exit angle
    164  Sklearn Random Forest Classifier feature analysis at each tree level
    164  Remove NaN rows from numpy array that also contain objects
    164  Python numpy (einsum) optimization: 1D to ND outer dot products
    164  python incorrect size with getsizeof() and .nbytes with nested lists
    164  python handle wav file with wave and numpy
    164  Python ''for item not in list'' not working correctly
    164  Python AttributeError: Can only use .str accessor with string values
    164  Problems importing Numpy OR OriginPro and Python
    164  Optimizing performance of SciPy Minimize while using Concurrent.Futures?
    164  One liner for matrix-wise operations in python numpy (coming from MATLAB environment)
    164  Numpy vectorize and atomic vectors
    164  Numpy - Raise negative elements to non-integer power
    164  Numpy: np.delete is not removing values in the array
    164  Numpy multidimensional array only registering as 1D array
    164  numpy matrix is not completely transposed [closed]
    164  Numpy array within a specific range
    164  numexpr: temporary variables or repeated sub-expressions?
    164  Numba dictionary: signature in JIT() decorator
    164  Null numpy array to be appended to
    164  NotImplementedError: invalid type in assignment
    164  ''No space left on device'' error and SIGTERM signal when using Spark LSH in EMR
    164  Multiple substring searches in numpy array with few unique values
    164  Minimum distance between coordinate cluster and a point along unit vector i
    164  Minimizing a multi-variable function for every T-value from a vector of temperatures
    164  Matlab for loop, different values in Python
    164  Make Python Lists Into Two-Dimensional Arrays
    164  Keras Merge_layer load inputs directly from folders with datagenerator's flow from directory method.
    164  Keras : How can I transform my data in order to fit for this specific Deep Learning architecture?
    164  is there a way to normalize vectors with different input size with numpy
    164  Is there any good way to optimize the speed of this python code?
    164  Is it possible to find eigenvalues (and vectors) using Dask, and if so, how?
    164  indexing multidimensional arrays with an array
    164  incorrect result for scipy.stats.hypergeom.pmf
    164  How to write into numpy arrays in shared memory with Ray?
    164  How to write a 3D numpy array to a 1D std::vector in C++ using boost::python?
    164  How to replicate numpy.choose() in tensorflow?
    164  How to plot a 3D graph with Z axis being the magnitude of values in a csv?
    164  How to plot 3D histogram of HSV and CIELAB values?
    164  How to make a function determining the winner of Tic-Tac-Toe more concise
    164  How to insert one ndarray to another ndarray?
    164  How to fix Docker dependencies installation?
    164  How to create a new column using IF else which has date filters (alternate to SAS then do)
    164  How to convert JPG to fits in Python?
    164  how to convert a np array of lists to a np array
    164  How I can make my Mandelbrot plotter faster?
    164  How does ndarray work with a simple function, like x**2?
    164  Getting Slice of one dimension in ndarray
    164  Generate list of pointer to numpy array
    164  Fitting a gaussian for data which is zero everywhere except for a sharp peak in the centre point
    164  Finding all legal moves in a simple board game
    164  Fast way to add calculated value element to multidimensional numpy array
    164  Euler's method scheme python
    164  Error running flopy.modflow.HeadObservation: ValueError: Can't cast from structure to non-structure, except if the structure only has a single field
    164  Efficient way to compare the values of 3 lists in Python?
    164  Efficient array storage
    164  creating bitstring from numpy array in python3
    164  Create an array using boolean filtering [closed]
    164  Convert an image of a signal into a python list - by specifying no of points in 1D
    164  Concat, Groupby and sum() panda
    164  Comparison between numpy.all and bitwise '&' for binary sequence
    164  combining two arrays in numpy,
    164  combining/merging multiple 2d arrays into single array by using python
    164  Clever way to return nearest ''floor'' binary number in Python?
    164  Cleaning non Boolean values in dataframe in Python
    164  Calculating values of an array by applying a SymPy function results in AttributeError
    164  Calculate the distance between the sign change in sampled data
    164  array construction in python [closed]
    164  Adding new records to a numpy structured array
    163  Yocto: create recipe for SciKit-learn
    163  Why is this data not returning a numpy shape?
    163  Why is sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score so slow for sparse matrix input?
    163  What is python's strategy to manage allocation/freeing of large variables?
    163  What index should I use to convert a numpy array into a pandas dataframe?
    163  what does col[:, :, y, x, :, :] mean in numpy
    163  ValueError: shapes (64,28,28) and (784,50) not aligned: 28 (dim 2) != 784 (dim 0)
    163  Using numpy.genfromtxt how to parse a CSV field with the following format?
    163  using histogram counts in scatter
    163  to make a llist that have all zeros except the one column which should be value 1
    163  Time complexity: theory vs reality
    163  Theano shared variable vs numpy array speed in theano function
    163  Store several images as ndarrays into one 4 dimensional ndarray
    163  Sorting elements in a np.array using constrains
    163  SciPy - 'Object too deep for desired array' when subclassing rv_continuous
    163  Scan over every other element of a tensor variable in Theano
    163  ''RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars'' error occurs when taking cube root in python3
    163  Re-Creating Polynomial From Apple's Numbers App in Python
    163  Python Pandas Dataframe check column of lists and return ID from another Dataframe
    163  Python Numpy Matrix Update Confusion
    163  Python: Identifying undulating patterns in 1d distribution
    163  Python: How to index the elements of a numpy array?
    163  Python function to create and manipulate lists
    163  Pyinstaller exe file doesn't take any input
    163  Plotting strings vs floats (occurrence of letter codes vs percent composition)
    163  pandas comparing data frame slices
    163  Optimizing matrix writes in python/numpy
    163  Open Source Scientific Project - Use Python 2.6 or 2.7?
    163  Numpy symmetric matrix becomes asymmetric when I applied min-max scaling
    163  Numpy split array where NaN ends
    163  Numpy recursive compare against all data in row
    163  Numpy masking 3d array
    163  numpy broadcasting to all dimensions
    163  numpy asarray float32 works on Ubuntu but not Windows 7
    163  np.random.seed need to be called every time
    163  Nearest neighbor search with 2 distance measures
    163  Multiplying the matrix via its transpose using numpy
    163  Multidimensional indexing in numpy
    163  Most efficient way to calculate this sum in python
    163  Merge events temporally close to one another in numpy (pandas)
    163  memory leak unpickle dict of pandas DataFrames
    163  MemoryError when using very large ClassificationDataSets in PyBrain
    163  matplotlib.pyplot issue with subplot, np.ones and np.arange?
    163  Limiting how much data fits in memory using Python and how to deal when data does not fit in memory?
    163  Is there a fast way in Python to read in data from a file, separated by empty lines?
    163  how to use conda accelerate / benchmarks?
    163  How to restrict values of np.random with some non-normal distribution to an interval?
    163  How to prevent Numpy from splitting up an array-like object
    163  How to pass a raised error on a singular matrix of np.linalg.inv function?
    163  How to iterate over items one by one on a dataframe?
    163  How to interleave two matrices in numpy without copying values?
    163  How to include the row number when loading a file to array in python?
    163  how to get the value of multiple maximas in an array in python
    163  How to get first-order optimality from scipy.optimize module
    163  How to feed a placeholder tensor without fixed shape?
    163  How to do arithmetic on tidy data in pandas?
    163  How to define a row and a column on N-queen program?
    163  How to binarize textual data with scikit learn?
    163  How does NumPy implement its complex number literal?
    163  How can I simplify this awful code?
    163  ground_truth = np.squeeze(np.asarray(true_labels))
    163  Find a 5x5 sliding window over an image and obtain all indices (indexes) for each window
    163  Extend an array in a loop python/numpy
    163  Does compiled Fortran library using f2py depend on numpy afterwards?
    163  csv.Error: new-line character
    163  creating numpy 2D array from list of numpy 1D array
    163  Creating a 3D grid using X,Y,Z coordinates at cell centers
    163  Converting a string of coordinates to an X,Y np array
    163  Check order of dimensions of a numpy ndarray
    163  calculating windowed probability mass function on an image using numpy and scipy
    163  Background removing in an image
    163  Array order in pytables
    163  Apply an offset to the indices obtained from np.where
    163  Add up all Subarrays together
    163  3D matrix truth table
    162  Working efficiently with selected (query()) data from Pandas Dataframe
    162  Why does tensordot/reshape not agree with kron?
    162  What is this error raised by multiprocessing of scikit-learn model training?
    162  what is legacy for: numpy.set_printoptions(legacy='1.13')
    162  Vectorizing numpy Multiple Condition Nested Loops
    162  ValueError: Shape of passed values is (4999, 1), indices imply (4999, 1128) when using matmul
    162  ValueError: ['path'] while installing Numpy
    162  Using numpy broadcasting with scipy truncnorm
    162  Using .npy arrays generated in Python3.x in Python2.7 scripts?
    162  Use ipdb in Eclipse
    162  Turning a python ndarray into a matlab file
    162  The components of numpy.gradient of a symmetric function are different
    162  tensorflow conditional on axis
    162  Syntax Error on function definition when using emcee
    162  Split dataframe on sum column?
    162  Speeding up closest date merge in Pandas?
    162  Solve broadcasting error without for loop, speed up code
    162  Shape error when using PolynomialFeatures
    162  Repeating numpy arrays
    162  Remove 2d slice from 3d numpy array
    162  Python Numpy: Why is nparray[ i ][ j ] slower than nparray[ i , j ]?
    162  python - Numpy point to grid
    162  Python: looking for duplicates in list
    162  Python broadcast ValueError multipying numpy matrices
    162  putting value of one array into a list in python [duplicate]
    162  Pandas time interpolation - NaNs
    162  Pandas DataFrame constructor takes list input?
    162  Ordering a list of regularly sampled 2D points on a curve
    162  Optimal multiple return values in scientific python
    162  numpy x**L operator gives NaN if x is a vector of negative floats
    162  numpy.where on structured array with object dtype of tuples
    162  Numpy slice to indices
    162  Numpy: indicators to partition
    162  Numpy: frequency array to distribution
    162  Numpy fastest way to apply array of functions to matrix columns
    162  Numpy array not showing properly
    162  not able to install numpy in ubuntu 14.04 [duplicate]
    162  Neural Network classifier in python
    162  Navigating through a big numpy.ndarray
    162  MetPy Matching GOES16 Reflectance Brightness
    162  Match implementation specific C++ char to uint32_t cast in Python
    162  Make the percentages equal using a formula function in python for the values pulled from Excel
    162  loop on np.loadtxt name is not defined
    162  Looping through n x n matrix with a smaller matrix of certain size with numpy arrays
    162  loading .mat file into python causing 'buffer is too small for requested array' error
    162  Is NumPy's array system different from PIL's Image.fromarray()?
    162  Inserting values into array without indices
    162  Index out of bounds with itertuples
    162  Incrementing sub-sets of matrices in Python
    162  How to use image and weight matrix to create adversarial images in TensorFlow?
    162  How to speed up iterating through an array / matrix? Tried both pandas and numpy arrays
    162  How to solve ''Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional'' in linear regression?
    162  How to read two lines from a file and create dynamics keys in a for-loop?
    162  How to quickly used format to print a list?
    162  How to load 3D numpy array as dataframe in seaborn
    162  how to linearly interpolate the inside, intermediate border area of an image with numpy or scipy or another python compatible library
    162  How to find rectangular areas in Numpy array?
    162  How to efficiently deal with lists of varying length
    162  How to create diagonal array from existing array in numpy
    162  How to convert the Y axis values of scatter plot into percentage
    162  How to calculate common log functions like log5(6) in Numpy? [duplicate]
    162  How do I calculate average monthly temperatures per each year separately using numpy?
    162  Hough Circle detction AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rint'
    162  Higher-order multivariate derivatives
    162  Gridding a numpy array
    162  get average (row, col) cell given array values as weights?
    162  Error while building a network graph using matplotlib
    162  efficiently convert big list with differently sized sublists to padded NumPy array
    162  Determine Quadrant Containing the Most Area of a 4-Gon (Polygon)
    162  Data transformation for machine learning
    162  Cython not seeing any speedup
    162  Count changing bits in numpy array
    162  Copying to h5py very slow
    162  Convert TensorFlow sparse_tensor_dense_matmul to embedding_lookup_sparse format
    162  Converting ndarray from float32 to uint8 messes the image up
    162  Beier neely image morphing in python, need help regarding numpy/image array
    162  Batch glimpse sensor with numpy
    162  assigning bounds to individual independent points within the scipy.optimize.curve_fit function
    162  Array has unsupported item format 'd'
    162  Are binary partition trees premade before points are added to nodes?
    162  Appending data in Python
    161  What's the typical scientific python optimization path?
    161  what's the easiest way to load array data from a file in Python?
    161  What is the most efficient way to extend a dimension of a 4D numpy array?
    161  Vectorized sum-reduction with outer product - NumPy
    161  Vectorize a for loop in numpy to calculate duct-tape overlaping
    161  ValueError: shapes (1,4) and (5,4) not aligned: 4 (dim 1) != 5 (dim 0), when adding my variables to my prediction machine
    161  Use scipy.stats.entropy in Tensorflow Graph
    161  TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' even after using np.multiply
    161  Speed up python loops for the construction of large symmetric matrices
    161  Sort two numpy matrices in parallel, row by row
    161  Simple Q-learning neural network using numpy
    161  Shape not the same after dumping to libsvm a numpy sparse matrix
    161  scipy.stat.norm.pdf does not add up to one
    161  Runtime Optimization of sympy code using numpy or scipy
    161  reverse effects of boolean masking in numpy
    161  Read Vector from Text File
    161  Python warnings treated as errors, cannot disable
    161  Python Polar Chart; different colours for each point of a given data set
    161  Python - OpenCv Camera Calibration - Saving map matrix to file and read them back
    161  Python: Memory optimised way of defining matrices in numpy
    161  Python indexing issue in while and for loop
    161  Python + Ever-increasing memory allocation
    161  Python, create new list based on condition applied to an existing list of same length
    161  Python3: What is the most efficient way to calculate all permutations of two lists summing to 100?
    161  Plotting mathematical function in python
    161  Pandas gives different results for different machines
    161  Opening text file in python as an array or list of list
    161  Numpy : How to concatenate array of objects keep the dtype consistent
    161  Numpy/Arrays Function
    161  Numpy array: access first element after last element
    161  np.mean for rows with specific values across multiple columns
    161  Noise while altering audio data
    161  NetCDF4 [[--]] value for lat, long interpolation
    161  matplotlib / scipy produces weird results when calculating and plotting multiple data sets (phase portraits of ODEs)
    161  Masked array operation in numpy
    161  manipulate strides in tensorflow and/or theano
    161  Making my program faster using with compiling
    161  Logical multiplication of matrices in python
    161  Line of best fit for non-linear regression [duplicate]
    161  K-means numpy error in image compression
    161  Installing TWAIN on Python 3.4 on x64 Windows
    161  In place insertion into list (or array)
    161  In Pandas, how to re-determine the dtypes of columns after dropna?
    161  index by comparision of two numpy arrays in python
    161  How to write a complex numpy array to excel using openpyxl
    161  How to threshold vectors [u,v] in a 2D numpy array?
    161  How to obtain minimum between a numpy array and a float number? [duplicate]
    161  How to handle mixed type data in pandas data frame?
    161  how to get column, row number based on value in matrix from numpy
    161  how to fix numpy log inf values and RuntimeWarning
    161  How to extract rows in numpy structured array that satisfy some condition?
    161  How to do value_counts in all values in Pandas Dataframe
    161  How to create a dataframe with multiple lists/arrays in python
    161  How to count values in a certain range in a Numpy array? (Does not work)
    161  How to convert CSV columns to normalized np arrays?
    161  How to concatenate two numpy array a, b like this
    161  How to calculate sparse values of matrix product memory-efficiently in Python?
    161  How do I check if np.array exist inside another np.array?
    161  How can I divide a numpy array into n sub-arrays using a sliding window of size m? [duplicate]
    161  given total returns and dividends, vectorize the implied price
    161  Format of Text Based Dataset in Python
    161  Filter a list of images by similarity relationship
    161  Fastest way to create DataFrame from last available data
    161  Faster accessing 2D numpy/array or Large 1D numpy/array
    161  Efficient Way to Recursively Multiply
    161  Difference in use of ** and pow function
    161  difference between axis and dim keyword arguments
    161  Delete a line contains ''?'' in Python
    161  Core dumped after successful f2py LAPACK call
    161  Converting numpy arrays of code points to and from strings
    161  converting numpy array of string fields to numerical format
    161  can some one explain me what does self function is used for in numpy
    161  can not understand the result of np.where(array1==array2)
    161  Calculation of Elastic Collision with numpy
    161  Apply Pareto probabilities to n items in Python
    160  Why is numpy.random.binomial(1, nan) = -9223372036854775807?
    160  Why do I get this error and what is the solution?
    160  Why does the value of a variable changes on appending to python list as a list?
    160  Very small numbers python with a for cycle
    160  Vectorize addition into array indexed by another array
    160  ValueError While Clustering in Sklearn
    160  Unable to read RGB images into numpy array
    160  ufunc 'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types Minhash
    160  Testing if rows in a numpy array are the same as a given row or different by each element
    160  Split Excel worksheet using Python
    160  Solve A x = b for A in numpy / scipy
    160  Slice np.array, rankdata and return ranks to parent of slice
    160  Save and load big array (> 100 gb) python, and/or reduce size
    160  Resize matrix by repeating copies of it, in python
    160  remove rows and columns from numpy array
    160  Python-OpenCV digit segmentation
    160  Python-OpenCV digit segmentation
    160  (Python--numpy) how to resize and slice an numpy array with out a loop?
    160  Python list or pandas dataframe arbitrary indexing and slicing
    160  Python find index of items in list b from list a
    160  Python - expanding numpy array changes all values of vectorized function
    160  Python: Counting identical rows in an array (without any imports)
    160  Plot a plane in vispy
    160  Partially copying NumPy array
    160  Panda/numpy map column values based on another column
    160  Optimizing Python Code - Pandas/Numpy Usage
    160  Open netCDF file from the Modis Aqua L3Bin
    160  numpy.where : how to delay evaluating parameters?
    160  numpy savetxt gives mismatch error [duplicate]
    160  Numpy decompress image to get original pixel size
    160  Numpy create boolean array from checking if an array index equal a letter
    160  Numpy broadcasting 2d-1d problems
    160  numpy assign values from another array using indices
    160  Namespace confusion and wrapping
    160  Meshgrid 2-D Arrays
    160  Merge 2 numpy arrays and replace existing values by field
    160  Matplotlib type error when saving multiple plots into a single pdf file
    160  matplotlib.basemap - Earth Science - ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (12529,15661) (12529,15662)
    160  Matplotlib 3d Bar chart: Error: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
    160  learning python with opencv
    160  Is there any python function to check for nan values in list comprehension without changing it
    160  Interactive continuous plotting of an ODE model in Python
    160  Include sigma in polyfit- python
    160  Improving speed of python dblquad and multiprocessing
    160  Implicit declaration of function 'PyArray_DATA'
    160  How to subset list elements that lie between two missing values?
    160  How to retrieve frequencies of the number of unique occurrences of pair letters for every possible pair of columns from a numpy matrix in python
    160  How to iterate through numpy array and remove anomalies?
    160  How to efficiently create a multidimensional numpy array with entries depending only on one dimension index?
    160  How to create an array by specifying diagonal values
    160  How to bin the continuous variables based on the binary ''Outcome''(0,1) , bin should have at least 5% of ''1'' of Outcome
    160  How to avoid Numpy type conversions?
    160  How to apply a function to pandas columns using groupby?
    160  How do I find compiler and link options that were used to build NumPy?
    160  How can I apply the assignment operator correctly in Python?
    160  HEROKU app ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
    160  Get daily averages of monthly database
    160  Finding max value in col1 with respect to values in col2 of a list in python
    160  Finding appearance in pandas
    160  Finding a numpy mode vector
    160  Fast Cubic Spline output computation given segments and coefficients?
    160  Error when masking 2d numpy array
    160  Dot product for arbitrary shaped NumPy arrays
    160  Do I underestimate the power of NumPy.. again?
    160  Different result between math kernel library and LAPACK
    160  Difference between maximum value in density plot from np.argmax() and figure
    160  DataFrame of soccer soccers into a league table
    160  Creating a CSV file from multiple lists
    160  Copying array changes data from C_CONTIGUOUS to F_CONTIGUOUS
    160  Concatenate numpy array in new dimension
    160  Component wise comparision of float values in Numpy is returning wrong result
    160  Classified permutations using itertools or numpy
    160  Can Sklearn Imputer distinguish real zero values from zeros in place for missing values?
    160  Cannot start tensorboard from console due to numpy issue
    160  Cannot import data from txt file
    160  Bitwise operations between every pair of elements in array
    160  Average of each consecutive segment in a list
    160  Average entries with duplicate first element in 2D numpy array
    160  Add n elements numpy array
    160  Add curves to upper and lower boundaries of scatter plot [duplicate]
    160  Add a border to a irregular image in python
    160  A clean/efficient way of summing rows by index in python pandas
    160  Accessing chunks at once in a numpy array
    159  Why is my Python script too slow in comparison with Matlab?
    159  Why does Python2.7 insist on Python3 print statement?
    159  What is the fastest way to do greedy set cover with Pandas?
    159  using partial typemaps from numpy.i
    159  Using find_peaks in for loop to find peak heights from data files to calculate mean
    159  Using a pandas DataFrame to get the count of the 10th most frequent value
    159  Use Numpy to slices rows?
    159  Unravel list into sublist in nested list
    159  Unable to load data from numpy array for SVM Classification
    159  Tuple index out of range : Audio to spectrogram
    159  Transform density values from a sperical coordinate system to cartesian / script check
    159  Torch7 Tensor Non-Contiguos Index (Similar to Numpy)
    159  Strange result of numpy polyfit
    159  Strange error during conversion from Panda Dataframe to numpy array
    159  Sampling point pairs from a grid in Pytorch
    159  Running python function during Tensorflow data loading
    159  return log function python returns typeerror: return arrays must be of arraytype
    159  Result from function call is not an array of floats
    159  Remove/delete each minimum value in each row of a NxM matrix?
    159  Reducing representation of floating point numbers to 16 bits
    159  Rearranging entries of rows in numpy array
    159  Reading csv file with numpy genfromtxt and loadtxt
    159  python reduce with floating point error
    159  Python Optimization: Using vector technique to find power of each matrix in an numpy array
    159  Python/Numpy performance for looped 1D array calculation versus 2D array calculation
    159  Python Numpy DTYPE dynamic array
    159  python: Noiseless 3-D rotation?
    159  Python - Force nan values to get a certain value
    159  Python FFTN slow in comparison to MATLAB
    159  Python Curve Fitting issue
    159  Parallelize For loops in Numpy and Dask for creating a multi-dimensional histogram
    159  parallel indexing in pandas dataframe using a pandas series?
    159  Pandas Groupby Dates, then Cumprod of Group?
    159  pandas dataframe sum with groupby
    159  Optimizing assignment into an array from various arrays - NumPy
    159  Optimize function slicing numpy arrays
    159  Optimization in python returns guessed values for large numbers
    159  NumPy: Selecting n points every m points
    159  Numpy reshape acts different on copied vs. uncopied arrays
    159  Numpy build failure on Ubuntu Core (with snapcraft)
    159  Numpy Array: First occurence of N consecutive values smaller than threshold
    159  numpy 1D array to numpy arrays
    159  numba: How to delete an existing array and assign a new array to the old array's name?
    159  np.percentile returns different median from np.median when inf is present
    159  Multiplying tensors containing images in numpy
    159  Multilinear maps in python using numpy
    159  Minimisation of a multivariable function
    159  Method chaining for derived DataFrame class
    159  Memory error when computing eigenvalues in python
    159  Masking a numpy array after selection with a non-numpy array
    159  Mapping Values in a pandas Dataframe column?
    159  Mapping a function with multiple inputs using numpy
    159  Manipulating numpy arrays
    159  Iterate over two arrays looking up values in a dict
    159  Is there a way to load a numpy unicode array into a memmap?
    159  Issue with the performance of multiprocessing method against numpy.loadtxt()
    159  Indexing arrays in python (moore neighborhood)
    159  ImportError for NumPy/SciPy
    159  How to use masked array as index in python?
    159  How to use indices of 2D array to generate heatmap with matplotlib/seaborn?
    159  How to stop my Python IDLE from restarting every time I import numpy module?
    159  How to specify order during np.reshape
    159  How to shift the entire numpy array, with wrapping
    159  How to save complex data as rows with numpy savetxt?
    159  How to measure the time and memory costs of my function?
    159  How to import numpy when deploying django through heroku?
    159  How to get numpy.zeros() and (numpy.ones() * 255) to produce a black and white image respectively?
    159  How to get explicit session for input_fn when training a TensorFlow model
    159  How to generate a non-periodic square signal in scipy
    159  How to find decimal value of 1D binary array in numpy Python
    159  how to fill the start and the end of a unique entry with the same value in numpy array?
    159  How to end fortran function without error with f2py
    159  How do I plot an updating numpy ndarray in real time using matplotlib?
    159  How do I correctly ignore a parameter when vectorizing a function it with numpy?
    159  How does einsum interact with numpy broadcasting?
    159  Handling Multidimensional Arrays in Numpy
    159  Group Python List Elements
    159  Group list-of-tuples by second element, take average of first element
    159  Get number of elements after using np.unique Python
    159  Generate a grey scale image from a numpy array and recover the same numpy array from the image
    159  Flatten a 3D array to a 2D array using a second matrix to choose elements in third dimension
    159  Finding the roots of two lines using brentq
    159  Finding the opening of a 3D surface
    159  Find if a sorted array of floats contains numbers in a certain range efficiently
    159  Dynamic Nested Loops on Lists
    159  Display a live numpy array
    159  Dictionary keys as pandas column labels [duplicate]
    159  Determine if legacy VTK file is valid using Python
    159  create matrix as having a subset of columns from another matrix
    159  counterintuitive truncation of list elements when casting to array in numpy?
    159  Compare elements in a numpy array 3 rows a time
    159  Cannot use SciPy's non-linear least square with function containing sum
    159  Cannot assign values to numpy array using 3D masking and indexing
    159  Building a numpy matrix
    159  Binning data into non-grid based bins
    159  Allocate Contiguous Memory and Assign to a Pointer
    159  Accessing a int16 array using numpy.i and swig
    158  What kind of 'int' to use in numpy arrays?
    158  Value Error while running neural network code
    158  Using numpys interp right
    158  Using np.repeat on sub-arrays
    158  Usage of numpy.ufunc.identity
    158  Unable to load netCDF data into python
    158  speedup scipy griddata with cubic interpolation
    158  solve an iteratively defined equation using optimize.root
    158  Running out of Memory in Neural Network Implementaton (using Numpy Array)
    158  Python, why does i=+1 not result in an infinite loop? [duplicate]
    158  Python: Numpy, the data genfromtxt cannot do tranpose
    158  Python numpy array integer indexed flat slice assignment
    158  Python error in array manipulation
    158  Python: Coordinates Boxes around Polyline
    158  powerlaw Python package errors
    158  Numpy with different data type [duplicate]
    158  numpy savetxt different cols different format output
    158  Numpy, replace a broadcast by iteration
    158  numpy: How to merge two sorted arrays into a larger sorted array?
    158  Numpy einsum outer sum of 2d-arrays
    158  Numpy dtype invalid index
    158  Numpy: Creation of a variable length sequence from a pandas data-frame
    158  Numpy: array of indices based on array shape?
    158  numpy apply_along_axis computation on multidimensional data
    158  Mix of scalars, tuples and numpy arrays as string argument
    158  Matplotlib - 10 x 10 matrix only populating last instance
    158  Issues Translating Custom Discrete Fourier Transform from MATLAB to Python
    158  Input to reshape is a tensor with 'batch_size' values, but the requested shape requires a multiple of 'n_features'
    158  How would I insert missing rows into this data set?
    158  How to tokenize a text corpus?
    158  How to save array iteratively to file in python?
    158  How to revert shuffled array in python with default PRNG and indexes?
    158  how to install packages in python 3.3.1
    158  How to fix dimension error when calling function wrapped by f2py
    158  How to efficiently select a submatrix with Python?
    158  How to effectively slice numpy array
    158  How to detect the specific coordinate points from array of points given by corner detection?
    158  How can I simulate a Python shell most effectively and securely?
    158  How can I provide syntactic sugar for slicing a numpy array?
    158  How can I extract numeric ranges from 2 columns and print the range from both columns as tuples?
    158  Hardware requirements to deal with a big matrix - python
    158  Generate list of random number with the sum divisible by n
    158  'Float' object has no attribute 'sin'
    158  Find rows indexes with zero values
    158  Fastest way to Iterate a Matrix with vectors as entries in numpy
    158  Fastest way to delete/extract a submatrix from a numpy matrix
    158  error while using np.meshgrid to plot a 3d-plot because of loops
    158  Error installing numpy, matplotlib, pandas, IPython and seaborn
    158  Delete row and column in symmetric array if all the values in a row (or column) do not satisfy a given contion
    158  Create GUI with cv2 python alone
    158  Covering matrices and image reconstruction using numpy
    158  Compute second derivative & minimising Runge phenomena (using Chebyshev nodes?)
    158  Choose File names automatically based on a calculation and then import them to python
    158  Change RAW photos data directly
    158  Best way to Insert Python NumPy array into PostgreSQL database
    158  Add pixel wise independent noise to image
    158  activation x activation 1D convolution in TensorFlow
    157  Why is slicing using ''colon and comma'' different than using a collection of indexes
    157  Why can I make a numpy array that's (apparently) bigger than my computer's memory?
    157  Vectorizing operation in NumPy
    157  turn list of categorical variables into (0,1) list
    157  Tensorflow Implementation for the Numpy dot Product
    157  Superdiagonal non-square matrix in numpy?
    157  Summing array values over a specific range with numpy
    157  Strange image display artifacts using ArUco Markers with OpenCV and Python
    157  Strange class initialization in Python
    157  Starting foreach at an index in python
    157  Splitting a string into list and converting the items to int
    157  Speed up nested loops over a dataframe using using apply()
    157  Solving for intersection points between parametric curves
    157  SGD diverging after changing learning rate
    157  sampling points on a 2D grid with only one point on each intersection and keeping closeness
    157  Remove colors from an image if they are not in a list python
    157  Python Very long string in numpy array [closed]
    157  Python Pandas: use native types [duplicate]
    157  Python interpreter in Qt c++ application - numpy MSVC debug
    157  Python calculation of LennardJones 2D interaction pair correlation distribution function in Grand Canonical Ensemble
    157  python3/numpy: in place addition inconsistency when adding a complex number
    157  Python 2D Interpolation
    157  Percentage format in elements of python graph
    157  Pandas: what is the data-type of object passed to the agg function
    157  Pandas Dataframe add missing timestamp row and then forward fill previous values
    157  Ordered coordinates
    157  optimizing multiple for loops for multithreading and/or GPU [duplicate]
    157  Optimize iteration through numpy array when averaging adjacent values
    157  Obtain a subset of 2-D indices using numpy
    157  Numpy way to determine the value(s) in an array which is causing a high variance
    157  Numpy slice of first arbitrary dimensions
    157  numpy range created using percentage increment
    157  Numpy.piecewise not working as intended
    157  NumPy Matrices Won't Align in Neural Network
    157  numpy image replace areas with equal values
    157  Numpy finding rows in array that correspond to values in another array python
    157  NumPy: Evaulate index array during vectorized assignment
    157  numpy append to list then convert list to numpy
    157  Numpy: advanced slices
    157  iterating through a huge loop efficiently using python
    157  Interpreting numpy multidimensional array [duplicate]
    157  How to write code in a vectorized way instead of using loops?
    157  How to get correct phase values using numpy.fft
    157  How to efficiently split a pair of arrays based on a condition on one of them
    157  How to convert a numpy file containing an hexadecimal array to a binary file?
    157  How to apply a function to all vector pairs in a matrix
    157  Generate values with np.random
    157  function of a function (property) python
    157  Fast way to update integer indexed slice in numpy
    157  Fast Monte-Carlo simulation with numpy?
    157  Fast Fourier Transform for radial forces in Python
    157  Fastest way to create array from pandas dataframe with multiple values (~500 000)
    157  Fastest way to build numpy array from sum of coordinates [duplicate]
    157  extract all vertical slices from numpy array
    157  Does out of the box software use GPU for numerics? [closed]
    157  Creating formula based on binary tree leaves
    157  Creating a h5py file data.hy and each data point contains multi-dimensional file
    157  Convert pandas column of numpy arrays to numpy array of higher dimension
    157  Convert datafiles 'X' 'Y' 'Z' 'data' format
    157  Constructing a special matrix in numpy dynamically
    157  Comparing 2 arrays for equal elements and deleting the entries from both arrays
    157  Change color in RGB images
    157  Binning a list of numbers to a given window
    157  Better way to forward fill a DataFrame/array with calculations?
    157  Axis Aligned Bounding Box Skimage
    157  Array expansion in numpy
    157  Adding dummy columns by iterating over rows in big pandas dataframe
    156  Writing string entries in a csv to an array in python?
    156  with python, select repeated elements longer than N
    156  Why does the format change when converting DatetimeIndex to np.array?
    156  Why does NumPy.exp show a different result than exp in C
    156  Vectorize scalar function calls using Numpy
    156  ValueError using plt.savefig() and cStringIO buffer
    156  ValueError: Tensor proto is larger than 2GB
    156  Using for cross platform deployment
    156  Using OpenCL optimization instead of Multiprocessing pool map
    156  Use index of maximum value on a defined axis
    156  Translate Matlab's vector assignment into Python form
    156  TensorFlow linear regression tutorial gets error when running in TensorFlow GPU (it's OK when running in CPU environment)
    156  string(array) vs string(list) in python
    156  Speeding up group-wise differencing in Pandas
    156  Rotate / unpack timeseries data in a python dataframe
    156  return top-k closest distance from set X to set Y
    156  Repeat each element of a matrix in as a block into a new matrix [duplicate]
    156  Quickest Algorithmn for Normalization of Region Proposals
    156  Python: TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable Monte Carlo
    156  Python Seaborn plotting time series with tsplot get syskill due to consume lot of memory ram
    156  python pip unable to find vcvarsall.bat
    156  Python: passing local variable reference as string
    156  Python - Numpy shape
    156  Python Join any three given points using a curve
    156  python GPU based batch-wised dot product
    156  Python genfromtext using CSV file to generate 2D array
    156  Python - Apply a function over a labeled multidimensional array
    156  pyplot plots different outputs in Spyder and iPython notebook
    156  Preserving numpy strides in a python pickle file
    156  Plotly two subplots controlled by one slider
    156  pip install numpy - doesn't install numpy on ec2
    156  Optimize a ''mask'' function in Matlab
    156  OpenCV easy way to call fillConvexPoly() on 3d area?
    156  Numpy view on 1D array via 2D array as indices range
    156  Numpy - Stacked memory view of two 1D arrays
    156  Numpy - ImportError: cannot import name _distributor_init while running a SOFA scene controller
    156  Numpy: how to take some part of a matrix
    156  NumPy: get higher value between two columns
    156  numpy - do operation along specified axis
    156  Numpy-convertible class that correctly converts to ndarray from inside a sequence?
    156  Numpy arange of 2^x
    156  Numpy (1, N) dimension to (N,) dimension conversion [duplicate]
    156  np.diff(np.signbit()) no longer finds zero crossings, better way?
    156  Not getting the expected speedup with Cython
    156  More pythonic way to slice variable distance from the end in numpy arrays
    156  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy' for python 3.7.3 on mac
    156  Load from ZipFile stl files by numpy-stl
    156  List differences between numbers
    156  Is pyspark streaming suitable for machine learning/ scientific computing?
    156  interweave 3 numpy matrices?
    156  imread octave to imread cv2
    156  How to vectorize this multiplication?
    156  How to read numpy array in ND4j
    156  How to make this for loop faster?
    156  How to install pypy interpreter for my project in Pycharm
    156  How to input twitter data (csv/txt) into DBSCAN python?
    156  How to get indices of a 2D array from index of the masked array
    156  How to fix 'KeyError:****_target ' error in Python 3.7 [duplicate]
    156  How to Divide an array in to segments and then do sub segments of the segments using python numpy?
    156  How to correctly define numpy dtype
    156  How to connect numpy and matplotlib to python 2.7.10 on windows XP (32bit)?
    156  how to avoid split and sum of pieces in pytorch or numpy
    156  How to access numpy ndarray of arbitrary rank whose shape is reduced in all dimensions
    156  How can I determine three best linear fits to a data with Python?
    156  How can I compare list of tuples (subsets) with a list items
    156  Get array index positions based on conditional
    156  flattening of a numpy array along columns, in the order: lower triangle, diagonal, upper triangle
    156  Find unique tuples inside a numpy array with np.where
    156  Finding indexes for use with np.ravel
    156  Filter numpy array based on existence in dictionary
    156  Filling a list faster
    156  fault in defining numpy array as tensorflow variable
    156  Fast(er) way to determine all non-dominated items in a list
    156  Exponential function: what have I done wrong?
    156  Error in image warping code
    156  Efficient way of inserting elements in a 2D array
    156  Efficiently constructing sparse biadjacency matrix in Numpy
    156  Deciding on the type of scipy.sparse matrices
    156  Creating overlapping subarrays using stride_tricks
    156  Copy a 2D array to make it 3D
    156  converting Tensor to Numpy Array
    156  Compare 2d numpy array to itself to form 3d array
    156  assign all items of an array except those of the given indices
    156  Apply function on a rolling basis within groupby in pandas
    156  append large number to numpy array
    155  Why scaling the vector and matrix give totally different result in Scipy optimization
    155  Why scaling the vector and matrix give totally different result in Scipy optimization
    155  Why do Mathematica and Python's answers differ when dealing with singular matrix equations?
    155  vectorize list comprehension with non universal function
    155  Vectorized interpretation of distance matrix
    155  Using multiprocessing.Pool().map to change the value of variables passed to it
    155  TypeError: 'numpy.uint32' object is not iterable in using numpy.full function
    155  TypeError: descriptor 'transpose' requires a 'numpy.ndarray' object but received a 'Tensor'
    155  Summarize ndarray by 2d array in Python
    155  Substitute entries in a large numpy tensor with dictionary values
    155  Subdividing NumPy array into Regular Grid
    155  Sort list in Pyspark using udf and numpy
    155  sliding search window without using 'for' loop in python
    155  Slicing multiple rows by single index
    155  Slicing Data From a Dictionary
    155  Save Pandas data frame with ndarray in cells
    155  Return elements of array in subset sum problem
    155  Rearrange row elements using numpy in Python
    155  Querying data in pandas where points are grouped by a hexbin function
    155  python: split matrix in hermitian and anti-hermitian part
    155  Python Pandas overlapping data with TimeGrouper
    155  Python numpy bool masks for absoluting values
    155  Python: Making sense of references
    155  Pythonic Way to Solve this Matrix
    155  Python groupby issue
    155  Python: get all the possible combinations for allocating x apples to y baskets subject to constraint
    155  PYTHONBREW: numpy installed but package not found
    155  python array indexing list in list
    155  Populate large files into sqlite from Python
    155  parallelized algorithm for evaluating a 1-d array of functions on a same-length 1d numpy array
    155  Numpy Matrix with Ctypes
    155  Numpy is very slow for basic array operations
    155  Numpy computes strange eigeinvectors
    155  Numpy array documentation slicing rule
    155  Numba on pure python VS Numpa on numpy-python
    155  ''m x n'' dimensional gradient-style array in Python
    155  Mean position of a function defined by xyz points
    155  Max value per diagonal in 2d array
    155  Matplotlib installation on Mavericks
    155  Keras ImageDataGenerator flow_from_directory for segmentation with numpy array as image type
    155  Interpolate a curve on itself using NumPy
    155  Integrate the sine of function using dblquad in Python
    155  Insert items from list to another list every n positions
    155  Index of minimal value of selected elements from a python numpy array
    155  IndexError: tuple index out of range, when trying to pass 2d array in multiprocessing.Pool
    155  Import error when upgraded to scikit 0.15, warning for numpy
    155  implement Neural Network in python
    155  I keep having issues when installing pandas
    155  Ifilter in scipy result is different compare with matlab(use butterworth )
    155  How to use numpy nper?
    155  How to tell where my code gives an exp overflow, in numpy?
    155  How to replace for-loops with matrix-operations?
    155  How to rapidly create array of N 3x3 matrices from 9 arrays of size N?
    155  How to plot the pdf and cdf for an arbitrary function in python? [duplicate]
    155  How to get strings values from numpy.ndarray of NPY_OBJECT
    155  How to form multi-dimentional array from several 2-d arrays in NumPy / PyTables?
    155  how to find number of consecutive decreases(increases)
    155  How to extract useful info from cProfile with Pandas and Numpy?
    155  how to draw a scatterdiagram of two sets of strings in matplotlib
    155  How to detect if an array of a numeric type only contains boolean values?
    155  How to deal with pandas reading JSON too large integer values will be the same
    155  how to convert the nested np.array into the pandas dataframe single column
    155  How to calculate the offset based on xy coordinates to read from numpy.memmap?
    155  How do I get a boolean array from an array A with multiple conditions in python?
    155  How can i copy rows from a DataFrame in every 10 rows?
    155  How can I assign pixel values of an image to an array in Python
    155  Generating integral points within a spherical shell
    155  Error ''Undefined symbols for architecture i386'' when using f2py in Python 3
    155  Discrete Fourier transform for odd function
    155  Dirty parallelisation of Python program
    155  Dimension mismatch with numpy broadcasting
    155  Diagnosing and improving computation speed
    155  cython mixed data types np.ndarray
    155  Cut specific frequencies of entire song, using a sample to select the frequencies to be remove
    155  Creating an identity Matrix containing diagonally determined values
    155  Converting a correlateion coefficient function from NumPy to Dask
    155  Convert 160 bit Hash to unique integer ids for machine learning input
    155  Cartesian product to get set of indices to point to unique elements in NumPy array
    155  calculating windowed probabilities in numpy/scipy
    155  Calculate mean across a row of an array using a row of a masking array
    155  Binary operation in numpy
    155  Approximate equality of unordered set of complex floats
    155  All Outputs Going to Zero MNIST NumPy Solution with Simple Neural Net
    155  Access matrix by list of matrix indices in Numpy
    154  Writing to excel with pandas
    154  Why does Numpy's RGB array representation of an image have 4 layers not 3?
    154  Where memmap file is located after operation?
    154  What is the fastest way to calculate a rolling function with a two dimensional window?
    154  Vectorizing a nested for-loop in python for index-dependent function
    154  vectorize numpy append loop
    154  ''ValueError: Invalid data buffer size.'' in wx.Bitmap.FromBuffer after converting Nmpy image from BGR to RBG
    154  Using new io classes with numpy fromfile/tofile in Python 2 (converting io classes to file objects)
    154  Transform gradient descent with L2 regularisation to code
    154  transform each row to several columns dataframe Pandas DataFrame
    154  Slow indexing of cython memoryview
    154  Selecting multiple (neighboring) rows conditionally
    154  secant method rungekutta schrodinger
    154  Row, column assignment without for-loop
    154  Python reshape to Matlab reshape translation
    154  Pythonic way to remove elements from Numpy array closer than threshold
    154  Pythonic way to access certain parts of an array
    154  Project object has no attribute ''review_set''
    154  Passing contours from OpenCV's findContours from Python to C++
    154  Pandas combining keys when grouping by multiple column
    154  Optimize 4D Numpy array construction
    154  Optimization of average calculation from a list of dictionaries
    154  Numpy: would vstack automatically detect an index is out of range and correct it?
    154  numpy style which is preferred? array.T[x] or array[:,0]
    154  Numpy resize array with repeated values
    154  Numpy parallelization for more than one node?
    154  NumPy Fast Fourier transform (FFT) does not work on sine wave generated in Audacity
    154  numpy distutils specify intel fortran compiler in
    154  numpy: broadcasting into multiple inner products and inverses
    154  Numpy aggregate within zones
    154  Nested list (of strings) to matrix of float in python
    154  my code doesn't recognize `import sklearn`
    154  Multidimensional indexing and mapping
    154  Mean of Numpy Array Error
    154  matrix entries also matrices in python
    154  matplotlib plot numpy array and other things [closed]
    154  make a matrix out of 1-D arrays of array objects
    154  Least square on linear N-way-equal problem
    154  Issue with RGB color issue in open3D
    154  Inserting data into 2-D Python Array
    154  indexing/slicing in numpy array to modify it
    154  Import Excel to numpy to solve linear equations
    154  How to vectorize simulation of distributing coins in numpy?
    154  How to use non-atomic functions on cvxpy variable?
    154  How to use lambda with numpy array
    154  How to test whether one of two values present in numpy array or matrix column on single pass?
    154  How to split the dataset in python based on the number of records
    154  How to slice an array with loop and apply operations to them? [closed]
    154  How to fit multiple gaussian curve with GaussianMixture to a histogram in python?
    154  How to add a new column with multiple string contain conditions in python pandas other than using np.where?
    154  How does numpy handle data files with uncertainty values, e.g., 0.6499(6)?
    154  Handling extremely large Numpy arrays
    154  GLXBad Drawable error
    154  get, access and modify element values for an numpy array
    154  Generate random number (salaries) based on job titles in Python
    154  Flattening an array of matrices to a single matrix (python)
    154  Find numpy vectors in a set quickly
    154  Find longest subsequence without NaN values in set of series
    154  fast way to do number of items in a list below a certain threshold
    154  FAST Computation of Integer Basis for Kernel of a Matrix Using GPU
    154  Error when checking target: expected dense_1 to have shape (1,) but got array with shape (256,)
    154  Error when checking input: expected lstm_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (160, 1000)
    154  element selection in numpy array
    154  Efficient row-wise comparisons between two dataframes
    154  Efficiently replace vstack + concatenate applied to numpy arrays
    154  Does numpy use spatial locality in memory while doing matrix multiplication?
    154  Detect if string in csv column exist in log file using python?
    154  Custom Class - Change attribute in array
    154  Cumulative sum of triangular matrix numpy
    154  Creation and usage coordinates grid [duplicate]
    154  creating stochastic decorator in PyMC 2.3
    154  counting surrounding true's in numpy matrix (python)
    154  Count elements in a box
    154  Convert this numpy code to pandas code
    154  Convert PDF to image using python (pdf2image module)
    154  compare two numpy arrays by first column in sorted order and create new array
    154  Change some of numpy array columns according to logical condition
    154  Cannot cast array data from dtype('<M8[ns]') to dtype('float64')
    154  Calculating sum without comprehension [duplicate]
    154  Calculating fitted parameter error estimates and correlations (covariance matrix) using scipy.optimize
    154  Bokeh.Plotting unable to plot circles or circle markers for unordered data
    154  array of matrices numpy
    154  Append/Concatenate & sort two Numpy matrixes
    154  advanced numpy/pandas indexing
    153  What's your rule of thumb for initially selecting a machine learning algorithm/doing your initial setup? [closed]
    153  Visual for masses on a string using ivisual
    153  Vectorizing a series of CDF samples in Python with NumPy
    153  vectorized function for numpy arrays of different shape
    153  Variable number of columns in Python data, multiple .exp files
    153  Use OpenCV to separate the RGB image into red and green blue components and operate with these
    153  Understanding numpy's vectorization of loops
    153  Tricky Python array sorting
    153  Slicing a numpy array and passing the slice to a function
    153  Shape of init parameter in scipy.optimize differential evolution
    153  Scipy zoom with complex values
    153  SciPy/numpy: Only keep maximum value of a sparse matrix block
    153  Save many numpy variables in one file
    153  Replace vectors in 2d numpy array
    153  Removing matching elements from two numpy arrays
    153  Rebinning ndarray while conserving summation
    153  Python v-stacking in a loop
    153  Python Pandas: Selecting Value from row when two values in that row match a value farther up the column
    153  Python list of numpy matrices behaving strangely
    153  Python image detection of shapes
    153  Problems when extracting a submatrix
    153  Plotting two different image histograms as a single 2D histogram plot
    153  Pass output from class instance as input to another
    153  pandas get nested string values from arrays
    153  ' | ' operator between python set objects
    153  Numpy shape not including subarrays
    153  numpy, same calculation different result
    153  Numpy Remove Rows and Columns from 3d Array
    153  numpy, matplotlib, and all newly added libraries keep showing error messages on import
    153  Numpy: How to vectorize parameters of a functional form of a function applied to a data set
    153  NumPy: create bool array like ''repeat'' but in multiple dimensions
    153  np.vectorize for TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
    153  multiplying two nparray together python
    153  memory issues with big numpy/scipy arrays
    153  MemoryError when executing Python code with 100GB input table
    153  Mapping a NumPy array in place but Map function depends on x,y position in array
    153  Is there a way to get the top k values per row of a numpy array (Python)?
    153  Is there a sci.stats.moment function for binned data?
    153  Integration in python
    153  Integrating dynamic c to python
    153  How to write a fast code in C++ compared to numpy.logspace() function?
    153  how to install python packages into nao's gentoo?
    153  how to decode predictions in tensorflow_serving of predictions
    153  How to create a 3d scatter plot from a npy array
    153  How to convert occurence matrix to co-occurence matrix in Python
    153  How to convert list of tuple to an array
    153  How to chop and reshape/melt a table or CSV file
    153  How can I make a one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional array using numpy?
    153  Getting Error while giving input to SVM in opencv
    153  Get the repetition of number in the form of dimension in numpy
    153  Generate all polynomial terms of certain degree
    153  File not found error while Installing Numpy on Windows 7
    153  Fastest way to check if a value or list of values is a subset of a list in python
    153  Extracting row from matrix 2 using index from matrix 1
    153  Efficient algorithm for evaluating a 1-d array of functions on a same-length 1d numpy array
    153  difficulty in understanding numpy array behavior
    153  combine 2-d array to existing 3-d array
    153  Colission testing with numpy
    153  Can you broadcast dictionary definitions over numpy arrays?
    153  Calculate average of groups of DataFrame rows given by 2-D lists of indices with unequal lengths
    153  Bootstrapping function grinds to a halt, due to python pseudorandom generator?
    153  Aplying numpy.random.normal in an array
    153  Alternatives to numpy looping and where condition
    152  Why does numpy.std() use abs()?
    152  Two different cost in Logistic Regression cost function
    152  tkinter opencv and numpy in windows with python2.7
    152  Sorting a multi-dimensional numpy array
    152  Slice numpy array based on values of other array using more than 2 arguments
    152  Send Pillow/numpy image over ZeroMQ socket
    152  Scipy imresize nearest neighbour gives incorrect results when downsampling
    152  scipy equivalent of for sparse matrices
    152  Saving a list of objects using then delete the package that contains the class of each object
    152  Resampling at irregular intervals
    152  Removing all duplicated lines from a file in Python/NumPy [duplicate]
    152  Reading CSV File into Numpy Array
    152  Python zip method and rounding behaviour
    152  Python: Why can't I assign new value to an array in this case?
    152  Python: Updating a list or array within a while loop
    152  Python | Plotting histogram with boundaries and frequencies
    152  (Python/numpy.where loop) Code takes a very long time (help wanted to speed-up code)
    152  python numpy - optimize chisq function by removing explicit python loop?
    152  Python numpy indexing does not work
    152  Python numpy - DepricationWarning: Passing 1d arrays as data is deprecated
    152  Python Numpy array equality failure
    152  Python iterator that generates combinatorial splits
    152  python get groups of combinations that each member appear only once
    152  Python barchart overlapping vertical bars
    152  Pandas - Skip number of rows given in a numpy array
    152  Pandas Delete String from 1 dataframe if it exist in a list [duplicate]
    152  Pandas datatime conversion using dataframe
    152  Numpy where() creates spots of different color than the ones defined
    152  NumPy stride tricks to get non-overlapping 3D cubes from larger 3D cube array
    152  numpy recordarray with times?
    152  numpy.ravel_multi_index error - trying to obtain indices
    152  Numpy meshgrid from unordered x, y, z data
    152  Numpy list of random subsets of specified size
    152  numpy error when running Python script from cmd
    152  Numpy element-wise comparisons
    152  numpy convert string to datetime when only year information is available
    152  Numpy array method truncating least significant digits?
    152  Most efficient way to extract parts of one array based on another
    152  More efficient way to multiply each column of a 2-d matrix by each slice of a 3-d matrix
    152  Modify a Python object's attribute when using PyCall.jl in Julia
    152  Mixed data types in data fields
    152  (Logical Indexing) Executing formula for RGBA values in numpy array
    152  kink in polyfit .. not sure why
    152  Is this a bug in Pandas? FloatingPointError on ewm().std()
    152  Is there any way to use the ''out'' argument of a Numpy function when modifying an array in place?
    152  Is there a cleaner way than using for loops
    152  'int' object has no attribute __get__item error when training model with tflearn?
    152  In python or numpy or pandas, how to assign integers to strings
    152  indexing to fill a preallocated pandas dataframe
    152  Incorrect first quantile and third quantile value over array using numpy
    152  How to shift the indices of the output variable (in numpy) during assignment, in a vectorized way
    152  How to replace this slow filtering function using a faster pandas-only approach?
    152  How to locate the minimum pressure with longitude and latitude
    152  How to go around the problem of using np.loadtxt() if my data contains strings
    152  How to extract frequency and value of a recurring values in an array in Python?
    152  How to access the specific locations of an integer list in Python?
    152  how to access entire sub array in numpy?
    152  How is broadcasting applying in this example of numpy?
    152  How can I put constraint of derivative zero at all data points for spline interpolation?
    152  How can I apply a function one column at a time?
    152  Growing snowflakes: optimize geometric transformation
    152  Good ways to wrap around the indices for slicing in pandas data frame
    152  getting smallest of coordinates that differ by N or more in Python
    152  Find irregular region in 4D numpy array of gridded data (lat/lon)
    152  Explanation of this code: Determining if a point is on which side of a line
    152  Difference in numpy np.zeros((1,2)) vs np.zeros((2,))
    152  DBscan to detect clusters on polargrid
    152  DataFrame constructor not properly called when trying to create a dataframe from two datasets
    152  Creating new numpy scalar through C API and implementing a custom view
    152  Create temporary dataframe with rpy2: memory issue
    152  Create numpy array from other numpy array
    152  Create a map of images in python numpy
    152  Consolidate duplicate rows of an array
    152  Comparing string to empty array, get FutureWarning
    152  combine dictionary with numpy using key
    152  Changed value in numpy array based on index and on criteria
    152  Cascading numpy logical_and leads to memory error
    152  cannot get values from numpy array by name
    152  Calculating angle between two points in time-series
    152  Assign random values in a pandas column proportionately by group
    152  As of June 2014, what tools should one consider for improving Python code performance? [closed]
    152  apply udf to multiple columns and use numpy operations
    151  Wrong values for partial derivatives in neural network python
    151  Wrong number of elements in a numpy array of a PIL-opened image
    151  Why is the mean smaller than the minimum and why does this change with 64bit floats?
    151  Why do I not get the same results for entropy()?
    151  Why doesn't numpy.unique recognize that multiple numpy.nan values are identical?
    151  Which numpy operations copy and which mutate?
    151  Using numpy.argpartition ignoring NaNs
    151  Using `apply` on datetime64 series in pandas
    151  Use numpy.loadtxt() to load txt file with tab delimiter FAIL
    151  Type mismatch error in using scipy.optimize.brute for a ported c++ function
    151  Trying to simplify reading in csv and array initialization into numpy arrays
    151  Taking mean across rows grouped by a variable in numpy
    151  Sum along diagonal and anti-diagonal lines in 2D array - NumPy / Python
    151  Splitting matrix multiplication
    151  Sparse ndarray summation
    151  Selecting some dimensions from a multi-dimensional array
    151  saving the bounding box image
    151  Save all the descriptors taken from multiple images in Python 3.5
    151  Replace all 1's at a given index - numpy
    151  Redefining indexing in N-dimensional arrays
    151  Read multiple .Wav file from my computer and merge them as numpy arrays
    151  Reading floats inside strings from a file using numpy
    151  Python: use dict and list of tuples to create a numpy array
    151  Python Subtract Arrays Based on Same Time
    151  python numpy vec datetime64
    151  Python: numpy.linalg.linalgerror: last 2 dimensions of the array must be square
    151  Python | NumPy | Coordinates - An issue with conversion of geographical coordinates
    151  Python numpy broadcasting 3 dimensions (multiple weighted sums)
    151  python: Multiply slice i of a matrix stack by column i of a matrix efficiently
    151  python 3 how to use multithreading with numpy linalg norm
    151  OSError when importing python module talon
    151  NumPy - Wrap values around arbitrary boundaries
    151  Numpy/Scipy: How to re-construct an ndarray?
    151  numpy: query a data from masked record?
    151  numpy.ndarray subclass with new properties
    151  Numpy element-wise mean for 1D array
    151  Numpy: efficient way of filtering a very large array with a list of values
    151  Numpy concatenate + merge 1D arrays
    151  Numpy as_strided for RGB images
    151  numpy advanced indexing feature or bug?
    151  Numpy 3D array Indexing : Works for 2D, how to do for 3D?
    151 function hangs in exec
    151  Multiprocessing Python Sampling Distribution Simulation (no interdependence between function calls)
    151  Modifying a boolean mask with another mask in python
    151  Memory error when creating huge 3D sparse numpy array for one-hot vector
    151  list(map) error : TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
    151  Iterate over dataframes
    151  Is there a way to convert a 3-value array into an image?
    151  Issue reading arrays from a .txt file
    151  Int overflow using matthews_corrcoef on windows 64bit
    151  In Python: Why does a Numpy array returned in a method have to be stored in the instance?
    151  Index of max element from two lists
    151  Improve python code in terms of speed
    151  implementing conv2d in fourier domain using einsum --> ValueError: einstein sum subscripts string contains too many subscripts for operand 0
    151  How to write this formula in Python?
    151  How to read in python the KTX file format used in the book Superbible OpenGL? part 2 of an example
    151  How to read a saved three-dimensional matrix (Dicom Matrix) of Matlab as Python syntax in Python?
    151  How to put all my files name in one file?
    151  How to pass a list of images into the keras train function
    151  How to guarantee alignment and stride on Numpy ndarray?
    151  How to get the number of elemets in an np.array?
    151  How to get interpolated array values in numpy / scipy
    151  How to create dynamic number of variables from split array in Python 3.x?
    151  How to create a numpy array from two lists of tuples, but only when the tuples are the same
    151  How to count same strings in numpy array?
    151  How to Convert the output numpy array to image of a tflite model
    151  How to convert a pandas Series of lists or tuples to a Series of numpy arrays
    151  How to append a numpy array to a pandas dataframe
    151  How can I save a image converted from Grayscale to RGB in Python?
    151  Gradient descent from scratch in python not working
    151  getting more precise answer in python
    151  get_dummies does not have columns attribute
    151  Function that works as append for numpy.array
    151  Fast iteration over columns of a matrix with ctypes
    151  exe file fails to run when pandas is imported
    151  Excel SUM vs. Numpy SUM // different outputs?
    151  Error trying to run pytest for the first time
    151  Efficient way of creating a permutated 2D array with a range of integers
    151  Efficiently finding the low median over multiple columns
    151  Efficient enumeration of non-negative integer composition
    151  Dynamically varying the filter size in the scipys ndimage filters
    151  Divide numpy matrix elements in 2-D matrix by sum of all elements in that position of 1-D
    151  Divide an array of arrays by an array of scalars
    151  Directed distances between a set of N points in 2D
    151  Convert string to ndarray in python
    151  convert numpy array of tuples to 2D array
    151  Convert bytes io to an array with shape and specific description
    151  change every value in a numpy array with a condition
    151  Can not serialize a float32 to JSON
    151  Calculation/manipulation of numpy array
    151  'bool' object is not subscriptable - Keras
    151  Applying non-trivial matrix calculating without for-loop in Numpy
    151  A function similar to build-in map but support numpy broadcast
    151  A fast way to make a list of lists of differences from two original lists
    151  2-D Matrix: Finding and deleting columns that are subsets of other columns
    150  Why does norm.pdf of evenly spaced values give a normal distribution?
    150  What is a good way to store NLP-Embeddings (nparrays plus information)
    150  What is a good way of mapping arrays in Python?
    150  Vectorizing three nested loops - NumPy
    150  values assigned to a numpy array do not always equal to the assigned values
    150  ValueError when defining a lambda function in python
    150  Using Scipy Least Squares to best fit data against shifted power curve
    150  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars arrives during a simple program
    150  Trying to ignore Nan in csv file throws a typeerror
    150  Trouble reshaping 3-d NumPy array into 2-d NumPy array
    150  Tiff median filter exports as single frame OpenCV Python
    150  ''Test Failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'answer.png''' on Gradescope
    150  Sum of values accessed through numpy memmap is wrong
    150  Summing data from array based on other array in Numpy
    150  Sort N-D numpy array by another 1-D array
    150  Shape mismatch error with scipy.optimize.minimize for logistic regression
    150  Row.T * Row dot product of a matrix
    150  resample value with respec to coordinates in python
    150  Removing black pixel if they are in a cluster of 8 or less
    150  Reasonable way to have different versions of None?
    150  Read numpy array image in ITK
    150  Python: Reshaping arrays and lists
    150  python-Interpolate polynomial where coefficients are matrices
    150  Python: how to display an image pixel by pixel using random coordinates
    150  Python - Get the Indexes of a value on Pandas' Apply function
    150  Python - Efficient extracting data from list of tuples to another list
    150  Python: Counting instances of variable size subarray in numpy array
    150  python assignment in array vs scalar
    150  Python 3.6: Histogram based on a column with a space in its name
    150  pygame 'module' object not callable
    150  Problem with pandas.DataFrame.cumsum function
    150  Problems with installing Numpy in Python 2.7.5 [duplicate]
    150  pandas DataFrame very slow when initializing with numpy structured array
    150  pandas.concat() does not fill the columns
    150  Overwrite array size with new array size and values in python
    150  Overcoming dimension errors with matrix multiplication?
    150  Off-centered weighted numpy histogram2d?
    150  numpy.tile for 3d array
    150  `numpy.piecewise` discards imaginary part of function. Why, and how to workaround?
    150  Numpy array with string components
    150  numpy array error '' Error('X.shape[0] and y.shape[0] should be the same''
    150  Numpy: 3D plot of data, using colors
    150  np.random.choice() doesn't accept a list of probabilites [closed]
    150  Multivariate Optimization - scipy.optimize input parsing error
    150  Most efficient and most pythonic way to create a NumPy array within a loop
    150  Memory error while reading a large .h5 file
    150  Loop over lists and concat in pd.dataframe
    150  List as element of list of lists or multidimensional lists as a grid
    150  Limit sum of entries in numpy array by adjusting negative entries
    150  lapack error with svd_dgesvd in python
    150  @jit changes the result of function
    150  Is there a way to delimit end points using Hough Lines Detector?
    150  Inverse of a matrix using numpy does not give expected results
    150  Installing python package numpy on a particular version of python
    150  How to work with numpy.where? [duplicate]
    150  How to unpatchify array
    150  How to index within array in python for loop?
    150  How to implement ILU precondioner in scipy?
    150  How to get nd array from np.where() in python?
    150  How to fix dlib.full_object_detection callable object not being callable so several numpy arrays can be saved to a npz file?
    150  How to find mean of an array which has two elements in Python?
    150  How to efficiently preform loop statements for data analysis?
    150  How to create array with initial value and 'decay function'?
    150  How to convert the bands of a masked raster into columns in a DataFrame
    150  How to convert a dataframe to a 3D ndarray
    150  How to append numpy array to numpy array of different size?
    150  How can you specify the FFT length in cv::dft as in Python numpy.fft.rfft
    150  How can I use NumPy in IronPython for Revit API?
    150  How can I create single numpy feature array from two arrays and a single float value?
    150  Group data into classes with numpy
    150  Getting the higher order bytes from an array in python
    150  Getting error slicing time series with pandas
    150  Getting argsort of numpy array
    150  Get a complicated if-statement to work with an array? Python
    150  Fourier series period from fft?
    150  Find neighbors with cuts efficiently and return index
    150  Finding a set of indices that maps the rows of one NumPy ndarray to another
    150  Find all common N-sized tuples in list of tuples
    150  Facing problem in uploading image returned from cv2.imdecode()
    150  Extracting coordinates from two numpy arrays
    150  Embedding Python into C++ calling two functions and passing array around
    150  Efficient way to find the paths with highest average edge value between two points in a pandas dataframe?
    150  ''Dynamic'' N-dimensional finite difference in Python along an axis
    150  Dictionary of points and values to array
    150  Create flag based on cumsum and timediff
    150  converting an array of size (n,n,m) to (None,n,n,m)
    150  convert data table format in python
    150  Convert a Diagonal Sparse Matrix to a 1-D vector
    150  Conditional correlations using an IF statement - Python
    150  Concetenating arrays in a dictionary
    150  combine numpy array ''element-wise''
    150  Can ctypes.data_as always be relied upon to keep references to temporaries?
    150  Atributes of class in numpy array
    150  a possible bug in numpy.isclose when comparing matrices with nans
    150  Add row and column numbers to np array
    150  Adding zeros to given positions in a numpy array
    149  Write txt file into a 2d array in python
    149  What's the most efficient way to find which elements of one array are close to any element in another?
    149  What is the FASTEST way to calculate the Pearson coefficient between all columns in a large and sparse matrix?
    149  Weighted average where one weight is infinite
    149  Using numpy to find the number of non-zero values in an array [duplicate]
    149  Using numpy reshape and the ''array must be unchanged'' error
    149  Using numpy.nditer in Hy
    149  Unpacking tuples to form numpy array
    149  Understanding python slice syntax
    149  TypeError 'type' object has no attribute '__getitem__' when drawing a 3D-plot
    149  Tflite gives different accuracy/behaviour in python interpreter and iOS
    149  subtract element from number if element satisfies if condition numpy
    149  slice pandas df based on n consecutive instances of element
    149  set or peg bivariate distribution values using matplotlib
    149  RuntimeError: 'cx_Freeze.freezer.ConfigError: cannot find file/directory named numpy.core._methods'
    149  removing duplicate values in python [duplicate]
    149  Reading a time list and make a plot using matplotlib
    149  Read binary file to array of complex numbers
    149  Randomly copy a rectangular random region and paste it on another image in numpy
    149  Random line segments using parametric equations
    149  Quickest way of mapping columns of an array to a new interval
    149  Python subscript syntax clarification
    149  Python performance [closed]
    149  Python: Package to reduce size of Floats and Ints?
    149  python numpy csv header in column not row
    149  Python loop not looping through xrange
    149  Python: list vs. np.array: switching to use certain attributes
    149  Python: Drop Rows With NaNs When Memory Constrained
    149  Python chunk array on condition
    149  Probability based randomzation of 2d Numpy array
    149  pandas.dataframe.from_records not working on numpy array
    149  Output array after performing fast fast fourier transform of a data set
    149  numpy python - slicing rows and columns at the same time
    149  Numpy.ndarray: iteration by specific axes of an array
    149  Numpy histogram split a value evenly in 2 bins
    149  numpy get top k elements from last dimension of ndarray
    149  numpy: Getting a ''moving maximum'' array of fixed width of slices from another array [duplicate]
    149  Numpy fromfile function does not work properly
    149  'numpy.float64' object is not iterable when trying to SUM two numpy arrays
    149  Numpy - Finding Nearest Neighbors of a Matrix Multiplication
    149  numpy.dtype error in machine learning code (Python)
    149 stucks. Maybe linked with BLAS?
    149  Numpy array operation based on user input
    149  Numpy Advanced Indexing and basic indexing
    149  Numpy 3d array map operation
    149  numpy 2d boolean array count consecutive True sizes
    149  Number of 2D array to 3D array, extending third dimension
    149  Numba: ''Unable to broadcast argument 1 to output array''
    149  Minimizing overhead due to the large number of Numpy dot calls
    149  Method for calculating irregularly spaced accumulation points
    149  merging two Numpy Array
    149  Merge two lists of different size into one matrix
    149  MemoryError: Unable to allocate 3.78 GiB for an array with shape (802, 842, 1502) and data type float32
    149  Map a number to an id in python
    149  Load and convert a lot of images to array of size (n,224,224,3) from path
    149  irregular slicing in numpy
    149  Installing Python Package .whl from a specific directory [duplicate]
    149  In NumPy, how do I set array b's data to reference the data of array a?
    149  How to write values of dictionary in numpy array to csv file instead of the full dictionary?
    149  How to use index to assign address and formula to arrays? [closed]
    149  How to understand the result of this np.einsum('kij',A)?
    149  How to return values from one array by comparing values with another array in Python?
    149  How to replace values when loading data with genfromtxt
    149  How to make sliding window features with a sparse matrix
    149  How to get rid of variable amplitude in cosine function using python-scipy?
    149  How to Generate 2 dimensional array of NAN in python?
    149  How to find the x,y coordinates in a curve passing only the normalized position (from 0 to 1) [closed]
    149  How to extract subarrays from an array based on threshold values in python?
    149  How to delete parts of array efficiently
    149  How to convert csv data into tuples with numpy genfromtxt?
    149  How to conduct SAS Proc SurveyFreq with strata in Python?
    149  Generate pcolor based on 3 vectors
    149  Find maximal element in numpy ndarray for each sub array
    149  Find consecutive sequences based on Boolean array
    149  find array elements that are members of set array in python ()
    149  Fill interpolated values between two adjacent row values in Pandas
    149  fill_between of pandas Dataframe (values) by column
    149  Fill a complex numpy array using the multiprocessing module
    149  Faster way to calculate distance matrix with lat/long
    149  ''Expecting miMATRIX type'' error when reading MATLAB MAT-file with SciPy
    149  Error building bitstring in python 3.5 : the datatype is being set to U32 without my control
    149  Efficient way of getting a subarray of an array that the indices are mapped
    149  Efficent insertion of not aligned elements in a numpy array
    149  Effectively group array by element
    149  Duplicate values in dictionary
    149  Does python have counterparts of digits() and vpa() function in matlab?
    149  Direct way to access Numpy RandomState object
    149  Cython prange and BLAS slower than sklearn
    149  Crop a square shape around a centroid (numpy) [closed]
    149  creating text file with multiple arrays of mixed types python
    149  Creating a multivariate distributed matrix in python?
    149  Create Numpy Grid in correct order
    149  Count the number of elements in array in Python whatever dimension it is
    149  Convert numpy rows into columns based on ID
    149  converting to a pandas dataframe with numpy dtype of string
    149  Converting a numpy array into a c++ native vector
    149  Conditionnally assign pixel values of one image to another
    149  compute correlation in numpy [duplicate]
    149  Comparing Two DataFrames and Loop through them (to test a condition)
    149  Comparing two columns of pandas dataframe by np.char.find gives TypeError: string operation on non-string array
    149  cannot import numpy scipy theano
    149  Calling numpy on parallel processors in IJulia notebook
    149  Calculating cross-correlation with fft returning backwards output
    149  AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy' in Tensorflow 2.1
    149  Allocate scatter plot into specific bins
    148  Wrong/unexpected Values obtained from Powerlaw fit
    148  Why does python come with so many similar, but subtly different functionality for fulfilling certain elementary computing tasks?
    148  What is wrong with numpy.where function?
    148  What is the algorithm used to implement numpy.ascontiguousarray?
    148  What is happening in lambda function in python?
    148  What do scipy.integrate.ode.integrate() optional `step` and `relax` arguments do?
    148  Visualize 1D numpy array as 2D array with matplotlib
    148  Using Imputer in a Pipeline doesn't remove NaNs, gives ''Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')''
    148  Sympy Tensor Product wrong result
    148  Statsmodel .predict omits or deletes records
    148  speedup scipy custom continuous random variable
    148  Slow numpy evaluation on function
    148  Selecting a pair of numbers with their maximized sum in a Numpy array structure (game theory)
    148  Scipy normaltest returns masked
    148  Saving header from CSV file using `numpy.genfromtxt()`
    148  Row wise element search in an array
    148  roll value within grouped regions in a dataframe
    148  Return the name of the country with the highest employment number in Python
    148  Reshape 2D dataframe to include previous data points (for LSTM in Keras)
    148  Replace a loop in python with the equivalent of a matlab find
    148  Removing element from numpy array - Memory efficient
    148  Python Pandas Dataframe Self Referencing Variable as in Function nz(x,y) to python pandas data frame logic
    148  Python (numpy) 2D and 3D array averaging of subgrid
    148  Python nested for loop in RGB average
    148  python image to pixel conversion performance
    148  Python - fitting data with exponential function
    148  Python - cannot set array value
    148  Product of a sequence in NumPy
    148 different output for same matrices when matrices are manually entered
    148  Numpy Array View and Garbage Collection
    148  Numpy array of arrays
    148  Numpy Array bug
    148  Numpy add a matrix to slices of another matrix
    148  Number of consecutive zeroes in a list
    148  Matplotlib is plotting multiple labels
    148  Make sure Column B = a certain value when Column A is Null - Python
    148  load a float+ string table [duplicate]
    148  Jupyter notebook, output more than one expression from cell
    148  Iterate through multiple CSV's checking for an integer value in each file
    148  Incomprehension in the sum of numpy arrays
    148  If two consecutive rows in an array have the same string in the first column set the remaining entries in the first row to zero
    148  Identifying absorbing classes in a sparse graph
    148  How to write a genfromtxt with f2py?
    148  How to write a case when like statement in numpy array
    148  How to use argmin and argmax functions over a np.matrix element in python?
    148  How to speed up pixel scanning a numpy array
    148  How to speed up 'for loop' for searching Pixel value in Image in python?
    148  How to specify dates on the x-axis to make a bar graph using Python 3
    148  How to place marker on one line and get coordinates
    148  How to load data from a txt file with variable number of columns in each row into a numpy array?
    148  how to interpret the PIL image in numpy array
    148  how to get items that belongs to all numpy arrays?
    148  How to find strings with delimiter and replace them with new lines in pandas dataframe Python
    148  How to covert 1d array to Logical matrix [duplicate]
    148  how to conditionally change array values
    148  How do I make Tkinter drawing lines from an x interval and a y NumPy array?
    148  How do I get rid of vertical asymptote in Python sympy?
    148  How can I append an array as column to another array?
    148  Fusion Two dataframes into one dataframe
    148  find numpy array in other numpy array
    148  Fastest way to make python Object out of numpy array rows
    148  Encode character columns as ordinal but keep numeric columns the same
    148  Efficient way to fill up a 4d array from entries of a product of two matrices
    148  Efficient double iteration over array
    148  Duplicate array dimension with numpy (without np.repeat)
    148  Dimensionality issues in using np.concatenate
    148  Determine distributions in python?
    148  Cython Numpy Extension compilation fails with newer versions
    148  Creating columns with numpy Python
    148  Converting numpy image to QPixmap
    148  Converting a numpy operation to output of tensorflow layer
    148  Combine blocks of different images and produce a new image
    148  Change pixels for improve contrast in picture
    148  Best possible bit array for Numba
    148  Assign value to missing data that isn't already in the array
    148  Array assignment in numpy? [closed]
    148  Apply function n items at a time along axis
    148  2D array initialization
    147  Working with columns of NumPy matrices
    147  Why do I get a Memory Error when solving a sparse system of linear equations?
    147  Why does setting a custom class's __array_priority__ above zero make comparison with numpy.float64 work incorrectly?
    147  What is the difference of A[i] and A[i,:] in n-dimensional(n>1) numpy array?
    147  ValueError: object of too small depth for desired array,
    147  Update dataframe values by broadcasting series
    147  triple integration over arrays python
    147  Transform list of strings (indexes) to Numpy Array
    147  Tensorflow 2.0 CNN training: Image augmentation function shifts pixel values outside of the [0, 1] range. Is this a problem?
    147  Specific pandas columns as arguments in new column of df.apply outputs
    147  Significant numbers digits of value by its error
    147  Select from numpy array by column with multiple logical conditions
    147  Select elements from numpy array based on a list of lengths
    147  Select different columns for each row
    147  Rolling Second highest in a pandas dataframe
    147  Removing close values from array
    147  Remove individual points and output slope python
    147  Rearranging numpy array
    147  (Python) Unable to See Matplotlib Plot
    147  Python - SciPy Kernal Estimation Example - Density >> 1
    147  Python, numpy.array slicing, altering array values with slices
    147  Python Numpy Array geht values of neighbours
    147  Python in-place operator (as ''+=''), numpy array and identity function not working properly?
    147  Python: iktFormatWarning
    147  python: how to insert elements in numpy array in a loop
    147  python fatest way to iterate compare two dictionary values
    147  Popping the last element of a one-dimensional array
    147  Plot several lines at once - Matplotlib
    147  Perfplot bench() raises ''TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the input types''
    147  PCA in sklearn vs numpy is different
    147  Parallelize reverse geocoding function over Python pandas dataframe [closed]
    147  opencv, python: How to track live trackers from environment and find changes in environment
    147  Numpy where generating x,y coordinates that cause segmentation mask to be diagonally split
    147  Numpy sorting help
    147  Numpy Mutidimensional Subsetting
    147  numpy.load() MemoryError while data is just 4.6MB big
    147  numpy isin issue for timestamps?
    147  Numpy.histogram with numpy.arange
    147  numpy function cythonization
    147  numpy.einsum sometimes ignores dtype argument
    147  NumPy array built from audio file throws zero-size array error when array is neither empty nor corrupted
    147  Need to speed up very slow loop for image manipulation on Python
    147  Multipying and adding inside of a too large array
    147  Minimum distance for each value in array respect to other
    147  Merge remaining part of split array
    147  Mac system generate error message when I call python script on terminal
    147  Looping over large sparse array
    147  list of frequencies in time to signal in python
    147  lgb.train ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    147  Is there a way of improving speed of cython code
    147  Is it possible to use an instance method as a callable for scipy?
    147  installing numpy but it won't run
    147  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices men2n
    147  how to view sparse matrices outside python environment
    147  How to vectorise if condition with a pandas Series?
    147  How to take derivative of trilinear interpolated function?
    147  How to set column values using .loc and .contains
    147  How to put these outputs into 9 by 9 array using Numpy array
    147  How to plot a defined function against one of its arguments in Python
    147  How to multiply all elements of the list to final answer Python numpy not working
    147  How to improve the speed of this for loop in python
    147  How to find Eigenspace of a matrix using python
    147  How to download csv file from S3 bucket into numpy array
    147  How to call scipy.minimize over part of an array?
    147  how to apply a sequence of conditions to np.where()
    147  How to add a 2x2 matrix to a 3x2x2 matrix?
    147  How do I change a list of lists column into a regular list in a pandas DataFrame?
    147  How do I add Poisson noise to a greyscale image in Python using numpy?
    147  How can I create a Matlab file from Python with multi-dimensional arrays in a Matlab data structure?
    147  Get index of matching elements in array, taking into account repetitions
    147  Function to calculate value from first row in Python Pandas
    147  Fill missing array values using extrapolated plot Python
    147  Fastest way to select and reassign elements in an array based on complex conditions
    147  Fancy indexing of numpy recarray lost reference after assignment
    147  Extracting unrecognized information from many CSV files
    147  evaluate many monomials at many points
    147  Displaying termcolor.colored in python
    147  Difference between sklearn shuffle and np.random.permutation
    147  Data import (reshape, numpy, pandas)
    147  creating numpy structured arrays from columns
    147  Creating a sparse matrix from a dataframe with edges
    147  create a 2D array from a 1D array and a Boolean array in python
    147  Covariance/heat flux in Python
    147  Convert lists of tuples to an array, where the first element in each tuple is the array index?
    147  Convert grouped array elements from Pandas index into individual array elements in Python
    147  change python distribution
    147  Call function compiled from cythonized C in C++?
    147  Calculating event based on the continuous timestep
    147  Array of indizes of unique values
    147  Argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'slice'
    147  Appending conditional formatting like hex colors to a list using numpy
    146  Why does numba's parallel=True make this computation 3 times slower?
    146  Understanding in Matplotlib
    146  Unable to invoke SageMaker endpoint(TensorFlow Model) using Boto3 client from AWS Lambda in python
    146  Translating arrays from MATLAB to numpy
    146  Transform numpy ndarray from a column list to row list
    146  Symbol not found: _PyBuffer_Type error with numpy
    146  Sum nth columns elementwise in Numpy matrix
    146  Splitting up computational task into two processes results to BrokenPipeError [Errno 32]
    146  Speed optimization with matix vector multiplication in Python
    146  Sorting performance comparison between numpy array, python list, and Fortran
    146  Slice out Nth element in nested dictionary values
    146  scipy ODE, what happens when nsteps exceeded?
    146  replace numpy elements with non-scalar dictionary values
    146  removing element from ndarray of ndarrys
    146  python split array into runs/sequences - preferably numpy
    146  Python polynomial regression plotting wrong?
    146  Python + numpy: same code, different numerical result
    146  Python: How to convert whole array into int
    146  Python equivalent for ordertrack function in matlab
    146  Python: Efficient way to find the average tetrahedron clustering coefficient for a graph?
    146  Python: appending numpy.array to list python overwrites the previous elements
    146  PyGTK-2.24.0 Installation cannot find NumPy
    146  Problem with Numba jit nonpython and numpy: All templates rejected with literals
    146  Possible to have logical operations (e.g. `ndarray.__eq__`) not return `bool` in NumPy?
    146  performing calculations and comparisons using indices in numpy arrays
    146  Pandas Categorical masking [duplicate]
    146  Optimized iteration over dataframe (rows)
    146  opencv 2.4.8 is not importing
    146  Numpy-style error tracebacks?
    146  Numpy Implementation of Residual Student for Time Series
    146  numpy 2D arrays as pandas elements
    146  Memory Error with half-full memory
    146  MATLAB's pcacov on numpy/scipy?
    146  Is there a good way to dynamically create non-linear equations for scipy.optimize.root or scipy.optimize.fsolve?
    146  Issue when writing a list to binary file
    146  in python why if rank: is faster than if rank != 0:
    146  incorrect Matrix inverse result
    146  Improving performance of numpy mapping operation
    146  identifying sub-arrays in numpy
    146  How to write a numpy array to file in C++?
    146  How to sum appearances in columns with pandas without lambda
    146  how to speed up extracting data from a large binary file in python
    146  How to return the index of numpy ndarray based on search?
    146  How to reshape pandas 2d MultiIndex to numpy 3d faster?
    146  How to find the longest sub-array within a threshold?
    146  How to deal with nan values in numpy
    146  how to compute the mean of values from different lists
    146  How to calculate standard deviation of count-value pairs
    146  how find the identical rows in a DataFrame  -  python
    146  How do I sum a numpy array of size (m*n,) in groups of m?
    146  How do I efficiently fill a numpy ndarray with a function called at each row and column?
    146  How do i convert my adjacency matrix to a distance matrix which is represented as an array type numpy.ndarray?
    146  Higher precision eigenvalues with numpy
    146  Have my own class behave like numpy.ndarray
    146  H5PY problem saving composite numpy arrays
    146  Get RGB channels of an image
    146  Get more decimals in complex python division
    146  Generating symmetric i.i.d distributed random numbers (Python)
    146  For loop skipping large part of data set
    146  Finding sets of vectors that sum to zero
    146  Find beginning of a slope in a graph
    146  Fastest way to sort 2d list by a column in reverse order
    146  Extract indices of a NumPy array
    146  error when using 'pd.merge' merging on time data [duplicate]
    146  Efficiently compute all combinations (row-wise) of two matrices as input for a pretrained binary classifier in TensorFlow?
    146  Does numpy.random.randint() always return a contiguous and aligned ndarray?
    146  Do calculation for array of values - Python
    146  Decode a column of Base64 strings in Python
    146  Dataframe operations involving nan
    146  Dataframe dominant stats analysis using Pandas
    146  Cython strings support
    146  Cython 2-D numpy array of mixed types to void**
    146  create a 3D array of square matrices in numpy
    146  Count of all possible combinations between dataframe columns
    146  Convert a list of numpy arrays to a 5D numpy array
    146  Construct an numpy array inside a for loop
    146  Complex vectors and shape for arrays
    146  Can't access elements from an image array using python/psychopy/numpy
    146  Can I vectorize this 2d array indexing where the 2nd dimension depends on the value of the first?
    146  Calculate distance between neighbors efficiently
    146  AttributeError: ‘numpy.ndarray’ object has no attribute ‘iloc’
    146  Assign values in pandas based on condition on array of values
    146  A quick way to randomly read many rows of a large numpy matrix with h5py
    146  Apply function n times using all previous results
    146  Append values of two strings into pairs
    146  Add a column to pandas DataFrame based on the values of two other columns using groupby ( )
    145  zero out elements in a list of numpy arrays
    145  xarray - resample daily input data to half-yearly data with leap year
    145  Weird memory usage of lstsq
    145  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence Tensorflow and numpy
    145  Using pdsit with string value in python scipy
    145  using cimport in cython for numpy [duplicate]
    145  Use list of csr_matrix to train SGDClassifier
    145  Text File to Numpy Array
    145  Sum a staggered array ''columns'' in this way
    145  stacking unequal matrices in python
    145  speeding up class with numpy array using cython
    145  Something strange in numpy
    145  sk-learn saved model to disk, but get only array
    145  Simplify List of coordinates
    145  Searching an array for a value faster than np.where(ar==value) using fortran and f2py
    145  scipy ndimage to fill array for matplotlib interpolated data
    145  Saving numpy integers in sqlite database with sqlalchemy
    145  returning subarrays with the same dimensions when looping over numpy array
    145  Restructuring Array of Tuples
    145  Read line by line and skip under condition when using numpy
    145  reading header lines generated value error
    145  Python Value error using Pandas and Anaconda
    145  Python: Unpack a list of objects to Dictionary
    145  python system's total transfer function
    145  Python-String parsing for extraction of date and time
    145  Python numpy: (IndexError: too many indices for array) How to choose specific index to my matrix?
    145  Python: nested list merge with adding int in same index
    145  python, how to select element from each column of matrix
    145  Python - Creating a skewed discrete normal probability distribution for sampling integers
    145  Pyplot cannot plot Regression
    145  problem with dropped pandas column in numpy array [closed]
    145  Partially argsort a 2D array in Python
    145  Numpy - Sorting two ndarrays by single axis of first array
    145  numpy.random.permutation lose a column
    145  Numpy: random number generation - breaking loop into chunks
    145  Numpy partition diagonal matrix
    145  Numpy output interpretation
    145  numpy multiplication not working
    145  numpy equivalent of matlab matrix code
    145  Numpy Argsort with Radix Sort
    145  Numerical errors in Keras vs Numpy
    145  Neural Network bad results
    145  Naming fields in NumPy Arrays
    145 drops attribute of subclassed ndarray
    145  Meta functions to use outputs from single function
    145  maxpooling results not displaying in model.summary() output
    145  Manipulate data using numpy loadtxt
    145  List of arrays containing tuples(?)
    145  List all known NumPy arrays currently in Python interpreter
    145  Indices of intersecting rows of Numpy 2d Array
    145  Index variable range in numpy
    145  Importing csv files as numpy compatible list of lists in python
    145  How to solve the problem ''AttributeError: module 'linecache' has no attribute 'checkcache''' [duplicate]
    145  How to solve non-square system of linear equations?
    145  How to select the channel with maximum value at every pixel in a multichannel image?
    145  How to select a batch from a preloaded dataset in Tensorflow?
    145  How to replace numpy.nan to -1 (in one line of code)? [duplicate]
    145  how to np.genfromtxt a utf-8 file? python3 numpy [duplicate]
    145  How to make time series file using pandas
    145  How to insert row in a dataframe based on columns value with condition?
    145  How to get rows of matrix without using any loops in numpy or tensorflow?
    145  How to extract only the pixels of an image where it is masked? (Python numpy array operation)
    145  How to add a row into a 1-D array with python-numpy? [duplicate]
    145  How can I find the index of a tuple inside a numpy array?
    145  How can i combine several database files with numpy?
    145  genfromtxt in Python-3.5
    145  Fixed array shape/dimensions in Cython
    145  find closest clusters of colors in a numpy array from an image file
    145  Filtering outliers before using group by
    145  Fill matrix with transposed version
    145  Error somewhere in my RNG for Monte-Carlo Simulation?
    145  Elegant slicing in python list based on index
    145  Efficient way to create an array of nonzero values in a numpy tensor?
    145  Efficiently constrain values between -180 and 180
    145  Does anyone understand this error?
    145  Data reshape of big dataset
    145  Create a 'virtual' numpy array from scipy frequency matrix and array of values
    145  Converting numpy array to pure python integer to avoid integer overflow
    145  Compute once, use multiple times within Python class
    145  C-Numpy: How to create fixed-width ndarray of strings from existing data
    145  Changing from a generic to a tuned atlas version
    145  Categorize and calculate something in python
    145  Calculate the radius of an enclosing circle over a binary mask array
    145  Bisection_method in array - numpy
    145  adding columns in numpy - still confused
    144  Wrapping a numpy array element to integer
    144  Why can the numpy method work on pandas dataframes? [duplicate]
    144  View specific fields as ndarray with numpy >= 1.13
    144  ValueError with solve_ivp because of RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
    144  Using numpy dstack elementwise? [duplicate]
    144  Using np.piecewise for a uniform distribution
    144  Update 3 and 4 dimension elements of numpy array
    144  unlist the result of a np.linespace
    144  Unable to import numpy in Jupyter (instead getting: NameError: 'True' is not defined)
    144  The arctangent of tangent x is not calculated precisely
    144  Tensorflow 2.0 Cannot convert tensor to numpy array when using tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution()
    144  (SSLError [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] [duplicate]
    144  searching sorted items into a sorted sequence
    144  Rotate an image by 90 degrees using Eigen from OpenCV Matrix in C++ [closed]
    144  Reshape images for to fit SVM classifier
    144  Replacing iteration in NumPy
    144  readlines and numpy loadtxt gives UnicodeDecodeError after upgrade 18.04
    144  Read array from input file and optimise variables Python
    144  Python Training dataset
    144  Python: Subsets of Data with most common entries
    144  Python, NumPy: Neural network tutorial, ValueError: shapes not aligned
    144  Python-list is too large and can't be deleted
    144  Python: How to split np array / list into two arrays / lists without using more RAM
    144  Python and R are returning different results where they should be exactly the same [closed]
    144  Points on sphere
    144  Parameter estimates for generic data for any function
    144  Pandas if statement across list of columns
    144  Order a NXM Numpy Array according to cumulative sums of each sub-array
    144  numpy / tensorflow vectorization of slices
    144  NumPy: Pick 2D indices of minimum values over 4D array
    144  Numpy local maximas in one dimension of 2D array
    144  numpy indexing: shouldn't trailing Ellipsis be redundant?
    144  Numpy array value ''contamination''
    144  Numpy and Scipy installer crash
    144  Normalizing while keeping the value of 'dst' as an empty array
    144  Most Efficient/Pythonic Way to Do Calculations on a Specific Subset of a 2D Numpy Array
    144  More memory efficient option than numpy.where?
    144  Jacobian determinant of vector-valued function with Python JAX/Autograd
    144  Is there a way to plot a 'tight' best fit line through scattered X, Y coordinates?
    144  Is there a numpy flag to store arbitrary information?
    144  Integer overflow in universal hashing implementation
    144  In python, what is a good way to match expected values to real values?
    144  How to vectorize calculation of barycentric coordinates in python
    144  How to solve the error ''value too large for dtype('float32')?''
    144  How to represent '':'' in numpy
    144  How to read from CSV file
    144  How to prevent NumPy's standard deviation from throwing errors during extreme-volume computations?
    144  How to maintain lexsort status when adding to a multi-indexed DataFrame?
    144  How to insert words in a numpy multidimensional array?
    144  How to include dynamic time?
    144  How to identify elements that belong to a set in a numpy array in python
    144  How to get the index of 2nd smallest value in a numpy 2D array? [duplicate]
    144  How to find the tolerable overlap between 2 arrays of x,y coordinates in python (numpy)
    144  How to extract 95% data in python
    144  How to change list values in dictionary in python?
    144  How to average over a 2-D array?
    144  How to apply mask from array to another matrix in numpy
    144  have any method to speed up int list to enum
    144  Getting draws from a fitted distribution
    144  get minimum value across array of indices
    144  Finding the most tree-like hierarchy that explains the data
    144  Fill in numbers in a numpy array in sets of 1024
    144  Fill a multidimensional array efficiently that have many if else statements
    144  Encrypt a Python state machine
    144  Easiest way to generate random array from {1,-1} with predefined mean value in Numpy?
    144  Dominant 3 frequencies in the DFT and Energy of the 3 dominant frequencies from a list
    144  Different output from same code with exponents in python
    144  Deleting row from view in xtensor
    144  Delegating calls to a numpy array's method to its elements
    144  Create new array with array elements/amounts set by two other arrays in Python
    144  cProfile shows significant tottime in function which only exclusively calls an external Cython function
    144  Convert NaN values in 2D numpy array using values from vector
    144  Conversion of 64 bit integer back to two 32 bit integers
    144  Concatenate many 1xn arrays using Python
    144  Compressing numpy float arrays
    144  Combining 2-d arrays to form a 3-d array
    144  Coloring plot bar in python based on 2d array values and dictionaries
    144  Calculate averages and sums on a monthly database
    144  binning data live into a 2D array
    144  Best x values for numpy polyfit
    144  apply function to 2d slices of a multidimensional NumPy array
    144  accessing columns within an array within a for loop
    144  1-D to 2-D array in numpy
    143  Wrap a C program in Python that reads custom file into a 2d array
    143  Why is numpy array's .tolist() creating long doubles?
    143  Why do we get such a result for double boolean indexing in Numpy?
    143  why can't x[:,0] = x[0] for a single row vector?
    143  What is the best way to create new columns based on value of existing column of Pandas dataframe in Python?
    143  What does this scipy curve_fit behavior mean?
    143  Vectorizing CONDITIONAL logic in Python?
    143  Vectorize Operations in Numpy for Two Dependent Arrays
    143  ValueError: shapes (7,200) and (1,1) not aligned: 200 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
    143  Using transformation matrices in Python - numerical precision errors
    143  Using Numpy to find combination of rows in an array such that each column sums to the same value
    143  using groupby attribute in pandas [closed]
    143  Understanding the shape of tensorflow placeholders
    143  TypeError: ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U78') dtype('<U78') dtype('<U78'
    143  Transform sequence into array of sequences
    143  Testing Numpy operations
    143  TensorFlow - Extra dimension in input is giving out an error
    143  Suitable value for EPS (machine epsilon?)
    143  Split output of loop by columns used as input
    143  Slice that represents concatenated slices
    143  Select specific elements from an array
    143  SciPy / Numpy - basinhopping not using initial guess values
    143  Return equivalent of `:` from function for indexing array
    143  Randomly choose rows of a two dimensional array
    143  Preventing numpy from upcasting numerical values to strings
    143  Permutations of a numpy array into an ndarray or matrix
    143  Performance of NumPy for algorithms concerning individual elements of an array
    143  Pandas. 2 col dataframe. Get intersection matrix (all to all, from col #1)
    143  Optimizing Boolean Compares Between Arrays with Python
    143  odeint floating point arithmetic
    143  Numpy string scalar comparison
    143  Numpy: Possible to ravel multidimensional array of unequal sizes?
    143  numpy poly() and roots() aren't reversible?
    143  Numpy one hot encoder is only displaying huge arrays with zeros
    143  Numpy matrix operations on custom C structures with overloaded operators
    143  Numpy/Cython: how to create a memory view of user-defined columns of a matrix
    143  Np.Argwhere To Produce Numbers
    143  More Elegant way to number a list according to values
    143  matrix to the power of a column of a dense matrix using numpy in Python
    143  Manipulating a copy of a numpy matrix
    143  Is there a Python function analog to MATLAB's ''chol'' which also returns the pivoting flag?
    143  Is there a faster way to do this pseudo code efficiently in python numpy?
    143  Is the numpy documentation for calculating the 2nd order norm of a matrix across the columns slightly misleading?
    143  Indexing a 4D array using another array of 3D indices
    143  ''IndexError: too many indices for array'' appearing when creating a train test split
    143  Identifying the densest region/cluster
    143  How to write string and ndarray into a file sequentially?
    143  How to vectorize a 'for' loop wich calls a function (that takes a 2-Dimensional array as argument) over a 3-Dimensional numpy array
    143  how to turn a matrix into a sparse matrix and protobuf it
    143  How to show a picture in Python like Matlab
    143  How to sample from a log-probability distribution?
    143  How to output a value of a CNN for Stock Prediction
    143  How to get these shapes to line up for a numpy matrix
    143  how to fix supplying multiple axes to axis is no longer supported error
    143  how to fix ''only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars'' when getting integral with an array argument
    143  How to fit two numpy matrices with Pyspark's SVM?
    143  How to find the seasonality of a pandas dataframe with datetime value as index
    143  How to find all variables with identical id?
    143  How to do pandas rolling apply in numpy?
    143  How to convert boost multiarray to numpy array c++
    143  How to center the nonzero values within 2D numpy array?
    143  How to add dimension to a python numpy array
    143  How do I use numpy.genfromtxt to read a lower triagular matrix into a numpy array?
    143  How do I get the sum of values under a diagonal in numpy?
    143  How can I efficiently use numpy to carry out iterated summation
    143  get specific last day of each month in pandas / numpy
    143  Generating a numpy random see array of 100 random numbers drawn from a normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 2
    143  Find index of 2d array in a 3d array in numpy
    143  Find 4 points equidistant from a centroid in 3D space where all points lie on a predefined plane
    143  Fastest computation of distances in rectangular array
    143  Extract non- empty values from the regex array output in python
    143  Eigen value and eigen vector of numpy
    143  Does allow masking of sub-masked arrays in a masked array?
    143  Does numpy internally store size of an array?
    143  Create variable with multiple return of numpy where
    143  Create a bar graph using datetimes
    143  Converting date element in a structured array
    143  Can you Fill a global Numpy Array with multiple cores in Python?
    143  Can I use numpy operation on SimpleITK.Image without converting using GetArrayFromImage
    143  Building graphs by networkx in tkinter with reading entries values
    143  Bit scan forward and reverse in numpy
    143  Assign singleton array to element of array with Numba
    143  Apply a mask to multiple lines (syntactic sugar?)
    143  An error from numpy.root via scipy.optimize.fmin
    143  aggregate values of one colum by classes in second column using numpy
    143  Adding binary flag to pandas DataFrame
    143  Accelerating a screenshot function - Python
    143  2d numpy array, making each value the sum of the 3x3 square it is centered at
    142  Why numpy performs worst on a more powerful computer?
    142  What is the best way to keep dimensionality when subarraying numpy arrays?
    142  What are numbers of the colorbar in a 2d histogram?
    142  Viewing cells of a grid in sliding windows with periodic boundaries
    142  vectorization of an integral in scipy
    142  Understanding Stratified sampling in numpy
    142  Type error from numpy FFT function
    142  Trendline plotting not working with bigdataset
    142  Transform CSV file into a 'flat file" for pandas
    142  Sum rows of numpy array where start index of each sum comes from another array
    142  Strange Python output for counter loop [duplicate]
    142  Storing and loading lots of image frame numpy data into memory
    142  Standard deviation of combinations of dices
    142  Split numpy array into similar array based on its content
    142  Split an numpy array into two numpy arrays
    142  Split a list into increasing sequences using itertools
    142  Simple linear regression with Tensorflow and SKCompat
    142  Shuffle 4-dimensional time-series by voxel
    142  Scipy: Voronoi diagram cells appear to spawn from nowhere
    142  Scipy installation windows 10
    142  Sampling unique column indexes for each row of a numpy array
    142  Safely downcast a float to the smallest possible integer type
    142  Row-wise outer product on sparse matrices
    142  Reshaping a numpy array
    142  Reshape a six-dimensional array into a 2d dataframe
    142  R equivlent of python numpy slice: [:, None, :]
    142  Replacing part of Numpy 2D Array using list in both rows and columns
    142  Replace indices with values from a list in a data frame
    142  Remembering original image after patch extraction
    142  Re-arranging numpy array in place
    142  Random Path in Circle, Python 2.7
    142  Randomize the splitting of data for training and testing for this function
    142  Python update the plot limits and multiple lines in the plot
    142  Python - Running Average If number is great than 0
    142  python numpy mutate selection
    142  python How to replace the first f(x) values of each x in array(x,n)
    142  Python error when calling Fourier transform code
    142  Python deepcopy() vs just initiating a numpy array in terms of run-time speed?
    142  Python dataframe sum on specific columns
    142  PyTables dtype alignment issue
    142  PyOpenCL - Different results on Intel and NVidia
    142  ''Pivot'' a Pandas DataFrame into a 3D numpy array
    142  Persist Dask array compressed in memory
    142  Pandas prepend data to multi-indexed series
    142  Overflow in numpy.exp()
    142  OpenCV C++ Mat array to Python
    142  OpenCV 3.1 optimization
    142  numpy.unique vs collections.Counter performance question
    142  Numpy setting j, j+1, j+2 to a
    142  numpy.nonzero() with combinatorial logic
    142  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable for this small code
    142  Numpy index, get bands of width 2
    142  numpy images - replace color based on other image
    142  NumPy: How to most efficiently/idiomatically add a value to all items in an array after an index?
    142  Numpy horizontal concat with failure
    142  Numpy can be imported in cmd but not in Python Shell
    142  Numpy arrays behave weirdly when very big
    142  Nested list manipulation
    142  masking array with logical values along an arbitrary axis
    142  Loading a table in numpy with row- and column-indices, like in R?
    142  Is putting a numpy array inside a list pythonic?
    142  is it possible to use np arrays as indices in h5py datasets?
    142  Is it possible to put numbers on top of a matplot histogram?
    142  Invalid value (printed as '--') in a numpy array from a netCDF file
    142  Install python dependencies not working
    142  Incorrect reshape of input data into keras lstm
    142  Improving runtime of weighted moving average filter function?
    142  Image processing: vectorize numpy array elements substitution
    142  Identity matrix stacking in NumPy
    142  How to vectorize getting sub arrays from numpy array using indexing arrays
    142  how to sum complicated condition in pandas dataframe
    142  How to sort vector to have minimal distance to another vector efficiently?
    142  How to save arrays using savez
    142  How to replace this triple For loop with a single numpy array operation?
    142  how to plot a structured data file with Python?
    142  How to give a name for a file?
    142  How to get uniform distribution by weighted probability in python in a dataset?
    142  How to get matching rows from two n-dimensional arrays in Python?
    142  How to fix [nan] output from csv file?
    142  How to declare a typed Dict whose value is a Nested list in numba
    142  How to create a list of list from the given input? [closed]
    142  How to conveniently use operations on numpy fortran contiguos arrays?
    142  How do I interate through a paired list when using map and lambda?
    142  How can I contract 2 indices at my choice in a rank N tensor (ndarray)
    142  Histogram configuration
    142  Grab matching column from text file in python list
    142  genfromtxt only imports first column, after changing dtype
    142  Generating samples for any distribution
    142  Float date conversion
    142  Find array corresponding to minimal values along an axis in another array
    142  Fast replacement of numpy values
    142  Fastest way of creating a list through iteration
    142  Error feeding numpy array d.type uint8 into adaptivethreshold function
    142  drawing a disk by analyzing neighbors pixel intensity
    142  Do scipy.sparse functions release the GIL?
    142  Difference between a view and assignment
    142  Creating a matrix of arbitrary size where rows sum to 0
    142  Creating a Column-Vector in Python Numpy in Fortran order
    142  Create choropleth function for Plotly not working
    142  Create a string with a variable definition in Python (of a nympy.arange object)
    142  Converting matlab-style indexing to numpy
    142  C: free() for row of 2d int array makes program halt
    142  Calculating numpy array according to another numpy array values
    142  Calculating and plotting parametric equations in sympy
    142  Array Padding Numpy
    142  Arrange list to numpy array in matrix form
    141  Would you use numpy if you were just manipulating a sequence of binary values?
    141  Windows: Installed numpy (conda): ModuleNotFoundError
    141  Why is lambda over np.fromfunction returning scalar
    141  Why are vectorized numpy methods using only a single core in a python ssh subprocess
    141  When is it better to use npz files instead of csv?
    141  Vectorize only some arguments in function when calculating on Pandas dataframe
    141  Vectorized Evaluation of a Function, Broadcasting and Element Wise Operations
    141  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. (Python / SKFlow)
    141  ValueError: builtins.type has the wrong size, try recompiling
    141  using list operator ''in'' with floating point values
    141  Unknown extra positional argument for function that is being passed into scipy.optimize.minimze
    141  Trying to Solve Numerical Diff Eq Using Euler's Method, Invalid Value Error
    141  Speed up sub-array shuffling and storing
    141  Slow array operation in python
    141  Slice an array starting from first nonzero element
    141  Select specefic rows from a 2d Numpy array using a sparse binary 1-d array
    141  remove special characters and string from df columns in python
    141  Python - speed up Pandas iteration
    141  python pandas-possible to compare 3 dfs of same shape using where(max())? is this a masking issue?
    141  python numpy add 1 element to empty matrix
    141  python: join two 2 dimensional numpy array to create 3 dimentional array
    141  Python: Efficient creation of binary image from line
    141  printing binomial coefficient using numpy
    141  Peak finding in a 3D noise-free scalar field using Python
    141  Pandas: Remove Column Based on Threshold Criteria
    141  Pandas dataframe modified by NumPy function
    141  Optimize a function that acts on a numpy array with an if statement
    141  Numpy version issue when using astropy
    141  Numpy throwing TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
    141  Numpy (sparse) repeated index increment
    141  Numpy.shape has a suffix: optimal way to get rid of it
    141  Numpy random.choice probablities don't sum up to 1
    141  Numpy matrix doesn't update value
    141  numpy linear algebra solver
    141  Numpy - generating a sequence with a higher resolution within certain bounds
    141 dot product function for statsmodels
    141  Numpy.count_nonzero crashes on 64 bit windows platform
    141  Numpy broadcasting of fancy index
    141  Np array shape (1,X,X) to (X,X)
    141  multiplying numpy arrays of different size
    141  multiply entire matrix except one row/column in python
    141  Membership checking in Numpy ndarray
    141  Label Reshaping for CNN
    141  I want to put moustache filter on my lips
    141  Is there a way sort eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors in pytorch?
    141  Is there a better way to index a large array using a conditional statement than np.where?
    141  Interleaving NumPy arrays with mismatching shapes
    141  Index of an array from a 2d np.array in Python? [duplicate]
    141  IndexError: list index out of range/ Facenet
    141  Inconsistent answers between the 'density' and 'spectrum' scaling option of scipy.signal.welch
    141  Implementing general back-propagation
    141  Implementation of ''Global Contrast Factor'' in Python with OpenCV and Numpy
    141  How to use: split 'hh:mm:ss' string to milliseconds float in every row of a dataframe in Python?
    141  How to sort an array only by using argmin()
    141  How to save list of tensors as HDF5?
    141  how to make use of Python scalars correctly?
    141  How to go about solving: 'operands could not be broadcast together with shapes '
    141  How to get randomly 20 elements from np.array and save it to DataFrame?
    141  How to delete rows having bad error lines and read the remaining csv file using pandas or numpy?
    141  How make a vectorized approach for calculating pair-wise Manhattan/L1 distance between multi-dimensional arrays?
    141  How join elements of numpy array into one string
    141  How is scipy.special.expi implemented?
    141  How do I use Numpy to manipulate masked regions of an image?
    141  How does dtype affect row and column operation speed in Numpy?
    141  Get the Covariance returns for a dataframe
    141  Get indices of first n unique values
    141  General-linear polynomial model with python (for Output-Error model)
    141  From scatter plot to 2D numpy array with binary entries in Python
    141  Find shape of nested array
    141  Fast way to round array values based on condition
    141  Fastest way to calculate the shortest (euclidean) distance between points, in pandas dataframe
    141  Faster way for a for loop with vstack in Python Numpy using mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
    141  Fast computation of inverse real valued function
    141  Elementwise multiplication of tensors of unknown dimension
    141  Efficient reduction of multiple tensors in Python
    141  efficient and fast function calling on 2d array
    141  Duplicate rows, according to value in a column
    141  Distance matrix of matrices
    141  create boxes on graph in python
    141  Confused during reshaping array of image
    141  Compare two CSV file and update one CSV file based on compared result using Python
    141  Code optimization python
    141  Can't access index of numpy array
    141  bounding box from 2d numpy array [duplicate]
    141  Averaging out sections of a multiple row array in Python
    141  Associating a combination's indices with a value
    141  All permutations where 0/1 are added to each column of a dataframe row
    141  Adding two arrays using a for loop
    140  xarray - select/index DataArray from the time labels from another DataArray
    140  Working with missing data
    140  Why do np.std(X) and X.std() return different values?
    140  Why does saving slices from an array using is slower depending on the direction of the slice?
    140  Where is the NumPy version string documented?
    140  Using scipy optimization library for many parameters
    140  Updating array values using two masks a[mask1][mask2]=value
    140  Trouble building Numpy 1.6.1 on Ubuntu 9.04--no
    140  Theano/numpy advanced indexing
    140  SVM classification and loading data from txt
    140  sum groups rows of numpy matrix using list of lists of indices
    140  Subtract aggregate from Pandas Series/Dataframe [duplicate]
    140  Stock screener from Sentdex
    140  split item to rows pandas
    140  Slowness of numpy.ceil and numpy.clip in ReLU thresholding: where is the bottleneck?
    140  Setting new property in Numpy array
    140  Sample my data according to a gaussian distribution
    140  Replace None value by list in an np array
    140  recurrence in numpy / numexpr python
    140  Read images to a pre-allocated numpy array
    140  Ranking groups based on size
    140  quiver matplotlib vector field 3d plot error: ''too many values to unpack''
    140  Python scipy / Fortran : float64, real, double?
    140  Python/NumPy: Return a List of Smaller (LHS) + Larger Elements (RHS) out of the Two Lists
    140  Python numpy array operations
    140  Python: Normalized index gives answer greater than one
    140  Python function to find out tic tac toe winner
    140  Python 3.6 cannot import gnuradio (3.7.9)
    140  Python 2.7 NUMPY ImportError: PyCapsule_Import could not import module ''date time'' in mac version 10.11
    140  pandas: ValueError when assigning DataFrame entries using index due to a change since v 0.13.1
    140  Pandas installation instalsl numpy and scipy too, which I have already installed from source
    140  Pandas DataFrame: How to get a min value in a vectorized way?
    140  Optimize this function with numpy (or other vectorization methods)
    140  Optimization: finding optimal inputs
    140  OpenCV: What is the dimension of the array representing a BGR image?
    140  Numpy speed up nested loop with fancy indexing
    140  numpy ravel function return issue
    140  numpy.fft.irfft: Why is len(a) necessary?
    140  NumPy array permute columns 3D matrix with argsort
    140  Moving Geometry by Centroid
    140  Matrix View in Function Doesn't Have Side Effects
    140  Latency in large file analysis with python pandas
    140  Iterate through a dictionary with matrix
    140  Iterate over numpy array to fill a python list
    140  is there pandas.filter for values (not row or column labels)?
    140  Intuition for back propagation
    140  IndexError: index is out of bounds
    140  Image mean subtraction on memmap array
    140  image list giving, ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
    140  How to remove all duplicate occurrences or get unique values in a pandas dataframe?
    140  How to perform a OLS regression on dynamic data frame and estimate the slope coefficient?
    140  How to pad a 2d array with variable length per row on the left and right to form a bigger 2d array
    140  How to optimize this image iteration in numpy?
    140  How to increase a number-representation precision for a FEM comptuting in NumPy?
    140  How to graph the second derivatives of coupled non-linear second order ODEs in Python?
    140  How to get similar elements of two numpy arrays with a tolerance
    140  How to find mean in kmeans in single shot using numpy
    140  How to create a spectra in Python?
    140  How to create a numpy array filled with points of a circle using rasterio module?
    140  How to convert numpy array of long string to list with only one element
    140  How to concatenate 2 np.ndarray's?
    140  How to add multiple values accumulatively to specific columns in python?
    140  How do `ndarray.flags['OWNDATA']`, `ndarray.base`, `id(ndarray)` and `ndarray.__array_interface__['data']` differ?
    140  How do I assign a value to a multidimensional array element in a function with index and value as parameters
    140  How can I partially read 2d satellite file in Python? (binary, fromfile)
    140  how can I linear stretch an array to a bigger size one using numpy?
    140  grouping words inside pandas dataframe column by another column to get the frequency/count
    140  Getting constant ''(got 12 columns instead of 11)'' error for numpy genfromtxt. I have tried the solutions from other posts but none of them work
    140  Generate dataframe columns based on constraints in current dataframe
    140  Find wrong colored pixels between boundaries
    140  Finding a list of indices from master array using secondary array with non-unique entries
    140  FFT to find autocorrelation function
    140  Exclude outliers with IQR in Python?
    140  Elegant way to mask out intervals between events containing nan in numpy/pandas
    140  Easy Python Pandas: Convert data to pandas dataframe
    140  Demean and standardise a 4d array within a 3d mask?
    140  convolution of .mat file and 1D array
    140  confused about numpy apply_along_axis 4D matrix
    140  Compute mean from list of NumPy array of different sizes
    140  Comparing columns in two different dataframes for matching values Pandas [duplicate]
    140  Checking condition in future rows in pandas with group by
    140  'can only join iterable' when fetching data using tia.bbg.datamgr (Python 2.7)
    140  Cannot turn numpy array into a graph in SageMath
    140  Can not take imagenet images as a numpy array for tensorflow quantization
    140  Broadcasting with reduction or extension in Numpy
    140  Better way to find existence of arrays in list of arrays
    140  apply generic function in a vectorized fashion using numpy/pandas
    140  Adding values of a pandas column only at specific indices
    139  Writing calculation results back into its array?
    139  Why numpy returns true index while comparing integer and float value from two different list
    139  Why is numpy random seed not remaining fixed but RandomState is when run in parallel?
    139  Why is np.where's result read-only for multi-dimensional arrays?
    139  Why are frequency values rounded in signal using FFT?
    139  When subclassing ndarray why does a transpose happen after __array_finalize__ and not before?
    139  What is the fastest way to transpose and normalize the data in an ndarray containing multiple images?
    139  Utilize array input for numpy mgrid function instead of for-loop over array
    139  Using Numpy's PyArray_IsScalar in Cython
    139  Using map in Spark Python to manipulate Resilient Distributed Datasets
    139  Update Pyplot Subplots with Images in a Loop
    139  Unhashable Type Error Whilst Finding Mode
    139  Tridiagonal Matrix Algorithm with Numba nopython mode
    139  TensorFlow and word embeddings: passing a dictionary
    139  Taking sine of each row for a specific column python
    139  Strange PIL.Image.fromarray behaviour with numpy zeros and ones in mode='1'
    139  Selecting nth column X=np.array(data.ix[:, ... ]
    139  SciPy: TypeError when using scipy.optimize.minimize
    139  scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack.eigsh is unstable
    139  scipy.percentileofscore but with interpolation?
    139  Saving full array as txt in python
    139  Read one specific cell of numpy matrix
    139  Reading a numpy saved file to a list
    139  read ascii text files into numerical array
    139  Python tests pass on cmd and fail on VS2012
    139  Python, issue with ties using argsort
    139  Python how to control curvature when joining two points
    139  Python for loops and comprehension for loops
    139  Python - Finding most occurring words in a CSV row
    139  Python: detecting alternates in bipartite graph
    139  Python : Calculate the eucledean distances from one coordinates to a array with coordinates
    139  Python 3.7: Modelling a 2D Gaussian equation using a Numpy meshgrid and arrays without iterating through each point
    139  pixel overlap creating black spot- python
    139  Pattern matching on numpy char array [duplicate]
    139  Numpy: slicing a volume using a matrix
    139  Numpy Matrix extension such as below:
    139  Numpy: How to get the max bin position?
    139  Numpy - how to convert an array of vector indices to a mask?
    139  Numpy: How to add two np converted from different types?
    139  Numpy dstack causing memory error
    139  numpy.correlate vs numpy documentation - is there a contradiction here ? Why is the resulting list reversed ?
    139  Numpy: copyto returns None
    139  numpy conditional list membership element wise
    139  Numpy broadcasting
    139  Numba on nested Numpy arrays
    139  minima calculation for 2d array in scipy
    139  'Memory leak' when calling openopt SNLE in a loop
    139  Mean tensor product
    139  Mean of y value in vertical bin
    139  Matlab to Python conversion: undefined variable [closed]
    139  Limitated accuracy of numpy.fft below a certain value
    139  Lambda function does not return correct value
    139  Is there any performance reason to use ndim 1 or 2 vectors in numpy?
    139  Is there a library that does array equivalency for [closed]
    139  if (data[i,1] == 1): IndexError: index 869 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 869
    139  i am getting an error message while importing numpy package in windows platform?
    139  how to solve the edges issue in hexagonal plot?
    139  How to pass single image in tensorflow serving?
    139  How to open .npz file from URL
    139  How to improve the efficiency of pandas.nlargest?
    139  How to gradually write large amounts of data to memory?
    139  How to find the index of an array inside a list
    139  How to fill elements between intervals of a list
    139  How to efficiently compute function for every cell in numpy array?
    139  How to distinguish known local parameters from global parameters in lmfit?
    139  How to detect if the values in array are in a certain range and return a binary array in Python?
    139  How do you shift a point while ploting a line with two different slopes
    139  How do I use fsolve to solve a quadratic equation?
    139  How could I remove 3D axes and print in eps?
    139  Getting the percentage of a color in an image using OpenCV and Python
    139  Getting numpy array from generator
    139  Generator Comprehension and List Comprehension iterate differently
    139  flatten numpy arrays lists of lists to 4 values per line
    139  Find all roots of a function in python
    139  Filter the rows in a list of tuples using numpy
    139  Fastest way to get elements from a numpy array and create a new numpy array
    139  Fastest way to create multiple copies of a list
    139  Fastest way to create a numpy matrix with multiples of a vector
    139  Extract the data array([[array([[ 399.6097561]])]], dtype=object)
    139  Extract a block of rows from 2D numpy
    139  Evaluation function inside numpy indexing array with PIL images
    139  Error importing and installing numpy after making python with valgrind
    139  Element-wise seed for random Numpy arrays
    139  Efficiently rotate a 2-d numpy array
    139  Efficiently extracting a subset of a large file in python
    139  Editing every value in a numpy matrix
    139  Differences between ipython %run and promt
    139  Determining the gradient of a polyfit curve
    139  Creating new columns by iterationg over rows in pandas dataframe
    139  Convex Hull of a given value inside an numpy array - python 2.7
    139  Constrained Linear Optimization problem in python
    139  Compare element with previous along axis
    139  codec can't decode byte (and the solutions I've seen to this error haven't helped)
    139  cholesky_AAt throwing dimensions of L and B do not match
    139  can i safely use np.random.binomial with a list of probabilities
    139  Block diagonal matrix with offsets Python
    139  Assigning values to bottom and top 5 percentile of numpy array
    139  array = numpy.fromfile(fp, dtype=dtype, count=count) MemoryError in python 3.6 Spyder
    139  A grid over probability vectors
    139  Advanced 2d indexing in Theano to extract multiple pixels from an image
    138  Why is it returning this command when it shouldn't? 'numpy.ufunc' object is not subscriptable
    138  When turning a list of lists of tuples to an array, how can I stop tuples from creating a 3rd dimension?
    138  What is this bit of code doing?
    138  What is matrix cross product as implemented by the R function `tcrossprod`?
    138  What does * mean in the argument of np array shape? For example, np.multiply(*arr.shape)? [duplicate]
    138  verify distribution of uniformly distributed 3D coordinates
    138  Using scipy.stats.chisquare with masked arrays
    138  Unexpected behaviour when indexing a 2D np.array with two boolean arrays
    138  TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable np.where
    138  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars in a dataset loading
    138  Special Vector and Element-wise Multiplication
    138  Sort randomly generated Numpy array according to a different array
    138  Searching an element's index in a numpy array
    138  Same Python code , different performance
    138  runtime error when using sklearn in python3.2 (works fine in python 2.7) - how to fix it?
    138  Replacing all values of numpy array which are smaller than the ''n'' largest item in each row
    138  Replace elements in 2D list with corresponding value in dictionary?
    138  Replace 1's with 0's in a sequence
    138  Reallocating/Erasing numpy array vs. new allocation in loop
    138  read dynamic number of images of same shape into Python NumPy array
    138  Python vectorization with a constant
    138  Python Possible Rounding Errors?
    138  Python: passing a library function from command line
    138  Python pandas: Assign label based on sorted values per row, excluding NaNs
    138  Python Panda Percentages Calculations
    138  Python Numpy Dictionary Map Import?
    138  Python, numpy array code not working for NaN elements
    138  Python numpy and pandas for machine learning
    138  Python Numpy Addition
    138  Python Inverse Fourier Transform of Imaginary Odd Function
    138  Python If x==True, and if y==False then start array true
    138  Pythonic way of indexing 2d array with list of coordinates
    138  Python: how is it possible to convert a symbolic expression into a function so that it can be numerically integrated?
    138  Python, Cv2, numpy to indicate areas in a picture/image
    138  Python buggy histogram?
    138  Python 3.7 + Visual Studio 2107 + boost 1.69
    138  PyArray_BOOL declaration & working with Numpy array of bools in C extension
    138  Precision loss in shared multiprocessing array?
    138  Overlapping contours
    138  onnx error as - module 'numpy' has no attribute 'dtype'
    138  Odeint function from scipy.integrate gives wrong result
    138  numpy sklearn import error
    138  NumPy.percentile cannot take 'interpolation' even I have upgraded it to the latest version
    138  numpy, merge two array of different shape
    138  numpy.memmap not able to handle very big data
    138  Numpy Equivalent of Logic Operation on Multidimensional Arrays in MATLAB
    138  Numpy array manipulation within range of columns and rows
    138  numpy - apply aggregation on each row of array
    138  numpy 2D Histogram
    138  Need to fix output from Pandas data frame
    138  Multiplying matrices that are stored in an array in Python
    138  Memory Leak with import_array() for numpy Python3.5
    138  load numpy.ndarray from csv string
    138  I want to implement trilateration in python. I can't t find what is wrong with my funtion?
    138  Is there a better way to rewrite this NumPy Snippet [closed]
    138  Is NpzFile closing itself when used as a context manager?
    138  Is it possible to lock a columnor row of a ctypes array using get_lock() using numpy?
    138  In which order eigen values repeated in np.linalg.eig?
    138  Interpolating from multiple dataframes
    138  Intel's python + NumPy distro slower than locally-compiled with gcc on Linux
    138  how to translate datebase tables(sqlite3) to numpy array
    138  How to stop np.vectorize from printing error that I have caught
    138  how to speed up the computation?
    138  How to schedule multiple 1d FFTs using Scikit-cuda FFT?
    138  How to run external Python script importing numpy module in C# using IronPython
    138  How to pass a default numpy array argument to a function in pybind11?
    138  How to let stats.multivariate_normal.rvs return an array instead of scalar?
    138  How to import from a data file a numpy structured array
    138  How to get values of one column based on another column using specific match values
    138  How to generate multi-dimensional 2D numpy index using a sub-index for one dimension
    138  How to define a vectorized function which incorporates scipy integrate?
    138  how to create a scatter plot for comparing 2 nested dictionaries with another nested dictionary with same keys
    138  How to combine dataframes without losing data?
    138  how to calculate zonal temperature gradient?
    138  How to calculate difference between datetime within a group in Python?
    138  How do you generate a backlash signal for simple sine wave input using python?
    138  How do I normalize a histogram using Matplotlib?
    138  How do I manipulate multiple x-axes to correspond to each other, while on different scales?
    138  How do I compare non-zero values over multiple 2D numpy arrays?
    138  how does numpy.where work?
    138  How can I vectorize with numpy this while + (2x for) nested loop?
    138  How can I use numpy in Visual Studio 2013?
    138  How can I partially fill a numpy array with a value given a range?
    138  How can I iteratively generate all the possible combination of elements in sets
    138  Get what's remaining after a slice using numpy
    138  Function to plot a data source (probably not regularized) in format x,y,value using python matplotlib
    138  Forming a Co-variance matrix for a 2D numpy array
    138  'float' has no attribute dtype
    138  Find the average using an array of indexes [closed]
    138  Filter max number by id
    138  fft find low frequencies in short time history
    138  Error Loading Text File in Matplotlib
    138  Efficient way to implement simple filter with varying coeffients in Python/Numpy
    138  Efficient algorithm to find 2-step neighbors for all vertices in a directed graph
    138  Creating a dynamic condition based on input parameter
    138  Create an ndarray from arrays of different lengths
    138  Convert list to np.arrays efficient
    138  Converting dictionary key datatype
    138  continuous to categorical 2D array
    138  Conditional multiplication of multiple series with another series
    138  Combine Einsum Expressions
    138  Coin Flip with Numpy confusion
    138  Can Python export latitude/longitude from Satellite images?
    138  Can numpy generate random numbers larger than 64 bits?
    138  Can anyone one show me the way to compute dot product or matrix manipulation parallelly on spark cluster?
    138  broadcast intersection on a numpy array
    138  Avoiding loops over 2D array using numpy
    138  Add custom property to vtkXMLUnstructuredGrid using python
    138  3D or 4D Numpy array indexed using 2D mask & entire matrix operation
    137  Windowing values from numpy 2D array
    137  Why is the mean larger than the max in this array?
    137  Why is numpy importation failing?
    137  when to reshape numpy array like (3,)
    137  What is the most canonical way to install Numpy, Scipy, Pandas?
    137  What does this slicing mean [:, :, 0]?
    137  What does Numpy.Reshape() do in Input Vector Processing In Terms of Total Data
    137  Using np.where to find index of element in 2D array gives ValueError
    137  TypeError: Image data cannot be converted to float while loading .npy file
    137  The QRsolve method of sympy never returns or throws ''Could not normalize the vector'' error
    137  Spectral norm of a tensor
    137  softmax_loss function: Turn the loop into matrix operation
    137  Slice a matrix in python using list of indices
    137  Shuffle large a scipy sparse matrix
    137  scatter plot and line in python
    137  Return a vector of known size without additional wrapper?
    137  Replace values in array of indexes corresponding to another array
    137  Reduce multi-dimensional array of strings along axis in Numpy
    137  Rayleigh test, getting only one answer from function (Python3)
    137  Python - Replace String with Value from another column
    137  Python.. image processing
    137  Python doesn't recognize new member of a class
    137  Python Decicion Tree Classifier
    137  Python: Cell arrays comparison using minus function
    137  Python 3, ''RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation''
    137  Print a class output using numpy python array?
    137  Plot random points a specified distance apart
    137  pandas dataframe 2 dim index slice
    137  Pandas apply a function at fixed interval
    137  Overriding dictionary behaviour Python3
    137  numpy vectorized assignment of sequences [duplicate]
    137  Numpy Uniform Distribution With Decay
    137  Numpy: select value at a particular row for each column of a matrix
    137  Numpy records in the c api
    137  Numpy, Pandas: what is the fastest way to calculate dataset row value basing on previous N values?
    137  NumPy : normalize column B according to value of column A
    137  Numpy ndarray with different shapes for learning model in Keras
    137  Numpy Hstack dimensions not aligned
    137  Numpy, given norm returns possible cartesian coordinates
    137  Numpy dynamic array slicing based on min/max values
    137  numpy - count equal arrays
    137  np.array arr.itemsize vs sys.getsizeof(arr[0])
    137  Multiprocessing.pool(): slower than the sequential
    137  module error in multi-node spark job on google cloud cluster
    137  map with failure in Numpy
    137  Maintaining numpy subclass inside a container after applying ufunc
    137  Is the dtype of an ogrid, in numpy, specifiable?
    137  Is pandas / numpy's axis the opposite of R's MARGIN?
    137  Is it a bug that generators don't work when passed to ''numpy.array''?
    137  Inserting newaxis at variable position in NumPy arrays
    137  Inserting element into arbitrary position of an n-dimensional array
    137  Incorrect eigenvectors but correct eigenvalues by QR algorithm with numpy of python
    137  Improving for loop speed for numpy.ndarray
    137  Identify blocks/groups of words in a document based on a key word and positional data?
    137  How to transform the string containing image information to numpy.ndarray?
    137  How to plot histogram of simulated geometric random variables using Python?
    137  How to optimize a Python loop that replaces raster nan values with other raster region mean values
    137  How to massage numpy function arguments
    137  How to make this kind of equality array fast (in numpy)?
    137  How to generate increasing periodic sequences without using ''if condition/loop/states''? [closed]
    137  How to form a numpy array of elements in a loop?
    137  How to force ''a+b'' to always call ''b.radd(a)'' when a is numpy array, and b is my type?
    137  How to find out the trend of the dataset using python. Whether the trend is increasing or decreasing with respect to time and date? [duplicate]
    137  How to fill elements of a matrix with indices taken from another matrix in python
    137  How to efficiently add a column in a multidimensional numpy array with different dimensions?
    137  How to determine when the distance between two lines gets within a certain threshold?
    137  How to convert numpy time series stock data with day resolution to month or week resolution
    137  how to convert image buffer to CV_8UC3 array with opencv python?
    137  how to concatenate two numpy.ndarrays?
    137  How to build a pipeline for a timeseries prediction model (LSTM)
    137  How to assign a 1D numpy array of length x to an element of length y of a 2D Numpy Array?
    137  How to append numpy x and y values into a text file
    137  How the standard normal distribution works in practice in NumPy and PyTorch?
    137  How do I make dot product of two matrices and then cross product with the third matrix?
    137  How do I fix my error with PIL and numpy images
    137  How do I define a gradient for a custom op working on complex tensors in tensorflow?
    137  how do i converting a face_recognition.face_distance result to a string and then back
    137  How do I boolean mask an array using chained comparisons?
    137  How can I vectorize this for loop in numpy?
    137  How can I reshape the data of an numpy array storing sequence of color image (RGB),?
    137  How can I remove duplicates from a list of matrices based on some equivalence relation?
    137  How can I load this dataset to Keras or TF?
    137  grid.getCellValue string in numpy array fails
    137  Getting the minimum from elements of a Numpy array and a float
    137  find indeces of rows containing NaN
    137  Error when using KNeighborsClassifier using sklearn
    137  Efficiently return insertion point indices with fractional components using NumPy
    137  (Edited) BackgroundSubtractionMOG2 + Mean-Shift Tracking?
    137  Distributions.jl do not accept my (non positive definite) covariance function (while numpy does)
    137  Define logarithmic power for NumPy
    137  Creating list of strings from numpy array (non-loop solution)
    137  Create a loop that runs function (with parameters which are indices of data set) on all items of the data set?
    137  Convert a tensor of shape (?,32,24,24) into a 3D numpy array
    137  conversion of np.array(dtype='str') in an np.array(dtype='datetime')
    137  Compute dot product of numpy arrays (3,) and (1,)
    137  Check if there are 3 consecutive values in an array which are above some threshold
    137  calculating values based on data from 2 columns in a dataframe in pandas
    137  calculate row difference groupwise in pandas
    137  Boolean operation using sympy
    137  Boolean expression is producing a ''ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()''
    137  Average value of objects in array in Python with NumPy
    137  apply two functions to the two halves of a numpy array
    137  Append smaller numpy.ndarray into a bigger numpy.ndarray
    137  3D array as cv::mat and numpy
    136  XArray multidimensional boolean indexing
    136  Writing and reading a row array (nx1) to a binary file in Python with struct pack
    136  Why the elements of numpy array not same as themselves?
    136  Vectorized computation for arrays with different dimensions in Python
    136  ValueError: shapes (2,) and (5,) not aligned: 2 (dim 0) != 5 (dim 0)
    136  Using NumPy for discrete networking request event simulator?
    136  use of numpy.newaxis in machine learning
    136  unable to pass numpy ndarray to c program in python
    136  Trouble merging Scraped data using Pandas and numpy in Python
    136  TensorFlow cookbook skip-gram model with negative similarity
    136  substract element to row array in python [duplicate]
    136  Sort numpy array according to tags
    136  Solving linear program using non-linear optimzation using scipy optimize?
    136  Skip RuntimeError inside numpy.apply_along_axis
    136  Scalar arrays error in range function - Python
    136  Running opencv-python script hangs in sub-interpreter
    136  Returning the integral of a vector
    136  Replace a value based on specific criteria
    136  remove initial NaNs from dataframe whilst keeping others in place
    136  Reading a zipped NumPy file during ''with open() as f''
    136  Python turbodbc querying MSSQL using numpy batches to pandas
    136  Python Transform an array
    136  Python Numpy - Single neuron perceptron Weight Update Issue
    136  python numpy: evaluate list of probabilities to randomly generated binary values
    136  Python Newaxis vs for loop
    136  Python memory overflow when looping over large numpy array of ints, one-hot conversion
    136  python function for z-score with mean, standard deviation, and sample size
    136  Python facial recognition script halting unexpectedly
    136  python dict timing mystery
    136  Python 3: RuntimeWarning with numpy.power
    136  Printing TensorFlow and NumPy values to stdout
    136  pass a list as argument of the func1d in numpy.apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs)
    136  Pandas/Numpy: Fastest way to create a ladder?
    136  Numpy Where with more than 2 conditions
    136  Numpy.savetxt formatting issue: adding a string column
    136  Numpy return recarray with 'column headings' and 'dtype'?
    136  numpy ndarray indexing with __index__ method
    136  Numpy array rounding
    136  More elegant way of defining numpy array
    136  Mix two arrays such that corresponding columns are stacked next to each other - Python
    136  Matrix row difference, output a boolean vector
    136  Load many files into one array - Python
    136  Is there a faster way of repeating a chunk of code x times and taking an average?
    136  IPython with and Without Notebook Differences
    136  Inserting zeros in numpy array [closed]
    136  In Python, is there a direct way to filter a pd.dataframe conditional on 2 ranges of values of a column?
    136  Improving matrix multiplication in Numpy
    136  Impossible to sparse or pickle DataFrame (kernel crash)
    136  I get an ImportError: No module named 'numpy' when trying to use numpy in PyCarm, but it works fine in the interactive console
    136  How to work with big arrays preventing massive use of RAM?
    136  How to swap array's columns if condition is satisfied
    136  How to solve no module found Numpy error?
    136  how to reshape a data frame by converting rows to duplicate columns in python?
    136  How to read unstructured ASCII data in numpy?
    136  How to map a Python array into a NumPy array
    136  How to install numpy in python with Pynsist
    136  How to get the first index of a pandas DataFrame for which several undefined columns are not null?
    136  How to find the intersection of two curves?
    136  How to eliminate numpy.logspace numeric errors for integer powers of 10 (i.e., 10^n, where n is int) [duplicate]
    136  How to draw a graph of two linear equations on a single graph
    136  How to average sub arrays in Numpy using broadcasting?
    136  How do 'numpy.ndarray' object do not 'numpy.ndarray' object?
    136  How do I select the minimum and maximum values for a horizontal lollipop plot/dumbbell chart?
    136  How do i pass my input/output to this network?
    136  How can I return a column-major iterator for a numpy array?
    136  How can I find the index that satisfies a condition in a column(numpy object) of dataframe?
    136  Having problems with NumPy matrices
    136  Handle files bigger than memory with Keras
    136  Getting Memory Error while performing operations on numpy array
    136  Get some elements from numpy array in reverse order
    136  Get beginning and end of range in array
    136  Generate random sample of values in a range with replacements using numpy
    136  generate fake data with trends
    136  Generate all possible sequence of altrenate digits and alphabets
    136  For loop pandas and numpy: Performance
    136  Fitting a power law with known exponent and extracting the coefficient in Python
    136  Finding sunspots on fits image via cv2
    136  Finding of value from each column of numpy array is based on comparing of sum from another numpy array
    136  Filling 3D numpy array with one variable dimension
    136  Fast mutation of ndarray (replace part of numpy ndarray)
    136  Fast method of applying sine to a matrix
    136  Error: unsupported operand type(s) PsychoPy
    136  Error fitting images into Conv2D layer in tensorflow Keras
    136  Embed numpy in a zipapp archive
    136  Eigenvalues from pandas rows
    136  Efficiently compute only the unique elements of a symmetric outer product matrix
    136  Different results in Matlab and Python for matrix multiplication and exponentiation
    136  Determining the origin of compiler flags
    136  DBSCAN : Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')
    136  Cython optimize the critical part of a numpy array summation
    136  Creating new pandas columns with original value plus random number in error range
    136  Creating a heatmap by sampling and bucketing from a 3D array
    136  copy numpy recarray to ndarray
    136  Convert string back to numpy array
    136  Compare values in numpy array and Pandas dataframe
    136  Compact notation for multidimensional slicing
    136  cannot convert numpy tuple to list
    136  as_strided: Linking stepsize (strides of conv2d) with as_strided strides parameter
    136  Are numpy binomial random numbers inefficient?
    136  Append array to beginning of another array
    136  Analogue function of Wolfram Mathematica in Python in NumPy or SciPy
    136  Algorithm in Python equivalent to Q to manually generate identity matrix
    136  Add numpy array elements/slices with same bin assignment
    136  Adding the quantities of products in a dataframe column in Python
    135  Why numpy.where is much faster than alternatives
    135  Why does insert and append for numpy ndarray return a new array instead of modifying the original array?
    135  What the best way to get structured array / dataframe like structures in Numba?
    135  What is wrong with my simple linear regression?
    135  What is the difference between an array with shape (N,1) and one with shape (N)? And how to convert between the two?
    135  What is difference between the function, @, and method .dot() for matrix-matrix multiplication?
    135  Using sklearn with multiple one hot encoded columns
    135  Using numpy.random.choice w/o replacement to draw items from a bag
    135  Unexpected behaviour when multiprocessing with numpy arrays of different data types
    135  Understanding results from 1D np.correlate
    135  TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~: 'float' while groupby and apply a function
    135  Two pass connected component, Number of components issue
    135  Trying to perform integer optimization with unique values in python
    135  Trying to converting a matrix 1*3 into a list
    135  Truncating before/after a specific date and time Error
    135  train_test_split crashing RAM when feeding with (big) numpy arrays
    135  Stuck programming with arrays in Python
    135  strange behaviour of numpy masked array
    135  scipy.optimize.minimize returning zero-dimensional array?
    135  Scipy.optimize.fmin_cg giving TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'tuple' and 'tuple'
    135  Sampling with the most recent value
    135  Retrieving array elements with an array of frequencies in NumPy
    135  Reshape data causing memory error, Python 2.7. Code wrong?
    135  Reproduce two distributions as provided on a single plot using Python
    135  Replacing NaN Values in a Pands DataFrame with Different Random Uniform Variables
    135  Query regarding a Numpy exercise in Datacamp
    135  Python weave is abnormally slow when using calloc
    135  Python numpy array index can be -1?
    135  Python-How to multiply matrix with symbols and 0s
    135  python extract n-columns
    135  Python Dataframe.resample() deletes time from datetimeindex
    135  Python - Change object shape?
    135  Problems using TensorFlow with ndarray
    135  print columns from python dictionary
    135  perform function using values from 2 columns and return result as new column
    135  Performance of numpy.insert dependant from array size - workaround?
    135  Optimize finding pairs of arrays which can be compared
    135  numpy - printing *only one* column from matrix as hex
    135  Numpy on Python 3.3 on Ubuntu 12.10
    135  Numpy matrix multiplications with multiprocessing suddenly slow down as dimension increase
    135  Numpy: load multiple CSV files as dictionaries
    135  numpy issue on Python 2.7  -  numpy.dtype has the wrong size
    135  Numpy - Count Number of Values Until Condition Is Satisfied
    135  numpy array with spatial data; quickly get angular velocity?
    135  Numpy and array shape
    135  No numpy temporary objects? How is this done?
    135  Matplotlib button generating random circles
    135  Map boolean values to strings
    135  Level sets of a gaussian
    135  Keras fit_generator raises ValueError because multiple input not correct
    135  Jupyter-notebook numpy.core.umath failed to import
    135  iterate over two numpy arrays return 1d array
    135  Integration of functools.partial objects
    135  inserting training instances to scikit-learn dataset
    135  How to vectorize increments in Python
    135  How to read only specific, needed values from a csv file into python with genfromtxt?
    135  How to produce random number in a efficient way with c++
    135  How to make a logarithmic best fit line?
    135  how to join two horizontal arrays-Python
    135  How to input exponentiation in label using set_yticklabels in matplotlib
    135  How to import nominal features in numpy Python
    135  How to fill the different elements of a matrix in python
    135  How to covert np.ndarray into astropy.coordinates.Angle class?
    135  How to copy a numpy array into an already existing list structure in Python?
    135  How to convert an array of strings to a record array?
    135  How to compare two arrarys and create new array with multiple conditional statement?
    135  How does Numpy/Scipy turn C functions into vectorized Python functions?
    135  How does numpy convert dtypes when using np.add(), np.subtract(), etc.?
    135  How can I find a well-fitting trendline in Matplotlib for this data?
    135  How can I bootstrap the innermost array of a numpy array?
    135  Grouped data in python with pandas and
    135  Gradient with python
    135  Gradient error when calculating - pytorch
    135  filter tensorflow array with specific condition over numpy array
    135  Faster alternative than a loop to create a numpy array
    135  Extract hyper-cubical blocks from a numpy array with unknown number of dimensions
    135  extract data from the overlapping letters in a image
    135  Divide image to blocks [duplicate]
    135  Delete last row of each group after using GroupBy
    135  Counting occurances in numpy arrays
    135  Converting a matlab script into python
    135  Concatenating NumPy arrays with specified values in between
    135  Computation of clusters [closed]
    135  Comparing Values of Two arrays in Python
    135  Comparing two numpy arrays: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) to check whether elements intersect
    135  Change dtype data_type fields of numpy array
    135  Can't find correct numpy
    135  Can't edit my np.fromstring
    135  Address of memoryviews in cython are the same but point to different object
    134  Zscore in Python and Matlab have different result
    134  Working with comparing dataframes and series and generating new dataframes on the fly in python pandas
    134  Why sympy lambdify function cannot identify numpy sum function and multiply function
    134  Why python is slower than matlab?
    134  Why do different methods for solving Xc=y in python give different solution when they should not?
    134  When using Pandas to_hdf is it possible to specify a column data type to vlen special_dtype / vlarray for ragged tensors?
    134  Warning of divide by zero encountered in log2 even after filtering out negative values
    134  Vectorize this for loop to compare all possible combinations faster
    134  Using python to take a 32x32 matrices append many of these matrices to a single array then adding a timestamp index to each matrix
    134  Trouble assigning array slice to unicode value
    134  To obtain the correct orientation of the contour plot and save the plots as seperate images when created in a loop?
    134  The amount of memory a Python set spends increases in steps
    134  TensorFlow classifier prediction script always outputs zero
    134  Subtracting Rows based on ID Column - Pandas
    134  Speeding up ndarray.argmax over an axis with only a few elements
    134  Simplify Matrix by Averaging Multiple Cells
    134  Setting a value in masked location with NaNs present in numpy
    134  scipy installation test fails test_decomp.test_eigh
    134  Retrieving values triggering numpy floating point error
    134  Resampling an irregular distributed 1-D signal in python
    134  Replace value in array with numpy.random.normal
    134  Removing blank rows from Memmapped array
    134  Recursively change black to white in image with numpy
    134  Read variable length numpy arrays from binary file
    134  Read sparse array from numpy to chunked dask array
    134  Range between numbers and if else statement
    134  Python Update a submatrix given the indexes by a 2d matrix
    134  Python/Tkinter- Problems with calling variables from another class and plot graph
    134  Python numpy and pandas matrix dimensions
    134  Pythonic way to convert list of signed int32 to binary/boolean numpy array
    134  python datetime to np.datetime64
    134  Python convert list where one element has XYZ values to 3 integers
    134  python child process deadlock
    134  Performance impact of Python classes: Scientific Computing
    134  PDF Distributions in Python with Scipy
    134  Optimizing/removing loop
    134  NumPy vs SymPy Row operations different?
    134  NumPy/SciPy with MKL on OS X 10.11.6
    134  Numpy - Matrix Generation from list comprehension
    134  NUMPY: How to populate a 2D array with nested 'for' loops
    134  Numpy array trims string values
    134  K Means in Python from Scratch
    134  Is there any way to apply transition matrix on strings in either python or R?
    134  Is there an efficient way to generate a symmetric random matrix?
    134  Is it possible to write to two separate data files at the same time in Python? [closed]
    134  Insight to np.linalg.lstsq and np.linalg.pinv limitations and failures during multiprocessing?
    134  Increasing performance with octant search algorithm
    134  Incorrect use of np.where
    134  Including advanced computation (scikit-like) in a keras custom layer
    134  Import Seaborn Error - Numpy_MKL (Python Script)
    134  Import a dictionary into the current scope as variables
    134  Implement cv::projectpoints using numpy got unexpected results
    134  How to set restype in function to pointer to object of a class in python with ctypes?
    134  How to resolve 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer?
    134  How to pass numpy 2-dim array to C functon
    134  How to install QUANDL on AWS EC2?
    134  How to get Nan values for certain values in array
    134  How to fix ''TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable'' when I'm using scipy.optimize.minimize
    134  how to create an np array from a for loop
    134  how to compute binary log loss per sample of scikit-learn ML model
    134  How to build a numpy array with np.nan as the first item
    134  How to add the OpenCV library to my Python library?
    134  How can I speed up the numpy operations?
    134  How can I implement locally connected layer in pure Numpy
    134  How can I classify different images with various sizes and formats in scikit-learn?
    134  How can I access the value and position of entry in array in python with one statement?
    134  Generating Position Vectors from Numpy Meshgrid
    134  Generating correlated random potential using fast Fourier transform
    134  find neighbours in np array in python [closed]
    134  Fastest way to compute covariance on vectors that are cutting through a 3D image stack. Ideas?
    134  Extract indices of array outside of a slice
    134  Efficient sum of Gaussians in 3D with NumPy using large arrays
    134  Efficiently calculate a metric on all pairwise combinations of array-elements
    134  Determine if x is positive for both floats and timedeltas
    134  Converting one int to multiple bool columns in pandas
    134  Converting a ndarrary back to 1-d array
    134  Convert dictionary of tuple(x,y): value to x[], y[], value[][], where indices correspond?
    134  Computing staggered/shifted means on Numpy arrays
    134  Clean array indexing with arrays in numpy
    134  change the format of a numpy array with no loops
    134  Calculate root mean square of 3D deviation after surface fitting in python
    134  base64 bytesstring to string to bytestring again in Python?
    134  Avoid Numpy Index For loop
    134  Any numpy/torch style to set value given an index ndarray and a flag ndarray?
    134  Advise for most suitable Python development environment for following bioinformatics needs [closed]
    133  why statistics methods of DataFrames return Series in pandas?
    133  Why is there a difference between round(x) and round(np.float64(x))?
    133  why is numpy where keep raising divide by zero encountered?
    133  Why is multiplying matrix by it's inverse with numpy not producing the identity matrix?
    133  Why doesn't the NumPy-C api warn me about failed allocations?
    133  Why does matrix multiplication give different results depending on how they are grouped?
    133  Why are the return types of the numpy sum and mean function behaving differently when fed with a masked array? [duplicate]
    133  Vectorized indexing numpy arrays in pandas Series with Boolean numpy arrays in pandas Series
    133  Test if a list is present in a numpy ndarray?
    133  Tensorflow slow for dot product and matrix multiplication
    133  specifying size of a 2d array in python numpy
    133  Sorting array data by common date
    133  Slicing and updating non-contiguous indices in a DenseVector in Breeze
    133  scipy.linalg.sparse.eigsh returns negative and non-consistent eigenvalues for positive semi-definite matrix
    133  Reshape long to wide using columns names
    133  Replacing rows of a file with rows of another file
    133  Remove rows from two DFs that have uncommon column value
    133  Regrouping Entries in Numpy Array
    133  Reading the same line from two different txt files
    133  Reading a CSV File into a numpy array returning none
    133  Random bits array by given probabilities with numpy
    133  Quick method to enumerate two big arrays?
    133  Python | Plotting & fitting a data fit in the form (1/A)e^(-x/A) in which A is a constant
    133  PySpark broadcast variable for BlockMatrix
    133  PyBrain Deprecation Warning
    133  Probability theory with python: Mean, Standard devation
    133  Pixel by pixel median of a list of 2D array - numpy
    133  Parsing a tab separated file using python
    133  pandas bug with empty DataFrame?
    133  Output of Built-In Numpy Function to an Array?
    133  Optimizing pairwise calculation of distances an array for a given shift
    133  Numpy vectorize python for loop
    133  Numpy's dot product not associative
    133  numpy matrices do not equal even though they look the same [duplicate]
    133  Numpy imported, but no functions found in AWS lambda function
    133  Numpy C-API: PyArrayObject provides wrong dimensions
    133  Numba tuple slicing issue - Excepted an integer
    133  np transpose and squeeze have no effect
    133  Matplotlib - connecting lines using ma.masked.where methods
    133  lambda function in class header
    133  Is there a pythonic way to get the beginning and end indexes of clusters of identical values in an iterable? [duplicate]
    133  Issue with numpy matrix multiplication
    133  Invalid index to scalar variable in scikit confusion matrix
    133  Inference speed in tensorflow 2.0 (CPU) for simple models? Vanilla tensorflow/numpy is still 50x faster?
    133  IndexError: while running generalized hough transform on my data, why?
    133  Increased occupancy without speedup in FFT
    133  I'm trying to convert a 3D list from 2D list in Python 3
    133  Improve python performance for array operations
    133  How to visualize 5-D feature set and regression results using `matplotlib`?
    133  How to use trailing rows on a column for calculations on that same column | Pandas Python
    133  how to use numpy.lexsort without cycles
    133  How to use f2py to call a big fortran package
    133  How to show/plot ''matplotlib.lines.Line2D'' from numpy array? [duplicate]
    133  How to label training data for CNN?
    133  How to increase resolution of numpy pipeline density plots?
    133  How to I convert discrete data into interval in python?
    133  How to draw a perturbed circle?
    133  How to do Histogram Equalization for many colored images in python?
    133  How to create random dataframe with positive numbers only?
    133  How to create a Numpy ufunc over user-defined data types?
    133  How to create 2 column binary numpy array from string list?
    133  How to compare matrix elements to threshold in NumPy
    133  How to combine the digits of two numpy arrays
    133  How to avoid the max. amount of input fields for JPMML
    133  How do you make a vector of strings in for loop
    133  how can i convert time-series data to numpy array keep time order in pandas?
    133  Gradient Computation on GPU
    133  getting the error ''The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous''?
    133  Find Two Sets of Python Numpy Arrays on Common Column
    133  Find Nearest Value in Multiple Arrays and Group Them
    133  Find Maximum abs. value for each group of row index, Arrange max. values diagonally in matrix, non diagonal values as per indexes,find determinant
    133  Find indices of numpy array based on values in another numpy array
    133  error in using DataFrame.mul, related to ndarray
    133  Does Python-VIPS support assignment to part of its image ?
    133  Defining python array size for a loop
    133  Data type conversion for numpy array, object to int32 in Python
    133  Cython is slower than Numpy (example from Python Cookbook)
    133  Create multiple tensorflow constants shuffled from a numpy array
    133  Create a numpy array and update it's values in every iteration
    133  Correct memory (and performance) management for large numpy arrays of images
    133  copying a list into part of a numpy array
    133  Convert a column of a text file to scientific notation
    133  Computing a ''moving sum of counts'' on a NumPy array
    133  Compare DataFrames/csv and return only the columns that have differences including the Key value
    133  Compare array wise of two 3D matrices in Numpy without for loops
    133  Combining rows numpy to one single array
    133  Class method return list/array
    133  Cannot create a virtual raster from a stack array in rasterio
    133  Assigning values to specific subscript indices in 3D python array throws errors
    133  Apply a vectorized function to array numpy
    133  .apply() a bivariate numpy() lambda function to an .expanding() window of a pandas DataFrame
    133  Appending to a numpy array
    133  Add 0 starting and ending values to histogram line (matplotlib)
    132  zip_longest for numpy arrays
    132  Why is ImageStat returning incorrect statistics for signed integer images (`mode='I'`)?
    132  When is `__index__` called for lists and numpy arrays?
    132  What is the practical application of argsort()
    132  What is the best vectorization method here?
    132  What does this line of Python code do?
    132  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape in python 2.7
    132  Using numpy from a local directory
    132  Using ndarray.flatten() python for array of several arrays, Python
    132  Trying to create GAN: InvalidArgumentError: Matrix size-incompatible
    132  Trouble importing Excel fields into Python via Pandas - index out of bounds error
    132  Transpose of matrix
    132  Tensorflow datasets tfds FeatureConnector for NumPy data (2ch audio)
    132  Subtract max from elements of Boost C++ array
    132  Split a 3D number array into number of small arrays
    132  Speeding up a row operation that uses the result of previous rows
    132  skcuda.fft not the same as numpy.fft.rfft?
    132  Save U and V vector file as shape file (.shp)
    132  Re-writing a CSV file using csv
    132  Reshaping/extending numpy mask
    132  Replace the elements in list of lists according to the indexes stored in another list
    132  Repeated Numpy Array Dot Products
    132  Removing fraction of a dataset
    132  Python script combines the two wav files instead of cancelling the common amplitudes between them
    132  python - rolling regression + weighted, all without loop?
    132  python pandas from itemset to dataframe
    132  Python method changing all key value pairs in dictionary
    132  Python - attribute specific values with imbricated loops
    132  polar chart in python for astronomy
    132  Point farthest from n other points in a cube in python 3
    132  Plot implicit surface from arrays in matplotlib
    132  pandas and numpy not functioning properly after installing SHAP
    132  Numpy operate over 2D array to produce 3D array
    132  numpy.nanmean of subsets of elements
    132  Numpy memory management
    132  Numpy Matrix initialization with ascending numbers for rows
    132  Numpy matrix for a 3D Matplotlib graph
    132  NumPy Incorrect shape of elements for internal rectangular array of non-rectangular array
    132  Numpy: Imposing row dependent maximum on array
    132  NumPy Generates ValueError: Some errors were detected ! Line #9 (got 42 columns instead of 1)
    132  numpy: Different results between diff and gradient for finite differences
    132  Numpy 3D array to 2D row major array
    132  normalization of the same vector gives different values at two cases?
    132  multidimensional numpy array __eq__
    132  Merge items in list with delimiter python
    132  memory efficient way to stack array in python
    132  matplotlib.pyplot Event Handling: Linear Increase in Key-Press Dwell Time?
    132  Iterating over an ndarray
    132  Iterating in DataFrame and writing down the index of the values where a condition is met
    132  Is there a way to do this with better ''in place'' methods?
    132  Is there anyway to make this numpy array operation faster?
    132  Interpret columns of zeros and ones as binary and store as an integer column
    132  Insert values into arbitrary 2d coordinate numpy matrix
    132  Indirect bilinear interpolation from a table
    132  Indexing/reshaping matrix in Python to match target matrix
    132  How to save my data in a 3d matrix in python
    132  How to plot an equation with multiple variables in Python?
    132  How to make for loops faster in Python?
    132  how to get the 5 tuples with the highest values, from the following vector?
    132  How to fix validation_data getting passed into input_1 argument in model.fit_generator?
    132  How to extract a list of elements given by their indices from a numpy array efficiently?
    132  how to embed a text image in a background image in python?
    132  How to divide a constant by range(366)?
    132  How to delete the small none-zero values and increase the sparsity?
    132  How to convert numpy distribution to an array?
    132  How to convert int array back to pandas timestamp?
    132  How to conditionally modify a numpy array string with ljust?
    132  How to build a pandas dataframe (or dict) in an efficient way by selecting some lists of data from another bigger dataframe?
    132  How do I evaluate python special functions at complex values
    132  How do I apply an affine transform to a 3d numpy array?
    132  How do I add a list to an ArrayList in Python Numpy
    132  How do calculate a determinant of an large matrix without getting an overflow?
    132  How can I use np,load() with tensor?
    132  How can I do element-wise arithmetic on Numpy matrices?
    132  Give column names to a pandas dataframe created with np.tile
    132  Finding Largest Eigenvalue of Huge Sparse Matrix
    132  Finding False-True and True-True row indices
    132  Find common elements in subarrays of arrays
    132  fft algorithm yields imprecise results
    132  Example order in machine learning algorithms (Scikit Learn)
    132  Error '' a bytes-like object is required, not 'str''' when using f2py in Python 3 environment
    132  Equivalent to R runmin and runmax functions in Python? [closed]
    132  Drawing 3D points on a 2D plot reading values from a file
    132  Different renders of RGB data in scipy vs pyplot
    132  Did numpy override == operator, because i can't understand follow python code
    132  Creating a Simulation of Equipotencial Surfaces in Python with numpy/matplotlib
    132  Correlation coefficient of more than just two variables in Python
    132  Convert structured Numpy array into a normal array
    132  Compute ACF for a grid of time series in Python
    132  compress mixed type numpy arrays efficiently
    132  Colormaps not working for plots generated by scipy.griddata
    132  Clustering 2D numpy arrays into smaller 4D numpy arrays
    132  Check if array is part of a bigger array
    132  Changing the recovery rate of SIR model
    132  Can we have a faster way of creating an array?
    132  Calculating column wise for a matrix using numpy in python
    132  Avoid for-loops in assignment of data values
    132  Asymmetric variant of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm
    132  Array shape in python
    132  add two numpy arrays using lamdify - pass expression as function argument
    131  Writing lognormal function in python
    131  Why is numpy ndarray much slower than lists for simple loops?
    131  What purpose does [0] serve in numpy.where(y_euler<0.0)[0]
    131  What is the run time complexity of pairwise summation?
    131  What is the difference between these two array declarations in Python?
    131  Way of speeding up a vertex distance calculation using numpy
    131  Using to generate conditional column based off data from multiple other columns
    131  Using MNIST data with Keras
    131  using matplotlib /plotly to make an histogram
    131  Using 32-bit and 64-bit Python - ''NameError: global name 'numpy' etc. is not defined''
    131  suppress numpy array creation protocol for numpy arrays of objects
    131  Substitute deep loops in Python
    131  Sampling vector across image
    131  Replace values in a large list of arrays (performance)
    131  Reordering numpy array
    131  Rendering scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi Output
    131  Recursively select elements in numpy array
    131  Python reshape array
    131  Python object extension which gets a list in constructor never passes the creation step (SIGSEV), why?
    131  python numpy.irr() will not work with more than 35 values
    131  Python Multiprocessing data output wrong
    131  python: mean of variable length 2 matrix
    131  Python make image recognition code to loop until something occurs and breaks it
    131  Python indexing for central differencing
    131  python for loop with updated values
    131  Python: curve_fit not working for function with three fitting parameters, and an improper integral
    131  pyCUDA can't print result
    131  Plotting slices in 3D as heatmap
    131  Pandas selecting columns to plot
    131  Optimizing python code - filtering numpy arrays
    131  OOB score graph for multiclass random forrest. (OneVsRest)
    131  One-hot encode along arbitrary dimension with NumPy
    131  Odd behavior of numpy.all with object dtypes
    131  NumPy where condition to get cells with max(R,G,B) > a threshold
    131  Numpy Value Error: setting an array element with a sequence
    131  Numpy RuntimeError with Bitcoin Data
    131  Numpy random numbers - all in one go or call repeatedly?
    131  Numpy / PyTorch - how to assign value with indices in different dimensions?
    131  Numpy np.arange causes Kernel to die and restart
    131  numpy - Modifying slice of mask?
    131  Numpy  -  maximum of each row of a 2D array after a certain index
    131  numpy: get indices where condition holds per row
    131  Numpy and Pandas - reshaping with zero padding
    131  No output with .duplicated in pandas?
    131  never allocate an output of numpy.ufunc
    131  negative values in my probability vector
    131  More efficient way to map logic matrix (false/true) to uint8 matrix (0/255)?
    131  More efficient way of suming over a matrix in numpy/regular python
    131  modifying multiple fields in a structured array (Python)?
    131  Min-Max difference in continuous part of certain length within a np.array
    131  methods that return cross product of two 3xN arrays (e.g. time-dependent vectors)
    131  Merge pairs on common integer with restrictions
    131  Make division by zero equal to zero in a list
    131  Largest sub-array with no NaN
    131  Keeping Diagonal Consistency for Interpolated Values Across Mesh-Grid 3D Matplotlib Surface Plot
    131  Is it a good idea to apply ML libraries on pandas data frame?
    131  Intuitive way to use 3D numpy arrays
    131  I'm using ''np.count_nonzero(myarray)>smallvalue'' on a bunch of numpy arrays. Can I stop the counting halfway through once ''smallvalue'' is reached?
    131  Import comments from numpy.genfromtxt()
    131  How to use argmax to return indices into multidimensional ndarray that cannot be re-shaped into a matrix?
    131  How to split images diagonally?
    131  How to make my code calculate q2-LOO faster?
    131  How to join time series data in python with differing headings?
    131  How to go through an array apply a threshold to each pixel
    131  how to find how many times the values of a row hit max consecutively
    131  How to efficiently and incrementally argsort vectors in Python?
    131  How to create new pandas column based on other column of data frame?
    131  How to compare column values with first and last value of column python
    131  How to colourize (blending between a set of RGBA colour points) large grayscale images efficiently using NumPy
    131  How to change Function by without Changing its Parameters
    131  How do i fix reshaping my dataset for cross validation?
    131  How do I create an xarray.Dataset that puts the right fill value in my output netCDF file?
    131  How can I update or adjust the evaluation function after each generation in a DEAP genetic algorithm
    131  How can I find Full Width Half Max?
    131  Graph in logarithmic scale for ordinates for the Jacobi method
    131  for-loops in Python modules
    131  Find closest value in array column 4 where array column 1 and 2 match data of another array. Create a new array extracting the results
    131  Filtering through numpy arrays by one row's information
    131  Fast integer matrix null space in Python?
    131  Fastest way to add two arrays to create a matrix with python [duplicate]
    131  Fastest method for determining if 2 (vertically or horizontally) adjacent elements of a numpy array have the same value
    131  Fast algorithm for computing cofactor matrix
    131  Extracting indices of feature from multidimensional array
    131  ''error: (-215) (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_32F) '' error while matching to template in open cv and numpy [duplicate]
    131  Efficient way to overwrite matrix rows in numpy
    131  Efficiently find the n-ring of every node in a graph in python
    131  django-numpy gives error with pip
    131  Disabling fp-model strict when using ifort with f2py
    131  Dimensionality Reduction in Python (defining the variance threshold)
    131  Differences in numba outputs
    131  Depthwise stacking with NumPy
    131  CVXPY constraint on 2d array with 3 elements referenced simultaneously
    131  Creating a matrix of random data in Python
    131  create array using numpy for-loop
    131  Copy performance: list vs array
    131  Convert an image format from 32FC1 to 16UC1
    131  construct 3d diagonal tensor using 2d tensor
    131  Compute natural log of survival function of a Gaussian in Python/numpy/scipy
    131  Completely nesting NumPy structured scalars
    131  Compiling C code that uses both R and numpy on Linux
    131  Clustering with scikit-learn
    131  Change every single element in Numpy object
    131  Bundle libgfortran with NumPy
    131  ATLAS on a python virtualenv in Fedora for numpy/scipy/scikit-learn
    131  Array formatting with numpy?
    131  Appending rows to numpy array using less memory
    131  Allow range function to evaluate non numerical expression
    131  All Input arrays must have the same shape in Python np.stack
    131  Add some numbers in a figure generated with python
    131  Accessing a memory mapped file using multiple processes slows down code
    130  Why does zero padding an image using np.hstack make it white when displayed using imshow? [duplicate]
    130  where do i refer this type, numpy.array(x>0,, function?
    130  What is the relationship between id and numpy.shares_memory?
    130  What does x=x[class_id] do when used on NumPy arrays
    130  view does not work with transposed array
    130  Vectorizing batch image pixel lookup numpy arrays
    130  Using OR to reduce a 3D boolean array to 2D
    130  Using .net API with python packages
    130  using log in numpy to solve for the loan repayment formula
    130  unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'NoneType' [closed]
    130  Unexpected type error using (and savez)
    130  Unable to unpack elements in list
    130  Stretch an array and fill nan
    130  Statistics of region of numpy array
    130  Standard scalar in java like numpy
    130  Specify Order numpy array
    130  SciPy / NLTK import syntax error
    130  Scipy interpolate 2D with one value
    130  scikit learn digits dataset
    130  RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program when trying to install numpy, scikit-learn and scipy
    130  return object from dictionary of nested lists when a condition (python)
    130  Retrieve position of elements with setting some criteria in numpy
    130  Replace for loop? This function works but it takes to long time. I'm looking for ways to impove it
    130  Replace for loop? This function works but it takes to long time. I'm looking for ways to impove it
    130  replace alphabets
    130  Reduce by column max in numpy
    130  QDA vs LDA for face recognition on AT&T dataset
    130  Python: Segmentation of round shaped objects
    130  Python/SciPy Filtering With Time Data
    130  Python optimization with multiple and changing variables
    130  Python numpy ndarray skipping lines from text
    130  Python Multiple Dataframe with array - Unable to coerce to DataFrame
    130  Python: Memory usage increments while reading TIFFArray
    130  Python - how to multiply only certain numbers in 2 lists
    130  Poor performance in this code, how to make it better?
    130  plot from a large data set into several figures
    130  pick TxK numpy array from TxN numpy array using TxK column index array
    130  Obtain a submatrix of a NumPy ndarray using a generator expression
    130  Numpy .where function in a 3-D array producing unexpected output
    130  numpy update array indices
    130  numpy sum axis intuition [duplicate]
    130  Numpy structured array performance
    130  Numpy split array based on condition without for loop
    130  Numpy change elements based on threshold and then do element by element addition
    130  Numpy Array of tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer.texts_to_sequences is giving weird output, list([2]) instead of [[2]]
    130  np.savetxt from a created list error
    130  np.argsort() in tight rank
    130  New Pandas Column - Numpy.where with multiple conditions [duplicate]
    130  Modifying multidimensional numpy subarrays indexed by lists
    130  Minimize function with arrays as arguments [closed]
    130  Method for evaluating the unit vector ( or normalising a vector ) in Python or in the numerical libraries: numpy, scipy [duplicate]
    130  Matplotlib agg complexity exceeding issue even with very small dataset
    130  Manipulation of numpy 2-D array
    130  Loading data file with too many commas in Python
    130  Is there any way I can iterate through an array faster than a for loop?
    130  Installing a numpy extension from the cpp file without using
    130  Importing file containing text and numerical data using Python
    130  How to XOR pairwise element in the same list
    130  How to vectorize custom algorithms in numpy or pytorch?
    130  How to vectorize a threshold on a slice in a 3D numpy array
    130  How to return array from element-wise custom calculation on other numpy arrays?
    130  How to resize images at a 4D numpy array
    130  How to reshape an array in Python using Numpy?
    130  How to represent a binary image as a graph with the axis being height and width dimensions and the data being the pixels
    130  How to read Chinese word embedding in plain text with numpy
    130  How to Perform a SumProduct() in Pandas Using Two Separate Data Frames
    130  How to iterate over a matrix that may be one-dimensional in Python?
    130  How to get the minimum of each matrix element with a const number?
    130  How to get location of no-null elements in a numpy 2D array?
    130  How to fix fsolve error not making progress when working with objects?
    130  How to construct logical expression for advanced slicing
    130  how to change arrays from ABAB to AABB
    130  How to add new element 'NEW' to numpy array?
    130  How do I measure RGB mean in a unique ROI?
    130  How can I interpolate missing values (undefined areas) of a 3D surface plot (2D array) using Python?
    130  How can I divide elements in a list in an efficient way using python/numpy?
    130  Homemade deep learning library: numerical issue with relu activation
    130  Global vs local variable efficiency in multiple function call
    130  Getting length of ''slices'' of NumPy array (or list) without actually slicing
    130  Get idxmax or idxmin of tuple-valued column in pandas groupby
    130  fminbound for a simple equation
    130  'float' object is not iterable within List Comprehension
    130  Fitting multiple distributions
    130  Explaining the difference between sklearn's scale() and multiplying by STD and adding the mean
    130  Error handling numpy.float?
    130  Efficient way of extracting the last two digits of every element in a numpy array
    130  Efficient repeated numpy.where
    130  Efficiently convert a column of strings into several columns of individual characters in pandas
    130  Efficiently concatenate 1D arrays of variable but known length
    130  efficiency vs. readability: obfuscation when using nested boolean index arrays
    130  Dot product filtered dataframes pandas
    130  Does numpy provide methods for fundamental matrix operations?
    130  Docstring mismatch using NumPy's vectorize
    130  discriminate basic and advanced slicing of numpy array
    130  Difference between numpy.fromstring() and numpy.frombuffer() [duplicate]
    130  Cython program with numpy arrays does not allow vectorized inputs (only accepts length 1 arrays), how to fix?
    130  Customizing Matplotlib Legend
    130  Custom factor issue, zero-size array
    130  Cross-concatenate two matrices in tensorflow
    130  Creating 2D numpy array of start and end indices of ''streaks'' in another array.
    130  creating 2d mask array and applying on a 2d array
    130  Create an array that sums to a specific number?
    130  Create 3D Grid from opposite vector coordinates
    130  Crash of Jupyter due to the use of PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS
    130  Convert list of numpy ndarray to multiple list of lists
    130  Contour with Z(X,Y)
    130  Close to 100k data points with RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered within for loop
    130  broadcasting a function on a 2-dimensional numpy array
    130  Baking data into and csv and reading them back in numpy
    130  Assigning to array changes dtype [duplicate]
    130  Adding plot arguments to plots created with a pivot table in matplotlib
    130  Accumulate the sum of irregular slices in an array
    129  XML TO CSV Converter
    129  Why is numpy.polyfit is off by a large margin?
    129  Why does a numpy array not appear to be much faster than a standard python list?
    129  Weighted Average of each 2 Numpy Elements
    129  ValueError: Error when checking : expected input_2 to have shape (162,) but got array with shape (1,)
    129  Using extremely small floats in NumPy
    129  Use Pandas in an Anki add on
    129  Use numpy arrays to speed up iteration in pandas dataframe
    129  Theano function using individual elements of input
    129  Tensorflow with MNIST trained model always prints the wrong number
    129  Sum a Pandas DataFrame column under the ranges of another DataFrame
    129  splitting ND arrays using numpy
    129  Split Image into arbitrary number of boxes
    129  Reshaping a dask.array in Fortran-contiguous order
    129  R equivalent for numpy 'frombuffer'
    129  Replicate a numpy list m times
    129  Replacing values in column not working pandas
    129  reading into np arrays not working
    129  quickest way to look up nearest index value
    129  python - Stacked Classifier: IndexError while fitting the data
    129  Python Polynomial Domain has wrong number of elements
    129  Python optimizing arithmetic
    129  Python numpy: column arrays (2d) or lists (1d)
    129  Python loop through text and set numpy array index
    129  python list + empty numpy array = empty numpy array?
    129  Python: Improving Image-processing with numpy
    129  Python, How to find a specific value when integrating a KDE?
    129  Python ''here, . . . where'' construction
    129  Plotting color pattern graph
    129  Pivot Column and Merge based on first three columns
    129  Pandas: Inventory recalculation given a final value
    129  pandas concat ValueError - passed values do not match implied by indices
    129  numpy's tostring() returning unfamiliar characters
    129  Numpy.Python Matrix Multiplication
    129  Numpy operation of arrays with different size
    129  numpy.isin wrong result for string elements
    129  Numpy: find local co-ordinates within a submatrix
    129  Numpy efficient way to parse array of string
    129  Numpy division error
    129  Numpy - Array range indexing in a axis
    129  Numpy array comprehension [duplicate]
    129  numpy advanced indexing : how to mask specific labels out in 3-D or higher dimensional array
    129  Most Pythonic way to multiply these two vectors?
    129  Modifying numpy arrays with OpenCV
    129  MemoryError with SGDClassifier with chunksize = 100
    129  Matrix addition of unequal matrices
    129  Matplotlib Filled In Step Graph for Weights
    129  Math operations with lists using integers from nested lists
    129  mathematical operations on a numpy array with NaNs
    129  Manipulate Numpy array inside C with SWIG
    129  Making a histogram/barchart
    129  Load data with rows of different sizes into Numpy array
    129  Is there a theano operation equivalent to numpy ''broadcast_to'' method?
    129  Is there a faster way than the for loop to label matrix(3D array) in python?
    129  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`…`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices"
    129  Increase performance of arithmetic operations with combinations of columns
    129  'Incorrect array shape.' error in converting from npy to binaryproto
    129  How to write this numpy code in vectorized form?
    129  How to vectorize the dot product between segments of a trajectory
    129  How to transpose (stack) arbitrary columns in Dataframe?
    129  How to split single word in python? [closed]
    129  How to segment time series data into 3 column and 3 channels?
    129  How to search for rows using an expression in numpy rec array
    129  How to save and access a larger array to hdf5 file: Memory error?
    129  how to reshape an N length vector to a 3x(N/3) matrix in numpy using reshape
    129  How to replace value in specific index in each row with corresponding value in numpy array
    129  How to reduce the number of row repetitions in a numpy array
    129  How to keep track of the index of a numpy array element
    129  How to keep the same precision in these two numpy array procedures?
    129  How to fit a nd array which contains sparse matrix into sklearn
    129  How to extract numeric ranges from 2 columns containig numeric sequences and print the range from both columns (different increment values)?
    129  How to efficiently calculate full (2pi) angles between three vectors of 2d points
    129  How to create Numpy array using fancy indexing
    129  How to correct Numpy and TPOT array shapes error?
    129  How to compute CategoricalCrossentropy using TensorFlow 2.0?
    129  How to bring numpy on iMX6?
    129  How exactly does numpy.where() select the elements in this example?
    129  How do i change these two balls into many of them?
    129  How could I add the % to each value in the numpy array?
    129  How can I find the indices in a numpy array that meet multiple conditions?
    129  How can I compare 2 floating np arrays
    129  Handling exceptions assert to NumPy testing in Python
    129  Grouping array to nested structure with numpy
    129  Function to check list of lists have all integer elements between 0 and n and lists are all of given length?
    129  Finding the root for a reaction-diffusion equation system
    129  Fast inner product of more than two matrices in python
    129  Fastest way to detect the non/least-changing pixels of successive images
    129  Faster rolling of random Gaussian vectors
    129  Fast Calculation of Fiedler Eigenvector for Large Matrices in Python
    129  Expand vector in terms of others
    129  Equal arrays but not the same visually
    129  Encoding and saving multiple arrays in a for loop python
    129  Empty space with rectangular array and matshow
    129  Efficient Paste / Composite Masked Image in Pillow / Numpy
    129  Easiest way to select the subset of 2-d array by 2 corners
    129  Does setting a manual seed in torch and numpy propagate into all imported scripts, nested functions, etc?
    129  Define sci-kit Pipeline to account for unknown test data
    129  cython import of numpy fails
    129  Creating array of strings
    129  create pandas dataframe with random integers and finite sum across columns
    129  Create a numpy.recarray from two lists python
    129  create a new column with three conditions using np.where
    129  Count with group by with numpy
    129  convert pandas dataframe to list of tuples and drop all pandas datatypes
    129  Compose a python array of all but every 17th element
    129  compare an array with two other arrays in python
    129  Code works but too slow
    129  Can't differentiate with respect to the variable in python
    129  can I split numpy array with mask?
    129  cancellation in numpy array operation including a scalar
    129  Calculate probability vector from sample data
    129  Boolean function in for loop using numpy in python
    129  basinhopping_bounds() got an unexpected keyword argument 'f_new'
    129  Appending to a specific row in a numpy array
    129  Anaconda Numpy ImportError Osx
    129  After converting image to binary cannot display it in notebook with matplotlib
    128  Writing a Python extension in C, and getting strange memory errors
    128  Write Real Raw Binary File from Python
    128  Why memory map file is larger than original slide
    128  What is the difference in NumPy between [:][:] and [:,:]?
    128  updating a 3d python plot during a convergence iteration
    128  Txt with dates and time to numpy array?
    128  Trying to save an np array with string and floats, but getting a error [duplicate]
    128  The fastest way to work with ndimage in python?
    128  Subregions of boolean 2d array
    128  Storing a large table on disk, with fast retrieval of a specified subset to np.ndarray
    128  Split Dataframe into Groups, then calculate Cumprod by Group
    128  Signal handler works in python but not in ipython
    128  Saving as a DataFrame after looping in Tweepy, works without loop, after adding loop, saves as list
    128  Reshaping a three-dimensional ndarray into two dimensions
    128  Remove different number of NaN at the end of every columns from CSV
    128  pytorch DataLoader: `Tensors must have same number of dimensions`
    128  Python: Reshape 3D image series to pixel series
    128  Python - Pyinstaller exe file doen't work: Unable to import required dependencies numpy
    128  Python/Numpy(CSV): Finding values, appending another csv
    128  python finding high value among slices of array
    128  Python, cv2, numpy to find images in an image
    128  Python - Array becomes scalar variable when passed into function
    128  Python: Add elements from 1D array to nD array with Numpy
    128  PyInstaller includes almost a Gigabyte of unneeded Icons and Themes
    128  Plot Probability Curve with Summation
    128  Pixel annomolies with scipy.ndimage.geometric_transform
    128  Performance of sorting structured arrays (numpy)
    128  pandas pivot table of sales
    128  Pandas Ordered Histogram Matrix
    128  operating on two numpy arrays of different shapes
    128  Numpy reduce multiple operations for hashing
    128  Numpy Project Euler 1 Generalized Optimization
    128  numpy package is unable to import system random from random module [duplicate]
    128  NumPy broadcasting to improve dot-product performance
    128  Numpy Arrays: Searching for subarrays
    128  Numba is 10x slower than python equivalent in task which it should be good at
    128  np.poly1d: how to calculate R^2
    128  Missing vcvarsall.bat file
    128  Missing cyclic permutations of numpy arrays
    128  Minimization leastsq with division by zero
    128  MemoryError when generating numpy.MultivariateNormal
    128  Matrix --> ijv (or triplet or co-ordinate) format --> file in Numpy?
    128  Matplotlib set_yticklabels from several np.array()
    128  Match values of records with Column headers, to determine values in Python Dataframe
    128  Loading Large Files as Dictionary
    128  IndexError: tuple index out of range - Sending the calculation of a mean to 4 processes in parallel
    128  implicit expansion in python?
    128  Image Processing: Select the same color at closest distance of an image
    128  If 'x' is in both files do y, if not, break?
    128  I am new in python. I have SAS data imported using pandas
    128  How to vectorize the following python code?
    128  How to update a dataframe give a list of tuples and a generator
    128  How to subtract up to a certain value where both arrays are nonzero?
    128  How to set a probability of a value becoming a zero for an np.array?
    128  How to read MxM patches from an NxN image in tensorflow?
    128  How to oversample an array of n string elements into an array of m string elements
    128  How to Optimize the Python Code
    128  How to modify one column of a selected row from a numpy structured array
    128  How to make a numpy array from an array of arrays?
    128  How to limit number of threads used by NumPy's OpenBlas on Windows?
    128  How to know version of MKL used by numpy in python anaconda distributive?
    128  How to join dataset on coordinates?
    128  How to improve this python vectorial function
    128  How to find the nearest coordinate in graph using Python
    128  How to efficiently apply an operator to the cartesian product of two arrays?
    128  how to draw a line on unimported image in python
    128  How to convert pyop2.petsc_base.Mat matrix to any of scipy\numpy sparse formats?
    128  How to add the values for Specific days in Python Table for a given range?
    128  How can I use broadcasting with NumPy to speed up this correlation calculation?
    128  How can I specify a subset of a numpy matrix for placement of smaller matrix?
    128  How can I mask every element except each nth, in an iterator?
    128  How can I apply a couple of functions to multiple tickers in a list? (Code improvement)
    128  Getting faster numpy functions with Cython
    128  Finding circles in scatter
    128  Filling an array from a list
    128  Fast Load Matrices [Numpy/Java]
    128  Extracting a vector of values from interp2d
    128  Expanding each element in a (2-by-2) matrix to a (3-by-2) block
    128  EXC_BAD_ACCESS or SIGABRT while calling scipy.stats.anderson_ksamp from C++
    128  Error while splitting data Randomly: IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `),
    128  Error in implementing SVM
    128  Ensure that contents of list sums up to 1 for np.random.choice()
    128  Efficiently testing if strings are present in 2D numpy arrays
    128  Distance matrix over window (by accessing surrounding frames)
    128  Creating sliding windows of NaN padded elements off 1D NumPy array
    128  Create a vector with values from a Numpy array selected according to criteria in a Pandas DataFrame
    128  Computing sum in Theano using arange
    128  Compatibility numpy 1.7 vs numpy 1.8
    128  Comparing convolutions in Mathematica and Python
    128  Changing Frequency for Time Series in Numpy
    128  Can't import MultiOutputMixin in Linear Regression
    128  Can't get a sensible result with and numpy
    128  Attributing multidimensional KDTree output in pandas
    128  array index selection like in numpy but in javascript
    128  Appending elements to a numpy nd array
    128  accessing position from numpy matrices in the list
    127  Write NDArray into JSON and .CV File
    127  Why does np.float32 slightly change the values in the matrix while np.float64 doesn't?
    127  Where can I find Numpy's astype() function definition?
    127  When calcuating distance between points on earth why are my Haversine vs. Geodesic calculations diverging?
    127  The difference between np.random.seed(int) and np.random.seed(array_like)?
    127  Switch dimensions of 1D ndarray
    127  Sum of difference of squares between each combination of rows of 17,000 by 300 matrix
    127  Subtracting two n*n Numpy matrices gives strange result
    127  Strange numpy issubdtype behaviour
    127  static value with svm.SVR.predict()
    127  Shaping list of tuples into MxN dimensional ndarray in numpy
    127  Set one specific date type for reading in genfromtxt
    127  Select values in arrays
    127  script breaks on negative values scipy.optimize
    127  SciPy minimization of two-dimentional function
    127  Rolling mean with irregular boundaries
    127  Return the dtype for an element in a numpy array
    127  Reading a .wav file instead of the microphone input stream
    127  python with pandas: file size (44546) not 512 + multiple of sector size (512)
    127  python: vectorized cumulative counting
    127  Python setattr: Affect Object's iterable property - but only at a specific location
    127  python&numpy:where can I find class dtype's source code in numpy's github
    127  Python numpy : Matrix Inverses give unprecise results when multiplied
    127  Python numpy bug or feature
    127  python map data to list of lists/tuples
    127  Python high precision integer to array of numpy integer
    127  python, find waiting time until next occurrence for continuous value time series
    127  Python: Find largest array index along a specific dimension which is greater than a threshold
    127  Python: conversion of a iterated assignment with an atomic assignment using numpy is not working when matrix height > 256
    127  plt.scatter() adds white border around image
    127  Performance drop using cython
    127  Pandas: replace column in dataframe by range function
    127  pandas match two columns and create another column
    127  Pandas comparison
    127  pandas apply with numpy interp, dimension problems
    127  Opencv:error: (-210) in function threshold
    127  OpenCV calcHist raises intersenting error, how would I solve it?
    127  Numpy unique triangles in mesh
    127  numpy summing matrix-rows by indices
    127  NumPy: Select and sum data into array
    127  Numpy: check if 1-d array is sub-array of another
    127  numpy array with Pillow's getcolors' dimensions
    127  Numpy Array to A Weather Map
    127  numpy array converted to pandas dataframe drops values
    127  numpy apply a function over an array of matrix
    127  Numpy: Adding radius of circle to form diameter
    127  Normalizing all numeric columns in my dataset and compare before and after
    127  Normalize slices of a ndarray
    127  Need to convert 3d array to 2d with mean of inner array
    127  Multiple dimension matrix multiplication in Python
    127  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy' after using 'pip install numpy'
    127  Matrix Completion on 98% sparse Matrix
    127  Matrix calculations in Python when last row depends on the value of previous row
    127  matplotlib - converting from rgba back to an integer
    127  Matplotlib colorbar ticks disappear with large range
    127  making np.where returning the same coordinate if the same value comes multiple time
    127  Making dummy variables for days of week using sklearn DictVectorizer
    127  Is this proper use of numpy seeding for parallel code?
    127  Is there are more pythonic way to write a while loop that only updates a variable?
    127  Is there a numpy function to get the sum of sub matrices?
    127  Is there a NumPy C API function which will reset the layout flags?
    127  Is there a fast way to add two three dimensional arrays?
    127  Is there a fast alternative to scipy _norm_pdf for correlated distribution sampling?
    127  index milion row square matrix for fast access
    127  Index error - Python, Numpy, MatLab
    127  In a numpy array is dtype np.datetime64 or pandas object faster?
    127  import multiple txt files into numpy array with column0=datetime objects and column1=float values
    127  How to use nditer and multi-index to index into two different arrays and build a new array
    127  How to upsample voxels data?
    127  How to select value from array that is closest to value in array using vectorization?
    127  How to return bin count from a 2dhistogram
    127  How to recognize very close complex numbers as equal?
    127  How to read data nicely using np.fromregex?
    127  How to plot the distribution of each in feature in cancer dataset
    127  How to perform a merge of (too) large dataframes?
    127  how to merge two array into one in python and numpy?
    127  How to make each row in dataframe have one value for each column?
    127  How to get the shortest array shape in a python numpy multidimensional array?
    127  How to get the last non-zero value of NumPy masked array?
    127  How to get current value of ndarray in function?
    127  How to get and set data attributes of a class?
    127  How to generate multi class test dataset using numpy?
    127  How to find missing combinations/sequences in a 2D array with finite element values
    127  How to find last ''K'' indexes of vector satisfying condition (Python) ? (Analogue of Matlab's ''find'' )
    127  How to ensure matrix/array shape when performing slicing and other operations in Python?
    127  How to add a column to a 2D np array python? [duplicate]
    127  How does python matplotlib.pyplot support datatype from pandas, xarray etc.?
    127  How does iteration work in function
    127  Having trouble moving a row to the top of the dataframe
    127  Given a List of Matrices, Sum Them but Ignore Some Matrix's Rows
    127  Generating sequence of numbers in Python (curved)
    127  Forwarding attribute lookups in python
    127  For 1-D `X`, what is the difference between `X[n]` and `X[ ... , n]`?
    127  Find the good fit measurement for Non Linear model (Gaussian, Power, Exponential and Log-Logistic)
    127  Finding number of zero elements in data
    127  Finding consecutive duplicates and listing their indexes of where they occur in python
    127  Filling gaps in pandas DataFrame efficently
    127  Excel matrix to JSON via Pandas and Numpy.ndarray type
    127  Efficient way to select most recent index with finite value in column from Pandas DataFrame?
    127  Efficiently pass numpy array to Matlab function
    127  Efficient algorithm for matrix calculation
    127  Duplicate bits in a big numpy array
    127  Does numpy have a bug or am I doing something wrong?
    127  Does np.empty_like have a bug with the parameter?
    127  Difference in numpy and sympy lambdify results for basic optimization
    127  Data changes while interpolating data frame using Pandas and numpy
    127  Creating a numpy.ndarray with elements consisting of subclassed numpy.ndarray's
    127  Creating a matrix of a certain size from a dictionary
    127  Creating 3D numpy.ndarray with no fixed second dimension
    127  Create categories from array of intervals
    127  Convert the results of np.argsort() to tuple
    127  convert multidimensional numpy array to list of string
    127  Change the image background to red with numpy
    127  Boolean sum with numpy finding matching pairs
    127  Bitwise Operations to change 2 LSB
    127  ''Balancing'' a list of symbols
    127  apply vector of functions to vector of arguments
    127  Add homogeneous coordinate (x0=1) to images in numpy
    126  Working with Numpy arrays, getting an Error
    126  Why the labels from tensorflow's shuffle do not work?
    126  Why python pandas does not use 3-valued logic? [duplicate]
    126  Why is NumPy subtraction slower on one large matrix $M$ than when dividing $M$ into smaller matrices and then subtracting?
    126  Why is np.dtype(None) = float?
    126  Why during slicing assignment in numpy array decimals disappears?
    126  Why does numpy.allclose use non-symmetrical comparison?
    126  What is the most efficient way to subdivide a large list?
    126  What are the factors, aside from RAM, limiting Numpy array size and can they be adjusted?
    126  Very slow iteration over numpy array using __contains__
    126  ValueError: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 216 from C header, got 192 from PyObject
    126  TypeError ''ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types''
    126  ''TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars'' error when printing array values in a loop
    126  Trying to count the total number of rows from a 0-d array Python
    126  Transformation of transactions to numpy array
    126  Taking data from a text file and putting it into a numpy array
    126  Spliting the values of column into new column within a dataframe to filter
    126  Rounding numbers - What's wrong here?
    126  Retain pandas dataframe structure after SMOTE, oversampling in python
    126  replacing 2D matrix values with red or black pixels
    126  replace nans with normal distribution of the moving window
    126  Remove highly correlated column in numpy (without pandas)
    126  Registering a class as a subclass of a numpy array (without subclassing)
    126  Python: VTK Distance from points to vtkLineSource
    126  Python Video Stabilizer Using Low Pass Filter
    126  Python: unziping special files into memory and getting them into a DataFrame
    126  Python- Numpy array in function with conditions
    126  Pythonista way of extracting elements from an array
    126  Python functions and array parameters
    126  python equivalent of mxCreateDoubleMatrix from MATLAB
    126  python element wise operation in function
    126  Python DateParseError with dtype: datetime64[ns]
    126  Python: cannot evaluate mean and standard deviation of huge tensor
    126  Python Array append vectors and then sum the elements of the array positionwise (not elementwise)
    126  Programming a distance
    126  Preallocate multiple identically shaped numpy arrays
    126  Plot sum(matrix,axis=0) and label the plot with the row index of nonzero element it takes to sum
    126  PIL Image to numpy array without copy
    126  Passing keyword argument to quad integration functions in scipy
    126  Parallelize with numba's prange and passing along a tuple
    126  Pandas, select maximum from one column and minimum from another
    126  Pandas: Not able to group by Index column
    126  Pandas Multiindex DataFrame - group by external series?
    126  Pandas DataFrames column not being identified as numeric
    126  numpy Reshaping changes the images
    126  numpy reshape question (matlab comparison)
    126  numpy multiple ndarray creation at once
    126  numpy memmap runtime error ...  64bits system with 2Gigas limit?
    126  numpy : indexes too big giving sometimes exceptions, sometimes not
    126  Numpy: How to best align two sorted arrays?
    126  numpy - difference between `np.nan_to_num; np.sum` vs `np.nansum`
    126  Numpy array mean function did not exclude masked element in mean computation
    126  Numpy array error setting an array element with a sequence
    126  Numpy and spare matrix, how to get what would be the first row in dense
    126  Numba Invalid use of BoundFunction on np.astype
    126  np.searchsorted negative values
    126  Neural Network fails on mnist
    126  Matrix with identical diagonals [duplicate]
    126  Match rows of two 2D arrays and get a row indices map using numpy
    126  Making a index array from an array in numpy
    126  Making a faster wavelet transform/Appending data faster
    126  Make Numpy.where stop after first true encountered
    126  Logic behind nearest neighbor interpolation
    126  Iterating with numpy with different indexes
    126  Iterating Swap Algorithm Python
    126  Iterate through numpy array testing multiple elements efficiently
    126  Is there a Python Function for building a average Price which takes 2 arrays as arguments
    126  Is it possible to tile a numpy array in 2 dimensions with a single call
    126  Interval Comparison With Dates/Hours on a Date Time Index (Checking if an hour is between 2 periods)
    126  Indexing numpy arrays with numpy arrays, in arbitrary dimension
    126  Indexing a sub-array by lists [duplicate]
    126  In a vectorized way in numpy: Cutting out chunks of data (of different sizes) conditionally dependent on whats inside the chunk
    126  How to write dice-loss backpropogation with numpy
    126  How to use pypy with python existing calculation code?
    126  How to upsample an array to arbitrary sizes?
    126  How to switch x and y axis around?
    126  How to split heterogeneous array according to a condition in numpy?
    126  How to save computational time by using built-in functions and avoid looping over for loops for large numpy arrays in python?
    126  How to populate an empty array selectively?
    126  How to pick up all the elements from a python list that meet certain criteria? [duplicate]
    126  How to pass multiple parameters to python function
    126  How to make matplotlib handle custom class ''units''
    126  How to fix shift and scaling errors in an FFT-powered differentiation program?
    126  how to find number for percentile in Python
    126  How to extract value from an array based on condition in pandas or numpy?
    126  how to construct an index from percentage change time series?
    126  How to change priority in math order(asterisk)
    126  How do I install numpy for Python 3.5 on Windows?
    126  How do I do this array indexing in numpy
    126  how can I make a larger array with cubic interpolation and acces all the calculated values?
    126  Getting delay time from a CSV data
    126  Generating random numbers around a set of coordinates without for loop
    126  For-loop using dictionary key reference not working
    126  Find root (limit of integration) in numerical integration
    126  Finding most recent datetime in list before a given datetime
    126  finding index for min element in a row in numpy gives error elementwise == comparison failed
    126  Fast evaluation of function along all index combinations of two numpy arrays
    126  evaluate mixed type with eval()
    126  Error raised in code that shouldn't run according to lazy evaluation
    126  error loading python opencv in windows
    126  Error importing sklearn (scikit learn package) in python [duplicate]
    126  Efficiently sample vectors from numpy ndarray
    126  Efficient flattening of a pandas dataframe
    126  Draw partial lines with numpy and matplotlib
    126  Drawing the same random numbers in numpy
    126  Delete meshgrid points between a bounding box points
    126  Creating 1D array where elements are the sum of a 2D numpy array of stored functions
    126  Count distinct words from a dataframe in python pandas
    126  Conway's Game of Life: check if a cell is in the corner/border
    126  computing average and appending to new array numpy
    126  Comparing runtime of standard list comprehension vs. NumPy
    126  Compare two columns and see the difference
    126  Changing the amount of points changes the result of the fft
    126  Change pixel color as a function of its color
    126  Change array output to one without brackets
    126  Can you use numpy's fromfile to store files in an ndarray?
    126  Can Numpy's frompyfunc() return an image?
    126  Cannot apply method of finding unique rows in numpy.darray in python
    126  Calculate possible date combination without year
    126  Alternative to loop for for boolean / nonzero indexing of numpy array
    126  Access first two dimensions of N dimenional histogram
    125  why unable to concatenate two arrays in python?
    125  Why is the result in FFT code without using Scipy not similar to Scipy FFT?
    125  Why does the mean output of multivariate_normal method differ from the mean of distribution?
    125  Why does order matter in Logical and/or operation involving np.NaN in python?
    125  Why does numpy indexing work differently in higher dimensions?
    125  Which is the more efficient way to choose a random pair of objects from a list of lists or tuples?
    125  when to use square brackets and when to use parentheses?
    125  What's the most efficient way to split up a Numpy ndarray using percentage?
    125  What's the advantage of preparing a matrix to return in python?
    125  What is the dask equivalent of numpy.tile?
    125  Vectorizing with variable array indices
    125  Vectorizing for loops in python with numpy multidimensional arrays
    125  Using MultiEncoder, I have an array encoders[] and I want to be able to tell, what data-type does the encoder accept. How is that possible?
    125  using index values to select items from a numpy array
    125  Turn lists of strings into Numpy array (Python)
    125  Trying to Remove for-Loops from Python code, Performing Operations with a Look-up Table On Matrices
    125  Transform a polynomial fit back into image-space
    125  The fastest way to create np.arrays for each item from list of tuples
    125  Summed area table without module python 3
    125  string and datetime object interchange
    125  Strange behaviour when using random.shuffle on numpy.array
    125  Speed up numpy summation between big arrays
    125  Speeding up summing certain columns in a matrix
    125  Speeding up Mahalanobis distance calculation
    125  Solving an ODE with a random variable with a custom pdf
    125  sklearn pipeline ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly
    125  SciPy conditional functions
    125  Scatter-plot using markers in heaply?
    125  Reshaping a pandas dataframe by repeating rows
    125  Reading data from hdf5 file, the cost of time increase fast
    125  Raster creation from numpy array, taking values from a csv file
    125  Rank each number by position in a list of arrays - Python
    125  Python try except not working with np.arccos
    125  Python to file - Best way to store strings with 2D array
    125  Python--Repeat rows in a csv/DataFrame by value in column
    125  Python relative vs absolute imports in scientific stack repos
    125  Python numpy where function behavior
    125  Python Numpy Truth Matrix for Condition
    125  Pythonic way to simplify multiply 2 pandas columns with condition
    125  Python how to find unique entries and get the minimum values from a matching array
    125  Python: How do I insert an Identity Matrix below a list of arrays?
    125  Python generate multiple random matrices in a for loop
    125  python 3 - count in array
    125  printing a gridsearch in 3D for hyperparameter visualization
    125  pandas dataframe find nth non isnull row
    125  Pandas and NumPy default width change on startup
    125  Panda dataframe column cut - add more bins more frequently around the mean
    125  Pad numpy array with fixed array as constant
    125  Numpy raster does not takes whole area
    125  Numpy Number Patterns
    125  Numpy: np_array[index_order_array] changes the order of elements in an array?
    125  Numpy maximum argument item number between three columns with output as array
    125 and numpy.meshgrid
    125  Numpy array striping strings via broadcasting
    125  numpy array multiplication issue
    125  numpy all() evaluating incorrectly
    125  nanfunctions and regular functions behaving the same on Pandas type
    125  Multi-threaded image processing with openCV in python
    125  Multiplying within a nested dictionary or using Matrices?
    125  Most efficient way to store this vector?
    125  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'  -  when importing Tensorflow 2.0
    125  memory efficient solution for similarity calculations between items - purchases data
    125  Matrix vector product of panel and dataframe without loop
    125  Irregular results from numpy and scipy
    125  Install py[2]-numpy in Alpine Edge (Alpine 3.10 is current and has py[2]-numpy)
    125  Improving performance of complex logical conditions on numpy arrays
    125  Image to Array: Plain English
    125  Image segmentation with keras and pretrained pspnet50
    125  How to replace elements of preallocated np.array in Python, matlab style
    125  How to remove jumps by scale factors of 10 in Pandas? [closed]
    125  How to reindex a numpy array with reversed binary representation?
    125  How to recycle elememts when dimensions of two numpy arrays do not matches?
    125  How to reassign numpy indices after linear transformation
    125  how to move identical elements in numpy array into subarrays
    125  How to make this numpy code faster? [closed]
    125  How to look for functions in numpy and regular python
    125  How to import csv or txt file where there is no delimiter and commas represent missing values
    125  How to fix the numpy importError
    125  How to find nearest divisor to given value with modulo zero
    125  how to define column range in python
    125  How to continuously update the value of a tensor in a loop
    125  How to construct a new numpy array from a set of existing arrays?
    125  How to calculated R2 and R2 adjusted via poly_fit numpy, pandas [duplicate]
    125  How to apply function on a dataframe
    125  How to add columns to a big numpy matrix
    125  How should I read values automatically into Matplotlib's aitoff projection from a csv file?
    125  How do i make a Histogram spanning multiple files?
    125  How can i make numpy work( it shows symbol not found)?
    125  How can I initialize a shared memory array with an existing NumPy array [duplicate]
    125  How can I find the specific interval (via list) within which a given value occurs, in order to return the corresponding value from a second list?
    125  How and why is FFT convolution faster than direct convolution?
    125  Histogram output not matching input
    125  Get elements from numpy array only matching datetime
    125  Generate random normal distribution with kurtosis greater than 3
    125  FiPy Setting Initial Grid Values
    125  Find non-zeros block in sparse matrix and do so process
    125  Find multiples of a number in list
    125  Finding points in LAS file by coordinates
    125  Finding patterns in multi dimensional arrays
    125  fibonacci sequence negative answer after 92 python
    125  Feature request: NumPy Reader
    125  Fastest way to extract dictionary of sums in numpy in 1 I/O pass
    125  Exclude zeros in collections.Counter in Python
    125  Examples on N-D arrays usage
    125  Error with whitespaces when trying to tokenize text in Keras
    125  Error while trying to install numpy ''RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program''
    125  Error: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'dict_keys'
    125  Density of distribution
    125  Creating an array with a single staggered values in each row?
    125  correlate in TensorFlow (like numpy.correlate)
    125  Convert circular graph to horizontal graph
    125  Conda search for the oldest version of numpy, constrained by Python version
    125  Check for equal lists
    125  can't get numpy.transpose to operate on what outwardly seems to be an array?
    125  Bokeh Issue : Out of range float values are not JSON compliant
    125  Bar plot error: incompatiable sizes
    125  Array ranges for columns in python pandas
    125  Any LogSumExp for Python implemented by AVX?
    125  Adding a field to a structured numpy array (4)
    125  About concatenating two vectors in python
    124  Writing large array to file in python
    124  Windows GUI app for python source? [closed]
    124  Why is the ndim value of the matrix different from the matrix_rank?
    124  Why doesn't numpy's 50th percentile return the mean?
    124  Why are 0d arrays in Numpy considered scalar?
    124  What resource does numpy ''lock'' across processes?
    124  what is the order of insertion of values in numpy.insert command?
    124  What is the difference between this code and this formula?
    124  What is the difference between ''|'' and ''or''? [duplicate]
    124  Vectorized subsetting of time-series in Python
    124  ValueError: could not convert string to float: ' 2,019,278 ' - potentially illegal character or format?
    124  Understanding ndarray shapes
    124  Trim sequences based on alignment
    124  Trapezoidal Kernel in python
    124  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() in aplpy
    124  sum over everything after each element in an array
    124  Sum each row of a numpy array with all rows of second numpy array (python)
    124  String formatting, trim from right instead of left
    124  Sorting columns in such a way that each column contains only the same values in Pandas
    124  Solving colebrook (nonlinear) equation with Newton Raphson method in python
    124  sklearn.svm.SVC - UserWarning: indptr array has non-integer dtype (float64)
    124  Selecting two numbers from a list in python with a probability that decays as the relative distance between them
    124  select elements from two unequal length numpy arrays
    124  scipy.optimize.fsolve: strange behavior when passing residual function in args
    124  Rounding elements in numpy array to the number of the same index in another array
    124  Resize two axes at once h5py
    124  Reset array in a nested loop while saving array at each iteration
    124  Report with Pivot Tables like in Excel using Python
    124  Rearanging numpy array without memory error
    124  Reading BSD500 groundTruth with scipy
    124  Queries about using NumPy Arrays to parse a CSV file
    124  Python PANDAS: Merge Equivalent of ''<='' SQL Join
    124  Python output readable in Matlab
    124  Python: Need help placing a list of numbers into the lower triangle of square matrix (example provided)
    124  Python: finding index of all elements of array in another including repeating arrays
    124  Python data missing at random in two different arrays. Looking to combine these to make a single array
    124  Python code to return total count of no. of positions in which items are differing at same index
    124  python 3 and numpy array
    124  PyCUDA fails on cosh
    124  Problems in displaying uint16 np.array as image
    124  Print non-empty dataframes only from list comprehension
    124  Polygons from network of connected points
    124  Plotting 2 pie charts side by side in MatPlotLib
    124  Passing Multidimensional Numpy arrays through a function and saving results in a CSV file
    124  Pandas remap to range in column
    124  Obtaining highest negative value to end of data
    124  numpy where for array of arrays
    124  numpy.test error in virtualenv with ERROR: test_multiarray.TestNewBufferProtocol.test_relaxed_strides
    124  NumPy, RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power. How can I get see the value of my variables?
    124  numpy masked ragged array
    124  Numpy: efficient array of indices to ''bump'' array
    124  Mask an array by value then mask the corresponding Matrix
    124  Iterate over each row and increment the count of the terms associated with the specific researcher in a csv file
    124  Iterate over each row and increment the count of the terms associated with the specific researcher in a csv file
    124  Is there imresize analog that can work with more than 8 bit colors in Python?
    124  Is there a way to generate a weighted Google heatmap with negative values?
    124  Is there a better way to produce a membership matrix (one-hot array) for an array of cluster assignments in Python? [duplicate]
    124  intersect 4 lists in python with list comprehension
    124  In pandas DataFrame, how to add column showing random selection result?
    124  Indexing empty array, Numba vs. Numpy
    124  Indexing arrays with multiple conditions in Python?
    124  importing numpy in different python versions
    124  I am getting an error in python code
    124  How to vectorize this operation
    124  How to vectorize a python function that loops over an array of 3D points?
    124  How to upsample numpy array with nearest neighbor without storing repeated values?
    124  How to speed up creating regular grid in chunks and Writing to file is slow
    124  How to separate regions of a GrayScale image equal to threshold value?
    124  How to refresh OpenCV window when I combine it with pyAutoGui
    124  How to re-enable eager mode in Tensorflow 2.0?
    124  How to print or transform np array of 240*240*4 as 240*240*1?
    124  How to pad a numpy array without filling the corners?
    124  How to name a newly generated column? [duplicate]
    124  How to insert a multidimensional numpy array to pandas column?
    124  How to format data for openCV SVM
    124  How to efficiently get 10% of random numbers, then 10% of remaining 90 etc untill all points allocated
    124  How to determine the size of bias matrices in a neural network?
    124  How to concatenate columns on top of each other in an array
    124  How to combine np arrays of different shapes together and separate by row
    124  How to avoid NaN in a weighted average?
    124  How the `along a specific axis` operation implemented?
    124  How much memory does my list use? [duplicate]
    124  How comma separated range mechanism works in Python? [duplicate]
    124  How can we populate a matrix with 1 or 0 randomly in one line in python? [duplicate]
    124  Hex to a String Python
    124  Generating all possible binary matrices such that each row and column adds up to AT MOST 1 for each matrix
    124  Find groups of increasing numbers (with varying deltas) within list
    124  Extract n columns with highest sum in NumPy array
    124  Extract dataframe features using numpy (as reindex)
    124  Explanation on Numpy Broadcasting Answer
    124  Error when feeding numpy sequence to bidirectional LSTM in Keras
    124  Efficient way to work with python and numpy for simple to medium calculations
    124  Efficient way to index a Numpy array with another array
    124  Efficient way to get a subset of indices in numpy
    124  efficiently visualising irregularly spaced columns of data using numpy, griddata and imshow
    124  Different behavior of numpy transpose() with Ubuntu vs OSX
    124  Delay in live audio recording
    124  defining an already exisiting numpy array within a class
    124  Creating NumPy matrix of a given size in a vectorized manner
    124  Create Keras input array, numpy.append does not work correctly
    124  Convert a number into a special datetime
    124  Conda/pip and package versions
    124  Compute Cosine SImilarity Within Groups
    124  Computation of variable interaction (dot product of vectors in a matrix)
    124  Change values of a tensorflow tensor based on condition
    124  Categorize a column using a Dictionary key - multiple values pair
    124  build numpy array from list of tuples
    124  Awkward Array: How to get numpy array after storing as Parquet (not BitMasked)?
    124  Assigning data to a multidimensional NumPy array
    124  Applying a simple function to CSV and save multiple csv files
    124  Add meta data to only one dimension of numpy.array
    124  Adding the result of an array in a csv file
    124  Accelerate and NumPy produce different results for FFT
    123  Why is patsy returning additional columns when I add a None value?
    123  Why is 2.4 not equal to 2.4? Python / NumPy [duplicate]
    123  Why do same data-typed variables give different responses?
    123  Why does np.sqrt(1-0.5**2) not return 0.75 as expected?
    123  Why does cost function for MLP flatten?
    123  What's the corresponding multielement operator version of ''numpy.logical_or''?
    123  What package has this python function?
    123  What is the difference between the parameters and the shape of a Numpy Binomial Distribution?
    123  Vectorizing scipy norm.pdf
    123  Vectorized manipulation of an array, based on a function of indices
    123  Vary the elements in a numpy array
    123  Using Numba's @jit causing math inconsistencies with Numpy's float32 being used in Python
    123  Using np.genfromtxt to read in data that contains arrays
    123  using gradient in fmin_bfgs
    123  Tutorial, tricks and banana skins for discrete Fourier transformation (FT) in python
    123  Trying to add a column to a data file
    123  substituting __iadd__ doesn't work as expected for += operator
    123  Spark: Compare the similarity
    123  Sort a Matrix by a specific column (with 2-digits numbers or more)
    123  Slicing NumPy array with dictionary
    123  Slicing a Large Numpy Array into Individual Arrays
    123  Selecting specific elements and finding their median using numpy
    123  Search an entire DataFrame
    123  Scipy Maximization Issue
    123  Reshaping the input for LSTM networks in Tensorflow 1.13 and Keras
    123  remove duplicate 2D numpy.array
    123  Rebuild a large sparse matrix in R from .npz file
    123  Rearrange 2D numpy array into a column vector maintaining line indexing
    123  Python Script is running itself twice
    123  Python polynomial roots are inaccurate
    123  python pandas find first day and year of timeseries.weekofyear
    123  Python numpy array strange return
    123  python list of value to metric , how to?
    123  pythonic way to replace values in an array over a limit with neighbour's value
    123  Python: efficiently generating a vector with different values
    123  Print rows where all columns meet a certain criteria in a numpy array?
    123  Plot sparsely populated 2d numpy array
    123  pint's usage with numpy's concatenate
    123  Pillow data handling
    123  pandas: Calculating the maximum of a blackman window: missing function pandas.core.window.Window.[max, apply]
    123  Overlaying two pandas Dataframes or numpy arrays and creating a key-value dictionary
    123  ordering and concatinating two arrays based on one column elements
    123  numpy take many samples with no replacement by row
    123  Numpy: Quickest and numpy way to convert black pixel to white
    123  numpy nan in results without having nan in values
    123  numpy - matrix multiple 3x3 and 100x100x3 arrays?
    123  numpy import error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
    123  Numpy functions clobber my inherited datatype
    123  Numpy error on AWS EC2
    123  Numpy delete rows of array inside object array
    123  Numpy - Creating a function whose inputs are two matrices and whose output is a binary matrix in Python
    123  numpy add columns to array of arrays
    123  Numpy 2-D boolean mask
    123  Nested list comprehension for numpy
    123  Need to collate information from array in python, by finding match values that lie in different rows
    123  Need help vectorizing some Python code
    123  MySQLdb query containing NULLs to Numpy array
    123  Multiplying two arrays in python with different lenghts
    123  multiple functions as arguments in python
    123  Missing spaces in numpy array
    123  MATLAB find function translate to python - 3 input arguments version
    123  Map arrays with duplicate indexes?
    123  Make Matplotlib plot binary map starting from 1
    123  Load multiple dataframes from one csv using panda or numpy
    123  Keep top N values of each row in a dataframe within groups of column indices
    123  Is this the right way to get a randomized rounding solution?
    123  Is array.count() orders of magnitude slower than list.count() in Python?
    123  inline matplotlib pyplot saturated while scipy.misc toimage is not
    123  Indexing a vector by an array in R
    123  Imshow 2D array memory error
    123  id() of numpy.float64 objects are the same, even if their values differ? [duplicate]
    123  How to write Matrix with multiple data types python?
    123  How to properly increment variable using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
    123  How to performantly generate all slices of numpy array X such that they have shape equal to shape of numpy array Y?
    123  How to find the distribution in python?
    123  How to detect the type of a column in a numpy matrix?
    123  How to covert a tensor with an unknown dimension to a numpy array
    123  How to change a pyglet image into a numpy array
    123  How to apply a bockwise transpose to a numpy array [closed]
    123  How do I get a DataFrame with pearsonr correlation coefficient for each month?
    123  How can you install third-party libraries such as numpy/scipy into the Windows Python embeddable zip file?
    123  How can I use Numba ''@vectorize'' ufunc with a structured Numpy array?
    123  How can I export Python multidimensional numpy array to different files based on second value of each line?
    123  h5py accuracy for matrix storage
    123  Grabbing the name of a numpy structured array column when passed as a parameter to a function
    123  Getting Inverted image from Django html view
    123  Generating random numbers randomly
    123  Find the number of occurrences of a sequence
    123  Find intersecting values in multiple numpy arrays
    123  finding eigen vectors and eigen values using np.linalg.svd()?
    123  Find index of first element with condition in numpy array in python
    123  Fastest way to go through a long list of arrays
    123  Extend np.array() by dimension
    123  Expose boost::multi_array<std::string, 1> to python
    123  Error when trying to redefine the division operator with __div__
    123  Efficient way to Segment list of list (or array) by second index
    123  dsolve error: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
    123  Drawing Mona Lisa with Polygons
    123  Dissolve numpy array into binary array
    123  Difference between pandas DataFrame 'where' and Numpy 'where' [duplicate]
    123  Creating edges for NetworkX in python efficiently
    123  Count and sort co-occurence matrix
    123  Copy each row in a pandas data.frame to individual files
    123  Convert odd numbers to boolean in Pandas
    123  Convert function from matlab to python
    123  Convert array and tuple elements to columns in a Pandas dataframe [duplicate]
    123  column_stack returns non cotiguous array
    123  code explanation about hough_line and hough_line_peaks
    123  Check if two 3D numpy arrays contain overlapping 2D arrays
    123  cblas ImportError after installing sklearn using dokku
    123  Can't loop through a matrix of values in Python
    123  Calculating percentile counts in python [closed]
    123  calculate bounding box after rotation
    123  Build a digital elevation model (DEM) while controlling number of mountains and their proximity
    123  Broadcasting outside main loop speeds up vectorized numpy ops?
    123  Breaking early when computing cumulative products or sums in numpy
    123  Binning a data set using Pandas
    123  Azure - numpy - OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
    123  Appending successive rows to Python dataframe
    122  Wrap a (latent) sparse matrix as a numpy (dense) array (matrix) in python
    122  Why pandas unstack is throwing an error?
    122  why doesn't Series.dtype return a type of datetime
    122  Why does exponentiating a numpy.float64 return nan?
    122  Why does Cython needs more Python calls if elements of NumPy array are defined during array creation?
    122  Why different random numbers are generated even after specifying seed value? [duplicate]
    122  When to prefer the biased estimate of variance over the unbiased estimate
    122  What means the Error: ''float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'builtin_function_or_method'''
    122  Visualize sinus-generator in Python3.5, pyaudio, numpy, matplotlib
    122  Vectorized Portfolio Risk
    122  UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xab in position 11: invalid start byte
    122  Unable to import data from a text file to a global variable using numpy loadtxt
    122  transform symmetric matrix to sparse matrix
    122  Training a SVM Classifier on pair of Embeddings, generating error
    122  Tiling an array in place with numpy
    122  The difference between np.function and function [duplicate]
    122  ''stair step'' validation chart
    122  set operations for large lists of dictionaries
    122  Search for a specific element in one array and copy the entire corresponding row in other array
    122  Scipy.stats binned_statistic_dd for 3D closest-to-centroid per bin
    122  Row into column in Python
    122  Repeat values in a column based on another
    122  Remake for-loop to numpy broadcast
    122  Rank a value compared to a Pandas column
    122  Python: type ERROR ufunc 'isfinite' when using
    122  Python packages for Spark on datanodes
    122  Python NumPy: referencing columns
    122  python/numpy/pandas fastest way apply algorithm for expanding calculations
    122  Python noob: manipulating arrays
    122  Python - interpolate data points into numpy image
    122  Python indexing issue (converting MATLAB code)
    122  Pythonic way of zeroing numpy array axis
    122  Python: dynamic column sum for each row
    122  Python - Converting an array to a list causes values to change
    122  Python : concatenate 2 arrays with 1 empty [duplicate]
    122  Python 3, add two dictionaries and adding item inside the list associated with a key both dictionaries have
    122  Plotting datasets with same shape (numpy shape) but different physical size and position
    122  Performing Matrix Multiplication After Transposing One Matrix/Vector
    122  partial_fit with scikit-learn returns ValueError: The sum of the priors should be 1
    122  Parallelize Array Assignments in Python
    122  pandas standard deviation with bell curve graph using stats norm
    122  pandas get the value and the location from another DataFrame and make a series
    122  Pandas create new column which is the mean of values from previous rows
    122  Package load error in anaconda and Spider
    122  Optimising iterative loop
    122  Operate on varying sized sequential array slices
    122  NumPy - vectorizing matrix-matrix column correlation coefficient [duplicate]
    122  Numpy to check if a solution exists such that each row is < 0?
    122  Numpy: nansum for all bad slices returns 0
    122  Numpy load a memory-mapped array (mmap_mode) from google cloud storage
    122  Numpy group by multiple vectors, get group indices
    122  numpy: get rid of for loop by broadcasting
    122  Numpy - get multiply difference between neighboring elements [duplicate]
    122  NumPy - get index of row with sum of row greater than 10
    122  Numpy error on .arange command
    122  numpy.delete() requires me to return a new matrix (name) and that can't work with my code
    122  Numpy cannot be accessed on Jupyter. Is it a problem with the path and how do I fix that?
    122  np.savetxt formatting - how to eliminate ',' and '('?
    122 taking very long to run
    122  no module named numpy despite numpy being already installed
    122  nanstd in numpy doesn't ingore nan
    122  Multidimensional numpy.outer without flatten
    122  Merging list of list into a dataframe pandas
    122  Memory issue with ctypes and multiprocessing in Python
    122  Measure of goodness of 2D data points for classification
    122  making multi-dimensional nulls or ones from numpy array
    122  Making for loop with index arrays faster
    122  Making a 2 dimensional list/matrix with different number of columns for each row
    122  Looking for dataframe.apply() without shape restrictions
    122  Keras-vis for the saliency charts - shall we use softmax or linear activation
    122  keras : converting numpy ndarray of strings to numpy ndarray of floats :: ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'Y'
    122  Is there a way to concatenate two numpy arrays with different dimensions?
    122  Installing python locally with a custom numpy source
    122  Indexing array using column names
    122  Inatalling numpy and scipy [closed]
    122  Improving performance on comparison algorithm np.packbits(A==A[:, None], axis=1)
    122  Import error when trying to execute a python script from C++ in Visual Studio 2013-15
    122  How to use Numpy reshape?
    122  How to speed up this numpy.arange loop?
    122  How to solve the case where function passed to processpool.imap returns too large (>2GB) objects?
    122  how to print list skipping one element each time in python without numpy?
    122  How to optimize speed to calculate the mean along the Z axis in a 3D array? Cython vs Numpy
    122  How to extract an arbitrary line of values from a numpy matrix?
    122  How to count how many particles in a 2D Gaussian distribution
    122  how to convert double quoted vectors in df to numpy array?
    122  How do I vectorize the following loop in Numpy?
    122  How can I traverse through a numpy array in descending order?
    122  Getting a range by rows in numpy
    122  Get area between pixel wise masks and WSI patches
    122  Find global min values from sub-sub-lists of different lengths
    122  File ''E:\python\lib\'', line 229, in finditer return _compile(pattern, flags).finditer(string) TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
    122  Fastest way to find which of two lists of columns of each row is true in a pandas dataframe
    122  Fastest way to construct tuple from elements of list (Python)
    122  Extract Indices of Numpy Array Based on Given Bit Information
    122  exclude certain columns of a data set in a for loop
    122  Error while trying to perform skimage.equalize_hist over a masked array
    122  Error in Minimization of Logistic Regression
    122  Empty Dimension Shape ''ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_2 to have 2 dimensions, but got array with shape ()''
    122  Efficient way for generating N arrays of random numbers between different ranges
    122  Efficiently replace values in pandas column with matching pairs (millions of rows and thousands of pairs)
    122  Does sliced array leave a tuple? Need to use array slice as integer but int() won't work
    122  Difference between a numpy.array and numpy.array[:]
    122  Dictionary Key Error
    122  Detect paraboloid shaped sections of an array
    122  cv2 convert Range and copyTo functions of c++ to python
    122  Creating a lower rank matrix approximation using numpy in python 3
    122  counting pixels using tensorflow and gpu
    122  Cosine distance between same vectors not equal 0
    122  Conflict between vectorization/broadcasting and solving an ODE with solve_ivp
    122  Conditioned index in numpy array
    122  Change the sign of all elements of a ndarray meeting a condition
    122  Change the color of selected ROI in an image
    122  Can't import numpy from pycharm
    122  Can a python list hold a multi-dimentional array as its element?
    122  Cache dynamically generated functions
    122  .bisect not finding closest value in dictionary
    121  why pickle loads numpy arrays much faster than numpy?
    121  Why nested dictionary slows down numpy save?
    121  Why is this classless, 32-bit bitboard implementation of checkers slower than this 'naive' implementation using numpy arrays?
    121  Why is OpenCV so much faster than Numpy on floating points?
    121  Where function with numpy or xarray giving back the results including nan values
    121  What's the most efficient way to sum up an ndarray in numpy while minimizing floating point inaccuracy?
    121  What is the fastest way of converting a numpy array to a ctype array?
    121  Weird behaviour with numpy array operations
    121  Vectorized creation of an array of diagonal square arrays from a liner array in Numpy or Tensorflow
    121  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (100,)
    121  ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (11599,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (11599,7)
    121  Using ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform for matrix translation
    121  Upgrading Scipy 0.10 on Red Hat Linux Server 5.5 (Tikanga)
    121  Unittest equality of empty record arrays
    121  Transfer NaN values from one numpy array to another
    121  Tensorflow: How to build a matrix from a dictionary of vectors?
    121  Take logarithm for values in a matrix in Compressed Sparse Row format (csr_matrix)
    121  SVM implementation not classifing right
    121  string to array of single characters WITHOUT converting to a list along the way
    121  store results as tuples of large array
    121  Splitting lists by short numbers
    121  Splitting lines into cols
    121  Speed up the computation for numpy.asarray
    121  Speeding up path calculation of many particles using Scipy
    121  Solving non linear equations: add constraints to Gibbs free energy problem
    121  Slope of a regression line using numpy/pandas
    121  Simulate numpy vectorized function on a meshgrid
    121  Setting increasing values in a numpy array around a defined diagonal
    121  Select specific percentage of cells at random from numpy 2D array
    121  Scipy interpolate on structured 2d data, but evaluate at unstructured points?
    121  RuntimeWarning: divide by zero in log and invalid value in multiply
    121  Roulette Wheel Selection : unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'numpy.float64' and 'numpy.float64'
    121  Replacing minimum element in a numpy array subject to a condition
    121  Replace zeros in an array with a continuous sequence of integers
    121  Removing rows in a 2D array that have the same value
    121  Reading a video directly into Numpy with PyAV (no iterations)
    121  Random obstacle generating algortihm in 2D array
    121  Quickly accessing/querying large delimited text file in python
    121  Python: When running a for loop, how to append each solution to a list, which is appended to a new dictionary?
    121  Python, Pandas, and Pico: Unable to import Pandas, but NumPy is no problem
    121  Python numpy grid transformation using universal functions
    121  python numpy array, sub-array with satisfied condition problem
    121  Python ndarray with elements of different types
    121  python, loading a string from file
    121  python: dictionary and numpy.array issue
    121  Python Dataframe: clean data of one column by comparing values from other columns
    121  Python Creating new columns/attributes across all possible combinations of variables
    121  Python and numpy - Two Arrays to python function - mean, sd and counts [closed]
    121  Possible to use sympy objects inside numpy method?
    121  Populating values in numpy compound dataset is slow; why?
    121  Permute Matrix while keeping some items in place
    121  odd numpy behaviour, what's happening here?
    121  numpy vector multiplication speed?
    121  Numpy: proper way of getting maximum from a list of points
    121  Numpy: prod, what overflow really is?
    121  Numpy merge two arrays can i make a numpy array like this?
    121  numpy matrix population very slow
    121  Numpy In place transpose
    121  Numpy in1D multiple evaluation statements
    121  Numpy 2D array indexing by other 2D along specific axis
    121  Numpy 1D vs nD arrays (index by reference vs. index by value)
    121  Numpy 1D vs nD arrays (index by reference vs. index by value)
    121  Multiply previous and next elements in Python
    121  Merge rows of 2d array if at least one value is equal
    121  Max pool a single image in tensorflow using ''tf.nn.avg_pool''
    121  Map numpy categorical data to a numpy vector
    121  Lost data when read from TFRecords
    121  Linear regression prediction not matching training data
    121  LED Stripes with Teensy and Python
    121  Keep getting this same error with my code - TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
    121  KDTree double type integers
    121  Jello effect when displaying a filtered digital signal
    121  Iterate through a bunch of numpy arrays stored as different variables
    121  Is there a JavaScript equivalent to numpy.linalg.pinv?
    121  Is not it possible to patch the 2d array into array of subarry using functions available in numpy?
    121  Is it possible to implement this version of matrix multiplication using Numpy?
    121  I/O buffer error in numpy
    121  Initializing or populating multiple numpy arrays from h5 file groups
    121  Inconsistent output from Pandas apply function with np.std as function parameter
    121  import numpy on python 3.5 on mac osx
    121  Image processing - How to store image list and its labels in one-hot encoded ndarray?
    121  I cannot understand Tensorflow system
    121  How to use numpy.sort for ndarray
    121  How to translate computation in index notation into sequence of SIMD ops in general case?
    121  How to speed up nested loop of lookup operations?
    121  How to search in one NumPy array for positions for getting at these position the value from a second NumPy array?
    121  How to save a list of numpy arrays into a single file and load file back to original form [duplicate]
    121  How to make a list of lists from two lists
    121  How to index numpy array? [duplicate]
    121  How to import multiple dat files and manipulate data for each file?
    121  How to ignore zeros in matrix multiplications?
    121  How to get the required shape in numpy.linalg.norm
    121  How to effectively store a very large list in python
    121  How to create noisy images for data augmentation
    121  How to create a table in Python that has headers (text), filled with values (int and float)
    121  How to convert from a NumPy data type to a custom data type?
    121  How to combine multiple feature points array in a single one
    121  how to add ripples of this mayavi 3d plot?
    121  Having trouble getting timeit to run with numpy
    121  Get the wrong result by using scipy.optimize.fmin_cobyla
    121  Generating random integer numpy vector with a fixed sum
    121  Generating data associated with a trend
    121  Finding items in one array based upon a second array
    121  filter numpy array by another array of different shape
    121  filtering numpy 2d array by dynamic idx list and dynamic val list (answer given in Q)
    121  FFT plot of raw PCM comes wrong for higher frequency in python
    121  Feeding in custom image into tensorflow during inference
    121  Extract values before and after position in a python list
    121  Extract a row from a 3d numpy matrix
    121  Evaluating einstein summation using numexpr
    121  Error in appending matrices in python
    121  Elementwise multiplication ignoring certain rows of a matrix
    121  Elaborating very large array in Python
    121  Efficient way to create a dense matrix from diagonal vectors in Python?
    121  efficiently apply a function on every pixel based on its location
    121  Does BallTree support customized metric with irregular data now?
    121  Distances to positions on a square integer lattice
    121  Detecting Diagonals in a matrix
    121  Cython Python: Previous declaration is here when i construct __init__ of a class
    121  Cutting off right hand points using matplotlib.pyplot or numpy
    121  Creating a New Numpy Array from Elements in a Numpy Array
    121  Concatenate range arrays given start, stop numbers in a vectorized way - NumPy
    121  Cholesky implementation in python - Solve Ax=b
    121  Can i increase speed of array multiplication in python3
    121  Calculate difference each time the sign changes in a list of values
    121  Broadcasting N-dim array to (N+1)-dim array and summing on all but 1 dim
    121  Breaking down numpy code [closed]
    121  Best approach to fill signal gaps
    121  Autocorrelation function for different shifts with Python
    121  Append two arrays together into one? (Numpy/Python)
    121  Add custom python library path to Pyspark
    120  Why numpy.asarray return an array full of boolean
    120  Why is my scatterplot not rotating?
    120  Why is add and assign (+=) behaving strangely with numpy.ndarrays?
    120  Why doesn't numpy.where give me the correct answer?
    120  Why doesn't my loop work as a single line?
    120  What is the difference between allclose() and array_equal()?
    120  What is a pythonic way of finding maximum values and their indices for moving subarrays for numpy ndarray?
    120  Vectorizing for loop with repeated indices in python
    120  Using python on windows 7 and 10
    120  urllib and “SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED” Error
    120  Update nodal values without for loop using numpy
    120  updated:IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0?
    120  TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable; occurs when calling class from another file
    120  TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type while applying a selfmade Bernoulli fitting on a list
    120  Trying to calculate autocorrelation coefficient with function
    120  Take a numpy view with singleton dimension
    120  Take a numpy array of x points and reshape it into an array of y points
    120  SWIG: Unexpected results with numpy wrappers?
    120  Sum over variable slices of numpy ndarray
    120  Speed up creation of numpy array from list
    120  sorting a complicated collection of 2d euclidian points in in clockwise/counterclockwise fashion to form a closed ring
    120  Separate by threshold
    120  select time range inside pandas dataframe
    120  Saving numpy array such that it is readily available without loading
    120  Same equation gives different values in Matlab and Numpy?
    120  run time warning in asfortranarray
    120  Reading huge amount of Image data with Python and converting them into Numpy array
    120  query properties of numpy dtypes
    120  Pytorch: Updating numpy array not updating the corresponding tensor
    120  Python setting a value in one dataframe based on contiguous dates (''intervals'') in a ''lookup'' dataframe
    120  Python Scipy count Labels wrapping
    120  Python: piecewise polynomial curve fit in the exponential
    120  Python h5py - efficient access of arrays of ragged arrays
    120  Python creating multiple array from a basis array [closed]
    120  Pivoting Dataframe with Pandas [duplicate]
    120  pass numpy 2D double complex array to cython as memoryview
    120  Pandas DataFrame: keep best row combination
    120  Pairwise similarities with numpy without for loop
    120  Optimizing tensor multiplications
    120  Optimizing point - circle distance method
    120  Numpy: vectorized operations to create a 3D array
    120  Numpy syntax for mean
    120  Numpy shuffle rows then sort by one column only
    120  numpy: random select K items from total M(M>K) items?
    120  Numpy or python filter data set for reciprocal relationships
    120  Numpy: how to select the max of an array into another arrays
    120  Numpy ''double''-broadcasting - is it possible?
    120  Numpy array with mixed datatypes throwing ''invalid literal for int() with base 10'' for string
    120  Numba corrupts data by affecting in-place
    120  Multiply all pairs of rows in a Numpy array [duplicate]
    120  Multiplication of 2d arrays with different shapes
    120  Most efficient way to encode presence of elements of a list in another list
    120  Modified SIR model
    120  Merging numpy arrays (inserting extra values into an existing array)
    120  Lookup table using 2 columns to identify rows
    120  logical arrays and mapping in python
    120  Kronecker product of matrix array
    120  Keras Custom CNN Model gives Fluctuating results while serving
    120  Join strings along axis
    120  Jitter function on Geographic coordinates (Latitude/longitudes)
    120  I want to create headings relative to a single point from a list of points with angles between the points. Is there a function for this?
    120  is there a more efficient way to calculate a joint pmf table in Python or R?
    120  Is there a function like numpy.clip(a, a_min, a_max) where values outside a_min and a_max are wrapped rather than saturated?
    120  Is there a better way to resample time series stored into binary files in Python?
    120  In Python's Matplotlib, How can I get thin images to border a main image?
    120  Indexing a numpy ndarray with a numpy ndarray
    120  Inconsistent printing of floats. Why DOES it work sometimes?
    120  Identity value for numpy ufunc reducers
    120  Identify first non-zero element within group composed of multiple columns in pandas
    120  I can't understand this shape from the python code
    120  How use .fillna() with dictionary based on condition
    120  How to view the image in ''.data'' file
    120  How to use numpy where on each element of test array without a for-loop?
    120  How to split a numpy array into subarrays based on a list of numbers?
    120  How to speed up ''for loop'' in Python3
    120  How to reshape numpy array with specific indexing order?
    120  How to pull samples with a tweedie distribution using numpy
    120  How to interpret a three dimensional dataset?
    120  How to get both Hlines and Vlines in the vizualisation
    120  How-To Generate a 3D Numpy Array On-Demand for an LSTM
    120  How to compute the mean of a 2D array with ROI?
    120  How to compute a median and percentiles in numpy on summarised (observation, number_of_responses) data?
    120  How to change the date from YYYY-MM-DD to YYDD-MM-YY in python
    120  How to change column values in dataframe in python?
    120  How to call fft with pythran
    120  How to add the indices (x,y) of array elements (u,v) to get an array of elements (x,y,u,v)?
    120  how to access numpy legendre polynomial basis functions
    120  How do I read from a png image into a numpy array of n*n features in PYTHON
    120  How do I cast a 2D list to a void pointer and back
    120  How can I plot multiple splines when reading random data from txt files
    120  How can I isolate rows in a 2d numpy matrix that match a specific criteria?
    120  Get a python map with the title of the column and the column of data from a data file
    120  Get all combinations of list multiple arrays
    120  Generation of combination of matrix rows
    120  General optimization - implementation in python
    120  Function returned when loading .npy file in python3
    120  Follow up to: numpy multiple slicing booleans
    120  Find specific values inside array
    120  Expand numpy array of indices into a matix
    120  Error upon importing numpy into embedded IronPython engine
    120  Equating coefficients using python
    120  Eigen decomposition of two square matrix in python
    120  Efficient way for calculating selected differences in array
    120  easy to use adaptive mesh refinement for characteristic function - Python
    120  Download a Jpeg image given a URL into numpy array [duplicate]
    120  Custom Data Type with Numpy Load Data
    120  Create a bidiagonal matrix
    120  Converting coef function of R in Python
    120  convert image hash to python built in int
    120  convert 1d array to 2d array with nan values
    120  combine and aggregate data from structured numpy array to another
    120  Collapse a nested dict into a list of dicts in python
    120  changing neural network inputs and outputs
    120  Can't iterate through a collection of individual MSER regions, the images are blank irregardless.
    120  Can I configure Theano's x divided by 0 behavior
    120  Broadcast a 1D array using a 2D array
    120  AttributeError: module 'opcode' has no attribute '__file__' for nuitka executable in a project including pandas and numpy
    120  At the end of my script, how to move my downloaded files to a new folder? [duplicate]
    120  Apply linear transformation to all elements of a numpy array
    120  A function that finds the difference between elements of a 1D array/list e.g. x[n]-x[n-1], x[n-2]-x[n-1] where n is the size of the array/list
    120  Add numpy array to another numpy array but both separate
    120  Adding Gaussian kernels to a numpy array
    119  Writing arrays to text file in particular fomat
    119  why return value is only nan?
    119  Why numpy.var is O(N) space?
    119  Why does numpy.logical_and create a singleton dimension in this example?
    119  When using np.linalg.eigvals, I am getting the first eigenvalue with negative value systematically. Why is this?
    119  What's the most efficient way of binning and reduction in python?
    119  What is the derivative of Shannon's Entropy?
    119  What is being set as np.unit8(array)
    119  What is a Python buffer object pointing to the start of the array’s data?
    119  What does this formula mean?
    119  Vectorize numpy assignment
    119  ValueError: You are trying to merge on object and float64 columns. If you wish to proceed you should use pd.concat
    119  ValueError: math domain error - Black-Scholes Option Valuation
    119  Using ctypes to call C++ function with pointer args
    119  Using combinations or another trick to iterate though 3 different arrays?
    119  Use Sphinx to document a numpy array dtype within the :rtype: field
    119  Unable to import anything in itorch notebook
    119  Truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
    119  ''too many indices'' in single element array
    119  Test if every element of an array is in another array [duplicate]
    119  split an array into a list of arrays
    119  Sort N-D numpy array by column with a smaller N-D array
    119  Sliding windows from 2D array that slides along axis=0 to give a 3D array with dynamic overlapping
    119  Set index to group of repetitive row values in a csv file using Python
    119  Segmentation fault when importing numpy and calling Fortran library
    119  'reverse' transpose / flatten
    119  Reshaping a python numpy array in a custom way
    119  Replacing contents in Columns in each row depending on condition in another column(Pandas)
    119  Remove elements from the array
    119  Reading binary data file in python for analysis
    119  Python: Multiple if conditions depending on parameter
    119  (Python) Mapping between two arrays with a precedence array
    119  Python - how to find numbers in a list which are not the minimum
    119  Python - Copying into Numpy Array of set size
    119  Python - Coding of the Normalized Mean Error
    119  Python attribute error : 'int' object has no attribute 'reshape'
    119  pycharm numpy/tensorflow error
    119  Py2Exe - Addressing NumPy and SciPy dependencies
    119  positioning table created in pyplot.table
    119  Plotting in matplotlib
    119  opening csv file in a numpy.txt in python3
    119  OpenCV - Lane detection 'numpy.ndarray' error
    119  Odd Axis-Offset [duplicate]
    119  Numpy ValueError in broadcasting function with more dimensions
    119  Numpy histogram parameters
    119  Numpy genfromtxt exclude certain rows
    119  Numpy generation of subsets of global array based on mask
    119  Numpy does not restore dimensions correctly (tofile and fromfile calls)
    119  Numpy Array Shape Issue
    119  NumPy Argument Array Split
    119  numpy argsort vs sklearn NearestNeighbors
    119  Numpy 2D Array - Power Of - Not returning an answer?
    119  Multiprocessing large convolutions using Scipy no speed up
    119  Merge two lists into a dictionary and sum over the elements of the second list
    119  memory usage after calling scipy function
    119  Loops & Counters (Python)
    119  Looping through multiple arrays with np.where
    119  Looping and Searching in Numpy Array
    119  Iterating over a 3D numpy array column and changing the value to the neighbor if is below to a number
    119  interpolate with 2 set of data
    119  In python solve for a matrix with restrictions
    119  How to zero out all entries of a dask array less than the top k
    119  How to use Sympys NumPyPrinter?
    119  How to use convergence criteria in a loop to furness matrices in Python
    119  How to understand the matmul function when matrix a is two-dimensional matrix and b is three-dimaimensional matrix?
    119  How to split data by using train_test_split in Python Numpy into train, test and validation data set? The split should not random
    119  How to sample without replacement and reweigh each time (conditional sampling)?
    119  How to DUMP the values of multiple dictionaries to the columns of a 2D array?
    119  How to construct matrix based on condition and position?
    119  How to construct a matrix based on an array in numpy?
    119  How to access numpy array with a set of indices stored in another numpy array?
    119  How do you optimize this code for nn prediction?
    119  How can I accelerate the array assignment in python?
    119  Grouping and sorting boxes (ndarray of coordinates)
    119  for loop & nested list; sample median
    119  For a given sparse matrix, how can I multiply it with a given vector of binary values
    119  Find observations in which both columns are NaN and replace them with 0 in pandas DataFrame
    119  Fast lookup from floating point index into array
    119  Faster searching in Python - Postcodes
    119  Efficient cummulative sum in Python
    119  does pip install -U break virtualenv?
    119  Deleting numpy array elements from a 3d numpy array with given array of indices
    119  Data Type for numpy.rand.seed()
    119  Curve fitting for the function type : y =10^((a-x)/10*b)
    119  Creating list of 2D matrices in Python
    119  could anyone explain the meaning of lomb_scargle in scipy?
    119  Converting Python Dictionary to 3D Matlab Matrix
    119  condition inside a definition, python [closed]
    119  Code optimisation cubic interpolation
    119  Clustering by values in columns
    119  Cluster/Group continuous entries in a dataframe by multiple columns
    119  Check for invariant columns in a numpy array
    119  Can't ''import numpy'' after fresh install Anaconda3 on Mac
    119  Can I do (x_i-x_j)^T(x_i-x_j) for x_i, x_j are rows in a X matrix with numpy native function instead of loop
    119  Can I avoid using `asmatrix`?
    119  Calculations with numpy roll over 3d data
    119  backward count in a numpy array
    119  Avoid for loop using numpy matrices
    119  Append columns to the beginning and end of a 2D array
    119  Add comments before each line when exporting array with numpy.savetxt
    118  Why do NumPy operations with complex infinities lead to funny results?
    118  Why does this trivial usage of PyArray_SimpleNewFromData segfault?
    118  Why doesn't ''numpy.random.random((a,b))'' work?
    118  What numpy optimizations does cython do?
    118  What is the fastest way to get the numpy values from a column slice of a dataframe
    118  What are the semantics of numpy advanced indexing in-place increments when the indices overlap?
    118  using np.ix_ to subset 2D array returns 3D array where the newest dimension is 1
    118  Using euler angles/matrix to rotate in 3d space?
    118  Use the positions of the values of an array in another array with numpy
    118  Unable to load jupyter notebook
    118  TypeError: fun() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given error in sciply.optimize.curve_fit
    118  two different csv file data manipulation using pandas
    118  Trouble plotting histogram Bins are separated and the x-axis values are cramped
    118  The python version of R's %in% function
    118  Stacking masked arrays - the mask not preserved
    118  Split a numpy array by a key array
    118  Speed up matrix calculations(looping over subarrays) [numpy]
    118  Sort but have uniform distribution for a second variable if values are same
    118  smoothing curves with no local extremums using numpy
    118  Shifting data from a GRIB2 file
    118  Separating image into channels by using numpy
    118  Selecting data on median value
    118  Scatterplot - shift points for dx (dt) in a timeseries
    118  Reshaping tensors in a 3D numpy matrix
    118  Remove N first rows of a column from a DataFrame
    118  Rearrange data in two-dimensional array according to transformation from polar to Cartesian coordinates
    118  reading names with genfromtxt missing hyphen
    118  Random seeding in open AI gym
    118  Quick way to check multiple similar elements within list of arrays Python
    118  Python - ValueError: ('Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects', 'occurred at index Alkaline_Phosphotase')
    118  Python sparse matrix files all same size
    118  Python shuffle array that has very few non zeros (very sparsey)
    118  Python scipy module installation for Python2.7 and Python 3.4
    118  Python: retrieve values after index in each column of table
    118  Python. nwise numpy array iteration
    118  Python numpy, reshape/transform array avoiding iteration through rows
    118  python negative sum of rows on matrix diagonal efficiently
    118  Python MNIST Digit Data Testing Failure
    118  Python: iterating over arrays with different sizes
    118  python for a in b, a not in b
    118  Python - Faster Way To Compare Every Item of a Matrix to Every Other Item
    118  python argwhere with and as well as or
    118  Problems loading custom text data in scikit-learn
    118  Probability density function using histogram data
    118  Points in a rectangle All
    118  plotly 3D surface projections filled
    118  Pandas vs Numpy indexing: Why this fundamental difference in ordering of indices?
    118  Pandas framework: determining the count of a column data
    118  Overriding histogram to add elements instead of counting
    118  OpenCV Watermark keeping aspect ratio not giving same input/output results
    118  numpy, replace column with array
    118  Numpy, multiply dataframe by number outputting NaN
    118  NumPy equivalent of pandas datetime accessor operations
    118  numpy custom array element retrieval
    118  Numpy Cannot convert the array to ndarray
    118  Numpy: can I do tensor Hadamard multiplication without einsum?
    118  NumPy bitwise ''and'' fails for int32 & long, but not for long & int32; why?
    118  Numpy array vectorized intersection
    118  numpy array processing takes more time than list processing python
    118  Numerical error when converting array to list
    118  Normalizing sparse.csc_matrix by its diagonals
    118  My use of Scipy curve_fit does not seem to work well
    118  Most efficient way to set attributes on objects in array
    118  More help using numpy normal distributions
    118  Memory runs out when creating a numpy array from a list of lists in python
    118  Load csv into a specific slice of an numpy array
    118  Lists of arrays: How can I see if an array in one list is in another list?
    118  Iterate multi-dimensional array and search for points that form squares
    118  Is there a way to save an entire ''alignment field/column'' into a NumPy array using Samtools?
    118  In PyTorch/Numpy, how to multiply rows of a matrix with ''matrices'' in a 3-D tensor?
    118  I need to find the location of a value in one numpy array and use it to refer to a value in the same location of another numpy array
    118  Indexing and replacing values in sparse CSC matrix (Python)
    118  Implement __eq__ for Python objects that contain deeply nested numpy arrays
    118  How to STATICALLY compile python code using numpy and tkinter
    118  How to render images from a random uint8array
    118  How to obtain an m*n sub-matrix from a p*q larger matrix in numpy
    118  How to Insert New Rows (with a condition) in Excel using Python / Pandas
    118  How to group by a pandas.Dataframe's columns based on the indexes and values of another pandas.Series?
    118  How to find single largest value from all rows and column array in Python and also show its row and column index
    118  How to efficiently work with large complex numpy arrays?
    118  How to check python code including libraries?
    118  How to change np.nan type Nat to NaN
    118  How to change a matrix's dimension without using reshape in Python
    118  How to calculate the entropy rate of a numpy ndarray?
    118  How does numpy.random.choice work with replacement?
    118  How can I take a list and add elements in columns in intervals?
    118  How can I plot function values on a sphere?
    118  How can I find the percentage of times that a point in a 2D numpy array is greater than the corresponding point in a reference array, for all points?
    118  Global keyword in python: why, reputation and &iquest;real use? [duplicate]
    118  Get the relative extrema from 1D numpy array
    118  Get the index of which the sum is max Python 3
    118  Generating numpy array of indices for a deduplicated set of points
    118  Find Top N Most Frequent Sequence of Numbers in List of Lists
    118  Find the average using python numpy
    118  Finding the leftmost and the rightmost cell that is True in a 2d-list of booleans (Python)
    118  Find index of the first and/or last value in a column that is not NaN
    118  Find indexes of equal numpy 2D rows
    118  Find an efficient way to perform a MAX, byte per byte, on 2 huge buffers
    118  extracting characters from strings and forming new columns in Python
    118  error while saving video stream in pickle file
    118  Elements arrangement in Python
    118  Efficiently sum elements of a numpy array corresponding to indices matched by another array
    118  Efficient dense counterpart to scipy.sparse.diags
    118  drawing plot for function with 2 arguments in Python
    118  Different accuracy at every run of LSTM model [duplicate]
    118  Cost of simple non object oriented Neural Network ''jumping''
    118  Convert Scatter to Contour, every dot turns into a highland
    118  Convert large array of floats to colors and write to binary efficiently
    118  Concatenate 3 different datasets for plot
    118  compute eigenvalues for movielens dataset
    118  Comparing more than two numpy arrays
    118  Compare a list with a date in pandas in Python
    118  combine 3d arrays into a 4d array in numpy
    118  Change np.seterr behavior inside a function only
    118  Cannot Read numpy From libpgm
    118  Can not put the result of Bessel function into numpy's array
    118  Can not flatten the array with numpy
    118  Basic Python programming help needed: Arrays and random locations
    118  balance positives and negatives in numpy
    118  Are there some efficient ways to find row(s) meeted conditons which referred to the values in next some rows?
    118  Are there function calls that can replace the for loops in this code?
    118  Adding Zero Arrays to Pandas Dataframe
    118  2D sparse matrix multiplied by 3D array
    117  xarray groupby: Apply different reducers to variables
    117  Writing a binary file
    117  Why is my code using 4th Runge-Kutta isn't giving me the expected values?
    117  Why does the Python MNIST parser hardcode the value ''2051''?
    117  What's faster : using nested list comprehensions or a NumPy array?
    117  What is the best approach for calculating euclidean distance between 100s of images with Python moderngl? [closed]
    117  What is causing this simple function to plot poorly?
    117  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1,720,1080,3) (128,)
    117  using sympy solver and numpy dot doesn't work
    117  using pandas dataframe to set indices in numpy array
    117  Use 1d boolean index to select out of 2d array
    117  Trying to interpolate over multiple arrays
    117  Trouble finding numpy.i
    117  Transform numpy 2d array like GIMP/Photoshop canvas
    117  Transform all elements positionally below 0 into 0 in a matrix (Python)
    117  Test frequency off by a factor of 2 with numpy fft
    117  Summing partly overlapping matrices
    117  Stretch lists to fit each others sizes
    117  Strange patterns obtained with healpy mollweide projection
    117  Speeding Up Matrix Inversion
    117  Sort two lists of lists by index of inner list [duplicate]
    117  Slicing a 3-Dimensional ndarray in python
    117  Saving autoencoder output array as an image
    117  role of [:] in numpy
    117  Return values from a list where difference != 2
    117  R equivalent of Numpy.std? [duplicate]
    117  Python: raise an exception when out of main memory [duplicate]
    117  python numpy array data manipulation
    117  Python np.arange weird behavior
    117  Python not computing equation correctly
    117  python how to read files with block structure
    117  python correlation coefficent
    117  Python convert ndarray object to 2d array [duplicate]
    117  python convert informal complex number file to formal amplitude data
    117  python - choose top k elements of column 2 for each value of column 1 in sorted numpy matrix
    117  Problem with ''ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead''
    117  Partial random selection of items from numpy array from items that meet certain condition [duplicate]
    117  Partial convolution / correlation with numpy [duplicate]
    117  Parallelize in Cython without GIL
    117  pandas - groupby and select variable amount of random values according to column
    117  Pandas DataFrame.apply going very slow for scipy.stats
    117  Optimizing code resampling with large size tick data
    117  Occurrence of list in ndarray [duplicate]
    117  Numpy with mpmath uses single thread for matrix multiplication
    117  NumPy ufuncs are 2x faster in one axis over the other
    117  Numpy Memmap Ctypes Access
    117  numpy installation error on win10_x64(UnicodeEncodeError)
    117  Numpy generate random whole number
    117  Numpy: flat a dictionary
    117  Numpy array 'for' loop in Python
    117  Numpy array element equivalence check [duplicate]
    117  Not able to change Dtype 'O' to str in dataframe
    117  Nest simulator: C compiler cannot create executable
    117  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy' after converting from Bash to Zsh
    117  memory allocation in numpy.repeat
    117  matplotlib - Shunt x-axis labels
    117  Matplotlib: how to plot colored points without looping?
    117  Maths on numpy dtypes
    117  Make array iteration faster using views
    117  LOGNORM.INV function of excel in python scipy
    117  Jupyter notebook freezing on a specific line of code
    117  ipython3 numpy array not saving
    117  Indexing returns error in Numpy after flatten
    117  increase speed for looping through numpy array
    117  How to write multidimensional NumPy array to disk the same as struct.pack?
    117  How to transpose arrays inside an array
    117  How to parallelize a while loop?
    117  How to find the index of repeats in a 2d array?
    117  How to do a cumulative ''all''
    117  How to create n-dimensional binary array in Python?
    117  How to convert nested array to multidimensional array(tensor) in Python
    117  How to build argsecondmax in Numpy
    117  How to avoid less precise sum for numpy-arrays with multiple columns
    117  how do I remove columns from a collection of ndarrays that correspond to zero elements of one of the arrays?
    117  How can I replace the FOR loop by something faster
    117  How can I combine multiple numpy arrays into a single memoryview for cython?
    117  Groupby() the words with comma separator
    117  Give a numpy array of zeros and ones of varying length specific tags
    117  Getting rows in a Numpy array that meet several criteria
    117  Getting indices from numpy array and applying to 2nd lower dimensional array to create new array
    117  Get numpy ndarray offset
    117  Get dimensions of numpy structured (i.e. record) array?
    117  get certain element from each dimension in a numpy ndarray
    117  Get a recarray view of an ndarray (which may also be a view)
    117  Formatting 2D array with older version of NumPy
    117  Format RGB to Hex using Numpy Array Operations
    117  flatten large list of lists, deallocate along the way
    117  Find when the values of a pandas.Series change by at least x
    117  Find occurrences of a value in a numpy array and assign it appropriate weights
    117  FIFO method using numpy
    117  Faster way running ndnumerate on large numpy array
    117  Fast array/list type for holding numpy ndarrays
    117  Expand numbers in a list
    117  Efficiently updating distance between points
    117  Efficient grouping in numpy
    117  Dynamically create variables in python [duplicate]
    117  Duplicate numpy array rows where the number of duplications varies
    117  cumulative addition in numpy
    117  Creating undirected and weighted graph from 2 numpy arrays in Python
    117  creating and manipulating 3d arrays
    117  Create New Pandas DataFrame Column with Values using Previous Row
    117  Create 3D NumPy array with sequential number
    117  Copying cells from Libreoffice Calc to IPython console in Spyder
    117  Convert ragged list into 2d array [duplicate]
    117  Converting String to int array
    117  Computing ratings in matrix in python
    117  Compute autoregressive formula in pandas
    117  Check if positive value exist in dataframe
    117  Changing a string into a comma separated numpy int array
    117  Broken symmetry of operations between Boolean pandas.Series with unequal index
    117  Broadcasting minus in tensor in numpy
    117  Best way to get length of numpy unicode string dtype
    117  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'pdf'
    117  Assignment to numpy structured array
    117  Array of array and filtering performance
    117  Apply a weight formula over a Dataframe using Numpy
    117  Any fast method to cast a numpy array to a custom class?
    117  An elegant way to unpool matrix with numpy [duplicate]
    117  Add extra linear plot in matplotlib [duplicate]
    116  Why this slicing example doesn't work in NumPy the same way it works with standard lists?
    116  Why do I explicitly need to .copy() a numpy array/list? [duplicate]
    116  Why am I getting a negative cost function for logistic regression using gradient descent in python?
    116  What is the syntax to instantiate a structured dtype in numpy?
    116  What does the savethread / restore thread do?
    116  VTK vtkDataSet to 3D numpy array and back
    116  Vectorizing the addition of results to a numpy array
    116  Variable changes value without changing it at all in the program
    116  Use numpy to translate huge array of 2-byte strings to corresponding 1-byte strings according to a fixed mapping
    116  Use each neighbor once in sklearn NearestNeighbor
    116  Trying to install splash in R, without luck
    116  Trouble sending np.zeros through to tf.placeholder
    116  Translating a gridded csv file with numpy
    116  The shape and __len__ of an array return 4 when there is only 1 row?
    116  Tensorflow model to Numpy
    116  Split n-dimensional array into 2D arrays along each axis
    116  Speeding up operations on large arrays & datasets (Pandas slow, Numpy better, further improvements?)
    116  Sort an array with numerical values: the good way
    116  Some regex doesn't work in numpy arrays
    116  Should I store the values in dictionary or compute on-the-fly?
    116  select required data from numpy array
    116  Scipy library similarity score calculations
    116  Rounding all elements in a FieldValueArray
    116  Return row/column values from array underneath lines
    116  Resize and interpolate ndarray on specific axis
    116  removing one row of elements from a numpy structured array to send to a linear least squares fit
    116  Recursively calling functions within functions in Python (trying to replicate MATLAB behaviour)
    116  Read/Write NumPy Structured Array very slow, linear in size slow
    116  read number arrays in text file into numpy array - python
    116  python: unpacking an array of dictionaries in a matrix
    116  Python: Stretch 2D array into 3D based on corresponding array with 3rd-dimension index
    116  python(numpy)  -  another way to produce array (from another array)
    116  python numerically solving an equation with no sign change between the upper and lower bound
    116  python, how to write conditions in a function?
    116  Python: how to improve a normalization algorithm?
    116  python: how to decide the distance between two interpolated points?
    116  Python: find consecutive values in 3D numpy array without using groupby?
    116  Python: Fastest way to get all masks for an array
    116  Python - cross array multiplication
    116  Python: Concatenate 3 matrices to a list
    116  Python Checking the Value of an Element in an Array
    116  Preserving dimensions with variable NumPy slice
    116  Passing np.array indexes into functions
    116  pandas rolling window: Avoiding O(n^2) in for loops
    116  Pandas - revert many hot encoded (dummy variables)
    116  Pandas DataFrame including three numpy arrays
    116  Optimization of code snippet including multiple np.multipy statements
    116  OpenCV Exposure Compensation Without The Need To Stitch Images
    116  OpenCV: Colorization failure
    116  Numpy Summing All At Once Gives NaN, But Summing Separately Does Not
    116  numpy: setting duplicate values in a row to 0
    116  numpy.ndarray syntax understanding for confirmation
    116  Numpy multiarray failed to import (Win 10, Anaconda 3)
    116  numpy masked_array mask changes type
    116  Numpy load result file saved in append mode
    116  Numpy Error - Only On Linux
    116  NumPy: Dot product of diagonal elements
    116  Numpy data loaded from file using memmap throws exception when used in formatted output
    116  Numpy check if a matrix can be transformed to another matrix by swaping columns
    116  Numpy array into matrix
    116  numpy array flags information is not saved when dumping to pickle
    116  np.nditer return type for reference types
    116  Non conformable array error when using rpart with rpy2
    116  Matplotlib variable issues
    116  Mark edges in an image
    116  List of Structure subclass returns wrong values when casting to numpy array
    116  Least-square fitting, confusing assignment query for python scipy
    116  Iterate through a numpy ndarray, manage first and last elements
    116  invalid type comparison with Booleans in Pandas
    116  interaction of pandas and numpy
    116  Indices of intersection between arrays
    116  Index of smallest neighbouring cell greater than a value in 2D array
    116  Indexing error: shape mismatch: indexing arrays could not be broadcast together with shapes
    116  Improving pandas performance with apply method
    116  Improve performance of function without parallelization
    116  Implementing conv1d with numpy operations
    116  implementation support vectors in python
    116  Identify the index values of non-consecutive zeros
    116  How to uniformly fill a volume of a convexHull given by a list of 3d points?
    116  How to turn a list into a 2x2 array that is understood by contourf
    116  How to transform a sparse pandas dataframe to a 2d numpy array
    116  How to set the fixed random seed in numpy?
    116  How to save multiple files in loop using pylab
    116  How to save a list of variables whose names (as strings) are given?
    116  How to remove duplicated columns and last 5 rows from a Dataframe
    116  How to remove a item in a list that repeats itself? (Python) [duplicate]
    116  How to randomly choose 1 sample for each category in numpy array (integer encoded)
    116  How to make a Numpy 3D array with different length in the 2nd dimension?
    116  How to have nested numpy()'s np.where, or, one after the other?
    116  How to get the coordinates along a line/path from left to right with Numpy Python
    116  How to find the minimum of list with numpy arrays
    116  How to find and truncate a list to the nearest power of 2 (in the most pythonic way) [duplicate]
    116  How to delete rows where specific column value is not within other array?
    116  How to copy content of a numpy matrix to another?
    116  How to append an 1-D numpy array to a multi-dimensional numpy array
    116  How do we draw a curve between outlines / boundaries in Python?
    116  How do I loop through an array python with apply?
    116  How do I concatenate an array into a 3D matrix?
    116  How can I reduce the memory footprint of this numpy gradient descent code?
    116  Getting hour and minute out of a numpy array that encodes time
    116  getting counterintuitive results with numpy FFT when calculating mean frequency and ESD Progression
    116  Get only those elements of array that match all elements of test array?
    116  Get list of indices matching condition with NumPy [duplicate]
    116  Generating a list of random numbers, using custom bounds and summing to a desired value
    116  Generate random unit vector in d dimensional space in Python [duplicate]
    116  Generate a column based on a constraint in pandas
    116  GDCM ImageRegionReader from Python
    116  Find numpy.int_ in array of int_s using numba
    116  find index of similar values
    116  find couple of objects from a dataframe
    116  Failed to append an element to a numpy array
    116  Extract indices of a 2D binary array
    116  Execution time difference in matrix multiplication caused by parentheses
    116  Error: ''Your deployment does not have an associated swagger.json'' - ACI deployment on Stream Analytics Job
    116  Errors about Mahalanobis Distance
    116  Equivalent behavior to unix cut -c in numpy?
    116  Doing Calculations On a Two-Dimensional Array Using For Loop
    116  Dictionary of 4-D numpy array: how to optimize?
    116  Custom wrapper for containers implementing __iter__ and __getitem__
    116  Creating a list of (kxn) matrix
    116  Create new list with copied and averaged items from old list
    116  create a numpy array from the minimum values in the rows of an array
    116  Converting array to raw binary python. Getting question mark character in file
    116  Condition checking in two complex multi-dimensional arrays of same shape
    116  Conditional statements in a loop
    116  Combine Linear Regression with pandas rolling
    116  Checking if value exists in SQLite table using Python while statement
    116  changing the values of a list if they are more than a certain value
    116  Change code to process NumPy array instead of Pandas dataframe
    116  Can I vectorise this python code?
    116  Can covariance of A be used to calculate A'*A?
    116  calculations using np.arrays in python
    116  calculate individual frequencies for both elements of a pair of this 2 elements from a numpy matrix in python
    116  Bug (?) with numpy indexing
    116  Bounding box annotation,going from 4 points to 8
    116  best practice for multidimensional arrays in python
    116  Average closest coordinates in Python
    116  Adding up all pairs of columns of two matrices
    116  Accessing a list given a condition on another list in Python
    115  Why is there different asinh output from numpy depending on OS?
    115  When a string is used as an input into numpy.mat(), certain characters are ignored
    115  What's a pythonic way to generate an array with a diagonal edge?
    115  what files to include with compiled f2py extension on Mac
    115  Weighted data problems, mean is fine, but Covar and std look wrong, how do I adjust?
    115  Vectorize python code for improved performance
    115  Value error with numpy arrays (shapes)
    115  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. Neural network [duplicate]
    115  Unwanted [Nan] output in Python neural network
    115  Udacity Deep Learning: Assignment 1, Part 5
    115  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted
    115  Two gaussian mixture swapped values. Global optimization
    115  Trouble with for loop for python process [closed]
    115  Transforming float values using a function is performance bottleneck
    115  Syntax for np.array([args.width, args.width]) and np.zeros(5)
    115  Supporting Python Scripting/Dependencies for mid-sized distribution?
    115  Solving differential equation with ODEINT in python
    115  Sequence of division and multiplication in matrices and vectors
    115  Selection of second columns data based on match of first column with another text file in python
    115  Selecting rows from 2d numpy array given a condition from a function
    115  scipy.stats.uniform.expect have a different value than manual calculation
    115  Scipy.stats.anderson returns an array instead of a float as described in documentation
    115  scipy BLAS routine does not overwrite input despite using overwrite_a=True
    115  Sagemaker From RecordIO To Sparse Matrix
    115  Resizing a (r x c) array to (r*2 x c-1)
    115  Replace a zero sequence with other value
    115  repeat array in arbitary length
    115  Removing values with mixed datatypes
    115  Removing entries from arrays in a parallel manner
    115  Reduce size of array based on multiple column criteria in python
    115  Python Numpy: Structured Arrays vs Same Datatype Array Operation Cost
    115  Python Numpy - Image Array - Re-Order Rows
    115  Python-numpy ... how to reduce run time?
    115  python numpy array padding issue
    115  Python numpy array concatenation
    115  Python Numpy add an array at array index
    115  Python Memory error calling exec
    115  Python list cross-identification (overlap?) by specific equation
    115  Python iterate the list with decimal precision
    115  Python: Interesting json.dumps serialization quirk
    115  Python BoxCox function yields empty array
    115  python and image processing
    115  Python 3.6: create new dict using values from another as indices
    115  PyCharm auto import NumPy as np
    115  Probability list creation
    115  polynomial fitting in a semilogy plot in python
    115  plotting multiple contour plots on the same figure
    115  Plot k-NN Error : IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 1
    115  Pandas masked dataframe assign 2D array
    115  Pandas - Filtering text and data
    115  Pandas DF Multiple Conditionals using np.where
    115  Overflow encountered in square
    115  OpenCV write jpeg buffer into Popen object
    115  Numpy: Why is difference of a (2,1) array and a vertical matrix slice not a (2,1) array
    115  numpy.where condition to select specific vertical columns in 2D array
    115  numpy where condition output explained
    115  Numpy/Pytorch dtype conversion / compatibility
    115  Numpy multiply each column of array A by the corresponding row of array B, without looping
    115  Numpy: Imputing NaN values either buggy (sklearn) or doesn change the array
    115  Numpy equal to not working properly
    115  numpy doesn't recognize data types in conversion
    115  Numpy, avoid loop in 3d array difference nested summation
    115  numpy and multiprocessing, how it work [duplicate]
    115  Non-overlapping sliding window for 2D numpy array?
    115  New array of smaller size excluding one value from each column
    115  My numpy and pytorch codes have totally different results
    115  Multidimensional arrays, using range, while simultaneously having a set start, stop, and step?
    115  List of vectors multiplied by one matrix with numpy einsum
    115  Linear regression minimizing errors only above the linear
    115  Indexing numpy array with index array of lower dim yields array of higher dim than both
    115  Indexing an array inside an array
    115  I'm having difficulty understanding the syntax of scipy.optimize
    115  Hypothesis strategy generating inf when specifically asked not to
    115  How to vectorize this python loop involving millions of records
    115  How to sort xy coordinates to get a continuous polygon
    115  how to solve a image puzzle by numpy array?
    115  How to save multiple numpy array in npz in for loop?
    115  How to remove data from numpy.memmap
    115  How to perform operations with row arrays using numpy?
    115  How to iterate a 4 by 4 NumPy matrix class?
    115  How to delete an element in an array depending on another array modification in Python
    115  How to create a BSpline or polyfit graph where the x values are datetime objects?
    115  How to convert a 3d RGB NumPy array to float without changing the image?
    115  How to compute angular velocity using numpy-quaternion
    115  How to add new columns by reindex in pivot table in python?
    115  How slicing inequality interval by numpy or scipy
    115  Getting empty plots when using subplots in matplotlib
    115  Generate the initial game board of a Candy-Crush-like game
    115  Generate random numpy array from a given list of elements with at least one repetition of each element
    115  Generate a 2D list based on probability
    115  Fuse two arrays
    115  From tuples to linear equations with numpy
    115  float precision in numpy arrays differ from their elements
    115  Find all months between two date columns and generate row for each month
    115  Filter numpy ndarray with another ndarray, row by row
    115  Extend numpy array in a way compatible with builtin arrays
    115  Error in writing a pyspark map into a txt file
    115  Equivalent of numpy '' method in Tensorflow
    115  Duplicate values on Numpy array when setting dtype
    115  Divide each plane of cube by its median without loop
    115  Delete column of a NumPy matrix in Python keeping index of all other columns intact
    115  customizing np.fft.fft function in python
    115  Create array using lists (consisting of lists) but without flattening inner lists - python
    115  Count number of occurrences of an array without overlap in another array
    115  Count how often a specific string occurs in a list
    115  Count Arrays containing only zero's without loop
    115  Copying Data Between 3D Numpy Arrays Where A Condition Is True
    115  Convert a 17 digit unix timestamp into something matplotlib understands
    115  Compute the reverse cumulative product from right to left
    115  Circle Graphing Program Null Value Errors (Python 3.4)
    115  Changing specific values in a numpy array with += using values from a different array via an index list
    115  Cartesian product from 2 series
    115  Can this python function be vectorized?
    115  Broadcasting index operations in numpy
    115  Blitz code produces different output
    115  Assigning numpy array elements through predefined array
    115  Application of numpy methods
    115  A mathematical explanation for why variance of bootstrap estimates decreases
    115  Algorithmic help in Python, find pair (x,y) where y/x > const
    115  Add pandas dummy into numpy array?
    115  Adding to an existing element in numpy array?
    114  Why the result always is around 2.87
    114  Why is multiprocessing Pool.join() taking so long?
    114  Why does principal component analysis give me drastically different results?
    114  Why cumulative sum is not being carried over in the following numerical integration to calculate the area bewteen two curves?
    114  What's a fast (non-loop) way to apply a dict to a ndarray (meaning use elements as keys and replace with values)
    114  What is the overhead imposed by mmapping a numpy array located on a ramdisk?
    114  what causes different in array sum along axis for C versus F ordered arrays in numpy
    114  WebJob Python Error ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']
    114  very simple Signal Processing
    114  vectorization code double for loop python
    114  Using the convolution theorem and FFT does not lead to the same result as the scipy.convolve function
    114  using recursion in json
    114  Updating python numpy array columns multiple times
    114  Unexpected behaviour of scipy.integrate
    114  Understanding python arrays
    114  Ultimate flexibility with einsum ellipses
    114  transform irregular timeseries into zscores relative to closest neighbors
    114  Train, Test, Validate split Python. Three sets
    114  Tracking Python 2.7.x object attributes at class level to quickly construct numpy array
    114  Time complexity of Boolean operators on pandas dataframes
    114  TF2.0: How to create a tensor with numpy attribute
    114  Summing selected elements of a matrix in Python
    114  Spyder console lock-up caused by ''IndexError: too many indices for array''
    114  Spurious notches in numerical integration results using quad from scipy.integrate
    114  sorting via argsort - generalization to 2d matrices
    114  slicing two lists to have same size using for loop in python
    114  Simple Linear Regression Error in updating cost function and Theta Parameters
    114  Seam Insertion in Numpy Arrays
    114  Scipy spectrogram loop error
    114  Scipy - solving ODE system of the form: A*dy/dt = f(t, y)
    114  Scipy Interpolate Gridded Data Won't Display With Mathplotlib.pyplot
    114  scipy installed, but import scipy fails, import numpy Ok
    114  reverse numpy reference cartesian product
    114  Repeating a function on a numpy array
    114  Reordering numpy array indices
    114  Refilling an existing numpy array in Python
    114  Python Sympy ufuncify FallingFactorial
    114  Python select tuples with conditions
    114  python opencv sliding window issue
    114  Python (NumPy) Arrays with Alternative Lengths which can not be predefined
    114  Python Error Code
    114  python char replace while readingfile
    114  Populating python matrix
    114  Populate column in a dataframe A based on a range given by two other columns in dataframe B
    114  pmneila Maching cube, configure input
    114  plotting a logistic regression :ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
    114  pandas how to efficiently split large dataframe into two sets with a grouped condition on datetime
    114  Pairwise correlations in dataframe frame, diving the columns
    114  Optimizing a numpy calculation for an audio DSP program
    114  Numpy strange behavior past end of array
    114  Numpy shuffle a subset of an array
    114  numpy replace 2d bool array with sum of consecutive elements across an axis efficiently
    114  numpy finding indices of good values
    114  Numpy: Fancy Indexing over Multiple arrays
    114  Numpy error - windows 10
    114  numpy count where the difference between values bigger than something
    114  Numpy arrays: can I multiply only a few elements in the array and not all of them?
    114  Numpy array multidimensional indexing with list IndexError: shape mismatch
    114  New numpy array from attribute of objects in another numpy array
    114  Neural Networks : Padding Numpy array to match largest shape
    114  Multithreading in Python script
    114  Move Null rows to the bottom of the dataframe
    114  Most Efficient way to sum rgb values with numpy
    114  Minimizing an array and value in Python
    114  Matplotlib: Time axes and limits
    114  Mathematical rounding
    114  Making all possible symmetric 4x4 pixel images
    114  Make Python code with third party libraries useable for unix server
    114  Looping through an array based on the first index
    114  Load a 3D .mat file as a grayscale numpy array
    114  List comprehension not working in python
    114  Is there a method to test whether two shapes can be broadcast in numpy?
    114  Is NumPy broadcasting associative?
    114  Increase a numpy array's elements by 1 at particular indices (for use with grouping an astropy table)
    114  ImportError: cannot import name 'Lock' from 'threading'
    114  Implement numpy's triu_indices with avx in c++
    114  How to vectorize this Python code
    114  How to split an array based on minimum row value using vectorization
    114  How to seperate single list into multiple list in python?
    114  How to make a loop for going through the input variables in python?
    114  How to get uniformly distributed points in convex hull?
    114  How to get the index of an numpy.ndarray
    114  How to get N random integer numbers whose sum is equal to M
    114  How to generate all points in Python for 0< x_1+x_2+x_3<1, x_1>0,x_2>0,x_3>0, say dx=0.01
    114  How to find phase spectrum of an image in opencv python
    114  How to extract decision rules to define final/terminal nodes in decision tree classifier and print code that would use numpy arrays
    114  How to efficiently fill a time series?
    114  How to do a Z-projection (like in ImageJ) using numpy arrays?
    114  How to create list of all parts of elements in NumPy array (Python list)
    114  How to copy contents of one numpy array to another while maintaining indices?
    114  How to convert a (10000, 10, 10) array to (10000, 100, 1) in python? [duplicate]
    114  How to Concatenate Mnist Test and Train Images?
    114  How to compute ''doubling time'' of discrete time series using Pandas or Numpy?
    114  How to change the base of NumPy logistic function?
    114  How to assign a bytes object to a NumPy array slice?
    114  How to apply np.ceil to a structured numpy array
    114  How do I get a line where the area on each side is equal?
    114  How do I easily (and efficiently) delete a single element from array?
    114  How can I set a range to work with numpy's arange
    114  How can i scale the dates (from oldest to most recent) in my file using python? [closed]
    114  How can i save a list/matrix in binary format in KDB?
    114  How can I optimize this NumPy code?
    114  How can I make a solid shift hue over time in python?
    114  Gradient Descent in Python 3
    114  Get elements of a numpy array that satisfy some condition [duplicate]
    114  Frustrated with multiprocessing module in python (windows server 2008)
    114  Forward vs reverse mode differentiation - Pytorch
    114  Fast access to numpy.ndarray
    114  Extract trio from the sequences using apriori or some other approach
    114  Extract sub arrays based on kernel in numpy
    114  Extract indices of sublists found within a list
    114  Exception in thread Thread-5: TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
    114  Efficiently find indices of all values in an array
    114  Efficiently apply function to spheric neighbourhood in numpy array
    114  Draw random samples from a custom (Epanechnikov) function
    114  Double loops for ''concatenation of subarrays in bigger array''
    114  Delete columns based on repeat value in one row in numpy array
    114  Data Frame Subset
    114  Creating random Tensors in Swift for Tensorflow
    114  Create array of lists with random values [duplicate]
    114  Conversion: np.array of indices to np.array of corresponding dict entries
    114  Compute distance matrix for sequences of unequal lengths
    114  Choosing random number where probability is random in Python
    114  Changing a number into zero in a matrix
    114  cannot import numpy when script located in a subdirectory
    114  Averaging a specific portion of a numpy array
    114  Asymmetric slicing python
    114  Append a numpy.array to a certain numpy.array stored in a list
    114  Add rows in array with nested loop
    114  Add a description string to a numpy array
    114  Accessing matrix elements
    113  Without a roadmap, can DLR be used with IronPython, assuming it will continue to be packaged in future .NET Versions
    113  Why is python only outputting 6 numbers seperated by ' ... ', when the expectation is output of 10,000 numbers? [duplicate]
    113  Why does NumPy advanced indexing yield different results for list of lists and numpy array?
    113  Why doesn't code acceleration work with Cython?
    113  why does (10 + (-inf)) results in -inf?
    113  What is the formal way to load numpy package?
    113  What is the easiest way to detect a cross-over in values of 1d list?
    113  Visualizing complex function z1^n + z2^n = 1
    113  Using numpy to calculate mean?
    113  Using astropy.fits and numpy to apply coincidence corrections to SWIFT fits image
    113  Unpacking first dimension of NumPy array into pyplot.plot
    113  understanding the numpy where function
    113  Type casting python int to long in scipy.weave.inline
    113  Transform flair language model tensors for viewing in TensorBoard Projector
    113  Sum up dictionary elements in numpy
    113  Subclassing numpy arrays with axis-specific attributes
    113  Strategy to combine RGB image (numpy array) and a pandas dataframe
    113  Storing a big sparse matrix in memory to compute eigenvalues
    113  Specifying a numpy.datype to read GPX trackpoints
    113  Sort single column numpy arrays using another numpy array in Python
    113  sort numpy array of lists
    113  Sigmoid going out of bound
    113  Shape of numpy array is changing while saving the data
    113  scikit-learn transformer that bins data based on user supplied cut points
    113  Saving the results as LUT
    113  Return numpy matrix without specific row
    113  Return most common value (mode) of a matrix / array
    113  Replacing values represented by 'UN' with NaN
    113  Remove empty elements with all zeros along a numpy 4D array using mask
    113  Rearrange image in Python
    113  Reading structured column data with numpy
    113  Python, Splitting Multiple Strings in a Column
    113  Python sorting issue x[y[:,0]>50]
    113  Python/Numpy: Arrange rows from file into columns in new file
    113  Python - Multiply matrices with different numbers of columns
    113  Python matrix loops [closed]
    113  python loops very slow
    113  Pythonic way of multiple for loops that create new lists on each iteration, and also clean data?
    113  Python HDF5 / NumPy printing array differently
    113  python function to find local maxima/peaks from array
    113  python fastest way to match strings with huge data size
    113  Python Creating Array with function
    113  Python: checking which bins two time points belong to
    113  Python 2.7 creating a matrix from lists
    113  putting headers into an array, python
    113  Purpose/status of the attribute numpy.dtype.base
    113  Problems when plotting integrated singular functions in matplotlib
    113  .png image to numpy array conversion code error
    113  Plot intensity values to unsorted coordinates using mesh grid
    113  Plot 3rd axis of a 3D numpy array
    113  Pip install numpy throws ''not supported'' error. But I swear I have the right version
    113  One-line piece of script to read a single row in a file as numpy.array
    113  Oceanographic plotting in Python
    113  Numpy syntax for linear equation
    113  Numpy strange behavior - sanity check. How is this possible?
    113  Numpy salt and pepper image on color region?
    113  Numpy: Randomly replace N values
    113  NumPy/Pandas: convert array of ''steps'' into bool mask
    113  numpy.maximum.reduce not returning maximum value
    113  numpy indexing with multiple arrays
    113  numpy fromstring deprecated use frombuffer instead
    113  'numpy.float64' object is not iterable - Content-based filtering model
    113  numpy .dot using lists and arrays, whats the difference
    113  Numpy : difference between np.repeat and np.broadcast_to
    113  numpy array slicing, why sometimes 2-d array and sometimes 1-d array
    113 output incorrect in Jupyter Notebook
    113  No module named 'pandas.core.arrays.numpy_'
    113  More Efficient Way of Calculating Distances between Numpy Arrays?
    113  Moments of a Numpy Array
    113  Merging three lists into 1 list [duplicate]
    113  Matplotlib - how to underline the x-axis ticklabels?
    113  Longest prefix of array equal to a value
    113  Large index producing error in numpy array
    113  Iterate with for loop through binarized image possible?
    113  Is there a way to make this numpy operation faster?
    113  Is there anything equivalent of np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided in tensorflow?
    113  Interpolate NaN values over a DataFrame as a ring
    113  Insert a list, element by element, into the elements of an array of arrays
    113  In python what is the most efficient way to get the sum of values in a 2d numpy array?
    113  Indexing multidimensional arrays with argmin indices applied along one axis
    113  Increment some columns of multiple rows in python
    113  if statement with condition in python
    113  how would one sum a range of numbers within a certain value?
    113  How to write a 2D array to csv for each frame of an image?
    113  How to vectorize NumPy polyder function?
    113  How to skip missing NaN values in python while also replacing them?
    113  How to reverse each slice with specific size in a numpy array
    113  How to pack and unpack lists of type numpy.ndarray
    113  How to map a function to RGB values in an opencv image
    113  how to make a memory efficient multiple dimension groupby/stack using xarray?
    113  How to fix ''TypeError: f() takes 3 positional arguments when 4 were given error'' when fitting a curve
    113  How to find number of similar addresses for each customer?
    113  How to count the number of 1D arrays in a 2D array (Python)?
    113  How to convert back points in 2d to 3d with known orthogonal (camera) projection matrix?
    113  How to circumvent the restriction on field names?
    113  How to change channel dimension of an image?
    113  How do I sort an array by row?
    113  How do I perform inter-row operations within a pandas.dataframe
    113  How can I select values along an axis of an nD array with an (n-1)D array of indices of that axis?
    113  How can I run an algorithm over a list in Python and store the results in a list?
    113  How can I apply a user-defined row function onto all rows of a loaded in array?
    113  gradient descendent coust increass by each iteraction in linear regression with one feature
    113  Getting output of external python program in Windows Terminal
    113  Getting first n non-zero elements of a numpy matrix
    113  Generating new columns as a full-combination of other columns
    113  Gauss-Seidel algorithm, modify array in-place
    113  Function that computes rk method/no plotting
    113  fit gaussian function to a broad data
    113  Fit data within two function bounds
    113  Finding the argument that gives the minimum
    113  Extract numpy arrays from pandas dataframe as matrix
    113  Doing a calculation that references the previous value in the same column
    113  Does Python come with numpy library as default
    113  Dealing with multi-dimensional arrays when ndims not known in advance
    113  Create string ndarray from ndarray of int 'flags' using list of string meanings
    113  Create multidimensional numpy array from lists
    113  Create list of given length with given values - convert histogram to list of values
    113  Create iterable list from very large number of entries
    113  Convert numpy ndarray to dict but the array has shape () [duplicate]
    113  Converting a numpy array into a dict of values mapped to rows
    113  Concisely stack a constant with a Numpy array?
    113  Combining outer subtraction with element wise subtraction on the last axis?
    113  Color scale - close but not close enough
    113  Check indexes in 3D numpy array
    113  Assign each 'cell' in a numpy grid with a value, possibly using a dictionary?
    113  append 2d time series array in python [closed]
    113  Add column vector of ones to each subarray
    112  Writing own convolutional layer in Keras from scratch
    112  why is array len changed from 15 to 1 by using poly.fit_transform
    112  Why does this python list need so much more memory?
    112  Why does pca[:,1] have the shape of a one-dimensional array, instead of a matrix with one column?
    112  Why does openpyxl take forever to import in django?
    112  Why does np.ndarray.__deepcopy__ require a superfluous argument? [duplicate]
    112  What is the default of numpy functions, with where=False?
    112  Vectorizing np.random.binomial for accepting a multidimensional array
    112  Vectorize loop operation
    112  Use Binary Data Instead of File in Python Numpy
    112  Update numpy array with calculations done on a list of arrays
    112  Unexpected behavior of boolean operations in NumPy ndarray inline comparisons
    112  Ternary operator evaluation order with mean of empty list
    112  Tensorflow always returns nan
    112  Symbolically computing the input of an interpolation function?
    112  Speed up NumPy loop on 2D arrays - removes rows that are similar
    112  Somewhat Randomly create 3D points given 2 images
    112  Slices of start, stop indices of valid (non-NaNs) portions of a NumPy array
    112  Simple numpy question
    112  Setting all values within a subsection of a 2D array to another value using NumPy
    112  selecting subset array from the middle with a fixed size from multiple arrays
    112  Scipy/numpy: two dense, one sparse dot product
    112  Reversing power function
    112  Returned dtype of numpy vectorized function
    112  Reshaping Python list into numpy array for Keras CNN
    112  resample - can't create training and test sets separately
    112  Replace numbers in numpy array
    112  Replace last values by previous value
    112  Releasing memory usage by variable in python
    112  Realistic float value for ''about zero''
    112  Python: Store indices of non-zero unique rows after comparing each rows with every other row in a matrix
    112  Python: set average values to outliers
    112  python/numpy - How to use einsum in the following example?
    112  Python Grouping Data
    112  Python C extension: How to DECREF a C array of PyArrayObjects
    112  Python: Best way to store model values of a grid search
    112  python3: warnings.warn() crashes on bytes object after numpy import
    112  Python3 , Numpy  -  Matrix of Matrix elements
    112  Pure python faster than numpy on element-wise operation?
    112  Problems with recursion when using fff_shift
    112  Poincare Map in python- the duffing oscillator
    112  perform derivative inside a loop
    112  Pandas: Replacing column values in dataframe columns
    112  opencl - padding produces different output
    112  numpy, scipy, sklearn, or pandas to combine three 2D matrices in Python
    112  [Numpy/Pandas]How can I efficiently create a panel data set from transaction records?
    112  numpy matrix multiplication and power is not correct
    112  numpy get 2d array where last dimension is indexed according to a 2d array
    112  Numpy failure while installing python(3.6.6) module pandas-0.24.2. on AIX powerpc
    112  Numpy: Create 2D array based on value from dict, using other 2D array value as index
    112  numpy array tofile to stdout and fromfile from stdin
    112  np.reshape(): Converting an image into a feature array based on rgb intensities
    112  Need a python module for numerical and scientific computing other than NumPy and SciPy
    112  Multipy each row of numpy array with matrix
    112  Multiplying arrays with alternating column selection
    112  more pythonic way to calculate angle from three x,y points return 0-360 degrees with ''up'' as 0?
    112  Minmax normalization cast away the complex part?
    112  Merging list of multi-index series in Python
    112  Matrix power in python [closed]
    112  Load array of bit-field as ndarray
    112  List of all arrays not contained in other lists of arrays [closed]
    112  I want to standardise my image data for preprocessing for deep learning
    112  Iterative array creation in matlab and python
    112  Image blurs after assignment
    112  How to use Efficient indexing (numpy) in cython in both .pxd and .pyx file
    112  How to remove duplicates and force elements in a numpy array to be unique using a given range?
    112  How to pass plt object function of matplotlib to another method in python?
    112  How to iterate over list of slices?
    112  how to integrate a 2d kernel density estimate without sampling
    112  How to get a list of indexes selected by a specific value efficiently with numpy arrays?
    112  How to fit a plane to a 3D dataset in Python
    112  How to extract data from 3d numpy array for 3d plot?
    112  how to create python correspondence between matrix and edge
    112  How to count number of white and black pixels in color picture in python? How to count total pixels using numpy
    112  How to calculate mean of every three values of a list [closed]
    112  How to calculate binomial cumulative density function with python
    112  How to add/sum values from separate lists
    112  How do you define the real/imaginary parts of long symbolic expression without evaluation?
    112  How do we use np.polyfit to fit a polynomial without having the constant term
    112  How do I work with large, memory hungry numpy array?
    112  How do I turn this into a numpy matrix?
    112  How do I Substract values in one column with the values of another in a DataFrame?
    112  how do I produce unique random numbers as an array in Python?
    112  How can i make python append to the next column?
    112  Haskell - Reproduce numpy's reshape
    112  H5 Hexadecimal data
    112  get non-zero and not-nan elements column wise
    112  Get max and min value in a group of strings
    112  From 1D graph to 2D mask
    112  FloatingPointError in calculating standard deviation?
    112  Finding the largest N integrals in a time series with Python
    112  Finding the indices of a value in a distance matrix?
    112  Finding the correspondence of the elements of two columns in a two dimensional array in another 2D array
    112  Finding rows in numpy array with specific condition efficiently
    112  Finding equilibria of ODE as a function of initial conditions
    112  Finding an approximate name match in a different column with specific search logic in python
    112  Fill column based on condition
    112  Faster Python implementation from bag of words data frame to array
    112  Error while installing numpy in Pycharm & Jupyter Notebook
    112  Error in while compiling python code using sklearn.utils.shuffle
    112  Efficient implementation of factorization machine with matrix operations?
    112  Divide an Python array into small chunks starting at the end
    112  Displaying array values in contour plots
    112  difference between all values in csv columns - python
    112  Deleting rows from several CSV files using Python
    112  delete definit rows from txt file in numpy
    112  create ndarray out of c++ pointer
    112  Could not convert String to float in numpy ndarray
    112  Converting `for` loop that can't be vectorized to sparse matrix
    112  Conditionals within amin
    112  Comparing vectors in an array of vectors [duplicate]
    112  Combine two data frames with overlapping ranges and calculate overlap grouped by category
    112  column max with list of matrices
    112  Color mismatch in combining R,G, and B components in Python
    112  Check Results Trend using NumPy
    112  Change shape of nparray
    112  Can I not divide a matrix by a float in Python?
    112  Can a vectorized numpy function use a buffer as an output?
    112  Calculate element-wise euclidean distance between two 3D arrays
    112  Building a matrix of 'rolled' rows efficiently in Numpy
    112  Assigning numpy array based on condition
    112  Assign a sequence at irregular intervals in 1D array - Python / NumPy
    112  Apply different functions to an array depending on the value
    112  After using np.poly1d() in matplotlib plot double entry in the legend
    112  Adding timestep to video frames in dataset?
    112  3D-cartesian mesh to spherical section mesh conversion
    111  Why is np.subtract causing ''Killed 9''
    111  what is numpy way of arranging numpy 2D array based on 2D numpy array of index?
    111  What do the values in a NumPy array obtained from an image mean?
    111  Using numpy functions which numba doesn't support
    111  TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' when using seasonal_decompose from statsmodel
    111  Translating python loop to Theano
    111  The error ''numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an index'' can be related with numpy version?
    111  Theano GPU Performance: Difference between theano.shared vs numpy.ndarray
    111  tensorflow:setting an array element with a sequence
    111  TensorFlow: Get input batch from numpy array for 3D CNN
    111  Technical Analysis negative index
    111  SymPy rref() returning an identity matrix for a singular matrix
    111  sum array inside for loop and call it outside of function
    111  SqlAlchemy One-to-Many, only makes one-to-one
    111  splitting an array into predictor matrix and response vector
    111  Some elements in the result of braycurtis dissimilarity matrix(numpy array) contains 'nan'
    111  Simpler way to concatenate 3 or more lists in Numpy
    111  Selecting all rows but those within a range of a numpy array
    111  Select all adjacent elements without copying the numpy array
    111  scipy interpolate gives unbounded value
    111  Scipy interp1d interpolate masked array
    111  scipy.integrate.quad FloatingPointError on integration
    111  RGB imaging via using np.newaxis, expanding from (:,:,1) to (:,:,3)
    111  Reversing the view of a numpy array twice in a jitted function makes the function run faster
    111  remove certain symbols form a string array
    111  Python: vectorise function over two multi-dimensional arrays simultaneously
    111  Python: modify a sparse array element
    111  python large file parsing
    111  Python integration error
    111  Python: Does 'kron' create sparse matrix when I use ' from scipy.sparse import * '?
    111  Python Array Creation: Difference between a = numpy.array((1,2,3)) and a = numpy.array([1,2,3])
    111  Placing data into discontinuous bins using numpy
    111  Pandas similarity function rowwise best performance
    111  Outer product with arrays of multiple dimensions
    111  Numpy random array limited by other arrays
    111  numpy polynomial linear regression with sklearn
    111  NumPy/Pandas: remove sequential duplicate values (equivalent of bash uniq without sort) [duplicate]
    111  numpy “object has no atrribute ”open“”
    111  Numpy: find occurrences for non-zero values, grouped by index
    111  Numpy: Find maximum value and corresponding location along one axis in 3D array
    111  numpy fails to resize large matrix
    111  Numpy divide on ndarray
    111  Numpy: Clever way of accomplishing v[np.arange(v.shape[0]), col_indices] = 1? [duplicate]
    111  NumPy array size wierdness [duplicate]
    111  Numpy Array Descending Sort Like Table (Move Entire Column)
    111  Numpy 3d array delete first entry from every row
    111  np.transpose() and np.reshape() combination gives different results in pure numpy and in numba
    111  New Pandas column with cumulative value depending on condition on the previous row
    111  MemoryError occures in python when using the kronecker product
    111  matrix multiplication performance
    111  matplotlib pyplot.plot(): How do you plot data as a line when the data contains a single value surrounded by masks?
    111  map each element to expression
    111  Map an element in a multi-dimension array to its index
    111  Loading symbolic variables from Matlab in Python
    111  k-NN on non linear data + Dimensionality reduction
    111  Is this numpy error attributable to a difference in Python 2.7 and 3.5?
    111  Is there an equivalent (or faster) version of numpy.binCount in R for summing values based on multiple bins?
    111  Is it possible to optimize this dynamic programming code?
    111  Intuitive understanding of Numpy nd-array
    111  In python, how do I create an upper-diagonal table without the diagonal?
    111  Increasing the dimensionality of an array using python
    111  Inconsistent results from extracting rotated 1d profiles from 2d numpy array
    111  I have here a block of code that finds when two particles have a close encounter with each other. What about 5 particles?
    111  Identify hotspots in a matrix using Python
    111  how to use rpy2 to get n-dim array from python
    111  how to shift values in an array in python
    111  How to rotate square numpy array of 2 dimensional by 45 degree in python?
    111  How to process a sub-process' stdout into a 2d numpy.array
    111  How to perform a fast cut zero edge in python?
    111  How to make sum with variable finite number of elements?
    111  How to invert numpy.roll?
    111  How to increment Index of type Date
    111  How to get consistent results when compare speed of and h5py?
    111  How to fix ' list indices must be integers or slices, not list' error?
    111  How to find index from raw and column in python?
    111  How to find a new equidistant vector, given five existing vectors?
    111  How to expand 2d array (30x20) to 36x60, which is contained in 620x480 2d array?
    111  How to encode array comparison constraints in cvxopt
    111  How to convert time of the date and count the days in python?
    111  How to config the environment variable path to ensure that it opening the python from anaconda
    111  How to apply a Pearson Correlation Analysis over all pairs of pixels of a DataArray as a Correlation Matrix?
    111  How to append numpy array inside loop and save to file
    111  How is this Python function read?
    111  How do I count the number of objects in a numpy array about a specified threshold
    111  How can I vectorize this specific non-numpy function?
    111  How can I use the Apply() function for this problem?
    111  How can I transform my array to 0 or 1 elements?
    111  How can I separate quadrants of my dataframe by zeros
    111  How can I read the following sample text as a Python array? [closed]
    111  How can I quickly filter a large dataset?
    111  How can I fill a ragged tensor with zeros to make a square tensor
    111  How can I accelerate processing tons of patches in a image?
    111  HOG +SVM training with iniria dataset, TypeError: samples is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
    111  Groupby function on dataset python
    111  given permuted arrays, find permutation
    111  for-loop values into a numpy array
    111  Flushing memmap completely to disk [duplicate]
    111  First occurrence of consecutive elements in a numpy array
    111  Finding Fourier coefficients algorithm
    111  Fill holes/blocks in masked frames
    111  Fast indexing and bit flipping of boolean data using Python
    111  Fastest way to use Numpy - multi-dimensional sums and products
    111  exporting different lists to .txt in python
    111  Exception Equality Check - Finding Indices of Thrown Exceptions with Numpy Where
    111  Error in the simple Tensorflow code in Python
    111  Eliminate rows in a Pandas dataframe on complex condition
    111  Distance matrix between two point layers
    111  Differential Equations - ODEINT
    111  Delete from numpy arrays
    111  creating static library from Python code on Ubuntu
    111  Create a sub columns in the dataframe using a another dataframe
    111  Covariance matrix from factor loadings and factor covariances?
    111  Convert pybind numpy array from float to double in place
    111  Convert integer array to binary representation matrix
    111  Converting a very high res image to a numpy array
    111  convert a list of lists to an array of list
    111  Conditional mean in numpy arrays?
    111  Change shape and dtype of numpy array
    111  Can't fit a logistic regression model for the Iris dataset
    111  Call function with internal sum over 2D array
    111  Calculating the angle between two 3D vectors
    111  Broadcasting 3d arrays for elementwise multiplication
    111  Better way to replace items in a list / dataframe
    111  Attaching the label to the vector of the image
    111  'arange' not defined when importing numpy
    111  An explanation of randint(2) < 1 in python, I cannot understand what the < 1 does
    111  Adding 100 2D Arrays of different sizes (numpy)
    111  2-D numpy array with tuples: expanding into multiple arrays w/combinations of original tuples
    110  Zero out rest of array row when 0 or lower is true
    110  Will re-assignment of a huge list/array cause a memory leak?
    110  Will numpy keep order of assignment when existing duplicated indexes?
    110  When does advanced indexing on structured masked arrays *really* return a copy?
    110  what is the Optimization of the c++ matrix calculation with opencv::Mat
    110  Waht's the error of minimize function
    110  Vectorized way to add multiple overlapping cubes
    110  Vectorized solution for generating NumPy matrix
    110  using decorators to define models in PyMC
    110  Unable to install Tensorflow with PyPy3.5 v7 on Ubuntu-16.04
    110  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable when use of write.()
    110  Translate code matlab to python numpy
    110  Tradeoffs between indexing numpy array and opening file in rasterio
    110  Trace of each matrix in a numpy array
    110  Time Series Forecasting in Tensorflow 2.0 - How to predict using the last of the Validation Dataset?
    110  'The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().'
    110  The dot product of int32 and float32 produces float64 in Theano
    110  Summing over all but one axis
    110  Stereoscopy in OpenCv Python
    110  Split single column JSON in numpy into multiple column array
    110  split dataframe and create a new dataframe
    110  Solving a large number of small linear systems
    110  Solve Non Linear Equations Numerically - Python
    110  SciPy's ctypes Fibonacci example fails to run with ''array must have data type int64'' error
    110  Sci-kit SVC: random_state producing different results on mac and my docker image
    110  Python using a for loop to import data from a text file?
    110  Python simple neural network code not working
    110  python shift 3-d array
    110  python program to replicate the given matrix [duplicate]
    110  python - Populating Array with an indexed array
    110  Python pandas dataframe.value returns a ndarray with strange properties, that can be plotted but break lmfit
    110  Python - Numpy speedup needed
    110  Python loop - stochastic vs batch loop, and why its taking too long?
    110  python inconsistency in Pandas arithmetic
    110  python import .mat file: how to just import one wanted column from a matrix
    110  python function cannot be called
    110  python cross referencing two numpy arrays
    110  Python convert Continuous data into categorial
    110  Python - convert a list in an array
    110  python C extension of numpy error in 64-bit centos, but Ok in 32-bit centos
    110  Python blocks when creating large DTM with CounterVectorizer
    110  python add an array to database
    110  Python: A curious case of Index out of Bounds
    110  pybind11: how to wrap c++ function that takes std::vector<double> as argument to avoid data copy
    110  Problems computing the normalized iteration count with numpy
    110  Preserving the distinctions between bools and floats when adding NaN to a pandas Series?
    110  Population of a Numpy array
    110  Plotting a histogram using argparse
    110  Permutations | Combinations | Python
    110  Performance in numpy
    110  Paralyzable systems model in python
    110  pandas standalone series and from dataframe different behavior
    110  Pandas datetime find the nearest date before a given date. If it doesn't exist, get the nearest date
    110  numpy sum does not return expected value
    110  Numpy: specify axis order when creating RGB image array
    110  Numpy Row by Row Rotation
    110  Numpy not finding temp file
    110  Numpy ndarray unexpected shape broadcast error
    110  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'write'
    110  Numpy - multiply 3D array(100,100,3) with 2D array(100,100)
    110  Numpy getter/setter of arrays of different dimensions
    110  Numpy C-Api array_equal
    110  numpy array float number division leads to strange behavior
    110  numpy array able to allocate insane amounts of memory for large arrays
    110  Numpy and Applying Method to a Column
    110  Numba 0.35.0 : Use NumPy out parameter
    110  Non-consecutive slicing of a multidimensional array in Python
    110  My PyCFunction works the first time but leads to a segfault after successive iterations
    110  Multiple arithmetic operations efficiently on NumPy
    110  Moving average by id/group with a defined interval in python
    110  More efficient way to create dataframe of top n values - python
    110 ... ) and ''Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor''
    110  MemoryError on row-wise outer products in Numpy
    110  Mapping fields on Python
    110  lexsort zeros before negatives?
    110  iterate in numpy array over rows just in column
    110  Is there a way to find the roots of a 4th order polynomial that is faster than using Sympy's nroot()?
    110  Is there a way for iPython to generate these kinds of charts given a dataframe?
    110  Is there a more efficient way to slice a multi dimensional array
    110  Is possible to decorate a f2py-compiled function with numba.jit?
    110  Isolating Adjacent columns based on str.contains
    110  Invalid characters for python output file
    110  Integrating with an array of upper limits Scipy
    110  ImportError for fftconvolve in PyDev
    110  image not displayed correctly when scaled with a decimal
    110  How to view the complete multidimensional array in Jupyter Notebook
    110  How to update a 2d numpy array?
    110  How to speed up Python code using numpy?
    110  How to select specific column indices from a matrix?
    110  How to re-assign (or modify) a Python variable defined using another variable without modifying both [duplicate]
    110  How to optimize very large array construction with numpy or scipy
    110  how to fix numpy installation in anaconda
    110  How to find elements of a large (1 million elements) array in another larger array (600 million elements)
    110  How to find consecutive positive, negative and zeroes in a numpy array?
    110  How to extract fully-connected multilayer perceptron from Keras model object to Networkx DiGraph object keeping weights as an edge attribute?
    110  How to convert elements in a matrix into binary, and expand the matrix, and can reverse the operation
    110  how to convert an array of dimension three to five in keras [duplicate]
    110  How to combine multiple csv files based on file name
    110  How to change names of a list of numpy files?
    110  How to calculate Mahalanobis Distance between randomly generated values?
    110  How to calculate a 95 credible region for a 2D joint distribution?
    110  How to add element to empty 2d numpy array
    110  How do I ignore transparent pixels when using Numpy to calculate the mean of an image?
    110  how does redundant if-else help to optimize?
    110  Gradient of Sin(x)^4 is not same when calculated from its derivative
    110  Find minimal number of rectangles in the image
    110  Find 5 consecutive numbers in numpy array by row, ignore duplicates
    110  Fast inner product of two 2-d masked arrays in numpy
    110  Faster Split-Apply-Combine
    110  Extract sub rows with varying sizes from a big 2D NumPy Array
    110  Einsum slower than explicit Numpy implementation for n-mode tensor-matrix product
    110  Efficient way for calculating integrals?
    110  efficient number generator for correlation studies
    110  Efficiently save Numpy array and load in Javascript as a TypedArray
    110  Efficiently find index of DataFrame values in array
    110  Efficiently creating a tensor of diagonal matrices
    110  Efficiently create NumPy array with repetitive structure
    110  Efficient looping using index array
    110  Dynamically get submatrix with numpy block(slice) notation
    110  Divide a dataframe based on the last occurrence of a condition
    110  Distance transform with Manhattan distance - Python / NumPy / SciPy
    110  DataFrame take every 3rd row and forward fill
    110  Create Array with Binomial Values (Most Time Efficient) based on conditions
    110  Correct way of computing a covariance matrix of two matrices with different number of features and same number of observations
    110  Converting nested for loops into vectorised form for evaluating a function in using numpy
    110  Converting matrix-like string into matrix
    110  converting dictionary of dictionaries in python into numpy array in python [duplicate]
    110  converting daily data temperature into months in pandas
    110  compute number of minibatches for numpy array
    110  Compare Two Dataframes rows at specific columns in Pandas
    110  Combine values from 2 dicts into a np.array python
    110  cannot execute matplotlib example
    110  calculate consecutive stepwise differences from multiple numpy arrays
    110  Cache numpy array results from accessing netcdf file in python
    110  Broadcastable Numpy dot
    110  bottleneck tries to install numpy release candidate
    110  Array of xyzc values , Find out if 3rd column has any rows with c value equal to 1, or not zero
    110  Apache, mod_wsgi, and Pandas import error, unable to import dependencies Numpy due to error
    110  Aggregating numpy masked arrays
    110  Access array elements after operation [duplicate]
    109  Why NumPy creates a view for x[[slice(None), 1, 2]]
    109  Why is numpy.take slow on the result of numpy.split when simple indexing is not?
    109  Why does importing a numpy function first work in a Python shell, then not work in a Python file?
    109  why both variables are changed when I change one variable? Python [duplicate]
    109  What is the equivalent of matlab's wkeep in Python?
    109  What does the syntax ndarray[:,list[i]] means in python?
    109  What are the odds of a repeat in numpy.random.rand(n) (assuming perfect randomness)?
    109  Vectorized funcion into a vectorized function Python
    109  Using multiprocessing to process image but no performance gain with 8 cpus
    109  Using a numpy array as feature in Decision Tree Regressors
    109  Using 3D style slicing in a 2D numpy array
    109  Updating a numpy array values based on multiple conditions
    109  Updating and appending in Python loops
    109  unable to modify data in a masked array. arr[i] vs[i]
    109  Translate lasagne neural network in deeplearning4j
    109  Taking minimum value of each entry +- 10 rows either side in numpy array
    109  Suppress numpy exception message
    109  subtract rows one by one from numpy array
    109  sqlite3 connector in python
    109  Setting ndarray values with the flat iterator
    109  Send Audio data represent as numpy array from python to Javascript
    109  Selecting rows based on range of vector values in Pandas
    109  Scipy Optimize ValueError: Too many variables to unpack
    109  scipy.integrate.odeint with segmentation fault
    109  saving voxel grid from a specific viewpoint
    109  Rotating a image by an angle
    109  Restrict computation time of optimization algorithms in python
    109  Read float and string from txt
    109  Python while loop execution speed up [duplicate]
    109  Python troubles
    109  python: performance image slicing numpy
    109  python pandas from 0/1 dataframe to an itemset list
    109  Python NumPy: Performing different column operations over every N rows
    109  Python: Numpy.min replaces builtin: causes Pyro4 Error: reply sequence out of sync
    109  python numpy dynamically add elements to the end of a specific row
    109  python: Indexes of an image from ndindex [closed]
    109  python: count events by certain id
    109  python array slicing range with [:,:]
    109  Python Appending Via Numpy
    109  Python 3 Numpy File CSV convert to narray
    109  PySpark with numpy : performance instability
    109  Problems with index
    109  Parabolic equation producing odd results
    109  panda dataframe to numpy array using pandas.dataframe.values
    109  Optimized way to find pairwise cosine distance matrix using pairwise_distances_chunked
    109  Numpy/Scipy - printing matrix class as floating point
    109  Numpy reshaping 2D to 3D: moving columns to ''depth''
    109  numpy indexing comparing two elements
    109  numpy: evaluating function in matrix, using previous array as argument in calculating the next
    109  Numpy error in hmmlearn
    109  numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling on Windows 7
    109  numpy cannot call function library directly
    109  numpy array conversion (split int without having to convert to string)
    109  Numpy and Pandas interpolation also changes the original data
    109  Norm of Memoryview - Cython
    109  Multiplying a numpy array within Psychopy
    109  Multiply elementwise array and rectangular matrix
    109  Most efficient way to convert a dictionary with list of numpy arrays into pandas dataframe?
    109  More information on output array with equation and indicies
    109  Mix three vectors in a numpy array, then sort it
    109  Matplotlib, synchronize time axis between scatter-, violin- and boxplot
    109  Matcher for Pandas DataFrame
    109  Is there a way to have a numpy array as the default in luigi.Parameter?
    109  Index multidimensional array with index array
    109  IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable on 2d array?
    109  IndexError for scientific Python code
    109  Increase performance of script (current method of using np.putmask)
    109  I forgot the seed I used to initialize an OpenAI gym environment
    109  How to zero out all values of matrix (2D array) except top n values using numpy?
    109  How to vectorize this for loops in python?
    109  how to switch a nested list to a array
    109  How to swap rows inside a 3d tensor in tensorflow
    109  How to save numpy array of images and labels as tar.gz or idx3-ubyte.gz?
    109  How to resize and translate a masked image over a background OpenCV and Python
    109  How to replace specific entries of a Numpy array based on its content
    109  How to replace a range of values of a Dataframe column with NaN using Numpy? [duplicate]
    109  How to reduce memory consumption and processing time of Python's itertools.product?
    109  How to read and write numpy arrays to protected file
    109  How to pick up an element randomly in a numpy array?
    109  How to make scipy.linalg.eig use a weighted inner product for the normalization?
    109  How to make a dictionary the value component or a numpy array
    109  How to interact with custom numpy dtypes
    109  How to get mean value of heatmap inside bounding box area
    109  How to flatten a 3d array of sliding window into 2d array?
    109  How to fix ''Import Error'' in node.js using python-shell library?
    109  How to determine row equality across several rows in a fully vectorized way?
    109  How to deal with really small (order of -322) floating values in pandas dataframe?
    109  How to convert numpy.ndarray to scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
    109  How to compute gradient of cumprod safely
    109  How do I get the row number of matrix if the first two elements are 0 and 1 in python?
    109  How do I get np.where to accept more arguments, so it will filter >, < , and =; not just > and <?
    109  How does numpy frompyfunc generate ufunc form a python function containing if statements?
    109  How can I print a matrix using numpy without ellipsis in the middle?
    109  How can i make an empty matrix that ican fill it out later by floats and strings
    109  How can I ensure a numpy array to be either a 2D row- or column vector?
    109  hard code exact float values in python
    109  Grouping using Sliding Window and Transpose
    109  Getting the error recognizer.train(x_train, np.array(y_labels)) TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
    109  Getting several Traceback errors in python
    109  Getting mask of numpy array according to vector-type elements
    109  Get elements of a permutation
    109  Finding the largest K elements in a list with numpy [duplicate]
    109  Fast elementwise apply function using index and column name - pandas
    109  Error: ''Cannot treat the scalar component 'PVtoB'as an indexed component''
    109  CSV Dictionary to filter a CSV file
    109  Cross product all points in 3D space
    109  Creating a 2D list from a column using values from 2 other columns in the same dataframe
    109  Counter python 3
    109  Convert large numpy arrays of BCD to decimal
    109  Converting a list of lists of points to seperate y and x lists [duplicate]
    109  Checking Padded data in Pandas Dataframe on specific columns
    109  Can numba accelerate numpy functions that are already vectorized?
    109  Can I plot from a list of functions?
    109  Binary matrix entries
    109  Assertion Error in Theano
    109  Array of coordinate sets in Python
    109  Are there performance benchmarks of NumPy arrays in an IPython Notebook versus a .py script file?
    109  Append selected values from a multi dimensional array to a new array
    109  Accessing a segment of a numpy array [duplicate]
    108  xarray- add a new dimension to a DataArray and assign coordinates to the dimension
    108  Wrong Output for Array Operations Using GPU
    108  Write multiple numpy arrays along with strings in csv
    108  Why the original numpy array get changed while changing another array created from it?
    108  Why number of Support vector does not change in SVM?
    108  Why does NumPy support np.float16 but not np.complex32?
    108  Why can't I evaluate the reshaped tensorvariable in theano?
    108  When I say data.dtypes == np.object, where data is the dataset I am working on. What does this expression mean?
    108  What means this sparse matrix in scipy?
    108  What kind of reshape is this and why use it?
    108  *Vectorized* way to find indices of minimums for each column (excluding all already found indices)
    108  vector and DataFrame length
    108  Use ndarray, prod and cumprod python
    108  TypeError: numpy.ndarray or cuda.ndarray are expected
    108  TypeError: int() argument must be a string in tensorflow
    108  trouble w np.where on specific complex data structure created from random numbers
    108  Test if Pandas column is datetime type
    108  Tensorflow : How to perform an operation parallel on every n elements?
    108  sum values in an array for all values less than current
    108  Standarize a 3D NumPy array that has been padded with np.nan
    108  Standard deviation of time series
    108  Split an array in rows and columns
    108  Speeding up array iteration time in python
    108  Sort 3D array by specific dimension and element
    108  Slicing matrix in for loop with index in python
    108  selecting records in a python structure based on a related structure
    108  Selecting random windows from numpy arrays greater than 2 dimensions
    108  Rotate array using python as one block binary
    108  Remove zero elements with same index from two arrays
    108  Read string representation of 2D array from CSV column into a 2D numpy array
    108  Python translating C saxpy [closed]
    108  python the-truth-value-of-an-array.. ambigious error
    108  Python Slingshot Model
    108  python : selecting row where y==1 and column is 0 in a matrix
    108  Python - Perform Operations for Every Element in a 2D Array and Store it in a new 2D Array
    108  Python numpy random numbers probability
    108  Python Numpy 2D plot set total number of y-tics with autoscaling
    108  Python matrix sums of arbitrary columns
    108  python find intersection timeranges in array
    108  Python/AWS/conda - ImportError: cannot import name 'multiarray'
    108  Python array[array[ ] ]
    108  Pandas categorical data conversion
    108  Overcoming broadcasting error for Legendre polynomails, scipy eval_legendre
    108  Overcome MemoryError in numpy
    108  Optimize Groupby.apply() with user defined functions or vectorized function alternatives
    108  numpy ufunc c-api ndarray(dtype=custom_dtype) operaration scalar of custom_dtype
    108  numpy sort each row and retrieve kth element
    108  numpy returns 1d array and 2d array for same code
    108  numpy random choice returning floating numbers
    108  Numpy Interweave oddly shaped arrays
    108  Numpy int array: Find indices of multiple target ints
    108  Numpy: Get minimum value indices in array, ignoring specific elements
    108 returning the same value as one of the vectors
    108  Numpy array of multiple indices replace with a different matrix
    108  numpy array division for entropy calculation
    108  numpy 3 dimension array middle indexing bug
    108  NumPY 1.17.0rc1 is available to Python 2.7
    108  np.tensordot for rotation of point clouds?
    108  Multi-Variable Data Fitting
    108  Matplotlib plotting alignment error
    108  Matplotlib fill blank image line by line, when I receive data from socket
    108  Lattice su(2) gauge theory and random number generation in python
    108  LabelEncoding for Train and Test Data separately
    108  I want to smoothen my python matplotlib plot, code not working [duplicate]
    108  Is there a way we can find maximum decimal part of a given whole part for given list of floats?
    108  is there a way to optimize cumprod in python?
    108  Is there a python library for sparse matrix operations for non-standard algebra-like objects?
    108  Is displaying an image using matplotlib.pyplot a graph? [closed]
    108  Indexing numpy arrays with different number of dimensions
    108  Implement gradient descent in python
    108  Identification of rows containing column median in numpy matrix of cum percentiles
    108  How to vectorize a class instantiation to allow NumPy arrays as input?
    108  How to stop numpy trendline from going below 0 on matplotlib graph
    108  How to separate a datetime into date and seconds
    108  How to represent complex matrix from 2 real-valued matrices
    108  how to remove NaN from the columns
    108  How to perform a vectorised check if each word in an array appears in an array of sentences?
    108  How to load the library of Anaconda when using ipython(.ipynb) in Windows 7
    108  How to find outliers frames in multiindex Dataframe
    108  How to do numpy structural arrays
    108  How to do matrix multiplication with a Pandas series and a numpy array and always return a Series?
    108  How to do a second interpolation in python
    108  How to convert a python List containing a list of arrays to a 1xn numpy array
    108  How to consume python machine learning libraries like Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Tensorflow through Node JS
    108  How to calculate a new field in python using a linear relationship
    108  How to append chunks of 2D numpy array to binary file as the chunks are created?
    108  how do you use the indices in a numpy array for calculations
    108  How do i subtract a np vector from a numpy matrix if they have the same size leading dimension: matrix.shape[0] = len(vector)?
    108  How do I repeatedly shift and pad elements in a list to get a list of lists?
    108  How do I calculate the covariance matrix for a specific centroid (k-means clustering) in Python 3?
    108  How come when a Series is passed to Numpy's exp() function, a Series is returned?
    108  How can I store one-hot-encodings as an object?
    108  How can I quickly run a function over an array of every possible array of length L with given possible elements?
    108  h5py: How to organize HDF5 file to efficiently read mixed data-types objects
    108  Getting 3D Tube surface coordinates along a set of given coordinates
    108  generating 10 values in python around one value
    108  Function Not iterable : Kaggle Fork
    108  Finding hourly averages of CSV file using python
    108  Find indices of rows that x fall into in numpy array
    108  fill diagonal on each slice along axis using strides
    108  Fill a Pytables array with random values: horizontally vs vertically
    108  FFT on high Audio Freqs
    108  FFT iOS double the values?
    108  Fast read of svmlight file by chunks
    108  Dynamic control of mkl-based numpy multithreading
    108  Do I have to specify import when Python script is being run in Ipython?
    108  Deterministic and stochastic part of an equation
    108  cumulative logical or within bins
    108  Creating a co-occurence heatmap for a dictionary of lists
    108  Creating 3-D Numpy array with parameters
    108  Copy numpy array from one (2-D) to another (3-D)
    108  Converting dense matrix code to sparse matrix code
    108  Consecutive values in array with periodic boundaries in Python
    108  Combinations of M elements from N with non consecutive repetitions
    108  Can you access NumPy core math library constants from python?
    108  calculate multivariate linear regression
    108  Calculate dot product of array of nxn arrays with nx1 arrays
    108  Calculate Different Types of Spend - Pandas/Numpy - Python
    108  Best way to find the confidence interval of a kernel-density estimate in python / scipy?
    108  Any way to speedup itertool.product
    108  Adding results to a numpy array
    108  accessing 2d numpy arrays
    108  3D mask from polygon defined by series of coordinates in Xarray
    107  Why are square brackets displayed inconsistently when printing out a 3D array in numpy? [closed]
    107  Why accessing a numpy array is 6 times slower than Pillow image with Cython
    107  What is the range of values in the numpy array returned from gdal ReadAsArray?
    107  Using NumPy arrays as indices to NumPy arrays
    107  Using a scalar C function on a numpy vector
    107  Use numpy structured array instead of dict to save space and keep speed
    107  Understanding Numpy datatypes
    107  Trouble accessing column data by name
    107  Training a CNTK model in Python with np arrays as inputs
    107  The order of list elements seems to be changing
    107  The fastest way in Python to merge and remove duplicate ids
    107  Sum identical elements of an array based on their indicies
    107  SUM does not work
    107  structured array of floats and int to array of floats
    107  Strange assignment in numpy arrays
    107  split ndarray into chunks - whilst maintaining order
    107  Sklearn will not run/compile due to numpy errors
    107  Shape 1 of numpy array
    107  Set max for a particular column of numpy array
    107  Separating pandas dataframe by offset string
    107  Semaphore CI: Can't install scipy due to missing dependencies
    107  Select first or last n groups after applying ''group by''
    107  Segment out peak to peak of graph to get 1 period python
    107  Scipy: Maximize Distance between Interpolated Curves
    107  Scipy.linalg.logm produces an error where matlab does not
    107  scikit-learn - MinMaxScaler: TypeError: ufunc 'subtract'
    107  Saving (and averaging) Large Sparse Numpy Array
    107  Save rows of a bidimensional numpy array in another array
    107  row/column-wise outer product in arrayfire-python
    107  Retrieve indexes of multiple values with Numpy in a vectorization way
    107  Reshape numpy array with minimum rate
    107  Replacing the missing categorical values in a categorical column
    107  Replace values in numpy array
    107  Removing all but last non-zero sequence from numpy array
    107  remove for loop in numpy statment
    107  Reading and writing out of core files sequentially multi-threaded with Python
    107  Python Numpy Weighted Polynomial surface fit diverges at the edges
    107  python numpy array indexing
    107  python multiple plots for numpy array
    107  Python method for array with variable dimensions
    107  Python: How to loop the code, so it picks up the columns from the csv file one after the other?
    107  Python: How to find the a unique element pattern from 2 arrays?
    107  Python: How to add two large masked arrays and keep their values (i.e. mask + value = value)?
    107  python generator returning ndarray
    107  Python - Efficiently calculate Manhattan distance between each pair of rows in two matrices
    107  python, dimension subset of ndimage using indices stored in another image
    107  Python: Convert Dataframe into a natural language text
    107  Python code to create an array of arrays (8x8 with each being a 3x3)
    107  put index and data to dict
    107  ploting 3D surface using array
    107  Parameters undefined using lmfit
    107  optimizing matrix operations in python, numpy
    107  Optimizing a nested for loop
    107  Optimizing a ''coin toss'' experiment simulation
    107  optimize function that includes large matrix operations
    107  optimize.fmin_tnc is not giving right answer in scipy.optimize?
    107  Numpy `.view` function in C++
    107  Numpy to reorder such that every nth row from the current row is appended to it
    107  Numpy, sorting based on column twice
    107  numpy python: vectorize distance function to calculate pairwise distance of 2 matrix with a dimension of (m, 3)
    107  Numpy outer addition of subarrays
    107  numpy indexing using 'None' for pairwise operations
    107  `numpy` histogram and digitize for binning [duplicate]
    107  Numpy : Get the element of array which contains True on comparions
    107  Numpy: create array of elements in one array that are in a range around an element of another array
    107  Numpy Broken ''For'' Loop? [closed]
    107  Numpy arrays: swapping column using simultaneous assignments [duplicate]
    107  Numpy: array of arrays, select the first value bigger than zero
    107  Numpy array dimensions after zip()
    107  numpy - add two arrays to get matrix
    107  numpy add along first axis
    107  Nested FOR loop indexing issue - Python
    107  Multithread prange loop throws ''double free or corruption (fasttop)'' error
    107  multiplying an integer numpy array with a float scalar without intermediary float array
    107  Mapping RGB values in an image to a corresponding ID using a dictionary
    107  Loading a .mat file in Python3
    107  Iterating and making decision through a NumPy array
    107  Is Vectorious' Matrix.product function faster than Numpy's multiply function?
    107  Is there a way of change the default data types in Python?
    107  Is there a memory limit on np.fromfile() method?
    107  Issues concerning 'brew link numpy'
    107  Improving algorithm to find local maxima of 1D numpy array
    107  Implementing L-2 sensitivity - maybe using numba or JAX
    107  How to view the output of PCA in Python
    107  how to vectorize this python code to make it more efficient? (in speed)
    107  How to tell if a sparse matrix can't be solved
    107  How to subset a `numpy.ndarray` where another one is max along some axis?
    107  How to split feature and label
    107  How to make inequality sign and equality sign into a string
    107  How to interpret the result of `np.where`?
    107  How to handle scenario where numpy.where condition is unsatisfied?
    107  How to fix ZeroDivisionError while using uncertainties package?
    107  How to find the top 10 performing values of each week in python?
    107  How to create uint16 gaussian noise image?
    107  How to comput more than num_classes - 1 LDA directions in numpy?
    107  How to calculate mean of values in the list omitting a special value?
    107  How to add a non-numeric character to a certain element in numpy matrix?
    107  How to access dynamic C++ array variable, belonging to an object, with Python?
    107  How do I pick out first number in a print list and put it into an equation?
    107  How do I efficiently use numpy to iterate through an array under some conditions to find patterns?
    107  How do I convert a large edgelist csv to an adjacency matrix
    107  How can I determine the underlying type in a numpy object dtype?
    107  Gradient Descent Variation doesn't work
    107  getting square and cube of numpy and appending it
    107  Generating np.einsum evaluation graph
    107  Function ascontiguousarray returns different strides in NumPy 1.11.1 and 1.13.1
    107  Format the output in Pandas
    107  fitting step function with variation in the step location with scipy optimize curve_fit
    107  fit regression of the form y = x ** a with numpy
    107  Find N largest elements in a list with a minimum distance
    107  Finding top N values for each group, 200 million rows
    107  filling data in multidimensional numpy array
    107  Faster way to select rows and apply function
    107  Extract the minimum of a list of arrays, plot lines along with their intersections in Python
    107  extract minimum value from array using 2 index [closed]
    107  Extracting mean values from masked 2-D array
    107  Exporting a 2D array with 0-values into a txt/csv file
    107  Equivalent of arcpy.Statistics_analysis using NumPy (or other)
    107  Efficient way of doing numerical integration on a 2d array with variable integration length
    107  Dynamic indexing of numpy 2D matrix with column matrix
    107  Django Site numpy out of date?
    107  Different eigenvalues by theano gradient and numpy linalg.eigh
    107  Dict inside dict to excel export
    107  defining the i,j th entry of a matrix in loop
    107  Datatype in NumPy
    107  DataFrame manipulation function/method
    107  Creating an array without certain ranges
    107  Create specific array using numpy
    107  Create list of index of array sorted from largest to smallest
    107  Count occurrences of values in 1 column based on index from where condition in different columns is True
    107  Concatenate 5 unpickle dictionaries without overwriting (data is from CIFAR-10)
    107  Comparing a column from two dataframes and deleting rows in df2 that are within +/-0.03 of values in df1
    107  Color bar in Python 3
    107  Change n-th entry of NumPy array that fulfills condition
    107  Can you multiply one element of a NumPy array and get the entire array as a result?
    107  cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object, trying to plot a bar graph
    107  Can anyone help me figure out the parsing error in this code?
    107  Calculate mannwhitneyu over specified numpy axis
    107  calculate array values input from first row and first column
    107  Binomial iterated expectation in Cython
    107  Best practices for seeding random and numpy.random in the same program
    107  Avoid for loop using numpy vectors
    107  Asigning matrix element by list of tuple keys
    107  Applying operation to unevenly split portions of numpy array
    107  Add row dynamically based on the class attribute to a DataFrame
    107  400*1 cells in original data, 64*64 matrix in each cell, how to stretch the data into column vectors and form a 4096*400 matrix?
    106  Writing a python wrapper for c++ code
    106  Write text on image randomly in any direction (e.g: horizontal, vertical, diagonal(+45, -45))
    106  Why for numpy.sum buiding new generator is faster than using just range?
    106  Why does converting my data into an ndarray give me 'python' terminated by signal SIGBUS (Misaligned address error)?
    106  Why does a very small number return 'inf' instead of the real number?
    106  Why 6GB csv file is not possible to read whole to memory (64GB) in numpy
    106  What is wrong with this Fourier transform? (in python)
    106  What is the best way to create a block matrix form a row vector?
    106  What does (n,) mean for a numpy array shape?
    106  What are the dimensionality requirements for
    106  Weird behavior of T distribution
    106  visual understanding of rotation by numpy.rot90 for 3D and higher order arrays, ndarrays of dimension greater than 3
    106  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (0,0) into shape (224,224)
    106  Using numpy to vectorize subtraction of array with scalar (via another array) without using double for-loop
    106  Unexpected result from numpy random.shuffle
    106  unexpected division by zero error [duplicate]
    106  Unexpected behavior of `scipy.ndimage.zoom()` for `order=0`
    106  Truncating Normalised Distribution Python/Pandas
    106  Tolerances, linalg.solv, polynom solve
    106  Threshold numpy array, find windows
    106  Three 2d profiles to 3d array [duplicate]
    106  Theano logistic regression dimension mismatch
    106  Sumproduct equivalent python code takes too long to run
    106  Split a Range of Numbers into different Rows - Pandas
    106  Speeding up numpy solve
    106  Speeding up double for loop for downsampling a numpy array
    106  Slicing array by using another array as the slice indices along axis
    106  Slice numpy array using a sparse matrix
    106  Sklearn train_test_split() stratify strange behaviour with python 3.7
    106  Shift all even rows down in python pandas
    106  Select NumPy Values Around Index
    106  ScatterPlotItem crashs with 7000 or more points
    106  Same functions, but arrays not identical - Python
    106  Reverse order sequential digits
    106  Return index from closest number from sorted arrays in Python
    106  Retrieve indices of matching points in another array
    106  Reshaping a numpy array with 1 value left over
    106  Replace some values with a string in a column in python
    106  Replacement for dataframe.iterrows()
    106  Remove subseries (rows in a data frame) which meet a condition
    106  Read multiple csv files (size mxm) and load as an n dimensional array (size nxmxm) (not concatenate)
    106  Python ValueError. Don't understand error or how to fix
    106  Python: upgrade numpy
    106  Python type casting in list [duplicate]
    106  python time series country data
    106  Python syntax number + array
    106  Python reading text file not working with numpy/pandas
    106  Python: perform actions on all the elements and sub-elements within a list [closed]
    106  Python Numpy methods correspond to C++ Eigen make crash
    106  Python numpy array indexing. How is this working?
    106  Python Numpy array conversion
    106  Python multiprocessing with numpy array and SAT solver
    106  Python list-dictionary algorithm with big data
    106  Python If statement on dataframe
    106  Python: fill column based on first charakter of another columns content
    106  python Automatic Resampling of Data
    106  Python 2.7, finding length of numpy.ndarray
    106  Predicting customers intent
    106  Plotting histograms on the back planes of 3D plots in matplotlib
    106  Performing complex conditional operation on numpy arrays
    106  Particle segmentation in an image using opencv
    106  Numpy Scalar Array error
    106  numpys argsort, sorting column based on another one
    106  numpy resampling reshape data
    106  numpy: performing a cut-off spectral filter on a 2d velocity field, want to inverse to a coarser grid
    106  Numpy ndarray compression methods in python
    106  numpy multiply vectors to form square matrix
    106  numpy matrix string with python3.4
    106  Numpy Indexing Behavior
    106  numpy histogram2d produces strange result
    106  Numpy filtering array by True/False [duplicate]
    106  numpy covariance between two columns in a matrix
    106  numpy check all elements are False [duplicate]
    106  Numpy arrays with elements as indices to other objects
    106  Numpy arrays - Multidimensional logic comparison
    106  numpy array slicing, without for loop
    106  numpy 4D array advanced indexing with example
    106  Numpy 2d histogram not summing to 1
    106  np.vectorize fails on a 2-d numpy array as input
    106  np.apply_along_axis returning multiple values
    106  Multiplying an array by a designated row vector of another matrix
    106  More Truth Value is Ambiguous
    106  More pythonic way to compute derivatives of broadcast addition in numpy?
    106  Missing axis values in plotting of NetCDF variable in group with xarray
    106  minimize rows with common values, add columns for additional values
    106  Matplotlib - change colour based on series/subarray/slice
    106  Manipulating array elements in NumPy
    106  Load large data without iterators or chunks
    106  KNN doesn't classify correctly
    106  I want to read a large amount of images for deep learning, but what is the solution for when there is insufficient memory?
    106  Is there a more pythonic way to write
    106  Importing an irregular shaped array into Python
    106  importError: learnig curve and Optimizer don't exist more (python)?
    106  Implementation from MATLAB to Python without iterations
    106  How would you improve the performance of this function?
    106  How was this array created in y = ( == 0).astype( (See full example) [closed]
    106  How to vectorize code in Python for a heat dispersion problem?
    106  How to use hist for list and solve the error: "ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types
    106  how to spilt pandas dataframe's one column with string type in to several columns with int type
    106  How to smooth out a stroke, given some coordinates (x, y) of the stroke in order?
    106  how to save model filters in keras
    106  How to repeat only a certain element in a list? [closed]
    106  How to read the result of a Radiobutton with Python
    106  How to read file to import matrix?
    106  How to match value between columns in dataframe with empty column
    106  How to import the numpy module on AWS lambda?
    106  How to find first minimum after first peak in array?
    106  How to efficiently populate an array with values from different functions?
    106  How to efficiently compute logsumexp of upper triangle in a nested loop?
    106  How to check for real equality (of numpy arrays) in python?
    106  How to calculate the mean of a stack of arrays?
    106  How to average vertically over a list containing a void list?
    106  How to apply same operation on every block of block matrices in numpy efficiently?
    106  How to apply different functions to the same plot using matplotlib.pyplot?
    106  How do I implement this similarity measure in Python?
    106  How does broadcasting work for multiplication between an array of numbers and a block matrix?
    106  How can I use binary_fill_holes for a tiled image?
    106  How can I sort a numpy array according to its column values?
    106  How can I generate Power Spectra? [duplicate]
    106  How can I efficiently map each pixel of a three channel image to one channel?
    106  How can I (dynamically) clean my pandas column, with making every class as new column with the corresponding values?
    106  Herfindahl index using values in last 5 years
    106  Get top 4 biggest values from each column using Pandas in Python
    106  Getting ''unresolved reference array'' error with NumPy
    106  getting ROC curve from createLBPHFaceRecognizer
    106  Generating 1d array of shrinking ranges in numpy
    106  Functions in Python with or without parentheses?
    106  Function not retaining values in an array [closed]
    106  Format numeric array to string-like array
    106  Find out the max rainfall
    106  Finding the maximum non-zero matrix in python
    106  Finding the closest to value in two datasets using a for loop
    106  Face Recognition System on Mac
    106  expand time ranges into more steps of smaller increments with accurate labels using python
    106  Estimate Number Of Decimal Places of Time Series
    106  Equality not working as expected with ndarray sub-class
    106  Empirical distribution of rows in 2d numpy array
    106  Embedding Python in a Qt Creator project
    106  Efficient double for loop over large matrices
    106  Efficient distance calculations for big meshgrid Python
    106  Does python's numpy module treats both row vector and column vector in same way?
    106  Division by 0 within a map function
    106  Distinguishing between two ''symmetrical'' arrays using numpy
    106  Determine the position of each element of an array B in another array A
    106  Deleting last values in array (using Numpy)
    106  Dealing With Matrices in Python
    106  Create identity matrices with arbitrary shape with numpy
    106  Counting number of unique values in subset of sorted array
    106  Convert a pandas column of 2D numpy arrays to a 3D numpy array
    106  Compute rotation matrices from arrays of ''aim'' and ''up'' vectors
    106  complining error in python
    106  Can't write floating point aiff file in Python
    106  Can't read time series data into a numpy array
    106  Assigning a list value to pandas dataframe [duplicate]
    106  Arrays of tuples
    106  argsort on a PyTables' array
    106  A is not invertible, but A * 1.00001 is
    106  Add new column in pandas data frame
    106  accessing portions of np.array
    106  About NumPy array in Python [closed]
    106  10 times as many page faults when using a single core vs 2+ cores
    105  Why will `np.savetxt` work with file inside `with`, but not outside?
    105  Why the Numpy eigenvectors of symmetric matrix cannot construct the original matrix
    105  Why is the Sigmoid function not displaying the line on the scatter plot?
    105  Why isn't the shape of the array correct?
    105  Why does this loop scale with quadratic time
    105  While loop overwrites field
    105  What does y=np.zeros(len(x)) do in this function definition?
    105  Vectorized Counting 2 Dimensional Numpy Array
    105  Using Panda/Numpy to search matching string
    105  using indices with multiple values, how to get the smallest one
    105  Use error message with numpy.testing.assert_raises()
    105  Two-dimensional array of 0s & 1s, sliced and keys returned as set in Python
    105  Transposing arrays in an array
    105  Testing equivalence of means of Numpy MaskedArray instances raises attribute error
    105  Tensorflow - Tensorboard Event Accumulator get Tensor from TensorEvent
    105  Syntax error when using list comprehensions in Python 3.6 to loop over and compare dependency triplets for two sentences
    105  subplot x number of times depending on length of an array
    105  subclass scipy's rv_continuous with custon function
    105  Speeding up my numpy code
    105  Simulating event system using pandas
    105  Simplify this triple loop with broadcasting
    105  Selecting rows from numpy ndarray when groups are known
    105  Reshaping 2 numpy dimensions into one with zipping?
    105  Replacing 2D subarray in 3D array if condition is met
    105  Repeating list of indices
    105  Removing for loops with numpy
    105  Remove rows from record array if conditions met
    105  Re-arrangement within a numpy array
    105  Read each line from a file and proceed to take the log of the values to use in a fitting function
    105  Random sampling from a given distribution
    105  python operators for numpy.ndarray like class
    105  Python masking of 1d array
    105  python: Adding numpy array and color with boolean array mask
    105  Polygon on Canvas (QML) from an Numpy array in Python
    105  plotting datetime along the x-Axis
    105  plotstft() plotting short time fast fourier transform
    105  passing numpy array to tensorflow queue
    105  Pandas Series correlation against a single vector
    105  pandas int or float column to percentage distribution
    105  Odd behaviour boolean in-place operations
    105  numpy: unexpected result when dividing a vertical array by one of its own elements
    105  Numpy select different number of first elements from each numpy array row
    105  Numpy savetxt do not handle 18 ditgits long int correctly
    105  Numpy probabilities
    105  Numpy np: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() [duplicate]
    105  Numpy multidimensional fast fourier transform - how do the parameters s and axes work?
    105  numpy image not found when importing gensim in python 3.7
    105  numpy.histogramdd: ValueError: The dimension of bins must be equal to the dimension of the sample x
    105  numpy.genfromtxt flattens my data
    105  Numpy for loop gives a different result each time
    105  numpy.fft.fft can not have 4 arguments?
    105  numpy.equal with nested lists
    105  numpy - efficiently filter select random samples with stochastic constraint
    105  Numpy - easier way to change the value of one column of an array only?
    105  numpy dot product but keep as vector (not add elements up)
    105  NumPy array loses dimension upon assignment/copy, why?
    105  Numpy: About the second rule of numpy.ufunc.reduceat?
    105  np.timedelta64 does not accept np.int64
    105  No speed up with python multiprocessing
    105  Naming slices of numpy arrays in Python
    105  Multithreading 1D Median Filtering in Python
    105  Multiplication and Division of elements in a numpy array gives integer results
    105  Multiple instructions for np.where python pandas
    105  Max of 99percentile in a window of list of lists
    105  Matrix multiplication instability with float32 numbers in numpy on python3
    105  Matrices in Keller Box, Error to retrieve value
    105  Loop logic to calculate % change
    105  list to matrix conversion with numpy
    105  list of indexes of maximum values in ndarray
    105  Linux command to edit zip file generated from numpy savez function
    105  Is Scipy's sign() not guaranteed working?
    105  Is it possible to vectorize this Python code containing 1D and 2D numpy arrays?
    105  Is it possible to multiply a string to an integer using numpy multiplication?
    105  Inputting an array to python function by hand
    105  In Multi-dimensional array products, how do I align axes with and without summation?
    105  In MATLAB how can I write out a multidimensional array as a string that looks like a raw numpy array?
    105  Indexing multidimensional numpy-array with list
    105  Inconsistent Contrast Handling with Psychopy
    105  Improving computational speed during interpolation
    105  How to solve non-linear system of trigonometric equations in Python (which MATLAB can solve easily)
    105  How to reserve at least 3 digits for a float number
    105  How to remap or revert a point into its former coordinate system after warpAffine has transformed it?
    105  How to proceed Image Segmentation with openCV python for videos?
    105  How to manipulate blocks of rows in pandas
    105  How to Make Columns From Arrays Within Array
    105  How to interpolate so that I can 'stretch' a 20-item array into a 30-item array, but keeping the total and the percentiles the same?
    105  How to interpolate 2D data in column format with SciPy?
    105  How to group consecutive NaN values from a Pandas Series in a set of slices?
    105  How to get dataset into array
    105  How to get a weighted average of a list of which it's weights is limited by a variable in Python 3.6
    105  How to extend values to next non-null in pandas/numpy? [duplicate]
    105  How to down sample an array in python without a for loop
    105  How to deal with MemoryError messages while using very large arrays in plotting a function of 3 variables?
    105  How to concatenate three images?
    105  How to concatenate each row horizontally of a string array in python? [duplicate]
    105  How to check one dataframe column available or not in other four dataframe's column?
    105  How to check if value in a cell is in the range. Based on that assigne different 'scores' to new column
    105  How to add line after line to a numpy 2d array in python?
    105  how do I write a python code for mass balance equation for a furnace by taking 3 grid points? i need to plot the density profile
    105  How do I vectorize this loop in numpy?
    105  How do I use `np.where()` to compare the arrays not individual values
    105  How do I reference a pandas variable name to name numpy arrays?
    105  How do I make copies of an array in python based on conditions in the array?
    105  How can I simplify this process of splitting/counting numpy subarrays?
    105  How can I get the means of every pair of values in a numpy array?
    105  How can I find the max of a numpy array?
    105  handling arrays with missmatched sizes
    105  Generate profiles through a 2D array at an angle without altering pixels
    105  Finding distance between interpolated (to be) points and known points using numpy
    105  Efficiently handling duplicates in a Python list
    105  Do not understand the classes part and reshape from reading a h5 dataset file
    105  Does SimpleITK have broadcasting?
    105  Creating batches within an array containing images
    105  Counting number of consecutive occurences of numbers in a series
    105  Converting an Image to numpy array, then converting it immediately back to an image gives two different results
    105  Convert column values to NaN using np.where
    105  Convert a numpy array of strings to a numpy matrix
    105  Convert an numpy array with header to float
    105  Convert an array stored as a string, to a proper numpy array
    105  Conversion from DatetimeIndex to datetime64[s] via int without dividing by 1e9 possible?
    105  Comparing three functions and plotting specific regions
    105  Calculating distances between points in a CFD mesh
    105  Calculate row-wise dot products based on previous row and next row in pandas
    105  Calculate probability density mean python
    105  Best way to groups cells in 3D numpy array by proximity
    105  Best practice to write generic numerical functions that work with both ndarray and MaskedArray
    105  Attach matrix to inside of matrix in numpy
    105  Array indexing by array-value and array-value dependant operation
    105  Algorithm to match arrays of occurrences by time
    104  Why I got '''utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb2'' when using " matplotlib?
    104  Why does matrix-vector multiplication in Python get faster after the first call?
    104  Why does inserting a dimension of size 1 into a numpy array invalidate its 'contiguous' flag?
    104  What's the difference between np.random.standard_normal and np.random.randn?
    104  What is the alternate of cv2.line() method in python?
    104  Weird FFT plot with numpy random set
    104  Vectorizing numpy code
    104  Vectorising numpy.einsum
    104  Using an Numpy Index Array with Numba DeviceNDArray
    104  Unwrapping Numpy ''object'' dtypes
    104  Unexpected behaviour numpy array indexing [duplicate]
    104  Type Error : flip() missing 1 required positional argument: 'axis'
    104  Tile rows of a 2D numpy array based on values in separate numpy vector
    104  The Doppler Effect in tkinter and matplotlib graph
    104  Taking file input in numpy Matrix
    104  Structured array drops field-titles when being indexed with field-name
    104  Stretching an image with lastly available pixels(background)
    104  Strange behavior in np.ndarray` ''is''
    104  Speeding up Numpy Masking
    104  skimage Pyramid Guassian not working as expected
    104  shift diagonal of numpy array to left and pad [duplicate]
    104  selecting different columns each row
    104  Saving python data for an application
    104  RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide with np.where()
    104  Return value of highest index in numpy 3D array
    104  Return elements not referenced by array of indices in Python
    104  Replacing values in numpy array based on inequalities
    104  rep() and filter() in python calculation running mean
    104  Re-order numpy array based on where its associated ids are positioned in the `master_order` array
    104  Python Vectorize Code
    104  Python - Most efficient way to sort array for searching in it
    104  Python Memory 'Blank' Jupyter Notebook
    104  Python Concatenate and stack many matrices [duplicate]
    104  python array operate on row values of a column
    104  Plotting in matplotlib using pandas
    104  Piecewise Fit not working - large dataset
    104  Pass variable as path in loadtxt() in python
    104  Parallelizing Millions of Iterations of Numpy Functions
    104  pandas - vectorized formula computation with nans
    104  pandas: Keep only every row that has cumulated change by a threshold?
    104  Pandas: Forward and Backward rows count given a specific signal value
    104  Pandas DataFrame Logic - Python
    104  Panda DataFrame.groupby() wierd behaviour with numpy array
    104  Optimize testing all combinations of rows from multiple NumPy arrays
    104  Odd choice of architecture by numpy.distutils
    104  Numpy: Transform list into square array
    104  numpy genfromtxt breaks on #
    104  numpy concatenate function not works when handling with large matrix
    104  NumPy complicated slicing
    104  Numpy array with repeating pattern
    104  numpy 2d and 1d addition flat
    104  np.where() equivalent to df.loc()
    104  Nested for loops, delete dictionary temporary inside the loop
    104  ND-Matrix Multiplication, without using
    104  Moving window sum on a boollean array, with steps.
    104  merge identity matrices in specific way
    104  Memory Error when creating large lists or dictionaries or arrays
    104  making a function that can take arguments in various shapes
    104  Loop saving netcdf images pycdf and numpy change time slice
    104  Keras utilises less CPU when number of workers grows and numpy generates a large array
    104  Keras Train Neural Network Dimension Value Error: expected to have 2 dimensions, but got array with shape (32, 1, 4)
    104  JSON Key Values returning errors in Python
    104  Is there something like numpy.ascontiguousarray for Pandas?
    104  Is there a faster method for bin file to numpy array?
    104  Issues with using numpy.fromiter & numpy.array in concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor map() and submit() methods
    104  In using keras Lambda, how do I handle ''TypeError: Object arrays are not currently supported''?
    104  Interpreting a “Traceback (most recent call last):” error
    104  Interpolating between two fourier transforms over time
    104  Improve performance for returning value
    104  How to sum specific elements in an array
    104  How to sort a list by the maximum of two axes in python?
    104  How to select subtensor from a tensor
    104  How to return a numpy array instead of a NoneType in applying a function to every row of a numpy array?
    104  How to reshape numpy array of shape (26400, 1, 0, 1, 2048) to shape (26400, None, None, 2048)
    104  How to replace values in a 4-dimensional array?
    104  How to populate a dictionary from two related NumPy arrays - alternative to appending
    104  How to plot a histogram of numpy nans in a pandas dataframe
    104  How to mask an image gray scale using numpy array slicing
    104  How to interpolate a single (''non-piecewise'') cubic spline from a set of data points?
    104  How to insert one array into another where only zeros are (with Numpy)
    104  How to generate random and lattice points inside of an irregular object?
    104  How to find the minimum indices and break ties by the least used indices in Python?
    104  How to create a 2D array of ranges using numpy
    104  How to convert all numpy datatypes to python datatypes in pandas dataframe?
    104  How to convert a ctypes array of c_uint to a numpy array
    104  How to convert 1x1 numpy.ndarray fields to float numbers
    104  how replace NaN columns with calculated CAGR values
    104  How do I create an np array with sequences as its elements?
    104  How can one initialize data for a contour plot using a function that takes one input and outputs a scalar value?
    104  How can I optimize this double-loop over an array using numpy?
    104  How can I get a curve of best fit using polyfit, when the x values are datetimes?
    104  How can I convert an array containing arrays of different lengths into a tensor?
    104  How can I combine one column and a matrix into a larger matrix with `numpy`?
    104  How can I adjust color curves in a CIE L*a*b* image in python?
    104  Having multiple equality conditionals for numpy arrays
    104  gradient descent cost convergence
    104  Get integration path from mouse movements in python
    104  Generate samples from a random matrix
    104  General functions to iterate over n-D arrays
    104  [Fourier Analysis with database]
    104  find values from a sorted vector which are also present in another sorted vector
    104  Find Start / Stop Index Range For Values in NumPy Array Greater Than N
    104  find common elements in 2D arrays of different size Python [closed]
    104  filter/interpolate x,y points to specific # of points, with a list of specific points to include
    104  extract specific data from numpy ndarray
    104  Extract first element from (x,y) co-ordinate numpy array
    104  Exception using CuDF apply_chunks - Use of unsupported NumPy function 'numpy.ones_like' or unsupported use of the function
    104  Error raised in fit function: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
    104  Emulate texture reading with Numpy
    104  Different operations for different columns in a numpy matrix?
    104  Difference in shapes of numpy array
    104  Difference between output of Matlab backslash (\) and numpy.linalg.solve
    104  Dataframe multiplication with multiple index
    104  Data Cleaning Python: Replacing the values of a column not within a range with NaN and then dropping the raws which contain NaN
    104  Creating a numpy array by selecting pandas data frame columns based on condition on another data frame
    104  Convert large arrays in pandas dataframe to large numpy array
    104  Converting lists from csv file to numpy array_csv format
    104  Concatenate Series in pandas throwing away overlapping indexes
    104  Comparing two columns of the dataframe against a new dataframe column
    104  Compare 70% of rows of particular columns
    104  Combine matrices - numpy
    104  cointegration using numpy, xlrd: keep getting a particular error
    104  Choose slices from numpy array B if cond else from A
    104  Change string values in numpy.array in certain indices
    104  Calling PyArray_SearchSorted from Cython  -  3 or 4 arguments?
    104  Calculate track from location points without time
    104  Big graph in memory
    104  Averaging over n lines, outputting to an array and then continuing
    104  Align image columns by max value
    104  Adding Numpy Arrays in python using np.sum? [duplicate]
    104  adding noise to an array. Is it addition or multiplication?
    104  Adding an array of 3D points to a 2D array of 3D points using numpy
    104  2-D contourplot on specific geometry in python
    104  2d array minus 1d array
    103  Wrong array shape in multiclass classification using Keras
    103  Write data to file
    103  Working with NumPy structured arrays
    103  Working with dBm using natu package in Python
    103  Will pre-sorting smaller chunks of a large numpy.array make sorting the whole array faster?
    103  Why is numpy.angle() not a ufunc?
    103  Why is np.nextafter(0, 1) not equivalent to the float64 epsilon value?
    103  What to beware of reading old Numarray tutorials and examples?
    103  What is the best way to store and use information between two objects in python?
    103  Vectorized solution to filling a 1-D numpy array given a list of start and end indices for slicing?
    103  Vectorized numpy 1-d reclassification
    103  Vectorize add-subtract loop in NumPy using O(1) space?
    103  Vectorization/optimising for loop with numpy in Python
    103  Variable slicing in multidimensional array in Python
    103  Using numpy where to find the minimum of an array
    103  Using np.asarray with Biopython get_residues: KeyError
    103  Using large index in python (numpy or lists)
    103  Use pandas timedelta64 as x-axis in matplotlib
    103  updating centroids in k-means Python
    103  Trying to subtract a column of dates to another date
    103  Tensorflow: Batching Matrix Multiplication for huge arrays
    103  Sympy and Numpy unable to inverse matrix created using Sympy
    103  Subtract a column vector from matrix at specified vector of columns using only broadcast
    103  subsetting 2d numpy array and keeping rows consistent
    103  Sorting and accessing elements in lists with 100000 elements
    103  Solver 'CPLEX' failed in CVXPY
    103  Slicing multiple dimensions in a ndarray
    103  slicing column in numpy array and creating new matrix
    103  Slicing a list in Python: is there something like -0? [duplicate]
    103  Sliced numpy array does not modify original array
    103  select rows with certain values of a column in pandas data frames
    103  Replace items in list with another items (small lists) depending on several conditions
    103  Replace continuous 0s to 1s in an one-dimensional numpy array [duplicate]
    103  Re-entrant complex ODE solver in Python
    103  Reading in specific columns of a dataset with python
    103  Read artificial intelligence training data (.csv) to specific data structure in Python
    103  Quick ways to manipulate Numpy array in array
    103  Python: Syntax error, invalid syntax, array edit
    103  Python: Replace null values with average [closed]
    103  Python NumPy-style documentation of dict
    103  Python - Mirror a data set
    103  python manual fft botched
    103  Pythonic way to generate sequence from linear difference
    103  Python: Fastest way to find all connected labels in third dimension of an array
    103  python.exe crushed while creating numpy array [closed]
    103  Python double for loop
    103  python: broadcast sliced np.array assignment to any number of dimensions
    103  Python array indexed with list but array dimensions are permuted
    103  Plotting two y axes in a bar plot for list of lists
    103  Passing boost::python::numpy::ndarray as (default or not) argument of a boost::python function?
    103  Pandas df to matrix ALWAYS ending up with infinite value
    103  Pandas dataframe/csv pivot table, how to eliminate series based on first or last values?
    103  Pandas cumsum from the second element of each group
    103  Pandas: Assign values of column up to a limit set by dictionary values
    103  NumPy's implementation of free-function-reshape() vs member-function-reshape()?
    103  Numpy rows substitution
    103  numpy - Given a number, find numbers that sum to it, with fuzzy weights
    103  numpy.fft.fft() implementation in Python
    103  Numpy - Extracting Unique Values from a Distance Matrix
    103  numpy dot product in steps
    103  Numpy arrays assignment operations indexed with arrays
    103  Numpy and tensorflow RNN shape representation mismatch
    103  Numpy aggregate function shims, typing, and np.sort() in Numba
    103  Number of loops in Numpy Element wise operation
    103  MemoryError: Unable to allocate 1.00 MiB for an array with shape (131072,) and data type int64
    103  Memory copy when casting a list of 2D numpy arrays into a 3D array
    103  meaning of numpy.zeros((0,x))
    103  Loading .npz with Python 3.5 always crashes
    103  Linear autocorrelation of maximum length sequence does not converge to Kronecker delta
    103  Iteratively subtract values in array
    103  Iterating in numpy arrays
    103  Is this type of indexing a transposition of Numpy array? [duplicate]
    103  Is there a method in numpy that verifies if an array is contained in another array?
    103  Issue using Pandas.DataFrame.assign
    103  Is it possible to squeeze all but N dimensions using numpy?
    103  Is ''[ ... , :3]'' other way of doing ''append'' in <''imgs = [plt.imread(fname)[ ... ,:3] for fname in filenames]'' >
    103  Insert Numpy Array into Array with extending of the embedding array
    103  In python how can I make data ready for garbage collection to free memory?
    103  Input image data to tensorflow placeholder
    103  Include upper bound on numpy random.uniform [duplicate]
    103  Implementing DFT, inverse function not working properly
    103  How to use sin(x) and cos(x) functions with eval
    103  How to use multiprocessing to populate a numpy array?
    103  How to to delete multiple items not in a given array
    103  How to repeatedly concatenate numpy arrays?
    103  How to quickly map multiple numpy array with a function to single array of different object
    103  How to produce multiple output files with a single input file using the command 'np.random.normal'?
    103  How to multiply 3 matrices using shared memory in Python?
    103  How to make np.where more efficient with triangular matrices?
    103  How to integrate over all intervals?
    103  How to index an np.array with a list of indices in Python
    103  How to form a numpy matrix of known number of rows but unknown number of columns?
    103  How to flatten an object array in numpy?
    103  How to fix TypeError: no supported conversion for types: (dtype('<U10'),)
    103  How to fastly build a graph with Numpy?
    103  How to efficiently re-arrange pass/fail as a pass percentage by day in Pandas and NumPy?
    103  How to do fancy indexing in tensorflow
    103  How to calculate the (smallest) distance between a set of lines and a point?
    103  How to calculate number of events per day using python?
    103  How to calculate an array of stock prices using simulated returns? [duplicate]
    103  how to apply a function which takes the caller as its arugment
    103  How do we keep specific dimension unchanged while reshaping in numpy?
    103  How do I get the location true bits of a binary mask
    103  How do I add all integers in one list to integers on another list with different length in the same order in Python?
    103  How does xarray broadcasting work with numpy functions?
    103  How can I load a numpy byte array that is stored in an S3 without writing it to disk?
    103  How can I fit this sinusoidal wave with my current data?
    103  Getting numpy error when using azureml-sdk
    103  Generating constraints for optimization in scipy using loop
    103  Generating a 4-D array from 1-D data reshape
    103  Generalisation of vector outer product: apply it to every column of a matrix
    103  Fixing inefficient image conversion from PIL image to OpenCV Mat
    103  Find the most ''empty'' place in an array [duplicate]
    103  Find average of all columns of matrix filtered on last column
    103  Find a transformation to a random variable X from Uniform(0, 1) with SymPy
    103  Fastest way to compute distances between consecutive vectors with numpy/scipy
    103  error - Multiple Regression OLS class
    103  Error in the results of a list comprehension
    103  error in installing scipy in windows
    103  Error ''can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float''' [closed]
    103  encoding on special characters lost when doing pd.read_msgpack(df.to_msgpack())
    103  Elementwise comparison to None with ndarray of object dtype
    103  Display interleaved image in python [duplicate]
    103  Cythonizing a function that uses numpy
    103  Curious numpy advanced indexing selection case
    103  Creating a new column in dataframe based on multiple conditions from other rows and columns? Including rows that are null? - Python/Pandas
    103  Create new column in pandas based on another columns where each cell will be numpy.ndarray
    103  Create array with elements inserted without using np.insert
    103  Count elements in dataframe
    103  Constrained GLM in statsmodels
    103  Compute t-test for two tables with N/A
    103  Check how many Values are equal in 2 list
    103  Changing elements in a filtered 2d array without list comprehension while keeping reference to original
    103  Can't print length of tuple.. Why
    103  calculate kernel density estimation for kmeans algorithm
    103  Bin counting with hex-like bins in 2D
    103  Assign values to python list specific position
    103  A numpy function for binning an array
    103  An elegant/faster way to find the end points of a line on a image?
    103  Addition of every two columns
    103  adding new axes to facilitate broadcast, a better way?
    103  Access last X rows in Pandas apply
    103  2D boolean mask in numpy yields different results (mask ordering vs. original indices)
    102  Write python simulation output to a matrix
    102  Why original numpy array gets updated after updating of its copy? [duplicate]
    102  when im using cv2 with videocapture (python) its show me ''please start youcam''
    102  What size arguments does the minimize function in SciPy (Python) accept?
    102  What is the solution/workflow to make use of my functions with Numpy and Matplotlib on the example of cash amount calculations on perpetuity?
    102  What is difference between (1,2,3) vs [1,2,3] in python ?
    102  what change is necessary to make this code detect multiple faces rather than only one
    102  Volume quadrature over sphere using rectangular grid data
    102  Vectorize some data processing in numpy threshold analysis
    102  Vectorization and matrix multiplication by scalars
    102  variable assignment: keep shape
    102  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. Reshape
    102  ValueError: invalid literal for float(): [duplicate]
    102  Using PyGame to show Sci Py voronoi edges creates weird ''star'' effect
    102  Unexpected behaviour when casting time.time() to float32
    102  Trying to call an element in a 2-d array in a while loop (python/numpy)
    102  Trouble formatting a text file with numpy.savetxt() and appended arrays. Python 3
    102  transposing data in array using numpy
    102  Tab delimited dataset ValueError truth of array with more than one element is ambiguous error
    102  Split 2D numpy array with condition
    102  speeding up moving time delta with irregular time intervals in a numpy array
    102  Simple way to stop a number going negative
    102  set value in dataframe
    102  scikit-learn not loading, throws ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import [duplicate]
    102  Save arrays from loop in one txt file in columns
    102  Rolling/Increasing dimensionality of a NumPy array
    102  Removing the lines from captcha image using python
    102  Remove duplicate tuples in numpy array (ones directly next to each other)
    102  Reconstructing a matrix from an SVD in python 3
    102  Read or construct an array from a binary file containing both integers and doubles in Python/NumPy
    102  Query Pandas DataFrame distinctly with multiple conditions by unique row values
    102  Python - Verifying event based on values in dataframe
    102  Python Numpy: How to create the following list of lists
    102  python numpy data type error and extremely inefficient use of pyplot :(
    102  python np.where equivalent
    102  python matrix operation with numpy
    102  Python: loadtxt: reading numerical data and comment lines from file
    102  Python load large number of files
    102  Python Lists and tuples
    102  Python function not optimizing
    102  Python 3.x create 3D Volume with 2D slices
    102  plotting 3d barchart from a 3D list
    102  Pandas using netaddr on 2 dataframes to see if ip column falls in cidr column with boolean outcome
    102  Pandas: cell-wise fillna(method = 'pad') of a list of DataFrame
    102  Pack/unpack matrices into/from N-D array
    102  One hot encoding a numpy array
    102  numpy version problem while intall Opencv in ArcGIS 10.4 default python
    102  Numpy choose: shape-mismatch error
    102  Numpy array without for loop
    102  numpy 2d array operation, keeping certain positions
    102  Numerical integrals and derivatives over implicit variables
    102  np.squeeze what means axis=-1?
    102  multiply numpy.array a with leading dimension of numpy.array b
    102  Multi index Dataframe access by labels
    102  Multi-core processing hangs
    102  modify numpy array element inside function
    102  Merging Two Dataframes on Different Columns
    102  Matlab to Numpy translation - matrix + scalar differences
    102  Map numpy array and sum values on positions in another array
    102  Many Numpy Arrays vs Few Python Classes
    102  Is there a way to perform this subsampling algorithm in numpy?
    102  Is there any built in function in python / matplotlib for labeling the grids touched by a line?
    102  Is there a faster implementation of the following code?
    102  Is it possible to replace loops with numpy BUT for functions not included in that module [duplicate]
    102  ''invert'' an array, i.e. convert list of 2d-indices into a 2d-array of 1d indices
    102  Initialize 2D array within loop
    102  Index numbers for row-wise duplicate entries using numpy/pandas in python
    102  Improve Harmonic Mean efficiency in Pandas pivot_table
    102  How to vectorize passing a function to two numpy arrays: 3D and 2D?
    102  How to use np.where between dataframes of different sizes? 'operands could not be broadcast together'
    102  How to solve a system of nonlinear equations with multiplication of unknown members in Python?
    102  How to skip few enrties in a regular interval in python?
    102  how to return the minimum index of this array?
    102  How to remove elements from list in array without using for-loop [closed]
    102  How to make numpy array based on function called for each element?
    102  How to index a numpy array element with an array
    102  How to get indicies of numpy array that equal any values of another array? [duplicate]
    102  How to get final Neural Network error with NeuroLab?
    102  How to generate sets of indices where 10% data is left out
    102  How to generalize this calculation with a pandas DataFrame to any number of columns?
    102  How to fit data points to a curve of the form y = c.A^n.exp(x)
    102  How to filter pandas series values based on a condition
    102  How to extract value from multi dimensional tensor without losing backward info - PyTorch
    102  How to delete numbers from a vector?
    102  How to create an array of array indexes?
    102  How to check if data is missing after two or more repeating values in pandas and replace missing value with previous value?
    102  How to check if a neighbourhood of at least five elements of an array satisfies a criterion?
    102  How to change the code for Scipy SLSQP Fortran code and test it?
    102  how to add a column into a numpy array
    102  How to access a cell of a grid using a 2d array in python?
    102  How may numpy return a length one object array?
    102  How do you assign n polynomials to n variables? [closed]
    102  How do I return range from normal distribution?
    102  How do I make append work as intended with arrays?
    102  How do I do an einsum that mimics 'keepdims'?
    102  How do I calculate Pr(model|data) in Bayesian inference with extremely small numbers? [closed]
    102  How does the numpy function `array_split` work mathematically?
    102  How does Ellipsis interact with index elements other than ints and slice objects?
    102  How can I check if a value is nan or a list?
    102  Getting Value Error in python code
    102  get mean of numpy elements from 2D array using mask
    102  Finding row in Numpy array maximizing some function
    102  Fill NaNs in dataframe column depending on last value
    102  Fast ndarray boolean intersection
    102  Fastest way of avoiding a for loop in python
    102  Faster method to multiply column lookup values with vectorization
    102  Fast counting of feature values in Naive Bayes classifier
    102  Efficient way to get largest box sizes of similar elements from a 2D numpy array (or pandas dataframe) [duplicate]
    102  Efficiently generate JSON summary from numpy distance matrix
    102  Efficiently applying transition to state matrix given transition matrix
    102  Difference between these two methods to generate number [duplicate]
    102  dict of dict of list tensor/pandas-dataframe/numpy-array
    102  Create a numpy covariance matrix from a pandas DataFrame of covariances
    102  Concatenation of inner lists or ints [duplicate]
    102  Concatanating array by While on Python
    102  Column sum with matrix from txt file?
    102  checking for a value in numpy arange returns false
    102  Can't install pyarrow on AWS Glue python shell
    102  Calling preprocessing.scale on a heterogeneous array
    102  Build a stable numerical computing environment with Python on Linux [closed]
    102  Better way to extract duration list from datetime list
    102  A very quick method to approximate np.random.dirichlet with large dimension
    102  AttributeError: type object 'pandana.cyaccess.cyaccess' has no attribute '__reduce_cython__'
    102  Array reshaped according to keys
    102  Apply Numpy to ''for loops''
    102  Advanced indexing is returning an array with the wrong shape
    102  Adding 2D parameters from WLS regression functions in statsmodels
    102  2nd Iteration adding extra character in Pandas/Numpy
    101  X-Y Coordinates to grid box number
    101  Xarray Data Array from netcdf returns numpy grid array larger than input
    101  Wratten photography filter in python / numpy
    101  Worth it to use cython if numpy is already linked to a BLAS (e.g. MKL)
    101  Window-slide through an image
    101  Why one code (matmul) is faster than the other (Python)
    101  Why increment an indexed array behave as documented in numpy user documentation?
    101  Why doesnt `searchsorted` work the same in Python 3 and Python 2
    101  Why are Scipy and Np Linalg producing different eigenvalues derived from the same matrix?
    101  What would be the computationally faster way to implement this 2D numerical integration?
    101  What's the difference between Numpy's Structured arrays vs xarray (xray)?
    101  What's the best way to apply a function to the row/col dimensions of an numpy array
    101  What sort of Python array would this be? Does it already exist in Python?
    101  weird behavior of numpy.histogram / random numbers in numpy?
    101  Visualising np.reshape for TensorFlow
    101  Vectorized Creation of 2D Array from 3D array Given 1D Array of Indices
    101  Vectorized assignment for numpy array with repeated indices (d[i,j,i,j] = s[i,j])
    101  Value error in Python f\x00o\x00r\x00t
    101  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have shape (168, 5) but got array with shape (5808, 5)
    101  Use of Numpy to mask cells filled with a given value
    101  unable to loop through numpy arrays
    101  Transfer QImage to python numpy [duplicate]
    101  Theano - SGD with 1 hidden layer
    101  Tensorflow: adapting Tensor shape to a batch of data
    101  Speedup nolearn function for occlusion heat maps
    101  Sorting in R and Numpy
    101  Some questions in function matplotlib.pyplot.hist in Python
    101  Share large data between processes within a class
    101  Setting pandas.DataFrame string dtype (not file based)
    101  Serpentine scan pattern generator
    101  separate peaks from each other equidistantly
    101  Selecting specific columns from Numpy array [duplicate]
    101  scipy.optimize three variables and hundreds of solutions
    101  Scaling x-axis after IFFT-FFT
    101  Saving vectorized images to a numpy array
    101  Round datetime64 array to nearest second
    101  Replacing a value from one array with a value of the same index of another array?
    101  replace strings in N-d numpy array
    101  replace element by element different arrays
    101  Remapping `numpy.array` with missing values
    101  Randomize part of an array
    101  Python stack images into cube
    101  python: shape mismatch when adding an item to a list
    101  python - replace multiple if elif statements and conditions with numpy function such as numpy.where
    101  Python - Preprocessing a lot of image data - Loop freezes
    101  Python: Numpy Array : cant access/reference to a numpy array from another class
    101  Python interpolate weather data for heights not measured at
    101  python - Converting pandas Matrix to DataFrame
    101  Python constructing and formting char array to be written in CSV
    101  Porting polynomial regression from R to python
    101  Plotting more than 2 Features for Decision Tree Classifier using matplotlib python
    101  Plotting exact Solution (error)
    101  Plot the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean over bandwidth
    101  Plot every nth row from np.load.txt
    101  PCA  -  Calculating Reduced Size Matrix With Numpy
    101  Passing numpy object to pythonqt wrapper
    101  Partial Indexing Error in Python Series [duplicate]
    101  Opencv unexpected output for Sobel operator
    101  OpenCV : Replace Mask with background color
    101  Numpy vectorization of multiple nested for loops for a numpy array of numpy arrays
    101  numpy searchsorted lexicographic on slice
    101  numpy.savez nonblocking i/o; possible?
    101  numpy n-dimensional smart indexing over large tensors - memory efficiency
    101  numpy.nan weird behaviour in hashed object
    101  NumPy load text pattern
    101  Numpy linear solver in Python
    101  Numpy filtering based on all row values
    101  numpy create array of all coordinates
    101  numpy count frequency in more than one array
    101  Numpy broadcasting on multiple arrays
    101  Numpy averaging a series
    101  Numpy array access optimization
    101  np.set_printoptions does not work on numpy.ndarray retured by
    101  neural network predicting same output class for every input while training also
    101  Neighbour search with kd trees
    101  Methods of creating a structured array
    101  Memory crash while computing data augmentation with python for deep learning
    101  Matrix generalization of dot product
    101  Masking values in two rows simultaneously in a 2D array in python
    101  Iterating over Numpy array, so that changes are reflected in the DataFrame (through reference)
    101  Is this correct use of flatten?
    101  Is it possible to perform real-time communication with a Google Compute Engine instance?
    101  Interpolate a Numpy array without using insert
    101  Insert a predefined array onto large array and shift the position of the smaller array iteratively
    101  Input other than negative numbers that may produce warning ''invalid value'' with numpy.sqrt?
    101  infinite loop when double looping
    101  Increment 3D array of counters from 2D list of indices (x,y,z) using: Python Numpy Slicing
    101  Implementing moving median with scipy median_filter
    101  If conditions for unknown range of number
    101  Identify time point in DataFrame based on condition per time series
    101  How to store a numpy.ndarray into MySQL?
    101  How to select the first occurrence of a repeated item in sequence in a list using traditional python or using pandas/numpy/sciy
    101  How to save a list of python dictionaries as an array of matlab structured arrays?
    101  How to rewrite a given nearest-neighbor function with only using numpy and without loops?
    101  How to replace empty numpy array by grayscale image values
    101  how to index an element that has been appended to a 1d numpy array python
    101  How to get mean of each list inside the list avoiding certain value?
    101  How to flatten rows having similar index in pandas?
    101  How to fix negative values in log?
    101  How to find index and max value for overlapping numpy arrays
    101  How to filter a numpy array based on two conditions: one depending on the other?
    101  How to extend an numpy array with two index array [duplicate]
    101  How to create a pandas dataframe from a file with no common separator?
    101  How to create a file list of my files included in the same folder?
    101  How to convert a list of ndarray arrays into list in python
    101  How to change pixDim in medical volumetric data using nibabel preferably or numpy or something else?
    101  How this mixed scipy.sparse / numpy program should be handled
    101  How do I binary search a pandas dataframe for a combination of column values?
    101  How do I assign a value in numpy with advanced boolean indexing?
    101  How can I Sessionize rows in pandas based on week days?
    101  How can I multiply unaligned numpy matrices in python?
    101  How can i find sum of subtraction in numpy
    101  Get values out of a Series in Python
    101  get back nan values after storing in HDFStore
    101  Generate 1 GB file containing 4 columns in Python
    101  Float rounding error with Numpy isin function
    101  Flipping continuous chunks of 1's up to a certain size in a binary numpy matrix
    101  Find timestamp in data frame column by a given timedelta
    101  finding the length and positions of sub-series within a series of numbers
    101  Find and return max value for a column and the row of the max value as an array
    101  find and replace closest values in a numpy array with respect to second array
    101  Filling Array with subsequent value
    101  Fast way of relabeling array elements or making elements contiguous in python
    101  Fast increment of many sub-spans of an array
    101  Fast Evolutionary Algorithm Mutation: Mutating n random genes instead of evaluating every gene
    101  Fast algorithm to find sets of boolean vectors that are almost mutually exclusive
    101  Extremely fast generation of gamma variates in Python
    101  Element-wise in-operator between two arrays
    101  Eigen-values of covariance matrix usign QR factorization
    101  Efficiently converting numpy array to matrix
    101  Distance with array of different sizes
    101  Difference in numpy indexing
    101  Dense random matrix to (un)directed graph as sparse matrix?
    101  Dendropy interop and numpy array
    101  Delete last N elements if they are 0 and constant
    101  cut a pice from an array and pad it with zeros
    101  creating numpy array from matrix with header
    101  Creating history of data from 2d numpy arrays?
    101  Convert numpy iterator to dictionary
    101  Converting List of Multidimensional Arrays to Single Multidimensional Array?
    101  Converting list of 2-D arrays into a 3-D array, adding elements along ''fast'' axes
    101  Convert 3D array to pandas Panel data
    101  Concatenate each line of two arrays into a single one
    101  Comparing number of identical column elements between two rows in Python
    101  compare large sets of arrays
    101  Cannot feed image data of DICOM into image data generator
    101  build a map out of a matrix with multiple outcomes
    101  Bug while implementing Monte Carlo Markov Chain in Python
    101  Average across lists of lists in numpy
    101  Array ordering when wrapping Fortran for Python using SWIG and numpy.i
    101  Applying scipy.sparse.linalg.svds returns nan values
    101  Append a one dimensional numpy array in a new x-value of a two dimensional numpy array
    101  Adding to window in pandas
    101  Adding percentage symbol to all x axis list's elements
    101  Access to short diagonal elements in Numpy 3 dimensional array
    101  access class attributes from another without inheritance? use an array of classes as input
    100  Writing data to json in python
    100  Why `vectorize` is outperformed by `frompyfunc`?
    100  Why there is the difference? np.inner vs inner
    100  Why does numpy.linalg.solve() have non-constant computation time for same sized arrays?
    100  Why are numpy and torch so much faster than R for matrix multiplication?
    100  Why aren't my data being masked?
    100  When does the order of multiplication matter in python?
    100  What is the best way to group and sort data in pandas?
    100  What happened to randomkit.h or how to migrate to the latest numpy.random c/cython api
    100  ValueError: The shape of all parameters
    100  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (11,384) (96,) (11,384)
    100  Value error in fitting linear regression model
    100  ValueError from simple Numpy comparison [duplicate]
    100  Using xrange to Reduce Memory Usage, For Loop
    100  Understanding the differences between similar numpy flattening techniques
    100  Understanding Python index operations
    100  Two dimensional matrix using for loop in Python
    100  Time-efficient combination of numpy functions
    100  Tf.where doesn't evaluate
    100  sum in python where list of list are in exponential
    100  Struggling with 'quiz' python class logic
    100  Stack 200 2-d numpy arrays of size (100*100) in a 3-d numpy array (200 * 100 * 100)
    100  Speeding up all-to-all comparisons with a lookup table on Numpy and/or Pandas
    100  Sorting, iterating and 'unsorting' a numpy array
    100  Six nested loops in order to obtain the difference of arrays within a threshold
    100  Selecting rows from python array
    100  Segregating data from pandas dataframe using tag types
    100  Sci-Kit learn model loads incorrectly on unpickling with joblib
    100  Return value of pyfunc_0 is double, but expects float
    100  Returning 0-length arrays from fortran to python using f2py
    100  Reshape this (4,4) numpy ndarray to (2,2,4) ndarray
    100  Reshape pandas dataframe which has lists as values
    100  remove value of numpy array while keeping the dimensions
    100  Reading in binary file with dtype causes ValueError
    100  python warning exception without stopping program
    100  Python: nd array to csv
    100  Python multiprocessing slowed down even in mono-thread
    100  Python module import order
    100  Python: how to replicate the same row of a matrix?
    100  Python How to count a series with multiple items in one line
    100  Python function using numpy array input is giving unexpected result
    100  python for loop output as array
    100  Python for dummies using the bakeshare data
    100  Python: Fastest way of packing a 2d array of binary values into UINT64 array
    100  python comtypes how to pass numpy float32 (singe-precision float) as scalar?
    100  Python Color Palettize Camera Frame very slow
    100  Python Calendar list of arrays
    100  Python3 opencv get number of template matchs
    100  Python 3.5 csv input shows extra character 'b'
    100  Python 2.7: Calculate area under curve given set of coordinates for multiple polynomial curves (Results are not reset to 0 with each run of function)
    100  Pyramidal 3D histogram in matplotlib (as in 1976 historical movie about SVD)
    100  Problem with pd.DataFrame with data from Keras prediction
    100  populating a numpy ndarray of an arbitrary shape (preferably without using for loops)
    100  Pandas shift moving discarded elements to the beginning
    100  pandas : high values converted to nan when passing to numpy array
    100  Optimizing a custom ranking function in python
    100  OpenCV reads an image as a 3-channel image while PIL reads the same image as a 1-channel image
    100  NumPy unique() returning array instead of scalar
    100  Numpy, sort rows of a matrix putting zeros first and not modifying the rest of the row
    100  Numpy or Pandas function for ''x-value-window'' means or other stats?
    100  numpy ''object has no atrribute ''open''''
    100  numpy multiplying arrays of shape (20L,), (20L,) gives broadcast error?
    100  Numpy keep dimensions globally
    100  NumPy, how to effectively make elementwise operation involving other elements of ndarray(without loops)
    100  numpy array slicing intersection of rows and columns
    100  Numpy array change value of inner elements
    100  Np.interp doesn't work correctly on timestamps during American daylight savings transitions
    100  Need efficient method to broadcast a smaller Numpy array into a larger one
    100  Multiply each value in two data frames and add each answer to a column
    100  Multiple Numpy random shuffles does not add up
    100  ''Module not found error'' on running python code with numpy in docker container even after adding numpy in dockerfile /requirements.txt
    100  Memory Error when trying to load an R object file into a python numpy array
    100  Maximum of 2 numpy unint8 arrays
    100  Mask outside of an interval of Two 2D array?
    100  Masking nested array with value at index with a second array
    100  mapping a numpy array to a function, passing along the indices
    100  making new tuple from list and dictionary
    100  Linear Regression (sklearn) fitting data shape error
    100  Lengthening a DataFrame based on stacking columns within it in Pandas
    100  Lazy evaluation of numpy.max
    100  kernel Density simulation on python
    100  Keep track of items in array with delimiter python
    100  jpg loaded with python keras is different from jpg loaded in javascript
    100  I want to create a simple movie recommendation system with Y(i,j)=ith movie rated by jth user and R(i,j)=1 if a movie has been rated ,else r(i,j)=0
    100  Iterate over matrices with distinct rows [duplicate]
    100  is there a simple way to get oulines of a 3D stl file with numpy-stl?
    100  Is there a numpy version of arange() that returns a generator object and not an entire array?
    100  Is there an idiom or API for synchronized shuffling of Python arrays?
    100  Is there a difference between np.matrix(np.array([0,0])) and np.matrix([0,0])?
    100  Inserting one matrix as an element of another matrix using Numpy
    100  Index n-th dimension of Numpy array with 2d index array
    100  IndexError: index 82459 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 82459
    100  Importing non-square adjacency matrix into Networkx python
    100  importing from file vs internet in genfromtxt numpy date “TypeError: must be str, not bytes” using python 3.6 [duplicate]
    100  how to use the row [a,b] to index another array as data[a:b]?
    100  How to use PyArray_SearchSorted in Numpy C API
    100  How to split a list\array according to some related values into 3 lists
    100  How to specify conditions inside np.where() when they themselves depend on some index?
    100  How to solve equation with matrix A*(X+B)=C (Not Squared)
    100  How to slice numpy array such that each slice becomes a new array
    100  How to shift values using pandas in python dataframe? [duplicate]
    100  How to properly parallelize generic code with Numba + Dask
    100  How to plot a line on a scatter graph based on theta from regression in Python?
    100  How to nicely handle [:-0] slicing?
    100  How to iterate through two numpy arrays of different dimensions
    100  How to get a view on a cofactor of a 2D array column in numpy
    100  How to fill a numpy array with a C function located in DLL?
    100  How to extract an array of same dimension as the original array meeting a condition? [duplicate]
    100  How to duplicate rows in a numpy array based on a value in each row
    100  How to draw a line parallel to y = x line using matplotlib?
    100  How to create numpy boolean 2darray based on the argmin of another numpy 2darray?
    100  How to convert data from meshgrid format into array and vice versa: Python
    100  How to compute new variable from existing variables in xarray?
    100  How to check if a set of coordinates matches a tetris piece in Python
    100  How i can get the indexes of numpy array that contain one's
    100  How do I re-shape an array with shape(band,row,column) to (row,column,band)?
    100  How can I select particular Columns in DataFrame based on conditions
    100  how can I convert a list containing apostrophe and numbers to numbers (e.g ['2,2.4,3'] to [2,2.4,3]) in python
    100  How can I calculate the 95th percentile over a table with numpy?
    100  GPU parallelization of code that uses numpy functions
    100  Generate 1d array form txt file using python
    100  Frequency domain of a sine wave with frequency 1000Hz
    100  For loop for an array
    100  Find nearest neighbors ignoring missing values
    100  Finding the smoothest 15% of a curve
    100  Finding the first row in a colomn where a criteria is met (value is higher than x) in Python
    100  Find flattened indices of symmetric elements of a 2D array
    100  Find EyeMap of an image using python opencv
    100  Extremum of a weird array in numpy (python3)
    100  Encountered memory leak when using numpy.mean
    100  Efficiently compute the mean bits of many bitstrings in python / numpy?
    100  Doing calculations with multiple numpy arrays without for loops
    100  Does Numpy use multiprocessing or openMP?
    100  Displaying 2 values in a record array using Django template for loop
    100  different eigenvalues from np.eig and np.svd
    100  Delete array from 2D array
    100  Defining 500 initial random positions of an rotating object in 2-D by Python
    100  cython version of multi_dot based on
    100  Cython actually slowing me down
    100  Curious Modulus Operator (%) Result
    100  Creating a numpy array from a loop
    100  creating a new lambda function by integrating
    100  Create matrix from mongodb documents
    100  Create array from mixed floats and arrays Python
    100  converting list into individual separate list
    100  Converting CSV to CLF in Python
    100  construct a pairwise matrix from a vector in tensorflow
    100  Computing product of ith row of array1 and ith column of array2 - NumPy
    100  Comparing Nan Values are True using np.where or alternative
    100  Check if value is higher than a threshold if it is, replace by
    100  Check between which floats in a list a given float falls
    100  Cant use numpy.ndarray or pandas groupby to create individual plots
    100  Boolean matrices with numpy - bitwise operations questions
    100  All eigenvectors of large sparse matrices are zero
    100  2D and 1D numpy array in a for loop saving into files
     99  Write data file line by line in python
     99  Why NumPy operations are faster for np.float32 than np.int32?
     99  Why is as fast as these GPU implementations of matrix multiplication?
     99  What really happens if LSF starts a single Python job on multiple nodes?
     99  What is the easiest way in NumPy to index vectors of a matrix excluding one index in each row? [duplicate]
     99  What does this Slicing and Ellipse index operations result in?
     99  What does h5py broadcasting refers to?
     99  Vectorizing complex assignment logic in numpy
     99  ValueError when asking if a list of length-2 arrays contains a given length-1 array
     99  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence symbolic
     99  using pandas.to_csv(df) only displays a subset of numpy.array in Excel
     99  Using Numpy Where on 2 2-d arrays
     99  Using np.mean() in Python
     99  Using a while loop to compare and modify a Series
     99  Unpacking a nested matrix in pandas
     99  UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x1' referenced before assignment
     99  trouble with basic numpy multiplication
     99  Strange values of 2F1 function in scipy
     99  Speed up turn probabilities into binary features
     99  Specify range of graph using NumPy linspace
     99  Sorting numpy lists
     99  Set duplicate elements as zeros
     99  Serialise multidimensional boolean NumPy array to binary
     99  Sequentially label index to duplicate DataFrame index
     99  select elements from array mimizing memory usage
     99  Scipy processing large data
     99  Scalar-vector multiplication for Vector-Matrix multiplication
     99  same numbers but different shape when slicing 2 dimensional arrays in python with numpy
     99  Running quicker for Numpy and Pandas( installed via conda) than via pip?
     99  Risks re changing NaN responses to zero in Python DataFrame
     99  Reshaping NumPy Array: IndexError: Tuple Index Out of Range
     99  Repeat ndarray n times [duplicate]
     99  Reindex data in an array such that missing data points are filled with NaNs
     99  reduce one dimension within an ndarray
     99  Reduced Row Echelon form script doesn't work in specific cases
     99  Recursive function to apply any function to N arrays of any length to form one jagged multidimensional array of N dimensions
     99  Recursive Flood Fill in an image using python and numpy
     99  Python Serialization with Append Support
     99  Python: sampling subsets with controlled repetitions
     99  Python, Replace all array values with formatted string
     99  Python only uses one core
     99  Python/Numpy optimisation
     99  Python lognorm.cdf vs. formula based implementation not matching
     99  Python - how to visualise a decision boundary for a LogisticRegression?
     99  Python - cut only the descending part of the dataset
     99  Python: curve with smoothly changing color along its length [duplicate]
     99  Python: Backpropagation approximation for a 1-S^1-1 network
     99  pyCuda and gpuarray.maximum differs from numpy
     99  Product operator of n matrices without a loop
     99  Permuting values in a pandas dataframe using a loop
     99  Performance hit in int to string conversion, but an object pit stop avoids it
     99  Pandas: How to use a Numpy function instead of a Lambda function for the same result (since Numpy is faster)?
     99  pandas - fill in empty row values with other row values conditionally
     99  One line solution for editing a numpy array of counts? (python)
     99  numpy using multidimensional index array on another multidimensional array
     99  Numpy: Use vectorization for loop while referring to previous row value?
     99  NumPy: Uniformly distributed N-dimensional samples
     99  numpy python 3.4 for beginners
     99  Numpy: proper way to arrange input and output vectors
     99  Numpy optimized reshape : 2D array to 3D
     99  Numpy: Generate 2 sequences of n random numbers with no overlaps
     99  Numpy float storage into Dataframe seems to be wrongly managed
     99  Numpy error in Python
     99  Numpy array: how to reduce a single dimension
     99  numpy.apply_along_axis truncates strings because it infers wrong dtype '<U1'
     99  numpy and the operation a ,b = b, a [duplicate]
     99  np.where overwriting th values
     99  Need help reshaping multidimensional NumPy array
     99  ''ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy''', but I have installed NumPy
     99  Minimum sum route through numpy array
     99  merge a string column to a set of list using Python
     99  Matrix element wise multiplication with shifted columns
     99  masking operation in python and numpy
     99  Locally weighted smoothing for binary valued random variable
     99  Load Data from CSV using Numpy
     99  List of Images from a list of 128x512 arrays improve efficiency
     99  Listing only pandas rows that match a criteria based on function output
     99  Linear fit constrained to go through the first point in Python
     99  K- means defining Initial Centers for tf-idf matrix
     99  Is there a possibility to define dtype only once for all columns?
     99  Is there a Numpy equivalent to string `translate`?
     99  Integer conversion to floating point type by python
     99  In pandas or numpy can we set a flag on row to do vectorization and use it for next row calculations
     99  Initialize multidimensional array in Python?
     99  Implementation of Isotropic squared exponential kernel with numpy
     99  I am getting a Open cv error when working with object detection
     99  How to vectorize this function in py3
     99  How to sum together rows of numpy 2d array according to partition
     99  How to split a matrix in two in python in a memory effecient way?
     99  How to print a value from a different column if certain conditions are met in an other column?
     99  How to multiply positions of a list of lists
     99  How to get pandas dataframe where columns are the subsequent n-elements from another column dataframe?
     99  How to get all possible slices of a 1D numpy array depending on input
     99  How to find Bragg reflexes fast with numpy?
     99  How to extract an element from nested list, and append it to another list? [duplicate]
     99  how to crop cell image in opencv python [duplicate]
     99  How to correct numerical error in numpy sum
     99  How to convert a string (describing arrays) into an array in python [duplicate]
     99  How to change all odd values of a array to their negative e.g. 1 should be -1 by fancy indexing?
     99  How to calculate all combinations of difference between array elements in 2d?
     99  How do you set the magnitude and the phase of the DFT of an image to a specific value?
     99  How do I extract a list from numpy array? [duplicate]
     99  How do I eliminate similar rows from my data set?
     99  How do I convert a np.poly1d object to a string value?
     99  How can we append numbers to the duplicate names, and upload them in the main excel file with pandas?
     99  How can I write numpy arrays as high dynamic range images?
     99  How can I vectorize this numpy rotation code?
     99  Handling two large dataframes - issue when using np.isin
     99  Grid distribution with numpy
     99  Get values from dictionary using a list of keys
     99  Getting median of portion of array according to bool python
     99  Get product of two one dimensional array in python
     99  get a dict out of an ndarray
     99  Function defining: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() [duplicate]
     99  For a DataFrame with sorted, float index and columns, calculate a value using linear interpolation, based on a DataFrame values
     99  find weight matrix for Temporal Associative Memories
     99  Finding indices of search items in a NumPy array
     99  find first and last element of a NumPy array larger than a threshold
     99  Fastest apply function on groups for 2D numpy array
     99  Faster way to do `A[tuple(B.T)]` in Numpy
     99  expand numpy array in n dimensions
     99  Error while creating numpy array
     99  Eliminate loop in numpy - proper broadcasting
     99  Efficient Numpy search in a non-monotonic array
     99  Does python interpreter performing on the fly optimization?
     99  Custom sklearn transformer in Pipeline throwing IndexError for cross_validate but not when using GridSearchCV
     99  Curve fitting with asymetric double sigmoidal function SciPy
     99  Creating resource bell distribution over dates with pandas/ Numpy
     99  Creating a one dimensional numpy array with specific predifined orderings of elements
     99  Create 3D array with values which use three 1D Numpy arrays
     99  Could not determine shape of numpy array in a loop containing transpose operation
     99  Conditional ''at-least'' in Python, with pseudo-randomiztion
     99  Computing moving median with scipy generic_filter and numpy median_filter gives different outputs
     99  Computing average across a list of MxN arrays
     99  Combining numpy arrays to create a value field
     99  Combine several heat maps
     99  Combine Pandas columns containing list objects
     99  catching warnings from numpy and scipy with try except
     99  Can anyone in detail explain how cv and cv2 are different and what makes cv2 better and faster than cv?
     99  Calculate function on array slices in a vectorized way
     99  Broadcasting large arrays in numpy changes result type
     99  broadcasted lstsq (least squares)
     99  broadcast each row of A along B, avoiding `repeat`
     99  Best way to count all rows in a 2d numpy array that include all elements of another 1d array?
     99  Apply digitize() to ndarray by row
     99  Append data to end of human-readable file Python
     99  Add small image to the canvas as numpy arrays
     99  3d Plot not containing all column data?
     99  1D Ising Model Graph and Configuration
     98  z-axis label on Axes3D
     98  With numpy, what's the fastest way to generate an array from -n to n, excluding 0, being `n` an integer?
     98  Why dgemm (Cython compiled) is slower than
     98  What methods can be used to speed up this Python code involving nested for loops?
     98  Vectorizing scalar-array multiplication in Python (Numpy)
     98  vectorize NumPy triple product on 2D array
     98  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence with Tensorflow
     98  Using same array in multiple python modules
     98  Using empty matrix as an index of another matrix in numpy
     98  Using a list of dates to pull data from one DataFrame into another in Pandas
     98  Using a distance matrix *with errors* to find the coordinates of points
     98  Using a 32-bit conda environment in PyCharm 2019
     98  Use matplotlib to set the x-axis
     98  Two point series intersect only after extended?
     98  Trying to generate a random graph, and then generate another one until it is isomorphic with the first one
     98  Trouble with Scipy for Python 2.6 on Mac OS Lion
     98  Trouble with passing bson objectid to numpy recarray in python 3
     98  Translating entire coordinates of array to new origin
     98  Tensorflow: Inputting encapsulated data batch through single placeholder
     98  SWIG2 with NUMPY
     98  Sum weekly totals of values from one data frame based on dates in another data frame in python
     98  Subtracting one dimensional array (list of scalars) from 3 dimensional arrays using broadcasting
     98  Student - np.random.choice: How to isolate and tally hit frequency within a np.random.choice range
     98  Step left rows values until not null in python
     98  Split Pandas Column into Multiple using spaces
     98  Speeding up conversion from Byte-String to Image after getting the String from TCP Client in Python
     98  Smoothing filter on multiple Matrices?
     98  Set of repeated NaNs in pandas Series
     98  Selecting Specific Data to Sum and Plot
     98  search keywords in dataframe cell
     98  Return a boolean value based on the booleans of two other columns
     98  Reshape function broadcasting from wrong numpy shape
     98  Reshape arrays with python
     98  Replace all elements of a matrix by their inverses
     98  Python speeding up nested loops with numpy
     98  Python Scope within Classes
     98  Python: scipy.sparse slower than numpy.matmul for sparse matrix
     98  Python: Is there a matlab-like backslash operator?
     98  Python - How to split an array based on the first column?
     98  python how to find the number of days in each month from Dec 2019 and forward between two date columns
     98  Python: Create a multidimensional array by stacking a 1D array in a loop
     98  PyQt5 set RGBA pixel in numpy array
     98  Preserve vertical dimension with numpy.mean()
     98  Platform Independent File Path for numpy.genfromtxt
     98  Pixel values in green channel aren't as expected when using PIL in python
     98  Pandas 'Styler' object has no attribute 'pivot_table' pandas
     98  Pandas if/then aggregation
     98  Pandas giving MemoryError()
     98  Pandas dataframe - data type issue
     98  Or statement within np.all() function
     98  Optimizing Python loop when each loop reads the result of last loop
     98  Optimization of Data
     98  Obtaining Indexes for maximum points in a 2D numpy array
     98  Numpy vectorize multidimensional function (or, building feature planes for a neural network)
     98  numpy type conversions for arrays vs. scalars
     98  Numpy remove columns and rows that only have False or 0 in one line
     98  Numpy problems (python doesn't run anything)
     98  numpy plot create figure failed after several minutes idel
     98  NumPy masking issue  -  What am I missing?
     98  Numpy- how to sample a line in world coordinates to pixel coordinates
     98  Numpy getting exact shape
     98  Numpy: Finding count of distinct values from associations through binning
     98  NumPy: Fastest way to generate random subset that includes particular element
     98  Numpy equivalents of Ruby array functions
     98  numpy applying aggregated information across a 2D array
     98  numba function will not compile
     98  np.where returning empty index for list of tuples
     98  np.transpose doesn't return transpose of matrix
     98  Natural Logarithm algebra in numpy
     98  Name output variables using a suffix entered as input
     98  moving average difference between numpy and
     98  Merge two 2D Numpy array's while persevering row order
     98  Keeping Index names when converting Pandas DataFrame to Numpy Array
     98  Is there a way I can ''tag'' adjacent elements in a numpy array with the same element?
     98  Intersperse items of a numpy array
     98  Inefficient Curve Fitting Using Scipy Curve Fit
     98  Indexing a numpy array [duplicate]
     98  IndexError: range object index out of range error
     98  Improving performance of Python operation using Numpy, Numba, Cython, etc
     98  Import RS4 object (from RData file) into numPy array
     98  Implementing intereaved products and sums in Python without loop overhead
     98  How to visualize a list of strings on a colorbar in matplotlib
     98  How to Vectorize This 2D Matrix Operation?
     98  How to save data in .csv file in row and column form using numpy
     98  How to print an array using %.2f
     98  How to pass numpy logic functions to Cython correctly?
     98  How to implement a multidimensional version of NymPy convolve?
     98  How to get/set elements in a numpy matrix by multiple indices without for-loop?
     98  How to get Information about sharpness of Image with Fourier Transformation?
     98  how to get C type definition string from numpy dtype
     98  How To Find Percentage of Group's Total in Pandas
     98  How to find numpy array shape in a larger array?
     98  How to detect black shaped contour on photo with OpenCV-Python
     98  How to convert mat file including 4916 pictures (375x375x3) into a numpy array?
     98  How to call Python function from Java code without use of Jython
     98  How to ''bin'' a numpy array using custom (non-linearly spaced) buckets?
     98  How to apply my own function along each rows and columns with NumPy
     98  How to: (1) making a copy of a numpy array, (2) modifing this copy, and (3) returning the modified copy
     98  how do I meshgrid 6 variates with numpy.meshgrid()?
     98  How do I add an attribute name to an array?
     98  How can I create a subset of the 'most dissimilar' arrays from a set of possible combinations?
     98  Having much trouble with 'preallocating cell arrays' in Python
     98  Get max rectangle area from numpy array
     98  genfromtxt issues of import a txt file
     98  Find standard deviation of a column in Pandas where each element is a numpy array
     98  Find index where type conversion fails in numpy array
     98  Find an easier way to compare two 2-d array's independence
     98  Filling in a 4D matrix with 2d matrixes
     98  Faster way to build text file in python
     98  Extract only samples which belong to certain kmeans label
     98  error reading back a numpy array from csv
     98  Error displaying image from SQLite3
     98  Efficient way to calculate standard deviation / volatility of multiple portfolios with numpy multidimensional arrays
     98  Efficient way of creating a matrix in numpy by duplicating a given array along a diagonal
     98  Difference in numpy array masking
     98  Defining minimum radius in Scipy's cKDTree routine
     98  Cython self defined data types ndarray
     98  CUDA histogram2d not working
     98  csv read columns and rows
     98  creating a pivot or summary of text data
     98  Create a new numpy array with values based on coordinates and external variables
     98  create a matrix with two dataframe - pandas?
     98  convert two different arrays to a dictionary
     98  Convert numpy flow control syntax to regular python syntax
     98  conversion of string to tuple in python
     98  Comparing values in Column 2 corresponding to equal values from Column 1 in python
     98  Changing the output of functions within functions
     98  can't download numpy in cmd
     98  Cannot Import Python Packages on Linux
     98  Can I do anova with only one replication?
     98  Best way optimize pairings (Python)
     98  Average a single period of a periodic signal with numpy
     98  Assigning indicators based on observation quantile
     98  Array comparison not matching elementwise comparison in numpy
     98  Append numpy array with diff dimensions
     98  Aggregate Pandas dataframe and extract dominant frequencies
     98  Advanced indexing alternative for njit numba function
     98  2D-Histogram With A Third Data Set In Python
     97  writing a range output lists into a text file or four array
     97  Why vectorized computations are slower than the for loop equivalent
     97  why numby.array's parameter ndmin doesn't operate
     97  why it is saying at i have declare kernel
     97  Why does numpy+mkl make it so my object is not iterable?
     97  What is the fastest way to see whether values in a numpy OrderedDict are the same in another OrderedDict?
     97  What is fastest way to compute average of python array different elements with condition?
     97  Weird / Wrong outpout of np.argsort()
     97  Vectorizing the conversion of columns in a 2D numpy array to byte strings
     97  using np.where with indices
     97  Updating specific rows in python
     97  Updating pyfits bin table data
     97  TypeError: object of type 'numpy.float64' has no len() on assignment of matrix element
     97  Test the equality of multiple arguments with Numpy
     97  Testing numpy arrays of characters for equality
     97  take the year from date type in a pandas dataframe column [duplicate]
     97  Substitute function for pandas read_table not working
     97  Subset sum improvement
     97  Step function with linear inteval in numpy
     97  Smooth aggressive values in the list
     97  Select users based on the column values - pandas dataframe
     97  Seemingly inconsistent behavior when converting numpy arrays to bool
     97  Search elements of one array in another, row-wise - Python / NumPy
     97  Search a 2D array in another 2D array in Python [duplicate]
     97  Scikit-learn dataset maker not accepting command-line arguments
     97  Sanity Check on Numpy Dimensions?
     97  Sanitizing inputs by updating locals() in Python
     97  Reverse skimage view_as_blocks() with numpy.reshape()
     97  Reverse Index Arrays
     97  Repeating numpy array elements according to another index array
     97  Read/write CSV Array of Dicts containing an list of arbitrary length
     97  Reading int from binary file incorrect when using c++
     97  Questions regarding the dimension initialization of multiple numpy arrays within a single numpy array
     97  Python sampling a dataframe
     97  Python: Optimize deletion of elements not aligned in a numpy array
     97  Python numpy - iterating over an array?
     97  python numpy arange: strange behavior [duplicate]
     97  Python If Statment
     97  Python: How to convert Numpy array item value type to array with this value?
     97  (Python) How can I turn a csv file with thousands of 10 digit numbers into decimal? (10dig -> 3dig+7decimal)
     97  Python Dataframe get the NaN columns for each row
     97  python-Cannot call a function in script but can in the interactive mode
     97  Plot with for loop from different datasets
     97  plot the PSD of an image vs. x/y axis
     97  Performance drop in NumPy matrix-vector multiplication
     97  pandas HDF5 numpy created dataframe cannot use .head() or display(df)
     97  pandas decile ranks on DataFrame rows
     97  Padding an image with NumPy returns it all black
     97  Order record array by unique occurances
     97  optimize python code for memory efficiency
     97  Opposite of numpy.broadcast_to
     97  NumPy phase factor, (-1)^n: performance
     97  numpy ndarray indexing - retrieving indexes from tuple
     97  NumPy mathematical functions
     97  numpy fastest way to transform an array's elements to their frequency
     97  NumPy - Dot Product along 3rd dimension without copying
     97 answers not consistent for large vectors
     97  numpy data type casting behaves differently in x=x+a and x+=a
     97  numpy binary notation quick generation
     97  Numpy array slicing transposes internal data
     97  NumPy Array Grid between Cells
     97  Normalization using Numpy vs hard coded
     97  Need to quickly subset a very big ncdf using a set of coordinates
     97  Multilayer Perceptron Fails to Converge
     97  Masking a multidimensional NumPy array
     97  Make Unique Integer from Two Given Integers Python Numpy
     97  Macports Installed Python 2.7 Inccorectly Imports Python 3.5 Numpy
     97  Logical iteration over numpy array
     97  Logarithm over x
     97  List comprehension of numpy arrays in eclipse generates NameError
     97  List and Numpy array in Python
     97  ''LinAlgError: 0-dimensional array given. Array must be at least two-dimensional'' BUT I've know I'm passing a 2D argument
     97  Keras loss is nan when using inputing data from csv with numpy
     97  Joining neighbouring x-tics with numpy
     97  Joining a elements of a list within a series
     97  I would like to plot specific elements from a list, that are indicated by another list [duplicate]
     97  Iterate numpy array and keep dimensions
     97  is there a way with tensorflow.js to input a shape with -1 as one of the shape value
     97  Issue boost::python::numpy: Exception thrown if ''boost::numpy::initialize ''
     97  inserting numpy data into a bigger array of zeros
     97  In numpy, why is .var() a method while mean() is a normal function?
     97  IndexError: index 2048 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 2
     97  Improve performance python matrix
     97  I got a TypeError message when using tensorflow
     97  Identify activities in time series in Python
     97  How to write a string and a numpy array in a file?
     97  How to use groupby and filter data frame to create a new column
     97  How to use all images read from a folder for image augmentation
     97  How to structure multiple python arrays for sorting
     97  How to speed up a large number of inner products
     97  How to rewrite two dimensional array slicing using loops(open cv format)
     97  How to return top-n probability and its associated classes?
     97  How to replace a list comprehension with a numpy command?
     97  How to remove the noise on the border without losing data in the middle of mask
     97  How to read a matrix from a textfile [closed]
     97  How to optimize below code to run faster, size of my dataframe is almost 100,000 data points
     97  How to know if scipy function uses C code?
     97  how to get the x and y according to numpy.min()'s minimum value
     97  How to get indices of maximum values in numpy but with threshold value?
     97  how to get angle of the complex argument with period?
     97  How to get a 2d array of sliced regions from a 1d numpy array and two arrays of limits [closed]
     97  How to extract those rows in a 2d array whose first element is in a different list? [closed]
     97  How to combine two 2D array into the following in Python?
     97  How to check if an element in Pandas df row has a value with equality sign(the value after the sign changes)
     97  How to change numpy array by removing quotations and adding a comma between each value?
     97  How to calculate the decomposition A=P[I_r,0;0,0]Q in Python?
     97  How should I model log or sqrt with GEKKO? Constraints
     97  How do I use numpy vectorize to iterate through a two-dimentional vector?
     97  How do I multiply a numpy array by a numpy matrix?
     97  How do I generate addends for a given sum using Python?
     97  How can I use np argmax on an array of lists?
     97  How can I turn this function into a unfunc without for loops?
     97  How can I save/restore AdaptiveMetropolis step method state?
     97  How can I convert a list to a numpy array for filtering elements?
     97  Get # of contiguous hits and their first/last index in a NumPy array
     97  Get biggest coherent area
     97  genfromtxt load data arranged in lines
     97  Generate a 'closeness to center' matrix in numpy
     97  Function to select from columns pandas df
     97  from . import _mklinit ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
     97  Find Nearest Transition in N-dimensional Array
     97  Find first non-zero row in numpy
     97  Find Consecutive Repeats of Specific Length in NumPy
     97  Find all indices of numpy vector whose value is in a given set
     97  Find all combinations of just some elements of an array
     97  Fill blocks at random places on each 2D slice of a 3D array
     97  fill a numpy 2D array with function in one line
     97  Fast way to add a number to all cells adjacent a row/column index in a N-dim sparse Numpy Array?
     97  Extract the indices of whites surrounded by blacks
     97  Extracting element of pandas array of type numpy array
     97  Error when converting python list to numpy
     97  Error on slicing array in Python
     97  Element wise comparison between 2d arrays by if condition
     97  Elegant way to work with 2D list in python
     97  Efficient way to transform array into encoding for ordinal regression
     97  Efficient ways of calculating affinity only for local neighbourhood in a large graph
     97  Easiest way to slice border particles in a 3D numpy array with variable border size
     97  Divide by zero encountered in python 2 but works on python 3 [duplicate]
     97  Difference between A[1:3][0:2] and A[1:3,0:2]
     97  Dictionary of numpy array in python
     97  Defining a complex-valued, piecewise function
     97  datetime: subtracting date from itself yields 3288 days
     97  Data conversion error with numpy
     97  Cryptocurrency correlation in python, working with dictionaries
     97  Creating Numpy-Arrays without iterating in Python
     97  Creating a slice of a matrix from a vector in Numpy
     97  Count occurences of elements of a matrix fast
     97  counting occurrences of an int in a list quickly
     97  Counting Nonzero Entries per Class in Numpy
     97  Convert string in python to nd-array [duplicate]
     97  Convert json string image to numpy 2D array
     97  Converting Grayscale Image to RGB and Vice veras
     97  Convert all the values of the text to int while reading in python
     97  Conditional selection in array
     97  Concatenating numpy arrays to exisiting keys in dictionary
     97  Concatenate dicts of numpy arrays retaining numpy dtype
     97  Combining 2d matrices in numpy
     97  Combing pandas dataframe values based on other column values
     97  Check numpy array if a row contains at least one false
     97  Can someone explain how numpy displays multidimensional arrays?
     97  Calculate time difference between alternating time stamp with a wrinkle (Python Pandas)
     97  Calculate all possible columnwise differences in a matrix
     97  Build numpy matrix from a dictionary with coordinate and value
     97  Better way to vectorize using numpy
     97  Azure ImportError: Unable to import required dependencies: numpy
     97  Assign different values to odd and even elements of slice of numpy array
     97  arrays are not functioning depending on their format
     97  Arranging numpy array
     97  argsort on numpy.array as generator
     97  Are Python's map and filter really so ridiculously fast or are my measurements wrong?
     97  Append a string as suffix to columns in data frame as the values from a column of other dataframe
     97  Apparently inconsistent behavior when copying numpy arrays
     96  Workflow for going from Numpy to Embedded C?
     96  Why numpy.polynomial.laguerre.laggauss can not use more than 185 points for integration
     96  Why can't I use NumPy functions in Canopy's IPython?
     96  What is the quick way to create a 2d numpy array?
     96  What is the mathematical explanation of adding 2d Array and 1d Array?
     96  What exactly is the total size of the array using size in python?
     96  What does the argument 'weak' or 'strong' do for scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components?
     96  what does it mean to be `in` numpy array [duplicate]
     96  Vectorizing min and max of slices possible?
     96  Vectorizing a comparison in numpy
     96  Vectorization of recursively defined problem - Python
     96  ValueError when Integrating a Function
     96  Value Error When Infilling Datetime Index
     96  ValueError: objects are not aligned using curve_fit and a matrix model
     96  Use structured array to name axis in numpy array
     96  Use Numba to speed up the Rolling Root Mean Square Deviation Calculation
     96  Unique elements of a polynomial in python
     96  TypeError when rounding up float values of a numpy array
     96  Trying to plot a simple function - python
     96  Trying to append numpy vectors into a matrix using a for loop
     96  Truth evaluation of any type of variable
     96  Transposing the data in python
     96  The numpy function np.linspace is throwing a value error [closed]
     96  Sympy: lambdify such that operations on arrays always result in arrays, also for constants?
     96  Switching from Python 2.7 to 3.7 error: ''TypeError: 'generator' object is not subscriptable''
     96  Standardize Unit of measurements in dataframe
     96  Speed up numpy conditional replacement
     96  Sliding a subarray along a 2d array
     96  Slicing, indexing and iterating over 2D numpy arrays
     96  shift numpy vector n times and create a matrix
     96  Reshape arrays in Python
     96  Reading Dates as column names Numpy genfromtxt
     96  Python: When finding the product of a large array, how best to reduce floating point error?
     96  Python -> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^
     96  Python/Numpy array dimension confusion
     96  Python multi-dimensional notation transpose automatically
     96  Python - Minimum of list of tuples using min(list, key=func) how to improve efficiency
     96  Python: Increment pointer/view to numpy array
     96  Python: How to convert ndarray to ndarray list
     96  Python: fitting a straight line between first peaks in 2D array
     96  Python Dot-Product with Matrix-elements
     96  Python DBSCAN clustering with periodic boundary conditions
     96  Python code in sequential processing dependency
     96  Python , check if a list follows a distribution [closed]
     96  Python applying iterative linregress [closed]
     96  Put constraits on six random numbers making three negative and three positive and equating to 1?
     96  Preprocessing Categorical attributes in machine Learning
     96  Plot two histogram in same window but in different plots
     96  Perfect numpy implementation for this function
     96  passing a function as an argument to a class
     96  Pandas/Numpy Groupby + Aggregate (inc integer mean) + Filter
     96  Pandas: Multiple Pivots for Key Value Pairs ...  Faster way?
     96  pandas dataframe to coo matrix and to lil matix
     96  pandas: changing timestamp in cell results in incorrect value
     96  Padding 3 channel image with zeros
     96  Optimize an algorithm which is executed a lot of times
     96  Optimising for-loop with Numpy.tile: takes longer?
     96  Numpy way of appending the data retrieved from for loop
     96  Numpy Vectorization not working when passing dataframe as function arguments
     96  numpy slicing - TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     96  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'sorted_indices'
     96  Numpy N-D array
     96  numpy mask array limiting the frequency of masked values
     96  Numpy for-loop runtime too long
     96  numpy : fast substitution of uint8 value from a 2d array without any loop
     96  numpy: fancy indexing ''unexpected behaviour''  -  fancy indexing seems to give results that are the ''transpose'' of what would be expected intuitively
     96  Numpy failing in Python3 Google App Flexible Engine
     96  numPy - Creating array of function values
     96  Numpy: convert last axis to list
     96  Numpy: 2d array, error when running over the first index
     96  Modifying a numpy array in-place or how to get a reference to a numpy array to be updated
     96  Memory efficient mean pairwise distance
     96  Matrix of all possible multipliable outcomes from two lists into dataframe
     96  Matplotlib x axis
     96  Matplotlib dateformat issue
     96  Mathematical notation of Numpy's subtract function
     96  manipulating lists and arrays in a certain order
     96  Looping to create Python arrays
     96  looking for an efficient way to iterate
     96  Linear congruential generator - weak tests results
     96  k-hot encode values from multiple columns
     96  I want to apply noise to a volume that is depicted by a 3D numpy array
     96  Iterate over array and make calculation on elements
     96  Is there numpy's method which acts same as tensorflow's embedding_lookup()?
     96  Is there a pandas/numpy function to spread an integer across subsequent zeroes?
     96  Increasing Efficiency of Checking for Duplicates  -  Python
     96  Inconsistency between timieit with number and timeit without a number
     96  Incompatability when upgrading Scipy cannot use SciPy function on SymPy matrix
     96  Improve the execution speed using Numpy
     96  How to unpack a tuple when indexing?
     96  How to translate a simple MATLAB equation to Python?
     96  How to sparsify a matrix/array in python
     96  How to show graphs on webpage using django?
     96  How to select the smallest number within one row in python?
     96  How to omit all the last elements of a numpy ndarray in python?
     96  How to manage ''TypeError'' message when plotting functions defined in mpmath module instead of scipy?
     96  How to join numpy structured array with duplicates
     96  How to interpret this fft graph
     96  how to get the top n values and corresponding column headers to append to a Pandas dataframe
     96  How to get numpy array from multiple lists of same length and sort along an axis?
     96  How to get list([a,2],[a,1],[a,3]) with the highest number([a,3])
     96  How to get columns with Numeric Values and Categorical Values in Pandas as separate lists?
     96  How to extract the upper values from the whole 3D array in python
     96  How to create surface from 3-D numpy array in Pyopengl?
     96  How to create index combinations (k out of n) as sparse bitmasks for numpy
     96  How to compute distance from elements of an array in python?
     96  How to change array of (rounded) floats to array of strings python
     96  How to change array layout?
     96  How to calculate the average of the same pixel on 10 pictures?
     96  How to avoid NaN when using np.where function in python?
     96  How can I update a 2 dimension array with h5py?
     96  How can I read a text file with binary values, where each row is a binary vector itself using Numpy?
     96  How can I create a new list every x amount of steps in a loop?
     96  getting elements in an array1 that are not in array2
     96  Get min and max values from pandas dataframes within a dictionary in Python
     96  Generate random dataset of string values with Python3 and NumPy
     96  Funnel restrictive analysis with groupby
     96  Find the missing values in data frame using python
     96  find max per column of values that come before the min
     96  Find Matrix Closest to Another in Numpy/Scipy
     96  Finding minimual spatial distance
     96  Finding length of max discountinuity
     96  Find indexes by numpy where [duplicate]
     96  Find conected elements (runs) in a 3D array for a given direction
     96  Filter numpy array and restack array as multidimensional matrix [closed]
     96  Filling a specific shape within a numpy array
     96  Fill array with rows of different lenghts Python
     96  Figuring out broadcasting shape in numpy
     96  fatal error: 'arrayobject.h' file not found when using pyenv
     96  Fast way to do consecutive one-to-all calculations on Numpy arrays without a for-loop?
     96  Fastest way to replace values in array
     96  Evaluate expression using yield statements
     96  Error while trying to install numpy through pip in Pycharm
     96  Elepahs: Spark+Keras - Creating an RDD from numpy arrays for large data [duplicate]
     96  Electromagnetic force harmonics in time and space in Python
     96  Different contents for the same wav file
     96  Differences between declaring a list & appending and list()
     96  Delete all numbers from an array which are in another array
     96  Dealing with imbalanced data by using weight
     96  Cross-validation: finding row indices for a test set that aren't part of a training set
     96  Creating a size specific Numpy Array, and then filling it with values at a steped rate
     96  Creating a Python list or dictionary with a set number of rows, but variable number of columns per row
     96  Create a list of elements from nested lists [Python 3.4] [duplicate]
     96  Create a binary completeness map
     96  Count the number of exact co-occurences of items in a numpy list
     96  Converting from Deep to wide format in pandas without Memory errors
     96  Convert 1D numpy.array([]) to numpy.array([[]])
     96  Convenient and economic vector manipulation in NumPy
     96  confused about Python list syntax
     96  Complicated matrix multiplication
     96  Checking if float value is in numpy array
     96  change the type of numpyndarray float element to string
     96  Change 2D array by 2D array of indices
     96  Can I use a str in np.mean()?
     96  Calculating the derivative of points in python
     96  boost-bjam detect numpy include directory in JamRoot
     96  best way to find indices and change value in python [duplicate]
     96  Apply two numpy functions at the same time for aggfunc when using pivot_table
     96  Adjusting matplotlib colormap to show simulation
     96  add atoms randomly around an atom in vasp poscar using pymatgen
     96  Accumulate values of ''neigborhood'' from edgelist with numpy
     95  Writing a for loop with very big or very small numbers in python
     95  why using Myarray.size() returns error : '' int object is not callable '' but Myarray.size is Ok?
     95  Why numpy 1.14 rounds float16 65504 to 65500
     95  Why my PyArrayObject* data truncated?
     95  Why does 2 raised to x give negative value as x increases in numpy?
     95  what means var.diff[ ... ] = 0 in deeplearning by caffe?
     95  What is the fastest way to get the result of matrix < matrix in numpy?
     95  What is the '<' doing in this line?: data += dt < b
     95  Vectorization of selective cumulative sum
     95  Vectorization in python in the following code
     95  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (1,3) into shape (3,1)
     95  Unable to install numpy in PYCHARM ANACONDA
     95  Turn an Excel spreadsheet into an array
     95  Trying to pass a custom C++ matrix to a numpy array
     95  State counting machine with Python and Pandas
     95  Slope from linear regression
     95  Sliding window on a 2D data
     95  Slicing specific rows and columns within a numpy matrix
     95  Simplify conditional and avoid repetition in moving numpy window
     95  Simple scatter plot help: too many indicies?
     95  Scaling image held in numpy array cannot be undone
     95  Remove data above threshold in histogram
     95  Reduce 3D volume mask by uniform margin in python
     95  RecursionError in sorting algorithm when using Numpy array instead of list
     95  recarray with lists: how to reference first element in list
     95  Reading irregular colunm data into python 3.X using pandas or numpy
     95  Reading column delimited text data in python quickly
     95  Python: Using Equality Operator Inside of Numpy Array Assignment
     95  Python using data series as input function
     95  Python uint8array to base64 encode not working
     95  Python structured array not working
     95  python multiprocessing.pool application
     95  Python Method/Function
     95  Python: Load numpy arrays (npys) with specific columns
     95  Python increase specific matrix elements
     95  Python: How to reshape an array based on image input?
     95  Python: Hierarchical Slicing
     95  Python 2.7: TypeError: 'float' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
     95  pyQtGraph detect widget bounds and start scrolling
     95  Printing elements of a Dataframe Col - TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     95  Poission/Normal and Beta distribution in Python - Help understanding the statistics
     95  Plotting Specific Regions
     95  Plotting scatter density plots in python [duplicate]
     95  Plot real part of complex-valued function in Python
     95  Pandas to_datetime casting issue
     95  Pandas Grouping and Reducing DataFrame
     95  Pandas groupby Aggregation, how to choose output columns.
     95  Pandas command don't work - why? (example: df.drop( ... ))
     95  pair-distance between collections of data with numpy/scipy
     95 issue with stepsize of fmin_bfgs in new scipy
     95  numpy way to create 3-channel mask from 2d
     95  NumPy Under Xen Client System
     95  (num)pythonic way to make 3d meshes for line plotting
     95  numpy sum does not agree
     95  Numpy: sorting matrix like list of lists, or: sort matrix by rows
     95  Numpy linalg: linear system with unlikely results
     95  Numpy: How to convert colour matrices into a flattened vector
     95  numpy generic in-place operations
     95  Numpy fft function giving output different from the dft calculated using formula
     95  Numpy FFT causes Segmentation Fault 11 on Mac Mojave
     95  Numpy: expanding subarray of a larger array
     95  NumPy: Erroneous result when modifying array using itself
     95  Numpy destroys PIL TiffImageFile's tile attribute
     95  Numpy: Column dependent slicing
     95  Numpy: Broadcasting from submatrix
     95  numpy array multiply 10 got wrong result
     95  np.split() with output from tf.nn.softmax
     95  Multiply lengths of all sub-lists in list
     95  Most efficient way to get average of all elements in list where each element occurs at least half as many times as the mode of the list
     95  Mobilenet SSD input shape
     95  Merging ndarray image
     95  median is not working on a list in python
     95  mean of elements i and i+1 in a numpy array
     95  Maximizing interpolated matrix
     95  Matlab to Python numpy indexing and multiplication issue
     95  Map the values on pandas dataframe using the values on the corresponding index in a list
     95  Manipulating a list of numbers into columns or separate lists for plotting in Python
     95  LSTM Keras confusion
     95  Low performance in 'merge' Colored and Binary image Opencv Python
     95  loading big .npy file causing python to stop working
     95  Lambdify Sympy expression to NumPy containing Mod function
     95  Iterating through pandas dataframe while keeping memory of earlier states
     95  Iterating over the last dimensions of a numpy array
     95  Is there a Python equivalent to MATLAB's vct2mtx?
     95  Is there any method to reduce code in conditional statements
     95  Is slicing a dangerous operation in Python?
     95  Integer multiplication result is negative
     95  Indexing large 2d numpy array by conditions
     95  Inconsistent dimensions in Python (sometimes shows 1D and sometimes 3D)
     95  if x.shape is not None and len(x.shape) == 1: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'shape'
     95  How to write strings into a csv file
     95  How to use python's list comprehensions to execute the following matlab code? [closed]
     95  how to transform element then insert into numpy array
     95  How to train a neural network with a string output
     95  How to sum all n-th rows of arrays in array (numpy)? [duplicate]
     95  How to make a numpy array with a dictionary's values?
     95  How to iterate over ''some'' dimensions of a numpy array?
     95  How to Format the Output of you numpy array in Python3?
     95  How to find the index of character and delete the characters after it
     95  How to find the compiled extensions modules in numpy
     95  how to find increasing-decreasing trends in Python
     95  How to find elements loactions is numpy array [closed]
     95  How to find duplicated pairs in a list in python? [closed]
     95  How to find correlation between two images using Numpy
     95  How to extract array from the first element of triples in 2d array of triples using numpy
     95  How to efficiently store video frames in memory
     95  How to efficiently join a list of values to a list of intervals?
     95  How to do numpy combined slicing and array indexing with unknown array dimension
     95  How to dense rank within a group with a sum limit?
     95  How to create masked array with a vector that separates sections of a 2d array?
     95  How to create a numpy array filled with differences of elements of another array
     95  how to convert numpy ndarray containing multiple png images to float
     95  How to change 2D array elements in Numpy?
     95  How to calculate and sort RGB data on OpenCV?
     95  How to animate 3d spheres in matplotlib so that they revolve around a central point?
     95  how can i swap list in a matrix in python?
     95  How can I speed up this method?
     95  How can i return the longest continuous occurrence of ''True'' in Boolean, and replace other True with False?
     95  How can I make this function taking an array of arrays as input compile with numba?
     95  how can I do a back propagation for a simple neural net with sigmoid activation?
     95  How can I avoid double checking in a brute force search?
     95  High Eigen values always for Edge detection
     95  Gradient Descent numpy Python - discrepancy between excel and calculated data
     95  got memoryerror creating ODM=np.zeros((n,n)) with iterating
     95  Getting the row and column numbers that meets multiple conditions in Pandas
     95  Getting 3 minimum numbers from np.min(array)
     95  Generating multiple random integer number with fixed sum = 100 in numpy array
     95  Generating a list of numbers based on a constraint-step procedure
     95  Generate an array of bit vectors with no repeated columns
     95  For Loop Timer Function in Python
     95  for loop file read line and filter based on list remove unnecessary empty lines
     95  Find the duplicate rows of one column then add the corresponding rows of other columns
     95  Finding the correct x and y widths of 2D array for Gaussian fit
     95  Finding Coordinates of a curve passing through a point
     95  Extracting individual frames from an image
     95  Exploiting Symmetry in Large Numpy Array
     95  Error when broadcasting to numpy matrix
     95  Elementwise multiplication of shorter array with longer one at an offset index with numpy?
     95  .eigenvals creates a new variable
     95  Efficient python for loop for many variables
     95  Efficient method to count number of unique elements in ranges?
     95  Draw small sample from large set with discrete distribution efficiently
     95  Dot product of rows in 2 matrices
     95  Does numpy linalg.eig() block multiprocessing?
     95  Determine blocks in sorted numpy integer array
     95  Deleting values from multiple arrays that have a particular value
     95  Delete some array elements from numpy array
     95  Dataframe Lookup rows to return Index
     95  creating an array of tuples with matched elements - mnist data
     95  Creating a meshgrid from a matrix in python
     95  Create a list based on nested For loops
     95  Create a column in a dataframe that is a string of characters summarizing data in other columns
     95  Count occurrences in hourly time frame from given start end time
     95  copy/reshape high dimensional numpy array
     95  Converting MATLAB Slicing into Python using Numpy
     95  Converting date written in arabic numbers to english then converting the time from 12h to 24h [duplicate]
     95  Converting a column having numpy arrays convert it into a numpy array with dtype as object
     95  Converting 2 vectors into a matrix
     95  Conversion of matrix numbers to matrix ASCII?
     95  Comparing elements of a list of arrays
     95  compare a np array of datetime with a single datetime in python
     95  Compare a list and a tuple containing numpy arrays
     95  Combining values in numpy arrays [closed]
     95  Check if two numpy array rows simultaneously satisfy a proposition
     95  Check if image is grayscale without a for loop
     95  Changing the input shape of the input given to model inside the model definition in keras
     95  call lambdify in a loop, avoid explicitly call
     95  calculating np.npv at a monthly rate
     95  calculate a 2d array in python using numpy
     95  Basic help finding minimum values in a slice of a numpy array (or any array for that matter)?
     95  assign value of variables from Matlab matrix
     95  Assign new values to an array based on a function ran on other 3 dimensional array
     95  Are `a.argmin(axis=0)` and `np.argmin(a, axis=0)` the same?
     95  |, > and < in numpy datatype
     95  all( generator ) returns True when it should return False
     95  Algorithm for arbitrary number of nested for loops
     95  Accessing cells surrounding focal cell in numpy array
     94  Zero (row-wise) a `numpy` array's elements than are less than the values of a given vector
     94  Yet for array indexing
     94  'Wrong number of dimensions' error in Theano - LSTM
     94  Working on multidimensional arrays
     94  why does numpy slicing seem slower than plain for loops and the array module
     94  Why does 'groupby(x, np.isnan)' behave differently to 'groupby(x) if key is nan'?
     94  where to place for loop in double sum to multiply an array
     94  When not to do eigendecomposition for repeated linear transformation
     94  What's the difference between isinstance() and np.issubdtype()?
     94  What's a more efficient way to convert pandas dataframe to a bit map?
     94  Vectorizing python code to numpy
     94  Vectorize 3D coordinate generation [duplicate]
     94  Value error with tensorflow while loading csv with iris example
     94  Using a helper function with numpy.genfromtxt()
     94  Use tensor flow predictions and convert that to image
     94  Understanding why EagerTensor.numpy() is slow
     94  Two mode Wigner function in python
     94  twist dataframe by rank
     94  Truly vectorized routines in python?
     94  tf.nn.conv2d in numpy or scipy (with 4-d weights)?
     94  TensorFlow - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath'
     94  Support Vector machine SVM python ValueError: X.shape[1]
     94  SUM based on Project
     94  Subclassing ndarray, ''all''
     94  Store multidimensional numpy array slice with newaxis to object
     94  Split numpy array efficiently
     94  Split a 3D numpy array into smaller 3D arrays
     94  Sort colours list by Euclidean Distance
     94  Solving an exponential equation [closed]
     94  Slice array of arbitrary dimension with lists of start and end indices
     94  set 2 ARCHFLAGS when installing numpy
     94  Select values from a set of arrays according to an array of permutations
     94  Select angle in range
     94  Search for items in a dataframe and transpose the columns to rows in Python Pandas
     94  scipy: profile: distance_transform_edt uses lot of memory?
     94  Scale data points on a graph
     94  saving data to image in batch: need speedup
     94  Reshaped views in Parallel Colt
     94  Python vectorized running max of parallel line segments
     94  Python, solver method or optimization of current code?
     94  Python: Scaling all 4th dimension values in a 4d array?
     94  Python Numpy 2D Array Number of Rows For Empty Matrix is Still 1
     94  Python modulo on np array
     94  Python: Issue with 'unexpected end of pattern'
     94  Pythonic way to cut specific elements from numpy array
     94  python flatten an array of array, why funtools is slower?
     94  Python equivalent to MATLAB's dynamic array initialization [duplicate]
     94  Python collection of different sized arrays (Jagged arrays), Dask?
     94  Python Array size is doubled after saving in binary format
     94  python 3 numpy save multiple arrays
     94  Problems with Python's Numpy array dimensions
     94  Plot a sphere that looks like a sphere
     94  Passing a well formulated criteria as a first class object in Python to an inner np.where() call?
     94  pandas dataframe column value to unix-like timestamp value
     94  pandas between statement for two dates from another dataset
     94  Pandas apply convolve by group of rows
     94  Overflow error when mixing numpy arrays and regular python 2.7 arrays
     94  optimizing numpy vectorization on calculating distances and np.sum
     94  Optimizing nested for-loops
     94  Optimize this existing 3D Numpy Matrix Multiplication
     94  numpy.sum transition to kahan but with masked arrays for increased precision
     94  numpy.set_printoptions(nanstr='') is not working for numpy.savetxt()
     94  Numpy: search for the first matching row
     94  Numpy: order array as other array - by string order
     94  numpy memmap ignore EOF error
     94  numpy.linspace number representation [duplicate]
     94  numpy.insert() function insert array into wrong index
     94  Numpy index tuple equivalent of `slice.indices()`
     94  Numpy exp function
     94  Numpy array (matrix) with one axis indices being strings
     94  Numpy and dot products of multiple vector pairs: how can it be done?
     94  Numpy advanced indexing on a matrix given a condition
     94  Numpy 3D array data slicing along with specified axis
     94  NUMA-friendly initialization of numpy.ndarray
     94  Multiply each element in one row and append new column in same dataFrame?
     94  multiple logarithm in numpy
     94  Multidimensional Slicing
     94  More efficient python numpy unfolding/reshaping of tensor
     94  Max frequency 1d array in a 2d numpy array
     94  looping through multiple values in a column
     94  List index out of range
     94  len(n) x len(m) array in NumPy
     94  Large dataset - no error - but it wont run - python memory issue?
     94  Key error from a set
     94  Jump-points in pandas dataframe: the moment when the value in a column gets changed
     94  Is there a way to use bincount with a clause in python?
     94  Is there a fast way to create a numpy array that reduces unique values to their lowest form?
     94  In Python, How to put constraits on four random numbers making two negative and two positive and equating to 0?
     94  In numpy - how do I compute phase and amplitude of a sinusoid by correlating it with a sine and cosine?
     94  Initialize a rotation matrix of dimension (n*n)
     94  Index out of bound python
     94  Indexing in numpy array
     94  Importing matrix data from CSV into a numpy array, Issue with slicing the result
     94  Import file in Python (numpy) as contiguous memory array
     94  Image conversion Function using python and open
     94  Identifying range of x array indices to set corresponding y array values to zero
     94  How we can create similarity matrix from dictionar?
     94  How to vectorize this cumulative operation?
     94  How to use mask indexing on numpy arrays of classes?
     94  How to sum up for each distinct value c in array X all elements Y[i] where X[i] = k efficiently?
     94  How to split a DataFrame when a row value in a specific column changes?
     94  How to set the origin of a volumetric spot knowing its coordinates origin?
     94  How to separate a numpy array into separate columns in pandas
     94  How to plot normal distribution-like histogram?
     94  How to overplot in python?
     94  How to make an array with random numbers, with one condition repeated n number of times?
     94  How to join slices of rows to create a new row in python
     94  How to group all labels (index) which shares at least one ''1'' in the same column?
     94  How to find the maximum value in a zeros array in python?
     94  How to find index of first matching tensor in a higher ranked tensor
     94  How to find all possible daughters in a sequence of numbers stored in dataframe
     94  How to filter array to keep only its duplicate elements?
     94  How to efficiently multiply a list of NumPy views with corresponding weights?
     94  How to displaying a numpy int16 array correctly with tkinter?
     94  How to del row data
     94  How to control FFT weighting coefficients in numpy or scipy?
     94  How to connect two fock basis with their indexes?
     94  How to change xml values from a excel file
     94  How to calculate gradient of an array
     94  How to calculate daily and weekly over-time hours in a data-frame?
     94  How to avoid bug in while calculating inverse cumulative distribution function of large numpy array?
     94  how to assign count() to variable
     94  How to add markers to continuous real time plotting in pyqtgraph?
     94  how do you return the value of first column of the maximum value of third column?
     94  How do you get the number of masked rows in a numpy masked array?
     94  How do I filter items using numpy.delete? (working for some but not others)
     94  how change the module that python uses?
     94  How can I optimize a dot product along a small dimension in numpy?
     94  How can I identify the column with the greatest average in a numpy array? [duplicate]
     94  Grouped By, Weighted, Column Averages in Pandas
     94  get a chunk of items every n items in list
     94  generating matrix of pairs from two object vectors using numpy
     94  generate weekly shift with two days off contraints
     94  Find the top 10 most occurring element amongst a np.array python
     94  Finding indices of k top values in a 2D array/matrix
     94  Fill numpy matrix with values from an index to another
     94  filling numpy array with mean values form data
     94  Fast way to multiply a large list of lists with another list in Python
     94  Fast, python-ish way of ranking chunks of 1's in numpy array?
     94  extracting indices from sorted list
     94  Efficient way to threshold image array and render - Python / NumPy / OpenCV
     94  Dynamically put and remove a item from numpy array at a constant rate
     94  dtype in numpy 1.9.1 broken?
     94  Don't understand this IndexError using numpy
     94  Difference in results of KL divergence in DIT and Scipy.Stats
     94  DataFrame manipulation which dataframe do not have numeric value to aggretate
     94  Creating row combinations (dyads) with a condition
     94  Creating numpy masked array on 3 channel array never works
     94  Creating Matrix(array) where each element itself is a matrix
     94  Create stack of arrays from diagonal values using numpy
     94  Create numpy array with loop
     94  Covariance and correlation coefficient
     94  Constructing a Multidimensional Differentiation Matrix
     94  Check if every section of matrix is all 0 using numpy
     94  Calculating mean value of item in several columns in pandas
     94  Array with 4 elements: need to compare max+min and the other 2 elements
     94  Applying a mask for speeding up various array calculations
     94  A Numpy-Only Convolutional Neural Network
     94  Adding multiple columns to dataframe and skip empty values
     93  ZSH no module named numpy for python3 interpreter and jupyter notebook
     93  Wrong output while sorting numpy array
     93  Wrong behaviour of fill_between with set_xlim()
     93  Why use absolute instead of relative imports in a Python package?
     93  Why is numpy returning tuples to me?
     93  Why is numpy returning tuples to me?
     93  Why is my numpy code with threading not parallel?
     93  Why do SVD results from numeric.js and numpy disagree?
     93  Why does putting image on a black background cause a problem in numpy?
     93  Why does an assignment to a boolean indexed structured array depend on index ordering?
     93  What is the complexity of numpy's irr function?
     93  What are argument types for fit() function in keras?
     93  View on numpy array
     93  Vectorizing Pairwise Column Element-wise Product in NumPy
     93  Vectorize Loop Using Numpy
     93  Vectorize an iterative process
     93  ValueError when inserting data into numpy Array
     93  Value error, truth error, ambiguous error
     93  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes > (400,2) (400,)
     93  Using Tensorflow's batched matrix multiplication
     93  Using Numpy from
     93  Type Error for histogram
     93  Trying to superimpose positive and negative part of sinwave together
     93  Trouble 'Pip' downloading specific Python module
     93  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() site
     93  Take N first values from every row in NumPy matrix that fulfill condition
     93  store two for loop output in a 2D matrix
     93  Split an array in python using indexes from a list
     93  Specifying Elements In A Numpy Array
     93  Sort numpy array using two arguments
     93  Simple network for arbitrary shape input
     93  Selecting part of Numpy array
     93  Selecting items from an array
     93  scipy.interpolate.make_interp_spline gives “x and y are incompatible” error
     93  Rotating 3D Boolean Mask from desired location in Python
     93  RMS amplitude of gaussian white noise
     93  Replace zero array with new values one by one NumPy
     93  Replace values in an 2d array according to neighboring values
     93  Replace the number with np.nan comparing with array not with integer
     93  Replace NaN with existing values proportionately
     93  Reducing the memory size of a list for multiprocessing.Pool.starmap()
     93  Recording data in a long running python simulation
     93  Reading default output of Fortran in Python [duplicate]
     93  Reading a text file by recursively skipping rows using numpy
     93  Random number generation algorithm used in Numpy
     93  Quick method to make 2 dimensional sparse arrays from a master data array
     93  Quickly rotating list of points in Python
     93  Python: type(i) is int ...  but i is int = False
     93  Python sum and numpy sum giving different results [duplicate]
     93  Python: Populate a large list of string occurences
     93  python pandas binning incorrect column format list of lists
     93  Python: numpy.matrix.resize moves elements
     93  python numpy: calculate across row of a matrix
     93  Python matrix represented as (40000,)
     93  Python list.insert() multi-index / list of list
     93  Python how to get a random number pair, whose product is a constant
     93  Python: get the indices that would sort an array of strings to match another array of strings
     93  Python: Fast computation of the average value using trapezoid rule
     93  python dictionary to file
     93  python - creating bin labels from nparray
     93  Python check if list in list of lists with numpy arrays
     93  Python bin data in specified ranges
     93  Python array, unnecessary space
     93  Python 2.7 CSV writer: Writing to a CSV with 1 column and the rest of the data in rows
     93  Pylint error E1136 when creating numpy array with random values
     93  Pose keypoints numpy averaging
     93  Plotting: `S=sum(1/x*x for x in range (1,n))` vs. `n`
     93  Perfomance of numpy vs pandas [duplicate]
     93  Pandas Dataframe groupby take lable included in numpy array
     93  pandas.DataFrame.asof() does not preserve dtype
     93  Pandas cumulative/elementwise
     93  Optimize search of closest four elements in two 3D arrays
     93  opencv package python numpy [duplicate]
     93  Obtain the indices of neighboring elements within a radius
     93  numpy.where for row index which that row is not all zero
     93  Numpy vectorization messes up data type (2)
     93  Numpy submatrix(selected random index) calculation performance
     93  numpy stacking matrices together of same sub dimension [duplicate]
     93  numpy - shapes error when trying to compute cost function
     93  numpy select each row with different lengths
     93  Numpy/Scipy : solving several least squares with the same design matrix
     93  Numpy: Sample group of indices with different values
     93  Numpy ndarray object with string and floating point number types in it
     93  Numpy (n, 1, m) to (n,m)
     93  numpy: modifyng a transposed array don't work as expected
     93  Numpy is adding dot(.) from CSV data
     93  Numpy: How to resize an random array using another array as template
     93  Numpy generate binary array with at most N ones
     93  Numpy fromfile io.UnsupportedOperation
     93  Numpy conversion of column values in to row values
     93  Numpy combining values within a 2-D array based on index
     93  numpy array with different datatypes [duplicate]
     93  Numpy array row indexing through an array of indices
     93  Multiple 3D arrays to one 2D array
     93  Minimizing Chi Squared of Data in Python
     93  Merging multiple dataframe bassed on matching values from three column into single dataframe
     93  Merge DataFrames and discard duplicates values
     93  MemoryError, when executing a working code
     93  Matrix operations on labeled arrays
     93  Matplotlib automatic axis gives unexpected result
     93  Masked array, per-item operations and processing power
     93  Manipulate adjacent values in numpy 2D Array [duplicate]
     93  looping a function in a data frame
     93  list augmentation in python with numpy or other library [duplicate]
     93  len() of unsized object (list) [duplicate]
     93  KeyboardInterrupt - is it safe for copied data
     93  Keep getting ValueError: Shape of passed values is (4474, 10), indices imply (14084, 10)
     93  Keep eliminating data points until good correlation coefficient is obtained
     93  iterating over time series in Python (numpy)
     93  iterate over a list of columns using for loop
     93  Is there a way to reduce RAM usage by downsampling a large numpy array?
     93  is there any way to Join these below mentioned two data table in python
     93  Is it possible to change (update) the entries of a numpy array already saved in a .npy file? How?
     93  Interval containing specified percent of values
     93  Improve the performance of nested for loops in Python
     93  Implementation of Bhattacharyya distance for filtering images that are far off from their label
     93  How to write to single field in structured array without getting warning
     93  How to write a vector function to apply operation f(x,y)?
     93  How to write a ''numpy.float64'' value (object) in the file at the beginning on first line?
     93  How to write a composite function of the form f(g(x))? [closed]
     93  how to vectorize forecasting when using polynomials in numpy
     93  How to test for closeness in angular quantities
     93  How to solve a differential equation for different initial conditions
     93  How to set entire column of numpy array 2D with 1D array efficiently?
     93  How to restrict the number of elements in python lists
     93  How to replace For Loops and IF statements with Numpy arrays
     93  How to pad multiple images to the minimum shape containing them all?
     93  How to install a patch for numpy?
     93  how to implement ''cumdot'' in python
     93  How to give float indexes to numpy ndarray?
     93  How to get the arrays to all be the same length in pandas
     93  How to generate a Sine wave tone on python 3
     93  How to find the set difference of two sorted arrays in numpy?
     93  How to fill 4d array/matrix in python correctly?
     93  How to do calibration accounting for resolution of the instrument
     93  How to delete the repeated lists in a list using python [closed]
     93  How to debug a sys.modules entry that gets overwritten?
     93  how to convert to a list in python
     93  How to change symbols to sympy subs in the np.array?
     93  How to calculate the average while containg np.nan using np.average? (While using groupby)
     93  How to apply custom gradient: error with type conversion
     93  how do I use pd.melt() across multiple columns?
     93  How do I create an OpenCV image from the contents of a file?
     93  How does the following Python expression work?
     93  How does numpy.histogram2d() work?
     93  How can I find the n maximum values above a certain threshold in a 2d array? [duplicate]
     93  How can I eliminate ''unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str''' error as follows?
     93  How can I adopt the memory allocated by a PyArray / numpy array?
     93  Horizontal Stack 2d Numpy Array with 3d Numpy Array
     93  Having trouble printing an array that is within a matrix in python
     93  Getting negative rate for specific set of values in numpy rate function
     93  Getting my def function to apply.() to my stocks
     93  Get endpoint of line based on beginpoint, angle and magnitude in python
     93  Generating random sets of holdings using numpy
     93  Flatten a list of floats and numpy arrays
     93  Find nth least value in multiple numpy arrays
     93  filtering arrays with other lists
     93  ffil with a group by and matching a condition
     93  Fastest way to compare Numpy ndarrays
     93  Fastest way of generating numpy arrays or randomly distributed 0s and 1s
     93  Extract numpy array columns into dictionary
     93  Excluding a set of indices from an array whilst keeping its original order
     93  Error using number as argument to R function in RPy2
     93  Error on partitioning the data set
     93  Element-wise operations on scipy.sparse.coo_matrix (e.g. modulo)?
     93  Disregarding specific input losses when training network in Tensorflow
     93  Difference between out= ...  parameter and direct reassignment in NumPy
     93  Delete multiple elements from a 3-D numpy array
     93  Dataframe empty when passing column names
     93  Custom slicing in numpy arrays (get specific elements, then every n-th) possible?
     93  Cumulative Mode in numpy
     93  Cumsum and vectorized slicing
     93  creating diagonal matrix using numpy returns zero square matrix
     93  Create new array while Iterating over a n dimensional numpy array
     93  Converting predictions to labels with threshold
     93  Converting csv row into csv columns
     93  Conditions with Numpy
     93  Compute numpy.inner() over first (instead of last) axis
     93  Comparing Boolean Arrays: Count number of times BOTH are True
     93  Compare elements within a numpy array and add the equal elements to a new array
     93  Combine multiple data files into np.arrays, which are stored in dictionaries
     93  combination of numpy array satisfying condition
     93  Changing the entries of a column of a matrix
     93  Changing dataframe columns names by columns from another dataframe python
     93  Categorical to Binary - what am I doing wrong?
     93  can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'numpy.float64'
     93  Calculate sum of vectors in numpy array based on dictionary values
     93  Calculate geographical distance between 5 cities with all the possible combinations of each city
     93  Bootstrapping with numpy
     93  bin width according to custom function
     93  Basic NumPy array replacement
     93  A way to calculate points for a surface of a sphere faster than a nested loop?
     93  Assign values from 1d NumPy into classes
     93  Assigning dates to samples in matplotlib
     93  array statement in python
     93  Array for Large Data
     93  Array / Dataframe manipulation in python
     93  Are user defined functions callable?
     93  Apply numpy.searchsorted method to an array loaded from textfile using numpy.loadtxt
     93  Adding a smaller np array into an empty large np array
     93  2D array, inequalities and where function
     92  X = np.copy(X)  ...  Is this really useless?
     92  Why is this loop not stopping?
     92  Why is Python automatically removing negative values from image array?
     92  Why does my single-thread python program use 3000% cpu power?
     92  Why count doesn't work for this list?(in python)
     92  When i try to reshape, it gives me an error saying ''TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple''
     92  What function should i overload to customize the print output?
     92  what does x[:t:] do in python? <RNN> [closed]
     92  Vectorizing ndimage functions for my code
     92  Vectorizing a dreadfully slow groupBy
     92  Vectorized way of adding to an array that is indexed by another array - Python/NumPy
     92  “ValueError: chunksize cannot exceed dimension size” when trying to write xarray to netcdf
     92  Use a function like a numpy array
     92  Understanding numpy's any function
     92  unable to run executable after cx_freeze, numpy deleting sys
     92  Trying to plot some data in matplotlib with numpy
     92  System crashes with skimage.transform.resize
     92  supplement numpy array in python 3
     92  Subclassing rv_continuous in SciPy 0.8.0
     92  Split to equal parts by values
     92  Simple Numpy Vectorization
     92  Setting a NetCDF dimension value
     92  select closest values from two different arrays
     92  Scipy optimize fmin ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence(2)
     92  Scipy lognormal CFD and SF give me 0 most of the time
     92  Saving a row-wise txt with numpy with a pre-defined delimiter
     92  return all columns when filtering matrix with Numpy pythonically
     92  Reduce a pandas interval dataframe to a table of 12-month x 24-hour aggregate values
     92  Rearranging axes in numpy?
     92  Read in txt file as numpy array per block
     92  Q learning algorithm for robot where next state is not defined
     92  python why data type changed by def function?
     92  Python vectorization of matrix-vector operation
     92  Python numpy Error
     92  Python (numpy) - correlate two binned plots
     92  Python, manipulating nd.arrays: merge, replace data
     92  Python: make numpy array from ordered list [value, repeatedNumber]
     92  Python list into numpy array
     92  Python - Iterating through list of list as a matrix (slice)
     92  Python input/output more efficiently
     92  Pythonic way of converting parameters to the same standard within all methods of a class
     92  Pythonic Matrix Multiplication [duplicate]
     92  Python - how to speed up a for loop creating a numpy array from another numpy array calculation
     92  Python: How to bin a set of data by a repeated value in one column
     92  Python - Find values whose coordinates are known in several times
     92  Python element-wise vectorised boolean operations to classify image pixels based on their colour
     92  Python - Appending row number with reverse counter
     92  Python2.7 numpy Histogram: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
     92  PyAutoTune silent output
     92  proving that the A and B are conditionally independent given C
     92  Principle axes of covariance matrix does not line up with its angle
     92  Passing an n x m numpy array as an args to a Thread object treats it like n arguments [duplicate]
     92  Parallelizing of a loop in python
     92  Pandas date_range to nested json
     92  pandas data frame / numpy array - roll without aggregate function
     92  Pandas converting timestamp and monthly summary
     92  pairwise distance and residual calculation optimization
     92  Optimizing python for loops numpy
     92  Numpy vector-vector multiply with an array slice
     92  Numpy too slow when dealing with slices of the third axis of large files
     92  Numpy String Partitioning: Perform Multiple Splits
     92  Numpy: random seed and multithreading causes differing results
     92  numpy peak tracker function [duplicate]
     92  Numpy np.any range or threshold
     92  Numpy: Masked elements in computation
     92  Numpy: Indexing of arrays
     92  Numpy: how to find the best candidate input vector for an output?
     92  Numpy: Get matrices from tensor given list of indexes
     92  'numpy.float64' is not iterable for scipy function centre of mass
     92  Numpy - Array addition using previous value
     92  np.where with multiple conditions
     92  np.roll without rolling over edge
     92  np.int64 is a smaller container than ... ?
     92  need help understanding this line of code
     92  Multiply each row of a matrix with it's conjugate transposed numpy
     92  Most pythonic way to find the maximum elements out of list of np.array?
     92  ModuleNotFoundError with numpy inside virtual environment Python
     92  MemoryError while filtering data
     92  Memory-efficient absolute difference of uint8 numpy arrays
     92  Matplotlib surface plot, MemoryError. Data in three columns
     92  MATLAB ''any'' conditional deletion translation to Python
     92  Making DataArray return a float by default instead of a 0-dimensional array
     92  macOS python3 with brew, error on import cv2
     92  looking on nested list for lot of data python
     92  Loading 32-bit binary file (little endian) to numpy
     92  List to matrix using Python
     92  List of string ''integers'' to integers accounting for ''non-numeric'' strings Python
     92  keras model.fit_generator do i solve this issue?
     92  Jupyter Notebook Memory Management
     92  Is there an efficient function to calculate a product?
     92  Is it possible to make these matrix operations without loops in python 2.7 (numpy)? [duplicate]
     92  Is ''import numpy as cp'' good practice to handle non-GPU situations?
     92  Index numpy arrays columns by another numpy array
     92  Indexing a Numpy Array (4 dimensions)
     92  Index a 3D array with 2D array numpy
     92  ImageProcessing with multiple threshold to binarize phases on;s imread()
     92  If statement with two conditions
     92  I cannot see any keys returned when I did np.load(''filename.npz'') then .keys()?
     92  How to vectorize a rolling list comprehension over pandas.DataFrame
     92  how to sum over a range values in an array where I have a different range for each row
     92  How to speed up this inter-array process? [Python, Numpy]
     92  How to speed up numpy tensor*tensor operation
     92  How to speed up computation over multiple arrays in python
     92  How to sort maximum occurrence of a value in array with respect to cumulative column,current column and distance
     92  How to slice a np.array using a list of unknown length?
     92  How to replace values in Numpy Ndarrays based on a sequence
     92  How to open a big text file which is in the format [[skill1, skill2, skill3,  ... ], [skill1, skill4, skill6,  ... ], ….] in python
     92  How to map a 2D lookup table to array (python)?
     92  How to make a linear data list from a numpy ndarray?
     92  How to interpolate semilogx plot with cubic spline or pchip
     92  How to initialise a Numpy array of numpy arrays
     92  How to I efficiently transform a numpy image of shape (w, h, 3) to (w,h,5) which has r,g,b,x,y in third axis?
     92  How to handle large files in python?
     92  How to get index of all maximum values in an array
     92  How to fix the TypeError Corresponding to the Conversion between Types in Python3?
     92  How to find the x-axis and y-axis index of a value in 2-dimensional array?
     92  How to extract mean, max and min values of one column from a range data of the other column (continuous data) in python
     92  How to create more efficient boolean logic code that compares multiple rows of one column to another?
     92  How to create a list with random integers
     92  How to convert an array of C structs to a numpy array using Cython
     92  How to add multiple values of numpy array to a plot legend?
     92  How get just some elements in an array
     92  How do I stack multiple columns from one single array on top of each other in Python?
     92  How do I specify dtype str correctly?
     92  How can I set Azure Blob Storage metadata to a numpy array?
     92  How can I select only certain values in an array?
     92  how can I get the gap colum in python?
     92  How can I do a random selection from two separate blocks (.xlsx files) in psychopy?
     92  Groupby conditional statement using Pandas and Numpy
     92  Getting largest index from tensor
     92  getting elements of array in python with a single line
     92  Get the maximum value for each neighboured triangle
     92  Get lower diagonal indices from a square matrix sorted by column
     92  Generation of a nested list with different ranges
     92  Generating 2d numpy arrays from random columns
     92  Generate elements of a tensor based on a vector in numpy
     92  generate an array in numpy [duplicate]
     92  Forcing string type in compound data type
     92  Find indexes of two lists
     92  Find how many random points lie inside ellipse centered at a point
     92  Filling pandas DataFrame with values regenerated from a function
     92  Fastest way to take [duplicate]
     92  Faster way to extract patches from a tensor?
     92  Extract data from a particular text file row using numpy
     92  Extend numpy array based on tags
     92  export looped numpy histogram outputs to list without array information and formatting
     92  Euclidean distance using numpy
     92  Error with numpy array calculations using int dtype (it fails to cast dtype to 64 bit automatically when needed)
     92  Error ''No module named 'numpy.core._ufunc_config''' while importing matplotlib.pyplot
     92  Epoch error: During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
     92  Efficiently create numpy array with decreasing values moving away from center
     92  Efficient distance for clustering computation
     92  Dimension mismatch for applying indices from one df to another df
     92  define a function like numpy transpose and inverse
     92  Cross product between columns of two matrices
     92  Creating tuples of multiples from pairs of indices
     92  Creating a numpy array from a set
     92  Counting ''holes'' in a numpy 2D matrix
     92  copying data from csv and paste those into another csv
     92  Converting pandas df containing rownames, columnnames and frequency to Term Document Matrix
     92  Convert boolean index to start/end pairs for runs
     92  comparing two numpy arrays and adding same rows
     92  Combining threading and numpy vectorize
     92  combine two pictures(different size) horizontally?
     92  Cellular automata - repeated simulation imshow()
     92  Calling np.sum(np.fromiter(generator))
     92  Building a filter with Python & MATLAB, results are not the same
     92  Beginner Python OLS without explicit numbers, IE. DataFrame
     92  Basic NumPy data comparison
     92  Array of Index to colors to array of colors in python [duplicate]
     92  Arithmetic operations on NumPy array of strings
     92  Argument 1234 or 3435 in numpy.random.RandomState [closed]
     92  Apply custom function on numpy matrices
     92  .append in python is very slow, is there any way to improve it?
     91  Writing a 4D array as a 3D vectorising 2 dimensions
     91  Why is the speed difference between Python's Numpy zeros and empty functions gone for larger array sizes?
     91  Why is there a mistake in my replace function?
     91  Why is a numpy-generated list of 0.0s throwing <RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars>, rather than a divide by 0 error?
     91  What is the pythonic way of slicing an array into stepped contiguous blocks?
     91  What is the best way to multiply arrays? in Python
     91  What am I doing wrong in this Dopri5 implementation
     91  Voxels in python: how to read ''x y z r g b'' from file
     91  Vertical spacing between xticklabel to the bottom of x-axis
     91  __ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     91  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (49041,4) into shape (49041)
     91  using Python 3.7, how to use of numpy complex with an array of values
     91  Using Mayavi and Mlab to plot ''bubbles''
     91  Unexplainabe Memory Error in Python [duplicate]
     91  trouble converting object to float
     91  Translating matlab code to python: optimizing numerical functions
     91  Too many indices error coming up in Python
     91  SWIG typemap for two different target types?
     91  Subtract two arrays, keep only values where the other has no data
     91  Store numpy array with its corresponiding keys
     91  Stop pandas from silently converting numbers exceeding dtype limits
     91  Splitting a numpy chararray and adding characters
     91  Splitting a number and assigning to elements in a row in a numpy array
     91  Split dataframe by two repeated values
     91  Split a numpy array with a binary list in a single operation
     91  Speeding up sliding windowed average calculations
     91  Sort each column of a list using numpy.argsort in python
     91  Sliding Window / Grid
     91  Shorter version of this numpy array indexing
     91  Set a numpy slice using np.where based on another dimension
     91  Searching large structured numpy arrays quickly
     91  Searching large array by two columns
     91  Scipy Stats Wilcoxon X and Y must be one dimensional error
     91  Scipy gives wrong result for matrix multiplication
     91  Scale parameter for Numpy arcsinh np.arcsinh() tranformation function
     91  Saving the generated numpy random arrays in order without using lists in python?
     91  saving big matrices in python : zeros saved instead of data
     91  Rotate an array of values around right bottom corner in python
     91  Rolling pct_change function over a DatetimeIndex
     91  Return column conditionally in python using numpy
     91  retrieving columns from an array of lists in python
     91  Replacing entries of an array with those of different array
     91  Removing last 2D array from 3D array
     91  Read/plot custom extension files
     91  Read binary flatfile and skip bytes
     91  Random value into matrix (np.ndarray) at position from tuple obtained from np.where
     91  Query in pandas for closest object (in time) which meets a set of conditions
     91  Python Vector Does Not Have Column Size? / Theta Initialized As All 0's
     91  Python toe find the row index [closed]
     91  Python, spyder execution very low when using numpy.fft.ifft
     91  Python recursive quadtree issues
     91  Python: plotting an analytic solution to 3rd order
     91  Python OpenCV 3 not reading images properly
     91  Python Numpy Matrix Operations - matrix[a==b]?
     91  Python/Numpy have I already written the swiftest code for large array?
     91  Python minimize Objective Function to estimate model parameters
     91  Python inserting a row in a 2Darray
     91  Python convert matrix with relations to list
     91  Python: Combine array rows based on difference between prior row's last element and posterior row's first element
     91  Python array using numpy
     91  Pybind11 default argument numpy array or None
     91  Put data in a particularly shaped list
     91  Print the value of a column in a dataframe that is not contained in another dataframe
     91  Printing whenever a python object is freed?
     91  Performantly argsort two pre-sorted numpy arrays
     91  pandas two dataframes, some sort of merge
     91  Optimized projection of a matrix orthogonaly to a vector with Numpy
     91  OpenCV get subimages by mask
     91  Numpy with multithreading process with openBlas in Redhat linux 7.4 version and Anacoda Python 3.6.5
     91  Numpy where function equivalent in pandas
     91  Numpy reshaping array
     91  Numpy Python: How to get the most frequent 20 items from list [duplicate]
     91  Numpy.matrix not recognized
     91  Numpy list of matrixes as dataset in TensorFlow
     91  numpy how to replace a single element in array1 with whole array2
     91  Numpy - How to remove trailing N*8 zeros
     91  Numpy gives different results for almost identical code?
     91  Numpy equivalent code to Octave's pinv(A) (pseudo-inverse)
     91  Numpy empty array changes value after creating normal array
     91  NumPy complex128 division inconsistent with float64 division
     91  Numpy Arrays and Gtk ListStores
     91  numpy array performance versus standard python lists/arrays [duplicate]
     91  np.argpartition when sorting 2d arrays and nan
     91  ndarray that updates its data on demand
     91  Mutli dimensional nested list comprehesion and its python, numpy equivalents [closed]
     91  Multiply rows and append to dataframe by cell value
     91  Most efficient way to do (lo <= k && k <= hi) ? 1 : 0 for k a numpy array, lo, hi constants
     91  Minimal Keras + Sound Neural Network
     91  merging columns from other files into one file
     91  Masking array X based on a condition with array Y of different size
     91  mapping summation in python
     91  logistic regression and coefficient
     91  Loading CSV file to NumPy memmap array uses too much memory
     91  Learning to work with data in python
     91  Iteratively-defined Numpy Array Creation
     91  issue with music visualiser in python ( fft and generally )
     91  Isolating a column out of a numpy array using a variable?
     91  In the numpy std calculation , np.std(y_test == y_test_predict), what is the meaning of comparing the test split and predicted result
     91  Inserting data from dataframe into numpy array
     91  IndexError: tuple index out of range. Reshaping NumPy Test Data Set for Keres Model
     91  IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 10 during numpy matrix broadcasting
     91  Incosistent notation of complex number
     91  Improving sum() calculations on evenly spaced list
     91  Improve performance of array handling
     91  Implementing __eq__ using numpy isclose
     91  I have issues understanding the use of Numbas vectorize decorator in Python
     91  Hybridizing Numpy vectorization and plain Python
     91  How to use np.arange to get set of values?
     91  How to update a numpy array based on a masked array w/ same dimension and shape
     91  How to transfer portion of image to another image, with reference to three points?
     91  How to split or divide my image and label in such a way that they can be used as features for machine learning?
     91  How to solve this system of equations?
     91  How to show what happened with scikits RBM and LR pipeline?
     91  How to separate pandas DF into different variables?
     91  How to replace each array element by 4 copies in Python?
     91  How to replace certain parts of a tensor on the condition in keras?
     91  How to quantify the amount of noise you add to an image
     91  How to plot text documents in a scatter map?
     91  How to perform efficient vectorisation in numpy (memory constraints)
     91  How to make a loop that successively includes one more element of a numpy array in order to calculate the running variance?
     91  How to label and group unique features in an array
     91  How to keep the shape of original list when we're using list comprehension?
     91  How to get the pointer in a C function with unknown length using CFFI?
     91  How to get Numerical Readable Output of Float dtype in Numpy Array?
     91  How to generate array of arrays with dynamic size with numpy?
     91  How to eliminate suspicious barcode (like 123456) data [closed]
     91  How to create numpy arrays from list of numbers
     91  How to create matrix with vector multiplication [duplicate]
     91  How to copy consecutive values to an array
     91  How to convert Categorical Data type into numpy array?
     91  how to convert a 2D numpy array to a 2D numpy matrix by changing shape
     91  How to compute the covariance across variables that are n dimensional
     91  How do I vectorize this expression with Python numpy?
     91  How do I plot a column vector as a contour with non uniform grid points that are also column vectors? [duplicate]
     91  How do I manipulate python numpy values in a separate C++ plugin
     91  How do I do this type of 2D ''fancy'' indexing without python loops?
     91  How do i detect duplicates and then among them cross check if two columns have similar values?
     91  How do I convert the x-genericbytedata-octet-stream to some format which is readable/manageable
     91  How can I turn two lists of equal lengths into a list of nested lists that represent ordered pairs?
     91  how can i recover a ndarray that i got from using numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided to another ndarray
     91  How can I multiply more than 3 vectors at once in NumPy
     91  How can I multiply a sparse vector with an integer matrix fast?
     91  How can I divide my data table called (my_data2) in two samples
     91  Greatest common divisor with noise
     91  get view of numpy array using boolean or sequence object (advanced indexing)
     91  Get the distance of each point with every other, and find where the curve approach itself
     91  Get pair tensor object in Tensor Array
     91  Generating a multidimensional grid in python
     91  gdal WriteArray() crashes python without a stack trace
     91  for loop over 20 data frames on each day simultaneously
     91  Find representation of a 3d vector as a combination of 2 basis vectors using python [duplicate]
     91  Find int values in a numpy array that are ''close in value'' and combine them
     91  Finding a declining trend in a pandas dataframe
     91  Fast way to turn dictionary to (dense) matrix
     91  fastest way to create a list from a numpy array of lists
     91  Faster loop operating on two values of an array
     91  Faster estimation of logarithm operation
     91  fancy indexing multiple dimensions: Boolean Matrix for hypercube?
     91  Extracting all numeric data from a file into an array in python
     91  Extract a diagonal cross profile from a 2D Numpy array
     91  Evolving functions in python
     91  Error replacing numbers in an array with predefined values in python
     91  Elegant way to split a matrix (or array) at arbitrary chunk in Python
     91  Efficient way to create a large matrix in python from a table of interactions
     91  Efficiently Calculating a Euclidean Dist Matrix in Numpy?
     91  efficient algorithmic method to concatenate rows of an array into a 1-D array
     91  Efficient algorithm for expanding grouped tabular data
     91  Differing Results Of Eigenvector Routines In C Versus Python
     91  Differences between R's and Numpy's QR decomposition
     91  Delete isolated cells in numpy array
     91  Custom loss function : NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic Tensor (truediv_2:0) to a numpy array
     91  Creating an array of numbers that add up to 1 with given length
     91  count word occurrences with sklearn
     91  Count number of occurences of specific number in numpy arrary in Excel sheet using python
     91  Copying values from another column with conditions
     91  convert separate 1D np.arrays into a list of 2D np.arrays
     91  convert a list/tuple of int strings to int
     91  Comparing matrices of different shapes
     91  Comparing by section two numpy arrays in python
     91  Combine multiple matplotlib figures into one
     91  Combinatorics: list with alternative elements
     91  Change values of numpy array iteratively
     91  Can someone help me vectorize this for-loop? [closed]
     91  Calculate mean, variance, covariance of different length matrices in a split list
     91  Boost python returning numpy array error
     91  basic manipulation of a matrix in Python and row dimension
     91  Are there dynamic arrays in numpy?
     91  Apply a comparison between two numpy.arrays to only one column but retrieve whole rows
     91  A For loop with embedded if statement to update a dataframe
     91  Add row to pandas data frame causes prediction failure
     91  Adding a single label to the legend for a series of different data points plotted inside a designated bin in Python using matplotlib.pyplot.plot()
     91  Adding a same value to each channel in a 3 channel image?
     91  Add an array's values to a row in a numpy matrix
     91  Accurate Reflection of Size of Sum of Large Numbers with Integer Arithmetic
     90  why product of range(1,35) is equal to zero?
     90  Why is x <= x false?
     90  Why is there different behavior with short-hand assignment and NaN?
     90  why do i get '''numpy.ndarray' object is not callable'' with if statement
     90  Why are the trigonometric functions in Julia seem to be slower than in Numpy?
     90  when I convert string to integer using numpy genfromtxt function, why is it all 0 for what I want to convert
     90  What Scipy modules are actually calls to Numpy ones?
     90  what is the equivalent of np.fill_diagonal in dask
     90  What is the argument being passed to `np.ones` and how does it work here?
     90  Way to make this for loop with np.sums go faster
     90  Vectorized euclidean distance along an axis of a 3D array - Python
     90  Vectorized approach to extract the rows of the end-point array that contains the elements of another array
     90  ValueError: x and y must be the same size for 2D nparray matrix
     90  Using python pandas how to do some following analysis
     90  Using List For Conditional Statements
     90  Using an array for indexing for training network (tensorflow)
     90  Updating a python array without loops? [closed]
     90  Unexpected behavior when updating a numpy array using a Python list [closed]
     90  Unable to use numpy.isin function in xarray DataArray
     90  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars + Solution
     90  Trying to optimize parameters in the Lugre Dynamic Friction model
     90  Trying to find a good interpolation technique
     90  Triple for loop in matrix scanning
     90  Transform ndarray shape
     90  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous without using numpy
     90  'Tensor' object does not support item assignment while need to slice and then do assignmnet in tensor array
     90  tensorflow simple estimator input function problems
     90  Subtracting booleans obtained from numpy variables results in TypeError
     90  Subpart array affects main array by individual replacement, but does not affect main array when vectorized
     90  Struct unpack MemoryError
     90  string split and assign unique ids to Pandas DataFrame
     90  storing numpy object array of equal-size ndarrays to a .mat file using
     90  Stacking and counting rectangles in Python
     90  Speeding up Python when using nested loops
     90  Spark random forest - could not convert float to int error
     90  SOLVED SVM : AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'lower' when I try fitting TFIDF with LinearSVC
     90  Slicing NumPy array given start and end indices for generic dimensions
     90  SkLearn: ValueError shapes not aligned during prediction
     90  Scipy ndimage.convolve skips the summation of channels
     90  Scale rows of 3D-tensor
     90  Scale each column of islands to their lengths in 2D NumPy array
     90  Replace only exactly matching string python ndarry
     90  Remove string from dataframe index values
     90  Remove smallest value from array after append to New array
     90  Remove numpy rows contained in a list?
     90  Regression with Python (nympy/pandas) [duplicate]
     90  Reducing dimensions for supervised learning
     90  Reading row elements in a new array in python
     90  Reading CSI matrix complex numbers from .mat file in Python
     90  Read file as a list in python
     90  read csv file with a few rows of information [closed]
     90  Randomly populate numpy array with integers such that integers are grouped into larger contiguous blocks
     90  Questions about numpy matrix in python
     90  Python -Taking dot product of long list of arrays
     90  python: swap portions of two arrays
     90  Python: search multiple values (list/array/series) contained in a dataframe (matrix), returning coordinates
     90  Python: plot multiple plts to file
     90  python performance tips  -  loop involving comparisons
     90  Python OrderedDicts equal to a tolerance
     90  Python numpy: skip calculation on (math-) error
     90  Python, numpy, piecewise answer gets rounded
     90  Python Numpy array (bad) automatic rounding
     90  python: loading numbers from text file to arrays skipping certain entries
     90  Python Image of images
     90  Pythonic way to get all the unique factorial combination of 3d matrix
     90  Python: how to use numpy fill_diagonals on matrices of zeros in list comprehension?
     90  Python: How do I use lists as arguments with a constant co-efficient?
     90  Python Function to Find Number of Days it Takes for a percent change to occur
     90  python float precision: will this increment work reliably?
     90  python fill missing entries in lists with full list
     90  Python: Difficulties with converting negative strings numbers into floats
     90  Putting lambda in NumPy `np.fromfunction()` causes TypeError
     90  Power Law fit giving a straight line
     90  Plotting Histogram using data from 2 numpy matrices
     90  pivot a dataframe by diagonals
     90  Piecewise Operation on List of Numpy Arrays
     90  Parallelizing model predictions in keras using multiprocessing for python
     90  pandas Panel max
     90  Pandas/numpy help vectorizing sequence of lookup, calculation and reordering across dataframes
     90  Optimizing nested for loops in Python for numpy arrays
     90  Optimizing bicubic equation solver with numpy
     90  Obtaining indexes and creating an Python-based numpy array
     90  NumPy slicing gives IndexError: too many indices for array
     90  Numpy nd array to pandas column without []
     90  numpy issue with concatenating arrays
     90  Numpy indexing reorders array
     90  Numpy import error ''ImportError: Something is wrong with the numpy installation.''
     90  Numpy: get array where index greater than value and condition is true
     90  numpy concatenate with axis -1 visualize with matplotlib
     90  numpy, choice in loop between concatenating or initializing
     90  Numpy calculation of eigenvectors is incorrect
     90  numpy astype object to int conversion without raising error python 2
     90  Numpy array - multiplying each column by one another
     90  Number of iterators depending of a variable with np.nditer
     90  np.where not returning any index on list of strings
     90  np.maximum for scalar and pandas Series without np.nan
     90  np.array2string misreporting values?
     90  NoneType object is not iterable while iterating on image and mask dataset
     90  ''NameError: name 'np' is not defined'' when trying to run a Keras segmentation model called PspNet
     90  MXNet - Dot Product of Sparse Matrices
     90  Multiply vector on dataframe - vectorized
     90  More efficient way to get nearest center
     90  Mixed length object type in pandas dataframe
     90  Merge and Format in Pandas
     90  matplotlib/pyplot not plotting data from specific .txt file
     90  Lazy version of numpy.unpackbits
     90  Keras LSTM Dataset Sizing Issue
     90  I want to get string from list
     90  Iterating over elements, finding minima per each element
     90  Is it possible to use apply function or vectorization on this code logic?
     90  Is it possible to alias multiple names in a numpy record array?
     90  Implicit transposing in numpy array indexing
     90  Ignore dimension when using np.einsum
     90  How to speed up the loop over an OpenCV image in Python using Numpy?
     90  How to save object according to a key which is hash created from tuple or list which numpy.ndarray
     90  How to replace multiplication and sum in with other elementwise and reduce operation respectively
     90  How to plot implicit functions (with two variables) in scipy python using matplotlib?
     90  How to make sure a probability distribution add up to exactly 1.0 in python numpy?
     90  How to insert a value in a Dataframe for Numpy?
     90  How to index the second-to-last appended row? Numpy and Python
     90  How to improve conditional tensor operation
     90  How to grid data points onto a shapefile (grid)?
     90  How to get index of maximum value of each consecutive 4 numbers in a list of python? [duplicate]
     90  How to find the indexes of arrays nested in another array? [duplicate]
     90  How to filter certain values in consecutive months?
     90  How to export numpy array to csv without including filename in file
     90  How to export array list to csv file?
     90  How to efficiently filter maximum elements of a matrix per row
     90  How to efficiently extract certain pixels from cv::Mat image in C++?
     90  How to efficiently determine the interval a given value is in?
     90  how to draw outlines of objects on an image to a separate image
     90  How to determine the best predictor of an attribute given an array using python?
     90  how to deal in a pythonic way with list of arrays or single array
     90  How to create numpy arrays automatically?
     90  How to construct a symmetric matrix efficiently?
     90  how to combine two numpy arrays and form a new array of a new size [duplicate]
     90  How to assign labels to tuples in Python?
     90  How do I store mutidimensional arrays contained in a dictionary in a python xarray?
     90  How do I set a numpy array element to a string of more than one character?
     90  How do I remove the 2 lowest values in a ndarray?
     90  how do I fix TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index? [duplicate]
     90  How could I replace these FOR and IF statements to get better performances?
     90  How can I store binary values with trailing nulls in a numpy array?
     90  How can I improve the efficiency of matrix multiplication in python?
     90  How can I efficiently tell if an index is a complete cartesian product
     90  How can i convert numpy array to pil image in memory?
     90  How can I convert a numpy array (wav data) to int16 with Python?
     90  Getting word recommendations based on a given word from a list of words
     90  Getting ValueError when trying to use np.piecewise for multivariate function
     90  Getting 'large' errors that seem too big to be from rounding alone
     90  get the column from 2d array to calculate the normalization and cross product in python
     90  Fast way to calculate the average all the c grouped by (a, b) tuples from zip(a, b, c)
     90  Extracting a row in python from an alphanumerical array
     90  Exploiting Monotonicity in Numpy Array
     90  Empty values in pandas  -  most memory-efficient way to filter out empty values for some columns but keep empty values for one column?
     90  Efficient way of looping a filter through an array
     90  Efficient structure to store large number of matrices in python
     90  distance correlation (distcorr)
     90  Digitizing value to ''floor'' bin python
     90  Difference between np.matmul und PEP 465 [duplicate]
     90  Deleting multiple elements at once from a numpy 2d array
     90  Delete array elements from several arrays at once
     90  Decimal numbers in Numpy
     90  Data format for storing multiple nested JSON files
     90  Create numpy array with repeat pattern [duplicate]
     90  Create a mask where the Green channel is brighter than Blue and Red?
     90  Create a black frame around an image
     90  Convert a CIFAR 1d array from pickle to an image (RGB)
     90  Constrained Optimization with Scipy for a nonlinear fucntion
     90  Concatenate two lists elementwise to an n x n matrix [duplicate]
     90  Computing mean on 4d array at the third and forth dimension
     90  Compute stats function on non-overlapping day-wide time window with Pandas
     90  Comparing two percentages value until they are equal
     90  Combine integer and string in array and save to a text file
     90  Close form solution for finding a root
     90  Choosing more than 1 element from the list
     90  Choosing and iterating specific sub-arrays in multidimensional arrays in Python
     90  change the 5% biggest value to some value in one array using numpy
     90  Can I vectorize this Python code?
     90  calculating streaks using numpy
     90  Calculate The Extent Of Non-Zero Values In An Array
     90  Building contour lines in Python
     90  Break into debugger on numpy exception in PTVS
     90  Binning pandas/numpy array/dataframe of zscores
     90  Avoiding Overflow in python 3.5
     90  Averaging list of lists python numpy [duplicate]
     90  Average of X*Y items and keeping dimensions of the numpy array
     90  AttributeError: 'numpy.float32' object has no attribute 'to_cpu'
     90  Array initialized with numpy is much slower in a loop with if statement
     90  argpartsort/partsort of 2D array keeping original array dimensions
     90  Applying a function to a pandas col
     90  A masked array indexing issue
     90  add headings to rows and columns of matrices in python
     90  add and delete elements to array based on one reference array
     90  Access to element in array
     90  1D array to Single Integer and back again
     89  ystockquote data import into numpy array, IndexError: too many indices for array
     89  Writing to Shared Memory Making Copies?
     89  Writing a 3d numpy array that is readable in matlab
     89  Will random numbers still be random if I systematically delete every nth one?
     89  Why fails to parallelize on ndarray with more than 2 dimensions
     89  Why isn't my RNN learning?
     89  Why is it ok to have an index with lists as values but not ok for columns?
     89  Why is assignment operation still giving MemoryError for large arrays in Python?
     89  why correlation computed by nump.cov() and np.std() is different from the result computed by np.corrcoef()
     89  When can I use a boolean DataArray for indexing?
     89  What is the quickest way to evaluate an interpolated function on a polar grid in Python?
     89  What is the difference between defaultdict and get_dummies when Encoding categorical values
     89  What is csr_matrix.A? [duplicate]
     89  Weighted Covariance Matrix with Missing Values
     89  Vectorising numpys roll
     89  Values in numpy array behaving strangely
     89  Using python how to add enough rows and columns to an image/array, so that I can always divide the input image in to segments of required shape?
     89  Using numpy.where (or on a lists within a pandas DataFrame
     89  Using for loops to generate 3D plot
     89  Update Tensor at index in a tf.while_loop
     89  Unexpected inverse round at numpy.array
     89  Understanding the output from the fast Fourier transform method
     89  Unable to install numpy and pandas in Ubuntu
     89  Unable to delete first row in matrix
     89  Type mismatch when using Numpy's ifft
     89  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'vectorize'
     89  Travis Issues with Numpy Dependencies
     89  Translating max function in MatLab to numpy
     89  Time optimization of function for signal processing
     89  Tensorflow TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
     89  Syntax for np.where on multi element 1D array
     89  sum elements of array
     89  sum( condition ) equivalent in python numpy
     89  Strange Python numpy array indexing behaviour
     89  Split an array according to it's information
     89  Split a long row into multiple rows
     89  Speeding up loop when normalizing Pandas data
     89  Slicing vs indexing
     89  Sigmoid Derivative using nd4j
     89  Sigmoid Activation Function: ValueError data type not inexact / RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
     89  Shifting data in 2d array through shifted indices
     89  Select subset of numpy.ndarray based on other array's values
     89  Selectively parsing large data file
     89  Selecting maximum value in a column based on condition
     89  Scipy efficient sparse matrix construction
     89  save binary binary columns with numpy
     89  Returning index of non-zero elements in each row if their count exceeds a threshold [closed]
     89  Render two volumes simultaneously by blending them using image plane widget
     89  Reformatting my csv file by pandas (convert set of values to columns, matching another set to corresponding values)
     89  reassigning expanded recarray field
     89  Randomly generate similar vectors?
     89  Pytorch and numpy broadcasting rules differences?
     89  Python: Write data to csv file
     89  Python vertical stack not working
     89  python, pandas - Traverse key value columns into multiple columns
     89  Python/Numpy - Turn an array with shape (119,80) into (119,1,80)
     89  python numpy speed up 2d duplicate search
     89  Python numpy array  -  close smallest regions
     89  Python - how can I address an array along a given axis?
     89  Python, face_recognition convert string to array
     89  Python dataframe separate cell values containing lists
     89  python aggregate columns from two dataframes
     89  Plotting xscale with negative powers of 10 in matplotlib
     89  pixel values of image are changed without modification in opencv python
     89  Pandas - get a summarized pivot DataFrame from row counts
     89  OverFlowError: math range error javaScript to python
     89  OLS model fitting returns less number of coefficients as expected
     89  numpy rfftn changes input dimensions
     89  Numpy: Reshaped arrays behaving strangely
     89  numpy: replicating each 1-d array element n times
     89  Numpy: Referencing an array column in another array without copies
     89  Numpy '':'' operator broadcasting issues
     89  Numpy multidimensional arrays and inverse accessing
     89  numpy huge error in rotational coordinate transformation
     89  numpy getting the not min or max element out of three elements
     89  Numpy: Efficient access to sub-arrays generated by numpy.split
     89  numpy determine mean diff between arguments
     89  Numpy C API integer scalar
     89  npzeros + itertuples alternative
     89  Need to find solution that yields minimum value - not a function
     89  Need to add a column to a pd.df using a function from a package - TypeError: 'Series' objects are mutable
     89  Multiplying leading diagonal values in Pandas?
     89  Multiplication works for dense matrix but not Compressed Row Matrix
     89  Masked Array: How to change symbol representing masked values [duplicate]
     89  Make matrix from consecutive array slices or rolls
     89  Logistic regression cost change turns constant
     89  Linear regression plot with pandas, matplotlib and dates?
     89  LinAlgError Singular matrix for scipy.stats.multivariate_normal
     89  I want to change a order for reading array in python, do I have to use reshape?
     89  Iterations over 2d numpy arrays with while and for statements
     89  Iterating rows and collecting values for output. Numpy and Python 3.6
     89  Is there a way to find the nullspace of a large, sparse matrix in Python?
     89  Is there a numpy method to create a 2D array from the addition of two 1D arrays?
     89  is there an more efficient way to enumerate probability for each of possible outcome of a discrete random variable in python or R?
     89  Is there a function that can apply NumPy's broadcasting rules to a list of shapes and return the final shape?
     89  Issues with indexing in python [closed]
     89  Is it possible to initialize a Python subclass by calling a function that returns an instance of its superclass?
     89  iPython imshow() or numpy row selection
     89  initialising class with numpy.ndarray attribute
     89  In Ipython Qt Console doesn't print inside the console
     89  In a numpy record array how to access certain element value in python
     89  How would you efficiently vectorize that kind of operation using numpy?
     89  How to speed up searching/Filtering in python dataframe formed using .txt files?
     89  How to slice looped array with numpy
     89  How to slice array to exclude one row?
     89  How to slice a 2D array non-consecutively in Python [duplicate]
     89  how to read in png into n x n-array with predefined value of ''n'' in matplotlib using imread
     89  How to prefix image processing result with the name of the image in Python?
     89  How to multiply a 4-D Tensor by a 2-D matrix?
     89  How to modify elements in a numpy array?
     89  how to make my random gaussiana distribution over one day
     89  How to generalize elementwise matrix operations in numpy
     89  How to find duplicate element and remove them in the list?
     89  How to fill blank country column with country name in pandas python
     89  How to extract individual images of words from a picture? [closed]
     89  How to efficiently multiply every element in a 2-dimensional array by a 1-dimensional array in Numpy?
     89  How to create an index on a ndarray using pandas
     89  How to correctly run f2py example from numpy docs?
     89  How to convert tuples into floats?
     89  How to convert lists in Numpy format to python
     89  How to construct square of pairwise difference for each row vector in a matrix in tensorflow?
     89  How to compute local 3x3 range in a larger 2D matrix?
     89  how to calculate distance from a data frame compared to another data frame?
     89  How do you iterate row index and find the group with the maximum determinant from the dataset in python?
     89  How do i reshape this numpy array?
     89  How do I fill multiple named fields using structured data
     89  How do i control the sequence of records in a bar plot with matplotlib with Text?
     89  How can I take inverse Fourier transform of an image twice?
     89  How can i replace image masking in for-loop with logical indexing in python?
     89  Histogram which do not use bin intervals but concrete values
     89  Grouping multiple rows in a new data frame
     89  getting error in matlab to python code conversion for np.gradient
     89  Getting Error: (-215:Assertion failed) When Using seamlessClone
     89  Generalize numpy.set1d to nd-arrays
     89  Gaussian Process Model with Noise: ValueError: nugget must be either a scalar or array of length n_samples
     89  Game bot error (python chrome dinousor game error)
     89  fitting a logaritmic curve - or changing it to fit
     89  Find one eigenvector
     89  Find max abs of subtraction between lists in a list
     89  Find a formula that describes a given list of integers
     89  Fill mask efficiently based on start indices
     89  figure not filling window python
     89  Fastest way to loop with index
     89  Extract list elements at diagonal above with numpy.tril
     89  equivalent to MATLAB's diff function in Numpy, getting unexpected outcomes
     89  Equivalent of adding a value in a new row/column to numpy that works like R's data.frame
     89  Einsum very slow to compute c distance
     89  Efficient way to pair up indices and calculate a sum
     89  Efficient way to add values to panda slices
     89  Efficient, large-scale competition scoring in Python
     89  DeepCopy the values of an numpy array inside a for loop
     89  Datatype of python universal function created with frompyfunc
     89  Cython slowed down by prints
     89  Cumulative dot product with numpy
     89  Creating a Windows installer for Numeric python Inno setUp
     89  Creating a subarray with no of aubarrays passed as arguments in python
     89  Creating a list of lists using np.where() objects
     89  Create categorical numpy array for output labels of array containing variable length sequence [closed]
     89  Crashing RAM using memmap in Oja rule
     89  Converting TRUE/FALSE Numpy array to OpenCV Umat for HoughLines
     89  Convert DF into nested list
     89  compare the two lists in python and check they equality on some conditions
     89  combine output of multiple functions into a pd.Series in python (like c() in R)
     89  Color information missing from image processing
     89  Checking existence of an array inside an array of arrays python [duplicate]
     89  Change Dimensions of ndarray and Multiply Contents
     89  Change 1d numpy array in to 3d numpy array (python)
     89  Cast list to numpy.array non-recursively
     89  Can't get back original numpy array after normalizing it for wirting to a .wav file
     89  Can I slice a list like numpy? [duplicate]
     89  Can I run a external program with a python loop?
     89  Can I find out if one numpy vector appears as a slice of another?
     89  Can Euler be better than Runge-Kutta for some functions?
     89  Calling a function on every column of a pandas DataFrame
     89  Calculator Dependency Tree Python (sympy / numpy)
     89  calculate missing pixel values from edges
     89  Baffled by numpy's transpose
     89  A target array with shape (5, 75, 100, 10) was passed for an output of shape (None, 74, 100, 10) while using as loss `mean_squared_error`
     89  Array modified via two others in python [duplicate]
     89  Array Expressions in NumpPy
     89  Apply a custom norm function to an array
     89  Appending Numpy Arrays [duplicate]
     89  Alter the masked value symbol - - when printing a masked Numpy array
     89  Adding binary arrays with different size
     89  Add a new column and insert specific values according to an defined intervall in python
     89  About Numpy's structured arrays
     88  Writing and Reading Data [closed]
     88  Why multiple process is slower than single when I'm trying to accelerate my program by multiprocess.Pool in python?
     88  Why is agg(np.ptp) slower than pandas agg functions for df aggregates?
     88  Why do I get such long runtime when using bitwise operation in a large loop?
     88  Why are these two functions not equivalent?
     88  Why are different sized images loaded as the same size in numpy?
     88  Why am I getting ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.'' when using the brute function from Scipy.optimization?
     88  What function really do with N-dimensional arrays?
     88  what is the most pythonic way to implement dotProduct?
     88  What is a faster alternative to itertools?
     88  What happens when virtualenv and system site packages have conflicting dependencies?
     88  What does y_p :::python do in this (or any) script?
     88  What are the meanings of subscripts passed to numpy.einsum()?
     88  Weird behaviour when filling a nested numpy array with `np.nan` [duplicate]
     88  Wants to concatenate tow 3D matrix (10,61,1)
     88  Vectorizing a sum over a function of unordered pairs?
     88  Vectorized multiplication of several sequences of 2x2 matrices
     88  Using the dateformatter in matplotlib to show only months and year
     88  Update values in numpy array without tedious for loops
     88  Trying to minimize code to find sum of sub_arrays of a numpy array
     88  Transposing a 3d matrix twice?
     88  Time Dependant 1D Schroedinger Equation using Numpy and SciPy solve_ivp
     88  Ternary function for Hamming distance, where '2' is wildcard
     88  TensorForestEstimator with feature_column throws TypeError
     88  Tables and graphs in python
     88  sum of two matrix row by column
     88  SSH aborted the connection when installing numpy in Raspberry Pi
     88  Simpler code to combine multiple lists into one array? I actually wish ''lists'' are still ''lists'' in that array
     88  Simple Boolean Logic gives Ambiguous Error [duplicate]
     88  Setting dtype in numpy seems to make each value become a tuple
     88  Select where a subset of columns in a pandas DataFrame match a tuple
     88  Select maximum in array according to condition
     88  Scipy optimize curve_fit gives different plots for same parameters when fitting custom function
     88  Scipy Minimization TNC Working, But Not CG
     88  Scatter plot coloring of data under the region of a function in Matplotlib
     88  sampling from large numpy array
     88  Running mean of numpy ndarrays from iterator
     88  Resize frame of cv2.VideoCapture
     88  Reshape pandas dataframe and work with columns
     88  resample time series on uniform interval in numpy/scipy?
     88  Regarding ndarray creation in julia: Stacking in extra dimension
     88  Reading a pre-formatted binary file in Python
     88  random sample n digits from range of (x,y) that average to mean k?
     88  python program is super slow, and I can't find out why
     88  Python Numpy syntax: what does array index as two arrays separated by comma mean?
     88  Python: Get unique labelnumbers in a 3D array
     88  Python: get a circular subimage of an image [duplicate]
     88  Python: Efficiently convert non-negative integers to between 0 and 1
     88  Python - easy way to ''comparison'' map one array to another
     88  Python: cutting out the outer frame of a numpy array
     88  Parameter estimation for coupled ODEs
     88  Pandas - Row mask and 2d ndarray assignement
     88  pandas dataframe fails to assign value to slice subset
     88  Optimize this loop with numpy
     88  Optimize slow numpy n-body simulation
     88  Optimisation for large dataset
     88  OLS in Python: dimension of estimated coefficient matrix is not OK
     88  Offset a mask within a larger array
     88  Numpy turning ints to decimals
     88  Numpy multiplication over axis
     88  numpy matrix multiplication raises weird error
     88  Numpy matrix minus a vector with repeated row/column indices
     88  Numpy indexing using an array of booleans
     88  numpy.in1d return incorrect bool values
     88  Numpy: How to calculate sums of array slices using indeces?
     88  Numpy einsum_path reports more FLOP and ''speeddown''
     88  numpy array elementwise multiply a panda timeseries
     88  np.logical_or with reduce return a different result
     88  np.concatenate() 2D array instead of 1D
     88  np.arange() can't be squared properly [duplicate]
     88  Multiply every three rows of dataframe by different value
     88  Multiple Parameter Estimation. Problems with broadcasting
     88  multiple for statements in any() python
     88  Most efficient way to solve problem related to 2D matrix in python
     88  Merging arrays of varying size in Python
     88  memory efficient way to create a column that indicates a unique combination of values from a set of columns
     88  math.fsum for arrays of multiple dimensions
     88  Manipulating an array in python
     88  Logistic regression cost function returning inconsistant values
     88  Is there a python function/library to create a field from gridded data?
     88  Is there a faster (numpy?) way to combine pandas df int columns into dot-separated str col without TypeError
     88  Is it possible to combine (add) values of a vector according to integer value of another vector
     88  int object not callable in converted matlab code
     88  Interpolating missing values useing np.interp
     88  IndexError on huge list in Python
     88  Implementing a custom counting system in Python
     88  Ignoring multiple NaNs when calculating standard deviation
     88  I am trying to write a program using A Coupled Spring-Mass System . Solve Using ODE's
     88  huge matrix sorted and then find smallest elements with their indices into a list
     88  How to write efficent data to a hdf5 storage?
     88  How to verify that validation labels are in the same range as training labels, Python Numpy
     88  How to vectorize a function that uses both row and column elements of a dataframe
     88  How to use np.where on list of Python objects to return inner objects matching condition?
     88  How to use feature importance using random forest with pandas?
     88  how to take 2 .txt files and plot them on a graph using python?
     88  How to square off my plot
     88  How to rename many groups of rows in Pandas?
     88  How to present ndarray to trained caffe net in python?
     88  How to optimise memory allocation in Python with large numpy arrays?
     88  how to multiply a matrix with every row in another matrix using numpy
     88  How to make contour plot map and overcome no contour level were found?
     88  How to get chunks of submatrices faster?
     88  How to enter formulas in a convienent mathematical way for plotting vector fields?
     88  How to efficiently match two array values in Python?
     88  How to efficiently dropna when the NaNs are contained in the index? [duplicate]
     88  how to easily work out the 'valid' region for np.convolve
     88  how to delete multiple rows in an array
     88  How to declare array in format where continuous zeros can be written as n*0 like in fortran?
     88  How to convert [2,3,4] to [0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2] to utilize tf.math.segment_sum?
     88  How to construct a numpy array with multilple same timestamp?
     88  How to classify one column's value by other dataframe?
     88  How do you calculate the sum based on certain numbers in the dataframe?
     88  How do I get my data in my heatmap?
     88  how do i correctly handle a multi dimensional numpy array
     88  How can I take generate mean image of many 32x32 grayscale images in Python?
     88  How can I read from a file with Python from a specific location to a specific location?
     88  How can I pass 3 arguments being one of them an array in Python?
     88  How can i find the coordinates of distinct values?
     88  How can I create a masked array with columns filtered out by column sum in numpy?
     88  Grouping values in an array
     88  Get subset of array and list from list of index
     88  Get pairs of positive values efficiently with numpy
     88  Get coordinates of polygon outline and polygon mask given vertex coordinates
     88  Get all edges of a cuboid (3D NumPy array)
     88  Forcing data to fit points with curve_fit
     88  Finding the accuracy - Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2
     88  Find index of all elements numpy arrays
     88  Fast way to check if elements in sub-dimension of a numpy array is in sub-dimension of another numpy array
     88  fastest method to get indices of first and last common elements between lists
     88  Extreme Basics: Displaying an Array as an Image (2d or 3d)
     88  Extract array indices that contain a specific value
     88  Error when re-sizing data in numpy array
     88  Error when import c file after cythonize
     88  Element-wise comparison of vector and scalar fails in rpy2 with Python 3
     88  Elegant (most efficient) way to check whether the angle falls into the circular confidence interval
     88  Elegantly Generalising Sorting into Dictionaries in Python?
     88  Efficient numpy array random views with dropped dimensions
     88  Does Parallel Python PP always get back jobs'results in the order we created them?
     88  Django doesn't recognize Gensim
     88  Displaying a slice from a 3d ndarray
     88  Difference and subsequent error between using Pandas Series and Numpy Arrays
     88  Deriving a matrix values from another 2 matrices
     88  Define matrix : 'A' is not defined
     88  Data transformation in Python. Is there a better way?
     88  Custom NumPy Slice
     88  Creating a tiled multi-dimensional array while removing the sub element of the I'th index of axis0?
     88  Create more data by creating a block of 'past' for each row, for LSTM input
     88  Create a dynamic function in python/pandas for repeated np.where statements
     88  Count values in numpy array and return index by result
     88  Convert Pandas column of numpy arrays to python list
     88  concatenate arrays to the numpy array
     88  Can't save a numpy 2-d array into a file
     88  Behavior of range function in numba-compiled functions
     88  Backward Elimination: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'columns'
     88  Back-and-Forth Linspace Generator
     88  Always include python and numpy both in build and in run, in meta.yaml requirements section?
     88  Adjacency matrix to array for multiplication purposes
     87  ZeroDivisionError in python uncertainities package
     87  YALV (yet another loop vectorization)
     87  Why NumPy is casting objects to floats?
     87  why I can't use x.unique() in numpy, however, x.sum() or x.mean() works?
     87  Why does the numpy array now specify dtype = int64?
     87  Why can I not import numpy in terminal while being able to import it in Jupyter notebook?
     87  When should I use matrix.astype and when matrix.view?
     87  What is the logic behind needing to convert a 1D array to 2D to concatenate?
     87  What is the fastest way to conditionally change the values of a dataframe in every index and column?
     87  What is the best way to define a row vector in NumPy?
     87  Way to remove keys that have array of zeros as value
     87  Visualizing modified SIR model
     87  Vectorizing string formatting across NumPy array
     87  Vectorizing calculation of values using numpy which requires previously calculated value
     87  Vectorized calculation of scaled/rotated pairwise squared euclidean distance
     87  Vectorized arange using np.einsum for raycast
     87  Variable Explorer Spyder
     87  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence when
     87  Using python to add random Matrices with Numpy
     87  Using numpy where with applymap in pandas
     87  using numpy busday_count function in pyspark
     87  Using a function for multiple files
     87  Updating by index in an multi-dimensional numpy array
     87  unsupervised learning - clustering numpy arrays within numpy arrays
     87  `uniq` for 2D Theano tensor
     87  unexpected behaviour with variables definition in python [duplicate]
     87  TypeError: div(): argument 'other' (position 1) must be Tensor, not numpy.bool_
     87  To what depth do I use multiprocessing across many functions in python?
     87  Summing up previous 10 rows of a dataframe
     87  SUM based on two columns for Project and ID
     87  Store values in a shared theano tensor variable to a numpy variable
     87  Split large array into many subarrays using numpy
     87  Speed up for loop in numpy
     87  Simple python code for writing data to separate files based on condition?
     87  Shifted log plot python
     87  Set value in 2D Numpy array based on row sum
     87  Selecting certain values from array [closed]
     87  Select elements of a numpy array based on the elements of a second array
     87  Select a number from two sets each that the sum of their multiplication equals to a specific sum
     87  Scipy - Executing part of function only when function input values change
     87  Saving numpy 32int into multi layer tiff
     87  Sample with more samples at the begining and end of sample space
     87  Same math and numpy functions don't give the same result when applied to pixels values
     87  Row-wise comparisons between two arrays
     87  Return elements from 2D numpy array that satisfy certain conditions
     87  Representing particle motion in numpy
     87  Replace nan's for a list according to another list with different sizes python
     87  Removing low quality tensor predictions from softmax
     87  Record the largest series for each id in python
     87  Randomizing DataFrame rows [closed]
     87  Quantopian Python Program BETA Calculation Error
     87  python type convertion over whole numpy array at once
     87  Python setting range of monotonic values in array to zero
     87  Python, projection and interpolation of 1d data onto 3d grid (head surface EEG power)
     87  Python OpenCV converting planar YUV 4:2:0 image to RGB  -  YUV array format
     87  Python numpy list filtering
     87  python ncreduce for windows
     87  Python move point by matrix and then draw orbit
     87  Python: most efficient way to categorize transactions
     87  python get a list of length X where the sum of all values is Y
     87  Python Find max in dataframe column to loop to find all values
     87  Python : Cannot retrieve shape of numpy matrix in dict
     87  Python 3.5: Normalize array results in TypeError
     87  Python 2.7 variable type stays as int32 instead of converting to long
     87  Putting multiple columns into callable sub arrays python
     87  Problems with append()
     87  Preventing multiple matches in list iteration
     87  Picking data randomly without a repeat in the index and create a new list out of it
     87  Perform logical OR operation on multiple NumPy arrays
     87  OpenCV upscales webcam's feed instead of using full resolution
     87  Numpy version of finding the highest and lowest value locations within an interval of another column?
     87  numpy transformation 2d to 3d
     87  Numpy operator for multiple outer products
     87  numpy - operations on whole matrix
     87  Numpy - Multiple Outer Products
     87  Numpy image array set pixel dimension values based on binary categories
     87  Numpy csv file groupby
     87  Non-strict inequalities as contstraints in Python's library cvxpy
     87  My numpy array always ends in zero?
     87  most efficient way to map a dict of dict based on two columns pandas
     87  Modify indexed object in numpy
     87  Mask last three bits in a numpy array
     87  masking zero columns in numpy.array
     87  Make the Conditional maps
     87  Line construction with double iteration
     87  Iterative formula in Pandas/Numpy
     87  Is there a Pandas/Numpy implementation of the Monty Hall problem without looping?
     87  Is there an optimized ''normalized difference'' function in the scipy/pandas/theano/etc ecosystem?
     87  Is numpy accumulate the right thing for this?
     87  Is matrix multiplication slower than looping over dot product in numpy?
     87  Is it possible to use pyspark to speed up regression analysis on each column of a very large size of an array?
     87  Is it possible to accelerate python nested loop?
     87  In Pandas how can I use the values in one table as an index to extract data from another table?
     87  Indexes of top N values in 2 dimensional array
     87  IndexError: index 4 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 4
     87  ImportError (missing dependencies ['numpy']) at the time of executing the .exe
     87  How to use numpy to flip this array?
     87  How to use a previous prediction model to predict values between a range of numbers
     87  How to truncate a series/column of a data frame with single operation
     87  How to tackle memory error while loading heavy CSV Files
     87  How to sum the values of an array based on reference values from another array
     87  How to split array by indices where the splitted sub-arrays include the split point
     87  How to solve numpy matrix multiplication error
     87  How to slice from 4d matrix in python?
     87  How to selecting column arrays from matrix in python
     87  how to print/extract all rows and columns from the console?
     87  How to perform bitwise and operation on matrices of a tensor in numpy
     87  How to make atomic add with numpy
     87  How to make a scipy array from custom data format?
     87  how to load only valid rows (without na) from excel to pandas dataframe [duplicate]
     87  How to do element-wise rounding of NumPy array to first non-zero digit?
     87  How to create an array data type in numpy using np.dtype or something similar?
     87  How to count a specific item in DataFrame in pandas from Python [duplicate]
     87  How to convert an hexadecimale line in a text file to an array (Python)?
     87  How to compute a spatial distance matrix from a given value
     87  How to column stack arrays within a loop?
     87  How to change array of floats to array of strings, then save to txt
     87  How to calculate distances in 3D coordinates in an array
     87  How to add elements of numpy array and make new numpy array
     87  How should I modify the test data for SVM method to be able to use the `precomputed` kernel function without error?
     87  How do we interpret this indexing?
     87  How do I shift my thinking to 'vectorize my computation' more than using 'for-loops'?
     87  How do I extract a 2D NumPy sub-array from a 2D NumPy array based on patterns?
     87  How do I efficiently get a numpy array for a subset of columns from my dataframe?
     87  How do I delete selected rows from a dataframe that are in a variable?
     87  How do I calculate moving average with customized weight in pandas?
     87  How do I access elements of a 2d array based on two where clauses?
     87  How can this numpy 2D sorted array creation be optimized?
     87  How can I take out(or slice) the elements in a rank-2 tensor , whose first element is unique?
     87  How can I make many perallel processes make changes to a single shared NumPy array?
     87  How can I concatenate arrays of arrays index by index?
     87  Group a list of float with near number, regard its near position in np.array
     87  Getting a incorrect picture output when running my self-made rotation algorithm
     87  Get the next value from the minimum value in array
     87  get position of duplicate values from pandas dataframe
     87  Get output after matrix operation
     87  Get information out of sub-lists in main list elegantly
     87  Generate a Column with random Percentage that sum to one
     87  Generate 1D NumPy array of concatenated ranges
     87  Gamma distribution cutting off and not showing up
     87  Fitting piecewise function: running into NaN problems due to boolean array indexing
     87  Find NumPy array rows which contain any of list
     87  Finding the sets of columns/rows that overlap
     87  Finding maximum per row when condition is met
     87  Finding max gradient of irregular data series from csv
     87  finding index/location of value in 1D NumPy array (with identical values) [duplicate]
     87  Filtering outliers within each category of categorical data in pandas
     87  Fastest way to build a Matrix with a custom architecture
     87  Faster way to find the next greatest value in array
     87  Fast compose slices of 3D numpy array as 3D subarray
     87  Fast and Clean way to find to find Numpy arrays index
     87  Error trying to plot a simple function in python
     87  Error of value of polynomial with covariance matrix for coefficents
     87  Error after re-installing sklearn
     87  Efficient way to subset and combine arrays of different lengths
     87  dll load error specified module not found
     87  Design choices for numpy, python
     87  defining a for loop for operations on each row of a NumPy array
     87  cross product between vectors of different size [duplicate]
     87  Create NumPy with unique object instances
     87  Create column of truth values
     87  create an 4-column Array from the 3D numpy array in Python
     87  count overlap between two numpy arrays [duplicate]
     87  Convolutional Net Model not working on very simple data
     87  Converting a numpy sequence to Audio File
     87  Converting a list of numpy array to a single int numpy array
     87  convert a txt file into numpy array
     87  Conflicting performance results of random number generators
     87  Concatenating numpy record arrays with same fields in different order
     87  Concat dataframe to multi index dataframe with gradient values
     87  Comparing two methods for writing a numpy array to disk
     87  compare two data frames and add new column to dataframe based on mask values
     87  Compare neighbours boolean numpy array in grid
     87  Combining two numpy arrays of different dimensions
     87  Combine a 2d numpy array grouped by values in a column
     87  Can you apply a function to rows of numpy array without return?
     87  Can't adjust the size of input and output arrays while doing a Kalman Filter with pseudoranges data
     87  Can I use scipy.curve fit in python when one of the fitted parameters changes the xdata input array values?
     87  Calculate the percentile rank of a value in a multi-dimensional array along an axis
     87  Calculate mean of multiple lists with different lengths
     87  Batch normalization neural network using ADAM as optimizer
     87  Automatically create a large matrix from smaller matrices in Python 3
     87  Assign same lexicographic rank to duplicate elements of 2d array
     87  Assign 0 and 1 based on values greater than in one line
     87  array assignment using slicing
     87  Append list array in for loop
     87  Anaconda: Python is 64 bit, numpy 32 bit -> conflict. How to get numpy 64 bit
     87  Adding a 2D Array to a 3D Array
     87  Accumulate rows of NumPy array based on the last column
     86  XOR neural network 2-1-1
     86  xampp and numpy: ImportError : DLL load failed in my Apache log error
     86  Write to a masked array in numpy
     86  Write coordinates to file from 4 numpy arrays Python
     86  Why norm of matrix is differ from norm of array in Python Numpy?
     86  Why is scipy.optimize.check_grad returning an array?
     86  Why is Cython only 20% faster on RunLengthEncode B/W image
     86  Why is (3.3==np.asarray([3.3])) equal to [True] instead of False? [duplicate]
     86  Why does the image values not change based on threshold
     86  Why does Python round this sum?
     86  Why does Pandas/Numpy automatically round up 9999999999 to 1.000000e+10?
     86  Why does integrate.quad(lambda x: x*exp(-x**2/2)/sqrt(2*pi), 0.0, 100000) give 0?
     86  Why does a list comprehension not append in python
     86  What is the meaning of the ''in'' operator between numpy arrays?
     86  What is an elegant way to slice a pandas dataframe by a condition AND a date range at the same time?
     86  Vector way of populating numpy array
     86  Vectorizing multiplication of matrices with different shapes in numpy/tensorflow
     86  Value error while concatenating the numpy arrays
     86  Value Error occurs when filtering wav file
     86  ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32'). Why?
     86  Using Numpy to replace values in place in arbitrary axis
     86  Using functions to create Electric Field array for 2d Density Plot and 3d Surface Plot
     86  Update numpy array with sparse indices and values
     86  Unexpected behaviour of np.sum which acts as np.ravel
     86  unable to convert number to words from Pandas series using num2words python library
     86  TypeError: 'float' object has no attribute '__getitem__' in defined function
     86  t-test vs my own t-test function with/without nan values
     86  trouble translating 11-line toy neural network code to JavaScript
     86  Translation between grid index and actual values
     86  Transform dedicated colums from Dataframe to Numpy array and loop properly
     86  Transform dataframe to get co-author relationships
     86  Total number of UNIQUE rotations in a 3D array around an axis
     86  the difference between a[:,None] and a[:,] [duplicate]
     86  Tensorflow wrapper which acts just like numpy (very close API)?
     86  Taking Common elements of three sets
     86  Summing everything except nan
     86  Substitute entries of numpy array with numpy arrays
     86  stopping animation - Conway's game of life
     86  Stitching arrays together in numpy
     86  Split an array into several arrays by defined boundaries, python
     86  Sort the numpy matrix by the minimum values and display minimum values on the diagonal of matrix
     86  Solving linear equation with four variables
     86  Simplify within loop
     86  Shift matrix rows to have maxima in the middle
     86  Select largest square chunk for data from numpy array with no data values
     86  Selectively copy ndarray rows with prange in Cython
     86  Scipy: epsilon neighborhood by sparse similarity with threshold
     86  Rolling average over inverse diagonal in Python
     86  Resize batch of numpy images efficiently using multiprocessing python
     86  Repeat/duplicate a given numpy array ten times
     86  Render audio in HTML from numpy array
     86  Python solve ODE system with solve_ivp
     86  Python: Show cartesian image in polar plot
     86  Python selecting row from second dataframe based on complex criteria
     86  Python: scipy odeint plot not smooth
     86  Python, random sample from a vector's non-zero indices
     86  Python Pandas How to choose range of 10 values from the middle index
     86  Python output formatting issues
     86  Python - Obtain indices of intersecting values in two arrays [duplicate]
     86  Python : obtain a value by comparing different data frames columns
     86  python numpy detect and eliminate undesired value
     86  Python - numpy array syntax confusion?
     86  Python mystery about for loop and reduce
     86  Python load .txt as array
     86  python list value make a list
     86  Python: how can I get the smoother-starting-point in graph?
     86  Python Horizontal Bar Double Graph
     86  Python function not returning type as expected
     86  python: expanding a numpy array inside function
     86  Python Control Flow: if x is on the interval 0.0001 to 0.0624?
     86  Plotting 2D efficiency with matplotlib
     86  Pandas self-conditional column
     86  Pandas not plotting code.
     86  Pandas Dataframe of staggered zeros
     86  Or'ing boolean arrays of different sizes
     86  OpenCV: Extracting the colour channels from an RGB image
     86  numpy.random.multinomial: Is there a way to do a True or False test?
     86  numpy: pass by reference does not work on itself
     86  'numpy.ndarray' or 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'cluster_centers_'
     86  numpy Matlab equivalent of `bitxor` between to vectors of different sizes WITHOUT loop
     86  numpy irreversibly change items in a list at random
     86  Numpy array views syntax
     86  Numpy array variable avoid bad calculations
     86  numpy array got changed in numpy.mean()
     86  Numpy Arange generating values of inconsistent decimal points
     86  numpy and pytables changing values when only using some specific columns
     86  numpy advanced indexing: transparently optimising ranges?
     86  numpy 2d where with constraint on each row
     86  np.vectorize local variable (?) referenced before assignment
     86  Negating a slice in Numpy?
     86  Most efficient way to turn a list of strings of integers to an array of integers
     86  module 'numpy' has no attribute '__config__'
     86  Mimicking view when fancy indexing a numpy array: a memory perspective
     86  matplotlib.pyplot.draw() and have no effect
     86  Manipulating a Triangle Array and then Plotting in 3D in Python
     86  Loop speed up of FFT in python (with `np.einsum`)
     86  Looping over a python list of tuples and applying a function
     86  Load numpy arrays from compressed bytes
     86  List all numbers between 2 negative decimal numbers
     86  Linking numpy extensions
     86  Is there a python function (preferably seaborn) that can help me connect two sets of points with a line on a scatterplot?
     86  Inverse mapping of numpy.sort
     86  Indexing a 2D numpy array inside a function using a function parameter
     86  IndexError When Iterating Through N-Dimensional Array
     86  Index by condition in python-numpy?
     86  In computing least squares why add vector of ones?
     86  Image to a list of coordinates of points, satisfying certain criteria
     86  I am trying to iterate over multiple ranges to create a multidimensional ndarray from another
     86  Huge array representing redundant and sparse data optimization
     86  How to turn 1D array into symmetrical 3D array?
     86  How to slice from a multi-dimensional array along an axis in NumPy?
     86  how to select features from numpy array [duplicate]
     86  How to realize a very big int matrix with 5 string columns in numpy (python3)?
     86  How to probabilistically populate a list in python?
     86  How to optimize these loops?
     86  How to normalize just one column of a dataframe while keeping the others unaffected?
     86  How to have a list of random numbers by ensuring all of them at least once used?
     86  How to get accurate predictions from a neural network
     86  How to fix python module numpy's representation of integers in as hexadecimal
     86  how to fix import pandas ImportError: Unable to import required dependencies:
     86  How to display a DataFrame without Jupyter Notebook crashing?
     86  How to define a higher-degree spline using python?
     86  How to create 2-D array from 3-D Numpy array?
     86  How to convert an integer array to a specific length binary array
     86  How to check each column in pandas data frame are in ascending order or not
     86  How I can convert this matlab code to python? [duplicate]
     86  How exactly (and why) can I access all of NumPy through numpy.random?
     86  How do you invert scipy quad function to pass in an arc length and receive a value for (t)?
     86  How do you get ''matlab style'' function output in python
     86  How do I use matrix math to solve a scheduling problem?
     86  How do I multiply a matrix by a scalar only for given indices in Tensorflow?
     86  How do I comprehend the usage of *(3,4) in a.reshape(3,*(3,4))? [duplicate]
     86  How do I combine rowwise values of 2D Numpy array into one single column
     86  How can I map values in a pandas DataFrame?
     86  How can I evaluate the intersection's volume of a circle and the area above a line. I also would like to apply it. - Python
     86  group values containing np.nan in intervals
     86  Got different answer from python numpy and Matlab for solving linear equations
     86  Getting time frequency of number in array in Python?
     86  Generator not being recognized when passing validation data to .fit in Keras Sequential
     86  Generating a Short-and-Fat Random Orthonormal Matrix
     86  Find the sum of a pair of columns starting from first and the middle one?
     86  Finding Intersection Between a Matrix and a Vector, by Row
     86  Find indexes that fail numpy.assert_almost_equal
     86  Find float in dataFrame using a For loop
     86  File .npy created, which should contains a 200MB dataset, is almost empty
     86  Fast evaluation of a product
     86  Extract random 2d windows of a 2d numpy array
     86  Expand CSV records using pandas or numpy
     86  Evaluate several elements of numpy object array
     86  error with numpy while using opencv with python using some hash techniques to compare signatures
     86  Error when accessing element in structured array
     86  Error assigning scatter plot to specific bins [duplicate]
     86  Error after zip in python
     86  Efficient way to cast scalars to numpy arrays
     86  Efficient Repeated DataFrame Row Selections Based on Multiple Columns' Values
     86  Efficiently delete each row of an array if it occurs in another array in pure numpy
     86  Efficiently computing Khatri-Rao like sum (pairwise row sum)
     86  dumping column data from data frames to list in python
     86  Double loop with multiple ''if'' conditionals
     86  dot product of 2-D array and 1-D array is different from matrix and 1-D array
     86  Division on multiple columns pandas df
     86  Divided two different distributions in python
     86  Difference between numpy routines and ndarray methods? [duplicate]
     86  Difference between None and <no value>
     86  DictVectorizer learns more features for the training set
     86  datatype conflicts - Strings and Floats in one NumpyArray
     86  Data manipulation using pandas dataframe
     86  Create new column based on multiple groupby conditions
     86  Create a matrix with every possible column
     86  Counting number of spikes in a graph in python
     86  Counting frequency of values in recarray of object datatype
     86  Convert pandas Series with categories as values to DataFrame mask [duplicate]
     86  Convert numpy arrays comprehensions to regular python syntax
     86  convert numbers in string to array in python
     86  Convert max numpy array offset to a tuple? [duplicate]
     86  Concatenating two numpy array issues
     86  Computing sum of consecutive values in a vector that are greater than a constant number?
     86  Comparing two numpy arrays and replacing value of one
     86  Combine arrays to raster (jpeg)
     86  combination of advanced indexing and basic slicing
     86  Code of plotting a function in an interval (graph result)
     86  Can a slice of a numpy array be a view of another array?
     86  Can anyone explain this list comprehension?
     86  Calculate mean of numpy array section without for loop
     86  Broadcast function that changes dimension of the input array
     86  Average of median of a column in a list of dataframes
     86  Arbitrary N-dimensional repeat of N-dimensional numpy array
     86  Applying functions data frame columns
     86  Any suggestion to generate newlist.append(q) list faster than current method?
     86  Amend column values according to timedelta and index
     86  Align dataframe diagonals into columns?
     86  Adding multiple ndarry using numpy
     86  Accessing an array by using another array of indexes in numpy
     85  Wrong CSV printing in Python (enumerating numpy array)
     85  Writing seemingly same array to two image files leads to different results
     85  Writing fast codes in python
     85  Write numpy.ndarray with Russian characters to file
     85  Why numpy is slower than pure python?
     85  Why is the .so file on Amazon Linux 5 times larger than on OS X?
     85  Why is numpy's kron so fast?
     85  Why isn't 'for' loop iterating over list?
     85  Why do libraries like bottleneck for numpy exist?
     85  why does an image of size 9 MB on disk occupy 125 MB in RAM when loaded into numpy?
     85  Why can't merge datetime64 with ohter arrays with np.c_?
     85  What is the need of ellipsis[ ... ] while modifying array values in numpy?
     85  What is the behavior of sorted(arr) when arr is a numpy array with nans? [duplicate]
     85  Weird Convnet Prediction outputs
     85  ValueError in scipy t test_ind
     85  ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead insists after converting 1D array to 2D
     85  Using the values of the first row of a matrix as ticks for matplotlib.pyplot.imshow
     85  Using a.append to create a numpy array of a desired shape
     85  use numpy/matplotlib to draw a histogram with range of bottom/top/infinite
     85  Use masks to retrieve submatrix in numpy
     85  Unpacking list of tuples as numpy array for Experience replay
     85  Unable to convert MATLAB to Python code for repmat and symmetry
     85  TypeError: '_io.BufferedWriter' object is not subscriptable
     85  Trying to make a readable txt file from an np array, all printing on one line?
     85  Trouble Transforming IEEE 754 data to be displayed in PyQt4
     85  Transform matrix
     85  The first eigenvector of a very large sparse matrix?
     85  tensorflow run function doesn't return numpy when running on pytest
     85  sympy Numpy clash
     85  Sudoku generator - indexing matrix, testing for repeat value in row/column
     85  Subselection using np.logical_and in Numpy
     85  Stretch numpy vector to arbitrary length without interpolation
     85  Store a very large numpy.ndarray into cells of a dataframe
     85  Store and find higher value index in a numpy array
     85  stacking 2 column vectors
     85  Splitting matrix multiplication using einsum
     85  special tiling of matrix in tensorflow or numpy
     85  Setting certain rows in matrix to zero
     85  Select size filtered elements in a large array (raster)
     85  selecting data from list whiles keeping the order
     85  SciPy Relative Frequency: Default Real Limits
     85  Scala: equivalent of np.digitize to bucketize data
     85  Rolling over a series by avoiding NaNs
     85  Reverse of numpy.bincounts?
     85  Return value from DataFrame at maximum of a function
     85  Reshaping python array for unknown rows using -1 & filling remaining spaces with None
     85  Reshaping Pandas data frame (a complex case!)
     85  reshaping of multidimension list
     85  Replacing elements in an array from index array
     85  Replace words marked with offsets
     85  Read ASCII file which is a simple series of 2D arrays separated by string (Python pandas/numpy)
     85  Random uniform distribution of points with minimum spacing
     85  Python write method adds extra bytes
     85  Python: VTK Distances in a TubeFilter
     85  python recode csv with condition
     85  Python Printing Incredibly Slowly
     85  Python - Pandas Indexing and Selecting
     85  Python Numpy Matrix Apply Element Row Column Entry Wise Function
     85  python numpy list manipulation
     85  python - numpy fancy broadcasting for special case riddle
     85  Python Numpy: Confusion - why iterate in numpy [duplicate]
     85  Python: make a runtime warning be an error instead [duplicate]
     85  Python: How to cut out an area with specific color from image (OpenCV, Numpy)
     85  python: how to bin a list of 3D points efficiently
     85  Python Get Result of Numpy Equal In Same Line
     85  Python: finding indices
     85  python: Combined masking in numpy
     85  Pygame audio code not working
     85  Problem converting Python np.ndarray (image) to C++ Mat using Cython
     85  Plotting Points on a Sphere
     85  Plot 3D density plot from many 2D arrays
     85  Pandas initialize dataframe with np.array().T
     85  Pandas df difference data must be 1-dimensional
     85  Pandas: Create a dataframe with k columns of n1,n2,n3 etc. random samples
     85  Pandas adding a scoring column based on multiple criteria
     85  Package a python script with libraries
     85  Numpy Separating CSV into columns
     85  numpy pad with zeros creates 2d array instead of desired 1d
     85  Numpy maskedarray missing stack function
     85  Numpy : how to increment values of an indexed array? [duplicate]
     85  Numpy get elements by incrementing the index of element
     85  'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'abs'
     85  Numpy element wise minimum for masked array return valid value instead of masked value
     85  Numpy dot use all the memory
     85  numpy.cross and similiar functions: Do they allocate a new array on every call?
     85  NumPy change elements in a specific row that match a criteria
     85  NumPy - Can this be vectorized?
     85  numpy broadcasting boolean indexes
     85  Numpy array, removing one arbitrary element per row
     85  numpy and ctypes: dealing with views
     85  Non-Assert Way To Compare Two 2D Arrays for Accuracy
     85  Nested for loops over arrays with different lengths and generating files accordingly
     85  Need help to speed up this code - Python and numpy
     85  Multiplication matrix vector with Python 3.x, numpy e multiprocessing
     85  Multi-dimensional outer-product in python
     85  Modulo with fractions.Fraction class
     85  Memory efficient way of implementing bootstrap in Python?
     85  Memory and time in tensor operations python
     85  Measurement uncertainty trigonometry Python
     85  Matlab to python - different results, cannot solve
     85  Math principle behind converging loop indices?
     85  match non-unique, un-sorted array to indexes in unique, sorted array
     85  Making python dictionary from a text file with multiple keys
     85  Making ''for'' loop faster
     85  Looking for help on installing a numpy extension
     85  Local parallel computations for a summing operation
     85  List of uncommon Numpy operators (<<, >>, &, |, ~, @, etc) and what they do
     85  List Comprehension for multi label counter [closed]
     85  Linux is getting slow after some Python-sessions
     85  Join array of strings/chars into single string with separator [without using comprehension, map, etc.]
     85  Iteratively replace two strings with values from numpy array
     85  Iteration to update 2 dimensional array
     85  Iterate through list of dictionaries in python
     85  Iterate over a Dataframe column using common value in a list in python
     85  Is there some elegant way to manipulate my ndarray
     85  is there any way to turn a multidimensional array into a single dimension one in Python? [duplicate]
     85  Is there any solution to get score of similarity between lists of words?
     85  Is the bytes offset in files produced by always 128?
     85  Is it possible to round to an integer AND remove the decimal point in an array in python
     85  Interpolate data between two samples
     85  Insert row and col label when dumping matrix data to text file in python
     85  Indexing Numpy array with list and tuple gives different results?
     85  Increase the columns of numpy 2D array
     85  import numpy array wrapper
     85  I have an array of unequal length lists, what is quickest way to calculate the length of each
     85  How to vectorize this for loop?
     85  how to vectorize this?
     85  How to swap tensor axes efficiently in tensorflow?
     85  how to sum identical values in array
     85  How to set iteration depth when interating numpy array with e.g. nditer?
     85  How to return values in the second column greater than 25 from a random array in numpy?
     85  How to randomly throw numbers in a 2D dimensional board
     85  How to multiply two matrices vector by vector at specific index in the matrices in pandas or numpy
     85  How to loop over the groupby column using pandas?
     85  How to keep track of original row indices in Numpy array when comparing to only a slice?
     85  How to Install third-party libs to Python 3.X when two other 2.Xs are also on MacOs? [duplicate]
     85  How to install numpy, PIL on Nao robot gentoo linux
     85  How to Group dictionary values in python and subtotal
     85  How to group a pandas dataframe which has a list of combinations?
     85  How to get the array corresponding exaclty to contourf?
     85  How to get a 7x7 matrix numpy
     85  How to find the most frequent value in a column using np.histogram()
     85  How to fill ''column B'' based on value in ''column A'' when the column has object dtype in python pandas?
     85  How to efficiently save and load dataset with h5py?
     85  How to convert a set to an array?
     85  How to change the dtype of an ''object'' to float32?
     85  How to Calculate Age from Date Of Birth in pandas, Python(Jupyter Notebook)
     85  How to append a nested list with another list?
     85  How to add a white space after each series of x terms of an array ? Python
     85  How do you find the largest float below some value?
     85  How do I fill a circle in numpy or in lists of lists [closed]
     85  How do I convert a dictionary with coordinates and frequencies to a matrix?
     85  How do I add new complex values to my array?
     85  How can I visualize a function value in 3d?
     85  How can I use lambdify to evaluate my function?
     85  How can I reshape a list of numpy.ndarray (each numpy.ndarray is a 1*3 vector) into a 2-D Matrix , to be represented as an image?
     85  How can I make z axis optional in np.arrays? (Error: footprint array has incorrect shape)
     85  How can I get records from an array into a table in python?
     85  How can I convert a numpy array containing a list of strings into an array containing a list of zeros and ones?
     85  Group array elements according occurence, keep order, get first and last indices
     85  getting pixel value for image indexed by labels
     85  From numpy array, get indices of values list
     85  Forming matrix from 2 vectors in Numpy, with repetition of 1 vector
     85  For loop in lambda function
     85  floating point arithmetic and numpy remainder function [duplicate]
     85  Find matching couples to maximize global happiness
     85  Find difference and std at different dates in dataframe
     85  Filtering the result of numpy random choice
     85  fill vector values between specified indices
     85  Fast way to populate numpy array with multiple iterations of multiple numbers
     85  Fast way to bin a 2D array in python
     85  Faster way to write the following code
     85  Extracting searching and performing statistics on 90 million line dataset
     85  Export from Python to .xls
     85  efficiency of Hadamard on list of arrays
     85  Dynamic statement in python to plot graph when one entity is varying
     85  Does np.array's astype prevent future edits in DataFrames?
     85  Determine if a sequence exists in a Pandas Series, and return the rows where the sequence is found
     85  Deploy function in AWS Lamda (package size exceeds)
     85  Creating an list of dictionaries that hold a variable sized array
     85  Creating a new sumproduct column in time series data
     85  Creating a New Pandas Grouped Object
     85  Create a pandas map with two arguments
     85  Copy a image on a new larger image
     85  convert array([[ number ]]) to 'number'
     85  Convert a range of values to 0
     85  Control.tf2ss() malfunctioning once slycot is installed
     85  construct new columns based on some condition from multiple columns and rows in a dataframe
     85  Computing gradient in python error?
     85  Comparison two values from two different classes ''<class 'pydicom.valuerep.DSfloat'>'' and <class 'numpy.ndarray'> in Python
     85  Compare two arrays in Numpy
     85  Class Calling A Function From Another Class
     85  Changing array values to certain values/interval?
     85  change the value of a numpy array to a different data type
     85  Can not reshape after numpy.bincount() (ValueError)
     85  Cannot Cast Array as float32
     85  Calculating top 10 average per year in python (groupby, nlargest)
     85  Calculating the neighborhood median absolute deviation on a 2D numpy array
     85  Calculating the mean value for a variable in an array for a set value for another variable
     85  Calculating geometric mean of elach element in series
     85  Calculate works in numpy array but not in numpy matrix
     85  Calculate the average of the listed elements ine the list [duplicate]
     85  Built in function in numpy to interpret an Integer as a numpy array with index = integer value set
     85  build matrix from blocks
     85  A very large square matrix powered by 2
     85  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'getA1'
     85  AttributeError at with yscale changed to 'log'
     85  Attempting to use pyfftw - ''The output array and input array dtypes do not correspond to a valid fftw scheme.''
     85  argsort get order of each element [duplicate]
     85  Arbitrary number of 3d points how to zip to get x,y,z for plotting
     85  2 questions about Numpy
     84  X X^T Matrix is not positive definite, although it should be
     84  Working on many small matrices
     84  Why sum behaves differently after I import NumPy [closed]
     84  Why does the convolution/cross correlation truncate to 0?
     84  Why does my program not populate the array with pixel values?
     84  Why are attributes not passed in python?
     84  What is the fastest way to put the first axis behind the last one? [numpy]
     84  What do colons in python do when placed after an array?
     84  Weird error when squaring numbers Python
     84  Value Error while calculating gradient using numpy.gradient
     84  ValueError: Cannot Convert String to Float With Pandas and Amazon Sagemaker
     84  Using numpy to simulate 1000 gas mixtures containing three components
     84  Unmasking list with .filled()
     84  Unexpected behavour when making array of 2D arrays, of similar dimension
     84  (TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer) caused within django based app
     84  Trying to join two arrays with different dimensions
     84  Transforming a numpy matrix dataset
     84  Transform array of array into NumPy's ndarray of ndarrays
     84  timeit on separate cells different to a combined cell
     84  the solution of linear combination with integer variables = fixed value
     84  Subtracting a value from each element in a 2d array within a dictionary
     84  splitting numpy based on condition
     84  Speed up comparison of floats between lists
     84  Speed performance rewriting array in for loop
     84  Specifying dtype=object for numpy.gradient
     84  Sort np 2 dimension array by the second row only [duplicate]
     84  sort dataframe by position in group then by that group
     84  Slice array into reversed overlapping subarrays
     84  Should I use python or numpy functions?
     84  Setting precision while scaling vectors using preprocessing in scikit learn
     84  scipy.optimize.minimize results differ between Python 2.x-3.x
     84  Saving to an empty array of arrays from nested for-loop
     84  Sampling a numpy array by zeroing non-sampled values?
     84  rewriting fsolve function from maple to python
     84  Return just the number when using the np.divide function with dtype:float64
     84  Replacing Elements in an Array with its ''Element Number'' (Python)
     84  Replacing Elements in 3 dimensional Python List
     84  Replace all elements in a list from list of lists
     84  Repeat previous index
     84  Removing nested for loop to find coincidence values
     84  Removing elements from the list when looping over it
     84  Remove rows from numpy array based on presence/absence in other arrays
     84  Reedsolomon Polynomial Coeffs Decoding Returning Empty Bytearray
     84  Reconstruct numpy array using indexing [duplicate]
     84  Reading unsaved data from Excel using python
     84  Random selection with conditional probabilities
     84  randomly replace rows by other rows in python
     84  Python - using the values obtained in a for loop to carry out calculations
     84  Python: two questions about a ''numpy.ndarray''
     84  Python: scipy odeint stops integrating at maximum value and produces only half of intended plot
     84  python raises syntax error when computing eigenvalues of a general matrix
     84  Python py2exe executable silent crash with scipy.linalg or numpy.linalg
     84  python, numpy generate bad data
     84  Python Numpy, detect abnormals values in a list [duplicate]
     84  Python - Manual - libary installation Failure on Windows with Spacy, Thinc and msgpack-numpy python 3.7
     84  Python line detection
     84  Python: Elegant way to iterate over list to fill numpy array
     84  Python dictionary and loop confusion during lookup of dictionary
     84  Python - Average values of numpy multidimensionnal array every specific time
     84  Python - Appending value to each sublist in list of lists
     84  Python3, convert list of array to purely array of float
     84  Pypy load and show picture
     84  PyCharm can not solve RandomState
     84  Problem in SVR using Python - Getting very low values while prediction
     84  Print character in a floating numpy array
     84  plt scatter not showing same points as imshow with same data
     84  Plotting exponential with mean
     84  Parameterised array using Numpy
     84  pandas str.contains match exact substring not working with regex boudry
     84  pandas how to convert a dataframe to a matrix using transpose
     84  Pandas, Apply Function to Data Frame That Returns One to Many Rows
     84  Out of memory on ndarray conditional selection
     84  On import modules and method names in python
     84  Numpy Vectorization And Speedup
     84  Numpy structured array document confusion
     84  numpy select all elements from under array
     84  Numpy savetxt format issue
     84  Numpy RNG non-deterministic even when seeded
     84  Numpy return array of index
     84  numpy.recfromcsv not releasing GIL
     84  Numpy ndarray in cython, runs slow. what did i do wrong?
     84  Numpy: get the index of the top value sorted that are superior to 0
     84  Numpy Genfromtxt : deleted slashes
     84  Numpy array splitting based on data type?
     84  Numpy and keras tensor sizing confusion
     84  Numba: Fast way of replacing keys with values in an array
     84  Multivariable multiplication in python
     84  movie ratings user_id index
     84  Most efficient way of calculating multivariate Gaussian probability for a large matrix
     84  Memory efficient method to compute sqrt of large matrix with negative values
     84  Matrix multiplication but only between specific rows and columns [duplicate]
     84  Matrices generation in Python
     84  Masked 2D array replace value operation not working in numpy
     84  make_node requires 4D tensor of kernels
     84  Logging data obtained from txt file
     84  List of simple arrays with pyplot.plot
     84  length of array and string don't match when converting them back and forth
     84  Is there a simpler and faster way to get an indexes dict in which contains the indexes of the same elements in a list or a numpy array
     84  Is there an efficient way to form this block matrix with numpy or scipy?
     84  Issues with importing functions of numpy in pycharm
     84  isin pandas doesn't show all values in dataframe
     84  Interpreting numpy.int64 datatype as native int datatype in Python on windows x64
     84  Installing numpy in PyCharm on windows 10
     84  In Python's Numpy, a dot product isn't equivalent to an einsum, and I'm not sure why not
     84  Indexing duplicated NumPy array affects also the original one
     84  In Dask, can tensors be reshaped to 2D matrices in Dask without precomputing the size?
     84  Inconsistent python print output
     84  Improve line detecting in python with PIL
     84  How to use the datasets to fit the 3D-surface?
     84  How to use np.where in another np.where (conext: ray tracing)
     84  How to use groupby in Pandas to compute columns
     84  How to sum arguments of a list of object in a pythonic way?
     84  How to sort an array and a matrix together using numpy
     84  how to shift values to the next line in a txt file
     84  How to Search a Number in a Numpy Array in Python
     84  How to remove outer brackets when printing 2D NumPy array
     84  How to multiply a constant for each month by the original time series using Python
     84  How to merge multiple text files into one csv file in Python
     84  How to make Time-series Numpy array Image In Google Earth Engine Python API
     84  How to make a class that inherits NumPy in Python
     84  How to iterate over a numpy array at a given axis?
     84  how to insert counter in python
     84  How to get the value of first and second dimension where third dimension is a specific value in a numpy array
     84  How to get index of 2d list after finding maximum value from list items
     84  How to fix / work-around NotImplemented error in sympy dsolve function?
     84  How to find correlation between two images
     84  How to extract rows from a numpy array, that meet several conditions?
     84  How to draw a matching Bell curve over a histogram?
     84  How to do calculations in batch on an array
     84  How to delete an element by index from a numpy array in Python 3? [duplicate]
     84  How to cut long labels in Matplotlib
     84  How to broadcast assign numpy arrays along a certain axis?
     84  How np.array (or vstack) column slice work?
     84  How do we extract arrays from a nested numpy array based on conditions on the subarrays?
     84  How do I force two arrays to be equal for use in pyplot?
     84  How do I find the index at which a given value will be reached/cross by another series?
     84  How does frompyfunc iterate over arrays?
     84  How can I trasform a (1,16) array in a (1,16,1) array with np.newaxis? [duplicate]
     84  How can I replace all numbers of an array with all numbers of an other array except of the zeros (Python, numpy)?
     84  Getting ValueError because of 4D numpy array? Sklearn and nilearn
     84  getting a list of coordinates from a 2D matrix
     84  Generating array of arrays takes too long
     84  Gaussian notch filter in Python
     84  Frequency analysis of multiple sawtooth signal
     84  find tuple in ndarray of tuples and return index of searched tuple
     84  find the number of separated pairs in array
     84  Finding the probability of a variable in collection of lists
     84  Finding the positions of the max element in a numpy array if there are more than one
     84  Finding minimum in an array
     84  Finding c so that sum(x+c) over positives = K
     84  FFT Determining ultra low frequency processes using Python Numpy/Scipy
     84  Fast reading of data from text file
     84  Fast method to create nested list with different types: numpy, pandas or list concatenation?
     84  Faster 3D Matrix Operation - Python
     84  Extracting thumbnails from an image in numpy
     84  Extract float number from a list based on range
     84  Execute lamba function for a dataframe set
     84  Error computing KL divergence in Scipy
     84  Efficient way to make numpy object arrays intern strings
     84  Efficient way of replacing values from a data set with values from another one
     84  Efficiently find neighbors on multiple dimensions and calculate sum of values based on proximity
     84  Do I need internet to use jupyter notebooks?
     84  Dividing numpy 2D array into finer resolution
     84  Difference between Numpy's random module and Python? [duplicate]
     84  Creating dataframe based on conditions on other dataframes
     84  Convert Numpy array of square arrays to numpy square array, conserving ''layout''
     84  Convert a mix of Pandas/List/Array to something Tensorflow will accept?
     84  Contourf with seaborn using numpy 2D heatmap
     84  Confusion with Fancy indexing (for non-fancy people)
     84  Concise way to create an array of differences (from an array) [duplicate]
     84  Combine multi-dimentional data in numpy
     84  Check Previous Values in Numpy Array
     84  Change order np.argmax index is taken from
     84  Calculated column based on current Month
     84  Binary Coded Decimal dtype in numpy
     84  Avoid python loop in deleting error prone values
     84  Appending lists, arrays, matrices
     84  A more elegant way of deleting the last value of multiple lists?
     84  A memory efficient alternative to generating this nested list?
     84  Address changes upon transferring Eigen array from c++ to python
     84  adding values to numpy array to make them of equal shape
     84  Adding a column to a data frame using the output of numpy.npv function
     84  3D plot is giving empty box,
     83  zlib.error -3 when using scipy to open matfile
     83  Why using an array as an index changes the shape of a multidimensional ndarray?
     83  Why python bulit-in functions such as sum(),max(),min() can be used to calculate the numpy's datatype ndarray?
     83  Why is len(a[0]) different from a.shape[1]
     83  Why is copying from a ndarray to another ndarray memory consuming?
     83  Why is buff/cache getting larger and larger while loading a large number of numpy arrays using a for loop?
     83  Why do scipy.linalg's methods run slower on 9x9 matrices?
     83  Why does this Theano code run successfully without any errors?
     83  Why does pandas Round method explodes my data frame?
     83  Why does NumPy matrix multiply broadcast work in one direction but not in the transposed direction?
     83  why does numpy int64 not work with timedelta64
     83  Why does implementing class weights make the model worse
     83  Which sparse matrix format is preferable for the construction of block matrices
     83  What is an efficient way to generate the top N pandas numeric columns with highest frequency of a particular number?
     83  Weird results when multiplying large numpy array with itself
     83  warning not visible in python pdb
     83  vector magnitude for large components
     83  Vectorize pandas dataframe column lookup with array of columns
     83  ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions, (numpy error)
     83  Using Python 3.7.3, randomly select / choose from weighted list of files in a given directory
     83  Using for loop to iterate two variables together
     83  Unknown mathematical error in sympy equation (python)
     83  Testing C++ Math functions with Python's C Extension - Precision issues
     83  Tensorflow issue with conversion of type numpy.float64 to int
     83  Swapping rows between columns within dataframe for multiple dataframe based on condition
     83  Structured arrays: Do operations on views result in scattered arrays?
     83  Split string values in dataframe to numpy floating values
     83  Source code location and explanation of vectorized array operations
     83  Solving Shrodinger's equation for a particle in a harmonic potential well
     83  solving non linear problems in python
     83  Signal generator specifitc noise modulation
     83  Setup sliding windows as columns (IM2COL from MATLAB) in multi-dimensional array - Python
     83  Seaborn change dot size according to column (like with hue)
     83  Replace 2D array elements with zeros, using a column index vector
     83  Refer to a pandas series value from a multi-index pandas dataframe
     83  Rectangular lattice fit to noisey coordinates
     83  Python Two dimensional condition
     83  Python tkinter - numpy - Listbox doesn't load values
     83  Python: scipy/numpy all pairs computation between two 1-D vectors
     83  Python Pandas - Combining specific tabs in multiple spreadsheets into one
     83  Python Numpy get 2 Indexes which are not in a Blacklist
     83  python location of elements in one numpy array with location of equal elements in another array
     83  Python: Inconsistency between sparse matrix multiplication and
     83  Pythonic method to evaluate averages over a huge data set
     83  Python: fast residuals computing
     83  Python: Faster or Loop-Free Way of Assigning Points to Bins?
     83  Python3, column names from array - numpy or pandas
     83  Pymc size / indexing issue
     83  PyCharm Missing items from autocomplete
     83  Programmatically cropping an array along all its axes in Numpy
     83  Processing a single column at a time instead of keeping the whole data in memory in python
     83  Problems converting a list to a numpy array using np.asarray
     83  Picking and assigning multiple subsets from multiple sets in numpy
     83  pandas,how to mean this
     83  Pandas - dataframe containing comments(rows) and words as column headers how to get a frequency count?
     83  pandas converts column(Series) to numpy array
     83  Numpy: vectorize matrix creation
     83  Numpy Type (In)consistency?
     83  Numpy sum rows  ...  getting strange results
     83  numpysavetxt column header
     83  Numpy remove column in array if first value in column is larger than last
     83  numpy: linspace calculation generating nan. How to remove point pair from both arrays?
     83  Numpy iteration and append [duplicate]
     83  Numpy: How to find the arguments of 2D array inside another 2D array [duplicate]
     83  numpy.histogram2d() returning a histogram of all zeros
     83  Numpy: Create shallow-copied array of Python objects
     83  Numerical Solving Code Go Faster (numpy/scipy)
     83  No Axis Named 1 for Object Type <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> when trying to create stacked bar chart
     83  Nested numpy operations
     83  Multiple array of digits for processing big integers
     83  Method for reading a string of coordinates and taking out intgers (Python)
     83  Merging two arrays by column
     83  Matrix multiplication in Python without Numpy [duplicate]
     83  Matlab to Python code conversion: Matrices are not aligned
     83  mask 10 values in the middle numpy array
     83  longest time lazy flappy bird can survive - consecutive gap between 2 arrays
     83  Load next batch during training step
     83  List Comprehension on a Numpy Array
     83  linux python numpy script runs in shell but not in terminal [duplicate]
     83  linux python numpy script runs in shell but not in terminal [duplicate]
     83  Linspace with automatic number of points
     83  Is there a way to vectorize this loop
     83  Is it possible to create a numpy matrix with 10 rows and 0 columns?
     83  Installing Numpy using pip3 on Ubuntu - Error ''Command failed with exit status 1''
     83  In Python, how can I append an ndarray to self in a function
     83  Index of element in Numpy array 1
     83  IndexError when trying to get output of layer in Keras model
     83  improve python loop efficiency with cython and multithreading
     83  Import SQL dump into numpy matrix with datetime fields
     83  How to take a median of all the values greater than a certain number if the data is stored in a numpy array?
     83  How to split an string type array by value
     83  How to speed up a function going through multiple sets of parameters?
     83  How to sort unique np array elements by occurence?
     83  How to sort an array (large N) that is populated with lists in the FASTest way possible?
     83  How to solve invalid value encountered in double_scalars in mayavi with numpy
     83  How to show each element of array separately
     83  How to set matplotlib axes aspect to equal with twinx() and twiny()
     83  How to save a sequence in an array?
     83  How To ReShape a Numpy Array in Python
     83  How to perform a rolling average for irregular time intervals in pandas?
     83  how to pass arg to scipy.ndimage.filters.generic_filter function Parameter
     83  How to make vectorized computation instead of 'for' loops for all grid?
     83  How to make a multi-dimensional column into a single valued vector for training data in sklearn pandas
     83  How to lookup two different ranges based on row's value Pandas dataframe
     83  How to load python modules statically (like scipy)?
     83  How to Join CSV in Python Pandas Comparing 2 CSV
     83  how to handle nan in functions that should be used both for numpy and scalars?
     83  How to get a polynomial providing the exponential numbers for each term of the function?
     83  How to extract data from only one column in numpy array based on specific value from sorted value of columns
     83  How to do large number calculation involving factorials in python? [duplicate]
     83  how to create a numpy array of calculated values inside a loop
     83  How to count length of missing values for string variables as zero?
     83  How to compare two numpy array according to True and False statements
     83  How to combine array columns which have Nan values?
     83  How to change/remap int values to str in numpy
     83  How to change entire row if NaN present if a single column has NaN
     83  How to calculate Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for Multiple Bounding Boxes Without Objectness Score in a Single-Class Model
     83  How to build a dict of indices of occurences of elements in a list in Python?
     83  How to avoid numerical overflow in log of absolute value of sum of cubes?
     83  How to avoid for-loop while using append()
     83  how to append an array to a bigger array
     83  How to add two neighboring elements into a new one in numpy array [duplicate]
     83  how to add elements of a list
     83  How in numpy get elements of matrix between two indices arrays?
     83  How do I make this function able to use a numpy array as an argument and return an array in python?
     83  How do I make pycharm autoimport from numpy rather than
     83  How does numpy's equality operator between arrays result in more arrays?
     83  How could I import a class from a python script into another python script?
     83  How could I crop image in exact location where numbers are situated?
     83  How can I add a string in nparray
     83  Having trouble with this python error [duplicate]
     83  Getting 0 and 1s (integer bools) from a numeric numpy array in the the most efficient way
     83  Generate grid inside a given outline in form of coordinates
     83  fmin_slsqp returns different solutions to the same system
     83  FloatingPointError only shows up in a specific program
     83  Fixing ValueError in python for calculating portfolio standard deviation
     83  Finding the largest element in a array based on another array and delete it (python 3.x)
     83  Finding the area under array with x and y data divided into n groups in numpy/python?
     83  Finding Non-Zero Values/Indexes in Numpy
     83  Filtering a tuple a Python
     83  Fill NaN with a known value
     83  Filling next N rows in pandas with False when True found
     83  Fastest way to transform dataframe
     83  Fast condition checkup iterating on multidimensional numpy array
     83  Extracting every 3rd data in an array
     83  Extending Python, numpy with C — is code OK?
     83  Error preprocessing the input data when using Tensorflow Dataset API
     83  {Errno 2} No such file or directory (in Google Collab)
     83  Elegant pair wise scalar product of many vectors in numpy
     83  Efficient method for matching data in multiple csv files
     83  Efficiently processing values in one array based on a ID value in another
     83  Efficiently compute sum of N smallest numbers in an array
     83  Deleting Repeating Data Python
     83  Deepchem disk data to numpy array
     83  data type error while saving file to csv in python
     83  Custom algorithm to deal with negative values within a DataFrame
     83  Curve fitting with rounding as a part of the function
     83  cs231n: how to make the program run faster?
     83  Creating a Wavefront (.obj) mesh from a 3D Numpy array in Python
     83  Creating a histogram using np.logspace() with a KDE superimposed
     83  create training validation split using sklearn
     83  Create a random list of numbers depending on length of a 3D coordinate list - no repeats
     83  Create a non rectangular image from a rectangular image using python
     83  correlation coefficient between columns of 2 dataframes [duplicate]
     83  Convert the following code from Matlab to Python
     83  Convert a matrix of positive integer numbers into a boolean matrix without loops
     83  Construction of two dimensional numpy array from unequally shaped one dimensional arrays | Numpy
     83  Confusing datetime objects in pandas
     83  Condensing pandas dataframe by dropping missing elements
     83  Compute Errors on Fit Parameters In Scipy Curve fit
     83  Complex argument for scipy.special.ellipkinc
     83  Combine two columns of text 'with changing line' in dataframe in pandas/python
     83  Column name and index of max value
     83  Code using opencv and python always return false when I use the function np.array_equal()
     83  Check whether numpy array row is smaller than the next
     83  Can't train my own data because KeyError: 'height'
     83  Calculate nearest point in space, python3
     83  Average of List Attributes in Python
     83  a.transpose().ravel()[0]=x cannot change value of original array in numpy?
     83  Assume zero for subsequent dimensions when slicing an array
     83  Assigning new column name and creating new column conditionally in pandas not working?
     83  Apply numpy index to matrix
     83  Apply a function to two equally shaped numpy matrices
     83  Append columns to empty list with numpy for rudimentary OCR?
     83  Adding numpy arrays
     83  Adding new columns to data frame based on the values of multiple columns
     83  Accessing objects and tuples from a function
     83  access elements from array of arrays, call function to execute array of arrays
     82  With python, how do I change the values of list using a dictionary
     82  Why is ThreadPoolExecutor slower than for loop?
     82  Why is numpy.isrealobj('a string') True?
     82  Why is it necessary to explicitly convert a Numpy element before giving it to Qt?
     82  Why does the output contain only 2 values but not the displacement for the entire image?
     82  why does slicing an ndarray reshape it?
     82  why [] and [[]] make difference in numpy operations
     82  When indexing a one dimensional array, what does None mean, and why does the shape change?
     82  What's the difference between shape(150,) and shape (150,1)?
     82  What is the difference between a[:,:-1] and a[:,-1]?
     82  Weird results when use numpy.random.seeds(0)?
     82  Want to rework Python and add-ons for Mac OS X 10.7
     82  Visualising a numpy array/matrix
     82  Vector (positionx,positiony,value) of a matrix python
     82  Vectorized way of accessing row specific elements in a numpy array
     82  Vectorization of python numpy code is making it slower instead of faster
     82  Values from elements that creates concentric square on distance ''k'' in NumPy ndarray
     82  ValueError when plotting array of values against dates numpy
     82  ValueError when filling pandas dataframe cell with Numpy array
     82  Value Error in image processing
     82  using for loop, index out of bounds python
     82  ''TypeError'' when importing colour-science module in python
     82  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable; Error in a formula
     82  Trouble with tricky Python condition
     82  too many indices for array for numpy matrix
     82  Timeseries of tweets using Python3, Pandas, and Numpy: AttributeError: 'numpy.datetime64' object has no attribute 'toordinal'
     82  System.NotSupportedException has occurred on np.load (Method in Numsharp API)
     82  sum numpy array of tags in one hot encoding
     82  Summing arrays fast [duplicate]
     82  Stack columns in numpy 2-dim array to get 1-dim array
     82  Splitting a list of integers by breaks in the data when the break size is variable and the list of integers is not consecutive in python?
     82  Split long and slow jupyther-notebook in seperate blocks
     82  Speed up wav file reads into np.array, in Python
     82  Sort data in Pandas dataframe alphabetically
     82  smoothing out data so plotting using matplotlib and FFT data looks nicer ( frequency spectrum )
     82  Shortest Path between two matrices
     82  Segmentation of a solid 3-D voxel cube
     82  Seeking min value - ''TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable''
     82  Scipy Expm for Sparse Matrices
     82  Save result of multiplication to existing array
     82  row-wise Indexing NumPy 2D array by another 2D array
     82  Rolling Johansen cointegration test in Python
     82  Return maximum value from a multi-dimensional array (ndarray)
     82  Replace Iterations by elegant Pandas code
     82  Repeatedly getting error for 'singular matrix' in implementation of Newton Raphson in MLE estimation of logistic function
     82  RCV into matrix
     82  Random index with custom probability distribution [duplicate]
     82  raise dict keys to the power of their value and multipy together quickly
     82  Quarterly Axis in Bokeh
     82  Python Word Vect numpy array, on saving to csv gave error on dimension , Expected 1D or 2D array, got 0D array instead
     82  Python sort 2-D list by time string
     82  Python: Solving Matrix Equation Ax = b where A contains variables
     82  Python: Pandas Dataframe If ColA is Blank and ColB Contains String then New Column Says String
     82  python numpy array indexed by a whole array
     82  Python n-dimensional array combinations
     82  python mask matrice for selecting a list of vertices
     82  Python inserting zeros?
     82  Python implementation of MATLAB's movmin [duplicate]
     82  Python image filter working on N spatial and M measurement dimensions
     82  Pythonic way to choose most recent value from a time-series DataFrame
     82  Python_How to count
     82  Python - Extract matrix a into matrix b
     82  Python DLL load failed, whilst having installed packages
     82  Python data structure: parameter dependent arrays
     82  Python - data displaying incorrectly (Matplotlib)
     82  Python constrained non-linear optimization with scipy.optimize fails to find optimal solutions
     82  python - building a unique DB and counting the number of appearances
     82  Python Array Creation Using 2 other arrays
     82  Python 2.7 with numpy needs only halve of the threads than Python 3.7 and run 5 time faster
     82  Problems with factorial function in Python (see codes)
     82  Principal Component Analysis is too slow (MLPY Python)
     82  Pretty formatted numpy JSON encoder
     82  Populate Pandas Dataframe with normal distribution
     82  Populate numpy array based on cell indices
     82  Pandas Series Resampling: How do I get moves based on certain previous changes?
     82  Pandas df.drop when column value equals a certain value does not work as expected
     82  Pandas Dataframes: how to build them efficiently
     82  Pandas apply discounts using equal cell values in different dataframes
     82  Numpy shuffling with selective condition?
     82  'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable Files are not properly selected
     82  Numpy memmap in-place sort of a large matrix by column
     82  numpy - issue with creating a 2D matrix
     82  Numpy: How to cast string array to float while some of the elements contain extra quoted string
     82  numpy.heaviside and machine precision
     82  numpy: combine image mask with RGB to get colored image mask
     82  Numpy: Check for duplicates in first column and keep row with highest value [duplicate]
     82  Numpy CAPI PyArray_New Visual Studio Warning C4055
     82  Numpy Bincount() with combined float and int arrays
     82  numpy.argmin is giving me the maximum element index
     82  numpy any() returning a peculiar result
     82  Numerical Differenciation as Matrix-Vector Product
     82  np.reshape 1d array to 2d array - choosing right dimensions
     82  np.divide behaviour on
     82  Neural Network is getting worse over more Iterations
     82  Nested For loop Error Python
     82  Multiplying N matrices - symbolic calculation
     82  module 'numpy' has no attribute 'unionId' [closed]
     82  Merge Multiple CSV with different column name but same definition
     82  Memory error when multiplying two columns in python
     82  Max on pandas (sql style) between column and number
     82  mathematical formula in python doesnt work
     82  Making this C array processing code more python (and even numpy)
     82  Make a numpy array of sets from a list of lists
     82  Is there a way to speed up this Python loop?
     82  Is there a faster pythonic way of incrementing part of an array?
     82  Installed georasters successfully but unable to import it
     82  Inserting one item on a matrix
     82  In Python, how to do groupby + arrange + mutate (ifelse) like R?
     82  Index Error with python code and numpy matrix using spyder
     82  Independence of variables bound to NumPy arrays
     82  Increasing the speed of finding an index of an item in list
     82  Increase speed of pandas read_csv for single row
     82  Imported data from CSV doesnt seem to be able to plot in PYTHON [closed]
     82  Implementing multiprocessing to deal with heavy input/output on HPC
     82  Implementing lstm_cell_corward() using numpy from scratch in Sequence Models
     82  If loop acting inside a for loop
     82  How would you write a rollmean in spark?
     82  How to vectorize a nested for loop in which the second loop is dependent on the first loop in Python?
     82  How to utilize all cores to accelerate simulation program based on numpy 3D array?
     82  How to use cmap function efficiently in python? [duplicate]
     82  How to suppress zero in stacked bar graph display
     82  How to store data into a view in numpy?
     82  How to shift numpy elements to be between a set interval
     82  How to select indices of rows in numpy array?
     82  How to reduce final docker image size containing numpy, scipy, and scikit-learn
     82  How to rectify the error of isfinitenot supported for input types?
     82  How to put all pixels of an image with the method reshape in Python?
     82  How to Obtain Top Errors from MNIST?
     82  How to obtain all the values in a numpy array using an array containing index numbers I want to access
     82  How to Multiply Matrix Values By a Constant if a Condition is Met?
     82  How to index/slice the last dimension of a PyTorch tensor/numpy array of unknown dimensions
     82  How to improve the performance of this Python code?
     82  How to go through all the numbers between -1 and 1 with numpy.arange()?
     82  How to get (x, y) coordinates of a signal at 10% of its maximum amplitude?
     82  How to fix numpy importerror in JythonMusic
     82  How to find local maximum in a Numpy array and then trace local minimum around it?
     82  How to extract the indices of equal elements from a list? [closed]
     82  How to do nested loop in python
     82  How to delete rows having same value in more than 3 columns
     82  How to define source and target parameters as array for shortest_path?
     82  How to define a structured data type for numpy loadtxt?
     82  How to convert list of pixel into image using python
     82  How to classify observations based on their covariates in dataframe and numpy?
     82  How to calculate frequency of each number and display results as a table
     82  How to automatically group conditions together in python?
     82  How to assign values to objects in numpy-array using vectorize
     82  How to assign binary value for each id with conditions
     82  How to add column one after another in pandas df using for loop
     82  how the data store into np.array format
     82  How do you calc the mean along an axis of numpy array? [duplicate]
     82  How do we access the column of a 3D array in CUDA?
     82  How do I know if I am calling numpy.array() or using built in array function?
     82  How do I efficiently apply a transform to a multi-channel numpy ndarray?
     82  How do I carry out this numpy array manipulation efficiently?
     82  How do I add value to the end of array
     82  How do i access all elements of numpy array which indexes satisfy some condition?
     82  How does slice indexing work in numpy array
     82  How do dimensions affect performance in pyfftw?
     82  How can we find indices where `True` value exists along axis 1 in a boolean array?
     82  How can one suppress evaluation while still being able to index?
     82  How can I serialize multiple numpy views (i.e. arrays with shared data) without duplicating the underlying data?
     82  How can I plot the surface of each side of a polygon?
     82  How can I generate random numbers given I have probability of varous ranges specified in python
     82  How can I find the original index of a value from a subset defined by some condition?
     82  How can I change an element in a list of lists [duplicate]
     82  Histogram not getting displayed from python shell
     82  Get min in multiarray python [closed]
     82  For each row of a 2d numpy array get the index of an equal row in a second 2d array
     82  find unique data between two values
     82  Finding the indexed location of values in a unsorted numpy array from data in another unsorted numpy array [duplicate]
     82  finding how many times a sequence repeats in a data frame using python
     82  Finding a trendline for a set of stock data python
     82  Find index of changing value between two arrays
     82  Filtering similar images in 2 numpy.ndarray in effective way
     82  Fill a series based on two other series without a for-loop
     82  Fastest way to add values to the surface of a sphere in Python?
     82  Extending steps for slicing numpy arrays
     82  Error downloading image dataset using imread
     82  Equivalent code and classical approach of roll ''shifting function'' into loop
     82  Does tensorflow create a new numpy array each time it calls compute_gradients()?
     82  Discretizing lognormal distribution in Python
     82  Debugging a potential integer overflow when using a batch submission system?
     82  dealing with exponentials in python - infinities and overflows [duplicate]
     82  DataFrame Multiple Column Comparison using LAMBDA
     82  Creation of array of arrays fails, when first size of first dimension matches
     82  Creating multiple neural net arrays
     82  Correct way to reshape 3D array
     82  Convolve each layer in a stack of matrices using numpy/scipy
     82  Convert pandas column with single list of values into rows
     82  convert event based data to timeseris data python
     82  Convert an int array of 1 and 0 to corresponding decimal number
     82  Confused with this simple normalization function
     82  Concatenating arrays of different shapes
     82  Compute the pairwise squared difference of multiple vectors
     82  Check if all rows in one array are present in another bigger array
     82  Changing shape of a numpy array
     82  Change moving average to moving median? [duplicate]
     82  Can't figure out how to print the least squares error
     82  Can't figure out how to compute spectral properties of a .wav file
     82  Calculation and construction of two dimensional array with nested loop
     82  Calculating MSE between numpy arrays
     82  Calculate persistence of sign in numpy array
     82  Blockwise reshape in numpy?
     82  Average of imported list (python)
     82  Averaged array calculation using numpy in Python
     82  A strange dot product in Python
     82  assignment from an array changes the array itself
     82  Array slice notation for priming test_train_split?
     82  Array of submatrices to be multiplied by array of scalars
     82  Array indexing between two arrays
     82  Applying a mapping function to each member of an ndarray with indices as arguments
     82  Append column values from one column to another based on value in another column
     82  Adding Elements to numpy array Changes Input Value
     82  Adding a 1-D Array to a 3-D array in Numpy
     82  Add a numeric column to an SFrame in Glab
     82  Access several columns in an array in Python
     82  Accessing array elements by internal data index and order
     82  Access every character in a list of strings avoiding nested for loops
     82  2nd ODE with mixed IVP and BVP, (ie.) y(0) and y'(L). How to solve?
     82  1-D arrays in NumPy
     81  Write a function called randomization that takes as input a positive integer n, and returns A, a random n x 1 Numpy array
     81  Why python has different types of bytes
     81  Why masked arrays seems to be smaller compared to unmasked array?
     81  Why is it showing different images in 4d numpy array?
     81  Why is changing values in a column of a pandas data frame fast in one case and slow in another one?
     81  why do I get a negative value in calculating a matrix with all positive number to the power of 1024?
     81  Why can't I add items to the list in Python correctly?
     81  Where can I find the inner working of csr matrix addition in the SciPy library?
     81  What kind of array slice (?) is this?
     81  What is the most straightforward way to convert a list of numpy arrays into a single numpy array?
     81  what is the fastest method to generate matrix of data type float?
     81  Video/image analysis to acquire distances between contours
     81  Vectorize random walk on graph to eliminate for loop
     81  Vectorize QR in Numpy Python
     81  Vectorized form to get count of elements greater than a reference
     81  Using range while fancy indexing?
     81  Using numpy arithmetic based on position in numpy array
     81  Using function with entries from two 3D arrays (Python)
     81  Understanding numpy shape
     81  TypeError: Arrays must have consistent types in assignment
     81  Triple Nested Sum Numpy
     81  Tricky, slow loop in Python
     81  Tensorflow - pick values from indicies, what is the operation called?
     81  Taking specific 2d array from 3d in numpy
     81  Subtract a batch of columns in pandas
     81  str(list[index]): IndexError: list index out of range
     81  Speed up a long python code that proves to be slow only due to a single block
     81  Sort parts of 2D numpy array
     81  sort/lexsort/bincount/etc. for arrays that don't fit in memory
     81  Sorting and indexing between 2 numpy arrays
     81  Some i/o problems
     81  Should I use NumPy array if I don't know the end number of elements in my database?
     81  Select rows of numpy.ndarray where the first row number is inside some list
     81  Select multiple elements per row in numpy
     81  Search elements in two arrays in the given range using numpy.where()
     81  Reversing order in incrementing digits
     81  retrieving complete 2d autocorrelation function from 2d power spectral density function in numpy
     81  Replacing fill values in 2D array with values from a 1D array
     81  Repeat different elements of an array different amounts of times
     81  Reorganizing a 3d numpy array
     81  Reordering rows of a 3D array
     81  Removing Corresponding Entries from Two Numpy Arrays
     81  python subtraction of zero ranked arrays
     81  Python selecting closest negative and positive values to zero from a list
     81  Python numpy ValueError when I load image data and transfer it to an array
     81  Python; Multiple two lists together on conditional
     81  Pythonic way to read 3 csv files in a fucntion?
     81  Python - How to read this bin file?
     81  Python: Functions of arrays that return arrays of the same shape
     81  python find second occurence of a set in a column
     81  Python delete a row that meets a condition [duplicate]
     81  Python Creating Conway's Game Of Life
     81  python covariance matrix returns a 2N,2N matrix instead of N,N?
     81  python combining two logics of map()
     81  Python: Calculating median value from time data series [duplicate]
     81  python binning data openAI gym
     81  Python: average outdegree in directed network. Why stuck?
     81  Process affinity goes to {0} after large array multiplication
     81  Problem when graphing sine waves in python
     81  Plotting each row of a csv file contigously using Python
     81  Plotting a plane and its normal
     81  Playing audio from a constantly changing numpy array
     81  Perform calculation on one list depending on value of second list
     81  Passing numpy array vs scalar to function gives inconsistent results
     81  Parse multicolumn string using python
     81  Pandas Panel data - Linear interpolation of values based on rules
     81  Pandas DataFrame: Compare Previous and Next Values
     81  Optimizing checking each element of numpy array against a given condition
     81  Optimize an iteration through a numpy array for neighbours checking
     81  openCV set color is not displaying Red [duplicate]
     81  OpenCV Black screen after np.where on image
     81  One-hot encoding: list membership error
     81  Numpy: squaring a large matrix efficiently
     81  numpy slicing is really slow
     81  Numpy - multiple numpy.roll of 1D input array
     81  Numpy meshes of vectors
     81  Numpy ''inner join'' with repeating key
     81  Numpy.hstack() adds the end of line mark to the result array
     81  Numpy, how to repeat an array's elements according to corresponding numbers in another array
     81  NumPy histogram2d with a rotated, non-orthogonal binning grid
     81  NumPy: Concatenating 1D array to 3D array
     81  NumPy: Average overlapping matricies?
     81  Numpy array change value
     81  Numpy.array astype working on data set but don't understand why?
     81  numpy: any tricks to quickly compute large coocurrence matrix?
     81  Numpy add outer, string change?
     81  Numpy, 1:M joins on Arrays
     81  New issue in converting python arrays
     81  Neurolab provide many training samples for network newff
     81  Neural Network (operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1,713) (713,18) )
     81  Need to add an element in a numpy array
     81  Mysterious IndexError - very basic issue (Python)
     81  Most Efficient Code for clipping the elements of a vector until it reaches a sum
     81  More efficient way of calculating data from pandas dataframe (stock)
     81  Mismatch in Python numpy.testing
     81  Min/max of broadcasted arrays
     81  Merging arrays containing the same values
     81  median of five points python
     81  Maximum (amax) into a numpy range
     81  Matplotlib won't animate a function
     81  Matplotlib: points changing alpha mysteriously
     81  Mapping in Numpy
     81  Machine Learning: Basics DepreciationWarning
     81  Loop through an array column in order to find the required values python
     81  Load CSV then return list of rows
     81  List comprehension inside a list comprehension with comparison condition
     81  Iterate the code in a shortest way for the whole dataset
     81  Is there a way to combine memberwise comparison within an if-statement in python?
     81  Is it possible to convert a numpy array to a csv file and then load it back as a numpy array?
     81  Interpolate proportionally with duplicate index
     81  Initialize transposed numpy array
     81  Import CSV file in python to a numpy array
     81  How would a datetime(64) based numpy .resample('4H').mean() would look like?
     81  How to vectorize extraction in multidimensional numpy array [duplicate]
     81  How to use broadcasting with my numpy arrays (3000,3) and (3,2,3000)
     81  How to transform a list of byte to list of signed short
     81  How to tell pytables the amount of RAM to be used (using it for paging)?
     81  How to split my numpy array
     81  How to speed up the script code in python?
     81  How to select item from 2 arrays?
     81  How to reshape a 1-d array into a an array of shape (1,4,5)?
     81  How to plot a numpy array with matplotlib?
     81  How to output numpy list into cvs file python 3.6
     81  How to make random N-dimensions by using Numpy?
     81  How to make numpy array color similarity conversion
     81  How to make N random choices for each value in a 3D numpy array without using loops
     81  How to insert numpy 1D array to numpy 3D array?
     81  How to get the n-th nearest neighbor for each point in a NumPy array from the same array?
     81  How to format these strings in python [duplicate]
     81  How to force numpy to interpret 2 dimensional array as 1 dimensional [duplicate]
     81  How to fix 'too many indices for array' error with numpy?
     81  How to find the column-wise unique elements, and their frequencies, of a 2d array
     81  How to efficiently subtract values from each column with numpy
     81  How to create a Numpy Matrix with a for loop?
     81  How to create an array of multiples of Pi to use the Cosine function
     81  How to create a list of labels for a list of items?
     81  How to count the number of the same instances in a column of a data frame in a rolling window
     81  How to convert tensorflow placerholder variable to numpy array?
     81  How to convert a 2 1d arrays to one 1d arrays but both values should be inside one element
     81  How to compute integrals dependent upon two variables with SciPy?
     81  How to compare two arrays in python with 1s for hits and 0s for non-hits? [closed]
     81  How to compare lists of indices
     81  How to check if elements of a multiplication table are all associative?
     81  How to calculate risk contribution of assets in Python
     81  How to calculate difference on grouped df?
     81  How to avoid so many indexing in the code - python
     81  How to access individual labels in OpenCV connected component labelling
     81  How do I generate vectors from a CSR matrix in Python?
     81  How can one generate all possible teams of players from a list?
     81  How can I slice a numpy array filled with pandas timestamp?
     81  How can I plot the intersection of raw data points?
     81  how can I load a single tif image in parts into numpy array without loading the whole image into memory?
     81  How can I have my FFT peaks, exactly at the frequency of my signal?
     81  How can i have an empty array in an array with numpy
     81  How can I create a python function to calculate spreads across panel data?
     81  How can combine 3 matrices into 1 matrice with reversible-approach?
     81  Having difficulty getting multiple columns in HDF5 Table Data
     81  Group by pandas data frame unique first values - numpy array returned
     81  Given vectors X and Y, compute array C such that C[i, j] = 1 / (x[i] - y[j])
     81  Get Pandas Dataframe column as 2D numpy array dtype
     81  Generating a 3D numpy array from variably-shaped 2D numpy arrays?
     81  Generate vector of linearly spaced growth rates, knowing beginning, end, and total compounded growth, with numpy or similar
     81  Function that returns the closest number to B that's in an UNSORTED multidimensional array, A?
     81  Frequency distribution in python - not adding to 100% [duplicate]
     81  float128 SVD in scipy
     81  Find the top n values per row in one data frame, and use these indices to obtain values in another data frame to perform a pair-wise operation
     81  Find the number of times a combination occurs in a numpy 2D array
     81  Find most frequent element/row in list of lists
     81  Finding stationary distribution of a huge Markov Chain [duplicate]
     81  Filling numpy matrix with function calculated over iterables
     81  Fast way of Selecting Indices from Numpy Array
     81  Extracting regions from image
     81  Extracting 2 bit integers from a string using Python
     81  Existance of array in list of arrays
     81  Error in defining the maximum function in gekko
     81  Efficient way to calculate distance to value in matrix in python
     81  Efficient way of getting average area in numpy
     81  Efficient simulation of cellular automata in Python
     81  efficient setting 1D range values in a DataFrame (or a ndarray) with boolean array
     81  Efficient Gaussian mixture evaluation
     81  Efficient calculation of vector between sets of 3D points
     81  Delete specific elements from a list in python 3 [duplicate]
     81  DataFrame conditional update of multiple columns
     81  Creating NxM indices from a Python array
     81  Creating n-hot vector in numpy
     81  Creating array clusters in numpy dynamically
     81  Create random pattern gradient maps?
     81  create 2d array with lists as entries
     81  Count the columns value accordingly to the value in a specific row in a python matrix
     81  copy in numpy(python 3)
     81  coo_matrix without concatenate
     81  Converting Matrix Definition to Zero-Indexed Notation - Numpy
     81  Convert a numpy array to a list of numpy subarrays
     81  Convert all zeros to ones which are between ones in numpy array
     81  concatenate unequal sized numpy arrays keeping index positioning fixed
     81  Common IDs across all categories in a column of Dataframe- Python
     81  Combining logical (boolean) expressions in numpy [duplicate]
     81  Combination of conditions: Numpy array
     81  Choose axis for assignment into NumPy array programmatically
     81  change dataframe values into np.nan using apply returns 0.0
     81  Can't filter based on boolean array on numpy array python
     81  Can someone explain the different indices in this Google Colab Code?
     81  Cannot install scipy on Mac OS X
     81  Calculating derivative by SciPy
     81  Boolean indexing of 2D ndarray based on row comparison
     81  Biopython after install [closed]
     81  Averaging unequal length x-y pair data
     81  Appending numpy arrays into two binary files
     81  A more efficient way to resizing Numpy Array into different size chunks
     81  Aggegate min max values in one column based on another column of array - Python
     81  Adding numpy 3D array across one dimension
     81  Adding data to pandas dataframe with no header
     81  Adding 2D matrices as numpy arrays
     81  A common way to multiply numpy array of arrays or 2D array by a vector
     80  Will numpy.roots() ever return n different floats when a polynomial only has <n unique (exact) roots?
     80  Why does this array-reshaping routine work outside of a function but not inside of a function?
     80  Why does tf.read_file() and tf.decode_raw() change size?
     80  Why does numpy's float128 only have 63 bits mantissa? [duplicate]
     80  Why does NumPy give a different result when summing over a zero padded array?
     80  Why cant I append a character in the 2d array
     80  voting procedure for kNN calssification in python(array.argsort)
     80  Vectorized cumulative concatenation with Numpy arrays
     80  Vectorized boolean comparison: comparing 1 column to an entire matrix
     80  Using the fillna() method from Pandas to replace a particular string value in a column
     80  Using R packages in Python using rpy2
     80  Using numpy to combine data sets with different time base
     80  Using matplotlib and numpy, what is the simplest way to draw set of lines from vector of points ij to kl?
     80  Use the np.concatenate to join the column
     80  Updation of Old Python Code
     80  *Update* Creating an array for distance between two 2-D arrays
     80  Unable to specyfing structured datatype in NumPy
     80  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when merging pandas datframes from BigQuery
     80  TypeError: Can't broadcast (1024, 6272) -> (1024, 25088)
     80  Two columns match both elements of a list
     80  Trying to compile kernel in a class, getting ''__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'kernel''' error
     80  Trapping water in a 2D matrix suspended in space
     80  This program can read single wav for MFCC feature extraction, i need program that can read multiple wav and gives MFCC features
     80  The list of Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected
     80  take column headers only from ASCII file in python
     80  Subtract Mean from Multidimensional Numpy-Array
     80  String in data['col'].values but not in data['col'] [duplicate]
     80  Squeeze ndarray along an axis by applying tuple() along that axis
     80  Split an array into non-decreasing arrays
     80  Speed up Python/Numpy code [duplicate]
     80  Speed up nested loop to manipulate each value of nested list
     80  Sorting rows of a dataframe by condition and splitting it into arrays based on another condition
     80  Sorting list according to other list in python not working when second list contains numpy arrays
     80  Some word vectors return values of infinite or -infinite
     80  Slow runtime when converting HDF5 file datasets into a three -dimensional numpy array in Python
     80  Slicing numpy array of dictionaries on key
     80  Saving Python 3-dimensional variable size array in matlab format
     80  Round error when plotting
     80  Reverse certain rows in N by 2 array
     80  Reusing aligned images for edge detection and thresholding
     80  results depends of other results in python
     80  Reshape a numpy array from (x,x,1) to (x,x)
     80  Reshape a numpy array from [1,2,3,4] into [[1],[2],[3],[4]] [duplicate]
     80  reshape a numpy 1D array to a 3D array
     80  replacing numpy array values in-place for arrays with custom dtype
     80  Replace outliers of my dataset with mean values of neighbours
     80  Replace all non-unique values in numpy array by value not in dataset
     80  Redefine a python function based on another class function based on type
     80  Reading png does not give expected result
     80  Python-Using Numpy, how to read the data from .txt file and assign the columns of data to variables
     80  Python update multiple columns with where condition. Error cannot be broadcast together
     80  Python - Scipy: multivariate_normal - select the right subsets of input
     80  Python: Perform group by & SUM operation in the dictionary using int as a keys
     80  Python/Numpy/Scipy, Solving non-linear least squares, with grouped covariates?
     80  Python normal distribution over a day
     80  Python: linear algebra package with domain checks
     80  Pythonic linear regression
     80  Python function to draw random numbers based on chosen distribution
     80  Python find/extract keyword from list inside loop
     80  Python export range values to csv
     80  Python - Dot product for matrices doesn't seem to work when using sympy and lambdify
     80  Python: array values somehow getting changed
     80  Proper way to get right the following action in numpy
     80  Problem: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     80  Print append values
     80  Performance of numpy with built in functions
     80  pca with number of 2 componenets outputs 1 feature
     80  parallelizing a simple numpy computation
     80  Pandas tuple with value and dictionary into dataframe
     80  Pandas Series : faster way of computing periods back to preceding high
     80  Pandas: clean & convert DataFrame to numbers
     80  pandas astype not recognize fix length bytestring format
     80  Optimizing array operations in Python with Numpy
     80  Optimize the function that generates data from large tick data
     80  Numpy : save multiple arrays using savez in npz format in a loop
     80  numpy reshaping the EEG data in channels and trials
     80  numpy reshape() when last shape int is = 1
     80  Numpy point cloud to image
     80  Numpy: Multidimensional index. Row by row with no loop
     80  Numpy Matmul causes error saying module has no attribute matmul
     80  Numpy Like Arrays for C
     80  Numpy: is this the fastest way to slice+'leftover' a mulltidim array?
     80  numpy How to get elements from a two-dimensional array, when each row of a slice has a different number of columns? [closed]
     80  numpy Fourier transformation produces unexpected results
     80  numpy dot on 1D and 2D array
     80  NumpyDoc Checking for conformity to the doc spec? [closed]
     80  numpy `diagflat` for specified axis
     80  numpy count occurrences from external set
     80  numpy: broadcast array by rolling along new axis with variable shift given in 2nd array
     80  Numpy arrays with compound keys; find subset in both
     80  Numpy array: how to row-wise check if first X amount of values are valid?
     80  Numpy argmax function error
     80  NumPy: 1D numpy array to slice a list
     80  np.arange creates a null value matrix on resizing
     80  Normalising columns in numpy
     80  Multiplying each element from a list by a scalar
     80  Merging images into z-stack and making max-projection / in Python
     80  Match and mark the positions of elements of a vector along a given axis of a numpy array
     80  Mapping multiple dataframe based on the matching columns
     80  make a numpy array with shape and offset argument in another style
     80  List loses shape when appending a NumPy array
     80  Keras error: Expected to see 1 array(s), but instead got 1816
     80  Is there a javascript substitute for numpy.interp()?
     80  Is there a function to read tf record shard files directly into a numpy array?
     80  Is there a fast way to shuffle numpy image in segments?
     80  Is there a faster way to compute the running median?
     80  Is it possible to Copy Subregion of One 2D Array to Another Using numpy.ndarray
     80  Internal numpy looping order over two differently strided arrays
     80  Installing numpy before using numpy.distutils.core.setup
     80  Installed python 3.5.2 under win 10 64bits, cloned numpy and scipy, how to build them?
     80  I need to reshape matrix [duplicate]
     80  IndexError while performing argsort operation on an array
     80  If-Else statement works weird in Python
     80  How to save an array into a text file with a format f10.0?
     80  How to restrict the print output from a numpy array when computing an image wavelet?
     80  How to remove apparent redundency in numpy vector operations?
     80  How to read a Protobuf that was written by a TFRecordWriter
     80  How to read an UDP package and convert it to matrix that i can FFT?
     80  How to optimize this function calculating the categorical crossentropy of two numpy arrays
     80  How to Optimize this for loop? There are any one lines?
     80  How to ''numpify'' python nested list at creation
     80  how to manipulate array in array
     80  How to load data from a folder that is inside another folder
     80  How to load a Raw .NEF file into QImage without saving it in Python
     80  How to iterate through column and only return one variable in Pandas
     80  How to Input my Training Data into this Neural Network
     80  How to get positional coordinates (n&times;2) for a uniformly spaced array?
     80  How to get a value of numpy ndarray at index or NaN for IndexError?
     80  How to get a random sample given 2 arrays?
     80  How to find and replace values of an interval in a list?
     80  How to create Auto columns on the basis of their names
     80  How to create a numpy array of objects without first constructing a list?
     80  How to create a grid according to the orientation of a polygon
     80  How to construct 2d array from 2d arrays
     80  How to call a Python function that uses numpy from C++ code
     80  How to apply linear regression with fixed x intercept in python?
     80  How to append the list in Python for certain index?
     80  How to add differently shaped numpy arrays?
     80  How is data-type argument used in the Value function of TensorFlow?
     80  How could I get numpy array indices by some conditions
     80  How can this loop be vectorized?
     80  How can I use numpy to solve a system of linear equations?
     80  How can I load CSV data for a PyTorch neural network?
     80  How can I index this numpy array? [duplicate]
     80  How can I improve this solution to make it faster using numpy?
     80  How can I force NumPy to append a list as an object?
     80  How can I find where a two dimensional array satisfies some conditional?
     80  Grouping the elements of arrays in python
     80  Grouping & aggregating large dataset by multiple columns
     80  Get first number each block of duplicates numbers in a list of 0 and 1
     80  generate long list (with repetition) of permutations of an array with numpy
     80  Gamma fit over axis 3d array
     80  Function in cython changes numpy array type
     80  Forward fill column on condition [closed]
     80  For each element in one sorted numpy array, how to subtract the smallest greater value in another sorted array
     80  forcing non-numeric characters to NAs in numpy (when reading a csv to a pandas dataframe)
     80  float precision in python
     80  Find nearest location by latitude and longitude and fill up District and BusinessArea in Python
     80  Find median in nth range in Python
     80  Fill NaN's within 1 column of a df via lookup to another df via pandas
     80  Fill a list given a starting value at a specific index
     80  Faster way to patchify a picture to overlapping blocks
     80  Fail to concatenate two numpy array
     80  Extract the data from the data-frame using pandas
     80  Exporting each row of a 2D numpy array as a single element in csv column
     80  Error when indexing numpy array
     80  Equivalent of `math.remainder` in NumPy?
     80  Efficient matrix multiplication in Matlab
     80  During exceptions generated KeyError: 'Id'
     80  Double for loop in 1 line to create a new tuple list
     80  Does scipy's kmeans2 algorithm also weigh initial centroids set when using minit='matrix'?
     80  Does Python/Numpy have a function that does the opposite of argsort, that fills an array with the location of that element in the sorted array? [duplicate]
     80  displaying Mandelbrot set in python using matplotlib.pyplot and numpy
     80  Difficulty in using append function while animating in Matplotlib FuncAnimation
     80  Different results of numpy.linalg.lstsq on different processors
     80  Cython - Class with numpy attributes
     80  Currently Animating Scatter Plot With Static Frames. Is there a way to animate over a moving window instead?
     80  Creating list np.arange
     80  Create new column by manipulating existing columns
     80  Create lists with 3 levels, containing every combination of sub list(s) values
     80  Create a single-file dataset out of _many_ b/n GIFs [duplicate]
     80  copy an array and keep its column name
     80  Converting line items in a row in to columns in a dataframe
     80  convert dataframe columns value into digital number
     80  Constructing 3D image from center points and radius data
     80  Conditionally Replace Elements of an Array Depending on the Contents of Another Array
     80  Compare two file content in Python 3.5 and derive output message for everyline
     80  Cluster non-zero values in a 2D NumPy array
     80  Change values in array (condition) with values from another list
     80  Cannot train a model with numpy array
     80  Can not perform Groupby on pandas dataframe of memmap arrays because it's unhashable
     80  Can I save PIL image array into Qt? [closed]
     80  Calculating each row variance from csv file
     80  bytearray(byte object) cant append timestamp
     80  Binary Arrays: Determine if all 1s in one array come before first 1 in the other
     80  BaggingClassifier and CatBoost with categorical features don't work properly
     80  Assign value to numpy array with overlaid slices of indexes
     80  Assign sampled multinomial values uniformly at random
     80  array to image using the matplotlib
     80  Array operations using multiple indices of same array
     80  Arrange sequences of entries in pairs in a dataframe
     80  Aggregate numpy array dynamically (aggregation function is parameterized)
     80  Add zeros as prefix to a calculated value based on the number of digits
     80  Adding value of single numpy array to all columns in other numpy array [duplicate]
     80  Adding another column to a numpy array
     80  3D plot out of a 2D arrays plotly
     79  writing arrays and strings to file using '%' operator
     79  Working with structured object arrays in NumPy
     79  Why is Numpy faster at creating 3D arrays than 2D arrays?
     79  Why is my numpy array not saving all of my dictionary data?
     79  Why explicit string conversion is required in .format method in python is required? [closed]
     79  Why does SciPy's curve_fit function care about the type of xdata?
     79  Why does numpy documentation recommend to prefer concatente over hstack?
     79  Which is an efficient way to output the last value in np.argmax(array > value) instead of 0 if no element was found? [duplicate]
     79  What is the fastest way to compute sum of weighted products between columns?
     79  What is the difference between permutation and randint in python?
     79  What is the best way to integrate numpy into a meteorjs web app?
     79  Weird error in converting a numpy array to a tensor due to tensor id
     79  vector substitution in numpy/python [duplicate]
     79  Vectorized numpy array manipulation without for loops
     79  Vectorized equivalent of dict.get
     79  Vectorising a for loop where logic spans rows
     79  Value error: Setting an array element to sequence using numpy and Bessel functions
     79  Using fsolve in Python
     79  Use of logical_and with list of lists
     79  Use np.einsum to replace for loop
     79  Update array values for rows and columns given by a condition
     79  Unsuccessful in Appending Numpy Arrays
     79  Two 1d arrays (A, B) element wise append into a 2D array [|A|*|B|,2] [duplicate]
     79  Trying to solve for B in that equation [duplicate]
     79  Trying to compute the error from comparing two arrays
     79  Trouble with Python's 1-element tuples and SciPy
     79  Transform Scale of Columns into a range from 1 to 10
     79  Tips on how to optimize the inner function with a large for loop
     79  Summing Data in data frame in distinct categories
     79  Subset of an ndarray based on another array
     79  Speed up counting number of distinct columns
     79  Smallest way to store numpy array with numbers between -255 and 255?
     79  Slice an array with a list of indices
     79  Simultaneous matrix transpose for large array of matrices
     79  simplifying routine in python with numpy array or pandas
     79  simple usecase if numpy.delete() is not working
     79  showing ['and', 'and', 'and', 'and', 'and', 'and'] instead of real values
     79  Select rows until rank is N
     79  Scipy TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars when using dogleg in optimize, why?
     79  Scipy method matching python
     79  Scatter plot when x-axis is 1d Numpy array and y-axis is 2d Numpy array
     79  Return entire array with slice function
     79  Return All Values of Column A and Put them in Column B until Specific Value Is reached
     79  Restructure an array of arrays and combine same terms
     79  Reshape 3d numpy to 2d for LSTM models
     79  Replacing NULL data with scipy
     79  Replacing an element in a list of array?
     79  Replace values in rows higher than a column value
     79  Replace string value with previous row value based on conditionals - Pandas
     79  Replace a list of numbers with flat sub-ranges
     79  Repeat numbers according to pattern numpy
     79  Remove outliers from 3d data elements
     79  Remove colors from image to retain only texts
     79  regarding the error message of RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
     79  rebuild numpy array, need faster method
     79  read txt file input and add values to two arrays
     79  read specified column from a file which contains multiple sets of data using Python
     79  read ODEs into scipy's odeint from textfile
     79  Reading the data from file and plotting fft
     79  Randomizing an array into two arrays
     79  Python - Upgrading my labyrinth solver program
     79  Python Type Error: Casting and Changing Data types aren't working
     79  python: Sorting a list of lists over a range of elements
     79  Python SkLearn: ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers samples: [1173, 294]
     79  Python - quick interpolate by left value
     79  python numpy - unable to compare 2 arrays
     79  Python numpy percentile vs scipy percentileofscore
     79  Python Numpy: Operation on each sequential element without for loop?
     79  python numpy linalg solver: Wrong answer
     79  Python/Numpy: How to avoid storing Boolean-indexed sub-arrays?
     79  Python: Numpy array to List of lists through condition
     79  python: multiply two columns of nd-arrays to get the vector of same dimensions?
     79  Python/Matplotlib - Colorbar configuration [duplicate]
     79  {Python} How can I convert dictionary into Coordinates?
     79  Python: Get last n Trues from Boolean array
     79  Python: distance from index to 1s in binary mask
     79  Python - Convert the array in a tuple to just a normal array
     79  Python - Column-wise keep first unique value
     79  Python code inconsistency on complex multiplication in MPI
     79  .py file not opening in command-line when numpy is installed
     79  pure python faster than numpy for data type conversion
     79  Processing data with same name from multiple directories using python
     79  problem on ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
     79  Plotting against a set of key and values in Python
     79  pd.DataFrame is overwriting columns, instead of saving data to pd.DataFrame
     79  Parameter count in numpy.fromfile has no effect
     79  Overplot SunPy HEK polygon mask on custom numpy array instead of Sunpy Map
     79  Outer product and flatten with vectorial operations - numpy
     79  Optimizing a complex algorithm
     79  Optimize a nested for loop in Python
     79  numpy: working on a subset of matrix
     79  Numpy to assess letters as integers
     79  numpy.test('full') FAILED on Mac OS 10.10.4
     79  numpy sum slower than string count
     79  numpy multiple boolean index arrays
     79  Numpy: improve fancy indexing on arrays
     79  numpy, different slices for different layers of array
     79  Numpy: create random strings and make uniform
     79  Numpy / Chebyshev Module: get value
     79  Numpy can_cast on array returns False even when casting is safe
     79  numpy array view moving window [duplicate]
     79  numpy.array: resulting data type
     79  Numpy array bug or feature (catsing to int behind the scenes)?
     79  Numpy array as indices in multidimensional numpy array [duplicate]
     79  numpy 2d array combination
     79  Numpy 2-D & 3-D matrix ''row''-wise multiplication
     79  np.any() alternative if column is different than NaN or 0
     79  multipying in pandas two columns
     79  Merging values of numpy array
     79  Merging sorted pairs
     79  Matplotlib bar chart that displays the x values for male and females
     79  Matlab-Python translation error
     79  Mathematic equation
     79  Masking a Numpy array and applying a calculation per mask without using a for loop
     79  Making For Loop over data name in python
     79  Make numpy.genfromtext return comma separated tuples
     79  Loops over list 20x faster than over ndarray
     79  Looking for a way to adjust the values of one array based on another array?
     79  Logistic function misclassification
     79  Keep headers after dataframe transformation
     79  Iterate list over dictionary to map items
     79  Is there a way to vectorize counting items' co-occurences in pandas/numpy?
     79  Is there a more elegant way to take values by indicies in 2D array?
     79  Interpolating between two frequencies in numpy
     79  Integer limit crossed while performing bitwise left shift operation in array
     79  Initializing a matrix with alternating 0s and 1s in TensorFlow
     79  Improve performance of this python function
     79  import_array segfaults when called from a dynamic library
     79  I imported numpy using terminal, but the python shell says the that there is no module named numpy
     79  IFFT of FFT-image results in weird upside-down overlap of original image
     79  How to vectorize, vector_b[:,i]) for i in range?
     79  How to use the vectorize numpy function in python2.7?
     79  How to update numbers of subchapter in the given chapter in a text file?
     79  How to subtracting two hyperspectral image?
     79  how to select lines with condition and save them in a file
     79  How to save a list into different column of a csv file
     79  How to Pull a Column Value based on Logic Conditions
     79  How to pivot a pandas dataframe such that unique values across multiple columns become new columns?
     79  How to modify np array by slicing through the broadcast of an index vector?
     79  how to map the results obtained after multiclass classification to 1 and 0
     79  How to make a boolean index in numpy for multiple integer types without a loop
     79  How to iterate over a variable that can be both integer and array?
     79  How to get the lengh of a tone in scipy?
     79  How to get python to recognize ''YYYY W##'' as date time object and then fill add time objects less than a certain week
     79  How to get a value from an array in python?
     79  How to EFFICIENTLY find out what the number in ordinal is?
     79  How to duplicate items(leaving the first and last item) in the list and convert the list into list of lists of two items
     79  How to create an array of dimension n+1 given a function returning an array of dimension n
     79  How to convert array a to array b below?
     79  How to check arrays with numpy python
     79  how to assign random float number in python [closed]
     79  How to apply a groupby rolling function to create multiple columns in the dataframe
     79  how to adjust dataloader and make a new dataloader?
     79  how extract several variable from txt file?
     79  how do I take the dot product of these two arrays of different shape?
     79  How do i put a mask on this heatmap?
     79  How do I make scipy IQR use the difference of the medians of two halves of the array?
     79  How do I load strings as dtype('a3') from a TSV table?
     79  How do I convert 1D data into a 2D array?
     79  How do I concatenate two arrays in this specific way
     79  How does numpy.where() work when input in the form numpy.where(array condition, array1, array2)? [duplicate]
     79  How could I produce conditional matrix in Python?
     79  How can i turn values i don't need to 0?
     79  How can I sum every n array values and place the result into a new array? [duplicate]
     79  How can I read single-channel 32-bit integer images with python?
     79  How can I do same calculation in numpy array list at once?
     79  How can I compute the mean, dropping NaN and outliers from the dataframe in this format?
     79  How can I change string into float list and 'n' of n dimensional list?
     79  Having issues installing Numpy
     79  get most frequent two consecutive numbers
     79  Get image from headless Pygame instance
     79  Generate three non-overlapping mask for 2-D matrix that covers all of it
     79  Gaussian filters create holes in histogram
     79  For loops with numpy/pandas (iterating over column headers)
     79  Finding mutual elements between two higher-dimensional numpy arrays
     79  Fill oceans in basemap (don't plot colour grid on oceans)
     79  Fill missing values in a nested list of lists with the last element
     79  Fastest way from logic matrix to list of sets
     79  Extracting Max value along each row from strings in column
     79  Error while using np.sum and functions in python
     79  Error while building list in python
     79  error in importing .csv file in ipython notebook
     79  Eliminating redundant numpy rows
     79  Efficient dot product dense to sparse
     79  Efficient combined in-place adding/removing of rows of a huge 2D numpy array
     79  Efficient alternative to np.piecewise in Tensorflow
     79  Duplicate an array dimension
     79  Difference between NumPy's vectorize and its automatic vectorization
     79  Cumulative cross addition/multiplication in NumPy
     79  Creating new lists from values out of lists and arrays [closed]
     79  Creating a column that calculates the difference between each new row
     79  Create a matrix from a function
     79  Count of the number of identical values in two arrays for all the unique values in an array
     79  Correlation coefficient of multiple 2D arrays
     79  Copy a ndarray into another ndarray at a given position
     79  Convert pixel coordinates to frame coordinates
     79  Convert ndarray into 2d array where rows are the elements along the first axis
     79  Convert an existing NumPy array into a ctype array to be shared among multiprocessing
     79  Compute commutation matrix in numpy/scipy efficiently
     79  Comparing non-identical pandas dataframe with a series object
     79  Comparing list elements with a column in numpy array
     79  Combine a set of a arrays in a specific way
     79  Cleaner way to compare array values?
     79  Change highest values to lowest values python
     79  Central projection on linesegments [closed]
     79  canvas updating slows down (probably needs to free some objects)
     79  Can't modify global dict variable using mutliprocessing in python
     79  Can I use dtype to find the elements of an numpy array are strings?
     79  Binning random data to regular 3D grid with unequal axis lengths
     79  Best way to iterate 1 to 10 times and add value and to numpy array in python [closed]
     79  bad result from numpy corrcoef and minimum spanning tree
     79  Avoid using multiple if statements
     79  Apply majority voting to a Numpy (key, value) array
     79  Appending to Numpy array produces one big array rather than an array of arrays
     79  Appending matrices
     79  amend code to return True or False for numbers in sequence
     79  Advance processing multiple Data Frames in python
     79  addition of elements within an array in python
     79  Add Elements to array
     78  Wrong values when iterating over numpy array
     78  Working with pandas DataFrames (Numpy arrays) of strings in Cython
     78  Windowed/ sliding mean filter accounting for valid members at boundary
     78  Why is the Numpy array created from my csv file full of NaN values?
     78  Why is ones_like listed as a ufunc?
     78  Why is int type error? TypeError
     78  Why I can't input float numbers to t?
     78  Why I can't index a 2-d numpy.ndarray and assign new value [duplicate]
     78  Why does this code use only x instead of both x and y in for loop? [closed]
     78  Why did I get a memory error for np.sqrt on a machine with seemingly ample RAM?
     78  Why built in Ridge Regression does not predict true values of data in any reasonable way?
     78  What's identity value of a universal function in NumPy? What is it used for?
     78  What is the proper way to adaptively affect elements of a numpy arrays
     78  What is the fastest way to vectorize a 2 parameter .loc update?
     78  What do these lines of code do?
     78  weighted random sample from unscaled list of 1 million numbers
     78  Weighted average of dataframes with mask on NaN's
     78  Video Streaming: Could not deserialize image after using pickle
     78  Vectorize the following python code?
     78  Vectorize or optimize an loop where each iteration depends on the state of the previous iteration
     78  Vectorize angle calculation of all combinations from matrix in python
     78  Vectorization of loops in python
     78  ValueError: shapes (4,100) and (3,1) not aligned: 100 (dim 1) != 3 (dim 0
     78  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (48, 48, 1) for Tensor u'InputData/X:0', which has shape '(?, 48, 48, 1)' [duplicate]
     78  use a vector as an index for another matrix
     78  Unable to plot linear regression using
     78  TypeError: lowerb is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
     78  Turning a 6 value 1 dimensional numpy.ndarray into a 6 dimensional
     78  Tree-Form of math formula (as a dot string)
     78  to find if list have the negative sign
     78  theano batched_dot behaves unexpected
     78  tensorflow einsum gets the trace wrong?
     78  Taking a sum in python over vectors scaling a variable to graph
     78  Sympy: Calculating eigenvalues takes very long for (9,9) matrix
     78  Stack list elements to make an array?
     78  Speed up the summation of values under np.arange( 1,100)
     78  Specify the memory stride data when storing a buffer via HDF5’s C/C++ API
     78  sorting the elements in the list
     78  Sort bidimentional numpy array
     78  Solve the phase state between two haplotype blocks using markov transition probabilities
     78  Slicing a Multidimensional NumPy Array with IF condition
     78  Slicing after convolution , -1 index does not work
     78  Size of objects in Numpy Array: Sympy Points example
     78  Setting values of Numpy array when indexing an indexed array
     78  Select some elements in a Numpy array according to a specific Boolean condition
     78  Select a single row from numpy array
     78  Search a Numpy Array based on array index
     78  scipy.sparse for numpy.random_multivariate_normal
     78  Scaling an array (sklearn) - python
     78  Running RNN in Tensorflow
     78  Rounding Issue With Python
     78  Rolling window with a date offset ''7d'' for datetime index sorted in a reverse order
     78  Retain the previous cell value and copy over to next cells python pandas dataframe
     78  replace value in an numpy ndarrary
     78  Replace NaN values in entire dataframe with average of others
     78  replace floats from value a to b with value c in an large array
     78  Reduce numpy array in a smaller area
     78  Rearrange order of for-loops with setting
     78  Reading two data sets in for one matplotlib plot
     78  Reading rows as one-dimensional array from textfile using numpy
     78  Reading a text file with numeric columns of different lengths
     78  Random functions in numpy.random
     78  Quick way to find previous instance of a value in a pandas Dataframe or numpy array?
     78  Quickly compute average color of all the clusters generated by connectedComponents
     78  Python structured numpy array multiple sort
     78  Python Performance Puzzle w/ Arrays
     78  Python List Append with bumpy array error
     78  Pythonic way of creating new numpy array by unpacking a packed rgb numpy array
     78  Python: How can I perform addition operator for two different text files?
     78  Python: Finite sum with variable range ''TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index''
     78  python find all best matching arrays
     78  Python: Efficient search in 3d numpy array
     78  Python DataFrame displaying zeros instead of calculated values from numpy zeros command
     78  Python: Create numpy array between two dates
     78  Python: Calculate percentage of coordinates in relation to surrounding coordinates
     78  Pycuda 2019.1, how to properly copy a gpuarray?
     78  preparing training data that I can use tf.argmax for testing
     78  Parse Data from column using if's
     78  Pandas: process cell dependencies
     78  Pandas/numpy array filling
     78  Pandas filter by condition in groupby
     78  Pandas creating combination of lists in each row
     78  Override numpy.random to use cudamat
     78  OverflowError from complex array and imshow
     78  outputting python/numpy arrays as columns
     78  Optimizing function to find maximum
     78  opencv sharply bounded extracted image
     78  Old numbers can't change in numpy.convolve and Python
     78  Obtaining hyperpolarization depth from electrophysiological graph
     78  Numpy way to generate linear operation matrix from a convolution kernel
     78  numpy: to exclude single and double saltuses in an array
     78  numpy '==' switches semantics as operands grow in size [duplicate]
     78  Numpy slicing: all entries except these ones
     78  numpy roll along a single axis
     78  Numpy multidimensional slice
     78  Numpy merging arrays
     78  numpy matrix is not getting transposed
     78  numpy linspace unexpected step value
     78  numpy large integer failed
     78  Numpy: How to quickly replace equal values in an matrix?
     78  numpy fftn very inefficient for 2d fft of several images
     78  Numpy array in a function
     78  numpy array has different shape when I pass it as input to a keras layer
     78  Null Value in Date field of Data Frame, how to skip it to format as date
     78  np vectorize does not utilize cores
     78  np.choose not giving desired result after broadcasting
     78  np.around for array with none and integer values
     78  Normalize using a given NumPy array (From Python To C#)
     78  Multiplying nth column in 2D array by nth array in 3D array using numpy
     78  Multiplication of matrices in python causing Type error
     78  Moving average for months over years
     78  Merging uneven Corresponding Elements from a method returning value in Dictionaries
     78  Merging DataFrames in Pandas and Numpy
     78  Matplotlib heatmap for multiple timeseries to show distribution over time
     78  Matlab backslash ''\'' in numpy
     78  Match text in another dataframe and fill missing columns with recognized entity
     78  Mask array based on other array?
     78  Mapping of character encodings to maximum bytes per character
     78  Logical addressing numpy mess up with other matrices
     78  list to array conversion issue
     78  Join two numpy arrays with the same rows: I got a ValueError
     78  Iterative outer addition Numpy
     78  Iterating and modifying dataframe using Pandas groupby
     78  Items and index of largest n elements in a list
     78  Is there a canonical way of obtaining a 0D numpy subarray?
     78  Issue with plotting numpy array in 3D after computing stl data
     78  Is it possible to make the following code faster?
     78  Is it possible to directly copy data from Numpy array to MonetDB?
     78  Is it possible to compile NumPy into a single library?
     78  In python, how do I append/add, using a loop, a row to a numpy array without deleting the previous row?
     78  Increased Moving Averages
     78  Incorrect results when applying operations to a matrix
     78  Improving the efficiency of bootstrapping algorithm for large matrix
     78  Improve runtime of python code with indexing and string concatenation
     78  Ignoring multiple variables with numpy (function included)
     78  I am stuck at the process of retrieving a value from a matrix
     78  HSV mask for color based image segmentation is not working
     78  How to write continuous outputs in a single txt file
     78  How to update numpy array based based on coordinates
     78  How to sum values in a numpy 3D array with conditional?
     78  How to substitute in batch in sympy?
     78  How to search in a sorted 2d matrix
     78  How to retrieve values after a function crashes? [duplicate]
     78  How to retrieve data from a returned numpy array in a C program?
     78  How to reshape a numpy array from (#dim1,#dim2,#channel) to (#channel, #dim1,#dim2)
     78  How to remove the double [[ for a 1D matrix in python?
     78  How to remove duplicate combinations from an array in python [closed]
     78  How to randomly drop rows in Pandas dataframe until there are equal number of values in a column?
     78  How to optimize a numpy loop that sums values from an array which is indexed by another array where values equal the loop index
     78  How to multiply a numpy float array from an Excel sheet by a constant?
     78  How to modify a Numpy 2D array in every row but specific column indexes?
     78  How to isolate handwritten digit candidates out of an image?
     78  How to have Python find files in a subfolder without hard-coding path names?
     78  How to handle reference counting when returning numpy array aliasing internal array?
     78  How to get a summay of non-numerical data in Python
     78  How to get a discontinuous list according to the values of other list in pandas?
     78  How to generate bounded random array based on mean and standard deviation of another array?
     78  How to flatten a 3d array to 1d array
     78  How to fix ''KeyError: 2'' in for loop?
     78  How to find the smallest number except one particular index
     78  How to find column position for first matching
     78  how to exclude `x` from `range(n)` using numpy
     78  How to eliminate specific rows from an array?
     78  How to do nested groupby operations in a dataframe based on a condition on a column?
     78  How to do a substring using pandas or numpy
     78  How to develop a neural network to predict joint angles form joint positions and orientation
     78  How to create view of an irregularly spaced slice of a numpy array?
     78  How to create a numpy array with a random entries that exclude one element in each index?
     78  How to create a DataFrame with MultiIndex from custom numpy dtype?
     78  How to convert list of 68 elements into matrix of 68x68?
     78  How to concatenate vectors to create a array in loop?
     78  How to calculate the inner distance of an array
     78  How to avoid sparse to dense matrix convertions
     78  How to assign column values in large numpy array?
     78  How do you find the square of a multivariate binomial in python?
     78  How do I manipulate a large data set into smaller sets based on the type of object within the data?
     78  How do I convert type int32 to int as it's not JSON serializable
     78  How can I read in image dataset as numpy array in a memory efficient manner?
     78  Heavy computations in analytic functions and linear algebra
     78  Get data from one column based on criteria from another in multilevel dataframe
     78  function application and mapping using axis
     78  Format and slice arrays with Python - prepare data for linear regression
     78  Fitting cosine function to another
     78  fit_generator() outputs different result than fit()
     78  First Python list indices greater than elements in a second list
     78  Find the sum of values of within a subcategory in python [closed]
     78  Find the points of a ndarray that fall inside another ndarray
     78  Find shape of numpy array with differing column lengths
     78  Find median of dictionary values in a list of lists
     78  Finding neighbours for a an element of an array and making sure it has <4 of them
     78  Finding a way to efficiently perform calculation for certain column of DataFrame
     78  Finding a code to delete '!' from cells in a certain range using pandas
     78  Find indices of 2D arrays using conditional statement in Python
     78  Find an element of the array in an efficient way
     78  Fast K-step discounting in numpy/scipy/python
     78  Fast euclidean distance calculation for real time strategy games
     78  Faster way to find centroids of pixel areas
     78  Fast ascii loader to NumPy arrays
     78  Expand numpy array dimension and reshaping
     78  Efficient way to calculate where a multivariable function takes values between a interval in Python
     78  Draw a specific function in Python
     78  Determining time for CPU Utilization
     78  Detect if elements are within pairs of interval limits
     78  deleting rows with nan [duplicate]
     78  Dataframe.unstack() equivalent in numpy
     78  Data Frame Indexing
     78  Crop empty arrays (padding) from a volume
     78  Create a n x m array of polynomials using a (n x 1) data through Numpy/Pandas
     78  Counting Number of Occurrences Between Dates (Given an ID value) From Another Dataframe
     78  convert numpy array with 2d to numpy array with 1d
     78  convert alphanumeric value to date
     78  Controlling use and packages of two different Python installations (''regular'' and ''anaconda'')
     78  Condition in dataframe pandas (NaN columns ) and condition
     78  Conda skeleton pypi: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
     78  Comparing computational speed of these two short codes
     78  Comparing 2 dataframe columns to 2 numpy array values in the same row
     78  column to row in pandas with dictionary?
     78  Clean way to create column based on multiple conditions
     78  Change every value in a dataframe column to the value returned by a function
     78  Change color image list using rgb by dictionary
     78  Can someone please explain " np.less_equal.outer(range(1,18),range(1,13))
     78  Calculating the correlation matrix
     78  Basic confusion about residuals in python
     78  Axis elimination
     78  Avoiding looping through pandas dataframe for feature generation
     78  A tedious loop looking for improvements
     78  Assigning to for-loop values
     78  Assigning input markers to function output in python
     78  Apply simple operation on array with sublists of unequal length
     78  apply searchsorted columnwise
     78  Adding to a view of a numpy array [duplicate]
     78  Adding the previous n rows as columns to a NumPy array
     78  Adding specific days in python table
     78  Adding a conditional column to a dataframe if the value is in a list
     78  4 for loop optimization
     77  Zip in python does not work properly with lists
     77  Writing Python list as HDF5 file using h5py module
     77  Writing a 3D numpy array into a slice of a larger 3D array using a 2D mask
     77  Why python read tiff images slower when using random generator to retrieve the image paths
     77  Why python array arr2d[:2,1:] produces following result? [duplicate]
     77  Why is the behavior when assigning to values inconsistent?
     77  Why is minimize_scalar not minimizing correctly?
     77  Why I get all None in my list after permutation? [duplicate]
     77  Why do I get, ValueError: two properties with same name when I try to access .ply files using plyfile API?
     77  Why does Analyse Data in Excel give different result from OLS Stats Model in Python?
     77  When running gym, sanity check returns attribute error for numpy __version__
     77  What shape input and outputs are expected for sklearn pairwise_distance functions?
     77  What is the most pythonic way of generating a boolean mask of an RGB image based on the colour of the pixels?
     77  What is the most efficient way to create a 'difference matrix' i.e., the difference between each row and all others?
     77  Weighted mean with Numpy in file txt
     77  vectorise for loop with numpy.where
     77  Values of variables inside a for-loop
     77  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence for one dataframe but not for another similar one
     77  ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape 'x' for Tensor 'y', which has shape 'z
     77  Using scipy and numpy to sort floats
     77  Using gaussian plots as a error bars in pyplot
     77  Use a more accurate array of x values to generate line of best fit in matplotlib?
     77  update multiple columns of pandas dataframe using np.where or loc
     77  Unstack row label (pivot table) in Python
     77  Unknown error with self-defined function for approximation of an integral
     77  Turn pandas dataframe into numpy values
     77  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() - Numpy Library
     77  TensorFlow: How to combine rows of tensor with summing the 2nd element of tensor which has the same 1st element?
     77  Tensorflow equivalent of Numpy's method
     77  Sum of the elements of a list of arrays
     77  storing a numpy array in csv greatly increases the file size
     77  Stacking np.tril and np.triu together
     77  Split string by words
     77  Speeding up complex Numpy Matrix multiplications (Point cloud)
     77  Sort list based on another list
     77  Sorting an Array Alongside a 2d Array
     77  something went wrong during video to numpy conversion
     77  something is wrong with numpy.zeros_like in vscode
     77  Sklearn and Sparse Matrices ValueError
     77  Simulate impulsive signal and plotting
     77  Should summation of int64 array and int pass an int64 type check?
     77  set_markersize not working for right side axis
     77  Select the last row by id of a panel data and use np.where
     77  Select all columns of all float types
     77  Scipy / ctypes build-config: How to load lib?
     77  returning the element in one list based on the index and maximum value of an element in another list
     77  Removing a decimal from a float then compare to another value
     77  Reduce and append in Numpy
     77  read 2D array with mixed data
     77  Python tile based processing of numpy array
     77  Python Replacing every imaginary value in array by random
     77  Python, opposite of conditional array
     77  Python np.asarray does not return the true shape
     77  python kmedoids - calculating new medoid centers more efficiently
     77  Python intersection of arrays in dictionary
     77  Python: Insert 2D array into 3D NumPy array along different rows
     77  Python - How to split a list of strings into a table
     77  Python function returns incorrect value
     77  Python: float() argument must be a string or a number
     77  Python: Find out how positive a number is with respect to 0 [duplicate]
     77  Python: Cumulative Sum with changing key
     77  python creating a structure
     77  PyMC3 estimating size of closed population with time-varying capture probabilities
     77  Proper way to get numpy masked array shape
     77  Product of sparse matrices by sklearn TfidfVectorizer
     77  Problem with _ctypes extension when loading Numpy from Rust with PyO3
     77  Problem with creating a boxplot with given element in numpy array
     77  printing 2d array printing every second element
     77  pd.DataFrame.agg(np.var) vs
     77  Pandas weighted average for panel (T*N) data
     77  Pandas, select a single column where a second column has a NaN value
     77  pandas iterrows() comparison only writing last result to all rows
     77  Order of repetition per row and column in Python [closed]
     77  Optimize Einstein Summation with Repeating Matrices but Different Subscript
     77  numpy.where does not work properly with pandas dataframe
     77  Numpy output based on 3 sequential conditions?
     77  numpy multiply the shape of an array to make a larger array
     77  Numpy matrices - how to handle arbitrary size
     77  Numpy isclose for Arrays - TypeError: Not implemented for this type
     77  Numpy import error even after installing it with current python version
     77  NumPy hstack's weird behavior
     77  NumPy: Compute mode row-wise spanning over multiple arrays from iterator
     77  Numpy boolean statement - help on using a.any() and a.all() in statement
     77  Numpy array of integers into numpy array of arrays
     77  Numba and list of two dimensional numpy array
     77  np.random choice weighted dropout over time?
     77  np.genfromtext importing wrong values from .csv file - 2nd column is full of commas inside quote marks
     77  np.array with inhomogeneos data (str+float)
     77  name 'sp' is not defined spottily
     77  Mysteriously flipped bits in a Cython function after casting to 32-bit integer
     77  Multiplying Matrices of Vectors using Dot Product
     77  Multiply each number of an array with its aligned row of a matrix in numpy?
     77  multiple iteration of the same list
     77  modifying values in numpy array
     77  Modifying a .npy file. ValueError: Expected 1D or 2D array, got 0D array instead
     77  maximum function of a list is not working properly
     77  Matrix rotation in numpy python, diffrent vector's length
     77  Matrix modular inverse in python
     77  Mapping a list to 1s and 0s
     77  Manipulating a numpy array
     77  Making ndarrays callable
     77  Looking for memory efficient outer product sum
     77  Lognormal pdf generates zero in python
     77  List not aligned?
     77  Less code lines for scaling and stacking columns in numpy
     77  I want to replace values of dataframe as a column name in python. How am I suppose to do that?
     77  iterating group_by functions to deduplicate data
     77  Is there a way to view how much memory a SciPy matrix used?
     77  Is there a way to remove similar (numerical) elements from array in python
     77  Is there a python function I can use to group retail banking transactions?
     77  Is there a function in numpy where it will return a matrix of each row of vector raised from a power of 0 to integer
     77  Is there a difference in the way we access elements of a list comprehension and the elements of a numpy array
     77  Issues when wrapping the fortran codes contains modules by using f2py
     77  Is it possible to access the current indices during a Numpy vectorized broadcasting operation?
     77  Interpreting complex number in step size in NumPy RClass (`np.r_`)
     77  In numpy, why does flatiter access past the end of the ndarray?
     77  Indexing 3d numpy array with 2d array
     77  Increase year of datetime array without using for loop
     77  How to vectorize complicated code containing eigvalsh in python
     77  How to use pandas.DataFrame.assign() to add new column based on a different dataframe
     77  How to use Numpy Matrix operation to calculate multiple samples at once?
     77  How to turn array of array into single high dimension array?
     77  How to split dataframes with multiple categories using str.contains in python pandas?
     77  How to slice a csr_matrix by certain list of rows/columns?
     77  How to save subarray in npy file?
     77  how to resolve this error Length of values does not match length of index
     77  How to replace a range of numbers in a column with a categorical value, given that range of numbers are of the type float
     77  How to remove columns from an array
     77  How to read in file with multiple coordinates and store in separate arrays?
     77  How to organize python array with numpy zeros
     77  How to operate each array entry with a different number to solve an optimization condition in Python?
     77  How to multiply arrays of different shapes in Python?
     77  How to make efficient moving index in numpy array
     77  How to improve performance of the following code in Python?
     77  How to get figure for web traffic + how to append column to numpy array?
     77  How to find the index of maximum values among classes in an unsorted data file by R?
     77  How to find negative imaginary parts of values in an array then turning them to positive?
     77  How to filter on frequency and add in bigrams to code?
     77  How to drop a percentage of rows where the column value is NaN
     77  How to derive a column based on a filtered pandas dataframe with conditions
     77  How to count non-zeroes values using binned_statistic
     77  How to convert column into row?
     77  How to convert a pandas dataframe column using transposing?
     77  How to construct data in 2D numpy array
     77  How to compute an affine transformation of multiple points?
     77  How to calculate the euclidian norm of each vector in a list and add to a new list using numpy in python?
     77  How to calculate complex simultaneous equations in python?
     77  How to broadcast numpy indexing along batch dimensions?
     77  How to assign result of dot product operation into 2 axis of 3D tensor by using double for loop in Python
     77  How to apply a python function to splitted 'from the end' pandas sub-dataframes and get a new dataframe?
     77  how to append a array to a np.array?
     77  how to add phases(complex number array) into each elements(floats) in numpy [duplicate]
     77  How plot many points 3d in matplotlib
     77  How do we get the ordinal positions within an index for all items in a list efficiently
     77  How do I stretch the x-axis of a matplotlib spectrogram?
     77  How do I replace all of Column A's values with Column B's values unless Column B's value is NaN? [duplicate]
     77  How do I add multiple matrices in numpy?
     77  How does this Python/numpy code achieve white scaling for XYZ->rgb colour space transformation?
     77  how did the numpy library implement n-dimensional array? [closed]
     77  How can I import a CSV file in python?
     77  How can I find the actual implementation of np.partition()?
     77  Getting a C pointer to a function generated by Theano?
     77  get the first few items order by item's count
     77  Get indices of N highest values in numpy array
     77  generate a random int from a range which is not currently shown in a row
     77  Game image recognition (Recognising Point Scored or Game over in Flappy Bird)
     77  Function thinks I am passing in a float
     77  Find the lowest non-masked point with numpy efficiently
     77  Find the identical values in one array and its equivalent pair in another array
     77  Find running average which equal
     77  Find Max Frequency for every Sequence_ID
     77  Finding index by iterating over each row of matrix
     77  Find array string sequence in another numpy array
     77  Find all binary strings of certain weight has fast as possible
     77  Filters / Scipy return
     77  Filter in Fourier space does not behave like it's supposed to
     77  Fill np array with the same value multiple times
     77  Faster way to find same integers in sequence in numpy array
     77  Faster way of adding up outer products across columns of matrix
     77  Faster method for iterating through a numpy array of numpy arrays
     77  f1_score: ValueError: Can't handle mix of multilabel-indicator and multiclass-multioutput?
     77  Exponent an arbitrary number by a numpy array
     77  Error with packages that cause OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
     77  Error in plotting columns in dataframe
     77  Efficient way to construct this array in numpy?
     77  Efficient generation of high-dimensional arrays
     77  Efficient assignment of lists to variables or to slices of variables
     77  Efficiency problem of customizing numpy's vectorized operation
     77  dtype of ndarray containing string in python
     77  Doubts about reduce or change MNIST pickle dataset file array
     77  Different results with libpng and numpy for average vector computation
     77  Delete rows preceeding and following a row containing NaN in Python?
     77  Defining an ndarray in python via a formula
     77  define a diagonal matrix from a matrix, with products of subdiagonals
     77  Date_range between 2 columns
     77  Date Difference based on matching values in two columns - Pandas
     77  Data chopping issue in Python
     77  Create a circle array of angles to not consider euclidean distance python
     77  Count the element only if it has a number before comma
     77  Convert 1D Numpy Array into a 1D image using PIL
     77  Constructing a ndarray of values from another ndarray containing dictionary keys
     77  Console is outputting different sin(x)/cos(x) value vs. Running the script using Numpy
     77  Conditional minimum of two columns with NA's
     77  Concise way to sum selected rows of a numpy array
     77  Combining two arrays of unequal sizes and storing in a third array as such
     77  Column-specific processing in an sklearn pipeline
     77  Choose single float from a list
     77  C++ extension to Python - safe memory access, and memory layout
     77  Can't append global NumPy array from other module
     77  Average a half of number of a grouped column in a dataframe
     77  Assigning values to multi-dimensional masked arrays does not clear the mask?
     77  Array slicing with data that contains multiple types
     77  Array indexing inconsistent between script and console Python 2.7?
     77  Append np.newaxis as needed
     77  A faster way to do these dataframe operations?
     77  Adding arrays of variable length
     77  Accessing object data slicing numpy array
     77  3D Numpy array to 3D Numpy array
     77  1D Numpy Array Equivalent to Zipping Previous, Current, and Following Elements
     76  Write a Python function to implement KNN (k_nearest_neighbor) classifier. Need to implement from scratch
     76  why numpy array has size of 112 byte and when I do flatten it, it has 96 byte of memory?
     76  Why my handmade numpy neural network doesn't learn?
     76  Why does numpy.ndarray's data address change?
     76  Why can't I index an array by a list comprehension?
     76  Why Can I Not Replicate the NumPy v1.13.dev0 Manual Examples
     76  While loop and expected output in python
     76  Where is it treated as an int?
     76  When trying to visualise ''regular'' grid points generated by numpy.meshgrid() I am seeing white vertical lines. Why is that the case?
     76  What's wrong with numpy? I can't see result
     76  What is the best way to augment (rotate) an image dataset?
     76  What is the best approach to matching/joining elements in two non-identical unsorted python lists of different lengths?
     76  What is difference between the two arrays of shapes (4,) and (4, 1)
     76  What function does this code call?
     76  Weighted average for every possible range [closed]
     76  Vector quantization(convector float vector into short vector)
     76  Vectorized version of finding the maximum positive value or else the minimum negative value
     76  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,3) (998,)
     76  ValueError: Only call `softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits` with named arguments (labels= ... , logits= ... ,  ... ) error
     76  Using scalar ndarrays as keys
     76  Using numpy to solve a linear system with one uknown?
     76  `ufunc` composition in NumPy
     76  TypeError manipulating array in NumPy
     76  ''TypeError: Cannot handle this data type'' when trying to make a PIL Image
     76  Turning a numeric range into a sequential range
     76  Transfer data between Python objects and numpy arrays?
     76  The values of a list in python change without me trying to change them
     76  Testing numpy python libraries from multiple git development branches
     76  TensorFlow wrong array's shape
     76  Sympy-numpy integration exists - where is it documented?
     76  Sum matrix across row instead of summing position values for matrix?
     76  String split on column or row in matrix with regular expressions
     76  Storing Inception Model Vectors in Mysql Database using Python
     76  store values from a list into an array after each iteration consists of specified column of files in python
     76  src is not a numpy array or a scaler - Python face detection
     76  Splitting numpy array field values that are matrices into column vectors
     76  Speeding up Numba distance calculation
     76  Sparse matrix of variable movement (digits) between 2 same sized lists
     76  sort and pick by column while keeping the original index in python
     76  Slicing repeadlty with the same slice numpy
     76  Seemingly nonsensical runtime increases when switching from pure C to C with Numpy objects
     76  scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline.ev Error: shape mismatch
     76  SciPy: error on linkage
     76  Scaling Lognormal Fit
     76  Scale a particular feature in a NumPy array which have more than one features using minmaxScalar from sklearn
     76  Saving the amount of time between each time stamp in an array
     76  Return index in Python ''in'' operator [duplicate]
     76  Reshape a matrix
     76  Remove Rows Where the Person Has Not Changed Locations
     76  Remove for loops to make it faster - numpy
     76  Reading non-contiguous subsets of a variable in a fast way
     76  Reading mulitple data from a text file
     76  Reading a file contains lists of values into an array
     76  Quickest way to get the min and max from a list of lists of lists in Python?
     76  Python's pyplot.scatter and numpy.arctan will produce the wrong figure
     76  Python: Sort from a particular point
     76  Python: reshaping parallel arrays into training set
     76  Python : Pearson Correlation Between two (identical / non-identical) arrays is returning out of range value
     76  python (numpy array) indicess 1d array like a 2d array with array[x,y]
     76  Python numpy array assignment to integer indexed flat slice
     76  Python - not sure why two lists are looking the same (one is being updated in the function)
     76  Python loops in 2d-array
     76  Pythonic way to access numpy array in reverse order
     76  Python: How to extract the index from elements of a list
     76  python function modifying variable in calling scope
     76  Python: Compute the average of a big numbet of arrays without saving them
     76  python code for mathematics graph
     76  python choose randomly from each line of a file
     76  Python3: two dictionaries with numpy vectors of different size consume the same amount of RAM
     76  Python3, round() type inconsistent. Proper way to round a float value to index a list or an array
     76  Problems Using scipy's curve_fit to Estimate Negative Exponential Parameters
     76  Plotting FFT frequencies in Hz in Python
     76  Pandas or Numpy: how to get matching data entries to do data manipulation
     76  Pandas - issue with numpy.where
     76  Pandas: Drop rows with values less than today using np.where()?
     76  Pair elements from lists of list to form a new list
     76  Optimizing numpy concatenate operations for very large data sets
     76  Optimize a python code for transforming variables
     76  Operations within DataFrameGroupBy
     76  Numpy way for building NXD matrix from multipication of matrix and elemets of vector [duplicate]
     76  numpy versions - ''all'' function returns different values
     76  NumPy's ndarrays vs Python's lists
     76  Numpy shuffle 3-D numpy array by row
     76  Numpy select matrix specified by a matrix of indices, from multidimensional array
     76  Numpy `resize` gives an unexpected array size when using -1 syntax
     76  Numpy Python Parallelization Scaling Identically to Serial Computation
     76  numpy performing same operation on different rows
     76  numpy: mean over different subset of each row in matrix
     76  Numpy Matrix Memory size low compared to Numpy Array
     76  Numpy matrix comparison to several criteria
     76  numpy.irr Using Monthy Data
     76  Numerical operations on arrays while reading from CSV file
     76  np.where() causing RSI to end early
     76  np.logical_and with three tests
     76  np.linalg.svd hangs if tensorflow imported, even if it is not used in any way
     76  np.array(song).shape[0] > 50 means
     76  Need help dissecting this Numpy slicing code
     76  Multipy matrix by its transpose in constant memory
     76  Multiplying numpy matrices in a faster way
     76  Multiplying arrays of different shapes
     76  Multilevel image threshold
     76  Method for fitting a PDF from an histogram in Python
     76  MemoryError in imgaug batch processing
     76  Masking values in numpy array
     76  making random.choice from a matrix of propabilities
     76  Make an array like numpy.array() without numpy
     76  Make a changing number more probable in Python
     76  MAC OSX Yosemite - matplotlib
     76  Lost data in pre-processing data using Python, numpy and panda
     76  LOOK BACK function in LSTM by Keras
     76  Logestic regression model is not learning
     76  Keep First Non-Zero Element, Set All Others to 0
     76  Jumping Multi-element slices in Numpy Arrays
     76  Joining np.arrays Python with a padding
     76  iterating through specified axis in cython
     76  Iterating through lists within a pandas DataFrame
     76  Iterating over two dictionaries in python
     76  Is there a way to parallelize multiple-matrix multiplication in Python?
     76  Is there any better way to parse two lists simultaneously?
     76  Is there a more elegant/optimised way I can make this connectivity algorithm?
     76  Is there a fast way of replacing elements of a np.array that contain only 1 and -1
     76  Is it necessary to write all the variables and the loop with numpy?
     76  Interlace various small 2D matrices into a bigger one
     76  Initialize empty vector with 3 dimensions
     76  if statement in numpy array always needs vectorization
     76  Ideas on filling each shape in triangle mesh with values
     76  I cannot load my dataset on a python installed on EC2 windows instance
     76  How would I remove a sector/slice from a 2D numpy (lat,lon) array?
     76  How would I plot a graph from a large array?
     76  How to use numpy to sort out the object positions in rows in the image?
     76  How to unpack a tuple for looping without being dimension specific
     76  How to tell if a Python program is working without having to wait for it to finish?
     76  How to set pixel value into specific one if condition is met? [duplicate]
     76  How to retrieve the array elements in a tuple in numpy
     76  How to reshape image from (n,m,4) to (n,m,3) in python?
     76  How to remove non-symmetric pairs in a numpy array?
     76  How to plot multiple lists on the same graph as one line?
     76  How to order rows within groups in the big dataframe
     76  How to minimize this distance faster with Numpy? (find shifting-index for which two signals are close to each other)
     76  How to make sure there are an equal amount of elements in two Python lists?
     76  How to make sequence based function faster in numpy?
     76  How to loop, print and save outputs in an array
     76  How to load data into numpy array from MS SQL Server database
     76  How to join n lists in Python 3
     76  How to insert a column in a multidimensional array?
     76  How to index numpy array using ndenumerate?
     76  How to include multiple graphs in one window [duplicate]
     76  How to filter users who have read more than 4 books?
     76  How to extract Eigen MatrixXd from numpy ndarray with Boost
     76  How to extract arrays from frequency tables in pandas
     76  How to efficiently segment NumPy array by creating separate binary arrays
     76  How to effectively pick points that lowers mean distance to known points?
     76  How to create an array that can be accessed according to its indices in Numpy?
     76  How to create an array containing only inf with a specific shape?
     76  How to check if 2-D array is in another 2-D array
     76  how to bind methods to (nested) numpy dtype?
     76  How I can serialize the json in Python?
     76  how do i write a text file to csv in python with consideration to columns
     76  How do I reference a specific value in a nested NumPy array?
     76  How create Multiple Lines Chart with Python in a single graphic from different files?
     76  How can I replace the summing in numpy matrix multiplication with concatenation in a new dimension?
     76  How can I parallelize a for loop for use in PyTorch?
     76  How can i do this numpy array operation in an efficient manner?
     76  How can I create a matrix based on smaller matrices?
     76  Having problems adding another element to the plot such as (fill between, scatterplot) to the line plot already exists
     76  Groupby and replacing certain values with a random number in a certain range for each group
     76  Getting items from a numpy matrix, that indexes are in an array
     76  Get the most distant images in a set of images with L1 norm
     76  Get specific index from MultiIndex of Pandas data frame as list
     76  For a pandas DataFrame column, convert a list of lists into a list of tuples
     76  Fit in python with curve_fit
     76  find where values in one numpy array fall between values in another numpy array
     76  Find unique rows in a numpy array
     76  Find the index of the next value greater than threshold in Numpy [duplicate]
     76  Finding Sequence and splitting it to array with Python
     76  Faster way to threshold a 4-D numpy array
     76  Faster way to do t-1 calculations in pandas
     76  Exact computation and plot
     76  Error while loading skimage camera images
     76  Equivalent numpy scripts producing different results
     76  Encoding data for imputation and then decoding
     76  Elegant solution to appending vector to matrix in Numpy?
     76  Efficient way to compute distance matrix in NumPy
     76  Efficiently re-stacking a numpy ndarray
     76  Easiest way to create a matrix with pre-determined dimension and values
     76  Downsample numpy image array in Python by averaging
     76  Does Numpy array in Python select 'True' values by default when slicing data
     76  Difference between Numpy and Tensorflow? [closed]
     76  Delete specific string from array column python dataframe
     76  Defining a structure with an array
     76  Custom nditer Behavior
     76  Creating this numpy array in Python
     76  Creating arrays quickly from a dataframe with lots of values?
     76  create two interpolated grids from two sets of xyz points and calculate difference using python
     76  Correct way to store samples in numpy arrays
     76  Copy numpy array into Panda multiindex (same size)
     76  Copying or switching array content in numpy [closed]
     76  Convert numpy elements to numpy dtypes
     76  Convert matlab statement to python [duplicate]
     76  converting np matrix and its indices to two lists
     76  Convert double for loop into recursion func
     76  Convert a list of numpy vectors to 2D numpy array
     76  Conversion to datetime object leads to crash of numpy functions
     76  Constructing a hex array from binary data from serial port
     76  Connecting two numpy array channels
     76  Complete turn x angle values are mapped to half turn using asin function, how to mirror them back?
     76  comparison of two numpy arrays
     76  Comparing numpy arrays with individual values
     76  Combination of elements with numpy.array and scalars
     76  Code too slow due to numpy where inside a nested for loop
     76  Character b is appended to output of numpy array?
     76  Calculate the value of a function for each row in a matrix without iteration through all rows
     76  Better way to insert elements into numpy array
     76  Best way to go towards an index in numpy, with wrap
     76  Avoiding small numerical errors when using IPython
     76  Average Number of Repeating Patterns with Numpy
     76  Array in a program
     76  array append and conversion to numpy
     76  applying an elementwise rule while performing a numpy broadcasting operation
     76  Append to np.array, but not staying?
     76  A neater way to set values at indexes with NumPy
     76  Add (row, col) as arguments to elementwise numpy function?
     75  Wrong values with np.mean()?
     75  Writing numpy arrays to files
     75  Write dataframe to csv
     75  Wrap URL as filesystem path
     75  with numpy where: for black cell, putting new value in a column
     75  Why's perfomance in loop is better than without loop [duplicate]
     75  Why multiplication functions of scipy sparse and numpy arrays give different results?
     75  why is the output not a float
     75  why i can't reshape (None, 375) to (25,15) by usint tf.reshape()
     75  Why do the same operations on numpy and python list get different results?
     75  Why does numpy not allow assignment of a doubly indexed numpy array?
     75  Why doesn't this for loop in Python take ages? [duplicate]
     75  Why doesn't this code return an array of tuples?
     75  What is difference between these two slicing in numpy array?
     75  What does the [0,0] expression do?
     75  What are the downsides of always using numpy arrays instead of python lists?
     75  Wavelet 2D Scattering transform of an input image
     75  Was trying to validate the Central Limit Theorem, the plot generated is a bit confusing
     75  Viewing int32/float32 as bytes inside Numba nopython function
     75  vectorized implementation of list sliding in numpy
     75  Vectorized calculation of co-rated items in user-item matrix for Rec. System
     75  Using python array's column as boolean to change another column's values
     75  Using a numpy array of length less than pandas dataframe to fill in pandas dataframe
     75  Updating several text objects in matplotlib simultaneously
     75  update 2d histogram with numpy
     75  TypeError using numpy.datetime64 in a structured array
     75  Trouble with lists combinations in python
     75  treat list of numpy arrays as a numpy object
     75  Transform 1-D x, y, z vectors into 2D mesh grid
     75  Transfer a 3d image with a certain color map to 2d image with certain int values
     75  Stacking an array with overlapping indices. Looking for a vectorized way over loops
     75  Split a 2D array of values to X and y datasets
     75  Speed up numpy integer-array indexing for depth
     75  Speed up index ''revert''
     75  Speeding up double iterrows() in pandas
     75  sort numpy 2d array by indice of colum
     75  Something confusing about np.arange [duplicate]
     75  Some questions with Python codes in simulating oil-paint
     75  Solving a system of many coupled differential equations using ODEINT or something else
     75  Slicing/Indexing with multidimensional arrays using Numpy
     75  Slice an array into segments
     75  Skip initial spaces with numpy.genfromtxt
     75  SIGSEGV error in pandas Series.rank(ascending=False)
     75  shape of Vector in numpy
     75  Set 3D numpy array value to 0 if last axis index is smaller than value in another 2D array
     75  series of list to multidimensional np array
     75  SciPy Derivative Function - Argument Parsing Failure
     75  sampling from the set of indixes using python/numpy
     75  Rotating 3D Points in Python
     75  Rotate blocks/windows in 3D array efficiently (Vectorized diffusion?)
     75  Return array of counts for each feature of input
     75  Reshaping groupby dataframe to fixed dimensions
     75  Reshape/pad Numpy array - Python
     75  Reposition sub-elements of one array into different rows based on indices from another array?
     75  replace array elements with elements of a list in NumPy
     75  Removing elements from a list in python based on digits
     75  Remove the fixed-size constraint in numpy fixed-size array
     75  Remove duplicate rows from two different lists?
     75  randomly mask/set nan x% of data points in huge xarray.DataArray
     75  Python: Vectorizing Matrix Multiplications in the Loops?
     75  Python: separating columns and doing calculations within the data-frame [closed]
     75  python round numpy array with trailing 0 to a certain number of decimals
     75  Python - Randomly breaking ties when choosing a mode
     75  python plotting eigenvectors
     75  Python numpy matrix assign value
     75  Python numpy index
     75  Python: numpy, how to len of csv
     75  python (numpy, float, or decimal) - set min amd max decimal places in string representation
     75  python numpy array search by key
     75  Python not finding None in a numpy array
     75  python - make pool of workers write rows to a global Matrix
     75  python is not reading the conditional statement?
     75  Pythonic Way of Inserting Columns at Arbitrary Positions
     75  Python: How to import a .csv and run the content through the code?
     75  Python - Group command in nested list
     75  Python graph from matrix with labels generated at Matlab
     75  python : Find a skipped value in an array during a while loop
     75  Python: create category based on values in two arrays
     75  Python: check if every element in a list exists a specific time
     75  Python Break but return or store the current value
     75  Python arrays in numpy
     75  Profile Histogram using Python (Error: ''FutureWarning:  ...  ''
     75  Pretrained embedding type error
     75  Plotting Average Length of Brownian Motion Realization
     75  Plot sample images over network graph
     75  place smaller array in large array while ignoring zeros
     75  Partition groups as list of matrices in Python and NumPy
     75  pandas Selecting/sampling at different interval frequencies
     75  Pandas rolling apply custom functions that return ndarrays
     75  pandas.Panel(data=list_of_dfs) broken?
     75  Pandas, Numpy: How to Speed up row iteration with inner loop?
     75  Pandas INT column datatype changes depending on how the data is called (BUG?)
     75  Pandas DataFrame styled for presentation
     75  Pandas dataframe, comparing weighted values across multiple dataframes
     75  Pandas conditional creation while exluding
     75  Own Implementation of Neural Networks in Python heavily under fitting the data
     75  Optimize function with if and for loop
     75  Optimising a function to convert a (directed) edge list to an adjacency list
     75  Optimise this function  -  numpy broadcasting issue
     75  Obtain indices of a array where 4 or more than 4 adjacent elements are 1
     75  Numpy.where on an array of strings using regex
     75  Numpy V^t T V - looking for faster way to compute
     75  Numpy vectorize from x*y array to x*y*3
     75  numpy - use arrays as start and end of range [duplicate]
     75  numpy, taking array difference of their intersection
     75  numpy returning record in a where query for an already deleted index in pandas df
     75  Numpy: Quick setting of array elements
     75  numpy.partition in JavaScript
     75  'numpy.ndarray' type output cannot be compared with ''if'' statement
     75  numpy matrix from arrays - python
     75  numpy find average from class instances (iterate through elements of instances)
     75  numpy external interfacing: when to require OWNDATA
     75  Numpy - construct matrix from matrix of positions and values [closed]
     75  Numpy broadcasting bitwise union upon no bitwise intersection
     75  numpy array operation method
     75  Numpy array - IndexError: too many indices for array
     75  np.savetxt tuple converted into array
     75  new columns in index created inside for loop
     75  Most basic linear algebra equation in python
     75  Minima values of nested array (possibly partially empty)
     75  Merging two data frames and doing calculation
     75  Memory error elbow curve
     75  Matrix of array creation in numpy
     75  matrix inverse in numpy seems odd [duplicate]
     75  Many python's module error when i try to run nosetests
     75  Mac Scipy Installation Error like dlopen, no architecture found etc
     75  Looping through python array to match multiple conditions from second array, fast method?
     75  Loading csv of different columns number with pandas
     75  I want all numpy arrays to be forced to be 2 dimensional
     75  Iterate by numpy ndindex: process killed
     75  Is there a way to modify an array with another array?
     75  Is there a shorter (non-repetitive) way to create a list of the same float?
     75  Is there an ieasy way to implement width for numpy.base_repr?
     75  Inverted pixel coordinates of segmentation mask
     75  intersection point between 2D arrays
     75  Intermediate values between two numpy arrays from a given position
     75  Inefficient numpy code
     75  Index of a numpy array within a sequence
     75  IndexError: too many indices for array in python
     75  Inconsistent result with Python numpy matrix
     75  I'm trying to add a column from one dataframe to another in Python, but not I'm not succcessful
     75  Implementing periodic boundary conditions in multidimensional grid
     75  Ignore NaN without changing length in Python
     75  How would i iterate through a list of lists and perform computational filtering?
     75  How to write dataframe to csv with a single row header(5k columns)?
     75  How to transform given dataset in python? [closed]
     75  How to sort this 3D data in python?
     75  How to share numpy structured array among python multiprocesses?
     75  How to set very small numbers to zero in numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     75  how to save and then extract some information from the file names in dataframe
     75  How to report sliding windows with a fixed length in seconds efficiently
     75  How to remove row of array which row contain value more than 10
     75  How to print a numpy array as a string of the format (1 2) (3 4) (5 6)?
     75  How to plot pandas dataframe column with x-axis defined by two other columns giving start and end values?
     75  How to optimize code in Python? Vectorize?
     75  How to match butter filter to maxima of a plot?
     75  how to make matrix (9*9) in short way
     75  How to increase speed of depositing values onto a large 3d grid
     75  How to guess the numerical Solution for Mathieu's Equation
     75  How to get same rows index in a list?
     75  How to get an array with one dimension in python ?
     75  How to get a column from numpy arrays as a column not as a list? [duplicate]
     75  How to find top_left, top_right, bottom_left, right coordinates in 2d mask where cell has specified value?
     75  How to feed array of user_ids to flickr.people.getInfo()?
     75  How to enumerate arbitrary nd-array with write enabled in Numpy?
     75  How to divide two unumpy arrays produced via uncertainties package while avoiding ''division by zero''
     75  How to create a color plot inside a contour?
     75  how to convert list of arrays of same legth
     75  How to convert all data in dataframe column to dates [Python/Pandas] [closed]
     75  How to construct a numpy array of numbers of powers of 2 more elegantly?
     75  how to construct a list of integers
     75  How to combine multi-index column values on condition using numpy broadcasting
     75  How to combine class design and matrix math efficiently?
     75  How to assign ones and zeros to specific indices of an array using numpy?
     75  how to add two matrices with production rules
     75  How to abort NumPy operation in QThead without using .terminate()
     75  how fft points should be rescaled to get the same results as the analytical solution?
     75  How do I store an arbitrary dictionary to a file so that it can be read in Fortran as well?
     75  How do I iterate over estimators?
     75  How can I use Shapely to detect all points that are closer than N meters?
     75  How can I get the regions around local maxima in a 3-D array?
     75  How can I compare two arrays with different sizes but with some floats that are approximate? [Python3]
     75  How can I apply a function to a single row or column of a matrix using numpy and python
     75  Groupby with condition
     75  getting the previous values from the dataframe column
     75  getting ranges of sequences of identical entries with minimum length in a numpy array
     75  Getting negative value of KL divergence. How to overcome this problem?Is there anything wrong in the code?
     75  Get column index nr from value in other column
     75  genfromtxt() artifact when displaying floats
     75  Generating a list of hour:minute in Python
     75  Generate a 1-0 array in numpy
     75  Function parameter in python and value change
     75  First occurrence in numpy logics
     75  Find values close to multiples in NumPy array
     75  Find the positions of elements that are different from their next one in the list [duplicate]
     75  Find planes orthogonal to a known plane
     75  Find index of max element in numpy array excluding few indexes
     75  Find closest RGB color for every pixel in image
     75  Filter 3D python list using list or numpy
     75  Fastest way to run calculations on a list of lists
     75  Fastest object to iterate a chars in a list of strings
     75  Faster way to count number of elements in a list in ranges specified by elements of another list
     75  extracting the local maxima (coordinates) from a 2d likelihood matrix (numpy array) efficiently
     75  Error trying to store objects in a numpy 2D array - Python
     75  Error Running Holoview Example of Chord Diagram
     75  Empty numpy array boolean contradiction [duplicate]
     75  Eliminate blobs/speckles in 1d array
     75  Elegantly dealing with non numerical elements
     75  Efficient NumPy rows rotation over variable distances
     75  draw a transparent flat surface using mplot3d in python
     75  Doing summation and multiplication with different shapes matrices in numpy
     75  Does NumPy have a select_dtypes like Pandas?
     75  Does numpy broadcast in *all* of its functions?
     75  Discretization size and Recurrence period of numpy uniform
     75  Discrepancy between formatted numeric value and rounded value
     75  Dimensions of array after multidimensional index slicing
     75  Detectron2 with VideoPose3D
     75  Deleting elements from numpy array and overwriting the same array with the deleted reference copy which is created after deletion
     75  Dask array broadcasting seems to be incompatible with sparse matrices
     75  Creating text file from list in python
     75  Creating Really Big Python lists
     75  Creating a lambda function dynamically
     75  Create adjacency matrix calculate distance between many city
     75  Convert a long string into a matrix, cleaning it
     75  Contracting a tensor with a selection rule
     75  Construct matrix using selection of rows and columns in numpy
     75  Concatenating, sorting, and re-partitioning xyz data
     75  Columnwise sum of array - two methods, two different results
     75  Changing the Increment Value in Data Frame at Certain Row
     75  Changing structure of numpy array enforcing given value
     75  changing array value one at a time
     75  Change the value of column based on the another array
     75  Change the background color to black
     75  Cannot perform task in python loop
     75  Calculation on 2D array rejecting special values (knowing the indices)
     75  Calculate mean of each image block - Python [duplicate]
     75  Caculate the average of list of lists
     75  Avoiding numpy loops while calculating intersections
     75  Assign columns names to a csv dataset
     75  Append Numpy arrays
     75  Appearance of strange characters in the written file
     75  Any object that exists with memory usage like a generator but can return a numpy array when necessary?
     75  Aid NumPy to create array from object
     75  Aggregating 2 NumPy arrays by confidence
     75  Adding gravity to networkx.spring_layout
     74  wish to more simply multiply a 2D rectangular array by a 1D constant vector
     74  Why would reversing the order on my training set in Scikit learn change the predictions?
     74  Why '__module__' class attribute can differ from actual module, where class was defined?
     74  Why is throwing a ValueError: shapes not aligned?
     74  Why is image stored different than the one imshowed?
     74  Why does np.all return the wrong value when I use ''is'' compared to ''==''?
     74  why does function work on element but not array?
     74  Why are my floating point numbers becoming Numpy Timeseries' with one value?
     74  What measure of central tendency is better measure ? Mean or Median?
     74  What is wrong with this python code (list operation)?
     74  What is this error code telling me? i.e. what do I need to fix
     74  What is the ultimate size of a two-dimensional array with float64 components
     74  What is the tensordot of this 4D einsum operation?
     74  What is the best way to iterate over numpy 2d array by NxN frame for filtering image?
     74  what is a way to ask in python if a number actually exists and is not masked in python
     74  What do I need to install to have numpy do matix multiplication on multiple threads?
     74  What does this thing returns : frame[:, :, ::-1]
     74  What does the np.poly1d function do in this program?
     74  web data having unequal length arrays python 3
     74  Want to know how many objects are in the overlap of two different subsets
     74  vector, matrix multiplication and sum
     74  Vectorizing nested loop with conditionals and functions
     74  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (24684,) (4,)
     74  Using rolling window to accurately detect sequence in dataframe with repeating values (same head and same tail)
     74  Using a conditional to execute numpy where with pandas
     74  use data from excel file in another python script
     74  Transferring 4D array from Python to Jython
     74  to return unique indices of equal elements in two numpy arrays?
     74  Tensorflow Datasets with string inputs do not preserve data type
     74  Sum up data on specific (multiple) ranges
     74  Store lists or arrays of variable length element-wise in cells of Pandas DataFrame
     74  Split large Dataframe into smaller equal dataframes
     74  Sorting 4D numpy array but keeping one axis tied together
     74  Slicing without views (or: shuffling multiple arrays)
     74  Sklearn.impute Input contains infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')
     74  Simultaneous numerical fit of two equations using Numpy least square method
     74  Show absolute value in binomial graph
     74  Select elements in numpy [duplicate]
     74  Select element from two arrays with boolean array
     74  scipy optimize SLSQP only takes last ineq constrant into account
     74  Saving numpy array to image shrinks image parts to wrong size
     74  Saving loop iterations as new column in Python
     74  Rotating 5D cube with NumPy
     74  Rolling operation slow performance to create a new column
     74  Reverse block of text every x lines in python
     74  Reshaping data in Python (List/array)
     74  Reshaping a numpy array in a function doesn't work
     74  reshape nested numpy array with shape similar to another array
     74  Resample to OHLC via scipy.signal.resample for numpy array?
     74  referencing rows in a matrix using index from another matrix
     74  Receiving image spacial dimensions error when running object detection script
     74  Ranking of elements across different list
     74  Quickest way to groupby for multiple variables/columns
     74  Python slicing does not change the sliced array's value
     74  Python - optimizing code ( looping through arrays )
     74  Python numpy Indexing multidimensional array [duplicate]
     74  Python Numpy calculation without looping
     74  Python Numpy array is slow(er) than list
     74  Python: Making a list that includes functions but has as-yet undefined arguments
     74  python: Is it better to have one proper for loop or several oneliner for loops [closed]
     74  Python - Finding lowest position in an an 'array'
     74  Python Copying an array without inplace replacement
     74  Python code quality aspects list comprehension versus numpy arrays
     74  Proper way of applying function on array of points
     74  Product of matrix and its inverse [closed]
     74  Problem with Numpy differentiating and Scipy integration in Python
     74  Problems with Jax's JIT and Numpy restrictions
     74  Polymorphic treating of 2D and 3D numpy array
     74  Plotting and extracting fft phase
     74  Pixel coordinates from point A to B
     74  pca score/score_samples function throw ValueError when n_samples is less than n_features
     74  Passing an array where single value is expected?
     74  Pandas Python updating a value of a dataframe A if it is found in Dataframe B
     74  Pandas - only keep first instance of a column value (replace rest with empty string)
     74  pandas loc function refers to different row when writing vs. reading -> ValueError
     74  Pandas library makes ' 'module' object has no attribute ' error each week or two
     74  pandas fill dates + multiple columns
     74  Pandas Date Groupby & Apply - performance improvement
     74  Pandas cartesian product filtered by columns of other dataframe
     74  Pandas calculation inconsistencies [duplicate]
     74  pandas and numpy logic using 'isin' and 'str'
     74  Optimizing performance of list comprehension using all indexes in own functions
     74  OpenCV: find small dark(black) dots inside a circle
     74  ODEintWarning: Excess work done on this call (perhaps wrong Dfun type)
     74  numpy vectorize max over segments of array
     74  Numpy sum elements of ndarray at specific positions of another ndarray (similar to np.put)
     74  Numpy Record Matrix: Sum only one field of all columns in record matrix
     74  numpy.ndarray with zero dimensions and no shape still storing data
     74  numpy.mean gives different values when matplotlib.pyplot is imported
     74  numpy loadtxt reading numbers
     74  Numpy: How to undo a transpose
     74  numpy FFT imaginary part doesn't match analytic expression
     74  NumPy doesn't recognize well array shape
     74  Numpy: different values when calculating a sum of a sequence
     74  numpy date issue - convert floating point year-week format to numpy's date format
     74  numpy array slicing unxpected results
     74  Numpy arrays: Efficient use of arrays containing indices
     74  Numpy array: efficiently assign values
     74  Numpy apply function in pairs of rows and accumulate results
     74  Numpy appending arrays
     74  Numba and numpy array allocation: why is it so slow?
     74  np.zeros((2,1)) vs np.zeros([2,1]) whats difference between them?
     74  No appreciable speed increase with Cython: How to handle NumPy broadcasting in Cython?
     74  new values appear after numpy concatenate
     74  Multiplication/Division of 2d numpy arrays to produce 3d array
     74  merge/zip two series into ndarray of ndarray
     74  Memory error regarding operations on numpy arrays
     74  Mem-map slows down when deep in the matrix
     74  Matrix Multiplication in Numpy (Converting 2d to 3d)
     74  Matplotlib 2 y axis with mean
     74  Matlab to python conversion matrix operations
     74  matlab operations of 2 numpy arrays of same shape in python
     74  Match items in tuple list to list of keys
     74  mandelbrot set gets blurry at around 2^47 zoom
     74  Making random initial position by Python
     74  Making a list of tuples (where each tuple contains two numpy arrays)
     74  Making a decimal a whole number
     74  Make every n-th slice of a 3-d numpy array consecutive
     74  Looking up values from one csv-file in another csv-file, using a third csv-file as map
     74  Locate and slice off overlap in data array
     74  Load .npy file from a shared network drive
     74  Keep unique values in an array based on another array while preserving order
     74  I've discovered something strange
     74  iterate on python list (a list from second item from another list)
     74  Is this normal behaviour for pycuda's function?
     74  Is there a way to save time by not calculating unnecessary sums?
     74  Is there a numpy function for sorting according to a vector with indices?
     74  Is there a numpy equivalent to pandas.apply?
     74  Is there a memory-efficient way of inserting zero-columns and rows into a numpy array?
     74  is np.array == num comparison very slow? Can multiprocessing be used to accelerate it?
     74  In which datatype should i store following string for machine learning models
     74  Insert values at different index points in a list
     74  In Python. I have a list of ND arrays and I want to count duplicate arrays in order to calculate an Average for each Duplicate array value
     74  In Python how do I make a copy of a numpy Matrix column such that any further operations to the copy does not affect the original matrix?
     74  I need to construct a specific matrix, where some elements are matrices themselves [python]. Block tridiagonal matrix
     74  Incremental interpolation in python (via Newton's polynomial)
     74  If, else statement for large array
     74  if array in list of arrays returns Value Error
     74  Identify the strings in python array [duplicate]
     74  I can import scipy in my command prompt but I get a DLL load fail when I run my script
     74  I am using opencv 4.2.0 and python 3.6.8. this is for training dataset of faces captured. Help appreciated
     74  How to vectorize operation with vectors of different size
     74  How to use numpy.hist when i want the occurence of the indices
     74  How to translate this matlab code to python(numpy)
     74  How to substitute two NumPy subarrays with a single one
     74  How to shuffle together a matrix and a response vector [closed]
     74  How to set bounds when minimizing using scipy
     74  How to return NULL values in MonetDB user defined functions (UDFs) written in python in the case of a string variable
     74  How to reset cumprod when na's are in for pandas column
     74  How to make a density plot out of many individual functions?
     74  How to load np.array using and map
     74  how to keep a lot of arrays in one variable python numpy
     74  How to import data from a .txt file into arrays in python
     74  How to get only the cropped portion of an image in python
     74  How to find the indices of the i-th largest element of an n-dimensional numpy array?
     74  How to find the foot of a perpendicular given one point and a line with two points
     74  How to fill numpy array with different numbers using iterative loops without duplication in python?
     74  How to fill different values in a dataframe in python?
     74  How to efficiently delete all indices with certain value in one list out of both lists?
     74  How to efficiently convert a subdictionary into matrix in python
     74  How to do seamless handover of numpy.memmap? Used for .wav files in Python
     74  How to define dictionary structure in ndarray
     74  How to create new column by calculating on specific time range in python?
     74  How to convert Figure object to a Numpy array with RGBA values?
     74  How to compare CSV column data
     74  How to check if the value is between two consecutive rows in dataframe or numpy array?
     74  How to calculate phase spectrum of autocorrelated time signal
     74  how to broadcast certain processing in numpy arrays
     74  How to average several readings in python?
     74  How to apply Principal Components from ZCA Whitening on Deep Learning inference
     74  How to append an an array but not the memory location?
     74  How to add nan to the end of an array using numpy
     74  How to add dropout layer in the TensorFlow?? And How to augment Numpy array in python 3.x?
     74  How to add batch to a image using Tensorflow/numpy/keras?
     74  How to access the first items in a list of arrays without for loop in Python 3?
     74  How do you apply a function incorporating random numbers to rows of a numpy array in python?
     74  How do I save a tensorflow ML model without a session?
     74  How do I Merge 2 or more CSV files using pandas and replacing with ''not applicable'' when a value isn't found
     74  How do I make my code run in a for loop in python
     74  How do I handle weird indexing behavior with referencing coordinates of numpy array?
     74  How can I use a dictionary to transform an array in python?
     74  How can I swap two elements in one array? [duplicate]
     74  How can I smoothly scale a specific region in a signal with Python / Scipy?
     74  How can I perform operations on a group of arrays in Python?
     74  How can I efficiently expand a factored tensor in numpy?
     74  How can I decrease sparse matrix columns size?
     74  Groupby to find min date with conditions in Python
     74  Groupby one Dataframe by weeks
     74  Getting length of fractional part of a decimal
     74  Getting columns with datetime format such as (2017-02-12 10:23:55 AM)[YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AM/PM] using pandas
     74  Generalize a formula for an entire list of lists
     74  function value is returned as null
     74  Fitting 3d ellipsoid to 3d image
     74  finding roots of inequation in python
     74  Filling a pandas series with missing periodIndex values
     74  filling a 2D numpy array in a pythonic way
     74  Fill a matrix from a matrix of indices
     74  Fetch points label within specified distance/Boundary- Python
     74  fast way to stack vectors into a matrix in Python
     74  Fast numpy indexing for interpolation of an image
     74  Faster numpy array indexing
     74  Extract numpy 3D array
     74  extracting features for HOG
     74  Extracting combinations from a numpy array that sum to a desired output
     74  Error calculating the mean due to a list which doesn't exist
     74  Elegant way to complete a parallel operation on two arrays of unequal lengths
     74  Eigenvalue eigenvector extraction routine
     74  Efficiently invert floats in a list based on a condition
     74  E: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects
     74  Does multiprocessing copy the object in this scenario?
     74  Does groupby in Python result in a column or dataframe?
     74  Different behaviour of data inside and outside a function
     74  difference between a column vector and a matrix
     74  Destructing Iterator.product in Julia
     74  Defining variables: problems with program logical flow
     74  dask.array.apply_along_axis: using each row of dask.array as an input to another function fails because of additional element ([1])
     74  Cumulative conditional count
     74  CUDA out of memory with matrix multiply
     74  Creating random Variables in Python with one third of the array to be zero
     74  creating a 2 column table in python
     74  Create multidimensional numpy array from specific keys of dictionary
     74  Create flat ndarray from DataFrame column containing arrays [duplicate]
     74  create dataframe from unequal sized list objects with different non integer indicies
     74  Count uppercase on each row
     74  Count different non-zero values of two 2D arrays in Python numpy
     74  Convolve more than two vectors?
     74  Convert one column to specific number of columns
     74  Convert numpy array/pandas DataFrame of single column-classifications into many-columned boolean matrix (one column per classification type)
     74  Converting Pickle files to NPZ files
     74  Convert 0s and 1s from text file to a 2-D array
     74  Conversion Matlab to Python code - DOSNES algorithm
     74  Computing a slightly different matrix multiplication
     74  Combining Text in Pandas Dataframe
     74  Combining numpys fancy indexing with slicing
     74  Combine two numpy views into a single view by stacking along one axis
     74  Combinations in python with different elements
     74  Color lookup with a matplotlib colormap
     74  Check value of numpy array at index [duplicate]
     74  Checking equality up to transpose in numpy
     74  Change all values exceeding threshold to the negative of itself
     74  Casting a bytearray containing 11-bit integers to an array of 16-bit integers
     74  Car plate recognition from video using python
     74  Can't import numpy when venv is activated with activate_this
     74  Cannot convert Pandas Dataframe columns to float
     74  Cannot convert object to np.int64 with Numpy
     74  Calls to constant time function iterating through Numpy array results in very slow code
     74  Big data methods: Iterative (chunk-wise) computation of data moments
     74  Assigning vector values to segments in numpy
     74  append to nested NumPy arrays
     74  Appending result in list or array python3
     74  Appending large arrays in .h5 consumes large time and space
     74  Append binary values column wise in python
     74  An error in matplotlib related to numpy.roots
     74  An array of floats giving a numpy.ndarray object
     74  Advanced slicing. Higher order slicing/selecting
     74  3D Surface Colormap in Python
     73  Writing row from structured numpy array with varying delimiter
     73  Would like to vectorize while loop for performance (updated)
     73  why it get different results when I process same data by numpy/matlab respectively
     73  Why do these two arrays have the same shape?
     73  Why does select raise a FutureWarning?
     73  when using newton krylov, expected square matrix
     73  What's the equivalent of this Numpy code in TensorFlow?
     73  what's the difference between these two numpy array shape?
     73  What's the best way to get the number of matching elements from two lists - provided there are repetitions in both lists?
     73  What is the meaning of the last line of code, x1[ x1[:,1]>3 ]
     73  What is the fastest data structure to store a heuristic solution (adjacency list/matrix) in python?
     73  what is the Faster way to compare two list or numpy arrays
     73  What is the efficient way to fill a 3d Array based on a 2d array?
     73  What is row major and column major in numpy?
     73  What is a quick way to get a linear combination of two large arrays?
     73  what does the parameter(-1,) in python mean?
     73  Weighted average grouped by country and year
     73  Vectorized way to generate 2D array from 2 1D arrays
     73  Vectorize an iterative algorithm with numpy.where or any equivalent function
     73  Varying Length of Rows in Python
     73  Using a column in .txt for calculation
     73  usage of sum function in python
     73  Unusual Count in pandas
     73  Units of of results from 2 dimensional FFT in numpy
     73  Understanding the output of fftfreq function and the fft plot for a single row in an image
     73  Unconventional vector multiplication with numpy
     73  Unable to solve nonlinear equation in Fourier space
     73  '''type' object is not a subscriptable error'' in Python
     73  TypeError: ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U72') dtype('<U72') dtype('<U72')
     73  Turn Numpy Array of Points into Numpy Array of Distances
     73  Truth value of an array is ambiguous [duplicate]
     73  Transform list to dataframe efficiently
     73  The use of numpy.argmax
     73  Taking a mean of the elements of arrays with different sizes
     73  sum variables that depend on a range
     73  Speedup an IF check over a numpy array/pandas dataframe
     73  sort very long list of integers quickly in python
     73  Sorting csv data by headers but getting IndexError
     73  solve sympy equation results in an error on numpy array dimensions
     73  solve a nonlinear equation system with 20 variables
     73  sklearn doesn't recognize my array as 2d even after reshape?
     73  Simultaneously change occurrences in a numpy array
     73  Sigmoid in logistic regression (Tom Hope's Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems)
     73  shift numpy array by row
     73  Seems that I have a wrong index somewhere, but cannot spot it
     73  scipy dealing with matrices expressed as sum of rank one matrices
     73  Scientific notation as numeric (not as string) in python
     73  Returns the value of the array when the condition was true on the n -th most recent occurrence
     73  Reshaping numpy array
     73  Remove elements in one numpy array from another numpy array
     73  Remove duplicates but keep some
     73  Reading multiple CSVs into different arrays
     73  Reading a datafile (abalone) and converting to numpy array
     73  Random on each row in a group
     73  Quadratic n term equation using multiindex
     73  python: testing arrays and printing the name
     73  Python - remove row duplications by part of the row [duplicate]
     73  Python reference row within applymap
     73  python pandas/numpy quick way of replacing all values according to a mapping scheme
     73  Python/Pandas Dataframe logic on a column with restrictions
     73  Python/Numpy: What am I doing wrong in my calculation of precision-recall curves for semantic (image) segmentation?
     73  python numpy `np.take` with 2 dimensional array
     73  Python List Operations: Get Values at Indicies of Unique Elements in a List
     73  Python input function explanation [closed]
     73  Python IF condition is not satisfy but it enter the script. Numpy any() and all() issue
     73  Python: How to row look up data from a dataframe and multiply in another dataframe based on columns match
     73  Python: error with numpy.asarray while coloring a graph
     73  Python - calculate minimum euclidean distance of two lists of points (coordinates)
     73  Python Bounding a 3D Projection Cut Off by the Z-Axis
     73  (Python) Assignment to a column of a matrix returns all zero's
     73  python array sorting and indexing
     73  Problems with numpy importation
     73  Prediction Model to predict when the future events will happen next month
     73  Performing simultaneous fits/minimisation using scipy.optimise.minimise()
     73  Performance of returning a new array and modifying a passed-in array
     73  Passing arrays as input to user defined functions
     73  Pandas rolling dataframe to create clusters
     73  Pandas/Numpy Changed File Type Read in Now Get Calculation Error
     73  Pandas install-Importing the multiarray numpy extension
     73  Optimizing a nested for-loop which uses the indices of an array for function
     73  Operands could not be broadcast together
     73  Opening text file with pandas, where some rows have a different format
     73  Opening a single image
     73  OpenCV : Showing numpy array as image without saving it first
     73  Numpy/Scipy: std() using weights [duplicate]
     73  Numpy RNN gradient check failure
     73  numpy reshaping a 2D matrix into an array of symmetric matrix (3D array) without loop
     73  numpy not sorting simple numpy array with duplicate items
     73  Numpy how to?  ... Peak finding ''prominance'' calculation in numpy syntax
     73  numpy: How to load a bounded (R1 C1 to R2 C2) matrix from file
     73  Numpy : Grouping/ binning values based on associations
     73  Numpy fromfunction - is it a bug? [duplicate]
     73  numpy.float64 type and is_integer() issues
     73  Numpy - even more position-based array modification
     73  NumPy Convolution Theorem
     73  Numpy converts to int32 while dividing float64 numbers
     73  Numpy broadcasting elementwise product on all pairs of rows?
     73  Numpy.asarray method behaves differently on OS X and Ubuntu
     73  Numpy Advanced Indexing confusion
     73  np.core.records.fromarrays doesn't work in program but works in console
     73  negative of numpy nd array
     73  need fast date converter for pytables
     73  NaN and Singular matrix error in Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations
     73  Naming variable for median calculation using Numpy
     73  Multithreaded version of transpose of multidimensional array in Python
     73  Multi-step linear algebra operations on multiple numpy arrays
     73  Multiplying Dataframe rows with numpy array
     73  Multiplying arrays in python
     73  Most efficient way to compute managed value
     73  Monthly data summary at daily timestep in Pandas
     73  Missing column values
     73  Matplotlib: Display numpy ''sparse'' array - Enlarge dots?
     73  Masking a Numpy array multiple times produces wrong result
     73  Marking a signal
     73  Mapping the same input to multiple functions efficiently
     73  List plotting speed vs Numpy array plotting speed
     73  Linear sum of shifted numpy arrays
     73  Lenth of values mismatch using np.where or how to write values based on condition into the new column
     73  Large array creating MemoryError in numpy
     73  iterate randomly over a group of numbers based on one condition
     73  Iterate over nested arrays storing indexes
     73  Is there a correct Pythonic version of this loop? [duplicate]
     73  Issue adding 2D arrays in numpy
     73  Is it possible to get an image from Pyplot as numpy array after it was shown with .imshow in a subplot?
     73  Is it possible to do multiple different concatenates with one call?
     73  Inserting A 2D array into another 2D array in python
     73  index of N highest elements from a list of numpy array [duplicate]
     73  Index of maximum values along and plane in a numpy 3D array
     73  Importing large multilayer TIFF as NumPy array
     73  Identify group of data in a timeseries with sparse nan in pandas
     73  How to use python to take log of a whole matrix by sign
     73  How to use openBLAS to improve vectorized operations?
     73  How to use np.where() function based on comparison between values of 2 columns i.e. Total_Summer and Total_Winter columns and 3 arguments?
     73  How to Update Inital Arrays with Numpy
     73  How to store multiple float arrays efficiently in a file using python
     73  How to start using Numpy
     73  How to sovle audio signal problem by using 1D conv neural network in keras
     73  How to Slice Pandas dataframe based on corresponding ndarray
     73  how to set numpy input of None
     73  How to set default behaviors of magic methods in python?
     73  How to see if a given array is between two arrays
     73  How to save rows when value change in column python
     73  How to sample data by keeping at least two non zero columns
     73  how to retrieve every section by 3X3?
     73  How to pass to a function a dictionary whose values are lists
     73  How to pass a array column and convert it to a numpy array in pyspark
     73  how to optimize this code (Double loop in python)?
     73  How to optimize 3d-array computation with numpy?
     73  How to modify each element of a numpy multidimentional array conditionally?
     73  How to label ascending consecutive numbers onto values in a column?
     73  How to import a lib in anaconda2 when using Sublime Text 3?
     73  How to get image data as a string from numpy array
     73  How to find the longest run of consecutive decreases(or increases) row by row in a dataframe
     73  How to find the area under the curve
     73  How to efficiently load thousands of HD photos into pandas df and convert to HDF?
     73  How to efficiently get the sub matrix indexed by another matrix?
     73  How to efficiently access a Python iterable indexes provenient from another iterable
     73  How to do a cubic spline interpolation on python with CuPy?
     73  How to do a complex Groupyby in pandas?
     73  How to divide a list of arrays into into subarrays?
     73  How to decide vectorization vs parallelization
     73  How to compare two columns of diffrent dataframes and create a new one
     73  How to check if elements in one array exist in another array if so print the count using Python
     73  How to calculate numbers of ''uninterrupted'' repeats in an array in python?
     73  How to bundle Python packages (case study: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017)
     73  How to assign lat/lon coordinates to a dataset in python?
     73  How to adjust the cumulative period and weigh in python code(effective drought index(EDI:BYUN, WILHITE 1999)
     73  How to add an alpha value to each pixel of a Numpy array?
     73  How to accelerate the code below? Implementing maxpool without center element
     73  How I can convert this code from matlab to python? [closed]
     73  How do you find the largest/smallest number amongst several array's?
     73  How do numpy manage memory when evaluating an expression?
     73  How do I substitute a row in a two dimensional numpy array with a list of substitutions?
     73  How do I return a repeated item from an array only once?
     73  How do I index a numpy array of zeroes with a boolean datatype to True?
     73  How do I figure out what this code is doing?
     73  How do I create empty lists in a numpy Boolean array that identifies empty lists?
     73  How do I create an array/matrix from a set of data
     73  How do I convert a list of arrays to a single multidimensional numpy array?
     73  How can I put 2d array to 2d array in numpy?
     73  How can I make three legends corresponding to the bars of a bar plot?
     73  How can i calculate array data
     73  Heterogenous List Slicing
     73  Having a issue to solve condition number in python
     73  Grouping Equal Elements In An Array
     73  GluonCV with CUDA 9.1, pandas and OpenCV: numpy error
     73  Giving name to element in the list
     73  Given two points of 4 or more dimensions is it possible to find a line equation?
     73  getting indices when comparing multidimensional arrays
     73  Get the index of the highest value inside a numpy array for each row? [duplicate]
     73  Generate pairs from a numpy array in a specific pattern without loops
     73  Generate numpy array of all possible combinations (species assemblages)
     73  Float indexer to numpy array
     73  Flickering when using numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes() with opencv's VideoCapture stream
     73  Find rows with list element that equals to something, in numpy array [duplicate]
     73  Finding the Last Time a Particular Numpy Array has a Value
     73  find a subset of predictions which maximize the number of correct majority decision
     73  Find and replace float numbers on numpy array
     73  Find all occurences of a specified match of two numbers in numpy array
     73  Find all combinations consisting of one row per multiple arrays
     73  Filling a zeros array at limited number of random places except diagonal ones
     73  Filling a matrix with a vector
     73  fastest way to count the number of differences among rows in 2d-array
     73  Faster alternative to np.where for a sorted array
     73  Expected and predicted arrays ending up to be the same in scikit learn random forest model
     73  Evaluating (False is False) is returning False in specific cases
     73  Enumerating columns of large data using NumPy
     73  Embedded Matplotlib graph in Tkinter only updates with new data when 'g' is pressed on keypress event. Why?
     73  Elementwise division, disregarding zeros
     73  Efficiently calculating grid-based point density in 3d point cloud
     73  Efficiently apply function to neuron outputs then sum, not apply function to sum
     73  Efficient computation of a scale matrix (covariance matrix) in Python
     73  Does np.zeros define a global variable
     73  Distribution of elements according to percentage frequency
     73  Dimension mismatch for numpy array
     73  Determining where a value lies from a list of intervals (synthetic solution)
     73  determining repeated values in numpy array and adding them in another column python
     73  Creation dataframe from several list of lists
     73  Creating a 'normal distribution' like range in numpy
     73  Create mask by first positions only
     73  Create a new column or list with datetime
     73  Count Overlap Between Neighboring Indices in NumPy Array
     73  Count of occurence of a word in the column using python
     73  convert stationary model to dynamic model
     73  Convert Dataframe of dynamic size to numpy array
     73  Concatinate multiple file of different file shape throwing error :ValueError: Shape of passed values is (88, 57915), indices imply (88, 57906)
     73  Concatenating 3+ columns only if their values are not of a certain data type
     73  Computing sample statistics using NumPy functions with a Pandas DataFrame
     73  complex math exercise on python
     73  Comparing arrays and adding to different elements?
     73  Compare 2-dimensional numpy array with 1-dimensional numpy array
     73  Check if each element in a numpy array is in a separate list
     73  Change certain values in 2D numpy array based on values in 1D array without for-loop
     73  Centralising data in numpy
     73  Categorical variables into multiple columns (2)
     73  Can I use a list to address a numpy array?
     73  Can I substitute IndexedBase with numpy array
     73  can I change the label of a cluster/label in a data frame by common points?
     73  Calling np.array on a list of RandomForestRegressors returns an array of DecisionTreeRegressors
     73  Calculate Projected Point location (x,y) on given line start(x,y) end(x,y)
     73  building a structure of lists of strings with different size in python
     73  Build an ever growing 3D numpy array
     73  Bottleneck when constructing a fairly small numpy array. Indexing issues?
     73  Boost-python with Vigra and registerConverters()
     73  Best way to do leave 1 out indexing in numpy
     73  Best solutions for a data analytics problem
     73  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
     73  Attribute Error: list object has no attribute 'apply'
     73  Assigning rows in a tensor throws ''None values not supported''
     73  Array filtering with conditions
     73  Applying a function to every element in a numpy matrix
     73  Annotating in matplotlib at each point
     73  a loop to iterate on a numpy array columns (with dimensionality of either 1D or 2D)
     73  Adding new vectors to a numpy ndarray
     73  Adding a pickle-able attribute to a subclass of numpy.ndarray
     72  xarray - computation on one variable based on condition of anther variable
     72  Working with 2 arrays to populate a third one in numpy
     72  Why np.resize() out_place, while ndarray.resize() in_place?
     72  Why is numpy.array() creating an array without the correct shape?
     72  Why Is It Taking So Long, Numpy array filtration code?
     72  Why does the md5 algorithm accept numpy's int64 but not integers when hashing?
     72  Why does pd.as_matrix() change the values and the number of decimal places from the original data frame?
     72  Why does array indexing in Numpy produce this result?
     72  Why cv2.line can't draw on 1 channel numpy array slice inplace?
     72  Why are my array values not getting updated? Linear regression
     72  Which is the right standard deviation formula Python
     72  When using pyenv, can different versions of python share the same third-party libraries such as numpy 1.15.1 and jupyter 1.0.1?
     72  What's going wrong in conversion of bytes back to numpyndarray?
     72  what's different between these two simple python codes? (one works and the other doesn't work)
     72  What is wrong with my multi-channel 1d convolution implemented in numpy (compared with tensorflow)
     72  What is the name or an elegant solution of this interpolation method? [duplicate]
     72  What is the best way to do multi-dimensional indexing with numpy?
     72  What an I doing wrong with lhs Unit Eigenvectors in Python for DRGroot model Social Networking
     72  weird result when using both slice indexing and boolean indexing on a 3d array
     72  Weird behavior when adding two numpy arrays
     72  Vectorizing a function with numpy arrays
     72  Vectorization of a function dependent on 2 arrays in numpy
     72  Using scipy.linalg.solve with symmetric coefficient matrix (assume_a='sym')
     72  Using Numpy for more efficient filter generation
     72  Using eval() with np.array and scipy.signal.welch() function
     72  Unexpected Numpy / Py3k coercion rules
     72  unclear index error python
     72  Unable to understand numpy array additions
     72  TypeError message with web2py and numpy
     72  Transpose ND list of lists
     72  Transform a numpy 3D ndarray to a symmetric form with respect to a specific index
     72  Trace a 3d graph with a black line where Z = 0?
     72  Time Series Regression Model Issue
     72  Summarize non-zero values in a scipy matrix by axis
     72  Subtract the average of first and last value of each row from all values in the row
     72  Subset one numpy array by another
     72  Stagging matrix on Python
     72  Stack slices of numpy array from given indices
     72  Stacking arrays of multi dimensional arrays in Python
     72  Stacking Arrays in Numpy: Different behaviors between UNIX and Windows
     72  Split 2D numpy array vertically into uneven subarrays
     72  Special Charecter in Header line during text import
     72  Sparse matrix visualisation
     72  setting values of np.array based on the values of another np.array python
     72  Scale square matrix in geometrical sense using python
     72  Return Single True/False Value Based on Exact Match to List
     72  Return Rows (Array) where the first 2 columns are bigger than 0.1
     72  Replace pandas groupby and apply to increase performance
     72  Replace each element of multidimensional array with tuple of respective indices
     72  Replace 0 by the last value seen in the array (similar to the fillna method with NaN values) in pandas dataframes
     72  repeating tests in multiple functions python
     72  Removing file extension by using rstrip in numpy
     72  remove part of an array when nan sequence > 20 in a row
     72  Remove column from numpy array according to columns in another array?
     72  recursion not working for me
     72  reading non-delimited integers
     72  Quadratic or cubic 1d interpolate without large interpolator-building overhead?
     72  Python why my modules stopped working after changing version of Python on Windows?
     72  PYTHON: What is the fastest way of checking and editing an element in a structured array if it exists?
     72  Python Pandas: Equivalent Functionality of a SQL Tally/Number Table
     72  Python: Numpy accumulated list not seperated by commas
     72  Python & Numba: incorrect checksum for freed object
     72  python manipulate columns remove substring
     72  python: making array index generation more efficient/elegant
     72  Python Image array modified between save/load
     72  Pythonic way to slice longitude array across meridian
     72  Python function with a variable amount of numpy arrays
     72  Python Function Get Different Value When Recall
     72  Python extension compilation error
     72  Python error: could not broadcast input array from shape (20,10) into shape (10)
     72  python equivalent of MATLAB statement A(B==1)= C
     72  Python convert image array(20,20) to array(400)
     72  Python arrays dimension issues
     72  Python add 2 multidimensional numpy arrays
     72  Python3 can't see opencv-python, numpy, PyQt5
     72  PySpark - Numpy Not Found in Cluster Mode - ModuleNotFoundError
     72  Pick optimize minimum number of elements to span a region
     72  Permutations in python but only allowing each element to be used up to n times
     72  Performing an indirect sort in numpy, preserving same indices for identical elements
     72  Peak detection/removal for mean colour values in image
     72  Part of an image into numpy array
     72  Parallelize/vectorize computation of combinations from Pandas Dataframe
     72  Pandas subsetting returing different results to numpy
     72  Pandas stacked bar plotting with different shapes
     72  Pandas groupby in the begin of the day
     72  Pandas: creating dataframe from numpy preserving the original format
     72  Pandas: Apply indexed list of values to dataframe
     72  Output of python function isn't sorted
     72  organizing numbers in numpy
     72  Order of numpy (logical_and vs '&') statements leads to different results
     72  Opening .gz file for MNIST dataset
     72  numpy.where() on grayscale frame, wrong indices?
     72  Numpy / Scipy : why it is throwing error
     72  Numpy repeat to odd length index
     72  Numpy: recode numeric array to which quintile each element belongs
     72  Numpy / Octave 3d plot: order of input data points
     72  numpy - merging rows with same time in array from csv data file
     72  Numpy matrix row stacking
     72  Numpy Matrix inside Python class exhibiting linked behaviour?
     72  numpy forward fill with condition
     72  Numpy - Finding matches across multiple co-ordinates
     72  Numpy covariance with weights?
     72  Numpy array vs. class for storing data when scientific simulation?
     72  Numpy: Apply np.vectorize to arrays with dtype=object
     72  Numba jitting changes result when adding certain kind of 0 to local variable
     72  Numba jitted len() is slower than pure Python len()
     72 to avoid DivideByZero error
     72  non equally spaced points along x-axis in a plot
     72  Multiprocessing a Straight-forward Computation
     72  Merging Dataframes with different column names with aggregated column values
     72  Merge 2D list of masked arrays with different lengths
     72  Measure data transfer time from cpu to gpu and from gpu to cpu
     72  Mean value by equality of rows
     72  Matrix operations in Python
     72  Matplotlib 3.0.2 produced misaligned date axis with twinx and major minor formatter and locator
     72  Matplotlib 2.02 plotting within a for loop
     72  Matching Columns in a Data Frame and performing operation in Python
     72  Match array of strings to 2D array
     72  Map Terrain Analysis: Alternative to numpy.roll function?
     72  Making an array with arrays of different shapes
     72  Make a standard deviation always positive in Metropolis-Hastings
     72  Little speedup when porting Python code to Cython
     72  List use of : vs. ::
     72  Limits on Python Lists?
     72  Length of passed values is 1, index implies 260
     72  Iterating through two lists, operating and creating a third list in Python
     72  Iterate over two images pixel by pixel in Numpy (with a random condition)
     72  Iterate over Python 2D array grouping columns data for total
     72  Is there value in generating boolean arrays prior to sub-selection with Pandas?
     72  Is there a function that convert a vector of [ 1 0 1 0 ] to [ 1 0 0 0 ]?
     72  Issue when trying to invert an array of 2D matrix
     72  Integrating an array that returns the same size array instead of a tuple in python?
     72  Insertion of non aligned elements in 4-dimensional matrices in numpy
     72  Index error when trying to write to text file
     72  ''IndexError: list index out of range'' For planetary simulator
     72  I have problem with numpy slices when using scatter plot for showing all data. How can i fix it?
     72  How to use numpy functions to make this list
     72  How to use lambda function on a pandas data frame via map/apply where lambda takes different values for each column
     72  How to take set complement of numpy.ndarrays?
     72  How to set the sum of each row in an array equal to 1?
     72  How to set multiple conditions in python
     72  How to select only the numerical data types and keep them in an array in python?
     72  How to round data in a list of lists to 2 decimal places?
     72  How to (robustly) find a local minimum on a 2D array in python?
     72  How to remove rows from pandas dataframe that contain combinations of the first two columns
     72  How to remove an element from numpy array and then put it back in the list
     72  how to rearrange value order in numpy?
     72  How to plot stacked barplot based, when data is not periodical
     72  How to plot many related data sets efficiently in parameter space in Python?
     72  how to normalize date in pandas
     72  How to make this process work faster?
     72  How to make the first row of each group as sum of other rows in the same group in pandas dataframe?
     72  How to keep only vertical lines on images with image-processing?
     72  How to insert value in numpy ndArray?
     72  How to implement infix operator matrix multiplication in Python 2?
     72  How to get the last row value in pandas through dataframe.get_value()
     72  How to get result of numpy.logspace() as a column in single line of code?
     72  How to generate a special numpy 1D array quickly?
     72  How to fix returning 0? I understand it can max out, but can it min out?
     72  how to fix: float() argument can be string or number, not 'map'
     72  How to fill the values of the inner points of a (numpy) meshgrid as an interpolation of the values at the borders?
     72  How to extract pixel value of a variable projected on an irregular grid from a netcdf file?
     72  How to do a tensor multiplication of two matrices A(m,n) and B (n,k) so that i get C(m,n,k) .. Is it possible to do it using dataframes
     72  How to detect the coordinates of each 30 cells with pixels? (without using opencv, ideally without using any library)
     72  How to debug a function in Python that only sometimes doesn't work?
     72  how to convert int8 array to binary and extract bits in python
     72  How to convert a array of dimension 3 * 200 * 120 into a 1*600 *120 in python? [closed]
     72  How to construct *array of lists of arrays* when the nested arrays have the same length?
     72  How to compute the outer product of two matrices in numpy?
     72  how to compare two python installation
     72  How to avoid math.sin(math.pi*2*VERY LARGE NUMBER) having a much larger error margin than math.sin(math.pi*2)?
     72  How to assign data array to a variable whos name is stored within another array?
     72  How to add element to a numpy array in Python
     72  How do I telescope the columns of a numpy array?
     72  How do I print the two elements of an array and the subsequent sum of these elements? (Goldbachs Primes Question)
     72  How do I implement non-linear least squares for multidemnsional data in python?
     72  How do I create a (1000, 500) array from an (1000, 1) and indexing trough n values?
     72  how do I compress matrix to avoid memory error?
     72  How do I avoid recomputing variables in this python class?
     72  How does a numpy view know where the values it's referencing are in the original numpy array?
     72  How could I print the t of Bezier curve in csv file?
     72  How can we interpret this Python code? [closed]
     72  How can I repeat each array element a number of times equal to the element's value? [duplicate]
     72  How can I iterate over a list of .txt files using numpy?
     72  how can i get the specific row in NumPy array? [duplicate]
     72  How can I generate a square wave plot of a pulse train of multiple signals from the data in a csv file (in Linux)?
     72  How can I create an array of 1-element arrays from an array?
     72  How can I call values of a np.array rather than memory address? [duplicate]
     72  How can I call the numpy array members which defined in a function?
     72  How can I analysis many real time data effectively?
     72  Having an issue with using median function in numpy
     72  Handle possible null values in python dictionary
     72  Graphlab SFrame constructor converting NumPy S1 dtype to int
     72  glumpy.gloo bind texture as GL_RGB32F
     72  Getting dimensions right for regression with lasagne
     72  Get the index of a Numpy Array
     72  Find the most freq sequence amongst other sequences
     72  find the index of largest, 2nd largest or third largest in a row of multidimensional array pyhton
     72  Find the first index for which an array goes below a certain threshold (and stay below for some time)
     72  Find sequences in list of ranges
     72  Finding those elements in an array which are ''close''
     72  Finding the number of observations before a change in a Series occurs (pandas/numpy)
     72  Finding out eigen values and vectors of huge sparse matrices in python is horribly slower than Matlab
     72  Finding Max Shape of Multiple .npz files
     72  Find highest growth using python pandas?
     72  Find correspondence between 2 arrays of coordinates
     72  Filter dates according to the month and paste them in a new column with month as column name
     72  fast way to put ones beetween ones in each row of a numpy 2d array
     72  fast pixels processing using np.isin and np.where [issue]
     72  Faster/Better way to modify (tuple defined) parts of a Numpy array in Python?
     72  Fast conversion from np.float64 to np.uint8 (with scaling and clipping)
     72  extract specific 10 bytes of data from numpy array
     72  Error importing NumPy when executing an executable created with Py2exe
     72  Efficient way of appending / extracting list elements
     72  Efficient data sifting for unique values (Python)
     72  Draw an object in an array according to a vector
     72  Does NumPy handle 1:1 aliasing of complex-number operations correctly?
     72  Divide one-to-two x-y data into top and bottom sets
     72  Difference between two numpy arrays of tuples
     72  Difference between the Ruby Matrix Eigenvalue Decomposition and Numpy
     72  deterministic samples from multivariate-normal-js
     72  Detect condition between pairs of entries on a Python list
     72  Delete elements and rows from numpy arrays in a dict
     72  Dataset transpose ideas using AppEngine python without pandas
     72  Dataframe with all possible Sums of two arrays in Python
     72  Dask and numpy - slow conversion between numpy array and dask array
     72  Cutting a subset from middle of NumPy array
     72  Curve fitting for large datasets in Python
     72  crop random shaped polygon from an image and paste the cropped shape in a random place of another image
     72  Creating a numpy array fails when I try to create from an array of QString
     72  Creating alias for numpy functions
     72  create indices with numpy for zeros and ones
     72  Create a numpy array from a line
     72  Count number of repeated elements in list considering the ones larger than them
     72  Could I use array slicing instead of creating vectors?
     72  Copy a sub-recarray in stable NumPy
     72  Copy a numpy array into a list of empty arrays
     72  Convert Python For-Loop to NumPy Operations
     72  Converting list output in Python
     72  Convert 1D strings array to a 2D float array
     72  conditional dataframe operations using Pandas
     72  Concatenate/stack unpacked numpy array in certain axis to other arrays
     72  Compute a least square only on n best values of an array
     72  Compare matrices in python and copy values
     72  Choose index of numpy matrix with regard to vector of probabilities
     72  changing values of an array
     72  Changing the scale of the x axis in a plot
     72  Can you solve ode with variable constants?
     72  Can I replace a column with values that are in a text file (space delemited) with values that are in a np.array
     72  Calculating tvalue using numpy
     72  Calculating closest numbers numpy
     72  Calculate Surface from vectorfield
     72  Calculate a value in Pandas that is based on a product of past values without looping
     72  build user item matrix with surprise
     72  Boolean intersection based on connected neighborhood - NumPy / Python
     72  Better item placement in an array
     72  Bad results from LMS stochastic gradient descent
     72  Averaging when iterating over numpy array
     72  Assign rows of a Matrix to a new Matrix
     72  Apply generic tranformation to numpy array
     72  add string to the end of a letter python
     72  adding complex value in 3 Dimensional Array
     72  Add a new column with the list of values from all rows meeting a criterion
     72  Add 0's at the beginning of each integer
     71  Writing values with no decimal points to another file using outfile
     71  Writing a text with scatter plot points
     71  Working with numpy to operate with pure python lists
     71  Why is this loop runs gradually slowly?
     71  Why am I getting an out of index error on my matrix?
     71  What's the most Pythonic/efficient way to conditionally split lengthy rows?
     71  What seems wrong with my linear regression statsmodel?
     71  What is a efficient way to order chunks of numpy array by one column?
     71  What does the ''X2[,Out]'' and '' = <ufunc 'copysign'>'' mean in this doc page?
     71  What causes this strange result in Python when assigning to values in a dictionary?
     71  Weird error when trying to compare numbers
     71  Vectorize 2D character array column-wise
     71  Vectorising a loop based on the order of values in a series
     71  ValueError for a matplotlib contour plot in Python
     71  Using the output of numpy.histogram how to plot a simple curve plot?
     71  Using OpenCV-Python, how to use Python lists and Numpy arrays together efficiently?
     71  Use try and except to skip a file
     71  Update array based on other array Python
     71  Unexpected behavior serializing Numpy array
     71  Understanding the slicing of NumPy array
     71  TypeError: argument has wrong size
     71  Trying to generate fibonacci spiral but getting a black image instead,stuck up
     71  'Truth value of an array is ambiguous' error with np.fromfunction
     71  transform the shape from (X, 1) to (X)
     71  Theano - Logistic Regression - Wrong number of dimensions
     71  Theano dimensionality error - target dimensions
     71  Supervised Machine Learning, producing a trained estimator
     71  Solve equation with two arrays and show it as a new one
     71  Slicing ndarray using floats in Python
     71  Simplifying looped numpy operations
     71  Simple random distribution of N items on n cells
     71  Shorter way of this NumPy list comprehension
     71  Set nans across multiple pandas dataframes
     71  Sending numpy array over socket and retrieving it in java
     71  select only numbers from list python [duplicate]
     71  Select elements row-wise based on single array
     71  scipy.optimize.fmin incorrect result shape
     71  scipy matrix to numpy array in classification task
     71  Save number of numy arrays as one matrix in npy
     71  Return a distribution sample of a numpy array based on class
     71  Replacing NA in my dataframe in python
     71  Replacing a field of a structured Numpy array
     71  Repeat numpy vector-matrix-vector multiplication
     71  removing duplicates from list of arrays and concatenating associated values
     71  Remove elements while in a for loop
     71  Reasons for differences in memory consumption and performances of np.zeros and np.full
     71  Rearanging numpy array
     71  Read One Input File and plot multiple
     71  reading compressed data gives different results
     71  Random choice over specific values of a DF
     71  Question about creating a Tensorflow Dataset from data that is too big for RAM (with shuffling)
     71  Python plot_surface set Y limits to center at 0
     71  Python: Numpy percentile confusing results
     71  Python Numpy integers high memory use
     71  Python:Numpy Function not yielding correct results
     71  Python Numpy efficient concatenation of slices
     71  Python - if statements involving numpy arrays
     71  Python: how to avoid a loop for normalizing a list of list?
     71  Python - For loops along grid diagonals
     71  Python for loop, iterating over values from numpy arrange method
     71  Python: Downcast dataframe as fast as possible
     71  Python dictionary to NumPy conversion
     71  Python code not working as intended
     71  Python: Add numpy array to another one
     71  python3 numpy: too many indices for array
     71  Python 2.7 appending column to 2d array
     71  PyCharm: import numpy as np not registering.
     71  problem parralleling dask code on single machine
     71  Possible to circumvent numpy-override.pth for python?
     71  Plotting error bars on a histogram of data
     71  passing numpy ndarray as inputs of a fsolve function
     71  pandas or numpy for multi column conditional averaging
     71  Pandas/Numpy - Data cleaning- importing csv, - export to csv loses variable entries
     71  Pandas insert whitespace after reading DataFrame
     71  Pandas groupby and weighted sum for multiple columns
     71  pandas get rolling data based on a past year and create columns in a dataframe
     71  Pandas df.corr() returns nan when np.corrcoef() returns values unless NaNs in dataset
     71  pandas dataframe. create or add column, best method
     71  packaging scientific project in python
     71  OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application while running numpy library on Spyder
     71  Optimizing an operation with numpy sparsey array
     71  Operate on multiple indices for numpy array using relational operators element wise
     71  Numpy way to check if any two samples in a tensor are identical
     71  Numpy vectorize relative distance
     71  Numpy vectorization error
     71  NumPy - Splitting array by known sizes
     71  numpy objectarray.h compile error with MingW64
     71  numpy.ndarray valuse cannot be compared with if statement
     71  Numpy: Matrix inverse calculated incorrectly?
     71  Numpy import error ''undefined symbol: PyFPE_jbuf'' on RPi
     71  Numpy - function updates global variable when it shouldn't
     71  numpy composition of einsums?
     71  numpy - changes shape automatically?
     71  Numpy: broadcast row values to channels
     71  Numpy boolean masking  -  multidimension and floats
     71  Numpy atleast_1d, but for lists
     71  Numpy Arrays - Replacing Elements
     71  numpy arctan funtion mirrored angle
     71  Numpy - Apply a custom function on all combination of rows in matrix to get a new matrix?
     71  Numba: double free or corruption (!prev) Aborted (core dumped)
     71  np.take returns an array with an extra singular dimension
     71  np.cov giving unexpected number of values
     71  Need help thinking through splitting lists at integer divisions in Python
     71  My code doesn't give me the correct value
     71  Multidimensional array to dict
     71  MPI4PY big arrays scattering produce deadlock
     71  Moving a 2D numpy subarray efficiently
     71  More ''pythonic'' way to show a 4d matrix in 2d
     71  Modify specific list of cells of a numpy array
     71  Method for generating row-column arrays with other arrays
     71  max of Corresponding Elements in a numpy.ndarray
     71  Matrix N x N x 3, get the first element of the inner 3 array
     71  Matplotlib contourf duplicating lines
     71  Masked values in numpy digitize
     71  Manual fft not giving me same results as fft
     71  Logistic regression with custom dataset
     71  Lists, matrices and dataframes in python [closed]
     71  Label elements based on uniqueness [closed]
     71  Keras: Expected dense_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (x, y)
     71  I want to store more than one 2d arrays in file using python
     71  Iterate over rows in Pandas dataframe to find values in other file and extract index
     71  is it possible to return array with unknown output array shape in a guvectorize function
     71  Interpolate a plot on certain intervals only
     71  I need to compare columns within a same dataframe and rank them
     71  Index numpy array by other array as indices
     71  index Nd array with list of length N in python
     71  Indexing into the last axis of a 3D array with another 3D array
     71  Improving While-Loop with Numpy
     71  I get a AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable' when I try to install libraries using PIP
     71  How would a convenience function look like to convert a pandas dataframe to a structured numpy array?
     71  How to use logspace() in numpy array?
     71  How to transform an 1D string array to a 2D array about the datetime
     71  How to specify the last index explicitly to np.ufunc.reduceat
     71  How to specify Conv2d input shape based on a simple numpy array
     71  How to short-circuit flattening in numpy.append
     71  How to set 2 one-dimensional array into one matrix in numpy? [duplicate]
     71  How to reshape an array of arrays?
     71  how to refer to all rows in
     71  How to plot a sphere in matplotlib using cartesian co-ordinates?
     71  How to plot a 3_d representation of the probability density function in the bloch sphere?
     71  How to pass numpy ndarrays to a c++ function using ctypes?
     71  How to parallelize a workflow that includes multiprocessing and multithreading aspects
     71  How to optimize data generation for numpy call
     71  How to modify N columns of numpy array at the same time?
     71  how to Join 2 columns in numpy when they are list of lists?
     71  How to groupby column names Stored in list through a loop and store there values in new variable
     71  How to go about finding cells on a grid that are intersected by a straight line?
     71  How to get brighness percentage level from a histogram?
     71  How to generate features of data in my case so that I can use some tools like LinearRegression to predict?
     71  How to find the median of different-sized lists
     71  How to find the index of the min/max object in a numpy array of objects?
     71  How to find out index in numpy array python
     71  How to find minimum value every x values in an array?
     71  How to find 2 largest values from group of rows in multiple columns in Python and also show its row and column index without duplicates
     71  How to extract parts of a HDF5 array matrix and its' corresponding row attribute
     71  How to efficiently use a index array as a mask to turn a numpy array into a boolean array?
     71  How to efficiently convert milliseconds offset to np.datetime64 in an ndarray of np.void
     71  How to do FFT on signal of different period
     71  How to do element wise matrix multiply using numpy
     71  how to delete a row from a matrix
     71  How to define a function to use with scipy.integrate.solve_ivp
     71  How to create a vector with components bigger than a number in numpy? [duplicate]
     71  how to create a list/array of number's signs from a list of numbers
     71  How to count business days per month for the whole year with different weekmask every week?
     71  How to convert the list of Dataframes in this required shape of array?
     71  How to convert only NaN's in the same column which also has actual dates and times? Generate random dates and times from a date range in Python?
     71  how to convert nested list into numpy array?
     71  how to convert column in this way in pandas
     71  How to convert array([array([  ... ],type=float32)],[array([  ... ],type=float32)]) to array([ ... ],[ ... ])?
     71  How to convert a numpy array of strings to a numpy array of sets to use MultiLabelBinarizer?
     71  How to construct the following matrix elegantly in numpy?
     71  How to connect Fl_Text_Editor with output which is prodeced by a function?
     71  How to concatenate these two numpy arrays?
     71  How to check if any tuples exists for a list of strings
     71  How to calculate the sums of squares along one dimension of on ndarray?
     71  How to calculate multivariate normal probability distribution function with mean and cov saved in a matrix
     71  How to apply a difference equation to a numpy array inside for loop
     71  How to add items to a np.zeros array iteratively?
     71  How to add elements to a 2D array using python fancy indexing?
     71  How to add conditional attribute values to a python series using existing dataframe? [duplicate]
     71  How python calculates the size of text files
     71  How is it possible to calculate a multidimensional interpolation on position (lat/long) and time data in python?
     71  How i can transform Dataframe in many temporal feature in Python?
     71  How do I stop the labels for my graph from being inside the graph?
     71  How do I set up a default type for a python class?
     71  How do I run logic on the second column in a pandas group?
     71  How do I run a modulo conditional using one list on another list in python
     71  How do I one-hot encode an array of strings with Numpy?
     71  How do I encode a numpy array to a base64-encoded PNG without writing to disk?
     71  How do I compute a compact bit vector representing a predicate's result on each element of `ndarray`?
     71  How can I speed up moving window operations on numpy vector
     71  How Can I print a ''dynamic/convergent'' array in python
     71  How can I keep the patch which contain all the elements 1
     71  How can I create groups that have similar totals using pandas, numpy, or itertools?
     71  Hashable container for million items and modifications in each iteration
     71  Getting Seaborn to Display a Plot [duplicate]
     71  Get all directly intermediate and ultimate parent nodes of a child node in a pandas data frame
     71  generate large array in dask
     71  GAN implementation _ ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     71  Function with two different length variables
     71  For loop equivalent for einsum expression
     71  Fitting a curve python
     71  find unique values at a given position in a numpy array of tuples
     71  Finding the position of the median of an array containing mostly zeros
     71  Finding difference between two images
     71  Finding all sequences (and the longest sequence) of a value in an numpy arra
     71  find alphabets count per date in python pandas
     71  Fill next column until it reaches zero in numpy matrix or pandas dataframe
     71  Fastest way to Loop through this Data
     71  Faster way to run kendall tau regression on stacked matrices?
     71  Extracting the elements matching the filter
     71  Extracting part of a Numpy column
     71  Extracting columns from a 2d numpy array
     71  Eigen values and vectors calculation error in python
     71  Efficient way to loop through orthodiagonal indices in order
     71  efficiently set a large number of SciPy sparse matrix entries to zero
     71  Efficiently compute 1xM Times MxM Times Mx1, N Times
     71  Efficient implementation of the following code snippet
     71  dummy data with float variables
     71  Doubling input array when using numpy for fast fourier transforms
     71  Difrerent rows in two numpy arrays
     71  Different results before and after OneHotEncoder
     71  Different output in my script and in console using dot product
     71  difference between š and &ouml;
     71  difference between rows among each other, sum and sort python
     71  definition of each section of the scipy linear programming function
     71  Defining the residuals function between data from array and function: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'list'
     71  Cumulative count based off different values in a pandas df
     71  Creating repeating values in a pandas Dataframe
     71  Creating NumPy array with Pandas
     71  Convert two boolean columns to class ID in Pandas
     71  Convert pandas DataFrame to record array without the extra column
     71  Converting list of lists to numpy array gives different results
     71  Converting a sequence of numbers (not in any data structure) into an array
     71  Convert a Numpy array into a Pandas DataFrame
     71  Conversion of NumPy array to Java readable format
     71  Conditional creation of a Pandas Dataframe Column [closed]
     71  Concatenation of numpy arrays on condition
     71  concatenate two 1d array into one 2d array and again break it after reshuffle in python
     71  Concatenate np.arrays python
     71  Computing new column conditional on max of group of other column
     71  Compressing RGB images with numpy
     71  Comparing rows of a multidimesional array in python
     71  Combine nested list and find order
     71  Choose couple of values from a list without replacements
     71  checking for truthiness on a numpy array but for 2 values
     71  Check if graph is Bipartite
     71  Categorical Classification probabilites as a graph
     71  Can you calculate the rate of a present value annuity due with np.rate without a future value?
     71  Can someone consolidate the definition and the differences between a list, an array, a numpy array, a pandas dataframe , series?
     71  Can numpy optimized code recieve significant increase in speed by rewriting it in Cython?
     71  Can I create an array with numpy.random that has correlation to another numpy.random array already created
     71  Can anyone suggest a faster method for creaing this array?
     71  Can anybody explain me this simple Python code?
     71  Assign scalar value to all elements of numpy array which are in another array
     71  Aggregating and summing data in pandas dataframe. Is there a better way?
     71  Advanced numpy indexing
     71  ''Add'' object has no attribute ''sinh'' error in numerical and symbolic expression?
     71  Accessing Tasmanian Sparse Grid from python using PyUblas, Boost.Python and py_tsg. Type mismatch in arguments for make_global_grid
     71  A better way to do this triple loop using numpy methods
     71  2D dot product on two 3D matrix along an aixs
     70  xarray - how to group or resample time series data by yyyy-01-01 and yyyy-07-01 over multiple years
     70  x and y are changed in the picture. Where does it change in the code?
     70  Writing VTK file from Python for use in Paraview
     70  ''[WinError 5] Access is denied'' error when trying to install numpy + mkl wheel
     70  Why is the returned array of a function is twice as large as the input list?
     70  Why is numpy vector-matrix dot product removing extra zeros
     70  Why is my line plot stuck behind a bar plot? [duplicate]
     70  Why is my array returning a repeated single value
     70  Why does python's lambda function not resample from a distribution?
     70  Why does PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong function fail to convert a numpy.uint64 element, whereas PyLong_AsLongLong succeeds?
     70  Why a sphere created with ax.pltsurface is not being able to keep the desired alpha=1 in the faces of the surface?
     70  Why am I getting 0 for
     70  Where clause with numpy with single array and / or empty_like
     70  What's the meaning of the leaving the last parameter empty when creating a numpy array using functions like np.zeros or np.ones? [duplicate]
     70  What does this numpy code snippet do?
     70  Vectorizing a recurrence relation for-loop in python [duplicate]
     70  Vectorize piecewize defined function (numpy)
     70  Vectorize for loop Python
     70  Vectorized code for a function to generate vector values
     70  Vectorization of nested for loop in Python
     70  Vectorising this calculation instead of for loops
     70  Vectorised implementation of Normal Distribution
     70  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_1_input to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (595, 10083)
     70  Using Python to get a best fit from data
     70  Using numpy stride-tricks to operate on two different-sized moving windows
     70  Use NumPy to index one array with another
     70  Use numpy array as arguments for print()
     70  Unsure of output from Frobenius norm function
     70  Understanding slicing in python
     70  Uexpected output dimension in keras cnn network
     70  trimming portion of values in numpy array
     70  Tracking 3-day streaks when a condition is met in a column of a dataframe without double-counting streaks
     70  too many indices when debugging in Spyder
     70  The efficient way of Array transformation by using numpy
     70  Sum up indentical list elements
     70  Sum of elements of numpy array not same as total
     70  Substitute numpy functions with Python only
     70  Strange behavior in generating Numpy array with random values
     70  Statistics in python with missing values
     70  Slice numpy array to make it desired shaped
     70  Simple pendulum simulation, result doesn't match reality, can't find the error
     70  Simple auto-correct neural network not learning
     70  Select certain indices when plotting shapefiles
     70  saving various 2D matrices into a 3D matrix in python
     70  Save some arrays in a same file
     70  Save/read data to/from textfile
     70  RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in ubyte_scalars?
     70  Restructure list by swap dimension and convert to numpy
     70  Replacing numbers in numpy array with the ones in the list
     70  Replace last 2 numeric values in pandas data frame by row with NAN's
     70  Replace entire array if value is greater than
     70  Rejecting special values in a 3D array given the indices to reject
     70  Python update from 2.7.6 to 2.7.8 - did I just lose all my previously installed modules?
     70  python range from data frame to generate extra rows
     70  Python Pre-Define Function
     70  Python, pandas, numpy output convert to excel file
     70  Python numpy append ascii data type
     70  Python Nested, Nested FOR LOOP, mixed up
     70  Python looping issue with variable not being assigned to on certain iteration
     70  Pythonic way for numpy array of array (with index of rows)
     70  Python - Fast way to sample data from array when sample size changes
     70  Python - Duplicates in dir() Is it a bug?
     70  Python Code not clear (arrays)
     70  Python build numpy matrix
     70  Python Broadcasting: how to unleash NumPy speed when filling in a One-Hot vector?
     70  Python: ''Binning'' subarrays
     70  Python: Assign identical objects to same label over time
     70  Python: Apply function to every entry in netCDF/ numpy 3d array
     70  Python3: No module named 'numpy._globals'
     70  Python 3.6: Why does pickle.dumps(nparray) permanently increase refcount?
     70  Python 3.6 ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     70  Pyplot of array with an operator < or >
     70  Proper way to save data in hdf5 file to speed up numpy matrix slicing?
     70  Process sequential row pairs with numpy
     70  Preprocessing a image for yolo pretrained net
     70  Plotting equations as lines in Bokeh - Python
     70  Plotting a type of Histogram
     70  Passing pointer to ndarray in a struct within a struct (ctypes)
     70  Parse txt-file, from string to int/float in Python3.x
     70  Pandas - Parallelizing astype function
     70  Pandas from matrix to DataFrame
     70  overriding partially an numpy array does not work
     70  overflow encountered: multipliation of exp() times erfc()
     70  Optimizing Complex Numpy Functions
     70  only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer arrays are valid indices
     70  Numpy where with array comparison
     70  Numpy: What is a nice way to write functions that work for 1D and 2D arrays [closed]
     70  NumPy: Understanding values in colour matrix
     70  Numpy Summation for Index in Boolean Array
     70  NumPy/Scikit on Ubuntu, better built from source of precompiled (e.g. Anaconda)?
     70  Numpy reshape - automatic filling or removal
     70  Numpy: Overcoming machine imprecision by relative rounding
     70  Numpy - Index last dimension of array with index array
     70  Numpy indexing: Getting a specific row for each column
     70  'numpy.float64' cannot be interpreted as an integer
     70  Numpy: create an array of arrays using vstack
     70  numpy Broadcasting for user functions
     70  Numpy Array (What does that answer mean?)
     70  numpy array to pandas dataframe conversion - ValueError
     70  Numpy arrays created from pandas dataframe show strange behaviour
     70  Numpy Array Manipulation Based off of Internal Values
     70  numpy array access in condition extremely slower than condition with direct value
     70  Numpy argsort instability
     70  Numpy: appending items to matrix-like array
     70  Numpy 3darray matrix multiplication function
     70  Multiple least square linear regressions in one command?
     70  Most pythonic way to split this line?
     70  Modify list values in a ''for loop''
     70  Modifying numpy array to get minimum number of values between elements
     70  Merging specific elements of different lists to new list
     70  Matplotlib() isn't showing graph, instead displaying Restart message
     70  Matplotlib Barplot & Seaborn Heatmap: Share Same X-Axis
     70  Map projected array from matplolib basemap
     70  Mapping diagonal
     70  Make numpy matrix more sparse
     70  loop variable aware numpy's slicing and vectorized calculations
     70  loading Text from csv using numpy
     70  Kernel reset in Python after running SVD
     70  Keep first element of array that is part of a sequence
     70  I want to add triplets inside a 2D array
     70  Iterating operation with two arrays using numpy
     70  Iterate over each rows of a numpy array
     70  Is there a tensorflow version of scipy.optimize.curve_fit and scipy.integrate.cumtrapz functions?
     70  Is there a ''reverse clip'' function in numpy?
     70  Is there any tensorflow version of numpy.view_as_windows?
     70  Issue with six.StringIO module to run the code in py2.7?
     70  Issue about the Numpy shape
     70  Interpolation methods when working with data from multiple pandas DataFrames?
     70  in python, how to use savetxt to save numpy ndarray and use loadtxt to load it back? [duplicate]
     70  input column based on conditional statement pandas
     70  Index multiple arrays
     70  Indexing in NumPy: Access every other group of values
     70  Import python libraries with different dependency versions
     70  I didn't understand this error : TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable of my program
     70  Identify all unique combinations along the third dimension of stackd 2D numpy arrays
     70  I am unable to sum my array because I think that it is being stored as multiple arrays
     70  I am trying to convert all the .bin files in a folder to .txt files in Python
     70  How to write a ndarry to a structure file with numpy?
     70  How to use the name of my arrays as filenames?
     70  How to take mean of one column while filtering by another column's criteria in python [duplicate]
     70  How to store an array with two indices in the variable name?
     70  How to split one column into many columns by whitespace?
     70  how to speed up for a neural network? (matrix with about 4.5 million elements as result)
     70  How to solve linear equations with parametrization?
     70  How to solve a equation of the form (A'A - yBB')x = 0 with numpy
     70  How to set the y axis scale in matplotlib? [duplicate]
     70  How to select rows from different point in pandas Dataframe
     70  How to replace values of an array using numpy array and numpy.where
     70  How to read 3D tensor (nested-lists) which are stored in an Excel column as pd.DataFrame
     70  How to randomize all the items in a matrix in python
     70  How to match statistics from two dictionaries and group by key in new dictionary?
     70  How to manage Numpy arrays in Pandas DataFrames
     70  How to make tensorflow read tensor as whole and not per row?
     70  How to make numba(nopython=true) work with 1D numpy.ndarray input with unknown number of elements
     70  How to Index (slicing) a Pandas Dataframe
     70  How to improve peformance of extracting data code in Python and numpy
     70  How to group the matrices which are in a relationship
     70  How to go through a matrix alongside a vector?
     70  How to get weekday of object
     70  How to flip data shape from (A, B) to (B, A)
     70  How to find the highest count of sequential (numbers|increasing|decreasing) in pandas DataFrame column of values
     70  How to extract maximum values from each numpy arrays in a list?
     70  How to ''extract'' certain values out of an array?
     70  How to efficiently compare each pair of rows in a 2D matrix?
     70  How to create layers of arrays (arrays in arrays) with given sizes
     70  How to create a numpy _object_ array of other numpy arrays of same and different length?
     70  How to create a new numpy array from a calculation of elements within an existing numpyarray
     70  How to create a list of counts from a unique list and a Counter object?
     70  How to create a 2x2 array from (lat, long, value) list in pandas? [duplicate]
     70  How to count unique values from 1m string inputs?
     70  How to convert all bytes files under the folder into images
     70  how to compute TF-IDF on dataset?
     70  How to combine summary statistics from 100s of *csv files into one *csv with pandas?
     70  How to built three input OR gate using Pandas
     70  How to append one dimensional arrays at axis=1
     70  How to add flag column in each group of pandas groupby object
     70  How to accelerate the code which convert tensor to numpy array in tensorflow_datasets?
     70  How numpy comparison works
     70  How long will datetime64 and timedelta64 remain experimental for?
     70  How do I type my variables in cython so they pass to the memoryview array faster?
     70  How can I vectorize this (numpy) operation in python?
     70  How Can I Stop Corners From Touching When Generating Maze
     70  How can I speed up this double for loop?
     70  How can i reshape a one dimension array into a two dimension? [duplicate]
     70  How can I read multiple csv file from different sub directories and find the csv file which has the value?
     70  How can I map over numpy dataset?
     70  How can I map 2 numpy arrays with same indices
     70  How can I make a generator which iterates over 2D numpy array?
     70  How can I filter list by dataframe in python?
     70  How can I change multiple values at once in pandas dataframe, using arrays as indices that vary in length?
     70  How can I add elements in random indices of an array?
     70  Having trouble using xt::where in xtensor
     70  Getting the contents of the pointers in an array of pointers
     70  get category type from codes of merged columns
     70  Format incosistency with ndarray
     70  for loop iteration makes method return wrong values
     70  Fold out a numpy array along a new dimension using values as index
     70  flexible type error - python dict to sparse matrix
     70  Fit function to experimental data using curve_fit with two independent variables
     70  Finding the minimum of a function?
     70  Finding the bisecting plane between two intersecting lines
     70  Finding repeated rows in a numpy array
     70  Finding a slope of 3D linear regression line
     70  find closest set in N-dimensional numpy array
     70  Find an array in a numpy array?
     70  Filter numpy array if elements in subarrays are repeated position-wise in the other subarrays
     70  Feature analysis using histograms  -  LinAlgError: singular matrix
     70  Extracting maximum value(with nearby values) in ndarray
     70  Express list comprehension using numpy array indexing
     70  Expressing chained inequality for each combination of elements of multiple arrays in a concise and scalable way
     70  Executing equation in tecplot using pytecplot scripting
     70  Exception has occurred: ValueError all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
     70  elements in an array from the sum
     70  Efficient way to compute pairwise euclidean distances between all vectors in a tensor in TensorFlow
     70  Efficient way of reading large txt file in python
     70  Efficiently extract values from array using a list of index
     70  Efficiently concatenate many large 3-dimensional arrays in python
     70  Efficiency of 2D indexing methods in Numpy
     70  Duplicate matlab dyadup in numpy
     70  Don't understand why this float issue is occurring
     70  Does have accuracy limitations for large arrays?
     70  Divide amount over rows
     70  Displaying results from 3 different For loops into a table
     70  Determine if numpy subarrays overlap?
     70  Delete all non strings values in a array of numpy arrays
     70  Dealing with empty regions of data in a histogram
     70  Dask group by apply compute distance to reference table
     70  cuts in the dataset with python
     70  cumulative divide in array
     70  Creating sequence of integers that skips k elements every n elements
     70  Creating Random Matrix With Equal No of 1's and 0's in python
     70  Creating pandas DataFrame without inferring dtypes
     70  Creating a list of Times using python for loop
     70  Create a matrix with solution arrays in it
     70  Count the number of times elements in a numpy array consecutively satisfy a condition
     70  Count possibilites for single crossovers
     70  Counting the number of values that fall in a set of between x,y,z coordinates
     70  Copy a flat numpy array to an given attribute of an np.array of objects
     70  Convert two Pandas Dataframes into a dictionary of tuples for each group
     70  Convert string of length n to a matrix of n x len(alphabet)
     70  Converting MATLAB to Python: too many indices return error
     70  Converting Comprehension List to Numpy Array - Glitch?
     70  concatenate two matrices with interleaved columns [duplicate]
     70  Compare 2D arrays of different size [duplicate]
     70  Combining 12 1x3 matrices
     70  Column_stacking arbitrary amounts of data in Python
     70  Coercing numpy arrays to same dimensions
     70  Choice of Dimension on Numpy Arrays
     70  Centre of Mass of Particle System in Python [duplicate]
     70  Cannot use interp1d because of rounding error
     70  Calculate statistics of one numpy array based on the values in a second numpy array
     70  Broadcast failure: how to dictate the axes of broadcasting?
     70  Bringing AI to industrial robotic programming
     70  Best way to check if an object is None?
     70  A Weird Computation Result from Python
     70  Avoid inserting formula when value starts with '='
     70  Average zero values in 2D numpy array
     70  Assign numpy ndarray to list
     70  Assertion error when making an MP4 video out of numpy arrays with OpenCV
     70  Are these functions equivalent?
     70  Apply function to two columns and map the output to a new column [duplicate]
     70  Any better/faster way to calculate the relative rank of each element in an array?
     70  Advanced Integer slicing when slicing object is an ndarray tuple
     70  Add new column in pandas dataframe using empty string or the value from column A depending on the value on column B
     70  Add multiple arrays in Python
     70  Access column with in another column header
     70  50/50 Sampling in python [closed]
     70  2D array with numpy
     69  Zero out few columns of a numpy matrix
     69  Wrong inequality check in numpy.arange()
     69  Write binary in FORTRAN without extra information
     69  Why numpy.histogram try to get value with index -9223372036854775808 (min number of int64)?
     69  Why I got this error? - unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'
     69  Why does numpy mixed basic / advanced indexing depend on slice adjacency?
     69  Why does indexing a matrix by an integer produce a different shape than the dot product with a one hot vector in numpy?
     69  Why does Cython expect 0 dimensions?
     69  why can't i await readasarray method in gdal module?
     69  Which object in Numpy Python is good for matrix manipulation? numpy.array or numpy.matrix? [duplicate]
     69  what's wrong with this Symfit example?
     69  What's wrong going with indexing the lists in python? [duplicate]
     69  what kind of x fits into argsort(x) == argsort(argsort(x))?
     69  What is the Python idiom for chaining tensor products?
     69  what is the problem with the code. It is storing empty matrix except for few places it is printing '',''
     69  What is the numpy equivalent of ''2 < a < 5'' where ''a'' is a numpy array?
     69  What is the fastest way to compare entries from two different pandas DataFrames?
     69  Vectorize a numpy routine
     69  Value error but can't figure out where it goes wrong after executing RepeatedKFold
     69  Using scipy interpn with meshgrid on an n-dimensional array
     69  Using Pandas how to use next step analysis for getting data
     69  Using NumPy Vectorization to Create Column Containing Length of Another Column
     69  using numpy repeat simultaneously on arrays with distinct multiplicities but same dimension
     69  Using NumPy for Fast Interpolation
     69  Using multiprocessing fails
     69  Using a stored value of a variable in a for loop
     69  Using array indexing to apply 2D array function on 3D array
     69  Use NumPy function on arrays containing both numbers and objects
     69  Update by an index and a mask?
     69  Understanding numpy percentile computation
     69  Trying to retain a single data label from each kind from a list of many
     69  Translating from numpy to pure python
     69  Translating from Matlab: New problems (complex ginzburg landau equation
     69  Translating for loop to matricial form
     69  Tiny numerical difference in sum-of-squares depending on numpy procedure call used
     69  Time-efficient way for creation of many random stick coordinates with numpy
     69  The same operation for many pairs in Python
     69  Theano Function For Transforming Matrix Into Matrix With Different Dimensions
     69  TFLearn: Define correct dimension of DNN
     69  tensorflow matrix multiplication with batching and broadcasting
     69  Tensorflow: How to insert an unknown tensor?
     69  Tensorflow 2.0 training, use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing error
     69  Taking a specific character in the string for a list of strings in python
     69  Summing Numpy Arrays
     69  Summation of large numbers in python yields the maximal parameter
     69  Sum land area grid based on land class grid in Python
     69  structure of np.zeros with multi dimensional shape
     69  Strange behavior with numpy arrays. Can't add and store float array to int array [duplicate]
     69  Strange behavior of Matplotlib plotting numpy.matrix types
     69  storing matrices computed out of two for loops (appending a list did not work)
     69  Stack matrix on the third dimension numpy [duplicate]
     69  Stacking numpy arrays
     69  Speedup python code operations on CSV files
     69  Sorting with original indices
     69  Sorting the nodes of a tree in breadth-first order in numpy
     69  sort by one column within groups of another without changing positions of grouping column
     69  Slicing Pandas DataFrame with an array of integers specifying location
     69  slice operation for numpy in python2
     69  Select the values with more than one repetition when using numpy random?
     69  Select particular row from a DataFrame based on value in a column in pandas
     69  Searching numpy array of objects by condition
     69  Saving large numpy 2d arrays
     69  Saving a 2d numpy array of strings with single array of different size to a csv file
     69  Rotation over a list in pygame
     69  rewriting a loop in numpy for faster execution
     69  Reshaping numpy arrays of differing dimensions inside an array
     69  Reduce data size for a plot
     69  Recommended way to represent my data with numpy
     69  Read many files and make columns in Pandas
     69  Radiobutton does not work
     69  quickly subset array if values are matched in dictionary in python
     69  Python: Why does have 2^-n work for n>52 and not 1+2^-n-1?
     69  Python - VTK limit rotation of object issue (Quaternion)
     69  python understanding array multiplication behavior
     69  Python - Remove duplicate in cell of datafeame
     69  Python: Plugging in range of values for likelihood function always returns same value
     69  Python Pandas check that string is only ''Date'' or only ''Time'' or ''Datetime''
     69  Python, Pandas: A Better way to get the first None position in list which give maximum consecutive None count
     69  Python Numpy not giving me expected result for angle between planes
     69  python: numpy function to expand multiple matrices
     69  python numba.guvectorize fails: ''LV: Can't vectorize due to memory conflicts''
     69  Pythonic way to get average of adjacent values in list of lists [duplicate]
     69  Python, how to reshape a ''linear'' data set format into a matrix-like data set format
     69  Python: How to read one element first and followed by two elements?
     69  Python - How to compare two numpy arrays and output a third marking where each element is the same or different
     69  Python deleting 'stationary' data from array
     69  Python: Access saved points from 2d array in 3d numpy array
     69  python 3, difference in two tuple constructions
     69  Pygame - how to speedup complicated drawing
     69  Predict next numbers
     69  Plot to image object
     69  Pass argument to array of functions
     69  Pandas/Python complex, conditional sum
     69  Pandas dataframe threshold  -  Keep number fixed if exceed
     69  Pandas Dataframe column with numpy arrays to Dataframe columns [duplicate]
     69  Pandas: calculate mean for each row by cylcle number
     69  Pandas adding some extra columns based on many conditions
     69  Outer sum of coordinates
     69  Optimization of the Python code using Numpy and Pandas
     69  Optimization of numpy array traversal
     69  Optimising numerical operations in numpy using numexpr
     69  opencv runs in python but not in spyder
     69  Numpy : What does this einsum expression mean and is there an alternative?
     69  Numpy switch specific section of column with same section in another column
     69  Numpy sum on specified columns
     69  numpy subscripting slower than python?
     69  NumPy: Setting subset of numpy array at non-NaN positions
     69  Numpy/Scipy: Memory consumption increases linearly per iteration
     69  Numpy Rate function on large dataset returning nulls
     69  numpy / pandas vectorized ''threshold crossing'' logic
     69  Numpy matrix(array) rationale
     69  numpy mask un-shaped N-dimensional array
     69  numpy - make repeated random number blocks (noise image) [duplicate]
     69  Numpy, getting data from column A or B depending if condition is met to create column C
     69  Numpy genfrom text removes '.' from header names [duplicate]
     69  Numpy function over matrix
     69  Numpy for windows installing problems
     69  numpy : Finding the tranformation matrix given 2 sets of 4 points in 3D euclidian coordinates
     69  Numpy: Fastest Way to Fill Co-Occurrence Matrix
     69  numpy.einsum('ij,ji', a, b) performance issue
     69  Numpy / C++ integers not promoted to python integers?
     69  Numpy - change dtype of array which has been converted from pandas
     69  Numpy Array using Dtypes Throwing Error
     69  Numpy arrays and comparisons with different values
     69  numpy array reorder values in single dimension
     69  np.array MemoryError with
     69  np.array mean to single column data frame
     69  Not able to recreate plot as numpy array? [duplicate]
     69  Need help translating python code (with Numpy) to Matlab equivalent
     69  need help pivoting pandas table
     69  n-dimensional array reduction to 2-d array with additional columns
     69  My code is very slow. How to optimize it? Python
     69  Multi dimensional Indexing with Numpy
     69  Matrix multiplication of (n,n,M) and (n,n) matrix in numpy Python
     69  matplotlib .plot function drawing multiple times
     69  matplotlib does not work [closed]
     69  Matlab fft() in python
     69  Making columns with data in other column in Pandas
     69  Make a huge dict from multiple numpy arrays
     69  LogLog regression line is not straight with negative log values?
     69  Jupyter Notebook: Tab completion for numpy only works in same cell
     69  Iterating elements in 3D array gives wrong element
     69  Is there a way to find the counts of unique binary arrays in a list of arrays?
     69  Is there a functionality in C++ to create a block matrix as simple as Python's `numpy.bmat`?
     69  Is there a better way to use another cell to create a value in Numpy matrix
     69  IPython error row and column
     69  Interchange ordering of 4-D Numpy array
     69  In python the result of a /= 2.0 and a = a / 2.0 are not the same
     69  In python, how can i get part of string from an element of array [duplicate]
     69  Indexing multi-dimensional array with tuple of indices from an indexing array - NumPy / Python
     69  Increment Count column by 1 base on a another column
     69  Incorrect dimensions sciKit learn Lasso
     69  Implementing SVD using eig
     69  Image File Import Failed
     69  if y>0.0 and x -y>=-Q1: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     69  Identifying properties of neigbouring elements in a matrix
     69  Identify groups of numbers in an array (group pixels of an image)
     69  Identify groups of consecutive values within NumPy array
     69  I can't understand the solution to the eigenvalueproblem by ARPACK in Python
     69  I am trying to write a function that takes the summation of an array of arrays to produce one final array- Python
     69  How to work with memory mapped files (numpy.memmap) in PyFilesystem?
     69  How to use ''|'' to concatenate multiple numpy.flatiter object
     69  How to use Python Anaconda numpy with Blender?
     69  How to use PiCloud with OpenCV
     69  how to use Numpy Random Choice Function to fill NAs in DataFrame proportionally ~ error message: ValueError(a must be 1-dimensional)
     69  How to store numpy objects ( matrices ) fast?
     69  How to speedup logsumexp on large tensor in numpy?
     69  How to speed up calculating variance among sparse matrix [closed]
     69  how to solve the last x value under the condition the linear regression equals to zero in python
     69  How to solve the inverse square of a matrix without using numpy's solver [duplicate]
     69  How to select first rows when column changes value in numpy.array
     69  How to return a new dataframe excluding certain columns?
     69  How to reshape numpy array to ise KNN classifier?
     69  How to reshape an array of shape (N , N) dimension to (N , N , 3)
     69  How to remove elements from a list by index
     69  ''How to'' question about initializing ndarrays
     69  How to prevent itemfreq() function from crashing when it encounters an empty numpy array?
     69  How to parallelize a function involving multiple arguments in python?
     69  How to obtain the same result as numpy.where over a 2D array without getting 2 indices from the same row
     69  How to multi-thread large number of pandas dataframe selection calls on large dataset
     69  How to make a matrix with different list with python?
     69  How to make a bar plot in Python?
     69  How to insert column vector at the beginning of a data frame? [duplicate]
     69  How to index numpy array with an array
     69  how to incrementally update an array
     69  How to group numpy array position values?
     69  How to get the distance to the closest previous finite number in a row using Numpy
     69  How to get stma- ltma crossover if i have stma and ltma values in seperate lists in python?
     69  How to get an index for an element in numpy array?
     69  How to get a cartesian-product of all pair from two vectors in numpy?
     69  How to fix 'need at least one array to concatenate' error?
     69  How to fit a set of equally spaced parallel lines to a grid of data
     69  How to find distances from an array
     69  How to exponentiate matrix columns with a vector in Python from original in MATLAB
     69  How to exponentially decay a value along an axis?
     69  How to efficiently mutate certain num of values in an array?
     69  How to create a column for each year from a single date column containing year and month?
     69  How to convert a byte string into a list of tuples?
     69  how to compute the sum for each pair of rows x in matrice X and y in matrice Y?
     69  How to calculate the poisson random variable probability in scipy?
     69  How to best optimize calculations iterated over NxM grid in Python
     69  How to avoid using ''no data'' in image stacking
     69  How to apply logical operator OR in some of the list item?
     69  How to 'and' data without ignoring digits?
     69  How to add several vectors to numpy structered array and call matrix later from fieldname?
     69  How do I read a CSV file using Pandas then split the columns into two Numpy arrays using to_numpy for Scikit-Learn?
     69  How do I find the position of the maximum value in a column of a numpy array? [duplicate]
     69  How do I display an image from numpy array of dimension [10000, 32, 32, 3]?
     69  How can I have different types in Pandas Series if Pandas Series uses numpy?
     69  How can I getting value of 8 neighbor of a image as the third dimension in Numpy
     69  How can I generate a pseudo-random list of 1s and -1s?
     69  Hough transformation with Open CV python
     69  handling empty arrays in nested array
     69  Group list of numpy arrays based on shape. Pandas?
     69  Groupby with a condition on another column in pandas
     69  Group a pandas dataframe by one column OR another one
     69  Getting unexpected colour output when converting from numpy array to image
     69  Getting rid of nested for loop
     69  Getting info from numbers in a string in python
     69  Get array which is the result of invoking a function on each element of an object array
     69  Get area of figure
     69  Get all indices of an N-dimensional array as a list [duplicate]
     69  Generating a specific Symmetric Matrix
     69  Generating a fibonacci pyramid [closed]
     69  Generate random variables from a probability distribution
     69  Function application and reduction on large arrays
     69  For loops and matrices, replacing rows
     69  Force numpy to use OpenBlas
     69  Floating point inconsistencies when converting a NumPy array to a list
     69  Flattening and Reshaping image as Numpy Array to display
     69  Fixing/reading wrong fortran output (missing the E in exponential notation) with Python
     69  Fit a 3D shape to scattered data with matplotlib?
     69  Find the permutation of numpy array to align it with another array? [duplicate]
     69  Find the corresponding [x,y] coordinates for a given z coordinate value
     69  Find the 2d coordinates(row,col) of top 'n' elements in a 2d array and then use those coordinates for doing operations on other array using python?
     69  Finding all indices of elements satisfying a certain condition in a large matrix gives MemoryError
     69  Find if 2 triangles are perpendicular in 3D space
     69  Filter 2D numpy array if array element appears more than once
     69  Filling empty list of lists with zeros to get a fixed size list of 5 tuples
     69  Fast query in formatted data
     69  Fastest way of comparison of string elements in Python
     69  Extracting windows/subarrays along a binary circular line/path with view_as_windows from skimage
     69  Extracting numpy array from Tensorflow-Hub Module (tensor to numpy conversion)
     69  Extract colored line from numpy image
     69  Extract a submatrix 3x3 of an array of an image [duplicate]
     69  Euclidian Distances
     69  Error while replacing values in numpy array
     69  Error while creating crosstab from a data set
     69  Errors when converting a large list to a pandas Dataframe
     69  Error loading python dictionary of numpy arrays [duplicate]
     69  Error changing the brightness of grayscale based on minimum and maximum values
     69  Easy way to generate identical Random Data
     69  Duplicate columns in numpy/scipy
     69  Display already binned data with seaborn, swarmplot
     69  Different loss values with same data, same initial state, same recurrent neural network
     69  debug numpy octave conversion, possible matrix issue
     69  Dataframe divide series on pandas
     69  Cut mask out of image with certain pixel margin numpy opencv
     69  Creating separate arrays by splitting an array according to values in another list in Python
     69  Creating pandas dataframes from several numpy series
     69  Creating numpy array problem ( could not broadcast input array from shape (2) into shape (1) ) [duplicate]
     69  Creating new column based on value in another column
     69  Creating lists that preserve order
     69  creating a column in one table based on multiple columns from another table [python]
     69  Create new list (or numpy.array) with a named list (or numpy.array) [duplicate]
     69  Create Jordan matrix from eigenvalues using NumPy
     69  Create array based on boolean logic
     69  create an array of the smallest magnitude values from two equal sized numpy arrays
     69  Create a column based on another dataframe values
     69  CPU bound code twice as fast on laptop as desktop
     69  Covariance matrices should be equal but are not
     69  Convert NaN values in numpy array to mean of values
     69  Convert int32 image to uint16
     69  Converting PyMC2 ERGMs example to PyMC3: different results
     69  Constructing np.array with overlapping fields in dtype
     69  Conditions in a new column df with Numpy and Timedelta
     69  Conditional replacement in pandas for each row
     69  Complex subsetting and merging of arrays Python
     69  Combine selector conditions
     69  Check if a given value is between any of the numbers in a given array
     69  Changing structure of numpy array using most common value
     69  Catboost: Cannot calc metric which requires logits for absolute values
     69  Cartesian product of rows of a very big array
     69  broadcasting arrays in numpy
     69  Backtracking to find n-element vectors whose elements add up to less than K
     69  Averaging dataframe and subplotting with pandas (image included)
     69  Average of consecutive columns in a numpy matrix
     69  A List of 3D numpy array iteration through all elements with nditer() from numpy 1.15.3
     69  Add one single value at index zero to a numpy array
     68  Zeroing-out array values outside of a centered slice
     68  ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero (Solving colebrook (nonlinear) equation with Newton Raphson method in python)
     68  Why sometimes p-value is smaller than the most accurate number that numpy can represent
     68  Why numpy's where operation is faster than apply function?
     68  Why is subtraction faster when doing arithmetic with a Numpy array and a int compared to using vectorization with two Numpy arrays?
     68  why don't I get index returns from list comprehension checking truth values?
     68  Why doesn't numpy 1.14 support savetxt for array with dimension more than 2, while 1.13 seems to support that?
     68  Why does np.var(x) and np.cov(x, y) give me different values?
     68  Why column of int and NaN has float type [duplicate]
     68  Why apply(type) get inconsistent results in pandas?
     68  Which method can i use?
     68  What would cause filter differences between machines
     68  What's wrong with this gradient descent?
     68  What is the direction of pixels in the image stored in numpy array? Left to Right or Top to Bottom?
     68  What does hierarchy = hierarchy[0] mean in Python?
     68  What data structure to use to store values created in a function python
     68  Want to concatenate the random uniformly generated values
     68  Vectorized way to add elements using an index map?
     68  vectorize a function on 2 python objects
     68  ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead. Python Function for Linear Regression
     68  ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'x'
     68  Using date-time index slows down groupby apply in Pandas?
     68  Understanding the slicing syntax in Numpy?
     68  Unable to import numpy array properly from a text file
     68  type numpy.ndarray doesn't define __round__ method in tensorflow model.predict
     68  Type Errors (Expected type Float, got set[Float]; etc. errors) in Program
     68  Trouble with KNN on OpenCV, new_samples.type() == CV_32F when training
     68  Transpose list subset dimension?
     68  To use Symbols in limits of Definite integral
     68  too many indicies for an array
     68  the saved image cannot be opened
     68  TensorFlow - Creating a Tensor out of a stencil
     68  Take repeated sample of a list
     68  Split 2D numpy array horizontally based on percentages
     68  Speed up contrast map calculation with NumPy + Cython
     68  Sort pandas grouped cols in line
     68  Sorting a matrix by the minimum values by rows
     68  Sort array values for a particular slice from 3d DataArray
     68  Solving ode with python getting wrong solution
     68  Solve `A` `B` in matrix multiplication `AB=Y` for arbitrary `Y` using least square
     68  sliding window traverses downward on column instead of rows
     68  Slicing rank 2 numpy array using two range objects
     68  shape of passed values x implies y with numpy.ndarray values in dataframe
     68  Setting the last column in a 3D matrix to the sum of all the other columns using Numpy
     68  Separator between strings from JSON
     68  Separating 3-d array into 2-d arrays along the respective columns
     68  Select from array by column by 1d-array
     68  Select based on neighbouring elements
     68  Segmentation Fault GDALRasterBand::ReportError(CPLErr, int, char const*,  ... ) () from /usr/lib/
     68  Scipy Least Squares 2 squares desired // Error: Result from function call is not a proper array of floats
     68  Saving Wikipedia table data in file
     68  Safe and most efficient way to get the column number of sliced pandas dataframes in python
     68  Run a vectorised function on an array in Python with NumPy
     68  Restrict values in DataFrame to specified range
     68  Replace all elements of Numpy array greater than threshold with average of X adjacent values
     68  Repeat rows of an array N times depending on the length of my df in a for loop is not working. Error 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable" (Python)
     68  Removing list comps from numpy code
     68  Rearrange numpy vector according to mapping rule
     68  rearrange 3d numpy array with list of indices
     68  Randomly select a length of numbers from numpy array
     68  Randomly distributing amount X to n items
     68  Questions regarding numpy in Python
     68  python pandas showing error while compiling
     68  python numpy valueError
     68  Python, numpy and arrays - array multiplication/division in my function
     68  Python multiprocessing.Pool uses more CPU than allowed
     68  Python: how to reshape a dataframe by summing neighbour cells?
     68  Python Error: Only size one arrays can be converted into python scalars
     68  Python: Elegant way to combine output variables of a function run many times
     68  Python code optimization using vectorizing iterative section
     68  Pyinstaller: Permission Error when using --hiddenimports flag
     68  Problem with Numpy: Trying to simulate 1000 series of N amount of coin tosses
     68  Problem in getting values in Numpy Polynomial
     68  Polynomial fit using curve_fit()
     68  plt: IndexError: too many indices for array
     68  Plotting a .txt file, trouble converting string to float
     68  parallelize pandas column update
     68  Pandas substrings
     68  pandas not setting column correctly
     68  Pandas - how to sum X last values from 2 columns based on the condition
     68  Pandas: How to accumulate returns - forecasting prices
     68  Pairwise calculation on a 1D-Array with Matrix-like output
     68  ''Operands could not be broadcast together'', even though dimensions are identical
     68  Odd timezone behavior using groupby/agg in pandas
     68  Numpy.unique - getting output with consistent depth
     68  numpy tofile puts single quotes in every line
     68  Numpy syntax to assign elements of an array
     68  Numpy Sum when each array has a specific value
     68  numpy: slice away 2 columns
     68  numpy slice assign to another value
     68  Numpy: populating arrays to vectorize nested summations
     68  numpy.pad adds twice the padding than declared
     68  Numpy overflow in short scalars
     68  numpy optimize way(remove loops)
     68  Numpy n-diagonal matrix broadcasting decomposition
     68  Numpy.mean returns different results for array and copy of array
     68  Numpy matrix sum without looping
     68  NumPy: is there a better way to construct a specific matrix with specific value?
     68  Numpy incorrectly changes large floats to very small numbers when I append
     68  Numpy: how to get the items that are different of 2 matrices?
     68  Numpy: how to copy a matrix to a column of n-D array?
     68  Numpy float128 is not giving a correct answer
     68  Numpy - Find spatial position of a gridpoint in 3-d matrix (knowing the index of that gridpoint)
     68  numpy find maximum digit in array
     68  Numpy FFT function results are not correct to transform time domain to frequency domain data
     68  Numpy create matrix with values in specific locations
     68  Numpy array - reshape and slice
     68  Numpy array remove duplicates non-order specific with additional element priority
     68  NumPy apply function to groups of rows corresponding to another numpy array
     68  Numpy and += effect
     68  Numba Python - how to exploit parallelism effectively?
     68  np.isin() returning duplicate results
     68  Need help to append large number of image numpy arrays to single np array [duplicate]
     68  Nanosecond precision in DataFrame output
     68  Multiple dimension selection in numpy using range finishes with unexpected behaviour
     68  Most NumPythonic way to ''column stack'' any number of 1-D arrays
     68  More Succinct Elif Statement
     68  Missing coordinates when dividing image into grid
     68  Minimum-Sized Encompassing Numpy Array (cropping)
     68  Merging two Dataframes in Pandas based on time-range difference
     68  merge multiple timeseries of different length into a 2D matrix
     68  mean till 25 percentile for rows of an array containing nan
     68  Matplotlib plot market between ticks (X axis)
     68  loglog plots with inverted x_axis in python
     68  list as columns in python
     68  Least positive eigenvalue of a Laplacian matrix
     68  Large MATVEC broadcasting with numpy and performance
     68  Keras LSTM Network Prediction update
     68  Iterating over successive 1-D slices along arbitrary axis of numpy array
     68  Iterate to get the list of the lengths
     68  Is vectorization a hardware/framework specific feature or is it a good coding practice?
     68  Is there a way to write this code more general and elegant?
     68  Is there a way to reverse the dropping method in pandas?
     68  Is there a way to minimize the number of calls to __new__ in numerical python code?
     68  Is there a way to calculate all possible combinations of multiple arrays?
     68  Is there a way to append in a 2d array without numpy?
     68  is there a more efficient way to get all the indices of element that has one euclidean distance to a specific element inside a matrix in python?
     68  Is np.set_printoptions() just for display purposes?
     68  Install pip and numpy for pypy3 OS Debian
     68  Insert new columns into numpy array
     68  Indexing numpy array as slow as python append
     68  Index Error , works for 1D array
     68  IndexError: Too many indices in array python numpy
     68  How to zero out row slice in 2 dimensional array in numpy?
     68  How to use scipy.optimize with pymc3 random variables?
     68  How to use Python3 multiprocessing to append list?
     68  How to take mean of 3 values before flag change 0 to 1python
     68  How to substitute values from array to values in list in Python?
     68  How to speed up my code for comparing four lists in python?
     68  How to speed up finding duplicates in a dataframe column
     68  How to sort a numpy tuple without an error about only length-1 arrays can be converted to python scalars
     68  How to save integer alongside of a np.array
     68  How to resolve Kernel Error or Memory Error?
     68  How to resize array to a certain length proportionally?
     68  How to remove empty values from the pandas DataFrame from a column type list
     68  how to read the text file read in data frame with split function?
     68  How to populate the spacings between elements of an array with constant step, and combine two such arrays with primary and secondary priorities?
     68  How to populate a matrix of indices with array of values?
     68  How to pass mean() as input parameter to another function in Python?
     68  How to pair the two neighbor elements in m*n size matrix in python
     68  How to mirror a numpy matrix on y=-x axis? [duplicate]
     68  How to merge data into python
     68  How to mark DataFrame rows with nan in any column
     68  How to make a variable equivalent a different variable
     68  How to make a connection of some specific node of scatter plot of matplotlib?
     68  how to inspect image using python
     68  How to increase accuracy of a Feed-forwardNeural Network? [duplicate]
     68  How to identify significant items from a correlation matrix in Python (without inner loop)
     68  How to identify / find a 1D numpy array pattern in a 2D numpy array?
     68  How to handle both float and array input in Python?
     68  How to get all possible combinations after splitting an array into x groups [duplicate]
     68  How to generate Gaussian's dot in specific range by numpy?
     68  How to fix inconsistent results when indexing numpy array?
     68  How to fill numpy arrays simultaneously using multiple indexes in python
     68  How to express this tensor compute with numpy?
     68  How to efficiently calculate only the upper triangle of this operation in Python?
     68  How to efficiently acquire and index the datetime and date based on the number of hour in a year
     68  How to delete an element from a 2D Numpy array without knowing its position
     68  How to create a numpy matrix with differing column data types?
     68  How to create a new column using values from existing column in a daframe [closed]
     68  How to convert mouse input to python array?
     68  How to convert a numpy array of dimension (x,y,z) to (x,y,z-1)?
     68  How to convert a list to a table in Python
     68  How to convert a columnar list in Pandas to numpy matrix: expanding list to columns?
     68  how to concatenate python quantities?
     68  How to compare equality of two tuples that involve with list
     68  How to come to the ending point of a maze?
     68  How to clip to nearest value from a list in numpy?
     68  How to calculate two different numpy array's values then put the result in a third array
     68  How to calculate this equation in Python or NumPy loop?
     68  How to add the first values in cascading columns?
     68  How to add random values in a pandas dataframe with specific set of conditions
     68  How to add Country code(+852) before the phone number in a dataframe
     68  How to access specific data pairs in csv_reader files python?
     68  How is scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf different from the same function written using numpy?
     68  How for find x for a fitted exponential function?
     68  How do you efficiently sum the occurences of a value in one array at positions in another array
     68  How do I use sympy.lambdify with Max function to substitute numpy.maximum instead of numpy.amax?
     68  How do I organize an uneven matrix of many calculations in pandas / numpy / pandas
     68  How do I improve the speed of this parser using python?
     68  How do I fix this error in my double loop?
     68  How do I delete something from a NumPy array while iterating through it and multiple other arrays?
     68  How do I create a range of words to iterate through as hyperparameters?
     68  How do I concisely replace column values given multiple conditions?
     68  How does numpy three dimensiona slicing and indexing and ellipsis work?
     68  How does numpy array typing interact with object?
     68  How come an empty numpy array after slicing have multi dimension and non zero?
     68  how can pandas plot 2 pdf in same graph?
     68  How can I interpolate unsorted 2D numpy arrays in Python and compare the interpolated values to the original one?
     68  How can I import a lot of csv data files using one function or for-loop? [duplicate]
     68  How can I further speed up my code in Numba?
     68  How can I fill an array with sets
     68  How can I calculate the DOP values for a set of GPS satellites in Python 2.7.2?
     68  How can I add tick marks in a boxplot based on a boolean value in a DataFrame?
     68  Handling the Broadcasting without loosing info (2d array and 3d array operations)
     68  Groupby, transpose each group and multiply by the original group in pandas dataframes
     68  groupby, apply, and set not behaving as expected ...  is this a bug?
     68  Grabbing tensor indices with name of tensor attached
     68  Given a function with widespread zero tails: Cut down the plotting range
     68  Getting the position of a value inside a dataset that has three 1D numpy arrays
     68  Getting legend in text market plot (python)
     68  get Equation result - Python
     68  Get a view of a ndarray satisfying certain shape and strides constraint
     68  Generate signal sampled with noise
     68  Generate dummy Data for analysis in python
     68  Generate data for dates based on a constraint
     68  flatten out indices in order to access elements?
     68  Flatten arrays into a list of lists
     68  Finding nans in an array
     68  Finding eigen vectors using numpy.linalg.eig
     68  Finding deltas in three overlapping sets in python
     68  Finding Combination of object list using recursive funciton in python takes time
     68  Finding a path through a boolean matrix, with skipping
     68  Fill an existing numpy array with a scalar function
     68  Feature Names Mismatch when Passing X_test to .predict() Function (Again, Still)
     68  Fast way to localize time in python for large dataset?
     68  Fast way to keep one occurancy per element with numpy array and tuple
     68  Fastest way to perform sparse matrix multiplications in Python
     68  Fastest way to changes rows in a Series by slicing in pandas?
     68  Extract a block from an 2d array
     68  Error when replacing row in numpy array
     68  Elementwise operations in numpy
     68  Efficiently select elements from an (x,y) field with a 2D mask in Python
     68  Efficiently export Astropy SkyCoord array to array/DataFrame/file
     68  Efficiently/elegantly apply a method to, or get property from, numpy ndarray of objects
     68  duplicated outputs of np.apply_along_axis when a dict is returned
     68  Drop rows from dataset
     68  Does a random seed set via numpy.random.seed maintain across submodules?
     68  Different results in matrix multiplication using Python and R language
     68  Design feed-foward neural network with numpy
     68  deploying an ML model on gcloud with numpy c-extensions failed
     68  delete the last element in the array with numpy
     68  Delete specific Values of an Array: Python
     68  Delete certain elements of a numpy array
     68  'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'state_bottle_retail'
     68  Creating a new 2 column numpy array from filtering through the first coumn/array
     68  Creating 3D Array in Python
     68  Create a Numpy matrix storing shuffled versions of an input ndarray
     68  Create a matrix of sample : issue with np.apply_along_axis additional arguments
     68  Count consecutive values within an array with multiple values numpy/pandas
     68  Corresponding scores based on edges of a graph
     68  Convert pandas nested Series into Numpy ndarray
     68  Convert many array to one matrix
     68  Converting numpy64 objects to Pandas datetime
     68  Converting 4D to 2D array gives me: ValueError: shapes (88,4) and (88,2) not aligned: 4 (dim 1) != 88 (dim 0)
     68  Convert 2D numpy array into grid plot
     68  Control how numpy casts a type via custom function
     68  Contracting like elements over python lists
     68  Confidence level smaller than 0 with python linear regression
     68  comparing the two data frames
     68  Clone items in a list by index
     68  Check list and edit second list accordingly
     68  Checking to see if array elements are equal
     68  Check if numpy array rows are in another 2d array [duplicate]
     68  Change the data of an array from C in Python
     68  Change format for data imported from file in Python
     68  Change brightness in frequency domain
     68  Can this be vectorized (numpy)?
     68  calculate mean of certain arrays inside the large array
     68  Calculate column value based on 2 dataframes
     68  Broadcasting a 1D array to a particular dimension of a varying nD array via .reshape(generator)
     68  assigning a numpy array based on list of tuples
     68  Assembly numpy array by piecewise function
     68  Applying a function across a numpy array gives different answers in different runs
     68  apply conditions to df.groupby() to filter out duplicates
     68  apply a function that takes an argument to an ndimage labeled array
     68  Append elemnets to numpy nd array
     68  Append array to itself by repeated function calls
     68  Any ideas howto increase speed of selecting elements from a large list of string
     68  Aggregation on pandas datetime series only returns as datetime series
     68  Add value 1 in an multidimension array in python [closed]
     68  Adding a value to all indices except for one in a 2D array
     68  Adding a column in Pandas based on multiple conditions on another column
     67  Zero pad ndarray along axis
     67  write multiple files from a 3D array
     67  Will sparse row matrix help in computational speed of this code?
     67  Why would this little python code cause memory leak?
     67  why the where argument default value is false?
     67  Why specifying ''anaconda'' channel was required while installing numpy in py37 env
     67  Why Matplotlib plot the wrong heatmap in this case?
     67  Why is this simple Sklearn SVM off?
     67  Why is numpy.vectorize() changing the division output of a scalar function?
     67  Why do i get this segdault import numpy error?
     67  Why doesn't NumPy's ndarray class follow the naming convention?
     67  Why does np.array([4, 3, 0]) + np.array([0, 2, 2]) give an output of array([4,5,2])
     67  What is the shortest Python code to get a maximum from the two discrete functions?
     67  What is the pythonic way of returning sum of expressions from function?
     67  What is the best method to map a cosine function to a large set of data in Python?
     67  What is that ''.'' in size dimenson of NumPy?
     67  what is a better way to do this pandas computation?
     67  What are possible pandas basic / scalar data types?
     67  Vectorizing NumPy code for arrays
     67  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape (2)
     67  Using string in array slicing in NumPy
     67  Use of slicing numpy object in a list
     67  ''Updating'' the RNG in Python
     67  Update Numpy Array After Using Function to Delete Values
     67  unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'; solving with numpy arrays?
     67  Understanding the resulting shapes of these numpy slice operations
     67  Understanding Python's ''colon operator'' when summing arrays of multiple dimensions
     67  Two 4D mat mul numpy and should expect output 5D
     67  Transforming a 3 Column Matrix into an N x N Matrix in Numpy
     67  To check the availability of product
     67  Substract linear slope from burst data after linear regression
     67  Store array as a value within Pandas column
     67  Spread Range Dates in pandas
     67  Splitting dataset into two non-redundant numpy arrays?
     67  Speed up multilple matrix products with numpy
     67  Speed up looping over three axis' in NumPy
     67  speed up in finding nearst points and sorting them in python
     67  Slicing of ndarrays over array boundaries
     67  Slicing a multidimensional array without a for loop
     67  Slicing a box of certain width along arbitrary line through 3d array
     67  Slice notation isn't creating a new copy in memory
     67  Skip rows above and below desired data in csv file
     67  Separate data points into clusters and taking the mean of each cluster
     67  Select subarray from a numpy array on labels
     67  Select one dimension of Multidimensional array with list - numpy
     67  Scipy minimize - create constraint to have only 5 out of 20
     67  Scipy construct a network graph from text file
     67  Rounding error from array -> string -> array conversion
     67  Resolving linear equations with parameters
     67  replace values in `numpy` array
     67  Replace array values from the reference list
     67  removing sequences from the data Pandas Python Numpy
     67  Remove values if they repeat in array [duplicate]
     67  Remove only rows which contain duplicates within that row of 3D numpy array
     67  remove duplicate rows based on the highest value in another column in Pandas df
     67  Referring to a specific column and row when using np.polyfit in python
     67  Referring to arrays in a for-loop
     67  ''Reduce'' last dimension of numpy ndarray
     67  Receiving large data over tcp - is socket.MSG_WAITALL directly into numpy buffer a bad idea?
     67  Quickly loading small part of a NPZ file
     67  Python: turn single array of sorted, repeat values into an array of arrays?
     67  Python script saving over input variables
     67  Python Runserver error [duplicate]
     67  python: remove records from a dataset comparing two histograms
     67  Python - Proper way of serially reassign/update class members
     67  Python Plotting Data Using the Row referring to rows to columns from CSV file
     67  python or numpy list involves all unicode characters
     67  Python OpenCV: Getting a x/y point with a slope and another coordinate
     67  Python/Numba: Trouble creating custom type using Numba Extension API
     67  Python Non-Loop Way to change array values based on row and column position
     67  python ''in'' function doesn't work as expected for arrays [duplicate]
     67  python: If loop returns wrong result
     67  Python - Creating dictionary from numpy table to display lists
     67  Python convert defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) to numpy array
     67  python: badly behaving dict inside a function- erroneous TypeError
     67  python - Adding combinations of adjacent rows in a matrix
     67  python 3 round on one numpy float unexpectedly yielding float
     67  python 2-d array masking error
     67  Python 2.7.11 Pip 8.0.3 can't install gohike WHL of TA-Lib 0.4.9 [duplicate]
     67  Put zeros in the given index values of a 2D array in Python
     67  problem to create list of 10.000 randome numbers from 1 to 5 with np.random.choice [closed]
     67  Problems while taking screenshots of a window and displaying it with OpenCV
     67  Printing data Python
     67  pip install keras-retinanet==0.5.0 OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
     67  Piecewise functions
     67  Phase shift in numpy gradient when computing derivative of Cosine
     67  Perform a 'join' on two numpy arrays
     67  Per-cell standardization efficiently in NumPy
     67  Pandas/Numpy: Calculate current state series based on binary signals
     67  Pandas merging 2 DataFrames into one graph
     67  pandas join operation (very large data)
     67  Pandas interval data (valid from & valid to) to end of month resampling
     67  Pandas: how shift all dataframe
     67  pandas find row+col names for elements with condition
     67  Pandas dataframe columns multiplication/division only when depends on another variable
     67  Pandas compare index value to corresponding index value to find a percentage match
     67  Pairing two Pandas data frames with an ID value
     67  Optimizing Many Matrix Operations in Python / Numpy
     67  numpy: why would you ever use multiply instead of matmul for matrix multiplication?
     67  `numpy.tile()` sorts automatically - is there an alternative?
     67  NumPy: summing over function values using ndarray
     67  numpy suddenly stopped working on Raspberry
     67  Numpy: Singular Matrix
     67  NumPy - Selecting a submatrix from another 2d array
     67  Numpy/Scipy convert raw values to indexed timeseries?
     67  Numpy outer equality comparison with more than one element [duplicate]
     67  Numpy List Comprehension vs Frompyfunc
     67  numpy list comprehension and +=/-= operator
     67  numpy linear algebra on diagonal arrays without explicit duplication
     67  Numpy Indexing and creation of new array
     67  Numpy: Efficient way to sort array and find corresponding indices [duplicate]
     67  Numpy complicated data structure
     67  Numpy array: Function affects original input object as well
     67  numpy array filtering and clubbing elements
     67  Numpy array condition to check if there is element with value +1 of current value
     67  Numpy: Apply vectorized function to part of array
     67  Numpy: Add Rows of Matrix over another Matrix of different dimension
     67  np.vectorize of function containing dot-product
     67  Normalize IDs column
     67  normality test for a set of vectors in python (numpy/scipy etc) [duplicate]
     67  Neutral numpy array index
     67  Neural Network Issue with Back Propagation Calculation
     67  My function does not take floats: - ''TypeError('only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars')'' (I think it has a quick fix!)
     67  multiply matrices on python 3
     67  Multiply an array (k,) or (k, n) by 1D array (k,)
     67  More optimal way to find then sort from two numpy arrays
     67  More efficient way to put an image on top of another - OpenCV Python3
     67  More efficient way to calculate a variable inside grad(L)=0 in numpy?
     67  Modified cosine similarity efficiency
     67  Min values for segments of columns of csv data when another column has same value using numpy
     67  Merging one NumPy array into new NumPy array with equal amount of values
     67  MemoryError when concatenate lists on Ubuntu but not Mac
     67  matrix: move n-th row by n position efficiently
     67  Matplotlib and Python loop over two dimensions
     67  mapping over 2 numpy.ndarray simultaneously
     67  making matrix using numpy
     67  Making an error handling with python and numpy
     67  Making a matrix symmetric, in-place vs. out-of-place
     67  Make ML Engine request for image
     67  Look if points at given coordinates are True in a matrix
     67  Load multiple .npy files (size > 10GB) in pytorch
     67  List Comprehension to Create Vector Twice the Square of a Column
     67  Length of lists in array
     67  KeyError even though key exist
     67  Julia: Products of sequences in a vectorized way
     67  I want to do some aggregations with the help of Group By function in pandas
     67  Is there a way to pass a variable through the args of an integration function?
     67  Is there a way to create custom normalised numpy array given a networkx graph containing nodes and weights in python
     67  Is there any easy way to sparsely store a matrix with a redundant pattern in python?
     67  Is there a better way to determine cross-mapping indicies for numpy arrays
     67  Is Numpy giving unexpected results?
     67  Is np.random.choice supposed to coerce?
     67  Is it possible to write these 2 functions in Python without using numpy?
     67  Invert a function in python without solving for it
     67  Interactive python plot
     67  insert multiple line in array and compare array in bash
     67  Insert elements into numpy array so that the minimum spacing is arbitrary
     67  Insert Conditional Rows in Columns
     67  Indexing offset diagonal of 4 dimensional array
     67  In a DataFrame, how could we get a list of indexes with 0's in specific columns?
     67  Improving my Python code
     67  Impossible to convert a whole list of list into numpy array
     67  If I have two lines, how do I find which line is on top after an intersection?
     67  How would you optimize this simple but slow Python 'for' loop?
     67  How to update the values of an attribute of many objects in an array
     67  How to take only first elements of argpartition output - numpy
     67  How to sum elements of the rows of a lattice periodically
     67  How to speed up pandas drop() method?
     67  How to slice an array based on values 0 and nonzero [duplicate]
     67  How to show legend for only one plot
     67  How to reshape Numpy array with padded 0's
     67  How to rank elements in a table and create variables in Python
     67  How to quickly change the corresponding the eigenvectors by sorting eigenvalues in python?
     67  How to make a ufunc output a matrix given two array_like operands (instead of trying to broadcast them)?
     67  How to make a counter of values change by group in Python
     67  How to initiate numpy arrays with constraints
     67  how to implement a randlong in numpy
     67  How to get weight and bias that has a minimum total error
     67  How to get the scalar multiplication between 2 matrices?
     67  How to get the number of nonzero elements row-wise for a numpy array?
     67  How to get plotted function value in python
     67  how to get element of list without string
     67  How to generate transpose-like matrix without using any built-in function and without using loops?
     67  how to fix memory error while using np.r_
     67  How to fix array boolean error using filter function
     67  How to find the max of the sums of the absolute values of each column in a matrix
     67  How to fill a numpy 1-d array into a Fortran pre-defined 2-d array?
     67  How to effectively work on combinations along one dimension in np array
     67  How to determine that negative values are imutable when using a lookup table in numpy
     67  How to create the matrix for chord diagram based on coloumn value:
     67  How to create a two dimension list from a single dimension list by adding a new element?
     67  How to create a this Matrix by Numpy , and sort the matrix at second row?
     67  How to create an numpy array from several rows of DateFrame using 'values' atribute?
     67  How to copy list of tuples to EXISTING numpy array in shared memory
     67  How to convert list of numpy.ndarray to a list of lists? [duplicate]
     67  How to compute error on forecasting on Python?
     67  How to classify my numpy files in categories (Python)?
     67  How to check whether specific entries exist in pandas dataframe and add new entries?
     67  How to change string to timeformat with numpy.genfromtxt
     67  How to calculate a composite function on the grid?
     67  How to broadcast correctly subtracting 2 different matrices in Numpy
     67  How to apply a function to a column?
     67  How to Aggregate and Sum in Python (or R) with a Specific Condition
     67  How to add two arrays in numpy
     67  How do I switch been text and binary write mode in Python 3?
     67  How do I shuffle the first two dimensions of this 3D numpy array?
     67  How do I plot a 2D numpy array where every column is a different function?
     67  How do I create a bar chart to show the total number of times each winner has won a race using Jupyter Notebooks?
     67  How do I count the number of times a function is called?
     67  How do I calculate fuzz ratio between two columns?
     67  How does one Fourier transform an array of 1's and 0's
     67  How does np.ndarray.tobytes() work for dtype ''object''?
     67  How can I use the efficiency of numpy to calculate a matrix that is the subtraction of a vector with each of his values? [duplicate]
     67  How can I resize only one dimension in multi-dimension nparray?
     67  How can I plot an ellipse over different centers defined in an array
     67  how can I fix Memory Error on np.arange(0.01*1e10,100*1e10,0.5)?
     67  How can I create a function that combines list/array rows/columns/elements in arbitrary sized array/list?
     67  How can I convert a transition dictionary into a transition matrix in markov chain?
     67  How can I compute the Pearson correlation matrix and retain only significant values?
     67  How can I access the neighboring elements of the matrix using numpy?
     67  getting python executable or running on the web
     67  get probability how two numpy arrays are close to each other python
     67  Get Pandas DataFrame readable datatypes
     67  Get index of rows with identical elements in python vanilla or using numpy
     67  generating random list of given numbers with limitations and certain length with python
     67  Generating class name list based on class index list
     67  Gauss elimination Python (Value error)
     67  Function call and code in function give different result [closed]
     67  Fortran 77 arrays to Numpy Arrays
     67  forming pairs of non-contiguous elements from an array
     67  Format output in python
     67  FITS with WCS to healpy
     67  Find the index of max value in a 3D array and store as 2D array
     67  Find nearest values in numpy array [duplicate]
     67  Finding smallest differences of values of txt files
     67  Finding indices that fall between given ranges
     67  Filter out range of frequencies using band stop filter in Python and confirm it using Fourier Transform FFT
     67  Fill the area between multiple curves and lines
     67  Filling across a specified dimension of a numpy array
     67  Extended Raftery Markov Chain function minimization using python
     67  Exponential curve fitting a data set
     67  Expand vector n times to fit larger matrix without using np.tile() or creating a new vector
     67  Ensure parallel reduction of numpy array operation mapping to repeated position [duplicate]
     67  Eigen values for matrix at each grid point
     67  Efficient way to concatenate and sort seasonal time series?
     67  Efficient ways to represent a (possibly big) graph with unknown structure using numpy?
     67  Dynamic, multidimensional, rectangular, numeric arrays in C++ (as in NumPy or Matlab)
     67  Does the y label need to be of a specific type for SVM to work?
     67  Divide ndarray by maximums along given axis
     67  dimension error while converting code from matlab to python
     67  Difficulty in openning a file
     67  Dictionary with arrays as values
     67  dictionary or sub df from df
     67  Delete specific values in 2-Dimension array - Numpy
     67  Defining a grid using np.linspace and evaluating function over this grid
     67  Data vectorization (get_dummies 3 columns to matrix)
     67  CVXOPT QP: ignores constraint
     67  custom made regression using average absolute deviation
     67  creating numpy matrix from nested arrays in a list
     67  Creating a tumbling windows in python
     67  Creating a matrix of 0 and 1 that maintains its shape
     67  Creating a general function
     67  Convert OLS results into an array or DataFrame
     67  Converting numpy ndarray of dictionaries to DataFrame
     67  Converting a long list of sequence of 0's and 1's into a numpy array or pandas dataframe
     67  Convert image to ndarray and vice-versa
     67  Contour plot of 2d point data
     67  Confusion with regards to softmax derivative implementation in Numpy
     67  comparing each value in two columns
     67  Clustering with maximal items per cluster?
     67  Check uniqueness of arrays in Python
     67  Can't import numpy into python after multiple resets/reinstalls
     67  Can't import anything on Jupyter notebook
     67  Can the strings be changed into variables?
     67  Can anyone suggest a faster method to create this array?
     67  Calculate saturated values after clipping in Theano
     67  Calculate new list with differences of list elements
     67  Boost Python Memory Leak
     67  Block scalar-vector multiplication in numpy
     67  Automatically reduce piecewise function components - Pyomo
     67  Array won't assign more than 8 characters in python [duplicate]
     67  Arguments in for loop
     67  Area of a curve between intersection points on a plane
     67  A random array within some bounds
     67  Apply math.erf to an array
     67  applying function to all columns in an numpy array
     67  Advance resampling using Pandas dataframe
     67  Addition of rasters
     67  Adding multiple columns to pandas dataframe with np.where clause
     67  Adding arrays which may contain 'None'-entries
     67  4D array from 2D arrays
     67  2D NumPy array comparison in given range
     67  2d gaussian function does not produce correct results
     66  Wrong NumPy array calculations results
     66  why the numpy.size function is acting weird?
     66  why operations with dtype np.int64 are much slower compared to same operations with np.int16?
     66  Why numpy array takes more time than list?
     66  Why is this array returning True when put into np.any?
     66  Why is the output of my function in binary?
     66  Why are the arrows of the 3d quiver plot pointing the wrong way?
     66  what is the quickest way to drop zeros from a series
     66  what is the difference between ['[a,a,a]','[b,b,b]'] and [[a,a,a],[b,b,b]] in python?
     66  What does the below expression mean in python?
     66  What does newArray = myNumpyArray[:,0] mean?
     66  What causes Python to complain about catting list to list in code with no lists?
     66  Very basic manipulation of numpy in python functions
     66  Versioning between Scipy and Numpy
     66  Vectorized approach for masking individual slices per column
     66  Vectoriced iterative fixpoint search
     66  ValueError while trying to convert an array of strings to an array with mixed given dtypes
     66  ValueError when using if commands in function
     66  Value error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
     66  Utlizing two indepedant variables and one dependant variables in linear regression using NUMPY [duplicate]
     66  Using if statements with ndarray
     66  Use selected Pandas columns with a function to create a matrix
     66  Unifying pickled numpy arrays into a single file efficiently
     66  Turning masked results into different random numbers
     66  Trying to remove the first row in python fails?
     66  To find minimum distance between two array PLOT1 and PLOT2 and also store the index where that point is
     66  The fastest way to get filtered data checking substring value within ndarray
     66  the fastest way to create vector z, such that z[i] = 1/(1+i)
     66  tf.argsort and np.argsort gave different results
     66  Taking the dotproduct a 2D array
     66  sum of [0.0,0.7,0.2,0.1] do not equal to 1 [duplicate]
     66  Summing product of two arrays of different sizes
     66  Summing Numpy Boolean Indices
     66  Summing and dividing by different categories conversion from Python to R [duplicate]
     66  Stacking an array and putting it into a dat file
     66  Split array Python [closed]
     66  solving a tie when sorting a dictionary of lists
     66  Solve algebraic equation with operations
     66  Smoothing/interpolation of 3D potential field in Python
     66  Smart Indexing with numpy
     66  Smart indexing using numpy
     66  Slicing a numpy 3-d matrix into 2-d matrix
     66  Slice a submatrix with center element indices
     66  simplify stupid loop for numpy argmin
     66  Selecting datetime data in python
     66  Selecting data based on number of occurences using Python / Pandas
     66  Script fails in WinPython, attempting to import lapack_til
     66  Scipy curve_fit silently fails only for very specific x-values
     66  Scikit-learn: Understanding MeanShift fit_predict()
     66  Saving Output Distance From Many Coordinates Using Python For Loop
     66  Save random values from multi-dimensional NumPy array
     66  Reshape dataframe of list to another dataframe
     66  Replace values in a list depending on value of other list?
     66  reorder list of vectors by norm
     66  Reduce Dimensons when converting list to array
     66  Recieve the integer values when float is needed(computing determinant with numpy arr)
     66  re-arranging entries in 2d array based on certain columns
     66  Random 2D coordinates generation
     66  Querying data in Python based on the business day (8am-10pm) and weekdays only
     66  Python: up and down justify the index of a bool numpy array
     66  python string repsesenting multiple arrays to numpy arrays
     66  Python set value of array which does not exist with 0 by default
     66  Python's equivalent of R's seq_len, slice, and where?
     66  Python script export to .exe including some excel and numpy calculations
     66  python RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in subtract x = asanyarray(arr - arrmean)
     66  Python row index of deleted row
     66  Python probability from a random sample
     66  python prevent operator call
     66  Python plotting normal law [duplicate]
     66  Python Pillow / Numpy array are these pixels 'connected'?
     66  Python object does not sort with like objects
     66  Python/Numpy : How do I renumber an existing array with repeating instances? [duplicate]
     66  Python/Numpy combining four matrices [duplicate]
     66  Python multiple search in arrays
     66  python loadtxt with exotic format of table
     66  pythonic way to get first element of multidimensional numpy array
     66  Pythonic way to convert a numpy array into another array with column indices
     66  Python find max in list of lists and elements with undefined number of integers and floats
     66  Python - Error when i replace data of an array by 2 values of a second array
     66  Python dataframe filling
     66  python adding variables to imported modules
     66  Pyinstaller numpy. EXE throws error at runtime
     66  Prediction using Keras NLP
     66  Plotting numpy.bytes_ data
     66  Plot only works when hard coded or Copy/Pasted
     66  Pip, Python Wheels and Numpy compilation Issues
     66  Perform math opeartion with two Numpy array - limit the number
     66  passing an numpy array to a numpy array of function
     66  Pandas Set Data on set of indexes and condition
     66  Pandas: Selecting value from preceding row and different column
     66  Pandas or numpy loop to find the 12 hour rolling minimum of each column and output it as a new column
     66  Pandas dynamic Groupby and Shift
     66  pairwise swap (Python, Pandas, NumPy)
     66  Out of core resampling
     66  Optimizing python code with numpy colon notation
     66  Operands could not broadcast together
     66  numpy.where with two-dimensional array
     66  Numpy.where with logic
     66  numpy version dependent result for 2d indexing on 1d array
     66  numpyThonic way for array comparison?
     66  numpy sum of unsigned and signed number becomes floating point
     66  Numpy subset matrix based on another with binary data
     66  Numpy sorted array for loop error but original works fine
     66  numpy size fails on large list
     66  Numpy returns .00 ... 002
     66  Numpy reapeat array attached to array?! what is the syntax here?
     66  numpy polynomial TypeError
     66  numpy mask creation broadcasting
     66  numPy logic function over an array
     66  Numpy indexing: Set values of an array given by conditions in different array
     66  numpy function with float or ndarray as argument
     66  Numpy broadcasting in z direction
     66  NumPy Array Indexing and Replacing
     66  Numpy/ arcpy memory issue [duplicate]
     66  Numpy and Scipy must be installed for TVRegDiag to work - aborting
     66  Numpy adds a dot after each element of an array which I cant strip
     66  Neural network from scratch - predict single example
     66  Multidimensional (4D) array multiplication issue
     66  Most Effective Method to create and fill a numpy matrix from an array
     66  Merging two arrays into a single array, to be plugged into a function
     66  Merge two 2D numpy.ndarray
     66  matplotlib numpy  -  TypeError: Cannot read property 'props' of undefined  -  Graph not showing up?
     66  Matlab vector in NumPy
     66  Manual slicing of a list using their indices, Python
     66  Make numpy matrix with insufficient length of data
     66  Logical_And in 2d Image Array using numpy
     66  Locate asymmetries in a matrix
     66  I want to convert the arrays into an image an then animate it
     66  Iterate through columns of an array to standardize data
     66  Iterate and change values of python numpy matrix columns
     66  Is there a way to predict if exp is going to return inf
     66  Is there a science behind precompression? [closed]
     66  Is there an easier way to produce a numpy matrix where the numbers worm up and down vertically
     66  Invert non-zero submatrix in numpy, returning a matrix of original shape
     66  Installing modules using pip
     66  incrementing by 1 for a row and column for a slice
     66  Increase size of an array by filling the values inbetween with the previous value
     66  Improving speed of the code when using numpy.apply_along_axis
     66  Improve performance of index search and removal
     66  Improve loop efficiency in game code
     66  I have a gaussian function with two independent discrete variables. How do I create a matrix of all possible values?
     66  I don't know how to pick the weights for my neural network in python
     66  how to write 1-D array in multiple columns with pythons
     66  How to Vectorize This Matrix Operation?
     66  How to use numpy where for several possible values?
     66  how to truncate an array of uint8 rather than overflow, when adding a value?
     66  how to trace a curve through a grid and find all cells that are intersected [duplicate]
     66  How to sum two Dataframes and remove the old values
     66  How to stream Tweets by hashtag with language AND count filter using Tweepy?
     66  How to store intermediate results from loop iterations correctly?
     66  How to solve Matplotlib error ValueError that ask for the same first dimension [closed]
     66  How to simplify numpy conditional statements to find neighbouring indices of elements given a value?
     66  How to set precision on column names made by np.arange()?
     66  how to save this Matplotlib drawing as a Numpy array?
     66  How to resample an array by duplicating/skipping every N item?
     66  How to replace consecutive values in a list using another list as a reference?
     66  how to remove last column of an array in python
     66  How to read multiple text files into arrays?
     66  How to properly concatenate two 1D arrays without flattening?
     66  How to plot this integral function with infinity boundary?
     66  How to perform tensor production in Python/numpy?
     66  How to pass a tensor variable to feed_dict?
     66  How to parallelize simple linear regression with gradient descent - using numpy?
     66  How to mix onehotencoding and bagofword
     66  How to make the code work faster when it has a big set of data [duplicate]
     66  How to make a two way table from 2 numpy arrays?
     66  How to make a partition structure
     66  How to load a file into memory without decompression? (HDF5)
     66  How to identify the first sign change in a sequence of list using python
     66  How to get views on sparse matrices?
     66  How to get result from for loop in each step?
     66  How to get bytes data from a binary file using numpy
     66  How to find the index of a sorted series?
     66  How to find coordinate of a point at a specific distance from three other points?
     66  How to express c[i,j,k] = a[i,j] * b[i,k] in Numpy/Theano?
     66  How to evaluate multivariate linear functions in Python?
     66  How to divide a row by the contents of the previous row with using loops
     66  How to create win/lose counter updating numpy array
     66  How to create new columns from subcategories in pandas?
     66  How to create a truly callable array or matrix in Python
     66  How to convert specific elements within a numpy array to integers?
     66  How to check if there is a match between reference string list and target string?
     66  How to change the coordinates of a point in a python vtkPolyData model?
     66  How to change color back from HSV to RGB
     66  How to calculate -1/2 power of the matrix in python
     66  how to append more than one list of time series correlation in python?
     66  How to Animate a 3D Graph on Python
     66  How to add an index of a another dataframe
     66  How do I get the minimum of certain elements of an array with Python?
     66  How do I get pandas update function to correctly handle numpy.datetime64?
     66  How do I get a count of values in an array, in a range or above a threshold value?
     66  How do I fix numpy ValueError
     66  How do I efficiently change a pd.Series of lists in a dataframe to a pd.Series of np.arrays
     66  How do I convert this such that numpy works on the entire list at a time?
     66  How do I apply a non-integer -> integer dict to a numpy array?
     66  How does a numpy function handle a logical if operator for the axis argument?
     66  How can I use numpy create list out of another list with modified elements
     66  How can I remove indices of non-max values that correspond to duplicate values of separate list from both lists?
     66  How can i fetch elements from an ndarray per row?
     66  How can I conditionally subset numpy array from the bottom only?
     66  How can i calculate ''pn'' automatically?
     66  How can I avoid using a loop in this specific snippet of python code?
     66  How can I access an array with an array of indexes in python?
     66  Group and summarize matrix by value
     66  Getting Error while splitting countvectorizered data frame for model building?
     66  Get header in genfromtxt when using skip_header
     66  Generic Implementation of Gradient Descent for any Neural Network Architecture [closed]
     66  Function to ignore nan values and do a numpy.polyval
     66  fsolve cannot find a solution even when given one
     66  Fortran elemental functions in python using f2py
     66  For loops with multiple result
     66  For each label in one array set the first k occurrences to False in another array
     66  Fitting with a gaussian
     66  Finding the amount of rows in a numpy array [duplicate]
     66  Finding specific values and replacing them by others. Python
     66  find index of values that exceed previous values in a numpy array
     66  Filter columns where one of the values is 0
     66  fill missing with cumulative growth of last valid value
     66  Fill a dataframe column with a default value where findall returns no matches
     66  File handling in Python for beginners
     66  fastest way to create a list with differences of all entrys and the corresponding iterator in python
     66  Facing problem while using for loop in python for applying skimage.filters.threshold_otsu() to a list of segments in an image/array
     66  Extracting dictionary values in for loop to fill list
     66  Extending array by repeating values if another array is not continues
     66  Evaluate with NaN
     66  Efficient way to look in list of lists?
     66  Efficient way to assign list elements to numpy array
     66  Dot product B^t.D.B doesn't return a symmetric array
     66  Do the python numpy and sklearn trig functions use lookup tables to find the answers or do they try to compute values on-the-fly?
     66  Does numba np.diff have a bug?
     66  DLL load failed error
     66  Creating a numpy array from a pointer in cython
     66  Creating a normal with limits with variable standard deviation
     66  Creating a non trivial view of numpy array
     66  create n item long playlist-like list from multiple other lists
     66  Count the sum of a subset of the index in a pandas series [duplicate]
     66  converting pd.Series of strings into ndarray
     66  Converting Mnist array data to one-hot encoded arrays for each pixel value
     66  Converting image to grayscale on python using scikit
     66  Converting a string of lists of lists into a Numpy array
     66  Convert Byte type into float
     66  Constructing piecewise function from changepoints in Numpy
     66  Compute an adjacency matrix efficiently
     66  Comparing NumPy Arrays for Similarity
     66  Compare two tuple with variable length in Python
     66  Color Code Dataframe in Scatter Plot
     66  Check if Python list elements are in a Pandas dataframe row
     66  can't convert array to image correctly
     66  Can cPickle save reshaped numpy object reference?
     66  Can a call to np.array without the dtype argument raise an error?
     66  Calculations involving numpy arrays of different shapes without for loops?
     66  calculating tf_idf for fvt table
     66  Calculating hours between the two dates as per range
     66  Calculating distances between vectors of two numpy arrays
     66  Calculate the n-th order discrete difference: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'
     66  Calculate Sample variance of a dataset using numpy
     66  Calculate max and min of three matrices
     66  Best way to generate an edge table off a datamatrix with Python
     66  Attain a tally of a column of a 2d array
     66  Array of values in exact hour everyday(5 days)
     66  Applying arange for simultaneous computation of multiple ranges
     66  Apply a different Python function to corresponding element
     66  Another follow-up to numpy.linalg.eig and loading
     66  Adding a new row in a matrix, every other row, whose elements are averages of the elements above and below it
     66  Access numpy elements from an array of indexes
     66  Access list at the end of Numpy matrix Python
     66  Access indices from 2D list - Python
     66  1 Bit Image creation PIL.Image fromarray error
     65  x not in list, where x contains samples of HELLO speech
     65  Wrong distribution from inverse(CDF) transform sampling
     65  Why np.bincount(x) is giving 0 at the start?
     65  Why is numpy array indexing slower than built-in Python list? [duplicate]
     65  Why is not (at least) 10 times longer when I have 10 times more lines in the matrix
     65  Why is my BP neural network's accuracy too low?
     65  Why do i get a numerical error when my csv data i loaded is numeric?
     65  why does numpy normalize these equivalent arrays differently? [closed]
     65  Why does numpy hold on to so much unused memory?
     65  Why does a TypeError in commented out line stop my code from running?
     65  why can we use variable name to get data stored in it?
     65  while executing loop the error is list indices must be intergers,not tuple
     65  Which convention should I adopt for functions that add columns to DataFrames?
     65  What similarity metric should be used to classify these sequences?
     65  what is the most efficient way to remove the duplicates BETWEEN the arrays, not WITHIN?
     65  What is the difference between the type of those two files?
     65  What is the best way to find approximate unordered arrays in python?
     65  What is the best way to create a 2D array with NaN values at random indices?
     65  Ways to improve my code in terms of space and speed
     65  Vectorizing Numpy 3D and 2D array operation
     65  Vectorizing an element-wise
     65  Vectorize grouped summation
     65  Vectorized 2D interpolation
     65  Using Numpy arrays for looping
     65  Using np.gradient with datetimes
     65  Using a Function Defined In a Function
     65  Use indices of a 3d array to fill a 4d array
     65  Update max value to -1 in 2D array
     65  unable to reshape array into different shapes
     65  Unable to assign in numpy array
     65  Type error, 'method' object is not subscriptable while iteratig
     65  Tuple index out of range?
     65  Trying to flatten array in numpy
     65  Tracing functions in python
     65  The numba give a negative of correct result, is this a bug?
     65  Taking the mean value of N last days
     65  Surprising behavior of numpy.random.shuffle [duplicate]
     65  Subsampling 3D array using the neighbourhood sum
     65  Stratified Sampling for equal population proportions of a sub-group in each group
     65  Storing values of numpy array in pixels of jpg image
     65  Storing Dynamically in an array python
     65  Storing a clickable link inside a numpy chararray
     65  Store indices of neighbouring cells which fall within a certain radius
     65  Stats of connectedComponents in OpenCV2
     65  splitting text & appending accordingly in python using pandas
     65  Specifying all pixels in screen
     65  Sort the Interval in the correct order
     65  shape of element changes before and after saving the Vectorizer
     65  Selecting values in ndarray occuring after a NaN
     65  Scattered plot Numpy Matplot
     65  Saving data incrementaly with python
     65  Rows and columns
     65  Robust inference of normal distributions
     65  Returning minimum X numbers of a numpy array and keeping the order
     65  Replacing multiple rows in numpy array?
     65  Replace varying lengths of periods with np.NaN?
     65  Reading a csv file into a multidimensional array
     65  Read Image pixels, row by row
     65  Query regarding numpy append function in for loop [duplicate]
     65  python - sum list of columns, even if not all there
     65  python structured/recarray type conversion behaviour
     65  Python - Simple Question: Numpy Matrix, Loop
     65  python search and find specify numbers location in array 2d
     65  Python scalar product with guard condition
     65  Python OpenCV OCR digit array not printing in order with for loop
     65  Python Numpy: Sub-arrays to one list
     65  Python/NumPy: IndexError in matrix with enough size
     65  Python numpy assigning values to a 2D array using another array with ordered pairs as indices to the 2D array
     65  Python - Number of occurrence of an event [duplicate]
     65  Pythonic way of getting max of dictionary after applying custom function
     65  Python : Geomspace (np.logspace-like) does not respect boundaries [duplicate]
     65  Python: Find max value along one axis in 3d matrix, make non-max values zero
     65  python - find index of last two numbers in a mixed type list [closed]
     65  Python: Creating an N-dimensional list from separate lists of varying sizes and dtypes
     65  Python code freeze on different pc
     65  Python3: Append to list inside two for loops
     65  Problems Solving XOR with Genetic Algorithm
     65  Problem applying binary mask to an RGB image with numpy
     65  Plot numpy.histogram2d()
     65  Percentile must be in the range [0, 100]
     65  pandas unique values how to iterate as a starting point
     65  Pandas track consecutive near numbers via compare-cumsum-groupby pattern
     65  pandas/numpy encoding takes ever to complete
     65  Pandas functions too slow - optimise with dict/numpy?
     65  Pandas: Date difference loop between columns with similiar names (ACD and ECD)
     65  pandas dataframe filtering row like groupby
     65  Pandas compare strings in two columns within the same dataframe with conditional output to new column
     65  pairwise distance between two groups of points [duplicate]
     65  Optimization for making a null class in a one-hot pixel-wise label
     65  opencv error in drawcontours - eye motion detection python code
     65  Obtaining number of occurrences of a variable from a column in python using pandas
     65  Numpy.where evaluating as True when condition is False
     65  Numpy: Test of an array items are above some value, x consecutive number of times?
     65  Numpy replace matrix elementwise with another matrix
     65  Numpy , Python3.6 - not able to understand why address is different?
     65  numpy possible bug? doing timedeltas on columns
     65  Numpy: placing values into an 1-of-n array based on indices in another array
     65  numpy ND array: take index'ed elements along a certain axis (ND choose)
     65  Numpy ndarray sort values by row and then exclude indices
     65  Numpy mixing arrays with multiple index arrays
     65  numpy memory usage when assigning new values
     65  Numpy memory mapping issue
     65  Numpy Matrix Multiplication with Vectors
     65  numpy indexing unexpected behaviour
     65  numpy.in1d hanging/long run time
     65  numpy gradient different between array and matrix
     65  Numpy fft error for large vectors: ''ValueError: negative dimensions are not allowed'' for n > 2**28
     65  Numpy - custom sort of rows and columns in array
     65  Numpy arrays means
     65  numpy array printing wrong random numbers
     65  Numpy Array Matrix Stacking
     65  numpy array IndexError: index is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1080
     65  Numpy array element-by-element comparison optimization
     65  NumPy 2D array Ordinary Slicing vs Boolean based Slicing
     65  Numba jit with custom numpy.dtype argument compiles only when dtype attribute is ''flatten''
     65  np.where treatment of np.nan (NaNs evaluated as value < 0)
     65  np.piecewise() acting up with use of math.pow()?
     65  Not sure what distribution to use to model my data
     65  Newbie issue, no idea why my program does what it does and how to fix it
     65  Nested keys in a dictionary concatenation of arrays
     65  Multiprocessing inside python class
     65  Multiplying each digit in a number pandas
     65  Most common and second most common values in 3D numpy array along last axis
     65  Merging arrays and plots
     65  Merge multiple masks with different sizes
     65  Merge multidimensional NumPy arrays based on first row
     65  Memory after removing last N elements of numpy.ndarray
     65  maximum previous in numpy [duplicate]
     65  Matplot Numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     65  making a 1D array that contains all the value of a multidimensional array [duplicate]
     65  Load methods/properties/module from Scikit-Learn in PyCharm
     65  Large dataset - choosing specific rows after having chosen columns
     65  Iterator protocol within numpy
     65  Iterative calculation for Euclidean distance [duplicate]
     65  is this a series or dataframe?
     65  Is there any way to run np.where on multiple values rather than just one?
     65  Is there any implementation of hstack in gnumpy
     65  Is a webcam-based program in python possible for my project?
     65  Inverse method for discrete variables in Python
     65  Installing numpy for python
     65  indexing a numpy array containing functions
     65  index image with 2D array
     65  Improve random sample function
     65  import numpy causes Python crash on Windows Server 2012R2 VM
     65  import a timestamp from a .txt file
     65  Implement axis parameter in a custom function
     65  Image recognition using PIL numpy and pyautogui
     65  Image in isn't showing anything (Python 3 notebook)
     65  Image file type verification in python
     65  Identify all values that are close to zero
     65  I am writing a simple face recognition program I faced Syntax Error [closed]
     65  How to work in 'float32' mode by default in python?
     65  How to use loop for multiple if coniditions
     65  how to speed up the algorithm about boolean
     65  How to slice a 3D array from a 2D array without nested loops?
     65  How to show all combinations of picking 3 balls in a jar of 20 balls and 1 ball in two other jars of 5 balls
     65  how to select specific columns in a table by using np.r__ in dataset.loc and deal with string data
     65  How to select a group of minimum values out of a numpy array?
     65  How to select a continuous sample at random from a list?
     65  How to rewrite NumPy code without using cycles
     65  How to resize matrix like image in Python
     65  how to remove element pairs from numpy array?
     65  How to plot multiple scatterplots at once elegantly
     65  How to parallelize over list elements in Python
     65  How to multiply two tf.Variable type arrays with shape (2,2) and (2,)?
     65  How to 'move' the values of a 2D NumPy array according to a deplacement matrix
     65  How to make full matrix from dense pandas dataframe
     65  How to make appended plots continous in python
     65  How to launch a EC2 instance and run a task on-demand
     65  How to invert only negative elements in numpy matrix?
     65  How to import such data in python 3.0 using genfromtxt
     65  How to go from Python numpy 3D array to 2D to 1D back to 2D (preserving the original 2nd and 3rd dimension of the 3D array)
     65  How to get the indexes of column and row in a 2-dimensional matrix(list) that have the most given elements in using numpy in python
     65  How to get m pair of points among n points that have the largest distance between them
     65  How to generate binary patterns with different sparsity levels?
     65  How to generate a static random constant in Tensorflow?
     65  How to flatten a numpy matrix for printing
     65  How to find every possible way to add up a number?
     65  How to find dot product of two very large matrices to avoid memory error?
     65  How to extract data in one array according to the values in another array in Python
     65  How to exceed limitation of numpy.array() to convert list of array to an array of array?
     65  How to efficiently generate matrix from vector in numpy? [duplicate]
     65  How to do vectorized time series calculations across multiple dataframes in python
     65  How to do operations with two vectors of different format in python
     65  how to create a numpy list of names from names of numpy files
     65  How to create and store the following in variable in python?
     65  How to convert Figure object to a Numpy array?
     65  How to convert 3D pose sequences to the bvh file format?
     65  How to compare two lists and extract position, index and neighbors?
     65  How to compare row-wise the existence of each row of another matrix in numpy? [duplicate]
     65  How to calculate the covariance matrix of 3d numpy arrays?
     65  how to apply time windows with different lengths to a pandas dataframe
     65  How to append two numpy arrays if a for loop after loading data?
     65  How to add values at repeat index locations on multidimensional arrays of Numpy?
     65  How(/if) to use dask to transpose distributed 3D numpy arrays?
     65  How do you perform If and Else If statements within a DataFrame?
     65  How do I use a for loop to create a new 2D numpy array?
     65  How do I traverse a numpy matrix row by row?
     65  How do I randomize a pandas column in the same order every time I run the code in Python?
     65  How do I make a list
     65  How do I make a dynamically expanding array in python
     65  How do I know what types of float to use?
     65  How do I get last value before a delay expires, for each row, in Pandas time series?
     65  How do I dynamically create a new dataframe from iterating over multiple values?
     65  How do I combine different kind of missing_values in sklearn's SimpleImputer into one
     65  How does one convert a data set with two labels +1 and -1 to a hot one vector representation in a vectorized way in Python?
     65  How does NumPy perform array operations? [duplicate]
     65  How could I solve these errors below?
     65  How can I write arrays to a file with one column of int values and another float
     65  How can I efficiently add X modulo Y to every element in a numpy array?
     65  How can I create a sparse matrix representation of a dataset in python?
     65  How can I create a list of points (two dimensional arrays) in python using two lists of random variables
     65  How can I convert a Pandas Series to a Numpy Array and maintain order?
     65  How can i calculate recurrence formula including minimization with numpy?
     65  Grouping by, applying a function, and inserting a new column with corresponding values
     65  Given a vector field (dx, dy), move matrix value at position (Row, Col) to new position (Row + dx, Column + dy)
     65  getting ''IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied'' when running ''numpy.f2py.compile()''
     65  Get first index in array where relation is true
     65  Generating variables with a loop in Python from Matlab
     65  Generating an arbitrary plane meshgrid
     65  Generalized method for rolling or sliding window over array axis
     65  Function that first checks for NaN, then replaces values based on another column [duplicate]
     65  Functionality of csv_write.writerow in python
     65  Fourier Transform excruciatingly slow
     65  For Python, how to sort and lump elements in a fixed-sized list
     65  Fool-proof algorithm for uniformly distributing points on a sphere's surface?
     65  Find with python numpy the amount of combinations in tuple
     65  find out indices where numeric condition is met when data is str
     65  Finding X values in numpy array and substituting for random value
     65  Finding the N highest values of a vector [duplicate]
     65  Finding the integer index in a datetime-indexed dataframe for certain conditions
     65  Finding minimum value across multiple python lists and printing which list it came from
     65  Finding minima of curve inside curve_fit
     65  finding indicies of a list if they are outside a certain value. python, numpy
     65  Find how many numbers are above a specific value in Numpy Array
     65  find every possible list in a list of lists
     65  find duplicates within list
     65  Find closest past date in list of dates
     65  Fast way to replace elements by zeros corresponding to zeros of another array
     65  Fast way to find the data centralization area in array
     65  Faster Calculations Using Numpy
     65  Extract numpy array of Euclidean distances
     65  Extracting sample rate from spectrogram
     65  Extract array elements from another array indices
     65  Explained variance calculation
     65  Expanding ''pixels'' on matplotlib + numpy array
     65  Exiting program for any input that is not a list
     65  Error with arrays/matrix operations
     65  Error in reading CSV through command line as Numpy 2d Matrix
     65  Enumerate over 2 array's of same shape
     65  Ensuring performance of sketching/streaming algorithm (countSketch)
     65  Efficient way to assign values into random blocks of an array of images?
     65  Efficient fenceposting of 1D ndarray
     65  Dot products of columns of mixed shaped arrays
     65  (doc, term, count) record list as D&times;T sparse document–term matrix + string index
     65  Do consequtive RNG seed yield independent random numbers?
     65  differences among numpy array types
     65  Decrease the debug startup time of the python code in Visual Studio Code
     65  Custom ensemble scikit-learn model NotFittedError after fitting models with multiprocessing
     65  CSR, Inconsistency between indices and indptr
     65  C returning numpy array with incorrect values
     65  Creating image from point list with Numpy, how to speed up?
     65  Create pandas DataFrame with 3 text files
     65  Create numpy array from images in different folders
     65  create an array of shape (N,N)
     65  Create adjacency matrix from array and its transpose
     65  Create a dataframe from unequal length strings
     65  create a 3d numpy array from a 2d numpy array
     65  Count how many consecutive TRUEs on each row in a dataframe
     65  Converting NumPy array into Python List structure
     65  Converting a year period in minutes to months in matplotlib ticks
     65  Converting a list of part numbers into a two-dimensional array of width/length for display in grid
     65  Confused how to use numpy.delete()
     65  Conditional Substitution-Python
     65  Concatenating two sparse matrices using sparse package in python
     65  Complicated Conditional Sum
     65  comparing a variable amount of nested lists
     65  Compare numpy arrays of different shapes, row wise, delete same values?
     65  Combining arrays to yield a new collective array
     65  Column name with numpy
     65  Color Correction Matrix in XYZ/RGB not working
     65  CNN Keras: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     65  Check number of equal arrays for 2 array of arrays
     65  Check if nth value in DataFrame is equal to nth character in a string
     65  Check duplicates between columns of a row
     65  Changing 9x9 matrix to sudoku-like cubes
     65  Change the color values of the image in for loop using python
     65  can ufunc can calculate item iterate using numpy?
     65  Can't Compute Accuracy in Tensorflow
     65  Cannot understand why more vectorization is slower than less vectorization in this case?
     65  Can not modify DataFrame using a simple condition statement. But works when using a static number
     65  Can I randomly add a small image (13x12) to an array of pixels (random pixels of the same size of my small image)
     65  Calculating days without selling
     65  Calculating Confusion matrices
     65  Calculating a column based partly on itself in python/pandas
     65  Calculate randomly integers within a range in python
     65  Calculate multiple columns by names using python pandas
     65  Broken structured to unstructured numpy array conversion in 1.16.0
     65  Bouncing ball invalid syntax why is that? [closed]
     65  Backpropagation not working
     65  Averaging large data set with bins in numpy
     65  AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'argmax' and numpy.AxisError: axis 2 is out of bounds for array of dimension 1
     65  Assign into a grid of a NumPy array given row and column indices
     65  Assigning variable value to another in Python [duplicate]
     65  Assigning variables dynamically in Python
     65  array manipulation from MATLAB to Python [closed]
     65  Applying a band pass filter to a .WAV file with numpy
     65  Apply function to every matrix of numpy array
     65  Allowing element-wise mean of a list containing different lengths lists
     65  Adding/Multiplying tensors and vector along a specific axis
     65  Adding a number in increments of 1000 to Pandas DataFrame
     65  Access data from a reshaped numpy array
     64  Wrong behavior : dict with the same key based on tuple
     64  Widen write space in output file in python
     64  why passing global numpy variable into function changed after the code run?
     64  Why np.savetxt doesn't write anything?
     64  Why is the output of linspace and interp1d always the same?
     64  Why do you have to reshape inputs in Keras/Tensorflow 2?
     64  Why does this neural network gives runtime warning?
     64  Why does the numpy function `take` change the shape of my array?
     64  Why does netCDF4 give different results depending on how data is read?
     64  Why did using range just speed up my code 2x?
     64  Why can't a subroutine with assumed-shape argument have an internal function?
     64  Why buffer size in io.Bytes is much bigger than HDF5?
     64  What is the most pythonic way to find all coordinate pairs in a numpy array that match a specific condition?
     64  What is the difference between pd.isnull(), np.isnan(), Series.isnull(),and 'is np.nan'
     64  wasserstein distance on color swatches
     64  Vectorize row-wise additions using numpy?
     64  Vectorized implementation of kmeans++
     64  vectorize a function that changes values of a column conditionally
     64  ValueError (could not broadcast) when using word vectors: how to fix?
     64  ValueError: Contour levels must be increasing - how to plot 3 feature data
     64  Using time intervals with numpy datetime64 type in matplolib's bar-plot
     64  Using only part of comma delimited files [duplicate]
     64  Use numpy to get row indexes for a given column value sorted along another column
     64  Use np.where extract item occurring error index out of range
     64  Use a function instead of string in Pandas Groupby Agg
     64  updating a numpy array efficiently when the conditions are two
     64  Understanding object.__flags__ and ndarray.__flags__
     64  Unable to fix ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32')
     64  TypeError: SetDimensions argument 1: expected a sequence of 3 values, got 2 values
     64  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars - Earth Observation
     64  TypeError: cannot concatenate a ninNDFrame object while trying to concat
     64  Two similar implementations quit dramatic difference times to run
     64  Trouble with float addition using arange() from numpy
     64  Translate lists to a 2D numpy matrix
     64  ''Transform'' Numpy Arrray: Move Dimension
     64  Taking average of non zero columns
     64  Sum only the previous two values in numpy
     64  summation of sub-matrices of boolean numpy arrays
     64  Sum a list of results in Python
     64  Spliting dataset into train and test which got from two different data source and make sure that split dataset contain entries from both the sources
     64  Split a Pandas DataFrame where one factor column is evenly distributed among the splits
     64  some bug which i can not find for two days (output is not as expected)
     64  Slicing using arrays/indices
     64  Simpler way to create a matrix/list of indices?
     64  Simple generator function and numpy not playing nice?
     64  Shifting an array in a special location using numpy.roll
     64  Send NumPy image to channel without saving with
     64  Segmenting Image by Pixel Value
     64  Search locations of strings in text file
     64  scipy.signal.fftconvolve for NxNxD array [duplicate]
     64  scipy minimization of a (2,2) array
     64  Run simulation based on values in a column
     64  Return searchlight vectors for a given numpy array
     64  Return first order date and amount per customer
     64  Resampling and add threshold information in Pandas dataframe
     64  Removing elements from list based on index from another list
     64  Removing dataframe rows containing a certain type
     64  Remove opening and closing parenthesis with word in pandas
     64  Remove numpy rows which don't contain whole numbers
     64  Remove duplicates from array and elements in matching positions in another array
     64  Reducing calculation time and requirements for large covariance matrix
     64  Randomly re-assign 1's to 0's to reach a specified ratio
     64  Ragged transposition with Pandas
     64  racket: equivalent to np.zeros((n, m))
     64  Python video analysis  -  detecting color change and time stamp
     64  Python table merge columns with same name [duplicate]
     64  Python: Sum of all permutations of outer products of numpy arrays of arrays
     64  Python - Simplifying numpy array naming
     64  Python : simple array manipulation with Numpy
     64  Python read file into numpy array of list?
     64  Python PANDAS: Multi-Column Pivot and Level Swapping
     64  Python on Mac: How should I manage same modules in different directories?
     64  Python - Numpy - Converting a numpy array of hex strings to integers
     64  Python- New Variable inidcator
     64  Python mutidimensional array
     64  python matplotlib how do i plot a histrogram
     64  Python Mathplotlib wrong image output representation
     64  Python: Is there any difference between x[i,:] and x[i][:] [duplicate]
     64  Python initialize np.zeros() and set value in index(x) in one line
     64  Python function+for strange behaviour
     64  Python: Find roots of 2d polynomial
     64  Python  -  exposing numpy array core component in a wrapper class
     64  python equivalent math equations giving different results [duplicate]
     64  Python: Create ndarray from a custom file format fast
     64  Python: converting multi-dimensional numpy arrays into list of arrays
     64  Python convert complex String to List of Dict
     64  Python: Can I write to a file without loading its contents in RAM?
     64  Python : 3D graph with 4 arrays
     64  Put ordered data back into a dictionary
     64  Propagate calculation result
     64  Point not mapping properly from numpy array to PIL Image
     64  Plotting y values of an arc
     64  Plot time series with discontinous interval
     64  pandas - python - using columns to add value to new column
     64  Pandas: Multiply a column based on contents of another column
     64  Pandas Groupby and create new column with custom values
     64  pandas utterly slow in some lines
     64  Pandas: create column based on whether value exists in differents columns
     64  Pandas apply value if a certain condition is met
     64  Options to detect an ellipse in an image with overlapping an existing ellipse
     64  Optimizing CBOR reading functions to pass data into numpy
     64  Operations with two lists as arrays
     64  Numpy vectorize for a lambda with multiple arguments
     64  numpy vectorization of interdependent arrays
     64  NUMPY TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'SingleBlockManager'
     64  numpy: take multiple range subsets of the same of size
     64  Numpy: reshape matrix by blocks
     64  NumPy/Python array
     64  'numpy.ndarray' : object is not callable error
     64  {Numpy} Multiply two lists of different size
     64  Numpy minimum with functional arg
     64  Numpy memory error while using audio analysis using python
     64  Numpy matrix multiplication with it's inv [duplicate]
     64  numpy loadtxt skip rows with incorrect number of columns [duplicate]
     64  Numpy: Can you use broadcasting to replace values by row?
     64  Numpy Arrays: Extracting preferentially ordered values from array with Nans without padding?
     64  Numpy array limiting operation X[X < {value}] = {value}
     64  numpy 3D indexing by list
     64  np.insert command changing the format of zero and one
     64  np.all() does not get executed
     64  Niumpy : Convert numpy 2d array to 3d
     64  New Column Based on the Size of One Column
     64  Need help to convert pandas dataframe(iloc) to numpy array?
     64  Need function to re-construct matrix E from the partial product
     64  need a function for determing the scale of a value
     64  My program calculates only the last value
     64  multiprocessing slows down my code instead of speeding it up
     64  Multiplying matrices by block
     64  Multiplying by pattern matching
     64  Multi layered perceptron in tensorflow not behaving as expected
     64  Multible for loops depending on each other in a more pythonic way
     64  Most performant (better than mine) way to check if any image is duplicated in some folder?
     64  Most efficient way of comparing each element in a 2D numpy array to its 8 neighbours
     64  Module that rotates each cell of a 3x3 array around the central cell (not a matrix rotation)
     64  Memory Issue for Array Conversion
     64  Memory Error in Numpy concatenate (np.concatenate)
     64  Member functions for numpy records
     64  Matrix contains specific number per row
     64  Matching a word in Pandas column and when creating a new column based on the match
     64  Map plt.imread to Fixed Sized array
     64  Loop nesting issue - values not correct
     64  looping through a numpy array summing stuff to another array
     64  Looping as many times as a given variable in Python [closed]
     64  List of tuples of vectors --> two matrices
     64  Large internal memory allocation in numpy
     64  K-Nearest Neighbors find all ties
     64  iterating through two numpy arrays applying a function in Python
     64  Is there a similar pandas/numpy function to group_by lead/lag in dplyr with ifelse statements?
     64  Is there any chance in Python3 to create a matrix of arrays of arrays?
     64  Is there an `np.repeat` which acts on an existing array?
     64  Is there an efficient way to create colormesh from scatter data of pandas?
     64  Is their a way to split a single 2d array into multiple 1d arrays of various shapes using the 1st column as an index?
     64  Is the backend source code for numpy.multiply() setup for multiprocessing/multithreading?
     64  Issues importing datasets (txt file) with Python using numpy library genfromtxt function
     64  Is it possible to ceil the second floating point value in python
     64  Interpolate value which has 2 known series [closed]
     64  Interchanging columns in a CSV file
     64  Insert original data into randomly generated data in python
     64  Inserting multi-dimensional array of zeros into a NumPy array along a given axis
     64  In python2.7.11, why can't I remove the fileopen code?
     64  In place sorting by column fails on slices
     64  Indexing of structured numpy arrays
     64  IndexError on slicing array
     64  increasing speed of python loop for ML algorithm
     64  Improve precision on numpy narrays
     64  Improve performance of converting matlab arrays to numpy arrays
     64  import many ascii files in a directory, read as array, print number of rows, columns for each file
     64  ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']. Nothing helps
     64  Implement R2 In Python
     64  identify common elements between df rows to create a new column
     64  I am looking for advice on how to speed up a program I wrote to generate a large 2d array of prime numbers mod a subset of the primes
     64  How to zero out values that are less than median in each row?
     64  How to write recursive search with numpy where function?
     64  How to use cv2 image data as batch_x input in tensorflow
     64  How to store timestamps in array?
     64  How to split a 3D matrix into 3D matrices lined up in a list?
     64  How to solve triadiagonal matrix using Numpy\Python
     64  How to solve an equation which has a solution variable in form of function at both side of equation
     64  How to simplify code to add numbers at the beginning and end of a list of arrays?
     64  How to select N rows from dataset, arrange as matrix, find its determinant?
     64  How to see if column elements swapped in a later row
     64  How to save a column in a python variable
     64  how to replace dataframe in pandas
     64  How to replace all same values of a group in a column (dataframe) according to another column without loop?
     64  How to reduce the size of ndarray after each iteration?
     64  How to reduce a numpy array of spatial points with repetition allowed and sum intensity values
     64  How to read every element of matrix by numpy then add to the separate matrix?
     64  How to put NaN in Pandas Dataframe efficiently?
     64  How to plot data from different files?
     64  How to multiply all values in two lists and attain a corresponding matrix
     64  How to modify the dataframe values with a random values of condition not met cases
     64  How to make a python array into a numpy array? [closed]
     64  How to make a matrix point-symmetric in Python
     64  How to make a mask for picking some special indices in tensorflow?
     64  how to install numpy in pycharm ( get error)
     64  How to get starting and ending indices of sub-arrays of consecutive integers from an array in Python? [closed]
     64  How to get k top elements of multidimensional array along a axis instead of one that argmax gives
     64  How to get a range of frequency bins for PSD
     64  How to get 2D array values based on 1D array values?
     64  How to generate all possible NXK matrices where each row is a onehot vector
     64  How to generate 1825 numbers with a step of 0.01 in a specific range
     64  how to flatten (n, ) shape numpy array
     64  How to fit datasets so that they share some (but not all) parameter values
     64  How to find the most close array in the 3-dimensions array
     64  How to find a row-wise intersection of 2d numpy arrays?
     64  How to find a number in a list of ranges and return the index
     64  How to fasten up numpy.where() call for a 16000x16000 matrix
     64  How to extract elements in specific column of the dataset?
     64  How to create rows and columns in a .csv file from .log file
     64  How to create n matrices with the same shape
     64  How to create convolve function for two matrixes?
     64  How to create averaged rgb vectors from image pixel array?
     64  How to create a new array at occurrence of specific string ? numpy [closed]
     64  How to convert .mat binary format to 2D numpy array?
     64  How to combine 2d and 3d numpy array in Python
     64  How to clip the real and imaginary parts of elements of a python numpy array of complex numbers
     64  How to check if Pandas rows contain any full string or substring of a list?
     64  How to check if a python object is a numpy ndarray
     64  How to check if an object is in an element list of a numpy array?
     64  How to change the array entries with order = 'F' in numpy
     64  how to call an array after loading in a for loop in python?
     64  How to calculate the summary of the variable and saved as dataframe in python
     64  How to calculate the average temperature in 5 minute intervals?
     64  How to bind c structure with an array of another structre as a member, using pybind11?
     64  how to add mean of 2D array as list elements in python
     64  How this numpy advance indexing code works?
     64  How much memory and processing does it take to convert to numpy array
     64  How do you iterate over this array? I know this is very basic
     64  How do Python distributable modules work with external libs
     64  How do I vectorize this calculation in numpy
     64  How do I iterate over every value of a Pandas Series? (specific to problem mentioned in description) [duplicate]
     64  How do I get __matmul__ of two different numpy.ndarray subclasses to return a particular subclass?
     64  How do I efficiently loop over this dataframe and perform a function using inbuilt numpy or pandas?
     64  how do I check for numbers in a matrix
     64  How do I call a matrix index which is within a list for numpy?
     64  How does the sin function from numpy work?
     64  how does numpy masking using arr[mask,  ... ] work?
     64  How can I use numpy.linalg correctly in doing matrix calculations in Python
     64  how can I save more than one data in a single out put file separately using numpy
     64  How can I plot this data?
     64  How can I make a comparison using paraview's programmable filter?
     64  How can I find a combination of rows from a table where each column sums a specific number (or range)?
     64  How can i convert a numpy.array to image without saving?
     64  How can i cast a double pointer ctype to numpy array?
     64  How can I avoid that np.datetime64 gets auto converted to datetime when adding it to a numpy array?
     64  Histogram one array based on another array
     64  Handling numpy.exp overflow when using function on 2d-array
     64  Getting Unique 1D NumPy Array Values without Sorting
     64  Getting the indices of several rows in a NumPy array at once
     64  Getting indexes of search results
     64  Getting error while trying to use a list with numpy to get some stat values
     64  get the data and the masked values as 0?
     64  Get list of connected nodes ordered by shortest distance
     64  Get first and last position of color
     64  Generate random bytearray from a distribution
     64  Generate positive only distribution based on array
     64  Gaps in between waveforms after generating wave file using numpy and scipy
     64  Format SecondaryAxis ticklabels Matplotlib
     64  For each element in a N dim numpy array, add it to a 1D numpy array and return a N+1 dim array [duplicate]
     64  For a 2D Matrix, what is the faster way to apply a function to each cell of the matrix in python?
     64  Folium TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types
     64  Fix a method to convert list of integers to NumPy matrix
     64  Finding Given Coordinate Positions in NumPy Array
     64  Finding a specific sequential pattern
     64  find indices using for loop
     64  Filling NA's with numeric order in pandas
     64  Filling a row and columns of a ndarray with a loop
     64  Fast way to loop through 2D array
     64  Faster way to associate two pandas DataFrames?
     64  Fast algorithm needed for finding tuples from within one list inside tuples of another list. Sets?
     64  Export a data frame to different CSVs with 1000 lines each
     64  Expand numpy array maintaining position [closed]
     64  Error regarding shapes not aligned back propagation
     64  Equation return different values for the same variable
     64  Enforce minimum spacing between non-zero elements in array
     64  einstein summation of boolean arrays in numpy
     64  efficient way to split temporal Numpy vector automatically
     64  Do something based on some conditions in python
     64  Does np.array share memory with list when the ''copy=False'' when creating the np.array?
     64  Display Matrix with a gradient of Alpha [duplicate]
     64  Different slices give different inequalities for same elements
     64  Difference between ''NaN'' and ''nan'' and error that maybe caused by that
     64  Differ between integer and float in an array
     64  Dictionary values to array according to np.where or similar
     64  Dictionary containing array float32 element
     64  Delete an element of certain value in numpy array once
     64  datetime from timeseries data in multiple columns
     64  Dataframe Comparison
     64  Cython: Numpy array missing two first elements when obtained from reference
     64  Cumsum of fixed amount of elements without loops
     64  creating numpy array of lists from dataframe using python [duplicate]
     64  Creating new array based on first element of each item in current array
     64  Creating a 2D array based upon a CSV
     64  Create new column depending on values from other column
     64  Create new column as a group by in pandas dataframe [closed]
     64  Count nonzero elements and plot
     64  Cosine Similarity Function Using Numpy
     64  Correlate a 3d array into n times 2d rows in Python
     64  Convert a list to a numpy array
     64  Convert a for loop to matrix calculation from np.matmul(1xn, nx1) to np.matmul(mxn, nxm)?
     64  Conversion of NumPy array gets slow after thousands of loop
     64  constrain a series or array to a range of values
     64  Conditional repetitive cumulative sums on python [closed]
     64  Concatenate array with new array created in for loop python
     64  compare elements between two lists and print in series
     64  Combination of matrix elements giving non-zero value (PYTHON)
     64  Check if one list matches a sublist inside of a list by index
     64  Changing values of elements in an array based on first encounter
     64  Changing the numpy array into required shape
     64  Changing a large string to a list
     64  Can't get tensorflow to build a model which will even match a very simple linear graph
     64  Can't construct a backward Newton polynomial
     64  Can someone explain how arrays and scalars are handled in a Python code snippet
     64  Can not split the arrays loaded from csv file
     64  Cannot create large two-dimensional non-sparse Numpy arrays in Python using PyCharm on Windows
     64  cannot convert (N, 1) array to (N,)
     64  Can I make this iteration easier by using a loop?
     64  Calculate shortest distances to their neighbours in a list of points
     64  Calculate mask from comparing values of two Numpy arrays that are different shapes
     64  Boolean indexing array through array of boolean indexes without loop
     64  boolean assignment xarray python
     64  Binary file image doesnt translate into a clear image upon implementation of python code
     64  A way to forgo looping using numpy/pandas?
     64  Avoid using for loop. Python 3
     64  Automatic Summarization only returns first sentence - Python / Flask
     64  AttributeError: 'Timedelta' object has no attribute 'dt'
     64  Assigning numpy array new value depending upon existing values
     64  Array A has elements. need to check if all are different or not. Python [duplicate]
     64  Append two arrays where only one dimension matches
     64  Any cut function in numpy?
     64  animation gives zero division
     64  Alternative Factorization using SVD (U Z V = E) such that det(U) = det(V) = +1
     64  Advanced array/dataframe slicing (numpy/pandas)
     64  add left and right portions of the array symmetrically - python
     64  Adding elements in Numpy Array
     64  adding cols to an 2D array
     64  Adding a row and column from a list to a csv in python
     64  Add column based on condition
     63  Wrong dimensions XOR neural network python
     63  Write vector into matrix starting from the diagonal
     63  Why is fitting a polynomial faster than changing polynomial basis?
     63  Why do I receive a syntax error when using ''and'' to declare an array in PyThon? [duplicate]
     63  Why doesn't this filtered noise signal behave like I expect it should?
     63  Why are the images produced from a numpy array incorrect
     63  What is the result of ( : , : , 0 ) in a 4D array
     63  what is the ''offset'' parameter in numpy.trace?
     63  What is the difference between numpyArr[:,:,:,c] and numpyArr[ ... ,c]?
     63  What is the difference between max(my_array) and my_array.max() [duplicate]
     63  what is numpy.ndarray without column in python?
     63  What is an efficient way to loop through dataframes with pandas?
     63  Weird behaviour with numpy and multiprocessing.process
     63  weighted average price without cummax
     63  Vectorizing numpy loops
     63  Vectorizing distance by dimension in 3D
     63  Vectorizing A Function With Array Parameter
     63  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv3d_1_input to have shape (704, 11, 3, 1) but got array with shape (72000, 704, 11, 3)
     63  Using the `print()` and the `repr() ` functions in python alters the number of decimal digits
     63  Using python/numpy to create a complex matrix
     63  Using NumPy arrays as features in scikit-learn predictions
     63  Using np.ravel to specify yerr in errorbar plot
     63  Using data from a numpy array in a function
     63  Use numpy to generate random data with case-when condition
     63  Unexpected behaviour with numpy advanced slicing in named arrays
     63  unable to run tensorboard from command line to evaluate the efficiency of my model
     63  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars Python Array and Numpy
     63  Turn a non-symmetric 3 dimensional list into a 2 dimensional list of lists in python
     63  tuple index error while doing regression fit
     63  Trying to understand this statement in Python
     63  Trying to join 3 pictures
     63  translate method of vmath equivalent statement in python using PyGLM or NumPy
     63  To add start index to a list [closed]
     63  There's a Way to globally specify pixels (cells) to ''erase'' in Numpy using a matrix with this info?
     63  There are two contours cv2.findContour find only one
     63  Synthetically organizing several statements connected by ''or''
     63  Swaping values of two lists based on given index
     63  Sum over parametric function
     63  Summing part of 2D array in python
     63  Substitute item in numpy array with list
     63  Store multiple two dimensional arrays in Python
     63  Split Names in column
     63  Sorting array with numpy
     63  Solving Ax=By without inverting matrices
     63  Slice a broadcast object?
     63  Simplified implementation of an equation involving matrices [closed]
     63  Shift every values of a dataframe without changing columns
     63  Seeking advice for classifying 3d mobile data
     63  Scipy: Partition array into 3 subarrays
     63  scipy.ndimage.interpolation shift of numpy array gives erroneous result - bug?
     63  Returning a super-class from numpy.ndarray __getitem__
     63  Return from top_k function to image
     63  Retrieve dataframe row based on list from a cell value
     63  Reshaping numpy (n, )
     63  Replace Color Values in Image with Random Noise
     63  repeat indices with different repeat values in numpy
     63  Remove row of a 2d numpy array if the 2nd element is a not a duplicate
     63  Reducing borders in matplotlib quiver
     63  recognize observation which are in the certain quantile: data science pandas
     63  Reading data from files in python with intelligent format
     63  rank highest continuous rows where value is True
     63  randomizing two lists(numpy in) and maintaining order in python
     63  Python: Would vectorization/broadcasting boost speed?
     63  Python truncating slice assignment
     63  Python track vehicles & TypeError integers [closed]
     63  python to MATLAB code, lists of numbers and summing
     63  Python: Split a python array into 3 parts where flagged [duplicate]
     63  python - Reshape/re-stack a 2D array to a 3D structure [numpy/xarray]
     63  Python numpy sum along axis error
     63  Python Matplotlib How to plot a line chart in weekly intervale
     63  python is there any way to update a list base on a list of pair of (index, values)
     63  Python: how to make if else for loops faster, when first value differs from any other?
     63  Python: How to create a list of integers depending on a specific distribution
     63  Python - For Loop ( two parallel iterations)
     63  Python embedding in C++
     63  Python dictionary ManuaLoa CO2
     63  Python compere two rows of different matrix
     63  python3 - get average of n x n array within a 600 x 600 numpy array
     63  Python 3 change the names dynamically
     63  Print numpy array without brackets
     63  Print maximum value name as string
     63  Printing numpy with different position in the column
     63  Print data from loop in a table
     63  Plot errors from matplotlib and pylab when attempting to plot mat (Matlab) files
     63  place the mydata_array into the random location of Big_array of zeros
     63  Piece back together numpy slices into original array [duplicate]
     63  Partial sort of multipling vector by matrix
     63  pandas optimizing bootstrapping
     63  Pandas Dataframe Comparisons
     63  output of function doesn't store correctly
     63  Operation without NumPy objects raises NumPy ValueError (the truth of an array ... )
     63  One batch at a go
     63  numpy.where produces inconsistent results
     63  Numpy : Translating elements increases size of file by a lot (factor of 8)
     63  Numpy slicing array A using boolean array B
     63  Numpy random choice with probabilities to produce a 2D-array with unique rows
     63  Numpy.nonzero behaves strangely for values 1 or -1
     63  Numpy/matplot: How to plot First X% is in range Y%?
     63  NumPy: is assignment of a scalar to a slice broadcasting?
     63  Numpy installation with intel C++ compiler on Win7
     63  Numpy Import Issue
     63  numpy: how to calculate jacobian matrix
     63  Numpy Elementwise Multiplication, with Multiple Columns [duplicate]
     63  Numpy: Efficient matrix calculation A*xj where xj is row j in X
     63  Numpy: efficient condensation of a large probability matrix into clusters
     63 nests vector when multiplying [duplicate]
     63  Numpy Convolution implementation for mode = same
     63  numpy.concatencate two same size row vector to matrix [duplicate]
     63  Numpy.array reshape from multiple brackets to 2 brackets
     63  numpy argmin vectorization
     63  np.where() to eliminate data, where coordinates are too close to each other
     63  Normalize 2D matrix using scalar multiplication in numpy
     63  Neural Networks Using Python and NumPy
     63  Need to increase speed of image creation
     63  Need examples for numpy basic indexing with `non-ndarray sequence`
     63  Multiplication of n shape list with n shape arrays elementwise in one line
     63  Most efficient way to perform large dot/tensor dot products while only keeping diagonal entries [duplicate]
     63  Most efficient way to generate a large array of (x,y,z) coordinates
     63  Module 'numpy' has no 'array' member
     63  Mean of Sampleset and powered Sampleset
     63  mean of large list with np.mean
     63  Matrix in which rows are coordinates of points of a meshgrid
     63  Math.log() processing an array
     63  Mask zero values in matrix and reconstruct original matrix using indices
     63  Mask ndarray with boolean ndarray to replace nans
     63  Making linear regression more compact (python)
     63  Maintaining a list and interpolation of a map
     63  Looping through a numpy matrix
     63  Look for value in df1('col1') is equal to any value in df2('col3') and remove row from df1 if True [Python] [duplicate]
     63  Loading of text data file
     63  Labeled by color range in python
     63  just like we have int8 in python to represent integer with 8 bits, can we represent integer in python less than 8 bit?
     63  Is there code to group similar words contained in a column
     63  Is there a way to not make a copy when a numpy array is sliced?
     63  Is there a way to NOT an arbitrary M x N matrix using numpy broadcasting?
     63  Is there a Python alternative for len that returns 1 for simple float
     63  Is there any way to check whether a list is in np.array?
     63  Is there an easy way to get probability density of normal distribution with the help of numpy?
     63  Issue mapping dataframe Numpy types to Python types
     63  inverse cartesian product - given the product, find the index
     63  Interpolation for a 2D array
     63  In pandas / numpy, how to make a PivotTable with count of string items?
     63  Information about dtype of array
     63  Index Matrix Rows and Columns on MATLAB, is this code ok? [closed]
     63  Indexing failure/odd behaviour with array
     63  Increase brightness of specific pixels in an image using python
     63  Incompatible Tensorlayer, Tensorflow and numpy version
     63  Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy
     63  Importing numpy speeds up base sum
     63  Importing large set of numbers from a text file into python program in matrix form
     63  importing function parameters numpy
     63  I have arrays describing my data's spatial position and associated value. How do I make this into a meshgrid?
     63  I don't understand why/how one of these methods is faster than the others
     63  Identifying contiguously repeating sub-sequence arrays
     63  I am trying to apply a python code to all the files in a directory but it gives me a error
     63  How to type check each element of 1 dimensional ndarray
     63  How to subdivide atoms into groups of three according to their bonding data that is imported from a LAMMPS output file via Pandas?
     63  How to split npy 1D array accroding to dtypes.names?
     63  How to share tensorflow weights with other users
     63  How to set a number not in submatrix of a matrix
     63  how to replace timestamp with 1 and 0?
     63  How to remove negative outputs from a function?
     63  How to remove duplicated array in array of arrays in a pythonic way? [duplicate]
     63  How to remove a rough line artifact from image after binarization
     63  How to read csv file into numpy arrays without quotation mark
     63  How to parse this log to get date/time out for plotting with Python3
     63  How to optimize this code? (Double loop in python, with an list)
     63  How to normalize a large numpy array ? - MemoryError
     63  how to multiply and divide a numpy array's each sub numpy array with two numpy arrays
     63  How to map a function over numpy array
     63  How to load numpy arrays from a text file that contains stray carriage returns in addition to newlines?
     63  How to interpret a ML training output
     63  How to go from printing [1, 2, 3] to printing 1, 2, 3 in a text file Python
     63  How to get the norm of the vector corresponding to a particular row in a SciPy sparse matrix?
     63  How to get N records from numpy array?
     63  How to get array of numbers using ones() in numpy?
     63  How to flatten a numpy structured array where each element is itself a numpy array (dtype='O')
     63  How to find rate of change across successive rows using time and data columns after grouping by a different column using pandas?
     63  How to find contours of only brown areas on an image?
     63  How to find a shape inside a Numpy 2D array having an contour?
     63  How to find annualized return in a data set containing 30 stocks in python
     63  How to eliminate a dummy dimension of ndarray?
     63  How to do multiple vector dot product in a nested list?
     63  How to create n arrays with given names?
     63  How to create a numpy array of arrays? [duplicate]
     63  How to create a list from a dictionary that contains numpy array as value
     63  how to create a function in python that gives elements of an array?
     63  How to convert only integars of an array of strings to an array of floats in numpy?
     63  How to convert image to bytearray?
     63  How to concatenate only non-redundant rows in dataframe based on specific features?
     63  How to concatenate many vectors in one matrix (each vector is a column of the new matrix)
     63  How to combine matrix(or list of lists) with whitespaces and letters into string?
     63  How to assign probabilities based on certain condition?
     63  how to assign non contiguous labels of one numpy array to another numpy array and add accordingly?
     63  How to apply a function in parallel on pandas dataframe using Jupyter Notebook and Windows?
     63  How to add an extra row of 1's at top of a NumPy array [duplicate]
     63  How the least square method work with a given function
     63  How many elements of numpy array in specified number range
     63  How do you get the average of each tenth of a list?
     63  How do you change the colors of individual markers with matplotlib.errorbar?
     63  How do I turn oddly shaped arrays into a tensor
     63  How do I run my python file within another python file?
     63  How do I find weighted combinations of different lenght arrays equal to x?
     63  How do I create a sliding window in Python with different sizes?
     63  How does np.outer help in creating a filter kernel?
     63  How does adding a (500x5000) and (5000x1) matrix result in a (500x5000) matrix?
     63  How could this generate a mean of zero
     63  How can I optimize the following list operation?
     63  How can I make a specific calculation out of a JSON file
     63  How can I get the amax of an array of numpy arrays?
     63  How can I create a sparse matrix instead of a dense one in this program?
     63  How can I compute a cosine similarity between two large sparse matrix?
     63  How can I access the values of a np.array that is inside a function at the end of a loop?
     63  get type of what is stored as text in a python variable
     63  Getting right elements from list in python [closed]
     63  Getting an error where float object is not iterable
     63  Get the particular rows in Python
     63  Generating new columns grouping dataframe
     63  Generating nested Numpy Arrays
     63  Gale-Shapley Algorithm Stability Test
     63  From list comprehension to numpy.where()
     63  Format Time stamp in Python
     63  'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer python
     63  Find matching records from multiple condition search in Python
     63  Finding the distance to the next higher value in pandas dataframe
     63  Finding roots of a non linear expression when multiplied with a linear expression
     63  Finding equal frequency from discrete data
     63  find 2d elements in a 3d array which are similar to 2d elements in another 3d array
     63  Filter a DataSet in terms of another DataSet in Scala flink
     63  Filled with but getting nan instead
     63  Fast sequential addition to rectangular subarray in numpy
     63  Fastest way to get the probabilties for which an element is present in a list
     63  Extra Markers in Graph Legend [duplicate]
     63  Extract pandas index with binary numpy array
     63  Expand the dataset based on the column values
     63  Expand a pandas column without merge
     63  Execute python function from Java code and get result
     63  Estimation of t-distribution by mean of samples does not work
     63  Error encounter while ploting the data in python
     63  Element-wise division with accumulated numbers in Python?
     63  Elementwise concatenation in numpy
     63  Efficient pandas/numpy function for time since change
     63  Efficient Construction of Rolling Time Series Dataset
     63  Editing column headers in Pandas DataFrame
     63  Distribute value over list
     63  Difficulty understanding why both these slicing methods for matrices are not equivalent in numpy
     63  Detect index of multiple maximum in a 2D array
     63  cython vs python numpy for (simply) adding array
     63  Custom arrangement of NumPy array elements
     63  Cumulative score calculation for traveling salesman without loop
     63  Creating an ordered matrix through indexing
     63  Creating a new column with ifelse condition (python)
     63  Create an array with a letter repeated a given number of times given by another array
     63  Create a matrix using values from a tuple with numpy
     63  Create a boolean mask for a 3D array
     63  Count the occurrences of a specific value and remove them at the same time
     63  Counting masked values from masked arrays
     63  Counting elements from two columns/lists and stack the results from each list in a bar chart
     63  Convert to binned events in time in Python
     63  Convert the audio data from a DICOM file in a numpy array with pydicom
     63  convert python dict or csv file to a dataframe
     63  Convert numpy array with values into array with frequency for each observation in each row
     63  Convert numpy array to pandas in multiple jumps, or columns
     63  Convert Numpy 3D array to Pandas Dataframe
     63  Convert JSON to List of Lists in Python
     63  Converting Pandas to Numpy
     63  Converting JSONB arrays from postgresql to matrices in python
     63  Converting float array to numpy array in Python [duplicate]
     63  Converting a piece of octave (mrdivide) code to numpy
     63  Convert complex roots into standard float form without affecting quality of result
     63  Conditional reduce
     63  Concatenate many small images to one big image
     63  Concatenate 3D numpy arrays by row
     63  Compare ground truth list of colours to another list of colours
     63  compare 2 array and return the index of the same value
     63  combining features of 'array of objects' with 'object of arrays'
     63  Combine 2D numpy arrays with random separating line
     63  clean summation involving index of numpy arrays
     63  Circular buffer of vectors
     63  Checking two numpy arrays element wise equivalent or not with floating point values
     63  Check if Lat/Lon point is over land or ocean
     63  Changing colorspaces with numpy.tensordot
     63  Change how structured arrays and recarrays are printed
     63  Can a numpy array have elements that are numpy arrays themselves?
     63  Calculation of Laplacian in real pyFFTW
     63  Calculate area enclosed by coordinate points which are joined by straight line segments
     63  Broadcasting from processes if a condition is met in MPI [duplicate]
     63  Best way to compute average of numpy array excluding uncomputable elements
     63  Best practice to expand a list (efficiency) in python
     63  Avoid redundant code for plotting different axes of an array
     63  Average across images and then interpolate out nans
     63  Automatically generate shared library with function using numpy [duplicate]
     63  Assistance with numpy savetext function
     63  Assign values in groups of three - pandas df
     63  Array changes entries although there is no code doing so ...  what is it?
     63  Are there alternative way to manage value assignment of n-dim array/matrix/list in Python?
     63  Applying lambda to a dataframe: works with > operator, but error with ==?
     63  Any suggestions on improving the computational speed of this piece of python code?
     63  A function containing a truth check applied to an array returns an error [duplicate]
     63  A faster/elegant way to replace some elements of a array from another array at the same index under conditions?
     63  Addition of array in python with list in a list
     63  Adding elements to an array and assigning it to same object
     63  Adding an alpha channel performance
     63  Add 2-d array to 3-d array with constantly changing index fast
     63  3D output is distorted
     63  3D Array indexing in NumPy to reduce number of rows
     63  1D Gaussian Mixture Model
     62  xarray - Resample time-series data by arbitrary time period
     62  Wrong model prediction Keras
     62  Why the two arguments of graphs are not consider as equal?
     62  Why labels are not consistent with pandas, itertools, and numpy indexing?
     62  Why is numpy.memmap initialization so fast? [duplicate]
     62  Why does float64 allow NA, but int32 does not?
     62  Why does decreasing the range of np.linspace increase the accuracy of numerical integration?
     62  Why can't I print a random integer numpy array with range()
     62  Why can python lists hold more data than numpy arrays?
     62  Why can I do ''[:]'' in a numpy array as many times as I want?
     62  which numpy command could I use to subtract vectors with different dimensions many times?
     62  Where is the max?
     62  When a function which has one parameter receives np.array
     62  What is the logic behind this assignment: understanding in-place assignment operations in numpy
     62  What does this third argument of reshape mean?
     62  What do '|' and '<' mean in a numpy's type? [duplicate]
     62  Vectorizing a cumulative trapezoidal integration on a multi-indexed pandas.DataFrame
     62  Vectorization of Pandas multi-line Expression
     62  ValueError when attempting to fit a GaussianNB classifier with sklearn
     62  Using OR operator in NumPy Array to Append multiple items
     62  Using Numpy, how 25 percentile is calculate for number 1 to10?
     62  Update numpy at each index based on the previous index
     62  Unsharpen/smoothen the boundaries of a person'r body in an image
     62  Uniform recombination of binary representation of two integers
     62  Unable to install NumPy in PyCharm version 9.3.3. Python version 3.8.2
     62  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars - complex numbers
     62  Two similar array-in-array containment tests. One passes, the other raises a ValueError. Why?
     62  Turning a linear sequence in a numpy array into a geometric progression sequence
     62  Trouble indexing lists of NUMPY arrays properly
     62  Train OLS model with pandas concurrently
     62  Testing for sameness between arrays of different sizes: ''DeprecationWarning: elementwise comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future''
     62  Tensorflow Error with Model.Fit: [[{{node IteratorGetNext}}]]
     62  Tensorflow error, cannot feed value of shape for Tensor Placeholder
     62  Taking sine of each row for a specific column python for all files in a directory
     62  Taking an average of every 2 data points in an array, creating a new array
     62  'Tables' not recognizing 'isHDF5File'
     62  Swapping data from one channel to another using numpy
     62  Sum all elements of differently shaped numpy arrays stored in dictionary
     62  Subtract a value from several arrays
     62  subsampling numpy array; distribution remains same in test and train
     62  Stream function contour plot from list
     62  Split a numpy matrix, then rejoin after processing?
     62  Speed up pandas read_csv for large csv with variable rows and 50K+ columns
     62  Sort an array and trace back the indices to their sorted order
     62  Solving for unknowns in Black-Scholes equation using Python
     62  Solving an Equation in gekko
     62  Slicing array into 2 parts
     62  ''Slicing'' a pair of numpy arrays based on values in one of them
     62  Slicing a 2D array using indices 1D array
     62  Searching numpy array for element values and storing location
     62  Search for square inside array of points
     62  Scipy minimize producing random broadcast errors
     62  Scipy convolution function
     62  Return pieces of strings from separate pandas dataframes based on multi-conditional logic
     62  Retrieve List Index for all Items in a Set
     62  Reshaping and Transpose issues
     62  Replace NumPy array elements with other element
     62  Repeat calculations by subset of data frame in Python
     62  Removing duplicated elements from an array
     62  Remove numpy array of False/True from image numpy array
     62  Reduce memory complexity in a bootstrap algorithm
     62  Read numpy array from a Java Float
     62  Randomly relocate the selected elements of a numpy array according to a distribution?(expand the dimensions of a 2D array to 3D by random numbers)
     62  python using smaller 2D array to map with another bigger array
     62  Python: Use numpy.nanmean() for selected intervals of an axis
     62  Python's sum not returning same result as NumPy's numpy.sum
     62  Python: Replacing values with underlying distribution
     62  Python: Replace every value in a NumPy array with a similar one
     62  Python/pandas: sequence to series (transform a sequence so that each element of the series is a sum of sequence elements)
     62  Python Pandas Groupby NaN should have the same value in the column
     62  python/numpy versatile max function
     62  Python Numpy: how to get the fraction of the frequency of a specific number in an array
     62  Python/Numpy array element assignment issue
     62  Python - Multiply sparse matrix row with non-sparse vector by index
     62  Pythonic Way to Find Next Biggest Number in an Array?
     62  Pythonic method of pulling multiple arrays out of a dictionary and stacking them with numpy
     62  Python: how to delete duplicates in Nx3 numpy array
     62  Python files encoding
     62  Python: Apply code to an entire dataframe column
     62  Python 2.7- convert array of strings to csv
     62  Pulling Multiple Ranges from Dataframe Pandas
     62  Problems using numpy nanmean / nanmax / nanmin along axis
     62  Printing Multiple Data in Groups Python Pandas
     62  Printing index of numpy array with max [duplicate]
     62  Predict outcome based on user input with Neural Network
     62  Plotting two cross section intensity at the same time in one figure
     62  Plotting in a single plot in Python
     62  Placing a Laplacian Pyramid Image onto a black canvas changes the background
     62  Perform operation on elements of numpy array using indexes list
     62  Performance analysis: Solution with and without for-loops
     62  Percentage of False in a column, groupby
     62  Peak delation in python
     62  Pandas Modify Dataset to Have Equal Values from both Classifications
     62  Pandas how groupby and then count the number of unique items in each column? [duplicate]
     62  Pandas filtering giving some weird results
     62  Pandas - Fastest way indexing with 2 dataframes
     62  Pandas Column values between range like 1-250, 251-500, so on
     62  Operation on numpy array in someone else code
     62  ode not working for the stuart landau equation?
     62  NumPy Vectorize a function, unknown shape
     62  Numpy sort rows in a 4d array and sum the same values
     62  Numpy slicing result different than for loop
     62  Numpy performance independent of vector length
     62  Numpy multidimensional advanced indexing
     62  Numpy - many matrices to same vector
     62  NumPy loadtxt hash strings in data columns
     62  Numpy: integrate dimension from one array into another
     62  numpy: get the ndarray dtype from recarray dtype
     62  Numpy: fast/easy way to get indices of array whose value is equal to another array?
     62  numpy.dtype has the wrong size error while installing python software
     62  Numpy - create an almost zero matrix with row from other matrix
     62  Numpy Conditionally Replace Column Elements
     62  Numpy broadcast array to smaller array with exact position for every row
     62  np.random.choice doesn't do sampling as designated probabilities.
     62  Neural networks: avoid bias in any direction for output
     62  Neural network guesing ''3'' everytime after being trained
     62  Nested for loop for iteration
     62  Need help combining data points
     62  Need a conditional statement to fill a column based off a string
     62  NameError when running GMRes following FEniCS discretisation
     62  My function works with scalar, but not an array. What can I do to overcome this problem?
     62  Mutating a slice of an array doesn't work
     62  Multithreading a numpy nditerator
     62  Multiple numpy arrays (index, data) fastest way to Spark Dataframe
     62  Most fast and computationally efficient way of generating several unique random ints within range, excluding list of ints
     62  Most elegant to calculate many columns in numpy matrix?
     62  More efficient solution to find longest series based on boolean in NumPy ndArray
     62  Merge several Series with different indexes, summing over duplicated indexes
     62  Memory leak when unpickling pandas/numpy in Python 3
     62  Matplotlib 3d surface plot input arrays
     62  Map python array into a x times longer array using each element x times
     62  Making 2 dimensional numpy array with two 1 dimensional array
     62  maintaining hierarchically sorted lists in python
     62  Magic is happening when numpy array is altering by C function
     62  Machine precision cross-platform with Python
     62  Looping over multiple ranges in a list
     62  List of strings to array of integers
     62  Keep consecutive number in list if the difference greater than a certain value
     62  Iterate over 3D numpy array and calculate percentage change for each sequence
     62  Is there a vectorized way to check whether the ith element of a 1D array is present on the ith element of a 3D array?
     62  Is there an equivalent to numpy.digitize that works on an pandas.IntervalIndex?
     62  Is there a faster way to shift lists ''past'' each other?
     62  Is it possible to vectorize scipy fsolve?
     62  Inefficient preprocessing in Python
     62  I need a hint how to sorted out this error
     62  Index with an unknown number of indices
     62  Index a multi-dimensional numpy array using other numpy arrays
     62  Incompatible datatypes with Python-OpenCV and Numpy slice
     62  Improving performance of iterative 2D Numpy array with multivariate random generator
     62  If/else statement within loop over dataframe
     62  I don't know why python is throwing this error
     62  Idea to speed up array processing
     62  Ideas on filtering out consistent time series data
     62  How to work ''if np.array([False]):''
     62  How to use scipy's local sphinx documentation?
     62  How to use a variable on numpy mgrid input (numpy)
     62  how to take variable from different `def()` function to another - python
     62  How to take out a row of a matrix that contains a maximum in each column?
     62  How to split up an array by unique keys?
     62  How to split the columns in python script by specifying characters?
     62  How to speed up operations on a python array?
     62  How to separate the photoshopped part from the rest of the image if the original image is given?
     62  How to save and read back a multidimensional string array (possibly) with numpy?
     62  How to remove a sub-list from a list?
     62  How to read two lines in a data from same column to create combination of values from that column?
     62  How to read multiline file of numbers into 1-dimensional numpy array?
     62  How to pythonically pass numpy.array to method of objects in numpy.array
     62  How to put data produced by my terminal into a numpy array
     62  How to nullify all entries except for argmax?
     62  How to multiply individual elements of numpy array of row ith with element of another numpy array of row ith?
     62  How to merge on date in Pandas supporting multiple data formats?
     62  How to make a for loop iterate over an array with only one element (0-d array)
     62  How to load dictionary into an nparray in python
     62  How to join several big arrays into one?
     62  How to iterate through rows and query specific fields based on the contents of other fields in the same row?
     62  How to iterate this n dimensional array?
     62  How to increase the efficiency of loading ndarray with data from an iterator?
     62  How to get the column header of a particular column in numpy
     62  How to fix TypeError when using `scipy.optimize.fsolve`?
     62  How to find the max values of reshape-able array1 in a rolling window of variable size given array1 and array2 are equal length before padding?
     62  How to find missing value in python using sklearn [duplicate]
     62  How to extract coordinates of points after a fit?
     62  How to eliminate data that consist dual three consecutive numbers in python?
     62  How to determine which direction a machine is moving given all its positional data using Python?
     62  How to create a numpy list from within a loop
     62  How to create a list/array from an excel, without changing the number type?
     62  How to create a function to return an equation
     62  How to create a custom List from existing List, based on condition in python?
     62  how to convert data type of images(numpy arrays) stored in pandas dataframe?
     62  how to convert a 1d Numpy array into an array of pairs?
     62  How to compress a numpy array of type bool to uint8 with 1/8 of the size
     62  How to choose efficient numpy operations for distance computation?
     62  How to check the n-th character in string , then update in new column Python
     62  How to be sure that my data types are float64 in my equations?
     62  How to best coerce a list of numpy arrays into a pandas dataframe column?
     62  How to apply operations of comparaison (min,gt) to a ndarray of Theano variables?
     62  How to apply a function on jagged Numpy arrays (unequal row lengths) without using np.apply_along_axis()?
     62  How to append some arrays in python?
     62  How to access entries of a list using a numpy array without using a for loop
     62  how open folder with multiple dataframes in python and merge into one csv file
     62  How do you use a list as an index argument for numpy ndarrays?
     62  How do I separate out unique rows in a list that has both a datetime and float column?
     62  How do I optimise this numpy array operation?
     62  How do I get faster redundancy reduction without nested for loop
     62  How do I generate a matrix with x dimension and a vector and without using loops? Python [duplicate]
     62  How do I fit a line to this data?
     62  How do I change the last array dimensions?
     62  How do I add an element to numpy nd array?
     62  How does distribution works in dask?
     62  How can I use np.multiply with functools.partial [duplicate]
     62  how can i train a model with different image shapes in a batch
     62  How can I split a list into a list of lists based on the difference between adjacent elements?
     62  How can i remove the first n columns/lines with 0 values in a 2D matrix?
     62  How can I create a numpy array of n dimension with some hardcoded values?
     62  How can a numpy array be created on a laptop when it's size exceeds system memory?
     62  Grouping the results of a sparse pairwise matrix
     62  Get transpose from uneven numpy array and/or get average from uneven numpy array
     62  Getting smaller list through this weird operation in python?
     62  Getting list of values from same index in a 4D array
     62  Getting a specific index of numpy array by given array element as integer
     62  Get the max value of rows in index range
     62  Get rows of tensor that satisfy condition tensorflow
     62  get only previous three values from the dataframe
     62  get data from masked data with some array
     62  Generating User / Item interactions
     62  Find the time that 90% of tickets are processed in?
     62  find the minimum chi-square subarray between two arrays in numpy
     62  Finding where each unique subarray occurs
     62  Finding the start/stop positions and length of the longest and shortest sequence of 1s or 0s in a numpy matrix
     62  Finding the distance of the 5th closest point to each of the points in a list of points
     62  find indeces of grouped-item matches between two arrays
     62  Find ideal sampling points for data sets with arbitrary sampling points
     62  Find first occurence of index and keep that row [duplicate]
     62  Filling a 2D Numpy array based on given coordinates
     62  Feedholder shape mismatch in tensorflow
     62  Fast selection of a percentage of elements between ranges
     62  fast indexing 1D numpy array using index arrays with strictly increasing indices
     62  Fastest way for 2D rolling window quantile?
     62  Extracting a part of a row into a numpy array
     62  Explaining large runtime variations
     62  Execute a different function in different parts of an array. Python 3
     62  Error while installing NumPy package in PyCharm
     62  Efficient ways to count number of items in a sorted array for many different start/end values
     62  Efficient sorting of select rows within same timestamps according to custom order [duplicate]
     62  Drawing a random number from set of numbers excluding those given in certain sets
     62  Do python's numeric types impact the low-level precision of a number?
     62  Dimension lost after adding np.array to list
     62  difficult to run the program
     62  Determine when difference in two values reaches a minimum
     62  Default sort of Python not working as expected with float32
     62  DataFrame of frequencies by list comprehension?
     62  cx-freeze ''ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application''
     62  cx_Freeze converted exe: window closes immediately
     62  cv2.imdecode return None when decode base64
     62  Creating daemon process to run a function in the background without using threading
     62  Creating a numpy matrix without replacement in rows [duplicate]
     62  Create numpy array of arrays with leading zeros and different start- and stop-points
     62  create non evenly (randomly) spaced arange from a list of index positions?
     62  Create dataframe with np.column_stack when df of only 1 row
     62  Create a dataset for chord diagram and plot
     62  Count ID's by using field values in python [duplicate]
     62  Copying a smaller square array (m,m) from a larger one (n,n) in Python
     62  Complicated numpy array multiplications
     62  combine 2-D arrays of unknown sizes to make one 3-D
     62  code to find and print out the list of states that appears more than ten times in the dataset using numpy python
     62  CNN: Forwarding batch of images - Stuck when using multiple kernels
     62  Choosing between different methods when the first one raises error message for linear regression
     62  Cholesky optimization for Pentadiagonial matrix in python
     62  Changing the shape of a numpy array
     62  Changing the dataframe headers and then interpolate in python
     62  cant update numpy in default mac python setup
     62  Can Postgres SQL function transforms be applied to array types?
     62  Can I use scipy.optimize with numpy.where?
     62  Can I construct a numpy object zero-d array from its value in a single expression?
     62  Calculation of Mahalanobis distance doesn't work when using scipy's cdist function
     62  Build a numpy sums array from a dictionary with cluster and indices in a matrix
     62  Bootstrapping: Is there a faster way?
     62  Best way to dot product of multiple large arrays numpy python
     62  ax.hist not outputting the same as np.histogram
     62  Avoid loops in the computation of logistic equation?
     62  Avoiding for loops when subsetting pandas DataFrames
     62  a valid element not in np.arange, though print() does show it, dtypes are also same
     62  Automatic overflow check in Python
     62  Assigning numpy array to a new numpy array does not free old arrays memory
     62  Assembling block matrix with Numba support
     62  Advice on vectorising code (by removing loop) in Pandas
     62  Adding elements in a list in Python
     62  Adding column of weights to pandas DF by a condition on the DFs column
     62  1-vs-1 comparisons from multi-player games
     61  Why numpy files are storing noisy images?
     61  Why is my implementation of numpy.random.choice faster?
     61  Why is my calculation of covariance not precise
     61  Why does numpy import behave differently?
     61  Why does it fail to reshape an array with shape (60000, 10, 1) to (60000, 10)?
     61  Why and when does dataframe.apply give different results than using the function on an individual element?
     61  What's the idiomatic way to rotate a list of points in np?
     61  What is the shortest way to calculate running median in python?
     61  What is the function of np.nonzero with slicing a np.array?
     61  What is the equivalent of list when using numpy?
     61  What is the difference between the following two multipliers in numpy?
     61  What is the difference between Python lists and numpy matrices [duplicate]
     61  What is an elegant way to convert a boolean array into increasing numerical array? [duplicate]
     61  What does 'M' means on scipy document?
     61  What does linearize do in this case?
     61  Weird Indexing by Python and Numpy [duplicate]
     61  Weights in Numpy Neural Net Not Updating, Error is Static
     61  vectorize a function for numpy, that correlates each element of one vector with each element of another
     61  variable colons for indexing in Python [duplicate]
     61  values overwrite numpy array
     61  Values get changed when numpy int32 array is converted to float32 [duplicate]
     61  ValueError: numpy.ufunc has the wrong size, try recompiling
     61  Utility function not evaluating correctly numpy python
     61  Using simple code to get the average (in Python) of an entire column in a csv file
     61  Using Polyfit to create 3rd degree polynomial with dynamic CSV's
     61  Using numpy with swift throws ''cannot invoke '*' with an argument'' error
     61  Using multiprocessing module to runs parallel processes where one is fed (dependent) by the other for Viterbi Algorithm
     61  Using a nested for loop to append to multiple lists
     61  Using a boolean Mask on large numpy array is very slow
     61  Use the new matrix to create a new matrix again?
     61  Use simple counting method for certain criteria
     61  un-slicing numpy arrays
     61  universal function concept and notation in numpy
     61  trying to seperate real and imaginary but it gets add up
     61  To print the elements lying within a bin
     61  too many indices for array in ''1000_Companies.csv''
     61  the pdf divided by the bin edge size in numpy.histogram density param
     61  The logic behind `np.nanargmin([np.nan, np.inf]) = 0`
     61  Swap arrays in an numpy 2d array based on its content
     61  Storing data to use it with Numpy, with automatic title
     61  Stack arrays in sequence
     61  Split array s.t sub-arrays sum to original
     61  Speed up nd-array computations in Numpy
     61  Speeding up Python Numpy code
     61  Sort 100x100 array with numpy in python
     61  Smoothing one-hot encoded matrix rows
     61  Slice pandas rows between two numpy arrays
     61  slice indices must be integer, it's already it. how to go beyond this?
     61  sklearn train_test_split dies and shuts down python kernel
     61  Shuffle and split 2 numpy arrays so as to maintain their ordering with respect to each other
     61  Shorter One Liner with NumPy for grabbing indexes
     61  Separate transaction rows of bundled products into multiple rows of individual product
     61  Select values of one array based on a boolean expression applied to another array
     61  Select N elements from each row without looping
     61  Selection of elements from numpy array columns based on row index
     61  Selecting specific indices from a numpy matrix and converting it into a numpy matrix in python?
     61  Searching a list of 3 lists for equivalence of 2 lists and averaging all the values in the 3rd list where list 1 and 2 are equal (Python)
     61  Scikit-learn's (0.22.1) KNNImputer returning wrong number of values
     61  Running filter over a large amount of data points and a long time period?
     61  Revolution solid with MatplotLib Python
     61  Resize array into impossible shape using placeholders
     61  Resize all images stored in array
     61  Replacing values of a python ndarray satisfying certain threshold
     61  Replace numpy 2D array numbers according numbers in df columns
     61  Replace group of value in an array
     61  Re-order a numpy array python
     61  Remove Nan from Array of arrays
     61  regarding understanding a python function using logical operators
     61  Reformatting Tab-Separated Data in Python
     61  Read text files long text file in python
     61  Reading numpy list of vectors from file causes a change of vectors to be string
     61  Read a file consisting two columns of pure(?) double into a complex NumPy array
     61  Python Transposing a NumPy array [duplicate]
     61  Python syntax numpy random function
     61  Python saving to disk getting slower after every loop
     61  Python + Pandas : Filling a new dataframe with lists
     61  Python Pandas: Distribute column of strings equally
     61  Python Pandas: DataFrame modification with diagnal value = 0 [duplicate]
     61  Python numpy matrix inverse gives incorrect values
     61  Python Minimization involving 2D List
     61  Python Loop Behaviour When Called Inside Another Loop
     61  python, indices of minima array [duplicate]
     61  Python get a value from numpy.ndarray by [index]
     61  Python function redefines variables that are not passed
     61  Python float represented as dictionary
     61  python and numpy: Get random distribution from existing distribution
     61  Python3: vectorizing nested loops
     61  Pyspark cumulative product using numpy
     61  pyquaternion: ValueError: Unexpected number of elements in sequence
     61  Projectile motion sim, index out of bounds error, nested for/while loops
     61  Problems with appending a list in Python
     61  Problem in concatenating two numpy image arrays. Throws error ''only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index''
     61  Problem converting python list to np.array. Process is dropping sting type data
     61  Populating pandas dataframe efficiently using a 2-D numpy array
     61  Plotting several graphs with values extracted from one array
     61  Plot pairs of solutions to non-linear equation
     61  pick by index in numpy
     61  Permute within a row in python
     61  Pass arguments of 3D numpy array into a 4D numpy array
     61  pandas sum of value for nearest matching neighbors in area
     61  pandas sampling from series based on distribution
     61  pandas numbering/sequencing for sets of same column values
     61  Pandas improvement
     61  Pandas: Adding values of one column to another column if the date is different in datetime index
     61  overwriting ''|'' operator to concatenate numpy arrays
     61  Optimizing pandas reindex date_range
     61  Optimize code for step function using only NumPy
     61  Optimisation of a simple vector operation (python)
     61  Operations with numpy array elements
     61  OpenCV, ORB Detection: How can I return the best match when compared to multiple images?
     61  Numpy vectorization messes up data type
     61  NumPy Unorthodox Matrix Multiplication
     61  Numpy slicing python 3
     61  numpy: return boolean with true if array elements are in a given set
     61  Numpy - Overlap 2 matrices at a particular position
     61  Numpy output using OR conditionals differ from output using np.isin
     61  numpy - multiplay only if
     61  numpy.mean() and pandas.mean() return different values for the mean. Why is this so?
     61  Numpy lomax mean function return ''inf'' instead of value
     61  NumPy indexing with varying position
     61  Numpy---How to substitute by certain multi-elements in array at the same time?
     61  Numpy efficient indexing with varied size arrays
     61  Numpy dtype view
     61  numpy: check for 1 every 6 element every row
     61  Numpy array with different datatypes behaves strange
     61  Numpy array size different when saved to disk (compared to nbytes)
     61  Numpy array python: conversion in pandas series
     61  Numba: sharing a numpy array among processes
     61  np.size and np.mean missing values in pandas column
     61  np.load() in a for loop
     61  np.argmax returning impossible value on Q table
     61  Not understanding numpy code from a book
     61  Multiple sets of inputs with different and large number of samples cause memory error
     61  Move index to the left, according to grid
     61  Modifying a data file: issue with savetxt header option
     61  Memory efficient way of producing a weighted edge list
     61  matplotlib get numpy array index location on click [duplicate]
     61  matlab/numpy submatrix contour
     61  many pandas dataframe to in one readeable file
     61  make list separate values
     61  Maintaining proportionality of sum constrained row when changing a single row value
     61  Magic squares of singly even order,make numpy array
     61  Loss function increasing instead of decreasing
     61  Look at elements in an array
     61  Load data from generator into already allocated numpy array
     61  List of lists based on numbers in another list
     61  List comprehension only returns last iteration
     61  list.append copies the last item only
     61  list[-1] reports index out of range error
     61  len() of np.array gives TypeError: len() of unsized object
     61  KNN algorithm implementation
     61  Keeping track of dropped indices when dropping elements from numpy array
     61  Joining 3 lists to one list with many items
     61  iterate through number of columns, with variable columns
     61  Is this a right Numpy reshape?
     61  Is there a way to optimize the comparison of a matrix with a set of samples?
     61  Is there a way to insert elements from a list to every knth position in second list?
     61  Is there a way to disable denormals in numpy? (Enabling ftz and daz flags)
     61  Is there a way to access the coordinated of the required edge in OpenCV Python?
     61  Is there a `ufunc` that just forwards the data?
     61  is there a simple method to smooth a curve without taking into account future values and without a time shift?
     61  Is there any way to append array to list with arithmetic operator?
     61  Is there an elegant way of preventing numpy from slapping a dtype on empty lists?
     61  Is there an easy python approach to fill missing values nth before and nth after
     61  Is my function call in an if statement screwing me up?
     61  Is it possile to convert a nested list of tuples to an numpy array?
     61  Is it possible to do linalg.multi_dot for an ndarray along an axis?
     61  Inheriting from numpy.recarray, __unicode__ issue
     61  IndexError in Python with Numpy array
     61  Improving performance of flattening pandas DataFrames into a list of dicts
     61  Improve speed by creating dynamic columns in a Dataframe
     61  I am making a patch-based neural-network reconstructing natural images. But it made dot-patterns that I don't want to get
     61  I am getting an error even I am getting the variable values (python)
     61  How to vectorize with mismatched dimensionality
     61  How to vectorize a function with array lookups
     61  How to Stack arrays in sequence depth wise with only 2 dimention
     61  How to speedup Python nested for loop with inner while loop and a bunch of other calculations
     61  How to sort files in the ascending order of integer contained in the file name
     61  how to solve following error in python
     61  How to shift a 2D numpy array in python?
     61  How to return properly?
     61  How to represent the coefficients of a multi layer perception neural network?
     61  How to remove rows from DataFrame
     61  How to rearrange the values in list based on the values in another list?
     61  How to put back cropped Image in OpenCV Python
     61  How to plot feature matrix with labels array
     61  How to perform operation on multiple values in lambda?
     61  How to pad an array of images with a given color without a for loop?
     61  How to obtain a matrix of size n*3(where n is the total number of pixels of an image) having R,G and B components of the image
     61  How to match float point values in two csv files?
     61  How to make a new array in numpy, with elements chosen from one array based on another?
     61  How to make an array of color dots from image array? [closed]
     61  How to index numpy array with given indexes? [duplicate]
     61  How to get the minor of a matrix using numpy
     61  How to get the mean of a 3D array over 2D?
     61  How to get the derivative approximation from given range?
     61  How to get a numpy ndarray of integers from a file with header?
     61  How to find the longest consecutive subsequence of a list greater than mean in python
     61  How to find the frequencies of impulses?
     61  How to filter a Pandas series?
     61  How to export lines without image in python
     61  How to exact/assign values from/to a 3D list using logical conditions from 2D numpy array
     61  How to efficiently find the index column of the leftest non null value of a row in a numpy matrix?
     61  How to ease and efficient store simulation data for numpy ufuncs in OO
     61  How To Display a NumPy Array in a PyQt5 Text Window
     61  How to differentiate keyword args in least_squares() function?
     61  How to determine the dimensions of a mix of lists and arrays?
     61  How to create a random sequence excepting a set of given values
     61  How to create a random sequence excepting a set of given values
     61  How to count neighbouring cells in a numpy array using try-except?
     61  How to copy all files from a folder into one file to another folder using python?
     61  How to convert binary numpy image into vertices
     61  How to compare sublists of two lists as single entities?
     61  How to combine list with integer in an array of tuples?
     61  How to apply rolling function with iterable windows without using loops or iterating over (groupby) groups in Pandas?
     61  How to apply operations with conditionals, like if, to a large numpy array efficiently in python?
     61  How to append regression coefficients from multiple models?
     61  How do you access the Z axis in Tiff's when they are converted to a numpy array? The shape is only in 2 dimensions
     61  How do I use numpy's polyfit when applied to two lists?
     61  How do I sum data from certain columns and rows in a dataframe?
     61  How do I make a function that slices an array depending on parameters
     61  How do I initialise the plot of my function to start at 0?
     61  How do i implement an asdf extension when using either numpy polynomial or astropy polynomial?
     61  How do I create an array based on an existing array, that I have created?
     61  how do crop specific part of image based on the coordinate boxes?
     61  How can I rotate axis of a contour plot?
     61  How can I evaluate an array of lambda functions
     61  How can I estimate mu and sigma parameters for logNormal distribution with the data of quantiles in Python
     61  How can I create an numpy array from two different numpy arrays?
     61  Grouping values
     61  Given two data sets with 3 columns, extract the rows for which the value of the third column is almost equal in both data sets
     61  getting list of indices of each value of list in a pythonic way
     61  get time difference in seconds for time referring to another timezone
     61  Get the index of an original list after removing entries
     61  Get the count of each unique values included in an numerical array using numpy.unique [duplicate]
     61  get max value of multiplication of column combinations and their respective index in python
     61  get list of percentages to equal 100
     61  Generate pair wise column combination from np.array
     61  Generate (n, 1, 2) arrays with np.tile
     61  Generate a 100*2 array from a t distribution with degree 30
     61  Gaussian kernel performance
     61  From a one-hot representation to the labels
     61  Find the minimum of a 2d interpolation
     61  Finding the Roots of Chebyshev's polynomials in python
     61  Finding the differences between integers in the list
     61  Finding neighbours in Pandas based on shared nodes
     61  finding indices of close elements in 2D arrays
     61  Finding a function that fits several arguments
     61  Filter arrays in Numpy
     61  File with sequence of numbers to two column array/list and then plot
     61  Fast way to preform a function on all pair combinations of elements in an array
     61  Fastest way to calculate distance
     61  Fasted Python way to bulk csv convert outside of using pandas
     61  Extract elements from a 2d numpy array using a 2d array as indicies [duplicate]
     61  Expanding numpy array while updating the values
     61  Evaluate array valued function python 3
     61  Euclidian distance for two multidimentionnal array
     61  Error when converting data from CSV to numpy array
     61  Error using numpy.polyfit in a cx_freezed program
     61  Element-wise apply
     61  Efficient way to shift values in one matrix according to the values in another matrix
     61  Efficient way to count the greater than operation for each value itself
     61  Efficiently select random matrix indices with given probabilities
     61  Efficiently compare running total for month to total for month
     61  Efficiently collect data from 2 large DataFrames and merge it in to a numpy array
     61  Efficient implementation to check: for each element in array check if it exists in another array
     61  Effective matrix slicing with numpy
     61  Effectively apply a function to every possible pairs from a Pandas Series
     61  Easy pythonic way to classify columns in groups and store it in Dictionary?
     61  duration of sessions for each product for each user
     61  Draw the density curve exactly on the Histogram without normalizing
     61  Doubling the matrix in numpy
     61  Double for loop vs np.fromfunction(), why do they give different result in my case? [duplicate]
     61  Does numpy.zeros() allow correct numba caching?
     61  Divide a list of tensors by a list of scalars in tensorflow?
     61  cut some rows and columns where values are 255
     61  Cumulative histogram with bins in frequency python
     61  creating keras sequence for functional api model
     61  Creating a numpy array from dictionary with keys containing index tuples
     61  Creating a numpy array and then sorting array
     61  Create plot of ellipses from all array values
     61  Count since last occurence in NumPy
     61  Count occurrences of integers in moving window on 2-dimensional numpy array
     61  Counting ocurrences of specific True/False ordering in Numpy Array
     61  convert python operations to numpy
     61  Converting numpy array to picture
     61  Converting a list of values into array
     61  Convert compressed sparse matrix to dataframe
     61  Conversion error in my Python project
     61  Controlling iteration order in numpy ndarray subclasses
     61  Construct structured numpy array from a file?
     61  Confusion regarding third parameter of numpy.random.binomial()
     61  Confusion about Numpy notation
     61  Conditions in NumPy in Python
     61  Computing expectations of an array, suggestions for speed improvements
     61  Compute all outer products at once [duplicate]
     61  Coloring n boxes with m colors
     61  Checking for duplicate arrays when I have a huge amount of arrays
     61  changing shapes of a numpy array
     61  Change the content of the array in python
     61  centering and superimposing numpy arrays efficiently
     61  Case where numba.jit seems to have no effect on performance
     61  Can't define a term in Python
     61  Can I Prevent `numpy.array` Converting List of Arrays into Multidimensional Array
     61  Can I do array-way-slicing like array-way-indexing in python?
     61  Calculating Fourier Transform but always get a type error
     61  Bin a dataframe according to two features
     61  Bilinear interpolation by convolution
     61  Big difference when using Relu over Tanh on a simple problem
     61  Better way to store a set of files with arrays?
     61  Best way to count Greater Than in numpy 2d array
     61  Best way to compare two numpy array of different sizes [duplicate]
     61  Best way of combining meshgrid with matrix multiplication in function
     61  A way to get the local minima and maxima of a vector
     61  Averaging over n elements
     61  Assignment of functions before entering a for-loop in Python
     61  Assigning to all entries whose indices sum to some value
     61  Assigning a RGB column array to an arbitrary number of columns in an image array
     61  Array sorting issue in Python
     61  Applying two equations to one array
     61  Append returned variables of a function into different lists
     61  Appending a number from a list to an empty numpy array.
     61  A difficult construction of a 3-dimensional matrix in numpy from a 2-d one
     61  Adding parentheses to python savetxt Panda output file header
     61  Add element after each element in numpy array python
     61  Access Arrays by index
     60  Wy is pickle not taking into account mutable/referenced objects?
     60  Working with Large operations that kill the kernel
     60  Why the 2 arrays have different memory size? [duplicate]
     60  Why tf.linspace() will return a long decimal number?
     60  Why `numpy.fft.irfft` is so imprecise?
     60  Why does the computation of np.fft.fft2 depends on the shape of the image?
     60  Why am I getting the same prediction, recall, and F1 score?
     60  Why am I getting ''1'' as the class predicted all the time?
     60  What is this data format? and how to convert from numpy array?
     60  What is the meaning of this X[0, :] notation?
     60  What does this list contain in Python, or is it a list?
     60  Using views for NumPy broadcasting
     60  Using np.array the first to reference the values in the second
     60  Using frequency dataset in python
     60  Use of np.linalg.norm for checking the eigen vectors in PCA
     60  Use list of lists to average rows in numpy array
     60  Use columns as row and column headers in a matrix
     60  Updated approach for max value using pandas [closed]
     60  Unexpected valley in Fourier Transformation using Scipy FFT
     60  Understanding numpy axes
     60  Two dimensional function not returning array of values?
     60  time-lag autocorrelation on a random 2d signal with python
     60  Tensor to numpy conversion without gradient dependence
     60  Tensorflow: Unexpected behaviour
     60  Sum based on criteria in row and column conditions [duplicate]
     60  Strange behavior of numpy astype for record
     60  Stopping out of range exceptions for Numpy
     60  Step/Spike detection breakdown for pandas dataframe graph?
     60  Splitting a number and creating new individual columns for each number split using Pandas
     60  Splittig data in python dataframe and getting the array values automatically
     60  split numpy multidimensional array into equal pieces [duplicate]
     60  Speed up array merge calculations with cython
     60  Spacy 3.8 numpy.ufunc size changed may indicate binary incompatibility
     60  Sort dataframe row while preserving columns
     60  some question about matrix multiplicaiton?
     60  Slicing by Array
     60  Slicing array in python
     60  Slicing a 2D numpy array in python
     60  Simplify two numpy arrays by removing matching element sums
     60  Simple Iteration Array Error Python
     60  Show the data type of elements inside the array and convert it to Integer. Python and Numpy
     60  Selecting rows from array under many conditions
     60  selecting rows from 2 matrices using an indicator vector in numpy
     60  Selecting a subset based on multiple slices in pandas/NumPy?
     60  SciPy: what is a ''generalized'' continuous random variable?
     60  scipy + (numpy.distutils-based) + ctypes: undefined symbol
     60  scipy curve_fit not fitting at all correctly even being supplied with good guess?
     60  saving large array as csv with different fomat
     60  __rmatmul__ not working as expected [duplicate]
     60  Returning minutes only in new column from timestamp using Python
     60  Reshape an array using Numpy
     60  resample duplicate time series
     60  Replacing for-loop with better alternatives in panda dataframes for similarity measurement
     60  Replacing chunks of elements in numpy array
     60  Replace a value in a pandas dataframe
     60  Reordering last dimension of a numpy ndarray
     60  Removing axis argument from numpy argmin, but still vectorized
     60  regarding reshaping a multi-dimensional array
     60  Reformat table in Python
     60  reading a txt file and use some specific portion of it to get an array
     60  Random sample without replacement while maintaining natural order of tabular data
     60  Query about np.loadtext() function
     60  quandl installation is failing for numpy version 1.8
     60  python violinplot numpy matrix
     60  Python taking too much of memory
     60  Python plots of y with unique intervals for same x axis
     60  Python Pivot - Adding calculation row
     60  Python parabolic shooting animation with matplotlib
     60  Python numpy.matrix auxiliary matrix
     60  python numpy log2 returns -inf when using Popen [closed]
     60  Python Numpy evaluation condition dynamically - use @ like pd.query
     60  Python Numpy Array returns multiple values for each index, yet does not allow indexing of those values
     60  python list with different type to array
     60  Python lists and NumPy lists output
     60  Python: How to Classify Unlabeled Images and Save into Class Folders?
     60  Python graphing with numpy
     60  Python getting the unique and smallest value pairs from two lists with same length
     60  Python 3.x - TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
     60  Python 3 loop acting on arrays gives error message unless 'pointless' a print statement is added
     60  python3.5 NP indexing out of bounds
     60  Python 2.7 CSV graph time format
     60  Pyplot Histogram - Get the exact x values from the automatic bins
     60  Problem with numpy the dot product does not work
     60  Problem with neural network in TensorFlow 2.0
     60  Problem with getting rid of specific columns [closed]
     60  Precision of calculations in Python 3
     60  Postpone function execution syntactically
     60  Plot timeseries of volume on the y-axis and year + week number on the x-axis with type determined by hue
     60  Performance and memory of algorithmic implementations in Python
     60  Pattern Identification in a given dataset
     60  pandas: smallest X for a defined probability
     60  Pandas rolling std yields inconsistent results and differs from values.std
     60  Pandas replace random cells with index values as string
     60  Pandas: multiply starting value for one column through each value in another within group
     60  Pandas - Add new rows to dataframe with arithmetic
     60  Optimizing distance calculation between rows and matrices with numpy
     60  operations on a NumPy array based on info in another Array
     60  Numpy.where uses
     60  Numpy vectorising
     60  Numpy: values in array wont change
     60  Numpy replace values in array using putmask and indexing
     60  Numpy ndarray broadcasting following a boolean condition
     60  Numpy: multiply 3D array with 2D array [duplicate]
     60  Numpy.matmul sees array as integer
     60  numpy: insert array in place of an element
     60  Numpy: How to stack 3D arrays in rows iteratively?
     60  numpy getting row indices in a matrix
     60  Numpy fancy/advanced indexing independent of dimensions
     60  numpy array with diagonal equal to zero and [x,y] =-[y,x]
     60  np.where() with multiple outputs [duplicate]
     60  np.asarray() gives me one column array where data was multi column
     60  Non proportional random sample
     60  Newton method using polyfit in python + troubleshooting
     60  Need to write a function and assign a new column to the data frame have mulitple values in one column and unique values in another column
     60  Need help vectorizing a mathematical model written in python
     60  NaN giving ValueError in OneHotEncoder in scikit-learn
     60  Multiply TensorVariable with random matrix
     60  Multiply each row by different rotation matrix
     60  Multiplication for a 3d array and slicing
     60  Modify a member variable outside the class object and have changes in the class object
     60  memory problem in python DataFrame (numpy)
     60  Mean of grouped data
     60  Mean a grid to decrease resolution of a Netcdf
     60  Matrix multiplication translation from Matlab to Numpy
     60  Matching columns in data set with its class, similar to VLOOKUP
     60  Mapping locations satisfying condition in array
     60  Make a ''linear-within-logspace'' array that goes like [1, 2, 3,  ... , 10, 20, 30,  ... ]
     60  Loss function difference in keras and numpy
     60  Loop on dataframe takes a lot of time
     60  Looking for a better algorithm or data structure to improve conversion of connectivity from ID's to indices
     60  logically adding in numpy
     60  Load list into numpy matrix [duplicate]
     60  Lists inside big numpy arrays
     60  Linear Regression Training with timeseries date
     60  Lambdifying a Sympy vector
     60  Keras model softmax output not summing to 1
     60  Keras feeding a one dimension image array, specifying the right input shape
     60  Iterating DataFrame Rows to Create New Column Using Numpy
     60  Is there a way to write fast nested loops in python?
     60  Is there a way to remove duplicate rows with a specific condition within Pandas?
     60  Is there a way for Python to read __float128 from a binary file?
     60  Issue with finding angle between 3 points in Python
     60  Is it possible to make part of a graph white in pylab?
     60  Is it possible to iterate over serialized Python file?
     60  I receive a MemError when I interpolate data with generator expressions and iterators from a regular grid on a mesh >2000 times
     60  Intuition behind the correlation
     60  Integration scheme - iteration error accumulation
     60  Indexing in numpy ndarray by dynamcaly generated indexes
     60  Indexing for 3 dimensional Numpy Arrays (convolutional network)
     60  Indexing array in python results in lost scientific notation
     60  Index a numpy array using a list in a pythonic way
     60  Inconsistencies between latest numpy and scikit-learn versons?
     60  I keep getting a OverflowError in Python 3 using numpy but only in a function (outside the same code is fine)
     60  If statement to split date/time into periods
     60  How to vectorize a function having ndarray of different shape as an argument?
     60  How to use integer values of a matrix as index for another matrix using numpy or Theano?
     60  How to use broadcasting to speed up this code?
     60  How to use a previous list in another expression
     60  How to update python array after certain operation
     60  how to take average for each portion of an array
     60  How to stack numpy arrays alternately/slicewise along a specific axis?
     60  How to split numpy array into numpy arrays based on columns?
     60  How to split lines and cols in equal parts
     60  how to split an array by value
     60  How to speed up a searching algorithm
     60  How to sort two dimensional list while giving priority along one of the dimension
     60  How to slice np array's certain dimention with different start point?
     60  How to show name of predicted classes
     60  How to set a matrice with a complex nested tupled list
     60  How to select the rows where a condition is satisfied
     60  How to search for numbers in a matrix
     60  How to search a numpy array for a sub-vector?
     60  How to save string numbers in a numpy array
     60  How to reshape this array the way I need?
     60  How to repeat a numpy array along a new dimension with padding?
     60  How to remove a row from the dataset after finding the best combination from the list in Python
     60  How to raise an exception if we assign a value in a numpy array outside of a given range?
     60  How to print an array wrapped in line instead of column?
     60  How to perform multiple boolean conditions in a whole DataFrame (row by row)?
     60  How to null N indices following a number in pandas?
     60  How to multiply lists of words like vectors?
     60  How to join multiple rows sequentially in a numpy array?
     60  How to insert Gaussian/Normal distribution in multiple subplots?
     60  how to init a array with each element holding the value different from its neighbours
     60  How to index a ndarray with another ndarray?
     60  How to import CSV to seperate variables in order to 'count' for Matplotlib Bar chart
     60  How to implement vectorization over loops of block multiplication via tensor multiplication in Numpy?
     60  How to get two variables list from two different neural networks
     60  How to get the same array output without the for loop Python
     60  How to get rows from a multidimensional numpy array from a single column from the last dimension?
     60  How to get matrix rows by indexes?
     60  How to form dataframes from a particular dataframe?
     60  How to find the median month between two dates?
     60  How to fill Nan based on multiple condition?
     60  How to expand and fill third dim of black and white image
     60  how to do element-wise operator(substract) in numpy fancy index(more than one same index in index list)?
     60  how to derive binary array from a list of strings
     60  How to deal with the output of np.fft?
     60  How to create new rows from multiple data rows
     60  How to create a pandas dataframe of first valid values of another dataframe?
     60  How to count max consistent activity days for each users (ID)?
     60  How to count in List. List is mixed in Python
     60  How to convert multiple dataframes with string and integer values into a 4D data structure
     60  how to convert a list of arrays to a python list
     60  How to compare elements and remove those not complying with condition
     60  How to chunk operations on a list of very big numpy arrays and release memory
     60  how to check whether ALL elements in a Pandas series are equal to a specific value
     60  How to change arrays of shape (60,58) (60,59) to be equal
     60  How to calculate the number of edges in a polygon using PIL/numpy
     60  How to assign each row in a numpy array into keys in dictionary python
     60  How to alternate values in two columns in a dataframe?
     60  How to add label to numpy.ndarray?
     60  How do you map data from unsorted numpy arrays to sorted ones for interpolation?
     60  How do I select a row with most number of minimum values out of each column from a matrix in python?
     60  How do I extract the top 3 results from each key in a Python DataFrame?
     60  How do I create a function that will return a value in a dictionary for each row within a data sheet using Python?
     60  How do I convert timestamp into date? [duplicate]
     60  How do I change taking the mean based on the length of the list? (Python)
     60  How do I change id values in a numpy array to a string numpy array with a dictionary
     60  How does Python convert date value from excel
     60  How does numPy's advanced indexing work for boolean masks?
     60  how can use lambda to multiply every item in array , but each one have diferent operation
     60  How can the function numpy.argmax() handle a list with numbers and characters
     60  How can I stop numpy_1.8 from masking numpy_1.10?
     60  How can I select one matrix' vectors which in another matrix [duplicate]
     60  How can I randomize the values within my numpy array?
     60  How can i loop function variable in python?
     60  How can I install numpy on prefix?
     60  how can I do 2d 3d multiplication
     60  how can I covert this to a matrix
     60  How can I convert spectrogram data to a tensor (or multidimensional numpy array)?
     60  How can I calculate the sum of n-elements in a numpy array in python?
     60  Having performance issues processing large data amounts in python using arrays
     60  Group the equivalent pictures in python
     60  Grouping label for bar plot in matplotlib python
     60  Grouping elements of a NumPy array by sum of indices
     60  Group duplicates by least steps to preserve the order with best effort
     60  Going from a for loop to arrays in Python
     60  getting weighted average then grouping in pandas
     60  Getting strange results from numpy argsort
     60  Getting index of an array value
     60  Getting date ranges for multiple datetime pairs
     60  Get the values of the upper triangle of a matrix with their indexes
     60  Get the previous and next three values from an column of pandas dataframe
     60  Get sums of corresponding rows with numpy
     60  Get incidents upper matrix
     60  get a dimensional array from n lists
     60  Generate numpy array with duplicate rate
     60  Future minimum pandas dataframe
     60  From which index array values are inside a specific error band?
     60  Floor of integer to the nearest 10,000
     60  fit_generator is still loading everything into memory
     60  Fit data into machine learning keras model when data is huge
     60  find the index of maximum element of 2nd column of a 2 dimensional list
     60  find the general case of while loops
     60  Find Percent from List
     60  Finding value at indexes present in a 2D array in Python
     60  Finding hierarchical structure in messy energy data
     60  Finding average of the smallest 4 values in an array which generates 200 random numbers
     60  Filter our elements of matrices where both/neither/either are nonzero?
     60  Filtered Numpy Array Changes Number of Dimensions
     60  Fill in a section out of bounds in a numpy array
     60  Fill a pandas dataframe by counting strings in a array and adding their values from a array
     60  Fast way to build array from originating arrays of different sizes
     60  Fastest way to write the following
     60  Fastest way to find spesific value over a Numpy array (Nx2 array)
     60  Fastest way to add a column in numpy array with a specific value?
     60  Faster way to modify a numpy array
     60  Faster collections.Counter - like operation for pandas Series
     60  Extract individual values from numpy array into a list
     60  Expanding dimension of an array
     60  Error 'integrand() takes 3 positional argumanets, but 4 were given', but I don't see how. Using scipy integration nquad
     60  Equivalent using numpy
     60  Equations containing outer products of vectors
     60  Enumerate through 2D array in numpy and append to new array
     60  Element-wise equality in 3-D array with arbitrarily sized axes
     60  Efficiently sorting and grouping really big arrays
     60  Efficiently insert numbers - NumPy / Python
     60  Efficiently creating sparse matrix from a disk on the surface of the Earth
     60  Draw a 10% filled rectangle
     60  Distributive ''if'' with numpy arrays
     60  Different Z-Scores with numpy/sklearn/pandas
     60  Dictionary is not giving all elements - Python
     60  Dictionaries with numpy - Can I use XY coordinates as a hash? [duplicate]
     60  Debugging a NumPy TypeError? [edited from previous ValueError]
     60  Data set appears to have dim 3, and estimator expected is <= 2
     60  Data from another column with
     60  DataFrame NumPy value accuracy
     60  Cummulative addition in a loop
     60  Creating vectorized numpy.meshgrid off 2D arrays to create 3D meshes
     60  create polymial in powers of (x-1) from given coefficients in python
     60  Create a three dimensional array based on three columns
     60  Create array which replace by the header with 1 and skip zero for each row
     60  count numpy 2D array count
     60  Counting total number of element occurrences in different length vectors
     60  Convolution layer dimension reduction
     60  ConvNet: Not getting the required output in the max pooling function
     60  Convert String to Variable List
     60  convert/map python dictionary to a list, by using the key as the list index
     60  Convert list to numpy array without using much RAM
     60  Converting Matrix to Image [not RGB] and what it means
     60  Converting Double For Loop to Numpy Linear Algebra for Dual Form SVM
     60  Converting an ndarray image into a grayscale image with the same array shape
     60  Concatenating numpy arrays and getting desired shape
     60  Concatenate two arrays Python
     60  Computing wasserstein distance between persistence diagrams
     60  Computing distances on inhomogeneous vectors: python lists vs numpy array
     60  Compute values in vector with NumPy
     60  Comparing between one value and a range of values in an array
     60  Clean install of Scientific Python without reformatting the disk
     60  Cleaner pandas/numpy code to find equivalency matrix?
     60  Change sign of elements with an odd sum of indices
     60  Can I make numpy.sum return 0 when array is 0 rows?
     60  Calculate Lowest Ave and STDEV from N-1 Sample
     60  Broadcast array in python
     60  Breaking down an integer into other unique integers
     60  Best way to remove rows that have more of a certain value than a given amount (numpy)
     60  Averaging values in array corresponding to the values of another array
     60  Assigning values to a particular cell in a multidimensional array (python)
     60  arrange N different vectors into an object array - not matrix
     60  A pythonic way to find all indexes of one sequence in the other one? [duplicate]
     60  Appending 2x2 co variance matrices in numpy
     60  Any (fast) way to check a function is constant/almost constant?
     60  A more efficient way of comparing two images in a python
     60  After running through my algorithm fine, my array returns as all zeros
     60  Advance compare two or more csv files
     60  Address of last value in 1d NumPy array
     60  Accessing variables from one class to another in Python
     60  Accessing a Numpy Matrix from C as a 3D array
     59  Zero Padding a Matrix in Python
     59  Writing a large number of files in python, noticable slowdown at the end
     59  work with 3 decimals in python [duplicate]
     59  why my output is coming as NaN always , i am expecting output as my series data?
     59  Why is this function returning all zeros
     59  Why isn't the value of this array not changing?
     59  Why do I lose indexes and column header information on using np.hstack when concatenating two df in python?
     59  Why does pandas generate a KeyError when looking up date in date-indexed table?
     59  why dividing by a scalar in numpy (pylab) return zero (within a script)?
     59  Why did the numpy core size shrink from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1?
     59  Which model fit best for semi sinusoidal data?
     59  Which eigenvectors do MATLAB/numpy display when eigenvalues are repeated
     59  When would you use `flatten()` instead of`reshape(-1)`?
     59  What's the proper way to do back propagation in Deep Fully Connected Neural Network for binary classification
     59  What mistake should I correct?
     59  What is the difference between 0:: and 0: when filtering a numpy array? [duplicate]
     59  weird numba behavior when assigning to an array
     59  Weird lines in python file, can't extract column
     59  weird behaviour of numpy array element identities
     59  Vectorized implementation of numpy alternative insert
     59  Variable amount of dimensions in slice
     59  ValueError:setting an array element with a sequence
     59  Using scipy minimize with constraint on one parameter
     59  Using pandas groupby and numpy where together in Python
     59  Using numpy for contains and exact match condition
     59  Use Boolean vectors to select values from numpy arrays
     59  Updating variable name within a for loop while performing calculations
     59  Updating column in for loop using merge
     59  Update Numpy, Scipy without disturbing the rest of ubuntu system
     59  Unusal Function
     59  Unexpected result with Numpy ctypes data_as pointer arrays
     59  Understand the syntaxe X[Y == c] in Numpy [duplicate]
     59  Underestimation of slope of linear regression line by Numpy's polyfit function?
     59  ubuntu14.04 error when importing a module converted by f2py
     59  TypeError: ('''list' object is not callable'', 'occurred at index 0')
     59  Turn a 1x336 array into a 16x21 array
     59  Translate Pandas merge to Dask
     59  Transform the content of string columns following a pattern in a Pandas Dataframe
     59  Testing against NumPy/SciPy sane version pairs
     59  Test data from CSV file and make predictions from trained model
     59  Tensorflow finding pixels with matching value
     59  TensorFlow: Efficient way to compute reduce-sum block-matrix multiplications
     59  (Surprisingly challenging?) Numpy Vectorization
     59  Summation of a function in Python
     59  Structuring a dataframe with pandas
     59  String to np.matrix back to string
     59  Stop iterating when an error rate on a vector is below a threshold
     59  Stack every 2 arrays in 2D array using numpy without loops
     59  spyder (python) variable explorer different view
     59  Split numpy values by indices resulting in irregular shape
     59  Speeding up an Euler numerical scheme in python
     59  Sorting a set of matrices
     59  Something in for-loop breaks down after 17 loops
     59  Solving equation with one variable
     59  Solving and plotting equation for different constant values
     59  Singular matrix when implementing GMM from scratch
     59  Simplify merging of two numpy arrays at even and uneven points in Python
     59  show matplotlib imshow output in Qt
     59  Set the Threshold value in the Output from the FCN
     59  Select values in series based on indices from values in array
     59  selecting data in numpy array with different conditions
     59  Select indices where x is nan while y is between two values
     59  Searching only a portion of a matrix in python
     59  scikit learn Random Forest Classifier probability threshold
     59  Running python 3 on 64bit, packages updated; ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application
     59  Return rows based off the most recent increase in value from other columns python
     59  retrieve values from interpolation object
     59  Reshapint ndarray from 2d to 3d
     59  Removing coloured axis markers from Python plot
     59  removing a row and column at the same time python
     59  remove list from numpy
     59  Relation between mpmath and scipy: Type Error
     59  regex on pandas dataframe column having string representation of lists
     59  re-arrange dataframe rows contents for keras cnn
     59  Reading in ascii data lines with missing cells?
     59  Reading file as array
     59  Reading and Converting Series of images to Numpy Array With Python
     59  Randomly selecting positive and negative data from array
     59  Raise Elements of Array to Series of Exponents
     59  PyTorch - to NumPy yields unsized object?
     59  PyTorch - to NumPy yields unsized object?
     59  Python versions changes
     59  Python: Unite a 2d array and a 1d array in a 3 column array
     59  Python: Reduce rectangles on images to their border
     59  python pandas: How dropping items in dateframe
     59  Python OpenCV Lane Detector ''cannot unpack non-iterable numpy.uint8 object'' Error
     59  Python Object via Function
     59  Python - Object of type 'ndarray' is not JSON serializable
     59  Python/Numpy: rearrange N4xN3xN2xN1 4D array into an (N4.N2)x(N3.N1) 2D array
     59  python numpy pinv for each sub-matrix
     59  Python - numpy : 'dimension dependent indexing'
     59  python np.array value change
     59  Python: matplotlib is producing no line in plot
     59  Python Image using Numpy
     59  Python: I keep getting a broadcasting error, but I'm not sure how to fix it
     59  pythonic way for partwise max in a numpy array
     59  Python: How to find greater than N rows with non zero cells in greater than M common columns
     59  Python, how to apply this formula to every line in the database so each line gives a different value rather than the same one for each year
     59  Python - handle csv with 2 definition types
     59  python: get colors from ScalarMappable for entire numpy array
     59  Python elif optimization problems [closed]
     59  python: efficient way to make large-scale check
     59  python: dump dictionary containin numpy arrays
     59  Python: Dividing a column in one data frame with another with a cumulative sum
     59  Python - dealing with numpy functions
     59  Python - Combine array of indices with vector of values to get array of values
     59  Python ColumnTransformer SettingWithCopyWarning
     59  Python Basics: Convert np.array to
     59  Python: append kmean.labels_ to Numpy array
     59  Print out values in a dictionary to a new csv file
     59  Power spectrum plot from numpy data set by using healpy
     59  Postprocessing data after convolution in Python
     59  Populating a SortedLIst from an n&times;2 numpy array
     59 Scatter Plot not Showing all Data Points
     59  Plot a 1D array on 3 radii in a polar heat map
     59  Pint list conversion
     59  permutation for pd.Series cause inplace change
     59  Performant filling of NAs with grouping
     59  Percentile calculation: Can I convert this for loop to a vector operation?
     59  Pass dictionary of numpy arrays to function
     59  Particular case of iteration through pandas dataframe
     59  Optimizing by translation to map one x,y set of points onto another
     59  Optimize for cumprod() with two variables
     59  OpenCV read images from pyspark and pass to a Keras model
     59  Numpy Where () with All() on a 2D matrix
     59  Numpy version of this particular list comprehension
     59  Numpy searchsorted on array of vectors in one dimension
     59  Numpy: particle coordinates into image [closed]
     59  Numpy negated indexing like python's not
     59  Numpy: Need most efficient way to process select elements in a 1D ndarray, using mappings from a 2D ndarray, to output a 1D mean ndarray
     59  Numpy Matrix If/Else Classification?
     59  Numpy incorrect dot product when filling
     59  Numpy implementation of simple clustering algorithm
     59  Numpy help needed: how to use boolean values to calculate ranges and add values together within ranges?
     59  numpy find values in 3rd array based on the correct position of array 1 and 2
     59  Numpy: Creating a Vector through Array Comparison is NOT working
     59  Numpy concatenate simple string with the values of a numpy array
     59  Numpy: choose, where, partition or something else?
     59  Numpy: Calculate an expression at specific array positions
     59  Numpy assignment behaviour
     59  NumPy Array: Minesweeper - substituting random items
     59  numpy apply function over two 3d matrixes
     59  Numpy advanced indexing usage
     59  Numpy 3D matrix multiplication
     59  np.log returns a dataframe full of NaNs
     59  np.linalg.norm and how to deal with machine epsilon
     59  np.int32 object not iterable
     59  `np.any` returns an object from an object array instead of boolean?
     59  No module named 'numpy.testing.decorators'
     59  nested loop in python with lists input
     59  Need some kind of numpy broadcasting inverse summary operation
     59  ndarray concatenate error
     59  nansum only if at least one value is not nan - numpy
     59  Multiply vectors with shape (2,) and (3, 1)
     59  multiplying an array of matrices with a vector
     59  Multiply each value in a 2-D array by corresponding values in another 2-D array
     59  Most concise way to get complementary slice in numpy
     59  Model a simple addition with machine learning
     59  MGCA technique for speech features extraction shows this error (IndexError: list index out of range)
     59  Merge two CountVectorizers and compute Cosine Similarity
     59  Merge array of Matrixs into one Matrix [duplicate]
     59  Mean over 2d numpy array with varying slices
     59  max() and min() returns np.nan when the np array starts with np.nan
     59  Matrix vs scalar expression mismatch when using NumPy
     59  mask n-dimensional numpy array (to save memory)
     59  mashing 2D domain and streamplot
     59  Manipulate values of global arrays within functions
     59  Make class convertable to ndarray
     59  Mahalanabois distance in python returns matrix instead of distance
     59  Looping through table to calculate separations - Python
     59  Looping through a Truth array in python and replacing true values with components from another array
     59  Looking for fastest method to downsample a 3d array based on occurences using numpy
     59  List of tuples (begin, end) to index range (convert a pandas.IntervalArray to a numpy array?)
     59  List of Dictionaries which contain lists
     59  Length of the entire tan() function cut off by two lines in Python?
     59  Kronecker product source code in TensorLy
     59  Jupyter always shows array dtype as float
     59  joining character matrices with delimiter python
     59  I want to assign labels 0/1 to pandas datafrmae according to columns
     59  itertools.product(np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1), repeat=30) killed process
     59  Is there a way to understand clusters of zeros and then remove it from numpy array?
     59  Is there a way of doing a rectangular shape function positive values?
     59  Is there a way for to work on MPI file objects?
     59  Is there any proper numpy function for the derivative of Sotfmax?
     59  Is there an interesting algorithm behind np.searchsorted()?
     59  Is there an alternative algorithm to do the following task in Python(Astronomy pipeline)
     59  is there a more efficient way generate an array from another array with a little bit complex rule?
     59  Is there a better way to use permutations? [duplicate]
     59  Issue with numpy logical operations
     59  Is possible to use numba for the evaluation of a distance between 2d arrays?
     59  Is it possible to enforce integer operations in numpy.linalg?
     59  Intersection of two rectangles with NumPy
     59  Integration in case one variable is an array
     59  insert value in a list ignoring nan
     59  I need to make my program nested loops works simpler, since the operating time is maximum
     59  Indexing numpy matrix
     59  Incrementing contiguous positive groups in array/Series
     59  Improving the execution time of matrix calculations in Python
     59  Import Txt file with two mixed columns
     59  Importing a matrix to python
     59  How to use numpy to interpolate between pairs of values in a list
     59  How to transform a series object into a single string
     59  How to to arrange a loop in order to loop over columns and then do something
     59  How to sum every 2 consecutive vectors using numpy
     59  How to subtract each integer in an array from the previous integer and find the summation
     59  How to speed up slow (.6s) mask assignment in Python?
     59  How to speed up a python 2 program with multiple nested for-loops
     59  how to set up a linear least squares regression model for vector inputs and observations
     59  How to select values in a n-dimensional array
     59  How to reshape a 2d numpy array to 3d with variable number of rows per matrix
     59  How to ''push and shift'' an element in a numpy array most efficiently? [duplicate]
     59  How to plot topographical map of scalp from EEG?
     59  How to perform Gaussian pooling on a 2d array using numpy
     59  How to optimize numpy operation, applying 2D condition on 3 channel RGB image?
     59  How to make my code more efficient using cython?
     59  how to make dataframe of all bands of tiff image which has 4 bands using gdal ? and how to convert 3d image in to 2d?
     59  How to make a numpy array of form ([1.], [2.], [3.] ... ) from list?
     59  How to locally shift values in a numpy array by arrays of shifts?
     59  How to load .npz file into Google Compute Engine
     59  How to label regions that they do not have same values?
     59  how to index a subsection of a 2D array python
     59  How to include greater than or equal in numpy system of linear equations solver
     59  How to improve this interpolation result with Python?
     59  How to import array from text file as the same format of numpy array?
     59  How to get to a standardized representation of time in Pandas?
     59  How to get the maximum value and the position from each row of a matrix [duplicate]
     59  How to get the Fourier series coefficients back after applying fft on a set of data point?
     59  How to get specific percentile spans of a pandas column?
     59  How to get integer list from a string but not integer list? [closed]
     59  How to generate a bunch of lists of random numbers which have no repeats but in a certain range with Python?
     59  how to generate 2 clusters of scatters randomly with numpy or some other packages in Python?
     59  How to fix multiprocessing problems in python in windows10
     59  How to find indices for consecutive zeros at the end of the list?
     59  How to fill space to border with in Matplotlib [duplicate]
     59  How to efficiently produce a masked array of 0s and 1s from a 2d numpy array? [duplicate]
     59  How to effectivelly broadcast an array into an array
     59  How to drop rows of a particular index?
     59  How to create an array of binary digits of given unsigned integer numbers with Numpy?
     59  How to convert array objects to just elements without the [] wrapper in python?
     59  How to convert a rectangular matrix into a stochastic and irreducible matrix?
     59  How to concatenate one numpy element and one demension array?
     59  How to compare equality of memory representation of numpy arrays (e.g. including dtype)
     59  How to compare 2 sorted numeric lists in python where each corresponding element don't have to be exact match?
     59  How to combine two array into a list which have a inner-list?
     59  How to claculate density probabilistic function between images in python
     59  How to check value change in column
     59  How to check if value is numpy number or python primitive
     59  how to calculate the sum of elements other than the specified indices?
     59  how to break a vector into two in python
     59  How to autoreload a .npy file in Python3 Script?
     59  How to assign values to indexed arrays
     59  How to Add(SUM) the values at certain locations where there is data overlaps, python
     59  How to access and change Python arrays with logical operators?
     59  How should I store my numpy arrays in file?
     59  How many triangles can be found from N points that with the centroid of the N points in them?
     59  How many times a number appears in succession without a break or change in number python/numpy
     59  How do process my research data with python?
     59  How do I shift col of numpy matrix to last col?
     59  How do I remove the accompanying feature numbers?
     59  How do I quickly find the last number of elements matching some criterion in numpy?
     59  How do I open a binary matrix and convert it into a 2D array or a dataframe?
     59  How do I lag a pandas series and create a new time lagged data frame?
     59  How do I interpret the binary of a numpy array?
     59  How do I draw a time series that shows the amount of change in data?
     59  How do I create a numpy array that corresponds to whether a point is inside a numpy array of polygons?
     59  How does Python List Slicing X[:, permutation] work
     59  How can I modify my loop to make it run quicker?
     59  How can i make my 1,1,3 dimensioned array a 1,3 in python?
     59  How can I create a 2D array with 1 to n in one column and zeros in the other - Python
     59  How can i convert a matrix with n columns into a matrix with just one column?
     59  Having problems using numpy linalg svd
     59  Given rearrangements A and B, compute P such that A[P] == B
     59  Get the indices of the least often occuring values in numpy
     59  Get the frequencies of values from one numpy array in another array
     59  Generate the date based on the more than 1 constraint
     59  Function returning elements of a multi-dimensonal list in python
     59  Format one nested list style to match another list
     59  Flatten multiple index into a single column
     59  flatten multiple index into a DataFrame header
     59  (fixed acidity;''volatile acidity'';''citric acid'';"re ... )< -  how do I separate something like this with commas?
     59  Find the minimal rows with maximum 1s column
     59  Find location where smaller array matches larger array the most
     59  Find location of specific sequence in numpy array
     59  Finding unoccupied bounding boxes in an image given a set of occupied boxes
     59  Filter numpy array but keep original value
     59  Filter multidimensional numpy array using the percentile of each slice
     59  Fill in numpy array upto position based on another array
     59  Fast way to calculate sum over the outer products of 2-d array, with the shape of (2, 5) in numpy
     59  fast way of computing diagonals of XMX^T in python
     59  Fastest way to add values of one numpy array to a 2D numpy array at particular index
     59  Error during divide two values on numpy-python
     59  Element-wise computation in numpy
     59  Element extraction from multiple arrays in Numpy/Scipy
     59  Efficient way to plot a set of large data and calculate slopes in python
     59  Effective way to compare 1d and a 2d series in python
     59  Dumping numpy arrays into neural network
     59  Does specifying brackets for 1D arrays like [[ ]] make any change in the structure?
     59  Difficulty with numpy.append(). It works when I type it myself into IDLE but not when run
     59  Different results with NumPy percentile and TensorFlow percentile for ''nearest'' interpolation method
     59  Different output in sparse representation as compared to numpy array
     59  Defining a fused type using a fused type?
     59  Datetime.strftime() not modifying properly?
     59  Dataframe Updating a column to category name based on a list of string values in that category
     59  cv2 - Masking image with noise
     59  Curve Fit Parameters in Multiple ODE Function
     59  Cropping logos from white paper
     59  Creating different matrix by same matrix-matrix multiplication inside loop using python
     59  Creating a column of random numbers from a distribution with mean and std from other columns using python
     59  Create layer of any shape in NumPy
     59  Create conditional column for Date Difference based on matching values in two columns
     59  Create column based on condition
     59  Create ascending numpy arrays that have different starting value [duplicate]
     59  Create a 2-d mask from a 1-d NumPy array
     59  Count object in Tab Separated Array in Python 2.7
     59  Count instances of matched strings and cumulative total values
     59  Counting elements in list
     59  Count each observation a row
     59  Convert this file into dictionary
     59  convert numpy conditional to regular python 2.7 syntax
     59  Convert multiple images to array and find the mean
     59  Convert matrix to tuples
     59  Converting to numpy array makes tensorflow gradient ''None''
     59  Converting Date to a number in python
     59  Convert image of dimension height,width,number of channels to n_masks, image_height, image_width
     59  Convert dataframe of pandas to array by Python 2.7
     59  Convert an array of times (of events) to an array of number of events up to time x
     59  Computing the column value based on previous rows
     59  Computing maximum of numpy ndarray in each bin
     59  computing an integral using an empirical integrand
     59  Compute ''inwards derivative'' of a 2d grid
     59  Combining multiple list comprehensions into a list of lists
     59  Classifying an array
     59  Choosing correct numpy or pandas data structure
     59  Check weather two arrays has equal values or not [duplicate]
     59  Check if elements of an array are exclusive to other multiple arrays
     59  Change the format of the date twitter gave me, and display only the month (in letter form)
     59  Change string to integer in all lists inside a list using Python
     59  Change all values equal to x to y
     59  Can NumPy arrays have tuples for values?
     59  Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('int32') according to 'safe'
     59  Can I download from Google storage blobs into a VM as an n-d array?
     59  Can anyone explain my error in tensorflow?
     59  call elements of an empty array in python
     59  Calculations and update results in Python data frames
     59  Calculating a sum in numpy array [duplicate]
     59  Calculate the difference
     59  Calculate linear percentage difference
     59  Broadcasting shape in pymc3 deterministics
     59  Bounding box of numpy array with periodic boundary conditions (wrapping)
     59  Bitwise operation on single matrix in tensorflow 2
     59  BaseCollectiveExecutor::StartAbort Invalid argument: indices[0,25] = -1 is not in [0, 400000)
     59  Backpropagation shapes do not match
     59  Average two arrays with different underlying x-scales in Python
     59  A tricky situation involving compound growth rate between two different data frames
     59  Assign to array, adding multiple copies of index
     59  Array.mean(axis = 1) with a loop
     59  A pythonic approach to extracting data from array
     59  Applying a filter at one point
     59  Annotation JPEG problems
     59  A loop that does not lend itself to vectorization. Can we make it faster?
     59  A large numpy array re-arrangement
     59  Advanced histogram usage in Python with numpy
     59  Adding column of ones to features set
     59  Adding a 2D numpy array 1D wise/element wise
     58  Why numpy transcendentals give ''no attribute'' error for integer arguments larger than 2^64-1?
     58  Why I can't plot something that isn't a scalar or a 1D or a (2, n) array like?
     58  Why I am getting nan as string when using np.nan and missing value when using pd.NA?
     58  Why do the following codes take different times for execution (What is actually going on inside numpy arrays)?
     58  Why does to_datetime produce only missing values for a float column in pandas?
     58  Why does increasing the dimensionality of tensors enable element-wise subtraction?
     58  Why does first import of skimage fail, but second one succeed?
     58  What's the best way to declare a DataFrame that updates itself inside a loop?
     58  What is the most efficient way to generate a serie from a recurrence relation in Python using pandas and numpy?
     58  What is the fastest way to access pixel data of a photo?
     58  What are the operators == and * being used for in this code?
     58  What&acute;s the best solution to improve the speed of a python loop that iterates over a numpy array?
     58  Weighted average of multiple columns using groupby, dropping NaNs column-wise
     58  Voting Classifier causing casting Numpy Type Error
     58  Vectorizing eigen value calculation in numpy python
     58  Vectorizing complex operations on dataframes in Python
     58  Vectorize this for loop in numpy
     58  vectorize numpy operations
     58  Vectorized component wise multiplication
     58  Vectorise sequential numpy calculations
     58  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence in networkx
     58  Using the index of a multidimensional array parameter for a function
     58  Using power results in ValueError: a <= 0
     58  using loops for initialization result in faster time
     58  Using ''if'' for string and using '' bitwise AND'' or '' logical AND''
     58  Use of subclassing in Python
     58  update array calling different methods in class
     58  Trying to get a loop to stop once a certain value is reached, but it always carries on 1 step too many
     58  Top 2 products counts per day Pandas
     58  To find a unique from a column with dtype =object
     58  Test which Numpy function argument has more than one element
     58  Taking a range out of an array
     58  Sums of arrays in an array
     58  Sum simultaneously 3 dimensions of 4-dimensional matrix
     58  summing all possible combinations of an arbitrary number of arrays and applying limits and returning indices
     58  Splitting data into subsamples
     58  Splitting a 2D numpy array into blocks based on row
     58  Speeding a numpy correlation program using the fact that lists are sorted
     58  Sort the order of dataframe columns based on the values in the bottom row
     58  Sort one array by another with duplicate values?
     58  Slicing an array with arrays
     58  Single column matrix and its transpose to create Symmetric matrix in python, numpy scipy
     58  Simultaneously flipping two values in a Numpy Array
     58  Select column with only one negative value
     58  search and replace a string in cell
     58  Scipy: Two ways of implementing a differential equation: two different solutions: answered
     58  Scipy Shift function losing precision
     58  Saving variables in Python as columns without brackets
     58  Saving different arrays in a single csv file with dynamic column names in python
     58  Sampling after groupby on each group in python
     58  Same Sequence of Numpy Functions on Multiple 1D Arrays
     58  Return elements in a location corresponding to the minimum values of another array
     58  resulting in a Value Error when Appending groups to a pandas data frame [duplicate]
     58  Restrict generic_filter to specific axes
     58  Replicate indexing output from MATLAB's union in python
     58  Replace a single character in a Numpy list of strings
     58  removing an entire row with conditions on a column
     58  Removing a list of elements from a list of elements
     58  Remove numpy concat from algo
     58  Remove colmns based on average number of elements in a row
     58  Reindexing list of f(x) to extract matrix f(x-y)
     58  Reducing run time with pandas accessors
     58  Rectify edges of a shape in mask with OpenCV
     58  Recover permutation of a vector
     58  Random seed throughout Jupyter notebook
     58  Random Sample From Probability Distribution a certain number of times
     58  randomly select multichoice options
     58  Quickest ways to read large files with varying number columns in Python
     58  Python ValueError when attempting to implement scaling function
     58  Python: using list to index [from:to] arbitrary numpy arrays
     58  (python) Reshape an array (matrix) from 2D to 1D by appending next column to the previous [duplicate]
     58  Python Pandas ValueError on simple query
     58  Python, Pandas to calculate average with replicated rows
     58  Python OR Operator Trouble
     58  Python numpy zeros array being assigned 1 for every value when only one index is updated
     58  Python numpy - removing points from axis x in graph
     58  Python Numpy einsum klij->kijl and kijl->klij what do they mean?
     58  Python - np.loadtxt - plotting issues
     58  Python: len() of unknown numpy array column length [duplicate]
     58  Python For Loop Iteration Not In Expected Order
     58  Python: Finding the most recent entry
     58  Python CSV Manipulation [closed]
     58  Python check if all elements in a list are Nan [duplicate]
     58  Python Arrays and Matrix
     58  python3 (nltk/numpy/etc): ISO efficient way to compute find pairs of similar strings
     58  Python3: Can't delete items from list; can't slice elements of a list
     58  Pyspark take, collect and first return different value
     58  Projecting plane onto new coordinate system
     58  Processing ~12 millions coordinates and checking if they fall in a geojson polygon
     58  Problem with np.vectorize function in Python
     58  Problem to implement count, groupby, np.repeat and agg with pandas
     58  Populating Lists or Vectors dynamically
     58  Populate with new value(s) to a fixed-shape numpy array filled with zeros
     58  Plotting truncated normal distribution
     58  Plot chart before script end
     58  Permute the last column only using python
     58  Perform ID based averaging of one array with IDs from another array - NumPy
     58  Performance of various sparse matrix products using scipy
     58  Parse String by comma to dict
     58  Pandas Numpy add a column
     58  Pandas Linear math matrix calculation
     58  Padding array elements by number multiplier in Python
     58  Output shape of numpy.einsum
     58  Optimizing a pandas apply looking back at the prior row mid calculation
     58  OPTICS parallelism
     58  Numpy whole matrix multiply with single row
     58  NumPy where function issue. Does not traversal all piexl
     58  Numpy vectorization: Find intersection between list and list of lists
     58  Numpy TypeError for function
     58  numpy sort 2d: rearrange rows without changing values in row
     58  Numpy slicing function: Dynamically create slice indices np.r_[a:b, c:d,  ... ] from array shaped (X, 2) for selection in array
     58  Numpy shape incorrectly giving L in tuple? [duplicate]
     58  numpy: sampling in several dimensions to generate microdata
     58  NumPy replace values with arrays based on conditions
     58  numpy: referencing elements in reverse order
     58  numpy.ndarray is object is not callable in my case [closed]
     58  numpy: ndarray.choose to Increase Array Size?
     58  Numpy modify 2D Array inplace
     58  Numpy method to return the index of the occurrence of an array within an array of arrays
     58  Numpy Meshgrids in Python
     58  Numpy matrix concat in stepwise procedure
     58  numpy / linear algebra - fast 16-bit histogram
     58  'numpy.int64' object is not callable
     58  Numpy - How to shift values at indexes where change happened
     58  Numpy: Elegant solution to calculating output matrix of function with indefinite number of variables
     58  numpy - einsum vs naive implementation runtime performaned
     58  Numpy doesnt return a value or a simple list but like 30 empty nested lists?
     58  Numpy combine two MaskedArrays with OR operation
     58  Numpy column_stack (46020, 369) (46020,) (46020,) (46020,)
     58  Numpy calculate gradients accross matrices
     58  Numpy array, specifiyng what elements to return
     58  numpy array for float values within range
     58  numpy array answer in SO beaten badly in terms of perfomance [duplicate]
     58  Numerically Representing Mathematica's Root Object in Open-Source Language
     58  Numba fails when using moving kernel window: TypingError, definition error
     58  NP where and if statment conditions
     58  np.array() is not working when i gave a list including two ndarray with different shape
     58  Multiplying matrix A times multi-dimensional matrix ''matrix-wise?''
     58  Multiply every row of a matrix with every row of another matrix
     58  multiple matrix row by row and column by column in python
     58  Minimization of bounds for production capacity and production capability
     58  MemoryError on running np.genfromtxt()
     58  memory address of numpy elements
     58  Matrix multiplication python shapes not aligned
     58  matplotlib + upgrade numpy causes python 2.7 to crash
     58  (Matplotlib) Placing custom values on y axis?
     58  Matching multiple array value to row in csv file slow
     58  Make 8 images using each bit of each pixel of an image
     58  Maintain 2d array shape following mask indexing [closed]
     58  Loop logic % change function modification
     58  loop for loading files and assigning variables
     58  Looking for a way to produce a table of statistics from columns in a data frame
     58  Linear Interploation using two arrays
     58  Linalg's eigvalsh function from numpy not working properly
     58  Left shift inconsistancy
     58  I want to separate only the tumor from (brain tumor MRI image) image that means active contour
     58  Iterate through given dataframe
     58  Is there a way to make a list of a list then remove the first item in that list?
     58  Is there a way to convert a multi_index into a int string / list / array?
     58  Is there a piecewise power-law interpolation?
     58  Is there any numpy function that can make small in terms of column diagonal matrices with big amount of elements in rows?
     58  Is there a method to load a 2D array into three 1D arrays?
     58  Is Numpy vectorization using C loops?
     58  interpolation between two groups of points
     58  Installing pip and numpy on Unix server without root access
     58  Inserting an array of arrays as the last column
     58  Initializing 2D array to hold a list in each location
     58  Indexing of 3d numpy arrays with 2d arrays
     58  Indexing np.einsum for summation
     58  Inconsistency in behaviour of
     58  Improve these opencv nested loop
     58  Import a directory of CSV files at once and keep only oldest record per file
     58  Image standardisation and normalisation using Numpy and OpenCV
     58  Image decomposition into three channels
     58  I got new questions NumPy dimension
     58  If condition cannot evaluate multiple ''True''s - Python
     58  Identify types of Pandas DataFrame columns numpy array of DataFrame values
     58  I am trying to display an image in a relative path in a window using OpenCV, but I get a Type Error
     58  How to write fast for loops with numpy for implicit methods
     58  How to use Word2Vec on a dataframe for tensorflow
     58  How to subset a numpy array of different lengths
     58  how to store the result of into an array
     58  How to store numpy two dimensional array onto disk as a kind of binary format which can be read with C++
     58  How to store a boolean mask as an attribute of a Cython class?
     58  How to slice a 3d ndarray with a index vector
     58  How to shape data for video classification task
     58  How to set matrix columns iteratively and fast? [duplicate]
     58  How to return an array with values at given indices replaced by new values?
     58  How to reserve label with np.column_stack
     58  How to replace values by their position in the ordered list of values using numpy?
     58  How to remove numbers in a NumPy array?
     58  How to remove a column from a numpy array if the column has a specified element? (Python)
     58  How to receive python's array in function
     58  How to rearrange an array by subarray elegantly in numpy?
     58  How to plot scalar functions of matrices in matplotlib involving matrix_power?
     58  How to perform repeat padding in numpy?
     58  How to perform PCA on a folder of tiff images?
     58  How to optimize a mutli-dimensional array search routine (one condition per row)
     58  How to mask values from a dataframe to make a new column [duplicate]
     58  how to manipulate the following numpy.where array
     58  How to make pandas work for cross multiplication
     58  How to make a range of numbers for 31 days containing 744 hours
     58  How to link against cython numpy
     58  how to implement multiple ifelse in numpy
     58  How to group categories in a variable using numpy and dictionary
     58  How to get the surrounding numbers of a specific number in the form of 3x3 matrix in numpy?
     58  How to get the index of a max operation
     58  How to get the image matrix with matplotlib to get the image matrix without using plt.savefig?
     58  How to get all indices for values of one array which are contained in another array?
     58  How to fix 'ValueError: could not broadcast input array(2,  ... ) into (1,  ... )' model.predict?
     58  How to fix slicing a list inside?
     58  How to fix different result in python programming
     58  How to find those values which are the largest ​in their own rows and columns?
     58  How to find nth minimum of a numpy array
     58  How to find cross correlation between 2 data sets?
     58  How to filter out data into unique pandas dataframes from a combined csv of multiple datatypes?
     58  How to extract specific rows of a CSV file
     58  How to do accumulative calculation in data frame in Python?
     58  How to delete and rename columns for multiple files
     58  How to create the numpy equivalent to a 1x2 linspace array
     58  How to create an xarray from a sparse, denormalized table?
     58  How to create a list of structured scalars in numba?
     58  How to create a column depending on the row index values in a multiindex pandas dataframe?
     58  How to create a 2D numpy array from a block of strings
     58  How to create a 2D array in Python where each column has a different and random number of elements
     58  how to create a 2D array in numpy another way?
     58  How to convert my stats calculated array to 2 decimals? [duplicate]
     58  How to convert 1D list to 2D list without using loop? [duplicate]
     58  How to concatenate a 2D array into every 3D array?
     58  How to change values for axis in array of arrays (of arrays of arrays) in NumPy?
     58  How to change the value in an array to a negative one
     58  How to calculate occurrence number of each item in numpy arrays
     58  How to calculate column value based on hierarchy
     58  How to apply semantic similarity using Google's TF-hub Universal Sentence Encoder on 2 separate arrays?
     58  How sum up a value from a list?
     58  How do I sort a 2D numpy array in this specific way
     58  How do I retrieve mean value for each height level?
     58  How do I pad values with dates as the index using python pandas?
     58  How do I multiply rows in one numpy array with multiple columns in a second array?
     58  How do I in a sense ''juggle'' elements in ndarrays?
     58  How do I get all values from one position in a tuple in a pandas dataframe column?
     58  How do I expand a range within a dateframe and copy the values?
     58  How do I do this multi-dimensional array lookup with numpy?
     58  How do I check if there are any duplicates in a row in a matrix?
     58  How do I call a list of numpy functions without a for loop?
     58  How do I build an array using numpy.repeat where each element is 1% over the previous one?
     58  How do I avoid RunTime error of exp overflow in numpy, while computing sigmoid?
     58  How do I access array elements if the dimension can vary?
     58  How delete arrays with numpy
     58  How can I slice a PyTorch tensor with another tensor?
     58  How can I right pad a numpy array with zeroes? [duplicate]
     58  How can I recognize ''PNG (Portable Network Graphics)'' files in numpy.ndarray?
     58  How can I put many 2D numpy arrays fast in a 4D numpy array?
     58  How can I define a vectroized function to make a list of 2 by 2 matrices?
     58  How can I code a matrix within a matrix using a loop?
     58  How a file get shuffled on the disk without being loaded into the memory
     58  Histogram subplot for mathematical analysis of Chutes and Ladders
     58  Grabbing the Highest value in Excel Column and display Row Name using Python/Pandas
     58  Going from Python list to numpy array while preserving type
     58  give a shape to a numpy array create from simple list
     58  Getting non-zero data and positions from 2D array in Python
     58  Get points/pixels in a straight line without knowing second coordinate
     58  Get matrix of all combinations of function evaluations
     58  Get index of minimum value in a row combined with other constraints
     58  Get image boundaries across stacked images in 3D array efficiently
     58  Get all component stats of multiple arrays labeled by one of them
     58  Generating random numbers with a normal distribution
     58  Generate an image through its red, green and blue components
     58  Generalize Numpy slicing Python
     58  Gaussian Elimination No Pivoting
     58  Forming a matrix by summing 2 arrays element-array wise using NumPy
     58  For loop into numpy
     58  Flag if the last element in a group contain particular string in Pandas
     58  Find values which are closest to given values and return the row index
     58  Finding the slices from a list of coordinates in a numpy
     58  Finding numpy array expression equivalent to MATLAB
     58  Filter rows of a sorted NumPy array following the order of values in a list
     58  Filling numpy array upon iteration
     58  Fast way of summing up elements in one array by checking condition in second array [duplicate]
     58  Fastest way to look for values in an array that are also in another array
     58  Faster way to build list from array of floats
     58  Extracting Columns from numpy array
     58  Extract and concatenate 3rd dimension of Numpy array
     58  Extending a numpy array up to a specific range with its own content
     58  Exporting numpy array + String to CSV
     58  DSX reading audio file arriving from Watson IOT to Bluemix Object storage
     58  Drop all rows that share a certain name in a column
     58  Dividing a table with its another column in Python/ R
     58  Divide Numpy array by Scalar where Array-Element is below a certain value
     58  Discrepancy in array value when calling a variable from different file - python
     58  Detecting memory usage
     58  deleting rows based on value found in specififc column
     58  Decompose numpy vector into integer vectors and weights
     58  declaring matrix as np.float32(np.array())
     58  Decimation generated unexpectedly high values?
     58  Dealing with text file containing list and None values
     58  Creating a function returning an integer in given base
     58  Create n x n cell of vectors in python
     58  create individual arrays from np.zeros array using ones for each separate row and column of original matrix
     58  Counting ''wells'' in a numpy 2D matrix
     58  Counting number of keys that have specific values in a range
     58  convert rgb images to ycbcr in using for loop gives an TypeError
     58  Convert list of integer arrays to a list of string arrays
     58  Converting time object time to datetime and converting the datetime to values
     58  converting matrix from logfile
     58  Converting dtype: period[M] to string format
     58  Converting columns to a numpy array
     58  Converting a large list into a numpy type matrix
     58  Converting a hh:mm float to format using python
     58  Convert Cartesian coordinate system to polar coordinate system with multi-points
     58  Convert a string with whitespaces to a dataframe with desired dimensions in Python
     58  Constructing a dataset based on column data
     58  Construct a Numpy array from a hexadecimal string
     58  Conceptually, what is an N-dimensional array in numpy? [duplicate]
     58  Computing the Detail Coeffiecients without Downsampling
     58  Computing a quadratic response using numpy linear algebra
     58  comparing two lists elements in python
     58  Compare row values in an array and remove those having nearly identical values
     58  Combining different elements of array in Numpy while doing vector operations
     58  Clustering a heavy task on numpy arrays
     58  cleaning a column of strings in a pandas dataframe with str comprehension
     58  Check if array values are between two values of another array
     58  Check for a condition within an array
     58  Changing numpy dimension order from i,j,k to k,i,j
     58  Can't load text from Python numpy for list string
     58  Cannot run python script requiring matplotlib on Raspberry Pi3b+
     58  Cannot override matplotlib format_coord
     58  Can I classify elements of a df.column and create a column with the output without iteration (Python-Pandas-Np)?
     58  Can anyone explain the following Tensorflow code? How could the function recognize the input and take it as numpy array?
     58  Calculating a Double Integral [closed]
     58  Calculate the percentage for each target variable in python
     58  Calculate the Mean of last 3 records in a timeseries data in pandas
     58  calculate LOG10 for few columns only in dataframe
     58  Broadcast mask operation on array
     58  Boxplotting multiple masked arrays
     58  Binary encoding in data processing
     58  Better solution using NumPy
     58  Best data type (in terms of speed/RAM) for millions of pairs of a single int paired with a batch (2 to 100) of ints
     58  Batched numpy array indexing
     58  Automating the process of identifying subgroups of a pandas dataframe that do not significantly differ on a value
     58  Autoencoder - cost decreases but wrong output when more than one data example
     58  Assign new column using a set of sub-columns
     58  Array with variable size
     58  are numpy functions forward compatible
     58  Are Numpy functions better when it comes to applying same function for each cell of the array?
     58  Any way to differentiate between those two functions?
     58  After transferring from float type to int type, why the number all altered into -1 in python?
     58  Advanced broadcasting in TensorFlow (or Numpy)
     57  wxPython GUI Plot changed by Button Refresh using Variables from ''Duration'' and ''Amplitude''
     57  Why my mask failed in Python?
     57  Why I am getting ''RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in ubyte_scalars error'' in python?
     57  Why do I keep getting this ndarray callable error, and what does it mean?
     57  Why do I keep getting a nan set when coding?
     57  Why does my sigmoid function return values not in the interval ]0,1[?
     57  Why does meshgrid order output dimensions differently than the order provided with input?
     57  while accessing column i got row in numpy
     57  When is the size of an ndarray not fixed?
     57  What's the numpy/pythonic way to non-destructively replace a column x of a matrix with f(x)?
     57  What practical impact (if any) does the `fill_value` of a masked array have?
     57  What numpy structures are expected as inputs to use numpy.char functions?
     57  what is the solution to a tridiagonal matrix in python?
     57  What is the calculation process for np.cov() in Python?
     57  What is happening when converting PIL objects to numpy?
     57  What is a better way to apply arbitrary operations across an array in Python?
     57  What does x[:,[0,1,2,2]](a kind of splicing) mean in numpy arrays in python? I was executing the following in anaconda
     57  What does the equivalence operator mean when used in a numpy array
     57  What does it mean to order the eigen vectors?
     57  Was there a change in NumPy's asserts dealing with NaN
     57  Vectorize a lookup between two numbers
     57  Vectorization in numpy vs Python map()
     57  Using np.any() to capture outliers
     57  User Defined numpy 2D array in Python using Numpy
     57  Updating elements in multiply indexed np.array
     57  Understanding the logic behind numpy code for Moore-Penrose inverse
     57  TypeError: 'list' object is not callable , problem with passing generated array to second iteration
     57  Turning flat array values into column vectors
     57  Three-dimensional array processing
     57  Taking an average of an array according to another array of indices
     57  Tag max(sum) of row in a numpy array to a list element using Python
     57  Swap column values for selected rows in pandas
     57  Sum-Product among corresponding columns - Pandas / Numpy
     57  Sum over variable size windows defined by custom boolean array
     57  Subtract two numpy arrays containing datetime.time
     57  Splitting interleaved data into separate channels' np.arrays?
     57  Speeding up code: finding the amount of points within a certain radius
     57  Sorting a three-dimensional numpy array by a two-dimensional index
     57  Slicing in numpy array
     57  slicing a numpy array with characters
     57  slice matrix by different index arrary
     57  Size of pickled numpy arrays [duplicate]
     57  Singularity in np.sqrt
     57  Separating individual graphs in a numpy array
     57  Select two rows from bit array based on int array python
     57  Scipy Load Matlab Class [duplicate]
     57  Sampling at pre-defined time values
     57  runtime of an algorithm slows down heavily as it processes the data
     57  return value based on result of sum of rows in separate column
     57  Return array including plus / minus range of an input integer
     57  Reshaping 2d NumPy array into 3d with recurring rows
     57  Reshape pandas dataframe using a list of unique values
     57  Replace all rgb values above a threshold
     57  Remove elements from array updating list of stored indexes accordingly
     57  Re-assign values with multiple if statements Numpy
     57  Read elements with given indices from an array with arbitrary number of axis
     57  Randomly pick index with constant interval
     57  Querying Numpy Structured Array Based On Structured Array Within
     57  Python using matplotlib and numpy
     57  Python: The values of a record array cannot be set correctly in numpy
     57  Python : Sorting first column with associated two others columns
     57  Python: Randomly insert multiple rows into 3D numpy array
     57  Python public holidays that fall on a weekday
     57  Python printing Numpy array to external file, places one row over two
     57  Python - performing multiple calculations on single arrays?
     57  Python - path dependent simulation
     57  python opencv sign recognition bitwise error
     57  Python numpy indexing confusion
     57  Python: Make a list unique and replace the duplices
     57  Python Iterating 2D Array, Return Array Value
     57  Python: Is there a way to get the average of the n newest numbers in an array?
     57  Pythonic way of initiating class with different cases of types of arguments [closed]
     57  Python: How to find index of a specific element in an array? [duplicate]
     57  Python: fitting curve to masked data with scipy curve_fit
     57  Python - Dealing with many lines in a csv file
     57  Python - dataframe conditional index value selection
     57  Python Code not Performing as expected
     57  PyRhO seems to have broken my other libraries upon installation
     57  Product of matrix and 3-way tensor in Numpy/Theano
     57  problems with reading and writing np array from and to csv file
     57  Problems with numpy libary
     57  problems with numpy dimensions using the [:] syntax
     57  Problems sorting an 2D array
     57  problem runnig a python code via ubuntu bash shell in windows 10
     57  Problem in the linear regression implementation
     57  Print data of a function in python
     57  polyfit error 1d or 2d array needed for y
     57  Point in Polygon in a numpy array
     57  PIL, numpy and matplotlib produce a plot that has vastly different colors from the original image
     57  Performing complicated matrix manipulation operations with cblas_sgemm in order to carry out multiplication
     57  Performing 3D colocalization & distance measuring with SimpleITK
     57  Performance issues when iterating numpy array
     57  Passing JSON to array
     57  Passing all items in a dict as arguments in an efficient way
     57  Parsing multiple *.csv with ISO 8601 timestamp and custom tick
     57  pandas: Transforming timestamp index to ISO week quickly
     57  Pandas Panel Data - Returns rolling cumulative sum with year gaps
     57  pandas new column equals another column with condition
     57  Pandas: Multiple Grand Totals in a Summary Dataframe
     57  Pandas: How to find the binned mean of a column
     57  pandas cut by the mount column
     57  Pandas: create a dataframe relating a column to other two columns
     57  Panda dataframe print to console without column names
     57  ''Overloading'' subtraction for Numpy arrays
     57  Optimizing System of Non Linear Equations - Handling Complex Numbers
     57  Optimizing Matrix Traversal/General Code Optimization
     57  Optimization: Return lowest value from array that is greater than (or equal to) `x`
     57  Optimization of string to ndarray containing integers and multiple delimiters
     57  OperatorNotAllowedInGraphError: iterating over `tf.Tensor` is not allowed trying to use numpy()
     57  numpy.where with data position as well in the condition
     57  numpy.where returning empty index
     57  NumPy vectorized function for different sized input arrays
     57  numpy ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
     57  numpy.unique doesn't give the expected output
     57  Numpy.sum() nD array of (2,2,2 ... n) to a 1D array of shape (2,)
     57  numpy show only positive numbers with 2 columns
     57  Numpy: Set false where anything to the left is false
     57  Numpy sclicing multiple dimensions simulteanously
     57  NumPy reduce with an updating parameter
     57  Numpy quickly invert indices and values
     57  Numpy not producing desired sample variance value
     57  Numpy matrix inverse appears to use multiple threads
     57  numpy mask using np.where then replace values
     57  numpy: issues with indexing
     57  Numpy: how to insert an (N,) dimensional vector to an (N, M, D) dimensional array as new elements along the D axis? (N, M, D+1)
     57  Numpy: how do I loop a computation over looped arrays?
     57  numpy first occurence in array for an array of reference values
     57  numpy find two dimensional array within another [duplicate]
     57  Numpy: finding the indices of the 2 numbers in an array that is closest to input
     57  Numpy: find indicies conditioned on values in two different arrays (coming from R)
     57  numpy element values do not change using indexing
     57  Numpy Efficient Rolling Intervals Statistics
     57  numpy.distutils setup not rendering correctly on pypi
     57  Numpy array with the given values and the sum equal 1
     57  Numpy array size is shrinking, changing randomly. Index out of bounds error
     57  Numpy array function returns inconsistent shapes
     57  Numpy array dot product - ''aggregate'' rows without evaluating the entire thing
     57  Numpy array creation using a sequence
     57  numpy analog of matplotplotlib contourplot?
     57  Numpy 2D dot operation, indexing and iteration. How to optimize?
     57  np.std(ddof=1) and statistics.pstdev given different answers
     57  Np.linalg.norm rounding gives weird results in comparison
     57 product not possible
     57  np.concatenate won't concatenate
     57  Not able to use hstack on a Sparse CSR Matrix & Pandas Dataframe
     57  need to grab entire first element (array) in a multi-dimentional list of arrays python3
     57  Nearest value of a given value
     57  More efficiently extract uninterrupted sequences of numbers from lists containing randomly placed NaN's
     57  missing data in Dataframe
     57  merge dataframes by date after persision reduced
     57  Matlab to Python : returning an array instead of integer
     57  match_template from skimage returns 1X1 area
     57  map one column in a df to another df where all words are present
     57  Make numpy.random generated numbers consistent across different functions
     57  make ndarray containg string and int
     57  Make 2-D numpy arrays from regular grid without excess memory use
     57  Looping over a dataframe and referencing a series
     57  List index out of range error for breadth first search function
     57  KeyError when running df through function
     57  Iterate two arrays to create a series of lists
     57  Is there possible to create training matrix for both RGB and Gray Scale images
     57  Is there a way to vectorize a 2D numpy array that uses start/end slicing?
     57  Is there a way to get every element of a list without using loops?
     57  Is there a point in specifying than a 1D np.array is Fortran ordered?
     57  Is there any way to assign matrix views instead of copying matrices themselves in Matlab, like in NumPy?
     57  Is there any way to add elements of two lists or arrays with constant time complexity? [closed]
     57  is there a format of image that a pixel can be saved using one number larger than 255
     57  issues storing and extracting arrays in numpy file
     57  Is it possible to index a NumPy array with a boolean expression?
     57  Integer partitioning: Special case
     57  Index targeting on new list from old list
     57  Index of True and False of a numpy array
     57  Index into vector field in 2 or 3 dimensions
     57  Indexing new dataframes into new columns with pandas
     57  IndexError: too many indices for array, trainingframes[h, :, :, :]
     57  IndexError in finding the pixel difference of two images
     57  ''index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1'' in python
     57  Increment and insert values based on a specific value of another array
     57  Ignore nested structures in numpy's array creation
     57  If index duplicated then add column value to sum
     57  I can't delete duplicated rows in a list with python
     57  How to write a program using Numpy to generate and print 5 random number between 0 & 1
     57  How to write a function that evaluates the first n terms only of array-like object and returns their sum?
     57  How to vectorize a function that contain indices as variable
     57  How to vectorize a function of two matrices in numpy?
     57  How to vectorize a for loop doing an element wise multiplication of n arrays? [duplicate]
     57  How to use numpy float
     57  How to use Fast Fourier Transform to execute convolution of matrix?
     57  How to use dictionary to replace the items in the inner list of a list?
     57  How to use a function argument as npy method, if possible
     57  How to understand numpy's combined slicing and indexing example
     57  How to treat as one all the instances in a csv file that have the same id with pandas?
     57  How to transfer edge directions from one networkx graph object to another?
     57  how to store each array in a line [duplicate]
     57  How to store data from multiple files to a single variable
     57  How to square explanatory variable in Multiple Line Regression
     57  How to setup datastructure so to make pandas and numpy co-operate?
     57  How to reverse engineer original array from boolean indexed array?
     57  How to return a series calculation using numpy?
     57  How to retrieve corresponding values from an array by comparing the other two arrays in python
     57  How to reshape a numpy array into 3 dimensional for input to convolutional layer?
     57  how to reset a counter every new day using pandas and numpy?
     57  How to replace NaNs in a 1D array with the mean of nearest neighbors? [duplicate]
     57  How to remove rows in pandas with a specific condition
     57  How to relate children items with the parent item in pandas dataframe?
     57  How to make a numpy array of values into a callable function?
     57  how to keep some values untouched when using np.log() function
     57  How to keep np.array form after reading from a txt file?
     57  How to join two dataframes with an unequal number of rows
     57  How to implement bilinear interpolation?
     57  How to handle 0 value in categoric variable column?
     57  How to get the length of repeated numbers column wise?
     57  How to get the characters in row and column?
     57  How to get result by using np.histogram
     57  How to get mask from numpy array according to all values on third axis
     57  How to get coordinate of only one item in numpy array
     57  how to get all real solutions of polinomial equations?
     57  How to get 2d array of indices from 1d array?
     57  how to generate a random choice when i have a list of 2 dimensional?
     57  How to find the records from a pandas dataframe which ID’s doesn’t exist? [duplicate]
     57  How to find the index with the same value in three arrays
     57  How to find the index of array by a value which is an array?
     57  How to find nearest neighbors of a point and the other point that isn't nearest neighbors removed?
     57  How to find all distances between points in a matrix without duplicates?
     57  How to find a list for each column index containing the row indices for the n minimum values?
     57  How to efficiently compute an L2 distance between rows of two array using only basic numpy operations? [duplicate]
     57  How to efficiency set matrix / array diagonals based on rest of column (avoiding a loop?)
     57  How to drop the rows if two columns cells are empty? [closed]
     57  How to do fast bitwise operations on a scalar with the `cupy` library
     57  How to deal with this when I use numpy.array() to deal with 'list'?
     57  How to deal with nparrays faster
     57  How to create an 3d numpy array with unknown shapes
     57  How to create a increment var from a first value of a dataframe group?
     57  How to convert an output file into an array
     57  How to compare rectangles and find similar?
     57  How to compare all the first element of tuple with corresponding second element in the same tuple
     57  How to change the interval spacing within the x axis? [duplicate]
     57  How to calculate the mean of ''n'' outputs which I got after using for loop and assign it to a variable?
     57  How to calculate incremental spend between two groups in a datafarme for a certain time period
     57  How to access a particular array (after a loop)
     57  how numpy operator * and dot works
     57  How I can add one floor, one row and one extra columns &acute;to my existing array containing data
     57  How do you recreate sigma notation using Numpy?
     57  How do you get the value from a data-frame using the index?
     57  How do you delete an entire column of values from an ndarray obtained from misc.imread()?
     57  How do I visualise orthogonal parameter steps in gradient descent, using Matplotlib?
     57  How do I vectorize this code that produces a scipy sparse matrix?
     57  How do I use a markov chain matrix to generate music?
     57  How do I unroll this matrix into a vector?
     57  How do I read the second column using genfromtxt?
     57  How does the following code work for Matrix Multiplication in Python
     57  How does ''Fancy Indexing with Broadcasting and Boolean Masking'' work?
     57  How can I superimpose gradient field on a 2D heatmap generated from a csv file in python?
     57  How can I store many values in 1 variable, in python?
     57  How can I stack up a series of numpy arrays faster?
     57  How can I output the summary statistics without a group by variable?
     57  How can I normalize 4D arrays?
     57  How can I make my code call each file in the correct sequence?
     57  How can I insert a vector at multiple points in an existing vector?
     57  How can I have a counter iterate through a list/array and return zero counts if condition isn't met?
     57  How can I get the curve using Gradient Vector Flow?
     57  How can I get a column from a 2D python array?
     57  How can I feed a numpy array to a prefetch and buffer pipeline of TensorFlow
     57  How can I extract least correlated columns?
     57  How can I apply the same set of values at various positions in a larger array, specified by masks?
     57  grouping the index with the highest three values of another column using pandas python
     57  Grouping Elements on criteria and Finding difference between The Highest and Lowest of Group
     57  Got a `TypeError` when using `np.unique` on a list of objects containing a `datetime` (Python / Numpy)
     57  Get y coordinates given x and z for a plane in 3D
     57  Get unique rows from Numpy Array based on a value within the row
     57  getting the previous and next value from a dataframe and add a new column
     57  Get Only Few Elements of a Group in Pandas
     57  function which iterates over numpy array
     57  Folding pandas time series into single day
     57  Flagging relative frequency which is less than some threshold value as a Outlier in Python
     57  Find maxima of segmented regions
     57  Finding correct methods in libraries [closed]
     57  Find an replace the values in between the two indexes in a python data-frame
     57  Fill array based on sparse information
     57  Fastest way to get all unique numbers between two different dimension numpy arrays
     57  Fastest way to create 2D numpy array which starts at 0, and increases by 1 across the rows, and continues into the columns?
     57  Faster way of replacing bigger matrix values with smaller matrix values given indices?
     57  Faster index computation from Scipy labelled array apart from np.where
     57  Extract specific array from multi dimensional array with index sets
     57  Extracting specific rows in numpy array using Numba
     57  Extracting and transforming data in numpy
     57  Extending a 3D array
     57  Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead. How to reslove this?
     57  Evaluation of log density for various values of `mean`
     57  Error while splitting a column of lists into different columns
     57  Error in creating a numpy array from a text file
     57  equivalent to evrnd(mu,sigma,m,n) in Python
     57  Element-wise maximum with date values
     57  Elegant way to remove brakets, apostrophe in pandas list
     57  Efficient way to map matrix int values to str with numpy
     57  effectively check if data are masked array and all data are masked True
     57  divide two layerstacked images into one with header
     57  Dictionary of lists that include either all even or all odd combinations of numbers
     57  delete multiple rows at once in python
     57  Delete elements from numpy ndarray using a mask
     57  Define a function that calculates a sum
     57  defaultdict(list) python with complex number keys to
     57  DataFrame creation - reindexing
     57  dataframe apply with vectorized function behaving weirdly
     57  Custom grey scale image with numpy, openCV and python
     57  Curve fit with an list of point
     57  Cursive Words not connecting in image
     57  Cropping image according to coordinates (with scaling factor in mind)
     57  creating conditions on np.where in Pandas based on value in current column
     57  Creating a numpy array in a particular format
     57  Creating a np.void object of mixed data type, to use in np.full
     57  Create npz file with images and corresponding labels for CNN?
     57  Create array from slices of numpy arrays contained in a list object
     57  Create a range of decimal number using numpy does not work
     57  Create a new Dataframe based on Time Difference and a condition on columns in pandas dataframe
     57  create a dataframe with dataframes of different sizes
     57  Count number only if there is a digit after special character in a df column
     57  Copy NumPy matrix into NumPy array
     57  Copy every other element of a three dimensional array
     57  Convert Tensorflow Dataset into 2 arrays containing images and labels
     57  Convert string response into json or list [closed]
     57  convert pandas series AND dataframe objects to a numpy array
     57  Converting numeric feature into categorical feature
     57  Converting an array of strings containing range of integer values into an array of floats
     57  Convert for loop outcome to numpy array
     57  Conversion of arrays list into readable table with Python
     57  Concatenating multiple data dictionaries in python
     57  Compute distance between vector and matrix
     57  Comparing same positional integers in two arrays in a dice game
     57  Comparing numpy array of datetimes with timestamp
     57  Comparing edges in two edgelist ensuring undirected edge condition
     57  Combined multiple Indicator Columns
     57  Choose ranges from each row in numpy array [duplicate]
     57  Changing the columns in DataFrame with respect to values in other columns
     57  Changing 2-dimensional list to standard matrix form
     57  Center point coordinates
     57  Can't Plug in Stored Variable into Numpy Sine Function
     57  Can this be vectorized with numpy?
     57  cannot append array to npy file
     57  Calculating moving average between groups and smoothing between some groups that are continuous
     57  Calculate the distance between all other points in a TSV file?
     57  build in numpy function to get index from an array randomly
     57  Build Dictionary and List from Numpy Ndarray
     57  Build a new array from an existing using a boolean mask
     57  Binary neighbours of decimal number
     57  Best modeling technique for multiple independent variables
     57  Avoid looping over arrays to get products of elements in numpy
     57  Avoiding for loop to run linear regression on 3d Array
     57  Average arrays to same fixed length
     57  Assigning array new values from another array of different size
     57  Array access to python dictionary [duplicate]
     57  Arrange/sort data in pandas dataframe data based on column
     57  arr = [a,b] choose a, x% of time
     57  Arithmetic on a Series in Pandas DF With Conditional - Prior Operation Gets Overwritten
     57  Applying an operation to the rows of a matrix, except for some rows
     57  Anomaly using numPy datetime64 to work with dates in a pandas Dataframe column
     57  Alternate to apply in pandas
     57  Add string to h5 file
     57  Adding values to a new array
     57  adding new column with values calculated from other columns
     57  Add always each value before each entry in object in numpy. insert
     57  2d array as index of a 3d array
     56  Wrong computation result of numpy array in for loop
     56  Writing the function to get even numbers from an array and append them to a different array in Python Numpy
     56  Writing a dictionary in python
     56  Why is this code using all the cores in my computer?
     56  Why is the result of trigonometric function calculation different?
     56  Why is not an imported function doing it's job?
     56  Why does numpy.memmap.flush() not update file in Windows?
     56  Why does np.float('nan') cause problems with dicts, but math.nan does not?
     56  When to use dot product and Hadamard product?
     56  When should I use Tensorflow variables and when numpy or python variables
     56  What's the difference when indexing a numpy array between using an integer and a numpy scalar?
     56  What languages have similar or equivalent array slicing notation to Numpy & why is it not more common? [closed]
     56  What is the possible solution of this below mentioned problem?
     56  What is the maximum number of pseudo-random numbers that can be generated with numpy.random before the sequence begins to repeat?
     56  What is the difference between this two lines of code? ML arrays
     56  What is cnumpy.core.multiarray? How to release(delete) it?
     56  Weird boolean behaviour : The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
     56  Visualizing executable byte stream to a image file, why it is rotated 45 degrees?
     56  Vectorizing this non-unique-key operation
     56  Vectorizing this for-loop in numpy
     56  Vectorizing operations using 3d numpy arrays
     56  Vectorized Implementation for a Convoluted Numpy Script
     56  Vectorize comparisons
     56  Vectorize a for loop over pandas ewm function
     56  Value of a function with numpy
     56  Value error as I try to take the dot product of 2 matrices
     56  Using broadcasting to multiply matrix rows according to elements in a vector?
     56  unify numpy.ndarray shape in python, need to unify shape which is (900,1) and (900,)
     56  Unexpected angle bracket ''<'' in numpy multiply() of matrices
     56  ''undo'' numpy.delete, numpy.insert?
     56  Understanding Python 3 matplotlib.plot.cohere and scipy.signal.coherence functions
     56  Understanding numpy formatting
     56  Understanding memory allocation in numpy: Is ''temporary'' memory being allocated when storing the result of an operation into variable[:, :]?
     56  Uncertainty Intervals
     56  Unable to add matrices to tuples
     56  Type Error when multiplying slope by a list of X
     56  trouble with sympy solve with mathematical equation (python)
     56  Trouble finding large jumps between data points in an array
     56  transforming single dimension dataframe into form of tables
     56  Taking the mean of values in a dataset while ignoring two values
     56  Sympy name Heaviside not defined within lambdifygenerated
     56  Switch numpy vectors inside matrix using slicing/indexing
     56  Swap a certain percentage of elements in an array using numpy
     56  Strange copy construction of numpy array
     56  Statistical columnwise comparisons in pandas / Python 3
     56  Speed up search of array element in second array
     56  Speeding up numpy small function
     56  Sort list of dictionary in python based on values and add the sorted objects to a new list
     56  Sort columns containing numbers in numpy text array based on multiple columns
     56  Shaping neural network classification output dimensions?
     56  Seeking a fast filter() with removal
     56  Searching for the 'p' value in a coin toss simulation
     56  scipy.optimize.minimize writes array into array and fails converging
     56  ` for row in x` as native numpy?
     56  retrieve series of slices of column headers based on truth of dataframe values
     56  Re-Sorting 3D-Numpy Array
     56  Resampling an ndarray by a non time related element
     56  Re-running a python script that reads in files as a numpy array does not actually re-read?
     56  Represent a matrix of strings by their index in another array
     56  Replace the first column of one array by first column of another
     56  Repeat array and stops at specific position w/ numpy
     56  Remove rows of a numpy array based on a specific condition
     56  Reduce image dimension with mapping
     56  Recursive Transpose of Pandas Dataframe
     56  Recover angles after transformation
     56  Read in numpy arrays from file pixel by pixel?
     56  Reading data in exponential format in python (numpy)
     56  (Python) Using numpy.genfromtxt for filling list with data (different datatypes)
     56  Python tensor matrix multiply
     56  Python: reshaping matrix to vector of specific form
     56  Python: randomly assigning titles to documents in a corpus
     56  Python plot lines with specific x values from numpy
     56  Python - optimize matrix values using constraints, beginner
     56  python-operate matrix with characters
     56  Python NumPy Vectorization to decrease processing time
     56  python numpy stack matrices and add specific corner/column entries
     56  Python Numpy: Confusion about parameterization of `random.random_sample` function [closed]
     56  Python nested array indexing - unexpected behaviour
     56  Python: multiply numpy arrays with shapes (n,m,l) and (n,m) to obtain a (n,m,l) array [duplicate]
     56  Python minimize_scalar calculate polynomial minimum value is not correct
     56  python if statement with multiple critieria
     56  Python - How to compare consecutive rows and take difference of another corresponding column
     56  Python generating repmat using each column individually
     56  python equivalent to MATLAB's 'replace unimportable cells with ... '
     56  Python Compare Tokenized Lists
     56  Python codes using numpy and matplotlib without outputting result
     56  python - broadcasting between arrays with the same 'outer' size
     56  Python array loop
     56  Python - Access NumPy Array Item
     56  Python3: Variable Assignment, Underscore in Name produces weird Behavior in Pycharm
     56  Python 3.7+Numpy+pandas Arrays Selecting data between a range
     56  Pyplot projection doesn't admit data: numpy.float64 error
     56  Puzzled by odd NumPy error when creating array
     56  Proper optimization of some calculation
     56  Proper/efficient way to apply multidimensional data to less-dimensional function
     56  Program returns Incorrect eigenvalues
     56  Print the result without the tag 'array' in a list?
     56  Print location and value of all non-zero entries of a SciPy CSR matrix
     56  Printing numpy array in python
     56  Previous and next array should have two much common values pandas
     56  Possible to display/integrate numpy array with PIL?
     56  Plotting incompatible numpy arrays
     56  Plotting a legend with matplotlib: error
     56  Perform mean subtraction on a list of images?
     56  performing calculation in each line of datafile
     56  Performance of evaluating a mathematical expression over large data
     56  Passing parameters to a function in Python
     56  Passing list of keys to dictionary for modification
     56  Parallelize reassignment of elements in large array
     56  Pandas Series.Shift truncates last value
     56  Pandas apply() function behave differently depending on what is returned?
     56  Overwriting Pixels in numpy array
     56  Optimize the following section of python code for decaying variables
     56  Optimize a function call with array index [closed]
     56  Optimizations to be had for numpy/scipy splines over large TIFF stack ndarrays?
     56  Optimization of padding sub-parts of a pandas dataframe
     56  Optimising iteration and substitution over large dataset
     56  OpenCV, Numpy, Efficiently Calculate Number of Pixels Meeting Arbitrary Criteria as Function of all Channels
     56  OpenCV frame inconsistent with numpy slicing
     56  numpy where - how to set condition on whole column?
     56  numpy.unique has the problem with frozensets
     56  Numpy specific reshape order for 2D Array
     56  Numpy size requirement
     56  Numpy/Scipy: Integrating 3D array of points, or convert 3D array of points to an integrable function f : IR x IR x IR -> IR
     56  numpy row/column to 1D vector?
     56  Numpy: reshaping multiple times makes objects unequal
     56  numpy random numpers in specified shape of any complexity
     56  numpy ndarray throw exception when truncating string
     56  numpy multidimension array from pandas
     56  numpy - minimum sub-array
     56  numpy matmul gives weirdly wrong result
     56  numpy Layout for several arrays
     56  Numpy: How to properly perform dot products over tensors
     56  Numpy : find number of active tickets at time t given a list of start and duration
     56  Numpy fails to load in Windows command window. Python version 3.7.1
     56  numpy eigen decomposition produce unexpected output?
     56  Numpy create an array of matrices
     56  numpy: copy some elements of two arrays into another array
     56  Numpy -complex modification of arrays
     56  Numpy calculations not computing correctly
     56  numpy array traversal Error: IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
     56  numpy array to Colored table or image?
     56  Numpy array thresholding acceleration
     56  Numpy array splitting in python
     56  Numpy array, how to replace values that satisfy a list of conditions?
     56  Numpy array - duplicate removal
     56  Numpy array condition and apply a formula
     56  numpy array concatenate with extra column to each array
     56  Numpy argmax on multiple axes determined by other vectors
     56  Numpy append and normal append
     56  Number of triangles involving any two nodes
     56  Numba'fied function evaluates differently in for loop then pure Python one
     56  Neural Network Output Approaches A Constant Value As Training Progresses
     56  moving window in numpy with dynamic stride and window size [duplicate]
     56  Modify the elements of a Numpy 2D- array at specific locations without for loop
     56  Memory Errors in Python
     56  mean - ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     56  max of three 2-D arrays
     56  matplot lib axis confusion mapping strings to axis
     56  Manually recover the original function from numpy rfft
     56  Loop through and create and new dataframe
     56  Looping through multiple dataframes does not calculate properly
     56  list of list from text files and accessing index of the lists
     56  List does not have attribute reshape
     56  Keras - How to predict based on one instance?
     56  i think an error appears to have occurred during ''If''
     56  Iterating over numpy array keeping the indices
     56  Is there a way to fit two curves exclusively and simultaneously to multiple edges in python?
     56  Is there a known issue with memory leaks in Python dicts or Numpy iterators?
     56  Is there a faster alternative to np.where for determining indeces?
     56  Issue with python code, why does variable getting overridden?
     56  Is np.fft.fft working properly? I am getting very large frequency values
     56  Is it possible to enforce Numpy to use cutout rather than overflow when doing type conversion?
     56  Is is possible to maximise the efficiency of my code using NumPy instead of built-in list?
     56  In which condition my numpy 2d array is automatically converted into 1d array?
     56  intersection points of two lines by numpy [duplicate]
     56  Interpolate two-dimensional numpy array with respect to the periodicity of the values
     56  Interleave numpy arrays with numeric comparison quickly
     56  Insert array index into transposed array
     56  Insert 1D NumPy array as column in existing 2D array
     56  In NumPy, larger arrays are created more quickly?
     56  Index mapping between two sorted partially overlapping numpy arrays
     56  Indexing in multidimensional numpy arrays in Python [closed]
     56  IndexError: too many indices for array y.append(line[17])
     56  I'm trying to create a GIF of zooming into the Mandelbrot set in Python but having some trouble with floats
     56  Import binary file in R using either typedef struct or numpy
     56  Iam using python but i can not handel detect QR code using openCV
     56  How to write data from file to new file using python?
     56  How to web scrab from txt file
     56  How to vectorize this loop in Python loop requiring uniquesness and non-uniqueness check?
     56  How to use certain rows of a dataframe in a formula
     56  How to update the learning rate in a two layered multi-layered perceptron?
     56  How to substitute nan by 0 in numpy arrays to calculate mean values? [duplicate]
     56  how to slice low-resolution pandas df (freq=1min) with higher resolution indexer (freq=1D)?
     56  How to re-write using numpy
     56  How to reformat a 2d numpy array
     56  How to rearrange a 3d numpy array?
     56  How to read a cell from matrix in a file
     56  How to put time difference value into summation equation using python
     56  How to print a lambda-function?
     56  How to predict custom value from trained model?
     56  How to plot many data sets by changing parameters on one plot in Python?
     56  How to plot discrete lines instead of bars?
     56  How to plot arrays of different lengths
     56  How to parse a string without comma to python list?
     56  How to organize file names that were named as only numbers [duplicate]
     56  How to operate on one dimension of an array?
     56  How to numpy-ify a two dimensional conditional lookup?
     56  How to multiply two string binary numbers from txt file
     56  How to multiply a four dimensional python numpy array by a vector indexed by second dimension
     56  How to merge columns after groupby and selecting first valid value of other columns in a pandas dataframe?
     56  How to make two value compatible to concatenate
     56  How to make a table from lists of data?
     56  How to label columns of data as x and y
     56  How to keep k most similar term records for each term and replace the less similar ones with 0
     56  How to get sum of values grouped by the pandas DataFrame and make numpy matrix?
     56  How to generate a 3D grid of vectors ? (each position in the 3D grid is a vector)
     56  How to fix pip package installation error in pycharm windows?
     56  How to fix PIL file handling and shutil permission issue with in for loop?
     56  How to fix error related to NUMPY package after packaging python file using pyinstaller
     56  How to fix an error with np.where function?
     56  How to find the percentage of null value in a pandas dataframe
     56  How to extract value of column based on value change in other column python
     56  How to extend a Numpy array to include x following numbers of each entry [duplicate]
     56  How to downsample a 2D array by randomly selecting elements in 2x2 sub-arrays?
     56  how to do this operation in numpy (chaining of tiling operation)?
     56  How to determine result type of numpy array operation in advance?
     56  How to define `bool` conversion for custom data type?
     56  How to define an alternative default value (to None) for an optional parameter of a python function? [duplicate]
     56  How to create Dataframe based on the two columns with a calculation?
     56  How to create a pandas DataFrame from its indexes and a two variable function?
     56  How to create a container that supports addition of objects and numpy slicing?
     56  How to count occurances of multiple items in numpy? [duplicate]
     56  How to compute mean on each column by condition
     56  How to combine two arrays
     56  How to change values in an area of an array?
     56  How to change the first value in the tuple of a list?
     56  How to avoid 'for' loop in numpy array
     56  How to apply groupby to nearest same element
     56  How to apply a natural logarithm to a matrix and obtain zero for when the matrix entry is zero
     56  How to append to a data frame from multiple loops
     56  How do I write an accumulator to squash an array around a midpoint?
     56  How do I swap elements of rows of a Nx2 numpy array if a condition is satisfied?
     56  How do I change the type of a row in an array in Python?
     56  how does numpy reshape work with negative variable as second parameter
     56  How (can?) I vectorize an NN training input, instead of using a for loop? Are there other large optimizations?
     56  How can I remove an unwanted and not exactly known contribution to a measured signal using correlation?
     56  How can I quickly convert to a list of lists, insert a string at the start of each element?
     56  How can I properly initialize the needed vectors in a Neural Network Model?
     56  How can i make computer read a python file instead of py?
     56  How can I input vectors of numpy arrays into an equation?
     56  How can I export two lists of strings into two columns in a csv file without getting separated
     56  How can I add a column to a numpy array
     56  How are 'numpy.reshape' and 'ndarray.reshape' equivalent?
     56  hi, everyone I am new to machine learning and was trying to make my first neural network
     56  Given two numpy arrays, find the item in array A with unique values in array B
     56  Getting the indexes of a Dataframe after a numpy array function
     56  Getting the convolution matrix from the convolution kernel
     56  Getting a Truth Value Numpy error in Python
     56  Getting a subset of 2D array given indices of center point
     56  Getting an error with Numpy where condition
     56  get occurrences of a list in an array - python
     56  Get node ancestors in a Pandas dataframe
     56  generate combinations of arrays
     56  Flatten Columns in Pandas Dataframes and refer back to Original
     56  Fitting points to a wrapped line
     56  Fitting data to repeated derivatives of a model generating function
     56  Find the index of the last negative value of an increasing function
     56  find the index from the exists value (check if) dictionary
     56  Finding random index with specific value in large numpy array
     56  Finding efficiently which points are in each pixel with Python
     56  Find distance to ones in a binary numpy array in python
     56  Fastest way of getting intervals from a boolian vector in python [duplicate]
     56  Fastest iterative merge of two large datasets
     56  Extracting sub elements from a matrix in python
     56  Extracting a sub array from a Numpy array
     56  Error with array converted from list sent to cython function
     56  Error using OpenCV, program closes unexpectedly
     56  Error is output layer shape in neural network, can't figure out the mistake in dimensions
     56  efficient way to compute numpy.ndarray internal multiplication
     56  Efficient ndarray operations
     56  Efficiently test matrix rows and columns with numpy
     56  Efficiently find indexes that would make array equal to a permutation of itself
     56  Dropping the extra dimension after turning a RGB image to a grayscale image (100,100,3) -> (100,100,1) or (100,100)?
     56  Dot product columns by rows python - numpy
     56  Does numpy treat 1-D slices of arrays in a strange way?
     56  Displaying numpy matrices with fewer digits past the decimal
     56  Display 480x115x115 3-D Numpy model in browser?
     56  Different shape arrays operations
     56  DICT() and MATPLOTLIB?
     56  Delete specific column in an array
     56  Dataset Normalization in python
     56  CSV data structure printing in messy format
     56  Creating heat map on a cylinder in matplotlib
     56  Creating array with relations between identifiers
     56  Creating an array by adding to shape of existing array
     56  Creating a count down variable with repeated days
     56  Create function in Python depending of x which returns a composition of functions depending of x
     56  Create 4D upper diagonal array from 3D
     56  Counting string list in lists
     56  Counting business days between subsequent pandas dataframe rows
     56  Count and find pattern in 2D array in python
     56  Converting numpy list of images to mp4 video
     56  Converting Numpy array into list prints out extra zeros? Python [duplicate]
     56  convert cupy to numpy is very slow
     56  Convention for stacking k matrices together, is result k-by-..-by.. or ..-by-..-by-k?
     56  'contains' for numpy library?
     56  Construct 1 dimensional array from several data files
     56  Confusing result with quadratic regression
     56  Complex processing of two list of lists in Python (with Joins on multiple items)
     56  Compare array with file and form groups from elements of array
     56  Combining two Numpy matrices containing arrays
     56  Combinations of chars via a generator in Python
     56  Chunking a specific array to avoid kernel death
     56  Check for uniformity of a multidimensional list
     56  Can't get numpy to add long doubles
     56  Can't animate a plot using python package
     56  Can OpenMDAO be installed in Visual Studio?
     56  Cannot store an array using dask
     56  Cannot convert <function array_str at 0x02F1E978> to Excel
     56  Calling array of functions
     56  calculate the sum of the intervals based on the binary array
     56  Best way to negate every other entry of the diagonal of a matrix in Python
     56  Best approach for getting the first differential in all directions and all elements
     56  Bayesian Estimation of a Mean and Standard Deviation (2D)
     56  Avoid repetitive big arrays computation inside a function in Python
     56  Avoid duplicate random values
     56  Automated Inclusion of Objects in Python List
     56  Attaching data from matrix to another
     56  Array out of bounds in ID3 algorithm
     56  Array organizing in Python
     56  Array of index values for unique elements in list
     56  array concatenation giving error in python
     56  Arithmetic within numpy arrays
     56  Approriate reshaping of tensor T[a1,a2,a3] to matrix M[a2,a1*a3] in python
     56  Apply a function along all elements in a array
     56  Appending a string to a list using a for loop where each item is appended is a new string
     56  adding zero values to 1-D array and fitting it in 2D array so that no error is thrown
     56  Adding new lines results in ValueError in numpy.asarray
     56  Adding additional random parameter as an argument in function in python 3.4.7
     56  Access Numpy array from Python list
     56  2-d array numpy array row column index comparison
     55  'Zero'Object has no attribute 'sin'
     55  Write columns of different dataframe/np.array in external files - Python
     55  working with matrix and save everything in one txt file
     55  why python's apply function sometimes can, sometimes can not change the value of dataframe?
     55  Why pandas does not give the same std deviation as numpy? [duplicate]
     55  Why np.array converts to array a list and its elements?
     55  Why is using a lookup table slower than computing it in this case?
     55  Why is much slower the first time it is called in a python session?
     55  Why does one Python script raise a qt.qpa.plugin error, while another identical script does not?
     55  Why arr[idx,:] (for 2D arrays) considered a good methodology
     55  Why are the values different when iterating them in a for loop, than when printing the whole array? [duplicate]
     55  Why am I not getting a proper index on pulling df.index?
     55  What is the correct way to access the columns in NumPy?
     55  What is .numpy() function means and why there is a error here
     55  What does the dots means in python? [duplicate]
     55  What does numpy do in assignment?
     55  What does ''?'' in shape(?,12) means in keras?
     55  What can be a quicker way to generate a matrix which has at least one element non zero in a row?
     55  Vectorized way of finding difference between consecutive elements? Maybe a variation of np.diff()?
     55  Vectorized softmax gradient
     55  Vectorized Flag Assignment in Dataframe
     55  vectorizations of matrix multiplication
     55  Variable not redefining correctly in for loop (Python)
     55  ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 5 to array axis with dimension 3 in Numpy
     55  using math.log to handle massive numbers
     55  Using index arrays vs iterating in numpy
     55  Using an array in a function error
     55  Use map on each elements of multi dimensional array?
     55  Unexpected result while encoding labels pandas
     55  undefined symbol: PyArray_API when using numpy and swig
     55  unable to read IF in printing outputs
     55  TypeError when converting an array of floats to ints
     55  TypeError: ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32')
     55  TypeError on dot product between dataframe and array
     55  There is a documentation example which is not clear
     55  Tensorflow EagerTensor does not support item assignment
     55  taking csv information, sorting and producing numpy array (python
     55  Taking a list in a function and using the entries of the list as new list names? [duplicate]
     55  swap .has_khey by something else in python 3
     55  Sum of Values with Specific Condition
     55  sum of past and future samples at each index in a list or array
     55  Summing up n number matrix in python
     55  Sub-array division with overlap [duplicate]
     55  Strange behavior of Numpy `where` clause [duplicate]
     55  store data in 2d-scipy array
     55  Statsmodels fit distribution among 0 and 1
     55  Spedup distance and summary computation between two HUGE multi-dimensional arrays in python
     55  Spearman’s Rank Correlation one-side (one-tailed) usng scipy or python
     55  Solving minimization problem over discrete matrices with constraints
     55  Single operation to take the matrix product along only the last two dimensions
     55  Simple vectorization of taking the product and then sum of a list-like object
     55  Sign formatting of integer arrays in numpy
     55  Shuffle only specific columns ''vertically'' in multidimensional array
     55  Shift array to make first and last columns adjacent
     55  set comprehension syntax error using numpy
     55  Searching for multiple values in multiple lines for every unique value in python
     55  Searching a multidimensional array
     55  Right structure for nested while loop
     55  return array containing average of each of the specified columns
     55  Reshaping array of shape x into an array of shape (x,y)
     55  Replace two arrays items having some conditional statement
     55  Remove specific values from numpy array without loops
     55  Remove NaN Values From Right Column While Retaining Values In Left Columns
     55  re index for both numeric and text column
     55  Reducing directional code
     55  Rearranging RGB values to GRB, GBR, BRG, BGR, and RBG through an entire directory
     55  Read in Python compressed data in C, using zlib
     55  Reading in a formatted line to populate an array
     55  Read and order vector from txt file
     55  Python y√x how to do this?
     55  python ''w+=something'' and ''w=w+something'' result different value [duplicate]
     55  Python - Summation of a function implementation
     55  Python solving matrix simultaneous equation incorrectly [duplicate]
     55  Python slicing replace : with a variable
     55  python: shift each matrix inside a tensor independantly
     55  Python Scipy Optimize not recongnising Lambdas while using numpy array
     55  Python pandas apply: problem with None in first row
     55  Python Numpy Matrix generation error
     55  Python numpy array difference or summation giving wrong results
     55  Python large array element comparison
     55  Python: Is there a NumPy function which takes from one array when mask is true and another when mask is false? [duplicate]
     55  Python: Initialize numpy arrays within an array of zeroes
     55  Python- How to read dash separated date and colon separated time in .txt file? [duplicate]
     55  Python How to Create 4 by 4 Matrices Using text File
     55  Python how to apply .replace in data frame for a large amount of values to be changed
     55  python float vs numpy.float give different answers?
     55  Python finding the nearest point between two one dimensional arrays
     55  Python dataframe add a column that selects prev date's data
     55  (Python) Create New Column Based on Values of Existing Column
     55  Python coordinates out of range for polygon
     55  Python appending an array to an opened file
     55  Python and OpenCV - How do we define region?
     55  Python3 dictionary compare, nested dictionaries with numpy arrays
     55  Producing slices of dot output without intermediates
     55  Prints filename as title for each subplot
     55  possible random.multivariate_normal bug when size is too large
     55  Plotting the 2-d diffusion equation over time
     55  plotting frequency in x-axis
     55  Pandas utilize Numpy Vectorization in a user defined function instead of using loops/lambda.apply()
     55  Pandas: selecting columns in a DataFrame question - e.g. row[1]['Column']
     55  Pandas equivalent of max(lower triangle, upper triangle) on square matrix-like dataFrame
     55  pandas dataframe extract strings
     55  Pandas checks with prefix and more checksum if searched prefix exists or no data
     55  Override .T (transpose) in subclass of numpy ndarray
     55  Overflow error in piecewise lambda function
     55  Other methods to derive index values from an array
     55  ordinary least squares coefficients calculation using np.einsum
     55  Optimization of numpy array values change
     55  Operands Could not be Broadcast with Shapes (19,)(0,)  -  KNN
     55  OpenCv raising error when numpy array fed into it
     55  oneliner using pandas or numpy
     55  numpy: wrong result when casting large float32 to int32
     55  Numpy: Wav to list and then back again creates garbage
     55  Numpy: Walk along vector within 2d matrix
     55  numpy unique could not filter out groups with the same value on a specific column
     55  numpy timedelta64 not showing fraction
     55  Numpy slice and join
     55  Numpy Sinus Behavior for different arrays
     55  Numpy: Selecting abritrary shapes based on shape corners
     55  numpy select fixed amount of values among duplicate values in array
     55  Numpy repeat converts `nan` to `str`
     55  Numpy or Python for storing dicts
     55  '' 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable'' error occurs when I get dictionary keys into a list
     55  NumPy: matrix dot product incompatible with MATLAB
     55  Numpy Indexing First Boolean
     55  Numpy indexed array insertion
     55  numpy get std between datasets
     55  Numpy function 'block()' not found on Raspberry Pi
     55  Numpy: efficient way of assigning matrix rows to indexed row in another matrix
     55  numpy dtype in membership test gives weird results
     55  Numpy dot operation finished quickly but continuously occupies high CPU time
     55  Numpy creating logical array in the presence of NaNs
     55  numpy: content to index , index to content
     55  Numpy constantly asks: ''How many numbers'' when importing numpy
     55  Numpy computes different standard deviation when axis is specified
     55  NumPy C API extension causes excessive memory usage
     55  Numpy array indexing unexpected behavior [duplicate]
     55  Numpy array changes shape when accessing with indices
     55  Numpy array as element of pandas dataframe management
     55  Not sure why memory usage seen in `top` is unintuitive
     55  Not able to read the last row and column
     55  networkx matching with dtype=float64
     55  Need to make a flag if chatbot question is answered?
     55  Need to improve code efficiency using numpy functinoality
     55  Need to generate different random numbers everytime the loop runs
     55  Multiplying a 3D numpy array by a 2D numpy array
     55  Multiplying a 2D and 1D array to obtain a 3D array [duplicate]
     55  Moving window averages on unequal dimensions
     55  Missing output of a conditional statement on an xarray
     55  Merge pandas dataframe based on date range & value match
     55  Merge array lists into one array list
     55  Matrix with complex exponential elements in Python
     55  Matrix left division of stacked arrays using numpy
     55  Matplotlib: Multiple datasets on the same Scatter plot with the IRIS dataset [duplicate]
     55  matplotlib contour involving natural log
     55  Masking Using Pixel Statistics
     55  Making a dictionary from a list
     55  Make a tuple from 3 1-d numpy arrays
     55  Loop over a matrix for mean value of a matrix slice Python
     55  Loop across K-uplets from a N-K matrix in python
     55  look at row of dataframe and return result(x) if majority of items on row are also x
     55  Lists of arrays
     55  list of indices in 3D array
     55  Lambdifying functions of multiple variables
     55  Keras throws shape error even though I'm giving it the correct shape
     55  Keras Custom Lambda Layer to Wrap Preprocessing Functions tf.placeholder() runtime error
     55  i want to create a dictionary of list of dictionaries
     55  Iterating through matrix in python using numpy
     55  Iterating through a list containing text to get rid of certain values
     55  Iterating over a list of arrays and change list elements through iterator
     55  Iterate through a python dataframe with no unique values
     55  Is there a way of determining if an element of a list matches the element of another list (of the same index)?
     55  Is there a more efficient route towards brute-forcing a random distirbution whilst implementing constraints?
     55  Is there a faster way to recover images from a large 2-D array using vectorized operations in numpy
     55  issue with numpy arrays while curve fitting with scipy.optimize
     55  Is it possible to use the `a = b or c` construct if b and c are arrays/DataFrames in python?
     55  Is is possible to use np.array() with lists as inputs?
     55  Inverting a 3D grid on python
     55  input reshape problem about using tf.layers.conv3d
     55  Index of numpy.ndarray
     55  Indexing highest value of numpy matrix
     55  IndexError: too many indices for array. Numpy + Pandas DataFrame
     55  Improving memory efficiency of a vectorised function
     55  I'm getting error with morphological mask
     55  Image from array with dictionary for colors
     55  IDE thinks ndarray (n>1) that is operated on by a float (int, etc.) is a float int, etc.)
     55  How to vectorize computation on arrays of different dimensions?
     55  How to use the splitted sub array of an array after using array.split() method in python?
     55  How to use index of the DF in formula
     55  how to use functions from a sub-module
     55  How to split a list of arrays in decreasing order using split function in python?
     55  How to specify unknown number of preceding indices in python? [duplicate]
     55  How to specify a scalar multiplier for units when using Quantities?
     55  How to select which columns are good for visualisation in k-Means clustering algorithm?
     55  How to select the same columns of a numpy array based on indices of a second array
     55  How to select alternatively one column or the other
     55  How to reshape numpy array with reorder?
     55  how to remove points in an array around NaN values within a window
     55  How to read csv file to numpy ndarrays
     55  How to not use all memory on basic math operations using h5py?
     55  How to merge multiple lists into a list in python: numpy.mean()
     55  How to measure mean in region of numpy array
     55  How to match array length and index length
     55  How to make a twin y-axis by only taking the maximum value of the line indicated from 0 to 1
     55  how to make an array of scaled random digits
     55  How to label-encoded different shaped list data
     55  How to keep memory consumption at bay when using scipy.stats.rv_continuous?
     55  How to iterate over a data frame
     55  How to Initialize different variables (at the same time) with zeros before a for loop?
     55  how to implement logical and on array length?
     55  How to implement a multidimensional array library from scratch like nd4j or numpy
     55  How to have an array with no pair of elements closer by a distance
     55  How to get data into proper numpy dimension format?
     55  How to generate random sampling in python . with integers. with sum and size given
     55  How to generate random numbers close to 1 using Numpy
     55  How to generate every combination of a given pattern in numpy array?
     55  How to generate a dataset using tensor in Tensorflow
     55  How to fix exit code while using Sparse_dot_top_n?
     55  How to find the maximum on 3 or more arrays at each index
     55  How to find a list in a list of lists where the first element is the greatest?
     55  how to extract non-fluctuating part of time-series data
     55  How to extract elements from a Numpy array?
     55  How to efficiently write raw bytes to numpy array data in python 3
     55  How to do multiple slicing in python without change np.array itself to save memory?
     55  How to display equation (custom polynomial) in plotly.js plot?
     55  How to deal with large array in numpy/python when memory becomes issue
     55  How to create a column using a function based of previous values in the column in python
     55  How to count unique values with a dynamically range of date
     55  How to convert this code based on lists to code based on numpy arrays?
     55  How to convert the Dataframe into dictionary
     55  How to convert A[x,y] = z to [ [ x0 ... xN ], [ y0 ... yN], [ z0 ... zN] ]
     55  How to concatenate two numpy arrays
     55  How to compute distance formula between a 1d and an nd array?
     55  How to collapse two array axis together of a numpy array?
     55  How to build set of indices to reference an array [duplicate]
     55  how to build and train a model on non-symbolic tensors ( I need to convert tensor to numpy in decoder function)
     55  How to avoid from for loop in this python script
     55  How to attach a row header to a data frame in python. Row names should be taken from a dictionary
     55  How to assign values to given indices to an array and average on repeated indices?
     55  How to add leading zeros to all elements of an array?
     55  How to add elements to np.array with several conditions?
     55  How should this pandas dataframe be setup to support these operations?
     55  How should methods be created for a class that inherits from NumPy ndarray?
     55  How return NaN if not found indice in multiindex series?
     55  How do I take a 1D numpy array and turn it into a DF with specific names
     55  How do I save a Dask Array as a stack of images?
     55  How can you check if nan is in a 2d array?
     55  How can I write np.arrays to a csv iteratively?
     55  How can I vectorized a function when one parameter is a dataframe that shouldn't be vectorized?
     55  How can I shift columns of numpy array so that the first two colums go to the last and the last two come to the first?
     55  How can i save these type of while loop result into multiple data frame in python?
     55  How can I replace recurring values in a numpy array by the index of the unique value from another array?
     55  How can I replace 1s in a binary array with natural numbers, maintaining the position of 0s?
     55  How can I create a numpy array with multiple fields per index?
     55  How can I compute (for later uses) a wave wtih a very high frequency?
     55  How can I calculate threshold for amplitude on an audio sample so that I can classify it accordingly
     55  How can I broadcast between 1D and nD arrays to obtain a (1+n)D array output?
     55  How can change the type of an array?
     55  Gradient orientation with arctan2 results in flipped angles
     55  Given that you added a new field to a 1-d slice of a structured array, why can you not set the entry of the new field to a list?
     55  Given a value, find the upper and lower values in sorted array
     55  Getting unique item pairs in XML file using python
     55  Getting the maximum of one column of a list of arrays
     55  Getting memory error on training vectors over quora's datasets
     55  getting correlation value from certain column
     55  Getting a file not found error when iterating over a directory
     55  Get the indices of min values for each row in a 2D np.array, if the min value satisfies a condition
     55  get less correlated variable names
     55  Get first and last elements from list according to enumerate list Python
     55  Get all other indices of ndArray / list
     55  Generate an array of N random integers, between 1 and K, but containing at least one of each number
     55  From matrix to numpy array
     55  for loop performs first action but not the second
     55  For-Loop Index KeyError when trying to get sums
     55  Find unique values across each row
     55  Find time interval with groupby and agg
     55  Find occurrence of a 'string' in a subgroup column and mark maingroup based on its occurrence
     55  Find magnitude of 8D vector using python
     55  Finding values index wise
     55  Finding end of a month in a column of pandas dataframe
     55  Finding common rows between two 2D NumPy arrays [duplicate]
     55  filter numpy array into separate arrays based on value, for contour plotting
     55  Fill up a 2D array while iterating through it
     55  Fill numpy.darray with tuple skipping columns
     55  Fill nan in numpy array
     55  Fast way to compute this numpy query
     55  Fast sequential lists for tensorflow?
     55  Extract mean from categorical data type column
     55  Exclude rows that have empty cell
     55  Error with secondary axis and date x axis
     55  Error plotting scikit-learn dataset training and test data
     55  Error in handling shape and fit of training set while using Multinomial Naive Bayes for Text classification
     55  enumerate in dictionary loop take long time how to improv the speed
     55  Ensuring groupby output type
     55  Eliminate phase and compare arrays in python
     55  Elemen-wise multiplication of numpy array
     55  Efficient way to modify a column of textual data based on occurences of substrings for a large dataset?
     55  Efficiently looping through pandas dataframe
     55  Efficiently create a wide table in Pandas from multiple rows via a rolling window
     55  Efficiently checking date ranges in python
     55  Distance computation between (M,N) and (N,) arrays
     55  Display column names based on 0, 1 in python [duplicate]
     55  Different Q1 and Q3 values in python calculation from TI-nspire
     55  Difference between scipy.linalg.expm versus hand-coded one
     55  Determine range of elements that do not occur in any of several arrays
     55  Derive many arrays from existing numpy array to calculate correlation coefficient
     55  Deleting ''nan'' from 2-d array in python
     55  Delete numpy 2D memmap array if sum equals 0
     55  Delete array of values from numpy array
     55  Defining and accessing the variables outside of loop
     55  Dealing with -0 values in a numpy array
     55  Dataframe with date difference between index value and column name in each cell
     55  Dataframe how to update a column based many str values
     55  Dask.array conversion of a pointwise array operation
     55  Creating HDF5 compound attributes using h5py
     55  Creating columns after converting list to an array
     55  Create a class with a ''ndarray'' attribute
     55  Cosine similarity output using Numpy & Sklearn differ
     55  convert string value to numpy array
     55  Convert Pandas dateTime Index Values to Numpy Datetimes
     55  Convert pandas columns of arrays to reshaped np.array
     55  convert numpy array to string with given format
     55  Convert n 2D arrays into a single array with lookup table
     55  converting a line in matlab to python
     55  Convert a text file to an numpyarray
     55  Convert a list into a Numpy array loose two of its three axis only with one dataset
     55  convert a dataframe column from string to List of numbers
     55  Conditional slicing of multi dimensional numpy arrays
     55  Conditional replacing - Python [duplicate]
     55  Computing sum by group on sparse array
     55  Compute maxima and minima of a 4D tensor in PyTorch
     55  Compare specific array item using numpy.where
     55  Compare rows in pandas dataframe to determine matching non-matching patterns
     55  Compare numpy array and datetime without year
     55  Common rows in multidimensional arrays in Python [duplicate]
     55  Commit List as Coordinates for numpy multi-dimensional array
     55  Change location of string in numpy array
     55  Can you please help me correct this valueerror: math domain error?
     55  Cant get Element of List in Numpy
     55  Calculating the sum of vectors
     55  Calculating the euclidean distance for each value in the matrix given a fixed window size
     55  Calculating a mean with more recent observations with greater importance
     55  Calculate center for each polygon in a list efficiently
     55  Build a coupled map lattice using 2D array
     55  broadcasting — multiply a (NxN) array by a (M) array to have a (NxNxM) array
     55  bitwise left shift different results for identical operands
     55  Binning a column in a DataFrame into 10 percentiles
     55  Best way to differentiate an array of indices vs a boolean mask
     55  Best way to classify a series of data in Python
     55  A weird bug encountered with scipy, any thought?
     55  A way to map one array onto another in numpy?
     55  Attempting to create a histogram of given values in a dictionary using numpy, not all values are showing up
     55  Assign value to string in np array, convert to int, and calculate weighted average
     55  Assigning elements in a numpy array of zeros
     55  Array not updating values after function call
     55  Apparently inconsistent reference behavior in NumPy
     55  Aggregate time series from list of dictionaries (Python)
     55  After transforming a DataFrame into an array, 8x more memory is used. Why?
     55  Add markers on line plot from another vector
     55  Adding a new column in pandas which is the total sum of the values of another column
     54  Writing to an array if a condition is true
     54  windowed selection from a list in python
     54  Why should a 2x2 zero matrix be created using numpy.zeros((2,2)) and not numpy.zeros(2,2)?
     54  Why is the difference of datetime = zero for two rows in a dataframe?
     54  Why isn't np.ndarray a valid type?
     54  Why image (numpy array) is convert to string before encoding into tfrecord file?
     54  Why do we need to reshape (R,1) to (R,) for plotting?
     54  why does the plot not show the correct range on the x-axis?
     54  Why does numpy.convolve not behave associatively?
     54  Why does numpy.arange function start parameter actually determines stop?
     54  Why does it print array([ ]) when in a list when using an array to iterate and pull elements from?
     54  Why does indexing this Numpy matrix cause an error?
     54  Which of these two numpy slices are better to use?
     54  what is the use case of numpy array of scalar value?
     54  What is the fastest way to sort and unpack a large bytearray?
     54  What is the fastest way to select and count rows based on multiple date conditions?
     54  What is the alternative for numpy bincount when using negative integers? [duplicate]
     54  What is dtype with more than one element in ndarray of numpy?
     54  Very Difficult Indexing Challenge: Do This in One Line
     54  Vectorize the cumulative sum of a column where the cumulative sum resets to zero each time a goal is reached?
     54  vectorize pandas apply for pd.date_range
     54  Vectorized Computation of Compositional Variance
     54  Variable Numpy Reshaping
     54  ValueError while finding bigger number in list of two arrays [closed]
     54  ValueError: Expected 2D array, got scalar array instead: array=11
     54  ValueError: could not convert string to float:'\ufeff2', how to convert different types data in a array to float type?
     54  Using the logical indexing for 2D list in Python
     54  Using pandas how to weightage for some parameter(columns) for get output based on weightage wise
     54  Using numpy.fromiter with custom function
     54  Use a loop on a dataframe by taking a specific column
     54  Unpacking Dictionaries within a Data Frame
     54  Un-Install python totally and reinstall on mac?
     54  understanding the size and structure of multi-dimensional array
     54  Unable to return a numpy array from a column of a pandas DataFrame
     54  Unable to reproduce Numpy style indexing in MATLAB
     54  Unable to find the index of an element in a complex 2D Python array using np.where()
     54  Two Existing Numpy Arrays, Conditionally Filling in NaNs
     54  Trying to plot a function using python (matplotlib and numpy) and am running into a Value Errors and a Type Error if I alter it slightly
     54  Trying to make naive numpy image processing code faster
     54  Trouble vectorizing code
     54  Transform numpy ndarray with list nested in cells to columns
     54  Transforming a numpy array into another
     54  There are objects in my data. How do I see what it is in Python?
     54  text file parsing and importing permuted result
     54  Summing array values by repeating index for an array
     54  sum a 3x3 array on a given point to another matrix maintaining boundaries
     54  subsetting affects .view(np.float64) behaviour
     54  String split+numpy.array = weird behaviour
     54  Stop Python enumerate() from splitting a string into characters
     54  Sticky cumsum/cumprod numpy
     54  Steps involved in classifying images?
     54  Square bracket function in python
     54  Speeding up iterator operation in python
     54  Specifying a parameter (x) to be a multidimensional array that has a certain number of columns?
     54  Sort Numpy array by subfield
     54  Solving two coupled second order boundary value problems
     54  Solving set of Boundary Value Problems
     54  Smarter way to build this list of all possible numbers
     54  Slicing non-continous indexes in 2d Numpy array
     54  Slicing a numpy array with error ''too many indices for array''
     54  Slicing 2d array from values in 1d array onwards
     54  sklearn syntax error despite existing working code
     54  Shuffling list of locations in a 2D numpy array and then use it to select (or slice) in a 3D numpy array
     54  Showing a clean formatted object documentation in the interpreter?
     54  Shape mismatch Value Error when attempting to fill entire row/column with specific value
     54  set numpy array to 0 without copy
     54  Separating floats, ints, negatives and strings that contain letters and numbers and .'s in python
     54  Selecting x samples randomly with replacement using numpy
     54  Seeding a uniformly generated number from (0,1)?
     54  scipy.signal.freqs error array is to big
     54  scipy lecture notes, create array example
     54  Scipy curve_fit fails with many-parameter fit. Is there a way to improve results?
     54  R to Python/Numpy Linear Regression Curve
     54  rounding big floating point numbers
     54  Reverse all sub-matrices of a 3D matrix in NumPy
     54  Replace values in one matrix with NAs from another at same positions
     54  Replace values in an array to a RGB values (Python)
     54  Replace rows, 1 by 1 with three different conditions, into a list with same order as input
     54  Removing all zero row ''aaa[~np.all(aaa== 0, axis=1)]'' is not working when run .py file in cmd?
     54  Rearranging values of a matrix using np.argsort
     54  Range of elements into a vector?
     54  Quicker, Pandas-friendly way to complete this algorithm?
     54  python vtk tube filter returns empty array
     54  Python: using where condition [duplicate]
     54  Python- Using a function on a custom object(like numpy)
     54  Python, two variables should be different but they're staying the same - is np.roll to blame?
     54  Python pandas stock basket return optimization
     54  Python numpy Quick Array Calculations to 2D Array (matrix)
     54  Python numpy array manipulations
     54  Python Memory Error when creating numpy zeros array with size(100000,2,50,50,50)
     54  Python - Find indices of a specific value in a list which is store in a 3D numpy array
     54  Python - Concatenation in an array of redondant values
     54  Python concatenating to np array
     54  Python comes up with an error in the end the error says KeyError 'Open'
     54  Python based dynamic value substitution Program
     54  Python averaging with ndarrays, csvfile data
     54  Python Apply Function to All Elements of Array Less Than 0
     54  Problem using scipy.interpolate.interp2d. The code takes too long to execute
     54  Plotting Medians of Bins of Data
     54  Plot from a file containing all my x and an other containing the y
     54  Passing images to Keras' CNN model with 6 channels
     54  Partition array in sub-arrays using zero-crossings as selection boundaries
     54  Paralize numpy.linalg.matrix_power do not increase performance
     54  pandas numpy complex if
     54  Pandas - efficiently groupby over each column separately
     54  pandas dataframe create a new column whose values are based on groupby sum on another column
     54  Pandas- conditional information retrieval with on a date range
     54  Pandas - Column with formula
     54  Pandas changes values in associated array
     54  Pandas calculating column based on inter-dependent lagged values
     54  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes - Subtracting series from each row in a dataframe [duplicate]
     54  OpenCV(3.4.1) error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cv::cvtColor
     54  numpy way of taking only n-length-subset for last dim of 3-dim data batch given 3-dim index batch
     54  numpy.vstack as aggregator in pandas groupy
     54  numpy vectorize sums over lists of indices
     54  Numpy with character array
     54  numpy type conversion during broadcast
     54  NumPy - Trouble vectorizing method
     54  Numpy: Select where index is the same
     54  numpy row order in the representation of vector funcions
     54  Numpy rapid arithmetic on arrays
     54  Numpy Polynomial Regression, error arising at higher powers
     54  Numpy: Pick elements based on bool array
     54  Numpy ndarray: understanding slice objects and '':''
     54  numpy ndarray inside array using index
     54  NumPy: indexing one element from a 2D array
     54  Numpy find agreement between columns in array
     54  numpy fft amplitude is not what excepted
     54  NumPy fancy indexing with provided output array
     54  Numpy element wise ''between'' comparison
     54  Numpy Cut 2d array by row
     54  numpy.array_split doesn't work as expected
     54  Numpy Array Problem with Calculation, int type, int32 vs int64
     54  Numpy array loses a dimension converting to tf dataset
     54  Numpy appending two-dimensional arrays together
     54  Numpy and Pandas Repeat Values by Bin
     54  Numpy and 2-d array differences
     54  Numpy 3D array multiply 2D array [duplicate]
     54  np.random.choice has a gap in histogram
     54  np.power (raised to power 2) of matrix is not resulting in elements^2
     54  np.polyfit won't plot a characteristic but gives values
     54  Not true values plus unsupported operand type error
     54  '>=' not supported in piecewise operation 'numpy.ndarray' and 'str'
     54  neural netork from scratch using one hidden layer and sigmoid activation
     54  netCDF array size too big
     54  Need to plot a cosine function in hours when it's calculated in seconds
     54  Need help to improve pandas groupby efficiency
     54  ndarray with 3 dimension into pandas dataframe
     54  Ndarray from Numpy.genfromtxt is a 1D array of 1D arrays, not 2D
     54  NameError: name 'numpy' is not defined even though it's installed
     54  My neural network has a very bad accuracy
     54  Multiple cores print the same random value when using ''numpy'' module
     54  Most efficient way to initialize NumPy matrix with a function of coordinates
     54  Most efficient way to extract index based values/rows in python (native, pandas, numpy)?
     54  Memory issue when iterating over a list or arrays
     54  Maximum between an array and a number [duplicate]
     54  Matplotlib Basemap not plotting points at the correct location
     54  Matching contours with list contours shape
     54  Managing high dimensions in Numpy
     54  Managing and substringing multiple strings in a matrix (Python & Numpy)
     54  Linear algebra in keras layer
     54  Left pad a 1D column vector with 0s
     54  Jupyter was installed with conda, It worked but now no longer works - nor do fresh installations
     54  I wrote a code for 2 or 3 inputs but for many inputs what should i do [closed]
     54  It is not possible to train a neural network compute xor
     54  Iterate over an array and apply it to a function
     54  is there a simpler way to group and count with python?
     54  Is there a SciPy method to autocrop an image, i. e. trim zeros from a 2d `numpy.ndarray`? [duplicate]
     54  Is there a Python function to ''spread'' or group a (pandas) datetime dataframe per x hours?
     54  Is there any way to find the derivative of a scalar value with respect to a vector using python?
     54  Is there any dynamic code for for-loop or any other loop for works on big data?
     54  Is there an efficient way to multiply each row (or column) of a dask.array by a vector element?
     54  Is there a function in Pandas or Numpy to populate dataframe from a table
     54  Is it possible to use numpy to replace this for loop?
     54  Is it possible to compute Document similarity for every document in an LDA corpus?
     54  In the third dimension of a numpy array, multiply the first three values by the fourth one
     54  Interlace Rows 2D Numpy Array
     54  integral over a cone
     54  int8 scipy sparse matrix creation errors creating int64 structure?
     54  Inserting values into a numpy array based on values in that array
     54  In python is there something similar to scipy.spatial.distance.cdist but for displacements (fast)?
     54  initialize numpy multidimensional empty array
     54  Index numpy array by multiple boolean masks [duplicate]
     54  indexing through an array in blocks
     54  Indexing the unique rows of an array
     54  Index error while fitting polynomial to data
     54  Indentation error at line
     54  Inconsistent values in numpy fft2 function
     54  I modify one numpy array but it modifies 2 ... ?
     54  I have a numpy.ndarray, why does the shape return a tuple
     54  I get neither output, nor an error using np.linalg.pinv
     54  how to vertically split an array and add one column in to each of splitted array
     54  How to vectorize this simple NumPy function?
     54  how to use previous N values in column in if statement
     54  How to use numpy to speed up code that calculates center of mass?
     54  How to use numpy.char.join?
     54  How to use for loop with dictionary and a array at the same time
     54  How to use conditional statements or loops to achieve my requirement?
     54  How to use a numpy boolean array to modify another numpy array?
     54  How to transform a dictionary into a list in Python 3
     54  how to sum up supply counts within day range
     54  How to split data information (YYYMMDD) ino YYYY MM DD from a NetCDF file in python?
     54  How to split dataframe on based on columns row
     54  How to speedup large np.add.outer on large matrices?
     54  How to solve VisibleDeprecation WARNING
     54  How to simply set alternate inequality conditions for numpy histogram?
     54  How to save an ID and create labels for face detection pictures in real time with python
     54  how to return values from map function on dataframe
     54  How to Return True/False For Items in One List Found in Another List
     54  How to return numpy array of minimums of k intervals within numpy array?
     54  How to reshape a 3D array
     54  how to relpace a array to the diagonal of numpy array python
     54  how to properly use np.isnan() to detect nan elements in array?
     54  How to print three lists in rows with 3 columns having commas and no brackets
     54  how to perform the following operation using numpy array
     54  How to parse arrays which vary between data sets?
     54  How to multiply one pandas dataframe by another
     54  How to multiply a NxN matrix H with a Nx1 array t = [t1,t2, ... ,tN] such that H*t = [H*t1,H*t2, ... ,H*tN] using numpy?
     54  How to manipulate numpy arrays in this way? [duplicate]
     54  How to make calculations on a data set?
     54  How to handle NaNs in binning with numpy add.reduceat?
     54  How to group data by specific time window, where second time is next day
     54  How to get the degrees on a circle for each point
     54  How to find ten lowest values in a column without using heapq.nsmallest
     54  How to find and replace specific elements in numpy array?
     54  How to filter numpy array
     54  How to filter data points with very close timestamps
     54  How to ensure each worker use exactly one CPU?
     54  how to encode data column python pandas
     54  How to do the product of arrays of an array in Python
     54  How to do multiple indices?
     54  How to count the elements belonging to one label class in a custom keras loss function?
     54  How to count consective 1 in column and get max count of each group
     54  How to construct diagonal above the main diagonal using numpy and python?
     54  How to compute every sum for every argument a from an array of numbers A
     54  How to compare columns in Pandas while matching multiple different columns?
     54  how to combine two arrays of different types and put them as a list
     54  How to change the pixel value from Nan to zero and One?
     54  How to cast an integer to np.object?
     54  How to calculate the multidimensional array with broadcasting?
     54  How to calculate the covariance of different tensors?
     54  How to broadcast update operation to numpy array
     54  How to assign each element in an array column its ordered position?
     54  How to assign a values to dataframe's column by comparing values in another dataframe
     54  How to add to the k+1th element of numpy array in python?
     54  how to add dimensions to a numpy element?
     54  How to access 2 keys with 1 command in python dictionary
     54  how do I use numpy find consequent same elements and the index under some condition?
     54  How do I get the index of a row in pandas if the row contains ALL items in a list?
     54  How do I generate logscale random values between two numbers for hyper-parameter tuning i.e. learning rate?
     54  how do I count the number of points in each bin?
     54  How do i control the sequence of records in a bar plot with matplotlib?
     54  How do I calculate xi^j in a matrix in Numpy
     54  How does pandas / numpy round() work when decimal>=1?
     54  How does NumPy ndarrary.view( ... ) work internally
     54  How can randomly select records of a data frame based on values of a column of that data frame, while there are some conditions as well?
     54  How can I speed up a loop which uses numpy.where on a large pandas dataframe?
     54  How can I search a value in two different dataframes and add it to a third one?
     54  How can I replace values in a range of time with their mean with pandas?
     54  How can I merge rows in np matrix?
     54  How can I load an array generated by projecting a trajectory on its principal components in MDAnalysis?
     54  How can I find where a vector value passes a threshold and the n+1 value meets a condition?
     54  How can I do matrix from arrays
     54  How can I define multiple slices of a numpy array based on pairs of start/end indices without iterating?
     54  How can I convert a pandas DataFrame to an arrayed representation?
     54  How can I convert a multidimension-array-string back to an array in Python?
     54  How can I change my code so that string is NOT changed to float
     54  How can I add a new column, choose the x-lowest values from another column, and use 1 and 0 to differentiate? (Accoring to id number)
     54  Having trouble summing along the third axis in Numpy
     54  grouping two numpy ndarrays in specific ranges of one and calculating the mean and distribution of the other in that range
     54  Geting an error saying Cannot compare types 'ndarray(dtype=int64)' and 'str'
     54  Get dictionary mapping values to reference ID
     54  Get all pixels different from a color and paint them in other image
     54  Generate specific matrix using numpy
     54  Generate numbers between two ranges - python3
     54  Generate equally-spaced values including the right end using NumPy.arange
     54  Generate date data for a dataframe
     54  Generate data based on exponential distribution
     54  Generate binary random matrix with upper and lower limit on number of ones in each row?
     54  Furthest location in matrix with certain value
     54  Formatting csv to allow numpy to make a data frame
     54  For loop in DataFrame
     54  Fixed order gaussian quadrature for $n$-dimensional integrals using `scipy`
     54  Find values in numpy array space-efficiently
     54  Find two approximate values in one Pandas Series. Create a flag on another based on a criteria
     54  Find the indices in a multi dimensional numpy array
     54  find r_hat value using numpy/scipy
     54  Finding the number of values that satisfy something in a matrix, without using loops. Python
     54  finding mean values at geographic coordinates
     54  Finding any of the elements exist in between two columns df
     54  Filter Out negatives but not NaN from Dataframe-Python [closed]
     54  Fill Nan based on group
     54  Fast operations between binary numpy arrays
     54  Faster way to create cost matrix
     54  Faster function or script for computing a large dataframe
     54  Faster code numpy
     54  Extracting pixel values by overlaying polygons
     54  Extracting a part of the convolutional neural network feature through application of a mask
     54  Expansion of dataset based on few constraints
     54  Excel IF to python [closed]
     54  Evaluating formulas passed on the command line
     54  Evaluate all pairs of two meshgrids
     54  Error When Trying to Create Function Grapher
     54  Error of slope using numpy.polyfit and dependent variable
     54  Error can not multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' [duplicate]
     54  eigenvalues and eigenvectors scipy
     54  Efficient way to subtract 2 list in python with certain conditions [closed]
     54  Efficiently convert a vector of bin counts to a vector of bin indices [duplicate]
     54  Efficient bit-testing conditional iteration over distinct array-elements
     54  Efficient and fastest way in Pandas to create sorted list from column values
     54  Duplicate every value in array as a new array
     54  Draw the borders of a binary Numpy array with Matplotlib
     54  double loop optimizations
     54  Different optimization behavior using np.random-normal instead of tf.random_normal
     54  Difference when output is array or square brackets
     54  Detect if any value is above zero and change it
     54  Define boudned ufunc for log
     54  deepcopy after np.delete. Bug?
     54  Data loading using arrays in Python
     54  Dataframe sum(axis=1) is returning Nan Values
     54  Cython: fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h file or directory not found [duplicate]
     54  Custom reading CSV files (Keyword accesible / custom structure)
     54  Creating time series data from table
     54  Creating n number of masked subarrays for all the n unique values in an array using python
     54  Creating new array by comparing arrays
     54  Creating multiple matrices with nested loop using numpy
     54  Create possion/gaussian distribution in python
     54  Create and pass random values to Pandas dataframes with hard bounds
     54  Correct way of passing arguments which is an array of arrays
     54  Convert sigma formula to python dataset
     54  Convert multidimensional array elements into same number of arrays
     54  Converting height data from CSV file to IMG
     54  Converting 2-D variable to a 1-D variable in Pandas, Numpy and Tensorflow
     54  Convert data type of multiple columns with for loop
     54  Convert an array of peaks to a series of steps that represent to most recent peak value
     54  Convert 1D array in to row or column vector in Numpy
     54  Construct ndarrays from 1d arrays of different lengths
     54  Construct an advanced slice from string in Python/Numpy
     54  concentrate 2 arrays of vectors
     54  concatinate numpy matrices to get an array with dimension 3
     54  Computation difference between function and manual computation
     54  Comparing 2 list of tuples
     54  Compare multiple pandas columns (1st and 2nd, after 3rd and 4rth, after etc) with vectorization (better) or other method
     54  compare and get the result of two datframes in a single dataframe
     54  Combining values and putting them in an array
     54  Combining list of 2D numpy arrays
     54  Cleaning and grouping values
     54  Check if groups of numbers in Numpy array?
     54  Changing weights to my index if column is missing
     54  Changing the order of a matrix in numpy
     54  Changing numpy array with array of indices
     54  Can't get the size of numpy.ndarray
     54  Can not convert object in number
     54  Can I draw a random value from uniform distribution on an open interval?
     54  Best library and implementation to handle my measurement data
     54  avoid nested loops or optimize the performance
     54  ''A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame'' warning avoidance
     54  Automatically place the labels of a scatter plot around the points so that they don't overwrite each other [duplicate]
     54  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'index'
     54  Array to cv2 frame in Python multiprocessing
     54  Array stockwell transform - tuple index out of range
     54  arithmetic mean of matrix elements and the sum
     54  Apply wrapper at import (python)
     54  apply Gradient descent on dataset
     54  Aggregate the data of multiple numpy files into one
     54  add input to numpy 3d array
     54  Adding up the values with the same index using numpy/python
     54  Adding CustomBusinessHour to DateTimeIndex in vectorized manner
     54  Adding a row of strings ( header name ) to a array in python
     54  adding a counting colum to a numpy array in python
     54  Access non-sequential multiple entries in a list of lists
     53  z-order of plot in matplotlib [duplicate]
     53  Wrong Output when adding list to dict
     53  write lists as columns in a txt file
     53  Write 2-d array as columns of different types
     53  Why tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb doesn't work on tensorflow 1.14.0?
     53  Why ` is` False?
     53  Why memory isn't liberate when the function is finished?
     53  Why is reading from a NumPY array so slow for a CDF file
     53  Why does this tensor has dtype attribute twice
     53  Why doesn't numpy array support chainable operation and any suggestions to improve?
     53  Why does my ifft result in the real part of the complex number being infinite?
     53  Why aren't the numpy matrices equal?
     53  why am I getting ValueError: shapes (60000,5) and (2,4) not aligned: 5 (dim 1) != 2 (dim 0)?
     53  Why am I getting this type error on Python 3.x while trying to create a contour map using matplotlib?
     53  why all() without arguments on a data frame column(series of object type) in pandas returns last value in a column [duplicate]
     53  What is the difference between a=a*7 and a *= 7 [duplicate]
     53  What is the cause of the artifacts of this convoluted signal?
     53  What is the best way to crop a scene from a numpy array of 3D points. I.e. find points in point cloud that lay within certain bounds
     53  what is .random. in this statement?
     53  What effect did DataFrame.loc() cause on the data frame?
     53  What does the number in parentheses in `np.random.seed(number)` means?
     53  webcam streaming using python
     53  visualize the value distribution for a given numpy array
     53  Vectorizing consequential/iterative simulation (in python)
     53  Vectorizing a df.apply() Operation in Pandas
     53  Vectorizing 1D median filter For 2D Arrays in Python
     53  ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (10,) and (1,)
     53  ValueError while using scipy.integrate to calculate value of a function
     53  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 5 dimensions, but got array with shape (10000, 32, 3, 32)
     53  Using the format function to name columns [duplicate]
     53  Using Pandas groupby how can you aggregate a column of lists using addition?
     53  Using NumPy to Extract an Array of Values from a Larger Array Based on Given Conditions?
     53  Using multiple boolean arrays for indexing and assigning
     53  using masking to change string in an array
     53  Using colormap to create a PIL Image from the luminosity map of an image
     53  Using a column with a boolean to access other columns
     53  Use the Timestamp information to classify the columns into busniess hours and weekdays
     53  Use a variable to describe an index range/slice for array / list indexing
     53  Updating numpy array datastructure in Python
     53  Unexpected result with max and min functions in numpy arrays
     53  Uncertain why trendline is not appearing on matplotlib scatterplot
     53  Unable to import numpy fork when using Anaconda
     53  TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' ,having this error when i try to filer my data by column
     53  TypeError in CVXPY: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Inequality'
     53  Try except on shape of an array
     53  trouble with resampling objects
     53  throws some error while loading a text file for data analysis last 2 line throws an error
     53  TF 2.0: How to convert Tensor(''mul_1:0'', shape=(1000, 64), dtype=float32) to Numpy array
     53  Tensorflow doesn't allow for training data to be used in (features,targets) style?
     53  System of coupled ODE - heat exchanger problem
     53  swig generated python wrapper for c code - IN_ARRAY and ARGOUT from numpy.array()
     53  Summing numpy.ndarray fails when passed to a thread
     53  Subracting all elements of array A from all elements of B?
     53  Split and Swap Items in Nth Dimension to Nth+1 Dimension
     53  Speed Up Simple Multidimensional Counter Code
     53  Slicing is adding a 3rd Dimension to my Array - Not sure why
     53  Slicing an [m, n] array by a variable [m] array in numpy
     53  Simplest way to create a padded matrix of a list of numpy arrays [duplicate]
     53  Shuffling large memory-mapped numpy array
     53  Shifting values to the top in a Python DataFrame if NaN values are encountered
     53  Select type with higher precision
     53  select rows that are equal to a numpy nd array
     53  Selectively access rows of numpy 3D matrix
     53  Selecting unique combination from text column in data frame
     53  Segmenting a dataset
     53  scipy.special.gammainc does not accept negative input
     53  Scipy null_space does not give me the correct answer
     53  Save multiple lists into 1 csv by column?
     53  running a loop while numpy array contains no zeros
     53  Rotating a color clip in MoviePy?
     53  RMS value of a function
     53  Reverse-OneHotEncoding an array
     53  Return result of uneven np.array multiplication and print ValueError
     53  returning result of a function multiple times within the same function
     53  Returning an numpy array of array based on a list of parameters
     53  Return index from lookup table allowing for nulls and not found
     53  Retrieving answer in the dictionary form from for loop
     53  Reshaping Sequence Numpy Pandas python
     53  Reshaping Numpy array repeating some elements
     53  Reshaping arrays so that they can fit machine learning model
     53  REshaping and PreProcessing input Data for LSTM
     53  Replacing numpy 2D array elements below an index array
     53  replacing a value in a list of numpy arrays
     53  Replace looping-over-axes with broadcasting, pt 2
     53  Reordering numpy 4D-array
     53  Removing the Timestamp from a NumPy Array
     53  Removing nongreyscale colored components from document image
     53  Re-Meshing (''use output of meshgrid in order to create new meshgrid'')
     53  Regridding Python xarray coordinates
     53  Recursive pd.merge() output error
     53  reading file into numpy array python
     53  Reading bitmaps as matrix (trouble with inconsistency in bitmap)
     53  Read Delimited File That Wraps Lines
     53  Read and Write to a specific cell in a file
     53  Rank all possible groupby combinations
     53  random.multivariate_normal on a dask array?
     53  Quickest way to insert zeros into numpy array
     53  Python Transparent Image masking
     53  Python sorting numbers in a multicolumn file [duplicate]
     53  Python - simple NumPy array not showing expected values
     53  Python: Shuffle and put back into initial order elements of an numpy array
     53  Python round scalar up to nearest non-integer value [duplicate]
     53  Python Reason for why certain elements come out as arrays and scalars
     53  python program debugging product of adjacent numbers
     53  Python pandas/numpy fill 1 to cells with value, and zero to cells of nan
     53  Python/Pandas implementation for grouping with a condition and ranking
     53  python pandas add column content based on conditionals
     53  Python OpenCV doesn't give same output at the same image
     53  Python numpy array merging manipulation
     53  python symetric output calculation boost [duplicate]
     53  Python math.floor calculation error [duplicate]
     53  Python: How to combine 2 numpy arrays [duplicate]
     53  Python creating array of permutations with conditions on pool of values at each level of the array
     53  Python: Convert dictionary of timestamped values to timestamped list for signal processing
     53  Python condition aggregation
     53  Python: Change matrix size according to the size of target matrix
     53  Python: Assigning grouped mean to 1-D array
     53  Python array with fixed length but with sequential filling of new values
     53  Python and Numpy
     53  python 3 find sequence of days with low rainfall
     53  PyAudio & WAV understanding how audio is stored and played
     53  Proper numpy vectorization
     53  Product of two equals numpy arrays are different
     53  Problem with the comparison function, I think it's not reading all the sample correctly. Any tips?
     53  Print values from several array using Python
     53  Print summed arrays when importing files from numpy.genfromtxt
     53  Print rows that meet multiple if statements in Python
     53  Prevent addition of arrays with different shapes [duplicate]
     53  Plotting histogram for column by grouping two column in pandas
     53  Plotting a new activation function defined using an existing one from Keras
     53  Place output of numpy function into diagonal of array
     53  Pipeline - TypeError: fit_transform() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
     53  Passing inequalities to re-assign variables in an array/list [duplicate]
     53  Panda: using lambda function to create a new column by adding two columns
     53  pandas vs sasdataset ,values are exact correct
     53  Pandas Update Dataframe with other Dataframe [duplicate]
     53  Pandas groupby propagates strange typecasting behavior
     53  Pandas fill incremental values for NA's according to another column in the DataFrame
     53  Pandas - Count correlated events on condition
     53  Pandas column to numpy arrays
     53  pandas: a rolling window of hour-of-day average
     53  Panda/PyPlot Make X-Axis Line Appear
     53  Order of arguments in numpys histogram2d
     53  Operation between ndarray and heterogeneous ndarray
     53  OpenCV warpPerspective with another datatype
     53  OpenCV merge failing to merge image channel
     53  OpenCV: image looks strange after merge, but become normal after imwrite?
     53  Octave expands sliced arrays; Python does not
     53  Numpy, vectorized function on multiple label masks
     53  Numpy ValueError broadcasting list of tuples into an array
     53  Numpy skip all values by one and create an array from this
     53  NumPy Secondary Sorting
     53  Numpy recarray indexing by column truncates floats
     53  numpy rate with pmt as array
     53  numpy `np.array()[None]` behavior
     53  'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'iloc' in x_test
     53  Numpy multidimensional array, count inner arrays which are equal
     53  NumPy matrix not indexing range correctly [0,0,0,5:53].shape = 43
     53  Numpy index without using slice
     53  Numpy indexing with list of lists [duplicate]
     53  Numpy - Indexing one dimension of a multidimensional array
     53  Numpy - How to vectorize multiple transform matrices
     53  Numpy: how to return a view on a matrix A based on submatrix B
     53  Numpy: How to access elements beside elements satisfying condition
     53  numpy.fromregex with caret (match to the start of the string)
     53  Numpy: Find unique maxima along both axes of 2d matrix
     53  Numpy: Fastest way to change 10% of all matrix elements
     53  Numpy: crop object of interest by removing x and y axis that are black
     53  Numpy: Creating an (x,y,2,2) array from 4 (x,y) arrays
     53  numpy broadcasting and conditionals
     53  Numpy asarray_chkfinite behaves differently on the same data at different places
     53  numpy array weird indexing-explanation?
     53  Numpy array - Two unknown dimensions - png files
     53  Numpy array indexing with indices
     53  numpy.argmax() not working on my sorted pandas.Series
     53  numpy angle computation using coordinates
     53  Numba: Fall-back from the nopython compilation path to the object mode compilation path has been detected
     53  np.genfromtxt returns a list, not an array
     53  Not able to use numpy inside a udf function
     53  Normalizing RGB image volumes for CNN
     53  New variable that connects year and quarter
     53  Multiprocessing of a function with numpy array as input
     53  multiplication of dataframes with differnet lengths
     53  Multidimensional slicing array Python
     53  More Pythonic / elegant way to fill a 2D array with sequences of integers?
     53  Modifying multidimensional array at a specific index in Python
     53  Merging some array into single array/list in python
     53  Merge 2 rows in Pandas based on a given condition in a column
     53  Matrix: put only negative value on the diagonal position in a numpy array
     53  Matplotlib: Personalize x-axis
     53  matlab to python port optimization
     53  Mask array entries when column index is greater than a certain cutoff that is unique to each row
     53  Mapping numpy arrays into pandas DataFrame results in ValueError
     53  making scipy.special functions evaluate in parrellel
     53  Making computation more efficient using a binary file
     53  Making an empty matrix
     53  Making all numbers in a list 3 digit numbers [duplicate]
     53  maintaining ordering when using unique fuction in python
     53  loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type float which has no callable exp method
     53  Looping a Dice-Roll Simulation in Python
     53  Long list/array into a dictionary with indices as key
     53  Logic behind numpy element wise multiplication between 1d array and 2d array
     53  Loading numpy Iris Dataset into Kaggle
     53  Kernel estimation given original and convoluted 1D data
     53  Joining subplots into a single plot in Python
     53  Join DataFrames by a matching key
     53  I want to compare each value from left to right in a text file and find unique values they all are in new line
     53  iterating numpy matrix and getting all values with score gt than
     53  Is there a way to work out a formula over a column using previous rows in Python without using a for loop?
     53  Is there a way to search a list in python by converting it to a numpy matrix fast?
     53  Is there a way to get ''white cells''/''black cells'' views on a square board in Numpy?
     53  Is there a way to convert numbers to colours
     53  Is there a faster method to do this sort of indexing in numpy?
     53  Is there a better way to search a numpy array in respect to the direction?
     53  Issue in numpy 2D @ 1D matmul result
     53  Is Numpy searching speed slower than Set/Dictionary in Python 3?
     53  is it an appropriate way to compute eigendecomposition by using this command `np.linalg.eig(H*H)`?
     53  Interpolate without looping
     53  Installing Python 3.4 after Un installing Python 2.5 in Windows
     53  Installing numpy on openshift origin
     53  Inserting random values based on condition
     53  Inserting multiple columns in dataframe at specific location based on another dataframe
     53  Insert an image onto a substrate
     53  inner product of a matrix
     53  Index lookup for calculation
     53  Indexing matrix elements when input arrays are equal
     53  Index column values in 2D array using array of indices [duplicate]
     53  Indeces of duplicates in a numpy 3d array
     53  Increasing speed of a for loop through a List and dataframe
     53  Inconsistent matrices in SymPy
     53  Inclusion test for groups of a structured array in NumPy
     53  Import numpy not going good?
     53  I keep getting a syntax error and it highlights tempvals[day+1] but I am not sure why i am getting this error [closed]
     53  I get an error ''Cannot compare types 'ndarray(dtype=object)' and 'str' '' in python
     53  I am getting “IndentationError: expected an indented block” in np.random.seed(2). How to fix this?
     53  How to use structure arrays in python?
     53  how to use np.random.rand to create an array where r is between -100 and 100 when calling from a seed [duplicate]
     53  How to transpose each element of a Numpy Matrix [duplicate]
     53  How to store structured data from Numba prange
     53  How to store a large, sparse, multidimensional table with where cells contain a varying number of elements?
     53  How to sort groups of numbers simultaneously
     53  How to set the values of array to a number if it satisfies a condition?
     53  how to separate two parts of an image in RGBA formate
     53  How to select rows in a ndarray based on list condition
     53  How to reverse a numpy array using loops
     53  How to replace word in array of text in Python?
     53  How to replace row with float values with in a nested numpy array with a row of `NaN`s?
     53  How to remove certain array items in one column by using condition array of another columns in pandas
     53  how to remove a value from all elements in a numpy array
     53  How to read a file in python and save its content to a two dimensional array?
     53  How to randomly keep values to a specific numbers and replacing rest with no data in 2d numpy array without changing anything others
     53  How to plot an arrary of .pngs with matplotlib
     53  How to plot a line in a different colour to continue another plot? Matplotlib
     53  How to perform mathematical operations on all CSV file columns & rows using Pandas
     53  How to perform below task using pandas which is faster and does not give warning 'SettingWithCopyWarning'
     53  How to pass cv::mat objects from a python module to a c++ function and give back returned object which is type cv::mat?
     53  how to optimize iteration on exponential in numpy
     53  How to optimize for loops for generating a new random Poisson array in python?
     53  How to mark features which are present in both arrays in OpenCV?
     53  How to map vector of functions to vector with functions evaluated at x
     53  how to make np.where work in this example
     53  How to make a numpy array with some conditions?
     53  How to iterate through date header of excel sheet using pandas in python?
     53  How to index a 1D numpy array as if it is a matrix with 1 row?
     53  How to get the minimum and maximum value of arrays inside an array?
     53  How to get Pandas dataframe to work with numpy and scipy user-defined function?
     53  How to get array of different dimensional multiple arrays in python?
     53  How to get a 3 dimensional array with the first two dimension named
     53  How to generate numpy array with skewed distribution given maximum,minimum and number of points to be generated
     53  How to generate 0 and 1 matrix based on conditions in Python
     53  how to fix ValueError: a <= 0 in python
     53  How to fix the dimension problems in Multiplication
     53  How to fix RuntimeError & Segmentation fault while running demo codes in auto-07p
     53  How to find different combinations of numpy array?
     53  How to find all intersection points of graphs in a loop in Python?
     53  How to execute foo = fun(foo) for many different variables in numpy
     53  How to efficiently program a specific unitary transformation operating on a vector avoiding
     53  How to define a class and iterate through it in Python?
     53  How to cope around memory overflow with Pivot table?
     53  How to convert the data type in numpy matrix
     53  How to convert tensor of shape (36,) to (1,36)
     53  How to convert array of 0s and 1s to array of strings in Python?
     53  How to conditionally pad numpy array with zeros? [duplicate]
     53  How to Compare rows of a dataframe to an 2D Array List - Python
     53  How to compare each array in a set of binary arrays to an array that is outside the set
     53  How to classify arrays using svm?
     53  How to change numpy array based on mask array?
     53  how to change a object-form array to a normal one
     53  How to call numpy solver to minimize a obj_func with constraints
     53  How to append a string from dictionary?
     53  How to add numpy array elements row-wise to a pandas dataframe?
     53  How to add conditional counter to numpy array?
     53  How to add a vector to a matrix
     53  How should I compare elements at every position in two lists using numpy?
     53  How do you write one function that works on (arrays|series) and scalars?
     53  How do you make an array of lists from seperate arrays then find most frequent value per lists with python?
     53  How do I sorting a 2D numpy array? [duplicate]
     53  How do I get for each row a value from the next row which matches a criteria in Pandas?
     53  How do I convert a python array of shape (25000, 256,256,3) to (25000,3,256,256,3) where the 3 images are exactly the same?
     53  How can I train my Neural Network to graph a sine function?
     53  how can I open a .npy file and work on it by networkx?
     53  How can I make sure the greater number is placed first?
     53  How can I make one python file ask for user input and then pass this input to a second .py file?
     53  How can I make a line mask which is not parallel to xy-axis on numpy arrays? [closed]
     53  How can I get all of the average of values of each respective column of nested numpy arrays?
     53  How can I efficiently check many conditions and assign different ids where true?
     53  How can I delete old file contents right before a new test?
     53  How can I access a numpy array column by name?
     53  How array size affects numpy matrix operation execution time and CPU usage
     53  Groupby and reverse calculation of one column based on pct_change in Python
     53  Gradient Descent on Boston Dataset
     53  Getting matrix instead of an array when performing fft
     53  Generating logical (binary) long data table from summary (frequency) table with numpy
     53  generate a list with 6-dimensional unique elements in python
     53  Generate a column based on other column value
     53  f string formatting for numpy array
     53  From a 2d array, create another 2d array composed of randomly selected values from original array (values not shared among rows) without using a loop
     53  from 1 channel array to 3 channel with if condition [closed]
     53  For loop to evaluate accuracy doesn't execute
     53  For every element in a list a, how to count how many times it appear in one specific column in another dataframe
     53  Fitting a line with gradient descent
     53  Finding the indices of distinct elements in a vectorized manner
     53  Finding rows by multiple columns
     53  Finding Rank K approximation of an Image
     53  Finding a Specific Line of a File Using Numpy
     53  Find index of a vector inside a matrix in Python
     53  Filling several NaN values, based on 2 conditions, with a certain numeric value
     53  Fill a numpy matrix's certain column with 1 if all columns are 0
     53  FFT of np.cos has two peaks
     53  Fastest way to remove identical sub-arrays in a nd-array? [duplicate]
     53  Faster dot product of CSR matrix and ndarray
     53  Extracting values of a key from an array of dictionaries
     53  Extract Indices at Steps
     53  Errors when import numpy package
     53  Error in plotting line graph
     53  Eigenvalues not following order while changing parameter in Python
     53  drop column based on most frequent value
     53  Do you know a way to change the loop for something more productive?
     53  Do Not See What Invalid Syntax is in Line of Code
     53  Does numpy.i send actual pointers to C++, or make copies of memory?
     53  Denote by n the nxn array having entires A i,j := sin(z i, j) where z i, j are uniformly distributed random numbers in (0,2pi]
     53  Delete line from cv2.HoughLines array with special value
     53  cross-validation with Kfold
     53  Cross-product in fourierspace, imaginary artefacts appearing
     53  creating an image from two separate arrays
     53  Create list/matrix with row for each value in two lists [duplicate]
     53  Create initial Solution Python for Genetic Algorithms
     53  Create a polygon on datas
     53  Create an array which cumulatively iterates
     53  count zero occurrences by choosing randomly
     53  Convolve a 3D array with three kernels (x, y, z) in python
     53  convert this matrix equation into something numpy can understand
     53  Convert list to matrix
     53  Convert list from dataframe into numpy arrays
     53  Converting particular columns in dataframe to a numpy array and merging with original data frame
     53  Converting nested loop for faster computation of adjusted cosine similarity for sparse matrices
     53  Converting list to array and reshaping?
     53  Converting array of Matplitlib dates to Datetime objects with NaN
     53  Convert a string of ndarray to ndarray
     53  Conditional Column Values In Pandas For Each Row in Group
     53  Concatenating strings in Python - What is the fastest way
     53  Computing autocovariance function vector in NumPy without using np.correlate
     53  Compute a sum in numpy array
     53  Comparing zip operation with pandas slice operation
     53  Comparing y-coordinate in tuple list with a condition
     53  Compare two ndarrays with different dimensions
     53  Compare the two columns of the dataframe and create a new one
     53  Compare numpy arrays of different sizes and find index that matches in Python 3 [duplicate]
     53  combining multi numpy arrays (images) in one array (image) in python
     53  Code Optimization/Reducing operation time
     53  CNTK gather operation on dynamic axes
     53  Cleaner way to store store data using dictionary
     53  Class Design utilising numpy arrays
     53  Choosing data only if 25% quantile is higher than given value
     53  Check if elements in array A belongs to array B [duplicate]
     53  Changing channel ordering in OpenCV prevents rectangle being drawn
     53  Change stepsize of for loop while in loop
     53  Chaining operations with uint8 vs int64
     53  Casting a list of list into a NumPy: understanding the resulting shape
     53  Can you make numpy division by 0 give an Error not a Warning?
     53  Cannot remove a column from Array python using numpy
     53  Calling and retrieving numpy array multiple times
     53  Call column index using numpy array
     53  Calculate the percentage and store in a csv file using pandas
     53  Calculate sum of SVD components
     53  calculate mean of numpy array based on unique element of another array
     53  Build numpy dtype form string (without eval)?
     53  Broadcasting in numpy with multiple dimensions
     53  Axis extraction through a 2d index [duplicate]
     53  ''AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'keras' [8120] Failed to execute script main'' error on PyInstaller onefile exe?
     53  Assign values to new column based on conditions between two pandas DataFrames
     53  Assigning values based on a small mask placed over a pixel
     53  Assigning a random number to individual array elements that meet a certain criteria
     53  Array Division Linear Least lstsq gives wrong result
     53  Argument of type 'numpy.int64' is not iterable. For with if x not in list
     53  Apply rank in permutation of a list
     53  Applying a probabilistic function over specific element of an array individually with Numpy/Python
     53  Applying a function to each array of every couple of rows
     53  apply function to array then append result to the array without loop in python
     53  Apply a function to series of list without apply in pandas
     53  Append missing values to CSV file
     53  Append column values to match length with other data
     53  A more efficient method of passing multiple conditions for each element in a 3D numpy array
     53  A faster way to compute spatial transformation over batch and time dimension with numpy
     53  add to numpy string array
     53  Adding Values to section in numpy Array
     53  Adding graph in Python
     53  Adding a nan values to dataframe gives unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' in Python
     53  Add Condition on generated numpy
     53  Access numpy array (vs. python array) from another module
     53  Accessing a number of Indexes in a large 2D numpy array
     53  2d array to 3d image matrix
     53  1D to 3D Array Conversion [duplicate]
     53  1d Array Transformation: Distributing groups of different sizes into unique batches with certain conditions
     53  1D array to RGB image?
     52  x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (34,) and (12,)
     52  Write a function called operations that takes as input two positive integers h and w, makes two random matrices A and B, of size h x w
     52  Why Python import works on pycharm but not on eclipse
     52  Why is vectorized Pinv slower than unvectorized?
     52  Why is the array in the list not getting bigger?
     52  Why is numpy's arange displayed with precision errors in PyCharm?
     52  Why does this array indexing in numpy work?
     52  Why does K-Medoids give different clusters while using the same data?
     52  Why are some functions in numpy are methods of np.ndarray and some are functions?
     52  what is wrong about this script? [duplicate]
     52  What is use ''[0]'' in ''input().split()[0]''
     52  What is this python code trying to do to this numpy array?
     52  What is the right and most efficient way to access the last 30 seconds of a mpeg ts stream using Python? [closed]
     52  What data structure should I use to process large amounts of text data?
     52  Vectorisation of nearest neighbour
     52  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (97,2048) into shape (97) when I try to execute fit_generator()
     52  Using numpy to find all possible distance vectors in a coordinate grid
     52  Using Numpy for a fast list check
     52  Use of numba to speed up intersept calculation
     52  understanding and drawing EKF output in pyro
     52  Unable to match indices of two arrays when using `.unique` and `value_counts()`
     52  Unable to add an element to a Numpy Array
     52  TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index while calculating the RMSE
     52  Two lists have different memory address but still are referenced
     52  Trying to use a double condition(?) in a definition loop
     52  trying to run code for x64 machine on x32 with python 2.7.8
     52  Trying to get rid of a column in a matplotlib graph
     52  Transform numpy array with image data to long format
     52  Transform numpy array
     52  transform a 3D numpy array into a list of 3 indices
     52  To sum arrays and get the final large value of pixel == 1, others values == 0
     52  To find N Maximum indices of a numpy array whose corresponding values should greater than M in another array
     52  three dimensional array in numpy
     52  "The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Why I'm getting this error?
     52  The solution to solve the assertion error and Value error?
     52  The code meant to generate [((0,0),0), ((0,1),0), ((1,0),0), ((1,1),0)] actually gives [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1], how to fix it?
     52  tf.image.crop_and_resize: Error regarding Shape sizes
     52  Tensorflow 2: shape mismatch when serialize and decode it back
     52  Taking the 1st n terms of an array
     52  Take elements of an array based on indexes in another array
     52  Sum of rows in the matrix with the biggest minimal
     52  Summing the indexes from a generated list of arrays
     52  Summing numpy array elements together
     52  Stripping Pandas DataFrame on specific conditions
     52  String Data into Column with python
     52  Streamflow plot not matching mgrid
     52  Stop Counting At a Specific Threshold?
     52  StatsModels formula Polynomial Regression does not match numpy polyfit coefficients
     52  Statistics for data in multiple tuples of names and data
     52  Splitting and reconnecting lists
     52  Split dataframe rows in two based on condition
     52  Split a range into n equally sized parts in python
     52  sp.delete() does not work when object is non-integer
     52  Sparse matrix diagonalisation using Numpy Linalg package
     52  Sorting two log data arrays in relation to time in python
     52  Sorting a non-integer 2D numpy array
     52  Some array indexing in numpy
     52  solving ode with sqrt yields warning
     52  Solving homogeneous linear systems using Sympy
     52  Slicing/reshaping numpy array challenge [duplicate]
     52  Slicing multidimensional numpy array to obtain a vector
     52  Simultaneous changing of python numpy array elements
     52  Shift row without losing last record of data
     52  Shape error with manually made 3D convolutional neural network
     52  Setting __hash__ of an existing numpy object
     52  Set all numpy array values to x if 2 conditions met
     52  Select numerical features from a dataset
     52  Selecting rows from two nump.nd arrays and insert 0 for the missing match
     52  Selecting matrix elements from a column matrix
     52  Selecting indexes of elements with a common property in Python
     52  Selecting all first element of a nested list / array
     52  Scipy Weave: Export vector
     52  Scikit-learn 1 node decision tree?
     52  Same code, same inputs but different output?
     52  ''RuntimeWarning:overflow encountered in double_scalars in numpy''
     52  RuntimeError after installation matplotlib
     52  Returning only one boolean statement if two matrices identical
     52  Retain pixels in an image that are not black
     52  Reshape np.array based on the default size
     52  Represent huge numbers without having to use more significant bits
     52  Represent data as an image when using a matrix
     52  Replace zeros with mean of non-zeros along an axis of array - Python / NumPy
     52  Removing values from an array that are close to eachother efficently
     52  Remove Specific Indices From 2D Numpy Array
     52  Remove or replace matrix in python
     52  'Remove' command for ND arrays in Python
     52  Rearrange each row of a 2d numpy array with an index for each row [duplicate]
     52  Quick numpy array extension
     52  Pytorch/numpy/python efficient Interpolation of corrupted data
     52  Python: Why is np.where not working with two conditions?
     52  Python - Uniquely determining which text file an element originated from
     52  Python slicing list of tuples and converting values to integers - Confusion regarding why it's possible with numpy arrays but not list of tuples
     52  Python script throws ValueError while plotting data
     52  Python - Rewrite a 2D list / numpy array in the Console
     52  Python - Possible loop function to track a person's movement throughout time and group it with others?
     52  Python plot 6*6 heatmap
     52  Python Open Cv. TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
     52  Python Numpy - 3-dimensional indices in 2-dimensional array without loop
     52  Python: Multiplying a (4,1,2)-array with a (4,1) to get a (4,1,2) array
     52  python matrix multiplication broadcast error
     52  Python: How to rewrite function to be used with arrays?
     52  Python How to convert ['0.12' '0.23'] <class 'numpy.ndarray'> to a normal numpy array
     52  Python: general rule for mapping a 2D array onto a larger 2D array
     52  Python: Fastest way for Mapping function to a matrix
     52  Python error no attribute found
     52  Python: Delete random elements in every row
     52  Python assigning variables
     52  python 3 data engineering - building features in numpy array format
     52  Python 3.6 numpy reshape works but the values contain e
     52  Program works but console with error pops when launching
     52  Problems reinterpreting incorrectly stored data using numpy view() function
     52  Problem in combining bar plot and line plot (python)
     52  Preventing implicit casting of int8 element inserted into int16 type ndarray
     52  Populate numpy array according to predefined array values
     52  Plotting discrete 3D vector field with quiver and meshgrid
     52  Peak Detector - Detecting Small Peaks
     52  Passing list names as a list to create a numpy array in Python
     52  Parsing csv using numpy throws TypeError
     52  parallelize zonal computation on numpy array
     52  Parallelising big CSV file process
     52  pandas wont add columns in order
     52  Pandas vectorized computation with boolean operation [duplicate]
     52  Pandas: occurrence matrix from one hot encoding from pandas dataframe
     52  pandas multiple array calculation with different shape and missing data
     52  Pandas - How to count consecutive Falses since the last occurence of True in a time series without looping?
     52  padding spaces at right while writing data frame to fwf
     52  Ordering the elements in a matrix with Numpy
     52  optional args in scipy.optimize
     52  Optimizing looping and calculating through pandas dataframe that has mutiple if-statements
     52  optimizing 2D-1D operation in python
     52  Only show value of n*n matrix if value from another n*n has a certain value (Python)
     52  One Hot encoding and making y_train for LSTM
     52  numpy unique always the same?
     52  Numpy: Uniform way of retrieving `dtype`
     52  numpy stack to 2d array, select by index from another stack
     52  Numpy solution to avoid nested loops for tensor construction
     52  Numpy search an element in array(scatter and reduce)
     52  Numpy saves Integer Array as Float Array
     52  Numpy: Replace remaining columns of a row after certain index in each row
     52  numpy prints list() around each list
     52  Numpy: Perform Multiplication-like Addition
     52  Numpy / Pandas efficient matrix
     52  Numpy/matplotlib - Plotting a linear regression yields wrong slope
     52  numpy: Is there a way to create an array from a sequence of mappings w/o external loop?
     52  Numpy : how to use np.where in a multidimensional array with a given test condition?
     52  numpy how to find index of nearest value according to a thresold value of multi dimensional array? [duplicate]
     52  NumPy get index inside multidimensional array [duplicate]
     52  Numpy function operating on two ndarrays
     52  Numpy function for iteration over an array with access to rows & colums
     52  Numpy - Filtering The Array Based on Indices and Respecting Axis
     52  Numpy fast conditional index operation
     52  Numpy Dimensions: Multiplications with scalar/matrix
     52  Numpy, compiling from scratch, give wrong results
     52  Numpy: Code independent of dimensionality of array
     52  Numpy broadcasting - using a variable value
     52  Numpy array split by pairs of irregular (start, stop)
     52  numpy array prod vs multiply list items
     52  Numpy array not behaving as expected
     52  Numpy 2d and possibly N-d indexing by array of tuples
     52  Numpy 1D-array operation in a ND-array
     52  np.savetxt isn't storing array information
     52, array) returns error - evaluating a cubic spline at a point
     52,A,A) changes the value of A
     52  normalize a matrix along one specific dimension [closed]
     52  Need help doing analysis on a stock data set
     52  Multplying matrix columns by matrix in numpy
     52  Multiple data questionaire nominal value - how to aggregate
     52  Most efficient way to roll each column in a numpy array by x steps
     52  Modify array based on index array and condition
     52  Merging Dataframe1 rows into Dataframe2 using existing column headers - Python Pandas
     52  Mean of matrix multiplied by a scalar vector
     52  Maximizing the value of an equation given a constraint in python
     52  Matrix and Array Definitions in Numpy
     52  Map discrete columns to the index of their unique values
     52  Manipulate array values in an easy way
     52  looping over numpy array v/s mapping functions?
     52  logical error in numpy
     52  Local extrema in f(x,y)=z data
     52  Linear transformation for noisy data in python
     52  Linear Regression showing error as Data must be 1D
     52  I want to change the shape of my dataset from (N, 512) to (N, 16, 32)
     52  Iterating over ndarray columns in C/C++
     52  Iterating over a function's parameters in Python (using a 2d numpy array and a list of decimals)
     52  Is there a way to omit data points in a plot if it has an error value in a separate list?
     52  is there any way to initialize numpy array which will contain certain number of element and have shape of (200,200,3)
     52  Is there a hold value until condition function in numpy?
     52  Is there a better way to multiply two vectors into a SciPy sparse matrix?
     52  Issue in converting list to numpy array in python
     52  Is it possible to make a range as a variable ''var = k:k+number''
     52  Interger truncate
     52  Initialize variable as np array [closed]
     52  Indexing Numpy arrays with range() throws shape mismatch error
     52  Indexing a numpy array based on order with repetition
     52  increment for loop with inner while loop
     52  Improve precision in solution for Sylvester equation with python (scipy)
     52  Improve performance of exponentiation
     52  <Import statement issue>ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] [duplicate]
     52  I have a function that process a list of floats, and returns a list of floats - how do I find arguments for it that return a list of 0s?
     52  ifft with Heaviside
     52  How to write a class that makes numpy's dot() use my __rmatmul__()?
     52  how to use python-numpy-broadcasting
     52  How to use numpy for large sets of data
     52  How to turn a comma seperated value TXT into a CSV for machine learning
     52  How to split data that is separated by headers into different chunks?
     52  How to specify the outer product of certain axis in python?
     52  How to sort the Dataframe by comparing two columns
     52  How to sort axes in 2d categorical histogram to maximize clustering
     52  How to solve broadcasting error during summation of numpy arrays containing a (0, 6) array?
     52  How to simplify my list of numbers?
     52  How to select rows from index column in pandas
     52  How to searchsorted 2D arrays for rows' insertion indices in Python?
     52  How to return some column items in a NumPy array?
     52  How to restructure a 2D numpy array of 2D numpy arrays into a 4D array of floats?
     52  How to resolve an issue with TypeError: unsupported format string passed to numpy.ndarray.__format__
     52  How to replace values in data frame with 2-level columns based on condition in Python?
     52  How to put in a bidimensional array, two columns of a csv list, for each field data
     52  How to predict seasonal spikes in time series and ignore spikes which are not seasonal?
     52  How to parallelize a computation?
     52  How to only Search for Exact Value in CSV Python 2.7?
     52  How to multiply a row of an array by the value stored in the corresponding row of a vector?
     52  How to merge two datasets according to multiple columns in pandas
     52  How to merge several 2x2 matrices into one matrix that already exists?
     52  How to merge .csv files to do a matrix
     52  how to make my logistic regression faster
     52  how to make a numpy array from a list of list of lists
     52  how to loop over one axis of numpy array, returning inner arrays instead of values
     52  How to load a MATLAB file which has 2 arrays, in 1 code of line
     52  How to initialize numpy 2D array with different values for each strip
     52  How to implement one_vs_all approach in pythonic way with numpy
     52  How to highlight unique data value in two different columns of a dataframe?
     52  How to handle number overflow?
     52  How to get maximum values from pandas.value_counts for each variable?
     52  How to get all rows of np 2d array until a certain vector
     52  How to generate a checkerboard based off given position and constant center?
     52  How to find the rows having values between -1 and 1 in a given numpy 2D-array?
     52  How to find the min value in the last matrix row?
     52  How to find similar items other users liked
     52  How to fill multidimensional array using an equation in python
     52  How to faster iterate over a Python numpy.ndarray with 2 dimensions
     52  How to faster 3 consecutive for loops for positioning data into new matrix
     52  How to do in-place processing of a specific set of numpy array rows
     52  How to distribute increasing numbers across range and ensure they sum to N?
     52  How to delete rows in a dataframe
     52  How to delete columns 1,2,7 of this numpy ndarray?
     52  How to create big np.zeros matrices?
     52  How to correctly compile this function with numba?
     52  How to convert a list to array when the list has blank array
     52  How to combine multiple arrays within element of list in Python?
     52  How to Calculate Non-maximum suppression by interpolation
     52  How to avoid plotting lines through discontinuities (vertical asymptotes)?
     52  How to average the 2-d arrays with nan values?
     52  How to assign a certain number in an np.array a color in python?
     52  How to add multiple results from loop to one array
     52  How to add an array twice by two TRUE conditions?
     52  How to add a list as an element of a numpy n-D Matrix
     52  How exactly work?
     52  How do you improve this
     52  How do you fill-in missing values despite differences in index values?
     52  How do I transform a dictionary of dataframe to a dataframe?
     52  How do I save a sparse matrix created from the sparse library in python
     52  How do I load data from a text file and then put them in a dictionary?
     52  How do I fix an Index Error in Numpy for use in a model for machine learning?
     52  How do I find the bin with the highest count using np.hist2D()
     52  How do I extract a set of given columns from a numPy array?
     52  How do I export multiple lists to one csv?
     52  how do i change my plot so the dots also vary by [-0.1:0.1] in the width
     52  How do I calculate the 25th percentile of a multi-column DataFrame that contains a non-numeric row index and null values without using a function?
     52  how do I average multiple arrays in a for loop elementwise python
     52  How can we map training data to 0 to 1 for Theano?
     52  How can i search a array from a large array by numpy
     52  How can interpret this numpy array?
     52  How can I iterate through numpy matrix and fill values?
     52  how can I insert an element to Numpy matrix by row and column indices
     52  How can I group element and list them all together in Python Pandas?
     52  How can I get past the SettingWithCopyWarning below?
     52  How can I get 1024 x 1024 samples, instead of 128 x 128?
     52  How can I generate random points faster in a large arrays?
     52  how can I extract element in an array? [duplicate]
     52  How can I create a numpy array whose elements are other numpy array objects?
     52  How can I create a 2d array of integers?
     52  How can I change the dimension of array
     52  How can I add element of a list in loop elegantly?
     52  How can create an empty arrayin python like a C++ array [duplicate]
     52  Group Rows in a DataFrame
     52  groupby counter of rows
     52  Gradient for log regression loss
     52  Glitches in the image is observed after converting binary data into an Image using python
     52  Given a MxN grid in the x,y plane, compute f(x,y) and store it into matrix (python)
     52  Getting the original row of a numpy 2d slice in np.nonzero
     52  Getting number of white pixels from a predicted numpy image array? ( OpenCv )
     52  Getting error in one hot encoding function implemented using np.eye()
     52  Get the daily maximum gives strange results
     52  get index value of numpy.ndarrays and do math on it in a one line condition
     52  Get class output as np.array
     52  Generic way of getting array up to last index: Include all indices
     52  Generating a random integer in a range while excluding a number in the given range
     52  Generating a random array with additional constraints
     52  Generate random doubles between a specific range
     52  Generalize the use of numpy.meshgrid
     52  format and type with pandas and numpy
     52  'For' loop not executing for each value in an array containing multiple arrays
     52  Fit 3d ellipsoid to a distribution of 3d points?
     52  Find the value of an index and the n-closest neighbors in a NumPy array
     52  Find the mean of array1 scores when array2 has scored less than 10
     52  Find rows from the same dataframe based on condition
     52  Finding the argmax() of a column based on constraints in other columns of an Numpy array
     52  Finding max values from given subarrays using numpy's strides
     52  Find data that are not letting me convert string to float [duplicate]
     52  filter csv data using python without pandas
     52  Filter 2D array and return co-ordinates from intermediate
     52  Filling in 2 lists in python
     52  Feasibility of converting all python pandas/numpy code to base python
     52  fast way to convert array of 16 bit unsigned interger to bits
     52  Faster solution for sampling an index by value of ndarray
     52  Failure to reproduce scikit-learn and numpy dependent code when multiprocessing is used
     52  Extrapolating a curve with np.polyfit giving unexpected results Python Pandas
     52  Extract nth value from 3D array
     52  Extracting coordinates of polygons
     52  Extract dependency information between the variables of a numpy expression
     52  Expand a numpy array based on a value in another array
     52  Exception check for no image or corrupt image
     52  Estimate weighed average for RollingGroupby
     52  Error in Backpropagation: Neural Network predicts same class
     52  Elegantly generate result array in numpy
     52  Effcient triple index matrix calcs in NumPy
     52  Editing of a csv file
     52  Dropping first row of CSV if condition
     52  Does SciPy have any function for extracting data from image?
     52  Does poly function accept only the list as its 1st argument when I tried to pass an numpy array as an 1st argument it is showing an error
     52  Determine how long a signal is above a predefined limit
     52  Detect indexes of a dataframe from values contained in another dataframe with Pandas
     52  Detect Duplicates in certain columns in a DataFrame & Perform operations on these
     52  Deleting elements from list and rows from numpy array when condition holds in Python
     52  Defining function with variables in an array in initialization of class
     52  Dataframe - how to run calculations without using for loop?
     52  Creating Tokens For RNN: ''IndexError: too many indices for array''
     52  creating a large pdf matrix efficiently
     52  Creating a 4d matrix from a 3d array and 2d arrray
     52  Create class objects with a dictionary as argument
     52  Count zeroes amongst multiple columns
     52  Copying values from a numpy array to balance the dataset
     52  convert python iterative method to parallel
     52  Converting Specified Elements of a NumPy Array by a New Value
     52  converting numpy array weird issue
     52  Converting numpy array to csv
     52  Converting dataset to Reward/Miss dataset in Python
     52  converting a 2d array to an image
     52  Convert elements of a Numpy array to lists [duplicate]
     52  Convert binary data read from a file to an uint32 array
     52  Convert a String which include letter and number to int
     52  Convert a string column in a NumPy record array to uppercase
     52  Continuously render numpy arrays in loop
     52  Construct a list from dataset of values and value counts
     52  Condition true if numpy array does't have dimension or if the dimension is less than n
     52  Conditionally extract numbers from python list
     52  concatenate same string to all elements of array or Series
     52  Concatenate ndarray along one axis
     52  Commutative Count in a groupby dataframe on other columns condition
     52  Combining two column correspondingly
     52  Combining array elements in a particular way, and recording it
     52  Column string conversion based on unique values
     52  Clarification needed on numpy array multiplication in python
     52  Check whether elements in one array exist in another? [closed]
     52  Checking Quotient of Numpy array by adding one array element at a time
     52  Checking if two dictionaries of key-val pairs with values as array are equal [duplicate]
     52  Check if index in list meets criteria [duplicate]
     52  check if any values in 2 arrays are equal
     52  changing numpy array values from zero to -1
     52  changing given text to list of lists
     52  Changing a PYQT/Pandas code to use numpy instead of pandas
     52  Changing an array size from 1D to 2D in a selective way [duplicate]
     52  Cast dataframe of tuples to numpy matrix in Python
     52  Can one have matrix as vector elements in Numpy?
     52  cannot remove NaN from numpy array
     52  Can I make sigmoid return (n, m) matrix instead of (n, n)?
     52  Can I count the number of objects instantiated inside a python function programmatically?
     52  Calculating the orientation of a figure to straighten it out (in python)
     52  Calculating definite integral of array
     52  calculate the absolute area from a graph that also gets negative
     52  Calculate Pct Change Adjusted by Dividends
     52  Building a numpy array (matrix) from several dataframes
     52  Build 2D numpy array from items in list of tuples
     52  Break numpy arrays into subarrays according to their signs
     52  Bounded Optimization using scipy Libraries
     52  Bottleneck for Numpy-based Recursive Function to Undo Max Pooling
     52  Bizarre Numpy sorting behavior
     52  Assign new Column based off values in separate Column
     52  Assigning data types to numpy array
     52  Array shape valueError: fails (224,224,3) into (224,244,3). how to solve the problem?
     52  Arrays are not equal after converting numpy array to byte array and back to numpy array
     52  Array of 1's in indexed positions
     52  Are squeezed arrays (in Python) smaller than arrays with single-dimensional entries? ([x,y] vs [x,y,1]?)
     52  AR Drone feedback
     52  apply reptitive sequence on multiindex dataframe
     52  Applying io.imread to Dataframe Column
     52  Applying a function to every element of one column with every element of other column
     52  Append result of iteration in python
     52  Altering the Shape of a Pandas Dataframe Without Losing Any Datapoints
     52  Aligning N-dimensional numpy arrays
     52  After using ''del np.dtype'', should re-importing numpy fix this?
     52  Add x-values to numpy array containing only y-values
     52  Add two columns from two different dataframes, with all other columns being equal
     52  add only specific colums in array - python
     52  Addition to ''numpy'' array
     52  Adding to Numpy Array by-index, where there are duplicate index values
     52  Adding new row in dataframe with conditional split of previous row
     52  adding matices with different shape python
     52  Adding a row to the end of the array
     52  Add annotation to specific cells in heatmap
     52  Add a matrix outside a loop
     52  2D quadrature of interpolated data
     52  2D plot xy-lists of different length
     51  (X - mu/stdev) per item in the column in numpy
     51  Writing Python results to excel
     51  Worker assignment for a product servicing or Return back the repaired product
     51  Why is that I'm able to successfully return a large np.float128 but when I try to create the same np.float128 in numpy I just get inf?
     51  Why isn't array[:] copying the array?
     51  Why is broadcasting done by aligning axes backwards
     51  Why I am not getting the identity matrix?
     51  Why does numpy.sum perform faster when axis=0 for matrix stored in row-major order?
     51  Why does Numpy operate 0.1M matrix 1000 times is much faster than operate 1M matrix 100 times?
     51  Why am I not getting the same result every time I run through my loop?
     51  Why am I getting a different result when using Anaconda_Jupyter versus Ubuntu_ipython (and why the answer of Jupyter isn't correct)?
     51  whether to use list or an array for storing the values of red green and blue channels - python opencv
     51  when trying to blur the image, image turns leftward
     51  When to use a numpy struct or a numpy record array? [duplicate]
     51  When i open an img with notepad opens
     51  What is wrong with this multi-layer perceptron backpropagation implementation?
     51  What is the purpose of this code, I dont get it
     51  What is the numpy equivalent of random.sample?
     51  What is the internal implementation of pandas
     51  What is the fastest way to update a Dataframe when complex conditions exist for both selection and update?
     51  What is ''/ 2.**15'' doing in this line of code?
     51  What does this single line in Python do on a numpy array?
     51  What are the limits of vectorization?
     51  What actually happens when broadcasting a NumPy array
     51  Weird behavior with class attribute, __iadd__ (+=) and numpy.random.randn()
     51  ValueError with union of two arrays using the OR operator
     51  ValueError: shapes (2,) and (10,10) not aligned: 2 (dim 0) != 10 (dim 0)
     51  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (15,15) into shape (15)
     51  Using numpy from the host OS for a spark container
     51  Using dictionary to replace items in Series object, based on condition from another Series
     51  Updtated titlle: Scipy.stats pdf bug?
     51  Updating entries in a matrix given a certain condition
     51  Unable to plot linear regression scatter plot and predicting line
     51  TypeError: Only chunked datasets can be resized
     51  Trying to get matplotlib/numpy to work. Have tried different solutions and out of ideas
     51  Trouble using Numpy genfromtxt
     51  Transform 3D array into a 2D matrix with NumPy [duplicate]
     51  the TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer in stride_trick.as_strided
     51  The output of array is not aligned
     51  Syntax error when plotting in Matplotlib
     51  Swaping columns of numpy array in all rows but the first one
     51  Summing numpy array blockwise to form a smaller array [duplicate]
     51  Summing a 1D array with a col of a 2D array
     51  Substract Array of arrays from another array in numpy
     51  subsetting numpy array to rows within a d-dimensional hypercube
     51  Strange numpy.array behaviour - wrong conversion of nested list of lists or I do not understand how it works?
     51  Strange behavior of datetimes when loaded into pd.DataFrame
     51  Standardizing pandas columns with sklearn in a long and wide Dataframe
     51  Split Pandas Dataframe Column According To a Value
     51  Speed up finding next index in another list of indices (numpy)
     51  Sorting numpy vector with matrix
     51  Sorting data but keeping particular rows together
     51  Solving linear equations where each matrix element itself is matrix (2D) and each variables are 1D vectors
     51  Solving large system of equations with 4 unknowns
     51  slicing pandas df based on repeated cycle values in a particular column
     51  Slice dataset on series by condition
     51  Simple reshape of numpy array: error: 'total size of new array must be unchanged'
     51  set the properties of a class fixed once in order to avoid tedious calculation
     51  Set numpy array elements to zero for each row's smallest 2 elements [duplicate]
     51  Selectively cut down numpy array
     51  Selecting square submatrix from large h5 file
     51  runtime is super long
     51  Rotating array from desired location using scipy
     51  ''Rotate'' array ordering with numpy
     51  Results of numpy.mean() different between interpreter and script
     51  Resizing PIL rgb image in tkinter application
     51  Reshaping a numpy array beast
     51  Rescale matrix by summating over pixels
     51  Replacing Empty Space in Python Dataframe [duplicate]
     51  Replace two rows in a Pandas DataFrame with five rows? [duplicate]
     51  Replace for loop with numpy operations for diagonal band
     51  Reading txt File
     51  Query about np.log in Numpy
     51  Pytorch Index a tensor of [n*n*3] by two tensors of size[n,n]
     51  Pytorch cut 2d array by lengths on first dimension
     51  Python (Spyder) - Error importing numpy, pandas, etc: OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
     51  Python sort 2D Array by using np.argosrt list entrys
     51  Python: shuffle array of strings including duplicates while maintaining distribution of items
     51  Python returns instance instead of array
     51  Python - Performant Video stream buffer
     51  Python Pandas speed up comparison of columns with scalar
     51  Python-NumPy slice differently each line
     51  Python + numpy + opencv stops executing at first matrix multiplication
     51  Python/numpy Index Error
     51  Python/Numpy: How to extract interior of any dimension of numpy array?
     51  Python Numpy beginner: getting an array with a shape ((M,N),(M,N))
     51  Python not returning all values to system but replacing it with  ...
     51  python multiprocessing pool run slower?
     51  Python ''mask = greater(array(mfout), 0.0)'' works on 64-bit, not on 32-bit (numpy/scipy)
     51  Python : Mapping values to other values without gap
     51  Python: loading a text file containing an array
     51  Pythonically compare indices of two arrays with permuted rows in numpy [duplicate]
     51  Python: How to resample a 3d curve given by points as spline in equal distances?
     51  Python- How to Index and Print More Efficiently
     51  Python: how do I add markers to lines in a figure at a particular y-value (y=1)?
     51  python: generate 2D array from dictionary
     51  Python: Directly access to attribute in a dict-like way
     51  Python Count per quantiles and pre set quartiles
     51  Python: Array is being modified and I don't understand why [duplicate]
     51  Put entries of numpy matrix of differing column length into a 1D array
     51  Properly iterate through ndarray
     51  ''Processes'' or ''Threads'' strategy to fill independant blocks into global array?
     51  Problem with matrix shapes while using scipy.optimize
     51  Problems with shuffling arrays in numpy?
     51  Problems parsing binary data
     51  Problem assigning element to Python numpy array
     51  Position variances and covariances in matrix form
     51  Populate a Numpy array according to values of two different arrays
     51  Plus or minus an array by an array and store in a dictionary
     51  PIL: How to get palette index for RGB?
     51  Permutation of feature vector during training of keras model
     51  Perform operation on python list without using global variables
     51  pearson correlation using np.random.rand failing
     51  pass selected return from a function to another
     51  Passing Numpy array to C with Ctypes differs between Linux and Windows
     51  Pandas not correctly plotting data but numpy is
     51  Ordering points in 3D according to grid
     51  Ordering Numpy Arrays (Jointly)
     51  Optimising itertools combination with grouped DataFrame and post filter
     51  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,15) (10,) (5,15)
     51  Opencv show black image in this image but and another with small size it is works
     51  NumPy type hint that something is both an array and float32? [duplicate]
     51  numpy syntax for slicing with gaps and edge boundaries
     51  Numpy Swap/Substitute NoneType Entry with Numpy Array (i.e. vector)
     51  Numpy sum over all dimension of the outer product
     51  Numpy sorting for a matrix with return_counts=True
     51  Numpy, simple formulation to concatenate integers and ndarrays
     51  Numpy setting an array element with a sequence
     51  numpy / pandas array comparison with multiple values in other array
     51  Numpy modify each array in multidimensional array with arange [duplicate]
     51  Numpy : matrix of vectors, inversion
     51  Numpy.load: causing RuntimeError
     51  numpy: idiomatic way to map a function over image channels
     51  Numpy fixed width string block to array
     51  Numpy finding max of function + array [duplicate]
     51  Numpy: Efficiently set all pixels to black that meet a condition
     51  Numpy - Count the rows in matrix for which column is the minimum?
     51  Numpy array with numpy arrays as objects
     51  Numpy array scaling not returning proper values
     51  Numpy array of specified number of 1s and 0s in order
     51  Numpy array of numpy arrays with certain format
     51  Numpy Array Index Issue
     51  ''Number of features of the model must match the input'' while trying to predict new unseen data
     51  number frequence in dataframe
     51  np.where is not working correcty and need a faster way to pandas,apply
     51  Nested Elsif condition handling in python-Pandas
     51  Negation in condition
     51  N-Dimensional summation without data copy
     51  Mysterious TypeError using Python and NumPy C-API
     51  My pixel color changing algorithm in python has a strange behavior
     51  multiply the numbers in a specific column by factor of 3
     51  Most efficient way to filter pandas rows based on row-wise comparison to columns from another dataframe?
     51  More pythonic way to iterate through volume in arbitrary axis?
     51  ModuleNotFound Error in python script but only when imported into a parent script
     51  Modify keys in ndarray
     51  Methods to operate over all columns in 2D numpy array.
     51  Merge three numpy arrays, keep largest value
     51  Memory usage increases when reload the same file
     51  matrix manipulation using Python
     51  Matplotlib: inverse affine transformation to get an equal aspect with different x and y limits
     51  Matching Strings in pandas to generate a new column with values
     51  Manipulation of numpy structured objects
     51  Malfunction of the translated code InterX to python
     51  Make my Nested loops Works simpler (Operating Time is Higher)
     51  loss [RMSE] is incompatible with metric [Accuracy] (no classification support)
     51  Loop over clump_masked indices
     51  Loop over array and get more than one dimension with indexing
     51  Logical indexing using a mask works in numpy, not in Matlab
     51  list of numpy arrays instead of one hot vector
     51  Largest elementwise difference between all rows in dataframe
     51  knuth shuffle in python
     51  I would like to extract x and y values from a txt file
     51  Iterative appending columns to an array in python
     51  Is there a way to calculate an equation with n raised to the power of x?
     51  Is there a way that I could build a matrix with the first column and the relationship between columns?
     51  Is there any simple way of adding many columns?
     51  Is there an specific order to install the following packages?
     51  Is there a better way to count frequencies of getting in the intreval?
     51  Invertable Cartesian Product Elements/Index Translation Function
     51  Installing numpy on Windows7 having Python 3.4
     51  Installing Numpy developmental over anaconda
     51  IndexError: too many indices for array IAMDataset
     51  Index Error: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
     51  In c++, is it possible to implement the function of accessing array element with grammar [i, j,  ... ] which just like the ndarray style in Numpy? [duplicate]
     51  Ignoring x% of front part of each bin in scipy.stats.binned_statistic
     51  If conditional in Python not providing correct result [duplicate]
     51  I cannot catch index from random.shuffle method
     51  How to subdivide a textfile into several separate arrays with numpy
     51  How to store the output of ncdump -v as an object?
     51  How to square the individual matrix value using python?
     51  How to split a numpy array using a binary list?
     51  How to speed up this bottleneck: Loading a dictionary many times in Python
     51  How to speed up the following code using numba?
     51  How to sort a numpy array using another numpy array [duplicate]
     51  How to solve the TypeError problem in the pandas.pivot_table method?
     51  How to set 0-1 matrix using a vector of indices using numpy?
     51  How to return unnormalized eigenvectors in `numpy.linalg.eig`?
     51  How to retain N smallest elements in a given row of numpy array?
     51  How to replace only one column in numpy?
     51  How to replace axis argument in numpy
     51  How to reduce the number if calls to np.sum() for below code?(test rules dictate only 2 calls can be made)
     51  How to Read the text from a JPG or PNG file with pandas or numpy
     51  how to read npz file within zip files with numpy load
     51  How to Prevent TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars from happening
     51  How to place elements of a NumPy array in a desired order using 2D array of indices [duplicate]
     51  how to perform a backwards correlation/convolution in python
     51  how to partition an array into s number of sub arrays in python
     51  How to match elements of two series by np.array?
     51  How to make a new matrix from another matrix by using its first column as new's first row?
     51  How to keep Numpy array from converting floats to ints when building array?
     51  How to iterate over the n-th dimenstion of a numpy array? [duplicate]
     51  How to Iterate every 5th index over numpy array
     51  How to insert numpy asanyarray value to asanyarray?
     51  How to improve performance of this python code
     51  How to ignore high deviations in a list
     51  How to group arrays based on the difference of last element of first array to the first element of its consecutive array?
     51  How to get the original combination of numpy array?
     51  How to get index of minimum value of all max_values sliced from another list using numpy
     51  How to get averages of rows in a 2D numpy array or text file
     51  How to generate a large array based on permutations
     51  How to fuse two axis of a n-dimentional array in Python
     51  How to fit SGDRegressor with two numpy arrays?
     51  How to find which strings in an array are substrings to another string in python?
     51  how to find the english and chinese combination records in pandas dataframe
     51  How to find all neighbour values near the edge in array?
     51  how to fill with 0 in pandas dataframe with fixed index number?
     51  How to elegantly set precision/tolerance when using numpy to take very small values to actual 0?
     51  How to effectively generate an array of tuples using numpy [duplicate]
     51  How to do batch filling in pytorch
     51  How to do Array manipulation (from 4 by 2 to 2 by 2)?
     51  How to display tiles based on an array
     51  How to delete rows with specific value and modify column values in a 2-D array?
     51  How to crop an image such that if coordinates don't exist, the other side is extended, hence keeping the size of the crop the same?
     51  How to create OpenCV Map from NumPY Array?
     51  how to create a variable matrix depending on an index
     51  How to Convert a ''matrix'' to an ''image''?
     51  How to concatenate data frames from two different dictionaries into a new data frame in python?
     51  How to compute aggregations on a range of thresholds?
     51  how to change for loop code to pythonic way
     51  How to calculate equation using the column values and store output values one below the other using python?
     51  How to calculate eigen values if hamiltonian contains some constants
     51  How to augment data in-memory?
     51  How to append rows from one Dataframe to another having different column structure
     51  How get timedelta64[ns] to work with pandas astype() to cast multiple columns to different dtypes
     51  How Do I Save Tensorflow Predictions To A File? (CSV Preferred)
     51  How do i parse my output labels to my network?
     51  How do I get values of same indexes from multiple arrays using numpy?
     51  How do I generate an array with N rows and N columns with each element being a 2 row single column zero matrix?
     51  How do I apply padding to a list of arrays?
     51  How could I generate 100 grid maps?
     51  How could I find the cut off point at both side of a numpy array
     51  How can one pad zeroes in-between non-consecutive float elements of a sorted list that contains duplicates?
     51  How can I map functions over arbitrary array dimensions (without using list comprehension)?
     51  How can i generate a sequence of numbers as text in python
     51  How can I fix this counter I wrote used to find the number of blocked calls?
     51  How can I find the count of first consecutive times that the value remained unchanged in a dataframe for each row
     51  How can I create a vector from a matrix using specified colums from each row without looping in Python? [duplicate]
     51  How can i avoid getting result 0 from exp() for very small float numbers?
     51  How can check if the matrix of vectors and their corresponding labels match in sklearn
     51  Handeling the shape of a specific column in pandas
     51  Grouping features in a data frame based on events
     51  Grouping columns from data by same value in first column
     51  Groupby then check row match and count concurrent instances for that value
     51  Given a matrix mat of size 3 x 3. Find all the even numbers situated in each of the row(s) whose end cumulative sum is greater than or equal tO 150
     51  Getting the smallest vector of two more efficiently
     51  Getting a list of list of Nearest Neighbour within boundaries
     51  Get the position of each item in a single-dimension numpy array
     51  Generate a triangular mask for a contour plot given three vertices
     51  generalize a function based on variable arguments
     51  Function that determines if a value crosses above another value
     51  Functions within np.array
     51  Form an numpy array from indices and fill with zeroes
     51  float32 overflow in numpy arange [duplicate]
     51  flag increment error inside def() statement in python
     51  fit a curve with model equation numpy
     51  Find value groups in a numpy array and calculate the distance between them
     51  Find pixel indices within a shape: Opencv and Python
     51  Finding count of unique triple in Numpy Ndarray
     51  Finding a abstraction for repetitive code: Bootstrap analysis
     51  find index of largest difference from median with numpy
     51  Find areas of values with the same value in a numpy 2D array [duplicate]
     51  Fill numpy array by indexing with 2d array
     51  Fill missing rows in a python pandas dataframe using similar rows
     51  Fill data into matrix, pass elements that its defined index encounter IndexError
     51  Fast Way to Perform Array Computation in Python
     51  Fast insertion of sparse matrix into an other one
     51  Fastest way to find the index of a part of image with a certain colour
     51  Faster return_inverse in np.unique
     51  extra datatype at the end of numpy array after apply dataframe method
     51  Exporting IMU sensor ( accelerometer , gyroscope) readings into a data file along with their timestamp
     51  Error while trying to run script with atom
     51  Error while input an index (Python 3.6) only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `)
     51  Error when trying to graph an arbitrary 3d function
     51  Error filling in empty Numpy array with `np.datetime64` objects
     51  Entering input as sin instead of Np.sin() in numpy [closed]
     51  element in array in numpy
     51  Elegant way to translate set of weighted sums to python
     51  Efficient way to apply pandas operation many times to identically indexed objects
     51  Efficient pixel by pixel grayscale measurement in numpy and tensorflow
     51  Efficiently using 1-D pyfftw on small slices of a 3-D numpy array
     51  Efficiently creating columns with an if condition
     51  Echo state network TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
     51  Don't understand this IndexError
     51  Don't understand these RuntimeWarnings during k-means clustering vector quantization
     51  Does it make sense to run numpy and matplotlib code with threads?
     51  division process with condition avoiding infinites python pandas
     51  Distance from point to plane compuation giving incorrect result
     51  Difficulties expressing list comprehension as numpy expression [duplicate]
     51  Differences between two sets of points
     51  Differences Between Array Indexing With Colons and Without
     51  Derivative and how to convert symbolic expression of it
     51  Delete rows in ndarray where sum of multiple indexes is 0
     51  Define the bottom of each bar in a stacked bar graph
     51  Decoding a NumPy floats array into a varied-length data blocks?
     51  Dataframe pandas split str
     51  dataframe merging + comparison with existence test
     51  Dataframe error when clustering groups
     51  Creating an array of a specified length
     51  Create new rows for each value, separated by comma [duplicate]
     51  Create meshgrids from 2D slices off 3D array
     51  Create matrix from simple pandas dataframe
     51  Create individual columns from pandas dataframe
     51  create array with multiple pixel or cell values
     51  create a new pandas column based on condition in one column and assigning the value from multiple columns in the same data frame
     51  Create an empty list of lists in python
     51  Create a list of sums from a list [duplicate]
     51  Counting length of intersection of a list with pandas column of lists
     51  Convert string time stamp to seconds or milliseconds in python
     51  Convert dates like 04-Jan-2016 with numpy to %d%m%Y
     51  Convert csv to numpy object [duplicate]
     51  Convert csv to 4D array
     51  Convert a nested for loop with a function call and appending data to a list comprehension
     51  Convert a 3D array to RGB valued array [closed]
     51  Continuos saves of 2D arrays in Python
     51  concatenate the two data-frame columns using pandas
     51  Compute difference between rows prior to and following to the specific row_pandas
     51  Comparing 2 numpy arrays
     51  compare multiple specific columns of all rows
     51  Combining two conditions in numpy (column-wise)
     51  Combining two arrays without the repetition [duplicate]
     51  Combining boolean evaluation with indexing change without list comprehension
     51  CMYK array write to a text(.txt) file and read from file(.txt) and create image
     51  classify np.arrays as duplicates
     51  Classifying dots in matrix (Python)
     51  Choose how to flatten an array (python)
     51  Check if dataframe value +/- 1 exists anywhere else in a given column
     51  Changing zero to x in multidimensional array [duplicate]
     51  Changing the limitation of calculation in Python [duplicate]
     51  Casting a numpy array into a (different) pre-allocated array
     51  Car tracking cascade :: Typeerror integer to float
     51  Can we train a Keras Model in Stages?
     51  Can't convert numpy array values to float32
     51  Call a Python function from C and consume a 2D Numpy array in C
     51  Calculate the dot product of an array of matrices and the rows or columns of another matrix
     51  Binning 2D data into overlapping circles in x,y
     51  Average extracted blocks of numbers
     51  AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy' in custom loss function (Tensorflow 2.1.0)
     51  A sum of numpy elements with a given index
     51  Assigning array after permuting
     51  Assign a new column that uses exponential function on the index of the numpy array dynamically
     51  array - float64 to array - ndarray
     51  Array fits comfortably within available RAM, but a memory error still occurs when calling numpy.take on it
     51  applying function to vector wise to a matrix [duplicate]
     51  Appending arrays by array names
     51  A mutable of set length with cyclic append and slicing
     51  Alternate approach to get the desired output ''Numpy Vectorized ''
     51  Adding condition to python function
     51  Accessing elements of arrays within an array
     51  2D-arrays ND-arrays appear to index differently in numpy
     50  Zipping numpy array in pandas causes OoM
     50  Writing columns into a NumPy array
     50  Write data in one line
     50  Why is np.power() slower than np.exp(np.log())?
     50  Why do my text files return as empty when I import it in python even though there are values in the file?
     50  Why does this render an empty plot?
     50  Why does Python behave differently for the same function such as 'sum' or 'and'?
     50  Why doesn't asarray directly modify my list here?
     50  Why do different percentiles give the same value?
     50  Why can't Spyder select and read the selected file?
     50  Why are my two methods of calculating image standard deviation returning different results?
     50  While running numpy I get errors
     50  Which would be an efficient way to work with an array of polynomials?
     50  What should np.arange(-1.6,-0.49,0.01) generate?
     50  What is the simplest way to look up a adjacent value in a structured Numpy array of unique elements?
     50  What is the nicest way to weight planes in a numpy array?
     50  What is the best way to read columnar data from .txt file which includes complex numbers?
     50  What does &\ mean in python
     50  Weighted Choice in Numpy does not return list with exact input probability
     50  Vectorizing multidimensional matrix products with numpy (einsum)
     50  vectorizing a function of an array of arrays
     50  vectorize upper level of a vectoized code - python - numpy [duplicate]
     50  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (148,142,3) into shape (100,100,3)
     50  ValueError: 2 columns passed, passed data had 1 columns
     50  Using fancy indexing to get one value from each column of a numpy matrix
     50  unexpected outcome caused by scipy.csr_matrix
     50  Unable to modify an item in a larger dataset
     50  Unable to handle linspace properly
     50  TypeError when Trying to Index into Numpy Array
     50  TypeError: Tensors in list passed to 'values' of 'Pack' Op have types [string, float32] that don't all match. error from CSV tutorial
     50  TypeError in Numpy when using custom datatype
     50  Turn file into list
     50  Trim signal boundary fragments, which may not be statistical outliers?
     50  Transform Multi-class per Instance Into a class per Instance - Python
     50  transform dict with nested array values
     50  Transform an array of objects into an array of object ids
     50  Time comparison of numpy argmax and sort functions
     50  the format change during reading images and showing it again on the screen
     50  The faster way to do matrix multiplication between a matrix and a diagonal matrix?
     50  TF/KERAS : passing a list as loss for single output
     50  Systematic error in Python stochastic simulation
     50  Sympy/Numpy returning syntax error
     50  Sympy in Python not giving the desired result
     50  Sum of column for every Index in case of MultiIndex
     50  substraction numpy.ndarray from pandas.series
     50  strange behavior of matplotlib plot on numpy matrix element
     50  Store the result of a function with loop in a variable
     50  Splitting a single Python process into chunks for memory isses?
     50  Split time series data into stateful dataset with tensorflow data api
     50  Spliting cells from 2 columns to rows
     50  Sorting and retrieving data from MxN matrix. Python
     50  something wrong with the data normalization process(np.max np.mean etc)
     50  Smooth spline approximation with fixed start and end points using scipy.interpolate
     50  Smoothing a signal so that it becomes differentiable
     50  Skip strings when performing .sum() operation using numpy
     50  Skipping Same Values when Reading csv into Python
     50  Size of a vector in python being (N,1) instead of (N,)
     50  Simple index on DATE and TIME columns
     50  Shorthand for extracting a high-dimensional sub-array, i.e. array[beg[0]:end[0],beg[1]:end[1], ... ]
     50  Set the last element equal to the first element in a multidimensional numpy array
     50  separating 2d numpy array into nxn chunks
     50  Select rows whose column value matches a list of values in another column
     50  Select numpy array of different shape by index and write it back
     50  Selection from Numpy array elements based on element wise condition on other array
     50  Selecting some rows of an nparray under column constraints
     50  Searching for a pixel in an image using opencv, numpy and python
     50  Save data in three arrays
     50  Rule based scipy sparse dot product
     50  Row-wise Broadcast of arbitrary function in numpy
     50  Rows from pandas dataframe between two time values
     50  Rewrite several matrix operations to avoid memory error?
     50  Reverse sort of matrix using numpy based on a specific column [duplicate]
     50  Retrieve position of specified element sourrounded by same element
     50  resulting array shape when dropping dimension in numpy
     50  Resizing matrix getting rid of 0 entries - Python
     50  Reshaping a weird list in python [duplicate]
     50  Reshape neural network input based on condition
     50  Reshapeing 4-D ndarray to and from 2-D array
     50  Replacing certain values in column with string
     50  Replacing a column value by another column value based on regex - Python
     50  Replace numbers with boolean True
     50  Repeat calculations over repeated blocks of 5 rows within numpy
     50  Repeat an array over channels
     50  Release memory for fitted model training data
     50  Reading/Writing speed with HDF5/Python/NumpyArray
     50  Random number generator with Gaussian distribution for PyOpenCl
     50  random.choice for 2D array, bigger numbers with higher probability?
     50  Query within multiple csv files for get the suitable data-set based on given conditions on pandas columns
     50  Python variable should not change, but it changed? [duplicate]
     50  Python - replace prints by a function [closed]
     50  Python - Read numbers from external file
     50  python object changes the value of an input variable
     50  Python: numpy, pandas, and performing operations on the previous array value (smoothed averages): any way to not use FOR loop? EWMA?
     50  python numpy: how to identify column or row that has the smallest number of ones in an array
     50  python modifies variable that is used as an argument of a function. How to prevent it properly? [duplicate]
     50  Python - Inhibit creation of temporary files
     50  Python img : wrong x and y position [duplicate]
     50  Pythonic way to calculate Covariance matrix with Diagonal and off Diagonal values having different rolling windows. Pandas
     50  Pythonic way to assign 3rd Dimension of Numpy array to 1D Array
     50  Python - How to crop an image according to its values?
     50  Python - How to construct a numpy array out of a list of objects efficiently
     50  Python, how to combine integer matrix to a list
     50  python function with numpy
     50  python: Find subsets coordinate is in
     50  Python: fill a row of a pandas dataframe with a column of an numpy array
     50  Python fast way to substitute specific values in array [duplicate]
     50  Python: CSV to Barchart using Matplotlib
     50  Python: Count subsequent events over rows - 'ValueError: cannot label index with a null key' [duplicate]
     50  Python convert string matrix to float matrix
     50  Python C API crashes on 'import numpy' when initilizing multiple times
     50  Python: automating the generation of a variable number of if statements
     50  Pycharm module numpy not found even though seeing numpy in Project Interpreter
     50  PyArray_SimpleNewFromData from uint8_t to NPY_UINT16. Works on linux but not on windows
     50  Proper python way to: Work on original in for loop
     50  Processing different data through same equation
     50  Problems regarding Python if statement [duplicate]
     50  print nice columns of text and floats (suppressing small numbers)
     50  printing data from numpy.ndarray does not work
     50  Populating DF with second DF
     50  plotting ellipses onto an existing image using PIL
     50  Piece-wise Linear Function from a Pandas Series
     50  Performing transformations on n-dimensional arrays in python
     50  Pandas - Join Duplicated Rows
     50  Pandas floating number getting cropped [duplicate]
     50  Pandas DataFrame: when using read_csv, rows with blanks are converting entire column to ''object'' data type
     50  pandas create a new column by checking a list
     50  Pandas: Create a dataframe from a list of dictionaries where the values are all numpy arrays?
     50  Pandas, comparing different length dataframes for a value *range* & writing back to original df
     50  Pandas check multiple rows and copy a different row
     50  pandas - calculate average by iterating the filters
     50  Order by text with strings and numbers
     50  Optimize variables while iterating through rows
     50  Optimise memory usage with plt.imread()
     50  Optimal way to perform a matrix product based on condition
     50  openmp argmin implementation is much slower than numpy, how do i fix this?
     50  Observed Matplotlib animation duration doubled compared to theory
     50  Numpy tile documentation
     50  numpy/scipy equivalent of MATLAB's SYMAMD function
     50  Numpy: randomly choose 1 sample from each of the N discrete probability distributions
     50  Numpy python R eqivalent indexing
     50  Numpy/Pandas Series begins with operator? Does it exist?
     50  Numpy notation to replace an enumerate(zip( ... ))
     50  Numpy. Multiply multiple arrays to make 3D array
     50  numpy matrix algebra or python for-loop/list-comprehension automatically utilizes multiprocessing?
     50  numpy matrix algebra error
     50  Numpy iterative array operation
     50  NumPy is behaving irregularly when values are printed to the console
     50  Numpy Indexing without Intermediates
     50  Numpy inconsistent slicing for 3d array
     50  NumPy error saying that matrices are not aligned
     50  Numpy, duplicating data in different order
     50  Numpy: Conditional searchsorted
     50  Numpy combining 2 arrays
     50  numpy arrays: basic questions
     50  numpy.array() not converting 3D list into 3D ndarray
     50  NumPy array memory leak
     50  Numpy array automatically converts to integer [duplicate]
     50  Numpy array aggregation in slice/vectorized notation
     50  Numpy: apply function over arbitrarily oriented slices of array
     50  numpy and pandas datetime handling in matplotlib
     50  Numpy: Alternative ways to construct a matrix of points given the matrix of each coordinate separately
     50  Numpy: access specific ndarray item using cython
     50  Numba matrix multiplication much slower than NumPy
     50  np.mean() gives wrong mean?
     50  NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic Tensor (up_sampling2d_5_target_11:0) to a numpy array
     50  Not able to read data from the input file
     50  Non numerical indexing in multidimensional matrices (lists)
     50  Non maximum suppression from google cloud vision response nodejs
     50  Nonlinear feature transformation in python
     50  No Module named numpy in conda env
     50  New Column Calculations by Category using Max Date Field and Revenue Field
     50  Neural Network model with keras python
     50  Multiprocessing pool function appears quicker but unix time says otherwise
     50  Multiply numpy array by large numpy packedbit array
     50  Multiply elements of a list with natural numbers
     50  Multiply columns based on two columns conditions from different dataframes?
     50  mean of the select number of numerical values from a column
     50  Max value of a Series in a single Dataframe cell
     50  Matplotlib vertical axis unusual units of scientific notation when dealing with small numbers [duplicate]
     50  matplotlib: fail to plot line or bar; valid axes
     50  MATLAB - Function of semicolon in an array
     50  Mask Numpy Array by specified months
     50  Mask a Y array to only get its values for X1==X2
     50  Mapping between ids and indices using numpy arrays
     50  Map NumPy array entries to dictionary value
     50  Making a numpy array with a specific data format
     50  Mahalanobis distance between a Dataframe and the mean vectors.=
     50  Loop over columns
     50  Loading Text File to Python and Converting its Binary values to Decimals With Their Signs
     50  list and array is global by default in python3.6? [duplicate]
     50  keep getting 'only length-1 arrays can be converted to python scalars'
     50  iterating through float - variable input can change to float
     50  Iterating radially through a numpy array and caculating the variance by radial shells in Python
     50  Is there a way to make the background clear of anything and leave only the biggest contour after applying adaptive threshold
     50  Is there a way to correlate n arrays?
     50  Is there a pandas function to return instantaneous values from cummulated sum?
     50  Is there a more elegant way of creating these numpy arrays?
     50  Issue converting Matlab code to Python non-broadcastable output
     50  Is it possible to controll the memory used for Python Ray worker output?
     50  I saved model history as npz but I get Value Error : Unknown Layer
     50  In this quick-sort algorithm code here, I have been trying to find out why NumPy arrays always work and python lists fails sometime?
     50  Installing Python 3.4 and setting up additional libraries
     50  Insert a number of same new element in between the elements of a list in all possible ways in Python
     50  Indices list access in Python3
     50  index numpy two arrays
     50  Indexing arrays with other arrays (without using a for loop)
     50  ''IndexError: too many indices'' using HDF5 file with 8760 - every hour for the year
     50  IndexError: list index out of range when creating 2D array
     50  IndexError:list index out of range in python code
     50  Increase and decrease data-series proportional to mean
     50  ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. ONLY when using Python from nodejs, python-shell
     50  I keep getting an assertion error when I run my program, can someone please explain to me why/what it means?
     50  I don't know the meaning of the code ''[:, row:row]''
     50  I am facing issues with calculating the number of days between the first date of current month and Today's date using Python? [duplicate]
     50  How to use numpy where for finding multiple records
     50  How to use numpy array divide?
     50  How to update numpy column where column condition met?
     50  How to turn a list of numpy array into a numpy array
     50  How to spin 2D vector clockwise or counter-clockwise?
     50  How to speed up this Pandas dataframe operation?
     50  How to solve : internal_error: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable?
     50  How to show the changes of multiple images in one figure?
     50  how to show plots saved with in an window external to the IPython console
     50  How to set random values to 2d-numpy-array where values are very low?
     50  How to set individual indices in Numpy arrays
     50  How to separate data into two csv using a mask based on a specific ID in numpy
     50  How to select points between two bounds from an array in numpy?
     50  How to save only the rows with a specific numpy array / matrix shape in Pandas dataframe?
     50  How to return structured array with only one value per field/column?
     50  How to read from a file that is on github (with python)?
     50  How to rank row values (float values)?
     50  How to plot a graph based on a txt file and split data by words?
     50  How to perform Numpy optimisation for this code?
     50  How to optimize non-linear equations in python?
     50  How to make matlab compile python at every run
     50  How to make iterable the returned value(s) of a function?
     50  how to make efficiently large sparse matrix in python?
     50  How to iteratively nest a nested function
     50  How to insert float values from csv file at XYZ locations in numpy array
     50  How to insert a datetime value of a particular row column in a numpy matrix?
     50  How to input an empty parameter in pandas .value() function
     50  How to horizontally stack a csr matrix and a numpy.ndarry?
     50  How to group the image regions of same color and get its coordinates ignoring the background color using python
     50  How to group different texts into groups python
     50  how to generate a modified version of identity matrix in python
     50  How to fix numpy.random.choice output nested inside a for loop when importing from python file?
     50  How to find which input value in a loop yielded the output min?
     50  How to find the maximum value in an array and return the same if it is greater than two times of the center element?
     50  How to find the maximum element value across multiple arrays?
     50  How to find how many times last value in the inner list are duplicated in a nested list of python?
     50  How to extrapolate only along selected columns of a dataframe?
     50  How to extract columns with alphabetic characters to data in list form
     50  How to execute Numpy functions on a cluster?
     50  How to efficiently order a numpy matrix
     50  How to efficiently append running sum in Python?
     50  How to do numpy matmul broadcasting between two numpy tensors?
     50  How to do alpha compositing with a list of RGBA data in numpy arrays?
     50  How to delete the randomly sampled rows of a dataframe, to avoid sampling them again?
     50  How to create a unique id column given an ordered numerical series?
     50  How to create a tuple of corresponding elements of a 2D numpy array in an efficient way
     50  How to create and plot a piecewise function
     50  How to concatenate two parts of an array to make a new array
     50  How to compute A^-1 x
     50  How to combine column vectors into a matrix
     50  How to check each item(string) of an array contain a particular letter?
     50  How to check and use the dtype of a numpy array in a condition IF statement using Python 2.7
     50  How to change the value of an entire array based on one value in Python
     50  How to calculate the number when denominator is very small
     50  How to calculate moving average using pandas for a daily frequency over 3 years
     50  How to assign a new value to elements of an array using nested indices?
     50  How to analyze data and add to plot in matplotlib
     50  How to allocation a bunch of 2-D array into each grid as a time series Pandas.DataFrame?
     50  How to address elements of multidimensional array with variables?
     50  How to add new rows and columns to pad numpy array
     50  How to add more parameters while predicting using LSTM
     50  How to add arrays into numpy matrix?
     50  How to add a column to the left of a datafra,e [duplicate]
     50  how numpy index is working
     50  how i can fetching data in this array and if condition for make it be an cluster with minimum distance in python?
     50  How do you append an array to an array in numpy?
     50  How do I sort the rows of a 2d numpy array based on indices given by another 2d numpy array
     50  How do I reduce the run time of this code containing 2 for loops?
     50  How do I convert all strings (like ''Fault'') and into a unique float?
     50  How does Python determine operand precedence for ==?
     50  How can merge header column in python?
     50  How can I save scan data(topic) in npy file?
     50  How can i reshape this numpy array
     50  How can I merge data of pandas?
     50  How can I load a number (not a numpy ndarray) from npz file using NumSharp
     50  how can I get return the data in nested for python [closed]
     50  How can I convert a 3D array into a 2D array of argmax?
     50  How can I concatenate a list of 2D numpy arrays?
     50  How can fix ''convert the series to <class 'float'>'' problem in Pandas?
     50  How Big Does a Numpy Array Have to Be to Benefit from the Efficiency of It over a Python List
     50  HoughCircles OpenCV return ndarray into array in python
     50  Home work problem that I cant visualize to understand Python Numpy (Newbie)
     50  Hidden Python memory leak
     50  Heroku not correctly installing tulipy from requirements.txt
     50  Handling operations with large positive and negative numbers
     50  Grouping month to date comparisons with total for month
     50  Google Colab won't display dataframe
     50  Getting interior elements of a 2D array only
     50  Get the Monday after 6 weeks in python
     50  Get specific elements from ndarray of ndarrays with shape (n,)
     50  get ride of Recursion Error in large number of iteration and access to element of joint of 2 lists iteratively python
     50  Get a mask of len of True/False array
     50  Generating syntatic label data vector
     50  generate list of no repeated tuples and doesn't have both of (a,b) and (b,a) tuples, python
     50  Generate an array of N elements containing the first n values of z_n
     50  function to create multidimensional array [duplicate]
     50  Function that modifies an argument outside that function without using ''return'' python [duplicate]
     50  Flatten a matrix into an array containing the index positions of the values
     50  Fitting a log-norm distribution for two given percentile values
     50  Find the minimum number in a 2-d array with strings and numbers
     50  find out data, whose predictions are way off
     50  Find in which domain value is located
     50  Finding the maximum in a Numpy array every nth instance [duplicate]
     50  Finding Indices for Repeat Sequences in NumPy Array
     50  Finding a random occurence in a numpy array when more than one choice
     50  Find element by row index and value
     50  Fetch numeric from a sentence and calculate average.
     50  Fastest way to compute a function on the patches of two images
     50  Fastest/correct way to iterate over NumPy array
     50  Faster creation of small numpy arrays
     50  Fastening the generation of data sequence into array using Python
     50  Expected 2D array, got scalar array instead, output being thrown when predicting polynomial regression
     50  Evaluation of sympy.function containing a NumPy function
     50  Error when storing Strings in Numpy Arrays
     50  Error: ''Variable Referenced Before Assignment'' Numpy Backprop Method
     50  Error loading .npz files in tensorflow dataset
     50  Element-wise multiplication between all the elements of a vector
     50  Efficient way to combine pairs of arrays?
     50  Efficiently update values held in scoring matrix
     50  Efficiently remove rows containing repeating elements between different rows
     50  Efficient implementation (vectorized) in numpy [duplicate]
     50  Efficient 2d numpy array construction from 1d array and function with conditionals
     50  Drop some values from numpy array to reshape them properly?
     50  Dot product of pandas vectors
     50  Differences in str representation of np.float64 vs native Python float
     50  Difference between dimension and channel
     50  Determining the values of Boolean variables
     50  Delete elements of numpy array by indexes
     50  Creating step-wise function to increase x after given time intervals
     50  Creating index map for two arrays
     50  create variable size array
     50  Create an extended view of a numpy array
     50  Create a new csv file with the column name using multiindex
     50  copy of python list b = a[:] not works as expected, why? [duplicate]
     50  Copy a numpy array into part of another array if the borders exceed
     50  Convert second column of a numpy array to imaginary
     50  Convert Rainbow matrix to RBG and save as PNG
     50  Convert pixel data with RGBA values to image [closed]
     50  Convert multidimesnional matrix to a one dimensional vector
     50  Converting rows of dataframes into matrices - Python Pandas
     50  Converting a row from an astropy table to a numpy array
     50  Convert for loop into numpy array
     50  Convert any angle to the interval [ -pi , pi ]
     50  Conversion of multi-dimension array to 2d and subsequent indexing
     50  Constrained Network Maximum Flow
     50  Concise way to declare a numpy matrix
     50  Computing the conditional column mean of a 2D numpy array
     50  Computing sinus with CPUs / GPUs (eg: PyTorch/Tensorflow): what algorithms are currently used?
     50  Computing distances from points to a line in vector form efficiently
     50  Compute value of moving window in numpy
     50  Compute all cosine similarities in a matrix
     50  complex join with date range and equality condition
     50  Comparing two lists of stellar x-y coordinates to find matching objects
     50  Compare 2 lists of colours (unsorted and different length)
     50  Choose indices in numpy arrays on particular dimensions [duplicate]
     50  Changing the array value above the first non-zero element in the column
     50  Cap/Floor sequence of numbers with minimum deviation from original sequence
     50  Can't save a figure of 920px width in matplotlib
     50  Can't check if any item inside an array is also in another dataframe
     50  Can pandas df have cell values of numpy array
     50  Cannot load model with gensim FastText
     50  Cannot import numpy in Python 3.7 or Python 3.8 - Ubuntu 18.04
     50  Calling func.outer on N arrays with N arguements
     50  calculation of distance matrix in a faster approach
     50  Calculating monthly and annual stock returns for many firms in Pandas
     50  Calculating mean across multiple axes
     50  B-splines with Scipy : can I add a datapoint without full recompute?
     50  Best way read/sort data on Excel, when column 1 is subject and column 2 is the data, in python
     50  assign value to numpy arrary
     50  Assign values to an array slice by slice
     50  Assigning values to matrix
     50  Are there rules for the interaction between numpy reshape() and transpose()?
     50  Applying function on columns from multiple arrays
     50  Applying code from rows to the dataset pandas
     50  An elegant way of doing this concatenation in TF / Numpy?
     50  an array from genfromtxt is being passed as a sequence?
     50  Allow overflow for numpy types
     50  After importing and using numpy, can no longer convert .py to .exe
     50  After atype value , there is no date format
     50  After appending `numpy.ndarray` to a python list in a loop, data can not be correctly accessed
     50  Advice on how to specify length of animated GPX video with ffmpeg/image2pipe
     50  Advanced slicing: Given a list of index, pick different elements from a numpy array
     50  Adding two unequally sized numpy arrays (length n and m) to produce a n * m array without using for loops [duplicate]
     50  Adding each pixel in series of AxesImages
     50  Adding dimension to ndarray and reshaping
     50  Absurd performance difference between array3d and array2d
     50  A better way to create a timeline of repeated event at a given frequency
     50  2D numpy array of 0's and 1's - where cells are 1 set the surrounding 12x12 cells to 1 as well
     50  2 dimensional filter using numpy.fft.fft2
     50  2D array operation in python
     50  2D-3D array multiplication with numpy
     49  Wrong coefficients for the line equation
     49  Writing and Reading Integers
     49  why to use biases for every output element
     49  Why this function couldn't return right result?
     49  Why numpy array doesn't change float to int?
     49  Why is tensorflow model always predicting same class?
     49  why is numpy.fromstring reading numbers wrong?
     49  Why do we need parentheses or new variable when calculating sum of inverted Series of booleans?
     49  Why doesn't numpy NaN generate a TypeError when used in a formula?
     49  Why can I import linspace from scipy but in the doc it is from numpy?
     49  Why are my images not being cropped appropriately?
     49  When converting a list to an array, is it better to use np.array() or np.asarray() [duplicate]
     49  What should I do with a temp np ndarray created in the cython PyObject in __dealloc__
     49  What is wrong with my Riemann Calculation?
     49  What is the meaning of `numpy.array(value)`?
     49  What is the efficient way to perform 2D matrix filtering in python?
     49  What is the correct way to modify an ndarray in Python (numpy)?
     49  What is the best way to get a n*n matrix from user (console)?
     49  What is happening in this numpy problem where a numpy array is multiplied with different array?
     49  What does the / sign means in the signature of numpy functions like sqrt? [duplicate]
     49  What did the 'new' parameter in numpy's histogram() function do?
     49  Visualizing the difference between two numeric arrays
     49  Vectorizing Numpy for loops
     49  Variable assignment in numpy not working?
     49  Values calculated by identical matrices in different representations don't match (using numpy.linalg.eigh)
     49  Values and index operations between multidimensional numpy arrays
     49  ValueError: shape mismatch: with same shape
     49  valueerror setting an array element with a sequence sklearn
     49  ValueError in tensorflow,,,
     49  Value Error due to Numpy returning an object
     49  Using pandas or Numpy select a range of rows based on column data
     49  Using numpy.savetxt not working for long doubles
     49  Using einsum without explicit replication
     49  Using condition in function while generating values for dataframe
     49  Use pandas to read an excel and convert to 3d xarray
     49  use pandas df.plot.scatter to make a figure with subplots
     49  Upscale/downscale 1-dimensional signal in Python
     49  unfilled circles in a data scatter plot in python [duplicate]
     49  Undo sorting of multidimensional numpy array along specific axis
     49  TypeError when converting to sparse matrix
     49  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to python scalars while calculating mean, diff, and log
     49  trying to take diff between two date columns
     49  Trouble getting min from numpy ndarray
     49  Time difference between two columns in Pandas
     49  The NP array has the shape (2186, 128). I am interested in applying the obtained array to SVM
     49  Tensorlfow, Running Error
     49  Tensorflow: how to subtract 2 tensors in a 'Cartesian product' way?
     49  Take Mean of Multiple Multidimensional array in a dictionary
     49  Sum up average pixel values of all images: TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
     49  Sum Numbers in List in DataFrame
     49  summing up values in dictionary
     49  Summing differences across ''i''
     49  Summarize 2darray by index
     49  Sum a 3d numpy array for the third dimension only
     49  Struggling implementing loops using array oriented programming
     49  Stripping/Recognizing dates via matplotlib and numpy
     49  Stacking lists into arrays in python2.7
     49  Stacking a column vector and an array
     49  Splitting dataframe into groups on condition
     49  Specific column for each row in numpy [duplicate]
     49  Sorting by another matrix works in one case but fails for another
     49  Sorting arrays in NumPy by column wrong
     49  Sorting a Numpy array by column not axis [duplicate]
     49  Solve for the argument to a function that will produce a particular return value
     49  Smart handling of Python array with many indices
     49  slicing multiple arrays where their indices are not the same
     49  Skipping specific indices in an array (or addressing intervals of indices)
     49  Simpler way of matrix operation using Numpy
     49  Simple Operation Long Runtime
     49  Shifting Rows in Matrix by Variable Amounts
     49  Sending a linspace vector to a function makes the vector all zeroes before the function starts
     49  Select first elements that satisfy a condition in a 2D array
     49  Round number with NumPy to the nearest thousand, but downward only
     49  Rolling window on multiple columns
     49  Rolling Window of Local Minima/Maxima
     49  Risk scoring in python
     49  Reversing bits of Python Numpy Array
     49  Retrieving an array of [array of values] from an array of pandas dataframes as a numpy array [example inside]
     49  Replacing each row with a column
     49  Replace a value of a numpy array with infinty
     49  Replace all -1 in numpy array with values from another array
     49  Replace a column value if it not found data-frame column
     49  Repeat values an a 1D NumPy array ''N'' times
     49  Render a Circle or Ellipse with Anti-Aliasing
     49  Removing specific subarrays in numpy
     49  Remove certain words from string
     49  regarding the broadcast error for putting one array into a matrix
     49  Refining Python code for use (skipping repeated steps)
     49  Refactor python code: dynamic unpacking of list
     49  Reduce memory usage of broadcast and sum [duplicate]
     49  Python Vasicek model calibration for the forecast of the LIBOR using scipy optimize
     49  Python: using function on 2 elements of different 2d numpy arrays
     49  Python using curve_fit to fit a logarithmic function
     49  Python Serialize numpy array to bytestring
     49  Python - Problem to paint different colours in x,y and z axis with Ipyvolume library
     49  Python: Plotting List of list with IMSHOW
     49  Python Pandas/Numpy String Contains but does not Contain
     49  Python, Numpy, User Guide 1.13.0. Is there written a wrong output by mistake?
     49  Python Numpy's argsort duplicate issue [duplicate]
     49  Python. NumPy File I/O. Sorting. Arrays
     49  python numpy contains text ''array'' [closed]
     49  Python: Numpy array, Take every 100th timepoint for each cell ID
     49  Python multi index merge values
     49  Python Matrix Multiplication vs BLAS
     49  Python index a numpy array using a variable [duplicate]
     49  Pythonic and efficient way to sort 2D array along column
     49  Python: How to sum two signed int16 arrays into one without overflow
     49  Python: How to get values of a multi-dimensional array at certain indexed positions?
     49  Python: How to find matching data entries and perform efficient computation between two datasets
     49  python function with argument list
     49  Python effect of boolean values as index (a[a==0] = 1)
     49  Python Double for loop adding new rows to new Numpy array
     49  Python data from interpretation
     49  Python csv + default dict with multi dimension
     49  Python: Create new binary list based on some condition between two pandas series
     49  Python Calculation Using List
     49  Python: Best way to store the top ten numbers
     49  Protection against ''index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0'' error in Python
     49  Problems with reading values as formula instead of data
     49  Print an item containing more numbers than other items in array [closed]
     49  Plotting a numpy array with 256 columns used for k-means
     49  Plot multiple graph using same graph
     49  Pivoted pandas dataframe to dictionary
     49  Performance Python: How should I structure time series analysis modules?
     49  Panel data pandas, variation according to a certain condition
     49  Pandas Operations on Columns based on other entries
     49  Pandas/NumPy: concisely label first N values matching a mask
     49  pandas incompatible shape for complex type column
     49  Pandas custom re-sample for time series data
     49  Pandas - Columns not read though Present
     49  Order of values changes when concatenating two Pandas Series
     49  optimize numpy loop using functional approach
     49  optimization scheme of numpy.einsum
     49  Opencv getPerspective Transform reverse point transform
     49  Numpy - Use values as index of another arrays
     49  Numpy: Trying to set value on a slice of a slice of an array
     49  NumPy: Some operators don't work when __array_ufunc__=None in array-like class
     49  Numpy slicing 2 columns from 2D array [duplicate]
     49  Numpy scale specific values of numpy array
     49  numpy python raising non zero values to top of 2d array quickly and efficiently
     49  Numpy parse to ndarray from string
     49  Numpy: modify array elements at certain positions
     49  Numpy matrix power function and matrix multiplication [duplicate]
     49  Numpy Masking and Meshgrid giving confusing output
     49  numpy indexing operations for 3D matrix
     49  Numpy IF ELSE construct index error
     49  Numpy: given a vector of 0s and 1s, how to efficiently use Numpy functions manipulate values in another array, based on 0/1 value of first array?
     49  Numpy generate X random binary numbers with a define threshold in 1 line [duplicate]
     49  Numpy Gaussian from /dev/urandom
     49  NumPy for setting indices to rows and columns
     49  Numpy fancy indexing suggestion needed
     49  numpy create masked array from lists of unequal size [duplicate]
     49  numpy broadcasting to each column of the matrix separately
     49  Numpy Broadcasting Addition
     49  Numpy array with symmetric indices
     49  numpy array, h[:]=h+1 vs. h=h+1
     49  Numpy apply where operation to specific index range of an image
     49  Numpy: an efficient way to implement sum of pairwise mins operation
     49  numpy add column of values to multidimentional array for differentiation
     49  Numerical issues for alternative way to compute (squared) euclidean distance
     49  Np.sum different for axis
     49  Not sure how polyval evaluates a function
     49  Nonlocal variable is not being updated in a multiprocessed nested function
     49  Newton Algorithm Function for Time Series in Python
     49  New data frame composed of unique values of different dataframes
     49  New array from multiplication numpy
     49  multiplying one row in a matrix with a scalar value but keeping the whole matrix
     49  Multi dimensional grid for general number of dimensions
     49  Most optimized way to perform calculations on rows of lists of various sizes
     49  Modify every two largest elements of matrix rows and columns
     49  Minimum distance between a point and a curve with optimiser failing for some points
     49  Minimization distinction translations in 2 directions
     49  Merge axes before and after the i^{th} axis
     49  Memory leak when assigning numpy.argpartition() to list element multiple times
     49  Memory issues when multyplying large arryas in numpy
     49  Mean each row of nonzero values and avoid RuntimeWarning and NaN as some rows are all zero
     49  Max value of array won't save ASCII text to file
     49  Matrix-vector multiplication from decimal to binary
     49  Matrix become (3,) instead of (6,3) in Python Numpy
     49  Matplotlib 2 y values against each X
     49  Matlab to Python Translation - Dividing Arrays
     49  MATLAB Numpy element wise multiplication issue
     49  Map values in list to lists by indicies
     49  Manipulating numpy matrices..replacing a value
     49  Making a matrix out of rows that are passed through a list that makes rows Python
     49  Logistic Regression Cost = nan
     49  loading data from csv ,genfromtxt, numpy, delimiter [duplicate]
     49  List of list access part of elements correctly
     49  List of indices of every value
     49  KMeans scatter plot with centroids on timeseries data frame
     49  Keras - How do I turn a 5d Tensor into a 3d one by getting rid of the last three dimensions?
     49  Is this a correct way to create a read-only view of a numpy array?
     49  Is there something inaccurate about this implementation of a 2-d rotation in numpy?
     49  Is there a way to get Python all() function to work with multi-dimensional arrays?
     49  Is there a way to create a numpy array full of functions in place of elements?
     49  Is there a quicker way to do this in Numpy?
     49  Is there a 'numpy' way to extend a 1D Numpy Array to 2D with the output values dependent on the original values? [duplicate]
     49  Is there a nice way to to check if numpy array and torch tensor point to same underlying data?
     49  Is there a bug in numpy when using the += operator [duplicate]
     49  issue when loading a data file with numpy
     49  Is numpy order dependent?
     49  is it possible to slice a np array irregularly without a for loop and sum each row?
     49  inverse Fourier unclear Data
     49  Intersection points between spline and multiple lines in a function
     49  Integrate area undergraph [closed]
     49  In Python, how do I change the type of a column of an array?
     49  Index of identical rows in a NumPy array
     49  Indexing a vector with a matrix of indicies with numpy, similar to MATLAB
     49  Indexing a numpy 2D matrix
     49  Indexes of first occurrences of zeroes in Python list
     49  IndexError when trying to print 2D array
     49  Including a Python Script in a .net solution
     49  Including 3rd party python module in c++ application
     49  Improving performance in assigning values to a high dimensional numpy object
     49  Importing structured data into python
     49  importing numpy for python 3.8.2
     49  If [Ticket] value is the same, but Cabin value is missing for one the items, fill in with value (Titanic)
     49  I expected a `numpy.lib.polynomial.poly1d` object, I've found a sequence of integers
     49  I'd like to produce a function like split (arr, i, j) which divides array arr by axis i, j
     49  I cannot find out why compiler reported the error?
     49  How to write values of numpy array member to txt in python?
     49  How to write different array together to a file
     49  How to write a huge table (>10GB) column by column (column-wise) in Python?
     49  How to use cross_validation with curve_fit?
     49  How to update dot product in numpy?
     49  How to transform 3rd dimension of Numpy array loaded with ImageIO
     49  How to threshold based on the average value of a row?
     49  How to store array as variables in a dictionary
     49  how to sort complex structured data with numpy?
     49  How to skip 'for' loop when dealing with numpy arrays
     49  How to sample from two gaussians and combine them given a probability (bernoulli)
     49  How to rewrite double for loop in Numpy to save execution time?
     49  How to return array from element-wise calculation on two different arrays?
     49  How to reshape the dataframe by adding and subtracting values in columns
     49  How to recursively discretize segments if segment length is higher than a specific value
     49  How to read python data types from a file
     49  how to properly use numpy hstack
     49  How to plot columns of a 2D numpy array in interactive window one by one
     49  How to overwrite an ''uneven'' array with given percentages of certain values? [duplicate]
     49  How to optimize numpy mean window
     49  How to merging a series with data frame with keeping data from both sides
     49  How to make noise generation for images faster?
     49  How to make a look up table with negative indices/inputs in python?
     49  How to loop through multiple numpy arrays and append the item from one array to another with same id?
     49  How to let user decide the increment of a series bounded by a range?
     49  how to join two X-Y plots held in two ndarrys optimally
     49  How to iter over pandas time_stamp column?
     49  How to install and use numpy python package in docker container
     49  How to insert to a particular position in numpy array? [duplicate]
     49  How to improve the runtime of this simple data cleaning code?
     49  How to implement correlation more efficiently?
     49  How to get values from a 2-d Array with indices
     49  How to get the last list of list.append(i) iteration
     49  how to get seconds out of time column in csv file using pandas?
     49  How to get rid of parenthesis when parsing list into numpy array
     49  How to get loop value outside the loop with matrix?
     49  How to get a sample of normally distributed values from 0 to 1 using NumPy
     49  How to get a period of time with Numpy?
     49  How to generate numpy matrices in parallel using multiple processes?
     49  How to generate a snapshot of a field in a time step with VTK and Python
     49  How to generate a sample of x and y with conditional probability with NumPy
     49  How to flatten a 3 dimensional array
     49  How to fit a dataframe instead of numpy array into KMeans Algorithm?
     49  How to find the length of array within a tuple
     49  How to find the eigenvalues in Python with a matrix different to the identity matrix
     49  How to find same entities in numpy array?
     49  How to find minimum arguments in a triple for loop with changing dimension
     49  How to fill an array with dictionary-type elements
     49  How to execute a convolution with scipy only on specific locations?
     49  How to efficiently operate on sub-arrays like calculating the determinants, inverse,
     49  How to efficiently add random numbers to an array until a cumulative sum is reached?
     49  How to draw a picture with a py file
     49  How to do some mathematical operations on some numbers in numpy array?
     49  How to create xy grid that covers entire sample area with specific number of nodes in python?
     49  How to correctly reshape this array with numpy?
     49  How to convert from array to matrix in Python [duplicate]
     49  How to convert DB rows into a training matrix
     49  how to convert a ndarray to a array in python
     49  How to construct personalized permutations
     49  How to code try/except in one place but for many evaluations
     49  How to call `__rsub__` properly with a numpy array?
     49  How to calculate mean values over columns in a given data structure?
     49  How to balance data when they look like a 3-D array?
     49  How to apply list of functions to list of corresponding parameters *fast*
     49  How to append np.arrays to a file and use them for plotting purposes later
     49  How to append a third column in a dataframe using conditions from 2 other columns in a dataframe
     49  How to add a random number to a subsection of a numpy array?
     49  How to add 3-dimensional to matrix?
     49  How to access a global name that is the same as a function parameter in Python
     49  How store 2d matrix values in a variable?
     49  How do you create a numpy matrix with strings and ints?
     49  How do we apply the custom functionality for the numpy nunique method?
     49  How do I tell if an image is gamma encoded when imported to numpy?
     49  How do I plot a numpy rgb array?
     49  How do I insert if statement inside numpy.where()? [duplicate]
     49  How do I implement gradient descent in an automatically created model made from scratch in Numpy? [duplicate]
     49  How do I fix these error messages on numpy?
     49  How do i correctly update the position and velocity of 100 class objects individually drawing with pygame?
     49  How do I assign to a zero-dimensional numpy array?
     49  How does the list indexing for a numpy array work?
     49  How could I split test and train npzfiles data?
     49  How can I operate on grouped arrays from nested pandas DataFrames?
     49  How can I keep the forms of the arrays when I use numpy concatenate or numpy append
     49  How can I include a numpy.ndarray as Metadata with boto3?
     49  How can i get sub array depending on condition?
     49  How can I get a line from the text?
     49  How can I fix this 5-line python code?
     49  How can I do an operation only for one value on the fly in a numpy array? (or the better way)
     49  How can I convert a numpy to a binary (size 8 bits)
     49  How can I add scaled catergorical data back to orginal dataset?
     49  how am i able to import matplotlib without an error
     49  Having Trouble Dropping NaN in Pandas [duplicate]
     49  Getting a reversed slice of an array that includes the base element
     49  Get ndarray from pandas column when cell elements are list
     49  Get array of indices for array
     49  Generating non-random normally distributed values between two points
     49  Function to generate cloud of points using a 5 number summary
     49  Function specific expansion series
     49  Function reference lost outside loop
     49  From string to numpy array [closed]
     49  Forward fill certain columns with specified frequency for time series data
     49  Formatting in the numpy matrix using python
     49  For loop giving wrong probability arrays
     49  Foraward Selection Strategy- Regression with np.arrays()
     49  Find Position of Nth place within numpy array? [duplicate]
     49  Find local mimimum in 2D np.array in Python
     49  Finding the max of numbers in multiple DataFrames Python
     49  Finding indices of numpy ndarray
     49  Finding every points in a sphere in a 3d coordinates
     49  Finding complicated unique elements
     49  Find inflexion point of a numpy array curve
     49  Find closest point to another point with NumPy and/or SciPy quickly [duplicate]
     49  Find certain value of numpy ndarray
     49  Fastest way to loop through tif stack and extract pixel values
     49  Fastest way to convert 3D coordinates from string to float in a numpy array
     49  Extracting a range of co-ordinates from a numpy array
     49  Error when initializing large bcolz carray ''dtype size in bytes must fit into a C int''
     49  error in printing a N-Dimensional Numpy Matrix
     49  Equivalent of torch.addmm in Numpy
     49  Efficient way to lag vector multiplication using numpy
     49  Efficient method for computation
     49  Efficent way of finding rows matching a list of values
     49  Easily converting List of lists to numpy Multidim array for big data
     49  Does two python codes running at the same time access same randomness?
     49  Does resampling two matrices of same size with same random state result in rows of same indices?
     49  Does Kotlin have something similar to an argmax method?
     49  Difficult mapping text to dictionary and back
     49  Difference in outputs between numpy.sum() in python and sum() in matlab
     49  Difference between Features and Samples in sklearn?
     49  Difference between 2 images with transparency
     49  Determining the transpose of a CustomLinearOperator
     49  Determining if a specific, ordered vector is in a list/array
     49  Deleting tuples in a list of tuples if tuple contains np.nan
     49  Deleting rows from 3D array corresponding to rows removed from 3D array
     49  Deleting a column of a DataFrame without deleting the original in python
     49  Delete all rows in a python numpy array that do not correspond to the top n values of a column
     49  Defining a filename and calling the filename in various loops and functions
     49  Decoding a base64 encoded image produces flat array
     49  Declaring arrays of different sizes within a pre-existing array in python
     49  Datetime of dataframe column switching from pandas to numpy
     49  Data Visulization : Matplotlib and Numpy throwing value error
     49  Cross power spectrum vs normalized cross power spectrum python
     49  Creating new arrays based on the difference of previous and following elements of two other arrays
     49  Creating logical array from numpy array
     49  creating list of tuples from multiple vectors and constants
     49  Creating file in python indicating if integer in in another list
     49  Creating Classes with multiple mutable vector attributes in python
     49  Creating a numpy array of evenly sampled values from a list
     49  Creating a new column based on Calendar function
     49  Creating a column variable taking the mean of a variable conditional on two other variables
     49  Create random database and convert it from numpy to pandas
     49  Create new column to existing csv with values of percentages obtained from division of values to pivot table vector?
     49  Create ndarray from list with mismatched axis>0 size
     49  Create a ''wrapped'' ndarray from a given array
     49  Create a vector of random integers that only occur once with numpy / Python [duplicate]
     49  Create Array based on Formula applied to Source Array
     49  Create a 2D array in Python
     49  Count Positive and Negative Consecutive Elements in a Dataframe based on condition
     49  Counting the nodes in the window of size l in a lattice
     49  Correct sequence of commands for symbolic equation using sympy
     49  Convert value of dictionary in a Dataframe to columns. Also add extra columns using the other values
     49  Convert shape of an array in numpy
     49  convert sequence to array element
     49  Convert panda column to a string
     49  convert IR image to RGB with python
     49  Converting certain columns into different data type and filter those columns
     49  Convert decimal number to binary number and change one index
     49  Convert a str(numpy array) representaion to a numpy array - Python [duplicate]
     49  Convert 10^9 x 2 uint32 H5py dataset to list of tuples
     49  Conversion between Cartesian vs. Polar Coordinates. Hoping the result is positive
     49  constraining Rows and Columns in Numpy arrays
     49  Confused by pandas dtype conversion to np.float16 value 2053 becomes 2052
     49  concatenate two arrays into additional dimension python
     49  Comparison with reference list to convert to binary encoding
     49  Compare each column to a different value efficiently
     49  Compact form of python first and second elements of array
     49  Combining different sized arrays into one object?
     49  Combinations between two arrays numpy different shapes
     49  Combination of all rows in two 4D numpy arrays
     49  class 'numpy.int32' wanted, but type() function only shows: numpy.ndarray
     49  cholesky decomposition floating point error
     49  check the data from row by row of two dataframe using pandas
     49  Checking whether two matrices are similar in python [closed]
     49  Checking if two values are approximately the same in python [duplicate]
     49  Can't read binary matrix from a file in Python 3.x
     49  Can't convert panda series to int? Regular expression is throwing error?
     49  Cannot reshape array of size 1 into shape (150,5)
     49  Can I vectorise a list comprehension using np.vectorize()?
     49  Can I ''rotate'' and slice in one numpy operation?
     49  Calulating number of series in python pandas
     49  Calling variables in a for loop to make a list (using np.sin/np.cos)
     49  Calculate Slope using python by ignoring null values
     49  Calculate number of samples needed to estimate accurate mean
     49  calculate mean of multidimensional array using indices and masking array
     49  Broadcasting into views of Numpy arrays
     49  Best solution for 8 different np.where()?
     49  Azimuthal summation of a multi-dimensional array using dask.map_blocks
     49  A way to maintain index pointers over a contiguous array
     49  average of groupby elements python
     49  At least one True value per column in numpy boolean array
     49  Assign values to numpy array using row indices
     49  assigning values to a matrix in python
     49  array within an array sort python numpy [duplicate]
     49  Array Search not working - no idea why?
     49  array_a = array_b[:] but changing a changes b aswell (numpy)
     49  Arbitrary Image Stylization module Colab example error
     49  Applying arange to an array
     49  Apply dynamical function to each point in phase space (represented by a 2D matrix)
     49  Apply condition row by row in array
     49  Apply an array of functions to another array
     49  Append Value to 3D array numpy
     49  Append dictionary to pandas dataframe from a specific index number
     49  An image of specific RGB value when imported as numpy array shows a different RGB value?
     49  Alternative to np.array for large matrices? [duplicate]
     49  Access ndarray using list
     49  Accessing the j-th dimension of an n-dimensional matrix in python
     49  3d graph plot dots with color
     48  Zero-out array elements with matching indices
     48  Working with the elements of the ''matrix'' created by genfromtxt, Python3.4
     48  += with numpy.array object modifying original object
     48  why won't these matrices broadcast together? ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,2) (2,1)
     48  Why this code produce a sound while playing ultrasound frequency?
     48  Why is this Python array not slicing?
     48  why is this list: [[-0.23684 -2.54357006 1.06844643]] returned as None Type? see the code output
     48  Why is the change of values in one array is affecting the value on another array (with exact same values) that isn't involved in the operation?
     48  Why is np.where not returning the expected values
     48  Why is my python code converting a 2-D array (matrix) to a 3-D array?
     48  Why is `_isurl` an instance method rather than a static method of a numpy `DataSource`?
     48  why does this if statement give my a ValueError?
     48  Why am I not getting the size of the images
     48  What is the cleanest way of finding the indices of all entries in a numpy array that matches a pattern?
     48  What is fastest way to check conditions in two python numpy arrays?
     48  What is an efficient way of counting groups of ones on 2D grid in python? [Figures below]
     48  verctorizing loop of single array numpy
     48  Vectorizing a function that finds the nearest value in an array
     48  Vectorize Memoized Function
     48  vectorized / linear algebra distance between points?
     48  Vectorized computation of returns from positions and bid-ask series
     48  vectorize array: construct matrix with 1 in specified places and 0 elsewhere [duplicate]
     48  Vectorization and optimization of matrix subtraction
     48  ValueError exception from a floor-division operation on a DataFrame
     48  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv1d_3_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (1500, 1)
     48  Using pandas to clean massive dataset
     48  Using numpy, is it possible to define a matrix in terms of other matrices?
     48  Using ''for'' loop structure, generating numbers and filtering them by ''length'' and ''% (mod)'' structure
     48  Use Updated Value In Array
     48  Use an array of x,y as indexes in an image array
     48  Update QpushButton icon from an numpy array don't work
     48  update a dataframe in pandas while iterating
     48  unwanted broadcasting in numpy
     48  Unable to use ''from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer'' , it shows the exception '' Data must be 1-dimensional''
     48  Unable to strip characters from DB return value
     48  Tuple to index using numpy
     48  trying to slice array results in ''Too many indices for array''. Can I pad the array to fix this?
     48  transformation into python class IndexError
     48  Transform array into a binary array
     48  transform an array of array to an array of numbers
     48  Tile and Modify a Numpy Array at the same time
     48  The reading of files throughout Numpy library
     48  the proper ways to aggregate two arrays into a single one with given shape
     48  The first index number of the third part of the list
     48  TensorFlow: Tensor Shape vs. Numpy Array Shape
     48  swapping indexError to eg. 0 in write row to csv
     48  Sum of rows based on index with Numpy
     48  Summarize and plot list of ndarrays according to chosen values
     48  String Formating In/out using %s
     48  Storing data from 'while' loop in array
     48  Storing 4d array as one file [duplicate]
     48  Split numpy array into sub-arrays when a sequence has a particular value on either end
     48  Speed up Pandas column filtering
     48  Sort Matrices by Mean Value Obtained
     48  Sorting large numbers of galaxies into spheres of a certain radius
     48  Sort fipy variables and update constrains in the same order
     48  smart assignment in 2D numpy array based on numpy 1D array
     48  Share Random Generator State between NumPy and GSL
     48  Separation of plane by line given two points
     48  Selecting values of a DataFrame using a separate DataFrame
     48  Selecting every n indices of an array
     48  Select a non uniformely distributed random element from an array
     48  Searching for vectors within a numpy matrix
     48  Seaborn violin plot over time given numpy ndarray
     48  Scipy RBF interpolation confusingly slow on my linux vps
     48  Scale values in uniform way?
     48  Saving numpy arrays as part of a larger text file
     48  reshape a numpy ndarray python3
     48  Replace tail of ndarray based on condition
     48  Replace set of multiple occurring elements in Numpy array with corresponding values
     48  Replace python numpy matrix value based on a condition, without using a for loop
     48  Replacement in a list with assigning a weight
     48  re-numbering list members in python [closed]
     48  Relocate zeros to the end of the last dimension in multidimensional numpy array
     48  Regular expression to extract and split text from one column in dataframe
     48  Rearranging 3D numpy arrays in a specific manner
     48  Really frustrating Python/Numpy error. ''could not broadcast input array from shape (6) into shape (1)''
     48  Read text file in numpy array by merging two consecutive columns
     48  Read several data sets from same file
     48  Read CSV files and append to new column of Numpy array
     48  questions on pandas group by functionality?
     48  python xtick for bar graph
     48  Python unable to access multiple GB of my ram?
     48  Python-TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
     48  Python - Reversing data generated with particular loop order
     48  Python return first nonzero value across multiple columns
     48  Python Pandas Vectorize removing unpopular hashtags out of Strings
     48  python pandas / numpy arrays vectorised application different shapes
     48  Python numpy floating point array precision
     48  python multiple logical or conditions in where statement [duplicate]
     48  Python: Matplotlib - Set colorspace at the end of loop plotting
     48  python improve conditional merge of big pandas DFs
     48  python image to array not scalling properlly
     48  Python image stacking
     48  Python how to create a document matrix with (i,j) entries being term index
     48  Python  -  data in output file in inconvenient location
     48  Python: Comparing length of corresponding rows in two arrays
     48  Python combine 2000+ csv columns into a single column
     48  python, change value of matrix eye [closed]
     48  python batch gradient descent does not converge
     48  Python ASK signal plot
     48  Python array index slicing with [[ ]]
     48  Python, accessing list/ndarray
     48  Python 2d Ratio Plot with weighted mean trendline
     48  pyqt5 normalize a vector
     48  Problems with setting up a configuration file and running a code
     48  Printing numpy array as a member of pythonlist
     48  Populate rows of empty matrix from another matrix by index array in numpy
     48  Plotting the off-diagonal value of a covariance matrix
     48  Plotting of Dataframe with two columns having repetitive values
     48  Plotting a scatter plot from a list [duplicate]
     48  Plotted images show up grey
     48  Ploting the same numerical relationship in multiple units / representations
     48  Place data at pagelocked address without copying
     48  perform math operations with a group of data in python
     48  performing operations on blocks of data
     48  Passing list-likes to .loc or [] with any missing labels is no longer supported
     48  Pandas is sorting integer in a wierd way like string
     48  Pandas: How to use Recursive function?
     48  Pandas dataframe.to_csv new line appears next to previous line
     48  Pandas: Calculate remaining time in grouping
     48  Pandas Apply Function Ver Slow - Using Value Counts with a List Lookup
     48  Opposite of binary_dilation
     48  Obtain one number from numpy subarrays given its peer
     48  Numpy unique function
     48  numpy, sums of subsets with no iterations [duplicate]
     48  NumPy stack different dimensional arrays
     48  Numpy Selecting Elements given row and column index arrays
     48  numpy printing numeric values in e+12
     48  Numpy operations that create views
     48  numpy (n, m) and (n, k) to (n, m, k) [duplicate]
     48  Numpy, new array based on an array within an array
     48  Numpy-native ''nested-for-like'' structure
     48  Numpy matrix multiply different columns
     48  numpy matrix checkboard pattern change
     48  numpy.hstack() description
     48  Numpy: how to map an element to an array
     48  Numpy: how do I get the smallest index for which a property is true [duplicate]
     48  NumPy: Find indices where running total exceeds a value
     48  Numpy - Find 3-d distance to a testpoint for all gridpoints on 3-d grid
     48  NumPy - Expand and Repeat
     48  numpy.empty() with specific dtype. wrong ''shape''
     48  Numpy: efficiently apply function that takes surrounding cells
     48  Numpy Cyclic Broadcast of Fancy Indexing
     48  Numpy commands not working as they did 3 weeks ago
     48  numpy - broadcasting an operation over dimensions on which two arrays match
     48  Numpy array transform using self elements without for loop [closed]
     48  Numpy arrays into a dictionary
     48  Numpy Array Element-Comparison to Float64
     48  numpy array construction with broadcasting
     48  numpy array : can not find how to transform the array
     48  numpy arange function build array size error
     48  Numpy and inverse matrices - Method to do only one reshape insruction
     48  Number of MKL threads not affecting performance of numpy mean
     48  np.linalg.norm on multiple rows in array
     48  Not able to get shape of ndaarray?
     48  Normal Equation in Python Improvement needed
     48  None : output in function forward
     48  N-dimension array Creation
     48  ndarray to pd.Series lists of ints
     48  Multiprocessing with nested loops and some numpy function calls
     48  Multiply every matrix of a numpy array with the transpose of every other efficiently
     48  Multiply 2dim numpy array with vector to get 3dim array
     48  Multi-dimensional numpy.expand_dims in numba
     48  More input to LSTM
     48  More efficient way for multidimensional state-action space tiling than with np.meshgrid?
     48  Modifying a numpy array after conversion from pandas dataframe
     48  Minimum amount of image slices - CNN
     48  Meaning / equivalent of numpy.einsum expression
     48  Mean and St Dev of indexed elements from a separate array
     48  Matrix using only one column for header and row
     48  Matplotlib not reading time axis correctly
     48  map.join function error: returns a list of letters
     48  Map a value in multi dimensional tensor to another value
     48  Making dynamically sizing if statements
     48  loop through numpy matrix elements
     48  Loop over id with a function row
     48  Looping same program for different data files
     48  Load numpy array of strings python 3
     48  Loading dictionary stored as .npz fails
     48  loading a set of text files whose names are stored in an array
     48  Line of best fit in python not working in np.poly
     48  Jupyter Notebook Fails Save when Function has a return
     48  Joining two 2D-arrays in numpy
     48  Joining NumPy arrays column-wise with nested structure
     48  I want to add the values of two cells present in the same column based on their '' index = somevalue''
     48  Iterating over numpy array except the same element
     48  Is there a way to intelligently remove rows of zeros to get a square matrix in python?
     48  Is there a way to get numpy to import only float values?
     48  Is there a simple function to change the values rows of an array to columns in another array?
     48  Is there a pandas way to compute a function between 2 columns?
     48  Is there a numpy.there?
     48  Is there a function in xarray to help compare two variables over time, and account for missing values?
     48  is there a faster way to create a array of elements of an empty array without using for loops
     48  Is 'tensorflow.negative' always the same as operator ''-''?
     48  Issue with Portfolio Optimization tool - IndexError
     48  Issues with rounding of the column value
     48  Issue fitting curves:
     48  Is random_state=7 better inside a function than np.random.seed(7)?
     48  ISNUMER excel funtion in PYTHON
     48  Integer data in -> averaged -> float data out in python for large files
     48  Instantiate large sparse matrices for assignment operation
     48  In Pandas Python how do i replace Characters in String column?
     48  In NumPy, how to explain the return of ndarray[True]? [duplicate]
     48  I need to vectorize the following in order for the code can run faster
     48  Indexing to access elements of a matrix
     48  Indexing error in Theano for 3D matrices
     48  Indexing 4D array with an indexing array along last two axes - NumPy / Python
     48  Incrementally and statistically measuring samples with Python (Numpy, Pandas, etc) and performance
     48  In 1D array 'a' find indexes of 'a' at which 'a'='b', where 'b' are random values of 'a'
     48  Import table to DataFrame and set group of column as list
     48  Importing Linear Algebra Numpy
     48  I'm having a very specific problem with OpenCV 3 in cvtColor and I've tried the previous solutions but none of them worked
     48  If/Elseif Condition on a Dataframe combined with multiple actions
     48  I can't make a table with pandas
     48  How would one vectorize counting smaller numbers than current max in numpy array?
     48  How would I save 100 color values for 100 tiles
     48  How to write DataFrame-friendly functions
     48  How to use NumPy to create two subarrays from the randomized contents of a source array?
     48  How to use numpy correctly and understand its output?
     48  How to stream audio to num py array
     48  how to store answer into numpy array and use it to create an excel sheet?
     48  How to store a database with float number entries with the need to compare to those values in python?
     48  How to split string from one column into two columns that match with the list?
     48  How to sort an nx3 numpy array by column(s) but it remembers the data in that row?
     48  how to solve the error of ''TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'zip'''
     48  How to set to some values (thresholds) the elements of a numpy array for values greater than thresholds specified in another numpy array?
     48  How to select rows with specific string patterns in pandas?
     48  How to run numpy log in a class
     48  how to return index from numpy array
     48  How to reshape a scalar funcction to a scalar function on a grid
     48  How to repeat a numpy array on both axis? [duplicate]
     48  how to remove the start of a link and add a forward slash in python
     48  how to remove duplicated elements from a list without using set()?
     48  How to read custom binary files in Tensorflow?
     48  How to put the name of file list in order from the same folder in the same numpy file?
     48  How to put an image or video in the same position of a contour line, python + opencv
     48  How to produce a budget-constrained weighted random sample, where items have varying probabilities and weights?
     48  How to print only unique solutions to an optimization problem for which the solution depends on the initial guess?
     48  How to populate a matrix with blocks of different sizes?
     48  How to plot a PCM wave using the binary inputs from a .txt file
     48  How to perform dot in numpy without using inbuilt method?
     48  How to order stacked bar chart in descending order?
     48  How to modify names of a numpy files list?
     48  How to median sort a n x m x 3 array in python
     48  How to make this ''cropping''/background color changing function more efficient?
     48  How to make arithmetics with elements of 2 different matrix with numpy?
     48  How to make a photo more visible
     48  How to loop through a nested numpy array to obtain column-wise values
     48  How to initialize a particular numpy array element value with a set of elements?
     48  How to improve the speed when I index the numpy array in a loop?
     48  how to import all attribute to numpy module?
     48  How to get the unique values from column on string data with file handling in python
     48  How to get the integer portion of a float column in pandas
     48  How to get numpy ndarray from file of datetimes and to plot the differences with matplotlib?
     48  how to get multiple column indexes that satisfy a condition
     48  How to get maximum date value from a group of date columns
     48  How to generate random data for heavily skewed sample
     48  How to generate a counting 'Vector Space' of given dimension, modulo some integer
     48  How to find the top n minimum values in a two dimensional numpy matrix
     48  How to find the index of a tuple in a 2D array in python?
     48  how to find the cordinates of a shape in a image
     48  How to find the array with the least differentiation to the other arrays
     48  How to extract the values for some specific index from a dataset
     48  How to enumerate all elements of ND-array without hardcoding number of dimensions?
     48  How to efficiently retrieve tracks in uproot?
     48  How to efficiently extract sliding window in Tensorflow?
     48  How to do dyadics-like operations in numpy
     48  How to document the type of an instance of class using numpy docstrings
     48  How to divide a 2D matrix into patches and multiply each patch by its center element?
     48  How to decongest data labels in matplotlib bar chart [duplicate]
     48  How to decide shape of a n-dimension array in numpy
     48  How to deal with itertools.product when using numpy array?
     48  how to crop detected barcode from image in python?
     48  How to crop and resize Images without chaning the original coordinates
     48  How to create numpy array element? [duplicate]
     48  How to create a range of float values in python?
     48  How to create a numpy array from a string containing scientific notation
     48  How to convert numpy.array to xarray.dataset in python?
     48  How to convert bytes to ndarray in python 3 using numpy.ndarray.toString() and numpy.fromString()?
     48  How to concatenate 2 columns,which contains np arrays, into a new column in dataframe
     48  How to combine two arrays to one by their indices in the result?
     48  How to combine 2 ndarrays with different dimensions?
     48  How to calculate mean values over varying columns?
     48  How to attach the same row to every element of a column, creating a 2D array?
     48  How to assign new different values to numpy array at the same dimension using iteration function
     48  How do you apply a multivariable function to a 100x100 array?
     48  How do I set random elements in a 2d numpy array without looping?
     48  How do I rearrange my Numpy array by a specific sequence?
     48  How do I randomly rotate a square in a 2D array?
     48  How does the reshape function reshape 2 flatten 1d array stacked together horizontally?
     48  How can I visualize / animate a 1D array in python?
     48  How can I transfer an sparse representaion of .txt to a dense matrix in scipy?
     48  How can I slice a dataframe into multiple, and stitch it back together in a tuple without hardcoding
     48  How can I select data in a multidimensional numpy array?
     48  How can I save results from my DecisionTreeRegressor to different array when I modify the ''max_depth''?
     48  How can I reduce the number of if statements in my 2D numpy code?
     48  How can I make a string type into numpy array? [duplicate]
     48  How can I look for equality with tolerance between 2 cells who have lists of float numbers in Python?
     48  How can I create a list of records groupedby index in Pandas?
     48  How can I convert a numpy object to a regular python list?
     48  handling large non-sparse matrices for computing SVD
     48  Graphing a Failure Mode Plot
     48  Gradient descent derivation for orthogonal linear regression from scratch in Numpy Python
     48  Given one column value return another column value based on some conditional
     48  Get top N values from each sub-array from 2D numpy array [duplicate]
     48  Getting a column index in numpy
     48  Get Start and Stop Values For Incrementing Groups in NumPy Vector
     48  Get maximum value of each index between multiple numpy arrays
     48  Get Diagonal indexes for a tall array
     48  Generating repetitive data in numpy / pandas in a fast vectorized way [duplicate]
     48  Generating matrices from lists without using for loops
     48  Generate a specific number of ones for each row, but only where x = zeroes
     48  from a set of x items, repeat each item y times such that, y follows a normal distribution
     48  Free up numbers from string
     48  fortran module created using f2py
     48  Formatting a 3x3 nd array
     48  find the invalid email records from the dataframe in pandas
     48  Find position in 3D numpy array where value of 2D array is first exceeded
     48  finding value corresponding other value
     48  Finding the index of elements in an array/list based on another list or array
     48  Finding the Corners of the an array of coordinates
     48  Finding the Biggest Rectangle with OpenCV detectMultiScale
     48  Finding miminum values by columns for a pandas DataFrame containing NaN elements
     48  Finding and ranking intervals of data
     48  Find indices of element in 2D array
     48  Find if an interval/range is a part of a longer interval/range efficiently
     48  Find first occurrence of the biggest element smaller than target in array
     48  filter value using numpy
     48  Filter fail to select data based on length in python?
     48  Fastest way to replace multiple elements in numpy array [duplicate]
     48  Fastest way to get indices of a np.array that meet my criteria
     48  Fast Cross Entropy in Numpy
     48  Extract x,y component of two time series from a plot?
     48  Extracting values from a PD dataframe using text strings from another dataframe
     48  Explanation with equations : Polyfit and Polyvalue
     48  Exclusion of region in numpy array
     48  err when installing numpy under virtualenv
     48  Error with trying to Tokenize text in Keras?
     48  Error when parsing through items in list and finding product Error: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'list'
     48  Error reached while attempting to create a numpy array
     48  Error in function. ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     48  error in creating executable file from python
     48  Einstein notation for numpy dot product
     48  Efficient way to do matrix operations on Panda slice via .loc
     48  Efficient way of horizontal concatenation without tiling
     48  Efficient copying of source array to destination array via boolean mask
     48  efficient addition of (m, 2), (n, 2) arrays
     48  doing math operations using numpy in python3
     48  Dimensions of array don't match
     48  Dimensionality of result of indexing an ndarray with a slice vs range
     48  Difference between xx[:,9] and xx[:][9]?
     48  Determine extra value in two python series or dataframes
     48  Delimit array with different strings
     48  Deleting rows in numpy array between boundaries
     48  Delete specified column index from every row of 2d numpy array
     48  Define non rectangular geometry and generate a mesh python
     48  Data type transfering/converting
     48  Dataframes from arrays with different length - fill missing values by rmean of row
     48  Data-frame filter according to a condition
     48  Dask xarray created from 'isel' operation fails to load values (too slow)
     48  C++ vs python numpy complex arrays performance
     48  Cumulative plot with ''duration'' variable
     48  Creation of DataFrame from some numpy arrays
     48  Creating list of objects using data from numpy arrays
     48  Creating a new row whenever a comma appears in the column
     48  Creating a matrix from a function with multiple arrays without for loops
     48  Creating a dictoinary which its keys and values are array in data frame
     48  creating a 2D array of path coordinates from 1d arrays
     48  Create Structured Numpy Array with Different Types
     48  Create separately numpy arrays from pandas dataframe colummns
     48  Create numpy array based on magnitude of difference between arrays
     48  create new rows based the values of one of the column in pandas or numpy
     48  Create new column based on date condition in another dataframe
     48  create loop using values from an array
     48  create a week-day/weekend time series dataframe based on a daily time series dataframe
     48  Create a Numpy array with an Arbitary shape, (prefereably without for loops)
     48  Create a function to calculate an equation from a dataframe in pandas
     48  Create 2D numpy array with append function
     48  Count the amount of a specific row elements combinations in an array
     48  could not read ascii file
     48  Correct application of /= operator
     48  Copy 1 column from 100 different Excel paths to 1 Excel file using XL wings
     48  Convert string containg array of floats to numpy array
     48  Convert plot to nparray
     48  Convert list into dataframe
     48  Converting Panda Document with multiple variables
     48  Converting map object to values for defined function with four variables
     48  Converting list to np array of some definite size
     48  Convert a list of list to columns in dataframe
     48  Compute pairwise t-test on 2d numpy array columns
     48  compare one attribute after another attribute comparison and print data in python
     48  Compare list of arrays for overlap
     48  Combine Values From One Dataframe Into A New Column In Pandas [duplicate]
     48  Combine number consisting of an overlapping low-part and high-part
     48  Combination of two Binomial Draws Or ''Group and sum matrix by value''
     48  Column stacking multidemensional array
     48  Checking a condition at a pd.DataFrame with np.where() and apply a function to more than one columns
     48  ''Checkbord-like'' binary selection
     48  Changing the sign of the n elements closest to a value in a Numpy array
     48  change selected columns based on regex to percentage
     48  Change duplicated column names after merging multiple tables in python
     48  Can't Save or Restore Model in Tensorflow
     48  Can't append 2 strings the way I want [duplicate]
     48  Can't access index of a list for maximum value with argmax
     48  Cannot use numpy.savetxt for a matrix of [string, float, float]
     48  Calculating Pandas Means from Row Numbers Given in Nested Numpy Array
     48  Calculate median/mode but ignore black colour
     48  calculate distacne of two cartesian coordinates [closed]
     48  Calculate a derived column
     48  Avoiding for loops to speed up the computation time with numpy
     48  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'get_shape'?
     48  Assign Column values in groups of 3 - Python
     48  Are the outcomes of the numpy.where method on a pandas dataframe calculated on the full array or the filtered array?
     48  Apply using multiple rows in vector
     48  Append a numpy array with different first dimensions
     48  Any way to prevent modifications to content of a ndarray subclass?
     48  an ulam distance in python
     48  add zeros to odd indexes of a 2D raay in python
     48  Add lists of lists together in numpy
     48  adding dates to x-axis of stacked area chart
     48  Add elements to numpy array at desired locations based on reference array in Python
     48  Add column to pd.df based on complicated condition
     48  Add column for squares/cubes/etc for each column in numpy/pandas
     48  Access Numpy Arary based on other Array
     48  Accessing a pandas string column characters based on indices in a series or array
     48  About array in Python ( Numpy )
     48  2D array with 2D arrays on the diagonal
     47  Written a little time delta function and want to capture results as a numpy array
     47  Write lambda function as def:-function
     47  Why X = np.array() is returning an array of size (N, 1) and (N,) at different occasions?
     47  Why shape is changed in feeding to Tensorflow graph for Batch processing
     47  Why raising numpy array in a power larger than 9 returns wrong results?
     47  why np.std() and pivot_table(aggfunc=np.std) return the different result
     47  Why is no line being printed and estimated coefficients NaN?
     47  Why do these methods of defining multiple arrays in Python give different answers?
     47  Why does this program give me an array all filed with the same repeated 3 values? [duplicate]
     47  Why does slice assignment in dataframes consider indices?
     47  Why does random.shuffle fail on numpy lists?
     47  Why doesnt np.random.seed(0) make array creation determinstic?
     47  Why does cmp(unicode, np.int64) fails with UnicodeDecodeError?
     47  Why can I not save images in a loop?
     47  Why are my images not getting cropped correctly using basic NumPy slicing?
     47  When using Python multiprocessing what counts as I/O and what counts as CPU limitations?
     47  When trying to remove just one element in a nested numpy array the whole subarray gets deleted
     47  When is : equivalent to a complete vector of indices in Numpy?
     47  When I read a binary file, its size is wrong
     47  Whats the difference between frombuffer and fromiter in numpy?Why and when to use these
     47  What is an efficient way of writing sum from i = 1 to n, log(1 + exp(w_i)) in Numpy
     47  What happens when using 3 indexes to slice a 4-dimensional array?
     47  What do multiples of machine epsilon mean?
     47  Vectorize for routine using numpy.roll
     47  vectorized way of getting pandas index values from sum condition
     47  Vectorization using numpy.where()
     47  Values in Pandas dataframe is mixed and shifted
     47  ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1) for image opening
     47  Using scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh to get all eigenvectors
     47  Using Python to reduce the two lines of data in a file to create a new file
     47  Using ''for'' to insert colomns in the matrix
     47  Using aggregate on dataframe
     47  Unravel Index numpy - own implementation
     47  Unable to retrieve required indices from multiple NumPy arrays
     47  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when attempting to make plot using numpy
     47  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when attempting to make plot using numpy
     47  TypeError: can’t convert CUDA tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first (fastai)
     47  Two Dimensional Convolution Implementation in Python
     47  turn list of python arrays into an array of python lists
     47  Trying to Convert a Text file into data structure
     47  transform value as array
     47  Transform a list into a list with greater or fewer items, maintaining the sum of list and relative difference between items
     47  To Re arrange the columns of dataframe from csv and add format to empty cells
     47  This numpy algorithm operating on integers occasionally returns floats, why?
     47  The best way to get the array index number for maximum element in the array
     47  Tensorflow Deep neural network code implementation
     47  taking percentile on different ids in the dataframe with numpy.percentile
     47  Sum of numpy array based on other array
     47  Summing up columns of arrays of different shapes in array of arrays- Python 3.x
     47  Summing grouped items in a numpy array without looping
     47  Subtraction of different sizes numpy arrays
     47  Storing loops in looped variable?
     47  Storing data before passing it to interpolation routine
     47  Statement with or without variable in python?
     47  Splitting values in a particular cell into rows in a data frame
     47  split numpy array into equal pieces when size of array is not divisible
     47  Split larger data frame into multiple small data frames [duplicate]
     47  Split an array inside another in Python
     47  speed up groupby.apply pandas matching
     47  sort Numpy array elements by value
     47  Sorting the order of entire columns in numpy
     47  Solving Dense-dot-Sparse
     47  Slow mongodb queries
     47  Slicing with :-1 and None - What does each of the statement mean?
     47  Slicing a 3-D array using a 2-D array
     47  Slice Variable via another Variable Tensorflow
     47  skimage rotated image displays as black
     47  Shape Error passing tokenized fulltext to keras Embedding layer
     47  Setting the day in a pandas frame column, from a string list containing only the hours
     47  Setting double precision numpy
     47  Setting absolute value for scipy.signal.peak_widths
     47  Semantic search engine with augmented categories
     47  Select specific file from a folder
     47  Select rows from Dataframe and include another column python
     47  Selecting Rows in Pandas based on Values not working
     47  Selecting items in an array by using 2 coordinates and fill it
     47  selecting an element in numpy
     47  Segmentation fault in numpy matmul
     47  seaborn regplot non - continuous fitting problems
     47  Scipy interp2d function produces z = f(x,y), I would like to solve for x
     47  scipy.integrate.ode with numpy.view
     47  Save a 3 dimensional array from R to a format to be read by Python numpy
     47  Row reading issue in csv containing html format data
     47  Rotate a image that's processed by numpy array
     47  Returning the index value when using groupby
     47  Returning index of true value
     47  Retrieving future value in Python using offset variable from another column
     47  Reshaping and averaging matrices of training data
     47  Rescale values in a 3d numpy array [duplicate]
     47  Replacing a part of a matrix with another one using python [duplicate]
     47  re-ordering/unwraping integer pairs efficiently
     47  Removing a single element (not an entire row/column) from a numpy array
     47  Remove array index based on numpy array
     47  reference functions to array slices in python
     47  PyTorch tensor advanced indexing
     47  Python - Why ndarray passed by value changes outside function? [duplicate]
     47  python while loop to combine and delete repeated rows
     47  Python : Vectorized conditional sum along a axis
     47  Python - Slice Dataframe in several smaller dataframes
     47  Python setup won't install numpy, but pip will
     47  Python plot after string
     47  Python Pandas recursively divide columns
     47  python numpy slicing columns with different slice index for different rows [duplicate]
     47  Python numpy arrays - initializing first element?
     47  Python Matrix/Vector Operations
     47  Python Matrix multiplication for making grid
     47  Python Matplotlib Taylor Series Graph lines doesn't works
     47  Pythonic way of replacing element i with ```[i,i,i]``` in NumPy array quickly?
     47  Pythonic/Numpy:ic way to multiply each row of a 2D array with themselves?
     47  Python: How to most effectively vectorize this for-loop (which uses pandas groupby)
     47  Python: how to make conditional operation in an array
     47  Python: How to do statistical calculations on big 2D numpy arrays using multiprocessing?
     47  Python Grouped bar chart. Count doesnt work
     47  Python find all sub arrays of an array, that have length greater than 1 [duplicate]
     47  Python Equivelent of R BetaExpert function
     47  Python display large collection of images side by side
     47  Python construct a matrix iterating over arrays
     47  Python: constrained optimization in python - fastest/efficient way?
     47  Python ''AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'core''' due to an import
     47  Python array rows*1column numpy for,matrix2)
     47  PyQt5 Convert 2d np array to QImage
     47  Putting a small 3D numpy array into a larger 3D numpy array
     47  place values by condition with numpy
     47  Perform numpy.sum (or scipy.integrate.simps()) on large splitted array efficiently
     47  Performing pair-wise comparisons of some pandas dataframe rows as efficiently as possible
     47  Per element multiplication/addition with numpy arrays
     47  pd.Series of lists to numpy 2d array
     47  Partition ndarray into different shape
     47  Part II: Counting how many times in a row the result of a sum is positive (or negative)
     47  parsing data in numpy / python [duplicate]
     47  parameter to return ndarray of objects in any numpy method?
     47  Parallel non-negative least square over very large array
     47  Parallelizing python code inside two nested functions
     47  Pandas: Perform boolean tests with values from table1 on table2
     47  Pandas/Numpy shift rows into column based on existence
     47  Pandas: how to augment an element in one column based on the number of elements in another column?
     47  Pandas Groupby Filter to Remove Outliers From Within Each Group
     47  Pandas data layout issue
     47  Pandas assign group numbers for each time bin
     47  Pandas appending across columns (or SQL)
     47  openMDAO numpy.zeros issue
     47  OpenCv, Python - Printing the first found mouth
     47  Open a 'PNG' file, then numpy, then base64, but image not shown?
     47  one hot representation behaving differently for two cases
     47  object is not callable in numpy
     47  Numpy zeros 2d array: substituting elements at specific indices
     47  Numpy: Vectorize mathematical formula with indices
     47  Numpy variable slice indices
     47  Numpy to string over socket results in decoding errors
     47  numpy string file row to float array scientific notation
     47  numpy slices using column dependent end index from an integer array
     47  Numpy shape is same, mean returns different shapes [duplicate]
     47  numpy returns nans for exponential. Pure Python returns correct result
     47  numpy randomly sample boolean array
     47  numpy.quantile and statistics.quantiles are calculating different. which one is true?
     47  numpy source code shows empty functions
     47  numpy mean and sum not permutable
     47  Numpy matrix multiplication with 2D elements
     47  Numpy: how to compute this product between two arrays with different shapes?
     47  Numpy histogram extremely slow on small data set
     47  Numpy - Find product Ax=b of custom A nxn matrix and B nx1
     47  Numpy - Different behavior for 1-d and 2-d arrays
     47  numpy: create a 2d numpy array where each row is filled with strings from a regular array
     47  Numpy: copying an array to more dimensions
     47  Numpy combine two 2d martixs
     47  Numpy arrays indexing/assignment question, code that looks like it should work, doesn't
     47  Numpy Array Replace Largest and Smallest Values
     47  Numpy Array iteration and Call of Matplotlib Function
     47  numpy array: efficient way to compute argmax within a fixed window at a set of rows and columns given as input
     47  NumPy Array Conversion
     47  Numpy aggregated mean [duplicate]
     47  Numerical package for uint256?
     47  np.sqrt np.sum Out of Memory
     47  No speedups with ProcessPoolExecutor() or even with numba
     47  NLTK, NUMPY and SCIPY - cannot be imported
     47  Nice ways to collect pyplot graphs into a single page/document/etc?
     47  New pandas dataframe column value using previous and current row values with date criteria
     47  Nested for loop eats up memory, how to optimize?
     47  Need trend analysis and get overall one trend (Up/Down/Flat)
     47  Need to change the dimentions in order to calculate equation
     47  Mutation algorithm efficiency
     47  Multiple integrations of a data-function over a small portion of its domain - accuracy and efficiency
     47  Multidimensional indexing across rows in numpy (avoiding broadcasting)
     47  Most Pythonic way to prevent adding numbers to an array slot, or cap value, if addition will take number outside its datatype range [duplicate]
     47  Most frequent occurrence (mode) of numpy array values based on IDs in another array
     47  Most efficient way to test whether each element from one array exists in a another array, using numpy
     47  most efficient method to filter a mix of character and numeric data in python
     47  Module/Method to Optimise Memory Footprint of a NumPy Array
     47  Missing elements while comprehensing with np.all and getting removed indexes
     47  Method for randomly generating points on surface of sphere don't look random
     47  Method for identifying arrays within a NumPy array [closed]
     47  Method for finding Length of intervals between 'True' values in a Boolean Array (Efficient method)
     47  Method for calculating the angle between two vectors throwing up an error if the vectors are identical?
     47  Merge equally sized arrays into tiled big array
     47  Merge 2 dataframes not working as expected
     47  Memory usage doubled when passing matrix to shared object
     47  Memory reduction in simple matrix multiplication
     47  Mean of consecutive days without selling
     47  Matrix row-wise indexing
     47  matrix divided by rows of another matrix, without a loop in numpy
     47  matplotlib can't plot single channel or greyscale image pixels
     47  Matplotlib - Arrows to and from points along cardinal directions
     47  Matplotlib Animation plotting the same thing for every frame
     47  Mapping a a column of data frame to Another existing data frame DataFrame
     47  Make everything zeros in a numpy 2d-array outside of bounding box
     47  Lost information when converting from fits rec to ndaray
     47  Loop through the dataframe row using the dictionary keys and output the value when there is a match
     47  load images into a numpy matrix array from a dataset and apply conversion
     47  Little change in a function. Mask. Python
     47  list of numpy arrays to list of co-ordinate points conversion
     47  length of numpy.unique on a 2D list of shape (1,*)
     47  I want to specify an array's axes and their index values and get the sub array back
     47  Iterating over multidimensional numpy arrays
     47  Is there a way to vectorize two arrays pointing at each other in NumPy?
     47  Is there a way to easily integrate a set of differential equations over a full grid of points?
     47  Is there any way to patchify the array with overlap with numpy methods?
     47  Is there an analog of for lists?
     47  Is there a function similar to np.random.choice that has a higher probability of choosing the lower values in the probability distribution?
     47  Is there a difference between adding a scalar to a vector inside a for loop and outside it, using numpy?
     47  Is numpy.array() equivalent to numpy.stack( ... , axis=0)?
     47  Is it possible to return both a dictionary or series as well as a dataframe from a function?
     47  Intersection of two numpy arrays while seeing the nested list as element [duplicate]
     47  Inserting values to pixels according to tuple
     47  In Python, can you change how a method from class 1 acts on class 2 from within class 2?
     47  In python: Can I rely on random.seed() in order to generate always the same permutation of a matrix?
     47  indirect numpy index operations  ...  n-step removed?
     47  Indexing numpy array with list of slices
     47  Inconsistent behavior of nans in Python numpy / pandas
     47  Improve a sliced function (numpy)
     47  IdentationError in python when using RBF
     47  I am getting KeyError: 'D.O.A' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: for almost every column name I use as parameter
     47  How would you unionize N-arrays with different sizes?
     47  How to write numpy.array() output literally to text file
     47  How to vectorize python for loop that modifies each element of a dataframe?
     47  How to use .delete() to delete specific array in numpy when iterate it?
     47  How to use arguments returned by numpy.argsort() to sort a 3d tensor?
     47  How to update one NumPy array with values from a different array?
     47  How to update np.array conditionally?
     47  How to understand the result of argmax (uncommon array)
     47  How to succinctly map over a plane with numpy
     47  How to subtract a column value with every value in another column (pandas)
     47  How to speed up numpy look-ups and make it more memory friendly?
     47  How to space plots in matplotlib equally without shrinking?
     47  How to solve a formula on Python if one of the variables in the formula is an array of numbers?
     47  How to select columns from matrix in numpy with values from another vector
     47  How to select a specific off-diagonal band from a matrix?
     47  How to save many np arrays of different size in one file (eg one np array)?
     47  how to round numbers after decimal point in python
     47  How to return the list if they exist in both csv files
     47  How to reshape array of shape (2, *(x, y)) to (1, *(x,y), 2) while preserving the values of (x, y)?
     47  How to reshape an array of shape (150,150,3) to an array of shape (1,8192)
     47  how to reset every value in a 2d numpy array to either 0, or the max value in the array?
     47  How to remove na and count values NxK arrays in numpy in a vectorized way
     47  How to random get a position corresponding to x,y,z?
     47  How to print specific element of a 2d array via searching for a matching value
     47  How to prevent numpy array to split when using print?
     47  How to plot loop variable i on x-axis and local variable in the loop on y-axis using matplotlib
     47  How to pass a logical volume form numpy to itk for saving to a nrrd file?
     47  How to multiply the values of two arrays that have different shapes
     47  How to modify some axis' attribute with an image in python?
     47  How to modify and access elements, with numpy arrays
     47  How to merge bytes into a single memoryview object
     47  How to manage a number of huge array pythonicly.
     47  how to make this dataframe finding operation faster?
     47  How to identify lower and higher median neighbors of a list of values
     47  How to get the spatial distance between two arrays given different locations of the arrays in the x,y axes
     47  How to get the name of the variable in an array, to be used as part of another statement?
     47  How to get the coordinates of the upper and lower part from a line in a grid using python?
     47  How to get the column name of last non zero value in pandas?
     47  how to get prediction value using trained model using keras?
     47  How to get first and last number couples from array/dataframe by skipping NaN
     47  How to generate random sample of points and their diametrically opposite points distributed on the surface of a sphere in python? [duplicate]
     47  How To Generate Data With Specified Mean Using Python?
     47  How to Fourier Transform multi images and save output into single object
     47  How to find the largest connected area of a graph or matrix in Python?
     47  How to find the indices of a vectorised matrix numpy
     47  How to find positive indices of columns in a one-hot encoded pandas dataframe?
     47  How to find next or previous number of any number in np.float64?
     47  How to find eigenvectors given the eigenvalues
     47  How to fetch very particular elements from a list?
     47  How to extract columns from an indexed matrix?
     47  How to efficiently lookup state changes in a transition matrix with numpy?
     47  How to divde two rows from different Dataframes in Python pandas which contain string and float.
     47  How to define index based on sequence with starting and ending values
     47  How to define a callable function whenever the value of any element in the list gets changed?
     47  How to create multiple column list of booleans from given list of integers in phython?
     47  How to create mask with one at specified index?
     47  How to create a function that concatenates a variable number of matrices?
     47  How to count data in a column based on another column separately?
     47  How to convert a column with values like 6200000 to 6.2M or 1900 to 1.90K in pandas DataFrame?
     47  How to compare date columns in python?
     47  How to check the presence of a given numpy array in a larger-shape numpy array?
     47  How to change a certain count of numpy matrix elements?
     47  how to calculate the time difference between the values in column over midnight?
     47  How to calculate formula for every value in an array?
     47  How to avoid the error: could not convert string to float
     47  How to add two list with different length?
     47  How to add random points in between the given points?
     47  How to access index in function for applymap in pandas?
     47  How do you create variable code in Python?
     47  How do we replace multiple rows of data with the mean of those rows for every change in the other columns?
     47  How do np.nan and None behave differently? [duplicate]
     47  How do I translate the position of a moving point according to a reference point?
     47  How do I put together a function and a Polynomial with a division operator?
     47  How do I put objects at specific indices of a NumPy array without for loop?
     47  How do I get plot type of a given Axes?
     47  How do I find the minimum of a numpy matrix? (In this particular case)
     47  How do I deal with this broadcasting/indexing issue in numpy?
     47  How do I convert this array type, which I want to be a float64 type
     47  How do I convert a numpy array divided into 6 sections lists, each containing 6 more lists with RGBA values into an accurate 6 by 6 pixel image?
     47  How CPU talk to GPU?
     47  how could I achieve something like np.where(df[varaible] in ['value1','value2'])
     47  how change array with in array
     47  How can I write three different values(x, y, z) in three columns a text file using Numpy?
     47  How can I vectorize these nested loops in Python?
     47  How can I unroll and re_roll the matrix in numpy about specific axis?
     47  How can I repeat this numpy array within itself?
     47  How can I modify file in tensorflow? [duplicate]
     47  How can I find the biggest magnitude present in a numpy array?
     47  How can I define the precision of the array elements in python?
     47  How can I create a Tensor with elements set to 1 by specific integer and fill with 0 to fit the width size
     47  How can I convert my numpy array into a pandas dataframe?
     47  How can I convert a vector containing entries [[[int int]]  ... ] into a vector containing entries [[int int]  ... ] in python/numpy?
     47  How can I change my python code avoid computed the maxnumber index
     47  have a list from loop result python
     47  Growth functions won't agree - a puzzling result
     47  Grouping arrays with common classes for classification in CNN
     47  groupby sum in Pandas/Python with conditions
     47  Get value of variable index in particular dimension
     47  Getting values from dictionary of distances to build a distance matrix
     47  Getting `ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs` even after using `np.nan_to_num()`
     47  Getting progress of numpy operations?
     47  Get more than one dimension with numpy take function
     47  Get index of an array in a numpy array
     47  Get average of the numpy ndarray
     47  Get access to numpy with a dictionary lookup style but remain numpy array operations
     47  Generate random numbers from a list of numbers [duplicate]
     47  Generate all possible combinations of multiple 1D NumPy arrays
     47  Generate a column data based on constraints
     47  generate -1 / +1 days around a given date in numpy
     47  Game of Life in Python: problem with matplotlib animation
     47  Fullscreen mode not working in galrywidget
     47  Flooring to nearest multiple of 0.2 in numpy?
     47  Fit image 1 size to image 2
     47  Find value in row and update other row
     47  Find the max value from an array
     47  Finding what elements are in a 2-D array
     47  Finding the position in a list of the closest value to a given number
     47  Finding cutoff points for ordinal multi-class situation
     47  Finding all n-lets (pairs, triplets, quadruplets, etc.) of a numpy array
     47  Finding all elements that have the value zero in numpy array
     47  find duplicates and mark as variant
     47  Filter array, store adjacency information
     47  Fill the interior of shapes
     47  Filling of 2D array columns according to 1D counter array
     47  Fetch first non-zero value in previous rows in pandas
     47  Fast vectorised datetime.combine()
     47  Fastest way to import JSON formated string to numpy.recarray?
     47  Fastest way of finding nearest pixel in relation to another pixel while satisying conditions. OpenCV Numpy
     47  Fastest iteration over 2 dimensions in python
     47  Fast convolution of a sparse 2D array with another 2D array in Python
     47  Fast and precise nearest step floating point ceiling/flooring without Decimal.quantize
     47  Face Recognition and OpenCV with DroidCam Error
     47  Extract indices of specified elements in a list
     47  Excel: Is there an Excel function/query or using Python where I can find number of matching characters or percentage of match between two cells?
     47  Error while merging split part of numpy array
     47  Ensuring that threads are returned in the order they were created
     47  Elementwise multplication with numpy.multiply
     47  Einstein summation in numpy for non-linear function
     47  Efficient way to restrict a numpy boolean selector to the first few true values
     47  Efficient way to load indexed text file into a numpy array?
     47  Efficient way to index a list with a numpy bool array in Python
     47  efficient way to generate 2 dimensional array of multiple shifts of a 1 dimensional array [duplicate]
     47  Efficient usage of memory with large data size
     47  Efficient searching through matrices
     47  efficiently growing a dataframe in pandas
     47  Efficiently getting i-th column of i-th 2D slice of 3D NumPy array, for all i
     47  Efficiently assign arrays along an axis (common)number in Python
     47  Efficient coding with python and numpy
     47  Drop 'NaN' and single quote item in a list
     47  Drop element in numpy array (or pandas series) if difference to previous element is <N
     47  Down sample a numpy vector before plotting in Python
     47  Download Python 32 bit for Mac
     47  Does using Numpy operations in Tensorflow 2.0 impact its performance?
     47  Dividing numpy array
     47  Dividing all but first element of a matrix
     47  Difficulty with 'any' in NumPy
     47  Different behavior between the normal python list and the numpy array object
     47  Difference between ndarray.transpose and numpy.transpose
     47  Dictionary with Panda Dataframe as value
     47  Deleting entries in a 2D array at specific locations
     47  Deleting Chained Duplicates
     47  delete row with threshold or category and save to multiple CSV in pandas
     47  Delete row if remainder is not 0
     47  Debian Jessie bleeding edge install whilst retaining system packages
     47  DataFrame with multidimensional values [duplicate]
     47  Dataframe Trailing Statistics
     47  Custom grouping for all possible groups in a dataframe with missing values
     47  Custom function that takes inputs like
     47  CSV file_reading datetime
     47  csv file overwritten instead of appended in python [duplicate]
     47  Crop impage within the colored box
     47  Creating a sequence of regularly spaced numbers
     47  Creating an image with imshow
     47  Creating a column based on the columns which may contain Nan values in pandas
     47  Create new tensor based on indexes from another tensor and allocate with it's values
     47  Create multiple unique copies of an array
     47  Create a new array of data in each loop step in Python 3.4
     47  Create 2-dimensional range
     47  Count how often integer y occurs right after integer x in a numpy array
     47  correlation and cooccurance plot for pandas string columns
     47  Copied array is being affected by changing the original array in python
     47  Convert Numpy matrix to list with indices as tuples
     47  Converting image size into binary in python with using inbuilt methods
     47  Converting image folder to numpy array is consuming the entire RAM
     47  Converting arrays to lists
     47  conversion between lists and arrays in python
     47  Concat gives Shape of passed values is X, indices imply Y
     47  Concatenating or adding elements of an array
     47  Concatenating Numpy array to Numpy array of arrays
     47  Concatenate strings along the off diagonals
     47  Computing mean and variance of chunks of an array
     47  Compute image pixel differences in efficient way
     47  Complex indexing without loop
     47  Comparing two arrays using a if loop
     47  Compare matrices in Python and get location of mismatches
     47  compare empty array to any scalar will get an empty array
     47  Compare boolean Series
     47  Combining steps
     47  Classification Model: How to check the score of each classification
     47  Check whether any of the strings from one column match any of the strings from another column
     47  check value of a specific element in numpy matrix
     47  Changing elements of array after double indexing
     47  Change the border of matrix in numpy [duplicate]
     47  Centred Moving Window percentiles - Python
     47  Can whole line NumpyArrays indexing operations be cythonized?
     47  can some one help to fit the array in kmeans clustering
     47  Can not flatten a numpy array
     47  Can anyone explain me the working of this python code?
     47  can&acute;t rename column of dataframe which is created from numpy array
     47  Calling a Python function from C with Cython: Problems with NumPy data types
     47  Calculating set of undirected link neighbors of node p
     47  Calculating reciprocal of last row in dataframe and including it as a 'new' last row in the dataframe
     47  Calculating a min (vector) of a function in python
     47  Build a pandas dataframe by un-listing the values and keep indexes
     47  Build and Train Quantized Neural Network using numpy
     47  Bucketing in python and calculating mean for a bucket
     47  BicGStab yields unexpected breakdown flag
     47  Assignment with both fillna() and loc() apparently not working
     47  Assigning multiple different slices of a numpy/torch axis simultaneously
     47  Array reshape issue while time series prediction with ConvLSTM in Python
     47  Array Operations to augment image Python cv2 using numpy
     47  Apply function to array where one of function's factors is dependent on row index of array
     47  appending values to create 2d array
     47  Appending values in sub-arrays of an array in python
     47  Am I able to convert a directory path into something that can be fed into a python hdf5 data table?
     47  Add shifted integers to list
     47  adding words to stopwords in wordcloud does not work
     47  Adding Elements of Stacked Array Numpy [duplicate]
     47  adding array to an existing array
     47  Adding a pandas column without creating a list
     47  Add a numpy array to another numpy array in a for loop
     47  Accessing specific pairwise distances in a distance matrix (scipy / numpy)
     47  A 2-d numpy ndarray showing 1-d shape
     47  3D array to 2d array from pandas Python and Numpy
     46  Wrong return using ctypeslib from numpy
     46  writing binary data with tobytes() can not be read with software on Windows
     46  Why this code is getting cant convert complex to float? Or I get invalid syntax
     46  Why the size of numpy array is different?
     46  Why replacing colors process in numpy array never ends
     46  Why isn't my image showing?
     46  Why is my output only one row when i try outputting my dataframe to a csv file?Python3/boto3
     46  why is a numpy view backwards?
     46  Why does the formulation of my code influences my outcome whilst mathematical it is the same? [duplicate]
     46  Why does table come out as NoneType?
     46  Why does python numpy std() make unwanted spaces?
     46  Why doesn't the transpose change the array?
     46  Why does np.nan cast my column into float when I run series.replace
     46  Why does changing the numpy.array dtype from int to float change the output of numpy.imshow()
     46  Why Can't I train the ANN for XNOR?
     46  Which Visualization plot should i use?
     46  When to use which array implementations in Python? [duplicate]
     46  What is this operation in numpy called?
     46  What is the best way to find and label a step function from list of numbers?
     46  What is the best way to combine similar dataframes
     46  What is an alternative approach to looping when comparing arrays?
     46  Vectorizing a for loop with a pandas dataframe
     46  Value updated like pointers: I don't get it [duplicate]
     46  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence for pd df & np.array
     46  ValueError for numpy array with unittest Python
     46  ValueError : could not broadcast input array from shape (4,1) into shape (4) when trying to add two multi-dimensional arrays in python
     46  Val Error, x and y must have the same dimension. [I tried to do np.array but it hasn't helped]
     46  Using Numpy where to place conditions on Pandas DataFrame while taking Cumulative Sum
     46  Use specific columns and lines numpy array
     46  Use integer representation instead of floats when writing a numpy array to a text file
     46  Upsampling and Interpolation in python at once
     46  update values in dataframe
     46  Unwrap degrees in pandas linearly
     46  Unexpected results in multiplying array by scalar
     46  Unable to insert three consecutive zeroes in a numpy array
     46  TypeError: can't convert expression to float, with symbolic x, polynomial interpolation
     46  Trying to print mapped data but function is returning nothing
     46  Trying to generate a dummy DataFrame but getting error
     46  Translating code to numpy for better performance
     46  The numpy where() function is only working once
     46  tensorflow single channel to rgb gives rank 0
     46  Tensorflow: 3D tensor and 2D matrix multiplication
     46  Taking mean along columns with masks in Python
     46  Sum values of specific columns of two dataframe
     46  Sum two columns of a numpy array and add it as a third column of the array
     46  Sum of the occurence of color(hue) values(0-359) from a set of images
     46  Sum of indexed numpy arrays
     46  Sum an array to a matrix diagonal (element wise sum)
     46  Suggestions for changing the function in the map expression
     46  Sudden Import Error for Previously Working Module
     46  Subtraction between two dfs yield to NAN values
     46  Subclassing ndarray with attributes which update
     46  Strange convolution result
     46  Sort numpy string array using positional data
     46  Sort np array M into two sets and arrays such that they hold no element in common
     46  Sorting numpy arrays using lexsort
     46  Sorting files drawn from a folder by name for a graph
     46  Sorting a numpy array
     46  Sorting a list in a particular way and then creating a NumPy array
     46  Some modules can be imported in python previously but now can only be imported in ipython2
     46  Smoothing a 2-D Numpy Array with a Kernel
     46  Slicing relative to the current index
     46  Slicing multiple values into single column
     46  Slicing Array of four matrices
     46  Simple Numpy Reshape, same operation gives different shapes
     46  Simple import error for numpy [duplicate]
     46  Should I transform a CSV to an ndarray to make a plot?
     46  Set more than 2 values depends on conditions, python
     46  Separating x and y values as train, validation, test
     46  Select one random index per unique element in NumPy array and account for missing ones from reference array
     46  Selecting the maximum value for a certain time interval [duplicate]
     46  Select entry that satisfies condition
     46  Searching Dataframe for Specific Values to Be Stored
     46  Saving a numpy homographic ndarray to file
     46  Same data split into training, dev and test set
     46  RuntimeWarning when using EllipticEnvelope
     46  Running function until pearson correlation function of >0.99 is achieved
     46  Rounding a numpy array of floats then using set() changes the content of list element. What is going on?
     46  Return a list containing 2-tuples (x,y) x and y are numpy.ndarray
     46  Reshaping arrays from MNIST with Keras
     46  Reshape 2D numpy array into 4D array
     46  Rescaling 2D numpy array as Dense representation
     46  Replacing List /Numpy array in the console output (Python)
     46  Replace value with two arrays numpy
     46  Replace numpy subarray when element matches a condition
     46  Replace a old code by a more efficient code
     46  Replace and flat Numpy array
     46  Removing rows from a dataframe, if the observation for a specific variable is numeric
     46  Removing elements from a binary python array whose neighborhood are less than N
     46  removing duplicate rows pandas with condition
     46  Read txt file of this type in as a Python numpy.ndarray
     46  Read single varible from txt file each time processing multiple files using pandas and python
     46  Read several lists from the text file properly python
     46  Read matrix row by row from huge compressed file
     46  Quick way to divide matrix entries K_ij by K_ii*K_jj in Python
     46  Python visualization of a function with 2 variables
     46  Python Value Optimization - LP, Genetic algorithm?
     46  Python ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
     46  Python (scipy) import time from text file
     46  Python - Retrieving certain indicies from an array
     46  Python programming for retriving false negative values
     46  Python Numpy - Merge subarrays with a 4D array, can't get swapaxes working to build a 2D global array
     46  Python numpy for loops, creating lists from lists and concatenating
     46  Python numpy array doesn't release memory
     46  Python - Nested For Loops working unexpectedly
     46  Python list(or dict) of random list
     46  Python. list indices must be integers or slices not tuple when none of the indices could possibly be tuple
     46  Pythonic multidimensional matrix multiplication
     46  python: how to shuffle matrix rows according to a list of numbers
     46  python: handle out of range numpy indices
     46  Python: Fitting circles in between two curves in log scale, in order to connect the circle origins
     46  Python: extract the core of a 2D numpy array
     46  Python duplicate list values from index to another
     46  Python: Creating the ''negative'' of an array
     46  python - Create sparse tiles in numpy
     46  python condensing repetitive code and subplots [duplicate]
     46  Python: Array with too many Indices?
     46  Python Array alignment always the same output, even with different input
     46  pyplot generates two different graphs?
     46  Prompt the user for a number between 1 and 9, then prints a square of text
     46  Profile across a grids section non-default coordinate system Python
     46  Product of integers in list without libraries
     46  Problems with Matrix Multiple Regression
     46  Print list-matrix combination
     46  Predicting the Trajectories of Planets Using Polyfit
     46  Plot segmented lines with colormap [duplicate]
     46  pd.Series interpolate & np.polyfit don't give the same results - Why?
     46  pd.crosstab does not work after defining lists with categorical data
     46  Passing random seed to numpy random.choice function
     46  pandas: Selecting index and then columns on multiindex slice
     46  Pandas/Numpy group value changes and derivative value changes above/below 0
     46  pandas how to speed up the long running process
     46  Pandas DF - Measure frequency, attached to appropriate rows and normalize by max(freq)
     46  pandas.DataFrame.to_csv adds data on the same line as previous data
     46  Pandas DataFrame if this then that loop
     46  Pandas Assign Same Number of Random Values
     46  Pandas - Aggregating several columns into one
     46  Optimizing an array mapping operation in python
     46  Optimization of numpy mesh creation for efficient interpolation
     46  Optimising iteration over a multidimensional NumPy matrix
     46  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1024,1280,4) (3,) (1024,1280,4) when reading png image from file
     46  Obtain references to numpy array elements by condition
     46  Obtaining numpy array of shortened lists?
     46  Obtain image from 3 one dimensional numpy arrays in Python
     46  numpy write the permuted version of the array
     46  Numpy vectorization of array-value function
     46  Numpy.split not working a list of DataFrames
     46  Numpy RuntimeWarning inconsistent with array length 1
     46  numpy randomly sample from array where the values are not 0
     46  numpy multidimensional euclidean distance for columns of pandas data frame
     46  'numpy.int64' object is not callable when trying to print array
     46  NumPy Inline 2D Array Manipulation
     46  Numpy indexing in 3 dimensions
     46  Numpy: Efficient way of finding the index of the element in an array with the smallest value given an index array
     46  Numpy Does Not Install
     46  Numpy delete() is deleting different arrays with same elements from 2D array
     46  NumPy changes the value when slicing
     46  numpy asmatrix sometimes produces an array of lists
     46  Numpy array minmax normalization python [duplicate]
     46  numpy argmax in array with multiple brackets
     46  Numba gap between first and second call of an already (file-base) cached simple function, normal?
     46  Not getting expected results with Numpy FFT
     46  New multidimensional array assigning values from array to indices of second array
     46  Need to remove for loop to vectorize code and run faster
     46  need to convert a string to 2d array [duplicate]
     46  ndarry in numpy: expensive in ndarray iteration
     46  My dataframe has a list as an index, how do I access a cell or edit a cell
     46  mutiples conditions with if on a datraframe python, create function
     46  multiplying large 2D numpy arrays
     46  Multiply 3d * 2d element by element
     46  multiple image in numpy array by using for loop
     46  Most computationally efficient algorithm to create square sub-matrices of 1's along the diagonal of a large matrix, given size specs of sub-matrices
     46  Modifying old GaussianProcessor example to run with GaussianProcessRegressor
     46  Modifying a numpy array efficiently
     46  merge to subarray based on their original indices
     46  Meaning of zeros in TF-IDF matrix summed over columns
     46  Maximum value of certain element of all arrays in np array
     46  Matrix multiplication: maintain scipy.sparse.dok_matrix format
     46  Matplotlib: Customizing Date Tick Labels
     46  Math behind numpy.roots
     46  Manipulate a new column after 'df.size()' function?
     46  Making an array of required dimension with 'nan' as remaining elements
     46  Making an array of images in numpy python 2.7
     46  Loop through columns with Pandas
     46  Loop gives correct output if script run in steps but not when skript runs from scratch
     46  Looking for the ''right'' way to do a series of matrix-vector products in numpy
     46  List to 2d array in pandas per line NEED MORE EFFICIENT WAY
     46  Link prediction with input data
     46  Linear approximation
     46  Keras Model: Same array that is used for is not being processed in model.predict
     46  Keeping the old value when a division by zero occurs
     46  Jumps in Distribution using np.random
     46  I would like to trigger a count after every peak in a generated 1D numpy array
     46  iterating over a tuple of iterables returned from a function
     46  Iterating over a list of dataframes in a function
     46  Is this an error? Will it affect my code in any way?
     46  Is there a way to test if all the numbers in an array are bigger than A, and if so replace it by an array of the same length
     46  Is there a way to sort an array while applying a sorting threshold or hysteresis?
     46  Is there a way to solve yB = c without computing the right inverse?
     46  Is there a way to join two lists with the corresponding information from an xarray data variable?
     46  Is there a way to conditionally index 3D-numpy array?
     46  Is there a way to apply a function on every two elemens?
     46  Is np.gradient the average of backward and forward slopes at the boundaries
     46  is it possible to pass data from one python program to another python program? [duplicate]
     46  Interpretation of a numpy ndarray
     46  Install Numpy Python Error Unable to find vcvarsall.bat but I do have it [duplicate]
     46  Installing a package with pip in python
     46  In python is there a range that has arguments that are two coordinates instead of integers? [closed]
     46  Initializing and Accessing 2D Arrays of strings in Python 3
     46  I need help creating a graph in python with matplotlib. Data must be read from JSON
     46  IndexError when assigning variables to Neo4jRestClient
     46  Inconsistant behavior of ndarray in case of blank in python 3.X
     46  Including logic in a numerical function
     46  I'm trying to get all rows with an Index 0 from one array into another one with for loop and np.concatenate
     46  Improvement of a Python script | Performance
     46  Import Error in Mule ESB when using Numpy and Pandas
     46  Image Segmentation in Hue color space
     46  Image processing - How to stack one channel images to create a 2 channel array
     46  I have a numpy array, and an array of indexs, how can I access to these positions at the same time
     46  If statement always returning false while trying to detect the color of a pixel
     46  I appended data to a list from a pandas dataframe and am not able to use list comprehension on it?
     46  I am getting two plots for one data set in python
     46  How to use lists of coordinates to get colors from an image using colors.rgb2lab and imread
     46  How to transpose 3D matrix like 2D?
     46  How to sum/average a specific subset of columns or rows and return the new ndarray in numpy?
     46  How to store a reference to array instead of literal value, Python Numpy + PIL
     46  How to stop iteration when all values in Numpy array rises above threshold which is integar?
     46  How to split list into subsist and then average it in python?
     46  How to split large data and rejoin later
     46  How to solve this ODE?
     46  How to solve for a pesky syntax error with my new column in my .apply() function
     46  how to slice last non-zero row elements from matrix [duplicate]
     46  How to shift contents referenced by numpy array names in python
     46  How to select specific column ranges in pandas? [duplicate]
     46  How to search a 2d array using 1d array to return the index 1 of the 2d array
     46  How to save different numpy arrays with np.savetxt?
     46  How to replacing all missing values in numpy array with 0 and displaying the last 15 values of the attribute
     46  How to Replace values in a pd dataframe column based on a condition with a range of values?
     46  How to remove first value of range in each iteration?
     46  How to remove elements different than numbers of a Scipy Sparse Matrix?
     46  How to read a file with rows spread on multiple lines?
     46  How to print greyscale image with alpha using matplotlib?
     46  How to plot boxplot or violin plot with Seaborn using a multi-dimensional numpy array as input?
     46  How to plot a gaussian curve with the value of peak given?
     46  How to place a NumPy array in between another array?
     46  How to pair the content of a list of numbers after binning
     46  How to numpy concatenate two arrays with different dimensions
     46  How to normalize an array with rounding the result (python, numpy, scipy)
     46  How to memory-map data into pagefile persistently?
     46  How to make sure matplotlib line graph is correct?
     46  How to make prediction from regression model?
     46  How to make fast looping for matrix calculation in python
     46  how to make code faster by removing for loop
     46  How to make a numpy arange of datetime without a specific year?
     46  How To Locate First Element In An Array?
     46  How to label the entries of a matrix as their indices but still keep their original numerical values?
     46  How to interpolate in Pandas using only previous values?
     46  How to group the rows by two conditions?
     46  How to group by a column and get a mean of freashest n records?
     46  How to get extremes from already determined groups of peak/valley indexes? [python]
     46  How to generate 2 uncorrelated list in python?
     46  how to fix ImportError: cannot import name 'swapaxes' || can't initialize sys standard streams
     46  How to find the cpython source code file for a specific 3rd party (NumPy for instance) API?
     46  How to find largest absolute value fro repeatitive rows in multiple columns in Python and also show its row and column index
     46  How to find files and extract time from filenames and store them in an array?
     46  How to find 2 largest values from group of rows in multiple columns in Python and also show its row and column index at output
     46  How to extract only specified part of string in python
     46  How to efficiently prepare matrices (2-d array) for multiple arguments?
     46  How to efficiently get the row nr for each column where condition is met in a numpy matrix?
     46  How to declare a structured array type in numpy similar to this C struct? [closed]
     46  How to deal with a TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int'? [duplicate]
     46  how to deal with a copy-pasted table in pandas- reshaping a column vector
     46  how to create or update a column
     46  How to create DataFrame from json data - dicts, lists and arrays within an array
     46  how to create a list with random round values with a given max value
     46  How to create a box plot from a frequency table
     46  how to create 0-1 matrix from probability matrix
     46  How to count choices in (3, 2000) ndarray faster?
     46  How to correctly vectorise a function using numpy?
     46  How to check that List[np.ndarray] contains an np.ndarray? [duplicate]
     46  How to check numpy arrays are equal
     46  How to calculate the relative vectors from a list of points, from one point to every other point
     46  How to calculate median value for multiple geodata in one row/ cell/ unit
     46  How to calculate matrix on per-row basis in numpy/scipy?
     46  how to calculate indices when doing csr_matrix addition?
     46  How to automatically generate a matrix by given values in 1-d-matrix
     46  How to add values from another DataFrame onto rows where a column matches?
     46  How to add gaussian noise (10%) to a set of datapoints
     46  How to add every four rows as column
     46  How to add an element at the index using numpy in python
     46  How to add additional and separated column in numpy
     46  How np.argpartition works ??? and how is it different from np.argsort
     46  How is the data of a numpy.array stored?
     46  How do you set numpy array elements to zero according to length vector
     46  How do I use argparse to parse a matrix input?
     46  How do I speed up row selection in Numpy?
     46  How do I solve this 'transpose' in Python?
     46  How do I select a particular column of a Numpy array read from a CSV?
     46  How do I read in this csv-file in python? (3 commas (,,,) in each row)
     46  How do I interpret the two ''='' and the whole of this expression?
     46  How do I get one column of an array into a new Array whilst applying a fancy indexing filter on it?
     46  How do I convert (3,) numpy vector to (2,2,3) matrix?
     46  How do i check if a value of DataFrame 'A' is there in DataFrame 'B' and write it to a new dataframe? [duplicate]
     46  How do I change the element in the array according to a linear function in numpy
     46  How do I call functions from other files?
     46  How do I append a column from a numpy array to a pd dataframe?
     46  How does numpy's implementation random normal distribution work?
     46  How can we plot multiple lines of a function with a for loop to minimize the coding?
     46  How can we filter columns according to a mask for rows which their items are tuples?
     46  How can I select the latest minute values in Numpy?
     46  How can I save a corresponding value in a row after I separate data from another column?
     46  How can I reshape a Pandas DataFrame to show if certain values in a column are present by day?
     46  How can I remove features/columns of a data frame if at least 20% of their entries take a specific value, using pandas/numpy?
     46  How can I perform the following computation in a more elegant (and Pythonic) way?
     46  How can I optimize this? Is there any alternative way to this
     46  how can I improve the deletion of repeated elements from an array of 2D numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     46  How can I filter an array with 3 dimensions in numpy
     46  How can i draw separately the gaussians from fitting in python?
     46  How can I do 1-D Fraunhofer diffraction for a double slit
     46  How can I convert an excel function that is shown below into a python pandas code?
     46  How can I check the smallest spacing between any two elements from two separate arrays? [duplicate]
     46  How can I apply the numpy modulus/remainder operation to a list of datetimes?
     46  handling masked numpy array with ray
     46  Grid search: Get index that corresponds best to value (for a whole matrix)
     46  Grid data with Python - Number of points to interpolate?
     46  Google Appengine application written in Java with access to Python+Numpy+Scipy?
     46  Good aproach to create binary columns in relational database?
     46  Getting started with denoising elements of a 200x200 numpy array
     46  Getting all the combinations of a Numpy Array
     46  get numpy matrix rows have intersection with array
     46  Get all dataframe based in certain value in dataframe column
     46  Generate a trend specific data
     46  'garray' object has no attribute 'size' using nolearn-DBN classifier
     46  Function doesn't work anymore if run by more than one time in Python 3.7
     46  From numpy to sparse.coo_matrix works. From pandas DataFrame to np array to sparse.coo_matrix doesn't work: IndexError
     46  Froebenius distance matrix of Matrices
     46  First group of non-zero values (by neglecting single occurrence of zero)
     46  Find the index of the row in data frame that contains the string as value?
     46  Find the count of -1 in each column
     46  Find samples between ranges of two columns
     46  Find lower-tail in hypergeom dist using scipy.stats
     46  Finding value in rows and columns of a 2D array
     46  Finding mean of two arrays with dimensions (365,1) results in ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 365 to array axis with dimension 1
     46  Find array index inside another array
     46  Find a minimum value in a column element in a numpy array, and store corresponding row as a new array
     46  filtering based on multiple conditions in Python
     46  Fill rows by default values if limit for data columns is defined
     46  Filling empty Numpy array with numbers
     46  Fast way to recolour an indexed image based on another array
     46  Facing issue while loading the pre-trained model
     46  f2py fails to wrap subroutines with callback functions
     46  Extending histogram function to overlapping bins and bins with arbitrary gap?
     46  Expanding a matrix [duplicate]
     46  Evaluate algorithm accepting a list of arrays on a regular grid
     46  escape sequences while importing csv file into list
     46  Error with bias in backpropagation
     46  Error while installing NumPy in IOT Edge Module Build Process
     46  Error while creating a loop with an array
     46  Error when plotting contour with matplotlib
     46  Error that numpy library import is not available?
     46  error on preprocessing machine learning
     46  Ellipsis control when printing h5py dataset slices
     46  Element type converting for really long list (converting long to string)
     46  Elegant 2D numpy indexing with multiple conditions
     46  Efficient method for multi-level linear interpolation in Python
     46  Efficiently reduce a big np.array
     46  Efficient looped search in python
     46  Dynamic portfolio rebalancing Python
     46  Dynamic dimension in numpy array python
     46  Duplicating rows in a DataFrame based on column value
     46  Double loop vectorization and reshape for Kronecker product in numpy
     46  Does data = batch['data'].cuda().cpu() makes sense?
     46  Does calling a numpy function in a vectorized operation affect performance?
     46  Display Predicted Segmentation Output Data in Pyplot
     46  Dimensional shift with numpy
     46  Different result for the same mathematical operation
     46  differences in computation outputs, theano, non theano
     46  difference between two column of a dataframe
     46  Deleting nan from a string array
     46  Delete rows based on unique number of elements in a column pandas [duplicate]
     46  Delete repeated columns of array keeping the order
     46  Custom numpy installation failing in UNIX
     46  Curious (to me) behavior with slices in numpy array
     46  creation of dataset using predefined set of values
     46  creating timesliced array in numpy
     46  Creating a regression model that will predict price of a product
     46  Creating an array based on a plot of custom function (Python)
     46  Creating a list of Indices having '1' and '-1' elements from a 2D numpy array
     46  Creating a 2D matrix in Python from the addition of every combination of 2 1D arrays
     46  Create conditional column in pandas
     46  Create a numpy image with constant color
     46  Count the most frequent value and manipulate it
     46  count rows (vectors) corresponding to a specific row in a 2D np.array [duplicate]
     46  Count null and not null values from multiple SQL Server databases and multiple tables
     46  Copying parts of numpy array to another array with extra dimension
     46  Copying 2D Array into 3D w/ one less row n times
     46  convert user / item view data into 2D metrics
     46  Convert str with single and double quotations into int
     46  Converting multi-dimensional numpy array elements to strings WITHOUT converting to scientific notation
     46  Converting huge txt-file with x,y,z coordinates to np.arrays
     46  Conditional drop of identical pairs of columns in pandas
     46  Computing with sparse matrix in scipy Python
     46  Compute weighted 2d histogram given shifts from center
     46  complex merge pandas numpy with Aggregation
     46  Comparing elements of lists and calculate frequency of resulting values
     46  Compare x,y,z coordinates in two files
     46  Combine two numpy matrixes
     46  Combine numpy subarrays of varying dimensions
     46  Combine Matrices row-wise by weighting them in Python
     46  Clean up data in CSV without Pandas
     46  Clean np array of NaN while deleting entries in other array accordingly
     46  Cleaning wrong possible values in dataframe
     46  checking convergence using python integrator
     46  Check if byte string represents float or int
     46  Changing values of indexes by magnitude
     46  Change the duplicates with the unique one's Values
     46  Change first colum of numpy array
     46  Capture values from sections in file :Python
     46  Can you write numpy slicing generically?
     46  Can't see the result of a matrix figure using python
     46  calling a function into another function
     46  Calculating the variance matrix Σ of a dataset in a faster way
     46  calculating Average of each cell across multiple csv
     46  Broadcasting only with specific dimensions of ndarray in python
     46  Best way to rotate a 3D grid (nxnxn) of values in Python with interpolation?
     46  Awkward Array: Fancy indexing with boolean mask along named axis
     46  Average of embeddings array per group in pandas
     46  Assigning values to a numpy array using indices and sub indices
     46  Assigning names to large objects appears to increase memory usage considerably
     46  Array sort, slice and reverse returns empty
     46  Arrays generation from different arrays and arrays/numpy modules?
     46  Are there any known differences between einsum in python2 vs. python3?
     46  Applying shifting counting efficiently to a DataFrame
     46  Apply a function to each dimension of a 4d array, returning an 4d array in python
     46  Appending function created column to an existing data frame
     46  Appending a list inside np.array() does not work like doing it separately [duplicate]
     46  any does not work properly with 1D array
     46  Any differences between these two ways of creating an array?
     46  a function similar to numpy.take that indexes the out parameter
     46  After remove first header line, numpy cannot delimit columns correctly
     46  Adding specific elements in an Array?
     46  Adding an extra in column into 2D numpy array python
     46  Add a ''frame'' of zeros around a matrix in numpy python
     46  Accessing ndarray and discarding invalid positions - Python
     46  Accessing index of particular values in Python
     46  3D plot for the fitted regression surface with matplotlib
     45  Writing functional expression using numpy
     45  Why this code can't be parallelised with Numba?
     45  Why the result of numpy.random.normal(0,1,N) doesn't add up to 0?
     45  Why is toggle? [duplicate]
     45  Why NN can not get one certain output after repeating train?
     45  Why is the first element of numpy array set to one after processing?
     45  Why is my notebook crashing when I run this for loop and what is the fix?
     45  Why does this numpy array with ten times the values take exponentially larger amounts of time to randomly generate?
     45  Why does Numpy.loadtxt work when called from IDLE and gives an IOError when called from shell?
     45  Why does numpy automatically change type to list when using a variable
     45  Why does a dot product of two masked vectors in numpy return an oddly shaped array?
     45  Why changes on attributes at a numpy subclass does not change the subclass array?
     45  While loop automatically updates previous list values
     45  While concatenating array, giving error
     45  Where can I find matrix_alg and raveler?
     45  When Python code outputs an array or list of arrays. are those NumPy array or something else?
     45  What is this called: creating numpy matrix from several vectors
     45  What is the impact of argument n in numpy.fft.fft
     45  What is the fastest way to go from a list that describes the temperature on a fine mesh to one that describes the temp. on a coarse mesh with Python?
     45  What is the easiest way to set the pixels of a single channel image to transparent?
     45  What is the difference between numpy.random's Generator class and np.random methods?
     45  What is the difference between numpy.array([]) and numpy.array([[]])?
     45  what is directive for millisecond? like %f is for microsecond
     45  What is a good way to access the ''last'' [ ... ,-1] dimension of a numpy array when it might be 0-D?
     45  What if subtracting the mean of the dataset causes overflow?
     45  What does the `--` value mean in a numpy array?
     45  Vectorizing kernel code
     45  vectorized approach to change 1 dimensional boolean array to 2-dimensional, python 3
     45  vcvarsall.bat not found during Python compilation, checked all possibilities
     45  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. in TensorFlow
     45  Using Numpy to multiply table row data
     45  Using any() function for value of 1.5
     45  Using 2 returned lists as inputs for another method
     45  Use of limit in the list
     45  Use NumPy array as key in Numba TypedDict
     45  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' - How to fix this error when doing a query()
     45  TypeError numpy.ndarray with scipy.optimize.minimize ('numpy.ndarray' object is not callable)
     45  Two dataframe of yearly data how to find inbetween years
     45  Trying to reshape my numpy array to have an extra dimension
     45  Trying to extract a patch given 8 points from NumPy array
     45  Transpose Fields csv, Python (Numpy or Pandas)
     45  transform raw date format into pandas date object
     45  to_datetime with subsecond (e.g. ms) resolution
     45  The word 'array' is being printed within my numpy 2d array of floats and strings
     45  Test if an array is part of an array of arrays and delete it
     45  Take dot product of first and middle entry, second and middle+1 entries until middle-1 and last entry python/numpy
     45  Syntax for returning the final occurance of a string within a grouping
     45  Sum of column if not a square matirx in numpy?
     45  Summation of numpy arrays, which method is better to use?
     45  Sum list of NumPy arrays without summing coordinates if the list is size 1
     45  Substitute for `array[:,*idx]` in numpy
     45  structuring data in numpy for ltsm (examples)
     45  String to Float in DataFrame's Column
     45  storing sensor readings through numpy to a data file ( python 2.7 )
     45  Stacking different types of arrays in numpy
     45  Special filter pandas dataframe
     45  sort multible numpy arrays into one like: [1,2,..n, 1,2..n]
     45  slicing in python to reduce dimension [duplicate]
     45  Slice/cherry-pick elements from n-D array using index from a (n-1)-D array in Python [duplicate]
     45  sklearn adjusted mutual information score breaks on large set
     45  Simple neural network fails to make correct predictions. Where did I make a mistake?
     45  Shift complex numpy array by 0.25 or 0.5 samples
     45  Set row maximum to 1 and other values to 0
     45  set operation messes up the array [duplicate]
     45  set numpy array value to a constant value except for the element on the edges
     45  Separating out zipped iterator into single iterator?
     45  separate an array into two halves
     45  Select n values from a list, spanning across the range
     45  Select Number of Terms from a LARGE list given Probability in Python
     45  Selecting multiple columns from a data frame using dictionary
     45  Scipy's KDTree query doesn't find anything
     45  Scipy: Qhull options to ensure each point is isolated in distinct Voronoi region
     45  Save groupedby items to different excel sheet
     45  Sampling points from multiple Gaussians
     45  Sampling patches of points
     45  sample of neural network
     45  Roll matrix with all possible shifts
     45  Retrieve array element that caused a runtime warning
     45  Reshaping this array efficiently
     45  Reshape and concatenate within a numpy array
     45  Resetting the values that do not meet the specified condition
     45  Replacing non zero values in a matrix with the marginals
     45  Replace zeroes in array with different values for different halves of the array
     45  Replace DataFrame subset with other set ( DataFrame, serie, list ... )
     45  Repeat values from a sequence up to n
     45  Removing columns based on status using numpy
     45  Remove characters before and including _ and calculate
     45  Refactor matrix permutations in numpy's style
     45  Reading out values from one numpy array where there is true in another numpy array
     45  randomly select the data from the dictionary form
     45  Randomize numpy.argsort output in case of ties
     45  Raise array to the power of another array - i.e. expanding the dimension of the array
     45  Quickest way to assign cell values in Pandas
     45  python: when is numpy sub-matrix copied by reference and when by value?
     45  Python: subclasses with the same sets of methods v.s. multiple dispatches [closed]
     45  python scipy/weave c. Using python variables in c code
     45  Python numpy multiplication stringwise [duplicate]
     45  Python numerical solution to an exponential function with two variables
     45  Python Multi Category Ratios
     45  Python memoryleak when using numpyarray in classes
     45  python indexing and assign by row ndarray
     45  Pythonic way to draw a bounded rectangle [duplicate]
     45  Pythonic way of retrieving values with a matrix of indices?
     45  Python find closest values of a coordinate array to another effciently
     45  Python, DataFrame, looking the biggest 10 values in each column
     45  Python : could not convert string to float:
     45  Python convert conditional array to dataframe
     45  Python: Calculate number of days between two days
     45  Python: Assigning an initial numpy array to another variable, changing few elements of the new variable changes the initial numpy array
     45  [Pyinstaller]: Working code produces ModuleNotFoundError when turned to exe
     45  pull out column 2,3 of a 2d array in python
     45  Product of two string arrays
     45  Prevent numpy from vectorizing multiplication
     45  Possible numeric error for large/smalll values numpy
     45  Port Upgrade Outdated fails with ''Failed to patch py26-numpy''
     45  Plot numpy array of [x,3] on the same graph
     45  Pick elements in one array based on the elements of another array?
     45  Passing elements to function efficiently
     45  Parse string push values in 2D Array
     45  Pandas : What is the fastest way to get a list of single panda series from a large dataframe?
     45  Pandas: slicing incompatible with numpy's
     45  Pandas - Rolling inplace reshape
     45  pandas (python) - reshaping two columns into one
     45  Pandas NaN value causing trouble when change values depending on other columns
     45  Pandas Grouping - Row counts of groups within a group
     45  Pandas group by a column and create a dictionary with result
     45  Pandas correlation on just one column containing np arrays
     45  Pandas: calculate weighted average by row using a dataframe and a series
     45  optimizing vectorized operations made by sections in NumPy
     45  Optimizing Code for Data Dictionary (python function tips)
     45  Optimized way to split the <numpy ndarray> to two columns in Python
     45  Optimization - return first value in array that is smaller then cell value (for each row)
     45  optimization of some numpy/scipy code
     45  Odd behavior when multiplying numpy array by a constant (e.g. 1/100)
     45  numpy.where - Weird behaviour: new elements spawning from nowhere?
     45  numpy where on non-sorted array
     45  NUMPY: What does np.empty(()) do in 2D arrays?
     45  NumPy using the reshape function to reshape an array [duplicate]
     45  Numpy's 'where' function behaving ambiguously
     45  Numpy statement instead of double for-loop
     45  numpy int64 not iterable
     45  Numpy indexes order
     45  numpy getting 2D arrays instead of 1D arrays
     45  numpy get slices of array between start and end indices [duplicate]
     45  numpy - get minimum out of 2 maximum 3D arrays
     45  numpy fix issue with memory utilization MemoryError not using all available 120gb of RAM but still throwing an error
     45  Numpy extracting values from 1d array using 2d array of indices
     45  Numpy equivalent of a[i] for i in indices [duplicate]
     45  Numpy efficient way to get adiacent indices or values in matrices
     45  numpy.dstack for 3D arrays?
     45  Numpy dot product of a matrix and an array is a matrix
     45  numpy comparisons between dataframes
     45  Numpy: Comparing array elements within another array
     45  numpy check two array on multiple column
     45  Numpy, change array's row value , each row satisfy different conditions
     45  Numpy: Broadcast single element to len n array
     45  Numpy Array value setting issues
     45  numpy array giving decimals output
     45  Numpy Array for SVM model rather than a DataFrame
     45  Numpy append vectors of same shape to different axis
     45  Numpy 3D array indexing using lists
     45  Numpy 1D arrays treated as column vectors when it comes to broadcasting
     45  Numeric differences between two different dataframes in python
     45  Nullcline Plots with Quivers and Asymptotic Behaviour
     45  np.where function: can it only retrieve values from specific columns?
     45  np.array(filter(func,iter)) not producing an array
     45  need solution for floatings lack of precision
     45  Need help importing specific data (variable values) from a text file and ignoring non useful text and metadata [closed]
     45  Need a function that returns an estimate equal to the mean of the closest k points to the number p?
     45  ndarray to table (from step function result)
     45  Multiply traiagular 2D matrices python [closed]
     45  Multi-dimensional index array to get multiple rows
     45  Multidimensional array reshape with numpy
     45  Move unique values across different dimensions
     45  Most memory efficient way to combining many numpy arrays
     45  most efficient way to return values of dict in a list on a pre-determine order
     45  Most efficient way to implement rolling windows on NumPy arrays
     45  Minimization through lmfit
     45  Merging requested tables in a loop
     45  merging loop produces and giving a name
     45  Memory-mapping list of arrays
     45  memory management python and ctypes
     45  Median value doesn't exist in the input list?
     45  Maximize variable x and minimize variable y
     45  Matrix multiplication-style addition in numpy
     45  Mapping an integer to array (Python): ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     45  Maintain 2D structure after logical indexing a numpy array
     45  loop through the batch image loader pytorch
     45  Look up value from row and column headers [closed]
     45  Locating local maxima value numpy array ''indices'' [duplicate]
     45  loading .npy files that contain both images and labels for training in tf.keras
     45  Loading an image file
     45  Linregress output seems incorrect
     45  Linear Regressor unable to predict a set of values; Error: ValueError: shapes (100,1) and (2,1) not aligned: 1 (dim 1) != 2 (dim 0)
     45  Limiting a sequence of ratios to a range whilst maintaining overall increase/decrease of values they are multiplying
     45  Keras LSTM predictions are different when model is loaded
     45  Jjpeg image numpy object convert to pygam
     45  i want to count ''Yes'' and ''No'' in my Dataframe using python Libraries [closed]
     45  It is possible to numpy calculate below without loop?
     45  Is there a way to multiply/divide a matrix by a corresponding cell in numpy?
     45  Is there a way to make publication ready Table in Python (not R)?
     45  Is there a way to label a region with its corresponding continent? Python
     45  is there a solution to resize 3d data Without the data become messy?
     45  Is there a similar function to dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta that works on numpy arrays?
     45  Is there a masked_max like masked_less in numpy?
     45  Is there a better way to group data by a specified column with numpy without pandas?
     45  Is it possible to use a 2D-list as border index?
     45  Is it possible to set dtype to an existing structured array, or add ''column name'' to an existing array?
     45  Invalid argument: Input to reshape is a tensor with 64 values, but the requested shape has 4
     45  Intuitive explanation of numpy.where?
     45  Intersect multiple 2D np arrays for determining spatially contiguous zones
     45  Inserting a mini-array into a larger array at intervals (not changing size)
     45  I need make a weighted average using two matrix
     45  IndexError when evaluating ndarray with indexes in another ndarray
     45  index 5 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 5
     45  Incrementally adds one to a list of indices given positions of specified item in list
     45  import user modules that don't reconginze numpy after importing numpy
     45  importing matplotlib.pyplot as plt in pycharm fails due to Numpy
     45  I haven't been able to fix this error. How to resolve this problem? Thank you
     45  i have an error of a.any() and a.all() value error in the if statement
     45  I am trying to import gensim, pandas and numpy in my django project but getting import error
     45  I am passing a set of N values to a loop but cant get it to print an ouput
     45  How would you plot an results ion iterations of nested for loops?
     45  How would I include the inequalities in this optimization?
     45  How to write Z[i,k] = sqrt(sum_j((X[i,j] - Y[k,j])**2) in einsum notation? [duplicate]
     45  How to use scipy.optimize.minimize( ... ) to find the optimal parameters of z = f(x, y) (like an ellipse)?
     45  How to use 2 different conditions to filter an array in python
     45  how to understand such shuffling data code in Numpy
     45  How to trim pairs of value in an array of arrays that match a given scope?
     45  How to store data in a float type? (append)
     45  How to split multiple masks from a numpy array in single line?
     45  How to solve this problem in python jupyter notebook using deep learning
     45  How to slice a multi-dimensional array with another multi-dimensional array? [duplicate]
     45  How to slice a 2D array from another 2D array and get the rest
     45  How to show thousands separator for pandas value counts?
     45  how to select values from tensor contained in np.array
     45  how to select in a numpy array
     45  How to select all rows in a dataframe between two values of column
     45  How to reshape an array while preserving order?
     45  How to replace scipy.spatial.distance with np.linalg.norm in Python
     45  How to replace NumPy array with ordered int?
     45  How to replace ndarray with a number?
     45  How to read lists of list from a file and make individual lists?
     45  How to plot multiple rows of a matrix along third dimension in a plot?
     45  How to plot multiple 3d lines with an angular offset from an initial line?
     45  How to perform >= or <= conditions with date in python pandas dataframe
     45  How to output and write to a file without overwriting the rows of dataframe? When I check the file I see the last set of values only
     45  How to obtain the indices of all maximum values in array A that correspond to unique values in array B?
     45  How to make a ctypes.Array?
     45  How to iteratively add new columns to pre-existing numpy array
     45  How to iteratively add a parameter into a function
     45  How to index columns with a computed array?
     45  How to increase performance while calculating slopes in dataframe based on dates
     45  How to I extract the 2nd element in this numpy array, where the 2nd element of each row is another numpy array
     45  How to handle missing values
     45  How to get the true dimension of a numpy array in python?
     45  How to get the product of two matrix? [duplicate]
     45  How to get elements and indices into original array with mask
     45  How to get cumulated values from timestamped arrays in even intervals [PYTHON]
     45  How to get a numpy array from values of another array (Python)
     45  how to get a numpy array from frequency and indices
     45  how to generate this type of data?
     45  How to force a function to broadcast without invoking `np.vectorize`
     45  How to flatten a numpy object array with different shaped arrays?
     45  how to fix the incorrect dimension of numpy array
     45  How to fix numpy error in tensorboard in combination with mxnet?
     45  How to fix NumPy dotting errors due to 0 dimensional matrices?
     45  How to find most frequent values per batch using ''rolling(window)''?
     45  How to Eliminate For Loop with a Sliding Overlapping Window in Python?
     45  How to efficiently work with a dictionary of thousands of DataFrames in string format?
     45  How to divide one dataframe by the other without converting to numpy first?
     45  How to divide each element of column by this column module efficient way?
     45  How to delete the element in a list which is duplicated for linear representation in python?
     45  How to create a tree visualization from a nested dictionary in Python 3
     45  How to create a matrix from several other matrices?
     45  How to convert PIL image to numpy array?
     45  How to convert a m-by-m dataframe into m*m-by-3 dataframe in pandas?
     45  How to convert a 2d numpy array to a picture?
     45  How to convert 2d np.array of lists of floats into a 2d np.array of floats, stacking the list values to rows
     45  how to concat each row's max divided by two part in tensorflow?
     45  How to check values in two data frames in a row-wise manner without for-loop
     45  How to change every even sequences in numpy array
     45  How to calculate average value of items in a 3D array?
     45  How to calculate area of lots of polygon where each polygon has different coordinates
     45  How to avoid NaN in np.where between two dataframes?
     45  How to assign range(10) to a ndarray which shape is (10, 1) conveniently in Numpy?
     45  How to assign Numpy array values to other variable
     45  How to assign from a source array being a subset of the destination array?
     45  How to apply multiple range filters to a numpy array efficiently?
     45  How to apply group by Keys to the relevant Groups
     45  How to applycolor map ( array) for Image using cv2.LUT
     45  How to align a pandas Series into the same length? [duplicate]
     45  How to add (not append) a 2d array to each 2d array of a 3d array?
     45  How to add a condition in Numpy 2D random list
     45  how to add a column into the numpy matrix?
     45  How do I use parallel processing in for loop using multiple arguments?
     45  How do I structure 3D Input properly for Keras LSTM
     45  How do I isolate a calculation of a function within a python 'for loop' to avoid a broadcasting shape conflict?
     45  How do I get 2 sets of columns of a df?
     45  how do I fix the following bugs in my ARIMA model?
     45  How do I carry out further categorization in the following analysis?
     45  how convert type of this array?
     45  How can I solve a system of non-linear equations in Python?
     45  How can I reshape this NumPy array correctly?
     45  How can I remove the rows of a data frame where a certain value appears in that row in Python?
     45  How can I pad values into array 1 with values from array 2 at indices from array 3?
     45  How can I get the estimates for mean and covariance given data from a multivariate distribution? [duplicate]
     45  How can I get a subcovariance from a covariance matrix in python
     45  (How) can I create an expression using symbols for the unknown and plot it?
     45  How can I change my code to prevent 'Cannot convert string to float' errors?
     45  Grouping coordinates of zero values in a 2D numpy array into lists based on their position in the matrix
     45  Graphing in python using numpy
     45  Getting rid of redundant 2D points without losing order
     45  Getting nearest index in Numpy
     45  Getting count of rows from breakpoints of different column
     45  Getting a list of variables from a function in python
     45  Get dataframe rows where every T sequence of columns there's 1 N times
     45  Generate array of N sample from a list of N means and N sigmas
     45  generate a random number between 2 and 40 with mean 20 as a column in pandas
     45  Generate a random float numpy array of x size and n decimals [duplicate]
     45  Function that extracts value from one array depending on the value of another array
     45  fsolve. Can we let Python decide the best initial guess?
     45  For duplicate rows create fractional value to populate another column
     45  'float' object is not callable. Option Pricing [closed]
     45  flattening multiple rgb images with numpy
     45  Find unique elements of column with chunksize pandas
     45  Find neareast values of a given interval
     45  Finding the relative proportion for each element of an array against another array
     45  Finding the index of the minimum and maximum values in a NumPy array
     45  Finding difference in range of floats in two dictionaries
     45  Finding a value in an equation
     45  find indices where one array is larger than an element in a second array
     45  Find and print outliers of data using Numpy
     45  Filling a numpy zero array with distances between 2D coordinates [duplicate]
     45  Faster normalization of image (numpy array)
     45  Extract sub-arrays from numpy-array and get desired 3D-shape
     45  Extending a numpy.matrix gives __new__ and __class__ issues?
     45  Evaluate normal cdfs at each of several points
     45  Error while saving different datatypes to file using numpy
     45  Entering values in a 2-D array in Python
     45  Elegantly iterate the planes of an image - if more than one
     45  efficient way to manipulating numpy array
     45  Efficient way to calculate matrix cell distance from arbitrary coordinate in numpy
     45  Efficient use of Numpy to process in blocks of rows
     45  efficient processing of corresponding elements in two numpy arrays
     45  Efficient (e.g. vectorised) numerical solution of many parameter-sets of a low-dimensional nonlinear optimisation problem
     45  Efficient 2D array processing
     45  Dynamic Count of Boolean Operations in Python
     45  Drop the index position of a second array based on the first
     45  Drop rows that contains the data between specific dates
     45  Divide a data frame with same data frame (sliced) in panda's
     45  Difficulties with NumPy ndarray syntax
     45  Different iterators are giving me different answers [duplicate]
     45  Difference in lists / trouble plotting
     45  Difference between to_numpy() vs .values [duplicate]
     45  Denoising segmentation map of image
     45  Deleting numpy subarray based off of first element in subarray
     45  Define 2D matrix with non-zero elements only in a rectangular subregion
     45  Deep Learning model prompts error after first epoch
     45  decrementing in matplotlib.pyplot and numpy
     45  Custom squared error loss function in Tensorflow 2.0
     45  Custom ''inner product'' / ''outer product''
     45  Custom archive format in Python pip
     45  Creating array from Excel and adding missing data
     45  Creating a new list from the means of a list of a function
     45  Create a view containing subsets of numpy array
     45  Create a multidimensional array from 1-D list, numpy
     45  Create a counter based on another field
     45  Create a 3d numpy array whose entries increase in the given direction
     45  Create 2D matrices from several csv files
     45  Count first consecutive matches on a group
     45  could not convert string to float: 'K5'
     45  Could anyone explain the return of linalg.lstsq in details?
     45  Correct way to broadcast a 100x9 to a 100x9x1x1 numpy array for computation in Caffe
     45  Convolving 2D matrices of which one has many more data points
     45  Convert specific value in numpy array to NAN
     45  Convert 4 one-to-one mapped lists into a list of dicts (python)
     45  Conditionals in numpy. How can i put 3 or more into my dataframe using pandas or numpy?
     45  Conditionally align two dataframes in order to derive a column passed in as a condition in numpy where
     45  Comparing two elements by index in a numpy 2D array
     45  Comparing original values to that which has least squares calculated on
     45  compare two different size array ( component of A is in B )
     45  Combining rows based on matching columns pandas
     45  Code optimization help (loop to tensor operation)
     45  Check if any row has the same values as a numpy array
     45  Change form of eigenvectors from eig function?
     45  Can't read a jpeg with skimage [duplicate]
     45  can't change a value in numpy array
     45  Can someone explain how numpy.cov works?
     45  Can somebody explain how numpy.where and True/False works?
     45  cannot reshape array of size 85696 into shape (85696,1,256,256)
     45  Cannot load csv file using numpy loadtxt
     45  Can I use fitted ML model as a part of a function in scipy.optimize.minimize?
     45  Call functions with varying parameters to modify a numpy array efficiently
     45  Calculating the max and index of max within a section of array
     45  calculate the arithmetic mean
     45  Bundled executable crashes without warning when rendering plots
     45  Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'DTYPE_t' but got 'long'
     45  Bilerping a 2D python array results in more values than expected. Can anyone explain this?
     45  Best way to vectorize generating a batch of randomly rotated matrices in Numpy/PyTorch?
     45  best way to fill in a numpy ndarray?
     45  Best practice (effiency) data manipulation of pandas big dataframe
     45  Backwards Slicing
     45  Avoiding explicit looping in applying a complex function to numpy array
     45  Assigning int number to an array
     45  array overwrites other previously inserted data
     45  Array of images in google cloud machine learning
     45  Array is filled with zeros [duplicate]
     45  Applying numpy functions to pandas.Series objects that operate on the entire values
     45  applying a mask on a nested numpy array - numpy - python
     45  Apply if statement function to 3D array numpy
     45  Apply function contain external library in pandas: How to make it faster?
     45  apply a function on two ndarrays's corresponding rows at once(without for loop)
     45  Appending a numpy array to python list
     45  Aggregate elements based on position vector
     45  Adding zero filled nd-array to existing image returns a modified image
     45  Adding numpy arrays of different shape [duplicate]
     45  Adding items to an array in a loop
     45  Adding further properties to a function: timing and iteration improvement
     45  Adding column to numpy array based on if/then of data in array
     45  2D tensor of step functions without looping
     45  1D ifft of array created with rfft2 along trimmed axis
     45  1 column has an int. Another has a list of ints. How to convert dataframe into a numpy rec array of these pairs?
     44  XGBoost giving slightly different predictions for list vs array, which is correct?
     44  Write a function that prints the number of days with sunshine >= 6 hours
     44  Working with a pair in lists
     44  Will numpy read the whole data every time it iterates?
     44  Why this isn't printing out the X,Y np arrays
     44  Why pixel value stays the same?
     44  Why NaNs when creating a dataframe with pd.Dataframe() and setting the index manually?
     44  Why is my recurrent neural network giving me an error?
     44  Why element does not replace in numpy.array?
     44  Why don't my eigenvalues for A*Atranspose and Atranspose*A match?
     44  Why does this list vs array evaluation returns false when nan values are present? [duplicate]
     44  Why does python ''where'' produce empty array even if element is in list?
     44  Why are simulation results drawing from scipy.stats.gumbel_l so different when random state is not None
     44  Why are my numpy arrays randomly converting to int type?
     44  What's the meaning of 'a' in np.einsum string?
     44  What's the difference between pandas.isna and numpy.isnan?
     44  What is the purpose of using np.random.random(4) for plotting pie charts using matplotlib?
     44  what is the most pythonic way to fetch the data of only 7:00 hrs
     44  What is the meaning of this order in python? [duplicate]
     44  What is the easiest way to add a legend to my subplots?
     44  What is happening when performing a logical AND between two numpy arrays?
     44  What exactly tensorflow.gather() does?
     44  What does each number represents in MNIST?
     44  Weird numpy blocking behaviour when inverting matrix on Windows
     44  Vectorising the python code for modifying masks used in Image segmentation
     44  Values changed when exporting python sparse matrix to matlab
     44  ValueError: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 1 but received input with shape [1,32,32,3]
     44  validate the data frame header with pandas regex
     44  Using RDKIT: generate fingerprint in integrer/count form
     44  using numpy as_strided to retrieve subarrays centered on main diagonal
     44  Using array of indices to define folds in GridSearchCV when the input is a DataFrame
     44  Using apply function in Pandas while referencing and looping through another df?
     44  Use python to calculate summation of current row, left 3 row and right 3 row
     44  Use of @ operator in Python [duplicate]
     44  Unexpectedly large array created with numpy.ones when setting names
     44  Two CSV files with same column names,. I need to perform linear regression comparing columns with same header name from both files
     44  turn an array of (scalar) functions into a function returning an array
     44  Trying to download modules but python can't find them
     44  Trying to code a support vector machine and i got this error
     44  Transpose CSV using python
     44  Transforming a 'repetitive' 2D-array into a matrix using python
     44  tostring vs. tofile for creating raw binary files
     44  To extract Top feature names from list numpy
     44  to add a new column in data frame(df) that stores value of (total present)/(total present+total absent) for each individual
     44  Time Series with Pandas, Python, and Plotly
     44  Time for row extraction in np.array
     44  The Truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous?
     44  The graph produced by IPython is not correct
     44  Tensorflow pseudo inverse doesn't work for complex matrices
     44  take different powers of a vector and save in txtfile
     44  Swapping to numpy arrays element wise
     44  subtraction and multiplication column wise
     44  Subdividing python integer list into groups of linearly spaced items [duplicate]
     44  Struggling with nested Numpy array when implementing Numba
     44  Strange use of `np.where`
     44  Strange result Neural network Python
     44  Standard deviation for a huge numpy array without copy [duplicate]
     44  Standard deviation and mean of complete pandas dataframe
     44  Spiking value inside a loop
     44  Speeding up generation of large array of Gaussian numbers using numpy
     44  Sortings pandas dataframe numbers first then strings
     44  Solving a maze by eliminating junctions
     44  Small numbers are being rounded off in python
     44  Slicing two numpy arrays by Boolean of the first
     44  Slice the middle of a nd array
     44  sklearn random_state is not working properly
     44  Simulating correlated lognormals in Python
     44  Shuffling Multi Column in data frame
     44  Shape Error in Andrew NG Logistic Regression using Scipy.opt
     44  Set value of a column based on other column with an condition
     44  Setting specific values to 0 in a NumPy array
     44  Searching through a nested multidimensional array for multiple values
     44  Scipy - Time almost irrelevant to the number of eigenvalues?
     44  Scipy Optimisation Crashes with Pandas Error
     44  scipy.ndimage.fourier_filter seems to work only for vector with index 0,0,: in array
     44  Scale variable to be within 0-100 value range
     44  Scale/Transform/Normalise NumPy Array between Two Values
     44  running out of memory trying to add column (np.concatenate) to numpy array, due to duplication of data
     44  Row comma removal in python
     44  Requesting NumPy/SciPy vectorization replacements of for loops and list comprehensions
     44  Replacing rows of a numpy array
     44  Replace number in specific indexes of a numpy array to NaN
     44  Replace NaN in pandas DataFrame with random strings without using fillna
     44  Renaming values in a column from lists within a dataframe
     44  Removing rows with the same timestamp numpy
     44  Remove the rows of missing class AND rows with more than 4 missing features
     44  remove columns and replace title in different column when merging csv files
     44  regarding proper way of broadcasting input array from one shape into another shape
     44  Reduce boolean values in python ndarray using AND
     44  Redistribution of numpy array with upper limit
     44  Random Data generation based on condition in pandas and numpy
     44  Query index by row
     44  Pytorch tensor to numpy gives ''()'' as shape
     44  Pytorch copying inexact value of numpy floating point number
     44  Python: Syntax appears to be exponentiating an array? Help me interpret?
     44  python script needs to be ran. I can not do it for some reason
     44  Python PIL(Pillow): Convert a list of images into np.array efficiently?
     44  Python - Performing Max Function on Multiple Groupby
     44  Python pandas dataframe can't delete int64 columns
     44  Python Numpy how to search for a row in a one dimensional array with multiple datatypes
     44  Python indenting numpy matrix yields different results to printing matrix fully [duplicate]
     44  Pythonic way of replacing nan sub-array with array of same size
     44  Python: How to plot an equidistant curve in between two curves in log space?
     44  Python function to calculate balance for every row corresponding to individual transactions
     44  Python Doesn't Care About If Else Statements
     44  Python - Distance matrix between geographic coordinates
     44  Python convert multidimensional numpy array into multiple 1d numpy arrays
     44  Python convert list of numpy array to 2d array
     44  Python comprehensions. Assign vaule to matrix, looping through indexes
     44  Python code has no error but it does not run or output anything [closed]
     44  Python bin sets of pairs of interleaving arrays
     44  Python and opencv
     44  Python 3 Error ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0.89*10**-5' ?
     44  python2.7 define the content of txt file
     44  Pyinstaller dist file creates unused numpy pyd and dll files
     44  Program crashes when running the PyArray_Max command
     44  Problem reproducing MATLAB code in Python involving a for loop
     44  Problem of Numpy returning error while appending arrays
     44  Print int numpy array with distance
     44  printing out file if columns from two files match
     44  Potential bug in np.isnan() for mixed types on pandas Dataframe
     44  Plotting the sum of multiple plot lines
     44  Plotting a plot with an additional y axis on the right and an additional x axis on the top, linked to the bottom one
     44  Plotting an array of events with respective colours
     44  Plotting a Graph with multiple data values using Numpy and Matplotlib
     44  Plot arrays same extension Matlotlib
     44  Plot a rent graph [closed]
     44  'Piling' an Array, Collapse by Summation
     44  Passing an array of objects as index to a 2d array
     44  Panel data - Keep companies which have at least 3 years of data in Pandas
     44  pandas to_numeric(…, downcast='float') losing precision
     44  pandas timeseries slicing: between_time returns NaN value while using inside the query operator np.where
     44  Pandas show dataframe columns with boolean selection
     44  Pandas groupby dataframe then return single value result (sum, total)
     44  pandas create new column based on grouping [duplicate]
     44  Panda Numpy converting data to a column
     44  Panda is overwriting a datetime list into timestamp when inserting a new column
     44  Pairwise minima of elements of a pandas Series
     44  Padding sequence with numpy and combining a feature array with the number of sequence array
     44  Order data depending on multiple range criteria
     44  Optimized method to partition numpy 2D array
     44  Optimized method for mapping contents of a column in a 2D numpy array
     44  OpenCV Python - Placing one image on top of the other
     44  Ones in the coefficient matrix when calculating least squares
     44  numpy vectorize an 5x5 array but allow any changes made in the 5x5 array to reflect in the vector
     44  numpy - tensor multiplication product
     44  Numpy: '' ... '' syntax in numpy array indexing [duplicate]
     44  numpy's linalg norm axis does not output the same result
     44  Numpy slice of a slice assignment fails unexpectedly
     44  numpy.searchsorted for multiple instances of the same entry - python
     44  numpy.random.rand not giving me the right shape
     44  Numpy Package uses all the available cores and slow downs the process
     44  Numpy or OpenCV function to apply a rolling median filter to videos longitudinally
     44  numpy operation: convert green to red
     44  Numpy - Multiply each element of a matrix with the element of another matrix at the same position [duplicate]
     44  numpy matrix multiplication each col and sum
     44  Numpy matrix exponentiation gives negative result
     44  Numpy.load under the hood
     44  NumPy: Iterating over items to right, bottom of given element w/ its index
     44  NumPy: Improperly Creating 2-D Array
     44  numpy: How to vectorize aggregation loop [duplicate]
     44  Numpy: How to multiply (N,N) and (N,N,M,M) numpy arrays?
     44  Numpy get column of two dimensional matrix as array
     44  Numpy generate array from csv - doesnt work with only 1 value in csv
     44  NumPy general boolean indexing confusion [duplicate]
     44  Numpy: Functional assignment?
     44  numpy.fromfunction with specified non-arange-like array
     44  Numpy, Frequency of variable pairs in observations
     44  Numpy FFT of Gaussian does not give Gaussian
     44  Numpy fancy indexing question about specific array and its final shape?
     44 on multiple pairs of matrices
     44  Numpy cannot be accessed in sub directories
     44  Numpy Assigning with Indexing
     44  Numpy assign columns of a 2d array as sum of columns of indices of another array
     44  numpy.asarray leaves inner dimensions uncoverted
     44  numpy.array slicing behaviour
     44  Numpy array interface to SWIG wrapped C++ Class with --builtin
     44  Numpy array containing other numpy arrrays unexpectedly
     44  Numpy array assignment using another array
     44  Numpy.around() converts an ndarray len 45 into an ndarray len 1
     44  numpy.argpartition documentation not clear enough
     44  numpy always gets complex eigenvalues, and wrong eigenvectors
     44  Numpy add smaller matrix to a bigger one
     44  np.where not returning expected result in data frame [closed]
     44  np.matmul() inside tf.py_func() throws SIGBUS error
     44  Not able to add element in an empty array. Difference between insert,append and concatenate
     44  Normalize heavily merged excel table
     44  Nested ndarray reshape
     44  need writing function to find percentage from total in pivot table
     44  multiprocessing map python speed issue with list
     44  Multiply matrix columns by array element-twise
     44  Multiple calculations of standard deviation on array subsets by index
     44  Moving elements in a numpy array arbitrarily
     44  Most efficient way to select subset of rows from scipy csr sparse matrix
     44  More pythonic (shorter/efficient) way of filling a structured array with the content of a structured string than this?
     44  More efficient way to group data based on a mapping file
     44  Merging list elements with in a list and converting it into string for conversion to decimall
     44  Memory issues when finding masked median of masked ndarray
     44  Mean of NxM elements of array [duplicate]
     44  Matplotlib How to add tilted lines and shapes outside of axes or cross different axes
     44  Matlab to Python conversion yields a SyntaxError: “can't assign to function call” [duplicate]
     44  Make dataframe/numpy array from 3 lists
     44  LSTM Price Prediction Plot - ValueError: x and y must be the same size
     44  Looping over pandas DataFrame
     44  logarithmic interval and sum up trapezoids for integration
     44  Local reduce with specified slices over a single axis in tensorflow
     44  load .npz file in python
     44  Loading 3 column csv as list of tuplets
     44  List doesn't build up right
     44  List comprehension for np matrixes
     44  Linear-Blurring an Image
     44  Lengths of series not matching for np.where
     44  Label nonzero neighbour values in 2d array [duplicate]
     44  Keras shape error - im inputting the shape its asking for
     44  Keeping part of array constant
     44  I want to mask multiple Image horizontally
     44  Iterate through Time Series data from .txt file using Numpy Array
     44  Is there a way to use numpy to apply a function to a 2D array without a loop
     44  Is there a way to easily get the logarithm of a np.ndarray containing errors
     44  Is there a way to do a parallel forward fill on multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame or a Numpy ndarray?
     44  Is there a way to disregard masked values in an array used to mask separate array?
     44  Is there any way to merge two numpy arrays with a given cost function?
     44  Is there any way to get rid of the zero-size array reduction error?
     44  Is there any way to find top-left and right-bottom pixels of cropped image from a full image using Python? [duplicate]
     44  Is there any built in function in numpy to take moving skewness?
     44  Is there a numpy.polyfit like multivariate curve fitting function?
     44  Is there a NumPy function to compute partial sums?
     44  Is there a configuration under which a numpy operation will work on more than a single core/thread?
     44  Is there a built-in method to replace booleans in pandas dataframe with a string value?
     44  Issue with odeint from scipy.integrate when I start the range not at 0
     44  Issue converting a 3-dimensional DataFrame to a 3-dimensional array using PYTHON
     44  Is my Python code doing what I expect for the following summation?
     44  Is it possible to speed up calculation of very large arrays in numpy?
     44  Intelligent averaging of time series data with python
     44  Integration yields different results in Scipy vs MATLAB [duplicate]
     44  Integrating over range of dates, and labeling the xaxis
     44  Installing python on Mac not working
     44  insertion of a list in additional dimension of numpy array
     44  Initial value numpy array before starting the function in python
     44  Index of element smaller/larger than a float in numpy subarrays
     44  Indexing stock price returns to 100 at start date
     44  Indexing a matrix by a column vector
     44  Index every n-th element along each dimension of a N-dimensional numpy array
     44  Index a 2D matrix with a 1D matrix
     44  index 243 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 10
     44  Increment and decrement a value depending to these conditions
     44  Increasing speed for comparative analysis using Python
     44  Improve performance of combined for blocks with numpy
     44  ImportError when importing numpy under Spyder from within a Python 3.7 conda environment
     44  Implementing Simple Rolling Window for Training and Testing
     44  Implementing numpy bincount to change half of most common value?
     44  Implementing custom matrix multiplication-like operations in numpy
     44  image matrix to input feature vector vector
     44  I have a text file (12 column and 10K rows). I want to load data from text file and feed to a 2D array
     44  I get an error when I use opencv(python) for drawing a bounding box on an image
     44  if username in dataframe 1 is equal to username in dateframe 2 then place the nextcolumn in dataframe 1
     44  I am trying to interpolate a value from a pandas dataframe using numpy.interp but it continuously returns a wrong interpolation
     44  I am calculating the time of a numpy array and normal list by appending items in list and array
     44  How to unique and sum ‘3rd‘ by same '1rd,2rd' of array in numpy
     44  How to transpose CSV data from a wide format to long dataset using Python
     44  How to sum values in an array within a loop
     44  How to sum pairs of 2d arrays in list
     44  How to speed up repeated access to an Object/Class Attribute (x.y notation slow)
     44  How to solve? IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
     44  How to slice an array around its minimun
     44  How to shrink a csv file to use it for a neural network?
     44  How to set equal to nan after first grouping of values above threshold in numpy array?
     44  How to select ndarray data in python?
     44  How to replace a value depending on ''identifier columns'' and an additional condition in a pandas dataframe?
     44  How to replace a single row in a NumPy array
     44  How to remove TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'vectorize' , vectorize, astype not working
     44  How to remove entries of a numpy array based on conditions
     44  How to reduce the processing time of reading a file using numpy
     44  How to rearrange 3D array
     44  How to process (stretch) only the signal of a mix of gaussian?
     44  How to print a value associated with a minimized residual - Python
     44  How to plot weights attached to 3 different filters?
     44  How to plot two columns (String + double) using Pandas or numpy
     44  How to pick same values in a list if the list contain floating numbers
     44  How to pass subarrays to multiprocessing workers with starmap
     44  How to obtain the intended Result?
     44  How to numpy sum take range repeat
     44  How to NaN elements in a numpy array based on upper and lower boundery
     44  How to multiply all entries of column X by a constant, where X is a variable
     44  How to map fields in NumPy
     44  How to make label from NumPy array?
     44  How to make a1,a2, and a3 to be read in the looping?
     44  how to load different number of string element in every row by numpy
     44  How to keep track of the label in supervised learning? [closed]
     44  How to isolate regions of a 3d surface with a constrained height?
     44  How to interpolate an array which doesn't contain pressure information based on a pressure array
     44  How to integrate using scipy with an array as part of the function
     44  How to improve this List Comprehensions?
     44  How to have specific conditions per element for a matrix or 2d array in python?
     44  How to get the sum of triangle in the matrix
     44  How to get numpy to broadcast an operation after a reduction operation
     44  How to get a zero value for some elements in array?
     44  How to get a proper prediction from an neural net trained on MNIST from kaggle?
     44  How to get a matrix A*A*C from a matrix A*B*C and a matrix B*A*C by in theano
     44  How to fix the code which is interrupted by OS due to out-of-memory & optimize the code?
     44  How to find the variance between two groups in python pandas? [closed]
     44  How to execute an (advanced) indexed in-place (augmented) assign to a numpy vector using only data-model dunder methods?
     44  How to efficiently transform dataframe to lists discarding nan
     44  How to efficiently match strings across two dataframes
     44  How to efficiently compare two sets of unordered vectors (`np.ndarray`)?
     44  How to do numpy logical_and with a margin?
     44  How to create very large ones matrix in python
     44  How to create list of differences between tuple values from a list of tuples [duplicate]
     44  How to create array mask by comparing to a string?
     44  How to create an empty numpy array with semi-specified dims?
     44  How to create an animation (mpeg movie, for example) of plots, from a text file, without saving them individually to computer?
     44  How to correct the shape of Y_labels images
     44  how to copy two 2d numpy arrays to a preallocated array
     44  How to convert numpy to float32?
     44  How to combine a numpy array and a panda series side by side and return a count of the rows which matches [closed]
     44  How to choose the row from a numpy's array for which a specific column's value is the largest?
     44  How to change the type of a numpy array from string to bool?
     44  How to change color pixels to white pixels
     44  How to calculate multiple average in numpy?
     44  How to bypass this error to make the column zero if it is greater than the said date? '' TypeError: invalid type promotion '' [closed]
     44  How to build a dict.keys from a 2d array( which is converted from a 3d array) and a pd.read_excel(file)
     44  How to avoid using iloc or hard coding the index number pandas to dynamically fetch rows from single data frame into multiple subsets?
     44  How to avoid double for loops?
     44  How to avoid additional float-object-copies while initializing a numpy object-array
     44  how to assign the correct colormap to countourf in python
     44  How to assign data to a multi-dimensional numpy array?
     44  how to argsort with an array of arrays
     44  how to apply FOR LOOP for the two different data
     44  How to access an element in an array when only its number of rows is known?
     44  How prevent python write empty line between two lines? [duplicate]
     44  How do you set an entry in a numpy array to 0 or None if the entries are structured arrays themselves?
     44  How do I share the random number generator in numpy c-api?
     44  How do I process the numpy array(img1) with cv2?
     44  How do I index an ndarray using rows of another ndarray?
     44  How do I get a text output from a string created from an array to remain unshortened?
     44  How do I do a column-wise subtraction using numpy?
     44  How do I create a range that goes from the first row of a 2D matrix to the last row?
     44  How do I combine two numpy arrays based on the first Element?
     44  How do I change rows of an array from a 1D vector with specific positions
     44  How do I calculate the mean value of a part of an array using numpy
     44  How does this code work? They are removing an item in an array based on a condition. The syntax confuses me
     44  How copy take place in Numpy
     44  How can I transpose those data putting the year as first column?
     44  How can I replace array elements at varying index locations? [duplicate]
     44  How can I plot output of convolutional layers as a scatter plot? Is it even possible?
     44  How can I map a vectorized function to a numpy array without using a for loop?
     44  How can I increase the computational efficiency for dealing with numpy arrays using loops in python?
     44  How can I improve numpy's broadcast
     44  How can I get rid of the loops and make my Correlation matrix function more efficient
     44  How can I display numbers in scientific form inside a numpy matrix?
     44  How can I create a dinosaur image from a given dataset using Matplotlib?
     44  How add a value to missing value i
     44  Hitting a specified target region on a sphere
     44  headers of the matrix
     44  Having a problem with handling errors on Python
     44  Getting the count of items under diagonal in numpy
     44  Getting the average of each 2 elements on a list
     44  Getting difference between 2 pixels and handling the overflow error
     44  Get part of array plus first element in numpy (In a pythonic way)
     44  Get euclidean distance between colour and list of colours
     44  Generating all the possible values in a ndarray in numpy?
     44  Generate all possible n-dimensional k*k* ... *k-arrays each with line of ones along axis
     44  Function working iteratively over each row in an individual column of an array - numpy
     44  Function formatting offset with sphinx and scipy theme
     44  Function defines an unwanted attribute to a numpy array for mysterious reason
     44  Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [1, 7]
     44  formatting empty fields pandas dataframe to text file
     44  for loop using parallel computing
     44  “first” and “last” functions to columns while using group by in pandas fails
     44  Find the time point in a column while reading the maximum in a different column
     44  Find the median of a group of data and apply to members of that group
     44  Find the indexes of a minimum value in an array, where the same indexes point to a zero in another array
     44  Finding the nth coordinate where condition is true
     44  Finding the mean of r squared in a dictionary list
     44  find indices of ndarray compared with ndarray
     44  fill numpy array with sequence of numbers
     44  Fastest way to filter out all False matrix
     44  Fast approach to find elements from one Dataframe in another and return their indexes
     44  Expand number with a dynamic sample rate
     44  expand and populate numpy array
     44  Error with given arguments and numpy - Python
     44  Equality test on a shared array without stopping pool multiprocessing
     44  Enter path (as argument) to files that are processed by python script
     44  Elementwise greater-than with three or more lists
     44  Element of array set as integer instead of float
     44  Elegant way of evaluating 3d function on cube faces
     44  Efficient pairwise sum
     44  Efficiently zero out all but largest n elements for each image pixel
     44  Efficiently computing multiple tensor inner products
     44  Easy way to add a number as an image in a matrix?
     44  Do I need to set seed in all modules where I import numpy or tensorflow?
     44  Divide one dataframe by another disconsidering one column
     44  Distribute indices evenly in multidimensional numpy array
     44  Different result when doing casting
     44  Difference between plotting the same data from a csv file and from array?
     44  Delete a row with particular value in column
     44  Data structure for KMeans clustering using Pandas DataFrames
     44  Data structure for a diamond-shaped array in python
     44  Custom column names in HDF5 file using h5py
     44  Cumulative Sum DataFrame (.groupby())
     44  creating a new array from an existing list
     44  Creating a matrix where each element is equal to the minimum of its row and column index
     44  Creating a (2,2,3) Numpy array [closed]
     44  Create random data that is increasing towards a particular point
     44  Create numpy array consisting of multiple images
     44  Create NonUniformImage based on Numpy 2d array with custom cell width and height
     44  Create list of unique values in pandas dataframe  -  error: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'
     44  Create a new numpy array from list or tuple
     44  Count nonzero elements numpy
     44  Convolving a each row of a 2D matrix with a vector
     44  Convert numpy array with many dimensions into 2D array with nested numpy arrays
     44  Convert NumPy array to string when copying key from dictionary
     44  convert ndarray to dataframe and save as csv where a column contains ndarray
     44  Converting numpy variables to tf variables for graph freezing purpose
     44  Converting a cross-referenced matrix in excel into a Python array(s) for a 3D plot
     44  Constructing a simple linear system using `scipy.sparse`
     44  Concatenate error after repeating array
     44  Comparision of numpy module array with list
     44  Compare two dataframes, and then add new column to one of the data frames based on the other
     44  Compare the two data-frames columns on the basis of id's in the dataframe
     44  Code working fine on jupyter but won't work in script
     44  Code too slow when selecting optimal piecewise regression fit
     44  Check if value in a list is in the corresponding row in numpy array
     44  Change Pandas column value by checking multiple conditions
     44  Change all values that satisfy different conditions in pandas dataframe
     44  Change all elements in Numpy array that end up as individual arrays to floats Python
     44  challenging special numpy operation
     44  Can`t plot data after a for
     44  Cannot modify numpy 2d array
     44  Can i iterate over an image while ignoring black pixels?
     44  Calculate time interval based on conditions in dataframe in Python
     44  By dumping a python list, creating a python ''.py'' file which returns the same python list
     44  Breaking down a batch in pytorch leads to different results, why?
     44  bool masking in numpy array matrices
     44  Bin sequential values in list
     44  bin one column and sum the other of (2,N) array
     44  Binary-search without an explicit array
     44  best way to create a numpy array from a list and additional individual values
     44  Best practice to generate columns based on current columns on Pandas, without potential ValueError conflicts?
     44  Avoiding the loops - 3d array
     44  Average a Data Set while maintaining its variables?
     44  AST module ['zero' 'zero' 'zero' 'zero' 2 'zero' 'zero' 'zero' 'zero' 'zero' 'zero' 7 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
     44  Assign values to a dataframe by considering values in 2 columns of different dataframe as range
     44  Assigning values to a position in a numpy array not modifying the array
     44  Asking About optimization tools in Python [duplicate]
     44  Array brodcasting in numba with parallel
     44  Argument to choose the plot to be shown
     44  Are numpy-matrix-functions buffered?
     44  Apply a second function if the first one fails
     44  Apply a function whose result depends on the previous results to a numpy array
     44  append to an array without replacing original array python [duplicate]
     44  Animate 2D RGB numpy array?
     44  Alter a 3D ndarray at the positions represented by a 2d ndarray
     44  All sets length 2 from numpy array
     44  Add number one to a python list when the dimensions doesn't match
     44  Add multiple of a matrix without build a new one
     44  Adding and subtracting is not effecting all elements of a numpy array
     44  Add column with conditional values located anywhere in certain other columns
     44  Add a column to a dataset whose values ​are filled by groups
     44  10x2 Numpy Array of points, Find distance between each point?
     43  Working with very large matrices in numpy
     43  Working on Time-series anomaly script from Kaggle. getting issue at the end when I am looking for anomaly based on last 7 days data
     43  Why values is not normalized in certain array?
     43  Why random.choices is faster than NumPy’s random choice?
     43  Why is string indexing in Python 3.6 10x slower than NumPy indexing?
     43  Why is set function on a numpy array returning slightly different values?
     43  Why I can't reshape my 1d array to 2d array in my code? Numpy
     43  Why do two methods of numpy array multiplication give different answers?
     43  Why does this TensorFlow snippet throw an error in feeding?
     43  Why does the image size change after save?
     43  Why does squeeze not work on sparse arrays?
     43  Why does my numpy matrix get updated before get assigned? [duplicate]
     43  Why does matplotlib magnitude_spectrum function seem to show wrong magnitudes?
     43  Why does it take loger to multiply int numbers than float numbers in numpy arrays, [duplicate]
     43  Why did a gray imaged transformed to 3 channels flip the object and background colors
     43  Why array have different value than anticipated?
     43  Why are for loop and np.random.shuffle not work as expected in Python?
     43  Why am I getting an IndexError in this ndarray creation using a lambda expression Python [duplicate]
     43  Where is the source code location for np.multiply()
     43  When saving an array to a file with, why does the file's size go down to 1 KB when the array is large (around 10,000 elements long)?
     43  when read data from file: output {'y': array([-0.21]), 'x': array([1.63])}
     43  What's the most efficient way to store large Pandas Series with numpy arrays?
     43  what's the difference between (728,) and (1,728) in numpy shape? [duplicate]
     43  What's the best way to save and read numpy array in PySpark?
     43  What ndarray.shape returns?
     43  What is wrong with my matrix-based backpropagation algorithm?
     43  What is the expected effect of where in numpy's negative?
     43  What is the difference between a[x] and a[x, :] in Python for multidimensional (numpy) arrays?
     43  What is the best way to implement a bias node to my python/numpy neural network?
     43  What is the 4th channel in an image?
     43  What determines the data type of a numpy array
     43  Weird interpolation of a numpy 2D array
     43  Vectorize pixelwise assignment for color mapping of a segmentation mask
     43  Vectorized way of finding the index of a previously occurring element
     43  Vectorized search of element indeces
     43  vectorized addition of parameterized arrays
     43  vectorise multiplication multiple dataframes based on column combinations
     43  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence while training CNN using tensorflow
     43  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence - passing a list in a dictionary to DataGenerator
     43  using seaborn to plot list of numpy variables
     43  Using python built-in functions for coupled ODEs
     43  Using loc and map to change values in multiple columns
     43  Using an ND array to select on a dimension
     43  Use skimage feature extractors in PyTorch Transforms
     43  use numpy to make a collection dictionary for some statistical objects
     43  Use Numpy to iterate through columns and feed to function
     43  Unexpected number of decimal places and Syntactical Query
     43  Unexpected behaviour from applying np.isin() on a pandas dataframe
     43  Unable to import pandas: ImportError: Unable to import required dependencies: numpy: No module > named 'numpy.fft.helper'
     43  ''TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable '' - Numpy Error
     43  TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable in scipy.optimize.minimize Library
     43  TypeError: can't convert CUDA tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first
     43  Turn black borders around a custom region of interest to transparent
     43  True inverse function for cosine in numpy? (NOT arccos)
     43  Troubles using JupyterNotebook
     43  Trouble Reshaping Nd-array
     43  Transform an array of count data into a matrix of ones and zeroes
     43  Training data in two steps with same accuracy?
     43  too many indices for array when calculating the cost (loss) for softmax function
     43  the variance matrix get from np.cov() is different from calculation by hand
     43  sympy lamdify issue with large numbers
     43  Suitable parameters to reshape datasets
     43  Subtracting string and datetime.time repeatedly
     43  Str to numpy nd array
     43  Stacking matrices to make a matrix with sites of parent matrices map as block diagonals
     43  Stack dimensions of numpy array
     43  split tuple of dict into individual records in dataframe
     43  splitting/grouping pandas dataframe column
     43  Split out column that contains both str and ints
     43  Speeding up list comprehension
     43  Sparse vectors for training data
     43  Something wrong with Sigmoid curve for Logistic Regression
     43  slicing a numpy array based on specific Boolean indices
     43  Slicing a 2D array to match entries from a 3D array?
     43  Slice sets of columns in numpy
     43  Simple Neural Network Value Error - shapes not aligned
     43  showing of angle between two vector in python in degrees
     43  Set values in matrix to 1 where index matches value
     43  Separate Data Based on Value
     43  Select using multiple arrays of indices from an ndarray in numpy
     43  Selecting specific groups of rows from numpy array [duplicate]
     43  Selecting some elements based on conditions
     43  Selecting a second array based on the first one
     43  Searching for the 'correct' solution when using pseudoinverse
     43  saving huge 2D (or 3D) numpy array efficiently as labels for DNN with bit exact precision
     43  sample 2D positions into an gridded array in numpy
     43  restore column while doing operation
     43  Reshape an array in Python [closed]
     43  Replace all column values based on another dataframe's index
     43  Replace a column in a data frame with a numpy array
     43  Removing repeated sub-lists from a list
     43  Removing elements from list corresponding to numpy array
     43  remove swapped duplicates from a 2D array
     43  Reimplementing for older NumPy versions
     43  Regarding the slicing of an Nd array in numpy
     43  regarding printing out the floating number with correct digit values
     43  Reference of copied object is changed when using copied object to assign to global variable
     43  Reducing buckets by key and hour with Python
     43  Reading TTree Friend with uproot
     43  Reading files usin python's OpenCV takes too long
     43  random oversampling for multiple categories in python
     43  randomly select position in array with condition
     43  Randomly sample rows (first dimension) of an array with unknown dimension
     43  Randomly keeping a single element different from zero along one axis of a numpy array
     43  Raise error when setting out of range values
     43  q.learning/q-table with RGB colors exceeds numpy array?
     43  Pytorch's stack() adds dimension?
     43  Python  -  Why does mtime precede the command that modifies the file?
     43  Python Underscore Inside List
     43  Python sub-setting output of NumPy Array is a bit confusing
     43  Python sets: Strange behaviour with NaNs [duplicate]
     43  python: Returning mininum in numpy.ndarray
     43  python plot multiple histogram same time with matplotlib
     43  Python/pandas: Iterating through area of interest with multiple dataframes
     43  Python optimizing reshape operations in nested for loops
     43  Python Numpy matrix multiplication using loop to multiply multiple matrices together
     43  Python Numpy Matrix Multiplication / Shape Not Compatible / Defying Math?
     43  Python Numpy. Manipulating with 2 matrices
     43  Python numpy array indexing rounding error in 4th digit
     43  Python npzFile objects are very slow
     43  python not creating file with w+ using absolute path
     43  Python - Looping Issue
     43  Python list not appending values of permutations not correctly
     43  Pythonicaly get a subset of rows from a numpy matrix based on a condition on each row and all columns
     43  Python: How to reshape a multidimensional array with various dimensions?
     43  Python: How do you make a variable which can be used as an index call to slice another variable?
     43  Python: Generate a new array with more columns based on another array
     43  Python Count With Many Conditions
     43  Python - Considering the official definition Numpy should be a module
     43  Probability density function in SciPy behaves differently than expected
     43  Preventing Broadcasting in Pandas [duplicate]
     43  Prepending 1d array onto each 2d array of a 3d array
     43  Predict_generator() only predicts one class
     43  Populating a 2D array to calculate a function of two linspaces
     43  Plotting high exponent data came out a straight line in jupyter with matplotlib
     43  Plot of x,y coordinates with their respective u,v directions
     43  PIL mean of all non-transparent/black pixels in RGBA image
     43  Perform group operation on 2D numpy array
     43  Perform calculations based on signals in array
     43  Pass a numpy array from Python to C
     43  Pandas: why do I get different format number under conditions?
     43  Pandas vectorized way to create groups of size n?
     43  pandas: suppress scientific notation?
     43  Pandas promotes int to float when filtering
     43  pandas or numpy array data elements formatting
     43  Pandas numpy.lookfor equivalent
     43  pandas notebooks into a python process
     43  Pandas Map columns based on two different columns?
     43  Pandas groupby + ifelse + add new column back to original df
     43  Pandas DataFrame Numbering based on Previous Numbers in Dataset
     43  Pandas dataframe: Getting row indices from criteria 1, sorted by criteria 2
     43  Optimize value retrieval from a large size dictionary
     43  Optimised code for computing truncated weighted sum of matrix products
     43  openCV rotate doesnt work with numpy array
     43  one hot encode column at specific index at specific dimension
     43  Obtain a mask for similar elements in two arrays and apply it to a third one
     43  numpy tensordot over multiple axes not equivalent to repeated tensordot?
     43  numpy shows wrong dimension for list of images
     43  Numpy: Setting n last elements of mantissas in double array
     43  numpy setting multidimensional arrays with index arrays containing NaNs
     43  numpy: row wise product of a 2-D matrix [duplicate]
     43  NumPy: Return a flat matrix where if the row == col, ignore value
     43  numpy.random.uniform applied to index of array produces integers
     43  Numpy optimisation - C and F_Contiguous Matrices
     43  Numpy, multiplication operation? (M[i, j] = a[i] * b[j]) [duplicate]
     43  Numpy matrix-wise dot product [duplicate]
     43  numpy.matrix ignores copy
     43  numpy matrix diagonal fill with alternating value
     43  numpy indexed list error
     43  Numpy : index 2 dimensions at once
     43  Numpy - Impossible to perform a matricial product with 3 matrices
     43  numpy: How do I pick rows from two 2D arrays based on conditions in 1D arrays?
     43  Numpy: getting a list of combinations of ratios such that they all add to 1
     43  Numpy, for each element of one array, find its closest point in another array [duplicate]
     43  Numpy dot product for group of rows
     43  NumPy cumsum rounding issue [duplicate]
     43  Numpy concatenation of two 2D arrays while keeping data separate
     43  Numpy concatenate lists where first column is in range n
     43  numpy: concat/append one additional column to the original matrix
     43  numpy bincount sequential slices of array
     43  numpy best fit line with outliers
     43  Numpy Backprop Cost is Not Decreasing
     43  numpy arrays will not concontenate
     43  Numpy Array Shape issue in Web Server with Keras DNN on Higgs Boson Kaggle
     43  ''numpy/arrayobject.h'': No such file or directory - Windows 10
     43  numpy array division turns all elements to zeros
     43  numpy advanced indexing inaccurate documentation?
     43  np.loadtxt() cannot convert str to float error
     43  np.cov() matrix returns unexpected values
     43  np.array of texts memory size
     43  Not getting correct subtraction result for difference of two images in python
     43  NameError states that dictionary does not exist, but it does exist
     43  Naive Bayesian ML code. I don't understand this program from my lecture
     43  My Tensorflow code always prints different values
     43  Multiplying elementwise over final axis of two arrays
     43  multiple images storing in array
     43  multi-numpy array from dataframe
     43  Most computationally efficient way (in terms of RAM, Not storage space) to save many (millions) of varying length numpy arrays in a specific order
     43  More Pythonic way to build random clusters in Python
     43  More efficient time delta calculation python 3
     43  Modify a part of numpy array based upon a condition
     43  Mitigating shared library bottlenecks while running many processes
     43  Minimize system of nonlinear equation (integral on exponent)
     43  Method to accept 10 dimensional data
     43  meshgrid over a function containing eigenvalues
     43  Merging numpy float values into one list [duplicate]
     43  merging and visualization of datasets using pandas
     43  meaning of if statement in nested for loop in python? [duplicate]
     43  Mean and STD for values based on key in a single dictionary
     43  Matrix to dictionaries conversion
     43  Matrix calculation returns varied results with different matrix
     43  Making a ndarray of two lists python
     43  making a method checking if the values in a dataframe are a particular value
     43  Make python process writes be scheduled for writeback immediately without being marked dirty
     43  Machine Generation of Art Patterns in Vector Fields
     43  Loop through 2 large Raster arrays and subtract each block
     43  Looping to assign list of lists into arrays
     43  Keras - How to compute a double sum?
     43  jupiter nookbook -problem no module named 'pandas'
     43  joining the ADASYN balanced features and target label
     43  Joining Multiple data frame to file.txt python based on time
     43  Iterating through a subset of dimensions
     43  Iterating Over Rows in Python Array to Extract Column Data
     43  Is this a bug of the sklearn logistic regression?
     43  Is there a way to set an element that is NaN to 0? [duplicate]
     43  Is there a way to replicate scikit.measure.label for edge detection in Numpy?
     43  Is there a way to insert into numpy array in a loop?
     43  Is there a numpy function that mimics A[[i,j], ... ][ ... ,[a,b,c]] but is not read only?
     43  Is there a function that will round my numbers in pandas whilst maintaining my orders?
     43  Is it possible to run ipython with some packages already imported?
     43  Is it possible to put a 1D ndarray (size N) into 1D ndarray (size N,1)
     43  Is it possible to parse csv columns containing arrays with vectorized Pandas code?
     43  Interpolation between two images (Numpy arrays)
     43  Interpolating polynomials in python [duplicate]
     43  Interpolate array to constant density
     43  Interpolate 3D where z is an array
     43  In python, how to use np array to manipulate multi-dimension efficiently?
     43  i need to get the value of x when x greater than y
     43  I need to concatenate two vectors same dimension but different shape
     43  Indexing numpy array using boolean vector
     43  Incrementally adding to a (2,n) array in a for loop in python
     43  Inconsistent dtype inference for mixed floats and strings
     43  Improve performance of masking followed by weighted average
     43  ImportError: No module named numjy
     43  Implement this situation in numpy
     43  Implement simple linear algebra operation in tensorflow
     43  I have problem in Gradient Descent that it give me the thetas as none [duplicate]
     43  I have a numpy array which contains a number of arrays within. How can I sum all of the arrays within resulting in a single numpy array?
     43  If statements in comprehension regarding array operations
     43  idiom for getting contiguous copies
     43  How would you reshuffle this array efficiently?
     43  how would I find the min value of an index AFTER a certain value
     43  How to use Pandas to match the order of data
     43  How to use numpy to compute high-dimensional overlap integral
     43  How to split rows in stacks and perform `select` for every single in Pandas?
     43  How to save the n-d numpy array data and read it quickly next time?
     43  how to reshape input image array from 1d to 3d
     43  How to reshape an array of arrays in Python using Numpy
     43  How to reshape an array in python? [duplicate]
     43  How to resample data in data frame without changing one specific column?
     43  How to Replace Nan and Inf values with 0 in series of values
     43  how to Remove NaN from 2D numpy array with float values and type of result should be array?
     43  How to Read file and store content into a 2D matrix?
     43  How to read a fortran outputted matrix with python?
     43  How to properly create an array using (1,20) DataFrames as rows?
     43  How to plot string type Numpy array with Seaborn?
     43  How to plot same function with many different values in subplots in numpy/matplotlib python?
     43  how to plot bar graph of lantitude longitude with respect to time in python using pandas?
     43  How to plot a surface with different functions on different intervals?
     43  How to perform a random parameter MC scan in python?
     43  How to pad numpy arrays to fixed row number
     43  How to optimize following function in python?
     43  How to optimize a function for calculating distribution similarity
     43  How to open a .raw file containing thousands of face images for classification
     43  How to manually create a three-by-three-by-three NumPy array using a combination of np.array() and np.arange(3)?
     43  How to make up lost reference to declare a field (numpy)?
     43  How to make readable a line plot using a DataFrame with a large number of rows
     43  How to make column of ascending numbers consecutive? [duplicate]
     43  how to make a for loop using the dimensions of a matrix
     43  how to make a dtype for list of arrays in numpy python3+
     43  How to interpolate pandas dataframe such that a column is sampled in given interval?
     43  How to insert 1d array from two numpy array element by element
     43  How to initialise a block matrix with the same matrices as elements? [duplicate]
     43  How to import single function from packages with the same name
     43  How to find the specific number's maximum index and minimum index column wise numpy
     43  How to find minimum value in each row while keeping array dimensions same using numpy?
     43  How to find how many columns of two numpy arrays match with each other?
     43  How to fancy slice numpy array and get a shallow copy?
     43  How to extract data using groupby under specific condition?
     43  How to ensure no singleton expansion in numpy is made
     43  How to eliminate the multiindex in pandas?
     43  How to delete the entire row in a dataframe if one element equals ''XYZ'' [duplicate]
     43  How To Delete Sub Arrays In Numpy IF Exactly Matches 0,0,0
     43  How to delete 1 row from the first 2 classes of a 3 classes dataframe?
     43  How to deal with giant lists/ Matrices in python? ( not chunkable)
     43  How to create a numpy array with float values [closed]
     43  How to create an array of neighbors out from each element in an numpy 2d array
     43  How to create a 3-D array by multiplying vectors from two 2-D matrices
     43  How to correctly shape time-series data for RNN?
     43  How to convert edge-values of a 3d histogram into mid-point values of the histogram?
     43  How to convert a single big number written in *.txt file into numpy array of its individual digits?
     43  How to convert array of numbers saved as string in 'one' cell of a csv file in python?
     43  How to convert a 'for' loop into a matricial expression for a list of lists using python3?
     43  How to convert 3D string to numpy array which is originated after saving 3D image in CSV
     43  How to clean up dataframe row in Python
     43  How to choose random value from array, then choose randomly again excluding the value just chosen?
     43  How to change every max value to 1, others 0 along column, in matrix?
     43  How to change each element in an array to the mean of the array using NumPy?
     43  How to calculate probability of a sentence given probabilities of its words?
     43  How to calculate mutual elements between two 2D arrays in Python?
     43  How to calculate mean of each bin after using `numpy.digitize` to split up a NumPy array?
     43  How to apply conditions on lines that have the same ID
     43  How to append repetitive index values to columns using python?
     43  How to achieve the same result from comma and bracket notation in numpy?
     43  How should I evaluate equivalency of floating point numpy matrices?
     43  how replace a sentence with a special character in python?
     43  How is one supposed to use the arange function when indexing an ndarray?
     43  How do I reverse the first four elements of the 1st axis and reversing the 2nd axis of a numpy array in a single operation?
     43  How do I replace all values equal to x in nth level of a multi index
     43  How do I plot a function that varies with the domain using matlibplot
     43  How do I iterate over the vectors of all but one axis of a numpy array (tensor)?
     43  How do i get the sum of a dataframe with a specified conditions?
     43  How do i get the face and vertices after Delauny triangulation in SciPy?
     43  How do I fix this syntax error? Piston Position
     43  How do I element-wise multiply an array of 6 elements with an array of 12 elements with the smaller array repeating?
     43  How do I do to concatenate 2 arrays: 1 array contains string and the other array contains int64
     43  How do I declare and use a lot of variables in Python at one time?
     43  How do I create an nxn array of m-m arrays?
     43  How do I create a graph of filtered values from a CSV file?
     43  How do I create a 2d image array out of 3 masked arrays?
     43  How do I avoid round-off error in this list?
     43  How could I set the staring and ending points randomly in a grid that generates random obstacles?
     43  How can you read data from columns in a text file into 3 1D numpy arrays in python
     43  How can I use a 3d numpy array of indices to retrieve the corresponding values i a 4d array?
     43  how can i turn this plot into bar plots using the same data as i am
     43  How can i read 10minutes intervel using pandas readcsv
     43  How can i predict a memory error by knowing the size of the arrays being used?
     43  How can i find the equation of a line passing 2 points and point passing by line -python [closed]
     43  How can I efficiently translate ''terrain'' numpy array into networkx graph?
     43  How can I create an array by concatenating from 2 arrays?
     43  How can I convert from vtkImageData (corresponding to an RGB image) to numpy?
     43  Higher order numerical derivative Python
     43  Heat map on Basemap\RuntimeError matplotlib-basemap
     43  Heatmap in Python using matplotlib from 3 independent arrays
     43  Having issues with reshaping two arrays for regression
     43  Has the behavior of numpy.random.randn() changed in any NumPy version?
     43  Handling floating point imprecision in creating exponential smoothing weights
     43  hadamard product of uneven shaped arrays
     43  H5Py and storage
     43  Graphing This Function as a Cumulative Distribution
     43  global variables across files and numpy behavior
     43  Given XYZ grid points, calculate volume of sphere inside
     43  Given a 1D ndarray and an integer, what's the most efficient way to generate this ndarray?
     43  Get a numpy arrays indices in order of occurrence
     43  Get a boolean vector from comparing columns using conditions
     43  Get a 25x2 array like the following (a sorted list with its coordinates)
     43  Generating power of a vector and putting it in a matrix in numpy in a succint way
     43  generate random array where each entry can only belong to a discrete set of value
     43  Generate polygons such that the image is filled
     43  Generate data with python based on column data
     43  Generate a random number avoiding duplicates from a given list
     43  Function algebra for adding or multiplying several python functions and packaging parameters in a single vector
     43  Fixed histogram2d bin vectors
     43  Find string elements in matrix from list
     43  Find rows of numpy array that are members of a set
     43  finding the occurrence of vector v (1,k) inside a matrix M (m,k)
     43  finding roots of an expression y = f(x) for different values of y using scipy
     43  finding in numpy pair values (without zeros) and get the keys
     43  Find bad data which is causing my column become an ''object'' type instead of integer type
     43  Find and flat repeated values in numpy array
     43  Fill dataframe column based on result of a function applied to another column
     43  Fast implementation for neighbourhoods in numpy tensor
     43  Fastest way to sum several NumPy vectors that have uneven lengths
     43  FailedPreconditionError() while converting a tensor to a numpy array
     43  Extract tabular data from a html and save as text file
     43  Explain why the error occurs: ValueError: all sizes of the input array, except the concatenation axis, must exactly match
     43  Execute operation in one specific dimension of an array
     43  Euler Method for Lotka Volterra going wrong?
     43  errors while feeding data through feed-dict in python
     43  Equivalent for setting Numpy-like mask values in Tensorflow?
     43  __enter__ error when printing matrix with ''with'' statement
     43  Elegant way to check co-ordinates of a 2D NumPy array lie within a certain range
     43  Efficient way to perform a 2D x 1D Matrix Multiply
     43  Efficient way of merging data frames on custom conditions
     43  Efficient method of concatenating non-sequential columns in 2d numpy array
     43  Duplicating specific elements in lists or Numpy arrays
     43  Drawing values from normal distribution to be used in Monte Carlo Simulation
     43  Drawing a random sample from a numpy array with index
     43  does numpy support indexing (in the database sense)?
     43  Django project not recognising Numpy Dependency
     43  differ NaN values from real zero [closed]
     43  Difference between `groupby.unique` and `groupby.first` functions
     43  Declaring and filling an array in Python from fetching MySql array
     43  Dask element wise string concatination
     43  cv2.counterArea doesn't work anymore in OpenCV 4.0
     43  Creating sparse matrix using number signs from another matrix
     43  Creating new column based on values of other column (condition on date present in multiple columns) in Python
     43  Creating a symmetric array with power of an element
     43  Creating 3D array from 2D array and Vector in Python
     43  Create user/item ranking sparse arrays in Python
     43  Create an ndarray of list or ndarrays of differing lengths [duplicate]
     43  Create an array with the maximum of a list of arrays
     43  create a matrix with links
     43  Create a Json column from values in the same csv (My own json format) in python pandas
     43  C program memory violation dependant on std::cout (?)
     43  Convert numpy object type to float type
     43  Converting tf.keras to Keras whilst maintaining data integrity
     43  Convert DataFrame to a Matrix and access a cell
     43  Convert a numpy array of strings to an index array
     43  Convert a list with tabbed numbers to a numeric array or matrix
     43  Conversion from float (native float or numpy.float64) to integer not working
     43  Contraction along the last axe in numpy tensordot
     43  Contour plot on Python. TypeError: Input z must be a 2D array
     43  Conditional replacement of column in numpy array
     43  Computing the days value to monthly wise in pandas for datsets [duplicate]
     43  Comparing three pandas columns to determine a prediction
     43  Compare Two Matrices Containing NaN and Mask the Element Values in Both Matrices Where at Least One of Them Contains NaN in Python
     43  combining ranges for pandas (NumPy? core python?) indexing
     43  Combination of Map and Integration
     43  choose unique image ids randomly from a list of image ids - python
     43  Can't add 2nd plot to Log Transform figure
     43  can not plot when time goes from 12 to 1 properly with matplotlib
     43  Calculating Std. Dev. of a numpy array if, skipping rows where a condition is met
     43  Calculating multinomial logit model prediction probabilities
     43  Breaking a plot into subplots [duplicate]
     43  Blending together wav files using numpy in python 3
     43  'Bijectively' apply list of functions to list of arguments
     43  Best way to sort/compare through multiple documents?
     43  Avoid buffering when shuffling data
     43  average of one columns
     43  AttributeError: 'numpy.float32' object has no attribute '__index__'
     43  Assign pd.Timestamp objects from one masked numpy array to the other
     43  array operation results differ between interactive and the program
     43  A right proper numpy way to create flat list of indices into an array
     43  Applying the closest value from one list's column to another
     43  Append Numpy Array post Creation
     43  Animating multiple circles in orbit
     43  A function incorporating all combination list
     43  Add/Stack a 1D numpy array to a 2D numpy array
     43  Adding the new data-type to numpy
     43  Adding a numpy array with another numpy array only at selected indeces
     43  Add complementary values to numpy array
     43  Acurracy really bad for LSTM and cross_val_predict
     43  Acessing data from numpy array to plot
     43  access scipy matrix in dense format
     43  2D version of numpy random choice with weighting
     42  Write a method that accesses to a parametric dimension numpy array
     42  Why the result of output of randomize is repeating the same?
     42  Why output of .imshow is discontinous? [duplicate]
     42  Why numpy stops reading a complete list?
     42  Why is the result a recurring number when it should be an integer? [duplicate]
     42  Why is that np.nan is not boolean True [duplicate]
     42  Why is my gaussian np.array not symmetric?
     42  Why is my constant variable being changed inside my function?
     42  Why int64 type can not be applied with rolling?
     42  Why I am not able to output or store the full list?
     42  Why does the np.where function also seem to work on values
     42  Why does numpy.take() only return one value inside a tuple?
     42  Why can't a 3, 2 matrix be multiplied by a 2, 2 matrix with NumPy?
     42  Where numpy saves npz with comand np.savez?
     42  when i import numpy and pandas in jupyter it gives error same in spider but in spider works after starting new kernel
     42  What's the meaning of ''defines cell conectivity to ['Points] Indices''
     42  What is the purpose of numpy masked array in this function? [closed]
     42  What is the difference between x[1, 1] and x.item(1, 1)?
     42  What is the best way to show the percentage value of each element against the column total using Python 3 and Numpy?
     42  What is ''backslash'' doing in this context?
     42  What are good practices when writing python scripts with heavy disk I/O (numpy load)?
     42  View function is not creating view correctly
     42  Vertically add numpy array to itself
     42  Vectorization of Custom Function Not Applying Function to Each Row of Series
     42  Vectorise numpy code on demand
     42  vectorised list.get() solution in numpy/pandas
     42  ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous [duplicate]
     42  ValueError: Found array with dim 4. check_pairwise_arrays expected <= 2
     42  using numpy to get rid of a loop
     42  Using matrices in python
     42  Using an index to extract the k biggest entries using NumPy [duplicate]
     42  Updating dataframe to contain random values that sum to 1
     42  updating 2D array by array[rows,cols] spec? [duplicate]
     42  unsatisfiableError when creating env
     42  Understanding numpy array slicing
     42  TypeError: range indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
     42  TypeError: Object arrays are not currently supported in scipy.sparse matrix multiplication
     42  TypeError: Can not understand
     42  Trying to interpolate the output of a histogram function in Python
     42  Trying to calculate then show the gradient vector of a function
     42  Transforming series to a dataframe after two group by
     42  Transforming in a shorter way
     42  Transforming a mapping matrix
     42  Tranformations of Numpy Array, Pass values to function
     42  Torch/numpy: groupby pandas alternative
     42  Tolerance circle with a radius
     42  To find the maximum correlation value from a csv file of 20000 rows efficiently in python
     42  Taking the min value of N last days
     42  Take value from specific column for each row
     42  superimpose two parabolas on each other and limit display ranges
     42  Sum of two 'np.longdouble' yielding numerical error unrelated to printing
     42  Summing all entries in a csv that contain all or portion of a string
     42  Subtract 2D array from 4D array
     42  strange values when get the variable from the host
     42  Static results using scipy kstest
     42  Stable sampling of large Gaussian distributions
     42  Split svmfile matrix into 4 parts
     42  Source code definition or explanation for numpy zlapack_lite.c
     42  Sorting rows of numpy.array on the basis of a precise component
     42  sorting np array vs python list yields different results
     42  Something is not working in my property setter
     42  Slicing to extract maximum values along an axis, in an ndarray
     42  Slicing array with numpy?
     42  Slicing a different range at each index of a multidimensional numpy array [duplicate]
     42  slice assignment goes wrong in numpy array while in a ''for'' recurrent
     42  Simple way to transform numpy array to stack along different depth dimension
     42  Simple Python Blur Convolution Kernel Function Generates Weird Image
     42  Sigmoid Function in Numpy
     42  set-wise combinations in Python3
     42  Setting numpy array values to be more precise
     42  Set dataframe column value based on value in another column [duplicate]
     42  Separting the rows based on elements in the two xolumns present in the timestamp
     42  Select xarray dataset based on month
     42  Selective deletion by value in numpy array
     42  Selecting rows from ndarray via bytearray
     42  Selecting multiple rows in a Pandas df based on an numpy array of datetime64[ns]
     42  Selecting elements from list of two arrays
     42  Selecting approximately regular samples from an irregularly spaced vector
     42  Scipy LDL decomposition returning unexpected result
     42  Saving a numpy records file takes up more space if data are in numpy arrays, and less if the data are in lists
     42  Save 3d numpy array with high speed into the Disk
     42  Rolling minimum of an array so that first values are minimum of window, not NaN
     42  rolling apply method with a numpy function
     42  Reverse a 2D NumPy array with multiple slice objects
     42  Returning the values of an 'ndarray' using an array of indices
     42  Return index the same object detected
     42  Request for help numpy array syntax
     42  Replacing 0 values of np array with nan in an easy way
     42  Replace values in NumPy array using indices given by another array [duplicate]
     42  Replace certain pixels by integers in numpy array
     42  Repeating a function throughout a dataset
     42  Remove rows with conflicting labels
     42  Remove Punctuation From Text Then Store As Dictionary In Data Column
     42  Regarding condition on code
     42  Regarding calculating the summary statistics for each group in a dataframe
     42  regarding analyzing unique values of image array
     42  Reds_r not recognised as a valid RGBA argument
     42  Recreating R Quantile Type 2 in Numpy
     42  reading csv file into numpy array in below format
     42  Reading a text file with Numpy/Pandas in Python
     42  Reading a csv file and counting a row depending on another row
     42  random sampling of the data in python
     42  Randomize the order of a data array which as string as a column [duplicate]
     42  Quickly access sorted subset
     42  Query Regarding parameters settings of SVM
     42  Python upscaling an image (no external library help)
     42  Python Structured arrays instead of many single arrays
     42  Python sorting arrays by element contained?
     42  Python shows me nothing
     42  python repeated indexing into a list or a numpy array
     42  python pandas identify word which has highest value in data frame from list of given words
     42  python o/p not printing in defined file
     42  Python operation on either an array or dataframe that requires updating every row
     42  Python odeint function is not working in solving coupled differential equation
     42  Python Numpy FFT fast fourier transform - weird results
     42  Python/Numpy Creating Datasets from Known Frequencies
     42  python numpy create dataset column: only add value based on condition otherwise null
     42  Python/Numpy compress methode issue [closed]
     42  Python numpy array of functions
     42  python ndarray : how do you combine the list picking only certain data
     42  Python matrix multiplication index exchange memory usage example
     42  Python Indexing with Numpy Array
     42  Python: IndexError: list assignment index out of range - date conversion?
     42  Pythonic way to replace specific values with other values of numpy array within particular indices
     42  Pythonic way of slicing 2-d numpy arrays into smaller squares
     42  Python: how to make indices of second array match indices of first array when first array gets sorted?
     42  Python - How to avoid dependency of buffer variable in for loop
     42  Python Hog descriptor returns 0 or 1 if it detects/not detects the object
     42  Python function only outputs one result instead of taking different inputs
     42  Python - Function does not produce same dimensional array
     42  Python - Find correspondence in an array
     42  Python datastructure with string for indexing
     42  Python dataframe select areas of cycle
     42  Python - Copy dimension of array in another dimension of the same array (from 2D array to 3D array) [closed]
     42  python Convert numpy.ndarray from (4942L, 1L) to (4942L,)
     42  Python addition to array subset
     42  Python3 numpy array addition
     42  Python 2.7: Evaluating pairs in a 2D Python Array
     42  Problem writing a colored rectangle in OpenCV
     42  Possible to vectorize this array operation in python?
     42  Plotting Points Using Matplotlib Showing Incorrectly
     42  Plotting in Pandas will not show all data
     42  Plotting derivative of expnential in python - any idea what i'm doing wrong?
     42  Plotting data from 3D array across axis 0, side by side according to axis 1 and 2
     42  Plotting a new image without using the old one in matplotlib?
     42  Play a random sequence of 4 sounds while a video is played in Psychopy?
     42  perform 2-d operation on each layer of a 3-d stack
     42  peaks and valleys plotting in python with scipy and pandas
     42  Passing an array of countries to a function
     42  Partial Ordering of Vectors
     42  Parse Numpy array into 2 arrays - Python 3
     42  Pandas Vectorized loop and dynamically selecting column label based on cell value
     42  Pandas function incorrect output, can't see how. oconus_days1 row = 25 should be 20, what's wrong?
     42  Pandas: Filter Column by how many times the item shows up in a DataFrame [duplicate]
     42  pandas dataframe of arrays to matrix
     42  Overflow error when solving banded simultaneous equation
     42  One-hot encodings in Keras without for loops
     42  one dimension tuple to two dimension numpy array
     42  Numpy where - in function matches other column
     42  Numpy tuple-index based 2d array additive assignment
     42  numpy to speed up char and substring counts?
     42  Numpy split array centered around the centroid
     42  numpy - slicing a 3d array, how to apply two slices of different length in a certain axis
     42  numpy: select multiple arithmetic sequence elements to form multiple arrays
     42  Numpy: Save time series data
     42  Numpy replacing specific column index per row by using a list of indexes with nan
     42  Numpy Refusing to flatten 2d array (flatten, ravel, reshape, index all fail) [duplicate]
     42  numpy: read in data file and replace keywords
     42  Numpy random functions create inconsistent shapes for given argument
     42  Numpy operation result is printed like a list rather than numpy array
     42  Numpy numerical stability [duplicate]
     42  NumPy ndarray are plotted differently than equivalent lists?
     42  Numpy logical conditions for labeling the data
     42  Numpy : load csv file and read string value using genfromtxt gives warning
     42  Numpy indexing by range of arrays
     42  numpy: indexing 1d array with multidimensional index
     42  numpy index from k-th last element to k-th first element
     42  Numpy: Increasing size of 4th dimension
     42  Numpy: how to set column[index:]=value, for each column, for an array of different indices?
     42  Numpy: How to perform the outer product of four vectors and then summing them?
     42  Numpy: How to get topN elements for each row efficiently?
     42  NumPy: How to calulate piecewise linear interpolant on multiple axes
     42  numpy, how to be more elegant?
     42  Numpy: Fill in a Matrix With a Smaller One FAST
     42  Numpy average of one column based on unique elements of two other columns ( grouped )
     42  Numpy arrays in a for loop [closed]
     42  numpy arange for list (vectorized calculation)
     42  numpy.arange – 0 in data not reflected in range with start = 0
     42  Numpy append does not allow concatenation [duplicate]
     42  Numpy addition to an element of an array
     42  numerical operation on two numpy ndarrays
     42  np.where equivalent for 1-D arrays
     42  np.where doesn't change a numpy array given a list of list
     42  np.array_split gives ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size -
     42  not recover and convert the data in formatted way
     42  Not all pandas column changing with a created dictionary passed into df.rename()
     42  Normalise elements by row in a Numpy array
     42  Neural network not producing results
     42  Nested lists of differing lengths into pandas data frame
     42  ndarray view into slices/indices
     42  My 4x4 Graph in Python using matplotlib,numpy and datasets is not working like I want it to do
     42  Multiply 2 numpy arrays and return the sum for each dimension
     42  ''Multiply'' 1d numpy array with a smaller one and sum the result
     42  Multiple Pivot table in singe worksheet with Python
     42  Most efficient way to mask an opencv bgr with a boolean array
     42  Most efficient way to build cost matrix for linear sum assignment?
     42  More efficient fillna(numpy)
     42  min and max with Python
     42  Min and Max values in n-dimension stack Pyton
     42  Method to extract the overlapping cells from two 2D numpy arrays
     42  merge a binary array with difference between each trigger less than certain threshold
     42  Maximization Convexity of Bond Portfolio
     42  Matrix indexing, extracting different columns for each row
     42  map matrix into specific vector with numpy
     42  (Machine Learning) Higher polynomial degree + Data balancing = disaster?
     42  Loop over multidimensional NumPy fileArray in R
     42  Looping through multi-dimensional array and filtering based on a condition
     42  List of arrays without brackets
     42  kalman filter input - array set out
     42  Jupyter notebook import other .py file with numpy doesn't work
     42  Join all columns from multiple pandas dataframes into one dataframe with data and column names
     42  I want to calculate occurence of data over a range (period of 10) in Python
     42  Is there a way to slice a list by its prime indices? [duplicate]
     42  Is there a way to plot Matplotlib's Imshow against changing x-axis limits and y-axis limits?
     42  Is there a option to loop through np.where?
     42  Is there an easy way to broadcast many new columns onto a Pandas DataFrame?
     42  Is there a faster way to change the 0s in a linespace?
     42  Is there a direct function in python to normalise values in a single column of a matrix?
     42  Is there a difference between passing an image vs. its raw data
     42  Issues with python lists, element being set to value I did not want [duplicate]
     42  is it possible to use numpy to calculate on recursive data [duplicate]
     42  interpolation on pandas dataframe columns
     42  Inserting columns in ndarray created using numpy.genfromtxt
     42  insert elements into an array, with conditions, the fastest way
     42  Indices of cross-referenced lists
     42  Indexing numpy.ndarrays periodically
     42  Indexing from an ndimensional array - numpy/ python
     42  IndexError: list index out of range. Can anyone help me out with this Python code ? Includes concepts of numpy and pandas
     42  Index changes from zero in python array
     42  I'm trying to use list comprehenison with numpy arrays, generating a single generator expression within a numpy array. Why?
     42  Improving performance by avoiding python for cycle when using counts of numpy unique
     42  Improve speed of python double loop of large lists
     42  Importing a CSV, reshaping a variable's array for logistic regression
     42  If/Then apply different function depending on each value in array
     42  I can't plot multi grayscale images
     42  i can't install numpy in win 10
     42  I am not able to import python libraries (numpy, matplotlib, PIL  ... ) to use in my webots simulation
     42  How to vectorize if statement when several statements are affected?
     42  How to use view object instead of copy in python?
     42  How to use pandas rows to form new columns
     42  How to use Pandas or Numpy to Optimize a Large Loop
     42  How to transform all non-zero values to a new column in pandas
     42  how to take certain information in my csv?
     42  How to speed up numpy on CentOS?
     42  How to specify multiple ''num'' parameters for np.linspace function?
     42  How to slice ndarray after hstacking , back to original pieces
     42  How to set the n smallest values of a 1D DataFrame to a specific value?
     42  How to scale numpy matrix in Python?
     42  How to save lambda function using numpy savez? [duplicate]
     42  how to run certain function until we got desired values, python
     42  How to retrieve values from specific lines of an ascii file [closed]
     42  How to resolve, ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence?
     42  How to reshape a 4 dimensional Numpy array into different dimensions?
     42  How to reshape a 2x2 block matrix to mxm matrix?
     42  How to replace empty values of a column with the groupedby average in pandas? [duplicate]
     42  how to remove duplicates if two columns are equal
     42  How to reduce vector dimension for cosine similarity search?
     42  How to reduce the degree of sparseness of a 2D numpy array?
     42  How to reduce np.array layers by one?
     42  How to receive tuple as an argument to a function in python 3?
     42  How to read Data Frame and output selected lines into an array [duplicate]
     42  How to read a text file that has integers ranging from 0-255 (representing grayscale pixels of images) and convert into a 2D array?
     42  How to properly index a big matrix in python
     42  How to print the number of rows that have all their values between a number
     42  How to preserve datatype in DataFrame from an sklearn Transform (Imputer)
     42  How to pass a huge amount of combinations from a nested loop efficiently to a multiprocessing pool without running out of memory?
     42  How to modify the value of numpy array based on another array?
     42  How to merge dataframe rows with different values in Pandas
     42  How to merge 2 arrays python (similar to SQL Join)
     42  How to make the program work when calling a function instead of using a numpy array?
     42  How to make the prediction from cross validation score?
     42  How to make np.where work for float datatype
     42  How to make a new list from a list which is 3/4th the size of the original one in python? [closed]
     42  How to load a 16-bits/channel RGB(A) image with PIL?
     42  how to keep track in player's trueskill rating along with time
     42  How to keep the newest element of a numpy array each time this appear
     42  How to keep corresponding columns in python?
     42  How to input a list (of indices) into ndarray to access an element? [duplicate]
     42  How to include data weight to Scipy NNLS function?
     42  How to get the the count of incomplete polygons in binary 2d array
     42  How to get the first smallest 5 values in a python Ndarray and get their position in the ndarray
     42  How to get selection from optical form?
     42  How to get a zero matrix with only upper diagonal elements? (The elements of upper diagonal are known) [duplicate]
     42  How to get 2.7 from np.array(2.7)?
     42  How to generate separate graphs in the same pdf file using matplotlib?
     42  How to Generate Adjacent Indecies w/ NumPy
     42  How to further vectorize this function?
     42  how to fix tensorboard errors that pop-up when I try to run it on terminal for a built graph
     42  How to fix: Having problems with the resulting array of a for-loop equation
     42  How to fit my data in the [-1:1] range while keeping their relative differences?
     42  How to find the two closest numpy arrays out of several numpy arrays?
     42  How to find precision of float if n bits are corrupt or lost
     42  How to find output instead of dimensions in keras?
     42  How to find maximum of numpy array around axis = 0, excluding tuples of 0s?
     42  How to find larger numbers of any selected number in a series in an ascending order in NumPy?
     42  How to find common constant
     42  How to extract data from csv by column header
     42  How to extract any subset of digits from a numeric column
     42  how to efficiently link lines of numpy array to sets of tags?
     42  How to efficiently index a numpy array based on varying start and stop indexes per row
     42  How to do elementwise processing (first int, then pairwise absolute length) to avoid memory problems? (python)
     42  How to do a 4-d array transpose defined as such in numpy
     42  how to delete columns in numpy according to binary mask?
     42  How to define if-else function using dataframe columns as arguments in python?
     42  How to create a DataFrame with random sample from list?
     42  How to create a column in pandas dataframe using conditions defined in dict
     42  How to count the positions in a letter sequence with using numpy array
     42  How to convert ndarray of shape (h,w,c) to file-like object
     42  how to convert list of arrays to two lists?
     42  How to convert Image files to CSV with label
     42  How to construct a numpy array with its each element be the minimum value of all possible values?
     42  How to conditionally assign values to multi-dimensional arrays?
     42  How to concatenate these arrays per element when the number of arrays are formed from a loop?
     42  How to concatenate multiple arrays across multiple axis in numpy
     42  How to compute the average of numpy files in python?
     42  How to compare numpy arrays in terms of similarity
     42  How to compare np.datetime64 up to month only?
     42  How to combine rows of df using python?
     42  How to combine 2 matrix given a rule using numpy?
     42  How to check the single or multi n-th character in string , then update in new column Python
     42  How to change several nested numpy arrays into one multidimensional array?
     42  How to best use Numpy/Scipy to find optimal common coefficients for a set different linear equations?
     42  How to avoid big data problem when dealing nii.gz?
     42  How to apply a mask to a numpy array maintaining shape and retrieving values?
     42  How to add another column in an already existing dataframe performing a simple task
     42  How to add a column to numpy array starting with 0 till the length of array?
     42  How i will insert matrices in an array in python
     42  How do you split a time series into separate, even segments?
     42  How do I store and find the data?
     42  How do I specify a data type of uint8 in Numpy getfromtxt?
     42  How do I set my entire row to zero if an element in my row is also zero?
     42  How do I convert this Matlab code with meshgrid and arrays to Python code?
     42  How do I convert the rows of a matrix to columns in Python without NumPy?
     42  how density=True works in plt.histogram and numpy.histogram?
     42  How defined two replaces in np.where function [duplicate]
     42  How can iterate through arrays of two different sizes and perform different operations on each one in python
     42  How can I split my dataset based on the labels in a different array?
     42  How can I share memory between numpy arrays?
     42  How can I generate a matching matrix/array in numpy/scipy/pandas?
     42  How can I find the duration a list element exceeds a certain criteria?
     42  How can i find center coordinates of a group object opencv
     42  How can I extract the sign values from a matrix into a new matrix
     42  How can I calculate the correlation coefficient between 2 numpy arrays when one of them has NAN values?
     42  How can I calculate the colorspace Delta E in python using only OpenCV/numpy/scipy?
     42  How can I average multiple arrays assigned to one variable?
     42  How can I add to each element of a numpy ndarray the sum of all its index values with python ?
     42  How can I add the values in the dataset together in Python? [duplicate]
     42  How can I add a small matrix into a bigger one along the diagonal in a specific way?
     42  good way of converting nan values into specified values for multiple arrays
     42  given a column with string data create a dataframe with ascii equivalent of each character in the string
     42  Getting value from array - Python
     42  Getting ValueError when performing
     42  Getting the index of successive minimum comparisons
     42  Getting AttributeError while loading and accessing the data using csv.reader()
     42  Getting a price array
     42  Get the count of matching and not matching columns data in a dataframe
     42  get neighbors of a max value in 2D numpy array
     42  Get key of biggest-sum list in a Dictionary of Lists
     42  function for multiplication of two 2d-array row by row [duplicate]
     42  For each item in list L, find all of the corresponding items in a dataframe
     42  Find name(s) of highest-value columns in each pandas dataframe row--Including tied values
     42  find mean max and minimum in pandas and append the output in a single file
     42  finding pivot point of two 3D transformations
     42  Finding match in 2 arrays based on datetime64 type column
     42  Find all positive-going zero-crossings in a large quasi-periodic array
     42  fast way to iterate through list, find duplicates and perform calculations
     42  fast way to handle a 2D array as grouped by values in a 2nd 2D array?
     42  Fastest numpy way to remove a list of cells from a 2d array
     42  Fastest Method for 'Simple' Clustering?
     42  Faster way to looping pixel by pixel to calculate entropy in an image
     42  Facing LinAlgError: Matrix is singular
     42  extract only integer from txt
     42  extract elements from rows/columns
     42  Exporting Outputs from a Neural Network
     42  Expand the values in the dataset
     42  Error: setting an array with a sequence
     42  Equivalence between python for-loop and 3D numpy matrix additions
     42  End keyword in print statement is not working in Python UBUNTU
     42  Efficient way to crop 3d volume in pytorch
     42  Efficient Manipulation of Rows of Pandas DataFrames avoiding loops
     42  Efficiently summing outer product for 1D NumPy arrays
     42  Efficiently create Numpy arrays in Python
     42  Double occurrence of a column's values and update another column's value
     42  Do OpenCV operations impede NumPy arithmetic?
     42  Does numpy.all_close check for shape for the array like elements being compared
     42  Documentation on when python automatically creates array copies
     42  Distance between 2 user defined georeferenced grids in km
     42  Difficulty with numpy broadcasting
     42  different way of importing
     42  Different values found for complex eigenvalue decomposition in Armadillo C++
     42  Different results between def file script and calling from outside
     42  deleting specific strings python
     42  Delete the other rows in a data frame except the values in a list in python
     42  Delete rows that have ''nan'' in a 66180L X 69L numpy.ndarray
     42  delete all columns of a dimension except for a specific column
     42  Crossing small array with a big array
     42  Creating User-PageView Matrix from CSV Table
     42  Create numpy array with variable ndim depending on input ndim
     42  Create identical timestamp for each n elements
     42  Create dataframe with 2 columns where a one column is a sequence of 100 elements
     42  Create array by conditional masking
     42  Create 2-dimensional array from dataframe object [duplicate]
     42  Covert complexed list to flat list
     42  Count items in list when each observation is a string that looks like a list
     42  Counting the occurence of numpy.array object in a list of numpy.array objects
     42  counting points in grid cells in python, np.histogramdd
     42  Counting occurences of an item in an ndarray based on multiple conditions?
     42  Counting activities based on consecutive values in time series data in python
     42  Correct way to represent 3Dimentional data for Keras CNN model?
     42  Copy between arrays by indexing
     42  Convert string matrix to numpy
     42  Convert Mysql.connector dtypes objects to numeric/ string
     42  Converting back pixel values to 16 bit raw grayscale image using python
     42  Converting 3D array to 2D array removing unnecessary values
     42  concatenate two sting columns - python [duplicate]
     42  Concatenate two numpy arrays so that index order keeps the same?
     42  concatenate columns from multiples files
     42  Concatenate 1D and 2D arrays as per index position
     42  Compare mobile numbers in one data frame to mobile numbers in another data frame
     42  Code works with small dataset, but not with larger dataset of the same shape
     42  Clarification on indexing numpy array in python
     42  Check the parity of the Green and Blue values into an image
     42  Change int array into string array based on its values
     42  Centralize text in image outputs error
     42  Can you describe what is happening in this operation?
     42  Can I create a numpy array of dictionary values from an array of dictionary keys?
     42  Calculating the normed distances between two points in numpy array
     42  calculate XOR of first 2 (binary-)values in numpy array triples
     42  Calculate the percentile rank of a value in a multiple dimensional data array
     42  Calculate mean over keys of dict with numpy
     42  Both selections yield the same result, but with one I cannot assign values to the DataFrame
     42  Binarize a list with lists inside
     42  Best way to handle array of matrices (3D matrix) in numpy/Pythonic way?
     42  Behaviour of np.where() for 2d arrays
     42  Backpropagation (matrixis not aligned)
     42  AWS lambda deployment package Unable to import module 'lambda_function': cannot import name 'WinDLL'
     42  avoiding iteration using smart dot/matmul on large dataset
     42  Avoid duplicate count columns with pandas groupby
     42  Assign a value of 1 when another variable was equal 1 at the last time
     42  Array split task: based on values and custom types
     42  Approximate numerically the jacobian of a vector
     42  Apply Boxcar average to geospatial image
     42  Apply a function on a value array using unique elements from another
     42  Append a 2D array while looping through it
     42  Anyway to salvage this code snippet to avoid memory bottlenecks?
     42  Anyone tried using python multithreading and multiprocessing with fprophet?
     42  Anomalous constrained scipy.optimize.minimze behavior based on initial conditions
     42  An issue with np.nan when using it to replace all elements of an array
     42  Angle between two projected vectors in python [closed]
     42  Am i miss-using numpy random number generator for bootstrapping?
     42  Altering arrays of different dimensions to be broadcasted together
     42  Align an array of traces in python
     42  Advantages of numpy column_stack
     42  Advanced Indexing: Vectorized way of assigning a (32,125) array into a (13,13,32,125) array by indexing the latter with two (32,) arrays
     42  Adding Numpy Multi dimensional arrays together
     42  Adding a number to certain elements of an array
     42  Adding a column from a dataframe i.e. df['constant'] to all the other columns of the dataframe df. When NAN + float appears return the float
     42  Add colums and raws of zeros
     42  Add column from pandas DataFrame into deeply nested JSON at a specific object level
     42  Add a new column for each duplicate variable
     42  Accumulate partial reductions into array in numpy
     42  about the boolean parameter copy in np.array function
     42  A bit confused, pretty sure i'm missing something here: Indexed array with an element from different array?
     42  2D index of numpy array using array indexing [duplicate]
     42  2 degree multi variable curve fit
     41  xarray: how to structure dataset
     41  Wrong examples in numpy indexing documentation?
     41  Write a complex loop in pythonic way
     41  Would like to vectorize while loop for performance
     41  Why when i convert type it also print?
     41  Why numpy vectorised function does not apply to each element
     41  Why matrix elements change according to previous lines in python numpy?
     41  Why is there a dB difference in the spectrum analysis between Sonic Visualizer and my Python script?
     41  Why is multi-conditional mask failing?
     41  Why is accessing one element in a numpy array slowing my program down so much?
     41  Why do I get ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (15163,19) into shape (15163,0)?
     41  Why does my boolean conditional generate a 'ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects'?
     41  Why does multiplying input by pi in numpy.sin cause it to break?
     41  What's the fastest way to retrieve a value from a tensor in tensorflow?
     41  What is the exact meaning of multi-dimensional array for numpy?
     41  What implicitly occurs during numpy addition?
     41  What does this where Condition mean in python script
     41  What are the numpy equivalents of R's row() and col() functions?
     41  Weird behavior from scipy.stats.probplot
     41  View an image of size (4, 6, 6) with moving window of size (4, 3, 3)
     41  Vectorized CMA-ES library in python/numpy
     41  Values of each bin
     41  ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (10, 1) and (90,)
     41  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence with np.vstack
     41  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (7,) (6,) (7,)
     41  ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 270000 into shape (1,100,100,3)
     41  Using key_press_event to select a 'mode' for different types of pick_event
     41  Using a on a pandas dataframe
     41  Use TensorFlow to find the position numarically minimizing a quantized value map without knowing the underlying function
     41  Use Kmodes in Python with a big csv file
     41  Use duplicated values to increment column [closed]
     41  Use Array as Indexing Mask for Multidimensional Array
     41  Updating values in a specific column based on values in another column
     41  updating specific numpy matrix columns
     41  Updating linear regression (gradient descent) using python (numpy)
     41  Updating a variable to the value of a string only returns the first character of the string
     41  Update Numpy array based on conditions
     41  Unique colours in stack of images (4d numpy array)
     41  Unexpected output image while adding two numpy array
     41  Undesired output with tf.reduce_sum()
     41  Understanding python & numpy syntax to mask and filter array
     41  understand functions that operate on whole array in groupby aggregation
     41  Two hiddenlayer Neural Network is not working
     41  Two 1D np arrays of x&y distance, how to make 2D array of resultant without loop?
     41  Trying to understand basic matrix multiplications in numpy
     41  Trying to translate my Matlab routine for loading and preparing data to Python. Stuck in pandas
     41  Trying to check if the x, y parameter in this function has been the same for quite some time, but doesn't seem to work
     41  Transforming from unstructured to record array with numpy
     41  Transforming an array into a polynomial
     41  Transforming a gzip file into npy file
     41  Transform a matrix made of binomial vectors to ranges for consecutive zeros
     41  to concatenate 4 images using np.concatenate (two vertically and two horizontally)
     41  The quickest method to detect if two slightly manipulated images are of the same object?
     41  The corresponding variable (name) does not print out correctly (numpy)
     41  Theano operations returning odd results
     41  theano, indexing a large matrix with relatively small value, but got out of boundary
     41  Testing for non-strict inequality with np.testing
     41  TensorFlow/TFLearn: ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1,0) for Tensor u'target/Y:0', which has shape '(?,66)'
     41  tensorflow python code issue on print
     41  Syntax Error in for
     41  Swapping axis of descending bars in numpy
     41  String match with a list of regex and add column to give the corresponding value if match Python
     41  Strange output error following example of matirx vector operation in python
     41  store value with multidimensional key pair in python
     41  Starting with black 100x100 jpg and turning some pixels white with a probability
     41  Standard error of values in array corresponding to values in another array
     41  Speeding up the insertion of null rows into a large Pandas DataFrame?
     41  Speeding up ndarray comparison in python that looks for equivalent rows
     41  Sort rows array to match order of another array using first column
     41  Sorting 2D by rank
     41  Sorting 2-D Array Python Outputing as array within an array
     41  Sort CSV on new value and print top 10 lines
     41  sort a Numpy ndarray of classes and coordinates by min value from left to right
     41  Shortening Execution Time for a CCH graph
     41  Setting a surrounding block based on center index in a numpy array
     41  Setting a new column based on another column, 3 options
     41  Set possible parameters for numpy curve_fit
     41  Separate 2 arrays in a dataframe
     41  select max when comparing single element & array in python
     41  Selective reshaping of 3d array to 2d array
     41  Selecting elements from an array based on a condition
     41  Searching numpy array for variations
     41  Screen Recording With python
     41  scipy.misc module has no attribute imresize
     41  Save several array in one file using np.savetxt()
     41  Saved Numpy ndarray representation of an image takes more space
     41  Running out of memory: np.meshgrid
     41  R/Python - For Loop Statement for a Trigonometric Formula
     41  Roundabout square method of iterating in numpy array
     41  Rotating a point to be parallel to a direction vector delivers wrong vector. Why?
     41  Rolling Difference for Intervals of Rows
     41  Reversing output matrix values on Numpy! Is there a specific command for this?
     41  Returned result is false with numpy conditions
     41  Resizing a numpy array in C with ctypes
     41  Reshaping matrix in numpy
     41  Reshape data from arrays to table like [duplicate]
     41  reshape batch matrices (3d array, each matrix is an image) to 2d (a grid of images)
     41  Replacing specific column of an array with another array: Error Reason
     41  Reorganising an image pixels in a specific order while removing a color
     41  Reordering an matrix in numpy
     41  Reindex data variable by different dimensions
     41  Redundant lines in 0/1 Matrix output
     41  Rearrange dataframe, every n rows to columns, left to right, top down
     41  read structured array from ascii file
     41  Reading numpy arrays written in a text file using str() method
     41  Reading an n-dimensional complex array from a text file to numpy
     41  ravel elements in position contiguous order
     41  Ranking numpy arrays to return arrays of ranks
     41  Random shuffle of array, but keep diagonal fixed
     41  Python String representation of numpy array
     41  Python - replacing an array via multi-column index and .replace() function
     41  Python, remove all non-alphabet chars from string only for specified words
     41  Python Pandas Ratio of values in group to group total for each group
     41  Python Pandas Add Data with For Loop
     41  Python Output Conversion
     41  Python Loop Only Returns First Group That Meets Condition (Data, code, picture, and examples provided)
     41  Python list having length larger than expected
     41  Python list has drift in values [duplicate]
     41  Pythonic way to index without losing dimensions
     41  Pythonic algorithm for doing an array calculation
     41  python: how to plot a function for a random set of values for a variable
     41  Python: How to create an object with expandable numpy array members
     41  Python, how to convert the [(a,b,c)(d,e,f)(g,h,k)] array to numpy [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,k]]
     41  Python: finding a list in an numpy array
     41  python: create numpy array from dictionary, where key is coordinates
     41  Python: compute floating point accuracy as a function of floating point value
     41  Python3 Numpy array concatenation with stride? [duplicate]
     41  Pycharm typehint for Numpy array of objects
     41  Producing multiple plots for multiple timestep values
     41  Process huge numpy array in chunks using dask
     41  problem with numpy array operation in python
     41  problem of self thesholding in saving pictures in a dataset in python
     41  Probability Distribution like x^2
     41  Probabilities are ignored in numpy
     41  Printing/Accessing specific columns of a matrix, as a matrix in python
     41  Print certain number of rows of a multidimensional array at a time
     41  Plot pixels in a vertical strip matplotlib and python
     41  Pick lines with highest values from np.zeros
     41  (pattern, nlp) ValueError: numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling
     41  Passing a image array from Python to C bring broken data
     41  Partial column sum of a matrix or nested list
     41  Pandas, summing across rows, dependent upon column content
     41  Pandas how to find position of cell contains sub-string
     41  Pandas how to add the counters for matching rows between two dataframe columns
     41  pandas: grouping according to two criteria, one of which is a count
     41  pandas formation index looping
     41  Pandas filtering with multiple conditions
     41  pandas dates to and from int
     41  Pandas DataFrame turn a list of jsons column into informative row, per ''id''
     41  Pandas Dataframe filter results with Merge. Encoding Decoding Issues
     41  Pad elements in ndarray using unique padding for each element
     41  padding image array with gray background
     41  Ordering of strings and tuples in pandas index
     41  Optimize the python function with numpy without using the for loop
     41  Optimize a Double groupby performance
     41  Optimization of a branching problem, trouble selecting the correct path
     41  Open (flattened) png images stored in a .parquet file format
     41  opencv question enough values to unpack (expected 3,got 2)
     41  Numpy way of copying a subset over to the rest of the array?
     41  NumPy - Vectorizing bincount over 2D array column wise with weights
     41  Numpy Vectorization - Weird issue
     41  Numpy Vectorization to improve performance
     41  Numpy: Understanding Array to the power of Array
     41  Numpy speed up creation of 2 dimensional array
     41  Numpy replacing elements based on logic and value in an identically shaped array [duplicate]
     41  numpy.power(x1, x2) is not equal to x1**x2 [duplicate]
     41  Numpy or Pandas for multiple dataframes of 2darray datasets
     41  `numpy` - One-liner matrix generation from vectorized function?
     41  Numpy : JSON encode images to file without closing the stream
     41  NumPy - Is it possible to improve the performance of mutually recursive array calculations
     41  Numpy indexing explanation
     41  Numpy group scalars into arrays
     41  NumPY floor or ceiling based on row number
     41  NumPy - Faster Operations on Masked Array?
     41  numpy fancy indexing from list of indices combined with slices
     41  Numpy.dtype has wrong size PyOpenGL
     41  Numpy: can't assign a matrix to a submatrix
     41  Numpy behavior on indexing with range and without range
     41  numpy: arr[True] creates a new axis
     41  numpy array with a list to pandas dataframe
     41  Numpy array creation without broadcasting
     41  numpy array containing multi-dimension numpy arrays with variable shape
     41  numpy apply_over_axis applies function to each element and not on 1-D slices
     41  numpy append 3D matrices
     41  numpy addition between different dimensional arrays
     41  np.where() computes np.random.choice() only once - pandas
     41  np.solve() but when A (first matrix) unknown
     41  np.loadtxt not overwritting files
     41  No numpy function works in numba cuda.jit
     41  n.median() returns a 1d scalar for an array of depth 3?
     41  Need to sort a numpy array based on column value, but value is present in String format
     41  ndarray row-wise index of values greater than array
     41  NaN at First Position of Two Columns, By Each Unique Value
     41  My numpy arrays show long error message ending in "AttributeError: 'FloatFormat' object has no attribute 'format'
     41  Move data from row to another row within a group of specified rows
     41  Most efficient way to get sorted indices based on two numpy arrays
     41  Merge different dataframes having difference in column values
     41  Memory Error:- How to get data from one dataframe to another using one common ID column?
     41  Memory-efficient random selection from large 2-D numpy array avoiding certain pixels
     41  Measure correlation without counting some values
     41  Maximum Likelihood of convex likelihood function with cvxpy
     41  Matplotlib plot axis reversed for numpy plot
     41  match a list of functions against a list of parameters in python
     41  Mark last day of season
     41  Many numpy array manipulations in one array
     41  Making a single column data frame from 2D dataframe
     41  Make specific elements of numpy matrix as 0
     41  Major vote by column?
     41  'Lossy' cumsum in numpy
     41  Loop over finite probability weights with SciPy/NumPy
     41  Logical comparison of a symmetric matrix and its transpose
     41  Location of documentation on special methods recognized by numpy
     41  Load the data from CSV using NumPy and perform operations based on the data type of each column
     41  list of custom class converted to numpy array
     41  list of 2D to 3D using dstack
     41  know what are the pixel values ​through which a line passes over a grayscale image with the Bresenham line algorithm python
     41  Keras: list of Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected
     41  Keeping track of optimal indices while reducing a matrix by 1x1 each iteration
     41  I want to implement a multi layer neural network , but i m getting error of size-1 arrays can be converted to python scalars
     41  I wanna change type of programming languages of designated rows String into int
     41  i tried to plot graph it shows ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 25 to array axis with dimension 1 but no problem without the numpy package
     41  Iterate from col/row in matrix python
     41  Is there a python function that determines if a vector is in a convex hull of other vectors [duplicate]
     41  Is there an elegant way to split a numpy array into boxes?
     41  Is there a function in python that could help me have all the values related in one row instead of multiple
     41  Is there a better way to vstack a numpy array from an empty array, like a list array?
     41  Is there a better way to read matrices with numpy?
     41  Issue with saving data in files
     41  Issue with printing when using sorted function on drawChessboardCorners
     41  Is layered broadcasting available in NumPy?
     41  Invalid Index to a scalar variable
     41  Intersect between 1D ary and every row in 2D ary ? Overlap Count?
     41  installing .whl file using
     41  inserting into dynamic / parameterised dimension of numpy array
     41  In numpy, what is the efficient way to find the maximum values and their indices of a 3D ndarray across two axis?
     41  initiante matrixes with ranged random numbers in python
     41  Initializing a memmap on identical files produces different arrays
     41  Incorrect Mode Calculation or is this salt and pepper?
     41  Improve performance of difference between elements block
     41  If function using future arrays
     41  If/else with Python Pandas Dataframe
     41  I dont understand why i get this error in my code. ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (24,) (26,)
     41  I am using the Anaconda prompt with python3. I have already installed numpy and updated everything but I still see this Error. What shoudl I do?
     41  I am using Python to implement linear regression on some dataset, but on this step I am continously getting this error
     41  How would you store a pyramidal image representation in Python?
     41  How vectorization are helpful in reducing the computation time?
     41  How to write two numpy arrays in text file in a proper format?
     41  How to write in or replace new values in a conditional array?
     41  How to vectorize an operation between a 2D array and another vector?
     41  How to use stacks of matricies as input for tensorflow?
     41  How to Use Numpy.FFT on A Pulsed Signal
     41  How to take random points from a moving Gaussian distribution (OU process)
     41  How to subtract a value from one of value in a numpy array
     41  How to stack 2 numpy arrays with Different Lengths in python
     41  How to speed up the creation of an image from points having a location (X, Y) and an intensity?
     41  How to slice starting from negative to a positive index or the opposite
     41  How to set dtype in np.asarray?
     41  How to select data within a range
     41  How to scatter a smaller array in to a larger array using a list as index?
     41  How to save each line of a np.matrix to a 9 pair touple array?
     41  How to satisfy Boolean condition inside a dataframe
     41  How to round predictions
     41  How to return a numpy array with values derived from the source array of max values of different arrays of same shape
     41  How to resize numpy array while maintaining structured image data?
     41  How to reshape numpy array of numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     41  How to replace strings of varying length (such as '-----' and '--') into nans while reading file via numpy?
     41  How to replace multiple comma separated textual words in columns with categorical code [closed]
     41  How to reference numpy matrix as Excel indexes
     41  How to properly select wanted data and discard unwanted data from binary files
     41  How to properly implement a matrix multiplication sum
     41  How to print a single item of a list at specific key from dict list
     41  How to populate rows of a column with values from a different column
     41  How to plot single pixel values from 3d NumPy array?
     41  How to perform back propagation with different sized layers?
     41  How to modify decimals with numpy?
     41  How to merge observations in one pandas DataFrame where all but one columns are the same?
     41  how to make sure integer part is unchanged when round a float32 with pandas
     41  How to make shadowed part of background count as background (picture below) with OpenCV in Python?
     41  How to make numpy 2D array back into python list
     41  How to make dot.product of 2D and 3D matrices (taking it for each dimension separately)
     41  How to make a 2d array of tuples in python?
     41  How to iterate two arrays in numpy/numba (zip throws error)
     41  How to initialize numpy.ndarray as base class [duplicate]
     41  How to index numpy array on subset of array of bools that is smaller than numpy array's dimensions?
     41  How to incorporate nan weights in numpy bincounts
     41  How to import a .txt file with a desired structure
     41  How to import a library in a script that is being called by another script in Python?
     41  How to Implement Vectorized Backprop in Numpy
     41  How to identify unique ID's that have only 1 true condition?
     41  How to get two type of indices at the same time by numpy?
     41  How to get the sorted probability and name from cross_val_predict in sklearn in python
     41  How to get start and end of subsection of 2d array where a condition holds
     41  How to get median line-by-line?
     41  how to get all the number of low-dimension-numpy in the high-dimension numpy
     41  How to generate a random normal distribution with specific standard deviation
     41  How to flatten an array to a matrix in Numpy?
     41  How to find the maximum value for these values
     41  How to find the columns that at least contain one negative element?
     41  How to find average values using a multidimensional array
     41  How to extract row by caparison of range of column values
     41  How to extract part of numpy array?
     41  How to do something conditionally with numpy matrix
     41  how to display index of row and column in the following code
     41  How to delete each element from np. array to get arrays without this appropriate element?
     41  How to define variable names based on dictionary keys? [duplicate]
     41  How to decombine and recombine arrays to accelerate processes
     41  How to create Numpy Arrays from images of a folder including sub-folders
     41  How to create numpy array of other numpy arrays with iteration? [closed]
     41  How to create new array based on position in python?
     41  How to create matrix from set of lists which contains more than 4 values?
     41  How to convert list of tuple (tf.constant, tf.constant) as tensorflow dataset?
     41  How to convert asarray's output back to normal array in Python?
     41  How to convert array of numpy objects to an array containing the elements of every object?
     41  How to avoid repetition when multiplying and with the correct .replace
     41  How to assign a string value to a particular row and column in numpy array?
     41  How to animate a 3D array with numpy and matplotlib
     41  How to add an array to each row in a 2D array?
     41  How the speed up the calculation of updating values of each element in an array based on other elements in Python?
     41  How should I count how many users who have rated the specific movieId?
     41  How is this sorting by indexes? How exactly this code works?
     41  How do I write (5-x)**2 in an array for linear algebra equation?
     41  How do I use tensors for slicing in TensorFlow like NumPy? [duplicate]
     41  How do I use a csv data as variables to apply it for a formula?
     41  How do I reformat column/row placement in pandas?
     41  how do I put all of my graphs on one plane
     41  How do I plot a single contour for a 3rd degree polynomial in 2 variables in python? [duplicate]
     41  How do I perform a variance operation between two dictionaries with different keys in python?
     41  How do I load a file into a dictionary where key:text, val: numpy array of floats?
     41  How does numpy.memmap work on HDF5 with multiple datasets?
     41  How does matplotlib calculate the density for historgram
     41  How does A[ B <= 0 ] = 0 work, when A and B are 2D matrices in Python3?
     41  How create a simple animated graph with matplotlib from a dataframe
     41  How come not-copying a numpy array changes the data attribute?
     41  How can I unite 1D arrays in numpy in 2D one? [duplicate]
     41  How can I split a Grid into sub-Grids with different color maps?
     41  How can I sample the data for all each category ramdomly?
     41  How can I return the index of a numpy array?
     41  How can i import excel sheet in python and represent the columns of sheet using dataframe?
     41  How can I get the numpy array out of the tensorflow einsum result?
     41  How can I append or concatenate or merge more than 2 numpy arrays?
     41  How can a numpy array replaced by another numpy array with other dimensions?
     41  High resolution image to remove attributes in low resolution raster using array
     41  Guidelines for using various datetime classes in pandas [duplicate]
     41  Groupwise Probability Distribution
     41  Groupby Percentage from total
     41  GradientBoostingClassifier train loss increasing and no convergence
     41  GIF, Python - Side by Side
     41  Getting previous row based using conditional shift
     41  Getting diagonal elements over several dimensions
     41  Get the count of elements in column of arrays based on commas and turning the count into its own column
     41  Get rid of a dimension by concatenating into another dimension
     41  Get position of float in an increasing sequence
     41  Get header of dataframe if value below threshold else put 'noise'
     41  Generating normally distributed samples
     41  Generate mask array with lowest N valued positions reset per row
     41  Generate a NumPy 1D array with a pre-specified correlation with an existing 1D array?
     41  Generate an N-dimensional matrix using Numpy
     41  Function for DataFrame operation using variables in the list with Python
     41  From bouding boxes to masks
     41  From a 1-dim array of bits obtain a particular 2-dim array of sequences of ones [Python]
     41  Find underlaying normal distribution of random vectors
     41  find the array index which its element is most near greater than a value
     41  Find out on which version of numpy a function was added
     41  Finding Optimal Value of K
     41  Finding fixed-length contiguous regions of an nan-filled array (no overlap)
     41  Finding elements from one array within a certain range of elements of a different array [duplicate]
     41  Finding a way to replace a column in an np.ogrid with a different formula for a specific value of the iterable
     41  Find equilibrium points and eigen values of a system of differential equations
     41  Filter 2d arrays containing a 1d array inside a 3d array
     41  Fill inside of an filtered contour OpenCV Python
     41  Filling in missing values by conditional grouping based on the number of elements post grouping
     41  Filling in empty values in dataframe column having values like 40-45', nan, '40-45', nan,
     41  Fast split/indexing of numpy arrays in Cython
     41  Faster Way To Iterate Through Rows of a CSV?
     41  fast element nodal averaging using numpy
     41  'f2py -c --help-fcompiler' hangs
     41  Extract values from a list using indices in another list
     41  Extract specific column values from Numpy array
     41  Extract element by line starting with a specific character
     41  Extract Date in Python Dictionary Key, where Key is of type np.datetime64
     41  Extending a matrix
     41  Extend dataframe with contents of series of arrays
     41  Extend a greyscale Image to fit a RGB image
     41  Expected behaviour for repeated numpy operations
     41  Expanding a dataset based on columns
     41  Error with matrix operation on python
     41  efficient per column matrix indexing in numpy
     41  Efficiently index a multidemnsional numpy array by another array
     41  Efficiently evaluate a function of an array's values _and_ indices
     41  Efficient calculation based on array of returns
     41  Efficiantly change matrix's elements at special positions
     41  Editing headers in pandas ( python)
     41  Editing an array not working in a for-loop
     41  Easy way to do this in numpy?
     41  dynamically creat variable by predefined list [duplicate]
     41  drop multiple numpy axis's in array data
     41  Does the seed function in numpy and random work need to be set in every module?
     41  Does numpy.where behave erratically for high-dimensional arrays?
     41  Display red channel of image with NumPy and Matplotlib only
     41  Dimension of an array changed inside the function
     41  Different behaviour of indexing and slicing in numpy structured arrays
     41  Difference between numpy.arr(( ... )) and numpy.arr([ ... ])
     41  Determining if data in a txt file obeys certain statistics
     41  Delete millions of pandas rows, w.r.t values in numpy array
     41  Dask API for memory saving for matrix dot
     41  Cythonize error: failed with exit status 2. numpy and pyvista
     41  Custom Reorder of Values in Python Dataframe
     41  Creating a Running Total column in a matrix?
     41  Creating a pandas column conditional to another columns values
     41  Creating a new variable through another script in python
     41  Creating a new column based on value of existing column
     41  Create field boundary for closed GPS points without using Clustering technique
     41  Create Dummy variables work around
     41  Create a matrix of distances from a curve
     41  Create a list by doing operations which depend on multiple indices - python
     41  Count the numbers after each comma and also the number before first comma in python
     41  Count Instances in One Array Based on Another Array
     41  Counting number of specific numbers in the column of a numpy array in python
     41  Count elements in numpy array between bounds [duplicate]
     41  Convert pandas dataframe of lists into numpy array
     41  Convert numpy vectors to columns, pandas
     41  Convert numpy n-d array to pandas n-d dataframe (scalable)
     41  Convert list of typed numpy arrays to a 2d nump array or a 2d list?
     41  Converting .txt file to .csv using pandas and then change the csv file to 2D numpy array for plotting?
     41  Converting matrix inconsistent shape of np.array to torch.tensor?
     41  Convert image points of interest to coordinates
     41  Convert elements of multi-dimensional numpy array to float32
     41  Convert efficiently complex Matlab engine arrays to numpy ndarray
     41  Convert categories in columns into multiple columns coded as 1 or 0 based on the unique key in Python
     41  Concatenating two multi dimensional arrays [duplicate]
     41  computing dFT at the frequencies of the FFT
     41  Computing and Storing cosine similarity (dot product) of vectors in postgresql
     41  Compute matrix of sums efficiently [duplicate]
     41  Comparing equality between sum and constant
     41  Compare values of numpy array (The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all())
     41  Combine row data from multiple txt files to a single data frame in column format
     41  Combine array along axis
     41  Coding softmax activation using numpy
     41  Checking which rows contain a value efficiently
     41  check if the rows from a set of indices are duplicates or not and reconstruction
     41  Check how many words from a given list occur in list of text/strings
     41  Check for equality between two numpy arrays
     41  Change multiple rows and column values at the same time with Python Pandas
     41  Cannot uninstall Numpy due to pip problem
     41  Cannot get one complete copy of Python multiprocessing array output
     41  calculating percentile values for each columns group by another column values - Pandas dataframe
     41  Calculate mean value of 2D numpy arrays stored in a list
     41  Calculate by grouping by each column one a time
     41  Building a numpy array through iteration
     41  Boolean Matrix with more than 1 comparison raises error ''The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous''
     41  Binning data based on each row in numpy array
     41  Bilinear interplotation function from scratch [duplicate]
     41  Best practice to remove multiple rows after a certain value occurs in the rows before?
     41  += behavior when adding numpy array to scalar in python
     41  based on dataframe column result all following rows equal a repetitive value until result changes and new repetitive value occurs
     41  ax.set_yticklabels shows ticks as long decimals
     41  Average of a series, skipping element[0]
     41  Astropy ICRS to Galactocentric transformation Numpy AttributeError
     41  Assign values to an array based on two other arrays with repeated values
     41  A simple matrix multiplication throws an error ''shapes (2,3) and (2,3) not aligned: 3 (dim 1) != 2 (dim 0)''?
     41  Array functions in numpy
     41  Apply Variable Index Across Columns of An Array [duplicate]
     41  Apply function to dataframe based on column with other dataframe based on index
     41  Apply a 1D array to every cell of a 2D array to create a 3D array
     41  Alternative to nested np.where statements to retain NaN values while creating a new pandas boolean column based on two other existing columns
     41  Allow function to take vectors not just individual values
     41  Advice for creating a Python 3 numpy array
     41  Advanced indexing in Numpy
     41  Adding a new condition on a matrix - Python
     41  accessing pandas columns with loc and square brackets comparison element wise
     41  Accessing numpy array elements by key
     41  A box within a box
     41  3D RGB Numpy Array to Image File causing TypeError
     40  zero item added at the end while creating numpy array
     40  xarray - Return data that meets certain criteria without having to use for loop
     40  Why this code doesn't print the single index?
     40  Why the summation of normal distribution is different in numpy?
     40  Why the results from 2D diffusion simulation are different with different dx?
     40  Why numpy.sum does not give me the right result?
     40  why is this model giving me a ''Value Error''
     40  Why is the class 'numpy.ndarray' empty (iteration over a 0-d array) if there is content?
     40  Why is not the change of values ​made in the two arrays? just do the first
     40  Why is DataFrame changing the datatype of all input into objects?
     40  why is conversion of numpy array to pandas dataframe so slow?
     40  Why does ''TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable'' happend and how to solve it?
     40  why does numpy int16 give 26 bytes memory space?
     40  Why does my neural network give the correct outputs after backpropagation, but doesn't on new inputs?
     40  Why does my circle on my sphere becoming a figure eight?
     40  While calculating KL divergence by python with a specific P(x) as reference distribution how to define input values p and q?
     40  Which numpy methods are threaded?
     40  Which dtype would be correct to prevent numpy.arange() from getting the wrong length?
     40  When a value in a dataframe's column is x, count how many times another columns value is y using Jupyter Notebooks & Python?
     40  what is the working of arr[arr1,arr2] in numpy
     40  What is the most Pythonic way of filling left-NaN's only with zeros?
     40  Ways to avoid multiple FOR loops
     40  was trying to run an algorithm, error obtained while loading the dataset can this be resolved? how can it be resolved in python?
     40  Vectorizing numpy multidimensional array. Operation array wise not element wise
     40  Vectorizing creation of array of diagonal matrix, [duplicate]
     40  Vectorize quintuple for loop in numpy, with non-trivial indexing
     40  Vectorized matrix selection based on array
     40  Vectorized element assignment involving comparisons between matrices in Numpy
     40  Vectorisation of complex function
     40  ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension in linear regression in python
     40  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape into sklearn score()
     40  using python nonzero function inside array brackets
     40  Using one list to find mean of three variable
     40  Using numpy.where() or similar to get specifc values from a row in a matrix
     40  Using np.where returns error after using .any() [duplicate]
     40  using j in array indices, what does it mean?
     40  Using for and if to alter specific data using Python
     40  Using Dictionary in Numpy Array dosent make that array to have single Data Type
     40  Using a variable to create numpy array of particular size
     40  User defined tie breaker for argsort() in numpy
     40  use dataframe groupby agg within a foor loop with predefiend functions
     40  Unusual time for allocating and copying a Numpy array
     40  Unable to expand numpy array
     40  TypeError: Extracting rows of matrix into new matrix
     40  Two Cython functions; why does one work, and the other give NameError?
     40  Trying to create a numpy array and failing
     40  Trouble in obtaining correct geometric transformation of cartesian coordinates
     40  transpose 3D array and multiply elementwise-memory contiguity
     40  Transform values of 1D numpy array to column numbers in 2D numpy array [duplicate]
     40  Transforming json into coo sparse matrix in Python
     40  To find optical flow as ndarray using cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK()
     40  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() python numpy using ReLu function [duplicate]
     40  The shape of a sliced array
     40  Taking several slices from numpy array [duplicate]
     40  Table conversion in python
     40  Sum of values in tensor slice in python
     40  Sum groups of flagged items and then find max values
     40  Sum 2d numpy array by element
     40  Subsetting a NumPy matrix using another matrix
     40  Struggling with dynamics ndarray
     40  Strange behavior during array allocation in numpy [duplicate]
     40  Storing Multiple 2D Arrays in a Single Pandas Dataframe or xray
     40  Statistics and programming
     40  Stably computing large quantites through recursion
     40  splrep only taking into account upper points?
     40  Splitting integrated probability density into two spatial regions
     40  Splitting a list based on another list that contains the indexes that must be filtered
     40  speed difference between using ''out='' or not in 2 numpy functions (add/greater)
     40  Sort Multidimensional List - Python
     40  Sort and rearrange JSON array based on entries
     40  some issus about dok_matrix for sparse storeage
     40  Solving Laplace equation with Gauss Seidel and ghost point for boundary points
     40  Skipping over a specific value when comparing
     40  Single Value Decomposition algorithm not working
     40  Shared virtualenv, some libraries visible, some not
     40  Setting indicators based in index per row in numpy
     40  Select two or more consecutive rows based on a criteria using python
     40  Select rows of a matrix using binary array
     40  Selection of a row in pandas
     40  Selecting only columns of a numpy array where value of a specific row < x
     40  select fixed range elements from multiple index positions in numpy arrays [duplicate]
     40  Search in Pandas for first instance of condition
     40  scipy generic_filter cast the returned values
     40  save data in for loop but not save in loop
     40  Row number change while save numpy ndarray in to text or read from .txt file
     40  Rounding errors with PIL
     40  Reversing an array in Cython
     40  Reverse lookup of dtype
     40  Return the sorted index of values above a certain probability in an array
     40  Return N Choose K Columns of An NxN array (Choosing N choose K features from a Correlation Matrix)
     40  Retrieval of single entry by np.datetime index value failing, but not failing by range
     40  retreive array value from text file and post it in array python
     40  Reshaping CSV data in python using pandas
     40  Reshaping a numpy array (matrix) where elements appear in order
     40  Reshape changes assignment rules
     40  Reset a vector to initial state in for loop
     40  Resample the dataset based on 2 unique columns
     40  replacing element np array
     40  Replace values from (m,n,3) array with conditions from (m,n,1) array
     40  Replace indicator values with actual values
     40  Remove items from two lists based on value at index in either
     40  Remove elements in an ndarray based on condition on one dimension
     40  regarding understanding a code segment on multi-dimensional array
     40  rebuild torch tensor from its batchified version
     40  Reading large array with numpy gives zeros
     40  Reading a file and printing a specific answer
     40  Read ASCII-File with missing data fields with numpy.genfromtxt
     40  Randomizing Array Values
     40  Quad integration returning only 0.0 within tkinter mainloop program, executes fine as code fragment on its own
     40  Python ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     40  Python: Using numpy.where with different sizes of DataFrames [duplicate]
     40  Python Spyder error TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
     40  python pretify list output like numpy or pandas does
     40  Python Pandas Merge Two DataFrames With Conditional Logic
     40  Python Pandas Building full matrix of contrasts
     40  Python/NumPy: Why won't np.set_printoptions() work and print wider lines?
     40  Python numpy How to sort a ndarray based on a row
     40  Python / numpy: How to replace matrix elements with specified length along axis
     40  Python Numpy coding library [duplicate]
     40  Python NumPy adding [] after operator such as where
     40  python numpy 3-d matrix times 1-d array
     40  Python most effiecient method of re-arranging numpy array of Dict
     40  Python meaning of `array.__module__ = 'numpy'`
     40  Python: Iterating through loops and list
     40  Python: How to get the number range in order
     40  Python find size of each sublist in a list
     40  Python Delete rows of matrices with bool index like matlab
     40  Python dataframe sume iterative
     40  Python could not generate the plot
     40  Python concatenating two 2d arrays
     40  Python, compare n by m numpy array with n sized numpy array
     40  Python casting from long during addition to numpy array
     40  Python - Can't implement Scipy fitting script
     40  Python: Bit Array to Integer: Randomly getting negative integers with NumPy arrays
     40  Python3 numpy with Intel MKL support [Win10]
     40  Pydev fails to load numpy with anaconda
     40  Problem converting 3-dimensional array to 4-dimensional array in images
     40  Print corresponding words to word-counts (Bag-of-Words)
     40  pd.DateOffet(years=) breaks down at years>333
     40  Passing numpy arrays from dataframe after using groupby into a function that returns numpy arrays before appending back to dataframe
     40  Parallelizing generation of random vectors with arbitrary length using numba
     40  Pandas values substituted by numpy matrix?
     40  Pandas Select a value in a specific column based on the index label [duplicate]
     40  Pandas - recovering index column after group by 2 columns
     40  Pandas or Numpy, searching, editing and extracting data
     40  Pandas Complex GroupBy and Apply on Machine Learning Dataset
     40  pandas bfill by interval to correct missing/invalid entries
     40  Outlier detection approach with smaller datasets
     40  Optimizing copying one array to another with some offset [duplicate]
     40  Optimization of two for-loops
     40  optimization & numpy vectorization: repeat set of arrays
     40  Only importing up to the maximum value of one of my columns
     40  ''One off'' error in numpy.r_ array construction [duplicate]
     40  One hot encoding from image labels using numpy
     40  Numpy tensor implementation slower than loop
     40  Numpy: sort Matrix's elements by index [closed]
     40  numpy slicing using user defined input
     40  NumPy slicing over variable size, multidimensional array
     40  Numpy re-assigning a variable doesn't work
     40  Numpy random - Specify Multiple Bounds & Steps
     40  numpy multi-dimensional selecton with 2D indexing
     40  numpy mask covers another mask
     40  numpy in simple nearest centroid classifier
     40  NumPy: indexing array by list of tuples - how to do it correctly?
     40  Numpy: How is this code different from each other?
     40  Numpy - get mask from shape and indices [duplicate]
     40  Numpy generate random array based on another array's values
     40  Numpy functionality for determining the mean of a set of indices in a 3-dimensional matrix
     40  'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'plot' - Matplotlib
     40  Numpy: Finding correspondencies in one array by uniques of other array, arbitrary length
     40  Numpy: faster array access
     40  Numpy fancy indexing resulting in selection with different shape
     40  numpy.empty creates array of shape
     40  Numpy.delete removes 3 items, but only 2 match condition
     40  Numpy conditional check with stop
     40  Numpy Boolean Indexing to match multiple values
     40  numpy binned mean, conserving extra axes
     40  numpy bincount with class property
     40  Numpy array with different standard deviation and mean per row
     40  numpy.array: TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable
     40  Numpy arrays with arraysd
     40  Numpy array indexing with two dimensions
     40  Numpy append sometimes works, sometimes doesn't
     40  Numpy 3d arrays - Switch from for-loop to numpy method
     40  Numeric precision of climate science calculations in python
     40  Numerical integration using defined trapezoidal bins
     40  Numba returns error when using numpy inverse function
     40  np.vectorize returns incorrectly rounded result
     40  np.nan coupled with DataFrame changes np.random.randint behavior [duplicate]
     40  np.linalg.norm does not work for CSR matrix
     40  np.concatenate error ... ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
     40  np array shape for conv1d input
     40  Not able to modify the numpy array in python
     40  NoneType NumPy error in TensorFlow project
     40  Need clarification in Pareto Distribution Code in Python
     40  My plot for punctuation and characters is just not coming up. Advice required
     40  My Image is completely black, it is not showing 50% black and 50% white
     40  My function should return matching pairs of values, but returns one matching pair and one unmatched pair
     40  Multivariable regression model cost does not decrease
     40  Multiplying two dataframe columns result in NaN columns
     40  Most efficient way to vstack two 5GB arrays
     40  Most efficient way to take previous 70 values from an array and put them into a new dimension
     40  Most efficient way to calculate numpy data with two independent variables
     40  Monocular Total Capture usage error : import numpy as np ImportError: No module named 'numpy'
     40  module Error using InterX function translated to python
     40  Modifying a subarray selected by two consecutive boolean arrays
     40  Model that will predict how long it takes to compose a message (using Python)
     40  MemoryError when attempting to use numpy.asarray on 1.2M x 5000 matrix
     40  Memory blowing up when filling numpy array
     40  Matplotlib puts 3D scatter plot in background when it isn't supposed to
     40  Matplotlib: animate plot_surface using ArtistAnimation [duplicate]
     40  Match dates in panda and add duplicate in new column
     40  masking a numpy array using an existing mask of the same shape
     40  Masking and histogram of the 3d grid
     40  Mapping for comma separated series in Pandas dataframe
     40  Mapping a point into a numpy array
     40  Make Numpy Symmetric Matrix from a list of pairs
     40  Make code with differentiation by cases work for arrays and numbers
     40  log transformation of whole dataframe using numpy
     40  Load dictionary from .npy file in mmap mode
     40  List to Mixed dimension Matrix
     40  linalg.matrix_power(A,n) for a huge $n$ and a huge $A$
     40  Kronecker Multiplication only with specific axis
     40  Keras GridSearch model prediction
     40  Joining to numpy in a loop
     40  Join columns and reshape in row
     40  I want to delete all the 16 from the following array using numpy
     40  Iterating over matrixes in a list stopped in numpy
     40  Iterate 2D numpy array using for and while loops
     40  Is there anyway to speed up the reshape process in python?
     40  Is there a function that shows if the numbers are decreasing or increasing in the dataframe?
     40  Is it possible to use simple rotation matrices to simulate circular orbits in pygame?
     40  Is a set converted to numpy array?
     40  Is any information lost by converting a fully dense array to a sparse matrix?
     40  Intersections for 3D lines
     40  Interleaving the rows of a numpy matrix, generate permuation scheme
     40  input text file (a double quoted string w/ %e %i sqrt z1 z2 log) into sympy or numpy or scipy for a Laurent series
     40  In numpy, how can I transform a one-line matrix as an array?
     40  Inner workings of np.where() and how to check for emptiness/Noneness
     40  Initialize 2-D array uniformly in numpy
     40  Indexing numpy arrays
     40  Indexing 1-D array using list of arrays with varying lengths
     40  IndexError txt file: list index out of range
     40  Index 3 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 1
     40  Importing Pandas problems
     40  Image Conversion: (150,150) -> (150,150,3)
     40  ignore the headings while creating array
     40  I get json decode error and sent message gets truncated
     40  IF string contains 'XX' then change color ... Write_rich_string to Panda Dataframe?
     40  Identify 'flat' areas in a histogram?
     40  I cant load python libraries in cmd, but they work in Anaconda prompt
     40  How to zip each element from a 1D array with the elements from each row of a 2D array?
     40  how to vectorize for loops like the one mentioned below in numpy?
     40  How to use threads to retrieve sub-array
     40  How to use the np where using the different np shape
     40  How to use numpy.c_ properly for arrays
     40  How to use `apply_along_axis` with ndim > 2 arrays?
     40  How to test my own hand drawn numbers in a neural network
     40  How to store numpy.ndarray in the columns of DataFrame
     40  How to speed up the creation of a label tensor from label map in Numpy?
     40  How to speed up method 'fit' in custom DecisionTreeClassifier by using NumPy? [closed]
     40  How to sort a 3D numpy array according to a column?
     40  How to ''slice'' a 2D array into a 3D array
     40  How to separate 2 output arrays of sklearn kneighbors() Python?
     40  how to select positions of a matrix to average in python?
     40  How to select a row in a numpy structured array and set a value?
     40  How to scale data to make area under the graph equal to 1
     40  How to replace values among blocks of consecutive values
     40  How to replace a value by null?
     40  How to read data from .txt files and reduce it into a Numpy array : Python 3
     40  How to progressively sum a NumPy array
     40  How to plot an array as if the indices i,j were the x,y coordinates?
     40  How to plot a calendar using matplotlib patches
     40  How to plot a 3d surface?
     40  How to parse numpy.einsum for two three-dimensional arrays ''fid,fi->fd''
     40  How to Normalize Values in a Column of a GeoDataFrame
     40  How to modify the default mapper of the StringConverter class?
     40  How to merge histogram bins (edges and counts) by bin-count condition?
     40  How to manipulate value in each index?
     40  How to make my modified pandas/numpy .where function adaptable to different sizes of a list parameter?
     40  How to make FIR filter with Parks-McClellan method in python
     40  how to make a range of column negative in numpy?
     40  How to load multiple pictures in an Array
     40  How to interpret this kind of NumPy indexing: a[2::2, ::2]?
     40  How to get values from one dataframe based on row?
     40  How to get indices of both lists of different length if there is a unique match between them using python 2.7
     40  How to get a return value of a count of unique values in numpy?
     40  How to gain speed in distance measurement for chi2_contingency by eliminating loop
     40  How to find the average movie rating per year?
     40  How to find a specific value from a pandas Data Frame
     40  How to fill certain cells of a column that are in the same row as another observation on another column?
     40  How to fill an NPArray with another array starting at a key in Python?
     40  How to evaluate execution time when using scipy.optimize?
     40  How to evaluate difference between RGB numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     40  How to evaluate an expression when array dimensions are different
     40  How to encode a feature which has a list of categorical values in each row for training an machine learning model?
     40  How to efficiently multiply two matrix row by column [duplicate]
     40  How to draw an 2d-numpy array with random elements from a certain probability distribution with condition that all elements sum up to a certain value?
     40  How to divide each column with a number and adding the last columns value in one step
     40  How to divide an n-dimensional array by an integer value?
     40  How to delete Pandas rows that have been seen before
     40  How to create a sparse numpy array from a dictionary of indices for nonzero elements?
     40  How to create a numpy matrix, whose values meet several conditions?
     40  How to create a mask for nd values in a 2d NumPy array?
     40  How to copy data from one dataframe to another without altering column and rownames in pandas
     40  How to combine numpy 3d array shape (326, 25, 16) and 1d array shape (326,)
     40  How to combine duplicate rows in python pandas
     40  how to choose certain elements of a matrix to create a new one with np.array?
     40  how to change the index value of numpy array with column values of pandas dataframe
     40  how to Cartesian multiply which describe the ratios of two dictionaries?
     40  How to calculate intersection in numpy.array? [duplicate]
     40  How to calculate % change based on varying years and column_name
     40  how to average in a specific dimension with numpy.mean?
     40  How to average hourly observations stored on a .csv file into daily observations?
     40  How to assign to a numpy slice view obtained from unpacking triu_indices
     40  How to apply functions to a Dataframe with arrays within it, in Python?
     40  How to add values in one array according to repeated values in another array?
     40  How to achieve a matrix from vectorized sum of each row in a matrix with another matrix
     40  How to access element some element in dictionary
     40  how numpy arrays do this and is it correct?
     40  How do I test my code for numerical stability?
     40  how do I slice a numpy array using an array of 1d positions [duplicate]
     40  How do I set to zero lower triangles along the last two axes of a three-dimensional array?
     40  How do I replace a complex string in a column (Python)
     40  How do I obtain Kernel Density Estimator on a 2D image/array using sklearn?
     40  How do I list out all the different labels/strings in a certain column?
     40  How do I keep only min and max values of sublists within a list?
     40  How do I get my array to fit into sklearn?
     40  How do I define this column in my training dataset?
     40  How does Scipy least_squares bounds work?
     40  How does genfromtxt work when you set delimiter to a sequence of integers?
     40  How does accessing a NumPy array like `arr[arr>5]` work? [duplicate]
     40  How convert Keras ImageDataGenerator into Numpy Array?
     40  How compare inside an array?
     40  How can rows between nulls be extracted using Python or Pandas
     40  How can I vectorize a function to two take as arguments two sequences of different lengths (m and n) and return a matrix (m x n) in Python NumPy?
     40  How can I tag certain value based on value of previous rows in DataFrame?
     40  How can I extract two separate matrices from a file?
     40  How can I combine 2 columns in python
     40  How can I calculate an estimated x'y'z' using input arrays containing nominal and measured data points of the physical coordinate system?
     40  How can I bloat a numpy matrix?
     40  How can array be an index in python?
     40  histogram is giving strange values of probability density function
     40  Heterogenize numpy array such that no two adjacent cellls are equal
     40  getting the element of array while performing Euclidian calculation
     40  Getting an output of 'None' but not sure what exactly is triggering it
     40  Getting an item's neighbor inside of a numpy array
     40  getting aggregates of aggregates in pandas
     40  Get row numbers based on column values from numpy array
     40  Get Index of the search array with .all() and any()
     40  get every season data from serveral years data
     40  generate a column delta based on a constraint
     40  Functions to use Python, matplotlib and pandas in Statistics [closed]
     40  Function is returning type None when I expect an array
     40  function for two numpy array costume multiplication
     40  From binary data to integers python [duplicate]
     40  Find range of arguments that return the same result for a linear function
     40  Finding roots using numpy and matplot
     40  Finding matched elements between rows (list of words) of a Pandas series & a given list
     40  finding different element in column numpy
     40  Finding circle function and center in Python
     40  Filter the previous 3 rows with the same string and calculate the mean in python
     40  Filtering low frequencies using a High Pass Filter does not seem to work
     40  Filling up a NumPy array based on the index of the element
     40  Fast image processing with Look-up table
     40  fast formatted file output of numpy array
     40  Fancy Indexing in NumPy
     40  Failing to write in hdf5 file
     40  Extra index in list
     40  Extracting from lists of pandas series to another based on indexes
     40  Extend/subclass numpy array?
     40  Expanding/Duplicating dataframe rows based on condition
     40  estimate how much RAM usage loading image dataset might use
     40  Error when replacing code with numpy variant with code with pandas variant
     40  Errors saving stacked NumPy array to text
     40  error: out of bounds when searching for identical rows in a numpy array
     40  Equivalent of pandas read_sql_query for numpy array?
     40  Effciency: Dropping rows with the same timestamp while still having the median of second column for that timestamp
     40  dtype argument in np.genfromtxt and StringIO
     40  Downloading numpy module for python
     40  Division by 0 in python broadcasting?
     40  Differences in using range() or slice() to slice a 2-d ndarray
     40  difference between common_type, find_common_type, promote_types, and result_type?
     40  Difference between 2 ways of assigning value by pandas ix method [duplicate]
     40  Detection of stable pixels within a narrow range (for stationary objects)
     40  Deleting the last n elements of numpy array works only in some cases
     40  Deleting elements in a row
     40  csv file to 2d list, then splitting onto list of 2d lists
     40  Cropping a surface in python for Z values greater than
     40  creation of numpy array of arrays from list
     40  Creating numpy array from c-pointer crashes ipython kernel [duplicate]
     40  creating mesh and matrix
     40  Creating a new column with numbers in Pandas to group with a column with existing numbers
     40  Creating a new column using certain conditions
     40  Creating 4-D numpy array consisting of index-dependent 2-d arrays
     40  create pygame.Color sometimes throws ValueError: invalid color argument
     40  create new rows based on values of one of the columns in the above row with specific condition - pandas or numpy
     40  Create matrix with labels on every cell by interval
     40  Create a new large matrix by stacking in its diagonal K matrices
     40  Count the frequency of each element categorical values in python [duplicate]
     40  Correlation matrix with missing data
     40  Correct or Most Efficient Sharing of Numpy Array of Objects to C++ Vector
     40  Convert string into numpy.ndarray python [closed]
     40  Convert list of length n to nxn array [duplicate]
     40  Convert list of 14 arrays to single array (Keras Value Error)
     40  Converting list(numpy_array) to list(list) and comparing 2 lists [closed]
     40  control all numpy matrix operation as type ('float32') at once
     40  conditional row and column selection in pandas
     40  Concatenate sparse matrices - ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated
     40  Computing an nxn distance matrix based off a function
     40  Comparing two columns per row of dataframe
     40  Comparing ndarray derived classes
     40  Color display abnormal after gray scaling using opencv in Python
     40  Clean way to iterate a dictionary in Python [duplicate]
     40  Classifying predicted values using a prediction interval
     40  Check if values in matrix matches with values from array and return the matrix index if not
     40  Check if the point within a polygon (speed up)
     40  Check if a (2d domain) function has root in specific (small) region
     40  Changing values for ndarray based on condition upon another ndarray of the same shape
     40  Changing a text file line by line?
     40  Change Array of multi integer vectors to single value for each vector in Numpy
     40  change all pandas dataframe cell in a column with an array
     40  Categorical selection for a list in Python
     40  Can't seem to drop duplicates on one dataframe but can do it for another
     40  Can't figure out how to clear NaNs in Random Forest
     40  Can someone explain how they are splitting the image here?
     40  Canonical way of testing for str dtype?
     40  can numpy.sum apply each index of [:]?
     40  Calculating matrix product with numpy
     40  Calculate delta time of specific column
     40  Calculate average for column value within a time interval
     40  Bus error: 10 when multiplying two matrices
     40  Builtin round() function changes its behaviour with numpy
     40  Building NumPy array using values from another array
     40  Broadcasting assignment with advanced indexing
     40  Brand new to scipy/numpy and attempting some batch manipulation
     40  Boolean indexing, trying to search by label with two conditions but boolean and, bitwise &, and numpy logical_and all return errors
     40  Binomial distribution in Numpy, spikes in plots
     40  Bin average as a function of position
     40  Binary Markov-K Random Generator
     40  Better way to reduce a sorted list of numbers by merging values in close proximity?
     40  Bars not showing when saving chart to png [duplicate]
     40  Bad floating point accuracy with numpy
     40  Bad Argument error as I try to add noise to an image with Keras preprocess function
     40  Backpropagation in python: numpy array multiplication mistake?
     40  Average every several rows in a big numpy array
     40  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__version__' running the executable
     40  AttributeError: exp when using numpy on data loaded using
     40  Assign values to multiple columns of numpy matrix without looping
     40  Assign values to different index positions as the actual in a loop python
     40  array value not updating and getting 0 instead [duplicate]
     40  Array manipulaion using lookup values in numpy
     40  A Python numpy array is being rewritten in a loop - shouldn't be doing this
     40  Applying an operation to each vector from 2d numpy arrays in python
     40  Appending to lists in a dataframe via a for loop in Python, why is it being appended to each row?
     40  Appending function values to a list while iterating
     40  Apparently support floating point index array
     40  alternate methods of computing log change yield different structures
     40  All possible combinations of 2D numpy array
     40  Adding or removing an array from or to a list of array
     40  Add extra space on list items
     40  Add dimension to numpy array [duplicate]
     40  Accessing String Values in Pandas DataFrame Efficiently
     40  Access individual array in numpy
     39  xarray - resample and apply indexes of one DataArray to another DataArray object
     39  Write python functions to operate over arbitrary axes [closed]
     39  Write data if it matches a criterion
     39  Wrapping numpy slices using super().take in narray subclass
     39  why use transpose than directly set array?
     39  Why the vectored python code to compare values across rows is not working?
     39  Why setting value to a function's argument affects the input variable when iterated but not when used as vector? [duplicate]
     39  Why matrix shape is not 2 by 2 after element wise matrix multiplication? [duplicate]
     39  Why is `numpy` rounding down `0.025` instead of rounding up [duplicate]
     39  Why isn't here order invariance between the two sets of operations?
     39  Why i am getting error with SVM predict() function?
     39  Why does Scipy's fit() function for gamma distribution producing a totally dissimilar distribution?
     39  Why does np.corrcoef() normalise to unity?
     39  What's the most sensible way to do this in numpy?
     39  What's the default start and stop for python slicing index? [duplicate]
     39  What is the precise meaning of question marks in an einsum-like gufunc signature?
     39  What is fastest way to compute quantile over grouped dataframe?
     39  what does the np.transpose function do?
     39  What does `numpy.array(1, dtype=np.int32)` do? [duplicate]
     39  What am I missing to ensure there is only 50 people randomly sampled from the data csv file?
     39  Weighted average resampling
     39  Verify that a word exists in a list of Context
     39  Vectorizing outer and inner loop when these contain calculations and deletes
     39  Vectorizing array access from indices matrix
     39  Vectorize for-loop with interacting elements
     39  Vectorized running bin index calculation with Tensorflow or numpy
     39  Vectorized implementation of finding a given set of point within a given set of polygons
     39  Vectorize a function whose arguments are different dimensions
     39  Vectorize a function - Invalid index to scalar variable
     39  Variable values not getting into inner for loop
     39  Values I want to plot don't show in the plot
     39  values in the array change when turned to numpy array
     39  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence with numpy operation
     39  ValueError: cannot copy sequence with size 5055 to array axis with dimension 17
     39  Value assignment to a particular position in a dataframe is not working
     39  Using Python: Group by and plot ratios to compare them, add aditional calculations (ie: histogram, scatter plot, density plot)
     39  Using pandas/numpy how to write a dynamic code for next analysis
     39  using for loop for floating number and uneven distribution
     39  Using boolean opeation between 2 arrays in python
     39  Using an index array to assign values to an array in numpy
     39  unique( and other numpy functions) on timezone naive pandas columns convert to local timezone
     39  Unexpected result in calculating payments
     39  Unexpected behavior due to possible variable aliasing
     39  Understanding Math Behind Orthogonal distance regression
     39  Tuning SVC Classifier From Numpy Array [duplicate]
     39  Trying to truncate decimal values in all the cells of dataframe, but not working
     39  Trying to get behaviour of keras dense input shape and ndarrays
     39  Transpose a DataFrame based on the amount of Columns with Values
     39  Transferring data from one np.array to another
     39  Tokenizing TFRecords dataset
     39  Time complexity of Numpy compared to built-in list [duplicate]
     39  The phase of FFT in python and octave does not work properly [duplicate]
     39  theory behind array manipulation
     39  testing different learning methods in scikit learn
     39  Subtract larger array by smaller array segment-wise
     39  substitue values of one dataframe from values of another dataframe based on condition
     39  Strange output from ndarray.shape
     39  Stab a 3d array
     39  Sort on 2 columns which are inter
     39  Sorting multiindex by a column while following specific structure
     39  smooth line matplotlib: How can i smooth line with 5 points of sample?
     39  Slow performance in agent based model python
     39  Slicing using np.array but getting IndexError
     39  sklearn: Pandas Dataframe vs Numpy ndarray - Which is more efficient to hold a [600k * 1k] data of different data types [closed]
     39  Should I prefer to use numpy.where or array indexing to mask values?
     39  Set to 0 x% of non zero values in numpy 2d array
     39  Setting colors individually in matplotlib
     39  Setting a new value to an array gives different results than it should
     39  Sequentially reading a whole csv file into smaller Numpy arrays of given size
     39  Semilogy interpolation; get x from y
     39  Selectively set values in numpy array (or set on condition)
     39  Selecting the top three columns for each row and saving the results along with index in a dictionary in python
     39  Search within subdatasets in python
     39  Scipy sparse matrix slicing returns IndexError
     39  Scipy script not working as expected even after working with toy values
     39  saving and loading large numpy matrix
     39  save data based on one column and named by other column in Pandas
     39  Sampling from a 2d numpy array
     39  Sampling data pairs given a joint probability distribution
     39  Rotating an ellipse but axes have vastly different scales which leads to distortion
     39  Result calculation from a fix date and an expected future event
     39  Resize float32 array with K-nearest neighbour in the same way as scipy.misc.imresize or tf.image.resize
     39  Reshaping a numpy array into desired shape
     39  Replacing original values
     39  Removing Numbers from Column that Don't Appear in Array
     39  Removing dtype from np.array
     39  Reiterative mapping with the previous result
     39  Reading Two Numpy Arrays from csv file
     39  Reading files in 6 bytes chunk in numpy
     39  Randomly select positive instances from matrix
     39  Randomly Indexing Multi-dimensional arrays in numpy
     39  Randomization of patterns in a dataset
     39  Python writing only the beginning and end of a long string into a file [duplicate]
     39  python ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (389,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (389,7)
     39  Python: RuntimeError: Iterator CreateCompatibleStrides may only be called if DONT_NEGATE_STRIDES was used to prevent reverse iteration of an axis
     39  Python: preserve numpy array while writing and reading from csv
     39  Python: percentage of rows in the dataset
     39  Python, operation error, want to make dataframe standard for calculations, it contains: string, integer, float
     39  Python/numpy points list to black/white image area
     39  Python Numpy array holding another array
     39  Python: Loading Complex numbers from file saved in Mag, Degrees
     39  Python ITK Rehsape error with median Filter
     39  python indexing don't change the numpy array
     39  Pythonic way to join proximal segments in a 2D numpy array?
     39  Python: How to insert into a nestled list via iteration at a variable index position?
     39  Python: How to compare columns with text entries and with each other
     39  Python - How the _umath_linalg.eigvals() function works
     39  Python global variable not updating inside definition
     39  Python, fill not completed matrix with default values [duplicate]
     39  Python - Error when calling a class function to analyze an array
     39  Python Dataframe: Assign Values to a column based on other column?
     39  Python: Count the First Instance of each Unique Value in a Column with Repeating Values
     39  Python: Convert list of numbers to according letters
     39  PYTHON - Calculate Min and Index of Min in an NdArray
     39  Python: appending to numpy array at certain indexes and change shape
     39  Python 3 Import Text File with Floating Point Numbers and Mixed Content
     39  Python 3 getting unique result base in date/time when multiple entry in the same date but different times
     39  Python 3.7 doesn't print neither from command line nor from pycharm
     39  Python 2.x True & False returning True in very specific case
     39  python 2 Timer does not follow the order
     39  Pyfits reordering axis
     39  Pyaudio / Numpy Concatenated Notes Merely Extend the First Note
     39  Put a numpy array of lists inside a numpy matrix at corresponding positions
     39  Processing groups of point-matrix multiplications with numpy
     39  Problem while fitting a set of data points to arbitrary curve with Scipy
     39  print multiple output one by one from index
     39  print(len(list_a)) is printed as two but print(list_a) is printed as []
     39  Print a line from a 2-dimensional mixed array (containing integers and floating data types) in Python2
     39  Preserving order of occurrence with size() function
     39  Polynomial lossy compression numpy - file bigger than original
     39  Plo 2D of a matrix [closed]
     39  Please explain: Comparison operator as index of object, data_r[labels == i, 0]
     39  PIL Image not rendering inputted pixel values in correct order
     39  Performing numpy random choice only on certain type of columns of dataframe
     39  performing mathematical operations for each row of a 2d array against another 2d array
     39  Performance decreases with increasing nesting of array elements
     39  PCA for KNN in numpy
     39  pattern matching and replace function
     39  Passing values to function using numpy
     39  Parsing a numpy list read from binary via fromfile
     39  Parallelization of loading tensor with numpy using combinatory
     39  Pandas Panel Data - Shifting values by two taking into consideration year gaps
     39  Pandas named aggregation not working with resample agg
     39  Order the min over ndarrays by keeping information about the original indexes
     39  Optimize element modification operation in an numpy array
     39  operations on column length
     39  On finding the index of the first >= element
     39  One liner for creating several deep copies of a numpy array?
     39  Numpy.where in a list of arrays, searching for an entire array [duplicate]
     39  Numpy: vectorize assigment of values based on conditions
     39  numpy vectorise value generation from a truncated gaussian distribution
     39  Numpy using where with varying array sizes
     39  numpy two arrays satisfy different condition
     39  Numpy trouble vectorizing certain kind of aggregation
     39  Numpy to get the exact arguments of duplicated elements in a 2D array
     39  Numpy swap the values of nested columns
     39  Numpy sort two arrays together with one array as the keys in axis 1 [duplicate]
     39  Numpy slice by list [duplicate]
     39  Numpy shape not including classes
     39  Numpy/Numba raises error when allocating very large empty set to CUDA
     39  Numpy np.array() constructor behaving ''inconsistently''
     39  NumPy multi-dimensional array indexing
     39  Numpy multidimensional array assigment unknown logic error
     39  Numpy Matrix Modulo Index Extraction
     39 Keep masked array linked to its building blocks (shallow copy?)
     39  Numpy Lognorm function, used in dataframe
     39  Numpy indexing in python [duplicate]
     39  numpy - incrementally rebuild an ndarray by filtering unneded members
     39  Numpy: how to select full row based on some columns
     39  Numpy : How do I create a meshgrid inside a box?
     39  Numpy: genfromtxt forming tuples
     39  Numpy function to check `>=0` with tolerance for floating point error
     39  numpy.format seems to just round to an integer
     39  numpy: finding all pairs of numbers in a matrix that suffice on neighboring condition
     39  Numpy Dynamic Indexing With Both Slicing and Advanced Indexing
     39  Numpy correlate x-axis is shifted
     39  Numpy: Computing sum(array[i, a[i]:b[i]]) for all rows i
     39  Numpy: Combine several arrays based on an indices array
     39  Numpy can't control the changing of the arrays
     39  Numpy cannot be imported even though it is installed
     39  Numpy broadcasting and for loop
     39  numpy array to the just number in the array
     39  Numpy array , Find columns with 1s
     39  NumPy array fancy indexing
     39  Numpy arange function produces variable of a different length than the variable it depends on
     39  Numpy and matplotlib is not found by pycharm
     39  Numba and multidimensions additions - not working with numpy.newaxis?
     39  Numba and multidimensions additions - not working with numpy.newaxis?
     39  np.where iterate through multiple options in conditionals - lengths must match error
     39  Not getting full float division for values above 1. in python 3.6.2
     39  Normalization images takes long
     39  Need to overwrite cells in a column without overwriting the other cells in the same column
     39  My numpy select statement is giving a `shape mismatch` error
     39  My Numpy array has a list in it but I can't use it in Keras
     39  Multiplying row in NumPy array by specific values based on another row
     39  Multiply and sum numpy arrays with shapes (x,y,z) and (x,)
     39  Multiple advanced indices cause reordering of dimensions
     39  Most efficient way to apply linear transformations to each column of a numpy array
     39  ModuleNotFoundError when running paga with scanpy
     39  Modifying numpy array with index array with multiplicated indexes [duplicate]
     39  Modifying code from binary classifier logistic regression to multi-class ''one vs all'' logistic regression
     39  Merging multiple arrays
     39  Merge two numpy arrays into one matplotlib image
     39  Merge rows with same date to filll blanks/Nans using pandas
     39  Merge multiple tables and join the same column with comma split
     39  matrix multiply every pair of 2-D arrays along first dimension with einsum
     39  Mask for an array in the same shape
     39  masked RGB image does not appear masked with imshow
     39  map int over 2D array python
     39  Making nonzero elements in grayscale array equal to 1 in 'G' column in an RGB array in Python
     39  Making dataframe from numpy - why columns are mixed?
     39  Lotto draw simulation in Python
     39  looking up column label corresponding to a value in pandas
     39  Loading numpy weights in TensorFlow 2.0
     39  List elements subtraction based on their rank
     39  Large Integer ID matching
     39  Large covarariance standardization
     39  Kivy-python: duplicate image on texture
     39  Keep track of numbers in a list
     39  I want to curve fit with two independent variables: Tag and Tau . I tried inputting variables with tuple but it did not work
     39  I want to create a crime a new column in my data frame that is the crime rate of each specific row
     39  I want to create a array without if() of for() but use where()
     39  Iterating through a multidimensional array in a specific way
     39  Iterate through the images and store each image as a list item
     39  Is there a way to map a numpy array to a certain dataframe?
     39  Is there a way to make separate a column depending on the values of another column in python 3.x?
     39  Is there a reason why I am getting the same input over and over even though I am using np.random.choice()?
     39  Is there a Python (np/cv2/etc.) function for pixel neighbors probing?
     39  Is there any difference of precision in python methods to calculate euclidean distance?
     39  Is there a clean way to assign partial values to masked array in numpy? [duplicate]
     39  Is sklearn precision recall score supposed to give different outputs for 1D and 2D input? [closed]
     39  Interpolate/Resize ascii art in python?
     39  install numpy for pycharm on mac
     39  Index on last dimensions of array
     39  Incrementing the value of a ROI that (possibly) partially is out of bounds in Python
     39  Inconsistent Results - Jupyter Numpy & Transpose
     39  Import column headers from ASCII file then create function from titles
     39  I got an error in a code which is related to NumPy array
     39  If statement error when working on dataframe
     39  If I pass a ndarray view to a function I can find its base but how can I find the slice?
     39  Identify top k values and mark them based on their respective ranking orders
     39  I am trying to array index a 4 dimensional numpy array.
     39  How to visualize word2vec output? [closed]
     39  how to use abbrevation of the dtype?
     39  How to update values in third column using 2 columns values?
     39  how to transfer a vertor numpy array of tuple transform to 2d numpy array
     39  How to take a few lines of numerical data from text document in Python, do an operation with them and write it out in text document?
     39  How to split colour channels in openCV without returning a gray scale image? I have tried the following it returns a gray scale image
     39  How to set a value to elements in a column filtered by another array
     39  How to reduce thickness of a line when width does not work?
     39  How to randomly select items from a numpy matrix (in a vectorized way)?
     39  How to prevent numpy from collapsing rows?
     39  How to persist values across a numpy ndarray
     39  How to perform regression in loop using multiple columns from different CSV files
     39  How to perform operations on cvxopt-matrices a la numpy?
     39  How to pass training data to a neural network
     39  How to obtain indices by specified array in numpy [duplicate]
     39  How to obtain a subset of a range masked by a boolean NumPy array?
     39  How to normalize facial landmark coordinates for reconstruction
     39  How to name the rows and columns in dataframe before exporting to excel?
     39  How to merge multi csv files line by line python
     39  How to map 2 numpy 2d int arrays to object arrays
     39  How to manage the output of my python code
     39  How to make numpy array slicing elements distinct?
     39  How to locate source code of the operation ndarray[sliceobject] = ndarray?
     39  How to invert the direction of arrows from radially outwards to radially inwards?
     39  How to index multiple values in place of a single value, but maintain shape as though it was a single value?
     39  How to increase the accuracy of regulargridinterpolator
     39  How to group text in one row and calculate the time duration in python pandas?
     39  How to get data out of an array
     39  How to force numpy.genfromtxt to generate a non-structured numpy array?
     39  How to fix function 'cv::matchTemplate'
     39  How to fix END and START values when smoothing a dataframe?
     39  How to find locations of images with a particular value in a batch of images
     39  How to filter this type of data?
     39  How to extract the first x digits out of a matrix?
     39  How to expand the elements of a numpy matrix into sub matrices [duplicate]
     39  How to drop parentheses within column or data frame
     39  How to draw a random sample from a normal distribution withing a range with numpy
     39  How to display a generator object value from zip in python?
     39  How to detect deviation with pandas DataFrame?
     39  How to create two square sine waves with exact same function but differing x-values
     39  How to create a RGB image using PIL from values in a list?
     39  How to covert a series into a numpy array?
     39  How to copy every row of one matrix into every other row of another matrix using broadcasting?
     39  How to convert Pandas data frame into 2 D array [duplicate]
     39  How to convert numpy array to 16 bytes per element bytearray
     39  How to convert multiples rows into one row in python? [duplicate]
     39  How to convert float strings to integer strings?
     39  How to convert a specific range of elements in a panda DataFrame into float numbers?
     39  How to convert and organize different dimensioned rgb images into CSV file?
     39  How to compare the z values of all row with same x and y values efficiently?
     39  How to combine two numpy arrays with different dimemsions?
     39  How to choose elements out of a matrix randomly weighted
     39  How to check whether two three dimensional numpy arrays are the same? [duplicate]
     39  How to check if the number of ones is greater than the number of zeroes in a numpy array without traversing whole array?
     39  How to change to 2 decimals in a NumPy array which is type numpy.float64 in Python
     39  How to change the value of certain indices of a numpy array to 0?
     39  How to calculate pairwise cosine distance of matrix using broadcasting in python
     39  How to avoid that depreciation goes negative?
     39  How to add the columns after subseting? [duplicate]
     39  How to address to folders that differ only in one letter in python?
     39  How get the nr of rows until the next value
     39  How do you get the values around the perimeter of a numpy array in Python?
     39  How do you get and set a 1-D array with column indexes of a 2-D matrix?
     39  How do we split a numpy array at multiples of a number? (eg: array 1 : 0-33, array 2: 34-66, array 3: 67-100)
     39  How do I set a condition to a linear fit in Python?
     39  How do I delete rows in a numpy array based on a single column?
     39  How do I create an (r,c,n) array by performing a function on each element of an (r,c) dataframe? (Python)
     39  How could I filter an image by using a single RGB color?
     39  How could I do value mapping with numpy? [duplicate]
     39  How convert TCP socket received data in integer using python?
     39  how can put the np.loadtxt result to array
     39  How can I , using Numpy, compute how many entries in my array that gives the cumulative sum of 0,9 as an example?
     39  How can I use a dictionary to map array indices to the corresponding argsorted indices if all indices are in sub-arrays?
     39  How can I reshape ndarray, especially easy way ro (25,25) to (1,1)?
     39  How can I modify this code to iterate the matrices n times?
     39  How can I match and replace an incorrectly spelled string value in a dataframe with the correct spelling in a second dataframe?
     39  How can I make an existing numpy array a structured array?
     39  How can i make a matrix filled with a sequence for the rows and columns
     39  How can I go about finding points where there is a bend/cut in my data?
     39  how can i get 1dimension to 3dimension reshape?
     39  How can I fix the error of interpolating 2D grid data in Python?
     39  How can I apply fourrier transform to my dataset using python
     39  Hopf Bifurcation Plot
     39  Given a list of arrays or 3 dimensional array, how do you find the maximum value?
     39  Get the variance of a ''list'' of values with multiplicities?
     39  Generating weighted duplicate lists
     39  Generating meshes out of pointclouds online using Python
     39  Generating 3 different columns based on dataframe
     39  Generate dates based on 2 different ranges
     39  Generate a new column in dataframe based on another dataframe and few constraints
     39  Function reads np.array - produces the mean for k nn to number p in np.array
     39  Forming an array from column values based on a different column value condition
     39  Force 2-dimensionality in vector
     39  Find total number of content user created who have greater than 500 pieces of content created, Python
     39  Find separated maxima in numpy
     39  Find latitude and longitude using City and State columns
     39  Finding unique ids in lines of dataframe
     39  Finding the index of the maximum number in a python matrix which includes strings
     39  Finding the Average number of people by Hourly intervals, Panda/Numpy
     39  Finding index of the element in a numpy array witout using for loop
     39  finding equal numpy ndarrays in list of lists
     39  Find index corresponding between two different sized array lists with same total elements
     39  Find all min and max values in Column Python Panda Dataframe and save it in a new Dataframe
     39  Filter a Panda Series By Date Or Anonymous Function
     39  Fill values in numpy array that are between a certain value
     39  fill cells containing nan with average of values immediately before and after
     39  Fast smoothing of scattered data
     39  Fastest way to return adjacent value in numpy array
     39  Fastest, most efficient way to aggregate a large dataset in python
     39  Faster way to find a value in my dataframe
     39  failing to read 16bit rgb images as numpy arrays in python
     39  Extra tree classifier missing argument y
     39  extract index as array after value_counts() from categorical
     39  Extract digit after decimal in Numpy array
     39  Extract all minima from an array:
     39  Exponent of 3D array with numpy
     39  Expand a 2D array into a 3D array with specific length
     39  exchange of measurement errors in 2d array
     39  Exception has occurred: KeyError (numpy list)
     39  Evenly Split 3D Numpy Arays of Varying Sizes [duplicate]
     39  error of transforming pyspark dataframe to numpy array in order to run lightgbm
     39  Error message when using 'dopri5' scipy.integrate.ode solver to solve system of ODE
     39  Enumerate in range
     39  Encoding a list in Python based on order of occurance
     39  Element wise dot product and einsum
     39  Efficient multiplication of a large number of matrix pairs [duplicate]
     39  Efficiently getting values from numpy matrix
     39  Efficent way of finding values that are within 1% of standard deviation of eachother
     39  Easy way to set elements in top 0.005% of an array to 1 and the rest to zero
     39  Dynamically creating a cumulative list having a limit
     39  Draw mutiple histograms for multiple sub-category in python
     39  Dimensions of matrix-ndarray multiplication
     39  Different Standard Deviation in Pandas and Numpy
     39  Difference between pandas aggregators .first() and .last()
     39  Defining numpy indexing arrays
     39  Dealing with cython memoryview slices and broadcasting
     39  Creating new directories by iterating through specified dataframe values Python Pandas Numpy
     39  Creating new column in panda with data based on multiple percentile conditions
     39  creating a view / slicing of a numpy array, where conditional
     39  Creating a pandas Series with numpy
     39  Creating a numpy array from a method using numpy array
     39  Creating a matplotlib 3D surface plot from lists
     39  creating a (104,1,10) dimensional numpy.ndarray from 10 different (104,) dimensional numpy.ndarray
     39  create boolean array index for column selection
     39  Count match instances then sum values
     39  Counting in a numpy memmap, criterion depends on two fields
     39  Correcting the sort order of pandas index
     39  Convolution on x and y axis using fftconvolve
     39  Convolution 3D image with 2D filter
     39  Convert year from unicode format to python's datetime format
     39  Convert string to complex valued numpy array
     39  Convert dataframe column to string to apply strftime
     39  Convert data based on multiple dictionaries
     39  Contrast stretching in OpenCV or Numpy with limits and blanking
     39  construct stacked dataFrame from 2D numpy array
     39  Confused by output from Polyval
     39  Confused by Argument passing in Python
     39  Conditional flag based on Groupby Python
     39  Compute the slope in a point of cyclical data
     39  compare values of array with column in dataframe if equal get value of this row in other column
     39  compare values in two arrays with a margin of variance [duplicate]
     39  Compare the elements of 2d numpy arrays
     39  Compact specification of a 3-by-n array without rearranging memory
     39  Clojure: equivalent of numpy.diff for sequences [duplicate]
     39  Circle within a matrix
     39  Checking if the tictactoe game has ended and returning the winner
     39  Changing object type of the whole column imported from csv in python
     39  Changing data type in a Matrix
     39  Changing a number within a matrix
     39  Changing 9.90000000e+01 to numpy nans
     39  Change order of axis in numpy array [duplicate]
     39  Can you write values output by a python script to an empty list in another python script?
     39  Can you bound the step size returned by scipy.optimize.line_search()?
     39  Can we accumulate in a numpy array using values in a pandas dataframe columns in a vectorized way?
     39  Can't convert np.ndarry of type.object
     39  Can someone help me with the error in my python code?
     39  Cannot stack 2D arrays into 3D array
     39  Cannot get mean of numerical columns in Pandas dataframe
     39  Can I store data from a for-loop as a different variable for each iteration?
     39  Can a function return a numpy parameter in python?
     39  Calling scipy special functions on Tensorflow tensors?
     39  Callback to add boxplots in Tensorboard / cannot use .numpy() in on_batch_end
     39  Calculating custom distance between n-dimensional instances
     39  Calculate the average of the index of a matrix obtained from its closest ones
     39  Calculate laplacian on numpy masked array
     39  Bspline boundary type for parametric curve
     39  boxplot() being tripped up by set_yticks() format
     39  Boolean Indexing n-D Numpy Array
     39  Best way to store and represent many 1D numpy float arrays to one 1D numpy array
     39  Best way to express a union of all NumPy scalar types?
     39  Best fit/simple linear regression for data set in Python
     39  Behavior of ufuncs and mathematical operators differ for subclassed MaskedArray
     39  Automating the functions above so I don't have to write an extra term each time
     39  Augmented assignment operator has global implications [duplicate]
     39  Assign zero to multiple columns in each row in a 2D numpy array efficiently
     39  assignment followed by boolean operator
     39  Assigning ''list of directory'' array on numpy
     39  Arbitary 1D slices (elements along an axis) across an ndarray - NumPy
     39  apply linspace to xarray
     39  Applying time-shifts
     39  Apply hstack on an array of matrices
     39  Appending numpy arrays using numpy.insert
     39  All possible columnwise multiplications in numpy?
     39  Aligning two binary matrices for maximum overlap
     39  Aggregate symmetric pairs if they exist in Pandas
     39  A faster way to remove close pixels
     39  Adjusted Cosine Similarity for user based collaborative filtering
     39  Add new column based on odd/even condition [duplicate]
     39  Adding ones to n-dimensional numpy array at the beginning and at the end of each row
     39  Adding new columns from one another column with a third filtered column
     39  3-D numpy matrix multiplication in numpy to get 1 D array
     38  Why python divides my output of pandas.Series() instance with '' ... " to 2 pieces? [duplicate]
     38  why opencv won't read my numpy array and return TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation? [duplicate]
     38  Why numpy.int16 becomes numpy.float64 after I bit masking?
     38  Why is this just printing my array instead of doing the math and printing out the finished math?
     38  Why is the TensorFlow result of a simple regression far away from its input?
     38  Why do we need to do these two things in Numpy? [closed]
     38  Why does str array and object array of same data are different wrt memory usage?
     38  Why does numpy.insert convert an (N, 1) array to an (N,) array?
     38  Why does my line fit result in a gradient of np.nan when line fitting in Log-Log scale?
     38  Why does calling np.array() on this list comprehension produce a 3d array instead of 2d?
     38  When is np.vecotrize useful
     38  What's the most efficient way to identify a “default” position on a board that can be flipped and rotated?
     38  What is the quickest way to generate combination as columns in an array?
     38  What is the good pattern for using numpy vectorization to operate on a large number of object states?
     38  What is the easiest way to make tuples of the rows in an array?
     38  Verify that points lie on a grid of specified pitch
     38  Vectorize this call to minimize_scalar
     38  ValueError: cannot mmap an empty file on mmap's dtype as str
     38  Using the first and last values of two columns and generate new data frame based on conditions
     38  Using symbols to represent counts in a for loop
     38  using list or range in numpy as row
     38  Using a randomly generated array as input values to print characters from a tuple
     38  Using a list of files to create an array?
     38  Update pandas value when regex condition is satisfied with regex replace
     38  Update a slice or column in tensor
     38  Unusual shape behaviour in NumPy
     38  Turning output into 2D array in Python
     38  transpose manipulation with indexing over multiple dimensions
     38  Too many indices when I try to extract unique rows from Numpy array
     38  Time Series Analysis to predict Stock Market price in Python
     38  Threshold comparison 2 different sized numpy arrays error
     38  The most efficient way to loop n-d np.array
     38  the arrays with numpy
     38  Tensorflow synapse output and input as text file
     38  Tensorflow: How to randomly select elements according to condition without np.where?
     38  tensorflow does not work after doing several numpy uninstalls in pip3
     38  Take datas from CSV to array in Python
     38  Syntax with Passing a function into another function
     38  supply an array full with objects as argument to another class and receive back the corrected
     38  Structured numpy array within a multidimensional array
     38  Strange results while using numpy arrays
     38  strange behavior with list and ndindex
     38  Storing grid-like data and performing lookups
     38  Store ten most related items in structured array Python
     38  Store result of computation in numpy array (instead of creating new one)
     38  Stack vertically 5 2D-arrays in diagonal to build a whole 2d-array
     38  stacking 2d array onto the part of 3d numpy array
     38  Stack Bar Plot with Numbers
     38  Sorting values at indices by size while not losing information of structure
     38  Some strange phenomena in my use of np.array() to creat a N*M array
     38  Smoothing a fitted function
     38  Slicing numpy array to several arrays every x number of cells
     38  Skip lines with strange characters when I read a file
     38  Significance of Mutual Information with Conditional Group
     38  Set Pandas Column to NumPy Array
     38  Set minimal spacing between values
     38  Sequence of rows having max sum with Pandas
     38  Select same length of subarrays by evenly spacing in numpy
     38  Select a column based on another column's value with Pandas
     38  Scikit-image numpy 2d mask for multiple condition
     38  sampling 2-D numpy array using another array
     38  Sample from a partition uniformly in Python
     38  Safe way for parallel random sampling in python3
     38  Running out of memory while processing csv file data
     38  Re-use a sequence as part of a list in Python
     38  return the index of 1 in an array
     38  Returning r at different theta values with numpy
     38  Reshaping data samples
     38  Replace values from specific columns in array with values in the adjacent columns
     38  replace non NA values of numpy array with value calculated by formula
     38  Repeating headings in for-loop in Python
     38  Removing submatrix from numpy array by shifting other elements [duplicate]
     38  Remove specific values from numpy array under certain conditions
     38  regarding the output of counting the unique numbers of multi-dimension array
     38  RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded when using kmeans
     38  Rebuild n SV-decomposed matrices without loops
     38  re-arranging grid points with numpy
     38  Read in Fortran a matrix saved with tobytes in Python
     38  (Randomly?) find an amount by summing a 2D array
     38  Randomly change x amount of values to y in a z size array
     38  Random function in python to generate random pair inside a circle
     38  R and Bayesian Statistics
     38  Python: Using where statement to set values for new column from 3 label options
     38  Python: Using scipy optimize minimize does not minimize function
     38  Python: Taking a rectangular subset of Numpy array [duplicate]
     38  Python Special Colon Inquiry
     38  Python solve subset of linear equations
     38  python: performance enhancement shrinking image
     38  Python pandas-automating excel sheets
     38  Python numpy running sum of repeated trues [duplicate]
     38  Python: numpy.memmap ''unpleasant interactions''
     38  Python Multiplication ,sum arrays with different length: Optimise code
     38  Python - More efficient way to loop through matrices
     38  Python Load npz file included Scipy Object
     38  Python: How can I fix my drawn ''random'' values s.t. function calls are consistent?
     38  Python: fast subscription of the elements in 2D array that satisfy a condition
     38  Python- Dot Product of a Slice of Row of Matrix with Slice of a Vector
     38  python convert image feature vector float values to positive integers
     38  Python - Convert dataframe elements to np.arrays
     38  Python - Apply function over pairwise elements of array without using loops
     38  putting bunch of vectors in one array in python with numpy
     38  Producing binary matrix with random lists
     38  process some iterations on python ndarray
     38  Problem with scaling histogram: ''only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`)  ... ''
     38  Problem using a dictionary of numpy array(Indexing it wrong)
     38  Problem converting fixed points to float in python
     38  preserve the elements value in matrix
     38  Precision issues when reverting normalization operation
     38  Possible error in numpy np.in1d() routine
     38  Poor Performance and Strange Array Behavior when run on Linux
     38  Plotting x^2 + y^2 = z^2 = 1 using matplotlib without parametric form
     38  plotting arrays in python upto a particular element
     38  Plotting a function using Python where the x and y values are represented in terms of variables
     38  plot a 3D graph from csv data
     38  Pivoting a series of rating columns in Pandas
     38  Permanently change of the formula of a parameter inside a for loop in python
     38  Passing values of a data frame column values using for loop\iterate the loop
     38  Parsing String based on Order of Occurence
     38  Pandas - Writing a Change Log Between Multiple Dataframes
     38  Pandas vectorized way to get counts using conditional statement between two dataframes
     38  Pandas speedup when working with transposed numpy matrix
     38  Pandas dummies using list of categories encoded as string
     38  Pandas DataFrame expand existing dataset to finer timestamp
     38  Pandas conditionally creating a new dataframe using another
     38  Pandas: Add column using Numpy vectorization?
     38  OverflowError on scipy optimize when using multiprocessing
     38  Optimizing/restructuring Python for-loops to take advantage of Numpy
     38  Optimizing random sampling for scaling permutations
     38  Optimizing double loop in 4d numpy tensor slicing
     38  Optimize NumPy iterating through image and changing values
     38  optimized container for dict with typed items?
     38  Offsetting a tiled shape inside the image frame
     38  obtain elements of array in column based on the values of element in a different array in another column in pandas
     38  Numpy zip resulting in Scientific value notation
     38  numpy.unique changes NULL character to empty character
     38  Numpy unable to access columns
     38  Numpy sum over repeated entries in index array
     38  Numpy slicing multidimensional error produces unexpected result
     38  Numpy - select several continuous rows [duplicate]
     38  Numpy Saving Text Incorrectly
     38  Numpy parse dates with genfromtext
     38  Numpy operator does not function
     38  Numpy not converting to new version
     38  Numpy multiplying one dimension of an N-dimensional matrix [duplicate]
     38  numpy matrix minimum applied to second array
     38  Numpy matrix addition vs ndarrays, convenient oneliner
     38  Numpy logical and between two array with filter
     38  Numpy: Is there a way to use np.argmax to search for consecutive values?
     38  numpy is already installed in my laptop,but python gives error while i'm importing numpy module
     38  numpy indexing for each column
     38  Numpy indexing broadcasting introduces new dimension
     38  Numpy:Getting rows of array where the corresponding array has a specific value results in IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along [duplicate]
     38  Numpy: Find minimum of an expression over several parameters
     38  Numpy error while defining gradient descent function
     38  numpy distance matrix, iterate index in value order without both [i,j] and [j,i]
     38  Numpy Column Stack with Strings?
     38  NumPy Broadcast: Adding an ndarray across elements (a,b) in (M,A,B,N) shaped array
     38  Numpy array is modified globally by the function without return [duplicate]
     38  Numpy array indexing manipulation?
     38  numpy array having issues with initialization
     38  Numpy array filtering and modifying values
     38  NumPy array data Comparison
     38  Numpy array and how to assign values
     38  Numpy arithmetic operation on non-contiguous nd-array
     38  Numpy arange a diagonal array
     38  numpy: apply an arbitrary function to array element
     38  np.sum of float64 not equal to corresponding realization in c
     38  np.interp() works on unprocessed list but not after I apply a function to it
     38  Not able to sum values while using numpy
     38  Norm of columns in 3-dimentional numpy array
     38  Nearest elements in mltidimensional lattice
     38  My vectorization implementation of gradient descent does not get me the right answer
     38  My Neural network is not improving why
     38  Multivariate Regression Numpy for Math Homework
     38  Multiply NumPy ndarray with every element in another binary ndarray of different size
     38  Multiplying subarrays of tensor
     38  Multiple np.where with reducing match
     38  Multidimensional arrays transpose themselves without being asked
     38  Move an element in the array row-wise and shifting the others?
     38  Most efficient way to update specific columns in numpy
     38  Module object has no attribute 'float_power'
     38  mismatch in sizes with test and train data during function print
     38  minimization: how to do efficiently
     38  Merge Pandas Dataframe with non-unique index with 1D Numpy array
     38  Merge numpy arrays/dataframe with same values and keep difference
     38  Memory consumption in Python - lists, subscripting, and pointers
     38  matplotlib printing image in 2 different ways
     38  Matplotlib - plot wont show up
     38  Matplotlib could not generate an accurate slider plot
     38  Matching value from list to column value in data-frame and extracting the adjacent value
     38  Marking Integer points on plot in python
     38  MAD results differ in pandas, scipy, and numpy
     38  Machine Learning: Predict second dataset on behalf of first dataset trained classifier
     38  Loss function in Keras does not match analogical function
     38  Loosing most elements when converting long numpy array into string
     38  Loop through varied number of matrices using numpy
     38  Load Multi-dimensional numpy array from binary string
     38  Linear interpolation in numpy quantile()
     38  linear algebra rewrite numpy.array
     38  Length of a parametric curve (integral of differential of the curve)
     38  Labeling via majority vote of connected clusters in python3
     38  join different column in one of them- python
     38  Iterating over dataframe and using replace method based on condtions
     38  Iterating over a python array and find mean/min/max for 50 values
     38  Iterate through a list of list in the form of a matrix but avoid a set of columns
     38  Is this how adding a python list to numpy arrary is expected to work?
     38  Is this a view?
     38  Is there a way to speed up this function to calculate K-Nearest Neighbor?
     38  Is there a way to read an array in csv format?
     38  Is there any possibility to vectorize this?
     38  Is there a numpy/scipy function to calculate outbound penalty?
     38  Is numpy.asarray() necessary here?
     38  Is it safe to reference SharedMemory instances straight when using the multiprocessing.shared_memory library in Python 3.8?
     38  I Run the code,there are no errors but nothing shows up [duplicate]
     38  inverse reshaping giving different results
     38  'int' object not callable when defining function [closed]
     38  Interchanging rows in Numpy produces an embedded array
     38  Integrating a curve within boundaries
     38  Integer values for plt.xticks in Python
     38  Insert more than one value per row at index
     38  Inplace join sub arrays of 2D numpy array
     38  Index over a specific dimension in Numpy and prevent indexing any other
     38  Incremental assignment in pandas dataframe to determine month from week number without date element
     38  Importing .py converted ipython notebook without changing pylab syntax
     38  importing module and associated definitions/functions/objects into python namespace using import *
     38  import data from multiple file and summing column wise
     38  I am getting the error: np.append(Image()) TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'imgtype'
     38  How to vectorize ray casting with 3D grid of points?
     38  how to use solve_ivp solve Partial Differential Equations with spectral method?
     38  How to use one Dataframe to search values and indices of another Dataframe
     38  How to use numpy's random number generator in a ufunc?
     38  How to use multiple catagorical input variables of different dimension into random forest regressor model?
     38  How to use dictionary of tuple-value pairs to fill pandas dataframe?
     38  How to use a combination of integer indices and an array as indices for a multi-dimensional array?
     38  How to update weights and biases
     38  How to update value in ndarray by index that is inside another array [duplicate]
     38  How to understand the dimension change about numpy dot production for 1d array and 2d array?
     38  How to understand keras features? [duplicate]
     38  How to transform rectangle bounds to array slice in a vectorized manner?
     38  How to take value before first value of groupy group
     38  How to subtract neighbouring vectors in a numpy array from each other
     38  how to solve numpy data type change problem?
     38  How to slice numpy array with rows of varying length
     38  How to slice/index, easily, multi-dimensional arrays in Numpy/Python?
     38  how to set value in 2 cell if other cell contains 'something'
     38  How to set n consecutive elements with a non-zero cumulative sum to one and the rest to zero in numpy?
     38  How to set first value in numpy array that meets a condition to 1 but not the rest
     38  How to seperate a Tensorflow dataset object in features and labels
     38  How to separate null and non-null containing rows into two different DataFrames?
     38  How to select subsequent numpy arrays handling potential np.nan values
     38  How to select row or column from a matrix?
     38  How to select elements in a matrix given conditions for two arrays simultaneously in Python?
     38  How to save a picture array, along with information pertaining to it?
     38  How to return a numpy array with values where, the common indices values for 2 arrays are both greater than 0
     38  How to restrict the vector field to a circle of certain radius?
     38  How to reshape Numpy array after applying n.where?
     38  How to reshape long to wide dataframe panda, after filling the missed value per category?
     38  How to repeat specific elements in numpy array?
     38  How to reorder lists for lists based on a certian column value?
     38  How to remove space lines between my numpy list's file?
     38  How to ravel numpy array in 's' path?
     38  How to randomly shuffle a populaiton by preserving all properites except one?
     38  How to print (visualize) a nd numpy array as a 2d matrix?
     38  How to perform insert array similar to numpy.put but change the size
     38  How to pass np.apply_along_axis to a function with 3 arguments
     38  How to optimize a nested for-loop with NumPy (possibly with broadcasting)?
     38  How to normalize the distribution in the tuples?
     38  How to multiply dataframe rows by an array based on an 'attribute' of the row?
     38  How to mask numpy array with another numpy array?
     38  How to mask a ''crop'' a multi dimensional numpy array by N dimensions?
     38  How to make transition in Numpy, python
     38  How to make a function that outputs an array with a predefined size?
     38  How to locally create a pytorch tensor without wasting memory?
     38  How to load data series saved in an excel cell into a numpy array
     38  How to join several data frames containing different pieces of one data into one?
     38  How to interpolate a 5 dimensional array?
     38  How to insert list of ndarray lists to a newndarray in python [duplicate]
     38  How To Index Range Of 2-D Numpy Array From Different Start Points Sourced From Other Array [duplicate]
     38  How to include first/last dates in matplotlib plot
     38  How to improve the efficiency of array operation on the index view of a `numpy` array?
     38  How to improve performance of coincidence filtering of a time-series?
     38  How to handle the TypeError: 'int' object is not callable?
     38  How to handle exceptions in Numpy matrix divisions in Python? [duplicate]
     38  How to give my file a name composed of 4 parameters?
     38  How to get values of functions in an array for a range of values of variables?
     38  How to get the values of NumPy array that are NOT in my list of indices [duplicate]
     38  How to get cumulative growth in pandas given a growth rate and special rules?
     38  How to get a list of unique values in function output
     38  How to generate all color into individual pixel?
     38  How to find the index of the not-null item which not in a list?
     38  How to find the highest value of the each row with number of columns and print them?
     38  How to find difference between all integers in an array
     38  How to extract hours/minutes/seconds from np.datetime64
     38  How to extract data based on number of duplicate rows?
     38  How to evaluate the distance between two linear spaces in python (numpy/scipy etc)
     38  how to dynamicly change shape in numpy?
     38  How to dynamically create and populate a new Matrix within a loop
     38  How to draw from two different gaussians conditionally on some Bernoulli distribution?
     38  How to do the loop and calculate a function when ranges of values are different and from different types?
     38  How to do a scalar product along the right axes with numpy and vectorize the process
     38  How to display the best fit equation (in text form) on plot when using numpy.polyfit?
     38  How to define top and left points from a cropped numpy rectangle?
     38  How to define a function that decrease a number half of itself repeatedly?
     38  How to decrease the constructor overhead by automatic acquisition and release from an object pool?
     38  How to create a video from 2-d NumPy array
     38  How to create a numpy array of views to other numpy arrays
     38  How to create a combination of features using numpy?
     38  How to create a 3D (shape=m,n,o) array with ones along a specific (third) axis, the indices are given by a 2D array (shape=m,n)?
     38  How to create a 2D array with N lots of random numbers?
     38  How to count numpy array elements? [duplicate]
     38  How to convert the list user enter ed names in numpy?
     38  How to convert a nesting 'for' loops into one line of code in python
     38  How to convert all the images into all the sub-folders and convert it into an h5 file?
     38  How to compute different ranges of quantiles of columns in a dataframe based on percentage of missing values?
     38  How to compare arrays above and below?
     38  How to combine last element with first element of two ndarray with different shapes
     38  How to choose first and last tick labels in an axis and define the number of major ticks between it?
     38  How to check the type of the values within a numpy array?
     38  How to change values in numpy array
     38  how to change every value in a numpy array with more than one condition
     38  How to call specific numpy from two versions
     38  How to call specific numpy from two versions
     38  How to calculate the sum of each day with pandas [duplicate]
     38  How to calculate statistical values on Pandas dataframe?
     38  How to calculate a sum of mismatching elements in two NumPy arrays
     38  How to calculate a new variable based on pandas multidimensional dataframe?
     38  How to build a numpy structured array with 2 int columns and 3 float columns?
     38  How to broadcast different slices for each row?
     38  How to animate a dictionary of data (ie how to animate multiple 3D data points)?
     38  How to add to arrays such that matching elements become their own arrays
     38  How return the index of row of numpy matrix where the String vector is matched?
     38  How may I get more values of a variable than my linspace while solving ODE in Python? (EDIT)
     38  How make np.argsort place empty strings at the END of an array instead of at the beginning
     38  How do you print elements that are less than a variable from a numpy array
     38  How do you implement neurons in ANN?
     38  How do I update the values in a pandas dataframe column until first occurance of a value in the same column?
     38  How do I score values ​in a row by size?
     38  How do I make a numpy array's numbers plot on different axes?
     38  How do I iterate over an ndarray without using for/while loops?
     38  How do i get numpy select to recognize my column variables?
     38  How do I flip the 2D plots of this Python code using numpy.transpose()?
     38  How do I concat twp numpy arrays of different dimensions?
     38  How does memory allocation work in python in this case?
     38  How can i transform my Boolean list of lists to 1s and 0s? [duplicate]
     38  how can i resize a 2d list
     38  How can I plot a CDF with columns from .csv?
     38  How can I increase the amount of array iterated during the run-time of script?
     38  How can I get the equivalent form of this list?
     38  How can I get the constant from an ODE in python?
     38  how can I fix this error: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 1)
     38  How can I find the values that are included in each of n arrays (Python)?
     38  How can I filter the dataframe according to priority based on column values using python?
     38  How can I extract unique strings from a Dataframe column?
     38  how can i evaluate StratifiedKFold model
     38  How can I detect the row index to find where the error is occuring while changing column type changing?
     38  How can I combine 3 vectors sideways in NumPy?
     38  How can I calculate the Chebyshev spatial distance between each pixel in a plot and each pixel in another image and store the values in an array
     38  How can I build a Pandas matrix from a 3 dimensional table?
     38  How can I append a multidimensional array to a new dimension with Numpy?
     38  Graphing RGB Values of Pictures with matplotlob
     38  GPFlow: how to account for uncertainties from mean model
     38  Given edge e, what is the fastest way in Python to find the set of paths that contain e?
     38  Getting specific index's from array using numpy
     38  Getting index of elements in a numpy array
     38  Getting an error with my for loop involving numpy arrays
     38  getting a histogram of a JaggedArray
     38  Get the indexes of a numpy array inside another numpy array [duplicate]
     38  Genorator Funtion stuck in first if clause, finite state machine [duplicate]
     38  generator to list conversion yields different results when it is done in or outside the a list comprehension [duplicate]
     38  Generating a series of slightly random integers in a numpy array
     38  generate list of successive numbers within some range increasing by 0.1
     38  Generate list of floats where each number is inferior to the number of another list of floats
     38  Generate decimal values and assign them to a dataframe based on constraints
     38  Format of numpy arrays
     38  Format datetime in subdataset in Python
     38  Force numpy array to print to exact precision [duplicate]
     38  Flattening 2D array 1D Sum
     38  ''Fixing too many indices for array''
     38  Find where a small 2d matrix exists within a larger 2d matrix
     38  Find the mean value of two values in different files with numpy in python
     38  find_nearest function gives error when calling dataframe column
     38  Finding the median based on conditions to fill in missing values
     38  Finding the maximum entry based on another column in a data frame
     38  Finding the difference of 2 image's pixel values and then creating a new images based on the difference
     38  Finding duplicate array in 2d array and adding number to tuple
     38  Find index of max value in each row of 2D array
     38  Find function with numpy
     38  Find all maximums on a numpy array
     38  Filtering data in arrays and keeping the same shape in axis 1
     38  fast way to remove subset of upper triangular matrix indices in the form of numpy triu_indices
     38  Fast way for python declare variable (convert Dataframe to numpy array)
     38  Fastest way to create a NumPy ndarray by copying from a pointer (not creating a view)
     38  Faster for loops using numpy
     38  Extracting the maximum element of an array by index based on conditional of other arrays
     38  Extracting all second column values from a ndarray for a given first column value
     38  expected conv1d_1_input to have shape (40, 1) but got array with shape (1, 180) [closed]
     38  Even an image in data set used to train is giving opposite values when making prediction
     38  Euclidean distance: results are different between python and numpy with large number of instances
     38  Error when checking input: expected flatten_1_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (28, 28)
     38  error: logits and labels must have the same first dimension, got logits shape [12,32] and labels shape [72]
     38  Error implementing python's test function
     38  Efficient way to get the non null string values from two pandas series aligned with index
     38  Efficient way doing comparizons and arithmetic in list with irregular dimensions , Python
     38  Efficient querying of gensim Similarity object with 2d array (doc vs all other docs)
     38  Efficiently rotate a set of points with a set of rotation matrices in numpy [duplicate]
     38  Efficiently finding a sum of sparse functions
     38  Efficiently create affinity matrix numpy
     38  Efficiently compute multiple dot products with numpy
     38  Dynamic advanced indexing of numpy array
     38  draw signal spectrum using matplotlib
     38  Draw graph from a certain point
     38  Downsample (time, amplitude) waveform
     38  Don't understand the cause of this numpy ValueError
     38  Does returning numpy array always produce a view?
     38  Does anyone know why making 1000s of small Labels takes so long? Python, Tkinter
     38  Distance calculating from each coordinate to each coordinate
     38  Displaying a Single Image to Screen From Multidimensional Numpy Array
     38  Difference in behavior between basic type (int) and complex type (np.ndarray)
     38  Dealing with numpy arrays lost of precision
     38  Dataframe column names np array has \n after one of the column names
     38  Data Driven Security - Chapter 2 - Test Script
     38  Data augmentation function not correct
     38  Custom DFT function returns the complex conjugate of what it should
     38  Crosstab with the same variables in rows and columns
     38  Crop nodata from a spatial image
     38  Creating ND arrays at runtime with standard library
     38  Creating boxplot using Matplotlib Python
     38  Creating a visualization with 2 Y-Axis scales
     38  Creating an array of 3D vectors where each element of each vector is from a given range
     38  Creating a multidimensional numpy array of tuples from multiple pandas series and processing it
     38  Creating a matrix of validation results with correct counts
     38  Create unique row in 2D numpy array by adding corresponding values
     38  Create one-dimensional arrays of arrays in numpy
     38  Create bins of specific size between two values in numpy/pandas
     38  Create a list of list from a flat list [duplicate]
     38  create &agrave; label based on conditions
     38  Correct translation of Matlab to Python (CID Distance)
     38  Convert two arrays to an array of arrays compatible with the result of `findContours`
     38  Convert multiple appends values into panda dataframe using python
     38  Convert Mat objects into standard 12x12 Matrix
     38  convert a pandas statement to a numpy statement
     38  convert a binary number (consists of the sign, mantissa and exponent ) to decimal number in python
     38  conversion of elements in dataframe to string
     38  Condensing down a 3 dimensional numpy array into a 2 dimensional
     38  Compute a kernel matrix with a custom kernel function
     38  Compress Input Feature Vector for Neural Network
     38  Comparing by section two numpy arrays in python and displays the index column which is not the same
     38  Compare two 2D numpy arrays and remove rows [duplicate]
     38  Compare numpy arrays whose entries are strings, and find locations of strings
     38  Combining array with boolean elements with string in Python
     38  Code works with a numpy array, but not a 2D list
     38  Code syntax in python with numpy
     38  code produces a 2d histogram but the results dont match with hist2d
     38  Cleaning up and concatenation of a 2D masked array of strings containing peculiar characters with numpy
     38  Classification report for Object Detection
     38  Circular mask numpy array in one step
     38  Chua's circuit using python and graphing
     38  Changing the dimension of numpy array
     38  Change values in argument array in pybind11
     38  Change the output result of np.array
     38  Change set of indices
     38  change numercial name of columns by skipping first one
     38  Can't launch Python IDLE
     38  Can I create a numpy.ndarray as a view onto a native list?
     38  Calulating a specific standard deviation for two values in a dataframe
     38  Calculating a new column with numpy using for loop
     38  Calculate mode of given axis of masked numpy array
     38  calculate everyone's spending for the last 3 days in a month period in python
     38  Broadcasting to specific values only (numpy)
     38  Broadcasting the dot product of a list of 2D points with a 2x2 matrix
     38  Broadcast comparison between two different sized vectors
     38  Breadth First Search on numpy image array for consecutive region/hole detection
     38  binning with months column
     38  avoid column slicing array for calculations
     38  AttributeError on long integers for Numpy's arccosh
     38  Assigning values to discontinued slices in a ndarray
     38  Array index inside vectorization
     38  Apply 2 array function to array in numpy
     38  Append Lists or Array from .csv into template .csv
     38  Append a list to a list of lists [closed]
     38  Alternatives to np.vectorize to apply functions in pandas
     38  Aligning time series data sets with missing values for plotting
     38  Add some row data of duplicates in Python
     38  Adding two length m vectors results in a matrix with dimensions m * m
     38  adding new rows to an existing dataframe
     38  Adding a flat list from a list of list into a fixed length numpy array
     38  Accoring to the manual, numpy.squeeze() returns ndarray, but in some conditon, it doesn't, why?
     38  Accessing range of values within lists in Numpy
     38  A bit wrong average color. (np.mean())
     38  3D Plot not showing up
     38  3D Array - Adding Previous 2D Array Values as 3rd Dimension to a New 3D Array
     38  2 argument numpy where function
     37  Zip argument #2 must support iteration. Why is this error generated while reassigning the ndarray?
     37  xarray - find data that is not 0 in a multi-dimensional xarray object with massive data efficiently
     37  Writing a numpy array in a textfile
     37  Writing a loop that chooses random values from columns - Python
     37  Write list to excel, all numbers comes in same column
     37  Why numpy.sum on dataframe columns return inf?
     37  Why is pandas turning into numpy at recursion with large numbers?
     37  Why is my python list element (subarray) overwritten while being swapped with another?
     37  Why is my array coming out as shape: (6, 1, 2) when it is made of two (6, ) arrays?
     37  Why does using indirectly defined converters in numpy.genfromtxt() fail with error ''RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded''?
     37  Why does this single and double precision comparison fail in numpy?
     37  While printing boundary size of object in an image getting error in python
     37  While loop for radioactive decay. ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     37  While creating cost function in logistic regression getting ''MATH DOMAIN ERROR''
     37  Which movement command should I use for transporting multiple matrices and images in Python?
     37  when to pass values such as 'none' to function in python pd.read_excel()
     37  When initializing a numpy array, is it better to specify the shape with a list or a tuple?
     37  When I input a massive array I get ValueError: Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2. >>>
     37  What python function is this SciPy tutorial referring to?
     37  What is the fastest way to find value that appears only once in a list?
     37  want to create an empty matrix of unknown dimension and append feature vectors
     37  vector product per element of matrices
     37  Vectorized array operation, with excluding array elements by turns
     37  Vector combination and array sorting
     37  ValueError: shapes (4,5) and (2,3) not aligned: 5 (dim 1) != 2 (dim 0)
     37  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. Function can work alone fine but lead to error when use inside another function
     37  Using python how to access and do arthematic operations on 'n' no.of segments in an array if their coordinates are available?
     37  Using numpy select the index of a minimum value in an array excluding certain indexes
     37  Using numpy load only lines fitting certain criteria
     37  Using numpy, javascript, and django
     37  Using list() on cycle object hangs system
     37  use result of a function applied to groupby for calculation on the original df
     37  Use of datetime timedelta with numpy 3d array
     37  Use Numpy polyadd() to add two polynomials
     37  <unknown> is not a numpy array [duplicate]
     37  Unexpected symmetric test result using (arr.transpose() == arr).all()
     37  Understanding matrix obtained from indexing with arrays
     37  Unable to uninstall numpy in Centos 7 due to dependency
     37  Unable to resize image with cv2
     37  Unable to Add Column Names in DataFrame
     37  TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced
     37  TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable for loop
     37  type error a bytes-like object or a > number, not 'Image' when i try to use np.expand_dim()
     37  Trying to create a 3D matrix in Python by choosing specific data
     37  Trouble copying and reversing parts of array with numpy
     37  Triple Integral Function does not work when Passed in as Command Line Argument
     37  Transform a tensor into another
     37  Training using tf.Dataset in TensorFlow 2.0
     37  The problem of double for loop with data change in python
     37  Tensor conversion to one-hot encoding
     37  syntax of a line of code from matlab to python
     37  Swap multiple indices in 2d array
     37  Sum value by group by and cumulatively add to separate list or numpy array cumulatively and use the last value in conditional statement
     37  Summing array entries along a particular line, python
     37  String with non-literal complex numbers to numpy array
     37  Stretched sections in plotting
     37  Store numpy dump (.npy) file in SQL database
     37  Stacking numpy array with offset
     37  Stacking/concatenated arrays and ''None''?
     37  SSR and SSE do not add up to SST
     37  Splitting the unit segment into two parts recursively (2-D case)
     37  Splitting a matrix using an array of indices
     37  Split dataset into 2 part using extra train column
     37  Split an ndarray using indices and offsets - Python
     37  Speed up the algebraic computation
     37  Sort 2D NumPy array by one of the columns
     37  Simulate speakers around a sphere using superposition - speed improvments needed
     37  sheet_to_df() read only few parts of a cell when I am trying to pull data from the google-sheet
     37  Set value in column in DataFrame based on values in other DataFrame / python / pandas / numpy
     37  separate 3D matrix like numpy
     37  Select variables (features) by using correlation matrix
     37  Select sublist where each element has a 1.5% chance to be included
     37  Selecting max confidence category using pandas and numpy [duplicate]
     37  Select a number of rows in a dataframe after a valid condition
     37  Searching an array for all matches and returning indices of the match
     37  Scipy: C Callback DLL failing to Load
     37  scikits.audiolab not making audible wav file
     37  Saving vcf to npz and then loading to Python. No error, but no output
     37  Rsquared estimation
     37  Rounding issue in python [duplicate]
     37  Rolling an array axis by varying amounts in ndimensions (generalizing strided indexing roll)
     37  Reversing indices names
     37  return all substrings from a list of strings in a dataframe column [duplicate]
     37  Resizing an array to another shape in Python
     37  Reshaping and Stacking Arrays
     37  representing x, y coordinates as numpy array
     37  Representing a path as a coloured image
     37  Represent 3 values as 1 in numpy array
     37  Replace value from dataframe with other dataframe value, based on 2 equality conditions [duplicate]
     37  Replace numpy cell with values from second array based on a condition
     37  Reoder the columns of each row of a numpy array based on another numpy array
     37  remove white background from the matplotlib graph
     37  Remove rows that are the same as rows from another CSV
     37  Remove/retain numpy array rows based on ID value
     37  remove CP932 encoded text from data file comments with np.genfromtxt
     37  Reindex array for cross correlation
     37  RegEx matching for removing a sequence of variable length in a number
     37  Referencing numpy array locations within if statements
     37  Read structured data with start/end tags
     37  Reading text files with multiprocessing slower than without
     37  Reading list in from a text file [duplicate]
     37  Random selection of range from time series
     37  Randomly remove and save elements from matrix
     37  Question about role of the trailing[0] in np.nonzero(arr)[0]
     37  Python, why does this for loop need to run 3 times to work? [duplicate]
     37  Python values not correctly appending to 3D array
     37  Python: ValueError when inserting array into Mysql
     37  python: reading and managing two related input text files
     37  Python: Problem with plotting lines from points (X1,0) on x axis to points (X2,Y2)
     37  Python Pandas: Data Slices
     37  Python/NumPy - Tail letter placement algorithm
     37  Python - numpy: How to divide items in row between themselves
     37  Python/Numpy broadcast join between two arrays
     37  Python numpy array negative start index with colon notation
     37  Python multiprocessing code hangs due to queue
     37  Python IndexError in Power BI query, but not in PyCharm with the same code
     37  Pythonic way to access the shifted version of numpy array?
     37  Pythonic algorithm for applying a function to a 3D array along the first axis indices
     37  Python functions for disaggegating/breaking rows and column of DataFrame or Matrix
     37  Python: Find Average Y-Value for Each X-Value in [X,Y] Coordinates
     37  python f2py module shows mkl symbol not found unless numpy is loaded first
     37  Python dictionary creation?
     37  Python convert variables to cases
     37  Python: Choleski decomposition of matrix read from file with blank lines
     37  python calculate the sum of haversine distance [duplicate]
     37  Pyplot change color one by one not working
     37  put items of list in separate cells of dataframe
     37  problem with time in HadGEM2-ES NetCDF file
     37  problems with the result of in multiplying matrices
     37  Problems with shifting a matrix
     37  print numpy str representation 2 n decimal places
     37  Precision loss in numpy.linspace when including the endpoint
     37  Plotting fills with python
     37  Plotting a large point cloud using plotly produces a blank graph
     37  Plot a color map with abscess of different ''bin''
     37  Pixelwise 2D Radiometric Calibration
     37  Pip and Python not aligning
     37  Panda, summing multiple DataFrames with different columns
     37  Pandas transform: assign result to each element of group
     37  Pandas multiple local maximas in column that exceed threshold
     37  Pandas groupby function with max aggregation performance is slow. groupby Performance improvement
     37  Pandas - For a given date in one column, how many dates in another column are less than that date?
     37  Pandas DataFrame to multidimensional array conversion
     37  PANDAS data frame throws AttributeError when attemping to render plot [closed]
     37  pandas dataframe manipulation without using loop
     37  Pandas: Add new samples where output difference is high
     37  Padding one dimension of ndarray with 0s
     37  Overloading addition for a class representing a set of functions
     37  Optimized way of accessing elements from n-dimensional array using multiple indices [duplicate]
     37  optimize a function with two bounded matrices as inputs
     37  Operation on 2D nd.array colums organized as a list
     37  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,) (1,1,3)
     37  obtain multi-dimensional list manipulating the original list in python
     37  Numpy Vectorize Signature
     37  Numpy: Use one array as an iterative test for elements in another array
     37  numPy - Select column from structured dtype
     37  numpy savetxt output with E+01
     37  NumPy row wise search 1d array in 2d array
     37  Numpy put .txt integervalues into an array [duplicate]
     37  NumPy. Problems creating a matrix by adding rows
     37  Numpy ''orthogonal'' broadcasting
     37  NumPy: Need a function where: f(target array, array of indicies, some number) -> target array with indicies filled in with some number
     37  Numpy Methods to improve my Moving Average function
     37  NumPy Instead of for-loop for function with multiplication and addition
     37  numpy indexing: add vector to parts of rows, starting at varying position
     37  numpy hstack: How to find the correct dimensions
     37  Numpy: how to return a list of most frequent numbers in each row/column [duplicate]
     37  numpy gives index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
     37  Numpy: from a numpy array substract 1 to each element
     37  Numpy dstack Pandas dataframe columns [duplicate]
     37  Numpy assign certain bit of a 32 bit number to a number?
     37  Numpy array sequential indexing array of arbitrary dimension
     37  Numpy array references behaving strangely when inside a for loop
     37  Numpy array output
     37  numpy array not broadcastable
     37  Numpy array: how to undo zero-padding without copying array?
     37  Numpy array commands within plotting pandas dataframes
     37  Numpy and open cv not importing [duplicate]
     37  numpy 2d matrix multiplication
     37  Numerically append binary numbers in np.array
     37  np.array returning numpy.ndarray with '' ... ''
     37  Not able to load a custom dataset
     37  Need help ID a numpy algorithm to separate an array based on common variable
     37  Need help graphing the x axis of a sinusoid
     37  Multiple array manipulation in Numpy
     37  Multilinear regression with `statsmodels.formula.api`
     37  Moving data from one Numpy array to another returning incorrect data
     37  Most efficient way to operate on a n-dim array based on a reference n-dim array
     37  More efficient way to merge columns in pandas
     37  Modifying Array Giving Back Wrong Output
     37  Minimize distances to plane
     37  Method for mapping strings to numerical values on all columns of a dataframe [duplicate]
     37  meshgrid like function for a list of 3d arrays
     37  Merge numpy array values along an axis according to their sum
     37  Memory usage difference between Windows and Ubuntu for a Numpy array
     37  Matrix vector multiplication creating a matrix rather than a vector [duplicate]
     37  matplotlib Boxplot drawer function stats mean
     37  MATLAB vs Numpy multiplication issue
     37  Matching values of two columns and return list of index positions
     37  Matching Matrix sizes for matrix math
     37  Mark specific points based on conditions in Matplotlib
     37  Mapreduce: Function to extract multiple files from database
     37  Manual broadcasting for numpy in boolean expressions?
     37  manipulating 2D matrix using numpy boolean indexing takes a long time
     37  Making a multidimensional tensor
     37  Make 3D array with 1D arrays with zero padding depending on index of 1D array numpythonically
     37  'list' object has no attribute 'matmul'
     37  List comprehension if statement based on previous element
     37  JSON File getting output as a dictionary for every row and need to create a DataFrame from it
     37  Iteration to make a new column from past year average data (time series data)
     37  Iterating through numpy array for use in dictionary
     37  Iterating through a large array filling it with identically sized, but different, smaller arrays
     37  Is there a wrapper for numpy / ndarrays that returns the array for each of the mutation methods?
     37  Is there a way to fix loss of True values when rotating and shifting Boolean masks?
     37  Is there a way to build the Dot product of two matrices with different shape?
     37  Is there a way of displaying a 16-bit image in Tkinter?
     37  Is there any way to store a scipy integration as a function?
     37  Is there any operation on two numpy array to discard zero values?
     37  Is there an elegant way to increment the index of 'arr' without x? [duplicate]
     37  Is there a faster way to generate video from pixel arrays using python and ffmpeg?
     37  Is there a faster way to find pairwise distances in tensorflow?
     37  Issue with loading a .dat file
     37  Is numpy matmul parallelized and how to stop it? [duplicate]
     37  Is it possible to use vector methods to shift images stored in a numpy ndarray for data augmentation?
     37  Is it possible to drop a specific column in a numpy array?
     37  Is it possible to create a polynomial through Numpy's C API?
     37  invalid type comparison when using np.where?
     37  Invalid index scalar variable for a for loop
     37  InvalidArgumentError: input must be a vector, got shape: []
     37  Interpolate then extrapolate boundary values
     37  In python, how do I get urllib to recognize multiple lines in a string as separate URLs?
     37  Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') when i train my data using sklearn python
     37  indexing arrays in for glob loop
     37  I'm trying to create a sorting algorithm to find all combinations that would yield a certain result, but keep getting an error about the index
     37  I'm gettting ValueError for a kmeans python module imported from sklearn
     37  Im currently writing a gravity simulation and I am getting a type Error in my code
     37  Image processing - turn spotty white shapes solid
     37  Image grab on center of the screen
     37  i have a list of images and images shape is (50,50,3) . how to convert into numpy.ndarray of shape (19929,50,50,3)
     37  I get ValueError with the ndim when I run model.predict(X)
     37  How to zero out all indices of an array with np.infs with a boolean array?
     37  How to vectorize a function to reshape each element of a ndarray, where each element is a dictionary?
     37  How to update a single value in a complex numpy array
     37  How to split a dataset by rows? [duplicate]
     37  How to space carve in Python?
     37  How to sort dataframe by time and other condition?
     37  How to set the xtick position for secondary axis in matplotlib?
     37  How to separate a sentence to a list?
     37  How to select a number from an array with given probability distribution
     37  How to save a list of modified images into another folder?
     37  How to return a dtype(object) in flask
     37  How to resize a one dimensional array to a multidimensional array [duplicate]
     37  How to replace text among numbers within object feature
     37  How to remove from a 3d numpy array (rows of 28X28) all rows that exists in other 3d numpy array ( Python )?
     37  How to read arrays to form a matrix from file using numpy
     37  How to print a value to a new array if it within a bound of previous value in that array in Python/Numpy
     37  How to predict the label after training the dataset in NLP
     37  how to overload numpy ufuncs
     37  How to operate with arrays;Bissection
     37  How to multiple rasters with Xarray?
     37  How to match a Gaussian normal to a histogram?
     37  How to make a function that makes a large array from sub arrays both efficient and readable?
     37  How to iterate over the third array dimension returning a the 2d array
     37  How to iterate each document/text and run through tfidf vectorizer store output in sparse matrix
     37  How to Import a .pos file as a numpy array with mixed data types?
     37  How to implement my own formula in pandas Dataframe?
     37  How to group values in matrix with items of unequal length
     37  How to grayscale an image of type numpy.array in python [duplicate]
     37  how to get values from array with a specific rule in numpy
     37  How to get the content of a row of a Numpy array?
     37  How to get real numbers from numpy.histogram?
     37  How to get mean value as array of them in numpy [closed]
     37  How to get mean square from two tensors?
     37  How to get float matrix from string type matrix in Python 3? String matrix is a part of tuple as a column
     37  How to get a matrix with polynomial factors from a vector with numpy?
     37  How to generate a matrix as follows?
     37  How to find the slope of a polynomial equation?
     37  How to find the number of value in range of integers in a column of a data frame in python pandas
     37  how to fill a missing value with date and time stamp series in pandas
     37  How to extract the output of model?
     37  How to embolden white areas in a MatPlotLib image?
     37  How to elegantly drop unnecessary elements in numpy?
     37  How to double the dimension of a matrix while quartering the values?
     37  How to do maximum likelihood estimation for ARMA/ARIMA without using libraries?
     37  How to do a fast table inequality inference in python?
     37  How to define a 2D array with points and limiting x and y separately
     37  How to crop a 3D image when the point of interest lies on the edge of the image?
     37  How to create multiple dummy variables (interaction between two columns)?
     37  How to create a new column with distinct Id and different values of two other columns?
     37  How to correctly implement `__getitem__` for numpy custom subclasses?
     37  How to convert any numbers to numpy nan
     37  How to convert a list of arrays into a single array [duplicate]
     37  How to convert 3-D Numpy array to Pandas Dataframe?
     37  How to connect same position elements of two-dimensional numpy string array? [duplicate]
     37  How to connect row values of a matrix with an index for a parameter
     37  How to compute autocorrelation with Nan values
     37  How to Compare Two Text Files within Pandas Python and Have the Output Highlighted in A Different Excel or Text File
     37  How to compare Scalar to Float
     37  how to communicate a numpy Nd array as as part of a minimal example?
     37  How to check if elements of a vector lies between two vectors in Numpy?
     37  How to change zero-terminated byte values with Numpy?
     37  How to change the background of face images to gray?
     37  How to build Numpy array from a String written in file in Python
     37  How to avoid using loops to build numpy arrays. Code cleaning advice
     37  How to assign uncertainty to belonging to different populations? [closed]
     37  How to apply a decorator to an imported descriptor?
     37  How to append a row which contains a value into another array using numpy
     37  How to add values under the diagonal of a dataframe array into a larger one based on row/column names?
     37  How to add Numpy ndarrays together? [duplicate]
     37  How much memory is used by the underlying buffer of a broadcasted numpy array?
     37  How make column monotonically decreasing if it is not?
     37  How do you use the values of a dataframe as a variable in a function to make a different column
     37  How do I unstack these three histogram columns? Position Argument Fails
     37  How do I turn an image (200x200 Black and White photos) into a single list of 40,000 values using numpy? [closed]
     37  How do I subtract two columns from the same array and put the value in their own single column array with numpy?
     37  How do I save extracted data into different files while looping through?
     37  How do I return a random element from 2 numpy array without repeats?
     37  How do I reshape my data frame into an array of [-1, 1]?
     37  How do I load data from textfile, where one column of the table is an array?
     37  How do I get the count dark pixel of an image with numpy [duplicate]
     37  How do I extract an array of bits 2-9 from a bytearray?
     37  How do I drop the a central column in a 3d array based on a condition?
     37  How do I create matrix in numpy to be called like this?
     37  How do I copy values below the existing value until the next non-blank value?
     37  How do I convert an image in a np array to the same format as reading that image using binary read
     37  How do I coerce a python list of dictionaries containing date strings into a numpy record array of datetime objects?
     37  how can we neatly shift data from a folder to a dataset
     37  How can I speed up assigning numpy array values to objects (agents) in Mesa
     37  How can I scale a set of 2D arrays (3D array) by a 2D array in a vectorized way using NumPy?
     37  How can I reduce a dimension of a numpy array, then trim some from the end?
     37  How can I match the two data frame and get the following result?
     37  how can i identify policy renewals by different fields
     37  How can I group numbers in 3 different dataframes
     37  How can I fix this for loop to solve a system of linear equations through the Jacobi iteration method?
     37  How can I devide an image equally in N parts faster with numpy or tensorflow?
     37  How can I create a MxNx2 array of row, col indices?
     37  How can I add all the elements of a Matrix using numpy?
     37  Histogram of events with different durations (Given their start and end times)
     37  Having trouble implementing a vectorized + regularized version of logistic regressions gradient descent
     37  Groupby and transform Pandas
     37  Given distances and values array, return sorted filtered values in numpy
     37  Getting the numpy array describing an arbitrary matplolib/seaborn plot
     37  Getting the indices of n highest items before a tage value
     37  Getting the following error when assigning float value to an array: ('''numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment'', 'occurred at index 4')
     37  getting one matrix from each of the files in a folder and sum the matrices
     37  getting nonsequence error while flattening a list
     37  Getiing error while converting a dataframe to a list
     37  Get floating random numbers between -2 and 2 only using random.random in numpy?
     37  Get every tail faster with math/logic applied in numpy 1D array - to eliminate infinity
     37  Generating a spline using scipy from a numpy array containing x and y coordinates [duplicate]
     37  Generate a basic square matirx with incremental values
     37  Function to print values of several index of array in Python
     37  Fourier transform of finite signal in python
     37  For numpy 2d array, how to find all pairs of adjacent elements?
     37  For Loop Stops After Only 10 Iterations Python
     37  For-loop Alternative to do 2D & 3D Matrix Multiplication in Numpy
     37  Find the weights from an existing point to position a point relative to a triangle using weighted average
     37  find the manhatten sum of a dataframe given two points
     37  Find the decades with the mean, and minimum mean from an array
     37  Find np.array's index within an array of arrays
     37  Find matching np.ndarray in list with np.ndarrays
     37  Find last non-NaN value along axis in sorted multi-dimensional numpy array
     37  finding zero values in numpy 3-D array [duplicate]
     37  finding the max or min value in the (item wise) ratio between two arrays, under some conditions
     37  Finding the index of similar columns in 2 numpy array
     37  Finding consecutive and identical integer into a vector
     37  Finding a strings that contain different substrings
     37  Find diagonal without cycle or diagonal
     37  Filter numpy array on multiple columns conditions
     37  Filter a numpy array to retain only the running minimum? [duplicate]
     37  Filling 1D arrays into 3D arrays vectorisation
     37  Feature Selection in muti variate time series classification
     37  Fastest way to split each 2-character string element of a numpy array into 1-character string elements?
     37  Factorializing Medium Numpy Ints Creates Runtime Warning
     37  Extract value from 1x3 numpy array given other two values
     37  Extract information from Numpy Array [closed]
     37  Expanding the dataset based on frequency
     37  Expanding an array with equal increments towards zero
     37  Expand Cells Containing 2D arrays Into Their Own Variables In Pandas
     37  Error with training KNN model for digit detection
     37  Equation calculations with 4D arrays
     37  Entering values to dataframe with numpy.where
     37  Eigen LLT (Cholesky) fails, while SVD works
     37  Efficient way to multiply each elements of numpy 1d array and 3d Array
     37  Efficient way to calculate the pairwise matrix product between one tensor and all the rolling of another tensor
     37  Efficient way of redistributing (random.shuffle)
     37  Efficient Find Next Greater in Another Array
     37  Efficient creation of numpy N array with step
     37  Eager execution issue when parallelizing model predictions in keras using multiprocessing for python
     37  Dynamically obtain a vector along 1 dimension in 'n' dimensional numpy array
     37  Don't understand result of numpy.correlate on time-series
     37  Does astype edit original dataframe?
     37  Divide each pair of column with each other
     37  Different syntax for accessing columns in 2D arrays [closed]
     37  Different starting indices for slices in NumPy
     37  Different result of product of all numbers in a list with Numpy and using a for loop
     37  Different Numpy reshaping to 3D array syntax's
     37  Different computational time for the same Type Float32 in CUDA
     37  Different behaviour of numpy sum min max functions when aggregating or when applied to list or array
     37  Difference between `numpy.polydiv()` and `scipy.signal.deconvolve()` for polynomial division
     37  Difference between multi year timeseries and it's 'standard year'
     37  define a matrix which does not know one dimension beforehand
     37  Decimal module is not working with Numpy or Scipy
     37  debug performance diff of Same code on nearly same cpu/ram
     37  Data Frame operation in python
     37  cv.imread() pixel-level errors between py2 and py3
     37  Cumulative distribution function in numpy not reaching 1?
     37  cross_from_above deprecated in future matplotlib ...  replacement function?
     37  Creating sessions based on timestamps and different location
     37  Creating rolling aggregate values in data frames Pandas
     37  Creating a dataframe with vector entries
     37  Creating a categorical label matrix
     37  Creating 2D numpy array from binary file?
     37  Create a new column - Only assign last value by group
     37  Create a list of numpy matrices in python
     37  Count indices to array to produce heatmap
     37  Copying numpy array with '=' operator. Why is it working?
     37  Copying a variable in python
     37  Convert xgboost dmatrix to numy array
     37  Convert matrix 3x3 to 1x27 with bool value
     37  Converting numpy arrays exported as text into numpy arrays again
     37  Converting Boolean array (i.e True False) into actual values?
     37  Convert Columns to row values where column+row is True
     37  Constructor on child class being ignored in Python
     37  constant value decay resulting in the same downward slope
     37  Confine dimension of an existing memmap (NumPy)
     37  Concatenating 'N' 2D arrays in NumPy with varying dimensions into one 3D array
     37  concatenate pandas dataframes with priority replacment of NaN
     37  Comparing 2 arrays using numpy and allocating values to a third array
     37  Coefficients of 2D Chebyshev series in numpy.polynomial.chebyshev
     37  Code actualising automatically variables when not desired [duplicate]
     37  Clustering extracted text from images?
     37  Checking each of element in 2D matrix
     37  Check if values of a column is in another column array in a pandas dataframe
     37  Changing the background colour of cells with particular word in it
     37  Changing items in numpy array
     37  Can't create an object with an element of a matrix
     37  Cannot add matrices more than 20 times in loop
     37  Calculating the intensity of a FFT peak
     37  Calculating first few eigen values of a large Matrix
     37  Calculate time difference within Pandas while adding a new column
     37  Calculate mean & var numpy genfromtxt dataframe - TypeError ufunc add
     37  Calculate boolean NumPy array with operator 'in'
     37  Building wheel for scipy ( finished with status 'error'
     37  Building a numpy array as a function of previous element
     37  Broadcast through numpy array with list of arrays
     37  Breaking image pixels when a scalar is added to image
     37  Best way to create a three channel image with a fixed color?
     37  Balancing data with numpy arrays
     37  AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'logits_dimension'
     37  assign value of arbitrary line in 2-d array to nans
     37  Assign random value to each cell of a column in dataframe
     37  Assign output of a function to a dataframe column for rows which match a criteria in some other column
     37  Arrays based on nd array condition
     37  array indexing by condition in brackets
     37  Apply scipy.stats.percentileofscore to xarray resample reduce function
     37  applying .astype() for specific indices doesn't work
     37  applying array of function to array of elements by position
     37  Apply dot product to all columns in a 3D array
     37  Apply condition on numpy array and delete higher dimension element
     37  Append summed columns as rows to dataframe, over for loop
     37  Appending different sized nd arrays into a single array
     37  Animation of a sandpile: why does calling this function in a while loop break my animation? Does animation.FuncAnimation behave like a for loop?
     37  Alignment issues with histogram2d and pcolormesh
     37  adjust values in numpy array based on coefficients [duplicate]
     37  addressing 2-D arrays contained in a list within a for loop
     37  Add items in numpy arrays where each item has an associated ''type''
     37  Adding numpy arrays in specific way
     37  Adding missing rows from the another table based on 2 columns
     37  add different data at the end of different lines in a file
     37  Access each element of a multidimensional array without knowing the individual dimensions
     37  3d vibration data with Fast Fourier Transform
     37  2d numpy.array() comparing one string to all others, and repeated for each string
     37  [['19'], ['19', '21']] convert this to [19,19,21] in python [duplicate]
     36  X.shape[1] size doesn't fit the expected value
     36  Write a function that can accept values and any kind of iteratable type
     36  why the pandas operation df.loc[:, ['a', 'b'] = df.loc[:, ['c', 'd'] does not change the values in df.loc[:, ['a', 'b']?
     36  why python pandas round results in object
     36  Why numpy requires list of tuples and not list of lists?
     36  why is this code showing runtime error when trying to take input in the for loop?
     36  Why is NumPy’s ''boolean indexing'' slower here then ''filter''
     36  Why is my graph not coming out the way it should?
     36  Why do I get this error when comparing two Numpy arrays?
     36  Why does this numpy element differ from its original value after assignment?
     36  Why does this numpy attribute suddenly become shared between instances
     36  Why does this dot product give a dimension error?
     36  Why doesn't this snippet generate the same standard deviation?
     36  Why does command prompt import differ from sublime text import?
     36  Why can a list in python be subtracted from the np.float64 type and the int type cannot be used?
     36  Why .argmax returns 1 instead of the maximum? [duplicate]
     36  Why are there two syntaxes to pass np arrays to cython function?
     36  when use * about numpy.array and numpy.matrix
     36  When are the eigenvalues returned by numpy.linalg.eig ordered?
     36  What resources should I be learning to calculate my kernel size?
     36  What does the first variable do in nparange(x, y, z)?
     36  Weird Python / numpy UnboundLocalError behaviour
     36  Visual Studio Code does not implement IntelliSense correctly for numpy but works for all other modules [Pictures inside]
     36  Vectorization speed-up for row-wise norms of two matrixes [duplicate]
     36  ValueError Pandas duplicate rows with time sequence using Numpy arange
     36  Using how to save the data of each loop in a different file?
     36  Using a numpy float32 array in c++ via swig
     36  Use Numpy “where” with multiple conditions but do nothing if condition fails
     36  Use an ufunc analogous to numpy.where
     36  updating values on 2D matrix after using indices and boolean selection
     36  Understanding the difference between numpy.log and numpy.sum for custom array containers
     36  unable to get the details on the x-axis using plot method in pandas
     36  ufunc memory consumption in arithemtic expressions
     36  `TypeError` when using `cupy.nanstd` and `cupy.nanvar`
     36  TypeError when indexing into new columns
     36  TypeError when fitting curve
     36  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'str' and 'bool' with
     36  Trying to turn all white areas in a grayscaled imaged to black
     36  Trying to format Google Analytics data ready for machine learning, need help looping through a list of values and create the same number of columns
     36  Trouble with dimensional order when cloning a 1-dimensional numpy array to 3 dimensions
     36  Traversing the Line Plot
     36  Translating numpy operations to tensorflow
     36  Transformation of an array yields an empty placeholder
     36  Too many indices error, in my already micro dataset
     36  Swap values and indexes in numpy
     36  Subtracting datetime, one column from another. Getting error: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'
     36  Struggle countering non linear models
     36  String matching plus Boolean value reassignment in Pandas
     36  Store a string of values to list of values?
     36  Still getting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas' ' despite having installed Pandas, anaconda, [closed]
     36  Split CSV by unique columns
     36  Speeding up numpy 'between' function with dask equivalent
     36  Specifying x- and y-range for a python matplotlib.pyplot contour plot
     36  Sorting a second dictionary following the keys of the first dictionary
     36  Sorting arrays in NumPy ascending on one column and descending on other column
     36  Solve linear system using numpy [duplicate]
     36  So i installed numpy . But when i call it in a program an error occurs. Any method to solve it permanently in windows 10
     36  Slider on matshow for 3rd dimension [duplicate]
     36  Slicing a pandas dataframe based on less or equal citerion
     36  Slicing an array in python, understanding the code
     36  Slice numpy array based on x number of other arrays
     36  sklearn - why is this not rescaling properly? [closed]
     36  sklearn OneHotEncoder outputs non-array object error
     36  Size of array decreased after concatenation
     36  setuptools setup_requires and install_requires behaves differently
     36  Set cost for levenshtein distance?
     36  Send help in the form of someone who knows python well
     36  Selecting numpy array elements
     36  Selecting elements from a .dat file according to an assigned value
     36  Saving all arrays into csv instead of the last set of array only
     36  Round off each value of a given vector(B) to closest value in A
     36  return specific index from 3D numpy array into 1D
     36  reshaping a 1d numpy array to 2d
     36  Reshape dataframe using pandas/numpy in a particular manner - convert multiple columns into two
     36  Replacing a column with another predefined column
     36  Replace values in dataframe with values from series of different length
     36  Replace pandas dataframe x; y values with NaN if respective index in boolean array is True
     36  Replace NaN's in an array in a specific way
     36  Replace matrix elements with other matrix elements using numpy
     36  .replace is skipped during a for loop
     36  Repeating the content of a numpy array arbitrarily
     36  Repeat elements in pandas dataframe so equal number of each unique element
     36  Re-occurrence count
     36  Removing characters in chain according to an other column
     36  Remove path from pip or PYTHONPATH to install packages in seperate python directory
     36  Refactoring K-means algorithm in python, using numpy
     36  Rearrange Numpy Matrix
     36  Read large numpy-array as czi-file in python
     36  Reading/Writing Header Strings and Numerical Arrays
     36  Random sequence and random position? [duplicate]
     36  Random function in Python (comparing it with a numerical value)
     36  Question on efficient/correct data structure for 2D array computations in python
     36  Python Vectorization of a more complex for-loop
     36  Python slicing, moving old slicing places?
     36  Python Select data points which are a certain Euclidean distance away from other data points
     36  Python Pandas extract column from dataframe and delete
     36  python pandas dataframe cell updating error
     36  Python / opencv  -  recentering polar image
     36  Python: numpy.var yields unknown number
     36  Python Numpy Array Modification
     36  python numpy array intepretation
     36  Python numpy array Generate Array (Month Data) from array (Yearly Data)
     36  python itertools product with steps
     36  python| how can I convert a 2d array to an array of pairs
     36  Python data type type codes comprehensive table or resource
     36  Python DataFrames concat or append problem
     36  Python cv2 & numpy - combining two images
     36  Python consumes excessive memory, doesn't complete run even given adequate memory
     36  Python: Calculate cumulative amount in Pandas dataframe over a period of time
     36  Python 3 Pandas fast lookup in dictionary for column
     36  Python 3 Creating a column based on variables from other columns
     36  Pull first instance of value from one dataframe to another
     36  Properly reading/plotting data separated by '>'
     36  Problem with changing array indices with sympy and numpy
     36  Problems with moving images from train/test/validation split into the right directories
     36  Problems with graphing excel data off an internet source with dates
     36  Printing floats and integers into a file with given format in python
     36  print index of dataframe using conditions
     36  PowerBI is not passing over the datafield to the Python script
     36  Position Analysis of System
     36  Plotting sorted values [duplicate]
     36  plotting matplotlib from nump ndarray
     36  Plotting 2darray with matplotlib
     36  PIL putpixels function
     36  Performing Householder Reflection of a vector for QR Decomposition
     36  Percentiles along horizontal rows in Python/Pandas
     36  Pandas ValueError when calling apply with axis=1 and setting lists of varying length as cell-value
     36  Pandas sort but maintain in group
     36  pandas.Series.unique() gives different result to np.unique() when analysing strings
     36  Pandas rolling: aggregate boolean values
     36  Pandas/Numpy - Vectorize datetime calculation
     36  Pandas new column based on old column with conditional to handle None value
     36  pandas : How to get groups of each n rows after row matching query?
     36  Pandas Dataframe - compare columns from different rows
     36  Pandas: `array_split` on a column of arrays, why don't I find back the max of the column
     36  Padding NumPy arrays to a specific size
     36  Padding each vector in an array of vectors [duplicate]
     36  order types in numpy.zeros_like
     36  Optimize mean outer products
     36  Operations on two lists with in a DataFrame using Python
     36  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (16,) (4,)
     36  openCV: Unable to detect too small latex generated regular shape like square, circle, triangle?
     36  On how to update AutoEncoder generated image when learning GAN using AutoEncoder
     36  Observing relationship between different variables of a dataframe using pairplot and correlation method
     36  Object values not being reset in python function
     36  numpy way to encode a range of values into n discrete levels
     36  Numpy vectorizing function
     36  Numpy: Vectorization in the context of a 1:many operation
     36  Numpy.savetxt -- -  > How to save an array/matrix to a csv in python numpy?
     36  Numpy remove a row from a multidimesional array
     36  NumPy or Pandas: Keeping array type as integer while having an 'inf' value
     36  Numpy operate over multiple duplicated indices
     36  Numpy not accepting strings correctly?
     36  numpy matrix not functioning as intended
     36  Numpy looping n x n matrix in O(n) time
     36  numpy list multiplication against a 2-d array
     36  Numpy is taking more time in simple math than pure python3 [duplicate]
     36  Numpy indexing takes minutes on a large matrix
     36  numpy: get indices value in a separate column
     36  Numpy does not create binary file
     36  numpy: create array from a (index,value) dict
     36  Numpy Concatenation different results
     36  Numpy assign an array value based on the values of another array with column selected based on a vector
     36  Numpy array ndmin behavior for empty array
     36  NumPy array element weirdly changes when selected
     36  Numpy Array and axis
     36  Numpy.array (500x50), How do I Concatenate across rows so that it becomes a (500x1)
     36  Numpy arithmetic
     36  numpy - anyway to improve this further(PandasTook(1h26m), NumpyTakes(38m))
     36  Numpy advanced indexing, bool vs. int IndexError: too many indices for array
     36  Numpy: adding n-dimensional vector to m-dimensional vector to get (n, m) matrix
     36  Numpy 3d Matrix to 2d Matrix
     36  Numba fails to parallelize a loop
     36  np.outer output changes when stored in an array
     36  np.busday_count from pandas timestamp columns
     36  not possible to reshape
     36  non-zero solution to a complex-valued homogeneous linear system under hermitean constraints
     36  'None' gradient is being returned for variables
     36  My plot didn't show the result when the number of clusters is 2 in python
     36  My code doesn't output the full parametric equation only the first value in python
     36  Multiplication of a logical matrix with a vector that contains strings in python
     36  Moving GroupBys
     36  Modify the values of an array where a list of the same size contains values of another list
     36  missing required dependencies of numpy
     36  .minimize function stuck after running program
     36  Migrating python2 mixed-type np.array operations to python3
     36  method to circumvent if-else checking
     36  Matplotlib: Error in this code while plotting sine function
     36  Mapping two arrays containing strings to the same integer values
     36  Mapping Serie and Dataframe values
     36  mapping over higher dimensional numpy arrays
     36  Mapping an array into other with zeros at the begining and the end
     36  Making new Numpy array with indexes of another Numpy array
     36  Make member vectors out of tuples in python
     36  Loop through mini batches of numpy array?
     36  Load only up to a number of lines when loading a csv file in numpy [duplicate]
     36  Loading large set of images kill the process
     36  Lists to numpy array
     36  List almost in list of lists Pyhton
     36  Last values in the iteration are getting saved in python for
     36  Join two datasets in Python if datetimes are within certain time of one another, as well as create an 'unmatched' dataset
     36  It there a way to get a matrix of maximum values in numpy?
     36  iterating through data frame and addiing values if they are not present within that columns index
     36  iterate over large np 2D array
     36  Is this behaviour of NDArray correct?
     36  Is there something like a ''placeholder'' as element in arrays in numpy?
     36  Is there a numpy shortcut for generating array of floats within a desired limit? [duplicate]
     36  Is there a good way to 'flip' a list/matrix of numbers around some non-zero value?
     36  Is there a function to transform all element of ndarray?
     36  Is there a faster way to achieve the same result? [duplicate]
     36  Issue when filtering rows of numpy array by multiple conditions
     36  is it possible to return string after comparison in NumPy?
     36  Is it possible to create an ndarray of ndarray? (python 2.7, numpy)
     36  'int' object is not subscriptable error while trying to classify my data
     36  In python packaging perspective, is there any difference between ''import numpy'' or from ''numpy import functionnames''?
     36  in python how to replace specific elements of array randomly with a certain probability?
     36  In pandas dataframe, how do I perform operations on select rows?
     36  Initialise a numpy array of a specific shape
     36  indexing in python numpy module
     36  Indexing a multidimensional array from a list of indices in NumPy
     36  Indexing 2d array with 2d array in Numpy
     36  IndexError: too many indices for array  ...  an error when running this code
     36  IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `)
     36  I have some problem when return dataframe from a definition
     36  if else statement based on a binary array in numpy with vectorize function
     36  I am using Python Compiler on iPad to practice programs however cant see any graphical visuals
     36  How to use numpy return_inverse table on a different array?
     36  How to speed up sensivity analysis?
     36  How to sort each row in a dataframe from the smallest to largest number
     36  How to shortern numpy code used for extraction
     36  How to separate Quarter and year data
     36  How to select rows and columns from a file?
     36  How to save numpy array images and put them into a single folder?
     36  How to replace a value in column A where column B is equal to value?
     36  How to remove the same columns in multiple arrays using loop?
     36  How to remove nested for loops and use numpy arrays insead
     36  How to quickly mask different slices in my array?
     36  How to put a given number at the same position of all occurrences of a another number of an array in another array?
     36  How to properly dereference if copying a part of a numpy array?
     36  How to print elements of array that start with a particular number?
     36  How to prevent Normalization Formula to produce NaN values?
     36  How to perform series of operations on a region of a NumPy array?
     36  How to pass a large number of dataframe columns to numpy vectorize as argument
     36  How to multiply numpy 1D with N-D array?
     36  How to most efficiently transform an RGB image's color based on a dictionary?
     36  How to modify the name of a file? [duplicate]
     36  How to mimic this simple code but for images?
     36  How to merge data frames on floats?
     36  How to make calculations with large arrays faster?
     36  How to make a Pandas count pivot table with related children items?
     36  How to make an average of all the windows containing a frame?
     36  How to keep The structure of an array as it is while Boolean mask in numpy python
     36  How to keep the original indices in a numpy array output from predict function
     36  How to keep one of the duplicate rows which doesn't have a Nan in any column?
     36  How to interpolate between known points (4D?)
     36  How to install numpy in a user specified directory using conda command prompt
     36  How to insert single rows to a dataframe based on specific value on a column
     36  How to increase 'numpy.ndarray' matrix
     36  How to ''group'' data in a column in a dataframe
     36  How to group by in python but doing multiply calculations for same column [duplicate]
     36  How to give color for x values and y values in linear regression model?
     36  How to get mean of matrix columns for a column of matrices inside dataframe?
     36  How to get column and row index(y and x) of a given item in a numpy array
     36  How to get a numpy array into same byte object as with open().read()?
     36  how to get an np array of shape (32,224,224) where [0] contains (244,224) 1's and [1] only 2's?
     36  How to get an item from a second df if there is a match between them
     36  How to generate N numbers from 0-1 that follows exponential decay pattern (in Python)?
     36  “How to fix datatype in pandas-dataframe which gives an Value error ?”ValueError: could not convert string to float: ' -  ' [duplicate]
     36  How to find y intercept given x as a timestamp [duplicate]
     36  How to filter a dataset based on keys from another dataset
     36  How to efficiently use a numpy function in a cython loop? [duplicate]
     36  How to do this tricky subscraction in Numpy:
     36  How to do specify level depth (or axis) for outer in Python 2.7?
     36  How to do a grouped expanding
     36  How to delete two rows before and two rows after minimum value of column python
     36  How to delete small independent masks from images?
     36  How to define a lower triangle of a numpy array? [closed]
     36  How to deal with ''numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer'' when I'm trying to use np.nanmean for finding mean of two array elements?
     36  How to create an object of type numpy.int8 in a C numpy extension?
     36  How to create an animation from a 2D array
     36  How to create an adjacency matrix from a set of web page transitions in python? [duplicate]
     36  How to create a list with a double for loop, and assignment for critieria?
     36  how to convert string representaion of 2 dimensional array into numpy array in pandas series object?
     36  How to convert multidimensional list to numpy.array in order to fit in cv2.fillConvexPoly
     36  How to convert between different pylab.histogram results
     36  How to convert a numpy array into a float array (with exception handling) [duplicate]
     36  How to compare a scalar value with an array in Numba (Python)?
     36  How to combine NumPy arrays generated in a loop into a single 4D array?
     36  How to check if an array contains a sub-array without for-loops and retrieve indices where True?
     36  How to change dimensions of np.array for greyscale images
     36  How to Change A Number In An Array that was converted from a CSV File- Python
     36  How to calculate the distance in Python
     36  How to build a file to save different Python objects as a project file?
     36  How to broadcast array of parameters onto matrix of functions?
     36  How to avoid `RuntimeWarning` for divide by zero when the value is unusued? [duplicate]
     36  how to applay 2d mask on 1d array
     36  How to add a 0 to end of list of lists using numpy?
     36  How to adapt my dataset to Theano?
     36  How to access array by a list of point coordinates
     36  How numpy.loadtxt loads files via slicing
     36  How make text file into desired format in CSV using Python
     36  How make pandas's `Sereis/DataFrame` with custom `ExtensionDtype` compatible with `HDFStore`?
     36  How do you numerically compute inverse of the characteristic function e^(-t^2/2) with numpy.fft.ifft
     36  How do you iterate and update a numpy array to solve a system of linear equations of form Ax=B?
     36  How do I solve this broyden1 np.ndarray calling problem?
     36  How do I properly reshape nested arrays (both 1D) arrays into a 2D array for fitting to my Keras model?
     36  How do I initialize a numpy array starting at a particular number?
     36  How do i group points together within a range large space
     36  How do I get the sum of column from a csv within specified rows using dates in python? [closed]
     36  How do I convert 2 column array(randomly generated) to a DataFrame?
     36  How do I convert 2 column array(randomly generated) to a DataFrame?
     36  How do I construct design matrix in NumPy (for linear regression)?
     36  How do I apply .agg to the top n items in a dataframe
     36  How does changing Pandas cell values affect memory?
     36  How create data structure with similar numpy nd array
     36  How can you convert an array([]) object, into an array([[]]) object?
     36  How can use scipy with a datetime without the right formatting?
     36  How can I save many lists in different files in python?
     36  how can I randomly change n-elements (continuous) of an array to 0?
     36  how can i print the interarrival_times values in code to a seperate csv or excel file using pandas?
     36  How can I optimize the distance between 2 points (x,y,z) and two arrays
     36  How can i efficiently turn columns into 0 based on filter criteria?
     36  How can I create a label encoder utilizing only numpy (and not sklearn LabelEncoder)?
     36  How can I convert a forloop to Numpy single operation?
     36  How Can I choose count the data in one column based on other column? [duplicate]
     36  How can I change the shape of this numpy array to (3058, 480, 640, 3)?
     36  How can I assign slices of one structured Numpy array to another?
     36  Having trouble with Array Appending
     36  Grouping Tables in Python
     36  Given an existing distribution, how can I draw samples of size N with std of X?
     36  Getting rid of the second elemnt in a matrix of 2D tuples
     36  Getting IndexError: list index out of range
     36  Get sublists from list
     36  Get overall smallest elements' distribution in dataframe with sorted columns more efficiently
     36  Get misclassified samples from validation set using index and form a dataframe
     36  Generate ranges given arrays of starts and stops
     36  generate normalized discrete values for feature engineering
     36  Function that takes columns from another dataframes and returns the, in a new dataframe
     36  Function returns value of a series that is ambiguious
     36  forcing a creation of 1d numpy array from a list/array of possibly iterable objects
     36  Fix code duplication when updating values in numpy array
     36  Fitting two peaks with gauss in python
     36  Find single dataframe row index matching 2 columns conditionals
     36  Find matching values of rows and extract them separately, without specifying the matching value (key)
     36  Find interpolated intersections of two numpy arrays
     36  Finding the max Y value in histogram image given I know the position X of the max value
     36  Finding more indices in a list close to zero
     36  finding mean between array entries
     36  fill logical matrix [r,n] with a vector [n,]
     36  Filling the diagonals of square matrices inside a 3D ndarray with values given by a 2D ndarray
     36  Fill an array randomly with given values - Python [duplicate]
     36  fastest way to replace values in an array with the value in the same position in another array if they match a condition
     36  Fancy Indexing vs Views in Numpy
     36  Fanccy Indexing vs View in Numpy part II
     36  Extract the metric measurable in the product title
     36  Extracting character from str and reformatting dataframe with Pandas
     36  Extend a matrix by interpolating zeros
     36  Expand the dataframe based on column value and create new column
     36  Error_message: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     36  Error in looping function to detect outliers in each columns
     36  Error handling with Numpy C API [duplicate]
     36  eroding several layers of an array
     36  Ensuring memory used in PyArray_SimpleNewFromData is properly deallocated?
     36  Elementwise function over entries in two numpy arrays of differen shape
     36  Elegant way to use Cupy-Numpy together
     36  Efficient way to find nearest neighbors in two large, structured point clouds with python [duplicate]
     36  Efficient row-wise operation (aggregation) based on column values
     36  Efficiently split pandas dataframe and apply method to sub-sets
     36  Efficiently coding gradient of function
     36  Efficient calculation of cosine_distance of a csc_sparse_matrix using scipy.spatial.distance
     36  Dynamic n-modal Gaussian curve fit in Python
     36  Do I need a SWIG typemap to have a c function return a float to python?
     36  Distributing value into multiple bins in pandas
     36  Distances among grid coordinates
     36  Display only the new books that user has taken. Ignore repeated ones
     36  Different behavior of sum of numpy arrays with regards to data type when using increment operator
     36  Determining the argument of a value in an iterable in python [duplicate]
     36  Determine start and end time of consecutive hours blocks [duplicate]
     36  Delete values of all rows of a dataset from another another dataset [duplicate]
     36  Delete array row when element don't fit conditions
     36  Declare 4Dimensional np.array by 2Dimensional np.array
     36  debugging numpy.float32('1.5').__mul__()
     36  Dataframe not adding up values properly (Indexing)
     36  Dataframe Column generation based on constraint
     36  Dask distributed - clients import numpy at startup
     36  cv2:error while training in knn with OpenCV-Python3
     36  creating numpy ndarrays from existing ndarrays
     36  Creating New Dataframe Based on Values in Different Dataframe
     36  Creating a random matrix with 7 rows by 21 column vectors with A,C,T G
     36  Creating a numpy array which contains list of arrays for .npz input file
     36  creating a function in python and applying it to a dataframe
     36  Create N numpy chunks
     36  Create csr_matrix to be used in k-medoids
     36  create a Pandas DataFrame column based on over 9 filter of the existing columns
     36  Create a 3D matrix from a generator of 2D matrices
     36  Cost is too high at around 700000
     36  Copy numpy array contents without changing values in array with different dtype
     36  Convert strings with time suffixes to numbers in numpy
     36  Convert list of strings to numpy array of floats
     36  Converting points back to 3D
     36  Converting for-loop with function to list comprehension (using numpy arrays) for finding minimimum values between two lists [duplicate]
     36  Converting a pd.Series into a 2D np.array without stacking two columns together in order to include the index of the columns
     36  Converting a list of ints or floats read from a file to a numpy array
     36  Converting a list of instants to a list of increments [duplicate]
     36  Convert huge number of lists to pandas dataframe
     36  Convert a DistributedMatrix to Scipy sparse or Numpy array
     36  convert 2d array to another 2d array using the first two columns as coordinates
     36  Convert 1d numpy ndarray into one hot encoding ndarray of shape (n,2) [duplicate]
     36  Contour plot with function receiving lists
     36  Constructing numpy arrary based on dimension and known values
     36  Constructing a structured scalar from bytes
     36  Comparing Negative Indices in Numpy with Postive Indices
     36  Compare two pandas dataframes and replace value based on condition
     36  compare rows among each other of same values in the columns and generate a matrix
     36  compare data with ideal values for game scoring
     36  combining two numpy arrays of different dtype to a structured array
     36  Coloring Individual Points of a Scatter Plot in Python3 [duplicate]
     36  Coding Form to turn dict as a function keywords [duplicate]
     36  Check if numpy arrays is inside another numpy array and create a mask
     36  Change values of a structured numpy array column (having column key's) depending on condition
     36  Change in the Dimension (shape) because of np.hstack on tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer.texts_to_sequences
     36  Change index index numbers of a dataframe
     36  Can't use scipy stats function on nested list
     36  Can't get the correct division result by `/` and `np.divide`
     36  Can't apply meshgrid directly to create Surfaceplot
     36  Cannot reshape array of size 1980416 to (32,32)
     36  Cannot impute 1D array with fit_transform from sklearn library (split-test)
     36  Calling max() on numpy array returns ''ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()''
     36  Calculating Spatial Distance returns operand error
     36  Calculating months with pandas and numpy
     36  Calculate unique value probability over numpy array columns
     36  Calculate the mode whilst ignoring certain values
     36  Building the columns of a numpy array - why does the first column remain full of zeros?
     36  Building a list of segments for a Matplotlib's LineCollection
     36  Binning data either side of a bin in Python
     36  better way to de stack pandas rows?
     36  Averaging over N files
     36  Average of one index of pairs of numbers
     36  Average every four two dimensional numpy arrays python
     36  Auto expands numpy array
     36  assign stores to customers based on the store id in python
     36  Assign numpy array to a pre initialized variable
     36  Assigning mean values of a numpy row to a variable to use for making a histogram
     36  array passing between numpy and cython
     36  Arrange data in bracket based on specific order in Python
     36  arff library with python for dealing with np.nan values
     36  Are the dimensions of arrays max 2 that be created with np.arange?
     36  Applying operation element-wise in numpy array
     36  Applying a rolling window operation on a custom function with 3D data?
     36  Applying an adjustment matrix over each column of a timeseries-indexed DataFrame
     36  apply a function to divide an array by a vector
     36  Appending array to a larger one and then returning it
     36  Add new pandas DataFrame column whose values are an array of random numbers with length gleaned from another column
     36  Adding subplots to figure using for loop
     36  Adding numpy arrays in a dictionary to a dataframe
     36  Adding a rowsum column to a large sparse matrix
     36  4D array into 2D array and again back to 4D
     35  X_flatten in numpy
     35  Xarray: Clean way to deal with dimensionless arrays returned by indexing one element
     35  Write numpy matrix to csv file in for loop
     35  Why would groupby of an xarray dataset return nan after Anaconda reinstall?
     35  Why train NumPy array size is smaller than the whole dataset?
     35  Why Numpy's int datatype is not of the same type as Numpy's int64 datatype? [duplicate]
     35  Why my csv file shows ''Error! output.csv is not UTF-8 encoded''?
     35  Why is this array compared to two values instead of one?
     35  Why is numpy.random.choice modifying my data?
     35  Why is numpy.argsort() shuffeling the indices for ties?
     35  Why is multiplying an array by a constant changing the array size?
     35  Why input image gets flipped after convolution operation?
     35  why i m getting this error ''ValueError: query data dimension must match training data dimension''
     35  Why can't I extract the array values using Numpy?
     35  Why am I getting so many indices when a 2D ndarray is passed into nonzero function?
     35  Why am I getting a ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous?
     35  When using sckit-image segmentation and get Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV), how do I resolve it
     35  What's the best way to label new categories within a feature?
     35  what is the proper way to inverse_transform a catergorical value after it's been transformed/scaled with numerical values?
     35  What is the most efficient way to Normalize a 4D array?
     35  What is the fastest way to find the index of a number of sorted dates in a super set of sorted dates? [duplicate]
     35  What is the difference between |U and U regarding numpy dtype specifier for strings [duplicate]
     35  What is the difference between the following matrix?
     35  What does this Python code snippet mean exactly?
     35  What code is responsible for adding two matrices in Numpy?
     35  What are the efficient ways to assign values to 2D numpy arrays as functions of indicies
     35  Vectorized cummulative sum based on value in array numpy [duplicate]
     35  Vectorise summation with missing elements
     35  Value from iterative function in pandas
     35  Value Error Converting the datatype of elements in an array
     35  Using .to_numpy() to copy specific columns from one row of Pandas Dataframe to another
     35  Using permuted list to populate two-dimensional array with special order
     35  Using Pandas/NumPy to increase resolution
     35  Using Numpy vectorization instead of parallelly looping over two list
     35  Using numpy to calculate the day of of the week for a given dd/mm given the day of the Jan 1st
     35  Using Module for different python version
     35  using matplotlib with ipython console (spyder) fails
     35  Using mask to replace string in numpy array results in truncated string
     35  use numpy to transpose the list of lists so it can be uploaded into gsheet
     35  Use numpy.mean to list is much slower than numpy.array
     35  Update pandas column based on comparison of two dataframes
     35  Update a Numpy array based on previous and current elements of the same array without for loop [duplicate]
     35  Unexpected result with polyfit in python
     35  Understanding varying neurons in deep learning?
     35  Unable to update/replace group values within Loop (Python, ''AttributeError: can't set attribute'')
     35  unable to get sum of values in a column of dataframe [duplicate]
     35  Type Error 'numpy.float64' has no len() that I can't work out, Convince Python it is dealing with an array?
     35  ''TypeError: data type not understood'' comparing dtype np.datetime64
     35  Two-array counting in NumPy [duplicate]
     35  Trouble with generating graph from function in python
     35  the efficient approach to generate submatrices
     35  Testing Numpy array to see if it is in column form
     35  Testing for bits on numpy
     35  Taking inverse of a matrix of function
     35  Symmetrical Curved Lines in Python
     35  Summing columns with hundred of lines from different files with python [closed]
     35  subselect large numpy array without a copy
     35  Subdividing ndarray on category array
     35  Strange timings on missing values in Python numpy
     35  Strange plot created based on two numpy arrays and matplotlib
     35  Storing output multi 1 dimensional arrays as a data file
     35  Statistical measure to find data trend
     35  Stack Numpy Arrays Without Extra Checks
     35  Stack Array by Loop Numpy Python
     35  Squashing a 3D matrix into an array of vectors with indices in vector
     35  Speed up numpy array concatenate [duplicate]
     35  Source of MemoryError in numpy/ma/
     35  Sorting Numpy Array of two different types
     35  sorting by field numpy array
     35  Sorting arrays by their last argument
     35  Sorting an ndarray along a specific column
     35  Slice 2-D array row by row with corresponding rows from identically shaped array [duplicate]
     35  Simple ANN model converges with tanh(x) as the activation function, but it doesn't with leaky ReLu
     35  Similar to a Pivot in Pandas
     35  Similar method as TensorFlow mnist.train.next_batch()
     35  Shuffled range iterator
     35  Short a 2D MxM matrix to a 2D (M-1)x(M-1) matrix from an arbitrari point A[i,j]
     35  Set values in NumPy chaining two slicings
     35  Setting up multiprocessing program elongate execution time when it is light-load CPU-Bound?
     35  Series indicating third weekday in a month
     35  Selecting non 1. values in iteration of a data-set while calculating coefficient correlation?
     35  Select different slices from each numpy row
     35  search one array with max value of another array
     35  Scalar multiplication two 2darrays
     35  Save a sliced numpy matrix into another numpy array
     35  Run respective function for each numpy element in column
     35  R `summary` function closest equivalent in python
     35  Round specific columns in a numpy array
     35  Return type dependent on input type in Python
     35  Returning list of arrays from a function having as argument a vector
     35  Return all rows that are considered outliers
     35  Retuning columns in a numpy array given a boolean index
     35  Resizing an image has distorted it unrecognisable
     35  Replacing specific values of a 2d numpy array, but only at the edges
     35  replace values along a given axis
     35  Replace randomly an index from numpy vector
     35  Replace looping-over-axes with broadcasting
     35  Replace duplicate values with descending values
     35  Replace column with the count of specific character
     35  Replace array value if equal to another array
     35  Rename every 2 column with same from another data frame pandas
     35  Remove unnecessary pairs from reflexive asymetric transitive relation
     35  Remove lines with an infinite value from array
     35  Remove all rows preceding the first occurence null string in a pandas dataframe column
     35  Remove all columns matching a value in Numpy
     35  regarding the array indexing in numpy in a given example
     35  regarding sampling a two dimensional array and let the sampling array has three-dimension shape
     35  reduction operation across all dimensions but one
     35  Reading arrays pixel by pixel, getting UnpicklingError
     35  Read info from string
     35  Quick method to find cross index between two numpy arrays [duplicate]
     35  Quickly filter massive numpy-like arrays
     35  python write() function automatically creates newline in file
     35  Python. sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer doesn't fit new columns at his previous position
     35  Python sequence error
     35  Python: Select last value of each column that is nonzero in a matrix
     35  Python, Rearanging a numpy array by colomn 0 value, signed integers
     35  Python - Pass instance function calls to attribute
     35  Python/Numpy reshaping 2D array into 3D array based on first column value
     35  python numpy.ndarray.max using axis return swapped results [duplicate]
     35  Python Numpy FFT
     35  python/numpy array: replace item by item N rows before
     35  Python Numpy Array Append with Blank Columns
     35  Python Numbers mysteriously being rounded on comparison
     35  Python np.array example, how to modify/?
     35  Python: multiplying fixed array by element wise second array
     35  Python List as List Index [duplicate]
     35  Python Index 3 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3
     35  Python: Implementing Text Straightening Algorithm
     35  python. I can not convert numbers from a txt file to a verifier with int
     35  Python Fit Function (Could not convert float to string)
     35  Python Finding the value of the first date
     35  Python: Finding Last Date and Matching Row
     35  Python Data transformation If df[column] = ''A'' then df[column] = 1 - (Substitue ''A'' with 1)
     35  Python create new dataframe column based on different rows
     35  Python Bitboard more than 64bit using Numpy lib
     35  Python - Append particular numpy arrays based on value
     35  Python 3: An easy way to print a long list of numbers without running off the page
     35  Python-1D indice link with 2D array location
     35  PyArray_SimpleNew gives ''ValueError: array is too big;'' for 3-cubed array
     35  PyAMG fails to install on mac [duplicate]
     35  Pulling elements in order based on first element using key array
     35  problem with using sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier on a database , ValueError: bad input shape (1, 4)
     35  Problem with matplotlib.pyplot with matplotlib.pyplot.scatter in the argument s
     35  problem with condition statement despite using right operator [duplicate]
     35  Problem in NumPy array while appending values
     35  Printing not working in certain python functions
     35  Predict function for multiple linear regression
     35  Populate already split numpy array
     35  plt.imshow is not working as it should be
     35  Plotting the graph in networkx from the numpy array
     35  Plotting custom text as xlabels
     35  Perform vector operations on numpy arrays stored within dictionaries?
     35  Performance by calculating mean value of a raster stack using numpy
     35  pandas/numpy: Grouping a dataframe with specified number of replicates
     35  Pandas/Numpy Errors in Eclipse
     35  Pandas method to iterate over rows and perform calculations using values of previous row
     35  Pandas - Loop through over 1 million cells
     35  pandas Getting just the mean (float) value of one column when another column matches value in python
     35  Pandas | Fillna between specific indexes (which change with row)
     35  Pandas creating new columns based on conditions applied on multiple sets of columns
     35  Pandas 2-Column Dataframe Categorical Rows
     35  Pair-wise similarity calculation between two batches without iteration?
     35  overflow warning as I try to do an add operation on the matrix cell
     35  Outputting Spectrogram with Scipy?
     35  Out of memory when sampling images using TF2.0 autoregressive model on Google Colab
     35  Optimizing while cycle with numba for error tolerance
     35  Optimal way to find index of first occurrence of subarray in each frame of batch data without for loop
     35  Optimal method to remove part of array in python
     35  operate only on filtered elements in an array in python
     35  Numpy vectorized combination of hadamard and dot product
     35  Numpy using array for 2D slicing
     35  numpy unable to understand
     35  Numpy trapz printing list not number
     35  Numpy structured array as a class to save memory?
     35  Numpy setup issues in MatLab: callable error
     35  Numpy sampling from a 2d numpy array of probabilities
     35  Numpy, same value inputs get different dot product
     35  Numpy Python - Inserting a Matrix at a list of indexes of a numpy matrix
     35  Numpy Polynomial with Matrix variable
     35  Numpy package error
     35  Numpy Neural networks cost calculation: result changes after first run
     35  Numpy Matrix Determinant Not Working as Expected?
     35  Numpy Masked Array changes zeros to a huge number when uploaded in another script
     35  Numpy indexing: first (varying) number of elements from each row in 2d array
     35  Numpy: How to prevent circular looping to highest value when subtracting from the least value
     35  numpy - How to compare custom dtypes conveniently?
     35  Numpy: How to apply different formulas in an array based on their values (if elif elif  ...  else for numpy)?
     35  numpy: how to apply boolean index array on slice of numpy matrix cheaply
     35  Numpy genfromtxt removes underscore
     35  numpy first non zero value of vectors in a multi dimentional array
     35  numpy filter across dimensions for specific values
     35  numpy: efficient summation of values within variably-sized array blocks
     35  NumPy: efficiently assign a row/column to an array
     35  numpy column wise division to the power of n
     35  numpy: Cleanly retrieve coordinates (indices) for highest k values - along a specific axis - in ndarray
     35  Numpy call array values by list of indices
     35  Numpy broadcasting inequality operator
     35  Numpy boolean indexing if number is in list
     35  Numpy array of indexes to array of elements
     35  Numpy array into list
     35  numpy.array2string not detecting native types
     35  Numpy: Adding specific columns of rows conditionally
     35  Numerical precision of LU decomposition with complex64
     35  Numerical methods to minimise a tricky function
     35  Number Formatting and storing
     35  np.ones changes to a tuple and np.asarray doesn't fix it
     35  np.nansum ignores zeros in Counters
     35  Not understandable content loadtxt csv from excel [duplicate]
     35  Neural Network always giving 0 output [closed]
     35  Need to identify all the ID's that were created with in a window of +/- 10 mins of date with the same user id using pandas
     35  N-dimentional Array Broadcasting
     35  ndarray(numpy,python) assignment assigns array of 0s : why?
     35  multi-variable standard deviation with override for correlation
     35  Multiplying Dataframe by Column Value
     35  Moving row values to other columns by value of another column [duplicate]
     35  Most efficient to generate one element of shape
     35  Modifying a Pandas DataFrame column based on conditions on another column
     35  Method to grab Pandas columns Python
     35  Memory error when sorting a numpy memmap array
     35  meaning of ''.'' after first element in numpy array
     35  Matrix multiplication using numpy array
     35  Matlab to Python : why we are getting the error
     35  Matching closest values panel data Pandas
     35  Masking out some rows of numpy array and recover back
     35  Mapping data between arrays of different shape
     35  manipulate arrays inside numpy ndarrays
     35  manipulate a matlab file with python
     35  Make new 2D array in third dimension for every element in 1D array, pythonically
     35  Make cx_Freeze permanently being able to use numpy module
     35  Libraries Importing
     35  I want to add the values of a second list based on conditions of another list
     35  Itereating over an image with backtracking
     35  Iterating through subplots from matplotlib
     35  Is there a way to vectorize a function that calculates a row dependable on previous rows?
     35  Is there a way to find the indices of an entire row of numbers in a 2D array in Python?
     35  Is there a quick way to ignore certain values of an array when performing numpy operations?
     35  Is there an option to find array inside array?
     35  Is there a function like `cumreduce` along the lines of `numpy.cumsum` or `numpy.cumprod` in python?
     35  Is there a clean way in Python to convert list or single element to specific format?
     35  Is it possible to interconvert between numpy array and list?
     35  'int' object is not callable error in python when taking cross-entropy of two lists
     35  In python how to delete a series of columns every nth element in a numpy 3d array?
     35  In numpy, why multi dimension array d[0][0:2][0][0] returning not two elements
     35  In k means elbow method how do we define the axis from the data set for sum of squared axis?
     35  Index Numpy array dimensions with tuple
     35  Index is out of bounds with axis? What does that mean?
     35  Indexing a 3D array along 1 axis using a 2D array [duplicate]
     35  `IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `),` Error in python snippet in numpy
     35  Increment value in the list based on condition
     35  Increasing an element in a numpy matrix also affects different matrix and unrelated rows
     35  Include numpy's arrayobject.h into bitbake recipe - how to fix installation order?
     35  In attempting to combine two arays I have a type problem in numpy
     35  Implementing numpy einstein summation for sum of dot products
     35  I'm getting the following error when I try to run inference on an sklearn model when used as a Lambda Function on AWS
     35  Image conversion and re-creation gives cryptic result
     35  Ignore NaT while aggregating to create set in pandas
     35  I do not understand this slicing or reshape in numpy
     35  Identify an array with the maximum value, element wise in numpy
     35  I am trying to write linear regression code but
     35  I am resizing an image to fit my input placeholder, but it is reverting back to its original size
     35  I am getting valueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64'). while running on Jetson Nano
     35  Hull Derivatives Probability Density
     35  How to write division when changing numpy.matrix to scipy.sparse.matrix
     35  How to vectorize process of spltting vector
     35  how to use sympy solver to solve equation generated by corresponding elements from two numpy.array?
     35  How to use numpy with temporally sensitive data?
     35  How to use a search window in numpy and retain the maximum value and all the other values to zero
     35  How to unseed a random sequence previously seeded in numpy?
     35  How to turn a file into 2D numpy array conditionally?
     35  How to translate list operations like count, find and zip to numpy
     35  how to transform a list of list of tuples into an np array where each element is a tuple in python
     35  How to transfer an str Series into a two dimensional ndarray? [closed]
     35  How to the function 'where' generate this array? [duplicate]
     35  How to substring a column in pandas dataframe
     35  How to split numpy array based on rows and keep those values into different arrays
     35  How to show exact decimals in horizontal stacked bar chart
     35  How to select specific indices by condition using in python
     35  How to search values from list and apply np.where condition? [duplicate]
     35  How to save a Python list of arrays of varied dimensions to mat file [duplicate]
     35  How to rotate 1D piecewise function around Y axis in Python
     35  How to retrieve the data of my matrix?
     35  How to Resolve Auto-counting by Pandas in a Numerical column?
     35  How to Reshape Numpy from (876,) to (876,256,256,3)?
     35  How to reshape my nupy array, to make a valid prediction in Keras
     35  How to replace variables with names using pandas [duplicate]
     35  How to remove right most None from pandas.tolist()?
     35  how to put outputs in an array?
     35  How to properly remove conda package from an environment?
     35  How to plot GEBCO bathymetry data with python?
     35  How to plot exponential function using random data from numpy? [duplicate]
     35  How to pipenv install with binaries (not from source) from PyPI?
     35  How to organize list of list of lists to be compatible with scipy.optimize fmin init array
     35  How to merge two sparse coo matrices from two pandas dataframes?
     35  How to map features into [0,-1] or [-1,1] ranges?
     35  How to make a function work with optimize in numpy?
     35  How to interpolate one image matrix into another one?
     35  How to index items from higher dimensions in numpy?
     35  How to index 3d array [duplicate]
     35  How to identify all x co-ordinate values for a certain y value from the mathplot in python
     35  How to handle calculations on huge numpy array to avoid memory allocation error?
     35  How to group elements in a dataframe/list only if their sums are equal?
     35  How to get the mean and sum of the random numbers for a date time series?
     35  How to get random index of the array without current idx?
     35  How to fix list.index(min(list)) when min(list) is in scientific notation
     35  How to find what points lie in each bin of a histogram?
     35  How to find the sum of every row above in a grouped data?
     35  How to find indices of matching elements in arrays?
     35  How to filter timestamps within a custom interval starting at the index on a condition?
     35  how to exchange position of array terms use numpy in python?
     35  how to efficiently insert element for a n dimension array
     35  How to do linear regression on a pcolormesh plot
     35  How to differentiate between trees and buildings in OpenCV and NumPy in Python
     35  How to develop a function
     35  How to delete percent of values in a y_train array with a condition
     35  how to declare a matrix with its indexs in the bottom left = 0 0
     35  How to create Training Sets for K-Fold Cross Validation without ski-kit learn?
     35  How to create one barh plot with many np.arrays?
     35  How to create (correctly) a NumPy array from Pandas DF
     35  How to create a Word Cloud from a large html file using Python?
     35  How to create arrays which are subgroups of larger parent array based upon values of chosen column in parent array?
     35  how to create a column based on multiple values of another column in Pandas?
     35  How to count value greater then x and check time duration
     35  how to count specifc values, even if there are no results?
     35  How to convert pandas data frame to NumPy array?
     35  how to convert a list of list inside a csv file to numpy array
     35  How to concatenate multiple images into one using numpy?
     35  How to compare if any value is similar to any other using numpy
     35  How to compare elements in two numpy-arrays and add other element?
     35  how to compare columns of different dataframes? [duplicate]
     35  How to change these for loops to numpy operation
     35  How to calculate the variance of an image excluding a list of circles
     35  How to calculate area that centorus cover with Python?
     35  How to apply numpy and memmap function to create a huge memory map on the disk?
     35  how to activate numpy random.binomial function on matrix
     35  How to access specific entries in sub-array of a structured array
     35  How read particular bit position of floating number?
     35  how OpenCv indexing works? [duplicate]
     35  How map values using 2 conditions when there is duplicates
     35  How (if at all) can binary operator methods of numpy arrays be overridden by the right operand?
     35  how extract special data from numpy like R
     35  How do I stack 3-D arrays in a grouped pandas dataframe?
     35  How do I resize image but maintain features in the image? Python
     35  How do I place a m*n array within a M*N array?
     35  How do I order the y axis of a matplotlib graph using y-ticks (Monday → Sunday) sorting the data in the process?
     35  How do I append a column of ints to a 2D matrix of floats in numpy?
     35  How does python web developers in general include the required python modules?
     35  How does numpy determine the dimensions of a column vector?
     35  How can I use Numpy to obtain a function that represents the relationship between a pair of values and another?
     35  How can I use numpy to more efficiently modify the recorded sizes of nested sub-arrays, where the modification is condition-dependent?
     35  How can I use numpy.timedelta to add(or subtract) 1 month?
     35  How can I split across a dimension in a numpy array if it's not equally divisible?
     35  How can I save all my produced permutations into a Numpy array?
     35  How can I organize my data into a new table
     35  how can i know the best reshape size of an image in an image classifier?
     35  How can I join conditions of one line with samples of another in pandas/python?
     35  How can I implement a dictionary whose value is mutable length array in numpy
     35  How can I expand a pandas timestamp by year?
     35  How can I efficiently sort two large numpy arrays into an array of arrays?
     35  How can I change the container type for a class in python?
     35  How can I calculate a matrix of dot products? [duplicate]
     35  How can I add a column of ones to a normalized array with numpy?
     35  How can i add a array to a matrix [duplicate]
     35  Histogram is automatically created instead of a barchart
     35  Grouping values into custom bins
     35  Grouping a data set into two groups with minimum difference in selected variables
     35  Graphing two large lists using python - ''unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'''
     35  Gradient becoming larger and larger while implementing gradient descent
     35  Global Centralize then Normalize Image
     35  Getting elements at multiple indices in a NumPy array
     35  get irrelative dates in excel file using pandas python and create header and put a comment like 'date is irrelative'
     35  Get indexes of chosen array elements in the order of these elements from a different array [duplicate]
     35  Get function (''f(x)'') from polynomial regression (graph) [duplicate]
     35  Get column-wise maximums from a NumPy array
     35  generate array with logic calculate
     35  Function to transform pandas column in percentage distribution
     35  Formatting numpy savetext values
     35  For all elements in a Numpy array, return their index in another array
     35  Float issue when using list(zip( ... )) on Dataframe float32 columns
     35  Fixing TypeError in Sklearn Model
     35  Fitting starts when importing model in Pymc
     35  Find items in one list but not in another in a pandas dataframe column
     35  Finding unique indices between arrays returned by numpy.where
     35  finding the position of an element within a numpy array in python [duplicate]
     35  Finding the difference between two data frames
     35  Finding Dates in one array based on the ranges from another array and closest value
     35  Find big differences in numpy array
     35  Find a value in a array given multiple conditions
     35  Find and print all the rows whose sub-elements have similar values
     35  Filter 2 coordinate index in xarray dataframe
     35  fill the rows with zero other column has some value or else other column does not has value fill it with NaN in python pandas
     35  Filling in nans for numbers in a column-specific way
     35  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory error with numpy
     35  FFT for Template Matching
     35  Fastest way to find indices of a 3-D numpy array
     35  Fancy indexing across multiple dimensions in numpy [duplicate]
     35  Extracting an array from a numpy array
     35  exract number and float from string
     35  Evaluating numpy polynomial returns the wrong values
     35  estimated variance calculation with numpy cause an invalid value encountered error
     35  Error while importing panda, but I already installed
     35  Encode partialy of a dataset
     35  Efficient way to slice a 2D array and skip indices; extract small segments repeatedly
     35  Efficient way to broadcast/iterate over dictionary values
     35  Easy way for finding elements in a NP.array and replacing them
     35  Dynamic data selection using pandas
     35  Dual Catagory Surface Chart in matplotlib
     35  doing calculations for values in lists within lists
     35  Does numpy fromiter create a list when using map during evaluation?
     35  Does element exist in numpy array?
     35  Discard rows and corresponding colums of a matrix that are all 0 [duplicate]
     35  different ways to initialize numpy arrays. which is which?
     35  different linspaces or aranges that all include exact 0.0
     35  Different format for saving data in np.savetxt
     35  Delete empty numpy arrays is not working properly
     35  Defining a multidimensional field with nonstandard domain
     35  Deep-copy does not generate a copy of an array
     35  Declaring an array/numpy array as a member field in Cython struct, being used later to declare a numpy array of struct
     35  DataFrame is it possible to scraping/Looking a key in the same dataframe?
     35  curve_fit or polyfit? log or no log transform?
     35  Cumulative histogram over the frames [duplicate]
     35  Cumsum a large ndarray along multiple axes using minimum memory
     35  Cropped image has additional dimension to pre-cropped image (python,numpy)
     35  Create Third Array based on information of two arrays only with numpy functions (without iterating / looping)
     35  Create the column with right mapping
     35  Create Ndarray with two columns in each row
     35  Create Diagonal Matrix from column of a multi shape array
     35  Create an image made up of two regions with identical means but different variances Python
     35  Create an edgelist from a dict object
     35  Create a column in a pandas DataFrame using the previously computed value
     35  Convert structured numpy array (containing sub-arrays) to pandas dataframe
     35  Convert Matplotlib plot to Numpy array faster
     35  Convert lower triangle half to Symmertic matrix using numpy
     35  Converting a pandas Series of string ints into a numpy matrix - efficiently
     35  Convert from 'OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Mat' to 'Numpy.NDarray'
     35  Convert an image array to a binarized image with a specific threshehold
     35  Conversion of list into array , and extracting specific co-ordinates from the converted array
     35  construct matrix by specifying off-diagonal blocks
     35  Construction of Python ndarray which uses strings as indices
     35  concise definition of variable Multi-exponential function(s) within a loop (or in a class)
     35  Concatenate numpy arrays over Python dicts
     35  Compute softmax activation function using python
     35  Combine two dataframes in pandas
     35  Cleaning Temporary File Directory in Python
     35  Circular dependency when installing numpy
     35  Choosing numpy array such that last element is 1
     35  Choosing a function from a list and applying it to generate an array
     35  Changing the code to Boundary Value Problem for ODE Python
     35  Changing specified values on numpy array in a certain dimension
     35  Change of behavior of a function to compute multiple numpy arrays mean
     35  Change Date Column with different format Pandas python
     35  Center two normal distribution curves Matplotlib Python
     35  Cannot compare type 'Timestamp' with type 'int' - Substracting datasets
     35  Cannot calculate Conv1D Gradients Correctly
     35  Can i optimize my random numbers generator using numpy?
     35  Calculating Interatomic Distances with Python for Large Scale Simulations
     35  calculate different statistics for multi-dimensional numpy array
     35  Build sparse CSR matrix structure based on anticipated COO structure
     35  building Dataset - strange behavior on np arrays
     35  Bug in numpy.shape()?
     35  Broadcasting Multiple Arrays
     35  Balanced sampling between classes in PyTorch
     35  Averaging indices of table using pandas and numpy
     35  A-star Numpy Gscore error ''unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'''
     35  Assign a list of values to a list of indices
     35  Assign 1 array from a list to a var and assign rest of the arrays in the list to another var
     35  Array from function with two variables averaged over one variable without for loop
     35  Apply this function to a 2D numpy Matrix vector operations only
     35  Apply condition throughout multiple python arrays
     35  Appending to already instantiated numpy array is not updated
     35  Animate x and y arrays
     35  An array of matrices, built using values from an array in Python
     35  Ambiguous behaviour of NaN and 0 in pandas dataframe
     35  After finding the max value in a column, then find the row for that value?
     35  Add new columns and new column names in python
     35  Add matrices with different dimensions [duplicate]
     35  Adding new column to dataframe using np.where giving error 'Series' object has no attribute 'startswith' [duplicate]
     35  Adding column to higher dimension
     35  Adding 2d sliced arrays of 3d ndarrays crashes python
     35  About my python program have mkl _xxx.dll or other mkl dll
     35  4D np.array of dtype 'object' with 3D np.array of dtype 'uint8' as elements
     34  Writing array a new python file
     34  Writing and Reading Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors, follow up
     34  why is this error occurring cannot reshape?
     34  Why is the Support Vector Regressor predicting all the same numbers?
     34  Why is my cosine similarity always positive? (fasttext)
     34  Why does sorted() not sort an array that contains nan values? [duplicate]
     34  Why doesn't Python's .ravel() preserve decimal places in an array?
     34  Why doesn't my model respect the constraints?
     34  Why does it show same value for every image?
     34  Why can't I use the groupby function to calculate the average of another column here?
     34  Why can't I calculate average precision using make_scorer?
     34  while training model with AgglomerativeClustering algorithm getting memory error
     34  What is the most compact way of storing numpy data?
     34  What is the formula of residues from scipy lstsq?
     34  What is the difference between size function usage in numpy (Python) np.size(a1) and a1.size() [duplicate]
     34  What is the difference between inputting an array into numpy.random.poisson(like input an image) and inputting the value of lambda?
     34  What is an efficient way to joining two tables of data stored in numpy arrays?
     34  What does this error mean and is there a way I can by pass it? numpy.ndarray has no attribute lower
     34  what does [::-1] slice for a numpy array? [duplicate]
     34  What are the best way to solve text overlapping?
     34  visualize different dataframe in single graph using matplotlib
     34  VGG output from predictions layer in nan after applying time summarizing functions
     34  Vectorize to Apply Function to 3d Array
     34  Vectorised non zero groups in numpy array
     34  Vector filling array using numpy
     34  ValueError: mat must be of type numpy.ndarray while using Xgboost
     34  ValueError exception when creating a column from other columns in a DataFrame
     34  ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (150,150) into shape (28,28) - cv2.resize() weird error
     34  value error:cann't broadcast input array from shape (29097,280,212,3) into shape (280,212,3)
     34  using sum in flexible type array
     34  Using autograd on python wrapped C function with custom datatype
     34  use np.apply_along_axis on a function with multiple arguments
     34  Uploading python library to server
     34  Updated files and now Spyder is not opening
     34  Unsure how to concatenate each numpy array within a list
     34  Unexpected output in for loop
     34  Unexpected behavior of numpy.real_if_close compared to numpy.real, numpy.imag
     34  Understanding _r from numpy
     34  Unable to Import Numpy: Pylint Import Error
     34  Unable to import numpy, DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
     34  Unable to get standard error for values A,cB,and C determined from function
     34  TypeError with VideoCapture Crop
     34  TypeError when declaring a constraint in openmdao (my ndarray is taken for a float)
     34  Turning Audio into integers then back into Audio
     34  Trying to find a pixel within a specific range (using for loop) using OpenCV
     34  trying to analyze a large NYPD csv file which lines work best?
     34  Trouble with plotting certain values with numpy and matplotlib
     34  Training model doesn't work when implementing multilinear regression from scratch in python
     34  this code is not running because of problems in arrays
     34  the problems related to the following code segment, initializing an empty list and append [duplicate]
     34  Tensorflow crashes with no stack trace while feeding large numpy arrays when using
     34  tensorflow convolution result to numpy
     34  Tensor-flow Confusion Matrix: ''Shape of all inputs must match''
     34  Tensorflow and python numpy: how to concat tensor/list with specific index
     34  Swapping two integers in numpy array leads to IndexError
     34  Swapping Str to Datetime in a CSV (Python)
     34  Sum over some indexes and axis with an irregulat list of list of indices numpy
     34  Struggling to setup a basic LSTM based on numpy array input
     34  Structured array from individual field arrays (python, numpy)
     34  Splitting up an array in python into sub arrays
     34  Splitting np array of tuples by last value, but only if the rest of the tuple matches
     34  Splitting an array in python using numpy library
     34  Sort an array of multi D points by distance to a reference point
     34  Simple imputer delete nan instead of imputation
     34  Shape of a dot product between a numpy array and a constant of tensorflow
     34  Setting values when iterating through a DataFrame
     34  Setting node locations with a dictionary
     34  Set axis offset dynamically on seaborn.despine()
     34  separate NaN text columns into other dataframe
     34  Select keys with same length of value which is highest count list in dictionary
     34  Selecting samples related to particular frequencies using Scipy
     34  SciPy stats Gamma PDF - unable to successfully shade area under PDF curve
     34  Scipy solver returns an error/How to use numpy.seterr?
     34  Scipy optimize behaves differently with 1-d Matrix vs Vector input st. 1-d Matrix solution is wrong
     34  Rubbish data when trying to pass numpy array to C++ shared library using ctypes
     34  RGB to gray filter doesn't preserve the shape
     34  Return string numpy array from process
     34  Replace values in a text with Integer values in a python dictionary and find its summation
     34  Replace a custom value when a null value is encountered in Numpy array [duplicate]
     34  Removing the 2 smallest elements in a (5,3) Numpy array
     34  Removing specific words present in a numpy array from strings in a dataframe column? [Python]
     34  Remove the duplicates with particular condition
     34  Remove minima from inner dimension in NumPy 2D array
     34  Remove elements from Numpy array until y has equivalent elements in each value
     34  Reformat output of numpy.where [duplicate]
     34  Recursive matrix element addition for multidimensional array
     34  reading from binary file in numpy or pandas (Matlab code available)
     34  Randomly divide the dataset on a particular key
     34  Randomly assign data to clusters within Class Object
     34  Quiver polar plot returns scatterplot instead of arrows, when it shouldn't
     34  QuiRk in numpy - All normalized elements get assigned to 0 in QR decomposition using reflectors
     34  Quickly convert a very large number of lists of strings into ndarray
     34  Question:What is the difference between filter method and mask in numpy
     34  Questions for adaptiveThreshold()
     34  Pytorch: turning a [1,x] sized tensor into an [x] sized tensor
     34  Python variable assignment in numpy
     34  Python: Use array as conditions for another array
     34  Python TypeError: an integer is required (got type tuple) - (OpenCV / Numpy)
     34  python sqlite3 select, no results when converting numpy array to list
     34  Python sklearn OneHotEncoder: how to skip values that do not exist in the list
     34  Python: reshape 2d array to 3d array
     34  Python: Randomly select a subgroup in a group
     34  Python: overwrite __int__
     34  python numpy : ValueError: shapes (14,) and (404,14) not aligned: 14 (dim 0) != 404 (dim 0)
     34  Python numpy upgrade failing test for percentile method
     34  Python numpy interpolation gives wrong output
     34  python merge row of text with same category
     34  Python merge 2 vector (shape(1,10,1) arrays into matrix (shape(2,10,1)
     34  Python- mean every n values of a coulmn
     34  Python iterate through a multidimensional numpy array in different ways
     34  Python interpeter uses previous version of numpy despite updated version being installed - how to fix?
     34  Python - Initialise randomly set of different length vectors
     34  Python code for appending list / matrix to R
     34  python: c and fortran ordering of same numpy array; timing analysis
     34  Python : Analyse how many times a price was crossed in a stock chart
     34  Python - adding string elements from a list into an array
     34  pybind11 vector<char> and vector<string> to numpy array <str>
     34  'property' object cannot be intepreted as an integer [closed]
     34  Problems Converting Numpy/OpenCV Array Image into a Wand Image
     34  Problem removing parentheses characters from array
     34  Printing values of arrays inside splitted numpy arrays
     34  Possible bug of `np.mgrid`?
     34  Plotting function and quiver results to same figure problem
     34  plot least-square regression line in the log-log scale plot
     34  Plot a Numpy Array with (1, 2208, 2752, 3) Dimensions
     34  pickling a deserialized object produces different binary (vs original)
     34  Performance drawback of tf.numpy_function?
     34  partition an 1D array into different sized chunks sequentially with numpy
     34  Pandas - Trying to create a list or Series in a data frame cell
     34  Pandas: Recommendation on how to handle missing decimal
     34  Pandas organise delimited rows of data frame into dictionary
     34  Pandas / Numpy - How do I get and compare the counts of every column with every column and write to csv?
     34  Pandas mass renaming columns
     34  Pandas - Mapping dict with multiple index to column
     34  Pandas - Faster way to find indices in dataframe [duplicate]
     34  Pandas DataFrame: Given conditions of multiple columns, do a specific operation with some other columns
     34  Pandas Create Column of Numpy Arrays Given Min and Max in Other Columns
     34  pairwise hamming distance between numpy arrays considering non-zero values only
     34  Pairing images as np arrays into a specific format
     34  Overwritten values outside of for-loop after numpy.insert
     34  Optimising pandas groupby() on a large dataset which aggregates binary columns
     34  One hot encoding of two arrays (labeling two origins of data)
     34  Numpy: Why the RuntimeWarning 'invalid value encountered' only appears in arrays?
     34  Numpy unique with expected unique values
     34  numpy Typerror for np.sin(myArray)
     34  Numpy TypeError: ufunc 'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types,
     34  numpy try reading multi-column binary file
     34  Numpy subsetting/slicing not not returning expected value
     34  Numpy: subscribing outermost dimension in multidimensional array
     34  numpy.savez strips leading slash from keys
     34  Numpy operation *= is repeating, despite it's in a function
     34  Numpy: np.finfo does not fail as one would expect
     34  numpy.ndarray sent as argument doesn't need loop for iteration?
     34  `numpy.nanpercentile` is extremely slow
     34  Numpy multiplication matrix (more than two matrix)
     34  Numpy memmap first rows random
     34  Numpy matrix: select column based on list
     34  Numpy Matrix Indexing Equivalence
     34  numpy matrix arithmetic with its diagonal element
     34  Numpy, making from a shape (5,) a 3D shape
     34  numpy inline editing element
     34  Numpy index nested array with indices from another array
     34  Numpy indexing to get values of 2nd dim depending on 1st dim
     34  NumPy indexing ambiguity in 3D arrays [duplicate]
     34  numpy imported successfully on command line but not on IDLE
     34  Numpy function to find the best candidate to minimize a function
     34  numpy float64 1.0 is not equal to 1.0 [duplicate]
     34  numpy.dtype object prints two different types of formatted outputs. Why?
     34  numpy - create array of index for the first element to its right that satisfies certain condition
     34  Numpy built in elementwise append
     34  numpy array subsetting error
     34  numpy array printing in desired manner [closed]
     34  Numpy array larger than RAM: write to disk or out-of-core solution?
     34  numpy array IndexError: 'index out of bound' when a mask is inverted or negated
     34  Numpy Array: Extract Array Row (i) and Column (j) from Index x[i][j]
     34  numpy array dot errors in result
     34  Numpy Array Dimension Issue
     34  numpy array creating array of lists
     34  numpy, altering shape of an array using assignment statement to shape attribute behaves differnetly than when reshape is used
     34  Numerical precision in summing function [duplicate]
     34  np.loadtxt datetime error: data ValueError: time data ' 2018-10-01 11:29:40.475195' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
     34  NLP in Python3 - count up occurrences of specific terms in a large string
     34  Negative integers as the third parameter of np.r_? (numpy)
     34  My neural network is not converging when the dataset is not in (-1, 1) range
     34  Multiprocessing multiple big numpy arrays as shared memory
     34  Multiply Series with DataFrame where series.index == dataframe.columns
     34  multiply matrix by i in Numpy [duplicate]
     34  Multiply Matrix by column vector with variable entry that has range (1,101)
     34  Multiply arrays along a given axis [duplicate]
     34  Multiple inserts in numpy where paired elements don't have subtext
     34  multidimensional numpy array images
     34  Move data from one column to one of two others based on a fourth column in pandas
     34  Mismatching matrix sizes on dot product of same matrices
     34  Minimizing the sum of scares by variegate two constants of a given function
     34  Merging two NumPy 2D array
     34  Merging similar columns in NumPy, probability vector
     34  Merging dataframes in pandas on 'date' only merges headers
     34  merging arrays from n file into a new file in python
     34  Merge two arrays and apply a function
     34  Memoize function result based on selected parameters
     34  Matrix by vector multiplication along third axis
     34  Matlab to Python; Converting a hex-address to a decimal numpy array
     34  Mapping data from one dataframe to another based on grouby
     34  Maintaining accuracy of ratios in numpy
     34  Loop to Shift Timeline for Column in DataFrame Datetime
     34  Joining multiple numpy tensors
     34  Jit on methods of classes do not work when calling from another class
     34  I want to replace multiple string 'abc' to 0 in Pandas using loop [duplicate]
     34  I want to extract QSTS_ID column and delimit by full stop and append it to the exisisting list as a seperate column
     34  I want to convert numeric columns from dataset to float, but the compiler outputs error
     34  Iterate through dataframe to obtain a desired result
     34  Is this the most efficient and accurate way to extrapolate using scipy?
     34  Is there a way to slice out multiple 2D numpy arrays from one 2D numpy array in one batch operation?
     34  Is there a way to annotate the dtype of a numpy array? (PEP 3107)
     34  is there a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix for higher dimensional data?
     34  Is there a method in numpy that computes the mean on every 2d array from a 3d array?
     34  Is there a better way to index this array?
     34  Is it possible to vectorize the calculation of the distance from a source to an array of targets in a pandas Dataframe?
     34  Is it possible to insert a python list to np array?
     34  Is it possible to assign to 2 different ranges of a numpy array (arr[a:b , c:d]) in one go?
     34  is it a bug of numpy advanced indexing?
     34  Integrating functions to return an array
     34  Integrate an index of a for-loop into path of a function inside the loop
     34  Insert white noise at function
     34  Index search: trade accuracy for performance
     34  Indexing Arrays in NumPy
     34  Inaccuracy in calculating quartiles
     34  imported module and current file don't work together
     34  Import data separated by strings to numpy array
     34  I have a problem with Python dictionary that has strings as keys and very long Numpy arrays as values
     34  I cannot understand the meaning and mechanism of @ in numpy simd vectorized code
     34  How to Zero Pad RGB Image?
     34  How to view the pyramid of images generated with OpenCV?
     34  How to utilize variable in string parameter for a function call
     34  How to use the 'where' option in numpy.multiply?
     34  How to use if condition in pandas using logical operators
     34  How to subset censored, non-missing data?
     34  How to store csv values form a file to a numpy array in Python?
     34  How to sort a numpy matrix using a mask?
     34  How to ''simulate'' numpy.delete during processing
     34  How to safely subclass ndarray and get behavior consistent with ndarray - odd nanmin/max results?
     34  How to run numpy.unique counts through a Python 2.7 for loop?
     34  how to rewrite a dataframe with same set number of value in pandas?
     34  How to reshape an ndimensional array from shape (1600,105) to shape (1600,14,105) in python? Also how can I copy columns from one to the other?
     34  How to reshape a multidimensional array from a particular arrangement to another arrangement?
     34  How to reproduce ImageDataGenerator data
     34  How to replace all non-numbers while importing csv to python?
     34  How to read numpy array from disk line-by-line (row-by-row)?
     34  How to properly generalize functions operating on vectors to those that operate on multi-dimensional arrays?
     34  How to properly format a time as loaded from a file with numpy.genfromtxt()?
     34  How to produce an array with values in a specific shape?
     34  How to print the second value in the first element of a dictionary in python [closed]
     34  How to preserve encoded numpy array on disk?
     34  How to plot graph between -0.1 and 0.1 in python using matplot?
     34  How to place numpy array into CSV file [duplicate]
     34  How to multiply a series of matrices together?
     34  How to merge two arrays of same size into an array of tuples with numpy? [duplicate]
     34  How to map another pandas DataFrame to another one with Python
     34  How to map after melt? [closed]
     34  How to make my logistic regression run faster?
     34  How to interpret this array indexing in numpy?
     34  How to inherit from numpy.float and enforce non-negative numbers
     34  How to increase speed while maintaining memory with numpy arrays?
     34  how to get the unique string from the data frame column using for loop [duplicate]
     34  How to get the scalar value for both true and false positive negative values from confusion matrix of multiple classes?
     34  How to get nth max correlation coefficient and its index by using numpy?
     34  How to generate complex numbers in the diagonal of the array that is already has datatype complex?
     34  How to format the np-arrays without savetxt() method?
     34  How to force a 2d shape for both 1d and 2d arrays
     34  How to fix value error when doing python slicing and indexing?
     34  How to fix: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_130_input to have shape (1, 512, 512) but got array with shape (79, 512, 512)
     34  How to fix ''too many indices for array'' when trying to scaler.inverse_transform a numpy array
     34  how to find number of rows which satisfy different conditions on two numpy array
     34  How to filter a numpy array based on a field of its elements [duplicate]
     34  How to filter and append arrays
     34  How to fill the area with in Matplotlib [duplicate]
     34  How to fill in values of a dataframe column if the difference between values in another column is sufficiently small?
     34  how to fill a plot only in an interval [duplicate]
     34  How to do the backward of numpy.sctype2char. convert char to dtypes or sctype
     34  how to do subplot histogram with different bins pandas?
     34  How to do shift in ranked numpy array?
     34  How to do histogram equalization without using cv2.equalizeHist
     34  How to define a function include another function?
     34  How to create a 3d surface plot with matplotlib when x and y are stated as 1d arrays?
     34  How to convert ndarray to autograd variable in GPU format?
     34  How to convert external data into an array?
     34  How to convert class attributs of types numpy.double, numpy.single and struct.Struct to the respective numba types?
     34  How to concatenate 2 numpy arrays of shape (A,B,C,D) and (A,E)?
     34  How to check the shape fits for sigma in curve fit
     34  How to check if one column in a dataframe is exactly equal to a column in another dataframe
     34  How to change only one value in a dictionary of numpy array
     34  How to change a bool into a string in an array
     34  How to calculate the count among the multi-column in pandas?
     34  How to calculate the average of a column with DataFrame?
     34  How to calculate means grouping by indice in Tensorflow?
     34  How to assign numpy arrays to a string variable using exec?
     34  How to assign column headers if first row contains missing data
     34  How to assign color to pixel according to its mean value
     34  How to append numpy ndarray of variable length to an empty numpy array?
     34  How to adjust dimensions in numpy.array [duplicate]
     34  How to add numpy arrays as values in a dictionary of dictionaries?
     34  How to add matrix XY axis numbers and XY axes to display [closed]
     34  How to access a specific item on the most similar row with euclidean distance?
     34  How is the numpy.where() different from boolean array indexing?
     34  How do I open a file and scatter it using mpi4py?
     34  How do I make a matrix of matrices in python? (ValueError)
     34  How do I load zipfile on Kaggle?
     34  How do I get the largest 2d slice of a numpy array?
     34  How do I get linalg value within dataframe
     34  How do I do masking in PyTorch / Numpy with different dimensions?
     34  How do I determine how many windows with overlap fit into an array?
     34  How do I check if pandas import is modin or original
     34  How do I change the pixel list of an image to RGB values? [duplicate]
     34  How can I vectorize this for loop below, where I need to set values to a range I need to round?
     34  How can I use numpy to composite N layers of grayscale image data with each layer colorized in RGB space?
     34  How can I swap selected data in 2 rows based on criteria
     34  How can i set the 1st column data type as int and float for all the rest of columns?
     34  How can I put into a 2D array a list of binary string
     34  How can I pass the selective part of fraction number to string for displaying?
     34  How can I interpolate a numpy array so that it becomes a certain length?
     34  How can i expand my 2 dim numpy array with an additional attribute
     34  How can I create a Dataframe with indexs of different Period
     34  How can I check if the entire array is not in?
     34  How can I change the values in a dataframe column based off the index of a list?
     34  How can a projective matrix be a vector with length 8?
     34  Horizontal stacking same index in numpy N dimensional array
     34  Handle multiple numpy ndarrays (8-bit int)
     34  Group Nx2 array into array of equal size/values
     34  Grouping data in a dataframe in python
     34  Group Dataframe by TimeFrame mentioned in Pandas
     34  Groupby: Count total sum of column for each year
     34  Graphing polynomials
     34  get unique values of a matrix and their indexes in an vectorized way (without a loop)
     34  Get row data for Treeview from Panda
     34  Get numpy for specific python interpreter (conda / pip)
     34  Get information from a numpy array
     34  Get fft amplitudes to match the input time domain signals amplitude scale (numpy.fft)
     34  Get date from list with `numpy.datetime64`-objects
     34  Get average data based on date, week, month
     34  genfromtxt from numpy only returning ints from a csv file full of floats
     34  Generating Random vectors and matrices for weights and bias
     34  Generate list of values summing to 1 - within groupby?
     34  `gc.get_objects()` not getting all object?
     34  Function Creating Arrays Returning Work Information
     34  From a set of items, make a list of the items that has a normal distribution [duplicate]
     34  From an (n, n, n) NumPy array to a specific 1-dimensional extraction
     34  forming a meshgrid with phi values
     34  Formatting Uploaded Data Frame into Stacked Bar Graph
     34  Formatting a column to line up with data in a text file
     34  for loop plotting in python
     34  For basic maths calculations on very large csv files how can I do this faster when I have mixed datatypes in my csv - with python
     34  Flatten np.ndarray in customized order
     34  Find value indexes in a mother array with a filter array
     34  Find position of a given 1D np.array in a 2D np.array [duplicate]
     34  Finding the ranges of values in two arrays [duplicate]
     34  Finding only superstrings in collection
     34  Finding Linear Trend Across Multiple Columns At Once
     34  finding gradient to specific x-value
     34  Filtering out zero matrices from tensor in numpy
     34  filter 2 columns show output results for column 3 numpy python
     34  Fill NaN values in a column within a specific range of values
     34  FFT decibel value not correct
     34  Fast iterative writing to hdf5 file
     34  Fastest way to iterate over cols of pandas dataframe according to Nonzero entries of another dataframe?
     34  Fastest way to insert data from one dataframe to another with some modification
     34  Fancy indexing to replace the values of an N dimensional array?
     34  facing error in loading image data from csv fiile
     34  Extracting corresponding row values of selected column(s) in a numpy array
     34  Extend a 2D plot to 3D
     34  Expanding an array along particular dimension
     34  Error when calculating long numbers in python [duplicate]
     34  Error: 'Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects'
     34  End points of 3D surface being connected
     34  Efficient way to convert a string column with comma-separated floats into 2D NumPy array?
     34  Efficient way of finding the minimum/maximum row index for each column in a numpy.array with nonzero value?
     34  Efficient way of building an uint32 numpy matrix from uint8
     34  Dynamically add to condition in numpy.where
     34  Drop data-frame Raws not included in the interval between other two columns
     34  Drastic legibility difference between python's imshow and savefig
     34  Does python run all computations in double percision?
     34  Does numpy's assert_array_equal verify that complex NaNs are exactly equal?
     34  difficulty in loading huge matrices using numpy
     34  Difficulties in understanding Python code that computes transformed mesh
     34  Detecting frequency of a training set
     34  Data frame with varying third dimension
     34  Dataframe operations with nan: dtype not working, vectorize problems
     34  Custom mouse hover-over strings in PyCharm
     34  Cumulative Product Sum for numpy array
     34  Cross validation k-fold. How to get multiple folds?
     34  Crop image from four corner points using Opencv and Python
     34  Creating thresh array from multiple thresholds
     34  Creating new pandas dataframe after performing complex function
     34  Creating an Image in Python from a list of pixel values.(Pillow)
     34  Creating a histogram using only numpy and matplotlib
     34  Create repeating values index in Pandas dataframe
     34  Create numpy array based on multiple conditions on two numpy arrays
     34  Create mapping from numbers to range of unique numbers
     34  Create double row diagonal matrix in numpy
     34  Create a numpy matrix from content in dictionary labelled by i,j
     34  Create 2 matrices based on list of index value
     34  count the number of array elements that belong to a given numerical range
     34  Countif() word in python
     34  Convert System.Int32[] from pythonnet.netstandard to numpy array in python script
     34  Convert string to matplotlib date for plotting
     34  convert pandas Series of numpy matricies to Multiindex Series
     34  convert numpy array to structured type
     34  Converting Numpy Array to Pandas DataFrame
     34  Convert a tensor into numpy array, but with higher precision
     34  Convert an array of variable length strings to dataframe
     34  Controlling numpy random seed with variable calls to random size
     34  confusion in numpy datatypes
     34  conditional statement producing weird results?
     34  Conditional If Statement: If value in row starts with letter in string … set another column with some corresponding value
     34  concatenating two tables relative many objects in cell
     34  Concatenating dataframes single label row selection returns multiple rows
     34  Computing the second derivative of interpolated data
     34  Computer Vision Three Layer RGB
     34  Compiling NumPy and uploading to AWS Lambda
     34  Compiling & Accessing Cython Functions from Python [duplicate]
     34  Comparison on two columns from two text files using numpy
     34  compare value from two files and print out match values
     34  Coding problems when define something, but can't plot them
     34  Choosing the values in the column based on the maximum values of other column
     34  Check to see if a combination of bools exists in an array?
     34  Check Normal distribution with Kolmogorov test
     34  Change values of row to be NaN - Numpy
     34  change the shape and randomly permutate an array
     34  Change matrix elements in one matrix, given statements in two other matrices, in python
     34  Capped at 32-bit maximum, why is my code not able to pull the solution above this maximum? [duplicate]
     34  Can you change the precision globally of a piece of code in Python, as a way of debugging it?
     34  Can we combine conditional statements using column indexes in Python?
     34  Can't understand why 'ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence' is accured
     34  Can someone explain what this Numpy array property is called?
     34  Cannonical Approach to Combine Boolean Pandas Datarames
     34  Can I create a view from a boolean selection of a numpy array?
     34  Can I combine non-adjacent dimensions in a NumPy array without copying data?
     34  calling `numpy.where` on a `masked_array`
     34  Calling a multiple argument function generated by 'lambdify' on numpy array
     34  Calculating the difference between each element against other randomly generated elements in python
     34  Calculate z_score for a column grouped by another column
     34  calculates the ratio of entries in an array over the sum of the numbers in the array [duplicate]
     34  Business days between two dates in Python
     34  Broadcasting multi-dimensional array indices of the same shape
     34  Broadcasting error when reclassifying numpy float array using vectorized function
     34  Boolean Indexing Comparision in NumPy not working with NaN values [duplicate]
     34  Biopython Array Addition Error (Open for all)
     34  Best way to sort a numpy array based on one column then subsort based on another?
     34  Avoiding for loop in multidimensional array
     34  Attach label information when averaging predictions across users
     34  Assign 1d numpy ndarray into columns of a 2d array
     34  Assign 1 and 0 values to numpy array depending on whether values are in list
     34  Array slicing behaving inconsistently using np.array and sklearn
     34  Array entry used in function turns from nan to 0 numpy python
     34  Are there some functions in Python for generating matrices with special conditions?
     34  Appending a 3d array into an empty array
     34  After writing 'Import numpy', I am getting out of python shell to windows shell. Is numpy installed properly?
     34  Advanced Indexing in 3 Dimensional Numpy ndarray In Python
     34  add n every x step repeat N times
     34  Adding images as arrays into a larger array using Numpy
     34  Adding a 1d numpy array to a specifc row of a 2d numpy array
     34  Add element to an inner array of 2D numpy array
     34  Access the 2D index of an element while running an apply function over it in pandas/numpy?
     34  2 groupby in the same dataframe, it is possible?
     33  Zip function * usage [duplicate]
     33  xarray create Dataset from list of lat/lon points (not square!)
     33  Wrong conversion of date difference to numeric In Python
     33  Write a function in python that generates all possible increasing sequences
     33  With numpy array mask only a single column
     33  Windows written python script can't import pandas or numpy when run on mac ; everything works fine on windows
     33  Why torch.FloatTensor([[[0,1,2],[3,4,5]],[[6,7,8],[9,10,11]]]) size is [2,2,3]? [closed]
     33  Why the inverse of the inverse of one matrix is not itself in python?
     33  Why take longer time to execute after each epoch?
     33  why np.concatenate() can be used for class 'PIL.Image.Image'?
     33  Why my loop stop with no output or error message?
     33  Why is the print result of 3d arrays different from the mental visualisation of the same in python?
     33  Why is prediction not plotted?
     33  Why is my Rotation Matrix not working when i change the gamma angle?
     33  Why is my code debugging without finishing?
     33  Why I'm Getting Single Element Instead of 10 When Running This Command
     33  why 'example_size' can't be found in the code?
     33  Why do I get complex eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix?
     33  Why does the reverse() function not work when passed along with list in numpy.array()? [duplicate]
     33  Why does numpy not produce '2D' arrays of well defined dimensions for basic functionalities such as np.random.uniform etc [closed]
     33  Why does numpy arange include the endpoint when the endpoint is 1.953125e-08 and step is 9.765625e-12?
     33  Why does matplotlib.image.imread(img) gives very high pixel value?
     33  Why does it take longer to join numpy arrays than lists? [duplicate]
     33  Why can't I find the index of the maximum value in my spectrogram array?
     33  Why can I process a large file only when I don't fix HDF5 deprecation warning?
     33  What's happening here when swapping two columns of an np.array?
     33  What is the Pythonic Way of doing a subset in-place update to a Pandas Dataframe (and Numpy)
     33  What is the fastest way of extracting indexes of non ''-1''s from an array?
     33  What is the effect of performing a less-than comparison between a matrix (2D array) and a value in Python?
     33  what is the correct method to match channel shape in cnn? transpose vs reshape
     33  What does rr.reshape(rr,(a,b)) TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     33  What does numpy's * do to a variable? [duplicate]
     33  What does ''[()]'' mean when called upon a numpy array?
     33  what are different approaches for thresholding on a segmented image other than choosing max probability class label
     33  Weather forecast data refresh for 15 days using IBM api
     33  Wanna built a new 2d array with n-numbers right and left form the maximum value x in a numpy array BUT the left site might be n<x?
     33  Visualize array in a plot with colours in different styles
     33  Vectorizing row-wise numpy operation
     33  Vectorized difference of 2d numpy arrays [duplicate]
     33  Vectorised code for selecting elements of a 2D array
     33  ValueError for comparing value from a matrix
     33  ValueError after 2 iterations using scipy optimize despite explicitly returning a 1d array
     33  Using numpy to create a list more efficiently [closed]
     33  use method of value for the condition of numpy where
     33  understanding behavior of mapping to an array
     33  TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'datetime.timedelta' when printing a timedelta64 scalar
     33  Two questions about lists
     33  turning a list of numpy.ndarray to a matrix in order to perform multiplication
     33  trying to import numpy libraries in Vscode (conda 4.6.11 is installed) and getting a error? [duplicate]
     33  Trying to add y values to my bars using matplotlib [duplicate]
     33  Trying a pi day nn, not predicting correctly
     33  Transforming string values in a dataframe using dictionary
     33  Transform a column into specific rows using numpy
     33  to_numpy not returning float in python
     33  Tkinter Canvas wont show image on c.create_image
     33  Three Dots in Returned Numpy Data from Quandl
     33  Tensorflow:using results of one operation in other
     33  Tensor Entry Selection Logic Divergence in PyTorch & Numpy
     33  Tensor contaction using einsum
     33  Switch consecutive values in column until condition changes
     33  Swap pair of elements along an axis
     33  'Subarray' as condition to numpy.where()
     33  Strange output from numpy.matrix
     33  Stacking sparse matrices
     33  Sort Y-axis values
     33  Sorting Nd Numpy Array By Rows In Descending Order
     33  Sort a numpy-array according to specific column
     33  Some clarification on numpy indexing needed?
     33  Solving linear equation system using Numpy
     33  Socket connection timed out when sending numpy arrays via sockets to another machine
     33  sliding window threshold count over time axis of gridded datra
     33  slicing multi d array ,problem with index
     33  Slice and fill 2d array with 1d array of column indices [duplicate]
     33  sklearn: Need to reshape array but don't know where
     33  Show numpy array as image in Django
     33  setting an array element with a sequence in python
     33  Select array entries by criteria
     33  Search indexes where values in my array match a value in a different array (python) [duplicate]
     33  Saving a sequence of 3rd-order Tensors and reading it back without losing array format
     33  Saving a high number of images as an array
     33  Rotation of a bitmap matrix [duplicate]
     33  Rolling correlation and average (last 3) Per Group in Pandas
     33  Return average array for each element of list of arrays with columns and rows of fixed shape
     33  Restart pandas timeseries dataset timestamp from 0
     33  Reshape and adding dimension
     33  Reshape 1D array to matrix 2D matrix
     33  Replacing values with Pandas Dataframes - Massive values [duplicate]
     33  Replacing string by numpy array in a pandas DataFrame
     33  Replacing pixels in matplot image
     33  Replacing all elements except last in specific rows of 2D Array
     33  Replace an array values between the two indexes using numpy
     33  Re-organizing string input and calculating averages in basic python or numpy
     33  Removing specific item from np.array when it matches location
     33  Remove a row in 3d array
     33  Recommendations for an efficient solution to finding space enclosed between points in 3D
     33  Read elements from a 4D numpy array using another array as index
     33  random_state.shuffle is throwing exceptions in Python
     33  Randomizing values accounting for floating point resolution
     33  Querying a numpy array with an N-dimentional index list
     33  Python - Using arange to plot points leading to duplicate points
     33  Python: str.split() with whitespace gives Index Error
     33  Python Sorting by evaluating conditions, then sorting by separate columns
     33  Python pickle can not save 3g size dictionary containing text and numpy arrays
     33  Python - [Pandas / Lists / Numpy?] Select recipes randomly to create menu with nutrient range
     33  Python: Obtaining Correct Phase Spectrum Without Noise
     33  Python Numpy Select Dynamic statement from string
     33  Python numpy insert column at the beginning and at the end of matrix
     33  Python/Numpy how to do outer product of two 1-d array [duplicate]
     33  Python Numpy: Adding vector to existing matrix row
     33  Python np sequential consecutive value
     33  Python: Need help converting a string of hex values into numpy array
     33  Python - mean value outside of a loop
     33  Python/Machine Learning - Linear Regression, TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
     33  Python loop optimization involving the element-wise product of a 2D array and a repeated 1D array
     33  Python, Keras, RNN: cannot copy sequence with size 7 to array axis with dimension 5
     33  python JupyterNotebook with pandas matrix()
     33  python: how to transfer 2dim matrix to 1dim according to the 2dim contents
     33  Python - How to make crosstable in pandas from non numeric data?
     33  Python - How can i add arrays to an unique numpy array ? Each array must represent a row in my numpy array
     33  Python: Export multiple arrays using def and for loops for a range of values in a list
     33  Python dtype advanced compound types
     33  Python dataframe replace last n rows with a list of n elements
     33  Python Dataframe: operation per row in all dataframe
     33  Python: Copy 3D numpy array into 4th dimension [duplicate]
     33  Pyspark : how do I apply the function to get slope in a dataframe?
     33  PyCharm warning for PyMissingConstructor in subclass __init__ but superclass has no __init__
     33  Product of previous equation is affected by changing input operator afterwards?
     33  Producing view when indexing numpy array with range
     33  Problems Sorting Data out of a text-file
     33  Problems multiplying dataframe cells by matrix values
     33  Problems in re-computing distributions to use in file
     33  Printing numpy array and dataframe list, any dependencies?
     33  Print elements of ndarray in their storage order
     33  Print dataframe with int and nan to csv
     33  preprocess data sets for Tensorflow highlevel estimators
     33  Pre Post MultiMatrix multiplication using Numpy
     33  Position of numpy random seed
     33  plotting with nan in samples with numpy
     33  Plotting in python: My arrays have same dimensions but interpreter complains that they are not
     33  Pivot table in python (Sum of values in column)
     33  Pitch interpolation using numpy
     33  PIL remove colour mixing between colour regions
     33  Perform mathematical operation on specific matrix elements using index vectors
     33  Performing Pandas functions on Numpy Arrays
     33  Pandas Series transformation [closed]
     33  Pandas - Mapping 2 level index dict to a DataFrame column
     33  Pandas: Get unique items from a groupby into separate rows instead of arrays
     33  Padding using Numpy in Python
     33  Overlaping coefficient of two skewnorm probability density functions
     33  Output from numpy.matrix_power differs from formulaic way of solving
     33  Orthogonal Matrix filled according to function
     33  ordinary least squares calculation speedup using tensors
     33  Ordering file in list by pattern python
     33  Optimizing PIL/numpy routine
     33  One hot encoding when a string is in column of dataframe
     33  Numpy where matching two specific columns
     33  numpy way to sum function that takes two inputs
     33  Numpy Use 2D array as heightmap-like index for 3D array
     33  Numpy take using multiple dimension indices
     33  Numpy string arrays?
     33  Numpy question regarding accessing elements
     33  numpy outerproduct of sequence of arrays
     33  NumPy np.chararray to nd.array
     33  numpy nd array layout in memory
     33  Numpy - modify values next to matched value
     33  Numpy Loading a File Showing All Zeros
     33  numpy - Is possible to construct an ndarray-subclass so that I can slice both the array-object and its array-attribute?
     33  Numpy index into columns independently [duplicate]
     33  Numpy indexing when splitting dataset randomly
     33  NumPy - How would I vectorize this operation?
     33  Numpy: how to make parameterized slice?
     33  numpy get row index where elements in certain columns are zero
     33  numpy.genfromtxt() can't read header
     33  NumPy, extracting multiple discontinuous sub-arrays
     33  Numpy: Efficient mapping of single values in np arrays
     33  Numpy delete more rows than expected
     33  Numpy, change array's row value , each row satisfy a special condition
     33  Numpy Array Concatenation Multiplies array ...  why?
     33  Numpy array adds extra list
     33  Numpy .all() ignores IndexError
     33  Numpy advanced indexing fails
     33  numpy 2d argwhere range in a matrix where a(ij) = a(ji)
     33  Numerical stability in the product of many matrices
     33 consume too much memeory for big arrays
     33  Nonzero exit code on ITK filter
     33  New dataframe creation within loop and append of the results to the existing dataframe
     33  NaN in pandas Series.tolist() behaves differently from NaN in list
     33  Multiprocessing does not return from function call
     33  Multi_input layer with CNN's loss is not decrease
     33  Multidimensional Numpy ndarray to csv or pandas df
     33  Multi dimensional diagonal matrix where diagonal elements are row vectors or column vectors
     33  Most efficent way to copy data from a C++ vector to a numpy array using Boost::Python
     33  Modules installed and working even though PyCharm says they aren't
     33  Module 'numpy' has no attribute 'collections', plotting a decision tree
     33  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'- anaconda3 wind10
     33  Modifying a part of the main diagonal of a 2d-numpy array
     33  minimum value within two worksheet in pandas
     33  MergeSort - Strange Behaviour when using numpy to generate test sequence
     33  Memoryview of numpy array can't handle assigning to the whole axis
     33  MemoryError while loading train data in python
     33  Matrix created from a function, and concatenated column vector of the matrix
     33  Match along last axis in numpy array
     33  Mapping word tags/labels to their index
     33  Making multiple copies of a smaller matrix into a bigger matrix
     33  Make a binary array symmetric - NumPy / Python
     33  Looping through a genfromtxt object to obtain substrings and put into sqlite database
     33  Loading multiple image URLs to 4D numpy array
     33  Loading different types of data from CSV files with proper encoding in Python 3
     33  List of 2D Arrays with numpy
     33  List index has duplicate index numbers [duplicate]
     33  Linking PyCharm and Pip-Libaries
     33  Linking numpy to linear algebra and optimization libraries [duplicate]
     33  Labelling of a multidimensional array obtained from images
     33  i want to subtract 3D array in for loop
     33  I want to get minimun number's index for a row excluding zeros
     33  I try to read a sound, but the result is something like that \x00?\x00
     33  Iterate a script over multiple folders in master folder
     33  Is there a way to permute a subset of a matrix?
     33  is there a way to have the output of numpy svd shown as Diagonal matrix? [duplicate]
     33  Is there a vectorized way to do matrix multiplication-like operations in NumPy?
     33  Is there a 1-line solution to turn a scalar into a n-length array with the same value in each element
     33  Is numpy array automatically distributed on cluster?
     33  In the context of python and cpython, is a ''.c.src'' file a c source code file? how to compile this kind of file?
     33  Interpolate x,y,z co-ordinates defining a 3D surface to arbitrary plane
     33  Interpolate Matplotlib Array to an Arbitrary Length
     33  Integrating over similar indices in pandas dataframe
     33  Insert N matrices with 3 dimensions to a new variable
     33  Inserting/Adding/Updating elements in matrix
     33  In pandas, when removing data using str.split, how can I skip rows?
     33  In each row of a numpy array, I have an int, and a python list of ints. How do I convert this list into a numpy int array, without using pandas?
     33  Index of numpy array is None [duplicate]
     33  indexing over list of locations in 2d array efficiently
     33  Indexing lists in a Pandas dataframe column based on variable length
     33  IndexError: list index out of range for making a variable structure library
     33  IndexError: Invalid Index for Scalar Variable NumPy
     33  Incrementing a python list by an amount mod x_i, where x_i depends on the position
     33  increasing sample size while keeping sample features
     33  Improve array extraction speed using OpenCV and NumPy
     33  Image masks (polygons) need to be fed into a grid and obtain the percentage of the grid mixels covered by the polygon
     33  Image blending in numpy returns plain white image
     33  If I have a multi-dimensional numpy array, how can I dynamically refer to a specific slice? [duplicate]
     33  How to write 2D numpy arrays into a file (readable; CSV form for excel upload later)?
     33  How to visualize data of 300 files together based on every row and column in the data
     33  How to transform a dataframe of cluster/class/group labels into a pairwise dataframe of paired/unpaired?
     33  how to sum frequency respectively by numpy [duplicate]
     33  How to sum an ND array in python based on like entries?
     33  How to subsample a 2 dimensional python array
     33  How to speed up this code with Numpy?
     33  How to set BGR image to another image when black?
     33  How to select specific parts of a uniformly Colored Figure in openCV Python?
     33  How to scale legend elements down in a scatterplot matplotlib?
     33  How to save two numpy array with original dtype/precisions
     33  How to replace ALL particular string appear in DataFrame into another string in Python
     33  How to remove  ...  when print out and print out the full sentences in the console of Pycharm?
     33  How to remove row of elements with condition in 3 D numpy array?
     33  How to remove elements in nd.array?
     33  How to read the Numpy documentation
     33  How to read the custom table in pandas which has number string number number?
     33  How to raise a matrix to the power of elements in an array that is increasing in an ascending order?
     33  how to print elements of multiple arrays with numpy.logical_and?
     33  how to plot data with samples that die off?
     33  How to perform non-integer average pooling one a 1d numpy array?
     33  How to output matrix/ndarray to a file preserving rows/columns format
     33  How to multiply the float element of a matrix by an integer?
     33  How to mapping an array to another array in efficient way [closed]
     33  How to make an algorithm to string variables to convert numbers automatically?
     33  How to interpolate a series in numpy
     33  how to insert data from a sensor in specific position in array using python
     33  How to initialize a variable with tf.get_variable?
     33  How to increment training Theano saved models?
     33  How to impute a mean value where a feature is null?
     33  How to get all unique words from numpy.ndarray?
     33  How to get 2D nparray by applying different functions to each element in 1D nparray?
     33  How to format this numpy array in this format?
     33  how to find the time in effective way when value get cross the threshold limit
     33  How to find the closest point at which each of a very large set of paths comes to a small set of control points
     33  How to find mode in a numpy array with images?
     33  How to find from which row and column the value belong?
     33  How to estimate contents of a matrix used as a multiplier in matrix multiplication, if dimensions and contents of other matrices are known?
     33  How to enumerate data by row one by one?
     33  How to efficiently parse large list data during scraping with python?
     33  How to efficiently calculate a custom pairwise metric in numpy or python on string data?
     33  how to create n x n size matrix with continuous numbes in python3
     33  how to create n-1-dimensional collections easily from an n-dimensional set?
     33  How to create matrices with different names inside a for loop [duplicate]
     33  How to create a skewed column in pandas dataframe?
     33  How to create an array with dimension based on a variable?
     33  How to create a multi-dimensional result by iterating over batches of arrays
     33  How to create a for loop to randomly select columns from the data frame
     33  How to ''count votes'' in a numpy matrix in one dimension? [duplicate]
     33  How to correctly display a multi - criteria dataset on a heatmap?
     33  How to convert stack of rows of binary digits into column of values in Python? [duplicate]
     33  How to convert numpy functions to tensorflow operations without errors
     33  How to convert .dat file to NumPy array?
     33  How to convert Columns into datetime index
     33  How to convert an array reference to an numpy array python?
     33  How to convert (4,3) array into (4,1) array?
     33  how to conditionnally copy an above case in a column of a dataframe using nested np.where statement
     33  How to conditionally set values at a particular position along a particular axis of a numpy ndarray
     33  How to compare a string of one column of pandas with rest of the columns and if value is found in any column of the row append a new row?
     33  How to compare 2-number elements in an array with a 2-number list to generate a boolean-type array?
     33  How to calculate the mean of prefix rows and make it as the new columns in pandas?
     33  How to calculate the max / ranking among multi-columns in pandas?
     33  How to build till-end array sampler with numpy?
     33  How to adjust values of numpy array until conditions satisfied
     33  How to add values to a new column after n rows?
     33  how to add two numpy.array with indices or mask
     33  How to add non-zero elements to noise?
     33  How to achieve data size reduction via numpy
     33  How do I replace a value in a matrix which corresponding to another matrix?
     33  How do I get r_squared from loss minimization with constraints using numpy?
     33  How do I create a data frame from a list that contains different elements in pandas?
     33  How do I convert this statement to TensorFlow?
     33  How does perspective transformation just work in numpy with no using any OpenCV function
     33  How does Numpy deal with memory allocation when passed as arguments or returned?
     33  How does np.column_stack work? I am obtaining strange outputs for different examples
     33  How does comparison expressions in numpy arrays work in python
     33  How could I implement a look up table operation with numpy
     33  how can I scatter a small matrix in bigger matrix using python?
     33  how can i replace a matrix with another matrix in a non sequence order
     33  How can I make 1,300,000 images into one array file?
     33  How can I label the numpy array based on values?
     33  How can I interpret @expand_dims within a Python Class?
     33  How can I import all files of a particular extension from subdirectories and save them separately?
     33  How can I implement scipy's Interpolate Rbf and prevent memory error on AWS Lamda?
     33  how can i find a line that define the data set as shown in the figure
     33  groupby when column contains multi-dimensional array that needs to be added
     33  GroupBy index and columns then transform selected Columns in Pandas
     33  Groupby DataFrame - Python
     33  Getting multi-dimensional arrays out of Pandas DataFrame
     33  Getting different results when summing a list of arrays with sum, np.sum and fsum?
     33  Getting and setting np.array elements in a different way
     33  Get indices of numpy array where values are offset from themselves by some amount
     33  Get grouped Dictionary list from a file that has a time and errors then plot the time differences in python
     33  get coordinate arrays from rasterio datasource
     33  Get combinations of custom class in numpy
     33  Generation of numpy arrays for permutations with constraints
     33  Generating Sand Pile Fractal Using Numpy Vectorization
     33  Generating random data iusing multiindex grouped_by dataframe object in Python
     33  generating file using genfromtxt
     33  Generate correlated data using numpy function
     33  Function is slow, alternative np.where's format is not user/reader friendly
     33  Function for doing 1-D convolution in theano like np.convolve?
     33  Function against pandas column not generating expected output
     33  Finding indices of elements in vector
     33  Finding and fixing disproportionately scaled images using least square
     33  filter array by index condition
     33  Exponential growth between two values in python
     33  Expand survey by its weight
     33  Evaluating and returning the value of a function over an array generated by iteration
     33  Evaluate a function in terms of a numpy array
     33  Error implementing differentiating matrix using numpy
     33  Error during calculating parametres (unsupported operand type)
     33  Eliminating for loop by using pandas
     33  Element wise 'in' for pandas with a Series of Lists
     33  Element-wise boolean operation between row of sparse matrix and list
     33  Duplicate the last row with a value, index, and merge
     33  Drop rows in dataframe that have the same value in many columns
     33  Doubts on ''LSTMs back propagation'' and its exponentially long time to get trained
     33  Does the value change if I change a numpy array to a list and then change the list to a numpy array?
     33  Does PyTorch have a RandomState-like object for random number generation?
     33  dll load failed for matplotlib
     33  Dividing by bigger value of substraction
     33  Display a value in bar plot
     33  Difficulty understanding matrix operations in Python
     33  Deleting a row in an array based on the smallest value in anther array
     33  Delete all rows that has nth column element == 1
     33  defining a function of calculated values to whole dictionary
     33  Cythonizing numpy arrays within classes
     33  Creating position vectors on a lattice with Numpy
     33  Creating numpy array filled with indexes of array itself [duplicate]
     33  Creating numpy array at each point of a grid
     33  Creating a numpy array with optional padding
     33  Creating a Metric Inversed File
     33  Creating a 3D numpy array of from a prexisting iterable that has the appropriate shape
     33  Create normally distributed columns, with different mean values
     33  Create new numpy one-hot encoded matrix based on complex logical expression?
     33  Counting faces on images with opencv: Counter fails when blob is adapted to larger image
     33  Couldn't transpose numpy 3D array
     33  convolution algorithm for data smoothing
     33  Convert string array to variable array Numpy
     33  Convert float32 to float64 in ndarray.take() with 'out' argument [duplicate]
     33  Convert an ndArray of set to a matrix
     33  Consultation python in csv .20 major movements by department
     33  Construct 3 dimensions array from two dimensions array using tile
     33  Confusing documentation about axes in SciPy
     33  Conditional join in pandas datafrane
     33  Conditional itertools.product
     33  Concatenating three numpy arrays and writing them to a file
     33  Computing grid computations using numpy meshgrid
     33  Compute mean of values for each index across multiple arrays [duplicate]
     33  Compositing frames using the mean in opencv
     33  compact 1-0 array by group by functionality in python
     33  Cloning a column in 3d numpy array
     33  checking a Numpy 3d array against a geodataframe
     33  check how do i delete a specific element from a numpy matrix?
     33  Changing string representation of infinity in Pandas
     33  change value of python array
     33  Change a string representation of a list into a numpy array?
     33  Capturing video stream of computer windows using python3
     33  Cannot convert PIL image from Paint.NET to numpy array
     33  can i solve a non-linear eigen value problem with fsolve in python?
     33  Calculate the maximum over the interval that satisfies the condition [duplicate]
     33  Calculate number of different elements in element-wise comparison
     33  Calculate derivative of a 1-d array
     33  Build 3D array from subarrays generated by meshgrid and introduce a 3th dimension
     33  Broadcast numpy dot products
     33  Better implementation of simulating a non-homogeneous Poisson process in Python
     33  Best way to speed up element-by-element matrix construction in python
     33  best curve fitting the distribution
     33  Average the color of remaining frames
     33  Average of a numpy array after applying a function one column at a time
     33  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'astype' npy files
     33  Assigning a value to numpy array with a boolean mask: how to?
     33  Arrays dont add up
     33  Array Map to a unique key after discretization
     33  Apply multiple parametric functions over same data array
     33  Applying optimize.fsolve to implicit function using meshgrids for plotting?
     33  Applying function for manipulating RGB values of an image
     33  Applying contoured mask on final image
     33  Apply condition for pandas dataframe column
     33  Appending values to a Meta Array
     33  Appending to numpy array column wise
     33  Angle between two consecutives 3d vectors
     33  aggregating finer resolutions to lower ones using Pandas or numpy
     33  Adding names parameter to numpy genfromtxt causing to read empty strings for data
     33  Adding 4 variables into numpy array
     33  Add a date event on a line chart in Python
     33  Add 0 around all items in a numpy array
     32  Wrong output while appending the elements of one ndarray to another ndarray in python
     32  Why is this code passing the data to the wrong row?
     32  Why is the RMSE on the training set decreasing while my matrix completion program is training, and the RMSE on the test set is rising?
     32  Why is my numpy array of images one dimensional?
     32  Why do I get the following error? Valueerror: setting an array element with a sequence
     32  Why does the .Shape attribute in python have [0] always within it's index. If possible please explain in layman terms
     32  Why doesn't TensorFlow support Boosted Decision Trees with Dense Tensors of int64?
     32  Why doesn't Python 3 itertools.chain let me implement multiranges
     32  why does my same zipcode plot rerun no longer run in python?
     32  Why does my function shift my input data?
     32  Why creating a float32 array from a list raises value error?
     32  what value was present at each 2.5s interval (resampling?) numpy
     32  whats wrong with this python script
     32  What is the underlying difference between multiplying a matrix and looping through?
     32  What is the difference between arr1[arr1>255]=255 and arr1[np.where(arr1>255)]=255? [duplicate]
     32  what is np.load(opt.test_set)[()] mean?
     32  VS Code: Run Python-Code with ''Debugger'' vs ''Run Python File in Terminal'' vs ''Code Runner'' when using non-standard libraries
     32  Visualize Trees and OOB error: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
     32  Visible deprecation error message
     32  vertically integrate a datasheet with a over 1500 columns
     32  Vectorizing numpy calculation without a tensor dot product
     32  Vectorized addition of vectors with sparse differences
     32  Vector generated numpy column with values under condition
     32  Variable lengths don't respond to filters ... then they do. Can someone explain?
     32  Using numpy for hidden layer outpute given weights and biases
     32  Using numpy.fill with Numba 'nopython' mode
     32  Updating RGB image values given a list of indexes
     32  Updating column value based on multiple conditions across multiple dataframes
     32  Update content of a dataframe's column when its name is declared inside brackets
     32  Understanding double for-in [duplicate]
     32  TypeError when running regressions
     32  TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'numpy.ndarray' and 'int'
     32  Two denominational array slicing
     32  Turn Multiple Arrays/Groups within a Loop, into a single DataFrame
     32  Trying to use the sum operator in matplotlib gives an error
     32  Trouble importing multiple modules in Pythonanywhere fiels
     32  Transform parts of an array based on grouping
     32  Trace max along dim1 with varying index in dim3
     32  The conversion of block data into the 3D array [closed]
     32  the best way to map numbers to colors from a numpy array column
     32  Testing performance using %%timeit, loop speed or total time elapsed more important?
     32  Tensorflow and keras: Problem with custom layer and related to (None,H,W,C) tensor
     32  taking real or imaginary part makes array not C-contigous in numpy
     32  Take the mean of multi torch.Tensor list
     32  Sympy differentiation, equation is in numpy array?
     32  Swaping elements in 3d numpy array [duplicate]
     32  Suggestions for matching spoken and written digits with Machine Learning
     32  Subsetting pandas df based on time ranges
     32  subclassing ndarray drops information when broadcast in pyspark [duplicate]
     32  Streaming NumPy data as input to Tensorflow
     32  Stacking numpy arrays with unknown dimensions
     32  Sparse Adjacency Matrix from ndarray
     32  Sorting multiple numpy arrays elementwise
     32  Solve a system of equations python [closed]
     32  Slice DataFrame in Row Vector [duplicate]
     32  singular values in svd calculation using numpy
     32  Shape changing when slicing numpy arrayx
     32  Search through two 3 column numpy array and find where meets criteria in Python
     32  Scipy stack installation error
     32  scipy.signal.find_peaks does not find maxima?
     32  Saving a HSV masked file as video
     32  Save 2D array as a txt file
     32  Require minimum number of entries along dimension
     32  Replacing values in 2D array with NaN value in Python
     32  Replace particular axis with other value based on condition
     32  Repeat a unidimensional array over columns
     32  Rename column values based on unique values of other column
     32  Removing duplicate columns with same column name in pandas
     32  Remove leading None items from a Numpy array or Python List
     32  regarding displaying and saving 0-1 ndarrays into images
     32  Recursion on Enumerate: Padding / normalizing the size of an uneven nested list of lists [of lists  ... ] to a numpy array - recusively
     32  Recursion in python, Storing tree branches
     32  Reading spcific columns out of file
     32  reading file into array only turns out the first 3 columns
     32  Read csv like multidimensional data array for further processing with sklearn
     32  ''Rank'' DataFrame columns per row
     32  Quickest way to load multiple csvs into a dataframe
     32  Quickest way to calculate the euclidean distance matrix of two list of points [duplicate]
     32  Question of calculation on columns in ndarray
     32  Python: Using Imported Tables (.txt files) and Editing For Certain Values to be Omitted
     32  Python scipy.sparse.csr_marix to Matlab Equivalent
     32  Python--Read dat file rows, rewrite to columns in Excel. csv/numpy/openpyxl
     32  Python. Overwriting new numbers into a column in a matrix
     32  Python Numpy operation on vectorelements that share value
     32  Python & Numpy - Finding the Mode of Values in an Array that aren't Zero
     32  Python + NumPy - Circular shift 3D array
     32  Python np.append does not work on dictionary value which is of type numpy.ndarray
     32  Python: mapping numpy matrices to matrices [duplicate]
     32  [python]Is there any shortcut to make a 3d matrix?
     32  Python how to decalre numpy shape with (4,500) [closed]
     32  Python: How to append to a (sparse) 2-d array on both axes?
     32  Python find values in numpy array2 based on values in array1
     32  python convert list of matrices in a single matrix
     32  Python: Comparing Dates Stored as Dictionary Values
     32  Python code debug - Phase difference of a transfer function (only a lite math)
     32  Python: A Fast way to erase equal/similar numpy arrays from a batch
     32  Problem when saving a txt file in python (name of the file with some capital letters)?
     32  Problem understanding Principal Component Analysis code
     32  Problems plotting datetime.timedelta
     32  Print the elements of an array with certain rules
     32  print row from a data in numpy structured array
     32  Preserve 3-dimensionality when converting PIL image to numpy array
     32  Plot interactive graph with 'lines+markers' mode using
     32  ploting two scattered graph in one graph
     32  Please Help! Need to dramatically increase the efficiency in a python for loop [closed]
     32  Performing the same custom operation across multiple indices of a numpy array
     32  Perform a vectorized lookup when using pandas dataframes/series
     32  Percentage of change of difference on a dataframe
     32  pass numpy as argument in python flask give an error
     32  pandas- change [ row_x , col_d ] value to [raw_y, col_a] based on comparison of [raw_x, col_b] & [raw_y, col_c]
     32  ordering numpy by one column and then another (as a subset) whilst preserving row order
     32  Optimal code to find the number of pairs with greater than condition in list based on index?
     32  numpy.where() returns empty array instead of replacing
     32  numpy.where(greater than a threshold) not working for serial data acquisition
     32  Numpy weight averaging over index list value list
     32  Numpy: using entries of array to populate larger array with repeats [duplicate]
     32  Numpy - Try to split an array according to a monotonic condition
     32  numpy sorting by entire row/column
     32  numpy slicing screws image colors (werid)
     32  Numpy slice variable length matrix
     32  numpy remove column from array where the first element in column is a 0
     32  numpy rearanging when mixing integer and list indices [duplicate]
     32  numpy.random to select a value from a given list that is itself selected at from a list
     32  numpy random choice and lists of networkx Graphs
     32  numpy: raising a matrix to a power produces strange result
     32  numpy.polyfit data export into Python pandas.core.frame
     32  Numpy: Output from adding sub-array to itself
     32  Numpy ordered subtraction of elements with full vectorization
     32  numpy matrix multiplication with pulp variables taking too long
     32  Numpy lists from a file
     32  Numpy.insert() ''values'' argument is a pre-initialized list. Fails to compile with Numba jit
     32  Numpy Infinity constants - Difference among inf, infty, Inf, Infty. Which one to use when?
     32  numpy import erro in anaconda
     32  numpy.histgramdd - 'minlength' must not be negative
     32  Numpy: Find from matrix based on one of the columns
     32  Numpy - extract array2d columns based on array
     32  Numpy dot return different values
     32  Numpy datatype causes repetition of the array
     32  numpy code works in REPL, script says type error
     32  Numpy: Change values in numpy array by indexes and condition
     32  Numpy array to Pandas data frame formatting
     32  Numpy arrays operators returns all white image
     32  Numpy Arrays M Dimentions Elementwise Multiplication
     32  Numpy arrays (append, concatenate)
     32  Numpy array instead of float
     32  Numpy array in-place update or implicit copy [duplicate]
     32  Numpy array addition made as simple as np.einsum()?
     32  Numpy - applying functions over sub arrays in N-D array
     32  Numpy add given rows
     32  Numerically integrating two functions iteratively
     32  Numerical Errors in Eigenvalues Calculation (NumPy/SciPy)
     32  np.array to PIL image --> Typerror: Cannot handle this data type: (1, 1, 12), |u1
     32  np.apply_along_axis slices output when used with ' '.join
     32  np.any(np.not_equal(arr, 0), axis=0) vs np.count_nonzero(arr)
     32  No ValueError when assigning array with mismatched dimensions?
     32  Not getting the right value with numpy polyfit
     32  Normalize multivalue column
     32  New to scientific python. I'm getting an AttributeError: 'ImmutableDensNDimArray' error and I don't understand why
     32  Newbie stuck on Python Quandl ValueError
     32  Nested loop vectorisation
     32  N-dimensional version of numpy.bincount? [duplicate]
     32  Name of the behavior of numpy calling class methods if defined?
     32  (n+1)-dim boolean masking a n-dim array with array of means as desired output
     32  MVP transformation with homogenous coordinates
     32  Multivariate to univariate sampling using kernel density estimation in Python
     32  Multiplying large matrices with different dimensions with numpy
     32  multiplying 2 2d matrices and get a 3d matrix out
     32  Most Compact Way to Write A List Of Integers to A File In Python
     32  Memory problem executing python script that creates arrays and figures [duplicate]
     32  memory leak (cython + numpy)
     32  membership testing for tuples containing np.arrays
     32  Matlab Expression Confusion and Equivalent Expression in python
     32  Markedly faster to access a numpy array 'arr' than 'arr[:]'
     32  Mapping row values to other values in the same numpy array
     32  Making rank 4 numpy array from flat list of pixels to use in ImageDataGenerator in Keras and then in matplotlib
     32  Making an optical illusion type image with Python
     32  Making a 0 to nxn matrix and reshape it to pairs
     32  Make an iteration over an 2D array for indexing an 3D array more pythonic and skip zero values
     32  Looking to insert value into column of pandas dataframe based off calculation from two other rows in the Dataframe
     32  List of fixed length that sums to a number but minimizes standard deviation
     32  Kivy: How To Solve Crashing App When Using Python Functions
     32  Key dimensions in Holoviews curve to look up value in dictionary
     32  keep in array only items in another, different sized array - without loops
     32  I want to show the accuracy and the label of the predicted photo in the video Capture box. How can i do that?
     32  Iterating over two 2D numpy arrays with index
     32  Iterating Over Numpy Array for NLP Application
     32  Iterating numpy array to set variables
     32  Iterating a Numpy Array for random.normal generator shape conflict
     32  iterating a filtered Numpy array whilst maintaining index information
     32  Iterate through array while doing operation on all subsequent elements
     32  Iterate over list to get values in a specified sequence
     32  Is there NULL/NIL value in numpy? for np.uint16 ! beside -1?
     32  Is there a way to perform multiple checks on columns using numpy's array indexing?
     32  Is there a numpy function that returns a matrix of indexs of an array in given size?
     32  Is there a function in numpy to generate a matrix in which each cell represents the time that X appears in Y? [duplicate]
     32  Is there a better way to deal with row dependency within a group when performing some calculations on a specific column?
     32  Issue replacing values in numpy array
     32  Inverted Output with Rectuangular Function
     32  Interaction of Multiple Columns of Predictors
     32  In tensorflow/keras, why train_on_batch output loss is different when recomputed after training using predict_on_batch?
     32  Inserting into array with known positions and values
     32  Inferring the numeric type (exact or inexact) of an array of strings?
     32  Indices of sorted array
     32  Indexing numpy array using another numpy array [duplicate]
     32  Inaccurate results while reconstructing covariance matrix from np.random.multivariate_normal
     32  I'm trying to create a float array with numpy but i'm getting object array
     32  Imposing hierarchy on multiple columns, changing random number of column values based on other column
     32  Import numpy works when python code executed through anaconda prompt but produces an error when run through cmd
     32  import function from standard library after importing similarly named function from other library
     32  Image analysis  -  mapping two labeled Numpy arrays
     32  If the value of particular ID does not exist in another ID, insert row with value to ID
     32  I am Trying to crop the image after applying prespective transformation with min area of bounding rectangle
     32  I am having trouble multiplying two matrices with numpy
     32  How to work on a portion of a histogram in python
     32  How to use numpy.einsum to blend two frames?
     32  how to use numpy arange function like range function
     32  How to use np.triu_indices to get the upper triagle value of one array?
     32  how to use custom calculation based on two dataframes in python
     32  How to use a large number of variables in a set using limited memory? [closed]
     32  how to update a column containing date(yyyy-mm-dd) into weekday(wd) or weekend(we) in python using pandas
     32  How to transform the tensor of grayscale images to 3-channel images?
     32  How to transform multiple dataframe columns into one numpy array column
     32  How to take column from matrix, and keep it 2D?
     32  How to subtract symbolic value from list and get log value
     32  How to speed up numpy array iteration when constructing new image using array of coordinates from original image
     32  How to select with ease several circular areas in a square array?
     32  how to select a colum to transform using column transformer
     32  How to rotate a set of points in 3D
     32  How to rotate a 1D line graph array in python/numpy by angle?
     32  how to return number of certain values in an array using numpy
     32  how to return all but one column of a 2d array?
     32  How to retain indices of a matrix while working on one of its submatrices?
     32  how to replicate numpy array as a whole
     32  How to replace only null values in column 2 with dictionary values by matching column 1 to key in dictionary? Conditional find Conditional replace
     32  How to replace a value in a matrix corresponding to another matrix with some additional limitation?
     32  How to remove rows from a matrix
     32  How to remove list of indexes from a nd numpy array [duplicate]
     32  How to reduce to an array without any pairs of elements close by a distant, while knowing the indices
     32  How to read mixed type data to 2D array?
     32  how to read a csv file full of string of numbers to an numpy array
     32  How to pass meshgrid as an argument to a function which only allows an array in python
     32  How to Order Coordinates in Matplotlib (xticks and yticks)
     32  How to multiply rows of list by another list?
     32  How to make new cell based on appearance in dataframe cell
     32  How to make 2D-Array (Take Pixel-Colors from Frame)
     32  How to label or mark instances of a pandas dataframe instead of removing them?
     32  How to keep massive amounts of numpy matrices on disk
     32  How to instantiate and manipulate hundreds of variables in Python [duplicate]
     32  How to insert value to a 2 dimensions array from a 1 dimension array using Numpy
     32  How to import specific values from a data frame into a variable in pandas [duplicate]
     32  How to implement this for loop more elegant with numpy?
     32  How to get the matrix output from the function?
     32  How to get specific values from my data based on an array values using numpy?
     32  How to get a map for a lookup table in tensorflow
     32  How to fix ''TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'list' and 'list''' using numpy.where() with python?
     32  How to fix a logic bug in numpy python file loading/writing
     32  how to find values repeated more than n number of times using only numpy?
     32  How to find intersection of two huge numpy arrays [duplicate]
     32  how to find how many elements inside a list/numpy array and plot_dtmf tone genrator_sum of sin graphs
     32  How to find elements of an numpy array that are closes to a given target set?
     32  How to extract rows with specific names in python? [duplicate]
     32  How to extract numpy array values from within a gdb session?
     32  How to extract an array from a multi-array array?
     32  How to exchange colors between 2 images?
     32  How to do a vectorized indexing for a dataframe column? (select cells at different indices on every row in a vectorized way)
     32  How to display my plot in the graph?
     32  How to create subset of data based on data type when using NumPy?
     32  How to create Numpy matrix of row index where a certain condition is met?
     32  How to create an NxM matrix with each column value in range(x,y)?
     32  How to create a multidimensional matrix in numpy
     32  How to create a logic statement for a dataframe in python with multiple conditions?
     32  how to convert time values (in string) to datetime in python?
     32  How to convert a matrix to numpy from sympy?
     32  How to construct a table (matrix) with two lists and arrays of data?
     32  how to compare two list values whether their are falling in same range or not using python based on tolreance
     32  How to compare the values of same index in multiple list and print the start time and end time if condition not satisfy?
     32  How to collect related metrics in a separate array that is a single entry of metrics dictionary?
     32  How to change the first value in a dataframe that meets a certain condition
     32  How to call a ndarray in another function in numpy?
     32  how to calculate that doesn't fit in 32bits
     32  How to calculated the difference between levels values based in clusterization result?
     32  How to box and unbox NumPy arrays in Numba
     32  How to approximate the root(s) of a discrete numpy array? [duplicate]
     32  How to apply boolean mask in row wise?
     32  How to append ND numpy arrays to (N+1)D numpy array through loop?
     32  How to appending 1 value to array A to match the dimensions of array B?
     32  How to add columns to NumPy's masked_array obtained by np.genfromtxt()? [duplicate]
     32  How to achieve 'inner' zip?
     32  How should i interpret a loop inside a numpy array?
     32  How numpy broadcasting works in this case?
     32  How in a numpy array we can select just rows that are multiples of for example 3?
     32  How do you calculate numpy arrays in certain cases?
     32  How do populate a new column with data based on time range in pandas
     32  How do I vectorized these two numpy operations without using for loop?
     32  How do I use the numpy.savetxt function to save this array to a specifc folder?
     32  How do I turn a large multi dimentional numpy ndarray into a string without truncating and save it to .txt in python3? [duplicate]
     32  How do i revert an image back after using np.copy?
     32  How do I return times that don't show up in a column through pandas?
     32  How do I create an array of every possible combination of pair values? [duplicate]
     32  How do I convert a PNG string into a Numpy array?
     32  How do I convert a list of lists into a numpy matrix? [duplicate]
     32  How do I add ''args=( ... )'' into arguments of my own function?
     32  How can I use a range as the first input coordinate to a matrix without the second input being applied to the range?
     32  How can I get the corresponding features back?
     32  How can I fill a numpy array with empty builtin lists?
     32  How can I efficiently extend one dimension of a multidimensional array?
     32  How can I create a Column in pandas from a different column, matching a list
     32  How can I convert a non-scalar datatype[i.e. a numpy array of float numbers] into a tf.train.feature?
     32  How can I append a wav file using
     32  How add a column to the front of np array?
     32  How a 3D numpy array is tranposed
     32  Histogram based color similarity(cv2.HISTCMP_CORREL) always return 1
     32  HDBSCAN clustering skips integers in cluster label
     32  Having same output when running my system
     32  Handling Excel merged cells, Pivoting in Python/Spark
     32  Get values at specific altitudes based on unevenly distributed observations
     32  Get the value at a position from all layers in python
     32  get output of numpy loadtxt as a single array rather than multiple array
     32  Get if there's been a record in the last week
     32  geopandas pairwise spatial operation
     32  generating colored image with fixed colors out of a 2D array of integers
     32  Generate group key by one identifier in pandas
     32  Generate .exe file from .py code using Pyinstaller
     32  Generate a column based on incolumn constraints
     32  FutureWarning in scipy stats
     32  function that creates list of time and corresponding cos(t) value and plotting it
     32  Flip true values that are preceded by another true value in a cumulative fashion
     32  Fitting a 2D Ellipse to points
     32  finite difference methods in python
     32  Find time segments by conditions in time series data
     32  Find those entries in numpy array bigger than input datetime
     32  Find the max value on a tuple with its corresponding pair
     32  Finding the intersect between a quadratic and line
     32  Finding error difference row wise between two dataframes in python
     32  Find DataFrame entries where certain columns are all NaN
     32  Filter out extra headers in middle of table
     32  Filling Two Vectors from F(x) Function
     32  Fastest way to initialize a numpy memmap (memory map) with normal distribution floats?
     32  Fastest way of loading a large number (600) of large images (42M px) in Python
     32  failed to get result in pandas if two columns has same values out of three then keep first col values, else other values depending on conditions
     32  extract string by first or second space from column depending on adjacent columns value Pandas
     32  Extracting portions of low-dimensional numpy array into final axes of higher-dimensional array
     32  Extracting month wise data and find mean of one column
     32  Extending Python/Numpy using C++, module crashes on initialization
     32  Evidence for floats beyond -1/+1 for wav
     32  Equation to give a number of outputs based on change of one paramater
     32  elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
     32  Efficient operation on numpy arrays contain rows with different size
     32  Efficient numpy approach to iterate through elements of numpy arrays
     32  Efficiently add column of sparse (csc) atrix to a dense numpy array of correct shape
     32  Editting python 2-dimensional array without for-loop?
     32  Difficulty plotting 2D data originating from a 3D numpy array
     32  Different shapes for the 'same' parts of ndarray
     32  Difference between numpy.argmax(array) and array.argmax() in Python
     32  Dependence of numpy.random.shuffle() [duplicate]
     32  Deleting rows in python
     32  Delete zero rows from np.array
     32  Deep neural-network with backpropagation implementation does not work - python
     32  Dealing with data subsets of varying sizes - Suggestions for efficiency improvements appreciated
     32  data structure to store and manipulate efficienty pixels :
     32  Dask array mean throws ''setting an array element with a sequence'' exception where pandas array mean works
     32  CVXPY can't maximize function
     32  CudNN Invalid input shape
     32  Creating a single file from multiple files (Python 3.x)
     32  Creating a matrix of matrices using numpy.array()
     32  Create Unlimited DataFrames from other DataFrame Column Category with Time-Series Data
     32  Create range from 0 to 1 with step 0.05 in Numpy
     32  Create multiple numpy arrays of same size at once [duplicate]
     32  Create Interaction Matrix in Python
     32  Create different dataframe from one given condition [duplicate]
     32  Create column and set value where multiple other column conditions are met
     32  Create a numpy array when indexes of (fixed) elements are given
     32  create a function that apply activation function on a list of numbers
     32  CountTokenizing a field, turning into columns
     32  Counting numbers in an array based on a criteria - python
     32  Count consecutive values above threshold for all columns in dataframe
     32  Correct way of one-hot-encoding class labels for multi-class problem
     32  Cope with different slicing-behaviour in scipy.sparse and numpy
     32  Convert square matrix to binary array [duplicate]
     32  Convert RGB image into index (label) array [duplicate]
     32  converting time data which is saved as a string to an integer in seconds [duplicate]
     32  converting the values in my array into INT
     32  Converting large ndarray [duplicate]
     32  Converting Dataframe into a specific dictionary?
     32  Convert a sparse matrix to dataframe
     32  Convert array of bytes in to array of matrices
     32  Convert 3d numpy array to dataframe
     32  Conversion of float to ndarray or viceversa
     32  Construct matrix object from list of data (separated by empty line)
     32  Constructing numpy compatible memoryview interface for ndarray
     32  Confusing error using factorial with numpy or scipy arrays
     32  Conditional DataFrame filter on boolean columns?
     32  Cleaning up csv data, w/ pandas is there a way to find first obj column that can be converted to #?
     32  Cleaning CSV file with pandas (removing NaN)
     32  Classifying items in a panel dataframe based on their average value over time
     32  Check membership in a 2d ndarray object in Python [duplicate]
     32  change list to symmetrix matrix
     32  Can number of Leads be predicted based on previous months
     32  Can I using multiple processes to read different subsets of numpy array (or pandas dataframe) safely?
     32  Calling numpy functions
     32  Calculate pairwise distance of multiple trajectories using numpy
     32  Calculate difference betweenrows based on another column_Pandas
     32  Calculate a column based on contraints in dataframe
     32  Broadcasting/Vectorizing inner and outer for loops in python/NumPy
     32  Broadcasting - 3D field of coefficients to 3D field of matrices given matrix basis
     32  broadcast error : optimal transport library
     32  Breaking down array columns into new sub-columns containing elements cut out from the parent column
     32  Best way of constructing batched Numpy array from CSV values?
     32  base64 to numpy array in python
     32  averaging numpy array duplicate rows efficiently
     32  Average time without changing format using pandas
     32  Average of column values based on intervals of a second column
     32  Autoencoder predict shape error : train and test set shape are same but gives some weird shape error
     32  Array not appending
     32  Array dimensions error with scipy solve_ovp
     32  A PyQt5 button loads up data with np.loadtxt. Is there a way to store that data so I can make calculations later based on it? [duplicate]
     32  append ndarrays with the same shape
     32  Appending column based on multiple conditions
     32  Alignment in dimension of matrices
     32  Advanced Slicing with pandas or numpy for a 2pair and 3 pair, in a 5 group
     32  Adjusting images in a pandas dataframe
     32  Add some np arrays as new columns to my data
     32  Add a fix value to a dataframe (accumulating to future ones)
     32  4 x 4 Floats to numpy Matrix
     32  2D array slicing and replacing vlaues in Python
     32  2D array of subseries in NumPy [duplicate]
     31  Wrong casting to int32 ? expecting uint16 instead?
     31  Writing Printed Output to CSV - Numpy
     31  Write to multidimensional arrays by index
     31  workaround for numpy np.all axis argument; compatibility with numba
     31  Why the mean is not centered at 0 and 1 respectively for both the graphs?
     31  Why numpy is behaving differenly for array slicing? [duplicate]
     31  Why not always expm1?
     31  Why my code does not return what should it?
     31  Why is numpy.multipy() so expensive in this specific case with very a large multidimensional array?
     31  Why is np reshape not working on np.matrix
     31  Why do operations between scalars and ndarrays work when the scalar is on the left? [duplicate]
     31  Why do Matplotlib documentation use numpy.arange() when range() would suffice?
     31  Why do I receive nan as my output for my variables when I use the pearsonr function through scipy?
     31  Why does this plot produce a totally different result when the number doesn't change?
     31  Why does this generator return a single list while another one using map retains the list-of-lists format?
     31  Why does second iteration always fail?
     31  Why does numpy.find_common_type take two separate lists?
     31  Why Does Indexing a Numpy Column Creates a Copy, But Not For Rows or 1D arrays?
     31  When to use `numpy.append()`?
     31  when converting a list into numpy array, the numpy array does not appear to properly reflect the shape of the list
     31  What value do i pass in Input(shape= ... ) in keras
     31  whats wrong with the for loop in the list used?
     31  What's the name of this operation in Pandas?
     31  What's the fastest way to find out where a list of numpy arrays are equal?
     31  What's an easy way to test out Numpy operators?
     31  What are the differences between these Numpy array creation functions? [duplicate]
     31  Want to define an ndarray in numpy elementwise
     31  Vectors and Cells/DataFrame
     31  Vectorized syntax for creating a sequence of block matrices in NumPy
     31  Vectorize a function so that it can run on multiple rows of n-dimensional arrays simultaneously?
     31  Variation of iterating through a single column
     31  Value error in numpy random code [duplicate]
     31  ValueError for comparison of np.arrays
     31  Utilize Pandas built-in for aggregation
     31  Using Structured array in Numpy along with Numpy.where()
     31  Using OR operator for multiple variables in NumPy tuple
     31  using numpy where results from one array to another
     31  Using numpy.bmat with numba
     31  Using another column's value to get the mean in pandas
     31  Using a matrix as a dictionary value and performing numpy matrix operations in python
     31  Update pandas column conditionally on contents not working on string column
     31  Unexpected behavior with open() and numpy.savetext() functions
     31 for cases where target indices are unique (buffered call possible then)
     31  TypeError when running numpy select
     31  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars , when i print barcharts by using matplotlib
     31  TypeError: fun() missing 1 required positional argument: 'a'
     31  TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float',Thanks a lot
     31  Type agnostic if condition that works for both Numpy arrays and Tensors
     31  Trying to understand LSTM and varying lengths of input
     31  Trying to get index of item in a Numpy array
     31  Trying to bring predictions back to respective row in dataframe
     31  Trouble with updating array elements in a for-loop
     31  Transposing, rotating, and combining 2D arrays in Python
     31  Transposing a 3-d numpy array
     31  Training changing input size RNN on Tensorflow
     31  Time stamp array that loops and creates differences of values inside based on their index
     31  The shape of the array is changing once I save the numpy array to csv file and reading it back
     31  The first and the last date that a variable appear in my dataframe
     31  The amplitude is changing when using Numpy Convolve
     31  Text file import and how to manipulate select rows and columns into different arrays and do calculations
     31  tensorflow multi slice not reshape
     31  Tensordot confusion
     31  Taking the mean of several different lists in one for loop numpy
     31  Taking out block of matrix [duplicate]
     31  Switch value of elements on some positions
     31  Sum numbers in equally long intervals
     31  Sum large numpy array in chunks
     31  Strange behaviour of numpy vstack/c_ while stacking list of identical arrays
     31  Strange behaviour of numpy eigenvector: bug or no bug
     31  Strange behaviour in assigning a list of np.array to a subset of rows of a DataFrame by *loc*
     31  Storing Result of Command line for further data analysis in Python
     31  Store row from matrix to column in another matrix by indexes vector
     31  Sorting values in a dataframe
     31  Slicing different areas of two images in one go
     31  Simulate stock price based on a given equation in Python
     31  Simply way to set default index of an array to be all unless specified
     31  Select values from numpy array based on other array
     31  Selecting the last values of a Numpy array
     31  selecting from a multi-dimesional array with a list of indices
     31  Select elements of an (n,n,2) numpy array with an (n,n) shaped mask in numpy without using loops
     31  Searching the mode inside of a numpy array by region
     31  SciPy Stack installation confusion between Python2 and Python3
     31  scipy RegularGridInterpolator The points in dimension 0 must be strictly ascending
     31  saving arrays into multiple columns instead of appending as one big column
     31  return floats instead of ndarray in pandas - python
     31  Retrieve column index in 2d numpy array from the value of this column
     31  Reshaping a ndarray efficiently
     31  reshape error of fully connected deep neural network input in python
     31  Replicating a matrix in pandas or numpy to a certain size
     31  Replacing a for loop related to a parameter inside function of two variables by numpy sum
     31  Replace numpy arrays of arrays with values
     31  replace numpy array loop in array calculations
     31  Replace Column2 value with Dictionary Key Where Column1 Condition is met
     31  Remove specific elements from a numpy array
     31  regarding overlaying a logic array on a dataframe
     31  Reducing RAM usage of numpy arrays
     31  read np arrays in panda dataframe
     31  Read in data to a multi-dimensional DataFrame from a csv [duplicate]
     31  __radd__() method with Numpy Array as other, the Numpy Array was passed one by one
     31  Question about generating arrays of arrays of specific length [duplicate]
     31  PYTHON - Why a Numpy array not raises an out of boundary exception when accessed by a indexed interval? [duplicate]
     31  Python: Surface Plot not Representing Data Set Properly
     31  Python: Speeding up large double sum with elements precalculated
     31  python read data like -.345D-4
     31  Python questions(Convolution)
     31  Python - Plotting two 3D graphs with a contour map
     31  Python pandas when sorting table, choose ascending/decending based on value of a column?
     31  Python not reading extend argument in colorbar?
     31  Python Merge columns from multiple data frames into a single dataframe
     31  Python Integral Function Compute Error in Dataframe
     31  python how to find where the elements of an array fit inside an array of values
     31  Python: How can I store float and string types into one matrix?
     31  Python function to iterate over a column and calculate the forumla
     31  Python: Assign NaNs to Matrix Elements Given Statements for Three Other Matrices
     31  Python 4th order diff. Eqn using bvp solver [closed]
     31  PyArray_AsCArray Preventing Memory Leaks
     31  ProcessPoolExecutor overhead ?? parallel processing takes more time than single process for large size matrix operation
     31  problem with model.predict , using Keras and Tensorflow
     31  Problemes with symfit examples
     31  Printing a new column in a csv file with difference of two previous indexes from another column
     31  Prevent scipy from multiprocessing
     31  Predict polynomial values
     31  Populating new DataFrame by multi-criteria selection from old one with different structure
     31  Pivot-table in pandas: aggfunc sum during date range
     31  PIL.Image.verify() breaks ability to convert PIL image to Numpy
     31  PIL Bicubic Interpolation wi
     31  Pass numpy array to opencv function inputarray result in array changed
     31  Pandas is not fully reading in a data set. Instead excludes a lot of data and throws error ''unhasable type''
     31  Pandas' DataFrame merge unexpected values
     31  pandas Concatenate strings based on column values [duplicate]
     31  Pandas Column Object Bucketed Value Extract
     31  pad numpy array with the opposite side of itself
     31  Overlapping coefficient using scipy quad not working as expected
     31  optimize iteration checking for maximum difference between consecutive values
     31  OpenCV frame in unusable shape
     31  Obtaining values from a 3D matrix based locations in a 2D matrix
     31  numpy where function vs elements matching a condition
     31  Numpy way of spliting a matrix
     31  Numpy Vectorization: add row above to current row on ndarray
     31  NumPy - Replace values in a matrix based on a dictionary [duplicate]
     31  numpy.random.uniform from a discontinuous set
     31  Numpy random sampling from multiple distributions
     31  Numpy polyval output y has different size than input x
     31  Numpy multidimensional transpose not giving expected result
     31  numpy - most efficient way of calculating f(v1,v2) for every pair of rows in a 2d array
     31  numpy mean/std dev of arrays of various lengths
     31  Numpy matrix flattens to a matrix
     31  numpy matrices replacing zeroes
     31  Numpy: Mask of elements in array1 that are also elements of array2
     31  Numpy: is there any difference between ix_ and ogrid?
     31  numpy invalid dot product shape
     31  Numpy how to get selective arrays in arrays
     31  Numpy function that rounds to specified integer to specified range
     31  Numpy function output increases with every run
     31  Numpy - for each element X in array1 find index of first element greater than X in array2
     31  Numpy, filter rows use mask of 1,0 values?
     31  Numpy Error: can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_
     31  numpy dimensionally multiply an ndarray with an array of scalars
     31  numpy copying data from one array to another
     31  numpy array using more loops than it should. why?
     31  Numpy array update command explanation
     31  NumPy array read from a .bin file is not having the same dimension when the same array was written into this file
     31  Numpy array questions about .shape
     31  numpy: alternative numpy.take version [duplicate]
     31  numpy 3d array: normalising columns in the last dimension while filtering specific rows in the last dimension
     31  np.block cannot concatenate (1,2) array with (1,1) array on the same row
     31  New array from existing one, 2 column begin indexes of line/colum from the existing, third being values [duplicate]
     31  Neural network does not proceed/delivers no output
     31  Need to update a pandas dataframe row based on cell value. Also, if 2 rows have same cell value, need to update only the first
     31  N-1 polynomial fit using numpy
     31  My code has created a numpy array inside another numpy array for one list but it does not for another list that goes through the exact same process
     31  Multiply scalar in matrix with matrix in tensor in the corresponding position by numpy
     31  Multiply 1D arrays a[k] and d[j] into a matrix m[j,k]
     31  Multiplication between arrays of different shape in numpy
     31  Multiple similar values of a dictionary in an array changes when one of the values is modified
     31  Multilevel groups and duplicate checking
     31  Most efficient way to make a max result matrix from other matrices in numpy?
     31  Modifying the alpha value of multiple colours in an image?
     31  Modifying a numpy index during assignment
     31  Method changes both instances even if applied to only one of them
     31  Merging two CSVs for replacing NaNs
     31  Merge data frame issue
     31  Merge 2 dataframe columns into one by matching date
     31  Matrix inversion in python: bottom diagonal always wrong
     31  Matplotlib Multicolored Lines with datetime64[ns] axis
     31  matplotlib animation looks different than sequenced imshow
     31  Matplolib: imgshw() and contourfc() coherent representation?
     31  Matching panel data at time t-1 and time t Python Pandas
     31  Masked `np.nan` in the `` problem in jupyter
     31  Map pandas dataframe columns to an array
     31  Making a new numpy array from numpy array
     31  Loop outputs to a list or numpy array, also a NoneTypeError
     31  logic of pd.groupby.apply() resulting in different shapes based on applied function
     31  Loading each line of text file as numpy array without looping
     31  Loading a text files with unequal columns
     31  Load a text file into a numpy array
     31  LIST to Values: datetime.datetime
     31  Linear Regression Curve Fitting With Scipy - Not sure what is wrong
     31  Keep the aspect ratio of an image based on the fft of a wave file
     31  Keep specific elements of large matrix product
     31  JointPlot in seaborn
     31  Joining Scipy sparse matrices without the slow scipy.sparse.vstack
     31  I want to create a pandas DF based on 2 np.ranges tied together
     31  I've calculated and plotted Z Scores using the code below, but how do I transform z scores into t scores?
     31  Iterating through 2d array gives: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     31  Iterate through a Matrix and continuously sum it without for loop
     31  Iterate through 3d numpy array and multiply each value with a caliberated value
     31  Iterate on image efficiently with Python
     31  Is there a short way in networkx(Python) to calculate the reachability matrix?
     31  is there any easy way to iterate through multiple text files?
     31  Is there any better way of creating numpy array when number of elements are very high?
     31  Is there an Py function for sum of clear elements on the main diagonal of a square matrix
     31  Is there a more Numpy-esque way of interpolating my rasters?
     31  Issue with sklearn/numpy dependancies
     31  Installing NuPIC on my ubuntu throughs system error
     31  Installing numpy on Ubuntu without pip/anaconda
     31  Input image normalization for face recognition seems to hinder training
     31  Infinite __getitem__ calls during NumPy array assignment [duplicate]
     31  Index of the first and last numbers 1 of each column of an 2d array
     31  Indexing a position of value change
     31  ''IndexError: too many indices for array'' while merging VIPERS and PRIMUS
     31  IndexError: too many indices for array in numpy
     31  In a numpy record array, how can you order the elements based off a value in the record?
     31  I have a list of arrays L and an array A. I need to find which array in L is the closest to A
     31  If files are in the same folder, add them to each other
     31  I dont understand the bulit-in function (shape)
     31  Identify placement between 2 parallel lines using sorted arrays (in Python)
     31  Identifying specific modules files used by Python script
     31  I cannot understand the np.where result function
     31  I am unable to access and make some operation in 3D array in Python
     31  I am trying to replace the first column of a matrix with (0,1,2,3,4,5)
     31  I am making my first ml model. I cannot understand what this line of code is doing?
     31  How to Whitebalance images using Numpy/PIL
     31  How to vectorize operations over several rows in a matrix with numpy
     31  How to use curve_fit from scipy.optimize with a shared fit parameter across multiple datasets?
     31  How to unpack a uint32 array with np.unpackbits
     31  How to take user input from a single line in NumPy array?
     31  How to sum number of occurrences within an np array efficiently? Area of mask RCNN
     31  How to space existsing array using numpy
     31  How to reshape a dataset that's not aligned and throw away leftover data with numpy?
     31  How to replace or swap all values (largest with smallest) in python?
     31  How to replace an element of a replicate array without disturbing the original one?
     31  How to remove the ''infinity'' values in a dataframe?
     31  How to remove the first number before date to bring this dataset to get re-sampled in Python?
     31  How to remove dictionary values based on conditions of sudoku removes wrong values?
     31  How to properly reshape an array of large dimensions into two separate assignments?
     31  How to populate two columns from vector function that return a tuple (col_a, col_b)
     31  How to modify a numpy array using a function like excel
     31  How to merge two matrix(DataFrame) with different row size and same column size?
     31  How to make the output as real as I can after rescaling the data to do regression?
     31  How to loop values of a variable through a nested while loop calling on a function in Python
     31  How to join two TIFF files populated using memory-mapped IO
     31  How to inverse scaled numpy array for visualization purposes?
     31  How to index multidimensional numpy array with another numpy array
     31  How to get indices of top 2 values of each row in a 2-D numpy array, but with a specific area is excluded?
     31  How to get all possible indices of a multidimensional array without memory errors?
     31  How to generate a custom master dataframe from a folder of CSVs with Pandas?
     31  How to fix ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (10, 1)
     31  How to fix this python error? QA memory network system
     31  How to fix ''int' object has no attribute 'triu_indices'
     31  How to fill a numpy array using pandas dataframe using vectorization or cython routine?
     31  How to efficiently convert Pandas Dataframe into a multidimensional numpy array?
     31  How to duplicate a polyfit line to identify data extremities
     31  How to distribute list of even/noteven elements to index pandas
     31  How to create new dimension with numpy? (using fast operation)
     31  How to create a seaborn scatterplot with multiple values per datframe cell
     31  How to create a matrix of characters with numpy broadcasting, meshgrid or other method
     31  How to count pixel values satisfying a predicate?
     31  How to correctly modify timestamps on streaming data to create unique indexes
     31  How to compare dates in an array with a string of date?
     31  How to combine 1 bit data with 8 bit data?
     31  How to change the color of a binary image with matplotlib?
     31  How to change shapes of tensorflow placeholder for inference
     31  How to change array value depending on two conditions of 2D array?
     31  How to call in specific columns from .CSV
     31  How to break down a numpy array into a list and create a dictionary?
     31  How to apply this line np.add.reduce(x) to a list contains multiple arrays?
     31  How to apply stack() function on Pandas groupby Object
     31  How to add packages to an existing image through docker-compose?
     31  How to add new rows in each for loop to an array in order to create a matrix (m,n) in python?
     31  How to add a new column to a dataset
     31  How For loop result concat by column in python
     31  How do i write a dictionary containing dictionaries to an excel file
     31  How do I searchsorted row by row with respect to corresponding rows in another array [duplicate]
     31  How do I print values of a function for multiple inputs in python? [duplicate]
     31  How do I minimize the round off error and increase precision in python using Numpy and finite difference method for partial derivatives?
     31  How do i loop through a sliced ndarray
     31  How do I keep appending to a Numpy tuple array from flattens its structure [duplicate]
     31  How do I figure out the value which is greater than certain threshold in a matrix?
     31  How do I create this numpy tensor?
     31  How do I correctly define a function having numpy arrays as argument and return type?
     31  How can this random fetch of data works?
     31  How can I save this text analyser model?
     31  How can I get the value of the previous row in a Dataframe to change the current row value (dynamically, not with a static value)
     31  How can I export numpy array in scientific notation for all numbered columns and string when text column (varying position) exists in Python?
     31  How can I create a new ID from two IDs?
     31  How can i create a category of missing values when I am bucketing a continuos variable?
     31  How can get a part of a 2D array?
     31  Histogram matching ignoring zero values
     31  High exponent of number calculated negative [duplicate]
     31  Grouped by set of columns, first non zero value and one of all zeros in a column needs to be flagged as 1 and rest as 0
     31  Graph is not displaying
     31  Graphing the time of computing of a particular function in python
     31  Google App Engine Python2.7 local development fails to initialize ctypes dependent libraries
     31  Given a simple pandas Series, what's a simple way to create a histogram (bar plot) of it?
     31  Get values from numpy 2d array by using a list of tuples as indexes
     31  Get the names of Top 'n' columns based on a threshold for values across a row
     31  Get rows from dataframe using index array from numpy where clause
     31  Get min of index in a 2D array where a condition is met [duplicate]
     31  Get column/row vector from python-numpy matrix formatted as column/row [duplicate]
     31  Generically creating object with n preceding singleton dimensions
     31  Generator for `` Input rather than Collection? (training data too large for memory)
     31  Generating random SoLE with certain conditions
     31  generating all representations of n 1's in a zero matrix
     31  Generate data based on a distribution
     31  From a numpy matrix, find the inner-list containing the most of a single value, with one constraint
     31  Forming an array within an array using np.append()
     31  Formatting numpy arrays with black
     31  Find The Intersections of Lines and Create Seperate Lines
     31  find rows in pd.df based on complicated condition
     31  Finding the minimum of the N numpy matrices?
     31  find distance to reference items with numpy/pandas
     31  Filter arrays of different shapes in dictionary by index
     31  Fill values in dataframe
     31  Fetch data from db to list separate with bracket [row1],[row2] python
     31  feeding an array to numpy meshgrid
     31  Fastest way to mimic pandas reindex in pure numpy?
     31  Faster string assignment using Numpy
     31  Failing np.nan_to_num function
     31  Extract values from array based on multiple values conditions
     31  Extracting values stored in a 2D array of dictionaries with Python
     31  Extracting elements from the nd array and storing them into different vectors
     31  extract columns by index and name at same time
     31  Explanation of fill_diagonal syntax
     31  Expanding a matrix to a tensor
     31  Error while trying to solve a system of long coupled differential equations [closed]
     31  Error when setting plt.axis('off') with matplotlib
     31  Error: Setting an array element with a sequence with keras
     31  Eliminating duplicates from a list while summing over a non-duplicated variable
     31  eigenvalues for a large covariance (semi positive) matrix
     31  Efficient way to add multiple times a 2D vector to another 2D vector
     31  Efficient multidimensional indexing in numpy
     31  Efficient and elegant merge of time series data in numpy
     31  dot product of two numpy arrays with known dimensions does not come out with the expected dimensions
     31  dot product of arrays with missing second dimension
     31  different answers with imputation of missing values
     31  Differences when doing Python indexing during numpy variable assignment [duplicate]
     31  Differences between matrix multiplication using, m2) vs [duplicate]
     31  Determining if Pandas column containing array includes specific values
     31  Delete some rows of a numpy array
     31  Decorrelating a large number of data using numpy
     31  cv.fillPoly generating zero arrays, not reading inputs
     31  Cumulative values within a list [duplicate]
     31  Creating new column in dataframe
     31  Creating a numpy array from a vector by removing one item at a time
     31  Creating a new column based on three existing columns
     31  Creating and argsorting a Python-numpy array with a structured dtype leaks memory
     31  Create new column of results from function counting days between two other columns
     31  Covert list of lists to dataframe
     31  Count the number of decimals place in a np float 64
     31  could not broadcast input array from shape (250,500,3) into shape (0,238,3)
     31  Copy a Binary, Big endian, Short integer 2D matrix into a numpy array of dimensions (time, Y, X)
     31  convert numpy array to uint8 using python
     31  convertion and triming of numpy array of lists to numpy array of numpy arrays problem
     31  converting sequence of nucleotide into 2D array of integers
     31  converting a python string to a variable
     31  convert a numpy array values to a list of string values [duplicate]
     31  Convert a dictionary into a numpy multidimensional array of fixed shape
     31  Convert a data frame to a dictionary with a few keys (member_IDs) and additive values (account balances)
     31  Concatenate two matrices multiple times in a specific way
     31  Concatenate numpy arrays within for iterations
     31  Concatenate 3D Numpy Arrary
     31  Component-wise Product of all Column Combinations of two Matrices
     31  Color plot with specified axes
     31  Coding Isomap (& MDS) function using only numpy and scipy in python
     31  Code in Python that converts .h5 files to .csv
     31  CNN algorithm predicts value of 1.0 and thus the cross-entropy cost function gives a divide by zero warning
     31  chi squared computation using scipy
     31  Check if two contours touch each other or not [duplicate]
     31  Changing a numpy array in place based on values in a given column?
     31  change 2d array by a ''dictionary translation'' in python [duplicate]
     31  Can't resize numpy image array although it has the right size
     31  Can't predict values using Linear Regression
     31  Can't import libraries in an Acaconda environment in PyCharm
     31  Cannot reshape array of size 64 into shape (2,32,256,256,3)
     31  Cannot calculate Business Days between two dates? Converting dtype('<M8[ns]') to dtype('<M8[D]')?
     31  Can create one figure but not another in matplotlib/pyplot
     31  calculation method distance matrix using numpy broadcasting
     31  Calculate Mean and StandardDeviation in Histogram2d bins
     31  Broadcast operation between arrays of shape (N, M) and (N,)
     31  Boolean slicing swaps dimensions of numpy array [duplicate]
     31  best method of making an array
     31  Avoid incorrect rounding when part of a Numpy Array is replaced
     31  Avoid deprecation warning Python FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated
     31  assigning pixels in high resolution image to pixels in low resolution image
     31  Assigning labels for different portions of the list
     31  Array to store connection between other arrays
     31  Array dot Product
     31  argmax for multidimensional array along some axis
     31  appending strings to a new list under if statement
     31  Apparent error in numpy.transpose in matrices with size > 90x90 [duplicate]
     31  Analog of scipy's labeled_comprehension ''along axis''
     31  advanced 3d indexind in theano
     31  Add tensor to another by repeating along axis
     31  add new row to numpy using realtime reading
     31  Add multiple frames together (more than two)
     31  Adding multiple single band images together
     31  Adding incorrect value on calculated field pandas
     31  Adding a key with values to a dictionary
     31  Add copies of a dimension in Python - numpy.ndarray [duplicate]
     31  Adam optimizer issue of unchanged loss and accuracy in my implemention
     31  accessing tensor values inside dataset map function in tensorflow
     31  Accessing numpy array with list of logical indices prints the list instead
     31  2D Numpy Array indexing by using 2D array [duplicate]
     31  2D array to rows in a dataframe column
     30  Zip() an already initialised list
     30  Writing similar pandas function on numpy
     30  Writing an efficient code for applying a reverse operation using masks in NumPy
     30  write and read lists from/to file in python
     30  why value is ambigious if the logical operator syntax is correct [duplicate]
     30  Why numpy.astype didn't work when I want to convert a float32 numpy into a uint8 numpy and then convert it to ctypes.Pointer(c_ubyte)?
     30  Why model.predict computes different values in this sample?
     30  Why is np.average, among other average calculators, giving this result [duplicate]
     30  Why do we take the transpose after flattening an image
     30  Why do my arrays change their value if I am not using them in the loops?
     30  Why does the length of the array given to np.random.shuffle() affect np.random.uniform()?
     30  Why does numpy's transpose() combine datetimes
     30  Why does code in debugger work but not in actual execution
     30  Why did I get an error at 'print(digits.images(0))' with the Wakari 'digits' dataset
     30  Which python package solver?
     30  When applied to an interp1d cubic spline `find_peaks' returns index position not values
     30  What is wrong with my function? Finding the shortest path using numpy and networkx
     30  What is the most efficient way to histogram multiple statistics in python
     30  What is the fastest way to read in an image to an array of tuples?
     30  What is the difference between doing a regression with a dataframe and ndarray?
     30  What is the correct number of points to use in a response function for colvolutions?
     30  What does this numpy array means?
     30  What does the letter k mean in the documentation of solve_ivp function of Scipy?
     30  What am I doing wrong in defining my function to get the error ''numpy.ndarray'' not callable?
     30  Visualizing feature maps
     30  Vectorized method to compute Hankel matrix for multi-input, multi-output data sequence
     30  vectorize array from dictionary with tuple as key
     30  ValueError when converting a loop to vectorized format using np.where
     30  Using sklearn's Pipeline to process DataFrames
     30  Using scipy to fit CDF with real data, but CDF start not from 0
     30  Using pyplot in different versions always yields ''TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable''
     30  Using Numpy to find a value and update
     30  Using numeric integration to find the area enclosed by loop of coordinates
     30  Using np.genfromtext() to Split String Date Column into Two Int Columns with Week and Year
     30  Using elements from different numpy arrays contained in a list
     30  Using a numpy array in if condition cause problems, how to fix it?
     30  Update a numpy array except i-th entry
     30  Unpacking a List of Numpy Arrays
     30  Unexpected result from Numpy Matrix insert, How does this work?
     30  Understanding basic fuzzy logic - bijective function expected
     30  (TypeError) dot operation in numpy and theano
     30  Two seemingly equal matrix operations yield different results in Numpy
     30  Treating two arrays depending on one another without using loops, TypeError: only size-1 array can be converted to Python scalars
     30  Transposing columns and using column names as values in another row
     30  The meaning of 'hx,xedge = np.histogram(x,xgrid)'
     30  Switch triangular matrix
     30  Summing values per month to plot
     30  Stopping condition by comparing rows in Numpy
     30  SQLAlchemy and filtering with numpy datatypes
     30  Spatio-temporally sample a video
     30  Sorting python 2D Array based on values from another 1D array
     30  Sorting dataframe based on multiple columns mixing words and numericals
     30  Sorting an 3-dimensional array by a single row/column in Python - using vectorisation
     30  Sorting a List of Tuples where second value is np.float64 [duplicate]
     30  Slicing off a subarray of a given shape
     30  slicing a dataframe based on row and column values within a seperate dataframe
     30  Separating similar values from array in python
     30  Sending Matplotlib figure through http request as numpy array
     30  Search an array in first matrix column with numpy and get next column values
     30  Scipy optimisation routines only finding one answer
     30  Saving high dimensional numpy array in mysql database
     30  Sample a random index from each column of a 2d array of probability mass functions [duplicate]
     30  Same entry deletion in multiple arrays
     30  Result from Support Vector Machine confusing
     30  Reshaping (Flattening) Images into Column Vectors Arrangementt
     30  reshaping 2-d array using specific block shape [duplicate]
     30  Replacing one specific item inside a 2dArray in numPy
     30  Remove segments from numpy array that have a total intensity below a certain threshold
     30  Remove Rearranged Arrays in Numpy
     30  Remove column of N-by-M array
     30  Regions of very dense points for sphere generation despite using uniform distributions for theta and phi
     30  Read multiple .gz file and return it in one tensor
     30  Read file with last col header spanning 2 column values in python
     30  Quickest way to count the number of nonzero elements in the output of get_weights()
     30  Python: reverse numpy view of array with explicit indices
     30  Python/Pandas - Adding a hourly column with floats (ex 3.30) to time column (ex 7:00am)
     30  Python Numpy Get Green Mask even if pixel values aren't all 0 in other channel
     30  python numpy array from index array
     30  python.NET upgrade to python 3.7: IntPtr to numpy array constructor not matching given arguments anymore
     30  Python - multidimensional array syntax
     30  python matploblib graph not displayed
     30  Python: Is this array element replacement correct?
     30  Python index 2d array from 1d array without loops
     30  python how to open 2 data file every 100 step
     30  Python, how to interact two different data-frames by lookup or .map
     30  Python - Having issues with selecting new prediction using new categorical variables for numpy array
     30  Python function returning objects insted of values [duplicate]
     30  Python: extract inside values from unstructured list with one element
     30  Python Dataframe - Create a new column with value based on length of existing column value
     30  Python: Applying arithmetic operators on list like on numpy.ndarray?
     30  Python and Pandas: How to make pandas to behavior similarly to numpy.loadtxt?
     30  Python3 pandas & numpy: weighted percentage
     30  python3 numpy averaging across duplicate timestamp values
     30  Python 3 neopixel non-functional
     30  python: 3d scatter plot circle with hole in the middle
     30  Python 2.7 - saving a 1D array and a 2D array on the same csv
     30  Putting variables in bracket for array cutting in Python
     30  Plotting two different sized arrays with matplotlib
     30  plotting a scatter plot
     30  Plot multiple intersecting planes in 3D with matplotlib python
     30  Pickled 3D array is larger than it should be. How do I fix this?
     30  Performing function in new column based on condition in other column
     30  Pass a 2D numpy matrix to C++ code with Cython, get only a 1D array on C++ side [duplicate]
     30  Panel data: cohort, track id over time
     30  Pandas/ Numpy (v0.19.1/ v1.11.2) dataframe performance Issues when accessing by index
     30  Pandas/Numpy: Using multiple conditional statements with Numpy where and transform
     30  Pandas - Numpy - Itertools /// How get sequence count per row in DataFrame? [duplicate]
     30  Pandas/Numpy - Fill Missing Values Per Another Column
     30  Pandas: How to find number of unique elements for one column coming from another column?
     30  Pandas Groupby apply is evaluated many times
     30  pandas export a vector and change its shape to 1d array
     30  Pandas eval - abs() function not working with arithmetic operation [duplicate]
     30  Pandas building a histogram
     30  pairwise t-tests on numpy arrays
     30  Padding MNIST images from (28, 28, 1) to (32, 32, 1)
     30  Output matrix updating with dots and want I want remove the Dots in array
     30  Optimizing and Improving Python Code that Models the 3D Trajectory of a Thrown Baseball
     30  Optimize the time it take to read txt file
     30  Optimization of a command involving a sum and an exponential
     30  Operation vectorization in numpy
     30  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (16,) (21,) -pandas
     30  Omitting np.ndarray element
     30  Obtaining the sub-array from the main array where each sub-array is shifted to right by one
     30  Numpy substract element wise from another tensor element [duplicate]
     30  Numpy set range where less than
     30  numpy search by type element and change it
     30  numpy/scipy multiple 2D convolutions at once with different kernels on same dataset
     30  numpy scalar conversion magic in math.sin()?
     30  Numpy returning False even though both arrays are the same?
     30  Numpy return index of subarray into array [duplicate]
     30  numpy refused to retrieve concatenated values
     30  numpy overflow shape 256 configuration
     30  numpy.ndarray is not a callable
     30  numpy nansum across first index
     30  Numpy : multivariate indexing?
     30  numpy masking does not work with bounded range on both sides [duplicate]
     30  numpy loadtxt incrementally to preserve memory? [duplicate]
     30  numpy.linalg.norm VS scipy cdist for L2 norm
     30  Numpy library not resolving in Pycharm
     30  Numpy. Inverse Fourier transform. What is the order to transmit the signal harmonics?
     30  Numpy: Insert value in 2d with 2 x 1d using fancy indexing
     30  Numpy how to create a 1 dimensional array with different datatypes
     30  numpy groupby function raises an attribute error
     30  Numpy:Getting row number of element which have maximum value at n'th column in the matrix
     30  numpy from iter: return NaN when encountering a specific string?
     30  Numpy float16: different summation results for different indexing orders [duplicate]
     30  Numpy: Fast approach to extract rows from an array using an 2D index array
     30  Numpy fancy indexing with 2D array - explanation
     30  Numpy dot issue during matrix by vector multiplication
     30 function cant be executed concurrently
     30  numpy datetime64 from day, month, year series [duplicate]
     30  numpy count sum of costs for points in same group
     30  Numpy compare values inside to return greater index
     30  Numpy - calculate length of non-interrupted row in center of matrix
     30  Numpy behavior with ** and integer overflows
     30  Numpy arrays; How to replace elements with another array based on conditions?
     30  Numpy arrays getting objects instead of values
     30  Numpy arrays changing unexpectedly
     30  NumPy - 4-dimensional array appearing as 2-dimensional
     30  np.savetxt() does not save file when using Windows Task Scheduler
     30  np.polyfit does not fit the data
     30  np.nditer doesn't assign values when iterates over subarray
     30  np.nditer doesn't assign values when iterates over subarray
     30  np.fromstring to check string contains only integers and separator
     30  np.average of word vectors
     30  Nan values in a list of dictionaries
     30  name.sum() returns individual records rather than sum of records in python
     30  My training Data and labels have different numpy array shapes. It is disrupting my training
     30  Multiplying 2 numpy arrays
     30  Multiple matrix products in numpy
     30  Most optimal method to establishing functions
     30  modify a numerical array or an image based on the given threshold
     30  Mean of normal distribution generated using numpy.random.randn() is not '0'
     30  Map values from one list to values in another [duplicate]
     30  Mapping some of the values in a numpy array according to keys
     30  Machine Learning Python Traceback Errors
     30  Looping program causes index # is out of bounds for axis #
     30  looking for an optimization of a loop
     30  List of sums based on index list in python using numpy [duplicate]
     30  Linking boost/numpy in c++ within conda environment
     30  Linking a DLL to a Python extension when filename does not match the library name
     30  I want to add all lists in for loop and make one ndarray
     30  Iterate through a list of DataFrame column names and add only the column names whose values are integers or floats to a new list
     30  Is there a way where I can optimize the output restricting the parameters in fmin from scipy.optimize
     30  Is there a way to do array-based indexing in NumPy so that indices corresponding to all possible combinations of indexing array elements are selected? [duplicate]
     30  Is there a preferred format for Python to retrieve time-series data - between .txt or xlsx?
     30  Is there any difference when creating numpy matrix in the following ways?
     30  Is there any difference between using/not using ''astype(np.float)'' for narray?
     30  is there a more efficient way to label element along a conditional path?
     30  Is there a method to track predictions on_epoch_end?
     30  Issue with understanding numpy array slicing
     30  Isn't this a row vector? [duplicate]
     30  Is it possible to reshape a Python array stacked in one way into another stacked type? [duplicate]
     30  Is it possible to include scipy.stat function in pandas aggregate function?
     30  Is it possible to avoid return edges of igraph in a vectorized way?
     30  Is it possible to access data given a list of column names in pandas?
     30  Is it neccesary to use copy inside classes to avoid overwriting previous variables?
     30  IPython Variable Assignment [duplicate]
     30  Interpolating a random array with splprep and splev in scipy throws an error
     30  Indices share row data in numpy
     30  indexing error on the bin size generation,
     30  Indexing 2d array bar with another 2d array foo where foo contains row indices for corresponding columns of bar
     30  increment date by month using python numpy
     30  Increase of multiprocess time
     30  I'm running into overflow errors in the output of my code
     30  import numpy throws error no module named 'ctypes'
     30  Implementing backprop in numpy
     30  I have a csv file and want to extract a column and strore int as array
     30  if number in dataframe column 1 is x and if column 2 is y return result
     30  Identifying the index of an array inside a 2D array
     30  Identifying column indices that a subsetted np array came from in larger np array
     30  Hyperbolic sin and cos of an array
     30  How would I Group by a column in Pandas, and find its sum?
     30  How would I change the content of an array using another array?
     30  How to write a custom element-wise function in numpy elegantly?
     30  How to write a code to match names from excel_list1 to excel_list2 ? and find an accuracy measure of the names matched
     30  how to use pip3 or pip in pyenv for virtul python I created?
     30  How to use numpy where to select items in a matrix?
     30  how to use np.transpose() for the shape of (1, 7, 7, 1024)
     30  How to use append for 2D arrays?
     30  How to transform keras.tensor to numpy and turn it back then
     30  How to take the average of rows in a dataframe that fall within a certain tolerance
     30  How to take n number of arrays, and set them as individual columns in a grander array
     30  How to split a file into irregular parts between the starting and ending indexes?
     30  How to sort eigenvalues in python/numpy first by real part then by imaginary part
     30  how to slice a 2d array based on indices given in another 2d array
     30  How to select rows of structured numpy array with certain sequence
     30  How to search for a particular 2x2 matrix in a 5x2x2 NumPy array?
     30  How to safely cast NumPy array of dtype 'object' to 'str' using numpy.ndarray.astype?
     30  How to return the single in a dataframe cell while maintaining datatype
     30  How to return list of items from an array given list on indices in numpy
     30  How to reshape numpy array of shape (4, 1, 1) into (4, 2, 1)?
     30  How to replace the first dimension of a 3D numpy array with values from a 1D array?
     30  How to replace duplicate values with null in DataFrame?
     30  How to replace all matched array which are exist in the large 2D array using python?
     30  How to Remove Characters and Count Occurrences from Array to CSV File
     30  how to read the url and check for HTTPS in python?
     30  How to read the text data using pandas?
     30  How to pick a value from date column and store it in a matrix
     30  How to perform random mutations on a binary np.ndarray based on a probability?
     30  How to optimize or minimize a function for multiple arrays in Python?
     30  How to only iterate certain axis matrix using numpy iteration? [duplicate]
     30  How to merge values from each array to get one new array
     30  How to make IDLE python display directly results from a function defined and ran from a .py file
     30  How to load Chainer training checkpoint from npz?
     30  How to keep the previous plot and not clear the figure after calling without simply repeating the call?
     30  How to join/connect two list in python? [duplicate]
     30  how to install numpy for python 2 while I have both py2 and py3 installed
     30  How to insert the sum of every 2 vectors between those vectors?
     30  How to index multi-dimensional array with an array that is row-dependent?
     30  how to groupby statement in pandas other than crosstab
     30  How to go from lat/long data to surface plot
     30  How to get the position of certain columns in dataframe - Python [duplicate]
     30  How to get the next predicted value from an extrapolation (linear regression?) using a set of data in a for loop?
     30  How to get similar arrays in two lists using numpy?
     30  How to get a slice 2D array by list of rows in Python
     30  How to generate N-dimensional array of random values?
     30  how to fix an 'invalid value encountered in power' error?
     30  How to find the index that corresponds to the nearest group of values in corresponding arrays with a defined hierarchy?
     30  How to filter array (x,y,z) with (0,0)<=(x,y)<=(x1,y1) in numpy or python?
     30  How to extract specific rows from an nd array in python
     30  How to extract certain data using groupby and use the extracted data to make a new column?
     30  How To Eliminate Duplicates of Coordinates from A List?
     30  How to efficiently sum each element of vector with matrix getting enlarged matrix
     30  how to efficiently divide a large image to several parts and rotate them?
     30  How to draw the normal distribution of a barplot with log x axis?
     30  How to delete images with the low pixel value in a folder
     30  How to delete a column out of a pandas pivot table? (Python)
     30  How to create empty cells in pandas that are recognized as empty by R, using rpy2?
     30  How to create calculation based on conditions using numpy and pandas
     30  How to create a time varying plot (animation) of a 2D array that changes it's values in discrete time steps?
     30  How to create an array of indices given the number of times the indices should repeat? [duplicate]
     30  How to convert the 'dtype = object' NumPy array into 'dtype = float' array?
     30  How to convert a 'states' object class list to a pandas dataframe?
     30  How to conver (M, N) shape numpy array into (M,) [duplicate]
     30  How to concatenate single dimensions in multidimensional numpy arrays
     30  How to compare if list of items are present in each row of a dataframe in python
     30  How to combine default input with conditional in order to perform calculations in Python
     30  How to change one entire row into the column headers? please advise me on this
     30  How to calculate a power using an array as ''base'' and a dataframe row as ''exponent''?
     30  How to average 2D array columns based on date header
     30  How to automate extraction of values represented by numpy array associated with keys as separate data from a dictionary
     30  How to append to an empty numpy ndarray in a loop
     30  How to append all the arrays inside a list into a single array combined by the depth in numpy
     30  How to append a list in empty DataFrame column wise using for loop? [duplicate]
     30  How to adjust the specific data in rows or in columns?
     30  How to add values to columns if field is NaN upon split()
     30  How to add a single item to a numpy array
     30  How to add an array to existing array at a specific row? [duplicate]
     30  How should I solve my problem with ''np.around'' method?
     30  How do I use scipy.ndimage.interpolate to randomly rotate a numpy array in 3d?
     30  How do I rotate timeseries in a 5-d numpy matrix?
     30  How do I pass an arbitrary Python function to Tensorflow serving?
     30  How do inset numpy array to fit in my model?
     30  How do I nominalise Cross Correlation outputs?
     30  How do I multiply certain columns by a constant?
     30  How do I mask multi-output in Tensorflow 2 LSTM training?
     30  How do I loop through a sparse matrix to build target variable for specific columns in a loop and using the rest of the matrix as features
     30  How do I generate a curved tube from 2D slices by shifting center coordinates?
     30  How do I fix a [Errno -9981] Input Overflowed?
     30  How do I find the value of an index in an ndarray and convert to pandas Dataframe?
     30  How do I deal with this np.where script?
     30  How do I create ''mapping'' matrix based on searchsorted result in numpy?
     30  How do I continiously calculate something based on the past X amount of data? (Please see info for more details)
     30  How could I go about plotting data in three different colors corresponding to some third/fourth/fifth dimension?
     30  How can I use the index of an numpy array in place without for loop in python 2.7
     30  How can I sovle slice and reshape? I got could not broadcast error
     30  How can I replace a value from one array with a value in the same index of another array?
     30  How Can I read data from Python Figure?
     30  How can I promote NumPy on my website without breaking their license agreement?
     30  How can I parse the information between two variables into a matrix?
     30  how can I normalize n different set of data using a provided method which can only normalize a set of data
     30  How can I make this algorithm repeat over different values of dx,dy and store the values in an array
     30  How can I interleave 5 PyTorch tensors?
     30  How can I get the function expression of the fitted curve when using matplotlib, numpy, scipy? [duplicate]
     30  How can I convert from 2-d array to 2 1-d array numpy indexing? [duplicate]
     30  How can I compute things, but omit certain numpy elements?
     30  How can I combine multiple updates to a numpy array in one line of code?
     30  hdf5 append to dataset adding by reference
     30  Grabbing the nodes on the edges of a matrix using modulo
     30  Given two vectors, get a matrix of boolean values indicating where elements of vectors are equal
     30  Getting too many indices for array error in numpy.reshape
     30  Getting different results for same operation in windows 10 and virtual machine Ubuntu
     30  Getting an error when try to substract : Operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,) (2,3)
     30  Get string from numpy array
     30  get results of numpy sub arrays in seperate sub-arrays on performing an operation, without using for loop
     30  Get index of numpy array
     30  get distancematrix for two numpy arrays with different shapes
     30  Get Dictionary Keys From NumPy Array and Values From Increment
     30  Get days to next date from one array to another in numpy
     30  Get a error claiming my 2D array is not 2D in impyute
     30  Generation of a dataframe with ratio in the trend
     30  Generate NaN values on the dataset based on ZIPF distribution
     30  Generate a column data based on another dataframe data [duplicate]
     30  From pandas dataframe to multidimensional numpy array for compatibility with tensorflow
     30  free(): invalid next size in Python
     30  For Numpy array A what's the difference between A and A[:]? [duplicate]
     30  flexible query based on two numpy arrays
     30  fit method in keras (shape of the array)
     30  find the index i of a sorted array y[:], such that y[i-1] <= x <y[i] [duplicate]
     30  Find ''Master coordinates'' from multiple arrays with different block structures via slices
     30  Finding sequential pairs of rows in pandas DataFrame with value matching in two columns
     30  Finding row positions through datetime index in pandas dataframe
     30  Find end period of maximum drawdown?
     30  Filter a NumPy array by the final dimension, collapsing only the second to last dimension
     30  Filling In Empty Data Sets
     30  Fig.canvas.draw freezes up when plotting multiple bar graphs? [duplicate]
     30  Extract and print x,y coordinates from array of x,y where y between two predefined values
     30  Exporting multiband Earthpy masked GeoTIFF with Rasterio resulted in original non-masked file
     30  Exponential Function Fit to Scatter Plot in Python
     30  Error while trying to display only certain colour pixels of an image that is captured
     30  Error: numpy.ndarray object is not callable
     30  Error in using predict function in Simple Regression Model (Shapes not aligned)
     30  Error in Path optimization while avoiding an obstacle
     30  Efficiently get permutation of 3 numpy arrays of differing sizes and types
     30  Efficiently compute the dot product on the last dimension of an array
     30  Effectively choose subset where each item has probability to be picked
     30  downsample big numpy.ndarray on if condition in python
     30  Doing the average over a bunch of files
     30  Does numpy.where(condition, f(x), f(y)) evaluate the f(y) is condition is true? [duplicate]
     30  Does numpy handle arrays with dtype wrong?
     30  different methods indexing numpy arrays
     30  Different Behaviors of Numpy Stack
     30  Difference between numpy and tensorflow implementations of a simple logistic regression using stochastic gradient descent
     30  Difference between a range of values of txt files
     30  Deleting rows of numeric matrix based on multiple logical condition
     30  DataFrame with Index to Numpy Retaining Index
     30  Dataframe's column check intersection with python list,when column series of lists
     30  Cython prange with function reading from numpy array (memoryview) freezes, why?
     30  cv2.imshow and cv2.imwrite produce different images from same source
     30  curve_fit fails when using endpoint=False in independent variable
     30  Creating a 4 dimensional tensor mask in numpy
     30  Create numpy array of arrays [duplicate]
     30  create array by removing infinity
     30  Create a Numpy Array from particular text format
     30  create another column based on matching of two data frames columns
     30  Count unique slices in a ndarray [duplicate]
     30  Count similiar elements in a list of numbers
     30  Cosine distance of matrix to vector, with large size matrix?
     30  convert pandas string dataframe to int in python
     30  Converting string to date in numpy unpack
     30  Converting numpy.meshgrid results to a text file
     30  converting a latex equation into an equation that you can use in python
     30  compute matrix product for multiple inputs
     30  Computational effects of iteratively slicing an array
     30  Compare row N to row N+1 with numpy array operations
     30  column vector times row vector to form a matrix
     30  Coin Toss: Frequency of trials with Expected Value out of n trials
     30  Choose the size of image matrix
     30  choose among different arrays based on length in python
     30  Changing the input after the first function - how to stop this?
     30  Changing a variable within a class causes global variables to change as well?
     30  Change Color of Picked Data-Point inside a Subplot with a click
     30  can you create a np.complex128 1d array from two np.float 1d arrays without copy?
     30  Can't multiply sequence by non-int type file for 2 by 2 numpy arrays
     30  cant access multiple indices in numpy array
     30  Can someone help me with; ValueError: shapes (414,4) and (414,4) not aligned: 4 (dim 1) != 414 (dim 0) for logistic regression
     30  Cannot work out why I am getting this error.|TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'int'
     30  Cannot change value of certain parts of array
     30  Cannot assign string elements to NumPy array?
     30  Can a numpy 1D array not be contiguous?
     30  Calling .values on a column of lists returns an object array
     30  Calculation of Variance using data target instead of data mean
     30  Calculating and using Euclidean Distance in Python
     30  Calculate Quartile Based on ID
     30  Build a matrix of available actions for Q-Learning
     30  b.sum() yields 0 while b.rolling(2).sum() yields nan, where b=pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan])
     30  Best way to combine datetime in pandas dataframe when times are close
     30  Benchmark and Speed up this Python code
     30  Batch of windowed masks with unique positions in vectorized way - Python / NumPy
     30  Associating data with additional data generated according to gaussian or exponential distribution
     30  Assign Specific Values to Matplotlib graph
     30  Assign datetime.time value to a numpy list
     30  Assign a integer identifier to strings in a 1-d array [duplicate]
     30  Arrange data in Dataframe based on dates
     30  Applying a recursive function or variable-length loop in to elements of a numpy array
     30  Apply condition to opencv image
     30  Appending value to a list based on dictionary key
     30  Appending missing values according to index
     30  Appending columns to make a custom matrix [duplicate]
     30  ANSI codes not working in a ndarray of strings
     30  Animate numpy matrices
     30  after filtering the column data in excel file that filter data add to the new column 'comment'
     30  Add legend of whole numbers instead of gradient in matplotlib
     30  Adding a row to existing dataframe [duplicate]
     30  Add dimensions to a tensor and duplicate values along the new axes
     30  Add a specifc value as a new dimension of a numpy array
     30  Access part of ndarray
     30  Accessing first colum of a 2d numpy array while retaining the dimension [duplicate]
     30  3 Input Logical OR with Numpy where
     30  2D Array Creations to containing real and imaginary numbers along each axis
     30  2 column n rows array- operation on elements of two colums in each row
     29  writing image and filter classes
     29  Writing a definite integral over time of a 3D matrix
     29  Will divding a np.float64 object by 2 makes the return value's dtype np.float32?
     29  Why when I try to execute 2 conditions in 1 function it give me just black raster?
     29  Why the dtype changed differently after convert two lists with same type to numpy array?
     29  Why sometimes we have to add .values when we do elementwise operation in pandas?
     29  Why is Z < Z > Z (with Z integer array) an illegal expression in numpy? [duplicate]
     29  Why is my array not initialising? Numpy - error
     29  Why does RandomState with a set seed generate new numbers each time?
     29  Why does python return True for this statement with numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     29  Why can I not use inplace division operator when dividing numpy vector by numpy norm
     29  Why are my machine learning images so messy?
     29  Why are digits being omited from a column when importing a data file with Pandas [duplicate]
     29  When to use list, series, tuples, arrays [python] [closed]
     29  When are arrays C-contiguous and F-contiguous simultaneously?
     29  What's the point of tmpfile when saving numpy array?
     29  What's the logic behind the pythons' numpy ''='' sign? [duplicate]
     29  Whats the fastest way to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2D real symetrical Matrix
     29  What is this column of 0s in a structured numpy array?
     29  What is the correct way to label columns in a tensorflow dataset when imported from unlabeled csv?
     29  What is the best way to load node connections into TensorFlow?
     29  What is the best way to get Index of NANs in a pandas data Series
     29  What is the best way to add to the dimensions of a 3d numpy array?
     29  what is mean this syntax using numpy.mean with condition
     29  Vectorizing a numpy indexing [duplicate]
     29  Vector arrangement with numpy? [duplicate]
     29  ValueError: z array must not contain non-finite values within the triangulation
     29  value error too many values to unpack(expected 2)
     29  ValueError: Error when checking target: expected lstm_2 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (1, 184800)
     29  Using numpy.where() to create a new array
     29  Using numpy, how can I generate an array where the value at each index is the sum of the values from 0 to that same index in a second array?
     29  Updating numpy 2-dimensional array according to conditions across different 2-D arrays
     29  Unique ID for sentence
     29  Understanding problems in scikit learn in Python
     29  Understanding np.where for multidimensional arrays
     29  Unable to append a list with numpy values
     29  TypeError when using numpy.take
     29  TypeError when I try to implement a function on a grid
     29  TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars Python3
     29  Two equal Keras models after set/get_weights() do not have the same weights according to numpy.array_equal()
     29  Transform scipy sparse matrix to index-based numpy array
     29  Time cost severely different when copying the same data in Python
     29  This function is not showing the name of files  ...  how to resolve this? [closed]
     29  The data aren't visible in the plot
     29  The best way to expand the dimension of a numpy array so as to meet different requirements
     29  Template matching two 3D numpy array
     29  swapping given part of array to another part in numpy
     29  summing up the values in a dictionary
     29  Subtypingclassing ndarray - how to construct from a normal ndarray
     29  Subtract matrix from ndarray along particular dimension without reshape
     29  Substracting area from Rectangle with Polygon in Python [duplicate]
     29  Subsequent distances between vectors stored in two data frame
     29  Strip specific characters in a substring
     29  Strings Becoming Empty when dtype is defined for numpy.array
     29  Stretching the data frame by date
     29  split array column wise even if equal division cannot be made using numpy
     29  Split an array into branches merge with another array to it into tuple using numpy
     29  Speed up grouping with `apply` on a single column
     29  specific way of numpy array expansion
     29  sort array in python3 using numpy
     29  sort a numpy array (having strings, dictionaries and numbers ) with respect to specific column
     29  sometimes kernel dies when running python code with numpy and gmpy2
     29  slicing. Is the result a row or a column?
     29  Sklearn SGDClassifier ''Found array with dim 3. Estimator expected <= 2'' with after reshaping MNIST
     29  shorter way to change data type of scalars and numpy arrays
     29  Select list entries based on Numpy Array Values (Same Index)
     29  selecting records which meet a condition spanning multiple columns in python
     29  Selecting 5 random data elements from an ascii table
     29  Seaborn Matplotlib Python - How to annotate heatmap if value > x
     29  scipy.optimize.curve_fit: not a proper array of floats error/object too deep for desired array
     29  Rewrite a function completely with numpy
     29  Return relevant matrix rows if any combinations of elements of one column sums to x
     29  Return multiple matrices based on user input to function
     29  Representing a Continuous Bag of Words Model using Numpy
     29  Replacing elements in numpy array
     29  replace row of 3D array if all values below test - one numpy line using indexing
     29  replace pandas dataframe with a unique id
     29  Replace -1 in pandas series with unique values
     29  Removing ''array'' from my array and then possibly converting it to a data frame
     29  Remove keys() while loading matlab files in python
     29  Reduce a list of `similar` coordinates to a set [duplicate]
     29  Reading Excel file to dataframe and copying last non-empty column value to empty cells
     29  quadpy IntegrationError: Tolerances (abs: 1.49e-08, rel: 1.49e-08) could not be reached with the given max_num_subintervals (= 50)
     29  Python won't show me np.exp marketshare values
     29  Python series repeat values
     29  Python script for PERT calculation
     29  Python : Replace None value None with value of other column [duplicate]
     29  Python Predicates and Conditionals
     29  Python output numpy array as base64 encoded string instead of jpg
     29  Python-OpenCV floodfill function; strange type errors
     29  Python: Netcdf: Is there a method to get the overall average from one variable where another variable overlaps with a unique value?
     29  python ndarray perform A[:,  ...  , l, .. :] at specific index [duplicate]
     29  Python: In numpy, how do I slice a column from an array without needing reshape? [duplicate]
     29  Pythonic way to simple array handling
     29  Python equivalent of SetConstant ( Eigen )
     29  Python comparing a number to an array and finding equivalent percentile
     29  python coding for ODE [duplicate]
     29  Python class Polynomials won't work, like I expect it to work
     29  Python 3 on executing list creation do not work properly
     29  Python3.5-How to delete (release GPU memory) a variable from inside a function
     29  PyCharm | Numpy.Arrange | Traceback Error
     29  Problems Deleting Sub-Arrays that Satisfy Some Criterion
     29  Problems creating a mozaic with a list of numpy arrays
     29  print lower half of correlation matrix but keep index names
     29  Printing 'True' index/es after comparing numpy arrays with numpy.logical_and( ... )
     29  Principal Component Analysis with python
     29  Populating 3D zeros array without overwriting previous values
     29  pandas read_csv issue with reading large files
     29  Pandas dataframe - How to get a size() of columns as each column's name? [duplicate]
     29  Pandas combining same row into new column while preserving the row(not a simple group-by)
     29  overloading methods in python class [duplicate]
     29  Output fractional amount of ''incorrect'' values in an array with python
     29  Optimized way to get sum of elements across channels in ndarray
     29  Operation between two 2D numpy array
     29  Open DEAP dataset in Python 3 without cPickle
     29  OpenCV Error using function matchTemplate
     29  only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index error
     29  object detection script error a Winerror 2 a not specefied subprocess and numpy not being recognised?
     29  numpy.where - Calculating True statement, even if the condition is False
     29  Numpy Vectorization
     29  numpy - translate an 2 dimensional array with a different x and y?
     29  Numpy .shape function
     29  numpy select columns and rows with lists [duplicate]
     29  Numpy Rowwise Addition with a (Nx1) Matrix and a Vector with Length N
     29  Numpy reshape/restack?
     29  Numpy remove duplicate columns with values greater than 0
     29  NumPy Reads Binary Data Incorrectly?
     29  numpy python code array
     29  numpy.power() breaks down
     29  numpy.polyfit returning coefficients for different curve
     29  numpy one dimensional array incase of list of different length
     29  Numpy Matrix Difference row by row into 3D tensor [duplicate]
     29  numpy.load - mmap_mode loads whole array?
     29  NumPy inheriting: losing attributes in custom class instance when changing datatype
     29  Numpy indices: Crop rectangle from matrix with overlap / region of interest bigger than image
     29  Numpy.gradient: how to input a set of observations and corresponding outputs?
     29  NumPy - Getting minimum value per row and maintaining shape
     29  numpy function giving incorrect results - checked by hand and excel
     29  numpy elementwise multiply vector and matrix that have the same number of rows
     29  Numpy: Efficient way to create a complex array from two real arrays
     29  Numpy create an empty alpha image
     29  Numpy Convolution with stride
     29  Numpy concatenate over axis
     29  numpy arrays are inconsistent
     29  numpy array getting out columns according to a list returns rows wrapped in extra array
     29  Numpy array dimension
     29  Numpy array changing list element
     29  Numpy array append changes its dtype
     29  numpy advanced indexing of 4d tensor with result of np.argmin
     29  Numpy 2d array: account for border elements when modifying neighbouring elements
     29  Numerical decimal rounding not working correctly in Pandas [duplicate]
     29  Numba: im2col 2d implementation
     29  np.abs() and pd.TimedeltaIndex throws error for pd.TimedeltaIndex(['0 days']) in list
     29  Normalization avoiding floating-point problems [duplicate]
     29  Non Diagonal elements from non square array
     29  neural network: reshaping np array
     29  Neural Network Cost Function Not Minimizing
     29  Netwon's method without pre-built functions of Python: Calculation of gradient and Hessian
     29  Multiply vector with matrix element wise [duplicate]
     29  Most appropriate way to extract a array of matrices from an array
     29  MLP outputting average of all training output for any input
     29  Merge 3D numpy array into 2D array
     29  Memory error in neural network with batching of the csv files
     29  matrix of objects in python
     29  Matplotlib.plot() won't render plots correctly. Makes some sort of web instead
     29  MatPlotLib graph output is an L along both X and Y axis. Can't figure out why
     29  matplotlib animation closes just after running
     29  Massive increase in byte size of numpy array after np.append
     29  Mapping a function that depends on the location of its input value to a numpy array
     29  Mapped averaging from 2D to higher dimensional numpy arrays
     29  Loop to perform operation on i+1 in numpy array
     29  Looping through 2 numpy arrays and concatenating them
     29  Looping a calculation between a series of two images
     29  Locate the skipped rows in source file after using numpy genfromtxt python
     29  live sensor reading store in a data file
     29  List of objects as numpy array
     29  Kernel Dimensions returned as long and not integer
     29  JSON cannot handel numpy's float128 type
     29  I think my NumPy code could be optimized but I wouldn't know if this is the case or where to start. I'm using for loops and vectorize
     29  Is there a way to use numpy string array functions on object arrays containing strings?
     29  Is there a way to put attributes linked to array coordinates
     29  Is there a way to expand an array by repeating elements in both dimensions? [duplicate]
     29  Is there any way to get a sqrt of a matrix in NumPy? Not element wise, but as a whole
     29  Is there any Inbuild function in Pyopengl that selects the object when mouse is hovered over it?
     29  issues with having & inside of np.where()
     29  .isnull() vs .isna() for pandas [duplicate]
     29  Is it possible to ignore domain errors or automatically calculate bounds when using SciPy minimization optimizers?
     29  Interraction of C-function on unrelated numpy array?
     29  Insert zero rows and columns at the same time at specific indices instead of at the end
     29  In numpy how would be convert values internally
     29  Initialzing Empty Numpy Array from row of another Numpy Array
     29  In image dataset loading into numpy array, How can I convert image's 3d format into 2d?
     29  Individual operations on coordinates in 2D arrays
     29  Index values to a vector with numpy in python
     29  Index list of arrays keeping dimensionality in numpy
     29  Indexing with ndarray in the same way as using tuples
     29  'IndexError: index 4 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 4'
     29  Incrementing a numpy 3-D array with repeating 2-D positions
     29  INCOME TAX ANALYSIS: How to run a loop involving floats(decimals as intervals)
     29  In a numpy array (a list of tuples), the processing speed is slow by extending () many times. I want to make that part faster
     29  Im unable to import/use the cov() fonction from numpy
     29  image from [3,M,N] to [M,N,3]
     29  I have a figure with 2 axes, how do I make them have the same scale in y axis in matplotlib?
     29  if loops and Arrays
     29  Identifying values from one histogram into another
     29  identifying objects and labelling not working ''built-in method all of  ... ''
     29  I am trying to print specific column when acc_no = 2 [closed]
     29  How would I satisfy contraints of a cloth simulation with numpy
     29  How would I go about coding this crossover?
     29  How to write lots of ndarray into a file, where each ndarray is saved in a single line?
     29  How to view the values of a tensor and perform indexing on tensors when using Keras with Theano backend?
     29  How to use shared memory with Concurrent module?
     29  How to use np.where to find the index value of a certain element within an array?
     29  How to use np.savetxt(with formatter) and error occured?
     29  How to tokenize in numpy.ndarray?
     29  How to speed a loop with a pandas.groupby.nth() in it?
     29  How to sort a matrix in one dimension in numpy? [duplicate]
     29  How to show the grid in python with squared cells? [duplicate]
     29  How to scale Graphs and Vector field on the same plot nicely? [weird scales ]
     29  How to save results of lenghty calculation with multiple parameters?
     29  How to return the coordinates of a region in an image and its dimension in numpy?
     29  How to read data with wrapped columns in Python?
     29  How to multiply a 3D matrix with a 2D matrix efficiently in numpy
     29  How to merge 2D arrays along rows in Python
     29  How to mask one ndarray using a another ndarray
     29  how to make encryption hill cipher array to have dimension like original array?
     29  How to iterate a function through a list of dataframe in python 3.7
     29  How to insert R-Table from (15, 15) to (255 states, 4 actions)
     29  How to increase density of 3d points in python?
     29  How to implement fast numpy array computation with multiple occuring slice indices?
     29  How to ignore a specific value from numpy column vector, without removing it?
     29  How to get conditional Rolling sum for Multiindex in pandas?
     29  How to fix neural network confusion matrix code
     29  How to fix 'IndexError: too many indices for array' error in Python? while uploading csv file
     29  How to fix -0 issue in numpy.around()
     29  How to find the same entries in 2 pandas series but with different case sensitivity
     29  how to find the average of a string value in a coloumn and plot a graph?
     29  How to fill in the rows of the hourly timestamp with the last known price until the price column change and likewise continue further
     29  How to extract data from data frame when value of column change
     29  How to extract certain under specific condition in pandas? (Sentimental analysis)
     29  How to export numbers from python then reuse them
     29  How to delete a specific row from the initial data based on a value in another array?
     29  How to define a matrix to have the lowest memory consumption?
     29  how to create this numpy array?
     29  How to create a Numpy Index with colons everywhere except at one variable coordinate?
     29  How to count consecutive value change to zero in column python
     29  How to count an specific element row/column wise in ndarray?
     29  How to convert TensorVariable to numpy
     29  How to convert PyTorch Tensor to Numpy ndarray
     29  How to convert .csv to .npz in python?
     29  How to convert a spline fit into a piecewise function?
     29  How to Convert a Python NdArray into String and back to NdArray ? ( In THIS scenario ) [duplicate]
     29  How to convert a list of arrays in a single array when arrays have different shapes in python
     29  How to continously plot the multipication of two matrices?
     29  How to change(replace) all nan values in a column of DataFrame in pandas(Python )
     29  How to change python script to .exe with user defined input and output paths in python
     29  How to call only the content of the numpy array?
     29  How to build a matrix(ndarray) if I have a dictionary telling me the left,right,up,bottom of each item?
     29  How to assign values from a DataFrame using np.where
     29  How to appropriately test Pandas dtypes within dataframes?
     29  How to apply numpy's integer array indexing both to ndarray-s and python lists?
     29  How to add /subract fixed integer value to date field in Pandas
     29  How do i write this piece of code most efficiently using pandas and numpy
     29  How do I transform 3D coordinates to a new normal vector?
     29  How do I specify how many byte the opencv imwrite function writes to an image?
     29  How do I pivot my dataframe multiple times in pandas while creating a new column merging multiple columns?
     29  How do I get the remaining dataframe after using np.where in Pandas?
     29  How do I get multi-output data with label binarization?
     29  How do i convert my numpy array to 2D when it should already have 2 dims?
     29  how do i compile all variables within one codeblock?
     29  How can I use the 'try' and 'except' for positive scalars and positive vectors in python?
     29  how can I to put the value of temp at the end of 3-Dimension list? am I right?
     29  How can I sort numpy array of colors by position value?
     29  How can I segment a data array while preserving the original, global coordinate system of each segment?
     29  How can I reduce a numpy array based on a key rather than an axis?
     29  How can I order my plots in one window in Python using Matplotlib? [duplicate]
     29  How can I get rid of this error which I am getting with a code to find nearest neighbors?
     29  How can I format this, so I don't get an error? math.cos() error
     29  How can I fix a problem of volatile functions on excel?
     29  How can I expand a list to take care of elements such as '38359*0', which I want to represent as 38359 elements equal to 0?
     29  How can I define two different dtypes in a numpy array made from a csv? [duplicate]
     29  How can I create a specific print fn in Python that prints the output to tkinter GUI instead of terminal?
     29  how can i assign other values for coressponding value in dataframe column
     29  Homogenize ndarray by filling subarrays with NaN [duplicate]
     29  Having trouble importing sklearn.model_selection
     29  Gradient Descent - Difference between theta as a list and as a numpy array
     29  Getting first principal component and reduction in variance with PCA using Numpy
     29  Getting complex coefficients in nearest SPD matrices
     29  Get the index of a starred value in a large numpy array
     29  Get the elements of NumPy array A where the row indices are equal to the rows in array B that satisfy a condition
     29  Get rows where specific column value is present between 1st and current row
     29  Get RGB channels from a list of arrays
     29  Get randomized array of indeces from numpy.random.multinomial
     29  Get index of random true value PER COLUMN in numpy 2-d array without for loop
     29  Get group name as a axis in graph matplotlib
     29  Generate random probability based on the data size in Numpy
     29  Generate programmed data & create data frame out of it (generated data in to single column)
     29  Generate a global frame from a family of matrices in python
     29  Function that returns the row in an UNSORTED multidimensional array, A, that sums to the closest number to B?
     29  function gets function as an argument and throws 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
     29  flexible n dimensional index in numpy
     29  Find the frequency of a word in list with accordance to the first indexed item
     29  Finding the maximum values of a set of local maxima using matplotlib and numpy
     29  filter rows based on multiple strings with Pandas [duplicate]
     29  Filling a numpy array from v, (x, y) arrays
     29  Fast way to replace all values in an array by another, for a list of values?
     29  Fastest way to get average time
     29  Faster re-organisation of my data in a new DataFrame() [duplicate]
     29  Fast conversion to multiindexed pandas dataframe using bincounts
     29  Extract mask from 3D RGB image using a 1D Boolean array
     29  Extracting 2 D from 3D numpy array
     29  error when filling an np.array
     29  Error when checking input: expected dense_1_input to have shape (70,) but got array with shape (1,)
     29  Error: ValueError: Lengths must match to compare when trying to filter the dataframe in Pandas
     29  Error---only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
     29  Equivalent of numpy.put() in pandas
     29  encounter error 'str' object has no attribute 'log' when perform np.log()
     29  Elements of numpy array
     29  Efficient method for finding index of first occurrence of a number in batched data other than for loop
     29  Easiest plot result of numpy.polyfit?
     29  Dynamically defining methods in a loop, to emulate numeric object, but all methods receive value of last iteration, why? [duplicate]
     29  Drop the rows in front by conditions
     29  Downsampling by adding n^dim elements together in numpy/sparse
     29  Do some mathematical operation on numpy array
     29  Does the sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor support sparse input samples?
     29  Documenting that a script works with python2 and python3 and a particular matplotlib
     29  Discrete Fourier Transform Unexpected Peak
     29  Discrepancy in performance between log division and log subtraction using numba
     29  Difference of numpy arrays of different dimensions
     29  Difference between overflow/underflow when using numpy.log and math.log
     29  Delete successive 2 rows if two columns have different values [Panda]
     29  Datatype conversion in tensorflow/python
     29  dataframe.quantile() produce normal distribution from uniform distribution
     29  Dataframe column won't convert from integer string to an actual integer
     29  Cythony c-library 2D array
     29  Cython references to slots in a numpy array
     29  cycle through previous class instances results
     29  Cross Entropy Issue in NN (No Hidden Layers)
     29  Creating New Multidimensional Array
     29  Create pnb file and save with python
     29  Create parameter for multidimensional evaluation in Python/Numpy
     29  Create Pandas Series from numpy array of shape (m, n)
     29  Create a text file using the pandas dataframes
     29  could not convert string to float from file.txt
     29  Copy and Filter nested list Python
     29  Convert numpy array to panda dataframe, dtypes lost [duplicate]
     29  Convert lines into array and concatenate multiple lines into a multidimensional array in python
     29  Converting an array of time increments to an array of instants
     29  Convert a Numpy 2 dimensional array to a mapped list of dictionaries
     29  convert a list (object?) of 1*5 to a df in python
     29  Confused about numpy array operations
     29  Concatenate an array with itself n times
     29  concatenate a column vector to the end of a matrix
     29  Computing entropy only on data segments which do not contain Nans
     29  Compiling certain columns into a new array
     29  Compare one row of a dataframe with rows of other dataframe?
     29  Combine 2D arrays to make 4D array in numpy
     29  Column wise logical operation in numpy
     29  Column name is not referencing in pandas dataframe
     29  Colors and axis messed up in colorplot using matplotlib
     29  Collapse a dimension of a 3-D array into 2-D with logical_or and Numpy
     29  clean dataframe where variable position is inconsistent across columns, for ex. stock index where members are added or deleted overtime
     29  choose rows from two matrices
     29  Check if an element in a series is increasing with respect to the previous values in a series pandas, fast solution
     29  changing output from column to rows in python to csv
     29  Change specific values within a column based on keyword
     29  casting numpy to type without explicit loop
     29  Can someone tell me how to fix this error , here I'm working with tensorflow fashion_mnish dataset
     29  Can numpy.linalg.det() calculate wrong? Two different results for the same matrix [duplicate]
     29  can not import numpy in AWS jupyter-notebook
     29  Can I speed up groupby on multicolumns followed by diff with 1 period?
     29  Calculating roots of polynom in C++ with Eigen library
     29  calculating mutual information with cupy isn't faster than numpy
     29  Calculate the mean each day based on per minute data with differing lengths of per min. data
     29  Calculate the duplicate in multidimensional numpy array
     29  ''Button_Press_Event'' Coordinates Being Called Before I Actually Click
     29  Automatically determine plot size matplotlib [duplicate]
     29  Attempting to resize and reshape an image using CV2 and numpy
     29  assistance in numpy savetext format creates an error
     29  Assigning scalar value to numpy array via indexing
     29  Assign 3 values to Variable from Text File
     29  array as input for function
     29  arctan2 discrepancy in NumPy
     29  Applying LSA on term document matrix when number of documents are very less
     29  Applying a custom groupby aggregate function to find average of Numpy Array
     29  Apply a 2d color histogram on images
     29  Appending 2-D numpy array to txt file
     29  A parameter is missing for correct numpy percentiles?
     29  Aggregate function on categorical features with corresponding binary/ordinal features
     29  After running the function, the function became an ndarray
     29  Adjacency matrix with numpy outputting some incorrect values [duplicate]
     29  Add numpy array to pandas dataframa
     29  add mask to an 2*2 nparray for value ranges
     29  Adding values from a system of equations
     29  Adding a annotation above point matplotlib
     29  Add column to list or add row and transpose
     29  Access element of ndarray with shape=(dim,L,2)
     29  2darray indexing in numpy, python [duplicate]
     28  Writing M numpy data elements to a file with N elements per line
     28  Writing a new column in a pandas dataframe with only partial initialization
     28  why tensor.numpy() outputs different value?
     28  Why is pandas columns shape not correspond to the effective shape?
     28  Why in python innermost for loop picks a different value from the one defined outside loop? [duplicate]
     28  Why does this 1-D array in python get altered / re-defined while being autocorrelated?
     28  Why does the shape of an element and logical indexed array seem to transpose dimensions? [duplicate]
     28  Why does the printout does not change between DataFrame to DataFrameGroupBy?
     28  why does python set leave many np.nan? [duplicate]
     28  Why does datetime.strptime not work with numpy giving ' float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'datetime.datetime' '
     28  Why can I still import numpy in an anaconda environment with no packages?
     28  Why are numpy arrays made from images 10 times the size of the original images and what can I do about it?
     28  White Spots Appearing in Image Containing Outline
     28  when installing numpy with scipy gave the following error
     28  What's the fastest way to apply a function across multiple numpy arrays
     28  What is the reason of error in importing Numpy though it installed correctly
     28  What is the fastest way of numpy array iteration and slice [duplicate]
     28  What is the best way to separate data from an array and how to synchronize arrays?
     28  What is the Alternative method for Panel in pandas? [duplicate]
     28  What does numpy's exp with multiple arguments?
     28  Vertically stacking two arrays of different size without zero-padding
     28  Vectorizing stacking of data given alternating date columns and value between two date columns
     28  Vectorizing code of looping through NumPy 3D array
     28  Vectorized distribution fit with numpy-based groupby
     28  Variable changes after I change the element of array I defined it with?
     28  Using python to find image template in bigger image regardless of scale
     28  Using pandas function how to do following analysis for the same code which is done for individual
     28  Using numpy.where() along with an or statement gives me back an error about ambiguous values
     28  Using np.pad() on structured array
     28  Using array indexing for both dimensions of a numpy 2D array [duplicate]
     28  Use of conditions in extracting values
     28  Use numpy array / list as index into a string
     28  Understanding Behavior of Editing aList withing a List
     28  Unable to run PCA on a dataset
     28  unable to create pandas dataframe from numpy array
     28  TypeErrors with integer scalar
     28  TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars keep arriving
     28  TypeError in sns.jointplot
     28  TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'list'?
     28  Trying to visualize Topk results for any given image in an image classification task. Code is reading tensor value of image instead of class name
     28  Trying to set a subset of a vector to equal another vector, but everything gets set to 0
     28  Trying to modify np array diagonal
     28  Trying to combine data with different datetime stamps to closest one
     28  Tri-dimensional array as multiplication of vector and matrix
     28  Transform the values of the features of a dataframe
     28  transformation a certain number of elements
     28  Time-series numpy representation: different data, same visualization
     28  Time dependent equation fitting: Input is vector whereas output is scalar
     28  The meaning of numpy array with 'z[ ... ]' [duplicate]
     28  Take aways some element of a nympy array (erasing the index to)
     28  synchronously select samples from two multi-dimensional arrays
     28  SymPy - replacing fourier of multiplication in convolution
     28  subtract 1 from next cumsum if current cumsum more than a particular value - pandas or numpy
     28  Subclassing numpy : numpy methods return ndarray instead of the sublassed type?
     28  'str' object has no attribute 'ndim' keras
     28  Split n-dimension Numpy array into list of n * (n-1)-dimension arrays
     28  Split: Convert NumPy format into pandas
     28  sort value graph matplotlib
     28  Sort a 3D array in ascending order by column using numpy [duplicate]
     28  Something weird about the nan in numpy [duplicate]
     28  Slicing dataframe by date returned nothing in Python
     28  Slice indices must integer
     28  Should I be forcing everything into a numpy array just because I want the convenient indexing and slicing?
     28  setting an array element with a list
     28  Separating data in pandas that has a variable format
     28  Select several part of 2-d array by the attribute of another array
     28  Selecting a word based on transition matrix weights in python
     28  scipy.linalg.expm of hermitian is not special unitary
     28  saving the numpy image datasets. without increase in size and easy to save and load data
     28  save binary file after reading it using numpy
     28  Run Python + Numpy code on PBS cluster - Limit Numpy sub-process CPU usage
     28  REshaping input data for LSTM
     28  Replace list of values in a dataframe with NaN
     28  Replace and Iterate over x- and y-axis of multi-dimensional np.matrix
     28  Removing arrays which contain duplicate elements in Numpy [duplicate]
     28  Remove duplicate rows in Pandas (possibly by group)
     28  Rehaspe a 2D matrix into a 3D ? (x, y) -> (x/72,72,y)
     28  regarding the failure of counting the number of array elements belonging to a given range
     28  Reduction first dimension of ndarray - keep first and last elements
     28  Reading a numpy array of strings in memmap mode
     28  Read data from Cloud Storage using blob.download_as_string
     28  Q1: Data-Analysis with Python: Merge 2 time series together [duplicate]
     28  Pytorch or Numpy Batch Matrix Operation
     28  python vector apply mean across axis in chunks of size 5 [duplicate]
     28  Python: save csv with numpy and custom format in row's columns
     28  python read/write data IndexError: list index out of range
     28  python pytables parallize the file processing and creating of H5 file
     28  Python Numpy optimized calculate mean of an array on indices given by other array
     28  Python numpy indexing inconsistency
     28  Python - Implementing linear algebra formula numpy
     28  Pythonic efficient way to compute the mean of two successives arrays and add the resulted array between them
     28  Python handling memory usage of byte related objects
     28  Python get the p-value of the array
     28  Python: count the matrix values according to the threshold
     28  Python code to ID and skip empty rasters failing with numpy array syntax
     28  Python array fill optimisation
     28  Python and OpenCV - Why a processed with OpenCV cropped image can still effect the original image?
     28  Python: alter some matrix values according to a criteria without FOR cycles
     28  Python: alter some matrix values according to a criteria without FOR cycles
     28  Python3 Count Number of Week Days Ignoring Holidays
     28  Pyspark - Error when trying to iterate over an numpy array
     28  Pyinstaller generating exe errors
     28  Problem with groupby tabel Python Pandas?
     28  Problem importing (and installing) NumPy in Jupyter Notebook
     28  Predicate function to determine if two indexes have the same levels
     28  Populate 3 columns in one panda dataframe using lookup values in another dataframe [duplicate]
     28  Plotting of data points
     28  Pandas top five products counts per day [duplicate]
     28  Pandas select numeric columns [duplicate]
     28  Pandas - how to sort rows of a column, using a dictionary with indexes
     28  Pandas DataFrame - Why does my Correlation Matrix have a shape of (0, 0)?
     28  Output of numpy.random.choice appears as if it hasn't taken the probability list into account
     28  Optimization of Python comprehension expression
     28  Opencv map predefined GT cordinates to different aspect ratio
     28  Obtaining a 2D index from a 3D array?
     28  Obtain an array of steps from discrete spikes or peaks using numpy vectorization [duplicate]
     28  Numpy where broadcastable condition
     28  Numpy: subtracting two arrays
     28  NumPy, SciPy - how to calculate the z score for subsets of an array?
     28  Numpy returns NaN but TensorFlow still works
     28  Numpy reshape from (m,w,l) to (w,m,l) dimension
     28  Numpy reshape : 3 initial columns and convert it to symmetric matrix with third column as values of matrix
     28  Numpy - reading array from CSV as [153, ] instead of [153, 394]
     28  numpy / python - indexing by arrays with duplicates
     28  Numpy : overload str function to get exponential notation into all code
     28  Numpy only doesn't work in one of my specific github folder
     28  numpy matrix updating every second
     28  Numpy matrix get set of elements keys in another array
     28  Numpy.loadtxt using skiprows keyword with function
     28  Numpy install wants to create tmp file in lib folder where I do not have write access
     28  NumPy: impute mean of the two nearest rows for all NaN
     28  numpy image pixel values changing when appending to ndarray of images
     28  Numpy Functions Won't Work in IDLE
     28  Numpy - Fill image with corrsp. I given array of [u,v, I]
     28  Numpy does not see equal floating-point numbers [duplicate]
     28  Numpy: division by zero error, but mathematically function is apparently defined
     28  Numpy - Create an array of views
     28  Numpy: Change the element value of an array, it's a bit strange
     28  numpy array slicing index
     28  numpy array indexing: applying condition over the entire row/col
     28  Numpy array divided by an integer results integer results
     28  numpy advanced indexing with array [duplicate]
     28  Numbers to come on top of bar charts in python matplot.lib
     28  Numba failure on cell assignment
     28  np.gradient alternative in c++
     28  No Module 'numpy' in Jupyter notebook
     28  Nested numpy array with shape difference
     28  nested loop and newaxis numpy
     28  Nested Dictionaries with numpy arrays into SQL
     28  Need to convert the given output in to list
     28  NameError while loading contents of a npz file in python
     28  My scatter plot is only showing one part of the data
     28  multiple same categorical variables into one hot encoded columns efficiently
     28  multiple np.where return multiple values can not be accessed properly
     28  Multiple columns to single column pandas [duplicate]
     28  Most efficient way of deleting elements from an np array using a condition
     28  ModuleNotFoundError: '' when calling a script from another
     28  Modify all nonzero values of a sparse matrix (lil_matrix/coo_matrix)
     28  Method to automatically derive array scale and offset values
     28  Merge datasets using python (using numpy, no pandas) [duplicate]
     28  Memory issues with 2000 images of 2560x1440 in VTK/numpy
     28  Matrix-Vector product using einsum or matmul?
     28  Matplotlib: transformation of variables for narrow orbit
     28  masking troubles with numpy
     28  Making a function call only even indexed parts of a numpy array of 2d arrays
     28  Looping does not enter the else part in an if-else loop
     28  list using rows values from nth column till end of line
     28  Lambda function is affected by variables outside of scope [duplicate]
     28  I want to implement bandpass filter to remove noisy frequencies and then find the peak frequency
     28  i want to create a 2D array which consist of nodes name and its x y coordinate using numpy python
     28  Iterate a n-array and store values in variables [duplicate]
     28  Is there an opposite version of scipy find_peaks?
     28  Is there an operator error because after execution it is saying ambiguous error. What error am i doing?
     28  Is it possible to get reserved special numbers of double-precision binary floating-point with NumPy or some other package in Python
     28  Intrinsic Matrix varies based on Chessboard size
     28  Interpolate surface and find height above surface
     28  Integrate the area under many points in Python
     28  Instability of a mass spring system with 2 nodes and RK45
     28  In python, how do I make a matrix of the number of times(how many rows) each value in one column occurs with values in another column?
     28  In-line column assignments in Python/Numpy
     28  I need to vectorize this operation in python
     28  Indices such that elements are in the closed interval
     28  Indexing highest score on each row
     28  Increase Numpy array Dimension
     28  Improve Efficiency of Pandas URL Data Extraction
     28  Importing and concatenating arrays, then sequentially addin values in one column
     28  If I have a function of two variables, how do I efficiently create a two dimensional array out of the functional values in python? [duplicate]
     28  Ideas for manual copy-paste from excel to python code in spyder
     28  i cant install scikit_learn library
     28  I am trying to plot the graph for this code but I've got this error
     28  I am trying to implement linear reg in python and i am getting an error
     28  hstack out of memory
     28  How to vectorize (using Numpy/Pandas) my nested if statement under nested for loop
     28  How to use scipy integrate when a continuous function is multiplied by a discrete function
     28  How to use numpy linalg solver for multi-dimensional use?
     28  How to use a numpy array with fromiter
     28  How to Undefine Class method?
     28  How to take sum of only the second column of a matrix / multidimensional array using numpy
     28  How to take a column from a txt file and save in a new matrix
     28  How to take 50 samples at the same indices in two numpy arrays [batching]
     28  How to sum up and interpret epoch loss while using binary crossentropy?
     28  how to stop opencv2 matrix from applying mod on arithmatic result
     28  How to stitch two images using related keypoints?
     28  How to split a social graph (on matrix form)?
     28  how to specify numpy module version inside R shiny server, system command
     28  How to sort python lists due to certain criteria
     28  How to shuffle data without ml framework?
     28  how to select specific rows and columns of a double array in numpy to form a submatrix? [duplicate]
     28  how to see values inside an array? [duplicate]
     28  How to search for an array fragment inside bigger an array, possibily using threshold
     28  How to save storage by truncating datetime objects?
     28  how to reverse an array in numpy fraction wise
     28  How to return numpy.array object from a function?
     28  How to reshape and change the rank of a numpy array?
     28  How to reshape an array to 3d using keras
     28  How to reorder one set of data points to minimize error with another set of data points
     28  how to remove zero matrix in numpy for hyperspectral bands?
     28  How to remove certain values from a pandas dataframe, which are not in a list?
     28  How to print the first element of matching conditions with numpy where or convert it to an integer?
     28  How to power array by array without loops
     28  How to plot multiple column barplots under same labels
     28  How to Plot Both different types in ONE plane?(casual parametric formed eqation and Curves from NURBS-Python)
     28  How to plot and get coordinates of two intersecting lines on graph?
     28  How to perform arithmetics on element in 2D Numpy array involving elements indices?
     28  how to pass vector dataframe and loop in a function python pandas
     28  How to One-Hot value in one column where it contains multiple value
     28  How to obtain value_count() of different data types of elements in a series with ''Object'' data type?
     28  how to keep Several parts of the matrix and zero the rest?
     28  How to group subset data by irregular column values
     28  How to get the indices of similar valued numbers in a numpy array?
     28  How to get predicted values along with test data, and visualize actual vs predicted?
     28  How to fix 'Cannot handle this data type' while trying to convert a numpy array into an image using PIL
     28  How to find the indices of the maximum in each line, a concatenation of rows, in numpy?
     28  How to find the dtype of a numpy recarray when loading from bytes if original dtype unknown
     28  How to find a 'str' in a 2-D array and return element in next column?
     28  How to Fill missing values with mean when our dataset is in data Frame values in python [duplicate]
     28  how to extract the best population from different arrays?
     28  How to extract an array from a text file
     28  How to Equate dimensions of two tensors of sizes [64, 3, 128, 128] and [64, 64, 127, 127]
     28  How to drop float feature where % NANs is higher than a certain number?
     28  How to draw a histogram that follows a specific distribution?
     28  How to do Non-Linar Curve fitting using Python with user defined function?
     28  How to create shared memory objects with joblib on linux?
     28  How to create new ndarray as same number of columns as other array but having zero rows
     28  How to create and load a 3 dim numpy.ndarray reading from npy files?
     28  How to count when value in column change from any number to 10 by groupby one day data
     28  How to convert elements type in numpy array from string to int
     28  How to convert an ndarray to a ''tall'' Pandas DataFrame
     28  How to convert a for loop with np.column_stack/np.row_stack into a generator
     28  How to combine two ''different type'' arrays in Python? [duplicate]
     28  How to code this on numpy
     28  How to build a list of numpy arrays where each array is uniquely sized
     28  How to base64-decode a Numpy array (Python) in Kotlin/Java?
     28  How to append a numpy array with a few record array fields?
     28  How to align convolution of two histograms
     28  How do you vertically stack matrices when vstack isn't working?
     28  How do I merge two DataFrames by two columns with in python? [duplicate]
     28  How do I make the y axis of this graph start at zero?
     28  How do I index a two-dimensional portion of a two-dimensional array?
     28  How do I import a lower triangular matrix using pandas?
     28  How do I get the image file to be properly labeled when trying to produce topk predictions on an image?
     28  How do I generate a scatter polar plot, from this function, Using the columns as my plot coordinates?
     28  How do I delete duplicate values in one row of a 2D Numpy array, and also delete the corresponding value in the other row as well?
     28  How do i create a more efficient structured/rec array in numpy
     28  How do i create a CSV file from several different numpy arrays of different sizes [duplicate]
     28  How do I correct for errors in smoothing plotted data? (final data point is shifted)
     28  How'd I use the Pyplot function in Python?
     28  How can I represent a Data Frame on my website? [closed]
     28  How can i remove the dependencies of modules in python?
     28  How can I organize this mayavi code for speed up?
     28  How can I get the different values from two dataframes? [duplicate]
     28  How can I generate a list of node features as Numpy array
     28  How can I check a column for a sub-string and update another column if found?
     28  How can I calculate only 10% of the eigenvalues ​of a matrix in Python?
     28  get values from 3d arr by indexes stored in two 1d arr with different dimensions numpy
     28  Getting this error when usin newthon-raphson: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
     28  Getting error, while using numpy.concatenate
     28  Getting a cropped combination of 9 2D numpy arrays (only want boundaries of middle array)
     28  Generate missing values on the dataset based on ZIPF distribution
     28  Generate a heat map from CSV file using numpy and matplotlib - how to display negative numbers on axis
     28  Generate a boolean for where a value in a field matches that in another column [duplicate]
     28  Function that modifies a tensor in Tensorflow
     28  Function that changes the sign of elements in array if the condition between a and b meet
     28  Function is Not Graphing in the Range I want it to
     28  Frequency of precipitation above 95th percentile
     28  Find the cell value based on other cells in Pandas Dataframe
     28  Find Jaccard Similarity of list strings, one of of wich is a Pandas data row
     28  finding where 2d list overlaps by value
     28  Finding nearest neighbour =, TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     28  Fill the matrix at same position by averaging every inputs instead of replacing by the last input?
     28  Extraction from Numpy Meshgrids
     28  Extracting specific datas in numpy array [duplicate]
     28  Extracting data from specific columns of numpy array for each row [duplicate]
     28  Extract coordinates of all the sub image present inside the main image using python
     28  Explanation of numpy.unique when axis is given
     28  Error when imputing using .fit() from SimpleImputer
     28  Error when fitting elements found in data to its cumulative distribution
     28  Error using numpy.linspace() in jupyter, Python 3.x
     28  Error ''index 4 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 4'' in python
     28  ''einsum''ize outer products of each col of A and row of B and store in a 3D array
     28  Efficient row elements multiplication in numpy
     28  Efficiently sum up a couple of values into several bins in Numpy [duplicate]
     28  Edge Detection of object among objects
     28  Dynamically create splits in dataframe using numpy.split?
     28  Duplicating Python int * numpy.array behavior
     28  Dot product over the second dimension in Numpy?
     28  divide a ndarray by narray element-wise
     28  Different shape when indexing numpy array
     28  Difference between variable declared before or during method call in Python
     28  Difference between a numpy array and a numpy vector
     28  Dict of cluster and partition with kmeans python
     28  Determine intercepts of noisy data with constant [duplicate]
     28  delete item from multidimensional ndarray [duplicate]
     28  defining diagonals in python [closed]
     28  Define function from SymPy symbols
     28  Define a segment function array
     28  define a 3d numpy array with a range in column-wise format
     28  data type not understood during attaching some matrix blocks to each other
     28  dataframe duplicate with conditions?
     28  Creating new variable name from existing variable names in Python [duplicate]
     28  Creating a function which iterates through dataframe rows, applies a scipy function, appends the output to a new column and outputs modified dataframe
     28  Create unique list from column in multiple dataframes, create excel workbooks based off that, and put rows from dataframes on different worksheets?
     28  create new numpy nd-array by multiple two columns
     28  Create new column with conditional operations on existing columns
     28  Create index list for np.split from the list that already has number for each section
     28  Create a new column, based on the value of another column in pandas
     28  Create a column using two dataframes [duplicate]
     28  Copying values of a numpy array with floats
     28  Convolving a vector with itself n times using Scipy without for loops
     28  Convert strings in numpy array using title attribute
     28  Convert pandas data rame rows to couple lists
     28  Convert a pandas dataset to numpy
     28  Connecting masked points with line
     28  Computing distinctions: speeding up an operation on all combinations of rows in a matrix
     28  Comparison ANN and logistic regression on 200 datasets
     28  Compare two data frames (Source Vs Target) and leave empty row if records not found in Target table (having same index number as source)
     28  compare and replace the value from a data-frame
     28  Combining similar columns and creating a new dataframe with no duplicate values
     28  Combining Pandas Dataframe with Numpy Arrays
     28  Combining many 3D numpy arrays into one, from shape from (3, 2, 1) to (3, 2, 4)
     28  Combine unequal 2D numpy array to 3D array
     28  Column generation based on 2 dataframes
     28  Column display problem in Pycharm and extraction of user data from Twitter
     28  collapsing a cube by subtracting dimensions
     28  CoLab runtime expires when uploading large csv files; two possible(?) fixes
     28  Changing value of matrix and assigning value
     28  Changing one entire column of invalid literals for floats in text file
     28  Change Values in lowe triangular matrix
     28  Change values in dataframe using 'where' in python
     28  Change the dtype of a set of values in an numpy array in place
     28  Change the data type of one element in a matrix
     28  Change column name with matching string from list
     28  Cast a np.unit8 numpy array into float16 in a memory limited enviroment
     28  Can you explan this weird ''updating'' of np.array content inside a deque?
     28  Can't import scikit-learn: ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found
     28  Cannot select rows out of numpy array to perform an std
     28  Can I use list data sets to deep learning traning?
     28  Can I trim data from a matrix with a partially full last row in Python?
     28  Building a numpy maxtix
     28  Bringing image data and labels together
     28  Boolean selecting column from set of columns based on condition [duplicate]
     28  best way to find the index of value greater than threshold value in +ve slope
     28  Autograd breaks np.empty_like
     28  AttributeError: 'Styler' object has no attribute 'merge'
     28  assign na value to Pandas dataframe doesn't work
     28  Array indexing assignment to the same element multiple times [duplicate]
     28  Array conforming shape of a given variable
     28  argsort  -  breaking ties based on previous winner
     28  Apply value in column based on conditions while cross-evaluating 2 datasets
     28  Append numpy .npy files without having to load them into memory
     28  Appending data from a dual loop
     28  Appending an empty array with vectors
     28  Alternatives to np.newaxis() for saving memory when comparing arrays
     28  Adding values of small arrays to positions in a greater array
     28  adding points per pixel along some axis for 2D polygon
     28  Adding layer outputs with a shape mismatch
     28  Add column from other data frame based on condition
     28  3D Display of sub map on a map with python
     27  Why some a state is removed from the model while using in Python?
     27  Why is this Vector subtraction producing a matrix [duplicate]
     27  why is my second to last number not visible in output?
     27  Why is a DataFrame created with read_csv() different than another one created with DataFrame() with the same data?
     27  Why does this automatic image cropping not work on handwritten numbers?
     27  Why does numpy array slice assignment change shape of array?
     27  Why can't I append this data to my numpy array? Getting a dimensional error
     27  Why aren't some dimensions shown in the output even when according to the indexing they should be?
     27  While doing element-wise operations in NumPy, what's the best way to add a conditional statement?
     27  What to do instead of assigning
     27  What's wrong with my png image, which changes colors in different contexts?
     27  What is the meaning of the parameter 3 in the given numpy statement?
     27  What is the Logic behind this matrix multiplication?
     27  What is the best way to use colorRectangle and patch from Matlab in Python?
     27  what is method np.ogrid in numpy
     27  way to create a 3d matrix of 2 vectors and 1 matrix
     27  Vectorizing np.minimum & np.minimum over axes with broadcasting
     27  vectorize with a given function f which takes values on vector
     27  Vectorize: Limit the increase in value between two subsequent numbers in Series (or list/array/whatever)
     27  Vectorization of pandas get_loc function
     27  Vectorization in python  -  multidimensional matrix by the range of parameters
     27  Values are not getting inserted in a numpy 2d array
     27  ValueError: Shape of passed values is (39, 1), indices imply (39, 7)
     27  ValueError: RGBA sequence should have length 3 or 4
     27  ValueError: axes don't match array, python
     27  Using np.where to add column to pandas using self-created function
     27  use the numpy.delete( ... ) delete array [('aa',1),('bb',2)],After delete the first column, the second column becomes a string
     27  Use numpy argmax on the 3rd dimension of numpy array [duplicate]
     27  Use a loop and add the value_counts in the dataframe [duplicate]
     27  Update primary value only if secondary value is not empty or nan
     27  Understanding XGBoost model dump output of a very simple tree
     27  Understanding defaults in `np.ndarray` subclassing
     27  Unable to plot due to size of x and y arrays
     27  TypeError: squeeze() takes no keyword arguments while using scipy.optimize.minimize
     27  Tuple index out of range occured for a training data set
     27  Trying to work with time but, typeerror: float() argument must be a string or a number
     27  Trying to do a loop with 2 columns and 2 conditions
     27  Trying to create image from appended array
     27  Truncating a large array (A = A[:N]) — does the original A ever get cleared? Can I ''get rid of'' A[:N].base and ''transfer ownership''?
     27  the result from finding key using value from a python dictionary didnt go as planned
     27  Tensorflow: Tensordot reproducible results
     27  tensorflow multi diemensional indexing
     27  Taking different columns from each 2D slice of a 3D numpy array
     27  Take a column from a Dataframe and normalize all of the other columns against it?
     27  swap locations of an element in numpy array
     27  subset based on row counts
     27  speeden up function using numpy arrays
     27  Sparse matrix as result of multiplying two non-sparse matrix
     27  sort dataframe by other dataframe
     27  Slicing a numeric array in python with a “complex” logical condition [duplicate]
     27  Slice numpy arrays
     27  Simple Imputer cannot impute by column
     27  Setting x-axis as Month from datetime arange of dataframe column using matplotlib plotting
     27  Setting to zero of elements of a numpy array different from a value (python3) : a[a <> 5] = 0
     27  Setting a variable as the first value in a column, then testing if the value of that variable is in the column returns false
     27  setting an array element with a sequence error in python
     27  selecting values from array with indexes and summing over them
     27  Searching a smaller array in a larger array and returning the indices of larger array
     27  Scipy Showing Steps When Solving?
     27  Scipy installation fails because of numpy
     27  Scatterplot ValueError: x and y must be the same size
     27  Scaled scatter modification
     27  Saving lists to files in python
     27  Row level operation only works sometimes in Numpy
     27  rewriting a groupby using .agg (lambda) instead of .apply(lambda)
     27  return indexes of filtered dataframe as values
     27  Result of function linspace
     27  Replace values of an array based on a vector of indices
     27  Removing Value From Numpy Array
     27  reducing scaling of tensor contraction
     27  read OS files into numpy array in the order that is in the computer
     27  Reading multiband raster binary interleaved by line (BIL) into 3d numpy array
     27  Range of values not showing in matplotlib box plot
     27  Question about data analysis and peak detection from txt file in python
     27  quartile python collections Counter
     27  Python: vectorization over numpy array
     27  Python Scope Confusion
     27  Python.Runtime.PythonException: Expected to see 2 array(s), for inputs ['image1', 'image1'] but instead got the following list of 1 arrays
     27  Python - Replacing column by indexing removes imaginary components
     27  Python numpy ravel function not flattening array
     27  python numpy probability output
     27  Python Numpy matrix multiplication with vector convergence loop
     27  Python MemoryError on Google VM and not on MacOS X [duplicate]
     27  Python - Lookup a value in the dataframe for the same ID
     27  python - iterate list and get list index for use in array [duplicate]
     27  pythonic way to extract a slice from 3d array according to mask
     27  Python: Group output of Column based on a condition
     27  Python: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer? [closed]
     27  Python: Error in saving concatenated data to CSV
     27  Python DataFrame TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     27  python3 numpy ndarray does not have consistant dimentions. Encountered odd behavor with shape atribute
     27  pybind11 array from 2d vector without copy
     27  Put list items into another list without transforming into list of list
     27  Problrms reading csv files via numpy and pandas
     27  Plotting Vasicek Model. Only size -1 arrays can be converted to python scalars
     27  Plotting numpy arrays staggered with matplotlib
     27  Plotting csv data looks different from identical data parsed from xml
     27  Plotting a blackbody radiation curve using matplotlib, but I dont understand the error I'm getting?
     27  plot in jupyter shows unexpected line (x=y)
     27  Performing a variable number of array dot products in python?
     27  Performance numpy vs for loop with Mean Difference (Gini) [duplicate]
     27  PCA covariance matrix [duplicate]
     27  Pattern identification in a dataset using python
     27  Passing large time dependent data to solve differential equation in python,
     27  Pass image to cv2 with cmap without loading from harddrive
     27  Pandas Numpy np.where handling of nulls [duplicate]
     27  Pandas MultiIndex multi-dimentional intersection
     27  Pandas: Get before and after rows based on 2 columns
     27  Out indices for different shaped arrays Python
     27  Optimising function parameters
     27  OneHotEncoder from sklearn gives a ValueError when passing categories
     27  Numpy: two versions of matrix multiplication, same operands but speed is very different why? [duplicate]
     27  NumPy / Sklearn: Get Highest in Row Subject to Constraint
     27  numpy set_printoptions doesnt work for arrays
     27  Numpy / Scipy not writing to certain pixels
     27  Numpy operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (2,) (3,) [closed]
     27  numpy.load() is not loading
     27  Numpy indexing - Using an unraveled index for basic indexing
     27  Numpy ignoring frames of TIF file when converting from PIL
     27  Numpy how to take covariance of 2d array and turn it into a 3d array?
     27  NumPy: How to retrieve the indices of the maximum values in a multidimensional array
     27  Numpy: Generate multiple random samples from parameter arrays
     27  numpy fast operation for slicing specific cells from a nd array
     27  NumPy fancy indexing assignment: possible to specify reducer for overlapping targets?
     27  Numpy expand bitmap into bitmap of bitmaps
     27  Numpy Create Diagonal Matrix with 2D Matrix [duplicate]
     27  numpy - could not broadcast input unknown error
     27  Numpy bug using .any()?
     27  Numpy array to dataframe If using all scalar values, you must pass an index
     27  Numpy Array manipulation - Accessing element before a certain element
     27  numpy array from nested iteraror/generator with string elements
     27  Numpy 3d array to 2d array by outermost index
     27  numpy 3d array and 1d array addition on first axis
     27  numba.jit can’t compile np.roll
     27  np.where problem when creating new columns in pandas df based on other column content
     27  np.nanstd return inf value in python
     27  Not able to install packages in pycharm using pip install
     27  Normalization: how to avoid zero standard deviation
     27  non multiplications with numpy.einsum
     27  Nested for loop producing more number of values than expected-Python
     27  Need to understand what is the use of [::-1] in the code? [duplicate]
     27  ndarray as column in Pandas dataframe stored as object. How to convert to numpy ndarray?
     27  Multiply sphere parametric equation by a matrix in NumPy, Python
     27  Multiple logical index select numpy array
     27  missing value while reading multiple data into multiple arrays python Data
     27  Method to check if for 5 consecutive values of a column and create new column based on that [closed]
     27  Memory error while creating empty dataframe
     27  Manually implementing approximation functions
     27  Make an numpy array of zeros, where each row has 8 zeros, and the index which corresponds to the output changes to 1
     27  LSTM input data in PYTHON
     27  Loss of data type when converting numpy.ndarry.tolist?
     27  Looking to simplify my code (make loop have better perform)
     27  Long writing time, short reading time from hdf5 file to numpy stack using Dask
     27  KeyError Training Values
     27  Keras model passing compilation but crashing on Value Error at runtime
     27  I want to be able to create a data frame, with NULLS using results in lists that have an inconsistent list size
     27  Iterate over a 2d numpy array until it contains only some specific values
     27  Is there a way to properly format a large numpy array
     27  Is there any way to train numpy neural networks faster?
     27  Is there anyway to automate additions of batch dims? [duplicate]
     27  Is there any standard function that shows me when the HIGH and LOW of a OHLC conversion happened?
     27  is there another way for sorting 3D numpy array by 'column' values?
     27  Is there an efficient way to find averages of boxes within a numpy array? [duplicate]
     27  Is there an efficient way to combine 4 small arrays into one big array using an interleaved 'mosaic' pattern?
     27  Is the numpy sum method superfluous in this code?
     27  Is the array flag OWNDATA ever useful?
     27  Issue in numpy data type?
     27  Issue Converting Matlab Code to Python when trying to sum array
     27  Issue at opening a video with VideoCapture
     27  Issue assigning new values to numpy array [duplicate]
     27  Is it possible to have multiple values at one element in a Numpy array?
     27  Is it possible to combine k-fold cross validation with grid search in python?
     27  Is it possible to calculate accuracy and ROC-AUC score at the same time with GridSearchCV?
     27  Is it possible list inside another list through a .txt file in Python
     27  Interrupt conditional cumulative sum pandas python
     27  Interpretataion of the value take by the numpy random.seed()
     27  insight into array function in python
     27  Insert values from other dataframe [duplicate]
     27  In Numpy, what is the difference between an array with shape (4,) and an array with shape (4,1)? [duplicate]
     27  Initializing and populating large array in NumPy where most values are NaN
     27  Indexing a multi-dimensional array partially
     27  Indexing a 2D numpy array with an array of column indices
     27  IndexError: tuple index out of range using Partial Correlation function
     27  ''IndexError: Index X is out of bounds'' generated when converting 3.X python script to 2.7
     27  IndexError: index -9223372036854775808 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2 ​
     27  increment values in a numpy array multiple times [duplicate]
     27  Improve run time for drawing histogram code
     27  Importing txt file with 2d int array in form of str
     27  Implementation of user-user collaborative filtering from scratch
     27  Image reshape is not working in Pillow for grey image?
     27  I got some numpy problems that I am having trouble to solve
     27  if crpt_img.shape == original_img.shape and not(np.bitwise_xor(crpt_img,original_img).any()):
     27  I can't figure out why i'm getting duplicate index per matching sublist
     27  How to visit custom numpy datatype array's member as an array?
     27  How to use multiple if in lamda function? [duplicate]
     27  How to use element-wise multiply between matrix and vector in python
     27  how to understand this python code ,thanks a lot
     27  How to turn a list of event in to a matrix to display in Panda
     27  how to subsequently aggregate the value in time series in pandas
     27  How to stack matrices in a single column table
     27  How to solve for roots given a summation of a function of an unknown and a variable?[Scipy][Root-finding]
     27  how to solve all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions problem during apending to numpy array
     27  How to set a threshold for average color of an image?
     27  How to serialise and deserialise 2d numpy array?
     27  How to select elements from subsequent numpy arrays stored in pandas series
     27  How to save a file created on python?
     27  How to return indices from sorting a 2d numpy array row-by-row?
     27  How to remove substring after a specific character in a list of strings in Python
     27  How to program pitch depending colored line sections with matplotlib
     27  how to prevent automatic shift in decimal numbers in numpy
     27  How to optimize my function for numeric optimization?
     27  How to modify numpy array by reference in a function?
     27  How to merge two numpy array's cells containing strings?
     27  How to merge many directory in one directory by keeping th order?
     27  How to make 3D and contour plots from a two variable mathematical function
     27  How to loop through a numpy array and match variables based on max values
     27  How to know which axis to do operation along an axis in numpy? [duplicate]
     27  How to iterate over three or more lists, comparing each with each element?
     27  How to I print vocab words that appear over a certain number of times
     27  How to Insert Values Based On One Existing Column
     27  How to insert numpy arrays of size 1 into an empty numpy array?
     27  How to index elements from a column of a ndarray such that the output is a column vector?
     27  How to increase 1d-data resolution though interpolating in between measurements?
     27  How to hand calculate classification in neural network?
     27  How to group replicates as columns in Pandas dataframe
     27  How to get the value from data frame?
     27  How to get the intersection item between two dataframe columns?
     27  How to get rid of 'ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly' during Pearson Correlation calculation?
     27  How to get integer location for index using pandas.Index.get_loc
     27  How to get back the same values from a list after taking inverse?
     27  how to forward fill a column values based on the value in another column in same row
     27  How to flip numpy array along the diagonal efficiently?
     27  How to find the `base` of a record array
     27  How to draw imshow in two color?
     27  How to do this matrix multiplication in numpy? [duplicate]
     27  How to do Join on 3rd data frame? [duplicate]
     27  How to delete more than one header in an array
     27  How to deal with values that deferring only because of case in a pandas dataframe? [duplicate]
     27  How to create runtime variable for reading csv file header using Pandas
     27  How to create pseudo-spectogram using numpy
     27  How to create and populate new column in 2nd Pandas dataframe based on condition in 1st df?
     27  How to correctly use dataframe.loc to call up entries containing missing data
     27  How to compare two dates from two DF without matching index?
     27  how to code random rotational transformation of input images in Tensorflow?
     27  How to choose an element from a state space with a specific probability? [duplicate]
     27  how to check if any two values of same or different numpy arrays are almost equal (with some different)?
     27  How to change value of remainder of a row in a numpy array once a certain condition is met? [duplicate]
     27  How to change the values of a randomly selected subset of an array?
     27  How to calculate positions of new points after image rotation
     27  How to break a Numpy ndarray into blocks [duplicate]
     27  How to assign a string (hyperlink) as 1 and remaining NaN values as 0 in a dataframe in Python
     27  How to apply function to pandas matrix that knows the location of each cell?
     27  How get the label predicted using sklearn and numpy?
     27  how do you concatenate and keeping the list
     27  How do I slice an array at a chosen dimension?
     27  How do I return a nonflat numpy array selecting elements given a set of conditions?
     27  How do I pad sub-array in my numpy array?
     27  How do I interpret a uint32 as a float32 using NumPy?
     27  How do I get the sum of columns from a csv within specified rows using dates inputting as variables in python?
     27  How do I exclude all the values outside a circle of an image using TensorFlow operations?
     27  How do I create a new column in pandas which is the sum of another column based on a condition?
     27  How do I convert lists and arrays into same dimension?
     27  How can I use Pandas to avoid for loops to optimise Probabilistic weighted moving average (PWEMA) ? Any way to leverage EWM?
     27  How can I unpivot or stack a pandas dataframe in the way that I asked?
     27  How can i take N(read from user) number of inputs in an array, in python 3?
     27  How can I retrieve values from a list of numpy arrays with a list of indices?
     27  How can I get the majority number of a value from a dataframe using python [duplicate]
     27  How can I extract a function from lists
     27  How can I convert an CP1252 string into list of characters in numpy
     27  How can I convert a array into an array of arrays using numpy
     27  How can I add an 2d matrix (aXb) into a 4d tensor (e,a,b,2) from a 3d tensor (e,a,b) with tensorflow?
     27  Getting useful data from the header
     27  Getting Error when using PVlib method named '' mc.run_model(forecast_data); ''
     27  Getting an error while calculating income data
     27  Get the row indexes where 1 appears for each column
     27  Get rows in array that does not contain value? [duplicate]
     27  Get nth non-empty value from a numpy array
     27  get indices of n-dimensional array when condition is True python [duplicate]
     27  genfromtext() numpy function for reading weight csv files doesn't work in Jupyter (Face Recognition DL assignment )
     27  Format string in python for conversion to nump array
     27  fitting a multivariate data-set using Scipy curve_fit (unknown fit euqation) not getting the best fit
     27  Find value close to number in python array and index it
     27  Find matching rows in a numpy matrix of 3
     27  Find last available timestamp after a fixed time interval - pandas or numpy
     27  finding indexes with where clause over multiple values
     27  Find indices where a python array becomes positive (but not negative)
     27  fill numpy array with specific values
     27  feature generation - Aggregating based on certain column values
     27  Fastest way to label rows where one column is between the values of several other columns
     27  Fastest possible way of generating n sublists (each of arbitrary size) of an original list without generating the entire power set?
     27  extracting data from HDF5 dataset
     27  Export the contents of a dictionary to a m x n matrix
     27  Exp function overflows and type casting does not work
     27  Error in numba @njit when indexing numpy array
     27  Efficient numpy solution to tensor product [duplicate]
     27  Efficient method for converting strings inside dataframes into arrays
     27  Efficiently creating map using imshow and (real-life) coordinates
     27  dynamic name for a file in Python
     27  Duplicate values from array for new array with python [duplicate]
     27  Doing conditional operations using meshgrids in numpy and merging them?
     27  Does runtimewarning: overflow encountered in add, cause a ValueError: math domain error?
     27  Distance matrix along a dimension
     27  Distance between non-negative elements of two vectors
     27  Displaying bin min and max range when saving NumPy histogram via savetxt
     27  Difference in means test on pandas's summary statistics?
     27  Declaring new math function using numpy
     27  ''datatype not understood'' by numpy when using array
     27  Data shape for machine learning
     27  Dataframe pct_change(), best way to ignore or evade the TypeError for columns
     27  Dataframe from numpy array without data becoming the index [duplicate]
     27  cx freeze module not correctly installed
     27  CSR matrix to dense matrix after using countvectorizer text extraction method on Quora Insincere questions classification
     27  Creating multiple plots from a list
     27  Creating a 2D matrix of vectors from a n-d array
     27  Creating 3D array
     27  Create numpy array from generator, list of lists
     27  Could not broadcast input array from shape (2,2) into shape (2) [duplicate]
     27  Convert python pandas dataframe to array [duplicate]
     27  Convert a numpy 2D array into a 1D array of numpy arrays [duplicate]
     27  convert all duplicates of permutation into one unique element
     27  Convert a list's part into a Pandas Dataframe
     27  Conversion of image from blocks to original size
     27  Conda is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file
     27  concatenating df in a loop without append in python
     27  Concatenate numpy arrays in a list
     27  concate 2 dataframes having keys of first not in another
     27  Compute averages of column in list of pandas data frames and plot distribution
     27  Compare index number and return element result when comparing 2 numpy arrays [duplicate]
     27  Combine single ndarray in certain positions
     27  Column values strip and grouping
     27  can we use np.random.rand() to split data into train and test? what are the advantages of using sklearn - train_test_split
     27  Can't reassign value in numpy array
     27  Can't conver complex to float where is no complex numbers
     27  Cannot reshape numpy array to vector
     27  Cannot feed value of shape (350,) for Tensor 'TargetsData/Y:0', which has shape '(?, 7)'
     27  Can I export the body of a Constraint as a mathematical function?
     27  Call multiple files using pylab
     27  calculate standard deviation of datetime rows for specefic column and save to new column in pandas
     27  Calculate daily from cumulative sum
     27  by-value or by-reference with my_ndarray[ ... ]
     27  Boolean operations on 2D array vs 1D array without looping
     27  Boolean Indexing in Numpy involving two arrays
     27  Blocks of non-contradicting n-tupels
     27  Arrays changing value when saving to / opening h5 files
     27  arrayname.astype('bool') vs dtype = 'bool' [duplicate]
     27  Are there any Conv Net tutorials that do not use any frameworks?
     27  A presentable way to plot frequency of 43 distinct classes
     27  Applying scipy filter to multidimensional data
     27  Apply Counter on numpy arrays to get columns mode
     27  An error appear when try to find a gradient of an array using numpy.gradient
     27  Add x,y Values to numpy Matrix
     27  Add sequential counter to group within dataframe but skip increment when condition is met
     27  add my function data column into original data in python
     27  Add multiple values to single array element [duplicate]
     27  Adding labels from another variable to a single bar in a barchart
     27  Adding a new column to numpy array changes the initial array
     27  Adding an element to an np array and then quicksorting? Or finding a way to insert it into place, python and np arrays
     27  A column Genre in movies data set have multiple categories in each row. How can I separate all the categories from each other?
     27  Access to an array using a list
     27  Access all the unique data types from my data frame 'data_re' for each column using numpy function unique()
     27  Accelerate assigning of probability densities given two values in Python 3
     26  Write ndarray as binary and read with correct shape
     26  Why is the assignment operator affecting all elements? [duplicate]
     26  Why does numpy array with 1) list as index and 2) index 0:1 vs 2) 0 gives different results
     26  Why does list.append behave differently in the ''for'' loop with different levels
     26  Why does cythons in-place division of numpy arrays use conversion to python floats?
     26  Why are the two results generated?
     26  which scale has this depth images?
     26  when manipulating numpy array, I want to normalize differently for each column
     26  When creating a new data frame, how do I set the key labels to the numbers in a linespace np.array?
     26  What's the function for this operator in numpy
     26  What should be the shape of array while using the fit method in python?
     26  What should be the correct command to change my dataframe data type to float and int64 respectively? [duplicate]
     26  What's behind numpy array comma indexing syntax ? (ex. arr[:,0])
     26  Vectorizing numpy mask setting
     26  Vectorize multiplication by different constants
     26  Vectorized approach for breeding in a genetic algorithm
     26  ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence while creating n-dimentional array
     26  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (2,)
     26  Using vectorization to generate properly spaced random arrays
     26  Using numpy to convert a list of lists with headers into csv
     26  Using numpy.ndarray.ndim(arr) directly get the number of dimensions
     26  Using 2d numpy mask np.where to address a 3d numpy array (pythonic??)
     26  Update the high of the day column based on time series data vector in python
     26  Unable to assign values to entries in matrices
     26  TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' merging, pandas
     26  TypeError: Trying to split data randomly in training and test set
     26  Trying to convert a string into a time format using pandas
     26  Trying to clean a couple columns of a DF to prepare for sentiment analysis
     26  Trying to access a single array element in numpy accesses a sequence instead
     26  Transform polygons using matrices
     26  Time of execution in Tensorflow higher than in Numpy
     26  The minimum and maximum of a NumPy array are both NaN
     26  Taking the mean value of N last days, including NaNs
     26  Sum narray to every matrix rows, element by elemnt
     26  Subtraction in array affects the result
     26  Strange outcome when testing identity with numpy [duplicate]
     26  Strange behavior of numpy.copy() [duplicate]
     26  Store complex eigenvectors from linalg.eig into an array in Python
     26  Store a range to a numpy array in an object and reuse it [duplicate]
     26  Stacking after unstacking a data frame is different in pandas
     26  stack 3D images to 4D
     26  Spyder compiler displays wrong output
     26  Splitting numpy array into different parts and summing each part rowwise
     26  Speeding up Euclidean Distance in python [duplicate]
     26  Slicing to an offset from the end of an array, where the offset may be 0
     26  short time fourier transform python
     26  Shifting values to the left of a pandas dataframe without losing the leftmost values [duplicate]
     26  Send image from phone to computer (android studio)
     26  Select columns of a matrix out of rows indexes contained in an array [duplicate]
     26  Search an array of lists for a specific string, then create boolean for all elements with smaller indices
     26  Script only fails if Packaged by PyInstaller
     26  scipy sparse matrix negative column index found
     26  Rounding the value is creating errors
     26  RK45 code w an error that says ''index 50 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 50''
     26  Revert MinMax scaling with 2 overlapping lists
     26  Return True if a String In one Dateframe is in Multiple Columns of Another Dataframe (Time Complexity)
     26  Return data of Numpys FFT and finding amplitude and frequencies per second in audio file
     26  Return a matrix by applying a boolean mask (a boolean matrix of same size) in python
     26  Return all dimensions if there are 3 channels, else return 0
     26  Reshaping a list of list in python3
     26  reset numpy random state for normal function when unpickled
     26  Resampling an array by duplicating or skipping items (translate numpy to js)
     26  Replicate array rows
     26  Replacing sub array in Numpy array
     26  Replacing large dataset Multiple Conditions Loop with faster alternative in Pandas Dataframe
     26  Replacing all zero values with first occurring non-zero value in the numpy array [duplicate]
     26  Replace some elements of numpy.ndarray with zero given another numpy array
     26  Replace one Dataframe with Values from another but persisting some data in the original
     26  Replace columns in a 2D numpy array by columns from another2D array
     26  Remove infinite values from numpy array
     26  remove duplicated values form numpy array
     26  Remove column from a 3D array with varied length for every first-level index (Python)
     26  “record array” vs “structured array” vs “recarray": For data where one column is an int, and the other is a variable length batch of ints:
     26  Reading h5py files into tensors
     26  ranking multiple numpy arrays
     26  random in 2D range
     26  Quickest way to transform a distance dataframe to a distance matrix [duplicate]
     26  Question in for using numpy ''where'' function
     26  Pytorch variable changes numpy variable even though memory addresses are not same
     26  Python : Unable to find vcvarsall.bat [duplicate]
     26  python - TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to scalar index, why?
     26  Python script using NumPy for calculating an Option's Contract Greeks giving me no outputs nor errors
     26  Python PANDAS: Error in reading the first few lines of a CSV Files which doesn't have a delimiter
     26  Python Numpy unknown Syntax Error while defining function
     26  python numpy creating logical array
     26  Python: Missing step in covariance matrix algorithm
     26  python issue with array assignment in a recursive function
     26  Python if else within list comprehension [duplicate]
     26  Pythonic way to perform broadcasting binary operations between two Ndarrays
     26  Python: Converting Astropy Table into an Array (Using Numpy?) for Plotting (on matplotlib)
     26  python append to an empty numpy array with different datatypes
     26  Python3 triggers an array error even tho i am not using an array. Probably my syntax is wrong but i do not find the error
     26  Python 3: Import files of floats and give them unique identifiers for plotting
     26  print the matched one at a sequence after testing with if statements skip the one that don't match
     26  printing a range instead of individual numbers in pylab
     26  Pretty print/Display 2 dataframes simultaneously [duplicate]
     26  Ploting Linear Regression Separator with many weights in 2 Dimensions
     26  Plot for Function not looping
     26  PIL conversion difference between RGB and L modes
     26  perform Image cropping on Image like data using Python
     26  Part of numpy and scipy will not install on Windows due to missing source
     26  parent method to append vector to attribute of derived class
     26  Pandas - How to get get sum of rows by multiple columns in a DataFrame
     26  Pandas concatinating dataframes results in DataFrame is ambiguous
     26  Pandas column1 values, column2 names, is there a way to group and rearrange the data so that column2 becomes row header
     26  Pandas check if a word (out of many words) in a cell exists in a given list [duplicate]
     26  Padding doesn't work when size is 63 and 27
     26  Pad an array by the values in the array (Python)
     26  optimization of for loops
     26  Operations on nearest indices numpy array
     26  Operating on two ndarrays with same flexible type yields unexpected results
     26  OpenCV does not accept ndarray to TextDecectorCNN.detect()
     26  opencv create circle out of bounds
     26  Only load segment of text file using numpy and itertools
     26  one of lines in matplotlib is not visualized
     26  numpy vs. python: patch the round function
     26  NumPy: Sort and sum data into target indices [duplicate]
     26  Numpy, rounding the value of a polinomial function gives different results
     26  Numpy precision with exponentials of imaginary numbers
     26  Numpy polyfit .How to get exact fit for the data points provided
     26  Numpy multi-slice using C API?
     26  Numpy multiplication of 3d arrays
     26  Numpy mean percentile range, eg. Mean (25th to 50th Percentile)?
     26  Numpy Matrix Subtraction Different Dimensions
     26  Numpy.loadtext cannot read own arrays?
     26  Numpy index filtering changing multiple variables
     26  Numpy: How to produce a specific array (an iterator would be even better)
     26  ,Numpy how to extend strip numbers from certain position?
     26  NumPy for dommies using Jupyter
     26  Numpy finding the number of points within a specific distance in absolute value
     26  NumPy dtype forcing structured array expansion over type
     26  numpy: dimensions vs. shape
     26  Numpy - Converting array of indices to array of values [duplicate]
     26  Numpy `Broadcast` array
     26  Numpy array - Image ranges from 0 to 3000
     26  Numpy arange function has inconsistent behaviour (potentially bug?) [duplicate]
     26  Numpy appending to both elements of python list
     26  np.where to search whole column
     26  np.reshape returns the Data must be one dimensional even though the data is one dimensional
     26 crash for big matrix because of memory overflow
     26  np.array() creates array of list-objects when given a multidimensional array, but should create 'normal' array
     26  Not able to use try except for zero division error
     26  Newtons method, plotting trouble
     26  New Matrix with new rows formed in 2nd dataframe wrt 1st dataframe
     26  New column created with column headers
     26  neural network predicting images from file wrong
     26  Neural Network classifies wrong
     26  Need to reduce data set size . Memory Error in mathplotlib
     26  N-dimensional tensordot equivalent to einsum
     26  ndarray rows are not displayed each one per line
     26  Naming time series by a list
     26  My conditional variable on my if statement is being changed by the statement, even though it doesn't appear in the statement. Why? [duplicate]
     26  Multplying groupby elements for each group in survey
     26  Multiply rows in a matrix
     26  Multiplying arrays with broadcasting
     26  Multiplying a new column by a number if the np.where is met
     26  Multiplying 2D array by the correct index's scaler in another 2D array
     26  multiple numpy array to csv python
     26  Multiple Multi Dimensional Indexing
     26  Multidimensional numpy.ndarray from multi-indexed pandas.DataFrame
     26  Most efficient way to transfrom a 2d array to a different coordinate system using a function, then interpolate the resultant holes
     26  Mesuring how evenly distributed the values of an array are
     26  Merging pickled .npz files in a desired format
     26  Max Value of Elements of matrix after certain iterations
     26  Matplotlib graph changes first Y-axis value if startingpoint is moved to 1 on X-Axis
     26  Matplotlib Bar Chart - x-axis Categorical Variables changes whenever code re-runs (Numpy)
     26  matching several combinations of columns in a table
     26  making a new array out of 2 arrays with the higher value inside [duplicate]
     26  Make member vectors out of tuples in python while preserving further sub-listings
     26  Lost of data in numpy vectorize
     26  Keras model training: How to modify the input to get the Keras fit method working on multiple Pandas Series
     26  Keras gives ValueError
     26  Keras expects 2d array and a shape of (1,) simultaneously
     26  I want to calculate theoretical value of 2D array
     26  Iterating over rows in NumPy array, how do I properly take care of this 1D vs 2D case, where I want the 1D treated as an entire row for indexing?
     26  iterating a MD array
     26  Iterate through a list of confusion matrices (arrays) and sum the respective individual elements of each array
     26  Is there a way to merge two numpy arrays by only keeping the largest distance from a third array?
     26  Is there a way to concatenate a pandas Series/Datetime series with a numpy matrix of same rows?
     26  Is there a simple function can exclude training set from dataset in python?
     26  Is there any method or function in python to name the sides of a 3-Dimensional Matrix, like in 2-D there is a Panda method Dataframedata
     26  is there a numpy analog of cumulative_logsumexp as in tensorflow?
     26  is there an numpy function that will return an array with different combinations of the original?
     26  Is there a function which is similar to extract in numpy for getting data with some condition
     26  Is there a function I can use when having min and max condition values in a data frame?
     26  I opened VScode from Anaconda and running it in conda based python environment, but numpy is not activated
     26  Interpolate 2d numpy array to change shape
     26  Insert numpy column in pandas data frame
     26  Insert element into array of array in numpy
     26  In-place operations with a provided memory buffer
     26  In numpy, how do I select a subset of a 2-dimensional array?
     26  Indexing in multidimensional arrays in numpy library
     26  In a regression surface Z, how to find maximum X value where Z is less than a predefined value?
     26  In a matrix having a row of zeros, how do I replace the corresponding diagonal entry of the matrix with a one?
     26  Import a csv file in python with row of different lenght
     26  Implicit handling of dimensions?
     26  i cant import numpy in pycharm and its showing errors even after running pip install numpy in cmd
     26  I am working on the activity detection when i try to capture video from IP camera its shows the error
     26  How would I execute a Pivot Wider in Pandas? (Python)
     26  How to write data to a file in Python?
     26  How to vectorize a down-scaling function with NumPY?
     26  How to use SVD inside keras layers?
     26  How to update row/column cell value given an index?
     26  How to stack Tensors images
     26  How to specify columns when using repeated indices with numpy [for use with]
     26  How to sort sqlalchemy table with python function?
     26  how to solve np.reshape Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional
     26  How to simplify the nested-nested loop via Numpy (Naive Bayes)?
     26  How to simplify a numpy array indexing? [duplicate]
     26  How to set cells of matrix from matrix of columns indexes
     26  How to select part of data after minimum point of column value
     26  How to select data from multiple dataframes
     26  How to resize image by mainitaining aspect ratio in python3?
     26  how to reshape an matrix to a shape equal to a given matrix, given bothe arrays have same number of elements using numpy?
     26  How to remove/select rows in matrix given external condition from another array with numpy?
     26  How to perform chamfer matching on array of images in parallel to get list of distances?
     26  How to obtain the total sumation of an list and also its product using Numpy [duplicate]
     26  how to normalise velocity for Node ID given the speed of gps points
     26  How to make numpy array containing multidimensional arrays of different shape? [duplicate]
     26  How to make a numpy matrix from the values of a dictionary of tuples?
     26  How to insert a column in one dimensional NumPy array
     26  How to Index over multiple axis in numpy? [duplicate]
     26  How to implement a .tranpose() as .T (like in numpy)
     26  How to get the row and column index conditional on Boolean, and apply said index to another data frame?
     26  How to get the index of an sorted array where the summary of first n values larger than a certain value
     26  How to get CDF point evaluations in place using numpy?
     26  How to fix the np.cumsum function when mapping a series with regex
     26  How to find the address of a value in an 2D array
     26  How to find out the index of value in list?
     26  How to filter colors from 16-bit values from .las file?
     26  how to extract line in images(3bands) using numpy in python?
     26  How to efficiently initialize parts of an array with numpy?
     26  How to divide an n-dimensional array by the first value from a dimension
     26  How to determine unknown array to array function using TensorFlow?
     26  How to deal with nan values when using multinomial.pmf from scipy.stats?
     26  How to correctly slice data from Excel using Panda and Numpy?
     26  How to convert numpy.int32 to decimal.Decimal
     26  How to convert contour numpy array into a B&W numpy array?
     26  how to convert all int values to float?
     26  How to concatenate word2vec generated features with VGGNet generated features
     26  How to combine two columns and apply binarizer?
     26  How to combine two 2D arrays in python?
     26  How to check maximum of consecutive values greater than 5
     26  How to calculate euccledian distance between a reference row and every row in a numpy array, the efficient way?
     26  How to apply a function to the value of a tensor and then assigning the output to the same tensor
     26  How to add different random values to n elements of a numpy array?
     26  How to add additional data points around each point in 1d array with normal distribution?
     26  How is the min_max(row) working in this particular code snippet?
     26  How I can use numpy with strings identifier which is point to the user name specific numpy arrays
     26  How do you integrate over a curve in 2D space that is parameterized by a polynomial?
     26  How do i use two 2 dimentional arrays to form a 3 dimentional one without using loops in numpy?
     26  How do I use df.iloc[] slices to pull and merge 2 different slices of columns in a DF and set to a variable?
     26  How do I get output from title_op() and address_op() functions into a data frame
     26  How do i do numpy.savetxt with string and engineering notation numbers correctly?
     26  How do I better process my data and set parameters for my Neural Network?
     26  How do I apply threshold labels against the R (correlation strength) values in Anaconda Python?
     26  How can I use numpy for an efficient array manipulation?
     26  How can I take an input 'n' to define a matrix of order n in python?
     26  how can i solve this problem please help me? [closed]
     26  How can I reduce a numpy array into bins with a max value per bin?
     26  How can I get rid of "array[], dtype='<U12'
     26  How can I create an array which contains moving 'windows' of another array in python (numpy) without a for loop? [duplicate]
     26  How can I apply an image variable to a pytorch neural net trained on transformed data?
     26  How around function works when we specify negative decimal
     26  Heroku with python- Unable to push application due to error module
     26  Group by column and have a column with a value_counts dictionary
     26  Getting the last pixel with certain number of occurences
     26  Getting a contiguous fragment (rectangle) of an image [duplicate]
     26  Get the percentage of bar from bar chart Zipf distribution
     26  Get the components of a multidimensional array dot product without a loop
     26  Get specific value when trying to access outside of matrix
     26  Get rows of a first array matching rows of a second one
     26  Get max values and index of Pandas dataframe in large file [duplicate]
     26  Generating conditional timedeltas in Python across multiple rows and columns
     26  Generating a list of same lists and performing different operations on particular lists without affecting any other list in the list?
     26  Forcing value of a pandas series within a bracket to replace values that are too high or low
     26  For a != if statement i am getting ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     26  Find maximum numbers from n-Numpy array
     26  Find matches between two arrays, AND the first array == 1?
     26  Finding probability of unsafe lift simulation
     26  Fill in an ndarray1 with columns from ndarray2 while skipping certain column index in ndarray1
     26  fft2d different results between tensorflow and numpy
     26  fast way to find the index of the closest from an array to each element in another array
     26  Fast numpy/torch syntax to pool rows with same column value
     26  Fast numpy aggregate function? [duplicate]
     26  Fancy Indexing using two criterias
     26  Export list of series to excel
     26  Explain curious behavior of Pandas.Series.interpolate
     26  Expanding 1D array into multidimensional array using np.repeat
     26  expand and copy 1D numpy array to 3D
     26  Error with multiple numpy.delete uses on array?
     26  Error when trying to create matrix of matrices with NumPy [duplicate]
     26  Error: TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
     26  Error: TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'numpy.float64' <Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes> (don't know what to do)
     26  Error converting a 3 tiered nested list to ndim numpy array
     26  Efficient way to get the average value in a neighborhood of pixel, on mesh grid
     26  Efficient way of summing the values in specified ranges of a column
     26  Efficient matrix indexing in Numpy
     26  Efficiently replace np.darray values with 1-dim np.darrays by logical rule?
     26  Effecient searching of index of 2D array for rows present in another 2d array. [duplicate]
     26  easy way of getting RGB from 2D image cells within set of points
     26  Dynamic Nelson Siegel calibration using Kalman filter not converging
     26  Does anybody know how to decode plot data points as extracted from a Python bokeh-generated html file?
     26  different results between tf.matmul and np.matmul
     26  Difference between keras Conv1D and numpys convolve [duplicate]
     26  Cross joining(combine each line of one file with other file) files in python [duplicate]
     26  Creating a Matrix whose columnwise entries are a copy of a given row vector
     26  Creating 3D scatter plot python
     26  Create a Pandas/NumPy function to find when of values in a series change?
     26  Create a nested dictionary that groups the elements in three ndarrays
     26  Create a mixed type Pandas Dataframe using an numpy array of type ''object''
     26  Covert Numpy Array of Strings to float aftrer Truncating
     26  Count no. of tokens in every row of a column in dataframe
     26  Count conditional occurrence of values in multiple cols of one df using another df
     26  convolve a higher dimensional cube with a 2d array
     26  Convolutional Neural Network only with numpy
     26  Converting Image uploaded from html page to numpy array without saving it in Django Webapp
     26  Converting existing numpy histograms into boost-histograms
     26  Converting categorical network traffic features to numerical - ISCX VPN2016 dataset
     26  Convert binary array in interger in Python [duplicate]
     26  Convert an array of variable and give it a numpy array structure
     26  Conversion from N by 1 float type matrix to N list
     26  Constructing an Array which Elements are Functions using a numpy.array() like structure
     26  Conditional search in future rows within groupby in pandas
     26  Conditional operation with numpy arrays
     26  Concatenate sequence of frames from a NumPy array horizontally
     26  Concatenate 2 videos into 1 using Python
     26  Comparing indentically-labaled Series objects
     26  Compare numpy float64 vs. scalar float in an if statement in python
     26  Color multiple pixels by indexes python OpenCV/Numpy [duplicate]
     26  Changing the structure of np.array in Python
     26  Change dtype of a ndarray such that the shape also changes
     26  Categorization - Data Aggregation using iPython
     26  categorical_crossentropy expects array of certain size
     26  Capture Image Sequence on Raspberry Pi and Convert to Numpy Arrays
     26  Can't explain this weird numpy vectorize result on an array [duplicate]
     26  Can someone explain the working of these two plots?
     26  Cannot innitialise superclass from Ray actor process
     26  Can I use python's np.savez to save a list of lists?
     26  Can I convert a numpy function into a tensorflow function?
     26  Calculation not storing in DataFrame but works on print
     26  Calculate the covariance matrix with numpy
     26  Build sum of array based on index array [duplicate]
     26  Build a 3D array for 754 spectra
     26  BLOB in MySQL database table causes PHPMyAdmin to throw internal server error 500
     26  Bin pandas float column based on a value [duplicate]
     26  A way to fix some columns of a numpy array to be integer and the rest as float? [duplicate]
     26  Automatically update a graph based on parameter changes
     26  Asserting that mixed native and numpy types are equal
     26  Array being incorrectly overwritten using index of non-zero values
     26  Arbitrary arrays as keys for another array
     26  A question about numpy ndarray transformation
     26  A pythonic way to mask all values after specific index in a 2D numpy array with 0
     26  Apply function to all columns in pd dataframe using variables in other dataframes
     26  Apply color map to grayscale image to generate RGB images efficiently
     26  Append to empty np array or assign new values for array
     26  Advise on pattern: Broadcasting numpy arrays to different processes. Queues, ZMQ?
     26  Advanced integer indexing with l x m x n broadcast shape
     26  Adding up values in numpy array [duplicate]
     26  adding a matrix to specific region of another greater matrix
     26  Add column at beginning of CSV that specifies the .jpg name that the data came from
     26  Access column in numpy array by for loop
     25  Why wont it append to the array in the EM algorithim?
     25  why ''NumPy operations convert Tensors to numpy arrays automatically''? how does this feature been implemented?
     25  Why module 'numpy' is not getting attribute 'array'? [duplicate]
     25  Why is numpy.where giving me this output?
     25  Why does Keras uses searchsorted of the target feature in binary classification?
     25  What's the most efficient way to add two 1D numpy array that results to a 2D array [duplicate]
     25  What is the equivalent function of LINEST in pandas and how to apply it to all the columns of my dataframe?
     25  What is the best way to find Array equality in Python ? (Time efficient)
     25  Vectorizing index selection in Numpy 4D array using array of indexes
     25  Vectorisation of coordinate distances in Numpy
     25  ValueError while reshaping array to 4dim Keras API format
     25  Using set_data for matplotlib with multiple rows of data
     25  Using numpy.polyfit
     25  using numpy arrays with complex dtypes in cython [duplicate]
     25  Using np.where() with conditional on count in time loop
     25  Use Scipy sparse matrices for Conway's Game of Life
     25  Use a numpy mask to determine indices for imshow
     25  Use 2d array as list of indices for n-D array
     25  Understanding Strided Slicing in Tensorflow
     25  Understanding numpy condition on array
     25  unable to instal numpy and matplotlib [duplicate]
     25  ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types (dtype('S21'), dtype('S21')) -> dtype('S21')
     25  TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index while implimentation of a prediction
     25  Truth error while trying to find all equal minimum values in array, then retrieve indices
     25  Trouble Curve Fitting Data in Python
     25  transpose data set followed by sorting. Then, create new data set [duplicate]
     25  Translating Python np.expand_dims to R
     25  Transform an NumPy.array from client(python) to host(c++), where's wrong?
     25  Tolerance stack combination with 3 resistor values
     25  Three dimensions to two dimensions
     25  text file to python array [duplicate]
     25  Tensorflow placeholder shape with the two first shapes as None
     25  Tensorflow 2.0: Scaling all elements from TFRecordDataset before processing
     25  Strange behaviour when performing fancy indexing with NumPy [duplicate]
     25  storing a numpy arrays in a list
     25  Specific group of the dataset without cycles
     25  Slicing the last 2 columns of a numpy array
     25  Sklearn scaling: scales the original data as well
     25  skLearn fitting data input fails even though numpy data shape is correct
     25  Shift result interpretation
     25  shape not as expected for my array
     25  Setting boundary limits to multiple operations with random number generators
     25  ''setting an array element with a sequence'' error in tensorflow python
     25  Setting a correct statement for various calculations from an array
     25  Sending cv.imread() data to Keras model
     25  Selecting axis form multidimensional arrays with an array
     25  Selecting array of array based on condition in array?
     25  Scipy stats.binned_statistic standard deviation
     25  Saving plot values to a .dat file
     25  Saving and loading numpy record as multi-part files
     25  Running python with Numpy , sklearn on my website [closed]
     25  Row frequency in numpy array [duplicate]
     25  Return Name of first record df.iloc[0] using Python numpy
     25  ''retrieving'' a distribution from a scipy array of distributions
     25  Reshaping dataset from file to tuple
     25  Replacing values in a Pandas Dataframe
     25  replacing every 5 rows by the mean- for a data in an array format and not in frame or csv format
     25  Replace a value by that value divided by number of time that value existing in pandas
     25  Replace 2D mapping with numpy ufunc for efficiency
     25  Remove labels with low counts from `scipy.ndimage.labels` result
     25  Remove duplicates with additional requirements
     25  Reloading a created float32 creates a tiled image
     25  Reconstructing numpy array after applying function to columns
     25  Reading numbers into grid
     25  Raw CIFAR-10 to CNN input with numpy and tensorflow
     25  random.seed() does not work with random.choice()
     25  Python why numpy linspace gives me floats between two integers with uneven difference [closed]
     25  Python - TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'zip' and 'int'
     25  Python Reapt value in specific Index Numpy array
     25  python, qtreewidgetitem, numpy matrix and image widget
     25  Python: Percent of Applications/Any record to their User Analysis
     25  Python. np.vectorize. ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
     25  python list & ndarray assignmeny & copy [duplicate]
     25  Python: How to edit 2d array by inputting a list of coordinates? [duplicate]
     25  Python Generating 3D sphere in numpy
     25  Python dataframe vector norm efficient
     25  Python: Convert a numpy array to DXF for ArchiCad
     25  Python, all combinations of arrays array [duplicate]
     25  Pycharm numpy module has no attribute 'py'
     25  Providing Multiple Named Arguments to multiprocessing map Function
     25  Problem whit np.cov, the result is different
     25  Prediction goes to 0.5 with negative input
     25  Plotting the histogram of 2 images wich have different shapes
     25  Plotting fit in Matplotlib. Value error: x and y must have the same first dimensions
     25  Picking and creating new lists of values, in multiple ranges, from a list of float values
     25  Pick a certain axis from a numpy array
     25  Phyton wont produce a pdf-document
     25  Passing numpy ndarray to a C extension of python and returning a numpy ndarray from C extension
     25  Parallelize populating ndarray from pandas series and csr matrix
     25  Pandas truth value of series ambiguous
     25  Pandas time series tracking of sold unit sizes
     25  Pandas Normalization using groupby
     25  pandas.DataFrame.hist() taking up huge amount of memory and time for execution
     25  Overlapping axis label with length distribution
     25  Output sum, avg, and standard deviation from imported text file arrays
     25  Operation on data frame to transform rows into separate columns
     25  Numpy way of substracting each element in a larger matrix by a smaller matrix [duplicate]
     25  Numpy: Temporary copy during assignment
     25  numpy - select by multiple equalities dynamically
     25  NumPy's documentation on ''Array Types'' and ''Scalar Types''
     25  Numpy: Overlay Boolean Array on ''True''s of other boolean array
     25  numpy operator to compare two vectors
     25  numpy ndarrays - subtraction between shape (m, n) and (m, ) [duplicate]
     25  Numpy multiplication and create new list B[i] = Product(A[j]) where j =! i
     25  numpy int larger than 63 bit gives incorrect calculation
     25  Numpy increment array indexed array? [duplicate]
     25  numpy: how to assign an 1d array through filtering a 2d array?
     25  Numpy: How do I get inside an ''overflow encountered in exp''?
     25  numpy.genfromtxt , are uneven spaces between columns causing dtype errors?
     25  NumPy Fast Way To Get Multiple Rows By Indexes
     25  NumPy exponential of MPC's arrays
     25  numpy diag instruction,without touch the first and last element
     25  Numpy Array to Networkx-Graph with Edge-Labels [duplicate]
     25  Numpy array - pixel coordinates
     25  Numpy Array operation Y[  ... , 0]
     25  numpy array creation & reshape command worked in 3.5.6, but not 3.7.3
     25  Numpy Array creation problems in class method
     25  numpy.around function doesn't keep percision after some operation
     25  numpy argsort() returning wrong result
     25  noise when i use cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats
     25  My boxplots merge all in one plot when i run the code
     25  Multiply two DF using numpy, calculate average per line
     25  Multiply arrays in a list
     25  Multiple numpy place calls yield odd results
     25 receives Not JSON Serializable error. tensorflow1.14.0
     25  Mixing python list operations with numpy array operations [duplicate]
     25  Max of np.array subarray
     25  Matrix special multiplication in numpy
     25  mapping two columns with resspect to one [duplicate]
     25  Mapping a new column to a DataFrame by rows from another DataFrame
     25  Make a window of size L on a graph
     25  Loop through numpy array on indexes and apply function [duplicate]
     25  List of Column names having at least 1 Null value and total number of null values corresponding to each column pandas
     25  Limit Contour Lines to within the boundary of a Concavehull boundary array
     25  le.transform() ValueError: y contains previously unseen labels: [1, 2, 3, 4]
     25  Learning rate not having an imapct on convergence speed?
     25  Kernel Density Estimation on an image
     25  Keras Dot giving positive cosine similiarity even when the vectors are opposite
     25  Keep or Replace Matrix Elements Given Conditions for Two Different Matrices
     25  Iterate over rows and calculate mean of selected items putting the new value in a new column [duplicate]
     25  Iterate image size without using loop?
     25  is the Virtual Memory management efficient by using numpy memmap?
     25  Is there a way to find a symbolical function’s vertical bounds?
     25  Is there a way to coerce a numpy Array created in C into a MaskedArray?
     25  Is there a Python module that detects and generates a regression type and curve equation for a set of data points?
     25  Is there a Python method for creating a custom convolution?
     25  Is there a numpy function for conditional, element-wise modifications? [duplicate]
     25  Is there a good way to fit many time slices of data without using for-loops?
     25  Is numpys setdiff1d broken?
     25  Is it possible to vectorize changing an attribute of an object using numpy?
     25  Is a python dictionary the best data type for associating numerical values with a numpy array?
     25  Ints are appearing as numpy datatypes in binary files. How do I cast these to an unsigned 8-bit integer before output
     25  Interpreting tensor indexing
     25  Interpolation of the data file
     25  Interpolate a matrix with random missing columns
     25  Insert elements from a set to an array (numpy)
     25  Insert a value in a numpy array column and keep the same size / row values
     25  I need help figuring out how to get the code to give a triple gaussian distribution
     25  Indexing rows, columns, elements of numpy.matrix
     25  IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 1; dimension is 1 but corresponding boolean dimension is 514
     25  Index elements in specific dimension numpy
     25  Increasing values in a numpy matrix that are below a certain indice
     25  include commas in strings when saving to_csv - pandas
     25  Image composition based on ''pattern matrix''
     25  If statement using Numpy.Where and Pandas.Shift in Python
     25  I find indexing in python for numpy array weird
     25  I cannot 'join' 2 ndarrays of shape (rows,) into one ndarray of shape (rows,2)
     25  I am trying to take an 1D slice from 2D numpy array, but something goes wrong
     25  how to write data in the sequential format in the dataframe
     25  How to use the result of one .agg as a parameter in another?
     25  How to use for loop for pandas moving windows
     25  How to transform a vector in matrix according to following rules
     25  How to train rebel neurons?
     25  how to tackle broadcasting issue for multiplication between missmatched array and list
     25  how to subset by fixed column and row by boolean in pandas? [duplicate]
     25  How to store a varying size arraylist in a numpy array (for clustering purposes)?
     25  how to split an array or a list according to the values [duplicate]
     25  How to solve ''Indexerror: too many indices for array'' when importing data from a notepad
     25  How to set the next n elements of a Numpy / PyTorch array to some value?
     25  How to run this code using argparse for multiple data sets with different parameters
     25  How to round a specific selection of numbers in numpy array?
     25  How to reshape input data correctly for training after it has been manipulated?
     25  how to reshape a 3d array with different dimensions?
     25  How to replace similarly written values that make reference to the same (to give them the same value)? [duplicate]
     25  How To Replace Pandas Column NaN Values with Empty List Values?
     25  How to remove an line from a numpy array/table if it is empty
     25  How to read nth element of each array from a tuple of array at a time [closed]
     25  How to read data between two line numbers in a text file in python [duplicate]
     25  How to prevent this memory leak in numpy boolean indexing
     25  How to plot a scatter figure in 3d?
     25  How to perform this copying operation using numpy?
     25  How to multiple all rows of a Pandas dataframe by a single row in another Pandas dataframe?
     25  How to merge two files from different folders base on few character match in files name
     25  how to make matrix diagonal with larger shape
     25  How to make each bin of data as column of dataframe
     25  how to make complex shapes using swarm of dots ... like chair,rocket and many more using pygame and numpy
     25  How to make a surface plot of a DataFrame?
     25  How to keep hash tag symbol when saving file using Numpy?
     25  How to iterate through slices at the last dimension
     25  How to interpolate image with non-zero values around the missing values?
     25  How to integrate own images into this machine learning code by Dr. Martin?
     25  How to install after downloading the files?
     25  How to insert the dataframe values to MySQL db in python
     25  How to have contours first coordinate always be on the top left?
     25  How to group consecutive values in other columns into ranges based on one column
     25  How to get information from a website onto graph?
     25  How to formatting list of text into 2 column
     25  How to form a Pandas DataFrame from multiple multi dimensional numpy array
     25  How to fix 'X.toarray() to convert to a dense numpy array' error on sklearn fit_transform?
     25  How to find the indices of a certain value that exists in the same location in two matrices?
     25  How to fill specific array values which indexes are equally distant from before and next non zero values indexes?
     25  How to execute an equation with variables from 3 lists and make a list of results?
     25  How to efficiently multiply each element of vector with matrix getting enlarged matrix
     25  How to do boolean slicing on array of tuples in numpy
     25  How to create a customized list from pandas?
     25  how to convert the word column to be the header columns and the name of the 2 articles to be the header of the rows?
     25  How to convert pandas rows into columns
     25  how to convert a matrix of matrices into single NxN matrix in Numpy [duplicate]
     25  How to compute tf-IDF using top 100 occurrences in vocabluary?
     25  How to combine not matching 3-dimensional arrays?
     25  How to check data types within a column with multiple types ? -Looking for better solution
     25  How to change values of sliced tensorflow object
     25  How to change type of column in pandas without column name?
     25  How to change outer level index in multi index in pandas dataframe?
     25  How to calculate day count from dates in different rows (Time in state calculation)
     25  How to apply the same numpy function to subarrays chosen by boolean indexing?
     25  How to access elements from 3 lists with index set at minimum value from one list?
     25  How reshape many colums to one
     25  How fix valueerror when using reshape function in python
     25  How do I take an array of row locations and an array of column locations and make a new array of the combined points?
     25  How do I store data from a for-loop into an array?
     25  How do I return an occurances count from a column and multiply those values to another column of values?
     25  How do I properly generate synthetic data for Poisson and exponential gammaproblems for the independent variables?
     25  how do I classify or regroup dataset based on time variation in python
     25  How do I assign a 3d numpy array of different sizes to each element of a numpy vector?
     25  How convert PIL images from a continius Queue.queue to an numpy array?
     25  How can I transform single rows in a pandas DataFrame into numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     25  How can i order image files and categorical labels in the same way?
     25  How can I multiply a column vector with a matrix element wise in Numpy [duplicate]
     25  How can I map label values from a csv file to a numpy ndarray?
     25  How can I get the difference between the conditional sum of values from 2 dataframes?
     25  How can I force a numpy scalar*array multiplication to have a float64 result?
     25  How can I fix the error: ''ValueError: 'a' and 'p' must have the same size'' for mtrand.RandomState.choice module? [duplicate]
     25  How can I convert 2d numpy correlation to 3d tensorflow correlation?
     25  Grouping equivalance row as 2D array in python for very large data set
     25  GPS Python Newbie: Output of a matrix in a loop is only correct in the first few lines
     25  getting a dark image using make_lupton_rgb
     25  generate time series dataframe based on a given dataframe [duplicate]
     25  Generate ramdom numbers that never stop unless user stops it numpy
     25  Generate new line coordinates using existing lines
     25  Fractional power of batch matrices using numpy, scipy or torch
     25  Find where is masked in Numpy
     25  Find values in Array 1 (more than one column) that are greater than values in Array2 (Single column) along columns
     25  Find the average co-ordinates for each classifier in a list
     25  Find maximum and group to dataset?
     25  Finding K largest in nparray(value and argument)
     25  Fill values into an array given indexes array and values array in Numpy
     25  Fill missing values in a dataframe using numpy.ndarray
     25  Figure not responding when plotting numpy array [duplicate]
     25  Facing an error while calling groupby function?
     25  Evaluating the squared term of a gaussian kernel for having a covariance matrix for multi-dimensional inputs [duplicate]
     25  Error when checking input: expected dense_1_input to have shape (784,) but got array with shape (10,)
     25  Entropy computation in t-SNE of scikit-learn
     25  Element-wise tensor product for block matrices whos elements are 2x2 matrices
     25  Efficient Logical AND of Every Combination of Two Mask Elements
     25  Efficient implementation for generating all combinations of elements in a numpy array [duplicate]
     25  Effective transform OHE to sparse
     25  Edges of bins with 1 element in multi dimensional histogram
     25  Dynamically updating a figure with an image
     25  Division by following row
     25  Divide by zero runtime error while using a loop
     25  Dictionary to flattened vector and then vector back to dictionary
     25  Delimiting a region of a numpy matrix
     25  Delete slice from a 3D numpy.MaskedArray
     25  Delete row from 2D array python (IndexError)
     25  Delete items in subarrays of a master array
     25  Creating a numpy array of floats object
     25  Creating a non-bias dataframe from a bias dataset in Pandas
     25  Create Random sparse signal with numpy
     25  Create an ndarray from another ndarray based on function result
     25  Create a boolean array A from two 1-D vectors a, b, and A[i,j] is True if a[i]==b[j]
     25  Count Distinct Using Pandas Transform
     25  Cost function is rising with my gradient descent and not sure with the theory i read
     25  Convert this implementation to a more efficient usage of numpy
     25  Convert string to 2 dimensional numpy array
     25  Conversion array with float values in the array with the values of str
     25  Construct restriction matrix such that the odd rows are zero
     25  concatenation error when cancatenating 2 numpy arrays
     25  Column in Dataframe not printed with specified decimal precision
     25  Coding the transpose function for a 3D array
     25  Clustering in Python: Difference in result due to use of matrix vs data frame?Why is this happening?
     25  Choosing a set of elements from an array in Numpy [duplicate]
     25  check whether the lines meet or not and apply numpy function accordingly
     25  Changing variable value depending on datetime period
     25  Changing a value in NumPy array to parameter and not to specific value
     25  changing 2d list values using loop works uncorrectly
     25  Can't install / import numpy
     25  cannot unpack non-iterable function object (inner nested function)
     25  Calculate the rotation matrix
     25  Bytes to Int conversion in Python 3
     25  By changing values in one column based on condition in another column returns error
     25  Building numpy from source is affecting other environments as well
     25  Build a Numpy array where datas match their own coordinates
     25  Build a numpy array from a random distribution until the last column exceeds a threshold
     25  biggest values indecies by sub-grouping 2D array :
     25  Best output format for storing outputs colllected after batch
     25  ''backwards'' np.geomspace so a higher density occurs as log function gets higher
     25  axis in numpy.ufunc.outer
     25  Asymmetric laplace distribution in Scipy
     25  Arrays manipulation and indexing
     25  Apply functions to nested list inside pandas rows
     25  Apply a function to a numpyarray with checks each element in order to know what result to return
     25  Append matrices using numpy array
     25  Appending 2d numpy array in for loop
     25  All inputs give (more or less) the same output for this untrained neural network with randomly initialised weights
     25  Advice on removing nested loops in numpy code including conditions and masked data
     25  Add dataframe as a 2D array into a JSON
     25  Add a column results in difference of rows
     25  access objects and change its value at the same time
     25  accessing fields of pandas dataframe [duplicate]
     25  2d numpy, efficiently assign nonzero indices [row,col] the minimum of [row,row] and [col,col]
     24  Why the elements of the first matrix are lists and the elemens of the second one are ndarrays
     24  Why is pandas.join() not merging correctly along index?
     24  why does tolist converted array not append in python mulitprocessing?
     24  Why changes in Numpy array are not reflecting in two different cases?
     24  White spaces in Theano arrays
     24  Which way are rows and columns in a numpy 2-d array used as a matrix?
     24  Which is the difference between the np.array(image) call with this images?
     24  What kind of Mersenne Twister is being used in numpy.randomState?
     24  What is the Python OpenCV equivalent of the Pillow/PIL DecompressionBombWarning?
     24  What is the purpose of rotating filters while building convolutions with scipy signal?
     24  What is a mory elegant and pythonic solution for creating a numpy array with one fixed dimension size and all others dynamic?
     24  What does return?
     24  Weird Python/NumPy/SciPy behaviour on Windows
     24  ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [100, 300]
     24  VAE: Input data Shape(Multi Variable)
     24  Using np.where in cython as index
     24  Using a numpy view to a non-existing array
     24  Using a different dataset for ticks with matplotlib
     24  Unable to do an executable which works error from polyfit
     24  Two-dimensional interpolation out of projection
     24  Turn function operating on 1 dimensional array into operating on multidimensional arrays
     24  Trying to understand MNIST and implement Train/Test model for my own dataset
     24  Trying to take stock data and graphing it, but is stuck with this error
     24  Trying to rank two arrays at the same time
     24  Trouble running Numpy dependent python code on Spark
     24  Trouble getting image to display in TKinter
     24  Transpose 3d numpy array in C order to 3d numpy array in C order
     24  Transform array read by sys.stdin to ''normal'' format
     24  Time of columns multiplication by indices in NumPy
     24  The represetaion of vector in numpy: is the return of np.array() a row vector?
     24  There is a problem about numpy.loadtxt() convert string to float that confusion me very much
     24  the elegant/efficient way for performing grid mask type of operation on numpy array
     24  The code i written using importing numpy is giving errors
     24  Take values from 4D matrix using 3D matrix with indicies
     24  Strange RAM behaviour when transforming list of texts to numpy array
     24  strange problem in my prediction function
     24  Strange exception while using pip to install python packages after deleting rabbitmq in Ubuntu 18.04
     24  Storing a numpy array within TensorFlow SessionRunHook
     24  Split numpy 3-d array into 2-d array of smaller 3-d arrays
     24  Sorting 2-dimensional array by 2nd column and then 1st column
     24  Sliding window in python changes shape
     24  Slicing ndarray with ndarray of coordinates [duplicate]
     24  Slice and change numpy 2D array with list of column indices different for each row [duplicate]
     24  skimage.morphology flood not working on large image
     24  Simple function returns ''Valueerror: setting an array element with a sequence''
     24  Show records contain multiple key words using OR or if elif (filter rows)
     24  Show cordinates usind cv2.findcontours
     24  Should I use dictionary to store location of non-zero pixels?
     24  Setting batch number for set of records in python
     24  Select values from array subject to a condition
     24  select one element from each ''column'' in a multi-dimensional array [duplicate]
     24  Scipy hierarchial clustering - clusterize new vector
     24  scikit prediction giving ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence'' as an error
     24  Scikit-image 'module' object has no attribute 'byte' Error [duplicate]
     24  says I have a numpy array but I cannot see one
     24  Sampling from a point pattern
     24  Running over files in a directory creates an extra nan array
     24  row and column utilisation give the same results in NumPy with Python
     24  Roll of different amount along a single axis in a 3D matrix [duplicate]
     24  rolling standard deviation doesn't work after appending dataframe
     24  Rigid Best-Fit with translation only
     24  Replace Scalar values of the matrix with vector value and turn to an image
     24  Remove smallest p% numbers from multiple numpy arrays
     24  Remove a row from csv using pandas [duplicate]
     24  regarding operator / to generate integer value
     24  Recursive value in Dataframe
     24  read excel cell containing formulas with link to external workbook with numpy/panda
     24  Question about target data size to train a deep learning softmax classifier
     24  Pytorch specific operation for the finding dimension wise mean for a list of tensors
     24  PyTorch: Infer dtype from device capability, not input data
     24  Python Tkinter GUI display numpy array in a numbered single row
     24  Python numpy/matplotlib Axis/function Scaling
     24  python numpy isin() function return wrong result
     24  Python numpy.diff not giving negative numbers calculating acceleration?
     24  Python multiprocessing behavior for large arrays
     24  Python: How to get a unit vector along a given numbered axis?
     24  Python holding onto a matplotlib plot to pass in several functions before showing
     24  Python date comparison not working in .exe app
     24  Python, Automated Array Formation Data Retrieval Error
     24  Python3 Syntax for combining dataframe column/rows selections and builtin functions
     24  predict list of feature values in keras
     24  Position numpy matrix and arrays when writing in CSV
     24  Plotting Two Solutions with the Same Drive Strength on One Graph
     24  Plotting a piece wise function using matplotlib results in ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
     24  plotting a Bar plot
     24  Plot bar graph by grouping numbers
     24  Perform calculations on dataframe columns without creating new columns
     24  PDF reader to read through a folder of PDFs and return a numpy array for keywords for each file read
     24  Parsing through dictionary and updating blanks in a dataframe
     24  Parallel read of numpy *.npz files (ideally using async/await syntax) for improved performance
     24  Parallelizing matrix computations with Numba
     24  Parallelize addition of numpy arrays
     24  Numpy where perform multiple actions
     24  Numpy: When working with more data than fits into RAM, is it better to have fewer large files or many smaller files?
     24  numpy vectorized approach to regression -multiple dependent columns (x) on single independent columns (y)
     24  numpy sin and cos don't return exactly zero for reference angles that have zero values [duplicate]
     24  Numpy: Select column from matrix by index vector [duplicate]
     24  NumPy right_shift gives all zeros
     24  NumPy: Quickest way to get argmax of row sums of 3D array
     24  Numpy/Pandas: Error converting ndarray to series
     24  Numpy Installed but getting error: AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute '__version__'
     24  Numpy: insert new elements in array by doing operations on columns (or rows) of NxM array
     24  Numpy : How to assign directly a subarray from values when these values are step spaced
     24  Numpy: function to create block matrix from another matrices, each block should contain values from the same indexes from another matrices
     24  numpy fftn order of individual ffts
     24  Numpy array to string for loading?
     24  Numpy Array of Strings Has Both Strings And Arrays
     24  numpy array max min from pixelpoints of open cv [duplicate]
     24  numpy array API PyArray_SimpleNewFromData segfaults on simple(?) example
     24  Numpy append - appends columns of array values instead of a row
     24  Numpy 1d array subtraction - not getting expected result.
     24  NP.Array extract between
     24  Need to group by month and region and return the sum in Python Pandas [duplicate]
     24  Need help optimizing a merge between two dataframes based on multiple conditions (by priority)
     24  nbytes and getsizeof return different values after reshaping
     24  mystery axis 0 and 1 direction
     24  Multivariate linear regression using Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy
     24  Multivariate function for two matrix arguments
     24  MLP model AI with Tensorflow outputs random stuff, need some code verification
     24  Memory leak when trying to regularize an uneven time series with Pandas
     24  Matplotlib graph x ticks are after all x data points
     24  Matplotlib function visualtization changing with precision
     24  Machine Learning: Size mismatch, m1: [46 x 20], m2: [12 x 12] [duplicate]
     24  List of Numpy arrays passed to model is not the size the model expected
     24  Linear Correlation coefficient giving results I cannot interpret
     24  I use Mac. my import numpy was working fine until I tried to install opencv on to my system
     24  Is there a way simplifying the code using numpy's fancy syntax? [duplicate]
     24  is there a Python NumPy function to flatten selected axes of an NumPy Array
     24  Is there any idea to mark multiple positive objects on the same image?
     24  Is it possible to mask tensor pixels in graph mode using a 2D array?
     24  Is it possible to backtest trading algorithms without using backtesting libaries?
     24  input parameter - cannot be interpreted as an index
     24  In numpy array how is dimension changed when slicing? Explain the following code
     24  I need to get the values that have a specific result on .value_counts()
     24  Indexing values using a for loop and numpy for Python 3
     24  indexing elements in a list of 2D numpy arrays [closed]
     24  Importing tensorflow tensors into tensorflow js
     24  I can't configure subplots or see the title set
     24  I am getting an error when I load Pandas and Numpy in
     24  How to use tensorflow to optimize customized prediction?
     24  How to use a boolean array to skip expensive calculations of elements in array?
     24  How to supress automatic linebreak when printin ''long'' lists/arrays/Matrixes
     24  How to stack list of lists
     24  How to split a string into array of six character?
     24  How to split a 1d numpy array into a multidimensional array
     24  How to set dtypes when converting a dataframe to a numpy array? [duplicate]
     24  How to save a numpy array in another numy array in python
     24  How to run Jupyter Notebook code in django project
     24  How to rotate 3d array with rotation matrix - python
     24  How to resolve axis 1 out of bond error for this particular code?
     24  How to represent the variable by combine static & varying parts [duplicate]
     24  How to read .txt files as n-dimentional numpy arrays in Python when there is no delimiter?
     24  How to read different measures from files into and save?
     24  How to quickly label int ranges with a string?
     24  How to put values from a for loop in an array of zeros(np.zeros)
     24  How to plot the orbit which spirals into centre of orbit by using loops?
     24  How to perform element-wise mutliply on these two?
     24  How to obtain the module/object code of a Theano numpy program
     24  How to maintain the character after converting from dataframe to array?
     24  How to iterate over a data frame and average values for all rows that match 2 criterias of the current row in pandas? [duplicate]
     24  How to initialize tensor of a certain shape in python3
     24  how to get three or more 5*5 sub-region at random and assign it to 0 in a high 2-D matrix?
     24  How to get the following matrix out of two vectors in pythonic way? [duplicate]
     24  How to get copy of structured array selection
     24  How to get any columns of a rank N tensor?
     24  How to generate predictions based on the distribution of the data using Python
     24  How to fix ''OpenBlas - Numpy setup -Library_dirs Path issue- RHEL7.4''
     24  How to find max of column in 3D array based on condition in another column?
     24  How to filter NumPy array depending each record and its previous record
     24  How to dot subarrays in numpy?
     24  How to do a simple ndarray indexing operation [duplicate]
     24  How to create an ID starting from 1 that increases by 1 every time the previous row of another column is a specific value
     24  how to count rows when value change from value greater than threshold to 0
     24  How to convert array to being 1 dimensional for use as an index
     24  How to convert a grouped pandas series to a numpy array
     24  How to convert a dict into the right format so it can be published by Redis?
     24  How to check if the elements in array A exist in array B and return the index of B [duplicate]
     24  How to check for NaNs in a numpy ndarray which contains strings
     24  how to change the values in column to positive and roundoff to single decimal point using pandas [duplicate]
     24  How to change the shape of the image file
     24  How to change many values at once np.array knowing only an index
     24  How to change column name according to group in a column in pandas [duplicate]
     24  How to calculate all possibilities of very large string matrixes timely?
     24  How to build a numpy matrix (from scratch, not existing before) adding calculated columns in a for loop
     24  How to be able to resize the below np array, i seem to have a map object and it is not allowing me to resize it
     24  How to assign all non-zero elements in each numpy column to a value in an array whose size is the same as the number of columns?
     24  How do you slice a meshgrid array of points in numpy so that the order is maintained?
     24  How do I vectorize a function in numpy with some fixed parameters?
     24  How do I sum the differences between a complete predicted ratings array and actual known ratings (python)
     24  how do i plot report classification
     24  How do I histogram a color image using Numpy? [duplicate]
     24  How do I get the list I want?
     24  How do I estimate the 80% cumulative distribution point in scipy, numpy and/or Python?
     24  How do I create a synthetic cosine wave with changing amplitude and phase?
     24  how do i conduct an if statement using a numpy array
     24  How do I combine a 1D array to the end of a 2D array [duplicate]
     24  How do I change the following data structure to a numpy matrix and a numpy array (separately)?
     24  How does numpy.loadtxt() handle text encoding? (and how is it related to the following error?)
     24  how could I reshape an image to let each 8x8 block become a vector with numpy/cv2
     24  How could I indexing python list of lists without concatenating?
     24  How can I use the same file created in the code?
     24  How can I integrate this function using the scipy.integrate library?
     24  How can i generate another plot after clicking a button in tkinter?
     24  How can I display displacement and node numbers on a 3D truss?
     24  How can I create a tiled/stacked array based on ranges using these 2 input arrays - but without looping?
     24  How can I concatenate arrays of tuples created with dtype?
     24  How can a RuntimeWarning be handled when a ZeroDivisionError doesn't appear? [duplicate]
     24  Grouping and adding values based on row string with pandas?
     24  getting error on importing libraries using anaconda environment in pycharm when i h
     24  Get the equation from a polyfit to apply further derivatives
     24  Get segments/sections from pandas series
     24  Get a sub 3d-array given a list of indices using itemgetter
     24  Generating mxn matrix from user input
     24  Generate gradual transforming (n+1)D array morphing between start and end nD arrays [duplicate]
     24  Function is kicking out variable with 3, separate lists
     24  Function doesn't return variable when reassigning it a 2nd time
     24  Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape=(268215, 0)) while a minimum of 1 is required by StandardScaler
     24  Floofill Error Python
     24  Find Max By Rows for a 3-Dimensional Matrix without loop?
     24  Find indices of elements that match condition of 2D array by row
     24  Extract common info in dataframe
     24  Expected value of function in numpy
     24  Expand array by adding another array as new dimension
     24  Error while generating list from function
     24  Error as I try to solve a non-linear equation
     24  Erroneous implementation of scipy.integrate.RK45
     24  Erratic data stream from python sketch
     24  Efficient way to get nearest point [duplicate]
     24  Efficient way to compute GARCH recursion [duplicate]
     24  efficient way to calculate all possible multiplication elements inside a vector in numpy
     24  Efficiently compute 2D histogram with Pyspark (Numpy and UDF)
     24  earth movers distance RGB colors
     24  drops rows in pandas dataframe if an 'id' occurs less than 2 times
     24  Double Trapezoidal Integral in numpy
     24  Does the array returned by .values from pandas DataFrame have different precision?
     24  Displaying 'list out of range' when using numpy
     24  Dimension error while merging of data frames
     24  Different users on a machine have different versions of numpy
     24  Delimiter string splitting
     24  Define custom float dtype for numpy with arbitrary range and precision
     24  Decrease memory consumption with objects inside python lists
     24  Decision boundary logistic regression not correct
     24  day counter using pandas [duplicate]
     24  Dataframe expanding window and applying multiple functions
     24  cv2- how to correct 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
     24  Custom image datagenerator (keras) extremely slow due to converting list of numpy arrays into single array
     24  Create 'Week Ending' df column [duplicate]
     24  Create custom Keras/Tensorflow functions that uses NumPy arrays
     24  Create a df from delimited values of each row in another df
     24  Could someone explain what is happening in this code to save a numpy array as a binary file?
     24  Correct way to draw random seeds [duplicate]
     24  Convert python lists using numpy lists [duplicate]
     24  Converting values in an array to their pairs using a dictionary in Python
     24  Converting from one numpy dtype to another in python
     24  Convert incrementing pandas array
     24  Convert dynamically all columns of df to numpy
     24  Convert an n x 1 dataframe to an a x b sized grid based on month, year
     24  Consecutive bool indexing with assignment in numpy
     24  Compute distances in kmeans Lloyds algorithm
     24  Computed bounds in guvectorize specifications
     24  Complete pivoting (PQLU decomposition) of matrix in python
     24  Combine two 3d numpy arrays to 2d arrays with einsum or broadcasting?
     24  Combine mask across all channels
     24  choose element of ndarray for each element in index array
     24  Change value of a randomly chosen entry of a sparse matrix row
     24  change the roi (region of image ) of image_1 with the an image without losing the other pixels in image_1
     24  Change the position of rows in a 2d array
     24  Central difference with Convolution
     24  Broadcasting a M*D matrix to N*D matrix in python (D is greater than 1, M>N)
     24  boolean array not replicating itself for other dimensions numpy
     24  Binary coding for multiple columns
     24  Averaging image TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     24  AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'to_numpy'
     24  Assign a value of 1 before another variable was equal 1, only for the first time
     24  Append each value in a DataFrame to a np vector, grouping by column
     24  Add leading zeros to a column
     24  Adding a column to a dataframe based on criteria in the row
     24  Accessing a value corresponding to a timestamp from a database returns a Series instead of a single numpy.float64 value
     24  2D bin (x,y) and calculate mean of values (c) of 10 deepest data points (z)
     23  Wrong colors when using cv2.bitwise
     23  Why the output of cross_validate differ from the hardcode loop when using XGBClassifier?
     23  Why performance and speed of my tensorflow matrix factorization code is slower than numpy code?
     23  why numpy returns an empty array when you subset an array with indices higher than its shape? [duplicate]
     23  Why is there a list after the covariance function for numpy?
     23  Why is the output like this? I do not understand how the indexing is working
     23  Why does indexing a numpy array using an array change the shape?
     23  Why does django Unittest throw an assertion error when comparing two instances of numpy.float64?
     23  Why creating special arrays in NumPy sometimes require inputting tuple and sometimes not?
     23  Why can't i set Tensorflow properly for use on Jupyter notebook?
     23  What's the best way to compute row-wise (or axis-wise) dot products with jax?
     23  What is the difference between test1 = np.random.randint((11, 20, 50)) and test1 = np.random.randint(11, 20, 50)
     23  What is pandas fast csv reader? How ias it used in Intel daal4py? Can someone explain its parameters?
     23  What does the @ mean in this equation? [duplicate]
     23  What does the 'b' mean here: ValueError: could not convert string to float: b'1.94E+02,2.02E-03' [duplicate]
     23  Vstack of two arrays with same number of rows gives an error
     23  Vectorize pandas df operation?
     23  Vectorized dot product much slower than for-loop version
     23  Vectorized arithmetic on an array doesn't work but iterating through each element works
     23  vectorised solution to change value in pd.df column based on boolean
     23  Vecrtorized evluation of function defined by matrix over grid
     23  Using .sub() over a variable length dataframe?
     23  Use Pandas to Find Average Number of Occurrences in a Dataframe
     23  unknow the shape of numpy array and error while predicting the model
     23  Uninstalled numpy to fix something. Now after reinstall, still getting ''ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy''' error
     23  Unexpected behavior when trying to normalize a column in numpy.array (version 1.17.4)
     23  Understanding the treatment of NaN
     23  Unable to import required dependencies, Python with Pandas and Numpy
     23  TypeError when calling multidimensional NumPy array by index
     23  TypeError: Expected binary or unicode string Tensorflow Error
     23  TypeError: crop() takes from one to two positional arguments but three were given
     23  Trying to find a mean within a column that contains np.nan. Having trouble only getting the float values
     23  Tropical convolution with numpy
     23  Torch.sort and argsort sorting randomly in case of same element
     23  the best way to get uniform behavior for dense and sparse array?
     23  Tensorflow on raspberry pi 3 showing ''exceeds 10% of total memory'' error
     23  Tensorflow: Filtering 3D Index duplicates by their maximum Values
     23  Taking mean of only specific values from each row in a DataFrame while grouping rows with the same index name and ignoring Nan?
     23  Take n last rows of a dataframe with no NaN
     23  Strange numpy loadtxt behaviour: not reading 2nd column properly
     23  Straightening perpendicular planes
     23  Storing the values of an iteration to a tensor - Python, Numpy, pytorch
     23  speeding up numpy code involving array slicing and broadcasting
     23  Sparse matrix: removal of rows if their sum is lower than X (Scipy)
     23  Solved: Calculating the average around numpy array element error: TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment
     23  Slicing Output Files
     23  Slicing n-dimensional Array with Slice Object
     23  Slice numpy array of dimension N with array of dimension N-1 [duplicate]
     23  Singular Jacobian in Boundary Value Problem
     23  ''Shape mismatch error'' while swapping in numpy matrix
     23  Set Trailing Zeros to X FAST
     23  Seperate Cython class instances have the same memory address for internal arrays [duplicate]
     23  Scipy Spatial Distance Sub-module rejects Numpy Array
     23  SciPy interpolate sproot missing a zero crossing
     23  scipy and numpy inverse fft returns complex numbers not floats, can't save as wav
     23  Sample covariance matrix far from truth even for large sample size with 2D gaussian
     23  Running into MPI_Recv Error: 168 bytes received but buffer size is 0
     23  ret&corners are always False&None
     23  Resizing a Matrix by summing the elements [duplicate]
     23  Reshaping a numpy array results in TypeError
     23  Reshaping a 2D into a 4D array
     23  reshape numpy array, do a transformation and do the inverse reshape
     23  Rescale axis data to fixed size
     23  Resample numpy array with interpolation
     23  Repmat operation in python
     23  Replace - to : in the dict.values to use it for delete slices in dataframe
     23  Removing rows and columns with only NaN from numpy array
     23  Remove list from numpy array and just have array
     23  Reducing the size of encoded Python dict containing numpy arrays for frontend
     23  Reasons for memory error. Numpy division by standard deviation
     23  Read a custom formatted datetime with numpy (2)
     23  Random pixels? (Matrices, Numpy)
     23  python row dividing with one element
     23  Python replace part of the data in a 4D numpy array with a 2D array using indexing
     23  (Python Numpy) ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,) (3,)
     23  Python Numba - Convert DataFrame series object to numpy array
     23  Python - Linking columns in Excel for sorting
     23  Python: I need to put pair of point from a list into an array [duplicate]
     23  Python How to convert the numpy array(dtype=uint16) to a string?
     23  python function to compute the euclidean distance for every point in an image to center of the image
     23  Python FFT: freq shift
     23  Python- Factorization Issue
     23  python error:unable to find vcvarsall.bat while installing sklearn windows 8 (installed python2.7 32bit installer and packages(numpy,scipy,etc)) [duplicate]
     23  Python - Convert Array of Float audio data to wav file
     23  Python array - merge two lists
     23  Python3: Save Column Vector
     23  Processing blocks using Numpy/Skimage/ ...  for different kinds of downsampling
     23  Preparing data for pytorch RNN - time serie
     23  precision errors with numpy
     23  Points outside histogram range are discarted from plot
     23  Playing .bin video file runs slow. How can I make its execution faster?
     23  pd.df Boolean masking based on values in list
     23  Pandas set value of one field based on value in another field using numpy.where
     23  pandas numpy series days getting shifted by 1
     23  Pandas efficiently add or insert into sequential index series (perhaps by extending pandas?)
     23  Pandas apply doesnt seem to work while using np.fft.fft
     23  Padding a 2D numpy with varying rows into a same size [duplicate]
     23  Outputting data into a file
     23  Opposite version of numpy.testing.almost_approx_equal()
     23  operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (100,2) (100,100)
     23  OpenCV complex number array from DFT
     23  OneHotEncoder causes Type error during data preprocessing
     23  odeint is giving incredibly wrong results when numerically integrating hamilton's equations of motion
     23  Obtain masked arrays through corresponding values
     23  Obtaining identical R2 when fitting different degrees
     23  Numpy: What is the most Pythonic way of taking a ''rolling'' matrix from array? [duplicate]
     23  Numpy - User-defined data-type to built-in type
     23  Numpy: update a local 2d subarray, given list of row/col subindices [duplicate]
     23  Numpy unfilter the data by original indexes
     23  Numpy slicing with array of indices [duplicate]
     23  NumPy: simultaneous sampling from multivariate Gaussians with matrix of means
     23  Numpy polyfit with MAE instead of MSE
     23  NumPy NPY file format incorrect documentation?
     23  Numpy Newaxis not working on datetime column
     23  Numpy Matrix from Indices
     23  NumPy: Make filter array from a (N,2) shaped array
     23  numpy inserting is ended in ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
     23  numpy indexing: fixed length parts of each row with varying starting column
     23  Numpy implementation of conditional update
     23  numpy how to do vectorize assignment on a 2d array by 1d array index
     23  Numpy: get the higest L value
     23  Numpy functions not working in Screen
     23  Numpy FFT give unexpected result when signal frequency falls exactly on a fft bin
     23  Numpy eigenvectors
     23  numpy: convert multiple assignments to a single one using OR
     23  Numpy: Axis Parameter in transpose function
     23  numpe.zeros wrong 0 is being transformed
     23  Numeric/Numpy ValueError: matrices are not aligned for copy error [duplicate]
     23  numba gives error when reshaping numpy array
     23  np.where multiple condition on multiple columns
     23  np.where for finding differences, nans mixed with not nan values [duplicate]
     23  np.array and shape of matrix problmes, why it does not show the shape of matrix?
     23  '<=' not supported between instances of 'numpy.str_' and 'float'
     23  no 'target_size' parameter provided for ImageDataGenerator.flow() for resizing so how to resize an array of pixels already in pandas Dataframe?
     23  need help for 3D plot by datetime series in matplotlib
     23  nd array manipulations are really slow
     23  name 'train_data' is not defined
     23  Multiply Tensor batch with sparse matrix
     23  multi-dimensional indexing with numpy [duplicate]
     23  multidimensional Array out of bounds
     23  Move for loop into numpy single expression when calling polyfit
     23  Most pythonic way of finding the ''phase'' (percentage of ''completion'', or relative position in a chunk) of a binary vector
     23  Modules is not working on my python file [duplicate]
     23  Memory used by numpy arrays larger than RAM?
     23  Matplotlib Basemap animation taking longer to process with more frames
     23  Make and manipulate numpy arrays and use data with pyspark
     23  locate entries with given value for a multi-dimensional array and visualize it
     23  Keras multiple output numpy transformation
     23  Keras multi-output model wrongly calculate target dimensions: ValueError: Error when checking target
     23  I want to encode based on labels for deeplab for the segmented image
     23  Is there a way to keep the loaded excel files and variables in the memory to save up time?
     23  Is there a very fast way to pad a Scipy CSR column matrix with zeros on either side?
     23  Issue with formatting the dataset
     23  InterpolatedUnivariateSpline and ax.fill_between yield unexpected result (filling wrong area) with low Y-values
     23  In dataframe value is not numeric I want to change it to some number
     23  Improper Placement of NaNs Using Pandas Pivot Table
     23  Image Registration python package
     23  I get overflow encountered in double_scalars & invalid value encountered in double_scalars error in backward euler
     23  I do not understand the statement x = points[i,0] from the given code? However when I try it with a similar data of list in lists i get an error
     23  How to view the functionality of concatenate in Keras?
     23  How to use np.where while reading multiple columns
     23  How to use np.column_stack to zip 4 vectors with different column dimmension (same row dimensions) into a variable in Python?
     23  How to use multiprocessing module for updating each element of multi dimensional numpy array
     23  How to transform numpy ndarray using index map
     23  How to take use the RangeIndex method combined with a condition based on a column value's condition?
     23  How to sum annual data in a csv of daily data with many years of data
     23  How to sort a stacked numpy array without having the other values go out of order
     23  How to reshape spatiotemporal data as lstm input?
     23  How to remove a specific point from matplotlib surfaceplot
     23  how to properly use np.subtract's broadcast
     23  How to predict key from its value in python? [duplicate]
     23  How to operate on one multidimension numpy array based on values in a different multidimension array?
     23  How to open online reference from IPython?
     23  How to make numxepr operate with complex64?
     23  How to make return None if every element is masked?
     23  How to load torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder into google colab ram
     23  How to join arrays obtained with different numpy functions?
     23  How to invert axes of a function with matplotlib
     23  How to imporve the for loop speed in array?
     23  how to handle an image encoding starting with RIFF
     23  How to get the column-wise minimum element of an numpy array? [duplicate]
     23  How to get H1 and DC images from FFT of a series of images of organ moving over time
     23  How to efficiently scatter plot a numpy 2d array
     23  how to do a two parameter (two indepenent variable) fitting properly with scipy
     23  How to do 2d interpolation in a grid for a list of points
     23  How to create a 2D array as rewrite code for the array.reshape() method
     23  How to convert a 2d numpy array into a 1d numpy array by summing the values and not using for loop?
     23  How to convert 1D numpy arrays element-wire into new 1D numpy array?
     23  How to compare if multidimensional elements of an array are present in another array with Numpy?
     23  how to build a numpy object array (object includes another array)
     23  How to append a numpy of mixed element types to another array?
     23  How to add to numpy arrays based on conditional output from a function?
     23  How to add second elements of a tuple whose first elements meet a condition?
     23  How to acces rows in the ndarray with indices stored in the other array?
     23  How should print all the indices of a matrix which are the maximum number of that matrix?
     23  How numpy.convlove of one dimensional works?
     23  How do I trace an exact or find a specific value in a matplotlib graph?
     23  How do I specify how many ticks to print along the x-axis in matplotlib?
     23  How do i multiply a list of values by a dataframe of values then use those results to multiply by the next row of values in the dataframe?
     23  How do I highlight a row if one cell value is bigger than another? [duplicate]
     23  How do I directly cast a numpy array from a csv file using np.genfromtxt?
     23  How do check if an item exists in a multimensional numpy array?
     23  How come this back propagation function from a neural network in python 3.7 doesn't work?
     23  How can I reshape list of numpy arrays? I want to reshape it like this-> (num_samples, img_size, img_size, num_channels)
     23  How can I group by data based on specific value ranges using pandas/numpy?
     23  How can I create a function that select other functions (by choosing) and return them as components of a vector?
     23  How can I convert a pandas.core.series.Series with each row being a list to a DataFrame in Pyhton [duplicate]
     23  How can I change the values of all the clusters obtained in an image to a new range that represents different levels of color intensity?
     23  GUI not updating when adding a call to an external EM simulation program
     23  groupby cumulative in pandas then update using numpy based specific condition
     23  Given a list of indexes, how to do multi-time add operate without a for loop? [duplicate]
     23  Getting the first element of a ''vstack''-ed array vs a predifined array.Same array, different results?
     23  Get the particular row values from the input file .csv write out to new .csv file
     23  Generate a normal distribution using non-decimal data points Matplotlib Python
     23  Function to give average binary score in Python using NumPy Arrays [closed]
     23  Formatting training data and labels for a small CNN built using Keras Sequential API
     23  Flattening N-dimensional numpy array to form a K-dimensional array (K≠1, K<N) [duplicate]
     23  Find the first value that meets criteria, not its index
     23  Finding the period of the signal in python
     23  Finding index by iterating each element of a vector over each row of matrix [duplicate]
     23  Finding eigen values of numpy array of arrays
     23  Finding best weight value for smooth constrained least squares with Python?
     23  filtering pandas dataframe with array of unique values [duplicate]
     23  Filling a 2D array with simple values. Indexing goes wrong
     23  Fill 3d ('levelled') array with 2d weights and level indices
     23  Fast way to find a specified row in a numpy array
     23  Fastest way to flatten nested pandas dataframe
     23  Fast Dataset Augmentation in Python- Deep Learning
     23  Extract sub-array beginning index from bigger array numpy [duplicate]
     23  Extract object from image and apply it to different image
     23  Extend array by repeating first row two times and stacking it to the front
     23  Existing pattern/approach for a case where several objects of the same class each operate on their own chunk of a single shared contiguous array?
     23  Error while trying to graph a decision boundary for a KNN
     23  error: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index using numpy.reshape on a tensorflow dataset
     23  Elements of a numpy array divided by an integer error
     23  Direct indexing into 2d Numpy array using another Numpy array as the (y,x) coordinates
     23  Determining the corresponding columns in V of singular values in Numpy SVD
     23  Determine whether elements of a pandas sequence contain elements of a different sequence as substrings
     23  Deleting multiple columns from a numpy array
     23  Delete points in a plot until the 2D KDE is everywhere under a certain level
     23  Delete by condition in 2D Array with python [duplicate]
     23  Dataframes: Percentage of time when a value matches a condition
     23  'csc_matrix' object does not support item assignment
     23  creating a normally distributed matrix in numpy with specified mean and variance per element
     23  creating a huge number of arrays cause termination of python script
     23  Creating a conditional loop in Numpy/Pandas
     23  Creating a column whose values depend on other columns and the created columns previous values [duplicate]
     23  Create 1D Numpy ''Array-Like'' Object from a Pandas Dataframe with Multiple Columns
     23  covariance matrix of residuals
     23  Copy files whose name is in a list
     23  Coordinate Conversion of Arrays with Different Length
     23  Convert numpy inidces to (N*M) x 2 array of coordinates
     23  Converting numpy array image to same format as requests.get
     23  Convert 3/5 dimensional array to RGB images
     23  Construct index/membership vectors from lists of items
     23  Concatenate columns while maintaining rows
     23  compute user mean ratings for only his specified ratings - Pearson similarity [duplicate]
     23  compute a special error rate based on matrix using numpy
     23  Combining and reshape-ing ndarray so that original values of each component are on the first axis
     23  Combined output of different type from scikit-learn transformer: image including additional data
     23  Cluster sizes in 2D numpy array?
     23  checking on a code for LU-factorization of a matrix
     23  Changing the color of pixels in a ndimage label
     23  Change the order of the columns based on a specific pattern
     23  can u please explain how this tuple (2,0,1) transposing ,i am not able to find logic of this transpose [duplicate]
     23  Can someone explain what the broadcast assignment is in python?
     23  Calling function on result of operator expression? (mask == instance_id).astype(np.uint8)
     23  calculating relative vorticity using 1 dimensional lat/lon coordinates in a grid
     23  Calculating mean for sub-set of dataframe based on unique row names
     23  calculating a range based on the fields of a pandas dataframe
     23  Calculate spectral deviation between two signals
     23  BoxCox to a numpy array
     23  basic slice of numpy array indexing would not trigger IndexError?
     23  backpropagation algorithm implementation for simple neural network in python
     23  Astar Path going through walls when it shouldnt
     23  Assigning multiples variables at once in matrix multiplication
     23  Applying new row within second level index
     23  apply_along_axis with 2 arguments varying for each 1d slice
     23  Appending vector issue Python
     23  Appending numpy arrays of differing sizes when you don't know what maximum size you need?
     23  Appending numpy arrays by column [duplicate]
     23  Ann mean for function
     23  Anaconda installer showing ''Failed to create menus''
     23  Advanced indexing - managing out of bounds behaviour
     23  Add Valus of a List of Tuple if Their Corresponding First Elements are within a Specific Range
     23  Add values from another array to calculate cumsum in numpy
     23  Add Trailing Xs Fast [duplicate]
     23  Add one point to each point in an numpy array
     23  Adding a row to my df with a resulting value
     23  Adding and averaging a set of columns depending on the value of a secondary column in python
     23  Adding a Column Containing Groupby and Count Arguments Into a Dataframe Using Numpy
     23  Add float coordinates to numpy array
     23  Accessing structured data types in numba vs. numpy
     23  Accessing np.array elements depending on another np.array in python
     23  Able to edit 2d image numpy array once, but not more than once
     23  95% Bootstrap method for median
     23  4D array slicing with 3D array of indices [duplicate]
     23  3D numpy array time series data create lag features
     23  2d array in numpy with different data types
     22  zero padding or truncating a matrix in a list of matrices in python
     22  why the outcome of applying dtype and type function on pandas column gives different outcome?
     22  why i cannot use chain expression in numpy?
     22  Why does numpy.isin() behaves different when passed numpy.nan as a value?
     22  Why does numpy arange give ever so slightly bad values? [duplicate]
     22  Where to begin to parallelize python code with mpi4py
     22  When trying to feed in variable sequences to keras LSTMs ValueError: Error when checking input?
     22  What is the most efficient way to keep track of lattice points for identifying both nearby and overlapping points?
     22  What is the fastest way to append and read data to an 3D Numpy Array?
     22  what is the best way to pull specific rows our of 2 dim array
     22  What is the best way to assign a number array to a data dataframe?
     22  What are the casting rules for numpy datetime units?
     22  Weighted average with condition
     22  Want to find the first instance of each unique string in a Data Frame. Then create a list which marks as first unique instance or not
     22  Vectorising the padding of ragged arrays [duplicate]
     22  Value returns zero after one operation
     22  Using StandardScaler to scale arrays with different shapes using spesific features
     22  Using Numexpr in object method
     22  Update muliple column values based on condition in python
     22  Unintended dtype conversion leads to uncastable array
     22  TypeError when concatonate two matrix: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     22  ''TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list''' when using face_recognition module
     22  Two ndarray implicitly and automatically equal to each other even without explicitly specifying with the command
     22  Two 2D array, slicing one 2D arrays row and operating it with 2nd 2D array
     22  Transposing rows that have a common row value in Pandas
     22  Translating ArcMap Conditional Statement to Python If Then
     22  Transfrom a numpy float array to datetime
     22  'Too Many Values to Unpack' when working with numpy
     22  There is the possibility of the command np.empty generates a really large number instead of a very small one?
     22  The format output of array from pandas
     22  The first column of imported .CSV cannot be referenced by its label
     22  Taking a specific element from a csr_matrix
     22  Summing/Appending Entires Along an Array or Matrix axis until numerical condition is met
     22  Subtract corresponding elements from 2 lists that both contain column matrices
     22  sklearn log loss pred_probs only returns 0 and 1
     22  set directory does not work for TemporaryFile
     22  Selecting specific rows of numpy.ndarray containing numpy.ndarrays of different size
     22  Select elements in array given list/array of cartesian indices [duplicate]
     22  Save '''' table in Jupyter as png? [duplicate]
     22  Runtime warning when importing libraries in jupyter notebook
     22  Restore binary data with numpy fromfile that has been saved with numpy save
     22  Reshape a variable numpy array
     22  Replace values in dataframe given count of group by
     22  Replace values in cells of one matrix from another
     22  Replace element in python 1D array if condition is met using the element value
     22  pytorch item assignment using multidimensional index tensor
     22  python numpy array change dimension depends on the number of elements
     22  python multiplication precision
     22  Python module not reflecting
     22  Python: How to create a surface-plot from a collection of 3D coordinates
     22  Python: Exact Text Filter on dataframe column showing extra results instead of single record [duplicate]
     22  Python | Addition of numpy arrays with different shapes [duplicate]
     22  Python3: Interpolation for certain points (not grid)
     22  Processing frames of a video using Numpy
     22  Process each part of the numpy
     22  Problems with numpy polyfit
     22  Problem in numpy operation for a 2*2 list
     22  Problem in creating a Numpy Dataset for Classification problem
     22  Print addended list from Definition
     22  Prevent IPython/PyLab from accidentally using too much memory
     22  Prefix reduce operation on Numpy Array
     22  porting numpy fromfile to python3 when reading from standard input
     22  Poisson (npr) Size Alteration Returns ValueError (wrt arbitrary paths and array creation)
     22  Plotting (discrete sum over time period) vs. (time period) yields graph with discontinuities
     22  pathfinding with a numpy array
     22  pandas aggregating frames by largest common column denominator and filling missing values
     22  orientation_histogram[:, :, i] = temp_filt[subsample] TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
     22  One-hot encoder for SQL-like row data in python
     22  Numpy's logic functions and the ''if cond is False'' idiom
     22  Numpy Slicing - Calculate Matrix PseudoInverses without Iteration from 3x3 array
     22  numpy select TypeError: unhashable type: 'list - numpy requires list
     22  Numpy recarray from bytes or string
     22  Numpy operation to expand array into sequential slices of given length?
     22  Numpy MemoryError using arange
     22  Numpy memmap cannot restore numpy array from .npy
     22  numpy maximum element axis = 1 gives Deprecation warning
     22  Numpy: Is this the most efficient way to add a column of ones to a 1D vector?
     22  Numpy Indexing problem ...  Advance indexing what is X[0] doing here?
     22  Numpy import error when trying to run a new QProcess using the shell in linux
     22  Numpy error compiling kivy project in xcode
     22  numpy: efficiently obtain a statistic over array elements grouped by the elements of another array
     22  Numpy: Diff on non-adjacent values, in 2D
     22  Numpy: Diff on non-adjacent values
     22  NumPy Convert Elements Across Dimensions
     22  Numpy asarray wraps list() around list
     22  Numpy 3D Array dimensions and slicing
     22  numpy - 1 field value in 3d array from a 1d array
     22  Multiply array indices with numbers
     22  MemoryError: Unable to allocate array with shape (6220800, 6220800) and data type float32
     22  Mean Camber Line from Points
     22  Matplotlib's pyplot.plot is plotting points that aren't in the input data set
     22  Matplotlib: remove white border from edge of saved image [duplicate]
     22  Match Columns and Calculate Third Column Np. Where Issues
     22  Manipulate df with multiple time-series into array (with missing dates filled)
     22  Make pair from row/column data of Python DataFrame again [duplicate]
     22  list comprehension in numpy array [duplicate]
     22  Lexicographically order matrix into a vector
     22  Keras:How to get weights, make weights become 1D array, then make weights shape become initial shape?
     22  Join two cell in a numpy.ndarray into a single cell
     22  I want to read data from a file to make histogram via plt.hist() function. my code do not produce any histogram and don't show any error. what to do?
     22  Is there a way to input conditions from a list into numpy where in Python? [duplicate]
     22  Is there a way to apply numpy.extract to a 3d-array?
     22  Is there a way of adding values into a page of a 3d array in numpy?
     22  Is there an Python function could solve or support by manipulating many items in an array in the same time?
     22  Is numpy.histogram working properly with weights?
     22  Is converting numpy array to .npy format an example of serialization of data?
     22  Interpolate every pixel values in annuli
     22  I need to change my arrays dimension to make them equivalent
     22  Index every values in numpy where duplicate values has same index [duplicate]
     22  I'm unable to install numpy library in PYCHARM
     22  ImportError: ''Something is wrong with numpy installation''
     22  I'm having trouble converting tensor to numpy using tensoflow
     22  I have a 3D numpy array. I want to flatten slices of it and then turn it back into the same 3D array. How can I do that?(python)
     22  humpy.genfromtxt input fname argument from list
     22  How to use python to test if a number can hit a series of numbers for X times?
     22  How to use pd.cut with LARGE number of Bins?
     22  How to use pandas to assign values to newly added columns based on the original data?
     22  How to use NumPy array in Scikit-learn
     22  How to use np where function to set conditions for 'x' dependent on other variables
     22  how to turn 1 column of dataframe string into float [duplicate]
     22  How to tune my prediction with binary dataset using Support Vector Machine?
     22  How to transform a simple table into an aggregated crosstab using pandas? [duplicate]
     22  How to the display evaluation metrics and confusion matrix for my model
     22  How to sort a result of groupby from highest to lowest? [duplicate]
     22  How to skip cells in Excel (xlwt) if data is not available?
     22  How to randomly shuffle blocks in numpy 3D array on particular axis
     22  How to randomly pick and mask a portion of a Tensor in Tensorflow (python)
     22  How to map a numpy array to a differently sized array based on boolean values with the rest as zeros
     22  How to manipulate json in plotly and numpy?
     22  How to let array mean be NaN if columns contain NaNs
     22  How to join two dataframes with overlapping time windows and matching IDs in pandas
     22  How to join 3 numpy csr sparse matrix into 1 matrix [duplicate]
     22  How to iterare over recarray rows?
     22  How to index multidimensional NumPy array using range?
     22  How to get the count of common words with each column(matrix format) in a pandas data frame
     22  how to get row indices where row slice contains a single value (0)
     22  How to generate random numbers with positive z axis?
     22  How to generate random numbers of type int16 using numpy.random.uniform?
     22  How to formatting numpy.datetime64 value ticks in matplotlib axis?
     22  How to fix TypeError: unsupported operand question
     22  How to do matrix multiplication of a matrix X of size (i, j) by matrix Y of size (i, j, k) to return a matrix Z of size (i, k) in numpy? [duplicate]
     22  How to delete specific element in 3D numpy array
     22  How to crunch data in python but add to MERN Stack Application
     22  How to create a matrix based on bins?
     22  How to count total times in numpy array where first column >1 and second column is <1
     22  how to convert .xyz format to raster format
     22  How to convert the header as a new column
     22  How to convert a tuple into a numpy array?
     22  How to convert a list of indices into a cell list (numpy array of lists) in numpy with vectorized implementation?
     22  How to compute the np.insert ''obj'' parameter?
     22  How to calculate mean, median and std for for partial updated information?
     22  How to bin & plot properly a larger dataset with Bokeh?
     22  How to apply str.split() on pandas column?
     22  How to add an optimisation problem to a loop in Python
     22  How ''numpy.random.multivariate_normal'' generates random number with non-positive definite matrix
     22  How I delete a row from csv file after I am down with it using python and numpy
     22  How do I replace all strings in only one column with a certain integer? [duplicate]
     22  How do I call ipython modules in a short-hand way?
     22  How come ==np.nan in Python never works? [duplicate]
     22  How can I use a numpy array with index values to set elements of another numpy array to 0?
     22  How can I stop 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append' in an L1 Regression Project?
     22  How can I extend a linear regression line and predict the future?
     22  How can i compute distance matrix using euclidian distance for a dataframe's numerical variables?
     22  How can I combine several numpy arrays to a single string representation?
     22  How can a similarity matrix with groupby be optimized for speed?
     22  Half of the image is covered by a black box
     22  GroupBy or Aggregate rows to return a Dataframe? [duplicate]
     22  Gradual conversion of image to greyscale with numpy in python
     22  Good way to slice a numpy array based on the shape of another array
     22  getting indices of factors of an np outer product given a value condition
     22  Getting different answers between Numpy and manual calculation
     22  Get next month first date based on datetime numpy array
     22  Get all possible combinations of numpy array elements [duplicate]
     22  Geopy Nominatim: Retrieving city names in Italian
     22  Function input outside the matrix
     22  Floating representation in python [duplicate]
     22  Fitting a linear model on part of the data and an exponential growth model on the rest with pymc3
     22  Find the minimum line in a list of tuple with repeating values
     22  Find nearest value X in ndarray in numpy, Python
     22  Finding Affine Transformation between 2 images in Python without specific input points
     22  Faster groupby on multiple columns where all except one are already sorted
     22  Export multiple GluonTS forecasts to pandas dataframe
     22  Excluding duplicates with Python List Comprehension when referencing multiple values of an array
     22  error : 'module' object is not callable when using logmmse
     22  error list index out of range related to label file
     22  Equivalent to R '' -c()'' syntax to exclude rows / columns for Python numpy array
     22  Enforcing that inputs sum to 1 and are contained in the unit interval in scikit-learn
     22  Embedding Python which uses Numpy in C++ doesn't work in library dynamically loaded at runtime
     22  Eigenimage function generates a narrow strip instead of the average image
     22  efficient way to rebuild np.array based on a moving slicing of a np.array [duplicate]
     22  Efficiently save 4D array with binary info
     22  Efficient access to data in distinct but identically formatted files
     22  Easy way to do nd-array contraction using advanced indexing in Python
     22  Draw plot for category values in a plot have same coordinates
     22  drawing countour from liste of coordinate x,y extracted from xml file
     22  Does changing image channel break the image?
     22  Does a column have only dates or also datetimes in pandas?
     22  Display the array entry causing a test to fail
     22  Dataframe MultiIndex why slicing on df.loc[:, (All, [x, y])] just returns result, but not assings new columns
     22  Customize iterating over numpy matrix
     22  Creating several grids at a time
     22  Creating batches of multiple data files in Pytorch
     22  Creating a 2D array from a space-delimited text file in Python 3.6 [duplicate]
     22  created grouped frequency on the base of data and class intervals
     22  Coverting a Numpy-based module into a Torch-based one
     22  counts of unique values for each column based on specific value of other column python
     22  Correctly shaping a keras model, sequences to sequence with known output size
     22  Convert list containing multiple numpy arrays to single numpy array
     22  Convert dtype='<U55201' into numpy array
     22  Convert dataframe columns to rows [duplicate]
     22  Convert a string array to csv file
     22  Convert a pandas dataframe with columns and rows as index to a numpy array [duplicate]
     22  Constructing Indptr for SciPy Sparse CSC Matrix
     22  Computing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors using Numpy from File
     22  Computer Vision, overlapping blocks to solve continuity in final image
     22  Comparing numpy array having repetitions with list
     22  Comparing 2 arrays using NumPy and returning the index with the lower number
     22  Compare rows of a numpy 2D array with one or more arrays without looping [duplicate]
     22  combining different data which have 1 axis in common python numpy, write to table
     22  Combining CSV of different shapes into one CSV
     22  Columns of each row in 2D Numpy array do not shuffle [duplicate]
     22  Class iteration over internal numpy array ? Assignment?
     22  classification model: ahc geospatial data
     22  checking for minimum between two array.shape elements and finding out where it came from
     22  Changing a row of datetime values in a csv to Julian Dates
     22  Change axis of matrix - Python (concatenate)
     22  Can't Reshape Numpy Array, even with multiple methods
     22  Can't change column name after creating a dataframe after group_by [duplicate]
     22  Can someone suggest a better way to find the means of a cluster
     22  Can I specify field names in a compact record dtype creation?
     22  can I obtain an output as follows using only one numpy function [duplicate]
     22  Call python function with default arguments before other arguments?
     22  Buffer size must be divisible by element size while converting pandas dataframe to cudf dataframe
     22  Better way to add new rows with particular elements to a numpy array
     22  AttributeError: 'numpy.timedelta64' object has no attribute 'total_seconds' with Pandas
     22  AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append' error
     22  Arranging a Numpy array of size k [closed]
     22  Applying weighted average function to column in pandas groupby object, carrying over the weights to calculate uncertainties
     22  Applying one_hot over rows in a dataframe
     22  Animate 3D array 'layer by layer' [duplicate]
     22  After reshaping, ValueError: Found array with dim 4. Estimator expected <= 2
     22  Add new column in the Dataset with condition?
     22  Add legend to pyplot.errorbar
     22  Adding R-value (correlation) to scatter chart in Altair
     22  Adding a new dimension to a Numpy array [duplicate]
     22  Adding an array to a dimension of an array
     22  Adding 2 numpy nd.array
     22  Add a Row to a Panda Dataframe in Python [duplicate]
     22  A contain masking operation
     22  About confusion_matrix() in sklearn
     21  Why pickle dump size is larger than the original image dataset size?
     21  Why npy(numpy array format) is faster to retrieve and use smaller disk size than pickle?
     21  Why my 1-D histograms are not showing correcctly?
     21  Why is the sin function from numpy plotting a straight plot?
     21  Why is self not the class instance when using scikit-learn pipelines?
     21  Why does reshape work differently for Transpose and return a new nd array?
     21  Why does Keras model.predict never execute on this simple machine learning model I've setup?
     21  Why does img[0:overlap,:,:] = 1 work but in numpy but not img = img[0:overlap,:,:] = 1 does not?
     21  Why asarray and list react diffently?
     21  What is the differnce between '@' operation ,, np.matmul() in numpy python [duplicate]
     21  What is the difference between Python and Java's inverse matrix algorithm? [duplicate]
     21  What is the best possible approach (faster) to store and retrieve 3 values for calculating distance?
     21  What does it mean for a shape to be ''broadcastible'' to another in numpy?
     21  what does 3 and 4 length tuple specifies in numpy array shape?
     21  ValueError when trying to replace invalid values with np.nan
     21  ValueError on np.random.permutation when running .py file from command line but not in juypter notebook
     21  User input to call function always ends with process 0
     21  Use data from CSV file to print out the year, month, and associated value > 170
     21  unqualified exec from numpy core overrides when running Flask app using Passenger wsgi
     21  Unique values in particular column only 2-d array (using numpy)
     21  Understanding what happens when I add a new axis to a 3D Numpy array
     21  Unbound Local Error despite declaring the function variable as local
     21  Unable to run exe file?
     21  Unable to determine number of fit parameters
     21  Unable to convert a Pandas Dataframe to dictionary
     21  Unable to append collection of entries to NumPy array
     21  TypeError for datetime object, when shifting DataFrame
     21  Trying to put all the values below and above the main diagonal equal to 0 in a matrix
     21  Transform numpy matrix
     21  Submarine Simulation-Confused about how to solve correctly. The outputs never match the paper i am trying to replicate
     21  Storing indices of rows and columns already added to clusters
     21  Stacking arrays of unequal shape
     21  Specifying color for each feature in scatterplot python
     21  Sparse Matrix One 1 for Every Row
     21  Spacing values to calculate a gradient using numpy.gradient in a pandas dataframe
     21  Some errors during normalizing and dealing with outliers in dataset in Pandas.dataFrame
     21  Slicing (seperating) segments out of audiofiles (arrays) and deleting them
     21  simple python3 script (openCV) does not run from Bash script
     21  Selecting rows and columns in numpy array and tensorflow Tensor [duplicate]
     21  Select a batch from a matrix in a loop
     21  Scipy Sparse dot product with a 3D array
     21  Scipy Objective function
     21  Saving two netCDF files as one text file using dictionary
     21  Return array from tuple
     21  Resampling does not work as expected (see plot)
     21  Requiring data to be in certain format when read from PostgreSQL
     21  represents the occurence of each event (column in df) [duplicate]
     21  Replacing string with value calculated from the max of another column in a dataframe
     21  Replace value that is greater than A with B and value that is smaller than C with D [duplicate]
     21  Replace outliers with median exept NaN
     21  remove 1SD values from a dataset in Python (outlier detection)
     21  Read Columns of different types in a Numpy Array
     21  Random valid data items in numpy array
     21  Query cKDTree efficient python parallelization
     21 to print binary matrix using numpy in python? [duplicate]
     21  Python: SettingWithCopyWarning when trying to set value to True based on condition
     21  Python-scipy: Error while recasting code into a function
     21  Python Numpy in which Voxel is the Point?
     21  python - numpy - get index of matrix that contains True
     21  Python Numpy Determine array index which contains overall max/min value
     21  Pythonic way of building up a numpy array without having to explicitely handle the first assignment?
     21  Python: How to create an array of strings using NumPy ndarray
     21  python: groupby - function called when grouping
     21  Python Error: TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars <Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
     21  Python call a imported function from a different .py file, but the imported function cannot see the other imported moduel in main file
     21  Python basic function overridden, how to use the original version? [duplicate]
     21  Problems to plot a hist from a sales df.csv
     21  Problem of solving ODE equations (From Polymath to Python)
     21  Printing optimized parameters of a function to fit data
     21  Plotting rows from different dataframes in a single chart in Python
     21  Plotting contour map of interpolated function: unmatching results for different sections of data
     21  Plotting a 3 level groupby
     21  Performant way to check if a point is in a list of points [duplicate]
     21  Pandas : Obtaining column name for sorted value at record level
     21  Pandas: How to change column observations based on that observations attributes
     21  Pandas DataFrame plot changing values when using date as x
     21  Pandas dataframe generate all pairs of values [duplicate]
     21  Pandas approach to apply functions across multiple columns with same index?
     21  Padding and Masking a batch dataset
     21  OpenCV Alpha Layer PNG Edge Detection
     21  numpy storing only reference of transposed ndarray [duplicate]
     21  Numpy: stack arrays whose internal dimensions differ
     21  Numpy slicing a fixed length on two axis based on different starting index given by two arrays
     21  numpy select values based on list of indices. Process batch at once [duplicate]
     21  numpy selecting elements in sub array using slicing [duplicate]
     21  numpy round doesn't produce the required answer [duplicate]
     21  Numpy __isub__ changing global variable
     21  Numpy | How to get image array of specific form
     21  NumPy : How to determine the index of the first axis of an ndarray according to some condition?
     21  numpy: function to minimize cumulative distance between sampled time-curves
     21  Numpy first row vs entire table [duplicate]
     21  Numpy: Construct Slice A La Carte
     21  Numpy array of strings, value assignation
     21  numpy array metadata change
     21  Numpy.array doesn't correctly convert multi-dimensional list to ndarray
     21  Numpy.arange: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     21  Numpy: apply along axis with input arrays with different indicies
     21  Numpy 2d array, clipping each index of each row to the minimum of that index and a specific column
     21  Numba and periodic boundary conditions on numpy array
     21  np.std change ddof within groupby
     21  normalizing facecolor values in 4d graph
     21  Nested condition in numpy and pandas are not working
     21  Need help merging two categories / intervals
     21  MXNet predict not working when model is cached
     21  Multivariate Gaussian mixture models probability distribution in numpy
     21  Most efficient way for worker processes without pipes
     21  minus specify elements in 2D array numpy
     21  Merging two dataframes based on value of one column [duplicate]
     21  Merge two tables with not equal coordinates
     21  Mean over a pandas DataFrame object including statistical significance after a groupby
     21  Matplotlib Read in time as value from CSV
     21  MatPlotLib randomizing color for plotting
     21  masking a multidimensional array - numpy
     21  Mask array of different sizes, then replace elements from another one
     21  keras ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: [duplicate]
     21  join numpy string arrays with delimiter
     21  Iterating through data frame to buy or reject stocks
     21  Iterating over files and stitching together 3D arrays
     21  Is there an implicit conversion in this multiplication?
     21  Is there a info function for numpy arrays?
     21  Is it possible to efficiently model non-symetrical hierachical tree structured data in NumPy?
     21  invalid literal for int() with base 10 :e, processing label in image path
     21  Intel-Numpy and Virtual Machine
     21  Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') - Tried everything but won't work
     21  Incorrect result while using
     21  Improving speed when dealing with big numbers and big shape of arrays in Python
     21  Import python packages not working when running .py script, but working if run in Jupyter
     21  Image/2D-matrix normalization without value boundary
     21  I get a Type Error in R when a pandas dataframe contains a numpy array
     21  if(temp_similarity[k]==similarity[l]): ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
     21  how to vectorize an array with variable column length
     21  how to use numpy vectorization for mutiple datasets, and then call a function?
     21  How to take the input from the Console and use it as function for matplotlib? [duplicate]
     21  how to take numpy array as an input in logistic regression?
     21  How to sum the Values of volume after re sampling Datafame in Python 3
     21  how to stack trial-based data horizontally using pandas [duplicate]
     21  How to solve the TypeError (ufunc lstsq_n) that occurs when applying 'np.linalg.lstsq()'
     21  How to search for number of values greater than given values for each row
     21  How to reshape a 1d array to a 3d array with diffrerent size of 2d arrays?
     21  how to replace dtype=K.floatx()?
     21  how to replace/change one (or two) of the datetime array of my data?
     21  How to remove specific sub-array from numpy array [duplicate]
     21  How to read a certain column, starting from an arbitrary row, into an array or list in python?
     21  How to prevent ''RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in arccos'' when using np.where()?
     21  How to overwrite columns in pandas DataFrames of using other as existed category
     21  How to modify a set of concatenate traces in one file to a set of
     21  How to merge nested array to an array with a dimension larger using numpy?
     21  How to match specific value and copy to another file in python, instead of nested loop? [duplicate]
     21  How to manage production of box plots if you have a massive number of data points?
     21  How to link elements inside a 2-D array with another list based on the index in python?
     21  How to keep the shape of columns in a dataframe object intact after shuffling one of the columns?
     21  How to keep the dimensions when using the basic arithmetic operations with Numpy
     21  How to get column name where its 1. I also have to find out if all rows has only one 1
     21  How to format data in Pandas to allow for the correct representation using Seaborn?
     21  How to find the match of identical values in two different columns of a dataset in python
     21  How to delete rows from column which have matching values in the list Pandas
     21  How to deal with warnings in pycharm like ''Unexpected type(s):(ndarray[int]) Possible types:(int)(slice)''?
     21  How to create numpy array with every alternative number starting from 5 to 55 [closed]
     21  How to create a numpy masked array using lower dim array as a mask?
     21  How to convert from c data into numpy object directly
     21  How to convert dtype of numpy subarray?
     21  How to convert data with time coordinate (axis) from days units to seconds units
     21  How to convert 1D numpy array (made using .genfromtxt() method) to a 2D array?
     21  How to concatenate new data from a separate file as a new column of a numpy array?
     21  How to concatenate many txt files with different names into one array with numpy on python?
     21  How to compute GOA(Gradient orientation analysis) map?
     21  How to compute geometric transformations with OpenCV
     21  How to calculate mean dose and max dose from a RTDose (3D array) using numpy?
     21  How to append numpy ndarray (images) to get similar dataset like mnist
     21  How to add an ndarray to another ndarray
     21  How maintain sequence of occurence of numbers from ndarray into set using python?
     21  How do you combine two data frames on two values and add an extra column containing a boolean for if the row appeared in the second dataframe?
     21  How do I interpret this Python Array code? [duplicate]
     21  How do I extract price data from iex?
     21  How do I explicitly install and launch the 64-bit version of Python after installing the distribution?
     21  How do I convert a PivotTable that was made into Pandas / Numpy in a DataFrame?
     21  How does LazyFrames from OpenAI's baselines save memory?
     21  How could you obtain a 2D heat map mean of a 3d numpy array
     21  How can I take a bunch of two-dimensional arrays of the same size and turn them into three dimensions?
     21  How can I plot separate maps of data using plt.subplots?
     21  How can I match an audio clip inside an audio clip with Python? [duplicate]
     21  How can I make taking the average of matrix blocks more efficient [duplicate]
     21  How can I get item from 3d numpy array via a 2d indices array?
     21  how can i get an 3 dimensional numpy array out of list of nesteld list
     21  How can I create fastly, with numpy an asociation of two vectors, one for indices of the second and other for booleans?
     21  How can I convert tensor to numpy array? [duplicate]
     21  Handling missing values and wrong values in pandas Python
     21  Getting ND behaviour of `` with `np.tensortdot` or 2-D only ``
     21  Getting all rows where for column 'C' the entry is larger than the preceding element in column 'C'
     21  Get different result from broadcasting when changing dimension
     21  Get a value per row from a 2D numpy array based on column specified in another array [duplicate]
     21  Gathering a list of dynamic indices
     21  Function that extracts data at specific indexes by passing indexes and numpy array as parameters, while being able to handle variations in dimensions
     21  From dtype unique number to data type class
     21  Frame size is changed after numpy typecasting
     21  For-loop indexing error is causing errors
     21  Find rows in numpy.array (A) that are not in numpy.array(B) [duplicate]
     21  Finding multiple indexes but the array always has a length of 1
     21  Finding max value by Row and displaying its column name correspodingly
     21  Filter a document term matrix by a list of terms with scikit-learn
     21  fill space between graphs in Matplotlib
     21  Fill an triangle over a 3D Numpy array (Python)
     21  fill a 2D array using a for loop using other 2D arrays
     21  Faster RCNN in PyTorch
     21  Exporting an array (to use for plotting) *and* annotation/explanatory text from a python script
     21  Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead: array=[5.6 7. ]. Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1)
     21  efficient way to save array to file over and over again for every epoch
     21  Do what, choicelist) does but instead with pandas only
     21  Different decimal formats within same numpy array
     21  data augmentation in Numpy
     21  Crop Image with Python
     21  Creating list of multiple copies from another list in python [duplicate]
     21  Creating a nested dict using ndarray's
     21  Creating and returning a local variable inside a function within a function not working numpy
     21  Create Series object with maxima from other Series objects
     21  Create an Image In Pillow with Numpy Matrix of Colors
     21  Create a DataFrame with an array data for every value in a date range
     21  Counting points in an array that meet certain conditions
     21  Corners in straight parts of image with cv.goodFeaturesToTrack in Python
     21  Convert string date in useable panda format
     21  Converting multiple matrices to images and saving them is taking forever to complete
     21  Converting dionysus diagram to numpy array without loop
     21  convert colored image to graysacle in python using numpy and PIL but getting this error:
     21  Connecting segmented labels (using RAG) when there is a background?
     21  Confused with errors regarding Numpy Arrays: Have tried several training methods and they all result in errors
     21  Confused about numpy's returned eigenvectors
     21  Concatenate list of numpy 3d tensors into one 4d tensor?
     21  Concatenate indices of each Numpy Array in a Matrix
     21  Concatenate arrays in Python - output error
     21  Combine arrays with specific shape using numpy
     21  Combinations of array when x values are dropped
     21  Check dimensions of numpy array in a for loop and then turn 2-D data into 1-D data
     21  Changing one matrix and putting in another one
     21  Change Values in One Array, Based On Value from Column of Second Array
     21  Can numpy accept pointer from c/c++?
     21  Cannot sort the elements of arrays within a larger array in ascending order using np.sort
     21  cannot index igraph vs with output from numpy
     21  Cannot convert a pandas series into a 2d array?
     21  Cannot cast array data from dype ('<M8[ms]') to dtype ("float64') according to the rule safe
     21  Calculating the similarity between three 2D numpy arrays
     21  Calculate number of time series in data frame for required hierarchy
     21  Bicubic interpolation speed; why is numba slower than OpenCV?
     21  Bad input shape while training a prediction model
     21  A way to find mode values within range
     21  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' on jupyter notebook
     21  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'DataReader'
     21  Applying ''simultanious'' multiple conditions on a numpy array [duplicate]
     21  appending a numpy array but organising the appended information in two dimensions
     21  Anaconda NumPy, scikitlearn support on SIMD
     21  Alternative to `:` that selects everything [duplicate]
     21  After upgrading to Anconda 2020.02 ''import pandas as pd'' fails to be executed
     21  Add dimension numpy array
     21  3D Voronoi diagram in Python with adjustable cell size/shape
     21  2D Numpy Array Boolean Slicing [duplicate]
     21  2 Different Costs in Multivariate Linear Regression due to Numpy
     20  Zipped Columns in Pandas DataFrame
     20  Writing a 2D Numpy Array in a HDF5 Dataset
     20  Write numpy array with special delimiters using jinja2
     20  Writable masked views into a record array
     20  Why the dimension of numpy array np.array([(1,2,3,2,3,4)]) is 2?
     20  Why numpy treats really small numbers as zeros?
     20  Why is my bar graph from the lowest to highest? [duplicate]
     20  why do I get negative angle as output when using np.degrees(np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([A,B]),,B)))?
     20  Why can't I associate a datatype with two floats and a string with an array with two floats and a string?
     20  Where can I find documents describing exact algorithms many numerical linear algebra packages use?
     20  What is the `data` attribute of a numpy array? [duplicate]
     20  What does == mean inside a NDArray?
     20  want to apply result of Numpy Where to weight matrix [Python]
     20  virtualenv python3.4: can't install pandas 0.21.0
     20  vectorized ''by-layer'' scaling of numpy array
     20  Variables not working as expected within function [duplicate]
     20  ValueError in > comparison
     20  value doesn't match format of datetime python
     20  Using numpy arrays in a function which already uses numpy arrays
     20  using module within user defined function
     20  using longer input_shape to a fixed input_shape model
     20  Unable to read characters into a 2d matrix in python
     20  UKF dan Kalman Filter cross covariance in sum(), dot() and simple (*)
     20  Trying to append_fields() to an ndarray, no error but nothing happening
     20  Trouble getting the actual value of numpy array
     20  Trouble calculating slope and intercept in Numpy/Scypy using linear regression
     20  Transpose `matrix[:,mask]` to `matrix[mask,:]` by using only number `0` and `1`?
     20  Translate this R geometric problem using numpy random geometric
     20  torch tensor changes to numpy array in for/while loop?
     20  The matrix created by two arrays does not have expected dimensions
     20  Sum rows of a 2D array with a specific stepsize - NumPy
     20  Subtracting 2 datetime64 columns in pandas using @numpy.vectorize
     20  Substitute DataFrame column values for a friendly name [duplicate]
     20  Spyder (Python 3.7) - TypeError: Object of Type 'StateSpaceContinuous' has no len()' How do I resolve this?
     20  Speed up numpy calls within Cython
     20  Sorting Numpy arrays using multiple keys
     20  Signal-to-noise ratio calculation for audio signal
     20  Scipy Optimize Curve Fit works but Scipy Optimize Minimize does not
     20  Removing p% of smallest numpy array
     20  regarding transform a one way list into a two-dimensional array representing a mesh grid
     20  Recycle numpy array [duplicate]
     20  Reading text file with multiple blocks separated by #
     20  Rcond from numpy.polyfit the same in the image and in random matrix
     20  RaspberryPi Thonny 3.1.0 Python 3.5.3 - dependency issues on both NumPy & Pandas
     20  Rank of a dot product of a matrix and its transpose, is not the same of the rank of the matrix itself using numpy linalg
     20  Query in Regard to A Puzzling Situation Related to the Establishment of Lists/Arrays and the Application of PySolar in Python 3.7
     20  [Python]-Using numpy value to get list value
     20  Python TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
     20  Python (pandas): How to multiply all floats in DataFrame by constant
     20  Python OpenCV: Crop image to contents, and make background transparent
     20  Python object exceeds recursion depth
     20  python numpy: define your own element wise matrix operand
     20  Python 'nan' when array is removed from data type object
     20  Python gets confused when importing .npy file and thinks a dictionary is an ndarray
     20  Python 3.x - Why can I not convert this numpy array to a Pillow image?
     20  Python3: Sending images (numpy array) between processes quickly in Windows
     20  Python27 numpy ndarray division behaviour [duplicate]
     20  Pycharm offers incomplete code suggestions with numpy
     20  Put rows in between existed rows, and interpolate the values in the data frame
     20  Problem with bounds array shape in scipy.optimize constrained methods
     20  Problems with Anaconda,C++,Python
     20  Problems making a basic gaussian elimination program with backwards sustitution
     20  problem appending columns and rows using numpy append and hstack
     20  Print Each Individual Element in Array
     20  Present image after to_categorical keras
     20  Predicting using LSTMs
     20  Plugging in values in sympy and numpy
     20  Passing a specific Xarry Data Variable into a New Numpy Array
     20  Pandas Transform and add second line between the measurements
     20  Pandas most efficient store NUMERIC(8,3) in dtype?
     20  Pandas derived column for number of work days between 2 dates
     20  operations made to a numpy array inside a module affects variables outside of module
     20  Object arrays not supported on numpy with mkl?
     20  Numpy where returning error where it shouldn't
     20  Numpy: Unable to get the correct data from MaskedArray
     20  NumPy ''Too many indices for array'' error whilst predicting from neural network
     20  numpy stream encode/decode separation characters
     20  Numpy - Setting Pixels in Parallel [duplicate]
     20  Numpy savetxt - tab delimited text with formatting
     20  Numpy reshape function. How are these two lines of code different?
     20  Numpy/pytorch: calculate mean of variable length segments of a specific dim
     20  numpy memory erros on all possible combinations
     20  Numpy Matrix values to complex values in the form of 0+Value*i
     20  numpy indexing mixed tuple-index and range-index
     20  'numpy.float64' object is not callable while extracting audios features
     20  NumPy - Finding a matrix inside another matrix [duplicate]
     20  Numpy doesn't add temporary variable to some element of vector
     20 is converting floats to weird characters
     20  Neural network sinusoidal regression doesn't work with big range and big variables
     20  Need to Convert Numpy ArrayS to a single DatasetV1Adapter
     20  modern numpy format for an array of single byte chars
     20  Merge two vectors with alternate locations
     20  Memory issue? How to get the desired output Efficiently?
     20  Loops using Numpy Vectorization
     20  Looping and filtering through a numpy array to cancel out subsequent related ''events''
     20  Learning a basis for compressed sensing via dictionary learning
     20  keras trying to shape arrays to suit input
     20  I want to compute gradient descent with samples of x[100,4] and label y . when I execute the code, faced with this error
     20  Is this vectorised implementation of a logistic regression cost function good or is it having some kind of bug?
     20  Is there an efficient way to convert lists of DataFrames into Numpy arrays?
     20  Is numpy variable link with each other ?(help)
     20  Is is possible each cell of a numpy array iteratively from a function?
     20  In python how operation in numpy.array(matrix[U*V*W]) is different from numpy.array(matrix[U*V])?
     20  index 2d numpy.array with 2d numpy.array
     20  Implementing ''full convolution'' to find gradient w.r.t the convolution layer inputs
     20  I have two errors: 'RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars' ; 'RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in subtract'
     20  I don't know why I get the multiple graphs of W versus PT using the attached python code
     20  I do not understand why Python give me a np.darray object is not callable
     20  I didn't get the image printed from PIL but I got it from the matplotlib why?
     20  I am using python 3 for imaging and training the model using SVM. But I am getting the error when i run it ''KeyError: 'NU '''. How can i solve this
     20  How to turn a set of data to a matrix and vectors
     20  How to treat complex values when writing a numpy ufunc?
     20  How to solve a large probability matrix of a Markov Chain with two servers in Python?
     20  How to slice matrix with logic sign?
     20  How to replace last element (or any element) of every row in an ndarray with a constant?
     20  How to put similarity score on a matrix between houses by using numpy
     20  How to plot irregularly sampled time data in animated graph, using Matplotlib or other?
     20  How to match index between two numpy ndArray and sort them?
     20  how to make this initialisation of numpy array work?
     20  How to make fft of a very long signal using Numpy to find PSD and correlation function
     20  How to join condition columns (from opencv the ROIs and from the folder structure the filename) alongside the statistics from the ROIs?
     20  How to have both x and y values on the mouse cursor when you hover on the specific given plot?
     20  How to get the relative complement of a boolean numpy array and another?
     20  How to get the frequencies in a two-dimensional Fourier transform?
     20  How to get graph names after converting a graph to adj matrix?
     20  How to get broadcasted shape from input shapes?
     20  How to fix Python 2.7 and Numpy syntax error in tmp directory
     20  How to find the nearest point to the ray in numpy?
     20  How to find the eigen value and eigen vector of matrix with size (5030 * 3 )?
     20  how to find number of matching rows in NumPy ndarray
     20  How to extract certain data from multiple identical indexes and create new column and save it on the first row of the index
     20  How to edit code to get a prediction value in expected range?
     20  How to do a curve fit on a log-log on python?
     20  How to delete column and rows in symmetric matrix
     20  How to create a video from numpy array without looping?
     20  How to correct wrong values with Numpy difference in python?
     20  How to compute item histogram for a column for each particular id group?
     20  How to compare dates with np.nanmin() [duplicate]
     20  How to change a value of an array which is indexed several times?
     20  How to calculate Features from List of Numpy arrays with different array length? [duplicate]
     20  How to avoid zero encountered in log?
     20  How to apply r2_score per group in Pandas
     20  How to add length 1 dimension to NDArray en c#
     20  How to add elements in a 2d list to derive one more array?
     20  How to *actually* delete a column from numpy structured array (so that it won't show up in binary file)
     20  How I can give the names of 3D matrix dimensions using dataframe (Pandas)
     20  How do I find a specific coefficient for a large polynomial in the numpy polynomial package?
     20  How does Tensorflow 2.0 AutoGraph handle numpy operation?
     20  How can iterate over a 2-D matrix in python with respect to coloumns and rows?
     20  How can I get the random samples from a very large collection in Python efficiently
     20  How can I get rid of the square brackets and print the output one per line? (python) [duplicate]
     20  How can I get one array to return only the masked values define by another array with Numpy / PyTorch?
     20  How Can I create a Method in a class that I can convert a numpy matrix to a Pandas Frame?
     20  How can I correct setting an array element with a sequence error
     20  How can I control conversion from custom object to numpy.longdouble?
     20  How can I compare the values of 6 columns to another column in my DataFrame and create another column with the results? [duplicate]
     20  How can I combine masks of two 3D arrays and apply it to a separate 3D array?
     20  How can I add a whole row as a column name in Pandas?
     20  Having trouble reading the images using open cv
     20  getting `undefined symbol: _PyObject_NextNotImplemented` error when trying to run Numpy.Net on ubuntu 18.04
     20  Getting 'tensor is not a torch image' for data type <class 'torch.Tensor'>
     20  Getting pixel nearest neighbor color
     20  Getting error while generating uniform matrix in numpy [closed]
     20  Getting Error in code IndentationError: unexpected indent?
     20  Getting a type error converting array using PIL
     20  Get the coordinates of non-zero binary mask in certain range
     20  Get filtered co-occurrences from a sparse matrix
     20  fsolve for function with exp
     20  force output shape for a numpy function
     20  Flat lines in Fast Fourier Transform using numpy
     20  Fit lognormal function to count data
     20  Finding indices of elements that equal zero in the given numpy matrix
     20  Finding formula of 3D plane using points
     20  Filtering a 2D array/list and replacing a value in python
     20  Feature selection using eigenvalues and eigenvectors in Python
     20  Fastest way to find array indices which are closest in value to another array's values in python [duplicate]
     20  Extract required rows from a numpy array
     20  extracting data from numpy array in python3
     20  Error in loss attribute in model, ( i added the screenshot down)
     20  Error for constraint using scipy minimize
     20  Einsum creates overflow. Why?
     20  Efficiently filter 3D matrix in numpy with variable 2D masks
     20  Dropping different elements from different columns at once using Pandas
     20  Drawing the x,y,z-Plane instead of the normal grid
     20  divisionundefined when rate =0 in numpy.pv
     20  Delete values over the diagonal in a matrix with python
     20  Define callbacks to numpy structured array
     20  Data Manipulation Function not passing test runs
     20  cv2.grabCut() to return a (near enough) all black image when there is no foreground object
     20  Creating normal noise array with different dispersions(sigma)
     20  Create multiple histograms, grouped by user from a large, single dataset in Python
     20  Create animation/ movie with Matplotlib FuncAnimation with Polyhedron shape from Convex Hull
     20  create a list of list of N-dimensional numpy arrays
     20  Create a data frame out of input_t (which is actually three numbers and act as features ) and output_t as output
     20  Create a concatenated csv file from looping through columns of data
     20  Convert plot co-ords to geographic co-ords
     20  convert list to numpy array
     20  Converting pandas datetime to numpy datetime
     20  Convert a huge N-D array to pandas dataframe [duplicate]
     20  Columnwise setting all values that meet a condition to zero
     20  Column normalization behaves differently in higher dimensions
     20  Classification of same rows in 2D numpy
     20  Choice of Sparse Matrix in Numpy and Scipy
     20  Checking Numpy array against a geopanda polygon
     20  Check if array exists inside 2D numpy array
     20  Change a column of all duplicated row to same value
     20  Calculating the statistically significant number of iterations
     20  Calculate number of hours between two string timestamp python
     20  Bincount one-hot encoded labels [duplicate]
     20  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'asarray'
     20  Assignment by logical indexing in numpy
     20  Assigning values to multi-dimensional array [duplicate]
     20  assemble numpy array from different hdf5 datasets in one file
     20  A rather strange occurrence with pylab:
     20  Apply Autogression over 3d numpy array and predicting array in Python
     20  An array of maximum values from a list of 2D numpy array
     20  An alternative to read image from scipy to cv2
     20  All boolean combinations from 2 numpy arrays
     20  Add trendline for timeseries graph in python
     20  Add numpy arrays together to create new array with max absolute value
     20  Adding a row-dependent value to each row
     20  access individual items from numpy data type
     20  3D numpy array woes and extracting data
     19  why using multiple layer list to create a matrix of numpy has caused the 'list' type instead of directly '[]'?
     19  Why RuntimeWarning encountered is dependent on the position of variables?
     19  Why is numpy sometimes swaping dimensions automatically when subsetting? [duplicate]
     19  Why do I get a winError 193 when I am importing Matplotlib using Spyder on a Windows 10 (64-bit ) machine?
     19  Why doesn't SymPy like to redefine a variable?
     19  When to use get dummy function? [closed]
     19  When I run this Python 2.7 code I get the output ''k'' immediately . Shouldn't ''k'' be printed after 5 seconds?
     19  What happen to my ZCA whitening image? Is this image correct?
     19  vectorizing finding index of smallest value from the boundary
     19  Vectorizing a Calculation - Bravais vector between pairs of points
     19  Variable length element sampling from list based on weights
     19  Values changed after transforming numpy.arange() to list
     19  ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated when arrays are not zero-dimensional and inside bracket/parenthesis
     19  ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1131,267,3) (267,1131,3), line : img = np.multiply(heatmap,0.5) + img_ori
     19  ValueError: (205087,) but got (1,), using fit_generator on onehot vectors in keras
     19  Using numpy.max(B) funtion get different result in python 2.7, when B is a complex matrix. Why?
     19  Using np.size to get number of column pairs
     19  Unexpected return value of Numpy.sum() in my local Jupter
     19  Unable to get plot.ion() within an if statement to assess progress of model
     19  Two dimensional s-curve test data generation with Scikit make-s-curve
     19  Turn List into Dataframe/Adjust one line for loop
     19  Trying to fix this error IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size
     19  Trouble using np.getfromtxt(
     19  to_numpy() with multiple dataframe(for loop)
     19  TensorFlow data pipeline from remote JSON API
     19  Substracting every nth element of a matrix from every ith element from another matrix
     19  Structuring data in this multidimensional-array
     19  storage values from label entry
     19  Slow Numpy array reading
     19  share a frame (numpy - opencv python) from python to cpp with shared memory
     19  Selecting entries from slices with Numpy [duplicate]
     19  Select from a 2D list all rows where a column has a desired value
     19  scipy.optimize.minimize using different sizes of arrays in jac
     19  scipy.optimize.minimize- Error message appears, when I try to minimize a set of eigenvalues
     19  Save periodically gathered data with python
     19  Sample dataframe with number of records sampled per hour predefined
     19  rounding off the lift, support and confidence to 4 decimals but lift becomes 1 decimal
     19  Replace 2D numpy array elements based on 2D indexes [duplicate]
     19  Quick command accessing mutlidimensional array elements from list with wanted indices
     19  Pytorch tensor data is disturbed when I convert data loader tensor to numpy array
     19  Python Rpy2 - How to validate vector order of a 3d matrix, when saved in memory as a vector, knowing the column-major vs. row-major difference
     19  Python/Pandas is there a way to vectorize a comparison to all other points in an opposing category?
     19  Python: Overload [] to duplicate numpy behavior? [duplicate]
     19  python numpy float64. Transformation of the ''exact'' values to float64() gives a ''garbage'' after the 16th significant digit (decimal places)
     19  Python multiprocessing memory overload
     19  python multiprocessing map returns Nones
     19  Python : Convert 2D numpy array to pandas series
     19  Python3 Matrix Sum Harvesting
     19  Pycharm does not use my GPU when running Yolo2 algorithm
     19  Polynomial Regression without scikitlearn
     19  Plot in specific percentile range using python
     19  pandas method to turn one column into multiple columns based on the row values [duplicate]
     19  pandas- get index as a string [duplicate]
     19  Overlap computation in telescope pointing text file [duplicate]
     19  OSError WinError193 Python Anaconda involving Tensorflow and Numpy
     19  Omit values from plt.legend() from dictionaries
     19  Obtain delays array from timestamp array
     19  Numpy.where: ignore the 'else'/y condition [duplicate]
     19  numpy splitting arrays column wise and stacking to each row
     19  Numpy: rewrite outer product and addition of the diagonal in vector form
     19  numpy remove column by different value in batch
     19  Numpy is throwing a shape error when I am trying to create an image using image regions extracted from different places ( for creating a histogram)
     19  Numpy indexing in $n$ dimensions [duplicate]
     19  NumPy : How to transform the shape of an ndarray with a 'lossy' transformation
     19  Numpy getting row indices of last two elements of each column in mask
     19  numpy.extract() outcome different than expected
     19  Numpy equivalent of trim_zeros for other values
     19  numpy > comparation vs serial > comparation with itertools.islice
     19  numpy.AxisError: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 1 - numpy array
     19  Numpy.array creates column major matrix from an image
     19  Numpy applying operation on each element of matrix for each element of matrix?
     19  Numba - Use datetime array in guvectorize signature
     19  No module named numpy but requirements are already satisfied (Anaconda)
     19  My Neural Network always prints the same output regardless of the input
     19  Multiplying matrices across tenor axis with numpy and with GPU
     19  Most efficient way to test whether each element from one 1-d array exists in corresponding row of another 2-d array, using python
     19  Minimal (light version) PyTorch and Numpy packages in production
     19  mean_y = np.mean(Y) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int [duplicate]
     19  Mean/Std calculation of data-set logging change of value only
     19  Matplotlib Figure Size Option Splitting the plots
     19  Manually label images
     19  manipulating ndarray dimension with function and adding new data to it
     19  make a csv file out of a 1d and 2d array
     19  Low performance in parallel with
     19  Losing 2nd dimension data of an array saved in .CSV and reloaded with numpy
     19  Loading .npz in colab using mounted drive
     19  LeavePGroupsOut For multidimensional array
     19  Keep references when creating numPy arrays in Python [duplicate]
     19  Is there a way to perform numpy.mean for individual components in an array?
     19  Is there any code which can segregate the different data types to different arrays?
     19  Issue when extending a matrix-like numpy array by adding extra list
     19  Issues in the values in numpy array in python [duplicate]
     19  Index ot of range with numba.guvectorize
     19  indexError: too many indices in an array for Fourier Series
     19  Improving performance of levenshtein distance in numpy
     19  Implementing the multiclass SVM from CS231n
     19  I have got ''NameError: name 'array' is not defined'' while splitting big array to smaller sub-arrays [duplicate]
     19  I get an IndexError that index type is not suitable but I have typecasted the index using the int() function. Can anybody help and explain?
     19  I am trying to make a stock prediction program in python, but I am getting an error? [duplicate]
     19  How to write a pythonic code to modify an array in order to make it closed under an operation acting on its rows
     19  How to solve Matplotlib TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
     19  How to solve error: InvalidIndexError: Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued Index objects when mapping a dataframe to another one
     19  How to show and save output images using skimage and numpy?
     19  How to select a column value based on another column value in pandas? [duplicate]
     19  How to plot frequency- Time representation of OFDM using python?
     19  How to pass the same index on a column for duplicate pairs on another column?
     19  How to overwrite 2-D numpy multi times symmetrically with given index?
     19  How to load all variables from a .mat file(saved as -v7.3) in python?
     19  How to group elements (of a tensor) according to classification tensor and calculate the std of each cluster (Tensorflow)?
     19  How to get topK items for 2-dim numpy array pairs?
     19  How to get the index of a particular row using column values in numpy?
     19  How to get Maximum Row Values and Remove Double Ups [duplicate]
     19  How to get indexes of top 2 values of each row in a 2-D numpy array, but with a specific area is excluded?
     19  how to get a serial output when i identify blue object
     19  How to force matplotlib to write specific RGB values in each pixel in numpy array?
     19  How to fix numpy fail with missing on alpine docker
     19  How to filter the negative motions in Numpy to have a monotonic array [duplicate]
     19  How to fetch the entire rows having even numbers in numpy?
     19  How to do transformation from one DataFrame to create a new DataFrame with different format? [duplicate]
     19  How to display header of column after identifying value
     19  How to deal with truncation in inequations?
     19  How to create chunking of numpy.linespace() for large scale data
     19  How to create a matrix consists of submatrix
     19  How to create a Boolean Numpy Array using fancy indexing
     19  How to convert each row in a dataframe to array? [duplicate]
     19  How to concatenate over 2 ndarray in loop(one of these is empty in 1st loop)? [duplicate]
     19  How to change 0.0 - 1.0 class predictions to integer [duplicate]
     19  How to assign custom x labels on plot with uneven spacing
     19  How to apply ranged lookup on pandas dataframe?
     19  How to apply argrelextrema function in Python 3.7?
     19  How to add major and minor grid lines using pcolor?
     19  How to add 2 columns in numpy ndarray? [duplicate]
     19  How do you use numpy array's to color pixels?
     19  How do to install numpy 1.18.1 on pycharm (windows 10)
     19  How do i compute the dot product of n tensors by n vectors with numpy [duplicate]
     19  how can recognize odd and even number in the range in python?
     19  How can I visualize a large file read in numpy memmap format?
     19  How can I obtain the unique values and its frequencies in an image after doing k-means clustering?
     19  How can I make my array columns uniform on numpy?
     19  How can I distribute the ith value in a vector along the ith row of a matrix using Numpy?
     19  How can I create a feature where I want to find whether a particular data lies between two dates?
     19  Histogram from array [duplicate]
     19  groupby same column data in single row format [duplicate]
     19  Getting the column ''number'' and column name to make it easier to select several - not always adjacent - columns in a large df in pandas
     19  Getting 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append', while my variable's data type is list
     19  getting multiple array after performing subtraction operation within array elements
     19  Getting Indices of unique values of n-dim Numpy array [duplicate]
     19  getting error while installing numpy package in pycharm
     19  Getting a plot to show when plot function is imported into mainscript
     19  get the value from another values if value is nan [duplicate]
     19  Get the indexes of the adjacent elements smaller or equal to a threshold in Python
     19  Get rid of trailing \x00 on a bytearray
     19  Generating a synthetic training set of sparse vectors
     19  For each CohortGroup assign the Proper CohortPeriod Count
     19  Find value in an array corresponding to position of max in another one [duplicate]
     19  finding indecies of subarrays in a numpy array
     19  Fast way to get an 2d array with some columns and in a certain order from an original matrix
     19  Faster methods for loops
     19  Extract one element per batch from Tensorflow 2.1 tensor
     19  Evaluating Temperature using Antoine Eq with Classes
     19  Error while custom periods based resampling using resample('W'),sum() in python
     19  error message during installation of numpy package
     19  Electric field calculation with python: keep getting index error (Python)
     19  Dtype changed when loading file in Python with np.load
     19  Direct way to set fixed column width for existing excel file using pandas
     19  Direct way to set fixed column width for existing excel file using pandas
     19  Detection of 2d image's start point, midpoint and end point using python(numpy array or etc)
     19  Define range for multivariate normal distribution
     19  Deep Neural Network dimension issue
     19  Data corruption when passing Numpy ndarray into Matlab function using Matlab Engine
     19  Data cleaning resources using pandas and numpy [closed]
     19  Creating multiple random numpy arrays with different range of values
     19  creating 24 hours with python numpy [duplicate]
     19  Covariance numbers from Jacobian Matrix in scipy.optimize.least_squares
     19  Converting a multi-variable array to a pd.DataFrame [duplicate]
     19  Convert and plot date and time with pandas or numpy
     19  Confuse about n-dimensions for numpy array?
     19  concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor very slow parallelization python [duplicate]
     19  concatenate value in specific location in multiple files
     19  Compare two date columns in pandas DataFrame to validate third column
     19  Combining 2d arrays to 3d initialization error
     19  Choosing a precise frequency interval for power spectrum
     19  Check if indexes of packages are consecutive and then join their data
     19  Changing a for loop with a set number of iterations to an indefinite while loop
     19  Categorical data: convert into binary encoding by adding a new dimension
     19  Can I make a numpy ndarray's dtype immutable so it doesn't change during operations?
     19  Building / Installation NumPy
     19  Broadcast of tensor division by a matrix
     19  Boost Numpy build in Visual Studio 2017 v14.1 for python 3.7 and 3.8
     19  AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute '__version__' is shown even after updating the numpy version [duplicate]
     19  Assigning values to an array based on coordinate array values
     19  assigning title to intervals in pandas
     19  applying an if function in numpy array and put the results in another array
     19  Append based on another reference
     19  Adjust a numpy array based on the available ranges in another array
     19  Adjust a numpy array based on the available ranges in another array
     19  Add leading numbers to Numbers in Dataframe
     19  Adding legends into a Graph made using Matplotlib and Numpy (multiple plots from a txt file)
     19  3D list to Numpy array conversion not working, it gives me list object instead
     18  Wrong P_value given by ttest_1samp
     18  writing and reading numpy nested array
     18  Why variables in numpy matrix go from float form in scientific form ( 25 goes into 2.50000e+01) [duplicate]
     18  Why acts differently from numpy.matmul when a data-frame and an array are passed to multiply?
     18  Why matplotlib is not displaying the chart with values generated using numpy random array?
     18  Why heaviside step function is not assigning zero value?
     18  Why doesn't solve_ivp use ndarrays exclusively?
     18  Why does choosing different datatype yield different results?
     18  Why catboost is not installing properly in Windows
     18  Whats a pythonic way to 'enlarge' numpy arrays? [duplicate]
     18  what does the numpy vander function do and why use it in a regression?
     18  ValueError: The number of classes has to be greater than one; got 1 class ScikitLearn Python
     18  ValueError: shapes (3,600,600,1) and (1,600,600,1)
     18  ValueError: Can not squeeze dim[1], expected a dimension of 1, got 17 for 'metrics/accuracy/Squeeze' (op: 'Squeeze') with input shapes: [?,17]
     18  Value Erorr while creating a rank array
     18  Using matplotlib, how do I scale the x/y axes of a bubble (scatter) plot to represent the size of the bubbles? [duplicate]
     18  unpack dataframe column and return rows based on certain word
     18  Unexpected NaN value when importing CSV into numpy array using genfromtxt()
     18  TypeError: only size-1 arrays error in Newton-Raphson Algorithm
     18  Turn Histogram into List of Individuals
     18  trouble graphing 3d objects
     18  Trace Operation in Python not Forming Correct Array Shape
     18  Summing Two arrays : ary1.cumsum[:n] + ary2[n]?
     18  Subtract each row in a matrix from cols of a matrix indexed by array element [duplicate]
     18  Structured data gets flattened, how to get back structure by index?
     18  Sorting Data using numpy for loop cycle range error
     18  Slicing a dataframe into a new one by selecting first few and the last column [duplicate]
     18  Set up X ticks on Grid with np.arange() which always show the ''0'' on the axis
     18  Set numpy error for 1 cell in Jupyter Notebook
     18  scikit learn preprocessing data not giving mean=0
     18  scale a [x,y,z] array with [x,y,1] shaped weights along z
     18  Saving Data to a Txt File Doesn't Result in Columns
     18  Retrieving array last column value by index saved in numpy array
     18  Replace NULL values in category dtypes
     18  reading multiple s3 objects in a numpy array and concatenate
     18  Question on filtering/plotting numpy array
     18  question about asterik in curve fitting code
     18  PyTorch reshepe 4d to 2d, with ''with saving 1 dim'' [duplicate]
     18  Python: Getting error running python script
     18  python get several sub array in one line
     18  Python exponential curve fitting in pandas: Define function parameters per row
     18  Python Django format np.asarray value
     18  Problem dtyping 3 dimensional structured array
     18  Precision in computing eigenvalues and inverse with python
     18  PIP unable to install scipy package (No module named 'numpy.distutils._msvccompiler' in numpy.distutils; trying from distutils)
     18  Passing dataframe data to LTTB downsample
     18  Optimizing for loop in pandas
     18  operations on arrays in python from memory perspective
     18  only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (` ... `), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices in making rnn
     18  One layer neural network giving approx 0.5 prediction to XOR problem every time
     18  numpy.where for a subset rather than a range [duplicate]
     18  Numpy-thonic way to set elements given un-ordered input and corresponding IDs
     18  Numpy: Shape mismatch error when putting 3d matrix into 4d matrix using boolean array indexing- python
     18  Numpy.shape behaviour different on 1-D array and 2D array
     18  Numpy: insert a row of 0s for each array in an array of arrays
     18  numpy: how to get the maximum value like this in numpy? [duplicate]
     18  Numpy: How to convert colors 3-dim ndarray to color index? [duplicate]
     18  NumPy - Get bounds of array representing bounding boxes
     18  numpy covariance of columns with different dimension
     18  Numpy array has some lists which are all different in length. I want to perform PCA on this data
     18  Numpy all or any is not giving me the desired result
     18  Numerical integration of a numpy array in incremental time steps
     18 for 2D array
     18  Nd4J: get index where a value exists
     18  Method parallelization in Python class with multiprocessing
     18  meshgrid changing max values
     18  Memory error when converting a list of numpy arrays to a numpy array (of numpy arrays)
     18  Matrix Multiplication outputting incorrect image
     18  Matching an element in a column, to others in the same column
     18  looking for a way to stack images in python numpy for dataset geneneration
     18  Keeping Track of Nodes in BFS - Python, Maze
     18  Is there a way how to automatically select only features with a good correlation from a large dataset?
     18  Is there a numpy function, given a list of indexes, return a list of elements corresponding to each line of a matrix [duplicate]
     18  Issue with feed_dict Shape of the Numpy Array
     18  Issues while converting numpy to dask array for computation
     18  Increase the length of a numpy array by repeating its elements? [duplicate]
     18  Inclusive indexing in NumPy gives different dimensions from using single index
     18  Inaccurate outliers values does not match with outlier in box plot
     18  I am trying to read an image with python's cv2 and save it as an array, but I get a type error
     18  I am trying to convert the blank values of my csv file to the mean of the columns but it is giving ''could not convert string to float: '-' '' error
     18  I am trying to convert a row of data from a dataframe into a numpy array. How can I do this?
     18  I am getting some sort of underlaying line when using dashed lines in pyplot
     18  I am attempting to write a numpy array to a txt file and then read the file back to a numpy array
     18  How to warp an image with two different backward affine triangle transforms
     18  How to vectorize one hot encoding loop in numpy
     18  How to use the ''mean'' function in Python pandas while having missing values replaced by NaN? [duplicate]
     18  How to use ''if'' statements with numpy logical statements [duplicate]
     18  How to stack elements from array excluding a single index
     18  How to select samples from a 2-dimensional numpy array? [duplicate]
     18  How to reduce numpy array on a linear criteria
     18  How to produce any distribution plots from mean and variance? (other than normal distribution) and select the best distribution
     18  How to multiply list of matrices element-wise?
     18  How to mirror a NxNx3 numpy array diagonally
     18  How to migrate data from dolphindb to python numpy?
     18  How to make numpy.take or slice multithread? [duplicate]
     18  How to make diagonal matrices from other square matrices in Numpy? [duplicate]
     18  how to make an array of D-dimensional coordinates from D arrays in numpy
     18  how to keep value and value below shift (1)
     18  How to implement a certain operation on some specific bins of histogram?
     18  How to get the slice of a plot3d object?
     18  How to generate high dimensional Gaussian vectors via quasi-mont carlo (QCM) techniques in numpy
     18  How to find a string in a file and then copy them to another file
     18  How to filter rows within a column based on dates from another df's 'dates' column?
     18  how to do min, max y mean moving in a list in file csv
     18  How to do Group by processing, Cumulative sums, and Previous row-Current row processing in Python?
     18  How to determine points for hexagonal matrix in 2D numpy array?
     18  How to convert DataFrame data to list data, but not including nan values?
     18  How to combine a vector with a matrix in numpy [duplicate]
     18  How to check if a lat/lon coordinate is within a polygon, using Python. (Taking into account the great circle.)
     18  How to check for numpy.float64(0)?
     18  How to call only some files from a folder full of files using python?
     18  How to benchmark my Minibatch gradient descent with Tensorflow?
     18  How do you import all text files from a directory as numpy arrays, and name those arrays based on the original file names?
     18  How do I find the conditional intersection of different elements in 2D numpy array
     18  How do I copy (by value) a python object make from a class? [duplicate]
     18  How does pandas.DataFrame got converted to numpy.ndarray
     18  How can I create major Tick marks every hour using a columns local timestamp
     18  How can I convert elements (e.g. integers) of an array to array so that I will gain an extra dimension in python
     18  How can I add two of my columns in my data frame to an np.array
     18  Histogramm Binning Two Data Sets With Reference To Each Other
     18  gradient decent to compute cp-decomposition of a third order tensor
     18  Getting error ''Can only apply 'exp' function to dimensionless quantities'', Not sure how to fix this
     18  Getting certain elements from arrays
     18  Getiing error while plotting graph in python
     18  Generic way to slice a numpy ndarray [duplicate]
     18  fit() by Keras doesnt accept my numpy array of numpy arrays data
     18  Filtering selected categories from a column based on the value of another column
     18  fill space between 3 graphs in Matplotlib
     18  feed multiple csv files to LSTM
     18  Fabricate a datset to test PCA in Sklearn?
     18  exec name ''templet_1h'' is not defined
     18  Double th numpy array in order [duplicate]
     18  Distribution plot with wrong total value
     18  Distance to boundary represented by 2D/3D NumPy Arrays
     18  Dealing with Deep Multiple instance learning ==> IndexError: too many indices for array
     18  Dataframe: Identify percentile values of series, grab corresponding observation's value from other series
     18  Data Analysis and Poisson Error Propagation for a Dictionary of Numbers Using Matplotlib and Numpy
     18  Cut off part of the x-axis in pyplot [duplicate]
     18  Create a new array by setting a row zero from an existing array [duplicate]
     18  Create an array from another array using some elements from it, fill zero other elements
     18  Create a column by selecting random elements from a given list in pandas
     18  Copy Row in Pandas when Condition is met into a new Dataframe
     18  Convert multidimensional list datatype objects with different sizes to the numpy array type
     18  compute state from command matrices without action space
     18  Combine two images from two differents folders ( python )
     18  Choose elements from numpy matrix depending on set of values
     18  check on indices of matrix/array and then check for some condition
     18  Change values in a numpy array of strings
     18  Can I reuse a created array from a former notebook in Python?
     18  Broadcasting error when trying to multiple numpy arrays
     18  Avoid masked array elements being formatted as '0.00'
     18  Assign second element in a pair to a vector
     18  Are there numpy.linalg functions that behave like tensorflow.linalg function broadcasting over the outer dims and operating on the two inner dims?
     18  apply lowess() function column-wise on 2 numpy arrays of identical shapes
     18  Apparent compatibility problem with NumPy or SciPy (Expected 192 from C header, got 216 from PyObject)
     18  Add/Sum values in a pandas.dataframe with respect to a column [duplicate]
     18  3D input to 2D output in keras functional API
     17  With Numpy how to turn a given 3D array into an array of 3x3 matrices
     17  why python spyder console stopped showing INFO:numexpr.utils:NumExpr defaulting to 4 threads.?
     17  Why Numpy conditional subgruoping changes other variable value? [duplicate]
     17  Why doesn't this numpy slicing operation, which I don't have a good name for, not work?
     17  Which parameters should be increased to indicate the variance from a function?
     17  When does the ''Invalid index to scalar variable'' error occur?
     17  What causes this bug in numpy.percentile()? [duplicate]
     17  ValueError while trying to plot a circle with matplotlib.pyplot [duplicate]
     17  value error: source code string cannot contain null bytes in import numpy
     17  ValueError in classifier.predict
     17  ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_1_input to have 2 dimensions, but got array with shape (2227, 4, 1)
     17  uninstalling numpy to solve python version error?
     17  Trying to write to .npy file in Python but having some issues
     17  Troubles Training Tensor flow Neural Network, how can I fix this problem?
     17  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() when plotting [duplicate]
     17  Summing array from indexes and values from other array: better way to do it in numpy? [duplicate]
     17  statsmodels raises TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types in Optimising Input
     17  spacy neuralcoref ValueError: cannot reshape array of size
     17  sort 2d numpy string array by keyword [duplicate]
     17  Set a maximum value for cells in a csv file [duplicate]
     17  Scale within level of pandas multindex
     17  Saving and loading a custom dtype to/from a text file with numpy
     17  Save a text file to multiple places via a list of file paths in a numpy array
     17  Recieving an error when using Tensorflow to do facial recognition, accuracy = 0%? [newbie][python3]
     17  Question about numpy correlate: not giving expected result
     17  Python: Repeat a 2d array K number of times and transform [duplicate]
     17  Python: min of constant and array, to give back array [duplicate]
     17  Python - How do I max across columns and then categorize the values based on the column name? [duplicate]
     17  Preparing y_target variable for Neural Network training
     17  Plot a shaded region representing span of two vectors in 3d plot
     17  Perceptron class causes Typeerror when I use
     17  Pandas, using numpy.where() extracting with regular expression throws ValueError
     17  Pandas - Replace a string by another column value on condition [duplicate]
     17  Pandas convert int to label class
     17  open cv: add with numpy with maximum value [duplicate]
     17  Numpy value changes when printing and reading from text
     17  Numpy slicing of a 3D matrix using a sequence `:n` is different than specifying columns `[0,1]` [duplicate]
     17  numpy.savetxt how to for large multidimentional arrays [duplicate]
     17  Numpy: Generating OR intersections between two True/False vectors
     17  'numpy.float64' is not callable in Flask [duplicate]
     17  numpy correlate does not correlate (cross-correlation)
     17  Numpy - convert a double indexed array string representation to a double indexed array [duplicate]
     17  Numpy Changing Matrix dimensions
     17  numpy boolean filtering dimensions [duplicate]
     17  numpy array.shape behaviour
     17  Numpy 2d ndarray sort by a given specific 2d array [duplicate]
     17  np.perctile() returns UFuncTypeError: ufunc 'multiply' cannot use operands with types dtype('<M8[D]') and dtype('float64')
     17  neglect error warning in numpy array-wise calculation
     17  Need to understand how to store custom CMYK image data so Python Pillow Image can use it
     17  Multiple images aren't shown from squeezed 1d array in matplotlib
     17  Medium numbers in Broyden1
     17  Manipulating numpy array with condition based on condition for second array in Python
     17  Making a circular plot of azimuth (degrees on circumfrance) vs time (distance from centre) in python
     17  loop np.load until file-index exceeds index of available files
     17  logical indexing in pandas dataframe with timestamp column and
     17  Limiting the number of active genes in a chromosom
     17  Jupyter Notebook print large numpy 2D array w/o unnecessary newlines
     17  I used the train and test set in the SARIMA to predict the supposed to be current value, but how am i going to predict the value beyond my timestamp
     17  is there a way to apply data augmentation on a numpy array of images?
     17  Is there a way of stacking my functions/arrays into a table? [duplicate]
     17  Is it possible to vectorize code in python without using in-built libraries like numpy?
     17  Interpolating latitude and longitude from crosshair grid in Python3
     17  In place masking in python [duplicate]
     17  Index numpy array with triplets from list
     17  Indexing into 2d numpy arrays with vector [duplicate]
     17  Improved Euler Method
     17  Importing list of 7 .jpeg pictures (all the same size) and stacking them into a NxMx7 numpy array
     17  Importing data using Numpy genfromtext and formatting column with datetime
     17  Ignore some fields of custom data type in np.fromfile
     17  I am trying to run code in Numpy arrays .. But an attribute error keeps coming up
     17  how to use windrose library when already having binned data
     17  How to use numba to accelerate a numpy.ndarray with vectors in diffrerent dimensions?
     17  How to scale feature by column?
     17  How to return float32 values from numpy.fft.rfft?
     17  How to resolve the error type object 'numpy.flatiter' has no attribute 'home'
     17  How to read ~4 GB of multiple json files into single dictionary, for which inner-most values are lists/arrays?
     17  How to perform broadcasting on 2 different 2-D arrays (Python / numpy)
     17  How to optimize calculatning distances between all vectors of two matrices? [duplicate]
     17  How to multiply Lab elements in Numpy array?
     17  How to load a triangular matrix and make it symetrical
     17  How to interpolate some parts of numpy array in which they are in the maximum k values with nearest neighbor element value?
     17  How to incorporate np.argmax into broadcasting to replace the given for-loop code (if possible)
     17  How to import numkt (kotlin's numpy wrapper) into jupyter notebook to be used with kotlin kernel
     17  How to implement one hot encoding without any ML frames in python?
     17  how to groupby column values
     17  How to get received Bytes data in Numpy array in Python
     17  How to find max value for each ID in other column by pandas? [duplicate]
     17  How to find average or median of images at different angle (for panorama)
     17  how to evaluate log traces based on time period
     17  How to efficiently check if an ordered numpy array contains a value?
     17  How to check for the existence of a row in an array, create it if it doesn't exist, or modify it if it does exist in python
     17  How to calculate the cumulated array of a given array in numpy?
     17  How to assign value to variable if any one column available in dataframe
     17  How to apply different weights to different dimensions for distance metric in python?
     17  How do I neatly select a numpy sub-array in 1 line? [duplicate]
     17  How do I implement a NN with BFGS optimizer
     17  How do I enable Numpy on Google App Engine with Python38
     17  How does one perform operations only when certain conditions are met for individual values when inputting a numpy array into a function?
     17  how distinguish equivalent graphs in networkx
     17  How can I make an RGB colored matrix in python? [closed]
     17  How can I input an N-dimensional-input into a Tensorflow Lite model on Android?
     17  How can I find a combination of rows from a table where for least number of possible rows, each columns sum should be larger than a number?
     17  Given two ndarrays how do I extract entries that belong to a subset of indices in numpy-ish way?
     17  Getting error while replacing the dataframe value using numpy [duplicate]
     17  Get indices of slices with at least one element obeying some condition
     17  Get data array backing fortran ordered numpy array
     17  Flatten out y-matrix and repeat x-vector
     17  flatten array of arrays into a vector of arrays
     17  Filter a multidimensional numpy array by column
     17  Filling a numpy array with numpy arrays objects using a boolean mask
     17  FFT result in python is different than in matlab with the same matrix
     17  error while writing an L-BFGS minimizing function in python using numpy
     17  Error when checking target: expected dense_1 to have shape (5749,) but got array with shape (1,)
     17  Equivalent Numpy array indexing returns different results [duplicate]
     17  Efficiently Compute Voxel Indices for a Point Cloud
     17  Different values of empty array in importing as NumPy and np
     17  Difference between `nditer` and `flat`, type of element
     17  Detection table as a surface gives a lot of rectangles
     17  Deep Learning with Python book quotes that The final output is a 2D tensor of shape (timesteps, output_features) but final_output_sequence is 1D
     17  Decimal rounding error: numpy floor and trunc not working correctly in python when used on pandas series
     17  cv2.line error integer argument expected got float [closed]
     17  create dict of inidices of list values
     17  Copy elements of ndarray to new ndarray [duplicate]
     17  Color scheme for a 2D matrix where near points are colored similarly
     17  code for a recursive factorial funct, take user input put them in np array and print the factorial of them
     17  class_weight in fit_generator as np.array or dictionary?
     17  Can't use Anaconda properly due to package installation error
     17  cannnot import name'multiarray' from 'numpy.core'
     17  Can a I add more than 1 dimensions in an array at same axis?
     17  Calculate the mean of specific sections of a 3D array
     17  boolean indexing with setting in numpy array
     17  bar missing height when plotting bar graph but works fine with other graph
     17  Assign a subset of a 2D array by another array of different size
     17  Assertion Error while solving pair of linear equations
     17  Applying numpy array of functions to a single input
     17  Add to items, with multiple occurrences [duplicate]
     17  Adding time duration (as int) to time (as object)
     17  Accessing index in numpy
     16  yHat's dimensions are changing after feeding the model with test data and loss keep incresing
     16  Wrong Signal Amplitude reading .bin-File (seems randomly wrong?)
     16  Why np.linalg.det(m) does not yield all the answers [duplicate]
     16  Why its Showing None when it should show Which IP Class it belongs to
     16  What's the best way to re-order rows in a large binary file?
     16  what exactly does pinv do on singular matricies
     16  ''ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence'' after solid of revolution
     16  Using the eigendecompostion for Spectral Clustering how to match the eigenvectors with their specific nodes
     16  Unstacked DataFrame is too big, causing int32 overflow error when trying to use .pivot
     16  Unable to plot White Noise graph
     16  Unable to install numpy and pandas in pycharm venv
     16  Trivial changes in NumPy-vectorized function's domain produce huge discrepancies. Why are the results so different? [duplicate]
     16  Sorting grouped DataFrame column without changing index sorting
     16  Since the indexes are same for both s and t, why is t returning NaN as the first value?
     16  Search for a one-hot encoded label in ndarray
     16  Scipy distance: Computation between each index-matching observations of two 2D arrays
     16  Saving and loading a datetime object as npy/ pickle format
     16  Rotate and Translate Numpy indices
     16  Rolling weighted moving average: Is it possible to transform this 'for' loop into an apply-lambda function or something faster?
     16  Reshape array tuple
     16  Repeating each element of a vector by a number of times provided by another counts vector [duplicate]
     16  Regression using numpy and csv files
     16  python: setting values of indices in every slice of 3d numpy array with corresponding 2d array
     16  Python : numpy.arange equivalent function with min, max, and 'number of bins' instead of 'steps'?
     16  Python: Is there an easy way for ''approximate lookup'' in dataframes available?
     16  Python fill up blank space from web extraction text with NaN
     16  Python: Converting time units on a DataFrame
     16  Python AwkwardArray: How to define a cyclic array?
     16  Prevent Jupyter from switching between normal mathematical notation and scientific notation
     16  Plotting histogram from bin and count data (instead of making a histogram out of data)
     16  Please explain unravel_index when order='F'
     16  Permutation in tensorflow for parts of the inputs
     16  PDE Solving: 'NoneType' has no attribute 'toarray' error
     16  Parallelizing attribute assignment objects within a numpy array using python
     16  Ordering 3 1d numpy array to obtain a 2d numpy array
     16  only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars-OpenCV
     16  Numpy slicing multiple 2D ranges with an array of indices
     16  Numpy reading 12bit backed bytes from buffer
     16  Numpy padding and make array at center
     16  numpy nansum still showing nans in pandas dataframe
     16  NumPy: NaN in ipmt calculation only for the value 15
     16  'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'count' - error for plotting graph in python
     16  NumPy how to reshape when some data is missing?
     16  numpy genfromtxt loading file with leading column?
     16  Numpy datetime64 time units - conversion from string with more than 4 year digits
     16  Numpy: Can't modifie a specific object propertie without change all objects properties in the ndarray [close]
     16  Numpy cannot save with certain name(s) [duplicate]
     16  numpy: calculate cross-covariance, without calculating the whole covariance matrix
     16  Numpy array to dataframe timeseries assignment in isolation forest
     16  Numpy - appending to an empty array the column means of an existing array
     16 with units from pint.UnitRegistry() - python
     16  Multiply each element of the Numpy array by a matrix and stack results [duplicate]
     16  MEMMAP ERROR: Why is reading a file of 3.6kb or greater with memmap causing SIGKILL to be called?
     16  Matrix Creation from DataFrame
     16  Matplotlib Python widget slider updating plots incorrectly
     16  Matplotlib error in VS Code for Mac Anaconda environment
     16  matplotlib animation only display first image
     16  Line sampled at equidistant steps -> resample with adaptive step size?
     16  Iterating over datasets in h5 file but the changes won't be saved
     16  Is there a way to reduce white pixels in a inverted, threshold image [closed]
     16  Issue adding pandas append inside of for loop
     16  IOU Measure Implementation in Keras
     16  InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value for placeholder tensor with dtype uint8 and shape
     16  Inputing 2d column array into 2d numpy array
     16  Initialising a datetime64 RingBuffer
     16  Images generated from the same array are different during array comparision
     16  How to save intermediate tensors that are used during the application lifecycle in tensorflow
     16  How to partition by in pandas and output to a word doc?
     16  How to make a affine transform matrix to a perspective transform matrix?
     16  How to give dynamic naming of a filepath in python?
     16  How to get the unique items from a list of tuples using NumPy? [duplicate]
     16  How to get the each rows in a pandas to a np arrays? [duplicate]
     16  How to get Only 1 value from each row which has list in each row.(Dataframe) [duplicate]
     16  How to fix 'print numpy.array([1,2]) SyntaxError: invalid syntax' [duplicate]
     16  How to fill out 2-d array with elements from 1-d arrays efficiently? [duplicate]
     16  How to expand the csv file dataframe so i can see the whole rows [duplicate]
     16  how to deal with very slow training in keras?
     16  How to convert/reshapet the data in columns into rows in a dataframe using python? [duplicate]
     16  How to animate a plot of x,y coordinates (Both positive and negative)
     16  How to add a new column with values based on conditions of other existing columns?
     16  How do I use numpy to form a 2D array from another array's columns(dimension is 2*4) given an array of indices of column number efficiently
     16  How do i store values from a text file into a 2D Numpy array?
     16  How do I make a loop use results from the last iteration
     16  How do I know which .dll is missing in python with cx_freeze?
     16  How could calculate the time between dates in my dataframe to an outside date?
     16  How can you ''group'' indices of certain multi-dimensional arrays to lower dimensional arrays (lower rank tensor)?
     16  how can I plot every last 5 digits in list
     16  How can i plot dates in plotly?
     16  How can I append a single row dimension to an ndarray shape? [duplicate]
     16  Gutenberg model curve fitting
     16  Gradient descent with backtracking(line search) with MSE loss function in python
     16  Getting a 'std::length_error' when running Python POT package with numpy
     16  get the index along the axes where the maximum value happens
     16  Get position of a value in a matrix (numpy.float64)
     16  Future Warning Error while checking an numpy array for a boolean value
     16  From softmax output to class prediction
     16  finite difference method solve funtion
     16  Fastest way to create mapped matrix in numpy
     16  Extraction of one element from numpy?
     16  Extract a subset of the test set filtered by a condition
     16  Excel to text file Mismatch between array dtype ('<U12') and format specifier ('%.18e')
     16  Errors in simple program to test Keras Backend
     16  Error occured only when validation option is added : Numpy arrays is not the size the model expected
     16  Delete Dynamic column values in Excel Sheet +Numpy [duplicate]
     16  Cross Validate and Get Precision, Recall, F-Score for Each Class Label
     16  Create a pandas DataFrame out of three columns [duplicate]
     16  confusion about numpy where function (Trying to highligt the maximum of a function)
     16  Conflict between PyInstaller and Numpy module when creating an executable
     16  Condition indexing numpy array of floats
     16  Computing p-value from numpy.linalg.lstsq output
     16  Comparing the variance of a 3D matrix with the power spectrum (in fourier space)
     16  Checking the dimensions of the array returned while using solve_ivp
     16  Camera calibration (vector points 3f)
     16  Calculating propensity functions in python
     16  Calculate each average in a dataframe
     16  Building Numpy C++ extension; segfault when calling PyArray_FROM_OTF
     16  Appending matricies into a single matrix with numpy
     16  Appending diferent dimention arrays
     16  After slicing some values from the edges, how to put the remaining values in exactly the same bins of histogram where they were before slicing?
     16  Advanced indexing to extract a sequence of ranges [duplicate]
     15  Writing an Installer for code that uses NUMPY > Python 3.6
     15  why it is showing '' TypeError: Invalid shape (20,) for image data ''
     15  Why is that Pandas to numpy array conversion yields different results with the inclusion of brackets [duplicate]
     15  Why does my numpy normalization return a wrong value on real data, but not simulated?
     15  Visual Studio getting confused about Python versions
     15  Virtual environments not working on pycharm and jupyterN
     15  Using Pandas to Pivot Data [duplicate]
     15  Using numpy.exp to calculate object life length
     15  Using numpy.convolve
     15  Using numpy array model output inside tensorflow graph definition
     15  using np.r_ function on preexisting list
     15  Turning Numpy array of symbolic tensors into a batch shape
     15  Turning an array indicating the topics present in a document into a tuple enumerating the topics
     15  SVR ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (1,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (1,9)
     15  Sort array by specific column then sort by value of this column
     15  Some column feature scaling become the nan value?
     15  Sklearn-DecisionTree works better with gini or entropy criterion in continuous features?
     15  Send UDP Datagrams using Python
     15  selecting images as per specific index values in numpy array
     15  Saving numpy into a text file
     15  Save array of windows of data in numpy efficiently [duplicate]
     15  RGB to YIQ and back in python
     15  Regarding keeping the date information only after using pd.to_datetime
     15  Reducing numpy array for linear transform in LMNN for better memory use
     15  Question about normalized cross correlation
     15  PyTorch equivalent of numpy's np.random.RandomState
     15  python String + number array sort [duplicate]
     15  Python Repeat Elements in One Numpy array based on Elements from Another [duplicate]
     15  Python Numpy scalar integer converted
     15  Python Numpy Complexe number ''Cannot cast array data from dtype('complex128') to dtype('int64') according to the rule 'safe'''
     15  python ndarray update exiting function
     15  Python Matplotlib Using Cursors to get a specific y value
     15  Python Group by Aggregate and Customizable Lambda for Large amount of Columns
     15  Problem with replacing values in a numpy.array with a for-loop [duplicate]
     15  Problem with read and get batch with 2d array tfrecords dataset
     15  Problems with frame size cv2.videocapture
     15  Permance compare between Numpy and python built-in list append function
     15  pandas rolling window and apply to get sum against another dataframe to create a list
     15  pandas - numpy using np.where to calculate and construct new columns
     15  Pandas how to make Date as the header [duplicate]
     15  Numpy vectorization: comparing array against multiple values [duplicate]
     15  Numpy's bitwise AND behaves differently for matrices Error
     15  Numpy Python: How to change 2d array elements based on condition?
     15  Numpy functions in spyder ananconda console. Index slicing?
     15  Numpy convert array to 3d dimesion by column value [closed]
     15  Numpy array to string gives an output that if saved to a file results in a bigger file than the original image, why?
     15  numpy array contain another array [duplicate]
     15  Numpy arange with spesific datetime given by month interval
     15  np loadtxt return array instead of array using paragraph as delimiter
     15  Need this error solved AttributeError: type object 'numpy.ndarray' has no attribute '__array_function__' [duplicate]
     15  Multiple conditions with numpy where (np.where) [duplicate]
     15  Matplotlib histogram where bins are defined range of FLOATS and colored by it?
     15  LSTM Keras input and output dimensions
     15  Logistic regression - strange behaviour of the decision boundary when additional parameters are added
     15  Keras Numpy : inserting a new similar shape array into existing array [duplicate]
     15  Keep numpy array in cache when editing a class in a different file
     15  Is there a method to initialise just a part of a vector, then the other one, using numpy.random.randint?
     15  Is there a direct access to raw numpy bytes? The term ''direct'' here means ''without making a copy''
     15  I'm having problems saving a numpy 4d array
     15  I have Type Errors like only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
     15  I am getting an undesired output on the execution of function for outliers detection. the code as follows
     15  how to use slicing to get 2 numbers in a multiple array (numpy)
     15  How to use built-in `slice` to access 2-d blocks in 2-d array?
     15  How to predict using strings for Gaussian Naive Bayes?
     15  How to make single column data from a data set as a column header and how to create a output file for each Registration? [duplicate]
     15  How to Index Pandas Dataframe with a List of Slices
     15  How to Fix ''ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects'' using np where function
     15  HOW TO FIND AND PLOT AUC score from TPR and FPR
     15  how to decrease the decimal places in the mantissa part of an exponential number in an output in python
     15  How to crop a mask around area of interest
     15  How to check if an array is monotonically increasing or decreasing with Numpy [duplicate]
     15  How to bring time series data in following format for sequence to sequence prediction
     15  How to add rows to Excel workbooks using OpenPyxl and Numpy?
     15  How to add a new array to an existing npz file in a standard way?
     15  How slicing a NumPy array affects the output
     15  How long should it take to train a Neural Net in fashion_mnist?
     15  How is numpy.random.Generator different from RandomState?
     15  How can you define a 2-D Quantity Array in Python with different units in each dimension
     15  How can I set include directories of PyPI dependencies with Python setuptools? [duplicate]
     15  How can I properly get my Dataset to create?
     15  Group values in NxN matrix into a N/2 x N/2 matrix
     15  genfromtxt with names removes one dimesnion from data
     15  generate power law distribution by python numpy
     15  Function for hashing and manipulating two dataframes not passing QA test runs
     15  frequent and parallel numpy memap read (no write) cause high kernel cpu usage
     15  Finding an element of pasndas series at a certain time
     15  filling and renaming a dataset at the same time
     15  Error While Using MNE: ValueError: Array Must Not Contain Infs or NaNs
     15  Error in opencv: could not broadcast input array from shape (155,430,3) into shape (155,430)
     15  Element misalignment passing numpy array with distutils
     15  Edit timedate index conditionally, checking previous record in a dataframe
     15  DataFrame allowed in numpy array
     15  Cropping dead space from rotated volume
     15  Covert time series into rgb matrix
     15  convert pandas with series of lists to np.array [duplicate]
     15  Convert Omniglot Tensorflow dataset into custom Numpy Array: ['label', 'images']
     15  converting from dataframe to a 3d array in numpy
     15  Contourf plot for limited samples / uneven meshgrid
     15  Comparing three time dataset (unequal) to fill in values
     15  colorful print of comparison of 2 numpy arrays
     15  Circle detection using OpenCv Hough Circles and python
     15  Cant define coordinate and velocities off of seperate file
     15  cannot reshape using numpy.reshape() [duplicate]
     15  Can fromfile omit fields?
     15  Calling Object from 3D Matrix with a for loop
     15  cache numba jitted function with arguments include functions objects
     15  Build score queue with indices from numpy nd score array
     15  broadcasting of mask when creating a masked_array
     15  Boundary Value Problem with Array as Coefficient
     15  boolean masking inner dimensions of ndarray using same mask
     15  Binarization of one dataset from key value pairs of another dataset
     15  Are there any official methods to reconstruct a array from skimage.util import view_as_windows?
     15  Are ndarray assingments to different indexes threadsafe?
     15  apply opencv function to numpy array
     15  Applying set of steps for all the rows in the data set , to create a new data set
     14  Why do we search for RidgeCV alphas on a logarithmic scale?
     14  What happens in numpy with this array_1[array_2,array_3].sum()?
     14  What does ' > ' means in scipy.sparse for the operation on coo_matrix?
     14  What copy is created when using advanced indexing for modifying a numpy array?
     14  Vectorise method for s2 cell generation in Pandas dataframe
     14  Using vector of index on multidimensional array [duplicate]
     14  Update numpy 2d array indexing from another array
     14  unable to update dataframe using df.update(dftemp)
     14  Unable to load numpy_formathandler accelerator from OpenGL_accelerate
     14  TypeError: long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType' on Zero shot detection project [closed]
     14  time_stats() function not properly passed to main script
     14  The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous (after using np.logical_and)
     14  Should the mask array (bool) in numpy-ma become zeros after change the values of corresponding masked data array?
     14  Scratch Neural Network is still not learning despite all the tweaks
     14  Scatterplot y axis are separated [duplicate]
     14  S[0,idx] operation
     14  Replace the value with its order in a 2d numpy array [duplicate]
     14  re-ordering a pandas dataframe to match column elements in another dataframe
     14  Random seed constant
     14  python numpy : roll column wise with different values [duplicate]
     14  python Numpy array converting to 2d [closed]
     14  Polyfit and rolling polyfit provide different intercept outputs for the same dataset
     14  Plotting Idealized Blackbody Spectra
     14  plot a contour from x, y, z values (matrix) in a csv file; spectral data
     14  Performance difference in DataFrame order of head(), slicing, and column operations
     14  Pandas: modifying the dataframe by splitting into columns
     14  pandas float types limitations
     14  Numpy Savetxt to ftp
     14  numpy: Read mixed ascii string/float blocks, lines not the same
     14  numpy pandas np.outer(): Shape of passed values is (15686, 15686), indices imply (7843, 7843)
     14  numpy issue with anaconda and pycharm
     14  numpy fill_between() different diagonal values [duplicate]
     14  numpy.corrcoeff() MemoryError
     14  np.where condition first instance ok, second instance throws error
     14  Non-broadcastable error when testing LSTM
     14  nan and inf encountered in logistic regression code
     14  Module Installed but Error says 'ImportError: No module named numpy' - Ubuntu 18.04.4 Live Server in Virtual Box
     14  Is there a library for stream writing numpy npy files
     14  IOErr:204800 requested 103926 written
     14  Inferring linear transformations in python in order to calculate a point transformation
     14  indexing 2d array with a 2d array Python [duplicate]
     14  Increment numpy array based on an array of indices into the array, and an array of values [duplicate]
     14  I have a excel sheet which is unstruced type table i need to get particular column values using pandas?
     14  identity of a matrix [duplicate]
     14  how we can apply fft to this file of(105,36)&read rows and store it into new array of(105,18)&plot a graph
     14  How to vectorise an integration function?
     14  How to use mouseclick to change a variable using OpenCV and Python?
     14  How to treat buffer object from pybind11 as NumPy ndarray with minimal syntax?
     14  How to store a column from my dataframe in a numpy array?
     14  How to select from a 2D numpy.array where column == condition
     14  How to read a NumPy array in SQLite and display the image?
     14  How to form a 3D numpy array index [duplicate]
     14  How to filter out unwanted lines/data in a binary image containing grid of squares
     14  How to double matrix dimensions with matrix values in Numpy? [duplicate]
     14  How to create a new column to reserve deduction results using pandas and numpy? [duplicate]
     14  How to compute multi covariance in numpy? [duplicate]
     14  How to combined two arrays by interating with numpy? [duplicate]
     14  How to change how the network accepts the new made shapes for LSTM?
     14  How can I vectorize this loop in numpy?
     14  Given an array of co-variance matrix; how do I convert each of them to correlation matrix in an efficient way?
     14  Get pitch, yaw and roll angles from Rodrigues rotation matrix [duplicate]
     14  Function that generates random points satisfying the following conditions: [closed]
     14  Find equal value indices in numpy array [duplicate]
     14  Fill np array with repetitive sequence of integers using python
     14  Filling Empty Cell with First Row which has Value in Pandas [duplicate]
     14  Extracting Only Month from Datetime value and performing addition/substraction to form a Month Range
     14  Extracting marginal PDF in Python
     14  Error reading data from csv using genfromtxt
     14  error numpy is installed but I get an error
     14  Error in the last dense layer in lstm which is expecting (1,) but given(88,), but for my model I need the last layer to be 88 only
     14  Error converting float array to string array [duplicate]
     14  Downsampling matrix with summing values in Python [duplicate]
     14  Create vertex parent relationship from three vertices with python
     14  Create a numpy array of arrays of similar shapes (from list) [duplicate]
     14  convrt a specific coloum in array numpy to int [duplicate]
     14  convert to pytorch
     14  Confusing type hint warning in Pycharm
     14  Compute outer products of more than two arrays in Python [duplicate]
     14  Comparing a column in an array to a set of values and returning another set of values from the second column with the corresponding indices
     14  Colored image in python
     14  changing behavior of list of numpy array when saved in .npy file
     14  Cannot copy sequence with size 0 to array axis with dimension 23
     14  Can anyone explain why I can't concatenate these two matrices?
     14  Add one day to not business days
     13  why Dimension error while using numpy module
     13  Why am i facing this error when I have already installed numpy?
     13  What is the SettingWithCopyWarning in this case and how to avoid it? [duplicate]
     13  What am I doing wrong when trying to plot two numpy arrays?
     13  View Keras sentiment analysis labels and text Python
     13  Value error while comparing a pandas series with integer value
     13  Unravel Index loops forever
     13  unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' while plotting a 3D chart
     13  unexpected tenorflow(1.12) broadcasting efficiency
     13  TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple When slicing 3D list with numpy in python [duplicate]
     13  Trying to find, replace and drop numeric values in the whole dataframe where they are outside of my limits
     13  Track patch of an image to corresponding patch of output in a CNN
     13  stats.linregress error with np.concatenate ((X, y), axis=0)
     13  Stable Softmax function returns wrong output
     13  Some guidance required in phase binning
     13  Slicing Last Array Dimensions
     13  Selecting last column of a Numpy array while maintaining then umber of dimensions? [duplicate]
     13  Seed() method in numpy [duplicate]
     13  Scikit-learn NMF return NAN values
     13  Resize image in tensorflow deeplab output Python, this program gives me the segmented image but i want to resize , can anyone help me?
     13  Replace value in dataframe on condition with a different type in python [duplicate]
     13  Queued model restarts with large error, despite being trained
     13  Python Numpy Newaxis [duplicate]
     13  Python: How can I find intersection point from two plot which is from excel data?
     13  Python: converting .xls to dataframe to numpy array problem
     13  Pyinstaller with one exe mk2_avx2.dll and mk2_def.dll error. Possibly due to matplotlib and numpy
     13  Put sequences of time series data in a cell
     13  Projection of data onto principal component yields incorrect result
     13  Pick random columns from a DF and perform an operation
     13  Pandas Dataframe to Numpy Vstack Array by Unique Column Value
     13  Obtain the standard deviation of a grouped dataframe column
     13  Numpy masked array initialization from another array
     13  numpy index 3 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3 when I'm not calling index 3 or larger
     13  Numpy: How to put ones in a 2d array of zeros, using the values of a 1d array? [duplicate]
     13  Numpy advice for audio filtering using Bayesian statistical analysis on two dimensional array
     13  Ndarray to DataFrame issues _> newb
     13  My np.vectorize'd function does not give the expected answer
     13  Matplotlib FuncAnimation technique that works - but why?
     13  Matching by column within a specified range in a multidimensional numpy array
     13  Masked array fill value getting changed
     13  Many values substitution with numpy [duplicate]
     13  Joining Dataframes in Pandas deletes an existing column
     13  is there a way to use numpy.where() for a raster data with NaN values as no-data?
     13  Is there a better way to perform calculations using an array of indices on a numpy array? [duplicate]
     13  Issues with interpolating nan in numpy.interp
     13  I need to use np.where function to set conditions for a variable [duplicate]
     13  Indexing with moderator in an array
     13  How to vectorize (i.e. remove the for loop from) this piece of code which generates a discrete PDF from a time series
     13  How to take user input inside QlineEdit in pyqt5 python?
     13  How to split subdomains according to numpy array for solving PDEs via FEniCS?
     13  How to get direction between one point relative multiples?
     13  How to add scenario matrices into one matrix
     13  how intellisense in jupyter notebook works
     13  How can I modify this input to read in multiple columns from a dataframe
     13  How can I make pyaudio play out of one speaker
     13  Generation of CDMA signal using python
     13  Finding out the NAN values for Summary report
     13  Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported numpy type: NPY_INT) when calling tfp.mcmc.sample_chain (only locally)
     13  Expanding values in a matrix
     13  error in python Music module about integers raised to negative integer powers now allowed
     13  Do I use original x-data point matrix or design matrix when inputting parameters for train_test_split in numpy?
     13  Does the guidelines of Numpy for translation exist?
     13  Dealing with memory issues when calculating a time-series from a large 3D-dataset stored as netCDF [duplicate]
     13  dataframe type lost after saving
     13  Creating view of weight matrix, doing a permutation of the indices, then doing a dot product with the view in a custom layer
     13  Creating/appending Numpy Array
     13  Create a 3d numpy array from 2d numpy array [duplicate]
     13  Create 3D Tensor From Vector
     13  conversion of numpy.str_ to byte or string datatype error
     13  Computing numpy array prefix minima array
     13  can't activate a sheet
     13  Calling function with apply_along_axis with return array size mismatch
     13  Appending values to a dictionary keeps replacing the previous value
     13  Anaconda new installation: Spyder launch >> OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
     13  add selected columns of a nd-array
     13  A Blas_mkl_info Trouble
     12  Windowing audio stream: IndexError when creating frames
     12  While implementing OLS in a a multiple regression with on dependnt variable and three independent variables Patsy error of numpy is there
     12  what does / (Divison) operator do in numpy array? [duplicate]
     12  Using dtw package for Python, I'm able to analyze only a small subset of a 5-sec. clip of audio - how can I analyze the whole clip?
     12  unravelling a function of a meshgrid back into a coordinate array (numpy) [duplicate]
     12  Trying to test my cifar-10 trained CNN with custom Airplane picture
     12  tif to numpy array using PIL/Pillow
     12  Tensorflow - indexing and broadcasting like Numpy. ValueError on different shapes
     12  Taking max values from array and placing into equal sized array with identical indices
     12  Skipping multiple rows using genfromtxt
     12  Segmentation fault creating PyArrayObject using PyArray_SimpleNew
     12  Savinging numpy zip file via tensorflow GFile fails
     12  Resolving IndexError in what I'm sure is a 2D array [duplicate]
     12  Rearranging data in python using pandas from long to wide data frame - best way [duplicate]
     12  PyDStool package, symbol table not found
     12 text | Combine current date with specific file name as txt title
     12  NumPy: how to filter out the first axes of multidimensional array according to some condition on the elements
     12  NameError: name 'os_PathLike' is not defined
     12  More than one true in same tensor fiber
     12  l2 norm in array with dimention > 2 without using buildin fucntion
     12  Issue with adding NAN to missing values in Python [duplicate]
     12  Is it possible to use zones/fields in sklearn feature extraction?
     12  ImportError while importing statsmodels.api
     12  Image Numpy dimension reduction
     12  I have a list of 1-D arrays. I want to dump it to a csv file with each row as the 1-D array. Is it possible to do it using numpy,save?
     12  How to use model.metrics_names when there's multiple inputs and outputs
     12  How to replace values in numpy 2D array with a list containing their indexes? [duplicate]
     12  How to remove garbage value from datafram integer list using pandas [duplicate]
     12  How to plot 4 picturs in one graph for twinx method
     12  How to pad an array non-symmetrically (e.g., only from one side)?
     12  How to interpolate random fluxes at set wavelengths onto a differently spaced set of wavelengths
     12  How to handle exceptions for Numpy modules in python?
     12  how to get time data from frequency data
     12  How to get percentage contribution for each group in df having MultiIndex in pandas?
     12  How to create a dataframe with 31 days in July
     12  How to calculate q2 coefficient for Leave-One-Out validation of the linear regression model?
     12  How to calculate PBM Index (pakira moulik bandopadhyay index) in Python?
     12  How does numpy stores array elements? [duplicate]
     12  How can I rescaling my Pandas Data frame window?
     12  Having a problem in Python plotting a 3D line
     12  getting the original window back from numpy histogram
     12  Generalizing numpy histogram2d with a 2D weight variable
     12  For what reason makes numpy MGrid some indexing convention by complex numbers?
     12  Cv2 slow streaming bottleneck
     12  Concatenating vectors and matrices as columns
     12  Can Ks_2samp test of scipy used to test two contiuous/diffrent data series(non-probabilistic distributions)?
     12  Automatic analysis on multiple columns in pandas
     12  Assigning matrix values with array indices [duplicate]
     12  Align rows of a matrix to the left/right by first non-NaN element [duplicate]
     11  Where can I find documentation on NumPy's delineation of its directories?
     11  What's concise/idiomatic way to get row-wise equality of 2d arrays in numpy?
     11  What are Tilde sign in Python? [duplicate]
     11  trackbars in image processing in ubuntu OS
     11  the code is not reaching the desired value as trained using backpropagation in the following code
     11  Tensor product $\otimes$ for four matrices in numpy?
     11  Tensorflow V2.1.0 and Numpy compatibility
     11  tensor contraction ten1_Air with ten2_Ckr
     11  Syntax for np.where replace column values [duplicate]
     11  Subclassing numpy.ndarray to force proper combining of units
     11  Session crash in Colab due to excess usage of RAM
     11  Saving individual columns of a structured array with numpy.savetxt: ValueError: fmt has wrong number of % formats
     11  rpy2 conversion to pandas DataFrame returns numpy recarray instead of pandas
     11  Read column data with dask
     11  Python multiprocessing with spawn: can I get a pickle-friendly memory pointer from *any* numpy array?
     11  Python Deque with Numpy Array
     11  Perfplot raised a ''TypeError: bench() got an unexpected keyword argument 'logx'''. How to fix?
     11  Passing arrays to derivative function vs tuples yields different scipy.integrate odeint results?
     11  pandas split and transpose large data frame [duplicate]
     11  Pandas and Tensorflow: want to save Pandas Dataframe to .npz file
     11  Numpy : Vector to matrix of frames [duplicate]
     11  numpy concatenate over dimension
     11  Numpy.astype (bool to int) with indexing / labelling of every 'unique occurrence'? [duplicate]
     11  numpy arrays how to increase dimensions and fill with values [duplicate]
     11  numpy array not yielding desired results
     11  np replace loop over outer axis to dereference a single value in inner axis [duplicate]
     11  Need help to make a line that shows when the 3d graph intersects the Z plane [duplicate]
     11  NDArray division different in macOS and Linux
     11  Moviepy return error on CompositeVideoClip = TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
     11  i want to install pandas in pyCharm at windows 10
     11  Importing Conda's python modules from a non-conda python
     11  how to convert rows as columns and group its value as column header in pandas? [duplicate]
     11  How to add such that only zeros are filled leaving non-zeros unaffected in Python OpenCV
     11  How do I convert a CPP fread into Python using Numpy fromfile?
     11  How can I arrange the values in ascending values in python pandas? [duplicate]
     11  Getting a value error from converting python list into numpy array
     11  Generate correlated random numbers to a given array x - specify correlation and generate the numbers
     11  Fast direct way to create array for training labels to feed to Keras
     11  Does DolphinDB support -inf and inf when dividing by 0 like numpy?
     11  Convert from numpy.timedelta64 to time interval
     11  Calculate Rsquared and adjusted Rsquared for multiple polynomial regression
     11  Are there any advantages to use `np.random.RandomState` than `np.random.random()`?
     11  am getting error like these while am installing numpy in pycharn using terminal
     10  using for loop to open and edit many bin files stored in the same directory
     10  UFuncTypeError: ufunc 'clip' did not contain a loop with signature matching types (dtype('<U41'), dtype('<U41'), dtype('<U41')) -> dtype('<U41')
     10  Tensorflow does not work while numpy is installed [duplicate]
     10  Standard tridiagonal matrix solution code to use in a loop is diverging from the numpy.linalg.solve() solutions after >50 iterations
     10  Repeated KFold assignment of train and test not working
     10  Python: Need Merge list to stay left constant and copied numpy array to not modify original dataframe
     10  Problem converting strings of a pandas dataframe into a numpy array float [duplicate]
     10  numpy multiply different length vectors [duplicate]
     10  Numpy method to specify .resize() locations
     10  numpy ifft output has much larger power than original signal
     10  Numpy fancy indexing not working for sorting across x-axis [duplicate]
     10  np array format and U-net network
     10  Mask values by magnitude in a tensor - TensorFlow 2.0
     10  Is it possible to generate inputs from outputs using a Theano/numpy Neural Network?
     10  Installing Pandas v.0.24.2 with pip2 on Ubuntu 16.04 gives numpy error
     10  Image.fromarray(data) returning noise
     10  How to solve the error:int too large to convert to float?
     10  How to normalise data for a k-s test?
     10  How to make boost::python::numpy::ndarray own the allocated data?
     10  how to get the maximum componentwise of each line (vectors) of 2 numpy array of 2 dimension? [duplicate]
     10  How to create a diagonal tile in numpy [duplicate]
     10  How to convert a numpy array of fixed number of frames from a set of videos to a 3D numpy array wrt to each video?
     10  How do you translate voxels on matplotlib? [duplicate]
     10  Have array with values [x,y,intensity], how to quickly create 2D picture with x,y as coordinates, intensity as values
     10  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/content/HASYv2/hasy-data/hasy-data
     10  Feed popt into numpy roots
     10  Error reporting when trying to train_test_split on tfidxvectoizer output
     10  EMR Spark loading numpy arrays?
     10  dependency conflict, featexp 0.0.5 has requirement numpy==1.15.4, pydeck 0.3.0b2 has requirement numpy>=1.16.4
     10  casting as ''Int64'' nullable integer type no longer seems to work
     10  Building a correlation matrix to make simulated data - python
     10  Average binning a 2D numpy array but maintaining the size [duplicate]
     10  Auto-py-to-exe generated exe used in other PC shows invalid_keypress.mp3
     10  Assigning to submatrices in python [duplicate]
     10  Am I using np.searchsorted() right?
      9  Why does numpy create a reference with [:,:] but a new object(copy) with [:,[0,1,2,3,4,5]]? [duplicate]
      9  ValueError using fastAPI
      9  Unexpected behaviour of random.multivariate_normal compared to mvrnorm in R
      9  QPixmap displays correctly only for width that are multiple of 4 [duplicate]
      9  python numpy indexing ndarray from 1d array indices [duplicate]
      9  Python: find line in numpy array with given value [duplicate]
      9  Predicting with hard limit failed while training data with hard limited target values for Supervised Hebbian Learning
      9  (Pandas) Working with dimension tables: How do I transpose horizontal table data into a vertical normalized table? [duplicate]
      9  NumPy Array Slicing - Confused with notation [duplicate]
      9  NLTK path_similarity is giving ValueError
      9  Need explanation for error np.concatenate message ''TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index''
      9  keep elements of an np.ndarray by values of another np.array (vectorized) [duplicate]
      9  Is there a matrix format in Python like scipy.sparse that alows for two bulk values (in my case -1 and +1) in the matrix instead of just 0?
      9  How to add a value to a column in a row of a 3D array in numpy?
      9  How does model_selection.cross_val_predict() function work? Does it use any parameters values from model_selection.cross_val_score() outputs?
      9  How can I display image in the form of numpy array using Pyqt5 Painter class? [duplicate]
      9  Efficiently construct numpy matrix from offset ranges of 1D array [duplicate]
      9  Can't convert numpyp.ndarray of type numpy.object_ - How to convert ujson object to ndarray?
      9  atom editor does not find anaconda
      8  vectorized SVM (CS231n)
      8  Storing boolean mask in TFRecords
      8  pandas long to wide: melt + transposing [duplicate]
      8  Nanostat- ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_multiarray)
      8  LSTM: Applying sequence generator throws dimension error
      8  Limiting Runtime Warnings in numpy.exp
      8  Issue with importing numpy from command prompt?
      8  How should i upload a numpy npz object to s3 bucket
      8  How can I merge df1 and df2 into df3? [duplicate]
      8  Fast way to write part numpy memmap file to disk
      8  Constructing Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Matrix Elements
      8  build bilateral matrix of cross-set parameters in matrix algebra/numpy
      7  Why trying to opencv in python and print image from an video, I sometimes get the output in numpy array and sometimes it is all 0?
      7  What is the equivalent deepl4j method as python train_on_batch
      7  Total .npz file has much bigger size than individual elements
      7  Pandas group by based on sequence in columns [duplicate]
      7  Modify pandas dataframe for different format [duplicate]
      7  How to calculate DVH from 3D numpy array?
      7  Download UCI and save it as a numpy array
      7  convert numpy dtype to opencv enum value
      7  Converting numpy to tensorflow operations from one hot to sparse
      7  Converting a Python DataFrame into a summarized version that uses unique column values as columns for the new DataFrame [duplicate]
      6  Transpose pandas rows to columns based on row value [duplicate]
      6  Search CSV file to pick out code combinations and calculate standard deviations on results
      6  How can I ISTFT the result of a spectrogram drawn with mlab.specgram which is 2-d array? (python)
      6  Combine numpy arrays in to pandas dataframe (but arrays are in a one strange format)
      5  Modify numpy 2D array with list of column indices different for each row [duplicate]
      5  Inersection between dataframe graph and numpy graph
      5  http stream byte separation approach
      5  How to use the library dsp.js for fft in Javascript?